Original Article Triple Negative Breast Cancer Characteristics Based On Basal-Like and Non-Basal-like Subtypes
Original Article Triple Negative Breast Cancer Characteristics Based On Basal-Like and Non-Basal-like Subtypes
Original Article Triple Negative Breast Cancer Characteristics Based On Basal-Like and Non-Basal-like Subtypes
Molecular classification of breast cancer hospitals due to the expensive costs. Pratt et
can be distinguished into several groups based al.8 suggested that a study on TNBC can be
on gene expression images by using modest conducted by classifying the subjects based on
technology of microarray deoxyribonucleic basal-like tumor versus non-basal-like tumor.
acid (DNA). From gene expression images, BC Neilsen et al.6 proposed immunohistochemical
is classified into 5 subtypes: luminal A, luminal examination can be used to substitute GEP
B, triple negative or basal-like, normal like, examination in order to identify BC of basal-like
and excessive human epidermal growth factor subtype which has the same definition as cDNA
receptor 2 (HER2).3 microarray examinations such as ER- HER-2-
The molecular subtypes are commonly and CK 5/6 or EGFR+. Immunohistochemical
associated with survival rate: luminal A examination can illustrate sensitivity (76%)
tumor has favourable prognosis and normal- and specifity (100%) in identifying BC of basal-
like tumor has moderate prognosis. Luminal like subtype such as fenotype basal obtained
B, HER2 positive, and basal-like tumors are through GEP examination.
commonly associated with shorter relapse- The TNBC of basal-like subtype has the same
free survival (RFS) and overall survival morphological characteristics as the higher
(OS). The molecular subtypes can predict histopathology grade. The majority incidences
therapy response; HER2 positive and basal- found in TNBC of basal-like subtype were
like tumors show greater complete response commonly associated with disease history,
(CR) after neoadjuvant chemotherapy when locoregional disease development, and more
compared to luminal and normal-like tumors.4 agressive metastasis in the first 5 year. This
Triple negative is also known as breast condition can cause shorter survival rate and
cancer subtypes with estrogen receptor (ER) higher mortalities.
negative, progresteron receptor (PR) negative, A previous study revealed that TNBC of
and lower HER2. The triple negative breast basal-like subtype becomes an independent
cancer (TNBC) has represented 15–12% of marker so that BC can have worse prognosis
newly BC incidences. It has epidemiological, as commonly found in cancer with or without
hispathological, and clinical image which lymph node metastasis. Tumor with basal-like
are different from other BC subtypes.5 It fenotipe is a worse predictor for the patients
also shows characteristics of more agressive such as histopathology grade 3, tumor without
clinical behavior, particular metastasis images, lymph node metastasis, and the patients
and worse prognosis. The focus is on the TNBC with severe metastasis. The Basal-like tumor
is due to the limitations of the therapy. Until determines that metastasis can occur in the
today, the only therapy for TNBC patients is brain and lung but metastasis rarely occurs in
systemic chemotherapy.6 the bone or liver.7
In many incidences the TNBC is categorized There is another finding of various biological
as basal-like BC. On the contrary, several terms from TNBC which is applicable to spread
studies revealed that TNBC and basal-like BC knowledge regarding to effective systemical
are biologically different tumors. There were therapy, provide newly medication including
many TNBC incidences which could not be immune checkpoint inhibitor, poly (ADP
identified as basal-like (nearly 80%) and there ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitor, cytotoxic
were basal-like tumors which could not be therapy including platinum chemoherapy
determined as TNBC.7 A previous study in 2013 medication, phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase
stated that TNBC is a wide subject with various pathway inhibitors, and androgen receptor
categories so that additional subclassifications (AR) inhibitor.10 Therefore, this study aimed
is then required.8 to investigate TNBC characteristics based on
Gene expression profile (GEP) examination basal-like and nonbasal-like subtypes in three
divides TNBC into seven molecular subtypes hospitals in Bandung.
i.e. basal-like 1, basal-like 2, mesenchymal
(M), mesenchymal stem cell like (MSL),
immunomodulatory (IM), luminal androgen Methods
receptor (AR)-like (LAR), and unknown
classification (UNC).9 The classification based Target population in this study was TNBC
on these subtypes can cause distinctive patients but the population included was
response during the therapy perceived by carcinoma TNBC patients who had been treated
each patient.10 The gene expression profile in the three hospitals in Bandung, West Java,
examination becomes a non-practical medical Indonesia such as Dr. Hasan Sadikin General
tool which is regularly conducted in the Hospital, Bandung, Borromeus Hospital, and
like subtype subjects was 47.7–55 while mean (91%) was ductal carcinoma. Several studies
age of analyses by using GEP examination with immunohistochemical examination also
was 54.14 Another previous study stated that supported that ductal cancer is the mostly
tumor with greater basal was mostly found histological TNBC of basal-like subtype. If
in 40–50 years.2 There is still unclear finding the analyses were focused on the ER- tumor
that TNBC of basal-like subtype subjects are group, the data would show that 80% of both
younger than the non-basal-like subtype TNBC of nonbasal-like and basal-like subtypes
subjects because many related previous are considered as ductal carcinoma or
studies have different results.14 The basal-like combination of ductal carcinoma and another
subtype have significantly younger mean age hisopathology types.
when compared to non-basal-like subtype Beside invasive ductal carcinoma mammae
subjects. In contrary, Polish Breast Cancer histopathology, other histopathologies can
Study (804 subjects) and Nurses’s Health be found in basal-like subtype subjects such
Study (872 subjects) reported that there was as carcinoma metaplastic, invasive lobular
no difference age between TNBC of basal-like carcinoma mammae pleomorphic type,
and non-basal-like subtypes.14 secretory carcinoma mammae, medullary,
The TNBC of basal-like subtype was mostly dan Paget disesase. Among histopathologies,
found in subjects who were in stage II while mucoid carcinoma mammae was frequently
non-basal-like subtype was mostly found in found in non-basal-like subtype subjects. This
stage III. The stage IV of TNBC of basal-like finding is similar to a previous study which
subjects in this study had metastases in the stated that histopatologies such as medullary
lung, bone, and liver while metastases in the carcinoma or combination of ductal carcinoma
liver and bone were found in the non-basal- and medullary carcinoma represents basal-
like subjects. This finding is different from a like phenotype.
cohort study in Japan which described that
TNBC basal-like subtype had brain and lung
metastases. Another study confirmed that Table 3 Characteristics of the Last
TNBC of basal-like subtype and TNBC which Condition between Triple Negative
has relation to BRCA1 mutation which has Breast Cancer of Basal-like and
metastasis in the brain. The TNBC of basal-like Non-basal-like Subtypes
had lower metastases in the bone and liver Basal-like Non-basal-
when compared to ductal carcinoma of stage Last Condition n=47 (%) like n=10(%)
III non-basal-like subtype.14
There is no histopathology different type in Alive 25 (53.2) 2 (20.0)
both basal-like and non-basal-like subtypes in
this study is invasive ductal carcinoma. This is Dead 13 (27.7) 3 (30.0)
suitable with a study in morphological basal- Unknown 9 (19.1) 5 (50.0)
like subtype with GEP, 21 out 23 patients
The GEP examination from ductal study and those previous studies. Besides, the
carcinoma and medullary carcinoma with samples of TNBC non-basal-like subtype in this
hispathology stage III showed that 95% study were 10 out of 57 subjects. The results in
medullary carcinoma was the ductal basal-like the study cannot describe precise information
subtype group.14 In this study, chemotherapy relating to the TNBC of non-basal-like subtype
response was assessed in neoadjuvant and so that larger samples are required in order to
palliative chemotherapies. In the neoadjuvant describe the real condition.
chemotherapy group, the response was found This was a retrospective study which
in 3 basal-like subtype subjects and 1 basal- collected the data based on the medical
like subtype subject. The subjects who had records. Uncompleted data found in the
been given chemotherapies among 57 subjects medical records caused problems to obtain
were 5 subjects (neoadjuvant chemotherapy) sufficient data and information such as
and 3 subjects (palliative). Therefore, carcinoma history of the family, menarche and
this study could not clearly describe the menopause statuses. The medical records of
response between neoadjuvant and palliative inpatiens or outpatients at the Department
chemotherapies in TNBC of basal-like and of Oncology Surgery, Department of Internal
non-basal-like subtypes. Medicine, and Department of Pathology
In this study, more than 50% subjects Anatomy, of both hospital in Dr. Hasan Sadikin
(32 out of 57 subjects) were given adjuvant General Hospital, Bandung and Borromeus
chemotherapy because it is suggested for TNBC Hospital did not have integrated access so that
and HER2 + subjects in the early up to locally the data were collected manually.
advanced. The TNBC subjects negative who In summary, TNBC in the hospitals in
had been given neoadjuvant chemotherapy Bandung was classified into two subtypes,
had pathologic complete response (pCR) basal-like and non-basal-like. The prevalences
approximately 27–45% while the pCR value in of TNBC of basal-like subtypes were higher
BC with HER-2 negative and hormone receptor than another one. Mean age of TNBC basal-
positive had 10% lower of pCR. In contrary, the like was higher than non-basal-like. There was
TNBC subjects who had been given adjuvant no different type and degree of hispathology
chemotherapy did not show higher risk of pCR found in both subtypes. More severe BC was
leading to early metastasis.4 discovered in non-basal-like subtype. The
This study determined that among TNBC theraphy commonly given to the subjects of
subjects, non-basal-like subtype had worse both subtypes was adjuvant chemotherapy so
condition when compared to the basal-like that the chemotherapy response was hardly
subtype. This finding is different from the discovered in this study. Among the subjects,
previous study which stated that TNBC of deaths in this study were mostly found in
basal-like subtype has worse result than other TNBC of non-basal subtype when compared to
TNBC subtypes.10 This condition is caused by the basal-like subjects.
different race characteristics between this
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