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Mining Solutions

Solutrix™ E
The efficient descaling solution
for the mining industry
BASF’s Mining Solutions
at a Glance

BASF’s Mining Solutions business offers

a diverse range of mineral processing
chemicals and technologies to improve
process efficiencies and aid the eco-
nomic extraction of valuable resources. Solutrix™ E
We offer our products and technology solutions to the global Scale is a common problem in mining operations. Scale forma-
mineral processing industry along with expert advice and technical tion in pipelines, tanks, heat exchangers, pumps and sprayers
support. Our global team is driven by a common goal to provide results in reduced flows, increased energy costs, decreased
the best sustainable solution to meet our customer’s processing heating or cooling efficiency and costly downtime for cleaning
needs. With technical representation in over 100 countries, BASF and scale removal. While scale formation can often be greatly
provides support on a global, regional and l­ocal basis. reduced (depending on the system chemistry) by the appropriate
use of BASF Solutrix™ and Sokalan® antiscalants, sooner or later
Our offer includes reagents, equipment, process technologies and there is nearly always a need to remove existing scale.
expertise, focusing on applications such as solid liquid separa-
tion, solvent extraction, tailings management, flotation, grinding Some scale minerals are amenable to acid cleaning and traditional
and materials handling. strong mineral acids and weak organic acids have been used for
this purpose for many years. Solutrix™ E is a product well suited
to this application as it is a strong acid, dissociating completely
for faster results than other organic acids, whilst being less corro-
sive and safer to handle than traditional mineral acids.
Solutrix™ E is now available to the mining industry. The primary
area of application is the safe, efficient removal of scale from
pipelines with minimal corrosion of the pipeline itself. There may
also be additional areas of application such as descaling pumps,
heat exchangers, tanks and mixers subject to appropriate safety


Benefits of Solutrix™ E

Solutrix™ E is a high purity grade of

methanesulfonic acid (MSA), manufac-
tured by BASF’s air oxidation process.
This proprietary technology offers a
number of significant benefits over
MSA produced by the conventional
chloroxidation route.
BASF’s air oxidation process produces
a high purity product which does not
contain chloride ions. The presence of
chloride in MSA products significantly
increases corrosivity. Solutrix™ E also
offers significant advantages over tradi-
tional organic acids and mineral acids
as out lined below.

Chemical benefits
Strong Acid: Solutrix™ E is a strong acid with similar dissocia-
tion constant to sulfuric acid, so offers increased reaction rates
and more rapid descaling action than typical organic acids while
being much less corrosive to metals and safer to handle than
other strong acids.

Increased solubility of calcium: Many metals are more soluble as

the methanesulfonate1 than as the phosphate or sulfate. This
­offers more flexibility in tailoring solution strength to suit the
application. Stronger solutions can be used to increase reaction
rates without precipitating out salts such as gypsum and apatite.
Solutrix™ E can solubilise more scale into solution.

Oxidation resistant: Solutrix™ E can be used in strongly

oxi­dising environments and in the presence of oxidising agents
without decomposition.

Chemically stable: Solutrix™ E is a non-oxidising acid which

makes it safer for handling and suitable for the formulation of
acid cleaning products for specialist applications. It can be
­formulated with other acids, corrosion inhibitors, oxidising and
reducing agents, chelating agents and surfactants to provide
optimal performance in descaling sensitive alloys.

Methane sulfonate salts are also known as mesylate salts.
Benefits of Solutrix™ E

Safety and handling benefits Environmental benefits

Low corrosivity: Solutrix™ E is significantly less corrosive than Biodegradability: Solutrix™ E is readily biodegradable accord-
some other strong acids. ing to OECD Guidelines 301 and 306, forming carbon dioxide,
sulfate, water and biomass as degradation products.
No gas phase corrosion: Unlike many other more volatile acids,
such as hydrochloric acid, nitric acid or formic acid, the low va- Very Low Chemical Oxygen Demand: Solutrix™ E (Methane
pour pressure of Solutrix™ E means that it does not produce gas sulfonic acid) has the lowest oxygen demand for degradation of
phase corrosion under normal conditions. any sulfonic acid. Due to it’s resistance to oxidation, it also has a
lower COD than readily oxidised organic acids such as acetic acid.
Ultra low VOC content: Solutrix™ E has a very low vapour
pressure and unlike carboxylic acids such as acetic acid and Does not contribute to eutrophication and algal growth:
glycolic acid it is virtually free of volatile organic carbon content. As Solutrix™ E contains no phosphorus or nitrogen it does not
contribute phosphates and nitrates to aquatic ecosystems.
Odour free: The low vapour pressure of Solutrix™ E means that
unlike some other organic acids it is odour free. Part of the natural sulfur cycle: Methane sulfonic acid is
formed in nature by photochemical oxidation of dimethylsulfide
No toxic vapours: Due to it’s low vapour pressure Solutrix™ E in the atmosphere before returning in rain fall, where it is metabo-
does not produce toxic vapours and is safer and simpler to lised by bacteria in soil and sediments. The chemical is thus part
handle than acids such as hydrochloric acid and nitric acid. of the natural sulfur cycle.

Non-flammable: Unlike other organic acids, such as acetic acid, Halogen Free: Unlike hydrochloric acid and brands of MSA pro-
Solutrix™ E is non-flammable. duced by the chloroxidation route, Solutrix™ E is halogen free,
has reduced corrosivity and does not contribute chloride ions to

Low toxicological risk potential: while Solutrix™ E is a strong

acid, the lack of halogens, nitrogen and phosphorus give it a lower
ecotoxicity potential than many other acids.


Target Processes and Ores

Calcite scale is most rapidly re- phosphate and calcium oxalate

moved at ambient temperatures. scales but works best at elevat-
Solutrix™ E can also be used for ed temperatures which may not
the removal of gypsum, calcium be practical in long pipelines.

General descaling: The product can also be used for general descaling of other equipment.

Derusting: Solutrix™ E can be used for derusting equipment however it works best at elevated temperatures
and in rust removal formulations where corrosion inhibitors and synergistic blends with other acids are used.
Additional information is available on request.

Ore types: As the target species is the scale, rather than the ore itself, Solutrix™ E can be used with almost
any ore type where scale formation is a problem, however specific types of process and ores need to be
approached with caution.

Pipeline descaling
Removal of Calcite from a pipe with 5 % Solutrix™ E solution.

Severe concentric scale has Dissolution of the scale Solutrix™ E has excellent After 3 hours static soak time.
nearly closed the pipe. commences upon treatment penetrative properties, liberat-
with Solutrix™ E. ing scale from the pipe wall,
accelerating dissolution.
Processes Requiring Caution

Gold Base metal concentrates

Cyanide leaching of gold can result in calcite scale formation as Metal sulfide concentrates may liberate hydrogen sulfide gas if
pH control is often accomplished with lime and the leach solution treated with a strong acid such as Solutrix™ E. It is likely that
pH is very high after cyanide addition. The use of S­ olutrix™ E to scale formed in concentrate pipelines will contain some concen-
remove scale in these circuits introduces the p­ otential for contact trate inclusions, so some hydrogen sulfide evolution should be
of the strong acid with cyanide solutions, cyanide containing resi- taken into account during the risk assessment process.
dues and potentially contamination of heap leach piles with strong ­Hydrogen sulfide gas is extremely toxic, heavier than air and it’s
acid. Great care would need to be taken to mitigate the risk of strong and distinctive odour disappears at lethal concentrations,
hydrogen cyanide gas evolution, which would pose a grave safety as the olfactory receptors are satuated. As receiving vessels fill,
hazard to site personnel. hydrogen sulfide gas may overflow and settle in low ­lying areas
such as access tunnels under tanks and sumps. Metals such as
As Solutrix™ E is highly oxidation resistant it can be utilised with lead and zinc are also very soluble as their methanesulfonate
hydrogen peroxide which is often utilised for cyanide destruction salts so the spent cleaning solution would be expected to contain
in tails. The application area of concern could also be flushed some level of heavy metals in solution, and may require further
with a hydrogen peroxide solution prior to Solutrix™ E exposure, treatment prior to discharge.
to destroy any cyanide present. These measures may mitigate
some of the risk although it is unlikely to eliminate it completely
as the peroxide dose would be estimated based on the expected
amount of cyanide present.
In the event of leakage, spills and other unexpected events or un- Solvent extraction
derestimation of the quantity of cyanide present, hydrogen cya-
nide gas generation could still occur. BASF do not recommend Introduction of any new reagent in front of SX processes should
Solutrix™ E in this application unless stringent risk assessment include assessment of any potential for negative impacts down-
has been carried out covering all aspects of the application. This stream. As Solutrix™ E does have some solubility in alkanes such
concern is common to all acid cleaning products in this context as heptane, it is likely to be able to pass into the organic phase.
and is not unique to Solutrix™ E.


Target Scale Types

Dissolution times for less soluble salts such as calcium sulfate can be reduced by
heating, increasing the concentration of S­ olutrix™ E or in some cases by formulating
with chelating agents and other acids. The optimum blends depend upon the pipeline
materials. Additional information is available on r­ equest.


ACID – BASE Calcium Calcium carbonate scales are very common and the dissolution rate with
(NEUTRALISA- carbonate Solutrix™ E make it suitable for use at ambient temperatures
Iron Iron hydroxide deposits dissolve readily in Solutrix™ E at room t­emperature

Iron oxide – Rust removal is slower than hydroxide deposit removal, but rust removal is
Rust disproportionately faster as treatment temperature increases

Extended contact time or heating beneficial

DISSOLUTION Calcium Calcium sulfate scale can be removed with Solutrix™ E however the
REACTIONS sulfate ­dissolution rates are modest at room temperature and elevated
­temperatures will increase the dissolution rate substantially

Calcium Calcium oxalate scale can be removed with Solutrix™ E, however

oxalate ­dissolution rates are modest at room temperature and elevated
­temperatures reduce the dissolution time stubstantially

Calcium Calcium phospate and iron phosphate scale can be removed with S ­ olutrix™
phosphate E however the dissolution rates are modest at room temperature and elevated
temperatures will increase the dissolution rate substantially
Solution Strength Required

Typical solution strength Contact time

Solutrix™ E is usually utilised as a 5 – 10 % solution as the active Adequate contact time between the acid and the scale is required
acid. Solutrix™ E is a 70 % active solution as supplied. A dilution in any descaling application. As with any chemical reaction,
factor of seven gives a 10 % active solution. A dilution factor of factors such as mixing, temperature, solution concentration and
14 gives a 5 % active solution. Concentration can be varied to the surface area of the solid will all influence the reaction rate.
provide an adequate amount of reagent and a suitable volume An additional factor which may be overlooked is that in mining
of solution to ensure adequate contact time. Lower solution applications, scale is often impure. Impurities in scale can take
strengths will require extended contact time as dissolution rates two forms:
decrease with decreasing acid concentration.
• inclusions, where scale growth is rapid particulate matter such
Use of the concentrated acid may result in the solution becoming as ore, concentrate, clays or iron hydroxide precipitates will be
saturated with calcium methanesulfonate resulting in reduced trapped in the growing scale and these inclusions can reduce
cleaning performance. Reaction rates are likely to be very rapid the surface area available for the acid to attack, reducing the
which may result in rapid generation of carbon ­dioxide and reaction rate.
excessive pressure in the line. • co-precipitation, occurs when sparingly soluble compounds
are deposited together. The second salt may be less soluble in
the acid, again slowing the rate of reaction. Calcium silicate is
not uncommon in calcite scales and tends to make the scale
surface harder and more acid resistant.

Depending on the scale composition and site specific conditions

the required contact time may vary from a few minutes to a few
hours. Laboratory testing can assist in establishing the likely
dissolution rate for a particular deposit.


Recycling of the Spent Solution

For neutralisation reactions, the spent cleaning solution may be

re-used to clean a further section of line by the addition of more
Solutrix™ E. The practical limitation to re-using the solution is
simply that it will eventually become saturated with calcium
methanesulfonate, or other sulfonate salts. As the concentration
of calcium methanesulfonate builds up the dissolution rate will
also slow and the required contact time will increase. After three
uses, a solution kept at 10 % active free acid will have about
half the saturation concentration of calcium methanesulfonate.
Dissolution rates at this point would be expected to be significantly

For dissolution of sulfate and phosphate scales, recycling of the

spent solution is not recommended due to the impact of ionic
strength and common ions on the solubility product.
A large gypsum crystal formation ­resulting from a slow
precipitation in a Ni / Co SX plant.

Calcite scale with particulate

inclusions in a tailing disposal line.
Safety Considerations

While many mineral processing operations have equipment

and processes in common, there will always be a variety of
differences in chemistry, engineering, process design and
so on that make each site unique.

While Solutrix™ E has many chemical, environmental and • W

 here calcite scale is removed, carbon dioxide is formed as a
material handling benefits compared to other acids, it is product of the reaction. In most cases this will result in a pres-
still a strong acid. BASF recommends that a management sure increase in the pipeline. Where pressure is contained, the
of change procedure and full hazard identification and risk carbon dioxide will tend to remain in solution until the pressure
assessment process should be used to ensure that there is released. Care should be taken to assess the pressure limi-
are no unforeseen reactions or engineering issues. tations of the equipment being cleaned.

Two examples of processes requiring caution; • If the pipeline discharges into an open tank then foaming may
Cyanide leaching of gold and base metal concen- be an issue and being heavier than air, the carbon dioxide
trates as discussed on page 7. evolved may overflow the tank in still conditions and settle to
low points displacing air. Locations with limited ventilation
such as access corridors beneath tanks may develop oxygen
deficient atmospheres. This is a safety issue for any acid
cleaning product, and is not specific to Solutrix™ E.

• S
 olutrix™ E has a coefficient of cubical expansion significantly
greater than water. Care should be taken to avoid over pres-
surisation or leakage of equipment if sealed to allow for the
thermal expansion in hot conditions.

• S
 olutrix™ E is hygroscopic. Containers should be kept tightly
sealed. If stored in open tanks the concentration of the acid
will be reduced as moisture is absorbed from the atmosphere.
Typically Solutrix™ E under conditions of atmospheric pressure
at 55 % relative humidity and 23 ºC would equilibrate at 49 %
active content compared with 70 % in the sealed container.
Increases in volume due to moisture absorption may result in
overflow from tanks.

• S
 olutrix™ E has a specific gravity of 1.35. This will result in
increased loading on tanks and footings and increased head
pressure in pipelines compared to water.

• B
 ASF recommends that Solutrix™ E be stored in accordance
with the material safety data sheet and with AS3780-2008 or
the local equivalent.


Calcium sulfate scale collected from

a pregnant liquor pump.
Material Compatibility

Solutrix™ E from BASF is less corrosive than other

commercially available grades of methanesulfonic
acid, due to the absence of halogen impurities.

Nonetheless, as with all strong acids, attention must be paid to Compared with other strong acids, methanesulfonic acid is less
the choice of materials for use with the acid. Corrosiveness corrosive: if similar quantities are used, the corrosion rates of
depends to a large extent on parameters such as temperature methansulfonic acid are normally a fraction of those of sulfuric
and concentration. In general it is reduced by the presence of acid or hydrochloric acid.
substances such as surfactants, oils and amines, but may be
increased by halogens such as chlorides. Because of the low vapour pressure, under normal conditions,
there is no gas phase corrosion with Solutrix™ E – in contrast to
Suitable materials for use in conjunction with pure 70 % acids such as hydrochloric, nitric and formic acids.
methanesulfonic acid (Solutrix™ E) are for example:
The corrosion impact of strong acids can be significantly reduced
• Polyethylene, polypropylene by the use of suitable corrosion inhibitors. More information on
• Selected Palatal® grades (polyester, polystyrene resins) corrosion inhibitors is available on request.
• Teflon® (PTFE)
• Glylon® (modified PTFE)
• Glass, enamel, ceramics
• Tantalum, zirconium
• High Quality Special Steels such as
• 1.4539 [904L; X1NiCrMoCu25-20-5]
• 1.4571 [316Ti; X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2]
• 1.4591 [Alloy 33; X1CrNiMoCuN33-32-1]


Equations and Calculations

Equation 1: Reaction of calcium carbonate with Solutrix™ E

CaCO3 (s) + 2CH3SO3H (aq) → Ca2+(aq) + 2CH3SO3- (aq) + H2O (l) + CO2 (g)

Equation 2: Reaction of iron(III) hydroxide with Solutrix™ E

Fe(OH)3 (s) + 3CH3SO3H (aq) → Fe3+(aq) 3CH3SO3- (aq) + 3H2O

Equation 3: Reaction of iron(III) oxide with Solutrix™ E

Fe2O3 (s) + 6CH3SO3H (aq) → 2Fe3+(aq) 6CH3SO3- (aq) + 3H2O (l)

Equation 4: Mass of scale in pipe

Mass of calcite in pipe (kg) = π x (R12 - R22) x L x d x % calcite

Where R1 = the radius of the pipe (m)

R2 = the radius of the pipe – the thickness of the scale deposit (m)
L = the length of the pipe (m)
d = density of the scale (kg / m3)
% calcite = the proportion of the deposit by mass which is calcite.

Equation 5:
Volume of solution required for a given contact time
Required volume of acid solution = m3 x hr
Volumetric flow rate desired contact time hr

Table 1: Solutrix™ E requirements for different scale types



Calcite CaCO3 100.09 2 2.743

Iron(III) hydroxide Fe (OH)3 106.87 3 3.854

Iron(III) oxide Fe2O3 159.7 6 5.158

Methanesulfonic acid CH3SO3H 96.10

Solutrix™ E requirements for sulphate and phosphate scales should be determined experimentally.

The reaction of Solutrix™ E with sulfate and phosphate scales is an equilibrium reaction and does not go to completion.
The solubility product, Ksp, for the reaction will also be effected by temperature, the presence of common ions and the ionic strength of the solution.
Worked Example

A tails discharge line one kilometre long has built up

a layer of scale 1.4 cm thick reducing the cross
sectional area of the pipe by nearly eighteen percent.
This has resulted in ­significant reduction in flows
through the line. The scale is predominantly calcite
with some particulate inclusions from the tails slurry.

Sample Scale data

Pipeline length 1 km = 1,000 m

Pipe diameter (ID) 30 cm = 0.30 m

Thickness of scale 1.4 cm = 0.014 m

Scale composition 80 % (w / w) calcite:

20 % (w / w) tails

Density of scale 2,710 kg / m3

Density of Solutrix™ E 1.35 g / cm3 = 1.35 kg / L

MSA content of Solutrix™ E 70 % (w / w)

Minimum Flow rate 150 m3 / hr

Formula mass of calcite 100.09 g / mole

Required Contact time 1 hour @ 10 % Solutrix™ E


π (0.152 - 0.1362 ) x 1000 x 2710 x 80 ratio x m2 x m x kg x ratio

Total mass of calcite =
1 x 100 m3 x ratio

= 27271.13 kg (Eq : 6)

Mass of Solutrix™ E required = 27271.13 x 2.743

= 74,804 kg (Table : 1)

Solution volume for required contact time = 150 m3 (Eq : 7)

74,804 x 1 x 70 x 1 kg x L x % x m3
Volume of 10 % Solutrix™ E solution required =
1.35 x 10 x 1000 kg x % x L

= 387.87 m3

In this instance, the volume of Solutrix™ E solution is more than adequate to achieve the
desired one hour contact time. It may be appropriate to split the cleaning into two or more
slugs of acid solution to reduce the total mass of carbon dioxide liberated at one time.
If the scale is acid resistant the concentration of the acid might be increases to accelerate
dissolution of the scale.


Mining Solutions
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