Flight Controls (PH 12

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02/06/2011 Flight Controls (PH 12

Flight Controls (PH 12.x.x)

Flight Control Laws (PH 12.1.5):

Multiple failures are required to revert from normal law. “Multiple failures of redundant systems”

Normal Flight-
on ground takeoff inflight landing on ground
Ground Mode Flight Mode Flight Mode Flare Mode Ground Mode
Direct blend from Normal Normal with Direct
Direct to slight pitch
Normal down added
at 50’ for flare

Normal Law: for a given amount of sidestick deflection a given amount of G loading (pitch,
elevators) or roll rate (roll, ailerons, spoilers) regardless of airspeed. Pitch is always kept in trim
automatically. Flare mode gives slight pitch down after 50’ for flare. Bank past 33° requires
constant input or will automatically return to 33°. “Hard” protections. Green equals signs “=”

Normal Law Protections (think of as “A320 mode”):

Bank Yaw Pitch Low Speed High Speed Load
Roll rate Turn Load Factor Non- Non- Clean/Flaps
proportional Coordination proportional overrideable overrideable 1
to side stick & Yaw to stick AOA nose up +2.5G/-1.0G
deflection Dampening deflection protection command
67° Max Max 30° α Prot prevents Flaps
(at 45° nose up Low energy overspeed at Extended
autopilot Max 15° warn. Vmo/Mmo +2.0G/-0.0G
disconnect) nose down α Floor
α Max

Alternate Law: Flight control will revert to alternate law after multiple failures of redundant
systems. Autotrim still available. “Soft” protections. No protection in roll, roll goes to direct. Pitch
goes to direct for landing when landing gear extended (no “flare mode”). It is possible to be in
Alternate law without speed Stability and/or Yaw Dampening. Aircraft can stall. Amber “X’s”

Alternate Law Protections (think of as “737-300 mode”):

Bank Yaw Pitch Low Speed High Speed Load
Roll Direct Yaw Load Factor Low speed High Speed Clean/Flaps
No Dampening proportional stability Stability 1
protections to stick Overrideable Overrideable +2.5G/-1.0G
deflection nose down nose up
No flare command to command to Flaps
mode, goes prevent stall prevent Extended
to direct for Stall Warning overspeed +2.0G/-0.0G

Direct Law: Lowest level of flight control law. Proportional movement between sidestick
deflection and flight control deflection. No autotrimming. No protections. Overspeed and Stall
warnings available. The default mode on the ground in all cases (think about it, if you are on the
ground you cannot have a G load or roll rate). This mode is most like a regular airplane (“DC-9
mode”). Amber “USE MAN PITCH TRIM”
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Abnormal Law: This is entered by the aircraft being in an extreme unusual attitude (about
double normal limits). When back to normal attitude aircraft is in Alternate Law except does not
go to direct law on landing and no pitch protections. Computer reverts to Abnormal when it sees
the aircraft in unusual attitude because computer logic says aircraft should not have been
allowed by normal law protections into this attitude in the first place, therefore computer sees
something is wrong.

Mechanical Backup: Pitch through horizontal stab trim, Lateral through rudders, Differential
power. Both stab and rudder use cables going to controller and require hydraulic power. Bottom
line here, very little “manual reversion” and if no hydraulic power you are a lawn dart. Red “MAN

Fly-by-wire, no feedback except for rudder and horizontal stab trim

Two ELAC’s – Elevator, aileron and stabilizer control

Three SEC’s – Spoiler and standby elevator and stabilizer control

Two FAC’s – Electrical rudder control (other warning functions also provided)

FCDC’s (Flight Control Data Concentrators) process information from ELAC’s and SEC’s and
send data to the EIS and CFDS.

Pitch – Controlled by elevators and horizontal stab. Electrically controlled by ELAC or SEC and
hydraulically actuated.

Elevator – Each elevator has two hydraulic power sources and two actuators (one active and
one in damping mode).

Elevator priorities: (Note: unless required by Ground School instructor I would not memorize
which hydraulic system supplies which flight control, I add it for reference only)

ELAC 2  ELAC 1  SEC 2  SEC 1

Left Elevator – Blue and Green hyd. Right Elevator – Yellow and Blue hyd.

Horizontal Stabilizer – Electrically controlled by one of three motors or mechanically controlled

by the pitch trim wheels (through cable) and hydraulically powered by green or yellow hydraulic.
After touchdown the stab trim is reset automatically to zero.

Horizontal Stab. Priorities:

ELAC 2  ELAC 1  SEC 2  SEC 1 (same as elevators)

Green and Yellow hyd., 3 electric motors

Roll Control – provided by ailerons and spoilers. Electrically controlled by ELAC (ailerons) or
SEC (spoilers) and hydraulically actuated.

Ailerons – Each aileron is powered by Green and Blue hyd. and has two actuators (one active
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and the other damping). The ailerons droop 5° when the flaps are extended. If both ELAC’s fail
then droop is deactivated and the ailerons streamline and only spoilers are used for roll control.

Aileron priorities:


Green and Blue hyd.

Spoilers – Five spoilers are installed on each wing. From the wing root to wing tip they are
numbered 1 through 5. All are used as ground spoilers. Numbers 2 through 5 (the 4 outboard
spoilers) provide roll control. The middle three (2 – 4) provide in-flight speed brakes. If a SEC
fails the spoiler(s) it controls is automatically retracted (if extended) and that spoiler(s)
deactivated. There is no reversion to other computers.

Spoiler priorities:

Spoilers 1 & 2 - SEC 3, Yellow and Green

Spoilers 3 & 4 - SEC 1, Yellow and Blue
Spoiler 5 - SEC 2, Green

Speedbrakes and Ground Spoilers

Green SPD BRK memo on ECAM when speedbrakes extended. Flashes amber when thrust is
applied with speedbrake extended.

Speedbrake extension inhibited when (SAFE-T):

S - SEC 1 & 3 fail

A - Angle of Attack protection active (α prot) or ALPHA FLOOR active
F - Flaps at FULL setting (also config 3: A321)
E - Elevator (L or R) fails (spoilers 3 and 4 only)
T-TOGA on thrust levers (OK, really above MCT but you better be in the TOGA detent if you are
above MCT!)

If speedbrakes out when inhibited they will automatically retract. Must restow speedbrake
handle for 10 seconds to regain. Do not use speedbrakes below 1000’ AFE.

If one speedbrake on one wing fails the corresponding one on the other wing will be inhibited for

Ground Spoilers are armed by raising the Speed Brake Lever. The speed brake lever does not
move with auto extension.

Ground Spoilers extend automatically:

Partial Extension – On landing –

Reverse selected on at least one engine with other at or near idle –and– one main landing gear
strut compressed

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Full Extension – On landing or on takeoff above 72 kts. (rejected takeoff) –
Both thrust levers at idle (spoilers armed) –or–
Reverse thrust selected on at least one engine with other at idle (spoilers not armed) and both
mains compressed.

Rudder – Rudder controls yaw. FAC 1 & 2 provide electric control through trim motors and
hydraulically actuated. Mechanically controlled by rudder pedals if FAC’s fail. Rudder deflection
is normally limited according to airspeed but during dual FAC failure full rudder deflection is
available when the slats extend. Rudder trim is automatic but can be done manually using
electric RUD TRIM switch. A rudder trim RESET pb will reset the rudder to 0 trim (not available
during autopilot operation).

ELACs sends signals to FACs and FACs compute yaw damper and turn coordinations. No
feedback (rudder pedal movement) during yaw damper corrections or turn coordination.

FAC – think of a southern Dragnet, “just the FACs y’all”

Y – Yaw functions, normal and alternate yaw

A – Angle of Attack (flight envelope protection - AoA, High and Low speed limits)
W – Windshear
L – Low Energy warning (speed, speed)

α Prot – Alpha Protection, Angle of attack protection speed, top of amber tiger stripe

A – Angle of Attack instead of Load Factor (g’s)

S – Speedbrakes retract
A – Autopilot disconnects
P – Pitch trim inhibited


The flap handle has a “trigger” that must be squeezed to allow the flaps to move out of detent
with balks at 1 and 3 to prevent “overshoot”. The flaps will only provide the configurations that
are allowed for each detent, there is no “in between the detents” positioning. The flap handle
controls both flaps and slats. Controlled by two Slat Flap Control Computers (SFCCs).

Both flaps and slats are powered by two hydraulic systems, flaps by green and yellow and slats
by green and blue. If any hydraulic system fails leaving only one hydraulic system powering
either slats or flaps the single powered control will extend and retract at half speed. If only one
SFCC is functional the flaps and slats will operate at half speed.

The flaps have 5 selected positions: 0, 1, 2, 3 and FULL.

Takeoff is allowed with 1, 2 or 3

Landing is allowed with 3 or FULL

Note: when landing with Flaps 3 the LDG FLAP 3 pb on the GPWS overhead panel should be
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selected ON to prevent GPWS flap warnings when landing and also CONFIG 3 selected in
PERF APPR for proper approach numbers.

The flap position numbers are just that, position numbers, they do not correspond to degrees of
flaps (or slats) and in fact each model (the A319, A320 and A321) has slightly different flap
deflection schedules for certain flap lever positions. For example, Flaps FULL for the A319 is
40°, A320 is 35° and the A321 is 25°. The A321 also has additional slots built into the flaps to
provide additional lift at slower speeds. Procedures remain the same for all models except for
higher flap speeds on the A321. The flap “indicator” is in the E/WD and shows the amount of
extension for both slats and flaps, with three positions for the slats and four positions for the

Flaps 0 (zero) is flaps “UP” with all trailing and leading edge flap devices fully stowed.

Flaps 1 is a “hybrid” with two separate configurations for the same Flaps 1 handle position.
However, from a pilot standpoint the difference is transparent as the flap handle is treated the
same. Flaps 1 position will provide flaps 1+F for takeoff and anytime you are retracting flaps
from a higher setting (2, 3 or FULL). Any other time Flaps 1 will provide Flaps 1 (how about
that?). OK, so what is the difference between Flaps 1 and Flaps 1+F? Glad you asked, simply
this, the trailing edge flaps. The trailing edge flaps make up the +F as Flaps 1 is slats only in the
initial position. During Flaps 1+F the slats and flaps will extend to initial positions.

Now that I have you completely confused, here is the short story:

 Flaps 1 on ground extending for takeoff – Flaps 1+F (slats and flaps)

 Flaps 1 after takeoff during initial flap retraction from Flaps 2 or 3 – Flaps 1+F (slats and

 Flaps 1 for landing extending from Flaps 0 – Flaps 1 (slats only)

 Flaps 1 for Go Around retracting from 2, 3 or FULL – Flaps 1+F (slats and flaps)

As you can see the only time Flaps 1 gives you Flaps 1 (slats only) is on extension for landing,
the rest of the time Flaps 1 is Flaps 1+F (slats and flaps). The E/WD will show either Flaps 1 or
Flaps 1+F depending on configuration.

Flaps 2, 3 and FULL all have both slats and flaps extended to some degree.

Flaps have overspeed protection at flap setting 1+F so that at 210 KIAS the flaps will
automatically retract to Flaps 1 (slats only). Please note on the A321 it is possible at high gross
takeoff weights that F speed will exceed the flap speed for 1+F. In this case the flaps will
automatically retract and the pilot will select flaps 0 at S speed which will retract the remaining

Slats have an alpha lock function that inhibits them from retracting from position 1 to 0 when at a
high angle of attack or low airspeed.

There are 4 Wingtip Brakes (WTB) that will lock the flaps or slats in case of asymmetry,
overspeed, runaway or uncommanded movement. WTB’s cannot be released in-flight. If flaps
are locked out, slats can operate and visa versa.
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Sidesticks (PH 12.2.2)

Perhaps one of the most distinctive and noticeable differences in the Airbus 320 series from
other airliners is the sidestick. Most folks get comfortable with the sidestick within minutes.
However, the computerized flight controls that the sidestick activate require some new features:

No feedback (feel) is given. Sidestick is spring loaded to neutral.

System algebraically sums the signals from both sticks if both are operated at the same time
(dual input). However, the total input is no more than the max input from a single stick.

A red Takeover pb in the sidestick (also serving as autopilot disconnect) allows one pilot to
override the other or to disable a damaged sidestick. If priority is taken an audio “PRIORITY
LEFT (or RIGHT)” is sounded.

A red arrow light will illuminate in front of the pilot who has been deactivated when one pilot has
taken priority over the other. A green CAPT or F/O light will illuminate in front of the pilot with
priority if the other sidestick is out of neutral.

Last pilot to press Takeover pb has priority.

Pressing Takeover pb for 40 secs. will latch the priority condition (pilot does not have to
continue to press Takeover pb). However, a deactivated sidestick can be reactivated by
momentarily pressing the Takeover pb on either sidestick.

Green CAPT and F/O sidestick priority lights will flash during dual input and an audio “DUAL
INPUT” will be sounded.

The Takeover pb and dual input warning system are commonly misunderstood. A green light in
front of you means dual input or you have just taken priority in a dual input situation and a red
arrow means your sidestick has been deactivated. These are two different things. Dual input is
almost always unintentional and unwanted. The takeover priority may be something that needs
to be done if a sidestick has gone bad or some other problem has occurred. However, if YOUR
sidestick is bad the OTHER pilot must latch it out with their Takeover pb.

Sidestick “locks” in place when on autopilot. Pilot action on sidestick (or trim wheel) at any time
will disconnect the autopilot.

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