A Wideband Conformal Flexible Monopole Antenna: Asmae Hachi Hassan Lebbar

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Laboratoire d’Electronique, Energie, Automatique et Laboratoire d’Electronique, Energie, Automatique et
Traitement de l’Information Traitement de l’Information
Faculté des sciences et techniques Mohammedia Faculté des sciences et techniques Mohammedia
Mohammedia, Maroc Mohammedia, Maroc
[email protected] [email protected]

Institut d’Electronique et de Télécommunications de
IETR, UMR-6164 - Université de Rennes 1
Rennes Cedex, France
[email protected]

Abstract —This paper presents the development and design of the input impedance, VSWR and return loss with
conformal flexible monopoles antennas. It can be used on increasing radius of curvature.[9] and [10] added another
different curved surfaces while maintaining all its parameters, effect of reconfigurable plasma corner reflector antenna for
The advantage of this monopole disc antenna consist on his radiation pattern and gain.
capacity to remain matched for all radius of curvature. In
In this paper, we present configurable conformal flexible
addition, when the radius of curvature increase, the radiation
pattern change from dipolar behavior (null in the broadside) monopoles antennas using different radius of curvature.
to boresight axis. The proposed monopole antenna would be a All structures uses an flexible copper sheet with 18e-3 mm
good candidate for tracking radar application. as thickness printed on a composite substrate with
The simulated results are compared successfully with 254 µm as thickness, dielectric constant εr = 2.6 and
experimental results. mounted over a ground plane and excited by a 50 Ω coaxial
line. Antennas were simulated by CST [11].
Keywords—Conformal, flexible, Disc monopole antenna,
radiation pattern change.

Figure 1-a shows a printed disc monopole antenna, it is a
The demand of wireless communication systems is rapidly quarter wavelength at 1 GHz (R=36.5 mm) which can be
growing especially reconfigurable flexible and conformal bended on a cylindrical surface with R a curvature radius as
antennas [1-2] that become widely researched for different presented on Figure 1-b. In order to be flexible, the Rogers
fields of applications. Future wireless systems will provide
R5880 substrate with εr=2.2 and the thickness Ts =254 µm
various services such as broadband multimedia and high are choosing.
speed access. The related literatures to the conformal
flexible antenna have been reported by several authors,
[3] presented a curved strip dipole antenna , when they
increased the curving angle of curvature the return loss
became good and radiation pattern had some change, [4]
presented a curved microstrip antenna, the return loss for
they several curving angle is almost good at some
frequency and poor on the other, to resolve that , they
slightly tuning the key parameters of their curved
microstrip antenna. Inspired by several studies, such as [5]
that works on development and design of curved
rectangular patch arrays antenna, the proposed antenna
design will have a small size, light weight and simple (a) (b)
structure, [6] on their side presents a curved strip dipole
constructed of a metallic sheet that is bended to a half Figure 1. (a) photograph of the fabricated disk monopole antenna
annular. Because of their flexibility, antennas with (b) Structure of curved disc monopole antenna on cylindrical
composite materials are much requested by the new Rohacell foam
technology in various fields, [7] presents a flexible folded
slot dipole implantable antenna operating in the Industrial,
Scientific, and Medical for biomedical applications.
Furthermore of their flexibility, curved antennas change
their parameters with changing the radius of curvature, [8]
presents a conformal microstrip printed antenna that change

978-1-5090-6681-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE


A. Return Loss of flat disc monopole antenna

Results of the measurements are in good agreement with

results obtained by simulation as shows Figure 2. In
addition, it observed that the return loss of disc monopole
antenna is under -10 dB over a wide frequency band [12].

Figure 4. H-plane radiation pattern at 2 GHz for disk monopole

antenna versus φ : Simulated co-polarization Eθ for θ=90° ( )
Measured co-polarization ( ) Measured cross polarization
Eφ for θ = 90◦ ( )

Figure 2. Return Loss of Flat Disc Antenna: Simulation ( ), IV- CURVED DISC MONOPOLE ANTENNA
Measurement ( )
For many applications like base station, plane wings ... the
curved antenna must be developed taking into account the
B. E-plane of flat disc monopole antenna radius of curvature and keeping good performances in term
of matching and gain. As we can observe in next sections
Figure 3 shows a classical null radiation in the z direction the disc monopole can be proposed for this kind of
(theta=0°). However, the maximum radiation is obtained in applications.
the -60° and 60°. The measurements results confirm the The results given for only two radius (R= 45 and 60
simulation one. mm).

A. Return Loss of curved disc monopole antennas

One advantage of the disk antenna, is his capability to

remains matched even if it is curved (figure 5 and figure 6),
the measurement results are in good agreement with
simulated results for low frequencies up to1.4 GHz and for
high frequency we observe a shift between simulations and
measurement, it due to the experimental prototype.

Figure 3. E-plane radiation pattern at 2 GHz for flat disk

monopole antenna versus θ: Simulated co-polarization Eθ for
φ=90° ( ), Measured co-polarization ( ), Measured
cross polarization Eφ for φ=90° ( )
Figure 5. Return Loss of Curved Disc Monopole Antenna
(R=60mm): Simulation ( ), Measurement ( )
C. H-plane of flat disc monopole antenna

It be observed (figure 4) that the measurement H-plane is in

good agreement with simulated H-plane. Moreover, cross
polarization still under co-polarization (-13 dB). Simulated
cross polarization is under -30 dB. The difference is
probably coming from the realization process.
Figure 6. Return Loss of Curved Disc Monopole Antenna
(R=45mm): Simulation ( ), Measurement ( )

B. E-plane of curved disc (R=60mm) monopole antenna

It be noted that the null disappears in the broadside Figure 8. H-plane radiation pattern at 2 GHz for disk monopole
direction when the disk monopole antenna is curved. antenna (R=60mm): Simulated co-polarization Eφ versus θ for
The simulated cross polarization is lower than -50 dB. The φ=0° ( ) Simulated cross polarization Eθ versus θ for φ=0°
simulated results are in good agreement with the ( ) Measured co-polarization ( ) Measured cross
measurement (Figure 7). polarization ( )
D. E-plane of curved disc (R=45 mm) monopole antenna

It is noted that also for the curvature (R=45mm) the null

disappears in the broadside direction. The simulated cross
polarization is lower than -50 dB. The simulated results are
in good agreement with the measurements (Figure 9).

Figure 7. E-plane radiation pattern at 2 GHz for curved disk

monopole antenna (R=60mm) versus θ: Simulated co-polarization
Eθ for φ=90° ( ) Measured co-polarization ( ) Measured
cross polarization ( )

C. H-plane of curved (R=60mm) disc monopole antenna

Figure 9. E-plane radiation pattern at 2 GHz for curved disk
monopole antenna (R=45mm): Simulation co-polarization Eθ for
Figure 8 shows that a maximal radiation is obtained in the
φ=90° ( ) Measured co-polarization ( ) Measured cross
broadside direction (z direction, θ=0°), the main polarization ( )
component remains superior to that crossed and those
between -45° and 45°, beyond this interval the cross
component crossing remains in a value of -4dB. Measured E. H-plane of curved (R=45 mm) disc monopole antenna
results are in good agreement with the simulated ones.
Figure 10 shows the simulated and measured H-plane
radiation pattern of curved disk monopole antenna for
(R=45mm). Once more, the comparison between simulated
and experimented validates the result.
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[2] Changhyun Pang, Chanseok Lee, Kahp-Yang Suh , “Recent Advances
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applied Polymer Science, DOI: 10.1002/app.39461, 2013.

[3] N.FHAFHIEM AND P.KRACHODNOK “The study of a Curved

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[5] W. G. Heinard and William H. Pepper, Bethesda, Md. “Curved

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Figure 10. H-plane radiation pattern at 2 GHz for curved disk [6] N. Fhafhiem, P. Krachodnok, and R. Wongsan “High Directive Gain
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versus θ for φ=0° ( ) Simulated cross polarization ( )
Measured co-polarization ( ) Measured cross polarization
( ) [7] M. Scarpello, D. Kurup, H. Rogier, D. Ginste, F. Axisa, J.
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Table 1 presents the comparison between simulation and [8] A.Elrashidi, K. Elleithy, H. Bajwa, “ Input Impedance, VSWR and
measurement of realized gain for disk monopoles antennas Return Loss of a Conformal Microstrip Printed Antenna for TM01
Mode Using Two Different Substrates” International Journal of
for different curvature. Good agreement is obtained and Networks and Communications 2012,2(2):13-19.
shows that the gain remains around 5 dBi for all cases;
even the radiation pattern is not similar. [9] O. Barro, M. Himdi, O. Lafond. “Reconfigurable antennas radiations
using plasma Faraday cage”. International Conference on
Table 1 Simulated and Measured Gain for flat and curved antennas Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA) pp.545-549,
R (mm) ∞ (Flat) 60 45 2015
Simulated Gain (dBi) 5.3 4.9 5.2
[10] M. Jusoh, O. Lafond, F. Colombel, and M. Himdi “Performance and
Measured Gain (dBi) 4.8 4.4 5 Radiation Patterns of a Reconfigurable Plasma Corner-Reflector
LETTERS, VOL. 12, 2013
As expected, the curvature allows the monopole antenna to
radiate in the broadside. It can be easily imagine that this [11] CST, “Computer Simulation Technology”, http://www.cst.com/
kind of flexible antenna associated with mechanical
actuator and becomes reconfigurable. [12] ”Conformal Array Antenna Theory and Design” By Lars Josefsson
Finally this solution is more interesting compared to patch and Patrik Persson 2006 Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Inc.
antenna one in term of bandwidth.


This paper proposed the effect of curvature on the return

loss and on the radiation pattern for printed flexible disk
monopole antenna. The flexibility is due to the choose of
very thin dielectric substrate (Ts =254 µm).
Curvature affects the radiation in the beam axis but not he
matching who remain good for all the large bandwidth. A
simulated result shows a good agreement with experimental
measurements for the various conformal curved disc
monopole antennas.
The next step of this work, concern the possibility to allow
this structure to be reconfigurable in association with an
adequate actuators and it could be a candidate for tracking
[1] Yvon G. Rabobason, Greg P. Rigas, Srijittra Swaisaenyakorn, Bobur
Mirkhaydarov, Blaise Ravelo, Maxim Shkunov, Paul R. Young, and
Nabil Benjelloun, “Design of Flexible Passive Antenna Array on

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