Meera F
Meera F
Meera F
Test: Qualitative test of COVID19 RNA by standard procedure on rt Real-time PCR.
Methodology: Reverse transcriptase Real-time Polymerase chain reaction.
Cycle threshold (Ct value) Value ranges from 15-40 cycle. Lower the Ct value higher is the viral load (Inversely proportional).
20100117291-Mr. KAUSHAL PATEL-34 Years-Male
# For test performed on specimens received or collected from non-NSRL locations, it is presumed that the specimen belongs to the patient named or
identified as labeled on the container/test request and such verification has been carried out at the point generation of the said specimen by the sender.
NSRL will be responsible Only for the analytical part of test carried out. All other responsibility will be of referring Laboratory.
Note:(LL-VeryLow,L-Low,H-High,HH-VeryHigh ,A-Abnormal)
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