Rectifier Fiom With R:1Ofj 220V, 50H2.: Q2: Design Voltage Rnultiplier Supplied Transfonner Witli To KV at LKHZ

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illinistry of Higher Education & Scientific Researclr Final llxaminations

Ljni versitl.' of T'echnologl' fime: Three I-lours

Laser & Optoelectronic l')nu. Depirrtr-rrcnt Date: l1612016
lJranch : Laser lin-eineering Hxanrincr: I-ect. Wail Yas Nassir
Ltass: -1'" Y car Codc: 1,03305
Suh-j cct: Po\rcr h,lL'ctron ics Acadernic Year 2015-20 l6

Attempt F'ite Quesfions 0nl.v

QI The single-phase half:wave rectifier with R:1OfJ and L: 100 mH. The rectif-rer
' is supplied fiom a voltage source has value of 220V,50H2. Derive and Calculate:
a) Average and rms voltage, b) Rectifi cation ef-fi ciency,
c) Ripple factor and form factor, [1 0 Marks]

Q2: Design three-stage voltage rnultiplier supplied fiom the transfonner witli
secondary voltage equal to l KV at lkHz and its average output voltage 3kV and
output current equal to 3mA. Then calculate voltage drop and ripple volta-qe
[10 Marksl

Q3: The single-phase half wave rectifier has a purely resistive load and the delav angle
is o. : n/3. derive and calcr-rlate:
a) Arzerage and rms voltage, b) Rectification ef1lcier-rcy,
c) Ripple l'actor and form factor, [ 0 Marks I

Q4: A three-phase full wave rectifier has a purely resistive load of R. The rectificr
output voltage of Vdc : 460Y and the source fiequency is 60 FIz. Deterrnine
a. J'he efficiency b. The forrn fbctor c. The ripple factor
d. The peak inverse voltage of each diode I I 0 N4arks]

Q5: (A) Derive the total power loss in the transistor. [6 Marks]
(B) What is a fi'eewheeling diode? f4 Marksl

Q6: Design the single-phase bridge controlled rectifier has an inductive load suppliecl
from a voltage source has value of 220Y and the average output voltage varied
from l60V to 180V. Calculate efficiency and ripple factor
Note: Drive any formula that used in solution [ 0 Marks]

Good luck

u(rrY;t:. (
o\y'*oL, - -*Jll c,f -it -i)t4at;1:t
Ql: The single-phase half-wave rectifier with R:10O and L : 100 mH. The rectifier

is supplied from a voltage source has value of 220Y,50H2. Derive and Calculate:

a) Average and rms voltage, b) Rectification efficiency,

c) Ripple factor and form factor, [10 Marks]

Sol. Vm = ,JZ * 220 = 3tLV

wL ZnfL 2*3.14*50*0. 1
tanq=R--_7* = =72o
L sB sinwt' dt =
vm- , = Vm.- + 0. 3)
Vd, =
* JrVm. *(-toslvt) E(1
311 x 1.3
Vdc- 6',8 -64.38V

vr= =w
Vm 2p - sinZB 311 4.4 + 0. 59
Vr.= 138. 58v
Z 6.28

VL lr zp-sinZB \
a, '-./ \zz(r - cosP)z /

Q2: Design three-stage voltage multiplier supplied from the transformer with
secondary voltage equal to lKV at lldfz and its average output voltage 3kV and

output current equal to 3mA. Then calculate voltage drop and ripple voltage

[ 0 Marks]

Sol. V o = Vno-road - LV - 6V
Vno-Ioad : 2 * fl * V*o, : 2 * 3 * 1 = 6KV
I /2n3 n2 n\ I
AV=/r(, r *t-6) ="f,
I nh+L\ I
d'L-rc + =tf,
3*l 22*I 25*I
Vo =6 - fC =) 3=6-
fC fc
3*f - 25pF
LV : ,rrc:
E: Z.64KV

6v --, 36ov
f r: zs=
Q3: The single-phase half wave rectifier has a purely resistive load and the delay angle

is c,: nl3, deive and calculate:

a) Average and rms voltage, b) Rectifi cation effi ciency,

c) Ripple factor and form factor, [10 Marks]

L ffr V V-,
Vd,= + cosa)='#(1 +0.5)
Vdc = 0.239V^
vr.= sinz(wt). dt=#l(f-
; -)
(1 + cosa)z
(n-a sinZ(n-d)\
VL \T-T)
Va, (1 + cosa)

,:G.t \"-,
ci- i

Q4: A three-phase full wave rectifier has a purely resistive load of R. The rectifier
output voltage of Vdc:460V and the source frequency is 60 Hz. Determine

a. The efficiency b. The form factor c. The ripple factor

d. The peak inverse voltage of each diode I l0 Marks]


Var'- = L.654Vm
V^ = 278V

lL.654V -,12

v, L.655V^
- L = 4o/o
RF = J FF,
PIV -#v^=480V
Q5: (A) Derive the total power loss in the transistor. [6 Marks]
(B) What is a freewheeling diode? [4 Marks]

Sol. A:

During clelay time, iC(t): ICEO VCEO: VCC

Pd = Pd(t)dt = IcnoVcctaf,
During rise time

ic(t) = 5t1 Vcn(t)= Vcc * (V""tr", -t .F

P. =
f i, t[.,
+ {t' lL*.
(v"rrsat) - *.flrtl
During Conduction period, iC(t|:1tr4 VCE(I): VCE(sat)

F'0J r.1t;ot = InnVcrlsat)tnfs
Pn =

During storage period, iC(t1:1,1 VCE(I): VCE(sat)

,, =ilP,(t)dt = IrV,.,,,.,u,rt,f,
c!!;;, f- .--- - ;I,"'i.*il'l
'':"'" I .,''
. ..1

Duringfall pefiod,

- (- t) t
ic(t) - Irvrl 1- -:- | Vcn(t) = Vcc
\ \) --t1 -
_ l"r_... =-vcclMtrf,
Pr, =*lPr(t\dt
T ro ,.. 6

During off-period, iC(t1= ICEO VCE@ = VCC

Po =
i^oJ r"1t;ot = Icnovcctof.
.'. The total power loss in the transistor due to collector current is:

Sol. B:
The averoge dc voltage vories proportiondtely to [7 - cos(f)]. This con be mqde to be q
moximum, thereby increasing the averdge dc voltage, by making cos(fl a maximum. The
moximum value thqt this con toke is given by cos(tt + o) = I, which can be obtained if o
0. we can make o = 0 with the oddition of a freewheeting diode given by D^ as shown with
the dotted line,
When the supply voltage goes to zero, the current from h is transferred qcross to diode
D^. This is colled commutation of diodes. The result is the charge in the inductor witt be
used to keep diode D6 ott, insteod of previousty forcing Dt to remain in its
forward state.
This would reduce the vqlue of the extended ongle of conduction of the diode Dt, o to zero.
We con see that if the value of the inductance is high, it witt store more charge and
therefore be oble to keep diode Dn on for o longer time.
Then the inductor would be oble to keep diode D^ on
for the entire duration of the negotive
half cycle, ond by so doing, mointain a continuous road current.

ll "o
o1 rL
= Vrn ein tri
$*= igR
U*= i1R

01 conduct:


Without freewheeling diode With freewheeling diode

e6: Design the single-phase bridge controlled rectifier has an inductive load supplied

from a voltage source has value of 220Y and the average output voltage varied
from 160V to 180V. Calculate efficiency and ripple factor
Note: Drive any formula that used in solution [10 Marks]

Sot. V*: 112 * 22O = 3Lt

L 1F V^.
Vd, =;J"ZV^' stnwt'dt = f (toto - cos4)

180 =
F = 2L7o
160 - (cosa + o' 8) =) cosu = o' 8

-" stnz4\=zL9.6v
rL--v'-l\ lF
2n -sinza- 4n /
Ydc L6oz
2L9.62 -

VL 2L9.6
FF= 160
= L.3725

RF= FFz-t=94o/o

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