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Textbook of Veterinary Histology

Textbook of VETERINARY HISTOLOGY Page 1 of 5

Textbook of Veterinary Histology
1 CHAPTER 1 Histotechniques

Veterinary histology is the science that focuses on the detailed morphology of domestic animals and correlates specific
structures with function. As a component of structural biology, veterinary histology, which is synonymous with
veterinary microanatomy, involves the examination and description of the microscopic anatomy of normal cells of the
body and all of their contents and products.

As cell types become recognized, an appreciation of their grouping and organization can be made—the identification
of tissues. The orientation and composition of the different tissues, in turn, provide the basic construct for the organs
and organ systems of the body. And it is important to understand clearly the functional relationship of each bodily
structure, whether it be cell, tissue, or organ, in an inclusive manner. To that end this textbook incorporates useful
information from the other sciences that directly reveal function, including physiology, biochemistry, cell biology,
and, occasionally, pathology.


Cells and tissues to be examined structurally, in a traditional manner (by light microscopy and/or electron
microscopy) need to be preserved. Otherwise, cells can undergo autolysis (self-digestion) and be invaded by
opportunistic organisms such as rapidly multiplying bacteria. Adequate preservation or fixation should cease the
putrefaction and autolysis that accompany postmortem changes and keep the tissue in a state that is as close as
possible to the living condition. Most fixations are performed chemically using a variety of agents that render
materials within cells to relatively insoluble states and, in effect, allow them to remain insoluble during subsequent
treatments such as dehydration and embedding. In this way, a useful fixative minimizes distortion and shrinkage.
The right fixative also permits good staining and allows the observer to recognize the necessary elements that
distinguish cells and tissues from one another.

Fixation is usually performed by exposing tissues to chemical preservatives such as formaldehyde. Mechanically
speaking, exposure can be active or passive. The active process of fixation involves replacing body fluids with a
perfusate such as saline wash, which is followed by the fixative of choice, 10% buffered formalin for example. This
process, which is called perfusion fixation, involves introducing the perfusates, saline and then the fixative, into one
or more major arteries by the use of a pressure pump or simply by gravity. Perfusion fixation may require large
volumes of perfusates, depending on the size of the animal or region of the body to be preserved. It has the
advantage of preserving a large mass thoroughly and relatively evenly. Overall, perfusion fixation is the preferred
method for sampling most animal tissues.

By comparison, passive fixation involves placing the tissue in the preservative, again such as formalin, and relies on 1
gradual diffusion of the fixative to replace the natural fluids. This process, which is called immersion fixation, is 2
restricted by the fixative's ability to penetrate the specimen and consequently is most effective for comparatively
small amounts of tissues (2 cm or less in thickness). Immersion fixation, which is also called passive fixation,
requires a volume of fixative that should exceed that of the specimen by at least 5:1 and the replenishment of fresh
fixative several hours after initial immersion. Passive infiltration is a longer process than the perfusion process and
can require several days to 1 month or more to become effective.

Once preserved, specimens can be stored at room temperature or refrigeration indefinitely as long as an adequate
amount of fixative (at least four times the volume of the specimen) is present. However, if speci-mens are kept too
long in relatively strong or “harsh” preservatives, which are osmotically quite high, the tissues can become hard and
shriveled. As a result, embedding is difficult and staining is greatly weakened (Table 1-1). Harsh or strong fixatives

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can be useful for shortening preservation times and effectively holding certain biological materials that are not
necessarily kept by other less severe or less hypertonic fixatives. Specimens preserved in strong fixatives should be
processed expeditiously.

There are times when the preservation of tissues is performed in a “gentle” manner, involving fixatives that are
slightly hypertonic to the specimen. Preservation of this type is used for close examination of cells at very high
magnification. Typically, a fixative such as glutaraldehyde (a dialdehyde vs. formaldehyde, a monaldehyde)
preserves cells in a way that allows subcellular structures to retain an appearance that is closer to the living state
than that preserved by a monaldehyde.

TABLE 1-1 Problems Encountered during Histological Preparation of Specimens


Inadequate fixation Improper fixative; specimen Uneven embedding; hypotonic Reduce specimen size and/or
size is too large solution will swell specimen; deliver fixative by perfusion;
hypertonic solution will shrink readjust fixative strength for
specimen; improper staining best tonicity
Improper embeddding Inadequate fixation and/or Specimens section unevenly; Improve fixation; use
dehydration; inadequate presence of holes within appropriate embedding
embedding medium sections medium
Irregular sections Improper embedding; dull Compression marks; tears Resolve fixation and/or
knife edge; faulty microtome throughout specimen embedding problems; use
fresh disposable blades or
sharpen knives; service
Inadequate staining Inadequate fixation; old stains Little to no color imparted by Improve fixation; make fresh
or dyes the stain or dye stains and dye solutions


Tissues that have been preserved or pretreated can be processed for sectioning in a number of ways. Certain tissues,
such as brain specimens, for example, can be sectioned directly using cold temperatures (dry ice or cryostat) to
maintain firmness. Most tissues benefit from the use of a supporting matrix, that is, an embedding medium.
Paraffin, which consists of a true nonsynthetic wax, is the most common embedding medium for creating standard
histological sections. It can have a hard or soft consistency, depending on the temperature used for embedding (50°
–55° C for soft media; 56°–68° C for hard media). When thinner sections (5-6μm thickness or less) are desired,
which is usually the case, hard paraffin is preferred.

Because paraffin is not miscible with water, tissues need to be thoroughly dehydrated before embedding in a graded
manner using alcohol (ethanol) or some other water-miscible substance that will remove water. Most alcohols will
not dissolve or mix with molten paraffin. Consequently, an intermediate step is needed that results in placing the
specimens in a fluid that is miscible with both paraffin and alcohol before infiltration of the embedding matrix is
possible. This intermediate step is usually referred to as “clearing” because dehydrated tissues often become clear
or more transparent than previously.

Tissues to be examined at very high magnifications by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) undergo similar
dehydration, but have to be embedded in a supporting matrix that will withstand the rigors of a strong vacuum (10
torr) and an intense electron beam that is generated from a power supply of 75,000 volts or more. Plastics are 2
routinely used for these reasons. Plastic embedding also can be used for light microscopic observations of small 3
samples of tissues (usually less than 1 cm in width) and compared with paraffin-embedded samples of the same

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tissue. Shrinkage and expansion artifacts of the samples and their sections are greatly reduced in plastic embedded
preparations. Unfortunately, plastic embedding has several major limitations, including difficulty of infiltrating the
tissues, interference with the traditional histological stains, and costs. It is largely for these reasons that paraffin
embedding is more commonly used for histology and histopathology than plastic embedding.


Sectioning involves cutting tissues into even pieces that are thin enough to be examined by a microscope. The
microtome, which is the standard tool for sectioning, can vary in its ability to cut a range of thicknesses (Figure
1-1). The vibratome, for example, produces thick sections (50-200 nm), whereas the ultramicrotome used for TEM,
in contrast, can produce very thin sections (50-100 nm). It is important to keep in mind that the quality of sectioning
has a considerable effect on subsequent staining results. Thus, it is essential to obtain the best sections possible.
Artifacts that can be generated from sectioning include compression lines (chatter), knife marks or tears, and
uneven thickness, to mention a few (Figure 1-2). These and other problems may be the result of improper fixation,
inadequate embedding, and dulled knives.

Figure 1-1 Using a microtome with a sharpened blade, the histotechnologist

produces a series of sections in the form of a ribbon from a
paraffin-embedded block.

For most paraffin-embedded specimens, sections are cut at 5- to 6-nm thickness and maintained in a ribbon, which
is then placed on a warm-water bath. Once on the water bath, the sections expand. If left on too long, the sections
will spread too far and create large artifactual spaces between tissues, cells, and extracellular fibers.

Individual sections or perhaps a small ribbon of section is collected on glass slides. The paraffin is first removed
and then the sections on the slides are rehydrated before stained. Most tissues in unstained sections lack sufficient
contrast to be viewed light microscopically. Consequently, a stain or dye is applied to reveal cellular and
extracellular components, which are normally transparent, by their color reactions. In instances in which
components cannot be readily stained, dark field, phase, and fluorescent microscopy have been often employed

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(Figure 1-3). Fortunately, most components of tissues do react to various dyes and reagents and thus permit their
identification by standard, reproducible techniques. Hundreds of stains are available, and from these stains
thousands of techniques have been derived. For most histological purposes, only a small number of stains are
routinely used, such as hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) (Table 1-2).

Staining reactions of tissues may be purely a passive event involving diffusion along a concentration gradient, or it
may be active as in vital staining, when living cells and their physiological processes are involved. Most often,
staining reactions involve bonding interactions in which dye-tissue or reagent-tissue affinities occur. The most
common of these is electrostatic bonding or salt linkage. Other inter-actions include hydrophobic bonding
(grouping of hydrophobic chains), van der Waal forces, and covalent bonding.

For transmission electron microscopy, tissues within ultrathin sections are exposed to solutions that contain fairly
high concentrations of a particular heavy metal salt, such as lead, uranium, iron, silver, or bismuth. Salt linkage in
this instance occurs within specific cellular and extracellular components. The heavy metals are sufficiently dense
enough to block the electrons of the electron beam that otherwise would pass through the tissue unimpeded.


The interpretation of structures that have been prepared for light microscopy and electron microscopy continues to
be a challenge for both novice and experienced observers, but, of course, on different levels. To interpret structures 3
in a meaningful way, an understanding of their functions is needed, and an excellent method to learn 6
structure-function relationships is to locate molecular components that comprise cells and their surrounding
environment. A variety of histologically related techniques have evolved that allow observers to explore tissues in
ways that far exceed the simple viewing of structure. These techniques, which are largely directed toward being
able to identify the chemical makeup of each ingredient within a tissue, include histochemistry, cytochemistry,
immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistry, in situ hybridization, autoradiography, and energy-dispersive
x-ray microanalysis.

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Figure 1-2 Imperfect sections can contain holes (A, ×20), folds (B, ×100), knife
marks (C, ×100), and uneven section thickness, which can result in
changes in staining intensity (D, ×200).

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Figure 1-3 Viewing of histological specimens can be aided by supplemental

imaging techniques, such as phase microscopy as seen in this light
micrograph of an eccrine gland of a horse. (×625.)

TABLE 1-2 Commonly Used Histological Stains and Their Reactions


Hematoxylin and eosin Cellular tissues Nuclei, blue; cytoplasm, various shades of pink
Trichrome (Masson) Connective tissues (and cellular tissues to some Collagen, blue; nuclei, black; cytoplasm, keratin,
extent) and muscle fibers, red
Periodic acid–Schiff Carbohydrates Basement membrane, glycogen, mucin, and
(PAS) amyloid deposits—purplish red/fuchsia
Alcian blue Proteoglycans (mucosubstances) within ECM—light to dark blue (reaction can vary by pH)
extracellular matrices (ECM)

Histochemistry and cytochemistry involve the identification and localization of specific chemical components
within a tissue and cell, respectively. A component can be general or specific. An excellent example of localizing a
general component is stain-ing for polysaccharides, which is most commonly achieved by generating the periodic

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acid–Schiff (PAS) reaction. Glucose-rich components are predisposed by periodate, causing 1,2 glycol groups on
glucose molecules to be oxidized to aldehydes, which in turn react with the Schiff reagent and result in a purple 6
fuchsin colorization of most polysaccharides (Figure 1-4). However, if greater selectivity of polysaccharides is 7
desired, other histochemical procedures can be used such as enzyme degradation, in which a solution containing a
specific enzyme (amylase for glycogen identification, for example) is placed on the section before staining, or lectin
labeling, which involves applying a proteinaceous material (mostly derived from plants) that has specific affinities
for selected polysaccharides such as galactosyls, fructosyls, and so on (Figure 1-5).

Figure 1-4 Many special stains are used to reveal specific histological features,
including one of the most commonly used special stains, periodic acid–
Schiff (PAS), which reveals carbohydrate-laden components, such as
basement membranes, by its fuchsin reaction in the canine kidney (A,
×1000), and mucin-filled goblet cells of the small intestine (B, ×400).

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In some instances, the fixation process does not adequately preserve a compound being held by the cell, and, as a 7
result, the subsequent treatment steps—dehydration and embedding—remove or alter the compound in a way that 8
prevents its visualization. In these instances, the tissue sample can be frozen and sectioned in that state prior to
staining. Lipids and lipid-rich materials are examples of compounds that are best revealed through the use of frozen
sections and subsequent appropriate stains, such as Sudan black or Nile blue (Figure 1-6).

Figure 1-5 Although specific stains are generally not used routinely, they offer
considerable information. Lectins reveal the presence of specific
polysaccharides, such as wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) seen in this
micrograph reacting with meningeal components of nervous tissue in
the dog. (×125.)

Immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistry comprise another technique that detects specific materials,
especially those proteinaceous in nature, within tissues and cells, respectively. The precision of this technique,
which employs antibody labeling, makes it an exciting and powerful tool that is being used increasingly by
clinicians (Figure 1-7). With this method pathologists can diagnose certain diseases. Immunohistochemistry and
immunocytochemistry in-volve the coupling of antibodies (derived from other species) to specific antigens (an
enzyme, cytokine, or some other molecule). The antibodies, in turn, are typically labeled with a color marker for
light microscopy or an electron-dense tag for TEM (Figure 1-8).

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In situ hybridization is a different localization technique that selectively labels deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and
ribonucleic acid (RNA) sequences within cells. With the recent development of recombinant DNA technology,
hybridization techniques can be performed on tissue sections and consequently reveal specific DNA or RNA
sequences among a large variety of different cell populations. Using the process known as gene cleaving, a
sequence of DNA is able to be amplified in a host (usually bacteria) by a vector (plasmid or bacteriophage). Probes
of DNA and RNA can then be made during their synthesis by using labeled nucleotides. The labels can be
radioactive (tritium) or nonradioactive (biotin or digoxigenin). Hybridization is subsequently performed whereby
complementary strands of DNA:DNA, DNA:RNA, or copy RNA (cRNA):RNA are allowed to join.

Autoradiography is a technique that relies on the incorporation of radiolabeled precursors or substrates in cells. The
precursors, such as a tritium-labeled proline for collagen synthesis or tritium-labeled thymidine for DNA 8
replication, are given to living tissue samples or cell cultures for a period of time before being processed (preserved, 10
embedded, and so on) for light microscopic or ultrastructural observation. Sections that now have the radiolabel
incorporated within the tissue are developed in a manner similar to that performed for photographic film. Slides
with sections are coated with a photographic emulsion and stored in light-proof boxes until sufficient radio-active
decay occurs, which causes the reduction of the silver bromide crystals within the film emulsion. The slides are
then “developed” like sheets of film, removing the unexposed silver. This technique has allowed investigators to
understand the dynamics involved in the production and breakdown of many materials formed by the cell and
which organelles play a role in the dynamics.

Figure 1-6 Some components of the cell can be best seen by frozen preparations,
rather than the traditional methods that include dehydration and
paraffin embedding. Such is the case for lipids, which are revealed here
by the stain oil red O. (×400.) (Courtesy E. Jacobson.)

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Figure 1-7 Diagram illustrates basic principle for histological immunolabeling.

Figure 1-8 The transmission electron micrograph shows the presence of

colloidal-gold immunolabel that is adhered to specific receptors for
endothelin-1, a potent vasoconstrictor. (×20,000.)

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MA Hayat: In Principles and techniques of electron microscopy: biological applications. ed 3, 1989, CRC
Press, Boca Raton, Fla.
GL Humason: In Animal tissue techniques. ed 3, 1972, WH Freeman, San Francisco.
AB Maunsbach, BA Afzelius: In Biomedical electron microscopy: illustrated methods and interpretations.
1999, Academic Press, San Diego.
DC Sheehan, BB Hrapchak: In Theory and practice of histotechnology. ed 2, 1987, Battelle Press, Columbus,
EM Slayter, HS Slayter: In Light and electron microscopy. 1997, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,

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2 CHAPTER 2 The Cell

One could suppose that each cell has the potential to carry out an independent existence. During the process of
evolution, as unicellular organisms progressed to multicellular states, cell differentiation developed, giving rise to
specialized cells. Specialized cells collectively performed specific functions with greater efficiency. In vertebrates,
numerous functions are performed by specialized cells including motility (muscle cell); conductivity of an electrical
signal (nerve cell); synthesis and secretions of enzymes, mucous materials, steroids, and so on (pancreatic acinar cells,
mucous gland cells, gonadal cells, etc.); ion transport (cells of kidney); clearance of debris and foreign materials
(inflammatory cells); transformation of external and internal stimuli into nervous impulses (sensory cells); and nutrient
absorption (cells of gastrointestinal tract). As the diversity of function has grown with time, there has been a
concomitant development of morphological diversity, having resulted in an enormous range of cell size and shape
(Figure 2-1).

Chemically, a cell consists chiefly of water, ranging from 60% to 95% of the total volume of the cell. Other
components of the cell include protein, carbohydrate, fat, nucleic acids, and inorganic substances such as sodium,
potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, phosphate, and ascorbate.


Eukaryotes comprise protozoa and higher forms, having true organelles, including a nucleus bounded by a
double-unit membrane. Contents of the eukaryotic cell are referred to as the protoplasm, which is enclosed by a cell
membrane. The protoplasm is subdivided into the karyoplasm, components of the nucleus, and the cytoplasm, being
all cell material other than the nucleus (Figure 2-2). The cytoplasm contains a variety of distinctive and highly
ordered organelles such as mitochondria, lysosomes, Golgi apparatus, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum,
ribosomes, centrioles, microtubules, and filaments (Table 2-1). Organelles should never be thought of as static
structures. They are dynamic components that can increase or decrease in size, number, and metabolic activity. In
fact, their morphology can reflect the relative age and health of a given cell and corresponding tissue. Organelles
are often in a state of flux, being broken down and removed, and concomitantly regenerated.

In addition to the structural parts of the cell, both the nucleus and the cytoplasm contain an amorphous ground
matrix known as the nucleoplasm and cytosol, respectively. Although the terms nucleoplasm and cytosol are not
clearly definable morphological entities as once thought by investigators who had only light microscopy available,
they do refer to ground substances that surround the structural components of the cell.

The nucleus is the main or fundamental component of the cell, guiding the cell structurally and functionally. The 12
genetic material that it holds, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), directs synthesis of proteins and polypeptides through
the process known as transcription. Even though the genetic information is the same throughout all cells within a
single organism, it is the variation of this direction that is responsible for cell differentiation. Another equally
important activity of DNA is replication, thus ensuring transcriptional activity for each new cell after division.

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Figure 2-1 Among domestic animals, cells of the body have enormous variations in
size and shape. The typical white blood cell is round and comparatively
small, approximately 5 to 10μm in diameter. The usual fibrocyte is also
fairly small, but thin and relatively short at 15 to 30μm, with short
irregularly branching processes. The cardiac muscle cell, or myocyte,
also has branches but they occur at each end of this cylindrically shaped
cell, which can attain lengths up to 60μm or more. The nerve cell or
neuron, by comparison, possesses thin processes that have polarity and
surround a round to oval cell body, where most metabolic activities
occur. This cell can reach enormous lengths, up to 1 m or more in many
large species.

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The interphase or somatic nucleus, which is found in the nondividing cell, consists of several structures that include
chromatin, nucleoplasm, and one or more nucleoli (Figure 2-3). Light microscopically, chromatin consists of
irregular clumps that have affinity for basic dyes (Figure 2-4). The chromatin actually represents tangled masses of
very long slender threads of chromosomes. Electron microscopically, chromatin is arranged either in dense
aggregates and referred to as heterochromatin, being relatively coiled chromatin, or in less tightly packed and
extended configuration, forming translucent regions of the nucleus known as euchromatin (Figure 2-5; see also
Figure 2-3). The amount of heterochromatin or lack of it may be an index to cellular activity. Cells with extensive
amounts of condensed chromatin tend to be either largely inert or involved in only a major metabolic activity. In
cells of female individuals, one of the sex chromosomes is clustered throughout interphase and is known as the
Barr body, or sex chromatin (Figure 2-6). In mammalian females the Barr body is one of the X chromosomes that
remain heterochromatic throughout interphase. As DNA becomes uncoiled and invisible to traditional microscopic
observations, that is to say it is euchromatic, it is able to serve as a template for the three types of ribonucleic acid
(RNA): messenger (mRNA), transfer (tRNA), and ribosomal (rRNA). In nuclei that are primarily euchromatic,
small amounts of heterochromatin may still occur, lying next to the nuclear envelope.

The nucleus in most cell types is round to ovoid. In certain cells, however, such as mammalian leukocytes, the
nucleus can be highly lobulated or in macrophages, often kidney shaped. Certain cell types may also have more
than one nucleus per cell. The multinucleated condition is most familiar in skeletal muscle and is found in renal
tubular cells, osteoclasts, and older hepatocytes (Figure 2-7). Although the roles that multinucleated cells play vary,
they generally have a common thread in that they tend to be very active metabolically.

Within the nucleus the most discrete intranuclear structure is the nucleolus (see Figures 2-3, 2-5, and 2-6). The
nucleolus is composed mostly of protein and RNA and a small amount of DNA (nucleolar-associated chromatin,
which is involved in the transcription of ribosomal RNA). The primary function of the nucleolus is to synthesize the
major components of the ribosomes (ribosomal RNA). Nucleoli are usually round and sometimes quite prominent,
one micron or more in diameter. By transmission electron microscopy (TEM), two regions, the pars fibrosa, which
consists of extremely fine filaments in which nucleolar chromatin is being transcribed, and the pars granulosa,
which consists of granular material where ribosomal subunits are constructed, are distinguished in the nucleolus. 12
Both regions contain ribonucleoprotein precursors of future ribosomes, which are eventually assembled in the 17
cytoplasm, and together form a distinct network with its moth-eaten appearance that is sometimes called the

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Figure 2-2 Within the cytoplasm of each mammalian cell, a complement of

organelles and inclusion bodies (illustrated in this figure) is formed at
some time within its life cycle. In most instances, these structures are
not fully resolved by light microscopy as portrayed by the cell in the
center and thus are most effectively examined with the assistance of
electron microscopy. (From Bloom W, Fawcett DW: A textbook of
histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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TABLE 2-1 Organelles of the Cytoplasm


Ribosome RNA (rRNA, tRNA, ER (rER) or unbound Pear-shaped; 15 × 25nm Polypeptide and protein
mRNA) (polysome) synthesis
Rough endoplasmic RNA (see ribosome) Possesses single Highly variable Polypeptide and protein
reticulum (rER) membrane; associated synthesis with some
with nuclear envelope, glycosylation
Smooth endoplasmic None Possesses single Highly variable Steroid synthesis; lipid
reticulum (sER) membrane; associated synthesis; detoxification;
with outer nuclear calcium storage
envelope, cell
membrane, rER
Golgi apparatus None Possesses single Convex-concave stack Carbohydrate synthesis;
membrane; associated of flattened saccules of protein glycosylation
with sER (from rER), variable diameters (and deglycosylation)
vesicles (secretory and (often 1 μm or so) phosphorylation, and
transition) sulfation
Primary lysosome None Possesses single Round; 50nm (and Stores hydrolytic
membrane; associated greater) in diameter enzymes for intracellular
with Golgi apparatus, digestion and
phagosomes, extracellular lysis
pinosomes, cell
Peroxisome None Possesses single Approximately 500nm Stores oxidizing
membrane; associated (and smaller) in diameter enzymes, especially
with sER those regulating
peroxide metabolism
Mitochondrion RNA (rRNA, tRNA, Possesses double Oval to cylindrical, but Produces energy for the
mRNA); DNA membranes; not directly can be round; variable cell (in the form of the
associated with in length high-energy-bond
membranous organelles molecules, ATP)
Melanosome None Possesses single Round to oval, but can Absorbs light (UV); and
membrane; associated be tubular; 100–500 × can function as cation
with Golgi apparatus 500–2000nm exchange polymer
Centriole DNA No direct association Short cylindrical; 100 × Microtubule organizing
300nm center for: spindle
apparatus during
nuclear division; and
axoneme of flagella and
ATP, Adenosine triphosphate; DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; RNA, ribonucleic acid; mRNA,
messenger ribonucleic acid; rRNA, ribosomal ribonucleic acid; tRNA, transfer ribonucleic acid; UV, ultraviolet.

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Figure 2-3 Nuclei of many cells contain a combination of coiled or condensed

chromatin known as heterochromatin (Hc) and uncoiled or extended
chromatin known as euchromatin (Ec) A, Illustration of a nucleus with
substantial amounts of both euchromatin and heterochromatin plus a
nucleolus, which together are enclosed by a nuclear envelope. B,
Transmission electron micrograph of a nucleus similar to that drawn in
A. (×12,000.) Note the prominent nucleolus (Nu), which is the site of
synthesis for the ribosomal subunits. (A From Bloom W, Fawcett DW: A
textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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Figure 2-4 Light micrograph of plasma cells (arrows) within the small intestine,
with distinct round nucleoli (small nuclei) placed centrally within their
nuclei. One-micron plastic section stained with H&E. (×1000.)

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Figure 2-5 Transmission electron micrograph of a developing fibroblast and its

euchromatic nucleus. The nucleus has no recognizable condensed
chromatin, having instead dispersed chromatin and a prominent
nucleolus (Nu), both indicators of strong metabolic activity. (×8000.)

Figure 2-6 In this transmission electron micrograph taken from a female dog, the
euchromatic nucleus with its central, round nucleolus (Nu) has a single
area of condensed chromatin (arrow), representing the second uncoiled
X chromosome, also known as the Barr body. (×10,000.)

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Figure 2-7 Light micrograph of hepatocytes within the liver, some binucleated
(arrow). One-micron plastic section stained with H&E. (×1000.)

The somatic nucleus is separated from the cytoplasm by a double membrane structure, the nuclear envelope (Figure
2-8). Each membrane is approximately 70Å in thickness and separated by a perinuclear space or cistern of 150Å or
more. The inner membrane is lined by a filamentous mat known as the nuclear lamina. This mat most likely serves
as scaffolding for chromatin and associated proteins. The outer nuclear membrane is often continuous with a system
of membranous sheets known as the endo-plasmic reticulum, particularly rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER). As
the rER extends from the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope, the cisterns of the rER and the nuclear envelope
are contiguous. The close association of the nuclear envelope with the endoplasmic reticulum system is further
supported by the role the endoplasmic reticulum plays during reformation of the nuclear envelope during mitotic or
meiotic telophase as segments of the endoplasmic reticulum line-up around the reconstituted nuclear mass.

The nuclear envelope does not form a complete morphologic barrier between the nucleus and cytoplasm because
there are numerous channels interconnecting the two regions. These channels are areas in which the inner and outer
nuclear membranes fuse and are referred to as nuclear pores (see Figure 2-8).

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The margins of nuclear pores are thickened, resulting in an octagonally arranged annulus. The annulus is closed by
a thin diaphragm-like structure, which contains a central granule. The pores are primarily the passageways that
allow the transport of substances between the nucleus and cytoplasm, such as the transport of RNA (mRNA and
ribosomal subunits), for example. During the induction of cell division, the nuclear envelope eventually disappears,
but will be reconstituted at the completion of mitosis.


The cytoplasm surrounds the nucleus and is encased by the cell membrane. It is that region of the cell involved in
energy formation and release, protein synthesis, growth, motility, and phagocytosis. It is dependent on the nucleus
for direction, renewal, and regeneration.

The volume of the cytoplasm in proportion to the nucleus—the nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio—is variable from one cell
type to another and changes during cell development. This ratio can be used as an indicator of a cell's stage of
development, or lack thereof, or changes associated within disease.

The cytoplasm can be subdivided into regions or zones based on the general location of organelles and consistency
(Figure 2-9). The cytoplasm next to the nucleus is named the cytocentrum and consists of a narrow, gelatinous
region, which is generally void of organelles except for endoplasmic reticulum attached to the nuclear envelope, a
pair of centrioles, and cytoskeletal elements (see Figure 2-8). Adjacent to the cytocentrum is the endoplasm, the
largest region of the cytoplasm. The endoplasm is less viscous and houses most of the structural components of the
cytoplasm. Active cytoplasmic streaming occurs here, as well as most metabolic activities. External to the
endoplasm and adjacent to the cell or plasma membrane is a very narrow band called the ectoplasm. As in the
cytocentrum this region has few organelles and is jelly-like. In motile cells (wandering histiocytes) numerous
microfilaments may be found here. The ectoplasm typically plays a very integral role with the cell membrane. The
general nature of the cytoplasm with all of its subcomponents can show the relative health of the cell(s) and tissue. 17
Each cell type has its own cytoplasmic makeup or composition, and it is imperative that we recognize the traits of 20
healthy cells and tissues so that signs of stress and disease become recognizable.

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Figure 2-8 Nuclear envelope. A, Transmission electron micrograph of a nucleus

and surrounding nuclear envelope (NE) of a mast cell. (×30,000.) The
nuclear pores (arrowheads) occur in regions where euchromatin exists.
B, In this transmission electron micrograph, two nuclear pores (np) are
visible, one of which has cytoplasmic subunits (arrowhead). (×50,000) C,
Transmission electron micrograph of the nuclear envelope (NE), with
the peripheral edge of a nuclear pore and its nucleoplasmic subunits
(large arrow) next to the inner membrane, which is lined by the nuclear
lamina and associated condensed chromatin. Note the presence of fine
filaments (small arrows) within the cytoplasm next to the outer
membrane of the nuclear envelope. (×120,000.) D, Transmission
electron micrograph of a tangential section of a nucleus (N) reveals the
round shape of nuclear pores (arrows) as viewed face-on. (×25,000.)

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Figure 2-9 Transmission electron micrograph of a cell and its cytoplasm and
centrally placed nucleus. Immediately surrounding the nucleus is a thin
region called the cytocentrum (cc), which is composed mostly of
filaments and microtubules. Most of the organelles lie outside the
cytocentrum in the endoplasm (en). Next to the cell membrane (dotted
line) is another thin layer of cytoskeletal elements known as the
ectoplasm (ec). (×12,000.)

2.3.1 Endoplasmic Reticulum

The endoplasmic reticulum is a cytoplasmic structure that is closely associated with the nuclear envelope, being
often continuous with the outer nuclear membrane as previously described. This organelle is composed of a
system of membrane-lined tubules, vesicles, and sacs or cisternae. Development and amount of endoplasmic
reticulum within the cytoplasm depends on cell type, age, and region within the cell. It is typically the most
common organelle in any given cell. Two types have been characterized structurally and functionally and are

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referred to as smooth and rough. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sER) has a variety of functions, including
steroid hormone production, storage and delivery of high levels of calcium, carbohydrate synthesis,
detoxification, and lipid complexing from fatty acids. Ultrastructurally, sER consists of an often convoluted
arrangement of membranous tubules (Figure 2-10). Certain cells such as muscle fibers and hormone-producing
cells are amply endowed with this organelle, comprising much of the cell's total volume. It is possible to
visualize sER light microscopically by using a variation of the silver impregnation technique. In most cells sER
amounts to a very small portion of the total cytoplasm and is most commonly found at areas where rER gives rise
to vesicles, many (transfer vesicles) of which are moved to another organelle, the Golgi apparatus.

rER is similar to sER, with the additional presence of ribosomes (Figure 2-11). Morphologically, rER, which is
sometimes called granular ER (sER being agranular), consists of interconnecting membrane-bound flattened
sacs that are lined by ribosomes. Functionally, rER synthesizes protein and further assembles protein into larger 20
molecules, which are usually packaged and eventually released as secretory vesicles directly or from the Golgi 21
apparatus. The actual synthesis of protein is performed by the ribosome.

Figure 2-10 Transmission electron micrograph of sheep pigment epithelium

shows an extensive system of smooth endoplasmic reticulum with
numerous membranous tubules. (×20,000.)

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2.3.2 Ribosomes

Ribosomes are extremely minute structures, being beyond the limit of resolution of the light microscope.
However, clusters of ribosomes can be detected by basic stains because of the presence of RNA. This is
particularly true for a mat or layer of rER, which is referred to as an ergastoplasm. In certain cells such as
neurons, the presence of stained rER and ribosomes (Nissl bodies) is used to identify specific portions (dendrites,
soma) of the cell. In active B lymphocytes the cytoplasm, which becomes filled with ribosomes,
characteristically stains basophilically and is readily identified for that property. At high magnification, a
bipartite, pear-shaped structure is revealed, measuring 15 × 25nm. Each part or subunit consists of RNA, derived
from the nucleolus, and protein. The subunits lie separate from each other in the cytosol until they become
associated with a strand of mRNA at which time they will become bound together. Ribosomes are responsible
for the formation of polypeptides. Polypeptide synthesis will not occur until they are linked with mRNA. The
smaller of the two subunits binds mRNA (Figure 2-12). After this linkage occurs the ribosomes receive amino
acid constituents by tRNA. As the ribosomes go along a thread of mRNA, amino acids are being added to the
base of the ribosomal complex at the larger subunit. The larger subunit also forms part of the tRNA binding site,
catalyzes the peptidyl transfer, holds the growing polypeptide chain and attaches the ribosome to the
endoplasmic reticulum. The transient attachment of the ribosomes to endoplasmic reticulum is due to the
presence of proteinaceous receptors called ribophorins. The smaller unit is also needed for the binding site of
tRNA. Ribosomal translation can equally occur freely in the cytoplasm without endoplasmic reticulum
association. Chains of ribosomes, which move along single strands of the mRNA template unassociated with
endoplasmic reticulum, are called polysomes (see Figure 2-11, D). Ribosomes and rER are most highly
developed in young growing cells and mature cells (glandular cells, plasma cells, neurons, fibroblasts) that are
actively secreting.

2.3.3 Golgi Apparatus

The Golgi apparatus, or Golgi complex, is an organelle that is intimately associated with the endoplasmic
reticulum system. The Golgi apparatus within a cell consists of clusters of stacks of flattened membranous sacs
that are involved in carbohydrate synthesis (see Figure 2-2). Unless impregnated with a heavy metal, such as
silver salts, the Golgi apparatus is difficult to observe histologically. Using traditional stains (hematoxylin and
eosin [H&E]), its presence can be implied by its weak staining reaction, which results in a negative Golgi image.
Each cluster may be referred to as a dictyosome, and neighboring dictyosomes are usually interconnected by a
system of sER (Figure 2-13). The convex or proximal face of the dictyosome is the forming face (cis-face),
which is either directly connected to rER through sER or indirectly through the transfer vesicles that outpocket
from the rER and eventually fuse with the forming face of what will become a saccule (Figure 2-14). Within
each dictyosome the stack of parallel saccules is interconnected by a network of tubules. It is within the cisternal
lumen of each saccule that protein becomes glycosylated, phosphorylated, sulfated and so on. As the
modifications come to completion, the protein enters the final saccule, which forms the distal face of the Golgi
apparatus. The distal, or concave, face is the maturing side (trans-face) from which secretory vesicles are
formed. The membranes of the maturing face are slightly thicker than the forming face and may be related to the 21
processing and packaging of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates that will be subsequently secreted. 23

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Figure 2-11 Rough endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes. A, In this transmission

electron micrograph, the rough endoplasmic reticulum is arranged
interconnecting layers of flattened membranous sacs. (×15,000.) B,
At higher magnification, individual ribosomes can be distinguished
along each sac. (×25,000.) C, Outline of a sac seen in cross section at
high magnification. C, Cisterna. (×200,000.) D, Ribosomes can also
be arranged in chains called polysomes as seen in this transmission
electron micrograph. Arrow points to the strand of mRNA to which
the ribosomes have become attached. (×180,000.)

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Figure 2-12 Schematic diagram of protein/polypeptide synthesis by the rough

endoplasmic reticulum. (From Bloom W, Fawcett DW: A textbook of
histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

Figure 2-13 Transmission electron micrograph of a portion of the Golgi

apparatus in a secreting cell. Arrowheads point to transitional
vesicles that arise from rER and fuse with the convex forming face.

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Figure 2-14 Schematic diagram of the membranous interrelationships between

rER, sER, and the Golgi apparatus within the cell. ER, Endoplasmic
reticulum. (From Bergman RA, Afifi AK, Heidger PM Jr:
Histology,Philadelphia, 1996, Saunders.)

Secretory proteins that are stored before secretion form precursor structures known as condensing vacuoles or
vesicles. Secretory vesicles may be stored for some time before they are released or they may migrate quickly to
the cell surface, where they are released from the cell by a process called exocytosis. Exocytosis involves the
fusion of the vesicle's membrane with the cell's limiting membrane. When this fusion occurs, an opening to 23
extracellular environment is formed and the contents of the secretory vesicle are released. The size and 24
development of the Golgi apparatus within a cell depend largely on the metabolic activity and type of activity of
the cell. As one might guess, Golgi apparatuses are most prominent in glandular cells, for example. With the
assistance of radioactive-labeling experiments, it has been shown in active glandular cells that only 1 to 2 hours
are required for newly synthesized protein to be modified, packaged, and secreted through the Golgi apparatus.

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2.3.4 Lysosomes

Lysosomes comprise a class of membrane-bound vesicles that hold a variety of lytic enzymes. Under normal
circumstances the lytic enzymes, which include acid phosphatase, acid hydrolase, lysozyme, and so on, will not
permeate the vesicle's membrane and cause considerable metabolic disruption. These organelles, which may be
present in all types of cells at some point in time, are extremely abundant in phagocytic cells (macrophages and
eosinophils, for example). Lysosomes, which function basically as the digestive system of the cell, are formed
mostly as coated vesicles that originate from the transmost face of a Golgi complex. These vesicles shed their
coat of clathrin and become smooth vesicles—the primary lysosomes— that fuse with either phagosomes or
pinosomes to form secondary lysosomes in which intracellular digestion will then occur. Recent classification
has distinguished the lysosome as one component of the acid vesicle system, which requires an acid environment
for lytic enzymes to be active. To that end, lysosomal membranes usually possess proton pumps (H -adenosine
triphosphatase [ATPase]) that ensures an effective low pH. Approximately 40 acid hydrolase enzymes are known
to occur in lysosomes, each involved in the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, or lipids as well as their

A phagosome is a membrane-bound vesicle, resulting from cellular ingestion of particulate matter such as a
bacterium by invagination of the cell membrane (heterophagosome) or from the segregation of old or damaged
organelles by joining segments of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (autophagosome) (Figure 2-15). A pinosome,
or endosome is a membrane-bound vesicle that was formed from the cellular ingestion of fluid matter by a
process referred to as endocytosis. All pinosomes are not phagocytized. Many, in fact, are involved in the
normal transferance of substances into the cell (transcytosis) that otherwise cannot pass through the cell
membrane. Catabolites will diffuse from the secondary lysosomes and enter the cytoplasm, and any material that
cannot be broken down will be retained in the vesicle, now referred to as a residual body, and either
immediately expelled from the cell or lie freely for some time in the cytoplasm. A high number of lysosomes in a
cell that usually possesses few or none at all often indicate stress and disease. As cells grow older, especially
during aging, a buildup of residual bodies known as lipofuscin occurs. This gradual buildup is particularly true
in nervous tissue and is considered to be a normal aging process. Malfunction of lysosomes can lead to a number
of disorders, generally known as lysosomal storage disease. One of the most important lysosomal storage
diseases of animals is mannosidosis, which is the result of either a deficiency or an inhibition of alpha
mannosides. Deficiency is usually hereditary, whereas inhibition is nutritional resulting from the ingestion of
certain plants including locoweeds (Astragalus and Oxytropis) that contain indolizidine alkaloids.

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Figure 2-15 Lysosomal system. Derived from the Golgi apparatus, lysosomes can
degrade either old or damaged organelles or substances taken into
the cell by either phagocytosis or pinocytosis.

2.3.5 Peroxisome

The peroxisome, or microbody, is a spherical or oval membrane-bound vesicle, up to 0.5μm in diameter, that
contains a variety of oxidizing enzymes, including catalase, peroxidase, uric acid, and amino acid oxidases, and
those involved in μ-oxidation breakdown of long chain fatty acids to acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA). These enzymes,
particularly catalase and peroxidase, are involved in the regulation of H2O2 metabolism, which are associated
with various oxid-ative reactions such as the electron transport system of the mitochondrion. Specifically,
hydrogen peroxide is hydrolyzed to oxygen and water. Peroxisomes are formed directly from the endoplasmic 24
reticulum and have been classified based on various inclusion bodies that have been observed by TEM within 25
these vesicles. These bodies, which are dense or crystalline in appearance, are called nucleoids and are species
specific (Figure 2-16). Peroxisomes are typically found in certain cell types such as a liver cell (hepatocyte) and
the kidney (epithelium of proximal convoluted tubules). Their numbers can be influenced by changes in age,
diet, hormones, and drugs. In most cells they are infrequent and difficult to distinguish unless cytochemically
stained (for peroxidase activity).

2.3.6 Mitochondria

Second to the nucleus, the mitochondrion is the most essential organelle in the eukaryotic cell, being present in
all cells except erythrocytes of blood, mature lens fibers of the eye, and terminal keratinocytes of the skin's
epidermis. It is this structure that provides energy for the rest of the cell. Most cells rely on the glycolytic and
citric acid pathways for their major sources of energy. Enzymes for the citric acid pathway, as well as those for
oxidative phosphorylation, reside in the mitochondrion. Mitochondria are generally tubular (cigar shaped) in

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form (see Figure 2-2). However, this organelle can be quite pleomorphic, being twisted or bent or even spindly
and branched (mitos, Greek for thread). Early microanatomists recognized mitochondria as elementary
components of the cell. In more recent times, mitochondria have been proposed to be of prokaryote origin
because of a variety of characteristics including the presence of nucleoid-like circular DNA, their own RNA,
ribosome-associated protein, and their ability to divide independently from the rest of the cell. Ultrastructurally,
they are a double membranous structure, with the outer membrane being smooth and thin, approximately 6.0 to
6.5nm thick (Figure 2-17). The outer membrane contains many multipass transmembrane proteins called porins
that form portals for water-soluble molecules of considerable size to move through. Because of the relatively
leaky nature of the outer membrane, it is not unusual to observe ultrastructurally fairly wide spaces between the
inner and outer membranes of mitochondria that can be exaggerated by disease. The inner membrane is folded
into cristae, having a slightly narrower thickness. This membrane contrasts sharply with the outer membrane in a
number of ways. The membrane lacks porins and instead contains cardiolipin, a phospholipid that makes the 25
inner membrane very tight and nearly impermeable to all materials. Within the inner membrane, including the 26
cristae, are particles that represent sites of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase complexes. In between these
complexes are enzymes responsible for electron transport and thus form the electron transport chain (Figure

Figure 2-16 Transmission electron micrograph of three peroxisomes from rat

hepatocytes. (From Bloom W, Fawcett DW: A textbook of histology,
ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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Figure 2-17 Transmission electron micrograph of a mitochondrion from canine

skeletal muscle. The cristae are tightly packed, and within the matrix
there are occasional granules. Arrows point to the glycogen that
surrounds the mitochondrion. (×75,000.)

Most of the volume of the mitochondrion consists of the matrix, which houses the enzymes needed for aerobic
respiration (Krebs cycle). The ATP that is ultimately formed is either used by the organelle or moved into the
cytosol through an adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-ATP antiport system. Throughout the catabolic process
involving glycolysis and the Krebs cycle, 1 molecule of glucose will result in the production of 36 molecules of
ATP. Glucose metabolism will not always yield high amounts of ATP. There are instances in which oxidation is
not coupled with phosphorylation, resulting in heat rather than high-energy molecules. This uncoupling requires
a proton shunt, consisting of thermogenin, which is not able to produce ATP but does resemble ATP synthase.

Within the matrix are granules that possess divalent cation binding sites (see Figure 2-17). These granules
increase in number and size as cation concentrations within the cell are raised above apparent critical levels.

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Thus there are two organelles—the mitochondrion and smooth endoplasmic reticulum—within the cell that are
able to play a role in the regulation of certain cation levels within the cell.


Many cells have the capability to store compounds as potential energy reserves that can be used at a later time for
catabolic activity. Specifically, glucose is stored in the form of glycogen, and triglycerides are stored as lipids.
Glycogen appears ultrastructurally as clusters of small opaque particles that individually measure from 15 to 30nm
in diameter (see Figure 2-17). The presence of this storage structure is common in muscle cells, especially striated
forms, and hepatocytes of liver. Histologically, they can be revealed by employing the periodic acid–Schiff stain for
carbohydrates (see Figure 1-4). Lipids, however, are seen as round, vacuole-like bodies, whose contents can only be
revealed when properly prepared (see Figure 1-6). The solvents normally used for histological processing and
embedding extract the triglycerides and leave transparent lipid droplets, or locules. 26
Figure 2-18 Diagram displays a functional portion of a crista, including two ATP
synthase complexes and three of the five members of the electron
transport chain that also function to pump protons from the matrix
into the intermembrane space. (From Gartner LP, Hiatt JL: Color
textbook of histology, Philadelphia, 1997, Saunders.)


The cell possesses an infrastructural support system that consists of filaments (solid protein rod-line components)
and microtubules. These structures are largely responsible for the overall shape of the cell, its movement, its

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division, and intracellular transportation of most cytoplasmic materials. Although all cells are equipped with some
kind of cytoskeleton, being primarily located within the ectoplasm and to a lesser degree within the cytocentrum,
certain cell types, including muscle fibers, fibroblasts, neurons, glial cells, and keratinizing epithelial cells, have
especially well-developed cytoskeletons.

Filaments are traditionally divided into three types or categories: microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and
myosin filaments.


Microfilaments, or thin filaments, are long, thin threads or strands that supply structural support for the
cytoplasm, being mostly deposited beneath the cell membrane and around the nucleus (Figures 2-19 and 2-20).
Actin is the major type of microfilament, being approximately 6nm in diameter and up to 1μm in length. Actin is
especially well developed in cells involved in pino- and phagocytosis, motility (by ameboid action), movement
of materials (presence of microvilli), and production of certain extracellular substances (glycosaminoglycans).
Although most cells are usually well equipped with these microfilaments, in certain cells, smooth and striated
muscle, they comprise the largest body of subcellular structures and are better known as actin myofilaments
(α-actin). In addition to α-actin, there are also two other forms of actin (β-actin and γ-actin), both occurring in
nonmuscle cells.

Intermediate filaments comprise a heterogeneous group of filaments that are approximately 8 to 10nm in
diameter and noncontractile in function. At least five major classes have been determined based on their protein
composition, including cytokeratin (prekeratin and tonofilament), desmin, glial filaments (glial fibrillary acidic
protein), neurofilament, and vimentin (Figure 2-21). Construction of intermediate filaments, in general, consists
of helically arrayed tetramers of proteinaceous rods.

Tonofilaments, which are members of the cytokeratin class, are one of the more common or ubiquitous
members of intermediate filaments, consisting of strands 8nm in diameter that are primarily involved in 27
junctional complex structural elements, that is, desmosomes. Desmin filaments are associated with cells that are 28
able to contract, the myocytes of muscle. These filaments help maintain the organization of the contractile
filaments within these cells. Like desmin, glial filaments and neurofilaments are less common than actin,
occurring in glial cells (astrocytes) and neurons, respectively.

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Figure 2-19 Transmission electron micrograph of numerous microfilaments

within a canine fibroblast. (×60,000.)

Figure 2-20 A and B, Diagram of elements of the cytoskeleton. (From Gartner LP,
Hiatt JL: Color textbook of histology, Philadelphia, 1997, Saunders.)

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Myosin myofilament comprises a third and largest (with regard to size) class of microfilaments, being
approximately 12 to 15nm in diameter. Myosin filaments were once thought to be found only in cells modified 28
for contractile purposes (muscle and myo-epithelial cells) and in direct contact with actin myo-filaments. Myosin 29
is, in fact, found in most cells and may move only actin filaments (myosin-II) or actin and a variety of other
cytoplasmic structures, including vesicles (myosin-I).

Microtubules are the largest component of the cytoskeletal system, comprised of tubulin (see Figure 2-20), that
are helically arranged to form a hollow cylinder, approximately 24 nm in diameter or about twice the diameter of
a myosin filament. Whereas microfilaments offer elasticity, connectivity, and contractibility, microtubules
provide true cytostructural support. Other functions include intracellular transport, motility, and cell division.
Cytoplasmic microtubules and those within cilia are relatively stable, whereas microtubules associated with the
mitotic apparatus are easily assembled and disassembled. Construction of a microtubule consists of the assembly
or disassembly of heterodimers of this structural protein (tubulin α and β), which are arranged spirally, forming
13 parallel protofilaments.

Figure 2-21 In this transmission electron micrograph intermediate filaments

(arrows) heavily populate the cytoplasm of the supporting glial cells
(gl) that surround nerve fibers (nf) within the canine central nervous
system. (×5000.)

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Figure 2-22 Transmission electron micrograph of the cell membrane of a

vascular endothelial cell. Arrows point to the carbohydrate moieties
associated with the external surface of the cell membrane, referred
to as the glycocalyx. The glycocalyx has been revealed by using a
special localization technique with colloidal iron. (×110,000.)


The cell or plasma membrane, also known as the plasmalemma, is possibly the most dynamic component of the
cell, continually undergoing changes due to both external and internal influences. The cell membrane, which
provides a semipermeable boundary, is approximately 8 to 11nm thick and is not visible light microscopically.
When viewed by the electron microscope, the cell membrane and all other protoplasmic membranes, for example,
those comprising the various organelles, consist of a trilaminar structure with two thin opaque layers or bands
encompassing a single transparent layer (Figure 2-22). Biochemically, membranes consist of roughly two thirds
protein, one third lipid (phospholipid and cholesterol), and 5% or less carbohydrate. Consequently, the lamellated
structure led scientists to believe that protoplasmic membranes were composed of a basic phospholipid leaflet with
hydrophobic groups (fatty acid chains facing each other) directed toward the middle and hydrophilic (polar head)
groups directed toward the outside, with this bimolecular leaflet encased by single layers of protein. With the 29
advent of a technique known as freeze-fracture in which cells are directly frozen in liquid nitrogen and then 30
cleaved, artifacts that could arise as a result of standard preparatory procedures for TEM, including protein
denaturation, were avoided and the model of the “unit” membrane was revised. The more recent model rejects the
idea of protein naturally forming layers over the phospholipid and instead places the protein within the lipid leaflet.
Protein bodies can completely cross the lipid leaflet, some of which are believed to provide channels for
water-soluble materials (Figure 2-23). Proteins located within the cell membrane are integral proteins, and those
that span the entire thickness are transmembrane proteins. Keep in mind, the bodies of protein are not thought to
be fixed in position, but lie adrift in a sea of lipid, influenced by external and internal factors. Other proteins lying
adjacent to the lipid leaflet are peripheral proteins, which may be associated with polysaccharides (cell coat) as
well (see Figure 2-22). In all, at least five categories of proteins can be associated functionally with the cell
membrane (Table 2-2):

1. Channel proteins, which permit movement of ions and small molecules in and out of the cell, for example,
gap junctions

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2. Carrier proteins, which transport substances across the cell membrane in a binding-unbinding process 30

3. Enzymes, such as ATPase, which work as pumps that actively transport selective ions such as sodium 31

4. Receptor proteins, which recognize and bind specific substances (ligands) to the cell membrane

5. Structural proteins, which are involved in the formation of certain cell junctions such as tight junctions (see
Chapter 3)

Figure 2-23 Diagram of the fluid mosaic model of cell membrane. (From Bergman
RA, Afifi AK, Heidger PM Jr: Histology,Philadelphia, 1996, Saunders.)

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TABLE 2-2 Cell Membrane Protein

Channel proteins + + + + −
Provide conduits or pores for ions such as Ca , Na , K , H and Cl . Move in and out of
the cell at a rate similar to that of diffusion, or from one cell to another as in the case
of gap junctions. If they can be opened or closed in response to signals, they are
referred to as gated channels.
Carrier proteins Bind site-specific substances that are then transported across the cell membrane in a
binding-unbinding process.
Enzymes + +
As a form of carrier proteins, specific enzymes such as Na /K -ATPase, are used for
active transport and involve specific binding, using energy from ATP hydrolysis.
Receptors Bind specifically to external signaling molecules for the purpose of transmitting and
transducing information into the cell. Examples of external signaling molecules include
hormones and neurotransmitters. Receptors can, in turn, open and close ligand-gated
channels or activate and inactivate ligand-dependent enzyme activity.
Structural proteins Form cell-to-cell connections or junctions, such as the zonula occludens (tight junction)
that forms a morphological barrier between adjacent cells.
ATP, Adenosine triphosphate; ATPase, adenosine triphosphatase.


Cells periodically undergo a cycle that alternates between mitosis, or cell division, which consists of a sequence of
events involving the division of the nucleus and the cytoplasm, and interphase, which in many cell types span a
considerably longer time frame than mitosis and include metabolic activities inherent for the growth and maturation
of each cell and subsequent replication of genetic material before the next cell division. In some instances cells lose
the ability to divide any further—they become terminally differentiated, as in the case of neurons and muscle cells
and a variety of other types of cells located in different tissues of the body. These cell types have essentially left the
cell cycle and remain in a resting stage.

Cells that continue to self-replicate at some later time have an interphase that is subdivided into three periods or
phases: the gap (G)1 phase, G2 phase, and synthetic (S) phase. Cells derived from mitosis enter the G1 phase,
which involves the reestablishment of metabolic activities including RNA and protein syntheses, some of which are
essential for the replication of DNA. The cell volume, which had been previously reduced in half by the division of
the cytoplasm (referred to as cytokinesis) at the end of mitosis, is replenished during this phase. Proteins (protein
kinases and cyclins) that can initiate another mitosis are most likely manufactured during this period of the cell
cycle. The failure to produce these proteins results in the cessation of cell cycle renewal, and the cell has ended in a
resting phase also known as the G0 phase.

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Figure 2-24 Stages of mitosis. A schematic series demonstrates the sequence of

stages that occur during mitosis. (From Bergman RA, Afifi AK, Heidger
PM Jr: Histology, Philadelphia, 1996, Saunders.)

In the presence of the appropriate kinases and cyclins, the cell enters the S phase, which involves duplication of the
cell's genome, including both DNA and associated nucleoprotein. From the S phase, the cell enters the G2 phase,
and its activity becomes focused on the production of the protein, including tubulin for microtubule assembly and
RNA necessary for mitosis to occur.

At the end of the G2 phase, the cell is ready to divide and enter the mitosis (M) phase, consisting of both nuclear
and cytoplasmic division. Mitotic events occur sequentially, with each event given a specific name: prophase,
prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis. Prophase is indicated by concomitant changes in
the cell body and its nucleus. The cell, which has become already appreciably enlarged, loses any previously
formed processes, and the chromosomes become visible microscopically as each condenses into parallel pairs of
identical (sister) chromatids, which are joined at the centromere. The centriole-containing region next to the
nucleus, the centrosome, has divided and moves to opposite poles of the cell. During this process, each pair of
centrioles establishes a microtubule-organizing center (MTOC) from which the mitotic spindle apparatus with
its astral rays and spindle fibers is made (Figure 2-24). Some of the microtubules associated with this apparatus
from opposite poles will attach to each centromere. Concomitantly, cytoplasmic microtubules are disassembled.

At this point, the nuclear envelope begins to disappear and the nucleolus disintegrates. The stage known as
prometaphase has now begun. Within the inner lining of the nuclear envelope, the nuclear lamina undergoes
phosphorylation, which contributes to the disappearance of the bimembrane structure. Within each centromere a 31
kinetochore is formed to which mitotic spindle microtubules of the MTOC become attached. These microtubules 32
form the spindle fibers that facilitate the migration of the sister chromosomes to the opposite poles. Other
microtubules not involved in this process are called polar microtubules, which undoubtedly contributes to the
overall structural organization of the mitotic spindle apparatus and spacing of chromosomes during mitosis.

At metaphase, chromosomes become fully condensed and are aligned in a single row, defining the equator of the
mitotic spindle (see Figure 2-24). The “arms” of each chromosome are now bent in the direction of the pole that
they will be moving to.

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As the kinetochore of each chromosome splits, the sister chromatids pull apart and migrate to each pole. Nuclear
division has now entered anaphase, and each complement of chromosomes for their respective new cells can be
distinguished. Spindle microtubules are believed to be depolymerized at the kinetochore in a manner similar to that
occurring during cytoplasmic streaming. At the same time, polar microtubules lengthen further, causing the spindle
poles to be pushed at greater distance from one another. Near the end of this phase, early events of cytokinesis can
be observed, including the initiation of the cleavage furrow with the invagination of the cell membrane.

With the end of the chromosomal migration, telophase, the final phase of karyokinesis, begins (see Figure 2-24).
The spindle apparatus breaks down and the nuclear envelope is reconstituted. The chromosomes uncoil into
euchromatin and heterochromatin that are characteristic for that cell type during interphase. The nucleolus is
concomitantly reestablished as well.


In reproductive organs, germ cells for each gender are produced with half of the diploid set of chromosomes that
typically exist in most somatic cells. This amount of DNA is known as the haploid number of chromosomes that
are carried by ova and spermatozoa and, when combined, ensures the recombination of genetic information.
Nuclear division that reduces the diploid condition to the haploid one is referred to as meiosis, which will be
covered later (see Chapters 18 and 19).


A substantial change in an individual cell's activities, especially resulting from a significant insult and subsequent
damage, can often lead to its death. When observing cell death morphologically within mammalian tissues, one of
two processes usually occurs: necrosis or apoptosis. These processes were initially recognized by ultrastructural
observations and can be seen with careful scrutiny with a light microscope. Both processes consist of a sequence of
morphological events.


In many instances of necrosis, cellular injury and subsequent death progress gradually. For that reason,
morphological abnormalities can be observed with some frequency. Early events include cytosolic swelling and
blebbing (Figure 2-25). Mitochondria become dilated and the cristae are fewer and less noticeable than the
normal condition. Cisternae of smooth and rough endoplasmic reticula as well as that of the nuclear envelope
may swell considerably. Chromatin within the nucleus aggregates or clumps more than usual. As the cell
approaches death, the swelling of the organelles increases with a concomitant loss of ribosomes, rER, sER, and
Golgi apparatus. Ruptures and dissolution of the cell membrane occur. Other membranes within the cell,
including those of the endoplasmic reticulum and the nuclear envelope, partially dissolve. The clumping of the
chromatin continues to a point at which less condensed or coiled chromatin is reduced substantially and may
altogether disappear, especially when viewed light microscopically.


The events associated with apoptosis differ sharply for the most part from those associated with necrosis.
Microscopically, the early stages involve changes that occur within the nucleus. The chromatin aggregates in a
discrete manner. Rather than clumping in an irregular and random fashion as seen during necrosis, the chromatin
condenses in distinct masses next to the inner membrane of the nuclear envelope. The cytoplasm undergoes

CHAPTER 2 The Cell Page 32 of 34

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condensation, which can result in protrusion and possible blebbing of the cell surface. As apoptosis continues,
portions of the cell bleb away from the main body. These portions are referred to as apoptotic bodies, which are
frequently engulfed by resident cells that are not undergoing apoptosis, as well as inflammatory cells, such as
macrophages. The events of apoptosis advance at a more rapid pace than those of necrosis. The disintegration of
a cell into a cluster of apoptotic bodies can transpire in just minutes, whereas necrotic events take hours and 32
days. In addition, cells undergoing apoptosis tend to be isolated from one another in a general population. By 33
comparison, cells undergoing necrosis often adjoin each other and frequently occur as groups rather than

Figure 2-25 Cell injury frequently leads to necrosis, as seen ultrastructurally in

this canine endothelial cell. Note the swelling of the mitochondria
(m), exocytotic-like blebbing of vesicles (v) with breaks in the cell
membrane, and expanded separation of the two membranes of the
nuclear envelope (arrow). (×15,000.)


RA Bergman, AK Afifi, PM Heidger, Jr.: In Histology. 1996, Saunders, Philadelphia.

AD Bershadsky, JM Vasiliev: In Cytoskeleton. 1988, Plenum Publishing, New York.
DW Fawcett: In The cell. 1981, Saunders, Philadelphia.
DW Fawcett: In Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology. ed 12, 1994, Saunders, Philadelphia.

CHAPTER 2 The Cell Page 33 of 34

Textbook of Veterinary Histology
L Hermo, H Green, Y Clermont: Golgi apparatus of epithelial principal cells of the ependymal initial
segment of the rat: structure, relationship with endoplasmic reticulum, and role in the formation of secretory
vesicles. Anat Rec. 229, 1991, 159.
E Holtzman: In Lysosomes. 1989, Plenum Publishing, New York.
LC Junqueira, J Carneiro, RO Kelley: In Basic histology. ed 7, 1992, Appleton & Lang, Norwalk, Conn.
JF Kerr, GC Gobe, CM Winterford, BV Harmon: Anatomical methods in cell death. In Schwartz, LM,
Osborne, BA (Eds.): Methods in cell biology. vol 46, 1995, Academic Press, San Diego.
MD Lane, PL Pedersen, AS Mildvan: The mitochondrion updated. Science. 234, 1986, 526.
A Miething: Intercellular bridges between germ cells in immature golden hamster testis: evidence for clonal
and nonclonal mode of proliferation. Cell Tissue Res. 262, 1990, 559.
M Miller, MK Park, JA Hanover: Nuclear pore complex: structure, function, and regulation. Physiol Rev.
71(3), 1991, 909.

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3 CHAPTER 3 The Epithelium


• Polar orientation: one side facing lumen/free space, other side attached to another tissue

• Classified according to cell shape and number (one or more) layers of cells

• Very little extracellular space between adjacent cells

• Can have well-developed apical modifications

• Forms basement membrane

The epithelium is the tissue that covers all free surfaces of the body. Epithelium is a term derived from Greek; it
literally means “tissue grows” (theleo) “upon another” (epi). Epithelia generally consist of sheets of closely packed
cells that lie typically in apposition over the surfaces of the body or organs. This tissue is chiefly characterized by
having high cellular density with very little intercellular space and lacks direct vascular supply (except for blood
vessels). It is most commonly associated with connective tissue and is attached to the latter by the basement
membrane. Because epithelia are concomitantly exposed to free space on one side, the apex, and anchored to another
tissue on the other side, the base, inherent polarity is along the apical-basal axis of each epithelium. How-ever, in
certain instances, epithelia that are involved in endocrine secretion have lost free surface associations but remain
tightly aggregated and epithelial-like or epithelioid. In epithelioid tissues the apical-basal orientation is largely lost.

Functions of epithelia include protection of external surfaces and body orifices, absorption and secretion of materials
into and away from lumens or cavities, surface transport of substances by cilia, and sensory reception as in gustation
and olfaction. Although epithelia had been traditionally described to be derived from the ectoderm, this tissue is in fact
derived from all three primary germ layers: ectodermal—epithelia lining the body surface; endodermal—epithelia
lining the digestive and pulmonary tracts; and mesodermal—epithelia lining the heart, blood vessels, lymphatics, and
coelomic spaces.


Epithelial classification has little regard for location or function (except for that being glandular) and is based
primarily on cell shape and arrangement of cells into one or more sheets or layers (Table 3-1) (Figure 3-1). Single
layered epithelia are called simple, whereas epithelia with more than one layer are referred to as stratified. Epithelia
are further subdivided into squamous, cuboidal, and columnar types by the shape of the cells that face the free
space. In stratified epithelia the cells form the outermost (apical) layer. The squamous shape is the condition in
which the width and depth of the cell exceed the height. Usually the difference between the height and width or 34
depth is well defined, but in some instances height and width appear nearly identical; however, as the cells age, the 35
width and depth broaden considerably, whereas the height shortens (Figure 3-2). The cuboidal shape among
epithelia is defined as when the cells' height, width and depth are approximately identical. Subtle variations occur in
which the height might exceed the width and depth by 50% or vice versa, and these variations are often the results
of increased metabolic activity or the lack thereof. To be accurate, observers could describe such tissues as cuboidal
to columnar (or low columnar) or cuboidal to squamous, but for the sake of classification these tissues are generally
called cuboidal. Columnar epithelia possess cells facing free space that have heights that are distinctly greater than
their widths and depths.

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TABLE 3-1 Morphology, Function, and Location of Epithelia


Single Layered
Simple squamous Flattened Selective fluid and gaseous exchange Lining: blood and lymphatic vessels;
(limiting membrane); frictionless alveoli of the lung; pleural and
surface peritoneal cavities; parietal layer of
Bowman's layer and loop of Henle in
the kidney
Simple cuboidal Cuboidal Secretion; absorption; providing Convoluted tubules of kidney; ducts
conduit; protection and secretory portions of many
glands; surface epithelium of the
ovary; pigment epithelia of the eye
Simple columnar Columnar Absorption; secretion; protection; Lining; glandular stomach; small and
transportation; providing conduit large intestine; uterus and uterine
tubes; second-degree bronchi; ductal
and secretory portion of glands
Pseudostratified Columnar (not all cells Transportation; secretion; Lining: trachea, first- and
are exposed to the absorption; protection second-degree bronchi; lacrimal sac
surface) and nasal cavity; epididymis and
ductus deferens
Stratified squamous Flattened (with nuclei) Protection Lining: oral, esophageal and anal
(noncornified) portions of gastrointestinal (GI) tract;
cornea and conjunctiva; larynx;
portions of female and male
reproductive tracts
Stratified squamous Flattened (without Protection Lining: general body surface; buccal
(cornified) nuclei) cavity and esophagus in ruminants;
ruminant forestomach
Stratified cuboidal Cuboidal Providing conduit; absorption; Lining: larger ducts of compound
secretion glands and ducts of sweat glands;
areas between simple or
pseudostratified epithelia and
stratified squamous epithelia
Stratified columnar Columnar Providing conduit; absorption; Lining: larger ducts of some
secretion; protection compound glands; conjunctivae of
eyelids; areas between simple or
pseudostratified epithelia and
stratified squamous epithelia
Transitional Cuboidal (relaxed), Protection; distensible capability Lining: urinary tract
flattened (distended)

In multilayered epithelia it is the shape of the surface cells that categorizes and identifies the type of epithelium that
is being observed. This is an important concept to remember because in most stratified epithelia the morphology of
the cells can vary considerably from one layer to another.

Simple squamous epithelium is composed of a single layer of plate- or scalelike cells (Figure 3-3). The sheet of
flattened cells is kept intact by cell processes or interdigitations which line the lateral surface of each cell (Figure 35
3-4). Simple squamous epithelium is best suited for the transport of substances across the cytoplasm. Consequently, 36
it mostly lines moist, internal surfaces such as blood vessels and distal pathways of the lung (Figure 3-5). The
simple squamous epithelium that lines these regions of the body is often referred to as an endothelium. Simple
squamous epithelia also form part of the serous lining of cavities—the pericardium, pleura, and peritoneum—
between organs. This epithelium is often called a mesothelium.

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Figure 3-1 Illustration of seven of the eight types of epithelia that occur in
domestic species. (From Fawcett DW:M Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook
of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

Simple cuboidal epithelium consists of a single layer of cells that generally are cube shaped. Because these cells
have heights that match their widths, they possess a polarized arrangement of organelles (Figure 3-6). This tissue is
usually associated with secretion and/or absorption and is found in the thyroid, kidney, lung, ovary, and ducts and
secretory portions of many glands (Figure 3-7). In organs that have undergone a period of production and storage of
secretory materials, such as the thyroid, this epithelium may become less cuboidal (more squamous) and
concomitantly less physiologically active (Figure 3-8).

Simple columnar epithelium is a third type of a single-layered epithelium in which the heights of individual cells
easily exceed their widths. As in simple cuboidal epithelia, this tissue is associated with secretion and absorption.
Simple columnar epithelial cells represent the major cell type for many exocrine glands, that is, they are secretory
in nature and highly polarized cytoplasmically (Figure 3-9). They are also common as absorptive cells in the
intestine, female reproductive tract, and lung (Figure 3-10). The nuclei in these cells reside roughly at the same
level or levels, which in most instances is near the cell base. The free, or luminal surface, of the tissue, and to a

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lesser extent of simple cuboidal epithelium, often possesses a variety of cell modifications (microvilli, cilia,
glycocalyx, etc.).

A fourth category of single-layered epithelia is pseudostratified columnar epithelium, which is usually

characterized by the irregular positioning of nuclei (not being oriented in one level), giving the impression of a
multilayered tissue (Figure 3-11). All cells in fact form a uniform basal boundary that is attached to a common
basement membrane (Figure 3-12). However, some cells do not reach the luminal surface. Often several cell types
can be defined, including basal, columnar, and goblet cells. This tissue is mostly found along the trachea and
bronchi of the respiratory tract and epididymis and vas deferens of the male reproductive tract and functions largely
in secretion and movement of particles along the tubular organs (Figure 3-13). The key difference between
pseudostratified columnar epithelium and simple columnar epithelium is the presence of undifferentiated,
germinative cells (basal cells) in the former. These basal cells do not form a solid, continuous layer, but can vary
considerably in number: frequent along the respiratory tract (see Figure 3-12) and few within the male reproductive
tract (see Figure 3-13).

As in single-layered epithelia, multilayered epithelia are classified according to shape. All multilayered epithelia
possess a continuous basal layer that has proliferative capabilities.

Stratified squamous epithelium is the most common of the multilayered epithelia, covering most external body
parts. It functions primarily to protect underlying tissues and prevent their desiccation. Epithelium that is not
immediately exposed to the external environment but remains moist, as that found in the mouth, esophagus,
conjunctiva, cornea, and vagina, has a basal layer of cuboidal cells, and several layers of polygonal cells that
become progressively more squamous (Figure 3-14). This epithelium is sometimes called nonkeratinized stratified
squamous epithelium, which is actually a misnomer because some keratinization can occur in this tissue. 36
Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium is distinctly layered, forming the outer covering of skin, the epidermis. 40
The process of keratinization is complete in this tissue and leads to the subsequent death of each involved cell. As a
result, this tissue consists of both living and dead cells and is generally subdivided into several groups of layers: the
basal stratum (stratum basale) single layer of cuboidal to columnar cells, also the proliferative or germinative layer;
stratum spinosum—two or more layers of cells with spiny processes; stratum granulosum external to the stratum
spinosum and similar to the stratum spinosum but containing detectable granules of keratin material; stratum
lucidum—thin, translucent layer next to stratum granulosum, involving cell death; and stratum corneum—most
superficial layer, composed of many layers of dead, scalelike cells lacking nuclei (Figure 3-15).

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Figure 3-2 Simple and stratified epithelia change in morphology with development
and age. In these photomicrographs, the anterior epithelium, A, of a
young (3-month-old) canine lens appears slightly columnar, but that of
an adult (2-year-old), B, has become more cuboidal, with the cells less
densely populated (note fewer nuclei) than when younger. (×1000.)

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Figure 3-3 A, Light micrograph of simple squamous epithelium (arrows) of the

serosa of the small intestine seen cross sectionally. (Plastic section
stained with hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.) B, Simple squamous
epithelium seen face-on from a flat mount of mesentery that was
treated with a silver stain to reveal cell boundaries. (×400.)

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Figure 3-4 The end of a simple squamous epithelial cell possesses interdigitating
processes. These processes allow adjacent cells to interact greatly with
one another and form an excellent environment for barrier and
transport proteins within the cell membrane. (Layered transmission
electron micrograph; ×25,000.)

Figure 3-5 Air sacs, or alveoli, of the lung are lined by simple squamous epithelia
(arrowheads) that can be extraordinarily thin, permitting suitable gas
exchange. The enclosed capillary with a flattened red blood cell also is
lined by a very thin simple squamous epithelium. (Transmission electron
micrograph; ×5000.)

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Figure 3-6 Cells of simple cuboidal epithelia possess organelles that are arranged
with distinct polarity. (From Leeson CR, Leeson TS, Paparo AA: Atlas of
histology, Philadelphia, 1985, Saunders.)

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Figure 3-7 As seen in this light micrograph, tubules within the porcine kidney (seen
cross sectionally) are lined by simple cuboidal epithelia. (Hematoxylin
and eosin stain; ×1000.)

Stratified cuboidal epithelium can be found as a tissue between simple and stratified epithelia along different
regions of the body including the anal canal, female urethra, and proximal respiratory tract. This tissue also occurs
as a bilayered epithelium that lines the ducts of sweat and salivary glands (Figure 3-16). Similarly, bilayered
stratified columnar epithelium occurs between simple and stratified epithelia and lines the large ducts of salivary
glands, having usually a basal layer of small cuboidal cells and an apical layer of cuboidal to columnar cells (often
species specific) that do not reach the basement membrane (Figure 3-17).

A fourth type of multilayered epithelium is the transitional epithelium, found only in the urogenital system. The
urinary tract is subject to marked variations of internal pressure and capacity and consequently is lined by this
special type of epithelium that can alter its shape. The transitional epithelium has an appearance that changes
between stratified squamous and stratified cuboidal epithelium. In a relaxed state the apical or surface cells are
cuboidal to columnar in appearance as they bulge into the lumen (Figure 3-18). However, in a stretched state the
thickness of the epithelium is greatly reduced and the apical cells become markedly flattened (Figure 3-19).
Without knowing where this tissue came from, a less experienced observer can mistakenly identify it as a stratified
squamous or cuboidal epithelium, depending on how relaxed the surface cells are. However, some of the surface
cells are binucleated, and this characteristic can be useful for distinguishing this type of epithelium from the other
stratified types.

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Modifications or specializations of the free or luminal surfaces of epithelial cells can be found among the different 40
forms of epithelia and are most pronounced in simple columnar and pseudostratified columnar epithelia (Box 3-1). 44
In these particular tissues the apical portion of columnar cells possesses a variety of modifications that assist in the
breakdown, digestion, and movement of particulate materials.

Figure 3-8 The state of metabolism can alter the appearance of simple cuboidal
epithelia as seen in these light micrographs. In the equine thyroid,
active follicular cells (A) are distinctly cuboidal. By comparison, inactive
or quiescent follicles are lined by epithelial cells (B) that appear more
squamous than cuboidal. (×1000.)

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Figure 3-9 The gastric mucosa of the feline stomach possesses a simple columnar
epithelium that actively secretes. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×250.)

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Figure 3-10 Light micrograph of the mucosa of the small intestine. The intestine is
lined by a simple columnar epithelium that functions primarily to
absorb as indicated by the presence of a striated border (arrow), a
surface modification that amplifies the surface area greatly. The
striated border is subtended by a terminal bar (tb). (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×1000.)

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Figure 3-11 Illustration of a pseudostratified columnar epithelium. The hallmark

feature of this type of epithelium is the presence of scattered stem
cells known as basal cells (bc) (arrows). (Modified from Greep RO:
Histology, New York, 1954, Blakiston.)

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Figure 3-12 Photomicrograph of pseudostratified columnar epithelium that occurs

within the proximal portion of the pulmonary tract as seen here in the
trachea. (Plastic section, hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×600.)

Microvilli are slender, cylindrical cytoplasmic processes, which are approximately 0.1μm in diameter and mostly
0.5 to 2.0μm in length. They possess a central filamentous core of actin that extends well into the apical cytoplasm
and is anchored in the terminal web (Figure 3-20). The actin is linked to the cell membrane of each microvillus by
myosin-I and calmodulin, giving support to the microvillus. The terminal web consists of a network of
microfilaments that lie horizontally just beneath the apex of the cell. Microvilli are found mostly on absorptive and
transport cells in columnar and cuboidal epithelia and frequently are referred to as being a brush border (kidney)
or striated border (intestine) (see Figure 3-10). They function to increase the surface area for absorption (up to
10,000 times in the small intestine) and can contain enzymes for the hydrolyzation of sugar as shown in
biochemical analysis of striated borders isolated from intestinal epithelium. Along the proximal convoluted tubules
of the kidney, microvilli can extend up to 5μm in length (Figure 3-21). Using the traditional formalin/paraffin
preparation, light microscopic observations of these structures reveal a matted form—the brush border—that is
similar to a moistened artist's brush. In non- or less-absorbing cells that possess these structures, microvilli are
generally fewer and may lack an actin core altogether (uterine glands).

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Figure 3-13 Light micrograph of the epididymis of a horse. Epididymis is lined by a

tall pseudostratified columnar epithelium, consisting of tall columnar
cells and scattered short basal cells (arrows). (Hematoxylin and eosin
stain; ×400.)

Glycocalyx is essentially a glycoprotein surface coat that covers the entire cell (of all cells of the body) and is
prominent in intestinal cells with microvilli (Figure 3-22). There is a close association of the glycocalyx and 44
microvilli, as the former with its gel-like rigidity offers additional support for the latter. This carbohydrate-rich coat 48
also offers protection so that only dissolved substances will penetrate between microvilli. The carbohydrate residues
that form the bulk of the glycocalyx are attached to the transmembrane proteins of the cell membrane.

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Figure 3-14 Light micrograph of the esophagus of a pig. The esophagus is lined by
a moistened stratified squamous epithelium. (Hematoxylin and eosin
stain; ×400.)

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Figure 3-15 In stratified squamous epithelia that are exposed to a dry

environment, the cells become fully keratinized. In certain areas of the
integument among domestic animals this type of epithelium can be
well developed, such as along the nares of the nose. A, Light
micrograph (×100) of the entire thickness of the stratified squamous
epithelium that forms the epidermis of a canine naris. B, Light
micrograph (×1000) of the stratum spinosum. C, Light micrograph
(×1000) of the stratum granulosum. D, Light micrograph (×1000) of
the stratum corneum. (All micrographs were stained with hematoxylin
and eosin.)

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Figure 3-16 Stratified cuboidal epithelia. A, Transmission electron micrograph

(×4200) of a duct within a canine parotid gland. B, Light micrograph
(×400) of the stratified cuboidal epithelium seen in Figure 3-16, A.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain.)

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Figure 3-17 Stratified columnar epithelia. A, Light micrograph of a large duct

associated with a canine salivary gland. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;
×200.) B, Light micrograph (×400) of the epithelium along the larynx
of a pig.

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Stereocilia are very long microvilli that can measure up to 10μm in length and line the luminal surface of certain
columnar cells (e.g., those lining the epididymis and vas deferens of the male reproductive tract and associated with
sensory hair cells of the inner ear, cochlea; Figure 3-23). At high magnification they are seen to be thin cilium-like
structures. However, stereocilia are considerably narrower than true cilia (kinocilia) and are nonmotile, possessing
actin cores. Although their function is not well established, they most likely promote absorption through 48
amplification of the cell surface in the male reproductive tract and generate signals in the ear. 50

Figure 3-18 Photomicrograph of the transitional epithelium lining the urinary

bladder in a relaxed state as demonstrated by the swollen,
cuboidal-like apical cells. (Plastic section, hematoxylin and eosin stain;

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Figure 3-19 Light micrograph of the transitional epithelium lining the urinary
bladder of a cow in a stretched state. The apical cells appear flattened
and squamous-like. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×200.)

3.3.1 Box 3-1 Cells with Apical Modifications

Microvilli (striated border, brush border) can occur sparsely along the surface of most epithelia and are most
prevalent along the following:

Absorptive columnar epithelia, especially small intestinal epithelium

Proximal convoluted tubule within the urinary system

Follicular cells of the thyroid, especially when stimulated with thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

Proximal portions of the respiratory tract

Simple gustatory neuroepithelium

Pigment epithelium of the retina Stereocilia (long microvilli):

Epididymis of the male reproductive tract

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Vestibular receptor of the vestibular sense organ along the semicircular canals, utricle and saccule of
the inner ear. Cilia (kinocilia):

Proximal portions of the respiratory tract

Concha and sinuses

Naso- and oropharynx (above soft palate)





Uterine tube (oviduct) of female reproductive tract

Olfactory cells of the olfactory epithelium

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Figure 3-20 Diagram of a microvillus and elements of its construction. (From

Gartner LP, Hiatt JL: Color textbook of histology,Philadelphia, 1997,

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Figure 3-21 Light micrograph (×1000) of brush borders (arrows) extending into the
lumen of proximal convoluted tubules.

Cilia or kinocilia, as opposed to stereocilia and microvilli, are curly motile cell processes. Each cilium possesses an
internal microtubular substructure designed for contractility. The cilium—5.0 to 10.0μm in length and 0.2μm in
diameter—is within resolution of the light microscope (Figure 3-24). Ciliated cells are most common in the
respiratory tract, oviduct, and uterus, moving mucus and other substances by metachronal rhythm, whereby
successive cilia in each row begin their beat in sequence resulting in each cilium being slightly more advanced in its
stroke than the preceding one. The core of a cilium is the axoneme, which consists of a nine doublet plus two
singlet arrangements of microtubules (Figure 3-25).


Another specialization of cell surfaces of epithelia is the presence of a basement membrane, occurring as the name
indicates at the base (away from the face or luminal end) of the cell. The basement membrane is made up of a
mixture of mucopolysaccharides and proteins immediately adjacent to the basal surface of the epithelium. It 50
functions primarily to anchor each type of epithelium to adjacent tissue as well as provide additional protection and 54
serve as a semipermeable barrier. Most basement membranes consist of two layers: a basal lamina that lies next to
the cell membrane of the basal epithelial cell and is made solely by the overlying epithelial cells; and a reticular
lamina that consists of small irregular bundles of small collagen fibrils within a layer of ground substance and is
made by both epithelium and adjacent tissue (Figure 3-26). The amount of reticular lamina varies from tissue to
tissue, and is especially well developed by simple squamous epithelia in the kidney and the eye (Figure 3-27; see
also Figure 1-4).

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Figure 3-22 Glycocalyx. A, Transmission electron micrograph of microvilli

surrounded and protected by a well-developed glycocalyx. B, Along
the mucosal lining of the canine small intestine, the glycocalyx has
been revealed by periodic acid–Schiff. (×1000.) (A from Fawcett DW:
Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986,

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Figure 3-23 Light micrograph (×1000) of stereocilia that extend from the columnar
cells of the epididymis within the male reproductive tract.

Figure 3-24 Photomicrograph of cilia that form the apical border of columnar cells
within most pseudostratified columnar epithelia. (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×1000.)

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Figure 3-25 Cilia. A, Scanning electron micrograph (×6000) of cilia along a ferret
trachea. Some cells lack cilia, having microvilli, which by comparison
protrude only a short distance into the airway. B, Transmission
electron micrograph (×10,000) of this same tissue reveals the
difference in size between the cilia (large arrows) and microvilli (small
arrows).C, Transmission electron micrograph (×100,000) of an
individual cilium with an axoneme of microtubules seen in cross

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The remaining specializations of the epithelial cell surface are concerned with those at the lateral surface, primarily
cell junctions or attachments.

Macula adherens, commonly referred to as a desmosome, is a cell junction that significantly increases adhesion
between epithelial cells. This type of junction is often randomly placed along the lateral sides of epithelial cells and
is particularly well developed in the stratum spinosum of the epidermis (see Figure 3-15). Light microscopically,
desmosomes appear as small, round, dense thickenings or dots along the cell boundaries. At higher magnification
they are found to consist of bipartite structures lining a narrow intercellular space with a faint intermediate line
(Figure 3-28). The bipartite plaques are constructed of dense intracellular sheets that lie against the cell membrane,
and are areas where densely packed tonofilaments insert. The tonofilaments, which most likely dissipate physical
forces throughout the cell, are believed to be held by transmembrane linkers that penetrate the cell membrane, form
hairpin loops going through adjacent hairpin loops of the apposing cell, and reenter the cell. Desmosomes are thus
sites of cystoskeletal attachment to the cell membrane and its surface as well as of cell-cell adhesion. Desmosomes
are never continuous, but are round (as the Latin name macula suggests), acting as spot weldings. In addition to
being scattered laterally over the cell surface, they can occur at discrete locations. In simple columnar epithelium
they will often form an uneven row below the zonula adherens.

Zonula adherens, another cell junction that functions to bind adjacent epithelial cells, forms an apical boundary of
a transverse zone of microfilaments, the terminal web. This cell junction occurs as a band or zone that encompasses
the entire apical perimeter of the cell in columnar and cuboidal epithelia (those epithelia that possess a great deal of
cytoplasmic polarity) (Figure 3-29). Although the cytoplasm next to the contact region is densely granular, distinct
plaques and an intermediate line between adjacent cells (found in desmosomes) are lacking. Still, apposed cell
membranes are separated by a regular extracellular space in the contact zone.

Zonula occludens, or tight junction, is a cell junction that forms a morphological barrier between the intercellular
spaces of adjacent cells. Along the lateral sides of two apposing cells, the cell membrane of each cell protrudes to
the other and forms a network of contacts that can be fully appreciated when seen face-on (Figures 3-30 and 3-31).
This cell junction is formed in epithelia, such as simple squamous epithelia, that require luminal materials to be
transported selectively through cells. In simple cuboidal and columnar epithelia the tight junction is located
apically, forming the outermost component of a junctional complex that typically consists of three components, the
zonula occludens, zonula adherens, and macula adherens, with the zonula occludens located most apically
(luminally), followed by the zonula adherens and then the macular adherens (see Figure 3-31). The zonula adherens
and desmosome together serve to keep the tight junction intact. Light microscopically these junctions and the
terminal web are seen collectively as dense bars, referred to as terminal bars (see Figure 3-10). Tight junctions,
however, were first discovered ultrastructurally, viewed at several points where adjacent cell membranes would
meet with no intercellular space between. With the advent of the freeze-fracture technique, this junction was found
to be an anastomosing network of membrane ridges entirely surrounding the apical border.

Nexus, or gap, junction is a specialized platelike junction that mediates the flow of current from one cell to
another. This junction is located on the deeper lateral surfaces of apposing cells, and typically hundreds if not
thousands of these structures connect one cell to another. Minute gaps, approximately 20Å wide, link adjacent cell
membranes, permitting electronic coupling. The use of selective stains (uranyl acetate) and specific tracers
(lanthanum) revealed the presence of hexagonally arranged subunits, which form these junctions as they
interconnect cells, most likely for the direct passage of small ions (Figure 3-32). The subunits are referred to as
connexins, consisting largely of protein. Before the use of the selective stains, the subunits had often been mistaken
for tight junctions.

CHAPTER 3 The Epithelium Page 29 of 36

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The cell junctions associated with different epithelia are not restricted to epithelia but, in fact, have been found in
all four major tissues (nerve, muscle, connective, and epithelia). 54
Figure 3-26 Basement membrane. A, Diagram of a basement membrane showing
the interrelationship between the basal lamina and the reticular fibers
of the reticular lamina B, Transmission electron micrograph (×15,000)
of the basal lamina (bl) and reticular lamina (rl) associated with a
canine epithelium (E). (A from Gartner LP, Hiatt JL: Color textbook of
histology, Philadelphia, 1997, Saunders.)


CHAPTER 3 The Epithelium Page 30 of 36

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Figure 3-27 Light micrograph of the prominent basement membrane produced by
the simple squamous epithelium that internally lines the cornea.
(Periodic acid–Schiff stain; ×1000.)

Figure 3-28 Macular adherens (desmosome). Transmission electron micrograph, A,

and illustration, B, of this cell junction, which provides points of firm
attachment between adjacent cells resulting from the combination of
the tonofilaments that are cemented within dense plaques along with
transmembrane linkers. (From Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a
textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)


CHAPTER 3 The Epithelium Page 31 of 36

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Figure 3-29 Transmission electron micrograph (×20,000) of the zonula adherens
(ZA) that forms a perimeter zone of attachment within a simple
cuboidal epithelium of a sheep.

CHAPTER 3 The Epithelium Page 32 of 36

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Figure 3-30 Transmission electron micrograph (×100,000) of a freeze-etching of

the zonula occludens (ZO). Arrows point to the network of
membranous ridges that form a morphological barrier beneath the
microvilli (M) of this absorbing cell. (Modified from Ross MH, Reith EJ,
Romrell LJ: Histology: a text and atlas, ed 2, Baltimore, 1989, Williams &


CHAPTER 3 The Epithelium Page 33 of 36

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Figure 3-31 Zonula occludens (tight junction). A, Transmission electron
micrograph (×60,000) of the apical portion of adjacent columnar cells
along the intestinal mucosa of a rat. The zonula occludens (ZO) forms
the luminal-most cell junction of a junctional complex that includes
the zonula adherens (ZA) and macula adherents (MA). M, Microvilli. B,
Transmission electron micrograph (×100,000) of the zonula occludens
within the vascular endothelium of a dog. Arrows point to projections
of the cell membrane between adjacent cells.

CHAPTER 3 The Epithelium Page 34 of 36

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Figure 3-32 Nexus (gap junction). A, Transmission electron micrograph (×100,000)

of the nexus (arrows) that occurs between adjacent cells. B, Illustration
reveals the presence of numerous channels for ionic flow and
communication between one cell and another. (Modified from
Junqueira LC, Carneiro J, Long JA: Basic histology,ed 5, Los Altos, Calif,
1986, Lange Medical Publications.)


3.5.1 59

Epithelial regeneration occurs along many regions of the body but is most pronounced on exposed body
surfaces, holocrine glands, the intestinal tract, and the female genital tract. In epithelia, which possess a layer of
basal cells (stratified squamous epithelium), regenerative action is usually constant. Other epithelia as in the
alimentary tract have undifferentiated cells along intestinal crypts and necks of gastric glands. Epithelia that form
the lining of vessels can regenerate from stem cells in connective tissues. All in all, epithelia have strong
regenerative capabilities that weaken with age.


RA Bergman, AK Afifi, Heidger, PM Jr.: In Histology. 1996, Saunders, Philadelphia.

MG Farquhar, GE Palade: Junctional complexes in various epithelia. J Cell Biol. 17, 1963, 375.
DW Fawcett: In The cell. 1981, Saunders, Philadelphia.
DW Fawcett: In Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology. ed 11, 1986, Saunders, Philadelphia.
LP Gartner, JL Hiatt: In Color textbook of histology. 1997, Saunders, Philadelphia.
H Goyal: Morphology of the bovine epididymis. Am J Anat. 172, 1985, 155.
LC Junqueira, J Carneiro, RO Kelley: In Basic histology. ed 7, 1992, Appleton & Lang, Norwalk, Conn.

CHAPTER 3 The Epithelium Page 35 of 36

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K Matter, MS Balda: Signaling to and from tight junctions. Nat Rev Molec Cell Biol. 4, 2003, 225.
TM Mayhew: Striated brush-border of intestinal absorptive epithelial cells: stereological studies on
microvillus morphology in different adaptive states. J Electron Microsc Tech. 16, 1990, 45.
F Roperto, M Langella, G Oliva, et al.: Ultrastructural and freeze fracture cilia morphology of trachea
epithelium in apparently healthy small ruminants. J Submicrosc Cytol Path. 30, 1998, 65.
AM Simon, DA Goodenough: Diverse function of vertebrate gap junctions. Trends Cell Biol. 8, 1998, 477.
KA Taylor, JD Robertson: Analysis of the 3-dimensionsal structure of the urinary-bladder epithelial-cell
membranes. J Ultrastruct Res. 87, 1984, 23.

CHAPTER 3 The Epithelium Page 36 of 36

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4 CHAPTER 4 Glands


• Secretory in function

• Organelles within cells are strongly polar

• Classified according to:

cell number; secretion into a lumen/free space or into vasculature; single duct versus multiple ducts;
shape of adenomere; type of secretion—serous versus mucous; mode of secretion

Epithelial cells and associations of epithelial cells specialized primarily for secretions are known as glands. Unlike the
eight types of epithelia previously described and from which they are derived, glands can be classified a number of
ways, including method of secretory distribution, cell numbers, form, type of secretory material, and manner by which
secretions are released.


Being able to secrete the product to a luminal or free surface either directly or by a secretory duct system is known
as being exocrine. Glands that lack a duct system and have lost their connections to external or internal surfaces are
referred to as being endocrine. Endocrine glands are essentially involved in hormone synthesis. Hormones
constitute various cell secretions that are directed to specific target organs by the bloodstream. Consequently,
endocrine glands are always found to be in proximity to blood vessels. The secretions of the endocrine cells
typically pass through the basement membrane of that tissue. By comparison, exocrine cells release their secretions
distally or apically, either directly to the epithelial surface of which they are a part or by way of one or more ducts,
which facilitates movements of these substances to the epithelial surface. Interestingly, both exocrine and endocrine
glands originate the same way—proliferation of epithelial tissue into subjacent tissue, followed by secretory cell
differentiation (Figure 4-1). In exocrine glands, epithelial cells can be transformed into assorted elaborations of
ducts, which along with the secretory cells, comprise the parenchyma of the gland. Adjacent connective tissue
supporting the parenchyma constitutes the stroma. However, the parenchyma of endocrine glands consists only of
the secretory cells as the cells that once connected the secretory cells to parent epithelium degenerate and disappear
by the end of development. Histological and cytological diversity of endocrine glands further inhibits their
classification along general morphological lines. Exocrine glands, however, are readily subdivided by
morphological criteria into a variety of categories. Table 4-1 lists the different exocrine glands that can be found
throughout the bodies of domestic animals. 60

CHAPTER 4 Glands Page 1 of 15

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Figure 4-1 Illustration of the concomitant development of exocrine and endocrine
glands within the pancreas. A, Epithelial buds invaginate into adjacent
mesenchyme from the developing endoderm. B, While the epithelial
buds grow, they are initially connected to the surface epithelium. C and
D, Within the exocrine portion, the connection is transformed into
ducts that lead to individual acini; in the endocrine portion, the
connection disintegrates and disappears as blood vessels become
closely associated with the glandular cells.


Segregation of exocrine glands can be made into unicellular and multicellular types. Unicellular glands consist
of either mucus or goblet cells scattered among columnar cells of simple columnar and pseudostratified columnar
epithelia (Figure 4-2 see also Figure 3-24). The name of this cell type, goblet, is derived from its shape, which is
best seen in the tracheal lining of many species. Cytoplasmically these cells are characterized by the presence of
groups of secretory droplets that coalesce apically and eventually fuse with the plasma membrane (Figure 4-3).

Multicellular glands have a variety of forms ranging from a sheet of cells as found along the surface epithelium
of the gastric mucosa (see Figure 3-9) to different systems of tubular and rounded invaginations, which comprise
most of the multicellular types. It is important to keep in mind that the secretory cells of multicellular glands act,
especially those which form distinct clusters, as collective entities rather than individually. The organization of
the clusters of the secretory cells into a single functional unit is referred to as an adenomere and each adenomere

CHAPTER 4 Glands Page 2 of 15

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empties its secretions into a duct. Multicellular glands are further subdivided or classified into simple and
compound categories based on the presence of one or more ducts.


The simple gland consists of a cluster of secretory cells (the adenomere, or secretory endpiece) that is connected
to the surface by an unbranched duct. The configuration and the actual shape of the adenomere are the two
principal characters for classifying simple glands (Figures 4-4 and 4-5). The shape of the endpieces is typically
either tubular or acinar (rounded), which is also called alveolar. The endpieces may be branched or
unbranched. In those that are simple tubular glands, the adenomeres can be subdivided further based on their
configuration—whether the endpiece is straight or coiled. 61

CHAPTER 4 Glands Page 3 of 15

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TABLE 4-1 Exocrine Glands of the Body


Single Cell
Goblet cell Goblet Mucus Merocrine Epithelium lining
respiratory, and
reproductive tracts
Sweat gland Tubular, coiled Salts; albuminoids; Merocrine; apocrine Skin, foot pads
serum globulins; urea (predominant in (carnivores)
(horse) domestic animals)
Sebaceous gland Alveolar branched Lipids Holocrine Skin
Anal sac gland (carnivores, Tubular Salts and lipids (cats) Apocrine; holocrine Perianal sinuses
Labial (submucosal) gland Tubuloalveolar, Mucus (small ruminants Merocrine Lips
branched and carnivores); mixed
Buccal glands Tubuloalveolar, Serous; mucus; mixed Merocrine Cheeks
Cardiac and fundic glands Tubular, coiled, Mucus Merocrine Stomach
Pyloric Tubular (short), ± Mucus Merocrine Stomach
Intestinal crypts Tubular, branched Serous, mucus Merocrine Small intestine
Colonic glands Tubular Mucus Merocrine Large intestine
Anal gland Tubuloalveolar Lipids (dog); mucus (pig)Holocrine; merocrine Anal canal
Uterine glands Tubular, ± branched, Serous, mucus, lipids Merocrine Uterus
coiled (especially
during pregnancy)
Vestibular glands, minor Tubular, branched Mucus Merocrine Vulva
Seminiferous tubules Tubular branched Spermatids Holocrine; apocrine Testes
Respiratory submucosal Tubuloalveolar, Mucus, serous, mixed Merocrine Nasopharynx
glands branched
Respiratory submucosal Tubuloalveolar, Mucus (serous and Merocrine Larynx
glands branched mixed canivores)
Bronchial glands Tubuloalveolar Mixed Merocrine Primary and
secondary bronchi,
tertiary in cats
Tracheal glands Tubuloalveolar Mixed Merocrine Trachea
Meibomian gland (tarsal) Alveolar Lipid Holocrine Eyelids
Vomeronasal glands Mixed Merocrine Vomeronasal organ
Salivary glands in general Tubuloalveolar Serous, mucus, mixed Merocrine Buccal cavity 62
Specific major types 63

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Parotid Tubuloalveolar Serous; slightly mixed in Merocrine Buccal cavity
Mandibular Mucus (carnivores);
serous (rodents); mixed
(horses, ruminants)
Sublingual Mucus (ruminants,
swine, rodents); mixed
(small carnivores,
Specific minor types
Labial Tubuloalveolar Mucus (small ruminant Merocrine Buccal cavity
and carnivores); serous
(large ungulates)
Lingual Mucus (carnivores and
sheep); mixed (large
ruminants and horses)
Gustatory Serous
Dorsal buccal glands Mucus (large ungulates,
Ventral buccal glands Serous (large ungulates,
Exocrine pancreas Aveolar; tubuloalveolar Serous Merocrine Pancreas
Accessory genital glands
Ampullary glands Tubular; tubuloalveolar Serous Merocrine Male reproductive
branched tract; ampulla
Vesicular glands (seminal Tubular; tubuloalveolar Serous, mucus, lipid Merocrine Male reproductive
vesicle) tract
Prostate Tubuloalveolar Serous, mucus, lipid Merocrine Male reproductive
Bulbourethral gland Tubular Serous, lipid Merocrine Male urethra
Vestibular glands, major Tubuloalveolar Mucus Merocrine Female reproductive
Mammary glands Tubuloalveolar Lipid, serous Aprocrine; merocrine tract; vestibule


Compound glands are those whose adenomeres empty into more than one duct. The classification of compound
glands can then be thought of as consisting of a variable number of simple glands at the ends of a branching
system of ducts. Adenomeres can be all of one kind or mixed as in compound tubuloalveolar-salivary glands
(Figure 4-6). Larger glands are further described according to basic histological organization, which involves
condensation of connective tissue. These glands can then be separated into parenchyma and stroma. Parenchyma
is traditionally subdivided into aggregates of secretory units according to natural boundaries formed by stroma,
going from lobes to lobules to microlobules to tubules or acini (Figures 4-7 and 4-8). The system of ducts is
similarly subdivided, going from the main duct to lobar, interlobar, intralobar (which can be several orders), and
eventually to intercalary ducts. When viewing histological sections of most compound glands one is limited to a
two-dimensional view or plane. Frequently, the cross-section of the tubular portions appears identical to that of
the alveolar portions, and thus these glands can best be described by three-dimensional reconstructions of serial


The type of secretory product is a further way to classify glands. Glands that form a clear, watery fluid are
termed serous, whereas those that produce a more viscid fluid are termed mucous. Glands that produce a
mixture of serous and mucous fluids are referred to as mixed. Serous secretory cells are overall smaller than

CHAPTER 4 Glands Page 5 of 15

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mucus-secreting cells and have centrally positioned nuclei that lie next to the base (Figure 4-9, A). The secretory 63
product is high in enzyme content; the best examples of serous secreting cells can be found in the salivary glands 68
and the exocrine pancreas.

Figure 4-2 Goblet cell. A, Photomicrograph of goblet cells within a

pseudostratified columnar epithelium. (×1000.) B, Transmission
electron micrograph of a goblet cell (G) reveals the compact nature
of the secretory droplets interspersed occasionally by mitochondria
and other elements of the cytoplasm. (×4000.)

CHAPTER 4 Glands Page 6 of 15

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Figure 4-3 Illustration of the development of mucus-bearing (m) secretory

droplets within the goblet cell. (Modified from Greep RO: Histology,
New York, 1954, Blakiston.)

Figure 4-4 Diagram of the different shapes of simple glands: a, simple tubular; b,
simple coiled tubular; c and d, simple branched tubular; e, simple
acinar; f and g, simple branched acinar. Blackened secretory portions
empty into the double-contoured ducts. (From Fawcett DW: Bloom
and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986,

CHAPTER 4 Glands Page 7 of 15

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Figure 4-5 A, Light micrograph of simple tubules within the large intestine.
(Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×25.) B, Light micrograph of a
simple coiled tubule (sweat gland) within the dermis of skin. (H&E
stain; ×200.) C, Light micrograph of simple branched tubules within
the esophagus. (H&E stain; ×200.) D, Light micrograph of simple
branched acini (sebaceous glands) within the dermis of skin. (H&E
stain; ×200.)

CHAPTER 4 Glands Page 8 of 15

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Figure 4-6 A, Diagram of the examples of compound glands: 1, compound

tubuloacinar (left portion) and 2, tubular (right portion). B,
Compound acinar with some variation in the shape of the acini.
Blackened secretory portions empty into the double-contoured ducts.
C, Light micrograph of a compound tubuloacinar gland (canine
salivary gland). The arrow points to a duct that collects the secretions
of several secretory units to the right of it. (Hematoxylin and eosin
stain; ×100.) (A and B from Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a
textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

CHAPTER 4 Glands Page 9 of 15

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Figure 4-7 Diagram showing the organization of the secretory units and
associated system of ducts within the stroma of a lobular portion of a
compound gland. (From Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook
of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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Figure 4-8 Light micrograph of a compound tubuloacinar gland (equine lacrimal

gland). Portions of the intercalary ducts (arrows) can consist of both
nonsecretory cells (duct cells) and secretory cells. (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×400.)

Mucus secretory cells present a strong contrast to serous secretory cells because they are often filled with
mucigen droplets, and as a result have a pale, vacuolated (foamy) appearance (Figure 4-9, B). The nucleus is
characteristically displaced against the base of the cell to the point of appearing disklike. The secretory product
in mucus cells is rich in sugars, containing richly glycosylated proteins that easily bind water and can act as a
lubricant and protective coat. An excellent example of a mucus secretory cell is the goblet cell (see Figures 4-2
and 4-3). Mucus secretory cells are also well populated throughout much of the digestive tract and upper
respiratory tract. In adenomeres possessing both types of cells, such as in the salivary glands, the demilunes
(crescent-shaped bodies of serous cells) frequently lie outside the mucus cells (see Figure 4-9, B). Their
secretions enter small channels, canaliculi, between the much larger mucus cells.


This classification is based on the manner by which secretory cells of exocrine glands secrete their products
(Figure 4-10).

Merocrine glands possess secretory cells that release their products by exocytosis, where the cell product is 68
delivered through the cell membrane in membrane-bound vesicles that are fused with the cell membrane and in 70
this manner keeps the cell membrane intact. Thus there is no loss of cellular material during this process other

CHAPTER 4 Glands Page 11 of 15

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than the secretory material. The majority of glands are merocrine, and examples are many, including the
pancreas and the rest associated with the digestive system.

Figure 4-9 Light micrographs of A, serous-secreting cells within the equine

pancreas and, B, mucus-secreting cells within the canine parotid
gland demonstrate contrasting appearances in size, shape, and
staining reaction to hematoxylin and eosin. Arrows point to the
serous-secreting demilunes that envelop portions of mucus secretory
units. (×1000.)

CHAPTER 4 Glands Page 12 of 15

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Figure 4-10 Mode of secretion in exocrine glands. A, Merocrine gland (e.g.,

salivary gland). B, Apocrine gland (e.g., sweat gland). C, Holocrine
gland (e.g., sebaceous gland). (From Bergman RA, Afifi AK, Heidger
PM Jr: Histology, Philadelphia, 1996, Saunders.)

Figure 4-11 Light micrograph of an apocrine (sweat) gland in the pig.

(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×1000.)

CHAPTER 4 Glands Page 13 of 15

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In apocrine glands part of the apical cytoplasm is discharged along with the secretory product. Electron
microscopy has revealed that this process is not as likely as once believed and that many glands that were
previously termed apocrine may be truly merocrine. Still, close inspection of secretory release in mammary
glands has revealed some loss of the cell membrane and a thin rim of cytoplasm. Among domestic animals sweat
glands are primarily apocrine (Figure 4-11).

Glands with holocrine secretion involve cell detachment and subsequent death. As a result the entire content of
the cell contributes to the secretory product. The principal example is the sebaceous gland of the integument
(Figure 4-12).


Secretory cells of epithelial origin are closely associated with adjacent connective tissue elements, which are 71
largely vascular. Efferent terminations of nervous tissue are also frequently involved with glands, both with
regard to production and release of the secretions. In conjunction with these ancillary tissues, many exocrine
glands contain specialized epithelial cells that have contractile capability, the myoepithelial cell, which are
tightly woven as a single intermittent layer around the periphery of each adenomere (and in some instances small
ducts), but inside (and contributing to) the basement membrane of the gland (Figure 4-13). Myoepithelial cells
share a similar cytoplasm of the smooth muscle cell but differ primarily from the latter in having branched
cellular processes.

Figure 4-12 Light micrograph of a holocrine (sebaceous) gland in the cat.

(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)

CHAPTER 4 Glands Page 14 of 15

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Figure 4-13 Light micrograph (×1000) of a myoepithelial cell (mc) lining in an

inactive sweat gland of a pig.


RA Bergman, AK Afifi, Heidger, PM Jr.: In Histology. 1996, Saunders, Philadelphia.

DW Fawcett: In Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology. ed 11, 1986, Saunders, Philadelphia.
AP Gesase, Y Satoh: Apocrine secretory mechanism: recent findings and unresolved problems. Histol
Histopathol. 18, 2003, 597.
M Ito, K Motoyoshi, M Tanizawa, et al.: The holocrine secretion of sebaceous glands—a histochemical and
ultrastructural study. J Invest Derm. 80, 1983, 375.
B Vidic: Structure and cytochemistry of acinar cell in rat maxillary gland. Am J Anat. 137, 1973, 103.

CHAPTER 4 Glands Page 15 of 15

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5 CHAPTER 5 Connective Tissue


• Presence of extracellular matrix (ECM)

• Provides attachment, support, defense and protection for other tissues

• Classified according to:

ECM organization: connective tissue proper

Specialized forms: blood, cartilage, bone

Connective tissue, as the name implies, connects and holds other tissues together. This tissue consists of a
three-dimensional framework supporting epithelial and other tissues and plays a major role in heat regulation, storage,
defense, protection, and repair. Connective tissue is mostly mesodermal in origin and is composed of free and fixed
(nonmotile) cells that are surrounded by an extensive extracellular matrix of proteinaceous fibers, amorphous ground
substance, and tissue fluid (Figure 5-1). It is the presence of these extracellular components that easily distinguishes
connective tissue from the other major tissue types (epithelia, muscles, and nerve). Connective tissue represents a
fairly heterogeneous collection of subtypes including connective tissue proper (loose and dense), bone, cartilage, and
hematopoietic types (leukocytes, erythrocytes, bone marrow, and lymph). For the most part, connective tissue proper
develops from mesenchyme (embryonic connective tissue). Many of the cell types associated with connective tissue
migrate into the connective tissue from other sources such as bone marrow and neural crest.

Types of cells in connective tissue vary considerably. The types described are most commonly observed in connective
tissue proper, especially loose connective tissue, and consist of those that either remain fixed in place (resident cells of
connective tissues) or those that migrate into the tissue (transient cells of connective tissues).



The fibroblast forms the foundation for all connective tissue proper. It functions primarily to create the
extracellular matrix that characterizes this tissue. Fibroblasts are fixed cells that are typically stellate to spindle
shaped, with cellular processes that extend to adjacent cells and possess ovoid nuclei (see Figure 5-1).
Cytologically, this cell type is quite active, containing much rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) and a
well-developed Golgi apparatus (Figure 5-2). The fibroblast originates from the mesenchymal cell, which is
pleuripotential and can give rise to other cell types in connective tissues (Figure 5-3). In mature tissue, the
fibroblasts become considerably less active than during development. The cell body is reduced gradually in size, 72
being more spindly and less stellate than before with smaller amounts of cytoplasm and a smaller, darker (more 73
heterochromatic) nucleus. The less active cell is called the fibrocyte and is normally surrounded by an
abundance of extracellular fibers and ground substances (Figure 5-4). The fibrocyte can be microenvironmentally
stimulated to return to a more metabolically active state and become fibroblastic in appearance, but not
necessarily to the extent that it was originally. Consequently, the histological distinction between fibrocytic and

CHAPTER 5 Connective Tissue Page 1 of 35

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fibroblastic states can be challenging, particularly to the less experienced individual. In many instances the terms
are used interchangeably.

Figure 5-1 Illustration of cells and extracellular components of connective

tissues. (From Leeson CR, Leeson TS, Paparo AA: Atlas of histology,
Philadelphia, 1985, Saunders.)

CHAPTER 5 Connective Tissue Page 2 of 35

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Figure 5-2 Layered transmission electron micrograph (×25,000) of a fibroblast

with a euchromatic nucleus (Nu) and well-developed rough
endoplasmic reticulum.


A cell similar in morphology to the fibroblast/fibrocyte is the pericyte, which likewise is derived from the
mesenchymal cell. Pericytes retain the small size of the mesenchymal cell and are closely associated with small
blood vessels (capillaries), lying immediately adjacent to the endothelial cells that line the blood vessels. They 73
share endothelial and smooth muscle cell characteristics including the formation of its own basal lamina and 76
contractile elements (Figure 5-5). The function of the pericyte has not been fully revealed. Some speculation has
been given to the possibility that this cell type can further differentiate into vascular smooth muscle cells or
endothelial cells upon injury to blood vessels.

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Figure 5-3 A, Light micrograph of fibroblasts in loose connective tissue of a

young cat. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.) B, Transmission
electron micrograph (×5000) of developing fibroblasts in canine sclera.

CHAPTER 5 Connective Tissue Page 4 of 35

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Figure 5-4 A, Light micrograph of fibrocytes (arrows) scattered among layers of

collagen found within the corneal stroma of a horse. (Masson
trichrome stain; ×200.) B, Layered transmission electron micrograph
(×10,000) of a canine fibrocyte within a regular dense connective
tissue environment shows most of the shape of this relatively
quiescent cell.

CHAPTER 5 Connective Tissue Page 5 of 35

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The myofibroblast is, as the name suggests, part fibroblastic and part muscle-like, having a contractile apparatus
similar to the smooth muscle cell. Histologically this cell type is nearly identical to the fibroblast and can be
distinguished best by immunohistochemical or ultrastructural verification. Myofibroblasts have been associated
with injury repair after wounding, periodontal ligaments and tooth eruption, and aqueous humor removal
apparatus of the eye.


A cell occasionally seen in connective tissue is the macrophage. Macrophages play an important role in
protection (defense) of the body by ingestion of foreign materials. Their precursors are monocytes, which
originate from bone marrow and pass into the connective tissue from the vasculature (part of the mononuclear
phagocyte system). After monocytes have entered a tissue, such as loose connective tissue, they are referred to as
macrophages or histiocytes. These cells are either fixed (resident) or migrating (elicited). If the latter is
occurring, they move to a site of potential activity by ameboid movement (Figure 5-6). The presence of
chemotactic substances such as potential pathogens or cytokines released by other cells stimulate the macrophage
to pseudopodially move into place. By comparison, fixed, inactive macrophages are somewhat spindle shaped
and may be occasionally mistaken for fibroblasts. The elicited macrophage is thus more easily distinguished than
the resident macrophage because of the presence of numerous short, thick pseudopodia (Figure 5-7; see also
Figure 5-6). Furthermore, these cells tend to be more active in phagocytosis and consequently have the usual
complement of cellular structures involved in the ingestion and breakdown of foreign materials—primary and
secondary lysosomes, phagosomes, residual bodies and peroxisomes, as well as a well-developed Golgi
apparatus and rER (see Figure 5-7). The nucleus can be distinctive, being often indented on one side and
resultantly kidney shaped. Fixed and migrating macrophages are different phases of the same cell. Their potential
mobility makes these cells most suitable for the defense of the organism, as well as removal of debris from
damaged tissue. In situations in which tissues are exposed to foreign bodies over an extended period,
macrophages may coalesce and form a foreign body giant cell. These cells can be comparatively large and have 76
several or more nuclei (Figure 5-8). Keep in mind that the main function of the macrophage is phagocytosis 78
during either active defense or cleanup of debris.

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Figure 5-5 Light micrograph of pericytes (arrows) that are associated with a small
blood vessel within the small intestine of a rat. (Plastic section stained
with hematoxylin and eosin; ×1000.)

Figure 5-6 Light micrograph of an active (elicited) macrophage with

pseudopodia (arrows) and numerous secondary lysosomes. (Plastic
section stained with toluidine blue; ×1000.)

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Figure 5-7 Transmission electron micrographs of different active canine

macrophages. A, The macrophage is removing and breaking down
damaged extracellular matrix seen in the large secondary lysosome
(arrow) that lies next to an indented nucleus (Nu). Note the proximity
of adjacent fibrocytes (Fb) (×12,000.) B, A macrophage is ingesting
plastic microspheres up to 3μm in diameter in addition to other
foreign substances. As a result of this activity, numerous opaque
secondary lysosomes fill the cytoplasm of this cell. (×10,000.)

Figure 5-8 Scanning electron micrograph (×800) of macrophages and

foreign-body giant cells (arrows) that have attacked a plastic valve
implanted within a dog.

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The “phage” is also involved in immune reactions by making foreign cells or proteins antigenic.

Other monocyte/macrophage cells of the mononuclear phagocytic system include the Kupffer cell (liver),
alveolar macrophage (lung), osteoclast (bone), microglia (central nervous system), and Langerhans cell
(epidermis) (Table 5-1).


The mast cell is a more common cell type than the macrophage in connective tissue, being most often found near
blood vessels within loose connective tissue. Mast cells are somewhat ovoid and can be larger than macrophages,
with diameters of 20 to 30μm and greater. The presence of numerous basophilically stained secretory granules
distinguishes their cytoplasm, which also contains scattered mitochondria, rER, polysomes, and Golgi apparatus.
These granules surround an often centrally located spherical-to-oval nucleus (Figure 5-9). The granules, which
are membrane bound, contain a variety of substances including the sulfated glycosaminoglycan heparin, which
reacts metachromatically with certain stains such as toluidine blue. The presence of these cells can be best
revealed by ultrastructural and immunohistochemical light microscopic observations (Figure 5-10). Electron
microscopy demonstrates small variations among the granules in the size and consistency, especially among mast
cells that appear to be in the process of releasing their contents. The substances within the granules are water
soluble and can function to promote localized inflammation. In addition to heparin, which acts as an
anticoagulant, the granules contain histamine, which induces increased dilation and permeability of capillaries
and small venules (edema), slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A), eosinophil chemotactic factor of
anaphylaxis (ECF-A), and neutral proteases. The mast cells can also be involved in allergic responses and
anaphylaxis and participate in conditions such as asthma, drug sensitization, hay fever, and anaphylactic shock.

The surface of the mast cell has specific receptor antibodies sensitive to antigens that have invaded the body and
are possibly circulating throughout it. When an antigen becomes attached to the receptor (cell-surface Fc
receptor), the granules are released or extruded by an active catabolic process, exocytosis (Figure 5-11, A). The 78
receptors are not produced by mast cells but, in fact, originate from plasma cells and consist of immunoglobulins 80
of the immunoglobulin E (IgE) class, which were formed previously in response to an earlier presence of an
antigen (Figure 5-11, B). When infiltration of the antigen recurs, the antigen complexes with the attached
sensitive-specific IgE and trigger host cell granule release of primary and secondary mediators, which causes
edema of surrounding tissues. With repeated exposure to a particular antigen, mast cells develop increased
sensitivity, which can lead to a hypersensitive response and possibly anaphylaxis.

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TABLE 5-1 Cells of the Monocyte-Macrophage System throughout the Body


Pluripotent stem cell Bone marrow Gives rise to variety of blood cell progenitors including monoblasts
Monoblast Bone marrow Differentiates into monocyte
Monocyte Peripheral blood Along with the macrophage and the neutrophil, this cell provides first
line of defense against infection
Histiocyte/resident Connective tissues Positioned in different connective tissues of the body; this cell becomes
macrophage elicited and is able to move quickly to sites of potential infection
Kupffer cell Liver Lines sinusoids and breaks down debris including old erythrocytes
Langerhans cell Skin, esophagus Antigen-presenting cells that process foreign antigens, presenting their
isotopes to T lymphocytes
Microglia Central nervous system Clear debris and damaged portions of the central nervous system
Dust cell/alveolar Lung Clear particles and bacteria from the pulmonary epithelium of distal
macrophage airways, maintaining a pathogen-free environment
Osteoclast Bone Resorption of bone for continued development and remodeling
Foreign-body giant cell Site of chronic Joined (fused) macrophages engulf large structure to be degraded

Figure 5-9 Mast cells seen in this light micrograph possess many small,
even-sized granules stained positively by azocarmine. (×1000.) Taken
from a flat mount preparation of mesentery tissue.

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Figure 5-10 Transmission electron micrograph (×8000) of a feline mast cell

reveals the presence of numerous, even-sized granules and
pseudopodia. The pseudopodia suggest the possibility that these
cells have good motile capability.

Mast cells are unevenly distributed throughout the body, being well populated within the integument and lung on
one hand but nonexistent within the central nervous system except for the outer connective tissue coat, the
meninges, on the other. The life of the cell is determinate, lasting only for several months and replenished by
new cells that originate most likely from stem cells of the bone marrow. The mast cell is similar to another cell
type, the basophil, which is found in the vasculature and comprises about 1% of circulating leukocytes. Like the
mast cell, the basophil contains basophilic granules within its cytoplasm that hold some of the same substances
as the mast cell's granules. Basophils, however, have a segmented nucleus as opposed to the large and
nonsegmented nucleus of the mast cell.


Melanocytes are cells of connective tissue that provide the pigment melanin, to the skin, primarily the
epidermis, but they exist in other portions of the body, too, including the eye, the liver of certain reptiles, and
developmentally within tracts of the central nervous system (CNS). In the skin and eyes, melanin helps shield the
skin from too much exposure of ultraviolet light of the sun through its absorption as well as scattering of light. In

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tissues not exposed to light, melanin probably provides one or more of a variety of functions, including electron
exchange, metal ion binding, and free radical scavenging. Melanocytes are fiber-like cells that when associated
with the epidermis of skin are often semirounded with long irregular extensions (Figure 5-12, A and B). They are
most commonly observed beneath or between cells of the basal layer and upper layers of the epidermis, with the
extensions branching toward the body's surface. These cells have fairly well-developed rER and Golgi apparatus
organelles that are involved in melanin synthesis. The derivation of melanin from its precursor, tyrosine, occurs
in the organelle referred to as the melanosome, which is believed to be a modified component of the lysosomal 80
system. When melanin synthesis has ceased in these bodies they are often referred to as melanin granules, 82
which migrate into the long finger-like cellular extensions and eventually are transferred to cells of the basal
stratum and stratum spinosum. Unlike other cells of connective tissue, melanocytes originate from the neural
crest. When fully differentiated, melanocytes do not normally undergo cell division, but their capacity to produce
melanin is sustained throughout the life of the individual.

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Figure 5-11 Illustrations of a mast cell. A, When given the signal to exocytose, all
granules are actively released at the same time. B, The mast cell has
a close relationship with plasma cells and the antibodies that they
secrete, which attach to Fc receptors within the mast cell's cell
membrane. ECF, Eosinophil chemotactic factor; NCF, neutrophil
chemotactic factor. (A from Bergman RA, Afifi AK, Heidger PM Jr:
Histology, Philadelphia, 1996, Saunders; B from Gartner LP, Hiatt JL:
Color textbook of histology, Philadelphia, 1997, Saunders.)

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Figure 5-12 A, Photomicrograph of a melanocyte within the basal cell layer of

the epidermis of the canine nose. Note the presence of several
processes (arrows) that extend from the melanocyte. (Hematoxylin
and eosin stain; ×1000.) B, Illustration of an epidermal melanocyte,
such as the one seen in Figure 5-12, A, with its tentacle-like
processes that function to insert melanin granules into adjacent cells.


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5.2.7 83

Fat cells, adipose cells, or adipocytes form another resident cell type of connective tissue. Although they may
be isolated or clustered in small groups within connective tissue, these cells are generally found in large
numbers, forming adipose tissue. Like many cells of the body (neuron, muscle cell, osteocyte, melanocyte, etc.),
once an adipocyte has formed, it loses its ability to further replicate (terminal differentiation). Adipocytes
function simply to manufacture and store triglycerides. In this capacity adipose tissue can store energy, control
body temperature, and provide in a manner of speaking “shock absorption.” Adipose tissue is traditionally
subdivided into two types based on cell structure, localization, color, and function and is discussed at further
length later in this chapter. Unilocular (common, yellow) adipose cells at maturity possess a single, large central
droplet of lipid (Figure 5-13). The color of the unilocular form may vary from white to dark yellow because it is
influenced by the presence of carotenoids dissolved in the fat droplets. This tissue is the most common type of fat
in adult animals. The nucleus is flattened and considerably displaced to one side. The lipids forming the large
droplet are mostly triglycerides (esters of fatty acids and glycerol), and a unilocular droplet can easily exceed
100μm in diameter (see Figure 5-13). The dynamics of triglyceride storage and release are illustrated in Figure
5-14. Fat that is digested within the small intestine is enzymatically separated into glycerol and fatty acids by
lipase that was formed in the pancreas and released within the duodenum. As the intestinal mucosa absorbs the
glycerol and fatty acids they become reesterified to triglycerides within the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sER)
of the absorbing cells of the epithelium, enterocytes. The triglycerides are enveloped by proteins and become
chylomicrons, which are transported to the bloodstream and general circulation via lymph channels. At the site
of adipose tissue the chylomicrons or triglyceride droplets are dissembled once more into glycerol and fatty acids
by lipoprotein lipase secreted from the adipocytes before diffusing into the fat cells and reassembling into
triglycerides. Concomitantly, glucose that is circulating in the bloodstream can also readily diffuse into the
adipocyte, where it can be converted into triglycerides as well.

Figure 5-13 Light micrograph of unilocular adipocytes, each cell possessing a

prominent lipid droplet or locule. When in the plane of the section,
the nucleus is fairly distinct. (Plastic section stained with hematoxylin
and eosin; ×400.)

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Multilocular(brown) adipose tissue is composed of cells with numerous small fat droplets (Figure 5-15).
Cytoplasmically, these cells contain more mitochondria than their unilocular counterpart. The brown coloration
is due to the presence of the numerous mitochondria. Multilocular fat is more highly innervated and vascularized 83
than unilocular fat. This is in part directly related to its function, which is to heat blood that flows through it and 84
consequently raise the body temperature. By comparison, white or unilocular fat functions primarily to provide a
source of potential energy reserve. Multilocular fat forms prenatally, being much more confined than unilocular
fat. It is also found in certain hibernating mammals (e.g., hibernating rodents). The placement of adipose cells as
a cell type within connective tissue has been debated for some time. Some histologists have proposed that it be
assigned as a separate tissue. The adipose cell is the only cell type in connective tissue that forms its own
basement membrane. Still, the fact that these cells can arise singly in connective tissue and are most likely
derived from progenitors which give rise to fibroblasts greatly strengthens their placement within connective
tissue as a form of it.

Figure 5-14 Diagram of the relationship between a unilocular adipocyte and

neighboring bloodstream. Within the bloodstream (capillary), lipid is
transported in the form of very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) and
chylomicrons from the liver and small intestine, respectively. The
adipocyte is able to secrete lipase, which enters the capillary and
hydrolyzes the lipid (triglycerides) to fatty acids and glycerol. The
fatty acids and glycerol diffuse into the adipocyte and are
reesterified into triglycerides. In addition, glucose can diffuse from
the capillary into the fat cell and be used to form lipid. At another
time, the stored triglycerides may be hydrolyzed into glycerol and
fatty acids by a hormone-sensitive lipase and reenter the

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Figure 5-15 Light micrograph of multilocular adipocytes, which possess round

nuclei (Nu) and have close associations with many small blood
vessels (bv). (Plastic section stained with hematoxylin and eosin;



The plasma cell is another cell type that participates in host tissue defense. These cells typically migrate into
connective tissues, especially specific regions that are subjected to continual invasion of bacteria and foreign
proteins (for example, intestinal mucosa, female genital tract, lymphoid organs and bone marrow, and areas of 84
inflammation). Otherwise in most connective tissues these cells are generally sparse to nonexistent. Plasma cells, 85
like other transient cells of connective tissue, are derived from progenitors that are housed in bone marrow.
Plasma cells are histologically characterized by the eccentrically placed cartwheel (distinctly heterochromatic)
nuclei within round to ovoid cells (Figure 5-16, A and B). When viewed by electron microscopy (EM) the bulk of
the cytoplasm is composed mostly of stacks of rER and a notable Golgi apparatus (Figure 5-17). Light 85
microscopically, the large amount of rER and associated nucleic acid (transfer RNA [t-RNA] and messenger 86
RNA [m-RNA]) cause the cytoplasm to react basophically to stains. The rER in the plasma cells is responsible
for the synthesis of antibodies that are released into the bloodstream (antibodies are specific globulins that are
produced in response to specific antigens) Certain antigens need to contact macrophages first, making them
immunogenic, so that plasma cells can then produce antibodies in response. Other antigens act directly on the
precursors of plasma cells, B lymphocytes.

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Figure 5-16 Plasma cell. A, Light micrograph of a plasma cell (arrow) with bluish
staining regions within its cytoplasm. Spleen of a horse.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×1000.) B, Light micrograph of a
number of plasma cells (arrows), each possessing a distinctive
cartwheel nucleus. (Plastic section stained with hematoxylin and
eosin; ×1000.)

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Figure 5-17 Transmission electron micrograph of a plasma cell reveals extensive

rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) with scattered mitochondria (m).
(From Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology,ed
11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)


The B lymphocyte system is characterized by a remarkable variety of immunoglobulins (humoral antibodies)

having virtually all conceivable antigenic specificities (see Chapter 12). The system is designed suitably to deal
with unpredictable and unforeseen microbial and toxic agents. T (thymus-derived) lymphocytes, which will not
be covered here, seem to be precommitted to make only one type of antibody, which is cell bound. These cells
can be intimately associated with macrophages, responding to antigens attached to the phages.

Within connective tissue, lymphocytes comprise the smallest of the free cells with a diameter that typically lies
within a range of 5 to 9μm, as compared, for example, with the plasma cell, which measures approximately
20μm in diameter. There are essentially two functional cell types: T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes. T
lymphocytes tend to have long life spans, whereas B lymphocytes vary in their longevity, having the ability to
divide several times and mature into plasma cells, which have short life spans (2-3 days).

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Leukocytes comprise the white blood cells that circulate throughout the vasculature and provide active defense
to regions of the body that are being invaded by foreign matter, including pathogens. Thus all leukocytes are
capable of becoming transient components of connective tissue. Monocytes, which are referred to as 86
macrophages after entering connective tissue, and lymphocytes constitute a portion of the leukocytes. The 87
remainder consists of the granule-bearing cells (granulocytes) of inflammation:neutrophils, which ingest and
break down bacteria; eosinophils, which defend against parasites; basophils; and heterophils, which exist in
nonmammalian blood and are neutrophil-like in function. Leukocytes are described in detail in Chapter 7.


The bulk of connective tissue is made of its extracellular components or extracellular matrix (ECM). It is through
the construction of the ECM that each type of connective tissue is given its characteristics. In connective tissue
proper the extracellular environment is composed of fibers and ground substance.


The most common fiber in connective tissue is collagen. Collagen fibers impart both strength and flexibility to
connective tissue and are often aggregated into branching bundles. The fibers, in turn, are composed of smaller
subunits, fibrils, which are banded structures (Figure 5-18) when viewed ultrastructurally. The fibril itself is
made up of laminated filaments, tropocollagen subunits (Figure 5-19). Tropocollagen units are 280nm long and
are spaced in a stairstep pattern every 67nm. It is the spacing that is responsible for the staining pattern seen by
transmission electron microscopy (TEM) because heavy metals such as lead and silver can readily fill the spaces
between the tropocollagen. Each tropocollagen unit is composed of three polypeptide chains (α-chains) helically
coiled about each other in a right-hand fashion. The molecular weight of each chain is 95,000 daltons and is
composed of nearly 1000 amino acids, most of which are glycine (30%) and proline (20%) and the hydroxylated
amino acids, hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine, the latter being a rare amino acid of the body. Chains of
polypeptides are synthesized on polysomes attached to the ER of collagen-secreting cells. Hydroxylysine and
hydroxyproline are hydroxylated in the cisternae of rER and then transported to dictyosomes. The hydroxylation
of the early forming chains is critical for the subsequent assembly of the chains and their eventual extracellular 87
transport. Also within the rER, the procollagen molecule becomes assembled and to some extent glycosylated. 89
The ordered procollagen molecules become coiled into right-handed helices and are transported then to the Golgi
apparatus by transfer vesicles. Variable amounts of glycosylation can continue within the Golgi apparatus.
Glycosylation helps further strengthen the stability of the helically oriented chains of the collagen
macromolecule as well as assists in its transport and release at the cell surface (Figure 5-20; see also Figure 89
5-19). Procollagen is subsequently converted to tropocollagen by the enzyme procollagen peptidase, which lies 90
on the surface of the cell. Procollagen peptidase, which is secreted along with procollagen, actually consists of
two forms, procollagen carboxylase, which cleaves the C-terminal peptide, and procollagen aminopeptidase,
which removes the N-terminal peptide. These enzymes remove most of the nonhelical extensions that are present
on each end of the procollagen molecule. With much of the nonhelical extensions removed, the collagen
molecule, which is now referred to as tropocollagen, can be assembled into a fibril with its characteristic banded
appearance. Collagen fibrils can vary greatly in diameter, typically ranging from 20 to 200nm. The stepwise
cross linkage of tropocollagen that results in the formation of fibrils is made possible by the enzyme lysyl
oxidase, which forms aldehydes through its oxidative deamination of lysyl and hydroxylysyl residues between
the remaining portions of the nonhelical extensions.

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Figure 5-18 Transmission electron micrograph (×25,000) of collagen reveals its

banded construction.

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Figure 5-19 Diagram of both the intracellular association of collagen with the
fibroblast with regard to its synthesis and its extracellular
construction just outside of the cell. (From Fawcett DW: Bloom and
Fawcett: a textbook of histology,ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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Figure 5-20 Transmission electron micrographs of extracellular fibers produced

along the surface of canine fibroblasts. A, Individual collagen fibrils
are formed at discrete sites along the cell membrane. (×25,000.) B,
At certain times collagen synthesis is stopped and elastic fiber
synthesis proceeds. (×50,000.)

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Collagen has been chemically subdivided into numerous types in different species. Table 5-2 lists the four major
types of collagen and where they have been found throughout the body of different animals. Although fibroblasts
are the principal cells involved in collagen synthesis, especially collagen fibers, many other cells of the body
have the capability of producing this extracellular material, including chondroblasts, osteoblasts, epithelial cells,
myoblasts, and glioblasts (developing support cells of nervous tissue). The predominant form of collagen in the
body is type I, which is produced mostly by fibroblasts and osteoblasts. Type I consists of two chains being the
same (α1) and one different (α2). This ubiquitous type occurs in skin, bone, tendon, ligaments, and teeth, as well
as the fascia and connective tissue proper of virtually all other organs. It functions to provide resistance to force,
tension, and stretch. Type II consists of chains that are identical (3 α1), having more glycosylated hydroxylysine.
This type is found primarily in hyaline and elastic cartilage. The fibers, which are relatively short, function to
provide resistance primarily to pressure. Type II collagen reacts differently to histological stains than type I, or
type III for that matter, being considerably less acidophilic and as a result poorly revealed by eosin. Type III
also consists of three identical chains (3 α1) but differs from type II by having 12 tripeptide units shorter than that
of type II. Type III is now known to be reticular fibers, which are characteristically small and contribute to loose
connective tissues. The first three types of collagen are typically assembled into discrete fibers that are visible
with the appropriate stain light microscopically.

TABLE 5-2 Collagen Types I through IV


I α1(I)2 α2(I) Provides resistance against tension, Dermis of skin, organ capsules and
force, and stretch fascia, ligament, tendon, dentin
II α1(II)3 Provides resistance to pressure Hyaline and elastic cartilage,
intervertebral disk
III α1(III)3 Provides structural support for cell Connective tissues associated with
mobility blood vessels, nerve bundles,
secretory units of glands, ducts, and
stromal elements of cellular organs
(spleen, liver, etc.)
IV α1(IV)2 α2(IV) Provides structural support and Basal laminae of epithelia, muscle
filtration barrier cells, and neural glia

Collagen consists of three helically intertwined polypeptide chains. For each type of collagen the
composition of each chain may be the same or differ as indicated by α1 α2, and so on.

Of the remaining collagen types (types IV, VI, and up), many are not assembled into fibrils. Type IV is found
only in basal laminae of epithelia, muscle, and glial cells of nervous tissue and is not produced by fibroblasts or
their progenitors, the mesenchyme. It is like type I in that the tropocollagen consists of two different α chains
(type IV). It functions primarily to provide support and a filtration barrier and is sometimes referred to as the
basement membrane collagen. Type V has also two chains that are the same (α1 V) and one different (α2 V) and
is found in placental and other (interstitial) tissues, being associated with type I. Like types I through III, type V
is assembled into recognizable banded fibrils when observed ultrastructurally. Type VI, like types I, IV, and V,
consists of different α chains and can be found in locations where type I exists. At present, there are
approximately 12 other types of collagen that have been discovered in recent times. Some of these other types
(see Table 5-2) are less common or ubiquitous than the first three types and comprise only a small fraction of the 90
total collagen within the body. Some, such as types IX and XII, bind to the surface of fibrillar collagen and may 91
play a role in fibril organization and interaction with ground substance.

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Reticular fibers are none other than collagen type III, having the same substructural periodic structure seen in
most fibrillar collagen. In terms of their biochemistry, they differ principally from the other collagens by the
presence of more carbohydrate residues. Consequently, reticular fibers are best detected by selective
argyrophilic (silver loving) stains that detect polysaccharides (e.g., silver-staining techniques) (Figure 5-21).
Reticular fibers represent the collagen associated with loose connective tissue, being most abundant within the
framework of hematopoietic organs (e.g., lymph nodes) and form a reticulate network around cells of epithelial
organs, such as endocrine glands. They also help comprise the connective tissue next to small blood vessels,
adipose, nerve bundles, and muscle cells. These fibers can be extremely fine and do not form bundles that are
characteristic of type I.


Elastic fibers are typically more spread out from one another, not usually forming bundles as seen in collagen
(Figure 5-22). These fibers can be thin and long, with the capability to be stretched one and one-half times their
normal length. As one might expect, elastic fibers occur where flexibility is needed: in mesentery and around
blood vessels, for example. They also are found in dense connective tissues with abundant amounts of collagen
that nevertheless require some degree of distensibility (Figure 5-23, A). These fibers can also be a part of certain
cartilage and ligaments. Elastic fibers are poorly distinguished from collagen (type I) by hematoxylin and eosin
(H&E). The fibers react with eosin more intensely than collagen does, but the distinction is often too difficult to
make. Thus, selective methods (the use of stains: resorcin-fuchsin or orcein) are needed to reveal them. When
observed by TEM, elastic fibers lack the banding seen in collagen and reticular fibers (Figure 5-23, B; see also
Figure 5-20, B). Instead, they consist of an amorphous central region, elastin, which in turn is enveloped by
small fibrils (microfibrils) approximately 10 to 12nm in diameter and consisting of the glycoprotein fibrillin.
The relationship between the two components, elastin and microfibrils, is not truly understood. The microfibrils,
undoubtedly, offer structural support as a framework of glycoprotein for elastin as an amorphous mass to be
deposited onto and concomitantly provide the fiber directionality. Grossly, elastic fibers that are fresh and great
in quantity usually have a yellow appearance. Elastin's composition is similar to that of collagen in that it is rich
in glycine and proline, but still differs substantially, having little of the hydroxylated amino acids that comprise
collagen such as hydroxyproline.

Figure 5-21 Light micrograph (×400) of darkly stained reticular fibers located
within the stroma of a canine lymph node.


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Figure 5-22 Light micrograph of darkly stained elastic fibers that form a delicate
weblike network within the loose connective tissue of a
flat-mounted mesentery, which was stained by Verhoeff-orange
safranin. (×400.)

Figure 5-23 Ultrastructural observations of collagen and elastic fibers. A,

Scanning electron micrograph of the dermis of feline skin shows the
sharp difference that can occur with regard to the size and close
association of the two types of fibers, being considerably more
robust in collagen (closed arrows) than the elastic fibers (open
arrows). B, Transmission electron micrograph of collagen (Co) and
elastic (El) fibers in the canine eye. (×10,000.)


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5.4.3 93

Ground substance is the colorless, transparent, and homogeneous component of the extracellular environment
of connective tissue. Chemically, the amorphous intercellular ground substance is composed mainly of
glycosaminoglycans (GAGS), also known as acid mucopolysaccharides, and forms the major portion of
proteoglycans (Figure 5-24). Most GAGS in connective tissue possess a characteristic repeating disaccharide
unit consisting of uronic acid (glycouronic acid) and hexosamine (glycosamine or galactosamine). These
molecules form the substantially larger molecules, proteoglycans, through further association with protein cores.
Specifically, the GAGS are arranged in a bristle-like manner around a protein strand, covalently bound to the
protein (see Figure 5-24). In this arrangement, types of GAGS are restricted in their location and aggregated one
from another. The large proteoglycan molecules are attached also covalently to long chains of hyaluronic acid 93
(hyaluronans), which is a nonsulfated glycosaminoglycan. These large macromolecules of proteoglycans 94
attached to hyaluronans are sometimes referred as aggrecan (a proteoglycan aggregate), which is specifically
associated with cartilage. In general, proteoglycan aggregates have great affinity for water and function as
extremely efficient space fillers, forming a viscous gel that metabolites and nutrients must diffuse through before
interacting with the different cells of this tissue. By varying the polymerization of glycosaminoglycans with
regard to both types and amounts, the viscosity of the ground substance can be controlled. In addition to being
space fillers, GAGS function in a number of other ways including regulating cell growth; alterating mitotic rate
of cell replication; providing cellular adhesive qualities; mediating cell-cell communication; and shielding of
surface receptors. In short, GAGS mediate many receptor-ligand interactions at the cell surface and consequently
play a critical role in wounding and repair, as well as development. In many ways the GAGs that are produced by
the resident cells of a particular connective tissue establish the environment for the rest of the components
(extracellular fibers, glycoproteins, and other cells) of that connective tissue to coexist. The visualization of
proteoglycans and their GAGS by light microscopy is difficult unless special stains are used, such as alcian blue.
However, GAGS that are highly sulfated, such as chondroitin sulfate and keratosulfate, are pale blue when
stained by H&E (Figure 5-25).

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Figure 5-24 A, Illustration of the organization of the extracellular matrix,

consisting principally of extracellular fibers (collagen fibrils)
surrounded by proteoglycans attached to strands of hyaluronans,
which collectively form molecular or proteoglycan aggregates, also
known as aggregans. B, The proteoglycan aggregate shown from
electron-microscopic observation and schematically. (A from Fawcett
DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia,
1986, Saunders; B from Bergman RA, Afifi AK, Heidger PM Jr:
Histology, Philadelphia, 1996, Saunders.)

CHAPTER 5 Connective Tissue Page 28 of 35

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Figure 5-25 Proteoglycans that contain substantial amount of sulfated

glycosaminoglycans react positively to hematoxylin as seen in the
light micrograph of the interterritorial matrix of hyaline cartilage in
canine tracheal rings. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)



In connective tissue proper there are two types: loose and dense. Loose connective tissue or areolar connective
tissue is the more common of the two, found subcutaneously and interstitially within most organ systems,
between muscle fibers and sheaths, and around bundles of peripheral nerve fibers, adipose tissue, and lymphatic
and blood vessels (Figure 5-26; see also Figure 5-22). Loose connective tissue serves to connect one tissue to
another (such as epithelium to muscle) and concomitantly holds adjacent tissues together during motile activity
of an organ. This tissue also provides an appropriate domain for transient cells of defense and wound repair and
is especially well developed in those regions where transient cells are often called into action such as the small
intestine. This tissue is chiefly characterized by the abundant amount of amorphous ground material (GAGS)
within the intercellular space. When compared with other forms of connective tissue (dense connective tissue,
cartilage, and bone), loose connective tissue is moderately cellular, having a variety of cell types previously 94
described. The extracellular fibers (collagen, reticular, and elastic) are “loosely” arranged in this tissue, and for 95
the most part widely spaced. The fibers only aggregate to any extent where the connective tissue meets other
structures (blood vessels, nerve bundles, muscle, epithelium, etc.).

CHAPTER 5 Connective Tissue Page 29 of 35

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Figure 5-26 Light micrograph of the loose connective tissue that subtends the
epithelium lining the uterine tube of the dog. (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×400.)


Dense connective tissue essentially is composed of the same elements that make up loose connective tissue. But
in this type of connective tissue there is a marked predominance of extracellular fibers with considerably less
amorphous ground substance. Moreover, the fibroblast/fibrocyte is by far the most common cell type in this
tissue. Dense connective tissue is considerably less flexible and more resistant to stress than loose connective
tissue. Dense connective tissue is subdivided into two forms: irregular and regular. Dense irregular connective
tissue is readily distinguished by the presence of numerous collagen fibers that are closely packed and irregularly
arranged. These bundles of collagen in fact form a three-dimensional network that can provide resistance to
stress from most directions, and thus prevent “overstretching.” An excellent example of this multidirectional
network of fibers can be seen in the dermis of skin (Figure 5-27). Often, however, the fibers of fascia and
capsules in the body can be more unidirectional than that of tissue like the dermis with most of the fibers running
circumferentially around a specific organ. But because some of the fibers interweave radially, this type of dense
connective tissue is classified as irregular. Dense irregular connective tissue light microscopically has a very
wavy appearance as the bundles of collagen bend in a random manner. This tissue occurs most frequently in
capsules of organs, fasciae, pericardium, dermis of skin, and periosteum of bone (Table 5-3).

Dense regular connective tissue is delineated by the presence of closely packed extracellular fibers that are
arranged in a highly organized manner. Light microscopically the fibers are seen to be oriented in a single
direction, forming definitive sheets or layers of collagen with interspersed elastic fibers that are oriented in the

CHAPTER 5 Connective Tissue Page 30 of 35

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plane. Examples of regular dense connective tissue include tendons, ligaments, and cornea (Figure 5-28; see also
Figure 5-4). It is important to note that the fibers run parallel to each other and do not interweave as in the
irregular form.

Although most tissues of this type contain predominantly collagen, elastic fibers can be arranged into thick,
parallel bundles, as in the yellow ligaments of the vertebral column, and can be referred to as dense regular
elastic connective tissue (Figure 5-29).


Adipocytes can exist in almost any structure of the body. Their ubiquitous appearance, which at times can be 95
unexpected, is a phenomenon that is still not truly understood. Although they can be found singly, these cells, for 96
the most part, occur in clusters and can be referred to as a tissue. Within the deeper regions of skin, the hypodermis
or subcutaneous layer, adipocytes can form a distinct layer referred to as the panniculus adiposus, which in many
animals functions to thermally and mechanically insulate (Figure 5-30). The cells are also routinely associated with
visceral organs and regions within the musculoskeletal system, such as the synovial membranes of joints and digital
cushions of feet. In these instances, adipose tissue serves to absorb shock. Adipocytes are believed to be derived
from undifferentiated mesenchyme, but evidence to substantiate their origin from a specific stem cell is lacking.
The presence of brown or multilocular fat cells, which forms fetal fat or primary fat, begins with the occurrence of
epithelioid cells at discrete locations within the developing fetus. By comparison, white fat cells arise from
fusiform-shaped mesenchymal cells near the end of fetal development. Whether these morphologically different
lipoblasts share the same derivation or arise from two distinct cell lines remains to be discovered. It is interesting to
note that while the neonate matures, the numerous locules in brown fat cells coalesce into a single droplet and take
on a unilocular white fat cell appearance (Figure 5-31).

Figure 5-27 Light micrograph of the dense irregular connective tissue that
comprises much of the dermis within the skin of the pig. (Hematoxylin
and eosin stain; ×250.)

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TABLE 5-3 Types of Connective Tissue Proper


Loose (areolar) connective tissue Immediately surrounding small blood Provides appropriate scaffolding for an
vessels including vascular plexuses, lymph existing cellular environment or one that
vessels, nerve bundles, ducts and glandular could potentially be cellular
units, lamina propria along the digestive
tract, stromal elements within
parenchymatous organs (liver, pancreas,
lung, spleen, thymus, thyroid, etc.)
Dense irregular connective tissue Dermis, capsules of many organs, fascia of Resist stress from various directions
heart and skeletal muscle, sheaths of
nerves, sclera of the eye
Dense regular connective tissue Ligaments, tendons, cornea Withstand tensile strength (longitudinal
Although brown adipose tissue is a developmental form of fat in mammals and birds, it can be retained in the adult 97
stage, especially in hibernating animals. These cells are equipped with the metabolic machinery, that is to say, the
numerous mitochondria including the appropriate enzymes that allow fatty acids to be oxidized at much greater
rates than that in unilocular adipose tissue. Moreover, the mitochondria of brown adipose fat cells primarily
generate heat rather than adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and as a result can sustain the body heat during prolonged 97
periods of cold. Like unilocular fat, the adipocytes are clustered into lobules, but these lobules are more richly 99
vascularized and innervated than that in the former (see Figure 5-31). Cold nerve receptors located within the
epithelial (epidermal) lining of skin are responsible for signaling the temperature-regulating center of the brain,
which in turn directly innervates the multilocular adipocytes and results in fatty acid oxidation. Brown adipose
tissue is formed principally in the axillary and intercapsular regions, in the mesenteries and mediastinum, and along
the aorta and next to the kidney.

Figure 5-28 Light micrograph of dense regular connective tissue showing fibrocytes
(arrows) interspersed between the layers of extracellular fibers of an
equine ligament. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)

CHAPTER 5 Connective Tissue Page 32 of 35

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Figure 5-29 Light micrograph of dense regular elastic connective tissue that forms
the yellow ligament between two adjacent canine vertebrae.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)

Figure 5-30 Light micrograph of unilocular adipose tissue that becomes a distinct
layer subcutaneously in the sheep. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×200.)

CHAPTER 5 Connective Tissue Page 33 of 35

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Figure 5-31 A, Light micrograph of multilocular adipose tissue near the trachea of
a juvenile ferret. (Plastic section, hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×200.) B,
Within multilocular adipose tissue an occasional adipocyte becomes
unilocular as the small locules collect and fuse, as seen in this light
micrograph. (Plastic section, hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×1000.)

CHAPTER 5 Connective Tissue Page 34 of 35

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RA Bergman, AK Afifi, Heidger, PM Jr.: In Histology. 1996, Saunders, Philadelphia.

B Burke, CE Lewis: In The macrophage. 2002, Oxford University Press, New York.
DW Fawcett: In Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology. ed 11, 1986, Saunders, Philadelphia.
LP Gartner, JL Hiatt: In Color textbook of histology. 1997, Saunders, Philadelphia.
K Kuhn: The classic collagens: types I, II, and III. In Mayne, R, Burgeson, RE (Eds.): Structure and function
of collagen types. 1987, Academic Press, Orlando, Fla.
TS Leeson, CR Leeson: In A brief atlas of histology. 1979, Saunders, Philadelphia.
G Marone, LM Lichtenstein, SJ Galli: In Mast cells and basophils. 2000, Academic Press, San Diego.
M Sutmuller, JA Bruijn, E de Heer: Collagen types VIII and X, two non-fibrillar, short-chained collagens.
Structure homologies, functions and involvement in pathology. Histol Histopathol. 12, 1997, 557.

CHAPTER 5 Connective Tissue Page 35 of 35

Textbook of Veterinary Histology
6 CHAPTER 6 Cartilage and Bone


• Highly specialized extracellular matrix (ECM)

• Provides support, protection and storage

• Cartilage:

classified according to prevailing fiber

cells rounded, isolated or in clusters (“nest”)

noninnervated, avascular

• Bone:

classified according to prevalence and organization of ECM

highly mineralized and vascularized ECM

continuously remodeled


Cartilage is one of the specialized forms of connective tissue. It functions largely to support soft tissues, provide
sliding areas for joints, and provide growth templates for long bone (pre- and postnatally). This tissue is neither
innervated nor vascularized, lacking lymphatic and blood vessels of its own. Instead, cartilage is nourished by
nearby vessels of adjacent connective tissue or by synovial fluid within the joint cavities. Blood vessels seen
normally in cartilage are traversing it, not being involved in establishing any vascular bed within. Based on the
frequency and type of fiber, cartilage is subdivided into three types: hyaline, elastic, and fibrous or fibrocartilage.
Each cartilage has a single cell type, the chondrocyte, which is essentially a specialized fibrocyte that is involved
in the production of an ECM that provides strong resistance to physical stress (Figure 6-1). Chondrocytes are
referred to as chondroblasts during initial active production of the ground material. Chondroblasts are generally
oval to round with rounded nuclei and basophilic cytoplasm filled with rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER), Golgi
apparatus, secretory vesicles, and mitochondria. As chondroblasts become less active, having contributed greatly
fibers and ground substance to the ECM, they are transformed into chondrocytes, which tend to have rounded to
polyhedral shapes in the central regions of hyaline and elastic cartilage and to a lesser extent in fibrocartilage. As
chondrocytes continue to add to the ECM and maintain it, they become more and more isolated from one another.
Older chondrocytes have fewer of the organelles associated with ECM production previously described in the
chondroblast, possessing instead occasional lipid droplets and glycogen. These cells, however senescent, have the
ability to redivide under the proper conditions. Cellular replication may continue two or three times, resulting in 100

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cell nests, also called isogenic cell groups (Figure 6-2). The matrix formed by these cells is approximately 40% 101
collagen (dry weight), type II variety except for fibrocartilage, and 60% glycosaminoglycans (GAGS) (dry
weight). The GAGS, here, consist of long molecules of hyaluronic acid from which numerous, short sulfated
mucopolysaccharides radiate (chondroitin 4–sulfate, chondroitin 6–sulfate, keratan sulfate).

Figure 6-1 Illustration of the chondrocyte with its characteristic round cell body
and short processes that are surrounded by its capsule.

Figure 6-2 Light micrograph of chondrocytes in hyaline cartilage that are arranged
in a nest. Recently divided cells initially share the same pericellular
capsule (arrow). (Plastic section stained with hematoxylin and eosin;

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Hyaline cartilage has a bluish white glassy appearance when seen grossly and is the most common type of
cartilage, occurring at most bone-forming sites, joint surfaces of articulating bones, tracheal rings, larynx, and
nose. It is able to withstand a considerable amount of compression and tension. This ability to endure physical
forces is largely due to the arrangement of the short collagen fibers that are of the type II variety and are
arranged in accordance with the stress placed on the cartilage within the body. Within articular cartilage the
fibers tend to form irregular bundles between the chondrocytes, whereas concomitantly near the surface they
are oriented parallel to the surface. The bulk of the fibers and proteoglycans within the ECM of mature cartilage
comprise the region called the interterritorial matrix. The proteoglycan-hyaluronan associations (aggrecan
composites) in the ECM of cartilage can be large and richly sulfated, and as they pool in this region, a bluish
color can result from hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining (Figure 6-3). Included within the ground substance
of the interterritorial matrix are binding glycoproteins such as chondronectin, which assist in the attachment of
collagen to the proteoglycans. In the absence of this basophilic reaction, the matrix will appear relatively clear
due to the chromophobic properties of collagen type II and its similar refractive index to the ground substance. 101
The ECM surrounding the chondrocytes comprises the territorial matrix, having a different composition from 102
the interterritorial matrix in that it consists of more chondroitin sulfate–rich proteoglycans and has less collagen
type II, which is also smaller in size than that in the interterritorial matrix. Immediately adjacent to the
chondrocyte is a thin (approximately 1-3 μm thick) region around the cell membrane that consists of ground
substance with a fine meshwork of collagen fibrils. This zone or ring is called the capsule or pericellular
capsule and is likewise basophilic when stained with H&E (also periodic acid–Schiff [PAS] positive) due to the
high concentration of sulfated GAGS in this area (see Figures 6-2 and 6-3). The collagen in the pericellular
capsule consists primarily of types III and IX through XI, and in articular cartilage type V above the tidemark.
In most instances, there is little type II associated with the pericellular capsule. The cartilage cells occupy
potential space known as lacunae. During routine processing practices for histological preparation,
chondrocytes frequently shrink and pull away from their pericellular capsules, revealing their lacunae (Figure

Figure 6-3 Light micrograph of hyaline cartilage that forms support rings within
the canine trachea. The area between the cell nests, the
interterritorial matrix, reacts positively (and basophilically) to
hematoxylin. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×200.)

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Along the external margins of the territorial matrix of hyaline cartilage, there is a sheath known as the
perichondrium that encapsulates this tissue and forms an interface between the surrounding connective tissue 102
and the body of the cartilage (Figure 6-5). The perichondrium is composed of fibroblasts (perichondrial 104
fibroblasts) and bundles of collagen (type I), forming a thin fascia of dense connective tissue that in some ways
is similar to a capsule or fascia that envelops many organs. The perichondrial fibroblasts next to the
interterritorial matrix are believed to be chondrogenic, giving rise to chondroblasts. As chondroblasts mature
and move away from the perichondrium, thus becoming chondrocytes, they contribute to both territorial and
interterritorial matrices.

Figure 6-4 Light micrograph of a chondrocyte within hyaline cartilage. In

formalin-fixed specimens, chondroblasts and chondrocytes often
shrink away from the pericellular capsule, revealing some of the
lacuna (L) that they occupy. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×1000.)

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Figure 6-5 A, Light micrograph of the perichondrium (P) that surrounds the
body of hyaline cartilage. (Plastic section of hyaline cartilage within
the canine trachea stained with hematoxylin and eosin; ×1000.) B,
Transmission electron micrograph (x3000) of hyaline cartilage within
a canine bronchiole. Chondroblasts are created by appositional
development from the surrounding perichondrium (P) with its
fibroblasts and eventually transformed into round chondrocytes (C)
seen centrally.

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Elastic cartilage is yellowish and not nearly as common as the hyaline cartilage found in the external ear,
external auditory canals, eustachian tubes, larynx, and epiglottis (Table 6-1). The major difference between this
tissue and hyaline cartilage is the presence of a well-developed network of elastic fibers that imparts greater
flexibility and distensibility than the other forms of cartilage. The elastic fibers are largely oriented within the
territorial and interterritorial matrices in the same direction as the collagen fibers, varying in size as well, being
most prominent in the territorial matrix (Figure 6-6). Although special stains are useful for revealing elastic
fibers, in this type of cartilage the concentration of the elastic fibers is sufficient for the fibers to be readily seen
by H&E (see Figure 6-6). By comparison, the perichondrium possesses little elastin even though it can be well
developed, as seen in the epiglottis (see Figure 6-6). In mature tissue the chondrocytes can be large and appear
foamy, housing a considerable number of lipid droplets.

TABLE 6-1 Cartilage Key Information


Hyaline Collagen type II Present except at Basophilic extracellular Nose, larynx, proximal
growth plates and matrix (ECM), portion of lung, ends
articular cartilage prominent isogenic of long bones, ventral
nests of chondrocytes ends of ribs
Elastic Elastic fiber and Present; well developed Basophilic and External and middle
collagen type II in large domestic acidophilic ECM ear, epiglottis
Fibrocartilage Collagen type I Absent Mildly acidophilic ECM; Intervertebral disks,
chondrocytes in small insertion of various
nests aligned in rows, ligaments and tendons
associated with dense
regular connective
tissues and/or hyaline


Fibrocartilage is the least common of the three forms; it is found at intervertebral disks and certain
ligamentous and tendinous attachments to bones (and menisci of stifle joints). Morphologically, this type of
cartilage is the most different of the three types. Fibrocartilage does not possess a true perichondrium but
develops directly from the mesenchyme (Figure 6-7). Although its matrix is basically similar to that of hyaline
cartilage, the coarser type I collagen fibers predominate, making the matrix more acidophilic. These fibers,
which form discrete bundles, enable this cartilage to withstand considerable force, especially along the
longitudinal plane of the bundle, and at the same time remain resilient to deformation. Within the menisci of
stifles and the tendinous and ligamentous attachments to bone, the bundles often assume a herringbone pattern
as individual bundles crisscross each other in an interwoven V shape (Figure 6-8). Fibrocartilage is often
associated with both dense connective tissue and hyaline cartilage, typically merging imperceptibly with them,
and this tissue appears to be a cross between dense regular connective tissue and cartilage. The chondrocytes
usually are aligned in rows, much like fibrocytes within tendons and ligaments. The chondrocytes, however,
can form isogenic nests of cells, each having the characteristic rounded shape (see Figure 6-7). 104

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Figure 6-6 A, Light micrograph of elastic cartilage within the equine epiglottis.
P, perichondrium. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.) B, Light
micrograph of the body of the elastic cartilage with its territorial and
interterritorial matrices. The elastic fibers (arrows) are intensely
stained by eosin and best developed within the interterritorial
matrix. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×1000.)


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Figure 6-7 Light micrographs, A, (x400) and, B, (x1000), of fibrocartilage
(arrows) located between developing canine vertebrae. In B, cell
nests are aligned linearly. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain.)

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Figure 6-8 Light micrograph (x400) of fibrocartilage (arrows) within a canine

tendinous attachment to bone.


6.3 107

Cartilage initially develops from mesenchymal tissue as fibroblast-like cells “round up” and divide, giving rise to
chondroblasts. These nests of cells are referred to as centers of chondrification. While the cells (chondrocytes by
this time) are in the process of spreading apart, those located most superficially retain their fibroblastic nature and
as a result comprise the perichondrium (in hyaline and elastic forms). Continued growth of cartilage from this
point occurs two ways: interstitially and appositionally (see Figures 6-2 and 6-5). Interstitial growth involves the
division of chondrocytes, which gives rise to isogenic groups that are surrounded by a condensation of mostly
nonfibrous matrix (capsule). This type of cellular replication and growth is undoubtedly the hallmark feature that
distinguishes cartilage from connective tissues. Appositional growth is chondrocytic differentiation from
peripheral perichondrial cells (via chondroblasts) and occurs in hyaline and elastic cartilage (see Figure 6-5).


It is important to keep in mind that the basic components of the different types of connective tissues (loose,
dense, hyaline cartilage, etc.) vary little. Instead, it is the amount of the basic components (fibroblasts, elastin,

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collagen, chondroitin sulfates, etc.) that varies a good deal and as a result imparts specific qualities such as
active defense, strength, elasticity, resiliency, and support that are essential for the functional relationship of
that particular connective tissue within the body. These components become altered in all connective tissues
during injury and subsequent repair and to a lesser extent during the aging process.

Cartilage is able to maintain itself through the normal physiological activities of the chondrocyte, which has the
capacity to turn the ECM over on a gradual and regular basis. The life expectancy of chondrocytes is long in
most instances except for those cells associated with bone-developing growth plates. Undoubtedly, older
chondrocytes of the three different types of cartilage die infrequently and can be replaced interstitially by new
cells that arise in recently formed isogenic nests. Once an individual reaches maturity, however, the ability to
form new chondrocytes interstitially or appositionally from the perichondrium (in hyaline and elastic cartilage)
becomes substantially reduced.

During episodes of damage to adult hyaline and elastic cartilage, repair involves the presence of a “granulating”
fibrous tissue that originates from the perichondrium and associated tissue. This tissue gradually becomes
reconverted to cartilage. In the instance of fibrocartilage, which has a very limited vascular supply and lacks a
perichondrium as well, successful repair is less likely to occur than in the other two types of cartilage. Because
fibrocartilage protects against compression and shearing forces, surgical intervention may be required to attain
the necessary repair.

6.4 BONE

Bone is a specialized hard connective tissue that serves for support, attachment, leverage, protection, and mineral
storage. Consequently, this tissue is imparted with great strength and rigidity, having very limited elasticity. Bone
is derived by direct connective tissue origin or by partial replacement of previously formed cartilage. The ability
of this tissue to store minerals and especially calcium into mostly hydroxyapatite crystals is the principal
characteristic that distinguishes bone from all other connective tissues, including cartilage. And unlike cartilage,
bone is closely associated in its development and maintenance with the cardiovascular system, and has afferent
associations with the nervous system. Except where bone ends in synovial articulations, it is externally surrounded
by a tissue, known as the periosteum, that includes blood vessels, a variably thick layer of dense fibrous
connective tissue (the capsule), and bone stem cells or osteogenic cells, which give rise to osteoblasts (Figure
6-9). Internal spaces within bone, including a central cavity, the marrow cavity, where the stem cells of blood are
housed, are lined by a thinner tissue, the endosteum, which consists of the same cell types as those of the
periosteum but within a loose connective tissue environment instead of the dense capsule that surrounds the
periosteum (Figure 6-10).

Bone is composed of three major cell types: osteoblast, osteocyte, and osteoclast. The osteoblast is the cell
responsible for the active synthesis of the organic components of bone, which is called prebone, or osteoid, and
principally consists of collagen, proteoglycans, and glycoproteins. These cells, which can originate from nearby
osteogenic cells, are positioned in a line along the surfaces of bone tissue. When metabolically active, osteoblasts
tend to be cuboidal and basophilic, exhibiting many of the morphological characteristics seen in a secretory cell of
epithelia (Figure 6-11). The cytoplasm contains a well-developed Golgi apparatus and rER that, along with
mitochondria and other organelles, are aligned in an organized or polarized manner, resulting in a unidirectional 107
release of prebone material (Figure 6-12). When osteoblasts are less actively involved in prebone formation, they 108
are flattened and less basophilic (Figure 6-13). During active osteoid synthesis, occasional osteoblasts become less
actively involved and stop producing the prebone ECM secretions (see Figure 6-11, B). These cells become lodged
within the osteoid that has been produced by adjacent active osteoblasts. Once an osteoblast has “entered” the
bone matrix it is known as an osteocyte. The young osteocyte has not actually migrated into the bone matrix, but
instead has been left behind. Thus, the osteocyte is in a sense a mature osteoblast, which soon becomes

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encapsulated within the mineralized matrix. These cells lie in oval-shaped cavities, or lacunae, in the matrix and
from their bodies fine filopodial cellular processes radiate to adjacent cells within small channels or canaliculi
(Figure 6-14). The filopodial contacts, which includes the formation of gap junctions, function as “life support
lines,” allowing the passage of nutrients and metabolites from cell to cell. The cytoplasm of the osteocyte
surrounding the nucleus is reduced in size when compared with the osteoblast, having few organelles associated
with metabolic activity, such as rER, mitochondria and Golgi apparatus (see Figure 6-14). Although quiescent
appearing, the role of the osteocyte continues to be examined as it facilitates the maintenance of the mineralized
extracellular environment. It has recently been discovered that this cell is able to modulate signals from 108
mechanical loading and subsequently direct bone tissue remodeling. When stimulated by the parathyroid hormone 109
(PTH), the osteocyte is able to release minerals including calcium from the ECM surrounding its immediate
vicinity by secreting different hydrolases. This process is known as osteocytic osteolysis and is important in
producing the rapid phase of calcium release that is initiated by PTH.

Figure 6-9 A, Light micrograph of the periosteum that externally lines a

developing long bone in the rat, consisting of fibroblast-like cells with
osteogenic potency, osteoblasts, and blood vessels. DCT, Dense
connective tissue; ICL, inner cellular layer; BM, bone matrix.
(Mallory-Azan stain; ×400.) B, Transmission electron micrograph
(x10,000) of the periosteum of a developing flat bone in the pig. BV,
Blood vessel, OC, osteogenic cells, BM, bone matrix.

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Figure 6-10 Light micrograph (x400) of the endosteum that internally lines a rat

The osteoclast is a multinucleated giant cell (6-50 or more nuclei) that is involved in the resorption and
remodeling of bone tissue (Figure 6-15). These cells, which appear cytologically acidophilic, are lysosomally rich,
having also numerous mitochondria and a well-developed Golgi apparatus (Figure 6-16). Although once
traditionally thought to have been derived from osteoprogenitor cells, osteoclasts are now known to originate from
the bone marrow, derived from coalescing monocytes. As bone develops and later is remodeled, it is being
continually resorbed by these giant cells. The resorption of bone, which can be referred to as osteoclasia, is the
result of the secretion of a variety of materials, including acids, such as lactic and citric acids, that lower the pH
and facilitate the dissolution of minerals, and strong hydrolytic enzymes (acid hydrolase, collagenase, etc.) that
digest the extracellular matrix (ECM). Each osteoclast comes to lie within an enzymatically etched depression

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called Howslip's lacuna, or the resorption bay (see Figure 6-15). During active bone resorption, the region of the
cell that directly contacts the bony matrix has many infoldings that collectively form a ruffled border subtended
by the vesicular zone, consisting primarily of vesicles, most of which are filled with lysosomal enzymes (see
Figure 6-16). Immediately peripheral to the ruffled border is a clear zone, an exaggerated ectoplasmic area laden
with cytoskeletal elements, especially actin filaments, and free of most organelles. This portion of the cytoplasm
may be involved in assisting the attachment of the osteoclast to the bony matrix along the perimeter of the
resorption bay. The bulk of the osteoclast's cytoplasm, which houses most of the organelles and all of the nuclei, is
called the basal zone. Osteoclasia is governed principally by components of the endocrine system: the thyroid,
which secretes calcitonin; and the parathyroid, which secretes parathyroid hormone (Table 6-2).


Most of the bone is composed of the extracellular matrix, which is approximately two thirds inorganic. The
remainder of the ECM consists mostly of collagen fibers (type I) and a relatively small amount of amorphous
ground substance. Of the inorganic material, calcium and phosphorus are particularly abundant, forming mostly
hydroxyapatite crystals (Ca10[PO4]6[OH2]), which lie alongside the collagen. Calcium phosphate also exists
in small amounts as well as magnesium, sodium, potassium, and various trace elements (copper, zinc,
manganese, and others). The crystals of hydroxyapatite are arranged in an organized manner along the collagen
fibrils and within their gap regions. Small proteoglycan molecules consisting chiefly of the sulfated
glycosaminoglycans, chondroitin 4–sulfate, and keratan sulfate, attach to hyaluronans, forming aggrecan
composites that line the hydroxyapatite crystals. In bone that is fully mineralized, which can take up to 1 year
from the onset of mineralization, the amount of aggrecan composites is quite small, surrounding the free surface
of the hydroxyapatite crystals. The proteoglycans within these composites are instrumental in initiating and
inhibiting bone mineralization. As mineralization normally proceeds, the relative amount of proteoglycans 109
within the ECM is decreased. Thus there is a reciprocal relationship in the amount of proteoglycans and the 115
degree of mineralization in developing bone. The amorphous ground substance, which consists primarily of
aggrecan composites, allows water to contact the crystals and ion exchange to occur. The total volume of water
in mature bone is usually less than 10%. In addition to aggrecan composites, small amounts of glycoproteins
and matrix proteins are present within the ECM's amorphous ground substance and play adhesive roles. The
glycoproteins consist of osteocalcin and osteopontin, both of which bind to the crystals, the latter to other
substances including integrin, the transmembrane protein associated with osteoblasts and osteocytes, as well as
many other cell types, including fibroblasts. Sialoprotein is a matrix protein that also has adhesive qualities,
being able to bind to the integrins of the bone-forming cells and the matrix components of bone.

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Figure 6-11 Light micrographs of active osteoblasts that form a cuboidal line of
cells in the horse, A (x400), and the rat, B (x1000). Arrows point to
newly formed osteocytes in B.

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Figure 6-12 Transmission electron micrograph of an osteoprogenitor cell (op)

and a row of osteoblasts actively secreting prebone material into
bone (B). Arrow points to a portion of an osteocyte's canaliculus.
(From Gartner LP, Hiatt JL: Color textbook of histology, Philadelphia,
1997, Saunders.)

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Figure 6-13 Light micrograph of osteoblasts (arrows) that are less active and
consequently less cuboidal in appearance. (Mallory-Azan stain;

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Figure 6-14 A, Layered transmission electron micrograph (x8000) of a revealed

porcine osteocyte, showing some of its cell processes that travel
toward adjacent cells. B, Transmission electron micrograph
(x15,000) of an osteocyte process (arrows), branching and ramifying
within the confines of the mineralized extracellular matrix.

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Figure 6-15 Light micrograph (x1000) of osteoclasts and their resorption bays
(arrows) involved in the process of removing recently made bone.

TABLE 6-2 Various Factors Associated with Osteoclastic Activity


Parathyroid hormone (released by Initiates secretion of ++
Below normal levels of Ca (calcium
parenchymal cells of the parathyroid) osteoclast-stimulating factor by deficiency); hyperparathyroidism
osteoblasts and subsequent bone
resorption, resulting in the release of
Ca into the bloodstream
Calcitonin (released by parafollicular Inhibits osteoclasts from resorbing bone; Above normal levels of Ca++
cells of the thyroid) causes disappearance of their ruffled
Cyclosporin A Increases osteoclastic activity Drug administration
(osteoclasia) with concomitant reduction
of bone formation at symphyseal sites
Irradiation Initiates osteocytic osteolysis followed Cancer therapy
by osteoclasia

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Figure 6-16 Transmission electron micrograph of the portion of an osteoclast

with its ruffled border actively removing bone extracellular matrix
(resorbing bone matrix). (From Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a
textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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The process of mineralization within the ECM of bone has not been fully determined. It undoubtedly involves
the presence of matrix vesicles that are released into the osteoid by osteoblasts. The vesicles are filled with
calcium and phosphate ions plus cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP), adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and
adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase); two other enzymes, alkaline phosphatase and pyrophosphatase; and
proteins that bind calcium. Moreover, the vesicles possess calcium pumps that allow further movement of this
element into them. Thus it would appear that each vesicle is at some level an autonomous structure that is able
to construct hydroxyapatite crystals outside the cytoplasm of the osteoblast and osteocyte and within the ECM
prebone domain. As the crystals are released from the vesicles and deposited along the surface of nearby
collagen molecules, they are believed to be microcenters of further calcification and mineralization over an
extended period with the gradual removal of water.


Bone originates normally by either intramembranous ossification (within a layer of connective tissue) or
endochondral ossification (within a cartilaginous model). Development along either line results in bone tissue that
is indistinguishable from how it had formed initially. The bone originally formed is primary bone, which is
gradually and continuously replaced by secondary bone.


Intramembranous ossification originates in the mesenchyme as groups of cells form bone blastemas that
become primary ossification centers (Figure 6-17). Initially the mesenchymal cells appear crowded and
hyperplastic, forming mesenchymal condensations. These cells become more fibroblast-like, especially along
the perimeter, secreting the early ECM, including collagen. Other mesenchymal cells differentiate into
osteoblasts with osteoid synthesis and calcification following. The osteoblasts eventually form a line or
“membrane” of cells and deposit their prebone secretions unidirectionally, trapping at the same time some cells
that failed to join the line. These trapped osteoblasts become the first osteocytes that assist in osteonal
development and its mineralization. The islands of early forming bone are called spicules, which subsequently
fuse into trabeculae, giving the bone a spongy appearance (Figure 6-18). During this development, blood
vessels form along the external boundaries, lying in proximity to the osteoblasts. Combined with the peripheral
fibroblastic cells and neighboring undifferentiated cells that become osteoprogenitor cells, the periosteum is
formed. The primary bone derived from intramembranous ossification appears spongy or woven and can be
referred to as spongy or woven bone at this stage in development. As the bone matures, new bone is formed in
layers, or lamellae, and the trabeculae disappear. Eventually only lamellar bone is left. Bones that offer
protection, including the frontal and parietal bones of the skull, mandible, maxilla, and clavicle plus the
periosteum of long bones, are all formed by this type of ossification.


Endochondral ossification takes place within previously formed hyaline cartilage. The shape of the cartilage is
basically a model for the developing bone to follow, occurring during the formation of long and short bones
(i.e., the weight-bearing bones of the body) (Figure 6-19). It is important to remember that this type of bone
formation takes place within the cartilage model and requires several events to occur previously. Once the small
hyaline cartilage has taken shape, blood vessels appear next to the perichondrium along the portion of the
model that will become the shaft of the bone (see Figure 6-19). With the presence of these blood vessels, the
chondrogenic cells of the perichondrium become osteogenic (i.e., the osteoprogenitor cells that will give rise to
osteoblasts). Thus the lateral or midriff portion of the cartilage's perichondrium is transformed into the

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subperiosteal bone collar, and the first bone formed along the hyaline cartilage model is that produced by
intramembranous ossification (see Figure 6-19). 115
Figure 6-17 Diagram of the early stages of intramembranous ossification,
beginning with the random arrangement of mesenchymal cells (A)
that eventually form a rim or “membrane” of osteoprogenitor cells
(B). This rim of cells (C) become the first osteoblasts, which along
with cells inside the rim (the first osteocytes), secrete the bone
matrix, resulting in the formation of a bone spicule.

Figure 6-18 Light micrograph of intramembranous ossification occurring within

the developing skull. A forming bone spicule (1) will soon unite
with other nearby spicules (2). (Masson trichrome stain; ×400.)


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Figure 6-19 Diagram of endochondral ossification of a long bone. A, Cartilage
model. B, Initial presence of periosteum and subsequent bone
collar. C, Hypertrophy of adjacent chondrocytes and calcification of
the matrix. D and E, Invasion of osteogenic tissue and vascular
mesenchyme and subsequent removal of cartilage model along
with the establishment of growth cartilaginous plates at opposite
ends of the collar. F, Initiation of secondary centers of ossification
within each end of the cartilage model. G to I, Continued
development of the secondary centers, resulting in the formation
of the epiphyses, and the primary center, resulting in the formation
of the diaphysis with concomitant development of marrow within
both centers. J, Growth plates disappear and the bone ceases to
lengthen. (From Bergman RA, Afifi AK, Heidger PM Jr: Histology,
Philadelphia, 1996, Saunders.)


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Figure 6-20 Illustration of an osteogenic bud with cells of osteogenic potency
and blood vessels as osteogenic tissue penetrates the recently
formed bone collar. (From Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a
textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

Subsequently, endochondral ossification occurs in a four-step process. Initially, the chondrocytes next to the
developing bone collar enlarge or hypertrophy. As these chondrocytes grow in size, they concomitantly calcify
their adjacent extracellular matrix. Second, as the bone collar takes shape and the ECM of the nearby
chondrocytes is calcified, the chondrocytes have become self-entombed, losing all connection to nutrients and
oxygen, and die, leaving empty lacunae surrounded by a now calcified cartilage matrix. Third, the formation of
osteogenic buds (periosteal buds), consisting of osteogenic precursors and blood vessels, penetrate the
degenerative spaces and make their residence within the cartilage template (Figure 6-20). And finally,
osteoblasts line the septa of calcified cartilaginous matrices and secrete osteoid onto these supports for the
beginning of ossification.

Near both ends of the cartilage model and immediately away from the developing bone collar, chondrocytes
increase their activity in cell replication interstitially, but in a unidirectional manner (Figure 6-21). As a result,

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newly formed cells are produced in close synchrony, continually away from the developing shaft. These centers
of replication are referred to as zones of proliferation, consisting of two for each developing bone (Figure
6-22). In a manner of speaking, as new cells are created, older cells become left behind, closer to site of
endochondral ossification. These chondrocytes, which are now arranged isogenously in rows, mature and
enlarge, storing glycogen at the expense of the ECM in the process and forming the region known as the zone
of hypertrophy (see Figure 6-22). The oldest cells of this zone lie closest to the bone-forming tissue within the 118
model (and farthest away from the proliferating zone) and calcify their surrounding ECM in much the same 119
way as the original chondrocytes that lay next to the collar had previously done, forming the zone of
provisional calcification. And as these cells die, osteogenic tissue penetrates the shell-like ECM, invades the
lacunae, and establishes lines of osteoblasts that begin the bone-forming process along the most prominent
remnants of the cartilage's ECM, with smaller remnants being absorbed by osteoclasts. The bone being formed
on the cartilage model in this region has a channel-like appearance and can be called cancellous, a type of
spongy bone arranged more in columns rather than in an irregular, woven manner. This bone, and the centers of
calcified cartilage ECM that it surrounds, comprises the primary spongiosa. The bone-forming region
immediately associated with the zone of provisional calcification (the primary spongiosa), is also called the
zone of ossification, and all of the described zones comprise the growth plate (see Figures 6-19, 6-21, and
6-22). Each long and short bone has two growth plates. Long bones are formed from cartilaginous models with
dilated ends (epiphyses) on a central cylindric shaft (diaphysis); within the model endochondral bone
continually replaces the matured cartilage of the epiphyseal plates (between the epiphyses and diaphysis),
which represent the growth plates of long bones. The lengthwise expansion of newly formed long and short
bones is primarily due to the interstitial growth occurring. However, widthwise expansion of these bones is due
to appositional growth of new bone material along the periosteum. While the expansion of a long bone
continues, a progressive process of remodeling involves selective sites of bone deposition and absorption that
collectively results in forming the final shape (Figure 6-23).

Figure 6-21 A, Light micrograph of the cartilaginous growth plate at one end of
a developing rat long bone. (Mallory-Azan stain; ×100.) B, Diagram
of the specific regions associated with the growth plate. (Modified
from Bergman RA, Afifi AK, Heidger PM Jr: Histology, Philadelphia,
1996, Saunders.)


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Figure 6-22 Organization within the cartilaginous growth plate. A, Light
micrograph (x500) of the zones of proliferation (ZP) and
hypertrophy (ZH). B, Light micrograph (x500) of the zones of
hypertrophy (ZH), provisional calcification (ZPC), and ossification

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Figure 6-23 Illustration of the amount of surface remodeling that occurs during
long bone development, resulting in marked changes in its shape as
it grows in length and width. The overlaid shaded example
represents the bone formed during fetal development and has
been enlarged to approximately the same size as a nearly mature
bone to demonstrate the extent of the remodeling.


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Figure 6-24 Light micrograph of an epiphysis (E) of a developing long bone of a
horse containing woven spongy bone, appearing distinctly different
from the cancellous spongy bone growing from the growth plate
(GP) into the diaphysis (D). (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×10.)

In bones with pronounced dilated ends (the epiphyses), secondary centers of ossification become established
within each epiphysis (proximal and distal) (Figure 6-24; see also Figure 6-19). Secondary centers of
ossification begin after the primary center of ossification has become established within the midriff portion of
the cartilage model, which becomes the diaphysis. It is initiated differently from the primary center of
ossification in that a bone collar is not required for the process to begin. Instead, at a few, discrete locations
along the lateral sides of each epiphysis, blood vessels appear and the conversion process occurs as

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chondrogenic cells become osteoprogenitor cells and subsequent invasion proceeds into the cartilage template
at each end of the model. The chondrocytes within each epiphysis do not become organized in interstitial
growth, but remain random in location. Consequently, osteogenesis results in the formation of bone that is
woven or spongy in appearance, lacking directionality as opposed to the cancellous bone that is formed from
the growth plates nearby (see Figure 6-24). While bone development continues in the fetus and after birth, the
woven bone of the epiphyses increasingly thickens, providing the necessary strength to resist stress in these
regions, and are readily distinguished from the small, newly formed “honeycomb” array of bone being formed
from the growth plates.


Classification of bone tissues is made on development, configuration, and organization. When using development
as the basis, bone can be subdivided into immature and mature forms. Immature bone forms in the primary and
secondary ossification centers of the fetus and primary spongiosa, postnatally. Within the cartilage model it
consists initially of numerous cells with large lacunae that are scattered throughout a matrix that possesses
randomly arranged collagen (thus not birefringent). Consequently, the first bone made during endochondral
ossification is spongy. Similarly, the first bone made during the intramembranous ossification of flat bone creation
is spongy even though it originated from the fusion of spicules. Eventually, immature bone is transformed to its
mature form by the end of the development of the body. Mature bone is generally more compact than immature
bone, consisting of orderly arranged matrices (birefringent) that are due to the helical deposition of collagen fibers.

Based on configuration, bone is broken down into spongy and compact types. Spongy bone, including cancellous
bone, is tissue that generally has greater interosseous space than bone. As stated, this type of bone is often
described as immature bone, especially in the developing portions of epiphyses and diaphysis of long bones (see
Figure 6-24). In adults, however, it will also comprise mature bone but usually only a small portion of it. The area
internally lining the compact bone of the shaft and in contact with the bone marrow is porous and spongy, having
little of the organization seen in compact bone. Variable amounts of woven bone remain within the articular ends
during adulthood of most species (see Figure 6-19). In birds, woven bone, which is lighter than compact bone, is
more prevalent in adults than woven bone in adult mammals. 121

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Figure 6-25 Light micrograph (x100) of compact bone oriented in cross section
that has not been demineralized but instead ground to a thin wafer
for histological observation. The principal feature of compact bone
among domestic species is the presence of osteons (O), each
containing a central canal (CC) surrounded by rings of the lacunae
and their associated canaliculi. Many osteons are bordered by
cementing lines (arrows).

In domestic animals compact bone comprises mostly mature bone and is characterized by the presence of more
bone than interosseous space. Organizationally, compact bone is subdivided into lamellar and osteonal types.
Lamellar bone consists of layers or lamellae of bone deposited as sheets from the periosteum externally and
endosteum internally. And externally, the dense connective tissue elements of emerging tendons and ligaments—
Sharpey's fibers or perforating fibers— intermingle with the outermost lamellae (see Figure 6-8). The internal
and external lamellae, in turn, encompass another, much broader region of compact bone called osteonal bone.
Osteonal bone consists of lamellae that are concentrically arranged to form a cylinder referred to as an osteon or
haversian system (Figures 6-25 and 6-26). Within the center of each osteon is a central space, the osteonal or
haversian canal (central canal) that contains blood vessels, vasomotor nerves, and cells of the cortical
endosteum: osteoblasts and osteoprogenitor cells. An osteon or haversian system is composed then of a long,
sometimes branching, cylinder of compact bone (running parallel to the diaphyses) surrounded often by a
cementing substance (cementing line). Each osteonal canal is interconnected to adjacent osteonal canals by short
communicating canals (Volkmann's canals) that are oriented at right angles to the longitudinal axes of the
osteons (Figure 6-27). In this way, the close and necessary association between bone and blood (for calcium and

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oxygen delivery and so forth) is maintained. Osteons are formed along the perimeter of compact bone by the
asymmetrical formation of interstitial lamellae around an individual blood vessel (Figure 6-28). Eventually the
lamellae and adjacent osteogenic tissue surround the blood vessel and a young osteon is formed. Osteoblasts,
which are now part of the endosteum, secrete the prebone matrix concentrically, and osteocytes become lodged in
the bone matrix in the same manner. The size of the osteonal canal decreases to the point that allows a small
amount of osteogenic tissue, nerve, and blood vessel to coexist. 122
Figure 6-26 Illustration of the compact bone reveals its lamellar organization,
which occurs concentrically within each osteon (Haversian system)
and circumferentially (lamellae), inside the periosteum externally and
endosteum internally. (From Leeson CR, Leeson TS, Paparo AA: Atlas of
histology, Philadelphia, 1985, Saunders).


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Figure 6-27 Light micrographs of communicating canals (arrows) that
interconnect adjacent osteons. A, Longitudinal orientation of a
demineralized canine diaphysis. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×200.)
B, Ground compact bone. The lamellae follow the course of the
communicating canal, cutting across the concentric lamellae of the
two adjacent osteons.


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Figure 6-28 Diagram of osteonal formation along the periosteum of developing
compact bone. Individual osteons arise by asymmetrical buildup of
circumferential lamellae that surround blood vessels, which lie
parallel to the longitudinal axis of the bone (diaphysis). In (A) a small
blood vessel lies within the groove that resulted from two recently
formed osteons. In (B) and (C), lamellar bone grows eccentrically
until surrounding and engulfing the blood vessel, producing a wide
tunnel-like structure lined now by endosteal rather than periosteal
tissue. In (D), concentric lamellae are laid down by the endosteum,
which lines what will become the central canal of a newly formed


All tissues undergo changes during development, and this process does not end with maturation but continues in a
subtle manner and reduced pace as organelles within each cell, cells or portions of cell populations, and

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extracellular materials are gradually replenished. Bone tissue is no exception even though the remarkably
mineralized environment would appear to provide a strong impediment for such a process to occur. Bone
replenishment is an extension of the bone remodeling required during development. While bones become formed,
portions of them are remodeled at the same time. The cancellous bone that is created along the growth plate is not
allowed to grow to the point of being compact, but instead is steadily removed by osteoclastic activity. In this way,
there is sufficient bone in the region between the growth plate and the developing diaphysis, the metaphysis, to
offer the needed structural support for this area. This support is especially important due to the pronounced
shaping of the diaphysis at both distal and proximal metaphyseal regions where resorption occurs along the 125
external surface (see Figure 6-23). As the periosteum contributes new bone to the rest of the shaft externally, 126
osteoclasts are active along the internal perimeter of the diaphysis, and resultantly increase the marrow's width,
while preventing the collar from becoming too thick. Controlled osteoclasia, which is normally guided by physical
stress and endocrine secretions, especially parathyroid hormone (see Table 6-2), and osteogenic activity together
achieve surface modeling and are responsible for proper bone shaping.

At the end of the development of the body's skeleton, bone formation and resorption come into balance, occurring
principally within the internal structure of each adult bone and, as a result, are known as internal bone
remodeling. The remaining trabecular bone also is remodeled and at a faster rate than the remodeling of compact
bone, but represents only a small volume of the total bone in adult mammals. The shift from modeling to
remodeling ensures an appropriate turnover of old, dying osseous tissue. In addition to the removal of dead bone,
other factors can promote remodeling, including extensive and prolonged episodes of physical (biomechanical)
stress; nutritional influences such as deficiencies in vitamins, calcium, or other minerals; decrease in physical
stress or even complete disuse such as during paralysis or fracture repair; and changes in endocrine secretions.

The osseous tissue, here, can consist of an osteonal unit that has become singled out for removal or be independent
of specific osteons. When an area becomes resorbed, only a few osteoclasts are needed at first. As more surface
area of the resorbing osteon is exposed, increasing numbers of osteoclasts are recruited and a cutting zone is in
place (Figure 6-29). Subsequently, an absorption cavity (resorption cavity) is formed, which can exceed the
original diameter of a primary osteon. In this way, a single osteon or a portion of one or two and some of the
adjacent interstitial lamellae can be replaced. Within a short distance of the last line of osteoclasts a line of
osteoblasts takes up residence, forming the reversal line, which seen longitudinally is cone shaped. The reversal
line is much longer than that forming the cutting zone, because of the comparatively slow rate of bone formation
versus bone resorption. For the reasons stated earlier, an increased activity of osteoclasts in compact bone will
make it more porous as a result of too many absorption cavities.

Repair to bone often involves instances when trauma has occurred, such as a fracture to the midriff region of a
long bone. At the site of a break, blood vessels have been ruptured and severed, resulting in a localized
hemorrhage and blood clot that envelops the fracture zone and interrupts blood flow. With the disruption of the
vasculature, nearby osteocytes soon die. The osteons and interstitial bone adjacent to the break weaken as more
osteocytes perish, leaving empty canaliculi and lacunae. This process continues until routes for blood circulation
within the bone and around it have become reestablished. Within a short time, the blood clot is transformed into
granulation tissue as fibroblasts and small blood vessels invade it. Osteogenic cells of the periosteum and
endosteum and multipotential cells of the bone marrow proliferate, forming a callus (Figure 6-30).

The osteogenic cells of the periosteum that are closest to the fracture site and next to newly formed blood vessels
become osteoblastic and produce bony trabeculae, which collectively form a collar that attaches the opposing dead
bone at the fracture site. Other proliferating osteogenic cells, lying outside the newly formed osteoblasts and
growing at faster rates than adjacent blood vessels, become chondroblastic and produce hyaline cartilage within
the external callus. And outside the developing cartilage are osteogenic cells that continue to divide, but remain
osteogenic, having some capillaries. These three regions make up the external callus.

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The osteogenic cells of the endosteum and multipotential cells of the marrow form an internal callus, consisting
of proliferative tissue that can become osteoblastic and produce bony trabeculae as well. The internal and external
calluses collectively form the callus and function together as a natural splint and have the capacity to form new
bone that will attach the broken ends of the fracture site. The cartilage associated with the callus becomes
transformed into bone by endochondral ossification. When the new bone becomes compact, subsequent
remodeling further strengthens the old fracture site. In breaks that are “clean” (relatively even surfaces at the site)
and held solidly in place by a bone fixator device, callus formation, particularly the external callus, can be reduced
considerably and repair is able to proceed rapidly. But a fracture may be severe enough to prevent the successful
formation of a useful callus and bony collar, and thus possibly require the intervention of other measures,
including bone grafts.

6.7.1 JOINTS

When the ends of bones interconnect with each other they form joints that vary in construction according to the
amount of movement normally allowed. Joints associated with little to no movement between adjacent bones 126
are synarthroses and those that function to articulate freely within the confines of a specific range of motion 127
are diarthroses or synovial joints.

Figure 6-29 Diagram of internal remodeling of compact bone involving the

removal of an old osteon by a line of osteoclasts (1) followed by a
line of osteoblasts (2), which build a new osteon.

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Synarthroses joints consist of three types, best exemplified by the junctions of bones that compose the skull.
Adjoining bones, which are held together before maturation by dense connective tissue, are syndesmoses. Upon
complete development of the skeletal system, the dense connective tissue is replaced by bone and the joints are
now classified as synostoses, which prevent the occurrence of any movement. Another example of a
syndesmosis joint is the pubic symphysis. In this instance, adjoining bones are connected by dense connective
tissue as before, but with the assistance of fibrocartilage, which forms an attachment with the caps of hyaline
cartilage at the ends of each bone. Intervertebral disks are another example of this type of joint. Here the caps of 127
hyaline cartilage of adjacent vertebrae are joined by inner lamellae of fibrocartilage, whereas the bones are 128
attached by outer lamellae of dense connective tissue, which together form the annulus fibrosus (see Figure
6-7). The center of the intervertebral disk contains a small cavity filled with a gelatinous material, nucleus
pulposus (Figure 6-31). The nucleus pulposus recedes with age and can be calcified.

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Figure 6-30 Diagram of the process of repair of a bone fracture. (From Gartner
LP, Hiatt JL: Color textbook of histology, Philadelphia, 1997,

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Figure 6-31 Light micrograph of the nucleus pulposus (NP) that lies within the
intervertebral disk of the dog. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×200.)

Synchondrosis represents a third type of synarthrosis joint and consists of adjacent bones that are connected by
hyaline cartilage. An example of this joint is the growth plate within long bones (see Figures 6-21 and 6-24). A
developmental joint, it will be replaced by synostosis as the bones of the epiphyses join the diaphysis.

Diarthroses comprise mostly joints of the extremities and serve to facilitate locomotion. Adjoining bones are
lined by hyaline cartilage (articular cartilage) that normally persists throughout life. As a form of hyaline
cartilage, it is unique in several ways. The cartilage lacks the usual perichondrium, but can still be subdivided
into several zones: the peripheral zone, the middle zone, and the deep zone (Figure 6-32). The zones are
largely distinguished based on the arrangement of the cells and the collagen. In addition, a tidemark consists of
a basophilic thin line that demarcates the border between the calcified and uncalcified layers of the deep zone.
The articular cartilage of adjoining bones is surrounded by a synovial cavity filled with serous fluid (synovial
fluid) and lined by the synovial membrane, which consists of a layer of synovial cells and a small amount of
connective tissue with numerous small blood vessels. The synovial membrane is protected externally by a
fibrous layer of dense connective tissue contiguous with the fibrous layer of the periosteum of both adjacent
bones. The fibrous layer and synovial membrane constitute the joint capsule. The synovial fluid is plasma-like
in its composition and possesses a high level of the glycosaminoglycan hyaluronans, and the glycoprotein
lubricin, both of which are believed to be contributed by the synovial cells. The fluid acts to both nourish and 128

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lubricate the articular cartilage. If changes in the synovial fluid's composition occur, however, such as the result 129
of inflammation, the health of the articular cartilage is very much at risk.

Figure 6-32 Light micrograph of the articular cartilage that externally lines an
epiphysis of a canine bone. Arrows point to the tidemark within the
deep zone. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×200.)


EM Aarden, EH Burger, PJ Nijweide: Function of osteocytes in bone. J Cell Biochem. 55, 1994, 287.

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RA Bergman, AK Afifi, Heidger, PM Jr.: In Histology. 1996, Saunders, Philadelphia.
R Dambrain, B Raphael, A Dhem, J Lebeau: Radiation osteitis of the clavicle following radiotherapy and
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DW Fawcett: In Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology. ed 11, 1986, Saunders, Philadelphia.
E Fu, YD Hsieh, UM Wikesjo, D Liu: Effects of cyclosporin A on alveolar bone: and experimental study in
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LP Gartner, JL Hiatt: In Color textbook of histology. 1997, Saunders, Philadelphia.
AW Ham, DH Cormack: In Histology. ed 8, 1979, Lippincott, Philadelphia.
AW Ham, WR Harris: Repair and transplantation of bone. In Bourne, GH (Ed.): The biochemistry and
physiology of bone. vol 3, 1971, Academic Press, New York.
CR Leeson, TS Leeson, AA Paparo: In Atlas of histology. 1985, Saunders, Philadelphia.
BS Noble, J Reeve: Osteocyte function, osteocyte death and bone fracture resistance. Mol Cell Endocrinol.
159, 2000, 7.
EA Nunez, L Krook, JP Whalen: Effect of calcium depletion and subsequent repletion on parathyroids,
parafollicular (C) cells and bone in growing pigs. Cell Tissue Res. 13, 1976, 373.
CA Poole, SF Wotton, VC Duance: Localization of type IX in chondrons isolated from porcine articular
cartilage and rat chondrosarcoma. Histochem J. 20, 1988, 567.
CA Poole, RT Gilbert, D Herbage, DJ Hartmann: Immunolocalization of type IX collagen in normal and
spontaneously osteoarthritic canine tibial cartilage and isolated chondrons. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 5,
1997, 191.

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7 CHAPTER 7 Blood and Hemopoiesis


• Highly specialized connective tissue, with specialized cells but without usual extracellular matrix (ECM),
involved in gaseous exchange, transport of nutrients, waste materials, and cells of defense.

• Erythrocytes:

provide O2, remove CO2, pH buffer

• Leukocytes:

cells of defense

classified according to:

shape of nucleus

presence and staining reaction of granules

Blood is the circulating fluid connective tissue that supplies O2 and nutrients and removes CO2 and waste materials
to all regions of the body as well as serving as a conduit for the distribution of heat, chemicals, and specialized cells,
which are associated with exchange of respiratory gases and cellular and humoral defense. With its ability to
incessantly move throughout the body, this tissue provides perhaps the body's greatest homeostatic force, especially
with regard to the presence of various sensors that are able to detect changes in temperature, pH, hormone levels, and
osmotic tension.

Blood is composed of the formed elements, the red blood cells, the white blood cells, and clotting cells or portions
of them; platelets; and plasma, the intercellular liquid medium that constitutes blood's ECM. In terms of total volume
of blood, the percentage of the formed elements is approximately 40% (30%-55% depending on the species) in
normal individuals and can be viewed after the centrifugation of collected blood (pretreated with an anticoagulant),
forming the two lowest layers—the hematocrit(Figure 7-1). The lowest layer is by far the largest, being viscous and
red and consisting of red blood cells. The next layer is the buffy coat, which is thin and grayish white and consists of
white blood cells and platelets that form nearly 1% of the total blood volume (Table 7-1). The highest layer is
plasma, which is a clear, yellowish fluid, comprising 55% to 60% of the total blood volume. Blood accounts for 6%
to 11% of the total body weight of most mammals, and is greatest in large animals.

The histological examination of blood can be a useful tool for the assessment of general health and disease,
especially in diagnosing hematological diseases. This examination is best performed by creating blood smears,
which involves placing one drop of blood pretreated with an anticoagulant such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
(EDTA) onto a glass slide and spreading and air-drying (and methanol preserving) the blood preparation evenly into 130
a single layer. The blood is then stained with a mixture of two contrasting dyes that will reveal each cell's cytoplasm 131
and nucleus (Table 7-2).

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TABLE 7-1 Averaged Blood Count for RBC among Domestic Mammals with
Diameter Size in Parentheses and Averaged Blood Count for WBC with
Percentage of Total WBC in Parentheses
6 3 3 3 3 3
ANIMAL (×10 μl) (×10 μl) (×10 μl) (×10 μl) (×10 μl) (×10 μl)
Cat 7.5 7.6 0.65 Rare 4.0 0.35
(5.8 μm) (59.5) (5) (<0.5) (32) (3)
Dog 6.8 7.1 0.55 Rare 2.8 0.75
(7.0 μm) (70.8) (4) (<0.5) (20) (5)
Cow 7.0 2.0 0.7 0.05 4.5 0.4
(5.8 μm) (28.5) (9) (0.5) (58) (4)
Horse 9.0 4.8 0.3 0.05 3.5 0.39
(5.5 μm) (53.5) (3.4) (0.5) (39) (4.3)
Pig 6.5 5.7 0.5 0.01 8.0 0.8
(6.0 μm) (38) (3.5) (0.5) (53) (5)
Modified from Jain NC: Essentials of veterinary hematology, Philadelphia, 1993, Lea & Febiger.
* Include banded form.

Figure 7-1 Illustration of anticoagulated blood that has been separated by

centrifugation into three layers: the bottom red blood cell layer; the thin,
middle white blood cell layer, also known as the buffy coat, which
together with the red blood cell layer comprises the hematocrit; and the
top, large plasma layer. (From Cunningham JG: Textbook of veterinary
physiology, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1997, Saunders).


The formed elements are suspended in the liquid ECM known as plasma. Plasma not only provides fluidity for
cell motility but also is a medium for electrolytes and organic compounds. Thus it consists primarily of water

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(93%) with most of the remainder being protein. Plasma proteins are formed in the liver and are released into its
capillaries. Several primary proteins, including globulin and albumin, play roles in immune responses and
transportation of hormones, metals and other materials, and fibrinogen, which promotes blood coagulation.
Approximately 1% of plasma consists of electrolytes, nitrogenous compounds, gases, and nutrients. Among the
+ − −
electrolytes, Na , Cl , and HCO3 are the most common. The nitrogenous compounds are primarily associated
with waste products such as creatine, uric acid, and urea nitrogen. Nutrients within blood plasma include glucose,
lipids and lipoproteins, amino acids, and some vitamins. In addition to these substances, plasma carries minuscule
amounts of hormones.

Most of the plasma easily diffuses from the lumen of the smallest blood vessels (capillaries) across the endothelial
lining into adjacent tissues. However, some of the components, particularly the plasma proteins, often remain at
much higher concentrations than in the tissues' fluids because they are not able to cross the capillary's
endothelium. It should be kept in mind that certain tissues of the body have fenestrated blood vessels, such as the
thyroid, and consequently, in these portions of the body there is very little difference in the composition of tissue
fluid and plasma.



Of the cells that are normally located in blood, the red blood cell, or erythrocyte, is by far most common, 131
3 132
having, for example, a density of 5000 to 8000 × 10 cells/mL of blood in the dog or roughly 500 to 1000 times
greater than cellular density of white blood cells. By comparison, platelets in the dog range approximately 200
to 600 × 10 cells/mL. The erythrocyte is anucleated, disk shaped, and biconcave among mammals, ranging
from 4 to 9μm in diameter, greatest in dogs among domestic species, and less than 1μm in its central thickness
(Figure 7-2). By being biconcave, the erythrocyte retains a large surface area for gaseous exchange while
remaining narrow and flexible for excellent fluidity, especially within the small lumen of capillaries. The
mature erythrocyte lacks not only a nucleus but also the full complement of organelles found in most cells. At
maturation, each red blood cell is equipped to perform its functions for a limited amount of time, having life
expectancies that can range in domestic species from a little more than 2 months in cats to nearly 6 months in
cattle. The biconcave shape of the cell is largely due to the filamentous arrangement of the contractile protein,
spectrin, which is closely associated with the cell membrane.

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TABLE 7-2 Hematologic Staining


Wright: Wright's powder w/methyl Erythrocyte: yellowish red Most effective on thin films
alcohol Nuclei: purple, deep blue
Basophilic granules: deep purple
Eosinophilic granules: pink to red-orange
Neutrophilic granules: reddish brown to lilac
Monocyte granules: azure
Lymphocyte granules: reddish azure against sky blue
Platelets: violet to purple
Methylene blue, azure A, and eosin Basophilic granules: deep blue with reddish cast Most effective on thick films
Y Eosinophilic granules: bright red
Neutrophilic granules: pale purple pink and indistinct
Platelets: pale purple or lavender
Wilcox method (Wright-Giesma): Erythrocyte: pink Effective on thick to thin films
Giesma in glycerin, Wright staining Nuclei: reddish purple
solution Basophilic granules: deep purple
Eosinophilic granules: pink to red-orange
Neutrophilic granules: reddish brown to lilac
Monocyte granules: azure
Lymphocyte granules: reddish azure against sky blue
Platelets: violet to purple

Not all red blood cells of mammals are clearly biconcave. In ruminants and pigs erythrocytes have a tendency
to be flat, lacking a central pallor seen in carnivores, horses, and primates. In some ruminants (deer and goats)
the erythrocytes can even vary in shape, a condition known as poikilocytosis. More commonly, the size of
individual red blood cells within an individual sample can vary considerably (Figure 7-3). And in members of
the camel family, Camellidae, erythrocytes are elliptically shaped.

Immature erythrocytes occasionally appear in circulation under normal circumstances in some species, such as
dogs and cats, but not in others (ruminants and horses). The immature erythrocyte seen in peripheral blood is
called the reticulocyte, which is anucleated and polychromatic, reacting eosinophilically and basophilically
(Figure 7-4). This cell still has some of the machinery for protein synthesis, including ribosomes, rough
endoplasmic reticulum (rER), and mitochondria. In states of heightened erythropoietic activity these cells are
observed in greater frequency and can serve as an indicator of increased red blood cell formation.

The principal function of the erythrocyte is to transport hemoglobin, the molecule responsible for carrying and
exchanging the gases, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. During the normal development of each erythrocyte,
hemoglobin is synthesized to a maximum level, which comprises nearly one third of its total volume.
Hemoglobin is a large conjugated protein that possesses four polypeptide chains, each covalently bound to 132
heme, an iron-binding porphyrin. Hemoglobin that carries oxygen is referred to as oxyhemoglobin, and that 135
which carries carbon dioxide is carboxyhemoglobin.

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Figure 7-2 A, Scanning and transmission (inset) electron micrographs of

mammalian erythrocytes or discocytes reveal their characteristic
biconcavity. B, Light micrograph of feline erythrocytes with palely
stained concaved centers. (Wright-Giemsa stain; ×1000.) (A from
Leeson TS, Leeson CR: A brief atlas of histology, Philadelphia, 1979,

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Figure 7-3 Light micrograph of bovine erythrocytes reveals considerable

variation in their size (anisocytosis) and to a lesser extent in their
shape (poikilocytosis). (Wright-Giemsa stain; ×1000.)

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Figure 7-4 A, Light micrograph of canine erythrocytes, including four large

reticulocytes (polychromatophilic erythrocytes) having additional
basophilic reaction (arrows). (Wright-Giemsa stain; ×1000.) B, Light
micrograph (×1000) of reticulocytes revealed by the new methylene
blue reticulocyte stain. (From Harvey JW: Atlas of veterinary
hematology: blood and bone marrow of domestic animals,
Philadelphia, 2001, Saunders.)

The nondescript cytosol of the erythrocyte and its cell membrane contain other proteins that assist in its ability
to exchange gases. One of the proteins is the enzyme methemoglobin reductase, which is able to convert
methemoglobin with iron in the ferric form to the reduced hemoglobin with iron in the functional ferrous form,
having now a greater affinity for O2. Hemoglobin in its reduced state readily loads oxygen, but in
oxygen-depleted tissues, O2 is released and CO2 is taken up by the globin moiety. The release of O2 is further
facilitated by the carbohydrate 2,3-diphosphoglyceride (2,3-DPG), which effectively causes a decrease in
hemoglobin's affinity for O2. Moreover, if the level of 2,3-DPG should increase within the cell, the level or
amount of hemoglobin decreases. In localized hypoxic conditions within the body, tissues may release
2,3-DPG, thus promoting the further release of O2.

Another of the proteins of the erythrocyte is the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, which combines CO2 and H2O
− +
to form carbonic acid, which readily dissociates into HCO3 (bicarbonate) and H . Enzymes associated with the
glycolytic pathway and monophosphate shunt are present as well; they are necessary for the production of the

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high-energy compound, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), needed to maintain the activity of carbonic anhydrase
and methemoglobin reductase. It is ironic that anaerobic pathways are used exclusively to perform the
previously described activities in such an oxygen-enriched environment.


Under normal circumstances leukocytes, or white blood cells, comprise only a tiny fraction of the total number
of blood cells circulating throughout the body (see Figure 7-1 and Table 7-1). As the central mechanism for the
defense against the invasion of foreign materials, including pathogens, leukocytes use the circulatory system as
a means to move to a particular site that has chemotactically attracted them. Within blood these cells assume a
spherical shape, offering the least resistance to fluidity as possible. However, upon leaving the bloodstream by
moving between adjacent endothelial cells (i.e., diapedesis), leukocytes become pleomorphic and can quickly
reshape into any number of forms. Leukocytes can be subdivided into two fairly broad categories: cells that
have segmented or distinctly lobed nuclei and granule-rich cytoplasms, segmented leukocytes or granulocytes,
which consist of neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils (Figure 7-5, A-C); and cells that possess nonsegmented
nuclei and lack granules, mononuclear leukocytes or agranulocytes, which consist of monocytes and
lymphocytes. Neutrophil

The most common type of white blood cell in many species is the neutrophil, which receives its name of
Latin (neuter = neither) and Greek (philein = to love) derivation from the general inability of its granules to
be stained by either acidophilic or basophilic dyes and reagents. In dogs and cats the neutrophil, also known
as the polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN), comprises the largest population of leukocytes (two thirds or
more) that normally circulates in the bloodstream and functions to defend against microbial infection (Tables
7-3 and 7-4; see also Table 7-1). When observed in blood smears, the nucleus of this cell is heterochromatic
and highly segmented, with distinct lobes that are attached to each other by thin threads of chromatin and
nucleoplasm (Figure 7-6). In female animals an extra lobe in the shape of a small “drumstick,” representing
the Barr body, may be visible. The diameter of neutrophils ranges from 9 to 15μm, being often smaller than
the eosinophils but nearly the same size as basophils present in the blood smear being examined. The
cytoplasm contains numerous granules interspersed with polysomes, Golgi apparatus, glycogen, and
occasional mitochondria (Figure 7-7). Like the erythrocyte, the neutrophil uses anerobic metabolism for
energy production.

Granules of the neutrophil are generally pale, but can be mildly eosinophilic, especially in some animals
such as sheep and goats (Figure 7-8). Occasionally, large granules stain more intensely than smaller
granules. In guinea pigs and rabbits, the large granules stain red, making the cytoplasm of these cells appear
polychromatic. In those instances, the neutrophils are called heterophils, a term used more commonly for
this cell type in nonmammals. In most species the granules are small (approximately 0.1μm in diameter),
especially in dogs, comprising the specific granules, which contain bactericidal enzymes and other
substances needed to facilitate antimicrobial activity. Larger, less numerous granules, known as the
azurophilic granules, are true primary lysosomes that also contain a variety of bactericidal substances
including lysozyme, acid hydrolases, bactericidal permeability increasing (BPI) protein, myeloperoxidase,
elastase, collagenase, and cathepsin G.

The neutrophil is one of the first cells to defend against the invasion of microorganisms and is particularly
effective in combating bacteria. As these cells circulate throughout the body, they can be contacted by 135
chemotactic agents, which direct their move-ment to the source of the invasion. At the site of an infection, 140

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the neutrophil begins to phagocytize the foreign organisms and concomitantly release hydro-lytic enzymes
into the extracellular matrix. Engulfed microorganisms become fused with azurophilic granules and
subsequently are destroyed. In addition to the lytic enzymes such as lysozyme and acid hydrolases held
within the specific and azurophilic granules, other bactericidal substances come into play. For example,

reactive oxygen compounds (superoxide, O2 ; hydrogen peroxide, H2O2) are formed and released to the
microorganisms as they are held within the secondary lysosomes. The protein lactoferrin is also released,
which binds and chelates available iron, limiting certain bacteria that require this element for their growth.
When a neutrophil has begun the process of engulfing and eradicating the invading microorganisms, it will
soon die. The combination of destroyed foreign objects, dead and dying leukocytes, and damaged associated
tissues produces pus. The combative process of these dying cells does not end with their death, but instead
continues through the production and release of leukotrienes at their cell membranes, which in turn signals
the call for more leukocytes.

Figure 7-5 Illustration of examples of the category of leukocytes: the

segmented leukocyte or granulocyte consisting of A, canine
neutrophil; B, feline eosinophil; and C, equine basophil.

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TABLE 7-3 White Blood Cell Histological Characteristics and Life Spans

Neutrophil Highly segmented Colorless at Secondary Circulating Nonsegmented
at maturity, with maturity granules are half-life is 4 to 6 (banded) nuclei in
distinct narrowing numerous and hours in the dog; normal animals vary in
of nucleus nonreactive or 7–14 hours amount from less than
between lobes; mildly acidophilic among different 0.5% (ruminants) to
outline most in routine stains; animals nearly 3% (pig) and,
scalloped/jagged primary granules when greater than
in the horse; in younger stages normal, range can be
variably stain red-purple clinically significant
Eosinophil Distinctly Stains faintly blue Affinity for eosin Circulating Eosinophils in dogs,
segmented but in most species; half-life is especially greyhounds,
less lobulated often round but approximately 30 can be vacuolated and
than neutrophils, rod shaped in minutes in the dog misinterpreted as
often being domestic cats; vacuolated neutrophils
bilobed; can be especially large in by inexperienced
banded or less horses and small observation
mature but in ruminants
generally of little
except for
Basophil Often least Stains light blue Affinity for basic Comparable to Granules are especially
segmented of the to purple (blue) dyes of neutrophil numerous in
granulocytes; as in routine stains; ruminants and pigs
eosinophils, size, number, and and least populated in
banded forms are staining the dog; in the cat the
mostly of little characteristics granules stain lavender
clinical vary by species
except for
extreme basophilia
Monocyte Nonsegmented Stains blue-gray Occasional pink Circulating Cells with banded
but often variably with variably sized to red-purple half-life is nuclei can be confused
shaped, being vacuoles granules approximately with banded
either round, 2–3 days neutrophils if marked
indented, kidney toxicity is present in
shaped, band the neutrophils; cells
shaped, with rounded nuclei
convoluted, or can be confused with
clover leaf— large lymphocytes
shaped; variably

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Lymphocyte Nonsegmented, Clear to light blue Often agranular, Most cells are Cells have high N
round to oval; can staining, but can but some cells long-lived (few (nucleus):C
be slightly be darker blue in can have red- to months to years), (cytoplasm) ratios,
indented and reactive cells purple-staining being mostly T being highest in
variable in size granules, usually cells; remainder smaller cells; most
depending on the within medium to are short-lived, cells being small to
cell size; often large cells, which few hours to 5 medium in size, but
heterochromatic generally have days, being B and often larger in
more cytoplasm T cells ruminants with more
cytoplasm difficult to
distinguish at times
from monocytes

TABLE 7-4 Roles of Leukocytes and Correlation with Specific Morphological



Neutrophil Ingestion and subsequent Primary or azurophililic granules are formed initially, their number
destruction and digestion of greatest in the promyelocyte stage; at maturity these granules are not
bacteria usually revealed by routine blood film stains; weakly stained secondary
or specific granules form later during myelocyte stage; lysosomes or
tertiary granules form last; all granule types contain variety of
hydrolytic enzymes
Eosinophil Destruction, digestion, and control Presence of many azurophilic granules that can be large and either
of metazoan parasites; ingestion of become transformed into crystalloid granules or remain homogeneous
antigen-antibody complexes; at maturity; in some species (horse and cow) the azurophilic granules
contributes to regulation of remain homogeneous, whereas in others (cat and guinea pig) they
allergic and acute inflammatory become mostly crystalloid
Basophil Elicitation of hypersensitive Like mast cell, presence of granules that store heparin, histamine
reaction through secretion of (relatively low), ECF-A, NCF, and proteoglycans among other
stored vasoactive mediators by substances; basophil precursors may or may not contain
degranulation; mediation of metachromatic granules, which are generally homogeneous in
inflammatory responses appearance; at maturity granules may remain homogeneous (in
rodents) or vary in appearance (by electron microscopy)
Monocyte Precursors to macrophages; Although cytoplasm may be comparatively abundant, granules are
ingestion and presentation of relatively few and azurophilic (red-purple); nucleus can assume most
antigens any form (ameboid); primary granules consist of sparsely populated
lysosomes; blue staining of cytoplasm is largely due to abundance of
rER and polysomes and associated RNA
LymphocyteCell-mediated immune response (T Cytoplasm is least abundant among the leukocytes, especially sparse in
cells); humorally mediated small lymphocytes; occasional presence of few small azurophilic
immune response (B cells) granules
ECF-A, Eosinophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis; NCF, neutrophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis; rER, rough
endoplasmic reticulum; RNA, ribonucleic acid.

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Figure 7-6 Light micrograph of a mature neutrophil in a female cat, with a

characteristic narrowing of the nucleus between lobes.
(Wright-Giemsa stain; ×1000.)

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Figure 7-7 Transmission electron micrographs of a canine neutrophil. A,

Taken from a blood sample, this neutrophil is seen with two
segments of its nucleus (Nu) centrally positioned among the
numerous granules, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and other
elements of the cytoplasm. B, In small vasculature such as
capillaries as seen here, the cell with three nuclear segments
conforms to the luminal shape.

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Figure 7-8 Light micrograph of a bovine neutrophil with a pale eosinophilic

cytoplasm. (Wright-Giemsa stain; ×1000.) Eosinophil

The eosinophil is the second most frequently observed leukocyte circulating in normal peripheral blood
(Figures 7-9 and 7-10). This type of granulocyte comprises approximately 3% to 9% of the total leukocyte
population and is primarily involved in either combating parasite infestation or regulating allergic and/or
inflammatory processes (see Tables 7-1, 7-3, and 7-4). It possesses a polymorphous nucleus that is generally
less heterochromatic and segmented than that of the neutrophil, being bilobed or to a lesser extent trilobed,
but rarely more than that.

The granules in this leukocyte react eosinophilically in primates and many other species, and consequently
this feature is used traditionally as the defining morphological characteristic for this cell type. Nevertheless,
there is still some variation of staining among species. In ruminants and pigs the granules stain more orange
than red. In most instances (the dog is the most notable exception) the granules within each cell are evenly
sized and fairly interspersed between polysomes, rER, scattered mitochondria, and dictyosomes of the Golgi
apparatus (see Figures 7-5 and 7-10). In canine eosinophils the granules tend to be less packed and more
irregular in size and shape than those of other animals (see Figure 7-9). There is considerable variation in the
size of the granules across different species (see Table 7-3 and Figures 7-9 and 7-10). As in neutrophils, the
granules of eosinophils are lysosomes that consist of two types: specific granules and azurophilic granules.
The azurophilic granules are present mostly during the cellular development within the bone marrow, and 140
replaced as the cells mature by the specific granules. The specific granules can be round or oblong, 141
depending on the species, and contain an electron-dense core when viewed ultrastructurally (see Figure 7-5).

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Figure 7-9 Light micrograph of a canine eosinophil. (Wright-Giemsa stain;


Figure 7-10 Light micrograph of an equine eosinophil (1) and lymphocyte (2).
(Wright-Giemsa stain; ×1000.)

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The eosinophil is another phagocytically active cell that, too, depends on anerobic (glycolytic) respiration for
its source of energy. Phagocytosis is not as prominent as in the neutrophil and is directed more toward the
ingestion of antigen-antibody complexes than toward the ingestion and destruction of microorganisms.
Eosinophils are not nearly equipped to deal with an invasion of microorganisms such as bacteria as
neutrophils are. The lysosomes lack many of the bactericidal substances found in neutrophil granules. 141
Instead, the granular contents of these cells possess cationic proteins that enable them to combat parasitic 142
worms (helminths) effectively.

Figure 7-11 Light micrograph of a canine basophil (1) and nearby neutrophil
(2). (Wright-Giemsa stain; ×1000.)

The cell membrane of the eosinophil is able to bind leukotrienes, histamine, and eosinophil chemotactic
factor (ECF), which are factors that help guide this type of granulocyte to a specific location of a parasitic
invasion, inflammation, or allergic reaction. Once at the location, they can either release cationic proteins,
which will subsequently kill the parasitic worms, or ingest antigen-antibody complexes and release
substances that will control the inflammatory response. Basophil

In normal blood, the basophil is the least frequently observed leukocyte, representing 0% to 3% of the total
blood cell population in circulation. The granules contained in this cell react positively to Giemsa, staining
blue, and, as in neutrophils and eosinophils, consist of two types: specific granules and azurophilic
granules. The specific granules are the predominant type, located throughout the cytoplasm between rER,
Golgi apparatus, and mitochondria, and contain many of the substances found in the granules of mast cells,

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including heparin, histamine, and eosinophilic chemotactic factor (see Table 7-4 and Figure 7-5). The size,
shape, number, and content of these granules vary according to the species. In dogs they are generally fewer
in number and larger in size than those in other domestic animals, especially horses and cows (Figures 7-11
and 7-12). In cats, the granules are small and rod shaped and exhibit a lavender reaction when stained with
Giemsa or Giemsa-Wright (Figure 7-13), whereas in pigs, the granules can be globose or dumbbell shaped.

The azurophilic granules, as in the other granulocytes, are lysosomes within the cytoplasm that reflect a
similar phagocytic capability. Phagocytosis by basophils, however, is very limited. These cells appear
primarily to play a role in directing inflammatory activities in a manner that is comparable with that
performed by mast cells. Molecules of immunoglobulin E (IgE) derived from plasma cells become attached
to the cell membrane of the basophil and form cell-surface Fc receptor sites in an identical fashion that
occurs in mast cells. Likewise, the binding of antigens to these molecules results in the release of the
granule's contents, which are water soluble and readily degranulate in the ECM, but occurs at a more gradual
rate than those of mast cells.

The morphology of the nucleus of the basophil varies considerably, being strongly segmented in some
instances and simply bilobed in other instances. In animals, such as the horse, that have darkly stained 142
granules that fill the cytoplasm, the nucleus is often masked, making it difficult to determine the shape of the 144
nucleus (see Figure 7-12).

Figure 7-12 Light micrograph of an equine basophil. (Wright-Giemsa stain;


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Figure 7-13 Light micrograph of a feline basophil (1) and eosinophil (2).
(Wright-Giemsa stain; ×1000.) Monocyte

The monocyte, typically the largest of the blood-borne cells (12-18μm in diameter), possesses a nucleus that
is often eccentrically positioned and variably shaped. When viewed in a smear, the nucleus can be either
slightly indented, U shaped, kidney shaped, or trilobed in a cloverleaf manner (Figures 7-14 and 7-15).
Although the cytoplasm lacks the distinguishing granules, that is, the specific granules that occur in the
previously described white blood cells, it is comparatively large, having a grayish blue cast with azurophilic
granules, and in an activated state is often interrupted by vacuole-like bodies that make it appear foamy.
Ultrastructurally, the cytoplasm is found to have many lysosomes, often in different stages of activity (i.e.,
primary and secondary lysosomes), scattered rER, polysomes, mitochondria, and glycogen. At the periphery
of the cell, filopodia may be present, particularly in active cells, along with an associated, well-developed
outer rim of cytoskeletal elements (ectoplasm), including microtubules and microfilaments (Figure 7-16).

As one of the cells of defense, the monocyte is capable of phagocytic activity and, in fact, provides that
capability more than any other function during a pathogenic invasion. The lysosomes (azurophilic granules)
vary in size, shape, and number according to the extent of the attack. These cells usually stay in circulation
within the bloodstream for only a few days, but when leaving peripheral blood and entering adjacent tissues
as macrophages, they can survive for months (see Table 7-3). The blood-borne monocytes and tissue-held
macrophages comprise the mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS). They function to engulf and break
down intra- and extracellular foreign matter including bacteria; fungi; protozoans and viruses; dead, dying,
or transformed cells; and cell debris. In addition, the MPS is able to make various cytokines (interleukin-1
and interleukin-3, and tumor necrosis factor) that can initiate the inflammatory response and assist in the

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proliferation of blood cells, specifically granulocytes and erythrocytes. Selected macrophages called
antigenic presenting cells have the ability to ingest foreign materials and make them “antigenic.” Having
surface receptors for all immunoglobulins, the antigens taken in are processed and their most antigenic
portions are now presented to lymphocytes (B or T), which in turn combat the impending threat.

Figure 7-14 Light micrograph of an equine monocyte (1) in the presence of a

neutrophil (2). (Wright-Giemsa stain; ×1000.) Lymphocyte
The lymphocyte is the second most common leukocyte in many species and the predominant leukocyte in 145
swine and ruminants (see Table 7-1). Morphologically this cell type is the least pleomorphic of the
circulating white blood cells, having a round, sometimes indented nucleus that occupies most of the cell's
protoplasm (Figures 7-17 and 7-18). Lymphocytes can vary considerably in size and often are categorized as
large (10-15μm in diameter) and small (6-9μm in diameter) or large, medium, and small. When comparing
the two size categories on the basis of their histology, the large lymphocyte often has several nucleoli within
its nucleus, which may or may not be indented, and the cytoplasm tends to be more abundant and stain more 145
evenly than small lymphocytes. By comparison, the small lymphocyte tends to have little cytoplasm, which 147
can stain blue, surrounding the often round and quite basophilic nucleus. Small nonspecific, azurophilic
granules or lysosomes may be observed. Of the two size groups, small lymphocytes are the most frequently
encountered, especially in carnivores. Large lymphocytes are more often observed in ruminants than in
carnivores (see Table 7-3).

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Figure 7-15 Light micrograph of a bovine monocyte. (Wright-Giemsa stain;


Figure 7-16 Transmission electron micrograph (×10,000), of a canine

monocyte with its eccentrically placed nucleus (Nu) and long
pseudopodial processes (arrows).

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Figure 7-17 Light micrograph of bovine lymphocytes. (Wright-Giemsa stain;


Figure 7-18 Transmission electron micrograph (×5000), of a canine

lymphocyte (L) and adjacent neutrophil (N).

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Functionally the lymphocyte provides immunological defense for the body, as the principal cell type of the
immune system. As in the case of the other cells of defense that circulate in the bloodstream, lymphocytes
are principally active in the various tissues that they have migrated to after leaving the vasculature. On a
functional basis, the lymphocyte can be categorized into three types: B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, and
natural killer (NK) cells. Histologically these cells are indistinguishable from one another. However, each
type can be revealed by immunohistochemical methods that demonstrate differences of their surface
receptors. Of the three types, the T lymphocyte is the most common, comprising 80% or so of the total
population of lymphocytes circulating in the body. This cell type is involved in cellular or cell-mediated
immunity and can become one of several subtypes when exposed to an antigen. B lymphocytes, however,
give rise to plasma cells and provide humoral immunity, producing blood-borne antibodies. When
antigenically stimulated, both T and B lymphocytes are able to further proliferate and subdivide into effector
and memory cells, the former participating in an immune response and the latter awaiting activity at the next
exposure to a specific antigen. In addition to T and B lymphocytes are natural killer cells, which are
comparatively few in number and are able to destroy foreign cells directly (without the influence of T or B
lymphocytes, lacking T or B cell markers) by cell-mediated cytotoxicity.


Within the bloodstream, portions of cells or cell fragments that lack nuclei and occur between the erythrocytes
and leukocytes and are called platelets. When viewing blood smears, platelets can vary in shape and size, being
round (spherical), disc-shaped and elliptical and ranging from 1 to 5μm in width (Figure 7-19). These structures
are derived from a giant cell, the megakaryocyte, which is housed solely in bone marrow. Newly formed
platelets have a fairly short lifespan, lasting less than 2 weeks in peripheral blood. The central area of each
platelet, the granulomere, reacts positively to the traditionally used stains for blood smears, while the
peripheral portion remains clear, the hyalomere. The hyalomere contains aggregates of microtubules that run
parallel to each other and the cell membrane (within the ectoplasm) and provide the appropriate infrastructure
that is needed to maintain their shape (see Figure 7-19). The granulomere, however, contains scattered
mitochondria, peroxisomes, lysosomes, glycogen, and granules of three types: α, δ (electron dense), and γ
(lysosomal). The glycocalyx of platelets is well developed, forming an exterior coat that provides strong
adhesive capability.

The platelet performs a central role in hemostasis and blood clotting or coagulation. During episodes when
blood vessels are damaged, the pooling of blood outside the vessel is limited in part to the platelets' ability to
aggregate and form a blood clot or primary hemostatic plug. Upon injury to a blood vessel, platelets contact
and adhere to the endothelium and adjacent collagen at the wound site as well as to each other. These
well-designed cell fragments, in fact, become activated and release their granules, which further enhances blood
clotting, causing a larger clot or secondary hemostatic plug to form. Through a combination of plasma factors,
platelet adhesion and the secretion of their blood clotting factors via the granules, and factors released by the
injured endothelium, a successful clot is formed.


In nonmammalian blood a number of histological differences exist when compared with mammalian blood. The
differences are, in fact, greatest when comparing erythrocyte morphology. Mature reptilian and avian
erythrocytes are considerably larger than those in mammals, approximately 12μm long, generally elliptical
(sometimes referred to as elliptocytes), and nucleated (Figure 7-20). The nucleus can be equally elliptical or
oval to round and heterochromatic. The cytoplasm typically is stained by eosin shades of pink to a pale orange.

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The leukocytes of nonmammalian blood vary to some degree when compared with those of mammalian blood,
especially with regard to the granulocytes, which tend to be smaller in diameter as a whole in nonmammalian
blood. The most common granulocyte in reptilian and avian blood is the heterophil, which is the counterpart to
the neutrophil in mammalian blood (Figure 7-21). The granules are usually rod shaped and often stain pink, but
variably—some are reddish (in birds) and others hardly staining at all or containing darkly stained granules (in
reptiles). The nucleus is polymorphous, particularly in birds, which can have as many as five lobes. In reptiles
the degree of nuclear segmentation is generally less and often appears unilobular and pale staining. 147
Figure 7-19 A, Light micrograph of clustered feline platelets. (Wright-Giemsa
stain; ×1000.) B, Transmission electron micrograph (×50,000), of a
canine hyalomere portion of a platelet next to the endothelial (En)
lining of a blood vessel. Arrows point to microtubules, which
provide cytoskeletal support to this structure.


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Figure 7-20 Light micrograph of nonmammalian (American alligator)
erythrocytes. Arrow points to a thrombocyte. (Wright-Giemsa stain;

Figure 7-21 Light micrograph of a nonmammalian (American alligator)

heterophil (1) and eosinophil (2). (Wright-Giemsa stain; ×1000.)


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Figure 7-22 Light micrograph of a nonmammalian (American alligator) basophil.
(Wright-Giemsa stain; ×1000.)

The eosinophil of nonmammalian animals is comparable with the mammalian eosinophil in general appearance
and function and can be distinguished from heterophils within the same blood smear on the uniform
eosinophilic staining of the granules and their round shape (see Figure 7-21). In birds, the nucleus of the
eosinophil is less lobulated than the heterophil.

The nonmammalian basophil is also comparable with the mammalian basophil in general appearance and
function, having same dark blue staining granules that easily separate these granulocytes from the other two
types (Figure 7-22). The nucleus of the basophil, however, is not distinctly segmented or lobulated in avian or
reptilian blood.

Lymphocytes of nonmammalian animals are nearly identical to mammalian lymphocytes and can have small
and large types with round to slightly indented heterochromatic nuclei and small amounts of cytoplasm (Figures
7-23 and 7-24; see also Figure 7-17). On occasion, lymphocytes can be confused with another leukocyte that
circulates within the nonmammalian bloodstream. As in mammals, large lymphocytes can be misconstrued for
monocytes and vice versa. The nonmammalian monocyte can be the largest of all leukocytes. The nucleus
varies to a moderate degree in shape, from round to elongated and sometimes indented, but this pleomorphism
isn't nearly as marked as that seen in mammalian monocytes. Thus in those instances in which this cell is
relatively inactive, the monocyte may be mistaken for a large lymphocyte. When the cytoplasm is vacuolated
and foamy in appearance, the monocyte is more easily distinguished from the large lymphocyte.

The small nonmammalian lymphocyte may be confused with a different cell type within the bloodstream, the
thrombocyte. The thrombocyte functions in the same capacity as the platelet, but it is a nucleated cell that is

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smaller in overall size than neighboring erythrocytes (see Figures 7-20, 7-23, and 7-24). The nucleus within
each cell is usually round and can be irregular in outline. The cytoplasm often has a clear, foamy appearance or
can stain a light blue with few to numerous vacuoles, which to some extent can depend on the degree of
activation. In some avian species, such as the rosy flamingo, the thrombocyte can be spindle shaped, allowing
one to easily recognize this cell type. Generally, the foamy characteristics of the cytoplasm, the somewhat
irregular outline of the nucleus, and the clustering potential of these cells are the clues used for the observer to
distinguish them from small lymphocytes.


The formation of blood cells before and after birth is called hemopoiesis (hematopoiesis) and occurs at different
locations prenatally and within the bone marrow in birds and mammals postnatally. During fetal development, 150
blood cells originate from the mesenchyme of the yolk sac as small islands of erythroblastic cells. Subsequently, 152
stem cells for blood cell formation migrate to the liver and eventually to the spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, and
bone marrow. Shortly after birth, hemopoiesis within the liver and spleen is principally replaced by hemopoiesis
within the bone marrow, especially regarding erythropoiesis and granulocytopoiesis. Even though the liver and
spleen stop hemopoietic activity, they have the capacity to return to that activity if necessary. The marrow of the
long bones, ribs, vertebrae, pelvis, skull, and sternum becomes the primary center of blood formation within the
young, developing individual. With age, hemopoiesis becomes reduced in activity and the marrow of the bones
changes from red (red marrow) to yellow (yellow marrow) as adipose tissue is added increasingly in these areas,
particularly within the diaphyses of long bones.

Figure 7-23 Light micrograph of a nonmammalian (American alligator)

lymphocyte (1), heterophils (2), and thrombocyte (3). (Wright-Giemsa
stain; ×1000.)

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Figure 7-24 Light micrograph of a nonmammalian (chicken) lymphocyte adjacent

to a cluster of thrombocytes. (Wright-Giemsa stain; ×1000.)

Figure 7-25 Light micrograph (×100) of canine bone marrow surrounded by

spongy or trabecular bone.

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During growth, bone marrow occupies most of the potential space in bones previously mentioned (long bones,
ribs, etc.) and is separated from the bony matrices by the endosteum (Figure 7-25). In long bones this space
consists primarily of the medullary cavity and the area or interstices between the trabeculae of woven or spongy,
including cancellous, bone. These areas are interlaced with thin-walled sinusoids that originate from branches of
nutrient arteries that have entered the diaphysis through nutrient foramina. The sinusoids, in turn, drain into central
veins that leave the marrow by the nutrient canal. Cells of hemopoiesis surround the sinusoids, and as new blood
cells are generated, they eventually cross the sinusoid wall (consisting of a thin basal lamina and sparse adventitia
with or without its own cells; adventitial reticular cell), and squeeze between adjacent endothelial cells that line
the wall (Figure 7-26).

The bone marrow is then divided into two entities: the vascular compartment, which is composed of the arteries,
veins, and sinusoids; and the hemopoietic compartment, which houses the hemopoietic cells and adventitia. The
adventitia's reticular cells and small collagen (reticular) fiber provide the necessary support structure and
appropriate environment for effective blood cell formation and development. In older bone marrow the adventitial
reticular cells can become adipocytes. This phenomenon, which occurs first within the central portion of the
medullary cavity and progresses toward the periphery, is inversely associated with the rate of blood formation and
can be considered an aging event. Within the hemopoietic compartment, stem cells and the cells that they give rise 152
to are regionalized to some degree according to their proximal location to the sinusoids. The cells that generate 153
new erythrocytes and megakaryocytes are situated next to the walls of the sinusoids, whereas those that produce
new granulocytes are located away from the sinusoids. Most of the cells within the hemopoietic compartment are
not stem cells and adventitial reticular cells, but rather immature blood cells that are in different stages of
development (Figure 7-27). Active macrophages also are involved in the removal and breakdown of nuclei that
have been recently extruded from developing red blood cells.

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Figure 7-26 Illustration of rabbit bone marrow revealing the different cells
involved in hemopoiesis. (From Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a
textbook of histology. ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

Formation of new blood cells requires multiple cell divisions that originate from individual stem cells. During the
process of these cell divisions, progressive changes in cellular differentiation occur. Formation of the mature
erythrocyte is referred to as erythropoiesis. Formation of granulocytes is called granulocytopoiesis; for
monocytes the process is called monocytopoiesis and so forth. In each instance, the progenitor is the same—the
pluripotent hemopoietic stem cell. This stem cell gives rise to a second order of stem cells that, in turn, generate
different progenies of cells. This second order of stem cells comprises the multipotent hemopoietic stem cells of
which there are two types or populations (Figure 7-28). One type forms the progenitors for all lymphocytes and is
called the lymphoid stem cell, or colony-forming unit lymphocyte (CFU-Ly). The other type is called the myeloid
stem cell, or colony-forming unit spleen (CFU-S), and it gives rise to the rest of the blood cells. The cells

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immediately derived from multipotent hemopoietic stem cells comprise the unipotent hemopoietic stem cells,
which are progenitor cells that produce only one type of blood cell, such as a B lymphocyte or a basophil. These
progenitor cells are basically identical in appearance to one another as well as to the cells that formed them. They
have little cytoplasm and what cytoplasm that does exist surrounds a round, fairly euchromatic nucleus. Except for 153
the nuclear staining, hemopoietic stem cells have a lymphoid morphology. Consequently, these undifferentiated 154
cells have high nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratios (N:C), typical of undifferentiated cells in general.

Figure 7-27 Diagram of the process of blood cell development within the bone
marrow. (Modified from Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook
of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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The unipotent hemopoietic stem cells have specific names according to the cells they give rise to: for example, the
progenitors for basophils are colony-forming unit basophil (CFU-B), erythrocyte progenitors are burst-forming
unit erythroid (BFU-E), and so on. The proliferation of the different order of stem cells and their ultimate 154
differentiation are guided largely by specific factors of local and systemic origin. The cytokine growth factors, 155
interleukin 1 (IL-1), 3 (IL-3), and 6 (IL-6) together trigger mitotic activity of the pluripotent and multipotent
hemopoietic stem cells. Separately, these growth factors can stimulate multipotent and unipotent hemopoietic stem
cells or suppress their proliferation as seen in Figure 7-28. In addition, specific colony-stimulating factors
(CSFs), such as erythropoietin and G-CSF, promote the mitosis and subsequent differentiation of unipotent cells.

Figure 7-28 Cells of hemopoiesis. CFU-S, Colony-forming unit spleen; PHSC,

pluripotent hemopoietic stem cell; CFU-Ly, colony-forming unit
lymphocyte; BFU-E, burst-forming unit erythroid; CFU-NM,
colony-forming unit neutrophil and monocyte; CFU-E, colony-forming
unit erythroblast; CFU-M, colony-forming unit neutrophil and
monocyte; CFU-E, colony-forming unit erythroblast; CFU-M,
colony-forming unit monoblast. (From Gartner LP, Hiatt JL: Color
textbook of histology, Philadelphia, 1997, Saunders.)

With the cessation of mitotic activity by a specific unipotent stem cell, the resultant individual blood cells begin to
mature and differentiate. The N:C ratio decreases in these cells as the cytoplasm continues to increase in amount.
Eventually, the nucleus becomes heterochromatic and assumes a specific shape that is characteristic for a type of
blood cell. The mature blood cell leaves the hemopoietic compartment and enters the vascular compartment by
squeezing through small openings in sinusoid walls as mentioned. Undoubtedly, there are factors responsible for

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the timely release of mature blood cells. These factors have not yet been revealed, and the present understanding
of blood cell release remains largely speculative.


The formation of red blood cells is referred to as erythropoiesis, which is by far the most active component of
hemopoiesis. Nearly, 1.5 trillion erythrocytes are produced weekly in a medium-sized dog, which is comparable
to that made in humans, and this amount may increase substantially (four to eightfold) if situations demand it.
Normally the rate of erythrocytes made should equal the rate being removed, but if this dynamic should fall out
of balance, such as in anemia, an accelerated production of erythrocytes can be induced.

The first process of erythropoiesis begins with the proliferation and subsequent differentiation of the
multipotent myeloid stem cell into BFU-Es or CFU-Bs, which continue to divide and form CFU-Es (see Figure
7-27). These latter cells form rubriblasts (proerythroblasts) that can be distinguished morphologically from
their progenitors by their size (the largest of the erythrocyte lineage) and having a blue-stained cytoplasm and
nucleus with observable nucleoli. As a rubriblast cell loses it nucleoli, it becomes the prorubricyte. Upon its 155
subsequent division, the resultant cells, basophilic rubricytes (basophilic erythroblast), are smaller in size 156
with concomitant smaller nuclei that are more heterochromatic and surrounded by dark blue–stained cytoplasm.
These cells further undergo division and become polychromatic rubricytes (polychromatophilic
erythroblasts), which have very condensed nuclear chromatin that is now surrounded by yellowish orange
cytoplasm. Initially, the cytoplasm of these cells has regions that react basophilically because of the presence of
concentrations of ribonucleoprotein. As the polychromatic rubricytes further develop, the cytoplasm becomes
progressively acidophilic with a concomitant increase in hemoglobin. Cell division ceases after this point. The
cells become transformed into metarubricytes (orthochromatophilic erythroblasts or acidophilic
orthochromatic erythroblasts), which have a reddish to pink cytoplasm that can be slightly polychromatic and
surrounds a dark, pyknotic nucleus. The nuclei from metarubricytes are extruded, resulting in reticulocytes that
when treated with a stain such as cresyl blue react diffusely basophilic because of the presence of clusters of
ribosomes and mitochondria (see Figure 7-4, B). Most of the cytoplasm at this point is filled with hemoglobin.
Eventually the remnant organelles disappear and only hemoglobin is contained within the cytoplasm.
Differentiation is complete and the cell is now the erythrocyte.

In nonmammals, erythropoiesis is similar for most of the stages of development. The principal difference
occurs during the development of the metarubricyte or acidophilic orthochromatic erythroblast. Rather than
have nuclei that become uniformly basophilic or pyknotic and are eventually extruded, the nuclei of these cells
change little, having irregular clumping of the chromatin. The cytoplasm when treated with cresyl blue has
numerous granules, especially around the nucleus, that gradually become fewer and more dispersed.


The formation of white blood cells that form granules (i.e., granulocytes) is referred to as granulocytopoiesis,
which under normal circumstances is not nearly as active a component of hemopoiesis as erythropoiesis.
Granulocytes are derived from the multipotent myeloid stem cell, which gives rise to the unipotent stem cells:
the colony-forming unit of eosinophil line of differentiation (CFU-Eo); the colony-forming unit of basophil line
of differentiation (CFU-Ba); and the bipotent stem cells, which give rise to neutrophils and monocytes. The
bipotent stem cells specifically form the colony-forming unit of granulocyte and monocyte differentiation
(CFU-GM or -NM), consisting of their own colony-forming units (i.e., CFU-G and CFU-M), which create
neutrophils and monocytes, respectively (see Figure 7-28). The pattern of proliferation and development within
each unipotent stem cell line of the granulocytes is essentially identical. Myeloblasts are the first precursor

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cells formed by the unipotent stem cells and cannot be distinguished from one another (see Figure 7-27). In
fact, there is the possibility that the myeloblast may be a multipotent stem cell that has the capacity to give rise
to all of the granulocytic cell types. These cells are not too different in appearance from the rubriblast in that
much of the protoplasm is occupied by a prominent, round nucleus. The cytoplasm, however, is stained a lighter
blue than that of the rubriblast. Myeloblasts replicate and become promyelocytes, which have greater amounts
of lighter stained cytoplasm than myeloblasts. Promyelocytes also divide and become transformed into


Platelet formation begins with the development of the unipotential platelet progenitor, CFU-M or CFU-Meg (see
Figures 7-27 and 7-28). This cell line produces the megakaryoblast, which can be large (40μm in diameter and
greater). The megakaryoblast has a lobulated nucleus that continues to increase in size and degree of lobulation
through endomitosis (DNA replication without nuclear division), resulting in high ploidy levels of genetic material
(up to 64N).

As the megakaryoblast continues to grow, it differentiates into the megakaryocyte, the platelet-forming cell that
can attain diameters up to 100μm. The nucleus, which has become highly lobulated, can appear multinucleated in
thin sections (Figure 7-29). The cytoplasm of these cells is filled with anastomosing endoplasmic reticulum,
primarily rER, a well-developed Golgi apparatus, and many lysosomes and mitochondria.

Positioned adjacent to sinusoids, each megakaryocyte is able to extend cytoplasmic processes into the vascular
lumen. These processes become fragmented as the cell membrane forms narrowed invaginations called
demarcation channels, causing clusters of proplatelets to be released. This activity can occur hundreds, if not
several thousands, of times until much of the cytoplasm is exhausted and the lobulated nucleus and the remaining
cytoplasm become engulfed and digested by nearby macrophages. The platelets then circulate throughout the
vascular system, and are potentially useful for not much more than 1 week. 156

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Figure 7-29 Megakaryocyte. A, Light micrograph of a megakaryocyte in the bone
marrow of a rat. Its large lobulated single nucleus (Nu) and
surrounding fragmenting cytoplasm stand out among the rest of the
developing blood cells. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.) B,
Transmission electron micrograph reveals the extensive endoplasmic
reticulum surrounding the highly lobulated nucleus (Nu). (Modified
from Gartner LP, Hiatt JL: Color textbook of histology, Philadelphia,
1997, Saunders.)


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7.6 158

RA Bergman, AK Afifi, Heidger, PM Jr.: In Histology. 1996, Saunders, Philadelphia.

SM Cotter: In Hematology. 2001, Teton NewMedia, Jackson Hole, Wyo.
JG From Cunningham: In Textbook of veterinary physiology. ed 2, 1997, Saunders, Philadelphia.
DW Fawcett: In Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology. ed 11, 1986, Saunders, Philadelphia.
LP Gartner, JL Hiatt: In Color textbook of histology. 1997, Saunders, Philadelphia.
E Gurr: In Staining animal tissues. 1962, Leonard Hill, London.
JW Harvey: In Atlas of veterinary hematology: blood and bone marrow of domestic animals. 2001,
Saunders, Philadelphia.
CM Hawkey, TB Dennett: In A color atlas of comparative veterinary haematology. 1989, Wolfe, London.
GL Humason: In Animal tissue techniques. ed 3, 1972, Freeman, San Francisco.
NC Jain: In Essentials of veterinary hematology. 1993, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.
TS Leeson, CR Leeson: In A brief atlas of histology. 1979, Saunders, Philadelphia.
WJ Williams, E Beutler, AJ Erslev, MA Lichtman: In Hematology. ed 4, 1990, McGraw-Hill, New York.

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Textbook of Veterinary Histology
8 CHAPTER 8 Muscle


• Highly cellular, vascularized, and innervated

• Cells specialized for contractility

• Subcellularly, highly differentiated with special terms associated for specific structures, including
sarcoplasm, sarcolemma, sarcosome, sarcoplasmic reticulum, myofilament, myofibril

Movement in multicellular organs is accomplished by specialized cells called muscle fibers, or myocytes. Many cell
types have contractile elements that permit the cell to move or change shape, but mostly in an individual and limited
manner that is not usually coordinated with other cells. Muscle fibers are cells completely dedicated to the ability to
change shape, mostly along their longitudinal axis, in a highly coordinated and rapid way. As a result, muscle tissue
is responsible for body movements and is one of the most highly differentiated tissues of the body. Movement occurs
by the ability of the muscle fibers to contract. Contraction, in turn, is mediated by the transformation of chemical
energy into mechanical energy at the expense of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Each of the three types of muscles—
smooth, skeletal, and cardiac— can be distinguished from the others based on the shape and size of the muscle
fiber, number and location of nuclei within, organization of contractile elements, and type of innervation. These
muscles are derived mostly from mesoderm: somatic mesoderm giving rise to skeletal muscle; splanchnopleuric
mesoderm giving rise to cardiac muscle; and somatic and splanchnic mesoderm, which give rise to smooth muscle.
Exceptions do exist such as the iridal muscles of the eye, which consist of smooth muscle in mammals and skeletal
muscle in nonmammals and in both instances are derived from the neuroectoderm.

From the early descriptions of muscle fibers and the cellular components within, a variety of terms have evolved,
many of which are still used morphologically. The plasmalemma, or cell membrane, is often referred to as the
sarcolemma, which can be highly developed in skeletal and cardiac muscle and envelopes the cytoplasm, also
known as the sarcoplasm. Within each cell's sarcoplasm the principal contractile structures are myofilaments, which
are organized to the point of forming bands or striations in skeletal and cardiac muscle—striated muscle.
Myofilaments are closely associated with a well-formed smooth endoplasmic reticulum, which is usually called the
sarcoplasmic reticulum. Mitochondria, which are essential for the production of ATP needed to drive the
contraction, can be quite numerous and are referred to as sarcosomes.


Smooth muscle tissue is the simplest or least differentiated form of muscle, consisting of narrow, spindle-shaped 160
fibers that range from 20 to 200μm or more in length, but only 5 to 8μ at their greatest width (Figure 8-1).
Histologically, this tissue has a fairly homogeneous appearance, being strongly acidophilic and staining a deep
pink when reacted with eosin (Figure 8-2). Within each muscle fiber a single nucleus is positioned centrally, and
when viewed in cross section these nuclei are viewed where the cells are at their broadest profiles (Figure 8-3).
Because of their shape the fibers are arranged in a staggered manner so that the thickest region of one cell lies
adjacent to the tapered ends of neighboring cells. Thus, when seen longitudinally, the nuclei tend to be grouped in
stacks (see Figure 8-2). During contraction the elliptically shaped nucleus becomes coiled like a corkscrew (Figure
8-4). Each cell or muscle fiber is enveloped circumferentially by a loosely woven net of reticular fibers. The
fibers, in turn, are closely associated with a basal lamina and contribute to the strong intercellular adhesive forces
that exist in this tissue during different states of contraction and stretching.

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Figure 8-1 Illustration of the three different types of muscle cells or fibers. A,
Smooth muscle; B, skeletal muscle; C, cardiac muscle.


Cytologically, ribosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER), Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, and glycogen
storage inclusions are concentrated perinuclearly around the poles of the nucleus within the sarcoplasm and
immediately adjacent to the cell membrane (Figure 8-5). Smooth endoplasmic reticulum also is found in this
region, but much of this organelle is intertwined with the contractile elements of the cell, forming the
sarcoplasmic reticulum. The body of the cell is filled with the contractile elements (myofilaments) that consist
primarily of actin interspersed by myosin. The myosin filaments are relatively thick in diameter (15 nm) when
compared with that of actin (7 nm) and possess heavy meromyosin heads projecting to the numerous actin
filaments that envelop the myosin's entire length. As the heavy meromyosin heads function to repeatedly bind
with the actin filaments during contraction, their even distribution enhances the potential for actin interaction
and potentially results in sustained contractions. During contractions the myosin filaments are believed to slide
by the actin at the expense of ATP. The interaction of the actin and myosin may be triggered to occur
throughout the entire cell or in only a portion of it. Consequently, contractions may be rapid or gradual,
depending on the amount of actin-myosin interaction.

The contractive process is facilitated by other filaments of intermediate size, desmin, and vimentin. These
intermediate filaments provide additional cytoskeletal infrastructure, which is coordinated with actin-myosin
interactions in a way that allows the cell to shorten its length (Figure 8-6). Desmin and vimentin occur in
vascular smooth muscle, whereas only desmin is found in nonvascular smooth muscle. Both of the intermediate
filaments are anchored in an amorphous structure called the dense body. Dense bodies consist of α-actinin and
can be associated with the sarcolemma as well as located intermittently throughout the body of the
myofilaments (see Figures 8-5 and 8-6). In addition to their association with desmin and vimentin, dense bodies
provide attachment for actin, being analogous to Z lines in striated muscle and, in fact, contain other Z line–
related proteins. Within the cell membrane, numerous vesicles called caveoli can be observed throughout the
length of the muscle fiber (see Figure 8-6). These structures are believed to be involved largely in calcium
sequestration and release.

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Calcium plays an important role in the contraction of smooth muscle fibers. It is believed that when a muscle
fiber contracts, calcium is released from the caveolae as ions that bind to the Ca -modulating protein
(calmodulin), which, in turn, activates the enzyme, myosin light-chain kinase. This enzyme slightly alters the
composition of myosin by phosphorylating (via adenosine triphosphatase [ATPase]) one of its light chains,
which causes a change in the shape of the filament, especially its light meromyosin moiety, and exposes its
binding sites for the neighboring actin, resulting in the actin and myosin sliding by each other (i.e., contraction).
As the myofilaments slide by each other, they influence directly the network of intermediate filaments and 160
associated dense bodies, causing the entire cell to become shorter and wider than when relaxed (see Figure 8-6). 163
Eventually, the Ca -calmodulin complexes dissociate or break apart and the light chains of the myosin are
dephosphorylated, causing the actin-contact sites to be masked and allowing the actin and myosin filaments to
return to a resting or stretched position.

Figure 8-2 Light micrographs (x1000) of smooth muscle cells oriented

longitudinally within the urinary bladder of the cow, A (paraffin
section, H&E stain) and the small intestine of the rat, B (plastic
section, H&E stain). Note the stacking of the nuclei.

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Figure 8-3 Light micrograph of smooth muscle cells oriented cross sectionally
(inner layer of muscular tunic of the small intestine). Arrows point to
the multiple attachments that link one adjacent cell to another.
(Plastic section, hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×1000.)

Figure 8-4 Light micrograph of contracted canine smooth muscle cells with
helically coiled nuclei (arrows). (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×1000.)

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Figure 8-5 Transmission electron micrograph (x15,000) of canine smooth

muscle cells. Mitochondria (m) and other organelles are located
mostly along the perimeter surrounding the myofilaments, which are
interspersed with dense bodies (arrows). Nu, nucleus. Inset (x40,000)
demonstrates presence of numerous caveoli (arrowheads) next to
the cell membrane of a smooth muscle cell.

Figure 8-6 Diagram of smooth muscle and the relationship of the intermediate
filaments that crisscross throughout the sarcoplasm and dense
bodies and the sarcolemma during (A), relaxed and (B), contracted

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Adjacent muscle cells can be joined together by nexi or gap junctions and as a result spread excitation for the
activation of the contractile mechanism. This arrangement is particularly well developed in muscle fibers that,
for the most part, are not directly innervated, as in large sheets of smooth muscle (the walls of hollow viscera,
i.e., forming an outer tunic or layer along digestive and reproductive tracts, especially intestines and uterus) and
consequently may lead to either tonic or rhythmic contraction. These muscles can be referred to as visceral
smooth muscle and may be stimulated humorally by agents such as oxytocin. In these instances, the sheets or
layer of muscle are usually positioned at a right angle to an adjacent layer of muscle such as found in the small
intestine, which has an inner circularly oriented layer surrounded by an outer longitudinally oriented layer (see
Figure 8-3). Smooth muscle is involuntary in control, innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic
nerves of the autonomic nervous system. In some instances the innervation is quite prevalent, such as within the
vas deferens of the male reproductive tract and the iridal muscles of the eye and can be referred to as the
multiunit type. In addition to being found in tubular organs, smooth muscle can be either dispersed in 163
connective tissues of certain organs (prostate) or more often may form small bundles in the dermis. 164

TABLE 8-1 Comparison of the Key Characteristics of the Three Muscle Types


Length 20–200 μm 50 μm to 40cm (and more) 60–100 μm
Shape Spindle (fusiform) Cylindrical Cylindrical and branched
Nuclei Single and centrally placed Multiple (up to thousands) One or two and centrally
and peripherally placed placed
Myofilament organization Myosin evenly dispersed and Myosin and actin interact as Myosin and actin interact as
surrounded by actin discrete bands discrete bands
Sarcoplasmic reticulum Present as typical smooth Well developed; prominent Less developed than skeletal;
endoplasmic reticulum, but terminal cisterns along I-A small, scattered terminal
uninvolved with Ca band interface cisterns along Z line
Sarcolemma Associated with dense bodies, Invaginates to form Invaginates to form
intermediate filaments, and T-tubules; associated with T-tubules; associated with
myofilament contraction sarcoplasmic reticulum as sarcoplasmic reticulum as
triads dyads
Calcium binding and controlCalmodulin; by caveolae Troponin C; by calsequestrin Troponin C; by Ca from
in terminal cisterns extracellular sources
Cell attachments Forms basal lamina and gap Forms basal lamina only Forms basal lamina and
junctions (nexi) intercalated disk (junctional
Innervation Autonomic Somatic motor Autonomic
Contraction Involuntary: rhythmic Voluntary: all (or none) Involuntary: all (or none) in
cell groups
Regeneration Is able Is able through satellite cell Not able
Connective tissue Endomysium Endomysium, perimysia, Endomysium
associations epimysium


Skeletal muscle is composed of long bundles of parallel muscle fibers that individually can be long, up to 40 cm,
but relatively narrow, 8 to 100 or more μm in diameter (see Figure 8-1). The skeletal muscle fiber contrasts in
many ways when compared with the smooth muscle fiber (Table 8-1). Although the filament-ladened cytoplasm

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strongly reacts to eosin, longitudinal sections reveal distinct transverse striations throughout the body of each cell.
This feature plus the presence of many nuclei within each muscle fiber, which are positioned peripherally next to
the sarcolemma, provide excellent histologic characteristics that permit this tissue to be easily recognized (Figure
8-7). Within each muscle fiber the myofilaments are arranged in cylinders that extend along the cell's entire
length. The cylinders each measure between 1 and 2μ in diameter and are called myofibrils; collectively the
myofibrils give rise to the transverse striations when viewed longitudinally. The striations are due to the highly
coordinated arrangement of actin and myosin myofilaments within the myofibrils, which, in turn, are aligned
precisely so that individual striations appear as single entities (see Figure 8-7). Light microscopically, these
striations have been designated as bands and a line. The A band, or anisotropic band, is characterized by both its
staining reaction, being the most intensely stained band, and its birefrigency when viewed with polarized light.
Within each A band is a central zone called the H band, which is less birefringent and stains lighter than the A 164
band. Between the A bands there is another histologically, lighter region known as the I band, or isotropic band 166
(nonbirefringent), which is bisected by a line, the Z line, or disk. The region from one Z line to the next is called
the sarcomere, the smallest repeating unit within a myofibril.

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Figure 8-7 Light micrographs of skeletal muscle at A, low (x100) and B, high
(x1000) magnification. The highly organized myofilaments form
characteristic bands and lines, which are oriented horizontally in these
micrographs, whereas the multiple nuclei are aligned vertically. (Plastic
section, hematoxylin and eosin stain.)

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TABLE 8-2 Fiber Types of Skeletal Muscle

Red Strong reaction Numerous Provides slow, enduring
contraction; resistant to fatigue
White Weak reaction Comparatively few Provides rapid contraction;
easily fatigues
Intermediate Intermediate reaction Intermediate in number Provides more rapid
contraction than red and
fatigues less easily than white

Each muscle fiber is surrounded by a basal lamina and associated network of reticular fibers that collectively
comprise the endomysium. The endomysium functions to hold adjacent muscle fibers together and is really the
only component in skeletal muscle that is able to do this because there are no cell junctions between adjacent cells.
It also provides an environment for capillaries and small fibrocyte-like cells (satellite cells [pericytes]) to reside.
The satellite cell can be found occasionally within the skeletal cell's basal lamina. This cell is uninucleated and
functions as a stem cell for new skeletal muscle fibers, especially in response to injury. Fully differentiated
skeletal muscle fibers are incapable of further self-division, but can continue to increase substantially in their girth
by adding new myofibrils peripherally. A group of parallel muscle fibers make up a single fascicle, and groups of
fascicles, in turn, comprise individual muscles.

When observing individual muscles in cross section, individual skeletal muscle cells can differ markedly in
diameter and color (histochemically) (Table 8-2). Based on cell width size and histochemical reaction to
mitochondrial oxidative enzyme activity of succinic dehydrogenase reaction, muscle fibers can be divided into
three categories: red, white, and intermediate fibers. Red fibers (type I) are the smallest in diameter and richest in
oxidative enzyme activity, whereas white fibers (type II) are the largest in diameter and have fewer mitochondria
and less oxidative enzyme activity. The red fibers are metabolically aerobic and referred to as slow-twitch (slow
contracting) motor units, having a greater resistance to fatigue than white fibers. The white fibers, on the other
hand, rely more on anaerobic respiration (glycolysis) and are called fast-twitch (fast contracting) motor units,
which generate greater muscle tension than red fibers, but fatigue more readily. Intermediate fibers do not easily
fall into the red and white fiber categories, sharing instead characteristics of both.


When viewed by electron microscopy, each sarcomere is composed of a highly organized arrangement of
myofilaments in which the strands of actin are intercalated between the thicker myosin filaments (A bands)
(Figure 8-8). In the region forming the H band, only myosin is found. The M line occurs within the center of
this band, where adjacent myosin filaments are linked to one another by M-line filaments. The I bands are
composed of actin filaments. As skeletal muscle contracts, the actin and myosin filaments slide over each other.
As a result, the H band within the A band and the I bands on both sides of the A band become narrow (Figure
8-9). The Z line is actually the region where actin filaments of adjacent sarcomeres are interconnected. Beyond
the resolution of the light microscope the myofilaments are held in position by assistance of three proteins:
α-actinin, titin, and nebulin. The thin (actin) filaments are kept in place at the level of the Z line by the
α-actinin. The Z line, which consists primarily of α-actinin, is then a proteinaceous sheet that transects the
myofibril and allows the thin actin filaments to extend toward the centers of two adjacent sarcomeres. Each
actin filament is further anchored by two long chains of nebulin that also wrap around the entire length of each
thin filament and may be involved in their assembly and precise positioning. Titin, also anchored to the Z line,
aids in the positioning of the myosin filaments and consists of a large, linear elastic protein that has a springlike

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base. Each myofibril is, in turn, held in register with adjacent myofibrils by the intermediate filaments, desmin 166
and vimentin, that interconnect neighboring myofibrils at the periphery of the Z lines. 167

Figure 8-8 Transmission electron micrograph (x15,000) of canine skeletal

muscle in longitudinal profile. The myofilaments, which are
aggregated into myofibrils, are organized into A bands (A with
arrows) and I bands (I with arrows), with an additional H band (H
with arrows) within the A band and a Z line within the I band. Each
myofibril is separated from the other by mitochondria (m) and
glycogen (g). In addition, terminal cisternae (TC) of the sarcoplasmic
reticulum and portions of a T-tubule (T) are evident.


As the thin actin filaments interact with the thick myosin filaments, they move or slide by each other, with the
actin moving past the myosin toward the center of the sarcomere. This action results in the contracted state as
shown in Figure 8-9. On a more molecular level, each actin filament consists of three components: F-actin,
troponin, and tropomyosin. The F-actin provides the backbone of each thin filament with one end (plus end)
attached to α-actinin of the Z line, and the other end projects to the middle of the sarcomere. The actin filament
possesses two strands of F-actin that are helically coiled about one another (Figure 8-10). Each strand is
composed of G-actin monomers, which are globular units that individually possess an active site for the
binding of myosin. These units are polymerized in a way that allows each molecule to have the same spatial
orientation along the length of the strand, giving the actin filament many binding sites. The unidirectional
assembly of G-actin units or molecules also gives the F-actin chains polarity with the plus end of each filament

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being attached to the Z line (by α-actinin). The active site of the G-actin unit will bind specifically to the head
portion of myosin. The positioning of the active sites is instrumental for the myofilaments to slide by each other
during contraction. During periods of resting and stretching, the sites are shifted out of alignment from the
myosin head region. The tropomyosin component of the actin filament consists of thin molecules that form a
narrow intertwining chain of comparatively short length within the grooves of the F-actin chains (Figure 8-11;
see also Figure 8-10). This component and the thin filament's third component, troponin, play critical roles in
the appropriate positioning of the G-actin active site. Troponin consists of a three-globular-polypeptide
molecule that is attached to each tropomyosin polymer chain, the F-actin, and has a binding site for calcium as
well. 167
Figure 8-9 Diagram of the positioning of the bands during states of contraction
and relaxation (R). FC, Full contraction; PC, partial contraction.
(Modified from Bergman RA, Afifi AK, Heidger PM Jr: Histology,
Philadelphia, 1996, Saunders.)

The thick myofilament consists of several hundred molecules of myosin, each being constructed of two heavy
chains that wrap helically around one another and end in globular pieces that resemble golf clubs and are

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associated with two pairs of light chains (see Figure 8-11). The globular pieces are composed of heavy
meromyosin, forming cross-bridges with the actin in the presence of calcium and ATP. The rest of the chain is
made up of light meromyosin. The myosin molecules are arranged in a staggered manner as they form the
thick filament, with the globular pieces protruding outwardly all along the filament's perimeter except in the
center of the thick filament—the region of the H band—which lacks the globular pieces.

With the release of calcium into the myofibrils, calcium binds to that portion of troponin that has a strong
affinity for calcium and, in effect, changes the conformation of the entire troponin molecule, which, in turn,
results in the repositioning of tropomyosin and simultaneously reveals the myosin-binding sites along the actin
filament (see Figure 8-11). By having the binding sites available, the myosin heads each with an ATP molecule
now contact the actin. Through the hydrolysis of the ATP, the heads bend and bind temporarily and the actin
causes the thin filament to move approximately 10 nm. By a number of repetitive interactions between the actin
and myosin, the actin filaments are pulled toward the center of the sarcomere, which shortens considerably. At
the end of contraction, the calcium is actively removed from the myofibrils, and the troponin and tropomyosin
components of the actin filament become repositioned to form a complex that prevents the myosin cross-bridge
from linking with the actin monomers.

In conjunction with the extensive amount of myofilaments within each fiber is an elaborate system of
membranes called the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). The SR is essentially a smooth endoplasmic reticulum
that extends throughout the sarcoplasm in an orderly fashion, closely associated with the myofilaments as it
forms a canalicular network around each myofibril (Figure 8-12). The SR, in fact, contributes to the separation
of the myofibrils within the skeletal muscle fiber, which can be visualized histologically when examining this
tissue in cross section (Figure 8-13). This network has terminal cisternae at or near the end of each sarcomere
(see Figure 8-12). As apposing cisternae of adjacent sarcomeres come into contact with each other, a tubular
invagination of the cell membrane (sarcolemma) also comes into contact with the cisternae. This invagination is
usually referred to as the T-tubule (transverse tubule). The two terminal cisternae of the SR and the T-tubule
collectively form a triad. In mammals, triad complexes are typically positioned between the I and A bands. As
a result, each sarcomere is in contact with two sets of triads. By comparison, in amphibia they are shared
between adjacent sarcomeres as they occur along the Z lines.

The sarcolemma T-tubular system markedly increases the cell surface and its exposure to the extracellular
environment. The presence of this finger-like network of tubules, which branch as necessary, permits a uniform
contraction of the many sarcomeres within a single myofibril. In large muscle fibers the T-tubules have to
extend at least the length of the radius of each cell. Contraction depends directly on the availability of
intracellular calcium ions, which is regulated by the SR. By depolarizing the SR, the calcium ions, which are
concentrated within the SR cisternae, are released into the myofilaments, causing a bridging action and
subsequent sliding action to occur between actin and myosin at the expense of ATP. Depolarization of the SR is 168
mediated through the surface-initiated depolarization of the sarcolemma. This latter depolarization is triggered 170
by the release of a neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, which is held within the motor endplate of myelinated
motor nerve. Unlike smooth muscle, contraction of skeletal muscle (and striated in general for that matter) is
uniform, rapid, and of comparatively short duration. Immediately after each passage of depolarization, calcium
is resequestered by the SR with further expenditure of ATP.

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Figure 8-10 Illustration of the highly organized arrangement of the cells (muscle
fibers) and their contractile filaments (actin and myosin) that is
associated with skeletal muscle. (From Fawcett DW: Bloom and
Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986,

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Figure 8-11 Illustration of the arrangement and interaction of actin and myosin.
(From Gartner LP, Hiatt JL: Color textbook of histology, Philadelphia,
1997, Saunders.)

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Figure 8-12 Illustration of the organized system of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)

and adjacent mitochondria that envelops each myofibril within
mammalian skeletal muscle. The terminal cisternae (TC) of the SR
and transverse tubular invaginations (T-tubules) of the sarcolemma
form two sets of triads along each sarcomere at the junctions
where the A and I bands interact.

The source of ATP for both calcium sequestration and myofilamentous contraction originates from oxidative
phosphorylation within the mitochondrion. As one might expect, the skeletal muscle fiber possesses many
mitochondria, especially red muscle fibers. The mitochondria are housed along each myofibril next to the SR
(see Figure 8-12). During episodes of extensive contractive activity, adenosine diphosphate (ADP) can be
rephosphorylated by the glycolytic pathway, which concomitantly results in lactic acid accumulation, and by
phosphocreatine kinase activity, which is able to transfer high-energy phosphate from creatine phosphate to


Initiation of muscle fiber contraction comes from the activity of motor neurons that when excited release the
acetylcholine that is stored within the numerous synaptic end bulbs at the terminations of their axons (see
Chapter 9 for further description). These synaptic end bulbs comprise the motor endplates that contact the
myocytes. Each physical contact made between the muscle fiber and the axonal ending is a myoneural 170
junction (Figure 8-14). At the site of a myoneural junction, the synaptic end bulb lies within a depression 171
called the primary synaptic cleft, and is bordered by junctional folds or infoldings of that portion of the
muscle fiber. The infoldings as well as the primary synaptic cleft are lined by the external lamina, which
appears to be an extension of the muscle cell's basal lamina. When the neurotransmitter is forcefully released
from the axon at the primary synaptic cleft, it quickly diffuses across the synaptic gap and binds to receptors in
the sarcolemma (postsynaptic acetylcholine receptors). The receptors, in fact, consist of ligand-gated
channels that open when bound to an appropriate substance, such as acetylcholine. With the opening of the
channels (i.e., ion influx), the sarcolemma becomes depolarized and an action potential or impulse is formed.

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The impulse moves rapidly throughout the cell by way of the T-tubular system. The presence of the enzyme,
acetylcholinesterase, which is attached to the external lamina, breaks down acetylcholine into choline and
acetate and prevents the released neurotransmitter from initiating further impulses.

Figure 8-13 Light micrograph (x600) of bovine skeletal muscle in cross section.
Arrows point to individual myofibrils.

Figure 8-14 Illustration of the myoneural junction involved in the voluntary

innervation of skeletal muscle.

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Skeletal muscle is ensheathed by a layer of dense connective tissue known as the epimysium (Figure 8-15).
From the epimysium thin septae of connective tissue penetrate inwardly, surrounding individual fascicles.
These septae are called perimysia and are connected to a thin, delicate layer of connective tissue, the
endomysium, which lines each muscle fiber and is similar to the basal lamina in epithelia. 171
Figure 8-15 Light micrograph (x200) of the connective tissue components
associated with bovine skeletal muscle consisting of the
endomysium (En), perimysia (Pe), and epimysium (Ep).


Cardiac muscle resembles skeletal muscle in several ways. Both have multinucleated muscle that possess
organized myofibrils, giving the tissue histologically a striated appearance. Both also have a well-developed SR
and complementary T-tubule system. Nevertheless, cardiac muscle has sufficiently distinct morphologic
characteristics that help distinguish the two tissues (see Table 8-1).

Individual cardiac muscle fibers have only a few nuclei, usually one or two centrally placed within the sarcoplasm
(Figure 8-16). The muscle fibers are also shorter and frequently branched, binding to fibers in adjacent chains. The
lengths of cardiac muscle fibers are mostly between 80 and 90μ. They are essentially tubular in shape, having an
averaged diameter of 15μ. The most distinguishing characteristic is the presence of darkly stained transverse lines
that intermittently cross chains of cells. These lines are intercalated disks and represent specialized cell-to-cell
attachments or junctional complexes (see Figure 8-16).

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The intercalated disk is essentially a junctional complex that involves the entire face of the transverse cell
surface in a highly undulated region consisting of only I band (actin myofilaments) material (Figure 8-17). The
opacity of the disk is largely due to the presence of a specific junction that is similar to the macula adherens
where I band actin filaments insert into dense material along the sarcolemma. Due to their similarity with
desmosomes, but much more extensive, this cell junction is called the fascia adherens (see Figure 8-17). Also,
scattered between these junctions are nexi or gap junctions that provide ionic channels between cells, and
maculae adherentes (desmosomes) that further bind the cells together.


Subcellularly, cardiac muscle cells can be distinguished from skeletal muscle cells by the presence of numerous 174
mitochondria that are packed in longitudinal rows (Figure 8-18). Nearly one third of the cytoplasmic volume is
filled by this organelle (Figure 8-19). It is not unusual to find glycogen in these cells because it is used as a
form of energy supply, along with triglycerides. The contractile apparatus is the same as that in skeletal muscle
except that discrete myofibrillar units are not formed in cardiac tissue. Myofilaments are arranged discretely
into A and I bands that form sarcomeres identical to those in skeletal muscle. Although sarcoplasmic reticulum
is elaborate, the terminal cisternae, which are prominent in skeletal muscle fibers, consist of small dilatations
that contact the T-tubules less frequently in cardiac muscle fibers. When the terminations of the SR occur along
the T-tubule they are referred to as diads, or couplings (see Figure 8-18). Transverse tubules and associated
couplings are found to be aligned with the Z lines (reminiscent of the T-tubule system in amphibian skeletal
muscle). The tubules are more than twice the diameter of that seen in skeletal muscle of the same animal and
possess an external lamina. These differences may reflect a slower contraction rate seen in cardiac muscle
when compared with skeletal muscle and the need to have calcium ions actively pumped into cardiac muscle
fibers from the external environment.

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Figure 8-16 Light micrographs (x1000) of cardiac muscle cells oriented

longitudinally within. A, The rabbit (hematoxylin and eosin stain)
and B, the dog (plastic section, hematoxylin and eosin stain).
Arrows point to intercalated disks.

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Figure 8-17 A, Transmission electron micrograph (x8000) of canine cardiac

muscle with an intercalated disk (ID) linking adjacent cells. B,
Close-up of an intercalated disk with fascia adherens. 2 and 3
denote adjacent cells; Is, intercellular space; M, M-line within the H
band; Mi, mitochondrion; Tu, sarcoplasmic reticulum. (From Gartner
LP, Hiatt JL: Color textbook of histology, Philadelphia, 1997,

Cardiac myocytes vary to some extent in size according to location within the heart. Cells within the atrium are
generally slightly smaller than those that comprise the ventricles. The atrial muscle cells also form small
membrane-bound granules that hold atrial natriuretic peptides, which can lower blood pressure by lowering
water retention and relaxing vascular smooth muscle. 174

CHAPTER 8 Muscle Page 20 of 24

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Figure 8-18 Illustration of the lines of mitochondria (sarcosomes) lying next to
the sarcoplasmic reticulum and intersected regularly by T-tubules.
(From Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed
11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

Figure 8-19 Transmission electron micrograph (x5000) of the extensive system

of wide T-tubules (t) within canine cardiac muscle fiber. bv, Blood
vessel; id, intercalated disk; m, mitochondria.


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Figure 8-20 Light micrograph of large Purkinje fibers of a manatee. (A,
hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×200; B, H&E stain; ×1000.)

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Also, within cardiac muscle lie enlarged cells, Purkinje fibers or impulse conduction fibers, which form the
atrioventricular (AV) bundle that transmits impulses from the AV node to the ventricle of the heart (Figure
8-20). These cells are specialized muscle fibers modified for impulse conduction. Each cell contains few
myofibrils and one or two central nuclei surrounded by large quantities of glycogen and are recognizable by the
lightly stained cytoplasm and large size (Figure 8-21, A).

As in skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle fibers are externally lined by an endomysium. However, in this tissue a
rich capillary network lines the cells. The capillary bed is responsible for providing the appropriate aerobic
environment essential to maintain the high level of metabolic activity in this tissue (Figure 8-21, B). 176
Figure 8-21 Light micrographs (x200) of cardiac muscle in cross section reveal
the highly developed vascular bed associated with the cardiac
muscle cells. (A, Rabbit, hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; B, dog,
perfused heart, plastic section, H&E stain.)


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8.5 178

FM Andrews, TL Spurgeon: Histochemical staining characteristics of normal horse skeletal muscle. Am J

Vet Res. 47, 1986, 1843.
RA Bergman, AK Afifi, Heidger, PM Jr.: In Histology. 1996, Saunders, Philadelphia.
TJ Burkholder, RL Lieber: Sarcomere length operating range of vertebrate muscles during movement. J
Exp Biol. 204, 2001, 1529.
In Chadwick, DJ, Goode, JA (Eds.): Role of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in smooth muscle. 2002, Wiley,
New York.
JC Chen, DJ Goldhammer: Skeletal stem cells. Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 13, 2003, 101.
PJ Dickinson, RA LeCouteur: Muscle and nerve biopsy. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 32, 2002, 63.
DW Fawcett: In Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology. ed 11, 1986, Saunders, Philadelphia.
LP Gartner, JL Hiatt: In Color textbook of histology. 1997, Saunders, Philadelphia.
KE Gropp: In Morphology, morphometry, and development of skeletal muscle in muscle-type
phosphofructokinase-deficient dogs. 1991, University of Florida, Gainesville, PhD thesis.
J Michael, Z Xiang, G Davenport, et al.: Isolation and characterization of canine satellite cells. In Vitro Cell
Dev Biol Anim. 38, 2002, 467.
NJ Severs: Cardiac muscle cell interaction: from microanatomy to molecular make-up of the gap junction.
Histol Histopathol. 10, 1995, 481.
JU Stolzenburg, T Schwalenberg, W Dorschner, FV Salomon, K Jurina, J Neuhaus: Is the male dog
comparable to human? A histological study of the muscle systems of the lower urinary tract. Anat Histol
Embryol. 31, 2002, 198.
I Whitmore, JA Notman: A quantitative investigation into some ultrastructural characteristics of guinea-pig
oesophageal striated muscle. J Anat. 153, 1987, 233.

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Textbook of Veterinary Histology
9 CHAPTER 9 Nervous Tissue


• Highly cellular and vascularized

• Primary cell, neuron, is specialized for generation and transmission of electrical signal

• Subcellularly, highly differentiated with special terms associated for specific structures including
neurolemma, neurotubule, neurofilament, axon, axon hillock, dendrite, Nissl body, perikaryon

• Separate population of support cells:

Central nervous system glia: fibrous and protoplasmic astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia,

Peripheral nervous system glia: Schwann cell, amphicyte

Nervous tissue is basically an integrated communications network distributed throughout the entire body. The main
component of this tissue is the neuron, which transmits impulses. In addition to neurons, glial cells(or neuroglia)
provide support and protection to neurons.

Anatomically, nervous tissue is subdivided into two portions: the central nervous system (CNS)— the spinal cord
and brain—and the peripheral nervous system (PNS)—nerve fibers and small aggregates of neurons, ganglia.
Except for certain sensory epithelia and the associated ganglion cells of certain cranial nerves, the CNS and PNS are
derived from a specialized region of ectoderm—the neuroectoderm— that lies along the dorsal midline of the

The function of the nervous system in its entirety is twofold. It detects, analyzes, and possibly uses and transmits all
information generated by sensory stimuli including heat, light, mechanical, electrical, and chemical changes that
occur externally (exteroception) and internally (interoception). And it organizes, integrates, and coordinates
different functions of the body as a whole, including motor, visceral, endocrine, and mental activities.


Neurons, or nerve cells, are specialized cells that respond to changes in their environment through alterations of
the electrical potential differences between the inner and outer surfaces of their cell membrane. An appropriate
stimulus then modifies or changes the electrical potential within the cell (Figure 9-1). Modification of the
electrical potential may occur only at the region that received the signal or may be spread throughout the entire
cell by the membrane, eliciting a nerve impulse that is subsequently transmitted to other neurons and tissues
(Figure 9-2). Specifically, a temporary change in the ion concentrations of sodium and potassium occurs at the
+ + − 179
level of the cell membrane. Normally there is an established difference in the concentrations of Na , K , and Cl
+ − 180
inside and outside the cell, known as the resting potential, with Na and Cl considerably higher outside the cell
and K higher inside. With an appropriate stimulus, such as a neurotransmitter, a short-lived leakage or exchange
+ + +
of Na to the inside and K to the outside occurs, resulting in an action potential. Initially the voltage-gated Na

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channels open at the site of stimulation, resulting in a quick buildup of this ion and depolarization of this region
+ + +
of the cell membrane. At this point, the Na channels close and the voltage-gated K channels open, causing K to
leak extracellularly and in doing so restore the resting potential at which point the K channels subsequently close.
The action potential generated is immediately spread along the neuron's excitable membrane.

Figure 9-1 Illustration of a neuron with its specialized processes. Dendrites arise
from the cell body (soma) to collectively form the dendritic zone,
which is receptive to an appropriate stimulus. A newly formed nerve
impulse flows from the dendritic zone to the cell's single axon, where
it is transmitted to its branched endings that form the telodendritic

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In conjunction with the presence of an excitable membrane, neurons possess highly developed cellular processes
(dendrites) that can be extremely long and have specialized contacts (synapses). As a specialization of the cell,
dendrites expand the surface area of the neuron in a very cellular environment and as a result enhance the cell's
capability to receive signals. The region of the neuron designed to perform this activity is the dendritic zone and
can include the cell body (Figure 9-3; see also Figure 9-1). The dendritic zone accepts excitable input at discrete
locations (the synapses) that consist of modified cellular contacts between the transmitting cell and the receiving
cell. The transmitting cell delivers the excitable input (i.e., the nerve impulse) by a different group of processes
that comprise the telodendritic zone (Figure 9-4; see also Figure 9-1). The telodendritic zone consists of the
branched endings of the axon, which is the lone entity that transmits the impulse from the dendritic zone to the
telodendritic zone. Neurons, then, are usually divided into three regions or parts: the dendritic zone, consisting of
the perikaryon and its dendrites, the axon, and the axon's terminations, the telodendritic zone.


The cell body is the perikaryon, or soma, and can range broadly in size from 3 to 120μm in diameter. The
nucleus is often large, particularly when compared with the entire perikaryon (Figure 9-5). It is also usually
spherical and euchromatic. Prominent nucleoli (one or more) as well as satellite bodies, including Barr bodies,
are often seen in these nuclei. The cytoplasm within the perikaryon is characterized by the presence of
chromatophilic (basophilic) granular areas, the Nissl bodies. When examined by electron microscopy, Nissl
bodies are found to be clusters of free ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER). The concentration of
Nissl bodies varies with regard to the type of neuron and its present functional state, being numerous in the
larger neurons (e.g., motor neuron). Besides Nissl bodies, the Golgi apparatus is normally well formed in the
soma of neurons, lying adjacent to the nucleus. The Golgi apparatus is largely involved in the synthesis of
neurochemical transmitters. The neurochemical transmitters are held in the secretory vesicles, which are
transported within the axon to the telodendritic zone where they are released as synaptic vesicles. The cell body
also contains mitochondria needed for the synthesis of the neurotransmitters and is fairly ladened with
filaments, called neurofilaments, and microtubules (neurotubules). The cytoskeletal component of the cell 180
body is especially prominent within the area known as the axon hillock, which leads to the cell's lone axon. 183
Neurons that remain active and possess axons that extend great distances, 10 to 100cm or more in length, such
as motor neurons, form numerous Nissl bodies and a well-developed Golgi apparatus that make these cells
among the largest in the body (see Figure 9-3). However, neurons that possess short axons, typically less than
1mm long, can have little cytoplasm within each perikaryon that is often dominated in appearance by the
nucleus, which may be heterochromatic (Figure 9-6).

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Figure 9-2 A, Layered transmission electron micrograph (×4000) of adjacent

axons, each able to transmit nerve impulses (arrows) along their cell
membranes that are individually insulated by myelin sheaths
(arrowheads). B, Schematic diagram of a nerve impulse consisting of
a propagated action potential whereby sodium (Na) temporarily
enters the axon while potassium (K) is extruded.

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Figure 9-3 Light micrograph of silver-impregnated neurons with sparsely

populated and evenly dispersed dendritic zones. (Rat brain,
Golgi-Cox stain; ×400.)

Figure 9-4 Light micrograph of silver-impregnated neurons. Arrow points to a

radially directed axon. (Rat brain, Golgi-Cox stain; ×400.)

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Figure 9-5 Light micrograph of the large cell body of a motor neuron located
within the feline spinal cord. The cell body or soma houses a large
euchromatic nucleus with prominent nucleoli and numerous
basophilic Nissl bodies. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)


Dendrites consist of multiple elongated cellular processes specialized for receiving excitable stimuli. These
processes can be numerous and highly branched, causing the receptive area of the cell to be increased greatly.
In these instances, a single neuron is able to receive and integrate axon terminals from many neurons (see
Figures 9-1 and 9-3). However, a neuron may have only a single dendrite with few branches and receive signals
from a few neurons, or in some instances just one (Figure 9-7).

Cytologically, dendrites are nearly identical to the perikaryon, containing Nissl bodies, mitochondria,
neurofilaments, and neurotubules. Outside of the nucleus and associated centrioles, the only organelle that is
absent in this region is the Golgi apparatus. In smaller, branched dendrites most organelles are found with less
regularity as occasional mitochondria; rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) and lysosomes are generally
scattered throughout aggregates of neurotubules and neurofilaments. Dendrites usually possess numerous small 183
projections called dendritic spines or gemmules. Rather than come to a fine point, the spines are pedicellate 184
structures with expanded tips that offer specific sites for synaptic contact (Figure 9-8).

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Figure 9-6 Transmission electron micrograph (×10,000) of the small cell bodies
of bipolar cells within the inner retina of the pig. (Nu,) nucleolus.

Figure 9-7 Light micrograph of the same neurons (arrow) seen in Figure 9-6.
(Plastic section, toluidine blue stain; ×1000.)

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Figure 9-8 Light micrograph of silver-impregnated dendrite with numerous

spines. (Rat brain, Golgi-Cox stain; ×1000.)

9.2.3 AXON

The axon is a cylindrical, long cellular process that varies in length and diameter according to the size and type
of nerve cell. For the most part, cells with the longest and thickest axons have the largest soma. Some axons can
attain lengths of 100cm or more (e.g., motor neurons from the spinal cord). Each neuron possesses only one
axon, and its axon arises from a pyramidal extension of the perikaryon—the axon hillock. The axon hillock
lacks rER and free ribosomes and as a result can be distinguished cytologically from dendritic bases by the
absence of Nissl bodies (Figure 9-9; see also Figure 9-6). Neurotubules and neurofilaments within the axon
hillock are arranged in fascicles as they lead into the axon. The density of these cytoskeletal elements is
sufficient enough to keep the other organelles free of this portion of the perikaryon's cytoplasm, but at the same
time allow the secretory vesicles filled with a specific neurotransmitter to move from the cell body into the
axon's cytoplasm. The axon, in general, has few organelles that are mostly mitochondria scattered throughout
the neurotubules and neurofilaments (Figure 9-10). The cytoplasm within the axon is the axoplasm, and the cell
membrane that surrounds the axoplasm is the axolemma. Cytoplasmic or axoplasmic streaming is extensive in
axons, facilitated by the presence of the numerous neurotubules and neurofilaments. The streaming rapidly
moves the secretory vesicles to be used in synaptic activity to the telodendritic zone and effectively causes
mitochondria and axoplasmic fluid to move from the axon hillock to the synaptic ends and back again. This

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active streaming compensates greatly for the lack of protein synthesis and other metabolic activities that
otherwise go on in the rest of the cell. Axoplasmic flow can be slow and fast, depending on what substances are
being moved and how they are being moved. Slow axoplasmic flow involves the movement of filaments and
cytosolic proteins at a rate of approximately 5 mm or less per day. Rapid or fast axoplasmic flow expends
energy and involves the microtubule-linked transport of the secretory vesicles and mitochondria. The rate of
rapid axoplasmic flow can occur up to 100 times faster (400 mm/day) than that of the slower form of streaming. 184
Streaming proceeds both from the cell body to the axonal ending (anterograde transport) and from the end of 186
the axon to the soma (retrograde transport). In retrograde transport, the fast axoplasmic flow is about 200
mm/day or one half that of the fastest rate, which occurs anterogradely. Retrograde transport involves the
movement of the subunits of the neurofilaments and microtubules as well as substances that will undergo
degradation. It is important to keep in mind that in addition to cytoplasmic materials, intracellular pathogens,
including viruses, such as the rabies virus or feline herpesvirus-1, can readily be spread from soma to nerve
ending throughout portions of the body.

Figure 9-9 Light micrograph of the axon hillock of a motor neuron leading to
the not-too-distantly myelinated axon (arrow). (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×1000.)

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Figure 9-10 Transmission electron micrograph (×10,000) of the

cytoskeletal-ladened axoplasm of a myelinated axon approaching a
nodal (arrow) region (node of Ranvier).

Figure 9-11 Light micrograph of a nerve bundle within the peripheral nervous
system, characterized by the presence of nodes (arrows).
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)

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Axons may be enveloped by special sheaths provided by support cells. These sheaths help protect axons and aid
in the conduction of the nerve impulse, with thicker sheaths providing faster axonal conduction. Axons that are
ensheathed by single or multiple folds of a sheath cell are sometimes referred to as nerve fibers. Multiple
ensheathment of an axon consists of cellular wrappings from a sheath cell that wind around an axon. This type
of ensheathment is referred to as being myelinated(i.e., consisting of myelin sheaths) (see Figures 9-2 and
9-10). In the CNS, sheath cells are called oligodendrocytes, and in the PNS they are neurolemmocytes or
Schwann cells. As the cellular sheaths envelop the axon most of the cytoplasm within the sheaths is removed or
“squeezed out,” leaving only small, confluent portions of cytoplasm, known as clefts (of
Schmidt-Lantermann), in what has become a whirl of tightly wrapped cell membrane. An axon in both the
CNS and PNS is ensheathed by more that one oligodendrocyte and Schwann cell, respectively. The region
where two adjacent myelin ensheathments (from two adjacent sheath cells) meet is the node of Ranvier (Figure
9-11; see also Figure 9-10). In the CNS the nodes of Ranvier are not encapsulated at all by neighboring myelin
sheaths of oligodendrocytes. By comparison, in the PNS the nodes are covered by the loose interdigitations of
neighboring Schwann cells (Figure 9-12).

Not all nerve fibers in the CNS and PNS are myelinated. In the PNS unmyelinated nerve fibers are seen mostly
among smaller axons. These axons are enclosed singly or in clusters within a simple cleft of the Schwann cell.
Nodes of Ranvier do not exist here because adjacent Schwann cells are laterally connected, forming a
continuous sheath. In the CNS, unmyelinated axons, of which there are many, also can be unsheathed but still
lined by glial tissue.
Axons typically branch before they end, a process sometimes referred to as terminal arborization. The result of 187
this arborization is the formation of a telodendritic zone (see Figures 9-1 and 9-4). At the terminations of this
zone, axons usually dilate into boutons (boutons terminaux) or synaptic end bulbs (Figure 9-13).
Preterminal bulbs (boutons en passage), which consist of dilations along the axon, can occur as well.

Figure 9-12 Illustration of a node between two neurolemmocytes (N11 and

N12) that insulate a portion of an axon within the peripheral
nervous system (PNS). (BM,) Basement membrane.

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Figure 9-13 Illustration of an ultrastructural representation of a neuronal soma

with direct and adjacent synaptic associations. (Modified from Lentz
TL: Cell fine structure: an atlas of drawings of whole-cell structure,
Philadelphia, 1971, Saunders.)


Synapses are the contacts of axons with dendrites or the perikaryon. These are the regions where the nerve
impulses are transmitted from one neuron (the presynaptic cell) to another (the postsynaptic cell). Postsynaptic
cells can be nonneuronal, especially when located within the PNS, and frequently include glandular cells and
muscle fibers. The synapse then is composed of the terminal membrane or presynaptic membrane at the
preterminal or synaptic end bulb, a synaptic gap (synaptic cleft), and a postsynaptic membrane belonging to a
dendrite or perikaryon of another neuron (Figure 9-14; see also Figure 9-13).

Numerous synaptic vesicles, approximately 40 to 65 nm in diameter, help identify synaptic end bulbs
ultrastructurally. Synaptic vesicles hold materials (neurotransmitters) that are needed for transmitting a nerve 187
impulse across the synaptic gap. The vesicles, which may be dark and granular or clear, can contain a wide 188
variety of substances ranging from amino acids such as glycine and glutamate to peptides such as somatostatin
and to monoamines, including catecholamines. The different populations of neurotransmitters occur separately
with only one type of neurotransmitter formed within the neuron. As a result, neuronal terminals use
acetylcholine as the neurotransmitter, catecholamines, or other types of signaling molecules. Many of the
various neurotransmitters are synthesized at the level of the bulb and are collected and packaged within the

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vesicles that become clustered at the presynaptic membrane. Other neurotransmitters, including peptides, are
assembled within the perikaryon's Golgi apparatus and are transported within the vesicles by rapid axoplasmic

In addition to the numerous vesicles, the bulbs contain scattered elements of smooth ER, mitochondria,
microtubules, and microfilaments. The synaptic vesicles are packed at the membrane site of their release. The
presynaptic membrane contains dense material that becomes closely associated with those vesicles that lie next
to the membrane and will release their contents at the moment that the nerve impulse arrives (see Figures 9-13
and 9-14). Behind these vesicles is a reserve of synaptic vesicles attached to actin filaments, facilitating the
movement of these vesicles to the presynaptic membrane, along with a group of small proteins, including
synapsin-I and synapsin-II. With the arrival of an action potential, the opening of voltage-gated channels
occurs at the presynaptic membrane, allowing Ca to enter freely and enzymatically activate the
phosphorylation of synapsin-I, which, in turn, mobilizes the vesicles closest to the membrane and permits them
to merge with it and release their contents by exocytosis.

The released neurotransmitter now enters a narrow gap of approximately 20 to 30 nm wide. Extracellular
protein within the gap facilitates the diffusion of the neurotransmitter to the postsynaptic membrane. Quickly
the molecules of the neurotransmitter bind to a specific protein receptor attached to the postsynaptic membrane;
this interaction results in the opening of ion channels and initiates a nerve impulse affecting that cell. Activity at
the postsynaptic membrane ends when the neurotransmitter is sufficiently degraded. The degradation is
performed by enzymes released by the stimulated cell at the site of the postsynaptic membrane. The degradative
products are then taken in by the bulb, recycled, and resynthesized. When neurotransmitters act as inhibitors,
hyperpolarization rather than depolarization of the postsynaptic membrane occurs. In those instances, the
axonal bulbs are often positioned along the cell body, typically at the base of dendrites (i.e., axosomatic
synapses), or along the axon of the neuron to be stimulated (i.e., axoaxonic synapses) and can thus function
more effectively to block excitatory impulses (see Figure 9-13).

The postsynaptic membrane is similar in appearance to the presynaptic membrane in that the plasmalemma is
thickened and opaque, containing the receptor protein that is responsible for the depolarized or hyperpolarized
response. As in the presynaptic membrane, numerous filaments are associated with the postsynaptic membrane,
but are much more visible than those seen presynaptically because of the lack of vesicles in the postsynaptic
element (see Figures 9-7 and 9-14).


The driving force behind synaptic activity is provided by the neurotransmitter. Neurotransmitters consist of a
variety of signaling molecules that act directly on receptor protein associated with ion channels. The response
time involved in this process is usually short, less than 1 msec. Not all signaling molecules are directly involved
with ion channels. Some act on G proteins or receptor kinases, which instead result in the activation of a second
messenger. In these instances, the signaling molecules are called neuromodulators and the time associated
with this process can be considerably longer, lasting up to several minutes.

Nearly 100 neurotransmitters and neuromodulators have been found. These signaling proteins can be divided
into three groups: gases, small molecule transmitters, and neuropeptides. Gases represent the smallest and most
recently discovered group, consisting of nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO), both of which have the
potential to function as neuromodulators. The next smallest signaling proteins are the small molecule
transmitters, which are subdivided into amino acids, which include gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA),
glutamate, glycine, and aspartate; acetylcholine; and biogenic amines, which include catecholamines

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(epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine) and serotonin. The third group consists of neuropeptides, many
functioning as neuromodulators, and include opioids, gastrointestinal peptides, and various hormones.


Neurons are classified according to the number and size of the processes extending from their cell bodies. The
simplest category is the unipolar neuron, which possesses one cell process leading away from the perikaryon. 188
Two branches may serve as an axon and dendrite or simply as an axon. True unipolar neurons are rare in 189
vertebrates. Instead, a pseudounipolar neuron represents a modification of this category (Figure 9-15). The
pseudounipolar neuron appears morphologically similar to the true unipolar neuron at maturity, but in fact
originates embryologically as a neuron with two cell processes. During development, both processes move
toward one side of the cell and fuse for a short distance from the perikaryon. Pseudounipolar neurons are found
in dorsal root ganglia as well as some sensory ganglia of cranial nerves and amacrine cells in the retina.
Neurons that possess two processes are referred to as bipolar. In these cells, an axon arises from one “pole” of
the cell body, and a single dendrite arises from the opposite pole (see Figure 9-15). These cells are mostly
associated with sensory apparatuses, being found in the retina and within vestibular and acoustic ganglia. The
most common form of neuron is that which possesses several or more processes (multipolar). These neurons
can possess elaborate dendritic trees and may be grouped according to shapes of the dendritic patterns.

Figure 9-14 Transmission electron micrograph of a portion of the cerebellum

with an extensive entanglement of glial processes and axons and
dendrites, collectively called (neuropil). Among the neuropil a
dendritic spine forms a synapse (arrow) with an axonal ending
(synaptic end bulb). Within the dendrite are several long
mitochondria. (From Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook
of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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Neurons also may be classified on the basis of direction of nerve impulse as seen in the PNS, consisting of
afferent neurons (toward the CNS) and efferent neurons (away from the CNS), and type of function—
sensory, motor, and integrative— with sensory and motor being synonymous with afferent and efferent,
respectively (Table 9-1).


In addition to neurons a variety of support cells, or neuroglia, comprise much of the nervous tissue, and are found
between neurons and along fiber tracts (Figure 9-16). Cells of this type provide physical as well as physiological 189
support. Their functional roles, which have yet to be fully understood and appreciated, are listed in Table 9-2. New 191
studies have continued to redefine their association with neurons.

Figure 9-15 Diagram of the three basic morphological types of neurons that occur
in domestic species. A, Bipolar neuron; B, pseudounipolar neuron
([a′], common process to the dendrite and axon); C, multipolar
neuron. (Modified from Bergman RA, Afifi AK, Heidger PM Jr: Histology,
Philadelphia, 1996, Saunders.)

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Figure 9-16 Illustration of the types of neuroglia within the central nervous
system (CNS). (Modified from Gartner LP, Hiatt JL: Color textbook of
histology, Philadelphia, 1997, Saunders.)

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TABLE 9-1 Classification of Neurons


Shape Unipolar Single process associated with the Domestic species do not possess
soma unipolar neurons; pseudounipolar
Pseudounipolar Two processes combine for a short and bipolar neurons are most often
distance as one during development associated with sensory innervation
Bipolar Single axon and dendrite associated
with the soma
Multipolar Single axon and more than one
dendrite associated with the soma
Direction Afferent Directs signal (nerve impulse) Mostly sensory innervation
toward CNS
Efferent Directs signal away from CNS Mostly motor innervation
Location Central nervous system Present within the brain and spinal Consisting of whole cells and soma
(CNS) cord with dendritic zone
Peripheral nervous Present outside the brain and spinal Consisting of nerve fibers and
system (PNS) cord localized ganglia (small clusters of
Type of functional Motor Directs effector organs including Synonymous with efferent
innervation muscle, glands, and other neurons
Sensory Responds to sensory stimuli, Synonymous with afferent
internally and externally
Inter(neuron)/integrative Interconnects and establishes Number and complexity increase
network circuitry between motor with evolution of mammals
neurons and sensory neurons

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TABLE 9-2 Key Characteristics of Neuroglia


Protoplasmic astrocyte Numerous short, Gray matter Contributes to the Forms vascularly
branched processes blood-brain barrier; provides attached end feet;
arranged in a stellate scaffolding for neuronal abundant
manner processes; maintains cation cytoplasm and
+ large, oval
balance, especially K
Fibrous astrocyte Sparsely branched White matter Contributes to the Forms vascularly
processes arranged in a blood-brain barrier; provides attached end feet;
stellate manner scaffolding for nerve fibers high
concentration of
(glial) filaments;
smaller, oval, less
Oligodendrocyte Small round cell body Gray and white matter Myelinates axons in white Myelinates small
with scattered thin matter and those present in portions of more
processes gray matter; otherwise serves than one axon;
as perineuronal satellite cells possesses small,
without determined function round partially
Microglia Small oval cell body Gray and white matter Phagocytic/antigen-presenting Well-developed
with fine spiny processes capability lysosomal system;
member of the
population within
the body
Ependyma Cuboidal to columnar Line ventricles and Forms cerebrospinal fluid Round to oval
with sparsely ciliated central canal (CSF) within the ventricles nucleus; possesses
apical surface and moves CSF within basal process that
ventricles and central canal can provide
especially in the
spinal cord
Cell Types of the Peripheral Nervous System
Neurolemmocyte Elongated and flattened; Within nerve bundles Myelinates a portion (up to Forms a basal
wrapped circularly outside the CNS 1mm) of an axon and lamina; elliptically
around a portion of an ensheathes its smaller shaped, partially
axon branches heterochromatic
nucleus located
outside the myelin

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Satellite cell Small cuboidal Nerve ganglion Not determined With other
satellite cells
neurons; small,
round partially


Of the different cells that compose the neuroglia, the astrocyte is perhaps the largest, having many long
processes that may be highly branched. As the name implies, this cell appears star shaped as the long processes
surround a fairly small soma that is filled with a large, spherical nucleus. Although the function of the astrocyte
is still being researched, it is thought to provide scaffolding for the assemblage of neurons and their processes.
Potassium ions within the small extracellular domain are pump regulated by these cells. Glutamate and
α-aminobutyrate also are believed to be astrocyte regulated. Two types of astrocytes have been distinguished,
both of which occur solely in the CNS. Protoplasmic astrocytes are found in gray matter, and have highly
branched processes that contain granular and comparatively abundant cytoplasm. The nucleus in this cell type is
centrally placed within the cell body, and when compared with other glial cells it is large and euchromatic 191
(Figures 9-17 and 9-18). These astrocytes mostly envelop the surface of neurons, synaptic areas, and blood 192
vessels. When in contact with blood vessels, the ends of the processes expand to some degree and form vascular
end feet or pedicles that may contribute to the blood-brain barrier (see Figure 9-16). Fibrous astrocytes by
comparison occur in white matter; they have long slender, smooth, and relatively unbranched processes that are
rich with thin filaments. The cytoplasm, which surrounds the centrally placed mostly euchromatic nucleus,
possesses considerably fewer organelles than that of protoplasmic astrocytes (see Figures 9-16 and 9-18). End
feet arise at the distal tips of those processes that contact blood vessels. Both types of astrocytes form a unique
type of intermediate filament of glial fibrillar acidic protein (GFAP). Although GFAP is more concentrated in
the fibrous astrocyte, it can quickly increase in amount in the protoplasmic astrocyte during an episode of injury.

Figure 9-17 Light micrograph of silver-impregnated protoplasmic astrocyte with

numerous radiating processes. (Cat brain, Golgi-Cox stain; ×200.)

CHAPTER 9 Nervous Tissue Page 19 of 41

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The oligodendrocyte is a small cell type of neuroglia, possessing fewer, relatively short processes than
found in astrocytes and a round, darkly stained nucleus (see Figure 9-16). This cell, which is found in both
white and gray matter of the CNS, is cytoplasmically richer than the astrocyte, having numerous
mitochondria, rER, and a prominent Golgi apparatus next to a small, round nucleus. In white matter,
oligodendrocytes act as sheath cells that envelop and myelinate axons. Myelin consists of multiple wrappings
of the oligodendrocyte's cell membrane, which function to insulate the axon so that the nerve impulse is able
to travel great distances without a substantial loss of its action potential. A single oligodendrocyte is able to
myelinate short regions of several or more adjacent axons (Figure 9-19). In gray matter, these cells are often
positioned next to perikaryons, where they ensheathe their axons and partially line the perikaryon. Microglia

Microglial cells— dense, elongated cells with numerous small, branching processes—are among the
smallest cell types of the neuroglial element (see Figure 9-16). In the normal CNS, microglia are sparse and 192
have a defense role, much like the macrophage in connective tissue. Many of the cells that have been 193
described light microscopically have been demonstrated as oligodendrocytes or glioblasts (immature
neuroglia) for the formation of new oligodendrocytes and astrocytes. Recently these cells have been
proposed to be multipotential stem cells, having the capability of giving rise to neurons as well. However,
some of the cells have been found to be derived from blood-borne monocytes and mesodermally derived
from the bone marrow: these are true microglia. In response to an injury or infection, microglia (of the
macrophage-monocyte system) become involved in phagocytic activity (Figure 9-20).

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Figure 9-18 Light micrograph of astrocytes (arrows). A, Protoplasmic

astrocyte. B, Fibrous astrocyte. Smaller round nuclei belong to
nearby oligodendrocytes. (Feline spinal cord, hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×1000.)


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Figure 9-19 Illustration of an oligodendrocyte that is involved in the
myelination of adjacent axons. As each sheath ends, it leaves the
node exposed.

Figure 9-20 Transmission electron micrograph (×7000) of an active microglial

cell in the dog.

CHAPTER 9 Nervous Tissue Page 22 of 41

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Ependymal cells comprise those cells that line cavities in the CNS (i.e., the ventricles of the brain and the
central canal of the spinal cord). These cells morphologically retain their neuroepithelial embryonic
derivation and have an epithelial arrangement, forming ciliated simple cuboidal or columnar layers (Figure
9-21). Adjacent cells are closely joined by cell junctions that include nexi (gap junctions) and zonula
adherens. In adults, cilia can be lost except for small, patchy regions. Although their apices line the cavities,
their bases often extend into single long processes that travel from the center of the brain to peripheral
connective tissue, especially in the young, developing individual. Although they shorten with maturation,
these processes may nevertheless contribute further support to neuronal elements. Within the ventricles of
the brain the ependyma becomes a modified special secretory epithelium that is cuboidal and lines the
choroid plexi that form cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). These ependymal cells form tight junctions (zonula
occludens) and in doing so maintain the blood-brain barrier as the capillaries are fenestrated in these plexi. Neurolemmocytes

Neurolemmocytes are glia or Schwann cells of the PNS—the counterpart to oligodendrocytes of the CNS, 194
because these cells are similarly involved in axonal ensheathment. Each cell forms a single, myelinated 195
internodal segment (Figure 9-22). These cells, in effect, line up end-to-end for the length of the axon, and in
an analogous manner resemble a long passenger train with its central corridor. It is important to note that the
entire cell is involved in axonal ensheathment and that its innermost portion is able to coil around the axon
repeatedly (up to 50 times). The cytoplasm within the multiple windings becomes “squeezed,” or removed
toward the outermost portion, leaving a small amount of cytoplasm along its inner cell membrane (Figure
9-23; see also Figure 9-10). As a result of the removal of the cytoplasm from the multiple windings, the
wrappings of the cell membrane and residual cytoplasm become fused and are referred to as myelin. The
fusion of the Schwann cell's plasmalemma forms major dense lines that consist of the cell membrane's inner
leaflet and any associated cytoplasm, and intraperiod lines, consisting of the membrane's outer leaflet. It is
thought that there is a very fine space within the intraperiod line, called the intraperiod gap, that may allow
small molecules to reach the axon. This gap extends from the innermost wrapping of the neurolemmocyte's
cell membrane (the inner mesaxon), and extends helically to the outermost wrapping (the outer mesaxon).

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Figure 9-21 Light micrograph of ependymal cells lining the central canal of a
feline spinal cord. Arrows point to the basal processes.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×1000.)

The inner and outer cytoplasmic portions of a neurolemmocyte are not entirely cut off from one another
because of narrow cytoplasm connections or avenues that helically wind from one region to another, known
as clefts or incisures (of Schmidt-Lantermann). These clefts, which can be seen by plastic-embedded
specimens (Figure 9-24; see also Figure 9-22), function to keep the inner portion oxygenated and nourished.
In neurolemmocytes or Schwann cells that are long, up to 1 mm, and possess thick myelin, numerous clefts
can be observed. The bulk of the cytoplasm and the nucleus of the neurolemmocyte, which is oval, are
located within the outer portion (see Figure 9-24). In large neurolemmocytes (those that are long and have
thick myelin), the nucleus protrudes to some extent into the myelin. At the end of each cell, a cleftlike
avenue of cytoplasm is retained, interconnecting the inner and outer portions. The apposing ends of adjacent
neurolemmocytes along the same axon, which are referred to as nodes (nodes of Ranvier), overlap to some
extent and in doing so continue to ensheathe the axon in the absence of myelin (see Figures 9-10 and 9-12).
This arrangement contrasts to that found in the CNS, which lacks any nodal ensheathment. Nodal and
internodal regions along each axon within the PNS are further lined by a basal lamina that is made by each
neurolemmocyte. With the approaching termination of each axon, the degree of myelination is reduced and
eventually disappears. In these instances, the associated neurolemmocyte simply envelops the axon and its
branches (Figure 9-25).

+ 195
Before reaching the synaptic terminations of the axon, Na ions can cross the axolemma only in a
+ 197
depolarized manner at the nodes of Ranvier, where Na ion channels are clustered. However, because the
nodes are covered by the end processes of two adjoining neurolemmocytes, outward movement of the Na
ions is blocked. As a result excess Na ions continue to diffuse through the axoplasm to the next node and

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initiate depolarization at that point. In this way, the impulse is moved by a surging action potential that
“jumps” from each node to the next, causing saltatory conduction. The rapidity of this process is enhanced
by the amount of myelination. Thus the degree of myelination by the neurolemmocyte has a direct bearing
on the velocity that a nerve impulse is conducted along a nerve fiber.

Figure 9-22 A, Illustration of a myelinated nerve fiber that represents the

changes resulting from two different fixatives; the portion on the
left has been preserved for electron microscopy, and the portion
on the right has been preserved for traditional light microscopy
with paraffin-embedded material. In traditionally prepared
specimens of nerve fibers, much of the myelin's lipid component
has been extracted, causing the structure to appear fragmented,
and described years ago as consisting of neurokeratin. B, Light
micrographs (×1000) of the illustration in A. The left side was
embedded in plastic and stained with toluidine blue, whereas the
right side was embedded in paraffin and stained with hematoxylin
and eosin. (A from Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook
of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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Figure 9-23 Transmission electron micrograph (×20,000) of a partially oblique

view of a nerve fiber, revealing the innermost portion of the
cytoplasm of the neurolemmocyte (Nl) lying inside the myelin
sheath and just outside the axolemma of the axon (A).

At the termination of the nerve fibers, the myelin sheath disappears and the axon is ensheathed solely by the
cytoplasm and the cell membrane of the neurolemmocyte. At this point the voltage-gated ion channels are
spread along the entire axolemma rather than clustered as before. Consequently, the nerve impulse moves
along the axolemma at a slower rate in a process called continuous conduction. Satellite Cell

Another glial component in the PNS is the satellite cell, or amphicyte. This cell occurs in nerve plexi and
ganglia, such as the dorsal root ganglia, which are sensory ganglia that contain the perikarya of
pseudounipolar neurons. Satellite cells form an envelope around the individual neurons within a ganglion.
The satellite cell is comparatively much smaller than the neuron and is usually cuboidal (Figure 9-26). These
cells are covered by their basal lamina, which, in turn, is encapsulated by connective tissue. The satellite cell
is believed to provide both structural and physiological support for each neuron in the PNS. The connective
tissue lining these cells is contiguous with the endoneurium, a connective tissue that lines the axons and
associated neurolemmocytes.

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Nervous tissue within the PNS consists of bundles of nerve fibers (nerves) that are myelinated except at their
terminal arborizations. Cranial nerves originate from the brain (which lies within the cranium) and spinal nerves
are found in the spinal cord. In addition to nerves, clusters of neurons and their cell bodies can be found at discrete
locations among the body's different organ systems. These clusters are ganglia (ganglion, singular) and are further 197
subdivided into autonomic ganglia, which assist in directing activities within the body associated with muscle 200
under involuntary control (such as smooth and cardiac muscle) and glands; and sensory ganglia, which provide
sensory innervation for both external and internal environments.

Figure 9-24 A, Light micrograph of multiple clefts (arrows) within the myelin
sheath along an axon (.) (Plastic section, toluidine blue stain; ×400.)
B, Transmission electron micrograph (×4000) of an encircling cleft
(arrowheads) within the myelin sheath. (Nu,) Nucleus of the

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Figure 9-25 Transmission electron micrograph (×3000) of a small nerve within the
canine peripheral nervous system (PNS), consisting of myelinated
nerve fibers (closed arrow) and branched axons (a) that are
ensheathed but not myelinated (open arrow). The bundles of nerve
fibers present are each separated by a perineurium (P), which in turn
is lined externally by an epineurium. Each nerve fiber is lined by the
endoneurium (E).

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Figure 9-26 Light micrograph of satellite cells (arrows) surrounding the soma of a
neuron within a nerve plexus within the small intestine of a dog.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×1000.)

Autonomic ganglia are closely associated with neurons within the CNS that together with the neurons of the
autonomic ganglia control the visceral portion of the body through their efferent or visceral motor innervation. The
neurons with their cell bodies located within the CNS represent the first neurons of the autonomic chain. Their
nerve fibers, preganglionic fibers, synapse with the neurons of the autonomic ganglia, which represent the second
neurons of the autonomic chain. The second neurons (i.e., those of the autonomic ganglia) are multipolar with
comparatively small amount of cytoplasm around the slightly displaced nuclei. Their axons, postganglionic
fibers, are myelinated and terminate directly with smooth or cardiac muscle or specific glands.

Sensory ganglia are associated with both cranial and spinal nerves, being found within the cranial and dorsal
spinal roots (dorsal root ganglia), and consisting of pseudounipolar neurons except for those associated with the
sensory organs for smell (olfaction), vision, balance (vestibulation), and hearing (audition), which consist of
bipolar neurons. The neurons are lined by neuroglia (satellite cells) that lie closely pressed to each neuron's soma,
and a capsule of connective tissue (see Figure 9-26). The pseudounipolar neurons consist of exteroceptors and
interoceptors, which possess specialized afferent processes that direct generated impulses from either external or
internal stimulation to the CNS.

A nerve within the PNS that holds afferent fibers for interoception, exteroception, and proprioception also contains
efferent nerve fibers. These latter fibers originate from somatic efferent neurons that function to innervate skeletal

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muscle cells. A somatic neuron and all of the muscle cells that it can potentially stimulate comprise a motor unit.
Although muscle units can involve as many as 200 to 300 or more myocytes or even up to 1000 cells along the
abdominal wall. They can have few units that are resistant to extensive activity or many units that are used mostly
for intense contraction over a short duration. As one might suspect, the size of the motor neuron generally reflects
the size of the motor unit in that smaller neurons innervate smaller units and larger neurons innervate larger units.

The innervation of the muscle cells by the neuron is performed by the synaptic activity of the motor endplate,
which consists of several short axonal endings lying within pocket-like invaginations along a muscle fiber (see
Figure 8-14). Each ending (synaptic end bulb) forms a myoneural junction with the muscle fiber. The
composition of this junction was previously described in Chapter 8. Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter
contained within the tens of thousands of synaptic vesicles that lie next to the presynaptic membrane of each
terminal. Once released, the acetylcholine quickly binds to the many receptors along the primary and secondary
clefts, causing ligand-gated ion channels to open and depolarization of the muscle fiber. The reaction caused by
the neurotransmitter is short lived because of the presence of acetylcholinesterase within the secondary clefts,
which almost instantaneously dissembles acetylcholine into acetate and choline. The choline within the synaptic
cleft is then readily transported back to the axonal terminal and recycled by choline acetyltransferase so that a
functional amount of the neurotransmitter is always present under normal circumstances.


Within the PNS the nerve fibers are aggregated into bundles or fascicles that grossly appear white because of
their myelination. As peripheral nerves, the fascicles are encapsulated by several layers of connective tissue
elements that collectively form a fibrous protective sheath. The outermost layer consists of a dense fibrous coat,
the epineurium (Figure 9-27). In peripheral nerves that contain more than a single fascicle, the epineurium
occurs between adjacent nerve bundles as well. The thickness of the epineurium is most pronounced where the
nerves emanate from the spinal cord.

Individual nerve bundles are enveloped by a sleeve of epithelioid-like cells that are joined to each other along
their lateral borders by tight junctions. This cellular sleeve or sheath (the perineurium) can be comprised of
more than one layer in larger fascicles, which becomes reduced to a single layer in smaller fascicles (see Figure
9-25). The cells form a basal lamina, and when more than one layer exists, small amounts of extracellular fibers
coexist between the adjacent cellular layers. The perineurium provides a seal that preserves a microenvironment
suited for maintaining nerve fibers and the conduction of their impulses. Internally the perineurium branches
and lines a fine network of loose connective tissue that surrounds the neurolemmocytes or Schwann cells—the
endoneurium. The loose connective tissue consists primarily of reticular fibers produced by the 200
neurolemmocytes, fibroblasts and their collagen and elastin, capillaries, and occasional histiocytes and mast 202
cells. The perineurial and endoneurial portions of the connective tissue investment of peripheral nerve are
present up to the axonal endings (see Figure 9-27).

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Figure 9-27 A, Light micrograph of a nerve bundle within the peripheral

nervous system (PNS) sealed by the perineurium (arrow) and
further protected by an outer connective tissue coat, the
epineurium. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.) B, Transmission
electron micrograph (×6000) of individual nerve fibers in a dog that
continue to be lined by the perineurium (P) and endoneurium (E).

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Figure 9-28 Light micrograph of the feline cerebrum with the gray matter (GM)
located externally to the white matter (WM). (Nissl [cresyl violet]
stain; ×20.)


The brain (the cerebellum, cerebrum, and brainstem) and the spinal cord make up the CNS, which is gross
anatomically and histologically divided into two major components: gray matter and white matter. The gray versus
white appearance is due to the amount of myelinated axons present. In gray matter the nervous tissue consists
largely of the perikarya or soma of neurons, their dendrites, glia, blood vessels, and a small amount of nerve fibers
that may be myelinated (Figure 9-28). The numerous cell branches associated with the different glia, dendrites,
and axons are referred to as neuropil and can appear in the two-dimensional world of the histological slide as a
confusing entanglement of processes (see Figure 9-14). Consequently, thick specimens (sections measuring from
50-200μm in depth) combined with impregnation stains are often used to appreciate the full morphology of an
entire cell, whether a neuron or one of the neuroglia (Figure 9-29; see also Figures 9-3 and 9-17). The chief
morphological characteristic of gray matter then is the presence of the neuronal cell bodies with the comparatively
large, round nuclei surrounded by variable amounts of Nissl bodies (see Figure 9-5). In the brain, gray matter is
located along the periphery, forming the cortex of the cerebrum and the cortex of the cerebellum (see Figure 9-28).
In the spinal cord the gray matter is formed centrally, is H shaped, and surrounds the central canal (Figure 9-30).
The gray matter, in turn, is surrounded by white matter.

White matter, in general, contrasts sharply from gray matter histologically in its absence of perikarya and in its
prevalence of myelinated axons (see Figures 9-5, 9-9, 9-18, and 9-30). Although some unmyelinated nerve fibers
may occur within white matter, the hallmark feature of this tissue is the presence of myelinated nerve fibers, which

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can be aggregated into bundles by neuroglia (fibrous astrocytes). These bundles consist of tracts that largely
involve nerve fibers that originate and terminate in the same locations.

Within the brain there are loci of gray matter that are more or less surrounded by white matter and are referred to 202
as nuclei. Each nucleus typically receives nerve impulses (input) from one or more tracts that come from other 203
nuclei or areas of gray matter within the cortex of the cerebrum or the cerebellum. Likewise, each nucleus
provides output and projects nerve impulses along one or more tracts to other centers of neurons. Within a nucleus
is a population of small neurons—interneurons— that receive the input signal. These cells assist in selecting the
appropriate output response. An example is the interneuron cell found in the dorsal horns (the upper or dorsal
vertical bars of the H) of the spinal cord, which receives input from the sensory neurons (located in the dorsal root
ganglion (see Figure 9-30). These cells then communicate with the large multipolar motor neurons located in the
ventral horns (the lower vertical bars of the H) and form an integration network between the body's sensory and
motoneurons. Interneurons in general comprise most of the total population of neurons within the CNS.

Figure 9-29 Light micrograph of silver-impregnated neurons and glia within the
feline cerebrum. (Golgi-Cox stain; ×100.)

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Figure 9-30 Light micrograph of a feline spinal cord, with the white matter (WM)
located externally to the gray matter (GM). Arrow points to the
central canal. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×20.)


Most of the neuronal cell bodies of the brain lie within the cerebral and cerebellar cortices. The cerebral cortex
integrates sensory signals, initiates motor response, and is involved in learning and memory activities. It
contains six distinguishable layers that form the periphery of the cerebral hemispheres. In domestic species the 203
layers follow a highly undulating surface that consists of ridges (gyri) and grooves (sulci) (Figure 9-31; see also 204
Figure 9-28). Although each layer lacks a well-delineated boundary to demarcate one from the other, they can
be distinguished on the basis of prevalent cell type(s) and processes and to a lesser extent on cell densities. Each
layer is interconnected with the others in a vertical manner, resulting in columns that extend from the
underlying white matter to the cortical surface and measure up to several hundred micrometers in diameter. The
principal neuron involved with the vertical integration is the pyramidal cell, which is designed in a way that
directs its processes—dendrites and axon—from one layer to another.

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Figure 9-31 Light micrograph of the feline cerebrum and its six layers. 1.
Molecular layer, 2. external granular layer, 3. external pyramidal
layer, 4. internal granular layer, 5. internal pyramidal layer, and 6.
multiform layer. (Nissl [cresyl violet] stain; ×200.)

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Layer I—molecular layer is composed of nerve fibers that originate from other regions of the brain and are
mostly oriented tangentially, running parallel with the cortical surface. It can be referred to as the plexiform
layer because of the presence of extensive neuropil, which includes dendrites from pyramidal cells that lie
farther in the cortex (layer III) and synapse with the incoming afferent fibers.

Layer II—external granular layer (or outer granular layer) contains small stellate interneurons (granule cells)
and neuroglia.

Layer III—external pyramidal layer also contains neuroglia and small to large pyramidal neurons that
become increasingly larger as they move toward the next inner layer (away from the surface). The neurons in
this layer are distinctly pyramidal.

Layer IV—internal granular layer is a comparatively thin layer, consisting of smaller, more closely packed
stellate neurons than seen in any other layer of the cortex. These neurons can receive sensory input, and in those
areas of visual input—the visual cortex—this layer is quite prominent.

Layer V—internal pyramidal layer is composed of large pyramidal cells distantly arranged from one another,
having the least cell density of the cerebral cortex. In motor areas of the cerebral cortex, these cells can be
especially large. Their nerve fibers contribute to the white matter.

Layer VI—multiform layer (fusiform layer) possesses neuroglia and neurons that are spindle shaped but can
vary a good deal in form and orientation.


As in the cerebrum, the gray matter of the cerebellum (the cerebellar cortex) forms the periphery of this
portion of the brain. Neurons within this tissue are involved in directing activities associated with vestibulation
(balance), skeletal coordination, and muscle tone. The cerebellar cortex receives input from proprioceptors
associated with skeletal muscle and joints as well as spontaneously from cerebellar nuclei. The cerebellar cortex
is divided histologically into three layers that vary little in appearance according to which area of the
cerebellum is examined.

The outermost first layer is known as the molecular layer and consists of neuropil from dendrites of neurons 204
located within the middle layer and axons of neurons located within the innermost layer. In addition are 205
scattered stellate neurons (Figure 9-32). The second or middle layer is thin and is made of a single layer of large
neurons known as piriform cells, or Purkinje cells, which are flask shaped and have enormous dendritic trees
that extend into the molecular layer. The axons of these cells are myelinated and project into and through the
adjacent innermost third layer, the granular layer, and enter the white matter. In fact, these cells are the only
neurons of cerebellar cortex that leave the CNS, acting as efferent neurons that provide inhibition and use
GABA as the neurotransmitter. The granular layer (granule cell layer) is characterized by the presence of
numerous small neurons (granule cells), whose axons are directed in the opposite direction of the piriform
cells, projecting into the molecular layer and synapsing with extensive dendritic processes of piriform cells
within the molecular layer. In addition to these two major populations of neurons that comprise most of the
cerebellar cortex, are two other populations of neurons to consider: the basket cell and the Golgi cell. The
basket cell is an inhibitory neuron located within the innermost regions of the molecular layer next to the layer
of piriform cells. Its axonal arborizations form a basket-like lining around the piriform soma, and its dendrites
extend into the molecular layer. Golgi cells are stellate inhibitory interneurons that lie along the outermost
region of the granular layer.

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Figure 9-32 Light micrograph of the cerebellum of a manatee. Arrows point to

the prominent piriform (Purkinje) cells along the outermost layer.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.)

Within the granular layer of the cerebellar cortex are regions called glomeruli— synaptic complexes between
axons entering the cerebellum, that is, input axons, and the dendrites of granule cells. The input axons form
terminations called mossy endings (or mossy fibers) that synapse with dendritic branches of adjacent granule


The gray matter and white matter of the tubular-shaped spinal cord are localized in the reverse manner of that
which composes the brain. The externally positioned white matter is organized into bundles of ascending and

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descending nerve fibers (Figure 9-33). Because most of the fibers extend along the longitudinal axis of the
spinal cord, only a few are observed entering the white matter from the interior gray matter region. However,
occasional bundles of nerve fibers can be found externally within the meningeal covering, either entering or
exiting the spinal cord. Nerves exiting the spinal cord (efferent nerves) can be found ventrally, whereas those
entering the spinal cord (afferent nerves) are seen dorsally.

When gray matter is viewed histologically in cross section, it appears as a misshapen H or perhaps, more
accurately, a butterfly profile, with a central canal located in the middle connecting region, known as the gray
commissure (see Figure 9-30). The ventral and dorsal prongs are the anterior and posterior horns, respectively.
Within the horns, especially the anterior horns, the cell bodies of the neurons can be large, consisting of the
motor neurons discussed earlier. Interneurons, including those associated with the somatic motor neurons, are
largely located within the posterior (dorsal) horns. By comparison, visceral neurons are located predominantly
between the ventral and dorsal horns in a more lateral position. These neurons are innervated by neurons of the
dorsal root ganglion.


The connective tissue association with the nerve tissue comprising the CNS is considerably more formidable in 206
providing protection and serving the aerobic demands for neurons than that found in the PNS. Externally, the
CNS is lined by the skull and vertebral column, whereas internally it is enveloped by layers of connective tissue
called the meninges. The meninges consists of three fibrous membranes that completely envelop the CNS: dura
mater, arachnoid and pia mater. The dura mater (pachymeninx) is the outermost membrane and is composed
of two layers: the periosteal dura, which is continuous with the periosteum of the inner surface of the cranial
bones, and meningeal dura, which lies inside the periosteal dura and consists of a variably thick layer of dense
connective tissue with fibroblasts. Both layers contain small blood vessels but are well developed in the
periosteal dura. The meningeal dura is lined internally by a border cell layer composed of one or more layers
of epithelial-like fibroblasts that interconnect with each other through gap junctions and desmosomes and are
surrounded by a proteoglycan-rich extracellular matrix. Within the vertebral column the dura mater (spinal
dura) is separated from the periosteum of vertebrae by an epidural space, which, in fact, is not a space, but
consists of loose connective tissue, adipose, and a network of small veins. Within the cranial dura, sinuses drain
the venous blood of the brain.

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Figure 9-33 Light micrograph of nerve fibers (arrows) within gray matter
moving from or to the surrounding white matter. (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×200.)

Internal to the dura mater is the arachnoid, which consists of two components: an external membrane of
connective tissue that is in direct contact with the dura mater of the brain and a system of trabeculae extending
from the membrane of the arachnoid to the pia mater (Figure 9-34). The dura and the arachnoid loosely
interface but do not have solid connections with each other. As a result, there is a potential space (subdural
space) for fluid such as blood to be held in this area upon injury. Occasionally, in the brain the arachnoid
penetrates the dura mater, ending as small protrusions (arachnoid villi) into the venous sinuses of the dura
mater. The space between the trabeculae comprises the subarachnoid space, which contains CSF and blood
vessels that course along it sending branches into and away from the nervous tissue. The arachnoid tissues that
extend into the venous sinuses of the dura (i.e., the arachnoid villi) are outflow apparatuses for the removal of 206
CSF. When the internal pressure of the CSF within the arachnoid space exceeds the venous blood pressure, the 207
villi dilate and open in a way that facilitates CSF removal from the brain. If the internal pressure within the
subarachnoid space is less than that of the venous blood pressure, the villi collapse and prevent blood reflux
into the spaces that carry CSF.

The pia mater lies immediately adjacent to the nervous tissue. This third portion of the meninges is a thin
connective tissue membrane that extends along the irregular surface of the CNS and is able to penetrate it for
some length as it lines entering and exiting blood vessels. The pia mater is composed of fine collagenous and
elastic fibers and numerous small blood vessels along the external surface of the CNS, resting in contact with

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the glia beneath. This membrane also is covered by an epithelial-like fibroblastic layer of cells similar to those
found in the arachnoid and not unlike that found in serous membranes in general.

Figure 9-34 Illustration of a portion of the meninges associated with the

cerebral cortex. (Modified from Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a
textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

Figure 9-35 Light micrograph of the choroid plexus of a rat. (Nissl [cresyl violet]
stain; ×100.)

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The CNS is bathed in its own serum (CSF) that is suitable for its functional activities and provides a fluid
cushion or shock absorber. CSF is a clear, watery material that electrolytically has a close resemblance to
plasma, but contains considerably less protein. CSF is produced by discrete vascular beds known as choroid
plexi within the ventricles of the brain, where it then continues to flow, eventually leaving through lateral
apertures and entering the subarachnoid space and continuing to diffuse freely throughout the nervous tissue as
well as be subsequently removed. It also enters the central canal of the spinal cord and bathes that portion of the
CNS. The choroid plexi consist of ependymal cells arranged as a simple cuboidal epithelium that comes into
direct contact with a capillary bed of the pia mater, which is lined by a fenestrated endothelium (Figure 9-35). 207
+ 208
The choroid plexus epithelium passively secretes CSF by diffusion and actively pumps CSF by Na secretion.

The blood-brain barrier maintains the differences between the composition of CSF and blood. This barrier is
established by the presence of continuous capillaries that serve to nourish and oxygenate the neurons and their
support cells within the nervous tissue. These vessels are lined by endothelial cells that form tight junctions
(fasciae occludentes) and contribute greatly to the selective barrier. Vesicular movement of materials is
performed by receptor-mediated transport. Different carrier proteins facilitate the movement of glucose,
amino acids, and other molecules from blood into the nervous tissue. The end feet of the astrocytes, which form
the perivascular glia limitans, also contribute to the blood-brain barrier through their selective absorption and
subsequent movement of materials to and from adjacent neurons.


RA Bergman, AK Afifi, Heidger, PM Jr.: In Histology. 1996, Saunders, Philadelphia.

D Bray, D Gilbert: Cytoskeletal elements in neurons. Ann Rev Neurosci. 4, 1981, 505.
JA Colombo, E Fuchs, W Hartig, et al.: “Rodent-like” and “primate-like” types of astroglial architecture in
the adult cerebral cortex of mammals: a comparative study. Anat Embryol. 201, 2000, 111.
DW Fawcett: In Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology. ed 11, 1986, Saunders, Philadelphia.
LP Gartner, JL Hiatt: In Color textbook of histology. 1997, Saunders, Philadelphia.
TL Lentz: In Cell fine structure: an atlas of drawings of whole-cell structure. 1971, Saunders, Philadelphia.
C Martinelli, P Sartori, M Leda, E Pannese: Age-related quantitative changes in mitochondria of satellite
cell sheaths enveloping spinal ganglion neurons in the rabbit. Brain Res Bull. 61, 2003, 147.
DK Morest, J Silver: Precursors of neurons, neuroglia, and ependymal cells in the CNS: What are they?.
Where are they from? How do they get where they are going? Glia. 43, 2003, 6.
B Onteniente, H Kimura, T Maeda: Comparative study of the glial fibrillary acidic protein in vertebrates by
PAP immunohistochemistry. J Comp Neurol. 215, 1983, 427.
A Peters, SL Palay, H de F Webster: In The fine structure of the nervous system: the neurons and
supporting cells. 1976, Saunders, Philadelphia.
F Szalay: Development of the equine brain motor system. Neurobiology. 9, 2001, 107.
A Yokoyama, L Yang, S Itoh, et al.: Microglia, a potential source of neurons, astrocytes, and
oligodendrocytes. Glia. 45, 2004, 96.

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10 CHAPTER 10 Circulatory System


• Designed to carry blood gases, nutrients, waste materials, cells of defense, lymph, and hormones
throughout the body

• Consists of blood and lymphatic vascular systems:

Blood vascular system is composed of an arrangement of heart-pumped vessels interconnected

throughout the body with walls of incremental thickness and permeability:

artery, arteriole, capillary, venule, and vein

Lymphatic vascular system is composed of thin-walled, nonpumped vessels, restricted in range and
interconnected with lymph and the blood vascular system

• Separate population of support cells:


Among domestic animals the delivery and removal of nutrients, hormones, waste materials, and gases are essential or
tantamount for the survival of any tissue within the body. The movement of these substances is provided by a
network of conduits that collectively constitutes the circulatory system, subdivided into the cardiovascular system,
which transports blood throughout the body by way of the heart, and the ymphatic vascular system, which carries
excess extracellular tissue fluid that is watery and comparatively cell free and empties it into the cardiovascular


The movement of blood within the cardiovascular system is performed by the heart and its ability to push blood
into two separate circuits: the systemic circuit(involved in the circulation of blood to all organs of the body) and
the pulmonary circuit(circulates blood only to the lung). Both circuits are composed of a series of vessels that
decrease in diameter as they move away from the heart.


In the systemic circuit the arteries are vessels that direct blood to the different organs of the body; they branch
a number of times and become smaller in luminal diameter with each branch. Eventually, arteries end in
thin-walled vessels (capillaries) that pos-sess narrow lumens and form various anastomosing arrangements
known as capillary beds (Figure 10-1). The capillary and its bed offer the optimal environment for the
exchange of nutrients, wastes, gases, and other substances to occur between blood and adjacent tissues. 209
Capillaries and their beds empty into veins that progressively increase in diameter and become fewer as they 210
converge and course their way back to the heart.

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Figure 10-1 Scanning electron micrograph of a corrosion casting of an equine

vascular bed. Arrows point to the smallest vessels, consisting of
capillaries. (×210.)

Throughout the body, each type of blood vessel—artery, vein, and capillary—has its own distinguishing
structural features. Overall, in a specific tissue, the artery is a high-pressure vessel that has a broader and more
developed wall surrounding a smaller luminal diameter than that of a corresponding vein. Wall thicknesses of

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the different blood vessels also may vary according to their location with regard to a specific species. For
example, the arteries of the iris within the eyes of pigs are unusually thick walled when compared with those of
other domestic species and characteristic for that animal. Similar variations of blood vessel morphology occur
in long-necked ungulates such as the giraffe and in deep-diving marine mammals.

Typically, each blood vessel is composed of two or three concentric layers or tunics (Figure 10-2). The
innermost portion of the interior layer—the tunica intima— is a cylinder of simple squamous epithelium that
lines the vessel lumen. The cells of this epithelium (usually referred to as the endothelium) do not possess
evenly shaped widths and lengths as in other simple squamous epithelia, but are more elongated in the direction 210
of the vessel axis. The endothelium forms a basal lamina that is attached to a subendothelial layer, consisting 211
of a variable amount of loose connective tissue and scattered smooth muscle fibers. Outside the subendothelial
layer may be the internal elastic lamina, composed of a fenestrated sheet of elastin that can be prominent in
muscular arteries.

Figure 10-2 Diagram of a typical middle-sized artery (left) and vein (right) and
their three layers as seen in cross section. I, Tunica intima; M, tunica
media; A, tunica adventitia.

Outside the internal elastic lamina, cells consisting primarily of smooth muscle fibers are concentrically
arranged in layers and interspersed with elastic fibers and collagen (type III). This region is the tunica media,
which is prominent in the large muscular arteries, and can have an external elastic lamina that is composed of
a thinner, less prominent layer of elastic fibers found in the internal elastic lamina of the tunica intima. The
tunica media is essentially associated with the artery and nearly disappears as the arteries become small and
join the capillary.

The tunica adventitia or tunica externa forms the external-most layer of blood vessels, consisting of variable
amounts of fibrocytes, collagen (type I), and elastic fibers that are largely oriented along the longitudinal axes
of the vessels and merge seamlessly with adjacent connective tissues.


Arteries are vessels that move blood from the heart to capillary beds, and possess the triple-layered walls
previously described. Arteries specifically originate from the right and left ventricles as the pulmonary trunk
and aorta, respectively. The pulmonary trunk and arteries derived from it are described in Chapter 11.
Immediately from the aorta, the right and left coronary arteries arise, supplying the cardiac muscle tissue with
an extensive labyrinth of blood vessels. As the aorta moves away from the heart, large arterial branches initially
arise from its arch and form the right brachiocephalic, the left carotid and the left subclavian arteries that supply

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the anterior-most regions of the body. Posteriorly, the aorta continues to send off branches to the body wall and
viscera and eventually bifurcates abdominally into the right and left common iliac arteries. Each of the major
vessels originating from the aorta undergoes a series of branches that result in vessels that become progressively
smaller. Along with changes in the size of the arteries, other morphological differences occur, allowing arteries
to be characterized into three categories or types: elastic arteries, muscular arteries, and arterioles (Table 10-1). Elastic Arteries

The largest arteries, including the aorta and its branches, are elastic arteries, also known as conducting
arteries. These vessels have extremely thick, three-layered walls (tunics) and possess abundant elastin to the
point that they can appear yellow in their gross morphological appearance. Their innermost layer, the tunica
intima, has a simple squamous endothelial lining; its cells' lengths typically measure two to three times
greater than their widths and are oriented in the direction as the artery's axis (Figure 10-3). The endothelial
cells are tightly attached (zonula occludens) and contain membrane-bound rodlike inclusions,
Weibel-Palade bodies, that help facilitate the coagulation of platelets during blood clotting. The tunica
intima, also, consists of the basal lamina of the endothelium and a thin, enveloping subendothelial area or
layer of connective tissue, including fibroblasts; collagen, which is oriented for the most part longitudinally;
occasional smooth muscle cells; and an outer mesh of elastic fibers (internal elastic lamina). The middle
layer, the tunica media, is by far the most developed of the three tunics, possessing multiple layers or sleeves
of concentrically arranged smooth muscle fibers, with each sleeve separated by and attached to a
meshwork-like lamella of elastin fibers (see Figure 10-3). Although the tunica intima is able to receive its
nourishment and oxygen by direct diffusion through the endothelial lining, the entire tunica media cannot be
supported by direct diffusion and instead is supplied by the vasa vasorum, composed of small arteries that
originate from the large artery and penetrate the densely packed smooth muscle-elastic fiber environment of
the tunica media. The outermost region of the tunica media is made up of one last sheet of elastic fibers, the
external elastic lamina or membrane, which is less developed than the other elastic lamellae and forms an
interface with the tunica externa. The tunica externa of these large arteries is comparably thin, often less than
half the thickness of the tunica media, and is composed mostly of loosely arranged collagen and elastic
fibers, intermixed with fibrocytes, occasional histiocytes and elements of the vasa vasorum and nerve (nervi
vasorum). Muscular Arteries

As the elastic arteries branch and become smaller, including the less prominent arteries that extend from the
aorta, the muscular arteries are formed. These arteries are characterized by the abundance of smooth muscle
within their walls and comprise most of the named arteries found throughout the body. The tunica intima of
muscular arteries has an endothelial lining and subtending basal lamina that are similar to those of elastic 211
arteries. The adjacent subendothelial layer of muscular arteries, however, differs in that it is thicker (in large 212
vessels) and contains a prominent internal elastic lamina (Figure 10-4). In these arteries all components of
the tunica intima often appear undulated, especially in cross section. Much of the undulation is due to the
contraction of the smooth muscle during fixation and processing of the blood vessel, which also results in a
reduction of the luminal diameter and amount of blood contained within. In smaller arteries that become
naturally reduced in size (by branching not fixation), the meshlike internal elastic lamina concomitantly
thins, and occasional cell processes of the endothelium extend to the innermost smooth muscle cells of the
tunica media and form gap junctions with them. The tunica media consists of smooth muscle that for the
most part is circularly arranged as in elastic arteries. However, unlike the tunica media of elastic fibers, the
muscle cells are enveloped by their own basal laminae and collagen (type III) with only a relatively small
amount of elastic fibers. Elastic lamellae are essentially absent throughout most of the tunica media except

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along the outermost region, where an external elastic lamina is formed that is prominent in larger muscular
arteries, consisting of several or more layers of thin, fenestrated sheets of elastic fibers (see Figure 10-4). The
tunica adventitia of muscular arteries is much like that of elastic arteries, having loosely arranged collagen
and elastic fibers, interspersed with fibrocytes, nerve fibers and their endings, and occasional histiocytes.

TABLE 10-1 Characteristics of Different Types of Blood Vessels


Elastic artery (conducting Endothelium with Numerous elastic Thin adventitial tissue with
artery) large arteries Weibel-Palade bodies and membranes, each vasa vasorum and nerve
basal lamina, and interspersed with smooth (bundles and fibers)
subendothelial layer lined muscle and additional
incompletely by a thin connective tissue, within
internal elastic lamina outer portion; thin external
elastic lamina including vasa
Muscular artery (distributing Endothelium with Few to many layers of Thin adventitial tissue with
artery) medium to small Weibel-Palade bodies and smooth muscle with a single small vasa vasorum and
arteries basal lamina, and elastic membrane consisting nerve (bundles and fibers)
subendothelial layer lined by of a thick external elastic
a thick internal elastic lamina lamina
Arteriole (100 μm or less in Endothelium with One to two layers of smooth Thin adventitial tissue with
diameter) Weibel-Palade bodies and muscle nerve (fibers)
basal lamina, and thin
subendothelial layer without
an internal elastic lamina
Metarteriole Endothelium and basal Discontinuous smooth Thin loose connective tissue
lamina muscle forms precapillary
Capillary Same with pericytes No smooth muscle Same
Venule Endothelium and basal Thin connective tissue with Thin loose connective tissue
lamina with pericytes oriented occasional circularly
smooth muscle cells when
enlarging to small vein
Medium and small veins Endothelium and basal Thin connective tissue with Thick adventitial tissue,
lamina with valves in some, occasional circularly oriented forming bulk of the wall
subendothelial connective smooth muscle cells
Large vein Endothelium and basal Thin connective tissue with Thick adventitial tissue,
lamina with valves in some, occasional circularly oriented forming bulk of the wall with
subendothelial connective smooth muscle cells bundles of longitudinally
tissue with elastic membrane oriented smooth muscle cells
in some Arterioles

Arteries that are generally less than 0.1 mm in diameter are referred to as arterioles. The triwalled
construction seen in elastic and muscular arteries is greatly reduced. The tunica intima continues to consist of
an endothelial sheet that lines the lumen, its subtending basal lamina, a small amount of collagen and elastic
fibers (i.e., the subendothelial layer) that disappears as the arterioles become confluent with capillaries, and 212
an internal elastic lamina. The tunica media can contain up to several layers of smooth muscle cells 213
surrounded by their basal laminae and collagen and elastic fibers. In the smallest arterioles, the smooth
muscle cells form a single layer, which is still concentrically arranged, and interfaces directly with the
equally sparse tunica externa (Figure 10-5). The external elastic lamina that occurs in elastic and muscular

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arteries is not present in arterioles. As arterioles connect with capillaries, the smooth muscle can become
separated into small bundles or simply become individually isolated. These vessels are metarterioles, and
the muscle of these vessels can function as a precapillary sphincter that assists blood flow regulation.
Metarterioles can also directly connect with small veins and bypass or shunt a capillary bed altogether
(Figure 10-6).

Figure 10-3 A, Diagram of an elastic artery in the longitudinal plane. I, tunica

intima including subendothelial layer; M, tunica media; A, tunica
adventitia. B, Light micrograph of the aorta. (Elastic [Verhoeff]
stain; ×100.) (A modified from Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a
textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)


Capillaries are blood vessels designed for the exchange of a variety of substances between blood and adjacent
tissues, including nutrients, wastes and gases. The design is simple in construction—a single layer of
squamous-shaped endothelial cells and their basal lamina with a very small amount of adventitial material and
occasional undifferentiated, stemlike cells (pericytes). The luminal diameters of capillaries are typically small,
allowing the flow of blood cells to move through them in single file (Figure 10-7). The diameters are not
identical throughout the body, varying from tissue to tissue. They mostly range from 5 to 10μm, but change
very little within a specific tissue.

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As in arterial vessels, the lengths of capillary endothelia (usually 25μm and longer) travel in the same direction
as the vessel and are two to three times greater than their widths. These cells can be extraordinarily thin. In the
lung's alveoli, or air sacs, the capillaries' endothelia can be less than 0.2μm thick, which is necessary for proper
blood gas exchange (Figure 10-8). The curvature of the cells is more accentuated in these vessels than in 213
arteries and veins due to the small luminal diameters, which permits only the passage of single cells. The cell's 215
cytoplasm tends to be sparsely populated with organelles, which consist of occasional mitochondria, rough
endoplasmic reticulum (rER), polysomes, and a Golgi apparatus. Intermediate filaments, desmin or vimentin,
coexist, but largely around the nucleus. The most numerous and readily observed feature is the presence of
numerous small vesicles, specifically pinocytotic vesicles closely associated with the cell membrane (see Figure
10-7). Variations of endothelial morphology do occur and have resulted in the construction of several
categories: continuous, fenestrated, porous, and sinusoidal.

Figure 10-4 A, Light micrograph of a contracted muscular artery of the monkey

in cross section. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.) B, Light
micrograph of a canine muscular artery in longitudinal section.
(Elastic [Verhoeff] stain; ×100.)

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Figure 10-5 Light micrograph of an arteriole of the mouse mostly oriented in

the longitudinal plane. Arrows point to the single layer of smooth
muscle that encircles the endothelium of this blood vessel. (Plastic
section, hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)

Figure 10-6 Diagram of a capillary bed and a metarteriole arising from an

arteriole. Arrows point to the direction of blood flow.

CHAPTER 10 Circulatory System Page 8 of 22

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Continuous capillaries are blood vessels not interrupted by any physical space such as a pore. The
endothelial cells associated with these vessels are interconnected along their lateral sides by cell junctions
that include tight junctions (zonula occludens) that, in turn, prevent any substances from circumventing this
cellular lining. As a result any material that resides inside the lumen of this capillary must pass through the
endothelium before entering the adjacent tissue and vice versa. In many continuous capillaries the exchange
of materials is performed by a combination of endocytosis and exocytosis, a process known as transcytosis,
and usually occurs from the luminal side toward adjacent tissue. As a result many pinocytotic vesicles are
often within the cytoplasm of the endothelial cell (see Figure 10-8). Other transport systems, including the
+ +
use of enzymes such as Na K ATPase, may be present along the sides of these cells. The continuous
capillary is common throughout the body and especially prevalent in nervous tissue. The undifferentiated
perivascular cell (pericyte) is often associated with the continuous capillary. Pericytes share the basement
membrane of the endothelium, and are encapsulated by it. Cell processes of pericytes can come into contact
with the endothelium, forming gap junctions with the latter. Further angiogenesis (the formation of new
blood vessels) can be contributed by cell division of pericytes. Pericytes also are able to be transformed into
other mesodermally derived cells, including fibroblasts and smooth muscle.

Figure 10-7 Transmission electron micrograph (×7000) of a capillary within

the alveolus of a canine lung.

CHAPTER 10 Circulatory System Page 9 of 22

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Fenestrated capillaries do not form a continuous cellular lining around the lumen, but instead possess
numerous round fenestrae, approximately 60 to 80 nm in diameter, that are spanned by a diaphragm-like 215
structure that is thinner than the thickness of the cell membrane (Figure 10-9). The fenestrae are believed to 217
facilitate the movement of molecular materials, which can be considerably large, into and out of the capillary
lumen. Fenestrated capillary beds are associated with components of the endocrine system and the
gastrointestinal tract. A form of the fenestrated capillary is the porous capillary in the kidney, specifically
the region known as the renal glomerulus. In this instance, the pores lack diaphragms and much of the
orderly arrangement that fenestrae often have.

Figure 10-8 A, Transmission electron micrograph (×40,000) of pinocytotic

vesicles within the cytoplasm of an endothelial cell lining a
capillary. B, Transmission electron micrograph (×40,000) of
adjoining endothelial cells and adjacent pericyte (Pe) lining a
continuous capillary.

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Figure 10-9 Transmission electron micrograph (×50,000) of a fenestrated

capillary in the pig. The fenestrae (arrowheads) can be seen in
profile as well as face-on. Sinusoidal Capillaries

In certain regions in the body where blood becomes pooled and conforms to the shape that has been made
available. Vessels within these regions are known as sinusoids or sinusoidal capillaries and occur within the
liver, spleen, and other lymphoidal organs, bone marrow, and selected glands of the endocrine system.
Sinusoids have often asymmetrical lumina and are porous, having variably sized diameters, some quite wide,
and lacking the diaphragms that are characteristic of fenestrae. Blood flow varies greatly—from rapid in the
choroidal sinusoids of the eye to slow to nearly nonexistent in the hematopoietic tissues.

10.2.4 VEINS

Unlike arteries, veins are characterized and categorized less on architectural construction and more on size.
Consequently, they are traditionally described as small, medium, and large. This is not to say that veins lack the
tunics found in arteries, because the three tunics—tunica intima, tunica media and tunica adventitia—do exist,
but they are not usually as defined as those in arteries. In fact, the walls of veins are for the most part
conspicuously thinner and less developed than those of the associated arteries within a specific portion of the
body. However, because of the variety of mechanical conditions in different areas of the body that can influence

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venous structure, substantial variations of venous architecture can be found. For example, veins can possess
valves— semilunar flaplike extensions of the tunica intima. This is especially true for veins that lie within the
limbs of the body.

The smallest veins are venules and correspond to arterioles with regard to both location and function (see
Figure 10-6, inset). Venules, in turn, empty into medium-sized veins, also known as collecting veins, and 217
correspond functionally and by location to the muscular arteries. Large veins direct blood back to the heart and 218
from there to the lung. These veins, which include the jugular, renal, pulmonary, and portal veins and vena
cava, correspond to the aorta and its principal branches (see Table 10-1).

Figure 10-10 Light micrograph of a venule of the mouse. Arrows point to

pericytes that lie next to the endothelium of this blood vessel.
(Plastic section, hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.) Small Veins

Veins that are immediately associated with and drain capillaries are postcapillary venules and have the
same construction as the adjoining capillaries, differing primarily in their luminal diameters, which range
from 15 to 25μm (Figures 10-10 and 10-11). Typically the endothelium can be vasoactively stimulated (by
histamine and other similar agents) and is surrounded by a layer of pericytes and a small amount of
connective tissue (tunica adventitia or externa). As the venules gradually increase in diameter, 30μm and
greater, they become enveloped by one or two incomplete layers of smooth muscle, constituting a tunica
media, and an outer sheath of connective tissue, comprising the tunica externa. These vessels (muscular
venules) eventually become larger and lead into small veins. The venules that arise from a continuous
capillary bed are often more permeable in construction than the associated capillaries, especially regarding

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cell junctions, such as occluding and adhering junctions. Consequently, vasodilators, which are released
during allergic reactions and inflammation, are effective in enhancing venule permeability, even more than
that in continuous capillaries, and result in the translocation of white blood cells and concomitant
extravasation of plasma into adjacent tissues. The small veins are largely similar to the muscular venules,
having increased diameter widths and closely spaced smooth muscle, which at this point forms a continuous
layer (Figure 10-12).

Figure 10-11 Transmission electron micrograph (×5000) of a venule in the iris

of the pig. Pe, Pericyte.


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Figure 10-12 Light micrographs of a small vein. A, Hematoxylin and eosin
stain; ×200. B, Elastic (Verhoeff) stain; ×400. Medium Veins

As the small veins enlarge in diameter, they transform into medium veins with three well-developed tunics.
Medium veins are typically less than 1 cm in diameter and drain most of the body into the large veins. The
tunica intima, here, contains a small amount of subendothelial connective tissue, including elastic fibers, that
forms a thin network around the endothelium rather than the lamina seen in arteries. In many medium veins,
extensions of the tunica intima form valves, projecting on an angle into the lumen as a pair of bileaflets in
the direction of blood flow. In this way, blood flow is further facilitated as it is directed to the heart, while at
the same time the potential for the backflow of blood is blocked. The tunica media possesses smooth muscle

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loosely woven and circularly wound around the tunica intima. The tunica externa of medium veins is usually
well defined, and thicker than the tunica media. Its elements—collagen, elastic fiber meshwork, fibroblasts,
and occasional small bundles of smooth muscle—are oriented along the longitudinal axis of each vein (see
Figure 10-2). Although the amount of muscle within the outer two tunics is considerably less than that of
corresponding arteries, there is fairly wide variation in this amount due to the different physical forces
exerted, especially within the body's extremities. Large Veins

Large veins comprise the major veins of the body, which, as mentioned, are those that return blood back to
the heart. Their construction differs from medium veins in several ways. The tunica intima is more
pronounced than that of medium veins, having a thicker subendothelial layer and an elastic fiber network
(Figure 10-13). The tunica media differs from that of medium veins even more by being generally much less
developed. In most instances, the tunica media is thin to nonexistent, having very little smooth muscle
associated with it. However, the tunica externa of large veins is similar to that of medium veins—
comparably thick and with its components, including smooth muscle, oriented longitudinally or spirally.


Although most arteries end by joining capillary beds, some deliver blood directly to the venous portion of the
vascular system. In these instances, arteriovenous anastomosis occurs, resulting in shunts that bypass
capillaries (see Figure 10-6). These shunts, which may occur within a capillary bed itself, influence
substantially the blood flow of capillaries within a specific tissue, including portions of the reproductive tracts,
gastrointestinal tract, and integument. When open, blood flow within these anastomoses can reduce blood flow
within adjacent capillaries markedly. Conversely, when the shunts are closed, capillary blood flow increases.
The proximal arterial segment (metarteriole) is structurally identical to the typical arteriole and equipped with
smooth muscle that functions as a sphincter and in effect closes the shunt. Similarly, branches of the arterioles
leading to the capillary bed possess their own sphincter, the precapillary sphincter, which when contracted
reduces capillary blood flow (see Figure 10-6).

10.3 HEART

Blood flow within the cardiovascular system is provided by its single largest component, the heart. The heart with 219
its powerful wall of muscle consists of four chambers: two of which receive blood, the atria, and lead to two that 220
discharge blood, the ventricles. Each atrium is separated from the respective ventricle by a valve that functions to
prevent the backflow of blood (Figure 10-14). Venous blood from most of the body empties into the right atrium
by way of the superior and inferior cavae. With the opening of the intervening valve (right atrioventricular
valve), blood enters the right ventricle and is propelled to the lung by the right and left pulmonary arteries. With
the return of oxygenated erythrocytes from the pulmonary veins, blood reenters the heart and goes into the left
atrium. Upon the opening of the left atrioventricular valve, blood fills the left ventricle before being discharged
back to the body via the aorta. The wall of the heart with its richly endowed muscle is composed of three layers:
the epicardium, the myocardium, and the endocardium. In some ways, they are homologous to the three tunics
of the blood vessel: the tunica externa, tunica media, and tunica intima, respectively.

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Figure 10-13 Light micrograph of a large vein (vena cava) in the dog.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×200.)


The outer lining of the heart is the epicardium and consists of an external serous layer or mesothelium—the
visceral layer of the pericardium— and an inner fascia-like layer of connective tissue—the fibrous layer. The
fibrous layer, which internally lies next to the mesothelium, externally attaches to the myocardium. This layer 220
consists of a thin lining of loose connective tissue housing coronary vessels, nerves, and ganglia as well as 221
adipose tissue. Where the major vessels exit the heart, the mesothelium continues along their outermost portion
and then reflexes around the heart as the parietal layer of the pericardium. As a result, the heart lies in a thin
cavity filled with serous fluid, which is lined by the mesothelia that form the visceral and parietal layers of the

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Figure 10-14 Diagram of the mammalian heart with its four chambers exposed
along the coronal plane. AV, Atrioventricular; SA, sinoatrial.


The myocardium, as the name implies, is the layer that contains the cardiac muscle and easily the thickest
portion of the heart wall, being more developed along the ventricles than the atria. Although the vast majority
of the myocytes are linked to each other in an end-to-end manner, forming spirally oriented, interwoven chains
of cells around each chamber, some of these cells are modified to attach to the fibrous connective tissue
element within this layer as well as along the borders of the epicardium and endocardium. Other muscle cells
are modified to function in a nervelike manner, providing impulse conduction, and even others function as
endocrine cells.

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Within the junction of the superior vena cava and the right atrium, there are specialized cardiac muscle cells
that control the contraction of the entire heart (i.e., the heart rate) (see Figure 10-14). These cells are able to
depolarize anywhere from 30 to 250 times per minute and comprise the sinoatrial (SA) node— the pacemaker
of the heart. The generated impulse is spread through the atrial walls by internodal pathways, some ending at
the atrioventricular node. These pathways consist of small branching modified muscle fibers that lack the
typical intercalated disks and contain only sparse amounts of myofilaments. The atrioventricular (AV) node is
positioned above the tricuspid valve within the septal wall. This node, which is composed of cells that are
similar in morphology to those associated with the internodal pathways, gives rise to the atrioventricular
bundle. The atrioventricular bundle transmits the impulse down the interventricular septum within the
subendocardial connective tissue. The cells of this bundle have centrally placed nuclei, contain large amounts
of glycogen that lie inside of scattered, peripherally placed myofibrils, and are interconnected end-to-end by
intercalated discs. As the bundle branches, these cells (Purkinje fibers) (see Figure 8-20) eventually connect
with the traditional muscle cells of the myocardium.

Even though the myocardium is not governed directly by the CNS, it does vary the rate of the heartbeat and its
stroke volume. Through the stimulation of sympathetic innervation, which increases the rate, and
parasympathetic innervation, which decreases the rate, the autonomic nervous system is able to regulate the
activity of the heart.

The myocardium of both atria and ventricles is embraced by connective tissue in a way that forms a fibrous
cardiac skeleton, to which some of the muscle cells are attached. The cardiac skeleton consists of: fibrous
rings of interwoven collagen bundles that are located around the aorta and pulmonary arterial openings and
those associated with the atrioventricular valves; the connective tissue that joins the fibrous rings, which is
referred to as the fibrous triangle; and the fibrous bundles of collagen that form the membranous portion of the
interventricular septum. Although the construction of the cardiac skeleton is similar among domestic species,
the fibrous triangle varies considerably in its composition, ranging from dense irregular connective tissue in the
cat and pig, fibrocartilage in the dog, and hyaline cartilage in the horse, to bone in the cow.


The lining of the heart's cavities within the atria and ventricles is the endocardium and is similar in structure to
the tunica intima of adjoining blood vessels. The innermost layer consists of the single-layered squamous
endothelium that overlies inner and outer subendothelial layers (Figure 10-15). The outer subendothelial layer
(subendocardial layer) contains loose connective tissue, including small blood vessels, nerves, and in localized
areas impulse-conducting cells (Purkinje fibers). This layer, in turn, is connected to the inner subendothelial
layer, which contains an elastic dense irregular connective tissue interwoven with smooth muscle cells. The
cardiac valves can be considered a flaplike extension of the endocardium, having an abundant amount of
collagen that merges with the fibrous rings and triangle.


In addition to the system of vessels that channel plasma and blood cells throughout the body, is the lymphatic
vascular system— an adjoining network of vessels that functions to collect excess tissue fluid called lymph and
contribute to the body's defense. Lymph is not circulated throughout the body in the way that blood is, but rather
moves passively by diffusion from the interstitial spaces of adjacent tissues, usually loose connective tissue, into
lymphatic capillaries, the smallest of the lymphatic vessels. From there, lymph is progressively emptied into

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larger vessels until it reaches collecting ducts, which drain the lymph into venous portion of the circulatory
system. 221
Figure 10-15 Light micrograph of the endocardium (En) of the pig. (Hematoxylin
and eosin stain; ×400.)


The smallest of the lymphatic vessels, the lymphatic capillaries are not open-ended as in blood capillaries, but
end blindly in a loose connective tissue environment. These vessels vary in diameter, being often larger than
that of blood capillaries, and are lined by endothelia that consist of a single-layered epithelium that either lacks
a basal lamina or possesses an incompletely formed one. Tissue serum moves into the capillary lumen by
passing through the cells or within spaces of variable sizes between adjacent endothelial cells because they do
not possess tight junctions. Consequently, these vessels are freely permeable to protein and quite capable of
removing protein-rich fluid. Overall, lymphatic capillaries can resemble blood capillaries, especially porous
capillaries, but generally lack the more defined organization that blood capillary endothelia have. Adjacent
endothelial cells can be attached to each other by desmosomes or simply overlay each other for a short distance.
In the absence of a well-formed basal lamina, the base of each of these cells is connected to adjacent collagen
and elastic fibers by their own filaments, lymphatic anchoring filaments that are organized in tufts and
believed to participate in keeping the lumen open or patent (Figure 10-16).


Lymphatic capillaries lead into small lymphatic vessels (Figure 10-17) that, in turn, drain into medium-sized 222
lymphatic vessels. Both small and medium lymphatic vessels possess valves that can be closely spaced. The 223
endothelium of these vessels now forms continuous basal lamina. The region surrounding the endothelium
resembles that found in veins, but is not as developed. As the lymphatic vessels increase in diameter, a
subendothelium is present, consisting of a thin layer of connective tissue, surrounded by a variably developed
layer of smooth muscle.

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Figure 10-16 Diagram taken from an ultrastructural representation of a

lymphatic capillary. (From Gartner LP, Hiatt JL: Color textbook of
histology, Philadelphia, 1997, Saunders; modified from Lentz TL:
Cell fine structure: an atlas of drawings of whole-cell structure,
Philadelphia, 1971, Saunders.)

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Figure 10-17 Light micrograph of a small lymphatic vessel in the dog.

(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)


The large lymphatic vessels and ducts resemble comparably sized veins to some degree, but generally have
less-developed walls. Moreover, the construction of the wall is inconsistent; making it difficult to apply the
tunic terminology used for blood vessels. A thin layer of elastic fibers may be found within the subendothelial
region. A layer of smooth muscle outside the subendothelium varies in amount and is surrounded by collagen
and elastin that likewise can vary in amount depending on the region of the body and species. The extracellular
fibers merge imperceptibly with adjacent tissues.


WJ Cliff: In Blood vessels. 1976, Cambridge University Press, New York.

DW Fawcett: In Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology. ed 11, 1986, Saunders, Philadelphia.
LP Gartner, JL Hiatt: In Color textbook of histology. 1997, Saunders, Philadelphia.
K Karlstrom, B Essen-Gustavsson, H Hoppeler, et al.: Capillary supply and fibre area in locomotor muscles
of horse and steer—a comparison between histochemistry and electron microscopy. Acta Anat (Basel). 145,
1992, 395.
BR Kwak, DC Shah, F Mach: A starting point for structure function relationships in the canine pulmonary
veins. Cardiovasc Res. 55, 2002, 703.

CHAPTER 10 Circulatory System Page 21 of 22

Textbook of Veterinary Histology
TL Lentz: In Cell fine structure: an atlas of drawings of whole-cell structure. 1971, Saunders, Philadelphia.
DH Pauza, V Skripka, N Pauziene: Morphology of the intrinsic cardiac nervous system in the dog: a
whole-mount study employing histochemical staining with acetylcholinesterase. Cells Tissues Organs. 172,
2002, 297.
EE Schmidt, IC MacDonald, AC Groom: Comparative aspects of splenic microcirculatory pathways in
mammals: the region bordering the white pulp. Scan Microsc. 7, 1993, 613.
DE Schraufnagel, DB Pearse, WA Mitzner, EM Wagner: Three-dimensional structure of the bronchial
microcirculation in sheep. Anat Rec. 243, 1995, 357.
EA Stone, GJ Stewart: Architecture and structure of canine veins with special references to confluences.
Anat Rec. 128, 1988, 239.

CHAPTER 10 Circulatory System Page 22 of 22

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11 CHAPTER 11 Respiratory System


• Tubular system with conducting and respiratory portions

• Within conducting portion, specialized region for smell: olfactory region

• Within respiratory portion, highly areolar and vascularized

• Major cell: alveolar cell extremely thin and designed for gaseous exchange

The respiratory system functions to provide appropriate levels of oxygen to the different tissues throughout the body
by means of the circulatory system and at the same time remove the potentially deleterious buildup of carbon dioxide
from these same tissues. Respiration, from which this system's name is derived, consists of four events or steps: (1)
ventilation, (2) external respiration, (3) gas transport, and (4) internal respiration. As the name suggests, ventilation
is concerned with the movement of the air between the atmosphere and the lungs. External respiration involves the
diffusion (and exchange) of the two gases at the level of the airway. Thus the first two, ventilation and external
respiration, are associated with the respiratory system directly. Gas transport and internal respiration involve
primarily the circulatory system. Gas transport is the process of moving oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from
cells throughout the body, and internal respiration is the exchange of the two gases in the immediate region of a
specific cell. Functionally and structurally, normal, healthy respiration then requires the close integration of both the
respiratory and circulatory systems.

Components of the respiratory system include those that direct the passage of air into and out of the body (the
conducting portion), and those that actually perform gaseous exchange (the respiratory portion) (Figure 11-1). The
conducting portion is composed of a system of tubes that facilitate the movement of air as unobstructively as possible
and at the same time makes the air suitable for gaseous exchange within the respiratory portion. As the conducting
portion functions as a unit to deliver to and remove air from the respiratory portion, each of its components share
structural similarities, including a suitable epithelial lining and surrounding support tissues, such as cartilage, smooth
muscle, and strong contributions of elastic fibers. Table 11-1 outlines the essential tissues associated with each
component or region of the conducting portion, and when looking at it one can easily see the shared similarities of
their composition. The respiratory portion, by comparison, lacks most of the features found in the conducting portion
and instead consists of tissues, principally simple squamous epithelia and scant loose connective tissue, that assist in
the diffusion of substances, which in this case are the gases oxygen and carbon dioxide.

The conducting portion begins from its outermost structure, the nasal cavity, which is then followed consecutively by
the nasopharynx; pharynx; larynx; trachea; primary, secondary, and tertiary bronchi; and bronchioles (see Figure
11-1). 224

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TABLE 11-1 Structural Features of the Respiratory Tract in Domestic Mammals


Conducting Extrapulmonary
Vestibular nasal Hyaline cartilage Keratinized Epidermal with Sweat and Presence of vibrissae
cavity and dense stratified squamous melanocytes sebaceous
connective tissue
Respiratory nasal Hyaline cartilage, Ciliated Ciliated, brush, Mostly serous, Presence of erectile
cavity bone, and dense pseudostratified goblet, and basal branched tissue (cavernous
connective tissue columnar tubuloacinar stratum)
Olfactory nasal Bone and dense Thick ciliated Sustentacular, Serous, branched Olfactory cells are
cavity connective tissue pseudostratified olfactory, and basal tubuloacinar bipolar neurons with
(olfactory) receptive cilia from
Nasopharynx Skeletal muscle and Respiratory Ciliated, brush, Mucous, serous, Presence of diffuse and
dense connective goblet, and basal and mixed nodular lymphatic tissue;
tissue branched prominent elastic fibers
Larynx Hyaline and elastic Stratified squamous Basal, polyhedral Mostly mucous, Presence of diffuse and
cartilage and dense and respiratory and squamous; branched nodular lymphatic tissue
connective tissue ciliated, brush, tubuloacinar
goblet, and basal
Trachea and C-rings of hyaline Respiratory Ciliated, brush, Mucous and Smooth muscle
primary bronchi cartilage, smooth goblet, basal, and seromucous, (trachealis) extends
muscle and dense neuroendocrine branched between ends of the
connective tissue tubuloacinar C-ringed cartilage
Conducting Intrapulmonary
Secondary and Plates and islands Respiratory Ciliated, brush, Seromucous Crisscrossing ribbons of
tertiary bronchi of cartilage with goblet, basal, and branched muscle further
smooth muscle neuroendocrine tubuloacinar reinforced by helically
helically oriented, patterned elastic fibers
and dense
connective tissue
Primary bronchioles Smooth muscle Simple columnar to Ciliated and None Continued elastic fiber
helically oriented, simple cuboidal nonciliated, Clara reinforcement
and dense (bronchiolar
connective tissue exocrine), and
Terminal (tertiary) Smooth muscle and Simple cuboidal Ciliated and None Multiple (2–4)
bronchioles (TB) dense connective nonciliated, Clara generations of TB in
tissue with strong (bronchiolar ruminants, pigs, horses,
elastic fiber exocrine), and and rodents
component neuroendocrine
Respiratory Smooth muscle Simple cuboidal Ciliated and None RB are not present in all
bronchioles (RB) bundles and dense and simple nonciliated, Clara species; most prevalent
connective tissue squamous (bronchiolar in carnivores with
with strong elastic exocrine), and multiple (2–4)
fiber component neuroendocrine, generations
type I and type II

CHAPTER 11 Respiratory System Page 2 of 36

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Alveolar ducts Smooth muscle Simple squamous Type I and type II None Lack a true wall,
bundles and dense alveolar and completely lined by
to loose connective occasional alveoli
tissue with strong macrophage (septal
elastic fiber and alveolar)
Alveolar sacs Loose connective Simple squamous Type I and type II None Alveoli share common
tissue with strong alveolar and opening (atrium)
elastic fiber occasional
component macrophage
Alveoli Loose connective Simple squamous Type I and type II None Basic respiratory unit;
tissue with strong alveolar and interstitium between
elastic fiber occasional type I alveolar cell and
component macrophage vascular endothelium is
extremely attenuated 225
Figure 11-1 Diagram of the conducting portion of the airway in the cat. This portion
of the airway system in domestic animals consists of the nasal cavity,
pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and subsequent divisions leading to
the respiratory portion.

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Figure 11-2 Light micrograph of the epidermal and dermal lining of the canine
nares. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×40.)


The nasal cavity is made up of an external vestibule that extends into internal nasal fossae. The vestibule is the
anterior portion of the nasal cavity and forms the true entrance into the respiratory system at the nares, or nostrils,
of the nose. At its outermost region, the integument that lines the nares and extends into the vestibule for variable
distances, depending upon the species, is referred to as cutaneous region. In most instances, the lining consists of
a highly pigmented, thickened stratified squamous epithelium (Figure 11-2). As the epithelium continues within
the nasal cavity, it gradually thins and becomes less keratinized and eventually is confluent with stratified cuboidal
to columnar epithelia, both nonciliated. This region is the transitional zone. It is not unusual to see dermal
papillae, especially in the dog, which provide a useful environment for cells of defense to temporarily reside.
Vibrissae also can be encountered rostrally, as in the horse. The thick hairs, associated typically with numerous
sebaceous glands, help filter out large particles that might otherwise be inhaled. Sweat glands also can be abundant
in this region.

The remainder of the nasal cavity, the nasal fossae, is lined mostly by a ciliated pseudostratified columnar
epithelium. The fossae lie within the nasal septum, two large chambers separated by a bony partition. Each fossa
is responsible for conditioning the inspired air before entering the lungs. As mentioned, the conditioning or 226
treatment of the air before it reaches the distal, respiratory portion of the respiratory system is one of the principal 227
functions of the conducting portion. This treatment involves the cleansing, warming, and moistening of inspired
air as it moves to the lungs. Specifically, as air flows through the nasal fossae, its mucosal lining ensnares particles
such as dust, pollen, and fungal spores and some of the impure gases that might be contaminating the air. At the
same time, this lining adds moisture to the air, which helps protect the cell lining within the respiratory portion
from drying out. The warmth is contributed by the extensive vascular network that lies immediately beneath the
mucosal lining.

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Figure 11-3 Transmission electron micrograph (×12,000) of a brush cell along the
mucosal lining that forms respiratory epithelium of the upper canine

The ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium (respiratory epithelium) found within the nasal cavities
contains the usual three types of cells: basal, ciliated columnar (with and without microvilli), and secretory, as
well as a fourth type, the brush cell, which is typically sparsely populated and possesses the hallmark thick and
sometimes blunted microvilli (Figure 11-3). The secretory cells within the respiratory epithelium are typically
goblet cells, but there are cells that form secretory materials more proteinaceous and glycoproteinaceous than
those found in goblet cells. Variations in the contents of the secretory cells may vary according to species and/or
location within the nasal cavity. Caudally, the connective tissue subjacent to the mucosal lining of the nasal
cavities increases its vascular bed and becomes the cavernous stratum, an erectile tissue (Figure 11-4). The
cavernous stratum contributes to the warming of inspired air and houses serous or mixed nasal glands (simple
branched, tubuloacinar) that discharge their contents into the nasal cavities, humidifying the air at the same time.
Through neural stimulation of the blood vessels in this region, vascular constriction can occur, resulting in
rhythmic or episodic mucosal congestion. Usually, the vascular activity alternates from one side or half of the
nasal cavity to the other over a relatively short span of time (several hours or less).

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Within the dorsocaudal region of the nasal cavity is the olfactory region that lines the ethmoid and nearby 228
dorsal turbinates or conchae. The mucosa in this region consists of a very well-developed pseudostratified
columnar epithelium that has up to a dozen or more layers of nuclei (Figure 11-5). This epithelium, which is
responsible for smell or olfaction, is unique in its construction because it has three cell types: sustentacular,
basal, and olfactory (neurosensory). Much of the volume of this epithelium is contributed by the sustentacular
cells, whose columnar bodies are largest toward the airway and smallest toward the basal lamina that they help
form (Figure 11-6). Their apical margins are striated, often with branched microvilli that internally lead to a
well-developed network of actin. The nuclei in these cells are positioned above the olfactory nuclei, located
mostly in the apical third of their protoplasm (see Figure 11-6). The nuclei, which are broadly elliptically
shaped and lightly stained, are surrounded by a yellow pigment, which may be a part of the mineralocorticoid
receptor pathway that has been recently discovered in these cells. Mineralocorticoid hormones are able to
regulate secretion and absorption in a wide variety of epithelial tissues and may play an important role in
controlling olfactory secretion and/or sensory transduction. The sustentacular cells serve the olfactory cells that 228
their cell bodies surround. They not only provide physical support for the neurosensory portion of this 229
epithelium but also insulate the olfactory cells and facilitate its nutrition.

Figure 11-4 Light micrograph of the cavernous stratum in the manatee. Arrows
point to the vascular bed, which is surrounded basally by numerous
mixed nasal glands (asterisks). (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.)

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Figure 11-5 Light micrograph of the olfactory epithelium. Nuclei of the

sustentacular cells are positioned apically (1), and those of the
neurosensory nerves (2) are located within the basal portion.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)

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Figure 11-6 Diagram of the olfactory epithelium based on transmission electron

microscopy with foreshortened height. (Modified from Fawcett DW:
Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia,
1986, Saunders.)

The basal cells consist of small pyramidal cells with round to oval, dark nuclei and occupy the lower one third
of the epithelium (see Figures 11-5 and 11-6). As in all pseudostratified columnar epithelia, their apices do not
reach the luminal surface. These cells have strong pleuripotential ability and can give rise to either sustentacular
cells or olfactory cells, depending on the need. Both sustentacular and olfactory cells have a limited life span
and are replaced on a regular basis. However, when the olfactory region suffers from a particular insult and an
inordinate amount of sustentacular cells or olfactory cells is lost, the basal cells divide and produce an
appropriate number of the missing population. With age, the ability to replicate olfactory cells may decrease
more than with sustentacular cells, and as a result the ability to smell may become compromised.

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The olfactory cell, the primary component of this epithelium, is a sensory-receptor bipolar neuron that responds
to airborne chemicals (i.e., odorant substances) and thus provides the sense of smell. The receptive (dendritic)
portion of the olfactory cell consists of the olfactory vesicle, a bulblike vesicle from which long, nonmotile
cilia extend along the epithelial surface (see Figure 11-6). It is thought that an airborne odorant substance
initially diffuses into the mucoserous layer that lines the olfactory epithelium and then binds with a long 229
receptor protein associated with the ciliary membrane. Once enough odorant molecules have come into contact 230
with the receptor molecule, adenylate cyclase becomes activated and a subsequent action potential arises (via
the production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate [cAMP]). This action potential or nerve impulse is directed
down the cell body to its axon, which then moves the signal to the olfactory bulb within the central nervous
system. The receptor proteins can be likened to antibodies that are sensitive to specific antigens and thus have
different sites for different odorant substances. It is possible that a single odorant substance may bind to several
odor receptor sites on more than one neuron.

The connective tissue beneath the olfactory epithelium, the lamina propria, not only provides the proper
environment for vascular support of the olfactory epithelium and the emigration of its nerve fibers but also
houses the olfactory glands. Through their continuous secretions, these glands essentially refresh the epithelial
surface and make sure that the same odorant molecule does not repeatedly elicit a protracted response. The
olfactory glands are generally simple branched tubuloacinar in form and serous in their secretions.


Parallel with the base of the rostral nasal septum and located within its mucosal lining is a paired, tubular
structure known as the vomeronasal organ. It is incompletely supported by hyaline cartilage, the vomeronasal
cartilage, which encloses most of the organ except for the dorsolateral part. It is internally lined by an epithelial
duct, the vomeronasal duct, which consists mostly of the respiratory epithelium (ciliated pseudostratified
columnar epithelium), both rostrally and caudally except along the medial wall of the caudal part, which
consists of a modified olfactory epithelium. The vomeronasal organ is connected to the oral cavity by the
incisive duct (except in equine species, which lack any connection to the oral cavity). This structure functions
to increase the sensitivity of chemoreception in domestic and wild species. Specifically, aerosol and liquid
compounds of low volatility known as pheromones can be detected and influence hormonal and reproductive
functions and sexual behavior of both genders. These compounds can be taken in via the incisive duct by
licking, oral ingestion, or direct inhalation. The signals generated by the vomeronasal epithelium are sent to an
accessory olfactory bulb, which acts in most species as the first neural integrative center for the vomeronasal
sensory system.

Whereas the neurosensory epithelium is composed of sustentacular cells, basal cells, and olfactory cells, and
has an olfactory epithelial appearance, there are some differences. This epithelium lacks both cilia, having
microvilli in their place, and dendritic bulbs (except in dogs). The microvilli and their receptors are able to
detect specific chemicals at remarkably low thresholds.

As in much of the olfactory region, the vomeronasal organ possesses the vomeronasal glands, which lie in the
well-vascularized subjacent connective tissue (lamina propria submucosa). Their secretions, which can be either
serous, mucous, or both, are deposited into the vomeronasal duct.

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Extensive spaces within the ethmoid, frontal, maxillary, and sphenoid bones are adjacent to the nasal cavity and
collectively constitute the paranasal sinuses. These spaces or sinuses freely open into the nasal cavity and are
lined by a pseudostratified columnar epithelium with goblet cells, but there may be areas where the lining consists
of either a simple squamous or cuboidal epithelium. In any case, the epithelium is supported by a thin lamina
propria submucosa and together form the mucoperiosteum (because of the mucociliary apparatus associated with
the epithelium) of the bone that supports these large spaces. In general, the glands are more sparsely populated in
this region.


The nasopharynx is essentially the caudal continuation of the nasal cavity that lies dorsally to the soft palate
and extends to the opening of the larynx (see Figure 11-1). The respiratory epithelium, present throughout much
of this region of the conducting portion of the respiratory system, is replaced caudodorsally along the soft palate
by a stratified squamous epithelium. The lamina propria submucosa is composed of loose connective tissue that
contains mixed glands and lymph nodules (which can be abundant dorsally), forming the pharyngeal tonsil.


The distal-most region of the nasopharynx joins the larynx, the next component of the conducting portion, which
along with the nasopharynx has an open tubular shape that typifies the airflow passageways in this system. The
tubular shape, which can be asymmetrical, is maintained by skeletal muscle and rings of cartilage attached to one 230
another and to the nearby trachea by ligaments. It is the muscle that controls the movement of the individual 231
bodies of cartilage from one another that occurs during either the act of swallowing or vocalization. The cartilage
is both hyaline and elastic in its composition. The elastic form occurs within the epiglottis, and the cuneiform and
corniculate processes (or cartilages). The equine epiglottis, for example, is supported by a prominent wall of
elastic cartilage intermixed with unilocular fat and mixed tubuloacinar glands (Figure 11-7). Two separate muscles
are involved with the movement of the larynx: extrinsic and intrinsic. Those located extrinsically contract during
swallowing and thus normally prevent liquids, saliva, and food from entering the airway. In most species, the
epiglottis downfolds during swallowing. Specifically, the action known as reflex apnea is triggered by stimulation
of receptors of the laryngeal nerve located within the epithelium. Intrinsically located muscle, on the other hand,
contracts and relaxes during phonation as well as respiration (Figure 11-8).

As in the conducting portion before it, the respiratory epithelium lines most of the larynx with its pseudostratified
columnar epithelium. Only the surfaces of the vocal folds or cords and epiglottis are composed of nonkeratinized
stratified squamous epithelia (see Figure 11-8). Taste buds may occur within the epithelium lining the epiglottis,
aryepiglottis, and arytenoids in most domestic species except the horse. These taste buds may work as
chemosensory detectors to begin the reflex reaction that protects oral substances from entering the airway during
drinking and swallowing. The lamina propria submucosa is composed of loose connective tissue, housing cells of
defense, diffuse lymphatic tissue, scattered lymph nodules, and mixed glands, the last being absent in the vocal
and vestibular folds. The lamina propria submucosa becomes dense irregular beneath those areas lined by the
stratified squamous epithelium.

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Figure 11-7 Light micrograph of an equine epiglottis consisting of (A), a stratified

squamous epithelium, (B), with subtending glands, and (C), elastic
cartilage. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×40.)


At the end of the larynx the airway becomes the trachea, a flexible tube of varying length depending on the
species, which extends and bifurcates into the primary bronchi within the thoracic cavity. The mucosal lining,
once again, is composed of respiratory epithelium that is surrounded by a submucosa and a well-developed
subtending adventitia with incomplete cartilaginous rings (Figure 11-9).

The mucosa is a tall ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium consisting of six cell types: basal cells, ciliated
columnar cells, brush cells, goblet cells, Clara cells, and neuroendocrine cells. The basal and ciliated columnar
cells easily constitute the majority of the total cell population. They are virtually identical to the basal cells and
ciliated columnar cells described previously for the other portions of the conducting portion of the respiratory
system, functioning to replace dying columnar, brush, and goblet cells and move mucus and entrapped particulates

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to the nasopharynx, respectively (Figure 11-10; see also Figure 3-12). The goblet cells also are numerous and
continually produce secretory vesicles filled with mucigen, which when released into the lumen of the airway is
hydrated and becomes mucin, a sticky substance that easily holds on to inspired foreign particles and eventually is
removed by the ciliary action of the columnar cells (Figure 11-11; see also Figure 11-10). The nucleus of the
goblet cell is often crescent shaped and located basally within the cell at the same level of the basal cell (see
Figures 4-2 and 4-3). The rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER), ribosomes, and Golgi apparatus surround the

The brush cells, Clara cells, and neuroendocrine cells constitute only a small amount (10% or less) of the total cell 231
population. The brush cells are narrow columnar cells with microvilli and can be species variable in height, 234
lacking any cilia. Although their function remains unknown, they have been associated with endings of the
trigeminal nerve (CN V) and may play a sensory role. It has also been suggested that they are goblet cells void of
their secretory vesicles, having just released most if not all of their mucigen. These cells, which can be easily
distinguished when viewed from the perspective of the lumen, can form “tracks” because they are aligned along
the same longitudinal axis of the trachea.

Figure 11-8 Light micrograph of the cranial portion of the vocal fold (1) and
intrinsic skeletal muscle (2) of the larynx. (Hematoxylin and eosin
stain; ×40.)

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Figure 11-9 Light micrograph of the tracheal epithelium in the dog overlying
scattered blood vessels, an occasional mixed branched gland, and
hyaline cartilage. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×200.)

Figure 11-10 Scanning electron micrographs of a ferret trachea taken at ×1000

and ×5000 (inset) magnifications, respectively. The heavily ciliated
epithelium is separated by furrows of nonciliated cells that run
longitudinally within the airway.

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Figure 11-11 Transmission electron micrograph of a canine goblet cell specifically

stained for its carbohydrate-laden mucin. (Silver methenamine stain;

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Figure 11-12 Light micrograph of tracheal cartilage in the dog along with the
trachealis muscle (TM). (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×200.)

The Clara cells are rare in most mammalian trachea, more often found within the bronchial tree. Like brush cells,
these cells also are columnar and have less populated apical microvilli than columnar cells. They differ especially
in that they appear to be secretory and contribute to the airway fluid as they form granules filled with protein and
glycoprotein that lie apically within the cytoplasm.

The neuroendocrine cells are more pyramidal than columnar and brush cells and produce granules that lie basally
within the cytoplasm and appear to be released into the adjacent lamina propria.

The lamina propria of the trachea is generally composed of loose connective tissue that surrounds and houses
sentinel cells of defense, simple mucous and mixed tracheal glands that empty into the lumen, and associated
nervous and vascular elements. Even though the epithelial cells contribute to the fluid lining its apices, the tracheal
glands provide most of the secreted fluid. At the base of ducts of these glands and along the outer portion of the
lamina propria are an increased number of elastic fibers that can form a layer or lamina adjacent to the submucosa.
The submucosa is composed mostly of irregular dense connective tissue with interspersing glands, blood vessels,
and lymphatics. Its outermost boundary is enveloped by the adventitia, which consists of dense connective tissue
and intervening incomplete rings or C-shaped pieces of hyaline cartilage. Each “ring” of cartilage is incomplete

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dorsally; its free ends are filled or bridged by smooth muscle, the trachealis muscle (Figure 11-12). The
outermost regions of the adventitia anchor the trachea to adjoining connective tissue structures of the neck,
including those of the esophagus.


At the end of the trachea the first division of the airway occurs, resulting in the right and left extrapulmonary
primary bronchi. This bifurcation subsequently arborizes and gives rise to the bronchial trees that form the basis of
the right and left lungs within the thoracic cavity. Each bronchial tree consists of an extrapulmonary primary
bronchus and the sequential intrapulmonary orders of airways that are connected, including intrapulmonary
bronchi, bronchioles, terminal bronchioles, and respiratory bronchioles (Figure 11-13). These intrapulmonary
divisions eventually give rise to the area of gaseous exchange, the aveolar ducts and sacs, which collectively
constitute the parenchyma. The bronchial trees, in turn, are enveloped by a layer of connective tissue and
epithelium collectively known as the visceral pleura.


The primary bronchi are anatomically constructed in the same manner as the trachea, but smaller in diameter
(Figure 11-14). Each bronchus is equipped with its own nervous, vascular, and lymphatic “trunk” lines that
concomitantly branch with each division of the airways. In general, as the conducting airways subdivide,
becoming progressively smaller in diameter, the respiratory epithelium becomes shorter with fewer goblet cells,
and the amount of glands and connective tissue including cartilage becomes less. Only the elastic and smooth
muscle tissues increase with regard to the thickness of the wall of the airway, and the Clara cells within the 234
respiratory epithelium become more numerous. Each primary bronchus divides one or more times to give rise to 236
the intrapulmonary bronchi, which can be considered secondary and tertiary bronchi (see Figure 11-13). This
intrapulmonary bronchus also can be referred to as the lobar bronchus because it leads to an individual lobe of
the lung, entering the lung at its hilum (see Figures 11-1 and 11-13). Lobar bronchi subsequently divide into two
branches that, in turn, divide into two more branches. This pattern of division in which one structure separates into
two is known as dichotomous branching, which is the principal branching pattern in the lung. The bronchi derived
from the lobar bronchi provide the airways for the portions of the lung referred to as bronchopulmonary
segments or segmental bronchi (Figure 11-15). Each of the successive branches or generations of bronchi has
decreasingly smaller airways but possesses a greater surface area than the preceding generation. Within these
smaller generations of intrapulmonary bronchi, the hyaline cartilage becomes not only smaller but also irregular in
its placement or organization. With the loss of the C-ring configuration, the airways lack a flattened region and
have become entirely round. Smooth muscle is the major component of the submucosa, consisting of two apposing
layers. Simple mixed glands are still present but have decreased in size and density (Figure 11-16). The connective
tissue of the adventitia is now more loosely constructed, containing variable amounts of elastic fibers that can
extend and connect with the elastic fibers from the adventitia of other portions of the bronchial tree. Nervous
tissue can be found as nerve plexi within the submucosa and adventitia and as nerve endings within the respiratory

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Figure 11-13 A, Diagram of the bronchial tree starting from the trachea. The
initial branches begin with the two extrapulmonary bronchi. Upon
entering the lung, they branch, forming intrapulmonary bronchi, all
possessing supportive cartilaginous plates. B, Diagram of the
terminal bronchioles that either form respiratory bronchioles (on the
right) or end directly into alveolar ducts (on the left).

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Figure 11-14 Illustration of a portion of bronchi and associated vasculature within

a pulmonary lobule. (Modified from Fawcett DW: Bloom and
Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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Figure 11-15 Scanning electron micrograph (×40) of branching segmented

bronchi. Large arrows point to the cartilage plates and small arrows
point to some of the many ducts of glands located along the
conducting airways.


The last branching of the intrapulmonary bronchi results in the formation of the bronchioles, which usually 236
branch and form several generations before ending as terminal bronchioles (see Figure 11-13). The first generation 237
of bronchioles, the primary bronchiole, forms the airway for a pulmonary lobule. Bronchioles arise after 10 or so
generations of dichotomous branching have occurred within the lung. With the continued decrease in the height of
the respiratory epithelium, the cells have become more cuboidal, especially in the smaller bronchioles, but still
well ciliated. Goblet cells tend to be sparse and basal cells are absent altogether, making the epithelium either a
simple columnar or simple cuboidal one. Clara cells, also known as bronchiolar exocrine cells, are more
frequently encountered in the epithelial lining of these airways (Figure 11-17). The Clara cell can absorb and
secrete because it contains glycoproteinaceous secretory granules that when released line and protect the
bronchiolar epithelium. This cell also has the ability to degrade some inhaled toxic substances. And the Clara cell
has the stem cell capability to divide and reform the bronchiolar epithelium as needed.

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Figure 11-16 Transmission electron micrograph (×5000) of a simple mixed

mucosal gland of a segmented (secondary) bronchus in a canine
lung. MC, Myoepithelial cell.

The lamina propria of bronchioles consists of glandless loose connective tissue subtended by smooth muscle (see
Figure 11-17). The smooth muscle is still layered in an apposing manner but is less developed than in the bronchi.
The adventitia lacks cartilage altogether, but still possesses an extensive network of elastic fibers around the
smooth muscle layers and outer portion of the lamina propria. As air is inspired and the lung becomes inflated, the
elastic fibers and smooth muscle are able to exert an evenly distributed opposing force and thus maintain the
integrity or patency of the bronchiolar shape.

The bronchioles branch into several smaller terminal bronchioles that form the last component of the conducting
portion of the respiratory system (Figure 11-18). In these bronchioles the epithelium is generally simple cuboidal,
and Clara cells can be numerous, especially in carnivores, in which it is the predominant cell type.


Each terminal bronchiole undergoes a final subdivision to form respiratory bronchioles. In terms of its structure,
the respiratory bronchiole can be thought of as a continuation of a terminal bronchiole that occasionally is
interrupted by thin-walled outpocketings called alveoli (Figure 11-19; see also Figure 11-18). The alveolus is that
portion of the respiratory system involved in gas exchange and for that reason represents the parenchymatous unit
of the lung. Thus the respiratory bronchiole along with the alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, and alveoli comprise the 237

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respiratory portion of the respiratory system. Because respiratory bronchiole possesses alveoli along its 239
longitudinal axis, the structural composition of the epithelium, lamina propria, and submucosa become markedly
altered wherever the alveoli occur, causing the epithelium to become transformed from simple cuboidal to simple
squamous and the submucosa and its smooth muscle to move around each outpocketing. The length and overall
amount of respiratory bronchioles vary among domestic species, being much more prominent among carnivores
than herbivores and among mammals can be absent altogether in small rodents and humans (see Table 11-1).

Figure 11-17 Transmission electron micrograph (×5000) of Clara cells (bronchiolar

exocrine cells) lining a portion of a bronchiole. Arrows point to
smooth muscle cells lying beneath the epithelium.

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Figure 11-18 Scanning electron micrograph (×30) of a terminal bronchiole (TB)

that branches into respiratory bronchioles (RB) within a pulmonary
lobule of a ferret.

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Figure 11-19 Scanning electron micrograph (×200) of a respiratory bronchiole in

a ferret. The epithelium (E) is frequently interrupted by numerous
outpocketings of alveoli and alveolar sacs.


Respiratory bronchioles branch or simply end in alveolar ducts, which are structures in which the airways
continue in their linear manner, but are lined only by alveoli, having no bronchiolar epithelium and subtending
smooth muscle (Figures 11-20 and 11-21). There may be areas along the alveolar duct, especially at its end,
where a small cluster of alveoli (two or more) form a blind outpocketing known as an alveolar sac (see Figures
11-19 through 11-21). The alveoli of each sac share the same common space that the airway has emptied into:
the atrium.


The functional units of the respiratory system are alveoli and occur as small outpocketings of the respiratory
bronchiole, alveolar duct, and alveolar sac (see Figures 11-19 through 11-21). As the basic unit for gaseous
exchange, the alveolus is a semiglobar air space lined by a squamous respiratory epithelium and closely associated
capillary network (Figure 11-22). Consequently, the main cell type of this tissue is the squamous alveolar
epithelial cell, also known as the type I alveolar cell or type I pneumocyte. Whereas the nucleus appears

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flattened, the rest of the cell is exceedingly squamous and, of course, thin when viewed in cross section. In fact, 239
the cytoplasm of the type I cell can become attenuated to a thickness of less than 200 nm and not be seen 240
histologically because it's at the margin of resolution of the light microscope (see Figure 11-22). The few
organelles that help comprise the cytoplasm of the type I alveolar cell include mitochondria, rER, and polysomes,
and are located in the vicinity of the nucleus. Endocytotic vesicles, also present, are more diffusely distributed
throughout the cytoplasm. Adjacent squamous cells form tight junctions (zonulae occludentes), preventing serum
leakage into alveolar lumina. The type I alveolar cell occupies more than 95% of the surface area of each alveolus
and is intimately associated with the underlying well-vascularized connective tissue.

Figure 11-20 Scanning electron micrograph (×100) of an alveolar duct (AD) in the

Another native cell of the respiratory epithelium is the type II alveolar cell, or type II pneumocyte, which is
distinctly morphologically different from the type I cell, being more or less cuboidal (Figure 11-23). The apical
portion of the cell distinctly projects in a domelike fashion into alveolar lumen. When considering the entire lung,
this cell is actually more numerous than the type I. The type II alveolar cell contains a round centrally placed
nucleus, both smooth and rER, a well-developed Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, and secretory vesicles. Scattered
short microvilli project along the cell's apical/luminal surface. The type II alveolar cells are most abundant at the
septal portion of the alveolus, where one alveolus abuts another and together share the adjoining septum (see

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Figure 11-21). For that reason they are also referred to as septal cells. Among the secretory vesicles are lamellar
bodies that form the most characteristic feature of this cell type. Lamellar bodies contain layers of
membrane-bound material that is high in phospholipid content and when secreted functions as the pulmonary 240
surfactant. During respiration, alveoli change shape and there is the potential for alveolar collapse. The presence 243
of a surfactant creates a gas-liquid interface that is largely hydrophobic and reduces surface tension. As a result,
alveoli of different sizes are able to work and coexist in equilibrium. In short, it minimizes the work of breathing
and the possibility of alveolar collapse. In addition to the phospholipids the lamellar bodies also release surfactant
proteins that become lodged within an aqueous coat between the external film of phospholipids and the cell
membranes of the type I alveolar cell. This external assemblage of the phospholipids and proteins along the
respiratory epithelium is known as tubular myelin. Recently it has been suggested that in addition to controlling
fluid balance and surface tension, the surfactant produced by the type II alveolar cell may play a role in host

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Figure 11-21 A, Diagram of a respiratory unit of the lung, which includes the
respiratory bronchiole, alveolar ducts (AD), alveolar sacs (AS), and
alveoli. The area where alveolar ducts end and alveolar sacs begin is
recognized as an atrium. B, Transmission electron micrograph
(×3000) of the thickened adluminal end that lines the alveolar duct
indicated as 1 in the diagram. MC, Mast cell; SM, smooth muscle. C,
Transmission electron micrograph (×3000) of the thickened
adluminal end that lines the atrium indicated as 2 in the diagram. (A
modified from Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of
histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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Figure 11-22 A, Light micrograph of rat alveoli lined by type I alveolar cells
(arrows). (Plastic section, hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×1,000.) B,
Transmission electron micrograph (×25,000) of the extremely thin
cytoplasm of the type I alveolar cells (large arrows) that line equally
thin stroma (S) and an endothelial cell of an adjacent capillary (small
arrows) in the dog. RBC, Red blood cell.

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Figure 11-23 Transmission electron micrograph (×7000) of a type II canine

alveolar cell (arrow) that lies in the septa of adjacent alveoli. P, pore.
Inset is a light micrograph of an alveolar septum in the cow. Large
arrow points to a type II alveolar cell and small arrow points to
nearby type I cell. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)

Although type I and II alveolar cells are the predominant cell types found within the alveoli, cells of defense can
be encountered, especially macrophages and mast cells. Pulmonary macrophages arrive in this region as
blood-borne monocytes that migrate into the pulmonary interstitium and are sometimes referred to as septal
macrophages. They generally move between type I alveolar cells and enter the luminal airway where they
become alveolar macrophages(Figure 11-24). Alveolar macrophages engulf fine particles, such as bacteria and
dust that has reached the air sacs. These cells, which enter the pulmonary air lumina by the tens of millions each
day, also remove some of the surfactant, which is constantly replaced. Most of the macrophages move proximally
within the airways toward the trachea and then pharynx where they are eliminated by swallowing or expectoration.

As in bronchi and bronchioles, mast cells are encountered within the alveoli, but normally are much fewer than
the alveolar macrophage (Figure 11-25; see also Figure 11-21). They lie interstitially between an adjacent
capillary and the epithelium, particularly at the junction of three alveoli. These cells can be activated by a wide
variety of agents, including allergens, and contribute to difficulties in respiration, such as in asthma. In domestic

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cats and other members of the cat family (Felidae), asthma can occur within the small airways, resulting in
multifocal areas of alveolar wall fibrosis. 243
Figure 11-24 Scanning electron micrograph (×500) of an alveolar macrophage


A major portion of any alveolus within the lung is connected to adjacent alveoli. The area where two adjacent
alveoli are joined forms the interalveolar septum (see Figures 11-22 and 11-23). Interalveolar septa may be
very thin, consisting of a flattened capillary lined on both sides by type I alveolar cells. Small openings,
alveolar pores, occasionally interrupt the septum and allow the air spaces of the two alveoli to be shared. In the
regions where three alveoli are interconnected are usually other connective tissue elements besides the blood
vessel. Two of these elements, the macrophage (septal macrophage) and the mast cell, have been mentioned.
Fibrocytes and components of the extracellular matrix also are present in varying amounts. Collagen (type I and
III) and elastic fibers form a network instrumental to the parenchymal micromechanics within the lung (see
Figure 11-25). The greatest density of collagen and elastic fibers occurs within 10 to 20 μm of an alveolar duct.

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The amount and degree of penetration of the fibers, especially elastic fibers, into alveolar septae vary from
species to species but are most likely greater in lungs with larger alveoli. Age can also influence the structure of
the interalveolar septum. In older individuals, increases in thickness of the alveolar wall and septum and
associated elastic fibers can occur. These changes would appear to offset increases in the overall alveolar size
that occur concomitantly.

The thinnest portions of the interalveolar septae, which possess capillaries, are involved in gaseous exchange
and are known as the blood-gas barriers. Although any increase in the thickness of this barrier has the
potential to impede gaseous exchange, its presence is necessary in order to prevent the leakage of any plasma or
serum into the air space of the alveolus. The blood-gas barrier is composed of the thickness of the capillary
endothelium and its basal lamina, the thickness of any intervening connective tissue, the thickness of the
alveolar type I cell and its basal lamina, which may be shared with that of the capillary endothelium, and the
overlying surfactant (see Figure 11-22). 244
Figure 11-25 Transmission electron micrograph of a mast cell (MC) within the
stroma near the junction of several alveoli. Collagen (Co) within
the stroma can vary considerably in thickness. (Barium
permanganate stain; ×8000.)

Actual gas exchange occurs primarily at the site of the red blood cell within the capillary. Oxygen, which has
diffused through the blood-gas barrier, is taken up by available hemoglobin within the erythrocyte, resulting in
oxyhemoglobin. Concomitantly, carbon dioxide (CO2) is released, which like O2 moves by passive diffusion

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through the different elements of the blood-gas barrier and enters the luminal air space of the alveolus.
Specifically, CO2 is diffused throughout the cytosol of the erythrocyte and is held at a different location within
the hemoglobin molecule, carbaminohemoglobin. Carbon dioxide within its cytosol may be converted
temporarily into carbonic acid (H2CO3) by the enzyme, carbonic anhydrase. The H2CO3 readily dissociates into
− +
bicarbonate and hydrogen ions (HCO3 and H ). The bicarbonate ion may leave the cytosol and diffuse into the

plasma with a concomitant influx of Cl . This exchange (chloride for bicarbonate) is the chloride shift and can
occur in either direction. Plasma bicarbonate ions, in turn, will eventually reenter the erythrocyte (with the
chloride shift), reassociate with hydrogen ions to form carbonic acid, and then be broken down into CO2 and
H2O by the carbonic anhydrase. The diffusion of each gas is driven by the partial pressure within the alveolar
air space and the lumen of the alveolar capillary.


As in many organs of the body, each lung is located in its own cavity, the thoracic cavity, and lined by a serous
membrane called the pleura. The pleura consists of variably developed dense, irregular connective tissue covered
by a simple squamous to simple cuboidal epithelium (mesothelium). In large domestic species such as the horse,
the connective tissue component is thick when compared with that of the dog and cat. The portion that forms the
external lining of each lung is the visceral or pulmonary pleura, which reflexes at the hilum and pulmonary
ligament onto the parietal pleura, which is attached to the walls of the thoracic cavity. The connective tissue of
the visceral pleura intermixes with that of the external-most alveoli and their septae and houses the nerves and
blood vessels associated with bronchioles, alveolar ducts, sacs, and so forth in this region. Lymph vessels also
occur here, forming a superficial system that drains into larger vessels that empty into bronchopulmonary lymph
nodes at the hilar region of each lung. The visceral and parietal pleura are separated by the pleural cavity, which
holds a small amount of serous fluid and provides a frictionless environment for the lungs to push against during 245
internal respiration. The mesothelial cells can possess bushlike long microvilli that along with hyaluronans-laden 246
lubricants minimize the effort of breathing.

During inhalation each lung expands and causes the visceral pleura to push against the pleural cavity and parietal
pleura. Inhalation itself is a catabolic process, requiring contraction of the diaphragm and intercostal and other
various accessory respiratory muscles. As the result of their contraction, the volume of the thoracic cavities grows,
which, in turn, causes a change in the pressure within the pleural cavities. The differential between the pressure of
the pleural cavities and that of the atmosphere becomes the driving force for the intake of air. As air continues to
be inhaled and individual alveoli expand, each lung expands, stretching and pushing the entire visceral pleura
against the pleural cavity. When the same muscles that contracted now relax, the pressure within the pleura
cavities returns to its previous level, and the elastic fibers within the entire system (including the pleura) help force
the respired air out of the lungs.

The proximal and distal airways of the pulmonary system are innervated by sympathetic and parasympathetic
elements of the nervous system. The parasympathetic nerve fibers, which are supplied by the vagus nerve,
innervate the bronchial smooth muscle, causing them to contract, resulting in bronchoconstriction. The
sympathetic nerve fibers are supplied by the thoracic sympathetic chain ganglia (middle cervical and
cervicothoracic ganglia). They innervate the smooth muscles of the bronchi but cause their relaxation and resultant
bronchodilation. These nerves also innervate the smooth muscle associated with the arteries and veins within the
pulmonary tract.

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Blood for each lung is primarily provided by the pulmonary arteries. These arteries are large and elastic, and they
originate from the pulmonary trunk arising from the right ventricle of the heart. As the right ventricle contracts,
deoxygenated blood is pumped to the lungs by the right and left pulmonary arteries. Upon entering the lung,
branches of the pulmonary arteries accompany the primary bronchi and follow down the bronchial tree, branching
to the level of the respiratory bronchioles (see Figure 11-4). From there they divide and form a capillary network
for the air sacks, where gaseous exchange occurs. Subsequently, the oxygenated blood is returned by pulmonary
veins in a reversed, ascending, treelike manner to the heart's left atrium.


Whereas the respiratory system in birds is comparable with that in mammals, its anatomy is different, especially
regarding the lung, which is overall not as elaborate or developed but small and compact, and does not change
volume during respiration. The system consists of the nasal cavity, larynx, syrinx, 4 orders of conducting airways
(versus up to 15 orders in mammals), and a compact spongy parenchyma.

The nasal cavity is similar to the mammalian nasal cavity, having mostly a respiratory lining with the vestibular
region containing a stratified squamous epithelium and the dorsocaudal portion containing the olfactory
epithelium. The respiratory epithelium contains intraepithelial glands consisting of clusters of mucus-secreting
cells arranged in simple acini. The connecting larynx has similarities to the mammalian structure; however, unlike
mammals, the avian larynx lacks vocal cords and has little ability to create usable sounds. The adjoining trachea is
constructed along the same lines as mammalian trachea, including the presence of the cartilaginous tracheal rings.
Tracheal rings in birds, however, completely encircle the trachea as opposed to mammalian tracheal rings, which
are incomplete. The smooth muscle that lines mammalian trachea is absent in birds. The intraepithelial glands
associated with the avian respiratory epithelium are especially well developed in the trachea.

At the junction of the trachea and extrapulmonary primary bronchi is a diverticulum called the syrinx. The syrinx
provides a bird's ability to vocalize. Although its construction varies from one species to another and undoubtedly
contributes to the enormous range of avian phonations, the syrinx is basically an inverted Y-shaped structure with
a median vocal fold in the syringeal lumen where the syrinx bifurcates. This fold and two lateral vocal folds
(lateral tympanic membranes) are used for phonation and are lined by thinly layered stratified squamous epithelia.
Through the contraction and relaxation of ventral and dorsal skeletal muscles associated with the syrinx, a bird is
able to finely control the syringeal airways, regulate the timing of phonation, and determine the frequency of

The avian lung occupies considerably less area in the thoracic cavity than the mammalian lung and as mentioned
does not change in size during inhalation and exhalation. However, each lung is continuous with air sacs, which do
change in volume during breathing. The primary bronchi are referred to as mesobronchi upon entering the lungs.
Each mesobronchus has lateral branches that form the secondary bronchi(Figure 11-26). The secondary bronchi 246
empty either into air sacs or tertiary bronchi (Figure 11-27). The tertiary bronchi (parabronchi), which 247
interconnect secondary bronchi, give rise to many atria, also known as small air vesicles, that extend radially
from the tertiary bronchi (Figure 11-28). The atria give rise to air capillaries— continuous loops of fine airways
where the gas exchange occurs. The epithelial lining of the air capillaries include type I and type II cells, both of
which are similar to those seen in mammalian lungs. Likewise, the epithelium of the mesobronchi is similar to that
lining the primary bronchi and trachea in mammals. Initially, walls of the extrapulmonary bronchi also are similar
to mammalian tracheal and bronchial walls because they include hyaline cartilage and smooth muscle. The

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cartilaginous rings, however, become replaced by plaques of cartilage and disappear in the initial portion of the
mesobronchi. Except for the absence of the goblet cells, the respiratory epithelium of the secondary bronchi is
similar to that of the mesobronchus. There is still a lamina muscularis mucosae but less confluent and more
multidirectional than in the primary bronchi. Both secondary and tertiary bronchi become interrupted by atria. At
the site where atria arise, the epithelium becomes transformed into a simple cuboidal and simple squamous

Figure 11-26 Diagram of the bronchial branching pattern in the avian lung. MB,
Mesobronchus; SB, secondary bronchi; PB, parabronchi (tertiary

Figure 11-27 Light micrograph of the tertiary bronchi (parabronchi)(PB) and atria
(arrows) of an avian lung. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×20.)

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The caudal end of each mesobronchus empties into an air sac (abdominal air sac), which, like other air sacs
connected to secondary bronchi, are lined by simple cuboidal to simple squamous epithelia. Like mammals, avian
ventilation is governed by abdominal muscle activity. This activity directly influences the size and volume of the
air sacs, resulting in the movement of air through the air pathways, including the air capillaries.

Overall, regardless of anatomical differences between birds and mammals, the respiratory tissues of both groups of
animals possess comparable mechanical behavior. Still, birds of active flight have efficient methods for gas 247
exchange not found in mammals. The interaction of airflow in the parabronchial lumen with incoming blood at the 248
level of the exchange tissue is crosscurrent as the directions of flow between the gas exchange media occur
perpendicularly to each other. Concomitantly, the interaction between the air capillary and blood capillary occurs
in a countercurrent way as blood flows to the parabronchial lumen while air flows in the opposite direction, toward
the periphery (Figure 11-29).

Figure 11-28 Light micrograph of the atria (A), air capillaries (arrows), and blood
capillaries in an avian lung. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.)

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Figure 11-29 The orientation of the gas exchange in the avian lung provides a
countercurrent relationship between the air (A) and blood (B)


GM Barnas, SC Hempleman, P Harinath, JW Baptiste: Respiratory system mechanical behavior in the

chicken. Respir Physiol. 84, 1991, 145.
DW Fawcett: In Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology. ed 11, 1986, Saunders, Philadelphia.
In Hlastala, MP, Robertson, HT (Eds.): Complexity in structure and function of the lung. 1998, Dekker,
New York.
DM Hyde, DA Samuelson, WH Blakeney, PC Kosh: A correlated scanning and transmission electron
microscopic study of the ferret lung. Scan Electron Microsc. III, 1979, 891.
BR Kwak, DC Shah, F Mach: A starting point for structure function relationships in the canine pulmonary
veins. Cardiovasc Res. 55, 2002, 703.
JN Maina: What it takes to fly: the structural and functional respiratory refinements in birds and bats. J Exp
Biol. 203, 2000, 3045.
JN Maina: Some recent advances on the study and understanding of the functional design of the avian lung:
morphological and morphometric perspectives. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc. 77, 2002, 97.
RF McLaughlin, WS Tyler, RO Canada: A study of the subgross pulmonary anatomy in various mammals.
Am J Anat. 108, 1961, 149.
JA Nettum: Combined bronchoalveolar-vascular casting of the canine lung. Scan Microsc. 10, 1996, 1173. 248
JA Nowell, WS Tyler: Scanning electron microscopy of the surface morphology of mammalian lungs. Am 249
Rev Resp Dis. 103, 1971, 313.
M Pirie, HM Pirie, S Cranston, NG Wright: An ultrastructural study of the equine lower respiratory tract.
Equine Vet J. 22, 1990, 338.
DE Schraufnagel, DB Pearse, WA Mitzner, EM Wagner: Three-dimensional structure of the bronchial
microcirculation in sheep. Anat Rec. 243, 1995, 357.

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Textbook of Veterinary Histology
NS Wang: Anatomy and physiology of the pleural space. Clin Chest Med. 6, 1985, 3.

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12 CHAPTER 12 Immune System


• Highly cellular, within the framework of areolar connective tissue with reticular fibers, either encapsulated
fully, partially or not; cells diffusely aggregated or clustered in nodules (follicles) with or without germinal

• Major cells: lymphocytes B and T with subpopulations, plasma cell, antigen-presenting cells, and
macrophages provide protective response known as immunity

The body is constantly faced with the prospect of being invaded and damaged by a variety of foreign agents, living
and nonliving. The immune system incorporates all the components within the body, enlisting tissues and organs and
their specific cells that directly protect against such invasions. Cells that offer this protection normally have the
ability to discern self- substances (the body's own molecules) from nonself substances (foreign, or not from a part of
the body), and destroy or inactivate the latter. This cellular ability is immunocompetence, and the protective
response provided by immunocompetent cells is immunity. Immunocompetent cells consist of antigen-presenting
cells, lymphocytes, and plasma cells. Antigen-presenting cells and lymphocytes are able to start the immune process
in response to the presence of nonself substances (antigens). Their exposure to antigens initially results in the
formation of cytokines— proteins that can be exogenously released to signal or inform other cells of the present
antigenic interaction. In addition, the immunocompetent cells (lymphocytes) exposed to foreign or nonself substances
may either form specific proteins called antibodies that can bind directly to the presenting antigens or induce other
cells to destroy or kill the foreign substance if it should be an invading organism or an abnormally altered preexisting
cell. The recruitment of other cells to eradicate nonself substances is cell-mediated immunity, and the production of
antibodies to incapacitate nonself substances is traditionally referred to as humoral immunity. The antibodies
produced by domestic animals consist of five classes or isotypes: immunoglobulin M (IgM), immunoglobulin A
(IgA), immunoglobulin G (IgG), immunoglobulin D (IgD), and immunoglobulin E (IgE), each able to perform
specific duties.

In mammals the antigen-presenting cells and lymphocytes are derived from bone marrow. Lymphocytes differ from
antigen-presenting cells in that they not only have self-/nonself recognition capability but also memory, specificity,
and diversity. In terms of their development and functional roles, lymphocytes can be separated into two cell types:
B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes. B lymphocytes are not only formed in the bone marrow but develop their
immunocompetence there as well. T lymphocytes, however, must first migrate from the marrow to the thymus before
developing their immunocompetence. Bone marrow and the thymus are then the primary lymphoid organs of the
immune (lymphoid) system (Table 12-1). Once immunocompetent, T and B lymphocytes can move to other portions
of the immune system, making up the secondary lymphoid organs—the spleen, lymph nodes, and diffuse lymphoid 250
tissue—the lattermost lacking a connective tissue sheath or fascia and instead is unencapsulated, whereas the other 252
components are encapsulated (see Table 12-1).

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TABLE 12-1 Histological Features of Lymphoid Organs in Domestic Mammals

Thymus Encapsulated by thin, Separated into Lacks afferent and Early in Epithelial reticular
dense, irregular cortex and medulla; efferent lymph development, center cells of the
connective tissue cortex consists of vessels; arterial for T cell medulla form
with incomplete many T cells and supply is at the production; naive T whorled thymic
septa (trabeculae); resident corticomedullary cells become corpuscles
the cortex and macrophages lined junction via stromal immunocompetent
medulla are by the epithelial septa; tight cortical in cortex
supported by the reticulum, which capillaries drain into
epithelial reticulum forms blood-thymus medullary venules
barrier; medulla has
less-populated T
cells among a larger
epithelial reticulum
Lymph node Encapsulated by thin, Separated into Presence of afferent Filters lymph by Lymph sinuses
dense, irregular cortex, paracortex, and efferent lymph removing foreign contain stellate
connective tissue and medulla; cortex vessels; afferent substances including cells for slowing
with incomplete consists of lymphatic lymph vessels enter invading forward movement
septa (trabeculae); nodules (B cell along entire capsule; microorganisms; of lymphocytes;
reticular fibers and germinal centers) blood vessels and provides B and T cell trabeculae are
stellate reticular cells and diffuse lymphoid efferent lymph production highly developed
support the tissue; paracortex vessels are in the ox; cortex is
parenchyma within has many T cells; connected to a hilum located centrally
the cortex, medulla has lymph and medulla
paracortex, and sinuses and cords of peripherally in the
medulla lymphocytes, plasma pig
cells and
Spleen Encapsulated by thin, Separated into white Lacks afferent lymph Fetally, a site for Red pulp is well
dense, irregular and red pulp: white vessels; blood vessels hematopoiesis; developed in
connective tissue pulp consists of and efferent lymph continues to provide domestic species,
along with smooth periarterial lymphatic vessels are B and T cell especially so in the
muscle; trabeculae sheaths (PALS) with connected to a production; dog and horse,
can be entirely nodules; cells include hilum; arterioles immunologically allowing extensive
smooth muscle; B and T cells, plasma from the white pulp filters blood, red blood cell
reticular fibers and cells, macrophages, lead to capillaries in removes and breaks storage to occur in
stellate reticular cells and the red pulp, which down old blood, and these animals
support the white antigen-presenting can be sheathed and recycles iron; acts as
pulp and splenic dendritic cells; red open or closed a blood reservoir
cords of the red pulp pulp consists of
network of venous
sinusoids (sinuses)
and cords of
lymphocytes, plasma
cells, and

CHAPTER 12 Immune System Page 2 of 31

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Diffuse lymphatic Nonencapsulated to Consist of nodules: Presence of afferent Immunologically Among the GALT
tissues: partially rounded aggregates and efferent lymph filter lymph; provide aggregates of
gut-associated encapsulated (tonsils of mostly B cells and blood vessels; in B and T cell lymphatic nodules
lymphatic tissue of the caudal oral surrounded by T tonsils, afferent production; a form Peyer's
(GALT), cavity and pharynx); cells and lymph vessels are primary center for B patch, especially in
bronchus-associated stroma of nodules antigen-presenting absent cell formation in the the ileum
lymphatic tissue consist of modified cells (follicular lymphatic nodules of
(BALT) branching reticular dendritic cells); and the developing ileum
cells diffuse tissues: of ruminants
concentration of
lymphocytes with
scattered plasma
cells and



The B lymphocyte, or B cell, is formed and becomes immunocompetent in the bone marrow of mammals and
the diverticulum of cloaca called the bursa of Fabricius (thus the designation B) in birds. Morphologically, B
cells are typical of lymphocytes in general: they are small and round, with a prominent heterochromatic nucleus
surrounded by a small rim of cytoplasm (see Figure 7-18). Without the assistance of determining the presence
of antigen receptors that are specific for B cells, this cell type cannot be distinguished from the T lymphocyte
or T cell based on its histological appearance. The antigen receptors, also known as immunoglobulins or
antibodies, are molecules exposed to the cell surface along its plasma membrane, and function to recognize the
presence of a foreign substance. Antigen receptors of B cells are constructed in a way that will allow them to
capture or bind the antigen (Figure 12-1). Each antigen has specific sites or regions called epitopes (antigenic
determinant) that are a part of its structure and can potentially react with the antigen receptors. Typically,
epitopes are a small handful of amino acids (six or fewer) and/or sugar moieties. Small antigens have only a
single epitope, whereas larger ones, such as microbial organisms, have a variety of antigenic sites.

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Figure 12-1 Diagram of the structure of a prototype antibody molecule,

immunoglobulin G (IgG), consisting of the two pairs of two
different proteins—light chains and heavy chains—with the light
chains binding epitopes and the heavy chains binding receptors (Fc
receptors) on the surface of various cells.

As B cells become immunocompetent, each lymphocyte produces tens of thousands of immunoglobulins that
insert into the cell membrane, projecting outwardly along its surface—surface immunoglobulins (SIGS).
Before each B cell is exposed to an antigen for the first time, it is in a naïve or virgin state. When a naïve or
virgin B cell comes into contact with an antigen, a chain of events is initiated that results in its activation and
subsequent proliferation. Newly formed cells can become either plasma cells (actively produce more antibodies
specific for that antigen) or memory cells (develop a higher affinity for the antigens than their predecessors, but
remain uninvolved in the immune response that had spawned them). The memory cells are able to exist for long
periods (up to years) and can result in faster, more powerful responses to reexposure of the same antigen.
Because of the continued production of antibodies by the plasma cells that was initiated by the B cells, a
humorally mediated immune response is generated.

The immunoglobulins or antibodies formed by B cells change with the progression of the antigenic exposure
and immune response. Naïve B cells produce the IgM antibody, the first isotype of immunoglobulin to be
generated in the primary immune response. The IgM class takes on a pentameric form as the heavy chains or Fc
regions are bound to one another by J-protein links. This large antibody is designed to activate the complement
system and is short lived. On subsequent exposure, the B cells, which are now plasma cells, undergo a process

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known as class switching and produce other classes of antibodies, including IgA, IgE, and IgG with IgG, and
IgA, comprising the largest amount of immunoglobulin found in the blood. These antibodies, especially IgG,
appear to bind and combat antigens more effectively. In most instances, foreign substances will not induce a
humoral immune response until T cell intermediaries have become involved. Still, there are antigens—
thymic-independent antigens— that will generate a humoral immune response without T cell involvement,
but in these instances B memory cells are not formed and as a result only IgM is released.

Like the B cell, the T lymphocyte, or T cell, is created in bone marrow, but unlike the B cell, the T cell must 253
first migrate to another region—the thymus—before it can become immunocompetent. The T cell morphology
is identical to that previously described for the B cell. The principal difference between the two lymphoid cell
types is in antigen receptors that each type possesses. As mentioned, the B cell receptors consist of antibodies
that have excellent binding properties. T cell receptors, however, do not consist of antibodies per se, but do
have similar properties. T cell receptors extend outwardly along the cell membrane of T cells in much the
same way as do B cell receptors. Most important, they function as antigen receptors, being able to recognize
antigens and bind with their epitopes. However, they have only a single antigen-binding site as opposed to the
two binding sites associated with the B cell receptors (see Figure 12-1). Intracellularly, the membrane-bound
component of the T cell receptor interacts with other, separate membrane-bound proteins, including CD3, CD8,
and CD 28, each of which forms a complex and helps facilitate the receptor-epitope binding and resultant signal
transduction of a specific subtype of T cell (Figure 12-2).

The T cell becomes activated only when the T cell receptor is able to perceive an epitope of an antigen that is
attached first to the cell membrane of another cell. The antigen, in fact, is bound to the other cell by a specific
glycoprotein known as a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule, which can be divided into two
classes: MHC-I molecules and MHC-II molecules. Whereas most cells of the body contain the class-I MHC
molecule, certain cells known as antigen-presenting cells contain both classes of molecules within their cell
membranes. Even if a T cell receptor is able to bind to an epitope of an antigen, activation of the T cell will not
proceed unless an accompanying MHC molecule is recognized as well (see Figure 12-2).

Like B cells, T cells can be divided into subtypes: T memory cells, T helper cells (1 and 2), cytotoxic T cells,
and T suppressor cells. The T memory cell is similar to the B memory cell, and is made as a member of a clone
after an initial exposure to a specific foreign material that has an immunological memory for it. Activated T
cells can produce and release different cytokines that direct the activities of other lymphoid cells. These T cells
are called T helper cells and consist of two types: T helper cell 1 (TH1) and T helper cell 2 (TH2). TH1 creates
cytokines that regulate cellularly mediated immune responses, whereas TH2 creates cytokines that regulate
humorally mediated immune responses (see Figure 12-2). Cytotoxic T cells have the ability to attach to target
cells, such as cells transformed by viruses, and subsequently kill them. And T suppressor cells are able to
inhibit the activities of other T and B cells and, in effect, reduce or repress the immune response.

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Figure 12-2 Schematic diagram of the interaction between A, lymphocytes and

B, lymphocyte and antigen-presenting cell. In A, the interaction
between the B cell and the Th(helper)2 cell by the class II
MHC-epitope complex (2), the T cell receptor (4) and CD4
molecules (5) along with CD40 (1) and CD40 receptor (3) results in
thymic-dependent, antigen-induced B memory and plasma cell
formation. In B, the Th(helper)1 cell similarly binds to an
antigen-presenting cell by the class II MHC-epitope complex with
the T cell receptor and CD4 molecules. In this event the
antigen-presenting cell subsequently expresses B7 molecules (7)
that bind the CD28 (6) to the Th(helper)1 cell, which then results in
the release of interleukin 2 (IL-2). (After Gartner LP, Hiatt JL: Color
textbook of histology, Philadelphia, 1997, Saunders.)


Cells of the monocyte-derived lineage, including macrophages, Kupffer cells, Langerhans cells, dendritic cells,
and others throughout the body make up the antigen-presenting cells of the immune system. These and the
lymphoid cells, B cells and epithelial reticular cells of the thymus, are able to phagocytize and process antigens

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so as to become “antigenic” when presented to effector cells by attaching MHC-II molecules to the epitopes
(see Figure 12-2). In a manner similar to T helper cells, antigen-presenting cells also form cytokines that signal
and activate target cells (T cells and macrophages) that then can effectively attack the foreign substance. 253
Figure 12-3 Light micrograph of a lobule within the canine thymus. C, Cortex;
M, medulla. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×20.)

In addition to these cells is another population of lymphocytes that comprises the natural killer cells. Similar
to the cytotoxic T cell, this cell type is able to recognize various tumor- and virally affected cells as foreign and
subsequently eradicate them, but without the need or use of the MHC molecule. For that reason, natural killer
cells are not required to go to the thymus for immunocompetence. These cells—able to recognize their Fc
region—prefer to attack cells coated with antibodies, but they also can destroy cells that are not Fc region
presenting. In these antibody-independent instances, the natural killer cells are able to recognize receptors on
specific tumor cells or those virally transformed.


The thymus is a bilobed, lymphoepithelial organ located in the cranial mediastinum. During embryonic
development it originates along with the parathyroids from the third and possibly fourth pharyngeal pouches.
Because the thymus initially was an epithelial structure, a well-formed vascular bed infiltrates the thymic
parenchyma, resulting in the formation of the epithelial reticulum. In conjunction with the development of the
vasculature, loosely arranged connective tissue elements form a capsule that covers each lobe and penetrate the

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parenchyma as incomplete septa, creating lobules that are not entirely separated from each other, but are attached
to a central lobe. With maturation, the connective tissue of the capsule becomes dense irregular. The epithelial
reticulum consists of stellate cells that remain connected to one another by desmosomes as they are associated
with perivascular spaces. Other epithelial cells line the internal periphery of each lobule. Undeveloped
lymphocytes (lymphoblasts) originating from the bone marrow invade the epithelial reticulum. Each lobule
consists of a central medulla and surrounding cortex (Figure 12-3).

12.3.1 CORTEX

The cortex is composed of lymphocytes and the epithelial reticulum (Figure 12-4). T lymphocytes
(thymocytes), which have left the bone marrow in an immunologically incompetent state, have migrated and
invaded the cortex. At this point they have further divided and been directed to become immunocompetent deep
within the cortex. Because of the extensive population of these cells, the cortex of each lobule appears as the 254
darkest region (see Figure 12-3). Cells of the epithelial reticulum (epithelioreticular cells) can be solely stellate 256
and with their desmosomal attachments to one another form a supportive network called the cytoreticulum
within the cortex (Figure 12-5). These cells contain numerous intermediate filaments reminiscent of astrocytes
of the central nervous system. Other epithelial reticular cells form a continuous lining that separates the cortex
from the stromal elements, including septa and associated blood vessels, and creates a tight seal through their
occluding junctions while concomitantly extending to the nearby stellate cells (see Figure 12-5). Similar cells
isolate the cortex from the medulla. In this way the epithelial reticulum is able to isolate the cortex and the
developing thymocytes contained within from potentially incidental antigenic substances as well as present
self-antigens to these thymocytes. If the T cell receptors of these developing thymocytes recognize self-proteins
or they cannot recognize the self-antigens presented to them by the epithelial reticular cells, these cells are
killed before migrating to the medulla. As a result only a small number of the thymocytes leave the cortex.

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Figure 12-4 Thymus. A, Light micrograph of the cortex in a canine thymus and
adjacent medulla (M). (Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×100.) B,
Light micrograph of the cortex from a plastic section of the thymus
of a monkey. (H&E stain; ×400.)

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Figure 12-5 Illustration of the epithelial reticular cells within the cortex of the
thymus showing the sealed environment of their labyrinth spaces
for housing thymocytes (T cells).

In addition to the thymocytes and the epithelial reticular cells is a population of resident macrophages. The
macrophages are responsible for the removal for the vast number of thymocytes that are killed and appear in
greatest number at the boundary of the cortex and the medulla in most species.

12.3.2 MEDULLA

The appearance of the medulla contrasts strongly with that of the cortex in that there are far fewer lymphocytes
in this region of the thymus, and a portion of the epithelial reticular cells is larger and has more epithelial
morphology than those seen in the cortex (Figure 12-6). Overall, the pleomorphic epithelial reticular cells vary
in shape. Some can be larger and more rounded than others, whereas some remain stellate. Moreover, some of
the epithelial reticular cells form the medulla's most distinctive structures, the thymic corpuscles. Each
corpuscle consists of a concentric array of squamous epithelial reticular cells that remain fastened to each other
by desmosomes, holding keratohyalin granules and considerable amount of cytoplasmic filaments (Figure
12-7). In some instances, the centers of these whorled-arranged cells degenerate into cornifications or possibly
become calcified.

Thymocytes in the medulla are small for the most part, and located within areas of the supportive network
formed by epithelial reticular cells in a comparable manner to that seen in the cortex. These lymphocytes,
however, tend to be more irregularly shaped than their cortical counterparts.

In the avian thymus, the medulla may contain a variety of unusual structures including myoid cells consisting of
skeletal muscle, cystlike bodies with a brush-bordered epithelium, vacuolated epithelial reticular cells with
microvilli, and mucus-bearing cells.

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The thymus is most active in the young, developing animal. With age, the thymus holds fewer lymphocytes
than before, with a concomitant rise in both the number of adipocytes and size of the cytoreticulum. This
process is referred to as the involution of this organ, a form of age-related atrophy, and is generally believed to
occur among domestic species. The rate of involution, however, may vary considerably among animals. In
sheep, the reduction of the composition of the peripheral T cell pool that is expected to transpire with age
occurs very little in adults, and naïve T cells enter the peripheral T cell pool at about the same rate throughout
much of their life. However, involution may be accentuated or accelerated by changes in diet, such as
nutritional deficiencies, agents associated with infectious disease including bacterial endotoxin, and hormones
involving the reproductive system and adrenal glands.


Throughout the network of lymph vessels is a series of lymph nodes that filter lymph, including the removal of 257
invading microorganisms and various other foreign materials. Each lymph node is oval and encapsulated, having
both afferent and efferent lymph vessels. The latter, along with blood vessels, are located at a hilum (hilus),
consisting of a small depression (Figure 12-8). Afferent lymph vessels, however, penetrate the rest of the capsule
surface. These vessels possess valves, ensuring that only lymph will enter the node at these points. Likewise, the
efferent lymph vessels have valves, ensuring in these instances that the filtered lymph will not be remixed with
that still being processed in the node (see Figure 12-8). The lymph and blood vessels are housed in a stroma that
forms an enveloping capsule of thin, dense irregular connective tissue (Figure 12-9) that broadens at the hilum and
follows vessels as trabeculae into the parenchyma. From the trabeculae, an elaborate network of widely spaced
reticular fibers (collagen type III) establishes the structural design for the cortical and medullary regions of the
node (see Figure 12-9).

Figure 12-6 Light micrograph of the medulla in the canine thymus. Because the
thymocytes are more sparsely populated, the stellate form of the
reticular epithelial cells (arrows) is readily seen. TC, Thymic corpuscle.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×200.)

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The parenchyma of lymph nodes consists of lymphocytes (both B and T), antigen-presenting cells, and
macrophages. Because the antigens are directed to a nearby node, the lymphoid cells respond immunologically.
Macrophages actively engulf and digest the various microorganisms that enter the node. Collectively, these cells
are found in three regions of the lymph node: the cortex, the paracortex, and the medulla. One should keep in mind
that the relative number and organization of the cells within each node of an individual animal are influenced
directly by the local response that these cells may be expressing toward varying amounts of antigens that are
present within the range of the afferent lymph vessels that flow to a particular node. For that reason some lymph
nodes may appear to be weakly developed under normal conditions. Others, such as those associated with the
digestive system, can be considerably more active because of the frequent exposure of foreign material.

12.4.1 CORTEX

Along the periphery of each lymph node, concentrations of connective tissue extend inwardly as trabeculae 257
from the capsule to form open-ended compartments that interface centrally with the medulla (see Figure 12-8). 259
Concomitantly, each trabecula is lined by a sinus that arises from a subcapsular (marginal) sinus, which, in turn,
is fed by afferent lymph vessels. From each trabecula small reticular fibers form a lacy network of structural
support for the lymphoid cells to coexist (see Figure 12-9). The cortical parenchyma is usually arranged into
spherically shaped lymphatic (lymphoid) nodules and diffuse lymphoid tissue (see Figure 12-9; Figure
12-10). Lymphatic nodules can be described as being primary and secondary. Primary lymphatic nodules are
intensely stained areas that consist of B lymphocytes that have either entered the lymph node or are leaving it.
Often the center of a primary nodule appears more lightly stained as a result of the plasma cells being formed as
well as B lymphocytes and are now referred to as secondary nodules. These areas (also called germinal
centers), develop when the node has been challenged antigenically. The lightly stained centers or light regions
are lined externally by caps of small lymphocytes that are directed toward incoming lymph.

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Figure 12-7 A, Light micrograph of a thymic corpuscle in a young pig.

(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.) B, Light micrograph of an
adult thymic corpuscle with concentric array of epithelial reticular
cells. (Plastic section, hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)

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Figure 12-8 Diagram of a lymph node. The left side illustrates the system of
lymphatic sinuses that originate beneath the capsule from afferent
vessels and drain centrally into the medulla, then empty into the
efferent vessel that exits the node at the hilum. The right side
illustrates the vascular tree within the lymph node. (Modified from
Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11,
Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)


At the inner portion of the cortex is a region between the cortex and the medulla that is populated mostly by T
lymphocytes. This region, the paracortex, merges the cortex with the medulla without obvious borders (see
Figures 12-8 and 12-9). As B lymphocytes move toward the outer cortex, T cells remain in this region, resulting
in a thymus-dependent zone. When antigen-presenting cells arrive in the paracortex, the epitope MHC-II
complexes are presented to the T helper cells and divide if activated.

12.4.3 MEDULLA

In most domestic species, the innermost portion of the lymph node, that lying near the hilum, is the medulla—
loosely populated lymph sinuses interspersed with clusters of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages

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called medullary cords that become prominent in active nodes (Figure 12-11). The medullary cords are
enriched with reticular fibers as well as reticular cells and are sites where lymphocytes have left the cortex to
enter the medullary sinuses.


Much of each lymph node consists of a system of sinuses that originate along the inside margin of the capsule,
receiving the contents of afferent lymph vessels emptying into the node. These sinuses, the subcapsular sinuses,
comprise a bowl-shaped cavity that flow along the perimeter of each trabecula, going toward the labyrinth of
sinuses within the medulla (see Figure 12-8). The sinuses possess a meshwork of luminal stellate cells that
function in part to slow the movement of newly entered material, allowing macrophages and lymphoid cells to
react in a timely manner (Figure 12-12). 259

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Figure 12-9 Lymph node. A, Light micrograph of the canine lymph node. C,
Cortex; M, medulla; P, paracortex. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;
×20.) B, Light micrograph of the reticular fibers within the cortex.
(Silver stain; ×200.)


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Figure 12-10 Light micrograph of a lymphatic nodule in the cortex of the canine
lymph node. C, Cap; L, light region; D, dark region. (Hematoxylin
and eosin stain; ×200.)

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Figure 12-11 Light micrograph of the medulla of the canine lymph node.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×200.)


The development and the relationship of the cortex and the medulla vary among domestic animals. In some
species such as the ox, the cortex is well compartmentalized and clearly delimited by extensive trabeculae. In
general, larger lymph nodes possess more developed trabeculae. In contrast with other animals, the pig has a
differently constructed lymph node, with a medullary region that lies next to the capsule, surrounding a central
cortex. In this animal the afferent vessels travel deeply by way of the trabeculae to the lymphatic nodules,
where lymph filters outwardly toward the sinuses of the peripheral medulla. The centralization of efferent
vessels is less evident in the pig, often making it difficult to recognize a defined hilum.


Within the lymphatic system the spleen is the largest component, functioning in several capacities. In addition to
serving as an area for T and B cell proliferation and antibody (Ab) formation of blood-borne antigens, it acts as a
filter for blood by removing and breaking down old erythrocytes as well as recycling their iron. Moreover, the
spleen in domestic species has the ability to add to the erythrocyte and granulocyte populations and can be a
reservoir for red blood cells during periods of unusual demand. 261

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Figure 12-12 Scanning electron micrograph of a sinus within a canine lymph node
containing numerous stellate cells. Arrows point to probable
lymphocytes. (Modified from Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a
textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

Like lymph nodes the spleen is covered by a capsule of dense irregular connective tissue oriented
circumferentially. Unlike lymph nodes, there are no afferent lymph vessels that lead to the capsule. Collagenous
cords or trabeculae extend radially from the capsule into the body of the spleen, separating the parenchyma into
compartments. In many instances, smooth muscle may comprise much, if not most, of the capsule and trabeculae,
helping facilitate the removal of blood from this organ (Figure 12-13). Within the spleen, the often highly
congested parenchyma is lined by numerous reticular fibers.

Most of the capsular surface of the spleen is convex, converging into a recessed area, the hilum (hilus). At the
hilum, the capsule broadens as arteries ingress and veins and lymph vessels egress. Branches of the arteries first
enter the trabeculae (trabecular arteries) before eventually moving into the parenchyma. When leaving the
trabeculae, the arteries are lined by a loosely arranged adventitia that holds a sheath of lymphocytes referred to as
the periarterial lymphatic sheath (PALS) (Figures 12-14 and 12-15). Centrally located within these sheaths,
these arteries are called central arteries. As these arteries enter nodules, they can be referred to as nodular
arteries. At the end of each artery, the vessel, which is now reduced to arteriolar size, has entered the portion of
the nodule known as the red pulp (referred to as the pulp arteriole). The lymphatic sheath is absent around this
vessel, which will soon branch into short capillaries that run approximately parallel to one another (see Figure
12-15). These capillaries can contain areas called sheathed capillaries, where its endothelial cells become tall and

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the surrounding regions have sheaths of a different kind. These sheaths consist of thickened walls of reticular
fibers and reticular cells interspersed with red blood cells and macrophages (Figure 12-16; see also Figure 12-15).
The areas of the capillary sheaths can vary in size—prominent in the cat and pig, but less so in the dog, horse, and
ruminants. The shape of the sheathed capillary is commonly elliptical but can be spherical as well. In addition,
before the termination of the nodular artery, small branches lead to capillary beds without reticular sheaths. These
capillary beds and the sheathed capillaries empty into the venous outflow component, consisting primarily of
venous sinusoids, of the spleen (see Figure 12-15). It may be that some of the capillaries empty directly into the
venous sinusoids (closed circulation), whereas others end near the sinusoids (open circulation). In the latter
instance, the blood of these vessels moves first into the extracellular matrix of the red pulp before entering the 262
sinuses. It is not understood at this time whether domestic species possess both open and closed circulation or just 264
one or the other. For some time the canine spleen had been thought to be open, but recently has been determined
to be closed. In any case, the venous sinusoids empty into trabecular veins that coalesce into the splenic vein,
which in turns flows into the portal vein.

Figure 12-13 Light micrograph of a spleen of a cat with smooth muscle within the
trabeculae, A, and capsule, B. (A, Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain;
×25; B, H&E; ×250.)

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Figure 12-14 Light micrograph of a periarterial lymphatic sheath (PALS) outlined

by the broken line in the feline spleen. A lymphatic nodule is
positioned centrally of the PALS. Arrow points to the central artery,
which here is pushed off to one side. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;

Unlike the thymus and the lymph node, the parenchyma of the spleen is not readily subdivided into a cortex and a
medulla. Instead, the architecture of the parenchyma follows closely that of the vasculature and as a result is
composed of two regions or areas called pulps, the white pulp and the red pulp, that intertwine with one another
and can be seen both grossly and histologically (Figure 12-17; see also Figure 12-15).

12.5.1 White Pulp

The central arteries leaving the trabeculae and the surrounding sheaths of lymphocytes, the PALS, comprise
most of the white pulp (see Figures 12-14 and 12-15). Within the PALS may exist lymphoid nodules that house
numerous B cells and possess germinal centers, indicating antigenic activity. The construction of the periarterial
lymphoid sheaths is comparable with that seen in paracortical regions of lymph nodes with the loosely knit
arrangement of reticular fibers and associated reticular cells. T cells are predominantly located in proximity to
the artery within the PALS. As the white pulp interfaces with the red pulp, the reticular cells, which become
flattened at this point, and the reticular fibers are oriented circumferentially. Plasma cells and macrophages are

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more numerous here than in the rest of the white pulp, where they tend to be few. When the spleen is exposed
to blood-borne antigens, the white pulp becomes filled with lymphocytes (many are large) as well as
lymphoblasts and immature plasma cells. Lymphoid nodules become more apparent with well-defined germinal
centers, including caps of small lymphocytes that are oriented toward the red pulp. These nodules can attain
substantial size, occurring as localized expansions of the PALS, often displacing the central artery. In addition 264
to these components are also lymph vessels that originate in the white pulp and exit this region by way of the 265
trabeculae, eventually joining and leaving the spleen at the hilum.

Figure 12-15 Diagram of the vascular arrangement in the spleen associated with
the red pulp and the white pulp. (Modified from Maximow AA,
Bloom WA: Textbook of histology, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1934,

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12.5.2 Red Pulp

Surrounding the white pulp is the red pulp, composed of a well-developed network of venous sinusoids with
intervening cellular partitions known as splenic cords, plus continuations of the central arteries as pulp
arterioles and their capillaries. The red pulp derives its name from the extensive vasculature in this part of the
spleen seen grossly when compared with the gray pallor of the white pulp. The splenic cords contain numerous
erythrocytes, lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages, and granulocytes intertwined and enveloped by stellate
reticular cells and their collagen type III fibers (Figure 12-18). Damaged red blood cells are engulfed and
broken down by the large population of macrophages. This part of the spleen is involved in the degradation of
hemoglobin and the recycling of iron.

The venous sinusoids or sinuses are lined by an unusually shaped endothelium consisting of cells that are
fusiform shaped and widely spaced, oriented along the longitudinal axis of each sinus (Figure 12-19). When
viewed light microscopically, the shape of the endothelial cells can appear cuboidal, with their nuclei
positioned next to the vessel lumen. The elongated spaces between adjacent endothelial cells allow cells of the
splenic cord to move into the sinuses (see Figures 12-18 and 12-19). Macrophages may also extend their 265
processes through these spaces and in doing so monitor blood moving through each sinus. 268

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Figure 12-16 A, Illustration of a sheathed capillary in the dog. B, Light

micrograph of closely located sheathed capillaries in the red pulp
of a monkey. (Plastic section, hematoxylin and eosin stain: ×400.)
(A modified from Maximow AA, Bloom WA: Textbook of histology,
ed 2, Philadelphia, 1934, Saunders.)

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Figure 12-17 Light micrograph of white pulp (WP) and the red pulp (RP) that
comprise the parenchyma of the spleen in the manatee.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×20.)

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Figure 12-18 Light micrograph of splenic sinuses (S) and cords (C) filled with
erythrocytes, macrophages, and a variety of leucocytes. Arrows
point to the elongated spaces between endothelial cells.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)

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Figure 12-19 Scanning electron micrograph of splenic sinuses (S) and cords (C).
Sh, Sheathed capillary. Arrows point to the nuclei of the
endothelial lining of the sinuses that protrude into its lumen.
(Modified from Leeson and Leeson TS, Leeson CR, Paparo AA:
Text/atlas of histology, Philadelphia, 1988, Saunders).

In general, the red pulp of the spleen in domestic species is well developed, but by comparison, the white pulp
appears much less developed. Nevertheless, the amount of white pulp varies, and is more prominent in the dog
and horse than in the cat and ruminants. In the dog, as well as in the rat and human, an open-ended perimarginal
cavernous sinus plexus occurs between the boundary of the white and red pulps. It is believed that in species
with this plexus, about 90% of splenic inflow has the potential to exit by this route, bypassing the filtration beds
of the red pulp. As noted, the size, shape, and prevalence of the sheathed capillaries vary substantially among
domestic animals.

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Within the immune system is a collection of diffuse lymphatic tissues that consist of concentrated areas of
lymphocytes, including lymph nodules (follicles). In contrast with the thymus, lymph nodes, and spleen, these
tissues are nonencapsulated and associated with the mucosal portion of the gastrointestinal, urinary, and
respiratory tracts (mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue [MALT]). When associated with the alimentary canal,
they are usually referred to as gut-associated lymphatic tissue (GALT), and when associated with the respiratory
tract, they are called bronchus-associated lymphatic tissue (BALT).

Lymph nodules are composed of circumscribed assemblies of lymphocytes packed tightly together and principally
populated in B cells. Antigen-presenting cells and T cells typically surround the nodules in a loosely arranged
manner. There is often a light staining area within a nodule, which represents a germinal center for lymphocyte
proliferation. The proliferating cells, lymphoblasts, are responsible for the light stain reaction, because these cells
are large when compared with the other lymphocytes, having fairly abundant cytoplasm and larger and less
heterochromatic nuclei than the other cells (Figure 12-20). Generally, the mucosa-associated lymphatic tissues
occur separately, and are isolated from one another. However, along specific areas of the gastrointestinal tract,
especially the ileum of the small intestine, nodules can form clusters, sometimes referred to as Peyer's patches.
Where the simple columnar epithelium usually lines that region, the lymph nodules are lined by flattened or
squamous-like cells called M (microfold) cells. These cells are able to collect and transfer antigenic material of
particle size to the nodule. Comparable nodules comprising BALT develop in the larger airways of the respiratory
tract; they are located adjacent to the respiratory epithelium of the bronchi and proximal bronchioles. As in GALT,
BALT is lined by M cells instead of the pseudostratified columnar epithelium.

Lymph nodules located within the caudal oral cavity and pharynx are clustered and partially encapsulated. These
structures are called tonsils and specifically referred to by location. The palatine tonsils are located bilaterally at
the junction of the oral cavity and pharynx. These tonsils are lined by a stratified squamous epithelium that can be
smooth in carnivores or deeply invaginated in small ruminants and the horse (Figure 12-21). The lingual tonsils
are found along the dorsal surface of the caudal portion of the tongue and like the palatine tonsils are covered by a
stratified squamous epithelium. The pharyngeal tonsil is located along the roof of the nasopharynx and lined by a
pseudostratified columnar epithelium. Diffuse lymphatic tissue generally lies next to the epithelia of each of these 268
different tonsils. Much of the parenchyma is composed of lymph nodules, some having germinal centers. The deep 270
portion of each tonsil is separated from the adjacent tissue to some extent by a fibrous capsule that can be well
developed in the palatine and pharyngeal tonsils.

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Figure 12-20 Light micrograph of a cluster of lymphatic nodules (Peyer's patch) in

the ileum of a cat. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×30.)

Figure 12-21 Light micrograph of a palatine tonsil in the dog. (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×100.)

CHAPTER 12 Immune System Page 29 of 31

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In birds the cloacal bursa (bursa of Fabricius) is a lymphoid organ that is the thymus counterpart for B cells. It is
believed that the bursa is a primary lymphatic organ for B cell differentiation. The precursors of the lymphoid
cells originate elsewhere, quite possibly the spleen. The bursa, which is located dorsally in the cloaca, possesses a
lymphoepithelial parenchyma comparable with that of the thymus. During embryonic development, lymphoid
progenitor cells move into the developing bursa with subsequent formation of nodules (follicles). Concomitantly,
epithelial buds extend inwardly to produce the reticuloepithelial cells that form the stroma of the medullary and
cortical portions of this organ. During early development of the bursa, the formation of the tripeptide called
bursin, which is a B cell–differentiation hormone, is essential for the normal development and subsequent activity
of the pineal gland.


G Alexandre-Pires, D Pais, JA Esperanca Pina: Intermediary spleen microvasculature in Canis familiaris—

morphological evidences of a closed and open type. Anat Histol Embryol. 32, 2003, 263.
RM Binns: Organisation of the lymphoreticular system and lymphocyte markers in the pig. Vet Immunol
Immunopathol. 3, 1982, 95.
RM Binns, R Pabst: Lymphoid tissue structure and lymphocyte trafficking in the pig. Vet Immunol
Immunopathol. 43, 1994, 79.
CP Cunningham, WG Kimpton, JE Holder, RN Cahill: Thymic export in aged sheep: a continuous role for
the thymus throughout pre- and postnatal life. Eur J Immunol. 31, 2001, 802.
DW Fawcett: In Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology. ed 11, 1986, Saunders, Philadelphia.
C Fournel, JP Magnol, T Marchal, et al.: An original perifollicular zone cell in the canine reactive lymph
node: a morphological, phenotypical and aetological study. J Comp Pathol. 113, 1995, 217.
LP Gartner, JL Hiatt: In Color textbook of histology. 1997, Saunders, Philadelphia.
PJ Griebel, B Kugelberg, G Ferrari: Two distinct pathways of B-cell development in Peyer's patches. Dev
Immunol. 4, 1996, 263.
L Li, HC Hsu, WE Grizzle, et al.: Cellular mechanism of thymic involution. Scand J Immunol. 57, 2003,
JP Ploemen, WT Ravesloot, E van Esch: The incidence of thymic B lymphoid follicles in healthy beagle
dogs. Toxicol Pathol. 31, 2003, 214.
T Landsverk, M Halleraker, M Aleksandersen, et al.: The intestinal habitat for organized lymphoid tissues
in ruminants: comparative aspects of structure, function and development. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 28,
1991, 1.
TS Leeson, CR Leeson, AA Paparo: In Text/atlas of histology. 1988, Saunders, Philadelphia.
AA Maximow, WA Bloom: In Textbook of histology. ed 2, 1934, Saunders, Philadelphia.
JD Reynolds: Peyer's patches and the early development of B lymphocytes. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol.
135, 1987, 43.
EE Schmidt, IC MacDonald, AC Groom: Comparative aspects of splenic microcirculatory pathways in
mammals: the region bordering the white pulp. Scanning Microsc. 7, 1993, 613.

CHAPTER 12 Immune System Page 30 of 31

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T Snook: A comparative study of the vascular arrangements in the mammalian spleens. Am J Anat. 87,
1950, 31.
L Sompayrac: In How the immune system works. 2003, Blackwell Science, Malden, Mass.
T Suzuki, M Furusato, S Shimizu, Y Hataba: Stereoscopic scanning electron microscopy of the red pulp of
dog spleen with special reference to the terminal structure of the cordal capillaries. Cell Tissue Res. 182,
1977, 441.

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13 CHAPTER 13 Integument


• Highly cellular external lining; epidermis, covering dense connective tissue; dermis, which protects and
houses glands; blood vessels; nerve endings

• Major cells of the epidermis: keratinocyte, Langerhans cell, melanocyte, Merkel cell

• Major cells of the dermis: fibrocyte, adipocyte, mast cell, histiocyte

• Modified appendages include hairs, claws, hoofs, horns

The external lining of the body consists of skin and its varied specializations, which among domestic species includes
claws, hoofs, pads, and horns. The integument is actually the largest of all organs; it has a large surface area,
especially in large ungulates, that can be several meters square or more, and considerably thick. Skin functions to
protect the body against exposure to the external environment and continual changes occurring within the outside
world while concomitantly interacting with the body's internal environment and its possible physiologic fluctuations.
In addition, the skin contributes to external sensory awareness, thermoregulation, immunologic defense, and wound

Skin is composed of two portions: the epidermis and the dermis. The epidermis consists of a stratified squamous
epithelium that is usually cornified or keratinized. Inside and beneath the epidermis is a layer of connective tissue
called the dermis. The development of both portions varies considerably from species to species, depending on
protective needs of the animal against desiccation and abrasion (Figure 13-1).

In addition to the epidermis and dermis is another structure associated with skin—hypodermis, which lies internally
to the dermis (see Figure 13-1). The hypodermis, also referred to as subcutaneous tissue, can be rich in adipose
tissue and loose connective tissue, which serves to anchor the skin to adjacent structures, such as skeletal muscle, and
forms the superficial fascia of gross anatomy.


A keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, the epidermis is a seal that prevents the body from rapidly
dehydrating. In its absence, extensive evaporation from the underlying tissues occurs. Whereas the epidermis is an
absolute necessity for terrestrial animals, this external portion of the skin is also impermeable to water and thus is
an essential feature for aquatic species. The epidermis is composed of two cell populations: keratinocytes (those
that solely constitute the epithelium) and nonkeratinocytes (those cells that have migrated into the keratinized
stratified squamous epithelium, including melanocytes, macrophages, and lymphocytes).

Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium consists of five discrete regions or strata (see Figure 3-15). The first 272
and innermost region is the basal layer, or stratum basale, which produces continuously (mostly at night) new
cells to the epidermis as well as anchors the epidermis to the dermis through the basal lamina that it creates and
the hemidesmosomes attached to it (Figure 13-2). The basal layer comprises a single layer of stem cells that can
be columnar to cuboidal and mitose sporadically with one of the resultant cells contributed to the remaining

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strata of the epidermis. These cells become involved in tonofilament production early, with some of the
tonofilaments being associated with the hemidesmosomes that attach the base of the epidermis to the dermis 272
(see Figure 13-2). The tonofilaments made not only are associated with the numerous desmosomes that form 273
the primary attachment structure from one cell to another within the epidermis, but also form prekeratin bodies
or plaques that mature into keratin in the cells of the other strata.

Figure 13-1 Illustration of the structure of skin found in many regions of

domestic mammals. (Modified from Leeson CR, Leeson TS, Paparo
AA: Atlas of histology, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1985, Saunders.)

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Figure 13-2 A, Light micrograph (×400) of the basal portion of the porcine
epidermis and its attachment to the dermis by the basement
membrane (arrows). B, Diagram of the anchoring structures,
hemidesmosomes, that firmly secure the basal cells to the
underlying extracellular matrix. (From Bergman RA, Afifi AK, Heidger
PM Jr: Histology, Philadelphia, 1996, Saunders.)

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The keratinocytes derived from the basal or germinating layer form the stratum spinosum, which is one to
three cell layers thick in hairy skin and often four or five cell layers thick in hairless (glabrous) skin, but can be
prominent in regions where the skin thickens such as the nares of the nose or the pads of feet (Figure 13-3). The
spiny cellular processes that extend to every adjacent cell provide the principal morphological feature of this
region of the epidermis. Each process ends as a desmosome, making this region of the skin highly resistant to
the mechanical effects of stretching and pressing. The intercellular spaces between these processes may provide
conduits for substances to be secreted eventually by the keratinocytes as they approach full development. Small
membrane-bound lamellar granules (Odland bodies) become apparent in the oldest, outermost layers of this 273
stratum (Figure 13-4). These granules appear round to branched tubular and most likely are derived from the 275
Golgi apparatus.

Figure 13-3 Light micrograph of the stratum spinosum in the epidermis of a pig.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×4000.)

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Figure 13-4 Transmission electron micrograph (×20,000) of the stratum

spinosum in the epidermis of a pig. Arrows point to small lamellar
granules forming within the cytoplasm of the older keratinocytes.
Nu, Nucleus.

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Figure 13-5 Light micrograph of the stratum granulosum in the epidermis of a

pig. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)

With increased amounts of the lamellar granules, the spiny keratinocytes become transformed into granular
cells and thus result in the formation of the third region of the epidermis, the stratum granulosum. The stratum
granulosum is characterized by the presence of the granule-bearing keratinocytes that react basophically with
stains such as hematoxylin (Figure 13-5). The granules are referred to as keratohyalin granules, which
eventually fill much of the cytoplasm (Figure 13-6). The granules consist of profilaggrin, which is the precursor
for filaggrin. Filaggrin is the protein responsible for keratin filament aggregation in the process of
cornification. In addition, the lamellar granules continue to form within the cytoplasm. Histologically, the
nuclei become difficult to distinguish because of the abundance of these granules, which contain lipid
components as well as hydrolytic enzymes and other proteins. The lipid and enzyme portions are extruded or
released into the intercellular spaces, becoming filled with ceramides, cholesterols, and fatty acids. As a result,
the intercellular lipid mixture creates a watertight seal. This stratum is usually two or three cells thick, but can
be as thin as a single cell layer or many layers in thickened skin. The oldest cells of the stratum granulosum
undergo a necrobiotic process that involves the degeneration of the nucleus and all associated metabolic
apparatuses by the release and subsequent digestion of lysosomal enzymes. The combination of this event, the
packaging of the granules and release of lipids, which undoubtedly facilitates the cell's death, culminates in the
final keratinization process. Each keratinocyte, which has become squamous in form, is now organelle-less and
filled with keratin and its aggregated forms, keratohyalin. These cells are still lined by cell membranes coated
by a lipid-rich matrix. Cells undergoing this final process comprise the stratum lucidum and can only be

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observed histologically in thickened skin where they appear as clear cells with a relatively homogeneous
protoplasm (Figure 13-7).

When the keratinization process has been completed, the cells have joined other cells that had undergone the
process before them to form the stratum corneum, the outermost region of the epidermis. The keratin
filaments within each cell are oriented parallel to the surface of the skin. Keratinocytes of the stratum corneum
tend to be chromophobic and cytologically homogeneous when treated with the traditional stains such as
hematoxylin and eosin (see Figure 13-7). Within its innermost layers, the adjacent apposing (front and back)
cells are tightly compressed against one another and, along with the numerous desmosomes and intercellular 275
deposits, create a tight seal. Among the outermost cells (those immediately adjacent to the environment), the 277
seal is weakened as fewer desmosomes and less-intercellular deposits are apparent. With casual abrasion these
cells can be removed, a process known as desquamation, which is usually continuous, but can vary in rate.
This superficial layer(s) of cells that are being normally removed is sometimes referred to as the stratum

Figure 13-6 Transmission electron micrograph (×40,000) of forming

keratohyalin granules in a keratinocyte within the stratum
granulosum of the porcine epidermis.

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Figure 13-7 Transmission electron micrograph (×20,000) of the stratum lucidum

in the epidermis of a pig. Inset: Light micrograph (×400) of the
stratum lucidum. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain.) Arrows point to the
fading nuclei within the cells of this ephemeral layer.


Whereas the epidermis consists mostly of keratinocytes in the form of a keratinized stratified squamous
epithelium, other cells reside within this portion of the skin that have migrated from the adjacent dermis or from
the central nervous system (CNS) and developed with the surface ectoderm to form the epidermis. The cells
that originate from connective tissue provide defense and protection for the integument, which consists of
melanocytes and Langerhans cells. Melanocyte

The melanocyte, a melanin-forming cell, is more closely associated with the integument than with any other
system in the body. Although this cell type is found in the dermis, it is especially involved with the
epidermis, located within the basal layer or lying immediately inside it (Figure 13-8). Typically these
melanocytes possess a number of armlike processes that extend into the stratum spinosum. In active
melanocytes, developing melanosomes move into each process. Each process is able to push into either a
basal cell or a young, developing keratinocyte of the stratum spinosum and give up its distal-most part,
which includes mature melanosomes. Eventually, the cell membranes of both the melanocyte fragmented
process and the keratinocyte's phagosome break down and allow the melanosomes to be moved freely within

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the cytoplasm of the keratinocytes and become positioned in a lid- or caplike manner over the nucleus
(Figure 13-9). In this way the stem cells of the stratified squamous epithelium are protected against effects of
too much light, particularly its ultraviolet components. The possible devastating and mutagenic effects of
ultraviolet (UV) light on replicating deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) are minimized. However, breeds of
domestic species that are lightly pigmented or partially albinotic are highly susceptible to damaging effects
of the sun.

Figure 13-8 Diagram of a melanocyte along the basal layer of the epidermis
with its finger-like processes that protrude into adjacent cells and
insert melanin granules through tips that pinch off.

Melanocyte shape and size can vary according to the density of their population. In areas of the body where
they are relatively few, such as inside the limbs, their processes can be long and dendritic, and the cell bodies
polygonal. By comparison, in areas of high population densities, as in the epidermal lining of canine nares,
the processes are short and the cell bodies are round (see Figure 13-8).

Melanosome development occurs in four steps, beginning initially as a basic structural unit consisting of
tyrosinase and a protein matrix that has been generated by the Golgi apparatus (Figure 13-10). The units
become more structured during the second stage and an ordered pattern within the melanosome takes form.
In stage III melanosomes, melanin biosynthesis occurs within the ordered pattern. As melanogenesis
proceeds, the entire unit is filled and matures into a uniformly dense body that is generally referred to as a
melanin granule. This type of development occurs in the form of melanin known as eumelanin, which is
the most common occurring form, existing in most domestic and wildlife species including birds, reptiles,
and amphibia. However, another form of melanin (phaeomelanin) is responsible for the reddish brown to
yellow coloring of skin, hair, and feathers of different species and breeds of mammals and birds, including
the junglefowl, Jersey buff turkey, llamas, horses, sheep, dogs, cats, and so on. In the formation of this

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melanin, the ordered pattern found in second and third stages of eumelanin development is absent. Instead,
the units begin as small round structures that become opaque early in development and gradually increase in
size, with new melanin added peripherally to the melansome until its full size is attained (see Figure 13-10).
The melanin granules finally constructed are characteristically round, whereas those made of eumelanin are 277
often oval. In both forms of melanin, tyrosine is transformed by tyrosinase into DOPA 279
(3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine), which is then converted into dopaquinone and finally into melanin.

Figure 13-9 Light micrograph of melanin “caps” covering the nuclei of

keratinocytes in the stratum spinosum of canine skin.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)

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Figure 13-10 Diagram of the two forms of melanogenesis that can occur in
the melanocyte: phaeomelanogenesis (left) and
eumelanogenesis (right) form melanin granules in four stages. In
the first stage, both types of melanin formation begin with
vesiculoglobular bodies. In eumelanosomes, this process
becomes coordinated with the formation of lamellae (stages II
and III), whereas in phaeomelanosomes, the vesiculoglobular
bodies are added peripherally in a more random manner. With
rare exception the two forms of melanogenesis do not occur in
the same cell.

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Figure 13-11 Transmission electron micrograph of a Langerhans cell, its

polymorphous nucleus embraced by keratinocytes within the
outer stratum spinosum. (From Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett:
A textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

Even though there may be considerable variation in the density of melanocytes from one species to another,
differently colored breeds of the species can have identical densities. In these instances, the difference in the
coloration is due to the melanogenic activity of these cells. Melanogenic activity is generally controlled by
genetic expression, which can result in myriad color patterns of the integument seen throughout the animal
kingdom. Of course, melanization is strongly influenced by light, but it also is affected by the endocrine
system in a variety of ways, especially by the release of melanin-stimulating hormone secreted by the
pituitary. And remember that melanin has the capability to bind a variety of substances including drugs and
metals. The length of time that this binding occurs may vary from substance to substance, and the effects of a
drug may last considerably longer in darkly pigmented individuals and be toxic in highly pigmented regions
of the body such as the uveal portion of the eye. Langerhans Cell

Another nonkeratinocyte within the epidermis is the Langerhans cell, which typically resides in the stratum
spinosum (Figure 13-11). It also can be found in the dermis and stratified squamous epithelia of the digestive
and reproductive tracts. Like the melanocyte, the Langerhans cell has dendritic-like processes that extend in
different directions. Although once believed to be of neural crest origin, they are now known to be formed

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(or at least their precursors formed) in the bone marrow, where they then migrate via the circulatory system
to the epidermis and other portions of the body.

Langerhans cells have antibodies (Fc) and complement (C3) receptors attached to their cell membranes that
sensitize and allow them to react to foreign substances as antigen-presenting cells. The recognized foreign
substance is ingested by this cell and processed for lymphoid interaction. As the processing is performed, the
cell migrates to a nearby lymph node and presents to the T lymphocytes epitopes of the processed foreign
substance (see Figure 12-2). 279

Besides a dendritic appearance, the Langerhans cell has a well-developed lysosomal system and a pale, often 280
indented nucleus. These features and their origin cause them to be placed in the mononuclear phagocyte
system. In certain species, human beings and rats, the Langerhans cell possesses small granules (Birbeck, or
vermiform granules) that are beyond the resolution of the light microscope. However, their presence in
domestic species has yet to be found. The general morphology of the Langerhans cell, the absence of
tonofilaments and elements of keratinization, in general, and their position within the epidermis are
characteristics that can be used for their identification. Merkel Cell

A third nonkeratinocyte that resides in the epidermis is the Merkel cell. This cell type lies within the basal
cell layer and is specialized for sensory transduction (Figure 13-12). The Merkel cell tends to be oval to
elliptical, its length running parallel to the surface of the epidermis. The cytoplasm tends to be clear when
examined histologically. Unlike the melanocyte and the Langerhans cell, the Merkel cell is firmly attached to
neighboring basal cells of the epidermis by desmosomes. The nucleus, which can be polymorphous or deeply
indented, is surrounded by dense-cored granules also present in the cell's processes, which extend toward the
stratum spinosum. The function of these granules, which can be viewed only ultrastructurally, is unknown.
Each Merkel cell is believed to be in communication with an afferent, unmyelinated nerve ending. The nerve
ending and the Merkel cell form a Merkel cell-neurite complex referred to also as the tactile hair disk. It is
believed that this complex or disk functions as a receptor for touch because it is a slow-adapting

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Figure 13-12 Transmission electron micrograph of a Merkel cell within the

basal cell layer. bl, Basal lamina; d, desmosome; g, granule; M,
Merkel cell; NT, nerve terminal; S, stromal cell of adjacent
dermis; asterisks, spiny processes. (From Gartner LP, Hiatt JL:
Color textbook of histology, Philadelphia, 1997, Saunders.)


13.3 281

The connective tissue that the epidermis contacts is the dermis, or corium, which consists of dense irregular
connective tissue. In animals with glabrous to less hairy skin such as in the pig, the dermis can usually be
separated into an outermost portion—the papillary layer, composed of a loose web of extracellular fibers,
fibrocytes, cells of defense, and small vessels that form capillary loops and nerves—and an innermost portion—

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the reticular layer, which is much more compact and less cellular than the papillary layer (Figure 13-13). As in
the epidermis, the dermis is thickest in those regions that routinely receive the most abrasion. In these regions the
reticular layer is especially developed. In most domestic species, the skin is well populated with hair and there is a
general absence of dermal papillae. In these instances, the terms superficial and deep dermis are used.

The dermis and epidermis are connected to each other by the basement membrane. The epidermis-dermis
basement membrane is contributed by the basal cells of the epidermis and their ability to form a basal lamina and
attach the base of their cells to the basal lamina by hemidesmosomes. Melanocytes and Merkel cells located within
the basal cell layer also are partially attached to the basal lamina by hemidesmosomes. The hemidesmosomes
become linked to the basal lamina by anchoring filaments that pass from the cell membrane and become
embedded within the portion known as the lamina densa of the basal lamina (see Figures 3-26 and 13-2). Within
the area of the anchoring filaments (lamina lucida) are also several glycoproteins, including fibronectin and
laminin, that contribute to the adhesion of the base of the basal cells to the basal lamina. The lamina densa,
however, is composed primarily of collagen type IV. Internally, the basal lamina is connected to nearby reticular
fibers (collagen type III) by anchoring fibrils that consist of collagen type VII. This latter portion is known as the
reticular lamina and is produced in varying amounts by the fibrocytes of the papillary layer.

Figure 13-13 Light micrographs of papillary (P) and reticular (R) layers within the
dermis of a canine pad, A, and a porcine back, B. (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×20.)

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As the superficial-most layer of the dermis, the papillary layer is critically important to the welfare of the 281
epidermis. It is this portion that houses the branching nerve endings and vascular capillary network that serve to 282
link and nourish the keratinocytes and nonkeratinocytes of the epidermis and any modified structures associated
with skin in this area. In areas of the body where the skin is thickened, the papillary layer may interdigitate with
the epidermis, resulting in the formation of dermal papillae, which appears sawtoothed in shape and creates an
interface between the dermis and epidermis for strong attachment (see Figure 13-13). The surface area of the
basal lamina becomes markedly expanded, which provides a suitable way for increased numbers of
hemidesmosomal attachments to occur. Each dermal papilla possesses a capillary bed or loop that not only
nutritionally supports the epidermis but also assists in regulating body temperature. In keeping with the loose
connective-tissue environment, sentinel cells of defense such as lymphocytes, histiocytes (macrophages), and
mast cells randomly reside here.


The reticular layer is characterized principally by the size and density of the extracellular fibers, which are
larger and more compact than those comprising the papillary layer (see Figure 13-13). The irregular appearance
of the collagen and elastic fibers is perhaps more pronounced in this region than in any portion of any other
organ of the body. Animals with thick skins have very well-developed reticular layers, consisting mostly of
collagen type I and proteoglycans that are dominant in dermatan sulfate. The elastic fibers are broad in this
layer as opposed to those in the papillary layer, which are considerably smaller in diameter (Figure 13-14). The
elastic fibers can continue to thicken and possibly harden with exposure to sunlight, a condition referred to as

Although fewer cells of defense are normally seen in the reticular layer, they can be found as well as occasional
melanophores, including melanocytes. The fibrocyte is the predominant cell type and is usually seen in fairly
low densities except in areas where recent repair has been performed. Adipocytes also can be observed in this
region in scattered clusters, especially where the reticular layer comes into contact with adjacent tissues, such as
bone or skeletal muscle. It is at this point where the reticular layer of the dermis ends and a looser connective
tissue, the hypodermis or subcutaneous tissue (subcutis), begins, being the outer fascia of an adjacent skeletal
muscle or bone (Figure 13-15). In fact, the fat cells in this area can be numerous and result in the formation of
the panniculus adiposus. This tissue contributes to body contour in addition to fat storage and heat insulation.

The glands and hair follicles of skin lie mostly within the deep or reticular layer. Their presence and number
vary according to the location of the skin. In conjunction with each hair follicle is one or more small bundles of
smooth muscle called the arrector pili, which has one end attached to the side of a follicle and the other end
attached near the epidermis within the superficial dermis (Figure 13-16; see also Figure 13-1). When these
bundles contract, the hairs, which are usually positioned at low angles, become erect and stand on end. The
muscle fibers, which are innervated autonomically, will contract in low temperatures causing the raised hairs to
trap air within the coat, which acts to insulate the body further. There can be other small bundles of smooth
muscle within the dermis that occur mostly deep within the reticular layer of the dermis and have no association
with hair follicles. These are found at specific sites of the body, including the penis, scrotum, and teats.

Nervous elements also can be found within the reticular layer. In addition to nerve bundles containing afferent
and efferent nerve processes that course their way through the dense connective tissue elements to and from the
papillary layer and epidermis, sensory receptors may be encountered. These receptors are encapsulated

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mechanoreceptors that function to detect (and respond) to vibration and are known as lamellar corpuscles
(pacinian corpuscles) (Figure 13-17).


Skin glands consist of two types: sweat glands and sebaceous glands. Each type originates from the ectoderm and
remains connected to the epidermis by a single duct. Because of this characteristic, both of these glands represent
simple, exocrine glands found ubiquitously among the integument of domestic species.


The sweat gland consists of a simple coiled tubular adenomere that is associated with the skin throughout the
body but can be modified and concentrated at selected regions (these latter glands are listed and briefly
described in Table 13-1). The common sweat gland produces a clear, watery (99% water) secretion, sweat that
contains salts, primarily the cations sodium and potassium, and perhaps a small amount of protein. With the
release of sweat onto the surface of the epidermis and its subsequent evaporation, heat near and at the surface is 282
dissipated, which provides a cooling effect for the body. Water loss through sweat gland secretion can range 285
from a couple of hundred milliliters to several liters each day, depending on the size of the animal, ambient
temperature, and amount of exercise during that period.

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Figure 13-14 Light micrographs of elastic fibers within the skin of a pig, A, most
pronounced within the deep portion of the reticular layer and B,
much less developed in the papillary portion. (Elastin stain; ×200.)

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Figure 13-15 Light micrograph of the dermis and its innermost association with
the adipose-laden hypodermis (H). (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;

Figure 13-16 Light micrographs of attachment of the arrector pili muscle to the
side of a canine hair follicle. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; A,
×100; B, ×250.)

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Figure 13-17 Light micrograph of lamellar bodies seen in cross section (left) and
longitudinally (right) within the reticular layer. (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×40.)

The sweat glands of most domestic species are believed to be of the apocrine type, in which a portion of the
secretory cell, being residual cytoplasm, is contributed along with the secretory material. The ducts empty into
adjacent hair follicles superficial to the sebaceous glands associated with the follicles. Verification of apocrine
release has been made, but it is not known how extensive apocrine secretion occurs among mammals. Eccrine
(or merocrine) secretion, which involves the release of only secretory material, is predominantly found in
primate sweat glands, although apocrine glands are associated with axillary, perianal, and pubic regions in these
species. Although the extent of the eccrine type among nonprimate mammals has not been determined, they do
exist and are discussed later.

Although the sweat gland is the classic example of the simple coiled tubular gland, there is considerable
variation in its morphology among animals, especially in terms of the degree of being coiled, the shape of the
secretory end piece or adenomere, and the size or length and depth of the gland. The secretory duct empties at
the surface of the epidermis in glabrous or hairless skin or within the distal-most portion of a hair follicle as
described previously. Internally, the duct extends through the papillary layer of the dermis and much of its
reticular layer before continuously joining the secretory unit (Figure 13-18). The duct can be more or less
straight or become serpentine before it reaches the level of the secretory unit, at which point it may coil at

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variable lengths, depending on the species, the age of the individual, and perhaps even the gender (see Figure
13-18). The duct consists of a bilayered epithelium with cuboidal layers (Figure 13-19). The cells of the apical
or luminal layer can be either similar in appearance to those of the basal layer or slightly smaller with regard to
the amount of the cytoplasm and nucleus. At the point where the duct joins the adenomere, the apical layer
becomes confluent with the layer of secretory cells that line the lumen. Concomitantly, the basal layer of the
duct disappears and is replaced by a layer of myoepithelial cells that appear fibroblast-like and are oriented in
the same plane as the axis of the lumen (Figure 13-20). The myoepithelial cells are, in fact, contractile cells
with smooth muscle actin. When these cells are activated, the secretions held within the lumen of the
adenomere become more quickly propelled to the surface.

The morphology of the secretory cells can differ according to the species and to their cells' activity, being most
polarized and at their greatest height during active production of sweat. Thus the secretory cells can range in
their morphology from low cuboidal to columnar. Active secretion can be apparent as apical portions of these
cells extend into the lumen. In ruminants and pigs the lumens of the secretory units can be wide, making these
glands more saccular in shape than tubular (see Figure 4-11). The normal activity of the sweat glands located
throughout most of the integument is species variable, active in horses quiescent in dogs and cats. In dogs and
cats, active sweat glands can be found in their footpads (see Figure 13-13). These glands are not apocrine, but
instead eccrine or merocrine. The ducts of these simple tubular secretory units empty directly onto the
epidermal surface rather than into the hair follicle as in the case of the rest of the integument. Similar eccrine
sweat glands can be found in the planum rostrale and medial surface of the carpus in pigs, the planum
nasolabiale of large ruminants, the planum nasale of small ruminants and the frog of ungulates in general.


The sebaceous gland is a simple, branched alveolar gland that secretes an oily material—sebum—in a 285
manner that requires the entire cell to be contributed, a process referred to as holocrine secretion. 286
Consequently, the lumen of each sebaceous gland is filled with cells; the oldest cells are pushed toward the duct
(Figure 13-21; see also Figure 4-12). Newly formed cells that enter the lumen of each adenomere have round
nuclei and an eosinophilic cytoplasm that contains the rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and other
metabolic machinery needed to assemble and collect triglycerides and cholesterol into lipid droplets or locules.
The cells that give rise to the sebum-producing cells and are thus the secretory cells of this holocrine gland are
small and cuboidal to squamous shaped. Once the sebum-producing cell is formed, it quickly grows in size and
resembles a multilocular adipocyte except that the sebum-producing cell has lost all connections to the basal
lamina and its nucleus is centrally positioned (Figure 13-22; see also Figures 4-12 and 13-21). As each cell is 286
continually pushed away from its origin, the organelles begin to break down and the nucleus becomes pyknotic. 289

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TABLE 13-1 Glands of Mammalian Skin

Sebaceous Simple, branched acinar Throughout the body, Holocrine; sebum: Lubricates hair and
closely associated with accumulation of fatty epidermis, contributes
hair follicles acids (i.e., oily lipid rich) to antimicrobial
protection, lowers
evaporation and water
Tarsal: specialized Numerous acini Eyelids Holocrine; oily layer of Provides an outer
sebaceous emptying into one duct the preocular tear film surfactant coat for
tears, which lowers
dehydration of the tear
film and reduces tear
overflow onto the face
Supracaudal: Multiple, branched Dorsally positioned Holocrine; sebum: Lubricates hair and
specialized sebaceous acinar associated with near base of tail in accumulation of fatty epidermis, contributes
one hair follicle dogs and cats acids to antimicrobial
protection, lowers
evaporation and water
Circumanal: modified Branched acinar and Subcutaneously, Holocrine and Lubricates area and
sebaceous cords of hepatoid circumferentially merocrine (and possible antimicrobial
(hepatocyte-like) cells; around the anus apocrine in the dog); protection; other
and possibly simple, sebum and possibly functions remain
coiled, tubular in the hormone-related unknown; in the dog
dog substance(s) the apocrine sweat
glands associated with
the circumanal gland
may provide
(pheromone) activity;
has clinical relevance in
the dog as a principal
site of tumor formation
Sweat Simple, coiled tubular Throughout the body, Apocrine (duct empties Cools body
or saccular closely associated with superficially into hair temperature as well as
hair follicles except in follicle) eccrine excretory; in
localized regions (merocrine), duct leads carnivores, apocrine
(carnivore footpad, directly to skin surface; sweat glands are least
frog, porcine carpus) watery with some active among domestic
proteolytic enzymes, species and along with
electrolytes (salts), and the goat may be
albuminoid substances involved in pheromone

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Anal sacs: modified Simple, coiled saccular Along the Apocrine in domestic Used as a marking fluid
sweat (and sebaceous) in the dog; and simple, anocutaneous junction carnivores and among carnivores and
branched acinar in the holocrine as well in the possibly involved with
cat cat and nondomestic canine social
carnivores; often dark recognition; the
and oily with a variety secretions along with
of substances, including adjacent excrement
amines, lipids, support extensive
lysosomal enzymes, microbiota that may
glycoproteins contribute to the
function of this gland;
in dogs excrement may
occlude the duct
Carpal: modified sweat Compound, coiled Along the medial Eccrine (merocrine); Found only in the pig,
tubuloalveolar with surface of the carpus in watery with salts and wild and domestic;
large collector canals the pig glycosidic residues secretions are odorous
and may be used as a
marking fluid

Figure 13-18 A, Light micrograph of a distal portion of an equine sweat gland

that extends alongside a hair follicle. (Hematoxylin and eosin
[H&E] stain; ×25.) B, Light micrograph of the end of the secretory
portion of an equine apocrine sweat gland. (H&E stain; ×100.)

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Figure 13-19 Light micrograph of a cross section of the duct portion of a

porcine sweat gland. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain: ×400.)

Figure 13-20 Light micrograph of a cross section of the secretory portion of a

porcine sweat gland; the outer layer of myoepithelial cells appears
contracted. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)

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Figure 13-21 Light micrograph of a cluster of canine sebaceous adenomeres

oriented nearly in cross section, lying next to a hair follicle.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.)

Figure 13-22 Light micrograph of a canine sebaceous gland. Arrow points to

newly forming secretory cells. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×250.)

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For the most part, sebaceous glands are closely associated with hair follicles; they are appendages of hair
follicles that discharge their content into their ducts and adjacent hair follicle, which together form the
pilosebaceous canal. Often, the size of the sebaceous gland is inversely proportional to the size of the hair with
which it is associated.

Each secretory unit is more flask shaped or pear shaped than it is round (see Figures 4-12 and 13-21). In some
animals such as the horse, the secretory units are saccular or even broadly tubular (Figure 13-23).

In glabrous regions of the integument, sebaceous glands can still exist, such as the anus of most species and teat
regions of the horse. In other glabrous regions including the footpads, claws, hoofs, and horns, sebaceous
glands are absent. The sebaceous gland functions to lubricate the epidermis and hair and thus helps maintain
their texture and flexibility. It also facilitates antimicrobial protection by providing a physical barrier at the
opening of the follicles, inhibiting bacterial and fungal invasion. Sebum also contains antimicrobial agents,
including fatty acids such as linoleic acid, the iron-binding protein transferrin, and immunoglobulin G (IgG)
and IgA. Sebaceous gland activity is largely under the influence of the endocrine system—stimulated by
androgens and testosterone while suppressed by corticosteroids.

Although sebaceous glands are found throughout the integument, their distribution and amount of development
vary among domestic species, including the presence of specialized types of sebaceous glands (see Table 13-1).
One of these specialized types is the circumanal gland that occurs in the dog. The circumanal glands are
modified sebaceous glands that consist of a parenchyma of hepatocyte-like cells called hepatoid cells that lie
deep within the dermis and are joined superficially by traditional-appearing sebaceous cells. Although it is
speculated that they may be involved in hormonal activity, their function has yet to be determined.

Another specialized form is the tarsal gland (Meibomian gland) associated with the eyelids of domestic
animals. The tarsal gland consists of multiple sebaceous glands that join a central duct and secrete an oily layer
onto the tear film that covers the anterior portion of the eye (Figure 13-24; see also Figure 20-24).

13.5 HAIRS
One of the modifications of the epidermis is hair, a highly keratinized, rodlike structure that emerges from the 290
epidermis. Mammals are characterized, in part, by the presence of hair, which in domestic species covers most of
the body. The relatively few areas that are hairless or glabrous include the mucocutaneous junctions of the body,
footpads, hoofs, glans penis and teats of various species. Hair combined with sebum coating forms a
water-resistant coat and helps insulate the body against cold temperatures as well as providing physical protection.

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Figure 13-23 Light micrograph of a secretory end of an equine sebaceous gland

that empties into a shared duct connected to the pilosebaceous
canal (PC). (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.)

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Figure 13-24 Light micrograph of a specialized sebaceous gland—the tarsal

gland—in a dog. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×25.)

A variety of hairs are associated with different areas of the body. Regarding those that are a part of the general
integument there are two basic types: the primary hair and the secondary hair. The primary hair is easily the
larger of the two types in terms of its diameter and length and is usually deeply seated in the dermis. Sebaceous
glands, sweat glands, and the arrector pili muscle are directly affiliated with this hair. The secondary hair, also
referred to as underhair, is more superficially placed in the dermis than the primary hair and lacks associations
with sweat glands and arrector pili muscle.


Hairs are formed by hair follicles that consist of invaginations of the epidermis that have invaded the dermis
and even the hypodermis. Rather than be positioned at a 90-degree angle to the surface, the hair follicle is
usually oriented more on a slant, which enhances its ability to provide thermal insulation and water resistance.
At the base of the hair follicle is the hair root and an adjacent dermal papilla (hair papilla), which protrudes 290
into the root (Figure 13-25). The hair root and the dermal papilla can be collectively referred to as the hair 291
bulb. The dermal papilla possesses a small plexus of blood vessels (capillaries) that feeds the root. The
innermost portion of the root next to the papilla is the hair matrix, densely packed cells that undergo
proliferation and are responsible for hair growth. The cells of the hair matrix are a specialized form of the basal
layer of the epidermis. The cells derived from this portion of the hair root differ from those of the typical
epidermis in that the composition of the keratin formed is different. Rather than create keratin that has a
keratohyalin phase and produce lipid materials that will be later released as done by keratinocytes, the matrix
cells form a keratin without keratohyalin but is high in sulfur content and immersed in little lipid. The resulting
keratinized cells are considerably harder and more resistant to mechanical stress than the mature keratinized
cells of the epidermis.

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The cells within the central portion of the hair matrix form the medulla—the core of the hair that is composed
of large, somewhat cuboidal cells that become less compact when further removed from the root (see Figure
13-25). Only primary hairs possess a medulla. Cells that envelop the medulla and thus are slightly peripheral to
the center of the matrix give rise to the cortex of the hair. These cells become keratinized in the manner
described above, forming a “hard” keratin. Outside the cortex of the hair, a single line of cells within the
peripheral matrix becomes the cuticle of the hair, which consists of flat keratinized cells that overlap one
another and form the outer boundary of the hair when exposed to air.

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Figure 13-25 A, Diagram of a hair follicle. B, Light micrograph of a canine hair

follicle. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×30.) (From Bergman RA,
Afifi AK, Heidger PM Jr: Histology, Philadelphia, 1996, Saunders.)

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Melanocytes reside in the hair root next to the dermal papilla (Figure 13-26). In terms of their density, they can
be especially concentrated in this region of the integument and are responsible for an animal's coat color.
Melanocytes high in phaeomelanin content will give rise to tan, yellow, red, and red-brown fur, whereas those
high in eumelanin content yield dark brown to black coats. Hair without any pigment appears white.
The peripheral portion of the hair bulb at the level of the matrix is lined by a root sheath, which is divided into 292
internal and external portions. The external root sheath initially consists of a single layer of cells along the
base of the hair bulb, but increases within a short distance to several layers in the direction of the surface (see

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Figure 13-25). Outside of the external root sheath is its basal lamina, which is called the glassy membrane, and
is confluent with the epidermal basal lumina as the external root sheath becomes confluent with the epidermis.
Inside the external root sheath and outside the matrix is an internal root sheath made up of three components:
Henle's layer or pale epithelial layer, which is a single, external layer of cuboidal cells that lies against the
innermost portion of the external sheath; Huxley's layer, or granular epithelial layer, which can consist of
one or two layers of flattened cells that contain trichohyalin granules; and the cuticle of the internal root
sheath, composed of scalelike cells that overlap one another and form the external lining of the hair. All
portions that comprise the hair within a follicle are referred to as the hair root, and the portion that extends
above the epidermis is the hair shaft.


Hair follicles, like hairs of the integument can be divided into two basic types: simple follicles and compound
follicles. Simple follicles, also known as single follicles, have one emerging hair shaft. In contrast, compound
follicles have more than one hair shaft arising from a single opening (Figure 13-27). In compound follicles, the
follicles are tightly clustered together and as a result share the same opening as well as auxiliary glands. It is not
unusual to have a primary hair surrounded and reinforced by secondary hairs in this manner. Simple hair 292
follicles can be fairly evenly distributed or clustered, depending on the species and the location of the follicle 293
along the body. Variations also are seen among animals with compound follicles regarding the number of
primary and secondary hairs associated with each follicle.

Figure 13-26 Light micrograph of a row of melanocytes within the cortex

surrounding the dermal papilla. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;

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In addition to the common follicles just discussed are specialized forms that give rise to modified hairs for
tactile sensory reception. These hairs are known as tactile hairs, sinus hairs, or vibrissae, which are most
commonly found within the nasal sinuses and periorally along the snouts of domestic mammals. Vibrissae have
a very wide diameter and can be long. Their origin and composition are essentially identical to primary hairs in
single follicles. The construction of the connective tissue adjacent to the follicle, however, is considerably
different. The major distinguishing feature is the presence of a well-formed dermal sheath that contains a
vascular sinus lying within its inner and outer layers. The sinus itself can be divided by differences in its
morphology into upper and lower portions. The upper portion possesses an uninterrupted annular vascular sinus
(without trabeculae), whereas the lower portion contains a network of connective-tissue trabeculae surrounded
by blood within its cavernous chamber. Within the inner layer of the dermal sheath, the external root sheath of
the follicle is lined by a thickened basement membrane (glassy membrane). In cats and dogs, the inner layer of
the dermal sheath within the region of the annular (nontrabecular) sinus is thickened into a sinus pad. A variety
of innervations are associated with vibrissae, including free nerve endings and Merkel-cell tactile-hair disks.


All keratinized structures are replaced over various spans of time. The replacement of the cornified layers of the
epidermis is a continual process. Although new layers are made to replace the old ones, it is done in a rhythmic
manner. Mitotic divisions within the stratum basale occur generally at night. Hair is also replaced on a regular
basis, but over a longer period. It usually takes 3 months to more than a year to grow to its normal length,
depending, of course, on the length of the coat for a particular animal. The replacement of hair can occur
steadily throughout the year or seasonally and can be influenced by external temperature; length of daytime;
hormonal changes involving adrenal, thyroid, and reproductive glands; and nutrition. Among domestic species,
a dense pelage forms in the fall, replacing the sparse coat formed previously during the spring. The increased
production of the numerous fine hairs assists in trapping warm air and providing a more effective insulator. 293

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Figure 13-27 A, Light micrograph of compound follicles within canine skin that
is longitudinally oriented. (Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain;
×20.) B, Light micrograph of compound follicles in cross section
with clusters of secondary hairs (left arrows) surrounding a
primary hair (right arrow). (H&E stain; ×100.)


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Figure 13-28 Diagram of the hair cycle: (a), anagen, (b), catagen, (c), telogen,
(d), renewed anagen.

Hair formation and replacement occurs in a three-phase process. Initially, a hair bulb undergoes a phase of
active cell division called the anagen phase, and develops a hair to its full length over a fairly long time as
mentioned (Figure 13-28). At the end of the growing phase, the mitotic and keratinizing activities of the hair
bulb disappear and the hair enters the catagen phase. The entire hair bulb becomes cornified and at the same
time the base of the follicle moves toward the level of the sebaceous glands. During this regression of the hair
follicle a new (secondary) germ layer and dermal papilla form beneath the older follicle. At this point, the hair
and its follicle remain unchanged or dormant and are in the telogen phase. The hair may stay in the telogen or
resting phase for some time. Eventually, the secondary germ layer becomes active and is transformed into a
new hair bulb undergoing an early anagen phase. The new hair formed then pushes the old hair out of the

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follicle, causing it to be shed. As the new anagen phase proceeds, the hair follicle returns to its original depth
within the dermis.

13.6 CLAWS

The claws of domestic carnivores are extensively developed portions of the epidermis and dermis that extend from
the distal phalanges (Figure 13-29). The distal phalanx forms the ungual process, which has a clawlike
morphology and is covered by the dermis, which is broadest dorsally. The overlying epidermis forms a very
prominent and hard cornified stratum along the dorsal ridge (Figure 13-30). This part of the stratum corneum is
called the wall or wall epidermis (claw plate) and becomes markedly attenuated at the ungual crest. A fold of
skin, the claw fold, covers the dorsal base of the wall and is comparable to the periople of the hoof. The ventral
portion of the epidermis lining the claw is called the sole and is composed of less compact or “softer” keratin than
the wall keratin.


Like the claw, the hoof formed in horses is composed largely of cornified epidermal tissue. However, the
cornified arrangement here is considerably more developed in its architecture, area and thickness (Figure
13-31). As before, the distal phalanges are lined by the dermis (the laminar corium), and together form a
semiconical shape that is greatest in its height and width along the region of the toe (the medial axis) and tapers
on both sides toward the heel. Fine layers of the superficial-most portion of the dermis interdigitate with
infoldings of the epidermis, referred to as the stratum lamellatum (stratum internum) (Figure 13-32). These
dermal layers, which project externally at right angles to the lamina corium, comprise the primary laminar
corium. The stratum lamellatum is also called the laminar epidermis, which further interdigitates with the
adjacent dermis, primary laminar corium, the latter forming the secondary laminar corium (see Figures 13-31
and 13-32). As a result, the surface area connecting the dermis and the epidermis in the equine hoof is
enormous. The primary and secondary laminae of the corium are innervated and considered as the sensitive
laminae. Innermost layers of the epidermis, which comprise the secondary laminar epidermis, are possibly
innervated as well and may be included within the sensitive laminae. In contrast, the primary laminar
epidermis, which consists of cornified epithelial cells, lacks nerve endings and comprises the insensitive

The epidermis comprises the wall of the hoof, which can be divided into three regions: the stratum externum, 295
the stratum medium, and the stratum internum. The stratum internum consists of the laminar epidermis that 297
interdigitates with the dermal laminae as previously described. The cells produced by the stratum internum are
interfaced with the stratum medium on one hand and the laminar corium on the other and thus help connect
the wall tightly to the corium along its entire surface. Keratinocytes produced by the laminar epidermis (stratum
lamellatum) are moved or pushed outwardly to join the stratum medium. The stratum medium is hard cornified
material that originates from the coronary epidermis and coronary corium (papillary corium), which together
form the coronary band and is located along the proximal-most border of the hoof's wall (Figure 13-33; see also
Figure 13-31). At this point numerous hairlike papillae extend distally and form hard keratinized tubules,
known as tubular horn, which appear round in cross section (Figure 13-34; see also Figure 13-32). Each tubule
is constructed by keratinocytes that are cylindrically wrapped, resulting in an outer cortex and an inner
medullary region where the cells are more loosely arranged as in the medulla of a hair. The cortex, which can
be subdivided further into zones (see Figure 13-34), is surrounded, in turn, by hard keratinized tissue referred to
as the intertubular horn. The tubular and intertubular horns comprise the stratum medium, by far the largest of
the three strata, and become prominent in its overall thickness distally toward the front of the toe. As a result,
the strength and support afforded by the wall are provided mostly by this stratum. The keratinocytes that are

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newly formed by the coronary epidermis for both tubular and intertubular horn are pushed in a downward
direction, joining those arising from the stratum internum. The rate of production and movement of the new
keratinocytes in the two strata is comparable.

Figure 13-29 Light micrograph of a canine claw. SC, Stratum corneum of the
epidermis of the claw; D, dermis of the claw; DP, distal phalanx;
DR, dorsal ridge; S, sole. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×2.)

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Figure 13-30 Light micrograph of the dorsal ridge of the canine claw.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.)

Figure 13-31 Diagram of an equine hoof as viewed longitudinally.

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The outermost portion of the wall of the hoof consists of the stratum externum (stratum tectorium), which is
much thinner than the stratum medium. The stratum externum originates from the perioplic epidermis (the
epidermis of the periople), which lies proximal and external to the coronary epidermis and coronary corium and
is bordered internally by the perioplic corium (the corium of the periople) (see Figures 13-31 and 13-33). This
epidermis forms an outer shiny cover for the wall and is made of tubular and intertubular horn, like the stratum
medium, but is much softer, differing in the content of cytokeratins. The corium of the periople interfaces
proximally with the dermis of the skin that lies above the hoof and distally with the corium of the coronary
band, and is papillated like the coronary corium. As in the coronary corium and stratum medium, these papillae
facilitate the downward formation of the epidermis.

At the base of the hoof the third phalanx is lined by the dermis called the sole corium, which, in turn, is
covered externally by the sole epidermis. The sole corium is a well-developed irregular dense connective tissue
able to absorb considerable physical pressure exerted on it. Both the sole corium and the sole epidermis reflex
caudally from the lamellar corium and the stratum lamellatum, respectively, at the distal tip of the third phalanx
(see Figure 13-31). At the junction of the stratum lamellatum and the sole epidermis, the laminar epidermis of
the former becomes directed toward the bottom of the hoof, and as a result, joins and interdigitates with the
tubular and intertubular horn that is formed by the sole epidermis. The cornified epidermis arising from the
laminar epidermis has a different level of compactness and hardness as well as pigmentation, which collectively
results in the white line (white zone). The white line enables the wall of the hoof to be distinguished visually
from the sole. Within the sole numerous papillae extend from the corium into the epidermis in a manner similar
to that seen at the coronary band and results in the production of the tubular and intertubular horn, which along
with the distal end of the wall form the hard baseplate of the hoof known as the ground border of the wall.

The ground border of the hoof can be divided into toe, quarter, and heel regions (see Figure 13-31). At the heel,
the cranial reflection of the wall on each side forms the bars. Within the bars and caudal to the toe and quarter,
is a wedge-shaped area of the ground surface of the hoof called the frog. The dermis or corium of the frog
possesses adipose and along with its fibroelastic tissue thickens into a wedge-shaped structure that helps to 297
absorb impact forces involved in walking and running. This portion of the hoof also includes the presence of 299
branched and merocrine sweat glands. These glands are concentrated along the central ridge of the frog. The
dermis forms smaller papillae than seen in adjacent sole, and the epidermis of the frog forms a softer cornified
horn than that found in the nearby sole and wall. The water content for the frog is approximately 50% as
compared with 25% and 33% for the wall and sole, respectively. Collectively, the ground border of the wall, the
bars, the frog, and the white line are the portions of the hoof that contact the ground and bear the weight of the

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Figure 13-32 A, Light micrograph of the stratum lamellatum in the equine hoof.
LC, laminar corium; SM, stratum medium; TP, third phalanx. B,
Light micrograph of the outer portion of the equine hoof's
stratum lamellatum. PLC, Primary laminar corium; SLC, secondary
laminar corium. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; A, ×25; B, ×250.)

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Figure 13-33 Light micrograph of the equine coronary band. PE, Perioplic
epidermis; CC, coronary corium; CE, coronary epidermis.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×2.5.)


In domestic animals with cloven hoofs, such as ruminants and pigs, the digital organ is histologically very
similar to the equine hoof. Overall, the construction of the wall and sole and adjacent corium is nearly identical.
Secondary laminae within stratum internum or stratum lamellatum do not occur in the nonequine hoof. Also,
instead of a frog is a well-developed bulb lined by a thin, soft horn.

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In the horse, thickened skin, which lacks hair and glands, lines the supracarpel and tarsal chestnuts as well as
the ergot at the flexion of the fetlocks. These areas possess a well-developed epidermis of tubular and
intertubular horns associated with long dermal papillae reminiscent of that occurring along the coronary of the
hoof (Figure 13-35).

13.7 HORNS

Among ruminants, outgrowths of the frontal bone known as os cornua form the foundation for the integumentary
appendage called the horn. Each frontal process, or os cornua, possesses a papillated corium bordered externally
by a hard cornified epidermis. The construction of the hard keratinized tissue is similar to the stratum medium of
the hoof, consisting of tubular and intertubular horns. Each hard cornification is covered by a thin lining of soft
keratin—the epikeras—made by the epidermis at the base of the horn. The epikeras is comparable to the stratum
externum of the hoof and is continually shed and replaced.


The basic structure of avian integument is essentially the same as that of mammals. Nevertheless, a number of
variations must be considered. The epidermis is generally much thinner than that seen in mammals, especially
when associated with feathered skin. It consists of a keratinized stratified squamous epithelium that has a
stratum basale; a stratum spinosum called the stratum intermedium; a stratum transitivum, which is the
counterpart to the stratum granulosum but lacks the keratohyalin granules; and a stratum corneum (Figure
13-36). The keratinocytes can be called sebokeratocytes, because of their ability to produce a lipid emulsion in
addition to keratin proteins. This emulsion fills the intercellular spaces and forms a surface lipid layer, which is
high in neutral lipids and may act as a defense barrier.

The dermis, however, can be developed in birds, and along with the hypodermis can be subdivided into a 299
number of layers or strata including a superficial layer the stratum superficiale, followed by a dense layer of 300
stratum compactum, and then a loose one, the stratum laxum, which together comprise the deep stratum
profundum (Figure 13-37). The stratum profundum is lined internally by a lamina elastica. The inner portion
of the stratum profundum, the stratum laxum, can house large blood vessels, smooth muscle, adipose tissue, and
feather follicles.

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Figure 13-34 A, Light micrograph of the elongated papillary extensions of the

coronary corium. (Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×40.) B,
Light micrograph of one of the papillary extensions seen in A, but
here in cross section, forming tubular horn. IC, Inner cortex; OC,
outer cortex; IH, intertubular horn; M, medulla. (H&E stain; ×250.)

The one feature found in mammalian skin that is not seen in avian skin is glands. The sweat gland and the
sebaceous gland that are associated with the epidermis and hair follicle of mammals are conspicuously absent
(see Figure 13-37). In their place is a single, large sebaceous-like preen gland—the uropygial gland. Its
holocrine secretion results in the production of an oily substance that has a sebaceous gland–like function and is
especially well developed in aquatic birds, providing a waterproofing mechanism. The uropygial gland typically
has two lobes and lies dorsally and caudally (near the base of the tail) and is spread along the feather-coated
body by preening. The amount and content of the oily secretion are governed in part by hormonal activity,
particularly androgens.

From dermal-based follicles, feathers are hairlike epidermal specializations that usually extend far beyond the
surface of the epidermis. Like hairs, the feathers and their follicles are positioned at an angle within the dermis,
largely to control heat load by radiation. Because each follicle has a bundle of skeletal muscle attached to it, the
normal resting position of each feather can be altered according to changes in the heat load as well as by other
factors such as mating and defense. The feather follicle resembles a hair follicle, but forms a proximal

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umbilicus that leads to a distal umbilicus and then gives rise to the quill (see Figure 13-37). Above the
epidermis, partitions called barbs branch away from the quill, and from the barbs barbules arise. Feather
coloring, which can be extraordinary, results from the deposition of different pigments. Carotenoids provide
much of the coloration. For example, xanthophylls give rise to brilliant plumages rich in bright yellows, 300
oranges, and reds. Seasonal plumage change is usually due to simple chemical change in the carotenoids. 302
However, changes in both color and the condition of feathers can be the result of environmental factors
including nutrition, toxin exposure, and so on.

Figure 13-35 Light micrograph of the equine chestnut and its distinctively
thickened epidermis provides a sharp contrast with adjacent
hair-filled skin. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×20.)

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Figure 13-36 Light micrograph of the avian epidermis. (Hematoxylin and eosin
stain; ×250.)

Figure 13-37 Light micrograph of avian skin with feather follicles (FF) within the
stratum profundum (SP) of the dermis. SS, Stratum superficiale.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×20.)

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JH Abalain, Y Amet, D Lecaque, et al.: Ultrastructural changes in the uropygial gland of the Japanese quail,
Coturnix coturnix, after testosterone treatment. Comparison with the sebaceous gland of the male rat. Cell
Tissue Res. 246, 1986, 373.
J Atoji, Y Yanamoto, Y Suzuki: Apocrine sweat glands in the circumanal glands of the dog. Anat Rec. 252,
1998, 403.
G Aumuller, B Wilhelm, J Seitz: Apocrine secretion—fact or artifact?. Anat Anz. 181, 1999, 437.
RA Bergman, AK Afifi, Heidger, PM Jr.: In Histology. 1996, Saunders, Philadelphia.
DW Fawcett: In Bloom and Fawcett: A textbook of histology. ed 11, 1986, Saunders, Philadelphia.
LP Gartner, JL Hiatt: In Color textbook of histology. 1997, Saunders, Philadelphia.
CR Leeson, TS Leeson, AA Paparo: In Atlas of histology. ed 2, 1985, Saunders, Philadelphia.
GK Menon, BE Brown, PM Elias: Avian epidermal differentiation: role of lipids in permeability barrier
formation. Tissue Cell. 18, 1986, 71.
PC Mishra, DH Leach: Electron microscopic study of the veins of the dermal lamellae of the equine hoof
wall. Equine Vet J. 15, 1983, 14.
B Ongpipattanakul, ML Francoeur, RO Potts: Polymorphism in stratum corneum lipids. Biochim Biophys
Acta. 1190, 1994, 115.
V Pedini, P Socco, C Dall'Aglio, AM Gargiulo: Detection of glycosidic residues in carpal glands of wild
and domestic pig revealed by basic and lectin histochemistry. Ann Anat. 181, 1999, 269.
G Prota: In Melanins and melanogenesis. 1992, Academic Press, San Diego.
A Slominiski, J Pawelek: Animals under the sun: effects of ultraviolet radiation on mammalian skin. Clin
Dermatol. 16, 1998, 503.
RIC Spearman: In Comparative biology of skin. 1977, Academic Press, London.
JE Stump: Anatomy of the normal equine foot, including microscopic features of the laminar region. J Am
Vet Med Assoc. 151, 1967, 1588.
O Wattle: Cytokeratins of the equine hoof wall, chestnut and skin: bio- and immunohistochemistry. Equine
Vet J Suppl. 26, 1998, 66.
AJ Webb, ML Calhoun: The microscopic anatomy of the skin of mongrel dogs. Am J Vet Res. 15, 1954,

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14 CHAPTER 14 Digestive System I: Oral Cavity and Alimentary Canal


• Continuous tract, tubular and composed of four tunics: tunica mucosa, tunica submucosa, tunica
muscularis, and tunica serosa

• Enhanced luminal (mucosal) modifications for digestion and absorption include plicae, papillae, and villi

• Major cells: ameloblast, odontoblast, chief cell, parietal cell, absorptive cell (enterocyte), goblet cell,
enteroendocrine cell, acidophilic granule cell

Throughout the animal kingdom, the digestive system consists of sequentially connecting tubular organs that along
with their glands function to ingest, break down, and absorb food substances and eliminate those portions that cannot
be digested. Although among domestic mammals the types of organs and their sequence are largely the same,
structural variations for each organ are often encountered. These variations are due to the different types of materials
used as food sources. Among domestic species, plant eaters (herbivores) possess morphological features to facilitate
the breakdown of cellulose-based substances and are not present in meat-eating or carnivorous species. Conversely,
carnivores have structures that enhance the ingestion, breakdown, and absorption of meat. Some of the distinctions
between the digestive tracts of herbivores and carnivores can be seen throughout the chapter, including Table 14-1,
which lists mucosal characteristics of domestic mammals.

As mentioned, the digestive system is mostly tubular shaped with a repeatable histological pattern throughout,
consisting of four major coats known as tunics (Figure 14-1). The innermost tunic forms a continuous lining for the
entire length of the alimentary canal and is referred to as the tunica mucosa, also called the mucosal lining or
mucous membrane. The tunica mucosa is composed of a variably developed epithelium that lines the lumen of the
digestive tract and is usually covered along its apex by a film of a mucus-rich substance, including cellular detritus,
mucin, and serous secretions. The epithelium, in turn, is attached to connective tissue called the lamina propria,
which is usually loose and may be subtended by a small layer of smooth muscle, the lamina muscularis. Mucosal
glands may be housed in the lamina propria. Glands may also be associated with the tunica submucosa, which lies
immediately adjacent to the mucosa. This tunic consists of connective tissue that is more compact than that of the
lamina propria and generally contains the largest blood vessels needed to serve that particular portion of the digestive
system. In areas along the alimentary canal where the lamina muscularis does not exist, the lamina propria of the
tunica mucosa may be difficult to distinguish from the tunica submucosa. In these instances, this area is the
propria-submucosa. A third tunic—the tunica muscularis— consists of considerable amounts of smooth or skeletal
muscle surrounding the tunica submucosa. When the muscle involved is smooth, it generally is organized into two
layers, with the innermost layer oriented circumferentially (circularly) and the outermost layer oriented along the 303
longitudinal axis of the alimentary canal. The fourth and outermost coat is the tunica serosa/tunica adventitia, which 306
is composed of loose to dense connective tissue and forms an outer fascia for the different elements of the digestive
system. In areas where this fascia is in contact with a serous cavity, such as the peritoneal cavity, the connective
tissue is lined by a mesothelium and the fascial coat is known as the tunica serosa. However, in those areas where
this portion of the alimentary canal directly abuts another structure and its outer covering, this tunic is called the
tunica adventitia.

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TABLE 14-1 Key Morphological Characteristics of the Gastrointestinal Tract of

Domestic Species


Esophagus Stratified squamous Lymph nodules and Mucous cells Lamina muscularis is Keratinized in
scattered lymphatic thin, longitudinal ruminants and less
tissue (pig); (absent in dogs); extent in horses; in
branched tunica muscularis: horses and cats
tubuloalveolar inner circular and skeletal muscle of
glands within outer longitudinal, tunica muscularis
submucosa of cranial skeletal cranially and extends caudally and
portion in most smooth caudally; in dogs and
domestic species inner circular ruminants is entirely
and entire length in thickens and forms skeletal
dogs cardiac sphincter
muscle at opening of
the stomach
Nonruminant Stomach Regions
Nonglandular Stratified squamous Nonglandular Tunica muscularis: Nonexistent in
smooth muscle, carnivores, small in
inner longitudinal; pigs, well developed
outer circular; and in horses
outermost oblique
Cardiac Simple columnar Mucosal branched Mucous cells, Lamina muscularis is Chief cells can be
with lamina propria tubular coiled glands endocrine cells thickened, 2–3 found in pigs and
forming gastric layers; tunica parietal cells in dogs;
folds; gastric lining muscularis: smooth especially well
cell muscle, inner developed in pigs
helical/longitudinal; and little developed
outer/middle in carnivores and
circular, being most horses
developed; and
outermost oblique
Fundic Simple columnar Branched tubular Mucous (neck) cells, Similar to the In dogs this region
with lamina propria coiled glands (longer chief cells, parietal cardiac region consists of a light
forming gastric than cardiac glands cells, endocrine cells zone with a thinner
folds; gastric lining and subdivided into mucosa and a dark
cell isthmus, neck, body zone with a thicker
and base) mucosa; next to the
Pyloric Simple columnar Deep gastric pits Mucous cells, Similar to the pyloric region
with lamina propria with short mucosal endocrine cells cardiac region;
forming gastric unbranched to middle circular
folds; gastric lining branched tubular broadens into
cell coiled glands pyloric sphincter
Ruminant Stomach Regions

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Rumen Keratinized Nonglandular with Lamina muscularis is
stratified squamous conical to absent; tunica
tongue-shaped muscularis: smooth
papillae with well muscle, inner
vascularized circular; outer
connective tissue; longitudinal
Reticulum Keratinized Nonglandular with Lamina muscularis is
stratified squamous honeycombed present within apical
reticular crests with portion of larger
smaller secondary crests; tunica
crests and papillae muscularis similar to
extending from the rumen
crests and between
Omasum Keratinized Nonglandular with Lamina muscularis is
stratified squamous laminae of different well developed and
sizes (orders), extends into
primary being the laminae; inner
largest; each lamina circular smooth
possess papillae muscle extends
along with lamina
muscularis into
largest laminae
Abosmasum Simple columnar Branched tubular Mucous (neck) cells, Similar to the
with lamina propria coiled glands chief cells, parietal cardiac region
forming gastric cells, endocrine cells
folds; gastric lining
Small Intestine
Duodenum Simple columnar Lymph nodules Columnar lining Lamina muscularis is Submucosal glands
with lamina propria (Peyer's patches) cells, endocrine cells, bilayered with are mucous in dogs
forming villi; and scattered goblet cells, strands of smooth and ruminants,
enterocytes, goblet gut-associated acidophilic granule muscle extending seromucous in cats,
cells, endocrine cells lymphatic tissue cells (Paneth) into the villi; tunica and serous in horses
(GALT); simple muscularis: smooth and pigs; tunica
branched and muscle, inner muscularis is thickest
unbranched tubular circular; outer in horses
glands (crypts); longitudinal with
submucosal simple myenteric plexus
branched, between
tubuloacinar glands
Jejunum Similar to GALT more Similar to the Similar to the
duodenum; villi are developed and duodenum duodenum
thinner, smaller, crypts less
and less dense than developed than
duodenum duodenum
Ileum Similar to jejunum GALT most Similar to the Similar to the Lymph nodules most
developed duodenum duodenum numerous in horses
and largest in cattle
Large Intestine

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Cecum Simple columnar GALT is well Goblet cells Tunica muscularis: GALT localized
developed smooth muscle, around ileal ostium
throughout and inner circular; outerin dogs, pigs, and
concentrated at one longitudinal with ruminants and next
end or the other; myenteric plexus to the colon in cats
simple unbranched between and horses; in horses
tubular glands and pigs outer
longitudinal layer of
tunica muscularis
has flat muscle
bands with elastic
fibers: taeni ceci
Colon Simple columnar GALT is present Goblet cells Similar to the cecum In horses and pigs
throughout; simple outer longitudinal
unbranched tubular layer continues to
glands form flat muscle
bands with elastic
fibers: taeni coli
Rectum Simple columnar Similar to the colon Goblet cells Similar to the cecum
but more developed


The entrance to the alimentary canal of the digestive system is the oral cavity and its opening, which forms a
junction between the integument and the digestive tract. Among mammals, this junction forms the upper and
lower lips, which extends as a cutaneous mucous membrane into the initial portion of the alimentary canal. The
cavity itself is typically asymmetrically shaped and composed of the narrow vestibule, which lies between the lips
and cheeks and the teeth and gingivae, and the relatively expansive buccal cavity, which extends internally
between the oropharynx and the arches of the teeth. The functions of the oral cavity, which are many, consist of
taking in and breaking down food both mechanically and chemically. Other functions include food lubrication,
taste, bodily defense against foe, cellular defense against infection, and contribution to vocalization.

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Figure 14-1 A, Illustration of the general organization of the gastrointestinal tract

of a mammal. Light micrographs of four different portions of the
tract in domestic species, each with varied development of the
mucosal (M), submucosal (S), and muscular tunics (T). B, Esophagus.
C, Stomach. D, Small intestine. E, Large intestine. (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×20.) (A modified from Leeson CR, Leeson TS, Paparo AA:
Atlas of histology, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1985, Saunders.)

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In concert with the articulation of the mandible and maxilla, the upper and lower lips may part or remain sealed 306
in controlling the entrance to the oral cavity. As a flexible “door” to the digestive tract, the lips and the cheeks 308
contribute to food mastication and the phonetics of vocalization. Each lip has a core of skeletal muscle, the
orbicularis oris muscle, that provides the extensive mobility associated with these structures (Figure 14-2).
Externally, the lip is lined by a thin epidermis and typical dermis with hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and
sweat glands. At the orifice where the upper and lower lips contact one another, hair and glands are absent,
forming the mucocutaneous junction that typically has a thickened stratified squamous epithelium, forms the
lamina epithelialis, and can be well keratinized or cornified in herbivorous animals (Figure 14-3). There can be
a notable interdigitation between the epithelium and the lamina propria, which is well vascularized but may
lack pigment, causing this area to appear pink; otherwise this region can be heavily melanized. The dermis
becomes the lamina propria and submucosa without any obvious morphological difference. The internal portion
of each lip forms the mucous aspect, which can contain serous or seromucous glands known as the labial
glands, a form of salivary gland.

Figure 14-2 Light micrograph of the canine lip with the orbicularis muscle (OM).
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×20.)

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The external portion of the cheeks is much like that of the lips, consisting of skin that overlies the buccinator
muscle, a well-developed layer of skeletal muscle. Internally, the buccinator muscle is lined by the mucosa,
which may be keratinized among domestic species as previously described for the lips. The lamina propria of
ruminants is elevated, forming buccal papillae, conical projections that contribute to the mastication of fibrous
food. The submucosa houses compound tubuloalveolar glands called the buccal glands, minor salivary glands
that can produce mucous or serous secretions or both.

14.2.2 TEETH

Like bone, teeth are heavily mineralized structures consisting of enamel, dentin, and cementum (Figure 14-4).
Of the three components, enamel is the hardest and most durable, consisting of 96% to 99% calcium
hydroxyapatite arranged in large crystals that are thinly coated with an organic matrix. The enamel is located
along the external surface of the tooth known as the crown, which is exposed to the oral cavity. The enamel
crystals can be very organized in their architecture, being variously arranged in rows of slender rods that extend
longitudinally from the innermost region of the enamel, next to the dentin, to the oral cavity (Figure 14-5). In
the pig, the rods closest to the dentin, the initial enamel layer, are straight, but become wavy in the inner enamel
layer and form a staggered pattern in the outer enamel layer. These layers of enamel rods are produced by the
ameloblast, which initially synthesizes and secretes enamilin and amelogenin, both keratin-like glycoproteins
transported from the Golgi apparatus to the apical surface within secretory granules (see Figure 14-5). As the
enamel of a tooth continues to be made, the ameloblasts gradually recede. Highly mineralized and solidly
designed, the enamel of a tooth is able to withstand enormous pressure.

Internal to the enamel is another highly mineralized component of the tooth known as the dentin. Dentin is
more elastic than enamel; it is composed of 60% to 70% calcium hydroxyapatite and 30% to 40% bound water
and organic materials, including collagen, proteoglycans, and glycoproteins. Much of the tooth is composed of
dentin, most of which lies beneath the gingiva (see Figure 14-4). This material is produced by columnar-shaped
cells called odontoblasts, which are located along its inner margin next to the periphery of the pulp (Figure
14-6). The apex of each odontoblast form odontoblastic processes, long cytoplasmic processes that extend 308
from the base of the dentin to the dentinoenamel junction in the area of the crown and to the dentinocemental 309
junction below the crown (see Figure 14-4). The odontoblastic processes lie within tunnel-like spaces
surrounded by peritubular dentin. Intertubular dentin lies between the peritubular dentin; this dentin is more
mineralized than the peritubular type. Collagen (type I), proteoglycans, and glycoproteins, which have yet to be
mineralized, are between the odontoblastic processes and the peritubular dentin. This portion represents
predentin and is reminiscent of prebone or osteoid material associated with osteoblasts. Unlike ameloblasts,
odontoblasts remain active during the longevity of a tooth, secreting predentin and mineralizing it, but usually
at a reduced rate once the tooth has erupted.

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Figure 14-3 Light micrograph of the canine lip at the mucocutaneous junction.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×20.)

Where the tooth has remained below the level of the gingival (i.e., the root of the tooth), the dentin is lined
externally by the third mineralized component, the cementum. Cementum is the least mineralized of the
mineralized portion of the tooth, composed of roughly 50% calcium hydroxyapatite with the remainder
consisting of collagen (type I), proteoglycans, and glycoproteins. The cells involved in the formation of
cementum are cementoblasts, and are osteoblastic in form and function. In fact, cementum as a whole can be
thought of as a bony structure. Much of the cementum is cellular, possessing osteocyte-like cells called
cementocytes that lie in lacunae within the cementum. Each cell interconnects with adjacent ones by slender
cytoplasmic processes that lie within canaliculi that can extend to the vascular peridental ligament. When
cementocytes are present, this portion can be referred to as the cellular cementum. However, there is a portion
that lacks cementocytes, the acellular cementum, which covers the upper region of the root.

Each adult tooth is attached to a surrounding bony socket known as the alveolus (see Figure 14-4). The
attachment is provided by densely packed collagen fibers that form the periodontal ligament. The portion of
the tooth that lies within the alveolus is the root, and the region of the tooth between the alveolus and the crown
is the cervix. Although most of the tooth is mineralized, a central area—the pulp—consists of a loose 309

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connective tissue, including a well-developed vascular bed and nerve supply. At the base of the tooth (i.e., the 310
tip of the root) a small channel, the root canal, interconnects the pulp to the peridental ligament by way of the
apical foramen, a small orifice. It is through this foramen that blood and lymphatic vessels and nerves enter the

Figure 14-4 A, Light micrograph of the external portion of a young incisor. C,

Cementum; D, dentin; E, enamel; G, gingiva; P, pulp. (Hematoxylin
and eosin stain; ×5.) B, Diagram of a brachydont tooth. (Modified
from Junqueira LC, Carneiro J, Long JA: Basic histology, Los Altos,
Calif, 1986, Lange.)

The pulp is lined peripherally by a single layer of odontoblasts that collectively form the pulp's outermost zone,

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p p p p y y g y y p p ,
the odontoblastic zone (see Figure 14-6). At the base of the odontoblasts is a relatively narrow cell free zone
that covers the innermost zone of the pulp, the cell rich zone, which is the largest of the three zones; it is
composed of nerve, lymphatic, and vascular elements as well as fibroblasts and mesenchymal cells and
associated extracellular fibers and proteoglycans. Because the odontoblasts remain active, adding new dentin
internally throughout the life of an individual, the cavity occupied by the pulp is gradually diminished in size.


Among domestic mammals are two types of teeth: brachydont and hypsodont. The morphological description
given above applies to brachydont teeth or dentition, in which the crown is covered by enamel and visible
above the gingiva. These teeth generally are short, ceasing to elongate or expand after they have erupted. The
longevity of the ameloblast that forms the crown of the brachydont tooth is short lived and restricted to only the
developmental stage of this type of tooth (see Figures 14-4 and 14-5). Members of the Carnivora and Primates
possess only teeth of this construction. Pigs also have brachydont teeth except for canine teeth, which are of the
hypsodont type. Ruminants have only incisor teeth that are brachydont.
The second type of tooth, the hypsodont, is able to continue to grow during the life of the individual, rather 312
than cease in its development shortly after erupting through the gingiva. These teeth are characteristically long,
especially in the instance of the porcine canine-tooth, which, for example, become tusks in boars. The
morphology and organization of the mineralized components of hypsodont dentition are different than that of
brachydont dentition. The cementum, which only occurs below the gingiva in brachydont teeth, forms a
continuous outer lining of hypsodont teeth that extends above the gingiva as well as below (Figure 14-7). The
cementum is internally lined by enamel, an arrangement not found in brachydont teeth (see Figure 14-4). The
enamel, in fact, is formed along most of the length of a hypsodont tooth, ending near the tip of the root. Dentin
forms the innermost mineralized component, lying next to the enamel, but not coming into contact with the
cementum either above or below the gingiva (see Figure 14-7). Another morphological difference between the
two types of teeth is the occurrence of infundibula, which consist of invaginations of both cementum and
enamel at the tooth's surface as it becomes contoured during development as seen in molars (see Figure 14-7).
Infundibula possess enamel plicae, which enhance the process of grinding, by providing greater resistance to
the forces of physical compression. The hypsodont teeth then never form true enamel crowns as in brachydont

Figure 14 5 A Light micrograph of the early formation of enamel (E) in a

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Figure 14-5 A, Light micrograph of the early formation of enamel (E) in a
developing tooth. (Masson trichrome stain; ×100.) B, Light
micrograph of the ameloblasts involved in the enamel formation.
(Masson trichrome stain; ×400.) C, Diagram of ameloblast taken
from an ultrastructural observation. ER, Endoplasmic reticulum.
(Revised from Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of
histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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During embryogenesis, the oral ectoderm proliferates and invaginates in a horseshoe-shaped manner into the
subjacent mesenchyme, forming the dental lamina (Figure 14-8). From the dental lamina individual
thickenings of epithelial cells arise, being primordia of developing teeth known as enamel organs. Each enamel
organ initially becomes cup shaped and faces away from the oral cavity. The concavity of the cup becomes
filled with ectomesenchymal cells, forming the dental papilla. The cells lining the internal surface of the cup
are the inner enamel epithelium and those forming an external cover are the outer enamel epithelium. Both
epithelia initially appear simple squamous in shape. Also epithelial cells are lodged between the inner and outer
epithelia. These cells make up a middle layer and are called the stellate reticulum because they begin to
acquire a mesenchymal-like morphology, forming cellular processes that attach to one another. The inner
epithelium eventually becomes transformed into active, columnar-shaped secretory-like cells known as
ameloblasts, which produce enamel (see Figure 14-5). Cells within the dental papilla differentiate into 312
odontoblasts and begin to form the dentin (see Figure 14-8). As the young ameloblasts and odontoblasts form 314
the earliest mineralized portion of the developing tooth, the first enamel and dentin secreted become the
dentinoenamel junction (see Figure 14-5). This junction begins at the apex of the crown of a brachydont tooth
and progressively extends along the sides of the crown to the neck of the tooth. With the production of more
dentin, odontoblasts are forced to move farther into what was the dental papilla or developing pulp.

Figure 14 6 A Light micrograph of odontoblasts (O) forming dentin in a nearly

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Figure 14-6 A, Light micrograph of odontoblasts (O) forming dentin in a nearly
mature tooth. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×200.) B, Light
micrograph of the odontoblastic processes (OP) extending from the
odontoblasts; the processes are involved in dentin production.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×500.)

Figure 14 7 Diagram of a hypsodont tooth B Bone; D dentin; E enamel; G

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Figure 14-7 Diagram of a hypsodont tooth. B, Bone; D, dentin; E, enamel; G,
gingival; I, infundibulum; P, pulp; PL, periodontal ligament.

At the junction of the inner and outer enamel epithelium, cells begin a downward growth into the developing
adjacent connective tissue. These cells form the epithelial sheath of Hertwig and are responsible for the
formation of the root. The epithelial cells become odontoblastic and the connective tissue that they ensheathe
becomes the dental pulp. The odontoblasts create the dentin of the root and are continuous with those producing
coronal dentin. This entire process, including the development of the enamel organ, occurs within a thickening
capsule of connective tissue that represents the dental sac. At the point that the crown and its enamel coat have
developed fully, the crown becomes exposed to the oral cavity as it ruptures through the dental sac. Along the
root, the dental sac collapses onto its sides and becomes concomitantly transformed into a lining of

Figure 14 8 Schematic illustration of the development of a brachydont tooth

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Figure 14-8 Schematic illustration of the development of a brachydont tooth.
(Revised from Warshawsky H: The teeth. In Weiss L, editor:
Histology: cell and tissue biology, ed 5, New York, 1983, Elsevier

14.2.5 GINGIVA
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The root of each tooth is lined by the gingiva, a dense, irregular connective tissue and an overlying stratified 314
squamous epithelium (see Figure 14-4). Before this epithelium joins or becomes attached to each tooth, it 315
reflexes by several millimeters away from the oral cavity toward the root apex of the tooth, forming a gingival
sulcus. In a collar-like manner, the epithelium is firmly attached to each tooth's enamel surface by
hemidesmosomes and is referred to as the junctional epithelium.

Figure 14-9 Light micrograph of the hard palate of a rabbit with rugae
consisting of a ridged or dentated mucosa and stratified squamous
epithelium. PG, palatine gland; Pe, periosteum; B, bone.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×15.)

14.2.6 PALATE

The oral cavity is separated from the nasal cavity of the respiratory system by the hard palate, a bony shelf that
is fixed in placed and covered by a layer of irregular dense connective tissue, which, in turn, is lined by a
keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. This mucosa, which is especially developed in ruminant species, is
transversely ridged. The ridges are referred to as rugae, and the connective tissue here as well as within the rest
of the papillary layer is directly fused with the submucosa (i.e., a propria-submucosa) and intermixes with the
periosteal lining of the subtending bones (Figure 14-9). Posteriorly, the palatine glands, consisting of branched
mucus and seromucous glands, are housed in this portion of the hard palate.

The soft palate by comparison possesses a core of skeletal muscle instead of bone that is covered ventrally by a
nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium along the oropharyngeal surface. Its nasopharyngeal surface is
caudally lined also by the stratified squamous epithelium and rostrally by a pseudostratified columnar
epithelium. The adjacent irregular dense connective tissue is also continuous between the lamina propria and
the submucosa, lacking a lamina muscularis. As in the hard palate, branched mucus and seromucous palatine
glands are located within the propria-submucosa.

14.2.7 TONGUE

Arising cranially from the floor of the oral cavity and extending rostrally, the tongue is a large, usually
flattened mass of intertwined skeletal muscle lined by a mucosal membrane with sensory awareness for
gustation and touch. As a result, this structure is able to taste, acquire, and pull food into the oral cavity and
subsequently help break it apart in concert with the teeth In horses a cord of hyaline cartilage and fibroelastic

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subsequently help break it apart in concert with the teeth. In horses, a cord of hyaline cartilage and fibroelastic
tissue, the dorsal lingual cartilage, lies mid-dorsally within skeletal muscle and provides additional support to
the tongue. Among domestic species the epithelium of the mucosa is dorsally thick and keratinized stratified
squamous (Figure 14-10). In contrast, the epithelium located ventrally is typically thin and nonkeratinized
(Figure 14-11). In addition to having a thick mucosa, the dorsal portion of the tongue is highly papillated. The
lingual papillae contribute to either prehension and mastication or gustation. Those papillae that provide the
former functions are principally mechanical in their activity and serve to facilitate the movement of liquid and
solid food materials into the oral cavity and toward the esophagus. These papillae possess one of several
shapes: filiform, conical, or lenticular.

Filiform papillae, as the name implies, are narrow and filament-like. These papillae are usually the most
numerous and help the tongue capture and bring ingesta into the oral cavity (Figure 14-12). This activity is
partially contributed by the direction that the papillae are positioned, pointed to the pharynx. In addition to
mucosal keratinization, each papilla has a vascular core that provides further support. In cats these papillae are 315
especially well developed, having two caudally directed apices, one larger and more pointed than the other (see 316
Figure 14-12). Canine filiform papillae are also well developed, although smaller and less pointed and
keratinized than those of the cat. By comparison, filiform papillae in the horse are reduced in size, and
composed of slender, caudally curved extensions of the mucosa (Figure 14-13; see also Figure 14-10).

Figure 14-10 Light micrograph of the dorsal surface of the tongue of a horse
with filiform papillae. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×40.)

Figure 14 11 Light micrograph of the ventral surface of a cat's tongue which

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Figure 14-11 Light micrograph of the ventral surface of a cat s tongue, which
lacks papillae. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×20.)

In addition to the filiform papillae are conical and lenticular forms. Conical papillae are located along the root
of the tongue in carnivores and pigs. They are generally less keratinized and larger than their filiform
counterparts. In cats they contribute to the drinking of milk and water and transportation of food mass toward
the pharynx. In pigs these papillae have lymphatic tissue within their connective tissue cores and resultantly can
be called tonsillar papillae; they collectively form the lingual tonsil. Lenticular papillae are, as the name
implies, lens shaped or flattened spherical, keratinized projections along the dorsal portion of the posterior or
caudal third of the tongue. In the bovine tongue, this region is referred to as the torsus linguae, and has a
mucosa that is especially well developed, with long connective tissue papillae intercalated by deep epithelial
invaginations and intermittent lenticular papillae.

Lingual papillae involved in gustation include fungiform, circumvallate, and foliate types. Fungiform papillae 316
are large mushroom-like bodies that extend beyond the level of the apices of surrounding filiform papillae. The 317
connective tissue of each of these papillae forms a stalk, containing appropriate capillary beds beneath a
nonkeratinized mucosal epithelium. Among secondary papillae that occur dorsally along each dome of these
structures, taste buds can be found, especially among the tongues of carnivores.

Figure 14 12 A Scanning electron micrograph of a rabbit tongue with filiform

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Figure 14-12 A, Scanning electron micrograph of a rabbit tongue with filiform
papillae. B, Light micrograph of the dorsal surface of the tongue
of a cat with filiform papillae. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×10.)
(From Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed
11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

Figure 14-13 Light micrograph of the dorsal surface of the tongue of a horse
with filiform papillae. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.)

Circumvallate, or vallate, papillae are another type of lingual papilla associated with taste. These papillae are

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, ,p p yp g p p p p
both fewest and largest encountered on the tongues of domestic species. Although they may have a domelike
morphology, the circumvallate papillae lie within a sulcus that is lined by the mucosal epithelium (Figure
14-14). Along the sides of the sulcus, including its base, serous secretions are emitted by the ducts of serous 317
gustatory glands. As in fungiform papillae, secondary papillae of the epithelium and adjacent connective tissue 318
can be seen in the circumvallate papillae. However, the taste buds are not located dorsally within the
circumvallate papillae, but instead along their side or lateral margin.

Figure 14-14 Light micrograph of the dorsal surface of the tongue of a horse
with a vallate papilla. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×4.)

A third form of lingual papillae for gustation are the foliate papillae. This leaflike type is arranged in parallel
folds located posterolaterally along the dorsoventral margin of the tongue. Taste buds, when present, are
positioned on each side of a foliate papilla. In cats taste buds partially develop within foliate papillae, but are
rudimentary and without sensory function. In ruminants, taste buds are absent altogether in the foliate papillae.


Gustation, or taste, is provided by the sensory apparatus known as the taste bud. Taste buds are oval
intraepithelial organs that consist of clusters of spindle-shaped cells extending the length of the organ from its
base against the basement membrane to a small opening, the taste pore (Figures 14-15 and 14-16). The
spindle-shaped cells have been subdivided into three types: dark cells (type I), light cells (type II), and
intermediate cells (type III). At this time, it is unclear whether all three types are involved in chemoreception,
or only one or two. The dark and light cells possess microvilli at their tips, which were once referred to as taste
hairs. In addition to the spindle-shaped cells is a fourth type, the basal cell, believed to be a stem cell that gives
rise to the others (see Figure 14-16). Each taste bud contains an arborized nerve ending that terminates on the
sensory cells. The sensory cells are able to distinguish the sensations: sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. Although
each taste bud may have the capability to sense the different tastes, it is believed that different regions of the
tongue vary in their sensitivities to the four tastes. In the dog the taste buds located toward the front of the
tongue are more sensitive to salt, whereas those located posteriorly are more sensitive to sweet substances.


As food is brought into the oral cavity, it is acted upon immediately by the secretions of the salivary glands.
Salivary glands can be divided into two broad categories: those that are major, which include the parotid glands,
the mandibular glands, and the sublingual glands; and those that are minor, including the buccal glands, labial
glands and palatine glands Additional minor glands may be present that are specific for certain domestic

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glands, and palatine glands. Additional minor glands may be present that are specific for certain domestic
species, such as the molar gland in the cat or the zygomatic gland in carnivores. The secretions of the salivary
glands are mostly serous in composition, containing various enzymes that begin the digestive process, leaving
most of this activity to occur in the stomach and intestines. Mucous secretions are also contributed by salivary
glands, making these glands mixed with regard to their secretory product (see Table 4-1 and Figure 4-6). As the
salivary glands function to moisten and lubricate ingested substances, these substances begin to break apart and
dissolve, revealing more readily sweet, sour, bitter, and salty qualities that can be detected by the taste buds as
described earlier.

Histologically, salivary glands consist of tubular, alveolar, and tubuloalveolar arrays of serous and
mucus-secreting end pieces. Each of these shapes can be found in the same gland (Figure 14-17). The
distinction between major and minor salivary glands is based on size; the major glands have numerous lobules
and microlobules. The minor glands are compound glands as well, but generally less crowded with fewer 318
lobules and microlobules. Further information about salivary glands is provided in Chapter 15. 320

Figure 14-15 A, Light micrograph of the dorsal surface of the tongue of a rabbit
with foliate papillae. (Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×20.) B,
Close-up of the foliate papillae with taste buds. (H&E stain; ×600.)

Figure 14 16 Transmission electron micrograph (×2600) of a taste bud from the

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Figure 14-16 Transmission electron micrograph (×2600) of a taste bud from the
sheep. B, Basal cell; P, taste pore; Pg, perigemmal cell; arrowheads,
nerve fibers; I, type I cell; II, type II cell. (From Gartner LP, Hiatt JL:
Color textbook of histology, Philadelphia, 1997, Saunders.)


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14.3.1 PHARYNX

The oral cavity leads into the pharynx, which is the beginning of the alimentary canal. Not only is the
pharynx connected to the oral cavity by the oropharynx, it also opens into the nasal cavity by the nasopharynx
and the larynx by the laryngopharynx (see Figure 11-1). The tunica mucosa consists mostly of a stratified
squamous epithelium that may be keratinized, and a lamina propria that mixes directly with the adjacent
submucosa and is sometimes referred to as propria-submucosa. Along the nasopharynx, the epithelial lining is
transformed into a pseudostratified columnar type. The tunica muscularis is entirely skeletal and lined
externally by adventitia of varying development as it comes into contact with nearby structures.


The esophagus is a muscular channel that transports liquid and solid food that may have been previously
masticated within the oral cavity by the laryngopharynx to the stomach. In carnivores, the junction between the
esophagus and the laryngopharynx contains an internal circular fold, the pharyngoesophageal lumen. The 320
length of the esophagus can vary sharply between species, especially herbivores. Each of the tunics is designed 322
to be able to change markedly in its diameter so that ingested materials can be transported to the stomach
without difficulty. This is especially true in the instance of carnivores in which the size of the bolus can be

Figure 14 17 A Light micrograph of a canine salivary gland with serous (S) and

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Figure 14-17 A, Light micrograph of a canine salivary gland with serous (S) and
mucous (M) lobules. (Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×15.) B,
Light micrograph of the secretory end pieces in the mucous
portion of the salivary gland. (H&E stain; ×200.) Inset, close-up of
serous-secreting cells, demilunes, that lie adjacent to
mucous-secreting cells in a canine salivary gland. (Hematoxylin
and eosin stain; ×500.)

Figure 14 18 A Light micrograph of the mucosal lining of a canine esophagus

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Figure 14-18 A, Light micrograph of the mucosal lining of a canine esophagus.
(Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×25.) B, Light micrograph of
the thickened stratified squamous epithelium along the esophagus
of a pig. (H&E stain; ×125.)

The mucosa of the esophagus generally contains all three layers: the lamina epithelialis, which is stratified
squamous; lamina propria; and lamina muscularis. Of the three, the epithelium is easily the most prominent,
nearly 0.5 mm thick in the dog and greater than that in domestic herbivores. In carnivores and some herbivores
such as pigs, the prominent epithelium is nonkeratinized (Figure 14-18). However, ruminant species and to a
lesser extent horses possess keratinized epithelia. The connective tissue beneath the epithelium that forms the
lamina propria consists of numerous tightly interwoven collagen and elastic fibers of relatively small size,
which, in turn, is lined by a thin layer of smooth muscle that forms the lamina muscularis (Figure 14-19). The
lamina muscularis consists of longitudinally oriented small bundles of smooth muscle that become confluent
caudally. In the dog, this component of the mucosa is absent. At the pharyngoesophageal junction, coordinated
activities of skeletal and smooth muscle allow food to move into the esophagus, passing through a
pharyngoesophageal sphincter (upper esophageal sphincter).

The submucosa houses the seromucous glands of the esophagus, the esophageal glands proper, among an
extracellular matrix that differs little from the lamina propria. The esophageal glands may be present throughout
the length of the esophagus as in the dog or restricted in location, such as in the pig, where they are found
cranially. The glands can appear largely mucous, having serous-secreting cells restricted to demilunes that line
the mucus cells (Figure 14-20). In addition to the glands, the major supporting vessels (i.e., arteries, veins, and
lymph vessels) and nerves of the esophagus are located in the submucosa.

The tunica muscularis is composed of two layers: an inner circular bundle and an outer longitudinal one. In

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p y g
many species, the two layers cranially consist of skeletal muscle that caudally is replaced by smooth muscle. In
the porcine esophagus both types of muscle occur within the middle third or so of its length (Figure 14-21). By
comparison, in the horse and the cat the transition area where skeletal muscle is replaced by smooth is located
toward the caudal end of the esophagus. In dogs and ruminants the skeletal muscle is never replaced by smooth 322
muscle. In the regions where smooth muscle exists, parasympathetic nerve plexi, Auerbach's myenteric plexi, 323
lie intermittently between the two layers. In each species as the tunica muscularis approaches the opening to the
stomach, the inner circular layer broadens into the cardiac sphincter muscle (lower esophageal sphincter).

Figure 14-19 Light micrograph of the connective tissue of the

mucosal-submucosal portion of the porcine esophagus. Arrows
point to the elastic fibers that occur extensively in this area.
(Elastin [Verhoeff] stain; ×100.)

Figure 14 20 Light micrograph of submucosal glands within the esophagus of a

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Figure 14-20 Light micrograph of submucosal glands within the esophagus of a
dog. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.)

The outermost portion of the esophagus is lined by a tunica serosa for much of its length, especially the thoracic
portion, where it is lined by the mediastinal pleura. Cranially, the tunica muscularis of the esophagus is covered
by adventitia. In some domestic animals, the caudal or abdominal portion also has a serosal lining—the visceral
peritoneum—as in cats, dogs, and horses. In others, including ruminants, the junction of the esophagus and the
stomach is very close to the diaphragm and the abdominal portion lacks a serosa.

14.3.3 STOMACH

As a portion of the alimentary canal, the stomach is its widest or most dilated segment, allowing for a
considerable volume of food substances to be held while being broken down to digestible components by
gastric juice and peristalsis for further absorption, particularly within the intestines. The gastric juice is a
viscous, acidic substance called chyme, rich in enzymes and hydrochloric acid. The four tunics previously
described in the esophagus occur in the stomach, each contributing to the digestive roles that this organ plays. 323
The tunics of the stomach vary quite a bit in their development, not only between species but also within 324
different areas of the stomach.

Figure 14 21 A Light micrograph (×25) of the tunica muscularis within the

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Figure 14-21 A, Light micrograph (×25) of the tunica muscularis within the
esophagus of a pig. B, Within the caudal half, the skeletal muscle
fibers are replaced by smooth muscle (arrow). (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×250.)

The mucosa can be either entirely glandular as in carnivores or partially glandular as in herbivores. The
epithelial lining in glandular mucosae lines gastric folds, which are numerous and prominent in height of
stomachs that have emptied (Figure 14-22). As food is ingested these folds become flattened. Small infoldings
or pits, gastric pits, are confluent with subtending glands, the gastric glands. Although the glandular mucosa
has this arrangement of folds, pits, and glands, this tunic is histologically diverse with regard to the types of
glands that are present and consequently is divided into three regions: cardiac, fundic, and pyloric (Figure
14-23). Cardiac Gland Region

In stomachs entirely lined by glandular mucosae, the cardiac region is a narrow zone at the gastroesophageal
junction. The only exception among domestic animals can be found in the pig, which has a considerably
large cardiac region, comprising nearly half of the stomach's internal surface (see Figure 14-23). In most
species within this region, the stratified squamous epithelium that has continuously lined the esophagus is
transformed into a columnar epithelium. At the base of the gastric pits, which are short compared with other
regions of the stomach's mucosa, are branched, tubular, and coiled glands (cardiac glands) that release
mucus-rich secretions, which then pass into the necks of each gland before entering the pit (Figure 14-24).
Most of the secretory cells are mucus producing and cuboidal, especially toward the neck, but can become
more columnar appearing toward the base of the gland

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more columnar appearing toward the base of the gland. Fundic Gland Region

This region of the gastric mucosa is generally more developed than the cardiac gland region, occupying
between one quarter (pig) to half (carnivores) of the mucosal portion of the stomach (see Figure 14-23). The
glands in this region, which are called the proper gastric glands, are numerous and crowded, reducing
considerably the volume of connective tissue within the lamina propria. The glands are similar to that of the 324
cardiac region in that they are tubular and branched but longer and straighter (Figure 14-25). The neck of 325
each gland empties into a gastric pit. The cells of the neck portion are mucus secreting, as are the surface
cells, and consequently are referred to as mucous neck cells. The surface cells including those lining the
gastric pits are more columnar than the mucous neck cells (Figure 14-26). The surface cells and mucous neck
cells produce a protective layer of mucin that lines the internal surface of the stomach and may reduce
autodigestive activities from injuring the gastric mucosa. Among the cells that continue from the gastric pits
into the mucous neck cells are scattered stem cells (regenerative cells) that replace cells of the surface and
proper gastric glands (see Figure 14-26). These cells contain fewer organelles than occur in the rest of
epithelial cells in this region, and lack secretory vesicles. Gastric epithelial cells typically have a life span of
3 days after cell replication. One of the newly formed cells migrates either toward the surface or into the
gastric gland to replace one of several cell types.

Figure 14-22 Scanning electron micrograph (×5) of the stomach (pyloric

region) of a dog reveals the presence of the gastric folds and
well-developed muscular tunic (TM).

Figure 14 23 Diagram of the different mucosal regions among domestic

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Figure 14-23 Diagram of the different mucosal regions among domestic
species. C, Cardiac; D, duodenum; E, esophagus; F, fundic; NG,
nonglandular; O, osmasum; P, pyloric; Re, reticulum; Ru, rumen.

In addition to the mucous neck cells, the proper gastric glands are composed of three other cell types:
parietal cells, chief cells, and enteroendocrine cells. Parietal Cells

The parietal cell is the largest, somewhat pyramidally shaped, and located along the upper half of a gland
(Figure 14-27; see also Figure 14-26). Parietal cells are larger than the other principal cell of the proper
gastric gland, the chief cell, and produce hydrochloric acid and, except in cats and dogs, gastric intrinsic
factor. The apical margin of this cell can be highly involuted, forming deep canaliculi that are lined by 325
microvilli. The depth of these canaliculi can extend down to the level of the nucleus, which is round and 326
centrally placed (Figure 14-28). Numerous eosinophilic vesicles, round and tubular, and mitochondria lie
inside the apical cell membrane, giving the cell's cytoplasm a distinctly granulated appearance. The
formation of the hydrochloric acid occurs actually outside the cell within the canaliculi. Carbonic acid is
initially made by the enzyme, carbonic anhydrase, within the parietal cell. During this process hydrogen ions
are actively transported by an H+, K+ ATPase pump out of the cell and into the intracellular canaliculi to

combine with Cl . In this manner, free hydrochloric acid is generated by the parietal cell and will move to
the gastric lumen. The vesicles associated with these cells are believed to be involved in hydrochloric acid
(HCl) production with regard to the generation of new microvilli with the active pump in place.

Figure 14 24 A Light micrograph of the cardiac gastric gland region in a cat's

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Figure 14-24 A, Light micrograph of the cardiac gastric gland region in a cat s
stomach. (Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×15.) B, Apical
portion of the cardiac region. (H&E stain; ×100.) Chief Cells

Much of the rest of the gland is composed of chief cells. The chief cell is the most common cell type of
proper gastric glands of domestic species, forming most of their lower halves. Their pyramidal/cuboidal
shape is similar to that of the parietal cell, but smaller than the latter. These cells contain numerous secretory
granules that are positioned apically for their release and give this area of the cytoplasm a foamy appearance
in traditional histological preparations (see Figures 14-26 and 14-27). The granules arise from an extensive
rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus that surround the basally located round nucleus and cause
this portion of the cytoplasm to react basophilically. When seen ultrastructurally, these secretory bodies can
be easily distinguished from the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus that give rise to them
(Figure 14-29). The secretory granules contain the proenzyme pepsinogen. When the pepsinogen is
exocytosed into the gland's lumen, it is converted into pepsin by HCl that has been also formed recently
within the lumen. Pepsinogen release can be triggered by either neural stimulation via the vagus nerve or
hormonally induced by the receptor binding of secretin at the base of the cell along the cell membrane. The
secretory granules have been referred to previously as zymogen granules, and these cells have been called
zymogen cells. If not preserved appropriately, the zymogen/secretory granules of the chief cells will appear
vacuolar rather than granular, giving that part of the cell a foamy appearance. 326
Figure 14 25 A Light micrograph of the mucosa of the fundic gastric gland

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Figure 14-25 A, Light micrograph of the mucosa of the fundic gastric gland
region in a cat's stomach. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×15.) B,
Light micrograph of the mucosa of the fundic region in a pig's
stomach. Arrows point to gastric pits. (Plastic section, toluidine
blue stain; ×20.)

Figure 14 26 Light micrographs of the fundic gastric gland region in a pig's
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Figure 14-26 Light micrographs of the fundic gastric gland region in a pig s
stomach. A, Portion of a gastric pit leading to the neck of the
gastric gland. B, Apical portion of the gastric glands with
numerous mucous (M) neck cells and parietal (P) cells. C, Basal
portion of the gastric glands with chief (C) cells, parietal (P)
cells, and occasional endocrine (E) cells. (Plastic section,
toluidine blue stain; ×250.)

Figure 14 27 Light micrograph of the fundic gastric gland region in a cat's
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Figure 14-27 Light micrograph of the fundic gastric gland region in a cat s
stomach with mostly chief (C) cells and parietal (P) cells.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×250.) Enteroendocrine Cell

The fourth and least common type of cell to compose the proper gastric glands is the endocrine cell or
enteroendocrine cell. This cell type receives its name because it is housed in the alimentary or “enteric”
canal and secretes hormones that enter adjoining blood and lymph vessels and can be spread systemically, an
endocrine effect. These cells may also act upon other cells of the alimentary system because they are
diffusely dispersed in a particular area—paracrine effect. The endocrine cell type actually consists of a group
of small cells that are scattered throughout the epithelia of the gastric mucosae and are representatives of the
diffuse neuroendocrine system (DNES). Some of these cells are involved in amine precursor uptake and
decarboxylation and can be referred to as amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation (APUD) cells as
well. The endocrine cells react with silver-bearing stains and for that reason are called argentaffin or
argyrophilic cells. When trying to reveal their presence, the use of a silver treatment is preferred because
these cells have a tendency to react inadequately to the traditional hematoxylin and eosin stain. The
endocrine cells manufacture a variety of gastrointestinal hormones, which in the stomach include gastrin,
glucagon (enteroglucagon), histamine, serotonin, and somatostatin. Most of the cells lie inside the basement
membrane of the gland but do not reach its luminal surface Some however do appear to have luminal

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membrane of the gland but do not reach its luminal surface. Some, however, do appear to have luminal
contact and most likely respond directly to specific substances within the lumen. At least a dozen types of
endocrine cells are known to exist, and for the most part, each has granules of a distinct size and is able to
produce a single kind of hormone (Figure 14-30). Pyloric Gland Region

Moving caudally from the cardiac gland region, ingested food materials within the stomach come into
contact with the pyloric gland region, which can be considerable in area in the dog and cat or only a
relatively small portion of the equine, porcine, and ruminant stomachs (see Figure 14-23). The pyloric glands
are short, and more reminiscent of those seen in the cardiac gland region than the fundus gland region
(Figure 14-31) of the stomach in domestic animals (Figure 14-32). The glands, which are simple, branched,
coiled, and tubular, empty into the base of deep gastric pits. The cells of these glands are mucus secreting,
filled with their stored, carbohydrate-rich product and causing the basally located nuclei to appear frequently
more flattened than round. Tunicae Submucosa and Muscularis Gastric Motility and Emptying of Contents

Although the mucosal portion of the stomach varies in the development of its glands, both with regard to
form and location, the adjacent submucosa and muscularis tunics are less distinguishable when comparing
one area of the stomach with another, being harmonious and confluent in their activities. The submucosa lies
externally to the lamina muscularis mucosae of the stomach, which can be prominent, with smooth muscle
cells organized into inner circular and outer longitudinal layers and occasionally a third, outermost
longitudinal layer (see Figure 14-24). The submucosa consists of a dense, irregular connective tissue well
infiltrated with blood and lymphatic vessels and nerves that serve the mucosa. Immediately outside the
submucosa is a well-developed tunica muscularis, which can stay in motion even when emptied (see Figure
14-31). The tunica muscularis or muscularis externa has two or three layers of smooth muscle that embrace
the submucosa and mucosa. The smooth muscle is oriented to form an inner longitudinal to helical layer, an 329
outer or middle circular layer that can be more pronounced in the pyloric region where it thickens into the 331
pyloric sphincter, and a variably developed outermost longitudinal layer. In addition a third layer may lie
internal to the circular layer, arranged helically rather than longitudinally or circularly.

Figure 14 28 A Transmission electron micrograph (×5000) of a parietal cell in

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Figure 14-28 A, Transmission electron micrograph (×5000) of a parietal cell in
a gastric gland of a pig's stomach. Microvilli (Mv) seen deep
within the body of the cell represent extended intracellular
canaliculi that are associated with the secretion of hydrochloric
acid. B, Ultrastructurally based illustration of a parietal cell
reveals depth of secretory canaliculi. (From Fawcett DW: Bloom
and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986,

Figure 14 29 Transmission electron micrograph (×5000) of a chief cell in a

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Figure 14-29 Transmission electron micrograph (×5000) of a chief cell in a
gastric gland of a pig's stomach. Well-developed rough
endoplasmic reticulum occupies much of the base of the cell;
the apex is filled with secretory granules.

Figure 14 30 Diagram of an endocrine cell within the proper gastric glands of

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Figure 14-30 Diagram of an endocrine cell within the proper gastric glands of
the stomach. ER, Endoplasmic reticulum. (Modified from Fawcett
DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11,
Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

Whereas the musculature of the stomach remains active in its ability to contract, intensity of contraction can
vary according to filling and emptying of this organ. In the dog when ingested materials enter the stomach,
the musculature initially relaxes before gradual waves of peristaltic contraction occur, principally within the
longitudinal layer of the fundic gland region, propelling food caudally. As the peristalsis continues, the most
liquid portion of the ingesta is moved into the pyloric region and is propulsed or squirted into the
anterior-most region of the small intestine, the duodenum. The circular layer of muscle within the externa
muscularis of the pylorus broadens into the pyloric sphincter muscle, which causes the submucosa and
mucosa to protrude into the lumen of the pylorus and assists in keeping the more solid food from entering the
small intestine as long as possible, repulsing particles greater than 2 mm in diameter. 331
Figure 14 31 Light micrograph of the fundic gastric gland region in a dog's

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Figure 14-31 Light micrograph of the fundic gastric gland region in a dog s
stomach. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×15.)

Figure 14-32 A, Light micrograph (×250) of the gastric pit within the pyloric
gland region of the feline stomach. B, Light micrograph (×100)
of the mucus-secreting pyloric glands in the canine stomach.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain.)


14.3.4 333
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The stomachs that are formed in ruminant species share some of the basic construction of other domestic
animals, especially their posterior portions, which include cardiac, fundic and pyloric gland regions. However,
these regions—collectively referred to as the abomasum— contribute only to a small portion of the ruminant
stomach. The abomasum, which is the posterior-most portion of the ruminant stomach, is connected
contiguously with three other chamber-like portions—rumen, reticulum, and omasum— that along with the
abomasum form the compound stomach (see Figure 14-23).

The rumen, reticulum, and omasum originate from the esophageal region of the stomach and are referred to
together as the proventriculus (forestomach). The proventriculus effectively facilitates the breakdown of the
fibrous ingesta being ingested by this group of herbivores. It is essentially aglandular, consisting of tissues that
allow ingesta to be further macerated by mechanical and chemical means. Rumen

The proventriculus's largest chamber is the rumen, also known as the paunch; it is lined by keratinized
stratified squamous epithelia that follow numerous mucosal papillae projecting into the lumen (Figure
14-33). The papillae can vary in size and shape, from tongue shaped to conical. In addition to lacking glands,
the lamina propria is not subtended by a muscular layer, but instead blends with the submucosa, forming a
lamina propria-submucosa, a partially condensed loose connective tissue that also lacks lymph nodules
(Figure 14-34).

The cornified mucosal epithelium offers physical protection against potentially sharp fibers that an individual
animal has consumed. Concomitantly, this epithelium facilitates volatile fatty acids to be metabolized and
various metabolites (sodium and potassium ions, ammonia, etc.) to be absorbed. In effect, the mucosal
epithelium provides the ideal lining to house a blend of suitable bacteria and protozoa that essentially
ferment the ingested plant food. The fermentation process is responsible for the formation of the volatile
fatty acids and other substances to be either metabolized or absorbed in the proventriculus. A byproduct of
the anaerobic fermentation process is methane and carbon dioxide, which, as gases, have to be continuously
expelled from the rumen by eructation contractions. These contractions allow the gases to move back
through the esophagus into the lungs via the pharynx, where they are expelled during normal expiration. The
volatile fatty acids (VFAs) produced during fermentation include acetic, propionic, and butyric acids,
consisting of approximately 60%, 25%, and 15%, respectively, of the VFAs absorbed by the proventriculus.

Figure 14 33 Light micrograph of the papillae within the bovine rumen

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Figure 14-33 Light micrograph of the papillae within the bovine rumen.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×15.)

The tunica muscularis, which is composed of well-developed inner circular and outer longitudinal layers of
smooth muscle, is responsible not only for the mechanical mixing of ingesta and the removal of gas through
eructation contractions, but also regurgitation. After plant materials have been chewed, swallowed, and held
in the proventriculus for a period of time, reverse peristalsis moves the partially digested food back to the
oral cavity, where it can be masticated further and swallowed again. Reticulum

The reticulum is a continuation of the rumen, similar both in structure and function. The principal
morphological difference between the two portions of the proventriculus is the presence of mucosal primary
folds, also referred to as reticular crests (Figure 14-35). As these crests project vertically into the lumen of 333
the proventriculus, they fuse or anastomose with one another in a symmetrical manner, forming 334
honeycomb-like ridges that give this portion a reticulate appearance. Apically within these primary crests or
folds, is a lamina muscularis mucosae, which when contracted can reduce the heights of these crests (Figure
14-36). The smooth muscle within the primary crests remains essentially continuous throughout the
reticulum and cranially is confluent with the lamina muscularis of the esophagus

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reticulum and cranially is confluent with the lamina muscularis of the esophagus.

Figure 14-34 Light micrograph of the lamina propria-submucosa within the

rumen portion of the bovine stomach. TM, tunica muscularis.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.)

Secondary crests, which are shorter, can extend from the sides of the primary crests (see Figure 14-35). In
addition, papillae, which can vary in size, can arise between the crests as well as extend from them. Except
for the lamina muscularis within the primary crests, the lamina propria merges with the submucosa.

In addition to the reticular crests is the reticular sulcus, a groove that occurs ventrally along the medial wall
of the reticulum. The groove is lined by broad extensions of the mucosa and submucosa that form folds or
labia. Omasum

Within this portion of the proventriculus, the internal surface has developed into numerous folds, or laminae,
that are oriented along the longitudinal plane. The laminae, which can number up to roughly 100, project into
the lumen mostly from the greater curvature of this portion of the proventriculus and consist of several
orders. The first order is the largest and runs the greatest length within the omasum; the remaining orders
(second, third, fourth, etc.) are respectively shorter and thinner (Figure 14-37). Along each lamina numerous
papillae extend into the lumen, reducing the space for ingesta to fill.

As in the rumen and reticulum, the mucosal epithelium is cornified. However, the lamina propria mucosae is

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, p , p p
thinner and less developed than that of the rumen and reticulum; it is externally lined by a prominent lamina
muscularis mucosae that extends into each omasal fold (Figure 14-38). This layer of smooth muscle is
further bounded by internal extensions of the tunica muscularis, specifically extensions of its inner circular
layer. The addition of the tunica muscularis within these folds occurs within the largest laminae (those of the
first three orders). The submucosa that separates the lamina muscularis mucosae from the tunica muscularis
is little developed.

As a result of the additional muscle, both from the mucosa and the tunica muscularis, the omasum is able to
break down mechanically the fibrous diet very effectively. Collectively, the omasal laminae facilitate the fine 334
maceration of the consumed plant materials. Concomitantly, the overall architecture of the omasal laminae 335
and associated papillae direct the ground ingesta to abomasum through the interconnecting ostium.

Figure 14-35 A, “Honeycombed” mucosal lining of the reticulum in the

ruminant stomach. B, Light micrograph of the individual
reticular crests in this portion of the bovine stomach, with
numerous papillae. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×15.)

Figure 14 36 Light micrograph of a reticular crest with the presence of the

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Figure 14-36 Light micrograph of a reticular crest with the presence of the
lamina muscularis (LM) mucosae. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;
×100.) Abomasum

The abomasum represents the glandular portion of the ruminant stomach, which is essentially identical to
that previously described for the glandular portions of the stomachs of nonruminant domestic species.


Throughout the digestive system, the ingesta has been mostly involved in the process of breaking down.
Although this process continues in the small intestine, useful ingesta is absorbed here as well. To that end, the
small intestine has features that enhance food digestion and absorption, such as its extended length and the
presence of mucosal plicae and villi. All these modifications plus the development of microvilli along the
apical surface of the luminal cells are designed to greatly expand the surface area for absorption (Figure 14-39).

Lengths of the small intestine vary according to the overall body size of the animal—in the dog roughly 3 to 3½

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g y g y g g y
times longer than its body length and 5 times or greater in body length in the horse. The mucosal folds or plicae 335
(also called the plicae circulares), are prominent semicircular extensions that project into the lumen and as a 336
result more than double the surface area of the epithelial lining. In ruminant digestive systems, the plicae
remain present, regardless of the amount of ingesta passing through, whereas in other domestic mammals they
become stretched and difficult to observe in the presence of ingesta. Along the entire inner mucosa, extensions
smaller than the plicae project into the lumen, forming the villi. The villi tend to be more developed within the
proximal portion (the duodenum) than those located distally (the ileum) (Figure 14-40). Within a specific
portion of the small intestine the shape of the villi among mammals can vary: short and conical in rodents, short
and wide in ruminants, and long and fingerlike, anastomosing along their basal halves in primates and to a
lesser extent in carnivores (Figure 14-41). Each villus has a core of lamina propria, consisting of capillary
loops, lymphatic channels that end blindly, loose connective tissue with plasma cells and lymphocytes,
corresponding extracellular matrix (ECM), and a line of smooth muscle fibers that extends its vertical length
(Figure 14-42). The presence of villi easily increases the surface area by 10 times or more. In addition to the
plicae and the villi, most of the cells that form the mucosal epithelium possess the peglike microvilli, cellular
modifications that can increase further the surface area another 20 to 40 times or more (see Figure 14-39).

Figure 14-37 Light micrograph of different-sized laminae within the omasum of

a cow. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×20.)

Figure 14 38 Light micrograph of the lamina muscularis (LM) mucosae and

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Figure 14-38 Light micrograph of the lamina muscularis (LM) mucosae and
tunica muscularis (TM) within a large omasal fold of the bovine
stomach. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.)

Figure 14 39 Diagram of the greatly amplified surface of the small intestinal

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Figure 14-39 Diagram of the greatly amplified surface of the small intestinal
mucosa beginning with the extended length of the small intestine
(A) with regular large infoldings, plicae (B) lined by further
variably shaped projections, and villi (C) that, in turn, are lined by
microvilli along the epithelial surface (D), which are coated with
an extensive glycocalyx (E). (Modified from Fawcett DW: Bloom
and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986,

Figure 14 40 Light micrographs of villi within the duodenal portion (A ×25)

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Figure 14-40 Light micrographs of villi within the duodenal portion (A, ×25)
and the ileal portion (B, ×60) of the monkey small intestine.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain.)

Figure 14 41 Light micrographs of the villi within the ileum of a rat intestine (A

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Figure 14-41 Light micrographs of the villi within the ileum of a rat intestine (A,
periodic acid–Schiff [PAS] stain; ×100) and that of a cat along with
raised lymph nodules (L) (B, hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×40).
The PAS stain reveals the increased presence of goblet cells in this

Although the absorbing cells are able to provide some digestive materials (mostly enzymes) that enhance
absorption, additional sources for enzymatic digestion occur along the small intestine. These consist of
embedded, submucosal simple glands located efficiently between the plicae and villi, and the largest individual
contributor for intestinal digestion, the pancreas, which is even more efficiently located, being entirely
sequestered from the small intestine and connected only by a principal duct and an accessory duct.

The small intestine is divided into three regions: the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum. These regions
share numerous common histological features throughout each of their four tunics. The anatomical differences
that occur among the regions are discussed separately for each region. Tunica Mucosa

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Tunica Mucosa

The mucosal portion of the small intestine consists of the traditional three laminae: the epithelium, the
lamina propria, and the lamina muscularis. The epithelium is simple columnar in type, lining villar and
intervillar surfaces, with four cell types associated with it.

1. The primary cell is the absorptive cell or enterocyte, which in most species possesses the classic
columnar shape (Figure 14-43). Absorptive cells easily form the largest cell population of the mucosal
epithelium, each having an oval nucleus that is usually positioned basally within the cell and
surrounded partially by mitochondria, free ribosomes, and rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER).
Apically this cell forms numerous microvilli and a well-developed junctional complex, which together
are associated with a highly developed cytoskeletal region known as the terminal web (see Figure
3-20). Light microscopically these modifications comprise the striated border (brush border) and the
terminal bar (see Figure 14-43). The microvilli form an extensive glycocalyx, sometimes called the 338
“fuzzy coat,” which minimizes potential microbial invasion along this amplified surface of the cell, 339
protects the expanded cell membrane from possible autodigestive injury, and offers a location for
certain enzymatic elements and carrier proteins. Beneath the terminal web the absorptive cell
possesses an extensive smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sER), which is involved in triglyceride
synthesis and fat metabolism by reesterifying fatty acids into triglycerides and packaging emulsified
fats into chylomicrons that then are released basally into the adjacent capillary bed.

2. The next most common cell of the epithelium that lines the small intestine is the goblet cell.
Intermittently scattered between the absorptive cells, their density gradually increases toward the large
intestine (see Figure 14-41). Although their heights exceeds their widths, these secretory cells become
round as their cytoplasm becomes filled with mucigen (see Figure 4-2). When mucigen is released as
mucin into the intestinal lumen, it becomes hydrated and better known as mucus. Mucus protects the
mucosal epithelium as a whole and facilitates the movement of nonabsorbed ingesta and excrement
toward the rectum and anus.

3. Another cell type that comprises the epithelium is the enteroendocrine cell (see Figure 14-30).
Although not nearly as common as the absorptive and goblet cells, this cell is still nonetheless present,
producing paracrine and endocrine hormones in a comparable manner as described previously for the
proper gastric glands of the fundic gland region of the stomach.

4. The fourth cell type associated with the mucosal epithelium is called the M cell (microfold cell), with
microfolds (microplicae) that project luminally from its apical surface (Figure 14-44). These cells,
which are believed to be a part of the mononuclear phagocyte system, most likely are able to sample
materials, including potential antigens, within the intestinal lumen and transport antigens directly to
nearby lymphocytes. They can be flattened or squamous in appearance when apically lining lymph
nodules that lie between villi.

Figure 14 42 Light micrograph of the strands of smooth muscle (arrows) that

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Figure 14-42 Light micrograph of the strands of smooth muscle (arrows) that
compose the lamina muscularis mucosae within a villus of the
small intestine of a pig. (Plastic section, toluidine blue stain;

The newest cells of the mucosal epithelium are formed at the base of the villi. Consequently, older cells are
pushed to the tip of each villus where they are eventually shed by mechanical abrasion.

Between the base of adjacent villi the epithelium invaginates into the adjacent lamina propria, forming
simple tubular glands, the intestinal crypts (crypts of Lieberkühn) (Figure 14-45). Like the epithelium, these
glands are composed of a variety of cells. The upper half of each gland is lined by absorptive and goblet
cells. The goblet cells in this portion are short lived, dying soon after releasing its contents. The absorptive
cells continue to be pushed to the luminal surface and progress their way to the tips of the villi. The
replenishment of the absorptive and goblet cells is provided by the continual proliferation of the
regenerative cells, which are a part of the intestinal crypts as well, but lie more within the lower halves of
the glands than in the upper halves. These cells represent the major stem cell for the intestinal mucosa and
appear as narrow cells with oval, euchromatic nuclei. Toward the bottom of each crypt may be a fourth
population of cells, the acidophilic granule cells (Paneth cells). They are not found in all mammals (absent
in carnivores, for example), but are present in rodents, ruminants, equids, and primates (see Figures 14-40
and 14-45). These cells are typically pyramidal and have been shown to have antimicrobial capabilities
(Figure 14-46) Much of the apical portion of their cytoplasm is filled with acidophilic granules that arise

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(Figure 14 46). Much of the apical portion of their cytoplasm is filled with acidophilic granules that arise
from a well-developed Golgi apparatus and rER.

The rest of the lamina propria of the intestinal mucosa is made up of well-vascularized loose connective 339
tissue that forms the core of each villus and surrounds each nearby crypt (see Figure 14-45). In addition to 340
the extensive system of blood vessels, numerous cells of defense (plasma cells, lymphocytes, mast cells, and
granulocytes) lie freely within the network of reticular fibers (see Figure 5-16). In addition to the blood
vessels is also an extensive lymphatic system, consisting of lymph capillaries that empty into the
submucosal lymphatic plexus. Those capillaries that end blindly near the tip of each villus are the lacteals.
Eventually, the lymph is directed to the thoracic duct via a series of lymph nodules along the way.

Figure 14-43 Transmission electron micrograph (×5000) of an absorptive cell

in the small intestine of a mouse.

The intestinal mucosa possesses a lamina muscularis that varies in amount regarding region and species. In

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p g g g p
those areas where it is well formed, the lamina muscularis can consist of two layers (inner circular and outer
longitudinal). At the base of the villus, a small extension of the lamina muscularis branches vertically,
running the full length of the villar core (see Figure 14-42). The contraction of this smooth muscle helps
facilitate the movement of blood and lymph away from the villus after its vessels have become filled during
digestion and absorption. 340
Figure 14-44 Light micrograph of the M cells (arrows) that line a lymph
nodule within the small intestine of a cat. (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×400.) Tunica Submucosa

This region of the small intestine houses the largest blood and lymph vessels that serve the mucosa. Dense
irregular connective tissue is the major type present, and is best developed next to its inner and outer
muscular perimeters, which comprise the lamina muscularis mucosae and tunica muscularis, respectively.

As in the mucosa, this region can also contain lymph nodules and glands. The lymph nodules can be few and
isolated or clustered (aggregated lymph nodules, Peyer's patch), all part of the gut-associated lymphatic
tissue (GALT) (see Figures 12-20 and 14-41). In response to the antigen-presenting cells, IgA is secreted
from the plasma cells that differentiated from B lymphocytes, which had migrated from nearby mesenteric
lumph nodes. The submucosal glands are branched tubuloalveolar and vary in their secretory content—
serous in the porcine and equine intestinal tract, seromucous in the cat, and mucous in the dog and ruminant
species (Figure 14-47). Although their amount varies among domestic animals, they tend to be most
prominent within the proximal-most portion of the small intestine of smaller domestic species. However, in
larger ruminants, pigs, and equids, these glands can exist throughout most of the length of the intestinal

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In addition to the blood and lymph vessels, lymph nodules, submucosal glands, and dense irregular
connective tissue, are intrinsic parasympathetic nerve centers called the submucosal plexi that help direct
submucosal activity, especially with regard to the glands. Tunica Muscularis

As in many portions of the digestive system, the tunica muscularis is composed of two major layers of
smooth muscle—the inner circular and the outer longitudinal (Figure 14-48). When contracting, this area of
the small intestine is responsible for its peristaltic activity. Segmenting contractions of the inner circular
muscle result in ringlike constrictions that aid in mixing the ingesta for further digestion and absorption. The
actual propulsion of the ingesta farther down the intestinal tract is contributed by segmenting contractions of
the outer longitudinal muscle. This contraction at a particular site is then followed by the inner circular layer.
The peristaltic contractions move the luminal contents along in phase with slow waves. The slow-wave
frequency is governed by the interstitial cells of Cajal, which are fibroblast-like cells located next to the cell
bodies of the myenteric plexus and believed to form a gastroenteric pacemaker system. The myenteric 341
plexus is located between the inner and outer layers of the tunica muscularis and functions to direct the outer 342
longitudinal muscle (Figure 14-49).

Figure 14 45 Light micrograph of the intestinal crypt of the cat Arrows point

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Figure 14-45 Light micrograph of the intestinal crypt of the cat. Arrows point
to the network of blood vessels that surround each gland.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×250.) Tunica Serosa

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Tunica Serosa

Except for areas where the small intestine connects directly with other organs by adventitial tissue, the tunica
serosa is coated externally by a thin layer of connective tissue, which, in turn, is lined by a mesothelium (see
Figures 3-3 and 14-48). Duodenum

The initial portion of the small intestine is the duodenum, which of the three portions has generally the
largest and most numerous villi. Concomitantly, its crypts are most numerous and best developed. Among
domestic mammals, the submucosal glands also occur most frequently in this portion (see Figures 14-40 and
14-47). Jejunum

The jejunum forms the middle portion of the small intestine, and although it is very similar histologically to
the duodenum, it does have subtle differences. The villi are generally smaller and less dense in number when
compared with those of the duodenum in the same animal. The submucosal glands are generally much less
developed in the jejunum—absent in the dog, but present in the horse. Ileum

The distal-most portion consists of the ileum, which shares the same basic histological construction as the
jejunum, but generally is less developed with regard to the villi and glands and more developed with regard
to lymph nodules, which can be larger and more aggregated than in the duodenum and jejunum (see Figures
14-40 and 14-41).


The large intestine forms the caudal-most portion of the digestive tract, and beginning with its attachment to the
small intestine by the ileocecal junction consists sequentially of the cecum, colon, rectum, and anus (or anal
canal). For any particular animal, the microscopic anatomy of the cecum, colon, and rectum is quite similar
from one to another. In fact, it is the appearance of the gross anatomy of the large intestine along with
associated functional variations that are responsible for its subdivision into the four portions. Cecum

The cecum forms the beginning of the large intestine and in nonruminant herbivorous mammals is the area
within the alimentary canal responsible for the digestion and absorption of plant-rich ingesta. In horses, 342
rabbits, guinea pigs, and the like, the microfauna here as well as in the colon contribute to the fermentation 343
and breakdown of cellulose in much the same way as in the forestomachs of ruminants. In fact, in these
domestic animals the cecum is well developed. By comparison, it is less prominent in ruminants and
comparatively small in carnivores.

Figure 14 46 Light micrograph of acidophilic granule cells in intestinal crypts

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Figure 14-46 Light micrograph of acidophilic granule cells in intestinal crypts
of the monkey. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)

Figure 14-47 Light micrograph of duodenal submucosal glands. C, Crypts; LM,

lamina muscularis mucosae. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.)

The cecum, as in the entire large intestine, lacks the villar expansion of the mucosa seen previously in the

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, g , p p y
small intestine. Much of the mucosa consists of long, simple unbranched tubular glands (Figure 14-50). Each
gland is made up of goblet cells, lacking acidophilic granule cells altogether. The presence of lymphatic
tissue is considerable here, with the mucosa and submucosa housing numerous lymph nodules, which tend to
be variably concentrated according to the animal. In the dog, pig, and ruminant, the nodules are most
conspicuous at the beginning of the cecum; they are more prevalent toward the end of the cecum in the cat
and the horse.

Within the tunica muscularis of the horse and the pig, the outer longitudinal muscle forms flattened bundles
or fascicles of smooth muscle and elastic fibers called teniae ceci. The outermost portion of the tunica
muscularis is lined by the serosa, which is indistinguishable from the serosa of the small intestine. 343
Figure 14-48 Light micrograph of the tunica muscularis of the canine
duodenum oriented in cross section. (Hematoxylin and eosin
stain; ×25.)

Figure 14 49 Light micrograph of the myenteric plexus (MP) located between

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Figure 14-49 Light micrograph of the myenteric plexus (MP) located between
inner circular and outer longitudinal layers of the tunica
muscularis of the canine small intestine. (Hematoxylin and eosin
stain; ×100.)

Figure 14 50 A Light micrograph of the cecum of the manatee Overall it is

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Figure 14-50 A, Light micrograph of the cecum of the manatee. Overall it is
similar to those of domestic species but possesses a stratified
squamous epithelium along the internal surface. (Hematoxylin
and eosin [H&E] stain; ×100.) B, Light micrograph of the mucosal
portion of the cecum in the pig viewed in cross section reveals
the compact arrangement of the intestinal crypts. (H&E stain;

345 346
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Histological differences between the colon and the cecum are few and subtle. The mucosal surface continues
to be smooth, having numerous openings of the simple tubular glands that lie within its lamina propria
(Figure 14-51). Within an individual, these glands are generally longer than those of the cecum, containing,
as before, numerous mucus secreting cells and occasional enteroendocrine cells. The lamina propria and
lamina muscularis of the mucosa and the submucosa are very similar to that of the cecum and that of the
small intestine. However, the circular folds (plicae circulares) associated with the small intestine mucosae of
different domestic animals do not occur in either the colon or the cecum. The ribbonlike fascicles of smooth
muscle in the tunica muscularis of the cecum of the horse and the pig continue within the colon, forming the
teniae coli.

Overall, the tunica muscularis provides motility for further mixing of the ingesta as well as the propulsion of
nondigestible ingesta and excrement to the anus. The activity of the smooth muscle layers is in some ways
like that seen in the small intestine, including peristaltic and antiperistaltic movements, but overall more
complicated. These slow-wave contractions originate within the midportion of the colon and move cranially
toward the cecum. By comparison, the removal of the waste or fecal materials begins cranially or distally,
occurring as mass contractile movements that propel the luminal substances toward the anus. Rectum

The tissue construction of this portion of the large intestine is again very similar to that of the cecum and
colon, consisting of a smooth mucosa with numerous simple tubular mucus-secreting glands that possess
even more goblet cells than the colon, and a similar tunica submucosa. The tunica muscularis of the rectum
is generally more developed than that of the colon, and in the horse and the pig is made up of an intact outer
longitudinal layer rather than bundles. As in the colon and the cecum before it, the tunica muscularis of the
cranial rectum has a serosal lining. However caudally, the outermost part of the rectum is composed of
adventitia. Anal Canal

The anal canal forms the end of the large intestine as well as the end of the entire digestive tract. It fuses with
the rectum, forming a mucocutaneous junction (the rectoanal junction) (Figure 14-52). At this junction the
rectal glands become short and disappear, giving rise to a simple columnar epithelium. As this epithelium
extends toward and merges with the epidermis of the surrounding cutaneous tissue, it becomes stratified
squamous. The lamina muscularis mucosa disappears as well as the outer longitudinal layer of the tunica
muscularis. The inner circular layer of the tunica muscularis, which has enlarged, forms the inner anal
sphincter muscle and is surrounded by a fibroelastic coat, an extension of the outer longitudinal layer. The
inner anal sphincter muscle and its fibroelastic coat are surrounded, in turn, by skeletal muscle, the outer
anal sphincter muscle, that too is circularly oriented, arising from the pelvic floor.

In most large herbivorous domestic species, the anal canal is short in distance and free of glands. However,
in dogs, cats, and pigs, the anal canal is more developed, having glands and associated specific zones. The
zone closest to the rectum is the columnar zone, consisting of folds (anal columns), and intervening
grooves that are oriented longitudinally. The columns and grooves end in the intermediate zone, which is
shorter than the columnar zone. This zone and the columnar zone possess a nonkeratinized stratified
squamous epithelium and modified sweat glands (the anal glands) that lie within the lamina subtending
propria-submucosa. These glands are tubuloalveolar in form and vary in their product: mucus bearing in the
pig and lipid rich in the dog and the cat The intermediate zone fuses with the last portion of the anal canal—

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pig and lipid rich in the dog and the cat. The intermediate zone fuses with the last portion of the anal canal
the cutaneous zone— which has a fully keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.

In the dog and the cat, paired invagination of the mucocutaneous lining between the intermediate and
cutaneous zones results in diverticula known as anal sacs. Each sac has its own duct that empties its contents
into the anal canal (Figure 14-53). Both the sac and the duct are lined by stratified squamous epithelia. In the
dog these sacs temporarily hold the secretions of nearby apocrine sweat glands. The anal sacs of the cat store
the secretions of apocrine sweat glands and sebaceous glands. In the dog the ducts of the anal sacs can be
occluded, which may result in becoming infected if not expressed. The lack of sebum in these sacs in the dog
may contribute to their occasional occlusion.

In the dog, within the propria-submucosa of the cutaneous zone are sebaceous-like glands not associated with
hair—the circumanal glands. These glands, which also occur within the integument of the tail, loin, and
prepuce, can be considerable in development. The superficial-most portion is sebaceous, whereas the deepest
portion is more endocrine in appearance, consisting of secretory-like cells (a glandular parenchyma) that may 346
have associated ducts, which when present end blindly. The cells have a hepatocyte-like morphology and for 348
that reason are sometimes referred to as hepatoid. Their function remains a mystery. Nevertheless, they have
strong clinical significance in that these glands can become tumiferous.

Figure 14 51 A Light micrograph of the canine colon (Hematoxylin and eosin

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Figure 14-51 A, Light micrograph of the canine colon. (Hematoxylin and eosin
[H&E] stain; ×15.) B, Light micrograph of the tunica mucosa
consisting of simple tubular mucus-secreting glands. (H&E stain;

Figure 14 52 Light micrograph of the anal canal that extends from the
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Figure 14-52 Light micrograph of the anal canal that extends from the
gland-bearing rectum (R) to the stratified squamous epithelium
of the skin (S), composed internally of bundles of smooth
muscle (Sm) that give way to skeletal (Sk) muscle. (Hematoxylin
and eosin stain; ×10.)

Figure 14-53 Light micrograph of the anal sac of the cat, with adjacent
apocrine (A) sweat glands and sebaceous (S) glands.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×10.)


The digestive tract of birds, including domestic fowl, is morphologically different from that of mammals in a
number of ways. In place of lips and teeth, the entrance to the oral cavity is formed by a cornified beak attached to
the upper and lower jaws. The oral cavity and the tongue are lined by keratinized stratified squamous epithelia.
Within the propria-submucosa of the oral cavity are numerous salivary-like glands that are not as developed as
those in mammals, being simple branched tubular in their shape and mucous in their secretions. The avian tongue,
which is narrow and tapered has a core of skeletal muscle mucus glands (lingual salivary glands) and bone the

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which is narrow and tapered, has a core of skeletal muscle, mucus glands (lingual salivary glands), and bone, the
entoglossal bone, which is positioned more caudally.

The epithelial lining of the esophagus continues to be keratinized stratified squamous. As in the oral cavity and the
tongue, the propria-submucosa of the esophagus houses more simple branched mucus glands. The tubular
secretory units of these glands in the upper portion of the avian digestive tract are arranged in a circular fashion, 348
all emptying into a central lumen or duct that directs the secretions to this portion of the alimentary canal. Within 349
the esophagus is a diverticulum (the crop or ingluvies), that temporarily stores ingesta so that it can be further
moistened by its own glands (which vary in amount and shape according to the species, and even being absent in
some, such as the turkey) as well as by the mucous secretions of the esophagus, tongue, and the oral cavity (Figure
14-54). Histologically, the crop is similar to the esophagus.

Figure 14-54 Diagram of the crop, proventriculus, and ventriculus of the chicken.

The esophagus directs the ingested food to the stomach, which in birds consists of two separate organs, the
proventriculus and the ventriculus (see Figure 14-54). The esophagus is directly attached to the proventriculus,
which is the glandular stomach within the avian digestive system. The mucosa is arranged in folds, or plicae, that
lie on broad papillae, which can be seen grossly. The mucosal folds are lined by a simple columnar epithelium.
Simple branched glands lie at the base of each mucosal fold. In addition to these glands is a large system of
submucosal glands that empties at the tip of each papilla (Figures 14-55 and 14-56). The submucosal glands are
much more elaborate in their development than those within the esophagus, crop, tongue, and oral cavity. These
glands are considered to be compound, having a collection of numerous branching tubular adenomeres that empty
into large central ducts which lead to a single duct opening at each papilla The secretory cells of the submucosal

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into large central ducts, which lead to a single duct opening at each papilla. The secretory cells of the submucosal
glands are morphologically indistinguishable from one another and are believed to be composed of one type. This
cell, which is low columnar in appearance but appears serrated due to the lack of any apical attachment along its
lateral sides, has a round somewhat basally located nucleus within an acidophilic cytoplasm. It is believed to
secrete enzymes and hydrochloric acid (HCl) similar to that formed by the glandular portion of the mammalian
stomach. The thin tunica muscularis is made up of three layers of smooth muscle: inner and outer longitudinal
layers sandwiching a middle circular layer. The outer longitudinal layer is then lined externally by a typical tunica

Figure 14-55 Light micrograph of the proventriculus of a chicken. (Hematoxylin

and eosin stain; ×10.)

The proventriculus empties into the ventriculus, or gizzard, which is the muscular stomach. The obvious and
distinguishing feature of the gizzard is the enormously developed tunica muscularis (Figure 14-57). This portion is
composed of multiple bands of smooth muscle fibers that lie parallel to the lumen of the gizzard and is replaced by
regular dense connective tissue along its lateral sides. Because birds lack the grinding capability that teeth,
especially molars, offer, the muscle of the gizzard functions to mechanically break up ingesta before entering the 349
small intestine. It is especially developed in herbivorous and granivorous (grain consuming) species, including the 352
domestic chicken Carnivorous and frugivorous (fruit consuming) species such as carrion-consuming buzzards

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domestic chicken. Carnivorous and frugivorous (fruit consuming) species, such as carrion consuming buzzards
and fruit-eating tanagers, possess thin-walled gizzards. The mucosa of this organ has a simple columnar
epithelium that is subtended by simple, straight tubular glands that produce a material called the cuticle
(keratinoid, koilen). It is given this name due to its histological appearance and staining characteristics. This
cornified-like secretion can occur in layers and react positively to stains that are used to reveal keratohyalin.

Figure 14-56 Light micrographs of the submucosal glands in the proventriculus of

a chicken. A, Portion of an individual gland with a large central duct
(CD). B, Close-up of the branching tubules that make up the
submucosal gland. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; A, ×50; B, ×250.)

Figure 14 57 A Light micrograph of the ventriculus of a chicken C cuticle; TM

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Figure 14-57 A, Light micrograph of the ventriculus of a chicken. C, cuticle; TM,
tunica muscularis. (Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×10.) B, Light
micrograph of the simple tubular gastric glands that branch basally.
(H&E stain; ×100.)

The small and large intestines of the avian digestive system are similar to those in mammals. However, the

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g g y ,
junction of the small and large intestines opens into two appended blind sacs: the ceca. Within each cecum, the
villi shrink in size and disappear at the distal-most point. The lamina propria and submucosa are heavily infiltrated
with both diffuse and nodular lymphatic tissues. The nodules are well established near the openings of the ceca
and form the cecal tonsils.

Lymphatic tissue is generally present throughout the avian alimentary canal, consisting mostly of the diffuse form
that is located within the propriasubmucosa. However, nodular lymphatic tissue is also present in the small and
large intestines and of course in the ceca.

The avian alimentary canal ends at the cloaca. The cloaca, a common orifice for the digestive, excretory, and
reproductive tracts, is subdivided by transverse folds into three portions: the coprodeum, the urodeum, and the
proctodeum, respectively. The mucosal lining of the cloaca is composed of a simple columnar epithelium.


RA Bergman, AK Afifi, Heidger, PM Jr.: In Histology. 1996, Saunders, Philadelphia.

JL Boshell, WH Wilborn, BB Singh: Filiform papillae of the cat tongue. Acta Anat (Basel). 114, 1982, 97.
AS Dougbag, R Berg: Morphological observations on the normal cardiac glands of the camel (Camelus
dromedarius). Anat Anz. 148, 1980, 258.
H Elias: Comparison of the duodenal glands in domestic animals. Am J Vet Res. 8, 1947, 311.
DW Fawcett: In Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology. ed 11, 1986, Saunders, Philadelphia.
MF Flachsbarth, R Schwarz: The cytology of a highly specialized sebocyte, as demonstrated in the
holocrine glands of anal sacs in the domestic cat, Felis silvestris f catus. Zeit Saug Intern J Mam Biol. 57,
1992, 144.
LP Gartner, JL Hiatt: In Color textbook of histology. 1997, Saunders, Philadelphia.
HB Groenewald, KK Boot: A comparative thickness of the tunica muscularis in the forestomach and
abomasum of grey, white and black Karakul lambs. Onderstepoort J Vet Res. 59, 1992, 225.
LC Hudson: Histochemical identification of the striated muscle of the canine esophagus. Anat Histol
Embryol. 22, 1993, 101.
LC Junqueira, J Carneiro, JA Long: In Basic histology. 1986, Lange, Los Altos, Calif.
CR Leeson, TS Leeson, AA Paparo: In Atlas of histology. ed 2, 1985, Saunders, Philadelphia.
AM Merritt: Normal equine gastroduodenal secretion and motility. Equine Vet J Suppl. 29, 1999, 7.
S Nishikawa: Correlation of the arrangement pattern of enamel rods and secretory ameloblasts in pig and
monkey teeth: a possible role of the terminal webs in ameloblast movement during secretion. Anat Rec. 232,
1992, 466.
K Ojima: Functional and angioarchitectural structure and classification of lingual papillae on the
postero-dorsal surface of the beagle dog tongue. Ann Anat. 183, 2001, 19.
K Ojima, M Takeda, S Matsumoto, I Nakanishi: An investigation into the distributive pattern, classification
and functional role of the conical papillae on the posterodorsal surface of the cat tongue using SEM. Ann
Anat. 179, 1997, 505.
CJ Pfeiffer, M Levin, MA Lopes: Ultrastructure of the horse tongue: further observation on the lingual
integumentary architecture Anat Histol Embryol 29 2000 37

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integumentary architecture. Anat Histol Embryol. 29, 2000, 37.
I Prokopiw, TT Hynna-Liepert, PK Dinda, et al.: The microvascular anatomy on the canine stomach. A
comparison of the body and the antrum. Gastroenterology. 100, 1991, 638.
CE Stevens, ID Hume: In Comparative physiology of the vertebrate digestive system. ed 2, 1995,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
I Takayama, K Horiguchi, Y Daigo, et al.: The interstitial cells of Cajal and a gastroenteric pacemaker
system. Arch Histol Cytol. 65, 2002, 1.
CW Titkemeyer, ML Calhoun: A comparative study of the structure of the small intestine of domestic
animals. Am J Vet Res. 16, 1955, 152.
H Warshawsky: The teeth. In Weiss, L (Ed.): Histology: cell and tissue biology. ed 5, 1983, Elsevier
Biomedical, New York.

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15 CHAPTER 15 Digestive System II: Glands


• Mostly parenchymatous, secretory organs associated with the alimentary canal for the breakdown of ingesta
and facilitation of nutrient metabolism, including salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder

Along the connecting tubular organs that form the digestive system of domestic animals are a variety of associated
parenchymatous structures that are mostly glandular in function, facilitating the breakdown and absorption of food.


The salivary glands consist of simple branched to compound tubuloalveolar glands that are housed within the
propria-submucosa of the buccal cavity. These extensions of the mucosal epithelium vary considerably in
development and can be separated into two groups: the major salivary glands and the minor salivary glands.
The major salivary glands are the mandibular, parotid, sublingual, and zygomatic glands, and the minor glands
are the buccal, labial, lingual, and palatine glands.

The major salivary glands contain lobules and lobes of numerous adenomeres and series of ducts that together are
held, innervated, and nourished by the connective tissue stroma. Each adenomere or secretory portion is made up
of a collection of mucus-secreting and/or serous cells (Figure 15-1; see also Figure 14-17). The distribution of the
mucus and serous cells can vary considerably within each of these glands. Portions of lobules or even whole
lobules can be exclusively serous. Mucous cell–bearing adenomeres, however, are rarely free of serous cells,
having occasional crescent-shaped serous cells (demilunes) lying outside the mucous cells (see Figure 4-9). In
some microlobules, the mixing of the two types of secretory cells can be nearly equal, with the serous cells,
forming a continuous outer layer next to mucous cells, and resulting in bilayered adenomeres (see Figure 15-1).

In addition to the secretory cells, each adenomere is bounded by myoepithelial cells lying within its basal lamina.
These cells are less distinctive than the demilunes, with small, flattened heterochromatic nuclei within similarly
flattened cytoplasm (see Figure 15-1). Their cell processes occasionally branch, each partially enveloping a
secretory end piece. Contraction of these cells facilitates the release and movement of the secretory product away
from the adenomere.

Each adenomere empties into the intercalated duct, a small duct lined by a simple cuboidal epithelium (see
Figure 15-1). At least several of the intercalated ducts come together to form a striated duct (Figure 15-2). Like
the intercalated duct, the striated duct is lined by a single layer of epithelium that can be cuboidal to columnar.
These cells possess marked basal infoldings of their cell membranes that extend apically toward the duct's lumen.
With the presence of mitochondria within each infolding, the cells have a striated appearance. The infoldings are
+ + 353
associated with Na , K ATPase, which alters the ion concentrations within the secretory product by removing
sodium and chlorine and replacing them with potassium and bicarbonate. Within lobules, striated ducts merge and 355
form intralobular ducts that join with one another to form interlobular ducts. Intra- and interlobular ducts are
bilayered with the intralobular ducts generally having stratified cuboidal epithelia and interlobular ducts having
stratified columnar epithelia (see Figures 3-16 and 3-17). Interlobular ducts eventually empty saliva into
interlobar ducts, which then empty the saliva into the terminal duct and then into the oral cavity.

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Figure 15-1 Light micrograph of seromucous adenomeres within the canine

salivary gland. Arrows point to myoepithelial cells. (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×250.)

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Figure 15-2 Light micrograph of a striated duct within the canine salivary gland.
Arrow points to nearby myoepithelial cells associated with adjacent
serous acini. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)

The saliva that is delivered to the oral cavity contains enzymes, some of which enhance taste and begin the
digestive process, such as salivary amylase and lipase. Another enzyme within saliva is lactoperoxidase, which
acts as an antimicrobial agent. In fact, saliva contains a number of antimicrobial agents, including secretory
immunoglobulin A (IgA), lysozyme, and lactoferrin. IgA is contributed by lymphocytes and plasma cells that have
migrated into the stroma. Salivation is largely under the direction of the autonomic nervous system, being
innervated parasympathetically by cranial nerves (CN) VII, IX and X and sympathetically. The senses of taste,
smell, and sight as well as the process of mastication all can trigger salivation. Parasympathetic innervation leads
largely to watery saliva, which is the release of saliva from serum-rich lobules, whereas sympathetic innervation
directs mucus-rich lobules to release their mucin, resulting in a drier, more viscous saliva.

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Figure 15-3 Light micrograph of the secretory cells of the equine exocrine
pancreas. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×250.)


The second largest gland of the body is the pancreas, having both exocrine and endocrine components. The
exocrine portion consists of an enormous number of oval to round adenomeres that form a compound tubuloacinar
gland and secrete enzymes that like other glands of the digestive system facilitate the breakdown of ingesta. In
addition to enzymes such as amylase and lipase, which are found also in saliva, others are contributed including
carboxylases, collagenase, elastase, esterase, and trypsin. Because of their potentially disruptive actions, many of
the enzymes are released in a proenzyme state, such as trypsinogen, which is transformed by enterokinase into its
active form, trypsin; the enterokinase is provided by the intestinal mucosa. The secretory cells are reminiscent of
the serous cells seen in the salivary glands; they are pyramidally shaped and have round nuclei surrounded by
basophilic cytoplasm (Figure 15-3). Each cell has a well-developed Golgi apparatus that functions to package the 355
enzymes and proenzymes into secretory vesicles known as zymogen granules. The zymogen granules can be 356
released individually or in small clusters that fuse with one another, emptying as a microcanal into the acinar
lumen. As the secretions are emptied into the lumen of each acinus or tubuloacinus, they pass by flattened, porous
cells that centrally line the secretory unit, the centroacinar cells, confluent extensions of the adjacent intercalated
duct (Figure 15-4).

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Figure 15-4 A, Illustration of an acinus within the exocrine pancreas. B, Light

micrograph of the intercalated duct within the equine exocrine
pancreas. Arrows point to centroacinar cells. (Hematoxylin and eosin
stain; ×500.) (A modified from Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a
textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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Although the centroacinar cells provide the initial conduit for the secretions, these cells along with those forming
the intercalated ducts contribute bicarbonate and water to the secretions. By adding bicarbonate, the pH is
elevated. In this way, the acidic chyme is neutralized and the secreted enzymes are allowed to function more
effectively. The secretory contributions of the centroacinar cells are controlled, in part, by the enteroendocrine
cells of the small intestine. The enteroendocrine cells release secretin, a hormone that signals the centroacinus
cells and cells of the intercalated ducts to secrete bicarbonate and water. This is usually done in response to
increased acidity of the chyme.

The exocrine secretions of the pancreas—pancreatic juice— continue along the extensive system of ducts within
and between the lobules of this gland. As the smaller ducts merge into larger ducts (e.g., intralobular ducts joining
interlobular ducts) connective tissue elements that form the associated stroma increase concomitantly in size 356
(Figure 15-5). The epithelial lining remains single layered but changes in shape, going from cuboidal to columnar. 358
Eventually the secretions reach the largest ducts, the main pancreatic duct and the accessory pancreatic duct,
which empty into the duodenum.

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Figure 15-5 Light micrographs of the intralobular ducts (A, ×100) with increased
thickened stroma (B, ×250) within the porcine pancreas.

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15.4 LIVER

The largest gland in the body of domestic species is the liver because it produces bile for the gastrointestinal tract.
Although it has secretory capabilities, this organ also is able to excrete, provide storage, detoxify, metabolize,
esterify, and phagocytize (Table 15-1). In short, it plays the role as the control center for the digestive system. The
principal cell of the liver is the hepatocyte, which, as incredulous as it may sound, performs most of the activities
listed in Table 15-1. The hepatocyte comprises the parenchyma of the liver and is organized by the stromal
elements of the liver into structural units called hepatic lobules (Figure 15-6). The liver is encased by a serosal
lining or peritoneum that contains a thin capsule of connective tissue that continues to subdivide the liver into
lobes and to a lesser extent into lobules, providing physical support for the intrinsic lymph and blood vessels
associated with hepatocytes.

TABLE 15-1 Key Morphological Characteristics of the Major Glands of the

Gastrointestinal Tract of Domestic Species


Salivary Parenchyma arranged into Serous cells, including Lubricates ingesta and begins
compound tubuloalveolar demilunes, secrete enzymes; digestive process with release
adenomeres mucous cells release water of amylase and lipase and
absorbing carbohydrate-laden enhances taste; also
secretion; mucous and serous contributes antimicrobial
cells except for demilunes component
(crescent shaped) are
pyramidal to polyhedral
Exocrine pancreas Parenchyma arranged into Serous cells secrete enzymes Further facilitates digestive
compound tubuloalveolar and are pyramidal to process by releasing
adenomeres polyhedral shaped; numerous enzymes into the
centroacinus cells add duodenum of the small
bicarbonate and water at intestine including trypsin,
junction of intercalated duct; carboxylases, collagenases,
low cuboidal to flattened elastase, and esterase
Liver Parenchyma arranged into Hepatocytes are polyhedral Is the control center of the
laminae associated with shaped and receive, digestive system; involved in
vasculature, which together metabolize, and store the metabolism, esterification,
form lobules materials absorbed from the and storage of fats, proteins,
small intestine and secrete and carbohydrates as well as
bile; stellate macrophage secretion of bile for lipid
defends against absorption, and the
vascular-carried pathogens as detoxification of blood-borne
well as removes debris and toxins
dying red blood cells;
perisinusoidal cells are
lipid-bearing stellate cells
associated with retinol
Gallbladder Tubular with simple columnar Columnar-shaped light cells Stores and concentrates bile
mucosa and minimal muscular and occasional dark cells before being released into the
development and scattered compose the mucosal duodenum of the small
tubuloalveolar glands epithelium; absorb water and intestine
salt of the bile; goblet cells
also exist in cattle

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Within the liver of domestic animals, the parenchyma is anatomically constructed into the hepatic lobule, also
referred to as the classic liver lobule (see Figure 15-6). The stromal elements help clearly define this lobule in
certain animals such as the pig. From a functional sense, blood flows from the periphery of each lobule toward
its center where the central vein lies (Figure 15-7). Conversely, bile is secreted into canaliculi between
hepatocytes, which then flows into bile ducts that lie at the periphery next to the portal vein and hepatic
artery. The bile duct, portal vein, and hepatic artery collectively form the portal triad (Figure 15-8). To
appreciate the hepatic lobule from its histological point of view, the liver parenchyma needs to be oriented in
the appropriate plane so as to reveal the polygonal positioning of four to six sets of portal triads that surround
the central vein. 358

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Figure 15-6 A, Schematic diagram of the three types of lobules: (A), portal
lobule; (B), portal acinus; and (C), classical lobule. Light
micrographs of B, portal lobule, C, portal acinus, and D, classical
lobule. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×20.)

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Figure 15-7 Light micrograph of the central vein within the lobule of porcine
liver. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.)


As a secretory organ, the liver can be thought to have a different type of lobule, the portal lobule. In this
instance, the focal point is directed to the primary lumen that the bile is deposited that being the bile duct. The
bile duct then forms the central lumen of a secretory unit that consists of a triangular region with a central vein
at each apex (see Figure 15-6). The portal lobule is an imagined entity that stresses the exocrine glandular
function of the liver.


In addition to the use of stromal and glandular parameters, the parenchyma of the liver can be subdivided
according to its angioarchitecture, resulting in the formation of the hepatic acinus (portal acinus). In this
scheme of organization, the direction of blood flow is emphasized (see Figure 15-6). The focal points for the
hepatic acinus are two adjacent central veins and nearby portal triads. Within the hepatic acinus three zones of
vascular influence have been designated; zone one is the innermost area and is supplied by the greatest amount
of oxygen, and zone three is the outermost area, with the least amount of oxygen. From a clinical perspective,
the use of the hepatic acinus is warranted, especially with regard to liver damage that was the result of hypoxic
or toxic insults.


The functional cell of the liver is the hepatocyte. Histologically, hepatocytes are similar among domestic species;
they're polyhedral cells that possess one or two round nuclei. In uninucleated cells, the nucleus varies in size
although many tend to be large and euchromatic, often possessing two or more nucleoli (Figure 15-9). Among the
parenchyma, cells with smaller nuclei are diploid, whereas those with larger nuclei are polyploid.

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Hepatocytes are metabolically active and possess an extensive body of mitochondria, ribosomes, rough
endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus (Figures 15-10 and 15-11). The Golgi apparatus is often located near
the bile canaliculi. Peroxisomes are also frequently encountered in their cytoplasm, as well as variable amounts of
smooth endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomes. The storage organelles, glycogen and lipid vacuoles, can be
abundant, especially after feeding. When observing liver parenchyma of an individual, it is interesting to observe
the variability in the amount of the different organelles that occurs between cells, particularly when comparing one
hepatic lobule with another and one zone of an acinus lobule with another zone within the same lobule. This
variability suggests that a heterogeneity of function is most likely occurring among the hepatocytes regardless of
domestic species and that this possible heterogeneity may be directly influenced by vascular relationships.

Hepatocytes are linked in a way to form sheets or plates of cells; they are separated by hepatic sinusoids (see
Figure 15-7). The hepatic sinusoids are capillaries that connect the interlobular vessels, the hepatic artery
(arteriole), and the portal vein (venule) to the central vein (see Figures 15-5 and 15-6). All hepatocytes have one or 361
more sides of their cells exposed to these sinusoids. The sinusoids are covered by a porous and fenestrated 364
endothelium called the sinusoidal lining cells (sinusoidal endothelial cells). The sinusoidal lining cells are
separated from the hepatocytes by a perisinusoidal space (space of Disse). The perisinusoidal space is usually
occupied by numerous microvilli of adjacent hepatocytes (Figure 15-12). These microvilli can vary considerably
in length, sometimes branch, and are flexous, lacking a core of actin seen in intestinal mucosa. Nevertheless, they
amplify enormously the surface of the sides of the hepatocytes apposing the sinusoids. In this way, the exchange
of materials to and from the hepatocyte is made without the influence of shearing forces associated with blood
flow. Although there may be occasional collagen fibers (type III) within the perisinusoidal space, basal laminar
development by the sinusoidal lining cells is minimal in most mammals except in ruminants, which possess
nonporous sinusoidal lining cells that form continuous basal laminae.

CHAPTER 15 Digestive System II: Glands Page 13 of 24

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Figure 15-8 A, Illustration of the vascular components of the liver B, Light

micrograph of the triad. (1), portal vein; (2), hepatic artery; (3), bile
duct. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.) (A modified from Fawcett
DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia,
1986, Saunders.)

CHAPTER 15 Digestive System II: Glands Page 14 of 24

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Figure 15-9 Light micrograph of hepatocytes with single large nuclei and multiple
nucleoli and those with two small nuclei (binucleated) in the porcine
liver. Arrows point to bile canaliculi. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;

CHAPTER 15 Digestive System II: Glands Page 15 of 24

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Figure 15-10 Illustration of the mammalian hepatocyte. G, Glycogen; GA, Golgi

apparatus; LD, lipid droplets; M, mitochondrion; Nu, nucleus; rER,
rough endoplasmic reticulum; sER, smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

Figure 15-11 Transmission electron micrograph of a hepatocyte in the liver of a

pig. S, Sinusoid; SM, stellate macrophage. Arrow points to bile

CHAPTER 15 Digestive System II: Glands Page 16 of 24

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In addition to the sinusoidal lining cells, sinusoids frequently contain a member of the monocyte-macrophage
system, the stellate macrophage (Kupffer cell) (Figure 15-13). The stellate macrophage lies within the sinusoidal
lumen and is flattened so as to reduce impedance to blood flow. In porous sinusoids, its cell processes
(pseudopodia) often extend into the perisinusoidal space. Occasionally, they can lie entirely within the space. The
stellate macrophage has complement and Fc receptors and is capable of removing foreign particulate matter as
well as dying erythrocytes and cell debris. Because blood coming from the portal vein may contain
microorganisms, especially bacteria, that have penetrated the mucosal lining of the gut and have entered the
bloodstream, these cells provide an essential line of defense by phagocytizing the microorganisms that had been
previously opsonized somewhere along the gastrointestinal tract. Besides the sinusoidal lining cells and the
macrophages are perisinusoidal cells, also referred to as Ito cells, lipocytes, or vitamin-rich cells (Figure 15-14).
These cells store the bulk of liver retinoids in lipid droplets and are very much involved in retinol dynamics within
the body (see Figure 15-13). 364
Figure 15-12 Transmission electron micrograph of the perisinusoidal space (PS)
between an endothelial (E)-lined sinusoid and adjacent hepatocyte
in the liver of a pig.

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Figure 15-13 Light micrograph of active stellate macrophages and perisinusoidal

cell (arrow) along the sinusoids of a porcine liver. (Iron stain; ×1000.)

Figure 15-14 Transmission electron micrograph of a perisinusoidal cell (PC) next
to a sinusoid (S) and adjacent hepatocytes (H) in the liver of a pig.

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The lateral sides of the hepatocytes attach one cell to another, resulting in the plates that radiate from the central
vein. Cell-to-cell attachment is facilitated by the cell junctions, gap junctions that are dispersed along the lateral
cell membranes and provide communication between adjoining cells, and a fascia occludens that surrounds a
discrete intercellular tunnel-like space called the bile canaliculus (Figure 15-15). The fascia occludens functions
as a tight junction, keeping the secreted bile within the lumen of the bile canaliculus and preventing it from
reaching the sinusoids and associated bloodstream. Each lateral side of the hepatocyte forms one of these
microchannels that function to conduct bile from these cells to the periphery of the hepatic lobule. The apposing
cell membranes that form the boundary of the bile canaliculus consist of irregular microvillus-like processes that
serve to expand its surface area and enhance bile secretion.

15.5.1 Biliary System

One of the functions of the liver is to remove bilirubin from the blood (see Table 15-1). Bilirubin is a
yellow-green pigment that is a byproduct of hemoglobin degradation. This water-insoluble toxic compound is
bound to plasma albumin and circulates throughout the body's vasculature until it is eventually absorbed
(endocytized) by hepatocytes. The bilirubin is conjugated with glucuronide within the smooth endoplasmic
reticulum (sER) to form a water-soluble product (bilirubin glucuronide) that is released or excreted into the
bile canaliculus. In addition to bilirubin glucuronide, bile salts, cholesterol, phospholipids, and plasma
electrolytes are released into the canaliculi. The contents of the bile canaliculi flow to the portal triads, initially
entering epithelial-lined (low simple cuboidal) bile ductules that then empty into the interlobular biliary
ducts (see Figure 15-8). The interlobular biliary ducts, which are also lined by a single-layered epithelium
(cuboidal to columnar), lead the bile to larger, merging intrahepatic ducts that further become consolidated
into the hepatic ducts, which are lined by simple columnar epithelia. The hepatic ducts exit the liver from its
lobes and in most domestic species is joined by the cystic duct that empties the gallbladder before entering the 366
duodenum. In the horse, the hepatic ducts connect with the duodenum without any junction of a cystic duct 367
because the gallbladder is absent in this animal.

Figure 15-15 Transmission electron micrograph of the bile canaliculus between

adjacent hepatocytes in the porcine liver. Light microscopy (inset)
of the bile canaliculus (arrows). (Plastic section, toluidine blue
stain; ×500.)

CHAPTER 15 Digestive System II: Glands Page 19 of 24

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15.5.2 Vascular Supply

It is important to understand the relationship of the vascular supply of the liver as it pertains to both the body
and the digestive system (see Figure 15-8). The liver is provided with a dual blood supply; it is oxygenated by
the hepatic artery and nourished nutrient-wise by the portal vein. The portal vein, which carries blood
primarily from the intestines, and the hepatic artery enter the liver at a hilus, the porta. The portal vein accounts
for nearly 80% of the blood flow to the liver, with the remainder arriving by the hepatic artery. Both the portal
vein and the hepatic artery distribute their blood within the liver in a comparable manner. Each vessel branches
and gives rise to tributaries—the inlet arterioles and venules that are the interlobular hepatic artery (or arteriole)
and the interlobular portal vein (or venule)—that flow into the hepatic sinusoids (Figure 15-16). The sinusoids
drain into the central vein, which, being perpendicular to the hepatic lobule, empties into the sublobular vein.
The sublobular veins then converge into the larger hepatic veins, which continue on to the vena cava.


In most domestic species, after the bile leaves the liver it is first stored in the gallbladder before being delivered to
the small intestine (Figure 15-17). While the bile is held in the gallbladder, it becomes further concentrated as
water and salts are resorbed. It delivers bile to the small intestine as needed (after feeding), and is contained and
restricted by a sphincter of smooth muscle that surrounds the common bile duct and closes it during fasting.

Histologically, the gallbladder consists of a mucosal epithelium; propria-submucosa, tunica muscularis, and serosa
and adventitia (see Table 15-1). The mucosal epithelium is simple columnar, consisting of clear or light cells with 367
less frequent dark cells (Figure 15-18). Apically, the cells possess microvilli and are laterally attached by tight 368
junctions. In the bovine gallbladder, the mucosal lining also has goblet cells. The propria-submucosa is composed
of loose connective tissue and scattered tubuloalveolar glands (Figure 15-19). Variations exist among domestic
species with regard to the amount and location of the glands and their type of secretory material, being either
mucous or serous. Nodular and/or diffuse lymphatic tissue also is present. After releasing the bile, the mucosa of
the gallbladder can be greatly folded. When compared with other components of the digestive system, the tunica
muscularis is weakly developed, consisting of muscle fibers that are directed in one plane of orientation (see
Figure 15-17).

CHAPTER 15 Digestive System II: Glands Page 20 of 24

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Figure 15-16 Illustration of hepatic sinusoids and their vascular components.

(Modified from Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of
histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

Figure 15-17 Light micrograph of the feline gallbladder. (Hematoxylin and eosin
stain; ×10.)


CHAPTER 15 Digestive System II: Glands Page 21 of 24

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Figure 15-18 Light micrograph of the simple columnar epithelium that lines the
gallbladder of a cat. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×500.)

CHAPTER 15 Digestive System II: Glands Page 22 of 24

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Figure 15-19 Light micrograph of tubuloalveolar glands (arrows) within the lamina
propria-submucosa of a canine gallbladder. (Hematoxylin and eosin
stain; ×250.)


15.7 370

I Bartok, J Toth, E Remenar, S Viragh: Ultrastructure of the hepatic perisinusoidal cells in man and other
mammalian species. Anat Rec. 194, 1979, 571.
P Bioulac-Sage, C Balabaud: Proliferation and phenotypic expression of perisinusoidal cells. J Hepatol. 15,
1992, 284.
DW Fawcett: In Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology. ed 11, 1986, Saunders, Philadelphia.
B Flaks: Observations on the fine structure of the normal porcine liver. J Anat. 108, 1971, 563.
A Forssmann: The ultrastructure of the cell types in the endocrine pancreas of the horse. Cell Tissue Res.
167, 1976, 179.
LP Gartner, JL Hiatt: In Color textbook of histology. 1997, Saunders, Philadelphia.
Z Kmiec: Cooperation of liver cells in health and disease. Adv Anat Embryol Cell Biol. 161, 2001, III–XIII.
GA Kuijpers, IG Van Nooy, ME Vossen, et al.: Tight junctional permeability of the resting and carbachol
stimulated exocrine rabbit pancreas. Histochemistry. 83, 1985, 257.

CHAPTER 15 Digestive System II: Glands Page 23 of 24

Textbook of Veterinary Histology
CJ Phillips, B Tandler: Salivary glands, cellular evolution, and adaptive radiation in mammals. Eur J
Morphol. 34, 1996, 155.
M Pinzani: Novel insights into the biology and physiology of the Ito cell. Pharmacol Ther. 66, 1995, 387.
CE Stevens, ID Hume: In Comparative physiology of the vertebrate digestive system. ed 2, 1995,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
T Wahlin, GD Bloom, B Carlsoo: Histochemical observations with the light and the electron microscope on
the mucosubstances of the normal mouse gallbladder epithelial cells. Histochemistry. 42, 1974, 119.

CHAPTER 15 Digestive System II: Glands Page 24 of 24

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16 CHAPTER 16 Urinary System


• Continuous tract, originating as a pair of organs: the kidneys composed of a cortex and a medulla that can
be unilobar or multilobar

• Enhanced luminal modifications for absorption and excretion include brush borders and basolateral

• Nephron is principal structural and functional unit, subdivided into renal corpuscle with glomerulus,
proximal tubule, descending and ascending thin tubule of the loop of the nephron, and distal tubule

• Major cells: mesangial cells, podocytes, epithelial lining of the uriniferous tubule (simple squamous and
cuboidal cells), interstitial cells, juxtaglomerular cells, principal and intercalated cells of the collecting ducts

Throughout the body, the cells and tissues of the organs and organ systems that they comprise are continually
nourished by the absorbed nutrients that have entered the bloodstream. Concomitantly, waste materials are deposited
back into the bloodstream by the same cells and tissues. The urinary system functions primarily to remove the
metabolic wastes of the body in the form of urine and maintain a homeostasis of the essential ingredients that
support the body by removing or conserving electrolytes, water, glucose, and proteins. The kidney is the major organ
involved in these functions and is associated with other structures—the ureters, urinary bladder and the urethra—that
facilitate the removal of urine by acting collectively to direct, store, and release urine to the outside of the body. In
the process of filtering and removing materials from the bloodstream, the urinary system is involved in the body's
acid-base balance, hemodynamics, and blood pressure regulation, and can release substances in a hormonal manner
that influence these and other activities within the body.


Most of the activities of the urinary system are performed by the kidneys, which exist as a pair of organs
regardless of species. Kidneys vary in size and shape according to the domestic animal. In carnivores and small
ruminants, each kidney is smooth and bean shaped. Although smooth in the horse, the kidney is more heart
shaped, and in large ruminants, it is oval and lobed or cobblestoned rather than smooth (Figure 16-1). Medially,
each kidney indents, forming the hilum, an area where the ureter leaves the kidney and major blood and lymphatic 371
vessels and nerves enter and exit. The kidney possesses a thin capsule of dense, irregular connective tissue 372
composed of collagen and elastic fibers along with occasional smooth muscle cells. Because the kidneys are
retroperitoneally positioned along the posterior abdominal wall, they are lined in part by a smooth serosal
mesothelium. The kidneys also are partially embraced by adipose tissue (perirenal fat) that covers their ventral
borders and is present in the region of the hilum.

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Figure 16-1 Illustration of the two principal patterns of corticomedullary

organization among domestic species. A, Unilobar (dogs, cats). B,
Multilobar (large ruminants). C, Cortex; RA, renal artery; RP, renal
pelvis; RV, renal vein; U, ureter.


A partially dissected kidney reveals its general organization, which consists of a darker brown-red cortex and a
lighter medulla (see Figure 16-1). In all domestic species, the cortex lies outside of the medulla. However,
there is some variation in the development of both portions, which has resulted in the formation of unilobar
kidneys with a unified cortex and medulla, as found in carnivores, horses, and small ruminants, and multilobar
kidneys with either partially lobed or deeply lobed cortices and medullae, as seen in pigs and large ruminants,
respectively. In the multilobar kidney, the medullary portion is always separated into pyramidally shaped lobes
that point toward the hilum. The cortex also may be separated as in the ox and the cow or be fused into a single
structure as in the pig.


The cortical and medullary components of the kidney are both made up of uriniferous tubules (renal tubules)
that are the primary structure involved in performing the different functions of this organ and includes the
drainage channels that empty into the renal pelvis. In the cortex these tubules originate and become oriented in
a highly coiled, tortuous way. The portions that twist and wind are the convoluted tubules and compose the
cortical labyrinth (Figure 16-2). At some point within the cortex, the tubules become straightened as they are
directed both to and from the medulla. The clusters of straightened tubules form the medullary rays, referring
to their imminent association with the medulla. In addition to the cortical labyrinth and medullary rays, the

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cortex contains numerous, small, dark red, spherical bodies called renal corpuscles. The proximal-most portion
of the convoluted tubules originates from the renal corpuscle.

The medulla, likewise, consists of a portion of the same uriniferous tubules that extend to and from the
medullary rays. Portions of these tubules can be further distinguished according to their location. The part that 372
is closest to the cortex forms the outer zone and the part that approaches the ureter forms the inner zone. In 373
multilobar kidneys, the tubules of the medulla of each lobe make up a renal pyramid, in which the base (outer
zone) of the renal pyramid emanates from the adjoining cortex, and the tip (the renal papilla), of each renal
pyramid lies next to the renal pelvis.

Figure 16-2 Light micrograph of the cortical labyrinth (C) and medullary rays
(MR) within the porcine kidney. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×10.) Nephron of the Uriniferous Tubule

Each renal corpuscle and its associated tubule comprises a nephron, the functional and structural unit of the
kidney. At the beginning of a nephron, the renal corpuscle gives rise to the proximal convoluted tubule
(Figure 16-3; see also Figure 16-2) that bends and twists before straightening into the proximal straight
tubule, which is now a part of a medullary ray. The proximal straight tubule enters the medulla, and at a
particular point within the medullary outer zone it narrows into the thin tubule that extends into the inner
zone, then loops back to the outer zone, where it widens into the distal straight tubule. As the distal straight
tubule enters the cortex, it returns to its renal corpuscle and from there once again twists and turns, becoming
the distal convoluted tubule. Collecting Duct System of the Uriniferous Tubule

The distal convoluted tubule of a nephron empties into a nearby collecting duct(collecting tubule) that is
shared by other distal convoluted tubules of other adjacent nephrons. The collecting duct lies within the same
medullary ray that holds the proximal straight and distal straight tubular portions of the nephron. The
collecting duct then empties into a papillary duct, which flows into the renal pelvis.

CHAPTER 16 Urinary System Page 3 of 34

Textbook of Veterinary Histology Nephron Type

Each kidney houses hundreds of thousands of nephrons that are, as one might imagine, more numerous in
larger animals (and their larger kidneys). For example, 400,000 or more nephrons exist in the canine kidney,
whereas nearly half of that many occur in the kidney of the domestic cat. Within the nephron population,
different types have been classified according to either the location of the renal corpuscle within the cortex
or the length of thin tubules as they loop within the inner medulla. Renal corpuscles distinguished by their
location are superficial, midcortical, or juxtamedullary(deep cortical). Distinction based on thin tubular
length divides nephrons into two types: short looped and long looped (see Figure 16-3). The short-looped
nephron possesses a short thin tubule that loops or turns around within the outer zone of the medulla. In most
domestic species the renal corpuscles that lie superficially or midcortically form the short-looped thin
tubules. In contrast, the long-looped nephron possesses a long thin tubule that turns around in the inner zone
of the medulla. In this instance, the renal corpuscle usually lies near the outer medulla, and thus this type
generally fits the juxtamedullary type. 373

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Figure 16-3 Drawing of the nephron and associated collecting ducts. RC,
Renal corpuscle. (Modified from Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett:
a textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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Each nephron begins with the glomerulus, a small, spherical plexus of capillaries and a surrounding cellular
sheath and its remarkably thickened basement membrane, that together form the glomerular capsule
(Bowman's capsule) (Figure 16-4). The glomerulus and its capsule then form the renal corpuscle. The point at
which the capillary plexus or rete of the renal corpuscle is arterially supplied and drained is the vascular pole.
Opposite to the vascular pole, the space between the capsule and the glomerulus is funneled into the attached
proximal convoluted tubule and forms the urinary pole of the renal corpuscle (see Figure 16-3). Glomerulus

At the vascular pole of the renal corpuscle is a cluster of anastomosing capillaries supplied by the afferent
glomerular arteriole and drained by the efferent glomerular arteriole (Figure 16-5). The capillaries are
lined by a simple squamous endothelium that is basically porous (large fenestrae, but without diaphragms)
and designed to contain blood cells, platelets, and macromolecules. This tuft of capillaries (also called the
glomerular rete) has a well-formed basement membrane within which is a body of pericyte-like cells, the
mesangial cells. The mesangial cells (or collectively the mesangium) effectively replace connective tissue
cells within the glomerular rete and occur for a short distance outside the glomerulus but within the vascular
pole, referred to at this point as the extraglomerular mesangium (Figure 16-6; see also Figure 16-5).
Mesangial cells can be phagocytic and may help maintain the basal lamina of the glomerulus, and may have
vasoconstrictive properties and participate in the vasodynamics of the capillary blood flow.

The glomerular basement membrane consists of three layers, or laminae. Two of the layers are electron
lucent, being those that lie immediately next to the endothelium and farthest away from it, and as a result are
known as the lamina rara interna and lamina rara externa, respectively. These layers possess
proteoglycans ladened with heparan sulfate and the usual basement membrane–associated glycoproteins,
fibronectin and laminin (Figure 16-7). The middle layer is electron dense and thus called the lamina densa.
The collagen type IV networks that partly compose the glomerular basement membrane normally undergoes
a switch in alpha chains in the dog; if it fails to occur due to mutation or some other reason, it will result in
an abnormal basement membrane and subsequently lead to renal failure. Glomerular Capsule

Each glomerulus is surrounded by its own thickened periodic acid–Schiff (PAS)–positive capsule 374
(Bowman's capsule) (see Figure 16-7). The capsule is a dilated beginning of the proximal convoluted tubule 375
and consists of a simple squamous epithelium (capsular epithelium). During the development of this
cell-lined sphere, the forming glomerular rete pushes the distal end (at what will become the vascular pole)
toward the tubule (what will become the urinary pole). In this way, a part of the capsule becomes tightly
fitted over the glomerulus. This portion is the visceral layer of the glomerular capsule and is composed of a
uniquely designed simple squamous epithelium (glomerular epithelium). Although the visceral layer of the
glomerular capsule is tightly associated with the glomerular rete on one side, it is free of any contact on its
other side, exposed to the urinary space that exists between the glomerular epithelium and the rest of the
glomerular capsule. The outermost portion of the glomerular capsule, which remains free from any direct
involvement with the glomerular rete, is the parietal layer (see Figures 16-4, 16-5, and 16-7). This layer

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consists of a single layer of squamous cells, which effectively holds the plasma filtrate formed by the
glomerulus and guides the filtrate to the proximal tubule at the urinary pole. At the vascular pole the simple
squamous epithelium becomes confluent with the glomerular epithelium.

Figure 16-4 Light micrograph of the renal corpuscle of a monkey. UP, urinary
pole; VP, vascular pole. (Plastic section, hematoxylin and eosin
stain; ×100.)


Cells of glomerular epithelium are podocytes (Figure 16-8; see also Figures 16-4 and 16-5). They are named
after their principal morphological feature—the presence of numerous footlike or podial cellular processes.
These processes extend from larger branches of their cell body and wrap their way around portions of
individual capillaries (Figure 16-9). The small processes (pedicels) of one branch of the cell interdigitate with
the small processes of another branch, leaving only thin spaces, filtration slits, between them. The filtration
slits are 60 nm or less in width and covered by a thin (6 nm) electron-dense filter diaphragm. Cytologically the
podocyte has the usual assortment of organelles that are scattered within the large processes or branches of the
cell body and surround an oval to irregularly shaped nucleus. The pedicels generally lack organelles, having
primarily cytoskeletal elements (filaments and microtubules). Glomerular Filtration

As blood moves into the glomerular rete from the afferent glomerular arteriole, much of the plasma is able to 375
pass through the capillary endothelium, its basement membrane, and pass by the podocytes and their pedicels 378
before entering the urinary space. Larger molecules, such as albumin, that weigh 70,000 daltons and greater
have difficulty moving into the urinary space because they are trapped by the glomerular basement
membrane. The filter slit and diaphragm of the podocytes, the glomerular basement membrane, and the pores
of the capillary endothelium collectively filter blood plasma. The entire plasma supply of an individual is
filtered daily in this manner approximately 100 times.

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Figure 16-5 A, Schematic diagram of the vascular pole of the mammalian

renal corpuscle. B, Light micrograph (×300) of the vascular pole
within the porcine renal corpuscle. AA, Afferent arteriole; DT,
distal tubule; EA, efferent arteriole; EMC, extraglomerular
mesangial cells; GC, glomerular capillaries; IMC, intraglomerular
mesangial cells; JC, juxtaglomerular cells; MD, macula densa; P,
podocyte; US, urinary space.

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Figure 16-6 A, Transmission electron micrograph (×3500) of the association

of the distal tubule and its macula densa (MD) with the
extraglomerular mesangial cells (EM) along the renal corpuscle of
a rat. Arrow points to a juxtaglomerular cell with renin-filled
granules. B, Light micrograph of the canine renal corpuscle and
associated distal tubule with macula densa (arrow). (Hematoxylin
and eosin stain; ×100.) (A modified from Brenner BM, Rector FC Jr:
The kidney, vol 1, ed 4, Philadelphia, 1991, Saunders.)

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Figure 16-7 Light micrograph of a porcine renal corpuscle stained for

carbohydrates to reveal the glomerular basement membrane
including the glomerular capsule. (Periodic acid–Schiff stain;

Figure 16-8 Scanning electron micrograph of the podocytes (P) that

externally line the glomerular capillaries. (From Brenner BM,
Rector FC Jr: The kidney, vol 1, Philadelphia, 1976, Saunders.)

CHAPTER 16 Urinary System Page 10 of 34

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The ultrafiltrate of plasma that entered the urinary space is immediately guided to the urinary pole and the
proximal tubule (Figure 16-10; see also Figure 16-4). The tubules of the kidney, which begin with the proximal
tubules, serve to collect, alter, and move the glomerular ultrafiltrate to a system of ducts for its eventual
excretion. The first portion of the proximal tubule—the proximal convoluted tubule—bends and coils for a 378
considerable distance within the cortex (see Figures 16-2 and 16-3). The proximal convoluted tubule is, in fact, 379
the major component of the cortical labyrinth. When observed light microscopically, the proximal convoluted
tubule is lined by a simple cuboidal epithelium (Figure 16-11; see also Figure 16-10). Each cell has a granular,
eosinophilic cytoplasm and forms apically numerous long microvilli. Because this portion of the uriniferous
tubule is highly tortuous, the characteristic morphology of its cuboidal cell is often difficult to appreciate. It is
best to examine those parts of the proximal convoluted tubule that have been medially sectioned. With rapid
fixation and proper tissue processing, the cells can be seen to have a brush luminal border. Inadequate
preparation of this region of the kidney may cause the tubule to collapse and the lumen to disappear. The
granular appearance of the cytoplasm seen histologically is largely due to the presence of numerous
mitochondria, many of which are elongated and oriented api-basally within the cell (Figure 16-12).
Microbodies and lysosomes also are often encountered. At the base of most microvilli, caveoli are observed.
The presence of the numerous microvilli and caveoli is an indication of the enormous transport activities that
these cells perform. Adjacent cells are attached laterally by a well-developed system of interwoven processes.
In addition, they are attached to one another by desmosomes, intermediate junctions, and tight junctions. The
nucleus is round and positioned toward the base of the cell. The base of the cell forms many infoldings, which,
in turn, are anchored to a basement membrane (see Figure 16-12). The infoldings, like the lateral processes, can 379
be quite developed, extending nearly the length of the cell. As the glomerular ultrafiltrate passes through the 381
lumen of the proximal tubule, most of its water and sodium chloride are resorbed and transported to the
subjacent loose connective tissue that surrounds the different elements of the cortex and medulla.

CHAPTER 16 Urinary System Page 11 of 34

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Figure 16-9 Transmission electron micrograph of the pedicels (P) that form
filtration slits between them, each with filter diaphragm (thin
arrow). BS, Bowman's (urinary) space; CL, capillary lumen; open
arrow, lamina rara externa. (From Brenner BM, Rector FC Jr: The
kidney, vol 1, Philadelphia, 1976, Saunders.)

CHAPTER 16 Urinary System Page 12 of 34

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Figure 16-10 Light micrograph of the urinary pole and connecting proximal
tubule of a bovine renal corpuscle. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;

CHAPTER 16 Urinary System Page 13 of 34

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Figure 16-11 Light micrograph of the epithelial lining of a proximal tubule with
pronounced microvilli (brush border, arrows) and basal infoldings.
DCT, Distal convoluted tubule. (Periodic acid–Schiff stain; ×400.)

When the proximal tubule enters a medullary ray it becomes straight and is referred to as the proximal straight
tubule (see Figure 16-3). The proximal straight tubule forms the first part of the loop of the nephron (Henle's
loop). The proximal straight tubule, also called the descending thick limb of the loop of the nephron, is
composed of a simple cuboidal epithelium similar to that of the proximal convoluted tubule (see Figure 16-3).
The cells, however, are not as developed cytoplasmically as those of the proximal convoluted tubule, with
fewer organelles and less extensive apical canaliculi and caveoli, lateral intercellular processes, and basal
processes. Overall, cells of the proximal straight tubule are shorter in height than those of the proximal
convoluted tubule. In domestic carnivores, lipid droplets are variably associated with the cuboidal cells of the
proximal tubule. In dogs, the droplets are formed primarily within the cells of the proximal straight tubule,
whereas in cats, they occur within cells of the proximal convoluted tubule.

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Figure 16-12 A, Diagram of the upper proximal tubule characterized in part by

the presence of extensive basal infoldings filled with mitochondria
(M). L, Lysosome; Mb, microbody. B, Transmission electron
micrograph of the basal region of the proximal convoluted tubule
with numerous mitochondria (M). The arrows point to cell
membrane infoldings. BM, Basement membrane; IS, intercellular
space; L, lipid droplet. (From Brenner BM, Rector FC Jr: The kidney,
vol 1, Philadelphia, 1976, Saunders.)

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Within the medulla the proximal straight tubule narrows and becomes the thin limb of the loop of the nephron
(Henle's loop), which at first continues toward the renal papilla as the descending thin limb and then turns
back toward the cortex; it is now referred to as the ascending thin limb (Figure 16-13; see also Figure 16-3).
At the point where the descending thick limb becomes the descending thin limb, the cuboidal cells are
transformed into squamous cells. The lengths of the thin limbs vary; they are generally shorter in nephrons in
which the renal corpuscles lie superficially within the cortex, which are the short-looped nephrons, and longer
in nephrons in which the renal corpuscles lay juxtamedullarly, being the long-looped nephrons. In both 381

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instances, the descending thin limbs begin within the outer zone, resulting in the formation of the outer stripe, 382
which consists of proximal and distal straight tubules, and the inner stripe, consisting of the thin limbs and the
remainder of the distal straight tubules (see Figure 16-3). The thin limbs of the short-looped nephrons stay
within the inner stripe, the innermost portion of the outer zone of the medulla. The thin limbs of the
long-looped nephrons move through the entire width of the outer zone and extend within most of the inner
cortex of the medulla. When examined ultrastructurally, the squamous cells can be further distinguished and
subdivided into different types on the combined basis of their location within the thin limb of the loop of
nephron, their association with the type of nephron (short looped versus long looped), and their morphology,
including cellular thickness, intercellular connections (number and extent of lateral interdigitating processes),
and presence or absence of basal plasmalemma infoldings (Table 16-1, Figure 16-14). However, when seen
histologically, the thin limbs look similar to one another, especially in cross section, where they may be
mistaken for blood and lymph vessels that are frequent within this region of the kidney. The thin limbs, 382
however, have thicker squamous cells and nuclei that protrude into the lumen more than those of vessels, and, 383
of course, lack blood cells altogether (see Figure 16-14). Overall, the thin limbs are permeable to water,
permeable within the descending thin limbs and becoming impermeable within the ascending limbs. The thin
limbs closely interact with adjacent interstitial vasculature and provide an osmolarity gradient that increases
from the outermost portion of the outer zone of the medulla to the innermost portion of the inner zone. (Further
details on the activities of this tissue are described later in this chapter.)

Figure 16-13 A, Light micrograph of a thin limb within the inner medulla of the
canine kidney. (Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×200.) B, Light
micrograph of thin limbs (TL) and collecting ducts within the
medulla of the bovine kidney as seen in cross section. (H&E stain;


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TABLE 16-1 Key Morphological and Functional Characteristics of the Nephron
and Associated Collecting Duct System of Domestic Species


Renal corpuscle: Capillary plexus fed by an afferent Capillary endothelium is Blood filtration
glomerulus arteriole and emptied by an fenestrated; podocytes form
efferent arteriole at the vascular pedicellate interdigitating processes
pole; the plexus is lined externally with filtration slits that along with
by modified squamous epithelial shared basal laminae of the
cells (podocytes) podocytes and capillary
endothelium form a filtration
barrier; intermesangial cells:
polyhedral clustered cells
Renal corpuscle: Epithelium and its thickened Simple squamous epithelium that Forms a physical outer
glomerular capsule basement membrane surround the reflexes at the vascular pole onto shell to house the
glomerulus and are separated from the capillary plexus as podocytes, glomerular filtrate and
it by urinary space and joins a cuboidal epithelium at lead it to the nephron
the urinary pole, which drains the tubule
filtrate into the proximal tubule
Proximal convoluted Undulating thickened tubule that is Simple cuboidal epithelium with Reabsorbs
tubule the widest and longest component long microvilli (brush border) and transcellularly and
of the nephron, extending from the long basal infoldings with sodium paracellularly most of
urinary pole to the proximal pumps along the basolateral cell the water, sodium and
straight tubule membrane; in cats epithelial cells chloride, and all amino
contain lipid acids, glucose, and
Proximal straight Straightened thickened tubule that Simple cuboidal epithelium with Continued resorption
tubule can extend within medullary rays long microvilli and basal infoldings that occurs in the
either from the outer cortex or though both less developed than proximal convoluted
inner cortex to the outer medulla those of the proximal convoluted tubule
zone (outer stripe) tubule; in dogs epithelial cells
contain lipid
Descending thin Narrowed straightened tubule Simple squamous epithelium: type I Permeable to water
tubule of the extending from the proximal within the cortical nephron lacks and to a lesser degree
nephron loop straight tubule to the inner zone of interdigitation or lateral processes salts (sodium and
the medulla (inner stripe), where it between adjacent cells; type II chloride); the filtrate
continues toward the renal calyx within outer medullary zone within the lumen
before returning toward the cortex possesses long interdigitating becomes increasingly
at the loop of the nephron processes as well as basal hyperosmotic as it
infoldings; type III within inner continues to flow into
medullary zone has less lateral an interstitial
interdigitation than type II environment of high
Ascending thin tubule Narrowed straightened tubule Simple squamous epithelium: type Impermeable to water
of the nephron loop extending from the loop of IV within inner medullary zone but permeable to salts
nephron to the distal straight possesses long interdigitating (sodium and chloride);
tubule of the inner zone of the processes between adjacent cells the filtrate within the
medulla (beginning of the inner but lacks basal infoldings; active lumen becomes
stripe) pumps occur basolaterally, increasingly
directing salts to the interstitium hypoosmotic
(hypotonic) as it
returns to an interstitial
environment of low

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Distal straight tubule Thickened straightened tubule that Simple cuboidal epithelium with Impermeable to water
continues within medullary rays shortened height and short apical but permeable to salts
(inner stripe) at medullary zones processes, tight junction, and basal (sodium and chloride);
junction of inner and outer infoldings with numerous the luminal filtrate
mitochondria; active pumps occur continues to become
basolaterally directing salts to the increasingly hypotonic
Macula densa and Thickened tubule continues from Simple columnar epithelium with Cells of the macula
associated region the distal straight tubule after numerous microvilli, tight junction, densa monitor volume
shortly entering the cortical and basally associated with the and sodium content of
labyrinth and contacts vascular pole afferent artertiole, juxtaglomerular luminal filtrate and
of the renal corpuscle (JG) cells and extraglomerular initiate renin release by
mesangial cells; JG cells: modified JG cells and subsequent
smooth muscle of the arterial formation of
tunica media filled with angiotensin II
renin-containing granules
Distal convoluted Undulating thickened tubule Simple cuboidal epithelium with Resorption of salts
tubule continues from the macula densa shortened height, apically (sodium and chloride)
and joins the collecting duct positioned nuclei and short, few when stimulated by
directly when superficial or a apical processes, tight junction, andaldosterone and
connecting tubule when located long basal infoldings resorption of water
midcortically or juxtamedullarily when exposed to
antidiuretic hormone
(ADH); maintains
glomerular filtration
rate when stimulated
by prostaglandin
Collecting duct Thickened straightened tubule with Simple cuboidal epithelium Resorption of water
enlarged lumen that increases in consisting of mostly principal cells, when exposed to ADH
width as it approaches the internal lightly stained cytoplasm and as well as changes in
limit of the medulla, being joined basally positioned nucleus, and salt due to the
cortically by distal convoluted scattered intercalated cells, more increased osmotic
tubules and connecting tubules intensely stained cytoplasm with pressure gradient
greater height and centrally placed within interstitium of
nucleus the inner medulla 384

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Figure 16-14 Transmission electron micrograph of one of the different
epithelial types found along a descending limb of a long-looped
nephron. Arrows point to the shallow tight junctions that apically
seal the well-developed lateral interdigitations that occur between
adjacent cells. (From Brenner BM, Rector FC Jr: The kidney, vol 1,
Philadelphia, 1976, Saunders.)


Regardless of the type of nephron, the ascending thin limb broadens into the distal straight tubule within the
inner stripe, occurring at the junction of the inner and outer zones of the medulla (see Figure 16-3). As in the
continuation of the proximal straight tubule into the descending thin limb, the transition from the ascending thin
limb into the distal straight tubule can be gradual or abrupt (Figure 16-15). The distal straight tubule (ascending
thick limb) consists of a cuboidal epithelium that is shorter than that of the proximal straight tubule. The cells
of this epithelium possess numerous mitochondria and basal interdigitations and a well-developed tight junction
with one another that enables this tissue to be impermeable to urea and water (see Figure 16-15). In short, this
portion of the nephron is able to maintain the appropriate concentrations of water, urea, and salts within its
lumen. The distal tubules return via the medullary rays to the renal corpuscles from which they had originated.
When the distal straight tubules leave the medullary rays and complete the loops of their respective nephrons,

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they enter the cortical labyrinth and become twisted and coiled, much like the proximal counterpart (Figure
16-16). At this point they are referred to as the distal convoluted tubules.

The distal convoluted tubule travels a short distance before coming into contact with its associated renal
corpuscle near its vascular pole and then continues for a fairly short distance to contort its way to the collecting
tubule, where its contents are emptied and the entire nephron has ended. The lengths of the distal convoluted
tubules are considerably less than those of the proximal convoluted tubules. For that reason they occupy a much
smaller portion of the cortical labyrinth than the proximal convoluted tubules. As in the distal straight tubules,
the cuboidal cells of the distal convoluted tubules contain round apically located nuclei and a cytoplasm that
contains numerous elongated and sometimes branching mitochondria that are often partitioned within long
basal infoldings and scattered rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (see Figure 16-15). These cells also 385
form relatively few, short apical processes, and, like the cells of the ascending thick limb (distal straight 387
tubule), a junctional complex with a well-developed tight junction. When histologically distinguishing the distal
convoluted tubules from the proximal convoluted tubules, the presence of the brush border in the cells of
proximal convoluted tubules versus their absence in the cells of distal convoluted tubules is the most obvious
feature to observe. In addition, the distal convoluted tubule cells are slightly smaller and stain more palely than
their proximal convoluted tubule counterparts (see Figures 16-11 and 16-16).

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Figure 16-15 A, Light micrograph where a thin ascending limb becomes

thickened (arrow) within the inner stripe of the pig. (Hematoxylin
and eosin stain; ×250.) B, Transmission electron micrograph of the
distal straight tubule from the kidney of a rat. Numerous
elongated mitochondria (M) extend nearly the full height of the
cell within basal infoldings. (From Brenner BM, Rector FC Jr: The
kidney, vol 1, Philadelphia, 1976, Saunders.)

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Figure 16-16 Light micrograph of the distal convoluted tubule surrounded by

proximal tubules in the porcine kidney. (Toluidine blue stain;


Within a short distance after the distal straight tubule has left the medullary ray and has entered the cortical
labyrinth, it comes into contact with vascular pole of its parent renal corpuscle and forms the juxtaglomerular
apparatus. The portion of the distal tubule that is involved with juxtaglomerular apparatus is the macula densa, a
cluster of cells that resides immediately adjacent to the vascular pole (see Figures 16-5 and 16-6). The cells of the
macula densa tend to have a more crowded and taller appearance than the rest of the cuboidal cells of the tubule
(Figure 16-17). As in columnar cells throughout the body, the cellular contents of these cells are arranged with
greater polarity than that of the rest of the distal straight tubule cells, having smooth and rough endoplasmic
reticulum, a Golgi apparatus, and smaller and more dispersed mitochondria than that occurring in distal straight
tubule cells (see Figure 16-6). Apically the cells have numerous microvilli and are laterally attached by tight
junctions near the luminal surface. Basal to the tight junctions, considerable amounts of intercellular space can be
encountered. The bases of the cells do not form the usual basal lamina/basement membrane found in most
epithelia. Instead cells of the macula densa are intimately associated with the afferent arteriole and the
extraglomerular mesangial cells of the renal corpuscle (see Figures 16-5, 16-6, and 16-17). Specifically, the cells
of the macula densa lie directly against the outermost cells of the afferent arteriole, the outermost layer of the
extraglomerular mesangium, and to a much lesser extent the outermost cells of the efferent arteriole. The arteriolar
cells that the macula densa resides next to are modified smooth muscle fibers called juxtaglomerular cells, or
simply JG cells, and comprise a part of the tunica media. The JG cells form variously sized granules that contain

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renin, a proteolytic enzyme (see Figure 16-6, A). These granules tend to be small and can be beyond the practical
resolving range of the light microscope. Their abundance varies among species being sparsely populated in the 387
dog. In addition to these cells, a fourth population, the peripolar cells, recently has been determined to be 388
associated with the juxtaglomerular apparatus. These cells are positioned at the point where the parietal and
visceral layers of the glomerular capsule are joined. Though their function has yet to be determined, they are
largest and most abundant in sheep and goats and least developed in dogs and cattle. The physiologic importance
of the rest of the juxtaglomerular apparatus is described later.

Figure 16-17 Light micrograph of the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) and its
macula densa (MD). AA, Afferent arteriole; PCT, proximal
convoluted tubule; US, urinary space. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;


Each nephron empties its contents into the collecting duct system of the uriniferous tubule, consisting of
connecting tubules, collecting ducts, and papillary ducts (see Figure 16-3). The distal convoluted tubules of
nephrons with superficially located renal corpuscles become joined as connecting tubules that empty directly into
the collecting ducts (straight collecting tubules). By comparison, one or more distal convoluted tubules of
nephrons with midcortical and juxtamedullary located renal corpuscles join arched connecting tubules (arched
collecting ducts) before their contents are directed into the collecting ducts. In the cortex the collecting ducts are

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housed within the medullary rays and run along the same axes of the coexisting descending and ascending limbs
of the nephrons (Figure 16-18; see also Figure 16-2). As the collecting ducts continue into the medulla, they fuse
and become larger in diameter. The epithelia lining the tubules and ducts are simple cuboidal among domestic
species. Two types of cells compose this epithelium: principal cells (light cells), with scattered, small
mitochondria, and rough and smooth endoplasmic reticula that lie mostly above basally placed round nuclei; and
intercalated cells (dark cells), which as the name implies are intercalated between the principal cells, being taller,
more intensely stained, and generally less numerous than the adjacent principal cells (Figure 16-19). The
intercalated cells contain many vesicles and mitochondria and round, centrally placed nuclei. The vesicles lie
apically near the luminal surface and are involved in the release of hydrogen ions. These cells are important in
maintaining the body's acid-base balance. Outside of guiding the glomerular ultrafiltrate toward the excretory
passages, the function of the principal cells is unknown. The principal cell and the intercalated cells together form
a well-developed tight junction near the luminal border. Thus, as in the distal tubule, the collecting ducts are 388
impermeable to water. The lateral borders of the principal and intercalated cells are well defined and not plicated 390
nearly as much as that occurring within the tubule of the nephron. Neither cell type possesses many microvilli,
having instead microplicae.

Figure 16-18 A, Light micrograph of a collecting tubule (CT) within the outer
cortex of a pig. (Plastic section, toluidine blue stain; ×400.) B, Light
micrograph of the numerous collecting ducts (arrows) within the
medulla of the bovine kidney. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×35.)

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Figure 16-19 Light micrograph of a collecting duct from a bovine kidney. Arrows
point to intercalated cells. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)

As the collecting ducts move within the inner zone of the medulla toward the renal crest, they join to form the
papillary ducts (see Figure 16-3). The papillary ducts are lined by a simple columnar epithelium that consists of
tall principal cells. These ducts travel a short distance before opening into the area cribrosa at the renal crest or
the tips of the pyramids. This is the point where the papillary ducts connect with the renal pelvis or minor calyces,
and the simple layered epithelium of the papillary ducts becomes transformed into a transitional epithelium
(Figure 16-20).



The uriniferous tubules are supported by a loose connective tissue that is very sparsely developed in the cortex
and moderately developed in the medulla. The cortical labyrinth contains only a fine shell of connective tissue
elements (fibrocytes and collagen fibers) that are involved with the basement membranes of the different
components of the nephron and its associated vascular bed. In the medulla is a fair amount of connective tissue
elements between the limbs of the loops of nephrons, the nearby vessels, and the collecting ducts (see Figure
16-18). In addition to fibrocytes, two other cell types are encountered: macrophages and interstitials cells.

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Interstitial cells are fibroblast-like in appearance, with small branched processes that attach one cell to another
and contain lipid droplets. These cells can be found between collecting ducts, loops of the nephrons, and nearby
vessels (Figure 16-21).


Both kidneys of the body receive their arterial supply from the abdominal aorta. The renal artery enters the
hilum of each kidney and in that vicinity branches into lobar arteries and then into interlobar arteries. The
interlobar arteries move radially along the longitudinal axis of each pyramid until they reach the
corticomedullary junction. At that point, they split into arcuate arteries that bend or arch their way along the
inner margin of the cortex (Figure 16-22). Tributaries of the arcuate arteries, called the interlobular arteries, 390
extend outwardly toward the superficial cortex. As each interlobular artery moves toward the kidney surface, 392
smaller branches extend from it, forming the afferent arterioles that course their way to the renal corpuscles
(see Figure 16-3). At the vascular pole of each renal corpuscle, an afferent arteriole extends inside the capsule
of the corpuscle, divides into a small capillary cluster, and becomes the vascular bed of the glomerulus (see
Figure 16-5). The capillaries reunite to form the efferent arteriole at the base of the vascular pole. From that
point, the fate of the efferent arterioles differs according to their location within the cortex. Efferent arterioles
of the superficial and midcortical renal corpuscles continue to form the peritubular plexus of fenestrated
capillaries that surround the uriniferous tubules of the cortex. By comparison, efferent arterioles arising from
the juxtamedullary corpuscles move or descend into the adjacent outer zone of the medulla (see Figure 16-3).
These arterioles (descending vasa recta) become straight and branch within the outer stripe, each following the
course of the loop of nephron. Branches of the descending vasa recta form a peritubular plexus or network
around the uriniferous tubules of the medulla and empty into venules that return or ascend to the cortex called
the ascending vasa recta. The distribution of the capillaries between the descending vasa recta and the
ascending vasa recta is fairly even along the length of both limbs of the loop of nephron, playing an integral
role in the physiology of urine formation. The capillaries of the peritubular plexus of the medulla as well as the
venules are fenestrated.

Figure 16-20 Light micrograph of a papillary duct (PD) in a bovine kidney. RC,
Renal calyx. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.)

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Figure 16-21 Light micrograph of interstitial cells (arrows) within the bovine
medulla. CT, Collecting tubule: TL, thin limb. (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×400.)

Figure 16-22 Schematic diagram of the arterial branching in the canine kidney.
(From Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed
11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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The ascending vasa recta empties into the arcuate veins that basically follow the same path as the arcuate
arteries. The arcuate veins also collect blood from the stellate veins of the cortex. The stellate veins receive
their blood from the peritubular plexus within the cortex. These veins lie superficially beneath the capsule of
the kidney and appear star shaped when viewed tangentially. In most domestic species, the stellate veins empty
into interlobular veins, which drain into the arcuate veins. The arcuate veins, in turn, flow into the interlobar
veins, which essentially parallel the interlobar arteries (see Figure 16-22). The interlobar veins join one another
before emptying into the renal vein, which then leaves the kidney at the hilum to connect to the caudal vena
cava. In the cat, the stellate veins, which are more capsular than subcapsular in location, come together at the
hilum and drain into the renal vein in a direct manner rather than pass through the interlobular, arcuate, and
interlobar veins.


Each kidney is innervated both afferently and efferently. The nerve fibers, which are mostly sympathetic and
unmyelinated, enter the region of the hilum, following a similar course as that of the renal artery. It is generally
believed that the smooth muscle component of the arteries and arterioles within the cortex and the medulla is
innervated. Other portions of the kidney that are innervated include the juxtaglomerular cells at the vascular
pole of the renal corpuscle and the interstitial cells along the loop of nephron.

Like the nervous tissue and the vasculature, the largest lymph vessels lie in the region of the hilum, where they
exit the kidney. Smaller lymph vessels exist superficially within the cortex as well as deep within the medulla. 392
Lymph that leaves the kidneys is generally received by lymph nodes near the abdominal aorta and the vena 393


The kidney functions to control the body fluid in terms of both its amount and content. Specifically, water, major
ions—including hydrogen, sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate, and various solutes such as sugars and
amino acids—can be retained or removed. The conservation of essential metabolites and the removal of metabolic
wastes are the two principal activities that the kidneys perform for the body and its fluid. The direct result of these
activities is the formation of urine. Besides body fluid conservation and waste removal, the kidneys regulate blood
pressure and calcium transport, and can act as organs of secretion, releasing renin, prostaglandins, erythropoietin,
and other substances into the bloodstream.


Approximately one fifth of the blood that leaves the heart to enter the general circulation is received by the
kidneys. Of that nearly one fifth becomes the glomerular filtrate as the blood passes through the vascular poles
of the renal corpuscles. During a 24-hour period, the entire blood supply circulates through the kidneys several
hundred times. As one can imagine, an enormous amount of glomerular filtrate is generated daily. However, of
that amount only 1% is actually removed or excreted. The following section and Table 16-1 briefly describe the
process of urine formation along the uriniferous tubule. Glomerular Filtration

When blood flows from the afferent arteriole into the tuft of glomerular capillaries, its intracapillary pressure
is greater than that of the surrounding environment, being the opposing hydrostatic pressure within the

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urinary space of the glomerular capsule, as well as the colloid osmotic pressure of the plasma proteins.
Because of the combined presence of the basal lamina, the pores of the endothelium, and the slits of the
podocytes (all creating the filtration barrier) (see Figure 16-9), the blood that normally enters the urinary
space of the glomerular capsule is free of cells and restricts molecules according to size, shape, and charge.
As a result, molecules that are generally large (macromolecules) and negatively charged (because of the
repelling force of the anionic basal lamina and glycocalyx of the endothelial cells and podocytes) are
prevented from passing through the filtration barrier. That portion of the blood that has passed into the
urinary space of the glomerular capsule is the glomerular filtrate, or the ultrafiltrate. Materials continually
caught in the filtration barrier are believed to be removed by both podocytes and nearby mesangial cells. Proximal Tubule

As ultrafiltrate leaves the urinary space of the glomerular capsule and enters the proximal portion of the renal
tubule (the proximal tubule) at the urinary pole of the renal corpuscle, it immediately becomes modified. The
cuboidal cells lining the proximal tubule resorb much of the ultrafiltrate that flows distally within the tubular
lumina. All of the protein and glucose, nearly all of the bicarbonate, and approximately three quarters of the
water and the sodium and chloride ions are resorbed along the proximal tubule and subsequently enter the
adjacent interstitium (Figure 16-23). Much of the materials resorbed do so by paracellular routes rather than
across the cell membranes of the tubular epithelium. This is due to the absence of a well-formed tight
junction complex among this epithelium. Movement by the sodium and chloride ions as well as by water is
+ +
facilitated by Na , K ATPase pumps located within their basolateral cell membranes. Similar pumps occur
within the apical cell membrane of the tubular epithelium and facilitate the movement of sodium and
cotransport amino acids and glucose into these cells. While resorption is occurring, these cells concomitantly
release hydrogen (offsetting the bicarbonate resorption), ammonia, and various organic ions into the lumen.
As a result, the ultrafiltrate, even though it is continually altered, progresses iso-osmotically to the thin
tubule of the loop of the nephron. Thin Tubule of the Nephron

While the ultrafiltrate travels through the remainder of the loop of the nephron, a differential in the osmotic
pressure occurs. From the junction of the cortex and the medulla to the deep inner zone of the medulla is an
increasing osmolarity gradient (hypertonicity) maintained by the surrounding interstitium (see Figure 16-23).
As the thin limb descends, its simple squamous epithelium remains highly permeable to water and less
permeable to sodium, causing water to leave the tubular lumen but making the solute that is still within
progressively more concentrated (see Table 16-1). In effect, the intraluminal contents have come into 393
balance with the osmotic gradient of the adjacent interstitium. However, as the luminal fluid of what now has 394
high osmolarity moves into the ascending portion of the loop of the nephron, the simple squamous and
simple cuboidal epithelia that line both of the thin and thick limbs, respectively, are impermeable to water.
Nevertheless, they still remain permeable to salts. This is in part due to the presence of active pumps, such as
that for chloride, that direct salts from the lumen to the interstitium. In this way, the level of osmolarity of
the fluid within the ascending limbs remains comparable with the neighboring interstitial gradient, while a
constant volume is kept within this part of the loop of the nephron. Because the flows of the ascending and
descending portions of the loop have essentially countered one another, the mechanism at work here is
known as the countercurrent multiplier system. The actual driving force behind this system is the
occurrence of the increasing osmolarity gradient within the interstitium. To achieve this, a second
countercurrent system is established as well, but in this instance involving the vasculature. The vasa recta is
important in establishing the osmotic gradient of the interstitium. In this system, the endothelial lining of the
descending (arteriola) vasa recta and the ascending (venula) recta are permeable to water and salts (see

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Figure 16-23). Because the lumen of the arterial component is considerably smaller than that of the venous
component, water leaves the descending vasa recta and concomitantly receives salts, while in an opposite
manner water enters the ascending vasa recta and concomitantly loses salts. One should keep in mind that the
vascular countercurrent system is passive, relying on the forces of osmosis, whereas the countercurrent
system of the loop of the nephron is passive and active.

Figure 16-23 Diagram of the histophysiological activity of the nephron within

the mammalian kidney. Within the body of the kidney, the
medulla is kept at high osmolality by the vasculature, specifically
the vasa recta (VR), which establishes an osmotic gradient within
the medullary and cortical interstitium. A, Ascending; aa, amino
acids; CD, collecting duct; D, descending; DT, distal tubule; PT,
proximal tubule; RC, renal corpuscle; TT, thin tubule. Distal Tubule and Collecting Duct

As the ultrafiltrate reaches the cortex and then enters the cortical labyrinth, it has progressively become
hypotonic. The level of osmolarity, however, can vary considerably from one time to another. When the
ultrafiltrate reaches the juxtaglomerular apparatus, the cells of the macula densa are believed to monitor the
volume of the ultrafiltrate and its sodium content. If critical levels are exceeded, neighboring JG cells are
directed to release renin in the vasculature. Renin is an enzyme that converts blood-borne angiotensinogen
into angiotensin I, a vasoconstrictor. Angiotensin I, however, is able to be converted into angiotensin II, a
hormone that can produce a variety of responses, including potent vasoconstriction, stimulation of the
production and release of aldosterone, antidiuretic hormone (ADH, or vasopressin), and prostaglandins, as
well as inhibit renin release and increase thirst. Each of these responses affects renal activity. Aldosterone
release stimulates the resorption of salts (sodium and chloride) from the lumina of distal convoluted tubules.

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The release of ADH increases water resorption from the lumina of distal convoluted tubules and collecting
ducts. And prostaglandin release maintains the glomerular filtration rate by causing the afferent glomerular
arteriole to become vasodilated. Although the conversion of angiotensin I into angiotensin II (by the
converting enzyme) can occur in the kidneys, it can occur in other parts of the body, especially the lungs and
the lungs’ vascular bed.

When the ultrafiltrate or urine reaches the collecting duct, it can become hypotonic (low osmolality). The 394
urine will stay hypotonic unless the collecting duct (and the distal convoluted tubule) is stimulated by ADH 395
to resorb water. Specifically, as the ultrafiltrate moves within the collecting duct toward the inner medulla, it
is influenced by the increasing osmotic pressure gradient that has been established by the countercurrent
systems of the loop of the nephron and the vasa recta. As a result, water once more leaves the lumen of the
uriniferous tubule, entering the hypertonic interstitium. If ADH is absent, water permeability of the
collecting duct is lost and the urine remains diluted. In addition, differences that occur in medullary
organization among domestic species affect the ability to concentrate urine.

Figure 16-24 Light micrograph of the bovine ureter viewed cross sectionally.
Arrows point to the inner layer of the longitudinally oriented
smooth muscle within the tunica muscularis. (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×15.)

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Urine that leaves the papillary ducts and in effect has left the uriniferous tubule, enters the excretory passages of
the urinary system. The excretory passages consist of the calyces, the pelvis, the ureter, the urinary bladder, and
the urethra. The general organization of each structure is consistent with that of tubular organs and the tunica
mucosa, propria-submucosa, muscularis and adventitia and serosa are formed.

When the urine leaves the duct system of each renal papilla, it first enters a funnel-like receptacle, the calyx,
which then merges and expands into a larger receptacle, the pelvis. The mucosal lining of the calyces and the
pelvis as well as the rest of the excretory passages consists of a transitional epithelium (see Figure 16-20). In
the horse, mucus secreting glands (simple and branched tubuloalveolar) are housed in the propria-submucosa of
the pelvis.

Extending from the kidney, the ureter guides the urine to the urinary bladder through a lumen lined by a
plicated or folded mucosa that continues to be lined by a transitional epithelium and subjacent loose connective
tissue, comprising the lamina propria-submucosa (Figure 16-24). This tissue is surrounded by a two- or
sometimes three-layered tunica muscularis. Unlike organization of the gastrointestinal tract, the outer layer is
oriented in a circular manner, and the inner layer is oriented longitudinally. As the ureter approaches the urinary 395
bladder, an additional layer of muscle, which is also longitudinally oriented, externally covers the circular layer. 396
Peristalsis of these layers results in moving the urine to the urinary bladder. The tunica muscularis is then lined
either by an adventitia or a thin tunica serosa.

Urine that drains into the urinary bladder is stored there until the internal pressure within the bladder reaches a
point that initiates the need for micturition. Histologically, the urinary bladder differs to some extent from that
of the ureter. Although it has an internal lining consisting of a transitional epithelium, only the cat possesses a
propria-submucosa. Among the rest of the domestic species, the submucosa is distinguished from the mucosa
by the mucosa's lamina muscularis. The smooth muscle comprising the tunica muscularis (the detrusor muscle)
is more oblique and interwoven and lacks specific circular layers. The transitional epithelium of the urinary
bladder is able to undergo a considerable transformation in shape (see Figures 3-18 and 3-19). When the urinary
bladder has been emptied, the epithelium thickens and the mucosa becomes folded. Emptying or voiding of the
bladder is referred to as micturition and is the result of voluntary caudal brainstem activity, which in turn is
under cerebellar and cortical control. In order for the urinary bladder to fill, parasympathetic innervation of the
detrusor muscle has to be inhibited while the sympathetic innervation of the detrusor is stimulated, inhibiting
contraction, along with stimulation of the pudendal nerve, which closes the urethral sphincter. Histological
description of the urethra is presented in the male reproductive system (see Chapter 18).


L Bankir, C De Rouffignac: Urinary concentrating ability: insights from comparative anatomy. Am J

Physiol. 249, 1985, R643.
BM Brenner: In The kidney. 1996, Saunders, Philadelphia.
BM Brenner, Rector, FC Jr.: In The kidney. vol 1, 1976, Saunders, Philadelphia.
BM Brenner, Rector, FC Jr.: ed 4, In The kidney. vol 1, 1991, Saunders, Philadelphia.
DL Eisenbrandt, RD Phemister: Postnatal development of the canine kidney: quantitative and qualitative
morphology. Am J Anat. 154, 1979, 179.

CHAPTER 16 Urinary System Page 33 of 34

Textbook of Veterinary Histology
DW Fawcett: In Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology. ed 11, 1986, Saunders, Philadelphia.
LP Gartner, JL Hiatt: In Color textbook of histology. 1997, Saunders, Philadelphia.
IW Gibson, DS Gardiner, I Downie, et al.: A comparative study of the glomerular peripolar cell and the
renin-secreting cell in twelve mammalian species. Cell Tissue Res. 277, 1994, 385.
SJ Harvey, K Zheng, Y Sado, et al.: Role of distinct type IV collagen networks in glomerular development
and function. Kidney Int. 54, 1998, 1857.
WL Spangler: Ultrastructure of the juxtaglomerular apparatus in the dog in a sodium-balanced state. Am J
Vet Res. 40, 1979, 802.
RP Yadava, ML Calhoun: Comparative histology of the kidney of domestic animals. Am J Vet Res. 73,
1958, 958.

CHAPTER 16 Urinary System Page 34 of 34

Textbook of Veterinary Histology
17 CHAPTER 17 Endocrine System


• Glandular system with close vascular association

• Secretes chemicals called hormones into adjacent bloodstream, targeted for various organs throughout the

The endocrine system regulates the metabolism of many organs and their tissues throughout the body, and in doing
so provides corporal homeostasis in tandem with the central nervous system (CNS). Whereas the CNS governs the
activities of different components of the body rapidly through the transmission of electrical signals, the endocrine
system directs activities in a slower and more sustained way by releasing secretions known as hormones that are
guided by the vascular system to their destinations—target organs. We will see that even though the endocrine
system and the CNS operate in different ways they are intertwined and interdependent.

The endocrine system consists of a collection of glands that are dispersed throughout the thorax and the head and
range from collections or nests of cells within organs to individual organ entities. Those that comprise organs include
the pituitary (hypophysis), pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal glands. Portions of the endocrine system that
exist as collections of cells within other glands include the pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans), neurosecretory
neurons of the hypothalamus, and endocrine cells associated with the male and female reproductive systems,
known as interstitial cells of the testes, and endocrine-secreting cells of the interna theca, granulosa, and corpus
luteum, respectively.


The singular common feature that places each component of the collection of glands within the endocrine system
is their ability to synthesize a compound that is released into an adjacent vascular bed and is subsequently targeted
for specific receptor(s). The receptor can be either on or within specific cells. If on a targeted cell, the receptor is
associated directly with the cell membrane. If the receptor is within the cell's cytoplasm, the hormone should be
able to diffuse through the cell membrane.

Hormones can be separated initially based on whether they are water soluble or insoluble. Those that are water
insoluble are lipid soluble and composed of steroid and fatty acid derivatives. Water-insoluble hormones are able
to diffuse through the cell membrane and connect with cytoplasmic-borne receptors. Hormones of this type
include testosterone, estradiol and progesterone. Upon binding with the respective receptor, the hormone-receptor
complex moves into the nucleus and binds to a portion of a strand of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) near a
promoter site for gene transcription.

By comparison, water-soluble hormones can bind to receptors at the level of the cell membrane. Hormones of 397
this type consist of polypeptides and proteins, such as insulin and follicle-stimulating hormone. The binding of the 398
hormone to the cell-surface receptor can result in the phosphorylation of specific regulatory proteins (such as
cyclic adenosine monophosphate [AMP] and cyclic guanosine monophosphate [GMP]) by a protein kinase. The
regulatory proteins then act as second messengers that initiate a signal transduction. In addition to polypeptides
and proteins, water-soluble hormones can include amino acid derivatives such as epinephrine. As epinephrine
binds to its receptor, it also associates with guanosine triphosphate–binding proteins (G proteins) needed for the
appropriate hormone-induced signal induction.

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After successful activation of a target cell, an inhibitory signal is usually formed. This signal is responsible for
providing a feedback mechanism that directly or indirectly stops the production and secretion of the hormone.


The pituitary (hypophysis) lies in a fossa within a recess, the sella turcica, of the sphenoid bone. In a number of
ways this structure can be considered the single-most important gland of the endocrine system, providing
hormones for the control of growth, metabolism, and reproduction. Embryologically derived from the oral
ectoderm and neuroectoderm, the pituitary consists of two portions, the adenohypophysis and the
neurohypophysis. The adenohypophysis originates from an epithelial evagination (Rathke's pouch) of the cranial
portion (the developing pharynx) of the developing digestive tract that moves dorsally toward the cranium.
Concomitantly, the developing diencephalon protrudes or evaginates in a similar manner, moving ventrally toward
Rathke's pouch. This extension of the CNS forms the embryonic neurohypophysis. As the two extensions meet and
join one another, the epithelial evagination (the developing adenohypophysis) loses its connection altogether from
the pharynx. The rates of development of the two portions of the pituitary during embryonic growth vary among
domestic species. As a result, the shape and amount of tissue for each portion differ considerably (Figure 17-1).

Because of their different embryonic origins, the two portions of the pituitary contrast sharply in both their
histological construction and physiological activities. The adenohypophysis, which is epithelial in appearance and
glandular in function, is composed of three parts: the pars distalis, the pars intermedia, and the pars tuberalis. The
pars distalis (pars anterior) in most instances makes up the largest portion of the adenohypophysis, being
positioned anterior and ventral within the pituitary. In the horse and the dog, the pars distalis can encircle much of
the neurohypophysis as well as another portion of the adenohypophysis, the pars intermedia (Figure 17-2; see also
Figure 17-1). The pars intermedia is the part of the adenohypophysis that with regard to its location is most
intimately associated with the neurohypophysis, being immediately apposed to it. The third part of the 398
adenohypophysis, the pars tuberalis, lines the base of the neurohypophysis as the latter extends away from the 399
brain (see Figure 17-1).

Figure 17-1 Schematic diagram of the pituitary glands (hypophyses) of domestic

species along their midline. (A), large ruminants; (B), horse; (C), pig;
(D), dog; (E), cat; light blue, pars distalis; dark blue, pars tuberalis;
black, pars intermedia; green, neurohypophysis with infundibular
recess; beige, hypophyseal cleft.

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Figure 17-2 Light micrograph of a narrow portion of the canine pituitary gland,
extending externally from the pars distalis (PD) to its internal-most
region, the pars nervosa (PN) with the pars intermedia (PI) and
hypophyseal cleft (HC) in between. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;

The neurohypophysis can be separated into three parts: the median eminence, the infundibulum, and the pars
nervosa, each a continued extension of the other (Figure 17-3; see also Figure 17-1). The three confluent parts
have morphologic features not dissimilar to those found within the CNS in that they consist of nerve fibers and
glia. Likewise, each part is externally lined by the same protective capsule of dense connective tissue. The median
eminence is the proximal-most portion, extending from the hypothalamus and lying next to the third ventricle.
The median eminence leads into the next part of the neurohypophysis, the infundibulum. The infundibulum forms
the middle portion of the neurohypophysis, extending from the median eminence to the pars nervosa. The pars
nervosa (lobus nervosus) is the distal-most portion of the neurohypophysis that may end in a lobelike body.

Figure 17-3 Schematic diagram of the vasculature associated with the mammalian
pituitary gland. ADH, Antidiuretic hormone.

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The pituitary, like all endocrine glands, possesses a well-developed vascular bed. Although the vascular tree
that supplies the blood vessels of the pituitary varies among domestic species, the trees within the pituitary form
the same basic pattern. The hypophyseal arteries supply vascular beds for both the adenohypophysis and
neurohypophysis (see Figure 17-3). Its superior or rostral-most portion gives rise to an extensive primary
capillary bed within the median eminence and supplies the infundibulum and adjacent pars tuberalis. The
capillaries of the median eminence coalesce and drain into the pars distalis via a portal system of veins that
branch and form a secondary capillary bed throughout the pars distalis (see Figure 17-3). The vessels
descending from the primary capillary bed to form the secondary one comprise the hypophyseal portal system.
It is through the hypophyseal portal system that the neurohypophysis and associated neurons of the 399
hypothalamus are able to direct the adenohypophysis, especially the pars distalis, and its secretory activities. 400

The hypophyseal arteries also provide a vascular bed for the pars nervosa of the neurohypophysis. Specifically,
the inferior hypophyseal arteries and collateral vessels originating from the hypophyseal portal system
contribute to the formation of this bed, which serves to receive neurosecretory granules released by the axonal
terminations or endings of the neurons of the hypothalamus (see Figure 17-3).

17.3.2 ADENOHYPOPHYSIS Pars Distalis

The pars distalis is composed of secretory cells arranged in cords and clusters separated by sinusoids that
form the secondary capillary bed previously described. Traditionally, the secretory cells of this portion of the
pituitary have been characterized and distinguished by classic histochemical means into chromophobic and
chromophilic categories. Chromophobic cells, as the name implies, have little reaction with traditional stains
and dyes. Chromophilic cells have been separated further on the affinities that the granules have for acidic or
basic stains or dyes into two subgroups or populations: acidophils and basophils. More recently, the cells
have been characterized by immunohistochemical methods, revealing subpopulations involved in the
production of specific hormones (Table 17-1). As a result, the cells of the pars distalis are presently
described by both histochemical and immunohistochemical means.

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Figure 17-4 Light micrograph of the pars distalis in the dog. HC, Hypophyseal
cleft; PI, pars intermedia. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×20.) Acidophils.

These cells of the pars distalis possess granules that react positively when stained with an acidic stain such
as eosin (Figures 17-4 and 17-5). These small, rounded cells form the most numerous population of
secretory cells within the pars distalis. Immunolabeling methods have further characterized and
subdivided acidophils into two subtypes: somatotropes and lactotropes.

Somatotropes store evenly sized granules 300 to 400 nm in diameter formed and interspersed by
extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum and a moderately developed Golgi apparatus. These cells produce
the growth hormone (GH), also called somatotropin or somatotropic hormone (STH) that induces cell
division and enlargement, hyperplasia and hypertrophy to occur among somatic cells. The effects of GH
are usually facilitated by additional proteins (somatomedins) that are released elsewhere, such as the liver
and kidney, and can have a profound influence on specific tissue development of long bones, for example. 400
The secretion of GH is governed by its own releasing and inhibiting factors, somatotropin-releasing 403
hormone and somatostatin, respectively.

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TABLE 17-1 Key Morphological and Functional Characteristics of the Glands

of the Endocrine System among Domestic Species


Pituitary: Pars distalis: parenchymal Secretory cells are generally STH increases metabolic rates
adenohypophysis cords with reticular fibers polyhedral, usually with granules of most cells and stimulates
and sinusoidal capillaries and divided histochemically into somatomedin release for
types: acidophils—granules cartilage and long bone
positively react with acidic stains, development; prolactin
consisting of somatotropes with promotes mammary gland
300- to 400-nm granules of STH development during
(GH) and lactotropes with 600-nm pregnancy and milk
granules of prolactin; basophils— production after parturition;
granules react with positive stains, ACTH stimulates corticosteroid
consisting of corticotropes with production; TSH stimulates
200- to 400-nm granules of ACTH thyroglobulin production; FSH
and β-LPH, thyrotropes with stimulates secondary ovarian
150-nm granules or less of TSH, growth and estrogen
and gonadotropes with 200-nm production
granules or more of FSH or LH;
chromophobes—granular to
agranular weakly staining cells
without known function(s)
Pars intermedia: Secretory cells are generally Well developed in the horse
parenchymal cords, polyhedral and basophilic and pig; least developed in
clusters and small (basophils) with a subpopulation ruminants; MSH stimulates
follicles and sinusoidal of melanotropes with granules of melanin synthesis
capillaries MSH
Pars tuberalis: Cells with mildly basophilic
parenchymal clusters and granules, may or may not be
small follicles secretory; occasionally basophils
of the pars distalis may occur
Pituitary: Hypothalamohypophyseal Axons remain unmyelinated ADH conserves body water
neurohypophysis tract: axons from extending from the two nuclei through renal resorption, and
supraoptic and toward the pars nervosa can contract arterial smooth
paraventricular nuclei of containing small granules filled muscle (raising blood
the hypothalamus with either ADH (from the pressure); oxytocin causes
supraoptic nerve) or oxytocin uterine smooth muscle
(from the paraventricular nerve) contraction during conception
within infundibular stalk and parturition, and assists in
Pars nervosa: axonal Axons dilate at their endings next milk let-down by stimulating
endings surrounded by a to the blood vessels; pituicytes myoepithelial cell contraction
fenestrated capillary bed with astrocyte-like processes within mammary glands
support axons and their endings

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Pineal Parenchymal cords, Secretory cells (pinealocytes) Melatonin is released at night
clusters and small contain vesicles of melatonin and and serotonin during the day
follicles and sinusoidal serotonin; are somewhat stellate and together facilitate the
capillaries with prominent round nuclei body's biological clock and
within their cell bodies with circadian rhythms
scattered radiating processes
contacting nearby pinealocytes or
blood vessels; support cells
consist mostly of astrocytic glia;
calcium-ladened concretions
(corpora arenacea) develop with
age extracellularly
Thyroid Small to large follicles, Follicular cells form a simple T4 and T3 increase metabolism
each lined by a capillary cuboidal epithelium with short, and rate of growth, stimulate
bed variably numbered microvilli, carbohydrate and fat
centrobasally placed round nuclei, metabolism, decrease
and surrounded by acidophilic cholesterol and triglycerides
cytoplasm with well-developed and increase fatty acids,
Golgi apparatus and involved in increase heart rate and
T4 and T3 production; additional respiration, decrease body
parenchymal cell is the weight; calcitonin suppresses
parafollicular cell, being round to bone resorption and lowers
polyhedral, lying singly or in plasma calcium level
clusters with large round nucleus
surrounded by pale cytoplasm
containing calcitonin-filled
Parathyroid Parenchymal cords and Major type of secretory cell, the Parathyroid hormone increases
clusters intertwined principal cell (chief cell), can calcium level in body fluids;
closely with capillaries possess lightly eosinophilic light and dark principal cells
cytoplasm with presence of lipids, are randomly configured in
glycogen, and lipofuscin (inactive most domestic species, but
state) or darkly stained cytoplasm separated in small ruminants
filled with parathyroid hormone– with the active (dark) cells
bearing secretory granules (active located centrally
An additional secretory cell in The function of the oxyphil
some species, the oxyphil cell is cell is unknown; found in large
twice the size or greater than the ruminants and horses (and
principal cell with an eosinophilic humans)
cytoplasm with few granules and
occurs singly or in small clusters

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Adrenal Outer cortex: Secretory cells are usually Mineralocorticoids stimulate
parenchyma forms rounded to polyhedral in zona +
the excretion of K and the
irregular clusters or glomerulosa and columnar in +
resorption of Na within the
glomeruli (zona zona arcuata, mildly acidophilic
renal distal tubules and in
glomerulosa) or arcades with smooth ER, mitochondria,
doing so, regulate balance of
(zona arcuata) some lipid droplets, and few to
electrolytes and body fluid
no granules, and secrete
mineralocorticoids (aldosterone)
Middle cortex: Secretory cells are cuboidal to Glucocorticoids help regulate
parenchyma forms polyhedral, mildly acidophilic with carbohydrate, protein and fat
radially oriented cords or smooth ER, mitochondria, many metabolism, provide
fascicles (zona fasciculata) lipid droplets, and secrete anti-inflammatory activity,
glucocorticoids (cortisol and reduce capillary permeability,
cortisone) and suppress immune response
Inner cortex: parenchyma Secretory cells are cuboidal to In addition to the
forms reticulated cords polyhedral, acidophilic with glucocorticoid functions, the
(zona reticularis) smooth ER, mitochondria, lipid androgens can provide weak
droplets (though fewer than male-related characteristics
those seen in the zona and may be metabolized to
fasciculata), and lipofuscin, and other sex hormones
secrete androgens
(dehydroepiandrosterone) as well
as glucocorticoids
Medulla: irregular Secretory cells are large, Epinephrine generates “fight
parenchymal cords and polyhedral or columnar, with or flight” in response to
clusters intermingled chromaffin-positive granules sudden fear or stress by a
with sinusoidal capillaries containing catecholamines variety of effects including the
(epinephrine and increase in heart rate and
norepinephrine), numerous cardiac output, release of
mitochondria and well-developed glucose from liver and skeletal
Golgi apparatus; in domestic muscle, and vascular shunting
herbivores larger, often columnar and blood flow augmentation
cells containing epinephrine form to organs; norepinephrine
an outer region, whereas smaller, constricts blood vessels and
polyhedral cells containing elevates blood pressure
norepinephrine form an inner
Pancreatic islets Irregular parenchymal Secretory cells are generally Glucagon increases blood
clusters intermingled polyhedral, usually with granules sugar levels; insulin decreases
with sinusoidal capillaries and divided histochemically into blood sugar levels;
four types: A (α) cells have somatostatin inhibits the
numerous Gomori aldehyde release of hormones by A and
fuchsin red-positive granules B cells within the islets, and
containing glucagon; B (β) cells reduces smooth muscle
have numerous Gomori aldehyde contractility within the
fuchsin purple-positive granules alimentary canal and
containing insulin; C cells have gallbladder; A cells are
few or no granules and may positioned along islet
represent developing A, B, or D periphery in cattle, centrally in
cells; D (δ) cells are generally the horse
smaller and have a
heterogeneous population of
granules containing somatostatin
ACTH, Adrenocorticotropic hormone; ADH, antidiuretic hormone; β-LPH, lipotropic hormone; ER, endoplasmic
reticulum; FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; GH, growth hormone; LH, luteinizing hormone; MSH,
melanocyte-stimulating hormone; STH, somatotropic hormone; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.

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Figure 17-5 Light micrograph of distinctly stained acidophils within the pars
distalis of the horse. (Mallory stain; ×400.)

Lactotropes form and store larger—600 nm or more in diameter—granules than those of somatotropes.
The large granules, in fact, consist of smaller granules that have fused together. The granules hold the
hormone prolactin, which during pregnancy promotes the development of the mammary glands and after
pregnancy promotes lactation. As one might surmise, these cells are most developed in females, especially
those that are pregnant or recently were pregnant. Among the females of domestic species, such as mares,
lactotropes (Figure 7-6) and somatotropes are comparable in number. However, in males, lactotropes are
fewer and more isolated than somatotropes and are seen singly rather than in clusters. Basophils.

Basophils are much more sparsely populated within the pars distalis than acidophils (Figure 17-7).
However, these cells are generally larger than acidophils. As in acidophils, the cytoplasm of this
population of cells contains granules, but in this instance react basophilically with stains such as
hematoxylin (see Figure 17-7). They also can react positively with periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) reagent
because of the strong carbohydrate component of the glycoproteins stored within these granules. With the
assistance of immunohistochemistry, three subtypes have been identified: corticotropes, thyrotropes, and

Corticotropes are widely scattered throughout the pars distalis and possess small to moderately sized
granules, 200 to 400 nm in diameter, that contain the hormones adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
and beta-lipotropic hormone (β-LPH). ACTH activates the release cells’ secretory products within the
adrenal cortex, specifically cortisol and corticosterone. The release of ACTH into the bloodstream by the
corticotropes is, in turn, stimulated by the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). Depending on the
species, the shape of corticotropes can vary from round to oval or even stellate.

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Figure 17-6 Light micrograph of an occasional lactotrope within the pars

distalis of a mare. (Mallory stain; ×1000.)

Figure 17-7 Light micrograph of scattered basophils (arrows) within the

pars distalis of a rat. (Mallory stain; ×400.)


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Thyrotropes by comparison are concentrated within the midventral portion of the pars distalis. These 404
cells, which lie within parenchymatous cords, form small granules (150 nm in diameter or less) that hold
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), also called thyrotropin, which is responsible for thyroid hormone
production. Although the production of TSH is stimulated by thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), it
is inhibited by the negative feedback of the thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxin (T4).

Gonadotropes, which make up the last subtype of basophil, are indistinctive round cells dispersed within
the pars distalis. These cells possess an extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum and associated Golgi
apparatus, which produce small granules approximately 200 nm or greater in diameter. Each granule
stores either follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) or luteinizing hormone (LH) and can be stimulated to
be released by the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). In the female, FSH stimulates the growth
of secondary follicles within the ovary, and estrogen secretion. In the male, it stimulates sustentacular
cells (Sertoli cells) to form androgen-binding protein. LH assists FSH in ovarian development, causing the
follicle to attain its full size and help promote ovulation, corpus luteal development, and secretion of
progesterone as well as estrogen. In the horse it recently has been found that gonadotropes consist of
several subpopulations of cells that are able to produce and release either FSH or LH or both at a specific
time. Chromophobes.

In addition to acidophils and basophils is another population of parenchymatous cells within the pars
distalis. This population has little to no affinity for most stains and dyes that are used to histochemically
reveal and characterize cells of the body, and as a result has been referred to as chromophobes (see
Figures 17-4 through 17-7). Some of the chromophobes can be found to stain weakly. These cells, which
are small and possess some granules, may represent chromophils that either have lost or secreted most of
their granules or are newly forming chromophils that have recently arisen from stem cells. Some
chromophobes lack granules altogether. Whereas some of these cells are likely to be stem cells, some of
the cells line follicles (i.e., follicular cells) and appear to be secretory. However, functional activities of
these cells have remained a mystery. Some of the agranular, nonstaining chromophobes have a stellate
shape. These cells are widely dispersed throughout the pars distalis and are in contact with one another by
the formation of gap junctions along their interconnecting long processes. It is unknown whether these
cells provide physiological and/or physical support for secretory cells of the pars distalis. Pars Intermedia

The pars intermedia lies between the pars distalis and the pars nervosa (see Figures 17-1 and 17-2). In
keeping with its origin from the evaginating oral ectoderm, the pars intermedia comes into immediate contact
with the pars nervosa and is separated from the pars nervosa by a tenuously thin sheath of connective tissue.
In fact, it is not unusual to have some of the cells of the pars intermedia migrate into the pars nervosa (Figure
17-8). This portion of the adenohypophysis is well developed among domestic mammalian species,
enveloping the neural lobe of the neurohypophysis in many instances, including carnivores, the pig, and the
horse (see Figure 17-1). In contrast with its direct connection with the neural lobe, the pars intermedia of
most mammals is separated from the pars distalis by a remnant space, the hypophyseal cleft (Rathke's cleft),
that resulted from the early embryological development of this organ.

The parenchyma of the pars intermedia is arranged in clusters, cords, and small follicles or cysts that store
colloidal material. Basophils comprise the major cell type of this portion of the adenohypophysis (Figure

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17-9). Immunohistochemical testing has revealed many of these cells to be melanotropes—cells that form
granules containing the melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) that stimulates melanin synthesis. Other
types of parenchymatous cells vary from species to species and can include those types usually found in the
pars distalis. Pars Tuberalis

The pars tuberalis is the thinnest portion of the adenohypophysis that extends from the pars distalis and
wraps around the infundibular stalk (see Figure 17-1). The parenchymatous cells form clusters and small
follicles. Although they can possess granules that are mildly basophilic, their function as secretory cells has
not been revealed (Figure 17-10). On occasion, some of the basophils of the pars distalis—thyrotropes and
gonadotropes—have been identified in this area.


As described, the neurohypophysis consists of the median eminence, the infundibulum, and the pars nervosa.
During the early development of the pituitary, the neurohypophysis originated as a part of the central nervous
system, evaginating ventrally from the hypothalamus. As adenohypophyseal components come into contact 404
with the forming neurohypophysis and the two become intimately linked by their intertwining vasculature as 405
previously described (see Figure 17-3), the neurohypophysis retains its original ties with the hypothalamus. As
a result when referring to the pituitary, the neurohypophysis and the hypothalamus can be described as one
entity: the hypothalamohypophyseal tract.

Figure 17-8 Light micrograph of the thin layer of connective tissue that
separates the pars intermedia (PI) from the pars nervosa (PN) in the
equine pituitary gland. (Mallory stain; ×250.)

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Figure 17-9 Light micrograph of the equine pars intermedia with a small follicle.
(Mallory stain; ×250.) Hypothalamohypophyseal Tract

The hypothalamohypophyseal tract consists of axons derived from neurons and their cell bodies, which are
housed in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus (see Figure 17-3). These neurons
are actually neurosecretory cells that produce the hormones oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone (ADH),
also known as vasopressin. Oxytocin stimulates contractions of smooth muscle within the myometrium of
the uterus during conceptus and in pregnant individuals causes contractions of the uterus at parturition. After
birth it is secreted upon response to suckling and facilitates myoepithelial cell contraction within the
mammary gland and subsequent release of milk (milk let-down). ADH increases resorption of water by the
kidneys and as a result conserves body water and causes smooth muscle contraction in arteries.
Neurosecretory cells of supraoptic nuclei synthesize ADH, whereas those of paraventricular nuclei make

In addition to the two hormones, neurophysin (a carrier protein) is made by each neurosecretory cell.
Specific neurophysin binds to each hormone as the hormones are transported within each axon to the neural 405
lobe of the pituitary. The axons, which remain unmyelinated, initially enter the posterior neurohypophysis at 406
the median eminence and continue on to form the body of the infundibular stalk before ending anteriorly in
the pars nervosa (neural lobe). The hormones are contained within secretory vesicles, also known as
secretory granules, and may be seen to accumulate within the axons along the hypothalamohypophyseal tract.

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Figure 17-10 A, Light micrograph of the infundibular stalk and adjacent pars
tuberalis (arrows) of a rat. (Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain;
×20.) B, Light micrograph of the pars tuberalis of a rat. (H&E
stain; ×250.)

Figure 17-11 Light micrographs of the pars nervosa within the pituitary gland
of the horse. Within the distal portion of the equine pars
nervosa, blood vessels (arrows) are surrounded by axonal
endings and pituicytes. (Mallory stain; A, ×20; B, ×400.) Pars Nervosa

The axons terminate in the distal or anterior portion of the neurohypophysis known as the pars nervosa. The
ends of the axons dilate as they come into proximity with the bed of fenestrated blood vessels that course
through the pars nervosa (Figure 17-11). Accumulations of secretory granules occur similarly here as that
seen more proximally within the hypothalamohypophyseal tract. When the neurosecretory cells are signaled
to secrete their hormones, the secretory granules are exocytosed into a perivascular space that lies between

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the axonal ending and the adjacent blood vessel. In addition to the blood vessels and the axons and their 406
endings, is a fairly extensive population of neuroglia referred to as pituicytes. These cells, which can also be 407
found along the rest of the hypothalamohypophyseal tract, ensheathe each axon and most likely provide both
physical and physiological support.


Another component of the endocrine system that has close affiliation with the CNS is the pineal gland. In
mammalian species, the pineal gland originates from the roof of the diencephalon before projecting dorsally from
its midline during development. In nonmammalian species, the pineal gland does not form a stalk, but instead
retains its ventral position close to the surface of the brain and possibly receptive to light that can pass diffusely
through a thin skull. In lower vertebrate animals, this structure is able to function as a true photoreceptor structure,
forming a third eye called the pineal eye. As one can surmise, the relationship between the pineal gland and light
has weakened during the evolutionary progression of vertebrates, but nevertheless still exists in mammals. Instead
of being directly influenced by light, the pineal gland receives light-generated information from the eyes that
passes through the midbrain to the cervical spinal cord and cranial cervical ganglion, where sympathetic nerves
terminate within the pineal gland.

The principal secretory cell is the pinealocyte, which can be organized into cords and follicles (Figure 17-12).
Pinealocytes possess round nuclei with prominent nucleoli, smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sER), rough
endoplasmic reticulum (rER), and associated Golgi apparatus and secretory vesicles. These cells are involved
primarily in the synthesis of melatonin. The formation and release of this hormone is believed to be responsible
for the circadian rhythm among animals, especially as it pertains to sexual activity and seasonal breeding. Longer
photoperiods result in a lowered production of melatonin, whereas shorter photoperiods (longer nights) cause
melatonin production to rise. Additional parenchyma consists of the glial cells, astrocytes (interstitial cells), not
unlike the astrocytes found within the CNS. These cells have long, cytoskeletal-rich processes that envelope and
support the pinealocytes. Although scattered throughout the gland, they are the predominant parenchyma within
the stalk that attaches the gland to the diencephalon. The gland is partially lobulated by meningeal septae that
invaginate from a pia mater lining that forms a thin capsule. The septae form conduits for the sinusoidal network
that collects and sends the pinealocyte secretions throughout the rest of the body.

Figure 17-12 Light micrograph of the canine pineal gland with pinealocytes
arranged in irregular cords separated by astrocytes. (Hematoxylin
and eosin stain; ×250.)

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Among the parenchyma are concentric deposits of calcium phosphates and carbonates within an organic matrix,
which together constitute corpora arenacea, or brain sand. Both the origin and function for the existence of
these concretions have remained a mystery. Also present are pineal pigment granules, which are histochemically
identified as melanin granules in the cat, and in the horse can be influenced seasonally with regard to their


In mature domestic mammals the thyroid gland is located dorsolaterally next to the trachea near (inferior to) the
level of the larynx. During embryogenesis it originates as an evagination or outpocketing of the oral cavity, which
eventually becomes united with the fifth pharyngeal pouch. The parenchyma of the thyroid is encased externally
by a capsule of dense irregular connective tissue that internally branches into very narrow septae (Figure 17-13).
The septae, which consist of a capillary network surrounded by sparsely populated fibrocytes and their thinly
developed extracellular matrix (ECM), separate most of the parenchyma into thyroid follicles (Figure 17-14).
Among domestic species and mammals overall, follicular size increases generally with increasing body size, with
a corresponding decrease in parenchyma percentage. The thyroid parenchyma is composed of two cell types: the
follicular cell, which lines each follicle, and the parafollicular cell, which exists between adjacent follicles. 407
Figure 17-13 Light micrograph of a canine thyroid. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;

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Figure 17-14 Light micrograph of follicles lined by follicular cells and separated by
a thin vascular network. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×250.)


The follicular cell (thyrocyte) is cuboidal, with a basally positioned round nucleus that is surrounded by
acidophilic cytoplasm (Figure 17-15). The cytoplasm contains fairly extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum,
Golgi apparatus, and lysosomal systems that collectively work to produce the hormones thyroxine (T4) and
triiodothyronine (T3) (Figure 17-16). The principal functions of these hormones include raising cellular
metabolic activities and growth rates, increasing endocrine gland activity, stimulating carbohydrate and fat
metabolism, decreasing body weight, and increasing heart rate, respiration and muscle action. The production
and release of T4 and T3 are not immediate events, but instead require their storage within thyroglobulin, the
large glycoproteinaceous molecule. Thyroglobulin is complexed with iodine along the apical surface of these 408
cells, which possess numerous microvilli. As the thyroglobulin is being iodinated, it is exocytosed into a 409
follicular chamber. The resulting storage material within the follicle is called colloid. The size of the thyroid
follicle, which depends directly on the amount of colloid that is held at a particular time, can vary greatly, but
generally ranges from 50 to 200 μm in diameter (see Figures 17-13 and 17-14). When the secretion of T4 and
T3 is called upon, the follicular cell ingests the colloid by phagocytosis (see Figure 17-16). Lysosomes will fuse
with the phagosomes basally within the cell and the secondary lysosomes will hydrolyze the thyroglobulin into
T4 and T3, which will then be actively secreted into the adjacent capillary bed at the base of the cell.

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Figure 17-15 Light micrograph of follicular cells in the horse. (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×600.)

Figure 17-16 Illustration of the follicular cell and its organelles associated with
thyroxin production. The left side of the cell is involved in the
process of synthesis and iodination of thyroglobulin, whereas the
right side is involved in its reabsorption and digestion and
subsequent release of T3and T4. (1), Secretory vesicles; (2),
endocytotic uptake of colloid; (3), coalescence of colloid droplet
with lysosome; (4), lysosomes.

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Stimulation of T4 and T3 production and their release is provided by TSH, which, as described, is formed by
basophil cells of the adenohypophysis. The TSH binds to specific receptors along the basal portion of the cell
membrane of the follicular cell and subsequently causes the follicular cell to ingest the colloidally stored
thyroglobulin. As the T4 and T3 are being enzymatically liberated from the thyroglobulin, an excess or residual
amount of iodine is left behind within the cytosol. This iodine, which is initially bound to tyrosine
(monoiodotyrosine and diiodotyrosine), is recycled eventually for future iodination of freshly stored colloidal
thyroglobulin. Cells that are active in colloid production or the release of T4 and T3 have greater height than
those that remain metabolically inactive.

Because the lysosomal system within the follicular cell is critically involved in hormone synthesis, lipofuscin
accumulation during age progression may signify decreased thyroid function, which generally accompanies
advancing age. However, this correlation may not occur consistently among domestic species because
lipofuscin buildup in the horse varies greatly with regard to age.


A second glandular cell of the thyroid is the parafollicular cell that, as its name implies, lies around or nearby
thyroid follicles (Figure 17-17). Parafollicular cells can exist individually or in small clusters within the basal
lamina of follicular cells, being most common where three or more adjacent follicles abut one another. These
cells are also referred to as C cells or clear cells because of their pale staining cytoplasm, which surrounds a
comparably large, round nucleus. Whereas the cells often measure twice the diameter of that of follicular cells,
they represent only a small fraction of the total parenchyma of the thyroid. The cytoplasm of the parafollicular
cells contain numerous small granules filled with the hormone calcitonin, a peptide that inhibits osteoclastic
absorption of bone and as a result lowers blood calcium level. The granules are formed by a well-developed
Golgi apparatus and rER. The granules are released when calcium levels within the blood are high.


In most domestic species, the parathyroid glands consist of two pairs of endocrine glands—the external and
internal parathyroids—each pair derived from the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches, respectively. In pigs and
domestic fowl (and birds in general) only the external pair are formed. In animals with internal parathyroids, these
glands are either immersed within the thyroid or lie next to it. Like the thyroid, the parathyroid glands are encased
by a thin capsule of dense irregular connective tissue, which, in the instance of internal parathyroids, can blend
with the stroma of the thyroid (Figure 17-18). Two cell types are associated with the parenchyma of the
parathyroid glands: the principal cell and the oxyphil cell.


The major cell type and in many animals the only cell type is the principal cell, also known as the chief cell.
The principal cells are arranged in cords or clusters, separated and supported by thin stromal septae. These
septae include the necessary vascular bed, lymphatic channels and nerve fibers that serve these glands.
Normally, the majority of the principal cells are observed in a quiet or inactive state of physiological activity.
These cells can be referred to as light cells because of their mildly eosinophilic cytoplasm, and with stored
lipid, glycogen, and even lipofuscin they are usually larger than their active counterpart, the dark cells (Figure
17-19). Dark cells represent physiologically active cells, having cytoplasm filled with secretory granules and
the organelles that make them. Cytoplasmically, these cells are polar having some rER basally with the Golgi

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apparatus and secretory granules apically located. As a result of this polar arrangement, the secretory granules
are exocytosed along the apicolateral domain into the extracellular space. The principal cells produce
parathyroid hormone (PTH), which functions to raise the calcium level in body fluids and along with
calcitonin regulates calcium metabolism within the body. The rise in calcium is normally the result of a
combination of increased calcium absorption at the intestinal level, release of bone calcium through osteoclastic
activation and subsequent bone resorption, and renal calcium retention. 409
Figure 17-17 A, Light micrograph (×400) of the parafollicular cell (arrows)
within the equine thyroid. Hematoxylin and eosin stain. B,
Transmission electron micrograph of parafollicular and follicular
cells in the thyroid of a cat. (From Fawcett DW: Bloom and
Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986,


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Figure 17-18 Light micrograph of a parathyroid gland located within the thyroid
of a dog. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×20.)

Figure 17-19 Light micrograph of the canine parathyroid with its clusters of
principal cells. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)


In some species, such as the ox and other large ruminants as well as the horse, there is a second secretory cell
type, the oxyphil cell. This cell can be considerably larger in diameter than the principal cell (25-30 μm vs.

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5-10 μm for principal cells) and has a mildly eosinophilic, granular cytoplasm that contains numerous
mitochondria and glycogen and only a few granules. The oxyphil cell can occur singly or in small clusters, and
collectively form only a small portion of the entire parenchyma of the parathyroids. The function of this cell
type has yet to be revealed. It may represent a different physiological state of the principal cell because there
can be an additional presence of “intermediate” or “transitional” cells that share histological similarities of both
oxyphil and principal cells.


In the thoracic cavity are a pair of endocrine glands (the adrenal glands) positioned cranially to the kidneys near
or at their anterior poles. These glands are derived from two germ layers resulting in a cortex of mesodermal
origin that surrounds a medulla of ectodermal neural crest origin. The cortex is covered by a capsule of dense
irregular connective tissue that is well penetrated by an extensive arterial supply, forming a highly developed
subcapsular system of blood vessels for an organized arrangement of parenchyma. Arteries providing for the
adrenal glands originate from three sources: the inferior phrenic arteries, which give rise to the superior
suprarenal arteries; the aorta, which gives rise to the middle suprarenal arteries; and the renal arteries, which
give rise to the inferior suprarenal arteries. The subcapsular system of blood vessels branches internally and
becomes a sinusoidal network that is directed centripedally toward the medulla, emptying into medullary veins
(Figure 17-20).


The adrenal cortex forms the bulk of the adrenal gland and possesses a level of parenchymatous architecture
that is unmatched in organization among the other endocrine glands. In domestic mammals, the cortex can be
subdivided into at least three regions or zones. Avian adrenal glands, however, lack the ordered arrangement of
the parenchyma found in mammalian cortices. In fact, the adrenal glands of domestic fowls and birds, in
general, do not possess parenchyma that is separated into cortical and medullary regions.

In ruminants (and primates), the outermost portion is referred to as the zona glomerulosa. The parenchyma in
these animals is arranged in cords and clusters (Figure 17-21; see also Figure 17-20). In most other domestic
species including dogs, cats, horses, and pigs, the parenchyma forms arcades just beneath the capsule (Figure
17-22). Consequently, in those animals this portion of the cortex is referred to as the zona arcuata. In horses,
the secretory cells of the zona arcuata are distinctly columnar, whereas in most other domestic animals they can
be rounded to polyhedral to low columnar. Light microscopically, the cytoplasm within this parenchyma is
most often mildly eosinophilic with only a suggestion of vacuoles and vesicles. Ultrastructural observations 411
have reported the usual presence of mitochondria and sER, but with less rER and only few lipid droplets. 412
Granules also have been found in ruminants, but their number is comparatively few and their function
unknown. The endocrine cells of the zona glomerulosa/arcuata secrete mineralocorticoids, including
aldosterone, a hormone that influences the activities of the renal tubules and maintains the necessary balance of
electrolytes within the body fluids.

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Figure 17-20 A, Light micrograph of the canine adrenal gland. C, capsule; M,

medulla; ZA, zona arcuata; ZF, zona fasciculata; ZR, zona
reticularis. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×15.) B, Diagram of the
vascular network within the mammalian adrenal gland. (Modified
from Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed
11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

In most domestic species, the parenchyma of the zona glomerulosa and zona arcuata end internally, joining a
short region of undifferentiated cells, the zona intermedia. From the outermost zones, the parenchyma
becomes radially aligned, forming single layers of cords or fascicles that are separated by sinusoidal capillaries,
which also are directed toward the medulla (Figure 17-23). This next portion of the cortex is aptly named the
zona fasciculata. The secretory cells of the zona fasciculata have a foamy appearance as a result of the
presence of numerous lipid droplets, and because of that morphological trait are called spongiocytes.
Interspersed between the many lipid droplets is a well-developed network of sER and rounded mitochondria. 412
The endocrine cells of the zona fasciculata are involved in the production of hormones known as 414
glucocorticoids, which include cortisol and corticosterone. Glucocorticoids help direct the metabolism of

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carbohydrate, protein, and fat. They are able also to reduce inflammatory response by lowering the number of
circulating cells of defense, especially eosinophils and lymphocytes.

Figure 17-21 Light micrographs of the zona glomerulosa in the bovine adrenal
gland. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; A, ×100; B, ×400.)

Figure 17-22 Light micrographs of the zona arcuata in the dog and the horse.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; A, ×250; B, ×100.)

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Figure 17-23 Light micrograph of the zona fasciculata in the dog. (Hematoxylin
and eosin stain; ×250.)

The cells of the zona fasciculata end internally next to the innermost zone of the cortex, the zona reticularis.
As the name implies, the parenchyma of the zona reticularis appears to anastomose and form reticulated chains
of cells (Figure 17-24). For the most part, these cells stain more acidophilically than spongiocytes of the zona
fasciculata, having fewer lipid droplets (some have lipofuscin). Occasionally, cells with pyknotic nuclei are
encountered in this portion of the cortex. Like the zona fasciculata, the zona reticularis produces
glucocorticoids, but considerably fewer. With the presence of the senescent and degenerating cells, the zona
reticularis may represent the oldest portion of the cortex, at least regarding cells involved in glucocorticoid

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Figure 17-24 Light micrograph of the zona reticularis in the dog. M, medulla.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×250.)


In domestic mammals, the center of the adrenal gland consists of the adrenal medulla. Whereas the adrenal
cortex is characterized by an organized arrangement of its parenchyma, the adrenal medulla features a
disorganized parenchyma that is composed of two types of secretory cells: the chromaffin cell and the
sympathetic ganglion cell, both of ectodermal neural crest origin.

The epithelioid chromaffin cell, which is the principal endocrine cell of the medulla, forms small clusters and
chains surrounded by sinusoidal vessels (Figure 17-25). These polyhedral cells contain sER and rER and
well-developed Golgi apparatus that lie next to the nuclei and are involved in the production of small granules.
When exposed to chromic acid, the granules turn brown, forming a chromaffin reaction, which historically led 414

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to the name of these cells. The granules can hold the catecholamine neurotransmitters—epinephrine and 416
norepinephrine. However, an individual chromaffin cell will produce only one of these substances, and for that
reason the chromaffin cell can be divided into two types: epinephrine secreting and norepinephrine secreting.
Although most cells secrete epinephrine, the two types are generally randomly distributed throughout the
medulla. Among the herbivorous domestic species, such as ruminants, horses, and pigs, the chromaffin cells are
largest along the outer portion of the medulla and smallest within its inner portion. In the horse, the cells within
the outer portion are also somewhat columnar. The two types of chromaffin cells represent modified
sympathetic neurons that are stimulated by preganglion sympathetic splanchnic nerves during circumstances
that lead to anxiety and as a result prepare the body for “fight or flight.” When the chromaffin cells are called
upon, the release of their granules increases the movement of blood throughout the organs of the body and
elevates the level of blood glucose, which together makes an individual more alert and ready for physical
activity than previously (see Table 17-1).

Figure 17-25 A, Light micrograph of chromaffin cells within the medulla of the
bovine adrenal gland. ZR, Zona reticularis. (Chromaffin stain;
×250.) B and C, Transmission electron micrographs of
catecholamine-bearing cells in the medulla of a cat. (From Fawcett
DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11,
Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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Within the pancreas—the largest exocrine gland of the body—is the smallest endocrine gland, consisting of
clusters of cells known as the pancreatic islets or the islets of Langerhans. The pancreatic islets originate from
the same endoderm that gives rise to the rest of the exocrine pancreas (see Figure 4-1). The size and arrangement
of cells within each islet are not as random as once supposed and are now understood to vary according to location
within the pancreas, species, and age.

Histologically, the cells within each islet appear pale in contrast with the surrounding highly stained serous
secreting cells, being arranged in irregular disseminating clusters intertwined with a network of blood vessels
(Figure 17-26). In most domestic animals, the clusters consist of four cell types based on a combination of
morphological and histochemical features, being: A (α), B (β), C, and D (δ).

A, or alpha (α) cells, form the second-most numerous type of endocrine cell within the islet. These cells are
involved in glucagon production, which counteracts insulin by increasing glucose release from the liver and is
released when blood glucose levels are low. They possess secretory granules that do not dissolve in alcohol,
allowing them to be recognized as red cells by the Masson trichrome stain or Gomori aldehyde fuchsin reaction. In
cattle, A cells are positioned mostly along the periphery of the pancreatic islet, whereas in the horse they comprise
the central region.

Figure 17-26 Light micrograph (×250) of a pancreatic islet in the dog.

B, or beta (β), cells comprise the largest population of secretory cells within the pancreatic islets. These cells form
and release granules filled with insulin. The granules can be very distinctive among domestic species, especially
in the dog and cat, which possess granules that contain dense crystals. Except for the horse, crystalloid structures
can be found in other animals as well. When secreted, insulin lowers blood glucose levels primarily through the
cellular uptake of glucose, especially by skeletal muscle fibers and adipose tissue, and inhibiting the liver release
of glucose. Deficiency in insulin production leads to sustained hyperglycemia and glycosuria and result in
diabetes mellitus, a life-threatening disorder of carbohydrate metabolism. Other subcellullar features are nearly
identical to those of A cells. The nuclei of B cells are often slightly smaller than those of A cells.

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C cells form a relatively small portion of the total population of cells within the pancreatic islet. They either have
few granules or lack them altogether and are most likely young developing cells that will eventually mature into
one of the other secretory cells within the islet. Their occurrence was only determined by transmission electron

D, or delta (δ), cells form another small population of cells within the pancreatic islet. These cells possess
granules more heterogeneous in size and density than those occurring in A and B cells. The granules contain the
hormone somatostatin, which is able to inhibit the release of glucagon and insulin by A and B cells, respectively.
Somatostatin also lowers gastric motility within the digestive tract. 416

17.9 417

KK Booth, NG Goshal: Angioarchitecture of the canine thyroid gland. Anat Anz. 145, 1979, 32.
JL Calvo, J Boya, JE Garcia-Maurino, D Rancano: Presence of melanin in the cat pineal gland. Acta Anat.
145, 1992, 73.
B Cozzi: Cell types in the pineal gland of the horse: an ultrastructural and immunocytochemical study. Anat
Rec. 216, 1986, 165.
RR Dalefield, DN Palmer, RD Jolly: Lipofuscin and abnormalities in colloid in the equine thyroid gland in
relation to age. J Comp Pathol. 111, 1994, 389.
DW Fawcett: In Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology. ed 11, 1986, Saunders, Philadelphia.
H Furuoka, H Ito, M Hamada, et al.: Immunocytochemical component of endocrine cells in pancreatic islets
of horses. Nippon Juigaku Zasshi. 51, 1989, 35.
LP Gartner, JL Hiatt: In Color textbook of histology. 1997, Saunders, Philadelphia.
H Gelberg, GL Cockerel, RR Minor: A light and electron microscopic study of a normal adrenal medulla
and a pheochromocytoma from a horse. Vet Pathol. 16, 1979, 395.
RC Gensure, TJ Gardella, H Juppner: Parathyroid hormone and parathyroid-related peptide, and their
receptors. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 328, 2005, 666.
D Grandi: The pineal body of the mink and the horse with special reference to the reproductive cycle. An
ultrastructural and immunocytochemical study. Ital J Anat Embryol. 100(suppl 1), 1995, 231.
PJ Ives, WE Haensly, PA Maxwell, NH McArthur: A histochemical and ultrastructural study of lipofuscin
accumulation in thyroid follicular cells of aging domestic cats. Mech Ageing Dev. 4, 1975, 399.
H Okada, CC Capen, TJ Rosol: Immunohistochemical demonstration of parathyroid hormone-related
protein in thyroid gland of sheep. Vet Pathol. 32, 1995, 315.
MS Rahmanian, DL Thompson, PA Melrose: Immunocytochemical localization of prolactin and growth
hormone in the equine pituitary. J Anim Sci. 75, 1997, 3010.
MS Rahmanian, DL Thompson, PA Melrose: Immunocytochemical localization of luteinizing hormone and
follicle-stimulating hormone in the equine pituitary. J Anim Sci. 76, 1998, 839.
FA Saadeh, LG Babikian: A comparative histologic study of thyroid follicular size and epithelium
percentage in certain animals. Anat Anz. 143, 1978, 96.
JH Tan, Y Nanbo, M Oikawa, et al.: Immunocytochemical differences in adenohypophyseal cells among
Mongolian pony mares, stallions and geldings. Am J Vet Res. 59, 1998, 262.

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G Wieczorek, A Pospischil, AG Perentes: A comparative immunohistochemical study of pancreatic islets in
laboratory animals (rats, dogs, minipigs and nonhuman primates). Exp Toxicol Pathol. 50, 1998, 151.
P Wild, T Setoguti: Mammalian parathyroids: morphological and functional implications. Microsc Res
Tech. 32, 1995, 120.

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18 CHAPTER 18 Male Reproductive System


• System designed for the production, sustenance, and transport of spermatozoa; consisting of a tubular tract
with accessory glands, and emptying (connecting) into the distal portion (urethra) of the urinary system.

Among domestic animals, the male reproductive system is composed of the testes and their investments: genital
ducts, accessory glands, and penis. These structures function collectively to produce and transport spermatozoa to
the female reproductive tract and ultimately fertilize ova. In addition, the penis forms the external-most portion of the
male urinary tract and serves as the last conduit for the excretion of urine.


The male of each domestic mammal possesses a pair of testes that lie in a pouch of skin known as the scrotum. As
the testes develop they evaginate from the abdominal cavity along its posterior wall, and in doing so, descend into
the scrotum. During this process, a part of the peritoneum is brought along with the anterolateral portion of each
testis, resulting in the formation of the tunica vaginalis. The tunica vaginalis attaches the testes to the scrotum but
concomitantly separates them with a thin serous cavity, allowing mobility of the testes within the confines of the

Each testis is covered by a capsule of dense irregular connective tissue called the tunica albuginea, which has its
own serosal lining (Figures 18-1 and 18-2). The tunica albuginea houses a vascular bed that feeds and drains the
testis. This bed or layer can be deep in some animals, including boars and stallions, and sometimes is referred to
separately as the tunica vasculosa. Septae of the tunica albuginea (the septula testis) project inwardly and divide
the testis into lobules, the lobula testis. The septula testis converges posteriorly in equine, feline, and rodent
species and centrally in canine, porcine, and ruminant species to form the mediastinum testis. The mediastinum
testis, which is actually a thickened portion of the tunica albuginea, contains the rete testis as well as larger
lymphatic and vascular vessels.

The lobules of the testis vary in number according to species. Each lobule holds the parenchyma, which consists of
one to four looping seminiferous tubules. Seminiferous tubules are the site of spermatozoa production
(spermatogenesis). The ends of each tubule are connected to short, straight ducts called the tubule recti that guide
the developing spermatozoa to the rete testis. The rete testis is a labyrinth of anastomosing channels that collects
spermatozoa from all of the seminiferous tubules and their respective tubule recti. This rete, in turn, empties by
way of short ducts (the ductuli efferentes) into a highly convoluted collecting channel, the ductus epididymidis. 418
Together, the ductuli efferentes and the ductus epididymidis constitute the epididymis, which stores spermatozoa 419
while they fully mature (see Figure 18-1).

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Figure 18-1 Schematic diagram of the male reproductive tract of the cat. In
noncarnivorous domestic species, the ductus deferens leads first to a
vesicular gland, which lies immediately before the prostate gland. H,
Head; B, body; T, tail of the epididymis.


The seminiferous tubules can be likened to a highly coiled tubular gland that is holocrine in secretion (see
Figure 18-2). Each tubule is lined by the seminiferous epithelium, a germinal stratified epithelium that is the
site of spermatogenesis. This epithelium forms a basal lamina that is attached to a thin wall of connective tissue,
the lamina propria, consisting of collagen (types I and IV), fibrocytes, and occasional blood vessels and nerve

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fibers (Figure 18-3). In many species, including the bull, cat, dog, rabbit, and stallion, the cells within this
connective tissue are myofibroblastic. The myofibroblasts lie next to the germinal epithelium, whereas the
fibrocytes lie more peripherally. During contraction, the lumen of the seminiferous tubule narrows, moving the
spermatozoa into the adjacent system of ducts for their eventual maturation and subsequent release.

As animals such as stallions age, atrophy of seminiferous tubules occurs. Concomitantly, the lamina propria
thickens, with an increase in collagen type IV and elastic fibers, resulting in interstitial fibrosis. Sustentacular Cell

The seminiferous epithelium is composed of two cell types: the sustentacular cell and the spermatogenic cell.
The sustentacular cell (Sertoli cell) is a support cell that extends from the basal lamina to the tubular lumen
and, as a group, occupies much of the volume of the seminiferous epithelium (Figure 18-4). The lateral sides 419
of adjacent sustentacular cells form numerous infoldings as well as tight junctions (zonulae occludentes) and 420
consequently are difficult to see without the assistance of special stains or transmission electron microscopy.
Because of the presence of the tight junctions, the contents of the blood vessels beneath the basal lamina of
the seminiferous epithelium cannot freely mix or communicate with contents of the lumen of the
seminiferous tubule without passing through the sustentacular cells. As a result, a blood-testis barrier is
formed by these cells.

Figure 18-2 Light micrograph of the seminiferous tubules in an immature

boar. C, Capsule. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; A, ×20; B, ×100.)

The nucleus of the sustentacular cell is oval, but can be variably indented, and located toward the basal
lamina. The cytoplasm is filled with polysomes (free ribosomes), smooth endoplasmic reticulum, some
rough endoplasmic reticulum, associated Golgi apparatus and vesicles, many of which are endolysosomal in

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origin, mitochondria, and a well-developed cytoskeleton, consisting of microtubules, actin, and the
intermediate filament, vimentin. The relative amounts of these organelles vary according to ongoing
spermatogenic activities.

The relationship of the lateral sides of adjacent sustentacular cells is tightly linked to the development and
activity of the spermatogenic cell (see Figure 18-4). To begin with, the establishment of the blood-testis
barrier is needed to protect the spermatogenic process from being attacked by the immune system. The first
production of spermatozoa occurs well after the development of the immune system and would result in an
immunological response if not for the presence of the blood-testis barrier. As germ cells develop, the lateral
sides of the sustentacular cells offer an excellent location for both physical and physiological support.
Moreover, as the spermatogenic cells proceed in their development, portions of their cytoplasm are extruded
and removed. These pieces of cell debris are readily phagocytized and recycled by the neighboring
sustentacular cells. Eventually, adjacent sustentacular cells release the developing male gametes into the
lumen of the seminiferous tubule, a process referred to as spermiation.

In addition to these roles, the sustentacular cells are able to control the influence of the hormones,
testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and by doing so, help synchronize spermatogenic
activities. These cells also synthesize and secrete their own substances, including androgen-binding protein, 420
transferrin, and inhibin. Androgen-binding protein acts to increase testosterone concentration within the 421
seminiferous tubules by binding to testosterone and in this way preventing testosterone from leaving this
area. Transferrin, or testicular transferrin, is an apoprotein that binds iron, which is carried in the plasma,
and transports the metal to the developing gamete. Inhibin is a hormone that is released luminally by the
sustentacular cells to be absorbed by the epithelium of the efferent ductules and contiguous epididymis so
that it can enter the bloodstream and subsequently inhibit the secretion of FSH by the pituitary. In addition to
these secretions, sustentacular cells produce the antiparamesonephric hormone (antimüllerian hormone)
during the early (embryonic to prepubertal) development of the male. This hormone functions to suppress the
development of the female reproductive system and as a result secure the “maleness” of the individual until
the arrival of sexual maturity. During this period of early development, the sustentacular cells remain in a
germinative and relatively undifferentiated state.

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Figure 18-3 Light micrograph of the connective tissue surrounding

seminiferous tubules in the equine testis. (Hematoxylin and eosin
stain; ×250.)

During the aging of stallions, sustentacular cells decline substantially in number even though testicular
development continues in animals as old as 12 to 13 years. During this period of development the
sustentacular cells are able to accommodate in-creased numbers of germ cells despite their dwindling
population. Spermatogenic Cell

In terms of both purpose and number, the chief cell of the seminiferous epithelium is the spermatogenic cell.
The spermatogenic cell that gives rise to the rest of this cell population is the spermatogonium (Figure
18-5). Spermatogonia lie next to the basal lamina of the seminiferous epithelium between adjacent
sustentacular cells. The blood-testis barrier lies adluminally to these cells, as zonulae occludentes are formed
above their apical boundary (see Figure 18-4). The presence of these tight junctions distinguishes and divides

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the cytoplasm of the sustentacular cell into two regions: the basal compartment, which lies beneath the tight
junction and is reduced in height, and the adluminal (apical) compartment, which extends to the lumen of
the seminiferous tubule and is involved with the different stages of spermatogenic cell development.

The spermatogonium is a small cell with a diploid oval nucleus and at puberty can be influenced by
testosterone, causing it to enter a cycle of cell division. Not all spermatogonia enter this cycle. There are
those that remain quiet or resting and do not divide often, having heterochromatic nuclei and relatively little
cytoplasm, and are referred to as reserve cells, also known as dark type A spermatogonia (see Figure
18-4). Those that have entered the cycle consist of two types: light type A spermatogonia and type B
spermatogonia. Light type A cells are similar morphologically to the dark type A except for the presence of
pale or euchromatic nuclei. Type B cells are similar to the light type A cells, but have round instead of oval
nuclei (see Figure 18-5). Type A spermatogonia are induced by testosterone to divide mitotically again and
again, resulting not only in the production of more pale type A cells, but also type B cells. Type B cells are
influenced to divide as well, but result in the formation of spermatocytes (Figure 18-6). With the cell division
of each spermatogonium, whether it be light type A or type B, the resultant cells remain connected by
intercellular bridges. Because of these connections, the different generations of spermatogonia and
spermatocytes effectively constitute a syncytium.


Cells derived from type B spermatogonia move from the basal compartment to the adluminal compartment. 421
These cells are primary spermatocytes, and as they pass into the adluminal compartment, they form tight 423
junctions (zonulae occludentes) with the sustentacular cells. The tight junctions produced here help establish the
blood-testis barrier. The primary spermatocytes become the largest cells of the spermatogenic population
(Figure 18-7; see also Figure 18-6). Their nuclei are notable for both their size and appearance, being big and
vesicular due to the presence of condensed chromosomes. Soon after the primary spermatocyte has moved into
the adluminal compartment, the diploid nucleus increases its deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) content to 4N.
Subsequent to further cell division, which occurs twice (both involving meiosis rather than mitosis), the primary
spermatocytes remain primary spermatocytes for an extended period (16 days in the bull). The extended length
of time is due to the prolonged prophase (prophase I) of the first meiotic division (first maturation division),
which includes four stages: leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, and diakinesis.

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Figure 18-4 Light micrographs of a portion of the A, equine and B, murine

seminiferous tubules revealing sustentacular cells (S) between the
numerous developing spermatocytes. Ad, Dark type A
spermatogonium. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; A, ×250; B, ×300.)
C, Schematic diagram of the sustentacular cell. rER, Rough
endoplasmic reticulum; sER, smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
(Modified from Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of
histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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Figure 18-5 Light micrograph of a portion of the seminiferous tubule of a rat

with light type A spermatogonium (Al) and primary spermatocytes
(PS). (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×300.)

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Leptotene, the first stage of prophase I, is recognized by the initial condensation of the chromosomes, which
become threadlike in appearance. During zygotene the chromosomal homologs are now seen as pairs (four 423
chromatids). As prophase continues into the pachytene stage, the chromosomal pairs condense further into 424
shortened and thickened tetrads. At this point prophase enters diakinesis and segments of the homologs are
exchanged or crossed over, resulting in genetic recombination. As a result of the crossing over, each gamete
receives a different, unique blend of genomic material. The surrounding nuclear envelope has now
disintegrated. With the end of prophase the first meiosis enters metaphase I and the paired homologs move to
the equatorial plate. During anaphase I the chromosomes migrate to each pole and enter telophase I, with the
cell dividing into two but incompletely forming the same type of cytoplasmic bridge that occurred during
previously mitotic divisions.

Figure 18-6 Schematic diagram of spermatogenesis demonstrates the clonal

nature of each male germ cell and the resulting intercellular
bridges that create a syncytium during the development of the
spermatocytes and subsequent spermatids. Most of the mass
proliferation of these cells occurs during the mitotic divisions of the
spermatogonia, which include the A1-A4 generations of the pale
spermatogonia, subsequent intermediate (In.) spermatogonia, and B
spermatogonia. The primary spermatocytes are the largest of the
reproductive cells, having recently formed 4N content of DNA that
becomes meiotically divided to 2N when secondary spermatocytes
are subsequently formed. (Modified from Fawcett DW: Bloom and
Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986,

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Figure 18-7 Light micrograph of a portion of the seminiferous tubule of a rat

with primary spermatocytes (PS) in the pachytene phase.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×300.)

The newly formed cells are secondary spermatocytes, and each cell now has one-half of the number of
chromosomes that the primary spermatocyte possesses, but each chromosome consists of two chromatids or
dyads. These cells are small when compared with the primary spermatocytes and spend only a short time within
the seminiferous epithelium, and for that reason are not usually encountered when examining the testis
histologically. Within a short time the secondary spermatocytes enter the second meiotic division (second
maturation division), which includes a relatively brief prophase II, followed by metaphase II, anaphase II, and
telophase II. The subsequent cells formed from this division are spermatids, each containing a haploid
complement of DNA. As before, the spermatids remain attached to one another by cytoplasmic bridges. 424

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Figure 18-8 Light micrograph of the seminiferous tubule of a rat with early- (E)
and late- (L) forming spermatids. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;


At the end of the second division, the newly formed spermatids undergo a remarkable transformation known as
spermiogenesis. These cells are now located near the lumen of the seminiferous tubule. Initially, the young
spermatid possesses a small haploid nucleus that is placed centrally within the cytoplasm (Figure 18-8; see also
Figure 18-4, B). Although small in amount, this cytoplasm is filled with mitochondria, rough endoplasmic
reticulum, and associated Golgi apparatus. From this point, the spermatid metamorphoses into a spermatozoon
by going through a four-phase process that includes the Golgi phase, the cap phase, the acrosomal phase, and
the maturation phase (Figure 18-9).

During the first phase, the Golgi phase, small vesicles, referred to as preacrosomal granules, are produced by
the Golgi apparatus. The granules, which contain hydrolytic enzymes, fuse with one another to form the
acrosomal granule contained within a single vesicle. That vesicle fuses with the nuclear envelope at the
portion that will become the anterior pole of the mature spermatozoon nucleus. With the development of the
acrosomal vesicle and its granule, the pair of centrioles that lie within the cytocentrum are repositioned toward
the posterior pole of the nucleus. One of the centrioles, the distal centriole, forms the base of a developing
axoneme that, in turn, forms the core of a developing flagellum.

The next phase, the cap phase, involves further development of the acrosomal vesicle, which continues to form
a cap, the acrosome, over the anterior portion of the still rounded nucleus (Figure 18-10; see also Figure 18-9).

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During the acrosomal phase, the spermatid elongates along its anteroposterior axis. The chromatin within the
nucleus begins to become tightly condensed and the nucleus begins to lengthen and become narrow (Figure
18-11). The histones usually associated with the DNA are replaced by protamines (basic proteins) that allow the
nuclear material to be condensed even further. The acrosome covers the anterior half of the nucleus, forming
the head cap (see Figure 18-9). The cytoplasm in front of the anterior pole of the nucleus has migrated
posteriorly toward the flagellum. A cylindrical sheath of microtubules appears near the nucleus, just caudal to
the head cap. This sheath, which is called the manchette, facilitates the elongation of the spermatid at this
point. Eventually, the microtubules disassemble and are replaced by a short ring of electron-dense material
called the annulus that lies next the cell membrane and caudal to the proximal centriole that acts as the
principal basal body for the flagellar axoneme. Mitochondria are then moved next to the annulus, lying anterior
to it. As mitochondria become repositioned around the axoneme of the flagellum, the annulus is moved
posteriorly, delineating the flagellum into the mitochondrial portion known as the middle piece and the rest of
the flagellum, consisting of the principal piece and the end piece. As the flagellum continues to develop, nine 425
columns of dense fibers line the axoneme externally. Within the principal piece of the flagellum, the axonemal 427
core and outer dense fibers are surrounded by an additional ribbing of fibers. This fibrous ribbing consists of
dense, ringlike structures that begin distal to the annulus and forms the fibrous sheath. The cell has become
rotated so that the tail or flagellum extends into the lumen of the seminiferous tubule (see Figure 18-9).

Figure 18-9 Schematic diagram of spermatid differentiation before spermiation,

illustrating early stages, involving initial development of the
acrosome and manchette, and late stages, including formation of
the mitochondrial and fibrous sheaths. (Modified from Fawcett DW:
Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia,
1986, Saunders.)

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Figure 18-10 Transmission electron micrograph of two developing guinea pig

spermatids with developing acrosomes (AC). Curved arrows
indicate intercellular bridges between the same generation of
cells. Small arrows point to expansions of the cell membrane at
the broad cellular connections. (Modified from Fawcett DW: Bloom
and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986,

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Figure 18-11 Light micrograph (×300) of spermiogenesis within the murine

seminiferous tubule of the acrosomal phase with manchette.

With the maturation phase spermiogenesis is complete. During this phase, the spermatid continues to be
further elongated and streamlined. Within the middle piece, the mitochondria are fully assembled in a helical
manner, forming a mitochondrial sheath and distally encircling the base of the flagellum and its axoneme to the
point at which the annulus meets the remainder of the flagellum (see Figures 18-8 and 18-9). Separation
between adjacent spermatids occurs in this phase, resulting in the termination of the syncytium that occurs
throughout much of the seminiferous epithelium. Concomitantly, a portion of the spermatid cytoplasm, that has
been distally displaced along the flagellum and becomes the residual body, is removed and digested by the
neighboring sustentacular cells. With the separation of the spermatids from one another and the phagocytosis of
the excess cytoplasm, the reproductive cells become disengaged from the sustentacular cells and enter the
lumen of the seminiferous tubule, a process referred to as spermiation. These cells have become spermatozoa.


Newly formed spermatozoa are incapable of movement and lie motionless within the male reproductive tract.
They will remain motionless and unable to fertilize oocytes until they have entered the female reproductive
tract and become capacitated. Each spermatozoon consists of a head and a tail, which together make this cell
long, ranging from 60 to 70 μm among domestic species (Figure 18-12). Head

Because the head houses the nucleus, the size and shape of the deeply heterochromatic nucleus primarily
influences the size and shape of the head for any particular species. In all instances the anterior portion of the

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nucleus, including its pole, is covered by the acrosomal cap. The cap contains enzymes needed to penetrate
the oocyte's zona pellucida. Tail

Posteriorly, the cap ends and the nucleus lies next to the neck, a short narrowed portion of the spermatozoon
that joins the head to the tail. The pair of centrioles is located here. One of the centrioles forms the base of
the axoneme and becomes the origin of the nine electron-dense fibers that run longitudinally along the axis
the tail (see Figure 18-12).

Extending from the neck, the middle piece contains the proximal portion of the axoneme, the adjacent dense
fibers, and an external layer of mitochondria that are oriented in a helical manner around the dense fibers.
The caudal base of the middle piece narrows in its diameter as the mitochondria cease to wrap around the 427
dense fibers and subjacent axoneme. Instead an annulus is formed in their place, consisting of a short dense 428
ring that is attached to the cell membrane (see Figure 18-12).

Figure 18-12 Illustration of the mature mammalian spermatozoon. (Modified

from Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology,
ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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The principal piece begins at the end of the annulus and continues caudally as the longest portion of the tail.
As in the middle piece, the flagellar axoneme is lined externally by the dense fibers that vary in size and are,
in turn, surrounded by the fibrous sheath (see Figure 8-12). In this portion of the tail, the dense fibers that
flank the axoneme are reduced to seven, as two of the original nine fibers terminate in the annulus of the
middle piece. Throughout the length of the principal piece, its diameter gradually tapers before joining the
last portion of the tail, the end piece. The tapering of the principal piece is due to the gradual reduction in
size of the dense fibers and associated fibrous sheath until they finally disappear altogether.

The end piece constitutes the final portion of the tail, consisting of only the microtubular axoneme of the
flagella surrounded by the cell membrane.


During the continuous events of one spermatogenic cycle that ultimately result in the production of newly
formed spermatozoa, several or more stages of spermatogonial development will be encountered among the
seminiferous tubules as well as within an individual seminiferous tubule. Altogether, the specific number of 428
stages that transpire during a single spermatogenic cycle vary from one species to another (8 in the boar vs. 14 429
in the rat for example) and not unexpectedly, the duration of spermatogenic cycles among mammals varies as
well (8.6 days in the boar vs. 12.9 in the rat). At early stages during the beginning of the cycle, round early
spermatids line the lumen, followed externally by two layers of primary spermatocytes and a layer of
spermatogonia (Figure 18-13). In progressive stages, the spermatids and their nuclei become elongated, and the
primary spermatocyte layers or generations progress to old pachytene and young leptotene stages of meiosis
(see Figure 18-7). As the spermatids continue to elongate, they appear burrowed well within the sustentacular
cells. The primary spermatocytes have progressed to diplotene and zygotene stages. In the next stages, the more
mature generation of primary spermatocytes has become transformed into a new generation of round early
spermatids. The older, elongated spermatids have become distinctly clustered within the apical portion of the
sustentacular cells (Figure 18-14). In the later stages, the clustered elongated spermatids continue to mature and
move toward the seminiferous lumen (see Figure 18-8). More spermatogonia (types A and B) have formed in
the outermost layers. The last stages include the spermiation stage, in which the initial generation of spermatids
has ended the maturation process. After separating from their residual bodies, the newly formed spermatozoa
enter the lumen, unattached to the seminiferous epithelium (see Figure 18-13).

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Figure 18-13 Light micrograph of an early stage of spermatogenesis in the

seminiferous tubule of a rat. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×250.)

The different stages occur in succession along the seminiferous tubule, forming a spermatogenic wave.
However, segments of spermatogenic waves can also occur; for example, the first four stages may be found
repeatedly along a portion of the seminiferous tubule. Variations in the amount of complete spermatogenic
waves and their segmented forms are likely to be species specific. Among different species are those that can
produce spermatozoa throughout the year and those that are seasonal breeders, spermiating at certain times or
seasons of the year. In the latter instance, during the nonbreeding season the seminiferous epithelium is poorly
developed, having few spermatogonia.


Within the lamina propria surrounding the seminiferous tubules are clusters of endocrine cells, the interstitial
cells (cells of Leydig), that form the hormone, testosterone. Although varying to some extent in size among
domestic species, these cells are polyhedral and uninucleated, possessing cytoplasm filled with smooth 429
endoplasmic reticulum and interspersed mitochondria (Figure 18-15). The interstitial cells can be especially 430
well developed in the stallion and the boar, occupying considerable portions of the interstitial tissue that lie
between adjacent tubules.

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Figure 18-14 Light micrograph of a later stage of spermatogenesis in the

seminiferous tubule of a rat. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×250.)


The seminiferous tubules empty into a system of ducts that exist within the testes, the intratesticular ducts, and
outside the testes, the extratesticular ducts. The intratesticular ducts consist of the tubuli recti and the rete testis,
and the extratesticular ducts consist of the ductuli efferentes, the ductus epididymis, and the ductus deferens.


The tubuli recti receive the spermatozoa formed by the seminiferous tubules. These tubules vary in length
and although generally straight can be tortuous as they progress distally toward the rete testis. As the
terminal segments of the seminiferous tubules join the tubuli recti, they narrow in diameter and are lined by
sustentacular cells that become replaced distally by a simple squamous to cuboidal epithelium (Figure
18-16). While the tubuli recti progress toward the rete testis, the epithelial lining may become more
columnar in shape. The cells of the epithelium, which are apically modified with microvilli and occasional
cilia, can house many lymphocytes and macrophages.

CHAPTER 18 Male Reproductive System Page 18 of 34

Textbook of Veterinary Histology Rete Testis

The tubuli recti empty into the rete testis, which as a labyrinth-like network of anastomosing channels
functions to receive via the tubuli recti the inactive spermatozoa produced by the numerous seminiferous
tubules (Figure 18-17). Concomitantly, this portion of the intratesticular ducts creates the testicular fluid for
the temporarily held spermatozoa. The rete testis continues to be lined by the same type of epithelium found
within the distal portions of the tubuli recti with similar apical modifications. The network of channels is
surrounded and held together by a substantial amount of dense connection tissue, which contains scattered
myofibroblasts that lie beneath the epithelium.


The first two types of the extratesticular ducts, the ductuli efferentes and the ductus epididymis, form the 430
accessory structure known as the epididymis. The epididymis stores the spermatozoa, which continue to remain 431
inactive within the male reproduction tract, and provides its own substance, replacing the testicular fluid formed
by the rete testis.

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Figure 18-15 A, Light micrograph (×300) of the interstitial cells adjacent to the
seminiferous tubule of the horse. B, Transmission electron
micrograph of an interstitial cell within the testis of an opossum.
(Gartner LP, Hiatt JL: Color textbook of histology, Philadelphia,
1997, Saunders.)

CHAPTER 18 Male Reproductive System Page 20 of 34

Textbook of Veterinary Histology Ductuli Efferentes

From the rete testis, 8 to 20 or so short tubules, known collectively as the ductuli efferentes, lead the 431
spermatozoa to the ductus epididymis. These tubules or ductules are lined once again by a simple epithelium, 432
simple cuboidal to low columnar, that is either ciliated or nonciliated. Those that are nonciliated are usually
equipped apically with microvilli. Typically, those that are ciliated and those that are nonciliated are
clustered from one another, resulting in alternating ciliated and nonciliated regions within the ductules. The
nonciliated portions are most likely involved in the absorption of the testicular fluid, whereas the ciliated
portions facilitate the movement of the spermatozoa toward the ductus epididymis. The underlying
connective tissue is composed of collagen and elastic fibers and intermittent layers of contractile cells
(myofibroblasts) that encircle each ductule and are innervated sympathetically and parasympathetically by
nonmyelinated fibers in the cat.

Figure 18-16 Light micrographs of the terminal segment of a seminiferous

tubule as it empties into the tubuli recti of a horse.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; A, ×100; B, ×300.)

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Figure 18-17 Light micrograph (×15) of the equine testis rete. Each channel is
lined by low columnar ciliated epithelium (inset, ×250).
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain.)

Figure 18-18 Light micrograph of the body region of an equine epididymis.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×20.)

CHAPTER 18 Male Reproductive System Page 22 of 34

Textbook of Veterinary Histology Ductus Epididymis

The ductus epididymis consists of a long, highly convoluted tubule that, for reference purposes, is
subdivided into three portions: the head, body, and tail (see Figure 18-1). The length of the entire duct varies
greatly among domestic species and can reach up to 70 meters in the stallion. The head (caput) is the portion
that receives the contents contained within the ductuli efferentes. This portion, which immediately becomes
highly coiled, and the body (corpus) possess a simple epithelium of considerable height, having at least two
cell types: the tall columnar principal cell and the short polygonal basal cell (Figure 18-18; see also Figure
3-13). The principal cells of this pseudostratified columnar epithelium form the long, often branched
microvilli, also known as stereocilia (see Figure 3-23). Much of their cytoplasm is filled with rough
endoplasmic reticulum, that is located more basally, and Golgi apparatus and smooth endoplasmic reticulum,
that are positioned apically. At the base of the stereocilia, pinocytotic and coated vesicles can be frequently
observed. The principal cells function both to absorb and secrete. The secretions include enzymes, such as
phosphatases and glycosidases, and the glycoprotein, glycerophosphocholine, which serves to keep
spermatozoa from fertilizing secondary oocytes by inhibiting their capacitation (an event discussed in
Chapter 19). The basal cells, which are comparatively few in number, contain sparse amount of organelles
within a small cytoplasm and are believed to be stem cells for the principal cell population. In addition to
these cell types, other cell types may be encountered in different species, including apical cells and clear
cells. Lymphocytes and macrophages assist in removing cytoplasmic remnants that were not entirely
removed by the sustentacular cells. It is within the head and the body of the ductus epididymis that the
spermatozoa complete their maturation, including loss of the residual cytoplasmic droplets and initiation of
flagellar motility. These final stages of sperm differentiation are likely the result of sequential interactions
with epididymal fluid as the spermatozoa are moved through the head, body, and tail of this structure. With
the coordinated activities of absorption and secretion, the spermatozoa mature as they become concentrated,
protected, and stored.

The epithelial basement membrane of the ductus epididymis is attached to a thin layer of connective tissue,
which, in turn, is encircled by a thin layer of smooth muscle (Figure 18-19). Contraction of the smooth
muscle assists in moving the maturing spermatozoa to the caudal portion of the ductus epididymis. This
portion—referred to as the tail (cauda) of the ductus epididymis—stores the mature spermatozoa for
extended periods if necessary. The height of the principal cells within the pseudostratified epithelium
becomes reduced as the tail moves toward the ductus deferens. The surrounding smooth muscle thickens.

Changes in normal hormone exposure of estrogens and quite possibly progestins and androgens during
prepubertal development of dogs can result in alterations of both the epithelium and surrounding peritubular
tissue that could alter the functional capability of the epididymis. As animals become aged, epithelial
hyperplasia of the epididymis appears to be a normal feature. Ductus Deferens

The ductus epididymis ends, emptying into the ductus deferens (vas deferens). At this junction, the coiled
tail abruptly straightens, indicating the beginning of the ductus deferens (see Figure 18-1). The epithelial
lining continues to be pseudostratified columnar with short stereociliated principal cells. Like the ductus
epididymis, the base of the epithelium is attached to a thin layer of a well-vascularized loose connective
tissue. This tissue is encircled by a very well-developed layer of smooth muscle that is additionally lined by
another, external layer of smooth muscle oriented along the longitudinal axis of the ductus deferens; together
they comprise a well-developed tunica muscularis (Figure 18-20). In large herbivorous species, the tunica

CHAPTER 18 Male Reproductive System Page 23 of 34

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muscularis of the ductus deferens includes obliquely positioned smooth muscle that intermingles with the
circular and longitudinal layers. Externally, a usual serosal lining completes the construction of this part of 433
the extratesticular duct system. Toward the end of the ductus deferens, the first accessory gland of the male 434
reproductive tract is formed, consisting of simple branched tubuloalveolar mucus glands that lie within the
propria-submucosa. In some domestic animals, such as the dog, ram, bull and stallion, this portion is
extensive and forms an ampulla. The cat and the boar lack ampullae, but still possess this accessory gland.

Figure 18-19 Light micrograph of the smooth muscle associated with the
equine epididymis. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)

Figure 18-20 Light micrograph of the ductus deferens of the cat.

(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×15.)

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The termination of the ductus deferens varies from species to species. In the bull, ram, and stallion, the
ductus deferens joins the excretory duct of the vesicular gland to become an ejaculatory duct that empties
into the urethra. In the boar, the ductus deferens does not join the excretory duct of the vesicular gland
because each duct empties into the urethra separately. In the dog and cat, the ductus deferens leads directly to
the urethra as well, but for a different reason than that of boars. Male carnivores do not form vesicular glands.


In addition to the glands of the ductus deferens, spermatozoa are bathed in secretions that form the seminal plasma
of the ejaculate or semen. In most domestic animals, the seminal plasma is made by the accessory glands, which
include the ductus deferens, the vesicular gland, the prostate, and the bulbourethral gland (Table 18-1). Only
carnivores lack the vesicular gland, and the dog lacks the bulbourethral gland as well. The seminal plasma is both
mucous and serous in composition and functions to nourish and provide the necessary energy source for
spermatozoa motility, lubricate the urethra, and create a volume of ejaculate that helps move the spermatozoa from
the male into the female as a bolus and plug the vagina. 434

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TABLE 18-1 Key Morphological Characteristics of the Glands Associated with the
Male Reproductive Tract of Domestic Species


Terminal portion Well-developed muscular tunic, Secretory cells are columnar to Function is unknown; secretory
of the ductus especially in the boar, bull, and cuboidal with basally located oval cells can be glycogen-ladened in
deferens stallion; thins distally; simple, to round nuclei; release serous ruminants, and in the bull contain
branched tubuloalveolar glands secretion; presence of scattered lipid droplets that can fuse into
within lamina propria submucosa basal cells one, including basal cells
form ampullae in the dog,
ruminant, and stallion
Vesicular Muscular tunic can consist of Secretory cells are columnar to Provide energy source for
inner circular and outer high columnar shaped, spermatozoa; this gland is absent
longitudinal, which may or may interspersed with occasional basal in carnivores; glands form
not be intertwined; compound cells that can possess single lipid vesicular outpocketings in the
tubuloalveolar or tubular glands droplets; secretions released have horse with ducts of stratified
within well-vascularized lamina high concentrations of sugars columnar epithelium; in the bull,
propria submucosa that can (fructose); secretory ducts consist stromal septae separating lobules
develop into stromal partitions for of simple columnar to simple contain smooth muscle
lobe and lobule formation; cuboidal
secretory ducts empty centrally
Prostate Stromal capsule with considerable Secretory cells as well as duct Secretions increase motility of
amount of smooth muscle that cells are cuboidal to low columnar spermatozoa and facilitate vaginal
continues into stromal septae; shaped; occasional basal cells plug formation; in the bull
glandular parenchyma consists of occur; secretion is serous to secretion contains citrate and
compound tubuloalveolar glands seromucoid fructose; bilaterally lobed in the
that comprise two portions: the dog encircling proximal pelvic
body (external portion) and the urethra, whereas in the cat the
disseminate (internal) portion; lobes lie laterally and dorsally
ducts can be widely sacculated, along the urethra; the body is less
allowing considerable storage of developed in ruminants
secretory material (nonexistent in rams)
Bulbourethral Stromal capsule with fibroelastic Secretory cells are high columnar Clears penile urethra of urine and
tissue and some smooth muscle shaped; occasional basal cells assists lubrication of vagina as a
as well as skeletal muscle (from occur; secretion is mostly mucus; preejaculatory fluid; in the cat, it
the bulbocavernous and urethral duct system is present, beginning has glycogen, which may provide
muscles); glandular parenchyma with simple cuboidal to columnar energy source for spermatozoa;
consists of compound epithelia that line small ducts and absent in the dog, but well
tubuloalveolar (ruminants and empty into pseudostratified developed in the boar
stallion) or tubular (boar and cat) columnar epithelial-lined larger
glands ducts that flow into one or more
principal bulbourethral duct(s)

The accessory glands are largely targets of androgens, which can control activities of epithelial tissue as well as
direct the development and regression of stromal cells, including smooth muscle elements.


Anatomically, boars form a pair of vesicular glands, whereas carnivores lack this gland. In most domestic
animals, the vesicular gland (seminal vesicles) consists of a lobulated compound gland that has a central duct
surrounded radially by branching tubular to tubuloalveolar adenomeres (Figure 18-21). In the stallion, glandular
epithelium lines a collection of vesicle-like outpocketings. The duct system is lined by a simple cuboidal

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epithelium that in the stallion, for example, can be stratified columnar. However, the glandular epithelium is
pseudostratified columnar with round, short basal cells scattered between the columnar cells. The basal cells
can contain single prominent lipid droplets that are rich in cholesterol and triglycerides and occupy most of the
cytoplasm. Smaller lipid droplets occur within the cytoplasm of the columnar cells that also store extensive
amounts glycogen, often near their apices. As the principal secretory cell, the columnar cells secrete large 435
amounts of fructose that provides energy for the spermatozoa and makes this portion of the ejaculate viscous. 436
The glandular epithelium also may be able to release lipochrome pigment into its secretion, giving it a pale
yellow appearance. The propria-submucosa is made of well-vascularized loose connective tissue that becomes
dense where the stroma separates the secretory portions into lobules and lobes. The tunica muscularis can vary
in amount and orientation—either interwoven or layered circularly and longitudinally.

Figure 18-21 Light micrograph of the equine vesicular gland. (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×30.)


The next accessory gland, the prostate, surrounds the pelvic urethra in two parts: an outer, compact body
(corpus prostatae) that completely or partially covers an inner disseminate part (disseminata prostatae). The
body of the prostate is externally lined by a capsule of dense irregular connective tissue that becomes
continuous with the rest of the stroma, being primarily the propria-submucosa. Much of the glandular
parenchyma of the prostate is located within the body, consisting of multiple compound tubuloalveolar
secretory segments that individually wind through the propria-submucosa and its disseminate part and empty by
their secretions directly into the urethra. The disseminate part is much like the body, but only less so, having
fewer tubuloalveolar segments (Figure 18-22). The glandular epithelium as well as the ducts can range from

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cuboidal to columnar in shape. The secretory material is generally serous among domestic animals, but can
have mucous adenomeres, such as that in the bull, which forms seromucoid secretions (see Table 18-1).

The body and disseminate part of the prostate are often variably developed among the males of different
domestic species. In ruminants, the body is less pronounced than that of other domestic animals. In the bull, the
glandular tissue exists intermittently among the bundles of smooth muscle within the tunica muscularis,
whereas in the ram it is essentially nonexistent. By comparison, the disseminate part is considerably more
developed in these males. Only the ventral portion of the propria-submucosa in the ram is void of any secretory

The glandular parenchyma of the stallion is arranged in nearly an opposite manner of that in ruminants and is
formed solely in the outer portion rather than internally. Here the gland is bilobed, with right and left portions
interconnected dorsally by an isthmus.

The carnivorous prostate is well developed, and like the horse is best formed within the body or corpus
prostatae, consisting of two lobes. However, both the cat and the dog possess the disseminate part, which is
lobular and scattered.


As the urethra progresses into the copulatory organ, the penis, another accessory gland usually exists, that being
the bulbourethral gland, which consists of a paired structure that lies dorsolaterally to the pelvic urethra. The
secretory units are arranged as either compound tubuloalveoli (in the stallion and ruminants) or compound
tubuli (in the cat and the boar), being absent in the dog. The secretory epithelia are generally simple columnar 436
and produce a mucus-rich product in most species, but can contain serous material in ruminants as well (Figure 438
18-23). For the most part, the secretion of the bulbourethral gland, which is released before ejaculation, serves
initially to clear the urethra of urine and subsequently aid in lubricating the vagina.

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Figure 18-22 Light micrographs of a canine prostate gland. (Hematoxylin and

eosin stain; A, ×20; B, ×250.)

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Figure 18-23 Light micrographs of a feline bulbourethral gland. (Hematoxylin

and eosin stain; A, ×100; B, ×400.)

The adenomeres empty into a duct system, which initially consists of simple cuboidal or simple columnar
epithelia (lining the collecting ducts). As these ducts join one another, the epithelial lining becomes

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pseudostratified columnar, eventually emptying into a single large duct that is lined by a transitional epithelium
before connecting with the urethra.

The bulbourethral gland is externally covered by a capsule of fibroelastic connective tissue with smooth and
skeletal muscle cells, the latter originating from adjacent bulbocavernous and urethral muscles. From the
capsule, septae of thin dense to loose connective tissue support segments of the gland as they lie within the
propria-submucosa. Smooth and skeletal muscle cells can be included within the septae.

18.4.4 URETHRA
As a part of the excretory duct system of the urinary tract, the urethra connects the urinary bladder to the body 439
surface, ending at the prepuce in most species or glans penis in the dog and the stallion, where it forms the
external urethral opening. The entire urethra can be divided into several regions, beginning with the prostatic
region, which extends from the urinary bladder to the colliculus seminalis, an area that becomes slightly
enlarged and has openings of ducts from the ductus deferens, the prostate, and the vesicular gland. Folds lined
by transitional epithelium, including the dorsomedial urethral crest, extend along the longitudinal axis of the
urethra, projecting into its lumen. The propria-submucosa contains erectile tissue, consisting of
endothelial-lined sinus-like caverns that can be engorged with blood. The tunica muscularis is composed of
skeletal muscle, intermingling initially with smooth muscle in the region of the urinary bladder.

Figure 18-24 Light micrograph of a bovine pelvic urethra lined by transitional

epithelium. E, Erectile tissue. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×30.)

From the prostatic region, the urethra continues toward the base of the penis, forming the membranous (pelvic)
urethra (Figure 18-24; see also Figure 18-4). The membranous urethra is lined by a transitional epithelium. The
dorsomedial urethral crest seen within the prostatic region ceases to exist in the membranous region. The

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propria-submucosa contains loose connective tissue housing smooth muscle, many simple glands (mostly
tubular and mucus secreting), and erectile tissue.

As the urethra enters the bulb of the penis, the membranous portion ends and the spongiose portion begins. The
epithelial lining continues to be predominantly transitional with areas or patches of simple columnar, stratified
columnar, and stratified cuboidal epithelia. At or near the urethral opening, the epithelium becomes stratified
squamous. In the propria-submucosa, the erectile tissue is more pronounced, having larger vascular caverns
than those encountered in the prostatic and membranous portions. This portion of the erectile tissue is the
corpus spongiosum.

18.4.5 PENIS

The penis of domestic species functions as a shared outlet for the excretion of urine and the deposition of
spermatozoa into the respective female reproductive tract. Consequently this structure can be considered a
portion of both the urinary and reproductive systems in males. Although shared by both systems, the penis is
designed for the copulatory ejaculation of semen and spermatozoa. For that reason, much of the penis consists
of erectile tissues required for copulation. This structure then is composed of the paired corpora cavernosa
penis, the corpus spongiosum penis, and the glans penis.

The corpora cavernosa penis, which makes up much of the body of the penis, consists of two dorsal columns
of erectile tissue that are lined by a dense connective tissue, the tunica albuginea. The tunica albuginea may
become discontinuous and allow the vascular cavernous spaces to join one another or, in the dog and stallion,
form a connective tissue septum. The erectile tissue consists primarily of vascularized connective tissue that can
be ladened with elastic fibers and/or smooth muscle (Figure 18-25). The vasculature is composed of sinuses that
become engorged during erection, especially within a vascular-type penis, in cats, dogs, and horses. 439
Figure 18-25 Light micrograph of the erectile tissue within the canine penis.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.)

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In pigs and ruminants, the penis enlarges to some extent with vascular engorgement. However, in these animals
the tunica albuginea is well developed, consisting of dense connective tissue and forming a fibrous-type penis.

Distally the body becomes the glans, which is externally lined by a reflection of the integument, the prepuce,
and ends as a slitlike aperture for the urethra. The glans, which is best developed in the dog and the stallion,
contains a variety of tissues, depending on the species. In carnivores, the glans consists of erectile tissue, bone,
os penis, and fibrocartilage (Figure 18-26), whereas in the bull it consists of dense connective tissue with an
erectile venous plexus that surrounds the urethra, as well as forms much of the tunica albuginea.

The prepuce is an external layer of integument that is confluent with abdominal skin with associated hair and
glands, and continues at the preputial opening to reflect or invaginate inwardly (see Figure 18-1). The internal
layer may contain fine hairs and their sebaceous glands and sweat glands for some distance before reflecting
onto the penile surface.


In the vascular-type penis, erection is the result of engorgement of the blood vessels within the erectile tissues.
During stimulation, blood flow increases through the helicine arteries, which, in turn, causes the vessels within
the cavernous tissues to fill. As the cavernous tissue surrounding the urethra (the corpus spongiosum) becomes 440
engorged, this region will also increase in size but without occluding the urethra and inhibiting ejaculation. In 441
the fibrous-type penis, with the filling of the spaces within the erectile tissue, the length of the penis increases
as it extends from the prepuce.

Figure 18-26 Light micrograph of the canine penis. CC, Corpus cavernosum; OP,
os penis. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×10.)

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With the contraction of the smooth muscle of the helicine arteries as well as smooth muscle within the erectile
tissues and tunica albuginea, the usual flaccid tone of the penis occurs. This process, which is known as
detumescence, results in the marked reduction of blood flow into the cavernous tissues of the penis and a return
to its normal circulation. In the boar, bull, and ram, a retractor penis muscle facilitates the retraction of the penis
into the prepuce.


M Arighi, A Singh, FD Horney: Histology of the normal and retained equine testis. Acta Anat. 129, 1987,
HW Christl: The lamina propria of vertebrate seminiferous tubules: a comparative light and electron
microscopic investigation. Andrologica. 22, 1990, 85.
CJ Connell, A Donjacour: A morphological study of the epididymides of control and estradiol-treated
prepubertal dogs. Biol Reprod. 33, 1985, 951.
JL Dacheux, S Castella, JL Gatti, F Dacheux: Epididymal cell secretory activities and the role of proteins in
boar sperm maturation. Theriogenology. 63, 2005, 319.
DW Fawcett: In Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology. ed 11, 1986, Saunders, Philadelphia.
T Fukuda, M Kikuchi, T Kurotaki, et al.: Age-related changes in the testes of horses. Equine Vet J. 33,
2001, 20.
LP Gartner, JL Hiatt: In Color textbook of histology. 1997, Saunders, Philadelphia.
RA Hess: Spermatogenesis overview. In Knobil, E, Neill, JD (Eds.): Encyclopedia of reproduction. vol 4,
1999, Academic Press, San Diego.
RW James, R Heywood: Age-related variations in the testes and prostate of beagle dogs. Toxicology. 12,
1979, 273.
JS Jones, WE Berndston: A quantitative study of Sertoli cell and germ cell populations as related to sexual
development and aging in the stallion. Biol Reprod. 35, 1986, 138.
YJ Niu, TX Ma, J Zhang, et al.: Androgen and prostatic stroma. Asian J Androl. 5, 2003, 19.
A Tsukise, K Yamada: Histochemistry of cycloconjugates in the secretory epithelium of the goat
bulbourethral gland. Acta Anat. 129, 1987, 344.
KH Wrobel, A Gurtler: Morphology and innervation pattern of the feline urogenital junction. Anat Histol
Embryol. 33, 2004, 317.

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19 CHAPTER 19 Female Reproductive System


• Designed for the production, sustenance, and transport of ova and its subsequent fertilization and

• Has endocrine components and fully interacts with the endocrine system

• Consists of a tubular tract (uterine tube, uterus, and vagina) with accessory glands, and connects with the
caudal portion (urethra) of the urinary system

• In mammals, a portion of the system is involved in zygote implantation and subsequent placentation; in
nonmammals the comparable portion is involved in eggshell formation

Among domestic animals, the female reproductive system forms a tract that is composed internally of ovaries,
uterine tubes, uterus, cervix, and vagina, and externally of the vulva (Figure 19-1). Collectively, these components
receive the male gametes and spermatozoa and facilitate their transportation as well as produce and transport the
female gametes (ova) for fertilization. After fertilization the conceptus of mammals continues to develop within the
tract until birth. In concert with birth and development of an organism, the mammary gland is included within the
female reproductive system.

19.2 OVARY

Among domestic species, the ovary is oval to round and can vary in appearance and size according to different
points along the cyclic production of ova, otherwise known as the reproductive cycle. As in the testes of the male
reproductive system, ovaries are paired and involved in endocrine activities concomitant with ova production.
Each ovary can be referenced by cranial and caudal poles as well as its dorsal and ventral surfaces and medial and
lateral borders.

In the adult female, the surface of an ovary is lined by a simple low cuboidal to squamous serosal epithelium. This
epithelium is subtended by a layer of little vascularized, dense irregular connective tissue that forms the tunica
albuginea, the capsule of the ovary. In most species the tunica albuginea covers the cortex, the first of two zones
that comprise the body of the ovary in most species. The second zone is the medulla, which lies centrally within
the ovary, surrounded by the cortex (Figure 19-2). In the horse, the cortex lies centrally, surrounded by the

19.2.1 CORTEX

The cortex contains a somewhat loosely arranged framework of connective tissue that forms the stroma and
surrounds follicles of various stages of development. Cells within the stroma include clusters of fibroblasts, also
known as stromal cells, that can vary in their morphology (often having an epithelioid appearance), and consist 442
of interstitial gland cells and thecal cells associated with follicular development. The interstitial gland cells are 443
endocrine and can form cords in bitches, queens, and rodents.

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Figure 19-1 Schematic diagram of the female reproductive tract of the cat. C,
Cervix; O, ovary; SL, suspensory ligament; U, uterus; UH, uterine
horn; UT, uterine tube; Ur, urethra; V, vagina.

Most of the cortex consists of follicles, which are ova-bearing structures that originate during fetal development
with the production of the female gametes. The first formed follicles, the primordial follicles, consist of a
primary oocyte and surrounding follicular cells, which at this time is a simple squamous epithelium with its
own basal lamina (Figure 19-3). Having originated from oogonia, the primary oocyte has begun the first
meiotic division and progressed through the leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, and diplotene stages of prophase.
Completion of prophase will not occur until ovulation, which can take place many years later. Hundreds of
thousands to millions of primary oocytes are initially formed in the fetus and held within primordial follicles
located within the outer periphery of the cortex next to the tunica albuginea. Many of these degenerate fetally
and continue to degenerate thereafter throughout the lifetime of the individual. Ultimately, only hundreds of
primordial follicles will advance to ovulation during the normal course of an animal's life span. The remainder
are stopped at various stages of development and subsequently break down in a process known as follicular
atresia. Ovarian Follicles

Follicles within the cortex of each ovary consist of a primary oocyte and surrounding supportive cells, the
follicular cells, which in turn become surrounded by specialized stromal cells. Each follicle has the potential
to undergo a progressive series of changes that result in four specific stages of development, comprising the
formation of primordial follicles, primary follicles, secondary follicles and tertiary follicles. Primordial Follicles.

The first follicle formed is the primordial follicle, the most numerous fetally or soon postnatally as in
canine species. Initially oogonia develop from internal epithelial cell masses. Among the cell masses,
clusters of cells separate from one another. Within each cluster a central cell differentiates into an
oogonium, which subsequently enters the prophase of the first meiosis while concomitantly becoming
larger—it thus becomes the primary oocyte. Morphologically, the primary oocyte possesses a large, round
euchromatic nucleus, 10μm or greater in diameter with a distinct single nucleus (Figure 19-4; see also
Figure 19-3). The cytoplasm is composed mostly of mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER),
Golgi apparatus, and small vesicles that are most likely derived from the Golgi apparatus. The primary
oocyte is entirely encased by a single layer of follicular cells that are flattened or squamous at this time.
Laterally, adjacent follicular cells are attached to each other by desmosomal junctions, and basally these

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cells form a basal lamina. In large herbivores, primordial follicles tend to be evenly distributed throughout
the outer cortex. By comparison, in carnivores these follicles are more clustered. Primary Follicles.

On reaching sexual maturity, from resting primordial follicles individual follicles will continue to develop
into primary follicles, also referred to as being preantral and unilaminar (Figure 19-5). The primary
oocyte grows larger, resulting in multiple Golgi complexes, extensive rER and polysomes, and further
proliferation of mitochondria, all dispersing fairly evenly throughout the cytoplasm or ooplasm of the
oocyte. Vesicles, which remain usually small, and multivesicular bodies build up as well. During this
stage of development, the oocyte will increase its size by two or more times. Concomitantly, the adjacent
follicular cells become distinctly cuboidal to low columnar and still comprise a single surrounding layer. Secondary Follicles.

The primary oocyte continues to enlarge appreciably in the same manner described for the primary 443
follicles (Figure 19-6). The encircling follicular cells divide and give rise to a stratified epithelial lining. 444
As a result, a secondary follicle becomes formed, which can still be referred to as preantral, but is now
multilaminar due to the multiple layers of follicular cells. The follicular cells are known at this stage of
development as granulosa cells. Basally, the granulosa cells remain attached to the adjacent stroma by a
thickened basal lamina, membrana limitans externa. Apically, the granulosa cells become separated
from the oocyte by a space called the zona pellucida (see Figure 9-6). The zona pellucida consists of an
amorphous material produced by the secretions of the primary oocyte. Along the cell membrane of the
oocyte, vesicles release a variety of glycoproteins, which result in the formation of this highly refractile
layer. However, the zona pellucida does not form a true barrier as numerous microvilli-like processes 444
extend from the oocyte and attach to filopodial extensions of the internal-most granulosa cells. The two 445
sets of adjacent processes are further connected by gap junctions, thus allowing direct communication
between the oocyte and the granulosa cells.

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Figure 19-2 A, Diagram of the mammalian ovary typical of most domestic

species. B, Light micrograph of the rabbit ovary. (Hematoxylin
and eosin stain; ×6.) AF, Atretic follicle; C, cortex; CL, corpus
luteum; F, fimbriae of the infundibulum; H, hilus; M, medulla;
PF, primordial follicle; SF, secondary follicle; TF, tertiary follicle.

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Figure 19-3 Light micrograph of the outer cortex in the rabbit ovary. TA,
Tunica albuginea. (Plastic section, hematoxylin and eosin stain;

Figure 19-4 Light micrograph of a primordial follicle within the outer

cortex. (Plastic section, hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)

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During the development of the secondary follicle, surrounding stromal cells become organized. These
cells continue to divide and become concentrically oriented around the follicle with concomitant
developed vascularity. Tertiary Follicles.

As granulosa cells continue to proliferate and a large spherical follicle takes shape, the tertiary follicle is 445
formed (Figure 19-7). Spaces between granulosa cells arise, forming the liquor folliculi, a fluid of plasma 449
origin in part, consisting of glycosaminoglycans and steroid-associated protein. The spaces, which become
clefts, soon fuse into a single large cavity, the antrum. With the occurrence of this structure, the tertiary
follicle is sometimes referred to as the antral follicle. With the development of the antrum, the primary
oocyte is displaced off to one side. The surrounding layers of granulosa cells become the cumulus
oophorus. The granulosa cells immediately adjacent to the oocyte increase in their height and become
radially oriented around the oocyte, resulting in the formation of the corona radiata (Figure 19-8). These
cells have a direct role in supporting the primary oocyte. During the course of the development of the
tertiary follicle, most of the growth involves the antrum because the size of the oocyte does not progress
much beyond 300μm in diameter, being smaller than that in most species. Granulosa cells can
occasionally be associated with round periodic acid–Schiff (PAS)–positive bodies (Call-Exner bodies)
that contribute to the liquor folliculi (Table 19-1). Eventually the tertiary follicles increase to prominent
sizes that can reach at ovulation 2 cm or greater in the cow and mare; in most domestic species they range
between 6 and 11 mm, with the queen possessing the smallest at 3 to 4 mm. As the follicle reaches
maturation, the cumulus oophorus with its primary oocyte and associated corona radiata breaks from the
rest of the granulosa cells and moves freely within the antrum.

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Figure 19-5 A, Light micrograph of a primary follicle in the rabbit ovary.

(Plastic section, hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.) B,
Transmission electron micrograph of a primary follicle in a rat
ovary. (×7000.) Nu, Nucleolus of the primary oocyte. (Modified
from Gartner LP, Hiatt JL: Color textbook of histology,
Philadelphia, 1997, Saunders.)

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Figure 19-6 A, Light micrograph of a secondary follicle with the zona

pellucida surrounding the primary oocyte in the canine ovary.
(Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×100.) B, Light micrograph
of the zona pellucida within a late secondary follicle in the
rabbit ovary. (Plastic section, H&E stain; ×250.)

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Figure 19-7 A, Light micrograph of an early tertiary follicle in the canine

ovary with deposits of liquor folliculi between granulosa cells.
(Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×100.) B, Light micrograph
of a tertiary follicle with a developing antrum (A) in the feline
ovary. (H&E stain; ×100.)

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Within the surrounding stroma, the thecal cells further develop into two portions: an inner
well-vascularized layer, the theca interna, and an outer fibrous connective tissue, the theca externa
(Figure 19-9). The cells of the theca interna become less spindly than those of the theca externa during the
development of the tertiary follicle. As the follicle matures, these cells, which form reticular fibers early
in their development, become epithelioid as they build up metabolic machinery typically found in
steroid-producing cells. Ultrastructurally, their cytoplasm is filled with smooth endoplasmic reticulum,
mitochondria with tubular cristae, small lipid droplets, and a well-formed Golgi apparatus, with only a
scattering of rER. These cells become responsible for the production of the precursor of estrogens—the
female sex hormones. Cells of the theca externa remain fibroblastic and form a thin rim of loose
connective tissue around the theca interna, housing the larger vessels that give rise to the capillary bed,
which feeds the theca interna.

Once the tertiary follicle has completed its development, it has become a mature follicle, ready to rupture
and release the oocyte, a process called ovulation. In most domestic species as ovulation approaches, the
primary oocyte is able to complete the first meiotic division. At this time two daughter cells are formed,
each containing a complement of chromosomes, originating from both parents. One of the daughter cells
becomes the secondary oocyte, and the other becomes the polar body, sharing little of the cytoplasm
after cytokinesis and is subsequently given off (Figure 19-10). The secondary oocyte immediately
undergoes the second meiotic division to be arrested once more, but in this instance in the metaphase
stage. In canine and equine species, completion of the first meiotic division does not occur until shortly
after ovulation. Ovulation.

As the tertiary follicle fully matures (except for the bitch and the mare in which the primary oocyte
becomes the secondary oocyte), the mature follicle presses against the tunica albuginea of the ovary. As
this process occurs, the compressed region loses vasculature, thins, and becomes transparent. This
compressed region is called the stigma and will soon become the site of ovulation. The connective tissue
of the stigma as well as the wall of the mature follicle at the site of the stigma break down. At this point,
an opening is formed between the antrum of the mature follicle and the tissue within the abdominal cavity
that lines the ovary.

A principal factor responsible for the series of events that have been just described is the change in the
levels of the endocrine secretion known as luteinizing hormone (LH) (see Table 19-1). The surge of LH
causes the primary oocyte to complete the first meiotic division and the secondary oocyte to enter the
second meiotic division. With the rise of LH, histamine is elevated as well, causing blood vessels within
the theca to dilate and the stroma of the maturing follicle to become edematous. A concomitant release of
prostaglandins results in elevated matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activities, which include
collagenases and other enzymes involved in extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation and remodeling of
the ovarian connective tissue. Specifically, the prostaglandins stimulate the follicular cells to secrete
selected MMPs, principally, collagenases that contribute greatly to the breakdown of the follicular wall at
the stigma and a concomitant inflammatory response as leukocytes penetrate this region. The combination
of these activities results in the effective removal of both the follicular wall and the tunica albuginea,
causing the oocyte with its corona radiata and other cells of the cumulus oophorus along with follicular
fluid to be released from the ovary into the peritoneal cavity. At this point, the oocyte enters into the
fimbriated infundibulum of the uterine tube. If the oocyte does not flow into the uterine tube, but 449
remains at the ovary and becomes fertilized there, an ectopic pregnancy will ensue, an event that 450

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fortunately is quite rare. Once the oocyte has entered the uterine tube, it has less than 24 hours to be
fertilized. If the oocyte is not fertilized within that time, it will degenerate and be phagocytosed.

Figure 19-8 A, Light micrograph of a tertiary follicle in the canine ovary. A,

Antrum; CO, cumulus oophorus; GC, granulosa cells; TE, theca
externa; TI, theca interna. (Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain;
×50.) B, Light micrograph of the cumulus oophorus (CO) and
corona radiata (CR) surrounding the primary oocyte. (H&E stain;

The amount of stromal remodeling that occurs for ovulation varies to some extent among domestic
species, being most extensive in the mare. In this animal, the cortex is located centrally and for that reason 450
the developing follicle has to travel a considerable distance before ovulation can take place. 451

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TABLE 19-1 Morphological Events and Associated Glandular Activity of the

Follicular Development in Domestic Mammalian Ovaries


Primordial Large, round primary None Clustered in carnivores
oocyte with distinct nucleus within outer cortex; evenly
and surrounded by single distributed within outer
layer of flattened follicular cortex in ungulates
Primary (preantral, Primary oocyte enlarges by Plasma (pituitary released) Rise in plasma FSH in does,
unilaminar) two or more times; follicle-stimulating hormone ewes, and mares results in
surrounding layer of (FSH) begins to rise synchronous follicular wave
follicular cells becomes development that can result
cuboidal to low columnar up to four waves per cycle,
the last two being ovulatory
Secondary (preantral, Primary oocyte continues to Raised FSH
multilaminar) enlarge and forms zona
pellucida; surrounding
follicular cells multiply and
become multilayered
granulosa cells; stroma cells
increase in number and
start to become organized
Tertiary (antral, Granulosa cells continue to FSH declines; estrogens rise Granulosa cells can contain
multilaminar) divide and surround coming from granulosa cells Call-Exner bodies in the cow
primary oocyte forming and interstitial gland and ewe
cumulus oophorus and
corona radiata as well as
form antrum filled with
liquor folliculi; stroma
forms vascularized theca
interna and fibrous theca
Mature (late tertiary) and Follicle and oocyte have Estrogen level is sufficient First meiotic division is
ovulation reached full size; the follicle to shut off FSH; surge in completed, forming
presses against tunica plasma (pituitary released) secondary oocyte in all but
albuginea, which becomes luteinizing hormone (LH) bitch and mare, which
avascular stigma; cumulus results in prostaglandin occurs after ovulation
oophorus floats freely release and collagenase
within antrum; stigma and activity
follicular wall at stigma
degenerate, resulting in
follicular rupture
Corpus luteum Ruptured follicle collapses, Progesterone level rises due Presence of the yellow
(luteinization) folds, and temporarily to luteal cell activity; during pigment lutein within luteal
hemorrhages; granulosa late estrous cycle cells in most domestic
cells become large luteal progesterone level lowers species but absent in the
cells, and internal thecal ewe and sow
cells become small luteal
Corpus albicans In the absence of With continued lowering of
fertilization, the luteal cells progesterone is a gradual
degenerate and are rise of FSH
replaced by connective

CHAPTER 19 Female Reproductive System Page 12 of 55

Textbook of Veterinary Histology Corpus Luteum.

On release of the oocyte and associated cells and fluid, the mature ruptured follicle collapses into a folded
state. Vasculature of the adjacent theca has ruptured during ovulation as well and has resulted in the
formation of a blood clot within much of the remaining antrum, forming the corpus hemorrhagicum,
which is especially developed in large domestic herbivores. Eventually the clot is removed and the
vasculature along with connective tissue elements extends from the theca interna into the granulosa cells.
The connective tissue elements consist mostly of small reticular fibers. The granulosa cells expand in size
and number as they become transformed into lutein cells, specifically the granulosa lutein cells, also 451
referred to as large luteal cells (Figure 19-11). At this same time, the adjacent cells of the theca interna 454
similarly divide and are converted into luteal cells, the theca lutein cells, which are also referred to as
small luteal cells because they failed to increase in size comparable to those originating from the
granulosa population.

Figure 19-9 Light micrograph of the surrounding stroma of a canine tertiary

follicle. GC, Granulosa cells; TE, theca externa; TI, theca interna.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×250.)

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Figure 19-10 Light micrographs of rat ova: A, near ovulation with arrow
pointing to first polar spindle, and B, after ovulation, but
before fertilization with first polar body (arrow) lying within
perivitelline space. (Modified from Fawcett DW: Bloom and
Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986,

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Figure 19-11 Light micrographs of the corpus luteum. A, Active corpus

luteum in the feline ovary. (Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain;
×20.) B, Rabbit corpus luteal tissue with many large luteal cells
(LL) and scattered small luteal cells (SL). (H&E; ×400.) C,
Regressing corpus luteum in the feline ovary. (H&E; ×250.)
Most luteal cells have a preponderance of single large lipid

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The process of transforming both populations of cells into lutein cells is called luteinization. In bitches
and queens as well as cows and mares, the yellow pigment lutein accumulates within the lutein cells.
However, in ewes and sows this pigment is absent. The basal lamina that previously separated the
granulosa cells from the theca cells has depolymerized during luteinization. As the granulosa cells become
large luteal cells, they form abundant organelles to form steroids. Their cytoplasm, which histologically
appears pale, is filled with smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sER), Golgi complexes, mitochondria, and
some rER and lipid bodies. The large luteal cells become involved primarily in the production of
progesterone and are able to convert androgens made by the small luteal cells into estrogens. As cells of
the theca interna become small luteal cells, the same organelles that occur in the large luteal cells are
formed in these cells, but are not nearly as abundant in their amount with the exception of the lipid bodies,
which are numerous in these cells. The small luteal cells produce progesterone and androgens and some
estrogens. On the whole, the large luteal cells comprise the major portion of the corpus luteum.

During the formation of the corpus luteum from the corpus hemorrhagicum, the level of the LH remains
high (see Table 19-1). As the luteal cells of the corpus luteum produce progesterone and estrogens, these
hormones are able to inhibit the secretion of LH and FSH. Corpus Albicans.

If the secondary oocyte is not fertilized, the corpus luteum gradually degenerates, becoming the
regressive corpus luteum. The regression is seen morphologically during late diestrus, as lutein pigment
condenses among the luteal cells (see Figure 19-11). This regression begins approximately 2 weeks after
ovulation in cows and sows. Connective tissue elements of the corpus luteum further develop and the

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corpus luteum becomes transformed into the corpus albicans. The luteal cells break down as they
undergo autolysis and their remains are removed by macrophages. As remnants of a previous ovulatory
event, the corpus albicans persists within the ovary as scar tissue for some time. With age, the presence of
these scars become more abundant. Atretic Follicles.

As primordial follicles progress through different stages of development, most never reach maturity, 455
having degenerated at some point along the way (Figure 19-12). Before ovulation multiple follicles have
become tertiary. However, as soon as one has matured and ruptured, the rest of the maturing follicles
begin the process of degeneration or atresia. Morphological signs of atresia include nuclear pyknosis and
chromatolysis of the granulosa cells of the follicular wall, whereas the cells of the theca layer fibrose. The
intervening basal lamina thickens, folds, and hyalinizes, forming an undulating glassy membrane (Figure
19-13). The resulting atretic follicles become subsequently resorbed by macrophages in much the same
manner that occurs to the corpus luteum as it becomes the corpus albicans. Cells of the theca interna may
atrophy or enlarge and luteinize in a manner comparable with that seen in the corpus luteum. In those
instances, the hypertrophied cells form cords around the regressing central portion of the atretic follicle.

Figure 19-12 Light micrograph of two atretic follicles in the canine ovary.
Arrows point to connective tissue scar of a corpus albicans–
like region. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.)

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In the bovine ovary, atresia of primary and secondary follicles occurs differently from that of tertiary
follicles in that the oocyte is first to degenerate, whereas during atresia of the tertiary follicles, the oocyte
degenerates after the regression of the follicular cells.

In atretic follicles of carnivores and rodents, epithelioid steroid-producing cells originate principally from
the theca interna cells of tertiary follicles and from hypertrophied granulosa cells of primary and
secondary follicles. Collectively, these cells comprise the interstitial endocrine cells or interstitial gland
of their ovaries and generally are little seen in the adult ovaries of other domestic species. Medulla

Except in the horse, the region known as the medulla is located centrally within the ovary (see Figure 19-2).
It consists primarily of large blood vessels, nerve fibers, and lymph vessels surrounded by loose connective
tissue that contains ample amounts of elastic and reticular fibers. The nerve fibers are mostly unmyelinated
and vasomotor in function, though some have sensory capability. The medullary vasculature gives rise to the
necessary capillary supply for follicular and subsequent corpus luteal development and regression. At the
hilus of the ovary, the medulla becomes confluent with the mesovarium (Figure 19-14; see also Figure 19-2.)
The mesovarium is a foldlike extension of the peritoneum that attaches and suspends each ovary within the
pelvic region of the abdominal cavity and provides the site where vessels and nerve enter the ovary (see
Figure 19-1).

Within the medulla, tubular cords or channels of epithelial cells form the rete ovarii, a homolog to the rete
testis. These anastomosing tubules may be closed or, in the instance of ruminant species, open directly into
the infundibulum of the uterine tube near its attachment to the ovary. Although the function of these cells
remains speculative, they may contribute to the formation of granulosa cells of developing follicles as well as
play a role in governing meiosis within the maturing oocyte. While associated with the medulla, the rete
ovarii is most often found within the hilus of the ovary. It also can be found within the mesovarium. 455
Figure 19-13 Light micrograph of follicular atresia with glassy membrane
(GM) in the bitch. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.)

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Figure 19-14 Light micrograph of the region of the hilus and mesovarium in
the queen. A, Arteries; V, veins. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;


19.3 457

From each ovary, the ruptured oocyte flows into a uterine tube or oviduct, which consists of an open-ended
undulating tubular structure that directs the female gamete toward the uterus while permitting the opposite flow of
spermatozoa for successful fertilization (see Figure 19-1). The uterine tube is composed of three regions:
infundibulum, ampulla, and isthmus.

The infundibulum is a funnel-like portion of the uterine tube that lies closest to the ovary. Its proximal-most or
cranial portion forms a radiating fringe of projections called the fimbriae that lie next to the ovary and function to
enhance the capture of the oocyte after leaving the ovary (see Figure 19-2). At the base or distal end of the
infundibulum, the fimbriae coalesce into a single tubular structure before joining the ampulla. The ampulla forms
the thin-walled portion of the uterine tube that contains numerous mucosal-submucosal folds and is the region
where fertilization most likely occurs. The ampulla leads to the isthmus, which has a thicker muscular wall than
that of the ampulla and fewer and less branched mucosal-submucosal folds than those of the ampulla.

Histologically, uterine tubes of many species are internally lined by a simple columnar epithelium. In the cow and
the sow, the internal lining consists of pseudostratified columnar epithelia. Typically, the height of the epithelial
cells shorten as the uterine tubes progress toward the uterus. Whether simple columnar or pseudostratified

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columnar, these epithelial cells can possess kinocilia and microvilli or just microvilli (Figure 19-15). Ciliated cells
are especially prevalent within the infundibulum, where they facilitate the movement of ova into the uterine tubes.
This movement is likewise contributed by the well-ciliated cranial portion of the ampulla. The cilia of the epithelia
that line the uterine tube beat in unison not unlike that seen in respiratory epithelia, causing each ovum to be
propelled to the uterus. Smooth muscle within the wall of the uterine tube also plays a role in moving ova to the
uterus. In fact during ovulation, as smooth muscle contracts within the infundibulum, which at that time possess
engorged veins that as a result become distended, the fimbriae are able to extend onto the ovary and help collect
the soon-to-be-released oocyte.

Figure 19-15 Scanning electron micrograph of the internal lining of the epithelial
cells lining the fimbriae of the infundibular portion of the rabbit
uterine tube and possessing either cilia or microvilli. (From Fawcett
DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11,
Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

In addition to ciliated columnar cells, nonciliated columnar cells exist within the epithelial lining (Figure 19-16;
see also Figure 19-15). Although having some microvilli, these cells are believed to be secretory and provide
nutritional support for the gametes moving through this portion of the reproductive tract. These secretions help the 457
maturation process of spermatozoa known as capacitation. In this process, spermatozoa fully mature and only 459
then are able to fertilize ova. As oocytes are released during ovulation, the nonciliated columnar cells become
metabolically more active and typically increase in their height, being sometimes referred to as peg cells.

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Figure 19-16 A, Light micrograph of the mucosal epithelium along the ampulla of
uterine tube of the bitch. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.) B,
Transmission electron micrograph terminal segment of the mucosal
epithelium along the uterine tube of the ewe. Peg (P) cells protrude
between the ciliated columnar cells, sometimes bearing nuclei (Nu).
(×4000.) (Modified from Gartner LP, Hiatt JL: Color textbook of
histology, Philadelphia, 1997, Saunders.)

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The epithelium is surrounded externally by a propria-submucosa, not possessing a lamina muscularis. The
propria-submucosa consists mostly of loose connective tissue that is best developed within the folds of the ampulla
and to a lesser extent those of the isthmus. In addition to primary folds, secondary and tertiary folds also are
formed within the ampulla (Figure 9-17). Except for the epithelium, no glandular tissue occurs within this area of
the uterine tube. The loose connective tissue is composed primarily of small collagen and elastic fibers that are
interspersed with fibrocytes, occasional lymphoid cells, and less frequent mast cells.

The propria-submucosa is, in turn, surrounded by smooth muscle of the tunica muscularis. The tunica muscularis
consists of two layers of smooth muscle: an inner circular, which can also be spiral, and outer longitudinal.
Overall, the two layers are least developed within the infundibulum and ampulla with the inner circular layer more
pronounced than the outer longitudinal layer and able to form radial bands that project into the propria-submucosa.
Within the isthmus, the tunica muscularis increases in size while approaching the uterus. The tunica muscularis of
each uterine tube is externally lined by a tunica serosa that is made of loose connective tissue and a simple
squamous epithelium. The connective tissue of the tunica serosa houses the immigrating and emigrating
vasculature and autonomic innervation that serve the uterine tube.


The paired uterine tubes direct the fertilized ovum or conceptus to the uterus, which is the site of implantation
and subsequent fetal development. The uterus is composed of three regions: a pair of horns (uterine horns) in
most domestic species or fundus in the single-tubed uterus of primates (uterus simplex) that guides the conceptus
to the principal structure or body of the uterus (also known as the corpus), which is the site of implantation and, in
turn, leads to the neck region, called the cervix. In all species the uterus becomes the portion of the female
reproductive tract involved in embryonic and fetal development, but it is also the site for semen deposition in the
mare (in the corpus) and the sow (in the cervix).


The uterine wall of the body and uterine horns is composed of the endometrium, the myometrium, and the
perimetrium. Endometrium

The endometrium forms a tunica mucosa–submucosa that surrounds the luminal cavity and internally
contains a simple columnar epithelium in canine, feline, and equine species along with areas of
pseudostratified columnar epithelia in porcine and ruminant species. Small patches or isolated areas of
simple cuboidal epithelia also can exist. The height of the epithelia and degree of cytoplasmic development
among the epithelial cells will vary cyclically according to the stage of estrus.

The epithelium is subtended by a propria-submucosa that houses numerous glands surrounded by variably
developed vasculature and connective tissue elements (Figure 19-18). The portion of the propria-submucosa
next to the epithelium along with the epithelium make up the region known as the functionalis or functional
zone. The propria-submucosa in this zone is composed of reticular fibers, numerous cells, and many
helically coiled arteries that come from the arcuate arteries positioned within a vascular stratum within the
myometrium. These coiled arteries form an extensive capillary bed that supplies the glands. The cells within
the connective tissue of the functional zone consist of fibrocytes that can be stellate (mesenchymal-like),
leukocytes, macrophages, and mast cells. Beneath (external to) the functional zone of the propria-submucosa

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is a thin region called the basalis or basal zone, which consists of a loose connective tissue that is less
cellular than that of the functional zone and straight arteries that also are derived from the arcuate arteries.
The straight arteries are considerably shorter than the coiled arteries of the functional zone.

Extending from the epithelium into the propria-submucosa and even into the myometrium are the uterine
glands, which consist of simple or branched tubular glands that are generally coiled. The amount of the
coiling seen in these glands is directly associated with the secretion of progesterone within the estrous cycle,
being most pronounced during the later phases of the estrous cycle, late metestrus, and diestrus and during
pregnancy (Figure 19-19). Phases of the estrous cycle and morphological changes that occur within the
uterus are covered later in this chapter. 459
Figure 19-17 A, Light micrograph of the ampulla of the bitch. (Hematoxylin
and eosin [H&E] stain; ×15). B, Light micrograph of the ampulla
of the sow. (H&E stain; ×10.)


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Figure 19-18 Light micrograph of the functional zone of the canine
endometrium during late diestrus. Arrows point to coiled
arteries. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×50.)

Figure 19-19 Light micrograph of the endometrium with well-developed

coiled glands in the gravid queen. M, myometrium.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×15.)


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Figure 19-20 Light micrograph of the smooth muscle associated with the
myometrium of the nongravid bitch. IL, Inner layer; SV, stratum
vasculare. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×20.)

Within the uterine horns of ruminants are regions of the propria-submucosa called caruncles. Caruncles can
appear as rounded (cow) or cup-shaped folds (ewe) that lack any tubular glands but are well vascularized.
These structures form the eventual sites of the maternal placenta, where the maternal tissues contact the
extraembryonic membranes.

CHAPTER 19 Female Reproductive System Page 25 of 55

Textbook of Veterinary Histology Myometrium

The myometrium comprises the tunica muscularis of the uterine horns and body. Most of it is composed of a
thick inner layer of smooth muscle, which is externally covered by a comparatively thin outer layer of
smooth muscle. The inner layer is oriented in a circular direction and can contain the basal portions of the
endometrial glands. Deep within this layer, as it blends with the outer layer, the muscle fibers intermesh with
a vascular layer, sometimes referred to as the stratum vasculare or vascular stratum of the myometrium
(Figure 19-20). This stratum gives rise to the arcuate arteries, which in turn give rise to the coiled and
straight arteries of the endometrium, and houses large veins and lymph vessels as well. The outer layer of
smooth muscle runs longitudinally with the axis of the uterus and along its inner margin blends with bundles
of smooth muscle fibers of the inner layer. In both layers the smooth muscle cells are arranged in bundles
that are attached to one another by thin sheaths of connective tissue that consist of fibrocytes, including those
that are mesenchymal-like, histiocytes, mast cells and collagen and elastic fibers.

During pregnancy, the myometrium undergoes pronounced development (see Figure 19-19). The smooth
muscle cells hypertrophy up to 10 times their nongravid length. This increase is due to the raised levels of 462
estrogen (Table 19-2). The absence of estrogen leads to their atrophy. In addition to smooth muscle 463
hypertrophy, new smooth muscle cells are formed. As the result of the increased size and number of smooth
muscle cells of the myometrium, the uterus increases its mass many times during pregnancy.

Figure 19-21 Light micrograph of the perimetrium (P) in the bitch. SV,
Stratum vasculare. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.)

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TABLE 19-2 Morphological Events and Associated Glandular Activity of the

Mammalian Uterus during the Estrous Cycle

Proestrus Within the endometrium, the mucosal Glands remain straight with some lengthening
epithelium hypertrophies with neutrophil
infiltration; propria-submucosa increases
vascularization and congestion as well as
Estrus Mucosal epithelium continues to thicken with Glands continue to elongate in the cow;
mononuclear leukocyte infiltration; heightened edema with maximal mast cell
propria-submucosa reaches maximal presence; microscopic hemorrhaging,
vascularization, congestion, and hemorrhage as metrorrhagia, just before ovulation
well as edema
Metestrus Blood vessels become less congested and Glandular growth progresses to point of coiling
edema lessens appreciably
Diestrus Continued less vascular congestion and Glandular development reaches peak with
connective tissue edema branching and further coiling; in the absence
of fertilization, glands gradually involute
Anestrus Both mucosal epithelium and Glandular regression results in scattered simple
propria-submucosa are appreciably thin; tubular and sometimes branched adenomeres
epithelium becomes simple cuboidal Perimetrium

The perimetrium forms the tunica serosa for most of the uterine horns and the body of the uterus. It is
composed mostly of loose connective tissue lined externally by a simple squamous epithelium. Small blood
and lymph vessels and nerve fibers occur in this layer as well (Figure 19-21). In the gravid animal, smooth
muscle occupies most of this layer.

The uterus ends caudally in the structure known as the cervix or neck region, which extends or protrudes into the 464
vagina (see Figure 19-1). During pregnancy this portion of the uterus becomes valvelike and seals the uterus from
the vagina. It generally lacks glands within the propria-submucosa, but can possess a mucus-producing epithelium
that is especially laden with goblet cells and other mucus-producing cells within ruminant species. In the gravid
animal, the mucigenous cells form a seal or plug that separates the lumen of the uterus from that of the vagina,
protecting the developing fetus from harmful agents.

The propria-submucosa, consisting of dense irregular connective tissue, forms major folds with extending
secondary and even tertiary folds, each lined by simple columnar epithelia. The propria-submucosa is externally
embraced by a well-developed tunica muscularis that is a continuation of the myometrium of the uterine body,
having an inner circular layer and an outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscle. Among the layers are
well-developed elastic fibers that along with the muscularis help return this portion of the uterus to its normal
shape after parturition. The tunica muscularis is surrounded by the tunica serosa, which consists of loose
connective tissue.

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The vagina is a muscular tube that connects the uterus to the vestibule and receives the male copulatory organ for
the eventual fertilization of the ova within the uterine tubes. For the most part, the internal epithelial lining of the
mucosa consists of a nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium. In most species the mucosa and submucosa
form low folds or ridges that lie along the longitudinal axis of this structure (Figure 19-22). Mucous secretions
found here arise originally from the cervix and increase in amount during estrus concomitant with the increased
thickness of the epithelium (see Table 19-3 on p. 468). In the cow, mucus can be formed by clusters of goblet cells
within the cranial portion of the vaginal mucosa.

The propria-submucosa is composed of loose or dense irregular connective tissue that lacks glands but contains
scattered lymphoid tissue in the form of nodules. Externally surrounding the propria-submucosa, the tunica
muscularis is composed of at least two layers of smooth muscle: the inner circular layer, which is made up of
bundles held together by connective tissue; and the outer longitudinal layer, which is comparatively thinner than
the thickness of the inner circular layer. In the bitch and sow is a thin inner longitudinal third layer.

Except cranially, most of the tunica muscularis is externally encased by adventitia of loose connective tissue that
houses the larger vascular elements and nerve that serve the vagina. Cranially, the muscularis is enveloped by a
tunica serosa that may have a thin longitudinal layer of smooth muscle, the muscularis serosae.

19.7 VULVA

The caudal-most and external ending of the female reproductive tract is referred to as the vulva, which is
composed of the labia, vestibule, and clitoris. The labia consists of folds of skin that possess the basic components
of the integument including hair and associated sebaceous and apocrine glands as well as loose to dense
connective tissue with an extensive elastic fiber network.

The vestibule is the area that forms the cleft or space associated with the orifices of the vagina and urethra. The
construction of the vestibule is comparable with that of the caudal vagina except it has more-developed lymphatic
and vascular tissues. Blood vessels in this region are numerous, forming venous plexuses and cavernous erectile
tissue, which during estrus becomes congested. The vestibule is externally lined by a nonkeratinized stratified
squamous epithelium. In feline and ruminant species, the epithelium is lubricated by mucus-secreting compound
tubuloacinar glands known as the major vestibular glands and are homologous to the bulbourethral glands of
males. These glands are located well within the propria-submucosa; stratified squamous epithelia line their large
ducts. During coitus they lubricate both the vestibule and the caudal portion of the vagina. In addition to the major
vestibular glands are the mucus-secreting minor vestibular glands. These glands occur ubiquitously among
domestic species and consist of simple branched tubular adenomeres that lie more superficially within the
propria-submucosa than the major glands.

The last component of the vulva and a part of the vestibule is the clitoris, homolog of the male penis, that has a
paired body, glans, and preputial covering. The body of the clitoris consists of dense connective tissue that
surrounds the corpus cavernosum clitoridis, which is a paired erectile cavernous tissue, smooth muscle, adipose
and lymphoid tissue. In the bitch and the mare, the cavernous tissue extends into the glans clitoridis. Only in the
mare does this tissue become erectile. In other species this area can be well vascularized but lacks the cavernous 464
tissue. Externally, the clitoris is lined by the preputial covering, a nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium 466
that possesses numerous sensory nerve endings.

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Figure 19-22 Light micrographs of the vaginal epithelium of a bitch during

anestrus. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; A, ×20; B, ×250.)

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The ovary operates under the guidance of endocrine physiology. The hormones involved in this operation are
produced by the ovary, although other organs of the endocrine system, especially the pituitary, influence ovarian
activity. It is through the combination of ovarian hormones and those of the hypothalamus and adenohypophysis
within the pituitary that the female reproductive tract, and to some degree the entire body, undergoes periodical
changes that result in the estrous cycle.

The estrous cycle consists of five stages: proestrus, estrus, metestrus, diestrus, and anestrus.

Proestrus is the portion of the cycle involved in both the development of follicles and uterine lining. During
proestrus, progesterone decreases, allowing some follicles to progress rapidly toward maturation as
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is released. A concomitant regrowth of the endometrium follows the previous
cycle. Before the next stage (estrus), FSH declines while estrogens rise, reaching their peak at estrus.

Estrus is the stage when the follicle fully matures and ruptures in most domestic species as the result of a sharp
rise in luteinizing hormone (LH) release. The peaked levels of estrogen at the beginning of this stage steadily
decline. This stage is also referred to as the period of heat, when the female is receptive to the male.

Metestrus is the period when the corpus luteum develops and results in the beginning of progesterone secretion as
estrogens continue to lower.

Diestrus is the last active stage of the estrous cycle involving the continued development of the corpus luteum and
progesterone release. Endometrial glands reach the height of their activity during this period, which becomes
prolonged with ova fertilization and subsequent pregnancy. Toward the end of diestrus, involution of the corpus
luteum and endometrium occurs.

Anestrus follows diestrus; in this stage fertilization does not occur and the female reproductive tract becomes

When examining the histology of the estrous cycle among domestic species, it is important to understand the
variety of events involved with the tissues and hormones that occur during oocyte development, ovulation, and
fertilization. These events include follicle development, corpus luteum development, ovum fertilization, uterine
changes, and vaginal changes (see Tables 19-1 through 19-3).


The development of follicles, from primary through tertiary stages, is governed by the gonadotropins,
hormones that are secreted by the pituitary's adenohypophysis. The influence of these gonadotropins is
especially pronounced during late secondary and early tertiary follicular development during proestrus. At these
stages of development, the granulosa cells of the follicles and the thecal cells of the surrounding stroma form
hormone receptors. Specifically, the granulosa cells form FSH receptors, and the thecal cells form LH
receptors. As these follicles continue to develop, the granulosa cells form LH receptors as well. During tertiary
follicular development, LH is now able to stimulate thecal cells (theca interna) to produce and release the
androgens, testosterone, and androstenedione, as well as some estradiol. Concomitantly, the granulosa cells
have been stimulated by FSH to have their aromatase system upregulated so that as the androgens are formed
and secreted by the nearby thecal cells, these steroidal compounds are taken in by the granulosa cells and

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converted to estrogens, estradiol-17 and estrone. These estrogens are then released as follicular fluid into the

As follicles mature and approach ovulation during estrus, a surge of LH stimulates the granulosa cells to trigger
the events that result in ovulation. Specifically, in most species the primary oocyte is induced to complete its
first meiosis.


Upon rupture of the mature follicle, LH-sensitive follicular cells develop into luteal cells that comprise the
corpus luteum and become involved in progesterone secretion. As metestrus progresses, the newly converted
cells of the granulosa and internal theca produce and release progesterone, which continues throughout most of
diestrus. As the end of diestrus approaches, the corpus luteum regresses. The luteal cells, once filled with small,
even-sized lipid bodies, begin to accumulate greater amounts of lipid, consisting primarily of large, unevenly
sized cholesterol bodies (see Figure 19-11). The regression of the corpus luteum is facilitated by the release of a
leuteolytic factor by the uterus in some domestic herbivores, including cows, ewes, and sows.

With successful fertilization and pregnancy, the corpus luteum remains active during gestation. However, 466
eventually the placenta becomes the principal source of progesterone production during pregnancy. 467


Upon rupture of the mature follicle, the secondary oocyte and adjacent follicular cells move into the
infundibulum and then to the ampulla by the combined assistance of rhythmic beating of the mucosal cilia and
contraction of the muscularis of these portions of the uterine tube. If the female reproductive tract has received
spermatozoa, the sperm cells propel themselves en masse into the uterine lumen, moving into the isthmus of
each uterine tube to meet the migrating secondary oocyte at some point within the ampulla. The secondary
oocyte still is enveloped by the zona pellucida and surrounding granulosa cells that form the corona radiata. As
spermatozoa burrow among these cells and reach the zona pellucida, one will successfully cause an acrosome
reaction, whereby receptor protein at the acrosome of the sperm connects with a complementary glycoprotein
of the oocyte within the zona pellucida, which in turn causes the fusion of the cell membranes of both gametes
to occur. The sperm nucleus then enters the oocyte's cytoplasm and soon afterward meiosis of the secondary
oocyte is completed, resulting in two uneven-sized cells with their own haploid nuclei: the large ovum and the
small second polar body (see Figure 19-10). The sperm nucleus remains with the ovum and fuses with the
nucleus of the ovum to form a zygote with a now diploid nucleus.

As in the case of the secondary oocyte, the zygote continues to move caudally toward the uterus. By the time it
reaches the uterus, the zygote has undergone numerous divisions, having first become a solid sphere of cells
(the morula) and then a hollow ball of cells, the blastocyst, which consists of trophoblasts and a few cells
held inside called embryoblasts. It is at this point in development that no further movement along the female
reproductive tract is required and the blastocyst becomes anchored along the uterine's endometrium. The
trophoblasts trigger a series of reactions that result in implantation. Initially, the stellate stromal cells of the
endometrium can become transformed in the bitch and queen into decidual cells that most likely serve to
nourish the developing embryo. The trophoblasts continue to divide and form the fetal portion of the placenta
and the amniotic sac.

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The hormone-based changes associated with the ovary during the estrous cycle have a dramatic effect on the
function and structure of the uterus, especially its endometrium. If fertilization and implantation should occur,
then the influence of hormones on the uterus is largely produced by the placenta. The changes and duration of
changes that occur within the estrous cycle vary among domestic species. Moreover, the frequency of the
estrous cycle varies. In domestic carnivores (bitches and queens), the anestrus period is usually quite extended
and results annually in one to two estrous cycles during the normal adult reproductively active years. In these
animals, particularly the bitch, the cycling activity is referred to as monestrous, indicating the long periods
between functionally active cycles. In other domestic animals, there can occur either continuous estrous cycling
with no inactive periods, as in bovine and porcine species, or seasonal estrous cycling, as in equine and ovine
species, which collectively are referred to as polyestrous. In polyestrous animals, the degenerative and
regenerative morphological changes that take place during the estrous cycle are not as remarkable as those in
monestrous animals.

During proestrus, the endometrium regenerates much that had regressed during late diestrus (see Table 19-2).
The epithelial lining and associated tubular glands enlarge but remain relatively straight. The adjacent
propria-submucosa or functional zone becomes more vascularized and congested. The release of blood outside
of the blood vessels (hemorrhaging) into the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the functional zone may occur to
some extent at this time.

During estrus, the epithelial portion continues to grow and become more active in its mucus secretion. Vascular
congestion, edema, and hemorrhage within the connective tissue reach a peak level.

During metestrus, the edema within the functional zone along with the vascular congestion and hemorrhage all
lessen. The hyperplasia associated with the epithelium continues with coiling and branching of the tubular

During diestrus the glandular hyperplasia reaches it maximal state. The tubular glands become highly coiled
and branched. If fertilization has occurred, this level of activity will continue, otherwise the well-developed
glandular and vascular tissues will degenerate and involute along with the concomitant degeneration of the
corpus luteum (and loss of progesterone). The amount of involution and associated loss of vasculature are more
exaggerated in monestrous animals than polyestrous animals.


In domestic animals vaginal changes occur during the estrous cycle, especially with regard to the vaginal 467
epithelia. These changes can be used both to ascertain the health of the uterus and vagina and determine the 468
present stage of the estrous cycle, which can be very helpful for breeding purposes. In bitches and queens an
effective method to monitor the progression of the cycle through cytological changes of the epithelial cells is to
use vaginal smears (Table 19-3). In general, the epithelium thickens substantially during proestrus due to the
influence of rising levels of estrogens. In the bitch the outermost cells become cornified and appear on smears
as well as erythrocytes derived from the uterus. During estrus, cornification has reached its peak and keratinized
cells are most frequently observed at this stage, whereas the erythrocytes lessen in number (Figure 19-23).
During metestrus and diestrus less keratinization is seen and outer epithelial cells become smaller and more
rounded than in the earlier stages. Neutrophils appear during metestrus and along with erythrocytes slowly
disappear during diestrus. By anestrus, the highly stratified squamous epithelium that occurred during estrus has

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now become reduced to a stratifed squamous to cuboidal epithelium consisting only of three or four layers of

TABLE 19-3 Morphological Changes of the Vaginal Epithelium of the Bitch

During the Estrous Cycle

Proestrus Mucosal epithelium increases thickness and Mostly large cornified epithelial cells with
becomes cornified stratified squamous straight borders and with and without pyknotic
epithelium with a thin keratinized layer that nuclei; presence of occasional neutrophils that
continues to develop disappear by the middle of proestrus, and
Estrus Mucosal stratified squamous epithelium Many large cornified epithelial cells with
contains numerous layers; many become pyknotic nuclei; during late estrus pyknotic
keratinized nuclei disappear and erythrocytes lessen in
number with an increase in cellular debris and
Metestrus and diestrus Mucosal stratified squamous epithelium Decrease in the large nonnucleated cornified
decreases the number of layers substantially; epithelial cells with gradual increase of
the outer layers do not become cornified nucleated noncornified epithelial cells;
neutrophils become numerous, especially
during diestrus; by late diestrus neutrophils
become few; cellular debris and erythrocytes
Anestrus Mucosal epithelium remains appreciably thin Mostly small noncornified epithelial cells with
with two to four layers of stratified cuboidal rounded borders interspersed with a few
cells neutrophils and lymphocytes

In the cow, comparable changes occur to the vaginal epithelium. However, as the epithelium thickens during
the time of high estrogen secretion, the superficial cells do not become fully keratinized. The rate of
development also varies according to location so that during early estrus, the cranial portion of the vaginal
epithelium becomes its thickest, whereas by comparison, the caudal portion achieves its maximal thickness
after estrus.


Following fertilization, the zygote becomes implanted, as previously discussed, at some point along the inner
uterine wall. As the embryo develops at this location, a series of events occurs that culminates in the formation of
the placenta. Between the second and third week after fertilization in most domestic species except for the mare,
which is several weeks later, the gradual attachment of the embryo to the endometrium begins. With the
progression of implantation, the integration of fetal and maternal tissues continues so as to provide the necessary
mechanism for the dynamics of respiration, nutrition, and waste removal. In addition, as the placenta forms, it
develops endocrine activity and is involved in the production of progesterone and relaxin.

During trophoblast expansion, the inner prolif-erating embryonic cells or embryoblasts become a lengthened mass
and form the three basic germ layers, beginning initially with the ectoderm, which is directed toward the uterus,
and the endoderm, which faces the center, followed by the intervening mesoderm. As the embryo is developed 468
by these layers, the ectoderm continues on to compose the amnion, a vascular free, translucent, single-layered 469
epithelium with its own external, fibrous membrane that together surround the embryo (Figure 19-24). Meanwhile,
the endoderm extends beyond the embryo to form its own cavity, the yolk sac, which is directly connected to the

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region that will become the midgut of the fetus, and the allantois, which similarly is an extension or diverticulum
of the hindgut. The mesoderm also continues to proliferate beyond the embryo and a portion, the somatic
mesoderm, grows along the inner cavity of the shell of trophoblasts to become the chorion. Another portion, the
splanchnic mesoderm, grows along the yolk sac and allan-tois. Blood vessels arise first in the extraembryonic
splanchnic mesoderm of the yolk sac, followed by that of the allantois. The chorion only becomes later
vascularized when the allantoic mesoderm fuses with the chorionic mesoderm. At the point where the 469
extraembryonic membranes extend from the embryo, the mesoderm condenses and forms the body stalk that 470
eventually is transformed into the umbilical cord with further development of the vasculature.

Figure 19-23 A, Light micrograph of the vaginal epithelium of a bitch during

estrus. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×125.) B, Illustration of vaginal
changes including epithelial thickness and cytology and estrogen
levels during the canine estrous cycle. (From Feldman EC, Nelson
RW: Canine and feline endocrinology and reproduction, ed 3, St.
Louis, 2004, Saunders).

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Figure 19-24 A, Diagram of the fetal membranes associated with placentation in

domestic species. Al, Allantois cavity and endoderm with vascular
mesoderm; Am, amnion; AA, allantoamnion; C, chorion; CA,
chorioallantoic placenta; CV, choriovitelline placenta; E, exocoelom;
F, fetus; Y, yolk sac. B, Diagram of a bovine conceptus during early
pregnancy showing the arrangement of the fetal membranes
including the cotyledons where the chorionic tissue interacts with
the uterine caruncles. (A, Redrawn from Dellmann HD, Carithers JR:
Cytology and microscopic anatomy, Philadelphia, 1996, Williams &
Wilkins; B, from Noakes DE: Development of the conceptus. In Noakes
DE, Parkinson TJ, England GC, editors: Arthur's veterinary
reproduction and obstetrics, London, 2001, Saunders.)

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Placentation varies a great deal with regard to fetal-maternal circulation, fetal membrane development and
organization, and the overall construction of the placenta, and for these reasons is classified in a number of ways.
Types of classification include general and specific organization of chorionic structures; fetal extraembryonic
membrane construction; and circulation at the maternal and fetal interface and differences in tissues involved
(Table 19-4).


The principal function of the chorion is to provide an effective interface between fetal and maternal tissues for
necessary gaseous and nutrient-waste exchange. Being an avascular tissue, it derives vasculature from the fetus 470
in part from the extraembryonic mesoderm associated with the allantois or the yolk sac, forming either a 471
chorioallantoic or choriovitelline placenta, respectively.

TABLE 19-4 Classifications of Placentation among Domestic Species


Sow Diffuse Plicate (folded) Epitheliochorial Crosscurrent Nondeciduate
Mare Diffuse Villous Epitheliochorial Countercurrent Nondeciduate
Carnivores Zonary Lamellar Endotheliochorial Crosscurrent Deciduate
Ruminants Cotyledonary Villous Epitheliochorial Crosscurrent Nondeciduate
Others Discoidal in Trabecular (form of Hemochorial in lab Countercurrent in Deciduate in
primates and lab villous) in primates, rodents, lab rodents and primates
rodents labyrinthine in lab lagomorphs, and lagomorphs,
rodents and primates multivillous
lagomorphs (combination of
concurrent and
crosscurrent) in
primates Chorioallantoic Placenta

Domestic species and most mammals in general possess chorioallantoic placentae in which the fetal placenta
is supplied by blood vessels associated with the allantois. This developing diverticulum of the hindgut, which
varies in size and is substantial in large animal herbivores, possesses well-formed vasculature. When joined
with the chorion, a very efficient exchange structure between the mother and the fetus, the chorioallantoic
placenta, is formed. Further classification and description of placentae are based on this form of placentation. Choriovitelline Placenta

Before the allantois takes shape, the yolk sac is formed, which like the allantois has its own developing
vasculature. The fusion of the vasculature of the yolk sac with the chorion forms the choriovitelline
placenta (see Figure 19-24). Among most mammals, early placentation uses the vasculature associated with
the yolk sac as it fuses with the chorion. However in most of these instances, this union is relatively short
lived because the yolk sac is quite transient and involutes. The placentation in these animals becomes
dependent on the chorioallantoic relationship. There are species, principally rodents and lagomorphs, with
yolk sacs that remain during gestation. In these animals the yolk sac becomes inverted (i.e., the inverted
yolk sac placenta), and the breakdown of the adjacent chorion and outer wall of the yolk sac allows direct

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exposure of the endoderm to uterine tissue, including its glands. In this latter instance, the choriovitelline
placenta is not vascularized.


Among chorioallantoic placentae, the next way to distinguish and appreciate anatomical differences is to
compare placental morphology based primarily on the location of maternal-fetal interaction along the chorionic
sac. Among domestic species, these interactions usually involve highly vascularized chorionic villi or folds that
form from the extraembryonic membrane and extend into the endometrium.

In the sow and the mare, the interaction occurs essentially over the entire sac without discrete areas and for that
reason is called the diffuse placenta.

In ruminants, the maternal-fetal interaction is restricted to the caruncles, the nonglandular areas along the
endometrium that vary in number, size, and shape according to the species. The chorionic tissue that interacts
with the caruncles forms vascular tufts called cotyledons; the placentae are referred to as cotyledonary (see
Figure 19-24). The cotyledons and caruncles together form placentomes. Between the placentomes, the chorion
lacks vascular projections and is referred to as being smooth.

In the bitch and queen, the maternal-fetal interaction occurs as an equatorial belt around the chorionic sac. The
beltlike structure creates an interactive zone, and consequently these placentae are known as being zonary. As
between the placentomes in cotyledonary placentae, the chorion outside the interactive zone is smooth. 471

And in lagomorphs, rodents, and primates, the maternal-fetal interaction occurs in one or two round areas. 472
Because of their disk shape, these placentae are referred to as discoid.


In addition to differences in placental shape are morphological variations in the way the maternal and fetal
tissues interact. The simplest form is the folded placenta, which occurs in the sow and consists of macroscopic
folds, called primary folds or plicae, of the endometrium (Figure 19-25). As the chorion covers these folds
during gestation, smaller, secondary folds (rugae) develop at the chorionic-uterine interface. These secondary
folds cause considerable expansion of the surface area at the sites of maternal-fetal interaction. In carnivores the
secondary folds can be well developed, slender, and elaborate, forming lamellae that result in the lamellar
placenta (Figure 19-26).

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Figure 19-25 A, Light micrograph of primary folds that make up the folded
placenta of the sow. A, Allantochorion; E, endometrium; M,
myometrium. (Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×15.) B, Light
micrograph of secondary folds or rugae that constitute the
epitheliochorial placenta of the pregnant sow. F, Fetal; M,
maternal. (H&E stain; ×250.)

In ruminants, fetal tissues form arborescent chorionic villi with extensive vascular beds that specifically are
associated with the caruncles and can be referred to as villous placentae (Figure 19-27). The mare and humans
also possess villous placentae. 472

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Figure 19-26 A, Light micrographs of a portion of the lamellar placenta of a
pregnant queen. (Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×10.) B,
Decidual cells stand out among the layers or lamellae that hold
the maternal (M) and fetal (F) blood vessels. A, Allantochorion.
(H&E stain; ×250.)


The tissues involved at the level of the chorion between the mother and the fetus for physiological exchange
vary considerably in terms of invasiveness and result in further subdividing and classifying mammalian
placentation. In the horse, ruminants, and pig, the trophoblast becomes implanted within the uterine tissues with
little to no destruction of maternal tissues. This type of placenta is called epitheliochorial (see Figure 19-25,
B). Fetal and maternal capillaries are separated by the endothelia of both capillaries as well as the chorionic
epithelium and the uterine epithelium (Figure 19-28, A). Within the ruminant allantochorion, large, binucleated
trophoblasts, known as giant cells, form and can move into the endometrial epithelium and fuse with the cells
of the endometrial epithelium (Figure 19-28, B).

Another type, the endotheliochorial placenta, involves the loss of uterine epithelial tissue so that the
trophoblast is now exposed directly to maternal capillaries. Trophoblasts frequently fuse to form multinucleated
syncytiotrophoblasts. This type occurs in dogs and cats and other carnivores, as well as rodents, insectivores,
and bats (see Figure 19-28, C).

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The last type, the hemochorial placenta, involves the complete breakdown of maternal tissue layers so that the
trophoblast is directly exposed to maternal blood without endothelial interference. There may be up to three
layers of trophoblasts in this type, with one of the layers forming a syncytium where trophoblasts unite into a
single entity, syncytic trophoblast or syncytiotrophoblast (see Figure 19-28, D). Hemochorial placentae occur in
rodents, lagomorphs, and primates. Deciduate

As the blastocyst has come to rest and become implanted, trophoblasts penetrate the endometrium at the site
of implantation to varying degrees among hemochorial placentae and infiltrate the decidual cell population,
while proliferating circumferentially. Some of the trophoblasts advance into the maternal vascular walls, 473
continuing within these spaces into the myometrium. The structure of these vessels can become remarkably 474
altered as smooth muscle elements are destroyed and replaced by fibrin deposits, making these vessels more
rigid. The degree of penetration by the trophoblasts varies among placental mammals. These placentae are
referred to as being deciduate because both the fetal and the decidual portions are shed after parturition.

Figure 19-27 A, Light micrograph of a portion of the villous placenta of the

pregnant cow. (Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×20.) B,
Close-up of A, showing maternal (M) and fetal (F) components,
separated by an artifactual space. Arrow points to binucleated
trophoblast. (H&E stain; ×250.)

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Placentae with less invasive trophoblastic activity, as seen in those species in which the uterine tissues
remain intact such as cows, does, ewes, and mares, can be referred to as nondeciduate. In these instances,
there is little loss of uterine tissue after parturition.


In addition to the number of tissue layers present and the depth that fetal capillaries invaginate into the
chorionic epithelium, the nutrient and gaseous exchange along the interhemal barrier is influenced by blood
flow within adjacent maternal and fetal vascular networks. The rate of diffusion within the chorion depends in
part on the size and number of vessels within a specific area as well as the direction of blood flow, which
include concurrent flow, countercurrent flow, and crosscurrent flow. In concurrent flow, both maternal and fetal
blood flow occurs in the same direction, is the least efficient, and does not exist in any species by itself.
Countercurrent flow involves maternal and fetal blood flow occurring in opposite directions and is considered
to be the most efficient because it allows arteriovenous equilibration in horses and rabbits. Crosscurrent
involves a combination of both concurrent and countercurrent flow and occurs in ruminants.


When active, the mammary gland is a large compound tubuloalveolar gland that functions to secrete milk, which
is composed of a mixture of appropriate nutrients needed to sustain and protect the newborn. These nutrients 474
include lactose, lipids, proteins, minerals, and vitamins, plus antibodies, lymphocytes, and monocytes. They are 475
secreted in an apocrine and merocrine manner by tubuloalveolar adenomeres that are organized into a variable
number of lobes depending on the species. The body of the gland is encased in a fibroelastic capsule of connective
tissue, and the secretory portion is held together by a stroma of loose connective tissue.

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Figure 19-28 Diagram of different types of placental circulation and

maternal-fetal barriers that occur among domestic species. A,
Epitheliochorial—sow, mare. B, Synepitheliochorial—ruminants. C,
Endotheliochorial—bitch, queen. D, Hemochorial (hemodichorial)—
rabbit. BL, Basal lamina; C, cytotrophoblast; CE, chorionic epithelium;
FC, fetal capillary; FGC, fused giant cell; GC, giant cell (binucleated
trophoblast); MB, maternal blood; MC, maternal capillary; S,
syncytiotrophoblast; UE, uterine epithelium.

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The alveoli and associated secretory tubules that comprise the secretory units of the mammary gland consist of
cuboidal epithelial cells that vary in height according to their state of activity (Figure 19-29). Each lobe 475
undergoes a secretory cycle whereby the secretory cells increase their height while milk is being released into 477
the lumen of their secretory unit. As the lumen becomes full, the secretory cells wind down in activity and
decrease in height. The activity of the lobules varies along the secretory cycle so that the amount of milk
secretion and the morphology of the secretory cells differ from one area to another, but are consistent within a

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Figure 19-29 Light micrographs of the mammary gland of the monkey. A,

Lactating gland with large alveoli (A) and lobular duct (LD) filled
with milk (Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×20). B, Separated
by an interlobular septum (S), the lobule of the left contains
inactive secretory cells, while those on the right contain cells that
are actively secreting (H&E stain; ×250). C, Nonlactating gland with
the presence of lobular and lactiferous ducts among dense
connective and adipose tissues (H&E stain; ×20).

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The secretory cells release lipid in an apocrine manner so that some cell membrane and adjacent cytoplasm is
deposited along with lipid droplets. Protein and carbohydrate substances, however, are exocytosed in a
merocrine manner.

In addition to the secretory cells, myoepithelial cells line the secretory units. These cells are responsive to the
pituitary's release of oxytocin and will cause the milk-filled lumens of the tubuloalveoli to be squeezed and
forced into the duct system, a process referred to as milk letdown.

19.10.2 DUCTS

Each lobe has its own lactiferous duct, which can dilate as it collects milk to form a sinus that is confluent with
the teat sinus or cistern. In the cow, a number of lobar ducts empty into a lactiferous sinus that forms a
common cavity for each quarter of the udder. The lactiferous ducts drain lobar ducts, which then drain lobular
ducts. The lobular ducts in turn drain intralobular ducts. The intralobular ducts and the proximal portion of the
lobular ducts are lined by a simple cuboidal to columnar epithelium. As the lobular ducts join the lobar ducts,
the lining becomes a bilayered cuboidal epithelium, which further lines the lactiferous sinus. The lobular and
lobar ducts possess longitudinally oriented smooth muscle.

19.10.3 TEAT

The lactiferous sinus joins the teat sinus, which then empties into the papillary duct or teat canal. In ruminants
there is a round fold or annulus of mucosa that extends into the lumen between the sinuses. This portion of the
duct system forms the teat, or nipple, and leads the milk to the skin. The bilayered epithelium of the lactiferous 477

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and teat sinuses becomes transformed within the papillary duct into a stratified squamous epithelium that is 478
keratinized. As a part of this mucosa, bundles of smooth muscle encircle the duct and help hold the milk until it
is expressed.


When active the mammary gland can be thought of as a specialized sweat gland. However, when inactive after
a period of lactation, the mammary gland undergoes a process of involution (see Figure 19-29). The
parenchyma becomes reduced in amount, especially the secretory units, which consist of simple cuboidal
epithelia and comparatively pronounced myoepithelial cells. Interstitial tissue consisting of loose connective
tissue, lymphocytes, and plasma cells as well as adipose replace some of it, but overall the volume of the
mammary gland is substantially lowered. As the result of a previous period of lactation, there may be
dark-staining bodies within the ducts and interstitial tissue that represent concretions of casein and are known as
corpora amylacea.


The basic design of the avian female reproductive system is not unlike that of mammals. Differences that occur
are largely due to the production of offspring that develop beyond the uterus in a nutrient-filled environment that
requires the protection of a shell. By the time that a female bird reaches reproductive maturity, only the left ovary
and associated oviduct are functional.

19.11.1 OVARY

The avian ovary is composed of follicle-laden stalked projections that extend from two lobes. The ovary
possesses a diffusely organized medulla and adjacent cortex, which houses the variably developed follicles
(Figure 19-30). The avian follicle does not mature into a fluid-filled antrum-bearing entity. Instead, it consists
of a single layer of granulosa cells, which surround a primary oocyte that has the capability to expand its
cytoplasm with an enormous lipid inclusion, the yolk, to an extremely large size, such as 150 mm or more in
diameter in the ostrich; the chicken is approximately one fifth that dimension. As in mammals, surrounding
stromal tissue becomes organized into a theca interna, which is well vascularized, and a theca externa. Before
ovulation, a blanched, vascular-free area, the stigma, appears at the site where the follicle will rupture. At
ovulation, the first meiosis has already been completed and the secondary oocyte along with the adjacent
granulosa cells leaves the follicle. The remaining thecal cell population does not become transformed into any
structure that resembles a mammalian corpus luteum.

19.11.2 OVIDUCT

The avian oviduct refers to a structure that includes the rest of the female reproductive tract. It consists of an
infundibulum, magnum, isthmus, uterus, and vagina, and each component is involved in some capacity in the
development and eventual external deposit of the egg. Most of the oviduct possesses an outer serosal lining,
consisting of a simple squamous mesothelium overlying a small amount of loose connective tissue. The tunica
muscularis of the oviduct gradually increases in size or thickness as the egg moves caudally, being least
developed within the infundibulum and most developed within the uterus and vagina, the latter having fairly
thick inner circular layers of smooth muscle.

CHAPTER 19 Female Reproductive System Page 46 of 55

Textbook of Veterinary Histology Infundibulum

The ova become fertilized within this portion of the oviduct. As in mammals, the funnel-shaped caudal
portion of the infundibulum receives the oocyte at ovulation with its ciliated finger-like fimbriae guiding it
onto the primary mucosal-submucosal folds. The folds consist of a ciliated pseudostratified columnar
epithelium that covers the lamina propria of loose connective tissue with diffusely distributed lymphatic
elements (Figure 19-31). The caudal portion of the infundibulum has secondary folds, and the
mucus-secreting glandular cells in the epithelium of this region are more numerous than the cranial portion
(Figure 19-32). Magnum

After the eggs have passed through the infundibulum (in less than 30 minutes in the chicken), they move
through the next portion of the oviduct, the magnum, for a considerably longer period, roughly 3 hours.
During that time, albumen is supplied for each egg, increasing the overall size of the egg substantially. The
mucosal epithelium of the magnum is generally simple columnar, with comparable numbers of 478
mucus-secreting and ciliated cells (Figure 19-33). The lamina propria contrasts sharply to that of the 483
infundibulum; it is filled with long, tubular glands that can be branched and coiled. The secretory cells of
these glands can be cuboidal to columnar. In addition to the glands is a small amount of loose connective
tissue with diffuse lymphatic tissue.

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Figure 19-30 A, Gross morphology of the avian (chicken) ovary with

numerous raised follicles. The large yellow follicles contain
secondary oocytes filled with yolk. B, Light micrograph of
follicles in different stages of development or atresia associated
with a peduncle (P). (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×20.)

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Figure 19-31 A, Light micrograph of the fimbriated portion of infundibulum

of the chicken. (Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×10.) B,
Light micrograph of the mucosa with ciliated epithelium along
the fimbriated portion of infundibulum. (H&E stain; ×250.)

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Figure 19-32 A, Light micrograph of the caudal portion of the avian

infundibulum, which possesses tubular mucus-secreting glands.
(Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×20.) B, Light micrograph of
the mucosa with ciliated epithelium lining a duct within the
caudal portion of the avian (chicken) infundibulum. (H&E stain;

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Figure 19-33 A, Light micrograph of the caudal portion of the magnum of the
chicken. (Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×10.) B, Mucosa of
the magnum filled with branched tubular glands. (H&E stain;

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Figure 19-34 A, Light micrograph of the cranial portion of the avian isthmus.
(Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×20.) B, Light micrograph of
the mucosa with ciliated epithelium and adjacent branched
tubular glands within the chicken isthmus. (H&E stain; ×250.) Isthmus

In this next portion, the isthmus, the egg receives shell membranes as it moves along an epithelium largely
the same as that occurring in the magnum. Here as well, the propria-submucosa contains numerous tubular
glands that are involved in the production of the shell membranes (Figure 19-34). The transition from the
magnum to the isthmus is demarcated by a short glandless region between the two areas. Uterus

When the egg reaches the uterus it spends the greatest amount of time here (around 20 hours in the chicken)
as a calcareous shell is formed. For that reason the avian uterus is also called the shell gland. The overall
thickness of the wall of the uterus is greatest in this portion of the oviduct due not only to an increased 483
thickening of the tunica muscularis but also a greater development of mucosal-submucosal folds within this 484

CHAPTER 19 Female Reproductive System Page 52 of 55

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portion, which are oriented both longitudinally and circularly (Figure 19-35). The folds are lined with a
pseudostratified columnar epithelium that is intermittently ciliated and filled with tubular glands that can be
both branched and coiled. The secretory cells of these glands are typically granulated and vacuolated. Vagina

The last portion of the avian oviduct, the vagina, is thick walled but has smaller folds than those of the
uterus. The mucosal epithelium is ciliated pseudostratified columnar with nonciliated cells, including
occasional goblet cells. The propria-submucosa within these folds lacks glands, consisting of loose
connective tissue that is variably populated with cells of defense. The region connecting the vagina and the
uterus has sperm-host glands that support the temporary storage of spermatozoa within the avian
reproductive tract. These glands are simple tubular and consist of lipid-bearing secretory cells.

CHAPTER 19 Female Reproductive System Page 53 of 55

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Figure 19-35 A, Light micrograph of the uterus of the chicken. TM, Tunica
muscularis. (Hematoxylin and eosin [H&E] stain; ×10.) B, Light
micrograph of the glandular tissue within the avian uterus,
surrounding a central core of smooth muscle. (H&E stain; ×250.)


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19.12SUGGESTED 485

TG Baker: Oogenesis and ovulation. In Austin, CR, Short, RV (Eds.): Reproduction in mammals. ed 2,
1982, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
K Benirschke: Placenta: implantation and development. In Knobil, E, Neill, JD (Eds.): Encyclopedia of
reproduction. vol 3, 1998, Academic Press, San Diego.
HD Dellmann, JR Carithers: In Cytology and microscopic anatomy. 1996, Williams & Wilkins,
DM Duffy, RL Stouffer: Luteinizing hormone acts directly at granulosa cells to stimulate periovulatory
processes: modulation of luteinizing hormone effects by prostaglandin. Endrocrine. 22, 2003, 249.
AC Evans: Characteristics of ovarian follicle development in domestic animals. Reprod Domest Anim. 38,
2003, 240.
DW Fawcett: In Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology. ed 11, 1986, Saunders, Philadelphia.
EC Feldman, RW Nelson: In Canine and feline endocrinology and reproduction. ed 3, 2004, Saunders, St
LP Gartner, JL Hiatt: In Color textbook of histology. 1997, Saunders, Philadelphia.
RG Gosden, N Brown, K Grant: Ultrastructural and histochemical investigations of Call-Exner bodies in
rabbit Graafian follicles. J Reprod Fertil. 85, 1989, 519.
CA Gray, FF Bartol, BJ Tarleton, et al.: Developmental biology of uterine glands. Biol Reprod. 65, 2001,
S Guraya: In Biology of ovarian follicles in mammals. 1985, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
P Kaufmann, G Burton: Anatomy and genesis of the placenta. In Knobil, E, Neill, JD, Greenwald, GS,
Market, CL (Eds.): The physiology of reproduction. ed 2, 1994, Raven Press, New York.
DE Noakes: Development of the conceptus. In Noakes, DE, Parkinson, TJ, England, GC (Eds.): Arthur's
veterinary reproduction and obstetrics. 2001, Saunders, London.
RJ Rodgers, HF Irving-Rodgers, IL Van Wezel: Extracellular matrix in ovarian follicles. Mol Cell
Endocrinol. 163, 2000, 73.
DH Steven: In Comparative placentation. 1975, Academic Press, New York. 485
PD Sturkie, WJ Mueller: Reproduction in the female and egg production. In Sturkie, PD (Ed.): Avian 486
physiology. ed 4, 1986, Springer-Verlag, New York.
SJ Sunderland, MA Crowe, MP Boland, et al.: Selection, dominance and atresia of follicles during oestrous
cycle in heifers. J Reprod Fertil. 101, 1994, 547.
IL Van Wezel, HF Irving-Rodgers, Y Ninomiya, RJ Rodgers: Ultrastructure and composition of Call-Exner
bodies in bovine follicles. Cell Tissue Res. 296, 1999, 385.
JG Wenzel, S Odendhal: The mammalian rete ovarii: a literature review. Cornell Vet. 75, 1985, 411.

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20 CHAPTER 20 Eye and Ear


• Systems designed for vision, audition, and vestibulation.

• For the eye, global structure is designed to refract and focus direct and indirect light onto photon-detecting
neurons (photoreceptors) as a part of a nervous coat that transmits the signal to the brain for processing.

• For the ear, a canal system is designed to transmit and amplify sound waves that are transferred to electrical
impulses by cells that detect mechanical motion and are then sent to the brain for processing. Within this
system, changes in head and body motion are similarly acknowledged and transferred.

20.2 EYE

The principal means by which most animals are made aware of their surroundings as well as changes in these
surroundings, is the reflection or emission of light toward them by external objects and the reception of this light
by the special organ, the eye. This organ perceives light adequately because it consists of a variety of tissues
assembled into components that are able to transmit and refract light to specialized cells called photoreceptors that
convert light energy into an electrical stimulus that is sent back to the visual cortex. Although vision begins in the
eyes of domestic species, eyes do not actually see. Seeing is a function of higher centers located in the brain.

The eye is composed of three basic layers or coats. The outer coat is the fibrous tunic, which is further divided
into the cornea and sclera (Figure 20-1). The fibrous tunic gives the eye a constant shape and form that is
imperative for a functional visual system. In addition the anterior portion of the fibrous tunic—the cornea—is
transparent, enabling light to pass through, and shaped in a manner that makes it a powerful lens which refracts
(bends) light rays centrally towards the visual axis of the eye.

The second and middle layer is the uvea (a Greek term meaning grape), also called the vascular tunic, or coat.
The uvea is divided into the choroid, the ciliary body, and the iris. The choroid, located in the posterior half of the
eye is found between the sclera and the retina. The basic functions of the choroid are to provide nourishment to the
highly metabolic retina and modify internal light reflection and scatter because it is either heavily pigmented or
reflective. The uvea continues anteriorly as the ciliary body, whose functions include lenticular accommodation
through its musculature as well as the attachment of the lens, and the production and outflow of aqueous humor, a
fluid that flows through the anterior segment.

The most anterior portion of the vascular tunic—the iris—extends from the ciliary body centrally just anterior to
the surface of the lens. The iris is heavily pigmented and contains muscles that change the shape of the iris and the
central “hole” within the iris—the pupil. In this manner, the iris is able to control the amount of light that enters
the posterior segment to stimulate the retina. 487

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Figure 20-1 Schematic diagram of the three tunics of the eye. The fibrous tunic is
salmon (S, sclera) and beige (Co, cornea). The vascular tunic (CB,
ciliary body; Ch, choroid; I, iris) is blue, and the nervous tunic (ON,
optic nerve; R, retina) is green.

The third and most central layer is the nervous tunic, or coat, which is made up of the retina and associated optic
nerve. Briefly, the retina contains light-sensitive cells, photoreceptors that, after a series of intermediate modifying
processes, transmit impulses to the brain via the optic nerve.

Two additional ocular systems are the intraocular fluids and the crystalline lens. The intraocular fluids include the
vitreous and aqueous humors, which collectively create a transparent medium for light transmission as well as
keep the fibrous tunic normally distended by maintaining a safe level of internal pressure within the eye through
the production and removal of these fluids, especially aqueous humor. The crystalline lens acts as a fine-focusing

20.2.1 CORNEA

The cornea is the transparent anterior one fifth or so of the fibrous tunic of the globe, which supports the
intraocular contents, refracts light (because of its curvature and the principle that light bends when moving air
to a liquid medium), and transmits light through its transparency (Figure 20-2).

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On microscopic examination, the cornea of animals consists of four and sometimes five layers: anterior
epithelium; the anterior lamina of the cornea, also known as Bowman's layer, stroma, or substantia propria;
posterior lamina, also known as Descemet's membrane; and endothelium (posterior epithelium) listed from
outside inward (Table 20-1).

Figure 20-2 Light micrograph of the sheep eye. AC, Anterior chamber; Ch,
choroid; Co, cornea; CB, ciliary body; I, iris; L, lens; ON, optic nerve;
R, retina; S, sclera; VB, vitreous body. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;

The anterior epithelium covers the anterior corneal surface (Figure 20-3, A). It consists of nonkeratinized
stratified squamous epithelium of uniform thickness approximately 25 to 40 μm thick in the domestic carnivore
and two to four times thicker in larger domesticated species. The epithelium consists of a single cell layer of
columnar basal cells that lie on a thin basement membrane, two or three layers of polyhedral (wing) cells, and
two to many layers of nonkeratinized squamous cells, depending on the species. Corneal epithelium is thicker at
the periphery of the cornea than it is in the center; however, with the junction of the bulbar conjunctiva it
abruptly thins, and pigmented cells are observed. Occasional lymphocytes may be seen from time to time
interspersed within the basal cell layer. Unsheathed nerve endings of sensory nerves also exist throughout much
of the inner portion of the epithelium.

The anterior lamina is not formed in most animals, occurring in avian and human cornea as well as some 488
cetaceans and the giraffe (Figure 20-3, B). Though it is considered part of the corneal stroma, it is formed by 491
the anterior epithelium and is 10 to 15 μm thick (and greater in deep-diving whales), acellular, and composed of

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small highly organized collagen fibrils. It is not elastic but is fairly tough and when destroyed is replaced by
scar tissue.

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TABLE 20-1 Morphological and Functional Characteristics of Ocular

Components Among Domestic Species

Cornea Highly organized, avascular, dense regular Transmits and refracts light; Anterior lamina (Bowman's
connective tissue; stroma lined anteriorly provides portion of layer) in primates, cetaceans,
by nonkeratinizing stratified squamous protective housing for ocular giraffes, and birds
epithelium and posteriorly by simple contents
squamous epithelium that forms
continually growing basement membrane
(posterior lamina)
Limbus Dense connective tissue become irregular, Houses collecting vessels for
variably pigmented, and vascularized; aqueous humor outflow and
anteriorly lined by nonkeratinizing possesses highly regenerative
stratified squamous epithelium and epithelium for wound healing
posteriorly by the outer portion of the
iridocorneal angle
Sclera Outer portion (episclera) of thin loose Provides most of protective In nonmammals, scleral
connective tissue; sclera proper: dense housing for ocular contents proper consists of hyaline
irregular connective tissue with little cartilage ending anteriorly
vasculature and some pigmentation next next to an adjacent ring of
to the outer choroid (lamina fusca) bony plates—scleral ossicles
Iris Loosely wound fibrous highly vascularized Anterior portion of the black Large herbivores possess
stroma with melanocytes and other box; lets in and controls pigmented pupillary ridge
pigmentary cells distributed in amount of light striking the especially along the dorsal
species-specific patterns; anteriorly lined retina by varying size of its margin— granula iridica;
by fibrocytes and posteriorly lined by pupil shape of pupil varies with
pigmented epithelium; two sets of round prevalent shapes
smooth muscle: dilator, lying next to (birds, dog, pig), vertical slit
posterior pigmented epithelium, and (cat), and horizontally oval
sphincter lying next to the pupil (large herbivores); muscles
are skeletal in nonmammals
Ciliary body Internally, vascular sinusoids within Continuation of the black Development of iridocorneal
bilayered epithelial-lined folds (pars box; produces and removes angle and ciliary body
plicata); externally, bundles of smooth aqueous humor and musculature is inversely
muscle often interspersed with generates intraocular proportional; in nonmammals
melanocytes, extending posteriorly (pars pressure (IOP); provides ciliary body musculature is
plana); anteriorly, cleft or sinus and lenticular accommodation skeletal
cellularly lined filtering meshwork for
aqueous humor drainage
Choroid Highly pigmented vascular region divided Major portion of the black In ungulate species, within
into nonvascularized outermost region of box; provides oxygen and dorsal layer of medium-sized
loose connective tissue (suprachoroidea); nourishment for the outer vessels is highly organized
layer of large often anastomosing veins retina; reflective region dense connective tissue
and intermittent arteries; and (tapetum) enhances vision (tapetum fibrosum), whereas
medium-sized arterioles and venules that during twilight and nocturnal in carnivores this layer
lead from the large vessels to a periods; site of uveoscleral consists of reflective cells
single-layered capillary belt outflow (tapetum cellulosum) with
(choriocapillaris) organized rodlets; diurnal
species lack tapeta

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Lens Epithelial ball, typically biconvex shape, Provides further refraction of Nonmammalian lenses
consisting of long tubular cells (lens light transmitted to the possess radially positioned
fibers) and anterior simple cuboidal to retina—fine tuning for visual lens fibers at the equator for
squamous epithelium that contributes resolution enhanced lenticular
anteriorly to the basement membrane deformation during
(capsule) and forms new lens fibers accommodation; especially
peripherally (at lens equator) with older, developed in raptors
compressed fibers pushed centrally within
the lens (nucleus)
Vitreous humor Extremely loose connective tissue Provides transparent medium Some variations with regard
consisting of outer region (cortex) of for light to strike the retina; to collagen density; central
scattered collagen (type II) concentrated along with aqueous humor region of ungulate species
mostly along the pars plicata, pars plana, maintains ocular shape and often has higher
hyaloideo-lenticular capsule, inner retinal position concentrations of collagen
limiting membrane, and optic nerve head, and is more gelatinous
and a diffuse layer of fibrocyte-like cells
(hyalocytes) near inner retina; and inner
(central) region of fewer cells and
Retina Nervous tissue (neurosensory portion) Acknowledges the presence Numerous variations with
arranged into nine layers housing three of light and transforms light regard to the density of
orders of neurons; outermost order of energy into electrical signal neurons that comprise the
neurons is avascular and consists of that is transmitted to the three different orders; degree
photoreceptors, rods, and cones, with central nervous system for of retinal vasculature varies
modified processes to detect photons of visual interpretation among domestic species,
light with the processes attached to a being little vascularized
pigmented epithelium, which firmly (paurangiotic) in the horse,
attaches the retina to the choroid vascularized along the
horizontal plane
(merangiotic) in the rabbit,
well vascularized (holangiotic)
in ruminants and carnivores,
and nonvascularized
(anangiotic) in birds (chicken)

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Figure 20-3 A, Light micrograph of the anterior epithelium of the canine

cornea. (Periodic acid–Schiff stain; ×400.) B, Light micrograph of
the anterior epithelium and anterior lamina (AL) of the avian
(chicken) cornea. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×400.)

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Figure 20-4 Light micrograph of a canine cornea. AE, Anterior epithelium; S,

stroma; PE, posterior endothelium; PL, posterior lamina. (Periodic
acid–Schiff stain; ×100.)

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The corneal stroma is also called the substantia propria because it comprises 90% of the thickness of the
cornea in most species (Figure 20-4). It is very ligamentous-like, consisting of transparent lamellae of dense
regular connective tissue. The lamellae lie in sheets and split easily into planes. Between the lamellae are fixed
cells called stromal cells or keratocytes. It is the fibrous extensions of these cells that help delineate the stromal
lamellae. They have thin nuclei, ill-defined borders, and delicate cell membranes. These cells can be
transformed into fibroblasts when deep corneal injury has occurred and may form scar tissue that is not
transparent. Wandering cells are usually leukocytes that have migrated from the limbus, often after trauma.
These cells are able to migrate to the center of the cornea in the bovine eye within 30 minutes after injury.

Precise organization of corneal stroma is the most important factor in maintaining corneal clarity. The bulk of
corneal stroma is composed of thin evenly positioned collagen fibrils that are organized as lamellae and run the
full diameter of the cornea. This special arrangement of stroma permits light entering the eye to pass through
the cornea without scatter.

Collagen fibrils, along with proteoglycans and glycoproteins, make up 15% to 25% of the corneal stroma and
act as the principal support structure of the cornea. These collagen fibrils form the matrix for a unique
population of proteoglycans within the corneal stroma. The cornea is 75% to 85% water and is relatively
dehydrated when compared to other tissues. This state of dehydration is referred to as deturgescence and is
produced by the endothelium and epithelium.

The posterior lamina, Descemet's membrane, is a homogeneous acellular membrane that is 10 to 15 μm thick
in the dog and up to 30 μm thick in the horse. It is eosinophilic when stained with hematoxylin and eosin and
with periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) it stains brightly (Figure 20-5; see also Figure 3-27). Lying on the posterior
surface of the stroma, this layer is a true basement membrane that is formed by the endothelium and continues
to thicken slowly throughout the life of the individual as long as the endothelium remains healthy. The posterior
lamina ends at the apex of the trabecular meshwork in the limbal region.

The posterior epithelium, or endothelial cell layer, also referred to as the corneal endothelium, is a single
layer of flattened and hexagonally arranged cells that is continuous with the iridocorneal angle of the anterior
chamber (see Figure 20-5). Ultrastructural studies reveal the cells are laterally attached to each other by highly
convoluted interdigitations (see Figure 3-4). In terms of its function, the corneal endothelium is the most
important layer of the cornea because it actively maintains corneal transparency.

The presence of blood vessels in the cornea more centrally than at the limbus is an indication of corneal disease
in most instances. The condition producing the vascularization may be local or generalized.

20.2.2 LIMBUS
The limbus, about 1 mm wide in the dog and the cat and up to 5 mm in large herbivores, is the transition zone 492
between the cornea and the sclera-conjunctiva (Figure 20-6, A; see also Figure 20-2). At this point the sclera is
pigmented to varying degrees. Microscopically, the epithelium is thicker than the adjacent corneal epithelium,
with closely packed small basal cells that have scanty cytoplasm. The limbal epithelium can be stem cells for
the regeneration of the corneal anterior epithelium when needed.

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Figure 20-5 A, Light micrograph of the posterior lamina (PL) and posterior
endothelium (PE) in the feline cornea. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;
×400.) B, Illustration of the PL and PE. PS, Posterior stroma.
(Modified from Hogan MJ, Alvarado JA, Weddell JE: Histology of the
human eye, Philadelphia, 1971, Saunders.)

The stroma of the limbus loses the regular arrangement characteristic of the cornea and takes on the woven
appearance of dense irregular connective tissue. Numerous blood vessels, which represent the anastomosing

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branches of the anterior ciliary arteries, occur within the outer stroma. Both anterior and posterior laminae of
the cornea end in this area. However, the corneal endothelium extends as a thin fibroblastic cell layer onto the
pectinate ligament and trabecular meshwork of the iridocorneal angle.

20.2.3 SCLERA

The sclera forms the opaque posterior three quarters to five sixths of the fibrous tunic (see Figure 20-2).
Anatomically this component of the eye consists of three regions or layers. The inner surface is called the
lamina fusca and is brown due to the adherent suprachoroidal pigment. This surface forms an outer boundary
of a potential space that is lined internally by the suprachoroidea of the outer choroid. The bulk of the sclera is
called the sclera proper. The histologic structure of the sclera proper is comparable to the dermis of the
integument, consisting of dense irregular connective tissue. The sclera contains a considerable amount of elastic
fibers that are interlaced among the collagen fibers. The collagen fibers, fibrocytes and occasional melanocytes 492
are arranged meridionally, obliquely, and radially in an irregular fashion. The individual collagen fibrils of the 493
sclera differ from those of the cornea in that the fibrils possess a great deal of variation in their diameters. The
sclera is also more hydrated than the cornea and contains larger blood vessels; its rigidity provides the
resistance to intraocular fluid tension. The outermost region of the sclera is called the episclera, which consists
of loose connective tissue that anteriorly blends with the connective tissue of the bulbar conjunctiva and
posteriorly with an ocular fascia known as Tenon's capsule. The episclera is fairly vascular; the nerve supply is
from the ciliary nerves and has very few endings in this portion of the eye.

Figure 20-6 A, Light micrograph of the equine limbus. (Masson trichrome stain;
×20.) B, Light micrograph of the scleral ossicle (SO) in a chicken.
CC, Cartilage cup; CBM, ciliary body musculature; MN, membrana
nictitans (third eyelid). (Masson trichrome stain; ×20.)

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Besides dense connective tissue, the sclera can be composed of cartilage, as in birds (see Table 20-1). When
cartilage is found in the sclera, it usually forms a complete cup that extends to a ring of bony plates or scleral
ossicles (Figure 20-6, B). Ossicles of the sclera are located anteriorly underneath or external to the ciliary body.
Although birds and reptiles possess this structure, the ossicle is believed to have originated from fish and were
eventually passed on to amphibia. Birds with perhaps the greatest range of accommodation such as the
kingfisher and other diving birds have larger and potentially more powerful ossicles than those species that tend
to be more confined to land. Owls and hawks have “used” them to produce elongated and cone-shaped eyes that
have resulted in remarkable differences in the radii of curvatures between the cornea and globe. In a functional
sense, ossicles are believed to have been devised for retaining ocular rigidity.

The scleral thickness varies considerably among species and in different areas of the globe, but is thinnest near 493
the equator, especially behind (posterior to) the insertions of the extraocular muscles. At the point where the 494
optic nerve passes through the sclera it becomes sievelike and is known as the scleral lamina cribrosa (Figure
20-7). Abnormal tension in this region due to glaucoma results in the disruption of axoplasmic flow in
individual nerve fibers of the optic nerve.

Figure 20-7 Light micrograph of a portion of lamina cribrosa (LC) in the canine
optic nerve. S, Sclera; Ch, choroid. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;

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20.2.4 UVEA

The choroid, ciliary body, and iris form the uveal coat or uvea (see Figures 20-1 and 20-2). Unlike the fibrous
coat, it is highly vascular and usually pigmented. The choroid and ciliary body are attached to the internal
surface of the sclera. The iris originates from the anterior portion of the ciliary body and extends centrally to
form a diaphragm in front of the lens. The iris and ciliary body are collectively termed the anterior uvea. The
choroid is designated as the posterior uvea. IRIS

The iris is a diaphragm that is derived from the neural crest, mesoderm, and neuroectoderm and extends
centrally from the ciliary body to cover the anterior surface of the lens except for a central opening—the
pupil. The shape of the moderately dilated pupil varies throughout vertebrates. In mammals it is round in
primates, dogs, and pigs; vertical when constricted in the cat; and oval in a horizontal plane in herbivores
(horse, oxen, sheep, and goats). Along the upper edge of the pupil in herbivores are several round black
masses. They vary in size and are called granula iridica, or corpora nigra. Similar smaller masses exist on
the lower edge of the pupil.

Iridal color varies considerably among individuals as well as various breeds or species of animals, depending
on the amount of pigmentation of the iridal stroma. The iris consists of an anterior stroma and a posterior
bilayered epithelium. The stroma is covered anteriorly by a layer of fibroblastic cells continuous with the
inner iridocorneal angle. The iris stroma is composed of interwoven bundles of fine collagenous fibers, many
chromatophores including melanocytes, and fibroblasts. The stroma is loosely arranged except around blood
vessels and nerves where it forms dense sheaths, particularly in porcine eyes. Color variation of the iris is
partly due to the degree of vascularization along with the amount of pigmentation (Figure 20-8). The
chromatophores and fibroblasts can be evenly distributed throughout the stroma of the iris or concentrated as
in the canine iris, which often contains a dense band of melanocytes in the posterior stroma anterior to the
dilator muscle.

In the stroma near the pupil a flat band of thin circular bundles of smooth muscle forms the iridal sphincter
muscle or iridal constrictor muscle. The sphincter muscle, which is innervated parasympathetically by the
oculomotor nerve, is responsible for reducing the size of the pupil (Figure 20-9). Opposing the sphincter
muscle is the iridal dilator muscle, which consists of a single layer of smooth muscle fibers in the posterior
iridal stroma extending from the iris sphincter to the iris periphery. These fibers contain pigment around their
nuclei and lie adjacent to the posterior pigmented epithelium of the iris (Figure 20-10). The dilator muscle is
innervated sympathetically and when contracted opens the pupil. Both sphincter and dilator muscles arise
from the neural ectoderm. In avian species these intrinsic iris muscles are striated. In some birds such as the
cormorant, the sphincter and dilator muscles are striated as well as smooth. The posterior iridal surface is
covered by two layers of pigmented epithelium continuous with the epithelium of the ciliary body. The
anterior layer actually comprises the dilator muscle fibers while the posterior layer—the posterior
pigmented epithelium— is densely pigmented, and may extend centrally to form the granula iridica. 494

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Figure 20-8 Diagram of the pigmentation and vasculature of the mammalian
iris and how these two ingredients are responsible for iridal color.
(From Hogan MJ, Alvarado JA, Weddell JE: Histology of the human
eye, Philadelphia, 1971, Saunders.)

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Figure 20-9 Light micrograph of the iridal sphincter muscle (SM) in the dog.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.)


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Figure 20-10 A, Light micrograph (×100) of the iridal dilator muscle in the
canine eye. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain, ×250.) B, Illustration
reveals the overlapping (b) organization of the single layer of
the iridal dilator muscle and its apical (a) attachment to the
posterior pigmented epithelium of the iris. c, Basal lamina of the
muscle cells; d, nearby sheathed nerve ending; e, unsheathed
nerve ending; f, intercellular canals; g, lateral interdigitations; h,
basal infoldings; i, basal lamina of pigmented epithelium. (From
Hogan MJ, Alvarado JA, Weddell JE: Histology of the human eye,
Philadelphia, 1971, Saunders.)


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Figure 20-11 Light micrograph of the canine ciliary body. CBM, Ciliary body
musculature; CP, ciliary process; I, iridal base; ICA, iridocorneal
angle; PP, pars plana. (Masson trichrome stain; ×10.)

At the iris root (peripherally) in most species is an annular major arterial circle from which many vessels of
the iris, which are directed spirally toward the pupil, are derived. The arteries attenuate into capillary beds as
they spread throughout the iris stroma. CILIARY BODY

The ciliary body is an anterior continuation of the choroid, and joins with the iris. The ciliary body is divided
into a broad anterior zone, the pars plicata, and a narrower posterior zone, the pars plana(Figure 20-11; see
also Figure 20-2). The inner surface of the anterior zone is composed of radially arranged folds called the
ciliary processes(70-100) depending on the species (around 75-76 in the dog). Each process possesses a
central core of stroma and blood vessels covered by a double layer of epithelium (Figure 20-12). The main
mass of the ciliary body, exclusive of the ciliary processes, consists of the smooth ciliary muscles and
melanocytes. The flat posterior portion of ciliary body, the pars plana, consists of a thin vascular stroma with
two layers of overlying epithelium and extends from the posterior extent of the ciliary process to the junction
with the retina at the ora ciliaris retinae. The width of the pars plana varies as the retina extends more
anteriorly in the inferior and medial quadrant in most species. The pars plana is therefore wider superiorly
and laterally. The lenticular zonules arise from the ciliary body epithelial cells and pass anteriorly in the
valleys between the ciliary processes onto the lens equator. Minor species variations occur.

The ciliary body has a variety of functions including aqueous humor production; aqueous humor removal;
secretion of hyaluronic acid of the vitreous; lens attachment and its accommodation; and constitution of the
blood-aqueous barrier. Ciliary Process and Aqueous Humor Production

The ciliary process is the structure that produces aqueous humor and varies considerably among domestic
species in size, shape, and number. Aqueous humor is the fluid that fills the anterior and posterior
chambers of the eye and supplies nutrients to the lens and the cornea; provides a continuously flowing
stream into which surrounding tissues can discharge metabolic waste products; creates intraocular
pressure by means of its formation and drainage, which maintains ocular rigidity so that the globe is
distended to its proper form; and forms an optimal environment for light transmission. The bilayered

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epithelium of the ciliary process forms aqueous humor as blood plasma passes first through the fenestrated
capillaries and venules and adjoining stroma of a scant amount of loose connective tissue (see Figure
20-12). This epithelium consists of an outer pigmented layer and an inner nonpigmented layer that are
generally both cuboidal, though columnar in the horse. The two layers are tightly attached to each other
and form the blood-aqueous barrier essential for a clear medium to transmit light. Normal aqueous humor
is then produced across this barrier through diffusion, ultrafiltration, and active formation. Iridocorneal Angle and Aqueous Humor Removal

As a component of aqueous humor dynamics, the iridocorneal angle plays a vital role in the removal of
aqueous humor from the eye. The iridocorneal angle, also referred to as the filtration or chamber angle,
varies greatly in size and organization (Figure 20-13). Among domestic species, animals with large eyes 497
and correspondingly large anterior chambers possess well-developed iridocorneal angles including robust 499
pectinate ligaments and large ciliary (cilioscleral) clefts (sinus) to facilitate large amounts of aqueous

Figure 20-12 A, Light micrograph of the ciliary process (CP) in the dog.
CBM, Ciliary body musculature; S, sclera. (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×20.) B, Close-up of a portion of a ciliary process
of a deer. NE, Nonpigmented epithelium; PE, pigmented
epithelium; S, stroma; VS, vascular sinusoid. (Masson
trichrome stain; ×250.)

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Figure 20-13 Light micrograph of the iridocorneal angle in the cat. AC,
Anterior chamber; S, sclera; TM, trabecular meshwork.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×20.)

The iridocorneal angle is formed by the junction of the corneoscleral tunic and the iris base. It extends
into the anterior ciliary body as a recession—the cilioscleral sinus, or cleft. The pectinate ligaments span
the cilioscleral sinus anteriorly from the usually pigmented corneoscleral junction to the root of the iris.
Behind the pectinate ligament and within the cilioscleral sinus is a matrix of neural crest tissue, the
trabecular meshwork. Trabecular meshwork consists of crisscrossing collagen cords covered by a unique
endothelium known as trabecular cells. As aqueous humor leaves the anterior chamber, it passes through
the collagenous pillars of the pectinate ligament, which help anchor the anterior base of the iris to the
limbus, and the large spaces (spaces of Fontana) between the big trabeculae of the uveal trabecular
meshwork. Most of the aqueous humor then enters and percolates through the corneoscleral trabecular
meshwork, which acts as a coarse filter and then enters adjacent outflow vessels (Figure 20-14).

Trabecular meshwork in the cilioscleral sinus appears to be anterior tendinous extensions of ciliary body
musculature. This musculature is poorly developed in most domestic animals, thus creating a
proportionally larger sinus than found in humans. Adjacent to the meshwork are aqueous humor–
collecting channels, which, in turn, empty into the scleral venous plexus and then the vortex veins. The
aqueous-collecting channels are collectively referred to as the angular aqueous plexus in most species,
being an angular aqueous sinus (canal of Schlemm) in humans and other primates as well as in many
rodents. It is the movement of the aqueous humor through this narrow region that accounts for much of
the resistance to outflow. The aqueous humor then flows into a network of veins called the intrascleral

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plexus before exiting via the subconjunctival venous system anteriorly or the vortex venous system
posteriorly. 499
Figure 20-14 A, Light micrograph (×100) of the angular aqueous plexus
(AAP) of the canine iridocorneal angle. (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain.) B, Illustration of the trabecular meshwork and
outflow vessel, angular aqueous sinus (AAS) in the human
iridocorneal angle. a, Portion of the internal wall along the
angular aqueous sinus; cst, corneoscleral trabeculae; e,
endothelial cells; ew, external wall of the AAS; gv, giant
vacuoles; icc, internal collecting channel of the AAS; iw,
internal wall along the AAS; sc, AAP (Schlemm's canal); ts,
intertrabecular spaces. (From Hogan MJ, Alvarado JA, Weddell
JE: Histology of the human eye, Philadelphia, 1971, Saunders.)


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500 501
Alternate Routes of Aqueous Humor Outflow

In addition to removal by specific veins along the outer boundary of the corneoscleral trabecular
meshwork, aqueous humor can leave the eye by additional alternate routes, also known as unconventional
outflow, whereas removal of aqueous humor by veins along the outer angle is referred to as conventional
outflow. The largest amount of aqueous humor to leave the eye in an unconventional manner is along a
pathway referred to as the uveoscleral route. In this instance, aqueous humor moves exteroposteriorly
through the length of the iridocorneal angle to the external lining of the ciliary musculature and
suprachoroidal space along the outermost choroid. The Ciliary Body Musculature

The muscle of the ciliary body in most domestic mammals consists of smooth muscle fibers that run
primarily along the meridional plane, and is less developed in most herbivorous animals than dogs and
cats (see Table 20-1). However, in the pig the anterior portion of the ciliary body musculature is oriented
not unlike that occurring in most primates. In the dog and cat, the muscle fibers, which are meridional in
direction, form inner and outer leaves that partially embrace the iridocorneal angle. When ciliary body
musculature is involved in lenticular accommodation, it also influences aqueous humor outflow. Lenticular Accommodation

The ciliary body and its processes provide a base on which lenticular zonules are attached. These zonules
attach to the outer portions of the lens and hold it in place. Contractions of ciliary body muscle alter the
tension of these zonules, which then change the shape of the lens due to the inherent elasticity of the lens
capsule. The lens moves slightly forward and rounds up posteriorly and together alter the degree to which
light is refracted—this is accommodation. Among domestic species the cat and pig have the most
developed musculature for this purpose.

In birds and other nonmammalian animals the ciliary body musculature is composed of skeletal muscle
cells that are mostly meridionally oriented. At least two distinct bundles of muscle are positioned in this
region of the avian eye: an anterior bundle arises near the margin of the cornea; and a posterior bundle,
which in raptors such as the eagle and hawk is well developed and sometimes referred to as two muscles,
which will cause the ciliary body to push against the lens and squeeze it. CHOROID

The posterior uvea (choroid) is composed of blood vessels (mainly thin-walled veins) and pigmented support
tissues (Figure 20-15). It is the main source of nutrition for the outer layers of the retina, particularly the
photoreceptors, that lie immediately internal to it. The anterior margin of the choroid joins the ciliary body
along a junction known as the ora ciliaris retinae. Besides providing oxygen and nutrients for the outer
retina, the choroid serves as a black box of sorts due to the abundance of melanocytes that usually reside

The choroid is composed of four layers: the suprachoroidea, large vessel layer, medium-sized vessel layer,
and choriocapillaris (see Figure 20-15).

CHAPTER 20 Eye and Ear Page 21 of 54

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The suprachoroidea is the outermost choroidal layer, lying adjacent and loosely attached to the sclera, and
consists of an avascular membrane of elastic, heavily pigmented connective tissue forming loose lamellae.
It has been demonstrated in a variety of species that aqueous humor will exit the eye along this membrane,
diffusing through the sclera, in addition to flowing out of the eye through the angular aqueous plexus. 501

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Figure 20-15 A, Light micrograph of the canine choroid. C, Choriocapillaris;
LVL, large vessel layer; S, sclera; Su, suprachoroidea; TC,
tapetum cellulosum. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×250.) B,
Illustration of the vascular components of the mammalian
choroid. Aa, Retinal pigment epithelium; Bb, Bruch's
membrane; Cc, choriocapillaris; Dd, venule of the middle-sized
vessel layer; Ee, vein of the large vessel layer; Ff, artery of the
large vessel layer. (From Hogan MJ, Alvarado JA, Weddell JE:
Histology of the human eye, Philadelphia, 1971, Saunders.)


20 2 4 3 2 503
L V lL
CHAPTER 20 Eye and Ear Page 23 of 54
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Immediately internal to the suprachoroidea is a vascular plexus of large vessels consisting mostly of
anastomosing veins embedded in loose connective tissue containing numerous melanocytes. Medium-Sized Vessel Layer

Internal to the large vessel layer is a layer of medium-sized vessels and fine reticular connective tissue.
This forms a continuous vascular membrane in primates, squirrels, and pigs, whereas in dogs, cats, horses,
and ruminants the pigmented portion of the elastic reticular vascular membrane is replaced dorsally by a
layer of reflective tissue, the tapetum lucidum. Tapetum Lucidum.

This layer forms the dorsal or superior portion of medium-sized layer and is composed of regularly
arranged collagenous fibers (tapetum fibrosum) in herbivores and specific polyhedral cells
(iridocytes, tapetum cellulosum) containing reflecting crystals in carnivores (Figure 20-16). It reflects
light that has passed through the retina to restimulate the retinal photoreceptor cells. The tapetum is
responsible for the eyeshine seen at night when animals face a light, and for the variable background
color of the ocular fundus (background of the eye as viewed by light projected inside the eye). Animals
without a tapetum, such as squirrels, pigs, and birds, are usually diurnal.

Figure 20-16 Light micrograph of the feline dorsal choroid with the
cellular tapetum. I, Iridocyte. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;

20 2 4 3 4 Ch i ill i
CHAPTER 20 Eye and Ear Page 24 of 54
Textbook of Veterinary Histology Choriocapillaris

The choriocapillaris forms the innermost layer of choroidal vessels, consisting of a thin layer of
fenestrated capillaries (see Figure 20-15). This capillary sheet is separated from the retinal pigmented
epithelium by a membrane complex, complexus basalis, most often referred to as Bruch's membrane,
which tightly connects the choriocapillaris with the outermost layer of the retina, the retinal pigment


The lens is a “fine-tuning” refractive structure that serves to fine focus images on the retina for acute vision (see
Figure 20-2). It is held in place by the specialized ligaments called zonules arising from ciliary epithelium and
attaching to the lens capsule at the lens equator. The lens is largely biconvex in most species with the degree of 503
convexity changing during accommodation due to elasticity of the capsule and pliability of lens substance. 504
Some animals, including members of the rodent family and marine mammals, however, possess a round lens. In
these animals the ciliary musculature is either poorly developed or practically nonexistent and as a result has no
accommodative ability. The round lens provides a greater range of focus, especially when the iris constricts its
pupil to a small hole.

The lens is totally epithelial, containing no pigment or blood vessels that would decrease transparency. The lens
is held in place by numerous zonules that extend from the ciliary body processes to the equatorial region of the
lens. The lens is also held in place to a minor extent by the vitreous humor and the support of the iris.

The lens is completely enclosed within a thick PAS-positive elastic capsule. The adult canine lens capsule is 12
to 15 μm thick at the equator, 50 to 70 μm anteriorly, and only 2 to 4 μm thick posteriorly (Figure 20-17).
Inside the anterior capsule is the single layer of lens epithelial cells. These cells produce the capsule, which is
the basement membrane for these cells. The cells are squamous to cuboidal centrally and become columnar
near the equator, elongating into slender, highly elongated lens fibers that appear hexagonal in cross section
(Figure 20-18). New fibers are formed externally at the equator throughout life. As they mature they form small
ball-and-socket interdigitations along their lateral surfaces, making these cells tightly adherent to one another as
well as to the previous inner layer of forming lens fibers. The outer fibers are the most recently formed and all
of the lens fibers curve from one surface of the lens to the other (anterior and posterior) with their tips meeting
at an anteroposterior junction that takes the shape of an upright Y on the anterior surface and an inverted Y on
the posterior surface. This junction is called the suture line and is frequently visible in the normal lens and
accentuated in cataractous lenses. The most recently formed lens fibers extend anteriorly under the anterior
epithelium and posteriorly under the lens capsule toward the ever-expanding suture. These fibers comprise the
region known as the lens bow due to the arrangement of nuclei in these cells (Figure 20-19). In addition to the
cellular interdigitations, the cell membranes possess many gap junctions or nexi, which in avian (chicken)
lenses can comprise up to 65% of the lens fiber cell membrane, making these cells quite electronically coupled
and contribute to the maintenance of the lens's overall structural integrity.

Fi 20 17 Li ht i h f th l l (LC) th t f th

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Figure 20-17 Light micrograph of the lens capsule (LC) near the equator of the
lens where it broadens anteriorly. LF, Lens fibers. (Hematoxylin
and eosin stain; ×100.)

As each lens fiber attains it full predetermined length and completes its development, the cell's nucleus
undergoes degeneration with a concomitant loss of mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi
apparatus, and other organelles and in fact appears to become senescent. The adult lens then consists of lens
fibers formed chronologically throughout life. The oldest portion of the lens, which is formed embryonically, is
in the center and is known as the embryonic nucleus. Extending outwardly, the fetal nucleus, adult nucleus, and
cortex are encountered (see Figure 20-19). These portions can be further divided into inner and outer portions,
such as the inner cortex or the outer adult nucleus.

In birds, lenticular accommodation is dependent on the ability of the lens to change shape even more than in
mammals. The avian lens is much softer and more flexible than that of mammalians and consequently is
allowed to be readily deformed during the contraction of the ciliary body musculature. As the musculature
contracts, the ciliary body pushes against the equatorial region of the lens. As an evolutionary adaptation to this
activity, the avian lens has an annular pad or “ringwulst,” consisting of lens fibers that are relatively enlarged 504
and arranged radially instead of concentrically (Figure 20-20). The size of the pad appears to be directly related 507
to the degree of accommodative ability.

Fi 20 18 S i l t i hi i f l fib

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Figure 20-18 Scanning electron micrographic views of young lens fibers
oriented obliquely in the canine lens. (A, ×800; B, ×2000.)

Fi 20 19 A Li ht i h f th l b i f th i l
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Figure 20-19 A, Light micrograph of the lens bow region of the canine lens.
(Plastic section, toluidine blue; ×250.) B, Diagram of the
mammalian lens and the different regions. (Hogan MJ, Alvarado
JA, Weddell JE: Histology of the human eye, Philadelphia, 1971,

Fi 20 20 Li ht i h f th l t i th hi k (M
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Figure 20-20 Light micrograph of the lens equator in the chicken. (Masson
trichrome stain; ×15.)


The vitreous humor, also called the vitreous body, occupies up to four fifths of the volume of the globe,
transmits light, fills the central space to maintain the globe's shape, and helps maintain the retina in its normal
attached position.

The vitreous encircles a remnant of the hyaloid artery from the embryonic eye called the hyaloid canal or
Cloquet's canal, which extends from the optic disk to the posterior pole of the lens. In most domestic animals,
remnants of this artery normally regress just before or after birth. The hyaloideo-lenticular ligament is a
remnant of the artery that attaches the vitreous to the posterior lens capsule in most domestic animals and has
surgical implications when removing a cataractous lens. The vitreous is clear, allowing light to reach the retina.
Nutrients can diffuse transvitreally from the ciliary body to the retina. The vitreous is 99% water. Collagen and
hyaluronic acid (HA) comprise most of the remaining 1%, with collagen supplying what little vitreous
framework there is (Figure 20-21). Nearly all visible light is transmitted through the normal vitreous. The
collagen content is highest where the vitreous is a gel. The proportion of gel to liquid vitreous varies among
d ti i Th ll t ki b dd d i th i t l li iti b f th ti hi h

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domestic species. The collagen network is embedded in the internal limiting membrane of the retina, which
produces part of the adult vitreous. Thus, vitreal contraction or the formation of inflammatory bands in the
vitreous creates tension on the retina, which can tear or detach the retina. It is generally accepted that collagen
turnover is quite slow and perhaps nonexistent in primates, dogs, and other animals, which have vitreous bodies
that liquefy with age. The normal vitreous cells, the hyalocytes, may have some responsibility for the
production of HA and have phagocytic activities as well. They are not abundant and generally lie 20 to 50 μm
away from the basal lamina of the inner limiting membrane, forming a single layer of fairly evenly scattered 507
cells. The exclusion of other cells and large particles is essential to maintain transparency. Except for the 508
collagen and HA, the composition of the vitreous is similar to aqueous humor.

Figure 20-21 Diagram of the vitreous humor (VH) in the mammalian eye, with
the greatest concentration of collagen along the ciliary body (CB),
especially at the ora ciliaris retinae (OCR), and to a lesser extent
along the inner face of the retina and posterior capsule (arrows)
of the lens (L). (Modified from Hogan MJ, Alvarado JA, Weddell JE:
Histology of the human eye, Philadelphia, 1971, Saunders.)

Although essentially invisible, the vitreous humor consists of two principal regions: peripheral and central. The
peripheral portion lies next to the retina and is called the cortex, which includes the collagen fibrils that connect
to the basal lamina of the Muller and glial cells of the retina. The hyalocytes also reside in this region. The
central portion is further subdivided into retrolental (hyaloid canal) and intermediate zones.

20 2 7 RETINA

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20.2.7 RETINA

Being derivatives of the forebrain, the retina and its associated optic nerve are morphologically and
physiologically similar to the brain. The function of the retina, as a direct extension of the brain, is to receive
light stimuli from the external environment and transmit this data accurately to the brain, which is interpreted
there to become vision. The visual process begins with the photoreceptor cells of the retina, which comprise a
complex layer of specialized cells: rods and cones (Figure 20-22). These cells contain photopigments that
change on exposure to light to produce chemical energy that is converted to electrical energy and ultimately
transmitted to the visual cortex of the brain. Once photoreceptors are stimulated by light, they transmit a
nervous impulse that is received and modified in various ways by cells whose nuclei are in the inner nuclear
layer. The modified message is then transferred to ganglion cells, whose axons form the nerve fiber layer and
extend through the optic nerve to the brain (lateral geniculate and cortex). Because many ocular syndromes are
associated with loss of function of one or more of these visual pathways, it is important to understand the
anatomical, physiological, and embryological relationships of the visual pathways before studying disorders of

Ten identifiable layers in the retina are usually considered from outside inward in the following order (see
Figure 20-22): the retinal pigment epithelium; neurosensory retina; and visual cell layer, outer limiting
membrane, outer nuclear layer, outer plexiform layer, inner nuclear layer, inner plexiform layer, ganglion
cell layer, nerve fiber layer, and inner limiting membrane. RETINAL PIGMENTED EPITHELIUM (RPE)

This layer is derived from the outer layer of the optic cup and consists of a layer of flat polygonal cells
adjacent to the choroid. It is more adherent to the choroid than to the rest of the retinal tissue through its
attachment to the choriocapillaris by way of Bruch's membrane. The potential space between this layer and
the sensory layer is where most retinal detachments occur. The cells are usually densely pigmented but are
devoid of pigment overlying the choroid that contains the tapetum. This permits light to pass through, hit the
tapetum, and then reflect back to the light-sensitive receptors. The pigment epithelial cells are important in
nutrient transport from the choriocapillaris to the outer layers of the retina. They send cytoplasmic processes
inward to surround the visual receptors to insulate them from bright light and increase their individual
sensitivity. They also phagocytize outer segments of photoreceptors as they are continually shed during
normal outer segment renewal. Visual Cell Layer

This layer, also known as the rod and cone layer, consists of the dendritic processes of the photoreceptors,
which are modified to be light sensitive. They are packed closely together side by side and arranged
radially to receive incoming light (Figure 20-23; see also Figure 20-22). These processes react to the
stimulation of light and initiate the mechanism of vision mentioned previously. The rods’ outer segments
are slender and are more sensitive to light than cones, being effective in low illumination. The rods
provide for detection of shapes and motion, being the type of vision referred to as scotopic vision. Rods
are inactivated by constant bright light, and thus are well suited for twilight and night vision. The cones’
outer segments are slightly less slender and much less sensitive to light, being useful for vision during
daylight—photopic vision. Cones can rapidly adapt to repeated stimuli and are sensitive to a range of
li ht d th f id l ii hi h t h d l ti d i l it

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light waves and therefore provide color vision, which creates enhanced resolution and visual acuity. External Limiting Membrane

This layer is composed of extensions of Muller's fibers. These are supporting cells that extend through the
retina. The tips of these extensions form a sievelike membrane through which the rods and cones extend
and gain support. 508
Fi 20 22 A Li ht i h f th ti f th i 1 R ti l i t

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Figure 20-22 A, Light micrograph of the retina of the pig. 1, Retinal pigment
epithelium; 2, visual cell layer; 3, external limiting membrane;
4, outer nuclear layer; 5, outer plexiform layer; 6, inner
nuclear layer; 7, inner plexiform layer; 8, ganglion cell layer; 9,
nerve fiber layer; 10, internal limiting membrane.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×100.) B, Illustration of the 10
layers of the mammalian retina. A, Amacrine cell; B, Bipolar
cell; C, cone photoreceptor; G, ganglion cell; H, horizontal cell;
M, Muller cell; R, rod photoreceptor. (Hogan MJ, Alvarado JA,
Weddell JE: Histology of the human eye, Philadelphia, 1971,

Fi 20 23 Li ht i h f th i l ll l f th i C C
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Figure 20-23 Light micrograph of the visual cell layer of the pig. C, Cone
inner segment; CN, cone nuclei; R, rod inner segment; RN, rod
nuclei; RPE, retinal pigment epithelium. (Hematoxylin and
eosin stain; ×250.) Outer Nuclear Layer

This layer consists of the nuclei of the rods and cones and is usually 12 to 15 rows thick centrally and
thinner peripherally in the dog. Cone nuclei are located nearest the external limiting membrane (see
Figure 20-23). They are larger, oval, and stain lighter than rod nuclei, which are smaller, darker, and much
more numerous in most species. In animals with greater photopic vision, such as diurnal birds, squirrels,
pigs, and ferrets, the number of rows are usually fewer at the area centralis due to fewer rods. Outer Plexiform Layer

This layer consists of the terminal arborization of rod and cone cell axons mixed with the dendrites of
cells of the inner nuclear layer, principally bipolar cells and horizontal cells.

20 2 7 2 5 I N l L

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Nuclei of bipolar, amacrine, horizontal, and Muller's cells are located in this layer (see Figure 20-22).
Muller's cells tend to have more cytoplasm and lie in the middle to outer portion of the layer. These serve
as supportive cells for the retina. Horizontal cells interconnect photoreceptors to other photoreceptors.
Typically their dendrites synapse to cones, whereas their axons synapse to rods. Bipolar cells and
amacrine cells transmit the visual signal from rods and cones to the ganglion cells. However, the
amacrine cells along with the horizontal cells provide feedback inhibition and consequently are involved
in modification and integration of stimuli. The bipolar cells form the principal connection between the
visual cell layer and the ganglion cell layer. In domestic species, the inner nuclear layer is usually two to
five rows thick except at the area centralis, where it is thicker. Inner Plexiform Layer

This layer is formed by a multitude of synapses that occur between the axons of the inner nuclear layer
cells, the bipolar and amacrine cells, and the dendrites and cell bodies of the ganglion cells. It is best
developed in cone-rich retina (i.e., diurnal species). Ganglion Cell Layer

This layer contains ganglion cells, usually of three different types, plus neuroglial cells and retinal blood
vessels. The neurons form a single row of cells with well-defined nuclei, nucleoli, and Nissl's granules
except at the area of central vision known as the area centralis, where it may be two or three cell layers
thick. Nerve Fiber Layer

This layer is composed of axons of ganglion cells that have turned at right angles to course near the
posterior pole where the optic nerve exits. While enveloped by neuroglial cells and/or the inner tips of
Muller's cells, the nerve fibers lack myelin sheaths. Large retinal vessels, which arise from the short
posterior ciliary arteries as in the dog, occur in the nerve fiber, ganglion cell, and inner plexiform layers
with capillaries passing into the inner nuclear and plexiform layers. Inner Limiting Membrane

This is both a cell membrane and a basement membrane composed of the fused terminations of Muller's
cell fibers and has an intimate association with the outer vitreous humor. 510 511

This area of the retina is approximately related to the center of the visual field. It is more sensitive to detail
vision (clarity) than the rest of the retina. The macula, when present, is easy to identify ophthalmoscopically.
It is an area free of large retinal vessels and is more reflective; it has high cone density to the point at which
only cones may be found. That area is referred to as the fovea, found in primates and birds. The retinas of
most domestic species do not have maculas with foveas, but instead a region called the area centralis. The
cone population is most dense in the area centralis, although a completely rod-free area cannot be identified.
This is true for many species that do not have well defined photopic vision, such as most domestic species.
C l f tl i th i h l ti hi h i d i t d b d h t t idi

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Cones occur less frequently in the peripheral retina, which is dominated by rod photoreceptors, providing
scotopic vision. In domestic animals the area centralis exists dorsolaterally to the optic disk. THE OPTIC NERVE

Ganglion cell axons leave near the posterior pole and form the optic nerve head, optic papilla, or optic disk.
From here they pass through the choroid and sclera and into the orbit. The optic nerve is formed by ganglion
cell axons, glial cells, and septae that arise from the pial sheath. The nerve fibers of the disk are medullated
(myelinated) in most species. The lamina cribrosa is a sievelike structure formed by a series of thin scleral
and glial trabeculae (see Figure 20-7). When leaving the eye, the optic nerve fibers are myelinated and
enclosed within a dural sheath continuous with that of the brain. The supportive tissue of the nerve is made
of neuroglial elements that are dense at the optic nerve head.

Immediately surrounding the nerve is a thin pial sheath composed of thin, dense connective tissue. From the
pia, thin vascular septae invade the nerve, separating the nerve fibers into bundles. The blood vessels carried
by the septae come from the pia and are the major supply to the nerve. The pial arteries arise from the
posterior ciliary arteries. The longitudinal fibers of the dura blend with the sclera.


Structures associated with the eye that specifically support and protect the eye include the bones and other
forms of connective tissue that form the orbit, the fossa in which it lies; fascia associated with the orbit
including the periorbita (primarily periosteum of the orbital bones), fascia bulbi or Tenon's capsule (loose
connective tissue lining the globe posterior to the conjunctiva) and fascial sheaths of the extraocular muscles;
the extraocular skeletal muscles that reposition the eye within its orbit; orbital adipose tissue; the lacrimal
gland; the superior and inferior palpebrae (the upper and lower eyelids); and the membrana nictitans (third

The lacrimal gland is a diamond-shaped gland located in the dorsolateral aspect of the globe lying within
the periorbita—15 to 20 small ducts open from it into the superior conjunctival fornix. Histologically, the
gland is a serous tubuloalveolar compound type. Its function is the production of the aqueous portion of
tears. The innervation of the lacrimal gland involves the lacrimal (branch of the fifth cranial nerve [CN V]),
sympathetic, and parasympathetic nerves. THE EYELIDS

The eyelids consist of dorsal and ventral folds of thin skin continuous with the facial skin. The free edges of
the superior and inferior eyelids meet to form the lateral and medial canthi. The opening formed by the free
edges of the eyelids is the palpebral fissure. Closure of the fissure is caused by the contraction of the
orbicularis oculi muscle located deep in the lids around the palpebral fissure. Opening or parting of the
fissure is by relaxation of the orbicularis oculi and contraction of the levator palpebrae superioris, which
inserts on the orbicularis oculi muscle and is located posteriorly within the superior eyelid only. The free
margin of the eyelid may contain a row of cilia or lashes that are directed away from the anterior surface of
the cornea. The cat lacks these lashes but has accessory hairs to catch dust and small debris. In most
d ti i th l lid l k l h

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domestic species, the lower eyelids lack lashes.

The inner surface of each eyelid is lined with a mucous membrane, the palpebral conjunctiva. Posteriorly,
the bulbar conjunctiva reflects onto the globe and is a part of the outer eye.

Near the posterior surface of the eyelid margin are the tarsal glands (meibomian glands) (Figure 20-24).
Each gland forms a parallel row of holocrine acini which are arranged in vertical columns and open into a
central duct that opens close to the lid margin. The glands are sebaceous and contained in a fibrous 511
connective tissue bed—the tarsal plate—in the posterior eyelid stroma. In addition to the tarsal glands are 512
accessory lacrimal glands that contribute to the preocular film. These glands are usually serous and often
associated with lymphoid tissue within the palpebral conjunctiva.

Figure 20-24 Light micrograph of the tarsal glands (TG) near the margin (M)
of the upper eyelid of the dog. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;


CHAPTER 20 Eye and Ear Page 37 of 54

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The conjunctiva is the most exposed of all mucous membranes. Its primary functions are to prevent
desiccation of the cornea, increase mobility of the eyelids and globe, and provide a barrier against
microorganisms and foreign bodies. It is a thin, transparent mucous membrane that lines the posterior surface
of the lids (palpebral conjunctiva) and is reflected forward on the eyeball (bulbar conjunctiva), becoming
continuous anteriorly with the epithelium of the cornea. Ventrally an additional fold is formed by the
reflection of the conjunctiva over the nictitating membrane. These reflections of the conjunctiva form the
conjunctival sac. All parts of the conjunctiva are continuous, but for description it is divided into the
palpebral, bulbar, and fornix conjunctiva.

The conjunctiva contains epithelial cells, within which are goblet cells that are most numerous in the fornix
(conjunctival sac). Other intraepithelial glands secrete a mucous fluid that is more viscous than the lacrimal

The substantia propria of the conjunctiva is composed of two layers, a superficial adenoid layer, which in the
dog and cat contains lymphatic follicles and glands, and a deep fibrous layer. The nerves and vessels of the
conjunctiva are in the fibrous layer. The arteries of the conjunctiva arise from the anterior ciliary arteries,
which are branches of the external ophthalmic artery. THE THIRD EYELID

The third eyelid, or nictitating membrane, is a large fold of conjunctiva that protrudes from the inferior
medial canthus over the anterior surface of the globe. It is supported by a T-shaped cartilaginous plate in
which the horizontal portion is parallel with the free edge of the membrane (Figure 20-25). It is rich in elastic
tissue, and the cartilage itself can be elastic in the cat, horse, and pig. Its free edge is usually pigmented in
the young adult except in the light-pigmented individuals and the cat. The stroma of the nictitans consists of
glandular and lymphoid tissue enveloped by fibrous connective tissue. The anterior surface is lined by
nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium. The glandular tissue forms the gland of the third eyelid, or
nictitans gland, which envelops the caudal end of the cartilaginous shaft. As in the lymphoid tissue, most of
the gland lies near the bulbar surface. In most species of domestic animals it secretes a serous fluid except
the pig in which the secretion is mostly mucoid. Although it can be serous, in many species it is mixed and
can be considered a compound tubuloalveolar seromucoid gland.

Posteriorly, extra amounts of glandular tissue occur posterior to the third eyelid in a variety of animals
including the cow, rabbit, and pig. This tissue is known as Harder's gland and histologically appears to be an
extension of the nictitans gland but is deeply seated in the orbit.

20.3 EAR

Audition, or hearing, is provided by the special organ, the ear. This sense is fundamental to the lives of domestic 512
species, making each individual keenly aware of the surrounding environment. Balance or vestibulation is also 513
provided by the ear, specifically the semicircular canals of the inner ear. As in sight, the comprehension of sound
and balance is performed in the higher centers of the brain and highly integrated with vision at that level.

Fi 20 25 A Li ht i h f th thi d lid f th d BS B lb

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Figure 20-25 A, Light micrograph of the third eyelid of the dog. BS, Bulbar
surface; HC, hyaline cartilage; NG, nictitating gland. (Hematoxylin
and eosin stain; ×8.) B, Illustration of the third eyelid of the dog.
(From Evans H, Christensen G: Miller's anatomy of the dog, ed 2,
Philadelphia, 1979, Saunders.)

The ear is composed of three regions: the (outer) external ear, the middle ear(tympanic cavity), and (inner)
internal ear (Figure 20-26). The external ear functions primarily to receive sound waves which are transmitted by
its innermost component, the tympanic membrane, to the middle ear as mechanical vibrations. The middle ear
amplifies the mechanical vibrations to the inner ear, which then transfers the sound energy into electrical signals
within the auditory portion, the cochlea. The cochlea sends these signals to the auditory cortex by way of the
acoustic nerve (CN VIII).


The external ear consists of an auricle and external auditory canal, ending at the external surface of the
tympanic membrane. The auricle, or pinna, is composed of a plate of elastic cartilage that varies considerably
in shape and size among domestic animals and is covered by thin skin with hair follicles and associated
sebaceous and sweat glands. The auricle leads to an irregularly shaped external auditory canal, also known as
the external auditory meatus, that is lined by thin skin containing small hair follicles and associated sebaceous
glands and modified sweat glands called ceruminous glands (Figure 20-27). These glands empty a waxy 513
substance either directly to the surface of the skin or to hair follicles. This substance combined with sebum 514
ti f l f dt hi h h l it d t t th

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secretions forms cerumen, more commonly referred to as ear wax, which helps moisten and protect the
external auditory canal and the tympanic membrane. Most of the external auditory canal is surrounded and
protected by the bone and ends internally with the tympanic membrane.

Figure 20-26 Illustration of the mammalian ear. AC, Auditory canal; AT, auditory
tube; C, cochlea; CN, cochlear nerve; CW, cochlear window; O,
ossicles; P, pinna; SC, semicircular canal; TC, tympanic cavity; TM,
tympanic membrane.


The middle ear consists of a tympanic membrane, tympanic cavity, and auditory ossicles. The tympanic
membrane, or tympanum (eardrum), forms a thin partition between the external auditory canal and the
tympanic cavity (see Figure 20-27). This partition is composed of a thin layer of mesodermally derived dense
connective tissue, lined externally by a thin epidermis of ectodermal origin and internally by a simple squamous
to cuboidal epithelium of endodermal origin. Sound that travels through the external auditory canal causes the
tympanum to vibrate. The vibrations are passed on to the bones of the middle ear, and in this way sound waves
are transformed into mechanical energy.

The tympanic cavity is an air-filled space that contains the auditory ossicles and is open to the auditory tube
(see Figure 20-26). The cavity is lined by a simple squamous or cuboidal epithelium except at the orifice of the
auditory tube, where the epithelium becomes pseudostratified columnar.

The auditory tube interconnects the nasopharynx with the tympanic cavity and is lined by a respiratory like

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The auditory tube interconnects the nasopharynx with the tympanic cavity and is lined by a respiratory-like
epithelium, consisting of a ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium with goblet cells. The adjacent loose
connective tissue merges with the periosteum of surrounding bone, but less so with the perichondrium of
hyaline cartilage, which exists nasopharyngeally as an incomplete collar. In this area, the connective tissue
enlarges to house mixed glands and lymphoid tissue. In the act of swallowing or yawning, the pharyngeal
orifice of the tube expands and opens, which, in turn, allows air pressure within the tympanic cavity to be
equalized with that within the external auditory canal. 514
Figure 20-27 Light micrographs of the external auditory canal and tympanic
membrane (TM) and associated ceruminous gland with waxy
secretion within the duct in the rat. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain;
A and B, ×10; C, ×250.)


Along the auditory tube of the horse, toward the nasopharynx is a ventral outpocketing—the guttaral pouch. 516
Its formation is due to the absence of hyaline cartilage in this region, consisting of the same histological
features occurring along the rest of the auditory tube as it approaches the nasopharyngeal opening.

Th dit i l f th iddl it f i f th ll b th t t f df th
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The auditory ossicles of the middle ear consist of a series of three small bones that transfer sound from the
external ear to the internal ear (Figure 20-28; see also Figure 20-26). The first of these small bones is the
malleus, or hammer. One process of the malleus is firmly attached to the tympanic membrane, whereas the
other process is joined with the next ossicle, the incus (also called the anvil) by a synovial joint. The incus is
joined to the third ossicle (the stapes, or stirrup) by a similar synovial joint. Whereas one portion of the stapes
is associated with the incus, the other is attached to the oval window of the internal ear. As ligaments hold these
three bones in position, a pair of skeletal muscles, the tensor tympani and stapedius, helps control movement
of the tympanum and ossicles.


The inner or internal ear consists of a bony labyrinth that forms a base plate for a membranous labyrinth to be

The bony labyrinth comprises three regions: the semicircular canals, the vestibule, and the cochlea (Figure
20-29). Each component has an endosteal lining separated from the membranous labyrinth by the
perilymphatic space filled with a cerebrospinal fluid–like clear watery liquid known as the perilymph. The
perilymph originates from the subarachnoid space of the nearby meninges by way of the cochlear
canaliculus. The semicircular canals are three curved tubular bodies positioned at right angles to one
another, lying dorsally and caudally to the vestibule (Figure 20-29).

The vestibule forms the small central area between the anteriorly positioned cochlea and posteriorly
positioned semicircular canals (see Figure 20-29). The lateral portion of the vestibule lies next to the middle
ear and has a window (vestibular window) that is associated with the footplate of the stapes.

The cochlea consists of a bony tube—the spiral canal—that, as the name implies, is shaped spirally in a
manner similar to a snail's shell. The amount of spiraling around a central bony column—the modiolus—
varies among domestic species, ranging from approximately 3 times in the cat to 4½ times in the cow. By
comparison, the amount of spiraling in the human is only 2½ times. The modiolus holds the cochlear nerve,
and branches project from the nerve into an osseous or bony shelf within the spiral canal called the osseous

The membranous labyrinth lies within the bony labyrinth and consists primarily of interconnecting epithelial
tissues that form the saccule, utricle, semicircular ducts, cochlear duct, and endolymphatic system. Within
the membranous labyrinth is a viscous plasma-like liquid—the endolymph—that freely circulates
throughout each component. Saccule and Utricle

Within the vestibule are two recesses along its medial wall that hold the saccule and utricle (see Figure
20-29). The saccule and utricle form the endolymphatic duct, which blindly ends in the endolymphatic

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) y p , y y p
sac. In addition, the saccule joins the duct of the cochlea by the small duct, ductus reuniens. The
membranous walls of the saccule and utricle consist of an internal simple epithelium that is either
squamous or cuboidal and an external layer of connective tissue that is associated with the perilymphatic
tissue. Within the membranous labyrinth of the saccule and the utricle are sensory regions with specific
receptors that are able to orient the body with regard to gravity and changes in the rate of motion
(acceleration, deceleration). These regions are called maculae—the macula of the saccule (macula
sacculi) and the macula of the utricle (macula utriculi)—though they tend to be more oval or kidney
shaped (macula utriculi) or hook shaped (macula sacculi) than round as the term macula would imply.
They are positioned perpendicularly to one another; the macula of the saccule is located along the floor
and the macula of the utricle lies along the lateral wall.

Both maculae possess thickened epithelia that contain two types of neuroepithelial cells also referred to
as hair cells that are attached to loose connective tissue. Type I hair cell has a rounded base enveloped by
an afferent nerve fiber in a cup-shaped manner (Figure 20-30). The apical portion of type I is narrowed,
holding a single kinocilium and 40 to 100 stereocilia that are aligned in rows of specific lengths—the
longest lies closest to the kinocilium. The stereocilia are true long microvilli, possessing cores of actin 516
filaments that become firmly anchored at their base within a terminal web of more actin filaments called 517
the cuticular plate(see Figure 3-20). As a result, the basal portion of each stereocilium is rigid, allowing
flexibility and bending to occur from the neck region on. The type II hair cell has a more
columnar-shaped body than that of type I and is not embraced by an afferent nerve in a cup-shaped
manner as in the case of type I hair cells. Instead, the base of type II hair cells forms synaptic junctions
with numerous afferent fibers. The presence and arrangement of the kinocilium and neighboring
stereocilia in the type II hair cell are identical to those of type I hair cells. Cytoplasmically, both types of 517
cells possess a well-developed Golgi apparatus with numerous vesicles (see Figure 20-30). Both types of 518
hair cells are surrounded by supporting cells (sustentacular cells) that form junctional complexes to one
another, including the hair cells. Neither type of hair cell reaches the basal lamina formed by these
supporting cells.

Figure 20-28 A, Diagram of the three ossicles (I, incus; M, malleus; S, stapes)
of middle ear. The lighter shade of the bones shows their
repositioning after a sound wave hits the tympanic membrane
( ) d li i di f h d

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(TM). Dotted lines indicate movement of the TM and
secondary tympanic membrane (STM) resulting from a sound
wave. P, Perilymph; ST, scala tympani; SV, scala vestibuli. B,
Light micrograph of the two ossicles, the malleus (M) and the
incus (I) of the middle ear of the rat. TM, Tympanic
membrane. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain; ×10.)

Figure 20-29 Diagram of the labyrinth system of the inner ear. A, Bony
labyrinth. B, Membranous labyrinth within the bony labyrinth.
C, Membranous labyrinth with sensory portion in yellow.
( difi d f i l b k f
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(Modified from Gartner LP, Hiatt JL: Color textbook of
histology, Philadelphia, 1997, Saunders.)

The kinocilia and stereocilia of the neuroepithelial cells are immersed in a gel-like body of glycoprotein
called the otolithic (statoconial) membrane. On the surface of the membrane lies a bed of calcium
carbonate crystals referred to as otoliths (statoconia) (Figure 20-31). Orientation of the kinocilium and
adjacent stereocilia among the hair cells differs between the two maculae. Within the macula of the

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utricle, the kinocilium and tallest stereocilia are directed toward a curvilinear center known as the striola.
By comparison, within the macula of the utricle, the kinocilium and tallest stereocilia are directed away
from the center. In each instance, movement in any direction is adequately detected.

The nonreceptive epithelium surrounding the maculae consists of light and dark cells that have scattered
small microvilli. The dark cells have smooth and coated vesicles, lipid droplets, and numerous
mitochondria often associated with basal infoldings. The function of both cells remains unknown, though
it is possible that they may have a role in endolymph dynamics. Semicircular Ducts

Three semicircular ducts emanate from the utricle as extensions of the membranous labyrinth that lines the
semicircular canals (see Figure 20-29). The connection of each duct and canal with the utricle and
vestibule, respectively, is dilated and referred to as an ampulla. Each membranous ampulla contains a
sensory region—the crista ampullaris—comprised of both supporting and neuroepithelial hair cells that
are morphologically identical to those of the two maculae. However, rather than be associated with a
disk-shaped area, the supporting and neuroepithelial hair cells lie on a ridge of connective tissue that
together project into the lumen of the membranous ampulla. As in the maculae of the saccule and utricle,
the stereocilia and kinocilia of the two types of hair cells are embedded in a gelatinous glycoprotein called
the cupula. Otoliths or any other kind of crystalline material are not associated with the cupula, which
extends to the opposite side of the ampulla.


Collectively, the maculae of the saccule and utricle and the cristae ampullares of the semicircular ducts function
as the vestibular apparatus, which is essential for balance, especially during locomotion. During linear
movement, such as moving directly ahead or backward, the head motion initiates endolymph displacement,
which, in turn, causes repositioning of the otoliths and the otolithic membrane. With concomitant bending of
the stereocilia, a transduction of the physical action to an electrophysiological action that produces an electrical
impulse occurs and is transferred by the synaptic junctions of the hair cells to associated afferent nerve fibers, 518
which then transmit the signal to the vestibular center of the central nervous system. 519

Figure 20-30 Illustration of the vestibular hair cells: type I (A) and type II (B).
(From Fawcett DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed
11, Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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Circular movements that involve the head are detected by the cristae ampullares within the ampullae of the
semicircular canals. As the head rotates, the endolymph within the semicircular ducts pushes against the cupula
of each crista ampullaris, which acts much like a sail of a boat as it billows while deflecting endolymph that
pushes against it. The movement of the cupula results in the flexion of the stereocilia of the neuroepithelial hair
cells within that region, which, in turn, results in the production of electrical impulses that are then transferred
to associated afferent nerve fibers for subsequent transmission of the signal to the central nervous system.


The organ of Corti, or the spiral organ, is the sensory body for audition and lies within that portion of the
membranous labyrinth known as the cochlear duct. The cochlear duct (also known as the scala media) is

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y ( )
formed in the spiral canal of the bony cochlea (Figure 20-32; see also Figure 20-29). Two sides of this duct are
embraced by perilymph-filled compartments. The compartment above the duct is called the scala vestibuli and
the two areas are separated by the vestibular membrane, which forms the roof of the scala media, or cochlear 519
duct. The compartment below the duct is called the scala tympani; the scala tympani and the scala media are 520
separated by the basilar membrane, which forms the floor of the cochlear duct and the foundation for the
auditory apparatus to rest on.

Figure 20-31 Diagram of the hair cells and the orientation of their cilia within
the otolithic membrane of the macula of the saccule centered
toward the striola (S).

The vestibular membrane is formed by two adjoining simple squamous epithelia that connect one to another by
their basal laminae. The outer epithelium is a portion of the lining of the scala vestibuli, whereas the inner
epithelium is a portion of the lining for the scala media. Each epithelium is tightly sealed by the zonula

Figure 20-32 Illustration of a portion of the cochlea. (Modified from Fawcett

DW: Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11,
Philadelphia, 1986, Saunders.)

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The basilar membrane consists of a simple squamous epithelium, which faces the scala tympani, and a small
amount of collagen that thickens as the membrane spirals from the cochlear window toward the end of the
cochlea, the helicotrema, where the scala vestibuli and scala tympani openly connect.

The lateral side of the scala media is composed of a stratified cuboidal to columnar epithelium—the stria
vascularis—that overlies a truncated layer of loose connective tissue called the spiral ligament(Figure 20-33).
The stria vascularis possesses intraepithelial capillaries, a feature rarely encountered among epithelia
throughout the body. The epithelium contributes to endolymph formation and maintains ion composition. The
stria vascularis consists of three cell types: marginal, intermediate, and basal. The marginal cell has numerous
microvilli along its apical surface and contains within its cytoplasm many mitochondria (which are often within
deep basal infoldings) and small vesicles. The intermediate cell contains far fewer mitochondria and forms
many cell processes that interdigitate with other intermediate cells and marginal cells. The basal cell also 520
possesses many cell processes that interdigitate with marginal and intermediate cells. When interdigitating with 521
marginal cells, these processes isolate the marginal cells from the base of the epithelium in a cuplike manner.

Figure 20-33 Transmission electron micrograph of the stria vascularis of the cat.
Large arrows point to intraepithelial capillaries; small arrows point
to branched ascending processes of basal cells that partially
d i l ll ( ) ( difi d f l

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surround marginal cells (MC). (Modified from Fawcett DW: Bloom
and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia, 1986,

On the other side of the scala media where the basilar and vestibular membranes come to their closest
proximity, is a connective tissue called the limbus of the spiral lamina (spiral limbus) that extends from the
periosteum of the spiral lamina into the scala media (see Figure 20-32). A portion of the upper limbus protrudes
farther into the scala media to contribute to the formation of the internal spiral tunnel. This protrusion is the
vestibular lip, which has a rim of epithelial cells called the interdental cells. The interdental cells secrete a
thick proteoglycan-laden body—the tectorial membrane—that lies on the neurosensory cells of the spiral
organ. At the lower portion or base of the limbus is another protrusion—the tympanic lip—that merges with
the basilar membrane. Branches of the cochlear division of the acoustic nerve repeatedly penetrate the lip from
the region of the modiolus, connecting with sensory cells of the spiral organ of Corti (Figure 20-34).

The sensory cells of the spiral organ lie on the basilar membrane and are supported by a variety of cells. The
sensory cells are referred to as hair cells, or more specifically the neuroepithelial hair cells of the spiral organ
(cochlear hair cells). Throughout the length of the cochlea, these cells are able to transduce impulses for
audition, forming two groups based on their location (see Figure 20-34). One group constitutes the inner hair
cells that form a single row and morphologically have a strong resemblance to type I cells of the vestibular
labyrinth, being fairly short cells with a rounded base and a narrowed neck region. And as in the type I cells, the
rounded base is enveloped in a cuplike manner by an efferent nerve ending and afferent nerve endings. The
apical modifications consist of 50 or more stereocilia arranged in rows of increasing height on the surface in the
shape of a V or W. None of the stereocilia become immersed in the overlying tectorial membrane, which is
responsible for causing the stereocilia to move and initiate an electric impulse during a sound-generating event.
The adult inner hair cell does not possess a true kinocilium though the presence of a basal body occurs next to

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the apical cell membrane. Surrounding a centrally placed nucleus, the cytoplasm is filled with rough and
smooth endoplasmic reticulum, vesicles, and mitochondria. The inner hair cells are nearly fully lined and
supported by inner phalangeal cells. 521
Figure 20-34 A, Light micrograph (approximately ×250) of the spiral organ of
the cat. B, Scanning electron micrograph of the spiral organ from
the direction of the tectorial membrane. (From Fawcett DW:
Bloom and Fawcett: a textbook of histology, ed 11, Philadelphia,
1986, Saunders.)


The second group constitutes the outer hair cells, which are more elongated than the inner hair cells and form 523
typically three rows along the outer portion of the spiral organ (see Figures 20-32 and 20-34). The nucleus of
each cell is positioned basally, and the cytoplasm is filled with rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) and
mitochondria, which also are concentrated basally. The apical modifications again are only stereocilia, which

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number up to 100 and are arranged in rows of increasing height in the shape of Ws. The tips of the tallest
stereocilia are immersed in the tectorial membrane. The base of these cells forms afferent and efferent synaptic
junctions. The outer hair cells are supported for most of their lengths by outer phalangeal cells.


The hair cells of the spiral organ are supported by a variety of cells including the phalangeal cells previously
mentioned, pillar cells, border cells, outer limiting cells (cells of Hensen, and cells of Claudius and Boettcher)
(see Figure 20-34).

The phalangeal cells are tall columnar cells that are attached either directly to the basilar membrane, as in the
case of the outer phalangeal cells, or to the tympanic lip that leads to the basilar membrane, as in the case of the
inner phalangeal cells. Whereas both inner and outer phalangeal cells line the cochlear hair cells, the outer
phalangeal cells form concaved apices that cradle the outer hair cells; just their lateral portions become apical
processes that extend to the free surface. Each process contains numerous microfilaments and microtubules that
give additional rigidity to the sensory cells. In inner phalangeal cells, similar processes support the inner hair
cells. These processes expand and attach to the hair cells by junctional complexes. The cytoskeletal component
associated with their attachment among the hair cells and the phalangeal cells results in the reticular lamina,
which provides rigidity of the apical portions of the hair cells.

Pillar cells consist of outer and inner groups or lines of elongated cells that form an inner tunnel as they
extend from the basilar membrane to the apices of the outer hair cells (outer pillar cells) and the inner
phalangeal cells (inner pillar cells) (see Figure 20-34). Both groups of pillar cells have cytoplasm heavily laden
with cytoskeletal elements (filaments and microtubules) that course the length of the cell in bundles and fan out
apically as the outer and inner cells contact each other, creating a platelike roof between the inner and outer hair
cells. The bases of both groups of pillar cells house their nuclei as they flatten out in a manner similar to their

External to the outer hair cells lies another group of supporting cells that continue along the basilar membrane
before joining the spiral prominence. These cells include the taller cells of Hensen, which delineate the outer
boundary of the spiral organ, and the shorter cells of Claudius, which lie on another group of small cells, the
cells of Boettcher. The roles of these cells are not well delineated.


The function of the cochlear portion of the inner ear is to receive an auditory signal, a sound wave, and
transduce the signal into electrical impulses that are transmitted by afferent nerve fibers to the auditory center in
the central nervous system (CNS), where hearing occurs. Sounds consist of alternating waves of compressed air
that are initially received by the pinna and auditory canal of the outer ear. On reaching the end of the canal,
each wave pushes against the tympanic membrane, which in tandem with the three small bones of the middle
ear, converts the sound wave into mechanical energy (see Figure 20-28). As each wave hits the tympanic
membrane and associated ossicles, the innermost ossicle, the stapes, pushes against the vestibular window,
resulting in the immediate compression of the perilymph, lying next to the window. Because liquid cannot by
itself become compressed, the force against the perilymph becomes transported spirally up the scala vestibuli
within the cochlea to its end at the helicotrema, where the scala vestibuli meets open ended with the scala
tympani. From that point, the pressure wave within the perilymph of the scala tympani pushes against the
basilar membrane as it spirals to the base of the cochlea, where the impulse last pushes against the secondary
tympanic membrane covering the cochlear window (round window) and any residual energy is released.

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When the pressure wave within the scala tympani pushes against the basilar membrane, the spiral organ moves
against the tectorial membrane, which results in the shearing motion of the hair cells’ stereocilia, the tallest of
which are embedded in the tectorial membrane. The shift in positioning of the stereocilia initiates
depolarization within the hair cell, which triggers synaptic activity at the base of the hair cell with adjacent
afferent nerve endings. Sound waves at low amplitudes will affect only the outer hair cells because none of the
stereocilia of the inner hair cells are immersed in the tectorial membrane. However, as amplitudes increase, the 523
inner hair cells become activated. Much of the hearing process is still not fully understood. It has been known 524
for some time that as the basilar membrane shortens toward the apex of the cochlea, its sensitivity to vibration
frequency varies due to the change in the distortion of the basilar membrane along the cochlear tract. However,
efferent input to the hair cells may also play a role in how hair cells respond to varying frequencies in
conjunction with their position within the cochlea.


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