Sci-Fi Sandbox: Report 005: The Echo Initiative Larry Moore Joshua Kubli Matt Jackson
Sci-Fi Sandbox: Report 005: The Echo Initiative Larry Moore Joshua Kubli Matt Jackson
Sci-Fi Sandbox: Report 005: The Echo Initiative Larry Moore Joshua Kubli Matt Jackson
Report 005:
The Echo Initiative
This report filed by
Larry Moore
Joshua Kubli
Matt Jackson
One (1) Asteroid mining colony map
One (1) Medical starship map
Five (5) personnel readouts
One (1) crew member advisory table
Four (4) item readouts
Mission Briefing
Captain's Log. We've received
a distress call from the medical ship
Comfort, tending an asteroid mining
colony in the vicinity. The colony went
silent twelve hours ago, and the
medical ship was dispatched to
investigate and offer aid. The mining
colony and medical ship have both
been damaged by rogue asteroids,
and we hope to evacuate both crews
before our ship is damaged as well.
Asteroid 32817.This airless, frozen asteroid contains a Strange energy field drains the ship's engines and the crew's
neurological energy. They must bypass the ship's burned-out
variety of valuable minerals, good for mining. 01-04
relays and leave the field before they're too clumsy and
0°Kelvin. forgetful to be able to, and all die!
Surface 0.65 Gs.
-273° Celsius. Gravity
Temperature Inconvenient A rare mineral interferes with ships' hyperspace wake.
All Species Hazard
05-21 Several small asteroids are pulled along behind the ship at
65% Silicon, 12% Iron, an accelerating rate. If the ship stops, they'll be destroyed!
None. Chemical
Atmosphere 10% Radioactives.
All Species Hazard Composition
Good for Industry The crew encounters a disabled, drifting warship left over
22-30 from the Succession Wars. Its onboard AI and weapons are
0% Surface. Native
Surface Water None. still active, though, and attack any ship that blunders nearby.
All Species Hazard Lifeforms
A damaged cargo ship floats through the asteroid field.
145 hours/day, 1510
Satellites None. Day/Year Scanners say that it has valuable goods aboard, but they
local days/year. 31-90
don't report the psychotic killer with the personal cloaking
Currently under medical shield that wiped out the rest of the crew …
Mining colony, with
Settlements Hazards quarantine.
pressirized mine tunnels.
All Species Hazard The crew finds out that the fuel they purchased at their last
stop was poor quality, and their engines sputter out. Adrift,
they have to hope they'll be rescued by helpful passersby,
Asteroid 32914.Similar to other asteroids in the system, but and not plundered by pirates …
contains a hidden government research project.
Surface 0°Kelvin.
0.65 Gs.
-273° Celsius. Gravity
Inconvenient Asteroid Hazards
All Species Hazard
The mining colony's damaged life support systems fail in this
None. Chemical
88% Silicon, 9% Iron, 01-32
Atmosphere 13% Other. section. The crew must scramble to space suits, or die!
All Species Hazard Composition
Inconvenient The colony's power relays erupt near a crew member in a
0% Surface. Native shower of sparks, and they risk being burned.
Surface Water None.
All Species Hazard Lifeforms The Echo Initiative AI begins hacking the mining colony's AI,
145 hours/day, 1510 and wiping its records and programming.
Satellites None. Day/Year
local days/year.
The crew notice that systems that when they double-check
Government research
Experiencing unusual systems they repair on the broken colony … they're still
Settlements Hazards temporal disturbances. 68-00
facility. broken. Almost like parts of the colony are moving back in
All Species Hazard time!
Mission Complications
Not On My Watch Mad Scientist Revolt
Brad Chason secretly developed RGE-1, a
The medical ship's captain, Emma Wendt has a The miners, normally content with their lot,
virus, for Sci-tech Industries. It dulls the
long running record of no on-the-job injuries, and suddenly revolt. They aren't that particular about
subject's wits and heightens their response
she wants to keep it that way. who they lash out against.
time and energy levels.
The Twists The Twists The Twists
Brad dons a biosuit and walks around the Indentured servants are being held her beyond
The only way for Capt. Wendt to keep her record
colony injecting targets with the virus, planting their contract period. They are angry and have
clean is to destroy the evidence of her failure. And
a tracker on them so he can chart its planned to hijack the next ship to dock, the
by evidence we mean the ship.
effectiveness. medical ship!
The captain initiates lockdown procedures due to Different species seem to react differently to The RGE-1 virus contaminates the mining colony
the containment release, but a mistake has the virus. The insectoid Algolians are driven air supply, causing the workers to become violent
initiated the self-destruct instead. Perhaps it was into a violent frenzy. It's a good thing only 35% and possessive. Can the PCs find a cure before
one of her sleeper programs? of the crew is Algolian ... the chaos consumes everyone?
A government exchange program placed
The captain follows the PCs around making sure Brad is contaminated with the virus and
prisoners in the mining colony. Bubba, a leader
they are doing things by the book. This tends to metamorphoses into a freakish monstrosity
among the prisoners, sees the disaster as a good
make the PCs nervous, making it hard to do well. while the PCs are dealing with the hull breach.
time to escape.
Skills: Very knowledgeable in Skills: Demolish! This Skills: Emma is a superb Skills: Bubba is a decent Skills: The Professor is a
the area of modern biology version of Brad is almost pilot and navigator. She is mechanical tech given the skilled surgeon and a scholar
and a bit about space insensitive to pain, and seeks handy with a computer and right tools. He lacks most of ancient human history. He
sciences. He can make his only to murder and wreak has been known to slip other skills including a spell has several book titles to his
way around any computer havoc. sleeper code into ships check. name including his most
system but lacks systems; she likes to be in famous on ancient earth
technical/mechanical skills. It control. history, “Back to the Garden of
says a lot about him that the Eden.” He fancies himself a
only reason he passed his leader but has lost respect of
Bioscience Ethics class at this followers since the
Mars University is because he contract period has been up
cheated on his final for six months and he’s still a
assignment. simple worker.
item Datafiles (001)
Notes: If the Scanner's Mind- Notes: Once passengers are Notes: The Time Warp Dialer is Notes: The Bio-Suit comes
Reading rolls higher than the secured, tapping the controls obviously an item of incredibly high complete with a 10 hour oxygen
subject's Will, then the device gets a launches the craft, a scanner will technology. pack. It will not work in the vacuum of
clear reading. detect the nearest habitable area space, but is designed to
and autopilot to the destination. It is accommodate most species.
impossible to override the controls.
item Datafiles (002)
Notes: RGE-1 works a little too well. Its subjects Notes: The HLT-3 virus can heal most injuries in a Notes: The Time Warp Generator can move an
are little more than zombies, fast-moving and few minutes, but it has very serious side effects. area backward or forward in time, but the
aggressive, but too dull-witted to be obedient or Severely contraindicated for anyone with consequences are almost always disastrous. The
helpful. cybernetic implants or genetic therapies. The Galactic Confederation will stop at nothing to
subject suffers a ravenous appetite and high fever destroy the device once word of its existence gets
for a few hours while the virus takes effect, and out.
usually drops into a coma-like state for several
hours afterward. Since the virus simply amplifies
normal metabolic activity, it doesn't help after cell
necrosis sets in; it can't resurrect the dead.