Impact of TV Advertisement On Preference of Youngster For Energy Drinks in Rajkot City

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Dhyey Sakariya






“Learning categories you and practicing on that learning specializes you”.

Practical aspect gives more knowledge and experience than the theory and no learning
can be completed without practical aspects. Projects are one of the most important
parts of our curriculum for management students; its basic idea is to strengthen the
student’s concept and make them equipped with recent development. As an essential
and obligatory part of my course a research based project on “Impact of TV
advertisement on preference of youngster for energy drinks in Rajkot city”. In
days when it was business as usual companies could succeed by their new products
with concept and supported by hard selling and good advertisement and consider that
customer exhibit varying diverse requirement for product/Services combinations and
price consider that they have high and rising expectations of quality and services. One
cannot merely depend on the theoretical knowledge, classroom, Lecture nuke the
fundamental concepts but the research facilities which help in learning of the practical
situation. It is in the sense that the research has significant role to play in the subject
of business management. To develop healthy managerial and administrative skills in
potential knowledge of real environment. In the face of their vast choices, Customers
will gravitate to the offering that best meet their individual needs and expectation
value and all this will come out as the positioning of the brand in the market.


I would like to take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regard
to Prof. DHARA BHALODIA, for his exemplary guidance, valuable feedback and
constant encouragement throughout the duration of the project. His valuable
suggestions were of immense help throughout my project work. His perceptive
criticism kept me working to make this project in a much better way. Working under
him was an extremely knowledgeable experience for me. I am extremely grateful and
indebted to him for his expert, sincere and valuable guidance and encouragement extended
to me. I take this opportunity to record my sincere thanks to all the other professors from
Faculty of Management for their help and encouragement. I would also like to give my
sincere gratitude to all the friends, professors, businessman, etc. who filled in the
survey, without which this research would have been incomplete. I also thank my
parents for their unceasing encouragement and support and providing all the needful

Thank You


I, Dhyey sakariya, hereby declare that the report for Project entitled
“Impact of TV advertisement on preference of youngster for energy drinks in
Rajkot” is a result of my own work and my indebtedness to other work publications,
references, if any, have been duly acknowledged.

Place: Rajkot

Date: Dhyey sakariya

Introduction to Topic

Advertising is an important attribute of modern selling operations. One can stumble
upon advertising communication, while watching TV, reading magazines, Mobile
Advertising. street. As advertisement has a motivating influence on purchasing
behaviour of the customer.

 Here are some of the best types of advertising used by businesses to promote a
product, service or content

1. Social Media Advertising : Social media advertising is a popular choice for

small businesses, because the cost is relatively affordable and you can be highly
selective with the audience you target. Instagram, Facebook, Linkdin are type
of social media adevertising.
2. Pay-Per-Click Advertising: Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a type of online
advertising where advertisers pay a fee every time a user clicks on one of their
ads, usually through a search engine. Advertisers bid on ad placements within
the search engine, meaning they set a maximum price thet customer are willing
to pay for a user to click on their ads.
3. Mobile Advertising: Mobile advertising is a type of digital advertising in
which ads are served only on mobile devices, including smartphones and
tablets. Mobile Advertising can include : Mobile display ads, Mobile search
ads, Mobile App ads.

4. Print Advertising: Print advertising used to be the primary advertising method

for small businesses before the advent of digital advertising. Print advertising
includes newspaper ads, magazine ads and ads in brochures and flyers.

5. Broadcast Advertising : Broadcast advertising includes mass-market media

like TV and radio. While broadcast advertising, especially TV ads, The cost of
broadcast ads depends on a number of factors, including the length of the ads
(longer TV and radio ads will cost more to air), the frequency they play and the
time of day they’re aired. You’ll also need to factor in the cost of producing the
ads, since professional TV ads can be quite expensive to produce. The broadcast
advertisement capture large amount of market .

6. Out-of-Home Advertising : Out-of-home or outdoor advertising refers to any

advertising that reaches people when they’re outside of their homes. This
includes billboard ads, digital signage, transit ads (i.e. bus shelters, train ads,
subway stop ads, etc.).

7. Direct Mail Advertising: Direct mail advertising involves all forms of ads that
are delivered to a person’s home through the mail. This includes, brochures,
catalogues, sales letters and newsletters. While direct mail is a less popular
advertising method for small business than digital advertising, it can be
successful if you develop a creative, visually appealing direct mail campaign.
Direct mail ads enable you to deliver your message one-on-one to local

The most suitable advertising option for your business will depend on your target
audience and what is the most cost effective way to reach as many of them as
possible, as many times as possible. The advertising option chosen should also reflect
the right environment for your product or service. For example, if you know that your
target market reads a particular magazine, you should advertise in that publication.

Television has an extensive reach and advertising this way is ideal if you cater to a
large market in a large area. Television advertisements have the advantage of sight,
sound, movement and colour to persuade a customer to buy from you. They are
particularly useful if you need to demonstrate how your product or service works.

Producing a television advertisement and then buying an advertising slot is generally

expensive. Advertising is sold in units (e.g. 20, 30, 60 seconds) and costs vary
according to time frame.

Television Advertisement:

Television (T.V.) is one of the best known recreation sources because of its audio-
visual communication. T.V.enables the creative man to communicate by combining
motion, sounds, words, color, personality and stagesetting to express and demonstrate
ideas to large and widely distributed audience. TV play a major role in persuading,
informing and reminding both potential and existing customers towards making a
brand decision. It plays a vital role in shaping dreams and aspirations and helps
customer take conscious product and brand decisions. T.V.

advertisements usually play a role in either introducing a product or reinforcing the

familiarity to the product and also convincing to purchase the product. . T.V
Advertisements with endorsements create easy remembrance for the customers for the
advertised brand or product as the customers associate the brand with the celebrity
and can easily register the brand. TV Advertising also helps in creating Top of the
Mind Awareness of a brand and aims at facilitating brand recall. The focus of this

paper is to understand if TV Advertisements have an impact on Consumer Buying

Consumer preference:
Consumer preference is defined as a set of assumptions that focus on consumer
choices that result in different alternatives such as we happiness, satisfaction, or
utility. The entire consumer preference process results in an optimal choice.
Consumer preferences allow a consumer to rank different bundles of goods according
to levels of utility, or the total satisfaction of consuming a good or service. 

It is important to understand that consumer preferences are not dependent upon

consumer income or prices. 

Gabbott (1994) and Mooij (2003) gives their points that every consumer in the market
has perceived value when he purchased the same product mean every consumer’s
shows different behavior when they are purchasing the same product. It mean
consumer behavior of every individual is different from other depending on buying
choice which is effected by their social class, psychological factors, friends, family,
groups and other personal factors. For example one consumer purchase the car for
status, 2nd consumer purchase for taxi business, 3rd consumer purchase for quality
and 4th consumer for other reason. It mean every consumer have different thinking
and perception when they are purchasing the same product.


A beverage or a drink meaning is a form of liquid used for subsistence, energy,

or hydration. The number of beverage types has been increasing over time with more
variety of flavors and tastes. When it comes to finding a beverage, we tend to have a
longer list.

Further the beverages are divided into two:

 Non-Alcoholic beverages

 Alcoholic beverages

Non – Alcoholic beverages: They are drinks without alcohol, or with the alcohol
excluded or lessened to almost none. Examples of non-alcoholic products are tea,
coffee, sparkling drinks, Mocktails, squeezed orange juice, and energy drinks.

Alcoholic beverages: Alcoholic beverages are liquid with 1% to 75% of ethyl alcohol
or ethanol. Broad classifications include beers, cider, wines, and spirits (stiff drinks).

Energy drink

Energy drinks contain a significant level of caffeine, sugar, energy-boosting

compounds like vitamins and minerals. Additives in this type of beverage are loaded
with compounds that have antioxidant properties like guarana or ginseng. It brings the
particular effects that everyone needs to regain power, a potential product line for
the beverage business.

Most Popular Energy Drink Brands : Red Bull, Monster, Rockstar, Nos, Xyience,
Bang, Amp, Celsius, Zevia, Mountain Dew.

Literature review:

In India advertising is a billionaire industry. It is considered one of the fastest growing

industries as well.

Shukla Pritesh kumar Y. (2013) concluded that television plays an important role to
increase competitiveness in rural areas. It was found that majority of rural respondents
are using television as their main source of information. It also indicated strongly that,
the rural respondents who use television as their main source of information would be
definitely getting knowledge of other brands from the same source.

(Jasmina Ilicic & Webster, 2011) Tested that When consumers buy products there
are number of factors that influence them and affect the decision of purchasing the
product the consumer liked. Among them is celebrity attachment. Now it depends
upon the celebrity effectiveness, attachment and match-up with the product and
product use by them. Well, results show good and positive results of the celebrity
attachment towards the advertisement and with the brand. A high effect was found for
purchase intention when a celebrity comes up in a TV advertisement and endorses a
particular product. Both number of endorsements and celebrity attachment influence
the buying behaviour of consumers. When consumers have strong attachment with
celebrity and see that he/she is endorsing numerous brands then it negatively affects
the purchase intent. And when they have weak connection their purchase objective is
increased with various endorsements related to product or brand.

Priya (2009) analyzed the impact of youngster attitudes towards television

advertisements on their resultant buying behavior of consumer. The results of their
study show that the demand for the advertised products is heavily influenced by the
youngster attitude towards advertisements. Further, the cognitive changes among the
different age groups lead to the formation of varying attitudes towards the
advertisements. Yet there are other potent factors apart from advertisements, which
result in the requests for a product or brand to purchased.

(Reissig 2009) highlighted that The marketing and branding of energy drink indicates
the markets in which energy drink companies are targeting. In the television
advertisement of energy drinks, they have been marketed to claims of performance
enhancing the effect like Red Bull states that on consuming the product it will help to
enhanced the performance, concentration, reaction speed, and also to boost
metabolism (Red Bull Website, 2008) where consumers are made to believe to drink
more to get the stated desires. another namely Full Throttle, and AMP Energy and
Cocaine advertise about the drinking of these products enhance performance and
consumers are made to believe to consume more to become better at their

Meyer-Waarden and C. Benavent (2009) in their article stated that in the retail
sector, consumers typically multiple outlets for a variety of products, which raises the
important issue of how outlets can gain a greater share of consumer expenditures. One
such way is to increase repeat purchases through loyalty programs.

Bishnoi and Ruchi (2009) noted the influence of male and female teenagers of
Haryana (District in India) to know the impact of television advertisement For
buying beverages .this purpose they used multistage sampling method; they took four
districts of Hariyana including some urban areas near to them. They distributed
‘1000’ questionnaires among the respondents. Where ‘866’ questionnaires were best
suited for the analysis. They found that there is no major difference in liking the
television advertisement between male and female youngsters. They concluded that
rural people get influenced by TV advertisement more than urban people and also the
involvement of selecting the product is higher in them. Whereas urban don’t want to
purchase the advertised product if they do not actually need it. But they like the
advertisement of the particular product or service which they are already using.

(Cruse 2007) Observed that Energy drinks are marketed to young adults and
marketing efforts may be particularly appealing among the college students. For
example, Cocaine energy drink, with a Cut of Cocaine variety, has been marketed as a
"legal alternative" to the class A drug.

(Scholey & Kennedy, 2004) Observed that Most of energy drinks also stimulate and
trigger reactions that can increase blood pressure and heart rate or alter glycemic
levels. These can often prevent normal sleep cycles and dehydrate our body. Often
times, the main reason why people turn to energy drinks is to obtain energy to
perform school assignments, work outs tiredness or to finish job responsibilities.

Mr.McGrath and Mr.Mahood (2004) observed in their study on “Impact of

t.v.advertisement among consumers” that products with high level of involvement
score high on various measures (brand recall, brand attitude, attitude towards
advertising and purchase intention) of effectiveness of the advertisement among

Ayanwale (2004) described that when there is number of competitors and consumers
and have different brand choices than manufacturer needs to understand the factors
that can directly gain the attraction of buyers. Male and female both are equally
influenced by advertising for brand choices. TV ads are major preferred by people.
Companies should give proper attention for advertising their products to increase their
market share. Bishnoi and Sharma concluded that teenagers in rural areas are more
influenced by advertisings rather than urban areas. TV ads play a vital role to
enhance the involvement of people in product selection and purchase decision.

Brace & goven (2002) studied whether TV advertising correlates with disposition to
advertising in other media and disposition to direct mail. It addresses the question on
whether it is possible to generalize across the different media or if there are
differences that warrant a mixed media campaign.

(Goldsmith & Lafferty, 2002) Observed that When consumer views an television
advertisement about the brand and develops likeness for the brand and then eventually
willing to purchase it after watching such advertisement. this is how advertisement

(Nawathe, Gawande, Dethe, 2002) observed that, Advertising to the youth is a

delicate issue. Because of the combination of color, sound and action, television
attracts more viewers than any other medium. Soft drinks companies focus their
attention and advertising budgets focusing on the youth market, through sponsorship
of music events and link-ups with the most attractive and popular movie stars, pop
singers and sports celebrities, movie actors. Together, Pepsi and Coca-Cola spend
INR 11,000 crores on advertising in a single year.

Atkin (2001) observed that advertising companies are invest huge amounts of their
earnings in advertising in different media such as television, radio, magazine and etc.
that television is one of the prevalent media for this purpose. Rice and note that,
television is generally assumed to have massive effects on viewers for a variety of
reasons. First, a great deal of money is spent on advertising, and big spenders are
assumed to know what they are doing. Also, people spend a lot of deplorable
percentage of their waking hours in front of television sets, presumably with
proportional effects.

Miglani (1991) conducted a study on the effect of different advertising mediams on

the purchase of household goods and revealed that all the respondents were exposed
to T.V. advertisements and television took the top rank for its effectiveness in the
purchase of household goods by all the income groups followed by magazine in high
income and middle income groups.

(Schiffman & Kanuk, 1996) noted the Consumer behavior refers to the behavior of
consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of

products and services that would satisfy the needs of consumer and Their buying
behavior is depends on various economic factors like the price of a product, family
income, disposable personal income and various non-economic factors like age,
education, occupation, personality, life style, etc. Consumers consist of children,
teenagers, adults and aged people. Almost every child and teenager in india is a
regular viewer of television. They spend most of their free time in watching television
programs/channels of their choice. They also watch family programs along with other
family members during peak time i.e. from 7 pm to 10 pm and during weekends and
on holidays.

(Gerbner, Gross, Morgan, & Signorielli, 1986) tested that Television is the source
of the most widely shared set of messages and images in our history It has become the
primary common source of socialization and its mass produced images and messages
"form the mainstream of a common symbolic environment" Accordingly, television's
chief function is enculturation, that is, to be a medium of socialization of most people
into their cultural roles and standardized behaviors.

(McLuhan, 1964) Investigated that Television Advertisement is generally considered

the most effective mass market advertising and this is reflected by the high prices
television networks charge for advertising airtime during popular television events.
Although television advertising has been found to have great influence on consumer
behavior and buying, many people still deny being influenced by advertisements.

Martin Mayer (1958) puts forward three basic concepts with regard to a good
advertisement. In his opinion an advertisement must basically be a believable one.
Simple techniques, such as the use of pictures or diagrams also increase the
believability of the advertisement. Repetition is another key concept in the case of
advertising. He suggests that it is better to have a long series of small advertisements
than one extremely large advertisement as these act as memory ticklers among the
consumers. The third concept put forward by him is the concept of the impression of
message. In his opinion messages should be clear, complete and attractive.

This chapter introduces the objectives of the study and research methods adapted,
sheds light on the Hypotheses and sampling and data collection methods, the survey
instrument and the statistical analysis process.

a.) Objective of Study

 To study awareness of TV advertisement of energy drinks among youngsters
in Rajkot city.
 To identify factors affecting preference of youngsters for energy drinks in
Rajkot city.
 To study the relationship between TV advertisement and preference for energy
drinks among youngsters in Rajkot city.
 To analyse the impact of TV advertisement on purchase of energy drinks
among youngsters in Rajkot city.

B.) hypothesis

C.) Period of study:

The period of the study for this study will be of approximately for the 5
Months starting from 1st December, 2021 to 30th April, 2022.

D.) Sample Design:

i. Sampling Unit:

Sampling Unit Sampling unit is the aspect from which samples are going to be drawn
for the study. This study is based on Rajkot city so sampling unit will be of
youngsters of Rajkot city.

ii. Sample Size:

Sample Size Selection of appropriate sample size is of utmost important to derive
reliable results. For present study, appropriate sample size will be selected from 106

iii. Sampling Techniques:

Sampling Techniques Non-probability sampling technique is being used for present

study. Convenience sampling method is being used to obtain information quickly and
inexpensively. I have used Google Online Form to get the responses.

E.) Research Questions:

 What is the reaction of people after watching advertisement of energydrinks?
 What is the effect of TV advertising on consumer purchase of the products?
 What do consumers feel about the advertised product after the TV
 Are TV commercial promotions are effective for energy drinks.

f.) Data Collection Method:

For present study, both primary and secondary data have been used. The secondary
data has been collected through books, journals, published reports, newspapers,
magazines, other library and electronic data. The primary data has been collected
through conducting survey with the help of a questionnaire.

g.) Research Instrument :

Questionnaire will be used to collect primary data for the present study.

h.) Tools and Techniques for Data Analysis :

Appropriate statistical test methods will be used to analyses the data.

I.) Limitations of the study:

No study is free from limitations;

• This study is limited to the people of Rajkot city only.

• Period of study is less due to limitation of time and cost.

• There are other factors also which impact on the preference of people of Rajkot

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Basic Introduction:
Data analysis is a process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modelling data
with the goal of discovering useful information, informing conclusions, and
supporting decision-making. Data analysis has multiple facets and approaches,
encompassing diverse techniques under a variety of names, and is used in different
business, science, and social science domains. In today's business world, data analysis
plays a role in making decisions more scientific and helping businesses operate more

The data is necessary as inputs to the analysis, which is specified based upon the
requirements of those directing the analysis (or customers, who will use the finished
product of the analysis). The general type of entity upon which the data will be
collected is referred to as an experimental unit (e.g., a person or population of people).
Specific variables regarding a population (e.g., age and income) may be specified and
obtained. Data may be numerical or categorical (i.e., a text label for numbers).Once
data is analyzed, it may be reported in many formats to the users of the analysis to
support their requirements. The users may have feedback, which results in additional
analysis. As such, much of the analytical cycle is iterative.

(e.g., bar charts or line charts), may help explain the quantitative messages contained
in the data.Effective analysis requires obtaining relevant facts to answer questions,
support a conclusion or formal opinion, or test hypotheses. Facts by definition are
irrefutable, meaning that any person involved in the analysis should be able to agree
upon them.

A data product is a computer application that takes data inputs and generates outputs,
feeding them back into the environment. It may be based on a model or algorithm.

Gender no. of Respondents Percentage

Male 91 85.8

Female 15 14.2

Total 106 100

Demographic Data

Interpretation: As per above table we can interpret in such a way that there are
85.8% Male Respondents and 14.2% are the Female Respondents for this research.
So, we can conclude that the ratio of Male Respondents is more than Female
Respondents. The main reason for this that majority of the male respondents are
highly addicted with energy drinks but the female show less numbers of responds
because they are more addicted to coffee or tea than energy drink. Also male have
higher caffeine holding capacity than women.


Interpretation: As per the above bar graph we can analyzed that there are majority
people of age from 23 to 16 years. The age from 28 to 35 show less interest in
compare to teenagers. As they are less interested in energy drinks.

occupation No. of Respondent Percentage
Self –employed 34 32.1
Student 60 56.6
Housewife 3 2.8
Professional 6 5.7
other 3 2.8
Total 106 100


Interpretation: As per the above data we can interpret that there are 34 Respondents
are self-employed. After that there are 60 Respondents are from students because
more number of respondents are youngsters and also studying. There are 6% of
respondents are professional. Housewives and others is very less in numbers because
may Particulars No of Respondent Percentage be
Less than 1 hour 29 27.4
1 or 2 hour 30 28.3
2 to 3 hour 38 35.8
More than 3 hours 9 8.5
Total 106 100
possible, they are not aware about different types of energy drinks or least interested.

How much time do you spend on watching television (daily)?

Interpretation: As per the above table we can interpret that 29 respondents who
watch television less than an hour. there are 30 respondents who watch television for
1 to 2 hours and maximum number of respondents are watching TV for 2 to 3 hour
by 35.8%. There are less amount of respondent in more than 3 hour category by only
9 respondent. So from this we can say that people are spending lots of time in
watching television.

What is your motive to watch TV advertisement ?

Particulars No of Respondent Percentage

To find out how good

57 53.8
product is

To enjoy Ad covering this

48 45.3

To help me decide what to

49 46.2
things to buy

To find out where I can buy

36 34

To compare product with

24 22.6

Total 106 100

Interpretation: As per the above graph we can interpret that 57 respondent prefers
TV advertisement to find out how good product is .48 respondents prefer enjoy ad
covering and half decide what think they buy as both have same number of
respondents. 36 respondents find that from TV advertisement they decide to find out
where I can buy product and only 24 respondent find that from TV advertisement they
compare product with other. so from this we can conclude that TV advertisement is
effective mean of advertisement as people make decisions out from it.

Do you know what an energy drink is ?

Particulars No of Respondent Percentage

Yes 105 99.1
No 1 0.9
Total 106 100

Interpretation: As per the above table we can interpret that 99.1% the respondents
are known about energy drink as majority, only 1 respondent have no idea about it.

Which energy drink do you prefer ?

Particulars frequencies
Redbull 82
Sting 47
Mountain dew 47
Monster 32
Storm 36
Hell 32
others 7

Interpretation: As per the above table we can interpret that 82 respondents by prefer
to drink red bull following sting and mountain dew by 47 respondents of 44. monster
and hell have similar preference by 30.2% from 32 and only 7 respondents prefer
energy drink other than this. So from this we can see that red bull, sting, and mountain
dew are maximum prefer by respondents due to higher advertisement in Indian market
and television. So people are simply aware about this energy drinks rather than other.

Which fractors affect you the most to buy an energy drink?

Particulars No of Respondent Percentage
Tv advertisement 62 58.5
Mazagines 4 3.8
Word of mouth 9 8.5
Celebration 14 13.2
Friends & relatives 12 11.3
others 5 4.7
Total 106 100

Interpretation: As per above table and chart we can interpret that there are 62
respondents who are highly affected by TV advertisement by 58.5%. by celebrity 14
respondents, by friends and relatives 12 respondents, by word of mouth there are 9
respondents and the lowest factor that only affect 5 respondents are magazines. So
from this we can conclude that most people are affected by television and celebrity to
buy energy drink.

Where do you find the advertisement for energy drink mostly?

Particulars No of Respondent Percentage
Tv 72 67.9
radio 4 3.8
Print media 8 7.5
internet 21 19.8
Direct mail 1 0.9
Total 106 100

Interpretation: As per the above table we can interpret that 72 respondents find
energy drinks advertisement in TV. following internet by 19.8% through 21
respondents. The print media and radio show less number of advertisement by
respondents and the direct mail are lowest mean of advertisement for energy drinks by
only 1%. To conclude we can see that Television and internet are most influence
medium for advertisement and attract audience.

Do you aware about T.V advertisement of this energy drink?

Particulars No of Respondent Percentage
sting 0 0
monster 2 1.9
redbull 103 96.3
Mountain dew 2 1.9
Total 106 100

Interpretation: As per the above table we can interpret that maximum no.
respondents are aware about the photo of TV advertisement of energy drink by 96.3%
of red bull. Only 2 respondent select mountain dew and other 2 select monster. no
one select sting. So from this we can say that people are really aware about TV
advertisement of that energy drink as they once seen that AD. it can create awareness
to people.

What is your reaction when you see or hear TV advertisement of

energy drink?

Particulars No of Respondent Percentage

Enjoy the advertisement 46 43.4

Make a decision to try and
34 32.1
Swap the channel 17 16

Recommend to others 9 8.5

Total 106 100

Interpretation: As per the above table we can interpret that 46 respondents enjoyed
the advertisement when they see or hear tv ad of energy drink. 34 respondents was
found that they make a decision to try and drink after watching TV advertising. 16
respondent found that swap the channel after watching TV advertisement of energy
drink and only 8.5% recommend to other after watching TV ads. In conclusion we
can see that only 17 respondents gave negative other 96 take it as positive reaction.

Which element influence you the most in the TV advertisement of

energy drinks?
Particulars No of frequencies
Tagline 47
celebrity 50
Product 52
Animation 45
Humour 38
Jingle 29
Theme 27
Other 11

Interpretation: As per the above table we can interpret that from which element of
TV advertisement element the respondents are influence most. The maximum
respondents follow celebrity by 50% by followed by product and tagline with average
of 45%. The humor show 38 respondents and jingle showed by 29 respondents and
theme by 27 respondents. Only 11 choose other element. In conclusion celebrity,
product, tag line element influence most in TV advertisement of energy drinks.

Do TV commercial convince you to prefer an energy drink ?

Particulars No of Respondent Percentage

Yes 76 71.7
No 7 6.6
May be 23 21.7
Total 106 100

Interpretation: As per the above table we can interpret that more than 70% are
convince to prefer energy drink by watching TV commercial. 23 respondents found
that TV commercial may convince or may be not . only 7 respondents are not
convince by TV commercial. In conclusion majority of respondent are convince to
prefer an energy drink after watching TV advertisement.

Do TV commercial convince you to buy an energy drink ?

Particulars No of Respondent Percentage

Yes 67 63.2
No 13 12.3
May be 26 24.5
Total 106 100

Interpretation: As per the above table we can interpret that more than 60% are
convince to buy energy drink after watching TV commercials. 23 respondents found
that TV commercial may convince or may be not to buy energy drink. Only 7
respondents are not convincing by TV commercial. In conclusion majority of
respondent are convince to buy an energy drink after watching TV advertisement.

Give your opinion for following statements.

Statement Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree

TV advertisement 68 20 14 2 2
Affects you to prefer products

TV advertisement is the best
11 60 27 6 2
medium to get information for
energy drink.

Energy drinks are really helpful to

enhance physical and mental 16 28 49 6 7

TV advertisement motivates you to

29 35 26 7 9
buy energy drinks.

Celebrity in TV advertisement
influence you to prefer that 37 27 25 6 11

TV advertisement motivates you to

shift from one brand to another 43 22 22 8 11

Interpretation: As per the above data we can interpret that majority of the
Respondents are Strongly Agree and Agree on TV advertisement that affect you to
prefer products and see very less response in disagree. WE can see majority of
response of agree and neutral from statement TV advertisement is best medium to get
information for energy drink. We can see mixed response of agree and disagree
among the statement that energy drinks really helpful for enhance physical and
mental, sometimes it become hazardous to our health. We can see that there are
maxium strongly disagree to statement, Celebrity in TV advertisement will influence
you to prefer that product but in end we see positive outcome from celebrity element
of TV advertisement. Majority of respondents are strongly agree that they are
motivated to buy energy drink after watching TV advertisement but, only 9
respondents find disagree with statement. People are strongly agree that the TV
advertisement motivate you to shift from one brand to another. In this case the viewer
are motivated and impress with ad and then they convince to buy that product.

Hassan, A. (2015). Effects of TV Advertisement on Consumer Buying Behaviour: A
Comparative Study of Rural-Urban and Male-Female Consumers. International
Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 11(3), 608.

Hassan, A. (2015). Effects of TV Advertisement on Consumer Buying Behaviour: A

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Do TV Commercial Do TV Commercial convince you to prefer an energy drink?

convince you to buy an
energy drink? yes No maybe

Yes 64 1 2

No 4 5 4

Maybe 8 1 17


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