Peer Assessment

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Peer Assessment

Observer ______________________
Student ________________________
Content/Cues YES NO

BACKHAND STROKE- Knees are bent, Eyes on the ball, Steps

with SAME FOOT when contacting the ball

FOREHAND STROKE- Knees are bent, Eyes on the ball steps

with OPPOSITE FOOT when contacting the ball

HOLDING PADDLE- Paddle is below the waist, Hold ball in

non-serving hand,same grip for backhand,forehand,and underhand

SERVING TECHNIQUE- Under hand serve, eyes on the ball and

behind the line

SPORTSMANSHIP- Respectful to judge, teammates and

opponents. Encourages classmates to participate and have fun.
Peer Observation Rubric

Categories: Yes No

Backhand Stroke If the student has their knees If a student is missing the
bent, eyes on the ball, steps following: their knees bent,
with the same foot when eyes on the ball, steps with
contacting the ball, the the same foot when
observer can put yes. contacting the ball, the
observer can put no and tell
the student which part of the
observation they are missing.

Forehand Stroke If the student has their knees If a student is missing the
are bent, eyes on the ball following:their knees are
steps with opposite foot when bent, eyes on the ball steps
contacting the ball, the opposite, then the observer
observer can put yes. can put no.

Holding Paddle If the student has their paddle If the student is missing their
below the waist, hold ball in paddle below the waist, hold
non-serving hand,same grip the ball in a non-serving
for backhand,forehand,and hand,same grip for
underhand, the observer can backhand,forehand,and
put yes. underhand, the observer can
put no.

Serving Technique If the student has their If the student is missing their
serving Underhand serve, under hand serve, eyes on the
eyes on the ball and behind ball and behind the line, the
the line, the observer can say observer can say no.

Sportsmanship If the student has their respect If the student is missing

to judge, teammates and respect to judge, teammates
opponents. encourages and opponents. Encourages
classmates to participate and classmates to participate and
have fun, then the observer have fun, the observer can put
can put yes. no.

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