tectonic processes, weathering, and erosion. This slow process also presents
change and the dangers associated with it. The movement of the earth's plates
causes earthquakes to trigger or volcanic explosions. Landslides are a local
hazard but a natural process of change and therefore need to be understood in
this context. Humans are also modifying the environment and can increase the
dangerous risk of rapid movement of soil and rock.
This chapter is the first of two to study the geomorphology of the Earth
(i.e. the processes and patterns that make up the landscape) and one that
examines slow, moderate, and rapid processes of landscape change. In this
chapter we begin by discussing the tectonic processes that build and destroy
landscapes on a large scale. This chapter then focuses on weathering and
erosion which may seem small in scale but can produce overall effects that are
global in nature. While weathering, erosion and deposition can also build
landscapes (e.g. sand dunes on the coast or in deserts), the overall effect on
the continents in total is that tectonic processes build up the landscape and
weathering and erosion including the action of rivers, glaciers and ice sheets
(which are discussed in Chapter 4), sculpt and ultimately destroy landscapes.
The environment we see today represents a single point in the overall
evolution of a landscape that changes over time. This chapter has a special
section on soil, which is essential for our lives. Soil is a product of weathering
and biological inputs and slowly accumulates over time. Soil can also undergo
further weathering and erosion as part of larger-scale Earth cycles, but these
processes can be affected by human actions.
Detailed maps of the seabed show that there are large mountains that
run through the center of the world's major oceans and that there is a valley in
the middle of these mountains. It was also found that the deepest part of the
ocean is located much closer to the edge of the sea than in the middle. The
seabed was found to have 'magnetic stripes'. It is known that the Earth's
magnetic field reverses every few hundred thousand years and the direction of
the poles is recorded as volcanic lava forms and cools. The alternating north or
south magnetic lines occurring directly across the ocean and oriented parallel
to the midoceanic ridges indicate that the seafloor had formed in the middle of
the ocean and then moved slowly on both sides of the mediterranean towards
the continents. This provides the first tangible evidence that the large masses
of rock on Earth can slowly drift away.
There are several rigid plates moving across the earth's surface that
grind or rub against each other (Figure 3.3). Most earthquakes occur at the
boundaries of these plates. Continents are fairly passive features of these
moving plates because they only rise above them and, unlike the ocean floor,
they don't sink into the mantle. Earthquakes happen because when plates
move slowly, you can imagine them having rough or bumpy sticking points.
Over time enormous forces build up and eventually the plates move in the jolts
experienced as earthquakes.
Movements at the boundary between two plates can explain the nature
of the landscape found in the area. Where plates move apart there are
divergent plate boundaries (e.g. at the mediterranean ridge) where new crust
is formed. Lava that forms in the mid-ocean ridges is hot and very watery,
forming a gently sloping shield volcano. Volcanic eruptions with this type of
lava (for example in Iceland on a mid-ocean ridge) tend to be non-explosive
because gas bubbles can easily escape through dilute liquid, although
sometimes large gas bubbles appear creating a scene with watery lava flying
into it. . air. Eruptions may be in the form of walls of molten lava escaping from
linear fissures in Earth. The most distinct boundaries are in the middle of the
ocean but there are some within the continents. The Syria-Africa Rift Valley is a
good example of distinct plate boundaries on land. As the valley continues to
deepen, it is now below sea level and some of it has filled with water (e.g. the
Dead Sea is 339 meters below sea level).
Transformation faults occur where plates slide past one another (eg the
San Andreas Fault, California). Here there is often little creation or destruction
of the lithosphere and very few volcanoes at the transformation boundary.
However, these limits can be attributed to frequent large and destructive
earthquakes. The rate of movement can be from a few centimeters in a small
earthquake to two meters in a major event.
Rock type
There are three main types of rock found around the Earth's surface:
igneous rock, sedimentary rock and metamorphic rock. The temperature at the
time of formation, the mixture of minerals present and the pressure all interact
to create the varieties of these major rock types. Igneous rock is formed when
molten lava cools and hardens. If molten rock comes from a volcano, then the
later cooled and hardened basalt rock has small crystals. If the rock is able to
cool slowly then larger crystals can grow to produce coarse-grained rocks such
as granite.
Sedimentary rocks are produced by the weathering of rocks followed by
erosion and subsequent deposition of material. The deposited sediments can
accumulate and eventually accumulate before being compacted and hardened
over a long period of time by the weight and pressure of the sediment above
and internal chemical changes. Rocks such as sandstone, siltstone or shale are
good examples. These rocks often contain records of the physical conditions
that existed when the rock was deposited, including fossils. Even some rocks
such as limestone or coal are made almost entirely of the remains of animals
and plants.
Metamorphic rocks are formed through the partial melting and re-
formation of existing sedimentary or igneous rocks often under high pressure.
Limestone and shale turn into marble and slate when metamorphosed, for
example. These rocks tend to be more resistant to weathering because they
are harder than other rock types.
The rock cycle means that all types of rock can change into other types.
All rocks can be melted and cooled to form igneous rocks. All types of rock can
undergo weathering and erosion to form sedimentary layers which can
eventually become sedimentary rock. Under pressure and heat, igneous and
sedimentary rocks can turn into metamorphic rocks.
Physical weathering
Chemical weathering
The water moves the particles in what is called a 'washing process'. Rain
sprinkling, rainwater and rillwash are the most important washing processes.
The impact of raindrops can release material which then jumps into the air.
Splashing can cause sediment to move up or down the slope but due to gravity
there is movement down the slope as a whole. The rate at which raindrops
transport material is similar to the rate of transport by soil creep. However,
while soil movement occurs at depths of soil and transports large amounts of
material, raindrops only function on the surface, displacing individual particles.
Ensuring there is good vegetative cover to protect the soil surface from the
force of raindrops is a good way to reduce ground movement by raindrops.
If raindrops land on flowing water that moves over the ground, their
direct impact on the ground surface is reduced. However, running water itself
can carry material. Where the flow over the surface is shallow, the combined
effect of the impact of the raindrops, separating the sediment, and the
transport by the water flowing over the surface, is very effective and this
combined process is called rain leaching. When the water depth above the
surface is deeper than 6 millimeters, the detachment of the raindrops is weak
so that the initial motion of the particles is more related to the flowing water in
a process called rillwash. This process of erosion is common in major storms.
Many poorly vegetated areas develop temporary furrows which are channels
that form during storms. Wetting and drying, or freeze-thaw, collects material
that fills the grooves between storms. However, in a major storm, a channel
can form that is too large to refill before the next event and this is known as a
trench. These canals collect water on subsequent events, rapidly enlarging the
trenches even further.
Soil consists of minerals, organic matter, water and air. The magnitude
of each of these components affects the properties of the soil. In most soils,
most of the solid material is mineral matter that comes from the weathering of
rocks. Often only 2 to 6 percent of the soil is organic matter but it is still very
important. Soil organic matter consists of the decaying remains of plants and
animals known as litter. It also consists of organic matter that is more resistant
to decay known as humus, and living organisms and plant roots known as soil
biomass. Indeed, soil usually contains billions of bacteria in every handful.
Litter is broken down by soil organisms to produce humus which is a stable
final product, resistant to further decomposition. Plant nutrients, especially
nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur are released as the litter decomposes and this
process is known as mineralization. Soil organic matter holds mineral particles
together, stabilizes the soil; increase water holding capacity; increase aeration;
and is a major source of nutrients, essential for soil fertility.
Air and water fill the gaps between solid soil particles. Soil air is very
important because soil animals, plant roots and most microorganisms use
oxygen and release carbon dioxide when they breathe (breathe). For soil
organisms to survive, oxygen needs to get into the soil and carbon dioxide
needs to be able to get out of the soil. Therefore, soil aeration is an important
component influencing biological activity and litter decomposition.
Soil formation takes place over thousands of years. The main input of
soil material comes from weathered rock underground. Mineral particles are
released by weathering and contribute to the subsoil. Surface accumulation of
organic matter from plants and animals is also important, as is dissolved
material in water and particles carried by precipitation and wind. The main
losses of material from the soil occur through wind and water erosion, plant
uptake (but this is usually returned to the soil after death if the system does
not remove plant material from the site) and leaching. Leaching is the removal
of dissolved soil material. The leaching process is most rapid where there is a
large influx of water to the surface and where the soil is well drained (e.g. on
irrigated farmland with coarse soil with under-drainage installed). Percolation
water carries solutes down, depositing some in the lower layers but some
dissolved materials may actually be washed out of the soil.
Factors that influence soil formation include climate, 'parent material' (ie
weathered rock material), slope and organisms. The most influential factor is
climate because it determines the humidity and temperature conditions for
soil development; maps of major soil types often follow climatic zones. Soils at
high latitudes are often very shallow and slowly developing, whereas soils
several meters deep are typical of the tropics. Parent material influences soil
formation through the influence of weathering materials on soil processes
whereas slope steepness, aspect and elevation all affect local climate as well as
drainage and erosion conditions. Vegetation type affects the type and amount
of litter returned to the soil while different soil types support different
vegetation communities. In coniferous forests there will be a deep litter layer
of thin wax needles that only slowly decompose. Vegetation also protects soil
from water and wind erosion by blocking rainfall, reducing the role of rainfall
(see section on erosion above).
Soil texture and structure affect how soil works and how it is managed.
Soil texture refers to the relative proportions of sand, silt and clay in the soil.
Clay particles are smaller than 2 micrometers (two millionths of a meter), silt is
between 2 and 60 micrometers, while sand is between 60 and 2,000
micrometers in diameter. Texture controls water holding capacity, aeration,
drainage rate, organic matter decomposition rate, compaction, susceptibility to
water erosion, nutrient holding capacity and pollutant leaching. Figure 3.4
shows how the classification of soil texture is based on the relative proportions
of each particle size. For example, reading an image shows that if a soil is 40
percent sand, 30 percent silt, and 30 percent clay, then the soil will be
classified as loam.
Human activities can change the soil. It is estimated that the total global
area of land degraded by humans (over 20 million square kilometers) exceeds
the amount currently used for agricultural land. This degradation is caused by
deforestation, overgrazing and poor agricultural management. Degradation
includes soil erosion, soil acidification, soil pollution, reduction of organic
matter content and salinization.
Soil pH has been reduced by the burning of fossil fuels which causes
rainwater to become more acidic. Also crop harvesting and excessive use of
nitrogen fertilizers lead to acidification. Soil acidification increases the
solubility of heavy metals in the soil which can be toxic to plants, reduce
growth rates or change the types of plants suitable for the soil (eg forest
decline in central Europe). Soil organisms can also be affected by changing
species to organisms that are more tolerant of acidic conditions, resulting in
slower litter decomposition rates. Pollutants such as heavy metals, pesticides
and fertilizers can damage the soil and can cause water pollution. Heavy
metals (metal elements with a density greater than six grams per cubic
centimeter) such as copper, lead, zinc, and mercury are naturally present in
soil, but atmospheric pollution and the application of sewage sludge,
agricultural waste, and leaching from landfill sites can add metals heavy to the
ground. The worst areas for heavy metal pollution are around industrial areas
such as in northwestern Europe. Mining, smelting, energy generation,
agriculture and other wear and tear of vehicles and machinery are sources of
heavy metal contamination to the soil. Heavy metals accumulate in the soil
because they are bound to organic matter and clay minerals and are generally
not absorbed by plants. However, if the soil becomes more acidic, this can
result in heavy metals being released into groundwater and available for
uptake by plants, or for leaching into rivers, lakes, and groundwater. This is an
important phase because if this happens then the plants we eat may have toxic
levels of heavy metals, or the water may become dangerous to drink.
Intensive farming has reduced soil organic matter. Soil with less than 1.7
percent organic matter may be nearly as barren as a desert landscape. This is
known as desertification. In the Mediterranean region, 75 percent of the
landscape has a low (3.4 percent) or so low (1.7 percent) soil organic matter
content that desertification is a major cause for concern. Organic matter
content has been reduced by abandoning crop rotation, plowing pastures and
burning stumps (remains of vegetation after planting). These all reduce the
amount of organic matter that is returned to the soil. Reversing this action can
allow some recovery of organic matter content (e.g. plowing hay back into the
soil rather than salinization occurs when sodium, magnesium and calcium salts
build up resulting in reduced soil fertility. This is especially a problem in warm,
dry areas where evaporation and movement of water are the upward
movement of the soil exceeds the downward movement of precipitation and
percolation. Further irrigation of the land with water that is high in salt content
(i.e. much has evaporated before use so that the concentration of salt in the
water is greater) exacerbates the situation. In some countries, by about 10
percent their arable land is affected by salinization burning it and increasing
the proportion of grass cover).
The above human impact on land has led to concerted efforts, laws and
policies to protect and restore land as an important sustaining resource for
human life. However, more efforts are needed especially as the world
population continues to grow, placing more demands on our land resources.
• In the middle of the ocean a new crust is formed; at the edge of the ocean
the crust sinks back into the mantle. The marine crust is relatively young less
than 200 million years old whereas continental rocks can be billions of years
• Weathering by physical and chemical processes wears out rock. Climate and
rock types are important controls of the rate of weathering processes.