Unit 6 More Practice: Vocabulary

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Unit 6 More Practice


1 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. There are more words than you need.
flooding ■ average ■ moisture ■ trampled ■ soil ■ crops ■ eco-friendly ■ fossil fuel
1 The trees have been ................................................... on and destroyed by elephants.
2 A drought has badly affected ................................................... , so aid is urgently needed to provide food to
local people.
3 Why build houses in an area next to a river, where there is a high risk of ................................................... ?
4 In Istria, Croatia, the ................................................... in different areas is black, red and yellow and the olives
which grow in each area have different flavours.
5 There is always a lot of ................................................... in the air, which is why homes often smell of damp.
6 The ................................................... person in the USA uses as much energy as 370 people in Ethiopia.
2 Replace the underlined words and phrases with a word with a similar meaning.
1 This (incredibly big) ................................................... desert is home to a surprisingly large number of creatures.
2 If the ice caps (turn to water) ................................................... , there will be flooding all over the world.
3 We didn’t think the vet could (bring) ................................................... our dog (back to life) after he fell into the
icy river, but he’s fine now.
4 When the Arctic tundra (stops being frozen) ................................................... , carbon dioxide will be released
into the atmosphere.
5 A wild (large animal) ................................................... has been seen in Devon. Has it escaped from a zoo?
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1 The sudden ................................................... of so many insects is very worrying. DISAPPEAR
2 At the ................................................... of the trek, there’s a marvellous view of the canyon. BEGIN
3 If a large asteroid hits the Earth, even humans will face ................................................... . EXTINCT
4 With the ................................................... we all have about the environment, why don’t more people change
their lifestyles? KNOW
5 The ................................................... from diesel cars are more dangerous than anyone realised. EMIT
6 ................................................... to sunlight can be healthy as long as we protect our skin with suncream. EXPOSE

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Unit 6 More Practice

4 Complete the idioms in bold with the correct word. Then add a suitable word to the continuation.
1 My parents drive about 100 km a week, give or ................................................... a few .................................................................................. .
2 The message came across loud and ................................................... – there was no .................................................................................. .
3 The protestors can be seen outside the power station rain or ................................................... . They never
.................................................................................. a day.

4 It’s important to think about the pros and ................................................... of this. It’s not entirely
a .................................................................................. idea.
5 I’m sick and ................................................... of this. I need a .................................................................................. .
5 Complete the extract from a blog entry with a suitable word below.
never ■ hazardous ■ endangered ■ flooding ■ dump ■ landfill ■ later ■ waste

The news is full of environmental horror stories. Drought in some countries, 1 ...................................................
in others. We consume too much and 2 ................................................... ridiculous amounts of resources and
energy. This year’s presents are next year’s 3 ................................................... , buried unwanted in the Earth.
Sooner or 4 ................................................... , our planet will be uninhabitable … or will it?
There are many inspiring stories from around the world. Here is one of them:
San Francisco Bay
Fifty years ago, San Francisco Bay was a huge mess with ports, factories, sewage plants, oil
refineries and other industries lining the coast, all of them pumping 5 ................................................... materials
into the sea. The area was in danger of becoming a place to 6 ................................................... everything. Even
worse, wildlife in the area – birds, fish and other creatures – had become 7 ................................................... due
to a plan to fill parts of the bay in order to create more land for housing and industry. Luckily,
three women decided it was now or 8 ................................................... if they wanted to save the bay, and that’s
what they called their organisation: Save the Bay. And they did. Since then, the water has been
cleaned up, wildlife has returned and the area is a favourite place for windsurfers and sailors.

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Unit 6 More Practice


1 Choose the correct words and phrases.

1 “I was with my friends all day.”
He claimed that he has been / had been with my / his friends all day.
2 “What is a carbon footprint?”
She asked what was a carbon footprint / a carbon footprint was.
3 “You should visit the eco-banana plantation.”
The tour guide recommended to visit / visiting the eco-banana plantation.
4 “How many electric cars were there on the roads last year?”
Dad asked how many electric cars had there been / there had been on the roads the
previous / following year.
5 “Is the glacier melting more quickly?”
The tourist asked was the glacier melting / if the glacier was melting more quickly.
6 “I won’t use my phone again today.”
Paul promised not to / to not use his phone again this / that day.
2 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Use 2-5 words, including the word given.
1 “What do you do to help the environment?” our teacher asked us. DID
Our teacher asked ................................................................................................................ to help the environment.
2 “It wasn’t me who put the paper in the wrong recycling bag,” said Jack. PUTTING
Jack ................................................................................................................ in the wrong recycling bag.
3 “You should put gloves on before picking up litter,” advised the campaign manager. TO
The campaign manager advised ................................................................................................................ before picking up litter.
4 “Don’t leave your computer on all night,” my mum said to me. NOT
My mum told ................................................................................................................ computer on all night.
5 “Is there anywhere we can cross the border between Georgia and Russia?” asked the hikers. WAS
The hikers asked if ................................................................................................................ cross the border between Georgia and Russia.

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Unit 6 More Practice

3 Rewrite the sentences correctly. There may be more more than one possible answer.
1 Mum told us to not be home late.

2 Alex wondered should he buy a diesel car.


3 The instructor said us that he had worked there.


4 Two students refused helping with the campaign.


5 Journalists asked what was the government going to do about the oil spill.

4 Rewrite the interview notes to complete the reported interview.

1 What does Give Running do? – It’s a simple idea. People give
their old trainers to the charity. They give them to poor people
who need shoes.
2 Is the idea just about sport? – No, it isn’t. Some people just
need shoes to get to school or collect water.
3 Where do the people live? – All over the world. We help
children in Africa but also here in the USA. Some people go to
school in shoes with holes in them or which are the wrong size.
We helped one family which had one pair of shoes for two
children. They had to take it in turns to go to school.

I talked to a member of the Give Running campaign. I first asked her what
...................................................................................................... . She told me it ...................................................................................................... and that
1 2

people 3 ...................................................................................................... to the charity and that the charity then gave them to
people who needed them. I then asked 4 ...................................................................................................... , but she said it
...................................................................................................... and that some people just ...................................................................................................... to
5 6

get to school or to collect water. Next I asked where the people 7 ......................................................................................................
and she told me all over the world. She said that they helped children in Africa and also in the
USA. She told me that some people 8 ...................................................................................................... to school in shoes with
holes in them or which were the wrong size and then told me about a family which the
organisation 9 ...................................................................................................... . She told me that they had only had one pair of
shoes for two children who 10 ...................................................................................................... to take it in turns to go to school.

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