Aec 2

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The document appears to contain an exam paper covering topics related to environmental science. It includes multiple choice questions testing knowledge of terms, concepts, and current events related to the environment.

The main topic covered is environmental science, with questions testing knowledge of areas like pollution, natural resources, ecology, and climate change.

Some of the important terms defined include biotic factors, ecological niche, habitat, succession, and trophic levels.

Question Paper


Paper Code : AEC-2

Roll No :..................................
Examination : MARCH 2021
2nd Semester
Environmental Science
Time : 1 Hours ] [ Max. Marks : 60

Instructions :-
Attempt All Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Fill the 'Bubble' available in OMR Sheet to mark your Answer.
Only one option is correct out of all available option.
There is 1 mark for correct answer.
There is No Negative marking for incorrect answer.

1. FRI is the acronym used for

(A) Freight Research Institute
(B) Forest Research Institute
(C) Fungal Research Institute
(D) All of the above
2. French word from which the word environment was derived-
(A) Envoron
(B) Environima
(C) Environ
(D) Environment
3. World Environment day occurs on-
(A) 5th June
(B) 5th July
(C) 5th August
(D) 5th March
4. Lapse rate in troposphere is-
(A) Negative
(B) Positive
(C) None of the above
(D) Both of the above
5. Which one of the following is the characteristic of environment-
(A) Mutual existence
(B) Habitat of organism
(C) Natural resource abundance
(D) All of the above
6. Main source of energy of for the environment-
(A) Green plants
(B) Food
(C) Electricity
(D) Sun
7. Soil is a-
(A) Renewable resource
(B) Non renewable resource

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Question Paper

(C) None of the above

(D) Both of the above
8. Dominant element of earth crust-
(A) Silica
(B) Aluminium
(C) Iron
(D) Oxygen
9. Atmosphere is held around the earth due to-
(A) Gravity force
(B) Low molecular weight of gases
(C) High molecular weight of gases
(D) None of the above
10. Dominant element of Atmosphere is-
(A) Nitrogen
(B) Argon
(C) Iron
(D) Oxygen
11. Full form of WHO is-
(A) World Hygiene Organisation
(B) World Health Organisation
(C) World Health Oxide
(D) World Hygiene Oxide
12. Full form of NRSPM-
(A) Non-Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter
(B) Non-Rastriya Super Personal Matter
(C) Non-Respirable Suspended Personal Matter
(D) Non-Rastriya Science Paradox Matter
13. Which one of the following is a secondary pollutant-
(A) Pollen
(C) Sulphur di-oxide
(D) Nitrous oxide
14. Which one of the are the cause of air pollution-
(A) Combustion
(B) Nuclear explosion
(C) Industrial processes
(D) All of these
15. Deforestation is the cause of pollution of -
(A) Air
(B) Soil
(C) Water
(D) All of these
16. Global warming and Climate change are the problems generated due to-

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(A) Air pollution

(B) Water pollution
(C) All of these
(D) Haze
17. French word environer means-
(A) Atmosphere
(B) Earth and sun
(C) Eath and Energy
(D) Total encircle
18. The main driving source for ecological system is-
(A) Tidal enegy
(B) Solar enegy
(C) Wind energy
(D) None of the above
19. Which of the following is not consideres to be a natural resource-
(A) Scenery
(B) River
(C) Soil
(D) All of the above
20. Total number of countries involved in Hunger Index calculation in 2019-20 are
(A) 117
(B) 101
(C) 107
(D) 100
21. Which one is considered as Rarities resource-
(A) Agricultural land
(B) Minerals
(C) Oxygen
(D) All of these
22. Depletable resource among the following is -
(A) Solar energy
(B) Oxygen
(C) Underground minerals
(D) All of these
23. Which one of the following is a renewable resource-
(A) Fossil fuels
(B) Natural gas
(C) Oil
(D) Forests
24. Silent valley is located in-
(A) Delhi
(B) Kerala
(C) Tamilnadu
(D) Haryana

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25. “Wasting assets” is the other name of-

(A) Food resource
(B) Mineral resource
(C) Forest resource
(D) All of these
26. SYL is the acronym used for-
(A) Satluj-Yamuna Link Canal
(B) Both the above
(C) Sarawati-Yamuna Link Canal
(D) None of the above
27. Direct benefits of forest are-
(A) Provide Employment
(B) Maintain Humidity
(C) Provide fodder
(D) Both A and C
28. Indirect benefits of forest are-
(A) Reduce the intensity of floods
(B) Maintain Humidity
(C) Moderate Climate
(D) All of these
29. Total forest cover in India of the geographical area in 2020 is-
(A) 22%
(B) 21.54%
(C) 21.67%
(D) 25%
30. Principle number 10 of Bishnoi movement was-
(A) Hygiene and sanitation
(B) Biodiversity conservation
(C) God Worship
(D) Social behaviour or services
31. Sardar Sarovar dam is located on
(A) Ganga river
(B) Yamuna river
(C) Satluj river
(D) Narmada river
32. Chipko aandolan is not related to-
(A) Medha Patkar
(B) Sunder Lal Bahuguna
(C) Amrita Devi
(D) Gaura Devi
33. Which one of the following is not a control measure of air pollution-
(A) Modification of process and equipment’s
(B) Use of appropriate raw material
(C) Using mass transport system
(D) All of these

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34. Methaemoglobinemia is also known as-

(A) Itai-itai
(B) Fluorisis
(C) Blackfoot disease
(D) Blue baby syndrome
35. Which one of the following is not a water borne disease-
(A) Cholera
(B) Jaundice
(C) Dysentry
(D) Dengue
36. Full form of BOD-
(A) Biological oxygen demand
(B) None of these
(C) Biochemical oxygen demand
(D) All of these
37. Control measure of water pollution are-
(A) Planting trees
(B) All of these
(C) Adopting integrated pest management
(D) Treating industrial/domestic effluent
38. Edaphic factors are related to-
(A) Air
(B) Soil
(C) water
(D) Wind
39. Size of clay is-
(A) <0.002
(B) None of these
(C) >0.002
(D) equal to 0.002
40. Interaspecific relationship is a relationship-
(A) Between the member of same species
(B) None of these
(C) Between the member of different species
(D) All of these
41. Biotic factors are related to-
(A) Interspecific relationship
(B) None of these
(C) Interaspecific relationship
(D) All of these
42. Which among the following is not a xerophytes-
(A) Cactus
(B) Hydrilla
(C) Asphragus
(D) Opuntia

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43. The term “Succesion” was first time used by-

(A) Odum
(B) Tansley
(C) Clements
(D) Hult
44. In ecological succession, the last stabilised community is known as -
(A) Climax
(B) Pioneer
(C) Grasses
(D) Sere
45. Which one of the following is not a stage of ecological succession-
(A) Nudation
(B) Competition
(C) Invasion
(D) Hydrarch
46. First Law of thermodynamics is also known as-
(A) Law of dissipation of energy
(B) Both A and C
(C) Law of conservation of energy
(D) None of these
47. Predator food chain starts from-
(A) Dead organic matter
(B) Herbivores
(C) Carnivores
(D) Green plants
48. Saprophytic food chain starts from-
(A) Dead organic matter
(B) Herbivores
(C) Carnivores
(D) Green plants
49. Habitat in terms of ecology-
(A) Address of the species
(B) Natural preferable environment to live
(C) Profession of the species
(D) Both A and B
50. Ecological Niche of a tiger is-
(A) Forest
(B) Both of these
(C) Cave
(D) None of these
51. The refractive index of air is-
(A) 0
(B) Slightly less than 1
(C) 1
(D) just greater than one

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52. Who proposed the term ecology-

(A) E. Haeckel
(B) Reiter
(C) Rutherford
(D) Tansley
53. Who is the father of ecology among the following-
(A) E. Haeckel
(B) Reiter
(C) Alexander Von Humboldt
(D) Tansley
54. Word ecology was derived from which language-
(A) French
(B) English
(C) Greek
(D) German
55. Synecology is not related to-
(A) Population
(B) Community
(C) Unit organism
(D) Group of organism
56. Temperature of sun is measured by-
(A) Pyrometer
(B) Pshycometer
(C) Thermometer
(D) None of these
57. Humidity is measured by-
(A) Pyrometer
(B) Hydrometer
(C) Thermometer
(D) None of these
58. Which one of the following is a warm blooded animal group-
(A) Mammals
(B) Fish
(C) Reptiles
(D) Amphibian
59. Which of the following is the national river of India-
(A) Satluj
(B) Chenab
(C) Yamuna
(D) Ganga
60. The layer of environment significant for the flight of Jet planes-
(A) Thermosphere
(B) Mesosphere
(C) Stratosphere
(D) Troposphere

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