Gen Ed Mathematics

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Refresher Course
LET Competencies:
1. Properties of Numbers
2. Number Theory
3. Integers
4. Fractions and Decimals
5. Operations with whole numbers, decimals, fractions and decimals
6. Ratio and Proportion
7. Percents
8. Measurement
9. Plane and Solid Geometry
10. Basic Statistics and Probability
11. Basic Algebra

PART I: Content Update


Real Numbers (R)

-9, -√6, -1/4, 0, 1, Π, 2/3, √35

Rational Numbers (Q) Irrational Numbers (H)

-9, -1/4, 0, 1, 2 / 3 -√6, Π, √35

Integers (Z) Non-Integers

-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, … -3/5, -1/4, 2/3, ..

Negative Integers Whole Numbers (W)

… -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3,..

Zero Natural Numbers (N)

1, 2, 3, 4, ..

The Real Number System

Set Definition

 All numbers that we encounter everyday

Real Numbers (R)
 Consist of rational and irrational numbers

 Numbers that can be expressed as the quotient or ratio of two integers a and b,
represented as , where b ≠ 0
 Have a specific place on the number line.
 Can be written as terminating (e.g. .75, .5) or repeating decimals (e.g. 0. …, .
Rational Numbers 090909…)
Subsets Definition

Natural Numbers (N)  Consist of the numbers , , , ….

Whole Numbers (W)  Consist of the natural numbers and zero

Integers  Consist of the natural numbers, their negatives, and zero

Irrational Numbers  Numbers that cannot be expressed as fractions
(H)  Have decimal representations that are non-terminating and non-repeating


When performing multiple operations, remember PEMDAS:
P Parentheses (grouping symbols)
E Exponents
MD Multiply and divide from left to right
AS Add and subtract from left to right

Property Definition Examples
 When we add or multiply any element in a set 14 + 25 + 44 + 52 = 135
Closure Property of numbers, the sum or product is a unique
real number which belongs to that same set. 23 x 14 x 10 = 3 220
 states that changing the position of the 33 + 10 = 10 + 33
Commutative Property addends or the factors does not affect the
sum or the product 18 x 9 = 9 x 18
 states that changing the grouping of addends (5 + 6) + 7 = 5 + (6 + 7)
in a sum or the grouping of factors in a
Associative Property
product does not change the resulting sum or
product 2 x (4 x 6) = (2 x 4) x 6
 The sum of any number
Addition and zero is the same 512 + 0 = 512
 0 is the identity.
Identity Property
 The product of any number
and one is the same
Multiplication 512 x 1 = 512
 1 is the identity
Distributive Property of
Multiplication over  states that multiplication distributes over 7(9 + 12) = 7(9) + 7(12)
addition and subtraction
Addition / Subtraction


2 If the number is an even number

3 If the sum of all individual digits in the number is divisible by 3

4 If the last two digits of the number is divisible by 4

5 If the last digit of the number is 0 or 5

6 If the number is even and is divisible by 3

Double the last digit. Subtract the doubled last digit from the number without the last digit.
7 If the difference is a multiple of 7, then it is divisible by 7.
If the last three digits of the number is divisible by 8
If the sum of the individual digits in the number is divisible by 9
If the last digit of the number is 0
If after subtracting and adding the digits successively the result is divisible by 11


 The factors of integer n are the positive integers that divide n evenly without remainder.
Ex: factors of 24: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24

 The multiples of n are the integers that n divides without any remainder.
Ex: multiples of 7: 7, , , 8, 5…


 Prime Numbers – counting numbers that have exactly two distinct, positive divisors
e.g. , , 5, 7, , , 7, 9 …

 Composite Numbers – counting numbers greater than 1 that have positive factors other than 1 and itself
e.g. , 6, 8, 0, , , 5, 6…

Prime Factorization
 expressing a number as a product of factors, each of which is a prime number

Methods in Finding the Prime Factors of a Given Number

Factor Tree Method Continuous Division Method

56 2

56 = 7 x 8 56 = 7 x 8
2 4
= 7 x (2 x 4) = 7 x (2 x 4)
=7x2x2x2 =7x2x2x2
56 = 23 x 7 56 = 23 x 7
2 2

D. GCF and LCM

 Greatest Common Factor (GCF)
 Refers to the largest common factor of two or more numbers

Ex: Find the GCF of 45 and 60

Intersection of Sets
For each of the given numbers, list their factors in ascending order, and pick out the factor that is
common to both lists.
Factors of 45  {1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 45}
Factors of 60  {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60}
Common Factors  {1, 3, 5, 15}

GCF  15

Prime Factorization Repeated Division by Primes

3 45 60
5 15 20
45  3 ∙3 ∙5 3 4
60  2 ∙ 2 ∙ 3 ∙5 The resulting quotients, 3 and 4 have no common factors.
Therefore, the GCF of 45 and 60 is the product of their
common factors:
GCF  3 ∙ 5 = 15 (3)(5) = 15

GCF  15

 Least Common Multiple (LCM)

 Refers to the smallest number that two or more numbers will divide without remainder

Ex: Find the LCM of 18 and 20

Intersection of Sets
For each of the given numbers, list their multiples in ascending order, and pick out the smallest non-
zero multiple that is common to both lists.
Multiples of 18  {18, 36, 54, 72, 90, 108, 126, 144, 162, 180, 98…}
Multiples of 20  {20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200}
Common Multiple  180
LCM  180

Prime Factorization Repeated Division by Primes

Write the prime factorization for each of the given
numbers in such a way that common, and only 2 18 20
common, prime factors are in the same column. 2 9 10
The LCM is the product of the highest powers 3 9 5
3 5
occurring in a column of any of the prime
18 = 2 x 32 LCM  ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙5
20 = 22 x x 5
22 x 32 x 5 = 180  180

LCM  180

 Integers – refer to the set of whole numbers and their opposites
 Absolute Value – the number of units a number is away from 0 in a number line
Ex: -7 = 7

 Integer Operations
Operation Like Signs Unlike Signs
Add the integers and keep the sign. Subtract the integers and take the sign
of the integer with the largest absolute

Examples: value.
5+3=8 Examples:
(-6) + (-10) = -16 7 + (-4) = 3
(-9) + 4 = -5
Change the sign of the subtrahend, and then proceed to addition.


4 – (-6) = 4 + 6 (-9) – (-5) = (-9) + 5

4 + 6 = 10 (-9) + 5 = -4

If the signs of the factors or If the signs are different, the

and Division
dividend/divisors are the same, the product/quotient is negative.
product/quotient is positive.
Examples: Examples:
(3)(7) = 21 (-9)(5) = -45
(-32) ÷ (-8) = 4 100 ÷ (-10) = -10

Part I: Analyzing Test Items (Properties of Numbers and Number Theory)

1. The number 0 .................................... is

A. Integer B. Rational C. Irrational D. Non-Integer
2. What is the difference between the largest prime number and smallest prime number
between 50 and 90?
A. 33 B. 34 C. 35 D. 36
3. Which of the following is NOT a multiple of 4 and 6?
A. 12 B. 32 C. 48 D. 60
4. Find the sum of all prime numbers less than 12.
A. 10 B. 17 C. 28 D. 29
5. The difference between the largest factor and the smallest factor of 150 is
A. 75 B. 80 C. 149 D. 150
6. Find the least quantity of honey that can be put exactly into two liter, four liter, six liter or
eight liter bottles.
A. 12 B. 24 C. 36 D. 48
7. A man has 152 g and 140 g of peanuts which he wishes to put into boxes. Each box should
hold same number of grams and largest number possible. How many grams can he put into
each box?
A. 4 B. 5 C. 35 D. 38
8. If q is a positive integer in the equation 6q = p, then p must be a:
A. positive even integer C. positive odd integer
B. negative even integer D. negative odd integer
9. If a is an even number, which of the following statement is TRUE?
I. a is even II. a3 is even III. a2 + 1 is even IV. a + 2 is even
A. I and II only B. I, II and IV C. III only D. III and IV
10. What is the smallest positive integer that has factors of 3, 4, 5 and 6?
A. 180 B. 150 C. 120 D. 60

PART II: Enhancing Test Taking Skills

1. Find the value of N: [ 36 ÷ (64 ÷ 16 x 2 + 1)] – 3 = N
A. 9 B. 8 C. 2 D. 1
2. A blue neon light blinks every four seconds; a red one blinks every five seconds while a
green one blinks every 6 seconds. How many times will it blink together in one hour?
A. 150 B. 120 C. 90 D. 60
3. Maria has 90 sweets, 34 chocolate bars and 65 tins of soft drink. She prepares some gift
bags which contain 5 sweets, 2 chocolate bars and 5 tins of soft drink each. What is the
maximum number of gift bags she can make?
A. 13 B. 17 C. 18 D. 22
4. In a group of students, 5 are boys. If each boy weighs 42 kg. and girl weighs 38 kg.
Calculate the total mass of 13 students in kg.
A. 514 B. 541 C. 526 D. 562
5. Which of the following is a multiple of 3, 4, 5 and 8?
A. 240 B. 120 C. 80 D. 60

6. Find the sum of all composite numbers less than 13.
A. 18 B. 27 C. 39 D. 40
7. How many numbers are multiples of 8 between 80 and 120?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
8. Which of the following is the GCF of 36 and 60?
A. 12 B. 14 C. 18 D. 20
9. A man has two trees he wishes to cut into logs of equal length. If the trees are 84 dm. and
96 dm. long, and are cut into the longest possible logs, what is the length of the log?
A. 7 dm B. 8 dm C. 12 dm D. 15 dm.
10. Given (x – 4) is the greatest common factor of 12 and 20. Find the value of x?
A. 0 B. 4 C. 8 D. 12

 Fractions
 A number whose value can be expressed as the quotient or ratio of any two numbers a and b,
represented as , where b ≠ 0. It is a part of a whole or a set.
 Reducing Fractions to Lowest Terms
Divide the numerator and the denominator by its GCF.
8 6
÷ =
 Conversions
Improper Fraction to Mixed Number
Mixed Number to Improper Fraction
1. Multiply the denominator to the whole number. 1. Divide the numerator by the denominator.
2. Add the product to the numerator. 2. The quotient is the whole number for the mixed
3. The sum is the new numerator, then copy the number.
same denominator. 3. The remainder is the new numerator over the
Example: same denominator.
1 77
3 = (3 x 3) + 1 = 10 → new numerator = 77 ÷ 6 = 12 r. 5
3 6
1 10
3 = 77 5
3 3 = 12
6 6

A. Addition and Subtraction
a. Of Similar Fractions:
 Just add/subtract the numerators and copy the denominator.
6 5
+ = - =
7 7 7 8 8 8
b. Of Dissimilar Fractions:
 Convert the fractions first to similar fractions. Then add/subtract the numerators and
keep the denominators. Reduce to lowest terms if necessary.

Changing Dissimilar Fractions to Similar Fractions

 Find the LCM of the denominators involved (hence called Least Common
Denominator or LCD). Divide the LCD by each of the denominators, and then multiply
each quotient to their corresponding numerators.
The LCD of 5 and 6 is 30
3 1 18  5 23 30 ÷ 5 x 3 = 18
+ = =
5 6 30 30 30 ÷ 6 x 1 = 15

6 1 42  8 34 17 The LCD of 7 and 8 is 56

- = = or 56 ÷ 8 x 6 = 42
8 7 56 56 28 56 ÷ 7 x 1 = 8

B. Multiplication of Fractions
 Simply multiply the numerators, and multiply the denominators. Reduce the product to
lowest terms, if necessary.
3 8 24
x =
4 9 36
24 12 2
÷ =
36 12 3
C. Division of Fractions
 Take the first fraction and multiply it by the reciprocal of the second fraction.
5 3 5 2 10
÷ = x =
8 2 8 3 24
10 2 5
÷ =
24 2 12
 Complex Fractions
 Fractions whose numerator and/or denominator is/are also fraction/s
 To simplify these fractions, remember that the fraction bar means to divide. Rewrite the fraction
as a division problem, and follow the procedure for dividing fractions.
15 .
15 = 8 ÷ 4
4 15
8 1 8 2
= x = or
15 4 60 15







100 000 10 000 1 000 100 10 1 0 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.00001


Decimal to Fraction / Mixed

Fraction to Decimal Mixed Number to Decimal

Recognize that a fraction bar Separate and keep the whole

Simply use the place value and means „to divide‟. Thus, to number part (this is the number to
then reduce to lowest terms, if change a fraction to a decimal, the left of the decimal point).
necessary. simply divide the numerator by Then divide the fractional part as
the denominator. described on the left.

Example: Example: Example:

18.6 = 18 + 0.6 6 3 3
= 6 ÷ 15 12 = 12 +
= 18 + ( ) 15 4 4
10 6 = 12 + (0.75)
= 0.4 3
3 12 = 12.75
= 18 + ( ) 15
5 4
18.6 = 18

a) Addition and Subtraction
 Make sure to LINE UP the decimal points first. Add trailing zeroes if necessary to avoid
careless mistakes. Then perform the indicated operation.

b) Multiplication
1. Multiply the numbers without regard to the decimal point to obtain a whole number product.
2. Count the number of digits that are to the right of the decimal point of BOTH factors.
3. Alter the whole number product to have the same number of digits to the right of the decimal
point, as counted in step 2.

c) Division
1. Set up the long division problem.
2. Count how many digits there are to the right of the decimal point in the divisor.
3. Move the decimal point in the dividend with the amount from step 2.
4. Raise the newly placed decimal point up to the quotient.
5. Divide as usual, as if there were no decimal points.

PART I: Analyzing Test Items (Fractions and Decimals)

1. There are 300 members in Mathwizards club, 2/3 of them are freshmen, 1/5 are
sophomores and the rest are juniors. How many members of Mathwizards club are juniors?
A.40 B. 50 C. 60 D. 260
2. If a fraction is divided by 1 ¼ and then subtracted from 2 ½ gives the result of 1 7/10, what
is the value of the fraction?
A. 1 B. 1 1/2 C. 1 3/4 D. 2
3. During Holy week, ¼ of the office workers went out of town, 3/5 stayed at home while the
rest, numbering 9, had to work overtime. How many total office workers are there?
A. 60 B. 80 C. 90 D. 100
4. A freshmen class of 40 girls and 80 boys sponsored an acquaintance party. If 3/5 of the
girls and 3/4 of the boys attended the party, how many freshmen attended the party?
A. 60 B. 72 C. 84 D. 96
5. If the price of round trip fare to Pagsanjan, Laguna is Php 315, how much will it cost a
family of four if husband pays full fare, the wife pays 2/3 of full fare, and the two children
each pay ½ the regular price?
A. P945 B. P840 C. P787.50 D. P760
6. A cellphone costs Php 12 250.75 and the price drops Php 876.88 every month, what is the
price of the cellphone after 3 months?
A. P12,250.11 B. P11,373.87 C. P10,496.99 D. P9620.11
7. A number divided by 0.312 is 100. What is the number?
A. 0.312 B. 3.120 C. 31.20 D. 312.0
8. Jack is 52.12 kg and Jill is 3.86 kg lighter than Jack, what is the weight of Jill?
A. 55.98 B. 48.62 C. 48.26 D. 46.16
9. A utility worker earns P 8000.56 a month. If P 150.75 is deducted for GSIS and P 87.50 for
withholding tax, how much is his take-home pay?
A. P7762.13 B. P7762.31 C. P7761.23 D. P7761.32
10. Henry‟s car odometer read, 7 65 .7 km at the beginning of his trip. If it read, 8 58 .0 km
upon his return, How many kilometres did he cover?
A. P929.30 B. P929.33 C. P926.33 D. P926.30

PART II: Enhancing Test Taking Skills
1. A bottle 5/9 full of oil. Pete took 45 mL and it was then ½ full. How many mL does the bottle
hold when full?
A. 162 B. 450 C. 810 D. 900
2. What fraction is half the sum of 5/7 and 3/5?
A. 2/3 B. 4/35 C. 8/23 D. 23/35
3. If 2/5 of x is 20, what is 3/10 of x?
A. 9 B. 12 C. 15 D. 18
4. Kaye spent 1/5 of her money in one store. In the next store she spent three times as much
as she spent in the first store, and 60 pesos left. How much money did she have at the
A. P240 B. P270 C. P300 D. 320
5. A farmer owns 3/5 hectares of land. After selling 1/4 of his share, how many hectares of
land did the farmer still owns?
A. 4/9 B. 3/20 C. 2/5 D. 9/20
6. A gas tank of Mr. Reyes car is 5/8 full. If he used 2/5 of this amount travelling from his
house to his province, what part of the tank has gas?
A. 3/8 B. 7/40 C. 7/15 D. 7/13
7. Mr. Lee bought 6 bottles of mineral water and each bottle has 1.35 liters of water. If he
drinks 0.85 liters everyday for a week, what is the volume of water remaining after a week?
A. 4.15 B. 3.15 C. 2.15 D. 1.15
8. The share of market index was 869.3 on Monday. The index dropped by 38.6 on Tuesday
and rose 16.48 on Wednesday. Find the final index on Wednesday before closing.
A. 847.18 B. 847.81 C. 874.18 D. 874.81
9. A shirt pattern requires 22.5 dm of cloth. If a tailor has 65.25 meters of cloth available, how
many shirts can be made?
A. 3 B. 2.9 C. 29 D. 30
10. Two decimals are in the ratio 2:3. If their sum is 62.5, find the two numbers.
A. 20 & 42.5 B. 22 & 40.5 C. 25 & 37.5 D. 28 & 34.5


Ratio Rate Proportion
An equation or statement that
A comparison of two or more Refers to a ratio whose two
expresses the equality of two ratios.
amounts or quantities, such as amounts represent different
May be expressed as:
a and b, which can be quantities
a c
expressed in the following 1) = , or
a Examples: b d
equivalent ways: a:b, a b , 2) a : b = c : d
35 mi h, 5 m s
b In each form, b and c are called means,
and a and d are called extremes.

Extremes-Means Property:
 In any proportion, the product of the means is equal to the product of the extremes.
a = c
From or a : b = c : d, we get ad = bc
b d
 Finding the Missing Terms of a Proportion
 To find the missing term of a proportion, use the Extremes-Means Property and solve for the
4 : x = 8 : 10

(8)(x) = (10)(4)
8x = 40
x= 5

A. Direct Proportion
 As one quantity increases, the other also increases.

If 4 kg of mangoes cost as much as 3 kg of guavas, how many kg of mangoes would cost as
much as 75 kg of guavas?
Equate the ratio of the terms in the first condition to the ratio of the terms in the second
condition. So, we have:

First Condition Second Condition

kg of mangoes kg of mangoes
kg of guavas 75 kg of guavas

Using the Extremes-Means Property, solve for the unknown.

kg of mangoes (75 kg of guavas)

kg of guavas
n = 100

Answer: 100 kg of mangoes would cost as much as 75 kg of guavas.

B. Inverse Proportion
 As one quantity increases, the other quantity decreases, and vice versa.

If the food in a crate is sufficient to feed 15 castaways in 14 days, how many days would it
last for 30 castaways?
Equate the product of the terms in the first condition to the product of the terms of the second
condition. So, we have:
First Condition Second Condition
(15 castaways)(13 days) = (30 castaways)(n days)
5 castaways ( days)
0 castaways

Answer: The food supply will last for only 7 days for 30 castaways.

C. Partitive Proportion
 One quantity is being partitioned into different proportions.

A piece of wood 150 cm long is cut in the ratio 2:3:5. Find the measure of each part.
1. Add the terms of the ratio.
2 + 3 + 5 = 10
2. Divide the whole measure that was partitioned by the sum of the terms.
150 cm ÷ 10 = 15 cm
3. Multiply the quotient to each term of the ratio to find the measure of each part.
2 (15 cm) = 30 cm
3 (15 cm) = 45 cm
5 (15 cm) = 75 cm

Answer: The measures of the cut parts of wood are 30 cm, 45 cm, and 75 cm.

A. Scales
When working with scale models, the scale is often given as the ratio:
model measurement : actual measurement

If the scale model of a boat measures 6 inches and the model has a scale of 1:20, what is the
actual measurement of the boat?
model length 6
Solution: actual length
= 0=x
0 x
x = 120
Answer: The actual measurement of the boat is 120 in., or 10 ft.
B. Similarity
 When figures have corresponding sides that are in proportion with one another and
corresponding angles with the same measure, the figures are similar.
 Proportions can be used to determine that figures are similar, and calculate the missing part/s
of known similar figures
Find the missing side of the larger triangle.

A D Solution:
10 cm 15 cm AB BC 10 6
= → =
DE EF 15 x
6 cm 10x = 90
E F x=9

Answer: The measure of the missing side of the larger triangle is 9 cm.
 Percent
 Literally meaning „per hu dred‟, it refers to a special ratio that compares a numerical quantity to

Between Decimals and Percents Between Fractions and Percents

A. Percent to Decimal A. Percent to Fraction x a
 Remove the percent symbol (%) and  Use the proportion = , and cross-
move the decimal point two places to the 00 b
left. multiply to solve for the variable x.
B. Decimal to Percent
1. Multiply the decimal by 100; or B. Fraction to Percent
2. Move the decimal point two places to the  Remove the percent symbol (%) and
right and write a percent symbol multiply the number by 00.


Percent Formula:
Part = Percent x Whole
Remember, in Mathematics:
 “Of” usually means multiply.
 “Is” usually means equals.
75 is 30% of 250

Percentage (P) Rate (R) Base (B)

(the number usually before (the number usually in (the number usually before
or after the word “is”) or after the word “of”)

P=RxB R= B=

A. Percent Increase or Decrease
 To increase a number by a certain percent, (1) add 100% to the given percent, (2) convert
the sum to a decimal, and (3) multiply the number by that decimal.
Example: increase 40 by 45%
Solution: 45% + 100% = 145% = 1.45
40 x 1.45 = 58
B. Simple Interest Rate
I  interest charged or paid out
I = Prt P  principal amount that is saved or borrowed
r  percentage rate written as a decimal
t  time in years
If Cedric borrows P15,000 at an interest rate of 17% for 18 months, how much will he have
paid in simple interest at the end of the 18 months?
P  P15,000 I = Prt
r  17% I = (P15,000)(17%)(1.5)
t  18 months = 1.5 years I = P3,825

Answer: At the end of 18 months, Cedric will pay P3,825 in simple interest.
C. Compound Interest
To compute for compound interest:
- Use the simple interest formula, I – Prt, where t is the period of time for
- Add the interest to the principal to create a new value for the principal
- Continue the first and second steps until the entire period is covered
The interest on an investment is reflected every
- 3 months if compounded quarterly
- 2 months if compounded bimonthly
- 6 months if compounded semiannually, and
- 12 months if compounded annually
What is the interest on P100,000 borrowed for 4 years at 16% interest rate per year compounded
Compute the compound interest at the end of each year.
After year 1: P100, 000 x 0.16 = P16,000
After year 2: (P100,000 + P16,000) x 0.16 = P18, 560
After year 3: (P116,000 + P18,500) x 0.16 = P21, 529.60
After year 4: (P134, 560 + P21,529.60) x 0.16 = P24,974.34
Total Interest after 4 years = P16,000 + P18,560 + P21,529 + P24,974 = P81,063.94
D. Discount
D Discount
D=Pxr P  marked price
N=P-D r  discount rate written as a decimal
N  net price
Find the net price and discount on a product with marked price of P120 at a discount rate of 70%.
P  P15,000 D=Pxr
r  70% D = (P1200)(70%)
D = P840
N = P1200 – P840
N = P360

PART I: Analyzing Test Items (Ratio, Proportion and Percent)

1. In an office the ratio of male employee to female employee is 1:3. If there 12 male
employees, how many employees are in that office?
A. 16 B. 36 C. 40 D. 48
2. Janry can type 300 words in 5 minutes. How many words can he type in ¾ of an hour?
A. 1125 B. 2500 C. 2700 D. 3625
3. Two numbers are in the ratio 3:5. If the sum is 120, find the two numbers.
A. 30:90 B. 40:100 C. 45:75 D. 50:70
4. A 135 – meter piece of string is divided into 3 parts in the ratio 1 ½ : 2 ¼ : 3, what is the
measure of the longest piece?
A. 40 B. 60 C. 80 D. 100
5. Two numbers are in the ratio 4:7. If the difference between two numbers is 48, find the two
A. 32 & 80 B. 48 & 96 C. 60 & 48 D. 64 & 112
6. Six pumps can fill a tank in 28 minutes. How long will 4 pumps of the same kind can fill a
A. 18 B. 20 C. 42 D. 60
7. What percent of ¾ is 3/5?
A. 125% B. 80% C. 60% D. 40%
8. Five percent of the batch of items from a manufacturing company is defective. If there are
150 defective items in the whole batch, how many items in the whole batch are not
A. 3000 B. 2850 C. 2750 D. 2580
9. An amount of P 18,500 was requested for the purchase of office supplies. How much was
released if 15% of the amount requested was not granted
A. P13490 B. P14260 C. P15640 D. P15725
10. Last year, the bus fare for Alex was P 480 per month. This year, the new bus fare is 520
per month. Find its percentage increase of bus fare?
A. 8.33% B. 8 1/3 % C. 7.33% D. 7 1/3 %

PART II: Analyzing Test Items

1. If 8 men can do a certain job in 12 days, how many men will be required to do the same
job in 16 days?
A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9
2. A basketball player shoots 3 times out of 4 attempts at the free – throw line. How many
shots can he make out of 36 attempts at the free – throw line?
A. 20 B. 24 C. 27 D. 30
3. In a certain map 1/4 of an inch represent ten miles of actual distance. If two barrios are
2 inches apart in the map, the actual distance between them is:
A. 20 B. 40 C. 60 D. 80
4. I have enough money to have a vacation of 12 days if I spend P500 a day. For how
many days will my money last if I decide to spend only P400 a day?
A. 9 B. 10 C. 15 D. 18
5. The ratio of male to female students in a year level is 12 : 7. If there are 60 more males
than females, how many students are there in a year level?
A. 282 B. 228 C. 210 D. 198
6. Three similar lamps use 4 liters of oil in 80 hours. How much oil will 6 lamps of the same
kind use in 40 hours?
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 8
7. The product of two whole number is 48, and their ratio is 1:3. Which is the smaller

A. 3 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8
8. What percent 8 is 3/5 of 12?
A. 66 2/3% B. 72% C. 80% D. 90%
9. If P12,000 is invested at 12% simple interest. What is the amount at the end of two
A. P14,880 B. P14,400 C. P9,920 D. P9,120
10. Niko spent 25% of his money on pair of socks, 20% of it on a Sudoku puzzle and P50
on a snack. If he had P82 left, how much money did he start with?
A. P240 B. P280 C. P320 D. P360



Point A
point A, point B

line m, line AB or BA

Points that lie on the same line Line l contains points D, E, and F.
Points D, E, and F belong to line l.
Points D, E, and FGare collinear.
Point D, E, and G are not collinear.

A subset of a line that contains two

points of the line and all points
between those two points

A subset of a line that contains the

endpoint and all points on the line
on one side of the point. M

Term Definition Illustration

Coplanar Points Points that lie in the same plane

Coplanar Lines Lines that lie in the same plane B

Intersecting Two coplanar lines with exactly
Lines one point in common.
Points A, B, and C are coplanar.
Points A, B, C, and D are noncoplanar.
Concurrent Lines Lines that contain the same point
Lines AB, BC, and AC are coplanar.

Lines AB and AC are intersecting lines. They

Lines that do not intersect, and intersect at point A.
Skew Lines there is no plane that contains
them Lines AC, BC, and DC are concurrent.

Lines AB and CD are skew lines.

Two distinct coplanar lines that l

Parallel Lines have no points in common.

St. Louis Review 14

l is parallel to m, written as l  m.

Lines in the same plane that

intersect at one point and form
Lines four 90° angles.


 An angle is formed by two distinct rays sharing the same endpoint.
a. Classification of Angles

Type of Angle Description

Acute Measure is between 0° and 90°

Right Measures exactly 90°

Obtuse Measure is between 90° and 180°

Straight Measures exactly 180°

b. Special Angle Pair Relationships

Term Definition Illustration

Complimentary Any two angles whose combined measures equal to

Angles 90°.

Supplementary Any two angles whose combined measures equal to

Angles 180°.

Formed when two lines intersect;

Two angles that share a common vertex but share no A transversal cuts
Vertical Angles common sides through two parallel lines:

Ex: ∠ 1 ≅ ∠ 4; ∠ 2 ≅ ∠ 3; ∠ 5 ≅ ∠ 8; ∠ 6 ≅ ∠ 7
Two angles on the same side of the transversal, but
Corresponding one is in the interior of the parallel lines, the other on
Angles the exterior 1 2

Ex: ∠ 1 ≅ ∠ 5; ∠ 2 ≅ ∠ 6; ∠ 3 ≅ ∠ 7; ∠ 4 ≅ ∠ 8 3 4

Two angles on different sides of the transversal, both

5 6
Alternate Interior in the interior of the parallel lines
Angles 7 8
Ex: ∠3 ≅ ∠6; ∠4 ≅ ∠5
Two angles on different sides of the transversal, both
in the exterior of the parallel lines
Alternate Exterior
Angles Ex: ∠1 ≅ ∠8; ∠2 ≅ ∠7

 Polygon
 A simple and closed geometric figure which have sides that are line segments
 A point where two sides of a polygon meet is a vertex.


According to the Angles According to the Sides

Acute Obtuse Scalene Isosceles

Triangle Triangle Triangle Triangle

Name Definition Illustration

A triangle containing one

Acute Triangle
right angle

According to
A triangle in which all the
the Angle Right Triangle
angles are acute

A triangle containing one

Obtuse Triangle
obtuse angle

A triangle with no
Scalene Triangle
congruent sides

According to
A triangle with at least
the Measures Isosceles Triangle
two congruent sides
of Sides

A triangle with three

Equilateral Triangle
congruent sides


Kite Trapezoid

Parallelogram Isosceles

Rhombus Rectangle


Name Definition Illustration

A quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel


A quadrilateral with two adjacent sides congruent

and the other two sides also congruent

A trapezoid with exactly one pair of congruent

Isosceles Trapezoid

A quadrilateral in which each pair of opposite sides

is parallel

Rectangle A quadrilateral with 4 right angles

Rhombus A quadrilateral with all sides congruent

A quadrilateral with 4 right angles and 4 congruent



Figure Name of Figure
Perimeter Area

Rectangle 2l + 2w lw

S Square 4s s2

a Parallelogram 2a + 2b bh

a1 a2 b1  b2
h Trapezoid a1 + a2 + b1 + b2 ( )h

s s Triangle s+s+s ½ bh

r Circle Circumference:  r2

Figure Name of Figure
Total Surface Area Volume

Rectangular Prism 2lw + 2wh + 2hl lwh

Cube e3
(e = edge)

Cylinder 2  r2 + 2  rh  r2h

s2 + 2sl
s = side of the base
Pyramid ⅓ bh
l = slant height of the

Cone  r2 +  rs ⅓  r 2h

Sphere 4  r2  r3


Metric System
Prefix Equivalent
Length Capacity Mass

kilo 1000

Greek hecto 100

deca 10
meter liter gram
deci 1/10

Latin centi 1/100

milli 1/1000

Length: 1 foot (ft) = 12 inches (in)
1 yard (yd) = 3 feet
1 mile (mi) = 5280 feet = 1760 yards
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
1 foot = 0.3 meter
1 meter = 1.1 yards
1 mile = 1.6 kilometers

Area: 1 acre = 43,560 sq. ft.

1 sq. m. = 640 acres
Mass: 1 pound (lb) = 16 ounces (oz)
1 ton = 2000 pounds
1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds

Time 1 minute (min) = 60 seconds (s)

1 hour (hr) = 60 minutes
1 day (d) = 24 hours
1 year (yr) = 365 days
1 decade = 10 years
1 millennium = 1000 years

Volume: 1 gallon (gal) = 4 quarts (qt)
1 quart = 2 pints (pt)
1 cup = 16 tablespoons
1 liter = 1.06 quarts

 In every right triangle, the sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the

c2 Hypotenuse
b2  Side that is opposite of
the right angle
 sides of the a2
triangle that form
the right angle
c2 = a2 + b2

Part I: Analyzing Test Items (Geometry and Measurement)

1. Mrs. Corazon‟s bathroom has to be covered with tiles. The edge of the bathroom needs a
rubberized tile. If the bathroom is 2.2 meters long and 1.6 meters wide, how many
rubberized tiles are required?
A. 3.52 B. 3.8 C. 7.04 D. 7.6
2. The measure of each interior angle is 150°. How many sides does it have?
A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 13
3. A rectangular lot has a perimeter of 120 m. If the length of the lot is 20 m. more than its
width, what is its area?
A. 800 B. 1500 C. 2000 D. 3500
4. A box 16 inches wide, 24 inches long and 6 inches high. How many square feet of paper
would be needed to cover it on all sides?
A. 2304 B. 1248 C. 104 D. 8 2/3
5. How many meters of fencing is needed to enclose an 84 m by 48 m rectangular garden?
A. 4 032 B. 336 C. 264 D. 232
6. The volume of a cube is 125 cm . What is the total surface area?
A. 625 cm2 B. 500 cm2 C. 250 cm2 D. 150 cm2
7. A boy is to meet his teacher in the principal‟s room at 7: 0 in the morning. If it takes the boy
30 mins to take a bath, 15 mins to eat his breakfast, 5 mins to brush teeth, 20 mins other
morning activities, 25 mins to dress up and 10 mins walking to the school principal‟s room.
What will be the latest time that he can get up to meet his teacher on time?
A. 4:45 am B. 5:15 am C. 5:30 am D. 5:45
8. Which of the following is the longest?
A. 71.2 m B. 7,120 cm C. 71 200 mm D.0.712 km
9. What is 3.8 L + 2500 mL when converted to centilitres?
A. 630 B. 6.3 C. 0.63 D. 0.063
10.AA plane flies over a control tower at a height of 8 km. An observer on the ground is 15 km
from the control tower. How far is the plane from the observer?
A. 9 km B. 10 km C. 12 km D. 17km

PART II: Enhancing Test Taking Skills

1. How many square feet of paper would be needed to cover a box in all sides? The box is 5
feet long, 3 feet wide and 1.5 feet high?
A. 96 B. 54 C. 48 D. 27

2. How many hectares are in a rectangular field which is 800 m long and 750 m wide?
A. 120 ha B. 100 ha C. 80 ha D. 60 ha
3. Find the volume (in cubic inches) of a rectangular solid whose dimensions are 3 feet, 30
inches and ¾ feet.
A. 9720 B. 8530 C. 7980 D. 6570
4. What is the area of a triangular piece of land which has a base of 94 m and a height of 12
A. 1128 B. 564 C. 424 D. 212
5. How many 1 – cm square stickers are needed to cover a photo box 4 cm long, 3 cm wide
and 5 cm high?
A. 60 B. 74 C. 94 D. 100
6. A swimming pool is 40 meters long, 20 meters wide, and 10 meters deep. How many cubic
meters of water does it contain when it is half filled?
A. 16000 B. 8000 C. 4000 D. 2000
7. How many cubic meters of soil must be removed from an excavation 20 m by 15 m by 8 m?
A. 2100 m3 B. 2400 m3 C. 2100 m2 D. 2400 m2
8. Pedro use ten 100 – watt bulbs in his house. He uses these bulbs at an average of 5 hours
each day. How many KWH do these bulbs use each day?
A. 50 B. 25 C. 10 D. 5
9. A man left his house at 10:15 am and reaches a town 30 km away at 10:55 am. What was
his average speed for the journey?
A. 30 km/h B. 35 km/h C. 40 km/h D. 45 km/h
10. The length of a rectangle is 2 cm less than twice its width. What is its width, if its perimeter
is 50 cm?
A. 4 B. 9 C. 16 D. 36

 The probability (P) of an event (E) is defined as:
Number of favorable outcomes
P(E) =
Total number of possible outcomes
A gumball machine has 18 pieces remaining (6 blue, 5, yellow, 7, red). The probability of getting a
6 1
blue gumball is or .
18 3
a) Permutation
 refers to the number of possible arrangements for a given set of objects

Case 1: All of the objects are considered for each different arrangement
(nPn, read as “the permutatio of objects take at a time”)
This is represented by this operation:
nPn = n! (read as “ factorial”)

The factorial of a whole number is the product of that whole number and each of the
natural numbers less than the number.
n! = n x (n – 1) x (n – 2) x … x 1

In how many ways can 6 books be placed on a shelf?

Solution: 6! = 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 720
Answer: There are 720 ways that 6 books can be placed on a shelf.

Case 2: Not all of the objects are considered for each different arrangement
(nPr, read as “the permutatio of objects take r at a time”)
nPr =
(n  r)!
How many different arrangements of 5 students can be made in a row of 3 desks?
nPr =
(n  r)!
5! 5! 5· 4· 3· 2·1
5P3 = → 5P3 = = =5∙ ∙ = 60
(5  3)! 2! 2·1

There are 60 different arrangements of 5 students that can be made in a row of 3

b) Combination
 refers to the total number of groupings of a set of objects.
 The order of the objects is not important when dealing with combinations.
nC r =
(n  r)!r!
How many different 4-person committees can be formed from a total of 8 people?
nC r =
(n  r)!r!
8! 8! 8 · 7 · 6 ·5 · 4 · 3 · 2 · 1 8 · 7 · 6 ·5
8C4 = → = = = 70
(8  4)!4! 4!4! (4 · 3 · 2 · 1)(4 · 3 · 2 · 1) 4 · 3 · 2 · 1

Answer: There are 70 different 4-person committees that can be formed from 8 people.

PART I: Analyzing test Items (Probability and Statistics)

1. Liza received these grades on four math tests: 80, 90, 83, and 79. What grade must she
receive on a fifth test in order to have an average of 85?
A. 89 B. 90 C. 92 D. 93
2. The quiz scores of Lino are 6, 5, 9, 8, 0, 7, 8, and 9. Find the median of Lino‟s quiz score.
A. 7 B. 7.5 C. 8 D. 8.5
3. A set of 12 numbers has a mean of 58. What number must be added to them so that the
mean is 60?
A. 24 B. 48 C. 60 D. 72
4. A set of 14 numbers has a mean of 65. If two of the numbers, namely 70 and 84 are
removed, what is the mean of remaining number?
A. 76 B. 75 C.65 D.63
5. In a Math class of 15 students, 9 students had an average of 80, while the other six
students had an average 85. What is the average of whole class?
A. 82 B. 83 C. 84 D. 85
6. In how many ways can you guess an answer in a 10-item True or False question?
A. 2,048 B. 1,024 C. 512 D. 256
7. How many ways can you arrange three Science books (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) in any
order on a shelf?
A. 24 B. 18 C. 12 D. 6

8. Rica has 7 red T-shirts and 5 green T-shirts. If she picks one T-shirt at random, what is the
probability that will NOT be green?
A. ½ B. 1/6 C. 5/12 D. 7/12
9. How many ways can seven people can be seated at a round table?
A. 5040 B. 840 C. 720 D. 120
10. The face of a coin is either head or tail. If there are three coins tossed, what is the
probability of getting three tails or three heads?
A. ¼ B. 1/8 C. 3/8 D. 3/4
PART II: Enhancing Test Taking Skills
1. Jake received these grades on four math tests: 85, 92, 80, and 78. What grade must she
receive on a fifth test in order to have an average of 85?
A. 89 B. 90 C. 92 D. 93
2. The Math quiz scores of Alfred are 0, 7, 8, 9, 6, 5, 8, and . Find the median of Lino‟s
Math quiz score.
A. 9.5 B. 9 C. 8.5 D. 8
3. A set of 15 numbers has a mean of 47. What number must be added to them so that the
mean is 50?
A. 45 B. 50 C. 55 D. 60
4. A set of 20 numbers has a mean of 60. If three of the numbers, namely 65, 67 and 82 are
removed, what is the mean of remaining number?
A. 55 B. 56 C.57 D.58
5. In a Math class of 15 students, 5 students had an average of 76, 6 students had an
average of 80 while the other 4 students had an average 85. What is the average of whole
A. 79 B. 80 C. 81 D. 82
6. In a class of 40 students, 28 like Algebra and 24 like Geometry. How many like both
Algebra and Geometry?
A. 10 B. 11 C.12 D. 13
7. In how many ways can six distinct books be arranged in a bookshelf?
A. 720 B. 360 C. 180 D. 120
8. Red has 8 blue T-shirts and 12 yellow T-shirts. If she picks one T-shirt at random, what is
the probability that will NOT be blue?
A. 3/4 B. 2/5 C. 3/5 D. 1/3
9. How many ways can 5 boys and 5 girls form a circle with boys and girls alternate?
A. 288 B. 2880 C. 5600 D. 14400
10. In a throw of two dice, the probability of obtaining a total of 10 or 12 is
A. 1/18 B. 1/12 C. 1/9 D. 1/6


Add Subtract Multiply Divide Equal
(+) (-) (x) (÷) (=)
plus, sum, minus, times, divide by, is, result, total,
increased by, difference, multiplied by, quotient, into equal to
more than, decreased by, product, of,
exceeds less than,

Algebraic Expression – contains numbers, variables, and operations to state a relationship

Examples: 5, 7n, 3x + 2, x2+4x+4

Equation – two algebraic expressions set equal to each other

Example: 3x + 5 = x + 7

Exponent or Power – the total number of times a base is used as a factor
a) Multiplying and Dividing Like Bases
Multiplication Division
When multiplying like bases, add the When dividing like bases, subtract the
exponents: exponents:
xm · xn = xm+n xm m-n
Example: xn
a3 · a2 = a3+2 = a5

b) Operations with Powers

Simply multiply the exponents:
(xm)n = xmn
Raising a Power to a Power
(a2)3 = a(2)(3) = a6
Raise each base number and/or variable to
that exponent:
Raising a Product to a Power (xmyn)t = xm·t yn·t
(4x2)3 = (41·3)(x2·3) = 64x6
Raise both numerator and denominator to that
exponent and simplify the expression:
Raising a Quotient/Fraction to a

c) Negative Exponents
To simplify an expression with negative exponents, remember that:
x-m = m
a) Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
When adding and subtracting polynomials, only like terms can be combined.
5z + 6z = 11z 18x2 - 8x2 = 10x2
b) Multiplying Polynomials
1. Monomial by a monomial
 Multiply the coefficients and then follow the rules for multiplying the exponents for like
2x3 ∙ x4 Solution:
2x3 ∙ x4 = ( )( )∙(x3)(x4) = 8x7
2. Monomial by a Polynomial
 Use the distributive property
Example: Solution:
3a2 (2a + 4) 3a2 (2a + 4) = (3a2)(2a) + (3a2)(4)
= 6a3 + 12a2
3. Binomial by a Binomial
 Use FOIL (First, Outer, Inner, Last)
(x – 3)(x + 4)
Terms Factors Product
First x∙x x2
Outer x ∙4 4x
Inner -3 ∙ x -3x
Last -3 -12

(x – 3)(x + 4) = x2 + 4x – 3x – 12
= x2 + x – 12
4. Any polynomial by a polynomial
 Use the distributive property

(2x – 1)(3x2 – 5x + 2)

(2x – 1)(3x2 – 5x + 2) = 6x3 – 10x2 + 4x - 3x2 + 5x – 2
= 6x3 – 13x2 + 9x – 2

a) Using GCF
 To find the GCF of any polynomial, look for common factors in the coefficients, and
common variables between each term.
Factor 4x4 + 12x3.

The GCF of 4x4 + 4x3, so factor out 4x3 from each term.
4x4 + 12x3 = 4x3 (x + 3)

b) Difference Between Two Perfect Squares

 To factor the difference between two perfect squares, take the square root of each term.
Then, express the factors in the following form:
(x – a)(x + a)
Example: Solution:
Factor x – 49.
2 x2 – 49 = (x – 7)(x + 7)

c) Polynomials in the form ax2 + bx + c

 When factoring any factorable polynomial in the form ax2 + bx + c, where a = 1, the
constant terms of the factors have a sum of b and a product of c. If the value of a 1, use
the factors of c with trial-and-error to find the factors.
Factor x2 + 5x + 6
x2 + 5x + 6
a = 1, b = 5, c = 6

1. List the factors of 6 (c): 1 and 6, -1 and -6, 2 and 3, -2 and -3

2. Find the pair of factors that has a sum of 5 (b). Here that pair is 2 and 3.
3. Use the factors 2 and 3 as the second terms in the binomial factors.
(x + 2)(x + 3)
Answer: The factors of x2 + 5x + 6 are (x + 2)(x + 3).
d) Perfect Square Trinomials
 Has two equal binomial factors; they have two forms and factored as follows:
x2 + 2ax + a2 = (x + a)2 x2 – 2ax + a2 = (x – a)2
Example: b2 – 10b + 25.= (b – 5)(b – 5)
Factor b – 10b + 25.
= (b – 5)2

e) Factoring Completely
 To factor polynomials completely, the expression must be broken down into its smallest
possible factors.
1. Factor out the GCF, if it exists.
2. Factor the difference between two squares.
3. Factor the trinomial into two binomials (FOIL).

 Expressions that may involve constants and/or variables in the form , where b ≠ 0.

a) Simplifying
 When simplifying rational expressions, factor first and make sure to only cancel factors.

b) Adding and Subtracting

1. Find a common denominator (LCD) by finding the smallest expression that each
denominator will divide into without a remainder.
2. When this denominator is found, multiply both the numerator and denominator of the
rational expressions by the missing factor needed to make the LCD.
3. Combine the expressions.
4. Keep the common denominator.
c) Multiplying and Dividing
1. Factor each numerator and denominator of the fractions when possible.
2. Cancel out any common factors between the numerators and denominators.
3. Multiply across any remaining factors.
4. When dividing, simply take the reciprocal of the fraction being divided by and then
multiply as explained in steps (1) to (3).
 Solving Equations
Here are the steps to ensure success when solving an equation:
1. Simplify each side of the equation separately:
 Apply the distributive property when needed.
 Combine like terms when needed.
2. Move the variable to one side of the equation.
3. Perform the inverse operations of either addition or subtraction.
4. Perform the inverse operations of multiplication or division.
5. Check your answer by substituting the value of the variable into the original equation.
 Sequence
 An ordered set whose elements consist of consecutive natural numbers
Types of Sequences:
1. Arithmetic Progression
 a sequence of numbers in which the difference between any two successive terms is
constant; the constant difference is called the common difference (d)

Elements of an Arithmetic Progression:

a1 = the first term d = the common difference
an = general term Sn = sum of the first n terms
n = no. of terms

To find any term (nth term): an = a1 + (n – 1)d

 n of
To find the sum  n terms (Sn) of an arithmetic progression:
S= (a + a )
n   1 n
 2 
2. Geometric Progression
 a sequence of numbers in which the ratio of every pair of successive terms is constant;
the constant ratio is called the common ratio (r).

Elements of a Geometric Progression:

a1 = the first term n = no. of terms r = the common ratio
an = general/nth term Sn = sum of the first n term

To find any term (nth term): an = a1rn – 1
To find the sum of n terms (Sn) of a geometric progression:
(1  rn )
Sn = a1 where r ≠ 1
(1  r)

3. Infinite Geometric Progression

 A geometric progression with an infinite number of terms

To find the sum of n terms (Sn) of an infinite geometric progression:

Sn = where │r│< 1
1 r

4. Harmonic Progression
 A sequence of numbers whose reciprocals form an arithmetic progression
AP: 2, 5, 8, 11, 14

PART I: Analyzing Test Items (Basic Algebra/Content Course)

1. Which of the following is an unlike term of 6b?

A. – 6b B. 6d C. – b/6 D. 11b
2. If 8x + 12 = 24, what is the value of 24x + 36?
A. 72 B. 24 C. 18 D. 10
3. Simplify: ( - 3m – 3 ) – (5 – 7m) =
A. 4m – 8 B. 8 – 4m C. -4m + 8 D. -4m – 8
4. The difference between 8 times a number and 17 is 231. Find the number.
A. 1 984 B. 48 C. 37 D. 31
5. Paul is twice as old as Janice. Seven years ago the sum of their ages was 16. How old is
Janice now?
A. 20 B. 16 C. 10 D. 8
6. If x = y/3 and 3x = 5. What is y?
A. 1/5 B. 5/9 C. 9/5 D. 5

7. Simplify:

A. B. C. D.
8. What is the perimeter of a rectangle whose length and width are (2x + 3) and (2x – 3)
A. 4x2 + 9 B. 4x2 – 9 C. 2x2 + 3x – 3 D. 4x2 + 6x – 9
9. Factor the expression 36m5 – 144m7.
A. 12(3 – 12m2) B. 12m5(-3 + 12m2) C. 12m5(12m2 – 3m5) D. 36m5(1 – 2m) (1 + 2m)
10. Find the equation of the line passing through the points (3,1) and (-5,4).
A. 3x – 8y + 17 = 0 B. 3x + 8y – 17 = 0 C. 3x + 8y + 17 = 0 D. 3x – 8y – 17 = 0

PART II: Enhancing Test Taking Skills

1. How many terms are there in the algebraic expression -16m – 4 + 0.3m – 6k + y/2?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
2. In the sequence 4, - 2, k, - 14, -20, h, what is the value of k + h in the above number
A. 34 B. 18 C. -34 D. -18
3. Evaluate: -2x – 6 + 5x + 2 =
A. 7x – 4 B. 3x – 4 C. 3x – 8 D. -3x – 4

4. If 8 less than the product of a number and – 3 is greater than 7, which of the following could
be that number?
A. 6 B. 5 C. -5 D. -6
5. Given that 2xy = 20 and y = 0.5, what is the value of x?
A. 10 B. 10.5 C. 16 D. 20
6. What value of x makes +9= TRUE?
A. – 16 B. – 9 C. 16 D. 25
7. Find two numbers whose sum of reciprocals is 5/12 and whose product is 24?
A. 3 and 8 B. 4 and 6 C. 12 and 2 D. 24 and 1

8. What is ÷ ?
A. a – 4 B. a – 16 C. a2 D. a
9. Find the equation of the line with slope 2 and passing through the point (3, -1).
A. 2x + y + 7 = 0 B. 2x + y – 7 = 0 C. 2x – y – 7 = 0 D. 2x – y + 7 = 0


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