002 - 4° Básico - Inglés - Práctico - Unit 2 - Places of The City

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Worksheet 4th grade: English

Unit 2 Topic: City places

Name: __________________________________________ Date: __________
• Identify places in the city
• Apply the vocabulary reviewed about the places in the city.

1. Look at the names in the boxes and reorganize them according to the
places in the city studied in the previous class.




2. Look at the pictures of the places in the city, get inspired in your life
and create two sentences for each place.
3. Connect the description with the image that corresponds to a city

an institution that is built, staffed,

and equipped for help the people
considering their health situation.

is a building planned and

equipped to provide a place to
stay to visitors.

is a financial institution, it can

receive deposits and make loans
also provide financial services.
4. Choose three places in the city and create a description for each of
them. You can look at the drawings throughout your worksheet.

5. Match the pictures with their corresponding name


6. Read the text and answer the questions

The city where I lived had a very defined order. Unfortunately, two months
ago we had to move because of my dad's job. My name is Nicolas am 8
years old, this text is about Louisville, the place where I was born.
In the middle of downtown was located the city hall, it was a two-story brown
building where the mayor worked so that our city could develop much more.
Next to this building was a monument and the city's history museum, a place
full of documents, photos, and pictures. In the following streets, we can find
a lot of buildings for example the hospital, the school, the gas station, the
restaurant, theater, store, hotel, etc. My favorite place in the city was the
library in this place I could find books to borrow but also I could go to read
there I loved to go there with my mom while she was working, the other
place I had to go to very often was the bakery because my dad was in
charge of it.
I miss Louisville very much; I hope Bradford has cool places to hang out
with my new friends.

a) Where does Nicolas live?

b) In what building does Nicolas's mother work?
c) What are Nicolas' favorite places in the city?
d) In what building does Nicolas's dad work?
e) Name three buildings in Louisville city.
f) What is the name of the city mentioned in the text?
7. Look at the city map and answer with a T if the statement is true or
with an F if it is false

City Halla Bus Stop

City Hall



Restaurant Theater

Gas Station Fire Station

Bakery Library Cafe Police

a) _________The City Hall is a pink building


b) _________The bus station is near the school


c) _________The fire station is next to the bakery


d) _________The theater is between the cafe and the fire station


e) _________ The school is between the theater and the hotel

f) _________ The hospital is near the gas station

g) _________ The city's monument is located next to the museum


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