Punam Jaiswal UG-II Anomalous Secondary Growth in Boerhaavia
Punam Jaiswal UG-II Anomalous Secondary Growth in Boerhaavia
Punam Jaiswal UG-II Anomalous Secondary Growth in Boerhaavia
) Punam Jeswal
B.Sc ( Hons.) Part ll Department of Botany
Boerhaavia Stem -
Transverse section through the young stem of Boerhaavia show following
tissues : -
Epidermis -
1) Epidermis is single layered and consists of small, radially elongated
parenchymatous cells.
2) Multi-cellular epidermal hairs arise from some cell.
3) A thick cuticle is present on the epidermis.
4) Some stomata are also present.
Cortex -
1) Cortex is well differentiated and consists of few layered collenchymatous
hypodermis followed by parenchyma.
2) Collenchyma is 3-4 cells deep, but generally near stomata it is only one
3) Parenchyma is present inner to collenchyma in the form of 3 to 7 layers.
4) Parenchymatous cells are thin walled, oval, full of chloroplast and enclose
many intercellular spaces.
Endodermis is Clearly developed and made up of many tubular thick walled cells.
After the formation of secondary tissue the cambium ceases its activity and a new fresh
cambial ring is arises by the joining of secondary parenchyma cells opposite to the
conjunctive tissue and the cells of pericycle outside the phloem. This accessory cambial
ring functions in a similar manner to the previous cambium. It produce secondary xylem
alternating with lignified conjunctive tissue on the inner side and secondary phloem
opposite to the secondary xylem and parenchyma above the conjunctive tissue. After
sometime, the activity of this cambium also cease.
One or more cambium gets differentiated which also functions similar manner. During
the process, several such cambial rings may be formed. As a result of these successive
cambial differentiation several concentric rings of vascular bundles get embedded in the
thick walled lignified conjunctive tissue separated by thin walled parenchymatous zone
give the appearance of growth rings.
The cambium is composed of fusiform initials only which gives to ray-less secondary
vascular tissue. Each successive ring of cambium is originated from the outer most
phloem parenchyma cell. This Anomalous type of secondary growth thickness takes
place by the means of successive ring of collateral vascular bundles.