Assignment On:: Critical Analysis On The Writ of Habeas Corpus
Assignment On:: Critical Analysis On The Writ of Habeas Corpus
Assignment On:: Critical Analysis On The Writ of Habeas Corpus
An American Economist said that “The State is a gang of thieves writ large – the most
immoral, grasping and unscrupulous individuals in any society.”
Writ Petition is a legal instrument of the superior courts for providing remedies to persons
against the arbitrary or illegal actions of any authority or the lower court. The literal meaning of
writ is a written order or a written command or precept or formal order issued by a competing
court in order to direct a person or persons to whom it is addressed to do or refrain from doing
some specific act.
It is found in Aruna Sen vs Government of Bangladesh case that the detention of Chanchal Sen
by the Rakkhi Bahani was challenged through the writ petition under Article 102(2)(b)(i) of the
Constitution of The People’s Republic of Bangladesh by his mother after finding him in miserable
condition in the police custody where The High Court Division set a precedent against unlawful
and preventive detention.
of the writ of Habeas Corpus that the incalculable value of habeas corpus is that it enables the
immediate determination of the right of the appellant’s freedom. In conclusion of the statement of
Lord Wright, it is found that if the court observe any illegality and unlawfulness in detaining any
person, then it can pass an order to release the person immediately. On the basis of this, it is found
that the writ of Habeas Corpus deals with the Question of Legality.
When any Law Enforcement Agency of The Government arrest a person, they become dutiful to
represent the person in front of the Magistrate within 24 hours which is reflected in Article 35 and
Article 33 of The Constitution of Bangladesh, Section 154 of The Code of Criminal Procedure,
1898 and in the case of BLAST and Others vs Bangladesh and Others. If the direction is not
followed properly then the opportunity of writ of Habeas Corpus has been created.
It was accepted in England for many years that an unsuccessful application could go from Judge
to Judge and from Court to Court successively and got to be renewed on the same evidence and
on the same grounds for the writ of Habeas Corpus. But, now those earlier view was overruled. In
present time, a person has no right to present successive application for the writ of Habeas Corpus
if there are no new and fresh ground.
At the time of emergency, the violation of fundamental does not arise any authority in favor of the
people to legally fight for it. Accordingly, no person can exercise the right to file an application
for the writ of Habeas Corpus in The High Court Division during the time of Emergency.
Every Application for the writ of Habeas Corpus must be attached by affidavit which is stating the
facts and circumstances leading to the Application. Thereafter, the court tries to behold the prima
facie case of the writ on what it is depended to be accepted or not to be accepted. After accepting
the Application for writ, it may further issue the Rule Nisi in order to direct the person or authority
to show cause as to why rule should not be made absolute and the person who are in imprisonment
should not be released from detention. Then the court will figure out the merits of the case and
pass an appropriate judgment on a fixed date. If the court decides that the detention was unlawful,
then it will issue an Order and instruct the detaining authorities to release the detainee immediately.
On the other hand, when the court found that the detention was justified, then the Rule Nisi will
be dismissed. In exceptional circumstance, a petition for writ of Habeas Corpus is maintainable
even if the person is not in the prison. In such case, it will fully be relied on the decision of the
concerned Court taking with extreme care, caution and circumspection.
It is found in Government of Bangladesh vs Ahmed Nazir case that the petitioner Ahmed Nazir
filed an Application for writ petition by challenging the legality of the order of detention of A.K.M.
Golam Kabir under Section 3(1/a) of the Special Powers Act, 1974. The Court had issued a Rule
on 22 July, 1974 calling upon the appellant to show cause within seven days before the Court as
to why an order should not be made by directing that the detainee be brought, so that it may satisfy
itself that he is not being detained without lawful authority or in an unlawful manner. But question
of security of State is a matter of concern to Judiciary as it is an organ of the State through which
it functions. Thus in dealing with an Application for bail of a person, who is detained on account
of his alleged prejudicial activities, The High Court Division dismissed it.
Delay in applying for a writ of Habeas Corpus does not infringe the right of Applicant from relief.
Our Constitution directs that the Right of Personal Liberty is one of the fundamental rights in Part-
III of The Constitution which will not be waived. Furthermore, a wrongful detention or arrest of a
person is considered as continues wrong against a person and the injury lasts until it is remedied.
Thus the writ petition of Habeas Corpus cannot be dismissed due to delay.
i) At the point when writ of Habeas Corpus is remedial and not punishable in nature.
ii) At the point when the legality of the detention must be decided by the court with
reference to the date of return of the rule and not with reform on the date of such
application is made.
iii) At the point when detainer does not go under the regional surface of the court.
For example - Someone who is detained in India cannot apply for writ in Bangladesh.
iv) At the point of Emergency.
v) At the point when the court already refused the Application.
ii) DUTY OF THE STATE: Whenever any act of detention or arrest of a person is
challenged, it is the duty of the State to direct all the relevant action with a truthful,
honest and ultimately independent manner
iii) DUTY OF THE COURT: An individual’s freedom is one of the most cherished
object of human life and judges have played a historic role in defending such freedom
with initiative and dedication expect in the time of emergency. Where a person is
illegally detained, then the court has a duty to protect him or her liberty against any
seizure. Moreover, the duty of the court is to strike a balance between the need to
protect the community on the one hand and the need to protect the liberty of the citizen
on the other.
Ordinarily, while exercising powers under Article 44 or under Article 102 of The Constitution of
The People’s Republic of Bangladesh, the court will not award compensation. In appropriate cases,
the court may award monetary compensation to the person who has been illegally detained.
Basically, this is the discretionary power of the court as there is no legal obligations. If the power
of the court is limited to the order of releasing a person from illegal detention only, then it will be
deprived from its significant content. Violations of that right can be reasonably prevented, and one
of the ways to comply with Article 32 of the Constitution is to indulge violators in providing
monetary compensation. Thus the Court may award monetary compensation to the person who has
been illegally arrested or detained this which is found in the case of Rudal Shah vs State of Bihar
where 35,000 Rupee by way of compensation was given after acquittal order for fourteen years
detention in jail.
1. It provides security towards the liberty of private individual. As per Article 102 (2)
(b) (i) of The Constitution of The People’s Republic of Bangladesh, it is a
procedure where an individual’s custody must be satisfactory before the court so
that the court can give the direction to the particular person or authority to give an
explanation which shall be valid and not to be vogue, and definite that on what
ground the individual was being detained. In this process, if the explanation
becomes satisfactory and evidential, then the detention will be sustainable,
otherwise such individual has to be released immediately either with reasonable
compensation or to such an extent.
2. It controls the arbitrary power of the executive authority in the case of arrest and
detention. The Executive Authorities are protected against mistake of Fact under
Section 76 of The Penal Code, 1860 by which they may be excused from liability
of arresting, detaining or hurting someone mistakenly. But, the writ of Habeas
Corpus has exposed opportunity to stand against this lawfully which is in some
extend controls the arbitrariness of executive power as they at least become
accountable about the arrest and detention.
3. It reduces unauthorized arrests. As an individual can seek for legal protection
against unauthorized arrest from The High Court Division of The Supreme Court
of Bangladesh in absence of adequate remedy where the concerned authority will
be bound to furnish the ground before the court, thus they may think twice about
disgrace before executing unauthorized arrest against any innocent person.
5. It acts as shield against ill-motive where a person may be arrested for fulfilling the
financial urge of dishonest executive authority, personal bias, political pressure etc.
as the cause has to be shown before the court if a person pleads for the remedial
right of Habeas Corpus.
4. The scoop of this right is limited as it only provides protection against unlawful
arrest and detention, but not against unfair trial.
5. The remedy comes out of the writ of Habeas Corpus is not become supportive
sometimes as it may badly impact our social norms, culture and ethical ground at
times through being rigid in its nature.
A great instance of this demerits is the case of Muhammad Latif vs Akbar Ali where it was found
that Mr. Latif tried to recover the custody of his minor daughter Mst. Najma Kausar by applying
for the writ of Habeas Corpus after being ignored by the concerned authority. In such case, he
alleged that his daughter was being confined and detained by Akbar Ali where she was further
found to be married with Akbar Ali. But the court declared that though Najma was in her early
teens, so she was considered to be unlawfully detained by Akbar Ali. Accordingly, she was sent
back to her parents.
Although marrying a minor is not lawful, however, detaching a girl form her husband is not
morally accepted in our society; over and above, the consequence of such decision may not be
individual gets to be discharged form unlawful detention, moreover, it works as a
preventive instrument against unlawful arrest, detention and harassment. In Bangladesh,
the writ of Habeas Corpus has preserved as a Constitutional protection discursively in
Article 102 (2) (b) (i) of The Constitution. It is also ensured by Section 491 of The Code
of Criminal Procedure, 1898. In our country, the Executive Authority has scoop to act
arbitrarily where this writ works like a safeguard against unlawful arrest and detention, and
other kinds of harassment in the police custody as such authority become bound to show
the cause of conduct before the court which has to be reasonable. Basically, the process of
Habeas Corpus is a kind of duty of the state to furnish the proper ground of its action before
the Court as well as before its citizens which supports the principle of Democracy. Further,
the practice of allowing the writ of Habeas Corpus also upholds coordination between the
Executive and Judiciary organs of the Government where they become dutiful to be
accountable and reasonable towards their action and order. Moreover, some cases under
Habeas Corpus has materialized some magnificent Principles; such as – Principle of
Natural Justice which protects the personal liberty of people in many ways has been
established as Case Law by the case of Abdul Latif Mirza vs Government of
Bangladesh. In such case, it was found that Abdul Latif Mirza was detained by the
authority due to denouncing the Fundamental Principles of the Government of Bangladesh
which was established by Law, but when he filed writ petition under Article 102 (2) (b) (i)
of The Constitution, the court declared that the ground of the detention of him was not clear
with mentioning that the Principle of Natural Justice is universal in nature.
Judicial system has to be a proper mechanism where the citizens of a country get the
rightful Justice. It is needless to say that the writ of Habeas Corpus has been successfully
enshrined in the judicial system of Bangladesh as well as of other countries in the World
because of its remedial nature against unlawful action of the power-holders. In order to
uphold Rule of Law and Good Governance in the society, the judicial system has to be
designed in such a way where no rights of individuals will be defeated. In such case, it is
undeniable that THE GREAT WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS works as a magic wand in
favor of the protection of Fundamental Rights of individuals; such as - Right to personal
liberty. It also works against the abuse of Law and power.
1. People should be made aware about the nature and jurisdiction of the writ of Habeas
Corpus so that they can restraint them from urging protection in wrong ground.
2. The remedy in the writ of Habeas Corpus should be given by using Equity, Reason and