Various Childbirth Practices
Various Childbirth Practices
Various Childbirth Practices
It is the process of giving birth in a tub orpool of warm water. It is also considered
as the gentlest birth. Considered as an alternative way ofgiving birth
The theory behind this type of giving birthis that the baby has been in the amniotic
sacfor nine months and emerging in a waterenvironment is gentler and less
stressful forboth the mother and the baby. It is also believed that it reduces
stressduring labor and birth which also reducesfetal and maternal complications
In the late 1960s, Frederick Leboyer, French Obstetrician developed the practice of
immersing newly-born infants in warm water to help ease transition from the
womb to theoutside world, and to mitigate the of any birth trauma. Michel Odent,
another French obstetrician ,began using the warm-water birth pool for pain relief
for the mothers. During these trials, some women refused to get out of water to
finish birthing. It lead Odent to research about the benefits for the babies and the
possible problems in such births. By the late 1990s, interest in water birth grew in
UK, Europe and Canada.
6. Immersion in water often helps lower high blood pressure caused by anxiety.
8. Water causes the perineum to become more elastic and relaxed, which reduces
the incidence and severity of tearing and the need for an episiotomy and stitches.
10.The water provides a sense of privacy, which releases inhibitions, anxiety, and
1. Theoretical risk of water embolism, which is when the water enters the
mother’s blood stream.
2. Water Aspiration – inhaling water but babies doesn’t actually inhale “air”
until they’re exposed to it.
3. Infections – if the water is not clean
The best position for women to adopt during labour and birth varies depending on
which stage of labour she is in.
The first stage of labour is from the beginning of the contractions that cause the
cervix (the opening of the womb) to open (dilate), until the cervix is fully dilated.
The second stage is when the cervix is fully dilated and the woman can start
pushing the baby out.
The third stage is after the baby has been born, and the placenta is delivered.
c. Water immersion
Being immersed in water such as a bath or birth pool during the first
stage of labour significantly reduces perception of pain and use of
epidural analgesia. It does not have any negative effects on length of
labour, operative delivery rates, or wellbeing of the baby
Sitting, usually with the legs wide apart, leaning forward with elbows on
thighs. Alternatively, straddling a chair, resting forward on pillows on the
backrest, may be helpful, especially to relieve back pain. Again,
asymmetrical positions may be helpful, with one leg up on the lounge
and the other on the floor. Rocking chairs, or swaying with the bottom on
a large ball, may provide comfort;
Kneeling, possibly with a pillow between the bottom and the feet, and
leaning forwards onto a bed (hospital beds may have the head raised to
lean against), beanbag or chair seat;
Non-upright positions
Side-lying for rest, with pillows between the legs for comfort; and
-Assistance of gravity helping passage of the baby through the birth canal;
-Decreased compression of the blood vessels in the abdomen, improving the
strength and efficiency of contractions;
-Improved alignment of the baby with the passage through the birth canal,
thus allowing the woman to ‘bear down’ in the direction of the baby’s
movement; and
-Increased width of pelvic outlet
Upright positions
Non-upright positions
a. Lying on the side, also known as the lateral, or ‘Sims’ position, with an
attendant supporting the top leg. This is a good position when delivery is
rapid, as it is gravity-neutral;
b. Four-point kneeling, which may reduce the effect of gravity on delivery
as the head is crowning, reducing the risk of perineal tears, and be more
comfortable for women who are experiencing significant back pain
Women’s Choice of Positions during Labour: Return to the
Past or a Modern Way to Give Birth?
Background. Childbirth medicalization has reduced the parturient’s opportunity to
labour and deliver in a spontaneous position, constricting her to assume the
recumbent one. The aim of the study was to compare recumbent and alternative
positions in terms of labour process, type of delivery, neonatal wellbeing, and
intrapartum fetal head rotation.
Results. 225 women were recruited (69 in Group-A and 156 in Group-B). We
found significant differences between the groups in terms of labour length,
Numeric Rating Scale score and analgesia request rate, type of delivery, need of
episiotomy, and fetal occiput rotation. No differences were found in terms of
neonatal outcomes.
2. Rao sunder K. An introduction to obstetrics. 4thed. Chennai: K.V. Mathew for B.I.
Publications private limited; 2009.;