Types of Trees

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Papaya is very easy to cultivate. Grown from
seeds, the tree does not need much space to
grow. If there are two things these trees love,
these are lots of sunlight and a healthy soil.
Three papaya trees would be a good number,
but you have to make sure that at least one is
a male tree. Male papayas do not bear fruit;
instead they help in the pollination of female
trees. Lucky if you get to have hermaphrodite

Ylang-ylang ones as they self-pollinate.

If you love to wake up to a familiar hint of

jasmine that refreshes your soul, then
growing ylang-ylang tree (Cananga odorata)
in your yard is what you should do. Ylang-
ylang is a fast-growing tree that could grow
to as tall as 12 meters if grown in an ideal
climate. It has these long, silky leaves and
greenish yellow drooping flowers.

This is one of the herbal trees the country is
known for. Reaching a height of up to 30
meters, the neem tree (Azadirachta indica) has
shiny pinnate leaves attached to limp branches
that sway beautifully with the wind. Fully grown,
this tree gives a decent amount of shade from
the sun. 

Another flower-bearing ornamental tree,

champak (Magnolia champaca) grows to a
height of six meters, which is relatively
small compared to others. This tree has a
silvery to grayish bark and yellowish to The next tim
golden flowers that also give off a particularin your neig
scent, and as such adds a little romance to as it may be
your backyard.  equisetifolia
is often mis
the Pinus fa
pines. Agoh
whose stem

Another tropical staple, the mango tree
(Mangifera indica) is something you can
usually find in sprawling gardens. Bonnie
Grant of the blog Gardening Know
How noted that this tree takes several
years to grow into a sturdy evergreen.
Easily grown from seed, the mango tree
needs full sun to bear good fruits. It can

The Philippines’ national leaf should, of
course, be on the list of trees you to add to
your garden. Growing to 20 meters tall,
the anahaw (Saribus rotundifolius)
perfectly blends in the background, as it
towers over all other elements of the
landscape. It is truly a standout tree
especially when it starts to bear brick-red
fruits and flowers. 

Another one from the herbal bunch is banaba
(Lagerstroemia speciosa), a flowering tree
that typically grows in warm climates. It can
reach up to 10 meters high, with large green
oblong-shaped leaves. This tree has nut-like
fruit and lavender flowers, which when in full
bloom are truly a sight to behold. According
to Medical Health Guide, the banaba tree’s
leaves and flowers have insulin-like
properties that can be used as herbal

A favorite among Filipino
gardeners, katmon (Dillenia philippinensis)
has always been used in urban
landscaping. This evergreen is a medium-
sized tree, which is perfect for smaller
yards. Its trunk is erect and the whole tree
can grow to a height of up to 15 meters.
The tree’s canopy is bushy with thick
leathery leaves. The tree is also is known
It probably does, as it is mentioned in the
Filipino folk song “Sitsiritsit.” However,
don’t mistake this name for an insect, as it
is actually an ornamental tree that has
pink to purple limp flowers and heart-
shaped leaves. Often seen lining up
roads, alibangbang (Bauhinia spp.) tree is
relatively small and can grow the
maximum height of 10 meters.

Siar Tree

This Philippine tree's yellow blossoms are

absolutely stunning and they're especially
vivid during the summer. The tree is also
known as the Kalayaan tree because Emilio
Aguinaldo planted one during the Malolos
Convention. Underneath this particular Siar
in Malolos is a monument of Gregorio del
Pilar, Gen. Isidoro Torres, Don Pablo Tecson,
Padre Mariano Sevilla, and Doña Basilia

Narra Tree
 Narra is actually the national tree of the
Philippines. It can grow up to 30 meters
high and its short stems can spread into
luxurious branches. Its beauty lies in its
dainty yellow flowers, which bloom
between February and May. The Narra
is low-maintenance and sturdy, which
makes it a favorite for construction and
woodwork purposes. 

Katmon is found only in the Philippines, being
common in forests of low and medium altitude
throughout the islands in primary and secondary
forests. It can also be used for urban greening and is a
favorite among garden enthusiasts.
"Molave forest" can be found all throughout
the Philippines. It is common in both
secondary and open primary forests at low
altitude. Aside from the Philippines, Molave is
also native to Indonesia and Malaysia.
Molave can grow up to 30 meters and its wood
is one of the hardest. It is used in railroad ties,
ship-building, and high-grade construction
where strength and durability is necessary. The
flowers are purplish, numerous,

Malabulak is often mistaken as the Fire
Tree (Delonix regia) – originally from
Madagascar – or
the Caballero (Caesalpinia
pulcherrima) – introduced from tropical
America – because of its similarly vibrant
red flowers. In Tagalog, it is also
known as Buboi-gubat, and Taglinau.
It closely resembles the Kapok (Ceiba
pentandrum) which is an introduced
Salingbobog, also known as Balai-lamok, is a
moderate-sized deciduous tree growing to a
height of 15 meters. It may be the closest
thing we have to a cherry blossom. The fruit
of the tree is edible and high in vitamin C.
A duhat tree is about 8 to 14 meters high
with white branchlets and reddish young
shoots. Leaves are broad-tipped, opposite,
shiny and leathery, ellipitic, 6 to 15 cm long.
Flowers, small, pinkish, in clusters, petal
arranged to form a cup. Fruit is oval, 1 to 2
cm long, dark purple to black, fleshy and
one-seeded, with a sweet-astringent taste.

Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) is a
tropical tree native to Philippines.
Cultivated in Florida for more than a
century, it makes a handsome tree with
the added benefit of a large (up to 70
pounds) tree-born fruit. When fully ripe,
the unopened jackfruit has a strong sweet
odor, and its ripe fleshy bulbs smell of
sweet pineapple and banana. Inside the
leathery exterior are starchy seeds
surrounded by a sweet and aromatic flesh,
with a distinctive flavor reminiscent of
IPIL-IPIL bananas and tutti-frutti.
Small to medium-sized tree with doubly
compound leaves to 25 cm long.
Flowers are white, in round clusters.
Pods are numerous, flat and shiny
brown. A native of tropical America, it is
now thoroughly naturalized thoughout
the tropics including the
Philippines. Usually a bush or small tree
up to 6 m high, giant strains to 15 m and
more have been introduced from Hawaii
in the 1970s.
The mature kamias tree can reach
between 5 to 10 meters in height; its
trunk is fairly short and can quickly
divide into several branches.The trunk
and branches have to be exposed to
sunlight for fruits to form. This can be
encouraged by removing the leaves
except from the branch end.

Madre de cacao
Madre de Cacao is nitrogen-fixing tree
that can grow from 10 to 12 meters
high. The tree is referred by many
people as a quick-stick due to the
characteristic of growing almost right
away just by cutting it and directly
planting it in the ground.

Star apple
The star apple tree is erect, 25 to 100 ft (8-
30 m) tall, with a short trunk to 3 ft (1 m)
thick, and a dense, broad crown, brown-
hairy branchless, and white, gummy latex.
The alternate, nearly evergreen, leaves are
elliptic or oblong-elliptic, 2 to 6 in (5-15 cm)
long, slightly leathery, rich green and glossy
on the upper surface, coated with silky,
golden-brown pubescence beneath when
mature, though silvery when young.

Sampalok is a large tree 12 to 25 meters
high, nearly glabrous. Leaves are evenly
pinnate, 6 to 10 centimeters long, with 20
to 40 leaflets, rather close, oblong, obtuse,
1 to 2 centimeters long. Racemes are
mostly axillary though sometimes
panicled, and reaching a length of 5 to 10

Sineguelas is a deciduous tree growing to
a height of 5 meters. Trunk is stout, with
thick spreading branches. Leaves are
pinnate, 15 to 25 centimeters long.
Leaflets occur in 5 to 9 pairs, oblong-
ovate, 5 to 7 centimeters long. Flowers
are solitary or fascicled in the axils of the
fallen leaves, reddish, and 3 to 3.5
millimeters long.

The Coconut Tree – a real symbol
of the Philippines or shall I say an
epitome of a true blooded Filipino. 

Coconut is an unarmed, erect, tall palm

reaching a height of 25 meters. Trunk is
stout, 30 to 50 centimeters in diameter,
thickened at the base; marked with
annular scars.

Mahogany wood has a beautiful reddish
color and straight grains which makes
for beautiful carvings. When we use a
common name, such as 'mahogany
tree,' there can be a lot of confusion as
to what we are actually referring to.
Wood workers have specific rules to
ensure wood is truly mahogany.

Small shrub-like tree to 5 m high, with
leaves up to 15 cm long. The flowers are
small, pale green or yellow. The edible fruit
is up to 9 cm in diameter, light green and
covered with prominent knobs. The flesh is
white, sweet and juicy. 

Amapola is an erect, branched bushy
shrub or small tree, about 2 to 4 meters
high, densely covered with short, grayish,
stellate hairs. Leaves are broadly ovate
to orbicular ovate, 5-lobed or 5-angled, 7
to 20 centimeters long, with pointed tip,
heart-shaped base and toothed
margins. Calyx is 3 to 4 centimeters long,
with 5 oblong-ovate lobes, connate

Breadfruit, (Artocarpus altilis), tree of the
mulberry family (Moraceae) and its large
fruits that are a staple food of the South
Pacific and other tropical areas. Breadfruit
contains considerable amounts
of starch and is seldom eaten raw. It may
be roasted, baked, boiled, fried, or dried
and ground into flour. 

Durian tree
The durian tree, reaching 90 to 130 ft (27-
40 m) in height in tropical forests, is usually
erect with short, straight, rough, peeling
trunk to 4 ft (1.2 m) in diameter, and
irregular dense or open crown of rough
branches, and thin branchlets coated with
coppery or gray scales when young. 

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