PHYS4652 Planetary Science: Lecture 1: Introduction LEE Man Hoi

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PHYS4652 Planetary Science

Lecture 1: Introduction

LEE Man Hoi

Apparent Retrograde Motion of Mars in 2003

Copernican Revolution
• Copernicus
• Tycho (naked-eye observations < 1 arcmin)
• Kepler

Phases of Venus

Discovery of Galilean Moons in 1610

• Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

• Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity

– Precession of Mercury’s orbit

• Uranus discovered by Herschel in 1781.

• Neptune discovered in 1846 based on predictions by
Le Verrier and Adams from perturbations on Uranus
Solar System Exploration
• Telescopes on Earth
• Telescopes orbiting Earth (e.g.,
Hubble Space Telescope, James
Webb Space Telescope)
• Flyby or orbiting spacecrafts
(e.g., Voyagers, Cassini, Juno)
Keck Telescopes

Juno orbiting Jupiter Hubble Space Telescope

• Landers (e.g., Vikings, Phoenix)
• Laboratory experiments (e.g., meteorites, Moon
rocks, Stardust mission)


Moon rock collected

by Apollo 16
Curiosity Rover on Mars
Extrasolar Planets
• Mayor & Queloz (1995) discovered the first extrasolar
planet orbiting another Sun-like star, 51 Pegasi.
• More than 4900 confirmed extrasolar planets
discovered to date.

Inventory of the Solar System

Planet sizes to scale, but not the distances between them.

• 99.86% of mass in the Sun
– Solar System = Sun + some “debris”
• But over 98% of angular momentum in orbital
motions of planets.
• Our Sun, a star, shines by energy released in
thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen to helium in its
• All other objects in our Solar System too small for
thermonuclear fusion.
• Eight planets and many smaller bodies orbiting the
Giant or Jovian Planets
• Outer Solar System
• Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
• Large
• Mostly gas or liquid
• Mass of Jupiter (biggest
planet) MJ = 318 MEarth =
0.001 MSun

Gas giants Ice giants

Jupiter and Saturn
Uranus and Neptune
Terrestrial Planets

• Inner Solar System

• Mercury, Venus,
Earth, Mars
• Small
• Iron-nickel core,
rocky shell
Earth-Moon System

Caloris Basin

Visible light image

Magellan radar topographical map

Circular flattened domes in Alpha Regio region


Olympus Mons
Small Objects Orbiting the Sun
• Asteroids: rocky and metallic bodies in the inner
Solar System.
• Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Asteroid Itokawa
(size ~ 320 m)

Asteroid Ceres
(size ~ 950 km)
• Trans-Neptunian Objects: objects of rock and ice
found beyond Neptune in the outer solar system
• Kuiper Belt
• Pluto a member of the Kuiper belt.
• Asteroids and Trans-Neptunian objects: debris left
over from formation of Solar System.


• Comets: objects of rock and ice from the outer solar
system that come close to the Sun after gravitational
perturbation from planets and nearby stars.

Comet Hyakutake

Halley’s Comet (Giotto)

Planetary Satellites
• All planets except Mercury and Venus have satellites
(or moons) orbiting them.
• More than 140 known.
• Earth has one (our Moon) and Mars has two.
• Giant planets have large number of satellites (13 to
62): “mini solar systems”.
– Regular and Irregular satellites.
• 7 as big as Mercury.
• Some are terrestrial-like in terms of composition and
structure (e.g., our Moon)
• Others have substantial amount of water ice (e.g.,
Ganymede and Callisto).
Io Europa

Planetary Rings
Layout of the Solar System
• All planets orbit the Sun
– in the same direction
– in almost the same plane as the Sun’s equator
– on elliptical orbits that are nearly circular.

Side view of Solar System showing planetary orbits in almost the same plane
• Planets very small
compared to distances
between them.
• Astronomical Unit (AU)
= average Earth-Sun
distance = 1.496 ×
1011 m
• Inner terrestrial planet Asteroid Belt

orbits crowded within

1.5 AU.
• Orbital period:
1 year for Earth
88 days for Mercury
1.9 years for Mars.
• Outer giant planets
widely spaced
between 5.2 and 30
• Orbital period:
12 years for Jupiter
165 years for
• Kuiper Belt and Oort Kuiper Belt

Solar System Formation
• Already hypothesized by
e.g. Kant and Laplace in
18th century that Solar
System planets formed in a
disk, the Solar Nebula.


• Confirmed by discovery of
protoplanetary disks around
young stars.
• Lifetime of protoplanetary disk
~ 106-107 yr from observations.
• Our Solar System formed 4.6
billion years ago.
• Parts of the interstellar
medium of gas and dust
are cold and dense
molecular clouds, with
hydrogen in molecular
form (H2).

• Densest parts can

collapse under their own
gravity into clumps,
forming the cores of
• Material forming the protostar usually has some rotation.
• As it contracts, it spins faster and part of the material ends
up in a rotationally supported disk with the pressure-
supported protostar at the center.
• Protostar contracts slowly with rising central temperature,
until the core is hot enough for thermonuclear fusion of
hydrogen to helium, i.e., it becomes a main sequence
Inner Solar System
• Initial solid material: micron-sized dust particles of
rocky silicates and metals like iron.
• Dust particles collided and grew into km-sized bodies
called planetesimals (~105 years at 1 AU).
• Planetesimals interacted gravitationally and
continued to grow by collision.
• At ~ 1 AU, planetary embryos of ~ lunar mass (about
1/80 of Earth mass) could be formed in less than 1
million years.
• Final assembly of embryos into Earth could take 108
years (0.1 billion years).
NASA/JPL-Caltech/T. Pyle & R. Hurt (SSC)
Outer Solar System
• Temperature cold enough for
volatiles like water to condense
into ice particles.
• Once a solid body of ~10 Earth
masses was formed, it could
accrete gas rapidly.
• Solid cores of gas giants Jupiter
and Saturn must have formed
within 10 million years before the
gas was dispersed.
• Ice giants Uranus and Neptune can be explained, if their
solid cores formed near the end of the gas disk lifetime
and accreted some hydrogen and helium.
• Is this scenario correct for our Solar System?
• Does it explain properties of other planetary

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