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Knitting Abbreviations

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Abbreviation Description

alt alternate

approx approximately

beg beginning

bet between

BO bind off

byo backward yarn over

CC contrasting color

cn cable needle

CO cast on

cont continue

dec decrease

dpn double-pointed needles

foll follow

inc increase

k knit

k1B knit stitch in row below

kfb knit 1 into front and back of a

stitch; single knit increase

ksp knit 1 stitch, slip this stitch from

right needle to left needle, pass
second stitch on left needle
over first stitch and off left
needle; return stitch to right
needle; single right-leaning

k2tog knit 2 stitches together; single

right-leaning decrease

kwise knitwise

LH left hand

lp loop

m marker

M1 or M1K make one stitch knitwise; single

knit increase

M1R make one right; single right-

leaning knit increase

M1L make one left; single left-

leaning knit increase

M1p make one purlwise; single purl


M1rp make one right purlwise; single

right-leaning purl increase

M1lp make one left purlwise; single

left-leaning purl increase

MC main color

p purl

pat or patt pattern

pfb purl 1 into front and back of a

stitch; single purl increase

pm place marker

p2tog purl 2 stitches together; single


prev previous

psso pass slipped stitch over

p2sso pass 2 slipped stitches over

pwise purlwise

rem remaining

rep repeat

rev St st reverse stockinette stitch

RH right hand

rnd round

Abbreviation Description

RS right side
SKP slip 1 knitwise, knit 1, pass slip
stitch over knit stitch; single left-
leaning decrease

SK2P slip 1 knitwise, knit 2 together,

pass slip stitch over knit 2
together; double left-leaning

sl slip

sl1k slip 1 knitwise

sl1p slip 1 purlwise

sl st slip stitch

sm slip marker

ssk slip 2 stitches knitwise, knit

these 2 stitches together
through back loops; single left-
leaning decrease

ssp slip 2 stitches knitwise, return

these 2 stitches to left needle
and purl them together through
back loops; single left-leaning

sssk slip 3 stitches knitwise, knit

these 3 stitches together
through back loops; double left-
leaning decrease

sssp slip 3 stitches knitwise, return

these 3 stitches to left needle
and purl these 3 stitches
together through back loops;
double left-leaning decrease

S2KP2 slip 2 stitches as if to knit 2

together, knit 1, pass 2 slipped
stitches over knit stitch;
centered double decrease

SSPP2 slip 2 stitches knitwise, return

these 2 stitches to left needle
and then slip them as if to p2tog
through back loops, purl 1, pass
2 slipped stitches over purl
stitch; centered double

st stitch

St st stockinette stitch

tbl through back loop

tfl through front loop

tog together

WS wrong side

w&t wrap and turn

wyib with yarn in back

wyif with yarn in front

yb yarn back
yfwd or yf yarn forward

yo yarn over

yon yarn over needle

yrn yarn round needle

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