Living in The Presence of God

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LIVING IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD…Psalms 1:1-3 B. We must LEAVE the way of sinners.

Summary: The Bible says that if we realize that GOD IS WITH US it will radically change This means you will probably loose friends, and sometimes even your own family may
our lives. We will have the peace that the world does not have. reject you, but Jesus promised to give you a hundred fold in this life and in the life to
This morning we are going to briefly look at three things that will keep us living in the come. I remember when I got saved I stopped living the way my friends lived. That
presence of God. does not mean I broke off all contact with sinners. In order to do that I would have to
Introduction: Today men everywhere are searching for happiness, fulfillment, and go to heaven!! No I would not participate in their way of life. As believers, we cannot
love. They are searching in all the wrong places. Peace can only be found in the Lord participate in any kind of sin no matter how small we think it is, or else we will break
Jesus Christ. our fellowship with God!

HOW CAN WE LIVE IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD? The person who is saved has God’s Because of this I lost about all of my friends, but some I won to the Lord!
presence with him. Did not Jesus say, " I am with you ALWAYS"?
We must not fall into the trap of putting our stamp of approval on sinners so as not to
Psalm 1 is the introduction to the book of Psalms. It is a very important psalm. The offend them or loose them as friends. We must tell them the truth—they are sinners
Psalms were the Hebrew hymnal. in need of a Saviour. That is the only thing that will save them. No matter what, we
must always be honest with sinners, no matter what the consequences are, like the
The Bible says "Blessed is the man." The person who has God in his life is truly story of two brothers I read recently:
This world literally means "happy, completely satisfied, or blissful." If you are saved These brothers were rich. They were also wicked. Both lived a wild, unprofitable
you have God living inside you. We must understand this. existence, using their wealth to cover up the dark side of their lives. On the surface,
Psalm 16:11 “Thou wilt show me the path of life: in Thy presence is fulness of joy; at however, few would have guessed I, for these cover-up artists attended the same
Thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore.” church almost every Sunday and contributed large sums of money to various church-
related projects.
CHANGE? Then the church called a new pastor, a young man who preached the truth with zeal
GEN. 28:15 says, "I am with thee, and will keep thee in all the places wither thou and courage. Before long, attendance had grown so much that the church needed a
goest." larger worship center. Being a man of keen insight and strong integrity, this young
God is with us!! His very name is Emmanuel, “God with us” (Mat. 1:23)! pastor had also seen through the hypocritical lifestyles of the two brothers.

The Bible says that if we realize that GOD IS WITH US it will radically change our lives. Suddenly one of the brothers died, and the young pastor was asked to preach his
We will have the peace that the world does not have. funeral. The day before the funeral, the surviving brother pulled the minister aside and
This morning we are going to briefly look at Three(3) Things that will keep us living in handed him an envelope. “There’s a check in here that is large enough to pay the
the presence of God. entire amount you need for the new sanctuary,” he whispered. “All I ask is one favor:
Tell the people at the funeral that he was a saint.” The minister gave the brother his
I. First, we must DEPART FROM SIN…verse 1 word; he would do precisely what was asked. That afternoon he deposited the check
II Timothy 2:19; I John 3:4-5 into the church account.

A. We must NOT LISTEN to the counsel of the ungodly. The next day the young pastor stood before the casket at the funeral service and said
This means cutting off the means of communication of the world to your heart. i.e. with firm conviction, “This man was an ungodly sinner, wicked to the core. He was
movies, ungodly TV, wrong music, etc. unfaithful to his wife, hot-tempered with his children, ruthless in his business, and a
The Bible says in Eph. 4:22 "That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old hypocrite at church…but compared to his brother, he was a saint.”
man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts."
Psalm 101:3 “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that C. We NOT LINGER at the seat of the scornful.
turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.” This means we must hate the awful condition of those that do not know Christ. We no
longer sit where they sit. We have been raised with Christ. Now we must seek to live death!
that resurrected life, and point them to Christ! Thomas Hawke put up his hands as a signal that a martyr’s death was endurable.

Illustration: We must depart from sin! You know sometimes we think we can get real III. Finally, we must DO GOD’S WILL…verse 3.
close to the water and not get wet. Notice: If we are living in God’s presence, we will depart from sin, delight in God, and
All I’m trying to say is, if you don’t want to get wet, don’t get close to the water. And if you know what? We will be doing what God wants us to do.
you don’t want to fall into Satan’s trap, DON’T GET CLOSE TO SIN!! You know what else? It’s what we’ll want to do too!
Psalm 37:4 “Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of
Transition: Now we have seen the NEGATIVE SIDE of the presence of God, we MUST thine heart.”
A. We are PLANTED in God’s will.
Now let’s see the POSITIVE SIDE. This is God’s work. You did not save yourself. We are saved by grace, not works! And
II. Next, we must DELIGHT IN GOD…verse 2 since God planted us is His will, we can never be removed from the presence of God.
A. God is our PASSION. We have "eternal life."…John 10:27-29
What we delight in is our passion. There are those who more than anything love
sports, or love music, or something else. It doesn’t matter what it is. B. We are PRODUCTIVE in God’s will,.." that bringeth forth his fruit in his season".
Our first love should be the Lord. Our life should revolve around Him…Paul said in Notice: When you enter God’s presence, you do not leave empty handed…II Cor.5:17
Phillipians 3:10 When God comes into your life you cannot be the same person. You are new in Christ.
We cannot do it. We must let God produce the fruit in our lives through prayer and
We ought to put down the TV guide and pick up our Bible! Bible study.

ILLUSTRATION: Whatever your passion is will come through your life. Through outfit, Illustration: We think of men like Hudson Taylor, and see 50 million Christians today in
songs you sing, etc… China. But you see it was not him who was productive, it was God. You see, Taylor
Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” said, “The sun has not risen all the years I have been in China, without me being on
my knees in prayer.”
B. God is our POINT OF FOCUS. Oh that we could say that and be productive in the presence of God!
The world knows this principle. That is why the Television, the radio, and the
newspaper are so interesting. The world wants you to concentrate on it. C. We are PROSPEROUS in God’s will.
But the Bible says right here that we should "meditate on the law of the Lord day and " His leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."
Every time we turn around the world wants our attention. Just go down the road and THERE IS NOTHING THAT GOD CANNOT DO THROUGH YOU!!
you will see a billboard! We must put the word of God constantly before us. We must I DID NOT SAY THAT YOU CAN DO, I SAID THAT GOD CAN DO!
concentrate on it.
Eph. 3:20-21 says, "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all
C. God is our PROVIDER. that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in
The Bible says we will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water. If we are living in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen."
God’s presence, He becomes our nourishment, the source of our power. Jesus said, I
am the bread of life." He is the vine, we are the branches. He will see us through NO God is in us. All we have to do is depart from sin, delight in Him, and do His will. We
MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCES! Why? are in His presence. We just need to realize it and recognize it.
Phil. 2:13 “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good

ILLUSTRATION: We can do anything if God’s presence is with us, even a martyr’s

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