3D Building Modeling and Static Analysis: Advance Design 2021. Tutorial 2
3D Building Modeling and Static Analysis: Advance Design 2021. Tutorial 2
3D Building Modeling and Static Analysis: Advance Design 2021. Tutorial 2
AD Tutorial 2
Tutorial 2
AD Tutorial 2
AD Tutorial 2
Building Modeling
The following example shows how to model a 3D building computing a static analysis and
applying notional loads.
AD Tutorial 2
-Start Advance Design and choose New to start a project before that make sure the correct
standards are selected, click on configuration to verify:
AD Tutorial 2
AD Tutorial 2
(Linear element) .
✓ Type: S beam
✓ Section: W310x39 (from CISC W library).
✓ Material: G40.21M-350W.
• Select the beam and modify the properties:
✓ Type: S beam.
✓ Section: W200x21(from CISC W library).
✓ Material: G40.21M-350W.
• Select the Supports from the menu toolbar to choose a fixed support.
• Create the supports with a simple click at each column base.
-Create 5 sub-system
• Click on structure in the pilot and press F6 five times, name the first Columns. the
second Beams, the third Support, the fourth Bracings and the last one Floors.
• Selecting each element, drag and drop in the correct file.
AD Tutorial 2
• Select the beams and the columns, with the copy feature create the second floor,
enter the vector 0 0 4 make sur it’s a translation and the first mode is selected. click
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AD Tutorial 2
AD Tutorial 2
• Built the rest of the structure, select the first floor without the support, keep pressing
ctrl, select the low point drag and click in the top of the column to add the second floor.
• Now let’s insert the floors, select the Floors subsystem then draw the plates using load
Area function from the home menu, click on the four corners of each zone.
AD Tutorial 2
• We will have to select the specified columns and isolate the view using Filter.
AD Tutorial 2
• Use the linear element to draw, the material type is 350G/W/WT/AT, in the cross
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• Create the first element, in properties add an eccentricity of 0.07m for y1 and y2.
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• Create the second element with the same properties without an eccentricity.
• Select both columns and use “hide the selection tool” to hide the columns.
• We need to add a rigid link between both elements, using the line command create a
AD Tutorial 2
AD Tutorial 2
• This will generate for us two points linking the bracings, we will have to delete the line
• Using cut in the CAD functions select the first bracing press enter then
select the line to cut the unnecessary part press enter.
AD Tutorial 2
• Following the same steps, we will cut the other part of the line.
• Use Linear Element in the menu to create the link, and in the properties select Rigid as
a type instead of S-beam.
• In the pilot select the line and delete it using the keyboard, now the bracings are created
AD Tutorial 2
• Display all the structure and adjust the view angle using rotation tool, select the three
elements from the pilot and copy them by holding Ctrl then place them beneath.
AD Tutorial 2
• Now create the other bracing on XZ plane, select the specified columns and the front
• Using the same process create the line and move it with the CAD functions the
translation will be on X and equal to -2.8.
AD Tutorial 2
• Cut the unnecessary parts of the line and create the rigid link by following the steps
we’ve already explained.
• Copy and paste the bracings in the first floor.
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• In the pilot select “Loading” right click, then select “Create several case families”.
• A dialog box will be displayed, select 1 Dead load and 1 Live load and 1 wind load.
AD Tutorial 2
• Select the Dead load right click and create a second case.
-Generate loads:
• Select the planar element of the first floor from the pilot to isolate (hold ctr) and select
• Select 4-D, use “load case & loads” function and create a
planar load on each slab.
AD Tutorial 2
• We will apply a load Fz equal to -1.5kPa, select the 4 corners of one slab.
• Select the planar load hold ctrl and drag the load from one point of the slab to the same
point of the other load area and click to generate.
AD Tutorial 2
AD Tutorial 2
• Select the wind family from the pilot and disable automatic generation.
• Select the wind load case (3-W), using the linear load from the loads section we will
generate the first wind load, the value of Fx is equal to -35 kN, also modify the
coefficient in the properties as shown bellow
AD Tutorial 2
• Start generating the load from the bottom of the structure to the top.
• In the same load case, we will generate linear loads in both columns at the extremity of
the structure the value of FX is equal to -18kN.
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Note: it is very important to verify the orientation of the elements, the wind loads should be applied
on the strong axis, modify the angle in the properties if it’s not the case.
AD Tutorial 2
• Click in the pilot to create the analysis model check the FE calculation tab.
• After the analysis is computed press alt+2 to choose the right view, select the elements
in the middle and use Filter to isolate. (display the forces from the display scrolling
menu, we can get access to it with a right click in the work-plane).
AD Tutorial 2
AD Tutorial 2
• To display the numerical value got to results settings , from options section
check both parameters Extreme values and Value on diagrams.
AD Tutorial 2
• Select Forces, combination 107 and display the moment on y for the members.
AD Tutorial 2
• All the results can be saved, display the result and click on save view , the view
is created in the post-processing tree in the pilot and it can be added in the report.
• From the result toolbar select Generate a new report the following dialog box
will pop up.
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AD Tutorial 2
• In Table choose the data you want to integrate in the document, add the views from
Post-processing section.
• the result is obtained by clicking on generate, a Microsoft word viewer file is created
with all the data.
• Referring to the clause 8.4 of the S16-14 the notional loads are designated to
guarantee the stability of the structure, they are used to include the sway effect of
each storey and can replace the nonlinear analysis (p-delta effect).
• These loads are equal to 0.5% of the gravitational loads, in our case we have 2 dead
loads and 1 live load, they will be applied in the same direction as the wind load.
• Select Notional load from Object section and enter the required
information, the ID of the load the direction and the load case family for the 3 load
AD Tutorial 2
AD Tutorial 2
• Click in the pilot to create the analysis model, check the FE calculation tab.
AD Tutorial 2
• After the analysis is computed press alt+2 to choose the right view, select the elements
in the middle and use Filter to isolate. (display the forces from the display scrolling
menu, we can get access to it with a right click in the work-plane).
AD Tutorial 2
• To display the numerical value got to results settings , from options section
check both parameters Extreme values and Value on diagrams.
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• Select Forces, combination 107 and display the moment on y for the members.
AD Tutorial 2
• Using the report generator you can generate a new report by following the same
procedure, more parameters can be found in the document section.
• By selecting Documents Folder functionality, you have access to all the generated files
also the saved views.
AD Tutorial 2
• In order to generate the report AD uses templates from the library and it contains multiple
information regarding the model, the forces and the standards:
AD Tutorial 2
AD Tutorial 2
AD Tutorial 2