Bedah Soal Grup 7

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Read the text to answer question 1



1. What is the message about?

a. Guests won’t get additional day’s room charge if they check out late
b. Guests will get additional day’s room charge even check out in time
c. Guests will get additional day’s room charge if they don’t check out in time
d. Guests won’t get additional day’s room charge if they check out in time

Read the text to answer question 2

To: Dewi

I've got news that my grandmother is sick and hospitalized, so my family and I have to visit her
immediately. Therefore, I cannot attend the class tomorrow. Would you mind submitting my report
to Mr. Joe? ( It will due to tomorrow). Thanks for your kindness.


2. From the text we can conclude that Dewi is..

a. Aldi’s girlfriend
b. Aldi’s classmate
c. Aldi’s sister
d. Aldi’s niece
Read the text to answer questions 3 and 4

All Students of Grade 9

You are invited to:


Day/Date : Saturday, the fifth of July
two thousand and ten
Time : 7pm – 10 pm
Venue : Ball Room Sultana Hotel
Jl. Sudirman kav. 10 – 12 Surabaya

*Invitation card available at OSIS room.

3. When will the farewell party be held?

a. Sunday, 5th of July 2014
b. Saturday, 5th of July 2015
c. Saturday, 6th of July 2014
d. Saturday, 5th July 2014

4. “Invitation card available at OSIS room” The sentence means..

a. The student can get the invitation card at OSIS room
b. The invitation card is not in the OSIS room
c. OSIS will distribute card
d. The student can’t get the invitation card

Read the text and answer questions 5 and 6.

Dear Bima,

Congratulations on your success

to be the best photographer journalist 2014

The manager and staff of

The JJ Daily Post

5. The letter was sent to..

a. Congratulate Bima
b. Fired Bima
c. Promote Bima
d. Tell Bima
6. Who is the sender?
a. The manager and staff of the JJ Daily Post
b. Bima
c. Bima’s friends
d. The JJ Daily Post
Read the following text to answer questions 7 and 8
To : [email protected]
From: [email protected]
RE : Planning 4 holiday
Date : June, 29th 2014

Hi, Akmal. How’s life? We’re going to have a long holiday this summer, aren’t we? What are u going to do?
U know summer is a good time for camping and hiking. We plan to go to Salak mountain. It’s a nice place
for camping and hiking, and also for fishing. There’s a river near campsite. But I’m not really keen on it. At
night we’ll sit around the fire and sing songs. Why don’t u join us? It’ll be more fun if u come. Let me know

Your friend

7. Who is Denise?
a. Akmal’s husband
b. Akmal’s acquaintance
c. Akmal’s friend
d. Akmal’s nephew

8. From the text, we can conclude that….

a. Akmal’s going to sleep over at Denise’ house.
b. Denise persuades Amal to join him for holiday.
c. Akmal wants o hike with Denise.
d. Denise is happy.

Read the following text to answer questions 9 and 10.


To : All Marketing Managers

There will be a meeting this afternoon January 4 th 2014 at 01.30 pm . The meeting will discuss the
customers’ orders.
Please bring the documents needed.

Thank You
Secretary Director

9. Who is the writer of the text?

a. Manager
b. Mr. Usman
c. Secretary director
d. Ms. Onaka

10. What should the managers bring to the meeting?

a. Ice creams
b. Customers
c. Important documents
d. Not important task

Read the following text to answer questions 11 and 12


Visit Tamansari
You will find a unique atmosphere of the past period.

Tamansari is an interesting place to visit. Many tourists come to Tamansari to find a unique atmosphere
of the past periods. It is located about 2 km south of Yogyakarta Palace and was built by Portuguese
architect. Besides the location is very closed to the Sultan palace, Tamansari has its own specialty in
attraction reflecting in some unimpaired ancient building and its atmosphere as the main tourist object
of Yogyakarta.
The Tamansari complex consists of:
1. The Sacred Room
As a hermitage place for the Sultan and his family.
2. The Bathing Pool
A pleasure place for the royal family. Consists of
two bathing pool that are separated with a 2-storey building. The water sprouts from a forming
animal statue into the pool. The pool is also adorned with some big flowerpot.
3.Kenanga or Cemeti Island
This part compounds of some buildings such as Kenanga or Cemeti Island (forming Island), Sumur
Gemuling and underground tunnels. This artificial island is a high building used as resting room and
reconnoitering place. This will be the only building surfaced when the canals opened and the water
over flew this area. From the higher place it looks like lotus floating in the middle of big pool.

11. We know that Taman sari is a….

a. Resort
b. Hotel
c. Palace
d. Island

12. Kenanga or Cemeti Island is artificial island.

What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
a. Natural
b. Factitious
c. Real
d. Unique

Read the text to answer questions 13 to 15


Secretolytic agent
5 ml Elixir bromhexine HCL 4 mg.

For productive cough i.e to influenza, flu, cough in acute/chronic, bronchitis, and asthma.

Adult and children > 10 year : 3 x 2 tsp.
Children 5 - 10 years : 3 x 1 tsp.
Children 2 - 5 years : 3 x 1/2 tsp.
Children < 2 years : 3 x 1/4 tsp.
Or according to doctor's prescription.
The elixir is suitable for diabetic patients, since it does not contain sugar.
Store in a safe place out of reach of children.

Adapted from leaflet of Bisolvon Elixir

13. What disease can be cured with the the cough syrup?
a. Influenza, flu, and stroke
b. Bronchitis, heart attacks, and flu
c. Influenza, flu, and asthma
d. Chronic, bronchitis, and cough

14. What is the composition of the cough syrup?

a. 5 mL elixir bromhexine hcl 4 mg
b. Elixir, bromhexine, hcl 4 mg
c. 4 mL elixir, bromhexine hcl 4 mg
d. 4 ml elixir hcl 4 mg

15. Why is the elixir suitable for diabetic patients?

a. It doesn’t contain sugar
b. It contains sugar
c. It can cure the diabetic patiences
d. It isn’t safe for them

Read the text to answer questions 16 to 19

Barack Hussein Obama II (pronounced /ba'ra:k hu'sein ou'ba:ma/; born August 4, 1961) is the President-elect of the
United States of America, and the first African American to be elected as President of the United States. Obama was
the junior United States Senator from Illinois in 2004 and served until his resignation on November 16, 2008, following
his election to the Presidency. His term of office as the forty-fourth U.S. president is scheduled to begin on January 20,

Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the first African-American
president of the Harvard Law Review. He worked as a community organizer and practiced as civil rights attorney in
Chicago before serving three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He also taught constitutional law at the
University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Following an unsuccessful bid for a seat in the U.S. House of
Representatives in 2000, Obama was elected to the Senate in November 2004. Obama delivered the keynote address
at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004.

As a member of the Democratic minority in the 109th Congress, Obama helped create legislation to control conventional
weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds. He also made official trips to Eastern
Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. During the 110th Congress, he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and
electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for U.S. military personnel returning from combat
assignments in Iraq and Afghanistan.


16. When was Barrack Obama born?

a. August, 4th 1961
b. August, 4th 1962
c. August, 3rd 1964
d. August, 4th 1966

17. Where did Obama study?

a. Columbia University and Harvard Law School
b. Columbia Law School and Harvard Law School
c. Columbia University and Harvard School
d. Columbia and Harvard Law School

18. What school was Obama taught?

a. University of Colorado Law School
b. University of Kentucky Law School
c. University of Chicago Law School
d. University of Chicago

19. Who is Barrack Obama?

a. First African – American president of USA
b. First American – African vice president of USA
c. First African president of USA
d. First American president of USA

Read the text to answer questions 20 to 22

Gemblong (Sugar-coated Black Rice Cakes)


 125 g (1 ¼ cups) black glutinous rice flour

 Pinch of salt
 50 g (1/2 cup) young grated coconut
 100 ml (scant ½ cup) thin coconut milk, warmed
 ½ tablespoon slaked lime water
 Oil for deep frying
Sugar coating:
 75 g (1/3 cup) sugar
 2 tablespoons water

1. Mix black glutinous rice flour, salt and grated coconut in a small mixing bowl. Stir together the lime water and warm coconut milk and pour
this into the ingredients in the mixing bowl, mixing with your hands to get fairly soft, pliable dough. If the dough seems crumbly, knead in a
few more drops of water.
2. Knead for a few minutes until smooth and divide dough into 10 to 12 pieces. Roll in your hands into oval shapes and put them to flatten to
about 1 cm thickness.
3. Heat oil to a depth of 2 ½ cm over medium heat and fry the cakes and for 3 to 4 minutes per side. Drain on absorbent paper.
4. Mix the sugar and water in a small, heavy based saucepan and boil hard until the syrup is thick and the surface is full of large bubbles. Place
cakes in the sugar syrup and toss the cake about until the sugar caramelizes on the surfaces. Transfer cakes onto a plate to cool.

These cakes are called ‘getas’ when made with white glutinous flour and coated with caramelized brown sugar.

Makes 12 cakes
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes

20. If the batter seems friable, what will you do?

a. Mix the sugar and water.
b. Stir together with the lime water
c. Knead in a few more drops of water
d. Serve it with the sugar

21. We should have … to prepare these cakes.

a. A hour
b. 2.400 seconds
c. 20 minutes
d. 15 minutes

22. Why should you mix the dough with your hands?
a. To get crumble textures
b. To mix it properly
c. To get fairly soft, pliable batter.
d. To flatten the dough

Read the text and answer questions 23 to 26.

After spending 1 night in Manado I headed off to Bunaken on

one of the public boats on Sunday. I had expected something like a
ferry but it was actually a wooden boat full of locals and a whole

23. What had the writer expected about the public boats?
a. He had expected about rescue ships
b. He had expected about cruise ships
c. He had expected about cruiser ships
d. He had expected about ferries
24. How long did the writer spend for holiday?
a. 5 days
b. 6 days
c. 4 days
d. 7 days
25. How is the circumstances in the Bunaken according to the writer?
a. Small quiet island
b. Peace and big island
c. Small quiet local village
d. Peace and serene place
26. … he knew a nice place to stay and to do some diving. (par. 2 sent. 1)
What does the underlined word refer to?
a. French
b. The writer
c. Australian
d. The writer’s friend

Read the text to answer questions 27 to 30

There was a couple who lived on the foot of Mount Bromo, Roro Anteng and Joko Seger. After eight
years of marriage, they had not had any children. For six years they prayed, pleaded with gods to give them
children. Finally, their prayer was complied on one condition: they would have to sacrifice their youngest son to
the Bromo crater.
After some time, Roro Anteng gave birth to a child. And it happened every year until they had 25
children. They lived happily and ignored the agreement. The Mount Bromo erupted signaling that the gods asked
the couple to fulfill their promise. But they didn’t want to let their youngest son, Raden Kusuma, be sacrificed to
the crater.
Raden Kusumo learned about the deal his parents had made. Meanwhile, the lava from the crater had
made the people living near the mountain suffered. Raden Kusuma was a kind and noble man. He didn’t want his
siblings and the people suffered because of him. Therefore, he went to Mount Bromo and sacrificed himself to the
crater. The eruption suddenly stopped.
Since that day, every Kasodo 14th in the Tenggerese calendar, the Tengger people (descendants of Roro
Anteng and Joko Seger) give offerings to the crater, as Raden Kusuma had asked before the sacrifice.

27. Where did Romeo Anteng and Joko Seger live?


a. In the Bromo crater

b. Tengger village
c. On Mount Bromo
d. On the foot of Mount Bromo

28. Why did the eruption of Mount Bromo stop?

a. Because Raden Kusuma sacrificed himself
b. Because Roro and Joko have been prayed for 6 years
c. Because Roro and Joko had 25 children
d. Because Raden Kusuma was a kind and noble man

29. What did Tengger people give to the crater now?

a. Raden Kusuma
b. Offerings
c. Their youngest son
d. 25 children

30. What is the moral value from the text?

a. We must fulfill out promise
b. We should break our promise
c. We must respect sacral places
d. We must sacrifice ourself

Read the text and answer questions 31 to 34.

Tokyo is Japan’s leading city. The city is filled with factories, large office buildings, banks, restaurants,
religious shrines, and shops of all sizes. It is a center for Japanese art and is home to more than 100 colleges
and universities. Located at the head of Tokyo Bay, the city is also a major seaport.
Many people move from other parts of Japan to attend college and then work in Tokyo. Most Japanese
companies have their headquarters in Tokyo. At the heart of Tokyo is the Imperial Palace. High walls, a
water-filled moat, and a large park surround the palace. This is where the emperor of Japan lives with his
family. Japan’s emperors once ruled the country, but today they have little real power.
Located near the palace are the most important government buildings, including the National Diet
Building. That’s where Japan’s parliament meets.

31. Why is Tokyo called as a leading city?

a. Because the city is filled with factories, large office buildings, banks, restaurants, reigious shrines, and
shops of all sizes
b. A major seaport
c. Located at the head of Tokyo Bay
d. Japan’s leading city

32. How many colleges and universities does Tokyo have?

a. More than 100
b. Less than 100
c. 100
d. About 100

33. The word it in “ It is a center.....” in paragraph 1 refers to

a. Factories
b. Banks
c. Colleges
d. Tokyo

34. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?


a. Buildings in Tokyo
b. A major seaport
c. Tokyo is Japan’s leading city
d. Important government building

Read the text and answer questions 35 to 38.


Thunder sounds like an explosion. Lightning causes thunder. The sound comes from air that suddenly gets very

A bolt of lightning can make the air around it as hot as 18,000° Fahrenheit (10,000° Celsius). That’s hotter than
the surface of the Sun! The hot air rushes away from the lightning bolt. The air rushing away makes the loud
sound of thunder.

You often hear the thunder after you see a bolt of lightning. This is because sound travels slower than light. The
farther away the lightning is, the longer it takes for you to hear the thunder. You can tell how far away the
lightning is. You can count the seconds between the lightning and the sound of the thunder it makes. Sound
travels about 1 mile (about 1.6 kilometers) every 5 seconds. If you count slowly to 5 and hear thunder, the
lightning bolt was about 1 mile away. If you count to 15 before you hear thunder, the lightning bolt was 3 miles

35. Why do we hear the thunder after we see a bolt of lightning?

a. Because sound travels slower than light
b. Because a bolt of lightning is hotter than the surface of the sun
c. Because sound comes from air that suddenly gets very hot
d. Because God wants too

36. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

a. We hear the thunder before seeing a bolt of lightning
b. Sound travels slower than light
c. We hear the thunder after seeing a bolt of lightning
d. Sound travels about a mile every 5 seconds

37. The word this in “This is because...” (paragraph 3) refers to

a. The hot air
b. The thunder
c. The surface of the sun
d. We hear the thunder after seeing the lightning

38. The closest meaning of the word rushing (paragraph 2) is.....

a. Immediately
b. Quickly
c. Fast
d. Slowly

Read the text and answer questions 39 to 43.

I had never been camping before I met my best friend, Jacklyn. I didn’t know that
camping meant sleeping out in nature, in a tent. I guess I didn’t really think about it at all.
We were off to a nearby campground. We drove in and paid for our site. It was
beautiful. There were ducks and a small lake and up on the hill there was a pool and small
store if you needed anything.
At dusk we lit our fire. It was very nice and pleasant. However I had a small allergy
problem with mosquitoes. I hate bugs, and mosquitoes seem to be the worse, due to their
stinging and being irritating. It was awful, but the camp fire was nice. Jacklyn told me
about her camping stories. They were really interesting.
After a full night of stories and fire, we settled in out the tent. We slept in our sleeping
bags on the ground. To my surprise, the ground was not wet, and we had a small air
mattress under us. Of course, the mattress wasn’t as comfortable as mine at home but it
was no problem.
Then in the middle of the night I heard scuffling just out of our tent. I woke Jacklyn
and I told her that there was a bear in our camp. She told me to just go back to sleep. I
really didn’t know that there were bears in local camp grounds.
The next morning I woke to the same noises and found the culprit. It was ducks. I felt
so stupid. To this day we still talked about my first camping trip.
It was a very memorable experience.

39. What is the relation between the writer and Jacklyn?

a. Classmate
b. Bestfriend
c. Family
d. Schoolmate

40. What is the writer problem?

a. Bugs
b. Insect
c. Ant
d. Mosquito

41. After reading the text (par 4), we know that....

a. They slept under the tree
b. The ground was wet
c. They had a small air mattress under them
d. The mattress was comfortable and that’s a big problem

42. “It was a very memorable experience.” The underlined word has a similar meaning with....
a. Forgetable
b. Unforgetable
c. Bad
d. Nice

43. After reading the story, we know that....

a. The writer wasn’t happy with her first camping experience
b. The writer didn’t want to camp anymore
c. The writer was happy and wanted to camp again
d. The writer wanted to be with Jacklyn forever

For questions 44 to 46 choose the best word to complete the text.



Like ants, honey bees work together with their friends. They live in a huge group of female and male workers.
Their leader is the queen bee. Honeybees often visit flower or drink on the surface of pools and [44...]. These
bees [45....] the honey that we eat. They are also pollinators of many fruit and vegetable crops. Their wings that
moved swiftly cause the [46....] sound.

44. a. Swimming pool

b. ponds
c. ocean
d. beach

45. a. producing
b. produced
c. have produced
d. produce

46. a. bsst
b. boosh
c. buzz
d. quack

Read the text and answer questions 47 to 48.

Andreas was a student of the University of Indonesia. Like many other students, he did
not have much money because his grant was just enough to live on.
Last year, during the semester holiday, he decided to go to Surabaya. He wanted to
visit some friends there. Unfortunately, he could not afford a bus ticket, and even the
train was too expensive. He, therefore, decided to hitchhike. He caught a bus to reach the
highway and waited. It was a cold, rainy December day. While he was waiting, he got
soaked to the skin.
After waiting for hours, he finally got a lift from a truck driver, who was going to
Surabaya. Andreas felt extremely relieved. The truck driver, a reasonably well-dressed
man of around 35 seemed friendly. He and Andreas talked a lot.
Suddenly, as they were driving along the highway, a police car raced past them and
made them stop. They were taken to the police station because the police suspected that
the truck was carrying stolen goods.
Andreas was interrogated by a detective for two hours. He even had to spend the
night in a cell. He was eventually released the next day. Apparently, the truck was
carrying stolen television sets.

47. Who was Andrea?

a. A student of the Atmajaya University
b. Lonely child
c. A Student of the University of Indonesia
d. Nice child

48. What is the main idea of pargraph 3?

a. He got a lift from a taxi driver
b. He went to Surabaya
c. He was interrogated
d. He got a lift from a truck driver

49. Choose the best arrangement of the sentences below to make a good paragraph.
1. They don’t eat any mushroom unless they know it’s safe.
2. Mushroom hunters have to be very careful.
3. But some mushrooms are poisonous.
4. They can make you sick and damage your organs.
5. A few are even deadly.
6. The most famous poisonous mushrooms are the amanitas.
7. They cause most of the mushroom poisonings in the United States.

a. 3-1-2-5-6-4-7
b. 2-1-3-5-4-6-7
c. 3-1-2-5-4-6-7
d. 2-3-5-1-4-6-7
For questions 50 arrange the words into meaningful sentences.

50. What is the correct arrangement from the sentence?

To him and his students are listening is telling a story Mr. Teddy
1 6 3 4 5 10 2 7 9

a. 8-6-3-4-5-1-9-10-2-7
b. 9-10-2-7-8-6-3-4-5-1
c. 8-3-6-4-5-1-10-9-2-7
d. 9-10-2-8-7-3-6-4-5-1

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