2010 Dietary Guidelines For Americans

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Prepared for the

Committee by the
Agricultural Report of the Dietary
Service Guidelines Advisory
United States
Department of
Agriculture Committee on the Dietary
United States
Department of Guidelines for Americans,
Health and
Human Services 2010
May 2010

To the Secretary of Agriculture and the

Secretary of Health and Human Services
Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. 2010. Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on
the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010, to the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Health
and Human Services. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Washington, DC.

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May 2010

Letter to the Secretaries ................................................................................................................................ ii

Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Membership................................................................................ iv

Part A: Executive Summary.......................................................................................................................... 1

Part B: Setting the Stage and Integrating the Evidence ................................................................................ 6

Section 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 6
Section 2: The Total Diet: Combining Nutrients, Consuming Food...................................................... 11
Section 3: Translating and Integrating the Evidence: A Call to Action ................................................. 51

Part C: Methodology ................................................................................................................................... 57

Part D: The Science Base ............................................................................................................................ 67

Section 1: Energy Balance and Weight Management ............................................................................ 67
Section 2: Nutrient Adequacy .............................................................................................................. 125
Section 3: Fatty Acids and Cholesterol ................................................................................................ 210
Section 4: Protein ................................................................................................................................ 259
Section 5: Carbohydrates ..................................................................................................................... 286
Section 6: Sodium, Potassium, and Water ........................................................................................... 326
Section 7: Alcohol................................................................................................................................ 354
Section 8: Food Safety and Technology .............................................................................................. 369

Part E: Appendices.................................................................................................................................... 404

Appendix E-1: Major Conclusions ...................................................................................................... 404
Appendix E-2: Glossary of Terms ....................................................................................................... 426
Appendix E-3: USDA Food Pattern Modeling Analyses .................................................................... 432
Appendix E-4: History of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans........................................................ 433
Appendix E-5: Public Comments ........................................................................................................ 439
Appendix E-6: Biographical Sketches of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory
Committee Members ....................................................................................................................... 441
Appendix E-7: Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report Acknowledgments ......................... 444

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report i


May 28, 2010

The Honorable Thomas J. Vilsack

Secretary of Agriculture
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Whitten Bldg, Room 200A
Washington DC, 20250

The Honorable Kathleen Sebelius

Secretary of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington DC, 20201

Dear Secretaries Vilsack and Sebelius,

It is my privilege to present to you on behalf of the entire 2010 U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory
Committee the full Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on the Dietary Guidelines for
Americans, 2010. In the initial charge to this panel, we were asked to “provide science-based advice for
Americans, in order to promote health and to reduce the risk for major chronic diseases through diet and
physical activity.” More specifically, this involved, among other tasks, that we base our Report upon “the
preponderance of the most current scientific and medical knowledge, and determine what issues for
change need to be addressed,” with a “primary focus on the review of scientific evidence published since
the last DGAC deliberations” and place “primary emphasis on the development of food-based
recommendations.” We attended to each of these objectives and much more during the past 20 months
and we are in consensus and committed to the content and recommendations delineated in the enclosed

It has been a remarkable journey, filled with extensive investigation and critical evidence-based
review, covering relevant aspects of diet and health. Just under 200 specific questions related to dietary
guidance were initially identified and most were addressed. With assistance from the USDA Nutrition
Evidence Library (NEL), and additional hand searches involving other extensive databases, the
Committee formulated answers to the questions that it believes reflect the most current scientific
evidence. In addition to the expertise represented by our members, we had the outstanding and able
assistance of Dietary Guidelines Management Team staff members from both USDA and HHS, without
whom this task would have been impossible. We also appreciate crucial input from the Federal staff from
both USDA and HHS who each deserve recognition for their invaluable contributions.

The single most sobering aspect of this Report is the recognition that we are addressing an
overweight and obese American population. Across all age, gender and ethnic groups, it is clear that
urgent and systems-wide efforts are needed to address America’s obesity epidemic as top priority.
Everything within this Report is presented through the filter of an obesegenic environment in critical need
of change. This is especially true in regard to American children whose incidence of obesity has tripled in


ii 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

the past five years. This desperately requires an all out effort to improve diet and physical activity
behaviors across the country. The Committee is united in its resolve to provide recommendations that halt
and reverse this rampant epidemic. This will require extensive collaboration and implementation of a
unified effort to help reduce calorie intake, increase physical activity output and enhance the overall
nutrient density of dietary intake. While the research evidence is now substantial and detailed in most
cases, there remain gaps in the science that required us to use clinical judgment to help reconcile some of
these missing pieces in order to provide reasonable recommendations on the basis of combined
knowledge and data. In these cases, the assistance of food pattern modeling, contributed specifically by
the highly capable team at the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, provided those necessary
translational linkages when epidemiologic data were unavailable.

In this regard, we encourage you to do everything possible to increase funding for greatly needed
research studies on numerous, important and highly strategic nutrition issues raised throughout this
Report. Specifically, in ultimately drafting our conclusion statements, the DGAC was struck by the
number of questions that simply could not be addressed due to the absence of data or limitations due to
inconclusive findings. Likewise, we urge you to further emphasize the importance of keeping current with
the ongoing National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data. The 2015 DGAC
should be provided with the opportunity to study the impact of the 2010 Report by having access to the
most current, accurate and detailed NHANES nutrient data available at that time. Steps should be taken to
update these data as quickly as possible in order to maintain an accurate and ongoing view of America’s
dietary intake. In addition, the time has come to consider including all Americans, from birth on, as part
of these results since research increasingly points to the importance of diet, even in utero, in shaping
future health. Subsequent reports should include a focus on pregnancy, breastfeeding behavior and early
diet from birth on.

In summary, every member of this Committee has worked diligently, collaboratively and
tirelessly to produce this landmark Report. When differences of interpretation were debated from time to
time, the mutual respect and admiration expressed for each and every member of this group has been
nothing short of inspirational. The Committee looks forward to seeing the final Report become available
online, as well as the subsequent documents, discussion and translational tools that will surely be
generated. Thank you for your steadfast support, enthusiasm and recognition. We remain encouraged and
hopeful that the American public will take these recommendations to heart and benefit extensively from
their implementation.


Linda V. Van Horn, PhD, RD

Chair, 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee
Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine
Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine


2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report iii

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Membership

Chair Vice Chair

Linda V. Van Horn, PhD, RD, LD Naomi K. Fukagawa, MD, PhD

Northwestern University University of Vermont
Chicago, Illinois Burlington, Vermont


Cheryl Achterberg, PhD Rafael Pérez-Escamilla, PhD

The Ohio State University Yale University
Columbus, Ohio New Haven, Connecticut

Lawrence J. Appel, MD, MPH F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer, MD, MPH

Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Columbia University
Baltimore, Maryland New York, New York

Roger A. Clemens, DrPH Eric B. Rimm, ScD

University of Southern California Harvard University
Los Angeles, California Boston, Massachusetts

Miriam E. Nelson, PhD Joanne L. Slavin, PhD, RD

Tufts University University of Minnesota
Boston, Massachusetts St. Paul, Minnesota

Sharon (Shelly) M. Nickols-Richardson, PhD, RD Christine L. Williams, MD, MPH

The Pennsylvania State University Columbia University (Retired)
University Park, Pennsylvania Healthy Directions, Inc.
New York, New York
Thomas A. Pearson, MD, PhD, MPH
University of Rochester
Rochester, New York

Executive Secretaries

Carole A. Davis, MS Kathryn Y. McMurry, MS

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Washington, DC Washington, DC

Shanthy A. Bowman, PhD Holly H. McPeak, MS

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Washington, DC Washington, DC

iv 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Policy Officials

Rajen S. Anand, DVM, PhD Penelope Slade-Sawyer, PT, MSW, RADM,

Executive Director USPHS
Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health
U.S. Department of Agriculture (Disease Prevention and Health Promotion)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Robert C. Post, PhD, MEd, MSc
Deputy Director Sarah R. Linde-Feucht, MD, CAPT, USPHS
Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion Deputy Director (through 3/10)
U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Wendy E. Braund, MD, MPH, MSEd

Acting Deputy Director and Lead, Prevention Science Team
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Dietary Guidelines Management Team Staff

Jan Barrett Adams, MS, MBA, RD Patricia M. Guenther, PhD, RD

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Department of Agriculture

Shirley A. Blakely, PhD, RD, CAPT, USPHS Rachel R. Hayes, MPH, RD

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Patricia Britten, MS, PhD Holly H. McPeak, MS

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Eve V. Essery, PhD Kellie M. O’Connell, PhD, RD

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services U.S. Department of Agriculture
(until 8/09)
U.S. Department of Agriculture (beginning 8/09) Colette I. Rihane, MS, RD
U.S. Department of Agriculture

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report v

Dietary Guidelines Nutrition Evidence Library Staff

Joanne M. Spahn, MS, RD, FADA Donna Blum-Kemelor, MS, RD, LD

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Department of Agriculture

Joan M. G. Lyon, MS, RD Eve V. Essery, PhD

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Department of Agriculture

Jean M. Altman, MS Thomas V. Fungwe, PhD

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Department of Agriculture

Patricia Carrera MacNeil, MS, LN, CNS Julie E. Obbagy, PhD, RD

U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Department of Agriculture

Mary M. McGrane, PhD

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Research Librarian

Yat Ping Wong, MLS, MPH

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Technical Writer/Editor

Anne Brown Rodgers

Falls Church, Virginia

vi 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Part A: Executive Summary

The 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee The remainder of this Executive Summary provides
(DGAC) was established jointly by the Secretaries of brief synopses of these and all of the other chapters,
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. which review current evidence related to specific topics
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The and present the resulting highlights that comprise the
Committee’s task was to advise the Secretaries of fundamental essence of this report.
USDA and HHS on whether revisions to the 2005
Dietary Guidelines were warranted, and if so, to
recommend updates to the Guidelines. The DGAC Major Cross-cutting Findings and
immediately recognized that, on the basis of the vast Recommendations
amount of published research and emerging science on
numerous relevant topics, an updated report was indeed
Total Diet: Combining Nutrients, Consuming
The 2010 DGAC Report is distinctly different from
The 2010 DGAC Report concludes that good health and
previous reports in several ways. First, it addresses an
optimal functionality across the lifespan are achievable
American public of whom the majority are overweight
goals but require a lifestyle approach including a total
or obese and yet under-nourished in several key
diet that is energy balanced and nutrient dense. Now, as
nutrients. Second, the Committee used a newly
in the past, a disconnect exists between dietary
developed, state-of-the-art, web-based electronic system
recommendations and what Americans actually
and methodology, known as the Nutrition Evidence
consume. On average, Americans of all ages consume
Library (NEL), to answer the majority of the scientific
too few vegetables, fruits, high-fiber whole grains, low-
questions it posed. The remaining questions were
fat milk and milk products, and seafood and they eat too
answered by data analyses, food pattern modeling
much added sugars, solid fats, refined grains, and
analyses, and consideration of other evidence-based
sodium. SoFAS (added sugars and solid fats) contribute
reviews or existing reports, including the 2008 Physical
approximately 35 percent of calories to the American
Activity Guidelines for Americans. The 2005 Dietary
diet. This is true for children, adolescents, adults, and
Guidelines for Americans were the starting place for
older adults and for both males and females. Reducing
most reviews. If little or no scientific literature had been
the intake of SoFAS can lead to a badly needed
published on a specific topic since the 2005 Report was
reduction in energy intake and inclusion of more
presented, the DGAC indicated this and established the
healthful foods into the total diet.
conclusions accordingly.
The diet recommended in this Report is not a rigid
A third distinctive feature of this Report is the
prescription. Rather, it is a flexible approach that
introduction of two newly developed chapters. The first
incorporates a wide range of individual tastes and food
of these chapters considers the total diet and how to
preferences. Accumulating evidence documents that
integrate all of the Report’s nutrient and energy
certain dietary patterns consumed around the world are
recommendations into practical terms that encourage
associated with beneficial health outcomes. Patterns of
personal choice but result in an eating pattern that is
eating that have been shown to be healthful include the
nutrient dense and calorie balanced. The second chapter
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)-style
complements this total diet approach by integrating and
dietary patterns and certain Mediterranean-style dietary
translating the scientific conclusions reached at the
patterns. Similarly, the USDA Food Patterns illustrate
individual level to encompass the broader
that both nutrient adequacy and moderation goals can
environmental and societal aspects that are crucial to
be met in a variety of ways. The daunting public health
full adoption and successful implementation of these
challenge is to accomplish population-wide adoption of
healthful dietary patterns within the context of powerful
influences that currently promote unhealthy consumer
choices, behaviors, and lifestyles.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 1

Translating and Integrating the Evidence: A development and ultimate implementation of a plan to
Call to Action help all Americans eat well, be physically active, and
maintain good health and function. It is important that
Complementing the Total Diet chapter, this chapter any strategic plan is evidence-informed, action-oriented,
describes the four major findings that emerged from the and focused on changes in systems in these sectors.
DGAC’s review of the scientific evidence and
articulates steps that can be taken to help all Americans Any and all systems-based strategies must include a
adopt health-promoting nutrition and physical activity focus on children. Primary prevention of obesity must
guidelines: begin in childhood. This is the single most powerful
public health approach to combating and reversing
• Reduce the incidence and prevalence of overweight America’s obesity epidemic over the long term.
and obesity of the U.S. population by reducing
overall calorie intake and increasing physical Strategies to help Americans change their dietary intake
activity. patterns and be physically active also will go a long way
• Shift food intake patterns to a more plant-based diet to ameliorating the disparities in health among racial
that emphasizes vegetables, cooked dry beans and and ethnic minorities and among different
peas, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. In socioeconomic groups, which have been recognized as a
addition, increase the intake of seafood and fat-free significant concern for decades. While the reasons for
and low-fat milk and milk products and consume these differences are complex and multifactorial, this
only moderate amounts of lean meats, poultry, and Report addresses research indicating that certain dietary
eggs. changes can provide a means to reduce health
• Significantly reduce intake of foods containing disparities.
added sugars and solid fats because these dietary
components contribute excess calories and few, if Change is needed in the overall food environment to
any, nutrients. In addition, reduce sodium intake support the efforts of all Americans to meet the key
and lower intake of refined grains, especially recommendations of the 2010 DGAC. To meet these
refined grains that are coupled with added sugar, challenges, the following sustainable changes must
solid fat, and sodium. occur:
• Meet the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for
Americans. • Improve nutrition literacy and cooking skills,
including safe food handling skills, and empower
The 2010 DGAC recognizes that substantial barriers and motivate the population, especially families
make it difficult for Americans to accomplish these with children, to prepare and consume healthy
goals. Ensuring that all Americans consume a health- foods at home.
promoting dietary pattern and achieve and maintain • Increase comprehensive health, nutrition, and
energy balance requires far more than individual physical education programs and curricula in U.S.
behavior change. A multi-sectoral strategy is schools and preschools, including food preparation,
imperative. For this reason, the 2010 DGAC strongly food safety, cooking, and physical education classes
recommends that USDA and HHS convene appropriate and improved quality of recess.
committees, potentially through the Institute of • For all Americans, especially those of low income,
Medicine (IOM), to develop strategic plans focusing on create greater financial incentives to purchase,
the actions needed to successfully implement key 2010 prepare, and consume vegetables and fruit, whole
DGAC recommendations. Separate committees may be grains, seafood, fat-free and low-fat milk and milk
necessary because the actions needed to implement key products, lean meats, and other healthy foods.
recommendations likely differ by goal. • Improve the availability of affordable fresh produce
through greater access to grocery stores, produce
A coordinated strategic plan that includes all sectors of trucks, and farmers’ markets.
society, including individuals, families, educators, • Increase environmentally sustainable production of
communities, physicians and allied health professionals, vegetables, fruits, and fiber-rich whole grains.
public health advocates, policy makers, scientists, and • Ensure household food security through measures
small and large businesses (e.g., farmers, agricultural that provide access to adequate amounts of foods
producers, food scientists, food manufacturers, and food that are nutritious and safe to eat.
retailers of all kinds), should be engaged in the
2 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
• Develop safe, effective, and sustainable practices to One-fifth of American women are obese when they
expand aquaculture and increase the availability of become pregnant, often put on much more weight than
seafood to all segments of the population. Enhance is healthy during pregnancy, and have trouble losing it
access to publicly available, user-friendly after delivery, placing their offspring at increased risk of
benefit/risk information that helps consumers make obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D) later in life.
informed seafood choices. Breastfeeding has no sustained impact on maternal
• Encourage restaurants and the food industry to offer weight gain or loss, but has numerous benefits for
health-promoting foods that are low in sodium; mother and infant and should be encouraged.
limited in added sugars, refined grains, and solid
fats; and served in smaller portions. Older overweight or obese adults can derive as much
• Implement the U.S. National Physical Activity Plan, benefit from losing weight and keeping it off as do
a private-public sector collaborative promoting local, younger persons, with resulting improvements in quality
state, and national programs and policies to increase of life, including diminished disabilities and lower risks
physical activity and reduce sedentary activity of chronic diseases.
Through the Plan and other initiatives, develop Selected behaviors that lead to a greater propensity to
efforts across all sectors of society, including health gain weight include too much TV watching, too little
care and public health; education; business and physical activity, eating out frequently (especially at
industry; mass media; parks, recreation, fitness, and quick service restaurants [i.e., fast food restaurants]),
sports; transportation; land use; community design; snacking on energy-dense food and drinks, skipping
and volunteer and non-profit. Reducing screen time, breakfast, and consuming large portions. Self-
especially television, for all Americans also will be monitoring, including knowing one’s own calorie
important. requirement and the calorie content of foods, helps
make individuals conscious of what, when, and how
much they eat. Mindful, or conscious, eating is an
Topic-specific Findings and Conclusions important lifestyle habit that can help to prevent
inappropriate weight gain, enhance weight loss in those
who should lose weight, and assist others in maintaining
Energy Balance and Weight Management
a healthy weight.
The prevalence of overweight and obesity in the U.S.
Nutrient Adequacy
has increased dramatically in the past three decades.
This is true of children, adolescents, and adults and is
Americans are encouraged to lower overall energy
more severe in minority groups. The American
intakes to match their energy needs. Energy-dense
environment is conducive to this epidemic, presenting
forms of foods, especially foods high in SoFAS, should
temptation to the populace in the form of tasty, energy-
be replaced with nutrient-dense forms of vegetables,
dense, micronutrient-poor foods and beverages. The
fruits, whole grains, and fluid milk and milk products to
macronutrient distribution of a person’s diet is not the
increase intakes of shortfall nutrients and nutrients of
driving force behind the current obesity epidemic.
concern—vitamin D, calcium, potassium, and dietary
Rather, it is the over-consumption of total calories
fiber. Women of reproductive capacity should consume
coupled with very low physical activity and too much
foods rich in folate and iron, and older individuals
sedentary time. The energy density of foods eaten is an
should consume fortified foods rich in vitamin B12 or
important factor in overeating. Americans eat too many
B12 supplements, if needs cannot be met through whole
calories from foods high in SoFAS that offer few or no
foods. Nutritious breakfast consumption and in some
other nutrients besides calories. This is true not only for
cases nutrient-dense snacking may assist in meeting
adults but also for children, who consume energy-dense
nutrient recommendations, especially in certain
SoFAS, especially in the form of sugar-sweetened
beverages, at levels substantially higher than required to
maintain themselves at a normal weight as they grow.
A daily multivitamin/mineral supplement does not offer
health benefits to healthy Americans. Individual
With regard to special subgroups, maternal obesity
mineral/vitamin supplements can benefit some
before pregnancy and excessive weight gain during
population groups with known deficiencies, such as
pregnancy are deleterious for the mother and the fetus.
calcium and vitamin D supplements to reduce risk of
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 3
osteoporosis or iron supplements among those with Protein
deficient iron intakes. However, in some settings,
mineral/vitamin supplements have been associated with Proteins are unique because they provide both essential
harmful effects and should be pursued cautiously. amino acids to build body proteins and are a calorie
source. Protein contributes 4 calories per gram. Because
Fatty Acids and Cholesterol protein requirements are based on ideal body weight
(0.8 g protein/kg body weight/day for ages 19 years and
Intakes of dietary fatty acids and cholesterol are major older), lower-calorie diets result in a higher percentage
determinants of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and T2D, of protein intake. Animal sources of protein, including
two major causes of morbidity and mortality in meat, poultry, seafood, milk, and eggs, are the highest
Americans. Fats contribute 9 calories per gram. The quality proteins. Plant proteins can be combined to form
health impacts of dietary fats and cholesterol are complete proteins if combinations of legumes and
mediated through levels of serum lipids, lipoproteins, grains are consumed. Plant-based diets are able to meet
and other intermediate markers. The U.S. consumption protein requirements for essential amino acids through
of harmful types and amounts of fatty acids and planning and offer other potential benefits, such as
cholesterol has not changed appreciably since 1990. sources of fiber and nutrients important in a health-
promoting diet.
In order to reduce the population’s burden from CVD
and T2D and their risk factors, the preponderance of the Carbohydrates
evidence indicates beneficial health effects are
associated with several changes in consumption of Carbohydrates contribute 4 calories per gram and are
dietary fats and cholesterol. These include limiting the primary energy source for active people. Sedentary
saturated fatty acid intake to less than 7 percent of total people, including most Americans, should decrease
calories and substituting instead food sources of mono- consumption of energy-dense carbohydrates, especially
or polyunsaturated fatty acids. As an interim step refined, sugar-dense sources, to balance energy needs
toward achieving this goal, individuals should first aim and attain and maintain ideal weight. Americans should
to consume less than 10 percent of energy as saturated choose fiber-rich carbohydrate foods such as whole
fats and gradually reduce intake over time, while grains, vegetables, fruits, and cooked dry beans and
increasing polyunsaturated and monounsaturated peas as staples in the diet. Low-fat and fat-free milk and
sources. Other beneficial changes include limiting milk products are also nutrient-dense sources of
dietary cholesterol to less than 300 milligrams per day, carbohydrates in the diet and provide high-quality
but aiming at further reductions of dietary cholesterol to protein, vitamins, and minerals. High-energy, non-
less than 200 milligrams per day in persons with or at nutrient-dense carbohydrate sources that should be
high risk for CVD or T2D, and limiting cholesterol- reduced to aid in calorie control include sugar-
raising fats (saturated fats exclusive of stearic acid and sweetened beverages; desserts, including grain-based
trans fatty acids) to less than 5 to 7 percent of energy. desserts; and grain products and other carbohydrate
foods and drinks that are low in nutrients.
Beneficial changes also include avoiding trans fatty
acids from industrial sources in the American diet, Sodium, Potassium, and Water
leaving small amounts (<0.5% of calories) from trans
fatty acids from natural (ruminant) sources, and At present, Americans consume excessive amounts of
consuming two servings of seafood per week (4 oz sodium and insufficient amounts of potassium. The
cooked, edible seafood per serving) that provide an health consequences of excessive sodium and
average of 250 milligrams per day of n-3 fatty acids insufficient potassium are substantial and include
from marine sources (i.e., docosahexaenoic acid [DHA] increased levels of blood pressure and its consequences
and eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA]). Ensuring maternal (heart disease and stroke). In 2005, the DGAC
dietary intake of long chain n-3 fatty acids, in particular recommended a daily sodium intake of less than 2300
DHA, during pregnancy and lactation through two or milligrams for the general adult population and stated
more servings of seafood per week also has benefits for that hypertensive individuals, Blacks, and middle-aged
the infant, especially when women emphasize types of and older adults would benefit from reducing their
seafood high in n-3 fatty acids and with low methyl sodium intake even further to 1500 milligrams per day.
mercury content. Because these latter groups together now comprise
nearly 70 percent of U.S. adults, the goal should be
4 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
1500 milligrams per day for the general population. The basic four food safety principles identified to
Given the current U.S. marketplace and the resulting reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses remain
excessively high sodium intake, it will be challenging to unchanged. These principles are Clean, Separate, Cook,
achieve the lower level. In addition, time is required to and Chill. Consumers must take more responsibility for
adjust taste perception in the general population. Thus, carrying out these essential food safety practices. These
the reduction from 2300 milligrams to 1500 milligrams actions, in tandem with sound government policies and
per day should occur gradually over time. Because early responsible food industry practices, can help prevent
stages of blood pressure-related atherosclerotic disease foodborne illness. Even with current and future
begin during childhood, both children and adults should introductions of food safety technologies, food safety
reduce their sodium intake. fundamentals in the home remain foundational.

Individuals also should increase their consumption of The health benefits from consuming a variety of cooked
dietary potassium because increased potassium intake seafood outweigh the risks associated with exposure to
helps to attenuate the effects of sodium on blood methyl mercury and persistent organic pollutants,
pressure. Water is needed to sustain life. However, there provided that the types and sources of seafood to be
is no evidence, except under unusual circumstances, avoided by some consumers are clearly communicated
that water intake among Americans is either excessive to consumers. Overall, consumers can safely eat at least
or insufficient. 12 ounces of a variety of cooked seafood per week
provided they pay attention to local seafood advisories
Alcohol and limit their intake of large, predatory fish. Women
who may become or who are pregnant, nursing mothers,
An average daily intake of one to two alcoholic and children ages 12 and younger can safely consume a
beverages is associated with the lowest all-cause variety of cooked seafood in amounts recommended by
mortality and a low risk of diabetes and coronary heart this Committee while following Federal and local
disease among middle-aged and older adults. Despite advisories.
this overall benefit of moderate alcohol consumption,
the DGAC recommends that if alcohol is consumed, it Conclusion
should be consumed in moderation, and only by adults.
Moderate alcohol consumption is defined as average The 2010 DGAC recognizes the significant challenges
daily consumption of up to one drink per day for involved in implementing the goals outlined in this
women and up to two drinks per day for men, with no Report. The challenges go beyond cost, economic
more than three drinks in any single day for women and interests, technological and societal changes, and
no more than four drinks in any single day for men. One agricultural limitations, but together, stakeholders and
drink is defined as 12 fluid ounces of regular beer, 5 the public can make a difference. We must value
fluid ounces of wine, or 1.5 fluid ounces of distilled preparing and enjoying healthy food and the practices of
spirits. good nutrition, physical activity, and a healthy lifestyle.
The DGAC encourages all stakeholders to take actions
The DGAC found strong evidence that heavy to make every choice available to Americans a healthy
consumption of four or more drinks a day for women choice. To move toward this vision, all segments of
and five or more drinks a day for men has harmful society—from parents to policy makers and everyone
health effects. A number of situations and conditions else in between—must now take responsibility and play
call for the complete avoidance of alcoholic beverages. a leadership role in creating gradual and steady change
to help current and future generations live healthy and
Food Safety and Technology productive lives. A measure of success will be evidence
that meaningful change has occurred when the 2015
Since the release of the 2005 Dietary Guidelines, food DGAC convenes.
safety concerns have escalated, with the apparent
increase in voluntary recalls of foods contaminated with
disease-causing bacteria and adulterated with non-food
substances. These food safety issues affect commercial
food products and food preparation in the home.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 5

Part B: Section 1: Introduction

Since first published in 1980, the Dietary Guidelines The Role of Diet and Physical Activity in
for Americans have provided science-based advice to Health Promotion: Attenuating Chronic
promote health and reduce risk of major chronic Disease Risks
diseases through optimal diet and regular physical
activity. The Dietary Guidelines have traditionally
A large proportion of deaths each year in the United
targeted the healthy general public older than age 2
States (U.S.) result from a limited number of
years, but as data continue to accumulate regarding the
preventable and modifiable factors. The leading causes
importance of dietary intake during gestation and from
of death for the past two decades have been tobacco use
birth on, it also will become important to consider those
and poor diet and physical inactivity (McGinnis, 1993;
younger than age 2 years in future Guidelines. Because
Mokdad, 2004). The number of deaths related to poor
of their focus on health promotion and risk reduction,
diet and physical inactivity is increasing and may soon
the Dietary Guidelines form the basis of Federal food,
overtake tobacco as the leading cause of death. As
nutrition education, and information programs.
discussed in this Report, poor dietary intake has been
linked to excess body weight and numerous diseases
By law (Public Law 101-445, Title III, 7 U.S.C. 5301 et
and conditions, such as cardiovascular disease (CVD)
seq.), the most recent edition of the Dietary Guidelines
and type 2 diabetes (T2D) and their related risk factors.
is reviewed by a committee of experts, updated if
Even if the overweight/obesity epidemic resolves, the
necessary, and published every 5 years. The legislation
problems of chronic disease would continue to be a
also requires that the Secretaries of the U.S. Department
major health problem because poor-quality diets, even
of Agriculture (USDA) and U.S. Department of Health
in the absence of overweight/obesity, increase the risk
and Human Services (HHS) review all Federal
some of our most common chronic diseases.
publications for the general public containing dietary
guidance information for consistency with the Dietary
The reduction of chronic disease risk merits strong
Guidelines for Americans. This Report presents the
emphasis in our Nation for many reasons, especially
recommendations of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines
because some groups in the population bear a
Advisory Committee (DGAC) to the Secretaries of
disproportionate burden of chronic disease and
USDA and HHS for use in updating the Guidelines.
attendant risk factors. The present Report highlights the
evidence that links diet and different chronic diseases. It
The 2010 DGAC Report is unprecedented in addressing
also summarizes and synthesizes knowledge regarding
an American public, two-thirds of whom are overweight
many individual nutrients and food components into
or obese. Americans are making dietary choices in a
recommendations for an overall total pattern of eating
highly obesogenic environment and at a time of
that can be adopted by the public. Although adherence
burgeoning diet-related chronic diseases affecting
to the Dietary Guidelines is low among the U.S.
people of all ages, ethnic backgrounds, and
population, evidence is accumulating that selecting diets
socioeconomic levels. The DGAC considers the obesity
that comply with the Guidelines reduces the risk of
epidemic to be the single greatest threat to public health
chronic disease and promotes health. Ultimately,
in this century. This Report is therefore focused on
individuals choose the types and amount of food they
evidence-based guidelines and recommendations that
eat and the amount of physical activity they perform,
are considered effective and useful in halting and
but the current environment significantly enhances the
reversing the obesity problem through primary
overconsumption of calories and discourages the
prevention and changes in behavior, the environment,
expenditure of energy. Both sides of this equation are
and the food supply.
discussed in greater detail throughout the Report.

6 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Population Groups of Particular Concern little physical activity, appears to be the basis for
developing this disease early in life.
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans has traditionally
provided guidance to healthy Americans. However, the Pregnant and Lactating Women
2010 DGAC recognizes that a large percentage of the
American population now has diet-related chronic Both pregnancy and lactation are critical periods during
diseases or risk factors for them, and has accommodated which maternal nutrition is a key factor influencing the
this reality in its review of the evidence. Much of the health of both child and mother. Energy as well as
evidence the Committee reviewed pertains to adults. protein and several mineral and vitamin requirements
However, given the importance of nutrition across the increase substantially during pregnancy, making the
lifespan and the rapidly growing scientific literature on pregnant woman’s dietary choices critically important
diet and children’s health, several sections of the Report (Christian, 2010; Institute of Medicine [IOM], 1991;
focus particular attention on this important population IOM, 2002; Picciano, 2003).
group. In addition, the Committee presents reviews of
evidence on several questions pertaining to pregnant However, excess energy intake during pregnancy has
and lactating women and to older adults. become a major concern. Growing evidence indicates
that overnutrition leading to unhealthy weight gain
Children during pregnancy may greatly predispose the child to
obesity. Insufficient micronutrient intake also continues
Increasingly, studies are addressing the role of nutrition to be a concern. For example, sufficient intake of folic
and physical activity in promoting health in children. A acid, which is especially important for normal
nutrient-dense, high-quality diet, sufficient but not development of the embryo and fetus, is critical during
excessive in calories, and regular daily physical activity the entire periconceptional period. Dietary factors also
are integral to promoting the optimal health, growth, may contribute to impaired glucose tolerance, a
and development of children. For example, the rapid common disorder of pregnancy that influences fetal
rates of growth occurring during adolescence increase growth and outcomes (Clapp, 1998; Saldana, 2004).
the need for dietary sources of iron and calcium during Dietary contaminants, such as methyl mercury, may
that period to higher amounts per 1000 calories than adversely affect fetal growth. Maternal diet, especially
required at any other stage of life. the intake of certain vitamins and alcoholic beverages,
also may influence breast milk composition (Dewey,
Evidence documents the importance of optimal 1999; IOM, 1991).
nutrition starting during the fetal period through
childhood and adolescence because this has a Older Adults
substantial influence on the risk of chronic disease with
age (Warner, 2010). Eating patterns established during The 65+ in the United States: 2005 Report noted that the
childhood often are carried into adulthood (Aggett, U.S. population aged 65 years and older is expected to
1994). For example, those who consume fruits and double in size within the next 25 years (He, 2005). By
vegetables or milk regularly as children are more likely 2030, it is projected that one in five people will be older
to do so as adults (Aggett, 1994). than age 65 years. Individuals age 85 years and older are
the fastest growing segment of the older population. In
Today, too many children are consuming diets with too 2011, the “baby boom” generation will begin to turn 65.
many calories and not enough nutrients, and they are As the number of older Americans increases, the role of
not getting enough physical activity (less than half of diet quality and physical activity in reducing the
children age 12 to 21 years exercise on a daily basis progression of chronic disease will become increasingly
[HHS, 1996]). As a result, chronic disease risk factors, important. The health of older Americans is improving,
such as glucose intolerance and hypertension, which but many are disabled and suffer from chronic conditions.
were once unheard of in childhood, are now The proportion with a disability fell significantly from
increasingly common. T2D now accounts for up to 50 26.2 percent in 1982 to 19.7 percent in 1999 (Manton,
percent of new cases of diabetes among youths. One in 2001), yet 14 million people age 65 years and older
400 youths will have T2D by age 20 years. Excess reported some level of disability in Census 2000, mostly
weight, particularly around the abdomen, as well as too linked to a high prevalence of chronic conditions, such as
CVD, T2D, hypertension, or arthritis.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 7

The process of aging can influence how nutrients are reasons for such disparities are complex and multi-
used and can exacerbate the effect of poor diet quality factorial, available research is sufficient to advocate
on health. For example, aging may reduce nutrient certain dietary changes and increased physical activity
absorption, increase urinary nutrient loss, and alter as a means to reduce disparities.
normal pathways of nutrient metabolism. These changes
associated with aging can be compensated to some The effects on blood pressure of a reduced sodium
extent by a nutrient-dense diet that remains within intake, increased potassium intake, and an overall
calorie needs. Most important, modifications of diet and healthy dietary pattern provide an example of how
increases in physical activity have tremendous potential dietary changes could reduce health disparities.
as a means to prevent or delay chronic disease in older Although both Blacks and non-Blacks consume excess
persons. Older individuals achieve, in many instances, sodium, Blacks tend to be more sensitive to the effects
greater benefit from a given improvement in diet than of sodium than are non-Blacks. Likewise, Blacks tend
do younger individuals (e.g., older individuals tend to to be more sensitive to the blood pressure-lowering
be more responsive to the blood pressure-lowering effects of increased potassium intake. Ironically, the
effects of reducing salt intake) or from an increase in average potassium intake of Blacks is less than that of
physical activity. As with children, adolescents, and non-Blacks. The Dietary Approaches to Stop
younger adults, data comparing people aged 65 to 74 Hypertension (DASH) diet, an example of a healthy
years in 1988-1994 and 1999-2000 show a startling rise dietary pattern that emphasizes vegetables and fruits,
in the percentage of obese older adults. In men, the has been shown in clinical trials to lower blood pressure
proportion grew from about 24 to 33 percent and in to a greater extent in Blacks than in non-Blacks. Yet,
women from about 27 percent to 39 percent (He, 2005). Blacks tend to consume fewer fruits and vegetables than
Furthermore, available data have repeatedly do non-Blacks.
documented that older-aged persons can make and
sustain behavior change, more so than their younger Such evidence exemplifies important, yet
counterparts (The Diabetes Prevention Program [DPP], underappreciated, opportunities to reduce health
2002, 2009; Whelton, 1997). Such results highlight the disparities through dietary changes.
importance of encouraging dietary changes throughout
the lifespan, including older-aged persons.
From the 2010 DGAC Report to the Dietary
Guidelines for Americans
Changes in Diet and Physical Activity as a
Means to Reduce Health Disparities A major goal of the 2010 DGAC is to summarize and
synthesize the evidence to support USDA and HHS in
Of substantial concern are disparities in health among developing nutrition recommendations that reduce the
racial and ethnic minorities and among different risk of chronic disease while meeting nutrient
socioeconomic groups. For example, Blacks have a requirements and promoting health for all Americans.
higher prevalence of elevated blood pressure and a
greater incidence of blood pressure-related diseases, The U.S. Government uses the Dietary Guidelines as
such as stroke and kidney failure, than do non-Blacks the basis of its food assistance programs, nutrition
(DGAC, 2004). Also, several subgroups of the education efforts, and decisions about national health
population (e.g., Mexican-Americans, American objectives. For example, the National School Lunch
Indians, and Blacks) have a strikingly high prevalence Program and the Elderly Nutrition Program incorporate
of overweight and obesity, even beyond that of the the Dietary Guidelines in menu planning; the Special
already high prevalence rates observed in the general Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants,
population. Furthermore, it is well-recognized that and Children (WIC) applies the Dietary Guidelines in
individuals of lower socioeconomic status have a higher its educational materials; and the Healthy People 2010
incidence of adverse health outcomes than do Objectives for the Nation include objectives based on
individuals of higher socioeconomic status. Dietary the Dietary Guidelines. The evidence described here in
patterns differ among different groups, with individuals the 2010 DGAC Report, which will be used to develop
of lower education and income consuming fewer the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, will help
servings of vegetables and fruit than those with more policymakers, educators, clinicians, and others speak
education and higher income (USDA, 2004). While the with one voice on nutrition and health and reduce the

8 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

confusion caused by mixed messages in the media. The Clapp JF III. Effect of dietary carbohydrate on the
DGAC also hopes that the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for glucose and insulin response to mixed caloric intake
Americans will encourage the food industry to grow, and exercise in both nonpregnant and pregnant women.
manufacture, and sell foods that promote health and Diabetes Care. 1998;21(Suppl 2): B107-B112.
contribute to appropriate energy balance.
Christian P. Micronutrients, birth weight, and survival.
Annu Rev Nutr. 2010 Apr 23; Epub ahead of print.
A Guide to the 2010 DGAC Report
Dewey KG, Schanler J, Koletzko B, eds. Nutrition and
This report contains several major components. Part A human lactation. J Mammary Gland Biology &
provides an Executive Summary to the Report. Part B Neoplasia. 1999;4:241-95.
sets the stage for the Report through this Introduction. It
also provides a synthesis of major findings in two Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group (DPP).
complementary chapters. The first chapter describes a The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP): description of
health-promoting total diet approach that combines the lifestyle intervention. Diabetes Care.
intake of foods, calories, and nutrients. The second 2002;25(12):2165-71.
chapter integrates the Report’s major cross-cutting
findings and provides specific recommendations for Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group, Knowler
how Americans and different sectors throughout the WC, Fowler SE, Hamman RF, Christophi CA, Hoffman
Nation can put the Report’s evidence-based dietary HJ, Brenneman AT, Brown-Friday JO, Goldberg R,
recommendations into action. Venditti E, Nathan DM (DPP). 10-year follow-up of
diabetes incidence and weight loss in the Diabetes
Part C describes the methodology the DGAC used to Prevention Program Outcomes Study. Lancet.
conduct its work and review the evidence on diet and 2009;14:374(9702):1677-86.
health. Part D is the Science Base. In this Part, the
DGAC’s subcommittees present their specific findings Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC).
in chapters focused on energy balance and weight Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee
management; nutrient adequacy; fatty acids and on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005.
cholesterol; protein; carbohydrates; sodium, potassium, Washington DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture,
and water; alcohol; and food safety and technology. Agricultural Research Service, August 2004.

The Report concludes with several Appendices, He W, Sengupta M, Velkoff V, DeBarros K. U.S.
including a compilation of the Committee’s scientific Census Bureau. Current Population Reports. P23-209.
conclusions, a glossary, a brief history of the Dietary 65+ in the United States: 2005. Washington, DC: U.S.
Guidelines for Americans, a listing of the food pattern Government Printing Office, 2005.
analyses conducted for the 2010 DGAC, a summary of
the process used to collect public comments, Institute of Medicine. Subcommittee on Nutrition
biographical sketches of DGAC members, and During Lactation. Committee on Nutritional Status
acknowledgments. During Pregnancy and Lactation. Food and Nutrition
Board. Nutrition During Lactation. Washington, DC:
National Academies Press, 1991.
Institute of Medicine. Dietary Reference Intakes for
Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids,
Aggett PJ, Haschke F, Heine W, Hernell O, Koletzko Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids. Washington,
B, Lafeber H, Ormission A, Rey J, Tormo R. ESPGAN DC: National Academies Press, 2002.
Committee on Nutrition Report: Childhood diet and
prevention of coronary heart disease. J Pediatr Gastr Manton KG, Gu X. Changes in the prevalence of
and Nutr. 1994;19(3):261-9. chronic disability in the United States black and
nonblack population above age 65 from 1982 to 1999.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2001;98(11):6354-9.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 9

McCullough ML, Feskanich D, Stampher MJ, Saldana TM, Siega-Riz AM, Adair LS. Effect of
Giovannucci EL, Rimm EB, Hu FB, Spiegelman D, macronutrient intake on the development of glucose
Hunter DJ, Colditz GA, Willett WC. Diet quality and intolerance during pregnancy. Am J Clin Nutr.
major chronic disease risk in men and women: moving 2004;79(3):479-86.
toward improved dietary guidance. Am J Clin Nutr.
2002;76(6):1261-71. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals 1994-1996,
McGinnis JM, Foege WH. Actual causes of death in the 1998. PB2000-500027. CD-ROM, 2004.
United States. JAMA. 1993;270(18):2207-12.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Mokdad AH, Marks JS, Stroup DF, Gerberding JL. Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon
Actual Causes of Death in the United States, 2000. General. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and
JAMA 2004; 291(10):1238-45. Correction: JAMA. Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and
2005;293(3):293-4. Prevention. National Center for Disease Prevention and
Health Promotion, 1996.
Picciano MF. Pregnancy and lactation: physiological
adjustments, nutritional requirements and the role of Warner MJ, Ozanne SE. Mechanisms involved in the
dietary supplements. J Nutr. 2003 Jun;133(6):1997S- developmental programming of adulthood disease.
2002S. Biochem J. 2010 Apr 14;427(3):333-47.

10 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Part B. Section 2: The Total Diet Combining
Nutrients, Consuming Food

Introduction The Catalyst for the Total Diet Approach

The 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Although there is no single “American” or “Western”
(DGAC) supports a total diet approach to achieving diet, average American food patterns currently bear
dietary goals. The purpose of this chapter is to little resemblance to the diet recommended in the 2005
demonstrate how the scientific evidence presented in Dietary Guidelines for Americans. As documented by
each of the topic-specific chapters in Part D: The the latest data from the National Health and Nutrition
Science Base—Energy Balance and Weight Examination Survey (NHANES), Americans eat too
Management; Nutrient Adequacy; Fatty Acids and many calories and too much solid fats, added sugars,
Cholesterol; Protein; Carbohydrates; Sodium, refined grains, and sodium. Americans also eat too little
Potassium, and Water; Alcohol; and Food Safety and dietary fiber, vitamin D, calcium, potassium, and
Technology—can be incorporated into an overall eating unsaturated fatty acids (specifically omega-3s), and
pattern that optimizes health outcomes. other important nutrients that are mostly found in
vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat milk and milk
Until recently, data were insufficient to document the products, and seafood (see Part D. Section 2: Nutrient
impact of whole diets and eating patterns on health Adequacy).
outcomes. The state of the evidence and the
methodologic rigor regarding such questions have Overweight and obesity are highly prevalent in the U.S.
improved tremendously and the data can now be in both adults and children. This is of great public health
incorporated into this Report. concern because excess body fat is associated with a
much higher risk of premature death and many serious
This chapter synthesizes the evidence on dietary disorders, as identified in Part D. Section 1: Energy
components that contribute to excess energy and Balance and Weight Management. Preventing
inadequate nutrient intakes in the United States (U.S.), overweight is highly preferable to initiating weight loss
and the foods that can provide these missing essential treatment after weight gain occurs, because the failure
nutrients and other health benefits. It presents a brief, rate in achieving and maintaining weight loss is very
evidence-based comparison of worldwide eating high. Furthermore, the behaviors required to prevent
patterns, including the Dietary Approaches to Stop overweight are less daunting than the behaviors necessary
Hypertension (DASH), Mediterranean, and other to lose and sustain weight loss. Currently, the average
patterns, along with a description of the U.S. American gains about a pound a year between the ages of
Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Patterns with 20 to 60 years. Some persons gain much more.
vegetarian variations. Remaining conscious of one’s body weight throughout
life and adopting a lifestyle early on that will achieve and
A nutrient-dense total diet has multiple health benefits sustain weight control across the lifespan are paramount
and can be implemented in various ways. The U.S. is to maintaining good health and quality of life.
comprised of individuals of all ages who come from
many cultures and have a variety of food and taste A Special Focus on Children and Adolescents
preferences. All of these factors were considered in The single most significant adverse health trend among
developing a recommended total diet that is flexible U.S. children in the past 40 years has been the dramatic
while meeting nutrient needs without exceeding energy increase in overweight and obesity (see Part D. Section
requirements. 1: Energy Balance and Weight Management). Since the
early 1970s, the prevalence of overweight and obesity
has approximately doubled among children ages 2 to 11
years, and tripled among adolescents ages 12 to 19
years. Not only is obesity associated with adverse health

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 11

effects during childhood, but evidence documents Moderate Energy Intake
increased risk of future chronic disease in adult life.
The DGAC encourages Americans to achieve their
Childhood obesity results from poorly regulated energy recommended nutrient intakes by consuming foods
balance. Ideally, children and adolescents should within a total diet that meets but does not exceed energy
consume foods that provide an adequate intake of all needs. Overweight and obesity result from energy
essential nutrients needed for normal growth and imbalance (intake exceeding expenditure) (see Part D.
development, metabolism, immunity, and cognitive Section 1: Energy Balance and Weight Management).
function, without exceeding caloric requirements. The increased incidence and current high proportion of
Factors associated with preventing excess adiposity in overweight and obesity in the U.S. illustrates an energy
children are incorporated into the total diet described imbalance across virtually all subgroups of the
here, and include: population. People consume too many calories (i.e.,
energy) relative to the calories they expend. As a start,
• Energy intake balanced with expenditure all Americans are encouraged to know their energy
• Greatly reduced intake of sugar-sweetened needs in order to avoid inappropriate weight gain. Table
beverages B2.1 (see the end of this chapter) can help individuals
• Increased intake of vegetables and fruits identify their energy needs based on their age, sex, and
• Smaller amounts of fruit juice, especially for level of activity. Self-monitoring of both calorie intake
overweight children and time spent in physical activity is one of the most
• Smaller portions of foods and beverages useful tools a person can use to engage in and maintain
• Infrequent consumption of meals from quick behaviors that sustain a healthy weight.
service (i.e., fast food) restaurants
• Habitual consumption of breakfast Because levels of leisure time physical activity in U.S.
adults have remained stable or increased only slightly
• Fewer hours of screen time (e.g., television,
between 1990 and 2004, it is clear that an increased
calorie intake has been the primary cause of the obesity
• More hours of active play
problem. Hence, even though one can achieve a calorie
deficit by increasing physical activity, the primary focus
should be on reducing excessive calorie intake.
Blending Science-based
Recommendations into a Healthful Overall, the top food sources of energy, and mean
Total Diet energy intake from each, for the U.S. population, as
reported in the National Health and Nutrition
The DGAC defines “total diet” as the combination of Examination Survey (NHANES) 2005-2006, are
foods and beverages that provide energy and nutrients (National Cancer Institute [NCI], 2010a):
and constitute an individual’s complete dietary intake, on
average, over time. This encompasses various foods and • Grain-based desserts (cakes, cookies, doughnuts,
food groups, their recommended amounts and frequency, pies, crisps, cobblers, and granola bars; 139 calories
and the resulting eating pattern. To achieve dietary goals per day)
and energy balance, Americans must become mindful, or • Yeast breads (129 calories per day)
“conscious,” eaters, that is, attentively choosing what and • Chicken and chicken mixed dishes (121 calories per
how much they eat. Since the mid-1980s, the USDA has day)
provided recommended food patterns that represent a • Soda/energy/sports drinks (114 calories per day)
total diet approach to dietary guidance (Britten, 2006). • Pizza (98 calories per day)
The most recent USDA Food Patterns have been visually
conveyed as the MyPyramid Food Guidance System While the top sources of energy intake vary by age
(Haven, 2006). This approach was intended to help group, many of these sources are foods and beverages
people personalize dietary recommendations and offer that are not in nutrient-dense forms. For example, the
flexibility based on individual preferences. The key core top energy source for adults ages 19 years and older and
components of a nutrient-dense total diet for all for children ages 4 to 13 years is grain-based desserts.
Americans are presented below. These desserts are also among the top five sources of
energy for teens and younger children. For teens ages 14

12 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

to 18 years, the top energy source is soda/energy/sports • 100 percent fruit juices and fruit drinks (108
drinks, and these beverages are also among the top five calories per day)
energy sources for adults ages 19 years and older and
for children ages 9 to 13 years. For children ages 2 to 3 In children, the amount and source of calories from
years only, the top energy source is whole milk (rather beverages differs by age. For example, 100 percent fruit
than low-fat milk). Other foods that are among the top juice is a prominent source of energy in children ages 2
five sources of energy for various age groups are yeast to 3 years, while soda/sports/energy drinks are the most
breads, chicken and chicken mixed dishes, pizza, and, common source of energy among beverages (and energy
for adults only, alcoholic beverages (NCI, 2010a; see overall) in children ages 14 to 18 years.
Table B2.2 at the end of this chapter for the top five
sources of energy for each age group, and Tables D1.1, Portion control and the quantity of foods and beverages
D1.6, and D1.7 in Part D. Section 1: Energy Balance consumed within the total diet also are important
and Weight Management for more detailed lists of food considerations in moderating energy intake (see Part D.
sources of energy). Section 1: Energy Balance and Weight Management).
Excessive portion sizes are very common in the U.S.
Total diets that are high in energy but low in nutrients and are linked to higher energy intakes and weight gain
can paradoxically leave a person overweight but over time. This is particularly true when large portions
undernourished and thus, at higher risk of of foods high in solid fats and added sugars (SoFAS)
cardiovascular disease (CVD), type 2 diabetes (T2D), and refined grains are consumed.
and certain types of cancers. Of urgent concern is
America’s youth, most of whom currently fit this Reduce Solid Fats and Added Sugars (SoFAS)
pattern. Many children consume nutrient-poor sources
of energy at the highest end of their respective energy SoFAS contribute substantially (approximately 35% of
ranges (see Figure D1.1 in Part D. Section 1: Energy calories) to total energy intakes of Americans, thereby
Balance and Weight Management) and they are leading to excessive saturated fat and cholesterol intakes
increasingly sedentary. and insufficient intake of dietary fiber and other
nutrients (see Part D. Section 2: Nutrient Adequacy;
Beverages also contribute substantially to overall Part D. Section 3: Fatty Acids and Cholesterol; and
dietary and energy intake. Although they provide Part D. Section 5: Carbohydrates).
needed fluid, beverages often add calories to the diet
without providing nutrients. Their consumption should The 2005 DGAC defined the term “discretionary
be planned in the context of total calorie intake and how calorie allowance” as “the difference between total
they can fit into the total diet of each individual. energy requirements and the energy consumed to meet
Currently, U.S. adults ages 19 years and older consume recommended nutrient intakes” (DGAC, 2004).
an average of 394 calories per day as beverages. The Discretionary calories were intended to represent the
major types of beverages consumed, and the mean calories available for consumption only after meeting
caloric intake from each, are (NCI, 2010b): nutrient recommendations and without exceeding total
energy needs. Unfortunately, this concept has been
• Soda (112 calories per day) difficult to translate into meaningful consumer
• Coffee and tea (26 calories per day) education. To clarify translation, the 2010 DGAC
• Fluid milk (83 calories per day) focused specifically on reducing the intake of SoFAS
• 100 percent fruit juice and fruit drinks (66 calories which provide most of the non-essential or extra
per day) calories that Americans consume. Major food sources of
• Alcoholic beverages (106 calories per day) the two components of SoFAS are (Bachman, 2008):

Children (ages 2 to 18 years) consume an average of • Solid fats (percent of solid fat intake)
400 calories per day as beverages. The major beverages — Grain-based desserts, including cakes, cookies,
for children and calories from each are somewhat pies, doughnuts, and granola bars (10.9%)
different: — Regular cheese (7.7%)
— Sausage, franks, bacon, and ribs (7.1%)
• Fluid milk (160 calories per day) — Pizza (5.9%)
• Soda (118 calories per day) — Fried white potatoes, including French fries and
hash browns (5.5%)
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 13
— Dairy-based desserts, such as ice cream (5.1%) Maximum limits on SoFAS are meant to be estimates
• Added sugars (percent of added sugars intake) and not necessarily daily targets (see limits from USDA
— Soda (36.6%) Food Patterns, Table B2.3, end of this chapter). These
— Grain-based desserts (11.7%) foods should constitute a very small proportion of total
— Fruit drinks (11.5%) energy intake in the total diet. Figure B2.1 contrasts the
— Dairy-based desserts (6.4%) current disproportionately high intake of SoFAS with
— Candy (6.2%) what is more appropriate from a healthy eating pattern.

Figure B2.1. What we eat versus recommended limits: calories from solid fats and added sugars (SoFAS)

What We Eat Recommended Limits

Note: The depiction of the proportionate amounts of total calories consumed and the recommended limits are
illustrative only. The figure illustrates about 35 percent of total calories consumed as SoFAS, on average, in
contrast to a recommended limit of no more than about 5 to 15 percent of total calories for most individuals.

Americans currently consume 35 percent of their total milk and milk products, without exceeding overall
calories from SoFAS. This is too high. They should calorie needs.
reduce intake of calories from SoFAS by 20 to 30
percent. This means that no more than 5 to 15 percent Consume Nutrient-dense Foods (But Not Too
of total calories should be derived from SoFAS. For Much of Them)
example, the USDA Food Patterns limit SoFAS to
about 120 calories in the 1600-calorie pattern, 160 Currently, Americans consume less than 20 percent of
calories in the 1800-calorie pattern, and 260 calories in the recommended intakes for whole grains, less than 60
the 2000-calorie pattern (Table B2.3, at the end of the percent for vegetables, less than 50 percent for fruits,
chapter, lists SoFAS limits for all calorie levels). and less than 60 percent for milk and milk products
Reduction of calories from SoFAS to these amounts (Figure B2.2). Inadequate intakes of nutrient-dense
allows for increased intakes of nutrient-dense foods foods from these basic food groups place individuals at
such as vegetables (including cooked dry beans and risk for lower than recommended levels of specific
peas), fruits, whole grains, and fat-free and low-fat fluid nutrients, namely vitamin D, calcium, potassium, and
dietary fiber.

14 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Figure B2.2. Dietary intakes in comparison to recommended intake levels or limits

Note: Bars show average intakes for all individuals (ages 1 or 2 years or older) as a percent of the recommended
intake level or limit. Recommended intakes for food groups and limits for refined grains, SoFAS, solid fats, and
added sugars are based on the USDA 2000-calorie food patterns. Recommended intakes for fiber, potassium,
vitamin D, and calcium are based on the highest Adequate Intakes (AI) for ages 14 to 70 years. Limits for sodium
are based on the AI and for saturated fat on 7 percent of calories.

Data source: What We Eat in America, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (WWEIA, NHANES)
2001-2004 or 2005-2006.

Food from all food groups are composed of a recommendation that half of grains consumed be whole
combination of the macronutrients carbohydrates, fats, grains, also assisting in meeting dietary fiber
and protein in varying proportions. These are the major recommendations (see Part D. Section 5:
sources of energy in any food or diet. Understanding Carbohydrates).
their role in the diet will help Americans make
appropriate food choices. Dietary fats (both solid fats and oils) are high in calories
(9 kcal/g). Unsaturated fats, including omega-3 from
Carbohydrates (4 kcal/g) are the primary source of seafood sources, should be increased and saturated fat
energy intake, and higher intakes of carbohydrates, and trans fatty acid intake should be minimized. Given
especially complex sources, are recommended for active typical patterns of consumption in the U.S., dietary
people. Sedentary individuals, and thus most saturated fat intake is highly correlated with total fat
Americans, should lower their intakes of refined intake. Consuming the recommended intake of saturated
carbohydrates, greatly reducing intakes of sugar and fat (less than 10% of calories immediately as an interim
sugar-sweetened beverages and refined grains that are step toward an eventual goal of less than 7% of calories)
high in calories, but relatively low in certain nutrients. is more likely achievable when total fat intake is less
Whole-grain versions of many grain products (such as than 30 percent of total calories. It is recommended that
plain white bread, rolls, bagels, muffins, pasta, total fat should be in the range of 20 to 35 percent of
breakfast cereals) should be substituted to meet the total calories but derived mostly from oils within a

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 15

nutrient-rich, energy-balanced dietary pattern. These groups, consumed in moderation, that are culturally
oils should replace solid fats and not add calories to the appealing will offer pleasurable eating experiences and
total diet (see Part D. Section 3: Fatty Acids and promote health among Americans.
Reduce Sodium Intake
Dietary protein (4 kcal/g) provides essential amino acids
and energy, and assists in building and preserving body Even a nutrient-dense total diet that remains excessive
proteins. Both plant-based sources of protein (i.e., in sodium can lead to health consequences such as
cooked dry beans and peas, nuts, seeds, and soy elevated blood pressure. Excessive sodium intake raises
products) and animal-based sources (i.e., meat, poultry, blood pressure, a well-documented and extraordinarily
seafood, eggs, and low-fat and fat-free milk) can be common risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and kidney
incorporated into the total diet, with further emphasis on disease. Although most research has been conducted in
increasing seafood (rich in omega-3 fatty acids as well adults, the adverse effects of sodium on blood pressure
as protein) and cooked dry beans and peas (rich in begin early in life, and reducing sodium intake has
dietary fiber as well as vegetable protein) (see Part D. substantial health benefits. Given the fact that a higher
Section 4: Protein). potassium intake attenuates the adverse effects of
sodium on blood pressure, ensuring increased intakes of
Consumption of alcoholic beverages also contributes to dietary potassium also would have health benefits.
calories (7 kcal/g), from the alcohol itself as well as The current food supply is replete with excess sodium.
accompanying mixers (e.g., soda, juice, or sweetened In this setting, virtually all Americans exceed the
mixer). In many cases, the accompanying mixer (see recommended upper limit of sodium intake. Because
Table D1.9 in Part D. Section 1: Energy Balance and approximately 75 percent of dietary sodium is added
Weight Management) has more calories than the alcohol during food processing, food manufacturers and
itself, so careful attention to portion size is important for restaurant industries have a critically important role in
alcoholic beverages. Based on individual preferences reducing the sodium intake. In addition, individuals
among adults, a moderate amount of alcohol may be should choose and prepare foods with little or no
included in the total diet if calorie allowances are not sodium (see Part D. Section 6: Sodium, Potassium, and
exceeded and essential nutrient needs are met. For Water).
adults who are attempting to reduce calorie intake,
alcohol could be one of the energy sources that is
reduced to lower total calorie intake. Pregnant women A Flexible Approach to Applying Total Diet
or individuals with certain medical conditions or on Recommendations
certain medications as well as individuals who will take
part in activities that require attention or skill should not
A healthful total diet is not a rigid prescription, but
consume alcohol (see Part D. Section 7: Alcohol).
rather is a flexible approach that incorporates a wide
range of individual tastes and preferences. Just as there
Vegetables, fruits, high-fiber whole grains, seafood,
is no one “American” or “Western” diet, there is no one
eggs, and nuts prepared without added SoFAS are
recommendation for a healthful diet. As is evident in
considered “nutrient-dense foods,” as are low-fat forms
the following sections, data are accumulating that
of milk and lean meat and poultry prepared without
certain dietary patterns consumed around the world are
added SoFAS. Nutrient-dense foods are found in a
associated with beneficial health outcomes. Likewise,
variety of forms but ideally are minimally processed and
the Food Patterns developed by the USDA illustrate that
minimize or exclude added SoFAS, starches, and
both nutrient and moderation goals can be met in a
sodium. Combined into a total diet, these foods should
variety of ways.
provide a full range of essential nutrients, including
those of special concern (e.g., vitamin D, calcium,
Worldwide Dietary Patterns Provide Support
potassium, and dietary fiber).
for a Nutrient-dense Total Diet
Finally, the nutrient-dense total diet should be prepared
Across the world and within the U.S., there are striking
using best practices for food safety to ensure that foods
differences in diets and also in diet-related health
consumed do not induce foodborne illnesses (see Part
outcomes. Although research on dietary patterns is
D. Section 8: Food Safety and Technology). A balanced
complex, and many methodological issues remain in
grouping of a variety of foods among all the food
16 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
synthesizing data across studies, a consensus is and total fat (37% of kcal) intake. In a free-living
emerging that consumption of certain dietary patterns is setting, care is needed to meet but not exceed energy
associated with a reduced risk of several major chronic needs in order to avoid weight gain.
diseases. The 2010 DGAC focused on the effects of
dietary patterns on total mortality, CVD, and blood Each of these DASH style diets lowers blood pressure,
pressure (a major diet-related cardiovascular risk improves blood lipids, and reduces CVD risk. Blood
factor). The World Cancer Research Fund/American pressure reduction is the greatest when the DASH diet
Institute for Cancer Research (WCRF/AICR, 2007) is consumed with reduced sodium intake. At present,
recently reviewed the available evidence of the few adults, even those with hypertension, eat a diet that
relationship of cancer with specific dietary factors and is consistent with the DASH dietary pattern.
overall dietary patterns. While several dietary factors
were associated with specific types of cancer, it Mediterranean-style Dietary Patterns
concluded that no firm judgment can be made on the In view of the large number of cultures and agricultural
relationship of dietary patterns with cancer. patterns of countries that border the Mediterranean Sea,
the “Mediterranean” diet is not a single dietary pattern.
The 2010 DGAC focused on the DASH-style dietary Although no well-accepted set of criteria exist, a
patterns and Mediterranean-style dietary patterns traditional Mediterranean diet can be described as one
because considerable research exists on health outcomes that emphasizes breads and other cereal foods usually
as well as information on nutrient and food group made from wheat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, unrefined
composition. It also examined traditional Asian dietary cereals, and olive oil; includes fish and wine with meals
patterns and vegetarian diets. Traditional Asian dietary (in non-Islamic countries); and is reduced in saturated
patterns (e.g., Japanese and Okinawan dietary patterns) fat, meat, and full-fat dairy products. Results from
have been associated with a reduced risk of coronary observational studies and clinical trials suggest that
heart disease, but documentation using contemporary consumption of a traditional Mediterranean diet, similar
research methods is scant. Most traditional dietary to that of Crete in the 1960s, is associated with one of
patterns provide for health at least moderately well, and the lowest risks of coronary heart disease in the world.
their variety demonstrates that a person can eat Over time, the diet of Crete has changed remarkably
healthfully in a number of ways. Vegetarian diets have and is now characterized by higher intake of saturated
been associated with a reduced risk of CVD, but fat and cholesterol, and reduced intake of
information on nutrient content and food group monounsaturated fats. At the same time, total fat
composition is sparse. consumption has fallen. These trends have been
accompanied by a steady rise in heart disease risk.
Dietary patterns with health benefits are summarized
below. An Appendix at the end of this chapter provides Vegetarian Dietary Patterns
further detail on these dietary patterns as well as several In some observational studies, vegetarian diets and
summary tables. lifestyle have been associated with improved health
outcomes. The types of vegetarian diets consumed in
DASH-style Dietary Patterns the U.S. vary widely. Vegans do not consume any
DASH-style dietary patterns emphasize vegetables, animal products, while lacto-ovo vegetarians consume
fruits, and low-fat milk and milk products; include milk and eggs. Although not strict vegetarians, many
whole grains, poultry, seafood, and nuts; and are individuals consume small or minimal amounts of
reduced in red meat, sweets, sodium, and sugar- animal products. On average, vegetarians consume
containing beverages. As originally tested, the DASH fewer calories from fat than non-vegetarians,
diet is reduced in total fat (27% of kcal) with total particularly saturated fat, and have a higher
protein intake of 18 percent of calories and consumption of carbohydrates than non-vegetarians. In
carbohydrate intake of 55 percent of calories. However, addition, vegetarians tend to consume fewer overall
other versions of the DASH diet are available, in which calories and have a lower body mass index than non-
carbohydrate is partially replaced with protein (about vegetarians. These characteristics, in addition to the
half from plant sources) or unsaturated fat dietary pattern per se, may contribute to the improved
(predominantly monounsaturated fat). The latter version health outcomes of vegetarians (see the Appendix at the
is noteworthy because nutrient adequacy and a reduced end of this chapter and Part D. Section 4: Protein for
saturated fat intake (6% of kcal) were both achieved in additional information on vegetarian diets).
the setting of high monounsaturated fat (21% of kcal)
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 17
Other Dietary Patterns The USDA Food Patterns incorporate several important
In view of the increasing diversity of the U.S. assumptions:
population, interest in the health effects of non-Western
diets is substantial. One group of diets with potential • A variety of foods are used to meet recommended
health benefits are those traditionally consumed in Asia, intakes from each food group or subgroup, in
which has experienced some of the lowest rates of amounts proportionate to current consumption by
coronary heart disease in the world. Both traditional the population.
Japanese and Okinawan dietary patterns have been • Food choices selected for use in the analysis are in
associated with a low risk of coronary heart disease. nutrient-dense forms, that is, with little or no
Nonetheless, compared to the evidence supporting SoFAS, and in most cases without added salt.
DASH and Mediterranean diets, detailed information on • For each age-sex group, the pattern developed to
diet composition as well as epidemiologic and clinical meet nutrient needs is at a caloric level that meets
trial evidence on health benefits, similar to that but does not exceed energy needs for sedentary
available for the other types of diets, is sparse. Also, individuals.
over time, dietary intakes in these countries have
changed and may no longer reflect the healthiest The online Appendix E3.1: Adequacy of the USDA
choices. Food Patterns, available at www.dietaryguidelines.gov,
provides details of the analysis conducted for the
USDA Food Patterns Provide Guidance for DGAC to determine whether the USDA Food Patterns
Meeting Dietary Guideline Recommendations meet nutritional goals for adequacy and moderation
while staying within established calorie targets.
Applying results from carefully conducted studies of
nutrition and health, the USDA has developed a number Recommended intake amounts in the USDA Food
of different food guides over the past century. These Patterns remain unchanged from 2005 with the
guides have identified eating patterns that meet known exception of the vegetable subgroups. Several changes
nutrient needs and balance intake from various food were made to decrease the wide discrepancy in number
groups. Based upon the Nation’s dietary intake at the and amounts of vegetables consumed between the
time, early USDA food guides focused on nutrient largest and the smallest subgroups. This resulted in
adequacy only. Due to the health risks associated with moving tomatoes and red peppers from “other
overconsumption of specific dietary components, vegetables” to a new “red-orange vegetable” subgroup,
including the increasing obesity problem, recent guides which provided a greater focus on tomatoes without
have encompassed moderation goals while meeting compromising the nutrient adequacy of the patterns (see
nutrient adequacy goals. The current USDA Food the online Appendix E3.2: Realigning Vegetable
Patterns also are aimed at primary disease prevention. Subgroups report at www.dietaryguidelines.gov, for
For example, Table B2.4 (see end of chapter) compares details). The USDA Food Patterns meet almost all of
the 2000-calorie USDA food pattern with the DASH their nutritional goals for adequacy and moderation,
diet and with current consumption patterns. The types when evaluated using current food composition and
and amounts of foods recommended in the USDA consumption data.
patterns are very similar to the DASH diet, and both are
very different from current intakes. USDA also developed and evaluated several variations
on the base patterns, applying the same principles but
The USDA Food Patterns recommend the amounts of modifying food choices to accommodate those wanting
foods to eat each day from the five major food groups and to eat a plant-based or vegetarian diet. An additional
subgroups, specifically in nutrient-dense forms. The analysis investigated a possible modification of the
Patterns allow for oils and limit the maximum number of patterns for those tracking carbohydrate intake, such as
calories that should be consumed from SoFAS. Table B2.3 people with diabetes. The results of these analyses are
(see end of chapter) shows recommended amounts and presented below (see Part C: Methodology for a
limits in the USDA Food Patterns at all 12 energy levels description of the methods used and a list of all food
(Part D. Section 2: Nutrient Adequacy, Table D2.1 pattern modeling analyses).
provides the specific nutritional goals for each pattern).

18 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Vegetarian Patterns Based on USDA Food portion of the recommended grains, as long as they eat
Patterns additional vegetables from other subgroups to replace
The USDA Food Patterns include two animal-based the starchy vegetables. As with all of the modeling
food groups: the “meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, soy analyses, the vegetables and grains selected should be
products, nuts, and seeds” group and the “milk, yogurt, nutrient-dense forms, not forms with added fats, sugars,
and cheese” group. Although the groups contain some or salt. Although starchy vegetables remain part of the
plant foods, the majority of consumption from them is vegetable group in the USDA Food Patterns, this
from animal products. As is true in American diets, analysis identified an option for flexibility to help some
these two food groups in the Food Patterns are the individuals integrate the USDA recommendations with
major sources of protein, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin other dietary plans.
B12, riboflavin, choline, selenium, zinc, and the omega-
3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and The Importance of Nutrient-dense Choices
docosahexaeonic acid (DHA). The USDA Food Patterns assume that foods in each
food group will be consumed in the same relative
The USDA Food Patterns were modified to replace proportions as they appear in the average American
some or all animal products with plant products (see the diet, but that most will be in nutrient-dense forms.
online Appendix E3.3: Vegetarian Food Patterns report Nutrient-dense choices are available to consumers, but
at www.dietaryguidelines.gov for details). The plant- they are not the forms most typically consumed.
based (at least 50% of all protein from plant sources), Consuming recommended amounts of foods, but in
lacto-ovo vegetarian (no meat, poultry, or seafood), and forms that represent typical food choices rather than the
vegan (no meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, fluid milk or “ideal” nutrient-dense choices, has a major impact on
milk products) food patterns, collectively referred to as energy and nutrient intake. Excess intake of energy,
the “vegetarian patterns,” meet almost all goals for sodium, saturated fat, and cholesterol results from using
nutrient adequacy. Amounts of protein, including all typical food choices in the recommended amounts for
essential amino acids, were adequate in all vegetarian the patterns. For example, assuming typical food
patterns. Amounts of calcium and vitamins D and B12 choices, the calorie intake in the 2000-calorie pattern is
were adequate because fortified sources of these almost 400 calories more per day than the target (see the
nutrients were selected to replace milk and meat online Appendix E3.5: “Typical Choices” Food
products. The estimated bioavailable iron in the vegan Patterns report at www.dietaryguidelines.gov for details
patterns was less than the RDA for some children and of an analysis of the effect of typical versus ideal
women. While no dietary standards exist for omega-3 choices). If consumers act on the message about
fatty acids, levels of EPA and DHA are substantially quantities to eat from each food group or subgroup, but
lower than the base Food Patterns, especially in the fail to implement the moderation messages about
vegan patterns. All moderation goals are met in the choosing most foods in low-fat, no-added-sugars, and
vegetarian patterns. If only plant foods are consumed, low-sodium forms, they will not meet the important
choices should include foods fortified with vitamin B12, moderation goals.
vitamin D, and calcium. Other nutrients of potential
concern include iron, choline, EPA, and DHA.
Chapter Summary
Considering an Alternative Placement for
Starchy Vegetables Good health and vitality across the lifespan are what
To offer flexibility in selecting a food pattern that meets Americans desire. The 2010 DGAC Report concludes
nutrient needs and accommodates food preferences, that this is achievable but requires a lifestyle approach
USDA evaluated a nutritionally adequate option that that includes a total diet that is:
considers starchy vegetables as a grain alternative (see
the online Appendix E3.4: Starchy Vegetables report at • Energy balanced, limited in total calories, and
www.dietaryguidelines.gov for details). This pattern portion controlled
may be useful for individuals who wish to track the
• Nutrient-dense and includes:
amount of carbohydrates they consume, who prefer a
— Vegetables, fruits, high-fiber whole grains
dietary pattern that groups all major sources of starch
— Fat-free or low-fat fluid milk and milk products
together, or who wish to integrate the USDA
— Seafood, lean meat and poultry, eggs, soy
recommendations with other diet plans. In this pattern,
products, nuts, seeds, and oils
individuals can substitute starchy vegetables for a
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 19
• Very low in solid fats and added sugars (SoFAS) Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC).
• Reduced in sodium Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee
on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005.
Physical activity will assist in the helping to achieve a Washington DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture,
balance between calorie intake and expenditure, leading Agricultural Research Service, August 2004.
to body weight maintenance. Children and adolescents
are of particular concern because the dietary habits that Haven J, Burns A, Britten P, Davis C. Developing the
they form during their youth will set the foundation for consumer interface for the MyPyramid Food Guidance
their choices and behaviors as adults. System. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2006;38(6 Suppl):S124-
Several distinct dietary patterns are associated with
health benefits, including lower blood pressure and a Marcoe K, Juan W, Yamini S, Carlson A, Britten P.
reduced risk of CVD and total mortality. A common Development of food group composites and nutrient
feature of these diets is an emphasis on plant foods. profiles for the MyPyramid Food Guidance System. J
Accordingly, fiber intake is high and saturated fat is Nutr Educ Behav. 2006;38(6 Suppl):S93-S107.
typically low. When total fat intake is high, that is, more
than 30 percent of calories, the predominant fats are National Cancer Institute (NCI). Food Sources of
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Energy Among U.S. Children and Adolescents, 2005-
Carbohydrate intake is typically in the range of 50 to 60 2006. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch
percent of calories, but these often include whole grain Website. Applied Research Program.
products with minimal processing, as well as cooked National Cancer Institute, 2010a.
dry beans and peas. The totality of evidence http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/foodsources/. Updated
documenting a beneficial impact of plant-based dietary May 21, 2010. Accessed May 21, 2010.
patterns on CVD risk is remarkable and worthy of
recommendation. National Cancer Institute (NCI). Distribution of Intake
across Beverage Types, U.S. Population, 2005-2006.
Americans have considerable flexibility in selecting a Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch Website.
diet that includes foods they enjoy, meets nutrient Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute,
requirements, reduces risk of preventable disease, and 2010b. http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/foodsources/.
controls weight. No one specific dietary pattern Updated May 21, 2010. Accessed May 21, 2010.
provides the only way to incorporate the principles
listed above into a total diet. The daunting public health World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute
challenge is to accomplish population-wide adoption of for Cancer Research Report (WCRF/AICR). Food,
healthful dietary patterns within the setting of powerful Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of
influences that currently promote unhealthy lifestyles. Cancer: A Global Perspective. Washington, DC: AICR,
The 2010 DGAC is united in advocating that policy 2007.
makers, stakeholders, and health-care providers
embrace and support these important, evidence-based
guidelines for the benefit of all Americans.


Bachman JL, Reedy J, Subar AF, Krebs-Smith SM.

Sources of food group intakes among the U.S.
population, 2001-2002. J Am Diet Assoc.

Britten P, Marcoe K, Yamini S, Davis C. Development

of food intake patterns for the MyPyramid Food
Guidance System. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2006;38(6

20 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table B2.1. Estimated energy needs1 in calories per day, for reference-sized individuals by age, sex, and activity
Male/ Female/
Sex/Activity Male/ Moderately Male/ Female/ Moderately Female/
Level Sedentary Active Active Sedentary Active Active

2 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
3 1000 1400 1400 1000 1200 1400
4 1200 1400 1600 1200 1400 1400
5 1200 1400 1600 1200 1400 1600
6 1400 1600 1800 1200 1400 1600
7 1400 1600 1800 1200 1600 1800
8 1400 1600 2000 1400 1600 1800
9 1600 1800 2000 1400 1600 1800
10 1600 1800 2200 1400 1800 2000
11 1800 2000 2200 1600 1800 2000
12 1800 2200 2400 1600 2000 2200
13 2000 2200 2600 1600 2000 2200
14 2000 2400 2800 1800 2000 2400
15 2200 2600 3000 1800 2000 2400
16 2400 2800 3200 1800 2000 2400
17 2400 2800 3200 1800 2000 2400
18 2400 2800 3200 1800 2000 2400
19-20 2600 2800 3000 2000 2200 2400
21-25 2400 2800 3000 2000 2200 2400
26-30 2400 2600 3000 1800 2000 2400
31-35 2400 2600 3000 1800 2000 2200
36-40 2400 2600 2800 1800 2000 2200
41-45 2200 2600 2800 1800 2000 2200
46-50 2200 2400 2800 1800 2000 2200
51-55 2200 2400 2800 1600 1800 2200
56-60 2200 2400 2600 1600 1800 2200
61-65 2000 2400 2600 1600 1800 2000
66-70 2000 2200 2600 1600 1800 2000
71-75 2000 2200 2600 1600 1800 2000
76 and up 2000 2200 2400 1600 1800 2000
Based on Estimated Energy Requirements (EER) equations, using reference heights (average) and reference
weights (healthy) for each age/sex group, rounded to the nearest 200 calories. EER equations are from the Institute
of Medicine. Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein,
and Amino Acids. Washington DC: National Academies Press, 2002.
Source: Britten et al., 2006.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 21


Table B2.2. Top five sources of energy among U.S. children, adolescents, and adults by age, NHANES 2005-061

Overall, Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages Ages

Ages 2+ years 2-18 years 2-3 years 4-8 years 9-13 years 14-18 years 19+ years
Mean Energy
Intake (kcal) 2157 2027 1471 1802 2035 2427 2199

1 Grain-based Grain-based Whole milk Grain-based Grain-based Soda/energy Grain-based desserts
desserts1 desserts (104 kcal) desserts desserts /sports drinks2 (138 kcal)
(138 kcal) (138 kcal) (136 kcal) (145 kcal) (226 kcal)
2 Yeast breads Pizza 100% fruit juice Yeast breads Pizza Pizza Yeast breads
(129 kcal) (136 kcal) (not orange or (98 kcal) (128 kcal) (213 kcal) (134 kcal)
(93 kcal)
3 Chicken and Soda/energy/ Reduced fat Pasta and Chicken and Grain-based Chicken and chicken
chicken mixed sports drinks milk pasta dishes chicken mixed desserts mixed dishes
dishes (118 kcal) (91 kcal) (97 kcal) dishes (157 kcal) (123 kcal)
(121 kcal) (122 kcal)
4 Soda/energy/ Yeast breads Pasta and pasta Pizza Yeast breads Yeast breads Soda/energy /sports
sports drinks (114 kcal) dishes (95 kcal) (109 kcal) (151 kcal) drinks2
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

(114 kcal) (86 kcal) (112 kcal)

5 Pizza Chicken and Grain-based Reduced fat Soda/energy/ Chicken and Alcoholic beverages
(98 kcal) chicken desserts milk sports drinks chicken mixed
(106 kcal)
mixed dishes(68 kcal) (95 kcal) (105 kcal) dishes
(113 kcal) (143 kcal)
Foods ranked by mean contribution to overall energy intake. Table shows each food category and its mean caloric contribution for each age group.
Includes cakes, cookies, doughnuts, pies, crisps, cobblers, granola bars.
Includes sodas, energy drinks, sports drinks, and sweetened bottled water including vitamin water.
Note: For a more detailed listing of food sources of energy, see Part D. Section 1. Energy Balance, Tables D1.1, D1.6, and D1.7.
Source: National Cancer Institute (NCI). Food Sources of Energy Among U.S. Population, 2005-06. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch Website.
Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute, 2010a. http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/foodsources/. Updated May 21, 2010. Accessed May 21,
Table B2.3. USDA Food Patterns—recommended daily intake amounts1 from each food group or subgroup at all calorie levels. Recommended intakes from
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

vegetable subgroups are per week

Energy Level of
Pattern2 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200

Fruits 1c 1c 1½ c 1½ c 1½ c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2½ c 2½ c 2½ c
Vegetables 1c 1½ c 1½ c 2c 2½ c 2½ c 3c 3c 3½ c 3½ c 4c 4c
Dark green vegetables ½ c/wk 1 c/wk 1 c/wk 1 ½ c/wk 1 ½ c/wk 1 ½ c/wk 2 c/wk 2 c/wk 2 ½ c/wk 2 ½ c/wk 2 ½ c/wk 2 ½ c/wk
Red/Orange vegetables 2½ c/wk 3 c/wk 3 c/wk 4 c/wk 5 ½ c/wk 5 ½ c/wk 6 c/wk 6 c/wk 7 c/wk 7 c/wk 7½ c/wk 7½ c/wk
Cooked dry beans and
peas ½ c/wk ½ c/wk ½ c/wk 1 c/wk 1 ½ c/wk 1 ½ c/wk 2 c/wk 2 c/wk 2 ½ c/wk 2 ½ c/wk 3 c/wk 3 c/wk
Starchy vegetables 2 c/wk 3½ c/wk 3½ c/wk 4 c/wk 5 c/wk 5 c/wk 6 c/wk 6 c/wk 7 c/wk 7 c/wk 8 c/wk 8 c/wk
Other vegetables 1½ c/wk 2½ c/wk 2½ c/wk 3½ c/wk 4 c/wk 4 c/wk 5 c/wk 5 c/wk 5½ c/wk 5½ c/wk 7 c/wk 7 c/wk
Grains 3 oz eq 4 oz eq 5 oz eq 5 oz eq 6 oz eq 6 oz eq 7 oz eq 8 oz eq 9 oz eq 10 oz eq 10 oz eq 10 oz eq
Whole grains 1½ oz eq 2 oz eq 2½ oz eq 3 oz eq 3 oz eq 3 oz eq 3½ oz eq 4 oz eq 4½ oz eq 5 oz eq 5 oz eq 5 oz eq
Other grains 1½ oz eq 2 oz eq 2½ oz eq 2 oz eq 3 oz eq 3 oz eq 3½ oz eq 4 oz eq 4½ oz eq 5 oz eq 5 oz eq 5 oz eq
Meat and beans 2 oz eq 3 oz eq 4 oz eq 5 oz eq 5 oz eq 5½ oz eq 6 oz eq 6 ½ oz eq 6 ½ oz eq 7 oz eq 7 oz eq 7 oz eq
Milk 2c 2c 2c 3c 3c 3c 3c 3c 3c 3c 3c 3c
Oils 15 g 17 g 17 g 22 g 24 g 27 g 29 g 31 g 34 g 36 g 44 g 51g
Maximum SoFAS3 limit, 137 137 137 258 362
calories (%total calories) (14%) (11%) (10%) 121(8%) 161(9%) (13%) 266 (12%) 330 (14%) (14%) 395 (14%)459 (15%) 596 (19%)
Food group amounts shown in cup (c) or ounce equivalents (oz eq). Oils are shown in grams (g). Quantity equivalents for each food group are:
• Grains, 1 ounce equivalent is: ½ cup cooked rice, pasta, or cooked cereal; 1 ounce dry pasta or rice; 1 slice bread; 1 small muffin (1 oz); 1 ounce ready-
to-eat cereal.
• Fruits and vegetables, 1 cup equivalent is: 1 cup raw or cooked fruit or vegetable, 1 cup fruit or vegetable juice, 2 cups leafy salad greens.
• Meat and beans, 1 ounce equivalent is: 1 ounce lean meat, poultry, fish; 1 egg; ¼ cup cooked dry beans; 1 Tbsp peanut butter; ½ ounce nuts/ seeds.
• Milk, 1 cup equivalent is: 1 cup milk or yogurt, 1½ ounces natural cheese such as Cheddar cheese or 2 ounces of processed cheese.
Food intake patterns at 1000, 1200, and 1400 calories meet the nutritional needs of children ages 2 to 8 years. Patterns from 1600 to 3200 calories meet the
nutritional needs of children 9 years of age and older and adults. If a child ages 2 to 8 years needs more calories and, therefore, is following a pattern at 1600
calories or more, the recommended amount from the milk group should be 2 cups per day. Children ages 9 years and older and adults should not use the
1000, 1200, or 1400 calorie patterns.
SoFAS are calories from solid fats and added sugars.

Table B2.4. Dietary Pattern Comparison: Current U.S. intake, DASH-sodium diet, and USDA Food Patterns. Description, nutrient composition, and food
group amounts (adjusted to 2000 calories)

Usual U.S. USDA

Intake DASH with USDA Base Lacto-ovo
Dietary Pattern Adults Reduced Sodium Pattern1 USDA Plant-based Vegetarian USDA Vegan
Citation NHANES 2001- Karanja et al., 1999 Britten et al., 2006; Online Appendix E- Online Appendix E- Online Appendix E-
04; 2005-06; and Lin et al., 2003 Online Appendix E- 3.3 3.3 3.3
Ages 19+ 3.1

Emphasizes Potassium-rich Vegetables, fruits, Plant foods - Plant foods - Plant foods -
vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, vegetables, fruits, vegetables, fruits, vegetables, fruits,
and low-fat milk low-fat milk products whole grains, whole grains, whole grains,
products legumes, low-fat legumes, nuts, seeds, legumes, nuts, seeds,
milk products soy foods, milk soy foods
Includes Whole grains, Enriched grains, lean Lean meat, eggs, Eggs, oils Non-dairy milk
poultry, fish, and meat, fish, and oils fish, and oils alternatives
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Limits (small Red meats, sweets, Solid fats Solid fats No meat, poultry, No animal products
amount) and sugar-containing Added sugars Added sugars fish Added sugars
beverages Added sugars
Calories (kcal) 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Carbohydrates 48.4% 58% 56.7% 55.8% 56.7% 56.8%
(% total kcal)
Protein 15.2% 18% 15.2% 16.3% 15.2% 13.3%
(% total kcal)
Total Fat 33.5% 27% 32% 31% 31% 33%
(% total kcal)
Saturated Fat 10.9% 6% 8.4% 7.8% 7.8% 6.8%
(% total kcal)
Monounsaturated 12.5% 10% 12.0% 11.4% 11.8% 12.4%
(% total kcal)
Polyunsaturated 6.8% 8% 9.0% 9.3% 9.4% 12.0%
(% total kcal)
Cholesterol (mg) 269 143 229 170 160 17
Table B2.4 (continued). Dietary Pattern Comparison: Current U.S. intake, DASH-sodium diet, and USDA Food Patterns. Description, nutrient composition,
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

and food group amounts (adjusted to 2000 calories)

Usual U.S. DASH with USDA

Intake Reduced Sodium USDA Base Lacto-ovo
Dietary Pattern Adults 19 year+ Pattern1 USDA Plant-based Vegetarian USDA Vegan

Fiber (g) 15 29 30 37 39 43
Potassium (mg) 2909 4371 3478 3611 3610 3645
Sodium (mg) 2846 1095 1722 1582 1595 1224

Food Groups
Vegetables: total (c) 1.6 2.1 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
- Dark Green (c) 0.1 nd 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
- Legumes2(c) 0.1 nd 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
- Red Orange (c) 0.4 nd 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
- Other Veg (c) 0.5 nd 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
- Starchy Veg (c) 0.5 nd 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Calories (kcal) 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000

Food Groups
Fruit & juices (c) 1.0 2.5 2 2 2 2

Grains: total (oz) 6.4 7.3 6 6 6 6

- Whole grains (oz) 0.6 3.9 3 3 3 3

Milk & milk 1.5 0.7 (whole) - - - -

products incl whole
fat (c)
- Low-fat milk (c) nd 1.9 3 3 3 3 (non-dairy)3

Animal Proteins:
- Meat (oz) 2.5 1.4 2.5 0.6 - -
- Poultry (oz) 1.2 1.7 1.5 0.4 - -
- Eggs (oz) 0.4 nd 0.4 0.4 0.6 -
- Fish (total) (oz) 0.5 1.4 0.5 0.7 - -
-- Hi n3 (oz) 0.1 nd 0.1 nd - -
-- Low n3 (oz) 0.4 nd 0.4 nd - -

Table B2.4 (continued). Dietary Pattern Comparison: Current U.S. intake, DASH-sodium diet, and USDA Food Patterns. Description, nutrient composition,
and food group amounts (adjusted to 2000 calories)

Usual U.S. DASH with USDA

Intake Reduced Sodium USDA Base Lacto-ovo
Dietary Pattern Adults 19 year+ Pattern1 USDA Plant-based Vegetarian USDA Vegan

Plant Proteins:
- Legumes (oz) nd 0.4 See vegetables. 1.4 1.4 1.9
- Nuts & seeds (oz) 0.5 0.9 0.6 1.1 1.9 2.1
- Soy products (oz) 0.0 nd 0.05 0.9 1.7 1.4

Oils (g) 17.7 24.8 27 23 19 18

Solid Fats (g) 43.2 nd 16 16 16 16
Added Sugar (g) 79.0 12 (snacks/sweets) 32 32 32 32
Alcohol (g) 9.9 - - - - -
The USDA Base Food Pattern is slightly adapted from the 2000-calorie pattern presented in the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA). Vegetable
subgroups were realigned to include a Red/Orange subgroup. The base pattern and the vegetarian variations are subject to change as the 2010 DGA are
developed. The measures are cup and ounce equivalents (Britten, 2006; Marcoe, 2006). Nutrient distribution updated with 2010 composites.
On USDA patterns, total recommended legume amount is the sum of amounts recommended in the Vegetable and the Meat & Beans groups. An ounce
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

equivalent of legumes in the Meat & Beans group is ¼ cup. For example, in the 2000-calorie pattern, total weekly legume recommendation is (13 oz eq /4) +
1.5 cups = 5 cups.
Non-dairy options in Vegan pattern are calcium-fortified soymilk, rice milk, and tofu. All USDA patterns contain a small amount of soy milk.
nd = Not described.
(-) = No recommendation.
Sources: Usual U.S. Intakes – WWEIA, NHANES 2001-2004 and WWEIA, NHANES 2005-2006, one-day mean intakes consumed per individual. Male
and female intakes adjusted to 2000 calories, averaged, and rounded to one decimal point.
Part B. Section 2. Appendix: Dietary
Patterns and Health Outcomes

Introduction weights each dimension as of equivalent importance.

Seventh, in the interpretation of observational data,
Across the world and within the United States, there are particularly ecologic data, it is difficult to separate the
striking differences in diet. Concomitantly, there are effects of diet from other factors, such as smoking and
substantial differences in health outcomes, many of physical inactivity, that likely account for part of the
which are related to diet. This section discusses several observed differences in health outcomes.
dietary patterns that are associated with desirable health
outcomes. It focuses on total mortality, cardiovascular Despite these caveats, the 2010 Dietary Guidelines
disease (CVD), and blood pressure, a major diet-related Advisory Committee (DGAC) was able to identify
cardiovascular risk factor. The World Cancer Research dietary patterns that are associated with substantial
Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research beneficial health benefits (Table B2.5). Specifically, the
(WCRF/AICR), recently reviewed the available Committee focused on the following dietary patterns for
evidence of the relationship of cancer with specific which there was research on health outcomes as well as
dietary factors and overall dietary patterns information on nutrient and food group composition:
(WCRF/AICR, 2007). Although several dietary factors (1) Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)-
were associated with specific types of cancer, it style dietary patterns, (2) Mediterranean-style dietary
concluded that no firm judgment can be made on the patterns, and (3) Vegetarian dietary patterns. The
relationship of dietary patterns with cancer, in large DASH dietary pattern is a Western-style dietary pattern
part, because variability in definitions precluded a for which a large and burgeoning literature documents
formal synthesis of evidence. its health benefits. The Committee also included
Mediterranean and Japanese dietary patterns, which
The study of dietary patterns is complex. First, there is were associated with the lowest risk of coronary heart
substantial heterogeneity even among diets that fall disease in the Seven Countries study (Keys, 1980).
under a common rubric (e.g., Mediterranean diets). Subsequently, a substantial literature has documented
Second, dietary patterns are not static. Traditional diets the health benefits of Mediterranean-style diets. In
known for their health benefits (e.g., Mediterranean and contrast, while traditional Asian dietary patterns (e.g.,
Okinawan diets) are being supplanted by versions that Japanese and Okinawan dietary patterns) have also been
often reflect Western culture and that lead to worse not associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease
better health outcomes. For this reason, we focused on (Wilcox, 2007), documentation using contemporary
pre-transition dietary patterns. Third, with few research methods is scant. Finally, the Committee
exceptions, standardized assessment of diet is studied vegetarian diets, which have been associated
unavailable, making it difficult to compare diets. with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease (Key,
Fourth, health outcomes are often unavailable and, 1999).
when available, are not directly comparable across
studies. Fifth, dietary patterns, even with proven health
benefits, may not be ideal and could be improved. For DASH-style Dietary Patterns
example, traditional Japanese diets are associated with a
low risk of coronary heart disease but a high risk of DASH-style dietary patterns emphasize fruits,
stroke, likely because of excessive sodium intake. Sixth, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products; include whole
describing dietary patterns and evaluating their health grains, poultry, fish and nuts; and are reduced in red
outcomes often requires scoring systems based on meat, sweets, and sugar-containing beverages (Karanja,
adherence to specific aspects of the diets. This approach 1999; Craddick, 2003). The diets are rich in potassium,
commonly relies on researchers who exercise best magnesium, calcium and fiber, and reduced in saturated
judgment in selecting biologically relevant aspects of fat and cholesterol. As originally tested, the DASH diet
the diet and in developing a formula, which typically is reduced in total fat (27% kcal) with total protein

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 27

intake of 18 percent of calories and carbohydrate intake Results from observational studies and clinical trials
of 55 percent of calories. However, other versions of the suggest that consumption of a traditional Mediterranean
DASH diet are available, in which carbohydrate is diet, similar to that of Crete in the 1960s, is associated
partially replaced with protein (about half from plant with one of the lowest risks of coronary heart disease in
sources) or unsaturated fat (predominantly the world. Over time, the diet of Crete has changed
monounsaturated fat) (Appel, 2005; Swain, 2008). The remarkably and is now characterized by higher intake of
latter version is noteworthy because nutrient adequacy saturated fat and cholesterol, and reduced intake of
and a reduced saturated fat intake (6% kcal) were both monounsaturated fats. At the same time, total fat
achieved in the setting of high monounsaturated fat consumption has fallen. These trends have been
intake (21% kcal). Each of these DASH-style diets accompanied by a steady rise in coronary heart disease
lowers blood pressure, improves blood lipids, and risk (Menotti, 1999).
reduces CVD risk. Blood pressure reduction is the
greatest when the DASH diet is consumed with reduced
sodium intake (Sacks, 2001). Vegetarian Dietary Patterns

As originally developed, the DASH diet was designed In many observational studies, vegetarian diets and
to provide a nutrient profile that might lower blood lifestyle have been associated with improved health
pressure. As such, it is a derived dietary pattern. outcomes. The types of vegetarian diets consumed in
Nonetheless, it is based on foods that are routinely the U.S. vary considerably. Strict vegetarians (i.e.,
available in U.S. and was studied using foods purchased vegans), do not consume any animal products, while
at local stores. At present, few adults, even those with other types of vegetarians, such as lacto-ovo
hypertension, eat a diet that is consistent with the vegetarians, consume milk and eggs. Although not strict
DASH dietary pattern (Mellen, 2008). vegetarians, many individuals consume small or
minimal amounts of animal products. On average,
vegetarians consume fewer calories from fat than non-
Mediterranean-style Dietary Patterns vegetarians, particularly saturated fat, and have a higher
consumption of carbohydrates than non-vegetarians. In
In view of the large number of cultures and agricultural addition, vegetarians tend to consume fewer overall
patterns of countries that border the Mediterranean Sea, calories and have a lower body mass index than non-
the “Mediterranean” diet is not a single dietary pattern. vegetarians. These characteristics, in addition to the
Countries included those of southern-most Europe, the dietary pattern per se, may contribute to the improved
Middle East, and northern-most Africa. Interest in health outcomes of vegetarians.
traditional Mediterranean-style diets is substantial
because such diets have been associated with Although no or minimal consumption of animal
considerable health benefits. Because of the multiplicity products is a hallmark of vegetarian diets, these diets
of dietary patterns termed “Mediterranean,” it has been have a clear potential for confounding, particularly from
challenging to characterize these diets. Although a other dietary and non-dietary factors. Hence, the
traditional Mediterranean diet has no well-accepted set improved health experience of vegetarians may not only
of criteria, it can be described as one that emphasizes result from reduced consumption of saturated fats but
breads and other cereal foods usually made from wheat, also from greater consumption of vegetables, fruit, nuts,
vegetables, fruits, nuts, unrefined cereals, and olive oil; and grains or from other health attributes, such as not
includes fish and wine with meals (in non-Islamic smoking cigarettes.
countries); and is reduced in saturated fat, meat, and
full-fat dairy products (Kris-Etherton, 2001;
Trichopoulou, 2003; WCRF/AICR, 2007). Table B2.5 Other Dietary Patterns
displays the nutrient profile and food group composition
of Mediterranean-style diets, as reported in three cohort In view of the increasing diversity of the U.S.
studies (one from Greece, one from Spain, and one from population, interest in the health effects of non-Western
the U.S.) (Fung, 2009; Karanja, 1999; Lin, 2003; diets is substantial. One group of diets with potential
Nunez-Cordoba, 2008; Trichopoulou, 2003; Wilcox, health benefits are those consumed in Asia. It is well-
2007). documented that in Southeast Asia, coronary heart
disease rates have been among the lowest in the world.

28 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Lifestyle factors, especially diet, appear to be a major 2003; Azadbakht, 2005; Miller, 2002; Nowson, 2009,
reason. However, contemporary evidence (e.g., 2005, 2004; Sacks, 2001), and three were prospective
prospective cohort studies and clinical trials) similar to cohort studies (Dauchet, 2007; Forman, 2009; Schulze,
the evidence available for the other types of diets is 2003). In aggregate, the DASH diet lowered systolic
sparse. blood pressure in 12 studies (Appel, 2005, 1997, 2003;
Azadbakht, 2005; Dauchet, 2007; Forman, 2009;
Traditional Japanese dietary patterns emphasize soybean Miller, 2002; Nowson, 2009, 2005, 2004; Sacks, 2001;
products, fish, seaweeds, vegetables, fruit, and green tea, Schulze, 2003) and diastolic blood pressure in 10 of the
and are reduced in meats (Shimazu, 2007). Nonetheless, 12 studies that reported diastolic blood pressure (Appel,
it should be recognized that this diet is high in salt, likely 2005, 1997, 2003; Azadbakht, 2005; Dauchet, 2007;
accounting for the high incidence of stroke in this Forman, 2009; Miller, 2002; Nowson, 2005, 2004;
population. Similar to other dietary patterns, Japanese Schulze, 2003). In several instances, blood pressure
dietary patterns have evolved over time. reduction occurred as part of a multi-factorial
intervention that tested the DASH dietary pattern
The longevity of Okinawans is among the highest in the concomitantly with other interventions (Appel, 2003;
world. Researchers attribute the longevity and health of Miller, 2002; Sacks, 2001).
Okinawans, in large part, to diet composition or some
other aspect of their diet, such as energy restriction Few studies examined the effects of a Mediterranean-
(Willcox, 2007). The indigenous Satsamu sweet potato, style diet on blood pressure. In the one available study
which is rich in nutrients, is the food staple that (Núñez-Córdoba, 2009) a cohort study, a
provides the bulk of energy intake. Other prominent Mediterranean-style diet lowered systolic and diastolic
foods are a wide variety of seaweeds, Okinawan tofu, blood pressure.
and herbaceous plants. Okinawan food culture also
includes a modest amount of fish and pork. The Four trials tested the effects of vegetarian diets on blood
estimated carbohydrate content of this diet is extremely pressure (Hakala and Karvetti, 1989; Margetts, 1986;
high, at more than 80 percent of calories. Salt intake is Rouse, 1983; Sciarrone 1993). Vegetarian-style dietary
the lowest of all Japan. However, the traditional patterns lowered systolic blood pressure in all four trials
Okinawan diet has changed such that fast foods and and diastolic blood pressure in three trials (Hakala and
processed foods are increasingly consumed. Karvetti, 1989; Rouse, 1983; Sciarrone, 1993).

One randomized, cross-over trial found that, within the

What is the Effect of Different Dietary context of a traditional Japanese diet, increased
Patterns (DASH, Mediterranean, vegetables and fruit intake and decreased sodium intake
Vegetarian, and Other) on Blood Pressure significantly reduced systolic blood pressure in
in Adults? normotensive and hypertensive free-living rural
Japanese (Takahashi, 2006).
The 2010 DGAC performed a literature search to
identify research, with no date limits, on the effect of
What is the Effect of Different Dietary
the above dietary patterns on blood pressure in adults.
Some articles were reviewed that included dietary
Patterns (DASH, Mediterranean,
patterns that were characterized using dietary cluster or Vegetarian, and Other) on Cardiovascular
factor analysis. The NEL search identified 146 potential Disease, Stroke, and Total Mortality in
articles (11 reviews/meta-analyses and 135 primary Adults?
studies). Of these, 126 were excluded. A total of 20
articles, all of them primary studies, met the eligibility The 2010 DGAC performed a literature search to
criteria and were reviewed (Table B2.6). identify research, with no date limits, on the effect of
these dietary patterns on cardiovascular disease, stroke,
Of the 12 studies that evaluated a DASH-style dietary and total mortality in adults. Some articles were
pattern (Appel, 2005, 1997, 2003; Azadbakht, 2005; reviewed that included dietary patterns that were
Dauchet, 2007; Forman, 2009; Miller, 2002; Nowson, characterized using dietary clusters or factor analysis.
2009, 2005, 2004; Sacks, 2001; Schulze, 2003), nine The search identified 197 potential articles (11
were randomized controlled trials (Appel, 2005, 1997, reviews/meta-analyses and 186 primary studies). Of

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 29

these, 168 were excluded. A total of 29 articles (27 Mediterranean-style pattern prevented stroke (Fung,
primary studies, one systematic review/meta-analysis, 2009).
and one systematic review), met the eligibility criteria
and were reviewed. Of the 27 primary studies, two were Five studies examined the effects of a vegetarian diet on
randomized controlled trials, 20 were prospective CVD and total mortality. Of the five studies, three were
cohort studies (two were follow-up of RCTs and one prospective cohort studies (Chang-Claude, 2005; Key,
was non-concurrent), three were case-control studies, 1996; Mann, 1997), one was a meta-analysis (Key,
one was a med adherence analysis, and one was a time 1998), and one was a time series analysis (Fraser,
series (Table B2.7). 2005). Of the five studies with CVD as the study
outcome, all found that vegetarian diets were associated
Of the 10 studies that evaluated a DASH-style dietary with a reduced risk of CVD compared to non-vegetarian
pattern, nine were prospective cohort studies (Folsom, diets (Chang-Claude, 2005; Fraser, 2005; Key, 1998,
2007; Fung, 2001, 2008; Heidemann, 2008; Hu, 2000; 1996; Mann, 1997). For total mortality, four studies
Levitan, 2009; Osler, 2001; Parikh, 2009; Singman, (Fraser, 2005; Key, 1998, 1996; Mann, 1997)
1980) and one was a randomized trial in which documented that a vegetarian diet was associated with a
estimated coronary heart disease risk was the outcome reduced risk of death, and one study (Chang-Claude,
(Appel, 2005). Of the 10 that evaluated a relationship of 2005) did not detect an association.
a DASH-style dietary pattern with CVD, nine studies
documented that consumption of a DASH-style diet was One prospective cohort study (Shimazu, 2007) assessed
associated with a reduced risk of CVD (Appel, 2005; the association between dietary patterns among the
Fung, 2001, 2008; Heidemann, 2008; Hu, 2000; Japanese and CVD mortality. Three diet patterns were
Levitan, 2009; Osler, 2001; Parikh, 2009; Singman, identified: (1) Japanese pattern including soybean
1980), and one (Folsom, 2007) found no such products, fish, seaweed, vegetables, fruit and green tea,
relationship. For total mortality, six of seven studies that (2) animal food pattern, and (3) high-dairy, high-fruit
reported data on mortality documented an inverse and vegetable, low alcohol (DFA) pattern. The Japanese
relation (Fung, 2008; Heidemann, 2008; Hu, 2000; pattern was associated with a decreased risk of CVD
Levitan, 2009; Osler, 2001; Parikh, 2009) and one mortality, while the animal food pattern was associated
(Folsom, 2007) found no such relationship. In the two with increased risk. The DFA pattern was not
available studies with stroke (Fung, 2008; Parikh, significantly associated with a change in CVD risk.
2009), consumption of a DASH-style pattern prevented
Several studies examined the effects of a Mediterranean
style diet on CVD and total mortality. Of the 13 studies, The totality of evidence documenting a beneficial
one was a systematic review/meta-analysis (Mente, impact of plant-based, lower-sodium dietary patterns on
2009), one was a meta-analysis (Sofi, 2008), nine were CVD risk is remarkable. Indeed, several distinct dietary
prospective cohort studies (Fidanza, 2004; Fung, 2009; patterns are associated with lower blood pressure and a
Harriss, 2007; Knoops, 2004; Mitrou, 2007; reduced risk of CVD and total mortality. When
Panagiotakos, 2009; Trichopoulou, 2003, 2009; explicitly tested, a reduced sodium intake further lowers
Waijers, 2006), one was an adherence analysis (Alberti, blood pressure. A common feature of these diets is an
2008), and one was a case-control study (Panagiotakos, emphasis on plant-based foods. Accordingly, fiber
2005). Of the 10 studies that evaluated a relationship of intake is high while saturated fat typically low. When
a Mediterranean-style dietary pattern with CVD, each total fat intake is high, that is, over 30 percent of
documented a beneficial effect (Fidanza, 2004; Fung, calories, the predominant fat is monounsaturated or
2009; Harriss, 2007; Knoops, 2004; Mente, 2009; polyunsaturated fat. Carbohydrate intake is often, but
Mitrou, 2007; Panagiotakos, 2009, 2005; Sofi, 2008; not necessarily high; the predominant forms appear to
Trichopoulou, 2003). Likewise, of the 10 studies with be complex carbohydrates, often from whole grain
data on total mortality, each documented an inverse products with minimal processing.
relation (Alberti, 2008; Fidanza, 2004; Fung, 2009;
Harriss, 2007; Knoops, 2004; Mitrou, 2007; Sofi, 2008;
Trichopoulou, 2003, 2009; Waijers, 2006). In the one
available study with stroke, consumption of a

30 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

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Moreiras-Varela O, Menotti A, van Staveren WA. Leitzmann MF, Schatzkin A. Mediterranean dietary
Mediterranean diet, lifestyle factors, and 10-year pattern and prediction of all-cause mortality in a U.S.
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Nowson CA, Wattanapenpaiboon N, Pachett A. Low- Sacks FM, Svetkey LP, Vollmer WM, Appel LJ, Bray
sodium Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension-type GA, Harsha D, Obarzanek E, Conlin PR, Miller ER
diet including lean red meat lowers blood pressure in 3rd, Simons-Morton DG, Karanja N, Lin PH; DASH-
postmenopausal women. Nutr Res. 2009 Jan;29(1):8-18. Sodium Collaborative Research Group. Effects on
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response to dietary modifications in free-living J Med. 2001 Jan 4;344(1):3-10.
individuals. J Nutr. 2004 Sep;134(9):2322-9.
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34 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table B2.5. Selected dietary patterns with documented cardiovascular health benefits (adjusted to 2000 calories)

DASH with Mediterranean Mediterranean Mediterranean

Dietary Pattern Reduced Sodium Diet (Greece) Diet (Spain) Diet (U.S.) Japanese Okinawan
Citation Karanja et al, 1999 Trichopoulou et al, Nunez-Cordoba Fung et al, 2009 Wilcox et al, 2007 Wilcox et al, 2007
and Lin et al, 2003 NEJM 2003 2008 (SUN Study; (Circa 1950) (Circa 1949)
MAI high score)

Emphasizes Potassium-rich Plant- foods, Plant- foods, Plant foods, Rice, legumes, soy Plant-foods,
vegetables, fruits, vegetables, fruits, vegetables, fruits, vegetables, fruits, foods, vegetables, primarily
and low-fat dairy grains, beans, nuts breads, other cereals whole grains, seaweed, and fish Okinawan sweet
products and seeds, olive oil, potatoes, beans, nuts legumes, potatoes, rice,
and fish and seeds, olive oil, fish legumes, soy foods,
and fish other vegetables,
and nutrient rich
foods of low energy
Includes Whole grains, Lean meat Cheese, yogurt Lean meat Fruit
poultry, fish, and Red wine Red wine Meat and eggs
Limits (small Red meats, sweets, Red meat Potatoes Milk products Fruit
amount) and sugar- Sweets Meat, eggs
containing Milk products
Calories (kcal) 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Carbohydrates 58% nd 47% 39.1% 79% 85%
(% total kcal)
Protein 18% nd 18% 15.1% 13% 9%
(% total kcal)
Total Fat 27% ~42.7 (summed) 33% nd 8% 6%
(% total kcal)
Saturated Fat 7% 13.1 % 10% 10% (Incl. trans) 2.0% 1.9%
(% total kcal)
Monounsaturated 10% 22.7% 15 % 9.5% 2.3% 1.8%
(% total kcal)

Table B2.5 (continued). Selected dietary patterns with documented cardiovascular health benefits (adjusted to 2000 calories)

DASH with Mediterranean Mediterranean Diet
Dietary Pattern Reduced Sodium Diet (Greece) Diet (Spain) (U.S.) Japanese Okinawan

Polyunsaturated 8% 6.9% 5.1 % nd 3.5% 2.4%

(% total kcal)
Cholesterol (mg) 143 nd nd nd nd nd
Fiber (g) 29 nd 29 20 22 26
Potassium (mg) 4371 nd 4589 nd 2623 5826
Sodium (mg) 1095 nd 2532 nd 2370 1269

Food Groups
Vegetables: total 2.1 4.1 1.2 2.2 nd nd
- Dark Green (c) nd nd nd nd <0.1 (seaweed) <0.1 (sea weed)
- Legumes2(c) nd <0.1 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.5
- Red Orange (c) nd nd nd nd 0.5 (Asian sweet 6.6 (Asian sweet
potatoes) potatoes)
- Other Veg (c) nd nd nd nd 1.3; 0.9
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

+ 0.3 (pickled veg)

- Starchy Veg (c) nd 0.6 nd No potatoes 0.3 (other potatoes) <0.1 (other

Fruit & juices (c) 2.5 1.0 (fruit & nuts) 1.3 (fruit & juice) 1.6 0.2 (papaya & tomato <0.1 (papaya &
1.5 (juice & other 0.1 (dried fruit & = veg) tomato = veg)
bev) nuts)

Grains: total (oz) 7.3 5.4 2.0 nd 2.4; 1.1;

1.7 (rice) 0.9 (rice)
- Whole grains 3.9 nd nd 1.6 nd nd

Milk & milk 0.7 1.0 0.8 nd <0.1 <0.1

products, Whole
- Low-fat (c) 1.9 nd 1.3 nd nd nd
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table B2.5 (continued). Selected dietary patterns with documented cardiovascular health benefits (adjusted to 2000 calories)

DASH with Mediterranean Mediterranean Diet
Dietary Pattern Reduced Sodium Diet (Greece) Diet (Spain) (U.S.) Japanese Okinawan

Animal Proteins:
- Meat (oz) 1.4 3.5 3.6 2.4 0.4 0.1
- Poultry (oz) 1.7 nd nd nd nd nd
- Eggs (oz) nd nd 1.9 nd 0.3 <0.1
- Fish (total) (oz) 1.4 0.8 2.4 1.5 2.1 0.6
-- Hi n3 (oz) nd nd nd nd nd nd
-- Low n3 (oz) nd nd nd nd nd nd
Plant Proteins:
- Legumes (oz) 0.4 nd 0.4 nd 0.4 (Incl soy) 0.3 (Incl soy)
- Nuts & seeds 0.9 See fruit above. See fruit above. 0.5 <1g <0.1
- Soy products nd nd nd See legumes. See legumes.

Oils (g) 24.8 40.3 (olive oil) 19.0 (olive oil) nd nd nd

Solid Fats (g) nd nd nd nd nd nd
Added Sugar (g) 12 24.3 nd nd 7.7 3.4
Alcohol (g) Nd 7.92 7.1 (red wine) 7.3 30.0 (flavors and 7.8 (flavors and
alcohol) alcohol)

Table B2.6. Dietary patterns and blood pressure in adults


Author and Year Study Type Quality Population/Location Reduction Reduction Caveats

DASH N = 12 12 12 + 10 +
(9 RCT, 3 Positive 1Ø
prospective 2 Neutral 1 n/d
Appel LJ et al., 2005 RCT Positive N = 164 adult with + + Overall Between Diet Differences -
(OmniHeart) prehypertension or SBP:
stage 1 hypertension Pro vs.Cho diet: P =0.002; Unsat Fat vs.
Cho: P = 0.005
Pro vs.Cho diet: P <0.001; Unsat Fat vs.
Cho: P = 0.02
Appel LJ et al., 1997 RCT Positive N = 459; 234 males; + + SBP: P< 0.001
225 females DBP: Males P <0.001; Females P = 0.003
Normo and
hypertensive subjects
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Appel LJ et al., 2003 RCT Positive N = 810 free living + + SBP and DBP:
adults P <0.001
Normo and

Azadbakht L et al., RCT Neutral N =116 subjects with + + For both men and women P<0.001
2005 metabolic syndrome
BP > 130/85

Dauchet L et al., 2007 Longitudinal Positive N= 6,119 (2596 men, + + SBP: P <0.05
and cross- 3523 women); free DBP: P < 0.01
sectional living Longitudinal results: DASH score: SBP:
analysis P<0.002; DBP: P<0.02
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table B2.6 (continued). Dietary patterns and blood pressure in adults


Author and Year Study Type Quality Population/Location Reduction Reduction Caveats

Forman JP et al., 2009 Prospective Positive N = 83,882 females; + + Outcome in multivariate HR (95%
cohort study Nurse’s Health Study CI) for incident HTN

Miller ER et al., 2002 RCT Positive N = 43 + + SBP, DBP: P <0.001

Nowson CA et al., 2009 RCT Positive N = 111 females + Ø SBP: P = 0.38, 0.21**
(menopausal) + ** +** DBP: P = 0.61, 0.27**
** With HTN meds
DASH N = 12 12 12 + 10 +
(9 RCT, 3 Positive 1Ø
prospective 2 1 n/d
cohort) Neutral
Nowson CA et al., 2004 RCT Positive N = 94 males and + + SBP: P = 0.001
females DBP: P = 0.05

Sacks FM et al., 2001 RCT (cross- Positive N = 390 (males, + n/d SBP: P < 0.001
over) females; black and

Schulze MB et al., 2003 Prospective Positive N = 8,552 females + + HR (95% CI) for incident HTN
cohort study Normotensive


Table B2.6 (continued). Dietary patterns and blood pressure in adults


Author and Year Study Type Quality Population/Location Reduction Reduction Caveats

MEDITERRANEAN N = 1 cohort 1 Positive 1+ 1+

Núñez-Córdoba JM et al., Prospective Positive N = 9,408 adults; + + SBP: P = 0.01

AJE 2009 cohort study 3,583 males, 5,825 DBP: P = 0.05
(6 yr f/u) females

VEGETARIAN N = 4 RCT 3Positive 4+ 3+
1 Neutral 1Ø
Hakala P and Karvetti RL, RCT Positive N = 110 adults + + SBP: P = 0.05
1989 DBP: P = 0.01
Margetts BM et al., 1986 RCT (cross- Neutral N = 58; 42 males, 16 + Ø SBP: P , 0.05
over) females
Untreated mild
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Rouse IL et al., 1983 RCT (cross- Positive N = 59 males and + + SBP, DBP: P <0.01
over) females

Sciarrone SE et al., 1993 RCT Positive N = 21 males + + Ovo-lacto vegetarian

JAPANESE/OKINAWAN N = 1 RCT 1 Positive 1+ 1Ø

Takahashi Y 2006 RCT Positive N = 550 (202 males, + Ø SBP: P = 0.007

348 females) Japanese diet with
↑Vitamin C, carotene, Fruits and
Japan vegetables
↓ Sodium intake
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table B2.7. Dietary patterns, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and mortality in adults

Author and Year/ Population/

Quality/Study Type Location CVD Mortality Outcomes Comments/Caveats

DASH and DASH N=10

Variations 1 RCT
9 Cohort
Appel et al., 2005 N=164 + nd Compared with baseline, all diets lowered estimated Addresses total fat question:
(mean age = 53.6 CHD risk. Compared with the high carbohydrate High UFA diet replaced 10%
Randomized, 3-period yr; 45% women) diet, estimated 10-yr CHD risk was lower and similar energy from CHO (total
Crossover Trial on the high protein and high unsaturated fat diets. fat=37% E; 21% MUFA; 10%
Omni-Heart PUFA; 6% SFA). High UFA
Positive Compared to high carbohydrate diet, high UFA diet improved CHD risk, BP, and
U.S. decreased SBP; increased HDL-C; decreased TG, no serum lipids, compared to high
change in LDL-C CHO (SFA constant).
Folsom et al., 2007 N = 20,993, 55- Ø Ø Incidence of hypertension inversely associated w/ DASH diet concordance score
69 yrs at baseline degree of concordance with DASH diet (P for trend calculated w/ baseline FFQ in
Prospective Cohort = 0.02), 1986, subjects followed through
Study Iowa Women’s 2002.
Health Study After adjustment for additional risk factors, little
Neutral Non-hypertensive evidence that any endpoint assoc w/ DASH score

Fung et al., 2001 N = 69,017, 38 – + nd Higher Prudent-pattern score assoc w/ lower risk 12 y follow-up: 1984-1996
63 yrs at baseline total CHD (RR Q5 vs Q1=0.61, 95% CI: 0.49-0.76,
P for trend <0.001); after adjustment for BMI, Baseline=1984
Prospective Cohort Nurses’ Health smoking, caloric intake, supplemental use, hormone All FQQs using 1984 format
Study Study replacement therapy, and other coronary risk factors (116 item)
(RR=0.76, 95% CI: 0.60-0.98, P for trend = 0.03).
Positive U.S. Higher Western-pattern score assoc w/ higher risk
total MI after adjusting for age (RR Q5 versus Q1=
1.44, 95% CI: 1.16-1.78, P for trend <.001);
remained sig. after multivariate adjustment
(RR=1.46, 95% CI: 1.07-1.99).

Table B2.7 (continued). Dietary patterns, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and mortality in adults

Author and Year/ Population/

Quality/Study Type Location CVD Mortality Outcomes Comments/Caveats

Fung et al., 2008 N = 88,517, 34 - + + RR of CHD across quintiles of DASH score = 1.0, 24y follow-up: 1980-2004
59 yrs at baseline 0.99, 0.86, 0.87 and 0.76 (95% CI: 0.67 - 0.85, P for
trend <0.001) Baseline=1980
Prospective Cohort Nurses’ Health and Included data from older 1980
Study Study Stroke Magnitude of risk difference was similar for nonfatal FFQ (61 item) and 1984 FFQ
MI and fatal CHD
Positive U.S.
DASH score assoc w/ ↓ risk of stroke
Heidemann et al., N = 72,113 + + Prudent pattern assoc w/ 28% lower risk of 18 y follow-up: 1984-2002
2008 cardiovascular mortality and 17% lower risk of all-
Nurses’ Health cause mortality, Baseline=1984
Prospective Cohort Study All FQQs using 1984 format
Study Western pattern assoc w/ 22% higher risk of (116 item)
U.S. cardiovascular mortality, 16% higher risk of cancer,
Positive and 21% higher risk of all-cause mortality.
DASH and DASH N=10
Variations 1 RCT
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

9 Cohort
Hu et al., 2000 N=44,875 men, + + Two patterns explaining < 20% of the variance 8 y follow-up from 1986
40-75 y at identified by factor analysis: Prudent and Western
Prospective Cohort baseline Authors conclude dietary
Study Higher Prudent score assoc w/ monotonic lower patterns derived from their
Health risk of CHD (RR across quintiles: 1.0, 0.84, 0.76, FFQ predict CHD risk
Positive Professionals 0.71, 0.66 (95% CI: 0.54-0.80, P for trend < 0.0001 independent of other lifestyle
Follow-up Study For fatal CHD after adjustment for age, smoking, factors.
BMI, and other CHD risk factors (RR across
increasing quintiles: 1.0, 0.83, 0.78, 0.81, 0.70 (95%
CI: 0.54, 0.91, P for trend=0.03

Higher Western score assoc w/ monotonic higher

risk of CHD (RR across quintiles (P<0.0001)

CHD RR (highest Prudent vs lowest Western) = 0.50

(95% CI: 0.34, 0.74).
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table B2.7 (continued). Dietary patterns, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and mortality in adults

Author and Year/ Population/

Quality/Study Type Location CVD Mortality Outcomes Comments/Caveats

Levitan et al., 2009 36,019 women, + + Top quartile of DASH score had 37% lower rate of 7 y follow-up; dietary intake
48-83 y at heart failure (HF); rate ratios across quartiles = 1 only measured at baseline
Prospective Cohort baseline (ref), 0.85 (95% CI: 0.66-1.11), 0.69 (95% CI: 0.54-
Study 0.88), and 0.63 (95% CI: 0.48-0.81), P for trend Hypertension was based on
Swedish <0.001. self-report.
Neutral Mammography
Cohort Both HF-assoc hospitalization and death were
Osler et al., 2001 N= 5,872 (2,994 + + Prudent pattern inversely assoc w/ all-cause (hazard
men, 2,878 ratios =0.63 in women =0.75 in men) and
Prospective Cohort women) cardiovascular mortality
Study Random equal-
sized samples Western pattern not associated w/ mortality
Neutral 30,40,50, 60-y at

Danish World
MONICA survey
Parikh et al., 2009 N=5532 adults w/ + + DASH-like group had lower unadjusted mortality 8.2 person-years follow-up
hypertension rates per 1,000 person-yrs for all-cause mortality
Prospective Cohort NHANES III and (P=0.02), stroke mortality (P<0.001), and cancer Secondary outcomes included
Study (1988-1994) Stroke mortality (P=0.05). specific causes of mortality
U.S. CVD, ischemic heart disease,
Neutral DASH-like group, after adjusting for multiple stroke, and cancer
confounders, assoc w/ lower mortality from all causes
(HR=0.69, 95% CI 0.52-0.92, P=0.01) and stroke
(HR=0.11, 95% CI 0.03-0.47, P=0.003).

CVD mortality risk (HR=0.92, 95% CI 0.63-1.35,

P=0.67), IHD (HR=0.77, 95% CI 0.47-1.14, P=0.28),
and cancer (HR=0.51, 95% CI 0.23-1.10, P=0.09) not
stat significant

Table B2.7 (continued). Dietary patterns, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and mortality in adults

Author and Year/ Population/

Quality/Study Type Location CVD Mortality Outcomes Comments/Caveats

DASH and DASH N=10

Variations 1 RCT
9 Cohort
Singman et al., 1980 N=1,113 men + nd Prudent diet group in both age categories (40-49 y
experimental and & 50-59 y) had lower CHD incidence rates
Prospective Cohort 467 men control
1 Index
1 Systematic Rev
1 Meta Analysis
9 Cohort
1 Case Control
Alberti et al., 2008 5 data sets on 23 ND + Inverse correlation between MAI and 25 y CHD MAI: divide the sum of the
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

populations death rate and total mortality percentages of dietary energy

Analysis of from food groups typical of a
Mediterranean healthy reference
Adequacy Index Mediterranean diet, by the sum
(MAI) of the percentages of dietary
energy of food groups that are
Neutral not characteristic of a healthy
reference Mediterranean diet
Fidanza et al., 2004 N=12,763 men, + + The coefficient of linear correlation between the MAI Index
40-59 yrs at MAI and CHD death rates in the 16 cohorts was -
Prospective Cohort baseline 0.72 (P=0.001)
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table B2.7 (continued). Dietary patterns, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and mortality in adults

Author and Year/ Population/

Quality/Study Type Location CVD Mortality Outcomes Comments/Caveats

Fung et al., 2009 N = 76,522 , 38 - + + Top aMed quintile ↓risk CHD and stroke: RR CHD 20 y follow-up: 1984-2004
63 yrs at baseline = 0.71, 95% CI: 0.62-0.82, P for trend < 0.0001, RR
Prospective Cohort stroke = 0.87, 95% CI: 0.73-1.02, P for trend = 0.03 Baseline=1984
Study Nurses’ Health and All FQQs using 1984 format
Study Stroke CVD mortality ↓: top quintile RR=0.61, 95%
Neutral CI:0.49-0.76, P for trend <0.0001
Harriss et al., 2007 N= 40,653 + + Mediterranean dietary factor inversely assoc w/ CVD Mean follow-up = 10.4 y
(16,673 men, and IHD mortality
Prospective Cohort 23,908 women) Involved migrants to Australia
Study IHD, HR (highest compared w/ lowest quartile) = from Mediterranean countries
Melbourne 0.59 (95% CI: 0.39-0.89, P for trend=0.03) (24% of subjects were
Neutral Collaborative Mediterranean born)
Study Excluding subjects w/ prior CVD (HR=0.51, 95%
CI: 0.30-0.88, P for trend = 0.03)
1 Index
1 Systematic Rev
1 Meta Analysis
9 Cohort
1 Case Control
Knoops et al., 2004 N= 40,653 (1,507 + + Mediterranean diet (HR = 0.77, 95% CI: 0.68 - 0.88) 10 y mortality from all causes
men, 832 assoc w/ ↓ risk all-cause mortality (CVD, CHD, and Cancer)
Prospective Cohort women)
Study Similar results were observed for mortality from
HALE cohort coronary heart disease, cardiovascular diseases, and
Neutral cancer

Table B2.7 (continued). Dietary patterns, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and mortality in adults

Author and Year/ Population/

Quality/Study Type Location CVD Mortality Outcomes Comments/Caveats

Mente et al., 2009 146 prospective + nd Among the dietary exposures with strong evidence of Used Bradford Hill guidelines
cohort studies causation from cohort studies, only the to derive causation score based
Systematic Review/ + 43 RCTs Mediterranean dietary pattern is related to CHD in on 4 criteria (strength,
Meta-analysis (pub1950-2007) RCTs consistency, temporality, and
coherence) for each dietary
Positive Europe, Asia, exposure in cohort studies and
U.S. examined for consistency with
the findings of RCTs.
Mitrou et al, 2007 N= 352,497 + + Men: multivariate HR all-cause mortality = 0.79 5 y follow-up
(196,158 men, (95% CI: 0.76 - 0.83), CVD mortality = 0.78 (95%
Prospective Cohort 156,339 women) CI: 0.69 - 0.87), cancer mortality = 0.83 (95% CI: Used 9-point score to assess
Study median age = 62 0.76 - 0.91). conformity with
Mediterranean dietary pattern
Positive NIH-AARP Diet Women: ↓ risks = 12% cancer mortality (P for trend (components included
and Health Study = 0.04); = 20% all-cause mortality (P for trend < vegetables, legumes, fruits,
0.001). nuts, whole grains, fish,
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

U.S. monounsaturated fat-saturated

fat ratio, alcohol, and meat)
Panagiotakos et al., N= 848 w/ 1st + nd 10-unit increase in Mediterranean diet score assoc w/ Secondary prevention
2005 CHD event and 27% (95% CI: 0.66 - 0.89) decrease odds of non-
1,078 age- and fatal acute coronary syndromes
Case-control Study sex-matched
controls (aged 49
Positive - 75)


2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table B2.7 (continued). Dietary patterns, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and mortality in adults

Author and Year/ Population/

Quality/Study Type Location CVD Mortality Outcomes Comments/Caveats

Panagiotakos et al., N = 2,101 + nd Pattern characterized by cereals, small fish, and olive 5 y follow-up
2009 oil assoc w/ ↓ CVD risk (HR = 0.72, 95% CI: 0.52 -
ATTICA Study 1.00) Exclusion of CVD done by
Prospective Cohort detailed clinical evaluation
Study Greece Pattern characterized by fruit and vegetables using
olive oil in cooking (HR = 0.80, 95% CI: 0.66 -
Neutral 0.97)

Patterns characterized by sweets, red meat,

margarine, salty nuts, hard cheese and alcohol assoc
w/ ↑ CVD risk
Trichopoulou et al., N = 22,043, 38- + + Higher adherence to Med diet assoc w/ ↓ total 44 month follow-up
2003 63 yrs at baseline mortality (adjusted HR =0.75, 95% CI: 0.64 - 0.87);
inverse assoc w/ CHD death (adjusted HR = 0.67,
Prospective Cohort EPIC Study 95% CI: 0.47 - 0.94) and cancer death (adjusted HR
Study = 0.76, 95% CI: 0.59 - 0.98).
Trichopoulou et al., N = 23,349 nd + Higher adherence to a Med diet assoc w/ ↓ total 8.5 y follow-up
2009 mortality (adjusted mortality ratio = 0.864, 95% CI:
EPIC Study 0.802 - 0.932).
Prospective Cohort
Study Greece

Waijers et al., 2006 N = 5,427 women nd + Principal component analysis identified 3 diet 8.2 y follow-up
(aged >60 years) patterns: Mediterranean, Traditional Dutch, and
Prospective Cohort Healthy Dutch
Study EPIC Study Healthy trad Dutch pattern assoc w/ ↓ mortality rate;
women in highest tertile 30% ↓mortality risk
Neutral Netherlands

Table B2.7 (continued). Dietary patterns, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and mortality in adults

Author and Year/ Population/

Quality/Study Type Location CVD Mortality Outcomes Comments/Caveats

4 Cohort
1 Time series

Chang-Claude et al., N = 1,904 ; 858 + Ø ↓ risk ischemic heart disease (RR = 0.70, 95% CI: A cohort study of vegetarians
2005 males, 1,046 0.41 – 1.18) and health-conscious persons
females in Germany was followed-up
Prospective Cohort No effect on mortality (RR = 1.10, 95% CI: 0.89 – prospectively for 21 years,
Study 1,165 lacto-ovo, 1.36) including 1,225 vegetarians
679 non-veg, 60 and 679 health-conscious
Neutral vegans. nonvegetarians

Fraser et al., 2005 (N=30,292 males, + + Rate ratio (RR) (Adventist/Stanford study) Two concurrent California
N=50,562 1st event fatal CHD = 0.59 (95% CI, 0.43-0.80) men observational studies, one with
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Time series females) and 0.49 (0.32-0.76) women. unusual dietary habits, are
California Vegetarian Adventists, RR = 0.45 (0.24-0.84) and compared. Similar diagnostic
Neutral Seventh Day 0.20 (0.06-0.63) men and women, respectively. criteria were used in both the
Adventists 1st event MI RR = 0.60 (0.47-0.78) and 0.46 (0.33- Adventist Health Study and
(N=297,126 male, 0.65). the Stanford Five-City Project.
344,401 female) Vegetarian Adventists RR = 0.37 (0.20-0.66) and
Stanford Five- 0.62 (0.35-1.09) men and women, respectively.
City Project

4 Cohort
1 Time series
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table B2.7 (continued). Dietary patterns, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and mortality in adults

Author and Year/ Population/

Quality/Study Type Location CVD Mortality Outcomes Comments/Caveats

Key et al., 1996 N = 10,771; + + Daily consumption of fresh fruit assoc w/ ↓ Mortality ratios measured for
4,336 males, mortality ischemic heart disease (rate ratio = 0.76, vegetarianism and for daily
Prospective Cohort 6,435 females 95% CI: 0.60 – 0.97), cerebrovascular disease (rate versus less than daily
Study ratio = 0.68, 95% CI: 0.47 – 0.98), and all causes consumption of wholemeal
UK (rate ratio = 0.79, 95% CI: 0.70 – 0.90) bread, bran cereals, nuts or
Neutral dried fruit, fresh fruit, and raw
salad in relation to all cause
mortality and mortality from
ischemic heart disease,
cerebrovascular disease, all
malignant neoplasms, lung
cancer, colorectal cancer, and
breast cancer.
Key et al., 1998 N = 76,172 men + + Compared to non-vegetarians, vegetarians had 24% ↓ Vegetarians were those who
and women IHD mortality (rate ratio = 0.76, 95% CI:0.62-0.94) did not eat any meat or fish (n
Meta-analysis: 5 = 27,808). Non-vegetarians
Prospective Cohort U.S. Reduction in mortality among vegetarians varied were from a similar
Studies significantly with age at death. background to the vegetarians
within each study.
Neutral Regular meat consumers compared to semi-
vegetarians (fish or meat <1X/wk), IHD rate
ratios=0.78 (95% CI:0.68-0.89) in semi-vegetarians
and 0.66 (95% CI:0.53-0.83) in vegetarians (P for
trend <0.001).
Mann et al., 1997 N = 10,802; + + An increase in mortality for IHD was observed with 13.3 y follow-up
4,102 males, increasing intakes of total and saturated animal fat
Prospective Cohort 6,700 females and dietary cholesterol-death rate ratios in the third Prospective observation of
Study tertile compared with the first tertile: 329, 95% vegetarians, semi-vegetarians,
Health conscious, confidence interval (CI) 150 to 721; 277, 95% CI and meat eaters
Neutral mean age=33-34 125 to 613; 353, 95% CI 157 to 796, respectively.

United Kingdom No protective effects for dietary fiber, fish or alcohol


Table B2.7 (continued). Dietary patterns, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and mortality in adults

Author and Year/ Population/

Quality/Study Type Location CVD Mortality Outcomes Comments/Caveats

N=1 Cohort
Shimazu et al., 2007 N=40,547, 40-79 + + 3 patterns identified by principal components 7 y follow-up
yrs at baseline analysis: i) a Japanese dietary pattern highly
Prospective Cohort Japan correlated with soybean products, fish, seaweeds,
Study vegetables, fruits and green tea, (ii) an ‘animal food’
dietary pattern and (iii) a high-dairy, high-fruit-and-
Neutral vegetable, low-alcohol (DFA) dietary pattern.

Japanese pattern assoc w/ ↓ risk CVD mortality (HR

= 0.73, 95% CI 0.59-0.92, P for trend=0.003)

ND = Not determined.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Part B. Section 3: Translating and
Integrating the Evidence: A Call to Action

The data clearly document that America is experiencing of vegetables and fruits among ethnic groups, but also
a public health crisis involving overweight and obesity. have a higher prevalence of hypertension and related
Particularly alarming is the further evidence that the diseases, such as stroke. Although the reasons for these
obesity epidemic involves American children and differences are complex and multifactorial, this Report
youth, as nearly one in three are classified as overweight addresses research indicating that certain dietary
or obese. Childhood obesity and overweight is a serious changes can provide a means to reduce health
health concern in the United States (U.S.) because of disparities. If we are successful in changing dietary
immediate health consequences, as well as because it intake patterns of all Americans through a systematic
places a child at increased risk of obesity in adulthood, approach, we will go a long way in narrowing the gap in
with all its attendant health problems such as health disparities.
cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and type 2 diabetes
(T2D). All adults—parents, educators, caregivers, Although obesity is related to many chronic health
teachers, policy makers, health care providers, and all conditions, it is not the only diet-related public health
other adults who work with and care about children and problem confronting the Nation. Nutritionally
families—serve as role models in some capacity and suboptimal diets with or without obesity are
share responsibility for helping the next generation etiologically related to many of the most common,
prevent obesity by promoting healthy lifestyles at all costly, and yet preventable health problems in the U.S.,
ages. Primary prevention of obesity, starting in particularly CVD (atherosclerosis, stroke) and related
pregnancy and early childhood, is the single best risk factors (T2D, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia),
strategy for combating and reversing America’s obesity some cancers, and osteoporosis. Improved nutrition and
epidemic for current and future generations. While there appropriate eating behaviors have tremendous potential
is also an urgent need to improve the health and well- to enhance public health, prevent or reduce morbidity
being of children and adults who are already overweight and mortality, and decrease health care costs.
and obese, primary prevention offers the strongest
universal benefits. Solving the obesity problem will take The science is not perfect; evidence is strong in some
a coordinated system-wide, multi-sectoral approach that areas and limited or inconsistent in other areas.
engages parents as well as those in education, Nevertheless, this Report is an urgent call to action to
government, healthcare, agriculture, business, address a major public health crisis by focusing on
advocacy, and the community. This approach must helping all Americans achieve energy balance through
promote primary prevention among those who are not adoption and adherence to current nutrition and
yet overweight and address weight loss and fitness physical activity guidelines.
among those who are overweight.
After reviewing its entire Report, the Dietary Guidelines
Disparities in health among racial and ethnic minorities Advisory Committee (DGAC) recognized a need to not
and among different socioeconomic groups have been only document the evidence, but to translate and
recognized as a significant concern for decades. Several integrate major findings that have cross-cutting public
subgroups of the population (Native Americans, Blacks, health impact and provide guidance on how to
Hispanics, and segments of the population with low implement the changes necessary to enhance the health
income) have a strikingly high prevalence of overweight and well being of the population. Below are the four
and obesity. Dietary patterns vary among different major cross-cutting findings from the 2010 DGAC
ethnic and socioeconomic groups. Individuals of lower Report, followed by suggestions for implementation.
education and/or income levels tend to eat fewer
servings of vegetables and fruits than do those with
more education and/or higher income. According to
national surveys, Blacks tend to have the lowest intakes

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 51

Four Main Integrated Findings to Be Used 2. Shift food intake patterns to a more plant-
in Developing the 2010 Dietary Guidelines based diet that emphasizes vegetables,
for Americans cooked dry beans and peas, fruits, whole
grains, nuts, and seeds. In addition, increase
the intake of seafood and fat-free and low-fat
1. Reduce the incidence and prevalence of
milk and milk products, and consume only
overweight and obesity of the U.S. population
moderate amounts of lean meats, poultry, and
by reducing overall calorie intake and
increasing physical activity.
This approach will help Americans meet their nutrient
A focus on life-stage approaches (pregnant women,
needs while maintaining energy balance. Importantly,
children, adolescents, adults, and older adults) is
this will assist Americans to increase their intake of
necessary nationwide to help Americans meet nutrient
shortfall nutrients, such as potassium and fiber. These
needs within appropriate calorie intake. To achieve this,
goals can be attained through a range of food patterns—
Americans should:
from omnivore to vegan—that embrace cultural
heritage, lifestyle, and food preferences. These flexible
• Know their calorie needs. In other words, patterns of eating must encompass all foods and
individuals need to know how many calories they beverages that are consumed as meals and snacks
should consume each day based on their age, sex, throughout the day, regardless of whether they are eaten
and level of physical activity. at home or away from home.
• Significantly lower excessive calorie intake from
added sugars, solid fats, and some refined grain 3. Significantly reduce intake of foods
products. containing added sugars and solid fats
• Increase their consumption of a variety of because these dietary components contribute
vegetables, fruits, and fiber-rich whole grains. excess calories and few, if any, nutrients. In
• Avoid sugar-sweetened beverages. addition, reduce sodium intake and lower
• Consume smaller portions, especially of high- intake of refined grains, especially refined
calorie foods. grains that are coupled with added sugar, solid
• Choose lower-calorie options, especially when fat, and sodium.
eating foods away from home.
• Increase their overall physical activity. The components of the American diet that are
• Have access to improved, easy-to-understand labels consumed in excess are solid fats and added sugars
listing calorie content and portion size on packaged (SoFAS), refined grains, and sodium. SoFAS alone
foods and for restaurant meals (especially quick contribute approximately 35 percent to total energy
service [i.e., fast food] restaurants, restaurant intake of Americans. Collectively, the consumption of
chains, and other places where standardized foods foods containing SoFAS, refined grains, and sodium
are served). lead to excessive calorie intake, resulting in weight gain
and health consequences such as hypertension, CVD,
Collectively, these measures will help Americans and T2D. Reducing the intake of these overconsumed
manage their body weight and improve their overall components will require much more than individual
health. In order to achieve this goal, the public and behavior change. A comprehensive approach is needed.
private sectors must be committed to assisting all The food industry will need to act to help Americans
Americans to know their calorie needs at each stage of achieve these goals. Every aspect of the industry, from
life and help them recognize how to manage and/or research and development to production and retail,
lower their body weight. Simple but effective needs to contribute healthful food solutions to reduce
consumer-friendly tools for self-assessment of energy the intake of SoFAS, certain refined grain products, and
needs and self-monitoring of food and beverage intake sodium. Sound health and wellness policies at the local,
are urgently needed and should be developed. These state, and national level also can help facilitate these
strategies will enable everyone to recognize and changes.
implement, both inside and outside the home, dietary
recommendations that have been consistent for decades.

52 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

4. Meet the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines have increased as well. Moreover, the number of food
for Americans. items at the supermarket has increased from 10,425 in
1978 to 46,852 in 2008, and most of these contribute
A comprehensive set of physical activity SoFAS, refined grains, and sodium to the American diet
recommendations for people of all ages and physical (see Part D. Section 1. Energy Balance and Weight
conditions was released by the U.S. Department of Management for a discussion of recent changes in the
Health and Human Services in 2008 (HHS, 2008). The food environment). This has far-reaching effects such
2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans were that the average child now consumes 365 calories per
developed to help Americans to become more day of added sugars and 433 calories per day of solid fat
physically active. By objective measures, large portions, for a combined total of 798 calories, or more than one-
indeed the majority, of the U.S. population are third of total calorie intake (HHS, 2010; see Part D.
sedentary (Metzger, 2008). In fact, Americans spend Section 2. Nutrient Adequacy). Conversely, Americans
most of their waking hours engaged in behaviors that spend 45 percent less time preparing food at home (see
expend very little energy (Matthews, 2008). To increase Part D. Section 1. Energy Balance and Weight
the public’s participation in physical activity, Management) or eating food at the family table than
compelling multi-sector approaches are needed to previously, and this behavioral trend is associated with
improve home, school, work, and community increased risk of weight gain, overweight, and obesity.
environments to promote physical activity. These In this context, the DGAC concluded that mere
changes need to surpass planned exercise and foster repetition of advice will not effectively help
greater energy expenditure throughout the day. Americans achieve these evidence-based and often-
Improved exposure to recreational spaces, increased use repeated goals for a healthy diet.
of active transportation, and encouraging development
of school and worksite policies that program physical Ensuring that all Americans consume a health-
activity throughout the day can help enable Americans promoting dietary pattern and achieve and maintain
to develop and maintain healthier lifestyle behaviors. energy balance requires far more than individual
Special attention and creative approaches also are behavior change. A multi-sectoral strategy is
needed to help Americans reduce sedentary behaviors, imperative. For this reason, the 2010 DGAC strongly
especially television viewing and video game use, recommends that HHS and USDA convene appropriate
among children and adolescents. committees, potentially through the Institute of
Medicine (IOM), to develop a strategic plan focusing on
the behaviors and actions needed to successfully
A Call to Action implement the four key 2010 DGAC recommendations
highlighted above.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans have been published
since 1980. During this time obesity rates have A coordinated strategic plan that includes all sectors of
escalated and dietary intake patterns have strayed from society, including individuals, families, educators,
the ideal. The 2010 DGAC recognizes that several of its communities, allied health professionals, public health
recommendations have been made repeatedly in prior advocates, policy makers, scientists, and small and large
reports with little or no demonstrable impact. For businesses (e.g., farmers, agricultural producers, food
example, recommended intakes of vegetables and fruit scientists, food manufacturers, and food retailers of all
remain woefully unchanged, despite continuing advice kinds), should be engaged in developing and
to markedly increase intake of these foods. Substantial, implementing the plan to help all Americans eat well,
high-level barriers appear to impede achievement of be physically active, and maintain good health. It is
these goals, including certain government regulations important that any strategic plan be evidence-informed,
and policies. Chief among these are land use policy and action-oriented, and focused on changes in systems
economic incentives for food manufacturers. The food (IOM, 2010a). This systems approach is already
supply and access to it has changed dramatically over underway in countries such as the United Kingdom for
the past 40 years, contributing to an overall increased obesity prevention (Butland, 2007) with promising
calorie intake by many individuals. Since the 1970s, the results. Recent examples of this approach in the U.S.
number of fast food restaurants has increased 147 include an IOM committee convened by HHS and
percent. The portions that are served in restaurants and USDA and charged with developing strategies for
the serving sizes of foods sold in packages at stores gradually but dramatically reducing sodium intake,
which remains persistently high even after more than 40
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 53
years of advice. This IOM committee recently issued its competitive foods so that they meet the
report (IOM, 2010b), providing a comprehensive recommendations of the IOM report on school
strategy to reduce dietary sodium intake in the general meals (IOM, 2009) and the key findings of the 2010
population by focusing on the food supply and targeting DGAC. This includes all age groups of children,
industry to partner in systematic reductions in sodium from preschool through high school.
content of foods. Already there is encouraging evidence • Increase comprehensive health, nutrition, and
that food manufacturers are responding positively and physical education programs and curricula in U.S.
are committed to reducing the sodium content in their schools and preschools, including food preparation,
food products. Similarly, the U.S. National Physical food safety, cooking, and physical education classes
Activity Plan, released in May 2010, was developed by and improved quality of recess.
multiple stakeholders and provides a comprehensive, • Develop nationally standardized approaches for
realistic implementation framework intended to promote health care providers to track BMI-for-age and
physical activity in the American population. Most provide guidance to children and their families to
recently, the May 2010, White House Task Force on effectively prevent, monitor, and/or treat childhood
Childhood Obesity Report, Solving the Problem of obesity.
Childhood Obesity Within a Generation, also calls for a • Develop nationally standardized approaches for
multi-sector, systems approach to solving this important health care providers to improve nutrition, physical
public health issue. activity participation, healthy weight gain during
pregnancy, and the attainment of a healthy weight
An Urgent Need to Focus on Children postpartum.
• Increase safe routes to schools and community
Any and all systems-based strategies must include a recreational areas to encourage active transportation
focus on children. Primary prevention of obesity must and physical activity.
begin in childhood. This is the single most powerful • Remove sugar-sweetened beverages and high-
public health approach to combating and reversing calorie snacks from schools, recreation facilities,
America’s obesity epidemic over the long term. Trends and other places where children gather.
for childhood overweight and obesity are alarming, with • Develop and enforce responsible zoning policies for
obesity prevalence rates tripling between 1980 and the location of fast food restaurants near schools
2004. Although rates for children appear to be leveling and places where children play.
off, they remain high, with one-third currently • Increase awareness and promote action around
overweight or obese, defined as at or above the 85th reducing screen time (television and computer or
percentile on body mass index (BMI)-for-age growth game modules) and removing televisions from
charts (Ogden, 2010). These numbers represent more children’s bedrooms.
than 25 million children in the U.S. In order to reverse
• Develop and enforce effective policies regarding
this trend, we will need to work together as a Nation to
marketing of food and beverage products to
improve the food environment to which children are
children. Efforts in this area are underway through a
exposed at home, school, and the community. Efforts to
government interagency committee comprised of
prevent childhood obesity need to start very early, even
the Federal Trade Commission, Centers for Disease
in utero. Increasing evidence indicates that maternal
Control and Prevention, USDA, and Food and Drug
obesity before conception and excessive gestational
Administration, as well as some self-regulation
weight gain represent a substantial risk of childhood
from industry (Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009).
obesity in the offspring (see Part D. Section 2. Energy
• Develop affordable summer programs that support
Balance and Weight Management for a detailed
children’s health, as children gain the most weight
discussion of this issue). Thus, addressing maternal
during the out-of-school summer months (von
nutrition, physical activity, and body weight before
Hippel, 2007).
conception and during pregnancy as well as
emphasizing early childhood nutrition is paramount for
preventing the onset of childhood obesity. Areas
targeting childhood obesity prevention that should be Challenges and Opportunities for Change
addressed include, but are not limited to:
Change is needed in the overall food environment to
• Improve foods sold and served in schools, including support the efforts of all Americans to meet the key
school breakfast, lunch, and after-school meals and recommendations of the 2010 DGAC (Story, 2009).

54 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

The 2010 DGAC recognizes that the current food local, state, and national programs and policies to
environment does not adequately facilitate the ability of increase physical activity and reduce sedentary
Americans to follow the evidence-based activity (National Physical Activity Plan, 2010).
recommendations outlined in the 2010 DGAC Report. Through the Plan and other initiatives, develop
Population growth, availability of fresh water, arable efforts across all sectors of society, including health
land constraints, climate change, current policies, and care and public health; education; business and
business practices are among some of the major industry; mass media; parks, recreation, fitness, and
challenges that need to be addressed in order to ensure sports; transportation, land use, and community
that these recommendations can be implemented design; and volunteer and non-profit. Reducing
nationally. For example, if every American were to screen time, especially television, for all Americans
meet the vegetable, fruit, and whole-grain also will be important.
recommendations, domestic crop acreage would need to
increase by an estimated 7.4 million harvested acres The 2010 DGAC recognizes the significant challenges
(Buzby, 2006). Furthermore, the environment does not involved in implementing the goals outlined here. These
facilitate the ability of individuals to follow the 2008 challenges go beyond cost, economic interests,
Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Most home, technological and societal changes, and agricultural
school, work, and community environments do not limitations. Over the past several decades, the value of
promote engagement in a physically active lifestyle. To preparing and enjoying healthy food has eroded, leaving
meet these challenges, the following sustainable instead the practices of eating processed foods
changes must occur: containing excessive sodium, solid fats, refined grains,
and added sugars. As a Nation, we all need to value and
• Improve nutrition literacy and cooking skills, and adopt the practices of good nutrition, physical activity,
empower and motivate the population to prepare and a healthy lifestyle. The DGAC encourages all
and consume healthy foods at home, especially stakeholders to take actions to make every choice
among families with children. available to Americans a healthy choice. To move
• For all Americans, especially those with low- toward this vision, all segments of society—from
income, create greater financial incentives to parents to policy makers and everyone else in
purchase, prepare, and consume vegetables and between—must now take responsibility and play a
fruit, whole grains, seafood, fat-free and low-fat leadership role in creating gradual and steady change to
milk and milk products, lean meats, and other help current and future generations live healthy and
healthy foods. Currently, individuals have an productive lives. A measure of success will be evidence
economic disincentive to purchase healthy foods. that meaningful change has occurred when the 2015
• Improve the availability of affordable fresh produce DGAC convenes.
through greater access to grocery stores, produce
trucks, and farmers’ markets.
• Increase environmentally sustainable production of References
vegetables, fruits, and fiber-rich whole grains.
• Ensure household food security through measures Butland B, Jebb S, Kopelman P, McPherson K, Thomas
that provide access to adequate amounts of foods S, Mardell J, Parry V. Foresight. Tackling Obesities:
that are nutritious and safe to eat. Future Choice—Project Report. London (UK):
• Develop safe, effective, and sustainable practices to Government Office for Science; 2007.
expand aquaculture and increase the availability of http://www.foresight.gov.uk/Obesity/17.pdf. Accessed
seafood to all segments of the population. Ensure May 5, 2010.
that consumers have access to user-friendly
benefit/risk information to make informed seafood Buzby JC, Wells HF, Vocke G. Possible Implications
choices. for U.S. Agriculture from Adoption of Select Dietary
• Encourage restaurants and the food industry to offer Guidelines. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
health-promoting foods that are low in sodium; Agriculture, Economic Research Service Report No.
limited in SoFAS and refined grains; and served in (ERR-31); 2006.
smaller portions.
• Implement the U.S. National Physical Activity Plan,
a private-public sector collaborative promoting

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 55

Institute of Medicine (IOM). School Meals: Building Story M, Hamm MW, Wallinga D. Food systems and
Blocks for Healthy Children. Washington, DC: The public health: linkages to achieve healthier diets and
National Academies Press; 2009. healthier communities. J Hunger and Environ Nut.
Institute of Medicine (IOM). Bridging the Evidence
Gap in Obesity Prevention: A Framework to Inform National Physical Activity Plan. The U.S. National
Decision Making. Washington, DC: The National Physical Activity Plan.
Academies Press; 2010a. http://www.physicalactivityplan.org/theplan.htm.
Updated May 5, 2010. Accessed May 5, 2010.
Institute of Medicine (IOM). Strategies to Reduce
Sodium Intake in the United States. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
The National Academies Press; 2010b. 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and
Matthews CE, Chen KY, Freedson PS, Buchowski MS, Human Services. ODPHP Publication No. U0036;
Beech BM, Pate RR, Troiano RP. Amount of Time 2008. http://www.health.gov/paguidelines.
Spent in Sedentary Behaviors in the United States,
2003–2004. Am J Epidemiol. 2008;167(7):875-81. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Sources of Selected Nutrients among the U.S.
Metzger JS, Catellier DJ, Evenson KR, Treuth MS, Population, 2005-06. Risk Factor Monitoring and
Rosamond WD, Siega-Riz AM. Patterns of objectively Methods Branch Website. Applied Research Program.
measured physical activity in the United States. Med Sci National Cancer Institute.
Sports Exerc. 2008;40(4):630-38. http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/foodsources/. Accessed
May 5, 2010.
Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Curtin LR, Lamb MM, Flegal
KM. Prevalence of high body mass index in U.S. von Hippel PT, Powell B, Downey DB, Rowland NJ.
children and adolescents, 2007-2008. JAMA. The effect of school on overweight in childhood: gain in
2010;303(3):242-9. body mass index during the school year and during
summer vacation. Am J Public Health. 2007;97(4):696–
Omnibus Appropriations Act, Pub. L. No. 111-8. 11 702.
March 2009. Print.

56 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Part C. Methodology

Committee Appointment of the relationship between dietary intake and health in

all relevant areas of the current Dietary Guidelines.
Beginning with the 1985 edition, the U.S. Department
of Agriculture (USDA) and U.S. Department of Health To ensure that recommendations of the Committee took
and Human Services (HHS) have appointed a Dietary into account the needs of the diverse groups served by
Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) of prominent USDA and HHS, membership included, to the extent
experts in nutrition and health to assist in preparing the practicable, individuals with demonstrated ability to
Dietary Guidelines for Americans. This Committee has represent minorities, women, and persons with
been an effective mechanism for obtaining a disabilities. Efforts were made to ensure equitable
comprehensive review of the science, recommendations geographic distribution and racial, ethnic, and gender
from experts, and broad public acceptance of the representation. Appointments were made without
Dietary Guidelines. The 2010 DGAC was established discrimination on the basis of age, race and ethnicity,
for the single, time-limited task of reviewing the 2005 gender, sexual orientation, disability, or cultural,
edition of Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary religious, or socioeconomic status. Equal opportunity
Guidelines for Americans and determining whether, on practices, in line with USDA and HHS policies, were
the basis of current scientific and medical knowledge, followed in all membership appointments to the
revision was warranted. The Committee determined that Committee.
a revision was needed and developed nutrition and
health recommendations in this Advisory Report to the
Secretaries of USDA and HHS. The Committee was Charge to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines
dissolved upon delivery of this report. Advisory Committee

Nominations were sought from the public through a The Dietary Guidelines for Americans provide science-
Federal Register notice published on April 10, 2008. based advice for Americans, ages 2 years and older, in
Prospective members of the DGAC were expected to be order to promote health and to reduce the risk of major
knowledgeable about current scientific research in chronic diseases through diet and physical activity.
human nutrition and chronic disease, and be respected
and published experts in their fields. They would be The Dietary Guidelines form the basis of Federal
familiar with the purpose, communication, and nutrition policy, nutrition standards, nutrition programs,
application of the Dietary Guidelines and have and nutrition education for the general public and are
demonstrated interest in the public’s health and well- published jointly by USDA and HHS every 5 years.
being through their research and educational endeavors.
Expertise was sought in specific specialty areas, The charge to the Dietary Guidelines Advisory
including, but not limited to, the prevention of chronic Committee, whose duties were time-limited and solely
diseases (e.g., cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 advisory in nature, was as follows:
diabetes, obesity, and osteoporosis), energy balance
(including physical activity), epidemiology, food safety • Inform the Secretaries of both Departments if no
and technology, general medicine, gerontology, nutrient changes to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans,
bioavailability, nutrition biochemistry and physiology, 2005 are warranted. This action will disband the
nutrition education, pediatrics, public health, and DGAC.
evidence review methodology. • Inform the Secretaries of both Departments if
changes are warranted, based on the preponderance
The Secretaries of USDA and HHS jointly selected of the most current scientific and medical
individuals for membership to the 2010 DGAC. The knowledge, and determine what issues for change
chosen individuals are highly respected by their peers need to be addressed.
for the depth and breadth of their scientific knowledge

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 57

• Place their primary focus on the review of scientific organizations or individuals who registered presented
evidence published since the last DGAC oral testimony during the January 29-30, 2009, meeting
deliberations. of the Committee. These comments are summarized in
• Place their primary emphasis on the development of the January Public Meeting Minutes at
food-based recommendations. www.dietaryguidelines.gov.
• Prepare and submit a report of technical
recommendations with rationales to the Secretaries. The Committee used a newly developed, state-of-the-
DGAC responsibilities do not include translating art, web-based electronic system and methodology to
the recommendations into a policy or address the majority of the science-based research
communications document. questions posed by the Committee. These reviews are
• Disband upon the submittal of the Committee’s publicly available in the Nutrition Evidence Library
recommendations via the Report of the Dietary (NEL) at www.NutritionEvidenceLibrary.gov.
Guidelines Advisory Committee on the Dietary Remaining questions were answered by data analyses,
Guidelines for Americans, 2010. modeling analyses, and consideration of other
evidence-based reviews or existing reports, such as the
2008 edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for
The Committee Process Americans. Topic areas that were addressed for this
Report were similar to those for the 2005 Dietary
Guidelines, but this new methodology and web-based
The 13-member Committee served without pay and
system allowed the Committee to ask and process
worked under the regulations of the Federal Advisory
more questions in a systematic, transparent, evidence-
Committee Act (FACA). The Committee held six
based manner. These research questions were
public meetings in Washington, DC over the course of
developed and assessed by seven subcommittees:
1½ years. Meetings were held in October 2008;
Energy Balance and Weight Management; Nutrient
January, April, and November 2009; and April and May
Adequacy; Fatty Acids and Cholesterol;
2010. Members of the general public were able to
Carbohydrates and Protein; Sodium, Potassium, and
attend the Committee’s first two meetings in person in
Water; Alcohol (initially called Ethanol); and Food
Washington, DC. For the remaining meetings, members
Safety and Technology. One main difference from
of the public were able to participate by webinar. All
2005 was that protein was added as a topic area, thus
meetings were announced in the Federal Register.
resulting in the Carbohydrates and Protein
Meeting minutes and transcripts were posted for each
subcommittee. Food technology was also added as a
meeting at www.dietaryguidelines.gov. Archived
topic area and was incorporated into the Food Safety
recordings of the third through sixth meetings were
and Technology subcommittee. Each subcommittee
made available at www.dietaryguidelines.gov. All
was made up of three to five Committee members,
documents pertaining to Committee deliberations were
with one Committee member appointed as the lead.
made available for public viewing at the first two
Although the lead member was responsible for
meetings, and thereafter, were made available through
communicating and coordinating all the work that
www.dietaryguidelines.gov and at the National
needed to be accomplished within the subcommittees,
Agricultural Library Reference Desk.
draft conclusions reached on the scientific evidence
reviewed ultimately reflected the consensus of the
Written public comments were received throughout the
entire Committee.
Committee’s deliberations through a newly developed
electronic database designed for collecting public
Subcommittees met regularly and communicated by
comments. This database allowed for the generation of
conference calls, webinars, e-mail, and face-to-face
public comment reports as a result of a query by key
meetings. Each subcommittee was responsible for
topic areas. Comments received on and before April 29,
presenting the basis for its draft conclusions and
2010, were compiled into these reports and shared with
recommendations to the full Committee within a public
all Committee members. A general description of the
forum, responding to questions, and making changes if
types of comments received and the process used for
indicated. To gain perspective for interpreting the
collecting public comments is described in Appendix E-
science, some subcommittees invited experts to respond
5. Public Comments. Comments can be viewed by the
to specific questions during conference calls. The full
public at www.dietaryguidelines.gov. In response to a
Committee also heard presentations at the public
solicitation for oral comments, 51 of the 58
meetings from five invited outside experts. These
58 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
experts addressed questions posed by the Committee in Systematic Review of the Scientific
advance and responded to additional questions during Evidence
the meetings.
In 2005, USDA and HHS committed to using an
The Committee members were supported by USDA’s
evidence-based, systematic review methodology to
Designated Federal Officer, who led the administrative
support development of the 2010 DGAC Report. This
effort for this revision process and served as one of four
rigorous, transparent methodology, designed to
Co-executive Secretaries (two from USDA and two
minimize bias, enables the Departments to comply with
from HHS). Support staff for managing Committee
the Data Quality Act, which mandates that the
operations consisted of 12 USDA and HHS Dietary
government ensure the quality, objectivity, utility, and
Guidelines Management Team members and 10 NEL
integrity of information used to form Federal guidance.
Team members, including a research librarian. Each
subcommittee included a primary and secondary Dietary
Science leaders from the Agency for Healthcare
Guidelines Management Team member as well as a
Research Quality (AHRQ), the U.S. Cochrane
primary and secondary NEL Team member.
Collaboration, and the American Dietetic Association
assisted in developing the NEL systematic review
In addition to the seven topical subcommittees, the
methodology. NEL nutritionists and systematic review
DGAC included a Science Review subcommittee,
methodologists helped Committee members execute the
similar to that formed for the 2005 DGAC. The main
systematic review and synthesize the evidence in its
focus of this four-member subcommittee was to provide
DGAC Report.
oversight to the whole DGAC process, an especially
important function given the shift to a systematic and
DGAC members developed the NEL systematic review
transparent evidence-based review process using the
questions, created a literature search protocol (called the
newly developed NEL. Additional roles included
search and sort plan) for each question, and approved
providing guidance on overlapping and cross-cutting
all completed search and sort lists. Trained Evidence
issues and determining the final report structure and
Abstractors (National Service Volunteers)
format. As the review of the science progressed, the
systematically abstracted published articles and
Science Review subcommittee meetings were opened to
evaluated the methodological rigor of each study. NEL
subcommittee Chairs and eventually to other Committee
staff conducted quality reviews of these materials and
members during times when cross-cutting topics were
developed evidence portfolios with summary
placed on the agenda. In order to adhere to FACA
paragraphs and evidence tables to assist the committee
guidelines, full Committee participation was not
in synthesizing the evidence. Based on the evidence
allowed, except in cases where the meeting was strictly
portfolio, Committee members developed evidence
administrative in nature and was held for purposes of
summaries and conclusion statements, graded each
information sharing only.
conclusion, and described these findings in the DGAC
Report. The complete evidence portfolio for each NEL
Reflecting the DGAC subcommittee structure, the bulk
systematic review question is available in the USDA
of the report consists of eight science-based chapters
NEL, which can be accessed at
that review the evidence on these major topic areas. In
www.NutritionEvidenceLibrary.gov. These steps are
addition, throughout their deliberations, the Committee
described in greater detail in the following sections.
considered issues related to overall dietary patterns and
the need for synthesizing and integrating findings from
Question Development
individual diet and nutrition topic areas. As a result, the
Committee included two additional chapters—Part B.
Each DGAC subcommittee generated a list of topic
Section 2. The Total Diet: Combining Nutrients,
areas to explore to update the 2005 Dietary Guidelines.
Consuming Food and Part B. Section 3. Translating
These lists were based on the evolution of the science,
and Integrating the Evidence: A Call to Action.
public comment received, and whether controversy
existed about a given topic or guideline. After
developing an initial list of research questions, the
subcommittees set priorities for questions to be
answered using the NEL systematic review
methodology. The wording and intent of specific

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 59

questions evolved and additional questions were • Study setting
considered in an iterative process. Frequently, multiple • Number of subjects per study arm (typically a
questions were needed to fully address a topic of minimum of 10 subjects per study arm)
interest. This cluster of questions was referred to as a • Attrition rate (typically less than 20 percent; rate
“family of questions.” Limitations in time and was modified for long-term studies)
resources prevented the review of all questions using • Characteristics of the intervention (e.g., dose or
the NEL systematic review methodology. duration of intervention, food based nutrients)
• Outcome measures and timing of measures
As needed, NEL staff conducted exploratory literature • Study design
searches and developed analytical frameworks to assist
Committee members in framing NEL systematic review The subcommittees tailored inclusion and exclusion
questions. The scope of topic areas addressed was very criteria by question or family of questions. Each
broad, so subcommittee members were required to subcommittee carefully considered the date range from
make critical decisions related to the which to extract the evidence, based upon whether the
comprehensiveness of reviews, such as determining systematic review was designed to update 2005 Dietary
literature search date ranges. Any available systematic Guidelines, update a comprehensive systematic review,
reviews (e.g., 2009 AHRQ Report Vitamin D and or examine an area not previously addressed by the
Calcium: A Systematic Review of Health Outcomes) or Dietary Guidelines. Many searches initially included all
reports based on systematic reviews (e.g., Physical study designs. However, for a number of questions,
Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Report, 2008) cross-sectional studies were eventually excluded from
that were deemed to be current and comprehensive review when sufficient evidence from studies with a
representations of available literature were not stronger design was available.
duplicated by the NEL team. Results from the 2007
World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Existing systematic reviews were frequently
Cancer Research; Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, incorporated into the portfolio of evidence used to
and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective answer a question. Comprehensive systematic reviews
Report were used to substantiate recommendations (with well-documented methodology and rigorous
related to food, nutrient, and diet intake and cancer- criteria for judging methodological quality of included
related outcomes. studies and grading the body of evidence), were
occasionally selected to serve as a baseline for a review
Literature Search and Sort Plans in cases where the seminal research on a question was
considered to be “settled science.” Numerous published
A method, referred to as PICO, was used to identify the systematic reviews conducted by the American Dietetic
Population or Participants, Intervention (or Exposure in Association were updated for this report, using DGAC
observational studies), Comparator, and Outcomes of criteria.
interest to be addressed by a specific question or family
of questions. The PICO method aided the generation of The Committee used an iterative, step-wise process to
a literature search and sort plan, which defined the determine which research designs were considered to
eligibility criteria for studies selected for inclusion in examine a question. Study designs included
each systematic review. All searches were limited to intervention trials, observational studies, ecological
human studies, developed countries, English language, studies, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses. If
and peer-reviewed publications. Unpublished data, systematic reviews were used, primary studies included
including abstracts and conference proceedings, were in these reviews were excluded. If multiple systematic
not included. A brief explanation of the rationale behind reviews considered an overlapping body of primary
the chosen search strategy for specific topics and studies, this was noted in the evidence summary.
questions is presented in the Methodology section in
each chapter in Part D. Science Base. General Each search and sort plan specified the databases and
eligibility criteria included factors, such as: search terms used to guide the search. PubMed/Medline
and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews were
• Age searched for all of the NEL systematic review questions,
• Health status of subjects (inclusion of subjects with supplemented by BIOSIS, CAB Abstracts, Food
type 2 diabetes or other prevalent chronic diseases Science & Technology Abstracts, Scopus,
varied by topic)
60 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
ScienceDirect, Embase, Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Critical Review of Studies
Abstracts, Fish and Fisheries Worldwide, and
AGRICOLA, as dictated by the question topics. A wide National Service Volunteers, a cadre of highly qualified
variety of search terms and key words were used, nutrition and health professionals, were trained and
including subject headings such as MeSH and thesauri served as evidence abstractors to support the systematic
terms. Because some databases do not have full text review process. They: (1) classified the study by design
search capabilities, key word/subject terms searches type; (2) extracted key evidence from each individual
were limited to certain fields (e.g., titles and abstracts), study into a comprehensive, templated evidence
which may have limited identification of potentially worksheet (made available to committee members and
relevant articles. posted on the NEL); and (3) applied predefined criteria
from Research Design and Implementation Checklists
Electronic searches were augmented by hand searches for each primary research study and review study to
of references from primary and review articles, as well critically appraise the methodological quality of the
as articles identified for consideration by committee study. Evidence abstractors received training on how to
members. If new search terms were identified, the apply the criteria to studies differing in design.
electronic searches were rerun to ensure completeness
of the search. The Committee monitored the search Each study received a quality rating of positive, neutral,
process including review of the search terms and or negative, based upon a predefined scoring system
results. The search was expanded or modified based on (these quality grades are available for each article in the
their feedback and knowledge of the field. NEL). In the chapter text, for clarity, these ratings are
described as studies which are methodologically strong
Selecting the Evidence (positive), methodologically neutral (neutral), and
methodologically weak (negative). The appraisal of
The literature search plan was implemented study quality is a critical component of the systematic
collaboratively by the research librarian, the NEL review methodology because in a highly transparent
nutrition scientist staff, and the DGAC members. The manner, it indicates the Committee’s judgment
research librarian conducted a title screen and identified regarding the relevance (external validity/generalizability)
abstracts to be reviewed by the NEL staff. All abstracts and validity of each study’s results. This rating, referred
identified by the research librarian were evaluated by to as the “quality rating,” indicates the extent to which
the NEL staff, in accordance with criteria outlined in the design and conduct of a study is shown to be
the search and sort plan. Articles that potentially met the protected from systematic bias, nonsystematic bias, and
eligibility criteria were reviewed in full-text version. inferential error (Lohr, 2004). Studies were not
Two lists were compiled for review by subcommittee excluded on the basis of quality rating. However, the
members: a list of citations meeting the inclusion quality rating was taken into consideration by the
criteria and a list of citations recommended for DGAC as they reviewed the literature and formed
exclusion (with the specific rationale for exclusion conclusions.
noted). When an article could not be clearly included or
excluded based on the eligibility criteria, it was Summaries of the Evidence
highlighted for subcommittee review.
NEL staff drafted evidence summary paragraphs and
Once the subcommittee reached agreement on the final evidence tables for all included articles on a question or
list of articles to be included in the review, the NEL family of questions to aid analysis and synthesis of the
staff assigned each included manuscript to a National complete body of evidence. These paragraphs and
Service Volunteer to prepare an evidence worksheet. tables provided key information about the study design,
Information on the search terms used, search date, quality rating, study subjects, the intervention or
number of included and excluded citations identified by exposure, comparators, and key outcomes. Using this
the search, final list of included citations, and a table information, and going back to the original articles
with the excluded citations, including reason for when necessary, Committee members then drafted an
exclusion, are provided in the NEL, at evidence overview summary, which included an overall
www.NutritionEvidenceLibrary.gov. summary statement, comparison of findings between
studies, discussion of relevant issues related to
methodologies used, and definitions.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 61

Formulating and Grading the Conclusion from group interaction. The strength of the evidence
Statement supporting the conclusion statement was graded using
the DGAC’s predetermined criteria (outlined in Table
The final step in the DGAC’s systematic review process C1), which assessed the quality (relevance and validity)
was writing and grading a Conclusion statement, based and size of the studies, the quantity of studies, the
upon the body of scientific evidence evaluated. This consistency and agreement across studies, the
step was characterized by careful consideration of the generalizability to the population of interest, and the
qualitative and quantitative findings. Each Conclusion magnitude of the effect or public health impact. Each
statement briefly answered the research question, subcommittee deliberated on each Conclusion statement
focusing on the general agreement among studies. and grade, and proposed Conclusions and grades were
When the evidence addressed only one sex, age group, then brought to the full Committee for consideration
ethnicity, or level of health risk (such as children or and discussion. Due to the challenge of grading such a
subjects without cardiovascular disease), this was broad range of conclusions within one report, the
reflected in the Conclusion statement. Conclusions also Committee decided to use the following qualitative
included a statement regarding distinct subgroups, if word grades rather than numerical grades: Strong;
findings for that population were different than for the Moderate; Limited; Expert Opinion; Grade Not
overall conclusion. Assignable.

Developing and grading each Conclusion was a For some research questions, the DGAC’s systematic
deliberative and time-consuming process that benefited review generated recommendations for future research.

Table C1. 2010 DGAC Conclusion Grading Chart used to grade the strength of the body of evidence supporting
conclusion statements
Expert Grade Not
Elements Strong Moderate Limited Opinion Only Assignable

Quality Studies of strong Studies of strong

Studies of weak No studies available No evidence
Scientific design design with minor
design for that pertains
rigor and methodological answering the Conclusion based on to question
validity Free from design concerns question usual practice, expert being
Study design flaws, bias, and OR only studies of
OR inconclusive consensus, clinical addressed
and execution execution problems weaker study findings due to experience, opinion,
design for question
design flaws, or extrapolation from
bias, or execution basic research
Consistency Findings generally Inconsistency Unexplained Conclusion supported NA
consistent in among results of inconsistency solely by statements
Consistency direction and size of studies with strong among results of informed nutrition
of findings effect or degree of design, from different or medical
across studies association, and OR consistency studies, commentators
statistical with minor OR single study
significance with exceptions across unconfirmed by
very minor studies of weaker other studies
exceptions design

62 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table C1 (continued). 2010 DGAC Conclusion Grading Chart used to grade the strength of the body of evidence
supporting conclusion statements

Expert Grade Not

Elements Strong Moderate Limited Opinion Only Assignable

Quantity One large study with Several studies by Limited number of Unsubstantiated Relevant
Number of studiesa diverse population independent studies by published studies have
Number of study or several good investigators research studies not been
participants quality studies Low number of done
Large number of Doubts about subjects studied
subjects studied adequacy of and/or inadequate
Studies with sample size to sample size within
negative results have avoid Type I and studies
sufficiently large Type II error
sample size for
adequate statistical
Impact Studied outcome Some doubt about Studied outcome is Objective data Indicates
Importance of relates directly to the the statistical or an intermediate unavailable area for
studied outcomes question clinical outcome or future
Magnitude of significance of the surrogate for the research
effect Size of effect is effect true outcome of
clinically interest
meaningful OR size of effect is
small or lacks
Significant statistical and/or
(statistical) clinical significance
difference is large
Generalizability Studied population, Minor doubts Serious doubts Generalizability NA
intervention, and about about limited to scope
Generalizability to outcomes are free generalizability generalizability due of experience
population of from serious doubts to
interest about narrow or different
generalizability study population,
intervention or
outcomes studied

Use of the USDA Food Patterns for Special recommended intakes for five major food groups and
Analyses for subgroups within several of the groups. They also
recommend an allowance for intake of oils and limits on
intake of calories from solid fats and added sugars. The
The 2010 DGAC identified specific questions that they
calories and nutrients that would be expected from
felt could best be addressed through a food pattern
consuming a specified amount from each component of
modeling approach, using the USDA Food Patterns and
the patterns are determined by calculating nutrient
the modeling process developed to address similar
profiles. A nutrient profile is the consumption-weighted
requests by the 2005 DGAC.
average nutrient content for nutrient-dense forms of
foods within each group. These nutrient profiles can be
Briefly, the USDA Food Patterns describe types and
modified based on the assumptions for each food
amounts of food to consume that will provide a
pattern modeling analysis. Additional details on the
nutritionally satisfactory diet. They include
USDA Food Patterns can be found in the report for the
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 63
food pattern modeling analysis, Adequacy of the USDA subcommittees requested analyses to obtain information
Food Patterns, which is available at on the potential impact of consumers selecting only
www.dietaryguidelines.gov. lacto-ovo vegetarian choices, eliminating legumes, or
choosing varying levels of fat as a percent of calories
The USDA Food Patterns were originally developed in (DGAC, 2004). The use of food pattern modeling
the 1980s (Cronin, 1987; Welsh, 1993), and were analyses for the 2005 DGAC has been documented
substantially revised and updated in 2005, concurrent (Britten, 2006b; Nicklas, 2005; Weaver, 2005).
with the development of the 2005 Dietary Guidelines
(Britten, 2006a). The 2005 updates included use of Five 2010 DGAC subcommittees identified a total of 18
nutrient goals from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) questions that they felt could be addressed through food
Dietary Reference Intakes reports that were released pattern modeling. Several questions were merged or
from 1997 to 2004 (IOM, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, dropped, resulting in 12 modeling analyses that were
2002, 2004). The developmental process and the food completed and provided as reports to the relevant
patterns resulting from the 2005 update have been subcommittees. For each question, a specific approach
documented in detail (Britten, 2006a; Marcoe, 2006). was drafted by USDA staff and provided to the
subcommittee for comment. After the approach was
A food pattern modeling process was developed for and discussed and accepted, USDA staff completed the
used by the 2005 DGAC to determine the hypothetical analytical work and drafted a full report for the
impact on nutrients in and adequacy of the food patterns subcommittee’s consideration. Each report was
when specific changes are made. The structure of the discussed by the relevant subcommittee, and the
USDA Food Patterns allows for modifications that test analysis and report were revised as needed. The food
the overall impact on diet quality of various dietary pattern modeling analyses conducted for the DGAC are
recommendation scenarios. Most analyses involved listed in Table C2. Full reports for each analysis are
identifying the impact of specific changes in amounts or available online at www.dietaryguidelines.gov;
types of foods that might be recommended by the summary discussions are provided in relevant chapters
Committee or selected by consumers. For example, of the DGAC Report, as shown in the Table.

Table C2. Food pattern modeling analyses conducted for the 2010 DGAC

Topic and Question Addressed in

E3.1: Adequacy of the USDA Food Patterns Part B.2: The Total Diet:
How well do the USDA Food Patterns, using updated food intake and nutrient Combining Nutrients,
data, meet IOM and potential DG 2010 nutrient recommendations? Consuming Foods
E3.2: Realigning Vegetable Subgroups Part B.2: The Total Diet:
What revisions to the vegetable subgroups may help to highlight vegetables of Combining Nutrients,
importance and allow recommendations for intake levels that are achievable, Consuming Foods
without compromising the nutrient adequacy of the patterns?
E3.3: Vegetarian Food Patterns Part B.2: The Total Diet:
How well do plant-based or vegetarian food patterns, adapted from the USDA Combining Nutrients,
Food Patterns, meet IOM and potential DG 2010 nutrient recommendations? Consuming Foods
E3.4: Starchy Vegetables Part B.2: The Total Diet:
How do the nutrients provided by the starchy vegetable subgroup compare with Combining Nutrients,
those provided by grains and those provided by other vegetable subgroups? Consuming Foods
How would nutrient adequacy of the patterns be affected by considering starchy
vegetables as a replacement for some grains rather than as a vegetable
E3.5: “Typical Choices” Food Patterns Part B.2: The Total Diet:
What is the impact on caloric and nutrient intake if the USDA Food Patterns Combining Nutrients,
are followed but typical rather than nutrient-dense food choices are made? Consuming Foods

64 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table C2 (continued). Food pattern modeling analyses conducted for the 2010 DGAC

Topic and Question Addressed in

E3.6: Milk Group and Alternatives Part D.2: Nutrient

What is the impact on nutrient adequacy (1) if no milk or milk products were Adequacy
consumed, (2) if calcium was obtained from nondairy sources or fortified foods,
and (3) if more fluid milk and less cheese were consumed?
E.3.7: Replacing all Non-Whole Grains with Whole Grains Part D.2: Nutrient
What is the impact on intake of folate and other nutrients if all recommended Adequacy
grain amounts are selected as whole grains rather than half whole and half
nonwhole grains?
E3.8: Cholesterol Part D.3: Fatty Acids and
What is the impact on food choices and overall nutrient adequacy of limiting Cholesterol
cholesterol to less than 200 milligrams per day?
E3.9: Reducing Cholesterol-Raising Fatty Acids Part D.3: Fatty Acids and
What is the impact on food choices and overall nutrient adequacy of limiting Cholesterol
cholesterol-raising (CR) fatty acids to less than 7 percent of total calories and to
less than 5 percent of total calories, with CR fatty acids operationalized as total
saturated fatty acids minus stearic acid?
E3.10: Seafood Part D.3: Fatty Acids and
What is the impact on nutrient adequacy of increasing seafood in the USDA Cholesterol
Food Patterns to (1) 4 ounces per week of seafood high in n-3 fatty acids, (2) 8
ounces per week of seafood in proportions currently consumed, and (3) 12
ounces per week of seafood low in n-3 fatty acids?
E3.11: Sodium Part D.6: Sodium,
What would the sodium levels of the USDA Food Patterns be (1) using current Potassium, and Water
patterns, (2) using “typical choices” patterns, and (3) using only low sodium
and no-salt-added foods?
E3.12: Potassium Part D.6: Sodium,
What are the potassium levels in the USDA Food Patterns, in comparison to Potassium, and Water
current consumptions and DASH diet levels, in absolute amounts, adjusted for
energy intake, and as a ratio of sodium to potassium? How would potassium
levels of the USDA Food Patterns change if current levels of coffee and tea
intake were included?

Chapter Summary References

The Committee used conclusions from the NEL American Dietetic Association, Scientific Affairs and
systematic review as the primary means to answer their Research. ADA Evidence Analysis Manual. Adapted for
research questions. These Conclusion statements were the USDA Evidence Analysis Library. American
integrated with results from food modeling analyses, Dietetic Association: Chicago, IL, 2008.
reviews of reports from expert groups, dietary intake
analyses, presentations by expert consultants, Britten P, Lyon J, Weaver C, Nicklas T, Kris-Etherton
established nutrition science knowledge, and/or expert P, Weber J, Marcoe K, Davis C. MyPyramid food
opinion of the DGAC and the broader scientific intake pattern modeling for the Dietary Guidelines
community to inform the development of the Advisory Committee. J Nutr Ed Behav. 2006b;38(6
Committee’s Implications statements. The Implications Supple):S143-S52.
statements are an extension of the NEL Conclusion
statements that lay out the overarching conclusion that
the Committee has drawn about the question.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 65

Britten P, Marcoe K, Yamini S, Davis C. Development Institute of Medicine. Dietary reference intakes for
of food intake patterns for the MyPyramid Food energy, carbohydrate, fiber, fat, fatty acids, cholesterol,
Guidance System. J Nutr Ed Behav. 2006a;38(6 protein, and amino acids. Washington DC: National
Suppl):S78-S92. Academies Press, 2002.

Cronin F, Shaw A, Krebs-Smith S, Marsland P, Light Lohr, K. Rating the strength of scientific evidence:
L. Developing a food guidance system to implement the relevance for quality improvement programs. Int J Qual
Dietary Guidelines. J Nut Educ. 1987;19:281-302. Health Care. 2004;16:9-18.

Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Report of the Institute of Medicine. Dietary reference intakes for
Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on the Dietary water, potassium, sodium, chloride, and sulfate.
Guidelines for Americans, 2005. Washington DC: U.S. Washington DC: National Academies Press, 2004.
Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research
Service, August 2004. Marcoe K, Juan WY, Yamini E, Carlson A, Britten P.
Development of food group composites and nutrient
Institute of Medicine. Dietary reference intakes for profiles for MyPyramid Food Guidance System. J Nutr
calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin D, and Ed Behav. 2006;38(6 Suppl):S93-S107.
fluoride. Washington DC: National Academies Press,
1997. Nicklas TA, Weaver C, Britten P, Stitzel KF. The 2005
Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee: Developing a
Institute of Medicine. Dietary reference intakes for key message. J Am Diet Assoc. 2005;105(9):1418-24.
thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin b6, folate, vitamin
B12, pantothenic acid, biotin, and choline. Washington Weaver C, Nicklas T, Britten P. The 2005 Dietary
DC: National Academies Press, 1998. Guidelines Advisory Committee Report: Achieving
nutritional recommendations through food-based
Institute of Medicine. Dietary reference intakes for guidance. Nutr Today. 2005; 40(3):102-7.
vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and carotenoids.
Washington DC: National Academies Press, 2000. Welsh S, Davis C, Shaw A. USDA’s Food Guide:
Background and Development. Washington DC: U.S.
Institute of Medicine. Dietary reference intakes for Department of Agriculture, Human Nutrition
vitamin A, vitamin K, arsenic, boron, chromium, Information Service Misc. Publication 1514, 1993.
copper, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel,
silicon, vanadium, and zinc. Washington DC: National
Academies Press, 2001.

66 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Part D. Section 1: Energy Balance and
Weight Management

Introduction level of physical activity. Specific equations for

estimating calorie needs are provided in the Dietary
Energy balance refers to the balance between calories Reference Intakes (DRI) (Institute of Medicine [IOM],
consumed through eating and drinking and those 2002/2005). Recommended total energy intakes range
calories expended through physical activity and from 2000 to 3000 calories per day for men and 1600 to
metabolic processes. Energy consumed must equal 2400 calories per day for women, depending on age and
energy expended for a person to remain at the same physical activity level (see Part D. Section 2: Nutrient
body weight. Overweight and obesity will result from Adequacy and Table B2.1 in Part D. Section 2: The
excess calorie intake and/or inadequate physical Total Diet: Combining Nutrients, Consuming Food for
activity. Weight loss will occur when a calorie deficit additional information on energy intake). Although
exists, which can be achieved by eating less, being more current mean energy intake seems to be in this range, as
physically active, or a combination of the two. indicated in Figure D1.1, energy intake is only one part
Recommendations for calorie intake to maintain weight of the energy balance equation.
will vary depending on a person’s age, sex, size, and

Figure D1.1. Mean total energy intake in comparison to recommended ranges for age and sex groups

















Sex and Age

Note: Vertical lines represent recommended ranges of calorie intake based on sex and age, with the triangle
denoting mean energy intake for each group.

Source: What We Eat in America, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (WWEIA, NHANES), 2005-
2006, individuals 2 years and older (excluding breast-fed children), Day 1 dietary intake data, weighted. Available
at: www.ars.usda.gov/ba/bhnrc/fsrg. (USDA, 2008).

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 67

Recommendations for energy intake include activity, and only 33 percent engaged in leisure-time
consideration of the physical activity level of each physical activity on a regular basis.
individual, and strong evidence indicates that the
current level of calorie intake is too high, given physical Recent literature has tried to quantify the energy gap
activity levels in the United States (U.S.). that has led to the current obesity epidemic, with
estimations ranging from 100 to 400 extra calories per
Although the U.S. does not have a national surveillance day (Bouchard, 2008; Butte, 2003, 2007; Hill, 2003;
system that captures total energy expended throughout Swinburn, 2006; Wang, 2006). Although the magnitude
the day, several national public health surveillance of this energy imbalance has been debated, there is
systems monitor physical activity in the U.S. consensus that weight gain occurs as a result of a
population, including the Behavioral Risk Factor positive energy balance—consuming more calories than
Surveillance System (BRFSS; are expended. As illustrated by the increase in the
http://www.cdc.gov/brfss), the Youth Risk Behavior prevalence of overweight and obesity in the U.S.,
Surveillance System (YRBSS; energy intakes are exceeding energy expenditure for
http://www.cdc.gov/HealthyYouth/yrbs), National many Americans. Moreover, recent data from the
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES; NHANES 2005-2006 (NCI, 2010) indicates that many
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhanes.htm), and the National of the top food sources of calories among the U.S.
Health Interview Survey (NHIS; population are energy-dense and are not in nutrient-
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhis.htm). These resources dense forms (see Tables D1.1, D1.6, and D1.7 for the
indicate that physical activity levels in the U.S. are top food sources of energy by age group, and see
insufficient. As indicated in the 2008 NHIS (Pleis, Questions 4 and 6 in this section for more information
2009), 36 percent of adults were considered inactive, 31 about the relationship between energy density and body
percent participated in some leisure-time physical weight).

Table D1.1. Mean intake of energy and mean contribution (kcal) of various U.S. foods among U.S. population, by
age, NHANES 2005–2006

All Age Age Age Age Age Age Age Age Age Age
Age Group Persons 2-18 2-3 4-8 9-13 14-18 19+ 19-30 31-50 51-70 71+
Sample Size 8549 3778 497 899 1047 1335 4771 1310 1537 1224 700
Mean Intake of Energy (kcal) 2157 2027 1471 1802 2035 2427 2199 2407 2354 2020 1691
a b,c
Rank Food Group
1 Grain-based desserts 138 138 68 136 145 157 138 128 145 134 141
2 Yeast breads 129 114 65 98 109 151 134 120 128 149 141
Chicken and chicken mixed
3 121 113 59 92 122 143 123 154 141 97 67
4 Soda/energy/sports drinks 114 118 23 50 105 226 112 186 121 73 33
5 Pizza 98 136 47 95 128 213 86 129 108 48 21
6 Alcoholic beverages 82 6 - - - 18 106 120 135 82 40
7 Pasta and pasta dishes 81 91 86 97 101 78 78 92 81 75 50
8 Mexican mixed dishes 80 63 26 40 76 86 85 146 99 48 9
9 Beef and beef mixed dishes 64 43 19 23 42 70 71 81 78 58 55
10 Dairy desserts 62 76 40 93 86 64 58 48 58 59 78
11 Potato/corn/other chips 56 70 37 60 72 88 51 62 61 41 23
12 Burgers 53 55 14 27 49 99 53 71 60 40 25
13 Reduced fat milk 51 86 91 95 92 69 39 43 39 35 48

68 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D1.1 (continued). Mean intake of energy and mean contribution (kcal) of various U.S. foods among U.S.
population, by age, NHANES 2005–2006

All Age Age Age Age Age Age Age Age Age Age
Age Group Persons 2-18 2-3 4-8 9-13 14-18 19+ 19-30 31-50 51-70 71+
Sample Size 8549 3778 497 899 1047 1335 4771 1310 1537 1224 700
Mean Intake of Energy (kcal) 2157 2027 1471 1802 2035 2427 2199 2407 2354 2020 1691
a b,c
Rank Food Group
14 Regular cheese 49 43 32 31 41 60 51 64 52 45 37
15 Ready-to-eat cereals 49 65 58 77 60 61 44 50 39 41 57
Sausage, franks, bacon, and
16 49 47 43 44 53 46 49 47 53 51 39
17 Fried white potatoes 48 52 35 43 49 68 46 64 52 36 16
18 Candy 47 56 41 50 59 66 44 42 50 42 26
Nuts/seeds and nut/seed
19 42 27 22 26 30 26 47 28 50 60 43
mixed dishes
20 Eggs and egg mixed dishes 39 30 20 25 31 36 42 38 44 44 39
21 Rice and rice mixed dishes 36 24 19 20 28 24 41 49 49 30 20
22 Fruit drinks 36 55 46 51 51 65 29 45 33 18 13
23 Whole milk 33 60 104 76 42 45 25 30 28 17 22
24 Quick breads 32 19 17 13 17 28 36 34 34 42 33
26 Soups 26 20 18 23 19 18 28 25 22 37 36
28 Other white potatoes 25 14 11 11 16 18 29 24 25 33 38
Other fish and fish mixed
29 25 10 9 10 11 11 30 22 29 34 35
30 Crackers 24 27 38 34 24 21 23 25 23 21 25
Rank for all persons only. Columns for other age groups are ordered by this ranking. The top five food groups for
each age group are bolded.
Specific foods contributing at least 2 percent of energy for all persons in descending order are listed. Specific
foods contributing at least 2 percent of energy for any given subgroup are then also listed in italics.
Specific foods contributing at least 1 percent of energy for all persons in descending order: eggs and egg mixed
dishes, rice and rice mixed dishes, fruit drinks, whole milk, quick breads, cold cuts, soups, salad dressing, other
white potatoes, other fish and fish mixed dishes, crackers, and 100 percent orange/grapefruit juice.

Source: National Cancer Institute (NCI). Food Sources of Energy Among U.S. Population, 2005-06. Risk Factor
Monitoring and Methods Branch Website. Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute, 2010a.

The result of the continued energy imbalance has the figures are 72.3 percent of women and 64.1 percent
resulted in a very high prevalence of overweight and of men. The prevalence is higher in Hispanic and Black
obesity in the U.S. in both adults (Flegal, 2010) and women. In children, 9.5 percent of infants and toddlers
children (Ogden, 2010). In adults, the age-adjusted are at or above the 95th percentile of the weight-for-
figures are 35.5 percent of women and 32.2 percent of recumbent-length growth charts. Among children and
men are obese. Combining overweight and obese adults, adolescents ages 2 through 19 years, 11.9 percent are at

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 69

or above the 97th percentile of the body mass index BODY WEIGHT AND THE LIFE CYCLE
(BMI)-for-age growth charts, 16.9 percent are at or
above the 95th percentile, and 31.7 percent are at or 2. What is the relationship between maternal weight
above the 85th percentile. Again, minority children have gain during pregnancy and maternal-child health?
a higher prevalence of both overweight and obesity. 3. What is the relationship between breastfeeding and
maternal postpartum weight change?
Such a high prevalence of overweight and obesity 4. How is dietary intake associated with childhood
across the U.S. population is of great public health adiposity?
concern because excess body fat leads to a much higher 5. What is the relationship between macronutrient
risk of premature death and many serious disorders, proportion and body weight in adults?
including type 2 diabetes (T2D), hypertension, 6. Is dietary energy density associated with weight
dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease (CVD), stroke, gall loss, weight maintenance, and type 2 diabetes
bladder disease, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, and certain among adults?
kinds of cancer (Pi-Sunyer, 2009). A sedentary lifestyle 7. For older adults, what is the effect of weight loss
also poses risks of premature death, coronary artery versus weight maintenance on selected health
disease, hypertension, T2D, overweight and obesity, outcomes?
osteoporosis, certain types of cancer, depression,
decreased health-related quality of life, and decreased PHYSICAL ACTIVITY
cardiorespiratory, metabolic, and musculoskeletal
fitness (HHS, 2008). 8. What is the relationship between physical activity,
body weight, and other health outcomes?
The questions asked and discussed in this chapter deal
with important issues related to the high prevalence of
obesity in the U.S. For the first time, the Committee is Methodology
examining how the food environment is associated with
dietary intake and body weight. Additionally, behaviors The methodology for discussing the questions listed
associated with dietary intake and body weight are above varied with the question. Aspects of Questions 5,
considered. The Committee also reviewed literature 6, and 8 and a few dietary behaviors included in
related to body weight during the life cycle, including Question 1 were considered by the 2005 Dietary
maternal weight gain during pregnancy and the Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC). The
relationship between breastfeeding and maternal weight remaining questions were not considered in previous
change. Because of the increase in childhood iterations of the DGAC Report.
overweight and obesity, a series of questions addressing
dietary intake and childhood adiposity was asked. For With the exception of Questions 2 and 8, the topics in
adults, the Committee reviewed literature related to two this section were answered using a Nutrition Evidence
areas of recent interest in published literature: the Library (NEL) evidence-based systematic review.
effects of dietary macronutrient proportion and energy Question 2 was answered with the recent IOM Weight
density on body weight. For older adults, the Gain During Pregnancy: Reexamining the Guidelines
relationships between body weight and mortality and Report (IOM, 2009), and Question 8 was answered
disease risk were reviewed. Finally, the Committee using the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for
addressed the complementary aspect of energy balance, Americans (HHS, 2008) and the associated Physical
physical activity. Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
(PAGAC, 2008).

List of Questions A description of the NEL evidence-based systematic

review process is provided in Part C: Methodology.
FOOD ENVIRONMENT AND DIETARY Additional information about the search strategy and
BEHAVIORS articles considered for each question can be found in the
NEL at www.NutritionEvidenceLibrary.gov. To answer
1. What effects do the food environment and dietary the overall question of how the environment and dietary
behaviors have on body weight? behaviors affect body weight, the Committee conducted
a series of NEL evidence-based systematic reviews. For

70 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

the environment question, only systematic reviews FOOD ENVIRONMENT AND DIETARY
published since 2000 were considered because the BEHAVIORS
Committee felt that several recent reviews had been
published that address the broad range of components
Question 1: What Effects Do the Food
that make up the food environment. Energy intake, body
Environment and Dietary Behaviors Have on
weight, and vegetable and fruit intake were selected as
Body Weight?
outcomes because they are frequent outcomes
considered in this research. The methodology
addressing dietary behaviors varied, but in general, the
studies considered for these questions included children
An emerging body of evidence has documented the
and adults, were published between January 2000 and
impact of the food environment and select behaviors on
December 2009, and were not cross-sectional in design.
body weight in both children and adults. Moderately
strong evidence now indicates that the food
Questions 5 and 6 were considered by the 2005 DGAC.
environment is associated with dietary intake, especially
The conclusions expressed in the 2005 DGAC Report
less consumption of vegetables and fruits and higher
were based on evidence gathered before that date. The
body weight. The presence of supermarkets in local
present conclusions for the 2010 Report are based on a
neighborhoods and other sources of vegetables and
NEL review of publications after June 2004. For
fruits are associated with lower body mass index,
macronutrient proportions, the literature search included
especially for low-income Americans, while lack of
studies done in children and adults; however, after the
supermarkets and long distances to supermarkets are
search revealed few studies with children, it was
associated with higher body mass index. Finally, limited
decided that the review would be limited to studies
but consistent evidence suggests that increased
done in adults older than age 19 years. Because
geographic density of fast food restaurants and
Questions 3 and 7 were new questions considered by a
convenience stores is also related to increased body
DGAC, the searches for these questions were extended
mass index.
back to 2000 and 1995, respectively. The Committee
focused their review of breastfeeding and maternal
Strong and consistent evidence indicates that children
postpartum weight change to recent systematic reviews
and adults who eat fast food are at increased risk of
and excluded primary research citations.
weight gain, overweight, and obesity. The strongest
documented relationship between fast food and obesity
Question 4 was answered using the NEL evidence-
is when one or more fast food meals are consumed per
based systematic review. Eight research questions
week. There is not enough evidence at this time to
related to dietary intake in children were chosen.
similarly evaluate eating out at other types of restaurants
Several of the questions had previously been reviewed
and risk of weight gain, overweight, and obesity. Strong
by the American Dietetic Association (ADA) Evidence
evidence documents a positive relationship between
Analysis Library, available at
portion size and body weight. Strong and consistent
www.adaevidencelibrary.com, so that the NEL review
evidence in both children and adults shows that screen
process updated these reviews to incorporate the most
time is directly associated with increased overweight
recent five to six years that had not been covered in the
and obesity. The strongest association is with television
ADA reviews. Two new questions, however, were
screen time. Strong evidence shows that for adults who
added to the NEL review (energy density and dietary
need or desire to lose weight, or who are maintaining
fiber), and for these new reviews, literature searches
body weight following weight loss, self-monitoring of
extended back to 1980. Cross-sectional studies were
food intake improves outcomes. Moderate evidence
excluded from the reviews on childhood adiposity.
suggests that children who do not eat breakfast are at
increased risk of overweight and obesity. The evidence
is stronger for adolescents. There is inconsistent
evidence that adults who skip breakfast are at increased
risk for overweight and obesity. Limited and
inconsistent evidence suggests that snacking is
associated with increased body weight. Evidence is
insufficient to determine whether frequency of eating

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 71

has an effect on overweight and obesity in children and proportion of adolescents who view television 2 or
adults. fewer hours on a school day (HHS, 2000).
• Adults are encouraged to self-monitor body weight,
Implications food intake, and physical activity to improve
outcomes when actively losing weight or
In order to reduce the obesity epidemic, actions must be maintaining body weight following weight loss.
taken to improve the food environment. Policy (local, There is also evidence that self-monitoring of body
state, and national) and private-sector efforts must be weight and physical activity also improves
made to increase the availability of nutrient-dense foods outcomes when actively losing weight or
for all Americans, especially for low-income maintaining body weight following weight loss
Americans, through greater access to grocery stores, (Butryn, 2007; Wing, 2006). In order to facilitate
produce trucks, and farmers’ markets, and greater better self-monitoring of food intake, there needs to
financial incentives to purchase and prepare healthy be increased availability of nutrition information at
foods. The restaurant and food industries are the point of purchase.
encouraged to offer foods in appropriate portion sizes • Children and adults are encouraged to follow a
that are low in calories, added sugars, and solid fat. frequency of eating that provides nutrient-dense
Local zoning policies should be considered to reduce foods within daily caloric requirements periodically
fast food restaurant placement near schools. through the day. Caution must be taken such that
the frequency of eating does not lead to excess
In addition, individuals can adopt a series of dietary calorie intake but does meet nutrient needs.
Review of the Evidence
• Individuals are encouraged to prepare, serve, and
consume smaller portions at home and choose Background
smaller portions of food while eating foods away Very few American children or adults currently follow
from home. the U.S. Dietary Guidelines. The reasons for this lack of
• Children and adults are also encouraged to eat a overall compliance are numerous. Food intake is
healthy breakfast and to choose nutrient-dense, influenced by multiple factors ranging from individual
minimally-processed foods whenever they snack. behaviors; food preferences; family and peer influences;
• Children and adults should limit screen time, cultural norms; food availability at home, work, school,
especially television viewing, and not eat food and in the community; food marketing; economic price
while watching television. The American Academy structures; food production, manufacturing, and retail;
of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends no more than 1 to and policies. These influences range from individual
2 hours of total media time for children and factors, the social environment, and the physical
adolescents and discourages television viewing for environment, to the macro-level environment and are
children younger than age 2 years (AAP, 2001). A outlined in the socioecological framework (Figure
Healthy People 2010 objective is to increase the D1.2).

72 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Figure D1.2. Socioecologic Framework

Source: Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity. State
Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity (NPAO) Program: Technical Assistance Manual. January 2008. Accessed
April 21, 2010. http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/downloads/TA_Manual_1_31_08.pdf - pg 36 of the document.

Examining shifts in the food environment over the past The amount and type of beverages available have
40 years is helpful in understanding why Americans changed over time. Total beverage milk declined 33
have difficulty meeting the U.S. Dietary Guidelines. percent from 1970 to 2008 with a decrease in whole
Tables D1.2 through D1.4 and Figures D1.3 and D1.4 milk and increase in other beverage milk products. Fruit
provide an overview of shifts in our food environment juice availability increased 25 percent from 1970 to
and consumer behaviors from 1970 to 2008. Food 2008, while vegetable juice availability has remained
available for consumption has increased in all major constant since the data became available in 1999. In
food categories (Figure D1.3) and is not in alignment 2008, almost two times more fruit drinks, cocktails, and
with recommendations as outlined in the U.S. Dietary ades (12.9 gallons per person) were available than fruit
Guidelines (Figure D1.4). Average daily per capita juice (6.9 gallons). Among carbonated soft drinks, total
calories, adjusted for spoilage and other waste, availability increased from 39 gallons per person per
increased from 2057 in 1970 to 2674 in 2008. Added year in 1984 to 47 gallons in 2008, a 20 percent
fats and oils (not including naturally occurring fats from increase. During this time, availability of diet soft
meats and dairy) availability per person increased 56 drinks increased 58 percent from 9 to 15 gallons per
percent, from 56 pounds in 1970 to 87 pounds in 2008. person per year, and availability of regular soft drinks
Availability of added sugars and sweeteners per person increased 9 percent from 30 to 32 gallons per person per
increased 15 percent, from 119 pounds per person in year. In 2008, more than two times the amount of
1970 to 136 pounds in 2008. carbonated soft drink (46.9 gallons per person) was
available than total beverage milk (20.8 gallons)
(USDA, 2010). As indicated in Table D1.9 (see end of

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 73

the chapter), the caloric content of beverages varies amount of nutrients along with the calories they contain,
widely, and some of the beverages with the highest while water and unsweetened coffee and tea can
availability, including regular sodas and fruit drinks, provide fluid needs without adding calories. Beverages,
add calories to the diet without providing nutrients. as an important component of the total diet, are
Other beverages, however, such as fat-free or low-fat discussed further in Part B. Section 2: The Total Diet:
milk and 100 percent fruit juice, provide a substantial Combining Nutrients, Consuming Food.

Figure D1.3. Average daily per capita calories from the U.S. food availability in 1970, 1990, and 2008, adjusted
for spoilage and other waste

Source: ERS Food Availability (Per Capita) Data System. Available at


Figure D1.4. Loss-adjusted per capita food availability was out of balance with dietary recommendations in 2008

Note: Based on a 2000-calorie diet.

Source: USDA, Economic Research Service, Food Availability (Per Capita) Data System. Available at

74 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Not only has the availability of foods and food products percent of all food expenditures are for foods eaten away
increased, but so has the number of eating establishments from home, up from 33 percent in 1970. The number of
(Table D1.2). The number of commercial eating places has food items at the supermarket increased from 10,425 in
increased 89 percent, with the number of fast food 1978 to 46,852 in 2008. Where Americans buy their food
restaurants increasing 147 percent. The share of daily has also shifted, with the greatest decrease in smaller
caloric intake from foods eaten away from home increased grocery stores and the greatest increase in warehouse clubs
from 18 percent in 1977 to 77 percent in 1996. A recent and supercenters (Table D1.3). Almost all portion sizes
USDA report found that overall, foods eaten away from have increased over the past half-century, with the largest
home increases daily calorie intake, saturated and solid fat, increases in hamburgers, French fries, soda, and baked
alcohol, added sugars (SoFAAS), and sodium intake, and goods (Table D1.4). In 2002, the average serving of steak
reduces vegetable consumption (Todd, 2010). was 224 percent larger and a chocolate cookie was 700
Expenditures by families and individuals for foods eaten percent larger than the 1996 USDA standard Food Guide
away from home as a share of disposable income increased Pyramid serving. Finally, the amount of time spent in food
26 percent, while expenditures for foods eaten at home preparation activities among American women has
decreased 42 percent. Overall food expenditures by decreased 45 percent between 1975 and 2006 from 92
families and individuals decreased 24 percent. Forty-five minutes per day to 51 minutes per day (Zick, 2009).

Table D1.2. Changes over time in selected measures of the U.S. food retail and food service environment

Food Environment Measure Time Frame Percent Change

Number of commercial eating places1 1972 to 1995 89%

Number of fast food restaurants 1972 to 1995 147%
Percentage of meals and snacks eaten at restaurants (non-fast food) 1977 to 1995 150%
Percentage of meals and snacks eaten at fast food restaurants 1977 to 1995 200%
Number of commercially prepared meals consumed per week 1981 to 2000 14%
Food At Home expenditures by families and individuals as a share of
disposable income (% of income)4 1970 to 2008 -42%
Food Away from Home expenditures by families and individuals as a share of
disposable income (% of income)4 1970 to 2008 26%
Total Food expenditures by families and individuals as a share of disposable
income (% of income)4 1970 to 2008 -24%
Food Away from Home as a share of food expenditures 1970 to 2008 45%
1977-78 to
Share of daily caloric intake from food away from home6 1994-96 77%
Average number of items carried in a supermarket 1978 to 2008 449%
National Restaurant Association. 1998. Restaurant Industry Members: 25 year History, 1970-1995. Washington,
DC: Natl Restaurant Assoc. 133 pp.
National Restaurant Association. 2000. Restaurant Industry Pocket Factbook.
National Restaurant Association. Americans’ dining-out habits: 2000.
USDA, ERS. Food CPI and Expenditures: Table 8.
USDA, ERS. Food CPI and Expenditures: Table 10.
Stewart H, et al. 2006. Let’s eat out: Americans weight taste, convenience, and nutrition. USDA, Economic
Research Service Economic Information Bulletin. http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/eib19/eib19.pdf.
Food Marketing Institute. 1979 Food Marketing Industry Speaks;

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 75

Table D1.3. Changes over time in where Americans purchase food

Location 1972 2008

Supermarket 55% 58%

Convenience Store 2% 3%
Other grocery store 25% 4%
Specialty food store 8% 3%
Warehouse clubs and super centers <0.05% 18%
Mass merchandisers N/A 2%
Other stores 5% 8%
Home deliveries, mail order 3% 4%
Farmers, processors, wholesalers, and other 2% 1%
Source: USDA, ERS. Food CPI and Expenditures: Table 14. Available at

Table D1.4. Changes over time in the average portion size of selected food items sold in the U.S. marketplace

Food Item Portion Size (year) Portion Size (year) Percent Change

Beer, can 12 oz (1936) 8-24 oz (2002) -33% - 100%

Beer, bottle 7 oz (1976) 7-40 oz (2002) 0% - 471%
Chocolate bar, milk chocolate 0.6 oz (1908) 1.6-8 oz (2002) 167% - 1233%
French fries 2.4 oz (1955) 2.4-7.1 oz (2002) 0% - 196%
Hamburger 3.9 oz (1954) 4.4-12.6 oz (2002) 13% - 223%
Soda, fountain 7 oz (1955) 12-42 oz (2002) 71% - 500%
Soda, bottle and can 6.5 oz (1916) 8-34 oz (2002) 23% - 423%
Source: Young LR, Nestle M. Expanding portion sizes in the U.S. marketplace: Implications for nutrition
counseling. J Am Diet Assoc. 2003;103:231-234.

It appears that the food environment is not supporting vegetables and fruits is associated with lower body mass
Americans in consuming a healthy eating pattern. The index (BMI), while lack of supermarkets and long
solution will likely reside not only in consumer distances to supermarkets are associated with higher
education and behavior but also in a change in our BMI. Increased density of fast food restaurants and
overall food system (Story, 2009). convenience stores is related to increased BMI. More
evidence is available regarding the relationship between
Evidence on the Relationship Between the the environment and vegetable and fruit intake than for
Food Environment and Body Weight and body weight.
Vegetable and Fruit Intake
This conclusion is based on the review of 10 systematic
Evidence is growing that the food environment is reviews that investigated the relationship between the
associated with dietary intake, body weight, and the environment and body weight, energy intake, and
consumption of vegetables and fruits. Availability of vegetable and fruit intake (Black, 2008; Casagrande,
healthy food, including vegetables and fruits, is 2009; Dunton, 2009; Ford, 2008; Giskes, 2007;
associated with improved dietary intake and weight Holsten, 2009; Jago, 2007; Kamphuis, 2006; Papas,
status, especially in economically disadvantaged areas. 2007; van der Horst, 2007). All 10 studies suggested
The presence of supermarkets and other sources of associations between the environment and body weight

76 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

and/or dietary intake, but indicated that more research body weight in girls, and no relationship in boys
is still needed to better understand these linkages. (Haines, 2007).
Three studies found that neighborhood-level measures
of economic disadvantage (unemployment, income, Evidence for Adults. The literature review identified
education) are associated with obesity and poor dietary six studies: one systematic review (Rosenheck, 2008)
intake (Black, 2008; Ford, 2008; Kamphuis, 2006). and five prospective cohort studies (Duffey, 2007;
Eight studies found that the availability of healthy French, 2000; Li, 2009; Niemeier, 2006; Pereira,
food, or lack thereof, through supermarkets and 2005). All of the studies were conducted in the U.S.
distance to a supermarket is associated with weight Studies ranged in sample size from 891 (French,
status and dietary intake (vegetable and fruit intake) 2000) to 9,919 (Niemeier, 2006), and one study
(Casagrande, 2009; Ford, 2008; Giskes, 2007; included only women (French, 2000). All six studies
Holsten, 2009; Jago, 2007; Kamphuis, 2006; Papas, looked specifically at fast food consumption, with one
2007; van der Horst K, 2007). One study found that study also examining restaurant food consumption
lack of access to outdoor space for physical activity, (Duffey, 2007). All six studies found a significant,
hazards (trash and noise), and number of locked positive relationship between consumption of fast food
school yards were positively associated with childhood and body weight in adults. Similar to the research on
obesity and access to recreational facilities and children, more than one fast food meal consumed per
bicycling and walking trails were negatively week was associated with increases in BMI (Pereira,
associated with childhood obesity (Dunton, 2009). 2005). Only one study examined consumption of
Two studies found that higher density of fast food restaurant food and found that restaurant food
restaurants and convenience stores is associated with consumption was not related to body weight (Duffey,
higher rates of obesity (Holsten, 2009; Papas, 2007). 2007).

Evidence on the Relationship Between Portion Sizes—Strong evidence documents a positive

Dietary Behaviors and Body Weight relationship between portion size and body weight.
Eating Out—Strong and consistent evidence indicates
that children and adults who eat fast food are at Evidence for Children. The 2010 DGAC conducted
increased risk of weight gain, overweight, and obesity. a search on this question but found no studies
The strongest documented relationship between fast pertaining to children.
food and obesity is when one or more fast food meals
are consumed per week. There is not enough evidence Evidence for Adults. The 2005 DGAC reviewed the
at this time to similarly evaluate eating out at other evidence related to the effect of portion size (the
restaurants and risk of weight gain, overweight, and amount of food served in one eating occasion) on
obesity. energy intake, concluding that portion size influences
how much a person eats; and, in general, more calories
Evidence for Children. The literature review are consumed when a large portion is served rather
identified six studies: one systematic review than a small one (HHS/USDA, 2005). For this reason,
(Rosenheck, 2008) and five cohort studies (Bisset, we did not conduct a NEL review on the evidence
2007; Haines, 2007; Niemeier, 2006; Taveras, 2005; related to portion size and energy intake. However, a
Thompson, 2004). The studies were conducted in the NEL literature review on the effects of portion size on
U.S. and Canada. Studies ranged in sample size from body weight was done, and four studies were
101 (Thompson, 2004) to 14,355 (Taveras, 2005), and identified: three randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
one study included only girls (Thompson, 2004). All (Gilhooly, 2007; Hannum, 2006, 2004) and one case-
six studies looked specifically at fast food control study (Pearcey, 2002). The studies were
consumption. Five studies with strong methodology conducted in the U.S. Studies ranged in sample size
found a positive relationship between consumption of from 19 (Pearcey, 2002) to 53 (Hannum, 2004), and
fast food and body weight in children (Rosenheck, one study included only men (Hannum, 2006), two
2008; Bisset, 2007; Niemeier, 2006; Taveras, 2005; studies included only women (Gilhooley, 2007;
Thompson, 2004). Two studies demonstrated the Hannum, 2004), and one study included both men and
greatest gains in body weight were seen with fast food women (Pearcey, 2002). The three RCTs focused on
consumption greater than once a week (Taveras, 2005; controlling portion sizes to aid in weight loss and all
Thompson, 2004). One study found a negative found a positive relationship between controlling
relationship between consumption of fast food and portion size and weight loss in adults. The small case-
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 77
controlled study of Pearcey et al. (2002) followed Berkey, 2003; Crossman, 2006; Elgar, 2005; Haines,
weight stable and weight gaining adults and found that 2007; Merten, 2009; Neumark-Sztainer, 2007;
consuming larger portion sizes was positively Niemeier, 2006; Timlin, 2008; Wengreen, 2009). The
associated with weight gain. majority of studies defined breakfast as an eating
occasion that occurred between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m. on
Screen Time—Strong and consistent evidence in both weekdays and 5 a.m. and 11 a.m. on weekends. The
children and adults shows that screen time is directly studies were conducted in the U.S., Mexico, Norway,
associated with increased overweight and obesity. The and the United Kingdom. Studies ranged in sample
strongest association is with television screen time. size from 54 (Ask, 2006) to 14,586 (Berkey, 2003),
and three studies included only girls (Affenito, 2005;
Evidence for Children. The 2005 DGAC reviewed Albertson, 2007; Barton, 2005). Nine studies found an
this question and found a strong relationship between inverse relationship between breakfast consumption
screen time and body weight in children (HHS/USDA, and body weight in children (Ask, 2006; Albertson,
2005). For this reason, the 2010 DGAC conducted a 2007; Barton, 2005; Crossman, 2006; Elgar, 2005;
NEL review to examine only systematic reviews Haines, 2007; Merten, 2009; Niemeier, 2006; Timlin,
and/or meta-analyses. One 2004 meta-analysis 2008). One study found an inverse relationship only
(Marshall, 2004) was identified that examined the among children with a BMI >95th percentile
relationship between screen time (television viewing (Albertson, 2007). Two studies found an inverse
and video game/computer use) and body weight. This relationship in boys only, and no relationship in girls
study found a significant relationship between screen (Albertson, 2009; Crossman, 2006), and one study
time in the form of TV viewing and body found an inverse relationship in girls only, and no
fatness. However, much of the variance in body relationship in boys (Neumark-Sztainer, 2007). Only
fatness could be explained by factors other than TV one study found no relationship between breakfast
viewing. There was no association between body consumption and body weight in children (Albertson,
weight and video game/computer use. 2009). One study found no relationship with breakfast
alone, but an inverse relationship with breakfast
Evidence for Adults. The literature review identified combined with a nutrition education program (Rosado,
eight prospective cohort studies (Erik Landhuis, 2008; 2008). Two studies initially found an inverse
Hancox, 2004; Hu, 2003; Koh-Banerjee, 2003; Oken, relationship, but after adjusting for potential
2007; Parsons, 2008; Raynor, 2006; Viner, 2005). All confounders, the relationship was no longer significant
eight studies examined television viewing only and (Affenito, 2005; Timlin, 2008). One study found no
did not examine other types of screen time. The relationship with breakfast, but found an inverse
studies were conducted in the U.S., New Zealand, and relationship between cereal consumption and adiposity
the United Kingdom. Studies ranged in sample size (Barton, 2005). One study found a positive
from 902 (Oken, 2007) to 50,277 (Hu, 2003), one relationship between breakfast consumption and body
study included only men (Koh-Banerjee, 2003), and weight in freshman college students (Wengreen,
two studies included only women (Hu, 2003; Oken, 2009). One study found a positive relationship
2007). All eight included studies found a positive between breakfast consumption and body weight in
relationship between television viewing and body overweight children, and an inverse relationship in
weight in adults. normal-weight children (Berkey, 2003).

Breakfast Eating Behavior—Modest evidence Evidence for Adults. The literature review identified
suggests that children who do not eat breakfast are at six prospective cohort studies (Crossman, 2006;
increased risk of overweight and obesity. The Merten, 2009; Niemeier, 2006; Nooyens, 2005;
evidence is stronger for adolescents. There is Purslow, 2008; van der Heijden, 2007). The studies
inconsistent evidence that adults who skip breakfast were conducted in the U.S., the United Kingdom, and
are at increased risk for overweight and obesity. the Netherlands. Studies ranged in sample size from
228 (Nooyens, 2005) to 20,064 (van der Heijden,
Evidence for Children. The literature review 2007), and three studies included only men (Nooyens,
identified 15 studies: one randomized controlled trial 2005; Purslow, 2008; van der Heijden, 2007). Three
(Rosado , 2008), one non-randomized controlled trial studies found an inverse relationship between
(Ask, 2006), and 13 prospective cohort studies breakfast consumption and body weight in adults
(Affenito, 2005; Albertson, 2007, 2009; Barton, 2005; (Merten, 2009; Niemeier, 2006; Purslow, 2008). One
78 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
study initially found an inverse relationship, but after Evidence for Children. The literature review
adjusting for potential confounders the relationship identified one prospective cohort study (Franko,
was no longer significant (Nooyens, 2005). One study 2008). The study was conducted in the U.S. and had a
found an inverse relationship between breakfast intake sample of 2,379 girls. This study found that increased
and body weight in men, and no relationship in meal frequency, measured by number of days with
women (Crossman, 2006). We did not review the more than three meals, was inversely associated with
literature on the use of breakfast consumption as a tool BMI in adolescent girls.
for adults actively losing weight.
Evidence for Adults. The literature review identified
Snacking Behavior—Evidence suggesting that one prospective cohort study (van der Heijden, 2007).
snacking is associated with increased body weight is The study investigated the association between food
inconsistent. patterns and long-term weight gain in U.S. men over
10 years. An increased number of eating occasions in
Evidence for Children. The literature review addition to three standard meals was associated with a
identified six studies: five cohort studies (Bisset, higher risk of 5-kilogram weight gain over time. The
2007; Black, 2006; Field, 2004; Francis, 2003; Committee did not review the literature on the use of
Phillips, 2004) and one case-control study (Novaes, eating frequency as a tool for adults actively losing
2008). The studies were conducted in the U.S., weight.
Canada, and Brazil. Studies ranged in sample size
from 100 (Novaes, 2008) to 14,977 (Field, 2004), and Self-monitoring Behavior—Strong evidence shows
three studies included only girls (Black, 2006; Francis, that for adults who need or desire to lose weight, or
2003; Phillips, 2004). Two studies found a positive who are maintaining body weight following weight
relationship between snacking and body weight in loss, self-monitoring of food intake improves
children (Bisset, 2007; Novaes, 2008). Two studies outcomes.
found no relationship between snacking and body
weight in children (Black, 2006; Phillips, 2004). One The literature review identified seven studies: six
study initially found a negative relationship between randomized controlled trials (Adachi, 2007; Carels,
snacking and adiposity in girls, but after adjusting for 2008; Helsel, 2007; Lowe, 2008; Tate, 2001; Wylie-
potential confounders, the relationship was no longer Rosett, 2001) and one non-randomized controlled trial
significant (Field, 2004). One study only found that (Yon, 2007). In the majority of studies, diet self-
snacking in front of the television was associated with monitoring included keeping a daily record of food
development of overweight in children (Francis, consumed, with a focus on monitoring calorie intake.
2003). One of the reasons for the inconsistency of The studies were conducted in the U.S. and Japan.
findings is likely due to the variability in the design of Studies ranged in sample size from 42 (Helsel, 2007)
studies and definitions for snacking. to 588 (Wylie-Rosett, 2001), and all seven studies
included both men and women. Six studies found a
Evidence for Adults. The literature review identified positive relationship between diet self-monitoring and
two prospective cohort studies (Halkjaer, 2009; Woo, weight loss in adults (Adachi, 2007; Carels, 2008;
2008). The studies were conducted in Sweden and Helsel, 2007; Tate, 2001; Wylie-Rosett, 2001; Yon,
Hong Kong. Studies ranged in sample size from 1,010 2007) only one study found no relationship between
(Woo, 2008) to 22,570 (Halkjaer, 2009). In the study diet self-monitoring and weight loss in adults (Lowe,
of Halkjaer et al. (2009) diets high in snack food were 2008).
associated with increased waist circumference over the
5-year follow-up period. Increased variety of snack
food was associated with increased weight gain over a
5- to 9-year follow-up period in the study of Woo et
al. (2008). The DGAC did not review the literature on
the use of snacking as a tool for adults actively losing

Eating Frequency—Evidence is insufficient to

determine whether frequency of eating has an effect
on overweight and obesity in children and adults.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 79
BODY WEIGHT AND THE LIFE CYCLE weight gain is more common in heavier than lighter
women with over half of overweight/obese women
gaining excessively (IOM, 2009).
Question 2: What Is the Relationship
Between Maternal Weight Gain During
Institute of Medicine Gestational Weight Gain
Pregnancy and Maternal-Child Health? Guidelines
The IOM recently revised its 1990 GWG guidelines,
Conclusion taking into account the trade-offs between maternal
and child health outcomes associated with increased
Maternal weight gain during pregnancy outside the GWG in different prepregnancy BMI subgroups
recommended ranges is associated with suboptimal (IOM, 2009). This report forms the basis for the
maternal and child health. Women who gain weight DGAC recommendations.
excessively during pregnancy retain more weight after
delivery, are more likely to undergo a cesarean section The IOM examined birth weight adjusted for
and to deliver large-for-gestational age newborns, and gestational age, expressed as small-for-gestational age
their offspring may be at increased risk of becoming (SGA) and large-for-gestational age (LGA), as the
obese later on in life. Women who gain weight below primary short-term childbirth outcome. Childhood
recommendations are more likely to deliver small-for- obesity risk was the longer-term child outcome
gestational age newborns. examined. The key maternal outcomes examined were
emergency cesarean section and maternal postpartum
Implications weight retention at 6 months. Findings from the 1996-
2002 Danish National Birth Cohort Study were
Women are encouraged to maintain a healthy weight valuable in identifying the points where the SGA and
before conception. Additionally, women are postpartum weight retention GWG risk curves
encouraged to practice sound dietary and physical intersected among women classified into four different
activity practices to help them attain gestational prepregnancy BMI subgroups.
weight gain within the guidelines outlined by the
IOM. The IOM also conducted a Quality-Adjusted Life
Years (QALY) lost risk analysis to identify the
“optimal” GWG ranges across prepregnancy BMI
Review of the Evidence subgroups. GWG-related outcomes used in these
analyses were morbidity and mortality associated with
Maternal preconceptional weight and prenatal SGA, childhood obesity, and maternal postpartum
nutrition are increasingly recognized as important weight retention. The IOM Committee used findings
influences on the risk of obesity in the offspring and from the literature, together with the Danish study, the
of associated comorbidities later in life (IOM, 2009). QALY analysis, other commissioned analyses, and its
Similarly, maternal nutritional status before and own expert judgment to develop the revised GWG
during pregnancy affects a woman’s shorter- and recommendations (Table D1.5). The evidence
longer-term health outcomes. This is a cause for examined by the Committee provided no support for
public health concern in the U.S., where more than issuing different GWG guidelines for women younger
half of women of reproductive age are overweight or than age 20 years or for women who smoked, were
obese and the proportion who are extremely obese primiparous, or who were of short stature (<160 cm).
(i.e., BMI ≥40) has reached 8 percent (IOM, 2009). In However, the Danish data suggest that primiparous
addition, the percent of women who have a gestational women could benefit from having GWG toward the
weight gain (GWG) outside current guidelines ranges upper end of the recommended range, but these results
from 50 percent among underweight to 73 percent need to be confirmed by others.
among overweight women. Furthermore, excessive

80 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D1.5. 2009 IOM recommendations for total and rate of weight gain during pregnancy by prepregnancy BMI

Rates of Weight Gain1 Rates of Weight Gain1

Total Weight Total Weight 2nd and 3rd Trimester 2nd and 3rd Trimester
Gain Gain Mean (range) in Mean (range) in
Prepregnancy BMI Range in kg Range in lbs kg/week lbs/week

Underweight 0.51 1
12.5-18 28-40
(< 18.5 kg/m2) (0.44-0.58) (1-1.3)
Normal weight 0.42 1
2 11.5-16 25-35
(18.5-24.9 kg/m ) (0.35-0.50) (0.8-1)
Overweight 0.28 0.6
7-11.5 15-25
(25.0-29.9 kg/m2) (0.23-0.33) (0.5-0.7)
Obese 0.22 0.5
5-9 11-20
(≥ 30.0 kg/m2) (0.17-0.27) (0.4-0.6)
Calculations assume a 0.5-2 kg (1.1-4.4 lbs) weight gain in the first trimester (based on Siega-Riz et al., 1994;
Abrams et al., 1995; Carmichael et al., 1997).

Except for the prepregnancy obese category, the IOM’s • During prenatal care, provide women with sound
recommended GWG ranges are the same as those dietary and physical activity counseling to help
issued in 1990. With regard to obese women, the new them attain GWG within their recommended
guidelines provide an upper limit to their recommended ranges. Dietary guidance needs to emphasize that
GWG range, based on evidence mostly derived from energy intake requirements during pregnancy
class I obese women (BMI: 30-34.9). Another increase to a lower extent than other nutrient
difference between the 1990 and 2009 IOM guidelines requirements. Thus, the DGAC recommends that
is that the cut-off points for the prepregnancy BMI women be advised to consume nutrient-dense diets
categories are now based on the World Health to ensure an optimal nutrient supply for themselves
Organization (WHO) instead of the Metropolitan Life and their offspring without exceeding their energy
Insurance Tables cut-off points. The 1990 IOM intake needs.
prepregnancy BMI categories (based on Metropolitan • Provide proper guidance to women between
Life Insurance tables) were: underweight (<19.8); pregnancies to help them avoid retaining excessive
normal (19.8-26.0); overweight (26.1-29.0); obese postpartum weight.
(>29). The 2009 IOM prepregnancy BMI categories • Effectively disseminate the new GWG guidelines
(based on WHO tables) were: underweight (<18.5); through relevant clinical and community contact
normal (18.5-24.9); overweight (25.0-29.9); obese points, including the Special Supplemental
(≥30). Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and
Children (WIC) program. Because women
The IOM’s Recommendations for Implementing belonging to racial/ethnic minority groups are
the Guidelines disproportionately affected by overweight or
The IOM recommends a comprehensive approach for obesity, it is essential for dissemination efforts to be
carrying out its GWG guidelines and the DGAC conducted with cultural competency. They also
concurs with these recommendations: need to take into account the structural barriers that
prevent low-income women from accessing healthy
• Given the major influence that prepregnancy BMI foods and being physically active in their living and
has on GWG and key maternal and child health working environments.
indicators, develop improved approaches to prevent
the onset of obesity among girls so that they have a
healthy weight by the time they become pregnant
for the first time.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 81

Question 3: What Is the Relationship Honduras, and these were examined in-depth in
Between Breastfeeding and Maternal Dewey’s review.
Postpartum Weight Change?
Dewey based her review on 15 studies. Two RCTs
conducted in Honduras by her group showed that
exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months (vis-a-vis 4
months) led to greater weight loss between 4 and 6
A moderate body of consistent evidence shows that
months postpartum. In one of the trials, the weight loss
breastfeeding may be associated with maternal
was -0.6 kilogram and in the second one it was -0.2
postpartum weight loss. However, this weight loss is
kilogram. The difference in weight loss across trials was
small, transient, and depends on breastfeeding intensity
explained by the between-group differences in breast
and duration.
milk energy output. Dewey classified the 13 prospective
studies that met the initial inclusion criteria into those
that actually measured versus those that estimated
weight changes. Six out of the seven studies that had
Transient weight loss has been associated with intensive
the best methodology found an inverse association
breastfeeding. However, it is unlikely that breastfeeding
between breastfeeding and postpartum weight change.
currently plays a significant role in promoting more
By contrast, only one out of the six studies with poor
rapid postpartum maternal weight loss in the U.S. given
methodology detected such association. Dewey
the small size of the effect, large inter-individual
concluded that there is a dose-response relationship
variability in maternal postpartum weight changes, and
between breastfeeding duration/intensity and
the fact that in the U.S., only one-third of women
postpartum weight loss, and that weight loss differences
breastfeed exclusively at 3 months postpartum. Thus,
attributed to breastfeeding were transient, being more
breastfeeding should not be promoted as an effective
evident within 3 to 6 months postpartum.
maternal postpartum weight loss method.
The AHRQ identified eight prospective studies that met
Review of the Evidence
their inclusion criteria, most of which were published
after the reviews by Dewey and Fraser. From three
studies that examined return to prepregnancy weight,
Lactation substantially increases maternal energy
one found that exclusive breastfeeding was not
demands during the postpartum period (500 additional
associated with weight change from prepregnancy to 1
kcal per day; IOM, 2002/2005). From the energy
to 2 years postpartum. A second study found that
expenditure side of the energy balance equation,
breastfeeding at 1 year was associated with -1.2
lactation increases energy intake, in part as a result of
kilograms of weight retention at 1 year postpartum,
endocrinological changes (e.g., higher prolactin levels;
compared with a weight accretion of 2 kilograms among
Dewey, 2004), and there is no evidence that lactation
women formula feeding during the same period. A third
increases physical activity (Dewey, 2004). Thus, it is
study found that breastfeeding was associated with
important to determine the net effect of lactation on
reaching prepregnancy weight 6 months earlier, vis-a-
maternal postpartum weight retention.
vis formula feeding. Two prospective studies found that
postpartum weight change was inversely associated
Breastfeeding and Maternal Postpartum
with breastfeeding intensity/duration. The remaining
Weight Change
three studies that classified women according to
The Committee identified four reviews that addressed
different infant feeding categories (breastfeeding, partial
the question of interest (Dewey, 2004; Fraser, 2003;
breastfeeding, formula feeding) did not find significant
Ip/AHRQ, 2007; Kramer, 2004). Its conclusion is
between-group differences in total postpartum weight
drawn from two reviews (Ip/AHRQ, 2007; Dewey,
changes. However, consistent with the conclusions
2004) as the Agency for Health Care Research and
reached by Dewey, one study did find more rapid
Quality (AHRQ) review builds upon Fraser’s review,
weight loss between 3 and 6 months postpartum among
and this review also included all 11 studies with
women exclusively breastfeeding. The AHRQ review
measured postpartum weight outcomes that were
concluded that the effect of breastfeeding on postpartum
identified by Dewey. Kramer’s review only included
weight loss is unclear and that if an association is
two randomized controlled trials (RCTs) conducted in
present, the effect size is likely to be small.

82 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

In sum, Dewey and AHRQ reported similar findings intake should not exceed the IOM acceptable ranges,
with mostly different studies. Dewey’s review examined and should consist primarily of mono-and
the transient effects in more detail and included RCTs, polyunsaturated fats that promote heart health and
providing strong support to the conclusion reached by provide essential fatty acids for growth and
the Committee. development. Increasing consumption of vegetables and
fruits in childhood is an important public health goal,
not only from the perspective of increasing intake of
Question 4: How Is Dietary Intake “shortfall” nutrients, but also because diets high in a
Associated With Childhood Adiposity? variety of vegetables and fruits tend to be lower in
energy density, and therefore likely to improve energy
balance and prevent obesity. When consumed in
moderation as part of a nutrient rich, energy-balanced
diet, 100 percent juice can be a healthy part of a child’s
Evidence suggests that certain aspects of dietary intake
diet. Children should be encouraged to consume
are associated with greater or lesser adiposity in
recommended servings of low-fat dairy products daily
children. Moderately strong evidence from recent
in order to meet recommended dietary intake levels for
prospective cohort studies that identified plausible
key nutrients, such as calcium. Children should also be
reports of energy intake support a positive association
encouraged to consume greater amounts and varieties of
between total energy (caloric) intake and adiposity in
high-fiber foods in order to increase nutrient density,
children. Moderately strong evidence from
and promote healthy lipid profiles, glucose tolerance,
methodologically rigorous longitudinal cohort studies of
and normal gastrointestinal function. Consumption of
children and adolescents suggests that there is a positive
sugar-sweetened beverages in childhood should be
association between dietary energy density and
discouraged (1) because of the positive association with
increased adiposity in children. Moderate evidence from
increased adiposity; and (2) because of the need to
prospective cohort studies suggests that increased intake
replace empty calories with nutrient-rich energy for
of dietary fat is associated with greater adiposity in
optimal growth and development.
children; however, no studies were conducted under
isocaloric conditions. Strong evidence supports the
conclusion that greater intake of sugar-sweetened Review of the Evidence
beverages is associated with increased adiposity in
children. Moderate evidence suggests that there is not a Background
The rapid increase in childhood obesity has created a
relationship between intake of calcium and/or dairy
public health crisis because obesity is associated with
(milk and milk products) and adiposity in children and
serious comorbidities in childhood, and also
adolescents. A limited body of evidence from
significantly increases risk of future chronic diseases in
longitudinal studies suggests that greater intake of fruits
adult life. Overweight children and adolescents have an
and/or vegetables may protect against increased
increased prevalence of CVD risk factors, such as
adiposity in children and adolescents. Limited and
hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and T2D. In addition,
inconsistent evidence suggests that for most children,
other adverse health conditions are more prevalent as
intake of 100 percent fruit juice is not associated with
well, including asthma, hepatic steatosis (fatty liver),
increased adiposity when consumed in amounts that are
sleep apnea, gallbladder disease, endocrine and
appropriate for age and energy needs of the child.
musculoskeletal disorders, and psychosocial problems
However, intake of 100 percent juice has been
(Daniels, 2009). Annual hospital costs related to
prospectively associated with increased adiposity in
obesity in children and adolescents were $127 million
children who are overweight or obese. There is
between 1997 and 1999 (Wang, 2002).
insufficient evidence that dietary fiber is associated with
adiposity in children.
There is general agreement that childhood obesity
results from long-term, poorly regulated energy balance,
with gradual increases in body fat, as stored energy,
resulting from energy intake that exceeds energy
Strategies to prevent childhood obesity should include
expenditure. The epidemic characteristics of the recent
efforts to reduce surplus energy intake, especially
increase in childhood obesity suggests that powerful
energy from foods and beverages that provide empty
obesogenic environmental factors have resulted in
calories from added sugars and solid fats. Total fat
increased energy (caloric) intake, as well as decreased
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 83
energy expenditure (less physical activity or increased soda/energy/sports drinks). NHANES of U.S. youth in
inactivity). Both dietary intake and physical activity 2005-2006 found that the top source of calories for boys
patterns in U.S. youth have changed significantly over ages 2 to 3 years is whole milk, the top source for boys
the past several decades. National health and nutrition ages 4 to 8 years is grain-based desserts, the top source
surveys of U.S. youth between 1977-78 and 2001-02, a for boys ages 9 to 13 years is pizza, and the top source
25-year period characterized by increasing prevalence for boys ages 14 to 18 years is soda/energy/sports drinks
of childhood obesity, have identified major changes in (Table D1.6). The top source of calories for girls ages 2
food and beverage choices during this period of time. to 3 years is 100 percent non-citrus fruit juice, the top
Beverage choices shifted from milk to less nutritious source for girls ages 4 to 8 and 9 to 13 years is grain-
choices, and foods with energy dense or high calorie based desserts, and the top sources for girls ages 14 to
content relative to their nutrient density increased in 18 years are pizza and soda/energy/sports drinks (Table
popularity. Children increasingly consumed more food D1.7). Additional information on the dietary intake,
away-from-home, as well as more take-out foods eaten trends, and food sources for selected nutrients and food
at home. Children increased the number of daily snacks, groups of U.S. children and adolescents can be found in
the energy density of snacks, and the total energy Part B. Section 2: The Total Diet: Combining Nutrients
derived from snacks as well. Meanwhile, dietary intake and Consuming Food and Part D. Section 2: Nutrient
of fruits and vegetables, as well as dietary fiber and Adequacy. These continuing and changing patterns of
whole grains, has remained at undesirably low levels. food and beverage intake are disturbing and underlie the
choice of research questions driving this evidence
Recent data illustrate that the top sources of calories for review for the 2010 DGAC Report. These questions
children and adolescents tend to be high in energy represent dietary factors frequently hypothesized to
density, solid fats, added sugars, and sodium, and in promote or protect against increased adiposity, or actual
many cases, low in nutrient density (e.g., obesity in children and adolescents.

Table D1.6. Mean intake of energy and mean contribution (kcal) of various foods among U.S. male children and
adolescents, by age, NHANES 2005-2006
All Males, Males, Males, Males, 14-18
Age/Sex 2-18 years 2-3 years 4-8 years 9-13 years years
Sample Size n=1857 n=250 n=431 n=522 n=654
Mean Intake of Energy (kcal) 2249 1519 1923 2158 2865
1 2,3
Rank Food Group
1 Pizza 173 55 119 158 274
2 Grain-based desserts 149 82 157 144 171
3 Soda/energy/sports drinks 146 22 45 119 299
4 Chicken and chicken mixed dishes 135 63 101 145 181
5 Yeast breads 126 67 114 105 178
6 Reduced fat milk 94 84 110 96 81
7 Dairy desserts 87 38 98 100 83
8 Pasta and pasta dishes 84 77 91 91 74
9 Ready-to-eat cereals 76 58 92 69 77
10 Burgers 73 10 31 62 140
11 Potato/corn/other chips 72 36 74 68 87
12 Whole milk 69 120 83 46 61
13 Mexican mixed dishes 65 30 40 79 86
14 Fruit drinks 61 46 53 62 71
15 Candy 59 38 58 64 62
16 Fried white potatoes 56 41 42 48 81
17 Sausage, franks, bacon, and ribs 56 57 48 62 57
18 Beef and beef mixed dishes 48 25 15 42 91

84 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D1.6 (continued). Mean intake of energy and mean contribution (kcal) of various foods among U.S. male
children and adolescents, by age, NHANES 2005-2006
All Males, Males, Males, Males, 14-18
Age/Sex 2-18 years 2-3 years 4-8 years 9-13 years years
Sample Size n=1857 n=250 n=431 n=522 n=654
Mean Intake of Energy (kcal) 2249 1519 1923 2158 2865
1 2,3
Rank Food Group
19 Regular cheese 47 37 27 46 67
20 100% non-citrus fruit juice 33 81 47 16 20
22 Nuts/seeds and nut/seed mixed dishes 31 19 39 29 30
23 Crackers 29 36 41 27 18
24 Pancakes/waffles/French toast 28 21 20 45 23
Rank for males 2-18 years old only. Columns for other age groups are ordered by this ranking. The top five food
groups for each age group are bolded.
Specific foods contributing at least 2 percent of energy for males 2-18 years old in descending order are listed.
Specific foods contributing at least 2 percent of energy for any given subgroup are then also listed in italics.
Specific foods contributing at least 1 percent of energy for males 2-18 years old in descending order: 100 percent
fruit juice, not orange/grapefruit; eggs and egg mixed dishes; nuts/seeds and nut/seed mixed dishes; crackers;
pancakes/waffles/French toast; rice and rice mixed dishes; cold cuts; and quick breads.
Source: Sources of Calories Among the U.S. Population, 2005-06. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch
Website. Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute. http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/foodsources/.
Updated May 21, 2010. Accessed May 21, 2010.

Table D1.7. Mean intake of energy and mean contribution (kcal) of various foods among U.S. female children and
adolescents, by age, NHANES 2005-2006
All Females, Females, Females, Females, 14-18
Age/Sex 2-18 years 2-3 years 4-8 years 9-13 years years
Sample Size n=1921 n=247 n=468 n=525 n=681
Mean Intake of Energy (kcal) 1796 1419 1691 1903 1937
1 2,3
Rank Food Group
1 Grain-based desserts 126 53 117 147 141
2 Yeast breads 101 64 83 114 120
3 Pasta and pasta dishes 98 97 103 111 82
4 Pizza 97 38 73 96 144
5 Chicken and chicken mixed dishes 89 54 84 96 101
6 Soda/energy/sports drinks 88 23 54 90 144
7 Reduced fat milk 77 100 81 87 56
8 Potato/corn/other chips 67 38 46 77 88
9 Dairy desserts 65 42 88 71 43
10 Mexican mixed dishes 62 21 41 74 85
11 Candy 54 43 42 53 71
12 Ready-to-eat cereals 54 58 63 52 45
13 Whole milk 50 87 70 38 27
14 Fruit drinks 49 47 49 39 59
15 Fried white potatoes 47 29 44 50 53
16 Regular cheese 39 26 35 35 53

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 85

Table D1.7 (continued). Mean intake of energy and mean contribution (kcal) of various foods among U.S. female
children and adolescents, by age, NHANES 2005-2006
All Females, Females, Females, Females, 14-18
Age/Sex 2-18 years 2-3 years 4-8 years 9-13 years years
Sample Size n=1921 n=247 n=468 n=525 n=681
Mean Intake of Energy (kcal) 1796 1419 1691 1903 1937
1 2,3
Rank Food Group
17 Sausage, franks, bacon, and ribs 38 27 40 43 35
18 100% non-citrus fruit juice 37 107 38 26 21
19 Beef and beef mixed dishes 37 12 31 42 47
20 Burgers 36 19 24 36 54
21 Pancakes/waffles/French toast 29 21 37 39 14
23 Crackers 26 41 27 22 24
Rank for females 2-18 years old only. Columns for other age groups are ordered by this ranking. The top five food
groups for each age group are bolded.
Specific foods contributing at least 2 percent of energy for females 2-18 years old in descending order are listed.
Specific foods contributing at least 2 percent of energy for any given subgroup are then also listed in italics.
Specific foods contributing at least 1 percent of energy for females 2-18 years old in descending order:
pancakes/waffles/French toast; eggs and egg mixed dishes; crackers; cold cuts; rice and rice mixed dishes;
nuts/seeds and nut/seed mixed dishes; soups; salad dressing; and 100 percent orange/grapefruit juice.
Source: Sources of Calories Among the U.S. Population, 2005-06. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch
Website. Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute. http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/foodsources/.
Updated May 21, 2010. Accessed May 21, 2010.

Methodological Challenges percent of children (20%) with BMI between the 85th
The methodological challenges associated with and 94th percentile had elevated body fatness.
accurately measuring energy intake and energy
expenditure in children are significant. Young children, The greatest challenge, however, with respect to
for example, are unable to report for themselves what accurately assessing dietary intake in children, is due to
they have consumed, thus parents or other caregivers the inevitable bias that results from implausible reports
must provide proxy diet intake for the child. Older of energy intake, which in several studies has been
children vary with respect to the age at which they can shown to affect one-third to one-half of children’s
provide reasonable accurate dietary intake information, dietary reports (Gibson and Neate, 2007; Huang, 2004;
and this is difficult to assess (Newby, 2007). Even Johnson, 2008a, 2009; Savage, 2008a; Timpson, 2008).
relatively small increases in daily energy intake can In a review of 10 validation studies, underreporting of
result in significant excess weight gain over time, energy intake was much more common among
however, dietary assessment methods generally lack the overweight children, and also varied by age, such that
sensitivity to detect small differences in energy intake. older and heavier children were more likely to
underreport energy intake compared with younger,
Accurate assessment of adiposity also poses a normal weight children (Livingstone, 2000). In a study
methodological challenge. The majority of studies by Savage et al. (2008a), nearly two-thirds of
assessing the relationship between dietary intake and implausible energy intake reporters were overweight
adiposity in children have relied on BMI as a surrogate (BMI>85th percentile), compared with only 27 percent
measure of adiposity, even though it provides a poor of the plausible energy intake reporters. Recent reports
estimate of body fat. In a report by Freedman et al. in the pediatric scientific literature have stressed the
(2009) only 77 percent of children with BMI ≥ 95th importance of assessing and adjusting for implausible
percentile had elevated percent body fat as measured by energy intake in order to more precisely assess
dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, and an even smaller associations between dietary intake and adiposity in
children. In these studies, rather than simply eliminating

86 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

outliers, sex and age group-specific ±1 SD cutoffs for This conclusion is based on the review of four
reported energy intake (rEI) as a percent of predicted prospective cohort studies that examined the
energy requirements (pER; rEI/pER x 100), updated relationship between total energy intake and adiposity in
with the 2002 DRI values, were applied individually to children (Fulton, 2009; Ong, 2006; Savage, 2008a;
identify plausible energy intake reports (McCrory, Stunkard, 2004). All four studies were conducted in the
2002; IOM, 2002/2005). Using this methodology, a U.S., and all were methodologically strong. Three of the
growing number have reported a positive association four studies found a positive association between total
between energy intake and adiposity in children, an energy intake and adiposity (Ong, 2006; Savage, 2008a;
association that is often masked when implausible Stunkard, 2004). The three studies that found a positive
energy intake reports are not excluded. association between total energy (caloric) intake and
adiposity in children all distinguished between plausible
Although energy intake and energy expenditure are the and implausible reports of energy intake on an
two key components of the energy balance equation, individual basis.
literally hundreds of behavioral, environmental and
genetic factors have been proposed to affect a child’s For example, in the 2-year cohort study by Savage et al.
risk of becoming overweight or obese; these are outside (2008a), investigators examined reported energy intake
of the scope of this Report. This evidence review among girls at age 9 years as a predictor of BMI at age
focused only on selected foods and beverages that 11 years. In this study, plausible reports of energy
provide energy and nutrients to children, and that may intake were determined by comparing reported energy
be related either in a positive or negative way to intake (rEI) with predicted energy requirements (pERs).
adiposity and risk of obesity. Part D. Section 2: Sex- and age-specific ±1 SD cutoffs for rEI as a percent
Nutrient Adequacy addresses the important topic of of pERs (pER; rEI/pER x 100) were developed
nutrient adequacy in childhood and adolescence. (McCrory, 2002) and updated with the 2002 DRI values
(IOM, 2002). A report was considered plausible if rEI
Total Energy (Caloric) Intake and Adiposity in as a percent of pER was within ±1 SD cutoff (84.8% to
Children 115.2% at 9 years of age). Those below the lower cutoff
Background—Because obesity results from a positive were classified as energy intake underreporters, and
energy balance, it has been of particular interest to those above were classified as energy intake
review the evidence linking total energy intake and overreporters. Results showed that 58.4 percent (n=107)
adiposity in research studies of children, especially were plausible energy intake reporters; compared with
observational longitudinal cohort studies, and those of 16.4 percent (n=30) who were underreporters; and 25.1
an interventional nature. In addition, examination of percent (n=46) who were overreporters. Notably, nearly
secular trends in total energy intake among U.S. two-thirds of implausible reporters were overweight
children and adolescents since the obesity epidemic (BMI>85th percentile), compared with only 31 percent
emerged provides additional evidence that increased of the total sample and 27 percent of the plausible
total energy intake is a risk factor for childhood energy intake reporters. Underreporters of energy intake
overweight and obesity. had significantly higher BMI, BMI z-score, and BMI
percentile, and reported significantly lower energy
Evidence Summary—Convincing evidence from intake versus both plausible and overreporters. Plausible
recent methodologically strong research supports a reporters who were overweight had significantly higher
positive association between total energy (caloric) reported energy intake (mean 1897, SD=242) versus
intake and adiposity in children. This conclusion relies normal weight girls (mean=1713, SD=170). Among
heavily on new evidence that when plausible reports of plausible reporters, energy intake predicted 14 percent
energy intake are adequately identified by applying age- of variance in BMI at 11 years of age. The authors
and sex-specific cutoffs for reported energy intake as a conclude that systematic bias related to underreporting
percent of predicted energy requirements, a positive in dietary data can obscure relationships with weight
association between energy intake and adiposity in status, even among young girls, and that a relatively
childhood is generally apparent. In contrast, when simple analytical procedure can be used to identify the
implausible reports are included, which are magnitude and nature of reporting bias in dietary data.
predominately from overweight and obese individuals Importantly, this study found that the positive
who underreport energy intake and also tend to association between energy intake and adiposity was
overreport energy expenditure, the association between observed only after excluding implausible energy intake
energy intake and adiposity is masked. reports—but not in the total sample which included
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 87
implausible reporters, the majority of which were Although cross-sectional studies were not included in
overweight children who underreported energy intake. the formal NEL evidence review, findings from several
studies published in the past 5 years are notable
Stunkard et al. (2004) followed a cohort of newborn (Aeberli, 2007; Gibson and Neate, 2007; Huang, 2004;
infants, consisting of 40 who were considered high-risk Timpson, 2008) because the investigators carefully
for obesity based on high maternal prepregnancy BMI, identified plausible energy reporters and excluded
and 38 others who were considered low risk. Their implausible reports in the analysis of outcomes. Of
results showed that total energy intake, and not energy particular importance was a pivotal study by Huang et
expenditure, was the determinant of body weight in al. (2004), who reported findings from children
these infants both at 1 and at 2 years of age, as it had examined in the 1994-1996 and 1998 CSFII Surveys, a
been at 1 year of age. Ong et al. (2006) also found that cross-sectional study of a nationally-representative
energy intake during infancy influenced later infant sample of 1,995 U.S. children between the ages of 3
weight gain, and increased obesity risk during early and 19 years. This was one of the earliest studies to
childhood. In this study higher energy intake at 4 determine the plausibility of reported energy intake of
months of age was associated with higher rates of rapid individual children, using gender and age group-
weight gain between birth and 2 years of age (p< specific ±1 SD cutoffs for reported energy intake (rEI)
0.0001). In addition, higher energy intake at 4 months as a percent of predicted energy requirements (pER;
of age showed greater gains in weight standard rEI/pER x 100). These criteria were developed and
deviation scores between birth and 1, 2, and 3 years of updated with the 2002 DRI values (McCrory, 2002;
age (p=0.007 to p=0.0004). These associations were IOM, 2002/2005). A record was considered “plausible”
present for children who had been formula fed, or if rEI as a percent of pER was within 1 SD cutoff, and
received mixed feedings of formula plus breast milk, participants with implausible energy intake reports were
but were not present for exclusively breastfed infants. excluded (rEI outside ± 18 to 23% of predicted energy
Among formula or mixed-fed infants, higher energy requirement). In this national survey of U.S. children,
intake at 4 months of age also predicted larger 45.3 percent of the sample provided plausible reports of
childhood body weight and BMI at ages 1, 2, 3, and 5 energy intake, and 54.7 percent had implausible reports.
years. Each 420 KJ per day increase in energy intake Among plausible reporters, energy intake, meal portion
was associated with increased risk of being overweight size and meal energy were positively associated with
or obese (BMI>85th percentile) at age 3 years (odds BMI percentile among all adolescents ages 12 to 19
ratio [OR]: 1.46; 95% CI: 1.2-1.78); and at age 5 years years, and among boys ages 6 to 11 years; but not for
(OR: 1.25; 95% CI: 1.0-1.55). younger children ages 3 to 5 years, or for girls ages 6 to
11 years. Thus, implausible dietary reports are prevalent
A fourth longitudinal study (Fulton, 2009) did not find in childhood and adolescence (54.7% of total sample)
an association between total energy intake and and shift from overreporting at ages 3 to 11 years to
adiposity. In this study, which enrolled 472 children underreporting at ages 12 to 19 years in overweight
between 1991-1993, three groups of children, enrolled boys and girls, and to a lesser extent among normal-
at either ages 8, 11, or 14 years were followed for 4 weight girls. In this study, daily energy intake, meal
years to examine the relationship between physical portion and meal energy were positively and
activity, energy intake, and sedentary behavior and significantly associated with BMI percentile in boys 6
concurrent values of BMI, fat-free mass index, and fat years and older, and in girls 12 years and older.
mass index, as measured by bioimpedance. Diet was However, this observation would not have been
assessed at baseline and annually with a food frequency apparent if implausible reports of energy intake had not
questionnaire, which is less accurate than other methods been excluded in the analysis. We have treated studies
with respect to assessing individual energy intake. In that failed to assess and adjust for implausible energy
this study, neither energy intake nor sedentary behavior intake reports as negative studies.
was associated with BMI, fat mass index, or fat-free
mass index. However, moderate-to-vigorous physical Similarly, several research reports from the United
activity was inversely related to BMI and to fat mass Kingdom have also emphasized the critical importance
index. Dietary reports of energy intake in this study of identifying plausible reports of energy intake when
were not individually assessed for plausibility, based on investigating relationships between dietary intake and
predicted energy requirements. adiposity in children. Gibson and Neate (2007)
conducted a national survey of 1,294 United Kingdom
children, ages 7 to 18 years, and found that 64 percent
88 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
were plausible reporters of energy intake, using a cutoff among published reports because it tends to bias the
based on a ratio between energy intake and basal relationship between dietary intake and adiposity
metabolic rate (EI:BMR). When analyses were limited toward the null if not accounted for in the analysis, as
to children with plausible reports of energy intake, there reviewed by Mendez et al. (2004).
was a positive association between energy intake and
overweight status, with total energy intake significantly An earlier evidence review of the literature conducted
higher for the heaviest children. Those in the highest by the ADA (1982-2004) did not find evidence for an
quintile of BMI z-scores consumed about 400 association between energy intake and adiposity in
kilocalories per day more than those in the lowest children. However, this review differed from the present
quintile. NEL review in that two-thirds of the studies included in
the ADA review were cross-sectional in design,
Three reports from the Avon Longitudinal Study of whereas such studies were excluded in the NEL review.
Parents and Children, ALSPAC, in the United Kingdom In addition, none of the studies in the earlier ADA
also stressed the importance of identifying plausible review excluded implausible reports of energy intake,
reports of energy intake. Among children examined at based on individual gender and age group-specific ±1
age 5 years, and again at ages 7 and 9 years, Johnson et SD cutoffs for rEI as a percent of predicted energy
al. (2008a) found that 72 percent had plausible reports requirements, a methodology which was promulgated
of energy intake at age 5 years versus 76 percent at age subsequent to 2004 (Aeberli, 2007; Gibson and Neate,
7 years. In addition, the prevalence of overweight was 2007; Huang, 2004; Johnson, 2008a, 2009; Savage,
up to four times greater among underreporters 2008a; Timpson, 2008). These and other
compared to plausible reporters of energy intake. In a methodological issues related to accurately measuring
subsequent report on the same cohort studied between energy intake and expenditure in children are reflected
ages of 10 and 13 years, Johnson et al. (2009) found in the varied and inconsistent findings among earlier
that energy intake was underreported by 34 percent, reviews and published reports.
compared with only 3 percent who overreported energy
intake. Again, a significantly greater proportion of In summary, the increase in childhood obesity in the
children who underreported energy intake were U.S. over the past several decades suggests that there
overweight at age 10 years (42% vs. 12%) as well as has been an increase in energy intake, a decrease in
age 13 years (47% vs. 19%), compared with children energy expenditure, or both. Epidemiologic studies
who provided plausible energy intake reports. In a third designed to assess these changes have often reported
report from the ALSPAC study, Timpson et al. (2008) mixed results. Many earlier studies, however, did not
conducted a cross-sectional analysis of 3,741 children appreciate the degree of underreporting of energy
in the cohort who were studied at age 10 years. Similar intake, which occurs significantly more often among
to the reports above (Johnson, 2008a, 2009), overweight and obese children compared with their
underreporters of energy intake were identified and normal weight peers. The majority of more recent,
excluded from the study (38%). Notably, underreporters methodologically stronger studies that accurately
had significantly higher BMI compared with plausible assessed and adjusted for underreporting of energy
reporters [19.96 (19.81, 20.11) and 17.36 (17.29, intake support a positive association between total
17.44) respectively; p<0.001]. When underreporting energy intake and adiposity in children.
was taken into account there was a significant effect of
energy intake on the BMI of children. Per tertile of Dietary Energy Density and Adiposity in
energy intake, the effect on BMI was 0.34 SD (SE: Children
0.017) increase, which was 10 times greater than for the Background—Although obesity results from a
total sample, before underreporters were excluded. combination of genetic, behavioral and environmental
influences on diet, physical activity, and metabolism,
Accuracy in Reporting and True Associations— consumption of energy-dense foods has been
These reports illustrate the importance of excluding highlighted as an important contributing factor (WHO,
underreporters of energy intake in order to more 2006). An aspect of total energy, energy density, is
precisely estimate the association between energy intake defined as the amount of available dietary energy per
and adiposity in youth. The failure to assess and adjust unit weight of a food or beverage (kcal/g or kJ/g).
for underreporting of energy intake in many earlier Water accounts for much of the variability in dietary
epidemiologic studies of diet and adiposity in children energy density, because it provides a significant amount
has likely contributed to the inconsistent findings of weight without adding energy. Dietary fiber also
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 89
contributes weight with little energy, thus foods high in dietary energy density at age 7 years was higher among
water and/or fiber are generally of low dietary energy children with excess adiposity compared to the
density. On the other hand, because dietary fat provides remaining sample (9.1 ± 0.12 vs. 8.8 ± 0.06 kJ/g) and
the greatest number of calories per gram, foods high in was prospectively associated with excess adiposity at
fat are characterized by high dietary energy density. age 9 years. A rise in dietary energy density of 1 kJ per
gram at 7 years of age increased the odds of increased
As discussed in Question 6, among adults, dietary adiposity at age 9 years by 36 percent (OR = 1.36, 95%
energy density is positively associated with increased Cl 1.09-1.69). Among younger children, age 5 years,
body weight and BMI. Fewer studies have been however, higher dietary energy density was not
conducted in children, raising questions about whether associated with excess adiposity at age 9 years. This
the same association applies in youth. Such studies are finding may reflect better compensation for high energy
important because children differ from adults in short- intake at younger ages, a control that appears to weaken
term laboratory studies that measure energy with age as environmental, social, and cultural cues for
compensation in response to high energy preloads. eating increase (Johnson, 2008a). In the same cohort, a
Evidence suggests, for example, that among children, dietary pattern at ages 5 and 7 years characterized by
especially young children, energy compensation is high energy density, low dietary fiber density, and a
better than among adults (Birch, 1985, 1986). Because high percent of energy from fat, was associated with a
energy compensation after preloads of varying energy 0.15 kilogram and a 0.28 kilogram higher fat mass at 9
density is incomplete, however, continual exposure to years of age after controlling for confounders. Children
an energy-dense diet may have a cumulative effect over at 7 years of age who were in the highest quintile of
time resulting in passive overconsumption of energy and pattern score (dietary energy density = 10.67 ± 1.20)
eventual overweight or obesity. It has been estimated for were more than four times more likely to have excess
example, that even a small difference of 5 kiloJoules (kJ) adiposity at age 9 years, compared to children initially
per gram in the energy density of snacks consumed by in the lowest quintile (dietary energy density = 7.24 ±
children could translate into an increase in energy intake 0.87) (Johnson, 2008b). Finally, in a third report from
of 200 kJ per day (47.8 kcal/d) (Maffeis, 2008). the ALSPAC cohort at ages 10 to 13 years, Johnson et
al. (2009) evaluated the effect of dietary energy density
Evidence Summary—Convincing evidence from a in relation to the effect of variants in a genotype
limited number of methodologically strong, longitudinal associated with fat mass and obesity (the FTO genotype
cohort studies of children and adolescents supports a [rs9939609, A allele]). In this study, each 1 kJ per gram
positive association between dietary energy density and higher dietary energy density at age 10 years was
adiposity in children. This conclusion is based on a associated with 0.16 ± 0.06 kilogram more fat mass at
review of five prospective studies, conducted in the age 13 years, and each additional high-risk A allele of
United Kingdom and Germany, which examined the FTO independently associated with 0.35 ± 0.13
association between dietary energy density (kJ/g or kilogram more fat mass at age 13 years. Thus, although
kcal/g) and adiposity among youth (Alexy, 2004; genetic factors may put some children at greater risk of
Johnson, 2008a, 2008b, 2009; McCaffrey, 2008). All of obesity, the independent effect of low dietary energy
the studies included actual calculations of energy density in reducing adiposity could prove to be an
density as well as an objective measure of adiposity. effective strategy for obesity prevention for all children.
Cross-sectional studies were not included in the review.
Four of the longitudinal studies (two study cohorts), A smaller cohort of children followed prospectively
found a positive association between dietary energy from ages 6 to 8 years at baseline to ages 13 to 17 years
density and adiposity (Johnson, 2008a, 2008b, 2009; at follow-up by McCaffrey et al. (2008) also found a
McCaffrey, 2008), whereas one longitudinal study positive association between dietary energy density and
reported no association (Alexy, 2004). adiposity. In this study, dietary energy density was
calculated by five different methods, three of which
In the first published prospective analysis of the effect excluded all or most beverages, and two that included
of energy-dense diets on body fatness and weight status beverages. Results showed that dietary energy density at
in children, Johnson et al. (2008a) assessed the baseline, calculated by the three methods that excluded
association of dietary energy density with direct all or most beverages, predicted those children who had
measures of adiposity at ages 5, 7, and 9 years. the greatest increase in Fat Mass Index (body fat
Implausible energy intake reports were identified and normalized for height) on follow-up. Thus, subtle
adjusted for in the analysis. Results showed that mean differences in calculating energy density by various
90 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
methods may result in a positive or null association and overreporting of energy intake, and calculated
between energy density and change in fat mass over dietary energy density by methods which excluded all or
time. most beverages.

It is noteworthy that the four longitudinal studies Dietary Fat and Adiposity in Children
described above that found positive associations of Background—The relationship of dietary fat to
dietary energy density with adiposity, calculated energy adiposity in children has been studied more extensively
density by methods that excluded all or most beverages than for other macronutrients, primarily because of its
(Johnson, 2008a, 2008b, 2009; McCaffrey, 2008). This high energy density and palatability, both qualities
method was chosen because the high water content of likely to promote passive overconsumption of energy if
beverages can disproportionately contribute to the not regulated (Parsons, 1999). In addition, studies
overall energy density values and have been shown to suggest that fat intake induces less potent satiety signals
dilute associations with health outcomes (Kant, 2005; and less compensation with respect to subsequent
Cox, 2000; Ledikwe, 2005). In addition, they measured energy intake, compared with dietary protein or
adiposity (fat mass) objectively by dual energy x-ray carbohydrate (Doucet, 1997; Bray, 2004), and that fat
absorptiometry (Johnson, 2008a, 2008b, 2009), or by oxidation is not as highly regulated as carbohydrate
doubly-labeled water technique (McCaffrey, 2008). utilization (see Part D.5 Section: Carbohydrates for a
discussion of the varying influences of fat,
One longitudinal study found no association between carbohydrate, and protein on satiety). In metabolic
dietary energy density and adiposity among children studies of children, meal induced thermogenesis
who were followed annually from age 2 to 18 years increased more after a high-carbohydrate meal than
(Alexy, 2005). Participants in this cohort were classified after a high-fat meal; and although fat oxidation
by dietary pattern into clusters based on percent energy increased after the high fat meal, postprandial fat
from fat, with dietary energy density lowest at 3.7 (0.4) storage was greater after the high fat meal compared
in the low fat cluster; 4.0 (0.4) in the medium fat intake; with the high carbohydrate meal (Maffeis, 2001).
and highest at 4.1 (0.4) in the high fat cluster. Mean
BMI during the study period differed significantly, with Evidence Summary—Increased intake of dietary fat is
the highest BMI in the low-fat, low dietary energy associated with greater adiposity in children. The
density cluster, a result the investigators suggest may DGAC conducted a full NEL search to evaluate the
have reflected underreporting of energy intake among association between dietary fat intake and adiposity in
overweight participants, difficulty in detecting minor children. Results of this review were supplemented by
overconsumption of energy, and lack of power due to the findings of prospective studies included in an earlier
small sample size. In addition, dietary energy density in evidence review conducted by the ADA. This
this study was calculated by including all beverages conclusion was based on 28 peer-reviewed articles
which may have diluted associations with health which addressed the research question, 21 studies from
outcomes; and BMI was used as a surrogate measure of the earlier ADA review; and seven studies from the
adiposity which may have limited precision and subsequent NEL review. This included four RCTs
specificity. In a report by Freedman et al. (2009) only (Caballero, 2003; Hakanen, 2006; Lauer, 1995;
77 percent of children with BMI at or greater than the Niinikoski, 2007); and 24 longitudinal studies (21 from
95th percentile had elevated percent body fat as the ADA review and 3 from the NEL review) (Alexy,
measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, and an 2004, 1999; Johnson, 2008b; Karaolis-Danckert, 2007;
even smaller percent of children (20%) with BMI Berkey, 2000; Bogaert, 2003; Boulton, 1995; Carruth,
between the 85th and 94th percentile had elevated body 2001; Davison, 2001; Eck, 1992; Francis, 2003;
fatness. Gazzaniga, 1993; Klesges, 1995; Lee, 2001; Maffeis,
1998; Magarey, 2001; Newby, 2003; Robertson, 1999;
In summary, evidence from a limited number of Rolland-Cachera, 1995; Scaglioni, 2000; Shea, 1993;
methodologically strong, longitudinal cohort studies of Skinner, 2003, 2004; Wang, 2003). Fourteen of the
children and adolescents suggests that there is a positive studies were conducted in the U.S.
association between dietary energy density and
increased adiposity in children. This is based on reports Of the 24 longitudinal studies, 15 found a positive
that used objective measures of adiposity (dual energy association between total fat intake or intake of high-fat
x-ray absorptiometry or doubly labeled water foods and adiposity in all or a subsample of the
technique), carefully assessed and adjusted for under population studied (Carruth, 2001; Davison, 2001; Eck,
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 91
1992; Francis, 2003; Gazzaniga, 1993; Johnson, 2008a; show that lipids could be improved without a
Karaolis-Dankert, 2007; Klesges, 1995; Lee, 2001; deleterious effect on growth.
Magarey, 2001; Newby, 2003; Robertson, 1999;
Skinner, 2003, 2004; Wang, 2003). The varied results In summary, the combination of evidence from
between studies were a product of using multiple methodologically strong studies in the NEL and ADA
measures of adiposity within the same study, reviews supports a conclusion that dietary fat and
conducting analyses stratified by different variables adiposity in children are positively associated.
(e.g., sex, weight status), and/or dietary fat measured in Methodological differences between studies, however,
both absolute terms (total grams) as well as a percent of were significant, especially with respect to dietary
energy intake. Nine other longitudinal studies found no assessment procedures, identification of implausible
association between total fat intake and adiposity in energy intake reports, choice of anthropometrics, and
children (Alexy, 1999, 2004; Berkey, 2000; Bogaert, statistical approaches. Despite these methodological
2003; Boulton, 1995; Maffeis, 1998; Rolland-Cachera, differences and limitations, collectively the studies
1995; Scaglioni, 2000; Shea, 1993). A greater tended to find either a positive association or no
proportion of the studies that found a positive significant association between dietary fat and adiposity
association between dietary fat and adiposity, however, with the weight of evidence leaning towards a positive
used multiple measures of adiposity, such as skinfold association. Additional prospective studies that assess
measures, and body composition by dual energy x-ray both the amount and type of fat in relation to changes in
absorptiometry, rather than only BMI, which provides a childhood adiposity are warranted, however. Part D.
poor estimate of actual body fat (Freedman, 2009). Section 3: Fatty Acids and Cholesterol provides
additional information about dietary fat.
Three of the four RCTs found no association between
percent energy from dietary fat and adiposity. The Intake of Fruits and Vegetables and Adiposity
STRIP clinical trial, which tested the effects of a fat- in Children
modified diet from 7 months of age (Hakanen, 2006), Background—Fruits and vegetables are excellent
reported less obesity among intervention girls compared sources of complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and
with control girls at age 10 years, but no differences for several vitamins and minerals that are important for
boys; while at age 14 years, Niinikoski et al. (2007) normal growth and development in childhood. In
found no difference in obesity between treatment addition, fruits and vegetables are a good source of
groups, for either males or females. Caballero et al. shortfall nutrients, such as dietary fiber and potassium,
(2003) reported no change in percent body fat in a 3- which are currently consumed by children in amounts
year school-based nutrition and physical activity that are less than adequate for optimal health benefits.
intervention among 1,704 Native American children, Among adults, diets that are high in fruits and
who were age 7 years at baseline. Results showed that vegetables are associated with decreased risk of
percent body fat and BMI did not differ by treatment hypertension, T2D, CVD, and certain cancers. Evidence
group at study end. However, children in the from epidemiologic studies also suggests that childhood
intervention group reported lower total energy intake eating patterns are associated with risk of some diet-
(1892 vs. 2157 kcal/d) and percent energy from total fat related cancers (Steinmetz, 1991; Krebs-Smith, 1996;
(31.1% vs. 33.6%) compared with the control group, Maynard, 2003). Although fewer studies have been
and percent energy from fat was lower in the conducted in children, associations have been found
intervention school lunches compared to the control between increased intake of fruits and vegetables and
schools (28.2% vs. 32.0%). Finally for the Dietary lower blood pressure (Couch, 2008; Lazarou, 2009;
Intervention in Children (DISC) trial (Lauer, 1995), McNaughton, 2008; Moore, 2005) and reduced
which tested the safety and efficacy of lowering dietary prevalence of metabolic syndrome (Pan, 2008). Because
intake of fat and cholesterol in children with elevated evidence that dietary intake of foods and nutrients tends
low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol, analyses of to track over time through childhood and adolescence,
growth patterns showed no difference in BMI, height, as well as to adulthood (Bertheke, 2001; Kelder, 1994;
or weight between the lower fat, lower saturated fat Lake, 2006; Mikkila, 2005; Nicklas, 1991; Resnicow,
intervention groups versus controls. It should be noted, 1998; Singer, 1995; Stein, 1991), the public health
however, that in this trial, great effort was taken to benefits of achieving optimal intake of fruits and
ensure that energy intake would not decrease and vegetables in childhood are significant.
growth would be maintained, because the goal was to

92 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Evidence Summary—Evidence from a limited number Intake of 100 Percent Fruit Juice and Adiposity
of studies suggests that greater intake of fruits and/or in Children
vegetables may protect against increased adiposity in Background—In general, consumption of whole fruits
children and adolescents (see Part D. Section 5: rather than 100 percent juice is likely to confer greater
Carbohydrates for a review of vegetables and fruits and health benefits in childhood. Many whole fruits are rich
body weight among adults). The conclusion that in dietary fiber, but most 100 percent juices contain
increased fruit and/or vegetable intake may protect little or none. In addition, some studies have linked
against increased adiposity in children when consumed consumption of fruit juice with obesity, diarrhea, tooth
as part of a nutrient-rich, energy balanced diet is based decay, and failure to thrive, especially if consumed in
on a full NEL literature search, supplemented by the large quantities, and for infants, if juice replaces milk in
findings of prospective studies included in an earlier the diet (AAP, 2001). On the other hand, 100 percent
evidence review conducted by the ADA (1982-2004). fruit juice can be a healthy part of a child’s diet when
Collectively, the evidence review led to the conclusion consumed in moderation as part of a well-balanced diet.
that increased intake of fruits and/or vegetables may be Some, such as 100 percent orange juice, are good
associated with reduced adiposity in children. In sources of vitamins C and B (thiamin, B6, and folate), as
combination, the two systematic literature searches well as potassium. In a recent study, children ages 2 to
identified seven RCT or longitudinal studies that 11 years who consumed more than 6 fluid ounces of
addressed the research question and met other inclusion 100 percent fruit juice had significantly higher intakes
criteria. This included one randomized controlled trial of total carbohydrates, vitamins C and B6, folate,
(Epstein, 2008), and six longitudinal studies of five potassium, magnesium, and iron (p<0.001), and lower
cohorts (Faith, 2006; Field, 2003; Newby, 2003, 2004; intakes of total fat and saturated fat (p<0.001) compared
Sugimori, 2004; Wang, 2003). Five studies were with non-consumers. However, children who consumed
conducted in the U.S., one in Japan, and one in China. more than 12 fluid ounces of 100 percent fruit juice had
Overall, of the seven included studies, three studies significantly higher energy intake (2138 kcal) compared
found evidence for an inverse, protective association with children who did not consume 100 percent juice
between dietary intake of fruits and/or vegetables and (1828 kcal) (p< 0.001) (Nicklas, 2008).
adiposity in children, either for the total sample
(Epstein, 2008; Wang, 2003), or for a subsample of Evidence Summary—Evidence suggests that for most
children, based on gender (Field, 2003). Results from children, intake of 100 percent fruit juice is not
three other cohorts (four reports) found no association associated with increased adiposity, when consumed in
between intake of fruits and/or vegetables and adiposity amounts that are appropriate for age and energy needs
(Faith, 2006; Newby, 2003, 2004; Sugimori, 2004). of the child. This conclusion is based on a full NEL
literature search (2004-2009), supplemented by the
In summary, results from longitudinal studies and one findings of prospective studies included in an earlier
RCT in general found either a negative, protective evidence review conducted by the ADA (1982-2004).
association, or no association between increased In combination, the two systematic literature searches
consumption of vegetables and/or fruits and adiposity in identified 12 peer-reviewed prospective studies that
children. However, interpretation of results and addressed the research question and met the inclusion
comparison of results across studies is hampered by criteria (Alexy, 1999; Berkey, 2004; Blum, 2005; Faith,
lack of uniformity as to which vegetables and fruits 2006; Field, 2003; Kral, 2008; Libuda, 2007; Newby,
were included in each respective food group; or whether 2004; Skinner, 1999, 2001; Sugimori, 2004; Welsh,
fruit juice was included in the fruit food group. In 2005). Nine studies were conducted in the U.S., two in
addition, none of the studies rigorously assessed or Germany, and one in Japan. Overall, of the 12 cohort
adjusted for implausible energy intake; and all used studies, eight studies found no association between
BMI as an estimate of fatness, which has been shown to intake of fruit juice and adiposity in children (Alexy,
be a poor measure of adiposity in children. Despite 1999; Berkey, 2004; Blum, 2005; Field, 2003; Kral,
these methodological difficulties, review of the 2008; Newby, 2004; Skinner, 1999, 2001); two found
evidence to date provided some support for an inverse no association between intake of fruit juice and
(protective) association between increased vegetable adiposity in normal weight children, but found a
and/or fruit intake and adiposity in children. positive association for children who were at-risk of
overweight, or overweight at baseline (Faith, 2006;
Welsh, 2005); and two studies found mixed results by
sex. Libuda et al. (2007) found no association for boys,
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 93
but a positive association for girls, while Sugimori et al. nutrient-dense foods and beverages, within calorie
(2004) found no association for girls, but a positive needs for a healthy weight. Literature examining the
association for boys. relationship between sugar-sweetened beverages and
body weight in adults is discussed in Part D. Section 5:
Overall, the preponderance of evidence led to the Carbohydrates. Additional information about added
conclusion that for most children 100 percent fruit juice sugars is also provided in Part D. Section 2: Nutrient
intake and adiposity are not associated. Two of the Adequacy.
studies, however, found a positive association between
100 percent fruit juice intake and adiposity among Evidence Summary—Increased intake of sugar-
overweight and obese children (Welsh, 2005; Faith, sweetened beverages is associated with greater adiposity
2006). These findings are of concern because about in children. The DGAC conducted a full NEL search to
one-third of U.S. children and adolescents are currently evaluate the association between sugar-sweetened
overweight or obese. Therefore, it is recommended that beverages and adiposity in children. Results of this
100 percent juice be consumed in moderation, as part of review, covering 2004-2009 were supplemented by the
a nutrient-rich, energy-balanced diet, in amounts are findings of prospective studies included in an earlier
appropriate for the overall energy needs and nutrient evidence review conducted by the ADA (1982-2004).
requirements of the child. In combination, the two systematic literature searches
identified 18 peer-reviewed articles which addressed the
Intake of Sugar-sweetened Beverages and research question, seven studies from the earlier ADA
Adiposity in Children review; and 11 studies from the subsequent NEL
Background—The relationship of sugar-sweetened review. This included two RCTs (Ebbeling, 2006;
beverages to obesity in children has been studied more James, 2004); 16 longitudinal studies (6 from the ADA
extensively than for many other foods and beverages review [Ludwig, 2001; Philipis, 2004; Sugimori, 2004;
because many such beverages provide energy only, Mrdjenovic, 2003; Newby, 2004; Berkey, 2004] and 10
without added nutrients, and because some evidence from the NEL review [DuBois, 2008; Fiorito, 2009;
suggests that individuals are less able to reduce Johnson, 2007; Kral, 2008; Kvaavik, 2005; Libuda,
subsequent intake of energy after consuming liquid 2008; Mundt, 2006; Striegel-Moore, 2006; Tam,
versus solid calorie preloads. Thus, diets including 2006;Welsh, 2005]). Ten of the studies were conducted
significant amounts of sugar-sweetened beverages could in the U.S., and the others were conducted outside of
more easily result in passive overconsumption of energy the U.S.
if not regulated.
Overall, the majority of included studies (12 of 19)
Examination of temporal trends reveals that found a positive association between sugar-sweetened
consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, particularly beverage intake and adiposity in all or a subsample of
soft drinks, has increased dramatically among U.S. the population studied. Of these studies, two were
children and adolescents. In the 2005-2006 NHANES, RCTs (Ebbeling, 2006; James, 2004) and 10 were
soda was the top beverage choice for children and longitudinal cohort studies (DuBois, 2008; Fiorito,
adolescents, ages 2 to 18 years, supplying more of both 2009; Kral, 2008; Libuda, 2008; Striegel-Moore, 2006;
fluid weight (grams) and energy (calories) than any Tam, 2006; Welsh, 2005; Ludwig, 2001; Philips, 2004;
other single beverage. Regular soda accounted for 33 Berkey, 2004). Seven other studies, all of a longitudinal
percent of the gram weight of beverages consumed and design, found no association between sugar-sweetened
29 percent of total beverage calories. Among top beverage intake and adiposity in children (Blum, 2005;
sources of total energy intake, soda ranked third (118 Johnson, 2007; Kvaavik, 2005; Mrdjenovic, 2003;
kcal/d) behind grain-based desserts (138 kcal/d) and Mundt, 2006; Newby, 2004; Sugimori, 2004).
pizza (136 kcal/d). Across beverage categories, children
ages 2 to 18 years consumed 173 kilocalories per day Both RCTs included in the review reported some results
from sugar-sweetened beverages (soda and fruit drinks consistent with a positive association between intake of
combined) (NHANES 2005-06). In addition, sugar- sugar-sweetened beverages and adiposity in children. In
sweetened beverages provide about 22 percent of empty the study by Ebbeling et al. (2006), children in the
calories (sum of calories from solid fats and added upper third of the BMI distribution at baseline reduced
sugars) for children and adolescents (NHANES 2005- adiposity subsequent to reducing intake of sugar-
06) (NCI, 2010). Thus, reducing the consumption of sweetened beverages, and the RCT conducted by James
sugar-sweetened beverages is desirable, if replaced with et al. (2004) found that a targeted, school-based
94 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
education program which produced a modest reduction In combination, the two systematic literature searches
in the number of carbonated drinks consumed, was included five randomized clinical trials, 12 longitudinal
associated with a reduction in the number of overweight studies, and three review articles. Of the five RCTs, two
and obese children. found no association between intake of calcium/dairy
and adiposity (Lappe, 2004; St Onge, 2009), two
Intake of Calcium and/or Dairy (Milk and Milk reported mixed results (DeJongh, 2006; Lorenzen,
Products) and Adiposity in Children 2006), and one found evidence for a negative
Background—The relationship of dairy products (milk (protective) association between intake of calcium/dairy
and milk products) to obesity in U.S. children has been and adiposity (Abrams, 2007). Of the 12 longitudinal
of interest because of the trend toward decreased studies, six found no association between calcium
consumption of fluid milk and increased consumption and/or dairy and adiposity in children (Berkey, 2004;
of sugar-sweetened beverages and juice. Milk and milk Fisher, 2004; Fiorito, 2006; Newby, 2004; Philips,
products have traditionally been a source of nutrient- 2003; Sugimori, 2004) and four found a negative
rich foods and beverages for children and adolescents. (protective) association between calcium and/or dairy
Besides providing energy, they are a concentrated intake (Carruth, 2001; Boon, 2005; Moore, 2006;
source of highly bioavailable calcium, providing about Skinner, 2001). One study reported mixed results, in
three-fourths of the calcium in the U.S. diet. In addition, that calcium or dairy intake was not associated with
they are a rich source of essential amino acids, have a adiposity in hypercholesterolemic children or in non-
good balance of macronutrients, are a rich source of hypercholesterolemic children ages 4 to 6 years.
riboflavin, and contain high-quality proteins. Although However, calcium intake was inversely associated with
some studies suggested a protective effect of dairy BMI and skinfolds among the older non-
intake against obesity in adults and children, others hypercholesterolemic children ages 7 to 10 years
have found no association, or in some cases, even a (Dixon, 2005). Finally, a prospective study by Berkey et
positive association with adiposity. al. (2005) found a positive association between calcium
intake and adiposity in children, as well as a positive
Inconsistencies across studies have reflected lack of association for 1 percent milk intake in boys and skim
consensus on which foods to include, varying methods milk in girls.
used to quantify dairy consumption (amount vs.
frequency of dairy intake), varying definitions of health Thus for the 17 RCT and longitudinal studies included
outcomes, and lack of compliance monitoring during in the combined NEL and ADA evidence reviews, eight
intervention. In addition, inclusion of physiologically found no association between calcium and/or dairy and
implausible reports of energy intake has been shown to adiposity in children, five found an inverse (protective)
mask observed diet-obesity relationships in children effect, three found mixed results, and one found a
(Huang, 2005; Johnson, 2009; Savage, 2008a). Among positive association. Thus, the preponderance of
children, the extent of underreporting of energy intake evidence from these studies was greatest for no
increases with age, and is significantly greater for obese association, although there was some evidence for a
relative to lean youth (Bandini, 2003; McCrory, 2002; weak inverse (protective) association.
Huang, 2005). Additional information on milk products
can be found in Part D. Section 2: Nutrient Adequacy The NEL review also included three systematic reviews
and Part D. Section 4: Protein. published between 2004 and 2009 that were limited to
longitudinal studies and/or RCTs. The overall
Evidence Summary—Insufficient evidence is consensus of the review articles was that the
available to document that low intake of calcium or preponderance of evidence did not support a protective
dairy (milk and milk products) is associated with greater association between intake of dairy/calcium and
adiposity in children. The DGAC conducted a full NEL adiposity. Thus, although results of included studies are
search to evaluate the association between intake of mixed, overall, there is insufficient evidence to suggest
calcium and/or dairy (milk and milk products) and that intake of calcium or dairy (milk and milk products)
adiposity in children. Results of this review, covering plays a significant role in regulating adiposity in
2004-2009 were supplemented by the findings of children and adolescents. Regardless of these findings,
prospective studies included in an earlier evidence it is important to emphasize that dairy products remain
review conducted by the ADA (1982-2004). rich sources of essential nutrients for children, including
calcium, vitamin D, and other micronutrients for bone
health, and potassium for healthy blood pressure.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 95
Intake of Dietary Fiber and Adiposity in seen by pediatric gastroenterologists. Thus, reductions
Children in the incidence and prevalence of this common but
Background—Dietary fiber is often a marker for a vexing disorder would translate into significant health
healthy, nutrient-rich diet in childhood. Nicklas et al. care cost savings, in addition to the overall health of the
(1995 and 2000) found that children with higher dietary children.
fiber intakes consumed less total and saturated fat, and
greater intakes of vitamins A, B6, B12, and C, and It has been hypothesized that dietary fiber could play a
niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, magnesium, iron, role in weight management and prevention of obesity in
zinc, and calcium. In a study by Hampl et al. (1998), the children and adolescents. From a physiological point of
recommended dietary fiber intake was associated with view, high-fiber diets could promote a healthy weight
lower intake of fat and cholesterol, and higher intakes of because (1) high-fiber foods require more time to chew,
vitamin A, folate, magnesium, and iron. Kranz et al. slowing down the rate at which food is eaten and
(2005) found that preschool children in the highest allowing more time for satiety signals; (2) fiber absorbs
quartile for dietary fiber intake consumed diets with fluid, increasing the bulk of ingested food and
higher nutrient and fiber density, and increased number promoting a feeling of fullness; (3) high-fiber foods are
of servings of Food Guide Pyramid food groups. Mean generally lower in energy density, having fewer calories
intake of dietary fat decreased with increasing fiber than the same weight of low-fiber foods. Higher dietary
intake, and mean intake of calcium increased. Iron, fiber intake, as one component of a healthy dietary
folate, vitamins A and C intake increased significantly pattern that also includes lower intake of dietary fat and
across quartiles of fiber consumption. Similarly, in a reduced energy density, has been shown to be
prospective study of healthy Finnish children followed associated with decreased adiposity in young children
annually from late infancy to age 15 years in the STRIP (Johnson, 2008b). In addition, recent studies among
study (Special Turku Risk Intervention Project), adults provide support for the importance of dietary
Ruottinen et al. (2009) found that children in the fiber in protection against obesity (Du, 2010; Tucker
highest decile (10%) of dietary fiber intake had higher and Thomas, 2009; Byrd-Williams, 2009; McKeown,
vitamin and mineral intakes compared to children with 2009). Additional information about dietary fiber can be
lower fiber intakes. In addition, the group of children found in Part D. Section 2: Nutrient Adequacy and Part
with high-fiber intakes had lower total fat, saturated fat, D. Section 5: Carbohydrates.
monounsaturated fat, and sucrose intakes, and higher
protein intakes, compared with children with lower Evidence Summary—Insufficient evidence is
fiber intake. available at present to support the hypothesis that
dietary fiber is protective against obesity in children.
Evidence also is strong for an inverse, protective Unfortunately, very few prospective studies or clinical
association between dietary fiber and serum cholesterol trials have examined the association between dietary
in children. In the STRIP RCT, Ruottinen et al. (2009) fiber intake and adiposity in children and adolescents. A
found that serum cholesterol concentrations decreased literature search conducted during the NEL review of
with increasing fiber intakes among children between this research question yielded six studies for the final
ages 8 months and 9 years, and the authors conclude review: two randomized clinical trials (Ventura, 2009;
that part of the cholesterol-lowering effect observed in Vido, 1993) and four longitudinal studies (Berkey,
this study might be explained by the effect of dietary 2000; Cheng, 2009; Davis, 2009; Newby, 2003).
fiber, in addition to the lower saturated fat intake in the Studies with a cross-sectional design were excluded.
intervention group. The authors also emphasize that
dietary fiber did not reduce energy intake, as reflected Of the two RCTs included in the review, one by
in annual dietary intake reports, as well as assessment of Ventura et al. (2009) found an inverse protective effect
longitudinal growth patterns, which revealed similar of dietary fiber on adiposity. In this 16-week trial,
heights and weights in all fiber intake groups from overweight Latino adolescents (mean age 15 years) who
highest to lowest. increased dietary fiber intake, had an improvement in
BMI (-2% vs. +2%; p=0.01) and visceral adipose tissue
Dietary fiber in childhood also plays an important role (-10% vs. no change; p=0.03) compared with controls.
in supporting healthy gastrointestinal function and A second study by Vido et al. (1993) compared the
normal laxation. Constipation among children has been effects of a dietary fiber supplement (glucomannan, 1
estimated to affect 1 in 10 or more of U.S. children, and gram twice a day) versus placebo, on weight change in
ranks among the most common complaints for children 60 overweight Italian children (mean age 11.2 years).
96 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
At the end of the intervention, weight decreased In summary, the NEL review identified few prospective
significantly in both treatment groups (p<0.01). studies and clinical trials that examined the relationship
However, the difference between the groups was not between dietary fiber and adiposity in children, and
significant. evidence from these studies was mixed. Thus, the
review led to the conclusion that there is insufficient
One of the four longitudinal studies found an inverse, evidence at present to support the hypothesis that
protective association between dietary fiber intake and dietary fiber is protective against obesity in children.
adiposity in children. Davis et al. (2009) conducted a Regardless of evidence for or against a role for dietary
longitudinal study of dietary intake on metabolic risk fiber in regulating adiposity in children, however, the
factors in 85 overweight Latino Youth, 11 to 17 years of health benefits of adequate dietary fiber in childhood
age. They assessed the relation between changes in are significant, and children should be encouraged to
dietary intake, specifically dietary fiber and sugar consume greater amounts and varieties of high fiber
intakes, with changes in adiposity and risk factors for foods in order to increase nutrient density, and promote
T2D. Overweight Latino youth (n=85, ages 11-17 healthy lipid profiles, glucose tolerance, and normal
years) were followed for 2 years and data collected gastrointestinal function. Currently, dietary fiber is
included dietary intake by 2-day diet recalls, body underconsumed by U.S. children, whose intake is far
composition by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and less than the recommended adequate intake (AI) of 14
magnetic resonance imaging, and glucose and insulin grams of per 1000 kilocalories. Thus, public health
indexes by oral- and intravenous-glucose-tolerance strategies to increase consumption of dietary fiber are
tests. Results showed that increases in total dietary fiber vitally important to promote the health of U.S. children
(g/1000 kcal) and insoluble fiber (g/1000 kcal) were (see Figure D2.20 Part D. Section 2: Nutrient
associated with decreases in visceral adipose tissue Adequacy for more information on fiber intake versus
(VAT) (r=-0.29; p=0.02, and r=-0.27; p=0.03, for total the Adequate Intake level).
dietary fiber and insoluble fiber, respectively. In
addition, participants who decreased their total fiber Summary of Dietary Intake and Childhood
intake during the study (mean decrease ~3 g/d) had Adiposity
significant increases in VAT compared to participants
who had increased dietary fiber (21% compared with - In summary, for the overarching question related to
4%; p=0.02). No relationship was found between other dietary intake and childhood adiposity, the DGAC
dietary variables, including sugar and visceral review documents evidence for a positive association
adiposity. between dietary energy density, total energy, dietary fat,
sugar-sweetened beverages, and adiposity in children;
Three other longitudinal studies found no association while some evidence supported an opposite, protective
between dietary fiber intake and adiposity in children. effect for increased consumption of fruits and
Berkey et al. (2000) studied dietary intake, physical vegetables. For 100 percent juice, evidence was lacking
activity and inactivity among 10,769 U.S. children, ages for an association with adiposity for most children.
9 to 14 years, and concluded that there were no However, juice intake may increase adiposity for those
significant associations between energy-adjusted dietary who are overweight or obese. Finally, at the present
fiber or dietary fat and BMI. Cheng et al. (2009) time, evidence is insufficient that intake of calcium
assessed dietary intake and adiposity in a cohort of 215 and/or dairy (milk and milk products), or dietary fiber,
German adolescents from puberty onset until 4 years play a significant role in regulating adiposity in youth.
later. They found that neither dietary fiber intake, whole Translating this evidence into public health strategies to
grain intake, dietary glycemic index, nor glycemic load prevent childhood obesity requires careful consideration
were associated with changes in percent body fat or of the nutrient requirements of children at each age,
BMI Z-score throughout puberty. Newby et al. (2003) integration with physical activity guidelines to promote
measured dietary intake and adiposity at baseline and energy balance, and changes that begin to transform our
again 6 to 12 months later in a cohort of 1,379 low- social and cultural environment from obesogenic to
income U.S. preschool children enrolled in the WIC healthful.
program. In this population, intake of total dietary fiber
was not associated with weight change. However,
intake of breads and grains was associated with a lower
weight change per year (p<0.01).

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 97

Question 5: What Is the Relationship term studies, low calorie, high protein diets may result
Between Macronutrient Proportion and in greater weight loss, but these differences are not
Body Weight in Adults? sustained over time.

This conclusion is based on 36 articles published since

2004: five review articles, 31 RCTs, and one non-
randomized controlled trial (Arvidsson, 2004; Avenell,
There is strong and consistent evidence that when
2004; Benassi-Evans, 2009; Bopp, 2008; Buscemi,
calorie intake is controlled, macronutrient proportion of
2009; Capel, 2008; de Luis, 2009; Frisch, 2009;
the diet is not related to losing weight. A moderate body
Gordon, 2008; Halton, 2004; Halyburton, 2007;
of evidence provides no data to suggest that any one
Hession, 2009; Jenkins, 2009; Johnston, 2006;
macronutrient is more effective than any other for
Johnstone, 2008; Keogh, 2008; Krieger, 2006; Leidy,
avoiding weight regain in weight reduced persons. A
2007; Lim, 2009; Lopez-Fontana, 2009; Mahon, 2007;
moderate body of evidence demonstrates that diets with
McAuley, 2005; McLaughlin, 2006; McMillan-Price,
less than 45 percent of calories as carbohydrates are not
2006; Miller, 2009; Nickols-Richardson, 2005; Noakes,
more successful for long-term weight loss (12 months).
2006; Nordmann, 2006; Rankin, 2007; Sacks, 2009;
There is also some evidence that they may be less safe.
Shai, 2008; Tay, 2008; Viguerie, 2005; Volek, 2009;
In shorter-term studies, low calorie, high protein diets
Wal, 2007; White, 2007). Studies were conducted in
may result in greater weight loss, but these differences
Australia, Canada, Germany, Israel, New Zealand,
are not sustained over time. A moderate amount of
Spain, Sweden, the UK, and the U.S. The active weight
evidence demonstrates that intake of dietary patterns
loss phase in these studies ranged from 2 weeks to 6
with less than 45 percent calories from carbohydrate or
months, with weight maintenance assessed through 24
more than 35 percent calories from protein are not more
months. Studies also ranged in sample size from 17 to
effective than other diets for weight loss or weight
645 participants, and had drop-out rates from 0 percent
maintenance, are difficult to maintain over the long
to 34 percent. Diets tested ranged from 26 to 66 percent
term, and may be less safe.
energy from fat, 15 to 50 percent energy from protein,
and 4 to 54 percent energy from carbohydrate.
Twenty studies found no difference in weight loss
No optimal macronutrient proportion was identified for
between diets differing in macronutrient proportion
enhancing weight loss or weight maintenance.
(Arvidsson, 2004; Avenell, 2004; Benassi-Evans, 2009;
However, decreasing caloric intake led to increased
Capel, 2008; de Luis, 2009; Frisch, 2009; Gordon,
weight loss and improved weight maintenance.
2008; Jenkins, 2009; Johnston, 2006; Leidy, 2007; Lim,
Therefore, diets that are reduced in calories and have
2009; Lopez-Fontana, 2009; McLaughlin, 2006; Miller,
macronutrient proportions that are within the ranges
2009; Noakes, 2006; Sacks, 2009; Tay, 2008; Viguerie,
recommended in the Dietary References Intakes (IOM,
2005; Wal, 2007; White, 2007).
2002/2005) (protein: 10%-35%; carbohydrate: 45%-
65%; fat: 20%-35%) are appropriate for individuals
Thirteen studies found that lower carbohydrate diets
who desire to lose weight or maintain weight loss. Diets
reduced weight significantly more than low-fat or
that are less than 45 percent carbohydrate or more than
higher-carbohydrate diets (Buscemi, 2009; Halyburton,
35 percent protein are difficult to adhere to, are not
2007; Hession, 2009; Johnstone, 2008; Keogh, 2008;
more effective than other calorie-controlled diets for
Krieger, 2006; Mahon, 2007; McAuley, 2005; Nickols-
weight loss and weight maintenance, and may pose
Richardson, 2005; Nordmann, 2006; Rankin, 2007;
health risk, and are therefore not recommended for
Shai, 2008; Volek, 2009).
weight loss or maintenance.
Four studies found that higher-protein diets reduced
Review of the Evidence
weight significantly more than lower-protein or higher-
carbohydrate diets (Bopp, 2008; Halton, 2004; Mahon,
Macronutrient Proportion and Weight Loss
2007; McMillan-Price, 2006). One study found a diet
When overweight/obese persons attempt to lose weight
higher in protein from chicken, but not beef, to be more
with reduced calorie intake, there are no differences in
effective than a lower-protein diet for weight loss
weight loss with differing macronutrient proportions, if
(Mahon, 2007). One study found higher-protein diets to
diets are followed for longer than 6 months. In shorter-
be more effective than lower-protein diets for short-term
98 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
weight loss, but the evidence for effectiveness of drop-out rates from 12 percent to 34 percent. Diets
higher-protein diets for long-term weight loss was tested ranged from 10 to 61 percent energy from fat, 15
inconclusive (Halton, 2004). to 36 percent energy from protein, and 4 to 70 percent
energy from carbohydrate.
Macronutrient Proportion and Avoidance of
Weight Regain Nine studies found no difference in long-term (>6
There are no data to suggest that any one macronutrient months) weight loss between low-carbohydrate (<45%)
is more effective than any other for avoiding weight diets compared to others differing in macronutrient
regain in weight-reduced persons. This conclusion is proportion (Avenell, 2004; Dale, 2009; Due, 2008;
based on 12 articles published since 2004: two review Frisch, 2009; Lim, 2009; McAuley, 2005; Nordmann,
articles, nine RCTs, and one prospective cohort study 2006; Sacks, 2009; Tay, 2008). Two studies found that
(Benassi-Evans, 2009; Dale, 2009; Due, 2008; Frisch, lower-carbohydrate diets resulted in better long-term
2009; Hession, 2009; Lim, 2009; McAuley, 2005; (>6 months) weight loss than low-fat, low-calorie diets
Noakes, 2006; Nordmann, 2006; Phelan, 2007; Sacks, (Hession, 2009; Tay, 2008).
2009; Westerterp-Plantenga, 2004). Studies were
conducted in Australia, Denmark, Germany, Israel, New One study found that high-carbohydrate diets increased
Zealand, the Netherlands, and the U.S. Studies ranged total and LDL-cholesterol compared to low-fat diets
in length from 1 month to 24 months. Studies also (Hession, 2009). One study found that a high-fat
ranged in sample size from 33 to 891 participants, and (monounsaturated fat) diet increased total and LDL-
had drop-out rates from 12 percent to 34 percent. Diets cholesterol compared to a high-carbohydrate diet (Dale,
tested ranged from 10 to 61 percent energy from fat, 15 2009). One study found that a high-fat diet increased
to 36 percent energy from protein, and 4 to 70 percent LDL cholesterol compared to a high-protein diet
energy from carbohydrate. (McAuley, 2005). Two studies found that diets lower in
carbohydrate and higher in protein were associated with
Ten studies found no difference in weight maintenance increased total and cardiovascular mortality (Lagiou,
between diets differing in macronutrient proportion 2007; Trichopoulou, 2007). One study found no
(Benassi-Evans, 2009; Dale, 2009; Due, 2008; Frisch, association between low-carbohydrate, high-protein
2009; Lim, 2009; McAuley, 2005; Noakes, 2006; diets and risk of CVD (Halton, 2006). One study found
Nordmann, 2006; Phelan, 2007; Sacks, 2009). One no associated between low-carbohydrate, high-protein
study found that lower carbohydrate diets diet resulted diets and risk of T2D (Halton, 2008).
in better weight maintenance than low-fat, low-calorie
diets (Hession, 2009). One study found that a higher- Safety and Effectiveness of High-protein (more
protein diet resulted in better weight maintenance than a than 35%) Hypocaloric Diets for Long-term
lower-protein diet (Westerterp-Plantenga, 2004). (more than 6 months) Weight Loss or
Safety and Effectiveness of Low-carbohydrate Intake of diets higher in protein than accepted standards
(less than 45%) Hypocaloric Diets for Long- (>35% of total calories) provides no advantages for
term (more than 6 month) Weight Loss or weight loss or maintenance or for improved health
Weight Maintenance biomarkers compared to other diets with differing
Carbohydrate diets below 45 percent of calories are not macronutrient composition. Also, such diets may be less
more successful for long-term weight loss (12 months). safe than diets within the Dietary Reference Intakes
Some evidence also suggests that they may be less safe. (DRI) ranges for macronutrients.
This conclusion is based on 15 articles published since
2004: three review articles, eight RCTs, and four This conclusion is based on four articles published since
prospective cohort studies (Avenell, 2004; Dale, 2009; 2004: three RCTs and one prospective cohort study
Due, 2008; Frisch, 2009; Halton, 2006, 2008; Hession, (Benassi-Evans, 2009; Lim, 2009; Tay, 2008;
2009; Lagiou, 2007; Lim, 2009; McAuley, 2005; Trichopoulou, 2007). Studies were conducted in
Nordmann, 2006; Sacks, 2009; Shai, 2008; Tay, 2008; Australia, Greece, and Israel. Studies ranged in length
Trichopoulou, 2007). Studies were conducted in from 6 months to 15 months. Studies also ranged in
Australia, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Israel, New sample size from 33 to 22,944 participants, and had
Zealand, Sweden, and the U.S. Studies ranged in length drop-out rates from 0 percent to 34 percent. Diets tested
from 6 months to 24 months. Studies also ranged in ranged from 10 to 61 percent energy from fat, 17 to 50
sample size from 55 to 98,462 participants, and had percent energy from protein, and 4 to 70 percent energy
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 99
from carbohydrate. Three studies found no difference in Review of the Evidence
long-term (>6 months) weight loss between high-
protein (>35 percent) diets and diets differing in Background
macronutrient proportion (Benassi-Evans, 2009; Lim, The energy density of a food is defined as the amount of
2009; Tay, 2008). energy per unit of weight, usually expressed as
kilocalories per 100 gram. The energy density of an
Biomarkers improved in all macronutrient groups, entire dietary pattern is estimated by dividing the total
including blood pressure, fasting glucose, C-reactive amount of calories by the total weight of food
protein, and triglycerides. Biomarkers were associated consumed. The overall fat and water content of the diet
with weight loss and did not vary by diet treatment. In is the key determinant of energy density (Drewnowski,
addition, one study found that diets lower in 2004). Short-term feeding studies have consistently
carbohydrate and higher in protein were associated with shown that lower-energy dense food choices lead to a
increased total and cardiovascular mortality higher amount of food consumption but lower energy
(Trichopoulou, 2007). intakes compared to higher-energy density diets. This
suggests that lower-energy density diets may lead to
better appetite regulation and improved body weight
Question 6: Is Dietary Energy Density control (Rolls, 2009). This hypothesis is supported by
Associated With Weight Loss, Weight studies conducted among free-living individuals
Maintenance, and Type 2 Diabetes Among (Ledikwe, 2007; Savage, 2008b).
The 2005 DGAC Report concluded that at the time of
their deliberations, evidence was insufficient to come to
Conclusion a firm conclusion on the impact of dietary energy
density on body weight. Since then, four RCTs and five
Strong and consistent evidence indicates that dietary prospective studies have been published. The resulting
patterns that are relatively low in energy density clear and consistent evidence led the 2010 Committee
improve weight loss and weight maintenance among to conclude that dietary energy density does affect both
adults. Consistent but limited evidence suggests that weight loss and weight maintenance. Additional
lower energy density diets may be associated with lower evidence has also indicated a potential association
risk of T2D among adults. between dietary energy density and T2D.
Implications Energy Density and Weight Loss
Four randomized controlled weight loss trials found that
Dietary patterns relatively low in energy density that lowering food-based energy density is linked with
have been associated with beneficial body weight significantly higher weight loss (De Oliveira, 2008; Ello
outcomes also may be associated with lower risk of Martin, 2007; Rolls, 2005; Saquib, 2008). In these
T2D. They are characterized by a relatively high intake RCTs, the average weight loss resulting from lower
of vegetables, fruit, and total fiber and a relatively low dietary energy density ranged from 0.8 kilogram to 1.5
intake of total fat, saturated fat, and added sugars (Kant kilograms across studies. Dietary energy density was
and Graubard, 2005; Ledikwe, 2006a, 2006b; reduced by either increasing fruit and/or vegetable
Lindstrom, 2006; Murakami, 2007; Savage, 2008b; intake (De Oliveira, 2008; Ello Martin, 2007; Saquib,
Wang, 2008). Additionally, lower dietary energy 2008) or soup consumption (Rolls, 2005).
density may be associated with a dietary intake pattern
characterized by lower consumption of meat and Energy Density and Weight Maintenance
processed meats and energy-containing beverages Four observational prospective studies with follow-ups
(Wang, 2008). The Committee’s conclusion applies to ranging from 6 months to 8 years have consistently
the whole dietary pattern, not to individual foods, and documented a positive association between energy
recognizes that a beneficial low-energy density dietary density and weight maintenance (Bes-Rastrollo, 2008;
pattern can include consumption of some energy-dense Greene, 2006; Ledikwe, 2007; Savage, 2008b). Bes-
foods (e.g., olive oil and nuts) that have been associated Rastrollo et al. (2008) found that women who moved
with improved health outcomes (see Part D. Section 3: their energy density from the highest to the lowest
Fatty Acids and Cholesterol). quintile gained significantly less weight than those who
moved from the lowest to the highest energy density
100 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
quintile (4.7 ± 0.09 kg vs. 6.4 ± 0.09 kg, respectively). energy density quartiles, the Finnish study results did
Ledikwe et al. (2007) found that pre-hypertensive and not reach statistical significance even though effect size
hypertensive adults who reduced their energy density was strong (70% increased risk), a finding likely
the most during 6 months lost 5.9 kilograms, compared explained by the lack of statistical power. Findings from
to 4.0 kilograms among those in the middle tertile, and this study were, however, statistically significant when
2.4 kilograms among those in the lowest tertile. Savage dietary intake patterns were modeled based on their
et al. (2008b) found over a 6-year period that women in energy and fiber content. T2D was either diagnosed
the highest energy density tertile gained 6.4 ± 6.5 through plasma biomarkers (Lindstrom, 2006) or a
kilograms compared to 2.5 ± 6.8 kilograms among those participant self-report confirmed with medical records
in the lowest energy density tertile. Greene et al. (2006) (Wang, 2008). Both studies controlled statistical
found that 2 years after the completion of an effective analyses for relevant anthropometric measures (weight,
12-week weight loss program, individuals who were BMI, weight change, and/or waist circumference) and
able to maintain the weight loss benefit consumed fewer the United Kingdom study adjusted for energy intake as
calories and ate a lower-energy density diet. well. Thus, findings suggest that diet composition,
independent of energy balance, may play a role in
Energy Density Definition and Weight potential association between energy density and T2D.
Outcomes This conclusion is consistent with 1999-2002 NHANES
The Committee’s conclusion is based on studies that cross-sectional findings (Mendoza, 2007) documenting
estimated dietary energy density based on foods only. an association of energy density with elevated fasting
However, two additional studies calculated energy insulin, after controlling for waist circumference and
density using a different definition had inconsistent physical activity.
weight outcome results. Inclusion of beverages in
energy density estimation yields inconsistent results.
Kant and Graubard (2005) found that energy density Question 7: For Older Adults, What Is the
among adults was associated with BMI when energy Effect of Weight Loss Versus Weight
density was defined based on “foods and energy- Maintenance on Selected Health
containing beverages” or “foods only” but not when Outcomes?
energy density was estimated including “all foods and
beverages.” Consistent with this, Iqbal et al. (2006) did
not find a relationship between energy density, Conclusion
estimated including all liquids, and 5-year weight
change in two adult Danish cohorts. These findings Weight loss in older adults has been associated with an
illustrate the importance of standardizing energy density increased risk of mortality, but because most studies
measures across studies. have not differentiated between intentional versus
unintentional weight loss, recommending intentional
Energy Density and Type 2 Diabetes weight loss has not been possible. Recently, however,
Two longitudinal cohort studies have examined the moderate evidence of a reduced risk of mortality with
association between energy density and the risk of T2D. intentional weight loss in older persons has been
One cross-sectional study examined the association published. Intentional weight loss among overweight
between energy density and risk factors for T2D, and obese older adults, therefore, is recommended. In
including hyperinsulinemia and metabolic syndrome. addition, with regard to morbidity, moderate evidence
All three studies found a relationship between energy suggests that intentional weight loss in older adults has
density and increased risk for T2D and/or having risk been associated with reduced development of T2D and
factors for T2D. improved cardiovascular risk factors. There are
insufficient data on cancer to come to a conclusion.
Two European cohort studies, one conducted in the Weight gain produces increased risk for several health
United Kingdom (Wang, 2008) and one in Finland outcomes.
(Lindstrom, 2006), with follow-up periods lasting for
10 years and 3 years, respectively, found a relationship Implications
between energy density and T2D. Whereas the United
Kingdom study was observational, the Finnish study Observational studies of weight loss, especially when
was designed as an RCT although reported findings intentionality cannot be rigorously established, may be
were based on pooled analyses. When expressed as misleading with respect to the effect of weight on

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 101

mortality. Loss of weight is appropriate advice for With regard to the risk of developing diabetes,
elderly overweight/obese persons. Weight gain should cardiovascular disease, or cancer with weight loss, one
be avoided. study has reported that both T2D and CVD risk factors
can be improved with weight loss in older Americans.
Review of the Evidence Another study has shown that in people with T2D,
intentional weight loss improves glycemia and CVD
The risks and benefits of weight loss in older adults risk factors (Pi-Sunyer, 2007), and Whelton et al.
have been widely debated. While it has been clearly (1998) have reported that intentional weight loss lowers
reported that weight loss improves risk factors for blood pressure. The SOS study (Sjostrom, 2007),
diabetes and cardiovascular disease (Pi-Sunyer, 2007; while a bariatric surgery study, has shown that
Villareal, 2006; Whelton, 1998), some studies have intentional weight loss with bariatric surgery greatly
showed that weight loss increases mortality (Knudtson, lowers the risk of morbidity for T2D, CVD, as well as
2005; Sorenson, 2003; Yaari, 1998). However, it is not mortality for CVD and cancer, in more elderly as well
clear in these studies whether the weight loss was as younger individuals.
intentional or unintentional.
Weight gain was associated with either the same or
Thirty-five cohort studies, two longitudinal higher mortality than in weight maintenance.
observational studies, one structural equation model and
one RCT were reviewed, dating from 1995 to the
present. There was strong unanimity that, in elderly PHYSICAL ACTIVITY
persons followed for 2 to 23 years, a baseline BMI
below normal (18.5-25 kg/m2) was associated with a
higher risk of mortality whereas a BMI above normal Question 8: What Is the Relationship
(>25 kg/m2) was associated with a lower risk. The Between Physical Activity, Body Weight,
mortality curve in relation to baseline BMI was U- and Other Health Outcomes?
shaped, with minimal mortality risk occurring over a
wide range (BMI of 25 to 34 kg/m2). In a modeling Conclusion
report by Yang et al. (2008), the highest life expectancy
was in participants with a BMI range of 18.5 to 25 Strong, consistent evidence indicates that physically
kilograms/m2. active people are at reduced risk of becoming
overweight or obese. Furthermore, there is strong
Weight loss in elderly persons was associated with a evidence that physically active adults who are
higher mortality, but no data were available about the overweight or obese experience a variety of health
intentionality of the weight loss except for one study by benefits that are generally similar to those observed in
Locher et al. (2007) in a 3-year follow-up of individuals people of ideal body weight. Because of the health
with a mean age of 73 years, who found that non- benefits of physical activity that are independent of
intentional weight loss was associated with higher body weight classification, people of all body weight
mortality whereas intentional weight loss was not. A classifications gain health and fitness benefits by being
recent RCT (Shea, 2010) assessed the influence of habitually physically active.
weight loss and/or exercise in overweight/obese older
adults with knee osteoarthritis. After an average of 8 In addition, strong and consistent evidence based on a
years of follow-up, the mortality rate was significantly wide range of well-conducted studies indicates that
lower for those randomized to the weight loss physically active people have higher levels of health-
intervention, who initially lost 4.8 kilograms. related fitness, lower risk of developing most chronic
Intentional weight loss therefore did not lead to disabling medical conditions, and lower rates of various
increased total mortality but actually reduced it. In chronic diseases than do people who are inactive. The
addition, interventional studies have shown that this health benefits of being habitually active appear to
intentional weight loss in older persons is not associated apply to all people regardless of age, sex, race/ethnicity,
with greater adverse events (Diabetes Prevention socioeconomic status, and to people with physical or
Program Research Group, 2002; Pi-Sunyer, 2007; cognitive disabilities.
Whelton, 1998).

102 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Implications not the only source of energy expenditure due to
activity. Light-intensity activity and very short bouts of
Americans are encouraged to meet the 2008 Physical moderate- or vigorous physical activity also expend
Activity Guidelines for Americans. Children and adults calories. Changes in this source of energy expenditure
should avoid inactivity. Some physical activity is better influence the amount of moderate- or vigorous-intensity
than none, and more is better. Achieving energy balance physical activity necessary for energy balance. Fourth,
and a healthy weight depends on both energy intake and even among people at a healthy body weight, regular
expenditure. physical activity is required to maintain health and
prevent disease. Indeed, sedentary behavior is a risk
Review of the Evidence factor for all individuals.

Background While the PAGAC separately addressed the three topics

In October 2008, the inaugural Physical Activity of weight maintenance, weight loss, and avoidance of
Guidelines for Americans were released by the U.S. weight regain, its report and the subsequent Physical
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Activity Guidelines for Americans took an integrated
Similar to the process used by HHS and USDA in approach to weight management. Obesity is one of
developing the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, HHS many chronic conditions that illustrate a dose-response
relied on the Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory effect between volume of physical activity and health
Committee (PAGAC) Report released in May of 2008 benefit, and therefore the PAGAC did not make
to develop the Physical Activity Guidelines for separate recommendations for the three topics. The first
Americans (Table D1.8) (PAGAC, 2008). The 683- step in achieving or maintaining a healthy body weight
page PAGAC report outlined the evidence for is to meet the baseline level of physical activity per
developing Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, week (150 minutes of moderate-intensity, 75 minutes of
and Part G, Section 4 focused on physical activity and vigorous-intensity, or an equivalent combination of
energy balance. Other sections of the report focused on moderate- and vigorous-intensity). Then, if a person is
all-cause mortality, cardiorespiratory health, metabolic not at a healthy weight, he or she would either increase
health, musculoskeletal and functional health, cancer, activity, decrease dietary intake, or both, until a healthy
mental health, and adverse events. In addition, the weight is achieved. This approach is appropriate
report provided evidence regarding physical activity for whether a person is maintaining weight, losing weight,
youth and for understudied groups, including pregnant or avoiding weight regain. The magnitude of change in
and postpartum women, people with disabilities, and weight due to physical activity is additive to that
racial and ethnically diverse populations. Because the associated with caloric restriction.
PAGAC report was guided by 13 physical activity
experts and is recent, systematic, and thorough, the Amount of Physical Activity Needed to
2010 DGAC felt it was prudent to use the PAGAC Maintain a Healthy Body Weight
report’s evidence to answer several questions related to Clear, consistent evidence shows that physical activity
physical activity, energy balance, and health. provides benefit for weight stability. For children and
adolescents, 60 minutes or more of physical activity per
The PAGAC report noted four important points, which day is recommended. For adults and older adults, 150 to
apply to understanding physical activity and energy 300 minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical
balance. First, achieving energy balance and a healthy activity or 75 to 150 minutes per week of vigorous-
weight depends on both energy intake and expenditure. intensity physical activity, or an equivalent combination
Any statements about the amount of physical activity of the two is recommended to maintain body weight
required for healthy weight, weight loss, and weight over time.
maintenance after loss must take into account energy
intake. Second, the effect of a caloric deficit on weight The PAGAC report noted that a great deal of inter-
does not depend upon whether the deficit is produced individual variability exists with physical activity and
by reducing intake, increasing expenditure, or both. weight stability. For this reason, some adults may need
However, in research studies, the proportion of the more physical activity per week than others to maintain
caloric deficit due to physical activity often is only a body weight. The PAGAC report also noted that high
small fraction of the overall deficit. Third, bouts of amounts of physical activity are not feasible for all
moderate- or vigorous-intensity physical activity, which adults because chronic conditions, such as
count toward meeting physical activity guidelines, are osteoarthritis, create activity limitations. In such cases,
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 103
adults should be as active as possible, and if a healthy this epidemic, presenting an abundance of foods to the
weight is not attained, they then need to reduce caloric populace in the form of tasty, energy-dense,
intake. micronutrient poor foods and beverages. The
macronutrient distribution of a person’s diet is not the
Amount of Physical Activity Needed to Lose driving force behind the obesity, rather it is the overly
Weight if Overweight or Obese large amount of total calories eaten coupled with very
Clear, consistent research shows that a large dose of low physical activity. There is no optimal proportion of
physical activity is needed for substantial weight loss dietary fat, carbohydrate, and protein to maintain a
(greater than 5% of body weight). Adults who are most healthy body weight, to lose weight, or to avoid weight
successful at achieving weight loss combine calorie regain after weight loss. It is the total amount of
restriction with increased physical activity participation. calories eaten that is essential. While weight can be
The PAGAC Report noted that adults who participate in reduced with diets where the macronutrient proportions
physical activity during weight loss have improved vary widely, the crucial issue is not the macronutrient
body composition (reduced abdominal obesity and proportion but rather the compliance with a reduced-
preserved muscle mass) compared to adults who lose calorie intake. The energy density of the foods eaten is
weight by calorie restriction alone. important in causing the overeating. This is true not
only for adults but also for children, who take in energy-
For overweight and obese adults who need to lose dense fats and added sugars at levels higher than
substantial weight, a combination of calorie restriction required to maintain themselves at normal weight.
with participation in 150 to 300 minutes per week of
moderate-intensity physical activity or 75 to 150 With regard to special subgroups, pregnancy is a time
minutes per week of vigorous-intensity physical when many women gain too much weight. Excessive
activity, or an equivalent combination of the two is maternal weight gain during pregnancy is deleterious
recommended. Many adults may need to exceed this for the mother and also the fetus. Mothers very often
amount of physical activity to achieve substantial put on much more weight than is healthy during
weight loss. pregnancy and then have trouble losing it after delivery.
Fetuses of these mothers tend to be fatter at and after
Amount of Physical Activity Needed to Avoid birth and are more at risk of obesity and T2D later in
Regain After Weight Loss life. Breastfeeding is good for a number of reasons and
The scientific evidence for the effectiveness of physical should be encouraged, but has no real impact on weight
activity alone in preventing weight regain following gain or loss.
significant weight loss is limited. The strongest
evidence indicates that adults who are successful at Older overweight or obese persons can derive as much
long-term weight maintenance following weight loss benefit from losing weight and keeping it off as do
appear to limit caloric intake in addition to maintaining younger persons, with resulting improvements in quality
a high level of physical activity. Available research of life, disabilities, and risk factors for chronic diseases.
indicates that to prevent substantial weight regain over Selected behaviors lead to a greater propensity to gain
6 months or longer, many adults may need more than weight. These include too much TV watching, too little
300 minutes a week of moderate-intensity, or 150 physical activity, eating out frequently (especially at fast
minutes a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, or food restaurants), snacking on energy-dense food and
an equivalent combination of the two. drink, skipping breakfast, and taking large portions.
Self-monitoring is a very important lifestyle habit that
will tend to control weight gain and enhance weight loss
Chapter Summary and maintenance by making individuals conscious of
what, when, and how much they are eating.
The prevalence of overweight and obesity in the U.S.
has increased dramatically in the past three decades.
This is true of children, adolescents, and adults and it is Needs for Future Research
more severe in minority groups. There is an increased
morbidity in the obese, with diabetes, heart disease, and 1. Conduct well-controlled and powered prospective
cancer being particular risks, leading to a greater studies to characterize the associations between
mortality. The American environment is conducive to specific dietary factors and childhood adiposity.

104 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Rationale: While many of the studies included in activity patterns, and their combinations, on
the DGAC 2010 evidence reviews were gestational weight gain patterns.
methodologically strong, many were limited by
small sample size, lack of adequate control for Rationale: The new gestational weight gain
confounding factors, especially implausible energy guidelines are based on observational studies.
intake reports, and use of surrogate, rather than Randomized controlled trials are urgently needed to
direct measures of body fatness. answer these questions.

2. Conduct well-controlled and powered research 8. Conduct studies to refine gestational weight gain
studies testing interventions that are likely to recommendations among obese women according
improve energy balance in children at increased risk to their level of prepregnancy obesity.
of childhood obesity, including dietary approaches
that reduce energy density, total energy, dietary fat, Rationale: The recommended gestational weight
and sugar-sweetened beverages, and promote gain range for obese women was based mostly on
greater consumption of fruits and vegetables. evidence from class I obese women (BMI: 30-34.9).
This represents an important gap in knowledge at a
Rationale: Very few solid data are available on time when the prevalence of class II (BMI: 35-39.9)
interventions in children. and class III obese (BMI ≥ 40) women continues to
rise in the U.S., with 14.2 percent of women
3. Conduct research to clarify both the positive and (25.5% of non-Hispanic Black women) falling in
negative environmental influences that affect body these two categories (IOM, 2009).
9. Substantially improve prepregnancy BMI and
Rationale: How changing the environment affects gestational weight gain monitoring and surveillance
dietary intake and energy balance needs in the U.S.
Rationale: No nationally representative data are
4. Conduct research on the effect of local and national available to describe pre-gravid BMI and
food systems on dietary intake. gestational weight gain patterns in the U.S.
Rationale: It is necessary to clarify the relative
contributions of the different sectors on dietary 10. Conduct longitudinal studies with adequate designs
intake. to further examine the association between
breastfeeding and maternal postpartum weight
5. Conduct considerable new research on other changes, as well as impact on offspring.
behaviors that might influence eating practices.
Rationale: Studies need to have a sample size large
Rationale: We need to know more about child enough to take into account the small effect size
feeding practices, family influences, peer thus far detected and the large inter-subject
influences, etc., and what can improve them. variability in maternal postpartum weight loss.
(Ohlin and Rossner [1990] found that maternal
6. Conduct research on the influence of snacking weight loss ranged from -12.3 kg to +26.5 kg
behavior and meal frequency on body weight and during the first year following the delivery of the
obesity. Develop better definitions for snacking as child). Studies need to have adequate comparison
the research moves forward. groups that are clearly and consistently defined
according to their breastfeeding intensity/duration
Rationale: These are two issues that may alter food patterns. Women who practice different infant
intake and body weight but of which we know little. feeding methods have different background
characteristics. Thus, it is essential that future
7. Invest in well-designed randomized controlled trials observational studies control statistically for key
with long-term follow-up periods to assess the confounders including prepregnancy BMI,
influence of different dietary intake and physical gestational weight gain, socio-economic and
demographic characteristics, and intentional weight
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 105
loss. Studies need to measure maternal weight at Aeberli I, Kaspar M, Zimmermann MB. Dietary intake
different time points to be able to validate the use of and physical activity of normal weight and overweight 6
either self-reported weights or weights recorded in to 14 year old Swiss children. Swiss Med Wkly.
clinical charts. 2007;137(29-30):424-30.

11. Determine whether and how isocaloric solid foods Affenito SG, Thompson DR, Barton BA, Franko DL,
and liquids differ in their influence on satiety (De Daniels SR, Obarzanek E, Schreiber GB, Striegel-
Graaf, 2006; Rolls, 2009). Moore RH. Breakfast consumption by African-
American and white adolescent girls correlates
Rationale: The great majority of studies reviewed positively with calcium and fiber intake and negatively
estimated dietary energy density based on foods with body mass index. J Am Diet Assoc.
only, excluding all beverages (Bes-Rastrollo, 2008; 2005;105(6):938-45.
Ello Martin, 2007; Greene, 2006; Ledikwe, 2007;
Rolls, 2005; Savage, 2008b; Saquib, 2008). The Albertson AM, Affenito SG, Bauserman R, Holschuh
decision to include only foods in dietary energy NM, Eldridge AL, Barton BA. The relationship of
density estimations has been largely justified on ready-to-eat cereal consumption to nutrient intake,
statistical and not physiological grounds (Ledikwe, blood lipids, and body mass index of children as they
2005). Studies that have incorporated all beverages age through adolescence. J Am Diet Assoc.
in the dietary energy density estimations, including 2009;109(9):1557-65.
water (Iqbal, 2006) have yielded null results. Few
studies have examined weight outcomes using Albertson AM, Franko DL, Thompson D, Eldridge AL,
different energy density definitions, these studies Holschuh N, Affenito SG, Bauserman R, Striegel-
have identified inconsistent results as a function of Moore RH. Longitudinal patterns of breakfast eating in
the definition used (Kant and Graubard, 2005). black and white adolescent girls. Obesity.

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2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 121

Table D1.8. 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans

Age group Guidelines

Children and • Children and adolescents should do 60 minutes (1 hour) or more of physical activity daily.
Adolescents — Aerobic: Most of the 60 or more minutes a day should be either moderate- or vigorous-
intensity aerobic physical activity, and should include vigorous-intensity physical activity
at least 3 days a week.
— Muscle-strengthening: As part of their 60 or more minutes of daily physical activity,
children and adolescents should include muscle-strengthening physical activity on at
least 3 days of the week.
— Bone-strengthening: As part of their 60 or more minutes of daily physical activity, children
and adolescents should include bone-strengthening physical activity on at least 3 days of the
• It is important to encourage young people to participate in physical activities that are
appropriate for their age, that are enjoyable, and that offer variety.
Adults • All adults should avoid inactivity. Some physical activity is better than none, and adults who
participate in any amount of physical activity gain some health benefits.
• For substantial health benefits, adults should do at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30
minutes) a week of moderate-intensity, or 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) a week of
vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination of moderate- and
vigorous-intensity aerobic activity. Aerobic activity should be performed in episodes of at
least 10 minutes, and preferably, it should be spread throughout the week.
• For additional and more extensive health benefits, adults should increase their aerobic
physical activity to 300 minutes (5 hours) a week of moderate-intensity, or 150 minutes a
week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination of
moderate- and vigorous-intensity activity. Additional health benefits are gained by engaging
in physical activity beyond this amount.
• Adults should also include muscle-strengthening activities that are moderate or high intensity
and involve all major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week, as these activities provide
bone-strengthening and other additional health benefits.
Older Adults • Older adults should follow the adult guidelines. When older adults cannot meet the adult
guidelines, they should be as physically active as their abilities and conditions will allow.
• When older adults cannot do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week
because of chronic conditions, they should be as physically active as their abilities and
conditions allow.
• Older adults should do exercises that maintain or improve balance if they are at risk of
• Older adults should determine their level of effort for physical activity relative to their level
of fitness.
• Older adults with chronic conditions should understand whether and how their conditions
affect their ability to do regular physical activity safely.
Note: The PAGAC report applies to children age 6 years and older. There was not enough evidence to review to
determine the relationship between dose of physical activity and health outcomes in children younger than age 6. There is
every reason to believe that these guidelines promote healthy growth and development for children under age 6.
Source: HHS, 2008. http://www.health.gov/paguidelines/committeereport.aspx.

122 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D1.9. Caloric value of select beverages
Standard Serving Calories per Standard
Beverage Size Serving Size

Alcoholic Beverages
Regular beer 12 fl oz 153
Light beer 12 fl oz 103
Table wines, all 5 fl oz 123
Sake 1 fl oz 39
Distilled spirits/mixed drinks
Distilled spirits (gin, rum, vodka, whiskey), 80 Proof 1.5 fl oz 97
Crème de menthe, 72 Proof 1.5 fl oz 186
(vodka, orange liqueur, cranberry juice, lime juice) 2.75 fl oz 146
Gin & tonic
(gin, tonic water) 6.5 fl oz 147
(tequila, orange liqueur, lime juice) 4 fl oz 168
(gin, dry vermouth) 2.25 fl oz 124
(white rum, lime juice, club soda, mint, sugar) 6 fl oz 143
Pina colada
(light rum, coconut cream, pineapple juice) 9 fl oz 495
Rum & cola
(dark rum, cola) 6.5 fl oz 152
(vodka, orange juice) 6.5 fl oz 172
Whiskey sour
(whiskey, sour mix) 3.5 fl oz 162
Whole milk 8 fl oz 149
Reduced fat (2%) milk 8 fl oz 122
Low-fat (1%) milk 8 fl oz 102
Fat-free milk 8 fl oz 83
Coffee and Tea
Black tea 8 fl oz 0
Green tea 8 fl oz 0
Tea sweetened with 2 sugar packets 8 fl oz 22
Regular coffee 8 fl oz 0
Decaffeinated coffee 8 fl oz 0
Coffee sweetened with 2 sugar packets 8 fl oz 22

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 123

Table D1.9 (continued). Caloric value of select beverages
Standard Calories per Standard
Beverage Serving Size Serving Size

100% Juice
Apple juice 8 fl oz 114
Carrot juice 8 fl oz 94
Cranberry juice 8 fl oz 137
Grape juice 8 fl oz 152
Orange juice 8 fl oz 117
Pineapple juice 8 fl oz 133
Pomegranate juice 8 fl oz 136
Tomato juice 6 fl oz 31
Sugar Sweetened Beverages
Cola 12 fl oz 136
Energy drink 8 fl oz 115
Fruit punch drink 8 fl oz 117
Hot cocoa 8 fl oz 192
Lemonade drink 8 fl oz 99
Orange Juice drink 8 fl oz 134
Sports drink 8 fl oz 50
Diet beverages
Diet Fruit and Vegetable Drinks 8 fl oz 10
Diet cola 12 fl oz 0
Low calorie cola 12 fl oz 7
Low calorie sports drink 8 fl oz 26
Nutrient enriched water beverage 8 fl oz 0
Sugar free energy drink 8 fl oz 10
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory. 2009.
USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 22. http://www.ars.usda.gov/nutrientdata.

124 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Part D. Section 2: Nutrient Adequacy

Introduction health when they are consumed in their natural form

and in combination with each other, such as in
Numerous nutrients and food components are needed vegetables (including cooked dry beans and peas),
for normal growth, development, and body functioning. fruits, and whole grains. These foods contain not only
Essential nutrientsthose that the body cannot produce the essential vitamins and minerals that are often
targeted in nutrient supplement pills, but also hundreds
itself in adequate amountsmust be obtained from
of naturally-occurring phytonutrients and other
foods. Nutrients function in many ways to build,
substances, including carotenoids, flavonoids,
maintain, and protect body structures and systems and
isoflavones, and protease inhibitors that may protect
to promote health. For example, some nutrients provide
against cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, and other
substrates or structure for various body tissues. Others
chronic health conditions. The Institute of Medicine
serve as antioxidants, counteracting oxidative damage
(IOM) report Dietary Reference Intakes: Applications
to biomolecules. Many nutrients are necessary for the
in Dietary Planning (FNB, 2003) notes instances when
production and functioning of compounds necessary for
fortification of certain foods may be advantageous,
health, such as hormones, enzymes, or coenzymes and
including provision of additional sources of key
for homeostasis of physiological systems. Some
nutrients that might otherwise be present only in low
nutrients can be used as an energy source, and others
amounts in some food sources, and providing nutrients
are necessary in various stages of energy production. In
in highly bioavailable forms. Fortification can provide a
addition to preventing classic nutrient deficiency
food-based means for increasing intakes of particular
diseases, prospective epidemiologic studies suggest that
nutrients, for example, folic acid fortification of grains
a healthy dietary patternone that provides
to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects (NTDs)
recommended intakes of essential nutrients within
(see Questions 4, 5, and 6 within Nutrient Issues for
recommended energy levelsreduces the risk of some
Selected Population Subgroups).
common chronic diseases, including obesity,
cardiovascular disease, and some cancers (see Part D.
The DGAC advocates the consumption of nutrient-
Section 1: Energy Balance and Weight Management;
dense forms of foods by all Americans to provide the
Part D. Section 3: Fatty Acids and Cholesterol; Part D.
maximum nutrition intake within calorie needs.
Section 4: Protein; Part D. Section 5: Carbohydrates;
Nutrient-dense foods were defined in the 2005 Dietary
and Part D. Section 6: Sodium, Potassium, and Water).
Guidelines for Americans as those “that provide
substantial amounts of vitamins and minerals
A fundamental premise of the DGAC is that nutrient
(micronutrients) and relatively few calories” (HHS and
intake should come primarily from foods. Many people
USDA, 2005a, p. 7). The DGAC accepts this definition,
understand the importance of good nutrition but believe
with the following clarification. Nutrient-dense foods
that a daily multivitamin/mineral pill will substitute for
are forms of foods that are lean or low in solid fats and
actually eating the foods that they know are good for
without added solid fats, sugars, starches, or sodium
them. However, the more scientists learn about nutrition
and that retain naturally-occurring components such as
and the human body, the more they realize the
fiber. For example, all vegetables, fruits, whole grains,
importance of eating foods in their most intact forms
fish, eggs, and nuts prepared without added solid fats or
without added solid fats, sugars, starches, or sodium.
sugars are considered nutrient-dense, as are lean or low-
For example, some studies have shown that people who
fat forms of fluid milk, meat, and poultry prepared
eat a diet rich in beta-carotene have a lower rate of
without added solid fats or sugars. While a variety of
several kinds of cancer. In contrast, studies have shown
equations are available with which to calculate the
that taking beta-carotene in pill form does not decrease
nutrient density of specific foods (Drewnowski, 2005,
the risk of cancer in healthy individuals, and that,
2008; Kennedy, 2008), the DGAC does not advocate
indeed, supplemental nutrients may be harmful in some
the use of any particular equation over the others
cases (Bjelakovic, 2007) (see Question 7 on Vitamin,
because all foods in nutrient-dense forms within a total
Mineral, and Nutrient Supplements). It is possible that
dietary pattern are more likely to confer health benefits
beta-carotene and other nutrients are most beneficial to

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 125

compared to non-nutrient-dense forms of foods. Non- adequate amounts of essential nutrients” (FNB, 2006, p.
nutrient-dense foods supply relatively few 11). Macronutrients are discussed in Part D. Section 3:
micronutrients and/or more calories than their nutrient- Fatty Acids and Cholesterol, Part D. Section 4:
dense counterparts because nutrient-bearing Protein, and Part D. Section 5: Carbohydrates.
components have been removed or calories from solid
fats or added sugars have been added. If non-nutrient- The RDA is “the average daily dietary nutrient intake
dense foods displace nutrient-dense foods, an level that is sufficient to meet the nutrient requirements
individual’s ability to achieve recommended nutrient of nearly all (97 to 98%) healthy individuals in a
intakes is lessened despite often excessive calorie particular life stage and gender group” (FNB, 2006, p.
intakes. This can leave a person overweight but 8). RDAs are established from Estimated Average
undernourished and thus, at higher risk of disease. Requirements (EARs) which are the “average daily
Nutrient-dense foods are found in a variety of forms nutrient intake level that is estimated to meet the
(e.g., intact, minimally processed, sliced, diced, frozen, requirements of half of the healthy individuals in a
canned, cooked), and a range of nutrient-dense forms of particular life stage and gender group” (FNB, 2006, p.
food can be included in a healthful, energy balanced, 8). AIs are used when scientific evidence is insufficient
total diet. to determine EARs, and thus RDAs, for nutrients. AIs
are “based on observed or experimentally determined
As defined in Part D. Section 1: Energy Balance and approximations or estimates of nutrient intake by a
Weight Management, “energy density is the amount of group (or groups) of apparently healthy people that are
energy per unit of weight, usually expressed as calories assumed to be adequate” (FNB, 2006, p. 8). EARs
per 100 grams of food.” To achieve food and nutrient should be used to plan intakes for groups, while the
recommendations without exceeding recommended IOM recommends that RDAs or AIs be used to plan
energy intake levels, Americans are encouraged to diets for individuals (FNB, 2006). The planning of food
consume a variety and balance of nutrient-dense forms intake patterns, which was introduced in Part C:
of foods within and among the basic food groups, while Methodology, is an example of this application. Both
keeping the energy density of the total diet relatively the RDAs and AIs are intended to serve as goals for
low. Some nutrient-dense foods also are naturally individual intakes by apparently healthy people. In
energy-dense (e.g., nuts, olive oil), and these foods can general, these values are intended to cover the needs of
be incorporated into a total diet that is relatively low in nearly all persons in a life-stage group. Meeting the
energy density. DRIs provides assurance that the probability of
inadequate dietary intake of a nutrient will not exceed 2
Another basic premise of the DGAC is that Dietary percent to 3 percent of the population (FNB, 2003).
Guidelines for Americans should provide guidance in The UL is “the highest average daily nutrient intake
obtaining all the nutrients needed for growth and health. level that is likely to pose no risk of adverse health
To this end, the DGAC recommends that food guidance effects to almost all individuals in the general
aim to achieve the most recent Dietary Reference population” (FNB, 2006, p. 8). Because consuming
Intakes (DRIs), including Acceptable Macronutrient intakes below the UL minimizes risk to the individual,
Distribution Ranges (AMDRs), Recommended Dietary dietary guidance for individuals should avoid exceeding
Allowances (RDAs), and Adequate Intakes (AIs) that the UL (FNB, 2003).
consider the individual’s life stage, sex, and activity
level (FNB, 2006), as well as Tolerable Upper Intake
Levels (ULs) for nutrients (FNB, 2006). These DRIs are List of Questions
to be considered in diet planning for individuals. Table
D2.1 lists nutritional goals for age-sex groups, based on This section addresses eight major questions related to
DRI and Dietary Guidelines for Americans achieving nutrient adequacy in an overall food intake
recommendations, and USDA Food Patterns using these pattern that is within defined energy levels. Special
goals as targets (see Part B. Section 2: Total Diet for a considerations for meeting recommended intakes of
related discussion of dietary patterns). nutrients also are considered.
The AMDRs for dietary carbohydrate, fat, and protein
are relative to total energy intake. Each AMDR “is the
range of intakes of an energy source that is associated
with a reduced risk of chronic disease, yet can provide
126 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
DIETARY COMPONENTS OVERCONSUMED conducted by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) (NCI,
2009), USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS)
1. What nutrients and dietary components are (FNS, Report No. FSP-08-NH, 2008; FNS, Report No.
overconsumed by the general public? CN-08-NH, 2008; FNS, Report No. WIC-08-NH,
2008), USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
FOOD GROUPS AND SELECTED DIETARY (ARS, 2008), and the IOM (FNB, 2009), using standard
COMPONENTS UNDERCONSUMED methodologies and data from the National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES).
2. What food groups and selected dietary components
are underconsumed by the general public? The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans was the
reference point for comparing recommended intake
NUTRIENTS OF CONCERN levels to usual intakes of food groups and dietary
components. Food pattern modeling was used to
3. What nutrients are underconsumed by the general determine recommended amounts from each food
public and present a substantial public health groupthat is the amount that should be consumed in
concern? order to meet nutrient needs. The process and detailed
results are described in the USDA Food Patterns
4. What is the relationship between folate intake and modeling report (see online Appendix E3.1 at
health outcomes in the United States (U.S.) and www.dietaryguidelines.gov) and are also summarized in
Canada following mandatory folic acid Part B. Section 2: Total Diet: Combining Nutrients,
fortification? Consuming Food. These food group recommendations
were compared to typical intakes to identify food groups
5. Is iron a nutrient of special concern for women of of concern. Recommendations for dietary components
reproductive capacity? (e.g., oils and refined grains) also were included in
USDA Food Patterns modeling, and usual intakes were
6. Are older adults consuming sufficient vitamin B12? compared to limits for these items to identify dietary
components of concern. The modeling process also was
VITAMIN, MINERAL, AND NUTRIENT used to determine the maximum amounts of additional
SUPPLEMENTS calories from non-essential nutrient sources (primarily
solid fats and added sugars) that individuals could
7. Can a daily multivitamin/mineral supplement consume, while at the same time staying within energy
prevent chronic disease? needs and consuming recommended amounts of food
from all food groups in nutrient-dense forms. These
NUTRIENT INTAKE AND SELECTED maximum limits were compared to usual intake levels
BEHAVIORS to identify components that are overconsumed. The
maximum limit for calories from solid fats and added
8. What is the relationship between nutrient intake and sugars replaces the “discretionary calorie allowance”
breakfast consumption, snacking, and eating used by the 2005 DGAC. The concept of discretionary
frequency? calories is considered scientifically relevant and
theoretically valid. However, it has been difficult to
Methodology translate into meaningful consumer education. Also, the
inclusion of a discretionary calorie allowance may place
The DGAC promotes achievement of recommended too much emphasis on a portion of the diet that for most
nutrient intake by consuming foods. In order to Americans should be a very small contribution (an
recognize nutrient shortfalls and nutrients that present a average of about 150 to 200 kcal/d) and is not needed
public health concern, the DGAC began its review with for nutrient adequacy.
an examination of nutrients and dietary components
consumed in amounts high enough or low enough to be Food sources of energy, food groups, nutrients, and
of concern. Questions 1 and 2 are new to the 2010 other dietary components were identified through
DGAC Report and provide a foundation for analyses that grouped specific foods reported in
understanding the food-based gaps in nutrient intakes of dietary surveys into 96 mutually exclusive food
Americans. Nutrient and selected dietary component categories. These categories were described and used
intakes by Americans are drawn from analyses by Bachman (2008), and also used by Bosire et al.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 127
(2009), and additional analyses conducted for the with Whole Grains reports (see online appendices E3.6
DGAC by the Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods and E3.7 at www.dietaryguidelines.gov).
Branch of the NCI (available at
http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/foodsources/). The search strategies used to identify relevant literature
and update scientific evidence appear in Part C:
Nutrients of concern (Question 3) were identified using Methodology. Additional information about the search
a two-step approach. First, dietary intake data were strategies and criteria used to review specific questions
compared to DRIs to identify shortfall nutrients. can be found online in the Nutrition Evidence Library
Second, biochemical indices of nutrient or functional (NEL) at www.NutritionEvidenceLibrary.gov.
status, when available, and/or disease prevalence data
were further considered to identify nutrients
underconsumed and of substantial public health DIETARY COMPONENTS
significance. This chapter also addresses special OVERCONSUMED
nutrient recommendations for certain population
subgroups. A complete systematic review was
Americans eat certain nutrients and dietary components
conducted for folate (Question 4), due to the
in excess compared to dietary targets. Americans are
documented importance of folate in preventing neural
strongly encouraged to modify their dietary patterns to
tube defects (NTDs) and emerging evidence of health
lower intakes of non-nutrient-dense items that are
risks with increased folic acid intakes in the post-
overconsumed and may contribute to overweight and
fortification era. Conclusions for iron in women of
reproductive capacity (Question 5) and vitamin B12 in
older adults (Question 6) are based on the 2005 DGAC
Report and relevant new literature from updated
searches. Vitamin, mineral, and nutrient supplements
Question 1: What Nutrients and Dietary
(Question 7) are new to the 2010 Report. More than Components Are Overconsumed by the
half of all Americans report using nutrient supplements. General Public?
Their use in primary prevention of chronic disease
warrants evaluation. Conclusions are based on evidence Conclusion
compiled for use by the 2006 National Institutes of
Health (NIH) “State-of-the-Science Conference on Estimated intakes of the following nutrients and dietary
Multivitamin/Mineral Supplements for Chronic Disease components are high enough to be of concern:
Prevention” (NIH, 2006), NIH panel conclusions, and
subsequent evidence reviewed by the 2010 DGAC. The • For adults: total energy intake, particularly energy
DGAC also was interested in identifying behaviors that intake from solid fats and added sugars; sodium;
help individuals achieve nutrient intake percentage of total energy from saturated fats; total
recommendations. Hence, the chapter ends with a cholesterol (in men); and refined grains.
question new to this report, involving a discussion of • For children: energy intake from solid fats and
nutrient intake based on selected behaviors (Question added sugars; sodium; percentage of total energy
8)derived from a full systematic review. from saturated fats; total cholesterol (only in boys,
aged 12 to 19 years); and refined grains.
USDA Food Pattern modeling analyses were conducted
to provide additional contextual information for two Implications
questions (Questions 3 and 4) related to nutrient
adequacy and food group intakes. These analyses To lower overall energy intakes (see Part D. Section 1:
include nutrient adequacy if fluid milk and milk Energy Balance and Weight Management) without
products intake is eliminated, modified, or replaced compromising nutrient intakes, Americans should
with alternative sources of calcium (within Question 3) reduce consumption of calories from solid fats and
and the adequacy of folate and other nutrient intakes if added sugars (SoFAS). SoFAS generally provide few, if
all grains are consumed as whole grains (within any, micronutrients. Intakes of SoFAS should be kept as
Question 4). The process and detailed results for both low as possible across all age-sex groups, to less than
modeling analyses are described in the full Milk Group the maximum limits calculated for the USDA Food
and Alternates and Replacing all Non-Whole Grains Patterns. Concentrated efforts are needed to lower total
sodium intakes by all Americans (see Part D. Section 6:
128 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Sodium, Potassium, and Water). Likewise deliberate 2008), while recommended total energy intakes range
public health efforts are warranted to reduce intakes of from 2000 to 3000 calories per day for men and 1600 to
saturated fats to meet dietary guidelines for optimal 2400 calories per day for women, depending on age and
health. Males older than age 12 years also are physical activity level. Many men and women appear to
encouraged to consume less total dietary cholesterol balance their energy intakes based on energy needs, but
(see Part D. Section 3: Fatty Acids and Cholesterol). there are clearly many more whose usual energy intakes
Intakes of refined grains are too high and at least half of exceed their daily needs, thereby contributing to the
all refined grains should be replaced with high-fiber massive obesity epidemic currently affecting Americans.
whole grains (see Part D. Section 5: Carbohydrates).
Data document that adult men and women who are
Review of the Evidence classified as overweight (body mass index [BMI] of
25.0 to 29.9 kg/m2) or obese (BMI of greater than or
To reach this conclusion, the DGAC examined usual equal to 30.0 kg/m2) often systematically underreport
intake distributions from 2001-2004 NHANES data their dietary intakes (Karelis, 2010). For example,
(NCI, 2009) and usual mean intakes from 2005-2006 Moshfegh et al. (2008) compared self-reported energy
NHANES data (ARS, 2008). In all cases, the most intake, estimated using the automated multiple-pass
current NHANES data available for a specific nutrient dietary intake method used in NHANES, to total energy
or food component was used. In addition, the expenditure measured by doubly labeled water in 221
Committee reviewed FNS reports on quality of normal weight, 193 overweight, and 110 obese men and
American diets and the IOM report on school meals. women. Overweight and obese men underestimated
energy intake by 14 percent and 20 percent,
Methods to Identify Components respectively. Overweight and obese women
Overconsumed underestimated energy intake by 15 percent and 21
When a population group has dietary intakes that percent, respectively, while normal weight men and
exceed recommended maximum levels for a food group, women underestimated energy intake by 1 percent and 6
dietary component, or nutrient, that dietary constituent percent, respectively (Moshfegh, 2008). Hence, actual
is considered a component consumed in an amount high average energy intakes are likely greater than estimated
enough to be of “concern” (i.e., the component is by NHANES from self-reported intakes, particularly in
overconsumed). Such components are consumed in individuals who are overweight or obese, suggesting
amounts higher than levels recommended in the USDA that total energy is overconsumed.
Food Patterns or by the IOM to promote optimal health.
When basic food groups, energy intake, proportions of Children, aged 2 to 18 years, on average, consume
energy intake, or specific nutrients are consumed in calories within the recommended ranges for their ages
amounts higher than recommended levels, such intakes and physical activity levels (ARS, 2008). Yet, as with
are of concern because their contributions to overall adults, subgroups of children may be consuming
nutrient intakes, overall dietary components, and the calories in amounts too high for their daily energy
balance of macro- and micronutrients in the total dietary needs, and as with adults, there is significant
pattern may be unsuitable to confer potential health underreporting of energy intake among overweight and
benefits. obese children compared with normal weight children.
Calories, energy needs, energy balance, and
Findings Regarding Components relationships to BMI and health outcomes are
Overconsumed thoroughly discussed in Part D. Section 1: Energy
Energy—Appropriate intake levels for total energy Balance and Weight Management.
vary based on a person’s age, sex, size, and level of
physical activity. Overconsumption of total energy in Five categories of foods contribute nearly 30 percent of
comparison to individual need on an ongoing basis the total calories consumed in the American diet
results in weight gain. Although mean intakes of energy (Bosire, 2009). These five categories—grain-based
may be within recommended ranges, the increase over desserts (e.g., cakes, cookies, donuts, pies, crisps,
time in the number of adults and children classified as cobblers, granola bars); yeast breads; chicken and
overweight or obese indicates that for some, usual chicken-mixed dishes; sodas, energy, and sports drinks;
energy intakes exceed needs. The mean energy intakes and pizza—are often consumed in forms high in SoFAS
of men and women older than age 19 years are 2638 and should be replaced with other foods that are more
calories and 1785 calories per day, respectively (ARS, nutrient-dense or prepared in a way that reduces the
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 129
content of SoFAS. Replacing foods containing higher (3.9%); tea (3.2%); syrups and toppings (2.7%), and
amounts of SoFAS with foods from each of the basic yeast breads (2.0%). For children, aged 2 to 18 years,
food groups in nutrient-dense forms, to achieve the major sources of SoFAS were very similar to those
appropriate dietary patterns within individual calorie for the overall population, with the exception that whole
needs, can help promote health (see the online resource milk was the top source of solid fats for children aged 2
for Part D. Section 1: Energy Balance and Weight to 8 years. Very similar results for the top sources of
Management at www.dietaryguidelines.gov for added sugars were reported by Marriott et al. (2010) in
information on the primary energy sources in the diets an analysis of added sugars intake for individuals 4
of children). years and older, using NHANES 2003-2006 intake
data. These included sodas (30.7%); sugars/sweets
Energy from Solid Fats and Added Sugars—Solid (which included candy, sugars, syrups and toppings,
fats are fats that are solid at room temperature. Solid and jams and jellies [13.7%]); sweetened grains (which
fats come from many animal foods and can be made included cakes, cookies, pies, pastries, crackers, and
from vegetable oils through hydrogenation. Some snacks, [12.6%]); and fruitades/fruit drinks (10.3%).
common solid fats are butter, beef tallow (tallow, suet),
chicken fat, pork fat (lard), stick margarine, and Neither a recommendation for intake of SoFAS, nor a
shortening. Foods high in solid fats include many reasonable proportion of total energy intake as SoFAS
cheeses, creams, ice cream, well-marbled cuts of meats, has been determined. Nutrient recommendations may be
regular ground beef, bacon, sausages, poultry skin, and met on a daily basis without consuming SoFAS; thus,
many baked goods (such as cookies, crackers, donuts, SoFAS are not an essential component of the diet. If
pastries, and croissants). Most solid fats are high in consumed at all, intake of SoFAS should be infrequent
saturated fats and/or trans fats and have less and in quantities as small as possible. The USDA Food
monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats. Animal Patterns offer guidance on the maximum amount of
products containing solid fats also contain cholesterol. SoFAS that can be accommodated within an
individual’s energy allotment only after nutrient
Added sugars are sugars and syrups that are added to requirements have been met (Table B2.3 in Part B.
foods or beverages during processing or preparation. Section 2: Total Diet). SoFAS should not be
They do not include naturally occurring sugars such as misconstrued as a goal or daily allowance, but rather,
those in milk and fruits. Names for added sugars are a maximum daily amount that most Americans
include brown sugar, corn sweeteners, corn syrup, routinely exceed and do not need to meet nutrient
dextrose, fructose, fruit juice concentrates, glucose, requirements. These SoFAS substitute for discretionary
high-fructose corn syrup, honey, invert sugar, lactose, calories that were included in the 2005 Dietary
maltose, malt syrup, molasses, raw sugar, and sucrose. Guidelines for Americans dietary patterns. In this
report, SoFAS do not include calories from alcohol
Together, SoFAS contribute greatly to overall energy because alcohol makes a very minor contribution to
intake without contributing importantly to nutrient overall energy intake in the diets of most Americans and
intakes (i.e., they are non-nutrient-dense). Intakes of does not apply to children.
SoFAS come from foods that are high in solid fats
(naturally present or added) and added sugars and from Slightly more than one-third of all calories currently
the SoFAS that are added to foods during preparation, consumed in the average American diet come from
service, and intake. The major food sources of SoFAS SoFAS (Figure D2.1 1). On a caloric basis, the
in American diets for those ages 2 and older were individual components of SoFAS (i.e., solid fats and
identified by Bachman et al. (2008), using NHANES added sugars) are consumed in roughly equal amounts
2001-2002 intake data. Top sources of solid fats (Figure D2.2). SoFAS contribute little or nothing to
included grain-based desserts (10.9% of total energy overall nutrient adequacy of the diet but add from 500
from solid fats); regular-fat cheese (7.7%); sausage, calories to 1050 calories to total energy intake each day
franks, ribs, and bacon (7.1%); pizza (5.9%); fried for many Americans. This is excessive. Most Americans
white potatoes (mainly French fries [5.5%]); and dairy- overconsume SoFAS. More than 95 percent of children,
based desserts (5.1%). The top sources of added sugars aged 2 to 13 years, adolescent girls and women, aged 14
included sodas (36.6% of total energy from added to 50 years, and men, aged 19 to 30 years; more than 90
sugars); grain-based desserts (11.7%); sugar-sweetened
fruit drinks (11.5%); dairy-based desserts (6.4%); candy 1
Note: All Figures and Tables for this chapter are found at
(6.2%); ready-to-eat cereals (4.0%); sugars/honey the end of the chapter.
130 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
percent of adolescent boys, aged 14 to 18 years, and aged child, SoFAS should contribute only up to 13
men, aged 31 to 50 years; more than 75 percent of men percent of calories or with added physical activity up to
and women older than 50 years of age consume more 17 percent of calories.
than the maximum caloric limit for SoFAS intake
identified in the USDA Food Patterns (Figure D2.3). In summary, SoFAS contribute to excessive intakes of
Median intakes of energy as SoFAS in the typical non-nutrient-dense foods and extra calories in a
American diet are 536 calories and 701 calories per day substantial proportion of boys and girls, aged 2 to 18
for children, aged 2 to 3 years and 4 to 8 years, years, as well as in women and men older than age 19
respectively; 730 calories to 1028 calories per day for years. Food sources of SoFAS include sodas, grain-
children, aged 9 to 18 years; and 603 calories and 852 based desserts, fruit drinks, fried white potatoes, dairy
calories per day for women and men older than 19 years desserts, and whole milk (Bachman, 2008).
of age, respectively (NCI, 2009). This means the
majority of Americans eat too many calories from non- Sodium—Based on evidence of the relationship of
nutritious sources. The DGAC is concerned that sodium intake to health outcomes, which places the
Americans are overweight and undernourished. In majority of Americans at risk of developing
support of this conclusion, Marriott et al. (2010) hypertension, intake of less than the UL of 2300
reported lower intakes of micronutrients in Americans milligrams per day of sodium by all individuals is
with higher intakes of added sugars beyond 5 percent to recommended with an eventual goal of the AI for
10 percent of total calories. sodium of 1500 milligrams per day (see Part D. Section
6: Sodium, Potassium, and Water for a detailed
Other Evidence Considered for Energy from discussion of sodium intakes and implication of
SoFAS—The Committee on Nutrition Standards for excessive sodium intake). Usual intakes of sodium
National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs exceed the AI for more than 97 percent of all age-sex
examined 1999-2002 NHANES data and found that groups. Usual intakes also exceed the UL for more than
average caloric intakes from SoFAS for school-aged 90 percent of boys older than 9 years and adult men up
children, aged 5 to 8 years, 9 to 13 years, and 14 to 18 to age 70 years, as well as for 50 percent to 75 percent
years, were 719, 810, and 946 calories per day (FNB, of girls older than 9 years and women of all ages
2009). The contrast with discretionary calorie (Figure D2.4) (ARS, 2010a).
allowances, which accommodate intakes of SoFAS, for
these same ages was striking. The allowances in typical Saturated Fats—Based on evidence of the relationship
energy intake patterns for children were 132 (for 1600 of saturated fat intake to health outcomes and the
calorie pattern), 267 (for 2000 calorie pattern) and 362 absence of any biologic requirement for saturated fat, an
(for 2400 calorie pattern) calories per day. immediate reduction to less than 10 percent of energy
from saturated fats is recommended as a step toward an
The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) evaluated diet eventual goal of less than 7 percent of energy from
quality of several groups of Americans using the saturated fats (see Part D. Section 3: Fatty Acids and
Healthy Eating Index [HEI] 2005, which examined Cholesterol for an extensive discussion of this
components of the overall diet compared to compliance relationship). Current usual intakes of saturated fats are
with 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Using in excess of this recommendation for more than half of
1999-2004 NHANES data, the FNS reported that 41 the total American population. More than 75 percent of
percent of total energy consumed came from SoFAS children, aged 1 to 13 years, and 50 percent of older
and alcohol (SoFAAS) in the typical diet of all children and adults consume more than 10 percent of
Americans (FNS, Report No. FSP-08-NH, 2008), 39 calories as saturated fats (Figure D2.5) (NCI, 2010).
percent among all school-aged children (SoFAS only, Median usual intakes of saturated fats (ARS, 2008) in
assuming no alcohol intake) (FNS, Report No. CN-08- the typical American diet are:
NH, 2008), and 37 percent among all preschool-aged
children (SoFAS only, assuming no alcohol intake) • 12.6 percent and 11.4 percent of calories for
(FNS, Report No. WIC-08-NH, 2008). In contrast, children, aged 1 to 3 years and 4 to 8 years,
calories from SoFAS should theoretically comprise only respectively
up to 20 percent of total energy intake in boys, aged 14 • 11.1 percent to 11.7 percent of calories for children,
to 18 years, who exercise at recommended levels (the aged 9 to 18 years
age-sex group that also has a high energy need for • 10.6 percent to 11.1 percent of calories for women
growth and development). Even in the average school- and men older than 19 years, respectively.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 131
Cholesterol—Based on evidence of the relationship of • 7.5 ounce equivalents for boys, aged 9 to 13 years
cholesterol intake to health outcomes, intake of less • 6.3 ounce equivalents for girls, aged 9 to 13 years
than 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day by all • 8.3 ounce equivalents for boys, aged 14 to 18 years
individuals is recommended (see Part D. Section 3: • 5.9 ounce equivalents for girls, aged 14 to 18 years
Fatty Acids and Cholesterol for additional information • 7.0 ounce equivalents for men older than 19 years
on the health implications of overconsuming dietary • 5.2 ounce equivalents for women older than 19 years
cholesterol). Current usual intakes of cholesterol exceed
this amount for more than 50 percent of boys, aged 14 Usual intakes of refined grains alone are very close to or
to 18 years, and adult men, aged 19 to 70 years, while are above total grain recommendations for all age-sex
only 25 percent of men older than 70 years and 5 groups, reflecting the extremely low intakes of whole
percent to 10 percent of children, aged 2 to 13 years, grains. Overconsumption of refined grains is a major
girls, aged 14 to 18 years, and adult women consume source of extra calories in the diet. When refined grains
more than the recommended limit for cholesterol are consumed, these grains should be enriched and
(Figure D2.6) (ARS, 2010b). Median usual intakes of fortified.
cholesterol (ARS, 2010b) in the typical American diet
are: Lowering intakes of total energy, calories from SoFAS,
sodium, saturated fats, total cholesterol (in adolescent
• 164 milligrams and 190 milligrams per day for boys and men), and refined grains is important for
children, aged 1 to 3 years and 4 to 8 years, meeting essential nutrient requirements and promoting
respectively health. Nutrient-dense forms of foods should be
• 200 milligrams to 230 milligrams for children, aged consumed within a total diet that has relatively low
9 to 13 years energy-density.
• 190 milligrams to 226 milligrams for girls and
women older than 14 years
• 206 milligrams to 363 milligrams for boys and men, FOOD GROUPS AND SELECTED DIETARY
• 269 milligrams for men older than 70 years
Nutrient recommendations should be met by consuming
Refined Grains—Although intakes of whole grains are
nutrient-dense forms of foods and from the basic food
far below recommended levels for all age-sex groups
groups. Paralleling the overconsumption of some
(see Question 2 on Food Groups and Selected Dietary
dietary components that are not essential for health,
Components Underconsumed), intakes of refined grains
many Americans are not consuming enough of certain
are higher than recommended. Refined grains are “a
foods and dietary components that are essential for
grain product that is missing the bran, germ, and/or
health. Estimated usual intakes of food groups and
endosperm (a grain product that is not a whole grain).”
dietary components by Americans are evaluated against
Many refined grains are enriched with thiamin,
recommendations for intakes.
riboflavin, niacin, and iron, and fortified with folic acid
(USDHHS and USDA, 2005b) but also are high in
SoFAS and calories.
Question 2: What Food Groups and
Usual intakes of refined grains exceed recommendations Selected Dietary Components Are
for 90 to 95 percent of all age-sex groups, (Figure D2.7) Underconsumed by the General Public?
(NCI, 2009). Recommended intakes of refined grains
are defined as up to one-half or less of the total grain Conclusion
intake recommendation, which translates to 3 ounce
equivalents in the reference 2000 calorie food pattern, Currently reported dietary intakes of the following food
and no more than 5 ounce equivalents in the highest groups and selected dietary components are low enough
calorie patterns. Median usual intakes of refined grains to be of concern:
(NCI, 2009) in the typical American diet are:
• For both adults and children: vegetables, fruits,
• 3.8 ounce equivalents for children, aged 1 to 3 years whole grains, fluid milk and milk products, and
• 6.0 ounce equivalents for children, aged 4 to 8 years oils.

132 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Implications higher for those within an age-sex group who have
higher energy needs.) When basic food groups are
Despite the evidence that health-promoting dietary consumed in low amounts, such intakes are of concern
patterns are those that include a variety of foods and because their contributions to overall nutrient intakes
combinations of foods from each of the basic food and other beneficial dietary components would be
groups, many Americans make food choices that do not inadequate to confer potential health benefits.
meet the characteristics of healthy dietary patterns
(Bachman, 2008). A fundamental premise of the DGAC Findings Regarding Components
is that nutrients should come from foods. Often, nutrient Underconsumed
intake shortfalls are an indicator of low intakes of Vegetables—Most Americans of all ages have usual
certain food groups that provide specific nutrients. intakes of vegetables that fall below minimum
Hence, efforts are warranted to promote increased recommended intakes (Figure D2.8). For 75 percent to
intakes of vegetables (especially dark-green vegetables, 95 percent of almost all age-sex groups, usual intakes of
red-orange vegetables, and cooked dry beans and peas), all vegetable subgroups, including dark-green
fruits, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat fluid milk vegetables, red-orange vegetables, cooked dry beans
and milk products (including calcium and vitamin D and peas, starchy vegetables, and other vegetables fall
fortified soymilk) among all ages; substitution of oils below amounts recommended. For example, more than
for solid fats, regardless of age; and increased intakes of 95 percent of all age-sex groups, except for men and
lean, heme-iron-rich meat, poultry, and fish by adult women older than age 50 years, consume less than the
women and adolescent girls. Intake of nutrient-dense recommended amounts of dark-green vegetables. Men
foodsthat is, foods in their leanest or lowest fat forms and women older than age 50 years do only slightly
and without added fats, sugars, starches, or better, with 75 percent to 90 percent not meeting the
sodiumshould replace foods in the current American recommended intake. Similarly, 95 percent of all
diet that contribute to high intakes of SoFAS and females, adolescent boys and older men consume less
refined grains (see Question 1 on Nutrients and Dietary cooked dry beans than are recommended, while 75
Components Overconsumed). Oils should only be percent to 90 percent of men aged 19 to 50 years fail to
substituted for solid fats rather than added to the diet. meet intake recommendations. Recommended intake of
Substitutions and selection of nutrient-dense forms of total vegetables for individuals with the lowest energy
vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fluid milk and milk needs in their age-sex group is 2.5 to 3 cup equivalents
products to replace non-nutrient-dense forms of foods per day (in adult men and adolescent boys, aged 14 to
should be done in a manner such that total caloric intake 18 years), and 2 to 2.5 cup equivalents per day (in adult
falls within or below daily energy needs. women, adolescent girls, aged 9 to 18 years, and boys,
aged 9 to 13 years).
Review of the Evidence
Median intakes, which fall below these minimum
To reach this conclusion, the DGAC examined data recommendations, are:
published by the NCI (NCI, 2009). The NCI reported
findings from 2001-2004 NHANES data of usual (i.e., • 1.8 cup equivalents per day for adult men
long-term daily average) food intakes. In addition, the • 1.5 cup equivalents for adult women
Committee considered the FNS reports on diet quality • 1.4 cup equivalents for adolescent boys, aged 14 to
as well as findings from the IOM report on the state of 18 years
school meals. • 1.1 cup equivalents for girls, aged 9 to 13 and 14 to
18 years
Methods to Identify Components • 1.2 cup equivalents per day for boys, aged 9 to 13
Underconsumed years
If a population group has a high prevalence of intakes
of a basic food group that are below recommended Children, aged 1 to 8 years, also have low intakes of
levels, that food group is called a shortfall food group. total vegetables, with 75 percent consuming less than
Such food groups are consumed in amounts lower than recommended levels and median intakes less than 1 cup
the minimum levels recommended in the USDA Food equivalent per day.
Patterns to meet IOM nutrient intake recommendations
for each age-sex group. (Some food group
recommendations in the USDA Food Patterns are
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 133
Fruits—Most children and adolescents aged 4 to 18 may help to enhance iron absorption, a nutrient of
years, and most adult men and women have usual particular concern for women of reproductive capacity.
intakes of total fruitsincluding whole, sliced, diced,
and processed fruits and 100 percent fruit juicesthat Whole Grains—Americans of all ages consume fewer
fall below minimum recommended levels (Figure whole grains than recommended (Figure D2.10). Whole
D2.9). More than 75 percent of adult men and women grains are those “foods made from the entire grain seed,
as well as boys and girls, aged 9 to 18 years, consume usually called the kernel, which consists of the bran,
less than their minimum recommended level of fruit per germ, and endosperm. If the kernel has been cracked,
day. The recommended intake for individuals with the crushed, or flaked, it must retain nearly the same
lowest energy needs by age-sex group is 2 cup relative proportions of bran, germ, and endosperm as
equivalents per day (in adult men and adolescent boys, the original grain in order to be called whole grain”
aged 14 to 18 years), and 1.5 cup equivalents per day (USDHHS and USDA, 2005b).
(in women, adolescent girls, aged 9 to 18 years, and
boys, aged 9 to 13 years). More than 95 percent of all age-sex groups fail to
consume the minimum recommended amounts of whole
Median intakes fall far below these minimum grains. Median intakes for adult men and women are
recommendations. They are: 0.50 and 0.47 ounce equivalents per day, respectively,
compared to the recommended minimum of 3 ounce
• 0.9 cup equivalents per day for adult men equivalents per day (one-half of total grains).
• 0.8 cup equivalents for adult women
• 0.8 cup equivalents for adolescent boys, aged 14 to Median intakes are:
18 years
• 0.6 cup equivalents for adolescent girls, aged 14 to • 0.26 and 0.33 ounce equivalents per day,
18 years respectively, for adolescent boys and girls, aged 14
• 0.8 cup equivalents for boys, aged 9 to 13 years to 18 years, compared to the recommended level of
• 0.8 cup equivalents for girls, aged 9 to 13 years 3.5 and 3 ounce equivalents per day, respectively;
Children, aged 1 to 3 and 4 to 8 years, are more likely to • 0.48 and 0.34 ounce equivalents per day for boys
consume recommended amounts of fruits, with about 25 and girls, aged 9 to 13 years, respectively,
percent and 50 percent, respectively, not consuming the compared to recommended levels of 3 and 2.5
minimum of approximately 1 cup equivalent per day. ounce equivalents per day, respectively.
However, children, aged 2 to 18 years, consume more
than half of their fruit intake as juice. While 100 percent Children, aged 1 to 3 years and 4 to 8 years, also have
fruit juice can be part of a healthful diet in childhood, low intakes of whole grains, with median intakes of
consumption of excessive amounts has been associated 0.37 and 0.41 ounce equivalents per day, respectively,
with adverse health effects (AAP, 2001). Health-related less than the recommended 1.5 or 2 ounce equivalents
organizations recommend limits on juice intake to 4 or per day, respectively. Inadequate intakes of whole
4 to 6 ounces per day for young children (AAP, 2001; grains contribute to the lack of adequate intakes of
AHA, 2010). magnesium and fiber across all age groups (see
Question 3 on Nutrients of Concern). Most Americans
Collectively, vegetables and fruits are major consume more than the recommended amount of total
contributors of vitamins A, C, and K, and magnesium, grains per day (6 ounce equivalents for 2000 calories)
potassium, and dietary fiberall shortfall nutrients (see but deliberate efforts are required to replace refined
Question 3 on Nutrients of Concern). Vegetables and grains with whole grains, especially fiber-rich whole
fruits also contain dietary folate, a nutrient of special grains, such that at least one-half of all grains consumed
concern for women of reproductive capacity or those are whole grains. Individuals with perceived allergies to
who do not eat fortified refined grains. In addition, grains should be evaluated before unnecessarily
many vegetables contain calcium, another nutrient of avoiding whole grains.
concern; although the bioavailability of calcium in these
foods is limited (see Question 3 on Nutrients of Fluid Milk and Milk Products—Intakes of fluid milk
Concern). Fruits contribute to vitamin C intake which and milk products, including fortified soymilk, are less
than the recommended 3 cup equivalents per day for
most adult men and women and children and
134 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
adolescents, aged 9 to 18 years, and less than the Median intakes are:
recommended 2 cup equivalents per day for many
children, aged 4 to 8 years (Figure D2.11). In general, • 4.5 ounce equivalents per day for adult women, in
intakes are lower for females than males and decline comparison to a recommendation of 5 to 5.5 ounce
with age. More than 50 percent of boys, aged 9 to 18 equivalents per day
years, consume less than the recommended amount of • 3.7 and 3.6 ounce equivalents per day for
fluid milk and milk products, while more than 75 adolescent girls, aged 14 to 18 years, and girls, aged
percent to 90 percent of adult men consume less that the 9 to 13 years, respectively, in comparison to a
recommended amount. For all but 9-to 13-year-old girls, recommendation of 5 ounce equivalents per day
more than 90 percent to 95 percent of all women and
girls consume less than the recommended amount of Foods from this group contribute to heme-iron
fluid milk and milk products. intakea nutrient of concern for the special population
of women of reproductive capacity (see Question 5
Median intakes are: within Nutrient Issues for Selected Population
• 1.6 cup equivalents per day for adult men
• 1.2 cup equivalents for adult women Oils—Oils are fats that are liquid at room temperature.
• 2.3 cup equivalents for adolescent boys, aged 14 to Oils come from many different plants and from fish.
18 years Some common oils include canola, corn, olive, peanut,
• 1.5 cup equivalents for adolescent girls, aged 14 to safflower, soybean, and sunflower oils. A number of
18 years foods are naturally high in oils, such as nuts, olives,
• 2.4 cup equivalents for boys, aged 9 to 13 years some fish, and avocados. Foods that are mainly oil
• 1.9 cup equivalents for girls, aged 9 to 13 years include mayonnaise, certain salad dressings, and soft
(tub or squeeze) margarine with no trans fats. Most oils
For boys and girls, aged 1 to 3 and 4 to 8 years, median are high in monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats,
intakes are 2.35 and 2.18 cup equivalents, respectively, and low in saturated fats. A few plant oils, including
in comparison to the recommendation of 2 cup coconut oil and palm kernel oil, are high in saturated
equivalents per day. However, at least 25 percent of fats and for nutritional purposes should be considered
children, aged 1 to 8 years, do not consume this solid fats. Hydrogenated oils that contain trans fats
recommended amount of fluid milk and milk products. should also be considered solid fats for nutritional
Fluid milk and milk products contribute vitamin D, purposes.
calcium, and potassiumtargeted nutrients of
concernto the diet (see Question 3 on Nutrients of Americans of all ages do not achieve recommended
Concern). The majority of current fluid milk intake intakes of oils (Figure D2.13). While solid fats and
comes from 2 percent milk or whole milk, with smaller saturated fatty acids are consumed in excess (see
amounts of low-fat (i.e., 1 percent milk fat) or fat-free Question 1 on Nutrients and Dietary Components
milk consumed. Choosing these fat-free, nutrient-dense Overconsumed), oils fall short of dietary targets. These
forms of fluid milk and milk products provides oils provide essential fatty acids and vitamin E, a
essentially the same micronutrients with less solid fat (a shortfall nutrient (see Question 3 on Nutrients of
source of saturated fat) and fewer calories. Concern). Intakes of oils would be sufficient if these
oils were to be substituted for a portion of the excessive
Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Soy Products, Nuts, and current intake of solid fats, which contributes to the
Seeds—Usual intakes of meat, poultry, fish, eggs, soy intake of saturated and trans fats (see Part D. Section 3:
products, nuts, and seeds are below recommended Fatty Acids and Cholesterol for discussions of health-
amounts for most adolescent girls and many adult related issues regarding dietary fats).
women (Figure D2.12). For men, boys, aged 9 to 18
years, and children, aged 1 to 8 years, low intakes of Other Evidence Considered for Components
foods from this food group are less prevalent. About 75 Underconsumed—The IOM Committee on Nutrition
percent of girls, aged 9 to 18 years, and about 50 Standards for National School Lunch and Breakfast
percent of adult women consume less than the amounts Programs examined estimates from 1999-2002
recommended for those with lower energy needs. NHANES data and also found that school-aged children
consumed inadequate amounts of vegetables,
specifically dark-green and orange vegetables, and
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 135
legumes, fruits, whole grains, fluid milk and milk and Part B. Section 3: Translating and Integrating the
products, meats and beans, and oils (FNB, 2009). Evidence: A Call to Action).
Efforts should be made to ensure that school meals
promote intake of these underconsumed food groups Using the HEI-2005 as a benchmark, current data
and selected dietary components. demonstrate that dietary quality is inadequate. This is
true at the individual level (HEI-2005 score = 57.5 out
Using 1999-2004 NHANES data, the FNS reported that of 100), community level (represented by the dollar
many areas of concern for food group intakes, based on menu at a typical fast-food restaurant [HEI-2005 score
HEI-2005 analysis, existed for adults, aged 19 years and = 43.4]), and macro-level (represented by the U.S. food
older, and for school-age children, aged 5 to 8 years and supply in 2005 [HEI-2005 score = 54.9]) (Reedy,
9 to 18 years (FNS, Report No. FSP-08-NH, 2008; 2010). Americans’ choices and consumption patterns of
FNS, Report No. CN-08-NH, 2008). For adults, the basic food groups and dietary components as shown
shortfalls in intakes of vegetables, notably dark-green in their total diets are limited by the degree to which the
and orange vegetables, and cooked dry beans, fruits, food environment offers higher nutrient-dense forms of
particularly whole fruits (among adults, aged 19 to 59 foods. Specifically, while the quality of the food supply
years only), whole grains, fluid milk and milk products, in the U.S. has improved somewhat from 1970 (HEI-
and oils were reported, regardless of participation status 2005 score = 47.5) to 2007 (HEI-2005 score = 57.5)
in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs, (Krebs-Smith, 2010), the macro-level food environment
formerly known as the Food Stamp Program. fails to achieve an acceptable level of dietary quality,
notably because vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free
For children, shortfalls in intakes of vegetables, notably and low-fat fluid milk and milk products, and fish are in
dark-green and orange vegetables, and legumes, fruits, short supply.
particularly whole fruits, whole grains, fluid milk and
milk products, meat and beans, and oils were identified, Food Production—To meet intake targets by
regardless of participation status in the School Lunch Americans for the basic food groups, an additional 7.4
Program. Preschool children, aged 2 to 4 years, had million acres of cropland per year must be harvested
shortfalls in intakes of vegetables, notably dark-green (Economic Research Service [ERS], ERR-31, 2006).
and orange vegetables, and legumes, whole fruits (but Specifically, 8.9 and 4.1 million more acres of cropland
not total fruits due to consumption of 100% fruit juice), would be needed to support vegetable and fruit
whole grains, meat and beans, and oils, regardless of production, respectively. At the same time, sufficient
participation in the Special Supplemental Nutrition cropland is currently devoted to wheat production and
Program for Women, Infants and Children (FNS, could, in fact, be reduced by 5.6 million acres.
Report No. WIC-08-NH, 2008). Emphasis could be placed on increased production of
vegetables and fruit and a shift in manufacturing toward
Relevant Contextual Issues more whole grains (specifically high-fiber, whole wheat
Barriers to Achieving Dietary Guidelines for products) and fewer refined grain products. Farm milk
Americans—As evidenced by analyses of NHANES production must increase by 107.7 billion pounds for
data, a substantial portion of the population fails to meet Americans to have full availability to fluid milk and
intakes of food groups recommended in the 2005 milk products to meet recommendations for this food
Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Among selected group, according to ERS estimates (ERS, ERR-31,
subgroups of Americans, primarily those with low 2006).
incomes, five key barriers to adopting dietary guidance
have been identifiedaccessibility, expense,
knowledge/understanding, cultural issues, and other NUTRIENTS OF CONCERN
factors (physical limitations, psychosocial issues, and
stage of change) (Marriott, 2008). At present, the food In this segment, shortfall nutrients and nutrients of
environmentfrom individual or personal factors to concern are addressed. Public health implications are
social networks to the physical settings of communities identified.
to macro-level sectors of human ecosystemsdoes not
fully support the ability of Americans to achieve dietary
targets for food group intakes and may be
compromising the health of Americans (see Part D.
Section 1: Energy Balance and Weight Management
136 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Question 3: What Nutrients Are The usual intake is the long-run average intake. If intake
Underconsumed by the General Public and data are available for at least two days, statistical
Present a Substantial Public Health methods can be used to estimate usual intake (Guenther,
Concern? 1997; Nusser, 1996). Because the requirement
distribution for iron is skewed, the probability approach
(FNB, 2006) is the recommended method for
Conclusion determining the adequacy of iron intake. For nutrients
for which there are AIs rather than EARs, usual intake
Reported dietary intakes and associated indices of distributions are examined, if available, and mean
nutrient status for the following nutrients are of public intakes are compared with the corresponding AI (FNB,
health concern: 2001). If mean intake is above the AI, a low prevalence
of inadequate intake for that nutrient is likely.
• For both adults and children: vitamin D, calcium,
potassium, and dietary fiber. Analyses that use the nutrient assessment methods
recommended by the IOM (FNB, 2003) were available
Implications from several published sources to examine nutrient
intakes in comparison to nutrient recommendations.
Efforts are warranted to promote increased dietary Data on the distribution of usual nutrient intakes from
intakes of foods higher in vitamin D, calcium, food sources for the U.S. population ages 1 year and
potassium, and dietary fiber for all Americans older, 2001-2002, were available for vitamins A, C, E,
regardless of age. Recommended intakes of these K, B6 and B12, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate,
nutrients of concern, in particular, and of all essential phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, selenium,
nutrients, in general, should be achieved within the carbohydrate, protein, calcium, potassium, sodium,
context of flexible dietary intake patterns that balance dietary fiber, linoleic acid, and linolenic acid
energy intake with energy expenditure. (Moshfegh, 2005) and from 2005-2006 for vitamin D,
calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium (Moshfegh,
Review of the Evidence 2009). In addition, data on usual intakes from both food
sources and supplements were available for vitamin D
To reach this conclusion, the DGAC examined dietary and calcium (Bailey, 2010a). Data for specific
intake data from reports that used methods population subgroups also were available for vitamins
recommended by the IOM for assessing the prevalence A, C, and E, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamins
of inadequate nutrient intakes in a population (FNB, B6 and B12, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc,
2001), supplemented by data from the ARS and FNS. calcium, potassium, sodium, and dietary fiber (FNS,
In addition, the Committee considered data on Report No. FSP-08-NH, 2008; FNS, Report No. CN-
biochemical indices of nutrient status from the Centers 08-NH, 2008; FNS, Report No. WIC-08-NH, 2008).
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and current The DGAC also examined mean one-day intakes from
peer-reviewed published research, as well as disease 2005-2006 NHANES data for 25 nutrients, including
prevalence data. energy, total fat, carbohydrate, protein, vitamins A, C,
E, and K, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamins B6
Methods to Identify Shortfall Nutrients and B12, choline, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc,
A high prevalence of inadequate dietary intake of a copper, selenium, calcium, potassium, sodium, and
nutrient among any segment of the population dietary fiber (ARS, 2008). Overlap among nutrients
constitutes a shortfall nutrient. Although RDAs are across these reports existed. The DGAC considered all
intended to be used in planning diets, they are not to be of these reports because findings were presented as
used for identifying the proportion of a group whose means, medians, and percentiles, depending on the
usual intake of a nutrient is less than the requirement for availability and analyses of dietary intake data.
that nutrient (FNB, 2003). When available, the EAR is
the appropriate value to be used for assessing adequacy Overall Findings Regarding Shortfall Nutrients
of intakethat is, for determining the proportion of As shown in Figures D2.14 and D2.15, the probability
individuals whose usual intake is less than the EAR of adequate dietary intake of 10 nutrients is tenuous for
(FNB, 2006). adult men and women. These nutrients include vitamins
A, C, D, E, and K, and choline, calcium, magnesium,
potassium, and dietary fiber. Results of an analysis of
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 137
food intake from 1999-2004 NHANES data for school- containing higher amounts of vitamin Esunflower,
aged children (FNS, Report No. CN-08-NH, 2008) cottonseed, and safflower oilsare less commonly
showed that shortfall nutrients for children (most consumed. The same is true for nutsalmonds and
notably adolescents) include vitamins A, C, D, and E, hazelnuts are relatively rich in vitamin E, but peanuts
and phosphorus and magnesium. Calcium is a shortfall and peanut butter, with lower levels of vitamin E,
nutrient for boys and girls, aged 9 to 18 years, and more represent the majority of all nut consumption in the
recent intake data suggest that calcium is a shortfall U.S. Food composites used in modeling food patterns
nutrient for boys and girls, aged 4 to 8 years (Bailey, are relatively low in vitamin E content, reflecting
2010a). Intakes of potassium and dietary fiber are Americans’ limited use of foods rich in vitamin E. As
inadequate among nearly all school-aged children. the energy level of the food pattern increases, the
pattern comes closer to providing the recommended
Biochemical Indices and Disease Prevalence Data— intake of vitamin E. To come closer to achieving the
Biochemical indices, when available, were considered recommended intake, vitamin E-rich oils can be
for shortfall nutrients. substituted for some other oils in the diet, and vitamin
E-rich nuts can replace some other nuts. Americans
Vitamins A, C, K, and E: NHANES data from 1999- should not increase total energy intake to achieve a
2002 (USDHHS, 2008) show that less than 5 percent of higher intake of vitamin E, in light of adequate serum
the population in the U.S. has an inadequate serum alpha-tocopherol concentrations.
retinol concentration, defined as less than or equal to 20
µg/dL. Based on 2003-2004 NHANES data, age- Choline: Choline is required for cell structure and
adjusted serum vitamin C deficiency, defined as less function, neurotransmission, lipid transport from the
than 11.4 µmol/L, is found in 7.1 percent of the liver, and as a dietary methyl group source (Zeisel,
population in the U.S. (Schleicher, 2009). Current data 2006). Deficiency states that can arise from inadequate
are not available for vitamin K status in a large choline intake include fatty liver and muscle
representative sample of individuals in the U.S. In dysfunction in postmenopausal women and men across
addition, less than 5 percent of the population in the all ages, as well as elevated plasma homocysteine level
U.S has an inadequate serum alpha-tocopherol after methionine loading. Risk of NTDs in infants of
concentration, defined as less than or equal to 500 choline-deficient mothers have been reported in some
µg/dL (USDHHS, 2008). Thus, it is unlikely that epidemiologic studies, but very little evidence of overt
vitamins A, C, K, and E, respectively, are of major choline deficiency symptoms exists in the American
public health significance for the vast majority of population (Sanders, 2007). Americans could meet
healthy individuals in the U.S. recommendations for choline by consuming modest
amounts of eggs and by replacing other meat, poultry,
Intakes of vitamins A, C, and K tend to reflect low and starchy vegetables with cooked dry beans and peas,
intakes of vegetables and fruits (see Question 2 on Food within fixed energy intakes. Table D2.6 lists the best
Groups and Selected Dietary Components food sources of choline per standard amount, from the
Underconsumed), and food pattern modeling shows that ARS nutrient database, along with the number of
these nutrient requirements can easily be met by calories for each standard amount.
increasing dietary intakes of these foods. Tables D2.2,
D2.3, and D2.4 list the best food sources of vitamins A, Magnesium and Phosphorus: Intakes of magnesium
C, and K per standard amount, respectively, from the tend to reflect low intakes of vegetables, nuts, seeds,
ARS nutrient database, along with the number of and cooked dry beans and peas. Phosphorus intake
calories for each standard amount. Most Americans do among adolescent girls reflects a low intake of fluid
not typically consume foods that are especially rich in milk and milk products (see Question 2 on Food Groups
vitamin E on a daily basis. Table D2.5 lists the best and Selected Dietary Components Underconsumed).
food sources of vitamin E per standard amount from the Magnesium and phosphorus requirements may be met
ARS nutrient database, along with the number of by increasing dietary intakes of vegetables, nuts, seeds,
calories for each standard amount. Although salad cooked dry beans and peas, and fluid milk and milk
dressings, mayonnaise, and oils provide the greatest products. Tables D2.7 and D2.8 list the best food
amount of vitamin E in American diets overall, the oil sources of magnesium and phosphorus per standard
most commonly used in these productssoybean amount, respectively, from the ARS nutrient database,
oilis not an especially rich source of vitamin E. Oils along with the number of calories for each standard
138 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Vitamin D: A substantial number of Americans have fiber. Americans should increase intakes of these
lower serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] nutrients to achieve recommended levels, within limited
concentrations during the wintertime (USDHHS, 2008; energy intakes, for health promotion.
Looker, 2002). Combined with evidence of widespread
inadequacy of vitamin D intake, this nutrient presents a Vitamin D—Strong evidence indicates that many
public health concern (discussed below). children and a majority of adults do not meet the AI for
vitamin D. Furthermore, a significant portion of the
Calcium: NHANES data from 2005-2006 indicate that population has deficient or inadequate blood levels of
10 percent of women and 2 percent of men older than vitamin D to promote health and prevent chronic
50 years have osteoporosis of the femoral neck; diseases, such as poor bone health and possibly certain
moreover, 49 percent of women and 30 percent of men types of cancers, cardiovascular disease, and immune-
older than 50 years have osteopenia at this same skeletal related disorders. This is especially apparent in people
site (Looker, 2010). Nearly 40 million men and women living in northern latitudes, in persons with dark skin,
in the U.S. have low bone mass (Looker, 2010), with and in overweight and obese adults.
bone mineral density or content change serving as a
criterion for adequacy of calcium status (FNB, 1997). All children, adults, and the elderly are encouraged to
Calcium is discussed below as a nutrient of public meet the AI for vitamin D by consuming vitamin D-rich
health significance. foods in both naturally occurring and fortified forms.
Children, adults, and the elderly with deficient or
Potassium: Increased potassium consumption modifies inadequate blood levels of vitamin D should consume
systolic and diastolic blood pressure (see Part D. more vitamin D-rich foods. If necessary, individuals
Section 6: Sodium, Potassium, and Water). may consider vitamin D supplementation if they are
Approximately 57 percent of adults living in the U.S. having difficulty meeting the AI through vitamin D-rich
have prehypertension or hypertension (Ostchega, 2008) foods.
and many more have inadequate dietary intake of
potassium. Thus, potassium is a nutrient of public The DGAC chose not to conduct an independent
health significance. systematic review of vitamin D due to the fact that the
IOM concurrently empanelled an expert committee to
Dietary Fiber: Adequacy of dietary fiber intake cannot review the DRI for vitamin D. The previous DRI for
be determined by biochemical or clinical indices (FNB, vitamin D was established in 1997. The IOM
2006). Rather, dietary fiber is considered in light of risk empanelled the committee because significant new and
reduction of coronary heart disease (CHD) (FNB, relevant research had become available to review the
2006), which is the leading cause of death in the U.S. existing DRI for vitamin D (Yetley, 2009).
The widespread inadequate intake of dietary fiber Recommendations from the IOM committee are
among adults and children coupled with the prevalence expected to be available in Fall 2010.
of CHD and fiber’s possible role in contributing to
satiety (important for weight control) constitute a major For this review of vitamin D and health, the DGAC
public health concern for this nutrient (see Part D. primarily relied upon three different sources of
Section 5: Carbohydrates). information: (1) vitamin D intake data from the
NHANES (Bailey, 2010a); (2) an American Journal of
Specific Underconsumed Nutrients of Public Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) supplement (Brannon et al,
Health Concern 2008a) that presented findings from two sources,
The DGAC gives special attention to four including proceedings from the NIH conference
underconsumed nutrients of public health concern: “Vitamin D and Health in the 21st Century: An Update”
vitamin D, calcium, potassium, and dietary fiber. These held in September 2007 and an NIH roundtable
four shortfall nutrients are clearly linked to indicators of discussion with expert scientists held after the
nutrient inadequacy or disease prevalence and require conference (Brannon et al, 2008b); and (3) an Agency
special consideration in developing dietary guidance to for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) evidence
meet recommended food intakes, as explained later in report, Vitamin D and Calcium: A Systematic Review of
this section. Health Outcomes (Chung, 2009) prepared for use by
the 2009-2010 IOM committee. The results of the
Table D2.9 identifies the functions of the nutrients of DGAC’s review are presented below.
concernvitamin D, calcium, potassium, and dietary
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 139
Vitamin D and Health: Adequate vitamin D status, Less than 1 percent of the population exceeds the UL
which depends upon dietary intake and cutaneous for vitamin D intake (Bailey, 2010a). These vitamin D
synthesis, is important for health (Brannon et al, intakes are compared against the 1997 AI for vitamin D.
2008a). Well-established research demonstrates the Should the IOM determine new AIs for vitamin D,
importance of vitamin D for bone health. Vitamin D comparisons of intakes to AI standards should be
deficiency results in rickets in children and adjusted accordingly.
osteomalacia in adults (Brannon et al, 2008a). In adults
and older adults, adequate vitamin D reduces risk of Vitamin D Status: The criterion used by the IOM for
fractures (Looker, 2010). Recent evidence suggests that setting the AI in 1997 was the normal level of serum
vitamin D is important for other body systems (Brannon 25(OH)D concentration, an indicator of vitamin D
et al, 2008a; Nutrition Reviews, 2007). Emerging status. The 1997 25(OH)D criterion of greater than or
research has shown a reduced risk for type 1 diabetes, equal to 27.5 nmol/L for children up to age 18 years and
some cancers, autoimmune diseases, and infectious greater than or equal to 30 nmol/L for adults aged 19
diseases (Brannon, 2008b; Chung, 2009). Further well- years and older set by the IOM was based upon
designed, dose-response research is needed to fully associations with bone growth in children and normal
establish the relationship between vitamin D and many parathyroid concentrations in adults. This criterion has
of these outcomes (Chung, 2009). been brought into question based on new information
on the relationship of serum 25(OH)D to health, the
Vitamin D Intake: Results from 2003-2006 NHANES relationship of vitamin D intake to serum 25(OH)D
data indicate that the majority of the population does concentration, vitamin D status of the U.S. population,
not meet the AI for vitamin D (Bailey, 2010a). With and safety of vitamin D status, as summarized in the
diet alone, less than 10 percent of men and women September 2008 supplement of the American Journal of
older than 50 years meet the AI, and less than 2 percent Clinical Nutrition and elsewhere (Dawson-Hughes,
of adults older than 70 years meet the AI (10 µg/d for 2005; Norman, 2007). The DGAC expects that the IOM
51 to 70 years of age; 15 µg/d for 71 years of age and empanelled committee will carefully evaluate the
older) (Figure D2.16). Approximately 47 percent and criteria for determining deficient, marginal or
53 percent, respectively, of adolescent girls and boys insufficient, and adequate serum vitamin D
older than 9 years meet the AI. About 53 percent and 67 concentrations. Until a determination is made by the
percent of girls and boys, respectively, aged 4 to 8 IOM panel, the DGAC must independently consider
years, meet the AI (5 µg/d). The only population published evidence of potential thresholds for adequacy
subgroup that comes close to meeting the AI with diet regarding health outcomes and implications related to
alone, due to fluid milk consumption, is children, with food guidance.
70 percent and 72 percent of girls and boys,
respectively, aged 1 to 3 years, meeting the AI of 5 µg Contributing scientists to the 2007 NIH roundtable
per day. discussion used the following cutoff points to evaluate
vitamin D adequacy: less than 27.5 nmol/L, less than 50
When supplements are added to dietary intake, the nmol/L, and less than 75 nmol/L when analyzing blood
percentage of children and adults who meet the AI samples from the 2002-2004 NHANES (Yetley, 2008).
improves. Thirty-seven percent of the population Approximately 30 percent of people aged 12 years and
consumes supplements that contain vitamin D. older had serum 25(OH)D levels lower than 50 nmol/L.
However, even with combined dietary intakes and For children, aged 1 to 11 years, approximately 15
supplementation, a majority of adults still do not meet percent had serum 25(OH)D levels lower than 50
the AI: nmol/L. Slightly more women than men had serum
25(OH)D concentrations lower than 50 nmol/L. Yetley
• less than 50 percent of men and women, aged 19 to (2008) further reported an inverse association of body
30 years fatness and BMI on serum 25(OH)D concentrations.
• less than 60 percent of men and women, aged 31 to Leaner women, regardless of the method used to assess
50 years body fatness, had higher concentrations of serum
• less than 45 percent of adults older than 50 years 25(OH)D. A more recent evaluation in children, aged 1
to 11 years, using 2001-2006 NHANES findings
• less than 25 percent of adults older than 70 years
reported that 18 percent of children in this age range
had serum 25(OH)D concentrations below 50 nmol/L
(Mansbach, 2009). An even higher percentage of non-
140 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Hispanic Black and Hispanic children had serum rather than including cheese or non-fortified yogurt
25(OH)D concentrations below 50 nmol/L. when making selections from the fluid milk and milk
products food group would increase vitamin D intakes
These data should be interpreted with caution because to adequate amounts for all age-sex groups, except
of lingering questions related to measurement drift from those over 70 years of age. When necessary, individuals
assay method changes and completeness of data may consider vitamin D supplementation along with
(Looker, 2008; Yetley, 2008). However, using the dietary intake, especially in older individuals because
NHANES values, after adjusting for an apparent endogenous production of vitamin D from sun exposure
measurement drift, serum 25(OH)D concentrations for is reduced by more than 50 percent in elderly
the U.S. population were lower in the years 2000 to populations.
2004 than in 1988 to 1994 (Looker, 2008). In adults,
increases in BMI, reductions in fluid milk intakes, and Calcium—Strong evidence shows that many children
increases in sun protection appeared to contribute to this and a majority of adults do not meet the AI for calcium.
decline (Looker, 2008). Furthermore, a significant number of Americans have
low bone mass, placing them at risk of bone fractures
Sources of Vitamin D: Vitamin D can be obtained and falls. Fluid milk and milk products contribute
through dietary sources, cutaneous synthesis, and substantially to calcium intakes by Americans.
supplementation. Fatty fish, such as salmon and herring, Removing fluid milk and milk products from the diet
is the primary natural food source of vitamin D. Based requires careful replacement with other calcium-rich or
on 2005-2006 NHANES data, fish and shellfish provide calcium-fortified foods.
8.6 percent of the vitamin D intake in the U.S. All fluid
milk must be fortified with vitamin D, and other foods All children, adults, and the elderly are encouraged to
(e.g., cereals, margarine, and yogurt) and beverages meet the AI for calcium. Nutrient recommendations for
(e.g., orange juice) are also commonly fortified. The calcium may be achieved by meeting recommended
best sources of vitamin D include fortified fluid milk, levels of fluid milk and milk products or consuming
fatty fish such as salmon and trout, portabella alternative calcium sources (see Table D2.12).
mushrooms, and fortified orange juice (Table D2.10).
Slightly more than 52 percent of the total intake comes The DGAC chose to not conduct an independent
from vitamin D-fortified fluid milk, milk drinks and systematic review of calcium due to the fact that the
desserts, and yogurt (Table D2.11). Fortified cereals IOM concurrently empanelled an expert committee to
account for an additional 6.5 percent of intake, and review the DRI for calcium. As with vitamin D, the
meat, poultry, and eggs together account for 11.2 previous DRI for calcium was established in 1997.
percent. Various vitamin D-fortified foods differ in the Recommendations from the IOM committee are
amounts of vitamin D that they contain. expected to be available in Fall 2010.

The USDA Food Patterns include vitamin D from For this review of calcium and health, the DGAC
fortified fluid milk, fortified ready-to-eat cereals, primarily relied upon three sources of information: (1)
fortified butter and margarine, and the naturally calcium intake data from the NHANES (Bailey, 2010a);
occurring vitamin D in meat, poultry, fish, and eggs. (2) an AHRQ evidence report, Vitamin D and Calcium:
The food patterns that contain 3 cup equivalents from A Systematic Review of Health Outcomes (Chung,
the fluid milk and milk products food group provide 2009); and (3) the 1997 IOM report on Dietary
sufficient vitamin D to meet the current AI for all Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus,
children and adults, aged 19 to 50 years (i.e., 5 µg/d). Magnesium, Vitamin D and Fluoride (FNB, 1997). The
However, the patterns do not provide sufficient vitamin results of the Committee’s review are presented below.
D for adults over 50 years (i.e., 10 µg/d). The Food
Patterns at 1000 to 1400 calories that contain only 2 cup Calcium and Health: Adequate calcium status is
equivalents from the fluid milk and milk products group important for optimal health of the skeleton, in addition
do not provide adequate vitamin D to meet the AI of 5 to having vital roles in nerve transmission,
µg per day for children, aged 2 to 8 years. Additional vasoconstriction, vasodilation, and muscle contraction
vitamin D could be obtained by selecting more natural (FNB, 1997). Emerging evidence suggests a role for
food sources of vitamin D, such as certain fish, and calcium intake in cardiovascular health and lowering
fortified sources of vitamin D, such as fortified orange risk for breast cancer (Chung, 2009). Evidence on other
juice. In addition, choosing fortified fluid milk or yogurt health-related outcomes, such as growth in infants and
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 141
children, body weight (see Part D. Section 1: Energy because: (1) many Americans fall short of the
Balance and Weight Management and Part D. Section recommended intake levels for fluid milk and milk
4: Protein), colorectal (CRC), prostate and pancreatic products (see Question 2 on Food Groups and Selected
cancer, preeclampsia, pregnancy-induced hypertension, Dietary Components Underconsumed); (2) relative
and preterm birth, is too insufficient or inconsistent to proportions of fluid milk and cheese consumption have
permit strong conclusions (Chung, 2009). changed over time and they differ in some important
ways in nutrient content (Figure D2.18); and (3) some
Calcium Intake: NHANES data from 2003-2006 individuals desire non-dairy calcium sources for a
indicate that the majority of the population does not variety of physiological, psychosocial, and personal
meet the AI for calcium, except for boys and girls, aged reasons (see Appendix E3.6 at
1 to 3 years, due to fluid milk consumption (Bailey, www.dietaryguidelines.gov for the full report). When
2010a). With diet alone, 96 percent and 94 percent of fluid milk and milk products are removed from the
girls and boys, aged 1 to 3 years, respectively, and 67 USDA Food Patterns, calcium drops substantially
percent and 80 percent of girls and boys, aged 4 to 8 below the AI across all energy levels. In addition,
years, respectively, meet the AI (500 mg/d and 800 vitamins D and A, and choline, magnesium,
mg/d for 1- to 3-year-olds and 4- to 8-year-olds, phosphorus, and potassium also fall below 100 percent
respectively). However, only 15 percent and 22 percent of DRI levels in some or all patterns. When fat-free
of girls and boys, aged 9 to 13 years, respectively, are fluid milk is substituted for some or all of the low-fat
above the AI of 1300 milligrams per day for calcium, cheese in the USDA Food Patterns: (1) energy, protein,
and only 10 percent and 42 percent of adolescent girls and calcium levels remain similar; (2) vitamin A, and
and boys, respectively, aged 14 to 18 years, are above choline, magnesium, and potassium increase slightly;
the AI of 1300 milligrams per day for calcium. Between (3) sodium, cholesterol, and saturated fatty acids
70 percent to 75 percent of women and 37 percent to 44 decrease slightly; and (4) vitamin D content is
percent of men, aged 19 to 50 years, fail to meet the AI substantially improved across energy levels. Of the non-
for calcium (1000 mg/d) (Figure D2.17). Less than 10 dairy alternatives evaluated as a substitute for fluid
percent of women and less than 22 percent of men older milk, yogurt, and cheese in the USDA Food Patterns,
than 51 years meet the AI for calcium (1200 mg/d). soymilk fortified with calcium and vitamins A and D is
Forty-three percent of the population consumes the alternative with the most similar nutrient profile to
supplements that contain calcium. When supplements fluid milk (compared to calcium-fortified rice drink or
are added to dietary intake, the percentage of children orange juice; tofu prepared with calcium sulfate; green
and adults up to age 30 years who meet their AIs vegetables; green soybeans; white beans; almonds; and
improve very little. However, total calcium intakes canned sardines and salmon with bone).
increase substantially in women and men, aged 31 to 50
years, 51 to 70 years, and those older than 71 years Both calcium content and bioavailability should be
when calcium supplements are used (Bailey, 2010a). considered when selecting dietary sources of calcium.
Less than 2 percent of the population exceeds the UL The fluid milk and milk products food group provides
for calcium (Bailey, 2010a). These calcium intakes are more than 70 percent of the calcium consumed by
compared against the 1997 AI for calcium. Should the Americans. Some plant foods contribute calcium that is
IOM determine new AIs for calcium, comparisons of well absorbed, but the large quantity of these plant
intakes to AI standards should be adjusted accordingly. foods that would be needed to provide the equivalent
amount of calcium found in 8 ounces of fluid milk may
Sources of Calcium: Fluid milk and milk products are be unachievable for many. Individuals who perceive
the most bioavailable sources of calcium (Table D2.12) that they are lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy
and are also the major sources of calcium in typical products should be evaluated for such before
American diets (Table D2.13). The USDA Food unnecessarily limiting or eliminating dairy-based foods
Patterns specify 2 (for those 8 years and under) or 3 (for from their dietary patterns (NIH, 2010). Lactose-
those 9 years and older) cup equivalents per day from reduced or low-lactose dairy-based products may assist
the fluid milk and milk products food group and meets in obtaining nutrients provided by the fluid milk and
the goals for calcium intake. milk products food group for those who are lactose
The DGAC conducted a food pattern modeling analysis
to assess nutrient adequacy with various changes in Potassium—Conclusions and implications of
intake from the fluid milk and milk products group inadequate dietary intakes of potassium related to health
142 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
outcomes are presented in Part D. Section 6: Sodium, (older than age 50 years) (ARS, 2008). For all
Potassium, and Water. Based on 2001-2002 NHANES Americans, older than 1 year, mean intakes of dietary
data, usual intakes for less than 3 percent of Americans, fiber fall short of the AIs, with less than 3 percent
older than 1 year, meet the AI for potassium (Moshfegh, meeting recommended intake levels (ARS, 2010c).
2005). Approximately 6 percent and less than 3 percent Inadequate intake of dietary fiber is widespread.
of adult men and women, respectively, consume
potassium at intake levels that reach the AI. For boys Dietary sources of fiber are found in vegetables and
and girls, aged 9 to 13 years and 14 to 18 years, and for fruits, whole grains, cooked dry beans and peas, and
children, aged 4 to 8 years, less than 3 percent of these nutsall foods that are lacking in the typical American
age-sex groups meet AIs for potassium intakes. diet (see Question 2 on Food Groups and Selected
Approximately 6 percent of children, aged 1 to 3 years, Dietary Components Underconsumed). Table D2.16
reach the AI for potassium intake. Analysis of 2005- lists the best food sources of dietary fiber per standard
2006 NHANES data also indicates that potassium amount, from the ARS nutrient database, along with the
intakes fall short of the AIs for all age-sex groups, with number of calories for each standard amount. Table
approximately 97 percent of Americans not meeting D2.17 lists the major sources of dietary fiber from
recommended intake levels (Figure D2.19) (ARS, American food consumption data. Refined breads, rolls,
2008). buns, and pizza crust are not among the best sources of
dietary fiber, but contribute substantially to what little
Dietary sources of potassium are found in all food dietary fiber is consumed because they are so ubiquitous
groups, notably in vegetables and fruits (see Question 2 in current dietary patterns of Americans. Refined grains
on Food Groups and Selected Dietary Components are overconsumed in the American diet (see Question 1
Underconsumed). Table D2.14 lists the best food on Nutrients and Dietary Components Overconsumed)
sources of potassium per standard amount, from the and provide less dietary fiber per portion than
ARS nutrient database, along with the number of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, cooked dry beans and
calories for each standard amount. Table D2.15 lists the peas, and nuts. Americans should replace such foods
major sources of potassium from American food with foods that are higher in dietary fiber while not
consumption data. Americans typically consume increasing total energy intakes.
potassium-rich foods in relatively low amounts.
Americans should select foods from all food groups that
are higher in potassium content to better meet NUTRIENT ISSUES FOR SELECTED
recommendations for intake. POPULATION SUBGROUPS
Dietary Fiber—Conclusions and implications
The 2010 DGAC agrees with the 2005 DGAC Report,
regarding inadequate intakes of dietary fiber related to
noting that special nutrient recommendations are
health outcomes are presented in Part D. Section 5:
warranted for the following subgroups and nutrients:
Carbohydrates. Based on 2003-2006 NHANES data,
less than 3 percent of Americans, older than 1 year,
• Adolescent females and women of reproductive
have a usual intake of dietary fiber that exceeds the AI
(ARS, 2010c). Less than 3 percent of adult men and capacityfolic acid
approximately 6 percent and of adult women consume • Adolescent females and women of reproductive
dietary fiber at intake levels that reach the AI. For boys capacity—iron
and girls, aged 9 to 13 years and 14 to 18 years, and • Persons over age 50 yearsvitamin B12
children, aged 1 to 3 years and 4 to 8 years, less than 3
percent of these age-sex groups meet their AIs for
dietary fiber intakes (Figure D2.20).

Mean intakes of dietary fiber in 2005-2006, based on

one-day data, were well below AI levels. For men,
mean intake was 17.8 grams, in comparison to AIs of
38 gram (ages 19 to 50 years) or 30 grams (older than
age 50 years). Mean intakes were similarly low in
women, with a mean of 14.1 grams, in comparison to
AIs of 25 grams (ages 19 to 50 years) or 21 grams
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 143
Question 4: What Is the Relationship Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized the
Between Folate Intake and Health addition of synthetic folic acid to all flour and uncooked
Outcomes in the U.S. and Canada cereal grains in March 1996, with mandatory
Following Mandatory Folic Acid compliance by January 1998. Similar mandates were
authorized in Canada, with full compliance by
November 1998.

Conclusion As a result of mandated folic acid fortification, blood

concentrations of folate increased in the U.S. and
Strong and consistent evidence demonstrates a large Canada. Five nationally representative studies (all using
reduction in the incidence of NTDs in the U.S. and NHANES data) demonstrated that serum folate more
Canada following mandatory folic acid fortification. A than doubled between the pre- and post-fortification
limited body of evidence suggests stroke mortality has periods and that red blood cell (RBC) folate, a marker
declined in the U.S. and Canadian populations of long-term folate status, increased approximately 57
following mandatory folic acid fortification. A limited percent (Dietrich, 2005; Dowd, 2008; Ganji, 2006;
body of evidence suggests that mandatory folic acid Pfeiffer, 2007; Quinlivan, 2007). Prevalence of low
fortification has increased the incidence of colorectal serum folate (less than 3 ng/mL) and low RBC folate
cancer (CRC) in the U.S. and Canada. (less than 140 ng/mL) was significantly lower in the
post-fortification periods. However, some women of
Implications reproductive capacity are still at risk for low folate
concentrations (1% and 5%, respectively, for serum and
Folic acid fortification in the U.S. and Canada appears RBC folate concentrations) (Pfeiffer, 2007). The
to be successful in the primary health objective of prevalence of high serum folate (greater than 20 ng/mL)
reducing the incidence of NTDs. Although some concentrations in children and adults older than age 60
negative consequences appear to have occurred (i.e., years increased (from 5% to 42% and from 7% to 38%,
possible increase in CRC), the evidence supports the respectively), but have decreased somewhat, especially
continuation of folic acid fortification of flour and in children, since fortification was first mandated and
uncooked cereals at current levels (140 µg/100 g). food companies have adjusted fortification levels to
Despite the increases in folic acid through fortification, accurately meet the mandate (Pfeiffer, 2007).
about 22 percent of women of reproductive capacity
still do not meet the EAR. Women of reproductive Current dietary folate and supplemental folic acid
capacity should continue to be counseled to select foods intakes in the U.S. indicate that the majority of the
high in folate, and when necessary, take a folic acid population is achieving adequate folate intakes. A
supplement to meet their folate requirements. As a recent study by Bailey et al. (2010b) used NHANES
result of the increase in folic acid in food from data to estimate total folate and folic acid intakes in the
fortification and because many adults take a supplement U.S. between the years 2003 and 2006. Because the
containing folic acid, approximately 5 percent of adults bioavailability of dietary folate is much lower than that
older than age 50 years now exceed the UL (1000 µg/d) of folic acid added to fortified foods and dietary
for folic acid intake. To avoid exceeding the UL, adults supplements, researchers used a dietary folate
over age 50 years should not supplement with folic acid equivalent (DFE) conversion (1 DFE = 1 µg food folate
in excess of 400 µg per day. Because whole grain foods = 0.6 µg folic acid from supplements and fortified food)
are not always fortified with folic acid, individuals who to reflect the differential bioavailability. Results of this
consume mainly whole grains in their dietary patterns study demonstrated that approximately 22 percent of all
should ensure that some of these whole grains are women were below the EAR for folate from diet only,
fortified to achieve dietary folate recommendations. though 28 percent of non-Hispanic Black women were
below the EAR. For all men, only 5 percent to 10
Review of the Evidence percent across the different age categories were below
the EAR, though 13 percent of non-Hispanic Black men
Background were below the EAR. In all age-sex categories, slightly
In 1992, the U.S. Public Health Service recommended fewer people were below the EAR when folic acid from
that all women of reproductive capacity consume 400 supplements was included. In the Bailey et al. (2010b)
µg of folic acid daily to reduce the risk of NTDs. To study, 53 percent of the population took dietary
help the public better meet this nutritional need, the supplements, 34 percent of which contained folic acid.
144 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Total folate and folic acid intakes were the highest in mortality in England and Wales did not change
people older than age 50 years, with 5 percent of this significantly between 1990 and 2002.
population exceeding the UL. Another study, using the
same NHANES data, reported that 34 percent of adults Folic Acid Fortification and Colorectal Cancer
who consumed folic acid supplements in excess of 400 A limited body of evidence suggests that mandatory
µg per day exceeded the UL (Yang, 2010). Exceeding folic acid fortification has increased the incidence of
the UL for folate intake is a concern as it may intensify CRC in the U.S. and Canada. This evidence is based on
or worsen neurological damage caused by vitamin B12 two trend studies in the U.S. and Canada (Mason, 2007)
deficiency, as outlined by the IOM (FNB, 1998). In and one in Chile, which instituted mandatory folic acid
addition, some recent evidence indicates that folic acid fortification in 2000 (Hirsch, 2009). In these studies, the
at high exposure may have harmful effects even without increase in incidence of CRC coincided with mandatory
vitamin B12 deficiency (Morris, 2005). Table D2.18 lists folic acid fortification in each country. Mason et al.
the best food sources of folate per standard amount, (2007) used U.S. and Canadian data collected between
from the ARS nutrient database, along with the number 1986 and 2002, by the Surveillance, Epidemiology and
of calories for each standard amount. End Results Program to address the question. In the
U.S., the absolute rates of CRC began to increase in
Folic Acid Fortification and Neural Tube 1996 and peaked in 1998. In Canada, the absolute rates
Defects of CRC began to increase in 1997 and peaked in 2000.
Strong and consistent evidence demonstrates that the The sudden increase in CRC incidence represents a
incidence of children being born with NTDs has been significant deviation from the time period just before
reduced following mandatory folic acid grain folic acid fortification in the U.S. by four to six
fortification in the U.S. and Canada. This conclusion is additional cases per 100,000 individuals. It does not
based on the review of 13 studies (Besser, 2007; appear that changes in colorectal endoscopic procedures
Canfield, 2005; CDC, 2004; Chen, 2008; de Wals, accounted for the increase in CRC incidence. Hirsch et
2007, 2008; Forrester, 2005; Godwin, 2008; Honein, al. (2009) compared rates of hospital discharges due to
2001; Mosley, 2007; Persad, 2002; Williams, 2002, CRC in Chile before (1992-1996) and after (2001-
2005). Of these 13 studies, nine were conducted in the 2004) mandatory folic acid fortification (220 µg/100 g
U.S. and four were conducted in Canada. Given the wheat flour). Results were described in two groups: (1)
ecologic nature of mandatory fortification, it was adults, aged 45 to 64 years, and (2) adults aged 65 to 70
impossible to conduct a controlled trial during this time. years. In age group 1, the rate ratio of hospital
The range of NTD reduction varied depending upon the discharges due to CRC was 2.6 for an overall increase
study size and study design. The large, nationally of 162 percent. In age group 2, the rate ratio was 2.9.
representative trials conducted in the U.S. reported Hirsh et al. (2009) concluded that mandatory folic acid
reductions of 23 percent to 54 percent in spina bifida fortification may be associated with an increased risk of
and 11 percent to 16 percent in anencephaly. In Canada, CRC.
one national trial demonstrated a 53 percent reduction
in spina bifida and a 31 percent reduction in Folic Acid Supplements and Other Health
anencephaly. Outcomes
The DGAC also evaluated the health impact of folic
Folic Acid Fortification and Stroke acid supplementation in people with pre-existing
A limited body of evidence suggests that stroke cardiovascular disease (CVD). A systematic review was
mortality has declined in the U.S. and Canada following conducted to evaluate the effect of folic acid
mandatory folic acid fortification. This evidence is supplementation with or without additional B-vitamin
based upon one population cohort study conducted in supplementation on CVD. Strong evidence
the U.S., Canada, England, and Wales (Yang, 2006). demonstrates that folic acid supplementation with or
This study evaluated trends in stroke-related mortality without additional B-vitamins in adult men and women
before and after folic acid fortification in the U.S. and with pre-existing vascular disease does not appear to
Canada and, as a comparison, during the same period in reduce risk of CVD, and may even increase risk
England and Wales, where fortification is not slightly. This conclusion is based on results from four
mandated. The ongoing decline in stroke mortality well-designed randomized double-blind placebo
observed in the U.S. and Canada between 1990 and controlled trials (Albert, 2008; Bonaa, 2006; Ebbing,
1997, accelerated in the years 1998 to 2002, in nearly 2008; Ray, 2007) and one meta-analysis (Bazzano,
all population strata. In contrast, the decline in stroke 2007) that analyzed 12 relevant randomized controlled
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 145
trials. All of the reviewed studies were in consistent groups, with 625 µg of folate (155% of the RDA for
agreement that folic acid supplementation conferred no women, aged 19 to 30 years) in the reference 2000
benefit, and two studies reported an increased CVD risk calorie pattern. The modified food patterns without any
Evidence that folic acid supplementation might prevent fortified whole grains (scenario 1) did not provide
stroke is inconsistent (Bazzano, 2007; Wang 2007; sufficient folate for girls, aged 14 to 18 years, women of
Sapsonik, 2009), with the most recent meta-analysis all ages with low to moderate energy needs, and men
documenting no benefit (Miller, 2010). older than age 50 years with relatively low energy
needs. For example, in the 2000 calorie pattern, dietary
Relevant Contextual Issues folate levels fell to 332 µg (83% of the RDA for adults).
In addition, the all-whole grains dietary patterns were
Impact on Intake of Folate and Other Nutrients low in iron for boys and girls, aged 2 to 8 years, and
of Selecting All Grains as Whole Grains Rather adolescent girls and women, aged 14 to 50 years.
Than Half Whole and Half Enriched Refined Inclusion of some fortified whole grain RTE cereals
Grains (scenario 2) in the all-whole grains dietary patterns
The USDA Food Patterns are designed to meet Dietary improved nutrient levels to adequate amounts for
Guidelines for Americans and IOM recommendations. dietary folate (392 µg or 98% of RDA) and also
To achieve this, the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for increased amounts of iron in the patterns somewhat.
Americans recommended that at least half of all grain
intake come from whole grain sources. For the standard As shown by food pattern modeling, consumption of all
2000 calorie dietary pattern, 6 ounce equivalents of grains as whole grains, without including any fortified
grains are recommended, with 3 or more of these whole grain products, would lower dietary folate and
consumed as whole grains and preferably fiber-rich iron intake levels to less than adequate amounts for
whole grains. This is interpreted in the USDA Food individuals in population groups who may be at high
Patterns to be half of the recommended ounce risk for inadequate intakes of these nutrients.
equivalents of grains as whole grains, and half as Individuals are encouraged to consume most of their
enriched refined grains. For example, in the 2000 grains as fiber-rich whole grains, and when doing so,
calorie pattern, 3 ounce equivalents of whole grains and should select some of these fiber-rich whole grains as
3 of enriched refined grains are included. The most products that have been fortified with folic acid and
commonly consumed refined grains are enriched with possibly other nutrients.
iron and other B-vitamins and fortified with folic acid.
Whole grain products are typically not fortified with
folic acid or enriched because many enrichment Question 5: Is Iron a Nutrient of Special
nutrients are naturally present in the whole grain. Concern for Women of Reproductive
Ready-to-eat (RTE) whole grain cereals are the
exceptionmany are fortified with a range of nutrients,
including folic acid and enrichment nutrients. The
DGAC chose to use modeling (see Part C: Conclusion
Methodology) to determine the impact on intake of
folate and other nutrients if all recommended grains Substantial numbers of adolescent girls and women of
were selected as whole grains rather than half whole reproductive capacity have laboratory evidence of iron
and half enriched refined grains (see online Appendix deficiency.
E3.7 at www.dietaryguidelines.gov for the full report).
The whole grains selected to replace enriched refined Implications
grains for the purpose of this analysis were not enriched
or fortified with folic acid, except for RTE cereals. To Efforts are warranted to increase dietary intake of heme-
replace enriched-grain RTE cereals, two replacement iron-rich foods and of enhancers of iron absorption by
foods were identified: (1) a non-fortified whole grain these special populations.
RTE cereal (scenario 1); and (2) a fortified whole grain
RTE cereal (scenario 2). Review of the Evidence

The base USDA Food Patterns that include foods from A full systematic review was not conducted, because
all of the basic food groups provide adequate amounts although the DGAC believes that the issue is still
of folate and other enrichment nutrients for all age-sex pertinent, little new data have been published since

146 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

2005. Laboratory values from 1999-2002 NHANES adequate intakes of vitamin B12, including B12 found
blood samples indicate that more than 5 percent of naturally in foods and crystalline B12 consumed in
individuals, aged 1 to 59 years, have inadequate serum fortified foods. Nonetheless, a substantial proportion of
ferritin concentrations of less than 12 ng/mL or less individuals older than age 50 years may have reduced
than 15 ng/mL for children less than 5 years or greater ability to absorb naturally occurring vitamin B12 but not
than or equal to 5 years of age, respectively, and that the crystalline form.
more than 10 percent of individuals of all ages have low
levels of transferrin saturation (less than 16%), Implications
suggestive of iron deficiency (USDHHS, 2008). More
recent data indicate that from 3.7 percent to 14.4 Although individuals older than age 50 years appear to
percent of children, aged 1 to 5 years, and about 9 be meeting their need for vitamin B12, they should be
percent of women, aged 12 to 49 years, have inadequate encouraged to consume foods fortified with B12, such as
stores of body iron (Cogswell, 2009). fortified cereals, or the crystalline form of B12
supplements, when necessary. Practitioners should
From 15 percent to 17 percent of adolescent girls and assess vitamin B12 status in those older than age 65
women younger than 51 years, have usual iron intakes years, using a low serum vitamin B12 value of less than
below their EARs (Moshfegh, 2005). In contrast, less 300 pg/mL, high serum methylmalonic acid value of
than 3 percent of any other age-sex group has a usual greater than 0.4 µmol/L, and serum total homocysteine
intake below their EAR (Moshfegh, 2005). Adolescent level of greater than 15.0 µmol/L as evidence of vitamin
girls consume a usual average daily intake of 13.3 B12 deficiency.
milligrams per day, while adult women, aged 20 to 49
years, consume between 13.9 to 14.9 milligrams of iron Review of the Evidence
per day (ARS, 2008). Moreover, women older than age
19 years fall short of meeting the recommended number A full systematic review was not conducted, because
of servings from the meat, poultry, fish, eggs, soy, nuts, although the DGAC believes that the issue is still
and seeds food group, and a substantial number of pertinent, little new data have been published since
adolescent girls also do not meet the recommended 2005. However, the conclusion was supported by
servings for this food group (see Question 2 on Food evidence from a published systematic review conducted
Groups and Selected Dietary Components for the IOM (FNB, 1998) and updated to 2009, by
Underconsumed) (NCI, 2009). Approximately 6.5 laboratory studies designed to screen for functional
million adolescent girls and women of childbearing age vitamin B12 status, as summarized below, and by dietary
are iron deficient. These findings support the need to intake findings from the NHANES.
encourage these special populations to increase dietary
intake of foods that are sources of heme-iron, such as Based on a systematic, extensive review of published
meat, poultry, and fish, and sources of nonheme-iron, literature, the IOM (FNB, 1998) set the RDA for
such as fortified cereals and whole grains, while also vitamin B12 at 2.4 µg per day for individuals aged 14
achieving energy balance. Foods containing nonheme- years and above and for both sexes. Because 10 percent
iron should be consumed along with enhancers of iron to 30 percent of the older population may be unable to
absorption, such as vitamin C-rich foods and foods absorb naturally-occurring vitamin B12, the IOM
containing heme-iron. Table D2.19 lists the best food advised that people age 50 years and older should meet
sources of iron per standard amount, from the ARS their RDA mainly by consuming foods fortified with
nutrient database, along with the number of calories for vitamin B12 or by taking vitamin B12-containing
each standard amount. supplements. This RDA was based on the amount
needed to maintain the hematological status, as well as
the normal serum vitamin B12 level. Vitamin B12
Question 6: Are Older Adults Consuming deficiency, as determined by serum B12 of less than 148
Sufficient Vitamin B12? pmol/L in combination with serum homocysteine of
greater than 10 µmol/L, was found in approximately 2.5
Conclusion percent of adults older than age 50 years. Supplement
use reduced the prevalence of B12 deficiency to less
Recent evaluation of NHANES data shows that than 0.5 percent of adults older than age 50 years
individuals older than age 50 years are consuming (Evatt, 2010). The incidence of vitamin B12 deficiency
increases with age, and marginal B12 status occurs in as
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 147
many as 20 percent of individuals older than 60 years means and standard errors of vitamin B12 intakes were
(Allen, 2009). Neurological manifestation of vitamin 6.62±0.763 µg per day (men aged 60 to 69 years),
B12 deficiency was not used to establish vitamin B12 6.092±0.477 µg per day (men aged 70+ years),
status because it occurs at a later depletion stage than 4.69±0.403 µg per day (women aged 60 to 69 years),
does the hematological status. Furthermore, the and 4.38±0.171 µg per day (women aged 70+ years).
progression of neurological manifestation is variable, These mean intakes were similar to or somewhat greater
generally gradual, and currently not amenable for easy than mean intakes reported for 2001-2002, as estimates
quantification. A Cochrane review (Malouf, 2008) with of usual intake distributions showed that more than 95
a 2009 update concluded that the major effect of folate percent of men and 90 percent of women, aged 50 years
with or without vitamin B12 on cognitive function and older, had usual total vitamin B12 intakes above the
occurred in those individuals with high homocysteine EAR (Moshfegh, 2005). These NHANES estimates
concentrations. Three additional randomized controlled included the B12 naturally occurring in foods and added
trials (RCTs) (Aisen, 2008; Ford, 2008; Gariballa, to foods as fortificants. However, the IOM recommends
2007), examining the effects of vitamin B12 that adults older than age 50 years meet much of their
supplementation in combination with folate and or vitamin B12 requirement by consuming foods fortified
vitamin B6 on dementia, cognition, and depression, did with vitamin B12 or a supplement containing it (FNB,
not find beneficial effects in the groups studied despite 1998). In 2005-2006, mean daily amounts of crystalline
an increase in B12 status (Aisen, 2008). Therefore, vitamin B12, found in fortified foods, for older adults
individuals older than age 50 years should achieve a were 1.22 µg per day (men aged 60 to 69 years), 1.28
total intake of vitamin B12 consistent with IOM µg per day (men aged 70+ years), 0.84 µg per day
recommendations by eating fortified foods or by taking (women aged 60 to 69 years), and 1.14 µg per day
the crystalline form of vitamin B12 supplements and in (women aged 70+ years) (ARS, 2008). Thus, 18 percent
balance with folate and vitamin B6. to 26 percent of the vitamin B12 in foods consumed by
older adults is in crystalline form. Table D2.20 lists the
Studies using serum radioimmunoassay of vitamin best food sources of vitamin B12 per standard amount,
B12combined with serum homocysteine and from the ARS nutrient database, along with the number
methylmalonic acid valuesto screen for functional of calories for each standard amount.
vitamin B12 status further support this conclusion. A
low serum vitamin B12 value (less than 300 pg/mL),
high serum methylmalonic acid value (greater than 0.4 VITAMIN, MINERAL, AND NUTRIENT
µmol/L) and homocysteine (greater than 15.0 µmol/L)
would suggest vitamin B12 deficiency. Using results
from these three laboratory tests, Clarke et al. (2004)
reported the prevalence rate of vitamin B12 deficiency to The DGAC encourages Americans to achieve nutrient
be 1 in 20 among people aged 65 to 74 years, and 1 in adequacy through a total diet in which they select and
10 among people aged 75 years and older. In addition, consume nutrient-dense forms of foods from the basic
various clinical trials (McKay, 2000), either among food groups. However, 53 percent of the American
free-living or institutionalized elderly, demonstrated population uses vitamin, mineral, and nutrient
that either oral vitamin B12 supplements alone or as supplements (Bailey, 2010a). Therefore, the DGAC
multivitamin/mineral supplements could improve examined the literature regarding potential health
vitamin B12 status. A systematic review of oral versus effects of such supplementation in healthy Americans.
intramuscular vitamin B12 in the treatment of vitamin
B12 deficiency found that oral doses may be as effective
as intramuscular administration in inducing short-term Question 7: Can a Daily
hematological and neurological responses (Butler, Multivitamin/Mineral Supplement Prevent
2006). All individuals older than age 65 years should be Chronic Disease?
screened for deficiency with simple tests of serum
vitamin B12 status (Goringe, 2006). Conclusion

According to 2005-2006 NHANES data, the estimated For the general, healthy population, there is no evidence
mean daily vitamin B12 intakes from foods ranged from to support a recommendation for the use of
3.96 (girls, aged 12 to 19 years) to 7.91 µg (men, aged multivitamin/mineral supplements in the primary
40 to 49 years) (ARS, 2008). For men and women,
148 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
prevention of chronic disease. Limited evidence published papers. NIH conference panelists used this
suggests that supplements containing combinations of AHRQ report (Huang, 2006) as a foundational piece of
certain nutrients are beneficial in reversing chronic evidence for their independent review, along with
disease when used by special populations; in contrast, further scientific evidence provided by scientific experts
certain nutrient supplements appear to be harmful in who addressed six key questions posed by the NIH
other subgroups. panel. The DGAC used the three key sources of
evidence, as previously indicated, along with three
Implications meta-analyses, three systematic reviews, and 11
randomized controlled nutrient supplementation trials
Although intake of a variety of multivitamin/mineral that were published after the 2006 AHRQ report and
supplements increase blood levels of many nutrients, 2006 NIH conference to group and summarize overall
notably in individuals with suboptimal nutrient status evidence by outcome or body system.
before supplementation (Maraini, 2009), long-term
effects on primary prevention of several chronic Cancer
diseases has not been demonstrated. In this context, In healthy adults, no effects of beta-carotene
obtaining essential micronutrients from foods when supplementation or a combined vitamin A plus zinc
possible is the optimal approach and reliance on supplement or vitamin A plus beta-carotene supplement
multivitamin/mineral supplements is discouraged. At on cancer prevention were reported. There was an
present, Americans are encouraged to meet overall observed beneficial effect of a combined beta-carotene,
nutrient requirements within energy levels that balance vitamin E, and selenium supplement on lowering gastric
daily energy intake with expenditure. This can be cancer incidence and gastric and overall cancer
accomplished through a variety of food intake patterns mortality in inadequately nourished men and women in
that include nutrient-dense forms of foods. China. A reduced overall cancer risk in men, but not
women, in France, was noted with a beta-carotene,
Review of the Evidence vitamins E and C, selenium, and zinc combination.
Lowering of prostate cancer incidence and mortality in
The DGAC evaluated three primary sources of evidence men and CRC in adult smokers with vitamin E
to reach this conclusion: (1) an AHRQ-commissioned supplementation was reported. An observed adverse
systematic review on nutrient supplements and chronic effect of beta-carotene supplementation or a combined
disease prevention (Huang, 2006); (2) the 2006 NIH beta-carotene plus vitamin A supplement on lung cancer
“State-of-the-Science Conference on and mortality in adult smokers and in individuals
Multivitamin/Mineral Supplements for Chronic Disease exposed to asbestos was noted. Data presented by
Prevention” (Coates, 2007a); and (3) the American program participants of the NIH conference (NIH,
Journal of Clinical Nutrition supplement, “n-3 Fatty 2006) were congruent with the AHRQ report (Huang,
Acids: Recommendations for Therapeutics and 2006) regarding beneficial effects of a combined beta-
Prevention” (Akabas, 2006a). This review was limited carotene, vitamin E, and selenium supplement on
to vitamins, minerals, and EPA and DHA. Other dietary lowering gastric cancer in nutritionally deficient adults
supplements—such as botanicals, hormones, peptides, in China (Greenwald, 2007) and harmful effects of
and amino acids—were not evaluated. beta-carotene supplementation or a combined beta-
carotene plus vitamin A supplement on increasing lung
Huang et al. (2006) established four key questions to cancer in adult smokers and individuals exposed to
guide the examination of published literature regarding asbestos (Greenwald, 2007).
health outcomes of multivitamin/mineral supplements
in the primary prevention of 10 chronic disease A meta-analysis (Tanvetyanon 2008) confirmed that
categories, including cancer, vascular, endocrine, lung cancer incidence increased with beta-carotene
neurological, sensory, liver, renal, musculoskeletal, supplementation in former smokers and individuals
infectious, and pulmonary diseases. These investigators exposed to asbestos. Conversely, lung cancer incidence
also evaluated published data on the effects of 14 was not significantly increased in the overall population
single-nutrient supplements and four functionally of male physicians (Hennekens, 1996) or women in
related paired-nutrient supplements on these chronic health professions who were not former smokers (Lee,
diseases as well as the safety of eight single-nutrient 1999) and who consumed beta-carotene supplements on
supplements on health-related outcomes. Their alternate days. Among all current smokers, the risk of
conclusions were based on findings reported in 63 lung cancer incidence significantly increased by 24
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 149
percent in individuals receiving any beta-carotene 2002) (see Part D. Section 3: Fatty Acids and
supplement. A more recent study by Liu et al. (2009) Cholesterol for a discussion on fish intake).
examined a panel of cancer markers in stored lung
tissue from participants of the Physician’s Health Study Sensory Disease
who developed lung cancer. Neither smoking status nor In adults, no effects of beta-carotene supplementation
beta-carotene supplementation status was significantly on sensory diseases were reported. Lessening of age-
different for the 39 men from whom samples of lung related macular degeneration and total mortality, only in
tissue were provided. Significant differences in selected adults with intermediate or advanced disease, with
markers of lung cancer were not found between adult supplementation of zinc or zinc plus antioxidant
men supplemented with beta-carotene versus placebo, nutrients was noted. However, no effect of
suggesting that factors other than the beta-carotene multivitamin/mineral supplements on preventing
supplement lead to lung cancer development. cataracts in healthy Americans was found (Huang,
2006; NIH, 2006).
Among healthy postmenopausal women living in rural
Nebraska, combined calcium plus vitamin D A combined zinc plus antioxidant nutrients supplement
supplementation lowered all-cancer risk over a 4-year that also included copper reversed age-related macular
intervention compared to placebo or calcium alone degeneration in individuals with diagnosed disease
(Lappe, 2007). Recent findings from the Selenium and (Seddon, 2007). A common over-the-counter
Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT) multivitamin/mineral supplement reduced total (by
demonstrated that supplementation of selenium alone, 18%) and nuclear (by 34%) lens events but doubled the
vitamin E alone, or combined selenium plus vitamin E number of posterior subcapsular cataracts in men and
had no effect on prostate cancer compared to placebo in women, aged 55 to 75 years (Clinical Trial of
adult men in the U.S., Puerto Rico, and Canada Nutritional Supplements and Age-Related Cataract,
(Lippman, 2009). CTNS, 2008). Findings from the Women’s Health
Study demonstrated that vitamin E supplementation on
Cardiovascular Disease alternate days, versus placebo, had no effect on overall
In adults, no effect of beta-carotene supplementation on cataract incidence or nuclear, cortical or posterior
CVD was noted, and no effect of a combined beta- subcapsular cataract incidence, even when controlling
carotene, vitamins E and C, selenium, and zinc for cataract progression risk factors (Christen, 2008).
supplement on ischemic CVD incidence was reported. Fish intake, but not EPA or DHA supplements, was
Among adults, a combined vitamin A plus zinc related to lower risk of macular degeneration (Johnson,
supplement or vitamin A plus beta-carotene supplement 2006).
had no impact on cerebrovascular disease or CVD
(Huang, 2006; NIH, 2006). The effect of vitamin E Some evidence supports DHA supplementation by
supplementation on CVD prevention, particularly pregnant women and lactating mothers at 200 to 300
among older women, had incomplete evidence on milligrams per day to promote cognitive development
which to base a positive recommendation for and possibly visual acuity in their offspring (Eilander,
supplementation (Traber, 2007). Additional vitamin K, 2007; Koletzko, 2008). Consumption of 6 to 10 ounce
beyond that consumed in a multivitamin supplement, equivalents of seafood per week would achieve the
reduced the progression of coronary artery calcification DHA intake goal (Brenna, 2009) for this population
in individuals with greater than or equal to 85 percent (see Part D. Section 3: Fatty Acids and Cholesterol).
supplementation compliance and in individuals with
preexisting coronary artery calcification (Shea, 2009). Musculoskeletal Disease
Retention of bone mineral density in postmenopausal
EPA and DHA supplementation as a treatment strategy women is well-documented with calcium
lowered blood concentration of triacylglycerol as a supplementation and a reduction in hip and non-
marker of CVD, lowered overall mortality in persons vertebral fractures and falls with combined calcium and
with CVD, and lowered arrhythmias and sudden death vitamin D supplements in older women, particularly
(Akabas, 2006b). The American Heart Association those with low levels of these nutrients before
recommends a total of 1 gram per day of EPA plus supplementation (Huang, 2006; NIH, 2006). Modest
DHA from a combination of higher omega-3 fatty acid- positive effects of a combined calcium plus vitamin D
containing fish and supplements, if needed, in supplement on bone health and fall prevention in older
individuals with coronary heart disease (Kris-Etherton, individuals has been confirmed in recent studies
150 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
(Heaney, 2007). Vitamin K supplementation does not infectious, and pulmonary diseases have not been
appear to provide significant benefit to bone mineral documented (NIH, 2006).
density in older adults (Booth, 2008), although vitamin
K is an important nutrient for bone health. Other Factors
An increased risk of kidney stone formation with
Neurological and Central Nervous System calcium supplementation and discoloration of the skin
Disease with beta-carotene supplement use was noted (Huang,
A study in community-living older adults in Scotland 2006). However, few, if any, randomized placebo-
found that daily supplementation with combined controlled clinical trials have tested the safety of
vitamins A, C, D, E, B6 and B12, thiamin, riboflavin, nutrient supplements used as single or combinations of
niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, iron, zinc, copper, nutrients by the healthy population of Americans. A
manganese, and iodine did not prevent cognitive meta-analysis that examined effects of beta-carotene,
decline, although supplementation was associated with vitamins A, C, and E, and selenium as single nutrients
positive changes in verbal fluency among participants or as combinations of antioxidants on various outcome
older than age 75 years and in those at risk of nutritional measures reported increased risk of death across a
deficiency (McNeill, 2007). Pitkin (2007) noted that variety of low-bias clinical trials with beta-carotene and
supplementation of women of reproductive capacity vitamins A and E supplementation (Bjelakovic, 2007).
with folic acid, along with adequate intake of folic acid-
fortified foods and usual intakes of dietary folate, was Relevant Contextual Issues
beneficial in preventing NTDs in offspring (see One distinct limitation to studies on the effects of
Question 4 within Nutrient Issues for Selected multivitamin/mineral supplement use on chronic disease
Population Subgroups). An additional topic addressed endpoints is insufficient standardization of preparation
by the NIH panel included the effect of vitamin B6 and compositions and characteristics (Yetley, 2007). Some
of folic acid, with or without vitamin B12, discrepancies exist between the actual content of
supplementation on cognitive decline; no effects were nutrients in supplements and the amounts reported on
reported in older adults (NIH, 2006) (see Question 6 product labels, along with differences in chemical
within Nutrient Issues for Selected Population formulations and dosing regimens that affect
Subgroups). bioavailability, bioequivalency, and, ultimately,
biological effects. Although randomized placebo-
DHA may lower risk of cognitive decline and controlled trials reduce confounding effects on primary
Alzheimer’s disease (Akabas, 2006b), although a more outcomes of interest in rigorous studies, the fact that 53
recent 2-year randomized controlled trial of EPA plus percent of adults in the U.S. use multivitamin/mineral
DHA supplementation in older individuals showed no supplements on a somewhat regular basis (Bailey,
change in cognitive function compared to an olive oil 2010a), with supplements contributing substantially to
control (Dangour, 2010). DHA supplementation overall adequacy of nutrient intakes among adults
modulated functional brain activity in healthy boys, (Murphy, 2007), limits the generalizability of nutrient
aged 8 to 10 years (McNamara, 2010), although this supplement effects within a healthy and adequately
evidence was exploratory and requires further nourished population. Nutritional status at baseline may
investigation. EPA plus DHA supplementation did not modify long-term health effects of nutritional
impact self-rated depression in a group of non- supplements as may the age at which nutritional
depressed older individuals compared to a placebo supplements are initiated and the duration of their use
group (van de Rest, 2008). One meta-analysis (Fairfield, 2007). Moreover, typical users of
concluded that EPA plus DHA supplementation multivitamin/mineral supplements are older, non-
improved mood only in individuals already diagnosed Hispanic white women and individuals with higher
with mood disorders (Appleton, 2010). education and physical activity levels, lower BMI, and
greater nutrient adequacy from dietary intake (Rock,
Other Systems 2007). These demographic and physical characteristics
In adults, no effects of beta-carotene supplementation are also positively correlated to an overall healthy
on endocrine diseases were reported (Huang, 2006). lifestyle, including health care screening and self-
EPA and DHA may improve insulin sensitivity efficacy in primary prevention of chronic disease.
(Akabas, 2006b). Effects of a daily Distinguishing the contribution of a single-nutrient or
multivitamin/mineral supplement on liver, renal, combined-nutrient supplement to long-term health

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 151

outcomes is difficult in a healthy population (Coates, Of these 15 studies, one systematic review included
2007b). studies with children and adolescents (Rampersaud,
2005), while four primary studies included only adults
(Kerver, 2006; Song, 2005; van der Heijden, 2007;
NUTRIENT INTAKE AND SELECTED Williams, 2005), nine evaluated children and/or
BEHAVIORS adolescents (Affenito, 2005; Dubois, 2009; Matthys,
2007; Nelson, 2007; Stockman, 2005; Timlin, 2008;
Williams, 2007, 2009; Woodruff, 2008), and one
Meeting food and nutrient intake recommendations is
included adolescents and adults (Song, 2006). The
challenging for many Americans. The DGAC evaluated
exact same nutrients were not evaluated in all studies,
selected individual behaviors to explore factors that may
but individuals who consumed breakfast on a daily
be associated with nutrient intakes.
basis consistently reported higher intakes of thiamin,
niacin, riboflavin, vitamins B6 and B12, dietary folate,
vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, magnesium,
Question 8: What Is the Relationship phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. In studies that
Between Nutrient Intake and Breakfast included dietary fiber, breakfast intake was associated
Consumption, Snacking, and Eating with higher intakes. An equal number of studies showed
Frequency? that breakfast consumers had higher, lower, or no
difference in total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and
Conclusion sodium intakes compared to non-consumers of
Moderate evidence supports a positive relationship
between breakfast consumption and intakes of certain Snacking
nutrients in children, adolescents, and adults. A limited Limited evidence published since 2004 supports a
body of evidence supports a positive relationship positive relationship between snacking and higher
between snacking and increased nutrient intake in nutrient intakes at various stages of the lifespan. Seven
children, adolescents, adults, and older adults, and studies were reviewed; three included children or
inadequate evidence is available to evaluate the adolescents (Macdiarmid, 2009; Maffeis, 2008;
relationship between eating frequency and nutrient Sebastian, 2008), and four examined adults or older
intakes. adults (Kerver, 2006; Ovaskainen, 2006; Stockman,
2005; Zizza, 2007). The same nutrients were not
Implications evaluated in all studies, but in general, snacking was
associated with higher intakes of macronutrients and
Americans are encouraged to eat nutrient-dense forms dietary folate, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, iron,
of foods for breakfast while staying within energy needs potassium, and dietary fiber but also higher intakes of
to facilitate achieving nutrient recommendations. total sugars and saturated fatty acids. Snacking by some
Likewise nutrient-dense forms of foods are suggested adolescents and adults was associated with lower
for any snacks, if energy allowance permits this intakes of protein, fat, cholesterol, and iron, but data
behavior without incurring weight gain. were inconsistent.

Review of the Evidence Eating Frequency

Only three cross-sectional studies were published since
Individual behaviors influence the intake of foods and 2004 (Kerver, 2006; Macdiarmid, 2009; Storey, 2009)
nutrients. The DGAC conducted systematic reviews to that met the criteria for review to evaluate the
address selected behaviors and their association with relationship between eating frequency and nutrient
nutrient intakes. intakes. Given this lack of robust evidence, the DGAC
was unable to draw a conclusion regarding nutrient
Breakfast Consumption intakes and eating frequency.
Without consideration of nutrient composition, some
evidence supports a positive relationship between the Relevant Contextual Issues
behavior of breakfast eating and higher intakes of A clear and consistent operational definition of
certain nutrients across different stages of the lifespan. breakfast did not exist and varied across studies
The DGAC reviewed 15 studies published since 2004. reviewed. In fact, breakfast consumption and breakfast
152 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
skipping were defined uniquely in most studies. components overconsumed are needed to assist
Likewise, consistent definitions for snacking and eating consumers and health care providers.
frequency were not used. A variety of nutrients were
included in dietary intake analyses, and the possibility Food Groups and Selected Dietary
of publication bias for positive results exists. Components Underconsumed
Energy density of breakfast foods has an inverse
relationship with daily intakes of selected 2. Conduct clinical trials in children and adults to
micronutrients, including vitamins A, C, and E, and critically examine the impact of adherence to the
potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus, as well as 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans as a total
dietary fiber (Kant, 2008). Consuming nutrient-dense dietary approach to a healthy lifestyle on body
breakfast foods within a total daily diet that is low in weight change, CVD, T2D, cancer, and
energy-density may facilitate meeting nutrient osteoporosis and related clinical endpoints.
Rationale: Theoretically, food-based dietary
guidance supports achievement of nutrient
Chapter Summary adequacy across age-sex groups. Total diets,
including variation in eating and dietary patterns,
Americans are encouraged to lower overall energy compared to individual nutrients, have been
intakes to match their energy needs. Energy-dense insufficiently tested for their health outcomes.
forms of foods, especially foods high in SoFAS, should
be replaced with nutrient-dense forms of vegetables, 3. Quantitatively and/or qualitatively investigate how
fruits, whole grains, and fluid milk and milk products to the food environment facilitates or hinders
increase intakes of shortfall nutrients and nutrients of achievement of food groups and dietary
concernvitamin D, calcium, potassium, and dietary components recommendations, notably in
fiber. Women of reproductive capacity should consume individuals enrolled in food assistance programs,
foods rich in folate and iron, and older individuals particularly children participating in school
should consume foods rich in vitamin B12 or the breakfast and lunch programs, and/or across various
crystalline form of B12 supplements. A daily ethnic and cultural groups.
multivitamin/mineral supplement is unlikely to offer
health benefits to healthy Americans. Breakfast Rationale: Compliance with dietary guidance is
consumption and some snacking may assist in meeting poor. Understanding the food environment at all
nutrient recommendations, notably if included foods are levels will assist individuals and shape public
in nutrient-dense forms. policy toward intakes that meet recommendations
for food groups and dietary components.

Vitamin D
Needs for Future Research
4. Conduct high-quality, long-term dose-response
Recommendations for further studies include: studies with relevant health outcomes including
bone as well as functional outcomes related to the
Nutrients and Dietary Components immune system, autoimmune disorders, and chronic
Overconsumed diseases such as coronary heart disease,
hypertension, cancer, and diabetes.
1. Develop and test behavior-based interventions
designed to lower dietary intakes of nutrients and Rationale: There is a need for additional research
dietary components overconsumed, focusing on on the relation between threshold values of
SoFAS. 25(OH)D and relevant functional outcomes at each
life stage and in understudied populations.
Rationale: SoFAS contribute a substantial number
of calories to the typical American diet without 5. Investigate the metabolic partitioning, fate, and
adding important micronutrients. Interventions that mobilization of key vitamin D metabolites at
are proven successful in lowering dietary recommended and greater than recommended
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 153
Rationale: Studies that assess the availability of and risk assessments, of nutrient supplements in a
stored vitamin D, relative contributions of diverse range of healthy population groups.
endogenously produced and dietary vitamin D, and
impact of important confounders such as body Rationale: Research on the efficacy and safety of
weight and body fat on vitamin status are warranted nutrient supplements is vital to the guidance of
(Brannon, 2008b). public policy recommendations, given that the
majority of Americans use nutrient supplements at
Folate any point in time.

6. Conduct studies on the long-term health impact of Nutrient Adequacy and Eating Behaviors
fortification on NTDs, CRC, stroke, cognitive
function, and other health outcomes, such as 10. Convene a consensus panel to define breakfast,
emerging evidence suggesting that high folic acid breakfast consumers, and breakfast skipping;
intakes in some pregnant women may lead to snacking; and eating frequency that can be
asthma in their offspring (Whitrow, 2009), to fully consistently applied to studies.
understand the impact of this ecological
experiment. Rationale: Identifying healthful eating behaviors is
important to primary prevention of chronic disease
Rationale: A substantial amount of time has in Americans. Common definitions of specific
elapsed since the U.S. and Canada mandated folic eating behaviors are vital to testing and
acid fortification. Since 1998, many research understanding the role of these behaviors in health
studies have evaluated the benefits and risks of and wellness.
fortification. Much of the research demonstrated
benefit, while some of the research has shown 11. Conduct longitudinal studies on the cumulative
increased health risk. Further research is warranted. nutritional risks of breakfast skipping and/or health
benefits of breakfast consumption. Identify critical
Vitamin, Mineral, and Nutrient Supplements components of breakfast and snacks, such as
vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and/or fluid milk
7. Conduct studies on the precision in self-reported and milk products, and their related health benefits.
intakes of multivitamin/mineral supplements.
Rationale: Breakfast intake is associated with
Rationale: More than one-half of the population positive outcomes such as improved school
reports the use of nutrient supplements; however, performance among children. Further
the frequency and consistency of this use is understanding of other nutrition-related health
sporadic for many. Greater accuracy in self-reported benefits is needed.
use of nutrient supplements is important to
understanding short- and long-term health effects.
8. Develop accurate composition and bioavailability
data across the multitude of vitamin, mineral, and Affenito SG, Thompson DR, Barton BA, et al.
nutrient supplements. Evaluate outcomes based on Breakfast consumption by African-American and white
nutrient composition and bioavailability within the adolescent girls correlates positively with calcium and
multivitamin/mineral matrix. fiber intake and negatively with body mass index. J Am
Diet Assoc. 2005;105:938-945.
Rationale: Precise composition of supplements is
critical to determining interactions of nutrients Agricultural Research Service (ARS). Nutrient intakes
within each supplement preparation and potential from food: mean amounts consumed per individual, one
benefits and risks of the matrix of nutrients from day, 2005-2006. Food Surveys Research Group, ARS,
supplements consumed with foods. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Website: www.ars.usda.gov/ba/bhnrc/fsrg. 2008.
9. Conduct randomized controlled trials that Accessed April 10, 2010.
rigorously test health outcomes, including safety

154 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

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162 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Part D. Section 2: Nutrient Adequacy—Tables

Table Number Table Title

TABLE D2.1 Nutritional goals for age/sex groups, based on Dietary Reference Intakes and Dietary
Guidelines recommendations, and USDA Food Patterns using these goals as targets
TABLE D2.2 Vitamin A: Selected food sources ranked by amounts of vitamin A and energy per standard
food portion and per 100 grams of foods
TABLE D2.3 Vitamin C: Selected food sources ranked by amounts of vitamin C and energy per standard
food portion and per 100 grams of foods
TABLE D2.4 Vitamin K: Selected food sources ranked by amounts of vitamin K and energy per standard
food portion and per 100 grams of foods
TABLE D2.5 Vitamin E: Selected food sources ranked by amounts of vitamin E and energy per standard
food portion and per 100 grams of foods
TABLE D2.6 Choline: Selected food sources ranked by amounts of choline and energy per standard food
portion and per 100 grams of foods
TABLE D2.7 Magnesium: Selected food sources ranked by amounts of magnesium and energy per
standard food portion and per 100 grams of foods
TABLE D2.8 Phosphorus: Selected food sources ranked by amounts of phosphorus and energy per
standard food portion and per 100 grams of foods
TABLE D2.9 Functions of the nutrients of concernvitamin D, calcium, potassium, dietary fiber
TABLE D2.10 Vitamin D: Selected food sources ranked by amounts of vitamin D and energy per standard
food portion and per 100 grams of foods
TABLE D2.11 Food sources of vitamin D listed in descending order by percentage of their contribution to
intake among the U.S. population ages 2+, WWEIA, NHANES 2005-2006
TABLE D2.12 Calcium: Selected food sources ranked by amounts of calcium and energy per standard
food portion and per 100 grams of foods
TABLE D2.13 Food sources of calcium listed in descending order by percentages of their contribution to
intake among the U.S. population ages 2+, WWEIA, NHANES 2005-2006
TABLE D2.14 Potassium: Selected food sources ranked by amounts of potassium and energy per standard
food portion and per 100 grams of foods
TABLE D2.15 Food sources of potassium listed in descending order by percentages of their contribution
to intake among the U.S. population ages 2+, WWEIA, NHANES 2005-2006
TABLE D2.16 Dietary fiber: Selected food sources ranked by amounts of dietary fiber and energy per
standard food portion and per 100 grams of foods
TABLE D2.17 Food sources of dietary fiber listed in descending order by percentages of their contribution
to intake among the U.S. population ages 2+, WWEIA< NHANES 2005-2006
TABLE D2.18 Folate: Selected food sources ranked by amounts of folate and energy per standard food
portion and per 100 grams of foods
TABLE D2.19 Iron: Selected food sources ranked by amounts of iron and energy per standard food
portion and per 100 grams of foods
TABLE D2.20 Vitamin B12: Selected food sources ranked by amounts of vitamin B12 and energy per
standard food portion and per 100 grams of foods

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 163


Table D2.1. Nutritional goals for age/sex groups, based on Dietary Reference Intakes and Dietary Guidelines recommendations, and USDA food patterns
using these goals as targets1

Source of Child Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male
Nutrient (units) Goal 1-3 4-8 4-8 9-13 9-13 14-18 14-18 19-30 19-30 31-50 31-50 51+ 51+

Protein (g) RDA2 13 19 19 34 34 46 52 46 56 46 56 46 56
(% of calories) AMDR3 5-20 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-30 10-35 10-35 10-35 10-35 10-35 10-35
Carbohydrate (g) RDA 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130
(% of calories) AMDR 45-65 45-65 45-65 45-65 45-65 45-65 45-65 45-65 45-65 45-65 45-65 45-65 45-65
Total fiber (g) 14g/1000 kcal4 14 17 20 22 25 25 31 28 34 25 31 22 28
Total fat (% kcal) AMDR 30-40 25-35 25-35 25-35 25-35 25-35 25-35 20-35 20-35 20-35 20-35 20-35 20-35
Saturated fat (% kcal) DG5 <10% <10% <10% <10% <10% <10% <10% <10% <10% <10% <10% <10% <10%
Linoleic acid (g) AI 7 10 10 10 12 11 16 12 17 12 17 11 14
(% kcal) AMDR 5-10 5-10 5-10 5-10 5-10 5-10 5-10 5-10 5-10 5-10 5-10 5-10 5-10
α-Linolenic acid (g) AI 0.7 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.1 1.6 1.1 1.6 1.1 1.6 1.1 1.6
(% kcal) AMDR 0.6-1.2 0.6-1.2 0.6-1.2 0.6-1.2 0.6-1.2 0.6-1.2 0.6-1.2 0.6-1.2 0.6-1.2 0.6-1.2 0.6-1.2 0.6-1.2 0.6-1.2
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Cholesterol (mg) DG <300 <300 <300 <300 <300 <300 <300 <300 <300 <300 <300 <300 <300
Calcium (mg) AI6 500 800 800 1300 1300 1300 1300 1000 1000 1000 1000 1200 1200
Iron (mg) RDA 7 10 10 8 8 15 11 18 8 18 8 8 8
Magnesium (mg) RDA 80 130 130 240 240 360 410 310 400 320 420 320 420
Phosphorus (mg) RDA 460 500 500 1250 1250 1250 1250 700 700 700 700 700 700
Potassium (mg) AI 3000 3800 3800 4500 4500 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700 4700
Sodium (mg) UL7 <1500 <1900 <1900 <2200 <2200 <2300 <2300 <2300 <2300 <2300 <2300 <2300 <2300
Zinc (mg) RDA 3 5 5 8 8 9 11 8 11 8 11 8 11
Copper (µg) RDA 340 440 440 700 700 890 890 900 900 900 900 900 900
Selenium (µg) RDA 20 30 30 40 40 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D2.1 (continued). Nutritional goals for age/sex groups, based on Dietary Reference Intakes and Dietary Guidelines recommendations, and USDA
food patterns using these goals as targets1

Source of Child Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male
Nutrient (units) Goal 1-3 4-8 4-8 9-13 9-13 14-18 14-18 19-30 19-30 31-50 31-50 51+ 51+

Vitamin A (µg RDA 300 400 400 600 600 700 900 700 900 700 900 700 900
Vitamin D (µg) AI 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10
Vitamin E (mg AT) RDA 6 7 7 11 11 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Vitamin C (mg) RDA 15 25 25 45 45 65 75 75 90 75 90 75 90
Thiamin (mg) RDA 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.9 1 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.2
Riboflavin (mg) RDA 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.9 1 1.3 1.1 1.3 1.1 1.3 1.1 1.3
Niacin (mg) RDA 6 8 8 12 12 14 16 14 16 14 16 14 16
Vitamin B6 (mg) RDA 0.5 0.6 0.6 1 1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.7
Vitamin B12 (µg) RDA 0.9 1.2 1.2 1.8 1.8 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4
Choline (mg) AI 200 250 250 375 375 400 550 425 550 425 550 425 550
Vitamin K (µg) AI 30 55 55 60 60 75 75 90 120 90 120 90 120
Folate (µg DFE) RDA 150 200 200 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
USDA Food Pattern
using goals as 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 1800 2200 2000 2400 1800 2200 1600 2000
USDA Food intake patterns at 2600, 2800, 3000, and 3200 calories were designed to meet the needs of males 14 to 18 and 19 to 30. Their nutritional goals
are the same as for the patterns at 2200 and 2400 calories.
Recommended Dietary Allowance, IOM.
Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range, IOM.
14 grams per 1000 calories, IOM.
Dietary Guidelines recommendation.
Adequate Intake, IOM.
Upper Limit, IOM.
Sources: IOM 2006, Britten et al., 2006.
Table D2.2. Vitamin A: Food sources ranked by amounts of vitamin A and energy per standard food portions and
per 100 grams of foods (Amounts of vitamin A present in standard food portions are ≥ 20% of RDA for adult men,
which is 900 µg RAE 1)

Vitamin A in Vitamin A
Calories in Standard Calories per 100
Standard Standard Portion per 100 grams
Food Portion Size Portion2 (µg RAE)2 grams2 (µg RAE) 2

Organ meats (liver, giblets), various,

cooked 3 ounces 133-169 1490-9126 157-199 1753-10737
Carrot juice 1 cup 94 2256 40 956
Braunschweiger (pork liver sausage) 2 slices
(~1 ½
ounces) 118 1519 327 4220
Sweet potato, baked 1 medium 103 1096 90 961
Pumpkin, cooked from fresh or
canned ½ cup 24-42 306-953 20-34 250-778
Carrots, cooked from fresh, frozen,
or canned ½ cup 18-27 407-665 25-37 558-852
Spinach, cooked from fresh, frozen, 472-573
or canned ½ cup 21-32 23-34 490-603
Carrot, raw ½ cup 25 509 41 835
Collards, cooked from fresh or
frozen ½ cup 25-31 386-489 26-36 406-575
Kale, cooked from fresh or frozen ½ cup 18-20 443-478 28-30 681-735
Mixed vegetables, cooked from
frozen or canned ½ cup 40-59 195-475 49-65 214-583
Turnip greens, cooked from fresh or
frozen ½ cup 14-24 274-441 20-29 381-538
Fortified instant cereals (various) 1 packet 102-157 318-376 68-101 186-265
Fortified ready-to-eat cereals ¾ - 1 ¼ cup
(various) (~1 ounce) 110-190 177-307 322-433 442-991
Beet greens, cooked from fresh ½ cup 19 276 27 383
Winter squash, cooked ½ cup 38 268 37 261
Mustard greens, cooked from fresh ½ cup 10 221 15 316
Pickled herring 3 ounces 223 219 262 258
Romaine lettuce 1 cup 8 205 17 436
Dandelion greens, cooked ½ cup 17 180 33 342
Chinese cabbage, cooked ½ cup 10 180 12 212
Retinol activity equivalents.
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Laboratory. 2009. USDA
National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 22. Available at:

166 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D2.3. Vitamin C: Food sources ranked by amounts of vitamin C and energy per standard food portions and
per 100 grams of foods (amounts of vitamin C present in standard food portions are ≥ 20% of RDA for adult men,
which is 90 mg)

Vitamin C Vitamin C
Calories in in Standard Calories per 100
Standard Standard Portion per 100 grams
Food Portion Size Portion1 (mg)1 grams1 (mg) 1

Guava ½ cup 37 126 68 228

Orange juice 1 cup 112 124 45 50
Peaches, frozen, sweetened ½ cup 118 118 94 94
Sweet red pepper, cooked from fresh ½ cup 19 115 28 171
Grapefruit juice 1 cup 96 94 39 38
Orange 1 medium 62 70 47 53
Vegetable juice cocktail 1 cup 46 67 19 28
Kiwi 1 medium 42 64 61 93
Fortified ready-to-eat cereals (various) ¾ - 1 1/3 cup
(~1 ounce) 92-112 60-61 318-373 200-207
Grape juice cocktail 1 cup 128 60 51 24
Sweet red pepper, raw ½ cup 14 59 31 128
Strawberries, frozen, sweetened ½ cup 122 53 96 41
Broccoli, cooked from fresh and frozen ½ cup 26-27 37-51 28-35 40-65
Sweet green pepper, cooked from fresh ½ cup 19 50 28 74
Strawberries ½ cup 27 49 32 59
Brussels sprouts, cooked from fresh and
frozen ½ cup 28 48 36 62
Kohlrabi, cooked ½ cup 24 45 29 54
Papaya ½ cup 27 43 39 62
Broccoli, raw ½ cup 15 39 34 89
Pineapple ½ cup 41 39 50 48
Edible pea pods, cooked ½ cup 34 38 42 48
Grapefruit ½ cup 38 38 33 33
Sweet green pepper, raw ½ cup 9 37 20 80
Cantaloupe ½ cup 27 29 34 37
Cauliflower, cooked from fresh and frozen ½ cup 14-17 28 19-23 31-44
Cabbage, cooked from fresh ½ cup 17 28 23 38
Grapefruit, canned ½ cup 76 27 60 21
Kale, cooked from fresh ½ cup 18 27 28 41
Sweet potato, canned ½ cup 91 26 91 26
Cauliflower, raw ½ cup 13 26 25 48

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 167

Table D2.3 (continued). Vitamin C: Food sources ranked by amounts of vitamin C and energy per standard food
portions and per 100 grams of foods (amounts of vitamin C present in standard food portions are ≥ 20% of RDA
for adult men, which is 90 mg)

Vitamin C Vitamin C
Calories in in Standard Calories per 100
Standard Standard Portion per 100 grams
Food Portion Size Portion1 (mg)1 grams1 (mg) 1

Tangerines (mandarin oranges), canned ½ cup 77 25 61 20

Tangerine 1 medium 47 24 53 27
Mango ½ cup 54 23 65 28
Tomato juice ½ cup 21 22 17 18
Collards, cooked from frozen ½ cup 31 22 36 26
Chinese cabbage, cooked from fresh ½ cup 10 22 12 26
Asparagus, cooked from frozen ½ cup 16 22 18 24
Sweet potato, baked 1 medium 103 22 90 20
Raspberries, frozen, sweetened ½ cup 129 21 103 17
Red cabbage, raw ½ cup 11 20 31 57
Turnip greens, cooked from fresh ½ cup 14 20 20 27
Potato, baked 1 medium 145 20 93 13
Carambola (starfruit) ½ cup 17 19 31 34
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Laboratory. 2009. USDA
National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 22. Available at:

168 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D2.4. Vitamin K: Food sources ranked by amounts of vitamin K and energy per standard food portions and
per 100 grams of foods (amounts of vitamin K present in standard food portions are ≥ 20% of RDA for adult men,
which is 120 µg)

Calories in Vitamin K in Calories Vitamin K per

Standard Standard Standard per 100 100 grams
Food Portion Size Portion Portion (µg) grams1
(µg g) 1

Kale, cooked from fresh or frozen ½ cup 18-20 531-573 28-30 817-882
Collards, cooked from fresh or frozen ½ cup 25-31 418-530 26-36 440-623
Spinach, cooked from fresh, frozen, or
canned ½ cup 21-32 444-514 23-34 462-541
Turnip greens, cooked from fresh or frozen ½ cup 14-24 265-426 20-29 368-519
Beet greens, cooked from fresh ½ cup 19 349 27 484
Dandelion greens, cooked from fresh ½ cup 17 290 33 551
Mustard greens, cooked from fresh ½ cup 10 210 15 300
Spinach egg noodles, cooked 1 cup 211 162 132 101
Brussels sprouts, cooked from fresh or
frozen ½ cup 28-33 109-150 36-42 140-194
Spinach, raw 1 cup 7 145 23 483
Broccoli, cooked from fresh or frozen ½ cup 26-27 81-110 28-35 88-141
Cabbage, cooked from fresh ½ cup 17 82 23 109
Asparagus, cooked from frozen ½ cup 16 72 18 80
Green leaf lettuce 1 cup 5 63 15 174
Cabbage, raw 1 cup 18 53 25 76
Romaine lettuce 1 cup 8 48 17 103
Savoy cabbage 1 cup 19 48 27 69
Broccoli, raw ½ cup 15 46 34 102
Okra, cooked from fresh or frozen ½ cup 18-26 32-44 22-28 40-48
Tuna, canned in oil, drained 3 ounces 168 37 198 44
Dried plums (prunes), stewed ½ cup 133 32 107 26
Green peas, canned ½ cup 60 32 69 37
Cowpeas, cooked from frozen ½ cup 112 31 132 37
Green snap beans, canned ½ cup 18 30 23 39
Chinese cabbage, cooked from fresh ½ cup 10 29 12 34
Celery, cooked ½ cup 14 28 18 38
Kiwifruit 1 medium 42 28 61 40
Dried plums (prunes) ¼ cup 104 26 240 60
Rhubarb, cooked from frozen, sweetened ½ cup 139 25 116 21
Peas, edible-podded, cooked from frozen ½ cup 42 24 52 30
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Laboratory. 2009. USDA
National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 22. Available at:

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 169

Table D2.5. Vitamin E: Food sources ranked by amounts of vitamin E and energy per standard food portions and
per 100 grams of foods (amounts of vitamin E present in standard food portions are ≥ 10% of RDA for adults,
which is 15 mg)

Calories in Vitamin E in Calories Vitamin E

Standard Standard Standard per 100 per 100
Food Portion Size Portion1 Portion (mg)1 grams1 grams (mg) 1

Fortified ready-to-eat cereals ¾ - 1 1/3 cup

(various) (~1 ounce) 92-188 3.2-13.5 309-384 6.6-46.4
Almonds 1 ounce 163 7.4 575 26.2
Sunflower seeds, dry roasted 1 ounce 165 7.4 582 26.1
Sunflower oil, high linoleic 1 Tbsp 120 5.6 884 41.1
Cottonseed oil 1 Tbsp 120 4.8 884 35.3
Safflower oil, high oleic 1 Tbsp 120 4.6 884 34.1
Hazelnuts (filberts) 1 ounce 178 4.3 628 15.0
Spinach, cooked from fresh, frozen,
or canned ½ cup 21-32 1.9-3.4 23-34 1.9-3.5
Mixed nuts, dry roasted 1 ounce 168 3.1 594 10.9
Peanut butter 2 Tbsp 188 2.9 588 9.0
Tomato paste ¼ cup 54 2.8 82 4.3
Pine nuts 1 ounce 191 2.7 673 9.3
Tomato puree ½ cup 48 2.5 38 2.0
Canola oil 1 Tbsp 124 2.4 884 17.5
Peanuts, dry roasted 1 ounce 166 2.2 585 7.8
Turnip greens, cooked from frozen ½ cup 24 2.2 29 2.7
Peanut oil 1 Tbsp 119 2.1 884 15.7
Corn oil 1 Tbsp 120 1.9 884 14.3
Olive oil 1 Tbsp 119 1.9 884 14.4
Sardines, canned in oil, drained 3 ounces 177 1.7 208 2.0
Soybean oil 1 Tbsp 120 1.7 884 12.1
Blue crab, cooked or canned 3 ounces 84-87 1.6 99-102 1.8
Brazil nuts 1 ounce 186 1.6 656 5.7
Orange roughy, cooked 3 ounces 89 1.6 105 1.9
Avocado ½ cup 117 1.5 160 2.1
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Laboratory. 2009. USDA
National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 22. Available at:

170 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D2.6. Choline: Food sources ranked by amounts of choline and energy per standard food portions and per
100 grams of foods (amounts of choline present in standard food portions are ≥ 10% of AI for adult men, which is
550 mg)

Calories in Choline in Calories Choline per

Standard Standard Standard per 100 100 grams
Food Portion Size Portion1 Portion (mg)1 grams1 (mg) 1

Organ meats (liver, giblets), various,

cooked 3 ounces 133-169 133-356 157-199 157-418
Egg, hard-boiled 1 large 78 113 155 225
Beef, various cuts, lean, cooked 3 ounces 144-215 95-111 169-253 112-131
Pork, various cuts, lean, cooked 3 ounces 153-211 65-94 180-248 76-111
Braunschweiger (pork liver sausage) 2 slices
(~1 ½ ounces) 118 92 327 256
Lamb, various cuts, lean, cooked 3 ounces 162-184 89-92 191-216 104-108
Herring, pickled 3 ounces 223 89 262 104
Ham, cured, lean 3 ounces 133 87 157 102
Corned beef 3 ounces 213 76 250 89
Salmon, smoked 3 ounces 99 76 117 89
Salmon, canned 3 ounces 118 75 139 88
Chicken breast, cooked 3 ounces 140 73 165 85
Cod, canned 3 ounces 89 72 105 85
Flatfish (flounder and sole), cooked 3 ounces 99 71 117 83
Turkey, cooked 3 ounces 144 70 170 83
Rockfish, cooked 3 ounces 103 69 121 81
Pollock (walleye), cooked 3 ounces 96 69 113 81
Clams, canned, drained 3 ounces 126 69 148 81
Shrimp, canned 3 ounces 85 69 100 81
Blue crab, cooked 3 ounces 87 69 102 81
Lobster, cooked 3 ounces 83 69 98 81
Sardines, canned in oil, drained 3 ounces 177 64 208 75
Soymilk, original and vanilla 1 cup 131 57 54 23
Salmon, cooked 3 ounces 184 56 216 66
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Laboratory. 2009. USDA
National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 22. Available at:

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 171

Table D2.7. Magnesium: Selected food sources ranked by amounts of magnesium and energy per standard food
portion and per 100 grams of foods (amounts of magnesium present in standard food portions are ≥ 10% of RDA
for adult men, which is 420 mg)

Calories in Magnesium Calories Magnesium

Standard Standard in Standard per 100 per 100
Food Portion Size Portion1 Portion (mg)1 grams1 grams (mg)1

Pumpkin/squash seed kernels, roasted 1 ounce 163 156 574 550

Brazil nuts, dried 1 ounce 186 107 656 376
Oat bran muffin 1 small 178 104 270 157
Halibut, cooked 3 ounces 119 91 140 107
Bran ready-to-eat cereal (100%) 1/3 cup (~1
ounce) 81 112 260 362
Spinach, cooked from fresh, frozen, or
canned ½ cup 21-32 78-81 23-34 76-87
Almonds 1 ounce 163 76 575 268
Cashews, dry roasted 1 ounce 163 74 574 260
Soybeans, mature, cooked ½ cup 149 74 173 86
Pine nuts, dried 1 ounce 191 71 673 251
White beans, canned ½ cup 149 67 114 51
Mixed nuts with peanuts, dry roasted 1 ounce 168 64 594 225
Pollock, walleye, cooked 3 ounces 96 62 113 73
Soymilk 1 cup 131 61 54 25
Black beans, cooked ½ cup 114 60 132 70
Soybeans, green, cooked ½ cup 127 54 141 60
Tuna, yellowfin, cooked 3 ounces 118 54 139 64
Peanuts, dry roasted 1 ounce 166 50 585 176
Lima beans, cooked ½ cup 94 50 105 56
Flatfish (flounder and sole), cooked 3 ounces 99 49 117 58
Beet greens, cooked from fresh ½ cup 19 49 27 68
Navy beans, cooked ½ cup 127 48 140 53
Tofu, firm, nigari ½ cup 88 47 70 37
Okra, cooked from frozen ½ cup 26 47 28 51
Cowpeas, cooked ½ cup 100 46 116 53
Hazelnuts 1 ounce 178 46 628 163
English walnuts 1 ounce 185 45 654 158
Great northern beans, cooked ½ cup 104 44 118 50
Oat bran, cooked ½ cup 44 44 40 40
Plain yogurt, nonfat 8 ounce container 127 43 56 19
Buckwheat groats, roasted, cooked ½ cup 77 43 92 51
Brown rice, cooked ½ cup 109 43 112 44
Pinto beans, cooked ½ cup 122 43 143 50
Haddock, cooked 3 ounces 95 42 112 50
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Laboratory. 2009. USDA
National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 22. Available at:
172 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Table D2.8. Phosphorus: Food sources ranked by amounts of phosphorus and energy per standard food portions
and per 100 grams of foods (amounts of phosphorus present in standard food portions are ≥ 25% of AI for adults,
which is 700 mg)

Calories in Phosphorus in Calories Phosphorus

Standard Standard Standard per 100 per 100 grams
Food Portion Size Portion1 Portion (mg) 1 grams1 (mg) 1

Pasteurized process Swiss cheese 2 ounces 189 432 334 762

Sardines, canned in oil, drained 3 ounces 177 417 208 490
Beef liver, pan-fried 3 ounces 149 412 175 485
Pollock, cooked 3 ounces 96 410 113 482
Bran ready-to-eat cereal (100%) ½ cup (~1
ounce) 81 356 260 1150
Plain yogurt, whole, low-fat, and 8 ounce
nonfat container 127-143 216-356 56-63 95-157
Pumpkin and squash seed kernels,
roasted 1 ounce 163 333 574 1174
Sunflower seed kernels, roasted 1 ounce 165 327 582 1155
Clams, canned, drained 3 ounces 126 287 148 338
Swordfish, cooked 3 ounces 132 286 155 337
Salmon, canned 3 ounces 118 280 139 329
Tuna, light, canned in oil, drained 3 ounces 168 264 198 311
Chocolate milk, whole, reduced fat,
and low-fat 1 cup 158-208 252-258 63-83 101-103
Evaporated milk, whole and nonfat ½ cup 100-169 250-256 78-134 195-203
Oat bran muffin 1 small 178 248 270 376
Milk, whole, reduced fat, low-fat, and
skim 1 cup 83-149 205-247 34-61 84-101
Chicken giblets, cooked 3 ounces 133 246 157 289
Flatfish (flounder and sole), cooked 3 ounces 99 246 117 289
Halibut, cooked 3 ounces 119 242 140 285
Swiss cheese 1 ½ ounces 162 241 380 567
Pork, cooked, various cuts 3 ounces 153-337 180-239 180-397 212-281
Alaska king crab, cooked 3 ounces 82 238 97 280
Sockeye salmon, cooked 3 ounces 184 235 216 276
Perch, cooked 3 ounces 103 235 121 277
Rainbow trout, cooked 3 ounces 144 226 169 266
Ricotta cheese, whole and part skim ½ cup 170-216 196-225 138-174 158-183
Part skim mozzarella cheese 1 ½ ounces 128 223 302 524
Cod, canned 3 ounces 89 221 105 260
Blue crab, canned 3 ounces 84 221 99 260

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 173

Table D2.8 (continued). Phosphorus: Food sources ranked by amounts of phosphorus and energy per standard food
portions and per 100 grams of foods (amounts of phosphorus present in standard food portions are ≥ 25% of AI for
adults, which is 700 mg)

Calories in Phosphorus in Calories Phosphorus

Standard Standard Standard per 100 per 100 grams
Food Portion Size Portion1 Portion (mg) 1 grams1 (mg) 1

Low-fat buttermilk (1%) 1 cup 98 218 40 89

Cheddar cheese 1 ½ ounces 171 218 403 512
Soybeans, mature, cooked ½ cup 149 211 173 245
Provolone cheese 1 ½ ounces 149 211 351 496
Yellowfin tuna, cooked 3 ounces 118 208 139 245
Brazil nuts, dried 1 ounce 186 206 656 725
Haddock, cooked 3 ounces 95 205 112 241
Beef, cooked, various cuts 3 ounces 151-215 178-200 178-253 209-235
Muenster cheese 1 ½ ounces 156 199 368 468
Lamb, cooked, various cuts 3 ounces 184-294 175-197 216-346 206-232
Turkey giblets, cooked 3 ounces 169 196 199 231
Rockfish, cooked 3 ounces 103 194 121 228
Cured ham 3 ounces 133-207 182-193 157-243 214-227
Cod, cooked 3 ounces 89 190 105 223
Cottage cheese, nonfat, 1% and 2% ½ cup 52-97 138-184 72-86 134-190
Turkey, cooked 3 ounces 144 181 170 213
Lentils, cooked ½ cup 115 178 116 180
Blue crab, cooked 3 ounces 87 175 102 206
Chicken, cooked 3 ounces 201 173 237 204
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Laboratory. 2009. USDA
National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 22. Available at: http://www.ars.usda.gov/ba/bhnrc/ndl.

174 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D2.9. Functions of nutrients of concern

Nutrient Function

Calcium Calcium is the key nutrient in the development and maintenance of bones; additionally
calcium aids in blood clotting and muscle and nerve functioning.
Vitamin D Vitamin D aids in the intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus, so it helps to
maintain serum levels of these minerals in the body at normal levels. Vitamin D also plays
roles in cellular metabolism, which involve antiproliferation and prodifferentiation actions.
Potassium Potassium assists in muscle contraction, maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in cells,
transmitting nerve impulses, and releasing energy during metabolism. Diets rich in
potassium lower blood pressure, blunt the adverse effects of salt on blood pressure, may
reduce the risk of developing kidney stones, and may decrease bone loss.
Dietary Fiber Fiber helps maintain the health of the digestive tract and promotes proper bowel
Source: Adapted from Dietary Reference Intakes: The Essential Guide to Nutrient Requirements, (IOM, 2006).

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 175

Table D2.10. Vitamin D: Food sources ranked by amounts of vitamin D and energy per standard food portions and
per 100 grams of foods (amounts of vitamin D present in standard food portions are ≥ 10% of AI for adults 19-50,
which is 5 µg)

Calories in Vitamin D in Calories Vitamin D

Standard Standard Standard per 100 per 100 grams
Food Portion Size Portion Portion (µg) grams1 (µg) 1

Salmon, sockeye, cooked 3 ounces 184 19.8 216 23.3

Salmon, smoked 3 ounces 99 14.5 117 17.1
Salmon, canned 3 ounces 118 11.6 139 13.7
Rockfish, cooked 3 ounces 103 6.5 121 7.7
Tuna, light, canned in oil, drained 3 ounces 168 5.7 198 6.7
Sardine, canned in oil, drained 3 ounces 177 4.1 208 4.8
Tuna, light, canned in water, drained 3 ounces 99 3.8 116 4.5
Orange juice2 1 cup 118 3.4 94 2.8
Whole milk2 1 cup 149 3.2 61 1.3
Whole chocolate milk2 1 cup 208 3.2 83 1.3
Reduced fat chocolate milk (2%)2 1 cup 190 3.0 76 1.2
Milk (nonfat, 1% and 2%)2 1 cup 83-122 2.9 34-50 1.2
Low-fat chocolate milk (1%)2 1 cup 158 2.8 63 1.1
Soymilk2 1 cup 104 2.7 43 1.1
Evaporated milk, nonfat2 ½ cup 100 2.6 78 2
Flatfish (flounder and sole), cooked 3 ounces 99 2.5 117 3.0
Fortified ready-to-eat cereals (various) 2
¾ - 1 ¼ cup
(~1 ounce) 92-190 0.9-2.5 309-387 2.9-8.3
Rice drink 1 cup 113 2.4 47 1.0
Herring, pickled 3 ounces 223 2.4 262 2.8
Pork, cooked (various cuts) 3 ounces 153-337 0.6-2.2 180-397 0.7-2.6
Cod, cooked 3 ounces 89 1.0 105 1.2
Beef liver, cooked 3 ounces 149 1.0 175 1.2
Cured ham 3 ounces 133-207 0.6-0.8 157-243 0.7-0.9
Egg, hard-boiled 1 large 78 0.7 155 1.3
Shiitake mushrooms ½ cup 41 0.6 56 0.8
Canadian bacon 2 slices
(~1 ½ ounces) 87 0.5 185 1.1
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Laboratory. 2009. USDA
National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 22. Available at: http://www.ars.usda.gov/ba/bhnrc/ndl.
Vitamin D fortified.

176 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D2.11. Food sources of vitamin D listed in descending order by percentages of their contribution to intake
among the U.S. population ages 2+, WWEIA, NHANES 2005-2006

Contribution to Cumulative
Food Category Intake, % Contribution, %

Milk, milk drinks and desserts, yogurt 52.1 52.1

Finfish and shellfish 8.6 60.7
Ready-to-eat and cooked cereal 6.5 67.2
Meat, poultry, franks, sausages, lunch meats 6.2 73.4
Eggs and egg products 5.0 78.4
Meat, poultry, fish items with sauces, gravies, bread,
other starch, and/or vegetables 5.0 83.4
Grain mixtures 3.3 86.7
Orange juice 3.1 89.8
Infant formulas 1.7 91.5
Cheese and cheese mixtures 1.6 93.1
Cappuccino, frappuccino, latte 1.2 94.3
Butter and margarine 0.9 95.2
Source: What We Eat in America, NHANES, 2005-2006, all individuals (excluding breast-fed children), Day 1,
weighted. Vitamin D Addendum to USDA Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies 3.0 (2009)
www.ars.usda.gov/ba/bhnrc/fsrg. Unpublished Data: USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Food Surveys
Research Group. Table available at www.dietaryguidelines.gov

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 177

Table D2.12. Calcium: Food sources ranked by amounts of calcium and energy per standard food portion and per
100 grams of foods (amounts of calcium present in standard food portions are ≥ 20% of AI for adults 19-50, which
is 1000 mg)

Standard Calories in Calcium in Calories

Portion Standard Standard per 100 Calcium per
Food Size Portion1 Portion (mg) 1 grams1 100 grams (mg) 1

¾ - 1 cup
Fortified ready-to-eat cereals (various) (~1 ounce) 100-210 250-1000 309-373 1818-3333
Orange juice, calcium fortified 1 cup 117 500 47 201
Plain yogurt, nonfat 8 ounces 127 452 56 199
Romano cheese 1.5 ounces 165 452 387 1064
Pasteurized process Swiss cheese 2 ounces 189 438 334 772
Evaporated milk, nonfat ½ cup 100 371 78 290
Tofu, raw, regular, prepared with
calcium sulfate ½ cup 94 434 76 350
Plain yogurt, low-fat 8 ounces 143 415 63 183
Fruit yogurt, low-fat 8 ounces 232 345 102 152
Ricotta cheese, part skim ½ cup 171 337 138 272
Swiss cheese 1.5 ounces 162 336 380 791
Sardines, canned in oil, drained 3 ounces 177 325 208 382
Pasteurized process American cheese
food 2 ounces 187 323 330 570
Provolone cheese 1.5 ounces 149 321 351 756
Mozzarella cheese, part-skim 1.5 ounces 128 311 302 731
Cheddar cheese 1.5 ounces 171 307 403 721
Muenster cheese 1.5 ounces 156 305 368 717
Low-fat milk (1%) 1 cup 102 305 42 125
Soymilk, original and vanilla, with
added calcium 1 cup 104 299 43 123
Skim milk (nonfat) 1 cup 83 299 34 122
Reduced fat milk (2%) 1 cup 122 293 50 120
Low-fat chocolate milk (1%) 1 cup 158 290 63 116
Low-fat buttermilk (1%) 1 cup 98 284 40 116
Rice milk, with added calcium 1 cup 113 283 47 118
Whole chocolate milk 1 cup 208 280 83 112
Whole milk 1 cup 149 276 61 113
Plain yogurt, whole milk 8 ounces 138 275 61 121
Reduced fat chocolate milk (2%) 1 cup 190 272 76 109
Ricotta cheese, whole milk ½ cup 216 257 174 207
Tofu, firm, prepared with calcium
sulfate and magnesium chloride ½ cup 88 253 70 201
Data source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Laboratory. 2009.
USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 22. Available at:

178 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D2.13. Food sources of calcium listed in descending order by percentages of their contribution to intake
among the U.S. population ages 2+, WWEIA, NHANES 2005-2006

Food Category Contribution to Intake, % Cumulative Contribution, %

Reduced fat milk (2% and 1%) 12.2 12.2

Regular cheese 9.2 21.4
Whole milk 6.1 27.5
Pizza 6.1 33.6
Miscellaneous 5.7 39.3
Yeast breads 5.4 44.7
Skim milk 4.5 49.2
Dairy desserts 4.0 53.2
Mexican mixed dishes 3.8 57.0
Pasta and pasta dishes 3.0 60.0
100% orange/grapefruit juice 2.6 62.5
Ready-to-eat cereals 2.2 64.8
Grain-based desserts 2.1 66.9
Reduced fat cheese 2.0 68.9
Data source: Sources of Calcium Among the U.S. Population, 2005-06. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods
Branch Website. Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 179

Table D2.14. Potassium: Food sources ranked by amounts of potassium and energy per standard food portion and
per 100 grams of foods (the AI for potassium for adults is 4700 mg)

Calories in Potassium in Calories Potassium

Standard Standard Standard per 100 per 100 grams
Food Portion Size Portion1 Portion (mg) 1 grams1 (mg) 1

Potato, baked, flesh and skin 1 sm. potato 128 738 93 535
Prune juice, canned 1 cup 182 707 71 276
Carrot juice, canned 1 cup 94 689 40 292
Tomato paste ¼ cup 54 664 82 1014
Beet greens, cooked from fresh ½ cup 19 654 27 909
White beans, canned ½ cup 149 595 114 454
Tomato juice, canned 1 cup 41 556 17 229
Plain yogurt, nonfat 8 ounces 127 579 56 255
Tomato puree ½ cup 48 549 38 439
Sweet potato, baked in skin 1 medium 103 542 90 475
Clams, canned 3 ounces 126 534 148 628
Plain yogurt, low-fat 8 ounces 143 531 63 234
Orange juice, fresh 1 cup 112 496 45 200
Halibut, cooked 3 ounces 119 490 140 576
Soybeans, green, cooked ½ cup 127 485 141 539
Tuna, yellowfin, cooked 3 ounces 118 484 139 569
Lima beans, cooked ½ cup 108 478 115 508
Soybeans, mature, cooked ½ cup 149 443 173 515
Rockfish, Pacific, cooked 3 ounces 103 442 121 520
Cod, Pacific, cooked 3 ounces 89 439 105 517
Evaporated milk, nonfat ½ cup 100 425 78 332
Low-fat chocolate milk (1%) 1 cup 158 425 63 170
Reduced fat chocolate milk (2%) 1 cup 190 422 76 169
Bananas 1 medium 105 422 89 358
Spinach, cooked from fresh or canned ½ cup 21-25 370-419 23 346-466
Tomato sauce ½ cup 29 405 24 331
Peaches, dried, uncooked ¼ cup 96 398 239 996
Prunes, stewed ½ cup 133 398 107 321
Skim milk (nonfat) 1 cup 83 382 34 156
Rainbow trout, cooked 3 ounces 128 381 150 448
Apricots, dried, uncooked ¼ cup 78 378 241 1162
Pinto beans, cooked ½ cup 122 373 143 436
Pork loin, center rib, lean, roasted 3 ounces 190 371 223 437
Low-fat buttermilk (1%) 1 cup 98 370 40 151
Low-fat milk (1%) 1 cup 102 366 42 150
Lentils, cooked ½ cup 115 365 116 369
Plantains, cooked ½ cup 89 358 116 465
Kidney beans, cooked ½ cup 112 358 127 405
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Laboratory. 2009. USDA
National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 22. Available at:

180 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D2.15. Food sources of potassium listed in descending order by percentages of their contribution to intake
among the U.S. population ages 2+, WWEIA, NHANES 2005-2006

Contribution to Cumulative
Food Category Intake, % Contribution, %

Reduced fat milk (2% and 1%) 5.9 5.9

Coffee 5.2 11.1
Chicken and chicken mixed dishes 4.5 15.6
Beef and beef mixed dishes 3.6 19.2
100% orange/grapefruit juice 3.4 22.6
Fried white potatoes 3.3 25.9
Potato/corn/other chips 3.2 29.1
Whole milk 2.9 32.0
Other white potatoes 2.9 34.9
Pasta and pasta dishes 2.7 37.6
Mexican mixed dishes 2.6 40.2
Pizza 2.6 42.8
Dairy desserts 2.5 45.3
Yeast breads 2.4 47.7
Skim milk 2.2 49.9
Soups 2.2 52.1
Bananas 2.1 54.2
Tea 2.1 56.3
Burgers 1.9 58.2
Alcoholic beverages 1.9 60.1
100% fruit juice, not orange/grapefruit 1.9 62.0
Nuts/seeds and nut/seed mixed dishes 1.8 63.8
Grain-based desserts 1.8 65.6
Cold cuts 1.8 67.4
Other fish and fish mixed dishes 1.6 69.0
Ready-to-eat cereals 1.5 70.5
Beans 1.5 72.0
Condiments 1.5 73.5
Yogurt 0.9 74.4
Source: Sources of Potassium Among the U.S. Population, 2005-06. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch
Website. Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 181

Table D2.16. Dietary fiber: Food sources ranked by amounts of dietary fiber and energy per standard food portion
and per 100 grams of foods (amounts of dietary fiber present in standard food portions are ≥ 10% of AI for adult
women, which is 25 g)

Calories in Dietary Fiber

Standard Standard in Standard Calories per Dietary fiber per
Food Portion Size Portion1 Portion (g) 1 100 grams1 100 grams (g) 1

Navy beans, cooked ½ cup 127 9.6 140 10.5

Bran ready-to-eat cereal (100%) 1/3 cup
(~1 ounce) 81 9.1 260 29.3
Split peas, cooked ½ cup 116 8.1 118 8.3
Lentils, cooked ½ cup 115 7.8 116 7.9
Pinto beans, cooked ½ cup 122 7.7 143 9.0
Black beans, cooked ½ cup 114 7.5 132 8.7
Artichoke, globe or French,
cooked from fresh ½ cup hearts 45 7.2 53 8.6
Kidney beans, canned ½ cup 108 6.8 84 5.3
Lima beans, cooked ½ cup 108 6.6 115 7.0
White beans, canned ½ cup 149 6.3 114 4.8
Chickpeas, cooked ½ cup 134 6.2 164 7.6
Great northern beans, cooked ½ cup 104 6.2 118 7.0
Cowpeas, cooked ½ cup 100 5.6 116 6.5
Pear 1 medium 103 5.5 58 3.1
Soybeans, mature, cooked ½ cup 149 5.2 173 6.0
Plain rye wafer crackers 2 wafers 73 5.0 334 22.9
Bran ready-to-eat cereals (various) 1/3-3/4 cup
(~1 ounce) 88-114 2.6-5.0 309-402 9.1-17.6
Asian pear 1 small 51 4.4 42 3.6
Green peas, cooked from fresh,
frozen, or canned ½ cup 59-67 3.5-4.4 69-84 4.1-5.5
Whole wheat English muffin 1 muffin 134 4.4 203 6.7
Bulgur, cooked ½ cup 76 4.1 83 4.5
Mixed vegetables, cooked from
frozen ½ cup 59 4.0 65 4.4
Raspberries ½ cup 32 4.0 52 6.5
Sweet potato, baked in skin 1 medium 103 3.8 90 3.3
Blackberries ½ cup 31 3.8 43 5.3
Potato, baked, with skin 1 medium 161 3.8 93 2.2
Soybeans, green, cooked ½ cup 127 3.8 141 4.2
Stewed prunes ½ cup 133 3.8 107 3.1
Shredded wheat ready-to-eat ½ cup
cereal (various) (~1 ounce) 95-100 2.7-3.8 334-352 9.6-13.4
Figs, dried ¼ cup 93 3.7 249 9.8
Apple, with skin 1 small 77 3.6 52 2.4
Pumpkin, canned ½ cup 42 3.6 34 2.9

182 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D2.16 (continued). Dietary fiber: Food sources ranked by amounts of dietary fiber and energy per standard
food portion and per 100 grams of foods (amounts of dietary fiber present in standard food portions are ≥ 10% of
AI for adult women, which is 25 g)

Calories in Dietary fiber

Standard Standard in Standard Calories per Dietary fiber per
Food Portion Size Portion1 Portion (g) 1 100 grams1 100 grams (g) 1

Spinach, cooked from frozen or

canned ½ cup 25-32 2.6-3.5 23-34 2.4-3.7
Almonds 1 ounce 163 3.5 575 12.2
Sauerkraut, canned, solids and
liquids ½ cup 22 3.4 19 2.9
Whole wheat spaghetti, cooked ½ cup 87 3.1 124 4.5
Banana 1 medium 105 3.1 89 2.6
Orange 1 medium 62 3.1 47 2.4
Guava 1 fruit 37 3.0 68 5.4
Oat bran muffin 1 small 178 3.0 270 4.6
Pearled barley, cooked ½ cup 97 3.0 123 3.8
Dates ¼ cup 104 2.9 282 8.0
Winter squash, cooked ½ cup 38 2.9 37 2.8
Parsnips, cooked ½ cup 55 2.8 71 3.6
Tomato paste ¼ cup 54 2.7 82 4.1
Collards, cooked from fresh ½ cup 25 2.7 26 2.8
Broccoli, cooked from fresh or
frozen ½ cup 26-27 2.6-2.8 28-35 3.0-3.3
Okra, cooked from frozen ½ cup 26 2.6 28 2.8
Turnip greens, cooked from fresh
or frozen ½ cup 14-24 2.5-2.8 20-29 3.4-3.5
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Laboratory. 2009. USDA
National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 22. Available at: http://www.ars.usda.gov/ba/bhnrc/ndl.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 183

Table D2.17. Food sources of dietary fiber listed in descending order by percentages of their contribution to intake
among the U.S. population ages 2+, WWEIA< NHANES 2005-2006

Contribution to Cumulative
Food Category Intake, % Contribution, %

Yeast breads 8.9 8.9

Mexican mixed dishes 7.0 15.9
Ready-to-eat cereals 5.6 21.5
Pasta and pasta dishes 5.3 26.8
Beans 4.2 31.0
Grain-based desserts 4.1 35.1
Pizza 3.9 39.0
Fried white potatoes 3.5 42.5
Nuts/seeds and nut/seed mixed dishes 3.4 46.0
Potato/corn/other chips 3.2 49.2
Apples and pears 3.0 52.2
Bananas 2.6 54.9
Chicken and chicken mixed dishes 2.5 57.3
Other white potatoes 2.4 59.7
Soups 2.1 61.8
Source: Sources of Fiber Among the U.S. Population, 2005-06. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch
Website. Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute. http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/foodsources/fiber/.

184 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D2.18. Folate: Food sources ranked by amounts of folate and energy per standard food portion and per 100
grams of foods (amounts of folate present in standard food portions are ≥ 10% of RDA for adults, which is 400 µg

Folate in
Calories in Standard Calories Folate per
Standard Standard Portion per 100 100 grams
Food Portion Size Portion1 (µg DFE) 1 grams1 (µg DFE) 1

Fortified ready-to-eat cereals (various) 1 cup

(~1 ounce) 109-218 169-701 309-416 296-2630
Fortified instant cereals (various) 1 packet
or ½ cup 56-157 138-378 42-101 89-282
Organ meats (liver, giblets), various,
cooked 3 ounces 133-169 218-491 157-199 257-578
Lentils, cooked ½ cup 115 179 116 181
Cowpeas, cooked ½ cup 100 179 116 208
Pinto beans, cooked ½ cup 122 147 143 172
Chickpeas, cooked ½ cup 134 141 164 172
Okra, cooked from frozen ½ cup 26 134 28 146
Asparagus, cooked from fresh, frozen,
or canned ½ cup 16-23 116-134 18-22 96-149
Spinach, cooked from fresh, frozen, or
canned ½ cup 21-32 105-131 23-34 98-146
Black beans, cooked ½ cup 114 128 132 149
Navy beans, cooked ½ cup 127 127 140 140
Kidney beans, cooked ½ cup 112 115 127 130
Egg noodles, enriched, cooked ½ cup 110 110 138 138
Orange juice, from concentrate 1 cup 112 110 45 44
Rice, white, enriched, cooked ½ cup 97 107 123 136
Soybeans, green, cooked ½ cup 127 100 141 111
English muffin, enriched 1 muffin 140 94 270 180
Bagel, enriched 1 small (3”
dia) 190 92 275 134
Oat bran muffin 1 small 178 92 270 139
Great northern beans, cooked ½ cup 104 90 118 102
Collards, cooked from fresh or frozen ½ cup 25-31 65-88 26-36 76-93
Hard roll 1 roll 167 86 293 151
Pretzels, hard, salted 5 twists 114 86 380 286
White beans, canned ½ cup 149 85 114 65
Turnip greens, cooked from fresh or
canned ½ cup 14 66-85 19-20 92-118
Broccoli, cooked from fresh or frozen ½ cup 26-27 52-84 28-35 56-108

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 185

Table D2.18 (continued). Folate: Food sources ranked by amounts of folate and energy per standard food portion
and per 100 grams of foods (amounts of folate present in standard food portions are ≥ 10% of RDA for adults,
which is 400 µg DFE)

Folate in
Calories in Standard Calories Folate per
Standard Standard Portion per 100 100 grams
Food Portion Size Portion1 (µg DFE) 1 grams1 (µg DFE) 1

Spaghetti, cooked ½ cup 111 83 158 119

Chickpeas, canned ½ cup 143 80 119 67
Brussels sprouts, cooked from fresh or
frozen ½ cup 28-33 47-78 36-42 60-101
Lima beans, cooked ½ cup 108 78 115 83
Artichoke, globe or French, cooked from
fresh ½ cup hearts 45 75 53 89
Corn muffin 1 small 201 74 305 112
Beets, cooked from fresh ½ cup 37 68 44 80
Sunflower seed kernels, dry roasted 1 ounce 165 67 582 237
Cornmeal, degermed, enriched 2 Tbsp 61 65 355 374
Split peas, cooked ½ cup 116 64 118 65
Cowpeas, canned ½ cup 92 61 77 51
Sweet corn, canned ½ cup 83 51 79 49
Mustard greens, cooked from fresh or
frozen ½ cup 10-14 51-52 15-19 70-73
Flour tortilla 1 tortilla (6”
dia) 94 50 312 168
Green peas, cooked from fresh or frozen ½ cup 62-67 47-50 78-84 59-63
Wheat flour, white, enriched 2 Tbsp 62 49 361 288
Baked potato, flesh and skin 1 medium 161 48 93 28
Soybeans, mature, cooked ½ cup 149 46 173 54
Parsnips, cooked ½ cup 55 45 71 58
White bread 1 slice 66 43 266 171
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Laboratory. 2009. USDA
National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 22. Available at: http://www.ars.usda.gov/ba/bhnrc/ndl.

186 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D2.19. Iron: Food sources ranked by amounts of iron and energy per standard food portion and per 100
grams of food (amounts of iron present in standard food portions listed are ≥ 10% of RDA for teen and adult
females, which is 18 mg)
Calories in Iron in Calories Iron per
Standard Standard Standard per 100 100 grams
1 1 1
Food Portion Size Portion Portion (mg) grams (mg) 1

Clams, canned, drained 3 ounces 126 23.8 148 28.0

Fortified ready-to-eat cereals ¾ -1 1/3 cup
(various) (~1 ounce) 56-175 4.2-18.1 309-402 8.2-62.0
Fortified instant cereals (various) 1 packet 102-166 3.8-17.2 42-101 2.5-6.7
Organ meats (liver, giblets), various,
cooked 3 ounces 133-187 4.3-15.2 157-220 5.1-18.0
Oysters, eastern, wild, cooked 3 ounces 116 10.2 137 12.0
Soybeans, mature, cooked ½ cup 149 4.4 173 5.1
Bagel, enriched 1 small (3” dia) 177 4.2 257 6.1
Braunschweiger (pork liver sausage) 2 slices
(~1 ½ ounce) 118 4.0 327 11.2
White beans, canned ½ cup 149 3.9 114 3.0
Lentils, cooked ½ cup 115 3.3 116 3.3
Spinach, cooked from fresh, frozen
or canned ½ cup 21-32 1.9-3.2 23-34 2.0-3.6
Beef, chuck, blade roast, lean, 0” fat,
all grades, cooked 3 ounces 215 3.1 253 3.7
Sardines, canned in oil, drained 3 ounces 177 2.5 208 2.9
Chickpeas, cooked ½ cup 134 2.4 164 2.9
English muffin, enriched 1 muffin 140 2.4 270 4.7
Pumpkin and squash seed kernels,
roasted 1 ounce 163 2.3 574 8.1
Duck, meat only, roasted 3 ounces 171 2.3 201 2.7
Soybeans, green, cooked ½ cup 127 2.3 141 2.5
Lima beans, cooked ½ cup 108 2.3 115 2.4
Ground beef (85% lean/15% fat),
cooked 3 ounces 212 2.2 250 2.6
Navy beans, cooked ½ cup 127 2.2 140 2.4
Cowpeas, cooked ½ cup 100 2.2 116 2.5
Kidney beans, cooked ½ cup 112 2.0 127 2.2
Beef, rib, 1/8” fat, all grades 3 ounces 298 2.0 351 2.4
Beef, bottom round, 0” fat, all
grades, cooked 3 ounces 159 1.9 187 2.2
Lamb, shoulder, arm, lean, ¼” fat,
choice, cooked 3 ounces 163 1.9 192 2.2
Great northern beans, cooked ½ cup 104 1.9 118 2.1
Baked potato, flesh and skin 1 medium 161 1.9 93 1.1
Black beans, cooked ½ cup 114 1.8 132 2.1
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Laboratory. 2009. USDA
National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 22. Available at:

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 187

Table D2.20. Vitamin B12: Food sources ranked by amounts of vitamin B12 and energy per standard food portions
and per 100 grams of foods (amounts of Vitamin B12 present in standard food portions are ≥ 50% of RDA for adult
men, which is 2.4 µg)

Calories in Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12

Standard Standard in Standard Calories per per 100 grams
Food Portion Size Portion1 Portion (µg) 1 100 grams1 (µg) 1

Clams, canned, drained 3 ounces 126 84.1 148 98.9

Organ meats (liver, giblets), various,
cooked 3 ounces 133-169 8.0-70.7 157-199 9.4-83.1
Oysters, eastern, raw 3 ounces 58 16.5 68 19.5
Alaska king crab, cooked 3 ounces 82 9.8 97 11.5
Sardines, canned in oil, drained 3 ounces 177 7.6 208 8.9
Braunschweiger (pork liver sausage) 2 slices
(~1 ½ ounces) 118 7.2 327 20.1
Blue crab, cooked 3 ounces 87 6.2 102 7.3
Ready-to-eat cereals (various) ¾ - 1 1/3 cup
(~1 ounce) 81-190 1.5-6.0 260-400 2.7-20.7
Salmon, cooked from fresh, smoked,
or canned 3 ounces 99-184 2.8-4.9 117-216 3.3-5.8
Rainbow trout, cooked 3 ounces 144 4.2 169 5.0
Pickled herring 3 ounces 223 3.6 262 4.3
Pollock, walleye, cooked 3 ounces 96 3.6 113 4.2
Lobster, cooked 3 ounces 83 2.6 98 3.1
Tuna, light, canned in water 3 ounces 99 2.5 116 3.0
Ground beef (75% lean/25% fat),
cooked 3 ounces 236 2.4 278 2.8
Lamb, cooked, various cuts 3 ounces 197-237 1.8-2.3 232-279 2.2-2.7
Beef, cooked, various cuts 3 ounces 194-298 1.2-2.2 228-351 1.5-2.6
Flatfish (flounder and sole), cooked 3 ounces 99 2.13 117 2.51
Swordfish, cooked 3 ounces 132 1.72 155 2.02
Rice milk, unsweetened 1 cup 113 1.51 47 0.63
Plain yogurt, nonfat 8 ounces 127 1.38 56 0.61
Reduced fat milk (2%) 1 cup 122 1.29 50 0.53
Plain yogurt, low-fat 8 ounces 143 1.27 63 0.56
Skim milk (nonfat) 1 cup 83 1.23 34 0.5
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Laboratory. 2009. USDA
National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 22. Available at: http://www.ars.usda.gov/ba/bhnrc/ndl.

188 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Part D. Section 2: Nutrient Adequacy—Figures

Figure Number Figure Title

FIGURE D2.1 Distribution of usual intakes of sofas (solid fats and added sugars) as percent of total calories,
by age/sex group
FIGURE D2.2 Comparison of mean usual daily intake of calories from solid fats and from added sugars, by
age/sex group
FIGURE D2.3 Distribution of usual daily intakes of sofas (solid fats and added sugars) in calories, in
comparison to maximum limits, by age/sex group
FIGURE D2.4 Distribution of usual daily intakes of sodium, in milligrams, in comparison to adequate
intake(AI) levels and upper limits, by age/sex group
FIGURE D2.5 Distribution of usual daily intakes of saturated fatty acids as a percent of total calories, in
comparison to maximum limit, by age/sex group
FIGURE D2.6 Distribution of usual daily intakes of cholesterol, in milligrams, in comparison to maximum
limit, by age/sex group
FIGURE D2.7 Distribution of usual daily intakes of refined grains, in ounce equivalents, in comparison to
maximum limits, by age/sex group
FIGURE D2.8 Distribution of usual daily intakes of vegetables, in cup equivalents, in comparison to
recommended intake levels, by age/sex group
FIGURE D2.9 Distribution of usual daily intakes of fruits, in cup equivalents, in comparison to
recommended intake levels, by age/sex group
FIGURE D2.10 Distribution of usual daily intakes of whole grains, in ounce equivalents, in comparison to
recommended intake levels, by age/sex group
FIGURE D2.11 Distribution of usual daily intakes of milk and milk products, in cup equivalents, in
comparison to recommended intake levels, by age/sex group
FIGURE D2.12 Distribution of usual daily intakes of meat, poultry, fish, eggs, soy products, nuts, and seeds,
in ounce equivalents, in comparison to recommended intake levels, by age/sex group
FIGURE D2.13 Distribution of usual daily intake of oils, in grams, in comparison to recommended intake
levels, by age/sex group
FIGURE D2.14 Level of adequacy expressed as estimated percentages of Americans with nutrient intakes
from food above their requirements (EARs)
FIGURE D2.15 Level of adequacy expressed as estimated percentages of Americans with nutrient intakes
from food above the adequate intake (AI) level
FIGURE D2.16 Distribution of usual daily intakes of vitamin D, in micrograms, in comparison to adequate
intake (AI) levels, by age/sex group
FIGURE D2.17 Distribution of usual daily intakes of calcium, in milligrams, in comparison to adequate intake
(ai) levels, by age/sex group
FIGURE D2.18 Relative proportions of fluid milk and cheese available for consumption over time
FIGURE D2.19 Distribution of usual daily intakes of potassium, in milligrams, in comparison to adequate
intake (AI) levels, by age/sex group
FIGURE D2.20 Distribution of usual daily intakes of dietary fiber, in grams, in comparison to adequate intake
(AI) levels, by age/sex group

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 189


Figure D2.1. Distribution of usual intakes of SoFAS (solid fats and added sugars) as percent of total Calories, by age/sex group

Bars show, from left to right, percent of Calories from SoFAS at the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th percentiles.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Source: Selected Intakes as Ratios of Energy Intake, U.S. Population, 2001-04. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch Web site. Applied Research
Program. National Cancer Institute. http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/usualintakes/energy/. Updated April 13, 2010. Accessed April 22, 2010.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Figure D2.2. Comparison of mean usual daily intake of calories from solid fats and from added sugars, by age/sex group

Source: Usual Dietary Intakes: Food Intakes, U.S. Population, 2001-04. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch Web site. Applied Research Program.
National Cancer Institute. http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/usualintakes/pop/. Updated April 13, 2010. Accessed April 22, 2010.

Figure D2.3. Distribution of usual daily intakes of SoFAS (solid fats and added sugars) in Calories, in comparison to maximum limits, by age/sex group

Bars show, from left to right, Calories from SoFAS at the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. Horizontal line shows maximum recommended
limit for each age/sex group.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Source: Usual Dietary Intakes: Food Intakes, U.S. Population, 2001-04. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch Web site. Applied Research Program.
National Cancer Institute. http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/usualintakes/pop/. Updated April 13, 2010. Accessed April 22, 2010.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Figure D2.4. Distribution of usual daily intakes of sodium, in milligrams, in comparison to Adequate Intake (AI) levels and Tolerable Upper Intake Limits
(UL), by age/sex group

Bars show, from left to right, usual sodium intakes at the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. Solid horizontal line shows AI and dotted
horizontal line shows UL for each age/sex group.

Source: Sodium (mg): Usual Intakes from Food and Water, 2003-2006, Compared to Adequate Intakes and Tolerable Upper Intake Levels. Food Surveys
Research Group, Agricultural Research Service, USDA. What We Eat in America, NHANES 2003-2006. Web site:
http://www.ars.usda.gov/Services/docs.htm?docid=18349 Updated April 1, 2010, Accessed April 22, 2010.

Figure D2.5. Distribution of usual daily intakes of saturated fatty acids as a percent of total Calories in comparison to maximum limit, by age/sex group

Bars show, from left to right, percent of Calories from saturated fatty acids at the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. Horizontal line shows
maximum recommended limit.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Source: Usual Energy Intake from Saturated Fat. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch Web site. Applied Research Program. National Cancer
Institute. http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/usualintakes/energy/t4.html. Updated April 13, 2010. Accessed April 22, 2010.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Figure D2.6. Distribution of usual daily intakes of cholesterol, in milligrams, in comparison to maximum limit, by age/sex group

Bars show, from left to right, usual cholesterol intakes at the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. Horizontal line shows maximum
recommended limit.

Source: Cholesterol (mg): Usual Intakes from Food and Water, 2003-2006, Compared to the Recommendation of Below 300 mg. Food Surveys Research
Group, Agricultural Research Service, USDA. What We Eat in America, NHANES 2003-2006. Website:
http://www.ars.usda.gov/Services/docs.htm?docid=18349 Updated April 1, 2010, Accessed April 22, 2010.

Figure D2.7. Distribution of usual daily intakes of refined grains, in ounce equivalents, in comparison to maximum limits, by age/sex group

Bars show, from left to right, usual refined grains intakes at the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. Horizontal line shows maximum
recommended limit for each age/sex group.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Source: Usual Intake of Non-whole Grains. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch Web site. Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute.
http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/usualintakes/pop/t16.html. Updated April 13, 2010. Accessed April 22, 2010.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Figure D2.8. Distribution of usual daily intakes of vegetables, in cup equivalents, in comparison to recommended intake levels, by age/sex group

Bars show, from left to right, usual vegetable intakes at the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. Horizontal line shows recommended intake
level for each age/sex group.

Source: Usual Intake of Total Vegetables, Including Cooked Dry Beans & Peas. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch Web site. Applied Research
Program. National Cancer Institute. http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/usualintakes/pop/t14.html. Updated April 13, 2010. Accessed April 22, 2010.

Figure D2.9. Distribution of usual daily intakes of fruits, in cup equivalents, in comparison to recommended intake levels, by age/sex group

Bars show, from left to right, usual fruit intakes at the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. Horizontal line shows recommended intake level for
each age/sex group.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Source: Usual Intake of Total Fruit. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch Web site. Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute.
http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/usualintakes/pop/t3.html. Updated April 13, 2010. Accessed April 22, 2010.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Figure D2.10. Distribution of usual daily intakes of whole grains, in ounce equivalents, in comparison to recommended intake levels, by age/sex group

Bars show, from left to right, usual whole grains intakes at the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. Horizontal line shows recommended intake
level for each age/sex group.

Source: Usual Intake of Whole Grains. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch Web site. Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute.
http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/usualintakes/pop/t15.html. Updated April 13, 2010. Accessed April 22, 2010.

Figure D2.11. Distribution of usual daily intakes of milk and milk products, in cup equivalents, in comparison to recommended intake levels, by age/sex

Bars show, from left to right, usual milk and milk product intakes at the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. Horizontal line shows
recommended intake level for each age/sex group.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Source: Usual Intake of Total Milk, Yogurt, & Cheese. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch Web site. Applied Research Program. National Cancer
Institute. http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/usualintakes/pop/t32.html. Updated April 13, 2010. Accessed April 22, 2010.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Figure D2.12. Distribution of usual daily intakes of meat, poultry, fish, eggs, soy products, nuts, and seeds, in ounce equivalents, in comparison to
recommended intake levels, by age/sex group

Bars show, from left to right, usual meat, poultry, fish, eggs, soy products, nuts, and seeds intakes at the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th percentiles.
Horizontal line shows recommended intake level for each age/sex group.

Source: Usual Intake of Total Meat, Fish, Poultry, Eggs, Soy Products, Nuts, & Seeds. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch Web site. Applied
Research Program. National Cancer Institute. http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/usualintakes/pop/t28.html. Updated April 13, 2010. Accessed April 22, 2010.

Figure D2.13. Distribution of usual daily intakes of oils, in grams, in comparison to recommended intake levels, by age/sex group

Bars show, from left to right, usual oils intakes at the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. Horizontal line shows recommended intake level for
each age/sex group.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Source: Usual Intake of Oils. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch Web site. Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute.
http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/usualintakes/pop/t33.html. Updated April 13, 2010. Accessed April 22, 2010.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Figure D2.14. Level of adequacy expressed as estimated percentages of Americans with nutrient intakes from food above their requirements (EARs)

Source: Moshfegh, Alanna; Goldman, Joseph; and Cleveland, Linda. 2005. What We Eat in America, NHANES 2001-2002: Usual Nutrient Intakes from
Food Compared to Dietary Reference Intakes. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service.

Figure D2.15. Level of adequacy expressed as estimated percentages of Americans with nutrient intakes from food above the Adequate Intake (AI) level.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Sources: Moshfegh, Alanna; Goldman, Joseph; and Cleveland, Linda. 2005. What We Eat in America, NHANES 2001-2002: Usual Nutrient Intakes from
Food Compared to Dietary Reference Intakes. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service.
Moshfegh, Alanna; Goldman, Joseph; Ahuja, Jaspreet; Rhodes, Donna; and LaComb, Randy. 2009. What We Eat in America, NHANES 2005-2006: Usual
Nutrient Intakes from Food and Water Compared to 1997 Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin D, Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium. U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Figure D2.16. Distribution of usual daily intakes of vitamin D, in micrograms, in comparison to Adequate Intake (AI) levels, by age/sex group

Bars show, from left to right, usual vitamin D intakes at the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. Horizontal line shows the AI level for each
age/sex group.

Source: Moshfegh, Alanna; Goldman, Joseph; Ahuja, Jaspreet; Rhodes, Donna; and LaComb, Randy. 2009. What We Eat in America, NHANES 2005-
2006: Usual Nutrient Intakes from Food and Water Compared to 1997 Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin D,Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service.

Figure D2.17. Distribution of usual daily intakes of calcium, in milligrams, in comparison to Adequate Intake (AI) levels, by age/sex group

Bars show, from left to right, usual calcium intakes at the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. Horizontal line shows AI level for each age/sex
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Source: Moshfegh, Alanna; Goldman, Joseph; Ahuja, Jaspreet; Rhodes, Donna; and LaComb, Randy. 2009. What We Eat in America, NHANES 2005-
2006: Usual Nutrient Intakes from Food and Water Compared to 1997 Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin D, Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Figure D2.18. Relative proportions of fluid milk and cheese available for consumption over time

Graph shows loss adjusted availability of fluid milk and cheese in cup equivalents per capita per day.

Source: Economic Research Service (ERS), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Food Availability (Per Capita) Data System.

Figure D2.19. Distribution of usual daily intakes of potassium, in milligrams, in comparison to Adequate Intake (AI) levels, by age/sex group

Bars show, from left to right, usual potassium intakes at the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. Horizontal line shows AI level for each
age/sex group.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Source: Moshfegh, Alanna; Goldman, Joseph; and Cleveland, Linda. 2005. What We Eat in America, NHANES 2001-2002: Usual Nutrient Intakes from
Food Compared to Dietary Reference Intakes. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Figure D2.20. Distribution of usual daily intakes of dietary fiber, in grams, in comparison to Adequate Intake (AI) levels, by age/sex group

Bars show, from left to right, usual dietary fiber intakes at the 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. Horizontal line shows AI level for each
age/sex group.

Source: Dietary Fiber (g): Usual Intakes from Food and Water, 2003-2006, Compared to Adequate Intakes. Food Surveys Research Group, Agricultural
Research Service, USDA. What We Eat in America, NHANES 2003-2006. Website: http://www.ars.usda.gov/Services/docs.htm?docid=18349 Updated
April 1, 2010, Accessed April 22, 2010.
Part D. Section 3: Fatty Acids and

Introduction means of reducing endogenous cholesterol synthesis;

this also increases receptor-mediated uptake of low-
Dietary fats, or lipids, are a macronutrient class that density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol by the liver.
includes fatty acids, triglycerides, and cholesterol. Fats
supply fuel energy (9 kcal/g) and the essential fatty A critical health issue related to dietary fat is the quality
acids, linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids. Fats, therefore, of fat in the American diet. The consumption of certain
are a key factor in the maintenance of caloric balance fats, such as saturated fatty acids (SFA) and trans 1 fatty
and body weight. Specific fatty acids also serve as acids, is associated with a poor lipid/lipoprotein profile
precursors for numerous biological pathways that and increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). On
influence inflammation, coagulation, and gene the other hand, the unsaturated fats, monounsaturated
expression among other functions. Fat soluble vitamins fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids
(vitamins A, D, E, K) and carotenoids are absorbed and (PUFA) have significant metabolic benefits and are
transported with fats. health-promoting. Currently, several lines of evidence
indicate that the type of fat is more important in
Fatty acids are bound to glycerol as triglycerides for decreasing metabolic and CVD risk than the total
transport and storage in the human body. Fatty acids are amount of fat in the diet. Metabolic studies have
heterogeneous and classified based on their chain established that it is the type of fat, rather than total fat
length, the number of double bonds, the position of the intake that affects common intermediate risk factors,
first double bond from the methyl end, and a cis versus such as serum lipid and lipoprotein levels (Hu, 2001).
trans configuration across a double bond. These Results from controlled clinical trials and
heterogeneities are important determinants of the epidemiological studies have shown that replacing SFA
significant variation in biological effects of the different with unsaturated fats is more effective in decreasing
fatty acids. Fatty acid quantity and quality also vary by CVD risk than is reducing total fat intake overall (Smit,
their source, with important differences between meat, 2009). Additionally, prospective cohort studies and
fish, and plant sources, as well as natural versus secondary prevention trials provide methodologically
synthetic sources. This heterogeneity allows for food strong evidence that consumption of n-3 fatty acids
consumption choices to modulate the quantity and from seafood and plant sources has a significant cardio-
quality of fats that, in turn, influence metabolic and protective effect and decreases cardiovascular mortality
health outcomes. (Mozaffarian, 2008; Mozaffarian and Rimm, 2006).
Furthermore, dietary fat and intermediate risk factors do
Cholesterol, a sterol, is an important structural not affect CVD risk in a uniform way. Numerous
component of cell walls of tissues of the human body. factors influence CVD risk, including fatty acids (n-3
Cholesterol is also a precursor for a number of steroid fatty acids, specific SFA, MUFA and PUFA, and trans
hormones synthesized by the adrenal glands, ovaries, fatty acids); carbohydrate quantity, type, and quality;
and testes. Bile acids, required for solubilization and intakes of legumes, nuts, fruits, and vegetables; as well
absorption of dietary fats, are synthesized from
cholesterol in the liver, stored in the gallbladder and 1
Trans fatty acids used in this Report is a term consistent
secreted into the small intestine after a fat-containing with that defined by the US Food and Drug Administration
meal. Endogenous hepatic synthesis of cholesterol is for use in food labeling as unsaturated fatty acids that contain
adequate to produce all the cholesterol needed for these one or more isolated (i.e., nonconjugated) double bonds in a
vital functions. Exogenous, or dietary, cholesterol trans configuration (Federal Register notice. Food Labeling;
down-regulates cholesterol synthesis in the liver to Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling; Final Rule and
maintain cholesterol balance. Pharmacologic agents Proposed Rule. Vol. 68, No. 133, p. 41433-41506, July 11,
2003). Trans fatty acids (TFA) are from natural (or ruminant)
inhibit the rate-limiting step of cholesterol synthesis,
or industrial (synthetic) sources and will be designated as
catalyzed by the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase, as a
rTFA and iTFA, respectively.
210 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
as micronutrients. For example, isocaloric substitution Background on Fats and Cholesterol
of dietary fat with carbohydrate can lead to increased
serum triglycerides and decreased serum HDL Types and Food Sources of Fatty Acids and
cholesterol (Smit, 2009; Nordmann, 2006). Cholesterol
Additionally, the effects of dietary fat, as well as the Fatty acids and cholesterol are a diverse group of
other macronutrients, and intermediate risk factors, are compounds that are found across a wide variety of
diverse and highly dependent on other factors such as foods consumed by Americans. The following sections
physical activity and lifestyle habits, and, importantly, provide additional information on the specific fatty
individual genetic predisposition that is based on acids and common food sources in the diet.
underlying genetic polymorphisms.
Saturated Fatty Acids (SFA)—Saturated fatty acids
The issue of excess dietary cholesterol is also of public are linear carbon chain molecules with each carbon
health concern. Traditionally, because dietary cholesterol fully saturated with hydrogen atoms and, therefore,
has been shown to raise LDL cholesterol and high intakes containing no double bonds. Like all fatty acids, SFA
induce atherosclerosis in observational studies, the have a methyl end and a carboxyl end with varying even
prevailing recommendation has been to restrict dietary number of carbons in between. Due to this
cholesterol intake, including otherwise healthy foods such configuration, their melting point is high and they are
as eggs. The potential negative effects of dietary solid at room temperature. The major types of SFA in
cholesterol are relatively small compared to those of SFA the American diet are lauric (C12), myristic (C14),
and trans fatty acids (Clarke, 1997; Howell, 1997). A palmitic (C16), and stearic (C18) acids. Palmitic and
further important consideration is significant variation in stearic acids are major constituents of animal fats, but
the population in individual responses to cholesterol plant sources, such as coconut, palm, cocoa, and shea
intake; differences in susceptibility are likely based on nut oils, are also sources of SFA. Cholesterol-raising
well-characterized genetic polymorphisms in several SFA, considered SFA minus stearic acid (discussed
genes encoding enzymes, apolipoproteins, receptors, and below), down-regulate the low density lipoprotein
transporters involved in lipid metabolism and storage. (LDL) receptor by increasing intracellular cholesterol
The underlying genetic polymorphisms are manifested as pools and decreasing LDL-cholesterol uptake by the
individuals who are “hyper-responders” and “hypo- liver. The foods that contribute the most saturated fat to
responders” referring to those who respond to cholesterol the diets of Americans are listed in Table D3.1.
intake with elevated serum LDL cholesterol and those
who, at the same level of cholesterol intake, do not Monounsaturated Fatty Acids—MUFA have one site
exhibit increased serum LDL cholesterol, respectively. of unsaturation between neighboring carbon atoms,
constituting a single double bond; this chemical
This section of the 2010 DGAC Report continues with property lowers their melting point so that MUFA are
brief explanations on the types of fats and cholesterol liquid at room temperature. MUFA are beneficial in that
and food sources of these nutrients, a discussion of they increase esterification of cholesterol in the liver,
trends in fat and cholesterol intakes in the American thereby reducing the free cholesterol pool and
diet, and contextual information on recommended increasing receptor-mediated uptake of LDL
intakes and health outcomes. The chapter then provides cholesterol, resulting in a decrease in blood cholesterol
Nutrition Evidence Library (NEL) systematic evidence- levels. Oleic acid (18:1), a MUFA common in the diet,
based reviews of 11 questions on a variety of issues is a major constituent of certain vegetable oils (e.g.,
related to fats, cholesterol, and health. olive, canola) but is present in many other foods such as
nuts, meat, and poultry. The foods that contribute the
most oleic acid to the diets of Americans are listed in
Table D3.2.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 211

Table D3.1. Food sources of saturated fat by percent contribution to intake, based on National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey, 2005-2006

Contribution to Cumulative
Intake Contribution
Food Item % %

Regular cheese 8.5 8.5

Pizza 5.9 14.4
Grain-based desserts 5.8 20.2
Dairy desserts 5.6 25.8
Chicken and chicken mixed dishes 5.5 31.2
Sausage, franks, bacon, and ribs 4.9 36.2
Burgers 4.4 40.5
Mexican mixed dishes 4.1 44.6
Beef and beef mixed dishes 4.1 48.7
Reduced fat milk 3.9 52.6
Pasta and pasta dishes 3.7 56.3
Whole milk 3.4 59.7
Eggs and egg mixed dishes 3.2 62.9
Candy 3.1 66.0
Butter 2.9 68.9
Potato/corn/other chips 2.4 71.3
Nuts/seeds and nut/seed mixed
dishes 2.1 73.4
Fried white potatoes 2.0 75.4

Source: Sources of Saturated Fat Among the U.S. Population, 2005-2006. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods
Branch Website. Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute.
http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/foodsources Updated November 9, 2009. Accessed April 16, 2010.

212 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D3.2. Food sources of oleic acid by percent contribution to intake based on National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey, 2005-2006

Contribution to Cumulative
Intake Contribution
Food Item % %

Grain-based desserts 8.9 8.9

Chicken and chicken mixed dishes 7.6 16.6
Sausage, franks, bacon, and ribs 5.9 22.5
Nuts/seeds and nut/seed mixed 5.5 27.9
Pizza 5.4 33.3
Fried white potatoes 4.9 38.2
Mexican mixed dishes 4.6 42.8
Burgers 4.1 46.9
Beef and beef mixed dishes 3.9 50.8
Eggs and egg mixed dishes 3.5 54.3
Regular cheese 3.3 57.5
Potato/corn/other chips 3.2 60.7
Pasta and pasta dishes 3.1 63.8
Salad dressing 2.6 66.4
Dairy desserts 2.3 68.7
Yeast breads 2.2 70.9

Source: Sources of Oleic Acid Among the U.S. Population, 2005-2006. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods
Branch Website. Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute.
http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/foodsources Updated November 9, 2009. Accessed April 16, 2010.

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids—PUFA, which have Both linoleic acid (LA) (C18:2), an n-6 PUFA, and
two or more sites of unsaturation (double bonds), are a alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) (C18:3), an n-3 PUFA, are
heterogeneous class of fatty acids with chain length and essential fatty acids in the diet.
position of the first double bond affecting important
metabolic outcomes. The double bonds contribute to the The first double bond in n-6 (omega-6) PUFA is at the
lower melting point, making PUFA liquid at room sixth carbon from the methyl end. These PUFA are
temperature. Certain PUFA cannot be synthesized by largely derived from vegetable oils such as corn,
the human body, but are required in small amounts as sunflower, safflower, and soybean oils, but are present
substrates for biological pathways that generate in other foods as well. The foods that contribute the
metabolic products required for structural and most n-6 PUFA to the diets of Americans are listed in
functional purposes. These PUFA are referred to as Table D3.3.
essential fatty acids and must be attained from the diet.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 213

Table D3.3. Food sources of total n-6 fatty acids (18:2 + 20:4) by percent contribution to intake based on National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2005-2006

Contribution to Cumulative
Intake Contribution
Food Item % %

Chicken and chicken mixed dishes 9.5 9.5

Grain-based desserts 7.4 16.9
Salad dressing 7.3 24.3
Potato/corn/other chips 6.9 31.2
Nuts/seeds and nut/seed mixed dishes 6.4 37.6
Pizza 5.3 42.9
Yeast breads 4.5 47.4
Pasta and pasta dishes 3.5 54.4
Fried white potatoes 3.5 50.9
Mexican mixed dishes 3.3 57.7
Mayonnaise 3.1 60.8
Quickbreads 3.0 63.8
Eggs and egg mixed dishes 2.9 66.7
Popcorn 2.6 69.2
Sausage, franks, bacon, and ribs 2.1 71.4

Source: Sources of n-6 PUFA Among the U.S. Population, 2005-2006. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods
Branch Website. Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute.
http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/foodsources Updated November 9, 2009. Accessed April 16, 2010.

The first double bond in n-3 (omega-3) PUFA is at the originate from marine phytoplankton and are found in
third carbon from the methyl end. n-3 PUFA are often seafood. Fish species vary considerably in their EPA
subcategorized based on their plant or marine source. and DHA content (Institute of Medicine [IOM] Seafood
ALA is an essential fatty acid from plant sources, such Choices, 2006). The cold water, oily fish (e.g., salmon,
as soybean oil, canola oil, flaxseed, and walnuts. The trout) have the highest levels of EPA and DHA. As
foods that contribute the most ALA to the diets of described below, these long-chain n-3 PUFA have
Americans are listed in Table D3.4. ALA is poorly distinct properties, with evidence that EPA and DHA
converted to long-chain n-3 PUFA, primarily decrease adult CVD risk, and DHA provides benefits
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), so increased intake of for infant neurodevelopment (see Questions 7 and 9).
ALA does not substantially improve levels of DHA. The foods that contribute the most EPA and DHA to the
The long-chain n-3 PUFA, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) diets of Americans are listed in Table D3.5.
and DHA, which are frequently called “marine oils,”

214 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D3.4. Food sources of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) by percent contribution to intake based on National Health
and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2005-2006

Contribution to Cumulative
Intake Contribution
Food Item % %

Salad dressing 10.5 10.5

Grain-based desserts 6.1 16.6
Pizza 5.8 22.4
Chicken and chicken mixed dishes 5.4 27,8
Yeast breads 5.0 33.9
Mayonnaise 4.0 37.9
Pasta and pasta dishes 3.5 41.4
Quickbreads 3.4 44.9
Fried white potatoes 2.8 47.7
Nuts/seeds and nut/seed mixed dishes 2.7 50.4
Mexican mixed dishes 2.7 53.1
Regular cheese 2.6 55.7
Margarine 2.6 58.3
Burgers 2.6 60.8
Eggs and egg mixed dishes 2.2 63.0
Whole milk 2.2 65.2
Dairy desserts 2.2 67.4
Other fish and fish mixed dishes 2.0 69.4

Source: Sources of ALA Among the U.S. Population, 2005-2006. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch
Website. Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute. http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/foodsources
Updated November 9, 2009. Accessed April 16, 2010.

Table D3.5. Food sources of EPA and DHA by percent contribution to intake based on National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey, 2005-2006

Contribution to Cumulative
Intake Contribution
% %
Food Item
Other fish and fish mixed dishes 53.1 53.1
Chicken and chicken mixed dishes 13.8 66.9
Shrimp and shrimp mixed dishes 12.9 79.8
Eggs and egg mixed dishes 5.8 85.6
Tuna and tuna mixed dishes 5.3 91.0

Source: Sources of EPA and DHA Among the U.S. Population, 2005-2006. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods
Branch Website. Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute.
http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/foodsources Updated November 9, 2009. Accessed April 16, 2010.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 215

Trans Fatty Acids—Trans fatty acids are unsaturated difficult to totally eliminate trans fatty acids from the
fatty acids that contain a double bond that is in the trans diet without eliminating dairy products and red meats.
configuration, produced by a process referred to as
hydrogenation. Hydrogenation has been used by food Dietary Cholesterol and Plant Sterols/Stanols—
manufacturers to raise the melting point of PUFA to Cholesterol is a sterol, i.e., a steroid-based alcohol with
make products that are solid at room temperature and a hydrocarbon side-chain. Cholesterol has both
more resistant to spoilage or becoming rancid. Partial hydrophilic properties, due to its hydroxyl end, and
hydrogenation adds hydrogen to PUFA double bonds, hydrophobic properties, due to its hydrocarbon side-
thereby increasing the degree of saturation. However, chain. Therefore, it is commonly found in the lipid
this does not result in 100 percent saturation, and one or bilayer of cell membranes. The major sources of
more of the remaining double bonds are isomerized cholesterol in the American diet are egg yolks, dairy
from a cis to trans configuration. Trans fats produced products, and meats. The foods that contribute the most
this way are referred to as synthetic or industrial trans cholesterol to the diets of Americans are listed in Table
fatty acids (iTFA) and are used in margarines, snack D3.6. Dietary cholesterol, found in cell walls of animal
foods, and prepared desserts. Elaidic acid (t9-C18:1) is tissues, should be differentiated from plant sterols and
the predominant trans fatty acid found in processed fats. stanols that are naturally occurring substances found in
Trans fatty acids also are produced in smaller amounts plants. These compounds compete with dietary and
in the rumen of grazing animals and are termed natural biliary cholesterol for sites on micelles and transport
or ruminant trans fatty acids (rTFA). Industrial and proteins, resulting in reduced cholesterol absorption.
ruminant trans fatty acids vary in the location of the Plant sterols and stanols are absorbed across the
trans double bonds, and whether they differ in epithelial barrier of the intestine but are pumped back
metabolic effects and health outcomes is a matter of into the lumen by ATP-binding cassette transporters.
debate (see Question 6). The presence of rTFA makes it Although plant sterols/stanols are available as dietary
supplements (not discussed here), they likely play a role
in the cholesterol-lowering effect of plant-based diets.

216 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D3.6. Food sources of cholesterol by percent contribution to intake based on National Health and Nutrition
Examination Survey, 2005-2006

Contribution to Cumulative
Intake Contribution
Food Item % %

Eggs and egg mixed dishes 24.6 24.6

Chicken and chicken mixed dishes 12.5 37.1
Beef and beef mixed dishes 6.4 43.6
Burgers 4.6 48.2
Regular cheese 4.2 52.4
Sausage, franks, bacon, and ribs 3.9 56.3
Other fish and fish mixed dishes 3.4 59.7
Grain-based desserts 3.3 63.0
Dairy desserts 3.2 66.3
Pasta and pasta dishes 3.1 69.3
Mexican mixed dishes 2.9 75.1
Pizza 2.9 72.2
Cold cuts 2.7 77.8
Reduced fat milk 2.5 80.3
Pork and pork mixed dishes 2.3 82.6
Shrimp and shrimp mixed dishes 2.0 84.6

Source: Sources of Cholesterol Among the U.S. Population, 2005-2006. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods
Branch Website. Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute.
http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/foodsources Updated November 9, 2009. Accessed April 16, 2010.

Trends in Fat and Cholesterol Intakes in the Guidelines, and the restriction of dietary cholesterol to
American Diet in Relation to Previous U.S. less than 300 milligrams per day appeared in the 1995
Dietary Guidelines Recommendations Guidelines. Recommendations related to total fat
The relationship between dietary saturated fat, trans fat, generally restricted consumption to less than 30 percent
and cholesterol and deleterious health outcomes at the of energy. However, in the 2002 IOM report on
population level has long been recognized, with macronutrient requirements there was the adoption of
recommendations for modification of total fat, SFA, and an Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range
cholesterol dating back to the 1980 Guidelines (Table (AMDR) of fat intake of 20 to 35 percent of calories
D3.7). The recommendation for keeping trans fats as because there were no clear differences in health
low as possible appeared in the 2005 DGA. As outcomes in populations consuming dietary fat within
evidence accumulated, the restriction of SFA to less this range. Thus, the 2005 U.S. Dietary Guidelines
than 10 percent of energy first appeared in the 1990 adopted this range of percent energy from total fat.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 217

Table D3.7. Quantitative advice related to dietary fat, Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 1980-2005

1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

Total Fat Avoid too Avoid too

much much <30% <30% <30% 20-35%1
Saturated Fat Avoid too Avoid too
much much <10% <10% <10% <10%
Cholesterol Avoid too Avoid too
much much Low <300mg <300 mg <300 mg

Note: 130-35% for ages 2-3 years; 25-35% for ages 4-18 years.
Source: Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 1980-2005.

Despite the consistency of advice, a comparison of the an increase in total carbohydrate intake. Given the onset
recommendations to trends in the American diet over of a national epidemic of obesity over this time period,
the same period of time shows no reduction in the it is unlikely that total fat alone was an important
intake of total fat, SFA, or cholesterol. Tables D3.8 and contributory factor.
D3.9 show USDA estimates from large samples of the
U.S. population on consumption of fats and cholesterol, Dietary cholesterol intake has been stable over time,
beginning with the Nationwide Food Consumption reaching and exceeding the Guideline target of less than
Survey in 1977-78 through the most recent National 300 milligrams per day for men. It should be noted that
Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) cholesterol intake of men and women varied greatly,
in 2005-2006. with average male consumption of cholesterol
exceeding recommended levels and virtually unchanged
Sampling methods, data collection methods, dietary at 350 milligrams per day since 2000, in contrast to
survey instruments, and food composition databases can levels of 240 milligrams per day for women over this
vary from one survey to the next (Guenther, 1994). period.
Especially problematic is detecting changes in
macronutrient distributions, that is, the percentages of Table D3.9 shows the percent of calories from fat as
calories that come from carbohydrate, fat, protein, and unchanged since 1990, with mean SFA at 11 to 12
alcohol. Nonetheless, trends in the estimates can be percent energy (above recommended 10%) and
informative about U.S. dietary intakes over time. Table unchanged for the past 15 years. Similarly, levels of
D3.8 shows a modest increase in total fat intake MUFA (12%) and PUFA (7%) have been stable over
reported from the early 1990s, yet there was a decrease this time. Sex-specific data show no major differences
in the percent of energy from fat over the three decades in SFA, MUFA, and PUFA intake between men and
covered in the table. Over this same time period there women (for detailed tables, see
was an increase in total energy intake, driven mostly by http://www.ars.usda.gov/ba/bhnrc/fsrg).

218 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D3.8. Mean intake of fats (grams/day) and cholesterol (mg/day), USDA national surveys of all persons in
U.S., 1977-2006


1977-78 1989-91 1994-96 2001-02 2003-04 2005-06
Dietary (n=~30,000)1 (n=15,128)1 (n=15,968)2 (n= 9,033)3 (n=8,273)3 (n= 8,549)3
Component Mean (SE)4 Mean Mean (SE) Mean (SE) Mean (SE) Mean (SE)

Total Fat (g) 84.6 (0.83) 71.8 74.4 (0.7) 81.0 ( 0.54) 82.7 (0.71) 81.9 (1.35)
SFA (g) NA5 25.7 25.6 (0.3) 26.7 (0.25) 27.7 (0.24) 27.8 (0.49)
PUFA (g) NA 13.8 14.6 (0.2) 16.1 (0.13) 17.2 (0.25) 17.0 (0.31)
MUFA (g) NA 26.7 28.6 (0.3) 30.1 (0.22) 31.0 (0.29) 30.1 (0.48)
(mg) NA 270 256 (3) 273 (2.7) 273 (4.6) 278 (3.3)

Data sources: Published USDA, ARS Reports What We Eat In America-National Health and Nutrition
Examination Surveys (NHANES), Continuing Surveys of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII), and Nationwide
Food Consumption Survey (NFCS), 1 day data. 1Includes all persons from birth.
Includes all persons from birth; excludes breast-fed children.
Includes persons 2 years and over; excludes breast-fed children.
SE= Standard error.
Unpublished data from Food Surveys Research Group, ARS, USDA.
This table is available at: http://www.ars.usda.gov/ba/bhnrc/fsrg.

Table D3.9. Mean intake of fats as percent of energy, USDA national survey of all persons in U.S., 1977-2006


1977-78 1989-91 1994-96 2001-02 2003-04 2005-06
Dietary (n=~30,000)1 (n=15,128)1 (n=15,968)2 (n=9,033)3 (n=8,273)3 (n= 8,549)3
Component Mean (SE)4 Mean Mean (SE) Mean (SE) Mean (SE) Mean (SE)

Total Fat (%) 40.1 (0.16) 34.4 32.8 (0.1) 33 ( 0.3) 33.4 (0.25) 33.6 (0.19)
SFA (%) NA5 12.3 11.3 (0.1) NA 11.2 (0.11) 11.4 (0.09)
PUFA (%) NA 6.6 6.4 (0.01) NA 7.0 (0.09) 7.0 (0.08)
MUFA (%) NA 12.7 12.5 (0.1) NA 12.5 (0.09) 12.3 (0.07)
Energy (kcal) 1854 (12.9) 1839 2002 (16) 2178 (16.1) 2195 (15.6) 2157 (29.0)

Data sources: Published USDA, ARS Reports What We Eat In America-National Health and Nutrition
Examination Surveys (NHANES), Continuing Surveys of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII), and Nationwide
Food Consumption Survey (NFCS), 1 day data. 1Includes all persons from birth.
Includes all persons from birth; excludes breast-fed children.
Includes persons 2 years and over; excludes breast-fed children.
SE= Standard error.
Unpublished data from Food Surveys Research Group, ARS, USDA.
This table is available at: http://www.ars.usda.gov/ba/bhnrc/fsrg.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 219

Recommended Intakes and Health Outcomes cardiovascular disease and T2D, including
Related to Dietary Fat and Cholesterol intermediate markers such as lipid and lipoprotein
In the 2002 report Dietary Reference Intakes for levels and inflammation? And what is the effect of
Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, replacing a high carbohydrate diet with a high
Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids (IOM, 2002), MUFA diet in persons with T2D?
the IOM did not establish either an Adequate Intake 4. What is the effect of dietary intake of n-6 PUFA on
(AI) or Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for risks of cardiovascular disease and T2D, including
total fat intake. Rather, an AMDR of 20 to 35 percent of intermediate markers such as lipid and lipoprotein
energy was established for total fat consumption for levels and inflammation?
adults. Furthermore, the IOM did not set a tolerable
Upper Intake Level (UL) for total fat because available SPECIFIC FATTY ACIDS THAT AFFECT
evidence was insufficient to define a level at which PLASMA LDL, HDL, AND NON-HDL
adverse outcomes, such as obesity, occur. However, for CHOLESTEROL LEVELS
SFA, although there is also no UL, the rationale was
that there is no incremental level of SFA intake that 5. What are the effects of dietary stearic acid on LDL
does not incrementally increase CVD risk. cholesterol?
6. What effect does consuming natural (ruminant)
For dietary cholesterol, because cholesterol can be versus synthetic (industrially hydrogenated) trans
synthesized endogenously in sufficient amounts for fatty acids have on LDL-, HDL- and non HDL
metabolic and structural needs, there is no evidence for cholesterol levels?
a dietary requirement for cholesterol; therefore, there is
there is no UL set for dietary cholesterol. It should be OF n-3 FATTY ACIDS AND HEALTH
noted, however, that both SFA and cholesterol are OUTCOMES
unavoidable in omnivorous diets, and attempts to
reduce intake completely would require significant 7. What is the relationship between consumption of
changes to dietary patterns and introduce undesirable seafood n-3 fatty acids and risk of CVD?
effects, such as inadequate intakes of micronutrients 8. What is the relationship between consumption of
and protein. plant n-3 fatty acids and risk of CVD?
9. What are the effects of maternal dietary intake of n-
Given the state-of-the-art of our current knowledge 3 fatty acids from seafood on breast milk
regarding dietary fat and health, the DGAC 2010 has composition and health outcomes in infants?
addressed the following questions for application to
List of Questions
10. What are the health effects related to consumption
CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE (CVD) AND 11. What are the health effects related to consumption

1. What is the effect of saturated fat intake on Methodology

increased risk of cardiovascular disease or type 2
diabetes (T2D), including effects on intermediate The DGAC 2010 first reviewed the 2005 DGAC Report
markers such as serum lipid and lipoprotein levels? to inform their review process. Several lines of evidence
2. What is the effect of dietary cholesterol intake on indicate that the type of fat is more important in
risk of cardiovascular disease, including effects on decreasing metabolic and CVD risk than the total
intermediate markers such as serum lipid and amount of fat in the diet; therefore, the committee
lipoprotein levels and inflammation? focused their review on the metabolic effect of specific
3. What is the effect of dietary intake of MUFA when types of fats and fatty acids. (Questions related to the
substituted for SFA on increased risk of effect of macronutrient distribution in the diet are found

220 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

in Part D. Section 1: Energy Balance and Weight also strengthen the evidence for these questions, as SFA
Management.) Topics in this section on fatty acids and was replaced by MUFA or PUFA. The conclusion to
cholesterol that were considered by the 2005 DGAC Question 2 on dietary cholesterol is based on literature
include: saturated fat (SFA) (Question 1), cholesterol published since 1999. Results of a NEL search since
(Question 2), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) 2004 for question 7 on seafood are supplemented by the
(Question 3), n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) findings of an earlier evidence review conducted by the
(Question 4), stearic acid (Question 5), trans fatty acids ADA Evidence Analysis Library on health benefits
(Question 6), n-3 fatty acids from seafood (Question 7), related to consumption of fish or fish-derived n-3 fatty
and plants (Question 8). New questions considered by acids, covering the literature published from 2004 to
the 2010 DGAC examined maternal intake of n-3 fatty 2007 (http://www.adaevidencelibrary.com). Question 8
acids from seafood and the effect on breast milk on plant-derived n-3 fatty acids is also based on this
composition and infant health (Question 9) and health earlier systematic review conducted by the ADA that
effects related to consumption of nuts (Question 10) and included health benefits related to consumption of
chocolate (Question 11). plants or plant-derived n-3 fatty acids. The NEL
updated this search from 2007 to 2009 for this question.
Full NEL evidence-based reviews were conducted on The review for Question 10 on nuts was also informed
Questions 1-6, 9, and 11; whereas, a combination of by a previous review conducted by the ADA on
NEL and American Dietetic Association’s (ADA) almonds that covered the literature published from 2001
Evidence Analysis Library reviews were conducted for through 2004 (http://www.adaevidencelibrary.com).
Questions 7, 8, and 10 (described below). A description
of the NEL evidence-based systematic review process is Prior DGACs made recommendations about dietary fat
provided in Part C: Methodology. Additional consumption targeting atherosclerotic CVD as the
information about the search strategy and articles primary disease of concern. The 2010 DGAC continues
considered and included for each question can be found this focus, but considered additional disease outcomes
at www.NutritionEvidenceLibrary.gov. To address and intermediate markers of these outcomes.
several issues about the feasibility and desirability of Atherosclerotic CVD includes coronary heart disease
potential 2010 DGAC recommendations related to (with major clinical presentations as angina pectoris,
cholesterol (Question 2), stearic acid and cholesterol- acute myocardial infarction, or sudden cardiac death),
raising (CR) fatty acids (Question 5 ), and seafood atherothrombotic stroke, and peripheral arterial disease.
(Question 7), the subcommittee conducted several T2D, as affected by dietary fat, is a new consideration
modeling exercises using the USDA food intake for the 2010 DGAC. In contrast to CVD, T2D is clearly
patterns. Summaries of these analyses are presented increasing in prevalence and incidence. T2D is a strong
here, and a description of the approach used is risk factor for atherosclerotic disease, but also carries a
described in Part C: Methodology. The full modeling high burden of disability and healthcare costs, with
analyses reports can be found online at diabetic nephropathy, retinopathy, and neuropathy as
www.dietaryguidelines.gov. major sequelae. Because of this, T2D and T2D risk
were included as disease outcomes related to fatty acid
For Question 1 on SFA effects on CVD risk and and cholesterol consumption.
Questions 3 and 4 on MUFA and n-6 PUFA, the
conclusions expressed in the 2010 DGAC Report are The relationships of fatty acids or cholesterol to various
informed by evidence compiled for the 2005 DGAC cancers were also considered but have very recently
Report, but are based primarily on NEL evidence been reviewed by the World Cancer Research
gathered and reviewed since 2004. As described in the Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research Report
Review of Evidence section, for some questions, the (WCRF/AICR, 2007). The evidence regarding cancer is
search was extended back further to capture a larger less conclusive than that related to CVD and T2D.
body of evidence, particularly related to diabetic-risk Population-wide recommendations, therefore, have been
populations. Conclusions to Question 1 on SFA effects driven by the public health impact of CVD and T2D.
on T2D risk, Question 5 on stearic acid, Question 6 on
trans fatty acids, Question 9 on maternal n-3 fatty acid A series of intermediate markers have been examined
intake, and Question 11 on chocolate are based on because of their strong etiologic association with
literature published since 2000. Although Questions 3 atherosclerotic CVD and T2D, and their use as
and 4 on MUFA and n-6 PUFA did not go back to outcomes in prospective studies and randomized
2000, the results from Question 1 on SFA and T2D risk clinical trials. These measures include blood lipids and
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 221
lipoproteins, glucose intolerance, insulin resistance, years, is more challenging to evaluate because of the
blood pressure, and biomarkers of inflammation. These limited number of studies and the difficulty in tracking
intermediate markers are linked to risk of both CVD and documenting diet in this age group. Pediatric
and T2D, as indicators of altered metabolism. This is guidelines are currently under review by the National
manifested most clearly by metabolic syndrome that is Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI).
clinically characterized by five criteria: blood pressure,
waist circumference, fasting triglyceride levels, HDL Most studies with higher percentages of energy from fat
cholesterol, and fasting blood glucose. Metabolic also include higher levels of SFA both in absolute units
syndrome is considered an intermediate stage in the and in percent of energy. The 2010 DGAC, therefore,
progression to full-blown T2D. has focused on the quality of fats within the 20 to 35
percent AMDR range. Because there are major etiologic
For each of the NEL review questions in this chapter, links between dietary consumption of fats or cholesterol
the following general criteria applied. Study designs and cardiovascular disease, lipids and lipoproteins are
included systematic reviews, meta-analyses, randomized important intermediate markers in the study of dietary
controlled trials, prospective cohort studies, and case- fats and cholesterol. In keeping with the 2010 DGAC’s
control studies. Research was conducted in developed focus on a broader range of intermediary and disease
nations and participants were healthy adults and those at outcomes, the following questions were considered for
elevated risk of chronic disease, including CHD/CVD evidence-based analysis.
and T2D, with related conditions including
hyperlipidemia, insulin resistance, and associated
metabolic disturbances. Study participants with CVD
Question 1: What Is the Effect of Saturated
were included in Questions 7 and 8, and individuals
with T2D were included in Questions 1 to 4. Pregnant
Fat Intake on Increased Risk of
and lactating women and infants were included in the Cardiovascular Disease or Type 2
review of the literature related to maternal intake of Diabetes, Including Effects on
DHA and infant health outcomes. Intermediate Markers Such as Serum Lipid
and Lipoprotein Levels?


OTHER HEALTH OUTCOMES Strong evidence indicates that intake of dietary SFA is
positively associated with intermediate markers and end
The 2005 DGAC addressed the issue of total fat intake point health outcomes for two distinct metabolic
as a determinant of major health outcomes, body pathways: 1) increased serum total and LDL cholesterol
weight, blood lipid concentrations, and other metabolic and increased risk of CVD and 2) increased markers of
parameters, based on the IOM report Dietary Reference insulin resistance and increased risk of T2D.
Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Conversely, decreased SFA intake improves measures
Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids (IOM, of both CVD and T2D risk. The evidence shows that 5
2002). Based on this review, the recommendation was percent energy decrease in SFA, replaced by MUFA or
to avoid very low fat diets (<20% of energy from fat) to PUFA, decreases risk of CVD and T2D in healthy
reduce the risk of inadequate intakes of fat-soluble adults and improves insulin responsiveness in insulin
vitamins and the essential fatty acids, LA and ALA. The resistant and T2D individuals.
2005 DGAC also recommended avoidance of very high
fat diets (>35% of energy from fat), as such diets are Implications
associated with increased caloric intake and related
weight gain. Therefore, total fat intake of 20 to 35 As the evidence indicates that a 5 percent energy
percent of calories was recommended for adults, 25 to decrease in SFA, replaced by MUFA or PUFA, results
35 percent for children ages 4 to 18 years, and 30 to 35 in meaningful reduction of risk of CVD or T2D, and
percent for children ages 2 to 3 years. Since the 2005 given that in the U.S. population 11 to 12 percent of
DGAC Report, there has been little evidence in adults energy from SFA intake has remained unchanged for
to contradict this as a healthy range of total fat as over 15 years, a reduction of this amount resulting in
percent of calories. The issue of children, ages 2 to 18 the goal of less than 7 percent energy from SFA should,
if attained, have a significant public health impact. As
222 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
an interim step toward this less than 7 percent goal, all (Chung, 2004; Kralova, 2008; Lichtenstein, 2005)
individuals should immediately consume less than 10 significantly decreased total and LDL cholesterol.
percent of energy as saturated fats. This impact would Replacement of SFA with carbohydrates decreased
not only be limited to a reduction in heart disease and plasma total and LDL cholesterol. However, compared
stroke, but also in T2D, a disease currently rising in to MUFA or PUFA, carbohydrate decreased HDL
incidence and prevalence. This substitution of MUFA cholesterol and increased serum triglycerides (Berglund,
and PUFA for SFA assumes no change in energy 2007). A study by Lefevre et al. (2005) included two
intake. The age of onset of T2D is substantially younger levels of total fat (30% and 25%) and SFA (9% and
than that of CVD and increasingly frequent in 6%) in the Step I and Step II diets, respectively, and
adolescence. Reduction in SFA in children and young demonstrated a dose-response effect in lowering LDL
adults may provide benefits decades earlier than cholesterol. However, compared to the average
currently appreciated. The growing data to support a American diet, the Step I and Step II diets also
risk of T2D from SFA consumption supports the need decreased HDL cholesterol levels and raised
for fat-modified diets in persons with pre-diabetes, triglyceride levels in the blood. Furthermore, these
including those with metabolic syndrome, and those authors showed that individuals who were insulin
with established diabetes. Early signs of atherosclerotic resistant responded less favorably to the STEP II diet
CVD are also seen in children and a number of studies than did those with normal insulin sensitivity. A study
indicate that the atherosclerotic process begins in by Kralova et al. (2008) examined changes in
childhood and is affected by high blood cholesterol cholesterol efflux to determine whether reduced HDL
levels. Therefore, reduction in SFA in children and cholesterol, on a high PUFA/low SFA diet, had a
young adults may provide benefits decades earlier than negative effect on reverse cholesterol transport. The
currently appreciated relative to both CVD and T2D study showed no change in cholesterol efflux.
One meta-analysis examined effects of SFA reduction
Review of the Evidence on incident coronary heart disease (CHD) outcomes by
estimating the anticipated effects from statistical models
The NEL systematic review of the literature published where SFA is exchanged for equal energy from MUFA,
since 2004 identified 12 studies assessing the PUFA, or carbohydrates (Jakobsen, 2009). These
relationship between SFA intake and CVD risk in authors examined 11 American and European cohort
healthy adults or those at elevated chronic disease risk. studies and found a significant inverse association for
Studies were conducted in the U.S., Europe, and South PUFA (with 5% substitution for SFA) and coronary
America and overall, 10 randomized controlled trials, events (hazard ratio = 0.87, 95% CI, 0.77-0.97, and
one non-randomized trial and an analysis of 11 pooled coronary death hazard ratio = 0.74, 95% CI, 0.61-0.89).
cohorts with meta-analysis were identified. The They also found a positive association between
intervention studies ranged in sample size from 14 to substitution of MUFA or carbohydrates for SFA and
191 participants and the pooled analysis included risk of coronary events, but not risk of coronary deaths.
344,696 participants. Of the 12 studies, eight were To provide further context for the question of SFA
methodologically strong (Azadbakht, 2007; Berglund, replacement with other healthy fats or carbohydrates
2007; Chen, 2009; Furtado, 2008; Jakobsen, 2009; and CVD risk, a review by Hu et al. (2001) was helpful.
Kralova, 2008; Lefevre, 2005; Lichtenstein, 2005), and Figure D3.1 shows the estimated changes in risk of
four were methodologically neutral (Buenacorso, 2007; coronary heart disease associated with isocaloric
Bourque, 2007; Chung, 2004; Dabadie, 2005). Most substitution of SFA (at 5% energy) with healthy fats
methodologically strong studies were feeding trials with such as MUFA or PUFA or carbohydrates, as well as
an “average American” diet at baseline, which involved substitution of trans fatty acids (at 2% energy). In all
a reduction in SFA through replacement with MUFA, cases of isocaloric SFA or trans fatty acid substitution,
PUFA, or, to a lesser extent, carbohydrates. Dietary there is a decrease in CHD risk. However, it should be
SFA replacement (5 to 7% of energy) with either noted that when MUFA or PUFA are substituted by any
MUFA (Berglund, 2007; Lichtenstein, 2005) or PUFA kind of carbohydrates, CHD risk increased.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 223

Figure D3.1. Saturated fatty acid substitution and coronary heart disease risk

Note: Estimated changes (percent with 95% confidence intervals) in risk of coronary heart disease (CHD)
associated with isocaloric dietary substitutions. Adjusted for coronary risk factors and total energy intake.
Sat=SFA, Carbo=carbohydrate, Mono=MUFA, Poly=PUFA, Trans=trans fatty acids, Sat-Carbo=substitute
carbohydrates for SFA.
Source: Hu et al., 2001. J Amer Col Nutr 20:5-19. Used with permission, the American College of Nutrition.

The NEL review of the literature published since 2000 or PUFA replacement. The Hu review concluded that
on the association of dietary SFA and T2D identified 12 higher intake of PUFA (and potentially long-chain n-3
studies conducted in the U.S., Europe, Canada, and PUFA) were beneficial; whereas, higher intakes of SFA
China that examined the effect of dietary SFA on altered and trans fatty acids impaired glucose metabolism and
glucose metabolism, markers of insulin resistance, and increased insulin resistance. Four randomized controlled
T2D risk. Two were methodologically strong review trials showed MUFA-enriched diets improved glucose
articles including one which evaluated 15 trials, nine uptake and insulin sensitivity: Lopez et al. (2008) showed
trials in 358 non-diabetic participants and six trials in 93 that increased dietary MUFA improved insulin sensitivity
participants with T2D (Galgani, 2008), and one and promoted pancreatic beta cell function; Paniagua et
reviewing 14 prospective cohort and five cross-sectional al. (2007) showed a diet high in MUFA improved blood
studies (Hu, 2001). Nine were randomized clinical trials glucose and Homeostatic Model Assessment (HOMA) –
ranging in size from 11 to 522 participants, including six Insulin Resistance (IR) (HOMA-IR) scores over both
methodologically strong studies (Han, 2001; Lindstrom, SFA and carbohydrates in insulin resistant individuals;
2006a, 2006b; Lopez, 2008; Perez-Jimenez, 2001; and Perez-Jinenez et al. (2001) showed a MUFA-enriched
Vesby, 2001) and three methodologically neutral studies diet improved glucose uptake in peripheral tissues and
(Paniagua, 2007; Shah, 2007; and St-Onge, 2003). The insulin sensitivity; and Vesby et al. (2001) showed SFA
one prospective cohort study with 84,204 participants decreased, whereas MUFA did not change, insulin
from the Nurses’ Health Study was methodologically sensitivity. Three studies provided evidence that
strong (Salmeron, 2001). The Galgani review of decreased SFA intake may decrease risk of T2D; two
randomized controlled trials indicated that three studies large randomized controlled trials (Lindstrom, 2006a,
provided evidence that MUFA or PUFA replacement of 2006b) and one prospective cohort study (Salmeron,
SFA improved insulin sensitivity, including one high- 2001). One randomized controlled trial by Shah et al.
powered study that indicated a 10 percent decrease in (2007) showed that insulin responsiveness was improved
insulin sensitivity on high SFA, versus high MUFA, with either MUFA- or PUFA-enriched diets in
diets. However, nine studies showed no effect of MUFA individuals with T2D.

224 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Question 2: What Is the Effect of Dietary to 201 participants were reviewed. Five prospective
Cholesterol Intake on Risk of cohort studies, including four methodologically strong
Cardiovascular Disease, Including Effects studies (Djousse, 2008; Hu, 1999; Qureshi, 2007;
on Intermediate Markers Such as Serum Tanasescu, 2004) and one methodologically neutral
study (Nakamura, 2006) ranging in size from 5,687 to
Lipid and Lipoprotein Levels and
80,082 participants, were reviewed. And one meta-
Inflammation? analysis of 17 studies that was methodologically strong
(Weggemans, 2001), and two systematic reviews, one
Conclusion methodologically strong pooled analysis of 167
cholesterol feeding studies in 3,519 participants
Moderate evidence from epidemiologic studies relates (McNamara, 2000) and one methodologically neutral
dietary cholesterol intake to clinical CVD endpoints. review of eight prospective cohort studies on dietary
Many randomized clinical trials on dietary cholesterol cholesterol and six prospective cohort studies on eggs
use eggs as the dietary source. Independent of other (Kritchevsky and Kritchevsky, 2000) met the eligibility
dietary factors, evidence suggests that consumption of criteria and were reviewed. The majority of these
one egg per day is not associated with risk of CHD or articles reported on comparisons of egg versus egg
stroke in healthy adults, although consumption of more substitute or no egg intake. In studies comparing eggs
than seven eggs per week has been associated with versus egg substitute, one randomized controlled trial
increased risk. An important distinction is that among (Ballesteros, 2004) and one pooled analysis
individuals with T2D, increased dietary cholesterol (McNamara, 2000 ) showed that LDL cholesterol and
intake is associated with CVD risk. HDL cholesterol increased in hyper-responders, but did
not change in hypo-responders; overall, the LDL:HDL
Implications did not change in hypo- or hyper-responders.
Identification of hypo-and hyper-responders showed
Overall, the evidence shows that consumption of dietary inter-individual variation to dietary cholesterol that may
cholesterol in the amount of one egg per day is not result in differing health outcomes for individuals with
harmful and does not result in negative changes in different genetic predispositions.
serum lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Neither does consumption of eggs at this level increase Harman et al. (2008) found that LDL cholesterol
risk of CVD in healthy individuals. Eggs also are a decreased in both egg and egg substitute groups, and
good source of high quality protein and numerous two studies in elderly adults (Greene, 2005; Goodrow,
micronutrients. However, in individuals with T2D, egg 2006) indicated that LDL cholesterol and HDL
consumption (at one egg/day) does have negative cholesterol were not affected by egg intake. Two
effects on serum lipids and lipoprotein cholesterol randomized controlled trials showed an increase in LDL
levels and does increase risk of CVD. Furthermore, diameter in the egg group (Ballesteros, 2004; Greene,
consumption of more than seven eggs per week is not 2005). Two randomized controlled trials in 65 insulin-
recommended for the general public. Overall, limiting sensitive and 75 insulin-resistant individuals determined
dietary cholesterol to less than 300 milligrams per day, that egg consumption was associated with increased
with further reductions of dietary cholesterol to less LDL cholesterol, but only in insulin-sensitive
than 200 milligrams per day for persons with or at high individuals (Knopp, 2003; Tannock, 2005). However,
risk for CVD and T2D, is recommended. Reaven et al. (2001) found that high cholesterol intake
did not increase LDL cholesterol in either insulin-
Review of the Evidence sensitive or insulin-resistant subgroups. All studies that
measured HDL cholesterol found that HDL cholesterol
The NEL systematic review identified 16 studies was increased with egg consumption, and one such
published since 1999 that evaluated the effect of dietary study was in a carbohydrate-restricted diet background
cholesterol intake on CVD risk conducted in the U.S., (Mutungi, 2008). One study assessed markers of
Europe, Mexico, and Japan. Eight randomized inflammation and found increased C-reactive protein
controlled trials, including two methodologically strong and serum amyloid A with high egg consumption, but
studies (Ballesteros, 2004; Knopp, 2003) and six found no difference in circulating cytokines (Tannock,
methodologically neutral studies (Goodrow, 2006; 2005). One meta-analysis of 17 studies indicated that
Greene, 2005; Harman, 2008; Mutungi, 2008; Reaven, high dietary cholesterol intake increased the total:HDL
2001; Tannock, 2005) with sample size ranging from 28

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 225

cholesterol ratio. However, this effect was attenuated in cholesterol was reduced 23 to 31 percent. These
the low SFA subgroup (Weggemans, 2001). modified patterns also showed a 3.5 percent reduction
in protein, a 10 percent reduction in choline, a 2 to 7
In the prospective cohort studies, Djousse et al. (2001) percent reduction in vitamins A and D, a 21 percent
found that egg consumption up to six eggs per week in reduction in EPA (20:5 n-3), and a 3 percent reduction
the Physicians’ Health Study was not associated with in DHA (22:6 n-3). In contrast, vitamin E increased 4 to
risk of all-cause mortality, but consumption of more 25 percent, thiamin increased 13 to 19 percent, LA
than seven eggs per week was associated with a 23 increased 3 to 20 percent, and ALA increased 8 percent.
percent increased risk of death. In the Japan Public The resulting patterns had adequate protein, but
Health Center study, egg consumption was not amounts of choline, and vitamin D (which were below
associated with CHD incidence (Nakamura, 2006). In AI levels set by the IOM in the patterns containing 300
NHANES I, no relationship was established between mg/dl per day) were even less adequate in the patterns
egg consumption (>6 eggs/wk) and risk of stroke or containing less than 200 milligrams of cholesterol per
ischemic stroke, and risk of myocardial infarction and day. The health implications of a lower choline diet are
all-cause mortality was not different between egg and not well defined.
non-egg consumption groups (Qureshi, 2007). A
combined analysis of the Health Professionals Follow- Diets with less than 200 milligrams per day of
up Study (HPFS) and the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS), cholesterol can be constructed for those for whom such
found no significant association between egg a diet has a positive benefit-to-cost ratio. This diet can
consumption and risk of CHD or stroke in men or be achieved by reducing eggs, meat, chicken, and solid
women (Hu, 1999). A review of epidemiological studies fats (including fats in milk products), and replacing
(Kritchevsky and Kritchevsky, 2000) showed there was them with unsalted nuts, soy products, and oils.
no association between consumption of one egg per day
and risk of CVD, but only in non-diabetic men and
women. Furthermore, three methodologically strong Question 3: What Is the Effect of Dietary
prospective cohort studies warned that egg consumption Intake of MUFA When Substituted for SFA
was associated with increased CVD risk in individuals on Increased Risk of Cardiovascular
with T2D (Djousse, 2001; Hu, 1999; Tanasescu, 2004) Disease and Type 2 Diabetes, Including
and this warrants further investigation.
Intermediate Markers Such as Lipid and
Dietary Cholesterol Modeling Lipoprotein Levels and Inflammation? And
What Is the Effect of Replacing a High
The USDA Food Patterns were designated to meet Carbohydrate Diet With a High MUFA Diet
adequacy and reduction goals, and the 2005 DGAC in Persons with Type 2 Diabetes?
recommended cholesterol intakes of less than 300
milligrams per day for persons not at risk for CVD. A Conclusion
food pattern modeling analysis was carried out to
identify nutrient amounts that would change and the Strong evidence indicates that dietary MUFA are
nutrient goals that would be met or not met for the associated with improved blood lipids related to both
patterns at each calorie level when dietary cholesterol is CVD and T2D, when MUFA is a replacement for
limited to less than 200 milligrams per day. (See the dietary SFA. The evidence shows that 5 percent energy
Cholesterol report, online Appendix E3.8, available at replacement of SFA with MUFA decreases intermediate
www.dietaryguidelines.gov). To meet the lower criteria markers and the risk of CVD and T2D in healthy adults
of less than 200 milligrams of cholesterol per day, all and improves insulin responsiveness in insulin resistant
patterns were modified as follows. Eggs were limited to and T2D individuals. Moderate evidence indicates that
less than two per week. The amounts of meat and increased MUFA intake, rather than high carbohydrate
chicken were decreased by about 20 percent, and nuts intake, may be beneficial for persons with T2D. High
and soy products were substituted to maintain the same MUFA intake, when replacing a high carbohydrate
total amount from the meat and bean group in each intake, results in improved biomarkers of glucose
pattern. The amounts of solid fats, which include fats in tolerance and diabetic control.
milk products as well as meats and poultry, were capped
at 10 grams per day, and oils were substituted
isocalorically. With these modifications, dietary
226 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Implications (Clifton, 2004). Replacing SFA with MUFA, compared
to replacement with carbohydrates, decreased serum
At the current level of 11 to 12 percent of energy from triglycerides (Appel, 2005) and increased HDL
SFA, healthy American adults would benefit cholesterol (Appel, 2005; Berglund, 2007). Lastly, a
substantially by replacing 5 percent of that total energy prospective cohort study involving a T2D
with MUFA (e.g., 12 percent SFA reduced to 7 percent subpopulation within the Nurses’ Health Study found
SFA, 12 percent MUFA increased to 17 percent that replacing 5 percent energy from SFA with
MUFA). Beneficial outcomes would include reduced equivalent energy from MUFA was associated with a 27
rates of CVD and T2D as well as improved lipids and percent lower risk of CVD. The authors conclude that
lipoproteins, inflammatory markers, and measures in replacing SFA with MUFA may be more protective
insulin resistance. Persons with a predisposition to T2D against CVD than replacement with carbohydrate
or established T2D may especially benefit from a high (Tanasescu, 2004).
MUFA diet, both as a substitute for SFA and as a
substitute for carbohydrates. Given the high prevalence Comparing substitution of SFA with MUFA versus
of T2D and the metabolic syndrome in the U.S., such PUFA showed a greater decrease in total and LDL
benefits would have a large public health impact. cholesterol with PUFA substitution (Binkoski, 2005).
Furthermore, a pooled analysis of 11 prospective cohort
Review of the Evidence studies showed that risk of coronary events and
coronary death was lowest with 5 percent energy
Thirteen studies published since 2004 and conducted in substitution of SFA with PUFA; PUFA substitution
the U.S., Europe, and Australia were reviewed to resulted in the greatest decrease, with MUFA showing
determine the effect of MUFA on health outcomes. somewhat less, and carbohydrate showing the least
These included one methodologically strong meta- improvement when substituted for SFA (Jakobsen,
analysis evaluating 11 prospective cohort studies 2009). In a comparison of individual fatty acids, oleic
(Jakobsen, 2009) and 11 randomized controlled trials acid was no different than stearic or linoleic acid in its
ranging from 14 to 162 participants, including six effect on measures of serum lipids or lipoproteins and
methodologically strong studies (Appel, 2005; markers of inflammation (Thijssen and Mensink, 2005;
Berglund, 2007; Due, 2008; Lopez, 2008; Thijssen and Thijssen, 2005).
Mensink, 2005; and Thijssen, 2005), and five
methodologically neutral studies (Allman-Farinelli, To determine the effects of replacing a high
2005; Binkoski, 2005; Clifton, 2004; Paniagua, 2007; carbohydrate diet with a high MUFA diet in persons
and Rasmussen, 2006). The reviewed studies also with T2D, five randomized controlled trials published
included one methodologically strong prospective since 2004 were reviewed. These randomized controlled
cohort study of 5,672 participants from the Nurses’ trials were conducted in the U.S. and Europe and
Health Study who reported a diagnosis of T2D ranged in size from 11 to 95 participants. Two studies
(Tanasescu, 2004). Overall, MUFA replacing SFA in were methodologically strong (Brehm, 2009; Gerhard,
the diet as percent of energy leads to a decrease in LDL 2004) and three were methodologically neutral
cholesterol (Allman-Farinelli, 2005; Appel, 2005; (Brunerova, 2007; Rodriguez-Villar, 2004; and Shah,
Berglund, 2007), a decrease in serum triglycerides 2005). In persons with T2D, a high MUFA diet
(Allman-Farinelli, 2005), a decrease in markers of compared to high carbohydrate diet decreased blood
inflammation (Allman-Farinelli, 2005), and a decrease LDL cholesterol and triglycerides (Rodriguez-Villar,
in CVD risk (Appel, 2005; Rasmussen, 2006). 2004), increased HDL cholesterol (Brunerova, 2007),
Increasing MUFA intake, rather than replacing SFA and decreased fasting blood glucose and HbA1c
with MUFA, also leads to a decrease in total cholesterol (Brunerova, 2007). On the other hand, when high
(Haban, 2004), LDL cholesterol (Haban, 2004), MUFA and carbohydrate diets were also low calorie or
LDL:HDL ratio (Due, 2008), serum triglycerides weight loss diets, the results were more difficult to
(Brunerova, 2007), inflammatory markers (Brunerova, interpret. Brehm et al. (2008) found no significant
2007), and fasting insulin and HOMA-IR scores differences in fasting glucose, insulin, hemoglobin A1c,
(Brunerova, 2007; Due, 2008). However, Clifton et al. or HDL cholesterol between the MUFA and
(2004) found a greater decrease in total cholesterol and carbohydrate groups. Both groups improved compared
HDL cholesterol in women who consumed a very low- to baseline due to decreased caloric intake (200-300
fat diet, compared with a high MUFA diet, and no kcal/d). Gerhard et al. (2004) did not find any
difference in the LDL:HDL ratio between the two diets significant difference in blood lipids or glycemic control
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 227
in a comparison of high MUFA versus high Europe, and Australia. These included one
carbohydrate diets in T2D individuals; however, in this methodologically strong pooled analysis of 11
case, the two diet interventions were not isocaloric and prospective cohort studies (Jakobsen, 2009); five
the MUFA diet was a higher calorie diet. Shah et al. randomized controlled trials, including two
(2005) measured the effects of high MUFA versus methodologically strong studies (Thijssen and Mensink,
carbohydrate on blood pressure in persons with T2D 2005; and Thijssen, 2005) and three methodologically
and found that long-term consumption of a high- neutral studies (Liou, 2007; St-Onge, 2007; and Zhao,
carbohydrate diet may modestly raise blood pressure in 2004) ranging in size from 23 to 45 participants; and
persons with T2D. four prospective cohort studies ranging in size from
1,551 to 78,778 participants. Of these cohort studies,
three were methodologically strong (Laaksonen, 2005;
Question 4: What Is the Effect of Dietary Mozaffarian, 2005; and Oh, 2005) and one was
Intake of n-6 PUFA on Risks of methodologically neutral (Hodge, 2007). Randomized
Cardiovascular Disease and Type 2 controlled trials that investigated the effects on serum
Diabetes, Including Intermediate Markers lipid and lipoprotein levels of replacing SFA with
PUFA showed that PUFA improved serum lipid
Such as Lipid and Lipoprotein Levels and
profiles (St. Onge, 2007; Zhao, 2004). Zhao et al.
Inflammation? (2004) found that high LA or high ALA diets compared
to the average American diet decreased serum total
Conclusion cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides
similarly. St-Onge et al. (2007) reported that replacing
Strong and consistent evidence indicates that dietary snacks high in SFA or trans fats with snacks high in
PUFA are associated with improved blood lipids related PUFA reduced LDL cholesterol concentrations, total
to CVD, in particular when PUFA is a replacement for cholesterol, and triglycerides. However, varying LA,
dietary SFA or trans fatty acids. Evidence shows that with SFA held constant, showed that high or low LA
energy replacement of SFA with PUFA decreases total did not influence total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, or
cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, as well HDL cholesterol levels (Liou, 2007). Comparing
as numerous markers of inflammation. PUFA intake individual fatty acids, diets providing 7 percent of
significantly decreases risk of CVD and has also been energy from linoleic acid, stearic acid, or oleic acid
shown to decrease risk of T2D. showed no significant differences in serum LDL or
HDL cholesterol (Thijssen and Mensink, 2005).
Studies that examined markers of inflammation or
All recommendations assume an isocaloric replacement measures of oxidative stress showed PUFA improved
of SFA or trans fatty acids with PUFA. In this setting, inflammatory marker levels. Zhao et al. (2004) reported
both CVD and, potentially, T2D may be reduced with that while both high ALA and LA diets decreased C-
PUFA replacement. The mechanisms of CVD reactive protein, the finding was significant only for
reduction, including improvement in serum lipid levels ALA. Additionally, while both high-PUFA diets
and reduced markers of inflammation, may have similarly decreased intercellular cell adhesion molecule-
additional health benefits. PUFA consumption in the 1 (ICAM-1) versus the average American diet, the ALA
U.S. is lower than that of SFA or MUFA, although the diet decreased vascular cell adhesion molecule-1
only essential fatty acids are PUFA, so a reduction of (VCAM-1) and E-selectin more than the LA diet. The
SFA from 12 percent to 7 percent of energy through an comparison of high versus low LA, with SFA constant,
increase in PUFA alone would increase PUFA from 7 showed no difference in C-reactive protein, interleukin-
percent to 12 percent of energy. This, or replacing SFA 6, or platelet aggregation (Liou, 2007). Comparison of
with some combination of PUFA and MUFA, should linoleic acid, stearic acid, or oleic acid showed that, in
yield significant public health benefits. men, platelet aggregation time was favorably prolonged
with consumption of LA versus stearic acid, but was not
Review of the Evidence different compared to oleic acid (Thijssen, 2005).

Ten studies published since 2004 were reviewed to Four prospective cohort studies showed that higher
determine the effect of PUFA on health outcomes. PUFA intake was associated with lower risk of CHD
These studies were conducted in the U.S., Canada, and total mortality (Hodge, 2007; Laaksonen, 2005;
228 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Mozaffarian, 2005; Oh, 2005). A pooled analysis of 11 Question 5: What Are the Effects of Dietary
prospective cohort studies showed that risk of coronary Stearic Acid on LDL Cholesterol?
events and coronary death was lowest with 5 percent
energy substitution of SFA with PUFA>MUFA>
carbohydrate (Jakobsen, 2009).
Moderate evidence from a systematic review indicates
The NEL review for this question included a
that when stearic acid is substituted for other SFA or
prospective study with nested case-cohort analyses on
trans fatty acids, plasma LDL cholesterol levels are
the effects of a dietary PUFA on T2D risk. The authors
decreased; when substituted for carbohydrates, LDL
reported an inverse association between dietary LA and
cholesterol levels are unchanged; and when substituted
T2D, compared to a positive association for stearic acid
for MUFA or PUFA, LDL cholesterol levels are
and total saturated fatty acids (Hodge, 2007). In
increased. Therefore, the impact of stearic acid
addition, the review for this question is supplemented
replacement of other energy sources is variable
by evidence from question 1 on SFA and T2D risk that
regarding LDL cholesterol, and the potential impact of
reviewed the literature from 2000. This, and the fact
changes in stearic acid intake on cardiovascular disease
that blood lipids are intermediate markers of risk for
risk remains unclear.
both CVD and T2D, further supports the association
between PUFA intake and decreased T2D risk.

Since stearic acid is not known to raise LDL

SPECIFIC FATTY ACIDS THAT AFFECT cholesterol, the DGAC is recommending that stearic
PLASMA LDL, HDL, AND NON-HDL acid not be categorized with known “cholesterol-raising
CHOLESTEROL LEVELS fats,” which include C12, C14, C16 SFA and trans fatty
acids. Foods that are high in stearic acid, such as dark
More than 50 years of research has defined the impact chocolate and shea nut oil, need not be considered as
of fatty acids on cholesterol metabolism, yet stearic acid problematic as foods high in other SFA or trans fatty
is still categorized as a SFA and trans fatty acids are acids. In addition, setting the recommended percent of
categorized as PUFA, based on their respective energy from these cholesterol-raising fats to a less than
chemical properties. However, as more evidence 5 to 7 percent will help to maintain blood cholesterol at
becomes available showing that stearic acid has desirable concentrations.
different metabolic effects than other SFA and does not
raise blood cholesterol, and that elaidic acid and other Review of the Evidence
trans fatty acids do raise blood cholesterol similar to
SFA, a better classification of fatty acids with Background
deleterious health effects would be “cholesterol-raising Stearic acid consumption in the U.S. varies
FA.” This category would consist of SFA with carbon considerably between men (mean 8.8 g/d) and women
chain lengths from C12-C16 (i.e., excluding stearic acid (mean 5.9 g/d), with modest increases between 1994
and smaller SFA) and trans fatty acids. The 2010 and 2006 (USDA/ARS, 1997-2008). The foods that
DGAC reviewed recent evidence on the effects of these contribute the most stearic acid to the diets of
particular fatty acids on blood cholesterol and Americans are listed in Table D3.10.
lipoprotein levels.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 229

Table D3.10. Top food sources of stearic acid among U.S. population, 2005-2006 NHANES

Contribution to Cumulative
Intake Contribution
Food Item % %

Grain-based desserts 8.3 8.3

Regular cheese 6.1 14.4
Sausage, franks, bacon, and ribs 6.0 20.4
Chicken and chicken mixed dishes 5.7 26.1
Pizza 5.7 31.8
Burgers 5.1 36.9
Beef and beef mixed dishes 4.8 41.7
Mexican mixed dishes 4.4 46.1
Dairy desserts 4.3 50.4
Candy 4.2 54.5
Pasta and pasta dishes 3.3 57.8
Fried white potatoes 3.2 61.1
Eggs and egg mixed dishes 3.2 64.2
Reduced fat milk 3.0 67.2
Whole milk 2.6 69.9
Yeast breads 2.5 72.3
Cold cuts 2.2 74.5
Butter 2.2 76.7

Source: Sources of Saturated Fat, Stearic Acid, and Cholesterol Raising Fat Among the U.S. Population, 2005-
2006. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch Website. Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute.
http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/foodsources Updated November 9, 2009. Accessed April 16, 2010.

Evidence Summary controlled trials were grouped according to comparisons

A NEL review of the evidence since 2000 resulted in one with (1) high SFA (palmitic acid, myristic acid, or
systematic review with univariate and multivariate butterfat) (Aro, 1997; Becker, 1999; Bonanome and
regression analysis of all selected studies. This review Grundy, 1988; Denke and Grundy, 1991; Dougherty,
examined the effect of stearic acid on blood LDL 1995; Judd, 2002; Kelly, 2001, 2002; Kris-Etherton,
cholesterol when substituted for SFA, MUFA, PUFA, 1993; Nestel, 1998; Snook, 1999l; Sundram, 2007;
carbohydrate, or trans fatty acids (Hunter, 2010). Schwab, 1996; Tholstrup, 1994, 1995); (2) high
Although this systematic review provided broad carbohydrate (Nestel, 1998; Judd, 2002; Kris-Etherton,
qualitative and quantitative analysis, it was scored as 1994); (3) high unsaturated fat (oleic acid or linoleic
methodologically neutral based on one limitation: the acid) (Bonanome and Grundy, 1988; Denke and Grundy,
selected studies included in the review were not 1991; Dougherty, 1995; Hunter, 2000; Zock and Katan,
individually graded. However, this review provided the 1992; Mensink, 1992; Kris-Etherton, 1993; Judd, 2002;
most updated evidence and covered all aspects of stearic Thijssen and Mensink, 2005; Berry, 2007; Louheranta,
acid replacements and risk/benefit outcomes related to 1998); and (4) baseline (or habitual) diet (Snook, 1999;
LDL cholesterol and CVD risk. Overall, this review Schwab, 1996; Kelly, 2001, 2002). Four studies assessed
covered three epidemiologic studies that examined stearic the effect of substituting stearic acid for trans fatty acids
acid specifically, and 20 randomized controlled trials that in the diet (Aro, 1997; Judd, 2002; Sundram, 2007; Zock
examined high stearic acid intake as a replacement of and Katan, 1992).
other dietary fats or carbohydrate. The randomized
230 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Overall, the results showed that in comparison with SFA, acids were defined as total SFA minus stearic acid. Trans
stearic acid lowered LDL cholesterol, was neutral with fatty acids are not available in the USDA food
respect to HDL cholesterol, and lowered the ratio of total composition databases because levels in foods have been
to HDL cholesterol. In comparison with unsaturated fatty rapidly changing, however, they are captured in the solid
acids, MUFA and PUFA, stearic acid tended to raise fat values.
LDL cholesterol, lower HDL cholesterol, and increase
the ratio of total to HDL cholesterol. Univariate Changes in the base food patterns needed to bring
regression analysis of the data substituting stearic acid for cholesterol-raising fats to less than 7 percent and less than
cholesterol-raising SFA indicated that the LDL 5 percent of calories were identified, and the impact on
cholesterol concentration decreases as dietary stearic acid food selections and other nutritional goals was assessed.
increases. The univariate regression coefficient for this In the base patterns, stearic acid constitutes 2.2 to 2.6
relation was -0.036 (p=0.034). The regression coefficient percent of calories, and cholesterol-raising fatty acids
suggests that for each 1 percent of energy increase in provide 6.0 to 6.8 percent of calories, so no changes were
stearic acid, when substituted for cholesterol-raising SFA, needed to achieve the goal of less than 7 percent. If all
the LDL-cholesterol concentration could decrease by solid fats were removed and isocalorically replaced with
0.036 millimoles (mmol)/L. When multivariate oils, total SFA would be decreased to 7.0 to 7.5 percent
regression analysis was done (with adjustments for both of calories and cholesterol-raising fatty acids would be
between-study, and within-study variation), the decreased to 5.0 to 5.5 percent of calories.
multivariate regression coefficient for this relation was
0.043 (p<0.001), suggesting that for each 1 percent
energy increase in cholesterol-raising SFA, when Question 6: What Effect Does Consuming
substituted for stearic acid, the LDL cholesterol Natural (Ruminant) Versus Synthetic
concentration would increase by 0.043 mmol/L.
(Industrially Hydrogenated) Trans Fatty
A one-to-one substitution of stearic acid for trans fatty
Acids Have on LDL-, HDL- and Non HDL
acids showed a decrease or no effect on LDL cholesterol, Cholesterol Levels?
an increase or no effect on HDL cholesterol, and a
decrease in the ratio of total to HDL cholesterol. Conclusion
Replacing industrial trans fatty acids with stearic acid
could increase stearic acid intake from 3 percent to 4 to 5 Limited evidence is available to support a substantial
percent of energy in the U.S. population. biological difference in the detrimental effects of
industrial trans fatty acids (iTFA) and ruminant trans
Although not part of the formal NEL review, the 2002 fatty acids (rTFA) on health when rTFA is consumed at
IOM report is consistent with Hunter et al. (2010). The 7 to 10 times the normal level of consumption.
IOM report emphasized that stearic acid has been shown
to have a neutral effect on LDL cholesterol levels Implications
(Bonanome and Grundy, 1988; Denke, 1994; Hegsted,
1965; Keys, 1965, Yu, 1995; Zock and Katan, 1992), in The level of daily intake of rTFA is quite small with the
comparison to palmitic, lauric, and myristic acids that U.S. adult population’s average daily intake
increase LDL cholesterol levels (Mensink, 1994). Stearic approximating 1.2 grams (1.5 g for men and 0.9 g for
acid was indicated to be similar to oleic acid in its effects women). 2 This represents less than 0.5 percent of total
(Kris-Etherton, 1993). daily energy intake. This is a relatively minor exposure
in the diet regardless of its metabolic effect.
Cholesterol-raising Fatty Acids Modeling

Food pattern modeling analyses were carried out to

answer the question, “What would the impact be on food Estimated by the Food and Drug Administration in: Food
choices and overall nutrient adequacy if the cholesterol- Labeling; Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling; Final
raising fatty acids were limited to (a) less than 7 percent Rule and Proposed Rule. Vol. 68, No. 133, p. 41470, July
11, 2003,
of total calories and (b) less than 5 percent of total
calories?” (see the Reducing Cholesterol-Raising Fatty rientContentClaims/ucm110179.htm from CSFII food intake
Acids report, online Appendix E3.9, available at data reported in Smicklas-Wright, 2002.
www.dietaryguidelines.gov). Cholesterol-raising fatty
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 231
The very limited data available provide insufficient Belanger et al. (2008) evaluated four isocaloric
evidence to suggest rTFA and iTFA be considered experimental diets in 38 normolipidemic men: (1) high
differently in their metabolic effects. Total trans fatty acid rTFA (10.2 g/2500 kcal); (2) moderate rTFA (4.2 g/2500
intake should be considered the target for dietary change. kcal); (3) high iTFA (10.2 g/2500 kcal); (4) low TFA
Total elimination of rTFA would require elimination of red from any source (control) (2.2 g/2500 kcal). The
meat and dairy products from the diet. Although total investigators found plasma LDL cholesterol was
elimination of iTFA may be desirable, the elimination of significantly higher after the high iTFA diet as compared
rTFA would have wider implications for dietary adequacy to the moderate rTFA diet, and after the high rTFA diet
and is not recommended. It is best to avoid iTFA while compared to moderate rTFA or control diets. Plasma
leaving small amounts of rTFA in the diet. Overall, trans HDL cholesterol concentrations were significantly lower
fatty acid levels in the U.S. food supply have decreased after the high rTFA diet compared to the moderate rTFA
dramatically following mandatory trans fatty acids labeling diet. These results indicate that moderate rTFA intake has
regulations, which went into effect in 2006. Continued neutral effects on plasma lipids related to CVD risk.
reductions in iTFA are to be encouraged.
One methodologically neutral review (Jakobsen, 2008)
Review of the Evidence evaluated results from three prospective cohort studies
and one case-control study which assessed the effect of
Based on the 2002 IOM review covering 20 controlled consumption of rTFA on CHD outcomes and reported no
trials and 11 epidemiologic studies, as well as the statistically significant association. A prospective cohort
National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Adult study included in the Jakobsen review (Oomen, 2001)
Treatment Panel Review (NCEP 2002) and seven assessed the association between trans fatty acid intake
additional publications, the 2005 DGAC concluded that and CHD in 667 Dutch men between the ages of 64 and
the relationship between trans fatty acid intake and LDL 84 years with no history of CHD. These investigators
cholesterol is positive and HDL cholesterol is inverse, found a non-significant association between rTFA or
increasing the risk of CHD. The 2005 DGAC’s iTFA and risk of CHD. Relative risks of CHD for an
recommendation was that trans fatty acids consumption increase of 0.5 percent energy from rTFA and iTFA were
should be kept as low as possible, defined as less than 1 1.17 (95% CI 0.69-1.98) and 1.05 (95% CI 0.99-1.15),
percent of energy. An obstacle to removing trans fatty respectively.
acids altogether has been its dual source in the food
supply. The great majority comes from hydrogenation of The risk of CVD associated with trans fatty acids is due,
unsaturated fats industrially, but about 1 to 2 percent is in part, to trans fatty acid effects on LDL and HDL
found naturally in the gastrointestinal tracts of ruminant cholesterol, inflammatory processes, as well as
animals, ending up in meats and dairy products. The interference with fat metabolism. In countries like
2010 DGAC therefore considered the question of Denmark, dramatic declines in CVD of about 60 percent
whether rTFA, which are structurally different from have been attributed to diverse factors including progress
iTFA, have different effects from iTFA on serum lipid made in lowering the intake of trans fatty acids from
and lipoprotein levels. commercial sources (Leth, 2006; Stender, 2008),
following the passage of legislation limiting their use.
A NEL review of the evidence from 2000 found two Although simultaneous advances in the prevention and
methodologically strong randomized controlled cross- treatment of CVD have played a role, the importance of
over trials (Motard-Belanger, 2008; Chardigny, 2008) eliminating iTFA cannot be overlooked. Mozaffarian et
and one methodologically neutral review (Jakobsen, al. (2006) estimated that reducing commercial trans fatty
2006) that compared the effects of iTFA and rTFA on acid intake from 2.1 percent of energy to 1.1 percent or
plasma lipid concentrations and CVD risk. Chardigny et 0.1 percent of energy could have prevented 72,000 or
al. (2008) compared experimental diets containing 11 to 228,000 CVD deaths per year, respectively. The FDA
12 grams per day (about 5% of daily energy) of rTFA suggested that removal of trans fatty acids in just 3
and iTFA in 40 healthy normolipidemic individuals in percent of breads and cakes and 15 percent of cookies
France and found no difference in effect in men and that and crackers would save up to $59 billion in health care
trans fatty acids from natural sources significantly costs in the next 20 years.
increased HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in
women. This level of intake of rTFA is far above current Accordingly, a number of U.S. companies are taking
U.S. rTFA consumption, which is small compared to innovative steps to reduce trans fatty acids in their food
iTFA consumption (IOM Report, 2002). Motard- products (Table D3.11).
232 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Table D3.11. Mean trans fatty acid levels in certain foods from Food Label and Package Surveys (FLAPS) 2006–
2007 and mean trans fatty acid levels of comparable food products

Food 2004a 2006-2007a

Number of samples n = 10 n = 11
Mean TFA levels g/100 g (SE)b 2.85 (1.03) 0.98 (0.47)
Number of samples n=5 n=5
Mean TFA levels g/100 g (SE) 4.40 (0.25) 5.41 (0.70)d
Margarines and Spreads
Number of samples n=7 n=9
Mean TFA levels g/100 g (SE) 12.24 (1.06) 4.37 (2.36)c
Number of samples n = 12 n = 14
Mean TFA levels g/100 g (SE) 4.5 (0.62) 1.9 (0.84)
Number of samples n = 11 n = 17
Mean TFA levels g/100 g (SE) 5.20 (0.51) 0.71 (0.39)c
Potato Chips
Number of samples n=8 n = 10
Mean TFA levels g/100 g (SE) 0.45 (0.45) 0.0 (0) NSe
Tortilla Chips
Number of samples n=8 n=9
Mean TFA levels g/100 g (SE) 1.76 (0.6) 0.0 (0)c
Frozen Potato Products
Number of samples n=6 n=7
Mean TFA levels g/100 g (SE) 1.97 (0.48) 0.74 (0.24)c
Cereal and Granola
Number of samples n=8 n=9
Mean TFA levels g/100 g (SE) 1.70 (0.8) 0.0 (0)c
Number of samples n=6 n=7
Mean TFA levels g/100 g (SE) 0.76 (0.39) 0.22 (0.22)f
Trans fat levels for 2004 are from Satchithanandam et al. 2004a, and were analyzed from food products. The
levels from FLAPS are values from food labels.
SE = Standard error.
Significant decrease at p< 0.05.
Significant increase at p< 0.05.
NS = Not significant.
Mean is NS, but median is significant decrease at p< 0.05.
Source: Mossoba et al. (2009). J. of AOAC International, 92 (5), 1284-1300. Used with permission, AOAC

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 233

RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN Review of the Evidence
HEALTH OUTCOMES The 2010 DGAC conducted a full NEL search of the
literature from 2004 to evaluate the association of
seafood consumption and CVD risk. Results of this
This question had been reviewed extensively by several
review were supplemented by an earlier evidence
expert panels and the 2005 DGAC. As n-3 PUFA are
review of the literature from 2004 to 2007 conducted by
derived from two sources, plant and marine, the 2010
the ADA on health benefits related to consumption of
DGAC examined both sources for benefits impacting
fish or fish-derived n-3 fatty acids in individuals
primary and secondary prevention of CVD. Although
without or with CVD. Taken together, the NEL and
most expert panels have focused on n-3 supplements,
ADA evidence reviews identified 25 studies published
this review examined the consumption of n-3 PUFA in
since 2004 assessing the health benefits of seafood
whole foods (dietary supplement interventions were
consumption in persons without CVD. These included
excluded) in individuals with and without CVD. In
six systematic reviews/meta-analyses, including four
addition to the potential beneficial effects of n-3 PUFA
methodologically strong reviews with meta-analyses of
on CVD risk in adults, significant findings have
randomized controlled trials and prospective cohort
emerged on the benefits of maternal long-chain n-3
studies (He, 2004; Konig, 2005; Mozaffarian 2008;
PUFA intake during pregnancy and lactation related to
Mozaffarian and Rimm, 2007), one methodologically
improved neurodevelopment in the infant and child.
strong systematic review of 14 randomized controlled
trials, 25 prospective cohort studies, and seven case-
control studies (Wang, 2006) and one methodologically
Question 7: What Is the Relationship neutral meta-analysis of 14 cohort and five case-control
Between Consumption of Seafood n-3 studies (Whelton, 2004). These also included four
Fatty Acids and Risk of CVD? randomized controlled trials ranging in size from 33 to
48 participants conducted in the U.S. and Finland,
Conclusion including two methodologically strong study (Lara,
2007; Seierstad, 2005) and two methodologically
Moderate evidence shows that consumption of two neutral studies (Lindqvist, 2009; Lankinen, 2009).
servings of seafood per week (4 oz per serving), which Lastly, this included 15 prospective cohort studies
provide an average of 250 milligrams per day of long- conducted in the U.S., Europe, Japan, and China,
chain n-3 fatty acids, is associated with reduced cardiac ranging in size from 300 to 57,972 participants,
mortality from CHD or sudden death in persons with including eight methodologically strong (Brouwer,
and without CVD. 2006; Frost and Vestergaard, 2005; Iso, 2006; Järvinen,
2006; Mozaffarian, 2004, 2005; Virtanen, 2008, 2009)
Implications and seven methodologically neutral studies (Albert,
2002; Folsom and Demissie, 2005; Levitan, 2009;
An increase in seafood intake to two servings per week Pangiotakos, 2007; Streppel, 2008; Turunen, 2008;
at 4 ounces per serving, is advised for high-risk (those Yamagishi, 2008).
with CVD) and average-risk persons, especially as the
first presentation of CVD (myocardial infarction, Three of the systematic reviews assessed both fish and
stroke) is frequently fatal or disabling. The quantity and long-chain n-3 FAs (Mozaffarian 2008; Mozaffarian
frequency of seafood consumption is important, but the and Rimm, 2007; Wang, 2006) and three meta-analyses
type of seafood (those providing at least 250 mg of covered only fish (Konig, 2005; Whelton, 2004; He,
long-chain n-3 fatty acids per day) also is critical. 2004). The systematic reviews and meta-analyses were
Increased consumption of seafood will require efficient consistent in showing that fatty fish consumption at
and ecologically friendly strategies be developed to about two servings per week (about 250 mg
allow for greater consumption of seafood that is high in EPA+DHA/d) decreases risk of CVD events. Intakes
EPA and DHA, and low in environmental pollutants above this level appeared to result in no significant
such as methyl mercury (see Part D.8: Food Safety and additional decreases in risk of CVD events, as shown in
Technology for a detailed discussion of the risks and Figure D3.2a and D3.2b.
benefits of seafood consumption).

234 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

The randomized controlled trial evidence showed an pressure (Lara, 2006 ), and intake of salmon with
inverse protective association between fish intake and different levels of EPA + DHA showed the high EPA +
intermediate markers of CVD risk and CVD health DHA salmon improved serum lipids and markers of
outcomes. The interventions were fish-specific and inflammation (Seierstad, 2005); and one study
included the following: one study that showed herring comparing fatty versus lean fish showed that fatty fish
significantly increased serum HDL levels (Lindqvist, consumption improved serum lipid profiles and markers
2009); two studies on salmon that showed salmon of insulin resistance and inflammation (Lankinen,
versus no fish intake improved serum lipids and blood 2006).

Figure D3.2a. Relationship between intake of fish or fish oil and relative risks of CHD death in prospective cohort
studies and randomized clinical trials

Note: Absolute coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality rates vary more than 100-fold across different populations
(due to differences in age, prior CHD, and other risk factors), but the relative effects of intake of fish or fish oil are
consistent, whether for primary or secondary prevention, for cohort studies or randomized trials, or for comparing
populations at higher or lower absolute risk. Compared with little or no fish intake, modest consumption (~250-500
mg/d eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA] plus docosahexaenoic acid [DHA]) is associated with lower risk of CHD death,
while at higher levels of intake, rates of CHD death are already low and are not substantially further reduced by
greater intake.
Source: Mozaffarian and Rimm, JAMA 2006;296:1885-1899. Used with permission, American Medical
Association, Chicago, IL.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 235

Figure D3.2b. Relative risk of coronary heart disease death by dose of EPA+DHA

Note: The relationship between intake of fish or fish oil and relative risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) death in
a pooled analysis of the prospective studies and randomized trials show that fatty fish consumption at about two
servings per week (about 250 mg EPA+DHA/d) decreases risk of CVD events. Intakes above this level appeared to
result in no significant additional decreases in risk CVD events.
Source: Mozaffarian and Rimm, JAMA 2006;296:1885-1899. Used with permission, American Medical
Association, Chicago, IL.

Evidence from prospective cohort studies was incidence of T2D (Kaushik, 2009). This is the only
substantial and focused on primary CVD prevention in observational evidence regarding risk of T2D, but the
healthy adults. Ten prospective cohort studies examined randomized controlled trial on fatty vs. lean fish by
the association between fatty fish and CVD outcomes Lankinen et al. (2009) examined markers of insulin
and found a positive association between seafood and resistance and can be added to the evidence regarding
seafood-derived n-3 fatty acid consumption and T2D.
decreased CVD incidence/risk (Levitan, 2009;
Virtanen, 2008; Yamagishi, 2008; Streppel, 2008; The 2005 DGA indicated there was sufficient evidence
Turunen, 2008; Järvinen, 2006; Iso, 2006; Mozaffarian, to suggest that n-3 PUFA consumption provided
2005; Lemaitre, 2003; Albert, 2002). Three prospective protection for persons with existing CVD. For the
cohort studies examined fish and fish-derived fatty acid current 2010 review, conclusions related to persons
consumption and atrial fibrillation and found either no with CVD relied on the ADA evidence-based review
association between fish n-3 fatty acid intake and referred to above, as a NEL search did not yield
reduced risk of atrial fibrillation (Brouwer, 2006; Frost additional studies that met the inclusion criteria. Four
and Vestergaard, 2005) or a inverse association between studies were reviewed by the ADA that addressed the
consumption of tuna or other broiled or baked fish (but relationship between consumption of fish-derived n-3
not fried fish) and incidence of atrial fibrillation fatty acids and risk of CVD events in persons with
(Mozaffarian, 2004). Virtanen et al. (2009) reported n-3 CVD. One was a methodologically strong meta-analysis
fatty acids (especially DHA) to be effective in reducing covering 11 randomized controlled trials (Bucher,
atrial fibrillation in men. One prospective cohort study 2002) and three studies were methodologically strong
examined the association between fatty fish intake and prospective cohort studies conducted in the U.S. with
intermediate markers of CVD risk and found moderate cohort size ranging from 228 to 415 participants
intake of fatty fish was inversely associated with serum (Erkkila, 2003, 2004, 2006). All of these articles
lipids and blood pressure (Panagiotakos, 2007). One provided evidence of the protective effects of
prospective cohort study assessed fish n-3 FA intake on consuming long-chain n-3 fatty acids on risk of CVD
CVD and CHD mortality and found no independent events in persons with known CVD. Erkkila et al.
association with CHD or stroke mortality (Folsom and (2003) found blood levels of ALA, EPA and DHA were
Demissie, 2005). One prospective cohort study found a associated with a reduction in risk of all-cause
positive association between fish intake and increased mortality, but associations with combined fatal and non-

236 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

fatal CVD events specifically were not significant, long-chain n-3 fatty acids from fish (compared to
suggesting a totally different mechanism. Erkkila et al. control) and found long-chain n-3 fatty acids decreased
(2004) and Erkkila et al. (2006) found fish-derived n-3 the relative risk of myocardial infarction, sudden death,
fatty acids exerted protective effects against progression and overall mortality in persons with coronary artery
of coronary artery arteriosclerosis. Women who ate two disease.
or more servings of fish per week had significantly
fewer new lesions, and women with plasma DHA levels Figure D3.3 shows examples of seafood and their
above the median exhibited less atherosclerosis respective content of EPA and DHA and methyl
progression than those below the median. A meta- mercury (see Part D.8: Food Safety and Technology for
analysis that included two diet intervention trials a detailed discussion of the risks and benefits of seafood
(Bucher, 2002) assessed the effect of a diet high in consumption.)

Figure D3.3. Estimated EPA/DHA content and methyl mercury content of 3 oz. portions of seafood

* = cooked, dry heat.

** = cooked, moist heat.
*** = EPA and DHA content in Pacific salmon is a composite of chum, coho, and sockeye.
Source: Institute of Medicine (IOM). Seafood Choices, 2006. Used with permission, National Academies Press,
Washington, DC.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 237

Seafood Modeling risk, but new evidence is insufficient to warrant greater
intake beyond this level. Limited but supportive
The implications for nutrient adequacy of increasing evidence suggests that higher intake of n-3 fatty acids
seafood in the USDA Food Patterns was studied by from plant sources may reduce mortality among persons
modeling three scenarios of differing levels of seafood with existing CVD.
consumption, using the reference 2000 calorie per day
food intake pattern: Implications

• Scenario 1: 4 ounces per week of seafood high in n- Evidence is currently insufficient to make a formal
3 fatty acids. guideline to increase n-3 intake from plant sources
• Scenario 2: 8 ounces per week of seafood, including without additional evidence from randomized clinical
seafood both low and high in n-3 fatty acids in trials and prospective observational studies among
proportions to those currently consumed by participants with a broad range of n-3 intake. As
Americans. relatively little ALA converts to EPA and DHA,
• Scenario 3: 12 ounces per week of seafood low in n- evidence is lacking that plant-derived n-3 fatty acids
3 fatty acids. alone will provide the same cardioprotective effects as
EPA and DHA consumed at the recommended level
One goal of this modeling analysis was to quantify discussed above. This increases the need for efficient
seafood consumption recommendations for the general and ecologically friendly strategies to allow for greater
public—something not done previously because of a lack consumption of seafood n-3 fatty acids, unless plant-
of strong evidence on the role of seafood consumption in derived sources of EPA or DHA can be developed.
population health. The three scenarios were modeled to
determine the amounts of foods to include in the Meat Review of the Evidence
and Beans group so as to meet nutrient recommendations
without altering the calorie level of the patterns. (See the The NEL conducted an evidence review to determine the
Seafoods report, online Appendix E3.10, available at relationship between consuming plant-derived n-3 PUFA
www.dietarygsuidelines.gov). The analysis showed that and the risk of CVD events. This review relied upon an
the amounts of seafood in the base USDA Food Patterns evidence-based review conducted by the ADA on the
could be increased to 8 ounces per week without any relationship between n-3 fatty acids and CVD, covering
negative impact on nutrient adequacy. The total amounts the literature from 2004 to 2007 (ADA, 2008). Overall,
of EPA and DHA for the three seafood scenarios five studies were reviewed by ADA that addressed this
modeled were 292 milligrams per day for 4 ounces of question. These included two methodologically strong
high n-3 seafood (Scenario 1); 253 milligrams per day for case control studies (Lemaitre, 2003, Rastogi, 2004), and
8 ounces of the current mixture of low and high n-3 three prospective cohort studies (two were
seafood (Scenario 2); and 201 milligrams per day for 12 methodologically strong [Albert, 2005; Mozaffarian,
ounces of low n-3 seafood (Scenario 3). This analysis did 2005] and one was methodologically neutral [Folsom and
not incorporate the methyl mercury content of fish Demissie, 2005]). In addition, the NEL reviewed three
included in the patterns; however, the amounts of methyl studies since 2008, including one methodologically
mercury found in the seafood varieties used in the strong case-control study conducted in the U.S.
patterns are zero to minimal (see Part D.8: Food Safety (Lemaitre, 2009), one methodologically strong
and Technology for a detailed discussion of the risks and prospective cohort study covering 2,682 men in Finland
benefits of seafood consumption.) (Virtanen, 2009), and one methodologically strong
systematic review of 14 randomized controlled trials, 25
prospective cohort studies, and seven case-control studies
Question 8: What Is the Relationship (Wang, 2006).
Between Consumption of Plant n-3 Fatty
Lemaitre et al. (2009) reported that an increase in red
Acids and Risk of CVD?
blood cell membrane ALA corresponding to 1 standard
deviation was associated with 32 percent higher risk of
sudden cardiac arrest (odds ratio = 1.32, 95% confidence
interval: 1.07 - 1.63) after adjusting for confounding
ALA intake of 0.6 to 1.2 percent of total calories will
variables. Virtanen et al. (2009) found that red blood cell
meet current recommendations and may lower CVD
membrane ALA and intermediate chain n-3 PUFA did
238 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
not have any association with atrial fibrillation. Wang et with regard to exposure of the fetus and infant to heavy
al. (2006) conclude from their systematic review that metals during the most sensitive period of
increased intake of n-3 fatty acids from fish or fish-oil neurodevelopment. The current evidence, however,
supplements, but not of ALA, reduces the rates of all- favors consumption of fish for pregnant and lactating
cause mortality, cardiac and sudden death. women, particularly in the context of women making
educated choices to consume seafood that is high in n-3
Two studies of persons with CVD were part of the 2008 fatty acids and low in environmental pollutants. The
ADA review. One methodologically neutral randomized benefits of fish consumption are maximized with fatty
controlled trial (Baylin, 2003) and one methodologically fish high in EPA and DHA but low in methyl mercury.
neutral case control study (De Lorgeril, 1999) found a These conclusions are consistent with those found in the
diet high in plant-derived n-3 fatty acids protective discussion of seafood benefits and risks in Part D.8:
against recurrence of myocardial infarction. Both studies Food Safety and Technology. The previously described
used biomarkers. Baylin et al. (2003) found an inverse modeling analysis of seafood identified scenarios of
relationship between adipose tissue ALA and risk of type and quantity of fish that provide 250 milligrams
nonfatal acute myocardial infarction. The greatest per day of EPA + DHA.
protection was found in those individuals who also had
low total trans fatty acids in adipose tissue. Study Review of the Evidence
participants in the top quintiles of adipose tissue ALA
(0.72% of fatty acids) had a lower risk of myocardial Since the 2005 DGAC Report, a number of
infarction than those in the lowest quintile (0.35% of fatty organizations have rendered expert opinions on the
acids). The difference in adipose tissue ALA corresponds subject of n-3 PUFA supplements during pregnancy and
to approximately 0.3 gram per day of dietary intake. De lactation, including a Cochrane Database Systematic
Lorgeril et al. (1999) found a decreased rate of cardiac Review (Makrides, 2009), ADA Evidence Analysis
death and nonfatal myocardial infarction in those Library review (Kaiser, 2008), and the European Union
following a Mediterranean diet versus a Western diet Perinatal Lipid Intake Working Group assessment
(1.24 vs. 4.07 per hundred patients per year). The (Koletzko, 2007). The 2010 DGAC reviewed these
experimental group had a significantly lower intake of reports as well as a background paper by Brenna and
total lipids and SFA, and increased intake of oleic acid, Lapillonne (2009), which provided context on the
LA and ALA. The plasma concentration of ALA and effects of supplemental long-chain n-3 PUFA during
DHA tended to be inversely associated with recurrence of pregnancy and lactation. This background paper
myocardial infarction. covered 23 randomized controlled trials on
supplemental DHA at physiological and pharmacologic
levels, and highlighted the benefits of maternal DHA
Question 9: What Are the Effects of consumption on infant/child intelligence scores, among
Maternal Dietary Intake of n-3 Fatty Acids other positive outcomes.
From Seafood on Breast Milk Composition
and Health Outcomes in Infants? For the purposes of this review, the DGAC excluded
studies with long chain n-3 PUFA given in
“supplement” form (e.g., fish oil, cod liver oil, fish oil
Conclusion capsules). This removed most randomized clinical trials
during pregnancy and lactation from consideration.
Moderate evidence indicates that increased maternal Also not included were breast feeding versus infant
dietary intake of long chain n-3 PUFA, in particular formula feeding studies (before DHA addition), and
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), from at least two studies of pre-term versus full-term infants.
servings of seafood per week during pregnancy and
lactation is associated with increased DHA levels in Overall, nine articles were reviewed since 2000 to
breast milk and improved infant health outcomes, such determine the effect of n-3 fatty acids on breast milk
as visual acuity and cognitive development. composition and infant health outcomes. There were
seven methodologically strong prospective cohort
Implications studies conducted in the U.S., Europe, and Canada in
healthy women with low-risk pregnancies, healthy
There has been controversy and concern over the mother/infant pairs, or healthy children up to 8 years in
consumption of fish during pregnancy and lactation cohort sizes ranging from 211 to 50,276 participants
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 239
(Drouillet, 2009; Hibbeln, 2007; Innis, 2001; Oken, One prospective cohort study showed that low maternal
2005, 2008a, 2008b; Olsen, 2006). In addition, the fish intake was associated with increased risk of
evidence included one methodologically strong children being in the lowest quartile for verbal
randomized controlled trial of 350 mother/infant pairs intelligence quotient (IQ), and increased risk of
in the U.S. (Colombo, 2004) and one methodologically suboptimal outcomes for fine motor skills and
strong meta-analysis of 65 international studies communication/social development scores (Hibbeln,
(Brenna, 2007). 2007). Hibbeln et al. (2007) estimated incidence of
suboptimal verbal IQ in children eight years of age as a
The prospective cohort studies focused on maternal function of maternal seafood consumption during
DHA consumption during pregnancy and, overall, the pregnancy in 11,875 women. The study was conducted
evidence for benefits from maternal DHA consumption in British women and analysis controlled for 28
during pregnancy was strong. Because randomized potentially confounding variables, such as birth weight,
controlled trials with DHA supplements were excluded, alcohol use during pregnancy, and smoking. Children of
there were fewer studies on maternal DHA intake mothers reporting the highest seafood consumption,
during lactation. However, one study examined both estimated using a food frequency questionnaire and
pregnancy and duration of breastfeeding with improved estimated n-3 intake, were significantly less likely to
infant cognitive outcomes (Oken, 2008b) and another score in the lowest quartile for verbal IQ compared to
measured breastfeeding with associated DHA women who reported no seafood consumption during
biomarkers in infants with improved cognitive pregnancy (Figure D3.4).
outcomes (Innis, 2001).

Figure D3.4. Effect on children’s verbal IQ of maternal seafood consumption during pregnancy


low verbal IQ, WISC-III UK , 8y
Percentage of children with







0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.5

Estimated omega-3 fatty acids from seafood (en %)

Note: Prevalence of children with low verbal IQ according to mothers’ consumption of n-3 fatty acids from
seafood. Estimated maternal consumption of long chain n-3 fatty acids is expressed as proportion of total calories
(en %). Maternal seafood consumption was grouped into six categories: mothers with no reported consumption
plus five equal groups of the remaining population. Means and 95% CI for proportion of children in the lowest
quartile for verbal IQ.
Source: Hibbeln et al., 2007 Lancet. Feb 17;369(9561):578-85. Used with permission from Elsevier, publisher of
The Lancet, Oxford, UK.

240 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Two reports from Project VIVA on maternal seafood CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH EFFECTS
intake and infant cognition showed that higher fish RELATED TO CONSUMPTION OF
consumption in pregnancy was associated with better SPECIFIC FOODS HIGH IN FATTY ACIDS
infant cognition, but if the fish consumed resulted in
higher mercury levels, this was associated with lower
Specific whole foods high in fat content were examined
cognition. The visual recognition memory scores were
for effects on cardiovascular health. The two foods
highest among infants of women who consumed more
selected for inclusion are nuts and chocolate. The health
than two weekly fish servings, but had mercury levels
effects of consuming other high-fat, high-calorie foods,
less than 1.2 parts per million (ppm) (Oken, 2005). No
such as full-fat dairy products and meats are discussed
benefit was associated with fish consumption of less
in other chapters (see, for example, Part D.2. Nutrient
than two servings per week (Oken, 2008a).
The effect of maternal fish consumption during
pregnancy and duration of infant breastfeeding on child
developmental milestones in participants of the Danish Question 10: What Are the Health Effects
National Birth Cohort showed that higher maternal fish Related to Consumption of Nuts?
intake and greater duration of breastfeeding were
associated with higher child developmental scores at Conclusion
ages 6 and 18 months (Oken, 2008b). Related to
maternal fish consumption and biomarkers during There is moderate evidence that consumption of
lactation, increased red blood cell unsalted peanuts and tree nuts, specifically walnuts,
phosphatidylethanolamine DHA in infants was almonds, and pistachios, in the context of a nutritionally
associated with improved visual acuity and speech adequate diet and when total calorie intake is held
perception (Innis, 2001). constant, has a favorable impact on cardiovascular
disease risk factors, particularly serum lipid levels.
Maternal fish consumption was also associated with
improved perinatal outcomes. A prospective cohort Implications
study in Denmark showed that mean gestation length
was shorter and odds of preterm delivery were increased Most nut consumption is in the form of peanuts, though
in subjects who never consumed fish, compared with tree nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios) are
those who consumed fish at least once per week (Olsen, frequently used in cooking and as snack foods. Peanuts
2006). A study of the EDEN mother-child cohort in are also an important source of plant protein. Many nuts
France showed that high fish intake during pregnancy (e.g., peanuts, almonds, cashews) are sold with added
was not associated with increased fetal growth, but in a salt as snack foods; thus, the recommendations for
sub-population of overweight women, high fish intake consumption are limited to unsalted nuts as a means to
was associated with increased fetal growth and head reduce sodium intake. It also is important to note that
circumference (Drouillet, 2009). nuts should be consumed in small portions, as they are
high in calories and can contribute to weight gain.
One randomized controlled trial using high DHA eggs
(133 mg DHA/d) fed during pregnancy showed infants Review of the Evidence
with improved measures of visual habituation and
attention span, compared to mothers on low DHA eggs Background
(Colombo, 2004). Nuts are a commonly consumed food in the U.S., and
certain varieties, such as peanuts, walnuts, almonds,
One meta-analysis of 65 international studies measured pecans, and pistachios, are often used in cooking and as
distribution of DHA and arachidonic acid (AA) snack foods (Table D3.12). Peanuts and other nuts also
concentrations in breast milk. Brenna et al. (2007) are an important source of plant protein (Table D3.13).
found that in mothers worldwide, DHA concentrations See Part D. Section 4: Protein for additional
were lower and more variable than AA concentrations information on the contribution of plant sources of
in breast milk. The highest DHA concentrations were protein to the diet.
found in coastal populations and associated with
seafood consumption. Overall, compared to AA, breast In recent years, investigators have examined the
milk DHA content was more sensitive to dietary intake. potential cardiovascular benefits associated with certain
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 241
foods high in fat. Nuts are a primary example of these frequently consumed in the U.S., the 2010 DGAC
foods. Because nuts, especially peanuts, are so decided to review the evidence on this issue.

Table D3.12. Estimated mean daily intakes of tree nuts and peanuts1 by adults 20 years and over, U.S. 2005-2006

Mean2 Intake Mean2 Energy

Gender of Nuts from Nuts Mean Energy from Nuts
Groups Sample Size (grams) (kcal) (%)

Men 2163 9.7±0.87 57±5.2 2.2

Women 2357 5.6±0.51 34±3.1 1.9
All adults 4520 7.5±0.46 45±2.7 2.1
Includes tree nuts and peanuts eaten out of hand, either alone or in nuts mixtures containing dried fruits and/or
seeds, and peanut butter eaten alone or in sandwiches. Nuts in baked products, such as muffins and cakes, and nuts
in candies are not included.
Mean±standard error.
Source: USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Food Surveys Research Group.2010. Tree nuts and peanuts.
Available at http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/Publications/DietaryGuidelines. Accessed May 5, 2010.

Table D3.13. Nutrient composition of nuts per 1.5 ounces (43 g)

Energy Total Saturated Monounsaturated Polyunsaturated Protein

Type (kcal) Fat (g) Fatty Acids (g) Fatty Acids (g) Fatty Acids (g) (g)

Almonds 254 22.5 1.7 14.3 5.4 9.4

Brazil nuts 279 28.2 6.4 10.4 8.8 6.1
Cashews 244 19.7 3.9 11.6 3.3 6.5
Hazelnuts 275 26.5 1.9 19.8 3.6 6.4
Macadamias 305 32.4 5.1 25.2 0.6 3.3
Peanuts 249 21.1 2.9 10.5 6.7 10.1
Pecans 302 31.6 2.7 18.7 8.7 4.0
Pistachios 243 19.6 2.4 10.3 5.9 9.1
English 278 27.7 2.6 3.8 20.1 6.5
Source: USDA, Agricultural Research Service, USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory. 2009. USDA National Nutrient
Database for Standard Reference, Release 22. Available at: http://www.ars.usda.gov/ba/bhnrc/ndl.

Evidence Summary controlled trials conducted in the U.S. ranging from 15

The NEL reviewed the literature from 2000 and was to 1,224 participants (four methodologically strong
informed by studies from a previous systematic review (Sabate, 2005; Salas-Salvado, 2008a, 2008b; Wien,
on almonds conducted by the ADA’s Evidence 2003) and six methodologically neutral (Gebauer, 2008;
Analysis Library. Overall, 17 studies were identified Griel, 2008; Kurlandsky and Stote, 2006; Olmedilla-
since 2000. These studies included four Alonso, 2008; Rajaram, 2009; Sheridan, 2007 ); and
methodologically strong prospective cohort studies three methodologically strong reviews covering
conducted in the U.S. and Europe ranging in cohort size international randomized controlled trials (Banel and
from 6,309 to 51,118 participants (Bes-Rastrollo, 2007, Hu, 2009; Mukuddem-Petersen, 2005; Phung, 2009).
2009; Djousse, 2009; Li, 2009); 10 randomized These 17 studies were further subdivided based on
242 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
studies of nuts in general (including peanuts) and week of nuts or peanut butter was significantly
studies of specific types of nuts in particular and are associated with lower total, LDL, non-HDL cholesterol
listed below. Overall, this review provided evidence and apoB-100 concentrations, as well as a lower risk of
that consumption of nuts collectively and walnuts, CVD (Li, 2009), and one showed that a Mediterranean
almonds, and pistachio nuts individually, in the context diet high in nuts resulted in the most significant
of a healthy diet and when calorie intake is constant, has improvement in inflammatory markers related to
a favorable impact on CVD risk factors, particularly endothelial function (Salas-Salvado, 2008). Two
serum lipid levels. The evidence was strongest for prospective cohort studies indicated that nut
walnuts. Insufficient evidence was available to address consumption (≥ 2 servings/week) was associated with
the health effects of macadamia nuts or cashews. decreased incidence of weight gain and obesity (Bes-
Rastrollo, 2007, 2009). Djousse and colleagues found
Six studies on nuts in general, including peanuts, were an inverse relationship between nut consumption and
reviewed to determine their health benefits. Overall, the hypertension in lean participants, but not in overweight
studies indicated beneficial effects of nut consumption or obese participants in the Physicians’ Health Study
on intermediate markers and CVD risk. These studies (Djousse, 2009).
included one systematic review with meta-analysis
(Mukuddem-Petersen, 2005) covering 13 randomized For additional context regarding nuts in general, two
controlled trials that showed decreased total and LDL meta-analyses demonstrated consistent and dose-
cholesterol in study participants consuming nuts responsive changes in coronary disease risk with
compared to participants consuming control diets. In increasing doses of nuts per month for four prospective
two prospective cohort studies in high risk populations, studies (Kris-Etherton, 2008; Sabate, 2009) (Figure
one found that consumption of at least five servings per D3.5).

Figure D3.5. Frequency of nut consumption and coronary heart disease risk reduction in a dose-response manner

Note: Results are from four epidemiologic studies.

Source: Sabaté J, Ang Y. Am J Clin Nutr 2009;89:1643S-1648S. Used with permission, American Society for

Evidence analysis was also conducted on specific types improved total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and the
of nuts including almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, LDL:HDL cholesterol ratio (Banal and Hu, 2009;
and pistachios. Overall, studies showed that almond Rajaram, 2009; Olmedilla-Alonso, 2008). Olmedilla-
consumption improved total cholesterol (Phung, 2009; Alonso et al. (2008) found that meat products with
Wein, 2003), decreased LDL cholesterol and the walnuts decreased body weight. However, one
LDL:HDL cholesterol ratio (Wein, 2003), or was randomized crossover trial found that a walnut
neutral regarding LDL and LDL:HDL cholesterol ratio supplemented diet (12% energy from walnuts) provided
(Phung, 2009; Kurlandsky and Stote, 2006). Regarding more calories per day and increased body weight and
walnuts, studies showed that walnut consumption BMI (Sabate, 2005). Energy-adjusted results were not

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 243

significant, indicating that care must be taken to methodologically strong systematic reviews of
accommodate the caloric content of nuts in the diet. international randomized controlled trials and
Lastly, studies focused on macadamia nuts (Griel, 2008) prospective cohort studies (Desch, 2010; Ding, 2006;
or pistachios (Sheridan, 2007; Gebauer, 2008) showed Hooper, 2008) were identified. Eight randomized
that both decreased total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, controlled trials conducted in the U.S., Europe,
and the LDL:HDL cholesterol ratio. Australia, and Japan, covering from 25 to 297
participants, that were methodologically strong (Allen,
2008) and methodologically neutral (Baba, 2007;
Question 11: What Are the Health Effects Crews, 2008; Davidson, 2008; Farouque, 2006;
Related to Consumption of Chocolate? Kurlandsky and Stote, 2006; Monagas, 2009; Tuabert,
2007) were identified. And one methodologically strong
prospective cohort study of 876 males in the
Netherlands (Buijsse, 2006) and one methodologically
neutral population-based case-control study conducted
Moderate evidence suggests that modest consumption
in Sweden (Janszky, 2009) were included to address
of dark chocolate or cocoa is associated with health
this question.
benefits in the form of reduced CVD risk. Potential
health benefits need to be balanced with caloric intake.
The systematic review and meta-analysis by Desch et al.
(2010) covered 10 randomized controlled trials and
showed that high-flavanol chocolate or cocoa
significantly lowered systolic and diastolic BP (Desch,
Chocolate as currently consumed is a small component
2010). Hooper et al. (2008) included six randomized
of the total diet, and benefits or risks will likely be
controlled trials in their meta-analysis and showed that
minimal. Potential health effects need to be balanced
dark chocolate or cocoa improved flow mediated
with caloric intake, as chocolate is a calorie dense
dilation both acutely and chronically. Ding et al. (2006)
product. The predominant fat in chocolate is stearic
included 21 randomized controlled trials and 11
acid, which has been shown to not raise blood
prospective cohort studies and both flavonoids and
cholesterol. Different formulations of chocolate vary in
stearic acid were examined for association with
their content of dairy fat, with darker chocolate
intermediate markers and CVD outcomes. Overall, the
containing less dairy fat. Beneficial effects of chocolate
randomized controlled trials suggested that cocoa and
have been attributed to polyphenolic compounds, in
chocolate have beneficial effects on blood pressure,
particular flavonoids. Many plant-based foods contain
inflammatory markers, anti-platelet function, serum
polyphenolic compounds and chocolate is a minor
HDL, and LDL oxidation. The prospective cohort
source. Formulations of chocolate are known to have
studies showed that flavonoids in chocolate were
different polyphenolic profiles, and, if this is the
positively associated with decreased risk of CHD and
mechanism of chocolate’s beneficial actions, different
myocardial infarction mortality. Overall, the evidence
forms of chocolate may confer different benefits.
from these systematic reviews and meta-analyses was
strengthened by the consistency of findings across
Review of the Evidence
The current evidence regarding chocolate and health
The randomized controlled trials in this evidence
outcomes primarily focuses on flavonoids as bioactive
analysis were focused on flavonoids and intermediate
constituents of chocolate and their relation to CVD risk.
markers of CVD risk. Studies showed that dark
Flavonoids are a subgroup of polyphenols and within
chocolate or cocoa consumption decreased serum total
the flavonoid chemical hierarchy the flavan-3-ols
cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, increased HDL
(flavanols) are particularly high in dark chocolate and
cholesterol, delayed LDL oxidation (Baba, 2007),
cocoa. The flavan-3-ols in dark chocolate and cocoa are
decreased serum triglycerides, and improved
primarily catechins, epicatechins (monomers), and
inflammation markers (Kurlandsky and Stote, 2006).
procyanidins (polymers).
However, one study found no effect of dark chocolate
consumption on serum cholesterol levels (Kurlandsky
A NEL search of the literature since 2000 identified a
and Stote, 2006). Regarding BP, dark chocolate or
total of 13 studies that addressed the question on health
cocoa consumption decreased systolic blood pressure
effects of chocolate consumption. Three
(Allen, 2008; Tuabert, 2007), diastolic blood pressure
244 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
(Davidson, 2008), and decreased prevalence of evidence indicates beneficial health effects associated
hypertension (Tuabert, 2007). However, one with:
randomized controlled trial found no effect of dark
chocolate or cocoa consumption on blood pressure 1. Limiting saturated fatty acid intake to less than 7
(Crews, 2008). A more detailed analysis of percent of calories, replacing these calories with
inflammation markers showed that cocoa consumption those from mono- or polyunsaturated fatty acids,
decreased monocyte expression of numerous cell rather than carbohydrates. As an interim step
adhesion molecules (Monagas, 2009). Additionally, toward this less than 7 percent goal, all individuals
high-flavonol cocoa (versus low flavonol cocoa) should immediately consume less than 10 percent
increased flow-mediated dilation, both acutely and of energy as saturated fats.
chronically, and reduced insulin resistance (Davidson, 2. Limiting dietary cholesterol to less than 300
2008). High-flavonol cocoa was also tested in milligrams per day with further reductions of
individuals with coronary artery disease and did not dietary cholesterol to less than 200 milligrams per
improve any markers of arterial blood flow or day in persons with or at high risk for CVD or T2D.
inflammation (Farouque, 2006). 3. Avoiding trans fatty acids from industrial sources
in the American diet, leaving small amounts of
The evidence regarding chocolate and CVD health trans fatty acids from natural (ruminant) sources.
outcomes contains relatively few epidemiologic studies. 4. Redefining cholesterol-raising fats as saturated fats
Overall, this evidence included populations in the U.S., (exclusive of stearic acid) and trans fatty acids, with
Europe, Japan, and Australia, participating in both a recommended daily intake of less than 5 percent
primary prevention and, to a lesser extent, secondary of energy.
prevention studies. Sample sizes ranged from relatively 5. Consuming two servings of seafood per week (4 oz
small randomized controlled trials to 470 participants in cooked, edible seafood per serving), which provide
the Zutphen Elderly Study (Buijsse, 2006) and 1,169 an average of 250 milligrams per day of n-3 fatty
participants in the Stockholm Heart Epidemiology acids from marine sources.
Program (SHEEP) (Janszky, 2009). 6. Ensuring maternal dietary intake of long-chain n-3
fatty acids, in particular DHA, during pregnancy
A prospective cohort study in the Netherlands examined and lactation through two or more servings of
cocoa intake and found it inversely associated with seafood per week, with emphasis on types of
blood pressure and CVD mortality in male participants seafood high in n-3 fatty acids and with low methyl
from the Zutphen Elderly Study (Buijsse, 2006). A mercury content.
population-based case-control study assessed the effects
of chocolate consumption in patients with established
CHD in the SHEEP study where people who had had Needs for Future Research
myocardial infarctions were followed for 8 years. In this
study, chocolate consumption had a significant inverse Saturated Fatty Acids
association with cardiac mortality (Janszky, 2009).
1. Determine the benefits and risks of MUFA versus
PUFA as an isocaloric substitute for SFA (see
Chapter Summary below). Confirm the metabolic pathways through
which dietary SFA affect serum lipids, especially as
Dietary fatty acids and cholesterol are major some SFA (e.g., stearic acid) do not appear to affect
determinants of two major causes of morbidity and blood lipid levels.
mortality in Americans, namely CVD and T2D. The
health impacts of dietary fats and cholesterol are Rationale: The growing data to support a risk of
mediated through levels of serum lipids, lipoproteins, T2D from SFA consumption indicates the need for
and other intermediary factors. The consumption of fat-modified diets in persons with pre-diabetes,
harmful types and amounts of fatty acids and including those with metabolic syndrome, and with
cholesterol has not changed appreciably since 1990. In established diabetes. Since the ages of onset of T2D
order to reduce the population’s burden from CVD and now include childhood, studies from adolescence
T2D, and their risk factors, the preponderance of the through middle age would be useful to define when
SFA-reduced diets would be most effective.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 245

2. Conduct feeding studies using cholesterol from PUFA consumption in healthy and at-risk
sources other than eggs and funded by non-industry individuals. PUFA and MUFA have similar
sponsors. Conduct research on low- and high-risk benefits as substitutes for SFA and trans fatty acids.
consumers of dietary cholesterol and determine a Additional isocaloric comparisons of MUFA versus
better definition of hypo- and hyper-responders to PUFA on metabolic intermediates and especially on
dietary cholesterol with respective underlying clinical outcomes are needed to differentiate these
genetic polymorphisms. Identify additional two classes of fatty acids.
subgroups in which dietary cholesterol appears
especially harmful with regard to cardiovascular 5. Examine stearic acid for its benefits as a solid fat, in
risk. contrast to liquid oils high in MUFA and PUFA;
include other potential metabolic effects of stearic
Rationale: Most of the feeding studies with serum acid, such as inflammation and coagulation.
lipid and lipoprotein endpoints used eggs as the
primary source of cholesterol, and many of the Rationale: The benefit of stearic acid is that it has a
studies were funded by industry. Since the high melting point and therefore is solid at room
proportion of dietary cholesterol in the U.S. diet temperature, unlike other FAs which do not raise
supplied by eggs has declined to less than 25 blood cholesterol (e.g., MUFA, PUFA).
percent, feeding trials on other dietary sources of Comparisons of intermediate markers and other
cholesterol would be useful. Persons with T2D effects of stearic acid versus MUFA and PUFA
appear to be a subgroup in which dietary cholesterol would clarify ways that it could be best used in a
is particularly harmful and better understanding of calorie and nutrient-balanced diets.
the mechanisms and magnitude of risk would be
essential, as eggs are an important, low fat source of 6. Characterize the difference in metabolic effects and
protein in T2D patients. intermediate markers between industrial and
ruminant trans fatty acids.
3. Determine the mechanism by which dietary MUFA
improve serum lipids, glucose metabolism, insulin Rationale: Since ruminant and industrial trans fatty
levels, Homeostatic Model Assessment (HOMA) acids have different chemical structures, better
scores, inflammatory markers, and blood pressure characterization of their metabolic effects though
in both healthy persons and in persons with T2D. further feeding studies would be warranted.
Studies of replacing carbohydrates or other dietary
fat with MUFA should include isocaloric 7. Conduct randomized controlled trials and
substitutions, so as not to be confounded by prospective observational studies in persons with
differences in energy. and without CVD on plant compared to marine n-3
fatty acids. Examine diets rich in plant n-3 fatty
Rationale: Understanding the mechanism by which acids in individuals with and without adequate
MUFA improve risk of CVD and T2D will enhance intake of n-3 fatty acids from marine sources.
our ability to make specific recommendations for Examine the mechanism of action of marine vs.
MUFA consumption in healthy and at-risk plant n-3 fatty acids for synergies and/or inhibition.
Rationale: Although there are consistent data on
4. Determine the mechanism by which dietary PUFA the benefits of n-3 fatty acids from seafood
improve serum lipids, glucose metabolism, insulin consumption, there is no research on comparing
levels, HOMA scores, inflammatory markers, and marine versus plant n-3 fatty acids on intermediate
blood pressure in both healthy persons and in markers and CVD outcomes.
persons with T2D. Studies of replacing
carbohydrates or other dietary fat with PUFA 8. Investigate further the opposing interactions of high
should include isocaloric substitutions, so as not to EPA and DHA versus high methyl mercury,
be confounded by differences in energy. especially in dietary patterns in which these
consumptions coexist. Investigate high versus low
Rationale: Understanding the mechanism by which DHA-consuming mothers and infants and the long-
PUFA improve risk of CVD and T2D will enhance term effects on intelligence and other cognitive
our ability to make specific recommendations for outcomes.
246 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Rationale: All aspects of the risk to benefit ratio of Allen RR, Carson L, Kwik-Uribe C, Evans EM,
consumption of EPA + DHA and methyl mercury, Erdman JW Jr. Daily consumption of a dark chocolate
both of which can be present in varying amounts in containing flavanols and added sterol esters affects
different types of seafood, should be further cardiovascular risk factors in a normotensive population
elucidated. DHA appears to be the active nutrient in with elevated cholesterol. J Nutr. 2008 Apr;138(4):725-
seafood that provides benefits in infant 31.
development. Further studies of the role of DHA in
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9. Conduct randomized controlled trials comparing 2005 Jul;105(7):1071-9.
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of nut as more or less associated with CVD risk Library. n-3 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Disease.
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Rationale: Additional randomized trials will be
required over longer periods of time to determine if American Dietetic Association Evidence Analysis
nuts confer long-term benefits. It is difficult to Library. Disorders of Lipid Metabolism.
distinguish benefits to health and to intermediate http://www.adaevidencelibrary.com. Accessed
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benefits of chocolate. Test different chocolate Laranjo NM, Charleston J, McCarron P, Bishop LM;
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258 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Part D. Section 4: Protein

Introduction the nitrogen and amino acid requirements necessary for

growth, maintenance, and repair. Protein quality is
Protein is the major structural component of all cells in determined by two factors—digestibility and amino acid
the body and functions as enzymes, hormones, and profile. Amino acids can be divided into categories
other important molecules. Protein is one of the major based on the body’s ability to produce them (Table
macronutrients and an important source of calories. D4.1). Nine amino acids cannot be synthesized in the
Both protein and non-protein energy (from body and are known as indispensable, or essential,
carbohydrates and fats) must be available to prevent amino acids. These must be consumed in the diet. The
protein-energy malnutrition (PEM). Proteins are made remaining amino acids are either dispensable or
of amino acids and if the amino acids are not present in conditionally indispensable. Five amino acids are
the right balance, the body’s ability to use protein will dispensable, meaning that they can be produced in the
be affected. If amino acids needed for protein synthesis body from other amino acids or nitrogen-containing
are limited, the body may break down body protein to compounds. An additional six amino acids are
obtain needed amino acids. Protein deficiency affects all conditionally indispensable. Under most circumstances,
organs and is of particular concern during growth and these amino acids can be synthesized in the body.
development. Adequate intake of high-quality protein is However, in certain conditions, the body cannot
essential for health. synthesize adequate amounts to meet metabolic needs.
Subsequently, a dietary source of the conditionally
Because average protein intakes in the United States indispensable amino acids becomes necessary (Institute
(U.S.) are more than adequate, protein was not of Medicine [IOM], 2005).
considered as a separate topic by past Dietary
Guidelines Advisory Committees. However, the 2010 The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for both
DGAC decided to focus on dietary protein for many men and women (19 years and older) is 0.80 gram of
important reasons. First, many consumers have recently good-quality protein per kilogram of body weight per
adopted high-protein diets for weight loss purposes and day and is based on careful analyses of available
the Committee wanted to evaluate the scientific basis of nitrogen balance studies (Dietary Reference Intakes
this approach. Secondly, consumer comments addressed [DRI], 2006). Data were insufficient to set a Tolerable
the health benefits of vegetarian eating styles (see Part Upper Intake Level (UL) for protein or amino acids.
D. Section 2: The Total Diet: Combining Nutrients, Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for protein
Consuming Food for a discussion of the nutrient increase at certain times during the lifespan. For
adequacy of vegetarian diets). Finally, as Americans example, protein RDAs for children are higher on a
decrease total calorie intake to combat obesity, the gram per bodyweight basis than for adults: ages 1 to 3
optimal percentage of calories derived from protein in years, 1.05 grams/kilogram per day; ages 4 to 13 years,
the diet may rise. The Committee wanted to review data 0.95 gram/kilogram per day; ages 14 to 18 years, 0.85
on the use of high-protein diets and determine whether gram/kilogram per day. RDAs for protein also are
such diets limit other nutrients (see Part D. Section 1: increased in pregnancy (1.1 g/kg/d) and lactation (1.3
Energy Balance and Weight Management for a g/kg/d).
discussion of the relationship between macronutrient
proportion and body weight, including the safety aspect The IOM-established Acceptable Macronutrient
of high-protein diets). Distribution Range (AMDR) for protein is 5 to 20
percent of total calories for children ages 1 to 3 years,
Background on Protein 10 to 30 percent of total calories for children ages 4 to
18 years, and 10 to 35 percent of total calories for adults
Nomenclature older than age 18 years (IOM, 2002/2005). For men and
Protein sources vary widely in their nutritional value. women, protein typically provides about 15 percent of
The quality of a protein depends on its ability to provide total calories (National Cancer Institute [NCI], 2010).

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 259

Table D4.1. Categories of amino acids

Essential Conditionally Essential Non-Essential

Histidine Arginine Alanine

Isoleucine Cysteine Aspartic acid
Leucine Glutamine Asparagine
Lysine Glycine Glutamic acid
Methionine Proline Serine
Phenylalanine Tyrosine

As calorie intake decreases, however, it is essential to very severe, careful food selection is essential. If high-
increase the percentage of calories from protein so as quality protein sources cannot be consumed in the
to consume the RDA for protein. Thus, the wide diet, other options for high-quality protein sources
recommended range of 10 to 35 percent of total must be explored (see Part D. Section 8. Food Safety
calories coming from protein for adults is based on the and Technology).
large range of calories consumed, which depends on
physical activity and body size. For example, low- Food Sources of Proteins
calorie, protein-sparing, modified fast diets contain Diets adequate in protein can be designed in many
mostly protein as it is necessary to get the RDA for ways and are reflected in eating patterns around the
protein. In contrast, extremely active people, such as world. Since the adults (19 years and older) RDA for
endurance athletes, consume high-calorie diets and protein is 0.8 gram/kilogram body weight, a 150-
their RDA for protein does not change. A lower pound adult would require 54 grams of high quality
percentage of energy from protein is therefore protein daily. Three ounces (the recommended serving
appropriate for them and these additional calories size) of lean meat or poultry contain about 25 grams of
would typically come from carbohydrates. protein, while 1 cup of milk or yogurt contains 8
grams of protein. Cereals, grains, nuts, and vegetables
The data are conflicting on the potential for high- contain about 2 grams of protein per serving. When
protein diets to produce gastrointestinal effects, protein needs are high, as during growth and
change nitrogen balance, alter mineral absorption, or development, consumption of animal products will
affect chronic diseases, such as osteoporosis or renal provide both greater quantity and quality of protein
stones. than plant products. Plant products can be combined
to improve protein quality, but the number of calories
Food allergies exist for protein foods including milk, that must be consumed to get adequate intakes must be
eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, fish, and shellfish (DRI, considered.
2002). Gluten-free diets are recommended for those
with gluten intolerance, which limits intake of wheat Thus, proteins are the most important macronutrient in
and certain other grain products. Lactose intolerance, the diet because they provide both essential amino
although not medically diagnosed, can limit acids and are a source of energy. They are particularly
consumption of dairy products. Care must be taken to important during growth and development.
determine the cause of the intolerance to a food
product (e.g., is the individual sensitive to the sugar in
milk or the protein in milk) and make appropriate
dietary changes. Often, children allergic to one protein
source develop allergies to other protein sources.
Many protein sources, including milk, wheat, or soy,
must be avoided as a result. As protein allergies can be

260 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

List of Questions related health conditions. Additional information about
the NEL search strategies and criteria used to review
ANIMAL AND PLANT PROTEINS AND HEALTH each question can be found online at
OUTCOMES www.NutritionEvidenceLibrary.gov.

1. What is the relationship between the intake of Recent literature has begun to examine the relationship
animal protein products and selected health between protein and health outcomes. The Committee
outcomes? addressed this topic in three separate questions: animal
2. What is the relationship between vegetable protein protein products, vegetable protein, and vegetarian
and/or soy protein and selected health outcomes? versus animal-based diets. Question 1 considers animal
3. How do the health outcomes of a vegetarian diet protein products, including red meat, processed meat,
compare to that of a diet which customarily and poultry. Although milk and milk products are
includes animal products? sources of animal protein, their relationship to selected
health outcomes is addressed separately in Question 4.
PROTEIN-RELATED FOOD GROUPS AND Seafood, another source of animal protein, is discussed
HEALTH OUTCOMES in detail in Part D. Section 3. Fatty Acids and
Cholesterol and in Part D. Section 8. Food Safety and
4. What is the relationship between the intake of milk Technology. The health outcomes considered in
and milk products and selected health outcomes? Question 1 were type 2 diabetes (T2D), cardiovascular
5. What is the relationship between the intake of disease (CVD), hypertension, body weight, and cancer.
cooked dry beans and peas and selected health For many sections of this Report, the relationship
outcomes? between dietary intakes and cancer outcomes are
discussed using conclusions from the World Cancer
Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research
report (WCRF/AICR, 2007). The WCRF/AICR report
examined the relationship between meat and numerous
types of cancer in a thorough review of the literature of
For the first time, the 2010 DGAC included a chapter various study designs with humans and animals.
focusing solely on the relationship between protein and However, some controversy has surrounded the
health. Most of the questions addressed here cover new WCRF/AICR conclusions for red meat and colorectal
topics. The Committee reviewed evidence from January cancer. Thus, the Committee decided to conduct a
2000 to 2009. Because the 2005 DGAC reviewed the review parallel to other reviews in this Report and
topic of milk and milk products, the 2010 Committee included only prospective cohort studies with humans
agreed with those recommendations and provided here published since 2000. In addition to colorectal cancer,
only an updated review of evidence from June 2004 to prostate and breast cancers were reviewed.
Question 2 concerns the relationship of vegetable
All of the questions addressed in this section were protein and selected health outcomes and was
answered using a Nutrition Evidence Library (NEL) conducted to complement the Committee’s review of
evidence-based systematic review. A description of the animal protein products. Because much of the research
NEL evidence-based review process can be found in on vegetable protein has focused on soy protein, soy
Part C: Methodology. For each question considered in protein was included in the search as a separate term.
this section, the following general criteria applied. With However, articles examining soy foods, rather than soy
minor exceptions noted below, all study designs were protein specifically, were considered under the
originally included in the searches, but cross-sectional Committee’s review of cooked dry beans and peas
studies were later excluded from the review if there was (Question 5). The Committee considered a variety of
sufficient evidence from studies with stronger designs. health outcomes in the vegetable protein search, but
Also, original research articles included in systematic available evidence was sufficient to permit only a
reviews or meta-analyses were not included as review of chronic disease, blood pressure, blood lipids,
individual articles in the review, so as not to count the and body weight.
study twice. Finally, the Committee excluded studies
that considered only participants diagnosed with Question 3 considers research that directly compares
chronic disease, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and health outcomes among individuals consuming a diet
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 261
which customarily includes animal products to those positive evidence for processed meats and CHD.
consuming a vegetarian, including vegan, diet. The Moderate evidence found no clear association between
Committee recognized that additional research on this intake of animal protein products and blood pressure in
topic was published before 2000, but felt research prospective cohort studies. Limited inconsistent
published since 2000 represented current plant-based evidence from prospective cohort studies suggests that
dietary patterns and provided sufficient context to intake of animal protein products, mainly processed
discuss the relationship between these dietary patterns meat, may have a link to T2D. Insufficient evidence is
and health. For an in-depth discussion of the available to link animal protein intake and body weight.
relationship between various dietary patterns and health Moderate evidence reports inconsistent positive
outcomes, see Part D. Section 2: The Total Diet: associations between colorectal cancer and the intake of
Combining Nutrients, Consuming Food. certain animal protein products, mainly red and
processed meat. Limited evidence shows that animal
As noted, Questions 4 and 5 address specific food protein products are associated with prostate cancer
groups. Milk and milk products and cooked dry beans incidence. Limited evidence from cohort studies shows
and peas are significant protein sources in the American there is no association between the intake of animal
diet, and they also are important sources of other protein products and overall breast cancer risk.
nutrients. Additional information about other nutrient However in subgroups of breast cancer patients, limited
contributions of these food groups can be found in Part evidence suggested a relationship between the intake of
D. Section 2: Nutrient Adequacy. It should be noted that animal protein products and risk of developing breast
the Committee considered only studies that directly cancer.
assessed the relationship between food group intake and
health; studies examining dietary patterns that were Implications
high in a particular food group were considered as
dietary patterns, not under reviews for the individual Americans may choose animal products as part of their
food groups. The review of milk and milk products diet based on the body of evidence showing a general
considered bone health, cardiovascular outcomes, lack of relationship between animal protein
metabolic syndrome, T2D, and body weight. All the consumption and selected health outcomes. However,
evidence reviews covered children and adults, except attention should be given to quantity and preparation, as
for body weight, which included only adults. The some forms of meat (well done and processed) may be
relationship between the consumption of milk and milk linked to specific cancers. In addition, animal protein
products and childhood adiposity is discussed in Part products contain saturated fat and proportionately, a
D. Section 1: Energy Balance and Weight high calorie load, so serving sizes should be
Management. Outcomes considered in the review of appropriate.
cooked dry beans and peas were body weight, CVD,
and T2D. Although “legumes” includes dry beans and Review of the Evidence
peas as well as peanuts, peanuts were not considered in
this question but are a part of the review of nuts in Part Intake of animal protein products shows few links to
D. Section 3: Fatty Acids and Cholesterol. negative health outcomes in epidemiologic studies.
Most people consume protein from both animal and
plant sources, making separation of protein intake into
ANIMAL AND PLANT PROTEINS AND animal and plant sources difficult in epidemiologic
HEALTH OUTCOMES studies. The WCRF/AICR report (WRCF/AICR, 2007)
examined the relationship between meat, poultry, and
eggs and a variety of different cancers including
Question 1: What Is the Relationship colorectal, prostate, and breast. They concluded that the
Between the Intake of Animal Protein evidence that red meats and processed meats are
Products and Selected Health Outcomes? causally related to colorectal cancer is convincing.
Additionally, they found that limited evidence suggests
Conclusion that processed meat is causally related to prostate
cancer, and there was limited suggestive evidence that
Limited evidence from prospective cohort studies shows foods containing animal fat are associated with
inconsistent relationships between intake of animal postmenopausal breast cancer.
protein products and CVD with somewhat more
262 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
In a systematic review and meta-analysis published relationship between intake of animal protein and
subsequent to our review, Micha et al. (2010) examined hypertension was observed in the Seguimiento
the association between the consumption of red and Universidad de Navarra (SUN) cohort in Spain
processed meat and the risk of incident CHD and T2D. (Alonso, 2006). Similarly, no association between
They found that intake of red meat was not associated intake of animal protein and systolic or diastolic blood
with CHD or T2D. However, processed meat was pressure was observed in the PREMIER Study (Wang,
associated with a 42 percent higher risk of CHD and 19 2008b), and no association between the intake of red or
percent higher risk of T2D. Associations for total meat processed meat and systolic or diastolic blood pressure
intake and these outcomes were intermediate. was observed in a cohort in the United Kingdom
(Wagemakers, 2009).
The review provided below summarizes the evidence
from literature published since 2000 related to animal In contrast, in the Women’s Health Study (Wang,
protein products, specifically total meat, red meat, 2008c), total red meat intake was positively associated
processed meat, poultry, and eggs, acknowledging the with risk of developing hypertension. In addition, each
wide variation in how types of meat and meat products individual unprocessed and processed red meat item,
were grouped and analyzed. including hot dogs, hamburgers, and bacon, beef, or
lamb as a main dish was positively associated with the
Animal Protein Products and Cardiovascular risk of developing hypertension. Similarly, the
Disease CARDIA study (Steffen, 2005) found a positive
Prospective cohort studies show inconsistent association between consumption of total meat and red
relationships between intake of animal protein products and processed meat (combined) and risk of developing
and cardiovascular disease. The evidence review for this elevated blood pressure. The Chicago Western Electric
question included seven articles (Djousse, 2008; Study also showed a positive association between
Halton, 2006; Keleman, 2005; Nakamura, 2004, 2006; systolic and diastolic blood pressure and red meat, but
Qureshi, 2007; Sinha, 2009), which represented observed no association with processed meat.
prospective cohorts from the U.S. and Japan published
since 2000. Regarding the relationship between the Differences in dietary assessment methodology likely
intake of total animal protein and coronary heart affected the results in this review. Assessment methods
disease, no relationship was observed in the Nurses’ included 24-hour recalls, 5-day diaries, diet histories,
Health Study (Halton, 2006) or Iowa Women’s Health interviews, and food frequency questionnaires. Studies
Study (Keleman, 2005). However, a positive association that used 24-hour recalls (Wang, 2008b) and 5-day
between red meat and processed meat and CVD diaries (Wagemakers, 2009) observed no associations
mortality was observed in the National Institutes of between animal protein products and systolic or
Health-AARP (NIH-AARP) Diet and Health Study diastolic blood pressure.
(Sinha, 2009), and substituting red/processed meat
(combined) for carbohydrate-dense foods was positively Animal Protein Products and Body Weight
associated with coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality Few studies exist to link animal protein products and
in the Iowa Women’s Health Study (Keleman, 2005). body weight. After applying our review criteria, only
Studies found no association between egg intake and three articles (Mahon, 2007; Wagemakers, 2009; Xu,
CVD (Djousse, 2008; Nakamura, 2006, 2004; Qureshi, 2007) published since 2000 were identified that
2007). Thus, limited information is available on this examined the relationship between animal protein
relationship, and risk may depend on type of meat or products and body weight. Inconsistent findings were
meat products consumed and the type of CVD. reported in a cohort of British adults (Wagemakers,
2009) on whether meat intake was associated with body
Animal Protein Products, Blood Pressure, and mass index (BMI) and waist circumference who were
Hypertension studied between 1989 and 1999. Red and processed
No clear association was found between intake of meat consumed in 1999 was significantly associated
animal protein products and blood pressure in with increased BMI in women only. In a cross-sectional
prospective cohort studies. This conclusion is based on study in China (Xu, 2007), red meat consumption was
the review of six articles (Alonso, 2006; Miura, 2004; associated with excess body weight. In the only U.S.
Steffen, 2005; Wagemakers, 2009; Wang, 2008b, study found (Mahon, 2007), overweight
2008c) representing prospective cohorts from the U.S., postmenopausal women were successful in weight loss
United Kingdom, and Spain published since 2000. No with either a meat-containing or vegetarian protein
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 263
intervention. Thus, existing research is sparse and finds observed between red or processed meats and colorectal
little link between meat intake and body weight, and cancer in the Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration
meat-containing diets work as well as calorie controlled Project (Flood, 2003). The European Prospective
vegetarian diets in enhancing weight loss in intervention Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study
studies. observed no association between red meat and
colorectal cancer, but did observe a positive association
Animal Protein Products and Type 2 Diabetes for processed meat. Further risk may vary depending on
Prospective cohort studies suggest that intake of animal subsite. Some studies found a relationship with rectal
protein products, mainly processed meat, may have a cancer and red meat intake (Chao, 2005; English,
link to T2D, although results are not consistent. This 2004), while others found no association (Kojima,
review included seven articles (Djousse, 2009; Fung, 2004; Larsson, 2005; Lee, 2009b; Wei, 2004; Wu,
2004; Halton, 2008; Schulze, 2003; Song, 2004; van 2006).
Dam, 2002; Vang, 2008) published since 2000
representing prospective cohorts from the U.S. In the Studies also report inconsistent results for the intake of
three studies examining total animal protein intake, two poultry and colorectal cancer at various subsites, with
reported a positive association with T2D (Song, 2004; studies reporting a positive association (Jarvinen, 2001;
Vang, 2008) and one reported no association (Halton, Kojima, 2004; Sato, 2006), no association (Flood,
2008). All five studies that reported on the relationship 2003; Lee, 2009b; Norat, 2005; Wu, 2006), or an
between the intake of processed meats and T2D inverse association (Chao, 2005; English, 2004;
reported a positive association (Fung, 2004; Schulze, Larsson, 2005).
2003; Song, 2004; van Dam, 2002; Vang, 2008).
Inconsistent findings were reported related to the intake In general, the studies showed no consistent findings on
of red meat and poultry. Some of the reported risk type of meat or meat product and colorectal cancer.
found in these studies may be attributed to obesity or Little information also is available about how much
weight gain, but controlling for this supported meat meat is consumed, and the association may differ
intake as an important risk factor for diabetes. Other depending on amount as well as the way it is cooked.
dietary factors, such cereal fiber, fat, and total calories, Further, although it has been suggested that animal
also are strong in this relationship and the association protein products have a different effect in different sites
between T2D and animal protein is attenuated when of the colon and rectum, no consistent findings are
there is adjustment for these factors. available. Future studies should consider the subsite of
the cancer.
Animal Protein Products and Colorectal
Cancer Animal Protein Products and Prostate Cancer
Inconsistent positive associations have been reported Little evidence is available that animal protein products
between colorectal cancer and the intake of certain are associated with prostate cancer incidence. The
animal protein products, mainly red and processed Committee reviewed six articles (Cross, 2005; Koutros,
meat. This review included 13 studies (Chao, 2005; 2008; Michaud, 2001; Park, 2007; Rodriguez, 2006;
Cross, 2007; English, 2004; Flood, 2003; Jarvinen, Rohrmann, 2007) examining the relationship between
2001; Kojima, 2004; Larsson, 2005; Lee, 2009b; Norat, animal protein products and incidence of prostate
2005; Oba, 2006; Sato, 2006; Wei, 2004; Wu, 2006) cancer published since 2000. All of the studies
representing prospective cohorts from the U.S., Europe, represented prospective cohorts from the U.S. Most
Australia, Finland, Japan, China, and Sweden published studies reported no association between total, red,
since 2000. In studies examining total meat intake, none processed, or white meat consumption, meat-cooking
reported a relationship with overall colorectal cancer method and risk of total prostate cancer, incident
risk (Flood, 2003; Jarvinen, 2001; Lee, 2009b; Oba, cancer, or advanced disease. However, in the Health
2006; Sato, 2006) or risk associated with specific Professionals Follow Up Study (Michaud, 2001),
subsites (Lee, 2009b; Sato, 2006; Wu, 2006). positive associations between metastatic prostate cancer
and red and processed meats were observed. Also, in
However, more varied results were reported for red and the Cancer Prevention Study (Rodriguez, 2006), red
processed meats. For example, in the NIH-AARP Diet meat (including processed red meat) and cooked
and Health Study, positive associations between red processed meats were positively associated with
meat and processed meat and colorectal cancer were prostate cancer in Black, but not White, men.
observed (Cross, 2007). However, no associations were Rohrmann and colleagues (2007) reported a positive
264 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
association between the intake of processed meat and processed meat. Thus, results are conflicting and future
total and advanced prostate cancer but did not observe research should further investigate the relationship
relationships between cancer and other animal protein between the intake of animal protein products and
products. breast cancer specifically related to menopausal and
receptor status.
Mixed results were observed regarding the level of
doneness of meat. Well and very well done meat were
associated with prostate cancer in the Prostate, Lung, Question 2: What Is the Relationship
and Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Screening Trial Between Vegetable Protein and/or Soy
(Cross, 2005) and the Agricultural Health Study Protein and Selected Health Outcomes?
(Koutros, 2008), but level of doneness was not related
to cancer risk in the Multiethnic Cohort Study (Park,
2007) or Cancer Prevention Study (Rodriguez, 2006).
Thus, cohort studies of animal protein products and
Few studies are available, and the limited body of
prostate cancer since 2000 show little link between total
evidence suggests that vegetable protein does not offer
meat intake and prostate cancer although there may be a
special protection against T2D, coronary heart disease,
link between processed meat products as well as well
and selected cancers. Moderate evidence from both
done meat and prostate cancer.
cohort and cross-sectional studies show that intake of
vegetable protein is generally linked to lower blood
Animal Protein Products and Breast Cancer
pressure. Moderate evidence suggests soy protein may
Cohort studies show little association between intake of
have small effects on total and low density lipoprotein
animal protein products and overall breast cancer risk.
cholesterol in adults with normal or elevated blood
However, in premenopausal and estrogen receptor
lipids, although results from systematic reviews are
positive individuals, meat intake may alter risk of
inconsistent. A moderate body of consistent evidence
certain types of breast cancer. This review included six
finds no unique benefit of soy protein on body weight.
studies published since 2000 (Cho, 2006; Ferrucci,
A limited and inconsistent body of evidence shows that
2009; Fung, 2005; Kabat, 2009; Linos, 2008; Taylor,
soy protein does not provide any unique benefits in
2007). Results were often reported based on
blood pressure control.
menopausal status (premenopausal or postmenopausal)
and/or estrogen receptor status (positive or negative). In
the Nurses’ Health Study (Cho, 2006), overall, there
was no association between total meat intake and risk of
Our review indicated that intake of vegetable protein is
breast cancer. However, there was a positive association
generally linked to lower blood pressure, but this could
for ER (estrogen receptor)+/PR (progesterone
be due to other components in plant foods, such as
receptor)+ breast cancer and no association for ER-/PR-
fiber, or other nutrients. Individual sources of vegetable
. Similarly, they reported positive associations between
protein have no unique health benefits so choice of
ER+/PR+ breast cancer and individual red and
plant protein sources can come from a wide range of
processed meats, but not for ER-/PR-. Ferrucii et al.
plant-based foods. Consumption of plant proteins of
(2009) found a stronger association between red meat
lower quality is generally fine as long as calorie needs
intake and ER+/PR+ breast cancer compared to
are met and effort is made to complement the
negative receptor status in the PLCO Screening Trial.
incomplete vegetable proteins. Consumption of lower-
quality or incomplete protein is of greater concern when
In additional analyses from the Nurses’ Health Study,
protein needs are high. Thus, consumption of lower-
Linos et al. (2008) found a positive association between
quality vegetable protein must be carefully considered
premenopausal breast cancer and red meat, and this
during pregnancy, lactation, and childhood.
relationship was stronger among estrogen receptor
Additionally, recommendations to lower calorie intake
positive participants. In the UK Women’s Cohort Study
to combat obesity by increasing plant-based food intake
(Taylor, 2007), positive associations between total meat
must be linked to cautionary messages to maintain
and premenopausal and postmenopausal breast cancer
protein total intake of sufficient quality at recommended
were observed. Non-processed meat also was positively
associated with premenopausal breast cancer. However,
postmenopausal but not premenopausal breast cancer
was associated with the intake of red meat and
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 265
Review of the Evidence Vegetable Protein and Chronic Disease
Few studies are available, and the limited data
Background collectively suggest that vegetable protein does not offer
Smit et al. (1999) estimated intakes of animal plant special protection against T2D, coronary heart disease
protein intake in U.S. adults, based on the Third (CHD), and selected cancers. This conclusion was
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey based on seven studies, including six prospective cohort
(NHANES III), 1988–1999. The main protein source in studies (Halton, 2006, 2008; Keleman, 2005; Sluijs,
the American diet is animal protein (69%). Meat, fish, 2010; Song, 2004; Lee, 2009a) and one ecological
and poultry protein combined contributed the most to study (Nagata, 2000). Five studies addressed vegetable
animal protein (42%), followed by dairy protein (20%). protein (Halton, 2006, 2008; Keleman, 2005; Sluijs,
Grains (18%) contributed the most to plant protein 2010; Song, 2004) and two studies focused on soy
consumption. Results found that the percentage of total protein (Lee, 2009a; Nagata, 2000). Five of the seven
energy from protein was similar among race-ethnicities studies only included women (Halton, 2006, 2008;
and between men and women, their sources of protein Keleman, 2005; Song, 2004; Lee, 2009a).
were different. But, typically animal protein provides
about 70 percent of the protein in the American diet. Three studies examined the relationship between
vegetable protein and CHD. In the Nurses’ Health
In epidemiologic studies, food frequency questionnaires Study, no association was found with vegetable protein
are often used to assess dietary intake and protein-rich intake and risk of CHD (Halton, 2006). In the Iowa
foods are often divided into vegetable and animal Women’s Health Study, intake of vegetable protein in
sources. Most people consume both types of protein, so the highest quintile decreased CHD mortality by 30
this division is often complicated (see Question 3 for a percent with isocaloric substitution of vegetable protein
discussion of protein and vegan eating patterns). for carbohydrate (Keleman, 2005). An ecological study
Additionally, sources of vegetable protein are typically in Japan found no relationship between the intake of
also associated with intake of dietary fiber and other soy protein and heart disease mortality (Nagata, 2000).
potentially beneficial phytonutrients, thereby
confounding true, isolated comparisons of protein type. Three studies examined the relationship between
vegetable protein intake and the risk of T2D. No
Soy protein has been the focus of much published association was found with vegetable protein intake in
research. Based on earlier studies reporting that large the Nurses’ Health Study (Halton, 2008), Women’
intakes of soy protein (25 g) were required to lower Health Study (Song, 2004), or the Dutch cohort of the
serum lipids in the U.S., the U.S. Food and Drug EPIC study (Sluijs, 2010).
Administration established a health claim stating that 25
grams per day of soy protein can lower serum lipids, Substituting vegetable protein for carbohydrate or
including total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein animal protein did not affect risk for cancer and was not
(LDL) cholesterol (FDA approves health claim labeling associated with all-cause mortality in the Iowa
for foods containing soy protein. JADA 2000;100:292). Women’s Health Study (Keleman, 2005). In the
No statement regarding isoflavone content or form of Shanghai Women’s Health Study, vegetable protein was
soy protein was issued. protective against premenopausal but not
postmenopausal breast cancer, although only soy
The existing health claim for soy requires that each food protein intake was evaluated (Lee, 2009a). Small
contain at least 6.25 grams of soy protein, based on the protective effects of soy protein were found in men
need for 25 grams of soy protein to show significant against stomach cancer in the Japanese ecological study
lowering of serum total cholesterol and LDL- (Nagata, 2000). However, intake of soy protein was not
cholesterol. Soy foods that meet the 6.25 gram level associated with breast, prostate, or lung cancer mortality
include 4 ounces of whole soybeans, 8 ounces of soy in this study, and intake of soy protein increased
milk, 3.5 ounces soy flour, 8 ounces textured soy colorectal cancer mortality (Nagata, 2000).
protein, 4 ounces tofu, and 4 ounces tempeh (FDA
approves health claim labeling for foods containing soy In summary, few studies have examined the relationship
protein. JADA 2000; 100:292). of vegetable protein intake and chronic diseases and the
results from prospective studies report no relationship to
diabetes, most cancers, and all-cause mortality. Results
are inconsistent for CHD.
266 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Vegetable Protein and Blood Pressure Among 2008); median soy protein in quartile 1 and quartile 4 of
Adults Without Hypertension this study were 3 grams per day and 16 grams per day,
Intake of vegetable protein is associated with lower respectively. Thus, while data suggest that vegetable
blood pressure. This conclusion is based on the review protein plays a role in blood pressure, the data
of six studies, including four prospective observational specifically for soy protein are limited and inconsistent.
and two cross-sectional studies (Alonso, 2006; Elliott, Soy protein does not appear to have any unique benefits
2006; Stamler, 2002; Steffen, 2005; Umesawa, 2009; in blood pressure control.
Wang, 2008b). Alonso et al. (2006) reported in the
SUN cohort in Spain that vegetable protein intake was Soy Protein and Body Weight
associated with less hypertension. In the Chicago Soy protein had no advantage over other proteins when
Western Electric Study, intake of vegetable protein was consumed in isocaloric studies on body weight as based
linked to lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure on one systematic review (Cope, 2008) and three
(Stamler, 2002). In the CARDIA study, an inverse primary citations (Liao, 2007; McVeigh, 2006; Pan,
relationship between the consumption of plant foods 2008). Cope et al. (2008) completed a systematic
and elevated blood pressure was observed (Steffen, review including 91 international references with data
2005). In the PREMIER trial, plant protein had a from in vitro, animal, epidemiologic, and clinical
beneficial effect on blood pressure and was associated studies evaluating the relationship between soy foods,
with a lower risk of hypertension at 6 months, but not at including soy protein, and weight loss. The authors
18 months (Wang, 2008b). Cross-sectional studies reported that studies with overweight and obese
(Elliott, 2006; Umesawa, 2009) also report lower individuals suggest that soy, as a source of dietary
systolic and diastolic blood pressure links to vegetable protein, may be used to achieve significant weight loss.
protein intake. However, there is no convincing evidence to show
whether soy protein is better than other protein sources
Soy Protein and Blood Pressure Among Adults to achieve weight loss when prescribed in isocaloric
Without Hypertension levels.
Some data suggest soy protein may lower blood
pressure in adults with normal blood pressure. This Three additional studies identified in the NEL review
conclusion is based on review of three RCTs (He, 2005; support the conclusion by Cope et al. (2008). No
Liao, 2007; Teede, 2002), one prospective cohort study differences in weight loss were found when a soy diet
(Yang, 2005), and one cross-sectional study (Pan, 2008) was compared to a traditional low-calorie diet
published since 2000. All studies were published (McVeigh, 2006). Pan et al. (2008) examined the effect
outside of the U.S. He et al. (2005) and Teede et al. of soy protein on risk of metabolic syndrome in a cross-
(2002) conducted RCTs that included 40 grams of soy sectional study of older Chinese individuals and found
protein consumed per day over 3 months. In both no differences in body weight. Liao et al. (2007)
studies, participants receiving soy protein conducted a randomized, controlled trial with obese
supplementation experienced a significant decrease in adults, examining the effect of soy protein on weight
systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure loss in obese adults and found no effect. Thus, studies
compared to the control groups. Liao et al. (2007) did consistently find no unique benefit of soy protein with
not observe significant changes in systolic blood weight loss.
pressure or diastolic blood pressure among participants
consuming soy protein as the only protein source versus Soy Protein and Blood Lipids Among Adults
a control diet with animal and plant protein for 8 weeks. Without Hyperlipidemia
The groups consumed an isocaloric diet providing 1200 Soy protein may have small effects on total and LDL-
kilocalories per day. cholesterol in adults with normal or elevated blood
lipids, although systematic reviews report inconsistent
In the Shanghai Women’s Health Study, systolic blood results. This conclusion is based on four meta-analyses
pressure and diastolic blood pressure were lower in (Harland, 2008; Reynolds, 2006; Weggemans, 2003;
women who consumed 25 grams or more of soy protein Zhan, 2005) and consideration of an additional
per day than in women consuming less than 2.5 grams randomized, controlled trial (Liao, 2007) and a cross-
per day (Yang, 2005). In cross-sectional analyses of the sectional study (Pan, 2008). Results from the meta-
Nutrition and Health of Aging Population Project in analyses are somewhat inconsistent. Harland et al.
China, soy protein intake and elevated blood pressure (2008) concluded that 25 grams of soy protein lowered
were inversely associated in men, but not women (Pan, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides,
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 267
with no change in HDL-cholesterol in adults without Implications
hyperlipidemia. Reynolds et al. (2006) suggested that
soy protein supplementation (20 to >61 g/d) lowered Most people consume diets containing both animal and
total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, and plant foods. Few studies exist on the nutritional or
actually increases HDL cholesterol. Zhan et al. (2005) health status of vegetarians and/or vegans. Individuals
concluded that soy protein with isoflavones lowered who restrict their diet to plant foods may be at risk of
total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, and not getting adequate amounts of certain indispensable
had no effect on HDL-cholesterol. In contrast, amino acids because the concentration of lysine, sulfur
Weggemans et al. (2003) reported that soy-associated amino acids, and threonine are sometimes lower in plant
isoflavones and soy protein have no effect on either than in animal food proteins. Nutrients of concern in
LDL-cholesterol or HDL-cholesterol. However, unlike vegan diets include calcium, iron, B12, zinc, and long-
others, this review compared soy protein with chain n-3 fatty acids. Vegetarian diets that include
isoflavones only with studies in which control groups complementary mixtures of plant proteins can provide
consumed dairy or other animal protein sources. The the same quality of protein as that from animal protein.
role of isoflavones in lowering lipids is discussed in Education is needed for those designing diets
many of these reviews, but it remains unclear whether containing complementary proteins for consumers
the protein in soy-associated substances (isoflavones, switching to a more plant-based diet. Additionally,
other phytonutrients or substitution for animal protein) individuals consuming vegetarian, particularly vegan,
causes lipid lowering. diets should ensure adequate intake of all nutrients.

Liao et al. (2007) reported a significant decrease in total Review of the Evidence
cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in their weight loss
study with soy protein, but no changes in triglycerides Background
or HDL cholesterol were observed. A cross-sectional The nitrogen requirement for adults eating high-quality
study in China (Pan, 2008) found no relationship plant food proteins is not significantly different than
between soy protein intake and elevated triglycerides. animal protein or protein from a mixed diet. Most
Overall, conclusions suggest that soy protein may have consumers eat protein from a variety of sources and few
small effects on total and LDL cholesterol in adults with cohort studies include enough vegetarians or vegans to
normal or elevated blood lipids but neither the etiology draw any conclusions. Also, many self-described
nor the potential importance of isoflavones in this vegetarians consume milk products or eggs or even
relationship have been clarified. consume processed foods that contain animal protein.
Thus, there is limited accurate data to answer questions
about health differences between vegetarians and non-
Question 3: How Do the Health Outcomes vegetarians.
of a Vegetarian Diet Compare to That of a
Diet Which Customarily Includes Animal In general, plant proteins are less digestible than animal
Products? proteins, but digestibility can be improved with certain
processing methods and food preparation techniques.
Vegetarians typically consume less protein than non-
Conclusion vegetarians and Hadded et al. (1999) found that 10 of
25 vegan women had potentially inadequate intakes.
Limited evidence is available documenting that
vegetarian diets protect against cancer. However, it Most available evidence relates to the nutritional
suggests that vegetarian, including vegan, diets are content and health effects of the average diet of well-
associated with lower BMI and blood pressure. Vegan educated vegetarians living in Western countries (Key,
diets may increase risk of osteoporotic fractures. The 2006). Vegetarian diets are rich in carbohydrates, n-6
effect of vegetarian diets on cardiovascular disease, fatty acids, dietary fiber, carotenoids, folic acid, vitamin
stroke, and mortality are discussed further in Part B. C, vitamin E, and magnesium and relatively low in
Section 2: The Total Diet: Combining Nutrients, protein, saturated fat, n-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, and
Consuming Food. zinc. Vegans have particularly low intakes of vitamin
B12, iron, and calcium. Most data find little differences
in major causes of death or all-cause mortality when
comparing vegetarians with non-vegetarians from the
268 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
same population (Key, 2006b). Animal protein intake Similar results were found in the Swedish
was linked to greater muscle mass index in a Finnish Mammography Cohort (Newby, 2005). Rosell et al.
study (Aubertin-Leheudre & Adlercreutz, 2009) and (2006) reported on 5-year changes in weight in the
there is concern about protein intake during growth and EPIC cohort by dividing participants into groups based
development. Nutrients of concern on vegan diets on their eating patterns. Specifically, they examined
include calcium, iron, B12, zinc, and long-chain n-3 fatty whether participants maintained the same diet (e.g.,
acids. Because some vegetarian diets are low in protein, vegan) over time, or reverted from a vegan or vegetarian
calcium, and other nutrients, research has examined the diet to a diet containing meat, or converted from eating
relationship between plant-based diets and bone health. meat to a vegetarian or vegan diet. Among those who
It is possible to consume complementary plant proteins had not changed their eating patterns over time, the
and have an adequate intake of protein, but education is largest weight gain was seen in meat-eaters. The
needed on how to design adequate diets. smallest weight gain was observed in participants who
converted to a vegetarian or vegan diet, and the highest
We examined studies published since January 2000 weight gains were among participants classified as
with no limits to study design to address these reverted, but mean weight gains were not different than
questions. Few cohort studies were available and there weight gains in meat eaters.
were no randomized, controlled trials. A limitation of
this area is the small number of vegans and semi- Meat eaters had the highest prevalence of hypertension
vegetarians in the cohorts studied. For a more in-depth and vegans the lowest in the EPIC cohort (Appleby,
discussion of vegetarian and vegan eating patterns, 2002), and vegetarians had lower blood pressure than
including review of articles published before 2000 and omnivores in small studies in Taiwan (Chen, 2008) and
using additional search strategies, see Part B. Section 2: Brazil (Teixeira, 2007). Studies from Taiwan and Brazil
The Total Diet: Combining Nutrients, Consuming also showed improvement in cardiovascular biomarkers,
Food. such as total cholesterol, between individuals
consuming vegetarian compared to omnivorous diets
Health Outcomes of a Vegetarian Diet (Chen, 2008; Teixeira, 2007; Yen, 2008).
Compared to a Diet Which Customarily
Includes Animal Products Vegans were found to have a higher risk of fractures
Eighteen studies published since 2000 were reviewed than vegetarians and meat eaters in the EPIC cohort,
that represented eight countries (Alewaeters, 2005; which was related to the lower mean calcium intake in
Appleby, 2002, 2007; Baines, 2007; Chen, 2008; Dos this group (Appleby, 2007). However, those on a
Santos Silva, 2002; Grant, 2008; Hung, 2006; Key, vegetarian diet in Taiwan did not differ from non-
2009a, 2009b; Newby, 2005; Nakamoto, 2008; Rosell, vegetarians in bone mineral density or risk of
2006; Spencer, 2003; Teixeira, 2007; Thorpe, 2008; osteoporosis (Wang, 2008d). In a review of women
Wang, 2008d; Yen, 2008). Most studies in this review from the Adventist Health Study (Thorpe, 2008),
were of a weaker design, including cross-sectional and greater intake of foods rich in protein, whether from
case-control studies. Only five articles were prospective animal or plant sources, was associated with reduced
cohort studies and no Randomized Controlled Trials wrist fractures.
(RCTs) were identified. Six articles provided results
from the EPIC study from the United Kingdom, and Data on cancer are inconsistent with one recent study
four studies were conducted in Taiwan. Other countries finding more colorectal cancer in vegetarians compared
represented were the U.S., Australia, Japan, Sweden, to meat eaters (Key, 2009a). However, the risk of
Belgium, and Brazil. Vegetarian diets varied greatly female breast, prostate, ovarian, and lung cancer were
among countries, and classifications of plant-based diets not significantly different between vegetarians and non-
were inconsistent among studies. However, all studies vegetarians.
compared the health outcomes observed between
individuals who regularly consumed animal products to Overall, Key and colleagues (2009b) found no
those who occasionally, rarely, or never consumed differences in mortality rates between vegetarians and
animal products. non-vegetarians in the EPIC cohort.

In the EPIC cohort, vegetarian, particularly vegan, diets

were associated with lower BMI and lower levels of
obesity than diets that included meat (Spencer, 2003).
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 269
PROTEIN-RELATED FOOD GROUPS AND and milk products group, protein, calcium, potassium,
HEALTH OUTCOMES magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin A.

Review of the Evidence

Question 4: What Is the Relationship
Between the Intake of Milk and Milk Background
Products and Selected Health Outcomes? In addition to providing protein, milk and milk products
are a source of many important nutrients, including
Conclusion calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin D, and
vitamin A (DGAC, 2005; p. 183). This topic is further
Strong evidence demonstrates that intake of milk and discussed in Part D. 2 Nutrient Adequacy. Previous
milk products provide no unique role in weight control. research, as reviewed by the 2005 DGAC, has
Moderate evidence indicates that the intake of milk and established the positive relationship between milk and
milk products is linked to improved bone health in milk products and bone mineral content or bone mineral
children. Limited evidence suggests a positive density. Also milk product consumption has been linked
relationship between the intake of milk and milk with overall diet quality and the adequacy of many
products and bone health in adults, but results are nutrients (DGAC, 2005, p. 183).
inconsistent due to variability in outcomes considered.
Moderate evidence shows that intake of milk and milk Calcium maintains the strength and density of the
products are inversely associated with cardiovascular bones, with 99 percent of the calcium in the body found
disease. A moderate body of evidence suggests an in bones and teeth. Bone undergoes constant
inverse relationship between the intake of milk and milk remodeling, a process in which existing bone is broken
products and blood pressure. Moderate evidence shows down and replaced with new bone. Without sufficient
that milk and milk products are associated with a lower calcium in the diet, there is inadequate formation of
incidence of T2D in adults. Limited evidence is new bone, resulting in osteoporosis or other bone
available showing intake of milk and milk products are disease (IOM, 1997). When dietary intake of calcium is
associated with reduced risk of metabolic syndrome. too low, the body will draw upon the calcium stored in
Insufficient evidence is available to assess the the bones which can lead to low bone mass.
relationship between intake of milk and milk products
and serum cholesterol levels. Some of the most bioavailable sources of calcium are in
milk and milk products. Calcium also is found in dark
Implications green vegetables, whole grains, beans, and soy protein,
but it is not as well absorbed due to the oxalic or phytic
Currently, many children and adults are not consuming acid found in these foods. Other foods may be fortified
adequate amounts of milk and milk products. NHANES with calcium and numerous calcium supplements are
2005-2006 reported that the mean consumption of available. However, calcium naturally occurring in
calcium does not meet the recommended DRIs for any foods is the recommended source. Absorption of
age group older than age 12 (Moshfegh, 2009). calcium varies based on a number of factors, such as the
Research since 2004 shows that the underconsumption amount consumed at any one time, the age of the
of milk and milk products may lead to an increase in individual, and other foods consumed including dietary
cardiovascular disease and T2D, as well as an increased fiber, phytic acid, and oxalic acid. Calcium status is also
risk for poor bone health and related diseases. affected by the intake of vitamin D, phosphorus, and
protein. Vitamin D is especially important in the
Consumption of the recommended daily amounts of absorption of calcium.
low-fat or fat-free milk and milk products (2 cups for
children ages 2 to 8 years, 3 cups for those ages 9 years Dietary guidance has recommended reduction in dairy
and older) should be promoted. It is especially fats because they contain high levels of saturated fats
important to establish milk drinking in young children, and cholesterol. In general, studies show that the higher
as those who consume milk as children are more likely the saturated fat intake is, the higher the serum total and
to do so as adults. Those who choose not to consume LDL-cholesterol concentrations will be. Serum total and
milk and milk products should include other foods in LDL-cholesterol concentrations have a positive linear
the diet that contain the nutrients provided by the milk relationship with the risk of CHD or mortality from
CHD. Fat-free dairy products are devoid of saturated
270 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
fats, but still contain protein, calcium, and the other A longitudinal study conducted in New Zealand
nutrients found in milk products. (Rockell, 2005), assessed 2-year changes in bone and
body composition in young children with a history of
The WCRF/AICR report (WCRF/AICR, 2007) prolonged milk avoidance. The authors concluded that
examined the relationship between milk and dairy young milk avoiders demonstrated persistent height
products and the risk of cancer. The WCRF/AICR reduction, overweight, and osteopenia at the ultradistal
Panel concluded that milk probably protects against radius and lumbar spine over 2 years of follow-up.
colorectal cancer, and limited evidence suggests that
milk protects against bladder cancer. There is limited Alvarez-Leon et al. (2006) reviewed literature on the
evidence suggesting that high consumption of milk and associations between the consumption of dairy products
dairy products is a cause of prostate cancer. and health outcomes, including two review papers on
bone health. They concluded that there is weak
The relationship between milk intake and weight evidence of the protective capacity of dairy products on
management was reviewed in 2005 and it was reported bone health, noting that limitations in studies examining
that there was insufficient data to conclude that milk this relationship make it difficult to make firm
and milk products have an impact on weight. However conclusions about the effect of dairy products on bone
the importance of milk and milk products in the diet health.
was emphasized. The review provided below provides
an update to the literature reviewed by the 2005 DGAC, Kanis et al. (2005) reviewed six prospectively studied
focusing on studies published since 2004 that have cohorts from European, Australian, and Canadian
examined milk and milk products and their impact research. They examined calcium intake, measured by
alone on health outcomes. milk consumption, and its association with the risk of
fracture. They found no significant relationship between
Milk and Milk Products and Bone Health low intake of calcium and fracture risk. This study did
Research since 2004 indicates that the intake of milk not include other sources of dietary calcium besides
and milk products is linked to improved bone health in milk and did not account for variations in vitamin D
children. Results in adults are mixed. The conclusion intake or sunlight exposure. Therefore, the authors
reached for this question is based on a review of three caution that these findings should not be misinterpreted
systematic reviews or meta-analyses (Alvarez-Leon, as suggesting that calcium is not causally related to
2006; Huncharek, 2008; Kanis, 2005), three primary fracture risk nor that calcium does not play a role in
research studies conducted since the reviews (Budek, fracture prevention.
2007; Kristensen, 2005; McCabe, 2004), one
longitudinal study (Rockell, 2005), one case-control Results from three intervention studies supported the
study (Konstantynowicz, 2007), and one cross-sectional role of dairy products in bone health. McCabe et al.
study (Al-Zahrani, 2006), all published since 2004. (2004) found that calcium supplementation protected
study participants from bone loss and that higher dairy
The results of the systematic reviews and meta-analyses product consumption was associated with greater hip
are inconsistent when children and adults are bone mineral density in men, but not in women. In a
considered together. In a meta-analysis focused on small study of Caucasian males who replaced milk with
children, Huncharek et al. (2008) examined the cola beverages in their diet for 10 days, Kristensen et al.
relationship between dairy and calcium intake and bone (2005) concluded that replacement of cola for milk
mineral content. Their review of 21 studies concluded results in a low calcium intake, which may negatively
that increased dairy/calcium intake, with or without affect bone health.
vitamin D supplementation, results in significantly
higher total body and lumbar spine bone mineral In summary, these reviews support that calcium and
content among children with low baseline intakes of milk and milk products play an important role in bone
dairy, calcium, and/or vitamin D. In a small, short-term mineral content in children. Results from adult trials are
study among prepubertal boys consuming equal mixed.
amounts of protein, Budek et al. (2007) found that a
high intake of milk, but not meat, decreased bone Milk and Milk Products and Cardiovascular
turnover. However, the relevance of reduced turnover Disease
for peak bone mass is unclear. Recent studies report that intake of milk and milk
products are protective against cardiovascular disease.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 271
The conclusion reached for this question is based on prospective cohort study (Snijder, 2008), and two cross-
review of two systematic reviews/meta-analyses sectional studies (Beydoun, 2008; Ruidavets, 2007).
(Alvarez-Leon, 2006; Elwood, 2008) and one case-
control study (Kontogianni, 2006). Elwood et al. (2008) performed a systematic review and
meta-analysis and the data showed a reduction in risk
Alvarez-Leon et al. (2006) systematically reviewed associated with the highest level of milk consumption
papers on the associations between consumption of for metabolic syndrome (RR=0.74; 95% CI: 0.64, 0.84)
dairy products and health outcomes, including CVD. compared to the risk in those with low consumption.
The systematic review of these papers found an inverse
association between the intake of dairy products and Snijder et al. (2008) conducted a prospective cohort
stroke. study investigating the association between dairy
consumption and changes in weight and metabolic
Elwood et al. (2008) performed a systematic review and disturbances. The authors concluded that dairy
meta-analysis to investigate the literature on milk and consumption was not associated with changes in
dairy consumption and risk of vascular disease. The metabolic variables in a Dutch elderly population. Two
final review included 15 prospective studies on cross-sectional studies (Beydoun, 2008; Ruidavets,
ischemic heart disease and stroke and four case-control 2007) looked at milk and milk product consumption
studies on myocardial infarction. The data showed a and metabolic syndrome. The French study by
reduction in risk associated with the highest level of Ruidavets et al. (2007) determined that the intake of
milk consumption for myocardial infarction. There was dairy products was associated with a lower probability
also a reduction of about 10 to 15 percent in the of insulin resistance syndrome. No significant
incidence of ischemic heart disease and a 20 percent associations between whole milk (per 100 g), low-fat
reduction in stroke events in the individuals who had milk (per 100 g), or skim milk (per 100 g) and
reported drinking the most milk, relative to those metabolic syndrome were observed in a study of
drinking the least milk within each cohort. The authors NHANES 1999-2004 data (Beydoun, 2008).
concluded that the data provides support for the
beneficial effects of milk and dairy consumption on risk Milk and Milk Products and Blood Cholesterol
for cardiovascular disease. Few studies have been conducted on the relationship
between the intake of milk and milk products and blood
Finally, in a case-control study, Kontogianni et al. cholesterol, although the high saturated fat content of
(2006) examined the association between dairy milk fat would theoretically support a positive
consumption and the prevalence of a first, non-fatal association with whole milk products. Three articles
event of an acute coronary syndrome in Greek adults. published since 2004 were reviewed on this topic: a
They reported an inverse relationship between dairy randomized trial (Bowen, 2005), a prospective cohort
product consumption and the odds of having acute study (Snijder, 2008) and a cross-sectional study
coronary syndrome. An increase of one portion of a (Houston, 2008).
dairy product per week was associated with a 12 percent
lower likelihood of having acute coronary syndrome. In the dairy product feeding study (Bowen, 2005),
intake of milk products was associated with reduced
Milk and Milk Products and Type 2 Diabetes blood cholesterol, although this was associated with
In a recent systematic review with meta-analysis weight loss in the study. In a study of Dutch elderly
(Elwood, 2008) of four prospective studies on diabetes, (Snijder, 2008), baseline dairy consumption was not
relative risk for T2D was estimated to be 10 percent associated with changes in serum lipid levels over 6.4
lower in people who had a high milk intake relative to years. A study of NHANES III data found that in
those with low consumption. women, more frequent cheese consumption was
associated with higher HDL-cholesterol and lower
Milk and Milk Products and Metabolic LDL-cholesterol (p for trend < 0.05), while in men,
Syndrome more frequent cheese consumption was associated with
Intake of milk and milk products is associated with higher BMI, waist circumference, HDL-cholesterol, and
reduced risk of metabolic syndrome and may even be LDL-cholesterol (p for trend < 0.05). Thus, intake of
protective in certain population groups. The conclusion milk and milk products in recent studies did not always
reached for this question is based on one systematic show expected increases in total blood cholesterol, and
review with meta-analysis (Elwood, 2008), one may be linked to increased HDL-cholesterol.
272 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Milk and Milk Products and Blood Pressure Five cross-sectional studies (Azadbakht, 2005;
Based on the current review of research of literature Beydoun, 2008; Djousse, 2006; Houston, 2008;
published since 2004, there is little evidence that Ruidavets, 2006) conducted in Iran, France, and the
supports an independent relationship between the intake U.S. also were reviewed, and all showed some positive
of milk and milk products and blood pressure. This impact of milk and milk product consumption on blood
conclusion is based on one systematic review (Alvarez- pressure, although the results were not consistent for all
Leon, 2006), one RCT (Bowen, 2005), six prospective population groups. Using data from NHANES 1999-
cohort studies (Alonso, 2005; Engberink, 2009a, 2009b; 2004, Beydoun et al. (2008) found that among all study
Snijder, 2008; Toledo, 2009; Wang, 2008a), and five participants, and among men in particular, fluid milk
cross-sectional studies (Azadbakht, 2005; Beydoun, was inversely related to blood pressure (systolic and
2008; Djousse, 2006; Houston, 2008; Ruidavets, 2006). diastolic), and yogurt was associated with better systolic
blood pressure. In contrast, cheese was positively
The systematic review by Alvarez-Leon et al. (2006) associated with systolic blood pressure. Using data on
concluded that an inverse association exists between the the intake of cheese from NHANES III, Houston et al.
intake of dairy products and hypertension. In the Bowen (2008) found that systolic blood pressure was not
et al. (2005) RCT, the authors determined that weight different across categories of cheese consumption, but
loss following energy-restricted, high-protein diets is diastolic blood pressure was higher among men in the
not affected by dietary calcium or protein source. Also, highest category of cheese consumption compared to
weight loss, not dietary calcium, was shown to improve non-consumers. In a cross-sectional analysis of almost
blood pressure. 5,000 participants from the National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute Family Heart Study, there was an
Results were reviewed from six prospective studies inverse association between dairy intake and the
conducted in the Netherlands, Spain, and the U.S. In the prevalence of hypertension that was independent of
Women’s Health Study (Wang, 2008a), decreased risk calcium intake and seen mainly among participants
of hypertension was associated with low-fat dairy consuming less saturated fat. A cross-sectional analysis
products, calcium, and vitamin D. In the SUN cohort in of 1,500 participants in Iran (Azadbakht, 2005) showed
Spain, Alonso et al. (2005) reported a 54 percent an inverse relationship between dairy consumption and
reduction in hypertension in participants with the hypertension. Finally, the French study by Ruidavets et
highest consumption of low-fat dairy products al. (2006) concluded that the consumption of dairy
compared to those with the lowest consumption, and products may be associated with reduced blood
they found no association between whole-fat dairy or pressure.
total calcium intake and incident hypertension.
Likewise, the Toledo et al. (2009) study in Spain found Evaluating the research on this topic is complicated by
no significant relationship between high-fat dairy and the types of milk products consumed in the various
blood pressure, but blood pressure was significantly studies, potential confounding with calcium intakes
lower among the highest consumers of low-fat dairy from other food sources, and the known relationship of
products. blood pressure to weight loss.

In general, studies from the Netherlands did not show as Milk and Milk Product Intake and Body Weight
strong a relationship between the intake of milk and The Committee reviewed 18 studies conducted since
milk products and blood pressure. Engberink et al. 2004 that examined the link between the intake of milk
(2009a) followed more than 20,000 participants for 5 and milk products and body weight and concluded that
years in the Netherlands and concluded that dairy intake evidence supporting the hypothesis of a relationship
has little effect on population blood pressure. Snijder et between intake of milk and milk products and decreased
al. (2008) concluded that dairy consumption was not body weight is not convincing. This conclusion is based
associated with changes in metabolic variables in their on one systematic review (Lanou, 2008), one RCT
study with a Dutch elderly population. Engberink et al. (Bowen, 2005), four prospective cohort studies
(2009b) followed older Dutch participants for 6 years, (Rajpathak, 2006; Rosell, 2006; Snijder, 2008;
and they concluded that low-fat dairy may be related to Vergnaud, 2008), and eight cross-sectional studies
hypertension prevention, but high-fat dairy and cheese (Azadbakht, 2005; Beydoun, 2008; Brooks, 2006;
did not show the same effect. Houston, 2008; Marques-Vidal, 2006; Mirmirin, 2005;
Murakami, 2006; O’Neil 2009). The Committee also
reviewed three studies that looked at energy intake as an
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 273
outcome (Dove, 2009; Harper, 2007; Hollis, 2007), and type of dairy product influences the associations
one study (Olsen, 2007) that addressed pregnancy. between dairy product consumption and anthropometric
changes. Eight cross-sectional studies (Azadbakht,
Lanou et al. (2008) reviewed the body of evidence on 2005; Beydoun, 2008; Brooks, 2006; Houston, 2008;
the effect of dairy product or calcium intake, with or Marques-Vidal, 2006; Mirmirin, 2005; Murkami, 2006;
without energy restriction, on body weight or adiposity. O’Neil, 2009) were reviewed, and were more likely to
Of the 49 randomized clinical trials reviewed, 42 found support that calcium and/or dairy consumption was
no effect on weight of dairy or calcium consumption, related to lower BMI.
and only four trials showed a potential effect of dairy
products or calcium on weight loss. Of the 16 clinical Other studies included in the review measured whether
trials, 15 showed no difference in body fat change consumption of milk or milk products was related to
between consumers of high and low levels of dairy or energy intake as an outcome. Dove et al. (2009)
calcium. One study found greater fat loss among high- concluded that consumption of skim milk, in
dairy consumers compared to low-dairy consumers. comparison with a fruit drink, leads to increased
Overall, their review does not support a connection perceptions of satiety and to decreased energy intake at
between dairy or calcium consumption and weight or fat a subsequent meal. Harper et al. (2007) conducted a
loss. randomized cross-over design study to compare the
effect on appetite and energy intake of consuming either
In the Bowen et al. (2005) RCT, the effects on weight, a sugar-sweetened beverage (cola) or chocolate milk
body composition, metabolic parameters, and risk drink. The authors concluded that consuming chocolate
markers of two isocaloric, energy-restricted high-protein milk increased subjective ratings of satiety and fullness
diets that differed in dietary calcium and protein source compared with cola and decreased hunger and later
on weight loss and body composition in healthy, consumption of food. However, this enhanced satiety
overweight adults were compared. The authors did not translate into differences in ad libitum energy
concluded that weight loss following energy-restricted, intake. Hollis and Mattes (2007) assessed the effect of
high protein diets is not affected by dietary calcium or daily intake of one or three portions of dairy foods on
protein source. energy intake and appetite. The authors concluded that
increasing dairy consumption from one to three portions
The following four prospective cohort studies did not each day led to increased energy intake. Thus, dairy
strongly support the hypothesis that increasing milk and foods may have some benefit for satiety when compared
milk products would result in a decrease in weight. to fruit drinks, but increased consumption of any extra
Rajpathak et al. (2006) evaluated the association calories (versus substitution), including dairy products,
between calcium and dairy intakes and 12-year weight will lead to increased energy intake.
change among men in the U.S. Their results indicate
that increasing calcium or dairy consumption is not Olsen et al. (2007) examined whether milk consumption
associated with lower long-term weight gain in men. during pregnancy is associated with greater infant size
Rosell et al. (2006) examined the association between at birth in the Danish National Birth Cohort. Milk
changes in dairy product consumption and self-reported consumption was inversely associated with the risk of
weight change over 9 years among women. They small-for-gestational age birth and directly with both
concluded that the association between the intake of large-for-gestational age birth and mean birth weight.
dairy products and weight gain differed according to the
type of dairy product and the body weight status at
baseline. Snijder et al. (2008) investigated the Question 5: What Is the Relationship
association between dairy consumption and 6.4-year Between the Intake of Cooked Dry Beans
changes in weight and metabolic disturbances in an and Peas and Selected Health Outcomes?
elderly Dutch population. They concluded that higher
dairy consumption does not protect against weight gain
and the development of metabolic disturbances over
time. Vergnaud et al. (2008) investigated the
Limited evidence exists to establish a clear relationship
relationship between dairy consumption and calcium
between intake of cooked dry beans and peas and body
intake with 6-year changes in body weight and waist
weight. There is limited evidence that intake of cooked
circumference in a French population. The authors
dry beans and peas lowers serum lipids. Limited
concluded that sex, overweight status at baseline, and
274 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
evidence is available to determine a relationship cooked dry beans and peas show promise for use in
between the intake of cooked dry beans and peas and control of blood glucose for individuals with T2D.
We examined studies from January 2000 to present for
Implications this review. Overall, our review suggests that little
evidence is available on the relationship between intake
Legumes and soybeans, including dried beans and peas, of cooked dry beans and peas and health outcomes.
are typically recommended foods because of their
content of dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals Cooked Dry Beans and Peas and Body Weight
(Mesina, 1999). Because soybeans are particularly high The few intervention studies on the relationship
in isoflavones, a phytoestrogen, they have been more between intake of cooked dry beans and peas (not
extensively studied than other legumes. Legumes are including soy) and body weight find mixed results. This
also promoted as a complementary protein source to conclusion is based on the review of one meta-analysis
grains since legumes are low in methionine and grains (Anderson and Major, 2002), one systematic review
are low in lysine. Thus, legumes play an important role (Williams, 2008), four trials (Crujeiras, 2007; Pittaway,
in vegan diets for enhancing protein quality. They may 2006, 2007, 2008), and one cross-sectional study
also provide a beneficial contribution to the general (Papanikolaou, 2008) for beans and peas. Additionally,
population in part to increase total vegetable the Committee reviewed one systematic review (Cope,
consumption and dietary fiber intake. 2008) and one cohort study (Maskarinec, 2008)
specifically pertaining to soy foods.
Review of the Evidence
In a meta-analysis of 11 studies, Anderson and Major
Background (2002) found that the intake of non-soy legumes was
Beans and peas are sources of protein, dietary fiber, associated with decreased body weight. In a systematic
minerals, and vitamins. As dietary fiber is linked to review examining the role of whole grains and legumes
lower body weight, intake of beans and peas would be in preventing and managing overweight and obesity,
expected to also be linked to lower body weight. Williams et al. (2008) concluded that weight loss is
Consumption of dry beans, peas, and lentils is low in achievable with energy-controlled diets high in legumes
the U.S., with only 8 percent of adults consuming dry but felt there was insufficient evidence to draw
beans and peas on any one day (Mitchell, 2009), conclusions about the protective effect of legumes on
making it difficult to see relationships in existing weight.
cohorts. Dry beans and peas are concentrated sources of
soluble dietary fiber, which is known to lower serum Results from feeding trials with beans and peas are
lipids. Vegetable protein from legumes has also been mixed, but diet treatments with beans and peas are
found to lower serum lipids, and the U.S. has an generally no more successful in weight loss than the
existing health claim for the ability of soy protein to control or comparison treatment. In two randomized
lower serum lipids. Most of the research in the lipid- crossover trials comparing chickpea- to wheat-
lowering benefits of soy protein was done in supplemented diets, no significant differences between
hyperlipidemic individuals. dietary interventions was observed (Pittaway, 2006,
2007). In a study that included chickpea-supplemented
Unfortunately, few consumers include cooked dry beans ad libitum, a non-significant decrease in body weight
and peas in their daily diet, and soy products are also was observed during the chickpea phase compared to
not commonly consumed in the U.S. This makes it the control phase (Pittaway, 2008). In a RCT comparing
difficult to determine the protectiveness of intake of hypocaloric diets high in non-soybean legumes to a diet
cooked dry beans and peas and soy when most without legumes, both groups lost weight with greater
prospective cohort studies include few participants who weight loss achieved by those consuming legumes. A
are consuming these products. comparison of bean eaters from NHANES 1999-2002
suggest that bean consumers had lower body weights,
Soluble fibers are thought to slow absorption of and waist circumferences in comparison to non-
carbohydrates and lower the glycemic index of foods. In consumers (Papanikolaou, 2008).
the original studies of glycemic index, intake of
legumes was associated with the lowest glucose In a systematic review of soy foods and weight loss,
response. Independent of glycemic index and load, Cope et al. (2008) concluded that there was limited
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 275
evidence to support the hypothesis that soy foods once a week was associated with a 22 percent lower risk
increase weight loss when fed at isocaloric levels or that of CHD and an 11 percent lower risk of CVD. In the
soy foods affect caloric intake when included as part of Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults
a diet. In a cohort study, women consuming more soy (CARDIA) Study (Steffen, 2005), tertiles of legume
during adulthood had a lower BMI, but the relation was intake were less than 0.1, 0.1 to 0.2, and more than 0.2
primarily observed for Caucasian and postmenopausal times per day, supporting extremely low usual intake of
participants (Maskarinec, 2008). legumes. The authors noted that limited consumption of
legumes and insufficient statistical power precluded
Cooked Dry Beans and Peas and definitive conclusions from being drawn about the
Cardiovascular Outcomes relationship between intake of legumes and elevated
Limited evidence exists that dry beans and peas have blood pressure. However, it is unclear whether null
unique abilities to lower serum lipids; most of the lipid findings were due to the lack of association or limited
lowering seen in studies is related to the soluble fiber range in consumption. In a case-control study in Costa
content of these products. The conclusion reached for Rica, Kabagambe et al. (2005) observed an inverse
this question is based on the review of one meta- association between myocardial infarction and the
analysis (Anderson and Major, 2002), five trials intake of one serving of beans per day (1/3 cup of
(Crujeiras, 2007; Finley, 2007; Pittaway, 2006, 2007, cooked beans) in adjusted analyses. However, no
2008), two prospective cohort studies (Bazzano, 2001; additional benefit was observed with more than one
Steffen, 2005), one case-control study (Kabagambe, serving per day.
2005), and one cross-sectional study (Papanikolaou,
2008). The Committee also considered one randomized In more than 12 years of follow-up of the Japan Public
crossover trial (Welty, 2007), one prospective cohort Health Center-Based Study Cohort I (Kokubo, 2007),
study (Kokubo, 2007), and one longitudinal study investigators saw a decrease in the risk of myocardial
(Nagata, 2000) regarding soy foods. infarction, cerebral infarction, and CVD mortality
among women consuming soy at least five times per
Anderson and Major (2002) quantitatively analyzed week compared to those consuming soy zero to two
changes in serum lipoprotein levels resulting from times per week. However, no associations were
intake of non-soya pulses. The authors concluded that observed for men. In a longitudinal study in Japan,
regular consumption of pulses may have important Nagata et al. (2000) also observed an inverse correlation
protective effects on risk for CVD, including decreases between soy product intake and heart disease mortality
in serum cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and in women, but not men.
triacylglyercols, and increases in HDL-cholesterol.
In a randomized crossover trial in which hypertensive,
In the intervention studies, dry beans and peas lowered prehypertensive, and normotensive postmenopausal
serum lipids as expected based on soluble fiber content. women consumed the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes
In a series of studies including the daily consumption of (TLC) diet alone or with 1/2 cup unsalted soy nuts (25 g
more than 100 grams of chickpeas per day for 5 to 12 soy protein) replacing 25 grams of non-soy protein,
weeks, Pittaway et al. (2006, 2007, 2008) observed benefits to blood pressure and LDL-cholesterol were
improvements in serum total cholesterol and LDL- greater for the hypertensive women than the
cholesterol compared to a control diet without legumes. normotensive participants (Welty, 2007).
Similar improvements in total cholesterol were
observed following an 8-week weight loss intervention Cooked Dry Beans and Peas and Type 2
that included non-soybean legumes four days each Diabetes Mellitus
week, and the decrease in total cholesterol was directly Evidence is insufficient to determine a relationship
correlated with increased fiber intake (Crujeiras, 2007). between dry beans and peas and T2D. Only one study
was found that measured the relationship between dry
Bazzano et al. (2001) found a strong and independent beans and peas and T2D. The association between the
inverse association between dietary intake of legumes consumption of legume and soy foods and T2D was
and risk of CHD in the Nutrition Examination Survey examined over an average follow-up of approximately 5
Epidemiologic Follow-up Study (NHEFS), which is a years in the Shanghai Women’s Health Study (Villegas,
prospective cohort study of the First NHANES 2005). Average daily intake of individual food items
(NHANES I) from 1971 to 1975. Legume consumption was combined for the following food groups: total
four or more times per week compared with less than legumes and three mutually exclusive groups—
276 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
soybeans (dried and fresh), peanuts, and other legumes. eating patterns and more specific impacts of dried
The median intake of total legumes was 30.5 grams per beans and peas on health.
day, for soybeans was 11.0 grams per day, for peanuts
was 0.7 gram per day, and for other legumes was 15.5 Rationale: Large U.S. cohorts do not include
grams per day. Total legume consumption and enough vegetarians and vegans to make
consumption of soybeans and other legumes were each comparisons on health outcomes including weight
associated with a decrease in risk of T2D. control and blood pressure. Widespread public
interest and possible public health impacts of this
dietary pattern raise the priority for this research.
Chapter Summary
3. Conduct studies of potential limitations of plant-
Proteins are unique because they provide both essential based diet for key nutrients, including calcium,
amino acids to build body proteins and are a calorie iron, vitamin B12, and protein quality, especially in
source. Because the RDA of protein for any person is children and the elderly.
based on their ideal body weight (0.8 g protein/kg body
weight/day for ages 19 and above), lower-calorie diets Rationale: These data are needed to determine
require higher percentage of protein intake. Protein whether vegan children require dietary supplements
quality varies greatly and is dependent on the amino to attain adequate nutrient status and growth.
acid composition of the protein and the digestibility.
Animal sources of protein, including meat, fish, milk, 4. Examine the role of dairy products in lipid profiles,
and egg, are the highest quality proteins. Plant proteins especially through intervention trials in which all
can be combined to form more complete proteins if types of dairy products, both low and high fat, are
combinations of legumes and grains are consumed. As fed. Bioactive components that alter serum lipid
most Americans consume too many calories, the levels may be contained in milk fat.
percentage of calories from protein may be higher—up
to 35 percent of calories can come from protein on very Rationale: Consumption of milk products may not
low calorie diets. Higher-protein diets tend to assist in have predictable effect on serum lipids, weight
initial weight loss, but long term studies of weight loss control, and metabolic syndrome. The ability of
or maintenance of weight loss find no differences dairy consumption to increase HDL levels and their
among diets lower or higher in protein. effect on weight gain or weight loss and metabolic
syndrome is also of widespread public health
Needs for Future Research interest and worthy of additional study.

1. Develop standardized definitions for vegetable 5. Develop and investigate potential biomarkers for
proteins and improve assessment methods for objective assessment of vegetable protein intake.
quantifying vegetable protein intake to help clarify
outcomes in epidemiologic studies in this area. Rationale: Few measures of protein status exist in
healthy individuals, so it is difficult to compare
Rationale: Assessing vegetarian eating patterns and protein status of participants in cohort studies with
their protein content is complex and current diverse protein intakes.
methodologies do not capture critical variations.
Therefore, investigators’ ability to quantify any 6. Develop better assessment tools to classify
possible association with health benefits is limited. vegetarian patterns in epidemiologic studies.
Better standardized definitions and improved
assessment methods will improve the ability to Rationale: No assessment methods are currently
quantify health benefits associated with available to classify participants into the wide range
consumption of vegetable protein. of vegetarian eating patterns.

2. Develop better methods of conducting cohort 7. Conduct randomized controlled trials to answer the
studies of populations consuming plant-based diets question whether intake of dairy products alters
compared to animal based diets, including defined blood pressure.
classifications of vegetarian and “near vegetarian”

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 277

Rationale: Results from prospective studies are Appleby P, Roddam A, Allen N, Key T. Comparative
inconsistent and suggest that many other variables fracture risk in vegetarians and nonvegetarians in EPIC-
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other nutrients, will make associations difficult to 2007 Feb 7.
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8. Ensure that prospective cohort studies continue to blood pressure among meat eaters, fish eaters,
track the association between intake of dairy vegetarians and vegans in EPIC-Oxford. Public Health
products and metabolic syndrome. Nutr. 2002;5(5):645-54.

Rationale: Evidence to date does not suggest that Azadbakht L, Mirmiran P, Esmaillzadeh A, Azizi F.
high fat dairy products are more likely than low fat Dairy consumption is inversely associated with the
dairy products to induce metabolic syndrome. prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in Tehranian
Whether there are other protective compounds in adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005;82(3):523-30.
milk products, such as calcium, protein, fatty acids,
etc., that provide protection requires further Baines S, Powers J, Brown WJ. How does the health
research. and well-being of young Australian vegetarian and
semi-vegetarian women compare with non-vegetarians?
Public Health Nutr. 2007;10(5):436-42.
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2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 285

Part D. Section 5: Carbohydrates

Introduction fermentation (Miller, 1984) and can aid in weight

control through lower energy yield. Few studies have
Carbohydrates (one of the three macronutrients) consist linked carbohydrates to obesity. Indeed, observational
of sugars, starches, and fibers. The Institute of Medicine data generally report that higher carbohydrate intake is
(IOM) (2002) set an acceptable macronutrient linked to lower body weight (National Health and
distribution range (AMDR) for carbohydrates of 45 to Nutrition Examination Survey [NHANES], 2000-2005).
65 percent of total calories. Thus, current dietary Aspects of carbohydrate and body weight are discussed
guidance recommends consumption of carbohydrate- in detail later in this section and in other sections of this
containing foods, including vegetables, fruits, grains, Report (see Question 5 for a discussion of sugar-
nuts and seeds, and milk products. Carbohydrate foods sweetened beverages [SSB] and energy intake and body
are an important source of fiber and other nutrients. weight; Part D. Section 1: Energy Balance and Weight
Management for discussions of macronutrient
Sugars and starches provide glucose, the main energy proportions and body weight and of SSB and body
source for the brain, central nervous system, and red weight in children; and Part D. Section 2: Nutrient
blood cells. Glucose also can be stored as glycogen Adequacy for a discussion of added sugars as a food
(animal starch) in liver and muscle, or, like all excess component overconsumed in the American diet).
calories in the body, converted to body fat. Dietary
fibers are nondigestible forms of carbohydrates and Carbohydrates and dental caries also are a topic of
lignin. Dietary fiber is intrinsic and intact in plants, public health importance. The 2005 DGAC concluded
helps provide satiety, and is important in promoting that carbohydrate intake contributes to dental caries by
healthy laxation. Diets high in fiber also have been providing substrate for bacterial fermentation in the
linked to reduced risk of diabetes, colon cancer, obesity, mouth. A combined approach of reducing the frequency
and other chronic diseases. and duration of exposure to fermentable carbohydrate
intake and optimal oral hygiene practices is the most
The role of carbohydrates in the diet has been the effective way to reduce caries incidence. Substantive
source of much public and scientific interest. These research on the relationship of carbohydrates and dental
include the relationship of carbohydrates with health caries has not occurred since the last DGAC Report, so
outcomes, including coronary heart disease (CHD), type the 2010 DGAC reaffirms the 2005 Committee’s
2 diabetes (T2D), body weight, and dental caries. The conclusion.
2010 DGAC conducted Nutrition Evidence Library
(NEL) evidence reviews on these and other This section continues with background information on
carbohydrate-related topics. The Committee also relied the nomenclature and composition of carbohydrates and
on evidence contained in the 2002 Dietary Reference provides discussion of recommended intakes of
Intakes (DRIs) report and conducted a non-NEL review carbohydrates and their food sources. Also provided are
of recent literature to specifically examine the the NEL systematic evidence-based reviews of six
relationship of carbohydrates with CHD, T2D, questions and non-NEL literature review of three
behavior, and cognitive performance (Colditz, 1992; questions that cover a variety of issues related to intakes
Dolan, 2010; IOM, 2002; Laville, 2009; Meyer, 2000; of dietary carbohydrates and health.
Stanhope, 2009; Wolraich, 1995). No detrimental
effects of carbohydrates as a source of calories on these Background on Carbohydrates
or other health outcomes were reported.
The energy value of digestible carbohydrates is Carbohydrates are subdivided into several categories,
generally accepted as 4 calories per gram for both based on the number of sugar units present and the way
sugars and starches. Research suggests that high-fiber in which the sugar units are chemically bonded to each
diets can cause energy losses in the feces beyond the other. These categories include sugars, starches, and
energy contained in the fiber source that escapes fibers. Sugars are intrinsic in fruits, fluid milk, and milk

286 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

products. They also are added to foods during Table D5.1 provides a summary of the carbohydrate
processing, preparation, or at the table. These “added categories, showing their chemical composition, how
sugars” (or extrinsic sugars) sweeten the flavor of foods they are made, examples of each, and food sources.
and beverages and improve their palatability. Sugars are
also used in food preservation and to confer functional Recommended Intakes and Food Sources
attributes, such as viscosity, texture, body, and Recommended Intakes of Sugars and Starches—In
browning capacity. They provide calories but its 2002 report Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy,
insignificant amounts of vitamins, minerals, or other Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol,
essential nutrients. The Nutrition Facts label provides Protein, and Amino Acids (IOM, 2002), the IOM
information on total sugars per serving, but does not established a Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)
distinguish between sugars naturally present in foods for carbohydrate of 130 grams per day for adults and
and added sugars. children age 1 year and older. This value is based on the
amount of sugars and starches required to provide the
Starches are made of many glucose units linked brain with an adequate supply of glucose. Although the
together. They are found naturally in a wide range of IOM set an AMDR for carbohydrate of 45 to 65 percent
foods, including vegetables, cooked dry beans and peas, of total calories, it is very difficult to meet dietary fiber
and grains. Most starches are broken down to sugars by recommendations at the low end of this range, and high
digestive enzymes for use by the body, but some intake of total sugars (intrinsic and added) may be
starches, such as those in cooked dry beans and peas linked to elevated blood triglycerides. A comparison of
and pasta, are resistant to digestive enzymes. Fibers, the RDA to the AMDR shows that the recommended
like starches, are made mostly of many sugar units range of carbohydrate intake is higher than the RDA.
bonded together. Unlike most starches, however, these For example, if an individual with a caloric intake of
bonds cannot be broken down by digestive enzymes and 2000 kilocalories per day consumes 55 percent of
pass relatively intact into the large intestine. There, fiber calories as carbohydrate (the mid-range of the AMDR)
can be fermented by the colonic microflora to gases 1100 kilocalories would be from carbohydrate. This
such as hydrogen and carbon dioxide or it can pass equates to 275 grams carbohydrate (1 g carbohydrate =
through the large intestine and bind water, increasing 4 kcal), well above the RDA of 130 grams per day
stool weight. Although fibers are not converted to needed for brain function.
glucose, some short chain fatty acids are produced in
the gut as fibers are fermented. Short chain fatty acids The DRI committee concluded that evidence was
are absorbed and can be used for energy in the body. insufficient to set a Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)
Fibers include both “dietary fiber,” the fiber naturally for carbohydrates (IOM, 2002). However, a maximal
occurring in foods, and “functional fibers,” which are intake level of 25 percent or less of total calories from
isolated fibers that have a positive physiological effect. added sugars was suggested by the panel. This
No analytical measures exist to separate dietary fiber suggestion is based on dietary intake survey data
and functional fiber, so the Nutrition Facts label lists showing that people with diets at or above this level of
“Dietary Fiber”—which is actually total fiber. added sugars were more likely to have poorer intakes of
important essential nutrients.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 287

Table D5.1. Carbohydrates: nomenclature and special issues

Composition Examples Special Issues Found In

Monosaccharides 1 sugar unit • Glucose • Rarely found • Apples (fructose)
• Fructose naturally in • Pears (fructose)
• Galactose foods-except for • Honey (fructose)
Disaccharides 2 linked • Sucrose (50% glucose, 50% • Occurs naturally • Fruit
sugar units fructose) in foods (sucrose, • Milk
• Lactose (50% galactose, 50% lactose) • Sweet potatoes
glucose) • Produced by
• Maltose (100% glucose- starch digestion
glucose bond) (maltose)
• High fructose corn syrup • Hydrolysis of
(HFCS) (generally 55% corn (HFCS)
fructose – sometimes 42%
fructose – varies)
Oligosaccharides 3-10 linked • Raffinose • May cause • Dry beans and peas
(OS) sugar units • Stachyose intestinal gas • Onions
• Breast milk
• Added to food as
inulin and other OS
Polysaccharides Many linked • Starch • Most are broken • Starchy vegetables
glucose units • Glycogen – animal starch down to glucose • Grains
for absorption • Dry beans and peas
• Nuts and seeds
• Resistant starch • Resistant starch • Dry beans and peas
does not undergo • Pasta
digestion in the • Refrigerated cooked
small intestine potatoes
Polysaccharides/L Many linked • Dietary Fiber, i.e., • Different • Vegetables
ignin sugar units nondigestible carbohydrates chemical • Fruits
and lignin that are intrinsic bonding; human • Whole grains
and intact in plants enzymes cannot • Dry beans and peas
• Functional Fiber, i.e., isolated break bonds; pass • Nuts and seeds
nondigestible carbohydrates relatively intact
that have beneficial through upper
physiological effects in digestive tract
human beings • Can be fermented
• Total Fiber = Dietary Fiber + by colonic
Functional Fiber microflora to
gases and short-
chain fatty acids

288 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Recommended Intakes of Fiber—In its 2002 report, below the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR), but
the IOM set an Adequate Intake (AI) value for fiber of the overall high calorie and low quality of the U.S. diet
14 grams of fiber per 1000 kilocalories. This value is remained the predominant issue.
derived from data on the relationship of fiber
consumption and CHD risk, although the IOM also Dietary fiber intake was particularly low in their
considered the totality of the evidence for fiber analysis. With the exception of older women (51+
decreasing the risk of chronic disease and other health- years), only 0 to 5 percent of individuals in all other life
related conditions. Consequently, the IOM fiber stage groups had fiber intakes meeting or exceeding the
recommendations are highest for populations who AI (Marriott et al., 2010). Fiber intake is closely linked
consume the most calories, namely young males. Fiber to calorie intake. Thus, recommendations to reduce
recommendations are lower for women and the elderly. calorie intake will make increasing fiber intake
Using this method for determining recommended fiber particularly challenging (Slavin, 2008).
intake for children is problematic (e.g., intake of 19 g of
fiber is recommended for 2 year old children, an To reduce calories in response to the epidemic obesity
implausible number). Past recommendations for crisis in the U.S., non-nutrient-dense carbohydrate
children were based on the age plus 5 rule (e.g., a child sources should be reduced. Because fiber has known
aged 2 years should consume 7 g of fiber per day) health benefits, it is advisable to select foods high in
(Williams, 1995). dietary fiber, whole grain breads and cereals, legumes,
vegetables, and fruit whenever possible. For more
Dietary fiber is listed on the Nutrition Facts panel, and information on food sources of fiber, see Part D.
25 grams of dietary fiber is the recommended amount in Section 2. Nutrient Adequacy. Typically, vegetables and
a 2000 kilocalorie diet. Manufacturers are allowed to fruits are not the most concentrated fiber sources, but
call a food a “good source of fiber” if it contains 10 these are important foods to encourage because they
percent of the recommended amount (2.5 g/serving) and contribute important micronutrients. Similarly, milk and
an “excellent source of fiber” if the food contains 20 milk products, which contain lactose, generally do not
percent of the recommended amount (5 g/serving). contain fiber but these too are important because they
Dietary fiber on food labels includes both dietary fiber contribute calcium, vitamin D, protein, potassium,
and functional fiber. magnesium, and riboflavin.

Food Sources of Carbohydrates in the Diet

The amount of dietary carbohydrate that confers optimal List of Questions
health in humans is unknown (IOM, 2006). Adults
should consume 45 to 65 percent of their total calories CARBOHYDRATES AND HEALTH OUTCOMES
from carbohydrates, except for younger children who
need a somewhat higher proportion of fat in their diets 1. What are the health benefits of dietary fiber?
(IOM, 2006). Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, milk and 2. What is the relationship between whole grain intake
milk products are the major food sources of and selected health outcomes?
carbohydrates. Grains and certain vegetables including 3. What is the relationship between the intake of
corn and potatoes are rich in starch, while sweet vegetables and fruits, not including juice, and
potatoes are mostly sucrose, not starch (Anderson, selected health outcomes?
1982). Fruits and dark green vegetables contain little or 4. What is the relationship between glycemic index or
no starch. Regular soft drinks, sugar-sweets, sweetened glycemic load and selected health outcomes?
grains, and regular fruitades/drinks comprise 72 percent 5. In adults, what are the associations between intake
of the intake of added sugar (Marriott et al., 2010). of SSB and energy intake and body weight?
Marriott et al. (2010) examined the intake of added
sugars and selected nutrients from 2003-2006 OTHER RELATED TOPICS
NHANES data. Thirteen percent of the population had
added sugars intake of more than 25 percent of calories. 6. How are non-caloric sweeteners related to energy
The mean gram equivalent (g-eq) of added sugars intake and body weight?
intake was 83.1 g-eq per day and the food sources of 7. What is the impact of liquids versus solid foods on
added sugars were comparable to the mid-1990s. energy intake and body weight?
Higher added sugars intakes were associated with
higher proportions of individuals with nutrient intakes
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 289
8. What is the role of carbohydrate, fiber, protein, fat, and primary research articles included in the reviews
and food form on satiety? were excluded. However, systematic reviews and meta-
9. What is the role of prebiotics and probiotics in analyses were excluded from the review on glycemic
health? index/load (Question 4) because many studies on the
topic had been published since 2004 and the Committee
wanted to focus their review on primary research
Methodology articles.

The Committee first reviewed the 2005 DGAC Report For Questions 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7, the conclusions
to inform their review process in 2010. Various topics expressed in the 2010 DGAC Report are informed by
in this section were also considered by the 2005 DGAC, the evidence compiled for the 2005 DGAC Report, but
including fiber (Question 1), whole grains (Question 2), are based primarily on the NEL evidence gathered and
vegetables and fruits (Question 3), glycemic index and reviewed since 2004. As described below, for some
load (Question 4), added sugars (Question 5), and questions, the search was extended back further to
liquids versus solids (Question 7). New questions capture a larger body of evidence.
considered by the 2010 Committee include non-caloric
sweeteners (Question 6), satiety (Question 8), and Question 2 examined the relationship between the
prebiotics and probiotics (Question 9). NEL evidence- consumption of whole grains and the incidence of
based systematic reviews were conducted for Questions cardiovascular disease (CVD), T2D, and measures of
2 to 7. The Committee addressed the remaining topics adiposity. These outcomes were selected because they
in the DGAC Report, but given limited time and represent leading causes of morbidity and mortality in
resources, the systematic review methodology was not the U.S. The Committee extended this search back to
applied. Rather, the most current or representative 1995, so that literature reviewed by the 2005 DGAC
evidence was applied. For example, the dietary fiber could also be considered.
question was primarily answered using the 2002 DRI
Report (IOM, 2002) and a recent position paper on fiber Question 3 examined the relationships between intake
from the American Dietetic Association (ADA) (Slavin, of vegetables and fruits, not including juice, and body
2008). These were supplemented by an updated weight, cardiovascular outcomes, and T2D in adults.
literature review. Questions on satiety and pre- and The Committee only considered studies that directly
probiotics also were answered using a general literature assessed the relationship between the intake of
search. vegetables and fruit and health outcomes; studies
examining the intake of vegetables and fruits as a part
For each of the NEL systematic review questions in this of specific dietary patterns are considered in Part D.
chapter, the following general criteria applied. All study Section 2: The Total Diet: Combining Nutrients,
designs were originally included in the searches, but Consuming Food. The childhood adiposity section in
cross-sectional studies were later excluded from the Part D. Section 1: Energy Balance and Weight
review if there was sufficient evidence from studies Management provides additional information about
with stronger study designs. The Committee excluded vegetables and fruits and 100 percent juice, and Part D.
studies that only included participants diagnosed with Section 2: Nutrient Adequacy discusses vegetables and
chronic disease, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and fruits as food groups of concern for the American
related health conditions. A description of the NEL population. Cancer was not considered in the NEL
evidence-based systematic review process is provided in evidence-based systematic review because the
Part C: Methodology. Additional information about the Committee chose to address this topic using the World
NEL search strategies and criteria used to review each Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer
question can be found online at Research report (WCRF/AICR, 2007).
Similar to 2005, the review of glycemic index/load
Many systematic reviews and meta-analyses of primary (Question 4) included the outcomes of body weight and
research articles were considered by the Committee, and incidence of T2D, CVD, and cancer. Reviews for CVD
care was taken not to review the same study twice in the and T2D were extended to January 2000 because
NEL evidence-based review. For most questions, insufficient evidence was available to draw conclusions
systematic reviews and meta-analyses were included, from publications since 2004.

290 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Although added sugars (Question 5) was considered by Implications
the 2005 DGAC, the Committee extended the search for
this topic to 1990. This section of the Report only Dietary fiber is underconsumed across all segments of
considers the literature pertaining to adults (Part D. the American population. The development of many
Section 1: Energy Balance and Weight Management risk factors that are associated with incidence of several
addresses SSB and childhood adiposity). The original highly prevalent chronic diseases could be reduced by
search for this question was broad and included terms increasing consumption of naturally-occurring plant-
such as “added sugars,” “dietary sucrose,” and “candy” based foods that are high in dietary fiber, including
as well as various terms for SSB. However, few studies whole grain foods, cooked dry beans and peas,
were identified that looked at added sugars other than vegetables, fruits, and nuts.
SSB; thus, SSB are the focus of this review. Additional
information about intake of added sugars is provided in Review of the Evidence
Part D. Section 2: Nutrient Adequacy.
Liquids versus solids (Question 7) was considered an The 2002 DRIs defined dietary fiber as non-digestible
“unresolved issue” in 2005; therefore, the Committee carbohydrates and lignin that are intrinsic and intact in
extended the search for this review to January 2000. plants. Functional fiber consists of the isolated non-
This review only included studies that compared a digestible carbohydrates that have beneficial
liquid to a solid or semi-solid form. Further, only physiological effects in human beings (IOM, 2002).
articles that considered energy intake and/or body Total fiber is the sum of dietary fiber and functional
weight were reviewed. Although additional research on fiber. Since data were inadequate to determine an EAR
food form and appetite, hunger, and related outcomes and thus calculate a RDA for Total Fiber, an AI was
are available, these outcomes were not addressed in this instead developed. AI was based on the median fiber
aspect of the review. intake associated with the lowest risk of CHD in
prospective, cohort studies. Fiber recommendations are
Non-caloric sweeteners (Question 6) was not considered calculated as 14 grams fiber per 1000 kilocalories of
in previous iterations of the DGAC Report. The review usual intake, so higher fiber intakes are recommended
of non-caloric sweeteners was an update to a previous for men compared to women. The Nutrition Facts label
systematic review conducted by the ADAs Evidence suggests an intake of 25 grams of dietary fiber for a
Analysis Library on non-caloric sweeteners and energy 2000 kilocalorie diet.
intake and body weight. The ADA review addressed
literature published from January 1985 through March Most Americans seriously underconsume dietary fiber
2006, and the Committee updated this search from with usual intakes averaging only 15 grams per day
March 2006 to present. (NHANES, 2005-06; NCI, 2009). Concentrated dietary
fiber sources include whole grains, cooked dry beans
and peas, vegetables, nuts, and dried fruits (see Table
CARBOHYDRATES AND HEALTH D2.16 in Part D. Section 2. Nutrient Adequacy). The
OUTCOMES major sources of dietary fiber in the American diet are
white flour and potatoes, not because they are
concentrated fiber sources but because they are widely
Question 1: What Are the Health Benefits consumed (Slavin, 2008).
of Dietary Fiber?
The following summary is based on a non-NEL review
Conclusion of the literature. It highlights conclusions from the ADA
position paper on dietary fiber and covers other recently
A moderate body of evidence suggests that dietary fiber published findings.
from whole foods protects against cardiovascular
disease, obesity, and T2D and is essential for optimal Dietary Fiber and Cardiovascular Disease
digestive health. The ADA published a position paper which presents the
findings of the ADA’s Evidence Analysis Library
systematic review on the health implications of dietary
fiber (Slavin, 2008). This review found fair evidence
(Grade II) that “dietary fiber from whole foods or
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 291
supplements may lower blood pressure, improve serum Dietary Fiber and Type 2 Diabetes
lipids, and reduce indicators of inflammation. Benefits The ADA position paper on the health implications of
may occur with intakes of 12 to 33 grams fiber per day dietary fiber (Slavin, 2008) concluded that limited
from whole foods or up to 42.5 grams fiber per day evidence suggested that “diets providing 30 to 50 grams
from supplements.” fiber per day from whole food sources consistently
produce lower serum glucose levels compared to a low
Other recent studies reported a range of cardiovascular fiber diet.” Hopping et al. (2010) examined the
benefits associated with dietary fiber. Demoura et al. association between dietary fiber and T2D in a large
(2009) evaluated the effect of applying the Food and multiethnic cohort in Hawaii over a 14-year period.
Drug Administration’s (FDA, 2006) definition of whole Study participants in the top quintile of grain fiber
grains (see whole grain section that follows) to the intake had a 10 percent reduction in diabetes risk, while
strength of scientific evidence that supports whole grain diabetes risk was reduced by 22 percent among men in
health claims for CVD risk reduction. The authors the highest quintile of vegetable fiber intake.
concluded that when a broader whole grain definition
was used, such that studies of individual whole grains Dietary Fiber and Bowel Health
(barley, oats, or rye) that did not explicitly define whole In 2005, the DGAC examined the role of fiber in
grains in the manuscript as well as studies that added laxation and bowel health. In developed countries,
bran and germ with whole grains were included, there chronic constipation is a common disorder for adults
was sufficient evidence for a CVD health claim. Flint and children. Dietary fiber from whole foods increases
(2009) reported that cereal fiber was associated with stool weight and improves transit time, thereby reducing
reduced blood pressure in adults. The longitudinal constipation (DGAC, 2005). The ADA systematic
STRIP study in children (Ruottinen, 2010) found that review of the health implications of dietary fiber
serum cholesterol concentrations decreased with concluded that there was a lack of data examining the
increasing fiber intake. impact of fiber from whole foods on outcomes in
gastrointestinal diseases. This may be due to the
Dietary Fiber and Obesity Prevention complexity and cost of these studies (Slavin, 2008). The
According to the ADA position paper (Slavin, 2008), 2002 DRIs recommended that dose-response studies be
high-fiber diets provide bulk, are more satiating, and conducted to determine the amount of fiber that needs
have been linked to lower body weights. Three recent to be ingested to promote optimum laxation so that in
prospective studies and two cross-sectional studies the future this could form the basis for a
provide additional support for the role of dietary fiber in recommendation for fiber intake and provide a basis for
obesity prevention. Du et al. (2010) followed a large determining functional fibers. Few fiber supplements
cohort for 6.5 years and found that total fiber and cereal have been studied for physiological effectiveness, so the
fiber were inversely associated with subsequent best advice is to consume fiber in foods (Slavin, 2008).
increases in weight and waist circumference. Fruit and
vegetable fiber was also inversely associated with waist
circumference change, but not with weight change. Question 2: What Is the Relationship
Likewise, a 20-month, prospective cohort study (n=252) Between Whole Grain Intake and Selected
(Tucker and Thomas, 2009) found that for each 1 gram Health Outcomes?
increase in total fiber consumed, weight decreased by
0.25 kilogram and percent body fat decreased by 0.25
percentage points. A longitudinal study of dietary intake
on metabolic risk factors in Latino youth (Davis, 2009b)
A moderate body of evidence from large prospective
concluded that adolescents who increased total dietary
cohort studies shows that whole grain intake, which
fiber intake (3 g/1000 kcal) decreased their visceral
includes cereal fiber, protects against cardiovascular
adipose tissue (VAT), whereas adolescents who
disease. Limited evidence shows that consumption of
decreased in dietary (3 g/1000 kcal) and insoluble fibers
whole grains is associated with a reduced incidence of
increased VAT. Part D. Section 1: Energy Balance and
T2D in large prospective cohort studies. Moderate
Weight Management provides a review of dietary fiber
evidence shows that intake of whole grains and grain
and adiposity in children.
fiber is associated with lower body weight.

292 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Implications For this Report, the Committee reviewed literature
published since June 2004 on the relationship between
Currently most Americans are not consuming adequate whole grains and three health outcomes: CVD, T2D,
amounts of whole grains, which are an important source and body weight.
of dietary fiber and other nutrients. Enriched and
fortified grains provide important nutrients; hence, Whole Grain Intake and Cardiovascular
individuals are encouraged to consume grains as both Disease
fiber-rich whole grains and enriched grains. To ensure Seven articles (DeMoura, 2009; Kelly, 2007; Mellen,
nutrient adequacy, especially for folate, individuals who 2008; Brownlee, 2010; Djousse, 2007; Flint, 2009;
consume all of their grains as whole grains should Nettleton, 2008) met the inclusion criteria and were
include some that have been fortified with folic acid. reviewed to determine the effect of whole grain
consumption on CVD (two systematic reviews, one
Total grains servings are typically overconsumed in the meta-analysis, one randomized controlled trial [RCT],
U.S., so recommendations to consume more grains are and three prospective cohort studies). The importance
not supported by this review. Advice should be to make of the need for an agreed upon definition for whole
more grain choices as fiber-rich whole grains, rather grains was noted in the DeMoura et al. (2009) review.
than eat more grains. The lack of standards for whole Their initial inclusion criteria required studies to
grain foods and measuring whole grain content of foods explicitly state 51 percent of weight being whole grains,
also make any recommendations difficult to implement. to be eligible for review. Using this standard, only two
RCTs, one prospective cohort study, and one cross-
Review of the Evidence sectional study were identified for review.

Background A second, broader set of inclusion criteria used a

The 2005 DGA and the FDA (2006) defined whole minimum level of 25 percent of whole grain by dry
grains, saying: “Whole grains, as well as foods made weight to assign values for whole grains and added bran
from them, include the entire grain seed, usually called and/or germ along with whole grains. RCTs conducted
the kernel. The kernel consists of three components— with individual whole grains, such as whole grain
the bran, germ and endosperm. If the kernel has been barley, oats, and rye, were included in the broader
cracked, crushed, or flaked, then it must retain the same definition group. Six RCTs found a beneficial effect of
relative proportions as they exist in the intact grain.” oats on CVD outcomes and five found no significant
FDA, recognizing the benefit of whole grains, changes. Four RCTs with barley showed reduction in
established a whole grain health claim, which includes plasma total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. The
the requirement that 51 percent or more of the product authors concluded that, for the restricted assessment,
weight be a whole grain ingredient. Food manufacturers while two observational studies found a significant
can also make factual statements about whole grains on reduction in CVD-related surrogate endpoints, there
the label of their products, such as “10 grams of whole were not supporting intervention studies, and thus,
grains,” “½ ounce of whole grains,” and “100 percent insufficient evidence to support a whole grain health
whole grain oatmeal” (FDA, 2006). There is urgent claim for CVD risk reduction. Using the broader
need for an international definition for whole grain and definition that included added bran and/or germ along
methods to measure the whole grain content of foods with whole grains, the authors concluded that the
(Frolich and Aman, 2010). evidence supported a whole-grain health claim for
reduced risk of CVD.
The 2005 DGAC focused on the relationship between
whole grain consumption and three health outcomes— Two systematic reviews/meta-analyses found a
CHD, diabetes, and obesity. The 2005 DGAC reviewed protective effect of whole grains on CVD. Kelly et al.
12 prospective cohort studies to ascertain the whole (2007), in a systematic review and meta-analysis of nine
grain intake levels associated with the greatest health RCTs (eight oat, one rye), reported a significantly lower
benefit. The 2005 DGAC committee concluded that total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol with higher whole
consuming at least three servings (equivalent to 3 oz in grain (oat, rye) intake. Mellen et al. (2008), in a meta-
a 2000 calorie diet) of nutrient-rich whole grains per analysis of seven prospective cohort studies, also
day can reduce the risk of diabetes and CHD and helps reported a protective effect of whole grains on CVD.
with weight maintenance. Mellen (2008) did not evaluate the criteria that the
studies used to quantify whole grain intake. It is likely
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 293
that a minimum content of 25 percent whole grain by pooled the data of six prospective cohort studies (n =
weight, the Jacobs algorithm (AJCN, 1999), was used 286,125 predominantly Black and White male and
in most cases. female participants with 10,944 incident cases of T2D)
and found that a two-serving-per-day increment in whole
More recent studies have attempted to use grams of grain consumption was associated with a 21 percent
whole grains as the measure of whole grains in foods. decrease in risk of T2D after adjustment for potential
Flint et al. (2009) used weight of whole grain in their confounders and BMI (p<0.001).
hypertension analysis and found that both whole grains
were protective for incident hypertension. Priebe (2008), reported on five prospective cohort studies
that examined the effect of whole grain foods and found
Brownlee et al. (2010) examined markers of an inverse association ranging from a relative risk of 0.67
cardiovascular risk in a large (n=266) intervention study to 0.79. After excluding studies that did not correct for
with high-risk participants (Body Mass Index [BMI]>25 family history of diabetes (Meyer, 2000; Montonen,
kg/m2). Participants who routinely consumed few whole 2003) and physical activity (Montonen, 2003), the
grain products were randomized to consume 60 grams observed effect in the remaining three studies was a
whole grains per day for 8 weeks or 60 grams whole relative risk of 0.70, 0.73, and 0.73.
grains per day for 8 weeks and then 120 grams whole
grains per day for 8 more weeks. Markers of CVD risk A prospective cohort study, with 19 years of follow-up,
were measured at baseline, 8, and 16 weeks. Outcome compared the highest and lowest category of ready-to-eat
data for the two intervention groups was averaged and whole grain breakfast cereal consumption and found that
then compared to the control group. There were no the relative risk for T2D was 0.63 (p< 0.0001) (Kochar,
differences in fasting plasma lipid profile, indicators of 2008), although the authors noted problems with their
inflammation, coagulation, or endothelial function. simplified food frequency questionnaire which did not
collect data that would allow them to control for total
Two prospective cohort studies examined whole grain energy intake and other nutrients such as fiber and
intake and the incidence of heart failure (HF). Djousse magnesium.
and Graziano (2007) concluded that there was an inverse
association between whole grain breakfast cereal Some randomized trials have measured biomarkers of
consumption and the risk of HF. Similarly, Nettleton et interest in diabetes with intake of whole grains. An
al. (2008) concluded that in their large population-based example is the WHOLEHeart study, which found no
cohort of the ARIC study (n = 14,153 African-American differences in serum glucose or insulin with
and White adults) whole-grain intake was associated with consumption of whole grain foods (Brownlee, 2010).
lower HF risk. The multivariate-adjusted HF risk for
whole-grain intake was 0.93 (p<0.05) for each one Whole Grain Intake and Body Weight
serving per day increase in whole grain consumption. Eight studies were reviewed to examine the relationship
between whole grain consumption and body weight
Whole Grain Intake and Type 2 Diabetes (Harland and Garton, 2007; Williams, 2008; Behall,
Four articles (DeMunter, 2007; Priebe, 2008; Kochar, 2006; Katcher, 2008; Brownlee, 2010; Lutsey, 2007;
2008; Brownlee, 2010) were reviewed to determine the McKeown, 2009; Van der Vijver, 2009). The two large
effect of whole grain consumption on the incidence of systematic reviews provide evidence that whole grain
T2D. The four papers included a systematic review/meta- intake is associated with lower BMI and protects against
analysis of six prospective cohorts, as well as a separate weight gain and adiposity, but did include cross-
prospective cohort study (DeMunter, 2007), a systematic sectional studies. Pooled analysis of 15 observational
review of 12 studies (one RCT and 11 prospective cohort studies found a difference in BMI (p<0.0001), reduced
studies of which five were relevant to this question; waist circumference (p= 0.03), and lower waist:hip ratio
Priebe, 2008), a randomized controlled trial (Brownlee, (p=0.0001) with higher whole grain intakes (Harland
2010), and a prospective cohort study (Kochar, 2008). and Garton, 2007). Williams et al. (2008) examined 20
studies, including 11 studies of dietary patterns, five
Both systematic reviews reported that whole grain intake RCTs, and four observational studies and concluded
was inversely associated with risk of T2D. They included that there was strong evidence that a diet high in whole
a common subset of five prospective cohorts; one grains was associated with lower BMI, smaller waist
conducted a pooled analysis and the other did not. The circumference, and reduced risk of being overweight.
systematic review/meta-analysis (DeMunter et al., 2007)
294 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Behall (2006) compared the effects of feeding three larger, positive effects noted above five servings of
whole-grain diets on blood pressure with weight as an vegetables and fruits per day. Notwithstanding prior
ancillary outcome. Participants (n=25) consumed a work on dietary patterns that emphasize vegetables and
controlled Step I diet for 2 weeks after which fruits, insufficient evidence published since 2004 is
approximately 20 percent of energy was replaced with available to assess the independent relationship between
whole wheat/brown rice, barley, or half wheat-rice/half vegetable and fruit intake and blood pressure or serum
barley, for 5 weeks each. Participants lost cholesterol. The evidence for an association between
approximately 1 kilogram during the study. In the RCT increased fruit and vegetable intake and lower body
by Katcher et al. (2008), overweight participants (n=50) weight is modest with a trend towards decreased weight
were advised to avoid whole grains foods or obtain all gain over 5+ years in middle adulthood. No conclusions
of their grain servings from whole grains for 12 weeks. can be drawn from the evidence on the efficacy of
Body weight, waist circumference, and percentage body increased fruit and vegetable consumption in weight
fat decreased significantly in both groups over the study loss diets. Limited and inconsistent evidence suggests
period, but there was a significantly greater decrease in an inverse association between total vegetable and fruit
percentage body fat in the abdominal region in the consumption and the development of T2D. Evidence
whole grain group compared to the refined grain group. also indicates that some types of vegetables and fruits
are probably protective against some cancers.
Three recent cross-sectional studies also found that
whole grain intakes were associated with lower BMI Implications
and adiposity. Analysis of a MESA study of men and
women comparing the extreme quintiles of whole grain Vegetables and fruits are nutrient-dense and relatively
intake found a difference in BMI (Lutsey, 2007). low in calories. In order to meet the recommended
Similarly, McKeown et al. (2009) found that in older intakes, Americans should emphasize vegetables and
adults, after multivariate adjustment comparing the fruits in their daily food choices, without added solid
extreme quartiles of consumption, whole-grain intake fats, sugars, starches or sodium to maximize health
was inversely associated with BMI percent body fat, benefits. Significant favorable associations between
and percent trunk fat mass measured by whole-body vegetable and fruit consumption and health outcomes
dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. In the Netherlands, appear to be linked to a minimum of five servings per
Van de Vijver et al. (2009) assessed the association of day and positive linear effects may be noted at even
whole-grain and cereal fiber intake with BMI and the higher consumption levels. While the impact of
risk of being overweight in older adults. They reported increased vegetable and fruit consumption per se is
an inverse association between whole-grain unclear for some chronic diseases and markers (blood
consumption and BMI. Fiber and cereal fiber intake lipids, glucose control, T2D, and weight loss),
were inversely associated with BMI in men only. improvements in preventing CVD and certain cancers,
especially cancers of the alimentary tract, may occur
In the WHOLEHeart study (Brownlee, 2010), no with increased consumption of these foods.
differences were found in BMI, percentage body fat, or Additionally, there is evidence that vegetables and
waist circumference with up to 16 weeks of self- fruits, when considered as part of a dietary pattern, are
reported consumption of whole grain foods compared to associated with improved weight and health outcomes
refined grain foods in ad libitum participants. (see Part D. Section 2: The Total Diet: Combining
Nutrients, Consuming Food for a discussion on dietary
patterns and Part D. Section 1: Energy Balance and
Question 3: What Is the Relationship Weight Management for a discussion on energy
Between the Intake of Vegetables and density).
Fruits, Not Including Juice, and Selected
Health Outcomes? Review of the Evidence

Conclusion Vegetable and fruit consumption has long been
associated with good health probably due to their high
Consistent evidence suggests at least a moderate inverse vitamin, mineral, fiber, and phytochemical content, yet
relationship between vegetable and fruit consumption the research is surprisingly sparse on the documented
with myocardial infarction and stroke, with significantly associations between vegetables and fruits and specific
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 295
health outcomes. Several mechanisms for action were levels below three servings per day, results are
hypothesized in the 2005 DGAC Report, including that ambiguous at three to five servings of vegetables and
certain nutrients may directly improve CVD risk factors fruits per day, and lowest risk is associated with
or protect against cancer; that vegetables and fruits may consumption levels above five servings per day
displace or reduce intake of saturated fat, cholesterol, (Dauchet, 2006; He, 2007), suggesting a linear
and total calories; or that they may influence glucose relationship between vegetable and fruit consumption
metabolism. The study of vegetables and fruits on and CHD. Overall, risk reduction for CHD was
human health is complicated by many factors, including estimated to be as much as 4 percent and 11 percent for
their large variety globally, varying dietary patterns, stroke alone for each serving of vegetables and fruits
different effects for vegetables versus fruits, and added per day (Dauchet, 2006).
interactions with other dietary components. However,
most Americans, in all age-sex groups, consume Five studies investigating blood pressure and vegetable
substantially fewer vegetables and fruits than is and fruit intake were identified in the NEL search.
recommended. These included the PREMIER prospective cohort study
in the U.S. (Wang, 2008), one prospective study in
The 2005 DGAC Report noted that increased vegetable Spain (Nuñez-Cordoba, 2009),cross-sectional studies in
and fruit intake was associated with a reduced risk of Iran (Mirmiran, 2009), Japan (Utsugi, 2008), and India
stroke and perhaps other CVD. Moreover, the report (Radhika, 2008). Two studies showed no association
emphasized the role of vegetables and fruits in between total vegetable and fruit intake and blood
protecting against cancer, but noted that it is difficult to pressure (Mirmiran, 2009) and hypertension (Nuñez-
distinguish the role of vegetables and fruits per se Cordoba, 2009). Utsugi et al. (2008) showed a
(versus their fiber content) in preventing T2D or significant positive relationship with vegetable and fruit
glucose intolerance. Additionally, vegetables and fruits consumption and lower risk of home-measured
were noted to have a protective effect against weight hypertension. The Wang et al. (2008) study showed
gain probably mediated through reduced calorie intake. vegetable and fruit consumption was inversely
associated with both systolic and diastolic blood
Since 2004, a relatively small volume of work has been pressure at 6 months but not at 18 months.
published regarding vegetables and fruits. The evidence
from 2004 to 2009 is summarized below. The U.S. results support the work reviewed in the 2005
DGAC Report, but the international studies do not. The
Vegetable and Fruit Intake and Cardiovascular variation in results may be due to differences between
Disease these international population samples and typical
Evidence suggests at least a moderate inverse American patterns in baseline consumption levels of
relationship between vegetable and fruit consumption vegetables and fruits, types of vegetables and fruits
with myocardial infarction and stroke, with significantly consumed, and overall dietary patterns.
larger, positive effects noted above five servings of
vegetables and fruits per day. This evidence is based on Blood lipids are traditionally used as an intermediate
12 reports, including four meta-analyses (Dauchet, indicator or marker for CVD. The evidence testing the
2005, 2006; He, 2006, 2007) of U.S. and European effect of vegetable and fruit intake on blood lipids is
participants; six prospective studies, four of which were sparse, but suggests an associative trend between an
conducted in the U.S. (Genkinger, 2004; Hung, 2004; increased consumption of vegetables and fruits with
Joshipura, 2009; Tucker, 2005) and two in Japan lower total and LDL-blood cholesterol levels. The
(Nakamura, 2008; Takachi, 2008), and two evidence is based on three reports since 2004, including
international case-control studies (Galeone, 2009; one limited trial (Kelley, 2006) and two cross-sectional
Nikolic, 2008). Results varied by sex, with a significant studies (Mirmiran, 2009; Radhika, 2008). The trend is
decrease for men and women reported in all-cause apparent for total and LDL-cholesterol, and persists
cardiovascular death (Genkinger, 2004; Hung, 2004; even after adjustment for education, physical activity,
Joshipura, 2009), for men only (Tucker, 2005), for men and fat intakes. However, significance occurs only
only in terms of vegetable intake (Nakamura, 2008), when the highest levels of vegetable and fruit intake are
and for women only in terms of fruit intake (Nakamura, compared to the lowest levels of intake and the
2008). In addition, Takachi (2008) found significant mechanisms of action are unknown.
results for higher fruit (but not vegetable) intake in men
and women. Risk for CVD is highest at consumption
296 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Vegetable and Fruit Intake and Body Weight (Bazzano, 2008) to 1.04 (Wang, 2006) and 1.21
A modest association with decreased weight gain over 5 (Halton, 2006b) when comparing lowest quintiles to
or more years in middle adulthood has been reported highest quintiles. However, the evidence is
with increased vegetable and fruit intake. However, insufficiently strong to draw firm conclusions.
based on current studies, no conclusions can be drawn
about the efficacy of increasing vegetable and fruit Vegetable and Fruit Intake and Cancer
consumption in achieving weight loss nor can any The DGAC chose not to conduct an independent
distinction be made about the relative influence of fruits systematic review of vegetables and fruits and cancer
versus vegetables on weight status. due to the comprehensive and recent report by the
WCRF/AICR (2007). The DGAC chose instead to
The review of evidence regarding weight gain and review the WCRF/AICR findings (see summary Table
vegetable and fruit consumption was based on 11 D4.2 at the end of the chapter). Types of cancer
studies (Bes-Rastrollo, 2006; Buijee, 2009; Davis, examined by the WCRF/AICR Panel include cancers of
2006; Fujioka, 2008; Goss, 2005; He, 2004; Ortega, the esophagus, stomach, colorectum, pancreas, liver,
2006; Radhika, 2008; Tanumibardjo, 2009; Vioque, prostate, cervix, endometrium, ovary, breast, skin, and
2008; Xu, 2007). These studies were conducted around mouth, pharynx, larynx, and nasopharynx. Broadly
the globe and varied considerably in length of speaking, there is no general agreement on classification
observation. Two of the RCTs (Fujioka, 2008; Ortega, of vegetables and fruits to drive comparisons in the
2006) collected data at an endpoint of only 6 weeks; a research questions. The WCRF/AICR Panel examined
third RCT evaluated participants at 3, 12, and 18 the evidence by starchy and non-starchy vegetables. In
months. All indicated small, but significant, and their analysis, starchy vegetables were combined with
nonsustainable weight loss over time with an intensive cereal grains, roots, tubers, and plantains. The non-
addition of vegetables and fruits to the diet. Similar starchy vegetables were categorized into subtypes
results showing weak inverse relationships between (cruciferous, allium [e.g., garlic], green leafy, tomatoes,
vegetable and fruit consumption and weight gain were and white or pale vegetables) and whether they are
noted in the prospective (Buijsee, 2009; He, 2004; eaten in raw (salad) or cooked forms. Studies also were
Vioque, 2008), case control (David, 2006), and cross- separated by whether the conclusions were based on
sectional studies (Bes-Rastrollo, 2006; Goss, 2005; vegetable intakes alone or vegetables and fruits
Radhika, 2008) that followed participants over a longer combined. In addition, evidence was examined in
time. The evidence is insufficient to ascertain the value vegetables and fruits containing certain micronutrients,
of vegetable and fruit consumption in weight loss diets. including folate, carotenoids (spinach, kale, butternut
squash, pumpkin, red bell pepper, carrots, tomatoes,
Vegetable and Fruit Intake and Type 2 Diabetes cantaloupe, and sweet potatoes), lycopene (tomatoes),
In a review of five articles describing prospective cohort other flavinoids or phytochemicals, vitamin C, and
studies, the evidence is inconsistent but suggests an other vitamins.
inverse association between the development of T2D
and total vegetable and fruit consumption (Liu, 2004), a The WCRF/AIRC Panel found that non-starchy
direct association with potato (French fry) consumption vegetables as a group as well as non-starchy vegetables
(Halton, 2006b), and no significant effect of tomato- and fruits in combination had a significant and
based products (Wang, 2006). Another study indicated consistent protective effect against cancer of the mouth,
that total vegetables as well as vegetable subgroups, but pharynx, and larynx, as well as esophageal cancer at
not fruit, may have a preventive effect (Villegas, 2008). least among the highest consumers of vegetables and
Conversely, the Nurses’ Health Study (Bazzano, 2008) fruits. Some studies suggested a dose response.
indicated no association between T2D risk and total Cruciferous vegetables, green leafy vegetables, and
vegetable and fruit consumption, but total fruit and tomatoes did not have a significant association for these
green leafy vegetables were inversely associated. The cancers as a separate exposure, but 16 of 18 cohort
number of vegetable and fruit servings in these five studies of carrot consumption indicate a statistically
studies ranged from about 2.5 servings to more than 10 significant effect. Raw vegetables show a consistent
servings per day and sample sizes were large in all five association (16 of 16 case-control studies) with
cohort studies ranging from 35,000 to 84,000 decreased risk of esophageal cancer. A decreased risk of
participants (Bazzano, 2008; Halton, 2006b; Liu, 2004; stomach cancer was associated with green-yellow
Villegas, 2008; Wang, 2006). The effect size was vegetables, but not with green, leafy vegetables,
variable ranging from a multivariate relative risk of 0.82 tomatoes, or white or pale vegetables. Data about an
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 297
association with nasopharyngeal cancer are too sparse cancer and stomach cancer, whereas a substantial
and the data relating non-starchy vegetables to amount of data indicate it may protect against colorectal
colorectal cancer are too inconsistent to draw a firm cancer, but these studies are from case-control designs
conclusion. Limited evidence suggests that non-starchy only.
vegetables protect against lung, ovarian, and
endometrial cancers. The evidence is sparse but fairly Part of the healthful effect of vegetables and fruits,
consistent that allium vegetables (such as onions, garlic, including protection against cancer risk, may be due to
leeks, and chives) probably protect against stomach and the effect of phytochemicals. Technically,
colorectal cancer and that carrots may protect against phytochemicals are not essential to the diet, so no daily
cervical cancer. requirement has been established for them, but they are
bioactive and there may be as many as 100,000
In their analysis, the WCRF/AICR Panel combined different compounds. Future research will require
starchy vegetables with other starchy plant foods, assessment of these compounds and the possible
including grains, tubers (including potatoes), plantains mechanisms that may be associated with health. Only
(excluding bananas), and roots, recognizing that these then can the amounts needed for a public health effect
foods have to be prepared or cooked in some way to be noted, both in foods and in herbs and spices.
make them edible. The panel concluded that all foods in
the starchy vegetable group as well as starchy
vegetables and fruits in combination have an Question 4: What Is the Relationship
insubstantial effect on the risk of any cancer. Between Glycemic Index or Glycemic Load
and Body Weight, Type 2 Diabetes,
According to the WCRF/AICR Panel, fruits as a group, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer?
including fruit subtypes, show consistent evidence
suggesting that they protect against mouth, pharynx,
larynx, and esophageal cancer, though most of the Conclusion
studies are case-control designs. The evidence for a
protective effect of fruits on lung cancer is convincing Strong and consistent evidence shows that glycemic
with a dose-response relationship. Evidence linking index and/or glycemic load are not associated with body
fruits to nasopharyngeal cancer, pancreatic cancer, weight and do not lead to greater weight loss or better
colorectal, and liver cancer is too sparse and/or weight maintenance. Abundant, strong epidemiological
inconsistent to draw conclusions. evidence demonstrates that there is no association
between glycemic index or load and cancer. A moderate
Micronutrients in vegetables and fruits that have been body of inconsistent evidence supports a relationship
studied for risk of cancer include beta-carotene and between high glycemic index and T2D. Strong,
lycopene, folate, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, convincing evidence shows little association between
quercetin, pyridoxine, and selenium (see Part D. glycemic load and T2D. Due to limited evidence, no
Section 2: Nutrient Adequacy for additional information conclusion can be drawn to assess the relationship
on folate and health outcomes). Foods containing between either glycemic index or load and
carotenoids probably protect against cancers of the cardiovascular disease.
mouth, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus as well as lung
cancer with a dose-response relationship, but they are Implications
unlikely to have a substantial effect on prostate cancer
or non-melanoma skin cancer. Foods containing folate When selecting carbohydrate foods, there is no need for
probably protect against pancreatic cancer. A concern with their glycemic index or glycemic load.
substantial amount of consistent evidence indicates that What is important to heed is their calories, caloric
foods containing lycopene, especially cooked tomato density, and fiber content.
products, probably protect against prostate cancer.
Review of the Evidence
Studies about the effect of dietary vitamin E show non-
significant decreased risk of esophageal and prostate Background
cancer and much of the evidence is of poor quality. A There has been a great deal of interest as to whether
sparse amount of evidence for foods containing glycemic index and glycemic load can predict the risk
selenium suggest this mineral may protect against lung of chronic disease. The Committee felt that the question

298 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

should be investigated further by looking at any new index. No difference in weight loss was found with any
data available since the 2005 DGAC Report. The of the diets over 12 weeks. In summary, the RCTs
glycemic index is a classification system proposed to overwhelmingly report no difference between low and
quantify the relative blood glucose response to high glycemic index diets in achieving weight loss
consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods. during reducing diet programs or maintenance diet
Operationally, it is the area under the curve for the programs. The data on glycemic load are less numerous
increase in blood glucose after the ingestion of a set but report similar results.
amount of carbohydrate in a food (e.g., 50 g) during the
2-hour postprandial period, relative to the same amount Two prospective cohort studies also examined this issue
of carbohydrate from a reference food (white bread or (Deienlein, 2008; Hare-Bruun, 2006). The first was a
glucose) tested in the same individual under the same gestational diabetes study that found glycemic load not
conditions and using the initial blood glucose to be associated with gestational weight gain or weight
concentration as a baseline. gain ratio. The second followed normal weight
participants for 6 years and showed no significant
The glycemic load is an indicator of the blood glucose association between glycemic load and change in
response or insulin demand that is induced by total weight in either men or women. It showed no
carbohydrate intake. It is calculated by multiplying the association between glycemic index and change in
weighted mean of the dietary glycemic index of the diet weight in men, but did show an association of glycemic
of an individual by the percentage of total energy from index with lower weight gain in women. These studies
carbohydrate. suggest that in men there is no relation between either
glycemic index or load and weight, and in women there
Glycemic Index or Load and Body Weight is no relation of glycemic load and weight, but a
Current evidence shows that the glycemic index and/or possible relation of glycemic index and weight.
glycemic load are not associated with body weight and
do not lead to greater weight loss or better weight Seven cross-sectional studies also have been carried out,
maintenance. Evidence from RCTs shows no difference comprising a total of 21,231 participants, both children
between high glycemic index and low glycemic index and adults. Of these, six (Hui, 2006; Lau, 2006; Liese,
diets on weight loss in studies longer than 8 weeks. 2005; Mendez, 2009; Milton, 2007; Nielsen, 2005)
Evidence from fewer RCTs show the same for high showed no association between glycemic index or load
glycemic load versus low glycemic load. The and weight or BMI. One study (Murakami, 2007) did
Committee reviewed 22 studies published since 2005. show a positive correlation between glycemic index and
Of these, 13 were RCTs, two were prospective cohort glycemic load with BMI in young lean Japanese
studies, and seven were cross-sectional studies. women. These cross-sectional studies support the
conclusion that glycemic index or load and weight are
Seven RCTs compared high versus low glycemic index not associated.
or high versus low glycemic load in a reducing diet
protocol. Of these, two studies (Abete, 2008; de Glycemic Index or Glycemic Load and Type 2
Rougemont, 2007) showed a significant weight loss Diabetes
difference of 2.3 kilograms and 0.8 kilogram after 8 and Evidence is mixed as to whether there is an association
5 weeks with a greater drop in the low glycemic index between a high glycemic index and T2D. Little
diet. The other five RCTs (Phillipou, 2009; Pittas, evidence suggests that a high glycemic load is
2005; Raatz, 2005; Sichieri, 2007; Sloth, 20004) associated with T2D. This conclusion is based on 10
showed no difference in weight loss in much longer longitudinal prospective observational studies published
studies lasting from 16 to 76 weeks. Three RCTs since 2000 (Barclay, 2007; Halton, 2008; Hodge, 2004;
(Ebbeling, 2007; Maki, 2007; Pereira, 2004) compared Krishnan, 2007; Mosdol, 2007; Sahyoun, 2008; Schulz,
low glycemic load diets versus low-fat diets. They did 2006; Schulze, 2004; Stevens, 2002; Villegas, 2007).
not show any differences in weight loss between the No RCTs were reported. Of the 10 prospective
diets. One RCT (Pal, 2008) compared the effect of a observational studies, glycemic index was positively
high glycemic index versus low glycemic index associated with T2D in five reports (Halton, 2008;
breakfast and found no difference in weight after 3 Krishnan, 2007; Schulz, 2006; Schultze, 2006;
weeks. One RCT (McMillan-Price, 2006) compared Villegas, 2007). Four other longitudinal studies
four diets, two of which were high carbohydrate and reported no association of glycemic index with T2D
two were high protein, with either high or low glycemic (Barclay 2007; Mosdol 2007; Sahyoun 2008; Steven
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 299
2002). One longitudinal study reported an inverse One case-control study (Tavani, 2003) reported on the
association (Hodge, 2004). relation between glycemic index and glycemic load and
the risk of non-fatal acute myocardial infarction. No
Of the 10 prospective observational studies, one study significant association was found.
reported a significant, positive association between
glycemic load and risk of T2D during 20 years of Glycemic Index or Glycemic Load and Cancer
follow-up in comparison of extreme deciles (Halton, The epidemiological evidence for an association
2008). Six studies found no relationship (Barclay, 2007; between glycemic index or load and cancer is
Hodge, 2004; Krishnan, 2007; Sahyoun, 2008; Schulz, overwhelmingly negative. Twenty-eight reports have
2006; Stevens, 2002). Two studies found an inverse been published since 2005. Of these, 20 are prospective
association (Mosdol, 2007; Villegas, 2007). longitudinal observation studies, one is a cross-sectional
observation study, five are case-control studies, and two
Glycemic Index or Glycemic Load and are case-cohort studies.
Cardiovascular Disease
Although the evidence for an association between high Of the 20 prospective longitudinal observational
glycemic index or high glycemic load and CVD is more studies, 18 studied the association between glycemic
negative than positive, the evidence available is index and cancer. One showed a very weak positive
inadequate to come to a firm conclusion on this association between glycemic index and total cancer
question. risk (George, 2009), while 13 studies found no
association between glycemic index and specific types
Eight reports have been published since 2000 (Beulens, of cancer including pancreatic (Heinen, 2008; Johnson,
2007; Kaushik, 2009; Levitan, 2007; Liu, 2000; Halton, 2005; Nothlings, 2007; Patel, 2007; Silvera, 2005),
2006a; Oh, 2005; Tavani, 2003; van Dam, 2000). Of breast (Giles, 2006; Lajous, 2008; Sieri, 2007; Silvera,
these, three are from the same Nurses’ Health Study. 2005), endometrial (Cust, 2007; Larsson and Friberg,
After 10 years of follow-up, Liu et al. (2000) reported 2007) stomach (Larsson, 2006), and ovarian (Silvera,
glycemic index was associated with CVD. A high 2007) cancers. Varying results were found for colorectal
glycemic load was associated with CVD in women with cancer with no association reported in three studies
a BMI greater than 23 but not with a BMI less than 23 (Larsson, 2007; McCarl, 2006; Michaud, 2005) and an
kg/m2. After 20 years of follow-up, Halton (2006a) inverse association reported by Strayer et al. (2007).
reported both a high glycemic index and load to be
associated with CVD. Oh (2005) reported on the Of the 20 prospective longitudinal observational
associations between dietary carbohydrate, glycemic studies, all studied the association between glycemic
index, glycemic load, and stroke. They found no load and cancer. Two showed a positive association for
association between glycemic index and stroke. They total cancer (George, 2009) and ovarian cancer (Silvera,
found a positive association between glycemic load and 2007). However, most studies reported no association
total stroke in women with a BMI greater than 25 but between glycemic load and cancer, including pancreatic
not in those with a BMI less than 25 kg/m2. (Heinen, 2008; Johnson, 2005; Nothlings, 2007; Patel,
2007; Silvera, 2005), breast (Giles, 2006; Lajous, 2008;
Five other reports are available. Of these, Beulens Sieri, 2007; Silvera, 2005), endometrial (Cust, 2007;
(2007) found a positive trend for an association between Larsson and Friberg, 2007), and stomach (Larsson,
glycemic load and stroke, but not for glycemic index 2006) cancers. Similar to glycemic index, there were
and stroke. He found a positive trend between glycemic mixed results regarding the relationship between
index and CHD and between glycemic load and CHD glycemic load and colorectal cancer with five studies
only for women with a BMI greater than 25 k/m2. finding no association (Kabat, 2008; Larsson, 2007;
McCarl, 2006; Michaud, 2005; Strayer, 2007) and one
Kauschik (2009) found an association between both study reporting an inverse association (Howarth, 2008).
glycemic index and glycemic load and death from
stroke. Levitan (2007) found no association between The two case-cohort studies reported no association of
glycemic index or glycemic load with myocardial either glycemic index or load with pancreatic (Kabat,
infarction, ischemic stroke, or all-cause mortality. van 2008) or colorectal (Weijenberg, 2008) cancers.
Dam (2000) found no association of either glycemic Similarly, one cross-sectional observational study
index or glycemic load and CHD. showed no association between either glycemic index or
load and colorectal adenomas (Flood, 2006a).
300 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
The five available case-control reports reported mixed individuals who consume small amounts of foods and
results. Of these, three found glycemic index to be beverages that are high in added sugars, those who
significantly associated with prostate (Augustin, 2004), consume large amounts tend to consume more calories
gastric (Bertuccio, 2009), and thyroid (Randi, 2008) but smaller amounts of micronutrients. Although more
cancers, and two found no association with breast research is needed, available prospective studies suggest
cancer (Lajous, 2005; McCann, 2007). Similarly, three a positive association between the consumption of SSB
found glycemic load to be significantly associated with and weight gain. A reduced intake of added sugars
cancer of the breast (Lajous, 2005), prostate (Bertuccio, (especially SSB) may be helpful in achieving
2009), or thyroid (Randi, 2008) and found no recommended intakes of nutrients and in weight
association for breast (McCann, 2007) and prostate control.”
(Augustin, 2004) cancers.
The role of dietary sugars in the current obesity
epidemic is much debated, with many opposing views.
Question 5: In Adults, What Are the A review by Saris (2003) concluded that the fat content
Associations Between Intake of Sugar- of the diet is the most important contributor to
sweetened Beverages and Energy Intake overconsumption of calories and that the carbohydrate
and Body Weight? content, regardless of carbohydrate type, is relatively
benign, with little evidence for direct negative effects of
dietary sugar on body weight. Another recent review by
Conclusions the same group (van Bakk, 2008) concluded that there
is insufficient evidence that an exchange of sugar for
Limited evidence shows that intake of sugar-sweetened non-sugar carbohydrates in the context of a reduced fat
beverages (SSB) is linked to higher energy intake in ad libitum diet or energy-restricted diet results in lower
adults. A moderate body of epidemiologic evidence body weight. They also noted that observational studies
suggests that greater consumption of SSB is associated suggest a possible relationship between consumption of
with increased body weight in adults. A moderate body SSB and body weight, but that current supporting
of evidence suggests that under isocaloric controlled evidence from RCTs of sufficient size and duration was
conditions, added sugars, including SSB, are no more insufficient to support a difference between liquid and
likely to cause weight gain than any other source of solid sugar intake in bodyweight control.
Most reviews have asked the question whether intake of
Implications SSB is linked to obesity. As described by Olsen and
Heitmann (2009), the prevalence of obesity has
Added sugars, as found in SSB, are not different than increased in the past 30 years, and at the same time
other extra calories in the diet for energy intake and consumption of soft drinks has increased sharply. They
body weight. Thus, reducing intake of all added sugars, reviewed the literature on calorically-sweetened
including sucrose, corn sweetener, fructose, high beverages and obesity, relative to adjustment for energy
fructose corn syrup, and other forms of added sugars, is intake. No cross-sectional studies were included. They
a recommended strategy to reduce calorie intake in concluded that a high intake of calorically-sweetened
Americans. Intake of caloric beverages, including SSB, beverages can be regarded as determinant for obesity.
sweetened coffee and tea, energy drinks, and other However, there seems to be no support for an
drinks high in calories and low in nutrients should be association between intake of calorically-sweetened
reduced in consumers needing to lower body weight. beverages and obesity as mediated through increased
While still moderate, recent evidence is stronger than energy intake, suggesting that alternative biological
prior evidence available to assess the relationship explanations should be explored. Other studies that
between SSB and increased body weight. examined obesity risk and intake of SSB in adults in
U.S. as measured with CSFII and NHANES datasets
Review of the Evidence found no association between obesity risk and sugar
intake (Sun, 2007).
The 2005 DGAC asked the following question: “What Intake of SSB and adiposity was reviewed by Bachman
is the significance of added sugars intake to human et al. (2006). They described four mechanisms to
health?” Their conclusion was, “Compared with explain the possible association between sweetened
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 301
beverages and increased overweight or obesity, weight status and sugar intake in a New Zealand
including excess caloric intake, glycemic index and population (Parnell, 2008). Thus, assessment of “added
glycemic load, lack of effect of liquid calories on sugars” or “extrinsic sugar” is challenging because no
satiety, and displacement of milk. They report analytical methods exist with which to measure sugars
inconsistent results across studies. The strongest support added to foods. Additionally, studies use different
was for the excess caloric intake hypothesis, but the techniques to assess added sugars intake. Reliable and
findings were not conclusive. They suggest that standardized measures of exposure to added sugars are
assigning possible links between sweetened beverage necessary to draw meaningful conclusions. Currently,
consumption and adiposity requires research that the best assessments involve counting frequency of
compares and contrasts specific mechanisms, especially intake of SSB in epidemiologic studies.
in populations at risk of obesity, while controlling for
likely confounding variables. Sugar-sweetened Beverages and Energy
Based on these existing reviews, the 2010 DGAC asked To answer this question the Committee reviewed one
the questions whether intake of SSB was related to meta-analysis (Vartanian, 2007) and four trials (Flood,
energy intake and body weight in adults. The 2006b; Reid, 2007; Soenen, 2007; Stookey et al., 2007)
Committee included systematic reviews and primary published since 1990. Vartanian et al. (2007) conducted
research studies in the NEL review. Because studies a meta-analysis that examined the association between
with stronger methodology were available in 2010, the soft drink consumption and various health outcomes,
Committee excluded cross-sectional studies. However, including energy intake. It should be noted that this
some of the systematic reviews included in the NEL analysis included some unpublished data as well as
review considered cross-sectional studies. The cross-sectional studies. However, they conducted
Committee therefore places more confidence in the separate analyses based on study design and outcomes.
reviews that excluded cross-sectional studies in our Of the 88 studies in the review, three longitudinal
conclusions. studies and 11 experimental studies examined the
relationship between soft drink consumption and energy
Methodological Challenges intake in adults. Although effect size was small, the
Sugar is a ubiquitous term, but one that is not easy to authors concluded that there was a clear positive
define and measure. Analytical methods can measure association between soft drink intake and energy intake.
total sugar in foods and nutrient databases and Nutrition
Facts labels include values for total sugars. Added Two additional primary studies also support a
sugars are typically calculated values and can be added relationship between the intake of SSB and increased
to dietary assessment tools in nutrition studies. As energy intake. Flood et al. (2006b) examined the impact
described by Ruxton et al. (2010), exact definitions of of beverage type (cola, diet cola, or water) and size (12
sugar are often omitted from studies, making it difficult or 18 fl oz) on intake at an ad libitum lunch. Energy
to determine exactly what was under investigation. This intake from food consumed at lunch did not differ
hinders the ability to compare studies. Studies can across conditions. However, when the energy from
report specific sugars—sucrose, glucose, fructose, or beverages was added to the energy consumed from
just say “sugar” to mean mono- and disaccharides. food, mean total energy intake at lunch was greater
“Total sugars” means all dietary sugars whether added when regular cola was served as compared to the other
or naturally occurring. “Sugar-containing” is thought to beverages, regardless of portion size.
mean foods and beverages that contain sugar. In
epidemiologic studies, it is often easier to assess intake Reid et al. (2007) compared the effects of
of SSB as these can be counted in food frequency supplementary soft drinks sweetened with sucrose or
instruments. This tends to be non-specific because aspartame added to the diet over 4 weeks on dietary
fruitades, fruit punches, sport drinks, energy drinks, and intake in normal-weight women. Participants consumed
juices that are not 100 percent juices may or may not be four 250 milliliter bottles of drink per day. Sucrose
counted in these systems. supplements provided 430 kilocalories per day and
aspartame supplements provided less than 20
Two studies in the United Kingdom used non-milk kilocalories per day. For those consuming the sucrose
extrinsic sugars (NMES) and reported an inverse drink, daily energy intake was higher during the
relationship between NMES and BMI (Gibson, 2007a, intervention phase than at baseline; women consuming
2007b) though no relationship was found between body
302 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
the SSB consumed about 200 kilocalories more energy attempted a meta-analysis, but the degree of
each day. heterogeneity among study designs made a more
qualitative assessment necessary. Vartanian et al. (2007)
Stookey et al. (2007) compared four weight loss diets attempted to separate out the effects in different study
and predicted that replacing sweetened caloric designs. Studies with experimental designs (five
beverages with water would save 200 kilocalories per studies) showed no association with added sugar intake
day over 12 months. Although weight loss might be for body weight for adults. Significant relationships
expected due to lower energy intake, the study by were found in longitudinal studies (three studies) for a
Stookey et al. (2007) was not an intervention trial and relationship between added sugar intake and body
thus did not measure change in body weight. weight, although the effect size was small. Similarly,
Malik et al. (2006) concluded that epidemiologic and
Soenen and Westerterp-Platenga (2007) examined the experimental data indicated a greater consumption of
satiating effects of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and SSB is associated with weight gain and obesity. In
sucrose in comparison with milk and a diet drink. In this contrast, Gibson (2008) reviewed six longitudinal
trial, participants completed four test sessions that studies and one intervention study with adults and
included an ad libitum meal served after one of four concluded that SSB are a source of energy, but that little
beverages: one containing sucrose, one HFCS, one evidence showed that they are any more obesogenic
milk, and one a diet drink. All four drinks were than any other source of energy. In a recent review,
isovolumetric (800 mL). The energy drinks were Ruxton et al. (2010) concluded that recent evidence
isocaloric. Test meal energy intake was lower after does not suggest a positive association between BMI
consumption of preloads containing sucrose or HFCS or and sugar intake. However, some studies, specifically
milk (with no differences between the energy- on sweetened beverages, highlight a potential concern
containing preloads) compared to the diet drink preload. in the relation to obesity risk. The methods used for
Total energy intake (preload + meal) with the energy- these systematic reviews varied and may explain the
containing preloads was significantly higher than total discrepancies in results.
energy intake with the diet drink preload. During the
meal, energy intake from the beverage was partly The four trials included in the NEL review varied
compensated for. However, compensation for energy greatly in design. In general, when calorie intake was
intake from the preloads containing sucrose, HFCS, or controlled, there were no differences in weight gain
milk did not differ significantly and ranged from 30 when participants consumed diets with a higher percent
percent to 45 percent. This study indicated that although of calories from added sugars compared to diets with a
energy intake was higher following the drinks lower percent of intake from added sugars (Raben,
sweetened with HFCS and sucrose compared to a diet 1997; Stanhope, 2009; Surwit, 1997). When energy
drink preload, energy intakes were not different than the intake was not controlled, Reid et al. (2007) found a
milk preload, indicating that the added sugar did not non-significant trend for weight gain among normal-
have a unique effect on energy intake. weight women consuming four regular soft drinks per
day compared to those consuming diet soft drinks. In a
Sugar-sweetened Beverages and Body Weight trial by Stanhope et al. (2009) that included 25 percent
The Committee addressed this question by reviewing of energy from beverages sweetened with glucose or
four systematic reviews (Gibson, 2008; Malik, 2006; fructose, weight gain was observed when participants
Ruxton, 2010; Vartanian, 2007), four RCTs (Raben, consumed self-selected diets in an outpatient setting.
1997; Reid, 2007; Stanhope, 2009; Surwit, 1997), and
three prospective observational studies (Chen, 2009; The Committee also reviewed three prospective studies.
Dhingra, 2007; Palmer, 2008). Lower consumption of soft drinks was linked to weight
loss in the PREMIER study (Chen, 2009). A reduction
The studies included in the systematic reviews did not in SSB intake of one serving per day was associated
use consistent methods to evaluate added sugars. with a weight loss of approximately 0.5 kilogram at 6
Typical search terms were soft drinks, SSB, liquid months and 18 months, and a significant dose-response
sugar, and soda. The systematic reviews used different trend between change in body weight and change in
criteria to review the literature, and three reviews SSB intake also was observed. Over a mean follow-up
(Gibson, 2008; Malik, 2006; Vartanian, 2007) included of 4 years in the Framingham Heart Study (Dhingra,
cross-sectional studies, as there were limited 2007), consumption of one or more soft drinks per day
prospective studies on the topic. Malik et al. (2006), was associated with increased odds of developing
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 303
obesity and increased waist circumference compared to Review of the Evidence
drinking none.
Palmer et al. (2008) included sugar-sweetened soft Replacing sugar with low-calorie sweeteners is a
drinks and fruit drinks in their analysis of T2D in a common strategy to facilitate weight control (Bellisle,
prospective cohort study of African-American women. 2007). Intense sweeteners help lower energy density of
Participants gained weight during the study, but the beverages and foods, which should result in lower
lowest mean weight gain occurred among those who energy intakes. Mattes and Popkin (2008) estimate that
decreased their consumption of soft drinks. 15 percent of the U.S. population ingests nonnutritive
sweeteners, but that percentage is increasing. Concern
Thus, there are mixed results on this topic. RCTs report about negative effects of diet soft drink consumption on
that added sugars are not different from other calories in energy intake came from animal studies that suggested
increasing energy intake or body weight. Prospective an increased food intake and weight gain following
studies report some relationship with SSB and weight prolonged exposure to saccharin-sweetened yogurt
gain, but it is not possible to determine if these (Swithers, 2008). This study suggested that artificial
relationships are merely linked to additional calories, as sweeteners “uncouple” a relationship between sweet
opposed to added sugars per se. The systematic reviews taste and energy, which promoted the rats to consume
in this area are also inconsistent, probably based on more food and gain weight.
different measures used to determine added sugars
intake or intake of SSB. The use of non-caloric sweeteners has increased greatly
over the past three decades while the incidence of
obesity also has risen. Thus, cross-sectional studies
OTHER RELATED TOPICS suggest that intake of non-caloric sweeteners is
positively associated with increased obesity. If non-
caloric sweeteners are used as substitutes for higher
Question 6: How Are Non-caloric energy yielding sweeteners, they have the potential to
Sweeteners Related to Energy Intake and aid in weight management, but whether they will be
Body Weight? effective in this regard is not found in existing
The DGAC answered this question using a partial NEL
Moderate evidence shows that using non-caloric review. The ADA Evidence Analysis Library (EAL)
sweeteners will affect energy intake only if they are conducted a search from January 1985 through March
substituted for higher calorie foods and beverages. A 2006 on the question, “In adults, does using foods or
few observational studies reported that individuals who beverages with non-nutritive sweeteners (saccharin,
use non-caloric sweeteners are more likely to gain aspartame, acesulfame-K, sucralose, neotame) in a
weight or be heavier. This does not mean that non- calorie-restricted or ad libitum diet affect energy
caloric sweeteners cause weight gain—rather that they balance?” (ADA, 2009).
are more likely to be consumed by overweight and
obese individuals. For adults, the conclusion was, “Using non-nutritive
sweeteners in either a calorie restricted or ad libitum
Implications diet will affect overall energy balance only if the non-
nutritive sweeteners are substituted for higher calorie
The replacement of sugar-sweetened foods and food and beverages (Grade II).” For children, they
beverages with sugar-free products should theoretically concluded, “Studies do not support that the use of non-
reduce body weight. Yet many questions remain, as nutritive sweeteners causes weight gain. If non-caloric
epidemiologic studies show a positive link with use of beverages, including non-nutritive sweeteners, are
nonnutritive sweeteners and BMI. Additionally, substituted for SSB, there is a potential for energy
whether use of low calorie sweeteners is linked to savings in adolescents (Grade III).”
higher intake of other calories in the diet remains a
debated question. Additionally, ADA conducted a review of aspartame
and body weight in 2008 that included articles reviewed
in 2006. In this review, they asked the question, “In
304 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
adults, does aspartame affect energy balance (weight)?” significantly more energy at lunch when cola was
The conclusion was “Use of aspartame by individuals provided versus diet cola or water.
consuming a hypocaloric diet may be associated with
increased weight loss. In some cases aspartame did not
affect weight loss (Grade I).” Question 7: What Is the Impact of Liquid
Versus Solid Foods on Energy Intake and
Non-caloric Sweeteners and Energy Intake and Body Weight?
Body Weight
If non-caloric sweeteners are substituted for higher-
calorie food or beverages, they are associated with
weight loss. Observational studies find that individuals
A limited body of evidence shows conflicting results
who use non-caloric sweeteners are more likely to gain
about whether liquid and solid foods differ in their
weight or be heavier. This does not support that non-
effects on energy intake and body weight except that
caloric sweeteners cause weight gain—only that they
liquids in the form of soup may lead to decreased
are more likely to be used by overweight and obese
energy intake and body weight.
individuals. The ADA EAL review of non-nutritive
sweeteners in both adults and children served as the
foundation for this review. This conclusion also is based
on review of one meta-analysis (de la Hunty et al.,
In general, if total calorie content is held constant, there
2006), a randomized crossover study (Flood, 2006b),
is little support for any effects on energy intake and
and a prospective cohort study (Fowler et al., 2008)
body weight due to the calories consumed either as
published since 2006.
liquid or solid. Some studies suggest that whole foods
may be more satiating than liquid foods. Food structure,
The meta-analysis by de la Hunty et al. (2006) supports
specifically a whole food (apple, carrots), plays a role in
a significant reduction in energy intakes with aspartame
satiety and decreasing food intake at subsequent meals,
compared with all types of control diets except when
yet fiber added to a drink is not effective in reducing
aspartame was compared with non-sucrose controls
food intake at subsequent meals. Soup as a preload
such as water. For body weight, the analysis was
decreases food intake at a subsequent meal. Thus,
conducted in three stages: (1) used all weight outcomes
Americans are advised to pay attention to the calorie
including follow-up weights, (2) excluded studies in
content of the food or beverage consumed, regardless of
which the control group gained weight, and (3)
whether it is a liquid or solid. Calories are the issue in
excluded follow-up periods. A significant reduction in
either case.
weight was seen for all three analyses. The combined
effect was approximately a 3 percent reduction in body
Review of the Evidence
weight. The authors concluded that using foods and
drinks sweetened with aspartame instead of sucrose
results in a significant reduction in both energy intakes
The 2005 DGAC asked the question “What is the
and body weight. Further, using foods and drinks
evidence to support caloric compensation for liquid
sweetened with aspartame instead of those sweetened
versus solids foods?” They concluded that this was an
with sucrose is an effective way to maintain and lose
unresolved issue and that evidence on whether liquid
and solid foods differ in their effect on calorie
compensation was conflicting.
In a prospective cohort study, Fowler et al. (2008)
reported a significant positive dose-response
The 2010 DGAC conducted a NEL review and
relationship between baseline artificially-sweetened
examined literature from 2000 to present, comparing
beverage consumption and incidence of
liquids to solid or semi-solid forms. In addition to
overweight/obesity, incidence of obesity, and BMI
examining the role of food form on energy intake and
change; however, this association does not establish
body weight, Question 8 includes additional
information on food form and satiety.
Flood et al. (2006b) examined the impact of beverage
type (cola, diet cola, or water) and size (12 or 18 fl oz)
on intake at an ad libitum lunch. Participants consumed
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 305
Liquids Versus Solids and Energy Intake and Consumption of solid food compared to juice in a
Body Weight controlled caloric load may decrease energy intake at a
No consistent relationships have been reported between subsequent meal. Flood-Obbagy and Rolls (2009)
the form of a food and energy intake and body weight. examined how consuming preloads of apples in
This review included 12 studies with no consistent different forms (apple, applesauce, and apple juice with
experimental designs. One study examined liquid and without added fiber) influenced energy intake of a
calories to solid calories in the PREMIER trial (Chen, meal. Study participants consumed fewer calories at
2009). Six of the studies were crossover trials that lunch after consuming apples compared to equal
investigated the impact of a preload before breakfast calories as applesauce, apple juice, or apple juice with
(Stull, 2008) or lunch (Almiron-Roig, 2004; Flood- added fiber. In a similar study, whole carrots were
Obbagy, 2009; Mattes, 2009; Mourao, 2007; Tsuchiya, associated with less calorie intake for the remainder of
2006) on ad libitum intake of a meal. An additional the day compared to carrot juice or a carrot juice
crossover trial (Moorhead, 2006) examined the intake cocktail that contained all the nutrients in carrots
of carrots in various forms with a meal rather than as a (Moorhead, 2006).
preload. DiMeglio et al. (2000) conducted a longer term
crossover trial that included two, 4-week interventions Mourao et al. (2007) investigated the independent effect
with daily consumption of liquid (caffeine-free soda) or of food form on appetite and energy intake in lean and
solid (jelly beans) food. Finally, three studies (Rolls, obese adults using high carbohydrate, fat, or protein
2005; Flood, 2007; Bertrais, 2001) examined soup as food stimuli. Treatments were matched beverage and
the liquid form. solid food forms: high carbohydrate (watermelon and
watermelon juice); high protein (cheese and milk); and
No standard protocol has been established to answer high fat (coconut meat and coconut milk). Participants
this question, and information on food form and consumed the entire test food as part of an ad libitum
consumption of liquid is not collected in prospective meal. Regardless of the predominant energy source, the
cohort trials. Most of the available evidence to answer beverage form elicited a weaker compensatory dietary
this question is from preload studies, in which meals are response than the matched solid food form. The authors
controlled for total calories and macronutrient content, concluded that inclusion of a caloric beverage in a
and then satiety is measured for 3 hours after the meal. lunch meal led to greater daily energy intake compared
Subsequent food intake is then measured by to customary intake or days where a solid version of the
consumption of a buffet lunch and food intake for 24 same food was ingested. This occurred regardless of the
hours may then be calculated. primary energy source, and there was no clear
indication that the lean and obese differ in this regard.
In the one prospective study, Chen et al. (2009)
examined beverage consumption in the PREMIER Stull et al. (2008) assessed the effect of liquid versus
study at baseline, 6 months, and 18 months. Analyses solid meal replacements on appetite and subsequent
considered changes in volume, calorie intake, and food intake in healthy older adults. After an overnight
percentage of calories from beverages both overall and fast, participants consumed meal replacement products
from seven categories (SSB; diet drinks; milk; 100 as either a liquid or as a solid (bar) followed by ad
percent juices; coffee and tea with sugar; coffee and tea libitum oatmeal. Participants consumed more calories
without sugar or with artificial sweeteners; and from oatmeal after the liquid versus solid meal
alcoholic beverages). A reduction of 100 kilocalories replacement product.
per day in liquid calorie intake was associated with an
approximate 0.25 kilogram weight loss at 6 and 18 Other studies suggest that food form may affect food
months. In comparison, a reduction in solid calorie intake, although inconsistent study designs make it
intake by 100 kilocalories per day was associated with a difficult to compare results. DiMeglio and Mattes
less than 0.1 kilogram weight loss at 6 and 18 months. (2000) examined the differential effects of matched
Reductions in liquid calorie intake had a stronger effect liquid (soda) and solid (jelly beans) carbohydrate loads
on weight loss than did a reduction in solid calorie on diet and body weight. Participants were assigned to
intake, but the difference was statistically significant one of two dietary load conditions (solid: 450 kcal
only at 6 months. A significant dose-response trend serving of jelly beans; liquid: 450 kcal serving of
between change in body weight and change in liquid caffeine-free soda) for 4 weeks, followed by a 4 week
calorie intake was observed at 6 and 18 months. washout period and subsequent participation in the
other condition for 4 weeks. During the solid load
306 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
condition, participants compensated for some of the of dry snack foods. Participants in the fourth group
energy in the test foods by reducing free-feeding intake were not provided with any specific food to consume
such that the overall compensation score was 118 (comparison group). There were no significant
percent. However, when the liquid load was included in differences in reported energy intake among the
the diet, no compensation was observed, resulting in a intervention groups at any time points. All four groups
compensation score of -17 percent. The authors showed significant weight loss at 6 months that was
concluded that liquid carbohydrate promotes positive well maintained at 12 months. The magnitude of weight
energy balance, whereas a comparable solid loss, however, differed by group. At 1 year, weight loss
carbohydrate elicits dietary compensation; further, body in the comparison (8.1 ± 1.1 kg) and two-soup (7.2 ±
weight and BMI increased only with the liquid load. 0.9 kg) groups was significantly greater than that in the
two-snack group (4.8 ± 0.7 kg); weight loss in the one-
In contrast, both Mattes and Campbell (2009) and soup group (6.1 ± 1.1 kg) did not differ significantly
Almiron-Roig et al. (2004) found no differences in from other groups. The authors concluded that on an
subsequent food intake when they compared solid food energy-restricted diet, consuming two servings of low
to liquids in studies well controlled for macronutrients energy-dense soup daily led to 50 percent greater
and calories. Mattes and Campbell (2009) assessed the weight loss than consuming the same amount of energy
effects of apple food form (apple, applesauce, apple as high energy-dense snack food.
juice) and timing of eating events (meal or snack) on
appetite and daily energy intake. There were no When macronutrient content of a liquid food and a solid
treatment effects on daily energy intake. food is balanced, there are few data that food form
affects energy intake. These studies are difficult to
Almiron-Roig et al. (2004) compared the impact on design and conduct as the form of the food cannot be
energy intakes of equal-energy preloads (300 kcal) of blinded (i.e., participants know that they are eating
regular cola or fat-free cookies presented either 2 hours apples or drinking apple juice). In the acute studies of
or 20 minutes before a tray lunch. Liquid or solid form food intake, efforts are made to control variables,
had no impact on energy intakes during the test meal. including the time allowed to consume the test food, but
Similarly, physical form had no effect when the sum of it is difficult to generalize these results to the eating
the energy intake of breakfast, preload, and lunch was environment of real life.
Food structure may play a role in food intake. Whole
In another crossover trial (Tsuchiya, 2006) participants foods, such as apples and carrots, play a role in satiety
consumed 200 kilocalorie preloads: semisolid peach and decrease food intake at a subsequent meal. When a
yogurt with peach pieces, peach yogurt homogenized to non-viscous fiber was added to apple juice, the fiber-
liquid form, peach syrup and water, or a milk-based enriched apple juice was not as effective as the apple in
peach and apricot beverage followed by an ad libitum reducing food intake at a subsequent meal. Thus, factors
lunch. No significant differences in energy intakes were besides the fiber in whole foods may affect energy
detected across the four conditions, either for lunch intake, including food structure and chewing.
alone or for total energy consumed from breakfast,
preload, and lunch. The data with soup as a preload are often in conflict
with other data on liquid calories. In a 1-year weight
Liquids in soup may have different effects as studies loss trial, consumption of two servings of soup per day
find that daily soup consumers have lower daily energy led to greater weight loss than consuming the same
intake than those who consume little soup (Bertrais, amount of energy from two snack foods. Soup preload
2001), and soup pre-loads reduce food intake at a significantly reduced test meal and total meal energy
subsequent meal (Flood, 2007). Rolls et al. (2005) intake in one study. Thus, the studies with soup as a
tested the effect on weight loss of a diet incorporating liquid calorie source suggest that specific liquid calories
one or two servings per day of foods equal in energy but can be an aid to weight loss and that liquid calories
differing in energy density. Participants followed an from soup result in reduced intake at a subsequent meal.
energy-restricted diet in a 1-year trial (6-month weight
loss and 6-month weight maintenance); participants
were randomized to one of four intervention groups.
Participants were instructed to consume daily: one
serving of soup, two servings of soup, or two servings
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 307
Question 8: What Is the Role of relationship between carbohydrate, fiber, protein, and
Carbohydrate, Fiber, Protein, Fat, and fat using a non-NEL literature review.
Food Form on Satiety?
The most common study design for satiety studies uses
a test preload in which variables of interest are carefully
controlled. Generally, participants rate aspects of their
appetite sensations, such as fullness or hunger, at
Many factors affect satiety and most studies are
intervals and then, after a predetermined time interval, a
conducted in laboratory settings to control for variables.
test meal at which energy intake is measured. Longer-
Thus results may not be generalized to the more
term studies typically provide foods or drinks of known
complicated eating environment of the outside world.
composition to be consumed ad libitum and use
Foods high in dietary fiber generally are more satiating
measures of energy intake and/or appetite ratings as
than low fiber foods, although some fibers added to
indicators of satiety. Satiety tests are often conducted
drinks have little impact on satiety. Overall, small
with liquids where differences in macronutrient content
changes in the macronutrient content of the diet do not
are more easily formulated. Other studies use muffins or
significantly alter satiety.
bars. However, it is difficult to formulate and blind
products that vary greatly in the content of fiber,
protein, fat, and carbohydrate.
Intakes of caloric preloads, whether carbohydrate,
Measurement of satiety is complicated because many
protein, or fat, typically increase satiety. Protein and
internal signals also influence appetite, such as
carbohydrate may be more satiating than fat, although
bodyweight, age, sex, habitual diet, exercise, and
studies are not consistent. Dietary fiber, especially from
dietary restraint. These acute studies are typically done
whole foods, appears to enhance satiety in studies. Not
in laboratory settings where variables can be controlled.
all fibers added to beverages or foods are equally
It is extremely difficult to conduct satiety studies in
satiating. In fact, some functional fibers show no effect
free-living individuals, so most studies are conducted in
on satiety.
a laboratory setting. Usually visual analogue scales are
used to monitor hunger, fullness, and motivation to eat.
Review of the Evidence
Studying the effects of one variable in food or drink
while keeping others constant is inherently difficult,
especially if researchers do not want the differences to
Satiation and satiety are part of the body’s appetite
be obvious to participants. Adding fiber to foods
control system and are involved in limiting energy
decreases energy density and often palatability, both of
intake. Benelam (2009) summarized satiation, satiety,
which can affect satiety (Slavin and Green, 2007).
and their effects on eating behavior in an extensive
literature review. Satiation is the process that causes one
External factors that affect satiety include palatability,
to stop eating, while satiety is the feeling of fullness that
variety, portion size, sleep, physical activity, television
persists after eating, suppressing further consumption.
viewing and other distractions, and social situations
Satiation and satiety are controlled by a cascade of
(Benelam, 2009).
factors that begin when a food is consumed and
continues as it enters the gastrointestinal tract and is
Macronutrients have no consistent differences in satiety,
digested and absorbed. As food moves down the
although general statements are often given that protein is
digestive tract, signals are sent to the brain, and gut
most satiating, followed by carbohydrate, and then fat.
hormones are produced that affect energy balance in a
Recent studies on the relationship between
variety of ways, including slowing gastric emptying,
macronutrients, fiber, and satiety are summarized below.
acting as neurotransmitters, and reducing
gastrointestinal secretions. These effects are proposed to
Carbohydrate and Satiety
influence satiety. The terms satiety and satiation are
The carbohydrate content of foods and drinks is diverse
often used differently in the literature and many
and includes digestible carbohydrates and fiber. In the
methods to measure each exist.
1950s, the glucostatic theory of appetite regulation was
developed by Mayer (1953), who hypothesized that
Interest in satiety and its role in obesity prevention are
blood glucose levels determined appetite, initiating
great, so the 2010 DGAC examined satiety’s
energy intake when low and causing satiety when
308 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
increased. Glucose levels do affect satiety and thus found that high-fiber foods are more satiating and that
intake of calories as carbohydrate must be controlled certain isolated fibers affect satiety while others are not
and balanced in satiety studies. effective. Clinical studies are needed to assess the
effectiveness of isolated fibers on satiety as there are no
Both glucose and fructose preloads have been found to measures of fiber chemistry (solubility, structure, etc.)
reduce subsequent energy intake and no consistent that can predict fiber’s effect on satiety.
differences are found when comparing the two
(Anderson, 2003). A number of studies have Protein and Satiety
investigated whether drinks sweetened with HFCS It is generally accepted that at sufficiently high levels,
compared with sucrose have different effects on satiety, protein has a stronger effect on satiety than equivalent
and a significant difference between the two types of quantities of energy from carbohydrate or fat.
sweetener has not been found (Soenen, 2007). Alfenas Differences in study design make it difficult to pinpoint
and Mattes (2005) concluded that under controlled the optimum dose or percentage of energy needed to
conditions, the glycemic index of foods does not affect observe significant effects of protein on satiety.
satiety or energy intake. RCTs comparing low and high Anderson and Moore (2004) suggest that at least 50
glycemic index diets find no differences in weight loss grams of protein in a food or meal is necessary to see a
(Aston et al., 2008; Das et al., 2007). significant effect on satiety, but note that information is
insufficient to describe a dose-response relationship.
Fiber and Satiety
Fiber includes a wide range of compounds and although Other factors have been considered as potential
fiber generally affects satiety, not all fibers are equally mechanisms for protein’s effect on satiety. Westerterp-
effective in changing satiety (Slavin and Green, 2007). Plantenga et al. (2007) described the relationship
Typically a large dose of fiber is required, such as 10 between diet-induced thermogenesis and satiety.
grams or more in a serving of food (an amount not Additionally, the role of ketosis as an explanation for
naturally occurring in a single serving of food). Viscous the satiating effect of protein has been offered, although
fibers, such as guar gum, oat bran, and psyllium, are studies find inconsistent results for fullness and
generally more effective, although insoluble fibers that prospective food consumption when low and high
survive gut transit, such as wheat bran and cellulose, protein diets are compared (Johnstone, 2008).
also are known to alter satiety.
Fat and Satiety
Willis et al. (2009) compared the satiety response when Dietary fat affects satiety by slowing gastric emptying,
four different muffins were fed at breakfast. Resistant stimulating the release of satiating gut hormones and
starch and corn bran had the most positive impact on suppressing the release of ghrelin (Little et al., 2007).
satiety, whereas polydextrose had little effect and Still, most reviews find that the effect of fat on satiety is
behaved like the low-fiber muffin. Generally, whole weaker than that of either protein or carbohydrate
foods that naturally contain fiber are satiating. Flood- (Benelam, 2009). Bell and Rolls (2001) compared the
Obbagy and Rolls (2009) compared the effect of fruit in effects of meals containing different amounts of fat that
different forms on energy intake and satiety at a meal. were matched at different levels of energy density. When
Results showed that eating apple reduced lunch energy energy density was matched, the fat content of the diets
intake by 15 percent compared to control. Fullness did not affect energy intake, indicating that it was the
ratings differed significantly after preload consumption, energy density and not the fat content that influences
with apple being the most satiating, followed by satiety. In free-living individuals, high-fat foods have a
applesauce, then apple juice, then the control food. The higher energy density than high-protein or high-
addition of a pectin fiber to the apple juice did not alter carbohydrate foods. The palatability of high-fat foods
satiety. also may contribute to overconsumption of calories.

Other fibers added to drinks do change satiety. Pelkman Food Form and Satiety
et al. (2007) added low doses of a gelling pectin- The physiological effects of solids versus liquids are
alginate fiber to drinks and measured satiety. The drinks covered in Question 7, but the satiety effects of liquid
were consumed twice a day over 7 days and energy diets will be described here. Overall, inconsistent
intake at the evening meal was recorded. The 2.8 gram evidence suggests that energy from liquids is less
dose of pectin alginate caused a decrease of 10 percent satiating than energy from solids (Benelam, 2009).
in energy intake at the evening meal. Thus, it generally Soups appear to have a particularly satiating effect,
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 309
which may be due to their lower energy density. Mattes which are referred to as the microbiota. Although the
(2005) has suggested that soups are seen as part of a importance of the microbiota has been accepted for
meal and consumed in response to hunger, compared diseases of the large intestine, it is now thought that the
with drinks, which are consumed to address thirst or to microbiota play a role in obesity control and other
accompany foods. The impact of intense sweeteners on chronic diseases such as autism. Because of these new
satiety and energy intake, as reviewed by Drewnowski ideas, consumer interest in altering the microbiota is
and Bellisle (2007), is mixed, with some studies finding high.
increases in appetite and/or energy intake, some
decreases, but most finding no significant effects. Prebiotics are defined as “a non-digestible food
Differences in study design make it difficult to reach ingredient that beneficially affects the host by
any overall conclusions about the effect of intense selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one
sweeteners on satiety, but it seems that intense or a limited number of bacteria in the colon, and thus
sweeteners do not enhance satiety. improves host health” (De Vrese, 2008).
Oligosaccharides such as fructo-oligosaccharides and
Thus, many factors affect satiety and most studies are galacto-oligosaccharides are generally accepted as
conducted in laboratory settings to control for variables. prebiotics and are often added to infant formula and
Therefore, results may not be generalized to the more other food products.
complicated eating environment of the outside world.
Foods high in dietary fiber generally are more satiating Probiotics are defined viable microorganisms, sufficient
than low-fiber foods, although some fibers added to amounts of which reach the intestine in an active state
drinks have little impact on satiety. Overall, small and thus exert positive health effects (De Vrese, 2008).
changes in the macronutrient content of the diet are Synbiotics are combinations of both probiotics and
unlikely to significantly alter satiety. prebiotics. The idea to suppress and displace harmful
bacteria in the intestine by orally administered
“beneficial” ones and thus improve microbial balance,
Question 9: What Is the Role of Prebiotics health, and longevity has been around for more than a
and Probiotics in Health? century. Tissier (1906) recommended the administration
of bifidobacteria to infants suffering from diarrhea,
claiming that bifidobacteria supersede the putrefactive
bacteria causing the disease. He showed the
bifidobacteria were predominant in the gut of breast-fed
Gut microflora play a role in health, although the
infants, the rationale for adding prebiotics to infant
research in this area is still developing. Foods high in
formula. Nobel Prize winner Elie Metchnikoff (1907)
prebiotics (wheat, onions, garlic) may be consumed, as
also suggested that intake of lactobacilli-containing
well as food concentrated in probiotics (yogurt), within
yogurt results in reduction of toxin-producing bacteria
accepted dietary patterns.
in the gut which increased longevity in the host.
For this review, we completed a non-NEL review since
2004 of systematic reviews on prebiotics and probiotics
The lack of epidemiologic studies that support a role for
and health. We conclude that the importance of the gut
changes in gut microflora and health outcomes limits
microbiota is an important emerging area of research,
any specific dietary recommendations in this area.
but not enough research is available to make dietary
Foods high in prebiotics and probiotics are linked to
recommendations for either prebiotics or probiotics. All
health benefits. For example, fiber is a prebiotic linked
prebiotics are dietary fibers, but not all dietary fibers are
to health benefits. Many probiotic-containing foods,
prebiotics. Recommended intakes of dietary fiber can
such as dairy foods, also are linked to health benefits
provide prebiotics to the diet. Also, recommended
and are recommended for inclusion in the diet.
foods, such as yogurt, are probiotics, so by observing
guidelines for dairy food consumption and picking
Review of the Evidence
yogurt or other fermented dairy products, probiotics will
be included in the diet.
Evidence that the intestinal microbiota is linked with
overall health is emerging (Davis, 2009b). The adult
Some of the proposed health benefits of prebiotics and
human gut contains 100 trillion microbial organisms,
probiotics include reduction in diarrhea incidence,
310 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
improvements in gut health, elimination of allergies, energy from added sugars is suggested, based on trends
and prevention of infections. It is accepted that the gut indicating that people with diets at or above this level of
microflora have a potential role in immune function, but added sugars are more likely to have poorer intakes of
studies showing an improvement in immunity with important essential nutrients. Active Americans should
consumption of either prebiotics or probiotics are consume diets at the high end of the AMDR range
limited. Despite the continued interest in enhancing the (65%) while Americans on low calorie diets will need
gut environment, there are no cohort studies where fecal to consume diets at the low end of the range (45%).
samples have been collected and higher levels of Usually proteins will replace carbohydrate on low
bifidobacteria or lactobacillus in feces linked to calorie diets.
improved health status.
Americans should choose fiber-rich foods such as
A systematic review of randomized controlled trials whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and cooked dry beans
evaluating the relationship between probiotics and and peas as staples in the diet. Dairy products are also a
constipation concluded that until more data are nutrient-dense source of carbohydrates in the diet and
available, the use of probiotics for the treatment of provide high quality protein, vitamins, and minerals.
constipation should be considered investigational
(Chmielewska and Szajerska, 2010). Probiotics may Carbohydrates are the primary energy source for active
play a role in preventing and treating acute diarrhea in people. Sedentary people, including most Americans,
both children and adults, although results are should decrease consumption of caloric carbohydrates
inconsistent (Cummings, 2009). A systematic review to balance energy needs and attain and maintain ideal
and meta-analysis of probiotics in the treatment of weight. The high-energy, non-nutrient-dense
irritable bowel syndrome found that probiotics could carbohydrate sources that should be reduced to aid in
potentially play a role in irritable bowel syndrome calorie control include SSB, desserts, including grain-
treatment, but results of trials are inconsistent and many based desserts, grain products, and other carbohydrate
questions remain on the type of probiotics, dose, and foods and drinks that are non-nutrient-dense.
whether certain subgroups of patients are more likely to
benefit from probiotics (Hoveyda, 2009).
Needs for Future Research
The effect of prebiotics on immune function, infection,
and inflammation was reviewed (Lomax and Calder, 1. Develop and validate carbohydrate assessment
2009a). Again, results are mixed in human trials. Ten methods. Explore and validate new and emerging
trials involving infants and children have mostly biomarkers to elucidate alternative mechanisms and
reported benefits on infectious outcomes, while in 15 explanations for observed effects of carbohydrates
adult trials, little effect was seen. A similar review was on health.
conducted on probiotics (Lomax and Calder, 2009b).
Overall, the data are mixed with large species and strain Rationale: Studies of carbohydrates and health
differences of probiotic treatments influencing results. outcomes on a macronutrient level are often
inconsistent or ambiguous due to inaccurate
Thus, the DGAC believes that the gut microbiota do measures and varying food categorizations and
play a role in health, although the research in this area is definitions. The science cannot progress without
still developing. No recommendations for intake of further advances in both methodology and theory.
prebiotics or probiotics for the American people can be
made, although foods high in prebiotics (wheat, onions, 2. Develop definitions for whole grain foods and
garlic) should be consumed, as well as food criteria for whole grain foods that can be
concentrated in probiotic (yogurt). universally accepted.

Rationale: At present, there is no consistent way

Chapter Summary that whole grain foods are defined and determined.
Without clear definitions for whole grain foods, it is
Healthy diets are high in carbohydrates. AMDR for difficult to compare research studies examining the
carbohydrates are 45 to 65 percent from carbohydrates. effectiveness of various whole grains on biomarkers
A maximal intake level of 25 percent or less of total of interest in CVD, diabetes, and obesity. Clear

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 311

definitions would also help consumers identify that measure differences in exposure to different
foods that can help them meet the Dietary carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose) and
Guidelines recommendation. different forms (liquid, solid, whole food).

3. Conduct intervention and research studies with 7. Develop methods for use in epidemiologic studies
strong designs that include sufficient sample sizes to measure accurately or quantify intake of liquids,
over time and specific measures of vegetable and either caloric or non-caloric.
fruit intake, including specific types of vegetables
and fruits, overall dietary patterns, exercise, sex, Rationale: There has been an increase in the
and other confounding factors to evaluate the number of beverages available, and it would be
impact of consuming vegetables and fruits on valuable to know how these beverages are
health. contributing to satiety, energy intake, and body
weight. Drinks can include a wide range of
Rationale: Rigorous methods of assessing dietary macronutrients and artificial sweeteners, and are
intake are needed along with rigorous measures of difficult to assess with food frequency instruments.
outcomes. Strong designs that control for The type of drinks consumed now includes sport
confounding variables will provide deeper insight drinks, designer coffees and teas, smoothies and
into the effect vegetables and fruits have on health. juices, and carbonated beverage with different
Plausible mechanisms for these effects also need to sugars or artificial sweeteners.
be studied in depth. Traditional markers, such as
blood lipids, while useful for risk factor assessment, 8. Determine whether the effects of vegetables and
appear to have limited explanatory value. fruits in the overall dietary pattern are due to
displacement of other foods in the diet or to the
4. Conduct long-term, randomized controlled trials to action of vegetables and fruits per se on specific
resolve whether use of nonnutritive sweeteners can health outcomes.
actually aid weight loss or prevent weight gain.
Rationale: The mechanism(s) of action for the
Rationale: Currently available data are insufficient effects of vegetables and fruits have not been
to recommend non-nutritive sweeteners as an aid to determined and, therefore, may vary for different
weight loss, except on a theoretical basis for calorie health outcomes. The observed effects could be a
reduction. simple displacement of these foods with other foods
that cause poorer outcomes or vegetables and fruits
5. Develop standardized assessment tools to determine may contribute specific benefits or a combination of
accurate intake of added sugars. the above may explain the observations made thus
far in the literature. Only further research can
Rationale: This is challenging because provide more definitive answers.
carbohydrate methods are also limited as total
carbohydrate is measured “by difference.” Unless 9. Identify whether a progressive, inverse relationship
efforts are made to define and measure of fruits and vegetable consumption exists with the
carbohydrates and carbohydrate fractions with prevention of chronic disease(s) or whether there is
potential health benefits, it will be difficult to a threshold effect that may vary depending on
determine if different carbohydrates types have factors such as disease, sex, and dietary pattern.
different health effects.
Rationale: The evidence suggests that there may be
6. Develop innovative methods to evaluate “food a threshold effect of vegetables and fruits, at least
form” as a variable in food intake studies for the within the American dietary pattern, but further
field to progress. research is needed to verify this hypothesis and to
test whether the threshold varies among a variety of
Rationale: Unless macronutrients are carefully dietary patterns and/or among the specific variety of
controlled, it is not possible to answer the question vegetables and fruits consumed.
on how food form affects energy intake. These
questions will remain unless RCTs are conducted

312 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D5.2. Vegetables,1 fruits,1 pulses (legumes), nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, and the risk of cancer.
In the judgment of the Panel, the factors listed below modify the risk of cancer. Judgments are graded according to
the strength of the evidence.

Decreases Risk Decreases Risk Increases Risk Increases Risk

Exposure Cancer site Exposure Cancer site

Probable Non-starchy Mouth, pharynx, larynx

vegetables1 Oesophagus
Allium vegetables1 Stomach
Garlic1 Colorectum
Fruits1 Mouth, pharynx, larynx
Foods containing
Foods containing Mouth, pharynx, larynx
carotenoids2 Lung
Foods containing Oesophagus
Foods containing Prostate
lycopene2 3
Foods containing Oesophagus
Vitamin C2 4
Foods containing Prostate
selenium2 5

Limited— Non-starchy Nasopharynx Chilli1 Stomach

suggestive vegetables1 Lung
Carrots1 Cervix
Fruits1 Nasopharynx
Pulses (legumes)7 Stomach
Foods containing Oesophagus
folate2 Colorectum
Foods containing Oesophagus
pyridoxine2 8
Foods containing Oesophagus
vitamin E2 6 Prostate

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 313

Table D5.2 (continued). Vegetables,1 fruits,1 pulses (legumes), nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, and the risk of cancer.
In the judgment of the Panel, the factors listed below modify the risk of cancer. Judgments are graded according to
the strength of the evidence.

Decreases Risk Decreases Risk Increases Risk Increases Risk

Exposure Cancer site Exposure Cancer site

Foods containing Lung

selenium2 5 Stomach
Foods containing Lung

effect on
Foods containing beta-carotene9: prostate; skin (non-melanoma)
Judgements on vegetables and fruits do not include those preserved by salting and/or pickling.
Includes both foods naturally containing the constituent and foods which have the constituent added (see chapter
Mostly contained in tomatoes and tomato products. Also fruits such as grapefruit, watermelon, guava, and apricot.
Also found in some roots and tubers—notably potatoes. See chapter 4.1.
Also found in cereals (grains) and in some animal foods. See chapters 4.1 and 4.3.
Also found in plant seed oils. See chapter 4.5.
Including soya and soya products.
Vitamin B6. Also found in cereals. See chapter 4.1.
The evidence is derived from studies using supplements and foods containing beta-carotene: see chapter 4.10.
For an explanation of all the terms used in the matrix, please see chapter 3.5.1, the text of this section, and the
Source: World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research. Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity,
and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective, Washington, DC: AICR 2007.

References American Dietetic Association Evidence Analysis

Library. Non-nutritive sweeteners.
Abete I, Parra D, Martinez JA. Energy-restricted diets http://www.adaevidencelibrary.com. Accessed
based on a distinct food selection affecting the glycemic November 16, 2009.
index induce different weight loss and oxidative
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2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 325

Part D. Section 6: Sodium, Potassium,
and Water

Introduction POTASSIUM

Dietary intakes of sodium, potassium, and water have 2. What are the effects of potassium intake on blood
substantial health effects. Excessive sodium intake, pressure in adults?
especially when accompanied by inadequate potassium
intake, raises blood pressure, a well-accepted and WATER
extraordinarily common risk factor for stroke, coronary
heart disease, and kidney disease (see below for 3. What amount of water is recommended for health?
background information on the problem of elevated
blood pressure and its control). Adverse effects of
sodium on blood pressure appear to begin early in life. Methodology
Because of worsening blood pressure levels in children
in the United States (U.S.), the 2010 Dietary Guidelines The 2005 DGAC based its conclusions regarding these
Advisory Committee (DGAC) decided to evaluate questions on evidence extracted from Dietary Reference
available research on the health effects of sodium in Intakes for Water, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, and
children, as well as update the 2005 DGAC’s review of Sulfate, an extensive, systematic review of the scientific
research on the health effects of sodium in adults. literature conducted by an expert panel for the Institute
Inadequate potassium intake raises blood pressure and of Medicine (IOM) (IOM, 2005). The conclusions
increases the blood pressure response to excess sodium expressed in the 2010 DGAC Report are based on that
intake. evidence plus subsequent evidence, especially regarding
diet and blood pressure in children. Thus, while the vast
In addition to their effects on blood pressure, excessive majority of research on the health effects of sodium,
sodium and insufficient potassium likely have other potassium, and water on adults was published before
health consequences. Excess sodium intake has been 2005 and synthesized in the 2005 Report, this 2010
linked to an increased incidence of gastric cancer. Report builds upon those findings and adds relevant
Inadequate potassium intake may increase the risk of new literature from updated searches. Additional
kidney stones and perhaps osteoporosis. Americans information about the search strategies and criteria used
consume excessive sodium and insufficient potassium to review each question can be found online in the
across the lifespan. Nutrition Evidence Library (NEL) at
www.NutritionEvidenceLibrary.gov. The new focus
Water is the single largest constituent of the human involves considerably more effort in reviewing the
body and is required to maintain adequate hydration. In emerging and growing evidence on the blood pressure
the U.S., water intake appears adequate, without effects of sodium in children. The overall search
evidence of chronic insufficient or excessive intake. strategies used to identify relevant literature and update
scientific evidence appear in Part C. Methodology.

List of Questions The following conversions may be useful:

SODIUM • 2300 milligrams of sodium is equivalent to 100

millimoles of sodium and is the amount of sodium
1. What are the effects of sodium intake on blood in 5.84 grams of salt (sodium chloride), about 1
pressure in children and in adults? teaspoon of table salt; and,
• 1500 milligrams of sodium is equivalent to 65
millimoles of sodium and is the amount of sodium

326 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

in 3.8 grams of salt (sodium chloride), about 2/3 In 2005, the DGAC recommended a daily sodium
teaspoon of table salt. intake of less than 2300 milligrams for the general adult
population and stated that hypertensive individuals,
Blacks, and middle-aged and older adults would benefit
Question 1: What Is the Effect of Sodium from reducing their sodium intake even further.
Intake on Blood Pressure in Children and Because these latter groups together now comprise
in Adults? nearly 70 percent of U.S. adults, the goal should be
1500 milligrams per day for the general population.
Given the current U.S. marketplace and the resulting
excessively high sodium intake, it will be challenging to
achieve the lower level. In addition, time is required to
A strong body of evidence has documented that in
adjust taste perception in the general population. Thus,
adults, as sodium intake decreases, so does blood
the reduction from 2300 milligrams to 1500 milligrams
pressure. A moderate body of evidence has documented
per day should occur gradually over time. A recent IOM
that as sodium intake decreases, so does blood pressure
report (IOM Report, 2010) provided a roadmap to
in children, birth to 18 years of age.
achieve gradual reductions in sodium intake. Because
early stages of blood pressure-related atherosclerotic
disease begin during childhood, both children and
adults should reduce their sodium intake. Individuals
The projected health benefits of a reduced sodium
should also increase their consumption of dietary
intake are substantial and include fewer strokes,
potassium because increased potassium intakes helps to
cardiovascular disease events, and deaths, as well as
attenuate the effects of sodium on blood pressure.
substantially reduced health care costs. In view of these
potential benefits and the current very high intake of
Sodium Recommendations of Scientific and
sodium in the general population, children and adults
Public Health Agencies and Organizations
should lower their sodium intake as much as possible by
consuming fewer processed foods that are high in
Numerous policymaking national agencies and
sodium, and by using little or no salt when preparing or
professional public health organizations have
eating foods.
recommended a reduced sodium intake as a means to
lower blood pressure in the general adult population. In
The current food supply is replete with excess sodium.
the United States, the National High Blood Pressure
Many foods contribute to the high intake of sodium.
Education Program set a sodium intake goal of 2300
While some foods are extremely high in sodium, the
milligrams (100 mmol) per day as a means to prevent
problem of excess sodium reflects frequent
hypertension in non-hypertensive individuals (Whelton,
consumption of foods that are only moderately high in
2002) and as first line and adjuvant therapy in
sodium. The major sources of sodium intake among the
hypertensive individuals (Chobanian, 2003). In 2009,
U.S. population are yeast breads; chicken and chicken
the American Society of Hypertension adopted prior
mixed dishes; pizza; pasta and pasta dishes; cold cuts;
American Heart Association guidelines that called for
condiments; Mexican mixed dishes; sausage, franks,
an upper limit of intake of 2300 milligrams per day
bacon, and ribs; regular cheese; grain-based desserts;
(Appel, 2009). In early 2010, the American Heart
soups; and beef and beef mixed dishes (National Cancer
Association lowered its recommended goal to no more
Institute [NCI], 2010a). Collectively, this group of
than 1500 milligrams per day in adults (Lloyd-Jones,
foods contributes about 56 percent of the dietary
2010). The current Canadian recommendation is less
sodium, or nearly 2000 milligrams per person per day.
than 2300 milligrams of sodium per day; a new policy is
expected in June 2010. In Great Britain, the Scientific
A major new concern is the excessive sodium added to
Advisory Committee on Nutrition in 2003 conducted an
products such as poultry, pork, and fish through
independent review of available evidence and set an
injections or marination; efforts to quantify the amount
upper limit of 2400 milligrams of sodium (6 g of salt)
of sodium from this type of processing are warranted.
per day. In its report, Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention
Finally, an important determinant of sodium intake is
of Chronic Diseases, the World Health Organization
calorie intake. Hence, efforts to reduce calorie intake
(WHO) (2003), set an upper limit of 1600 milligrams
should also lower sodium intake.
(70 mmol) of sodium per day as a means to lower blood
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 327
Several U.S. public health agencies and two Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI), Adequate Intake (AI),
international organizations have established separate or Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for sodium, and
sodium recommendations for children. Generally, these range by age from 400 milligrams for ages 1 to 3 years
recommendations are consistent with either the IOM to 2300 milligrams for ages 14 years and older.

Table D6.1. Sodium recommendations of scientific and public health agencies and organizations

Organizations Published Sodium Recommendation

United States
American Heart 2010 Sodium: <1500 mg per day for adults; The recommendation for 1500 mg/d does
Association not apply to individuals who lose large volumes of sodium in sweat, such as
competitive athletes and workers exposed to extreme heat stress (e.g., foundry
workers and fire fighters), or to those directed otherwise by their healthcare
provider (Lloyd-Jones, 2010). Web reference (accessed 23 March 2010):
American Society 2009 Lower sodium intake as much as possible, with a goal of no more than 2300
of Hypertension mg/d in the general population and no more than 1500 mg/d in Blacks, middle-
and older-aged persons, and individuals with hypertension, diabetes, or chronic
kidney disease (Appel, 2009). Web reference (accessed 23 March 2010):
National High 2002; Reduce dietary sodium intake to no more than 100 mmol per day (2300 mg
Blood Pressure 2003 sodium or 6 g sodium chloride) as a means to prevent hypertension in non-
Education hypertensive individuals (Whelton et al., 2002) and as first line and adjuvant
Program therapy in hypertensive individuals (Chobanian, 2003). Web reference (accessed
23 March 2010): http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/hypertension/express.pdf
American 2006 Adopted American Heart Association Position. Sodium recommendation by age:
Academy of 1-3 yrs <1500 mg; 4-8 yrs <1900 mg; 9-13 yrs <2200 mg; 14-18 yrs <2300 mg
Pediatrics (AHA/Gidding et al., 2006). Web reference (accessed 9 March 2010):
American Dietetic 2008 The current recommendation for adequate daily sodium intake for children 4-8
Association yrs is 1200 mg/day and for older children 1500 mg/day (ADA, 2008).
American Heart 2005 Based on Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005/ IOM DRI Sodium UL by age:
Association 1-3 yrs <1500 mg; 4-8 yrs <1900 mg; 9-13 yrs <2200 mg; 14-18 yrs <2300 mg
(Gidding et al., 2005). Web reference (accessed 23 March 2010):
Adults or Mixed Populations
Australia and New 2005 Recommends that Australian adults consume less than 2300 mg of sodium per
Zealand day (NHMRC, 2005). Web reference (accessed 9 March 2010):

328 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D6.1 (continued). Sodium recommendations of scientific and public health agencies and organizations

Organizations Published Sodium Recommendation

Adults or Mixed Populations
Canada 2006 Current Health Canada statement is based on IOM DRI Report: People 14 yrs
and older not exceed 2300 mg of sodium per day. Adequate Intakes (AIs) for
good health range from 1000 mg/d sodium for people 1-3 yrs to 1500 mg/d for
people 9-50 yrs. Sodium Reduction Working Group policy update expected in
June 2010 (Health Canada, 2005). Web reference (accessed 9 March 2010):
European Union 2004 EU Framework for Salt Reduction incorporates WHO/FAO recommendation
for reducing dietary salt intake to <5-6 g per day (2000-2300 mg/d); 21 of 30
nations directly adopted recommendation, 5 countries adopted a higher interim
goal or range, 4 countries reported no dietary sodium guidance (EU, 2009).
Web reference (accessed 9 March 2010):
Food and 2003 Population nutrient intake goals for preventing diet-related chronic diseases,
Agriculture Sodium chloride (sodium) <5 g per day (Sodium <2000 mg per day) (FAO,
Organization 2003). Web reference (accessed 9 March 2010):
(FAO) http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/AC911E/ac911e07.htm

Pan American 2009 Member nations (n=46) acknowledged WHO/FAO recommendation to reduce
Health dietary sodium intake to <2000 mg per day for cardiovascular disease
Organization prevention through dietary salt reduction (PAHO, 2009). Web reference
(PAHO) (accessed 9 March 2010):
United Kingdom 2003 Food Standards Agency set a target to reduce the adult population’s average
salt intake to 6g (sodium 2300 mg) per day by 2010 (UK, 2009). Web
reference (accessed 9 March 2010):

World Health 2003 Set an upper limit of 70 mmol (1700 mg) of sodium per day as a means to
Organization lower blood pressure. All individuals should be strongly encouraged to reduce
daily salt intake by at least one-third and, if possible, to <5 g or <90 mmol per
day (WHO, 2003). Web reference (accessed 9 March 2010):
Canada 2006 Adequate Intakes (AIs) of sodium for good health for people aged one year and
over range from 1000 mg/day for children 1-3 yrs to 1500 mg/day for people 9
yrs and older (Health Canada, 2006). Web reference (accessed 9 March 2010):

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 329

Table D6.1 (continued). Sodium recommendations of scientific and public health agencies and organizations

Organizations Published Sodium Recommendation

United Kingdom 2003 The Food Standards Agency issues advice for parents on amounts of salt
infants and children should consume: Children: 0-6 months <1 g (400 mg
sodium); 6-12 months - 1g (400 mg sodium); 1-3 yrs - 2g/day (800 mg
sodium); 4-6 yrs - 3 g/day (1200 mg sodium); 7-10 yrs - 5/g day (2000 mg
sodium); 11-14 yrs - 6 g/day (2400 mg sodium) (UK, 2009). Web reference
(accessed 9 March 2010):

Review of the Evidence: Sodium Intake and blood pressure tracking, and found strong evidence for
Blood Pressure in Children blood pressure tracking from childhood to adulthood.
They concluded that childhood blood pressure is
Background associated with blood pressure in later life, and
In the U.S. and most other countries, blood pressure therefore, early intervention is important.
slowly rises with age. The age-related increase in blood
pressure begins early in childhood and increases Recent evidence shows that mean blood pressure levels
thereafter. The annual increase during childhood is have increased among U.S. children and adolescents
actually greater than during adult life, increasing 1.9 over the past two decades. Muntner et al. (2004)
millimeters of mercury (mmHg) per year for boys, and compared the blood pressure of U.S. children, aged 8 to
1.5 mmHg for girls, ages 1 to 17 years, compared with 17 years, in the National Health and Nutrition
0.6 mmHg per year for U.S. adults (Appel, 2008; Examination Survey (NHANES) III (1988-94; n=3,496)
National High Blood Pressure Education Program with the blood pressure of similar-aged youth in
Working Group on High Blood Pressure in Children NHANES 1999-2000 (n=2,086). In the latter survey,
and Adolescents, 2004). These data should be viewed in mean systolic blood pressure had increased by 1.4
the context of the high blood pressure epidemic. More mmHg, and mean diastolic blood pressure by 3.3
than 90 percent of U.S. adults 50 years of age or older mmHg (after adjustment for age, race, and sex). After
will develop hypertension in their lifetime (Vasan, further adjustment for body mass index (BMI)
2002). Hence, most children, even those with blood distribution at each time period, the increase in systolic
pressure in the usual range during childhood, are still at blood pressure was reduced by 29 percent and for
high risk of hypertension as adults. Because high blood diastolic blood pressure by 12 percent. Greater increases
pressure is a well established risk factor for were seen among some subgroups of minority youth,
cardiovascular disease, preventing the gradual rise in especially boys. Among non-Hispanic Blacks, mean
blood pressure during childhood and adolescence could systolic blood pressure levels increased by 2.9 mmHg
translate into substantial health benefits for Americans among boys and 1.6 mmHg among girls compared with
of all ages. non-Hispanic Whites. Among Mexican Americans,
mean systolic blood pressure levels increased by 2.7
Blood pressure during childhood exhibits a significant mmHg among boys and 1.0 mmHg among girls
tracking phenomenon. That is, children tend to retain compared with non-Hispanic Whites. During the same
their position in the blood pressure distribution over time period, the prevalence of hypertension 1 increased
time, relative to their peers. Thus, children who tend to
track in the high, borderline high, or high normal 1
Hypertension in children and adolescents is defined as
percentiles of blood pressure for age, sex, and height, systolic or diastolic blood pressure equal to or greater than
are at greater risk of eventual hypertension than are the 95th blood pressure percentile of sex-, age- and height-
children who tend to track in the lower ranges of blood specific blood pressure percentiles. Pre-hypertension is
pressure. Chen and Wang (2008) conducted a meta- defined as systolic or diastolic blood pressure equal to or
analysis that included 50 pediatric cohort studies of greater than the 90th percentile but less than the 95th
percentile, or a blood pressure of greater than 120/80 but less
330 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
by 2.3 percent and the prevalence of pre-hypertension presence of other CVD risk factors, such as obesity,
increased by 1.0 percent among children and dyslipidemia, and cigarette smoking.
adolescents (Din-Dzietham, 2007).
As in adults, several dietary factors likely raise blood
The shift in mean blood pressure levels toward higher pressure in children. In addition to excess sodium
values for U.S. youth, and the increased prevalence of intake, other possible factors include excess weight and
hypertension and pre-hypertension are of public health insufficient potassium intake. Both systolic and
concern, not only because of increased risk of diastolic blood pressure are higher on average among
cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality overweight children and adolescents, compared to
in adult life, but because studies have now shown that normal weight peers (Sorof, 2004). Based on studies in
elevated blood pressure in childhood results in adults, diets rich in potassium might lower blood
significant cardiovascular dysfunction and pathology pressure and lessen the adverse effects of sodium on
during childhood itself (Daniels, 1998; Mahoney, 1996; blood pressure. As discussed below, the largest volume
McCarron, 2000; McGill, 2000; Soto, 1989; Tracy, of research on dietary factors on blood pressure in
1995). For example, in a study of 130 hypertensive children has focused on the effects of excess sodium
children and youth, ages 6 to 23 years, 55 percent were intake.
found to have left ventricular hypertrophy2 (left
ventricular mass index >90th percentile). Additionally, Evidence on the Relationship Between Sodium
14 percent had left ventricular mass index greater than Intake and Blood Pressure in Children
the 99th percentile, and 8 percent had a left ventricular A systematic review of the literature identified 19
mass index above 51 g/m2.7, a cut-point associated with studies (15 trials and 4 prospective observational
a fourfold increase in risk of CVD endpoints in adults studies). Although the vast majority of studies were
with hypertension (Daniels, 1998). The authors also small (and therefore underpowered) or had another
report that sodium intake was significantly higher methodological limitation, they showed a consistent
among youth with severe left ventricular hypertrophy pattern of lower blood pressure in those groups with a
compared with those with normal left ventricular mass reduced sodium intake.
(Daniels, 1998).
Of the 15 trials, 14 were randomized controlled trials
High blood pressure, as well as other CVD risk factors, (RCTs) (Calabrese and Tuthill, 1985; Cooper, 1984;
when present in childhood, have been shown to be Gillum, 1981; Hofman, 1983; Howe, 1985,1991;
strongly associated with the extent of early Lucas, 1988; Myers, 1989; Palacios, 2004; Pomeranz,
atherosclerotic fatty streaks and fibrous plaques in the 2002; Sinaiko, 1993; Trevisan, 1981; Tuthill and
aorta and coronary arteries. The Bogalusa Heart Study Calabrese, 1985; Whitten and Stewart, 1980). Five of
group performed autopsies on 204 young people, aged 2 the RCTs were methodologically strong (Gillum, 1981;
to 39 years, most of whom died from trauma. Hofman, 1983; Howe, 1991; Sinaiko, 1993), seven
Investigators had data on childhood ante-mortem risk were methodologically neutral (some potential for bias)
factor status for 93 of these individuals. Systolic blood (Calabrese and Tuthill, 1985; Cooper, 1984; Howe,
pressure, diastolic blood pressure, BMI, and serum lipid 1985; Myers, 1989; Palacioset al. 2004; Pomeranz,
and lipoprotein concentrations in childhood were all 2002; Whitten and Stewart, 1980), and two were
strongly associated with the extent of fatty streaks and methodologically weak (Lucas, 1988; Trevisan, 1981).
fibrous plaques in the aorta and coronary arteries seen at The 15th trial, a methodologically strong study (Ellison,
autopsy (Berenson, 1998). Thus, high blood pressure in 1989), was the largest and longest trial, a two-period
youth promotes the development of atherosclerosis, the cross-over study conducted in two boarding schools.
progression of which is greatly enhanced in the
Four other studies provided evidence that supported this
conclusion. One, a methodologically strong study, was a
15-year follow-up of an infant RCT conducted by
than the 95th percentile of sex-, age- and height-specific Hofman et al. (1983) in the Netherlands (Geleijnse,
blood pressure percentiles (National High Blood Pressure 1997). Three additional studies were prospective
Education Program Working Group on High Blood Pressure longitudinal cohort studies (Brion, 2008 [neutral
in Children and Adolescents, 2004).
2 quality]; Geleijnse, 1990 [positive quality]; and Smith,
Left ventricular hypertrophy is an enlargement of the muscle
tissue that makes up the wall of the left ventricle, the heart’s 1995 [negative quality]).
main pumping chamber.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 331
Ten of the 14 RCTs achieved contrasts in sodium intake The final study included in this evidence review was a
of 40 percent or more between treatment groups or 15 year follow-up study by Geleijnse et al. (1997) of an
periods (Cooper, 1984; Hofman, 1983; Howe, 1985, RCT conducted among infants who participated in the
1991; Lucas, 1988; Myers, 1989; Palacios, 2004; initial trial between birth and age 6 months (Hofman,
Pomeranz, 2002; Tuthill and Calabrese, 1985; Whitten 1983). In this methodologically strong long-term
and Stewart, 1980). Two other RCTs achieved contrasts follow-up study, systolic blood pressure and diastolic
of 7 to 12 percent (Calabrese and Tuthill, 1985; blood pressure at follow-up were still lower among
Trevisan, 1981), and two achieved less than a 2 percent children initially assigned to the low sodium diet during
difference between treatment groups (Gillum, 1981; infancy, compared with the higher sodium group. The
Sinaiko, 1993). Although the extent of sodium difference for systolic blood pressure was statistically
reduction often appeared large, the data often came significant (p<0.05) and for diastolic blood pressure
from dietary recalls or dietary histories (in which was of borderline significance (p=0.08). These results
intakes are often underreported), rather than from 24- support the hypothesis that a programming effect of
hour urine collections, which are considered more sodium intake in early life on blood pressure may exist,
accurate reflections of sodium intake. because the difference in blood pressure between
treatment groups persisted for 15 years, even though all
Twelve of the 15 intervention studies showed a infants resumed their usual diet when the double-blind
decrease in systolic blood pressure and or diastolic trial ended at 6 months of age.
blood pressure on the low sodium diet (Calabrese and
Tuthill, 1985; Cooper, 1984; Ellison, 1989; Hofman, Infancy may be a particularly sensitive period with
1983; Howe, 1985, 1991; Myers, 1989; Palacios, 2004; respect to the effect of dietary sodium on later blood
Pomeranz, 2002; Sinaiko, 1993; Trevisan, 1981; pressure. Young infants, before the age of 4 to 6
Whitten and Stewart, 1980). Three studies reported no months, are less able to respond physiologically to
change in blood pressure on a low sodium diet (Gillum, varying concentrations of salt solutions, thus are at
1981; Lucas, 1988; Tuthill and Calabrese, 1985). greater risk of hypernatremia with higher intakes of
dietary sodium. Human milk has a low concentration of
Of the 12 intervention studies that showed a decrease in sodium, at about 15 milligrams per 100 milliliter
systolic blood pressure and/or diastolic blood pressure (Sutton, 2008). In a meta-analysis of 15 studies,
on the low sodium diet, the decrease was statistically breastfeeding during infancy was found to be associated
significant for all, or a subset, of the study population in with lower blood pressure at follow-up 3 to 60 years
eight of the studies (Calabrese and Tuthill, 1985; later, compared with bottle feeding (Martin, 2005).
Ellison, 1989; Hofman, 1983; Howe, 1985; Myers, Although the differences were small (systolic blood
1989; Pomeranz, 2002; Sinaiko, 1993; Trevisan, 1981). pressure -1.4/ diastolic blood pressure -0.5 mmHg) they
were statistically significant. The composition of
Results from two of the three prospective cohort studies commercial infant formulas, however, has changed
tend to support the results of the intervention trials. The significantly over the past several decades, and although
studies by Brion et al. (2008) and Geleijnse et al. (1990) sodium levels of formulas were higher than breast milk
involved prospective cohorts that were followed for 7 before approximately 1980, formulations with sodium
years. In the study by Brion et al. (2008), higher sodium levels comparable to human milk were introduced in the
intake at age 4 months (but not at 7 months or 7 years) U.S. and elsewhere beginning in the mid-1970s
was associated with increased systolic blood pressure at (Martin, 2005). Several studies of infants born since
age 7 years. This was consistent with infants younger 1980, however, still show a blood pressure-lowering
than age 4 months having greater difficulty excreting a effect of breastfeeding compared with formula feeding,
sodium load. In the cohort study by Geleijnse et al. suggesting that breastfeeding may benefit blood
(1990), a higher sodium/potassium ratio was associated pressure through a complex variety of mechanisms in
with a greater increase in slope of blood pressure addition to the low sodium content of breast milk. The
change over time. In the methodologically weak infant association of breastfeeding with healthier patterns of
cohort study by Smith et al. (1995), neither the contrast infant weight gain and decreased obesity is likely to be
in sodium intake, nor the actual blood pressure was another blood pressure-protective mechanism (Arenz,
provided. The authors indicate that in the multivariate 2004).
analysis, the amount of sodium added to the diet
approached clinical significance (p=.0751). In aggregate, these data document that sodium
reduction modestly lowers blood pressure in infants and
332 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
children. While the degree of reported blood pressure hypertension (Lewington, 2002; Vasan, 2001). Nearly a
lowering was usually modest, in the range of -1 to -5 third of blood pressure-related deaths from coronary
mmHg, such an effect, if sustained over time, could heart disease occur in people who do not have
translate into reduced blood pressure in adults, and thus hypertension (Stamler, 1993).
reduced prevalence of hypertension. Furthermore, if a
reduced sodium intake blunts the age-related rise in High blood pressure occurs as a result of environmental
blood pressure in children, then the effects of sodium and genetic factors and their interactions. Available
reduction will be greater than projected from these evidence indicates that dietary factors play a critical
studies. Although most of the studies had one or more role. Although this chapter focuses on the adverse
methodological limitations, particularly small sample effects of excessive sodium and insufficient potassium
size (and consequently, inadequate statistical power), intake on blood pressure, other dietary factors, such as
brief duration (typically < 1 month), and inadequate or overweight/obesity and excess alcohol consumption,
uncertain contrast in sodium intake, these data as a raise blood pressure. In individuals without
whole point to potential public health benefits of hypertension, dietary changes lower blood pressure and
considerable magnitude. prevent hypertension, which can reduce the risk of
related adverse health outcomes. In individuals with
Review of the Evidence: Sodium Intake and stage I hypertension (systolic blood pressure of 140-159
Blood Pressure in Adults mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure of 90-99
mmHg), dietary changes can be an initial therapeutic
Background approach before blood pressure medication is
High blood pressure is highly prevalent among prescribed. Among hypertensive individuals who
American adults. According to the most recent national already are on medication, dietary changes can further
survey data (1999-2004), nearly a third (32%) of adult lower blood pressure and help reduce the number or
Americans have hypertension, and roughly another third amount of medications necessary. In general, dietary
are pre-hypertensive (Wang and Wang, 2004; Cutler, changes have a greater effect on blood pressure in
2008). These data also show that the prevalence of people with hypertension than in those without. These
hypertension is increasing. Rates of controlled individual changes could have a huge positive effect on
hypertension remain low (< 40%) but are improving the health of American adults if they translated into
slightly (Cutler, 2008). even a small reduction in blood pressure across the
As stated earlier, in the U.S., blood pressure generally
increases with age throughout the lifespan. As a result, Evidence on the Relationship Between Sodium
hypertension typically occurs in middle-aged and older Intake and Blood Pressure in Adults
adults. Adults 50 years of age and older now have a 90 The 2005 DGAC Report previously examined the
percent lifetime risk of becoming hypertensive (Vasan, relationship between sodium intake and blood pressure.
2002). Some populations are disproportionately affected As documented in that report, evidence included results
by hypertension and its adverse health outcomes. For of more than 50 clinical trials, as well as meta-analyses
example, pre-hypertensive individuals are at high risk of that synthesized results (see IOM, 2005, Tables 6-12, 6-
developing hypertension (Vasan, 2001). Blacks 13, 6-15, 6-16, and Appendix I). Several of those trials
generally have higher blood pressure than do other were dose-response studies that examined the
racial-ethnic groups in the U.S. (Fields, 2004). Blacks relationship of progressively higher levels of sodium
also have a higher risk of blood pressure-related intake with blood pressure. A few large trials also tested
complications, particularly stroke (Ayala, 2001; Giles, the effects of sodium reduction as a means to prevent
1995) and kidney failure (Klag, 1996). hypertension.

Hypertension is one of the leading causes of death The 2010 DGAC performed an updated literature
around the world. This is because high blood pressure is search to identify new research on the relationship
a strong, consistent, continuous, independent, and between sodium intake and blood pressure. The NEL
etiologically relevant risk factor for cardiovascular and search identified 47 potential articles (15 reviews/meta-
renal diseases (Chobanian, 2003). Notably, the risk of analyses and 32 primary studies). A total of 13 articles,
cardiovascular disease resulting from hypertension has 12 primary studies, and one systematic review/meta-
no threshold. It increases progressively from normal analysis, met the eligibility criteria and were reviewed.
blood pressure through pre-hypertension to Of the 12 primary studies, nine were randomized trials
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 333
(Cappuccio, 2006; China Salt Substitute Collaborative mmol/d) lowered systolic/diastolic blood pressure by
Group, 2007; Dickinson, 2009; Forrester, 2005; Gates, 2.0/1.0 mmHg in non-hypertensive and by 5.1/2.7
2004; He, 2009; Makela, 2008; Pimenta, 2009; Swift, mmHg in hypertensive adults.
2005), two (He, 2009; Schmidlin, 2007) were studies
that tested different levels of sodium intake but in fixed In aggregate, these studies reinforce and further
order, and one was an observational analysis of a strengthen the previous conclusions from the 2005
previously published trial (Cook, 2005). Of the 12 DGAC Report that sodium reduction lowers blood
primary studies, eight were methodologically strong and pressure and benefits extend to both non-hypertensive
four were methodologically neutral. Enrollment criteria and hypertensive individuals. As discussed below, the
differed substantially by study, with blood pressure effects of blood pressure reduction are heterogeneous.
criteria that often bridged traditional classification
schemes. Still, it appears that five of the studies enrolled Inter-individual Variability in Blood Pressure
normotensive individuals, six enrolled hypertensive Response
individuals, and one explicitly enrolled both Evidence from a variety of studies, including
normotensive and hypertensive individuals. Trials were observational studies and clinical trials, has
conducted in Jamaica, Northern China, U.S., Australia, demonstrated heterogeneity in the blood pressure
Finland, Great Britain, and Nigeria. Populations were responses to sodium intake. Such a phenomenon is
demographically heterogeneous (e.g., enrolling Black, commonplace because the effects of dietary factors, not
White, and Asian hypertensives living in Great Britain). just sodium, vary by individual. Those individuals with
the greatest reductions in blood pressure in response to
Because previous trials had already confirmed that decreased sodium intake have been termed “salt
sodium reduction lowers blood pressure, the individual sensitive.” Despite the use of the terms “salt sensitive”
trials typically addressed other issues, such as the and “salt resistant” to classify individuals in earlier
effects of public health interventions in economically research studies, the change in blood pressure in
developing countries or the effects of sodium reduction response to a change in sodium intake is not binary.
on other variables (e.g., vascular function, arterial Rather, the reduction in blood pressure from a reduced
compliance, proteinuria, and heart rate variability). sodium intake has a continuous distribution across
Nonetheless, each reported the effects of sodium individuals. Because no standardized diagnostic criteria
reduction on blood pressure. In total, a significant and tests exist and blood pressure is highly variable, it is
reduction in either systolic or diastolic blood pressure impossible to classify individuals as salt sensitive or
occurred in all but one of these studies, and significant not. Nonetheless, some general observations about
reductions in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure sodium sensitivity with respect to subgroups of the
in five studies. The eight methodologically strong population can be made.
studies all showed a significant reduction in systolic or
diastolic blood pressure, and significant blood pressure Individuals with hypertension, diabetes, and chronic
reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure kidney disease, as well as middle- and older-aged
occurred in five of the studies. In several studies, persons and Blacks tend to be more sensitive to sodium
relatively few blood pressure measurements were than their healthier, younger, White counterparts.
obtained. Hence, in some cases, the absence of Genetic factors also influence the blood pressure
significant findings might have resulted from imprecise response to sodium. Each of the 14 identified genes that
or inadequate blood pressure measurement. affect blood pressure affects renal sodium handling.
Such evidence provides indirect support of an etiologic
The methodologically strong systematic review/meta- role of sodium in blood pressure homeostasis (Lifton,
analysis of 34 randomized controlled trials (He, 2004), 2002).
which pooled data for 23 trials of hypertensive and 11
trials of normotensive subjects, demonstrated that a Sodium sensitivity is modifiable. On average, the rise in
modest reduction in sodium intake for 4 or more weeks blood pressure from increased sodium intake is
had a significant effect on blood pressure in both attenuated in the setting of a high potassium intake
hypertensive and normotensive subjects. It also found a (4700 mg of supplemental potassium per day in one
significant dose-response relationship between sodium trial [Morris, 1999]; 6700 mg per day in another trial
reduction and both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. [Schmidlin et al., 1999]). The rise in blood pressure
In this meta-analysis, a median reduction in urinary from increased sodium intake is also attenuated in the
sodium of approximately 1.8 grams per day (78 setting of the DASH diet, which is rich in potassium
334 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
(4600 mg of potassium per day) as well as other dietary intake, results from prospective observational
minerals (Bray, 2004; Karanja, 1999; Sacks, 2001; studies have been inconsistent and occasionally
Vollmer, 2001). Nonetheless, a dose-response paradoxical. The “gold standard” to assess dietary
relationship between sodium intake and blood pressure sodium intake is urinary excretion of sodium as
persisted. assessed from multiple, complete 24-hour urine
collections. Yet only four of the 13 studies collected 24-
Relevant Contextual Issues hour urines, and none of these studies obtained more
than one collection. More importantly, several studies
Relationship Between Sodium Intake and had evidence of substantial, non-systematic
Cardiovascular Disease underreporting of sodium intake, and most other studies
Evidence of a direct relationship between dietary provided no data on the completeness of dietary
sodium intake and cardiovascular disease in humans has assessment. In view of the methodological limitations of
been sparse, in large part, because of methodological observational epidemiologic evidence, policy makers
challenges. Direct evidence includes results from have relied on the robust body of evidence that links
clinical trials and prospective observational studies in salt intake with blood pressure to guide policy.
which outcomes are cardiovascular disease events. To
date, three trials conducted in general populations have Relationship Between Sodium Intake and
reported the effects of reduced sodium interventions on Gastric Cancer
such outcomes. Two of these trials tested lifestyle Beyond sodium and blood pressure research,
interventions that focused on reducing sodium intake, observational studies have noted a close relationship of
and one trial tested the effects of a reduced sodium/high sodium intake and cancer of the stomach. For example,
potassium salt. In each instance, a 21 to 41 percent an ecologic analysis of 39 populations in 24 countries
reduction in clinical cardiovascular disease events documented a direct association between urinary
occurred in those who received a reduced sodium sodium excretion and mortality from stomach cancer
intervention (significant reduction in two trials [Chang, (Joossens, 1996). High doses of sodium result in
2006; Cook, 2007] and non-significant trend in the third destruction of the mucosal barrier of the stomach such
[Appel, 2001]). Hence, direct evidence from trials, that the mucus membrane is easily invaded by
albeit limited, is consistent with evidence on the blood carcinogens (Correa, 1975). The World Cancer
pressure lowering effects of sodium reduction. Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research
(WCRF/AICR), recently reviewed the available
In a meta-analysis, Strazzullo et al. (2009) synthesized evidence and concluded that sodium chloride and foods
results from prospective observational studies that high in sodium chloride are probable causes of stomach
evaluated the relationship of sodium intake with stroke cancer (WCRF/AICR, 2007).
and CVD. In their analysis of 13 cohort studies with 19
independent samples, a higher sodium intake was Relationships Between Sodium Intake and
associated with an increased risk of stroke and likely Other Health Outcomes
cardiovascular disease. Specifically, a 2000 milligrams As documented by the IOM (IOM, 2005), an increased
per day increased intake of sodium was associated with sodium intake might have adverse effects on additional
a 23 percent higher risk of stroke (CI = 1.06-1.43; health outcomes. These include subclinical
p=0.007). The relationship of CVD with sodium intake cardiovascular disease (i.e., left ventricular mass), early
was not statistically significant (14% greater risk of kidney disease (i.e., proteinuria), and disordered
CVD, CI = 0.99-1.32; p=0.07). However, in sensitivity mineral metabolism (e.g., increased urinary calcium
analyses that excluded one study with particularly excretion, potentially leading to osteoporosis). Cross-
unreliable estimates of sodium intake, the sectional studies consistently document an association
corresponding effect size was 17 percent and the between urinary sodium excretion and left ventricular
relationship was statistically significant (p=0.02). mass, but only one small controlled trial assessed the
effects of sodium reduction on this endpoint. At least
The disparate and often poor quality of dietary sodium two trials have documented that a reduced sodium
measurements likely contributed to the significant intake lowers proteinuria (He, 2009; Swift, 2005).
heterogeneity in study results observed by Strazzullo et Numerous trials document that a reduced sodium intake
al. (2009). Because of large day-to-day variation in lowers urinary calcium excretion (IOM, 2005, Table 6-
sodium consumption, imprecise and inaccurate 19), but urinary calcium excretion, by itself, is not a
measurement techniques, and incomplete assessment of
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 335
well-accepted surrogate marker for bone mineral density Additional direct evidence of a link between sodium
or dietary induced osteoporosis. intake and CVD comes from prospective observational
studies and the few available trials with clinical CVD
Overall Public Health Impact of Reducing outcomes (see above).
Sodium Intake
Several studies have estimated the potential overall Studies that evaluated the potential benefits and costs of
health and cost benefits of a reduced sodium intake reducing sodium intake have reached the conclusion
(Bibbins-Domingo, 2010; Danaei, 2009; Palar and that the projected benefits are substantial and that
Sturm, 2009; Smith-Spangler, 2010). A feature of these sodium reduction is cost-effective. In the most recent
studies is the use of statistical modeling with a set of and comprehensive of such analyses (Bibbins-Domingo,
linked assumptions, namely that sodium reduction 2010), a national effort that reduces sodium intake by
lowers blood pressure, and lower blood pressure 1200 milligrams per day in the U.S. is projected to have
reduces the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease. substantial health benefits (Tables D6.2 and D6.3).
Although evidence of a direct effect of sodium Even if the intervention reduced sodium intake by just
reduction on CVD outcomes is preferred, policy makers 400 milligrams per day, the benefits still would be
consider blood pressure as one of the few surrogate substantial and warrant implementation. Importantly,
outcomes that is sufficiently robust to guide policy. such a program should generate cost savings.

Table D6.2. Annual projected benefits, costs, and cost-savings from sodium reduction: higher estimate of benefit
Sodium Reduction of Sodium Reduction of
Benefit 400 mg/day 1200 mg/day

Heart attacks prevented 32,000 92,000

Strokes prevented 20,000 59,000
Deaths prevented 28,000 81,000
Costs (billions) $0.3 $0.3
Savings (billions) $7.0 $20.4
Dollars saved/Dollars spent $26.1 saved per $1 spent $76 saved per $1 spent
Source: Adapted from Bibbins-Domingo, 2010.

Table D6.3. Annual projected benefits, costs, and cost-savings from sodium reduction: lower estimate of benefit
Sodium Reduction of Sodium Reduction
Benefit 400 mg/day 1200 mg/day

Heart attacks prevented 20,000 58,000

Strokes prevented 13,000 37,000
Deaths prevented 17,000 51,000
Costs (billions) $0.3 $0.3
Savings (billions) $4.1 $12.1
Dollars saved/Dollars spent $15.4 saved per $1 spent $45.2 saved per $1 spent
Source: Adapted from Bibbins-Domingo, 2010.

The above estimates do not include the projected long- through a reduced sodium intake should translate into
term benefits from reducing sodium intake in children. additional health benefits, beyond those documented
As noted above, higher levels of blood pressure in above for U.S. adults.
children are strongly associated with early stages of
atherosclerosis. Also, blood pressure exhibits a Sodium Intake
substantial tracking phenomenon—blood pressure In 2005-2006, the estimated average intake of sodium
levels in children track into adulthood. For these for all persons in the U.S. ages 2 years and older was
reasons, efforts to lower blood pressure in children 3436 milligrams per day (USDA/ARS/FSRG, 2008a).

336 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

This includes sodium in water, but not salt added at the 1500 milligrams per day limit that is recommended for
table or sodium in dietary supplements or medications. middle- and older-aged adults, hypertensive individuals,
Figure D6.1 displays average daily sodium intake by and Blacks (currently about 70 percent of the adult
age and sex. The higher sodium intake in men population). Mean sodium intake was 3524 milligrams
compared to women and the variation by age reflects per day in non-Hispanic Whites, which was somewhat
the high correlation between intakes of sodium and higher than the mean intake of 3257 milligrams per day
calories (USDA/ARS/FSRG, 2010a). That is, as calorie in non-Hispanic Blacks and 3162 milligrams per day in
intake rises, so does sodium intake. At all ages, mean Mexican-Americans (USDA/ARS/FSRG, 2008b).
intake exceeded 2300 milligrams per day as well as the

Figure D6.1. Estimated mean daily sodium intake, by age/sex group, 2005-2006

*Includes water and excludes salt added at the table.

+ 2300 mg is the Upper Limit (UL) for sodium intake in adults set by the IOM. For children younger than 14 years
old, the UL is less than 2300 mg/day.
++ 1500 mg is the recommended intake level for middle- and older-aged adults, hypertensive individuals, and
Blacks in the 2005 U.S. Dietary Guidelines.
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (USDA, ARS), 2005-2006. What We Eat
In America/National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (WWEIA, NHANES).

Previous NHANES results have indicated that the medications typically contributes a very small amount
average daily sodium intake among persons in the U.S. of sodium. When total intake of sodium is decreased,
ages 2 years and older increased from 3329 milligrams discretionary salt use is fairly stable, even when freely
in 2001-2002, to 3436 milligrams in 2005-2006, available (Mattes, 1997). Therefore, at the
exceeding in each period even the higher sodium intake environmental level, programs for reducing the sodium
limit of 2300 milligrams per day recommended in 2005. consumption of a population should concentrate
primarily on reducing the sodium used during food
Sources of Sodium processing (IOM, 2010) and, at the individual level,
On average, the natural sodium content of food focus on changes in food selection (e.g., more fresh,
accounts for only 10 percent of total intake, while less-processed items, lower sodium foods) and
discretionary salt use (i.e., table and cooking salt) preparation (Mattes, 1997).
provides another 5 to 10 percent of total intake. The
remaining 75 percent is derived from salt added in food Many foods contribute to the high intake of sodium.
processing by manufacturers (Mattes and Donnelly, While some foods are extremely high in sodium, the
1991; Mattes, 1997). Sodium in water softeners and problem of excess sodium reflects frequent

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 337

consumption of foods that are only moderately high in day to the diet. Collectively, this group of foods
sodium. As shown below, in 2005-2006, the major contributes about 56 percent of the dietary sodium, or
sources of sodium intake among the U.S. population nearly 2000 milligrams per person per day in just these
were yeast breads; chicken and chicken mixed dishes; foods. Figure D6.2 shows the sodium contribution of
pizza; pasta and pasta dishes; cold cuts; condiments; these 12 food groups as well as the smaller
Mexican mixed dishes; sausage, franks, bacon, and ribs; contributions of other foods. It clearly shows that
regular cheese; grain-based desserts; soups; and beef numerous types of foods contribute to the high intake of
and beef mixed dishes. Each of these 12 food groups sodium by Americans.
supply more than 100 milligrams sodium per person per

Figure D6.2. Food sources of sodium

Source: Sources of Sodium Among the U.S. Population, 2005-2006. Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch
Website. Applied Research Program. National Cancer Institute.
http://riskfactor.cancer.gov/diet/foodsources/sodium/. Updated January 2010. Accessed May 6, 2010a.

Sodium Modeling • Scenario 2: A “typical” choices condition (higher

than “base”); and
The USDA Food Patterns are designed to meet the • Scenario 3: A “lower sodium” choices condition in
recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for which representative foods inherently high in
Americans and the recommendations of the IOM’s sodium or with added salt are replaced with lower
DRIs. The DGAC conducted a modeling analysis to sodium foods; for example, substituting fresh
describe what the sodium levels of the USDA Food meats, not those augmented with sodium solutions,
Patterns would be under three scenarios: for processed meats and using the lowest sodium
value currently available on the market for both
• Scenario 1: The “base” condition, in which white breads and quick breads.
nutrient-dense foods, most prepared without salt,
are selected as representative foods;

338 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

The following information summarizes the modeling were to be chosen (Scenario 3), the sodium level could
analysis (see the online Appendix E3.11 at be reduced to a level similar to the lower sodium level
www.dietaryguidelines.gov, for details). tested in the DASH-Sodium trial, which is close to the
2005 Dietary Guidelines recommendation for high-risk
In the “base” USDA Food Pattern (Scenario 1), the individuals (1500 mg at about 2000 kcal). This level
sodium level, expressed on a per calorie basis, was would be 70 percent below 2005-2006 sodium intake
about 40 percent lower than the estimated sodium levels.
intake levels in the U.S. in 2005-2006. Scenario 1 was
similar to the intermediate sodium level in the DASH- As shown in Figure D6.3, sodium and energy intakes in
Sodium trial and close to the recommended UL set by all three scenarios are highly correlated; sodium and
the IOM (2300 mg at about 2000 kcal). If typical, rather energy intakes in the diets of Americans are highly
than ideal, food choices were to be made (Scenario 2), correlated; and sodium levels in the DASH-Sodium
the sodium level of the patterns would be much higher. diets are also highly correlated with energy intake.
In contrast, if only foods with lower sodium content

Figure D6.3. Sodium and energy levels in U.S. diets, USDA Food Patterns at three levels of sodium and DASH
diets at two levels of sodium

Source: USDA, ARS, Food Surveys Research Group, Correlations: Energy & Sodium and Energy & Potassium.
2010a. Available at http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/Publications/DietaryGuidelines/2010/Meeting5/Correlations-
SodiumAndPotassium-2005-2006.pdf. Accessed April 15, 2010.

The correlation between sodium and energy intakes in Salt Taste Preferences
the U.S. among free-living adults is estimated to be 0.80 Taste preference for sodium is neither fixed nor innate.
(USDA/ARS/FSRG/2010a). The menus of controlled Rather, it is a malleable trait that is influenced by
feeding studies, such as the DASH-Sodium trial, dietary exposure. At birth, there is no indication that
illustrate how sodium and potassium levels can be salty substances are distinguishable or preferred
designed to be perfectly correlated with energy, that is, (Beauchamp, 1986). Initial appearance of preference for
the goals for sodium and potassium in DASH-Sodium the salty taste occurs at about 4 months postnatal
were set on a per calorie basis. Given the above (Beauchamp, 1994, 1986; Harris and Booth, 1987) but
considerations, it is therefore reasonable, for practical based on the limited evidence available, sodium
purposes, to adjust sodium targets based on calorie preferences in infants and children appear to be shaped
level, given the high correlation between sodium and by dietary exposure (Beauchamp, 1990; Stein et al.,
energy intakes. 1996). Likewise, sodium preferences in adults and
children are influenced by dietary exposure. Studies
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 339
have demonstrated that reducing dietary sodium intake Question 2: What Is the Effect of
over a time period of as little as 3 to 4 weeks can Potassium Intake on Blood Pressure in
decrease preference for salty foods and increase Adults?
acceptance of foods with reduced sodium content
(Bertino, 1982; Cooper and Sanger, 1984).
Several studies document a temporary increased
preference or craving for salt over the initial period A moderate body of evidence has demonstrated that a
when sodium intake is reduced (Bertino, 1981; higher intake of potassium is associated with lower
McCance, 2001; Teow, 1985–1986; Yensen, 1959). blood pressure in adults.
However, subsequently, a shift in preference occurs
such that by 8 to 12 weeks, or sooner in some Implications
individuals, preference for less salty foods is established
(Bertino, 1982; Mattes and Donnelly, 1991; Mattes, Increasing dietary potassium intake can lower blood
1997). This phenomenon also has been demonstrated in pressure. A higher intake of potassium also attenuates
long-term studies lasting 1 year or more (Blais, 1986). the adverse effects of sodium on blood pressure. Other
In aggregate, such evidence argues for gradual, step- possible benefits include a reduced risk of developing
wise reductions in sodium intake to maximize kidney stones and decreased bone loss. In view of the
acceptance of products that are reduced in sodium health benefits of adequate potassium intake and its
content. relatively low current intake by the general population,
increased intake of dietary potassium is warranted. The
Strategies to Reduce Sodium Intake IOM set the AI for potassium for adults at 4700
Recently, the IOM issued a report that provides a milligrams per day. Available evidence suggests that
roadmap to lower the Americans’ intake of sodium Blacks and hypertensive individuals especially benefit
(IOM Report, 2010). This document noted that from an increased intake of potassium.
activities to reduce sodium intake of the U.S. population
have been ongoing for more than 40 years. However, Review of the Evidence
these efforts have been unsuccessful. A major reason is
that these efforts were not broad enough in scope to As documented in Question 1, elevated blood pressure
fully address the public health problem of excessive is a highly prevalent, etiologically relevant, and
sodium intakes. The current focus on individuals modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular and renal
selecting lower-sodium foods and availability of diseases. A low intake of dietary potassium, especially
reduced-sodium “niche” products cannot result in in the presence of high sodium intake, has been
intakes consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for implicated in the pathogenesis of elevated blood
Americans by themselves. They must be accompanied pressure. The 2005 DGAC reviewed available evidence
by an overall reduction of the level of sodium in the from the relationship between potassium intake and
food supply. In other words, the level of sodium to blood pressure and concluded that an increased intake
which consumers are exposed on a daily basis from of potassium lowers blood pressure. The Committee
processed and restaurant foods must be reduced. To included evidence from 36 clinical trials and 17 cohort
date, efforts by food processors and the restaurant and studies (IOM, 2005) in their review. Most of these trials
foodservice sectors to voluntarily reduce the sodium tested potassium supplements, not food sources,
content of the food supply face obstacles, are not typically in the form of potassium chloride pills (Tables
consistently undertaken by all, are not readily sustained, 5-4 and 5-5, IOM, 2005). On the basis of these data and
and have proven unsuccessful in lowering overall in conjunction with other data showing that an
sodium intake. The IOM made a series of increased potassium intake should attenuate the adverse
recommendations, many of which involved regulatory effects of salt on blood pressure, reduce the risk of
actions to gradually lower the sodium content of the developing kidney stones, and possibly decrease bone
food supply. Given safety considerations as well as loss, the IOM set the AI for potassium at 4700
differences in the amount and function of sodium by milligrams per day for adults.
type of food product, reductions in sodium intake will
differ by foods (see Part D. Section 8. Food Safety and The 2010 DGAC performed a search of literature
Technology for further information). published since 2005 to identify new research on the
relationship between potassium intake and blood

340 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

pressure. A total of 10 new articles met the inclusion hence, the dose-response relationship is unclear. Still,
criteria and were reviewed. Of the 10 articles, five were blood pressure reductions from supplemental potassium
systematic reviews/meta-analyses, four were occurred when baseline intake was low (e.g., 1.3 to 1.4
randomized trials, and one was a three-period, non- g of potassium per day in Brancati et al. [1996]) and
randomized cross-over trial. The review by Burgess when baseline intake was much higher (> 3.1 g of
(1999) was not a formal meta-analysis. Two trials potassium per day in Naismith and Braschi [2003]).
compared potassium chloride to potassium citrate; one
of these trials did not have a placebo group. Potassium Evidence from the observational studies and clinical
citrate is the form most similar to that provided trials has demonstrated heterogeneity in blood pressure
naturally in food. Six studies were methodologically responses to potassium intake. Blacks and hypertensive
strong, and four were methodologically neutral. individuals are more sensitive to the effects of
potassium than their non-Black and normotensive
Each study reported the effects of potassium intake, counterparts, respectively. Dietary sodium intake also
either from supplements or diet, on blood pressure in modifies the effects of potassium on blood pressure.
adults. Four of the five systematic reviews/meta- Specifically, the beneficial effects of potassium on
analyses found a significant reduction in either systolic blood pressure are greater when sodium intake is high
or diastolic blood pressure, and three found a significant than when sodium intake is low (for details, see DGAC,
reduction in both. Three meta-analyses of these trials 2005, Table D7-1).
document that, on average, increased potassium intake
lowers blood pressure (Cappuccio and MacGregor, Some trials have assessed the effects of increased
1991; Geleijnse, 2003; Whelton, 1997). In the meta- potassium intake on sodium sensitivity, that is, the
analysis by Whelton et al. (1997), average net pressor (blood-pressure raising) response to increased
systolic/diastolic blood pressure reductions from a net sodium intake. Study populations included
increase in urinary potassium excretion of 2 grams per nonhypertensive individuals, most of whom were Black
day (50 mmol/d) were 4.4/2.5 mmHg among (Morris, 1999; Schmidlin, 1999), and hypertensive
hypertensive individuals and 1.8/1.0 mmHg among individuals (Morgan, 1984). These trials are consistent
nonhypertensive individuals. A meta-analysis in documenting that potassium attenuates the pressor
(Dickinson, 2006) did not detect a significant effect of effects of sodium. One dose-response trial documented
potassium on blood pressure, but this meta-analysis that increasing potassium intake to 4700 milligrams per
applied especially restrictive inclusion criteria and day reduced sodium sensitivity in nonhypertensive
included only five trials. The blood pressure reductions Blacks (Morris, 1999). In aggregate, these trials
tended to be greatest in hypertensive individuals and highlight the potential benefits of increasing potassium
Blacks. intake by Blacks, a group of individuals with a high
prevalence of hypertension and of blood pressure-
Relatively few trials tested the effects of potassium as related cardiovascular and renal diseases.
provided in foods (IOM, 2004, Table 5-3). The
potassium in vegetables and fruits is accompanied by Relevant Contextual Issues
bicarbonate precursors rather than chloride. In the initial
DASH trial, a diet rich in fruit and vegetables (and Effect of Potassium Intake on Cardiovascular
therefore rich in potassium) lowered blood pressure Disease Outcomes
(Appel, 1997). Another trial documented that increased It has been hypothesized that an increased intake of
vegetable and fruit consumption can significantly lower potassium should prevent stroke and coronary heart
blood pressure (John, 2002), but that trial did not report disease. These beneficial effects could be mediated
the potassium intake of participants in the vegetable and indirectly through blood pressure (i.e. an increased
fruit intervention. intake of potassium should lower blood pressure, which
in turn should prevent stroke and coronary heart
Because virtually all trials used potassium chloride disease) and directly (i.e., independent of blood
supplements, while observational studies assessed pressure). To date, several observational studies suggest
dietary potassium intake from foods (paired with that increased potassium intake may prevent stroke and
nonchloride anions), the effect of potassium on blood perhaps coronary artery disease (IOM, 2004, Table 5-6).
pressure appears to result from potassium rather than its However, the evidence is inconsistent and not sufficient
conjugate anion. No trial tested the effects of three or to guide dietary recommendations. Recently, a trial
more levels of potassium intake on blood pressure; documented that a reduced sodium/high potassium salt
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 341
reduced CVD mortality and medical expenditures in bicarbonate can reduce bone breakdown and increase
Taiwanese veterans (Chang, 2006). However, it is bone formation (Sebastian, 1994). However, no trial has
uncertain whether the effect, if real, resulted from tested the effect of increased potassium or diets rich in
increased potassium, reduced sodium, or both. potassium on bone mineral density or on clinical
outcomes related to osteoporosis.
Effect of Potassium in Preventing Bone Loss
and Kidney Stones Safety Considerations
A diet rich in potassium from vegetables and fruits In a generally healthy population with normal kidney
favorably affects acid-base metabolism because these function, a potassium intake from foods that exceeds
foods also are rich in precursors of bicarbonate 4700 milligrams per day poses no threat of increased
(Sebastian, 1994, 2002). Acting as a buffer, the risk because excess potassium is readily excreted in the
bicarbonate-yielding organic anions found in vegetables urine. Hence, the IOM did not set a UL for potassium
and fruits neutralize acids generated from meats and (IOM, 2005). However, a potassium intake below 4700
other high-protein foods. In the setting of an inadequate milligrams per day is indicated for individuals whose
intake of bicarbonate precursors, bone titrates the excess urinary potassium excretion is impaired. Adverse
acid in the blood. This results in demineralization of the cardiac effects (arrhythmias) can result from
bone. Increased bone breakdown and calcium- hyperkalemia, which is a markedly elevated serum level
containing kidney stones are adverse consequences of of potassium. Common drugs that can substantially
excess acid derived from the diet. Therefore, diets rich impair potassium excretion are angiotensin-converting
in potassium with its bicarbonate precursors may help enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers
prevent kidney stones and bone loss. (ARB), and potassium-sparing diuretics. Medical
conditions associated with impaired potassium
To date, two observational studies have documented excretion include diabetes, chronic kidney disease, end
that high intakes of potassium (median of 4000 mg/d in stage renal disease, severe heart failure, and adrenal
men and 4700 mg/d in women) are associated with a insufficiency. As a group, elderly individuals are at
reduced risk of incident kidney stones (Curhan, 1993, increased risk of hyperkalemia because they often have
1997). In a third observational study conducted in one or more of these conditions or take one or more of
Finland, the relationship was statistically nonsignificant, the above medications.
perhaps because of the much higher usual levels of
potassium consumed in this population (Hirvonen, Potassium Intake
1999). In addition, one trial (Barcelo, 1993) At present, dietary intake of potassium by all groups in
documented that approximately 3.6 to 4.7 grams of the United States is considerably lower than 4700
supplemental potassium citrate reduced the risk of milligrams per day (Figure D6.4). In recent surveys, the
recurrent kidney stones. The potassium added to mean intake of potassium by adults in the United States
processed foods and the potassium in supplements was approximately 3200 milligrams per day by men and
typically has chloride as the conjugate anion. Because 2400 milligrams per day by women. On average, non-
chloride cannot neutralize excess acid in the body, this Hispanic Blacks consume less potassium than non-
form of potassium is not expected to help prevent Hispanic Whites. Among adults age 20 and older, mean
kidney stones or bone loss. potassium intake was approximately 2400 milligrams
by non-Hispanic Blacks and 2800 milligrams by non-
Observational studies, including both cross-sectional Hispanic Whites. Because Blacks have a relatively low
studies and longitudinal studies, suggest that increased intake of potassium and a high prevalence of elevated
potassium intake is associated with increased bone blood pressure and sodium sensitivity, this subgroup of
mineral density (IOM, 2005, Table 5-7). Trials also the population would especially benefit from an
have documented that supplemental potassium increased intake of potassium.

342 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Figure D6.4. Estimated mean daily potassium intakes, by age/sex group, 2005-2006

4700 mg is the Adequate Intake (AI) for potassium intakes set by the IOM. For children younger than 14 years
old, the AI is less than 4700 mg per day.
Source: USDA, ARS, 2005-2006. WWEIA, NHANES. http:/www.ars.usda.gov/ba/bhnrc/fsrg.

Food Sources of Potassium intake and potassium intake (r=0.72)

Table D2.14 in Part D. Section 2: Nutrient Adequacy (USDA/ARS/FSRG, 2010a). This high correlation
lists foods that are among the best sources of potassium, makes interpretation of cohort studies difficult. The
when considered in typically eaten portion sizes. following information summarizes the modeling
However, consumption of many of these potassium analysis (see the online Appendix E3.12 at
sources is relatively low in the U.S., and therefore due www.dietaryguidelines.gov, for details).
to their frequency of consumption, other foods provide
most of the potassium currently consumed. At present, While the target level of potassium for all USDA base
the top five contributors of potassium for all persons, Food Patterns was 4700 milligrams per day; this level
and their mean contribution to overall potassium intake, was not met at most calorie levels. Only at the 3000 and
are reduced fat (2% and 1%) milk (154 mg/d), coffee 3200 calorie levels was the target met. The
(135 mg/d), chicken and chicken mixed dishes (119 potassium/energy ratios range from 1.5 to 1.9
mg/d), beef and beef mixed dishes (94 mg/d), and 100 milligrams per kilocalorie. An important feature of the
percent orange/grapefruit juice (90 mg/d). Table D2.15 patterns is the high correlation of potassium and energy
in Part D. Section 2: Nutrient Adequacy provides (r = 0.98). Therefore, like sodium, the potassium in the
additional information about the major food sources of USDA Food Patterns is effectively, but not
potassium in U.S. diets (NCI, 2010b). intentionally, calorie adjusted. Unlike the targets for the
USDA patterns, the potassium targets for the DASH
Potassium Modeling diets were designed to be proportional to energy intake
and provided 4258 milligrams potassium per 2000
The DGAC examined potassium intakes by the U.S. kilocalories (Pao-Hwa, 2003). Therefore, for practical
population, the levels of potassium in the base USDA purposes, it is reasonable to adjust potassium targets
Food Patterns, and the levels of potassium in the based on calorie level, given the high correlation of
DASH-Sodium trial diets. These intakes and levels potassium and calorie intakes in the population.
were described in terms of absolute potassium intake
(mg/d) and as milligrams per kilocalorie. Just as for The menus developed for the DASH trials intentionally
sodium, there is a high correlation between energy included vegetables and fruits that were especially high
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 343
in potassium to meet the potassium targets. The USDA physical activity. Although uncommon, heat waves are
Food Patterns, on the other hand, use composite one setting of extreme heat stress that increases the risk
potassium values of all the fruits and each vegetable of morbidity and mortality from dehydration, especially
subgroup. These values reflect a weighted population in older-aged persons. In view of the ongoing obesity
mean intake of all vegetables and fruits in each epidemic, individuals are encouraged to drink water and
subgroup. (They also reflect the weighted population other fluids with few or no calories.
mean intake of all other food groups and subgroups.)
The potassium/calorie ratios in the DASH diets ranged Review of the Evidence
from 1.9 to 2.5 milligrams per kilocalorie, somewhat
higher than the USDA pattern ratios, which range from Recommendations for water are made to prevent the
1.5 to 1.9 milligrams per kilocalorie, and much higher deleterious, primarily acute, effects of dehydration.
than the current potassium average potassium/energy These effects include impaired cognitive function and
intake ratio (1.2). motor control. Although a low intake of water has been
associated with an increased risk of kidney stones and
The DGAC also determined the contribution of coffee other chronic diseases, this evidence was insufficient for
and tea consumption on potassium intake. In 2005- the 2005 DGAC to establish quantitative
2006, adults aged 19 years and older drank an average recommendations for water consumption. The 2010
of about 18 fluid ounces of coffee or tea per day. These DGAC conducted exploratory literature searches on the
beverages provided an average of 247 milligrams of relationship of water intake with hydration, kidney
potassium per day. On a given day, 66 percent of adults stones, body weight, and cancer. These searches
drink coffee and/or tea, and 90 percent drink these revealed that for the purposes of identifying health
beverages at least once in a year (USDA/ARS/FSRG, problems related to water intake in the general
2010b). The food pattern modeling analysis revealed population, little additional evidence on these topics has
that the potassium levels in the current USDA Food been published since the 2005 DGAC Report.
Patterns would be increased by 5 to 8 percent if the
mean amounts of coffee and tea consumed by adults The primary indicator of hydration status is plasma or
were assumed to be included in the patterns designed serum osmolality. Appendix G-1 of the 2004 IOM
for adults (i.e., 1600 calories and higher). report (IOM, 2005) provides the serum osmolality by
decile of total water intake in the third NHANES
conducted in 1988-1994. Serum osmolality
Question 3: What Amount of Water Is concentrations in each decile were essentially identical
Recommended for Health? (the maximum range between the lowest and highest
decile was only 3 millimoles (mmol) per kilogram in
each age group. These data indicate that people in the
lowest and highest deciles of total water intake were
neither systematically dehydrated nor overhydrated.
Based on an extensive review of evidence, an IOM
Importantly, this pattern of findings was evident
panel in 2004 concluded that the combination of thirst
throughout the lifespan. In infants and children as well
and usual drinking behavior, especially the consumption
as community-dwelling older-aged persons, no evidence
of fluids with meals, is sufficient to maintain normal
of dehydration existed except when deprived of water
hydration. However, because water needs vary
due to illness or lack of mobility. Although it is well
considerably and because there is no evidence of
documented that older individuals have reduced ability
chronic dehydration in the general population, a
to concentrate and dilute their urine (Brenner and
minimum intake of water cannot be set.
Rector, 2007) and have reduced thirst in the setting of
water deprivation (IOM, 2005; Farrell, 2008), there is
no evidence that even older individuals experience
dehydration, except under conditions of extreme heat
In order to prevent dehydration, water must be
stress. Overhydration is an uncommon medical problem
consumed daily. Healthy individuals who have routine
that occurs in a few unusual settings, such as
access to fluids and who are not exposed to heat stress
psychogenic polydipsia in patients with severe mental
consume adequate water to meet their needs. Purposeful
illness or forced water consumption as part of hazing
drinking is warranted for individuals who are exposed
to heat stress or who perform sustained vigorous

344 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Although uncommon, heat waves are one setting of Chapter Summary
extreme heat stress that increases the risk of morbidity
and mortality from dehydration, especially in older-aged At present, Americans consume excessive sodium and
persons. One of the worst heat waves occurred in insufficient potassium. The health consequences of
France in 2003. Nearly 15,000 excess deaths occurred excessive sodium and insufficient potassium are
(Fouillet, 2006). While virtually all age groups were substantial and include increased levels of blood
affected, older-aged persons (> 75 years old) were pressure and its sequelae (heart disease and stroke).
disproportionally affected. Risk factors for adverse Water is needed to sustain life; except under unusual
outcomes included concurrent medical conditions, as circumstances, there is no evidence that water intake is
well as social factors, such as living alone. Still, excess either excessive or insufficient.
deaths occurred in older-aged persons living in
institutional settings. Overall, these data indicate the
need for purposeful drinking by broad segments of the
Needs for Future Research
population, not just older-aged persons, in the setting of
extreme heat stress, such as heat waves.
1. Conduct studies, including clinical trials, in
Total water intake includes drinking water, water in children to determine the effects of sodium on
beverages, and water contained in food. Because normal blood pressure and the age-related rise in blood
hydration can be maintained over a wide range of water pressure.
intakes, the IOM set the AI for total water based on the
median total water intake estimated from U.S. survey Rationale. The problem of elevated blood pressure
data (IOM, 2005). The AI for total water intake for men begins in childhood, well before blood pressure
and women age 19 to 30 years is 3.7 liters and 2.7 liters levels cross the threshold that defines hypertension
per day, respectively. In NHANES III, fluids (drinking in adults (140/90).
water and beverages) provided 3.0 liters (101 fl oz;
approximately 13 cups) and 2.2 liters (74 fl oz; 2. Conduct trials that determine the effects of sodium
approximately 9 cups) per day for men and women age reduction on clinically relevant non-blood pressure
19 to 30 years, respectively. Fluids represented variables, such as left ventricular mass, proteinuria,
approximately 81 percent of total water intake. Water and bone mineral density.
contained in food provided the remaining 19 percent of
total water intake. Rationale. An inclusive body of evidence suggests
that the benefits of lower sodium intake extend
The AI should not be interpreted as a specific beyond reduced blood pressure. Evidence from
requirement or recommended intake. Individual water cross-sectional studies has documented that sodium
requirements can vary greatly, even on a day-to-day is directly associated with left ventricular mass and
basis, primarily because of differences in physical proteinuria. Clinical trials have also documented
activity and environmental conditions and differences in that a higher intake of sodium increases urinary
diet. Dietary factors influence water requirements calcium excretion.
because total water consumption must be sufficient to
excrete metabolites of protein and organic compounds, 3. Conduct controlled trials that test whether increased
as well as excess electrolytes. Increased water intake is potassium intake through supplements or
typically required by those individuals who are very potassium-rich foods increases bone mineral
physically active or who are exposed to high density.
temperatures. In individuals who are neither physically
active nor exposed to heat stress, daily consumption Rationale. A consistent body of evidence from
below the AI can be sufficient to maintain normal observational studies indicates that increased intake
hydration. of potassium from foods is associated with greater
bone mineral density and with evidence of reduced
bone turnover. Data from small trials also have
documented that increased intake of potassium
reduces bone turnover.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 345

4. Conduct dose-response trials that test the main and Arenz S, Rückerl R, Koletzko B, von Kries R. Breast-
interactive effects of sodium and potassium intake, feeding and childhood obesity--a systematic review. Int
as well as possible impact of other minerals (e.g., J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2004 Oct;28(10):1247-56.
calcium, magnesium) on blood pressure and other
clinically relevant outcomes. Ayala C, Greenlund KJ, Croft JB, Keenan NL,
Donehoo RS, Giles WH, Kittner SJ, Marks JS.
Rationale. There remains a need for dose-response Racial/ethnic disparities in mortality by stroke subtype
trials, particularly for potassium, that span a in the United States, 1995-1998. Am J Epidemiol. 2001
clinically relevant range of dietary intake. Also, the Dec 1;154(11):1057-63.
interactive effects of sodium and potassium are of
considerable interest. Barcelo P, Wuhl O, Servitge E, Rousaud A, Pak CY.
Randomized double-blind study of potassium citrate in
5. Investigate the role of increased total fluid intake as idiopathic hypocitrauric calcium nephrolithiasis. J Urol.
a means to prevent chronic diseases. 1993;1150:1761-1764.

Rationale. A few studies suggest that increased Beauchamp GK, Cowart BJ, Mennella JA, Marsh RR.
fluid consumption might reduce the risk of bladder Infant salt taste: developmental, methodological, and
cancer, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and contextual factors. Dev Psychobiol. 1994
colon cancer. However, this evidence was Sep;27(6):353-65.
insufficient to make recommendations on fluid
intake. Beauchamp GK, Bertino M, Burke D, Engelman K.
Experimental sodium depletion and salt taste in normal
human volunteers. Am J Clin Nutr. 1990
References May;51(5):881-9.

Appel LJ. American Society of Hypertension Writing Beauchamp GK, Cowart BJ, Moran M. Developmental
Group. ASH position paper: Dietary approaches to changes in salt acceptability in human infants. Dev
lower blood pressure. J Am Soc Hypertens. 2009 Sep- Psychobiol. 1986 Jan;19(1):17-25.
Berenson GS, Srinivasan SR, Bao W, Newman WP 3rd,
Appel LJ. American Society of Hypertension Writing Tracy RE, Wattigney WA. Association between
Group: Giles TD, Black HR, Izzo JL Jr, Materson BJ, multiple cardiovascular risk factors and atherosclerosis
Oparil S, Weber MA. ASH Position Paper: Dietary in children and young adults. The Bogalusa Heart
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the DASH-sodium trial. Ann Intern Med. 2001 Dec

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 353

Part D. Section 7: Alcohol

Introduction individuals drink less if they are heavy or “at risk

drinkers,” defines “low-risk” drinking as no more than
The hazards of heavy alcohol (ethanol) intake have been 14 drinks a week for men and seven drinks a week for
known for centuries. Heavy drinking increases the risk women with no more than four drinks on any given day
of liver cirrhosis, hypertension, cancers of the upper for men and three drinks a day for women (NIAAA,
gastrointestinal tract, injury, and violence (USDA, 2009).
2000). A recent analysis of the preventable causes of
mortality in the United States (U.S.) attributed 90,000 The 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee
deaths a year to alcohol misuse (Danaei, 2009). (DGAC) largely agreed with this definition of
However, the health consequences of consuming lesser moderation from the NIAAA because it implied that
amounts of alcohol are also important because of the consumption was based on daily intake averaged over
large percent of the population that consumes alcohol at the week and also because the NIAAA guideline was
or below government recommendations on limits for generally consistent with the recommendation from the
intake. It is estimated that the benefits attributed to 2005 Dietary Guidelines. The DGAC further wanted to
moderate alcohol consumption resulted in 26,000 fewer explore whether additional new information on alcohol
deaths from heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. drinking patterns and health supported a change in the
guidelines. The DGAC explored whether there was a
Estimates from the most recent national surveys, sufficient evidence base from large-scale human
conducted 2003-2006, indicate that 76 percent of men populations to apply guidelines on drinking patterns to
and 65 percent of women consumed alcohol at least the general U.S. population.
once in the last year (Guenther, 2010). The Dietary
Guidelines for Americans, 2005 defined moderate The beneficial and detrimental effects of alcohol
alcohol consumption as the consumption of up to one consumption on health are well known and have been
drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day studied extensively as summarized in the Dietary
for men (HHS/USDA, 2005). One drink was defined as Guidelines for Americans, 2005 and updated below
12 fluid ounces of regular beer, 5 fluid ounces of wine (HHS/USDA, 2005). The DGAC determined that for
(12 percent alcohol), or 1.5 fluid ounces of 80-proof many of these chronic diseases there was not a
distilled spirits. Of concern is that a large number of meaningful incremental change in the research findings.
individuals exceed the recommended upper limits of However, because these associations, even for moderate
average intake. An estimated 9 percent of men consumption, are of great importance, they are
consumed an average of more than two drinks per day summarized below.
and 4 percent of women consumed an average of more
than one drink per day (Guenther, 2010). Furthermore, • Cancer. The recent comprehensive summary from
heavy drinking is also common. On any single day, 9 the World Cancer Research Fund/ American
percent of men drank five drinks or more and 4 percent Institute for Cancer Research (WCRF/AICR, 2007)
of women drank four drinks or more. These thresholds summarized the available evidence from
of heavy consumption in men and women are epidemiological studies of alcohol and cancer.
considered as a “heavy drinking day” and are used to — Colon Cancer – There is convincing evidence
identify an individual as “at risk” for adverse health that alcohol is associated with risk of colon
outcomes (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and cancer in a dose response manner, but this
Alcoholism [NIAAA], 2009). evidence is strongest for men and stronger for
populations that drink on average in excess of
The recent release of Rethinking Drinking by NIAAA two drinks a day.
provides guidelines that are consistent, in part, with the — Breast Cancer – There is also robust evidence
2005 Dietary Guidelines, but also adds additional from more than 100 studies that suggest a dose-
guidance on weekly patterns of consumption. This response association between alcohol and breast
NIAAA booklet, which is also designed to help cancer. A woman who drinks, on average, one

354 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

drink per day has a 10 percent elevated risk. alcohol consumption increases risk of stroke while
However, alcohol is known to modestly light to moderate alcohol consumption may be
suppress blood folate levels (Barak, 1993; protective against total and ischemic stroke. Since
Chiuve, 2005) and in some, but not all, studies that publication, 10 prospective cohort studies have
of alcohol and breast cancer the elevated risk provided further evidence to support these findings.
attributed to alcohol is attenuated among Most studies reported a beneficial effect of low to
women with ample dietary folate (Baglietto, moderate alcohol consumption, but a detrimental
2005; Beasely, 2010; Zhang, 1999). effect with high alcohol consumption (Bazzano,
— Liver Cancer – Liver cancer is rare in the U.S., 2007; Emberson, 2005; Elkind, 2006; Ikehara,
especially among individuals who do not drink 2008; Iso, 2004; Mukamal, 2005a, 2005b; Sundell,
in excess. However; even moderate drinkers 2008). Iso et al. (2004) reported that alcohol
have a modest increase in risk compared to consumption was positively associated with age-
those who abstain. There are substantial adjusted risk of total stroke with a 68 percent
differences between studies (WCRF/AICR, increased risk among drinkers (>450 g/week)
2007), which suggests that other personal compared with occasional drinkers; this risk was
characteristics such as smoking, diet, or confined primarily to hemorrhagic stroke. Although
underlying viral infections may modify risk. fewer studies differentiate the stroke subclasses, the
• Diabetes. Several studies have found that alcohol in stronger positive association for heavier alcohol
moderation may increase insulin sensitivity and consumption and hemorrhagic stroke than for
reduce fasting glucose levels (Shai, 2007). Further, ischemic stroke is consistent in the literature. Most
results from comprehensive reviews and meta- importantly for the proposed guidelines for alcohol,
analyses suggest that risk of diabetes is significantly strong evidence indicates that moderate alcohol
lower among moderate drinkers than abstainers consumption does not elevate risk of either
(Baliunas, 2009; Howard, 2004). The systematic hypertension or stroke. It is also well documented
review by Howard et al. (2004) covered 32 studies. that alcohol consumed in excess of moderation
Compared with no alcohol use, moderate causes an increase in blood pressure and stroke
consumption (1 to 3 drinks/day) was associated (Reynolds, 2003; Taylor, 2009). For the growing
with a 33 percent to 56 percent lower incidence of percentage of the population with elevated blood
type 2 diabetes (T2D) and a 34 percent to 55 pressure, reduction in alcohol is an effective
percent lower incidence of diabetes-related treatment for lowering blood pressure; although this
coronary heart disease (CHD). Importantly, is most effective when included in a regimen with
compared with moderate consumption, heavy changes in diet and physical activity patterns
consumption (>3 drinks/day) was associated with (Dickinson, 2006).
up to a 43 percent increased incidence of T2D. • Total Mortality. In most Western countries where
Despite the benefit of alcohol when consumed in chronic diseases such as CHD, cancer, stroke, and
moderation, when consumed in excess, alcohol can diabetes are the primary causes of death, results
cause serious metabolic disturbances and increase from large epidemiological studies consistently
diabetes risk. show that alcohol has a favorable association with
• Hypertension and Stroke. Many studies have total mortality, especially among middle-aged and
addressed the question of alcohol in relation to older men and women. A recent updated meta-
hypertension and stroke, and several meta-analyses analysis of all-cause mortality demonstrated an
have followed to summarize this information. In a inverse association between moderate drinking and
meta-analysis of 35 observational studies, Reynolds total mortality (Di Castelnuovo, 2006). The relative
et al. (2003) found that, compared with abstainers, risk of all-cause mortality associated with moderate
consumption of more than four drinks per day was drinking was approximately 0.80. The J-shaped
associated with an increased risk of total stroke, curve, with the lowest mortality risk for men and
increased risk of ischemic stroke, and increased risk women at the average level of one to two drinks per
of hemorrhagic stroke. On the other hand, day, is likely due to the protective effects of
consumption of approximately one drink per day moderate alcohol consumption on CHD, diabetes,
was associated with reduced risk of total stroke and and ischemic stroke as summarized in this chapter.
ischemic stroke, and consumption of one to two • Hepatic Effects. Alcohol abuse is the leading cause
drinks per day was associated with reduced risk of of liver-related mortality in the U.S., likely
ischemic stroke. These results indicate that heavy accounting for a majority of cirrhosis deaths (CDC,
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 355
1993; Vong, 2004). Lower levels of alcohol intake Methodology
can result in liver function abnormalities short of
cirrhosis. For example, alcohol consumption may The Committee recognized that alcohol affects many
modulate pharmaceutical catabolism by liver health outcomes due both to the acute effects of alcohol
enzymes and may potentiate the carcinogenic in the bloodstream and to the chronic effects of regular
potency of hepatotoxins (NIAAA, 2003). alcohol consumption. As noted above, many
• Young Age. Children and adolescents should not associations with disease are well known and well
consume alcohol. Alcohol consumption increases documented; therefore, only a few specific questions
the risk of drowning, car accidents, and traumatic where a new evidence review could modify conclusions
injury, which is the number one cause of death in from previous DGAC Reports were examined. In
this age group. Animal data on alcohol-related addition, the Committee chose those specific health
structural changes in the adolescent brain, while outcomes that would be most influenced by moderate
less compelling, illustrate why drinking is alcohol consumption (up to one drink a day for women
inappropriate for adolescents (Land, 2004; and two drinks a day for men), and where changes in
Markwiese, 1998). recommendations would have the broadest impact.
• Pregnancy. Heavy drinking during pregnancy can
produce a range of behavioral and psychosocial Although the 2005 DGAC summary of the health
problems, malformations, and cognitive dysfunction effects of alcohol consumption were based on an
in the offspring (NIAAA, 2003, 2009). Even daily evidence-based review, in many instances these reviews
moderate drinking during pregnancy, especially in included a substantial number of cross-sectional studies.
the first few months or before the pregnancy is Since 2005, a large number of prospective studies of
recognized, may have behavioral or neurocognitive alcohol and chronic disease have been published. Thus,
consequences in the offspring. This effect may be to refine the evidence search for each question, the
from the direct toxic effects of alcohol or its DGAC limited the reviews to studies with greater
metabolites or the effect that alcohol has on methodological rigor and only conducted systematic
suppressing folate status—a known determinant of reviews of observational prospective studies and
neural tube defects. randomized control trials. An exception was the
• Other Conditions. Alcohol consumption should be question related to alcohol intake and unintentional
avoided by individuals who cannot restrict their injury because cross-sectional or case control studies are
drinking to moderate levels, individuals taking of equal or even better validity. For the question related
medications that can interact with alcohol, and to alcohol consumption and CHD, only systematic
persons with specific medical conditions, such as reviews and meta-analyses were used since the
liver disease (NIAAA, 2009). NIAAA highlights Nutrition Evidence Library (NEL) review found several
specific advice and suggestions for individuals who recent studies.
cannot restrict their alcohol consumption (NIAAA,
2009). Despite this lengthy list of diseases and conditions in
which solid scientific evidence supports a cause and
Despite this lengthy list of diseases and conditions in effect, the DGAC thought several questions should be
which solid scientific evidence supports a cause and further addressed, many of them specific to patterns of
effect, the DGAC thought several questions should be alcohol consumption that may potentially identify
further addressed. For most of the questions, the DGAC differential health effects based on more than just
also wanted to explore whether there was enough overall average alcohol intake (e.g., frequency of
information to make specific recommendations on consumption or choice of beverage).
patterns of consumption rather than on a simple daily
limit. Unlike most other micronutrients and The methodology used in the search strategies varied
macronutrients which are consumed every day, most depending upon the question. All questions, except for
individuals do not drink every day. Thus, the DGAC the breastfeeding sub-question related to offspring
surveyed the evidence to determine whether growth, included adults of legal drinking age (21 years
recommendations should continue to be based on a and older). Other strategies used to identify relevant
maximum number of drinks allowable on a single day literature for the questions are discussed under each
or instead be based on an average consumed over the section. Additional information about the search
course of a week or even a month. strategies and criteria used to review each question can

356 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

be found online in the NEL at and when consumed beyond an average of two drinks a
www.NutritionEvidenceLibrary.gov. The overall search day may lead to weight gain. Below this level of
strategies used to identify relevant literature and to consumption, the results from most well designed large
update scientific evidence appear in Part C. prospective studies suggest that individuals who drink
Methodology. in moderation do not gain weight at a faster rate than

List of Questions Review of the Evidence

ALCOHOL INTAKE AND HEALTH OUTCOMES Based on the literature dating back to November 1994,
one randomized control trial (RCT) (Flechtner-Mors,
1. What is the relationship between alcohol intake and 2004) and seven prospective observational studies
weight gain? (Koh-Banerjee, 2003; Liu, 1994; Sammel, 2003;
2. What is the relationship between alcohol intake and Sherwood, 2000; Tolstrup, 2008; Wannamethee, 2004;
cognitive decline with age? Wannamethee and Shaper, 2003) from the U.S.,
3. What is the relationship between alcohol intake and Germany, Denmark, and the United Kingdom directly
coronary heart disease? addressed the question of alcohol consumption and
4. What is the relationship between alcohol intake and weight gain. The RCT was in the setting of an energy-
bone health? restricted diet and was designed to test whether weight
loss would be different if the energy-restricted diet
ALCOHOL INTAKE AND UNINTENTIONAL contained 10 percent of energy from white wine or
INJURY grape juice. The authors reported that everyone in the
study lost weight as designed and the magnitude of the
5. What is the relationship between alcohol intake and weight loss was similar between groups.
unintentional injury?
The remaining studies were mostly large scale
ALCOHOL INTAKE AND LACTATION prospective studies which followed people over time
and examined whether a baseline report of alcohol was
6. Does alcohol consumption during lactation have associated with subsequent weight gain after accounting
adverse health effects? What is the relationship for other lifestyle characteristics typically associated
between alcohol consumption and the quality and with body weight. For a subset of the first National
quantity of breast milk available for the offspring? Health and Nutrition Examination Study (NHANES),
What is the relationship between alcohol Liu et al. (1994) reported that drinkers were less likely
consumption and postnatal growth patterns, sleep to have either major weight gain or weight loss than
patterns, and/or psychomotor patterns of the nondrinkers over 10 years of follow-up. Similar results
offspring? were reported in several other smaller studies (Sammel,
2003; Sherwood, 2000).

In the largest studies to examine this association, light

Question 1: What Is the Relationship
to moderate drinkers did not have a significant increase
Between Alcohol Intake and Weight Gain? in weight compared to abstainers. However, in these
studies, significant weight gain was seen in men and
Conclusion women drinking more than two drinks per day
(Wannamethee, 2003, 2004). In the two studies which
Moderate evidence suggests that among free-living specifically assessed changes in waist circumference,
populations, moderate drinking is not associated with the results were similar (Koh-Banerjee, 2003; Tolstrup,
weight gain. However, heavier consumption over time 2008). Individuals who consumed on average one to
is associated with weight gain. two drinks per day did not have a significant increase in
waist circumference when compared with non-drinkers.
Implications There is insufficient evidence to determine the
relationship of drinking pattern or frequency of
Regardless of the alcoholic beverage, in general, all consumption to change in waist or weight; however, in
contain calories that are not a good source of nutrients each of the prospective studies, intake was based on
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 357
average daily consumption typically over the past stomach can slow the absorption of alcohol (Jones,
month or year. 1997) and thereby mitigate the associated rise in blood
alcohol concentration.
Relevant Contextual Issue

Despite the lack of evidence to support a strong Question 2: What Is the Relationship
association between moderate alcohol consumption and Between Alcohol Intake and Cognitive
weight gain, there is still concern that diets of Decline With Age?
individuals who drink may be inadequate if calories
from alcoholic beverages replace calories from foods
which may be more nutrient-dense. The NIAAA and
the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
Moderate evidence suggests that compared to non-
used the Healthy Eating Index-2005 (a gauge of
drinkers, individuals who drink moderately have a
adherence to the 2005 Dietary Guidelines) to examine
slower cognitive decline with age. Although limited,
the relationship of alcohol consumption with nutrient
evidence suggests that heavy or binge drinking is
intakes and diet quality, as measured by the Healthy
detrimental to age-related cognitive decline.
Eating Index-2005 (HEI-2005). In this recently
published cross-sectional study (Breslow, 2010) using
data from NHANES, the authors described the
Alcohol, when consumed in moderation, did not
quicken the pace of age-related loss of cognitive
• Among men, there was not a clear difference
function. In most studies, it was just the opposite—
between current drinkers and non-drinkers for total
moderate alcohol consumption, when part of a healthy
energy intake or HEI-2005 scores.
diet and physical activity program, appeared to help to
• Among women, current drinkers had significantly
keep cognitive function intact with age. Despite the
higher total energy and lower HEI-2005 scores.
potential benefit at moderate consumption levels, heavy
• Among all drinkers, as the average number of drinking and episodes of binge drinking impairs short-
drinks per day increased, total energy increased and and long-term cognitive function and should be
HEI-2005 scores decreased. avoided.
This study was based on alcohol consumption over the Review of the Evidence
past year, and a 24-hour dietary intake. It did not take
into account physical activity as an important source of Over the past 10 years, a substantial new body of
energy expenditure, but it does highlight the important evidence has supported a modest beneficial association
concept that alcoholic beverages supply calories but few between alcohol consumption and cognitive function.
nutrients. The energy contribution from alcoholic The DGAC restricted its search to prospective studies to
beverages varies widely. Specifically, some alcoholic reduce bias associated with reverse causation of effect
beverages, such as dessert wines and mixed drinks, (i.e., the bias that individuals with reduced cognitive
provide almost three times as many calories as do the function may be less capable and less likely to drink).
standard drink portions: 12 fluid ounces of regular beer, Based on the included literature dating back to 2001,
5 fluid ounces of wine, or 1.5 fluid ounces of distilled one systematic review/meta-analysis (Peters, 2008) and
spirits. Individuals who drink should be aware of the seven additional U.S. and international prospective
total calories of alcoholic beverages (see Table D.1.6 in cohort studies (Bond, 2005; Deng, 2006; Mehlig, 2008;
Part D. Section 1. Energy Balance and Weight Ngandu, 2007; Solfrizzi, 2007; Stott, 2008; Wright,
Management for a list of selected alcoholic beverages 2006) directly addressed the question related to alcohol
and their caloric content) and carefully assess how intake and cognitive decline. Results from Peters et al.
alcohol fits into their overall dietary pattern, especially (2008), a systematic review and meta-analysis of 23
with respect to the number of calories needed to studies conducted primarily in the U.S., Canada, and
maintain a healthy weight. Europe, found that in older adults, small to moderate
amounts of alcohol consumption were associated with
For those who choose to drink an alcoholic beverage, it reduced incidence of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
is advisable to consume it with food to slow alcohol (Peters, 2008). Small amounts of alcohol may be
absorption. Data suggest that the presence of food in the
358 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
protective against dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, Drinking (NIAAA, 2003), an extensive review of the
but not for vascular dementia or cognitive decline. literature conducted by scientific staff of the NIAAA
and reviewed by 14 outside experts. In addition to
Several prospective cohort studies (Bond, 2005; Deng, recognizing the apparent mortality benefit of moderate
2006; Stott, 2008; Wright, 2006) found similar results alcohol consumption among middle-aged and older
that suggest that individuals who drink lightly to adults, the report concludes, “Except for those
moderately have a decreased risk or reduced severity of individuals at particular risk…, consumption of [up to]
dementia and/or cognitive decline especially in 2 drinks a day for men and 1 for women is unlikely to
comparison to non-drinkers. increase health risks” (NIAAA, 2003). Individuals at
particular risk include persons who cannot restrict their
drinking to moderate levels, children and adolescents,
Question 3: What Is the Relationship persons taking prescription or over-the-counter
Between Alcohol Intake and Coronary medications that can interact with alcohol, and
Heart Disease? individuals with special medical conditions (e.g., liver
disease). In this 2010 DGAC Report, individuals who
may be at risk (particularly with respect to unintentional
injury and lactating women) are more clearly defined.
Strong evidence consistently demonstrates that
Many of the observational studies which have
compared to non-drinkers, individuals who drink
documented a benefit of moderate alcohol consumption
moderately have lower risk of coronary heart disease.
on CVD prevention are summarized in the 2005 DGAC
Insufficient evidence was available to determine if any
Report in Table D8-1, but are not summarized again
one single drinking pattern was predictive of lower or
here. The inverse association has been demonstrated in
higher risk of coronary heart disease, although there was
a variety of populations and is independent of many
moderate evidence to suggest that heavy or binge
other cardiac risk factors, including age, sex, race/ethnic
drinking is detrimental.
group, smoking habits, physical activity, diet, and body
mass index (Corrao, 2000; Marmot, 2001; Mukamal,
2001). Similar to the evidence summarized above for
alcohol and weight gain, the majority of prospective
An average daily intake of one to two alcoholic
studies of alcohol and CHD assess average weekly
beverages is associated with a low risk of coronary heart
intake over the past several months or year and are not
disease among middle-aged and older adults. Binge or
based on a daily maximum of one to two drinks for the
heavy irregular drinking should be avoided.
definition of moderate. On average, the relative risk of
CHD associated with moderate drinking as defined by
Review of the Evidence
the DGAC is between 0.50 and 0.80 and is directly
related to the benefits of alcohol on HDL-C, glucose,
The issue of moderate alcohol consumption and risk of
and clotting factors such as fibrinogen (Mukamal,
cardiovascular disease (CVD) was updated from the
2005 DGAC and also addressed alcohol consumption
patterns. The NEL review searched published literature
The DGAC pursued evidence to support a specific
dating back to 1995 to 2009 and included six systematic
guideline for patterns of consumption. The same NEL
reviews/meta-analyses conducted in the U.S. and
review identified two meta-analyses (Bagnardi, 2008;
internationally (Bagnardi, 2008; Britton, 2000;
Corrao, 2000) that addressed alcohol pattern
Cleophas, 1999; Corrao, 2000; Di Castelnuovo, 2002;
consumption. Bagnardi et al. (2008) served as the
Rimm, 1999). Overall, the evidence shows that
strongest summary of the evidence. Based on somewhat
compared to those who abstain from alcohol, regular
similar measures of patterns of consumption from four
light to moderate drinking can reduce the risk of CHD;
prospective studies and two case-control studies,
whereas, heavy irregular or binge drinking increases
Bagnardi et al. (2008) concluded that among
risk of CHD.
individuals who consumed alcohol on more than 2 days
per week, risk of coronary heart disease was lowered
The overall conclusion of general benefit from
even when alcohol was consumed at intake levels
moderate intake of alcohol is also supported by the
greater than two drinks a day. However, among
State of the Science Report on the Effects of Moderate
irregular drinkers, moderate alcohol consumption was
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 359
still inversely associated with CHD, but binge (or abstainers (RR=0.91 [95% CI, 0.76-1.09]). However,
heavy) drinking was associated with an excess risk of persons consuming more than two drinks per day had an
CHD. elevated risk for fracture (RR=1.39, [95% CI 1.08-

Question 4: What Is the Relationship In the meta-analysis of bone mineral density, a linear
Between Alcohol Intake and Bone Health? relationship existed between alcohol consumption and
bone density of the femoral neck and vertebral spine.
With limited data, the authors could not assess relative
associations between alcohol consumption and bone
density in moderate compared with heavy drinkers.
Moderate evidence suggests a J-shaped association
Even though there is a positive effect of alcohol
between alcohol consumption and incidence of hip
consumption on hip fracture and femoral neck/vertebral
fracture; there was a suggestion that heavy or binge
spine bone density, the exact range of alcohol
drinking was detrimental to bone health.
consumption that is beneficial cannot be determined.

There is insufficient evidence from epidemiological Question 5: What Is the Relationship

data to make a strong conclusion related to patterns of Between Alcohol Intake and Unintentional
alcohol intake and bone health. However, it is very Injury?
likely that the increased risk of fracture among
individuals who drink more than one to two drinks per Conclusion
day on average is due to injuries that follow heavier
consumption. What further complicates the Strong evidence demonstrates that drinking in excess of
interpretation of the existing studies is that moderate current guidelines increases the risk of unintentional
and heavy drinkers frequently were combined in the falls, motor vehicle crashes, and drowning. When
same category, making it impossible to disentangle alcohol is consumed in moderation, the evidence for
potential benefits and risks. In addition, many studies risk of unintentional injury is less well established for
failed to control adequately for physical activity, an activities such as driving, swimming, and athletic
important lifestyle characteristic beneficially related to participation, but abstention from alcohol is the safest.
bone density.
Review of the Evidence
Adverse effects, in terms of unintentional injury, can
The DGAC conducted a search for evidence published occur even at levels of moderate alcohol consumption.
between 1995 and 2009. A recent systematic review
and meta-analysis (Berg, 2008) involving 33 studies Review of the Evidence
examined the association between ethanol intake and
hip fracture and bone density mostly in White, This conclusion is based on 20 U.S. and international
European, or American adults. Studies were included if studies dating back to 2004, including four systematic
they used experimental, cohort, or case-control designs reviews (Cherpitel, 2007; Driscoll, 2004; Gonzalez-
and included adults both exposed and not exposed to Wilhelm, 2007; Kool, 2009), six prospective cohort
alcohol. The results from the meta-analysis involving 13 studies (Bedford, 2006; Driscoll, 2004; Hall, 2009;
studies (8 prospective cohorts and 5 case-control) with a Hingson, 2009; Johnson, 2004; Mukamal, 2004), five
fair quality rating involving men and women over 20 case-control studies (Kool, 2008; Kurzthaler, 2005;
years of age revealed a J-shaped relationship between Sorock, 2006; Watt, 2004; Yoonhee, 2009), five cross-
alcohol consumption and hip fracture. Compared with sectional studies (Hingson, 2009; Levy, 2004; McLean,
abstainers, a lower risk of hip fracture was found among 2009; Rehm, 2006; Watt, 2006).
persons consuming up to 0.5 drinks per day (RR=0.84
[95% CI, 0.70-1.01]) and persons consuming 0.5-1.0 All 20 studies reviewed found that alcohol consumption
drinks per day (RR=0.80 [95% CI, 0.71-0.91]). Those was positively associated with risk of unintentional
consuming one to two drinks per day did not differ from injuries and found associations with a wide range of

360 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

different types of injuries. For example, many studies post-natal growth, sleep patterns, and/or psychomotor
focused specifically on head injuries, spinal cord patterns of the offspring.
injuries, and soft tissue injuries (Cherpitel, 2007;
Hingson, 2009a, 2009b; Johnston, 2004; Levy, 2004; Implications
McLean, 2009; Rehm, 2006; Watt, 2006; Yoonhee,
2009); while others were related to fatal and non-fatal The benefits of breastfeeding to the infant are well
motor vehicle crashes (Bedford, 2006; Gonzalez- established. A woman who chooses to breast feed,
Wilhelm, 2007; Hingson, 2009a, 2009b; Levy, 2004; however, need not completely abstain from alcohol.
Sorock, 2006), boating incidents (Driscoll, 2004), and Because the level of alcohol in breast milk mirrors the
all-terrain vehicle crashes (Hall, 2009). mother’s blood alcohol content, after latch-on has been
perfected and a pattern of consistent breastfeeding has
As discussed above in relation to bone health, there is been established (i.e., around age 2 to 3 months), a
evidence that even when consumed in moderation, mother could wait 3 to 4 hours after a single drink (the
alcohol consumption increases risk of falling (Kool, time it would take to metabolize the ethanol) before
2008, 2009; Kurzthaler, 2005; Mukamal, 2004; Sorock, breastfeeding and the infant’s exposure to alcohol
2006). Also, the specific reason that the DGAC chose to would likely be negligible. It is not sufficient for a
include swimming in the list of specific activities where woman to express breast milk after alcohol
alcohol should be avoided is because of the association consumption to prevent exposure to the infant because
between drinking alcohol and drowning (Driscoll, the concentration of alcohol in breast milk will remain
2004a, 2004b; Levy, 2004). Other areas of at levels in the blood until all the alcohol is
unintentional injury linked to alcohol consumption metabolized. Contrary to medical and cultural folklore,
include suicide, fire-related injuries, and violence- alcohol consumption does not enhance lactational
related injury. performance and instead reduces milk production and
decreases infant milk consumption in the 3 to 4 hours
Finally, while few studies had sufficient data, one study after alcohol is consumed. Finally, there is still
found evidence of a dose-response relationship between insufficient evidence to conclude definitively that
alcohol intake and injury (Kool, 2009), and several alcohol exposure to an infant during lactation affects the
studies found that risk of unintentional injury tended to postnatal growth of the child, but nonetheless, alcohol
increase significantly after drinking two or more drinks exposure to the breastfeeding infant by breastfeeding
per day (Kool, 2008; Mukamal, 2004; Watt, 2004). too soon after consuming a single drink should be

Question 6: Does Alcohol Consumption Review of the Evidence

During Lactation Have Adverse Health
Effects? What Is the Relationship Between Background
Alcohol Consumption and the Quality and The Committee felt strongly that the issue of alcohol
and breastfeeding should be addressed because
Quantity of Breast Milk Available for the
substantial evidence clearly demonstrates that
Offspring? What Is the Relationship breastfeeding is beneficial to the health of the infant.
Between Alcohol Consumption and The DGAC did not want women to misinterpret the
Postnatal Growth Patterns, Sleep Patterns, Dietary Guidelines and prematurely stop breastfeeding
and/or Psychomotor Patterns of the because they wanted to occasionally consume an
Offspring? alcoholic drink. In an effort to capture all available
information on this new Dietary Guidelines topic, no
Conclusion date restrictions were imposed on the literature search.

Moderate, consistent evidence shows that when a Summary of Evidence

lactating mother consumes alcohol, alcohol enters the As briefly summarized above, there is substantial
breast milk, and the quantity of milk produced is evidence that heavy drinking during pregnancy can
reduced, leading to reduced milk consumption by the cause serious health consequences to the unborn infant.
infant. Although limited, evidence suggests that alcohol Even daily moderate alcohol consumption among
consumption during lactation is associated with altered pregnant women may not be without risk and should be
avoided. However, the DGAC has not previously
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 361
adequately addressed the evidence for the health effects In addition, alcohol should be avoided by:
of alcohol among women who are breastfeeding and
who may expose their child to alcohol indirectly • Women who are pregnant or who are unsure if they
through the breast milk. A limited number of U.S. and are pregnant
international studies have directly examined this • Individuals who plan to drive, operate machinery,
relationship (Backstrand, 2004; Little, 1989, 2002; or take part in other activities that require attention,
Mennella, 1998, 2001). In a small cohort in Mexico skill, or coordination or in situations where
among women who consumed pulque (a “beer strength” impaired judgment could cause unintentional injury
alcoholic beverage from Mexico produced from (e.g., swimming)
fermented cactus sap), heavier pulque intake during
lactation was associated with slower postpartum growth
of the infant from 1 to 57 months (Backstrand, 2004). Chapter Summary
In two separate studies of lactating women with regular
An average daily intake of one to two alcoholic
exposure to moderate alcohol, the authors assessed
beverages is associated with the lowest all-cause
infant motor development. In the first, Little et al.
mortality and a low risk of diabetes and CHD among
(1989) examined infants at 1 year of age and found a
middle-aged and older adults. Despite this overall
significant detrimental association with infant motor
benefit of moderate alcohol consumption, the evidence
development among mothers who consumed on average
for a positive association between alcohol consumption
two drinks per day compared to women who abstained.
and risk of unintentional injuries and breast and colon
In a replication study by the same author the opposite
cancer should be taken into consideration. The DGAC
association was reported; but the children were
recommends that if alcohol is consumed, it should be
examined at 18 months, and the mothers consumed
consumed in moderation, and only by adults. Moderate
significantly less alcohol on average (Little, 2002).
alcohol consumption is defined as average daily
consumption of up to one drink per day for women and
Besides these potential longer term effects of alcohol on
up to two drinks per day for men and no more than
infant cognition, two studies examined the effects of
three drinks in any single day for women and no more
alcohol during lactation on other characteristics of the
than four drinks in any single day for men. One drink is
infant. These studies reported that short-term exposure
defined as 12 fluid ounces of regular beer, 5 fluid
to small amounts of alcohol in mothers’ milk produces
ounces of wine, or 1.5 fluid ounces of distilled spirits.
distinctive adverse changes in the infants’ sleep–wake
patterning (Mennella, 1998, 2001).
The substantial epidemiological literature is based on
studies where individuals report their “average” intake
as drinks per day, month, or year. Because most U.S.
Relevant Contextual Issues for the Entire citizens do not drink every day, the DGAC also
Chapter recommends that the definition for moderation be based
on this general “average” metric over the course of a
Abstention is an important option. Approximately one week or month instead of an exact threshold of “1 drink
in three American adults does not drink alcohol. per day for women or 2 drinks per day for men” each
Moreover, studies suggest adverse effects at even day. The Committee further explored whether there was
moderate alcohol consumption levels in specific compelling evidence to expand the definition of
individuals and situations, as described above. People moderation to include a specific healthy pattern of
who should not drink include: consumption, but could not find one particular pattern
of consumption that had a strong evidence base and
• Individuals who cannot restrict their drinking to could provide more clarity than the recommendation
moderate levels above. The DGAC did find strong evidence that heavy
• Children and adolescents consumption, that is, four or more drinks a day for
• Individuals taking prescription or over-the-counter women and five or more drinks a day for men, had
medications that can interact with alcohol harmful health effects. A number of situations and
• Individuals with specific medical conditions (e.g., conditions call for the complete avoidance of alcoholic
liver disease, hypertriglyceridemia, pancreatitis) beverages.

362 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Needs for Future Research Bagnardi V, Zatonski W, Scotti L, La Vecchia C,
Corrao G. Does drinking pattern modify the effect of
1. Conduct a comprehensive set of studies in a alcohol on the risk of coronary heart disease? Evidence
controlled setting to assess the influences that from a meta-analysis. J Epidemiol Community Health.
alcohol may have on factors that affect energy 2008 Jul;62(7):615-9.
intake and expenditure.
Baliunas DO, Taylor BJ, Irving H, Roerecke M, Patra J,
Rationale: The effects of energy from alcohol on Mohapatra S, Rehm J. Alcohol as a risk factor for type
body weight are complex and not completely 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
understood. These studies will clarify whether the Diabetes Care. 2009 Nov;32(11):2123-32.
lack of association between moderate alcohol
consumption and weight gain is due to biological Barak AJ, Beckenhauer HC, Hidiroglou N, Camilo ME,
compensation or changes in other behaviors (e.g., Selhub J, Tuma DJ. The relationship of ethanol feeding
diet or physical activity). to the methyl folate trap. Alcohol. 1993 Nov-
2. Conduct research to enhance the currently limited
data on changes in markers of bone health in Bazzano LA, Gu D, Reynolds K, Wu X, Chen CS,
metabolic studies of alcohol consumption. Duan X, Chen J, Wildman RP, Klag MJ, He J. Alcohol
consumption and risk for stroke among Chinese men.
Rationale: In large epidemiological studies, a Ann Neurol. 2007 Dec;62(6):569-78.
better classification of drinking patterns and a better
documentation of the traumatic or non-traumatic Beasley JM, Coronado GD, Livaudais J, Angeles-
cause of fracture are needed, but equally important Llerenas A, Ortega-Olvera C, Romieu I, Lazcano-Ponce
is the need to study prospectively changes in E, Torres-Mejía G. Alcohol and risk of breast cancer in
alcohol consumption and changes in intermediate Mexican women. Cancer Causes Control.
markers of bone structure and integrity. 2010;21(6):863-70.

3. Focus further research to avoid unintentional injury Bedford D, O’Farrell A, Howell F. Blood alcohol levels
on effective communication policies that expand in persons who died from accidents and suicide. Ir Med
current messages on drinking and driving to inform J. 2006 Mar;99(3):80-3.
individuals of other unintentional risks associated
with alcohol consumption. Berg KM, Kunins HV, Jackson JL, Nahvi S, Chaudhry
A, Harris KA Jr, Malik R, Arnsten JH. Association
Rationale: The documented benefit of drunk between alcohol consumption and both osteoporotic
driving campaigns is a public health success; yet fracture and bone density. Am J Med. 2008
alcohol related injury is still substantial in other May;121(5):406-18.
areas and should be addressed with the same
vigilance and governmental support. Berger K, Ajani UA, Kase CS, Gaziano JM, Buring JE,
Glynn RJ, Hennekens CH. Light-to-moderate alcohol
consumption and risk of stroke among U.S. male
physicians. N Engl J Med. 1999 Nov 18;341(21):1557-

Backstrand JR, Goodman AH, Allen LH, Pelto GH. Bond GE, Burr RL, McCurry SM, Rice MM,
Pulque intake during pregnancy and lactation in rural Borenstein AR, Larson EB. Alcohol and cognitive
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368 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Part D. Section 8: Food Safety and

Introduction outbreaks and food contamination, while assisting the

consumer in controlling the home food preparation and
The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans storage environment. Food technology is the application
emphasized the importance of food safety. Since the of food science to the processing of food materials into
release of the Guidelines, food safety concerns have safe, wholesome, and nutritious food (Institute of Food
escalated, with the apparent increase in voluntary recalls Technologists [IFT], 2009). Thus, the 2010 Dietary
of foods contaminated with disease-causing bacteria and Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) was
adulterated with non-food substances. These food safety compelled to provide additional food safety guidance to
issues affect commercial food products and food the American public while introducing and discussing
preparations in the home. technological developments. The name of the
subcommittee changed from the Food Safety to the
The basic four food safety principles identified to Food Safety and Technology subcommittee.
reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses remain
unchanged. These principles—Clean, Separate, Cook, This chapter updates the 2005 Report content related to
and Chill—are cornerstones in the Fight BAC!® risks from exposure to methyl mercury from the
(www.fightbac.org) educational messages developed by consumption of seafood, and, in addition, addresses the
the Partnership for Food Safety Education, a impact of exposure to persistent organic pollutants
collaboration with the Federal government. These (POPs). The benefit-risk ratios are presented, weighing
messages are reinforced in the United States the benefits of consuming seafood against the risks on
Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Be Food Safe health, including reducing the risk of cardiovascular
(www.befoodsafe.gov) efforts to reduce foodborne disease (CVD) and supporting child neurological
illnesses. Other food safety education programs include development. The evidence assessment was particularly
the USDA’s Is It Done Yet? (www.isitdoneyet.gov) and important in providing information about populations
Thermy™ (http://origin-www.fsis.usda.gov/ vulnerable to methyl mercury exposure, such as
food_safety_education/thermy/index.asp) initiatives, pregnant and nursing women and young children. What
which outline key elements in thermometer use and is known regarding the interaction of methyl mercury
placement to ensure proper cooking of meat, poultry, and selenium from seafood sources is briefly addressed,
seafood, and egg products. The primary food safety as is the influence of aquaculture practices on a safe and
message from these education programs is “It’s Safe to nutritious food supply.
Bite When the Temperature is Right.” This
“temperature” message receives attention in this During the deliberations of the DGAC, organic produce
chapter. Additional consumer-friendly information on emerged as a topic of discussion. The DGAC agreed
food safety is available at www.foodsafety.gov. In that current scientific evidence did not warrant a
addition to the principles of Fight BAC!®, the question on this topic, but that some clarification for the
importance of ”avoiding risky foods 1” is another public was needed as to what “organic” means.
relevant food safety education construct addressed Therefore, a short review of the topic by the Food
(Medeiros, 2001). Safety and Technology subcommittee is available
online at http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/DGAs2010-
Heightened food safety concerns have contributed to the DGACReport.htm.
development of new technologies and research directed
at reducing the risk of microbial foodborne illness

The DGAC defines a “risky food” as a food consumed in
such a way (e.g., undercooked) that it poses a
microbiological hazard for human health.
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 369
Lastly, food allergens were identified by the DGAC as 7. To what extent do specific subpopulations practice
an important food safety issue. The National Institute of unsafe food safety behaviors?
Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) of the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) established a Coordinating FOOD SAFETY TECHNOLOGIES
Committee to oversee the development and approval of
Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Food 8. To what extent are recently developed technological
Allergy. The Coordinating Committee used an Expert materials that are designed to improve food safety,
Panel of specialists from a variety of clinical, scientific, effective in reducing exposure to pathogens and
and public health arenas relevant to this topic. The decreasing the risk of foodborne illnesses in the
Expert Panel used an independent systematic literature home?
review, as well as expert opinion, when needed, to
develop the guidelines. Due to the extensive literature SEAFOOD
review conducted through this NIAID initiative, the
DGAC deferred completing an evidence review on food 9. What are the benefits in relationship to the risks for
allergy. A draft report of the Guidelines for the seafood consumption?
Diagnosis and Management of Food Allergy was
released by NIAID in March 2010
(www.niaid.nih.gov). A short review of the topic by the Methodology
Food Safety and Technology subcommittee is available
online at http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/DGAs2010- The information used to develop the Food Safety
DGACReport.htm. chapter written for the 2005 DGAC was gleaned from a
literature review and review of educational tools for
conveying messages to consumers about safe food
List of Questions handling and preparation. The Committee emphasized
information from the national food safety education
BEHAVIORS MOST LIKELY TO PREVENT campaign Fight BAC!®. Thus, unlike other chapters in
FOOD SAFETY PROBLEMS AND THE EXTENT the 2005 DGAC Report, which reflected evidence-
TO WHICH U.S. CONSUMERS FOLLOW THESE based reviews, the food safety recommendations
BEHAVIORS stemmed primarily from educational tools developed by
the USDA. The 2010 DGAC emphasized systematic
1. CLEAN: What techniques for hand sanitation are evidence-based assessments for all aspects of the
associated with favorable food safety outcomes and Report, and leveraged, for the first time, the systematic
to what extent do U.S. consumers follow them? review process using the Nutrition Evidence Library
(NEL) and the careful quality weighing of that
2. CLEAN: What techniques for washing fresh evidence. A description of the NEL evidence-based
produce are associated with favorable food safety systematic review process is provided in Part C:
outcomes and to what extent do U.S. consumers Methodology.
follow them?
Using the NEL system for the first time for the Food
3. CLEAN: To what extent do U.S. consumers clean Safety and Technology chapter provided a platform for
their refrigerators? evaluating evidence that has not been previously
available and sets the standard for future Committees.
4. SEPARATE: What techniques for preventing cross- Through this process, research strengths and
contamination are associated with favorable food weaknesses were identified, thus providing significant
safety outcomes? direction for national policy development and guidance
for future investigations in food safety and food
5. COOK AND CHILL: To what extent do U.S. technology.
consumers follow adequate temperature control
during food preparation and storage at home? The Food Safety and Technology subcommittee
assessed the quality of the available evidence pertinent
6. AVOID RISKY FOODS: To what extent do U.S. to the three primary families of questions focused on (a)
consumers eat raw or undercooked animal foods? in-home food safety behaviors, (b) new technologies

370 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

related to food safety in the home, and (c) risks and area of formal review encompassed common and
benefits associated with seafood consumption. All NEL emerging technologies associated with items such as
systematic evidence-based review materials are thermometers, food contact surfaces, and sanitizers.
available at www.NutritionEvidenceLibrary.gov. This topic was not previously addressed by the 2005
DGAC, and the 2010 DGAC’s literature search covered
For both the 2005 and the 2010 DGAC Reports, only 2004 through 2009 because information has
questions involved reviewing evidence on food safety emerged only recently. In addition to the questions
techniques for application in the home, including those stated previously, the 2010 DGAC conducted literature
on food storage, food preparation and handling, searches for two other questions on aspects of in-home
personal hygiene, and management of cooking utensils. technologies, (1) technological materials that may be
In addition, the food safety questions in the 2010 effective in increasing the shelf life of foods, and (2) the
DGAC Report went further to review substantive accessibility and economical practicality of effective
evidence on consumer behaviors related to favorable technological materials that are designed to improve
techniques for preventing foodborne illness. The food safety or increase shelf life. However, the evidence
literature search generally covered 2004 through 2009, in these two areas was insufficient to draw any
with slight variations in date ranges by topic that can be conclusions, and, therefore, they will not be discussed
found online in the NEL. For in-home food safety in the evidence review.
behaviors, an original set of nine subquestions was
drafted for the literature search and sort plans. Some of Originally presented in the 2005 DGAC Report, the
these subquestions were worded very generally with the current content also updates the evidence on methyl
intention to cast a wide net on the available literature. mercury exposure from seafood through a review of
However, after searches were completed, the questions new evidence on the benefit-risk ratios associated with
were refocused where the evidence was most plentiful, seafood consumption and health outcomes published
resulting in the overarching in-home food safety since 2007. The impact of exposure to POPs also is
question and seven subquestions as noted above. For addressed in the review of the literature for this
the original list of research questions on in-home food question. A formal search of the evidence-based
safety, see Table D8.1 2. literature began in 2007 because a report published that
year from the Institute of Medicine (IOM), Seafood
The food safety questions of the 2005 DGAC Report Choices–Balancing Benefits and Risks (IOM, 2007),
evaluated topics that were not an integral part of Fight provided an evidence-based assessment of the methyl
BAC!®, yet warranted attention. Since the 2005 Report, mercury and POPs issues from the 2005 Report through
Fight BAC!® has further developed its guidance, and 2007. A second search on POPs alone was also done
additional food safety materials from the Food and Drug from 2004 to 2009. The Environmental Protection
Administration (FDA), and USDA’s educational Agency (EPA)/FDA advisory, What You Need to Know
campaigns, www.isitdoneyet.gov and about Mercury in Fish and Shellfish (EPA/FDA, 2004),
www.befoodsafe.gov, have greatly expanded the food the current Federal guidance at the time this Report was
safety messages available to consumers. Therefore, in submitted, and analyses in food pattern modeling to
the 2010 food safety discussion, information available explore the role of seafood in the total diet, were taken
from several USDA and HHS food safety educational into consideration.
programs are identified as points of reference to the
findings of the literature reviewed. However, a research The subcommittee considered food safety-related
question did not specifically address these programs. In information submitted by the public through the public
addition to the NEL evidence, the DGAC also used data comments process. Many of these topics were addressed
summarized from the FDA and Food Safety and through the evidence-based review. Other topics were
Inspection Service (FSIS) Food Safety Survey (2006). not formally reviewed by the Committee, due, in part, to
the complexity of the issue or the apparent limited
While the basic pillars of food safety in the home availability of evidence related to the subject. To
remain unchanged, the Committee considered recent support the continued consideration of these topics for
technological developments that may assist consumers future DGACs and for public policy, the following are
in their food management practices. Thus, the second addressed through a review of contextual references:

Tables D8.1 through D8.8 can be found at the end of this
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 371
• Seafood: Implications of dietary selenium and the 2008; Kosa, 2007; Towns, 2006). For example,
potential health risks of methyl mercury exposure research conducted among Hispanic women in
from seafood Connecticut has shown that few consumers are aware of
• Seafood: Implications of aquacultural practices and the term “cross-contamination,” even after exposure to
a safe, nutritious food supply the Fight BAC!® campaign (Dharod, 2004). This is a
• On-line resource (accessible at cause of public health concern because the risk of cross-
http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/DGAs2010- contamination in home kitchens in some Hispanic
DGACReport.htm): (Dharod, 2007a) and other (FDA/FSIS, 2006)
http://www.dietaryguidelines.gov/Implications of communities is substantial. Hands play a central role in
food allergens and a safe food supply the chain of transmission of microbial pathogens
• On-line resource (accessible at through food and other vehicles. Thus, proper hand
http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/DGAs2010- hygiene before, during, and after food preparation is
DGACReport.htm): one of the key measures for preventing foodborne
Conventional and organically produced foods diseases. Hand hygiene can be based on hand washing
with plain soap (i.e., detergents that do not contain
antimicrobial agents or contain low concentrations of
BEHAVIORS MOST LIKELY TO PREVENT antimicrobial agents that are effective solely as
preservatives, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention [CDC], 2002) and water (physical removal
of microbes) and/or the use of rinse-free alcohol-based
FOLLOW THESE BEHAVIORS hand sanitizers (killing of microbes).

Annually, foodborne illness affects more than 76 On the other hand, consumers often do not translate
million individuals in the U.S. leading to 325,000 their food safety knowledge into safe practices (Abbot,
hospitalizations and 5,200 deaths at a cost of $7 billion 2009; Byrd-Bredbenner, 2007; Cates, 2006; Dharod,
to the Nation (IOM, 2006). Because foodborne illness 2004, 2007a; Godwin, 2006; Kwon, 2008; Patil, 2005;
outbreaks are difficult to trace and characterize, the Redmond, 2003; Towns, 2006; Trepka, 2007; Yarrow,
proportion of outbreaks that can be attributed to unsafe 2009). This is perhaps explained at least in part by the
food safety practices at home remains unknown, “not in my kitchen” optimistic bias (Cates, 2006; Levy,
although it is believed to be substantial (Redmond, 2008; Miles, 2003; Redmond, 2004; Roseman, 2006)
2003; Roseman, 2007). An indirect way of assessing and the lack of consumers’ internal locus of control
this risk is by documenting consumers’ food safety with regard to food safety, namely the belief that its
practices at home. This topic is of relevance as the vast mainly the responsibility of industry and government to
majority of consumers has a refrigerator and a stove or prevent foodborne illness (Cates, 2006). Improvements
microwave at home, and prepare and/or consume at in consumers’ knowledge and also their attitudes and
least some of their meals at home (FDA/FSIS, 2006). intentions toward reducing home-based food safety
risks are needed.
Foodborne illness continues to be a major public health
threat to U.S. consumers who are aware of the Higher socio-economic status has been associated with
importance of food safety for human health (Mead, more food safety knowledge, but often with the worst
1999), but they do not believe that their home kitchens food safety behaviors (Patil, 2005). Being a member of
are an actual source of foodborne outbreaks (Levy, a racial/ethnic minority group has been associated with
2008; Miles, 2003; Redmond, 2004). Risky food safety better food safety behaviors (FDA/FSIS, 2006; Patil,
behaviors at home are likely to translate into home- 2005). Improper home food safety behaviors have been
based foodborne illness outbreaks. identified in different stages of the life cycle, such as
pregnancy (Kwon, 2008; Trepka, 2007), college
On the one hand, consumers are not aware, or they lack students (Abbot, 2009; Byrd-Bredbenner, 2007, 2008;
specific knowledge regarding pathogens (e.g., Listeria, Yarrow, 2009), and older adults (Almanza, 2007; Kosa,
Campylobacter) (Cates, 2006), food contamination 2007; Roseman, 2007). Overall, men are more likely
vehicles and potential transmission routes (e.g., cross than women to practice risky food safety behaviors at
contamination) (Dharod, 2004), and proper cold storage home. Thus, all segments of the U.S. population could
temperatures and refrigerator cleaning (Bryd- benefit from improved food safety education based on
Bredbenner, 2008; Godwin, 2006; Kilonzo-Nthenge, effective behavioral change theories.
372 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
The 2010 DGAC’s evidence-based review of behaviors area needs to address safe food practices in the different
that are likely to prevent food safety problems and U.S. environments in which individuals are likely to
consumers’ actions in this regard has led it to one consume the different products. Education should also
overarching conclusion, which has implications for address food safety issues that have emerged due to
current and future consumer education efforts. The trends toward local- and regional-based food
sections that follow present specific conclusions and production.
evidence reviews for each of the four Fight BAC!
constructs (i.e., clean, separate, cook and chill), plus the Of subpopulations in the U.S., older adults may be at
“avoiding risky foods” construct. greater risk because of the age-related reduction in
immunity. Pregnant women also have altered immune
Overarching Conclusion status which may render the fetus more susceptible to
infection. Foodborne illnesses affecting pregnant
Evidence shows that proper hand sanitation techniques, women can have extremely serious consequences for
proper washing of vegetables and fruit, prevention of the fetus as illustrated by the still births resulting from
cross-contamination, and appropriate cooking and listeriosis. Foodborne illness outbreaks among college
storage of foods in the home kitchen are most likely to students have the potential to rapidly spread within the
prevent food safety problems. Food safety behaviors student body as a result of the group arrangements in
least practiced by consumers are hand sanitation, cross- which they often live.
contamination prevention, and use of cooking,
refrigerator, and freezer thermometers. Food safety
knowledge of U.S. consumers is not being translated Question 1: CLEAN: What Techniques for
into improved food safety practices at home. Hand Sanitation Are Associated With
Favorable Food Safety Outcomes and to
Implications What Extent Do U.S. Consumers Follow
All segments of the U.S. population could benefit from
improved food safety education based on effective
behavioral change theories. Food safety education is Conclusion
needed to not only improve consumers’ knowledge, but
also their attitudes and intentions toward reducing Strong, clear, and consistent evidence shows that hand
home-based food safety risks. In particular, consumers washing with plain soap for 20-30 seconds followed
need to take more responsibility regarding food safety. by proper hand drying is an effective hand hygiene
Together, with sound government policies and technique for preventing cross-contamination during
responsible food industry practices, foodborne illness food preparation. Strong, clear, and consistent
can be prevented. evidence shows that alcohol–based, rinse-free hand
sanitizers are an adequate alternative when proper
Food safety behaviors that particularly need additional hand washing with plain soap is not possible.
promotion are hand sanitation, use of cooking and Moderate, consistent evidence shows that U.S.
refrigerator/freezer thermometers, and prevention of consumers do not follow recommended hand
cross-contamination. Produce washing practices can sanitation behaviors.
vary significantly for different vegetables and this
behavior needs to be substantially improved. Additional Review of the Evidence
guidance is needed to provide detailed
recommendations on the frequency of refrigerator The conclusion on recommended techniques for hand
cleaning to decrease pathogen growth and potential for sanitation is derived from 17 studies, including four
cross-contamination. It is important to educate meta-analyses or literature reviews (Aiello, 2007,
consumers on appropriate cooking temperatures and the 2008; Haas, 2005; Meadows, 2004), six randomized
reasons to avoid consuming raw or undercooked animal controlled trials (Aiello, 2004; Fischler, 2007; Larson,
protein products. The consumption of certain risky 2004; Sandora, 2005, 2008; Vessey, 2007), five quasi-
foods (e.g., cookie dough containing raw eggs) is likely experimental studies (Brown, 2007; Schaffner, 2007;
to occur at home, but the consumption of other foods Thorrold, 2007; Tousman, 2007; White, 2005), and
(e.g., raw seafood) is more likely to occur outside the two observational prospective studies (Dharod, 2009;
home. Thus, consumer food safety education in this Lee, 2005). Studies were conducted in schools and

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 373

other community settings as well as in homes and finding may be explained by a social desirability bias
under laboratory simulation conditions. and indicates that results derived from self-reported
hand hygiene behaviors should be interpreted with
Soaps with antimicrobial additives are not needed for caution.
proper hand hygiene at home and should be avoided
due to possible microbial resistance to antibacterials
associated with their long-term use (Aiello, 2004, Question 2: CLEAN: What Techniques for
2007; Thorrold, 2007). Under some circumstances Washing Fresh Produce Are Associated
involving the presence of highly vulnerable With Favorable Food Safety Outcomes and
individuals at home, alcohol-based hand sanitizers to What Extent Do U.S. Consumers Follow
after hand washing with soap may provide additional
protection. It is essential that consumers not only
practice adequate hand hygiene techniques at home
and in the community, but that they also do it at the Conclusion
right times. Thus, hand hygiene education and
promotion should seek to improve the consumers’ A limited body of evidence has shown that washing
understanding of the chain of transmission of vegetables and fruit by running water over them at
pathogens from food sources and the risk situations home or under laboratory simulation conditions is
(i.e., critical control points) before, during, and after associated with reduced produce microbial loads.
food preparation and other human activities requiring Moderate, consistent evidence shows that U.S.
proper hygiene, including toilet use and contact with consumers are not following recommended produce
pets. Hand washing procedures for consumers adapted washing techniques at home.
from information from the CDC can be seen in Table
D8.2. Review of the Evidence

The conclusion regarding consumers’ adherence to The conclusion regarding techniques for washing fresh
recommended hand sanitation is derived from five produce is derived from three studies, including two
cross-sectional studies (Abbot, 2008; Anderson, 2008; non-randomized trials (Kilonzo-Nthenge, 2006; Parnell,
Comer, 2009; Dharod, 2007a; Thumma, 2009). The 2005), and one cross-sectional study (Dharod, 2007b).
FDA/FSIS Food Safety Survey (2006) provided Washing fresh produce at home is the last opportunity
additional evidence. In the Food Safety Survey that consumers have to reduce potential pathogen loads
(FDA/FSIS, 2006) three-quarters of respondents in these products before consuming them and is likely
indicated that they always washed their hands before to help reduce food safety risks (Dharod, 2007b;
starting food preparation. Gender did not influence the Kilonzo-Nthenge, 2006; Parnell, 2005). One of the few
hand washing report, but this behavior was more studies that examined this issue among free-living
likely to be reported by those with lower levels of individuals while preparing a family meal at home
education and by those who identified themselves as provides relevant insights. Dharod et al. (2007b)
White. Close to 88 percent reported washing the demonstrated a significant reduction in total microbial
cutting board after placing raw meat on it. This and coliform counts associated with washing lettuce and
behavior was more common among those with lower tomato under running water in Puerto Rican
levels of education, females, and non-Hispanics than households’ home kitchens during preparation of a
among those in other population groups. Studies have “chicken and salad” meal. Guidance for consumers for
consistently shown that proper hand washing washing produce, adapted from information available
associated with food preparation (Abbot, 2008; from the FDA, can be seen in Table D8.3.
Dharod, 2007a; Thumma, 2009) and bathroom use
(Anderson, 2008; Thumma, 2009) is far less than The conclusion regarding consumer behaviors related to
optimal and needs to be better promoted (Comer, washing fresh produce is derived from two cross-
2009). Two studies involving direct observation of sectional studies (Dharod, 2007a; Anderson, 2004) and
hand washing behaviors during food preparation an analysis of responses from the FDA/FSIS Food
among college students (Abbot, 2008) and Puerto Safety Survey (2006). Dharod et al. (2007a) found that
Rican home meal preparers (Dharod, 2007a) found a among Puerto Rican home meal preparers, 87 percent
high degree of overreporting of desirable hand washed the lettuce and 85 percent washed the tomatoes
washing behaviors during food preparation. This under running water while preparing salad. In their

374 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

direct observation study among 99 U.S. college Question 3: CLEAN: To What Extent Do
students, Anderson et al. (2004) found that six did not U.S. Consumers Clean Their
clean any of the vegetables used to prepare a salad, 70 Refrigerators?
rinsed the lettuce, 93 rinsed the tomato, 47 rinsed the
carrots, and 55 rinsed the cucumber with water. This
study also documented that average washing time
ranged from 4.8 to 12.4 seconds, substantially shorter
Moderate, consistent evidence shows that U.S.
than the 60 seconds recommended by the author. These
consumers do not clean their refrigerators following
findings indicate that washing practices can vary
available guidance.
significantly for different vegetables and that these
behaviors need to be substantially improved.
Review of the Evidence
The FDA/FSIS Food Safety Survey (2006) asked
This conclusion is derived from four cross-sectional
consumers about their behaviors for washing tomatoes,
studies (Bryd-Bredbenner, 2007; Godwin, 2006;
cantaloupe, and strawberries. Among participants who
Kilonzo-Nthenge, 2008; Kosa, 2007). The DGAC also
responded that they ever buy the product, a smaller
reviewed a case-control study from the United Kingdom
proportion (57%, n=1806) reported usually washing
(Parry, 2005) to obtain additional contextual
cantaloupe compared to much higher proportions that
information on this question.
usually washed tomatoes (97%, n=2029) or strawberries
(98%, n=2001). Among participants who reported
The four cross-sectional studies all reported cleanliness
washing tomatoes, cantaloupe, or strawberries, the
and sanitation of refrigerators as a problem. Bryd-
method reported for washing was analyzed. Washing
Bredbenner et al. (2007) found that young adults scored
produce by rubbing it under running water with a brush,
less than 60 percent on the appliance cleanliness and
cloth, or hands was considered a favorable behavior.
cold food storage scales. Kosa et al. (2007) found that
Also reported was use of any type of cleaner to wash
among a large adult sample, 53 percent of participants
produce. Although this is not an encouraged behavior, it
had not cleaned their refrigerator for at least 1 month
is also not necessarily undesirable if a cleaner intended
before the survey. Kilonzo-Nthenge et al. (2008)
for produce is used. Respondents of lower incomes
identified 19 different bacterial isolates including
consistently reported more favorable behaviors than
Listeria innocua in 4.4 percent of domestic refrigerators
their higher income counterparts for washing tomatoes,
in a study in Tennessee. They also identified Klebsiella
cantaloupe, and/or strawberries. Adults ages 18 to 59
pneumoniae and Enterobacter cloacae in 23.4 percent
years were significantly more likely to practice the
and 20.5 percent of the refrigerators, respectively, and
desirable behavior of rubbing tomatoes (76%) and
identified multidrug antibiotic resistance in Klebsiella
strawberries (49%) under running water compared to
and Enterobacter spp. Although most of the bacteria
adults ages 60 years and older (71% and 36%,
identified are nonpathogenic to healthy adults, they do
respectively) (p < 0.05). Respondents with children
serve as sanitation markers. Thus, findings indicate that
younger than age 5 years were more likely to rub
proper food and refrigerator sanitation practices were
cantaloupe (79%) and strawberries (61%) under
not being followed in a significant proportion of
running water compared to those without children
households. Godwin et al. (2006) found in Florida and
younger than age 5 years (69% and 40%, respectively)
Tennessee households that 72 percent of swabs
(p< 0.05). Women were significantly more likely to use
contained viable microbial populations, as assessed by
a cleaner to wash tomatoes, cantaloupe, and
way of adenosine triphosphate bioluminescence. The
strawberries (8%, 10%, and 5%, respectively) compared
highest microbial loads were detected in the vegetable
to males (6%, 4%, and 3%, respectively) (p< 0.05).
compartment and the meat sections. The microbial load
in the vegetable compartment correlated significantly
with the cleanliness score for that compartment. Only 5
percent of the respondents reported emptying and
cleaning the entire refrigerator often or very often, with
78 percent reporting doing so occasionally or rarely.
The UK case-control study (Parry, 2005) did not find an
association between the presence of Salmonella in
dishcloths and refrigerators and risk of salmonellosis.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 375

Findings are difficult to interpret, as 65 percent of sanitation and the prevention of microbial cross-
individuals who developed salmonellosis had eaten contamination during food preparation. Mylius et al.
meals prepared outside the home kitchen 72 hours (2007) conducted a risk assessment analysis that
before the onset of symptoms. Godwin et al. (2006) illustrated the importance of properly washing food
documented that consumers’ self-reports of vegetable preparation surfaces to prevent cross-contamination
compartment cleaning frequency did not correlate with from chicken to salad with Campylobacter. The key
microbial loads found in domestic refrigerators. Thus, parameters of this simulation study were the transfer
proper refrigerator hygiene techniques may not be probabilities of Campylobacter colony forming units
followed even when the behavior is practiced. Table (CFU) between kitchen/food objects and the probability
D8.4 provides general guidance for consumers on for different behaviors to be followed during food
refrigerator cleaning adapted from information available preparation. These probabilities were obtained from
from FSIS. previously published studies or assigned when no data
were available. Simulation results showed that the
single most effective action for reducing risk of cross-
Question 4: SEPARATE: What Techniques contamination and corresponding infection risk was
for Preventing Cross-contamination Are cutting-board washing followed by hand washing and
Associated with Favorable Food Safety salad rinsing. In spite of this consistent evidence, some
Outcomes? studies have not been able to empirically document a
link between good environmental kitchen hygiene and
decreased risk of gastrointestinal infections (Larson,
Conclusion 2004; Stenberg, 2008). Sharma et al. (2009) found that
microwaving and dishwashing treatments significantly
Moderate, consistent evidence indicates that preventing lowered aerobic bacterial counts (<0.4 log and 1.6 log
cross-contamination in the home kitchen may reduce CFU/sponge, respectively) more than any chemical
exposure to foodborne pathogens among U.S. treatment or control (7.5 CFU/sponge) (p< 0.05). This
consumers. Techniques associated with favorable food study suggests that microwaving or dishwashing
safety outcomes for preventing cross-contamination treatments of kitchen sponges may be effective methods
include proper cleaning of food preparation surfaces to kill foodborne pathogens in sponges to lessen
and/or cooking utensils, particularly cutting boards and chances of cross-contamination from sponge to other
cutlery, accompanied by hand washing. home kitchen surfaces where food is placed (Sharma,
Review of the Evidence
Two studies had findings that were not consistent with
This conclusion is based on 12 studies, including five the majority of the studies that led to the conclusion on
comprehensive risk analyses (Kusumaningrum, 2004; cross-contamination. In a study by Yang et al. (2006),
Luber, 2009; Mylius, 2007; van Asselt, 2008; Yang, cross-contamination via refrigerators and hands did not
2006), two laboratory simulation studies (de Jong, substantially increase the mean level or prevalence of L.
2008; Sharma, 2009), two home kitchen videotaped monocytogenes contamination in deli meats handled in
studies (Redmond, 2004; van Asselt, 2009), one the study. The UK case-control study (Parry, 2005) did
systematic review (Stenberg, 2008), one randomized not find an association between the presence of
trial (Larson, 2004), and one case-control study (Parry, Salmonella in dishcloths and refrigerators and risk of
2005). salmonellosis. Findings are difficult to interpret, as 65
percent of individuals who developed salmonellosis had
Four quantitative risk assessments concluded that lack eaten meals prepared outside the home kitchen 72 hours
of proper cleaning of food preparation surfaces and/or before the onset of symptoms.
cooking utensils used in the home kitchen is likely to
increase enteropathogenic cross-contamination from Recommended techniques for consumers for preventing
poultry meats or eggs to ready-to-eat vegetables or cross-contamination adapted from information available
salads (Kusumaningrum, 2004; Luber, 2009; Mylius, from FSIS can be found in Table D8.5.
2007; van Asselt, 2008). Laboratory simulation (de
Jong, 2008, Redmond, 2004) and home-based
inoculation (van Asselt, 2009) studies provide strong
support for a link between cutting board and cutlery

376 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Question 5: COOK AND CHILL: To What participants only visibly checked chicken meat for
Extent Do U.S. Consumers Follow doneness and did not use meat thermometers. In the
Adequate Temperature Control During laboratory simulation component of that study, the
Food Preparation and Storage at Home? authors suggested that cooking chicken for
recommended periods of time and visually inspecting it
for doneness could result in chicken which may not be
Conclusion sufficiently cooked to reduce levels of harmful bacteria
(Bergsma, 2007). It is notable that, although just as
Strong, consistent evidence shows that the great important as for meat and poultry, no evidence was
majority of U.S. consumers do not use food identified on consumer use of thermometers for
thermometers to properly assess the internal cooking ensuring the adequacy of cooking for seafood. Table
temperature of meat and poultry while cooking. D8.7 provides information on recommended techniques
Moderate, consistent evidence shows that U.S. for consumers for thermometer use adapted from
consumers lack refrigerator and freezer thermometers in information available from the FSIS and FDA.
their homes.
The conclusion regarding refrigerator and freezer
Review of the Evidence thermometers is derived from two cross-sectional
studies (Kosa, 2007; Towns, 2006). Additional
The conclusion regarding food thermometers is derived evidence was gathered from the FDA/FSIS Food Safety
from eight studies, including one systematic review Survey (2006). The two cross-sectional studies found
(Redmond, 2003), one laboratory simulation study with that subjects reported a lack of thermometers in
a cross-sectional study component (Bergsma, 2007), refrigerators and/or freezers in their homes (Kosa, 2007;
and six cross-sectional studies (Abbot, 2009; Byrd- Towns, 2006). Towns et al. (2006) concluded that their
Bredbenner, 2007; Dharod, 2004, 2007a; Kwon, 2008; well educated survey participants failed to follow proper
Trepka, 2007). The FDA/FSIS Food Safety Survey refrigeration and freezer storage practices, in spite of
(2006) provided additional evidence for this conclusion. being aware of the importance of doing so to prevent
Table D8.6 shows the safe minimum internal cooking foodborne illness. These findings are supported by
temperatures for meat, poultry, and seafood findings from the FDA/FSIS Food Safety Survey
recommended for consumers by FSIS and FDA. (2006). Techniques for consumers for using refrigerator
Inadequate cooking represents a food safety hazard that and freezer thermometers adapted from information
can easily be avoided with the use of food thermometers available from the FSIS can be found in Table D8.8.
widely available to consumers and effective
dissemination of recommended internal cooking
temperatures for different food products. In the
Question 6: RISKY FOODS: To What
FDA/FSIS Food Safety Survey (2006), 34 percent of
respondents who reported preparing chicken indicated
Extent Do U.S. Consumers Eat Raw or
that they ever use a meat thermometer when cooking Undercooked Animal Foods?
chicken. Those with lower levels of education, males,
and White and Asian respondents were more likely to Conclusion
report using a meat thermometer when cooking chicken.
Seven studies (Abbot, 2009; Byrd-Bredbenner, 2007; Moderate, clear, and consistent evidence shows that the
Dharod, 2004, 2007a; Kwon, 2008; Redmond, 2003; consumption of raw or undercooked animal-source food
Trepka, 2007) found that few households reported products is relatively common in the U.S., especially for
owning and/or using a food thermometer to check for eggs and egg-containing products, and ground beef
the doneness of meats. Dharod et al. (2004) found that, products.
among Latino parents, the use of meat thermometers
was very rare both before and after exposure to the Review of the Evidence
Fight BAC! campaign. Redmond and Griffith (2003)
found that only 12 percent to 24 percent of consumers This conclusion is derived from eight studies, including
regularly used meat thermometers. Using a cross- one meta-analysis (Patil, 2005) and one systematic
sectional survey, Bergsma et al. (2007) found that while review (Redmond, 2003), and six cross-sectional
thorough heating of chicken was considered very studies (Anderson, 2004; Byrd-Bredbenner, 2008;
important by the study participants, generally those Dharod, 2007b; Kaylegian, 2008; Lopez Osornio, 2008;

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 377

Trepka, 2007). Additional evidence was gathered from steaks to be cooked rare. However, Trepka et al. (2007)
the FDA/FSIS Food Safety Survey (2006). In their found in their study that only 3.5 percent of WIC
direct observation study of U.S. household meal participants liked their meat cooked medium-rare or
preparers, Anderson et al. (2004) found that 61 percent rare.
of those who prepared a chicken entrée undercooked the
chicken. In this study 46 percent of those who chose to Raw milk consumption has been associated with serious
prepare meatloaf undercooked the ground beef. A direct foodborne outbreaks in the U.S. Kaylegian et al. (2008)
observation study involving videotaping of a small examined raw milk consumption practices in a sample
sample of home meal preparers in the Netherlands formed predominantly of dairy farmers from upstate
found that one-third of the participants undercooked the New York. As many as 45.3 percent reported having
chicken (van Asselt, 2009). Undercooking was consumed raw milk during the previous year. The main
estimated based on an eight minute chicken boiling time reasons for consuming raw milk were taste,
cutoff. These findings are in contrast with those of convenience, and cost. Concerns related to health
Dharod et al. (2007b) who documented that almost hazards associated with raw milk consumption were
none (7%) of the Puerto Rican household meal expressed by 38.2 percent of the raw milk and 73.2
preparers included in their study undercooked the percent of the pasteurized milk consumers.
chicken. In the FDA/FSIS Food Safety Survey (2006),
about 38 percent reported eating foods containing raw Related Contextual Issues
eggs, with this behavior being less common among
those with lower levels of education, Blacks, and Raw or Undercooked Eggs and Public Health
Asians. Studies have found that among diverse U.S. Risks
study populations, raw or undercooked animal-derived Historically, in the U.S., guidelines for handling and
products are widely consumed (Bryd-Bredbenner, 2008; preparing eggs for human consumption have been
Patil, 2005; Trepka, 2007; FDA/FSIS, 2006). Bryd- issued by the Federal government, and food industry
Bredbenner et al. (2008) reported that among a large and dietetic associations. Those guidelines have been
sample of college students, a substantial number developed because salmonellosis, an egg-associated
reported consuming a variety of risky foods, such as foodborne illness, is an important public health problem
cookie dough containing raw eggs (53%), fried eggs (Braden, 2006; CDC, 2005). A bacterium, Salmonella
with runny or soft yolks (33%), sushi (29%), raw enteritidis, can be inside perfectly normal-appearing
sprouts (29%), raw oysters, mussels, or clams (11%), eggs, and if the eggs are eaten raw or undercooked, the
and rare hamburgers (7%). Trepka et al. (2007) found bacterium can cause illness (CDC, 2005). A person
that among female African-American WIC clients, 24.7 infected with the Salmonella enteritidis bacterium
percent reported usually eating undercooked eggs, 51.6 usually has fever, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea
percent of pregnant women reported “sometimes,” or beginning 12 to 72 hours after consuming the
“frequently,” eating hot dogs or deli meats since contaminated food, and the illness usually lasts 4 to 7
becoming pregnant without first reheating them, and days without necessarily requiring antibiotics (CDC,
35.5 percent reported eating soft cheeses and blue- 2005). However, the diarrhea can be severe, and the
veined cheeses sometimes or more frequently since person may be ill enough to require hospitalization
becoming pregnant. In addition, almost 12 percent (CDC, 2005). The elderly, infants, and those with
reported consuming hamburgers with pink/red color impaired immune systems may have a more severe
inside, and only 62 percent reported always using illness in which the infection may spread from the
boiling water before preparing infant formula. The intestines to the bloodstream, and then to other body
prevalent consumption of undercooked eggs detected in sites and can cause death unless the person is treated
localized studies is confirmed by a systematic review promptly with antibiotics (CDC, 2005).
(Redmond, 2003) and the meta-analysis by Patil et al.
(2005). Based on U.S. surveys conducted between 1977 Therefore, fresh eggs and egg products should be
and 2000, Redmond and Griffith (2003) report that the handled, refrigerated, prepared, and stored properly,
prevalence for this practice has ranged from 5 percent to including the use of sell by dates, to reduce the risk that
56 percent, with the most recent surveys suggesting that foodborne pathogens that may be present in those foods
as many as half of the U.S. population may consume will cause foodborne illness in those eating the food.
undercooked or raw eggs. Lopez Osornio et al. (2008) Research shows that shell eggs are a major vehicle for
found that the U.S. consumers were more likely than Salmonella enteric serotype Enteritidis (SE) infection in
Argentinean and Spanish consumers to prefer beef humans because eggs can be internally contaminated by
378 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
transovarian transmission of SE in the laying hen One of the bacteria of special concern that could
(Braden, 2006). It has been estimated that of the 47 contaminate muscle meat at slaughter is E. coli
billion eggs consumed annually as shell eggs, 2.3 O157:H7, a bacterial pathogen that has a reservoir in
million are SE-positive, exposing a large number of cattle and other similar animals (FSIS, 2009). E. coli
people to the risk of illness (Potter, 1999). Through O157:H7 produces large quantities of a potent toxin
proper handling in the home (i.e., refrigeration, that forms in the intestine and causes severe damage to
avoiding cross-contamination, and thorough cooking to the lining of the intestine (FSIS, 2009). Consumption of
kill pathogens that might exist in eggs and egg food contaminated with O157:H7 can cause a severe
products), foodborne illness from eggs can be reduced. and bloody diarrhea and painful abdominal cramps and,
Adequate refrigeration prevents any Salmonella present in 3 percent to 5 percent of cases, a complication called
in eggs from growing to high numbers (CDC, 2005). hemolytic uremic syndrome that can result in the
Although cooking reduces the number of bacteria development of temporary anemia, profuse bleeding,
present in an egg, an egg with a runny yolk still poses a and kidney failure (FSIS, 2009). E. coli O157:H7
greater risk than a completely cooked egg (CDC, 2005). bacteria survive refrigerator and freezer temperatures
Recommendations on in-home handling of eggs from and once they get in food, they can multiply very slowly
the Federal government range from how to safely at temperatures as low as 44°F (FSIS, 2009). The actual
transport, handle, store, and sufficiently cook simple infectious dose is unknown, but most scientists believe
egg dishes to how to improve the safety of egg recipes it takes only a small number of this strain of E. coli to
involving food mixtures that include raw egg cause serious illness and even death, especially in
ingredients (such as homemade ice cream, eggnog, children (FSIS, 2009). The bacteria are killed by
meringue shells, divinity candy, 7-minute frosting, adequate and proper cooking.
meringue-topped pies, Hollandaise sauce, Caesar salad
dressing, and other desserts) (HHS, 2010). Because consumers cannot see or smell pathogenic
bacteria that may be in ground beef, it is impossible for
Raw or Undercooked Ground Beef and Public consumers to know if meat obtained from a food store is
Health Risks contaminated with such bacteria. Therefore, it is very
Raw and undercooked meats, such as hamburger meat, important that consumers understand how to properly
are potential sources of pathogenic bacteria that can handle, transport, store, and prepare any raw meat that
result in foodborne illness which can have serious will be used in the home. The Federal government has
health consequences, including death. Since the 1980s, issued recommendations on how to reduce risks of
outbreaks of illness in the U.S. have been reported as a contracting foodborne illness from ground meat,
result of consuming undercooked hamburgers from including guidance on not eating any raw or
some fast food restaurants, in communities, and undercooked ground beef, not tasting raw or
different facilities (Doyle, 1991; CDC, 1993). Over that undercooked ground beef during food preparation,
period, manufacturers have conducted a series of avoiding cross-contamination from raw meat to ready-
national recalls by manufacturers of ground beef to-eat foods when transporting meat from the store and
contaminated with harmful bacteria. Ground beef and in the home, cooking food containing ground beef to
hamburger meat can become contaminated with ensure that any pathogenic bacteria are killed, proper
pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella, Escherichia storage in the refrigerator or freezer, and the importance
coli O157:H7, Campylobacter jejuni, Listeria of hand washing after handling raw ground beef
monocytogenes, and Staphylococcus aureus, at different (USDA, 1996).
points from the farm to the table (FSIS, 2009). Efforts
have been made by the food industry and Federal Raw Milk and Milk Products and Public Health
government to reduce contamination of ground beef Risks
from beef production through consumption, but Milk and milk products from cows, sheep, or goats
outbreaks still occur. For example, although FSIS has contain a wide variety of important nutrients. However,
documented a decrease in Salmonella spp. in ground raw milk and raw milk products (such as cheese and
beef, from a baseline prevalence of 7.5 percent in 1996 yogurt made from raw milk) have not been pasteurized
to 1.6 percent of 30,984 regulatory samples collected in to kill harmful bacteria (FDA, 2009). These products
2004 (CDC, 2006; USDA, 1996, 2006), outbreaks of may contain harmful microorganisms that can cause
human Salmonella infections associated with ground serious foodborne illnesses, hospitalization or death.
beef continue to occur (CDC, 2006). Pasteurization is a process that kills harmful bacteria by
heating raw milk to a specific temperature for a set
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 379
period of time (FDA, 2009). These harmful bacteria, bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Molluscan shellfish
which include Brucella, Campylobacter, Listeria, (oysters, clams, and mussels) and raw fish and
Mycobacterium bovi, Salmonella, Shiga toxin- crustaceans can be contaminated with pathogenic
producing E. coli, Streptococcus pyogenes, and strains of the bacterium Vibrio (Butt, 2004; IOM,
Yersinia enterocolitica (CDC, 2009), can cause diseases 2007). Some oysters are treated for safety after they are
such as listeriosis, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, harvested but that information may or may not be
diphtheria, and brucellosis. Pasteurization of milk disclosed (FDA, 2009a). However, post-harvest
became widespread in the U.S. by 1950 and is treatment of oysters does not necessarily remove all
recommended for all milk consumed by humans by the pathogens that can cause illness (FDA, 2009a).
CDC, the FDA, and many other medical and scientific Therefore, oysters should not be eaten raw or
organizations (CDC, 2009). undercooked by people at risk of foodborne illness,
including pregnant women, young children, older
From 1993 to 2006, 69 outbreaks of human infections adults, and persons with compromised immune systems
resulting from consumption of raw milk were reported or who have decreased stomach acidity (FDA, 2009a).
to CDC and these outbreaks included a total of 1,505 Raw oysters contaminated with certain bacteria viruses
reported illnesses, 185 hospitalizations, and 2 deaths can be life threatening, even fatal when eaten by
(CDC, 2009). Symptoms of foodborne illness that could someone with liver disease, diabetes, or a weakened
develop after consuming raw milk include vomiting, immune system (FDA, 2009b).
diarrhea, and abdominal pain, and flulike symptoms
such as fever, headache, and body ache (FDA, 2009). Eating raw and undercooked oysters is an especially
Although most healthy people will recover from an risky practice because the Vibrio bacteria in the food is
illness caused by harmful bacteria in raw milk, or foods not visible and may not be picked up by an off smell or
containing raw milk, within a short period of time, some unusual taste. The seriousness of symptoms that could
can develop symptoms that are chronic, severe, or even develop after eating contaminated shellfish depends on
life-threatening (FDA, 2009). Pregnant women who many factors, including how much bacteria is ingested
consume raw milk or raw milk cheeses that may be and the person’s underlying health conditions (FDA,
contaminated with the bacteria Listeria run a serious 2009b). In addition to Vibrios, a variety of potentially
risk of developing listeriosis which can cause pathogenic bacteria (including Salmonella spp. and
miscarriage, fetal death, or the illness or death of a Listeria monocytogenes) have been associated with
newborn (FDA, 2009). Table D8.9 provides guidance seafood safety risks, although actual occurrence is very
for consumers for ensuring milk and milk product rare or not reported due to lack of severity of symptoms
choices are safe adapted from information available (IOM, 1991, 2007).
from the FDA.
Regarding viruses, contamination of water with human
As with any animal food product, it is important to fecal matter on or near oyster beds has resulted in
handle and store pasteurized milk and milk products shellfish-borne “Norwalk-like” viruses and hepatitis A
properly to prevent the growth of possibly harmful infections in consumers of raw oysters harvested from
bacteria that can multiply at room temperature. Thus, contaminated water (IOM, 2007; Kohn, 1995).
pasteurized milk and milk products should be stored in Regarding parasites, consumption of raw or
a refrigerator (preferably at the back of the refrigerator undercooked seafood products that have not been
where it is cooler) kept at 40°F (4°C) or below, previously frozen has been implicated in certain
refrigerated promptly if used, and not left out at room parasitic infections, but incidence of those infections is
temperature. Also, to reduce the possibility of more common in regions of the world where raw
contaminating milk with bacteria, unused milk poured consumption is more common (IOM, 2007). Parasites
out of its container should never be returned to its that have been found in consumable seafood and have
original container. Just because milk is pasteurized does infected human beings include nematodes, trematodes,
not mean that it is safe to leave it at room temperature cestodes, and protozoa (Butt, 2004).
for an extended time.
Adequate cooking of raw seafood is the safest method
Raw and Undercooked Seafood and Public of preventing infections from harmful microorganisms
Health Risks that may be found in oysters, clams, mussels, other
Raw and undercooked seafood can be a cause of shellfish, or finfish. According to the FDA, consumers
foodborne illnesses due to contamination by harmful who choose to eat raw seafood despite the risks, should
380 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
choose seafood that has been previously frozen (FDA, in a sample consisting predominantly of African-
2009a). However, although freezing will kill any American WIC participants. Pregnant women reported
parasites that may be present in certain seafood, practicing risky food handling and consumption
freezing does not kill all harmful microorganisms and behaviors that could put them at greater risk for
does not decrease the potency of some toxins that some acquiring listeriosis. For example, pregnant women
bacteria may produce. Therefore, proper cooking of reported eating hot dogs or deli meats without first
seafood to recommended temperatures is the best way reheating and reported eating soft cheeses and blue-
to reduce the risk of foodborne illness. veined cheeses. Using a cooking thermometer,
refrigerating foods within 2 hours, and thawing frozen
Recommendations on proper handling of raw seafood foods safely were the least frequently reported
from the Federal government range from how to safely recommended food safety behaviors. Primiparous
transport, handle, store, and sufficiently cook, and serve women had lower food safety scores than their
all types of fish, shellfish, and mollusks to ways to multiparous counterparts. Kwon et al. (2008) applied a
determine whether seafood is cooked to a sufficient food safety survey in 87 WIC offices in 31 states. The
temperature to kill harmful contaminants that may be in need for a meat thermometer to check doneness while
the food (FDA, 2009a). cooking ground beef patties was acknowledged by 23.7
percent of respondents, but only 7.7 percent reported
Additional guidelines have been issued for pregnant actually using it when cooking ground beef patties.
women, older adults, and people with weakened Hispanic women were the least likely to have ever used
immune systems to reduce their risk of contracting a meat thermometer (25.4%), followed by non-Hispanic
listeriosis from seafood. Those guidelines specify to Black women (36.2%) and non-Hispanic White women
avoid refrigerated types of smoked seafood except in a (46.1%). More than 40 percent of respondents did not
cooked recipe. The types to be avoided include use adequate methods to thaw frozen foods, with the
refrigerated smoked salmon, trout, whitefish, cod, tuna, likelihood of this happening being much higher among
and mackerel. They are usually labeled as “nova-style,” Hispanic and non-Hispanic Black individuals than
“lox,” “kippered,” “smoked,” or “jerky” fish and can be among their White counterparts. The overall food safety
found in the refrigerated section of grocery stores and knowledge score was significantly higher among those
delicatessens (FDA, 2009a). with higher levels of education, and White (vs.
Hispanic) women. However, the food safety behavior
score was not significantly different when comparing
Question 7: To What Extent Do Specific White women with their Hispanic counterparts. Black
Subpopulations Practice Unsafe Food women had the lowest food safety behavior score.
Safety Behaviors?
College Students
Four studies agree that U.S. college students do not
engage in many recommended safe food-handling
practices (Abbot, 2009; Byrd-Bredbenner, 2007, 2008;
Moderate available evidence, which focused on
Yarrow, 2009). Participants in the study by Abbot et al.
pregnant women, college students, and older adults,
(2009) self-reported engaging in less than half of the
shows that these populations commonly practice unsafe
recommended safe food-handling practices evaluated
food handling and consumption behaviors.
(i.e., cross-contamination, hygiene, cooking
temperatures, food storage, risky food consumption).
Review of the Evidence
This was confirmed through direct observation of their
food preparation behaviors in a laboratory kitchen. For
This conclusion is derived from nine studies, including
example, only half of them practiced adequate hand and
eight cross-sectional studies (Abbot, 2009; Almanza,
kitchen sanitation; one-third did not follow adequate
2007; Byrd-Bredbenner, 2007, 2008; Kosa, 2007;
procedures to prevent cross-contamination between raw
Kwon, 2008; Roseman, 2007; Trepka, 2007) and one
chicken and ready-to-eat produce; and more than 70
non-randomized trial (Yarrow, 2009).
percent did not follow recommended procedures for
safe chicken cooking. Byrd-Bredbenner et al. (2007),
Pregnant Women
audited the home kitchens of the same college students
As reported previously as evidence on the consumption
studied by Abbot et al. (2009), and found that their
of “risky foods,” Trepka et al. (2007) conducted a study
scores were lower than 60 percent on the kitchen
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 381
appliance cleanliness (i.e., microwave oven, can opener, to have refrigerator thermometers or have their
dishwasher) and cold food storage scales, and that only refrigerators at a recommended temperature (p< 0.05).
7 percent of kitchens had a food thermometer. Mean
refrigerator temperature was 6.1°C (range: 0-16°C) Related Contextual Issues
which is higher than recommended (i.e., 4.4°C/40°F or
below). Byrd-Bredbenner et al. (2008) found in an Listeriosis
online survey among college students across the U.S. Listeriosis is an infection caused by Listeria
that they reported consuming some “risky foods” monocytogenes, a pathogen that can grow at low
including homemade cookie dough containing raw eggs temperatures. It is estimated that 2,500 cases of
(53%); fried eggs with runny or soft yolks (33%); sushi listeriosis occur annually in the U.S. and that 500
(29%); raw sprouts (29%), raw oysters, clams, or people die of this disease each year. Individuals with
mussels (11%); and hamburgers cooked rare (7%). compromised immune systems, including pregnant
Male students ate significantly more “risky foods” than women and their unborn child, as well as older adults
women (p<0.0001). While consumption of are at higher risk of listeriosis. Cates et al. (2006)
raw/undercooked animal source foods may be culturally conducted a nationwide representative web-based
or socially acceptable and/or desirable, consumers survey of food safety knowledge and practices among
should be aware of the health risks associated with the U.S. adults (response rate=71%). Awareness was much
consumption of these foods. Yarrow et al. (2009) found lower for Listeria (43.8%) than for E. coli (94.2%) and
that non-health majors whose food safety beliefs and Salmonella (93.9%). Slightly more than two-thirds of
knowledge improved after exposure to a food safety respondents indicated that they did not know which
educational intervention, showed no improvements in foods could transmit Listeria and less than 5 percent
the practice of risky behaviors, including not using correctly identified likely sources. Indeed, only 3.2
thermometers and eating “risky foods,” as a result. percent identified deli meats and frankfurters as
potential Listeria vehicles. The great majority followed
Older Adults recommended guidelines for frankfurter’s cold storage
Three studies (Almanza, 2007; Kosa, 2007; Roseman, time and temperature. However, they were less likely to
2007) agree that older adults report partaking in risky do the same with deli meats. Listeria awareness was
food-handling behaviors. A study of Elderly Nutrition lower among those with lower socio-economic status
Program clients (Roseman, 2007) found that 22 percent but improper frankfurter cold storage was significantly
reported not throwing away casseroles or other food more common among those with higher levels of
dishes that had been left on the counter for 2 or more education. Men were significantly more likely than
hours (41% of men vs. 18% of women, p=0.004). Fifty women to store frankfurters and deli meats outside the
percent of the oldest group (> 91 years) and 36 percent recommended storage guidelines. Likewise, those ages
of the ages 60 to 70 years group, kept all or part of their 18 to 29 years and 60 years and older were more likely
unconsumed meal on the counter instead of the to mishandle deli meats compared with their
refrigerator, and 16 percent were somewhat or not likely counterparts in the intermediate age groups.
to wash hands before eating their meals. Whereas 93
percent of White respondents indicated that they would
throw away a meal that was left on counter overnight, FOOD SAFETY TECHNOLOGIES
this was true for only 77 percent of their non-White
counterparts. The risk of practicing this behavior was
Question 8: To What Extent Are Recently
also lower among the less educated and those in
younger age brackets. Almanza et al. (2007) report from
Developed Technological Materials That
a multi-state study that of the 35 percent of seniors who Are Designed to Improve Food Safety
kept leftovers from a home-delivered meal program, Effective in Reducing Exposure to
only 15 percent ate the non-refrigerated leftovers within Pathogens and Decreasing the Risk of
2 hours. Also, 38 percent of participants who were Foodborne Illnesses in the Home?
delivered hot food and did not consume it right away
left it on a counter or table. Kosa et al. (2007) found Conclusion
that only 16 percent of older adults participating in a
nationally representative web-based survey had a A limited body of inconsistent evidence describes and
refrigerator thermometer at home. Older adults who evaluates contributions to or advances of food safety
were not married and who lived alone were less likely modalities or practices in the home. These small studies
382 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
indicate the correct usage of these kinds of products is calibrated controls over a broad range of acceptance
critical for assessing proper cooking temperature and standards (0% to 92% acceptance). The results suggest
ensuring adequate reduction of microbial burden on that using these thermometers could either undercook or
food contact surfaces. Not all thermometers tested, overcook these foods, thereby compromising food
wipes assessed, and sanitizers evaluated were accurate safety and food quality, and that these thermometers
or effective in providing correct cook temperatures or required more than the recommended time to register
assuring consistent safety against typical foodborne products as cooked (Liu, 2009a, 2009b).
LeBlanc et al. (2005) assessed the attributes of six
Implications models of analog fork thermometers and six types of
digital instant read-probe thermometers. These products
New and emerging technologies over the past 5 years were evaluated while cooking pre-formed beef patties
can assist consumers in preserving and protecting foods and roasts. When applied to these foods, fork
while encouraging safe food handling practices in the thermometers and digital read thermometers
home; however, appropriate techniques for using underestimated the temperature of the cooked foods by
products is essential in the efficacy of decreasing the 1°C to 11°C (1.8-19.8°F). However, when the
risk for foodborne illness. The evidence supporting thermometers were correctly used according to
emerging food safety technologies in the home is manufacturers’ instructions, such as proper placement
limited, despite the emergence of commercial tools and in the food for a specified time (at least 30 seconds), the
appliances intended to improve safe food handling and analog and digital thermometers provided reliable
management practices in the home. Consumers should information on cook temperatures.
adhere to food safety fundamentals in the home, which
will remain foundational, even with future introductions In a similar study, McCurdy et al. (2004) evaluated 21
of food safety technologies. models of instant-read pocket food thermometers (8 dial
models and 13 digital models) available from local
Review of the Evidence grocery, department, and hardware stores, by
catalog/internet order, or free from the Idaho Beef
This conclusion is based on eight studies, including five Commission. Accuracy and response time were
randomized block trials (LeBlanc, 2005; Liu, 2009a, assessed using standardized protocols. Importantly, the
2009b; McCurdy, 2004; McKee, 2005); two non- accuracy of dial and digital thermometers was good
randomized trials (DeVere, 2007; Yucel Sengun, 2005); (within 2°F) for 98 percent of those tested. On the other
and one case-control study (Kounosu, 2007). These hand, response time in small meat items was quite
studies evaluated the accuracy and reliability of several variable (10-31 seconds).
types of home thermometers and the effectiveness of
antibacterial products, including wipes, food contact Antibacterial Products for Cleaning Food
surfaces, and sanitizers. Contact Surfaces
A single nonrandomized study (DeVere, 2007)
Thermometers investigated the effectiveness of domestic antibacterial
Four randomized block design studies evaluated the wipes and sprays in decontaminating food contact
accuracy and reliability of several types of cooking surfaces. Four commercially available antibacterial
thermometers available to the general consumer products were evaluated under controlled laboratory
(LeBlanc, 2005; Liu, 2009a, 2009b; McCurdy, 2004). conditions. Using E. coli and S. aureus as Gram
negative and Gram positive indicators of food contact
In two randomized, block designed studies by Liu et al. surface contaminants, the antibacterial wipes were
(2009a, 2009b), the accuracy and reliability of applied and used as stipulated by the manufacturers.
commercially available instant-read consumer Food contact surfaces included plastic, glass, wood and
thermometers (forks, remotes, digital probes, and antimicrobial treated materials. Microbial survival was
disposable color change indicators) were assessed in the indicator of antimicrobial effectiveness. This small
several grades of beef patties and cuts of chicken. Three study indicated that the effectiveness of these products
models of each thermometer were evaluated under three was dependent upon the type of surface (lower
different cooking methods. These studies indicated that microbial reduction with plastic surfaces) and type of
all models of thermometers tested were poor indicators antimicrobial product (wipes were least effective)
of accurate temperatures in that they did not match the (DeVere, 2007). The active ingredients in wipes were
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 383
butoxypropanol and ethanol or Microban® (a broad- viruses commonly found in the home kitchen (Kounosu,
spectrum antimicrobial containing triclosan). The sprays 2007).
contained isopropanol and surfactants or Microban® as
antimicrobial agents. The effectiveness of the wipes was A single case-control study (Kounosu, 2007) evaluated
dependent upon the applier who controlled the amount the antibacterial properties of cutting boards treated
of surface and degree of pressure applied (DeVere, with antimicrobial materials. This small (n=10
2007). households) study, using E. coli and S. aureus as Gram
negative and Gram positive indicators of antimicrobial
Unless food contact surfaces, such as counter tops, effectiveness, also monitored other environmental
cutting boards, and refrigerator shelves, are cleaned and microbes common in kitchens and food preparation
sanitized on a regular basis, the risk of microbial areas. The effectiveness of cutting boards in reducing
contamination and subsequent foodborne illnesses the microbial burden depended upon the antibacterial
increases. In addition to following recommended rating of the cutting boards (Kounosu, 2007). Another
cleaning practices that include washing in hot water indicator for home food safety indicated that the use of
(sanitizing temperature ≥155°F) with appropriate these antimicrobial cutting boards tended to reduce the
detergents, consumers can use numerous antimicrobial concentration of common organisms, such as
products in the form of sprays, wipes, and sponges. Pseudomonas, Flavobacerium, Micrococcus, and
These products are intended to reduce the presence of Bacillus better than untreated cutting boards (Kounosu,
and contamination with food pathogens (DeVere, 2007).
2007). The effectiveness of these products varies with
the kind and concentration of bacteria, the type of Consumable Sanitizers for Foods
surface (e.g., glass, plastic, stone, wood), and the One small randomized block designed study (McKee,
apparent active ingredient. The most common active 2005) and one non-randomized trial (Yucel Sengun,
ingredients are quaternary ammonium compounds, such 2005) evaluated the effectiveness of consumable
as the sanitizing agents used in commercial sanitizers intended to decontaminate foods. McKee et
environments and hospital settings. One important al. (2005) evaluated household juices, baking soda,
aspect for the effective application of products is sodium chloride (table salt solution), wine, soy sauce
residence time, namely the time the surface is exposed (low pH, high sodium), and vinegar (lower pH) on
to the sanitizing agent. Thus, many manufacturers of several cuts of raw chicken. The microbial load of
these kinds of products recommend their application cranberry juice and vinegar-rinsed chicken cuts was
after cleaning the contact surface, and allowing the typically lower than the other solutions except for 10
surface to air dry without any rinsing. This air dry percent sodium chloride and 10 percent sodium
approach is critical to ensure adequate surface cleaning. bicarbonate solutions (McKee, 2005). However, all of
Consumers also must remember that another key the tested in-home products that lowered the pH,
concern is potential contamination if the rinse water or particularly white vinegar and salt solution (10% brine),
solution and applicator, if used, are not clean. For produced a lower microbial burden (McKee, 2005).
simplicity and to reduce costs, according to the CDC
(2008), it may be easiest for most consumers to use In a laboratory study, Yucel Sengun and Karapinar
approximately 3 tablespoons of ordinary, unscented (2005) noted that a solution of equal volumes of
bleach per 1 gallon of clean water. This solution may be vinegar (source of acetic acid) and lemon juice (source
easily applied as a spray, wipe or dip. The contact of citric acid) can be effective in reducing potential
surfaces should not be dried or rinsed for at least 10 Salmonella burden on lettuce surfaces following a 15-
minutes. This is an excellent approach of minute no-rinse period. Chicken meat marinades often
decontamination for most microbes and food surfaces, consist of this kind of mixture which, in turn, may
as well as other common contact points found in the reduce the risk of other kinds of microbial
home kitchen. contaminants, such as Campylobacter jejuni (Birk,
2010). However, the impact of organic acids on food
Antibacterial Cutting Boards safety is generally considered not as effective or
Antimicrobial cutting boards, often color-coded to efficient as commercial agents.
minimize cross-contamination, are readily available.
The antimicrobial property of these cutting boards is Many foods, such as olives and some poultry and fish,
based on the natural characteristics of silver-ions to are traditionally “preserved” in brines. Brining or
fight off an array of bacteria, fungi, mold and some salting is one of the oldest forms of food preservation
384 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
for reducing food spoilage, and some U.S. food need to avoid are well justified by the scientific
regulations that set food standards require this approach evidence. Regarding women who may become or who
in the production of commercial foods to ensure food are pregnant, nursing mothers, and young children,
safety (Title 21, U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, there is emerging evidence that consumption beyond 12
Parts 130-169; Title 9, U.S. Code of Federal ounces per week may be safe. However,
Regulations, Parts 319 and 381). additional benefit/risk modeling is needed taking into
account the simultaneous presence of multiple
contaminants in a shifting seafood supply. State and
SEAFOOD local agencies should continue to reach out to
vulnerable groups and the population at large with
advisories about the presence of diverse environmental
Question 9: What Are the Benefits in contaminants in different water bodies. This is
Relationship to the Risks for Seafood particularly relevant for seafood caught by consumers.
Consumption? The public also needs to be advised that eating a variety
of seafood, as opposed to just a few choices, is likely to
Conclusion reduce their exposure to ‘single source’ contaminants.
Clear, consistent evidence indicates that consumers will
Moderate, consistent evidence shows that health need access to publicly available user-friendly
benefits derived from the consumption of a variety of benefit/risk information to make informed seafood
cooked seafood in the U.S. in amounts recommended choices that maximize their health taking into account
by the Committee outweigh the risks associated with their seafood preferences.
methyl mercury (MeHg) and persistent organic
pollutants (POPs) exposure, even among women who Review of the Evidence
may become or who are pregnant, nursing mothers, and
children ages 12 and younger. Overall, consumers can Background
safely eat at least 12 ounces of a variety of cooked Mercury in water is derived from human activities
seafood per week provided they pay attention to local involving the combustion of fossil carbon fuels and
seafood advisories and limit their intake of large, from natural sources, including volcanic emissions.
predatory fish. Women who may become or who are MeHg is formed through the normal biological
pregnant, nursing mothers, and children ages 12 and processing of mercury by aquatic microorganisms, and
younger can safely consume a variety of cooked seafood it bioaccumulates up the trophic food chain in the
in amounts recommended by this Committee while muscle tissue of aquatic animals (IOM, 2007). As a
following Federal and local advisories. result, large, predatory fish such as shark, swordfish,
tilefish, and king mackerel have the highest MeHg
Implications concentrations.

Seafood is a healthy food choice that can be safely On the one hand, seafood consumption has been
promoted provided that the types and sources of seafood associated with health risks for infants, children, and
to be limited or avoided by some consumers are clearly adults. MeHg exposure has been found to impair the
communicated to consumers. Consumers may be able to neurological development of the fetus and young child
eat safely more than 12 ounces per week of seafood if (IOM, 2007). In addition, it has been proposed that
they chose to do so provided they choose the right mix MeHg is a risk factor for CVD perhaps as a result of
of seafood that emphasizes the consumption of seafood pro-oxidant mechanisms involving the activation of free
species with relatively low concentrations of radical formation and the inhibition of cellular
contaminants such as MeHg and POPs. Encouraging antioxidant systems (Guallar, 2002). However, the
consumption of seafood in the U.S. is justified, as evidence for this risk is inconsistent (IOM, 2007; Stern,
consumption continues to be far below amounts 2007) with a recent meta-analysis of five prospective
recommended for health by the IOM and by this studies and one retrospective study suggesting no
Committee (see Part D. Section 3: Fatty Acids and overall significant association between coronary heart
Cholesterol). disease (CHD) risk and high MeHg exposure (i.e., top
quartile) in European and U.S. populations
Current Federal advisories on consumption of seafood (Mozaffarian, 2009). However, a Finnish prospective
species with high MeHg levels that vulnerable groups study (Rissanen, 2000) did identify an interaction
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 385
between serum n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) Rawn, 2006; Verger, 2008) which also included a
and hair MeHg on CHD risk. Consuming seafood was risk/benefit analysis; one meta-analysis (Gochfeld,
protective against CHD for those with higher (upper 2005); and one systematic review (Mozaffarian, 2006).
tertile) and lower (two lower tertiles) MeHg exposures, A report from the IOM, Seafood Choices (2007), was
but the benefit was greater for those in the lower MeHg used as evidence before 2006 to develop the conclusion.
exposure group.
Since the publication of the 2005 DGAC Report, five
On the other hand, seafood consumption also offers quantitative (Ginsberg, 2009; Guevel, 2008; Gochfeld,
CVD and neurological development benefits associated 2005; Sioen, 2008; Verger, 2008) and two qualitative
with EPA and DHA consumption (see Part B. Section (IOM, 2007; Mozaffarian, 2006) risk/benefit
2. The Total Diet: Combining Nutrients, Consuming assessments have been published. These studies
Food; Part D. Section 2. Nutrient Adequacy; and Part targeted the U.S. (Ginsberg, 2009; Gochfeld, 2005;
D. Section 3: Fatty Acids and Cholesterol). In March Mozaffarian, 2006), French (Guevel, 2008; Verger,
2004, the EPA and the FDA issued a seafood advisory 2008), and Belgian (Sioen, 2008) populations. The two
based on seafood benefit/risk considerations, entitled, U.S. quantitative benefit/risk analyses modeled
What You Need to Know about Mercury in Fish and neurodevelopmental and CVD benefits and risks
Shellfish (EPA/FDA, 2004). It specifically targeted associated with DHA and MeHg in seafood (mostly
pregnant and nursing women, young children, and non- fish), respectively (Ginsberg, 2009; Gochfeld, 2005).
pregnant women of childbearing age because of their The French study based on the Quality-Adjusted Life
potential vulnerability to the effects of MeHg. The Year (QALY) approach modeled neurodevelopmental
advisory recommended that, in order for women to benefits and risks associated with DHA and MeHg but
receive the benefits of eating seafood and be confident did not include the function describing the potential
that they have reduced their exposure to the harmful harm of MeHg on cardiovascular health (Guevel, 2008).
effects of mercury, they could safely consume up to 12 The Belgian study examined different levels of seafood
ounces (2 average meals) per week of a variety of intake in relationship to the tolerable weekly intake
cooked seafood, but to not exceed white (albacore) tuna levels of MeHg and dioxin-like compounds (Sioen,
consumption beyond 6 ounces per week. The same 2008). The other French study examined seafood intake
advice was given for young children except that they thresholds based on omega-3 PUFA recommendation
would be fed smaller portions. These target groups were and the upper tolerable intake limits for dioxins and
advised to avoid consuming species high in MeHg, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), a type of POP
including shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish. (Verger, 2008). The two qualitative analyses addressed
This Federal advisory, which is still in effect, also benefit and risks on neurodevelopment and
recognized the importance of state seafood advisories cardiovascular health attributed to DHA and MeHg. In
for informing consumers about the safety of consuming addition, Mozaffarian and Rimm (2006) estimate the
locally caught and harvested seafood. These benefit/risk ratios based on omega-3 PUFA benefits and
recommendations are consistent with those issued by POPs exposure risks.
other national scientific groups (IOM, 2007) and other
countries, including Canada (Health Canada, 2009). A comprehensive assessment of the evidence by the
DGAC indicates that neurodevelopmental and/or
The 2005 DGAC Report concluded that it is possible cardiovascular benefits of seafood consumption
for vulnerable groups to obtain the benefits of seafood outweigh the MeHg risks associated with the same
consumption without exceeding tolerable levels of outcomes provided that consumers stay within amounts
MeHg intakes. Re-addressing this question is relevant recommended for safety, according to the MeHg and
because new evidence has become available and POPs content of the mix of seafood species being
consumers are still receiving conflicting seafood consumed. Furthermore, the benefit threshold for
consumption messages, some of which are inconsistent neurodevelopmental and CVD outcomes appears to be
with Federal advice (Ginsberg, 2009). at seafood intakes below the harm threshold associated
with MeHg consumption (Gochfeld, 2005).
Review of the Evidence
This conclusion is derived from nine studies, including With regard to the risk of POPs exposure, evidence
three quantitative risk/benefit assessment studies suggests that POPs levels at current and recommended
(Ginsberg, 2009; Guevel, 2008; Sioen, 2008); four (EPA/FDA, 2004) levels of seafood consumption in
cross-sectional studies (Dewailly, 2007; Huang, 2006; North America from commercially caught or farmed
386 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
seafood are safe (Dewailly, 2007; Mozaffarian, 2006; mercury-selenium ratio in seafood may, in part, explain
Rawn, 2006; Santerre, 2004; Tittlemier, 2004). some of the health benefits and adverse effects of some
However, concerns continue to be raised about the species of seafood consumed as observed in several
higher levels of POPs found in farmed versus wild prospective studies, such as those in the Seychelles
seafood, including salmon (Huang, 2006). Regarding Islands versus Northern Europe (Kaneko, 2007; Myers,
this concern, Mozaffarian and Rimm (2006) 2009; Rice, 2008). However, a recent study of flatfish
documented strong benefit/risk ratios (range: 100 to harvested from the New Jersey coast did not indicate a
1000-fold) associated with the consumption of wild or strong correlation of mercury-selenium ratio, regardless
farmed salmon taking into account cardiovascular of season or geographic location (Burger, 2009). Thus,
benefits associated with DHA consumption and although the review of several recent studies on the
excessive cancer rates attributed to potential exposure to potential benefit-risk relationship of seafood
POPs. Consistent with this finding, Verger et al. (2008) consumption and selenium show an interesting possible
found that recommended intakes of omega-3 PUFA can protective effect of selenium, the data are insufficient to
be met and even exceeded through eating seafood affect the immediate and consistent public health
without going beyond POP’s upper tolerable intake recommendation regarding the consumption of seafood
limits. previously reported in this chapter.

In summary, benefit/risk modeling studies indicate that Implications of Aquacultural Practices for a
if appropriate seafood choices are made, namely Safe, Nutritious Food Supply
emphasizing consumption of seafood low in MeHg and The recommendations of the Committee related to
POPs, consumers may be able to eat 12 ounces or more seafood consumption led to discussions of the role of
of a variety of seafood per week safely, although aquaculture in providing a safe and nutritious food
additional CVD benefits may not be obtained beyond supply. Aquaculture refers to the breeding, rearing, and
12 ounces (Mozaffarian, 2006). Indeed, this is the only harvesting of plants and animals in all types of water
quantitative study that conducted benefit/risk environments, including ponds, rivers, lakes, and the
assessments by seafood species consumed in the U.S. ocean (National Oceanic and Atmospheric
(based on MeHg risk only). Ginsberg and Toal (2009) Administration [NOAA], 2010). Similar to agriculture,
concluded that individuals can consume safely one 6- aquaculture can take place in the natural environment or
ounce meal per day for seven out of the 16 seafood in a manmade environment. Using aquaculture
species modeled taking into account infant techniques and technologies, researchers and the
neurodevelopment, and for nine of these species when aquaculture industry are “growing,” “producing,”
modeling cardiovascular health. “culturing,” and “farming” all types of marine and
freshwater species. About 20 percent of U.S.
Related Contextual Issues aquaculture production is marine species; the rest is
freshwater species. Aquaculture techniques also can be
Implications of Dietary Selenium and the applied to some plants, including vegetables (Cahu,
Potential Health Risks of Methyl Mercury 2004). Aquaculture is the most rapidly growing form of
Exposure From Seafood food production on a global basis. Globally, nearly 50
In reviewing the literature on the benefits and risks percent of the fish consumed comes from aquaculture
related to seafood consumption, the Committee was farms (Naylor, 2009; FAO, 2010). In response to the
interested in the role selenium may play in mitigating rapid growth of and need for aquaculture, the
harmful effects of MeHg and POPs. However, no Committee has included research recommendations on
studies were identified that met the inclusion criteria for this topic.
this question for the topic of selenium. Therefore, a
summation of current evidence is provided here for
context. Chapter Summary

Several investigators have hypothesized that dietary Consumers need to take more responsibility regarding
selenium from seafood may play a possible role in food safety. In doing so, along with sound government
protecting against environmental exposure to MeHg and policies and responsible food industry practices,
PCBs (Berry, 2008; Kaneko, 2007; Ralston, 2008; consumers can help prevent foodborne illness.
Ravoori, 2009). On the other hand, high exposure levels Consumers should better understand their role in
to MeHg can inhibit vital functions of selenium. The
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 387
ensuring that the foods they prepare at home or order at Rationale: Studies have consistently documented
food service outlets are handled safely and contain the need to develop cost–effective consumer food
ingredients known to them. Americans could benefit safety behavior change interventions. This research
from improved food safety education on hand needs to take into account the socio-ecological
sanitation, use of food/appliance thermometers, framework that acknowledges the constant
prevention of cross-contamination, and consumption of interaction between environmental forces and
certain risky foods in the home (e.g., cookie dough individuals’ choices on health behaviors (Levy,
containing raw eggs), as well as outside the home (e.g., 2008; Story, 2008). Whenever possible, these
raw fish and shellfish). Even with current and future studies should include objective microbiological
introductions of food safety technologies, food safety food safety indicators to assess the effectiveness of
fundamentals in the home remain foundational. Seafood the interventions.
is a healthy food choice that can be safely promoted
provided that the types and sources of seafood to be 3. Understand whether and how home kitchen
avoided are clearly communicated to consumers. microbial cross-contamination during food
Consumption of at least 12 ounces per week of seafood preparation translates into actual risk for foodborne
can be safe for the general population provided illness.
consumers choose the right mix of seafood,
emphasizing species low in contaminants (e.g., MeHg Rationale: There is indisputable laboratory
and POPs). The Committee supports the evidence demonstrating that potentially harmful
recommendations of the 2004 FDA/EPA seafood bacteria (mostly Campylobacter) present in raw
advisory that states women who may become or who are poultry can be transferred to ready-to-eat foods
pregnant, nursing mothers, and young children can through cross-contamination in the home kitchen.
safely eat up to 12 ounces of seafood, should limit white Cross-contamination risk studies have heavily
(albacore) tuna to 6 ounces per week, and should not eat concentrated on the transmission of Campylobacter
large, predatory fish. Among these vulnerable groups, through poultry, and the great majority have been
there is emerging evidence that consumption beyond 12 conducted in Europe, leaving a knowledge gap for
ounces per week may be safe; however, the U.S. Studies are also needed in the U.S. that
additional benefit/risk modeling is needed taking into concentrate on pathogens and food vehicles other
account the simultaneous presence of multiple than Campylobacter and poultry.
contaminants in a shifting seafood supply. Consumers
need improved access to publicly available user-friendly 4. Improve monitoring and surveillance to better
benefit/risk information to make informed seafood understand the epidemiology of home-based
choices. foodborne illness outbreaks.

Rationale: The proportion of foodborne outbreaks

Research Recommendations that can be attributed to improper food safety
practices in the home kitchen remains largely
Food Safety in the Home undetermined. Translating unsafe food safety
behaviors into actual food safety risk will require
1. Improve the validity of self-reported food safety prospective studies that collect microbial as well as
behaviors. associated morbidity data, in addition to observed
food safety behaviors.
Rationale: The great majority of the published
descriptive epidemiology on U.S. food safety Technologies Related to Food Safety
consumer behaviors is based on self-report. Food
safety self-reported behaviors are subject to “social 5. Validate and apply food safety sensors for home
desirability” biases. This is particularly evident appliances and cooking utensils.
among hygiene/cleaning behaviors.
Rationale: The development of sensors that
2. Understand how to improve consumers’ food safety monitor commercial food processing standards has
knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy, internal locus of improved the quality assurance and safety of those
control and ultimately behaviors. food products. Applications of this technology

388 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

should be incorporated into and validated in home and formative evaluation in benefit/risk
refrigerators, stoves, ovens, and cooking utensils. communications targeting diverse audiences. Since
then, researchers have developed user-friendly
6. Develop, test, and apply environmentally friendly computer-based educational systems (Domingo,
food safety packaging technologies to improve 2007a; Santerre, 2009). However, much more
nutritional quality and safety of foods. research is needed in this area to effectively reach
out to the socioeconomically and culturally diverse
Rationale: Future packaging materials and in- U.S. population with the tools needed to maximize
home containers, in addition to being biodegradable the health benefit of their individual seafood
and environmentally friendly, will function beyond choices (Ginsberg, 2009; Verger, 2008).
protecting the product from contamination and
maintaining physical properties to nutritional 9. Further refine seafood intake recommendations for
qualities of foods. Some common food ingredients, U.S. consumers (IOM 2007).
such as several kinds of dietary fiber and food
flavors, when incorporated into food packing Rationale: Improving seafood intake
materials, can inhibit the growth of potential recommendations will require a better
pathogens. In addition, some foods, like meats, understanding of benefit(s) and risk(s) response
poultry, and seafood, may be packaged in an functions that take into account the simultaneous
environment with different kinds of gases, such as presence of multiple beneficial and detrimental
nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Applications of these bioactive substances in a variety of seafood
gases at the levels necessary to inhibit microbial (Domingo, 2007b; Ginsberg, 2009; Gochfeld,
growth in the food supply are considered safe by 2005; Mozaffarian, 2006; Sioen, 2008; Verger,
the FDA. (Title 21, U.S. Code of Federal 2008). Similar information also will be needed for
Regulations, Part 184). These kinds of other key protein sources (e.g., dairy, meat, plant-
environments, in conjunction with good sanitation based), as consumption changes in one protein
practices, can effectively reduce the risk of source lead to concomitant changes in consumption
microbial growth and subsequent contamination, of other protein sources.
and extend the quality and shelf life of frozen and
refrigerated food products. 10. Improve and optimize current seafood contaminants
surveillance and monitoring.
7. Further develop and promote contemporary
educational resources for encouraging food safety Rationale: Monitoring of POPs and other
behaviors in the home. contaminants should be a priority, especially because
of the increasing reliance in aquaculture and the
Rationale: The USDA has numerous food safety multiple origins of seafood being consumed in the
education sources in contemporary electronic game U.S. In particular, systems should become more
formats. It is expected that the further development proactive and less reactive in nature (IOM, 2006).
and acceptance of these kinds of educational
sources linked to in-home food safety practices and
monitoring of in-home environments will reduce References
the risk of food-related illnesses in the home.
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396 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Part D. Section 8: Food Safety—Tables

Table D8.1. Original and final research questions for food safety techniques and consumer behaviors in the home

Original Questions Final Questions

To what extent do consumers follow proper Question 4. SEPARATE: What techniques for
techniques/behaviors and procedures for food storage preventing cross-contamination are associated with
and food preparation and handling? favorable food safety outcomes?
Question 5. COOK AND CHILL: To what extent do
U.S. consumers follow adequate temperature control
during food preparation and storage at home?
What in-home techniques for food storage and food See Questions 4 and 5.
preparation and handling are associated with
favorable food safety outcomes, such as reduced
pathogen loads and subsequent risk of home-based
foodborne illnesses?
To what extent do consumers follow proper Question 1. CLEAN: What techniques for hand
techniques/behaviors and procedures for hand sanitation are associated with favorable food safety
washing? outcomes and to what extent do U.S. consumers follow
What in-home techniques for hand washing are See Question 1.
associated with favorable food safety outcomes, such
as reduced pathogen loads and subsequent risk of
home-based foodborne illnesses?
To what extent do consumers follow proper Question 3. CLEAN: To what extent do U.S.
techniques/behaviors and procedures for consumers clean their refrigerators?
washing/cleaning utensils, equipment, and surfaces See Question 4.
used in food preparation, serving, cooking, and
What in-home techniques, for washing/cleaning See Questions 3 and 4.
utensils, equipment, and surfaces used in food
preparation, serving, cooking, eating, are associated
with favorable food safety outcomes, such as reduced
pathogen loads and subsequent risk of home-based
foodborne illnesses?
To what extent do consumers follow proper Question 2. CLEAN: What techniques for washing
techniques/behaviors and procedures for fresh produce are associated with favorable food safety
washing/cleaning foods (such as fruits, vegetables, outcomes and to what extent do U.S. consumers follow
meat, poultry, seafood, eggs) at home? Which food them?
washing/cleaning technique(s) are most commonly See Question 4.
used by consumers?
What in-home techniques for washing/cleaning foods See Questions 2 and 4.
such as fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, seafood,
eggs are associated with favorable food safety
outcomes, such as reduced pathogen loads (and
reduced chemical contaminant load related to fruits
and vegetables) and subsequent risk of home-based
foodborne illnesses?

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 397

Table D8.1 (continued). Original and final research questions for food safety techniques and consumer behaviors in
the home

Original Questions Final Questions

To what extent do consumers follow proper Question 6. AVOID RISKY FOODS: To what extent
techniques/behaviors and procedures for consumption do U.S. consumers eat raw or undercooked animal
of undercooked or raw foods? foods?
Question 7. To what extent do specific subpopulations
practice unsafe food safety behaviors?
(Question 7 was within the criteria for all questions, and
was made into a question of its own.)

Table D8.2. Recommended procedures for hand sanitation

When washing hands with soap and water:

• Wet your hands with clean running water and apply soap. Use warm water if it is available.
• Rub hands together to make a lather and scrub all surfaces.
• Continue rubbing hands for 20 seconds. Need a timer?
• Rinse hands well under running water.
• Dry your hands using a paper towel or air dryer. If possible, use your paper towel to turn off the faucet.

If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based gel to clean hands. When using an alcohol-based hand
• Apply product to the palm of one hand.
• Rub hands together.
• Rub the product over all surfaces of hands and fingers until hands are dry.
Source: Adapted from http://www.cdc.gov/cleanhands/. Accessed April 19, 2010.

398 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D8.3. Recommended techniques for washing produce

When preparing any fresh produce, begin with clean hands. Wash your hands for 20 seconds with warm water
and soap before and after preparation.
Cut away any damaged or bruised areas on fresh fruits and vegetables before preparing and/or eating.
Produce that looks rotten should be discarded.
All produce should be thoroughly washed before eating. This includes produce grown conventionally or
organically at home, or produce that is purchased from a grocery store or farmer’s market. Wash fruits and
vegetables under potable running water just before eating, cutting, or cooking.
Even if you plan to peel the produce before eating, it is still important to wash it first.
Washing fruits and vegetables with soap or detergent or using commercial produce washes is not recommended.
Scrub firm produce, such as melons and cucumbers, with a clean produce brush.
Drying produce with a clean cloth towel or paper towel may further reduce bacteria that may be present.
Many precut, bagged, or packaged produce items like lettuce are pre-washed and ready to eat. If the package
indicates that the contents have been pre-washed and ready to eat, you can use the product without further
If you do choose to wash a product marked “pre-washed” and “ready-to-eat,” be sure to use safe handling
practices to avoid any cross-contamination. Wash your hands for 20 seconds with warm water and soap before
and after handling the product and wash the produce under running water just before preparing or eating.
Source: Adapted from http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Food/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/UCM174142.pdf.
Accessed April 19, 2010.

Table D8.4. Recommended techniques for keeping the refrigerator clean

Wipe up spills immediately—clean surfaces thoroughly with hot, soapy water; then rinse.
Once a week, throw out perishable foods that should no longer be eaten. A general rule of thumb for
refrigerator storage for cooked leftovers is 4 days; raw poultry and ground meats, 1 to 2 days.
The exterior of the refrigerator may be cleaned with a soft cloth and mild liquid dishwashing detergent as well
as cleansers and polishes that are made for appliance use.
Source: Adapted from http://www.fsis.usda.gov/Fact_Sheets/Refrigeration_&_Food_Safety/index.asp#11.
Accessed April 19, 2010.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 399

Table D8.5. Recommended techniques for preventing cross-contamination

When Shopping:
Separate raw meat, poultry, and seafood from other foods in your grocery shopping cart. Place these foods in
plastic bags to prevent their juices from dripping onto other foods. Raw juices often contain harmful bacteria.
It is also best to separate these foods from other foods at checkout and in your grocery bags.
When Refrigerating Food:
Place raw meat, poultry, and seafood in containers or sealed plastic bags to prevent their juices from dripping
onto other foods. When not possible, store raw animal foods below ready-to-eat foods and separate different
types of raw animal foods, such as meat, poultry, and seafood from each other so that they do not cross-
contaminate each other.
Store eggs in their original carton and refrigerate as soon as possible.
When Preparing Food:
Washing raw poultry, beef, pork, lamb, or veal before cooking it is not recommended. Bacteria in raw meat
and poultry juices can be spread to other foods, utensils, and surfaces.
Wash hands and surfaces often. Harmful bacteria can spread throughout the kitchen and get onto cutting
boards, utensils, and countertops. To prevent this:
• Wash hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds before and after handling food, and after using the
bathroom, changing diapers, handling pets, or anytime hands become contaminated.
• Use hot, soapy water and paper towels or clean cloths to wipe up kitchen surfaces or spills. Wash cloths
often in the hot cycle of your washing machine.
• Wash cutting boards, dishes, and countertops with hot, soapy water after preparing each food item and
before you go on to the next item.
• A solution of 1 tablespoon of unscented, liquid chlorine bleach per gallon of water may be used to sanitize
surfaces and utensils.
Cutting Boards:
Always use a clean cutting board.
If possible, use one cutting board for fresh produce and a separate one for raw meat, poultry, and seafood.
Once cutting boards become excessively worn or develop hard-to-clean grooves, you should replace them.
Marinating Food:
Always marinate food in the refrigerator, not on the counter.
Sauce that is used to marinate raw meat, poultry, or seafood should not be used on cooked foods, unless it is
boiled just before using.
When Serving Food:
Always use a clean plate.
Never place cooked food back on the same plate or cutting board that previously held raw food.
Source: Adapted from http://origin-
www.fsis.usda.gov/Fact_Sheets/Does_Washing_Food_Promote_Food_Safety/index.asp and http://origin-
www.fsis.usda.gov/Fact_Sheets/Be_Smart_Keep_Foods_Apart/index.asp. Accessed April 19, 2010.

400 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D8.6. Recommended safe minimal internal temperatures

Food Degrees Fahrenheit

Ground Meat and Meat Mixturesa

Beef, Pork, Veal, Lamb 160
Turkey, Chicken 165
Fresh Beef, Veal, Lamba
Steaks, roasts, chopsa 145
Chicken and Turkey, whole 165
Poultry breasts, roasts 165
Poultry thighs, wings 165
Duck and Goose 165
Stuffing (cooked alone or in bird) 165
Fresh Porka 160
Fresh (raw) 160
Pre-cooked (to reheat) 140
Eggs and Egg Dishesa
Eggs Cook until yolk and white are firm.
Egg dishes 160
Fresh Seafood b
Finfish 145
Cook fish until it is opaque (milky white) and flakes with a fork.
Shellfish Cook shrimp, lobster, and scallops until they reach their appropriate
color. The flesh of shrimp and lobster should be an opaque (milky white)
color. Scallops should be opaque (milky white) and firm.
Cook clams, mussels, and oysters until their shells open. This means that
they are done. Throw away any that were already open before cooking as
well as ones that didn’t open after cooking.
Leftovers and Casserolesa 165
Source: ahttp://origin-www.fsis.usda.gov/PDF/Kitchen_Companion.pdf. Accessed May 6, 2010.
http://www.fda.gov/Food/ResourcesForYou/HealthEducators/ucm082294.htm. Accessed April 26, 2010.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 401

Table D8.7. Recommended techniques for food thermometers

To be safe, meat, poultry, and egga and seafoodb products must be cooked to a safe minimum internal
temperature to destroy any harmful microorganisms that may be in the food.
A food thermometer should also be used to ensure that cooked food is held at safe temperatures until served.
Cold foods should be held at 40°F or below. Hot foods should be kept hot at 140°F or above.a
Most available food thermometers will give an accurate reading within 2 to 4°F. The reading will only be
correct, however, if the thermometer is placed in the proper location in the food. a
In general, the food thermometer should be placed in the thickest part of the food, away from bone, fat, or
When the food being cooked is irregularly shaped, such as with a beef roast, check the temperature in several
places. Egg dishes and dishes containing ground meat and poultry should be checked in several places.a
When measuring the temperature of a thin food, such as a hamburger patty, pork chop, or chicken breast, a
thermistor or thermocouple food thermometer should be used, if possible. a
However, if using an “instant-read” dial bimetallic-coil food thermometer, the probe must be inserted in the side
of the food so the entire sensing area (usually 2 to 3 inches) is positioned through the center of the food.a
To avoid burning fingers, it may be helpful to remove the food from the heat source (if cooking on a grill or in a
frying pan) and insert the food thermometer sideways after placing the item on a clean spatula or plate.a
Food thermometers should be washed with hot soapy water. Most thermometers should not be immersed in
Adapted from a http://origin-www.fsis.usda.gov/Fact_Sheets/Kitchen_Thermometers/index.asp. Accessed April 19,
http://www.fda.gov/Food/ResourcesForYou/HealthEducators/ucm082294.htm. Accessed April 26, 2010.

Table D8.8. Recommended techniques for using refrigerator/freezer thermometers

For safety, it is important to verify the temperature of refrigerators and freezers.

Refrigerators should maintain a temperature no higher than 40°F.
Frozen food will hold its top quality for the longest possible time when the freezer maintains 0°F.
To measure the temperature in the refrigerator:
Put the thermometer in a glass of water and place in the middle of the refrigerator. Wait 5 to 8 hours. If the
temperature is not 38 to 40°F, adjust the refrigerator temperature control. Check again after 5 to 8 hours.
To measure the temperature in the freezer:
Place the thermometer between frozen food packages. Wait 5 to 8 hours. If the temperature is not 0 to 2°F,
adjust the freezer temperature control. Check again after 5 to 8 hours. An appliance thermometer can be
kept in the refrigerator and freezer to monitor the ambient temperature at all times. This can be critical in
the event of a power outage. When the power goes back on, if the refrigerator is still 40°F and the freezer
is 0°F or below, the food is safe.
Adapted from http://origin-www.fsis.usda.gov/PDF/Appliance_Thermometers.pdf. Accessed April 19, 2010.

402 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Table D8.9. Guidance for choosing pasteurized milk and milk products

Read food labels to make sure that the word “pasteurized” is on the label of milk or milk products and, if unsure,
ask a grocery store employee whether a milk or milk product contains pasteurized milk. Such foods made from
unpasteurized milk could contain harmful bacteria.

Choose versions of these types of food made only with pasteurized milk:
Ice cream and frozen yogurt
Cottage, cream, and ricotta cheeses
Processed cheeses
Soft cheeses such as Brie, Camembert, blue-veined cheeses, and Mexican-style soft cheeses such as Queso
Fresco, Panela, Asadero, and Queso Blanco
Source: Adapted from http://www.fda.gov/Food/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/ucm079516.htm. Accessed April
20, 2010.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 403

Part E. Appendices
Appendix E-1: Major Conclusions

SECTION 1: ENERGY BALANCE AND increased risk of overweight and obesity. The evidence
WEIGHT MANAGEMENT is stronger for adolescents. There is inconsistent
evidence that adults who skip breakfast are at increased
risk for overweight and obesity. Limited and
Question 1: What Effects Do the Food inconsistent evidence suggests that snacking is
Environment and Dietary Behaviors Have associated with increased body weight. Evidence is
on Body Weight? insufficient to determine whether frequency of eating
has an effect on overweight and obesity in children and
Conclusion adults.

An emerging body of evidence has documented the Implications

impact of the food environment and select behaviors on
body weight in both children and adults. Moderately In order to reduce the obesity epidemic, actions must be
strong evidence now indicates that the food taken to improve the food environment. Policy (local,
environment is associated with dietary intake, especially state, and national) and private-sector efforts must be
less consumption of vegetables and fruits and higher made to increase the availability of nutrient-dense foods
body weight. The presence of supermarkets in local for all Americans, especially for low-income
neighborhoods and other sources of vegetables and Americans, through greater access to grocery stores,
fruits are associated with lower body mass index, produce trucks, and farmers’ markets, and greater
especially for low-income Americans, while lack of financial incentives to purchase and prepare healthy
supermarkets and long distances to supermarkets are foods. The restaurant and food industries are
associated with higher body mass index. Finally, limited encouraged to offer foods in appropriate portion sizes
but consistent evidence suggests that increased that are low in calories, added sugars, and solid fat.
geographic density of fast food restaurants and Local zoning policies should be considered to reduce
convenience stores is also related to increased body fast food restaurant placement near schools.
mass index.
In addition, individuals can adopt a series of dietary
Strong and consistent evidence indicates that children behaviors:
and adults who eat fast food are at increased risk of
weight gain, overweight, and obesity. The strongest • Individuals are encouraged to prepare, serve, and
documented relationship between fast food and obesity consume smaller portions at home and choose
is when one or more fast food meals are consumed per smaller portions of food while eating foods away
week. There is not enough evidence at this time to from home.
similarly evaluate eating out at other types of restaurants • Children and adults are also encouraged to eat a
and risk of weight gain, overweight, and obesity. Strong healthy breakfast and to choose nutrient-dense,
evidence documents a positive relationship between minimally processed foods whenever they snack.
portion size and body weight. Strong and consistent • Children and adults should limit screen time,
evidence in both children and adults shows that screen especially television viewing, and not eat food
time is directly associated with increased overweight while watching television. The American Academy
and obesity. The strongest association is with television of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends no more than 1 to
screen time. Strong evidence shows that for adults who 2 hours per day of total media time for children and
need or desire to lose weight, or who are maintaining adolescents and discourages television viewing for
body weight following weight loss, self-monitoring of children younger than age 2 years (AAP, 2001). A
food intake improves outcomes. Moderate evidence Healthy People 2010 objective is to increase the
suggests that children who do not eat breakfast are at
404 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
proportion of adolescents who view television 2 or Question 3: What Is the Relationship
fewer hours on a school day (HHS, 2000). Between Breastfeeding and Maternal
• Adults are encouraged to self-monitor body weight, Postpartum Weight Change?
food intake, and physical activity to improve
outcomes when actively losing weight or
maintaining body weight following weight loss.
There is also evidence that self-monitoring of body
A moderate body of consistent evidence shows that
weight and physical activity also improves
breastfeeding may be associated with maternal
outcomes when actively losing weight or
postpartum weight loss. However, this weight loss is
maintaining bodyweight following weight loss
small, transient, and depends on breastfeeding intensity
(Butryn, 2007; Wing, 2006). In order to facilitate
and duration.
better self-monitoring of food intake, there needs to
be increased availability of nutrition information at
the point of purchase.
• Children and adults are encouraged to follow a
Transient weight loss has been associated with intensive
frequency of eating that provides nutrient-dense
breastfeeding. However, it is unlikely that breastfeeding
foods within daily caloric requirements periodically
currently plays a significant role in promoting more
through the day. Caution must be taken such that
rapid postpartum maternal weight loss in the U.S. given
the frequency of eating does not lead to excess
the small size of the effect, large inter-individual
calorie intake but does meet nutrient needs.
variability in maternal postpartum weight changes, and
the fact that in the U.S., only one-third of women
breastfeed exclusively at 3 months postpartum. Thus,
Question 2: What Is the Relationship breastfeeding should not be promoted as an effective
Between Maternal Weight Gain During maternal postpartum weight loss method.
Pregnancy and Maternal-Child Health?

Conclusion Question 4: How Is Dietary Intake

Associated With Childhood Adiposity?
Maternal weight gain during pregnancy outside the
recommended ranges is associated with suboptimal Conclusion
maternal and child health. Women who gain weight
excessively during pregnancy retain more weight after Evidence suggests that certain aspects of dietary intake
delivery, are more likely to undergo a cesarean section are associated with greater or lesser adiposity in
and to deliver large-for-gestational age newborns, and children. Moderately strong evidence from recent
their offspring may be at increased risk of becoming prospective cohort studies that identified plausible
obese later on in life. Women who gain weight below reports of energy intake support a positive association
recommendations are more likely to deliver small-for- between total energy (caloric) intake and adiposity in
gestational age newborns. children. Moderately strong evidence from
methodologically rigorous longitudinal cohort studies of
Implications children and adolescents suggests that there is a positive
association between dietary energy density and
Women are encouraged to maintain a healthy weight increased adiposity in children. Moderate evidence from
before conception. Additionally, women are encouraged prospective cohort studies suggests that increased intake
to practice sound dietary and physical activity practices of dietary fat is associated with greater adiposity in
to help them attain gestational weight gain within the children; however, no studies were conducted under
guidelines outlined by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). isocaloric conditions. Strong evidence supports the
conclusion that greater intake of sugar-sweetened
beverages is associated with increased adiposity in
children. Moderate evidence suggests that there is not a
relationship between intake of calcium and/or dairy
(milk and milk products) and adiposity in children and
adolescents. A limited body of evidence from
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 405
longitudinal studies suggests that greater intake of fruits Question 5: What Is the Relationship
and/or vegetables may protect against increased Between Macronutrient Proportion and
adiposity in children and adolescents. Limited and Body Weight in Adults?
inconsistent evidence suggests that for most children,
intake of 100 percent fruit juice is not associated with
increased adiposity, when consumed in amounts that are
appropriate for age and energy needs of the child.
There is strong and consistent evidence that when
However, intake of 100 percent juice has been
calorie intake is controlled, macronutrient proportion of
prospectively associated with increased adiposity in
the diet is not related to losing weight. A moderate body
children who are overweight or obese. There is
of evidence provides no data to suggest that any one
insufficient evidence that dietary fiber is associated with
macronutrient is more effective than any other for
adiposity in children.
avoiding weight regain in weight reduced persons. A
moderate body of evidence demonstrates that diets with
less than 45 percent of calories as carbohydrates are not
more successful for long-term weight loss (12 months).
Strategies to prevent childhood obesity should include
There is also some evidence that they may be less safe.
efforts to reduce surplus energy intake, especially
In shorter-term studies, low calorie, high protein diets
energy from foods and beverages that provide empty
may result in greater weight loss, but these differences
calories from added sugars and solid fats. Total fat
are not sustained over time. A moderate amount of
intake should not exceed the IOM acceptable ranges,
evidence demonstrates that intake of dietary patterns
and should consist primarily of mono-and
with less than 45 percent calories from carbohydrates or
polyunsaturated fats that promote heart health and
more than 35 percent calories from protein are not more
provide essential fatty acids for growth and
effective than other diets for weight loss or weight
development. Increasing consumption of vegetables and
maintenance, are difficult to maintain over the long
fruits in childhood is an important public health goal,
term, and may be less safe.
not only from the perspective of increasing intake of
“shortfall” nutrients, but also because diets high in a
variety of vegetables and fruits tend to be lower in
energy density, and therefore likely to improve energy
No optimal macronutrient proportion was identified for
balance and prevent obesity. When consumed in
enhancing weight loss or weight maintenance.
moderation as part of a nutrient rich, energy-balanced
However, decreasing caloric intake led to increased
diet, 100 percent juice can be a healthy part of a child’s
weight loss and improved weight maintenance.
diet. Children should be encouraged to consume
Therefore, diets that are reduced in calories and have
recommended servings of low-fat dairy products daily
macronutrient proportions that are within the ranges
in order to meet recommended dietary intake levels for
recommended in the Dietary References Intakes (IOM,
key nutrients, such as calcium. Children should also be
2002/2005) (protein: 10%-35%; carbohydrate: 45%-
encouraged to consume greater amounts and varieties of
65%; fat: 20%-35%) are appropriate for individuals
high-fiber foods in order to increase nutrient density
who desire to lose weight or maintain weight loss. Diets
and to promote healthy lipid profiles, glucose tolerance,
that are less than 45 percent carbohydrate or more than
and normal gastrointestinal function. Consumption of
35 percent protein are difficult to adhere to, are not
sugar-sweetened beverages in childhood should be
more effective than other calorie-controlled diets for
discouraged (1) because of the positive association with
weight loss and weight maintenance, and may pose
increased adiposity; and (2) because of the need to
health risk, and are therefore not recommended for
replace empty calories with nutrient-rich energy for
weight loss or maintenance.
optimal growth and development.

406 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Question 6: Is Dietary Energy Density published. Intentional weight loss among overweight
Associated With Weight Loss, Weight and obese older adults, therefore, is recommended. In
Maintenance, and Type 2 Diabetes Among addition, with regard to morbidity, moderate evidence
Adults? suggests that intentional weight loss in older adults has
been associated with reduced development of T2D and
improved cardiovascular risk factors. There are
Conclusion insufficient data on cancer to come to a conclusion.
Weight gain produces increased risk for several health
Strong and consistent evidence indicates that dietary outcomes.
patterns that are relatively low in energy density
improve weight loss and weight maintenance among Implications
adults. Consistent but limited evidence suggests that
lower energy density diets may be associated with lower Observational studies of weight loss, especially when
risk of type 2 diabetes among adults. intentionality cannot be rigorously established, may be
misleading with respect to the effect of weight on
Implications mortality. Loss of weight is appropriate advice for
elderly overweight/obese persons. Weight gain should
Dietary patterns relatively low in energy density that be avoided.
have been associated with beneficial body weight
outcomes also may be associated with lower risk of type
2 diabetes (T2D). They are characterized by a relatively
Question 8: What Is the Relationship
high intake of vegetables, fruit, and total fiber and a
relatively low intake of total fat, saturated fat, and added
Between Physical Activity, Body Weight,
sugars (Kant and Graubard, 2005; Ledikwe, 2006a, and Other Health Outcomes?
2006b; Lindstrom, 2006; Murakami, 2007; Savage,
2008b; Wang, 2008). Additionally, lower dietary energy Conclusion
density may be associated with a dietary intake pattern
characterized by lower consumption of meat and Strong, consistent evidence indicates that physically
processed meats and energy-containing beverages active people are at reduced risk of becoming
(Wang, 2008). The Committee’s conclusion applies to overweight or obese. Furthermore, there is strong
the whole dietary pattern, not to individual foods, and evidence that physically active adults who are
recognizes that a beneficial low-energy density dietary overweight or obese experience a variety of health
pattern can include consumption of some energy-dense benefits that are generally similar to those observed in
foods (e.g., olive oil and nuts) that have been associated people of ideal body weight. Because of the health
with improved health outcomes (see Part D. Section 3: benefits of physical activity that are independent of
Fatty Acids and Cholesterol). body weight classification, people of all body weight
classifications gain health and fitness benefits by being
habitually physically active.
Question 7: For Older Adults, What Is the
Effect of Weight Loss Versus Weight In addition, strong and consistent evidence based on a
Maintenance on Selected Health wide range of well-conducted studies indicates that
physically active people have higher levels of health-
related fitness, lower risk of developing most chronic
disabling medical conditions, and lower rates of various
Conclusion chronic diseases than do people who are inactive. The
health benefits of being habitually active appear to
Weight loss in older adults has been associated with an apply to all people regardless of age, sex, race/ethnicity,
increased risk of mortality, but because most studies socioeconomic status, and to people with physical or
have not differentiated between intentional versus cognitive disabilities.
unintentional weight loss, recommending intentional
weight loss has not been possible. Recently, however,
moderate evidence of a reduced risk of mortality with
intentional weight loss in older persons has been

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 407

Implications Question 2: What Food Groups and
Selected Dietary Components Are
Americans are encouraged to meet the 2008 Physical Underconsumed by the General Public?
Activity Guidelines for Americans. Children and adults
should avoid inactivity. Some physical activity is better
than none, and more is better. Achieving energy balance
and a healthy weight depends on both energy intake and
Currently reported dietary intakes of the following food
groups and selected dietary components are low enough
to be of concern:
• For both adults and children: vegetables, fruits,
whole grains, fluid milk and milk products, and
Question 1: What Nutrients and Dietary oils.
Components Are Overconsumed by the
General Public? Implications

Conclusion Despite the evidence that health-promoting dietary

patterns are those that include a variety of foods and
Estimated intakes of the following nutrients and dietary combinations of foods from each of the basic food
components are high enough to be of concern: groups, many Americans make food choices that do not
meet the characteristics of healthy dietary patterns
• For adults: total energy intake, particularly energy (Bachman, 2008). A fundamental premise of the DGAC
intake from solid fats and added sugars; sodium; is that nutrients should come from foods. Often, nutrient
percentage of total energy from saturated fats; total intake shortfalls are an indicator of low intakes of
cholesterol (in men); and refined grains. certain food groups that provide specific nutrients.
• For children: energy intake from solid fats and Hence, efforts are warranted to promote increased
added sugars; sodium; percentage of total energy intakes of vegetables (especially dark-green vegetables,
from saturated fats; total cholesterol (only in boys, red-orange vegetables, and cooked dry beans and peas),
aged 12 to 19 years); and refined grains. fruits, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat fluid milk
and milk products (including calcium and vitamin D
Implications fortified soymilk) among all ages; substitution of oils
for solid fats, regardless of age; and increased intakes of
To lower overall energy intakes (see Part D. Section 1: lean, heme-iron-rich meat, poultry, and fish by adult
Energy Balance and Weight Management) without women and adolescent girls. Intake of nutrient-dense
compromising nutrient intakes, Americans should foodsthat is, foods in their leanest or lowest fat forms
reduce consumption of calories from solid fats and and without added fats, sugars, starches, or
added sugars (SoFAS). SoFAS generally provide few, if sodiumshould replace foods in the current American
any, micronutrients. Intakes of SoFAS should be kept as diet that contribute to high intakes of SoFAS and
low as possible across all age-sex groups, to less than refined grains (see Question 1 on Nutrients and Dietary
the maximum limits calculated for the USDA Food Components Overconsumed). Oils should only be
Patterns. Concentrated efforts are needed to lower total substituted for solid fats rather than added to the diet.
sodium intakes by all Americans (see Part D. Section 6: Substitutions and selection of nutrient-dense forms of
Sodium, Potassium, and Water). Likewise, deliberate vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fluid milk and milk
public health efforts are warranted to reduce intakes of products to replace non-nutrient-dense forms of foods
saturated fats to meet dietary guidelines for optimal should be done in a manner such that total caloric intake
health. Males older than age 12 years also are falls within or below daily energy needs.
encouraged to consume less total dietary cholesterol
(see Part D. Section 3: Fatty Acids and Cholesterol).
Intakes of refined grain are too high and at least half of
all refined grains should be replaced with high-fiber
whole grains (see Part D. Section 5: Carbohydrates).

408 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Question 3: What Nutrients Are possible increase in CRC), the evidence supports the
Underconsumed by the General Public and continuation of folic acid fortification of flour and
Present a Substantial Public Health uncooked cereals at current levels (140 μg/100 g).
Concern? Despite the increases in folic acid through fortification,
about 22 percent of women of reproductive capacity
still do not meet the Estimated Average Requirements.
Conclusion Women of reproductive capacity should continue to be
counseled to select foods high in folate, and when
Reported dietary intakes and associated indices of necessary, take a folic acid supplement to meet their
nutrient status for the following nutrients are of public folate requirements. As a result of the increase in folic
health concern: acid in food from fortification and because many adults
take a supplement containing folic acid, approximately
• For both adults and children: vitamin D, calcium, 5 percent of adults older than age 50 years now exceed
potassium, and dietary fiber. the UL (1000 μg/day) for folic acid intake. To avoid
exceeding the UL, adults over age 50 years should not
Implications supplement with folic acid in excess of 400 μg per day.
Because whole grain foods are not always fortified with
Efforts are warranted to promote increased dietary folic acid, individuals who consume mainly whole
intakes of foods higher in vitamin D, calcium, grains in their dietary patterns should ensure that some
potassium, and dietary fiber for all Americans of these whole grains are fortified to achieve dietary
regardless of age. Recommended intakes of these folate recommendations.
nutrients of concern, in particular, and of all essential
nutrients, in general, should be achieved within the
context of flexible dietary intake patterns that balance Question 5: Is Iron a Nutrient of Special
energy intake with energy expenditure.
Concern for Women of Reproductive
Question 4: What Is the Relationship
Between Folate Intake and Health Conclusion
Outcomes in the U.S. and Canada
Substantial numbers of adolescent girls and women of
Following Mandatory Folic Acid reproductive capacity have laboratory evidence of iron
Fortification? deficiency.

Conclusion Implications

Strong and consistent evidence demonstrates a large Efforts are warranted to increase dietary intake of heme-
reduction in the incidence of neural tube defects iron-rich foods and of enhancers of iron absorption by
(NTDs) in the U.S. and Canada following mandatory these special populations.
folic acid fortification. A limited body of evidence
suggests stroke mortality has declined in the U.S. and
Canadian populations following mandatory folic acid Question 6: Are Older Adults Consuming
fortification. A limited body of evidence suggests that Sufficient Vitamin B12?
mandatory folic acid fortification has increased the
incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) in the U.S. and
Recent evaluation of NHANES data shows that
individuals older than age 50 years are consuming
adequate intakes of vitamin B12, including B12 found
Folic acid fortification in the U.S. and Canada appears
naturally in foods and crystalline B12 consumed in
to be successful in the primary health objective of
fortified foods. Nonetheless, a substantial proportion of
reducing the incidence of NTDs. Although some
individuals older than age 50 years may have reduced
negative consequences appear to have occurred (i.e.,

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 409

ability to absorb naturally occurring vitamin B12 but not Question 8: What Is the Relationship
the crystalline form. Between Nutrient Intake and Breakfast
Consumption, Snacking, and Eating
Implications Frequency?
Although individuals older than age 50 years appear to
be meeting their need for vitamin B12, they should be Conclusion
encouraged to consume foods fortified with B12, such as
fortified cereals, or the crystalline form of B12 Moderate evidence supports a positive relationship
supplements, when necessary. Practitioners should between breakfast consumption and intakes of certain
assess vitamin B12 status in those older than age 65 nutrients in children, adolescents, and adults. A limited
years, using a low serum vitamin B12 value of less than body of evidence supports a positive relationship
300 pg/mL, high serum methylmalonic acid value of between snacking and increased nutrient intake in
greater than 0.4 μmol/L, and serum total homocysteine children, adolescents, adults, and older adults, and
level of greater than 15.0 μmol/L as evidence of vitamin inadequate evidence is available to evaluate the
B12 deficiency. relationship between eating frequency and nutrient

Question 7: Can a Daily
Multivitamin/Mineral Supplement Prevent Americans are encouraged to eat nutrient-dense forms
Chronic Disease? of foods for breakfast while staying within energy needs
to facilitate achieving nutrient recommendations.
Conclusion Likewise nutrient-dense forms of foods are suggested
for any snacks, if energy allowance permits this
For the general, healthy population, there is no evidence behavior without incurring weight gain.
to support a recommendation for the use of
multivitamin/mineral supplements in the primary
prevention of chronic disease. Limited evidence SECTION 3: FATTY ACIDS AND
suggests that supplements containing combinations of CHOLESTEROL
certain nutrients are beneficial in reversing chronic
disease when used by special populations; in contrast,
certain nutrient supplements appear to be harmful in Question 1: What Is the Effect of Saturated
other subgroups. Fat Intake on Increased Risk of
Cardiovascular Disease or Type 2
Implications Diabetes, Including Effects on
Intermediate Markers Such as Serum Lipid
Although intake of a variety of multivitamin/mineral and Lipoprotein Levels?
supplements increases blood levels of many nutrients,
notably in individuals with suboptimal nutrient status Conclusion
before supplementation (Maraini, 2009), long-term
effects on primary prevention of several chronic Strong evidence indicates that intake of dietary
diseases has not been demonstrated. In this context, saturated fatty acids (SFA) is positively associated with
obtaining essential micronutrients from foods when intermediate markers and end point health outcomes for
possible is the optimal approach and reliance on two distinct metabolic pathways: (1) increased serum
multivitamin/mineral supplements is discouraged. At total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and
present, Americans are encouraged to meet overall increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and (2)
nutrient requirements within energy levels that balance increased markers of insulin resistance and increased
daily energy intake with expenditure. This can be risk of T2D. Conversely, decreased SFA intake
accomplished through a variety of food intake patterns improves measures of both CVD and T2D risk. The
that include nutrient-dense forms of foods. evidence shows that 5 percent energy decrease in SFA,
replaced by monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) or
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), decreases risk of

410 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

CVD and T2D in healthy adults and improves insulin one egg per day is not associated with risk of coronary
responsiveness in insulin resistant and T2D individuals. heart disease (CHD) or stroke in healthy adults,
although consumption of more than seven eggs per
Implications week has been associated with increased risk. An
important distinction is that among individuals with
As the evidence indicates that a 5 percent energy T2D, increased dietary cholesterol intake is associated
decrease in SFA, replaced by MUFA or PUFA, results with CVD risk.
in meaningful reduction of risk of CVD or T2D, and
given that in the U.S. population 11 to 12 percent of Implications
energy from SFA intake has remained unchanged for
over 15 years, a reduction of this amount resulting in Overall, the evidence shows that consumption of dietary
the goal of less than 7 percent energy from SFA should, cholesterol in the amount of one egg per day is not
if attained, have a significant public health impact. As harmful and does not result in negative changes in
an interim step toward this less than 7 percent goal, all serum lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
individuals should immediately consume less than 10 Neither does consumption of eggs at this level increase
percent of energy as saturated fats. This impact would risk of CVD in healthy individuals. Eggs also are a
not only be limited to a reduction in heart disease and good source of high quality protein and numerous
stroke, but also in T2D, a disease currently rising in micronutrients. However, in individuals with T2D, egg
incidence and prevalence. This substitution of MUFA consumption (at one egg/day) does have negative
and PUFA for SFA assumes no change in energy effects on serum lipids and lipoprotein cholesterol
intake. The age of onset of T2D is substantially younger levels and does increase risk of CVD. Furthermore,
than that of CVD and increasingly frequent in consumption of more than seven eggs per week is not
adolescence. Reduction in SFA in children and young recommended for the general public. Overall, limiting
adults may provide benefits decades earlier than dietary cholesterol to less than 300 milligrams per day,
currently appreciated. The growing data to support a with further reductions of dietary cholesterol to less
risk of T2D from SFA consumption supports the need than 200 milligrams per day for persons with or at high
for fat-modified diets in persons with pre-diabetes, risk for CVD and T2D, is recommended.
including those with metabolic syndrome, and those
with established diabetes. Early signs of atherosclerotic
CVD are also seen in children and a number of studies Question 3: What Is the Effect of Dietary
indicate that the atherosclerotic process begins in Intake of MUFA When Substituted for SFA
childhood and is affected by high blood cholesterol on Increased Risk of Cardiovascular
levels. Therefore, reduction in SFA in children and Disease and Type 2 Diabetes, Including
young adults may provide benefits decades earlier than
Intermediate Markers Such as Lipid and
currently appreciated relative to both CVD and T2D
incidence. Lipoprotein Levels and Inflammation?
And What Is the Effect of Replacing a High
Carbohydrate Diet With a High MUFA Diet
Question 2: What Is the Effect of Dietary in Persons With Type 2 Diabetes?
Cholesterol Intake on Risk of
Cardiovascular Disease, Including Effects Conclusion
on Intermediate Markers Such as Serum
Lipid and Lipoprotein Levels and Strong evidence indicates that dietary MUFA are
associated with improved blood lipids related to both
CVD and T2D when MUFA is a replacement for
dietary SFA. The evidence shows that 5 percent energy
Conclusion replacement of SFA with MUFA decreases intermediate
markers and the risk of CVD and T2D in healthy adults
Moderate evidence from epidemiologic studies relates and improves insulin responsiveness in insulin resistant
dietary cholesterol intake to clinical CVD endpoints. and T2D subjects.
Many randomized clinical trials on dietary cholesterol
use eggs as the dietary source. Independent of other Moderate evidence indicates that increased MUFA
dietary factors, evidence suggests that consumption of intake, rather than high carbohydrate intake, may be
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 411
beneficial for persons with T2D. High MUFA intake, only essential fatty acids are PUFA, so a reduction of
when replacing a high carbohydrate intake, results in SFA from 12 percent to 7 percent of energy through an
improved biomarkers of glucose tolerance and diabetic increase in PUFA alone would increase PUFA from 7
control. percent to 12 percent of energy. This, or replacing SFA
with some combination of PUFA and MUFA, should
Implications yield significant public health benefits.

At the current level of 11 to 12 percent of energy from

SFA, healthy American adults would benefit Question 5: What Are the Effects of Dietary
substantially by replacing 5 percent of that total energy Stearic Acid on Low-density Lipoprotein
with MUFA (e.g., 12% SFA reduced to 7% SFA, 12% Cholesterol?
MUFA increased to 17% MUFA). Beneficial outcomes
would include reduced rates of CVD and T2D as well
as improved lipids and lipoproteins, inflammatory
markers, and measures in insulin resistance. Persons
Moderate evidence from a systematic review indicates
with a predisposition to T2D or established T2D may
that when stearic acid is substituted for other SFA or
especially benefit from a high MUFA diet, both as a
trans fatty acids 1, plasma LDL cholesterol levels are
substitute for SFA and as a substitute for carbohydrates.
decreased; when substituted for carbohydrates, LDL
Given the high prevalence of T2D and the metabolic
cholesterol levels are unchanged; and when substituted
syndrome in the U.S., such benefits would have a large
for MUFA or PUFA, LDL cholesterol levels are
public health impact.
increased. Therefore, the impact of stearic acid
replacement of other energy sources is variable
regarding LDL cholesterol, and the potential impact of
Question 4: What Is the Effect of Dietary changes in stearic acid intake on cardiovascular disease
Intake of n-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids risk remains unclear.
on Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and
Type 2 Diabetes, Including Intermediate Implications
Markers Such as Lipid and Lipoprotein
Levels and Inflammation? Since stearic acid is not known to raise LDL
cholesterol, the DGAC is recommending that stearic
Conclusion acid not be categorized with known “cholesterol-raising
fats,” which include C12, C14, C16 SFA and trans fatty
Strong and consistent evidence indicates that dietary acids. Foods that are high in stearic acid, such as dark
PUFA are associated with improved blood lipids related chocolate and shea nut oil, need not be considered as
to CVD, in particular when PUFA is a replacement for problematic as foods high in other SFA or trans fatty
dietary SFA or trans fatty acids. Evidence shows that acids. In addition, setting the recommended percent of
energy replacement of SFA with PUFA decreases total energy from these cholesterol-raising fats to a less than
cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, as well 5 to 7 percent will help to maintain blood cholesterol at
as numerous markers of inflammation. PUFA intake desirable concentrations.
significantly decreases risk of CVD and has also been
shown to decrease risk of T2D.
Question 6: What Effect Does Consuming
Implications Natural (Ruminant) Versus Synthetic
(Industrially Hydrogenated) Trans Fatty
All recommendations assume an isocaloric replacement Acids Have on LDL-, HDL- and Non HDL
of SFA or trans fatty acids with PUFA. In this setting, Cholesterol Levels?
both CVD and, potentially T2D, may be reduced with
PUFA replacement. The mechanisms of CVD
reduction, including improvement in serum lipid levels 1
and reduced markers of inflammation, may have Trans fatty acids as used in this Report is a term consistent
with that defined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
additional health benefits. PUFA consumption in the
for use in food labeling. See Part D. Section 3: Fatty Acids
U.S. is lower than that of SFA or MUFA, although the
and Cholesterol.
412 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Conclusion first presentation of CVD (myocardial infarction,
stroke) is frequently fatal or disabling. The quantity and
Limited evidence is available to support a substantial frequency of seafood consumption is important, but the
biological difference in the detrimental effects of type of seafood (those providing at least 250 mg of
industrial trans fatty acids (iTFA) and ruminant trans long-chain n-3 fatty acids per day) also is critical.
fatty acids (rTFA) on health when rTFA is consumed at Increased consumption of seafood will require efficient
7 to 10 times the normal level of consumption. and ecologically friendly strategies be developed to
allow for greater consumption of seafood that is high in
Implications EPA and DHA, and low in environmental pollutants
such as methyl mercury (see Part D.8: Food Safety and
The level of daily intake of rTFA is quite small with the Technology for a detailed discussion of the risks and
U.S. adult population’s average daily intake benefits of seafood consumption).
approximating 1.2 grams (1.5 g for men and 0.9 g for
women). This represents less than 0.5 percent of total
daily energy intake. This is a relatively minor exposure Question 8: What Is the Relationship
in the diet regardless of its metabolic effect. Between Consumption of Plant n-3 Fatty
Acids and Risk of CVD?
The very limited data available provide insufficient
evidence to suggest rTFA and iTFA be considered
differently in their metabolic effects. Total trans fatty
acid intake should be considered the target for dietary
Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) intake of 0.6 to 1.2 percent
change. Total elimination of rTFA would require
of total calories will meet current recommendations and
elimination of red meat and dairy products from the
may lower CVD risk, but new evidence is insufficient to
diet. Although total elimination of iTFA may be
warrant greater intake beyond this level. Limited but
desirable, the elimination of rTFA would have wider
supportive evidence suggests that higher intake of n-3
implications for dietary adequacy and is not
fatty acids from plant sources may reduce mortality
recommended. It is best to avoid iTFA while leaving
among persons with existing CVD.
small amounts of rTFA in the diet. Overall, trans fatty
acid levels in the U.S. food supply have decreased
dramatically following mandatory trans fatty acids
labeling regulations, which went into effect in 2006.
Evidence is currently insufficient to make a formal
Continued reductions in iTFA are to be encouraged.
guideline to increase n-3 intake from plant sources
without additional evidence from randomized clinical
trials and prospective observational studies among
Question 7: What Is the Relationship participants with a broad range of n-3 intake. As
Between Consumption of Seafood n-3 relatively little ALA converts to EPA and DHA,
Fatty Acids and Risk of CVD? evidence is lacking that plant-derived n-3 fatty acids
alone will provide the same cardioprotective effects as
Conclusion EPA and DHA consumed at the recommended level
discussed above. This increases the need for efficient
Moderate evidence shows that consumption of two and ecologically friendly strategies to allow for greater
servings of seafood per week (4 oz per serving), which consumption of seafood n-3 fatty acids, unless plant-
provide an average of 250 milligrams per day of long- derived sources of EPA or DHA can be developed.
chain n-3 fatty acids, is associated with reduced cardiac
mortality from CHD or sudden death in persons with
and without CVD.


An increase in seafood intake to two servings per week

at 4 ounces per serving, is advised for high-risk (those
with CVD) and average-risk persons, especially as the

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 413

Question 9: What Are the Effects of frequently used in cooking and as snack foods. Peanuts
Maternal Dietary Intake of n-3 Fatty Acids are also an important source of vegetable protein. Many
From Seafood on Breast Milk Composition nuts (e.g., peanuts, almonds, cashews) are sold with
and Health Outcomes in Infants? added salt as snack foods; thus, the recommendations
for consumption are limited to unsalted nuts as a means
to reduce sodium intake. It also is important to note that
Conclusion nuts should be consumed in small portions, as they are
high in calories and can contribute to weight gain.
Moderate evidence indicates that increased maternal
dietary intake of long chain n-3 PUFA (in particular
docosahexaenoic acid [DHA]) from at least two
Question 11: What Are the Health Effects
servings of seafood per week during pregnancy and
lactation is associated with increased DHA levels in
Related to Consumption of Chocolate?
breast milk and improved infant health outcomes, such
as visual acuity and cognitive development. Conclusion

Implications Moderate evidence suggests that modest consumption

of dark chocolate or cocoa is associated with health
There has been controversy and concern over the benefits in the form of reduced CVD risk. Potential
consumption of fish during pregnancy and lactation health benefits need to be balanced with caloric intake.
with regard to exposure of the fetus and infant to heavy
metals during the most sensitive period of Implications
neurodevelopment. The current evidence, however,
favors consumption of fish for pregnant and lactating Chocolate as currently consumed is a small component
women, particularly in the context of women making of the total diet, and benefits or risks will likely be
educated choices to consume seafood that is high in n-3 minimal. Potential health effects need to be balanced
fatty acids and low in environmental pollutants. The with caloric intake, as chocolate is a calorie dense
benefits of fish consumption are maximized with fatty product. The predominant fat in chocolate is stearic
fish high in EPA and DHA but low in methyl mercury. acid, which has been shown to not raise blood
These conclusions are consistent with those found in the cholesterol. Different formulations of chocolate vary in
discussion of seafood benefits and risks in Part D.8: their content of dairy fat, with darker chocolate
Food Safety and Technology. The previously described containing less dairy fat. Beneficial effects of chocolate
modeling analysis of seafood identified scenarios of have been attributed to polyphenolic compounds, in
type and quantity of fish that provide 250 milligrams particular flavonoids. Many plant-based foods contain
per day of EPA + DHA. polyphenolic compounds and chocolate is a minor
source. Formulations of chocolate are known to have
different polyphenolic profiles, and, if this is the
Question 10: What Are the Health Effects mechanism of chocolate’s beneficial actions, different
Related to Consumption of Nuts? forms of chocolate may confer different benefits.

There is moderate evidence that consumption of
unsalted peanuts and tree nuts, specifically walnuts, Question 1: What Is the Relationship
almonds, and pistachios, in the context of a nutritionally Between the Intake of Animal Protein
adequate diet and when total calorie intake is held Products and Selected Health Outcomes?
constant, has a favorable impact on cardiovascular
disease risk factors, particularly serum lipid levels. Conclusion

Implications Limited evidence from prospective cohort studies show

inconsistent relationships between intake of animal
Most nut consumption is in the form of peanuts, though protein products and CVD with somewhat more
tree nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios) are
414 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
positive evidence for processed meats and CHD. evidence finds no unique benefit of soy protein intake
Moderate evidence found no clear association between on body weight. A limited and inconsistent body of
intake of animal protein products and blood pressure in evidence shows that soy protein intake does not provide
prospective cohort studies. Limited inconsistent any unique benefits in blood pressure control.
evidence from prospective cohort studies suggests that
intake of animal protein products, mainly processed Implications
meat, may have a link to T2D. Insufficient evidence is
available to link animal protein intake and body weight. Our review indicated that intake of vegetable protein is
Moderate evidence reports inconsistent positive generally linked to lower blood pressure, but this could
associations between colorectal cancer and the intake of be due to other components in plant foods, such as
certain animal protein products, mainly red and fiber, or other nutrients. Individual sources of vegetable
processed meat. Limited evidence shows that intake of protein have no unique health benefits so choice of
animal protein products are associated with prostate plant protein sources can come from a wide range of
cancer incidence. Limited evidence from cohort studies plant-based foods. Consumption of plant proteins of
shows there is no association between the intake of lower quality is generally fine as long as calorie needs
animal protein products and overall breast cancer risk. are met and effort is made to complement the
However in subgroups of breast cancer patients, limited incomplete vegetable proteins. Consumption of lower-
evidence suggested a relationship between the intake of quality or incomplete protein is of greater concern when
animal protein products and risk of developing breast protein needs are high. Thus, consumption of lower-
cancer. quality vegetable protein must be carefully considered
during pregnancy, lactation, and childhood.
Implications Additionally, recommendations to lower calorie intake
to combat obesity by increasing plant-based food intake
Americans may choose animal products as part of their must be linked to cautionary messages to maintain
diet based on the body of evidence showing a general protein total intake of sufficient quality at recommended
lack of relationship between animal protein levels.
consumption and selected health outcomes. However,
attention should be given to quantity and preparation, as
some forms of meat (well done and processed) may be Question 3: How Do the Health Outcomes
linked to specific cancers. In addition, animal protein of a Vegetarian Diet Compare to That of a
products contain saturated fat and proportionately, a Diet Which Customarily Includes Animal
high calorie load, so serving sizes should be Products?
Question 2: What Is the Relationship
Limited evidence is available documenting that
Between Vegetable Protein and/or Soy vegetarian diets protect against cancer. However, it
Protein and Selected Health Outcomes? suggests that vegetarian diets, including vegan, are
associated with lower BMI and blood pressure. Vegan
Conclusion diets may increase risk of osteoporotic fractures. The
effect of vegetarian diets on cardiovascular disease,
Few studies are available, and the limited body of stroke, and mortality is discussed further in Part B.
evidence suggests that vegetable protein intake does not Section 2: The Total Diet: Combining Nutrients,
offer special protection against T2D, coronary heart Consuming Food.
disease, and selected cancers. Moderate evidence from
both cohort and cross-sectional studies show that intake Implications
of vegetable protein is generally linked to lower blood
pressure. Moderate evidence suggests soy protein intake Most people consume diets containing both animal and
may have small effects on total and low density plant foods. Few studies exist on the nutritional or
lipoprotein cholesterol in adults with normal or elevated health status of vegetarians and/or vegans. Individuals
blood lipids, although results from systematic reviews who restrict their diet to plant foods may be at risk of
are inconsistent. A moderate body of consistent not getting adequate amounts of certain indispensable

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 415

amino acids because the concentration of lysine, sulfur Consumption of the recommended daily amounts of
amino acids, and threonine are sometimes lower in plant low-fat or fat-free milk and milk products (2 cups for
than in animal food proteins. Nutrients of concern on children ages 2 to 8 years, 3 cups for those ages 9 years
vegan diets include calcium, iron, B12, zinc, and long- and older) should be promoted. It is especially
chain n-3 fatty acids. Vegetarian diets that include important to establish milk drinking in young children,
complementary mixtures of plant proteins can provide as those who consume milk as children are more likely
the same quality of protein as that from animal protein. to do so as adults. Those who choose not to consume
Education is needed for those designing diets milk and milk products should include other foods in
containing complementary proteins for consumers the diet that contain the nutrients provided by the milk
switching to a more plant-based diet. Additionally, and milk products group, protein, calcium, potassium,
individuals consuming vegetarian, particularly vegan, magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin A.
diets should ensure adequate intake of all nutrients.

Question 5: What Is the Relationship

Question 4: What Is the Relationship Between the Intake of Cooked Dry Beans
Between the Intake of Milk and Milk and Peas and Selected Health Outcomes?
Products and Selected Health Outcomes?
Limited evidence exists to establish a clear relationship
Strong evidence demonstrates that intake of milk and between intake of cooked dry beans and peas and body
milk products provide no unique role in weight control. weight. There is limited evidence that intake of cooked
Moderate evidence indicates that the intake of milk and dry beans and peas lowers serum lipids. Limited
milk products is linked to improved bone health in evidence is available to determine a relationship
children. Limited evidence suggests a positive between the intake of cooked dry beans and peas and
relationship between the intake of milk and milk T2D.
products and bone health in adults, but results are
inconsistent due to variability in outcomes considered. Implications
Moderate evidence shows that intake of milk and milk
products are inversely associated with cardiovascular Legumes and soybeans, including dried beans and peas,
disease. A moderate body of evidence suggests an are typically recommended foods because of their
inverse relationship between the intake of milk and milk content of dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals
products and blood pressure. Moderate evidence shows (Mesina, 1999). Because soybeans are particularly high
that milk and milk products are associated with a lower in isoflavones, a phytoestrogen, they have been more
incidence of T2D in adults. Limited evidence is extensively studied than other legumes. Legumes are
available showing intake of milk and milk products are also promoted as a complementary protein source to
associated with reduced risk of metabolic syndrome. grains since legumes are low in methionine and grains
Insufficient evidence is available to assess the are low in lysine. Thus, legumes play an important role
relationship between intake of milk and milk products in vegan diets for enhancing protein quality. They may
and serum cholesterol levels. also provide a beneficial contribution to the general
population in part to increase total vegetable
Implications consumption and dietary fiber intake.

Currently, many children and adults are not consuming

adequate amounts of milk and milk products. NHANES
2005-2006 reported that the mean consumption of
calcium does not meet the recommended Dietary
Reference Intakes for any age group older than age 12.
Research since 2004 shows that the underconsumption
of milk and milk products may lead to an increase in
cardiovascular disease and T2D, as well as an increased
risk for poor bone health and related diseases.

416 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

SECTION 5: CARBOHYDRATES Total grains servings are typically overconsumed in the
U.S., so recommendations to consume more grains are
not supported by this review. Advice should be to make
Question 1: What Are the Health Benefits
more grain choices as fiber-rich whole grains, rather
of Dietary Fiber? than eat more grains. The lack of standards for whole
grain foods and measuring whole grain content of foods
Conclusion also make any recommendations difficult to implement.

A moderate body of evidence suggests that dietary fiber

from whole foods protects against cardiovascular Question 3: What Is the Relationship
disease, obesity, and T2D and is essential for optimal
Between the Intake of Vegetables and
digestive health.
Fruits, Not Including Juice, and Selected
Implications Health Outcomes?

Dietary fiber is underconsumed across all segments of Conclusion

the American population. The development of many
risk factors that are associated with incidence of several Consistent evidence suggests at least a moderate inverse
highly prevalent chronic diseases could be reduced by relationship between vegetable and fruit consumption
increasing consumption of naturally-occurring plant- with myocardial infarction and stroke, with significantly
based foods that are high in dietary fiber, including larger, positive effects noted above five servings of
whole grain foods, cooked dry beans and peas, vegetables and fruits per day. Notwithstanding prior
vegetables, fruits, and nuts. work on dietary patterns that emphasize vegetables and
fruits, insufficient evidence published since 2004 is
available to assess the independent relationship between
Question 2: What Is the Relationship vegetable and fruit intake and blood pressure or serum
Between Whole Grain Intake and Selected cholesterol. The evidence for an association between
increased fruit and vegetable intake and lower body
Health Outcomes?
weight is modest with a trend towards decreased weight
gain over 5+ years in middle adulthood. No conclusions
Conclusion can be drawn from the evidence on the efficacy of
increased fruit and vegetable consumption in weight
A moderate body of evidence from large prospective loss diets. Limited and inconsistent evidence suggests
cohort studies shows that whole grain intake, which an inverse association between total vegetable and fruit
includes cereal fiber, protects against cardiovascular consumption and the development of T2D. Evidence
disease. Limited evidence shows that consumption of also indicates that some types of vegetables and fruits
whole grains is associated with a reduced incidence of are probably protective against some cancers.
T2D in large prospective cohort studies. Moderate
evidence shows that intake of whole grains and grain Implications
fiber is associated with lower body weight.
Vegetables and fruits are nutrient-dense and relatively
Implications low in calories. In order to meet the recommended
intakes, Americans should emphasize vegetables and
Currently most Americans are not consuming adequate fruits in their daily food choices, without added solid
amounts of whole grains, which are an important source fats, sugars, starches, or sodium to maximize health
of dietary fiber and other nutrients. Enriched and benefits. Significant favorable associations between
fortified grains provide important nutrients; hence, vegetable and fruit consumption and health outcomes
individuals are encouraged to consume grains as both appear to be linked to a minimum of five servings per
fiber-rich whole grains and enriched grains. To ensure day and positive linear effects may be noted at even
nutrient adequacy, especially for folate, individuals who higher consumption levels. While the impact of
consume all of their grains as whole grains should increased vegetable and fruit consumption per se is
include some that have been fortified with folic acid. unclear for some chronic diseases and markers (blood
lipids, glucose control, T2D, and weight loss),

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 417

improvements in preventing cardiovascular disease and moderate body of epidemiologic evidence suggests that
certain cancers, especially cancers of the alimentary greater consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is
tract, may occur with increased consumption of these associated with increased body weight in adults. A
foods. Additionally, there is evidence that vegetables moderate body of evidence suggests that under
and fruits, when considered as part of a dietary pattern, isocaloric controlled conditions, added sugars, including
are associated with improved weight and health sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB), are no more likely to
outcomes (see Part D. Section 2: The Total Diet: cause weight gain than any other source of energy.
Combining Nutrients, Consuming Food for a discussion
of dietary patterns and Part D. Section 1: Energy Implications
Balance and Weight Management for a discussion of
energy density). Added sugars, as found in SSB, are not different than
other extra calories in the diet for energy intake and
body weight. Thus, reducing intake of all added sugars,
Question 4: What Is the Relationship including sucrose, corn sweetener, fructose, high
Between Glycemic Index or Glycemic Load fructose corn syrup, and other forms of added sugars, is
and Body Weight, Type 2 Diabetes, a recommended strategy to reduce calorie intake in
Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer? Americans. Intake of caloric beverages, including SSB,
sweetened coffee and tea, energy drinks, and other
drinks high in calories and low in nutrients should be
Conclusion reduced in consumers needing to lower body weight.
While still moderate, recent evidence is stronger than
Strong and consistent evidence shows that glycemic prior evidence available to assess the relationship
index and/or glycemic load are not associated with body between SSB and increased body weight.
weight and do not lead to greater weight loss or better
weight maintenance. Abundant, strong epidemiological
evidence demonstrates that there is no association
Question 6: How Are Non-caloric
between glycemic index or load and cancer. A moderate
body of inconsistent evidence supports a relationship
Sweeteners Related to Energy Intake and
between high glycemic index and T2D. Strong, Body Weight?
convincing evidence shows little association between
glycemic load and T2D. Due to limited evidence, no Conclusion
conclusion can be drawn to assess the relationship
between either glycemic index or load and Moderate evidence shows that using non-caloric
cardiovascular disease. sweeteners will affect energy intake only if they are
substituted for higher calorie foods and beverages. A
Implications few observational studies reported that individuals who
use non-caloric sweeteners are more likely to gain
When selecting carbohydrate foods, there is no need for weight or be heavier. This does not mean that non-
concern with their glycemic index or glycemic load. caloric sweeteners cause weight gain, but rather that
What is important to heed is their calories, caloric they are more likely to be consumed by overweight and
density, and fiber content. obese individuals.

Question 5: In Adults, What Are the
Associations Between Intake of Sugar- The replacement of sugar-sweetened foods and
sweetened Beverages and Energy Intake beverages with sugar-free products should theoretically
reduce body weight. Yet many questions remain, as
and Body Weight?
epidemiologic studies show a positive link with use of
nonnutritive sweeteners and BMI. Additionally,
Conclusions whether use of low calorie sweeteners is linked to
higher intake of other calories in the diet remains a
Limited evidence shows that intake of sugar-sweetened debated question.
beverages is linked to higher energy intake in adults. A

418 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Question 7: What Is the Impact of Liquid whole foods, appears to enhance satiety in studies. Not
Versus Solid Foods on Energy Intake and all fibers added to beverages or foods are equally
Body Weight? satiating. In fact, some functional fibers show no effect
on satiety.

A limited body of evidence shows conflicting results

Question 9: What Is the Role of Prebiotics
about whether liquid and solid foods differ in their and Probiotics in Health?
effects on energy intake and body weight except that
liquids in the form of soup may lead to decreased Conclusion
energy intake and body weight.
Gut microflora play a role in health, although the
Implications research in this area is still developing. Foods high in
prebiotics (wheat, onions, garlic) may be consumed, as
In general, if total calorie content is held constant, there well as food concentrated in probiotics (yogurt), within
is little support for any effects on energy intake and accepted dietary patterns.
body weight due to the calories consumed either as
liquid or solid. Some studies suggest that whole foods Implications
may be more satiating than liquid foods. Food structure,
specifically a whole food (apple, carrots), plays a role in The lack of epidemiologic studies that support a role for
satiety and decreasing food intake at subsequent meals, changes in gut microflora and health outcomes limits
yet fiber added to a drink is not effective in reducing any specific dietary recommendations in this area.
food intake at subsequent meals. Soup as a preload Foods high in prebiotics and probiotics are linked to
decreases food intake at a subsequent meal. Thus, health benefits. For example, fiber is a prebiotic linked
Americans are advised to pay attention to the calorie to health benefits. Many probiotic-containing foods,
content of the food or beverage consumed, regardless of such as dairy foods, also are linked to health benefits
whether it is a liquid or solid. Calories are the issue in and are recommended for inclusion in the diet.
either case.


Question 8: What Is the Role of WATER
Carbohydrate, Fiber, Protein, Fat, and
Food Form on Satiety? Question 1: What Is the Effect of Sodium
Intake on Blood Pressure in Children and
Conclusion in Adults?

Many factors affect satiety and most studies are Conclusion

conducted in laboratory settings to control for variables.
Thus results may not be generalized to the more A strong body of evidence has documented that in
complicated eating environment of the outside world. adults, as sodium intake decreases, so does blood
Foods high in dietary fiber generally are more satiating pressure. A moderate body of evidence has documented
than low fiber foods, although some fibers added to that as sodium intake decreases, so does blood pressure
drinks have little impact on satiety. Overall, small in children, birth to 18 years of age.
changes in the macronutrient content of the diet do not
significantly alter satiety. Implications

Implications The projected health benefits of a reduced sodium

intake are substantial and include fewer strokes,
Intakes of caloric preloads, whether carbohydrate, cardiovascular disease events, and deaths, as well as
protein, or fat, typically increase satiety. Protein and substantially reduced health care costs. In view of these
carbohydrate may be more satiating than fat, although potential benefits and the current very high intake of
studies are not consistent. Dietary fiber, especially from sodium in the general population, children and adults
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 419
should lower their sodium intake as much as possible by Question 2: What Is the Effect of
consuming fewer processed foods that are high in Potassium Intake on Blood Pressure in
sodium, and by using little or no salt when preparing or Adults?
eating foods.

The current food supply is replete with excess sodium. Conclusion

Many foods contribute to the high intake of sodium.
While some foods are extremely high in sodium, the A moderate body of evidence has demonstrated that a
problem of excess sodium reflects frequent higher intake of potassium is associated with lower
consumption of foods that are only moderately high in blood pressure in adults.
sodium. The major sources of sodium intake among the
U.S. population are yeast breads; chicken and chicken Implications
mixed dishes; pizza; pasta and pasta dishes; cold cuts;
condiments; Mexican mixed dishes; sausage, franks, Increasing dietary potassium intake can lower blood
bacon, and ribs; regular cheese; grain-based desserts; pressure. A higher intake of potassium also attenuates
soups; and beef and beef mixed dishes (National Cancer the adverse effects of sodium on blood pressure. Other
Institute [NCI], 2010). Collectively, this group of foods possible benefits include a reduced risk of developing
contributes about 56 percent of the dietary sodium, or kidney stones and decreased bone loss. In view of the
nearly 2000 milligrams per person per day. health benefits of adequate potassium intake and its
relatively low current intake by the general population,
A major new concern is the excessive sodium added to increased intake of dietary potassium is warranted. The
products such as poultry, pork, and fish through IOM set the Adequate Intakes (AI) for potassium for
injections or marination; efforts to quantify the amount adults at 4700 milligrams per day. Available evidence
of sodium from this type of processing are warranted. suggests that Blacks and hypertensive individuals
Finally, an important determinant of sodium intake is especially benefit from an increased intake of
calorie intake. Hence, efforts to reduce calorie intake potassium.
should also lower sodium intake.

In 2005, the DGAC recommended a daily sodium Question 3: What Amount of Water Is
intake of less than 2300 milligrams for the general adult Recommended for Health?
population and stated that hypertensive individuals,
Blacks, and middle-aged and older adults would benefit Conclusion
from reducing their sodium intake even further.
Because these latter groups together now comprise Based on an extensive review of evidence, an IOM
nearly 70 percent of U.S. adults, the goal should be panel in 2004 concluded that the combination of thirst
1500 milligrams per day for the general population. and usual drinking behavior, especially the consumption
Given the current U.S. marketplace and the resulting of fluids with meals, is sufficient to maintain normal
excessively high sodium intake, it will be challenging to hydration. However, because water needs vary
achieve the lower level. In addition, time is required to considerably and because there is no evidence of
adjust taste perception in the general population. Thus, chronic dehydration in the general population, a
the reduction from 2300 milligrams to 1500 milligrams minimum intake of water cannot be set.
per day should occur gradually over time. A recent
Institute of Medicine (IOM) report has provided a Implications
roadmap to achieve gradual reductions in sodium
intake. Because early stages of blood pressure-related In order to prevent dehydration, water must be
atherosclerotic disease begin during childhood, both consumed daily. Healthy individuals who have routine
children and adults should reduce their sodium intake. access to fluids and who are not exposed to heat stress
Individuals should also increase their consumption of consume adequate water to meet their needs. Purposeful
dietary potassium because increased potassium intakes drinking is warranted for individuals who are exposed
helps to attenuate the effects of sodium on blood to heat stress or who perform sustained vigorous
pressure. physical activity. Although uncommon, heat waves are
one setting of extreme heat stress that increases the risk
of morbidity and mortality from dehydration, especially
420 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
in older-aged persons. In view of the ongoing obesity and long-term cognitive function and should be
epidemic, individuals are encouraged to drink water and avoided.
other fluids with few or no calories.

Question 3: What Is the Relationship

SECTION 7: ALCOHOL Between Alcohol Intake and Coronary
Heart Disease?
Question 1: What Is the Relationship
Between Alcohol Intake and Weight Gain? Conclusion

Conclusion Strong evidence consistently demonstrates that

compared to non-drinkers, individuals who drink
Moderate evidence suggests that among free-living moderately have lower risk of CHD. Insufficient
populations, moderate drinking is not associated with evidence was available to determine if any one single
weight gain. However, heavier consumption over time drinking pattern was predictive of lower or higher risk
is associated with weight gain. of coronary heart disease, although there was moderate
evidence to suggest that heavy or binge drinking is
Implications detrimental.

In general, all alcoholic beverages contain calories that Implications

are not a good source of nutrients and when consumed
beyond an average of two drinks a day may lead to An average daily intake of one to two alcoholic
weight gain. Below this level of consumption, the beverages is associated with a low risk of CHD among
results from most well designed large prospective middle-aged and older adults. Binge or heavy irregular
studies suggest that individuals who drink in drinking should be avoided.
moderation do not gain weight at a faster rate than non-
Question 4: What Is the Relationship
Between Alcohol Intake and Bone Health?
Question 2: What Is the Relationship
Between Alcohol Intake and Cognitive Conclusion
Decline With Age?
Moderate evidence suggests a J-shaped association
Conclusion between alcohol consumption and incidence of hip
fracture; there was a suggestion that heavy or binge
Moderate evidence suggests that compared to non- drinking was detrimental to bone health.
drinkers, individuals who drink moderately have a
slower cognitive decline with age. Although limited, Implications
evidence suggests that heavy or binge drinking is
detrimental to age-related cognitive decline. There is insufficient evidence from epidemiological
data to make a strong conclusion related to patterns of
Implications alcohol intake and bone health. However, it is very
likely that the increased risk of fracture among
Alcohol, when consumed in moderation, did not individuals who drink more than one to two drinks per
quicken the pace of age-related loss of cognitive day on average is due to injuries that follow heavier
function. In most studies, it was just the opposite— consumption. What further complicates the
moderate alcohol consumption, when part of a healthy interpretation of the existing studies is that moderate
diet and physical activity program, appeared to help to and heavy drinkers frequently were combined in the
keep cognitive function intact with age. Despite the same category, making it impossible to disentangle
potential benefit at moderate consumption levels, heavy potential benefits and risks. In addition, many studies
drinking and episodes of binge drinking impairs short- failed to control adequately for physical activity, an

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 421

important lifestyle characteristic beneficially related to Because the level of alcohol in breast milk mirrors the
bone density. mother’s blood alcohol content, after latch-on has been
perfected and a pattern of consistent breastfeeding has
been established (i.e., around age 2 to 3 months), a
Question 5: What Is the Relationship mother could wait 3 to 4 hours after a single drink (the
Between Alcohol Intake and Unintentional time it would take to metabolize the ethanol) before
Injury? breastfeeding and the infant exposure to alcohol would
likely be negligible. It is not sufficient for a woman to
express breast milk after alcohol consumption to
prevent exposure to the infant because the concentration
of alcohol in breast milk will remain at levels in the
Strong evidence demonstrates that drinking in excess of
blood until all the alcohol is metabolized. Contrary to
current guidelines increases the risk of unintentional
medical and cultural folklore, alcohol consumption does
falls, motor vehicle crashes, and drowning. When
not enhance lactational performance and instead
alcohol is consumed in moderation, the evidence for
reduces milk production and decreases infant milk
risk of unintentional injury is less well established for
consumption in the 3 to 4 hours after alcohol is
activities such as driving, swimming, and athletic
consumed. Finally, there is still insufficient evidence to
participation, but abstention from alcohol is the safest.
conclude definitively that alcohol exposure to an infant
during lactation affects the postnatal growth of the
child, but nonetheless alcohol exposure to the
breastfeeding infant by breastfeeding too soon after
Adverse effects, in terms of unintentional injury, can
consuming a single drink should be avoided.
occur even at levels of moderate alcohol consumption.


Question 6: Does Alcohol Consumption
During Lactation Have Adverse Health
Effects? What Is the Relationship Between
Alcohol Consumption and the Quality and BEHAVIORS MOST LIKELY TO PREVENT
Quantity of Breast Milk Available for the FOOD SAFETY PROBLEMS AND THE
Offspring? What Is the Relationship EXTENT TO WHICH U.S. CONSUMERS
Between Alcohol Consumption and FOLLOW THESE BEHAVIORS
Postnatal Growth Patterns, Sleep Patterns,
and/or Psychomotor Patterns of the Overarching Conclusion
Evidence shows that proper hand sanitation techniques,
proper washing of vegetables and fruit, prevention of
Conclusion cross-contamination, and appropriate cooking and
storage of foods in the home kitchen are most likely to
Moderate, consistent evidence shows that when a prevent food safety problems. Food safety behaviors
lactating mother consumes alcohol, alcohol enters the least practiced by consumers are hand sanitation, cross-
breast milk, and the quantity of milk produced is contamination prevention, and use of cooking,
reduced, leading to reduced milk consumption by the refrigerator, and freezer thermometers. Food safety
infant. Although limited, evidence suggests that alcohol knowledge of U.S. consumers is not being translated
consumption during lactation was associated with into improved food safety practices at home.
altered post-natal growth, sleep patterns, and/or
psychomotor patterns of the offspring. Implications

Implications All segments of the U.S. population could benefit from

improved food safety education based on effective
The benefits of breastfeeding to the infant are well behavioral change theories. Food safety education is
established. A woman who chooses to breast feed, needed to not only improve consumers’ knowledge, but
however, need not completely abstain from alcohol. also their attitudes and intentions toward reducing
422 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
home-based food safety risks. In particular, consumers Question 1: CLEAN: What Techniques for
need to take more responsibility regarding food safety. Hand Sanitation Are Associated With
Together, with sound government policies and Favorable Food Safety Outcomes and to
responsible food industry practices, foodborne illness What Extent Do U.S. Consumers Follow
can be prevented.
Food safety behaviors that particularly need additional
promotion are hand sanitation, use of cooking and Conclusion
refrigerator/freezer thermometers, and prevention of
cross-contamination. Produce washing practices can Strong, clear, and consistent evidence shows that hand
vary significantly for different vegetables and this washing with plain soap for 20-30 seconds followed by
behavior needs to be substantially improved. Additional proper hand drying is an effective hand hygiene
guidance is needed to provide detailed technique for preventing cross-contamination during
recommendations on the frequency of refrigerator food preparation. Strong, clear, and consistent evidence
cleaning to decrease pathogen growth and potential for shows that alcohol–based, rinse-free hand sanitizers are
cross-contamination. It is important to educate an adequate alternative when proper hand washing with
consumers on appropriate cooking temperatures and the plain soap is not possible. Moderate, consistent
reasons to avoid consuming raw or undercooked animal evidence shows that U.S. consumers do not follow
protein products. The consumption of certain risky recommended hand sanitation behaviors.
foods (e.g., cookie dough containing raw eggs) is likely
to occur at home, but the consumption of other foods
(e.g., raw seafood) is more likely to occur outside the Question 2: CLEAN: What Techniques for
home. Thus, consumer food safety education in this Washing Fresh Produce Are Associated
area needs to address safe food practices in the different With Favorable Food Safety Outcomes and
environments in which individuals are likely to to What Extent Do U.S. Consumers Follow
consume the different products. Education should also Them?
address food safety issues that have emerged due to
trends toward local- and regional-based food
A limited body of evidence has shown that washing
Of subpopulations in the U.S., older adults may be at
vegetables and fruit by running water over them at
greater risk because of the age-related reduction in
home or under laboratory simulation conditions is
immunity. Pregnant women also have altered immune
associated with reduced produce microbial loads.
status which may render the fetus more susceptible to
Moderate, consistent evidence shows that U.S.
infection. Foodborne illnesses affecting pregnant
consumers are not following recommended produce
women can have extremely serious consequences for
washing techniques at home.
the fetus as illustrated by the stillbirths resulting from
listeriosis. Foodborne illness outbreaks among college
students have the potential to rapidly spread within the
student body as a result of the group arrangements in Question 3: CLEAN: To What Extent Do
which they often live. U.S. Consumers Clean Their


Moderate, consistent evidence shows that U.S.

consumers do not clean their refrigerators following
available guidance.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 423

Question 4: SEPARATE: What Techniques Question 7: To What Extent Do Specific
for Preventing Cross-contamination Are Subpopulations Practice Unsafe Food
Associated With Favorable Food Safety Safety Behaviors?
Moderate available evidence, which focused on
Moderate, consistent evidence indicates that preventing pregnant women, college students, and older adults,
cross-contamination in the home kitchen may reduce shows that these populations commonly practice unsafe
exposure to foodborne pathogens among U.S. food handling and consumption behaviors.
consumers. Techniques associated with favorable food
safety outcomes for preventing cross-contamination
include proper cleaning of food preparation surfaces FOOD SAFETY TECHNOLOGIES
and/or cooking utensils, particularly cutting boards and
cutlery, accompanied by hand washing. Question 8: To What Extent Are Recently
Developed Technological Materials That
Are Designed to Improve Food Safety
Question 5: COOK AND CHILL: To What
Effective in Reducing Exposure to
Extent Do U.S. Consumers Follow
Pathogens and Decreasing the Risk of
Adequate Temperature Control During
Foodborne Illnesses in the Home?
Food Preparation and Storage at Home?
A limited body of inconsistent evidence describes and
Strong, consistent evidence shows that the great
evaluates contributions to or advances of food safety
majority of U.S. consumers do not use food
modalities or practices in the home. These small studies
thermometers to properly assess the internal cooking
indicate the correct usage of these kinds of products is
temperature of meat and poultry while cooking.
critical for assessing proper cooking temperature and
Moderate, consistent evidence shows that U.S.
ensuring adequate reduction of microbial burden on
consumers lack refrigerator and freezer thermometers in
food contact surfaces. Not all thermometers tested,
their homes.
wipes assessed, and sanitizers evaluated were accurate
or effective in providing correct cook temperatures or
assuring consistent safety against typical foodborne
Question 6: RISKY FOODS: To What organisms.
Extent Do U.S. Consumers Eat Raw or
Undercooked Animal Foods? Implications

Conclusion New and emerging technologies over the past 5 years

can assist consumers in preserving and protecting foods
Moderate, clear, and consistent evidence shows that the while encouraging safe food handling practices in the
consumption of raw or undercooked animal-source food home; however, appropriate techniques for using
products is relatively common in the U.S., especially for products is essential in the efficacy of decreasing the
eggs and egg-containing products, and ground beef risk for foodborne illness. The evidence supporting
products. emerging food safety technologies in the home is
limited, despite the emergence of commercial tools and
appliances intended to improve safe home food
handling and management practices. Consumers should
adhere to food safety fundamentals in the home even
with future introductions of food safety technologies.

424 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

SEAFOOD Current Federal advisories on consumption of seafood
species with high MeHg levels that vulnerable groups
need to avoid are well justified by the scientific
Question 9: What Are the Benefits in
evidence. Regarding women who may become or who
Relationship to the Risks for Seafood are pregnant, nursing mothers, and young children,
Consumption? there is emerging evidence that consumption beyond 12
ounces per week may be safe. However,
Conclusion additional benefit/risk modeling is needed that takes
into account the simultaneous presence of multiple
Moderate, consistent evidence shows that health contaminants in a shifting seafood supply. State and
benefits derived from the consumption of a variety of local agencies should continue to reach out to
cooked seafood in the U.S. in amounts recommended vulnerable groups and the population at large with
by the Committee outweigh the risks associated with advisories about the presence of diverse environmental
methyl mercury (MeHg) and persistent organic contaminants in different water bodies. This is
pollutants (POPs) exposure, even among women who particularly relevant for seafood caught by consumers.
may become or who are pregnant, nursing mothers, and The public also needs to be advised that eating a variety
children ages 12 and younger. Overall, consumers can of seafood, as opposed to just a few choices, is likely to
safely eat at least 12 ounces of a variety of cooked reduce their exposure to ‘single source’ contaminants.
seafood per week provided they pay attention to local Clear, consistent evidence indicates that consumers will
seafood advisories and limit their intake of large, need access to publicly available user-friendly
predatory fish. Women who may become or who are benefit/risk information to make informed seafood
pregnant, nursing mothers, and children ages 12 and choices that maximize their health and that take their
younger can safely consume a variety of cooked seafood seafood preferences into account.
in amounts recommended by this Committee while
following Federal and local advisories.


Seafood is a healthy food choice that can be safely

promoted provided that the types and sources of seafood
to be limited or avoided by some consumers are clearly
communicated to consumers. Consumers may be able to
eat safely more than 12 ounces per week of seafood if
they chose to do so provided they choose the right mix
of seafood that emphasizes the consumption of seafood
species with relatively low concentrations of
contaminants such as MeHg and POPs. Encouraging
consumption of seafood in the U.S. is justified, as
consumption continues to be far below amounts
recommended for health by the IOM and by this
Committee (see Part D. Section 3: Fatty Acids and

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 425

Appendix E-2: Glossary of Terms

The terms in this Glossary appear in multiple sex and age. The percentile indicates the relative
sections of the Report and are essential to position of the child’s BMI among children of the same
understanding the major themes and concepts sex and age.
discussed throughout. Terms specific to individual
sections are defined there. Definitions are taken Calorie—Unit of energy that is required to sustain the
from a variety of sources, including 2010 DGAC body’s various functions, including metabolic processes
chapters, the 2005 DGAC Report, 2005 Dietary and physical activity. Carbohydrate, fat, protein, and
Guidelines for Americans, Institute of Medicine alcohol provide all of the energy supplied by foods and
reports, USDA and HHS regulatory definitions, and beverages. Calories referred to in terms of dietary intake
published sources in the scientific literature. and expenditure are kilocalories, but are referred to as
calories in this Report.
Added sugars—Sugars, syrups, and other caloric
sweeteners that are added to foods during processing, Carbohydrates—One of the three classes of
preparation, or consumed separately. Added sugars do macronutrients that include sugars, starches, and fibers:
not include naturally occurring sugars such as those in
milk or fruits. Names for added sugars include: brown • Sugars—A simple carbohydrate composed of one
sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, unit (a monosaccharide, such as glucose and
fruit juice concentrates, glucose, high-fructose corn fructose) or two joined units (a disaccharide, such
syrup, honey, invert sugar, lactose, maltose, malt syrup, as lactose and sucrose). Sugars include white and
molasses, raw sugar, turbinado sugar, trebalose, and brown sugar, fruit sugar, corn syrup, molasses, and
sucrose. honey.
• Starches—Many glucose units linked together.
Body mass index (BMI)—A measure of weight in Examples of foods containing starch include
kilograms (kg) relative to height in meters (m) squared. vegetables, dry beans and peas, and grains (e.g.,
BMI is considered a reasonably reliable indicator of brown rice, oats, wheat, barley, corn).
total body fat, which is related to the risk of disease and • Fiber—Nondigestible carbohydrates and lignin that
death. BMI status categories include underweight, are intrinsic and intact in plants. Fiber consists of
healthy weight, overweight, and obese. Overweight and dietary fiber, the fiber naturally occurring in foods,
obese describe ranges of weight that are greater than and functional fiber— isolated, nondigestible
what is considered healthy for a given height, while carbohydrates that have beneficial physiological
underweight describes a weight that is lower than what effects in humans.
is considered healthy. Because children and adolescents
are growing, their BMI is plotted on growth charts for

Body Weight Category Children and Adolescents Adults

(BMI-for-Age Percentile Range) (BMI)

Underweight Less than the 5th percentile Less than 18.5 kg/m2
Healthy weight 5th percentile to less than the 85th percentile 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2
Overweight 85th to less than the 95th percentile 25.0 to 29.9 kg/m2
Obese Equal to or greater than the 95th percentile 30 kg/m2 or greater

426 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Cardiovascular disease—Diseases of the heart and it meets each of the major nutrient recommendations set
diseases of the blood vessel system (arteries, capillaries, by the Institute of Medicine Dietary Reference Intake
veins) within a person’s entire body, including the Committees.
brain, muscle, lungs, adipose tissue (or fat), or kidneys.
Dietary pattern—A description of the types and
Cholesterol—A natural sterol present in all animal amounts of foods and beverages consumed on average,
tissues. Free cholesterol is a component of cell over time. This may be a description of a customary
membranes and serves as a precursor for steroid way of eating, or a description of a combination of
hormones (estrogen, testosterone, aldosterone), and for foods recommended for consumption. Specific
bile acids. Humans are able to synthesize sufficient examples include Dietary Approaches to Stop
cholesterol to meet biologic requirements, and there is Hypertension (DASH), Mediterranean, and USDA
no evidence for a dietary requirement for cholesterol. patterns. Dietary patterns fall into several broad
• Dietary cholesterol—Cholesterol is found in foods
of animal origin, including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, • Omnivorous—A pattern that includes both animal
and dairy products. Biologically, a liver is required and plant products.
to produce cholesterol, thus plant foods, such as • Plant-based—A pattern in which the majority of
grains, vegetables and fruits, and oils contain no protein sources come from plant products, though
dietary cholesterol. some animal products can be included.
• Serum cholesterol—Cholesterol that travels in the • Vegetarian—A pattern that is exclusively or almost
blood as part of distinct particles containing both exclusively composed of plant foods. Some
lipids and proteins (lipoproteins). Three major vegetarians may consume specified animal
classes of lipoproteins are found in the serum of a products, such as eggs, milk, and milk products
fasting individual: low-density lipoprotein (LDL), (lacto-ovo vegetarians), and processed foods
high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and very-low- containing small amounts of animal products.
density lipoprotein (VLDL). Another lipoprotein • Vegan—A pattern that is exclusively composed of
class, intermediate-density lipoprotein (IDL), plant foods, containing no animal products.
resides between VLDL and LDL; in clinical
practice, IDL is included in the LDL measurement Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)—A set of nutrient-
based reference values that expand upon and replace the
Cross-contamination—The spread of bacteria, viruses, former Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) in
or other harmful agents from one surface to another. the United States and the Recommended Nutrient
Intakes (RNIs) in Canada. They include:
Cup equivalent (cup eq)—The amount of a food
product that is considered equal to 1 cup from the • Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges
vegetable, fruit, or milk food group. A cup eq for some (AMDR)—Range of intake for a particular energy
foods may be less than a measured cup, because the source that is associated with reduced risk of
food has been concentrated (such as raisins or tomato chronic disease while providing intakes of essential
paste), more than a cup for some foods that are airy in nutrients. If an individual’s intake is outside of the
their raw form and do not compress well into a cup AMDR, there is a potential of increasing the risk of
(such as salad greens), or measured in a different form chronic diseases and/or insufficient intakes of
(such as cheese). essential nutrients.
• Adequate Intakes (AI)—A recommended average
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension daily nutrient intake level based on observed or
(DASH)—A dietary pattern that emphasizes potassium- experimentally determined approximations or
rich vegetables and fruits and low-fat dairy products; estimates of mean nutrient intake by a group (or
includes whole grains, poultry, fish, and nuts; and is groups) of apparently healthy people. This is used
reduced in red meat, sweets, and sugar-containing when the Recommended Dietary Allowance cannot
beverages. As a result, it is rich in potassium, be determined.
magnesium, calcium and fiber, and reduced in total fat, • Estimated Average Requirements (EAR)—The
saturated fat, and cholesterol. It also is slightly average daily nutrient intake level estimated to meet
increased in protein. This nutrient-rich diet has been
shown to lower blood pressure and LDL-cholesterol and
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 427
the requirement of half the healthy individuals in a • n-6 PUFAs—Linoleic acid, one of the n-6 fatty
particular life stage and sex group. acids, is required but cannot be synthesized by
• Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)—The humans and, therefore, is considered essential in the
average dietary intake level that is sufficient to meet diet. Primary sources are liquid vegetable oils,
the nutrient requirement of nearly all (97 to 98 including soybean oil, corn oil, and safflower oil.
percent) healthy individuals in a particular life stage Also called omega-6 fatty acids.
and sex group. • n-3 PUFAs—α-linolenic acid is an n-3 fatty acid
• Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)—The highest that is required because it is not synthesized by
average daily nutrient intake level likely to pose no humans and, therefore, is considered essential in the
risk of adverse health effects for nearly all diet. It is obtained from plant sources, including
individuals in a particular life stage and gender soybean oil, canola oil, walnuts, and flaxseed.
group. As intake increases above the UL, the Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic
potential risk of adverse health effects increases. acid (DHA) are long chain n-3 fatty acids that are
contained in fish and shellfish. Also called omega-3
Energy density—The amount of energy per unit of fatty acids.
weight, usually expressed as calories per 100 grams. • Saturated fatty acids—Saturated fatty acids have
no double bonds. Examples include animal
Energy balance—The balance between calories products such as meat and dairy products,
consumed through eating and drinking and those hydrogenated shortening, and coconut or palm oils.
expended through physical activity and metabolic In general, saturated fats are solid at room
processes. Energy consumed must equal energy temperature.
expended for a person to remain at the same body • Trans fatty acids— As used in this Report, trans
weight. Weight gain will result from excess calorie fatty acids is a term consistent with that defined by
intake and/or inadequate physical activity. Weight loss the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in
will occur when a calorie deficit exists, which can be food labeling. In this definition, trans fatty acids are
achieved by eating less, being more physically active, or unsaturated fatty acids that contain one or more
a combination of the two. isolated (i.e., nonconjugated) double bonds in a
trans configuration. Sources of industrial trans fatty
Enrichment—The addition of specific nutrients (iron, acids include hydrogenated/partially hydrogenated
thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin) to refined grain vegetable oils that are used to make shortening and
products in order to replace losses of the nutrients that commercially prepared baked goods, snack foods,
occur during processing. fried foods, and margarine. Trans fatty acids also
are present in foods that come from ruminant
Fast food—Foods designed for ready availability, use animals (e.g., cattle and sheep) and are called
or consumption and sold at eating establishments for “natural” or rTFA. Such foods include dairy
quick availability or take-out. Fast food restaurants are products, beef, and lamb.
also known as quick-service restaurants.
Food environment—The collective group of settings
Fats—One of the three classes of macronutrients. (See from which a person can access food, including the
Solid Fats and Oils.) home, food retail establishments, restaurants, schools,
worksites, as well as the overall food supply.
• Monounsaturated fatty acids—Monounsaturated
fatty acids (MUFAs) have one double bond. Plant Food pattern modeling—The process of developing
sources that are rich in MUFAs include nuts and and adjusting daily intake amounts from food categories
vegetable oils that are liquid at room temperature or groups to meet specific criteria, such as meeting
(e.g., canola oil, olive oil, high oleic safflower and nutrient intake goals, limiting nutrients or other food
sunflower oils). components, or varying proportions or amounts of
• Polyunsaturated fatty acids—Polyunsaturated specific food categories or groups.
fatty acids (PUFAs) have two or more double bonds
and may be of two types, based on the position of Food security—Access by all people at all times to
the first double bond. enough food for an active, healthy life. Food security
includes, at a minimum: (a) the ready availability of

428 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

nutritionally adequate and safe foods and (b) an assured percentile but less than the 95th percentile for sex-, age-,
ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable and height-specific blood pressure percentiles, or blood
ways (e.g., without resorting to emergency food pressure that is greater than 120/80 but less than the 95th
supplies, scavenging, stealing, or other coping percentile.
Isocaloric—Having the same caloric values. For
Food insecurity—The limited or uncertain availability example, two dietary patterns that vary in macronutrient
of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or uncertain proportions but have the same calorie content are
ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable isocaloric.
ways. Hunger is defined as the uneasy or painful
sensation caused by a lack of food; the recurrent and Metabolic syndrome—Metabolic syndrome consists of
involuntary lack of access to food. a collection of risk factors for cardiovascular disease
manifested in an individual. The syndrome is
Foodborne disease—Disease caused by consuming considered to be present if three of five risk factors are
foods or beverages contaminated with disease-causing present: glucose intolerance or frank diabetes mellitus,
bacteria or viruses. Many different disease-causing high blood pressure, elevated triglycerides, low HDL
microbes, or pathogens, can contaminate foods, so there cholesterol, and abdominal obesity. Persons with
are many different foodborne infections. In addition, metabolic syndrome often also manifest a prothrombotic
poisonous chemicals, or other harmful substances, can and proinflammatory state.
cause foodborne diseases if they are present in food.
The most commonly recognized foodborne infections Moderate alcohol consumption—Average daily
are those caused by the bacteria Campylobacter, consumption of up to one drink per day for women and
Salmonella, and E. coli O157:H7, and by a group of up to two drinks per day for men, with no more
viruses called calicivirus, also known as the Norwalk than three drinks in any single day for women and no
and Norwalk-like viruses. more than four drinks in any single day for men. One
drink is defined as 12 fluid ounces of regular beer, 5
Foodborne disease outbreak—Illness that occurs fluid ounces of wine, or 1.5 fluid ounces of distilled
when a group of people consume the same spirits.
contaminated food and two or more of them come down
with the same illness. It may be a group that ate a meal NEL evidence-based systematic review—A protocol-
together somewhere, or it may be a group of people who driven, transparent process used to assist the 2010
do not know each other at all, but who all happened to Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, which
buy and eat the same contaminated item from a grocery includes pre-defined criteria for searching and sorting
store or restaurant. the scientific literature; critical appraisal of
methodological rigor of each included study; extracting,
Hypertension—A condition, also known as high blood summarizing, and synthesizing the evidence; and
pressure, in which blood pressure remains elevated over grading the overall quality and consistency of the body
time. Hypertension makes the heart work too hard, and of evidence.
the high force of the blood flow can harm arteries and
organs, such as the heart, kidneys, brain, and eyes. If Nutrient-dense foods—Foods that are naturally rich in
uncontrolled, hypertension can lead to heart attacks, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, and are lean or
heart failure, kidney disease, stroke, and blindness. In low in solid fats and without added solid fats, sugars,
adults, hypertension is defined as systolic blood starches, or sodium and that retain naturally-occurring
pressure of 140 mmHg or higher or diastolic blood components such as fiber. All vegetables, fruits, whole
pressure of 90 mmHg or higher. In children, grains, fish, eggs, and nuts prepared without added solid
hypertension is defined as systolic or diastolic blood fats or sugars are considered nutrient-dense, as are lean
pressure equal to or greater than the 95th percentile for or low-fat forms of fluid milk, meat, and poultry
sex-, age-, and height-specific blood pressure prepared without added solid fats or sugars. Nutrient-
percentiles In adults, prehypertension is defined as dense foods provide substantial amounts of vitamins
systolic blood pressure of 120-139 mmHg or diastolic and minerals (micronutrients) and relatively few
blood pressure of 80-89 mmHg. In children, calories.
prehypertension is defined as systolic or diastolic blood
pressure that is equal to or greater than the 90th
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 429
Oils—Fats that are liquid at room temperature. Oils reduce, increase, or leave unaffected the nutritional
come from many different plants and from fish. Some characteristics of raw agricultural commodities.
common oils include canola, corn, olive, peanut,
safflower, soybean, and sunflower oils. A number of • Minimally-processed food—Food that is
foods are naturally high in oils, such as nuts, olives, processed but retains most of its inherent physical,
some fish, and avocados. Foods that are mainly oil chemical, sensory, and nutritional properties. Many
include mayonnaise, certain salad dressings, and soft minimally processed foods are as nutritious as the
(tub or squeeze) margarine with no trans fats. Most oils food in its unprocessed form.
are high in monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats and
low in saturated fats. A few plant oils, including Protein—One of the three macronutrients classes.
coconut oil and palm kernel oil, are high in saturated Protein is the major functional and structural
fats and for nutritional purposes should be considered component of every cell in the body. Proteins are
solid fats. Hydrogenated oils that contain trans fats composed of amino acids, nine of which are
should also be considered solid fats for nutritional indispensable, meaning they cannot be synthesized to
purposes. (See Fats.) meet the body’s needs and therefore must be obtained
from the diet. The quality of a source of dietary protein
Ounce equivalent (oz eq)—The amount of a food depends on its ability to provide the nitrogen and amino
product that is considered equal to one ounce from the acid requirements that are necessary for the body’s
grain or meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and nuts food group. growth, maintenance, and repair. This ability is
An ounce equivalent for some foods may be less than a determined by two factors: digestibility and amino acid
measured ounce if the food is concentrated or low in composition.
water content (nuts, peanut butter, dried meats, flour),
more than an ounce if the food contains a large amount • Animal protein - Protein from animal products
of water (tofu, cooked beans, cooked rice, or pasta). such as meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, and milk and
milk products. Animal proteins tend to have higher
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs)—Toxic protein quality based on their complete amino acid
chemicals that adversely affect human health and the profile relative to human requirements and higher
environment around the world. Because they can be digestibility.
transported by wind and water, most POPs generated in • Vegetable protein - Protein from plants such as
one country can and do affect people and wildlife far legumes, dry beans, grains, nuts, seeds, and
from where they are used and released. They persist for vegetables. Vegetable proteins tend to have lower
long periods of time in the environment and can protein quality based on their incomplete amino
accumulate and pass from one species to the next acid profile relative to human requirements and
through the food chain. lower digestibility.

Portion size—The amount of a food served or Refined grains—Grains and grain products missing the
consumed in one eating occasion. A portion is not a bran, germ, and/or endosperm; any grain product that is
standardized amount, and the amount considered to be a not a whole grain. Many refined grains are low in fiber
portion is subjective and varies. (See Serving size.) but enriched with thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and iron,
and fortified with folic acid as required by U.S.
Processed food—Any food other than a raw regulations.
agricultural commodity, including any raw agricultural
commodity that has been subject to washing, cleaning, Seafood—All commercially obtained fish, shellfish,
milling, cutting, chopping, heating, pasteurizing, and mollusks, both marine and freshwater.
blanching, cooking, canning, freezing, drying,
dehydrating, mixing, packaging, or other procedures Serving size—A standardized amount of a food, such
that alter the food from its natural state. Processing also as a cup or an ounce, used in providing information
may include the addition of other ingredients to the about the food, such as on the Nutrition Facts label or in
food, such as preservatives, flavors, nutrients, and other dietary guidance, or in making comparisons among
food additives or substances approved for use in food similar foods. The portion size consumed may differ
products, such as salt, sugars, and fats. Processing of from the standard service size. (See Portion size.)
foods, including the addition of ingredients, may

430 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

SoFAAS—Solid Fats, Alcohol, and Added Sugars. (usually drawn from the published literature) and
This term is used in the Healthy Eating Index 2005 and synthesizing summaries and conclusions which may
in other publications. The term SoFAS is preferred to be used for several purposes, such as evaluating
SoFAAS when discussing intakes or limits for the total therapeutic effectiveness or planning new studies,
population, because many individuals do not consume with application chiefly in the areas of research and
calories from alcohol. medicine.
• Randomized controlled trial—An experiment in
SoFAS—Solid Fats and Added Sugars. This term is which two or more interventions, possibly including
used when calculating the number of calories that come a control intervention or no intervention, are
from these two food components together. Limits for compared by being randomly allocated to
the amount of calories from SoFAS are included in the participants. In most trials, one intervention is
USDA food patterns. assigned to each individual but sometimes
assignment is to defined groups of individuals (e.g.,
Solid fats—Fats that are usually not liquid at room households) or interventions are assigned within
temperature. Solid fats are found in most animal foods individuals (e.g., in different orders). Also called a
but also can be made from vegetable oils through randomized clinical trial.
hydrogenation. Some common solid fats include: butter, • Systematic review—A review of a clearly
beef fat (tallow, suet), chicken fat, pork fat (lard), stick formulated question that uses systematic and
margarine, and shortening. Foods high in solid fats explicit methods to identify, select, and critically
include: many cheeses, creams, whole milk, ice creams, appraise relevant research, and to collect and
well-marbled cuts of meats, regular ground beef, bacon, analyze data from the studies that are included in
sausages, poultry skin, and many baked goods (such as the review. Statistical methods (meta-analysis) may
cookies, crackers, doughnuts, pastries, and croissants). or may not be used to analyze and summarize the
Most solid fats contain saturated fats, cholesterol and/or results of the included studies.
trans fats, and have less or no monounsaturated or
polyunsaturated fats. (See Fats.) Sugar-sweetened beverages—Liquids that are
sweetened with various forms of sugars that add
Study design—An experimental approach to address a calories. These beverages include, but are not limited to,
specific question; it includes clinical trials, soda, fruit ades, and sports drinks. Also called
observational studies, and summary and quantitative calorically-sweetened beverages.
analysis of numerous studies.
Whole grains—Grains and grain products made from
• Case-control study—A study that compares people the entire grain seed, usually called the kernel, which
with a specific disease or outcome of interest consists of the bran, germ, and endosperm. If the kernel
(cases) to people from the same population without has been cracked, crushed, or flaked, it must retain
that disease or outcome (controls), and which seeks nearly the same relative proportions of bran, germ, and
to find associations between the outcome and prior endosperm as the original grain in order to be called
exposure to particular risk factors. Case-control whole grain. Many, but not all, whole grains are also a
studies are usually retrospective, but not always. source of dietary fiber.
• Cohort study—An observational study in which a
defined group of people (the cohort) is followed
over time. The outcomes of people in subsets of this
cohort are compared to examine people who were
exposed or not exposed (or exposed at different
levels) to a particular intervention or other factor of
interest. A prospective cohort study assembles
participants and follows them into the future. A
retrospective (or historical) cohort study identifies
subjects from past records and follows them from
the time of those records to the present.
• Meta-analysis—A quantitative method of
combining the results of independent studies

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 431

Appendix E-3: USDA Food Pattern Modeling

The 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee foods, and (3) if more fluid milk and less
(DGAC) identified specific questions that they felt cheese were consumed?
could best be addressed through a food pattern E3.7: Replacing all Non-Whole Grains with Whole
modeling approach, using the USDA Food Patterns and Grains. What is the impact on intake of folate
the modeling process developed to address similar and other nutrients if all recommended grain
requests by the 2005 DGAC. Twelve modeling amounts are selected as whole grains rather
analyses were completed and provided as reports to four than half whole and half nonwhole grains?
DGAC subcommittees. The food pattern modeling E3.8: Cholesterol. What is the impact on food
analyses conducted for the DGAC are listed below. Full choices and overall nutrient adequacy of
reports for each analysis are available online at limiting cholesterol to less than 200 milligrams
www.dietaryguidelines.gov. per day?
E3.9: Reducing Cholesterol-Raising Fatty Acids.
E3.1: Adequacy of the USDA Food Patterns. How What is the impact on food choices and overall
well do the USDA Food Patterns, using nutrient adequacy of limiting cholesterol-raising
updated food intake and nutrient data, meet (CR) fatty acids to less than 7 percent of total
IOM and potential DG 2010 nutrient calories and to less than 5 percent of total
recommendations? calories, with CR fatty acids operationalized as
E3.2: Realigning Vegetable Subgroups. What total saturated fatty acids minus stearic acid?
revisions to the vegetable subgroups may help E3.10: Seafood. What is the impact on nutrient
to highlight vegetables of importance and allow adequacy of increasing seafood in the USDA
recommendations for intake levels that are Food Patterns to (1) 4 ounces per week of
achievable, without compromising the nutrient seafood high in n-3 fatty acids, (2) 8 ounces per
adequacy of the patterns? week of seafood in proportions currently
E3.3: Vegetarian Food Patterns. How well do consumed, and (3) 12 ounces per week of
plant-based or vegetarian food patterns, adapted seafood low in n-3 fatty acids?
from the USDA Food Patterns, meet IOM and E3.11: Sodium. What would the sodium levels of the
potential DG 2010 nutrient recommendations? USDA Food Patterns be (1) using current
E3.4: Starchy Vegetables. How do the nutrients patterns, (2) using “typical choices” patterns,
provided by the starchy vegetable subgroup and (3) using only low sodium and no-salt-
compare with those provided by grains and added foods?
those provided by other vegetable subgroups? E3.12: Potassium. What are the potassium levels in
How would nutrient adequacy of the patterns be the USDA Food Patterns, in comparison to
affected by considering starchy vegetables as a current consumptions and DASH diet levels, in
replacement for some grains rather than as a absolute amounts, adjusted for energy intake,
vegetable subgroup? and as a ratio of sodium to potassium? How
E3.5: “Typical Choices” Food Patterns. What is the would potassium levels of the USDA Food
impact on caloric and nutrient intake if the Pattern change if current levels of coffee and
USDA Food Patterns are followed but typical tea intake were included?
rather than nutrient-dense food choices are
E3.6: Milk Group and Alternatives. What is the
impact on nutrient adequacy (1) if no milk or
milk products were consumed, (2) if calcium
was obtained from nondairy sources or fortified

432 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Appendix E-4: History of the Dietary
Guidelines for Americans

In early 1977, after years of discussion, scientific Department of Health, Education, and Welfare) selected
review, and debate, the U.S. Senate Select Committee scientists from the two Departments and obtained
on Nutrition and Human Needs, led by Senator George additional expertise from the scientific community
McGovern, recommended Dietary Goals for the throughout the country to address the public’s need for
American people (U.S. Senate Select Committee, authoritative and consistent guidance on diet and health.
1977). The Goals consisted of complementary nutrient-
based and food-based recommendations. The first Goal In February 1980, the two Departments collaboratively
focused on energy balance and recommended that, to issued Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines
avoid overweight, Americans should consume only as for Americans, a brochure that, in describing seven
much energy as they expended. Overweight Americans principles for a healthful diet, provided assistance for
should consume less energy and expend more energy. healthy people in making daily food choices
For the nutrient-based Goals, the Senate Committee (USDA/HHS, 1980). These Guidelines were based, in
recommended that Americans: part, on the 1979 Surgeon General’s Report on Health
Promotion and Disease Prevention (DHEW/PHS,
• Increase consumption of complex carbohydrates 1979) and reflected findings from a study on the
and “naturally occurring sugars;”and relationship between dietary practices and health
• Reduce consumption of refined and processed outcomes (ASCN, 1979). Ideas for incorporating a
sugars, total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and variety of foods to provide essential nutrients while
sodium. maintaining recommended body weight were a focus.
The brochure also provided guidance on limiting dietary
For the food-based Goals, the Committee recommended components such as fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and
that Americans: sodium, which were beginning to be considered risk
factors in certain chronic diseases. Both the Dietary
• Increase consumption of fruits, vegetables, and Goals and the first Dietary Guidelines for Americans
whole grains were different from previous dietary guidance in that
• Decrease consumption of: they reflected the emerging scientific evidence and
— refined and processed sugars and foods high in changed the historical focus on nutrient adequacy to
such sugars also identify the impacts of diet on chronic disease.
— foods high in total fat and animal fat, and These documents discussed the concepts of moderation
partially replace saturated fats with as well as nutrient adequacy.
polyunsaturated fats
— eggs, butterfat, and other high-cholesterol foods Even though the recommendations of the 1980 Dietary
— salt and foods high in salt Guidelines for Americans were presented as innocuous
• Choose low-fat and non-fat dairy products instead and straightforward extrapolations from the science
of high-fat dairy products (except for young base, they, too, were met with a fair amount of
children) controversy from a variety of industry and scientific
The issuance of the Dietary Goals was met with
considerable debate and controversy, as industry groups The debate about the 1980 Dietary Guidelines for
and the scientific community expressed doubt that the Americans led to Congressional report language that
science available at the time supported the specificity of directed the two Departments to convene an advisory
the numbers provided in the Dietary Goals. To support committee that would ensure that outside advice, both
the credibility of the science used by the Committee, the formal and informal, was captured in developing future
U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of editions of the Dietary Guidelines. A Dietary
Health and Human Services (then called the Guidelines Advisory Committee composed of scientific

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 433

experts outside the Federal sector was established Evidence Library, a comprehensive evidence-based
shortly after that directive and was very helpful in the review process, to support the 2010 Dietary Guidelines
development of the 1985 Nutrition and Your Health: Advisory Committee (see Part C. Methodology for
Dietary Guidelines for Americans (USDA/HHS, 1985). additional information about the Nutrition Evidence
The Departments made relatively few changes from the Library).
first edition, but this second edition was issued with
much less debate from either industry or the scientific Over the past two decades, Nutrition and Your Health:
community. The 1985 Dietary Guidelines were widely Dietary Guidelines for Americans has evolved to
accepted and were used as the framework for consumer become a broadly accepted, evidence-based document
nutrition education messages. They also were used as a that serves as the basis for Federal nutrition policy from
guide for healthy diets by scientific, consumer, and which nutrition education materials and activities are
industry groups. developed. The Dietary Guidelines have presented
advice for healthy Americans, ages 2 years and older,
In 1989, USDA and HHS established a second about making food choices that promote health and help
scientific advisory committee to review the 1985 prevent disease. As new data emerge about the role of
Dietary Guidelines and make recommendations for diet in utero and from birth on, it will be important also
revision. The basic tenets of earlier Dietary Guidelines to consider those ages 2 years and younger. Nutrition
were reaffirmed, and the 1990 Nutrition and Your and health professionals actively promote the Dietary
Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans Guidelines as a means of encouraging Americans to
(USDA/HHS, 1990) promoted enjoyable and healthful focus on eating a healthful diet and being physically
eating through variety and moderation, rather than active throughout the entire lifespan.
dietary restriction. For the first time, the Guidelines also
suggested numerical goals for fat and saturated fat,
though they stressed that the goals were to be met Development of the Dietary Guidelines –
through dietary choices made over several days, not A Chronology
through choices about one meal or one food.
The 1980, 1985, and 1990 editions of the Dietary 1977 Dietary Goals for the United States (the
Guidelines were issued voluntarily by the two McGovern report) was issued by the U.S. Senate
Departments. With the passage of the 1990 National Select Committee on Nutrition and Human
Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research Act Needs (U.S. Senate Select Committee, 1977).
(Section 301 of Public Law 101-445, 7 U.S.C. 5341, The Dietary Goals reflected a shift in focus,
Title III) (U.S. Congress, 1990), the 1995 edition of from obtaining adequate nutrients to avoiding
Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for excessive intake of food components linked to
Americans became the first Dietary Guidelines Report chronic disease. These goals were controversial
mandated by statute. This Act directed the Secretaries among some nutritionists and others concerned
of USDA and HHS to jointly issue at least every 5 years with food, nutrition, and health.
a report entitled Dietary Guidelines for Americans. A
1979 The American Society for Clinical Nutrition
Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee was
formed a panel to study the relationship between
established to assist in the preparations of the 1995,
dietary practices and health outcomes (ASCN,
2000, 2005, and now 2010 versions of the Dietary
1979). The findings, presented in 1979, were
Guidelines for Americans (HHS/USDA, 1995a, 1995b,
reflected in Healthy People: The Surgeon
2000a, 2000b, 2004, 2005a, 2005b).
General’s Report on Health Promotion and
Disease Prevention (DHEW/PHS, 1979).
Since 1980, the Dietary Guidelines have been notably
consistent in their recommendations on the components 1980 Seven principles for a healthful diet were jointly
of a healthful diet, but they also have changed in some issued by the then U.S. Department of Health,
significant ways to reflect emerging science. In keeping Education, and Welfare (now HHS) and the
with renewed emphasis on data quality, the 2005 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in
Committee used a systematic approach for reviewing response to the public’s desire for authoritative,
the scientific literature in developing its consistent guidelines on diet and health. These
recommendations. This systematic review of the principles became the first edition of Nutrition
evidence has been further expanded for the 2010 and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for
revision cycle. USDA has established the Nutrition
434 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Americans (USDA/HHS, 1980). The 1980 Secretaries (USDA/HHS, 1990a). The 1988
Guidelines were based on the most up-to-date Surgeon General’s Report on Nutrition and
information available at the time and were Health (HHS/PHS, 1988) and the 1989
directed to healthy Americans ages two and National Research Council’s report Diet and
older. The Guidelines generated some concern Health: Implications for Reducing Chronic
among consumer, commodity, and food industry Disease Risk were key resources used by the
groups, as well as some nutrition scientists, who Committee (NAS/NRC, 1989).
questioned the causal relationship between
certain guidelines and health. 1990 USDA and HHS jointly released the third
edition of Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary
1980 A U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations Guidelines for Americans (USDA/HHS,
report directed that a committee be established 1990b). The basic tenets of the 1990 Dietary
to review scientific evidence and recommend Guidelines were reaffirmed, with additional
revisions to the 1980 Nutrition and Your Health: refinements made to reflect increased
Dietary Guidelines for Americans (U.S. Senate, understanding of the science of nutrition and
1980). how best to communicate the science to
consumers. The language of the new Dietary
1983 A Federal advisory committee of nine nutrition Guidelines was positive, was oriented toward
scientists was convened to review and make the total diet, and provided specific information
recommendations in a report to the Secretaries regarding food selection. For the first time,
of USDA and HHS about the first edition of the numerical recommendations were made for
Dietary Guidelines (USDA/HHS, 1985a). intakes of dietary fat and saturated fat.
1985 USDA and HHS jointly issued the second 1990 The 1990 National Nutrition Monitoring and
edition of Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Related Research Act (Section 301 of Public
Guidelines for Americans (USDA/HHS, 1985b). Law 101-445, 7 U.S.C. 5341, Title III) directed
This edition was nearly identical to the first, the Secretaries of the USDA and HHS to
retaining the seven guidelines from the 1980 jointly issue at least every 5 years a report
edition. Some changes were made for clarity, entitled Dietary Guidelines for Americans
while others reflected advances in scientific (U.S. Congress, 1990). This legislation also
knowledge of the associations between diet and required review by the Secretaries of USDA
chronic diseases. The second edition received and HHS of all Federal publications containing
wide acceptance and was used as the basis for dietary advice for the general public.
dietary guidance for the general public as well as
a framework for developing consumer education 1993 The HHS Charter established the 1995 Dietary
messages. Guidelines Advisory Committee.

1987 Language in the Conference Report of the 1994 An 11-member Dietary Guidelines Advisory
House Committee on Appropriations indicated Committee was appointed by the Secretaries of
that USDA, in conjunction with HHS, “shall HHS and USDA to review the third edition of
reestablish a Dietary Guidelines Advisory Group the Dietary Guidelines and determine whether
on a periodic basis. This Advisory Group will changes were needed. If so, the Committee was
review the scientific data relevant to nutritional to recommend suggestions and the rationale for
guidance and make recommendations on any revisions.
appropriate changes to the Secretaries of the
Departments of Agriculture and Health and 1995 The report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory
Human Services” (U.S. House of Committee to the Secretaries of HHS and
Representatives, 1987). USDA was published (HHS/USDA, 1995a).

1989 USDA and HHS established a second Federal 1995 Using the 1995 report of the Dietary Guidelines
advisory committee of nine members, which Advisory Committee as the foundation, HHS
considered whether revisions to the 1985 and USDA jointly released the fourth edition of
Dietary Guidelines were needed and made Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines
recommendations for revision in a report to the for Americans (HHS/USDA, 1995b). This

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 435

edition continued to support the concepts from relating diet and physical activity to health
earlier editions. New information included the promotion and chronic disease prevention also
Food Guide Pyramid, Nutrition Facts Label, were examined. Other major sources of
boxes highlighting good food sources of key evidence used were the Dietary Reference
nutrients, and a chart illustrating three weight Intake (DRI) reports prepared by expert
ranges in relation to height. committees convened by the Institute of
Medicine (IOM) as well as various Agency for
1997 The USDA Charter established the 2000 Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and
Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. World Health Organization (WHO) reports.
1998 An 11-member Dietary Guidelines Advisory USDA completed numerous food intake pattern
Committee was appointed by the Secretaries of modeling analyses and the Committee analyzed
USDA and HHS to review the fourth edition of various national data sets and sought advice
the Dietary Guidelines to determine whether from invited experts.
changes were needed and, if so, to recommend 2004 The Committee submitted its technical report to
suggestions for revision. the Secretaries of HHS and USDA
2000 The Committee submitted its report to the (HHS/USDA, 2004). This 364-page report
Secretaries of USDA and HHS (USDA/HHS, resulted in a detailed analysis of the science and
2000a). This report contained the proposed text was accompanied by many pages of evidence-
for the fifth edition of Nutrition and Your based tables that were made available
Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans. electronically. After dropping some questions
because of incomplete or inconclusive data, the
2000 The President of the United States spoke of the Committee wrote conclusive statements and
Dietary Guidelines in his radio address after comprehensive rationales for 34 of the 40
USDA and HHS jointly issued the fifth edition original questions.
of Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary
Guidelines for Americans earlier in the day 2005 Using the Committee’s technical report as a
(USDA/HHS, 2000b). Earlier versions of the basis, HHS and USDA jointly prepared and
Guidelines included seven statements. This issued the sixth edition of Dietary Guidelines
version included 10—created by breaking out for Americans in January 2005 (HHS/USDA,
physical activity from the weight guideline, 2005a). This 80-page policy document was
splitting the grains and fruits/vegetables prepared from the DGAC Report. It was the
recommendations for greater emphasis, and first time the Departments prepared a policy
adding a new guideline on safe food handling. document that was intended primarily for use
by policy makers, healthcare providers,
2003 The HHS Charter established the 2005 Dietary nutritionists, and nutrition educators. The
Guidelines Advisory Committee. content of this document included nine major
Dietary Guidelines messages that resulted in 41
2003 A 13-member Dietary Guidelines Advisory Key Recommendations, of which 23 were for
Committee was appointed by the Secretaries of the general public and 18 for special population
HHS and USDA to review the fifth edition of groups. The report highlighted the USDA Food
the Dietary Guidelines to determine whether Guide and the DASH Eating Plan as two
changes were needed and, if so, to recommend examples of eating patterns that exemplify the
suggestions for revision. Dietary Guidelines. This publication continues
to serve as the basis for Federal nutrition policy
2003- In keeping with renewed emphasis on data
until the next policy document is released in
2004 quality, the Committee used a systematic
2010. A companion, 10-page brochure called
approach to reviewing the scientific literature to
Finding Your Way to a Healthier You
develop its recommendations. Committee
(HHS/USDA, 2005b) was released
members initially posed approximately 40
concurrently with the Dietary Guidelines to
specific research questions that were put
provide advice to consumers about food
through an extensive evidence-based search
choices that promote health and decrease the
and review of the scientific literature. Issues
risk of chronic disease. Shortly thereafter,

436 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

USDA released the MyPyramid Food Guidance to consumers about food choices that promote
System, an update of the Food Guide Pyramid, health and decrease the risk of chronic
which included more detailed advice for disease.
consumers to follow the Dietary Guidelines.

2008 The USDA Charter established the 2010

Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. References

2008 A 13-member Dietary Guidelines Advisory American Society for Clinical Nutrition (ASCN).
Committee was appointed by the Secretaries of Symposium. Report of the Task Force on the evidence
USDA and HHS to review the sixth edition of relating six dietary factors to the nation’s health. Am J
Dietary Guidelines for Americans to determine Clin Nutr. 979;32(Supplement):2621-748.
whether changes were needed and, if so, to
recommend suggestions for revision. Murphy S. Development of the MyPyramid Food
2009 USDA established a Nutrition Evidence Guidance System. J Nutr Educ Behav.
Library (NEL) for use in reviewing the 2006;38(6S):S77-S162.
scientific literature for answering
approximately 130 of the 180 scientific National Academy of Science, National Research
questions posed by the Dietary Guidelines Council (NAS, NRC). Diet and Health: Implications
Advisory Committee. This was the most for Reducing Chronic Disease Risk. Washington (DC):
rigorous and comprehensive approach ever National Academy Press, 1989.
used for reviewing the science in order to
develop nutrition-related recommendations for U.S. Congress. National Nutrition Monitoring and
the public. When a full systematic review of Related Research Act of 1990, Public Law 445, 101st
the evidence was not needed, other methods Cong., 2nd Session., Section 301, 7 USC 5341, October
for answering scientific questions were used. 22, 1990.
These included brief updates to substantial
sources of evidences already completed in the U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of
past such as the 2005 DGAC Report and IOM Health and Human Services (USDA/HHS). Nutrition
Reports. Food pattern modeling using and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 1st
USDA’s MyPyramid Food Guidance System edition. Washington (DC): USDA/HHS, 1980. Home
and the review of various data analyses were and Garden Bulletin No. 232.
also used in formulating answers for some of
the questions posed. An elaborate public U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of
comments database was developed and Health and Human Services (USDA/HHS). Report of
successfully served to accept comments and the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on the
attachments from the public in one central Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 1985. Washington
location. This database served to encourage (DC): USDA, Human Nutrition Information Service,
public participation and supported a collection 1985a.
of more than 800 public comments related to
the DGAC process. U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services (USDA/HHS). Nutrition
2010 The Committee submitted its report to the and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 2nd
Secretaries of USDA and HHS. This report edition. Washington (DC): USDA/HHS, 1985b. Home
will serve as the basis for preparing the and Garden Bulletin No. 232.
seventh edition of Dietary Guidelines for
Americans. USDA and HHS will jointly issue U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of
the seventh edition of the Dietary Guidelines Health and Human Services (USDA/HHS). Report of
for Americans. This publication will continue the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on the
to serve as the basis of Federal nutrition Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 1990. Washington
policy. Additional consumer communication (DC): USDA, Human Nutrition Information Service,
materials will be developed to provide advice 1990a.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 437

U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and
Health and Human Services (USDA/HHS). Nutrition U.S. Department of Agriculture (HHS/USDA). Dietary
and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 3rd Guidelines for Americans. 6th edition. Washington
edition. Washington (DC): USDA/HHS, 1990b. Home (DC): U.S. Government Printing Office, 2005a.
and Garden Bulletin No. 232.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and
U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of U.S. Department of Agriculture (HHS/USDA). Finding
Health and Human Services (USDA/HHS). Report of Your Way to a Healthier You. Washington (DC): U.S.
the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on the Government Printing Office, 2005b. HHS-ODPHP-
Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2000. Washington 205-01-DGA-A; USDA Home and Garden Bulletin No.
(DC): USDA, Agricultural Research Service, 2000a. 232.

U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public
Health and Human Services (USDA/HHS). Nutrition Health Service (HHS, PHS). The Surgeon General’s
and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 5th Report on Nutrition and Health. Washington (DC):
edition. Washington (DC): USDA/HHS, 2000b. Home DHHS, PHS, 1988. Publication No. 88-50215.
and Garden Bulletin No. 232.
U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Public Health Service (DHEW, PHS). Healthy People:
U.S. Department of Agriculture (HHS/USDA). Report The Surgeon General’s Report on Health Promotion
of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on the and Disease Prevention. Washington (DC): DHEW,
Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 1995. Washington PHS, 1979. DHEW Publication No. 79-55071.
(DC): USDA, Agricultural Research Service, 1995a.
U.S. House of Representatives Conference Committee
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and (U.S. House of Representatives). 100th Cong., 1st sess.,
U.S. Department of Agriculture (HHS/USDA). H. Rep. 498, 1987.
Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for
Americans. 4th edition. Home and Garden Bulletin No. U.S. Senate Agricultural Appropriations Committee
232. Washington (DC): HHS/USDA, 1995b. (U.S. Senate). 96th Cong., 1st sess., S. Rep. 1030, 1980.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human
U.S. Department of Agriculture (HHS/USDA). Report Needs. Dietary Goals for the United States. 2nd edition.
of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on the Washington (DC): U.S. Government Printing Office,
Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005. Washington 1977.
(DC): USDA, Agricultural Research Service, 2004.

438 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Appendix E-5: Public Comments

As a government advisory panel, the Dietary Guidelines “other.” Most of these key topic areas were further
Advisory Committee (DGAC) is required by the categorized into subtopics. For example, under
Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) to conduct an carbohydrates, additional category selections included
open process in which the public may participate. The added sugars, fiber, whole grains, glycemic index, and
public does this through submitting written and oral low carbohydrates. This function allowed staff to
comments to the Committee. generate reports on specific issues within topic areas.

The first public comment was submitted to the public Although comments could be submitted continually,
comments database on October 17, 2008. Thereafter, each Federal Register notice announcing an upcoming
the Committee received written comments from the DGAC public meeting included a final date for
public continuously and at a steady pace throughout comment submissions. This ensured timely transmission
their deliberations. Comment submissions increased of comments to the DGAC before the meeting. In
noticeably in response to each call for public comments. general, the ending submission date was set at close of
These calls were released through six Federal Register business 6 calendar days before each DGAC meeting
notices announcing upcoming public DGAC meetings. date. This allowed all comments to be posted and
comment reports to be generated and sent to Committee
Comment submissions were collected through a newly members with sufficient time for comments to be
developed electronic database designed for this purpose reviewed before the meeting. Comments that were
and located at www.dietaryguidelines.gov. The submitted later than the time specified in the Federal
motivation for developing this database was to help Register notice were considered by the Committee for
reduce the burden on the public for submitting the following public meeting date. Public comment
comments, especially cumbersome paper submissions; reports by key topic area were made available to
to provide a central place for storing all comments; to Committee members before each DGAC meeting and
allow continual public access to all comments; and to more frequently during the large time spans between the
allow the DGAC to have full access to comments and third and fourth DGAC meeting and the fourth and fifth
accompanying reports, research, and other support DGAC meeting. Comment submission for the sixth
material. This database is the most efficient, open, and meeting ended 13 days before the May 12, 2010
transparent public comment collection system to date. meeting because the Committee needed additional time
to consider the comments before completing their
Each comment submitted to the database was chapters for their DGAC Report.
categorized within one or more of 14 key topic areas.
This allowed anyone interested in a particular topic to When organizations or individuals submitted comments
efficiently navigate to the selected topic area and view to the electronic database, they were required to
comments assigned to that section without having to complete three fields—organization type, key topic, and
spend time combing through all the comments. A query summary comment. Comments could not exceed 2,000
function on this “filing” system also allowed staff to characters. Other fields were optional. Submitters also
generate topic-specific reports of public comments for were able to upload an attachment for comments that
various time periods. This report feature proved exceeded 2,000 characters or for other support material
valuable for the DGAC members, who could easily the submitter desired to share with the Committee.
access and review comments about a certain key topic Disclaimers were posted in multiple places alerting the
area that pertained to their subcommittee’s work. submitter to heed copyright laws.

The 14 topic areas were: alcoholic beverages, A small team of staff reviewed each comment
carbohydrates, eating patterns, energy balance/physical submission. Comments that were offensive in nature
activity, evidence-based review process, fats, fluids and were not posted. Comments that were inappropriately
electrolytes, food groups, food safety, minerals, nutrient categorized in a key topic area(s) were correctly
density/discretionary calories, protein, vitamins, and categorized. Duplicate submissions that were obvious

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 439

errors in the submission process also were not posted. In addition to written comments, oral comments were
Of the nearly 1,000 comments received over the 1½ solicited; 51 of the 58 organizations or individuals who
year DGAC period, 774 comments were posted. Of registered to present oral testimony delivered 3-minute
these comments, large numbers addressed food groups presentations on the first day of the second DGAC
and eating patterns, specifically plant-based diets and a meeting, which was held January 29-30, 2009. These
focus on the total diet approach. Many comments comments are summarized in the January Public
suggested that the Dietary Guidelines emphasize Meeting Minutes found at www.dietaryguidelines.gov.
physical activity and energy balance, and that they
should focus on calorie density, weight, and the impact All of the oral and written comments provided by the
of obesity on health. Examples of other comments public were valuable in that they helped the Committee
included those on sugar, sodium, potassium, fats, gather background information and understand
individual vitamins and minerals, and offered consumer perceptions. They also highlighted and
suggestions for best food safety practices, ways to ensured consideration of topics deemed to be important
communicate the guidelines, and how messages could by the submitters of comments from a variety of
affect policy. All public comments will continue to be backgrounds and focus areas.
available on the Dietary Guidelines website at

440 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report

Appendix E-6: Biographical Sketches of
the 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory
Committee Members

Linda V. Van Horn, PhD, RD, LD, Chair Dr. Fukagawa is an expert in nutritional biochemistry
and metabolism. Her expertise spans several areas
Dr. Van Horn is a Professor in the Department of including protein and energy metabolism; oxidants and
Preventive Medicine, and the Associate Dean for antioxidants; and the role of diet in aging and chronic
Faculty Development at the Feinberg School of diseases, such as diabetes mellitus. She has chaired the
Medicine at Northwestern University, Chicago. Dr. Van National Institutes of Health Clinical Research Centers’
Horn received her doctorate from the School of Public Committee and is currently a member of the National
Health at the University of Illinois, Chicago and her Institutes of Health Integrative Physiology of Diabetes
master’s in exercise physiology from the University of and Obesity Study Section.
Pittsburgh. Her undergraduate degree is in dietetics,
from Purdue University, West Lafayette. She also is a Cheryl Achterberg, PhD
registered and licensed dietitian.
Dr. Achterberg is the Dean and Professor of the College
Dr. Van Horn’s expertise extends across many areas of of Education and Human Ecology at The Ohio State
nutrition research, medical nutrition education, and University. She received her doctorate in nutrition from
public health policy relevant to the work of the Dietary Cornell University and her master’s in human
Guidelines Advisory Committee. She is a clinical development from the University of Maine at Orono.
nutrition epidemiologist who has conducted population
level research and clinical trials in the prevention and Dr. Achterberg is an expert in health behavior research.
treatment of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and breast Her studies have evaluated consumer understanding of
cancer. She specializes in research on women and the dietary guidelines as well as the impact of behavior
children and is currently the principal investigator in the on the dietary patterns of varying groups, including low-
Women’s Health Initiative Extension Study and the income, young children, and elderly Americans. She
Dietary Intervention Study in Children follow-up study. has served as a Panel member for the World Health
Her research focuses on the benefits of a fat-modified Organization for setting international guidelines for
diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, and fiber-rich Developing Food Based Dietary Guidance. She has
whole grains as part of a low risk lifestyle to prevent been a resource to the Institute of Medicine as an
cardiovascular disease, obesity and cancer. In addition invited panelist for numerous workshops. She has also
to her comprehensive nutrition expertise, she has worked with the United Nations as an expert in
demonstrated successful leadership through multiple nutrition education and community interventions.
research teams.
Lawrence J. Appel, MD, MPH
Naomi K. Fukagawa, MD, PhD, Vice Chair
Dr. Lawrence Appel is a Professor of Medicine,
Dr. Fukagawa is a Professor of Medicine, the Acting Epidemiology, and International Health (Human
Director of Gerontology, and the Associate Program Nutrition), Division of General Internal Medicine, and
Director for the Clinical Research Center at the Director of the ProHealth Clinical Research Unit at the
University of Vermont and Fletcher Allen Health Care. Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. Dr. Appel received
She received her medical degree from Northwestern his medical degree from the New York University
University and her doctorate in nutritional biochemistry School of Medicine and his master’s of public health
and metabolism from the Massachusetts Institute of from Johns Hopkins University. He is also a practicing
Technology. She is a board-certified pediatrician, but internist and a certified specialist in hypertension.
has focused her research on age-related issues.

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 441

The focus of Dr. Appel’s career has been to conduct by bridging the work of the PAGAC and the Dietary
research pertaining to the prevention of hypertension, Guidelines Advisory Committee.
cardiovascular disease, and kidney disease, typically
through lifestyle modification. His research evaluates S h a ro n (S h e lly) M. Nic ko ls -Ric h a rd s o n , P h D, RD
the health effects of dietary patterns, macronutrient
intake, weight loss, and dietary electrolytes, such as Dr. Nickols-Richardson is an Associate Professor and
sodium and potassium. He has a strong interest in Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Nutrition in the
research methods, particularly the evaluation of Department of Nutritional Sciences at The Pennsylvania
scientific evidence. Dr. Appel served on the 2005 State University. She received her doctorate and her
Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee where he was a master’s in foods and nutrition at The University of
member of the science review subcommittee and was Georgia. She is also a registered dietitian.
the Chair of the electrolytes subcommittee. In addition,
he has served on several committees for the Institute of Dr. Nickols-Richardson’s expertise focuses on dietary
Medicine, including the Dietary Reference Intake Panel and physical activity determinants of bone density. She
for electrolytes and water, which he chaired. also has expertise in dietary intervention for obesity and
nutrition over the lifecycle from child nutrition to older
Roger A. Clemens, DrPH adults. She served the Institute of Medicine as a
consultant on the Dietary Reference Intake book The
Dr. Clemens is the Associate Director of Regulatory Essential Guide to Nutrient Requirements.
Science and an Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology and
Pharmaceutical Science at the University of Southern Thomas A. Pearson, MD, PhD, MPH
California. In addition, he is the Vice President of Science
& Technology for PolyScience Consulting LLC Dr. Pearson is the Senior Associate Dean for Clinical
(consultants) and consulting Scientific Advisor for E.T. Research and the Albert D. Kaiser Professor in the
Horn (sales organization of raw materials and ingredients). Department of Community and Preventive Medicine and
He received his doctorate of public health in nutrition and Director of the Rochester Clinical and Translational
biological chemistry and his master’s of public health in Science Institute at the University of Rochester School of
nutrition at the University of California, Los Angeles. Medicine and Dentistry. He received his medical degree,
his doctoral degree in epidemiology, and his master’s in
Dr. Clemens has extensive experience at the interface of public health from Johns Hopkins University.
nutrition, food science and technology, and health. He has
expertise in food toxicology and food safety, as well as Dr. Pearson is an epidemiologist specializing in lipid
practical knowledge of food production and food metabolism and the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
regulations. He is a spokesperson for the American Society He contributed significantly to the American Heart
for Nutrition and the Institute of Food Technologists. Association’s guidelines for prevention of heart disease
and stroke. His public health interests include
Miriam E. Nelson, PhD investigating the impact of these guidelines on
Americans. His expertise spans both nationally and
Dr. Nelson is the founder and Director of the John internationally, as is evident in his contributions as
Hancock Research Center on Physical Activity, current Chair of the National Forum for Heart Disease
Nutrition, and Obesity Prevention and an Associate and Stroke Prevention.
Professor at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science
and Policy at Tufts University. She is an Adjunct Rafael Pérez-Escamilla, PhD
Professor in the Tisch College of Citizenship and Public
Service. Dr. Nelson received her doctorate and master’s Dr. Perez-Escamilla is a Professor of Epidemiology and
degrees in nutrition from Tufts University. Public Health and the Director of the Office of
Community Health at the Yale University School of
Dr. Nelson recently served as Vice Chair of the first Public Health. He is also the Director and Principal
Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Advisory Investigator of the Connecticut NIH EXPORT Center of
Committee (PAGAC) chartered by HHS. She is a Excellence for Eliminating Health Disparities among
leading authority on physical activity and energy Latinos (CEHDL). Dr. Perez-Escamilla received his
balance. Her work with the PAGAC provides continuity doctorate in nutrition and his master’s in food science
from the University of California at Davis.
442 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Dr. Perez-Escamilla is a nationally and internationally has published extensively on the health effects
recognized scholar in the area of community nutrition for of moderate alcohol consumption, whole grains, fatty
his work in food safety, obesity, diabetes, and food acids, dietary fiber, antioxidants, Vitamin D, and the B
security. He has specialized experience with Latinos and vitamins. He has published more than 400 peer-reviewed
low-income Americans, as well as numerous international manuscripts and previously served on the Institute of
populations. Dr. Pérez-Escamilla was a member of the Medicine Dietary Reference Intake Panel for
2009 Institute of Medicine/National Academy of macronutrients. He serves as an Associate Editor for the
Sciences Pregnancy Weight Gain Guidelines Committee American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and the American
and has served on editorial boards of the Journal of Journal of Epidemiology.
Nutrition, the Journal of Human Lactation, and the
Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. Dr. Joanne L. Slavin, PhD, RD
Pérez-Escamilla is a trustee of the Pan American Health
and Education Foundation based in Washington DC, has Dr. Slavin is a Professor in the Department of Food
been a senior advisor to a number of community nutrition Science and Nutrition at the University of Minnesota. She
programs as well as household food security received her doctorate and master’s in nutrition science at
measurement projects, and has been a major advisor to the University of Wisconsin.
master’s and doctoral students from all over the world.
Dr. Slavin is an expert in carbohydrates and dietary fiber,
F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer, MD, MPH and has published more than 150 articles in her field. Her
research focuses on the impact of whole grain
Dr. Pi-Sunyer is Professor of Medicine at Columbia consumption in chronic diseases, such as cancer,
University College of Physicians and Surgeons and Chief cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, as well as the role of
of the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Nutrition dietary fiber in satiety. Because of her expertise in the
at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital. He received his medical area of whole grains, she was an invited presenter to the
degree from Columbia University and his master’s of 2005 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee.
public health from Harvard University.
Christine L. Williams, MD, MPH
Dr. Pi-Sunyer has expertise in obesity, type 2 diabetes,
carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and general medicine Dr. Williams is Vice President and Medical Director of
with over 350 research papers on these topics. He chaired Healthy Directions, Inc., a non-profit organization
a National Heart Lung and Blood Institute obesity dedicated to the health and nutrition of children and
treatment and prevention guidelines committee and is families. She was formerly a Professor of Clinical
now on the NHLBI’s task force on Combined Heart Pediatrics, and Director of the Children’s Cardiovascular
Disease Prevention Guidelines. He has served on the Health Center in the Department of Pediatrics and
Institute of Medicine Dietary Reference Intake Panel on Institute of Human Nutrition at Columbia University,
macronutrients. He has also served on the Food and Drug College of Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Williams earned
Administration’s Science Board Advisory Committee to her medical degree from the University of Pittsburgh, and
the Commissioner. He was also a member of the 2005 a master’s of public health from Harvard University. She
Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. is a board certified pediatrician and is also board certified
in preventive medicine and public health.
Eric B. Rimm, ScD
Dr. Williams’ expertise includes nutrition in cancer
Dr. Rimm is an Associate Professor of Medicine at prevention and preventive cardiology, especially
Harvard Medical School and an Associate Professor of hypercholesterolemia in children. She has knowledge of
Epidemiology and Nutrition at the Harvard School of dietary requirements of children, particularly dietary fiber
Public Health. In addition, he is the Director of the and fat. She also has expertise in obesity and public
Program in Cardiovascular Epidemiology. Dr. Rimm health. In addition, she has received the prestigious
received his doctorate in epidemiology at the Harvard Preventive Cardiology Academic Award from the
School of Public Health. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute for her work in
preventive cardiology for children.
Dr. Rimm is a nutritional epidemiologist who studies the
impact of lifestyle factors, particularly diet, that relate to
the risk for obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. He
2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 443
Appendix E-7: Dietary Guidelines Advisory
Committee Report Acknowledgments

Outside Expert Speakers to the DGAC

Pat Crawford, DrPH, RD Frank Sacks, MD

Adam Drewnowski, PhD Brian Wansink, PhD
Michael Hamm, PhD

Subject Area Experts/Consultants to the Subcommittees

Cheryl Anderson, PhD, MPH, MS Shiriki Kumanyika, PhD, MPH

Lynn Bailey, PhD Lucina Lampilla, PhD, RD
Felicia Billingslea, MS Amy Lando, MPP
Philip Michael Bolger, PhD Bill Lands, PhD
Claire Bosire Glenda Lewis, MSPH
J. Thomas Brenna, PhD Anne C. Looker, PhD
Rosalind Breslow, PhD, MPH, RD Joel Mason, MD
Patricia Britten, PhD Carrie L. Martin, MS, RD
David Buchner, MD, MPH Ojas Mehta, MD
Jeffrey W. Canavan, MPA, RD Julie A. Mennella, PhD
Andrea Carlson, PhD R. Curtis Morris Jr., MD
Nancy R. Cook, ScD Alanna Moshfegh, MS, RD
Marjorie Davidson, PhD Barbara O’Brien, RD
Deborah A. Dawson, PhD Paul Olin, PhD
Christina Economos, PhD Russell Pate, PhD
Vivian B. Faden, PhD Marshall Plaut, MD
Shelley Feist Patricia Powell, PhD
Joseph Goldman, MA Jeanne I. Rader, PhD
William S. Harris, PhD Jill Reedy PhD, MPH, RD
CAPT Joseph Hibbelin, MD William P. Roenigk
Joanne Holden, MS Charles R. Santerre, PhD
Frank Hu, MD, MPH, PhD Michael Sawka, PhD, FACSM
Vincent de Jesus, MS, RD Richard A. Sherman, MD
Clifford Johnson, MSPH Steve Taylor, PhD
Sally L. Jones Nancy Terry, MSLS
WenYen Juan, PhD Pamela Tom
Victor Kipnis, PhD Richard (Rick) Troiano, PhD
Susan M. Krebs-Smith, PhD, MPH, RD Paula Trumbo, PhD
Penny Kris-Etherton, PhD Katie Vierk, MPH

Staff and Contract Support

Antonia Acosta Linda Cleveland, MS, RD

Lisa Bente, MS, RD Deborah S. Cummins, PhD
444 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report
Kristina Davis, MS, MPH, CHES Kevin Kuczynski, MS, RD
Jane Fleming Esther Myers, PhD, RD, FADA
David Herring, MS Anna Neuendorf, MPH, RD
Isabelle Laucka Howes, CGMP Greg Ott
Glenn Kaup Crystal Tyler
Kristin Koegel, MBA, RD Tatiana Zenzano, MD, MPH

National Service Volunteer Evidence Abstractors

Jennifer Aiyer, MS, RD Andrea Hutchins, PhD, RD

Stephanie Allshouse, MS, RD Vijaya Juturu, PHD, FACN
Juan Andrade, PhD Alexandra Kazaks, PhD, RD
Kimberley Bandelier, MPH, RD Rima Kleiner, MS, RD
Jeannette Beasley, PhD, MPH, RD Linda Lee, MBA, MS, RD
Sarah Belisle, MS Ji Li, PhD
Laura Bellows, PhD, MPH, RD Megan Majernik, MS, RD, LDN
Ellen Bowser, MS, RD, CSP Nadia Marzella, MS, RD, LDN
Teri Burgess-Champoux, PhD, RD, LD Christiane Meireles, PhD, RD, LD
Kathleen Burzynski, MS, RD, LD, CDE, CNS Patricia Mendoza, MS, RD, LD
Chandra Carty, MMSc, RD, LD Mark Meskin, PhD, RD, FADA
Jennifer Chapman, PhD, MPH Murugi Ndirangu, PhD
Liwei Chen, MD, PhD, MHS Yi-Ling Pan, PhD, RD
Pamela Ching, ScD, MS, RD Hope S. Paul, MS, RD
Mei Chung, MPH, PhD Candidate Joan Pleuss, MS, RD, CD, CDE
Alena Clark, PhD, MPH Alicia Powers, MS, PhD
Katie Clark, MPH, RD, CDE Muge Qi, MS, PhD
Mary Cluskey, PhD, LD, RD Susan Raatz, PhD, RD
Craig Coleman, PharmD Chad Rhoden, PhD
Patricia Davidson, DCN, RD, CDE Jacinda Roach, PhD, RD, LD
Debby Demory-Luce, PhD, RD, LD Ashley Robinson, MS, RD, LD
Elizabeth Droke, PhD, RD Murjuyua Rowser, MS, RD
Alison Dvorak, MS, RD Julie Shertzer, PhD, RD, LD, CSSD
Jamie Erskine, PhD, RD Jennifer Shoemaker, MS, RD, LDN
Mable Everette, PhD, RD, FADA LeeAnn Smith, MPH, RD
Nancy Fassinger, PhD, RD LuAnn Soliah, PhD, LD, RD
Laurie G. Forlano, DO, MPH Jennifer Spilotro, MS, RD, LDN
Sarah Forrestal, PhD Amy Steffey, DVM, MPH
Sarah L. Francis, PhD, MHS, RD Jennifer Stein, MS, RD
Elizabeth Friedrich, MPH, RD, LDN Aparna Sundaram, MBA, MPH
Kristie Funk, MS, RD Jenifer Teske, PhD
Linda Gauvry, MS Katie Tharp, PhD, MPH, RD
Deon Gines, PhD, RD, CD, CNSD Toni Tucker, MS, RD
Erica Gradwell, MS, RD Debra Waldoks, MPH, RD, CLC
Charlene Harkins, EdD, RD, LD, FADA Dana Wells, MPH, RD, LDN
Diane M. Harris, PhD, MPH Valaree Williams, MS, RD, LDN
Alida Herling, MPH, RD Winifred Yu, MS, RD
Penni Hicks, PhD, RD, LD Joan Zerzan, MS, RD, CD
Heather Hopwood, MPH Jane Ziegler, DCN, RD, LDN, CNSD
Kathy Hoy, EdD, RD Jamie Zoellner, PhD, RD
Anne Marie Hunter, PhD, RD, LD, FADA

2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report 445

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