Non Security Form of Investment
Non Security Form of Investment
Non Security Form of Investment
Non-securities by definition are not liquid assets. That is, they cannot be easily
bought or sold on demand as no exchange exists for trading them.
Understanding Non-Securities
Individual markets exist for non-securities, ranging from auctions to private
listings. However, these are generally specialized sources. Non-securities cannot
be purchased on a public exchange such as the NYSE or the NASDAQ.
Non-securities, also called real assets, are investments that are not available for
purchase or sale on public exchanges.
While they do not trade on public market exchanges, they may be components of
packaged investment offerings that are traded on public exchanges, such as
exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
Valuation of Non-Securities
The valuation process for non-securities also differs. Market experts in each type
of non-security typically appraise them to estimate their valuations. In some cases,
non-securities may require authentication and registration to support their use and
potential sale.
These assets, however, do not require the backing of an underwriter or bank and
involve much less documentation and paperwork.
Life insurance and annuities require regular premium payments that help to build
out a portfolio that offers a payout in the future. Life insurance plans can be used to
provide for dependents following the death of a family member. Annuity plans
may also offer provisions for life insurance. However, they are often used as
vehicles for retirement savings with consistent annuity payouts scheduled to follow
a targeted payout date.
2. Transferability
Some types of securities may not be transferable to other individuals and may be
required to be held by the registered owner until maturity. For example, U.S.
Saving Bonds are required to be held until maturity.
3. High return
Lack of marketability and illiquidity are attributes that make investors require a
higher rate of return on non-marketable securities.
The Need for Non-Marketable Securities
Non-securities are primarily issued to ensure stability in ownership of the
securities. Other reasons for issuing such a type of securities include the need for a
long-term investment horizon.
Non-marketable securities are often issued at a lower price than face value, with
the securities being redeemable at face value on maturity. The variance between
the face value and issue price of the security represents a higher yield or return for
the investor.
Use of Non-Securities
An investor is interested in a long-term investment and is looking to invest to save
for his 4-year-old son’s college education. He has two options – invest in U.S.
Based on his preferences, needs, and time horizon, Gold are better suited for the
investor. They are a long-term investment and can be transferred to their son. Also,
the Gold carries minimum risk.
Gold ETFs are similar to buying an equivalent sum of physical gold but without
the hassles of having to store the physical gold. Hence, there is no risk of
theft/burglary as the gold is stored in Demat (paper) form. Gold funds involve
investing in gold mining companies.
No need for Demat The investor needs a Demat No need for a Demat account to
account account invest
Market fluctuations Changes in the gold prices Changes in the gold prices don’t
directly affect the prices affect that of gold ETFs affect gold funds directly
of gold
Risks of theft and Gold ETFs remove the burden Eliminates the risk of
burglary associated with of trading gold in the physical theft/burglary and buffers
storing physical gold form investments to changing market
Best suited for Best suited for investors who Best suited for investors who
conventional investors have the required time and expect high returns by taking
skillset to trade calculated risks
What are Gold Funds
By investing in gold funds, you invest in stocks of companies operating in gold and
gold-related activities. Gold mutual funds include silver, platinum, and other
metals in their investment basket.
Definition Gold is a precious high-value metal Pools investors’ money in equities, debts
that is liquid in nature and other market instruments to multiply
the money
Management Investments are made and managed Experts manage the investment
by the investor professionally to create wealth and reduce
Risk Physical carrying and storage of gold Investment in mutual funds can be made
Involved involves high risks of theft and with safe and secure methods
Returns Gold does not pay any dividends Mutual funds yield substantial returns to the
Investment Taking an average cost of Rs.31,000 Mutual fund investment is affordable and
Cost per 10 grams, one needs to carefully flexible. One can start investments from
think before making an initial Rs.1,000
investment in gold; considering the
high price to begin investing
Diamonds as an Investment
Inflation Proof
This is actually true to most physical commodities. Real estate, gold, silver and
diamonds usually appreciate in compliance to inflation. Unlike the others,
diamonds are more durable and movable.
This is also why even if you do not want to buy diamonds for investment buy just
considering an alternative form for putting some money aside diamonds make a
good choice.
It is physical. You can hold it, look at it and even wear it. It makes you feel safer
unlike stocks and other financial items which are rows on a computer screen.
Besides the psychology and physical aspects there are also financial advantages to
buying diamonds for investment purposes which we'll show below.
Set a budget
Keep in mind that this should be a part of your portfolio. True, unlike stocks, the
initial amount that is required is a bit higher but this is no reason to go over the
budget or over the ration of your portfolio that you had in mind.
don’t put all the eggs in one basket. Even though it was Warren Buffett who said
"Diversification is protection against ignorance, it makes little sense for those who
know what they’re doing", we can't all be Buffett.
On top of that, don't buy two / three diamonds of the same type. If you had your
heart set up on a pink diamond then it might be smart that the second diamond will
be blue, green or even yellow. You don't know which will rise more or
alternatively which will be easier to sell later on. Also, this is great since it will
enable you to liquidate a portion of your portfolio in case you need to allocate
some of your investment funds.
Compare Prices
Forgive me for repeating the obvious comparison to stocks but a diamond is not a
stock. A diamond's price is not set by thousands of buyers and sellers bidding
online in a transparent platform. However, with the huge amount of online retailers
you can easily compare asking prices for similar diamonds (this is harder to do
when it comes to colored diamonds where each diamond is different).
I personally don't see too much point in buying something that everyone has. I've
seen mentions about buying a round 1 carat D VS diamonds for investment but
when time comes to liquidate your investment, you are selling something that can
easily be bought elsewhere - you are competing with many other sellers (and
However, if you have a special natural colored diamond, for example a blue
diamond or a pink diamond, you are on a league of your own. However, keep
thinking of "desired". For example, it will be easier to sell a cushion cut or a round
diamond (even if pink) than a marquise. It will be easier to sell a VS blue diamond
than one with I2 clarity (even though it is reflected in pricing). Use common sense
and trust your instincts about what to stay away from.
Buy only certified diamonds.
Do not trust what the seller is saying (or writing in case it is online). Keep in mind
that every minor change in a diamond's attributes means a lot of money. We highly
recommend buying diamonds specifically with GIA certificates. This is probably
the most known gemological laboratory and also a very strict one.
Besides for the buying part of the investment, consider that when it is time to sell
your diamonds your buyer will probably also want to see a GIA grading report.
When it comes to colorless diamonds the IGI is also considered quite strict but
when it comes to colored diamonds the GIA are to this day the only ones to trust.
Mounted or Loose
Most chances are that when the time comes and you wish to liquidate your
investment (sell your diamond) the person who buys it has its own agenda for it.
Maybe like you he buys it for investment but most probably it will be for a setting
that he dreamt of. This is why you would probably get zero value for your setting
and only the diamond itself will be calculated for assessing the value.
But does it mean that you shouldn't mount it? Not necessarily. Not everyone can
imagine how a diamond looks when mounted. A good and smart setting can very
much be a great tool that will help you sell the diamond. Good settings can
emphasis the color and hide inclusions. In fact, most of the extremely rare
diamonds that you hear about selling in auctions by Christie's and Sotheby's are
mounted. And let's not forget that when mounted you can enjoy it while you have
It is a delicate equation. You need to find the right diamond that has enough
demand and on the other side of the equation there are only few sellers -
investment grade diamonds. Colored diamonds by definition fall exactly into that
category. The supply is limited being that only 1 out of 10,000 diamonds is a
natural colored diamond and the demand is constantly rising.
They are unique and sought after. It seems that the equation keeps tilting the right
way and as a diamond investor - time is on your side.
This also takes us directly into the second advantage which is (to our opinion) that
there are more reasons for colored diamonds prices to increase than in regular
colorless diamonds.
1. Price Transparency –
While other merchandises such as gold and silver have a price index that can
be followed and checked in the stock exchange - diamonds do not! There is
the Rapaport price list which most diamond dealers rely on but this is not
enough on its own. The list is used as a benchmark and even if you can get a
copy, it won't be useful for several reasons. It takes into account only the
basic factors of carat weight, clarity and color.
At the end, the price is determined by the market - supply and demand.
Merchants buy certain diamonds above the price list and also below it. A
10% difference means a lot. Also, this list refers only to white colorless
diamonds and there is no current list (or benchmark) to colored diamonds.
The way to overcome this downside is doing a lot of research. Buy from a
reputable merchant of is known to be fair and make sure to compare prices
2. Lack of Tradability –
The last option which is reserved to the high-end pieces is trying to sell your
diamond through the auction houses. Diamond auctions arranged by
Christie's and Sotheby's are luring lots of diamond investors and collectors.
The problem with those is that they mostly accept the unique gems and that
their fee is considered expensive by some.
3. Patience is a Virtue
Diamonds are not stocks. There is little to no chance that the value of the
diamond you bought will spike 30% the next year (not that it happens too
often in stocks as well). Consider the diamonds you bought in the part of
portfolio that is intended for long term investment. Remember, good things
come to those who wait!
All investments have their own set of pros and cons. investing in physical gold
needs safety and security to preserve the same from theft. Investing in gold
comes with a bunch of disadvantages; the other viable investment option that
one can consider is mutual funds. They are also more tax-efficient as compared
to traditional investments, and have the potential to provide much higher returns
when the markets are favorable.
Any investment involves a portion of speculation. All you can do is try to make
a smart one based on all of the information you can obtain.
If we try to conclude all that was written above, not surprisingly, diamonds as
an investment have their pros and of course their cons. I strongly believe that
their upside and potential easily overcomes their cons. Just be aware of the
downsides and use it wisely to minimize the risks involved.