Project Report Sample

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This is to certify that the following students:
Name of students Roll No. Seat No.

Of _____ Year ____ Course in _____ TECHNOLOGY

have successfully completed their project work

(Project Name)
In the partial fulfillment of requirement as
prescribed by the B.T.E. Maharashtra State,
in the year 2005-2006.

Prof. Mrs / Mr.Name Prof. Mrs /Mr. Name

Department of (Name)
Technology, (Branch)



Our first experience of project has been successfully, thanks

to the support staff of many friends & colleagues with gratitude.
We wish to acknowledge all of them. However, we wish to make
special mention of the following.

First of all we are thankful of our project guide Mrs.

(NAME) under whose guideline we were able to complete our
project. We are wholeheartedly thankful to her for giving us her
value able time & attention & for providing us a systematic way
for completing our project in time.

We must make special mention of (project in charge name),

our project in charge for their co-operation & assistance in solving
a technical problem. We would thank to our H.O.D. Mrs. (NAME)
& all lab maintenance staff for proving us assistance in various h/w
& s/w problem encountered during course of our project.

We are also very thankful to respective principal (NAME) sir

who gave us an opportunity to present this project.



 Introduction to Project
 Introduction to Language
 SDLC (System Development Life
3. Cycle)
 DFD (Data Flow Diagram)
 File Detail
 Design Specification &
 Input Consideration
 Output Consideration
 Processing Consideration
 Testing & Installation
 Time Feasibility
5.  Software Availability
 Cost Effective
 Sufficient Information
 Application Of Project
 Future Development Of Project


Chapter 1




As India is known as country of villages and main

source of income of people of villages is totally depend on
farming. Major part of progress of India is depend on farming.
Hence, we can say that farmers plays very important role in
development of India.

Nowadays, mobile technologies are widespread in

India. In villages, mobile technology is well known and easily
available for people’s use. Thus, for the ease of development of
India we are try to using both mobile technology and farming for
our project.

So, in writtenmarket project we are providing crop

details and wheather report through SMS(Short Message Service)

scheme for farmers. Farmers can get all necessary details on their
mobile phones.

Features of Visual Basic:

⇒ Visual Basic is a flexible, high level, structured

programming language.

⇒Visual Basic includes certain low level features that are

normally available only in assembly or machine language.

⇒Visual Basic is widely available, commercial interpreter

are available for most personal computer, mini computers and
main frames.

⇒Visual Basic is largely machined independent. Programs

written in visual basic are easily ported from one computer to

⇒Your programs interface may include the familiar controls

that window users already know how to operate-such as command
buttons, option list, text boxes and scroll bars.

⇒With just a few mouse actions, you can add any
combination of these controls to a program.

⇒As a result design tasks that used to require many hours

of detailed programming efforts can how be completed in minutes.

⇒In Visual Basic you can quickly design the visual elements of
any new programming project.

The Programming Process:

These standards steps are to be followed while creating Visual

Basic Programs:

1. Deciding what your application is do by crating an

overall design.

2. Creating the Visual Basic portion of the application (the

serene and menus that the users will interact with)

3. Adding the Visual Basic programming language code to

tie the Visual Basic elements together and to
automate the program.

4. Testing the application to locate and remove any bugs.

5. Compiling the tested application and distribute the
compiled application to the end users.

Visual basic includes a special helpers system called a debugger

that the programmer can use to help locate bugs that appear during
testing. The debugger is an interactive monitoring system that you
turn on and off inside Visual Basic that helps you locate statements
that may contain bugs.

♦Programming Maintenance

Apart from the bugs, the programmer has to maintain the program
he /she has created. Program Maintainance is a term used for the
updating of a program after the program after the program is put
into use. This updating may be a result of the users request or a
change in the way the program needs to operate.


A project is a collection of files that make up your application. A

single Application might consist of several files and the projects is
the collection of those files.

♦Multiple Documents Interface (MDI)

It allows the application to contain multiple documents windows.
In effect, this interface lets your work with several sets of data in
multiple window within the program. Each document window is
called a child window.

♦ Single Document Interface (SDI)

It limits the application take on a window Explorer- like interface

with topic summaries in the left window an details for a selected
topic in the right pane.

Chapter 2


Why is System Analysis Necessary?

During system analysis some activities are carried out, such

as problem definition, design, implementation.
Before designing the actual system/project, you should know,

1. What is the problem?

2. How to solve it?

3. What are the technical factors required?

4. What are its features and limitations?

If a system is designed without considering above activities

then the system will not work properly to the satisfaction of user

So system analysis is necessary to design perfect and
accurate system, which satisfies the user requirement.

Role of system analyst:

System analysis is central to the whole of system

development. It includes gathering the necessary data and
developing plans for new system. This is not an easy task because
many people need to be satisfied and many conflicts resolved.

The system analyst is the person who guides the analysis,

design and implementation and maintenance of a given system. In
performing these four tasks, the analyst must always match the
information system objectives with the goals of organization.

1. System analyst must determine the requirements of user of a

new system so that during analysis they can discuss with users how
to design a new system that meets the requirements.

2. System analyst has to provide different solutions to the problem,

to satisfy user requirements.

3. The system analyst must be a able to find out the details about
the system itself. To do this, the analyst will have to look at such
things as forms (input, output formats), data used by the

4. System analyst must also be able to work in environments that

have considerable ambiguity and uncertainty.

5. System analyst must also be creative and imaginative in

producing new solutions to meet user requirements

The multifaceted role of the analyst:
The analyst plays his role in many characters. These various
roles played by him are:

1. Change agent

2. Monitor

3. Architect

4. Psychologist

5. Sales person

6. Motivator

7. Politician.

Change agent:

The analyst is called as change agent because

sometimes he changes the entire policy of industry or
organization to improve overall working as well as profit of
the organization. The change is brought implementing new
software based computer system. In order to make this
change successful the analyst should give user as much
participation as possible while designing the system.

Investigator and monitor:

The analyst finds out why user is not satisfied with the
not present system he is using. What are the drawbacks of
pitfall in the present system, that user wants to remove by
replacing it with new system.

The analyst also monitors the activities going on while
designing a new system. The activities to be monitored
include successful completion of programs with respect to
time, cost and quality.


System analysts are like architects. He must work with

user to identify the goals and shapes of new system. Architect
first prepares a plan and according to that plan he develops a
building. A system analyst also creates several plans and
develops or builds system according to that plan.


Analyst plans the role of psychologist in the way he/she

reaches people interprets their behavior and draws conclusion
from their interactions.

Sales person:

The analyst works as a sales person by giving oral

presentation of the system at each stage of development. The
analyst should be very good in communication and in putting
his ideas before the user. Also he should be able to clarify the
issues raised by the user at the time of presentation.


The analyst work as a motivator after the system is

implemented. It is the responsibility of the analyst to

motivate the users to use the new system. it is directly
dependent how much user participation is given in the project
design and how much efforts are taken to train the user, that
the user can be motivated to use the new system.


A politician should be a good diplomat, should have

proper good control on his party members and should have
good influence on the people. It is true for becoming a
successful system analyst. While designing a new system, the
analyst should not only think about the technical side but also
keeping good relations, good control and good influences on
the people with and around him.

Chapter 3


3.1 SDLC (System Development Life Cycle)

A structured sequence of phases for implementing an

information system is system design life cycle of that system.
The various steps involved in the system design life cycle are
as follows: -

 Reorganization of need (preliminary survey/initial

investigation): -

The steps involves about outlining the problem and

understanding what are the present methods of solving the

problems, which are designing the system. It includes preliminary
survey/initial investigation as well.

 Feasibility study: -

(Evaluation of existing system and procedures analysis

of alternative candidate systems cost estimation)
The feasibility study is a formal proposal for a new
system. Before the project is to begin, the project is studied to
determine what exactly the user wants depending upon the
result of initial investigation. The survey is expanded to more
detailed study.

Feasibility study can be understood by giving the

answer/solution of these their requirements: -

1. What are the user’s demonstrable needs and how does a

candidate system meet them?

Answer: -
Our new system covers all the basic of the user for e.g.: as
mentioned earlier that our database is Ms access, which does not
have any limitation to store data. And one of the major
advantages of new system is that it avoids redundancy means
there is no repetition of the data.

2. What resources are available for given candidate system? Is

the problem worth solving?

Answer: -
In the existing system the opera or has to learn all the
operation of the commands. Whichever is coming in light while
operating a particular form then one help called tool tip will
come if the mouse point comes on corresponding fields of
particular form.

3. What is the likely impact of the candidate system on the

organization? &How will do if fit within the organizations
master M.I.S. plan: -
Answer: -
The new system is well fitted in the office working
condition, because it covers all basic needs of the user working
in the office. It is less tedious and less time consuming.

 System analysis: -

Analysis is a detailed study of various operations

performed by the system and the relationship with in and outside
of the system that is it includes finding out in more detailed what
the system problem are and what are the different new changes the
user wants.

 System design: -

The system design is most creative and challenging

phase of the system design life cycle. Analysis phase is used to
design the logical model of the system and system design the
physical model of the system:

In these phase system designer designs: -

 Output: -

Output design means that what should be the

format presentation of the result. First of all for designing of
various forms to be present which is the front end of our software.

 Input: -

In input design stage, which is the part of the

system design stage the system analyst has to decide what inputs
are required for the system and prepare input format to give input
to the system according to the requirement. Considering the input
to the front end from the user we use the user-friendly visual basic
software so that the user can easily enter the data. In case operator
gate confuse then the by moving the cursor pointer on the
corresponding field data user can get one tool tip box as example.


System Verify
analysis System model
Detailed system objectives

Broad System
design Design Validation

Verify Validation

User procedure
Proposed equipment configuration Post implementa-
Program and database specification tion

Verify Broad
Develop- design
system implementation

Impleme design

Working system


The project dictionary contains an entry for each DFD

developed during analysis. Thus there is a context diagram. A top
level DFD and detailed diagrams for all top level functions and
their components. Each DFD has a unique number and can be
reference by that number.

DFD is a graphics representation of system that shows data

flow to, frame and with in the system, processing functions that
change data in some manner and the storage this data.

DFD are nothing but more than network of a related system

functions (processing of data) that indicate from where information

(data) is received (inputs) and to where it is send (outputs). It is
also called as bubble charges.

DFD’s are more detailed than content diagram. DFD’s are

used to despite specifics data flows (movement of inform) from
both the physical view point (How it is dine) and the logical view
point (what is done).

DFD use a number of symbols to represent system. Most

data flow modeling methods use four kinds of symbols these
symbols are used to represent four kinds of system components.

2-data stores
3-data flows
4-external entities


 Software & Hardware Specification: -
Specification must reflect the actual application to be
handled by the system and include system objective, flowchart,
input-output requirement, file structure and cost.

1) Reliability: -
Software reliability brings up the concept of
modularity. A package with a high degree of modularity has the
capacity to operate in many machine configurations and perhaps
across manufacture product lines.
This software with high potential can work or can be
operated in P1 based configuration computers.

2) Functionality: -
It is a definition of the facilities, performance and other
factors that the user requires in the finished product.
This software provides the facility of having the
complete infrastructure of the house, etc. The performance of the
software includes the flexibility of the software.

3) Flexibility: -
One feature of the flexibility is adaptability, which is of
the ease of extending the product. In the field of flexibility, the
software covers all factors to be considered. For example: knowing
the astrological sign, KUA number, and etc. of a particular person.

4) Usability: -
The points to be considered while thinking of usability
are portability and understandability.
While designing this software, we always try to make it
more portable, should not consume more space as well. As we are
using HTML s a front-end, which is very user friendly, so it scores
full marks in understanding.
5) Security: -

Security control and access of software or data file
should be maintained in this software.

6) Capacity: -
The software, when under development should be
developed in such a way that the number of files, data elements,
etc. and size of each of them should be considered. It should not
affect the users system, so that he/she can make up gradations or
degradations in the system hardware or software.

7) Performance: -
The language, in which the package is developed,
should be well known or say should be aware to the programmers.
The operating system may also affect its performance. These both
factors are important for consideration. This software should be
economical for buying and should be user friendly.
In our project, we have considered all above factors and
developed such a project hat can run in all environments but may
be supported by Apache server.


 Min. 16 MB RAM.
 Min 1 MB of Display Card.
 Min. 100 MB free space on the Hard Disk.
 At least Color Monitors.




After the broad stages or modules for a system have been
define did this necessary to move to preparation of detailed
programming specification. The programs or modules are defined
according to the functions they perform, not by the size of the
program. The breakdown of programs into smaller modules makes
it easier to debug a system and modify it. Program Specification
must be developed fro each module, which involve program name,
purpose for the program, owner of the project and general
information about the program.

The program development process include three important

stages namely program design, program coding and program
testing. All three stages contribute to the production of high quality
program. In this chapter the techniques used for any designing any
program coding testing has been discussed.

Program design is the foundation for a good program and is

therefore an important part of the program development cycle.
Before coding a program should be well conceived and all aspects
of the program design should be consider in details.

Program Design is a basically concern with the development

of a strategy to be used in writing a program development cycle.
Before coding a program, the program should be well conceived
and all aspects of the program design should be considered in a

 Program Analysis
 Outlining program structure
 Algorithm development
 Selection of control structure


Before we are thinking of solution procedure to problem we
must fully understand the nature of the problem and what we want
to the program to do. Without the complementation the definition of
the problem at hand program design might turn into a hit is miss
approach. We must carefully decide following at this stage:
1) What kind of data will go in?
2) What kinds of outputs are needed?
3) What are the constraints and condition under which program
has to operate?


After we decided a solution an overall outline of the

program, the next step is to work out the detail definition, step by
step procedure known as algorithm for each function. The most
common method of describing an algorithm the use of flowcharts.
The other method is write what is known by pseudo code. The
flowcharts present the algorithm pictorially while the pseudo code
describes the solution steps in logical order. Either method’s
involves concept of logical and creativity.

Since algorithm is key factor for developing an effective

program, we should devote enough attention to this step. A
problem might have different approaches to the solution. For
example there are mane-sorting techniques available to sort a list.
Similarly there are many of the finding area under the curves .we
must consider all approaches and select the one, which is simple to
follow, take less execution and procedures with the required


A complex solution procedure may involve large number of
control statements to direct the flow of execution. In such situation
indiscriminate use of control statements such as go to may lead to
understand and incomprehensible programs. It has been
demonstrated that any algorithm can be structure denotes three
basic control structures namely, sequence structure, selection
structure and lopping structures.

As well design program would provide the following

benefits: -
1.coding is easy and error free.
2.Testing is simple.
3.Maintainanace is easy.
4.Good documentation is possible.
5.Cost estimates can be made more accurately.
6.Progress of coding may be control more precisely.


The algorithm developed in the previous section must be

translated into a set of instructions that a computer can understand.
The major emphasis in coding should be simplicity and clarity. A
program written by may have to read by other later. Therefore it
should be readable and simple to understand. Complex logic and
tricky coding should be avoided.
The elements of coding style include internal documentation,
construction of statements, generally of the program and
input/output formats.
(1)Use one statement per line.
(2)Use proper indentation when selection and looping structure
are implemented.
(3)Avoid heavy nesting of loops, preferable not more than three

(4)Use simple conditions test, if necessary break complicated
condition into simple condition.
(5)Use parenthesis to clarify logical and arithmetic expressions.
(6)Use space, whenever possible, to improve readability.


INPUT/OUTPUT FORMATS should be simple and
acceptable to users. A number of guideline should be considered
during coding: -
(1)Keep format simple.
(2)Use end of indicators rather then the user require to
specify the number of items.
(3)Label all interactive input reports.
(4)Label all output reports.
(5)Use output messages when the output contains some
peculiar result.

This chapter provides use with detail of program
design, analyses, algorithm development, and program coding
statement, constructional, internal documentation and different
input/output formats which are of importance, enough to be
considered before developing any program

Chapter 4


Input & Output Consideration:


The Airways system handles the daily operations at Air Line

Reservation Office. It uses VB 6.0 as a front end & MS-Access as
a back end.
Airways system is to supports person at the Air Lines
reservations counter who handles bookings and cancellations of
tickets as well as to person at the enquiry counter.
With the help of this software the person at reservation
counter can make entry bookings, cancellations, check availability
of the seats etc. where as the enquiry person can check for the
flight schedule, no of seats available, destination and origin of
specific flight.
It maintains detail records of flight’s schedule, its
destination, origin; it also stores records of reserved & available
seats. For this purpose, it provides data entry forms, which helps to
add & edit records about schedule & reservation
It provides special search facility to get the details about the
flight on the basis of flight no. or name, date, origin destination etc.
It also provides facility to connect to the internet if any extra
information is required about any flight.
It will generate the report of each & every activity that
takes place in a day. We can get detail report of reservation on the
basis of day, month etc.



This form is used for typing the user name and

password by using the keyboard, as well as by using the mouse
interface. This will allow the user to work with ‘Airways system’.


This is the main window of ‘Airways

System’. From here you can perform all the operations.


This form is used to search

the flight by date, by destination or by time.


This form is used to search all

the passengers who made the reservations. From here you can also
get the print of ticket by just giving the invoice no. It gives you the
bill of your tickets.

5. ‘TICKET’:

This is the print of ticket. When customer will made

reservation, he will get this type of ticket. On this ticket invoice no,
departure date, flight no, seat no, passenger name, destination,
ticket type, seat class & ticket price.


This is the log off window. It is mainly

for security reason. Whenever any user log off from system, no
one can work with the system without entering the password.


This form is used to

enter the details of flights as well as to update the details of flights.
It includes flight no, departure date & time, arrival date & time,
destination of flight, no of seats etc.


This form is
used to enter the passenger details as well as to update the
passenger details. It is actually used at the time of reservation. This
form includes invoice no, passenger name, flight no, departure date
& time, seat no, ticket type, seat class & destination.


This form is used

to enter the price as well as to update the price of ticket according
to flight no, seat class & ticket type that is one-way or return.


By this window
we can get all the reports of flights. That is it gives full details of


By this
window we can get all the details of passengers who are made
reservation. That means it gives full detail of all the passengers.


By this window we can get

the daily report. Whatever operation takes place in whole day, we
can see it in ‘daily reports’ window.


By this window we can see the

price of all the tickets of all the flights. These tickets are of two
types that is ‘business’ & ‘economy’. Again they are of two types
that are ‘one-way’ & ‘return’.


With the help of this

window we can cancel any reservation by giving flight no, invoice
no & departure date.


By this window we can

see that how much seats are available for reservation. It will give
you available seats by giving flight no & date. This window is very
useful at the time of reservation.

Chapter 5




A feasibility analysis involves a detailed assessment of the

need, value and practicality of a proposed enterprise, such as
systems development. The process of designing and implementing
record-keeping systems has sufficient accountability and resource
implications for an organization. Feasibility analysis will help you
make inform and transparent decision at crucial points during the
developmental process to determine whether it is operationally,
economically and technically realistic to produce with a particular
course of action.

Cost Effectiveness :

The cost encompasses both designing and installing the

system. It includes user training, updating the physical facilities &
documenting. System Performance criteria are evaluated against
the cost of each system to determine which system is likely to be
the most cost effective and also meets the performance
requirements. Cost are most easily determine when the receipts if
the systems are tangible and measurable. An additional factor to
consider is the cost of the study design and requirements.

Each candidate system’s performance is evaluated against the

system performance requirements set prior to the feasibility study.
Whatever the Criteria, there has to be as close a match as
practicable, although trade-off are often necessary to select the best
system. In weight system performance each candidate system is
weighted by it performance and cost data by applying a rating
figure. Then candidate system with the highest total score is
selected. The procedure for weighing candidate system is simple:

(a) Assign a weighing factor to each evaluation criterion based on
the criteria’s effect on the success of the system.

(b) Assign a quantitative rating to each criterion qualitative rating.

(c) Multiply the weight assigned to each category by the relative

rating to determine the score.

(d) Sum the score column for each candidate system.

There are two types of analysis:

1.Benefit-Cost-Analysis (BCA) :

It is a systematic, quantitative method of assigning the life

cycle costs and benefits of competing alternative approaches. This
includes determining which one of the alternatives is best.

2.Cost Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) :

It is a simplified BCA,which can be done when either the

benefits or the cost are the same for all alternatives. The analysis is
greatly simplified because the best alternative is either the one with
the most benefits (when the cost are the same for all alternatives)
or the on with the lowest cost (when the benefits are the same for
all alternatives).

Information sources :

To find out the information about our project is called

Information gathering. It is an art and science. The approach and
manner in which the information is gathered required person with
sensitivity, common science and knowledge of what and when to
gather and what channels to use in secure the information. The
methodology and tools for information gathering required training
and the experience that the analyst is expected to have. This means
that information gathering is neither easy nor routine. Much
preparation, experience and training is required.

The phases for information gathering while system analysis


1. Familiarity with the present system through the

available information such as procedure manuals, documents
and their flow, interviews with staff and on side observation.

2. Definition of the decision-making is associated with

managing the system. Conducting interviews clarifies the
decision point and how decisions are made in user area.

3. Once decision points are defined, a series of

interviews conducted define the information requirements of
user. The information is analyzed and document.

Kind of Information:

Before one determines where to go for information or what

tools to use, the first requirement is to figure out what information

to gather. Much of information we need to analyze relates to the
organization in general the user staff and workflow.

Categories of information :

1. Information about Organization:

Information about organization’s policies, goals objectives

and structure explain the kind oh environment that introduce the
computerized system. Policies are translated into rules and
procedures for achieving the goal are set a organization for

achieving the goal. After policies and set, a organization is
organized to meet these goals.

2. Information about User Staff:

Another kind of information for analysis is knowledge abut

people who run the present the system-their job functions, and
information requirements, the relationship of job with existing
system and interpersonal network that hold the user group together.

3. Information about Work Flow:

Workflow focus on what happens to data through various

points in a system. This can show by a data flow diagram or a
system flowchart. A data flow diagram represents the information
generated at each processing point in system and direction from
source to destination. In contrast, the system flowchart represents
physical system.

Time Feasibility :

As you study above what is mean by feasibility study, the

Time Feasibility is the sub point of it. It means the study of time
period, which is required for the system. Using this time feasibility
analyst will design a proper life cycle of the system. In this life
cycle it is mentioned that at which time the system will be ready to
use. This Time Feasibility will be at the initial stage of system.

The CBA time period should match the system life cycle.

The system life cycle ends when the system is terminated or is
replaced by a system that has significant differences in processing,
operational capabilities, resource requirement, or system outputs.
Significant differences is a very subject term, and some
organization may feel that a 10% change is significant, while
others may be that the change must be over 30% to be significant.

Software & Hardware availability :

When you design a system at that stage there are some

requirements for the systems, for that you should study on your
system. While studying you determine what are the requirements
for your system. There are two types of requirements Software &
Hardware requirements. For example in database project they
require database software for storing the data and any big game
will require the some amount of RAM for graphics card is called
Hardware requirements

Steps in feasibility analysis:

1. Form a project team and appoint a project leader:

The concept behind the project team is that future

system users should be involved in its design and
implementation. Their knowledge and experience in the
operation area are essential to the success of the system. For
small projects, the analyst and an assistant usually suffice;
however, more complex studies require a project team. The
team consists of analysis and user staff-enough collective
expertise to devise a solution to the problem. Even many
times, an outside consultant and an information specialist join
the team until the job is completed. Projects are planned to
occupy a specific time period, ranging from several weeks to

months. The senior system analyst is appointed as project

2. Prepare system flowcharts:

Information oriented charts and dataflow diagrams

prepared in the initial investigation are reviewed at this time.
The charts bring up the importance of the input, output and
dataflow among key points in the existing system. All other
flowcharts needed for detailed evaluation are completed at
this point.

3. Enumerate potential candidate systems:

This step identifies the candidate system that are

capable of producing the outputs included in the generalized
flowcharts. This requires a transformation from logical to
physical system models. Another aspect of this step is
consideration of the hardware that can handle total system

4. Describe and identify characteristics of candidate


From the candidate systems considered, the team begins

a preliminary evaluation in an attempt to reduce them to a
manageable number. The information along with additional
data available through the vendor highlights the positive and
negative features of the system. The constraints unique to
each system are also specified.

5. Determine and evaluate performance and cost-
effectiveness of each candidate system:

Each candidate system’s performance is evaluated

against the system performance requirements set prior to the
feasibility study. Whatever the Criteria, there has to be as
close a match as practicable, although trade-off are often
necessary to select the best system.

The cost encompasses both designing and installing the

system. It includes user training, updating the physical
facilities & documenting. System Performance criteria are
evaluated against the cost of each system to determine which
system is likely to be the most cost effective and also meets
the performance requirements. Cost are most easily
determine when the receipts if the systems are tangible and
measurable. An additional factor to consider is the cost of the
study design and -requirements.

6. Weight system performance and cost data:

In this step each candidate system is weighted by its

performance and cost data by applying a rating figure. Then
the candidate system with the highest total score is selected.

The procedure for weighing candidate system is simple:

(a) Assign a weighing factor to each evaluation

criterion based on the criteria’s effect on the success of the

(b) Assign a quantitative rating to each criterion qualitative

7. Select the best candidate system:

The system with the highest total score is judged the

best system. This assumes the weighing factors are fair and
rating of each evaluating criteria is accurate.

Most feasibility study select from more candidate

systems. The criteria chosen and the constraints are also more
complex. In any case, management cooperation and
comments, however, are encouraged.

8. Feasibility report:

The feasibility report is a formal document for

management use, brief enough and sufficiently non-technical
to be understandable, yet detailed enough to provide the basic
for system design. There is no standard format for preparing
feasibility reports. Analyst usually decide on a format that
suits the particular user and the system.

Generally, the report contains the following sections

a. Cover letter.

b. Table of contents.

c. Overview.

d. Detailed findings.

e. Economic justification.

f. Recommendations and conclusions.

g. Appendixes.

Chapter 6





Chapter 7



This section gives you the name of the books required for the
development of the project.


1. Visual Studio complete reference 6.0 Noel Jecke

2. Programming in Visual Basic Julie Case Bradley

3. Visual Basic 6.0 Wright Brothers


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