Using Story Retelling Wheels With Young Learners
Using Story Retelling Wheels With Young Learners
Using Story Retelling Wheels With Young Learners
United States
What was the book about?” “Can you tell me what happened in the
story?” These are questions that I often asked my seven-year-old
English learners who were on the cusp of reading and writing in
their new language. Occasionally, a student would respond with a
detailed account of the events in the story, but more often than not,
my questions were met with a shoulder shrug or a blank stare. My
students were astute listeners to storybooks—and a few were even
capable of reading the books themselves—but nearly all of them
struggled to talk about the stories we read.
As a novice English teacher, I was initially who taught young learners in Thailand. The
perplexed by my students’ challenge to story wheel helped their shy students who
retell stories. In many cases, the story that rarely uttered an English word in class to
my students failed to retell was one I had string together short phrases. Even more
read aloud to them just minutes before. Did exciting was that the students enjoyed the
they forget the events in the story? Did they process of retelling. A lesson we learned was
not understand the words they had heard or that we do not need to wait until learners
read? Or did they not have the oral English acquire enough English to produce flawless
vocabulary to describe the story? Perhaps they retellings. Instead, imperfect retellings with
were too nervous to speak? I came to realize the support of scaffolding instruments can
that the answers to these questions depended push learners to develop English and have fun
on the learner—and on the story we read. I at the same time.
also discovered that with a little scaffolding,
my previously silent students transformed In the next section, I briefly outline the
into masterful and confident story (re)tellers. research on the importance of oral story
retelling and the benefits of scaffolding for
In this article, I present a scaffolding device English learners. I then explain procedures
that I found helpful for my young learners: a for preparing and using the story retelling
story retelling wheel, or simply a story wheel. This wheel, offering adaptations for different
tool can be adapted to meet young learners at contexts. I emphasize how the story wheel
different English language and literacy levels. can be used to expand learners’ retelling
It requires only paper and pencil, making it capacities, as well as to hone critical-thinking
an ideal resource for classrooms with limited skills and to provide oral language practice.
materials. Not only did I use the story wheel I conclude with a summary of practical
with success in my U.S. elementary-school recommendations for implementing this tool,
English as a second language (ESL) classroom, based on my experiences as a teacher and
but I also shared it with Thai English teachers teacher educator.
and Hamby (2012) note three forms of ever broken something?” or “Raise your hands
scaffolding for retelling: (1) verbal prompting if you eat something like porridge at home.”).
(e.g., “What happens next?”), (2) visual aids The final section, on implementation tips,
(e.g., sequencing cards), and (3) manipulatives offers more advice about read-aloud stories.
(e.g., props related to the story). The
scaffolding tool I describe in this article—a The following steps explain the basic
story retelling wheel—most closely fits the procedures for preparing and implementing
form of a visual aid. This tool is versatile and story wheels for young learners. In subsequent
can be used both to provide support and to sections, I provide more explanation about
extend the challenge of retelling. ways to implement these steps and adaptations
for different contexts.
Prepare the story wheel
A story retelling wheel is a circle divided 1 . Create a story wheel template for your
evenly into segments, each of which features students. Cut a piece of paper into a
an image to represent an event in a story. large circle. Divide the large circle
The wheel is a visual scaffold for students into three to eight equal segments,
as they retell a story that they heard or one depending on how many events you want
that they read themselves. As students retell to include.You can create the sections
a story, they manipulate the wheel, physically by using a basic compass or simply by
rotating it as they talk about each part. folding the circle to form creases. The
Figure 1 illustrates possible templates for template should resemble a pie graph,
a story wheel. as in Figure 1.
A story wheel is an after-reading instructional 2 . Write the title and author of the story
strategy, which means the wheel supports on one side of the story wheel. Students
tasks that students complete after listening can draw and color their own “cover” on
to or reading a story. To ensure students this side later. Another option is to draw
understand the story, you might read the story a small circle in the center of the wheel
aloud multiple times. Alternatively, students and write the title in that circle.
can listen to an audio recording. If possible,
engage students in the story by pausing to ask 3 . Identify three to eight important events
questions throughout the reading (e.g., “What in the story. In my experience, about six
do you predict will come next?” or “Have you events is generally a good number, but
learners who are new to this technique to the number 1 to make sure students
or who are beginning speakers may knew where to start retelling.
benefit from a simple story with fewer
events. More than eight events are too 5 . If a photocopier is available, make
overwhelming for young learners and a copy of the story wheel for each
require too much time to retell; fewer student. If a photocopier is not available,
than three events do not capture the arc then students can take turns using the
of a story, which at a minimum consists story wheel in small groups. Other
of a beginning, middle, and end. Indicate adaptations, described below, are for
the beginning segment with a symbol students to create their own story wheels
(e.g., an asterisk or the number 1), or or for teachers to apply the sequencing
write sequencing words such as first, concept of the story wheel to separate
then, and finally in each section.You images hung around the classroom.
might also draw an arrow on the edge
to indicate the direction of the events. Implement the story wheel
Figure 1 displays examples of story 6 . After students listen to the story read
wheel templates with various events. aloud at least once, model how to use
the story wheel. Demonstrate what you
4 . Draw an image representing the would like students to do: retell the
event in each segment, sequenced in story themselves by pointing to each
chronological order. Consider including segment as they describe the events in
key vocabulary, labels for images, or the story. Make sure students understand
names of characters in the segments. See how each image corresponds to a part
Figure 2 for an example of a story wheel in the story.You might revisit the pages
I used for the story Goldilocks and the in the book and explicitly show students
Three Bears. I indicated an asterisk next how each part matches with the image.
You can also use a think-aloud technique
in which you verbalize your thoughts
before speaking. I provide more details
about modeling the process in the next
create and use the story wheel, and I offer 2 . Students draw events. Identify the
some additional recommendations. important events and talk about each one
with students. Make sure that students
CREATING THE STORY WHEEL understand which events are important.
Then, students create an image for each
For beginning-level learners who are new event. For students new to story wheels,
to retelling stories, create the story wheel I recommend that you first model this
by drawing an image or multiple images in process with the whole class. Consider
each segment. No artistic skill is necessary; drawing some of the events yourself as
drawings can be basic images or even symbols examples to get students started. Then,
that remind students of the events in the move through the events one by one to
story.Young learners often enjoy coloring prevent overwhelming students with all
in the drawings later, which allows them to the events at once. Older students with
personalize their own wheels. If a photocopier computer skills can create digital images
or computer is available, you might consider using online resources. Transforming a
copying or printing images from the story or text to a visual representation will help
locating open-source images or photographs students come to a deeper understanding
online. But hand-drawn images are as valid as of the text and allow them to think
printed ones. creatively.
These adaptations can be combined as well. of the beginning when they decided to
Students can draw the events, and then later leave their house and take a walk.
cut them out and practice sequencing them
in chronological order. In all cases, it is Young learners may benefit from chorally
important that the teacher review students’ repeating phrases or vocabulary from the
work before they use the wheel to ensure it story that you model. By repeating the
accurately represents the story. If students phrases together as a whole group, students
are involved in creating the story wheel, they build confidence to say the new phrases
will have more ownership in the process independently.
because the finished product will be their own
creation. Further, students who are familiar As you introduce the retelling wheel,
with creating story wheels can transfer the gradually release responsibility to your
concept to their own writing. When planning students. After demonstrating how to retell
their narrative stories, they can use a story the first two or three events on the wheel, call
wheel as a prewriting graphic organizer. on different students to try retelling the next
segments. As students retell the events, offer
USING THE STORY WHEEL immediate support and feedback.You might
point to images in the story wheel and prompt
The real power of the story wheel comes in its students with questions such as, “Why is this
use. As with any good instructional scaffold, chair broken? What happened?” You can also
the wheel enables students to expand their use the story wheel to elicit specific language
language and move towards independence. from students, as in the following example:
The images on the wheel remind students of
important events that take place in the story, “You said Goldilocks took the soup.
and the sequential segments provide a tangible I understand what you mean, but
structure that helps focus young learners remember how the author used the word
on the task of retelling. Students can create sipped because Goldilocks ate just a little
multiple retelling wheels for different stories, bit? Can you tell me how Goldilocks
and they can use them repeatedly over time sipped the soup?”
to remember their favorite stories. Retelling
wheels are most effective, however, if Once students understand how to use the
teachers provide students with clear, explicit story wheel, they can practice retelling with
instructions about how to use the tool. each other. To encourage collaboration,
teachers can form groups of three or four
When first introducing a story retelling wheel students. Each group retells the story
to students, model how to use the tool.You together, with students taking turns telling
can do this through a think-aloud technique the different parts or representing different
in which you verbally describe your mental characters. More beginning-level students can
decisions. For instance, you might point to the benefit from their peers who jump in with
first segment of the story wheel and say: needed vocabulary or guide new learners
through the process. Small groups work well
I am going to start on this part because for large class sizes because all students can
there is a number 1. I see a picture of the speak simultaneously. The teacher moves from
three bears all together. This reminds me group to group in order to monitor, give
students have extra time at their station, they the text aloud to be sure that you are
can talk about their response to the event by confident with the language in the book.
answering questions like, “How did you feel Engage students in the story as you read:
when you read this part?” and “How is this ask questions throughout the book (e.g.,
part the same as something in your life?” “What do you think will happen next?”);
draw students’ attention to illustrations
An advantage to this adaptation is that (e.g., “Look at this illustration. What do
teachers can include any number of story you think is happening?”); clarify new
events without having to cut or fold paper. vocabulary (e.g., “This is a new word for
If the classroom space is large enough, this us. It means … .”); and connect the story
adaptation also allows multiple story retellings to topics that are familiar to students
simultaneously, which can help students review (e.g., “Can you tell me about a time
stories they have read recently. To do this, when you felt like this?”). When I was
create events for three different stories. Hang reading new books, I wrote questions
each group of events in different parts of the on sticky notes that I placed on the
classroom. Assign student groups to different edges of the pages. As I read aloud in the
stories and instruct them to retell the events in classroom, these sticky notes reminded
the story to each other. Make sure students use me to pause and engage my students. It
quiet voices and that they have enough space can be helpful for students to listen to
to move around. An additional benefit to the the story multiple times.
story-walk adaptation is that this technique
gets students out of their seats and moving. 2 . Select the right texts to retell. The retelling
wheel is designed to graphically show
PRACTICAL RECOMMENDATIONS events in a sequence. Fiction genres and
narrative nonfiction genres work best
The following practical recommendations for retelling wheels. Texts should have
for using the story retelling wheel reflect a clear chronology with one or
successes and problems that I encountered, more main characters. Summarizing
either as a teacher for young learners or as a informational texts requires different
teacher educator for new teachers. language forms because these texts
are organized differently. For instance,
1 . Read the story interactively with students. students might describe the main idea
The first step in the retelling procedure of a text rather than explain events that
is for young learners to listen to a story occurred at the beginning, later, and at
read aloud, either by the teacher or on the end.
an audio recording. Student interaction
during the read-aloud will facilitate An additional consideration when
students’ comprehension of the story, selecting texts is the sophistication of
which is necessary for a successful the storyline. Most young learners are
retelling. Before beginning a read- emergent or beginning readers, which
aloud of a new book, preview the text means they cannot decode texts beyond
to students to identify parts that may those with controlled vocabulary, short
be unclear. If you are reading the story phrases, and simple storylines. These
aloud, you might also practice reading texts usually do not have a robust story
structure with a problem and solution. 4 . Use the wheel to retell. I have witnessed
However, because young learners can primary teachers who limit the use of
usually comprehend more English retelling wheels to a coloring exercise.
than they can read, they are able to While coloring can be a creative and
understand more-complex picture books enjoyable task for young learners, it
that they hear read aloud, particularly does not tap into the potential power
when they ask and answer questions the retelling wheel holds in supporting
throughout the reading. students’ oral language. Similarly,
I have seen teachers who ask their
A final consideration is to ensure that students to sequence events in the
students have enough background wheel and then submit the wheel to
knowledge to understand the story. the teacher. Students in these classes
Consider pre-teaching the main concepts never had the opportunity to use the
or vocabulary in the story if students do wheel for retelling. Provide time or
not encounter them in their everyday space for students to retell using the
life. Make connections between the story wheel. Students may benefit from an
plot and students’ experiences. Avoid explanation of the purpose of the story
stories that are not culturally appropriate wheel. Tell them why you want them to
for your students. The sample story use the story wheel and how it will help
I showed from my U.S. classroom, for them improve. For the retelling wheel
example, may not be a good fit for your to have maximum benefits, students
classroom. need to use the wheel to guide the
retelling process.
3 . Model the process of using the story wheel.
In scaffolding frameworks, teachers 5 . Teach transition language. One of the
gradually release responsibility to benefits of the story retelling wheel is
students. That is to say, classroom that students have an opportunity to
activities move from teacher-directed practice academic language associated
to student-centered. When introducing with narrative and fiction. While each
the story wheel for the first time, story will have specific vocabulary and
show students exactly the language language structures, general terms will
and behavior you expect. If you ask cross stories and enable students to
students to create their own wheels by string together sequences. Examples
listing the important events, then you are in the beginning, first, next, so then, and
should demonstrate to students how to finally. Teach these terms explicitly and
select events that are important. If you remind students to use them in their
ask students to retell for the first time, retelling.
then give an example of retelling using
the wheel. As much as possible, after 6 . Remove the story wheel … eventually.
modeling, observe students closely as Removing the story wheel may seem
they use the wheel. This will allow you counterintuitive, particularly after I
to clarify major inaccuracies. However, just highlighted all the benefits of using
as with all English language activities, do a story wheel. However, at its crux,
not expect perfection in language use. the story wheel is a scaffolding tool.