Preliminary Assessment of The Seismic Hazard For The District of Pathankot (Punjab), India
Preliminary Assessment of The Seismic Hazard For The District of Pathankot (Punjab), India
Preliminary Assessment of The Seismic Hazard For The District of Pathankot (Punjab), India
Manuscript ID: AEEIE-S-17-11-21-R1; Submitted in Nov 2021; Revised in Jan 2021; Accepted on 21st Jan 2022; Published on 26th Jan 2022
A preliminary assessment of earthquake hazards for the district of Pathankot (Punjab) has been carried out. The
study area has already experienced strong ground motions of intensity VII in the past during the 1905 Kangra
earthquake. The epicenter of the 1905 Kangra earthquake was only 60 km away from the study area. Hence, the
proximity of the study area to the northwestern Himalayas makes it susceptible to damage due to large earthquakes
in the future. Therefore, deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA) has been carried out for the district. For
this purpose, earthquake data has been collected from various seismological agencies e.g. NDMA, IMD, ISC-
UK, and USGS, and a comprehensive earthquake catalog has been prepared. Several ground motion prediction
equations (GMPEs) have been reviewed and analyzed to select a GMPE appropriate for carrying out DSHA.
Earthquake hazard parameters have been formulated in terms of peak ground accelerations (PGA). Based on the
results, a seismic hazard map for the district has been prepared. The study shows that the region can experience
severe strong ground motions originating from northwestern Himalayan earthquakes and hence, structures must
be designed based on hazard parameters determined considering the local tectonic setting. The developed hazard
map would help engineers and town planners in designing earthquake-resistant structures and retrofitting existing
The results of the seismic hazard analysis An area in 300 km radius around the
are formulated generally in terms of peak ground Pathankot district has been selected as the seismic
acceleration (PGA) and spectral acceleration (Sa). study region (SSR).
Conventionally, PGA is used to quantify ground
motion and used to calculate lateral forces and shear
stresses in the equivalent-static-force procedures in A comprehensive earthquake catalogue is a
building codes, and in liquefaction analysis. The Sa prerequisite for earthquake hazard analysis. A
is the maximum acceleration experienced by a reliable seismic hazard assessment for a region
damped single-degree-of-freedom oscillator and is a strongly depends on the data statistics of the events.
crude representation of building response. These There are two types of database available: pre-
parameters are the prime inputs to seismic hazard instrumental and instrumental period database.
analysis and hence must be calculated with extreme Records of pre-instrumental events are of immense
caution. importance for the compilation of earthquake
catalogue. Pre-instrumental data are available for
In the present study, an attempt has been
damaging earthquakes and have been collected from
made to assess seismic hazards for the District of
catalogue of National Disaster Management
Pathankot in State of Punjab using a deterministic
Authority of India (NDMA, 2011). The instrumental
approach. The results of the study would help in the
data have been collected from various national and
more efficient design of earthquake-resistant
international seismological agencies such as
structures and the planning of rescue arrangements.
Annals of Earth, Environment, and Infrastructure Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 1 (November-December), pp. 33-37
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), SEISMOTECTONICS OF THE REGION
Indian Meteorological Department (IMD),
International Seismological Centre (ISC-UK) and A tectonic map developed for the seismic study
United States Geological Survey (USGS). A region by Puri and Jain (2018) has been used in this
comprehensive earthquake catalogue has been study (see Figure 2). The tectonic map was
prepared for a period from 1800 AD to 2017 AD by developed using Seismotectonic Atlas of India and
combining the pre-instrumental and instrumental its Environs (SEISAT) (Dasgupta et al., 2000). In
data collected. The compiled catalogue has the 1256 order to identify the active tectonic sources likely to
events of magnitude Mw ≥ 4 occurred in the seismic generate strong ground motions in the study area,
study region (between 28° - 33° N to 73° - 77° E) till the earthquake data from the catalogue have been
December 2017. An Epicenter map has been superimposed on to the tectonic map. A total of 10
developed using the prepared catalogue as shown in tectonic features which are associated with
Figure 1. earthquakes of moment magnitude 4.0 and above
have been identified as active tectonic sources, out
which 08 sources have been selected as potential
seismogenic sources. The values of maximum
observed magnitude (Mobs) for various
seismogenic sources have been reported in Table 1.
Annals of Earth, Environment, and Infrastructure Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 1 (November-December), pp. 33-37
Fig. 2: Tectonic setup of the seismic study region
Annals of Earth, Environment, and Infrastructure Engineering
Volume 1, Issue 1 (November-December), pp. 33-37