Course Contents: Linux Essentials System Administration Network Administration & Security

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Course Contents

 Introduction to Unix, Installation of Linux.

 User, Group administration, ACL
 Automation of Jobs, Disk partitions
 Mounting File Systems
 Backup and recovery, Printer Configuration
 Basic of TCP/IP, NFS,  AutoFS
 Kickstart Installation, Quotas
 DHCP, NIS, DNS, Mail, Web, VSFTP, Squid, Samba
 Securing your Linux Server with Firewall
 Troubleshooting your Linux system

Linux Essentials System Administration Network Administration & Security


Introduction to Unix & Linux Installation of Linux

 History of Unix & Linux  Interactive Installation

 Basic Concepts of Operating Systems,  Kickstart Installation
Kernel, shell and file system structure  Network based Installation
 Basic Concepts of Linux
 Basic Commands of Linux  
 Advanced Linux Commands


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Introduction to Graphical Environment

 Configuring Linux as DHCP server  Use and customize the GNOME

 Configuring various clients for dhcp interface
server (Windows & Linux)  Perform command tasks using
 Launch applications from
command line and GNOME
 Customize X Window System


NFS Startup and Shutdown scripts

 Configuring NFS server  Boot Sequence

 Mounting NFS exports on NFS  Kernel Initialization
clients  INIT Process


Network Information Service (NIS) Software Package Administration

 Basics of NIS  Installing and deleting software

 Configuring NIS master server, slave packages
server and client  Querying and updating software
 Creating NIS users packages


DNS with Bind 9 User and group administration

 Basis of Internet  Creating and deleting users from

 Basic of DNS and BIND 9 the system
 Modifying users profile
 Configuring DNS primary server, and  Creating and deleting groups
secondary servers  Important system files related to
 Configuring DNS for multiple user administration
domains and sub domains
 Configuring various clients  
( Windows & Linux)


Mail Server(SMTP,POP3,IMAP) Advanced file permissions (ACL)

 Basics of Mail servers  Assigning advanced files

 Configuring SMTP services permissions i.e. SUID, SGID
 Configuring POP3/IMAP service on and Sticky bit
Linux  Creating, modifying and
 Integrating Antivirus and Antispam. deleting ACL's


Web Server ( Apache) Disk Partitioning and Mounting File System

 Basics of web service  Using fdisk, disk druid utilities

 Introduction to Apache for disk partitioning
 Configuring Apache for main site  Using mkfs, dd commands to
 Configuring Apache for multiple sites create file systems
using IP-based, port-based and name-  Mounting various file systems
based virtual hosting  Auto mounting of file system
 Logical Volume Manager


FTP server ( vsftp daemon) Quotas

 Basics of File Transfer protocol  Enabling Quotas on partitions

 Configuring proftpd for anonymous  Creating Quotas for users
ftp service  Auditing quotas


Proxy Server (Squid) Backup and recovery

 Basics of proxy services  Introduction to various types of

 Configuring proxy services backup media
 Creating ACL's for controlling access  Backup and restoring data using
to internet dump / restore commands
 Backup and restoring using tar
and cpio commands
 Automation of Jobs


Samba service Securing your Linux Server

 Basics of file sharing in Windows  Implementing local security

 Configuring samba to act as member  Implementing network security
server for Windows Network  Implementing data security
 Configuring samba service for file  Basic elements of Fire Wall
sharing with windows systems using IP Tables

RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks) Troubleshooting your system

 Implementing RAID on Linux  Recovering the super user

 Pre installation / Post Installation password
 RAID levels ( 0, 1, and 5)  Recovering the boot loader
configuration using RAID tools. (GRUB)
 Troubleshooting Xserver
 Troubleshooting network related


Web Based Administration

 Installing Webmin on Linux

 Administrating the Linux
machine remotely
 Using Webmin as a Tool for
configuring various services on

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