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Loxodromic Antenna Arrays Based On Archimedean Spiral: January 2016

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Loxodromic antenna arrays based on Archimedean spiral

Article · January 2016


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3 authors, including:

Slavko Rupcic Vanja Mandric

University of Osijek University of Osijek


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Loxodromic Antenna Arrays Based on
Archimedean Spiral Original Scientific Paper

Slavko Rupčić
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Communications
KnezaTrpimira 2b, Osijek, Croatia
[email protected]

Vanja Mandrić Radivojević

Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Communications
KnezaTrpimira 2b, Osijek, Croatia
[email protected]

Krešimir Grgić
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Communications
KnezaTrpimira 2b, Osijek, Croatia
[email protected]

Abstract – A loxodromic antenna array is a spiral array on the spherical surface. Distribution of elementary antennas on the
spherical surface was made by following loxodromic curves. This type of antenna array offers a wide range of opportunities in the
variation of their radiation patterns through antenna distribution and phase control. The paper studies different loxodromic antenna
arrays based on the influence of an Archimedean spiral configuration pattern on the radiation pattern of a spherical antenna array.
Analysis was made using a developed moment method program with a spectral-domain approach.

Keywords – Archimedean spiral, conformal antennas, loxodromic configuration, method of moment, radiation pattern, spherical array


As several papers before [1-5], this paper deals with Elementary antennas are mounted on a grounded
circular microstrip elementary antennas mounted on conducting spherical shaped plane. Because of the
a spherical surface constituting one of many possible spherical radiating structure, radiation problems will be
types of conformal antenna arrays. All conformal an- solved using the spherical coordinate system. A spheri-
tennas have a few good common characteristics: the cal array of spiral distribution of microstrip antennas is
ability to mold to curved shaped surfaces, the ability to analyzed using the method of moment in a spectral-
produce the desired radiation pattern, and finally, the domain. The spectral-domain technique transforms a
capability of providing electronic scan coverage over three-dimensional problem into a spectrum of one-di-
the whole sphere. Such antennas could satisfy require- mensional problem, which is easier to solve [6], [7]. This
ments for many applications. spectrum is obtained by applying the vector-Legendre
transformation to the real current density at the circu-
Earlier research [1-5] showed that a spiral type of
lar microstrip antennas. An electrical field radiated by
antenna array gives very good results in the radiation
the current shell on the spherical surface in homoge-
pattern context. This means it is possible to achieve a
neous media is:
narrow main lobe and low-level side lobes. Far field cal-
culation is made in Section 2 of this paper. A radiation ∞ ∞ ~ ~
pattern was calculated by using the method of mo-
E( r , θ , φ ) = ∑ ∑ L(n, m,θ ) G (n, m, r | r )C(r,n,m)e
∞ n = |m|
jm φ
ment and the spectral-domain approach.
m and n are the variables in the spectral do-
Section 3 deals with spiral distributions of antenna
main, G (n, m, r | rs ) is a spectral-domain dyadic Green’s
elements on the spherical surface.
function for a grounded spherical surface, L(n, m,θ ) is
Section 4 analyzes and compares different types of the kernel of the vector-Legendre transformation and
Archimedean spiral distributions of elementary anten- C(r,n,m) is a spectral domain current placed at each an-
nas mounted on spherical surfaces. tenna element.

Volume 7, Number 1, 2016 7

G1DMULT is an algorithm used for calculating the
spectral-domain Green’s function of a multilayer spher-
ical structure [7].
The radiation pattern of the array is obtained as a su-
perposition of fields excited by each antenna:
E(θ , φ ) = ∑ Eα n β nm (θ , φ )
n ,m



Antennas could be placed by several rules (nonuni-

form) on a spherical surface [1], [5]. One of them is spiral,
and that type of configuration has the ability to satisfy
requirements on communications demands like achiev-
ing optimum signal reception in any spherical space di-
rection without altering the radiated pattern. This is an- Fig. 2. Loxodromic Archimedean spiral antenna
tenna configuration which appears for a large N, where array.
N is the number of elements in a radiating system [1].

Generally, a spiral curve is given by the equation:

ρ = aφn, (3)
where a is a real number and it is assumed that a > 0.
Figure 1. shows a general shape of a spiral curve pro-
jected on the sphere -a so-called loxodromic curve. A
special case when n = 1 is an Archimedean spiral [8].
The Archimedean spiral is the locus of points corre-
sponding to the locations over time of a point moving
away from a fixed point with a constant speed along
a line which rotates with constant angular velocity. In
polar coordinates, a one-arm Archimedean spiral can
be described by the equation:
Fig. 1. Loxodromic curves which spiral towards the
north pole. ρ = aφ. (4)
A two-arm Archimedean spiral can be described by:
Some investigations on spiral type of spherical anten- ρ1 = aφ, (5)
nas are made in [1], [4], [5], etc., so we decided to make
ρ2 = a(φ−180°), (6)
a step further in evaluating and improving radiating
pattern characteristics. This paper analyzes and com- while a three-arm Archimedean spiral can be de-
pares three different types of spiral configurations, i.e., scribed by the following:
the Archimedean spiral based on one, two and three
arms. Their optimization will be left for future research. ρ1 = aφ, (7)
ρ2 = a(φ−120°), (8)
A spiral curve projected on a 3D sphere is called a
loxodromic curve (Figure 2). This kind of mathemati- ρ3 = a(φ−240°). (9)
cal term is very important in this context because of
its great contribution to antenna theory design (by the Based on the previous mathematical presentations,
ability to mold to curved shaped surfaces, it is possible the Archimedean spiral is displayed in Figures 3, 4 and
to produce the desired radiation pattern, provide elec- 5, respectively.
tronic scan coverage over the whole sphere, and above
Circular microstrip antennas are placed on the
all, requirements can be satisfied for many applications
grounded sphere following the above rules. If those
in radio communications).
equations are taken into consideration, antenna ar-
It is well known that constellations with antennas rays could be constituted with 19 microstrip antennas
grouped around angles of maximum radiation have a (a one-arm Archimedean spiral path), 38 microstrip
narrow main lobe and low-level side lobes. Because of antennas (a two-arm Archimedean spiral path) and
the need to achieve the desirable radiation pattern, we 57microstrip antennas (a three-arm Archimedean spi-
decided to analyze those three types of spiral configu- ral path). For the second and third case, antenna origins
ration. are separated into 180° and 120°, respectively.

8 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems

(a one-arm Archimedean spiral path), 38 microstrip
antennas (a two-arm Archimedean spiral path) and
57microstrip antennas (a three-arm Archimedean spi-
ral path). For the second and third case, antenna origins
are separated into 180° and 120°, respectively.


The goal of this paper is to investigate the influence of

different spiral configurations of antennas on the radia-
tion pattern of spherical antenna arrays. Figures 7, 9, 11,
12, 13 and 14 present normalized values of electric field
amplitudes for one, two and three arms of Archimedean
spiral distributions of elementary antennas mounted on
spherical surfaces. Normalized radiation patterns were
calculated at the frequency f = 1.70 GHz for the E and the
Fig. 3. A one-arm Archimedean spiral (ρ= aφ). H plane, respectively. The radius of the spherical surface
is r=5λ, and the distance between antenna elements
was limited to d ≥λ/2 (that distance is very important in
coupling rules). d =λ/2 is the minimal distance between
the central antenna (“north pole antenna”) and the first
(nearest) antenna of the spiral array. This distance be-
tween neighboring antennas for each considered ge-
ometry is enough to ensure low mutual coupling.
The radiation cone angle is 40 degrees. Patch anten-
nas are excited by a coaxial feed (probe) and linearly
polarized (parallel to the prime meridian plane).
A radiation pattern could be changed and improved
by alternating a few parameters: a spiral constant a for
every distribution type and, of course, antenna density.


Fig. 4. A two-arm Archimedean spiral (ρ1 =aφ and DISTRIBUTION
ρ2 = a(φ−180°)). It can be seen from distribution diagrams (Figures 6, 8
and 10) that spiral distribution in all analyzed types of ar-
rays has “shifts”. The reason for these shifts is the minimal
distance between antenna elements, i.e., d ≥λ/2.The fol-
lowing figures also show radiation patterns for different
situations - in (4), constant a is a variable. Radiation patterns
are given separately in both orthogonal planes, E and H.

Fig. 5. A three-arm Archimedean spiral (ρ1 = aρ, ρ2

= a(φ−120°) andρ3 = a(φ−240°)).

Circular microstrip antennas are placed on the

grounded sphere following the above rules. If those
equations are taken into consideration, antenna ar- Fig. 6. One-arm Archimedean spiral distribution of
rays could be constituted with 19 microstrip antennas a spherical antenna array.

Volume 7, Number 1, 2016 9

a) b)
Fig. 7. Normalized calculated radiation pattern of one-arm Archimedean spiral distribution in a) E and b) H
planes with different constant values.

When we look at these two diagrams (Figures 7a) and 4.2. TWO-ARM ARCHIMEDEAN SPIRAL
7b)), it is obvious that in the E-plane, the beam width DISTRIBUTION
of the electrical field (the main lobe) at -3 dB does not
change at all. The constant value of BW-3dB is 7.88 degree. As done and shown in the previous example, Figures
A similar conclusion applies to the H-plane, where BW-3dB 8 and 9 lead to a very similar conclusion. Different val-
is about 6.80 deg. The situation with the side lobe level ues of the constant significantly affect radiation pat-
(SLL) is different. We can conclude that the SLL changes. terns in both planes, as does the number of antennas
This means that the SLL increases with an increase in the on the sphere.
coefficient value from -8.53 dB to -6.34 dB for the E-plane,
and from -6.43 dB to -5.05 dB in the H-plane.

Table 1.
One arm Two arms Three arms
BW-3dB, deg SLL, dB BW-3dB, deg SLL, dB BW-3dB, deg SLL, dB
a = 0.15 7.88 -8.53 7.52 -11.15 7.52 -13.77
E-plane a = 0.20 7.88 -7.71 7.52 -10.73 7.52 -12.82
a = 0.25 7.88 -6.34 7.52 -7.87 7.52 -9.06

a = 0.15 6.80 -6.43 6.80 -12.85 6.80 -12.09

H-plane a = 0.20 6.44 -6.76 6.08 -9.93 6.08 -11.03
a = 0.25 6.80 -5.05 6.08 -9.21 6.44 -8.61

Fig. 8. Two-arm Archimedean spiral distribution of a

spherical antenna array. a)

10 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems


Three-arm Archimedean spiral distribution of anten-

nas is the distribution with a large number of antennas
in one array (Figure 10).

Fig. 9. Normalized calculated radiation pattern of two-
arm Archimedean spiral distribution in a) E and b) H
planes with different constant values.

Figures 9a) and 9b) show the situation that is the same
as the situation in Figure 7. The main lobe width at -3 dB
is 7.52 deg for each value of coefficient a in the E-plane.
In the H-plane, BW-3dB are 6.80 deg and 6.08 deg. The SLL
changes with an increase in the coefficient a from -11.15
dB to -7.87 dB for the E-plane, and from -12.85 dB to -9.21 Fig. 10. Three-arm Archimedean spiral distribution
dB in the H-plane. All results are displayed in Table 1. of a spherical antenna array.

a) b)
Fig. 11. Normalized calculated radiation pattern of three-arm Archimedean spiral distribution in a) E and b) H
planes with different constant values.
It can be seen that variation of the constant a has a does not have a significant influence on the main lobe
significant influence on the radiation pattern in terms of width at E = -3 dB. Figures 12, 13 and 14 confirm all these
side lobe levels. A decrease in the parameter improves statements.
as a consequence radiation pattern characteristics. Side
lobe levels could be decreased for about 4 dB for all cas- An increase in the number of antennas has improved
es (the E-plane and the H-plane, respectively - Table 1). the radiation pattern consequently (Figures 12, 13 and
14). If a = 0.15, the SLL decreases from -8.54 dB (a one-
4.4. COMPARISON OF THREEARCHIMEDEAN arm Archimedean spiral) to -13.78 dB (a three-arm Archi-
SPIRAL DISTRIBUTIONS medean spiral) in the E-plane. The SLL decreases from
A) The E and the H plane (phi=00 and phi=900, -4.97 dB (a one-arm Archimedean spiral) to -12.11 dB (a
respectively) three-arm Archimedean spiral) in the H-plane.
As stated before, an increase in the number of anten- The same conclusion can be drawn for the third case
nas, or arms in this context, could also improve pattern when a = 0.25. The SLL decreases from -6.32 dB (a one-
characteristics. Changing constant a from 0.15 to 0.25 arm Archimedean spiral) to -9.04 dB (a three-arm Archi-

Volume 7, Number 1, 2016 11

medean spiral) in the E-plane, and from -5.03 dB (a one-arm Archimedean spiral) to -8.59 dB (a three-arm Archime-
dean spiral) in the H-plane. The beam width at E = -3 dB does not change much in any situation (Table 1).

a) b)
Fig. 12. Normalized radiation pattern for a different number of antennas if a = 0.15
a) the E plane and b) the H plane.

a) b)
Fig. 13. Normalized radiation pattern for a different number of antennas if a = 0.20
a) the E plane and b) the H plane.

If a = 0.20, the SLL decreases from -6.33 dB (a one-arm Archimedean spiral) to -12.83 dB (a three-arm Archimedean
spiral) in the E-plane, and from -5.05 dB (a one-arm Archimedean spiral) to -11.06 dB (a three-arm Archimedean
spiral) in the H-plane.

a) b)
Fig. 14.Normalized radiation pattern for a different number of antennas if a = 0.25
a) the E plane and b) the H plane.

12 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems

B) The MINSLL and MAXSLL planes
Since the considered arrays do not possess a regular grid, we have to check how the radiation pattern looks like
for other planes.

Fig. 15.Normalized radiation pattern for a different number of antennas if a = 0.15

a) the MINSLL plane and b) the MAXSLL plane.

For these reasons we check side-lobe levels for all pattern, but varying antenna density and changing the
three antenna distributions in two more planes, i.e., value of a (Equation (4)) were chosen.
the plane with the highest SLL and the plane with All investigations lead to the same conclusions. It
the lowest SLL. The planes considered (angle phi) are is obvious that a larger number of antenna elements
different for different distributions (Table 2). in the appropriate array results in better radiation
pattern characteristics. The main lobe of the diagram is
Table 2. narrower, and side lobe levels are decreased for a few
As said before, a general mathematical notation
PHI, deg SLL, dB PHI, deg SLL, dB
for this kind of array is ρ= aφ. It was found out that
One arm 80.00 -6.25 162.00 -9.31
parameter a has a considerable influence on the
Two arms 146.00 -8.76 56.00 -13.57 radiation pattern. By decreasing values from a = 0.25
Three arms 125.00 -10.50 14.00 -14.70 to a = 0.15, side lobe levels are much better and could
differentiate in 4 dB from the worst case (see Table 1).
Results are presented in Figure 15 only for The situation with pattern characteristics could be
distributions with a=0.15. improved by applying array parameter optimization –
An increase in the number of antennas has as adopted in a few previous papers (e.g., [3] and [5]).
also improved the radiation pattern consequently This paper will not deal with optimization; these three
(Figure 15). The SLL decreases from -6.25 dB (a one- types of configuration are compared only in regard
arm Archimedean spiral) to -10.50 dB (a three-arm to radiation pattern characteristics. Radiation pattern
Archimedean spiral) in the MINSLL-plane. The SLL optimization and verification by comparison with
decreases from -9.31 dB (a one-arm Archimedean measured results will be left for future work.
spiral) to -14.70 dB (a three-arm Archimedean spiral) in
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Volume 7, Number 1, 2016 13

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14 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems

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