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Auxiliary Power International Corp. ‘A Joint Company Of Labinal And Sundetand Corp. SERVICE BULLETIN TRANSMITTAL SHEET Subject: APIC Service Bulletin 4500001 —49—3 (Revision 2) Attached is Revision 1 to Service Bulletin 4500001 — 49-3, dated Jun 01/94, Applicable to Auxiliary Power Unit APS 3200, used on the Airbus A320/A321. Revision 1 modifies paragraph 3 (Material Information), Note 3 to correct the part num- bers referenced for the Oil Level Sensor. Revision 2 modifies paragraph 1 (Planning Information) to clarify the reason for change, correct the oil sump capacity, eliminate an unneeded reference to SB 4500001—49-7, and correct the affect of this change on the APU weight. Units previously modified according to this bulletin do not require remodification ac- cording to this bulletin revision. This bulletin has been reproduced in its entirety. Discard the bulletin you now have and replace it with this copy. The tabulation below is provided for record keeping and traceability of bulletin issues. ISSUE DATE PAGE NUMBER(S) Original [Apr 26/94 1 through 5 Revision 1 [dun 01/94 1 through 5 Revision 2 [Jun 16/94 1 through 5 lf you have any questions concerning the technical content of this service bulletin, please contact APIC Service Engineering at (619) 627-6321, Auxillary Power International Corp. “fPIC SERVICE BULLETIN |RFCRUATON 8U8KECTTO DPORT CONTROL LANE FS. 2eaer conrsas secranon suse] 10 DE ATEMUTONN. TAFE IN AM REOLLATON (TAN ANOIOR TE BroRT ACMmVETEATEN Geranmancsones actors enavn Su uD ET caine nea Here Pecae ayes SoameT SHEN CE ETO FERS apesoment Mo ene gues incen Ua Sere ch ETN SASGF WE SECNT GLSCEMATON NET REALONE NOTES WT Airborne Auxiliary Power — Engine - New Deep Sump Gearbox Assembly A. Effectivity ‘Auxiliary Power International Corporation (APIC) Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) Model APS 2200, Part number 4500001, serial numbers 1001 through 1035 installed on Airbus A320/A321 aircrat. B. Reason ‘APIC has determined that the current engine gearbox assembly has a marginal sump capacity when the APU is operating at extreme attitude angles. This has initiated the development of an improved gearbox assembly design with an enlarged ‘sump capacity. APIC recommends that this service bulletin be incorporated at operator's option, C. Deseription ‘This service bulletin provides instructions for the removal of the existing gearbox assembly part number 7564070 and installation of the improved gearbox assembly part number 756407E. Incorporation of APIC Service Bulletin 4500001-49~3 replaces the existing smaller gearbox, the existing drain bracket and five (5) tube assemblies, the existing oll level sensor, and cil level marked plate, With this change, the oil sump capacity is increased from 3.9 liters to §.4 liters. Incorporation of this service bulletin will bring the APU configuration to a functional equivalent of ‘APU part number 4500001A. This service bulletin can be accomplished in a shop environment only. This service bulletin is subject of AIRBUS aircraft modification MOD 24328. D. Approval ‘TSO Authorization has been received for this service bulletin and it has been approved by the airframe manufacturer (Airbus) for use on model A320/A321 aircraft. 4500001 —49-—3 pei Page 1 of Jun 16/94 (Revision 2) Jun 16194 (Revision 2) Auxiliary Power International Corp. “fPIC "Avolt Company Of anal And Sundeand Co. SERVICE BULLETIN E. Manpower ‘Approximately 8.0 manhours are required to accomplish the instructions contained in this. service bulletin provided the original gearbox has been removed. F. Material ~ Cost and Availability ‘Total estimated price for parts required to perform this modification will be $65,879.25 for each APU. Refer to paragraph 3, Material Information, for price breakdown of individual parts. Parts are currently available in limited quantities. Initial quantties will be shipped within 15 days after receipt of order, G. Tooling ~ Price and Availability No new or additional special tools are required to accomplish this service bulletin (refer to EM 49-20-00, Tasks 49-20-00-020--801 and 49-20-00-420-801 for special tool requirments). H. Weight and Balance The incorporation of this service bulletin, will increase the dry weight of the APU by 0.69 kg (1.53 Ib) +1.5kg (8.3 Ib) of additional oll. The dry weight increase can be compensated with incorporation of service bulletin 4500001 —49-7. 1. Electrical Load Data Not Affected J. Reference ‘APIC Engine Manual (EM) and lilustrated Parts Catalog (IPC), APU Assembly (49-00-00) for part number 4500001 series, Model APS 3200. K. Other Publications Affected APIC Engine Manual (EM) and Iilustrated Parts Catalog (IPC), APU Assembly (49-00-00) for part number 4500001 series, Model APS 3200 (will be revised to incorporate the intent of this service bulletin) Accomplishment Instructions ‘A. General Notes ‘The APU engine, part number 4500001, must be removed from the aircraft and mounted on a work stand to accomplish the following procedures. B. Disassembly (1) Remove engine equipment as necessary to gain access to remove gearbox assembly (refer to EM 49-10-00, Task 49-10-00-050-801). Scrap drain bracket assembly part number 4501179 and tube assemblies, part number 4500959, 4500932, 4500931, 4500961, and 4500960. Retain all remaining engine equipment. pr 20194 4500001 —49-—3 Page 2 of 5 ) Auxiliary Power International Corp. ‘ont Company Of aba Ad Sundeeand Cap. SERVICE BULLETIN (2) Remove the gearbox assembly part number 7564070 (100, Figure 1 IPC 49-20-00) from engine assembly (refer to EM 49-20-00, Subtask 49-20-00-020-001). (8) Remove components trom exterior of old gearbox assembly (refer to EM 49-26-00, Tasks 49-26—00-044—802, -805, -806). Scrap the old oil level sensor part number 5909074, Retain all remaining gearbox components. C. Assembly (1) _ Install new cil level sensor part number 909849 and all other gearbox components removed in step B.(3) above (refer to EM 49-28-00, Task 49-26-00-440-805, -808, and -809). (2) _ Install the new gearbox assembly part number 756407E on engine assembly (refer to EM 49-20-00, Subtask 49-20-00—420-002). (8) _ Install new drain bracket assembly part number 4501802 (refer to EM 49-10-00, ‘Subtask 49-10-00-450-002). (4) _ Install new tube assemblies, part number 4501803, 4501806, 4501807, 4501804, and 4501805 (refer to EM 49-10-00, Subtasks 49-10-00-450 -090, -031, and -032), (6) _ Install all remaining engine equipment removed in step B.(1) above (refer to EM 49-10-00, Task 49-10-00-450-801). D. Identification Use a scribe or equivalent to strike out the dot under the number 3 on the APU Modification Plate (250, Figure 10, IPC 49-10-00). E. Test Procedure Perform an operational test of the APU engine (refer to EM 49-20-00, Task 49~20-00-760-804). F. Compliance Reporting Upon incorporation of this bulletin, complete the required entries in the Compliance Record or Bulletins & Modifications section of the APU logbook. 4500001 — 49-3 encod Page 3 of 5 un 16/94 (Revision 2) Auxiliary Power International Corp. “fit SERVICE BULLETIN 3. Material information j ~ NOTE: Refer to APIC Engine Manual (EM) and illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC), APU Assembly (49-00-00) for part number 4500001 series, Model APS 3200 for expendable parts information. Qty Unit Por List Disposition/ ‘Now PIN Assy Price Key Word Old PIN Instruction (Note 1) Ret NA APU 4500001 Modify and Series identity. 756407E 1 $65,218.27 Gearbox 7564070 Remove old: (Note 2) Assembly retain to salvage (Note 3) ‘components Install now. 4501802 1 $30.80 Drain Sys 4501179 Remove and (Note 2) Bracket Assy discard old/ install new. 4501803 1 $123.82 Fuel Drain 4500959 Remove and (Note 2) Tube Assy discard old/ install new. 4501804 1 $114.58 Fuel Drain 4500961 Remove and (Note 2) Tube Assy discard old/ install new. 4501805 1 $119.94 Drain Tee 4500960 Remove and (Note 2) Tube Assy discard old install new. 4501808 1 $139.28 Fuel Cntr 4500932 Remove and (Note 2) Tube Assy discard old/ install new. 4801807 1 $199.22 Valve Act 4500931 Remove and (Note 2) Tube Assy discard old/ install now. spr 20794 4500001 —49—3 Jun 16/94 (Revision 2) Page 4 0f5 Auxillary Power International Corp. “fpiC SERVICE BULLETIN NOTES: 1. APUs modified according to this service bulletin are identified by striking out “Mod Dot” 3.on APU Modification Plate, 2. The new gearbox assembly includes all internal reduction drive components. New gearbox assemblies, drain brackets and tube assemblies can be procured from APIC. New parts are currently available. Prices listed are in US dollars and are valid at the time of original service bulletin issue. Refer to the latest APIC Price Catalog for current prices and ordering information. 3. The following isa list of parts which ditfer between gearbox assemblies part number 756407D and part number 756407E. All other parts are the same for both gearboxes. ‘A gearbox assembly part number 756407 can be upgraded to part number 756407E by exchange of the parts listed. Please contact APIC for price information or refer to the APIC Price Catalog. Gearbox Part Number Goarbox Part Number 7564070 ‘756407E Key Word Part Number ‘Qty Part Number Qty Oil Level 5909074 1 5909849 1 Sensor (Note 4) Sight Gauge 4950482 1 5909614 1 Bolt 4950237 -12 4 4950237 -10 4 Washer ‘AN960-10 4 ‘ANQ60-10 8 Plate, Marked 45011912 1 - - Latch 756761 1 4501622 1 GearboxHsg 757259 1 7572598 1 4. The old and new oil level sensors ARE NOT functionally interchangeable although they are physically interchangeable, APIC will continue to support both sensors. (Refer to Service Information Letter APS3200~49-2). Apr 26/08 4500001 —49-3 Jun 16/94 (Revision 2) fees

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