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Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書
Special Topics Report No. 63
Persons with disabilities and chronic diseases

香港特別行政區 政府統計處
Census and Statistics Department
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書
Special Topics Report No. 63
Persons with disabilities and chronic diseases

政府統計處 社會統計科 特別職務組
地址:香港北角英皇道 250 號北角城中心 5 樓
電話:(852) 2887 5245 圖文傳真:(852) 3106 3512
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Enquiries about this publication can be directed to:

Special Duty Team
Social Statistics Branch
Census and Statistics Department
Address : 5/F, Fortress Tower, 250 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong.
Tel. : (852) 2887 5245 Fax : (852) 3106 3512
E-mail : [email protected]

政府統計處網站 Website of the Census and Statistics Department


2021 年 12 月 出 版
Published in December 2021


背景 Background v

統計調查結果摘要 Summary of survey findings vii

統計圖表目錄表 List of charts and tables xvi

1. 引言 Introduction 1

2. 統計調查方法及運作 Survey methodology and 5


3. 概念及定義 Concepts and definitions 14

4. 資料的局限 Limitations of the data 22

5. 殘疾人士的人口及社會經濟概 Demographic and socio-economic 28

況 profiles of persons with disabilities

6. 選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected 81

types of disability

7. 長期病患者的人口及社會經濟 Demographic and socio-economic 102

概況 profiles of persons with chronic

8. 殘疾及長期病患對日常生活的 Impact of disabilities and chronic 125

影響 diseases on day-to-day living

9. 居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有 Carers of persons with disabilities 148

特定需要的長期病患者的照顧 and persons with chronic diseases
者 who had specific needs residing in

10. 殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期 Transportation arrangement for 203

病患者的交通安排 persons with disabilities and
persons with chronic diseases who
had specific needs

11. 殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期 Usage of information technology 232

病患者的資訊科技運用情況 of persons with disabilities and
persons with chronic diseases who
had specific needs

- iii -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
目錄 Contents


12. 有關按主要功能範疇及延伸功 Concepts and survey results analysed 248

能範疇分析的概念及統計調查 by core functioning domains and
結果 extended functioning domains

附錄 Appendices

1 用語及定義 1 Terms and definitions 264

2 統計調查所搜集的主要資料項 2 Major data items collected in 268

目 the survey

3(甲) 有關住院智障人士的院舍統計 3A Results of the institutions 272

調查結果 survey pertaining to
institutional residents with
intellectual disability

3(乙) 從專題訪問估計所得有關居住 3B Demographic and socio- 279

在住戶內的智障人士的人口及 economic profiles of persons
社會經濟概況 with intellectual disability
residing in households as
estimated from the special
topic enquiry

3(丙) 智障人士總數的統計評估 3C Statistical assessment on the 288

total number of persons with
intellectual disability

4 按 2013 年原有定義編製的殘疾 4 Demographic and socio- 292

人士的人口及社會經濟概況 economic profiles of persons
with disabilities based on the
original definition adopted in

5 估計的可靠性 5 Reliability of the estimates 327

6 曾出版的從綜合住戶統計調查 6 Previously published Special 329

搜集所得的社會資料專題報告 Topics Reports on social data
書 collected via the General
Household Survey

獲取政府統計處刊物的方法 Means of obtaining publications of 341

the Census and Statistics

- iv -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
這是專題報告書系列中的第 63 號,列載透過「綜 This is the 63rd issue in a series of Special Topics
合住戶統計調查」進行的專題訪問所搜集得的 Report to present the results of the supplementary
資料。 enquiries conducted via the General Household
Survey (GHS).

目的 Objective
「綜合住戶統計調查」是一項自 1981 年 8 月開 The GHS is a continuous sample survey which has
始持續進行的抽樣統計調查,旨在搜集有關勞 been conducted since August 1981. Its primary
動人口、就業、失業及就業不足的資料。另一方 objective is to collect information on the labour
面,專題訪問是透過「綜合住戶統計調查」以非 force, employment, unemployment and
underemployment. On the other hand, the
supplementary enquiries attached to the GHS are
conducted on an ad hoc basis to collect specified
料。 statistical data on a wide range of social topics
required by Government bureaux and departments.

本報告書所包括的專題 Topic included in this report

專題 (訪問期) Topic (Enquiry period)

殘疾人士及長期病患者 Persons with disabilities and chronic diseases

(2019 年 8 月至 2020 年 12 月) (August 2019 to December 2020)

數字的進位 Rounding of figures

由於四捨五入關係,統計圖表內個別項目的數 There may be a slight discrepancy between the sum
字加起來可能與總數略有出入。 of individual items and the total as shown in charts
and tables owing to rounding.

曾出版的專題報告書 Previously published Special Topics

附錄 6 列出過往曾出版的本系列中各號專題報 The list of past Special Topics Reports published in
告書。 this series is given in Appendix 6.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
[This page is intentionally left blank]
Summary of survey findings

引言 Introduction

1. 政府統計處於 2019 年 8 月至 2020 年 1. A territory-wide survey on persons with

12 月期間,進行一項有關殘疾人士及長期病患 disabilities and chronic diseases was conducted
者的全港性統計調查,估計有選定殘疾類別及 during August 2019 - December 2020 to estimate
長期病患的總人數及其普遍率。是項統計調查 the total number and prevalence rate of persons
with selected types of disability and chronic
diseases. It also collected information on the basic
profiles of persons with disabilities and persons
with chronic diseases as well as information about
the carers of these persons.

2. 殘疾人士及長期病患者的統計調查分 2. The survey on persons with disabilities

三部分進行。第一部分為於 2019 年 8 月至 9 月 and chronic diseases was organised into three parts.
期間透過「綜合住戶統計調查」進行的「長期病 The first part was a special topic enquiry (STE) on
患者」專題訪問,以搜集居住在住戶內的長期病 “Persons with chronic diseases” conducted via the
General Household Survey (GHS) during August -
患者的資料。第二部分為於 2019 年 11 月至 2020
September 2019, collecting data from persons with
年 11 月期間透過「綜合住戶統計調查」進行的
chronic diseases who resided in households. The
「殘疾人士」專題訪問,以搜集居住在住戶內的 second part was a STE on “Persons with
殘疾人士的資料。第三部分為於 2020 年 5 月至 disabilities” conducted via the GHS during
12 月期間進行的院舍統計調查,以搜集居住在 November 2019 - November 2020, collecting data
提供住宿服務的院舍內的殘疾人士及長期病患 from persons with disabilities who resided in
者的資料。在編製統計調查結果時,有關的數字 households. The third part was an institutions
已進行適當的統計調整,以推算 2020 年的情況。 survey conducted during May - December 2020 to
因此,本報告書內所載的統計數字均反映 2020 collect data from persons with disabilities and
年的情況。 persons with chronic diseases who resided in
institutions with residential services. In
compiling the survey results, statistical adjustment
had been applied to relevant figures to project the
situation in 2020. Therefore, the statistics
presented in this report reflect the situation in 2020.

3. 因應搜集殘疾統計數字的最新國際發 3. In relation to the latest international

展,是次統計調查更新了四種選定殘疾類別(身 development in collecting statistical data on
體活動能力受限制、視覺有困難、聽覺有困難、 disability, the definitions for the four selected types
溝通能力有困難)的定義,相關的統計調查結果 of disability (restriction in body movement, seeing
difficulty, hearing difficulty and communication
difficulty) have been updated in this round of the
survey and hence the survey findings concerned are
第 3 章。 not directly comparable with the past results. For
details on the concepts and definitions of disability
and the updates made, please see Chapter 3 of this

4. 以下是統計調查結果的撮要。 4. The key findings of the survey are

summarised below.

(a) 殘疾人士的概況 (a) General profile of persons with

[ 統計調查的主要結果詳見本報告書第 disabilities
5 章。] [Please see Chapter 5 of this report for
details on the major findings.]

- vii -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計調查結果摘要 Summary of survey findings

殘疾人士 Persons with disabilities

 在 2020 年,534 200 人有一項或多於一項  In 2020, 534 200 persons had one or more of
下列的殘疾類別:(1) 身體活動能力受限 the following types of disability: (1)
制;(2) 視覺有困難;(3) 聽覺有困難;(4) 溝 restriction in body movement; (2) seeing
通能力有困難;(5) 精神病/情緒病;(6) 自 difficulty; (3) hearing difficulty; (4)
communication difficulty; (5) mental illness /
閉症譜系障礙;(7) 特殊學習困難;及(8) 注
mood disorder; (6) Autism Spectrum Disorder
意力不足/過度活躍症。 (見第 5.4 段)
(ASD); (7) Specific Learning Difficulties
(SpLD); and (8) Attention Deficit /
Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD).
(see paragraph 5.4)

 有該些殘疾類別人士的整體普遍率(以佔  The overall prevalence rate of persons with

全港整體人口的百分比計算)為 7.1%。 such types of disability (expressed as a
(見第 5.4 段) percentage of the total population of Hong
Kong) was 7.1%. (see paragraph 5.4)

 是項統計調查亦有搜集有關居住於院舍及  The survey also collected information on

住戶的智障人士的資料。然而,根據統計調 persons with intellectual disability (ID)
查結果得出的居住於住戶的智障人士數目 residing in institutions and households.
有明顯低估的情況。因此,本報告書內有關 However, there was strong indication of
under-estimation in respect of the number of
persons with ID residing in households as
derived from the survey findings. Hence,
不同相關數據來源的粗略統計評估,全港 the analysis of survey findings pertaining to
智障人士的總數可能為 77 000 人至 90 000 the persons with ID has been separated from
人左右,即代表全港智障人士的普遍率為 that of persons with other types of disability in
1.0%至 1.2%。 (見第 4.9 - 4.16 段) this report. A crude statistical assessment
based on various relevant data sources
indicated that the total number of persons with
ID in Hong Kong was likely to be in the region
of 77 000 - 90 000, representing a prevalence
rate of some 1.0% - 1.2% for persons with ID
in Hong Kong. (see paragraphs 4.9 - 4.16)

只有一種/有多於一種殘疾類別 With single disability / multiple disabilities

 該 534 200 名殘疾人士(只有智障的人士除  72.5% of those 534 200 persons with

外)中,72.5%只有單一種殘疾類別。由於 disabilities (excluding persons with ID only)
智障並不包括在內,部分只有單一種殘疾 were with single disability. Since ID was
類別人士,可能同時有智障的情況。 not included, some persons with single
disability might have the condition of ID at the
(見第 5.7 段)
same time. (see paragraph 5.7)

 27.5%有多於一種殘疾類別。  27.5% were with multiple disabilities.

(見第 5.7 段) (see paragraph 5.7)

有個別殘疾類別的人士 Persons with individual types of disability

 244 000 人表示身體活動能力受限制(在整  244 000 persons reported that they were with
體人口內的普遍率為 3.3%)。 restriction in body movement (with a
(見第 5.5 段) prevalence rate of 3.3% among the total

- viii -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計調查結果摘要 Summary of survey findings

population). (see paragraph 5.5)

 47 600 人視覺有困難(普遍率為 0.6%)。  47 600 persons were with seeing difficulty

(見第 5.5 段) (prevalence rate of 0.6%).
(see paragraph 5.5)

 47 900 人聽覺有困難(普遍率為 0.6%)。  47 900 persons were with hearing difficulty

(見第 5.5 段) (prevalence rate of 0.6%).
(see paragraph 5.5)

 48 700 人 溝 通 能 力 有 困 難 ( 普 遍 率 為  48 700 persons were with communication

0.7%)。 (見第 5.5 段) difficulty (prevalence rate of 0.7%).
(see paragraph 5.5)

 256 800 人有精神病/情緒病(普遍率為  256 800 persons were with mental illness /
3.4%)。 (見第 5.5 段) mood disorder (prevalence rate of 3.4%).
(see paragraph 5.5)

 22 400 人有自閉症譜系障礙(普遍率為  22 400 persons were with ASD (prevalence

0.3%)。 (見第 5.5 段) rate of 0.3%). (see paragraph 5.5)

 35 400 人 有 特 殊 學 習 困 難 ( 普 遍 率 為  35 400 persons were with SpLD (prevalence

0.5%)。 (見第 5.5 段) rate of 0.5%). (see paragraph 5.5)

 38 200 人有注意力不足/過度活躍症(普  38 200 persons were with AD/HD (prevalence

遍率為 0.5%)。 (見第 5.5 段) rate of 0.5%). (see paragraph 5.5)

(b) 選定殘疾類別的額外資料 (b) Further information of selected types of

[統計調查的主要結果詳見本報告書第 disability
6 章。] [Please see Chapter 6 of this report for
details on the major findings.]

困難程度 Level of difficulty

 43 400 人(佔整體人口的 0.6%)視覺有很  43 400 persons (0.6% of total population) had

大困難,4 200 人(0.1%)則完全看不到。 a lot of difficulty in seeing and 4 200 persons
(見第 6.2 段) (0.1%) could not see at all.
(see paragraph 6.2)

 44 300 人(佔整體人口的 0.6%)聽覺有很  44 300 persons (0.6% of total population) had

大困難,3 600 人(少於 0.05%)則完全聽 a lot of difficulty in hearing and 3 600 persons
不到。 (見第 6.4 段) (less than 0.05%) could not hear at all.
(see paragraph 6.4)

 42 300 人(佔 2 歲及以上人士的 0.6%)溝  42 300 persons (0.6% of persons aged 2 and
通有很大困難,6 300 人(0.1%)則完全溝 over) had a lot of difficulty in communication
通不到。 (見第 6.6 段) and 6 300 persons (0.1%) could not
communicate at all. (see paragraph 6.6)

 在與身體活動能力相關的基本活動功能範  In the basic activity functioning domains

疇(即平地步行、用手和手指拿起小物件、 regarding body movement (i.e. walking on
level ground, using hands and fingers to grasp

- ix -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計調查結果摘要 Summary of survey findings

上落樓梯以及提起重物件)中,有 138 600 small object, walking up or down a flight of

人(佔 2 歲及以上人士的 1.9%)表示自己 stairs and carrying heavy object), 138 600
遇上的最大困難程度為有「很大困難」,而 persons (1.9% of persons aged 2 and over)
105 400 人(1.4%)表示在至少一項範疇「完 indicated that the largest difficulty they
encountered was “a lot of difficulty” while
全不能做到」。 (見第 6.7 段)
105 400 persons (1.4%) indicated “could not
do at all” in at least one of the domains.
(see paragraph 6.7)

在日常溝通中使用手語的概況 Usage of sign language in usual communication

 6 000 人(佔 2 歲及以上人士的 0.1%)在日  6 000 persons (0.1% of persons aged 2 and
常溝通中使用手語。 (見第 6.13 段) over) used sign language in their usual
communication. (see paragraph 6.13)

 3 000 名聽覺有困難人士(佔 2 歲及以上聽  3 000 persons with hearing difficulty (6.3% of

覺有困難人士的 6.3%)在日常溝通中使用 persons aged 2 and over with hearing
手語。 (見第 6.15 段) difficulty) used sign language in their usual
communication. (see paragraph 6.15)

 2 400 名溝通能力有困難人士(佔 2 歲及以  2 400 persons with communication difficulty

上溝通能力有困難人士的 5.0%)在日常溝 (5.0% of persons aged 2 and over with
通中使用手語。 (見第 6.16 段) communication difficulty) used sign language
in their usual communication.
(see paragraph 6.16)

使用輔助儀器的人士 Persons using assistive devices

 74 200 名人士(佔整體人口的 1.0%)必須  74 200 persons (1.0% of total population)

使用輪椅代步/步行。 (見第 6.17 段) were always using a wheelchair to move /
walk around. (see paragraph 6.17)

 53 400 名人士(佔整體人口的 0.7%)有使  53 400 persons (0.7% of total population)

用聽覺輔助儀器/工具。 (見第 6.20 段) were using a hearing aid/tool.
(see paragraph 6.20)

(c) 長期病患者的概況 (c) General profile of persons with chronic

[統計調查的主要結果詳見本報告書第 diseases
7 章。] [Please see Chapter 7 of this report for
details on the major findings.]

 在 2020 年,1 799 100 人需要長期(即持續  In 2020, 1 799 100 persons required long-
最少 6 個月的時間)接受藥物治療、覆診 term (i.e. lasting at least 6 months) medical
或打針服藥以治療某種(或多於一種)疾 treatment, consultation or medication for
病,約佔全港整體人口的 24.1%,較 2013 certain type(s) of diseases, representing about
24.1% of the total population of Hong Kong,
年的 1 375 200 人(19.2%)為高。
higher than the 1 375 200 persons (19.2%) in
(見第 7.1 段)
2013. (see paragraph 7.1)

 首三類最普遍提及的需要長期接受藥物治  The three most commonly cited diseases that

療、覆診或打針服藥的病患為高血壓(佔整 required long-term medical treatment,
體人口的 12.6%)、糖尿病(5.2%)及膽固 consultation or medication were hypertension

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計調查結果摘要 Summary of survey findings

醇過高(5.1%)。 (見第 7.2 段) (12.6% of the total population), diabetes

mellitus (5.2%) and high cholesterol (5.1%).
(see paragraph 7.2)

(d) 殘疾及長期病患對日常生活的影響 (d) Impact of disabilities and chronic

[統計調查的主要結果詳見本報告書第 diseases on day-to-day living
8 章。] [Please see Chapter 8 of this report for
details on the major findings.]

在日常生活中有否困難 Whether had difficulty in day-to-day living

 117 600 名殘疾人士(佔所有殘疾人士的  117 600 persons with disabilities (22.0% of all
22.0%,只有智障的人士除外)表示因其殘 persons with disabilities, excluding persons
疾而令其在日常生活有很大困難;另外, with ID only) indicated that they had a lot of
257 600 人(48.2%)表示有少許困難。 difficulty in day-to-day living due to their
disabilities; another 257 600 persons (48.2%)
(見第 8.3 段)
said that they had some difficulty.
(see paragraph 8.3)

 132 300 名長期病患者(佔所有長期病患者  132 300 persons with chronic diseases (7.4%
的 7.4%)表示因其長期病患而令其在日常 of all persons with chronic diseases) had a lot
生活有很大困難;另外,426 100 人(23.7%) of difficulty in day-to-day living due to their
表示有少許困難。 (見第 8.3 段) long-term health problems; another 426 100
persons (23.7%) had some difficulty.
(see paragraph 8.3)

(e) 居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定需 (e) Carers of persons with disabilities and

要的長期病患者的照顧者 persons with chronic diseases who had
[統計調查的主要結果詳見本報告書第 specific needs residing in households
9 章。] [Please see Chapter 9 of this report for
details on the major findings.]

 在 462 400 名居住在住戶內的殘疾人士(只  Among those 462 400 persons with

有智障的人士除外)中,有 204 200 人 disabilities (excluding persons with ID only)
(44.2%)因其殘疾及長期病患而有別人照 residing in households, 204 200 (44.2%) had
顧其日常生活。 (見第 9.5 段) another person taking care of their day-to-day
living due to their disabilities and chronic
diseases. (see paragraph 9.5)

 在 580 800 名居住在住戶內的有特定需要  Among those 580 800 persons with chronic
的長期病患者中,有 248 000 人(42.7%) diseases who had specific needs residing in
因其殘疾及長期病患而有別人照顧其日常 households, 248 000 (42.7%) had another
生活。 (見第 9.5 段) person taking care of their day-to-day living
due to their disabilities and chronic diseases.
(see paragraph 9.5)

是否與照顧者共住 Whether living together with the carer

 在 204 200 名居住在住戶內而有別人照顧  84.8% of those 204 200 persons with

其日常生活的殘疾人士(只有智障的人士 disabilities (excluding persons with ID only)
除外)中,84.8%與照顧者共住。照顧者為 residing in households who had another

- xi -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計調查結果摘要 Summary of survey findings

一星期內照顧他們最長時間的人士。 person taking care of their day-to-day living

(見第 9.10 段) were living together with their carer. Carer
referred to the person who provided the
longest hours of caring services during a
week. (see paragraph 9.10)

 在 248 000 名居住在住戶內而有別人照顧  83.3% of those 248 000 persons with chronic
其日常生活及有特定需要的長期病患者 diseases who had specific needs residing in
中,83.3%與照顧者共住。 (見第 9.10 段) households and had another person taking
care of their day-to-day living were living
together with their carer.
(see paragraph 9.10)

照顧者的身分 Identity of the carer

 在該 204 200 名居住在住戶內而有別人照  Among those 204 200 persons with

顧其日常生活的殘疾人士(只有智障的人 disabilities (excluding persons with ID only)
士除外)中,28.7%主要由他們的子女/女 residing in households who had another
婿/媳婦照顧。28.2%是他們的家庭傭工, person taking care of their day-to-day living,
28.7% were taken care of by their children/
20.7%是他們的配偶,而 15.0%是他們的父
son-in-law/daughter-in-law. 28.2% were
母。 (見第 9.12 段)
their domestic helpers, 20.7% were their
spouses and 15.0% were their parents.
(see paragraph 9.12)

 在該 248 000 名居住在住戶內而有別人照  Among those 248 000 persons with chronic
顧其日常生活及有特定需要的長期病患者 diseases who had specific needs residing in
中,31.9%主要由他們的子女/女婿/媳婦 households and had another person taking
照顧。28.9%是他們的配偶,24.5%是他們 care of their day-to-day living, 31.9% were
taken care of by their children/son-in-
的家庭傭工,而 7.9%是他們的父母。
law/daughter-in-law. 28.9% were their
(見第 9.12 段)
spouses, 24.5% were their domestic helpers
and 7.9% were their parents.
(see paragraph 9.12)

每周通常受照顧者照顧時數 Usual hours of caring services provided by the

carer per week

 居住在住戶內而有別人照顧其日常生活的  The median usual hours of caring services

殘疾人士(只有智障的人士除外)每周通常 provided by the carer per week to those
受照顧者照顧時數的中位數為 42 小時。 persons with disabilities residing in
(見第 9.16 段) households (excluding persons with ID only)
who had another person taking care of their
day-to-day living was 42 hours.
(see paragraph 9.16)

 居住在住戶內而有別人照顧其日常生活及  The median usual hours of caring services

有特定需要的長期病患者每周通常受照顧 provided by the carer per week to those
者照顧時數的中位數為 35 小時。 persons with chronic diseases who had
(見第 9.16 段) specific needs residing in households and had
another person taking care of their day-to-day
living was 35 hours. (see paragraph 9.16)

- xii -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計調查結果摘要 Summary of survey findings

特定照顧者因照顧而感到有精神壓力的頻率 Frequency of the specific carer feeling stressed due

to the caring services

 在 150 800 名居住在住戶內而有特定照顧  Among the 150 800 persons with disabilities
者的殘疾人士(只有智障的人士除外)中, (excluding persons with ID only) residing in
52.4%的照顧者在統計前 1 個月曾因照顧 households who had a specific carer, 52.4% of
而感到有精神壓力。 (見第 9.29 段) their carers felt stressed due to the caring
services during the 1 month before
enumeration. (see paragraph 9.29)

 在 162 000 名居住在住戶內而有特定照顧  Among the 162 000 persons with chronic
者及有特定需要的長期病患者中,54.9%的 diseases who had specific needs residing in
照顧者在統計前 1 個月曾因照顧而感到有 households and had a specific carer, 54.9% of
精神壓力。 (見第 9.29 段) their carers felt stressed due to the caring
services during the 1 month before
enumeration. (see paragraph 9.29)

(f) 交通安排 (f) Transportation arrangement

[統計調查的主要結果詳見本報告書第 [Please see Chapter 10 of this report for
10 章。] details on the major findings.]

會否出外/出外主要目的 Whether going out / main purpose of going out

 509 400 名殘疾人士(佔所有殘疾人士的  509 400 persons with disabilities (95.4% of all
95.4%,只有智障的人士除外)表示會出外, persons with disabilities, excluding persons
最普遍提及的出外目的為「覆診/接受治 with ID only) indicated that they would go
療」(佔所有殘疾人士的 79.1%)。 out. The most commonly cited purpose of
going out was “medical consultation/
(見第 10.3 段)
treatment” (79.1% of all persons with
disabilities). (see paragraph 10.3)

 632 600 名有特定需要的長期病患者(佔所  632 600 persons with chronic diseases who
有有特定需要的長期病患者的 96.1%)表示 had specific needs (96.1% of all persons with
會出外,最普遍提及的出外目的為「覆診/ chronic diseases who had specific needs)
接受治療」 (佔所有有特定需要的長期病患 indicated that they would go out. The most
commonly cited purpose of going out was
者的 89.9%)。 (見第 10.5 段)
“medical consultation/treatment” (89.9% of
all persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs). (see paragraph 10.5)

乘搭交通工具是否需要協助 Whether needed assistance in transportation

 在 509 400 名會出外的殘疾人士(只有智障  Of those 509 400 persons with disabilities

的人士除外)中,94.5%會乘搭交通工具, (excluding persons with ID only) who would
233 700 人(45.9%)表示乘搭交通工具時 go out, 94.5% would take transportation.
需要別人協助,247 600 人(48.6%)則表示 233 700 persons (45.9%) cited that they
needed assistance from others in
不需要協助。 (見第 10.6 段)
transportation. 247 600 persons (48.6%) did
not need such assistance.
(see paragraph 10.6)

- xiii -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計調查結果摘要 Summary of survey findings

 在 632 600 名會出外及有特定需要的長期  Of those 632 600 persons with chronic

病患者中,93.2%會乘搭交通工具,266 400 diseases who had specific needs and would go
人(42.1%)表示乘搭交通工具時需要別人 out, 93.2% would take transportation.
協助,323 200 人(51.1%)則表示不需要協 266 400 persons (42.1%) cited that they
needed assistance from others in
助。 (見第 10.8 段)
transportation. 323 200 persons (51.1%) did
not need such assistance.
(see paragraph 10.8)

主要使用的交通工具 Principal mode of transportation used

 在該 481 300 名會乘搭交通工具的殘疾人  52.3% of the 481 300 persons with disabilities
士(只有智障的人士除外)中,52.3%表示 (excluding persons with ID only) who would
主要使用的交通工具為「公共巴士」。 take transportation indicated that “public bus”
(見第 10.9 段) was their principal mode of transportation
used. (see paragraph 10.9)

 在該 589 700 名會乘搭交通工具及有特定  48.7% of the 589 700 persons with chronic
需要的長期病患者中,48.7%表示主要使用 diseases who had specific needs and would
的交通工具為「公共巴士」。 take transportation indicated that “public bus”
(見第 10.11 段) was their principal mode of transportation
used. (see paragraph 10.11)

(g) 資訊科技運用情況 (g) Usage of information technology

[統計調查的主要結果詳見本報告書第 [Please see Chapter 11 of this report for
11 章。] details on the major findings.]

 278 200 名殘疾人士(佔 10 歲及以上殘疾  278 200 persons with disabilities (54.1% of
人士的 54.1%,只有智障的人士除外)在統 persons aged 10 and over with disabilities,
計前 12 個月有使用過互聯網。 excluding persons with ID only) had used the
(見第 11.3 段) Internet during the 12 months before
enumeration. (see paragraph 11.3)

 310 400 名有特定需要的長期病患者(佔 10  310 400 persons with chronic diseases who
歲及以上有特定需要的長期病患者的 had specific needs (47.8% of persons aged 10
47.8%)在統計前 12 個月有使用過互聯網。 and over with chronic diseases who had
(見第 11.3 段) specific needs) had used the Internet during the
12 months before enumeration.
(see paragraph 11.3)

 383 100 名殘疾人士(佔 10 歲及以上殘疾  383 100 persons with disabilities (74.6% of
人士的 74.6%,只有智障的人士除外)擁有 persons aged 10 and over with disabilities,
智能手機。 (見第 11.11 段) excluding persons with ID only) had
smartphone. (see paragraph 11.11)

 418 600 名有特定需要的長期病患者(佔 10  418 600 persons with chronic diseases who
歲及以上有特定需要的長期病患者的 had specific needs (64.4% of persons aged 10
64.4%)擁有智能手機。 (見第 11.11 段) and over with chronic diseases who had
specific needs) had smartphone.
(see paragraph 11.11)

- xiv -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計調查結果摘要 Summary of survey findings

(h) 主要/延伸功能範疇的困難程度 (h) Level of difficulty in core/extended

[ 統計調查的主要結果詳見本報告書第 functioning domains
12 章。] [Please see Chapter 12 of this report for
details on the major findings.]

 在下列功能範疇︰(1) 視覺能力;(2) 聽覺能  In the following functioning domains: (1)

力;(3) 平地步行/上落樓梯;(4) 認知能力; seeing; (2) hearing; (3) walking on level
(5) 自理能力;(6) 溝通能力;(7) 用手和手 ground / walking up or down a flight of stairs;
指拿起小物件/提起重物件;及(8) 學習 (4) cognition; (5) self-care; (6)
communication; (7) using hands and fingers to
中,約有 879 100 人(佔整體人口的 11.8%)
grasp small object / carrying heavy object; and
(8) learning, some 879 100 persons (11.8% of
困難」,216 800 人(2.9%)的最大困難程 total population) reported that the largest
度為有「很大困難」,而 115 000 人(1.5%) difficulty they encountered was “some
表示在至少一項「完全不能做到」。 difficulty”, some 216 800 persons (2.9%)
(見第 12.17 段) indicated the largest difficulty was “a lot of
difficulty” and some 115 000 persons (1.5%)
indicated “could not do at all” in at least one
of the domains. (see paragraph 12.17)

 按年齡分析,表示在以上至少一項功能範  Analysed by age, the median age of persons

疇中「完全不能做到」的人士的年齡中位數 who indicated “could not do at all” in at least
為 83 歲。 (見第 12.18 段) one of the above functioning domains was 83.
(see paragraph 12.18)

- xv -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
List of charts and tables

5. 殘疾人士的人口及社會經濟概況 5. Demographic and socio-

economic profiles of persons
with disabilities

圖 5.1 殘疾人士的普遍率 Chart 5.1 Prevalence rate of persons with 37


圖 5.2 按住處類別及年齡劃分的殘疾人士的 Chart 5.2 Percentage distribution of persons 38

百分比分布 with disabilities by type of
residence and age

表 5.1 按下列變量/分類劃分的殘疾人士數 Table 5.1 Persons with disabilities by:

a. 選定的殘疾類別及只有一種/有 a. selected type of disability and 39
多於一種殘疾類別 with single disability / multiple
b. 年齡/性別及選定的殘疾類別 b. age/sex and selected type of 40
c. 婚姻狀況/教育程度及選定的殘 c. marital status / educational 44
疾類別 attainment and selected type of
d. 居住地區及選定的殘疾類別 d. area of residence and selected 48
type of disability
e. 房屋類別及選定的殘疾類別 e. type of housing and selected 52
type of disability
f. 年齡/經濟活動身分及選定的殘 f. age / economic activity status 56
疾類別 and selected type of disability

表 5.2 按下列變量/分類劃分的就業殘疾人 Table 5.2 Employed persons with

士數目: disabilities by:
a. 選定的殘疾類別及只有一種/有 a. selected type of disability and 60
多於一種殘疾類別 with single disability / multiple
b. 年齡/性別及選定的殘疾類別 b. age/sex and selected type of 61
c. 婚姻狀況/教育程度及選定的殘 c. marital status / educational 65
疾類別 attainment and selected type of
d. 行業及選定的殘疾類別 d. industry and selected type of 69
e. 職業及選定的殘疾類別 e. occupation and selected type of 73
f. 每月就業收入及選定的殘疾類別 f. monthly employment earnings 77
and selected type of disability

- xvi -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計圖表目錄表 List of charts and tables


6. 選定殘疾類別的額外資料 6. Further information of selected

types of disability

表 6.1 按下列變量/分類劃分的人士數目: Table 6.1 Persons by:

a. 選定的基本活動功能範疇及困難 a. selected basic activity 86
程度 functioning domains and level
of difficulty
b. 有否使用特別助視眼鏡及視覺困 b. whether using specialised 87
難程度 glasses and level of difficulty
in seeing
c. 有否使用助聽器/人工耳蝸及聽 c. whether using a hearing aid / 87
覺困難程度 cochlear implant and level of
difficulty in hearing

表 6.2a 按年齡/性別及視覺困難程度劃分的 Table 6.2a Persons by age/sex and level of 88

人士數目 difficulty in seeing

表 6.2b 按年齡/性別及聽覺困難程度劃分的 Table 6.2b Persons by age/sex and level of 89

人士數目 difficulty in hearing

表 6.2c 按年齡/性別及溝通能力困難程度劃 Table 6.2c Persons aged 2 and over by 90

分的 2 歲及以上人士數目 age/sex and level of difficulty in

表 6.2d 按年齡/性別及身體活動困難程度劃 Table 6.2d Persons aged 2 and over by 91

分的 2 歲及以上人士數目 age/sex and level of difficulty in
body movement

表 6.2e 按年齡/性別及平地步行困難程度劃 Table 6.2e Persons aged 2 and over by 92

分的 2 歲及以上人士數目 age/sex and level of difficulty in
walking on level ground

表 6.2f 按年齡/性別及用手和手指拿起小物 Table 6.2f Persons aged 2 and over by 93

件困難程度劃分的 2 歲及以上人士數 age/sex and level of difficulty in
目 using hands and fingers to grasp
small object

表 6.2g 按年齡/性別及上落樓梯困難程度劃 Table 6.2g Persons aged 5 and over by 94

分的 5 歲及以上人士數目 age/sex and level of difficulty in
walking up or down a flight of

表 6.2h 按年齡/性別及提起重物件困難程度 Table 6.2h Persons aged 12 and over by 95

劃分的 12 歲及以上人士數目 age/sex and level of difficulty in
carrying heavy object

表 6.3a 按年齡/性別及日常溝通中有否使用 Table 6.3a Persons aged 2 and over by 96

手語劃分的 2 歲及以上人士數目 age/sex and whether using sign
language in usual communication

- xvii -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計圖表目錄表 List of charts and tables


表 6.3b 按年齡/性別及日常溝通中有否使用 Table 6.3b Persons aged 2 and over with 97

手語劃分的 2 歲及以上聽覺有困難人 hearing difficulty by age/sex and
士數目 whether using sign language in
usual communication

表 6.3c 按年齡/性別及日常溝通中有否使用 Table 6.3c Persons aged 2 and over with 98

手語劃分的 2 歲及以上溝通能力有困 communication difficulty by
難人士數目 age/sex and whether using sign
language in usual communication

表 6.4 按下列變量/分類劃分的人士數目: Table 6.4 Persons by:

a. 有否使用輪椅/其他特定輔助工 a. whether using a wheelchair / 99
具代步/步行 other specialised aid/tool to
move / walk around
b. 有否使用義肢 b. whether using artificial limb 99

表 6.5 按有否使用視覺輔助儀器/工具劃分 Table 6.5 Persons by whether using a visual 100

的人士數目 aid/tool

表 6.6 按有否使用聽覺輔助儀器/工具劃分 Table 6.6 Persons by whether using a 100

的人士數目 hearing aid/tool

表 6.7 按有否使用言語/溝通輔助儀器/工 Table 6.7 Persons aged 2 and over by 101

具劃分的 2 歲及以上人士數目 whether using a
speech/communication aid/tool

7. 長期病患者的人口及社會經濟概況 7. Demographic and socio-

economic profiles of persons
with chronic diseases

圖 7.1 選定長期病患者的普遍率 Chart 7.1 Prevalence rate of persons with 107

selected type of chronic diseases

圖 7.2 按住處類別及年齡劃分的長期病患者 Chart 7.2 Percentage distribution of persons 108

的百分比分布 with chronic diseases by type of
residence and age

表 7.1 按下列變量/分類劃分的長期病患者 Table 7.1 Persons with chronic diseases by:

a. 選定的長期病患類別 a. selected type of chronic 109
b. 年齡及性別 b. age and sex 110
c. 年齡及選定的長期病患類別 c. age and selected type of 111
chronic diseases
d. 婚姻狀況/教育程度 d. marital status / educational 116
e. 居住地區 e. area of residence 117
f. 房屋類別 f. type of housing 118
g. 年齡/經濟活動身分 g. age / economic activity status 119

- xviii -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計圖表目錄表 List of charts and tables


表 7.2 按下列變量/分類劃分的就業長期病 Table 7.2 Employed persons with chronic

患者數目: diseases by:
a. 年齡及性別 a. age and sex 120
b. 婚姻狀況/教育程度 b. marital status / educational 121
c. 行業 c. industry 122
d. 職業 d. occupation 123
e. 每月就業收入 e. monthly employment earnings 124

8. 殘疾及長期病患對日常生活的影響 8. Impact of disabilities and

chronic diseases on day-to-day

表 8.1 按選定的殘疾類別及是否因其殘疾及 Table 8.1 Persons with disabilities and 132

長期病患而令其在日常生活有困難劃 persons with chronic diseases by
分的殘疾人士及長期病患者數目 selected type of disability and
whether had difficulty in day-to-
day living due to their disabilities
and chronic diseases

表 8.2 按選定的殘疾類別及自我評估的整體 Table 8.2 Persons with disabilities and 133

健康狀況劃分的殘疾人士及長期病患 persons with chronic diseases by
者數目 selected type of disability and self-
perceived general health condition

表 8.3 按選定的殘疾類別及是否因其殘疾及 Table 8.3 Students with disabilities and 134

長期病患而令其在學校學習遇到困難 students with chronic diseases who
劃分的殘疾及有特定需要的長期病患 had specific needs by selected type
學生數目 of disability and whether had
difficulty in studying at school due
to their disabilities and chronic

表 8.4 按選定的殘疾類別及是否因其殘疾及 Table 8.4 Economically active persons with 135

長期病患而令其在工作上遇到困難劃 disabilities and those with chronic
分的從事經濟活動殘疾人士及有特定 diseases who had specific needs by
需要的長期病患者數目 selected type of disability and
whether had difficulty at work due
to their disabilities and chronic

表 8.5 按選定的殘疾類別及是否因其殘疾及 Table 8.5 Persons with disabilities and 136

長期病患而令其在居住環境遇到困難 persons with chronic diseases who
劃分的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期 had specific needs by selected type
病患者數目 of disability and whether had
difficulty in living environment
due to their disabilities and chronic

- xix -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
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統計圖表目錄表 List of charts and tables


表 8.6 按選定的殘疾類別及是否因其殘疾及 Table 8.6 Persons with disabilities and 137

長期病患而令其在醫療/復康服務遇 persons with chronic diseases who
到困難劃分的殘疾人士及有特定需要 had specific needs by selected type
的長期病患者數目 of disability and whether had
difficulty in medical care /
rehabilitation service due to their
disabilities and chronic diseases

表 8.7 按選定的殘疾類別及是否因其殘疾及 Table 8.7 Persons with disabilities and 138

長期病患而令其在社區生活遇到困難 persons with chronic diseases who
劃分的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期 had specific needs by selected type
病患者數目 of disability and whether had
difficulty in community life due to
their disabilities and chronic

表 8.8 按選定的殘疾類別及是否因其殘疾及 Table 8.8 Persons with disabilities and 139

長期病患而令其出外活動遇到困難劃 persons with chronic diseases who
分的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病 had specific needs by selected type
患者數目 of disability and whether had
difficulty in going out due to their
disabilities and chronic diseases

表 8.9 按選定的殘疾類別及是否因其殘疾及 Table 8.9 Persons aged 15 and over with 140
長期病患而令其打理家務遇到困難劃 disabilities and those with chronic
分的 15 歲及以上殘疾人士及有特定 diseases who had specific needs by
需要的長期病患者數目 selected type of disability and
whether had difficulty in doing
housework due to their disabilities
and chronic diseases

表 8.10a 按選定的殘疾類別及會否考慮接受一 Table 8.10a Economically inactive persons 141

份合適工作劃分的居住在住戶內的 aged 15 - 64 with disabilities and
15 - 64 歲非從事經濟活動殘疾人士及 those with chronic diseases who
有特定需要的長期病患者數目 had specific needs residing in
households by selected type of
disability and whether would
consider accepting a suitable job

表 8.10b 按接受一份合適工作的主要考慮因素 Table 8.10b Economically inactive persons 142

及選定的殘疾類別劃分的居住在住戶 aged 15 - 64 with disabilities and
內會考慮接受一份合適工作的 15 - 64 those with chronic diseases who
歲非從事經濟活動殘疾人士及有特定 had specific needs residing in
需要的長期病患者數目 households and would consider
accepting a suitable job by main
consideration for accepting a
suitable job and selected type of

- xx -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
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統計圖表目錄表 List of charts and tables


表 8.10c 按不接受一份合適工作的主要原因及 Table 8.10c Economically inactive persons 144

選定的殘疾類別劃分的居住在住戶內 aged 15 - 64 with disabilities and
不會考慮接受一份合適工作的 15 - 64 those with chronic diseases who
歲非從事經濟活動殘疾人士及有特定 had specific needs residing in
需要的長期病患者數目 households and would not
consider accepting a suitable job
by main reason for not accepting a
suitable job and selected type of

9. 居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定需 9. Carers of persons with

要的長期病患者的照顧者 disabilities and persons with
chronic diseases who had
specific needs residing in

表 9.1 按選定的殘疾類別及是否因其殘疾及 Table 9.1 Persons with disabilities and 156

長期病患而有別人照顧其日常生活劃 persons with chronic diseases who
分的居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特 had specific needs residing in
定需要的長期病患者數目 households by selected type of
disability and whether had a
person taking care of their day-to-
day living due to their disabilities
and chronic diseases

表 9.2 按是否需要別人在選定的生活範疇幫 Table 9.2 Persons aged 12 and over with 157
助及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人照 disabilities residing in households
顧其日常生活的居住在住戶內的 12 who had a person taking care of
歲及以上殘疾人士數目 their day-to-day living by whether
needed another person to help in
selected aspects and selected type
of disability

表 9.3 按照顧者的數目及選定的殘疾類別劃 Table 9.3 Persons with disabilities and 160

分的有別人照顧其日常生活的居住在 persons with chronic diseases who
住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長 had specific needs residing in
期病患者數目 households and had a person
taking care of their day-to-day
living by number of carers and
selected type of disability

表 9.4 按下列變量/分類劃分的有別人照顧 Table 9.4 Persons with disabilities and

其日常生活的居住在住戶內的殘疾人 persons with chronic diseases who
士及有特定需要的長期病患者數目: had specific needs residing in
households and had a person
taking care of their day-to-day
living by:
a. 選定的殘疾類別及是否與照顧者 a. selected type of disability and 164
共住 whether living together with
the carer
b. 照顧者的身分及選定的殘疾類別 b. identity of the carer and 165
selected type of disability

- xxi -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
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統計圖表目錄表 List of charts and tables


c. 選定的殘疾類別及是否需要支付 c. selected type of disability and 169

照顧費用予照顧者 whether needed to pay for the
caring services provided by the
d. 每周通常受照顧者照顧時數及選 d. usual hours of caring services 170
定的殘疾類別 provided by the carer per week
and selected type of disability
e. 與照顧者年齡差距及選定的殘疾 e. difference in age compared 174
類別 with the carer and selected type
of disability

表 9.5 按選定的殘疾類別及照顧者是否殘疾 Table 9.5 Persons with disabilities residing 178

人士劃分的與照顧者共住的居住在住 in households who were living
戶內的殘疾人士數目 together with the carer by selected
type of disability and whether the
carer was a person with disabilities

表 9.6 按下列變量/分類劃分的有特定照顧 Table 9.6 Persons with disabilities and

者的居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特 persons with chronic diseases who
定需要的長期病患者數目: had specific needs residing in
households and had a specific
carer by:
a. 特定照顧者的年齡及選定的殘疾 a. age of the specific carer and 179
類別 selected type of disability
b. 特定照顧者的性別及選定的殘疾 b. sex of the specific carer and 183
類別 selected type of disability
c. 受特定照顧者照顧年期及選定的 c. number of years of caring 187
殘疾類別 services provided by the
specific carer and selected type
of disability
d. 特定照顧者在統計前 1 個月因照 d. frequency of the specific carer 191
顧而感到有精神壓力的頻率及選 feeling stressed due to the
定的殘疾類別 caring services during the 1
month before enumeration and
selected type of disability

表 9.6e 按特定照顧者上一次感到有精神壓力 Table 9.6e Persons with disabilities and 195

的程度及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有特 persons with chronic diseases who
定照顧者在統計前 1 個月因照顧而感 had specific needs residing in
到有精神壓力的居住在住戶內的殘疾 households and had a specific
人士及有特定需要的長期病患者數目 carer felt stressed due to the caring
services during the 1 month before
enumeration by level of stress the
specific carer felt last time and
selected type of disability

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從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
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統計圖表目錄表 List of charts and tables


表 9.6f 按在統計時特定照顧者的就業情況及 Table 9.6f Persons with disabilities and 199

選定的殘疾類別劃分的有特定照顧者 persons with chronic diseases who
的居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 had specific needs residing in
需要的長期病患者數目 households and had a specific
carer by employment status of the
specific carer at the time of
enumeration and selected type of

10. 殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者 10. Transportation arrangement for

的交通安排 persons with disabilities and
persons with chronic diseases
who had specific needs

表 10.1 按會否出外/出外主要目的及選定的 Table 10.1 Persons with disabilities and 208

殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士及有特定需 persons with chronic diseases who
要的長期病患者數目 had specific needs by whether
going out / main purpose of going
out and selected type of disability

表 10.2 按乘搭交通工具是否需要協助及選定 Table 10.2 Persons with disabilities and 212

的殘疾類別劃分的會出外的殘疾人士 persons with chronic diseases who
及有特定需要的長期病患者數目 had specific needs and would go
out by whether needed assistance
in transportation and selected type
of disability

表 10.3 按主要使用的交通工具及選定的殘疾 Table 10.3 Persons with disabilities and 216

類別劃分的會乘搭交通工具的殘疾人 persons with chronic diseases who
士及有特定需要的長期病患者數目 had specific needs and would take
transportation by principal mode
of transportation used and selected
type of disability

表 10.4a 按出外覆診/接受治療時轉乘次數及 Table 10.4a Persons with disabilities and 220

選定的殘疾類別劃分的會出外的殘疾 persons with chronic diseases who
人士及有特定需要的長期病患者數目 had specific needs and would go
out by number of transfers when
going out for medical
consultation/treatment and
selected type of disability

表 10.4b 按往返工作地點時轉乘次數及選定的 Table 10.4b Employed persons with 224

殘疾類別劃分的會出外的就業殘疾人 disabilities and those with chronic
士及有特定需要的就業長期病患者數 diseases who had specific needs
目 and would go out by number of
transfers when going out for work
and selected type of disability

- xxiii -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
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統計圖表目錄表 List of charts and tables


表 10.4c 按出外學習時轉乘次數及選定的殘疾 Table 10.4c Students / persons receiving skills 228

類別劃分的會出外的殘疾及有特定需 training with disabilities and those
要的長期病患學生/接受技能訓練人 with chronic diseases who had
士數目 specific needs and would go out by
number of transfers when going
out for study and selected type of

11. 殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者 11. Usage of information technology

的資訊科技運用情況 of persons with disabilities and
persons with chronic diseases
who had specific needs

表 11.1a 按選定的殘疾類別及在統計前 12 個 Table 11.1a Persons aged 10 and over with 236
月有否使用過互聯網劃分的 10 歲及 disabilities and those with chronic
以上殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病 diseases who had specific needs by
患者數目 selected type of disability and
whether used the Internet during
the 12 months before enumeration

表 11.1b 按使用互聯網的目的及選定的殘疾類 Table 11.1b Persons aged 10 and over with 237
別劃分的在統計前 12 個月有使用過 disabilities and those with chronic
互聯網的 10 歲及以上殘疾人士及有 diseases who had specific needs
特定需要的長期病患者數目 and had used the Internet during
the 12 months before enumeration
by purpose of using the Internet
and selected type of disability

表 11.1c 按沒有使用互聯網的原因及選定的殘 Table 11.1c Persons aged 10 and over with 241
疾類別劃分的在統計前 12 個月沒有 disabilities and those with chronic
使用互聯網的 10 歲及以上殘疾人士 diseases who had specific needs
及有特定需要的長期病患者數目 and had not used the Internet
during the 12 months before
enumeration by reason for not
using the Internet and selected type
of disability

表 11.2 按下列變量/分類劃分的 10 歲及以 Table 11.2 Persons aged 10 and over with
上殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患 disabilities and those with chronic
者數目: diseases who had specific needs
a. 選定的殘疾類別及家中是否擁有 a. selected type of disability and 245
/使用資訊科技設備 whether had/used IT device at
b. 選定的殘疾類別及是否擁有/使 b. selected type of disability and 246
用智能手機 whether had/used smartphone
c. 選定的殘疾類別及家中是否擁有 c. selected type of disability and 247
/使用個人電腦 whether had/used personal
computer (PC) at home

- xxiv -
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統計圖表目錄表 List of charts and tables


12. 有關按主要功能範疇及延伸功能範疇 12. Concepts and survey results

分析的概念及統計調查結果 analysed by core functioning
domains and extended
functioning domains

表 12.1 按選定的基本活動功能範疇及困難程 Table 12.1 Persons by selected basic activity 253

度劃分的人士數目 functioning domains and level of

表 12.2a 按選定的基本活動功能範疇及在統計 Table 12.2a Persons aged 5 and over by 254

前 1 個月感到焦慮/抑鬱的頻率劃分 selected basic activity functioning
的 5 歲及以上人士數目 domains and frequency of feeling
anxious/depressed during the 1
month before enumeration

表 12.2b 按選定的基本活動功能範疇及上一次 Table 12.2b Persons aged 5 and over who felt 254
感到焦慮/抑鬱的程度劃分的在統計 anxious/depressed during the 1
前 1 個月感到焦慮/抑鬱的 5 歲及以 month before enumeration by
上人士數目 selected basic activity functioning
domains and level of feeling
anxious/depressed last time

表 12.3 按年齡/性別及認知能力困難程度劃 Table 12.3 Persons aged 5 and over by 255

分的 5 歲及以上人士數目 age/sex and level of difficulty in

表 12.4 按年齡/性別及自理能力困難程度劃 Table 12.4 Persons aged 12 and over by 256

分的 12 歲及以上人士數目 age/sex and level of difficulty in

表 12.5 按年齡/性別及學習困難程度劃分的 Table 12.5 Persons aged 2 and over by 257

2 歲及以上人士數目 age/sex and level of difficulty in

表 12.6a 按年齡/性別及在統計前 1 個月感到 Table 12.6a Persons aged 5 and over by 258
焦慮的頻率劃分的 5 歲及以上人士數 age/sex and frequency of feeling
目 anxious during the 1 month before

表 12.6b 按年齡/性別及上一次感到焦慮的程 Table 12.6b Persons aged 5 and over who felt 259
度劃分的在統計前 1 個月感到焦慮的 anxious during the 1 month before
5 歲及以上人士數目 enumeration by age/sex and level
of feeling anxious last time

表 12.7a 按年齡/性別及在統計前 1 個月感到 Table 12.7a Persons aged 5 and over by 260
抑鬱的頻率劃分的 5 歲及以上人士數 age/sex and frequency of feeling
目 depressed during the 1 month
before enumeration

表 12.7b 按年齡/性別及上一次感到抑鬱的程 Table 12.7b Persons aged 5 and over who felt 261
度劃分的在統計前 1 個月感到抑鬱的 depressed during the 1 month
5 歲及以上人士數目 before enumeration by age/sex and
level of feeling depressed last time

- xxv -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
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統計圖表目錄表 List of charts and tables


表 12.8 按年齡/性別及主要功能範疇困難程 Table 12.8 Persons by age/sex and level of 262

度劃分的人士數目 difficulty in core functioning

表 12.9 按年齡/性別及延伸功能範疇困難程 Table 12.9 Persons by age/sex and level of 263

度劃分的人士數目 difficulty in extended functioning

附錄 3(甲) 有關住院智障人士的院舍統計調 Appendix 3A Results of the institutions

查結果 survey pertaining to
institutional residents with
intellectual disability

表 A3A. 按下列變量/分類劃分的住院智 Table A3A. Institutional residents with

障人士數目: intellectual disability by:
1. 年齡/性別 1. age/sex 274
2. 婚姻狀況/教育程度 2. marital status / 275
educational attainment
3. 居住地區 3. area of residence 276
4. 年齡/經濟活動身分 4. age / economic activity 277

表 A3A.5 按行業/職業/每月就業收入劃 Table A3A.5 Employed institutional 278

分的就業住院智障人士數目 residents with intellectual
disability by industry /
occupation / monthly
employment earnings

附錄 3(乙) 從專題訪問估計所得有關居住在 Appendix 3B Demographic and socio-

住戶內的智障人士的人口及社會 economic profiles of persons
經濟概況 with intellectual disability
residing in households as
estimated from the special
topic enquiry

表 A3B. 按下列變量/分類劃分的居住在 Table A3B. Persons with intellectual

住戶內的智障人士數目: disability residing in
households by:
1. 年齡/性別 1. age/sex 282
2. 婚姻狀況/教育程度 2. marital status / 283
educational attainment
3. 居住地區 3. area of residence 284
4. 年齡/經濟活動身分 4. age / economic activity 285

- xxvi -
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香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計圖表目錄表 List of charts and tables


表 A3B. 按下列變量/分類劃分的居住在 Table A3B. Employed persons with

住戶內的就業智障人士數目: intellectual disability residing
in households by:
5. 行業/職業 5. industry/occupation 286
6. 每月就業收入 6. monthly employment 287

附錄 4 按 2013 年原有定義編製的殘疾人 Appendix 4 Demographic and socio-

士的人口及社會經濟概況 economic profiles of persons
with disabilities based on the
original definition adopted
in 2013

圖 A4.1 按 2013 年原有定義編製的殘疾人 Chart A4.1 Prevalence rate of persons 302

士的普遍率 with disabilities based on the
original definition adopted in

圖 A4.2 按住處類別及年齡劃分的按 2013 Chart A4.2 Percentage distribution of 303

年原有定義編製的殘疾人士的百 persons with disabilities based
分比分布 on the original definition
adopted in 2013 by type of
residence and age

表 A4.1 按下列變量/分類劃分的按 2013 Table A4.1 Persons with disabilities

年原有定義編製的殘疾人士數 based on the original
目: definition adopted in 2013 by:
a. 選定的殘疾類別及只有一種 a. selected type of disability 304
/有多於一種殘疾類別 and with single disability
/ multiple disabilities
b. 年齡/性別及選定的殘疾類 b. age/sex and selected type 305
別 of disability
c. 婚姻狀況/教育程度及選定 c. marital status / 307
的殘疾類別 educational attainment
and selected type of
d. 居住地區及選定的殘疾類別 d. area of residence and 309
selected type of disability
e. 房屋類別及選定的殘疾類別 e. type of housing and 311
selected type of disability
f. 年齡/經濟活動身分及選定 f. age / economic activity 313
的殘疾類別 status and selected type of

- xxvii -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
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統計圖表目錄表 List of charts and tables


表 A4.2 按下列變量/分類劃分的按 2013 Table A4.2 Employed persons with

年原有定義編製的就業殘疾人士 disabilities based on the
數目: original definition adopted in
2013 by:
a. 選定的殘疾類別及只有一種 a. selected type of disability 315
/有多於一種殘疾類別 and with single disability
/ multiple disabilities
b. 年齡/性別及選定的殘疾類 b. age/sex and selected type 316
別 of disability
c. 婚姻狀況/教育程度及選定 c. marital status / 318
的殘疾類別 educational attainment
and selected type of
d. 行業及選定的殘疾類別 d. industry and selected type 320
of disability
e. 職業及選定的殘疾類別 e. occupation and selected 322
type of disability
f. 每月就業收入及選定的殘疾 f. monthly employment 324
類別 earnings and selected type
of disability

表 A4.3 按身體活動能力受限制的主要類 Table A4.3 Persons with restriction in 326

別劃分的按 2013 年原有定義編製 body movement based on the
的身體活動能力受限制人士數目 original definition adopted in
2013 by major type of
restriction in body movement

- xxviii -
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
1 引言

1.1 政府曾透過 1976 年中期人口統計及 1.1 During the 1976 Population By-census
1981 年人口普查,搜集選定殘疾類別普遍程度 and the 1981 Population Census, information on
的資料。在該兩次大規模的統計行動中搜集殘 the local prevalence of selected types of disability
疾資料,曾遇到不少困難,當中包括(i) 受訪者 was collected. A lot of difficulty was
encountered in collecting the disability data in
those large-scale statistical operations. These
(ii) 大部分訪問員均為學生,缺乏處理複雜的
included (i) the different definitions of disability
殘疾概念的經驗;(iii) 在簡單的外勤訪問設計 perceived by the respondents and adopted by the
中,較難分辨不同的殘疾類別;及(iv) 部分受 Government; (ii) the lack of experience of
訪者不願意提供有關殘疾住戶成員的資料。在 enumerators, who were mostly students, to tackle
該些情況下,搜集所得的資料相信有頗大程度 complex disability concepts; (iii) the complexity
的低估情況。 in differentiating individual types of disability
under a simple fieldwork setting; and (iv) the
unwillingness on the part of some respondents to
provide information on household members with
disabilities. Under such circumstances, the
information collected was believed to have been
subject to serious under-reporting.

1.2 就 2001 年人口普查的工作進行諮詢 1.2 During the consultation exercise of the

時,有個別團體曾提議加入「殘疾」項目以搜 2001 Population Census, some parties had
集最新及詳盡的有關殘疾人士的資料。然而, suggested that the “disability” topic be included
有關殘疾的問題,尤其是殘疾的定義及嚴重程 so as to collect up-to-date and comprehensive
information on persons with disabilities.
However, as questions pertaining to disability,
particularly the definition and the severity of
訪問人員處理該些問題會較為恰當。此外,從 disability, involve complex concepts and detailed
1976 年中期人口統計及 1981 年人口普查的經 classification, they should preferably be handled
驗所得,「殘疾」課題較為複雜及敏感,並不 by enumerators with considerable experience and
適合在人口普查/中期人口統計中搜集有關 intensive training on the concepts and definitions
資料。相反,以一個具設計完善的問卷及以富 of disability. Also, having regard to the
經驗和曾接受良好訓練的訪問人員作訪問的 experience gained in the 1976 Population By-
特定統計調查來搜集殘疾資料會更為合適。 census and the 1981 Population Census, it is
believed that the topic of disability, which is
complicated and of sensitive nature, is not
suitable for inclusion in population censuses/by-
censuses. Instead, a dedicated survey with a
well-designed questionnaire and well-trained and
experienced enumerators would be the more
appropriate vehicle for such purpose.

1.3 基於上述情況,政府統計處於 2000 年 1.3 In the light of the above, the Census and
整年、2006 年 11 月至 2007 年 12 月期間及 Statistics Department (C&SD) conducted a
2013 年整年,均進行了一項有關殘疾人士及長 territory-wide survey on persons with disabilities
期病患者的全港性統計調查,以搜集殘疾人士 and chronic diseases throughout the entire year of
2000, during November 2006 - December 2007,
and throughout the entire year of 2013 to collect
查於 2019 年 8 月至 2020 年 12 月期間再次進
information on the basic profiles of persons with
行,以搜集有關人士基本概況的更新資料。因 disabilities and persons with chronic diseases.
應搜集殘疾統計數字的最新國際發展,是次統 The survey was then conducted again during
計調查更新了四種選定殘疾類別(身體活動能 August 2019 - December 2020 to collect updated
力受限制、視覺有困難、聽覺有困難、溝通能 information on the basic profiles of the persons

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 -1- Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
引言 Introduction

力有困難)的定義,相關的統計調查結果因而 concerned. In relation to the latest international

不能與以往的結果作直接比較。有關殘疾的概 development in collecting statistical data on
念、定義及所作出的更新,請參閱本報告書第 disability, the definitions for the four selected
3 章。此外,為便利數據使用者進行趨勢分析, types of disability (restriction in body movement,
seeing difficulty, hearing difficulty and
本報告的附錄 4 載有根據 2013 年統計調查所
communication difficulty) have been updated in
採用的定義的補充分析,相關結果與 2013 年
this round of the survey and hence the survey
及 2006/07 年的結果大致可比,但不能與 2000 findings concerned are not directly comparable
年的結果作直接比較。 with the past results. For details on the concepts
and definitions of disability and the updates made,
please see Chapter 3 of this report. Moreover, in
order to facilitate trend analysis of data users,
supplementary analyses on persons with
disabilities based on the definition adopted in the
2013 round of the survey are provided in
Appendix 4 of this report; and the results
concerned are largely comparable to the results in
the 2013 round and the 2006/07 round, but are not
strictly comparable with the results of the 2000

1.4 殘疾人士及長期病患者的統計調查 1.4 The main objectives of the survey on

旨在: persons with disabilities and chronic diseases
were to:
(a) 估計有選定殘疾類別及長期病患的總 (a) estimate the total number and
人數及其普遍率; prevalence rate of persons with selected
types of disability and chronic diseases;

(b) 提供有關殘疾人士及長期病患者的人 (b) furnish information on the demographic

口及社會經濟概況的資料;及 and socio-economic profiles of persons
with disabilities and persons with
chronic diseases; and
(c) 提供有關照顧該些殘疾人士及長期病 (c) furnish information about people who
患者的人士的資料。 provided care to those persons with
disabilities and persons with chronic

統計調查方法簡介 Brief description of the survey method

1.5 殘疾人士及長期病患者的統計調查 1.5 The survey on persons with disabilities

分三部分進行。第一部分為於 2019 年 8 月至 and chronic diseases was organised into three
9 月期間透過「綜合住戶統計調查」進行的「長 parts. The first part was a special topic enquiry
期病患者」專題訪問,以搜集居住在住戶內的 (STE) on “Persons with chronic diseases”
conducted via the General Household Survey
長期病患者的資料。第二部分為於 2019 年 11
(GHS) during August - September 2019,
月至 2020 年 11 月期間透過「綜合住戶統計調
collecting data from persons with chronic
查」進行的「殘疾人士」專題訪問,以搜集居 diseases who resided in households. The second
住在住戶內的殘疾人士的資料。第三部分為於 part was a STE on “Persons with disabilities”
2020 年 5 月至 12 月期間進行的院舍統計調 conducted via the GHS during November 2019 -
查,以搜集居住在提供住宿服務的院舍內的殘 November 2020, collecting data from persons
疾人士及長期病患者的資料。在編製統計調查 with disabilities who resided in households. The
結果時,有關的數字已進行適當的統計調整, third part was an institutions survey conducted

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 -2- Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
引言 Introduction

以推算 2020 年的情況。因此,本報告書內所 during May - December 2020 to collect data from
載的統計數字均反映 2020 年的情況。 persons with disabilities and persons with chronic
diseases who resided in institutions with
residential services. In compiling the survey
results, statistical adjustment had been applied to
relevant figures to project the situation in 2020.
Therefore, the statistics presented in this report
reflect the situation in 2020.

1.6 就香港而言,部分殘疾類別例如智 1.6 As the prevalence rates of some

障、自閉症譜系障礙及特殊學習困難的普遍率 disability types such as intellectual disability,
相信會頗低。為確保該統計調查能獲取有關各 Autism Spectrum Disorder and Specific Learning
類殘疾人士的足夠規模的樣本作詳細統計分 Difficulties are expected to be rather low in Hong
Kong, coupled with the impact of COVID-19
析,加上 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情對與被抽選的
epidemic which affected the normal face-to-face
interview with sampled households, the survey
士的專題訪問的統計期由 2019 年 11 月起,持 period of the STE on persons with disabilities
續進行 13 個月,至 2020 年 11 月止。此外, spanned over 13 months, from November 2019 to
值得留意的是,在統計期的大部分時間,受訪 November 2020 in order to obtain a sufficiently
者的日常生活都受到 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情影 large sample of persons with different types of
響而與在正常情況下比較或有所不同。所以, disability for detailed statistical analysis.
有關殘疾人士日常生活的統計調查結果須謹 Moreover, it should be noted that the daily lives
慎闡釋,特別是與以往的統計調查結果作比較 of respondents in most of the time during the
時。 survey period were affected by the COVID-19
epidemic and may be deviated from normal
circumstances. Therefore, the survey findings
related to day-to-day living of persons with
disabilities should be carefully interpreted,
particularly when comparing with previous
rounds of the survey.

1.7 第一部分的統計調查成功訪問了約 1.7 Some 6 700 households within a

6 700 個根據科學方法抽選的住戶(約佔全港 scientifically selected sample (i.e. about 0.3% of
總住戶數目的 0.3%),回應率為 78%。第二部 all households in Hong Kong) were successfully
分的統計調查則成功訪問了約 40 600 個住戶 enumerated in the first part of the survey,
constituting a response rate of 78%. For the
(約佔全港總住戶數目的 1.5%),回應率為
second part of the survey, some 40 600
72%。至於院舍統計調查,共抽選了約 130 間
households (i.e. about 1.5% of all households in
院舍進行訪問,當中約 1 700 名住院人士接受 Hong Kong) were successfully enumerated,
了訪問,回應率為 87%。對於該三部分的統計 constituting a response rate of 72%. For the
調查的未回應情況,編製統計調查結果時已進 institutions survey, altogether some 130
行適當的統計調整。 institutions were sampled and around 1 700
residents therein were successfully enumerated,
constituting a response rate of about 87%.
Proper statistical adjustments had been applied in
the compilation of survey results to take account
of the non-response situation in these three parts
of the survey.

1.8 有關透過「綜合住戶統計調查」進行 1.8 For details on the survey coverage and

的專題訪問及院舍統計調查的涵蓋範圍及抽 sample design of the STE conducted via the GHS
樣設計,請參閱本報告書第 2 章。 and the institutions survey, please see Chapter 2
of this report.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 -3- Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
引言 Introduction

統計調查所搜集的資料項目 Data items collected in the survey

1.9 是項統計調查中,在已抽選屋宇單位 1.9 In this survey, all persons who resided in

內居住的人士 1及已抽選的住院人士會被邀回 the sampled quarters1 and all sampled institutional
答經適當及小心設計的問卷內一系列清晰界 residents were invited to answer a series of well-
定及事實性的問題,以確定根據是項統計調查 defined and factual questions contained in a
properly and carefully designed questionnaire for
ascertaining whether they were persons with
disabilities or chronic diseases according to the
(i) 評估其在選定功能範疇的困難程度;(ii) 界 definition adopted by the survey, and if so, they
定其殘疾/長期病患類別;(iii) 確定殘疾/長 were further asked some specific questions for
期病患對其日常生活的影響;(iv) 搜集有關其 (i) assessing the degree of difficulty for selected
照顧者及所需照顧服務的資料;(v) 搜集有關 functioning domains; (ii) identifying the types of
其使用資訊科技的資料;及(vi) 搜集有關其出 their disability / chronic disease; (iii) ascertaining
外活動時所需的交通安排及協助的資料。 the impact of disabilities / chronic diseases on
their day-to-day living; (iv) collecting some
information relating to their carers and the caring
services required; (v) collecting some
information of their usage of information
technology; and (vi) collecting some
information on the transportation arrangement
and assistance required when going out.

1.10 此外,所有受訪者亦會被問及他們在 1.10 Also, all respondents were asked for the
選定基本活動功能範疇中的困難程度。 level of difficulty in selected basic activity
functioning domains.

1.11 有關居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及長 1.11 Detailed analysis of the demographic

期病患者的人口及社會經濟特徵(例如性別、 and socio-economic characteristics (e.g. sex, age,
年齡、教育程度、經濟活動身分,以及若為就 educational attainment, economic activity status,
業人士、其從事的行業和職業)的詳細分析, and industry and occupation in which they were
engaged if they were employed) of persons with
disabilities and persons with chronic diseases
residing in households was made under the
院舍統計調查直接搜集。 framework of the GHS. As regards those
persons residing in institutions, such information
was collected in the institutions survey direct.

1.12 附錄 2 列出是項統計調查搜集的主要 1.12 The main data items collected in this

資料項目。 survey are listed in Appendix 2.

1.13 根據從受訪住戶及住院人士所搜集 1.13 Based on information collected from the

得的資料,可推論全香港人口的有關情況。有 interviewed households and institutional
關統計調查所涵蓋的範圍、統計調查的設計及 residents, the situation related to the entire
運作,請參閱本報告書第 2 章。 population in Hong Kong can be inferred.
Details on the survey coverage, survey design and
operation are set out in Chapter 2 of this report.

兒童或長者或因健康狀況或與陌生人溝通有困難 1
Proxy reporting was allowed for children or elders or
而未能親自回答問題的人士,可安排其他合適人 respondents who could not answer the questions in
士代答問題。 person due to health conditions or difficulty in
communicating with strangers.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 -4- Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
2 統計調查方法及運作
Survey methodology and operation
2.1 這項全港性的殘疾人士及長期病患者 2.1 This territory-wide survey on persons
統計調查分三部分進行。第一部分為於 2019 年 with disabilities and chronic diseases was
8 月至 9 月期間透過「綜合住戶統計調查」進行 organised into three parts. The first part was a
的「長期病患者」專題訪問,以搜集居住在住戶 special topic enquiry (STE) on “Persons with
chronic diseases” conducted via the General
內的長期病患者的資料。第二部分為於 2019 年
Household Survey (GHS) during August -
11 月至 2020 年 11 月期間透過「綜合住戶統計
September 2019, collecting data from persons with
調查」進行的「殘疾人士」專題訪問,以搜集居 chronic diseases who resided in households. The
住在住戶內的殘疾人士的資料。第三部分為於 second part was an STE on “Persons with
2020 年 5 月至 12 月期間進行的院舍統計調查, disabilities” conducted via the GHS during
以搜集居住在提供住宿服務的院舍內的殘疾人 November 2019 - November 2020, collecting data
士及長期病患者的資料。(有關進行院舍統計調 from persons with disabilities who resided in
查的需要,請參閱下文第 2.11 - 2.12 段。) households. The third part was an institutions
survey conducted during May - December 2020 to
collect data from persons with disabilities and
chronic diseases who resided in institutions with
residential services. (Please refer to paragraphs
2.11 - 2.12 below regarding the need for an
institutions survey.)

專題訪問的樣本設計 Sample design of the special topic enquiry

2.2 專題訪問為「綜合住戶統計調查」的附 2.2 The STE, which is a supplementary part

加部分,旨在以非經常性的形式搜集選定的社 of the GHS, aims at collecting data on selected
會資料以供政府各政策局/部門評估及制定政 social issues on an ad hoc basis to facilitate policy
策時參考。下文第 2.3 - 2.7 段為「綜合住戶統計 review and policy formulation by individual
Government bureaux/departments. Paragraphs
2.3 - 2.7 give a brief account of the sample design
of the GHS.

「綜合住戶統計調查」的涵蓋範圍 Coverage of the General Household Survey

2.3 「綜合住戶統計調查」是一項政府統計 2.3 The GHS is a sample survey which has

處自 1981 年 8 月開始持續進行的抽樣統計調 been conducted by the Census and Statistics
查,旨在搜集有關勞動人口、就業、失業及就業 Department (C&SD) on a continuous basis since
不足的資料。此外,亦有搜集有關全港人口的人 August 1981. The main objective of the GHS is
to collect data on the labour force, employment,
unemployment and underemployment. Some
information on the demographic and socio-
其附加部分,包含一些特別設計的問題以搜集 economic characteristics of the population is also
選定專題的資料。 obtained. In addition, through the use of a
supplementary part, the GHS also includes some
specially designed questions to collect data on a
selected special topic required by the other
Government bureaux/departments.

2.4 專題訪問乃是透過「綜合住戶統計調 2.4 The GHS through which the STEs are
查」進行。「綜合住戶統計調查」涵蓋全港陸上 conducted covers the land-based non-institutional
非住院人口,下列人士並不包括在內: population of Hong Kong. The following
categories of people are excluded:

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 -5- Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計調查方法及運作 Survey methodology and operation

(a) 院舍的住院人士;及 (a) inmates of institutions; and

(b) 水上居民。 (b) persons living on board vessels.

「綜合住戶統計調查」的涵蓋範圍約佔居港人 The GHS thus covers about 99% of the Hong Kong
口(包括常住居民 1 及流動居民 2)的 99%。 Resident Population (i.e. including both Usual
Residents 1 and Mobile Residents 2).

「綜合住戶統計調查」抽樣框 Sampling frame of the GHS

2.5 「綜合住戶統計調查」是以屋宇單位的 2.5 The GHS is based on a sample of quarters

樣本作依據。該樣本是從本港所有供居住用途 selected from all permanent quarters and quarters
及只部分作居住用途的永久性屋宇單位及小區 in segments which are for residential and partially
內的屋宇單位中,以一個根據科學方法設計的 residential purposes in Hong Kong in accordance
with a scientifically designed sampling scheme.
The sampling units are permanent quarters in built-
up areas and segments in non-built-up areas.

2.6 「綜合住戶統計調查」採用政府統計處 2.6 The GHS makes use of the frame of

設立的屋宇單位框,作為抽樣框,當中包括兩部 quarters maintained by the C&SD as the sampling
分:(i) 屋宇單位檔案庫和(ii) 小區檔案庫。屋宇 frame. The frame consists of two parts:
單位檔案庫載有在已建設地區內(包括市區、新 (i) Register of Quarters (RQ) and (ii) Register of
Segments (RS). The RQ contains computerised
records of all addresses of permanent quarters in
built-up areas (including urban areas, new towns
有的地址作識別,並詳列街道名稱、大廈名稱、 and other major developed areas). Each unit of
層數和單位號碼。 quarters is identified by a unique address with
details such as street name, building name, floor
number and flat number.

2.7 小區檔案庫載有在非建設地區內的小 2.7 The RS contains records of segments in

區的紀錄,有關紀錄以相對較永久和可辨認的 non-built-up areas which are delineated by
標記(例如小徑和河流)來劃分。每個小區約有 relatively permanent and identifiable landmarks
10 個屋宇單位。由於在非建設地區內的屋宇單 such as footpath and river. There are about 10
quarters in each segment. The use of segments as
the sampling unit in non-built-up areas is necessary
since the quarters in these areas may not have clear

「常住居民」指兩類人士:(a) 在統計時點之前的 1
“Usual Residents” refer to two categories of people:
6 個月內,在港逗留最少 3 個月,又或在統計時點 (a) Hong Kong Permanent Residents who have
之後的 6 個月內,在港逗留最少 3 個月的香港永 stayed in Hong Kong for at least 3 months during the
久性居民,不論在統計時點他們是否身在香港;及 6 months before or for at least 3 months during the 6
(b) 在統計時點身在香港的香港非永久性居民。 months after the reference time-point, regardless of
whether they are in Hong Kong or not at the
reference time-point; and (b) Hong Kong Non-
permanent Residents who are in Hong Kong at the
reference time-point.
對於不是「常住居民」的香港永久性居民,如他們 2
For those Hong Kong Permanent Residents who are
在統計時點之前的 6 個月內,在港逗留最少 1 個 not “Usual Residents”, they are classified as “Mobile
月但少於 3 個月,又或在統計時點之後的 6 個月 Residents” if they have stayed in Hong Kong for at
內,在港逗留最少 1 個月但少於 3 個月,不論在 least 1 month but less than 3 months during the 6
統計時點他們是否身在香港,會被界定為「流動居 months before or for at least 1 month but less than 3
months during the 6 months after the reference time-
point, regardless of whether they are in Hong Kong
or not at the reference time-point.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 -6- Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計調查方法及運作 Survey methodology and operation

是有必要的。 addresses and cannot readily be identified


分別進行「長期病患者」及「殘疾人士」 The need for conducting STEs on “persons

專題訪問的需要 with chronic diseases” and “persons with
disabilities” separately

2.8 作為「綜合住戶統計調查」的附加部分, 2.8 As a supplementary part of the GHS, the

分配給專題訪問的訪問時間有一定的局限。鑑 interviewing time allocated to the STE is rather
於長期病患者的數目相對較大及各殘疾類別的 limited. In view of the relatively larger number
概念及定義頗複雜,因此是次統計調查與 2013 of persons with chronic diseases and the
complicated concepts and definitions of various
types of disability, similar to the arrangement in the
2013 round of the survey, the STE on “persons
期病患者」專題訪問,以較短時間完成(為期 2 with disabilities and chronic diseases” conducted
個月);而第二部分則為「殘疾人士」專題訪問, in this round of the survey had been split into two
為期 13 個月。 parts. The first part was the STE on “persons
with chronic diseases” which could be completed
within a shorter period of time (i.e. 2 months) while
the second part was the STE on “persons with
disabilities” which spanned over 13 months.

2.9 就香港而言,部分殘疾類別例如智障、 2.9 As the prevalence rates of some disability

自閉症譜系障礙及特殊學習困難的普遍率相信 types such as intellectual disability (ID), Autism
會頗低。為確保能獲取有關各類殘疾人士的足 Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Specific Learning
夠規模的樣本作詳細統計分析,加上 2019 冠狀 Difficulties are expected to be rather low in Hong
Kong, coupled with the impact of COVID-19
epidemic which affected the normal face-to-face
interview with sampled households, the survey
2019 年 11 月起,至 2020 年 11 月止,為期 13 period of the STE on “persons with disabilities”
個月,與 2013 年的統計調查比較多出 3 個月。 spanned over 13 months from November 2019 to
November 2020, 3 months more than the 2013
round of the survey, in order to obtain a sufficiently
large sample of persons with different types of
disability for detailed statistical analysis.

2.10 「長期病患者」專題訪問成功訪問了約 2.10 Some 6 700 households within a

6 700 個根據科學方法抽選的住戶(約佔全港總 scientifically selected sample (i.e. about 0.3% of all
住戶數目的 0.3%),回應率為 78%。「殘疾人 households in Hong Kong) were successfully
士」專題訪問則成功訪問了約 40 600 個住戶(約 enumerated in the STE on “persons with chronic
diseases”, constituting a response rate of 78%.
佔全港總住戶數目的 1.5%),回應率約為 72%。
For the STE on “persons with disabilities”, some
40 600 households (i.e. about 1.5% of all
households in Hong Kong) were successfully
enumerated, constituting a response rate of 72%.

進行院舍統計調查的需要 The need for an institutions survey

2.11 如前文第 2.4 段所述,「長期病患者」 2.11 As mentioned in paragraph 2.4 above, the
及「殘疾人士」專題訪問是透過「綜合住戶統計 GHS through which the STEs on “persons with
調查」進行,而「綜合住戶統計調查」只涵蓋全 chronic diseases” and “persons with disabilities”
港陸上非住院人口。換言之,有關的專題訪問未 were conducted covers only the land-based non-

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 -7- Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計調查方法及運作 Survey methodology and operation

能涵蓋居住於院舍及其他特殊類別樓宇內的殘 institutional population of Hong Kong. In other

疾人士及長期病患者。過往統計調查結果顯示, words, persons with disabilities and chronic
香港有一定數目的殘疾人士及長期病患者長期 diseases residing in institutions and special classes
居住在院舍內(例如老人院及智障人士院舍), buildings are not covered. The results of the
previous rounds of the survey showed that quite a
sizeable proportion of persons with disabilities and
chronic diseases in Hong Kong have long-stay in
institutions (e.g. homes for the elderly and hostels
for persons with ID). Information pertaining to
these persons should be collected as well.

2.12 鑑於在界定不同的殘疾類別時,是項統 2.12 Since the operational definition of

計調查所採用的方法與以臨床角度評估測試的 different types of disability adopted in the survey
方法有所不同,統計調查需要搜集有關住院人 is somewhat different from the definition based on
士的資料不一定可以在相關的行政紀錄中獲 the clinical assessment tests, the information
取。故此,在 2020 年 5 月至 12 月期間,另一項 required for the survey pertaining to institutional
住院人士統計調查(簡稱為「院舍統計調查」) residents might not be available from the relevant
亦與有關的專題訪問同時進行,以提供全港殘 administrative records. In this connection, a
疾人士及長期病患者全面的情況。 sample survey of the institutional residents
(referred to as “institutions survey”) was separately
conducted during May - December 2020 in parallel
with the STE in order to provide a full picture of
the profiles of persons with disabilities and chronic
diseases in Hong Kong.

院舍統計調查的樣本設計 Sample design of the institutions survey

院舍統計調查的涵蓋範圍及抽樣框 Coverage and sampling frame of the

institutions survey

2.13 是項院舍統計調查的訪問對象為居於 2.13 The institutions survey targeted at

社會福利機構院舍(例如安老院、智障人士院舍 persons with disabilities and chronic diseases who
及精神病康復者中途宿舍)、長期護理醫院,復 resided in social welfare institutions (such as
康中心與私營安老院 3 的殘疾人士及長期病患 elderly homes, hostels for persons with ID and
half-way houses for persons in mental recovery),
long-stay care hospitals, rehabilitation centres and
private elderly homes3. It made use of an up-to-
機構(例如醫院管理局)的行政紀錄特別編製一 date list of institutions specially compiled from the
份最新的院舍目錄表作為是項院舍統計調查的 administrative records of the relevant Government
抽樣框。每一紀錄均載列院舍的地址,包括街道 bureaux/departments (such as Social Welfare
名稱、大廈名稱、層數和單位號碼。從不同來源 Department, Education Bureau and Department of
所得的院舍目錄表已在樣本抽選前小心地互相 Health) and related organisations (such as Hospital
核對清楚,以確保抽樣框完整及並無重複紀錄。 Authority) as the sampling frame. Each record
contained a unique address of the institution such
as street name, building name, floor number and
flat number. To ensure completeness and no

自 2006 年 1 月起,「綜合住戶統計調查」的涵 3
Starting from January 2006, persons living in
蓋範圍不包括居住於私營安老院的人士。因此, private elderly homes are excluded from the
院舍統計調查需要涵蓋私營安老院。 coverage of the GHS. Thus, it was necessary to
include private elderly homes in the institutions

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 -8- Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計調查方法及運作 Survey methodology and operation

duplication of institutions in the sampling frame,

the lists of institutions from different sources had
been cross-checked thoroughly with each other
before sample selection.

2.14 是項院舍統計調查採用二階段分層非 2.14 A two-stage stratified disproportionate

比例抽樣設計抽選出一個具代表性的住院人士 sampling design was employed in the institutions
樣本。在第一階段中,由於不同殘疾類別人士的 survey to draw a representative sample of
基本特徵各有不同,政府統計處從已按服務類 institutional residents. In the first stage, a random
sample of institutions was drawn systematically
from the sampling frame of institutions stratified
by type of service (i.e. main disability that their
二階段中,在已抽選的院舍樣本內再按預先計 clients had), as the basic characteristics were
算的所需住院人士數目有系統地從每間院舍抽 somewhat different for persons with different types
選住院人士作訪問。是項院舍統計調查抽選了 of disability. In the second stage, a pre-
約 130 間院舍,並成功訪問了當中居住的約 determined proportion of residents was selected
1 700 名住院人士,回應率為 87%。 systematically within each sampled institution.
Altogether some 130 institutions were sampled in
the survey and around 1 700 residents therein were
successfully enumerated, constituting a response
rate of 87%.

資料搜集方法 Data collection method

2.15 專題訪問及院舍統計調查均採用面談 2.15 Face-to-face interviewing with the

方式進行訪問,以搜集所需資料。兒童或長者或 selected respondents was employed in both the
因健康狀況或與陌生人溝通有困難而未能親自 STE and the institutions survey to collect the
回答問題的人士,會安排其他合適人士(例如親 required information. Proxy reporting (such as
by relatives/friends, social workers, staff of the
institution) was allowed for children or elders or
respondents who could not answer the questions in
亦可自行填報網上問卷以提供其基本資料。如 person due to health conditions or difficulty in
住戶內有目標訪問對象,即以上門或電話形式 communicating with strangers. In addition to
進行跟進訪問,以搜集詳細資料。 face-to-face and telephone interviewing, Online
Questionnaire was available for sampled
households in the STE to supply their basic
information over the Internet. If there were target
respondents in the household, a face-to-face or
telephone follow-up interview would be conducted
to collect detailed information.

2.16 在訪問中,曾接受充足訓練及富經驗的 2.16 During the interview, a series of well-

訪問人員會邀請受訪者回答一系列以簡單及非 defined and factual questions in simple and non-
技術用語構成的清晰界定及事實性的問題,以 technical language were first asked by the well-
確定他們是否屬於殘疾人士或長期病患者。經 trained and experienced interviewers to identify
whether the respondents were persons with
disabilities or chronic diseases. Respondents
identified to be persons with selected type(s) of
disability / chronic disease were further asked
questions in relation to:

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 -9- Social data collected via the General Household Survey
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香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計調查方法及運作 Survey methodology and operation

(a) 其殘疾/長期病患類別及詳情(包括各 (a) Their type(s) and details of disability /

種功能範疇的困難程度、是否使用輔助 chronic disease (including level of
儀器、是否用手語溝通); difficulty in various functioning domains,
whether using assistive device, whether
using sign language to communicate);
(b) 殘疾及長期病患對其日常生活的影響 (b) Impact of disabilities and chronic diseases
(包括在學校學習、工作、居住環境、醫 on day-to-day living (including studying
療/復康服務、社區生活、出外活動、打 at school, work, living environment,
理家務); medical care / rehabilitation service,
community life, going out and doing
(c) 就殘疾人士及長期病患者而言,有關其 (c) For persons with disabilities and persons
照顧者的特徵及所需照顧服務的資料 with chronic diseases, the characteristics
(例如受訪者與照顧者的關係、每周通 of their carers and the caring services
常受照顧者照顧時數及照顧者是否與受 required (e.g. relationship of the carer
with the respondent, usual hours of caring
services provided per week and whether
the primary carer was living together with
the respondent); and
(d) 就殘疾人士及長期病患者而言,有關其 (d) For persons with disabilities and persons
使用資訊科技的資料(例如是否有使用 with chronic diseases, the information
互聯網及是否擁有資訊科技設備);及 about their use of information technology
(e.g. whether the respondent used the
Internet, whether the respondent had
information technology devices); and
(e) 就殘疾人士及長期病患者而言,往返工 (e) For persons with disabilities and persons
作地點或學校、覆診/接受治療及其他 with chronic diseases, the transportation
日常活動時所需的交通安排(問題包括 arrangement to/from work place or
受訪者是否需要別人協助出外及主要使 school, for medical
consultation/treatment and other day-to-
day activities (including questions on
whether the respondent needed the
assistance of other persons to travel
around and principal modes of

搜集殘疾資料須處理的問題 Issues in the collection of disability data

進行統計調查前的諮詢 Pre-survey consultations

2.17 上文所述有關殘疾人士及長期病患者 2.17 The survey pertaining to persons with

的統計調查是政府統計處第 4 次進行類似的統 disabilities and chronic diseases was the fourth of
計調查。為確保該統計調查能順利完成,除了參 this kind conducted by the C&SD. To make it a
考以往統計調查的經驗外,在統計調查前曾向 success, besides making reference to the
experience of the previous surveys, a series of
consultations with the relevant parties (such as
relevant Government bureaux/departments,
詢,以搜集他們對有關殘疾及長期病患的涵蓋 statutory bodies, non-government organisations
範圍和個別殘疾類別的定義的專業意見及建 (NGOs) and academia) were conducted before the
議。 survey. These consultations served to collect

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 10 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計調查方法及運作 Survey methodology and operation

expert views and advice on the scope and coverage

of disability and chronic diseases as well as the
operational definitions of individual types of

參考其他國家/地區進行的類似性質的 Reference to similar surveys conducted in

統計調查 other countries/territories

2.18 為方便與其他國家/地區作比較及提 2.18 To facilitate international comparison and

高是項統計調查搜集所得資料的用途,政府統 to enhance usefulness of the data collected in the
計處經常參考外國統計部門所進行的類似性質 survey, reference had been made from time to time
的統計調查。此外,是項統計調查亦盡量採納相 to similar surveys conducted by some overseas
statistical offices. Relevant authorities’ latest
recommendations on the collection, compilation
最新建議(請參閱第 3 章第 3.4 段)。因此,是
and analysis of disability statistics were also taken
項統計調查的結果亦大致可與其他國家的統計 into account in the survey as far as possible (please
數據比較。 refer to paragraph 3.4 in Chapter 3). Therefore,
the results of this survey could be broadly
compared with those of other countries.

確保不會重複點算受訪者 Avoidance of duplication of respondents

2.19 為確保殘疾人士及長期病患者在專題 2.19 To ensure no duplication of persons with

訪問及院舍統計調查中不會被重複點算,殘疾 disabilities and chronic diseases enumerated in the
人士及長期病患者會於其通常居住 4 的地方接 STEs and the institutions survey, persons with
受訪問。故此,於周末回家暫住的住院人士只會 disabilities and chronic diseases were enumerated
at the place where they usually lived 4 . As a
result, those institutional residents who had “home
stay” during weekends were enumerated in the
院舍統計調查中接受訪問。 institutions survey instead of the STEs.
Likewise, those residents who stayed in the
institutions for a short period of time (e.g. patients
in acute hospitals) were not covered in the
institutions survey.

提高回應率及數據素質的措施 Measures to maximise response rate and

enhance data quality

2.20 由於所搜集的資料較為敏感,在估計殘 2.20 In consideration of the sensitivity of the

疾人士及長期病患者數目時,特別是那些有智 information being sought in this survey, the
障、精神病/情緒病及自閉症譜系障礙人士的 possibility of a certain degree of under-estimation
數目,會有一定程度的低估情況。因此,政府統 in respect of the number of persons with disabilities
and chronic diseases, particularly those with ID,
mental illness / mood disorder and ASD, could not
be avoided. In this connection, a number of
measures had been taken before and during the
survey to boost up the response rate and to enhance

一名人士在統計前 6 個月內有 3 個月或以上的時 4
A person is regarded as usually living in a household
間、或在統計後 6 個月內將會有 3 個月或以上的 / an institution if he/she had lived there for 3 months
時間居於一住戶/院舍內,則被視為通常居住在該 or more during the 6 months before the time of
住戶/院舍。 enumeration or will live there for 3 months or more
during the 6 months after the time of enumeration.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 11 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

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香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計調查方法及運作 Survey methodology and operation

the quality of the data collected:

(a) 發信呼籲香港社會服務聯會及有關志願 (a) An appeal letter was sent to the Hong
服務機構協助向其會員宣傳是項統計調 Kong Council of Social Service and
查,並向有關志願服務機構發送宣傳信 relevant NGOs to seek their co-operation
息,以便他們透過其手機通訊群組向會 to help publicise the survey among their
members. Publicity messages were also
delivered to relevant NGOs for their
dissemination to members via
smartphone communication groups;
(b) 呼籲有關院舍合作及提供協助,及徵求 (b) Co-operation and assistance from the
受訪者的家長/監護人/保證人同意進 institutions concerned and consent from
行訪問; the parent/guardian/guarantor of the
respondents were sought;
(c) 提供深入和足夠的有關殘疾概念、定義 (c) Intensive and adequate training on the
及分類的訓練予訪問人員,並邀請有關 concepts, definitions and classification of
專業人士與訪問人員分享在外勤訪問時 disability was provided to the
與殘疾人士及長期病患者適當的溝通技 interviewers. Relevant professionals
were also invited to share with the
interviewers the appropriate
communication skills and tips in getting
along with those persons with disabilities
and chronic diseases during field
(d) 時常提醒訪問人員在外勤訪問時,在可 (d) Interviewers were reminded from time to
行情況下以各種不同方法界定受訪者是 time to identify persons with disabilities
否為殘疾人士及長期病患者(例如細心 and chronic diseases through various
留意受訪者的外觀及行為、查核受訪者 means as far as possible during field
enumeration (e.g. observing the
appearance and behaviour of the
respondents, checking whether the
和所就讀的學校名稱); respondents had any specific types of
disability allowance in their non-
employment earnings, or making
reference to the educational level and
name of school of the respondents where
(e) 為了減輕低估的情況,問卷加插了一些 (e) To reduce the extent of under-reporting,
適合非醫謢人員(例如訪問人員)使用 respondents with likelihood of having
的甄別問題,以便初步界定可能有精神 mental illness / mood disorders were
病/情緒病人士。該些人士會再被問及 identified in the first place through some
pre-screening questions readily
administered by non-health personnel
(e.g. interviewers). Those persons
would further be asked whether having
been diagnosed as having mental illness /
mood disorders under clinical assessment
tests; and
(f) 「綜合住戶統計調查」的抽選住戶通知 (f) A specially designed leaflet containing a
信附上特別設計的單張,簡單介紹是項 brief introduction of the STE and
專題訪問及強調有關結果對制定政策和 highlighting the usefulness and relevance
of the results concerned for formulating

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 12 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
統計調查方法及運作 Survey methodology and operation

服務規劃的關聯和作用。在統計期間, policies and planning services was sent

統計處網站「綜合住戶統計調查」的頁 along with the notification letter to the
面上亦展示了是項專題訪問的相關資 sampled households of the GHS.
訊。 Information of the STE was also
published in the page of the GHS in
C&SD website during the survey period.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 13 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
3 概念及定義
Concepts and definitions

康復服務中央檔案室 Central Registry for Rehabilitation

3.1 在香港,現時殘疾統計數據主要來源為 3.1 In Hong Kong, disability statistics are

有關的政府政策局/部門、法定團體及志願服 mainly available from relevant Government
務機構。當中,勞工及福利局的康復服務中央檔 bureaux/departments, statutory bodies and non-
案室向身體機能永久傷殘或暫時受損的人士簽 governmental organisations (NGOs) currently. In
particular, the Central Registry for Rehabilitation
(CRR) of the Labour and Welfare Bureau issues the
Registration Card for People with Disabilities
(Registration Card) to persons with permanent or
temporary disabilities as a documentary proof of
their disability status, and maintains relevant records.

3.2 殘疾人士登記證涵蓋十類殘疾類別,包 3.2 The Registration Card covers ten types of

括(i) 肢體傷殘;(ii) 聽障;(iii) 視障;(iv) 言語障 disability, namely, (i) physical disability; (ii) hearing
礙;(v) 精神病;(vi) 自閉症;(vii) 智障;(viii) 器 impairment; (iii) visual impairment; (iv) speech
官殘障;(ix) 注意力不足/過度活躍症;及(x) 特 impairment; (v) mental illness; (vi) Autism;
(vii) intellectual disability (ID); (viii) visceral
殊學習困難。最後兩項類別自 2008 年 1 月起因
disability; (ix) Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity
Disorder (AD/HD); and (x) Specific Learning
的專業醫療人員等界定並證明屬上述類別的人 Difficulties (SpLD). The last two types were added
士可申領殘疾人士登記證。截至 2021 年 3 月, following the recommendations of the Hong Kong
約有 93 000 名人士持有有效殘疾人士登記證。 Rehabilitation Programme Plan in January 2008.
由於申領屬於自願性質,因此假設該等數字在 Persons identified to be under the above types, with
某程度上是香港有上述殘疾類別人士數目的下 certification by registered medical practitioners or
限估計。 allied health professionals, etc., could apply for the
Registration Card. There were some 93 000
holders of valid Registration Card as at March 2021.
As such application is on a voluntary basis, it is
assumed that such figures are some sort of lower-
bound estimates of the number of persons with the
aforesaid types of disability in Hong Kong.

殘疾的涵蓋範圍及定義 Coverage and definition of disability

統計調查的涵蓋範圍 Coverage of the survey

3.3 在訂定是項統計調查中有關殘疾的涵 3.3 In determining the types of disability to be

蓋範圍時,可否與其他國家/地區的情況作比 covered in the survey, considerations about the
較及能否切合本地的需求是極重要的考慮因 practicability of international comparison and
素。政府統計處亦參考了 2013 年統計調查的涵 meeting the local needs were particularly important.
Reference had also been made to the coverage of
the 2013 round of the survey and types of disability
covered in the CRR so that the disability data
人士及長期病患者較全面的情況。此外,政府統 collected could provide a more comprehensive
計處在進行統計調查前曾向有關組織,包括相 picture of persons with disabilities and chronic
關的政府政策局/部門、法定團體、學術界及志 diseases in Hong Kong. This apart, a series of
願服務機構進行一連串的諮詢(請參閱第 2 章 consultations had been conducted with relevant
第 2.17 段),以搜集他們對有關殘疾的涵蓋範 parties including Government bureaux/departments,
圍和殘疾類別的定義的專業意見及建議,當中 statutory bodies, academia and NGOs before the

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 14 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
概念及定義 Concepts and definitions

亦廣泛討論了引用國際間一套新的殘疾分類 survey (please refer to paragraph 2.17 in Chapter 2)

法,「國際功能、殘疾和健康分類」 1。 to collect expert views and advice on the coverage
and definition of disability adopted in the survey,
among which, the adoption of the new international
classification of disability, International
Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
(ICF)1 had been widely discussed.

定義 Definition

3.4 因應 2013 年統計調查以試行性質加入 3.4 In relation to the successful experience in

基於「國際功能、殘疾和健康分類」架構所制定 the 2013 round of the survey for including the
的題目的成功經驗,以及搜集殘疾統計數字的 questions based on the ICF framework on a trial
最新國際發展,這次是次統計調查參照了華盛 basis, as well as the latest international development
in collecting statistical data on disability, the
頓殘疾統計小組(華盛頓小組) 2的問題集,包
definitions for the four selected types of disability,
viz. restriction in body movement, seeing difficulty,
模塊」,更新了四種選定殘疾類別的定義,分別 hearing difficulty and communication difficulty
為身體活動能力受限制、視覺有困難、聽覺有困 (replacing speech difficulty), have been updated
難、溝通能力有困難(取代言語能力有困難)。 according to the question sets of the Washington
有關更新殘疾類別定義的建議在 2019 年間亦諮 Group on Disability Statistics (Washington
詢了各持份者,反應大致正面,普遍認為有關問 Group)2, including the Short Set, the Extended Set
題集有助受訪者較準確回答其基本概況。政府 and the Child Functioning Module, in this round of
統計處亦參考了一些外國統計部門進行類似性 the survey. Stakeholders were consulted in 2019
質統計調查時所採用的殘疾定義。 on the updates of the definitions for those types of
disability concerned and the responses were
generally supportive that the question sets would
help respondents provide a more accurate answer on
their basic profiles. Reference had also been made
to the definition of disability adopted in similar
surveys conducted by some overseas statistical

「國際功能、殘疾和健康分類」在 2001 年 5 月 22 1
ICF was endorsed at the World Health Assembly
日由世界衞生組織召開的世界衞生大會上通過。 organised by the World Health Organization held on
這分類法把一個人的功能程度視為健康狀況、環 22 May 2001. It conceptualises a person’s level of
境因素及個人因素間的互動關係,從身體、個人及 functioning as a dynamic interaction between his/her
社會的角度將功能、殘疾和健康有關的成份分成 health conditions, environmental factors, and
personal factors. Functioning, disability and health
related components from the perspective of the body,
與。 the individual and the society are classified into two
basic lists: (i) Body functions and Structures; and (ii)
Activities and Participation.
為促進殘疾統計資料的跨國可比性,聯合國殘疾 2
To promote the comparability of disability data cross-
計量問題國際討論會於 2001 年 6 月設立了華盛頓 nationally, the Washington Group was formed as a
小組。經過多年的努力,華盛頓小組於 2006 年的 result of the United Nations International Seminar on
會議上通過一套以「國際功能、殘疾和健康分類」 Measurement of Disability that took place in June
作為基本框架的短問題集,其後更開發多個問題 2001. After years of effort, a short set of questions
based on the ICF framework was endorsed at the
Washington Group meeting in 2006 and several
同情況使用。 question sets were developed afterwards for
countries/regions to use in collecting disability
statistics in different situations.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 15 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
概念及定義 Concepts and definitions

3.5 經考慮上述所有資料及各方面的因素, 3.5 Having taken into account all the above-
包括所需的資源、受訪者在回答問題時的困難 mentioned information as well as various factors
程度,以及在住戶統計調查中界定不同殘疾類 such as resources implications, the degree of
別時可能遇到的技術困難,是項統計調查在界 difficulty in giving responses on the part of the
survey respondents and the operational difficulty
anticipated in defining each type of disability in
technical terms in the context of a household
被界定為殘疾的人士表示自己在日常生活中沒 survey, it was determined to be based on the self-
有遇上困難(請參閱第 8 章)。因此,在本報告 perceptions of the respondents as much as possible
的殘疾人士數字當中,可能攙雜了一些未必會 and suitably consider the abilities of the
被普遍視為殘疾的人士。 respondents to perform an activity considered
normal, but not merely adopting the clinical
assessment approach, in defining different types of
disability. In fact, some of the persons identified
as having disability in this survey reported that they
had no difficulty in day-to-day living (see
Chapter 8). Hence, some persons who may not
be commonly regarded as persons with disabilities
may have been included in this report.

3.6 「殘疾人士」包括一些從事某種活動的 3.6 “Persons with disabilities” included those

能力受限制或有所欠缺的人士,而這種活動對 with restriction or those who lacked ability to
一般人來說,是可用正常方式或在正常能力範 perform an activity in the manner or within the
圍內做到。具體而言,「殘疾人士」是指任何人 range considered normal for a human being.
Specifically, “persons with disabilities” were

defined as those who
(i) 在統計時,認為自己有下列四項中至少一項 (i) had perceived themselves as having one or more
情況(困難程度需符合第 3.7 段的描述,即「很 of the following four conditions (the level of
大困難」或「完全不能做到」),並已持續或預 difficulty should fulfill the one mentioned in
料會持續最少 6 個月的時間: paragraph 3.7, i.e. “a lot of difficulty” or “cannot
do at all”) which had lasted, or were likely to last,
for a period of 6 months or more at the time of
(A) 身體活動能力受限制; (A) restriction in body movement;
(B) 視覺有困難; (B) seeing difficulty;
(C) 聽覺有困難;及 (C) hearing difficulty; and
(D) 溝通能力有困難 (D) communication difficulty
或 or
(ii) 經相關專業人員(例如西醫、中醫、臨床心 (ii) had been diagnosed by related professionals
理學家、教育心理學家)診斷有下列五項中至少 (such as practitioners of Western medicine and
一項情況: Chinese medicine, clinical psychologists and
educational psychologists) as having one or more of
the following five conditions:
(E) 精神病/情緒病; (E) mental illness / mood disorder;
(F) 自閉症譜系障礙(2013 年的統計調查 (F) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (was
稱為自閉症); named as Autism in the 2013 round of the
(G) 特殊學習困難; (G) Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD);

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 16 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
概念及定義 Concepts and definitions

(H) 注意力不足/過度活躍症;及 (H) Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder

(AD/HD); and
(I) 智障。 (I) intellectual disability (ID).

3.7 當中,上文第 3.6 段(A) - (D)的四項選 3.7 For the four selected types of disability
定殘疾類別的定義參考了華盛頓小組建議的延 mentioned in items (A) - (D) of paragraph 3.6
伸問題集更新,以相應「基本活動功能範疇」 3 above, updates of the definitions had been made
即身體活動能力(包括平地步行、用手和手指拿 with reference to the extended set of questions
recommended by the Washington Group.
Corresponding “basic activity functioning
domains”3 viz. body movement (including walking
個困難程度: on level ground, using hands and fingers to grasp a
small object, walking up or down a flight of stairs
and carrying a heavy object), seeing, hearing and
communication were used to define persons with
disabilities. Each domain had four levels of
(1) 沒有困難; (1) no difficulty;
(2) 少許困難; (2) some difficulty;
(3) 很大困難;及 (3) a lot of difficulty; and
(4) 完全不能做到。 (4) cannot do at all.
在上述功能範疇有「很大困難」或「完全不能做 Persons with “a lot of difficulty” or “cannot do at
。 all” in the above domains would be defined as
“persons with disabilities” in the corresponding

3.8 此外,「長期病患者」是指在統計時需 3.8 Also, “persons with chronic diseases”

要長期(即持續最少 6 個月的時間)接受藥物治 referred to those who required long-term (i.e.
療、覆診或打針服藥以治療某種(或多於一種) lasting at least 6 months) medical treatment,
疾病的人士,疾病的類別及嚴重性均沒有規限, consultation or medication for certain type(s) of
diseases at the time of enumeration, irrespective of
(i) the type and severity of diseases (given that a
commonly accepted list of diseases under visceral
皆會包括在內。同時,所需接受的藥物治療、覆 disability is currently not available in Hong Kong,
診或打針服藥的頻次亦無規限。然而,所有在統 most of the persons with visceral disability are
計時未經醫生確定的疾病不包括在內。同樣地, included); and (ii) the frequency of the medical
只為預防某類疾病而進行的藥物治療及診症亦 treatment, consultation or medication required.
不包括在內。 However, any diseases which had not yet been
confirmed by medical practitioners at the time of
enumeration were not included. Likewise,
medical treatment and consultation for the purpose
of preventing a certain type of diseases were

3.9 另一方面,「長期狀況」指在統計時已 3.9 Separately, “long-term conditions”

持續 6 個月或以上、或在統計時已開始並相信 referred to conditions that had lasted 6 months or

「基本活動功能範疇」表示華盛頓小組的延伸問 3
“Basic activity functioning domains” refers to a range
題集所涵蓋的與日常生活有關的活動。 of activities associated with daily living covered
under the Washington Group Extended Set.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 17 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
概念及定義 Concepts and definitions

會持續 6 個月或以上的狀況。 more at the time of enumeration or that had

commenced at the time of enumeration but were
expected to last 6 months or more.

3.10 是項統計調查所採用的殘疾定義,與康 3.10 It should be noted that the definition of

復服務中央檔案室所採用的定義比較,較為寬 disability in this survey was made in a broader sense
鬆。在是項統計調查中,受訪者提供的主觀答案 as compared with that of the CRR. Subjective
沒有(亦不可能)以醫學方法核實。因此,若個 answers reported by respondents in the survey were
not (and could not be) verified from the medical
perspectives. To reflect such inherent difference,
the survey had employed different terms from those
較時,是項統計調查會採用不同的名稱以反映 of the CRR for individual disability types if the
潛在的分別。 respective definitions and classifications were
indeed not directly comparable to each other.

個別殘疾類別的定義及分類 Definition and classification for individual

types of disability

3.11 殘疾的概念及分類可能隨時間而改變。 3.11 The concepts and classifications of

為應付不同數據使用者對有個別殘疾類別人士 disability may change over time. In order to provide
詳細分類的各種需求,在是項統計調查的現行 breakdowns of the total number of persons with
架構下,會向被界定為殘疾人士及長期病患者 individual types of disability to suit the varying needs
of different users, level of difficulty in performing
selected activities from those persons identified as
having disabilities and chronic diseases under the
present framework of the survey was collected so that
they could be delineated into different categories.

3.12 訪問員有向列於第 3.6 段(A) - (D)項的 3.12 Persons with the four selected types of
四種選定殘疾類別的人士提問有關其在進行選 disability in items (A) - (D) of paragraph 3.6 were
定日常活動時的限制及所需協助的問題,以此 asked questions pertaining to their limitations and
對其殘疾困難程度提供替代指標。此外,訪問員 need for assistance in selected day-to-day activities
so as to provide a proxy indicator on their level of
difficulty. Persons with ID were also asked
questions pertaining to their level of ID (e.g. mild,
重)的資料。然而,是項統計調查未有搜集餘下 moderate, severe and profound) evaluated through
第 3.6 段(E) - (H)項的選定殘疾類別的殘疾嚴重 clinical assessment tests. However, the degree of
程度。 severity for the remaining selected types of
disability in items (E) - (H) of paragraph 3.6 was
not collected in the survey.

3.13 就是項統計調查而言,列於第 3.6 段 3.13 For the purpose of this survey, the detailed
(A) - (I)項的九種選定殘疾類別的詳細定義分列 operational definitions by the nine selected types of
如下: disability listed in items (A) - (I) of paragraph 3.6
are set out below:

(A) 身體活動能力受限制 (A) Restriction in body movement

3.14 「身體活動能力受限制人士」指任何人 3.14 “Persons with restriction in body

士在統計時認為自己在沒有他人幫助或輔助工 movement” were defined as those who had
具的情況下,做以下其中一項或以上事情時長 perceived themselves as having “a lot of long-term
期有很大困難,或完全做不到(適用於 2 歲及以 difficulty” or “cannot do at all” in one or more

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 18 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
概念及定義 Concepts and definitions

上人士): tasks below without assistance of others or

aids/tools if necessary at the time of enumeration.
(applicable to all persons aged 2 and over):
(a) 平地步行(指不需要用任何輔助工具或 (a) Walking on level ground (refer to
別人幫助下平地步行 100 米,步行有困 walking 100 metres on level ground
難可以因平衡能力、耐力或一些非肌肉 without assistance of any device or help
骨骼系統缺損引致); from others. Difficulty in walking can
include those resulting from impairments
in balance, endurance, or other non-
musculoskeletal systems.);
(b) 用手和手指拿起小物件(指用手和手指 (b) Grasping a small object using hands
拿起小物件,如鉛筆、剪刀); and fingers (refer to using hands and
fingers to grasp small object such as
pencil and scissors);
(c) 上落樓梯(指不需要用任何輔助工具或 (c) Walking up or down a flight of stairs
別人幫助下上落 12 級樓梯);及 (refer to walking up or down a flight of
stairs having 12 steps without assistance
of any device or help from others); and
(d) 提起重物件(指提起重物件,如 2 公升 (d) Carrying a heavy object (refer to
的水)。 carrying heavy object such as 2 litre bottle
of water).

3.15 是項統計調查亦有搜集以下資料以作 3.15 The following information was collected

額外分析: in the survey for supplementary analysis:

(a) 有否使用輪椅/其他特定輔助工具代 (a) whether using a wheelchair or specialised

步/行路; aid/tool to walk / move around;

(b) 有否使用義肢;及 (b) whether using artificial limb(s); and

(c) 有否別人照顧其日常生活。 (c) whether had someone taking care of their
day-to-day living.

(B) 視覺有困難 (B) Seeing difficulty

3.16 視覺能力搜集受訪者在有需要時配戴 3.16 Seeing measured persons’ level of long-

矯正眼鏡/隱形眼鏡的情況下考慮,看東西的 term difficulty in seeing when wearing correcting
長期困難程度。 glasses / contact lenses if necessary.

3.17 「視覺有困難人士」指任何人士在統計 3.17 “Persons with seeing difficulty” referred

時認為自己一隻眼或雙眼,並在有需要時配戴 to those who had perceived themselves as having “a
矯正眼鏡/隱形眼鏡的情況下,看東西長期有 lot of long-term difficulty” in seeing or “cannot
很大困難,或完全看不到。是項統計調查亦有搜 see at all” with one eye or both eyes even when
wearing correcting glasses / contact lenses if
necessary at the time of enumeration. The survey
also collected information from persons using
specialised glasses or using a specialised visual

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 19 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
概念及定義 Concepts and definitions

(C) 聽覺有困難 (C) Hearing difficulty

3.18 聽覺能力搜集受訪者在有需要時配戴 3.18 Hearing measured persons’ level of long-

助聽器/人工耳蝸的情況下考慮,整體聽聲音 term difficulty in hearing generally when using a
的長期困難程度。 hearing aid or cochlear implant if necessary.

3.19 「聽覺有困難人士」指任何人士在統計 3.19 “Persons with hearing difficulty” were

時認為自己一隻耳朵或雙耳,並在有需要時配 defined as those who had perceived themselves as
戴助聽器的情況下,聽聲音長期有很大困難,或 having “a lot of long-term difficulty” in hearing
完全聽不到。是項統計調查亦有搜集正在使用 or “cannot hear at all” with one ear or both ears
even when using a hearing aid if necessary at the
time of enumeration. The survey also collected
information from persons using a specialised
hearing aid/tool.

(D) 溝通能力有困難 (D) Communication difficulty

3.20 溝通能力搜集受訪者用常用的溝通方 3.20 Communication measured persons’ level

式與人溝通的長期困難程度。溝通有困難不包 of long-term difficulty in communicating, using
括因非母語或不熟識的語言引致的溝通問題。 their usual language. Difficulty in
communicating is not intended to include
communication problem due to non-native or
unfamiliar language.

3.21 「溝通能力有困難人士」指任何人士在 3.21 “Persons with communication

統計時認為自己說話和理解說話時,長期有很 difficulty” referred to those who had perceived
大困難,或完全溝通不到,令別人難以明白自己 themselves as having “a lot of long-term
或自己難以明白他人(適用於 2 歲及以上人士)
。 difficulty” in speaking and understanding speech
or “cannot communicate at all”, such that it
contributed to difficulty in making themselves
understood to others or understanding others at the
time of enumeration (applicable to all persons aged
2 and over). The survey also collected the number
of persons using a specialised speech aid/tool.
The survey also collected information from persons
using a speech/communication aid/tool.

(E) 精神病/情緒病 (E) Mental illness / mood disorder

3.22 「有精神病/情緒病人士」指任何人士 3.22 “Persons with mental illness / mood

經臨床評估測試診斷有精神病/情緒病(包括 disorder” were defined as those who had been
精神病康復者) 或在統計時曾經/正接受精神 diagnosed as being mentally ill / mood disorder
科醫生治療或提供予精神病康復者的康復服務 under clinical assessment tests (including persons
in mental recovery) or had been / were being treated
by psychiatrists or had received / were receiving
some form of rehabilitation services provided for
persons in mental recovery (such as psychiatric
clinics, private psychiatrists, halfway houses and
community psychiatric nursing services) at the time
of enumeration.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 20 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
概念及定義 Concepts and definitions

(F) 自閉症譜系障礙 (F) Autism Spectrum Disorder

3.23 「有自閉症譜系障礙人士」指任何人士 3.23 “Persons with ASD” referred to those

經臨床評估測試診斷有自閉症譜系障礙。 who had been diagnosed as having ASD under
clinical assessment tests.

(G) 特殊學習困難 (G) Specific Learning Difficulties

3.24 「有特殊學習困難人士」指任何人士經 3.24 “Persons with SpLD” referred to those

臨床評估測試診斷有特殊學習困難。 who had been diagnosed as having SpLD under
clinical assessment tests.

(H) 注意力不足/過度活躍症 (H) Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder

3.25 「有注意力不足/過度活躍症人士」指 3.25 “Persons with AD/HD” referred to those

任何人士經臨床評估測試診斷有注意力不足/ who had been diagnosed as having AD/HD under
過度活躍症。 clinical assessment tests.

(I) 智障 (I) Intellectual disability

3.26 「智障人士」指任何人士經臨床評估測 3.26 “Persons with ID” referred to those who

試診斷有智障。 had been diagnosed as having ID under clinical
assessment tests.

原有定義 Original definition

3.27 第 3.6 段(A) - (D)項的四種選定殘疾類 3.27 In the original definition of the four
別在原有定義下,有使用輔助儀器/復康工具 selected types of disability in items (A) - (D) of
的人士,不論其困難程度均會被界定為殘疾人 paragraph 3.6, persons using specialised aids/tools,
士。另外,有關困難程度只分為有困難及沒有困 regardless of their level of difficulty, are defined as
persons with disabilities. Besides, regarding the
level of difficulty, it was only divided into with
調查有根據 2013 年統計調查所採用的殘疾人士
difficulty and without difficulty. In order to
定義作補充分析。相關結果與 2013 年及 2006/07 facilitate trend analysis of data users,
年的結果大致可比,但不能與 2000 年的結果作 supplementary analyses on persons with disabilities
直接比較。詳情載於附錄 4。 based on the definition adopted in the 2013 round
of the survey are provided in this round of the
survey. The results concerned are largely
comparable to the results in the 2013 round and the
2006/07 round, but are not strictly comparable with
the results of the 2000 round. The details are
provided in Appendix 4.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 21 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
4 資料的局限
Limitations of the data
4.1 就進行統計調查而言,殘疾是一個難於 4.1 The concept of disability is difficult to
量度的概念。當闡釋本報告書內所載的統計調 measure, particularly under the context of a
查結果時,讀者必須要謹慎及留意以下各點。 statistical survey. The following should be borne
in mind and caution should be taken when
interpreting the survey results contained in this

不同的殘疾定義 Different definitions of disability

4.2 首先,在進行統計調查的環境下,訪問 4.2 First of all, under the setting of a statistical

人員不可能使用全面的醫學角度評估方法去驗 survey, interviewers could not conduct
證受訪者是否為殘疾人士或長期病患者。有見 comprehensive medical assessment tests to verify
及此,是項統計調查採用了一個在進行統計調 whether the respondents were persons with
disabilities or chronic diseases. In this
查時較可行的殘疾定義(詳情見第 3 章的介紹)

connection, this survey had adopted a definition of
disability (as described in Chapter 3 in detail) which
was comparatively practicable in the context of a
statistical survey.

4.3 按是項統計調查所採用的定義,會根據 4.3 Under the definition adopted in the

受訪者自己提供的主觀答案去界定其是否為殘 survey, classifying a person as one with disabilities
疾人士或長期病患者。當中,可能會出現錯誤界 or chronic diseases was based on the subjective
定受訪者為殘疾人士或患有某種長期病患的情 answers provided by the respondents themselves.
Errors in misclassifying a person with disabilities or
with certain type(s) of chronic diseases might
occur. In fact, some of the persons identified as
(請參閱第 8 章)。因此,在本報告的殘疾人士 having disability in this survey reported that they
數字當中,可能攙雜了一些未必會被普遍視為 had no difficulty in day-to-day living (see Chapter
殘疾的人士。然而,是項統計調查是透過設計完 8). Hence, some persons who might not be
善的問卷及具良好訓練與富經驗的訪問人員去 commonly regarded as persons with disabilities
搜集資料,因此錯誤界定為殘疾人士或長期病 might have been included in this report.
患者的程度不會太大。 Nevertheless, the extent of misclassification would
not be large through the use of the well-designed
questionnaire and well-trained and experienced
interviewers in the survey.

4.4 除此之外,由於對殘疾的定義不同,是 4.4 This apart, the survey results could not
項統計調查的結果不能與康復服務中央檔案室 strictly be compared with those figures obtained
及其他政府政策局/部門的行政記錄作直接比 from the Central Registry for Rehabilitation (CRR)
較。 and the administrative records from the other
Government bureaux/departments owing to the
differences in the definitions of disability adopted.

低估殘疾人士及長期病患者數目的情況 Under-estimation in respect of persons with

disabilities and chronic diseases

4.5 儘管政府統計處已採取了多項措施以 4.5 Despite that a number of measures had

提高是項統計調查的回應率及搜集所得數據的 been taken in the survey to enhance the response
素質,有個別受訪者可能會因以下的原因而沒 rate and the quality of data collected, some persons
有準確地報告某種殘疾情況: might not have reported certain disability

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 22 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
資料的局限 Limitations of the data

conditions accurately because of:

(a) 該些情況屬於敏感類別(例如智障及精 (a) the sensitive nature of the conditions (e.g.
神病/情緒病); intellectual disability (ID) and mental
illness / mood disorder);
(b) 該些情況是間歇式或按季節性出現(例 (b) the episodic or seasonal nature of the
如精神病/情緒病);或 conditions (e.g. mental illness / mood
disorder); or
(c) 受訪者未有發覺已出現該些情況(例如 (c) the lack of awareness of the presence of
輕度自閉症、特殊學習困難及注意力不 the conditions on the part of the
足/過度活躍症)或對某種情況缺乏認 respondents (e.g. mild conditions of
識或不懂該種情況的正確醫學名稱。 Autism, Specific Learning Difficulties
and Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity
Disorder or the lack of knowledge or
understanding of the correct medical
terminology for some conditions.

4.6 由於受訪者可能沒有準確地報告某類 4.6 Since certain disability conditions might

殘疾情況,是項統計調查搜集所得的資料可能 not have been accurately reported, data collected
低估殘疾人士及長期病患者的數目。本章第 from this survey might under-estimate the number
4.9 - 4.16 段詳述是項統計調查中低估智障人士 of persons with disabilities and chronic diseases.
Paragraphs 4.9 - 4.16 in this Chapter explicitly
address the extent of under-estimation in respect of
persons with ID in this survey.

界定進行選定活動時的困難程度 Delineating the level of difficulty in

performing selected activities

4.7 所有年齡合適的受訪者會被問及其進 4.7 All respondents of suitable ages were

行某種活動(例如看東西、聽聲音、平地步行或 asked the level of difficulty in performing certain
與別人溝通)時的困難程度,並以四個程度劃分 functions (e.g. seeing, hearing, walking on level
(即「沒有困難」、「少許困難」、「很大困難」 ground and communicating), expressed using four
levels, viz “no difficulty”, “some difficulty”, “a lot
of difficulty” and “cannot do at all”. However,
different persons might interpret the level of
自己進行某種活動時的困難程度的準則或會有 difficulty differently. For instance, the criteria by
所不同。他們可能會與其他同年齡人士的能力 which the respondents perceived their level of
作比較,或是與自己年輕時的能力作比較。再 difficulty in performing certain functions might
者,有關活動的困難程度亦可能被低估。這是因 vary. Comparison might have been made with the
為受訪者可能因自尊而不承認自己有很大困 ability of other persons of similar age, or with the
難,或是因自己在進行某項活動時已慣性地得 respondents’ own ability while they were younger.
到幫助而不清楚自己進行該項活動時的困難程 Also, the level of difficulty might have been under-
度。 estimated as some respondents might not admit
themselves as having a lot of difficulty because of
pride, or might not know the level of difficulty
because assistance had always been received with
that function.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 23 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
資料的局限 Limitations of the data

較長的訪問期間 Long survey period

4.8 為確保是項統計調查能獲取有關各類 4.8 To ensure that a sufficiently large sample

殘疾人士的足夠規模的樣本作詳細統計分析, of persons with different types of disability could
有關殘疾人士的專題訪問的訪問工作在 2019 年 be obtained for detailed statistical analysis, the
11 月至 2020 年 11 月內持續進行。因此,是項 fieldwork of the special topic enquiry on persons
with disabilities spanned over November 2019 to
November 2020. In this connection, the survey
results referred only to the state of health and
mental conditions of individual respondents at the
time of enumeration.

低估智障人士數目的情況 Under-estimation in respect of persons with

intellectual disability

4.9 根據統計調查的結果,估計在統計時約 4.9 Based on the survey results, it was

有 27 500 名智障人士(包括 15 400 名居住在住 estimated that there were some 27 500 persons with
戶內及 12 200 名居住在院舍內)。與截至 2021 ID at the time of enumeration (composed of 15 400
年 3 月見於康復服務中央檔案室及其他政府政 persons with ID residing in households and 12 200
persons with ID residing in institutions).
策局/部門的行政記錄的 41 400 名智障人士比
Compared with the 41 400 persons with ID found
in the CRR and other administrative records from
估的情況。 the other Government bureaux/departments as at
March 2021, there was strong indication of under-
estimation in respect of the number of persons with
ID in the survey.

4.10 就是項統計調查而言,只有曾被合資格 4.10 In the context of this survey, only those

的醫務人員診斷為智障的人士才會被界定為智 persons who had been diagnosed by qualified
障人士。這個界定方法是考慮到對學習及明白 health personnel as having ID were classified as
事物有困難的人士並不一定是智障人士,因為 persons with ID. This is based on the
consideration that persons who have difficulty in
learning and understanding things are not
necessarily persons with ID, as other factors like
中採用上述的定義表示在界定受訪者是否為智 personality traits, personal interests and
障人士時,那些被懷疑是智障但尚未獲診斷為 interpersonal skills might also lead to such
智障的人士(特別是那些接近輕度智障的學習 difficulty. The adoption of the above definition
遲緩人士)則不會被包括在統計調查內。此外, means that those who were suspected to be persons
過往智障並不像現時般較為人認識。有些智障 with ID but not yet so diagnosed (especially those
人士(特別是那些成年人士)可能以往從未為其 slow-learners with marginally mild grade of ID)
智障的情況尋求合資格的醫務人員診斷,所以 were not included in the survey. Moreover, ID
即使他們實際是智障人士,在是項統計調查中 was less commonly known in the past. Some
亦不會被界定為智障。 persons with ID (especially those adults) might not
have consulted qualified health personnel about
their ID in the past and thus were not classified as
persons with ID (even though they actually were) in
the survey.

4.11 此外,智障是一個十分敏感的課題。在 4.11 Besides, ID is a very sensitive topic. In

進行統計調查時,訪問人員留意到有部分受訪 the course of the survey, it was observed by the
者被問及有關這項敏感課題的問題時,表現不 interviewers that some respondents felt uneasy
安。其中特別是大部分的智障人士均未能親自 when being asked questions related to this sensitive

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 24 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
資料的局限 Limitations of the data

回答有關問題,需要由住戶成員或照顧者代答 topic. In particular, most of the persons with ID

的情況是無可避免的。由於訪問人員未能直接 could not answer the questions on their own.
訪問部分智障人士,透過細心留意受訪者的外 Proxy reporting by household members or carers
觀及行為以界定受訪者是否為智障人士的可能 could not be avoided. As the interviewers could
not have direct contact with some persons with ID,
the possibility of identifying those persons with ID
through observing their appearance and behaviour
was limited.

4.12 由於上述的問題,是項統計調查對於智 4.12 As a result of the above problems, the

障人士的估計相信會有一定程度的低估情況。 estimates pertaining to persons with ID in the
有見及此,本報告書於列載及分析有關殘疾人 survey are considered to be subject to a certain
士及長期病患者的統計調查結果時,會將智障 degree of under-estimation. In light of this, the
analyses pertaining to persons with ID are separated
from the presentation and analysis of the survey
findings on other types of disability and chronic
士及長期病患者的整體統計調查結果,本報告 diseases in this report. In other words, the
書內刊載統計調查結果的主要部分將不會包括 survey results presented in the main body of this
有關智障人士的統計調查結果。有關智障人士 report do not cover those related to persons with
數目的估計則於下列第 4.13 - 4.16 段另作討論。 ID in order not to mislead data users and distort
the overall survey results on persons with
disabilities and chronic diseases. Deliberations
on the estimates pertaining to persons with ID are
separately given in paragraphs 4.13 - 4.16 below.

4.13 智障人士可以是居住在院舍或住戶內 4.13 Persons with ID may either be residents in

的居民。由於住院人士被批准入住其現居住的 institutions or in households. There should not be
院舍前,已經向有關人士例如醫生、輔助醫務人 problem of under-reporting by institutional
員或社會工作者等透露其身體及精神方面健康 residents with ID as they had to disclose
information on their physical and mental health
conditions to various parties, including for
example, doctors, allied health personnel or social
所以相信不會出現低估住院的智障人士數目的 workers before they were admitted to the
情況。在此情形下,院舍統計調查的結果應相當 institutions where they were residing in. The
可靠。根據院舍統計調查所搜集得的資料,估計 institutional residents were thus more willing to
約有 12 200 名住院的智障人士,有關統計調查 answer questions in relation to their mental health
結果載於附錄 3(甲)。 conditions in the institutions survey. Under such
circumstances, the results of the institutions survey
should be reliable and the survey results pertaining
to some 12 200 institutional residents with ID are
shown in Appendix 3A.

4.14 另一方面,對於約有 15 400 名智障人 4.14 On the other hand, while the estimate of
士居住在住戶內的估計相信是一個低估的數 some 15 400 persons with ID residing in
字。儘管如此,是項統計調查的結果仍可概括反 households was considered an under-estimated
映居住在住戶內智障人士的人口及社會經濟特 figure, the survey results could still serve to provide
some crude indication of the demographic and
socio-economic characteristics of the persons with
ID residing in households at large (at least for those
who were willing to give positive response in the

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 25 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
資料的局限 Limitations of the data

4.15 假設在該 41 400 名見於康復服務中央 4.15 On the assumption that some 12 200 of
檔案室及其他政府政策局/部門行政記錄的智 those 41 400 persons with ID found in the CRR and
障人士中約 12 200 名是住院人士並直接引用院 administrative records from the other Government
舍統計調查所得的結果,可得出約有 29 200 名 bureaux/departments were institutional residents
and their profiles from the institutions survey could
be directly adopted, a probable estimate of some
29 200 persons with ID residing in households and
相關行政記錄計算得到。因此,採用康復服務中 their sex-age profile could be computed based on
央檔案室及相關行政記錄的有關數字為控制總 the CRR and relevant administrative records.
數,並套用在是項統計調查中搜集得的有關居 Accordingly, using the figures in the CRR and
住在住戶內的智障人士的統計調查結果,便可 relevant administrative records as the control total
得出該 29 200 名居住在住戶內智障人士的人口 and applying the survey results pertaining to
及社會經濟概況。有關統計數字載於附錄 3 persons with ID residing in households, some
(乙)。然而,該些統計數字只可作粗略參考之 demographic and socio-economic profiles of those
用。 29 200 persons with ID residing in households
could be derived and presented in Appendix 3B.
However, these statistics are provided for crude
reference only.

4.16 由於在康復服務中央檔案室申領殘疾 4.16 As the application for the Registration

人士登記證及使用其他相關服務完全屬於自願 Card for People with Disabilities in the CRR and
性質,行政記錄數字只可作為有選定殘疾類別 the usage of other relevant services are entirely
人士數目的下限估計。所以,上文所述見於行政 voluntary, the administrative figures can only
provide some lower-bound estimates of the number
記錄的 41 400 名智障人士仍未能全面反映整體
of persons with selected types of disability.
Hence, the 41 400 persons with ID found in the
統計評估,顯示香港現有的智障人士總數(包括 administrative records as stated above might still
居住在住戶及院舍內的智障人士) 可能為 77 000 not give a good reflection of the full picture in itself.
人至 90 000 人左右。有關此項評估的詳情見附 A statistical assessment based on various relevant
錄 3(丙)。 data sources available at hand points to an
indication that the total number of persons with ID
in Hong Kong (including those residing in
households and those residing in institutions) is
more likely to be in the region of 77 000 - 90 000.
Details of such an assessment are given in
Appendix 3C.

估計的可靠性 Reliability of the estimates

4.17 統計調查的結果是根據一個隨機抽選 4.17 Findings of the survey are based on the

的樣本中搜集所得的資料編製,故此受抽樣誤 information collected from a randomly selected
差和非抽樣誤差影響。對於一些只是基於樣本 sample, and hence are subject to sampling error and
內所得的小數目的觀察而作出的估計,其抽樣 non-sampling error. For those estimates which
are based on only a small number of sample
observations, the sampling error may be relatively
large. In particular, a “zero” figure may mean a
慎闡釋。 non-zero figure of a small magnitude. These
estimates should be interpreted with caution.

4.18 本報告書在比較各種變數估計的精確 4.18 For comparing the precision of the

程度時,採用了離中系數。離中系數的計算方 estimates of various variables in this report, the
法,是將標準誤差除以有關估計,再以百分比表 coefficient of variation (CV) is used. CV is

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 26 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
資料的局限 Limitations of the data

示。標準誤差是根據統計原理所訂的公式計算。 obtained by expressing the standard error (SE) as

一般來說,標準誤差與總體內各元素的變異、樣 a percentage of the estimate to which it refers. In
本規模和樣本設計相關。 turn, the SE is computed according to a formula
which is established on the basis of statistical
theory. Generally speaking, the SE is related to
the variability of the elements in the population, the
size of the sample and the sample design adopted
for the survey.

4.19 本報告書所列載的主要變數估計的離 4.19 The CV of the estimates of the main

中系數載於附錄 5。 variables presented in this report are given in
Appendix 5.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 27 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Demographic and socio-economic
profiles of persons with disabilities

5.1 是項統計調查對於智障人士數目的估 5.1 The estimates pertaining to persons with

計相信會有一定程度的低估(詳情請參閱本報 intellectual disability (ID) in the survey were
告書第 4 章「低估智障人士數目的情況」一節) 。 considered to be subject to a certain degree of
為避免誤導讀者及歪曲是項統計調查對殘疾人 under-estimation (for details, please refer to the
section “Under-estimation in respect of persons
with intellectual disability” in Chapter 4 of this
書於第 5 章至第 12 章內列載有關的統計調查結
report). In order not to mislead data users and
果時,不會包括有關智障人士的統計調查結果。 distort the overall survey results on persons with
有關智障人士的估計及分析則於本報告書第 4 disabilities and persons with chronic diseases,
章第 4.9 - 4.16 段另作討論。 the survey findings presented in Chapters 5 to 12
of this report do not cover those pertaining to
persons with ID. Deliberations on the estimates
and analyses pertaining to persons with ID are
separately given in paragraphs 4.9 - 4.16 in Chapter
4 of this report.

5.2 為方便分析殘疾人士的概況,有關 2020 5.2 To facilitate analysis of the profile of

年全港整體人口的相關特徵(主要根據「綜合住 persons with disabilities, the corresponding
戶統計調查」所得的資料估計),亦適當地展列 characteristics of the total population of Hong Kong
在本章的統計表內,以作比較。 in 2020 (as estimated mainly based on the findings
of the General Household Survey) are also
presented in the tables in this Chapter for
comparison where applicable.

5.3 是次統計調查更新了四種選定殘疾類 5.3 The definitions for the four selected types
別的定義(請參閱第 3 章),相關的統計調查結 of disability have been updated in this round of the
果因而不能與以往的結果作直接比較。 survey (see Chapter 3) and hence the survey
findings concerned are not directly comparable
with the past results.

I. 殘疾人士的概況 I. General profile of persons with


5.4 在 2020 年,估計有 534 200 名殘疾人 5.4 In 2020, it was estimated that there were
士(智障人士除外 − 請參考第 5.1 段)。殘疾 534 200 persons with disabilities (excluding
人士的整體普遍率(以佔全港整體人口的百分 persons with ID - see paragraph 5.1). The overall
比計算)為 7.1%。有關殘疾的定義及分類,請 prevalence rate of persons with disabilities
(expressed as a percentage of the total population of
參閱本報告書第 3 章。 (表 5.1a)
Hong Kong) was 7.1%. Please refer to Chapter 3
of this report for the definition and classification of
disability. (Table 5.1a)

選定的殘疾類別 Selected type of disability

5.5 按選定的殘疾類別分析,約 244 000 人 5.5 Analysed by selected type of disability,

表示身體活動能力受限制(在整體人口內的普 some 244 000 persons reported that they were with
遍率為 3.3%),47 600 人視覺有困難(普遍率 restriction in body movement (with a prevalence
為 0.6%),47 900 人聽覺有困難(普遍率為 rate of 3.3% among the total population), 47 600
persons were with seeing difficulty (prevalence rate
0.6%),48 700 人溝通能力有困難(普遍率為

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 28 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

0.7%),256 800 人有精神病/情緒病(普遍率 of 0.6%), 47 900 persons were with hearing

為 3.4%),22 400 人有自閉症譜系障礙(普遍 difficulty (prevalence rate of 0.6%), 48 700 persons
率為 0.3%),35 400 人有特殊學習困難(普遍 were with communication difficulty (prevalence
率為 0.5%)及 38 200 人有注意力不足/過度活 rate of 0.7%), 256 800 persons were with mental
illness / mood disorder (prevalence rate of 3.4%),
躍症(普遍率為 0.5%)。 (圖 5.1 及表 5.1a)
22 400 were persons with Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD) (prevalence rate of 0.3%), 35 400
persons with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD)
(prevalence rate of 0.5%) and 38 200 persons with
Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder
(AD/HD) (prevalence rate of 0.5%).
(Chart 5.1 and Table 5.1a)

住處類別 Type of residence

5.6 在該 534 200 名殘疾人士中,約 86.6% 5.6 Some 86.6% of the 534 200 persons with
居住於住戶內;而 13.4%則居住於院舍(包括社 disabilities were residing in households while
會福利院舍、長期護理醫院、康復中心及私營安 13.4% were residing in institutions (including
老院等)。70 歲及以上長者居住於院舍的比例 social welfare institutions, long-stay care hospitals,
rehabilitation centres and private homes for the
最高,為 21.3%。 (圖 5.2)
elderly, etc.). Older persons aged 70 and over had
the highest proportion of residing in institutions, at
21.3%. (Chart 5.2)

只有一種/有多於一種殘疾類別 With single disability / multiple disabilities

5.7 在 534 200 名殘疾人士中,約 387 300 5.7 Of those 534 200 persons with
人(72.5%)表示只有單一種殘疾類別,其餘 disabilities, some 387 300 (72.5%) cited that they
146 900 人(27.5%)則表示有多於一種殘疾類 were with single disability. The remaining
別。按選定的殘疾類別分析,視覺有困難、聽覺 146 900 persons (27.5%) were with multiple
disabilities. Analysed by selected type of
disability, persons with seeing difficulty, hearing
difficulty, communication difficulty, ASD, SpLD
人士,較可能同時間有多於一種殘疾類別。由於 and AD/HD tended to have a higher chance of
智障並不包括在本章的分析中,部分只有單一 having multiple disabilities. Since ID was not
種殘疾類別人士,可能同時有智障的情況。 included in the analysis of this Chapter, some
(表 5.1a) persons with single disability might have the
condition of ID at the same time. (Table 5.1a)

年齡/性別 Age/sex

5.8 按年齡組別分析,在 534 200 名殘疾人 5.8 Analysed by age group, 44.5% of the
士中,70 歲及以上人士佔 44.5%,60 - 69 歲人 534 200 persons with disabilities were aged 70 and
士佔 14.4%,而 50 - 59 歲人士則佔 12.1%。殘疾 over, 14.4% were aged 60 - 69 and 12.1% were
人士的年齡中位數為 65 歲,較整體人口的年齡 aged 50 - 59. The median age of persons with
disabilities was 65, which was higher than that of
中位數的 45 歲為高。年長人士較普遍有殘疾的
45 for the total population. Disability was more
情況,70 歲及以上人士的殘疾普遍率最高,達
common among older persons. Persons aged 70
25.9%,而 15 歲以下人士的普遍率則為 5.0%。 and over had the highest prevalence rate of
一般來說,年齡愈年長的人士中,殘疾普遍率亦 disability, at 25.9%, as compared with 5.0% for
愈高。 (表 5.1b) persons aged below 15. The prevalence rate of
disability was higher for older persons in general.
(Table 5.1b)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 29 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

5.9 按性別分析,女性殘疾人士較男性為 5.9 Analysed by sex, there were more females

多,分別佔所有殘疾人士的 58.5%及 41.5%。而 with disabilities than males, constituting 58.5% and
女性的殘疾普遍率亦較男性的為高。女性的殘 41.5% of all persons with disabilities respectively.
疾普遍率為 7.7%,而男性的殘疾普遍率則為 Females also had a higher prevalence rate of
disability than their male counterparts, at 7.7% and
6.5%。 (表 5.1b)
6.5% respectively. (Table 5.1b)

婚姻狀況 Marital status

5.10 在 534 200 名 殘 疾 人 士 中 , 大 部 分 5.10 Of the 534 200 persons with disabilities,
(72.3%)為曾經結婚人士(包括已婚人士及喪 the majority (72.3%) were ever married persons
偶/分居/離婚者,分別佔所有殘疾人士的 (including 39.9% being currently married and
39.9%及 32.4%)。而在整體人口中,曾經結婚 32.4% being widowed/separated/divorced). The
corresponding percentage was 62.6% for the total
人士只佔 62.6%。 (表 5.1c)
population. (Table 5.1c)

教育程度 Educational attainment

5.11 該 534 200 名殘疾人士的教育程度較整 5.11 These 534 200 persons with disabilities
體人口的為低。當中,49.6%具小學及以下教育 had relatively lower educational attainment as
程度,而在整體人口中,相應的百分比則為 compared with the total population. About 49.6%
25.8%。 (表 5.1c) of persons with disabilities had attained primary
education and below, as against 25.8% among the
total population. (Table 5.1c)

居住地區 Area of residence

5.12 按居住地區分析,殘疾人士的居住地區 5.12 Analysed by area of residence, persons

分布與整體人口的分布大致相同。在所有殘疾 with disabilities had similar distribution as that of
人士中,30.0%居於新界西,22.7%居於新界東, the total population. Some 30.0% of persons with
21.7%居於九龍東及 16.4%居於香港島。在整體 disabilities lived in New Territories West, 22.7% in
New Territories East, 21.7% in Kowloon East, and
人口中的相應百分比分別為 28.9%、24.0%、
16.4% in Hong Kong Island. The corresponding
20.5%及 16.4%。 (表 5.1d)
percentages for the total population were 28.9%,
24.0%, 20.5% and 16.4% respectively.
(Table 5.1d)

房屋類別 Type of housing

5.13 在該 534 200 名殘疾人士中,約 37.2% 5.13 Among those 534 200 persons with
居於公營租住房屋及 35.0%居於私人房屋。相 disabilities, about 37.2% of them lived in public
反,整體人口中較小比例的人口居於公營租住 rental housing and 35.0% lived in private housing.
房屋,而居於私人房屋的則佔較大比例。整體人 On the contrary, there were a smaller proportion of
people living in public rental housing but a larger
口中,分別有 29.4%居於公營租住房屋,另有
proportion in private housing for the total
52.9%居於私人房屋。 (表 5.1e)
population. About 29.4% of the total population
lived in public rental housing and another 52.9%
lived in private housing. (Table 5.1e)

經濟活動身分 Economic activity status

5.14 在 490 800 名 15 歲及以上殘疾人士中, 5.14 Of the 490 800 persons aged 15 and over
約 393 900 人(80.3%)為非從事經濟活動人士, with disabilities, some 393 900 (80.3%) were

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 30 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

其餘 96 900 人(19.7%)為從事經濟活動人士。 economically inactive and the remaining 96 900

在 96 900 名從事經濟活動殘疾人士中,約 86 300 (19.7%) were economically active. Among the
人在統計時正就業,其餘為失業人士,失業率為 96 900 economically active persons with
11.0%。而在 2020 年,全港整體人口失業率為 disabilities, some 86 300 persons were employed at
the time of enumeration, the remaining were
5.8%。 (表 5.1f)
unemployed persons and the unemployment rate
was 11.0%. The unemployment rate of the total
population of Hong Kong was 5.8% in 2020.
(Table 5.1f)

5.15 在該 393 900 名 15 歲及以上非從事經 5.15 Among those 393 900 economically
濟活動殘疾人士中,約 249 800 人(即佔所有 15 inactive persons aged 15 and over with disabilities,
歲及以上殘疾人士的 50.9%)為退休人士。 some 249 800 (or 50.9% of all persons aged 15 and
(表 5.1f) over with disabilities) were retired persons.
(Table 5.1f)

II. 就業殘疾人士的概況 II. General profile of employed persons

with disabilities

5.16 在 490 800 名 15 歲及以上殘疾人士中, 5.16 Of the 490 800 persons aged 15 and over
約 86 300 人(17.6%)為就業人士。在該 86 300 with disabilities, some 86 300 (17.6%) were
名就業殘疾人士中,約 79 100 人只有單一種殘 employed persons. Among those 86 300
疾類別,佔所有就業殘疾人士的 91.7%。餘下的 employed persons with disabilities, some 79 100
were with single disability, constituting 91.7% of
7 100 人(8.3%)則有多於一種殘疾類別。就業
all employed persons with disabilities. The
殘疾人士佔全港整體就業人口的 2.4%。
remaining 7 100 persons (8.3%) were with multiple
(表 5.1f 及 5.2a) disabilities. Employed persons with disabilities
constituted 2.4% of the total employed population
of Hong Kong. (Tables 5.1f and 5.2a)

年齡/性別 Age/sex

5.17 按年齡組別分析,在 86 300 名就業殘 5.17 Analysed by age group, 29.7% of the
疾人士中,50 - 59 歲人士佔 29.7%,而 40 - 49 歲 86 300 employed persons with disabilities were
人士則佔 24.0%。就業殘疾人士的年齡中位數為 aged 50 - 59 and 24.0% were aged 40 - 49. The
47 歲,而整體就業人口的年齡中位數則為 42 歲。 median age of employed persons with disabilities
was 47, as against the median age of 42 for the total
(表 5.2b)
employed population. (Table 5.2b)

5.18 在所有就業殘疾人士中,女性所佔的百 5.18 Among all employed persons with

分比較男性的為高,分別佔 52.4%及 47.6%。而 disabilities, there were proportionally more females
整體就業人口的情況亦相同。 (表 5.2b) than males, at 52.4% and 47.6% respectively.
This was also the case for the total employed
population. (Table 5.2b)

婚姻狀況 Marital status

5.19 在 86 300 名就業殘疾人士中,47.2%為 5.19 Of the 86 300 employed persons with

已婚人士,38.3%為從未結婚者,而 14.6%為喪 disabilities, 47.2% were currently married, 38.3%
偶/分居/離婚者。整體就業人口的相應百分 were never married and 14.6% were
比分別為 60.0%、32.6%及 7.5%。 (表 5.2c) widowed/separated/divorced. The corresponding
percentages for the total employed population were
60.0%, 32.6% and 7.5% respectively.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 31 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

(Table 5.2c)

教育程度 Educational attainment

5.20 該 86 300 名就業殘疾人士的教育程度 5.20 Those 86 300 employed persons with

較整體就業人口的為低。前者約有 12.3%具小學 disabilities had relatively lower educational
及以下教育程度,而後者只有 8.2%。 (表 5.2c) attainment than the total employed population.
About 12.3% of them had attained primary
education and below, as against 8.2% for the total
employed population. (Table 5.2c)

行業 Industry

5.21 就業殘疾人士最普遍從事的三個行業 5.21 The three most common industry sectors

類別為公共行政、社會及個人服務業、金融、保 which employed persons with disabilities were
險、地產、專業及商用服務業及零售、住宿及膳 engaged in were the public administration, social
食服務業。這三個行業與整體就業人口最普遍 and personal services sector; the financing,
insurance, real estate, professional and business
從事的行業相同。在該 86 300 名就業殘疾人士
services sector; and the retail, accommodation and
中,分別有 31.2%、25.6%及 15.5%從事該些行
food services sector. They were also the most
業,而在整體就業人口中的相應百分比分別為 common industry sectors amongst the total
30.2%、23.1%及 14.1%。 (表 5.2d) employed population. About 31.2%, 25.6% and
15.5% of those 86 300 employed persons with
disabilities worked in these sectors respectively.
The corresponding percentages for the total
employed population were 30.2%, 23.1% and
14.1% respectively. (Table 5.2d)

職業 Occupation

5.22 在就業殘疾人士中,36.0%為經理及行 5.22 Of the employed persons with disabilities,

政級人員、專業人員及輔助專業人員,25.4%為 36.0% were managers and administrators,
非技術工人。整體就業人口中相應的百分比分 professionals and associate professionals and
別為 41.4%及 20.6%。 (表 5.2e) 25.4% were workers in elementary occupations.
The corresponding percentages for the total
employed population were 41.4% and 20.6%
respectively. (Table 5.2e)

每月就業收入 Monthly employment earnings

5.23 就業殘疾人士的每月就業收入相對地 5.23 The monthly employment earnings of

低於整體就業人口的每月就業收入。約 3 成就 employed persons with disabilities were relatively
業殘疾人士每月就業收入少於$10,000,而整體 lower than that of the total employed population.
就業人口的相應比例則約為五分之一。就業殘 Around 30% of employed persons with disabilities
earned less than $10,000 per month, as compared
with about one-fifth for the total employed
population. The median monthly employment
$17,700。撇除在庇護工場工作的就業殘疾人士, earnings of employed persons with disabilities was
他們的每月就業收入中位數為$14,800。 $14,000, as against $17,700 for the total employed
(表 5.2f) population. The median monthly employment
earnings of employed persons with disabilities was
$14,800 after excluding those working in sheltered
workshops. (Table 5.2f)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 32 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

III. 有個別殘疾類別人士的概況 III. General profile of persons with

individual types of disability

年齡/性別 Age/sex

5.24 概括而言,身體活動能力受限制、視覺 5.24 Generally speaking, persons with

有困難、聽覺有困難及溝通能力有困難人士的 restriction in body movement, seeing difficulty,
年齡分布大致相同。在這四類人士中,70 歲及 hearing difficulty and communication difficulty
以上人士均佔 6 成以上,他們的年齡中位數介 had similar age profile. At least 60% of them
were aged 70 and over. The median ages of these
乎 78 歲至 82 歲之間。在有個別殘疾類別人士
four groups of persons ranged from 78 to 82.
Amongst persons with individual types of
意力不足/過度活躍症人士普遍較年輕,其年 disability, persons with ASD, SpLD and AD/HD
齡中位數分別為 14、15 及 13 歲。有精神病/情 had relatively younger age profile, with the median
緒病人士的年齡中位數為 59 歲。 (表 5.1b) ages of 14, 15 and 13 respectively. The median
age of persons with mental illness / mood disorder
was 59. (Table 5.1b)

5.25 按性別分析,在身體活動能力受限制、 5.25 Analysed by sex, there were relatively

視覺有困難、聽覺有困難、溝通能力有困難及有 more females than males for persons with restriction
精神病/情緒病人士中,女性較男性為多。而在 in body movement, seeing difficulty, hearing
有自閉症譜系障礙、有特殊學習困難及有注意 difficulty, communication difficulty, and mental
illness / mood disorder, and otherwise for persons
with ASD, SpLD and AD/HD. (Table 5.1b)
多。 (表 5.1b)

婚姻狀況 Marital status

5.26 身體活動能力受限制、視覺有困難與聽 5.26 The distributions of persons with

覺有困難人士的婚姻狀況分布大致相同。在這 restriction in body movement, seeing difficulty and
三類人士中,約 9 成曾經結婚。而約 7 成的溝通 hearing difficulty by marital status were similar to
能力有困難及有精神病/情緒病人士也是曾經 each other. Around 90% of these three groups of
persons were ever married. About 70% of persons
with communication difficulty and mental illness /
mood disorder were also ever married. For
部分(約 9 成半)從未結婚,這可能是由於他們 persons with ASD, SpLD and AD/HD, a substantial
大部分均為 15 歲以下人士。 (表 5.1c) proportion (about 95%) of them were never
married, probably because majority of them were
aged below 15. (Table 5.1c)

教育程度 Educational attainment

5.27 在身體活動能力受限制、視覺有困難、 5.27 For persons with restriction in body

聽覺有困難及溝通能力有困難人士中,超過 6 成 movement, seeing difficulty, hearing difficulty and
具小學及以下教育程度。另一方面,約 4 成有精 communication difficulty, at least 60% of them had
神病/情緒病、有自閉症譜系障礙、有特殊學習 attained primary education and below. On the
other hand, about 40% of persons with mental
illness / mood disorder, ASD, SpLD and AD/HD
教育程度。 (表 5.1c)
had attained secondary education. (Table 5.1c)

居住地區 Area of residence

5.28 除了有自閉症譜系障礙人士外,有個別 5.28 The distributions by area of residence

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 33 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

殘疾類別人士的居住地區分布大致相同。他們 were generally similar amongst persons with

當中,最大比例居住於新界西。另一方面,有自 individual types of disability except for persons
閉症譜系障礙人士最普遍居住於新界東。 with ASD, with the largest proportion of them
(表 5.1d) residing in New Territories West. On the other
hand, the most popular area of residence for persons
with ASD was New Territories East. (Table 5.1d)

房屋類別 Type of housing

5.29 有相對較多溝通能力有困難、身體活動 5.29 There were relatively more persons with

能力受限制及有精神病/情緒病人士居住於其 communication difficulty, restriction in body
他永久性房屋(例如院舍),其相應的百分比分 movement and mental illness / mood disorder
別為 42.6%、22.5%及 15.9%。 (表 5.1e) residing in other permanent housing (e.g.
institutions), the corresponding percentages were
42.6%, 22.5% and 15.9% respectively.
(Table 5.1e)

經濟活動身分 Economic activity status

5.30 在 15 歲及以上身體活動能力受限制、 5.30 Retired persons constituted about 70% for

視覺有困難及聽覺有困難人士中,約 7 成為退 persons aged 15 and over with restriction in body
休人士。然而,在 15 歲及以上溝通能力有困難 movement, seeing difficulty and hearing difficulty.
及有精神病/情緒病人士中,退休人士分別佔 However, for persons aged 15 and over with
communication difficulty and mental illness / mood
55.5%及 38.4%。在 15 歲及以上有自閉症譜系障
disorder, retired persons constituted 55.5% and
38.4% respectively. Among persons aged 15 and
躍 症 人 士 中 , 學 生 分 別 佔 46.4% 、 38.4% 及 over with ASD, SpLD and AD/HD, students
56.4%。 (表 5.1f) constituted 46.4%, 38.4% and 56.4% respectively.
(Table 5.1f)

IV. 有個別殘疾類別就業人士的概況 IV. General profile of employed persons

with individual types of disability

只有一種/有多於一種殘疾類別 With single disability / multiple disabilities

5.31 按選定的殘疾類別分析,在溝通能力有 5.31 Analysed by selected type of disability,

困難及有注意力不足/過度活躍症就業人士 employed persons with communication difficulty
中,有多於一種殘疾類別的人士所佔的比例較 and AD/HD had higher proportion of having
高,分別達 80.1%及 61.2%。相反,身體活動能 multiple disabilities, at 80.1% and 61.2%
respectively. In contrast, most of the employed
persons with restriction in body movement, seeing
difficulty, mental illness / mood disorder and SpLD
疾類別人士超過 6 成)只有單一種殘疾類別。 were with single disability (over 60% of employed
(表 5.2a) persons with individual types of disability).
(Table 5.2a)

年齡/性別 Age/sex

5.32 超過 7 成半的身體活動能力受限制、視 5.32 Over 75% of persons with restriction in

覺有困難及聽覺有困難就業人士為 40 - 69 歲人 body movement, seeing difficulty and hearing
士,他們的年齡中位數分別為 56、53 及 54 歲。 difficulty were aged 40 - 69, the median ages of
另一方面,約 7 成的溝通能力有困難及有精神 these three groups of persons were 56, 53 and 54

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 34 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

病/情緒病就業人士為 30 - 59 歲人士,他們的 respectively. On the other hand, about 70% of

年齡中位數分別為 51 及 46 歲。相反,約 6 成 persons with communication difficulty and mental
的有自閉症譜系障礙、有特殊學習困難及有注 illness / mood disorder were aged 30 - 59, with the
意力不足/過度活躍症就業人士年齡小於 30 median ages of 51 and 46 respectively. In
contrast, about 60% of persons with ASD, SpLD
歲,相應年齡中位數分別為 28、25 及 25 歲。
and AD/HD aged below 30, the corresponding
(表 5.2b)
median ages were 28, 25 and 25 respectively.
(Table 5.2b)

5.33 除身體活動能力受限制及有精神病/ 5.33 There were proportionally more males

情緒病就業人士外,在有個別殘疾類別就業人 than females amongst employed persons with
士中,男性皆較女性為多。按男女比例的差距計 individual types of disability except for persons
算,有自閉症譜系障礙就業人士的差距最大,而 with restriction in body movement and mental
illness / mood disorder. The difference in the
視覺有困難就業人士的差距則最小。 (表 5.2b)
proportion between males and females was the
largest for employed persons with ASD and the
smallest for employed persons with seeing
difficulty. (Table 5.2b)

婚姻狀況 Marital status

5.34 身體活動能力受限制、視覺有困難與聽 5.34 The distributions of employed persons

覺有困難就業人士的婚姻狀況分布大致相同。 with restriction in body movement, seeing
當中,曾經結婚人士約佔 8 成,而整體就業人口 difficulty and hearing difficulty by marital status
的相應百分比為 67.4%。在溝通能力有困難及有 were similar to each other. The ever married
employed persons constituted about 80% of these
精神病/情緒病就業人士中,分別有 36.9%及
three groups of persons, as against 67.4% for the
37.3%為從未結婚者。超過 8 成半有自閉症譜系
total employed population. For employed persons
障礙、有特殊學習困難及有注意力不足/過度 with communication difficulty and mental illness /
活躍症就業人士為從未結婚者。 (表 5.2c) mood disorder, 36.9% and 37.3% of them were
never married respectively. Over 85% of
employed persons with ASD, SpLD and AD/HD
were never married. (Table 5.2c)

教育程度 Educational attainment

5.35 在各種選定殘疾類別的就業人士中,有 5.35 Among employed persons with the

注意力不足/過度活躍症就業人士具專上教育 selected types of disability, employed persons with
程度的比例最高,達 56.5%。而身體活動能力受 AD/HD had the highest proportion of having
限制就業人士的相應比例最低,只有 17.4%。 attained post-secondary education, at 56.5%.
Employed persons with restriction in body
(表 5.2c)
movement had the lowest corresponding
proportion, at 17.4% only. (Table 5.2c)

行業 Industry

5.36 在身體活動能力受限制、溝通能力有困 5.36 The most popular industry group among

難、有精神病/情緒病、有自閉症譜系障礙及有 employed persons with restriction in body
特殊學習困難就業人士中,最普遍從事的行業 movement, communication difficulty, mental
類別為公共行政、社會及個人服務業。另外,在 illness / mood disorder, ASD and SpLD was the
public administration, social and personal services
sector. On the other hand, the most popular
industry group among employed persons with

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 35 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

為金融、保險、地產、專業及商用服務業。 seeing difficulty, hearing difficulty and AD/HD was

(表 5.2d) the financing, insurance, real estate, professional and
business services sector. (Table 5.2d)

職業 Occupation

5.37 在身體活動能力受限制、聽覺有困難、 5.37 The most popular occupation group

溝通能力有困難、有自閉症譜系障礙及有特殊 among employed persons with restriction in body
學習困難就業人士中,最普遍從事的職業類別 movement, hearing difficulty, communication
為非技術工人。另一方面,在視覺有困難、有精 difficulty, ASD and SpLD was elementary
occupations. On the other hand, the most popular
occupation group among employed persons with
seeing difficulty, mental illness / mood disorder and
政級人員、專業人員及輔助專業人員。 AD/HD was managers and administrators,
(表 5.2e) professionals and associate professionals.
(Table 5.2e)

每月就業收入 Monthly employment earnings

5.38 在各種選定殘疾類別的就業人士中,視 5.38 Among employed persons with the

覺有困難及有精神病/情緒病就業人士的每月 selected types of disability, the median monthly
就業收入中位數最高,各為$15,000。而有自閉 employment earnings was the highest for employed
症譜系障礙就業人士的每月就業收入中位數則 persons with seeing difficulty and mental illness /
mood disorder, both at $15,000. The median
monthly employment earnings was the lowest for
人士,則為$10,000)。 (表 5.2f)
employed persons with ASD, at $8,000 (or $10,000
if those working in sheltered workshops were
excluded). (Table 5.2f)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 36 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

圖 5.1 殘疾人士的普遍率
Chart 5.1 Prevalence rate of persons with disabilities

Prevalence rate (as percentage of total population)




0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.2 0.2
年份/人數 身體活動能 視覺 聽覺 溝通能力 精神病/ 自閉症譜系 特殊學習 注意力不足/
Year / No. of 力受限制* 有困難* 有困難* 有困難* 情緒病 障礙 困難 過度活躍症
persons Restriction Seeing Hearing Communi- Mental ASD SpLD AD/HD
in body difficulty* difficulty* cation illness /
movement* difficulty* mood

2013 – – – – 147 300 10 200 17 700 12 800

2020 244 000 47 600 47 900 48 700 256 800 22 400 35 400 38 200
Selected type of disability

2013 2020

註釋︰ * 由於首四個選定殘疾類別的定義有所更新,是次統計調查相關的結果因而不能與以往的結果作直接比較。

Note: * Owing to the update of definition in the first four selected types of disability, figures based on the definition in this round
of the survey could not be directly compared with the past results.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 37 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

圖 5.2 按住處類別及年齡劃分的殘疾人士的百分比分布
Chart 5.2 Percentage distribution of persons with disabilities by type of residence and

100.0 3.1 3.5 6.8 8.3
10.0 8.4 11.3 13.4



96.9 96.5
90.0 93.2 91.7 91.6 88.7 86.6
40.0 78.7


< 15 15 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 ≥ 70 All age
Age group

居住於住戶內 居住於院舍*內
Residing in Residing in
households institutions*

註釋︰ * 包括社會福利院舍(例如津助安老院舍、智障人士宿舍、為精神病康復者而設的中途宿舍)、長期護理醫院、

Note: * Including social welfare institutions (such as subvented residential care homes for the elderly, hostels for persons with
intellectual disability, halfway houses for persons in mental recovery), long-stay care hospitals, rehabilitation centres
and private homes for the elderly, etc.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 38 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.1a 按選定的殘疾類別及只有一種/有多於一種殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數

Table 5.1a Persons with disabilities by selected type of disability and with single
disability / multiple disabilities
只有一種 有多於一種
殘疾類別@ 殘疾類別
With single With multiple
disability@ disabilities 總人數 佔整體人口
人數 人數* Total no. of 的百分比
選定的殘疾類別 No. of persons No. of persons* persons As % of total
Selected type of disability ('000) ('000) ('000) population
身體活動能力受限制 138.8 105.2 244.0 3.3
Restriction in body movement (56.9) (43.1) (100.0)
視覺有困難 18.3 29.4 47.6 0.6
Seeing difficulty (38.3) (61.7) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 12.5 35.5 47.9 0.6
Hearing difficulty (26.0) (74.0) (100.0)
溝通能力有困難 3.5 45.2 48.7 0.7
Communication difficulty (7.2) (92.8) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 172.9 83.8 256.8 3.4
Mental illness / mood disorder (67.4) (32.6) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 9.5 12.9 22.4 0.3
Autism Spectrum Disorder (42.3) (57.7) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 15.4 20.0 35.4 0.5
Specific Learning Difficulties (43.4) (56.6) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 16.5 21.6 38.2 0.5
Attention Deficit / (43.3) (56.7) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder

所有殘疾人士(智障人士除外#) 387.3 146.9 534.2 7.1

All persons with disabilities (72.5) (27.5) (100.0)
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability#)
註釋: 包括只有一種殘疾類別及同時患有長期病患的人士。
* 由於有多於一種選定殘疾類別的人士會分別被點算在個別的殘疾類別內,殘疾人士的合計數目較個別殘
析內。一項粗略的統計評估顯示全港智障人士總數可能為77 000人 - 90 000人左右。詳情請參閱附錄三(

Notes: @ Including persons with single disability and having chronic diseases at the same time.
* Persons with more than one selected type of disability were counted in the respective types of disability and hence
the overall number of persons with disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual
types of disability.
# The estimates pertaining to persons with intellectual disability (ID) are excluded from the main analysis presented
in this report as they are considered to be subject to under-estimation in the survey. A crude statistical assessment
shows that the total number of persons with ID in Hong Kong might be in the region of 77 000 - 90 000. Please
refer to Appendix 3C for details.
Figures in brackets represent the percentages in respect of all persons with the respective types of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 39 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.1b 按年齡/性別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1b Persons with disabilities by age/sex and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 比率* persons 百分比 比率* persons 百分比 比率*
Age group / Sex ('000) % Rate* ('000) % Rate* ('000) % Rate*
Age group
< 15 1.1 0.5 0.1 0.6 1.3 0.1 0.3 0.7 §
15 - 29 1.9 0.8 0.2 0.6 1.3 0.1 0.4 0.9 §
30 - 39 2.7 1.1 0.2 0.5 1.1 § 0.6 1.3 0.1
40 - 49 5.3 2.2 0.5 2.2 4.6 0.2 1.4 2.8 0.1
50 - 59 16.2 6.6 1.3 4.6 9.7 0.4 3.3 6.8 0.3
60 - 64 14.8 6.1 2.5 3.6 7.6 0.6 2.4 5.0 0.4
65 - 69 17.9 7.3 4.0 4.9 10.3 1.1 3.7 7.6 0.8
≥ 70 183.9 75.4 20.1 30.6 64.3 3.3 35.8 74.8 3.9
年齡中位數(歲) 82 78 82
Median age (years)

男 86.5 35.4 2.5 18.8 39.5 0.6 21.2 44.3 0.6
女 157.5 64.6 3.9 28.8 60.5 0.7 26.7 55.7 0.7

合計 244.0 100.0 3.3 47.6 100.0 0.6 47.9 100.0 0.6

註釋: * 在個別年齡/性別組別中佔所有人士的百分比。例如,在所有年齡小於15歲人士中,0.1%為身體活動能
§ 少於0.05。

Notes: * As a percentage of all persons in the respective age/sex groups. For example, among all persons aged below 15,
0.1% were persons with restriction in body movement.
§ Less than 0.05.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 40 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.1b(續) 按年齡/性別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1b Persons with disabilities by age/sex and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability (Cont'd)
溝通能力有困難 Mental illness / 自閉症譜系障礙
Communication difficulty mood disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 比率* persons 百分比 比率* persons 百分比 比率*
Age group / Sex ('000) % Rate* ('000) % Rate* ('000) % Rate*
Age group
< 15 2.5 5.2 0.3 7.9 3.1 0.9 11.9 53.2 1.4
15 - 29 2.7 5.5 0.2 20.1 7.8 1.8 8.1 36.1 0.7
30 - 39 1.8 3.7 0.2 21.5 8.4 1.9 1.3 5.6 0.1
40 - 49 2.4 4.8 0.2 34.1 13.3 3.0 0.7 3.0 0.1
50 - 59 3.5 7.2 0.3 45.6 17.8 3.8 0.3 1.5 §
60 - 64 2.6 5.3 0.4 23.5 9.2 4.0 ‡ ‡ ‡
65 - 69 2.6 5.4 0.6 18.5 7.2 4.1 ‡ ‡ ‡
≥ 70 30.6 62.8 3.3 85.6 33.3 9.3 ‡ ‡ ‡
年齡中位數(歲) 78 59 14
Median age (years)

男 22.0 45.2 0.6 91.2 35.5 2.7 18.7 83.6 0.5
女 26.7 54.8 0.7 165.6 64.5 4.1 3.7 16.4 0.1

合計 48.7 100.0 0.7 256.8 100.0 3.4 22.4 100.0 0.3

註釋: * 在個別年齡/性別組別中佔所有人士的百分比。例如,在所有年齡小於15歲人士中,0.3%為溝通能力有
§ 少於0.05。
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * As a percentage of all persons in the respective age/sex groups. For example, among all persons aged below 15,
0.3% were persons with communication difficulty.
§ Less than 0.05.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 41 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.1b(續) 按年齡/性別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1b Persons with disabilities by age/sex and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability (Cont'd)
特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 比率* persons 百分比 比率*
Age group / Sex ('000) % Rate* ('000) % Rate*
Age group
< 15 17.4 49.2 2.0 22.8 59.7 2.6
15 - 29 12.5 35.3 1.1 12.6 33.0 1.1
30 - 39 1.8 5.0 0.2 1.1 2.8 0.1
40 - 49 1.4 3.8 0.1 0.7 1.9 0.1
50 - 59 1.0 2.8 0.1 0.5 1.4 §
60 - 64 0.3 0.9 0.1 ‡ ‡ ‡
65 - 69 0.3 0.8 0.1 ‡ ‡ ‡
≥ 70 0.7 2.1 0.1 0.3 0.8 §
年齡中位數(歲) 15 13
Median age (years)

男 23.6 66.8 0.7 27.0 70.8 0.8
女 11.7 33.2 0.3 11.1 29.2 0.3

合計 35.4 100.0 0.5 38.2 100.0 0.5

註釋: * 在個別年齡/性別組別中佔所有人士的百分比。例如,在所有年齡小於15歲人士中,2.0%為有特殊學習
§ 少於0.05。
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * As a percentage of all persons in the respective age/sex groups. For example, among all persons aged below 15,
2.0% were persons with Specific Learning Difficulties.
§ Less than 0.05.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 42 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.1b(續) 按年齡/性別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1b Persons with disabilities by age/sex and selected type of disability

All persons with disabilities
(excluding persons with 整體人口
intellectual disability)@ Total population
No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 比率* 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % Rate* %
Age group
< 15 43.4 8.1 5.0 11.6
15 - 29 42.3 7.9 3.7 15.2
30 - 39 26.9 5.0 2.3 15.5
40 - 49 42.5 7.9 3.7 15.4
50 - 59 64.9 12.1 5.4 16.1
60 - 64 38.7 7.2 6.5 7.9
65 - 69 38.0 7.1 8.4 6.1
≥ 70 237.6 44.5 25.9 12.3
年齡中位數(歲) 65 45
Median age (years)

男 221.7 41.5 6.5 45.6
女 312.5 58.5 7.7 54.4

合計 534.2 100.0 7.1 100.0

註釋: 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別人士數目的總和
* 在個別年齡/性別組別中佔所有人士的百分比。例如,在所有年齡小於15歲人士中,5.0%為殘疾人士。

Notes: @ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
* As a percentage of all persons in the respective age/sex groups. For example, among all persons aged below 15,
5.0% were persons with disabilities.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 43 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.1c 按婚姻狀況/教育程度及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1c Persons with disabilities by marital status / educational attainment and
selected type of disability

Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
婚姻狀況/教育程度 No. of No. of No. of
Marital status / Educational persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
attainment ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Marital status
從未結婚 21.4 8.8 4.9 10.3 4.1 8.6
Never married
已婚 105.5 43.2 22.8 47.9 23.5 48.9
Currently married
喪偶/分居/離婚 117.1 48.0 19.9 41.8 20.4 42.5

Educational attainment
未受教育/學前教育 70.5 28.9 13.1 27.5 13.5 28.2
No schooling / pre-primary
小學 94.1 38.6 15.7 32.9 18.0 37.6
初中/高中 63.5 26.0 13.8 29.1 12.5 26.2
Lower/upper secondary
非學位 4.5 1.8 2.1 4.3 1.4 2.9
學位 11.4 4.7 2.9 6.2 2.5 5.2

總計 244.0 100.0 47.6 100.0 47.9 100.0


(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 44 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.1c(續) 按婚姻狀況/教育程度及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1c Persons with disabilities by marital status / educational attainment and
(Cont'd) selected type of disability

Selected type of disability (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
婚姻狀況/教育程度 No. of No. of No. of
Marital status / Educational persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
attainment ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Marital status
從未結婚 13.2 27.1 69.6 27.1 22.1 98.8
Never married
已婚 17.9 36.7 108.0 42.1 ‡ ‡
Currently married
喪偶/分居/離婚 17.6 36.1 79.2 30.9 ‡ ‡

Educational attainment
未受教育/學前教育 12.7 26.1 29.5 11.5 3.0 13.2
No schooling / pre-primary
小學 18.1 37.1 68.1 26.5 7.3 32.8
初中/高中 14.7 30.2 110.3 43.0 9.3 41.6
Lower/upper secondary
非學位 0.9 1.8 16.2 6.3 1.4 6.3
學位 2.3 4.7 32.6 12.7 1.4 6.0

總計 48.7 100.0 256.8 100.0 22.4 100.0


註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Note: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 45 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.1c(續) 按婚姻狀況/教育程度及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1c Persons with disabilities by marital status / educational attainment and
(Cont'd) selected type of disability

Selected type of disability (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
婚姻狀況/教育程度 No. of No. of
Marital status / Educational persons 百分比 persons 百分比
attainment ('000) % ('000) %
Marital status
從未結婚 33.5 94.7 36.8 96.6
Never married
已婚 1.5 4.1 0.9 2.4
Currently married
喪偶/分居/離婚 0.4 1.2 0.4 1.1

Educational attainment
未受教育/學前教育 4.2 11.8 2.0 5.2
No schooling / pre-primary
小學 12.7 35.8 14.8 38.9
初中/高中 13.4 38.0 16.1 42.3
Lower/upper secondary
非學位 3.5 10.0 2.5 6.6
學位 1.6 4.4 2.7 7.1

總計 35.4 100.0 38.2 100.0


(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 46 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.1c(續) 按婚姻狀況/教育程度及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1c Persons with disabilities by marital status / educational attainment and
(Cont'd) selected type of disability

All persons with disabilities
(excluding persons with 整體人口
intellectual disability)@ Total population
婚姻狀況/教育程度 No. of
Marital status / Educational persons 百分比 百分比
attainment ('000) % %
Marital status
從未結婚 148.2 27.7 37.4
Never married
已婚 213.0 39.9 51.5
Currently married
喪偶/分居/離婚 172.9 32.4 11.1

Educational attainment
未受教育/學前教育 92.9 17.4 8.1
No schooling / pre-primary
小學 172.1 32.2 17.7
初中/高中 196.2 36.7 44.0
Lower/upper secondary
非學位 26.0 4.9 7.9
學位 47.1 8.8 22.3

總計 534.2 100.0 100.0

註釋: 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別人士數目的總和

Note: @ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 47 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.1d 按居住地區及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1d Persons with disabilities by area of residence and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
居住地區 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Area of residence ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
香港島(1) 41.8 17.1 6.0 12.7 8.4 17.5
Hong Kong Island(1)
九龍東(2) 52.5 21.5 10.4 21.8 11.0 23.0
Kowloon East(2)
九龍西(3) 23.1 9.4 4.8 10.0 4.4 9.2
Kowloon West(3)
新界東(4) 52.1 21.4 10.8 22.7 11.2 23.3
New Territories East(4)
新界西(5) 74.5 30.6 15.6 32.7 12.9 27.0
New Territories West(5)

總計 244.0 100.0 47.6 100.0 47.9 100.0

註釋: 香港島包括中西區、灣仔、東區及南區區議會分區。

Notes: (1) Hong Kong Island includes Central and Western, Wan Chai, Eastern and Southern District Council districts.
(2) Kowloon East includes Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin and Kowloon City District Council districts.
(3) Kowloon West includes Yau Tsim Mong and Sham Shui Po District Council districts.
(4) New Territories East includes Sha Tin, Sai Kung, Tai Po and North District Council districts.
(5) New Territories West includes Kwai Tsing, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and Islands District Council

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 48 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.1d(續) 按居住地區及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1d Persons with disabilities by area of residence and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
居住地區 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Area of residence ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
香港島(1) 8.3 17.1 44.5 17.3 3.3 14.8
Hong Kong Island(1)
九龍東(2) 10.1 20.7 54.7 21.3 5.3 23.6
Kowloon East(2)
九龍西(3) 4.9 10.0 23.6 9.2 2.0 8.9
Kowloon West(3)
新界東(4) 11.2 23.0 57.0 22.2 6.4 28.7
New Territories East(4)
新界西(5) 14.2 29.2 76.9 30.0 5.4 24.0
New Territories West(5)

總計 48.7 100.0 256.8 100.0 22.4 100.0

註釋: 香港島包括中西區、灣仔、東區及南區區議會分區。

Notes: (1) Hong Kong Island includes Central and Western, Wan Chai, Eastern and Southern District Council districts.
(2) Kowloon East includes Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin and Kowloon City District Council districts.
(3) Kowloon West includes Yau Tsim Mong and Sham Shui Po District Council districts.
(4) New Territories East includes Sha Tin, Sai Kung, Tai Po and North District Council districts.
(5) New Territories West includes Kwai Tsing, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and Islands District Council

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 49 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.1d(續) 按居住地區及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1d Persons with disabilities by area of residence and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
No. of No. of
居住地區 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Area of residence ('000) % ('000) %
香港島(1) 5.2 14.6 6.9 18.1
Hong Kong Island(1)
九龍東(2) 7.8 22.1 7.3 19.2
Kowloon East(2)
九龍西(3) 3.0 8.4 2.8 7.2
Kowloon West(3)
新界東(4) 8.4 23.8 10.4 27.3
New Territories East(4)
新界西(5) 11.0 31.2 10.7 28.1
New Territories West(5)

總計 35.4 100.0 38.2 100.0

註釋: 香港島包括中西區、灣仔、東區及南區區議會分區。

Notes: (1) Hong Kong Island includes Central and Western, Wan Chai, Eastern and Southern District Council districts.
(2) Kowloon East includes Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin and Kowloon City District Council districts.
(3) Kowloon West includes Yau Tsim Mong and Sham Shui Po District Council districts.
(4) New Territories East includes Sha Tin, Sai Kung, Tai Po and North District Council districts.
(5) New Territories West includes Kwai Tsing, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and Islands District Council

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 50 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.1d(續) 按居住地區及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1d Persons with disabilities by area of residence and selected type of disability

All persons with disabilities
(excluding persons with 整體人口
intellectual disability)@ Total population
No. of
居住地區 persons 百分比 百分比
Area of residence ('000) % %
香港島(1) 87.9 16.4 16.4
Hong Kong Island(1)
九龍東(2) 115.7 21.7 20.5
Kowloon East(2)
九龍西(3) 49.1 9.2 10.2
Kowloon West(3)
新界東(4) 121.4 22.7 24.0
New Territories East(4)
新界西(5) 160.1 30.0 28.9
New Territories West(5)

總計 534.2 100.0 100.0

註釋: 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別人士數目的總和

Notes: @ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
(1) Hong Kong Island includes Central and Western, Wan Chai, Eastern and Southern District Council districts.
(2) Kowloon East includes Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin and Kowloon City District Council districts.
(3) Kowloon West includes Yau Tsim Mong and Sham Shui Po District Council districts.
(4) New Territories East includes Sha Tin, Sai Kung, Tai Po and North District Council districts.
(5) New Territories West includes Kwai Tsing, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and Islands District Council

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 51 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.1e 按房屋類別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1e Persons with disabilities by type of housing and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
房屋類別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Type of housing ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
公營租住房屋 80.4 32.9 19.0 39.9 17.7 36.8
Public rental housing
私人房屋* 72.8 29.9 16.3 34.2 15.9 33.3
Private housing*
資助自置居所房屋# 35.9 14.7 7.6 15.9 7.9 16.4
Subsidised home ownership housing#
其他永久性房屋^ 54.9 22.5 4.8 10.0 6.5 13.5
Other permanent housing^

總計 244.0 100.0 47.6 100.0 47.9 100.0


註釋: * 包括私人房屋、香港房屋協會的市區改善計劃下興建的屋宇單位、別墅/平房/新型村屋、簡單磚石蓋

Notes: * Includes private housing blocks, flats built under the Urban Improvement Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing
Society, villas / bungalows / modern village houses, simple stone structures / traditional village houses and private
temporary housing. Subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open market are also put under this category.
# Includes flats built under the Home Ownership Scheme, Middle Income Housing Scheme, Private Sector
Participation Scheme, Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme, Buy or Rent Option Scheme and
Mortgage Subsidy Scheme, and flats sold under the Tenants Purchase Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing
Authority. Also includes flats built under the Flat for Sale Scheme, Sandwich Class Housing Scheme and
Subsidised Sale Flats Projects of the Hong Kong Housing Society; and flats in Urban Renewal Authority
Subsidised Sale Flats Scheme. Subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open market are excluded.
^ Includes quarters in hotels, hostels, dormitories and non-residential buildings.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 52 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.1e(續) 按房屋類別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1e Persons with disabilities by type of housing and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
房屋類別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Type of housing ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
公營租住房屋 11.8 24.2 93.9 36.6 7.9 35.2
Public rental housing
私人房屋* 10.4 21.3 89.8 35.0 10.4 46.3
Private housing*
資助自置居所房屋# 5.8 11.9 32.2 12.5 3.0 13.2
Subsidised home ownership housing#
其他永久性房屋^ 20.7 42.6 40.8 15.9 1.2 5.2
Other permanent housing^

總計 48.7 100.0 256.8 100.0 22.4 100.0


註釋: * 包括私人房屋、香港房屋協會的市區改善計劃下興建的屋宇單位、別墅/平房/新型村屋、簡單磚石蓋

Notes: * Includes private housing blocks, flats built under the Urban Improvement Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing
Society, villas / bungalows / modern village houses, simple stone structures / traditional village houses and private
temporary housing. Subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open market are also put under this category.
# Includes flats built under the Home Ownership Scheme, Middle Income Housing Scheme, Private Sector
Participation Scheme, Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme, Buy or Rent Option Scheme and
Mortgage Subsidy Scheme, and flats sold under the Tenants Purchase Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing
Authority. Also includes flats built under the Flat for Sale Scheme, Sandwich Class Housing Scheme and
Subsidised Sale Flats Projects of the Hong Kong Housing Society; and flats in Urban Renewal Authority
Subsidised Sale Flats Scheme. Subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open market are excluded.
^ Includes quarters in hotels, hostels, dormitories and non-residential buildings.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 53 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.1e(續) 按房屋類別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1e Persons with disabilities by type of housing and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
No. of No. of
房屋類別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Type of housing ('000) % ('000) %
公營租住房屋 14.0 39.5 15.4 40.3
Public rental housing
私人房屋* 15.1 42.8 17.3 45.3
Private housing*
資助自置居所房屋# 4.2 11.8 4.8 12.6
Subsidised home ownership housing#
其他永久性房屋^ 2.1 5.9 0.7 1.9
Other permanent housing^

總計 35.4 100.0 38.2 100.0


註釋: * 包括私人房屋、香港房屋協會的市區改善計劃下興建的屋宇單位、別墅/平房/新型村屋、簡單磚石蓋

Notes: * Includes private housing blocks, flats built under the Urban Improvement Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing
Society, villas / bungalows / modern village houses, simple stone structures / traditional village houses and private
temporary housing. Subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open market are also put under this category.
# Includes flats built under the Home Ownership Scheme, Middle Income Housing Scheme, Private Sector
Participation Scheme, Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme, Buy or Rent Option Scheme and
Mortgage Subsidy Scheme, and flats sold under the Tenants Purchase Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing
Authority. Also includes flats built under the Flat for Sale Scheme, Sandwich Class Housing Scheme and
Subsidised Sale Flats Projects of the Hong Kong Housing Society; and flats in Urban Renewal Authority
Subsidised Sale Flats Scheme. Subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open market are excluded.
^ Includes quarters in hotels, hostels, dormitories and non-residential buildings.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 54 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.1e(續) 按房屋類別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1e Persons with disabilities by type of housing and selected type of disability

All persons with disabilities
(excluding persons with 整體人口
intellectual disability)@ Total population
No. of
房屋類別 persons 百分比 百分比
Type of housing ('000) % %
公營租住房屋 198.8 37.2 29.4
Public rental housing
私人房屋* 186.9 35.0 52.9
Private housing*
資助自置居所房屋# 74.6 14.0 15.1
Subsidised home ownership housing#
其他永久性房屋^ 73.8 13.8 2.5
Other permanent housing^

總計 534.2 100.0 100.0

註釋: 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別人士數目的總和
* 包括私人房屋、香港房屋協會的市區改善計劃下興建的屋宇單位、別墅/平房/新型村屋、簡單磚石蓋

Notes: @ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
* Includes private housing blocks, flats built under the Urban Improvement Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing
Society, villas / bungalows / modern village houses, simple stone structures / traditional village houses and private
temporary housing. Subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open market are also put under this category.
# Includes flats built under the Home Ownership Scheme, Middle Income Housing Scheme, Private Sector
Participation Scheme, Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme, Buy or Rent Option Scheme and
Mortgage Subsidy Scheme, and flats sold under the Tenants Purchase Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing
Authority. Also includes flats built under the Flat for Sale Scheme, Sandwich Class Housing Scheme and
Subsidised Sale Flats Projects of the Hong Kong Housing Society; and flats in Urban Renewal Authority
Subsidised Sale Flats Scheme. Subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open market are excluded.
^ Includes quarters in hotels, hostels, dormitories and non-residential buildings.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 55 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities
表 5.1f 按年齡/經濟活動身分及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1f Persons with disabilities by age / economic activity status and selected type
of disability
Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/經濟活動身分 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Economic activity status ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
年齡15歲及以上 242.8 100.0 47.0 100.0 47.6 100.0
Aged 15 and over
從事經濟活動 12.1 5.0 5.3 11.2 5.0 10.4
Economically active
就業人士 11.3 4.7 4.8 10.1 4.4 9.3
Employed persons
失業人士 0.7 0.3 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.1
Unemployed persons [6.2]* [9.4]* [10.3]*
非從事經濟活動 230.8 95.0 41.8 88.8 42.6 89.6
Economically inactive
退休人士 176.3 72.6 31.9 67.9 34.4 72.2
Retired persons
料理家務者 5.2 2.1 2.1 4.4 1.5 3.2
學生 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.6 ‡ ‡
其他 48.8 20.1 7.5 16.0 6.5 13.7
年齡18 - 64歲 40.6 100.0 11.3 100.0 8.0 100.0
Aged 18 - 64
從事經濟活動 10.3 25.3 4.7 41.2 4.2 51.9
Economically active
就業人士 9.6 23.6 4.2 37.5 3.8 47.2
Employed persons
失業人士 0.7 1.7 0.4 3.7 0.4 4.7
Unemployed persons [6.7]* [9.1]* [9.0]*
非從事經濟活動 30.4 74.7 6.7 58.8 3.9 48.1
Economically inactive
註釋: * 方括號內的數字顯示在個別年齡組別中有個別殘疾類別人士的失業率。
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * Figures in square brackets represent the unemployment rates of persons with the respective types of disability in the
specific age groups.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 56 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities
表 5.1f(續) 按年齡/經濟活動身分及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1f Persons with disabilities by age / economic activity status and selected type
(Cont'd) of disability
Selected type of disability (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/經濟活動身分 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Economic activity status ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
年齡15歲及以上 46.1 100.0 248.9 100.0 10.5 100.0
Aged 15 and over
從事經濟活動 2.9 6.2 68.6 27.5 2.8 26.8
Economically active
就業人士 2.6 5.7 60.9 24.5 2.5 23.5
Employed persons
失業人士 ‡ ‡ 7.7 3.1 0.3 3.3
Unemployed persons [‡]* [11.2]* [12.4]*
非從事經濟活動 43.3 93.8 180.3 72.5 7.7 73.2
Economically inactive
退休人士 25.6 55.5 95.5 38.4 ‡ ‡
Retired persons
料理家務者 0.6 1.2 23.5 9.4 ‡ ‡
學生 1.0 2.1 7.4 3.0 4.9 46.4
其他 16.1 35.0 53.9 21.7 2.7 26.0
年齡18 - 64歲 12.3 100.0 141.9 100.0 8.3 100.0
Aged 18 - 64
從事經濟活動 2.5 20.1 65.9 46.4 2.8 34.0
Economically active
就業人士 2.3 18.6 58.4 41.2 2.5 29.7
Employed persons
失業人士 ‡ ‡ 7.4 5.2 0.3 4.2
Unemployed persons [‡]* [11.3]* [12.4]*
非從事經濟活動 9.8 79.9 76.0 53.6 5.5 66.0
Economically inactive
註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
* 方括號內的數字顯示在個別年齡組別中有個別殘疾類別人士的失業率。
Notes: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
* Figures in square brackets represent the unemployment rates of persons with the respective types of disability in the
specific age groups.
(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 57 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities
表 5.1f(續) 按年齡/經濟活動身分及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1f Persons with disabilities by age / economic activity status and selected type
(Cont'd) of disability
Selected type of disability (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
No. of No. of
年齡組別/經濟活動身分 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Economic activity status ('000) % ('000) %
年齡15歲及以上 18.0 100.0 15.4 100.0
Aged 15 and over
從事經濟活動 5.9 32.8 4.4 28.9
Economically active
就業人士 4.8 26.6 3.9 25.2
Employed persons
失業人士 1.1 6.2 0.6 3.7
Unemployed persons [18.9]* [12.8]*
非從事經濟活動 12.1 67.2 10.9 71.1
Economically inactive
退休人士 0.7 4.1 0.4 2.3
Retired persons
料理家務者 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
學生 6.9 38.4 8.7 56.4
其他 4.2 23.4 1.7 11.0
年齡18 - 64歲 13.8 100.0 10.2 100.0
Aged 18 - 64
從事經濟活動 5.7 41.1 4.4 43.7
Economically active
就業人士 4.6 33.0 3.9 38.1
Employed persons
失業人士 1.1 8.1 0.6 5.6
Unemployed persons [19.7]* [12.8]*
非從事經濟活動 8.2 58.9 5.7 56.3
Economically inactive
註釋: * 方括號內的數字顯示在個別年齡組別中有個別殘疾類別人士的失業率。
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * Figures in square brackets represent the unemployment rates of persons with the respective types of disability in the
specific age groups.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 58 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities
表 5.1f(續) 按年齡/經濟活動身分及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士數目
Table 5.1f Persons with disabilities by age / economic activity status and selected type
(Cont'd) of disability

All persons with disabilities
(excluding persons with 整體人口
intellectual disability)@ Total population
No. of
年齡組別/經濟活動身分 persons 百分比 百分比
Age group / Economic activity status ('000) % %
年齡15歲及以上 490.8 100.0 100.0
Aged 15 and over
從事經濟活動 96.9 19.7 58.9
Economically active
就業人士 86.3 17.6 55.5
Employed persons
失業人士 10.6 2.2 3.4
Unemployed persons [11.0]* [5.8]*
非從事經濟活動 393.9 80.3 41.1
Economically inactive
退休人士 249.8 50.9 20.5
Retired persons
料理家務者 30.7 6.3 9.9
學生 20.2 4.1 6.2
其他 93.3 19.0 4.5
年齡18 - 64歲 205.9 100.0 100.0
Aged 18 - 64
從事經濟活動 91.2 44.3 73.4
Economically active
就業人士 81.1 39.4 69.1
Employed persons
失業人士 10.1 4.9 4.3
Unemployed persons [11.1]* [5.9]*
非從事經濟活動 114.7 55.7 26.6
Economically inactive
註釋: 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別人士數目的總和
* 方括號內的數字顯示在個別年齡組別中所有殘疾人士/整體人口的失業率。
Notes: @ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
* Figures in square brackets represent the unemployment rates of all persons with disabilities / total population in the
specific age groups.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 59 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2a 按選定的殘疾類別及只有一種/有多於一種殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人
Table 5.2a Employed persons with disabilities by selected type of disability and with
single disability / multiple disabilities

只有一種 有多於一種 佔整體

殘疾類別@ 殘疾類別 就業人口
With single With multiple 的百分比
disability@ disabilities 總人數 As % of the
人數 人數* Total no. of total
選定的殘疾類別 No. of persons No. of persons* persons employed
Selected type of disability ('000) ('000) ('000) population
身體活動能力受限制 9.4 1.9 11.3 0.3
Restriction in body movement (83.0) (17.0) (100.0)
視覺有困難 3.7 1.1 4.8 0.1
Seeing difficulty (77.5) (22.5) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 2.3 2.1 4.4 0.1
Hearing difficulty (52.4) (47.6) (100.0)
溝通能力有困難 0.5 2.1 2.6 0.1
Communication difficulty (19.9) (80.1) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 57.4 3.4 60.9 1.7
Mental illness / mood disorder (94.3) (5.7) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 1.1 1.3 2.5 0.1
Autism Spectrum Disorder (46.8) (53.2) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 3.1 1.7 4.8 0.1
Specific Learning Difficulties (65.5) (34.5) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 1.5 2.4 3.9 0.1
Attention Deficit / (38.8) (61.2) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder

所有殘疾人士(智障人士除外) 79.1 7.1 86.3 2.4

All persons with disabilities (91.7) (8.3) (100.0)
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)
註釋: 包括只有一種殘疾類別及同時患有長期病患的就業人士。
* 由於有多於一種選定殘疾類別的就業人士會分別被點算在個別的殘疾類別內,就業殘疾人士的合計數目

Notes: @ Including employed persons with single disability and having chronic diseases at the same time.
* Employed persons with more than one selected type of disability were counted in the respective types of disability
and hence the overall number of employed persons with disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of
employed persons with individual types of disability.
Figures in brackets represent the percentages in respect of all employed persons with the respective types of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 60 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2b 按年齡/性別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2b Employed persons with disabilities by age/sex and selected type of

Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
15 - 29 0.6 5.5 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
30 - 39 1.0 8.9 0.4 8.2 0.5 11.5
40 - 49 1.6 14.5 1.1 23.3 0.9 19.8
50 - 59 4.7 41.3 2.0 41.5 1.7 37.3
60 - 64 1.7 14.7 0.6 13.2 0.6 12.9
65 - 69 0.8 6.7 0.5 10.1 0.4 8.7
≥ 70 1.0 8.5 ‡ ‡ 0.3 5.9
年齡中位數(歲) 56 53 54
Median age (years)

男 4.9 43.3 2.4 50.6 2.7 60.9
女 6.4 56.7 2.4 49.4 1.7 39.1

總計 11.3 100.0 4.8 100.0 4.4 100.0


註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Note: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 61 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2b(續) 按年齡/性別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2b Employed persons with disabilities by age/sex and selected type of
(Cont'd) disability

Selected type of disability (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
15 - 29 ‡ ‡ 7.2 11.9 1.4 56.2
30 - 39 0.3 11.8 11.7 19.2 0.7 28.9
40 - 49 0.6 23.8 17.2 28.2 ‡ ‡
50 - 59 0.8 31.9 17.6 29.0 ‡ ‡
60 - 64 0.3 11.7 5.0 8.2 ‡ ‡
65 - 69 ‡ ‡ 1.6 2.6 ‡ ‡
≥ 70 ‡ ‡ 0.6 1.0 ‡ ‡
年齡中位數(歲) 51 46 28
Median age (years)

男 1.7 64.6 25.8 42.4 2.1 85.6
女 0.9 35.4 35.1 57.6 0.4 14.4

總計 2.6 100.0 60.9 100.0 2.5 100.0


註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Note: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 62 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2b(續) 按年齡/性別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2b Employed persons with disabilities by age/sex and selected type of
(Cont'd) disability

Selected type of disability (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
15 - 29 3.0 62.3 2.5 64.9
30 - 39 0.8 16.3 0.8 19.5
40 - 49 0.4 9.4 0.3 7.6
50 - 59 0.4 9.4 0.3 6.6
60 - 64 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
65 - 69 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
≥ 70 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
年齡中位數(歲) 25 25
Median age (years)

男 3.6 74.5 2.9 75.7
女 1.2 25.5 0.9 24.3

總計 4.8 100.0 3.9 100.0


註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Note: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 63 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2b(續) 按年齡/性別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2b Employed persons with disabilities by age/sex and selected type of
(Cont'd) disability

All employed persons
with disabilities
(excluding persons with 整體就業人口
intellectual disability)@ Total employed population
No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % %
Age group
15 - 29 12.5 14.5 16.3
30 - 39 14.6 17.0 25.7
40 - 49 20.7 24.0 24.3
50 - 59 25.6 29.7 22.3
60 - 64 7.8 9.1 7.2
65 - 69 3.2 3.7 2.9
≥ 70 1.7 2.0 1.2
年齡中位數(歲) 47 42
Median age (years)

男 41.1 47.6 49.3
女 45.2 52.4 50.7

總計 86.3 100.0 100.0

註釋: 一名就業人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,就業殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別就業人

Note: @ An employed person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of
employed persons with disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of employed persons with individual types
of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 64 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2c 按婚姻狀況/教育程度及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2c Employed persons with disabilities by marital status / educational
attainment and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
婚姻狀況/教育程度 No. of No. of No. of
Marital status / Educational persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
attainment ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Marital status
從未結婚 2.7 23.6 0.8 16.6 0.9 20.8
Never married
已婚 6.8 60.2 3.4 70.8 2.9 65.8
Currently married
喪偶/分居/離婚 1.8 16.2 0.6 12.6 0.6 13.3

Educational attainment
未受教育/學前教育 0.4 3.8 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
No schooling / pre-primary
小學 2.2 19.2 0.5 11.4 0.9 21.1
初中/高中 6.7 59.5 2.4 50.2 2.5 55.4
Lower/upper secondary
非學位 0.8 6.8 0.6 12.1 0.5 10.9
學位 1.2 10.7 1.1 22.8 0.4 9.4

總計 11.3 100.0 4.8 100.0 4.4 100.0


註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Note: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 65 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2c(續) 按婚姻狀況/教育程度及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2c Employed persons with disabilities by marital status / educational
(Cont'd) attainment and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
婚姻狀況/教育程度 No. of No. of No. of
Marital status / Educational persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
attainment ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Marital status
從未結婚 1.0 36.9 22.7 37.3 2.5 100.0
Never married
已婚 1.4 51.8 28.1 46.1 ‡ ‡
Currently married
喪偶/分居/離婚 0.3 11.2 10.1 16.6 ‡ ‡

Educational attainment
未受教育/學前教育 ‡ ‡ 0.4 0.6 ‡ ‡
No schooling / pre-primary
小學 0.6 22.2 5.2 8.6 0.3 13.1
初中/高中 1.5 58.3 30.0 49.2 1.6 63.2
Lower/upper secondary
非學位 ‡ ‡ 6.9 11.3 ‡ ‡
學位 ‡ ‡ 18.5 30.3 0.4 15.0

總計 2.6 100.0 60.9 100.0 2.5 100.0


註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Note: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 66 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2c(續) 按婚姻狀況/教育程度及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2c Employed persons with disabilities by marital status / educational
(Cont'd) attainment and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
婚姻狀況/教育程度 No. of No. of
Marital status / Educational persons 百分比 persons 百分比
attainment ('000) % ('000) %
Marital status
從未結婚 4.1 86.2 3.3 85.1
Never married
已婚 0.6 11.9 0.6 14.9
Currently married
喪偶/分居/離婚 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Educational attainment
未受教育/學前教育 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
No schooling / pre-primary
小學 0.8 15.8 ‡ ‡
初中/高中 2.4 51.0 1.5 37.5
Lower/upper secondary
非學位 0.9 19.8 0.9 24.4
學位 0.6 13.4 1.2 32.1

總計 4.8 100.0 3.9 100.0


註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Note: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 67 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2c(續) 按婚姻狀況/教育程度及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2c Employed persons with disabilities by marital status / educational
(Cont'd) attainment and selected type of disability

All employed persons
with disabilities
(excluding persons with 整體就業人口
intellectual disability)@ Total employed population
婚姻狀況/教育程度 No. of
Marital status / Educational persons 百分比 百分比
attainment ('000) % %
Marital status
從未結婚 33.0 38.3 32.6
Never married
已婚 40.7 47.2 60.0
Currently married
喪偶/分居/離婚 12.6 14.6 7.5

Educational attainment
未受教育/學前教育 1.0 1.1 0.8
No schooling / pre-primary
小學 9.6 11.2 7.4
初中/高中 43.9 50.8 48.1
Lower/upper secondary
非學位 9.5 11.0 10.4
學位 22.3 25.9 33.2

總計 86.3 100.0 100.0

註釋: 一名就業人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,就業殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別就業人

Note: @ An employed person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of
employed persons with disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of employed persons with individual types
of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 68 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2d 按行業及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2d Employed persons with disabilities by industry and selected type of

Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
行業 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Industry ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
製造 ‡ ‡ 0.3 5.5 0.3 5.9
建造 0.8 7.2 0.3 6.7 0.6 13.3
進出口貿易及批發 0.9 8.1 0.5 10.7 0.4 9.9
Import/export trade and wholesale
零售、住宿及膳食服務 2.2 19.1 1.0 20.3 0.7 15.0
Retail, accommodation and
food services
運輸、倉庫、郵政及 0.9 7.7 0.7 13.7 0.5 12.2
Transportation, storage, postal and
courier services, information
and communications
金融、保險、地產、專業 3.1 27.3 1.1 23.3 1.2 27.8
Financing, insurance, real estate,
professional and business services
公共行政、社會及個人服務 3.1 27.5 0.9 19.9 0.7 15.9
Public administration, social and
personal services
其他行業 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Other industries

總計 11.3 100.0 4.8 100.0 4.4 100.0


註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Note: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 69 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2d(續) 按行業及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2d Employed persons with disabilities by industry and selected type of
(Cont'd) disability

Selected type of disability (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
行業 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Industry ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
製造 ‡ ‡ 1.6 2.6 ‡ ‡
建造 ‡ ‡ 3.4 5.6 ‡ ‡
進出口貿易及批發 ‡ ‡ 4.4 7.3 0.3 10.6
Import/export trade and wholesale
零售、住宿及膳食服務 0.4 15.8 8.3 13.6 0.5 19.7
Retail, accommodation and
food services
運輸、倉庫、郵政及 0.3 10.2 6.7 11.0 0.3 12.5
Transportation, storage, postal and
courier services, information
and communications
金融、保險、地產、專業 0.6 22.6 16.0 26.3 ‡ ‡
Financing, insurance, real estate,
professional and business services
公共行政、社會及個人服務 1.0 37.6 20.3 33.3 1.0 42.4
Public administration, social and
personal services
其他行業 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Other industries

總計 2.6 100.0 60.9 100.0 2.5 100.0


註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Note: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 70 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2d(續) 按行業及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2d Employed persons with disabilities by industry and selected type of
(Cont'd) disability

Selected type of disability (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
No. of No. of
行業 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Industry ('000) % ('000) %
製造 0.3 5.6 ‡ ‡
建造 ‡ ‡ 0.3 7.6
進出口貿易及批發 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Import/export trade and wholesale
零售、住宿及膳食服務 1.3 26.5 0.9 22.0
Retail, accommodation and
food services
運輸、倉庫、郵政及 0.5 9.6 0.4 11.5
Transportation, storage, postal and
courier services, information
and communications
金融、保險、地產、專業 0.9 19.8 1.1 27.2
Financing, insurance, real estate,
professional and business services
公共行政、社會及個人服務 1.7 35.3 0.9 24.0
Public administration, social and
personal services
其他行業 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Other industries

總計 4.8 100.0 3.9 100.0


註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Note: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 71 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2d(續) 按行業及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2d Employed persons with disabilities by industry and selected type of
(Cont'd) disability

All employed persons
with disabilities
(excluding persons with 整體就業人口
intellectual disability)@ Total employed population
No. of
行業 persons 百分比 百分比
Industry ('000) % %
製造 2.5 2.9 2.8
建造 5.2 6.0 8.5
進出口貿易及批發 6.4 7.4 8.9
Import/export trade and wholesale
零售、住宿及膳食服務 13.4 15.5 14.1
Retail, accommodation and
food services
運輸、倉庫、郵政及 9.3 10.8 11.8
Transportation, storage, postal and
courier services, information
and communications
金融、保險、地產、專業 22.1 25.6 23.1
Financing, insurance, real estate,
professional and business services
公共行政、社會及個人服務 26.9 31.2 30.2
Public administration, social and
personal services
其他行業 0.4 0.5 0.6
Other industries

總計 86.3 100.0 100.0

註釋: 一名就業人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,就業殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別就業人

Note: @ An employed person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of
employed persons with disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of employed persons with individual types
of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 72 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2e 按職業及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2e Employed persons with disabilities by occupation and selected type of

Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
職業 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Occupation ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
經理及行政級人員、專業人員及 2.4 21.1 1.6 34.1 1.2 27.9
Managers and administrators,
professionals and associate
文書支援人員 1.9 17.0 0.7 15.0 0.7 16.0
Clerical support workers
服務工作及銷售人員 2.3 20.1 1.1 22.3 0.6 13.8
Service and sales workers
工藝及有關人員 0.6 5.7 ‡ ‡ 0.3 6.8
Craft and related workers
機台及機器操作員及裝配員 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Plant and machine operators
and assemblers
非技術工人 3.8 33.9 1.2 24.5 1.3 30.2
Elementary occupations
其他職業 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Other occupations

總計 11.3 100.0 4.8 100.0 4.4 100.0


註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Note: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 73 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2e(續) 按職業及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2e Employed persons with disabilities by occupation and selected type of
(Cont'd) disability

Selected type of disability (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
職業 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Occupation ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
經理及行政級人員、專業人員及 0.5 17.9 25.0 41.0 0.3 11.2
Managers and administrators,
professionals and associate
文書支援人員 0.5 19.8 7.4 12.1 0.4 15.4
Clerical support workers
服務工作及銷售人員 0.3 10.5 10.3 16.9 ‡ ‡
Service and sales workers
工藝及有關人員 ‡ ‡ 2.9 4.8 ‡ ‡
Craft and related workers
機台及機器操作員及裝配員 ‡ ‡ 1.8 2.9 ‡ ‡
Plant and machine operators
and assemblers
非技術工人 1.2 45.5 13.6 22.3 1.6 64.7
Elementary occupations
其他職業 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Other occupations

總計 2.6 100.0 60.9 100.0 2.5 100.0


註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Note: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 74 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2e(續) 按職業及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2e Employed persons with disabilities by occupation and selected type of
(Cont'd) disability

Selected type of disability (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
No. of No. of
職業 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Occupation ('000) % ('000) %
經理及行政級人員、專業人員及 0.7 15.4 1.3 32.6
Managers and administrators,
professionals and associate
文書支援人員 0.4 7.6 0.6 16.1
Clerical support workers
服務工作及銷售人員 1.3 26.7 0.7 17.0
Service and sales workers
工藝及有關人員 0.4 8.7 0.5 12.2
Craft and related workers
機台及機器操作員及裝配員 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Plant and machine operators
and assemblers
非技術工人 1.9 40.4 0.9 22.1
Elementary occupations
其他職業 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Other occupations

總計 4.8 100.0 3.9 100.0


註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Note: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 75 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2e(續) 按職業及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2e Employed persons with disabilities by occupation and selected type of
(Cont'd) disability

All employed persons
with disabilities
(excluding persons with 整體就業人口
intellectual disability)@ Total employed population
No. of
職業 persons 百分比 百分比
Occupation ('000) % %
經理及行政級人員、專業人員及 31.1 36.0 41.4
Managers and administrators,
professionals and associate
文書支援人員 11.1 12.8 12.5
Clerical support workers
服務工作及銷售人員 15.1 17.4 14.8
Service and sales workers
工藝及有關人員 4.8 5.5 6.2
Craft and related workers
機台及機器操作員及裝配員 2.4 2.7 4.4
Plant and machine operators
and assemblers
非技術工人 21.9 25.4 20.6
Elementary occupations
其他職業 ‡ ‡ 0.1
Other occupations

總計 86.3 100.0 100.0

註釋: 一名就業人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,就業殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別就業人
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: @ An employed person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of
employed persons with disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of employed persons with individual types
of disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 76 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2f 按每月就業收入及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2f Employed persons with disabilities by monthly employment earnings and
selected type of disability

Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
每月就業收入(港元) No. of No. of No. of
Monthly employment earnings persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
(HK$) ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
< 4,000# 2.0 17.5 0.3 6.4 0.3 7.6
4,000 - 6,999 0.9 8.3 0.3 6.3 ‡ ‡
7,000 - 9,999 1.4 12.1 0.5 11.4 0.5 10.6
10,000 - 14,999 2.8 24.8 1.2 25.6 1.7 38.8
15,000 - 19,999 1.4 12.4 0.5 11.0 0.7 16.3
20,000 - 29,999 1.6 14.1 0.7 13.7 0.3 6.8
≥ 30,000 1.2 10.7 1.2 25.5 0.7 15.1

總計 11.3 100.0 4.8 100.0 4.4 100.0


每月就業收入中位數(港元) 11,000 15,000 13,000

Median monthly employment (12,000) (15,000) (13,000)
earnings (HK$)
註釋: 大部分每月就業收入少於$4,000的就業殘疾人士於庇護工場工作或從事部分時間制工作。
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: # Majority of those earning less than $4,000 per month were working in sheltered workshops or working on part-time
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures for employed persons with disabilities after excluding those
working in sheltered workshops.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 77 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2f(續) 按每月就業收入及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2f Employed persons with disabilities by monthly employment earnings and
(Cont'd) selected type of disability

Selected type of disability (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
每月就業收入(港元) No. of No. of No. of
Monthly employment earnings persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
(HK$) ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
< 4,000# 0.7 26.2 7.1 11.7 1.0 40.3
4,000 - 6,999 ‡ ‡ 4.9 8.1 ‡ ‡
7,000 - 9,999 0.4 14.7 5.5 9.0 0.3 13.1
10,000 - 14,999 0.8 30.1 12.1 19.8 0.8 30.7
15,000 - 19,999 0.3 12.5 7.4 12.2 ‡ ‡
20,000 - 29,999 ‡ ‡ 10.4 17.0 ‡ ‡
≥ 30,000 ‡ ‡ 13.5 22.2 ‡ ‡

總計 2.6 100.0 60.9 100.0 2.5 100.0


每月就業收入中位數(港元) 10,500 15,000 8,000

Median monthly employment (11,500) (15,100) (10,000)
earnings (HK$)
註釋: 大部分每月就業收入少於$4,000的就業殘疾人士於庇護工場工作或從事部分時間制工作。
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: # Majority of those earning less than $4,000 per month were working in sheltered workshops or working on part-time
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures for employed persons with disabilities after excluding those
working in sheltered workshops.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 78 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2f(續) 按每月就業收入及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2f Employed persons with disabilities by monthly employment earnings and
(Cont'd) selected type of disability

Selected type of disability (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
每月就業收入(港元) No. of No. of
Monthly employment earnings persons 百分比 persons 百分比
(HK$) ('000) % ('000) %
< 4,000# 1.3 27.2 0.4 11.1
4,000 - 6,999 0.7 14.9 0.3 8.6
7,000 - 9,999 0.3 5.6 ‡ ‡
10,000 - 14,999 1.1 22.9 1.1 29.5
15,000 - 19,999 0.7 14.7 0.8 20.0
20,000 - 29,999 0.4 8.5 0.4 10.0
≥ 30,000 0.3 6.3 0.6 15.4

總計 4.8 100.0 3.9 100.0


每月就業收入中位數(港元) 10,600 13,800

Median monthly employment (11,000) (14,000)
earnings (HK$)
註釋: 大部分每月就業收入少於$4,000的就業殘疾人士於庇護工場工作或從事部分時間制工作。
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: # Majority of those earning less than $4,000 per month were working in sheltered workshops or working on part-time
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures for employed persons with disabilities after excluding those
working in sheltered workshops.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 79 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士的人口 Demographic and socio-economic
及社會經濟概況 profiles of persons with disabilities

表 5.2f(續) 按每月就業收入及選定的殘疾類別劃分的就業殘疾人士數目
Table 5.2f Employed persons with disabilities by monthly employment earnings and
(Cont'd) selected type of disability

All employed persons
with disabilities
(excluding persons with 整體就業人口
intellectual disability)@ Total employed population
每月就業收入(港元) No. of
Monthly employment earnings persons 百分比 百分比
(HK$) ('000) % %
< 4,000# 11.1 12.9 3.7
4,000 - 6,999 6.8 7.9 12.5
7,000 - 9,999 8.3 9.6 5.6
10,000 - 14,999 19.1 22.1 16.8
15,000 - 19,999 10.9 12.7 16.9
20,000 - 29,999 13.0 15.0 18.0
≥ 30,000 17.1 19.8 26.6

總計 86.3 100.0 100.0


每月就業收入中位數(港元) 14,000 17,700

Median monthly employment (14,800)
earnings (HK$)
註釋: 一名就業人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,就業殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別就業人

Notes: @ An employed person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of
employed persons with disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of employed persons with individual types
of disability.
# Majority of those earning less than $4,000 per month were working in sheltered workshops or working on part-time
Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures for employed persons with disabilities after excluding those
working in sheltered workshops.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 80 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Further information of selected types of disability

6.1 本章提供新定義下的選定殘疾類別的 6.1 This Chapter provides detailed statistics of

詳細統計數字。有關選定殘疾類別在原有定義 selected types of disability based on the updated
下的統計數字可參閱附錄 4。另外,本章亦提供 definition. Figures of selected types of disability
使用手語和輔助儀器/工具的數字,作為活動 under the original definition can be referred to
Appendix 4. Besides, this Chapter provides the
statistics on the usage of sign language and assistive
aids/tools for supplementary analysis to the activity
functioning domains.

有關選定基本活動功能範疇的統計調查結 Survey results pertaining to selected basic

果 activity functioning domains

困難程度 Level of difficulty

6.2 約 415 900 人(佔整體人口的 5.6%)表 6.2 Some 415 900 persons (or 5.6% of the
示視覺有少許困難,43 400 人(0.6%)有很大困 total population) reported that they had some
難,4 200 人(0.1%)則完全看不到。 (表 6.1a) difficulty in seeing, 43 400 persons (0.6%) had a lot
of difficulty and 4 200 persons (0.1%) could not see
at all. (Table 6.1a)

6.3 在表示視覺有少許困難的 415 900 人當 6.3 Among 415 900 persons who reported
中,0.3%表示有使用特別助視眼鏡。而在表示視 that they had some difficulty in seeing, 0.3% cited
覺有很大困難的 43 400 人當中,2.5%表示有使 that they were using specialised glasses. And
用特別助視眼鏡。 (表 6.1b) among 43 400 persons who had a lot of difficulty in
seeing, 2.5% cited that they were using specialised
glasses. (Table 6.1b)

6.4 約 266 900 人(佔整體人口的 3.6%)表 6.4 Some 266 900 persons (or 3.6% of the
示聽覺有少許困難,44 300 人(0.6%)有很大困 total population) reported that they had some
難,3 600 人(少於 0.05%)則完全聽不到。 difficulty in hearing, 44 300 persons (0.6%) had a
(表 6.1a) lot of difficulty and 3 600 persons (less than 0.05%)
could not hear at all. (Table 6.1a)

6.5 在表示聽覺有少許困難的 266 900 人當 6.5 Among 266 900 persons who reported
中,9.4%表示有使用助聽器/人工耳蝸。在表示 that they had some difficulty in hearing, 9.4% cited
聽覺有很大困難的 44 300 人當中,24.0%表示有 that they were using a hearing aid / cochlear
使用助聽器/人工耳蝸。而完全聽不到的 3 600 implant. Among 44 300 persons who had a lot of
difficulty in hearing, 24.0% cited that they were
人則有 9.3%表示有使用助聽器/人工耳蝸。
using a hearing aid / cochlear implant. And
(表 6.1c)
among 3 600 persons who could not hear at all,
9.3% cited that they were using a hearing aid /
cochlear implant. (Table 6.1c)

6.6 在 2 歲及以上人士中,約 135 800 人 6.6 Among persons aged 2 and over, some
(1.8%)表示溝通有少許困難,42 300 人(0.6%) 135 800 persons (1.8%) reported that they had
有很大困難,6 300 人(0.1%)則完全溝通不到。 some difficulty in communication, 42 300 persons
(表 6.1a) (0.6%) had a lot of difficulty and 6 300 persons
(0.1%) could not communicate at all. (Table 6.1a)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 81 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected types of disability

6.7 在與身體活動能力相關的基本活動功 6.7 In the basic activity functioning domains

能範疇中(即平地步行、用手和手指拿起小物 regarding body movement (i.e. walking on level
件、上落樓梯以及提起重物件) ,約 436 900 人 ground, using hands and fingers to grasp small
(佔 2 歲及以上人士的 5.9%)表示自己遇上的 object, walking up or down a flight of stairs and
carrying heavy object), some 436 900 persons (or
最大困難程度為有「少許困難」,138 600 人
5.9% of persons aged 2 and over) reported that the
(1.9%)為有「很大困難」 ,105 400 人(1.4%)
largest difficulty they encountered was “some
則表示在至少一項範疇「完全不能做到」。 difficulty”, 138 600 persons (1.9%) was “a lot of
(表 6.1a) difficulty” and 105 400 persons (1.4%) reported
“could not do at all” in at least one of the domains.
(Table 6.1a)

6.8 在 2 歲及以上人士中,約 245 500 人 6.8 Among persons aged 2 and over, some
(3.3%)表示平地步行有少許困難,88 100 人 245 500 persons (3.3%) reported that they had
(1.2%)有很大困難,55 400 人(0.7%)則完全 some difficulty in walking on level ground, 88 100
不能做到。 (表 6.1a) persons (1.2%) had a lot of difficulty and 55 400
persons (0.7%) could not do that at all.
(Table 6.1a)

6.9 在 2 歲及以上人士中,約 101 100 人 6.9 Among persons aged 2 and over, some
(1.4%)表示用手和手指拿起小物件有少許困 101 100 persons (1.4%) reported that they had
難,29 100 人(0.4%)有很大困難,16 500 人 some difficulty in using hands and fingers to grasp
(0.2%)則完全不能做到。 (表 6.1a) small object, 29 100 persons (0.4%) had a lot of
difficulty and 16 500 persons (0.2%) could not do
that at all. (Table 6.1a)

6.10 在 5 歲及以上人士中,約 368 200 人 6.10 Among persons aged 5 and over, some
(5.1%)表示上落樓梯有少許困難,117 300 人 368 200 persons (5.1%) reported that they had
(1.6%)有很大困難,88 600 人(1.2%)則完全 some difficulty in walking up or down a flight of
不能做到。 (表 6.1a) stairs, 117 300 persons (1.6%) had a lot of difficulty
and 88 600 persons (1.2%) could not do that at all.
(Table 6.1a)

6.11 在 12 歲及以上人士中,約 301 000 人 6.11 Among persons aged 12 and over, some
(4.4%)表示提起重物件有少許困難,101 800 301 000 persons (4.4%) reported that they had
人(1.5%)有很大困難,70 900 人(1.0%)則完 some difficulty in carrying heavy object, 101 800
全不能做到。 (表 6.1a) persons (1.5%) had a lot of difficulty and 70 900
persons (1.0%) could not do that at all.
(Table 6.1a)

年齡/性別 Age/sex

6.12 在各選定基本活動功能範疇中,表示有 6.12 For each of the selected basic activity

少許困難/很大困難/完全不能做到的人普遍 functioning domains, persons who had difficulty
比沒有困難的人年長。除了聽覺外,在其餘基本 were generally older than those who had no
活動功能範疇中有困難的人士的年齡中位數普 difficulty. Apart from hearing, the median age of
persons with difficulty in the remaining basic
遍隨困難程度而上升。 (表 6.2a - 6.2h)
activity functioning domains increased with the
level of difficulty in general. (Tables 6.2a - 6.2h)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 82 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected types of disability

在日常溝通中使用手語的概況 Overview of usage of sign language in usual


6.13 手語是指使用特定手勢、身體動作及臉 6.13 Sign language refers to a language that

部表情,而不使用語音,以流暢地傳達意思的語 uses specific hand shapes, body gestures and facial
言。在 2 歲及以上人士中,6 000 人(0.1%)表 expressions (but not voice) to convey meaning
示在日常溝通中使用手語。按年齡組別分析,70 fluidly. Among persons aged 2 and over, 6 000
persons (0.1%) reported that they used sign
language in their usual communication. Analysed
高,達 0.2%。按性別分析,男性在日常溝通中
by age group, persons aged 70 and over had the
使用手語的比率與女性的相若。 (表 6.3a) highest rate of using sign language in their usual
communication, at 0.2%. Analysed by sex, the
rate of using sign language in their usual
communication for males was similar to that for
females. (Table 6.3a)

6.14 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類 6.14 A person might have more than one

別。因此他/她在日常溝通中使用手語的情況 selected type of disability and hence his/her usage of
不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影響。對於本章列 sign language in their usual communication might
載的統計調查結果,必須謹慎闡釋。載於表 6.3b not be owing to single disability. Therefore,
caution should be taken when interpreting the survey
及 6.3c 的括號內的數字列載撇除同時患有聽覺
results presented in this Chapter. The survey
results excluding persons with both hearing
果,以供參考。概括而言,同時患有聽覺有困難 difficulty and communication difficulty at the same
及溝通能力有困難人士相對地較高比例在日常 time were also given in brackets in Tables 6.3b and
溝通中使用手語。 6.3c for reference. Broadly speaking, a higher
proportion of persons with both hearing difficulty
and communication difficulty indicated that they use
sign language in their usual communication.

聽覺有困難人士 Persons with hearing difficulty

6.15 在 47 900 名 2 歲及以上聽覺有困難人 6.15 Of the 47 900 persons aged 2 and over with
士中,3 000 人(6.3%)表示在日常溝通中使用 hearing difficulty, 3 000 persons (6.3%) reported that
手語。按年齡組別分析,40 - 49 歲人士在日常溝 they use sign language in their usual communication.
通中使用手語的比率最高,達 35.1%,其次為 Analysed by age group, persons aged 40 - 49 had the
highest rate of using sign language in their usual
50 - 59 歲人士,達 21.3%。按性別分析,聽覺有
communication, at 35.1%, followed by persons aged
50 - 59, at 21.3%. Analysed by sex, males with
性為高,分別佔 6.6%及 6.1%。 (表 6.3b) hearing difficulty had a higher rate of using sign
language in their usual communication than their
female counterparts, at 6.6% and 6.1% respectively.
(Table 6.3b)

溝通能力有困難人士 Persons with communication difficulty

6.16 在 48 700 名 2 歲及以上溝通能力有困 6.16 Of the 48 700 persons aged 2 and over with
難人士中,2 400 人(5.0%)表示在日常溝通中 communication difficulty, 2 400 persons (5.0%)
使用手語。按年齡組別分析,40 - 49 歲人士在日 reported that they use sign language in their usual
常溝通中使用手語的比率最高,達 16.4%,其次 communication. Analysed by age group, persons
aged 40 - 49 had the highest rate of using sign

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選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected types of disability

為 50 - 59 歲人士,達 11.3%。按性別分析,溝 language in their usual communication, at 16.4%,

通能力有困難的女性在日常溝通中使用手語的 followed by persons aged 50 - 59, at 11.3%.
比率較男性為高,分別佔 5.1%及 4.8%。 Analysed by sex, females with communication
(表 6.3c) difficulty had a higher rate of using sign language in
their usual communication than their male
counterparts, at 5.1% and 4.8% respectively.
(Table 6.3c)

使用輔助儀器的人士概況 Overview of persons using assistive devices

有否使用輪椅/其他特定輔助工具代步 Whether using a wheelchair / other

/步行 specialised aid/tool to move / walk around

6.17 約 74 200 名人士(佔整體人口的 1.0%) 6.17 Some 74 200 persons (or 1.0% of the total
表示他們必須使用輪椅代步/步行,另有 55 500 population) indicated that they were always using a
人(0.7%)表示他們有時使用輪椅。另一方面, wheelchair to move / walk around, and another
約有 70 700 人(0.9%)表示他們沒有使用輪椅, 55 500 (0.7%) indicated that they were sometimes
但必須使用其他特定輔助工具(例如手叉)代步 using a wheelchair. On the other hand, some
/步行,另有 108 900 人(1.5%)沒有使用輪椅, 70 700 persons (0.9%) indicated that they were not
但有時使用其他特定輔助工具。約 7 168 100 人 using a wheelchair but always using other
(95.9%)表示他們沒有使用輪椅及其他特定輔 specialised aid/tool (e.g. crutches) to move / walk
助工具。 (表 6.4a) around, another 108 900 (1.5%) were not using a
wheelchair but sometimes using other specialised
aid/tool. Some 7 168 100 persons (95.9%) use
neither a wheelchair nor other specialised aid/tool.
(Table 6.4a)

有否使用義肢 Whether using artificial limb

6.18 在 整 體 人 口 中 , 約 1 800 人 ( 少 於 6.18 Among the total population, some 1 800

0.05%)表示有使用義肢。 (表 6.4b) persons (less than 0.05%) reported that they were
using artificial limb. (Table 6.4b)

有否使用視覺輔助儀器/工具 Whether using a visual aid/tool

6.19 在整體人口中,約 4 200 人(0.1%)表 6.19 Among the total population, some 4 200
示完全失明,約 7 000 人(0.1%)表示有使用視 persons (0.1%) reported that they were unable to
覺輔助儀器/工具。 (表 6.5) see at all, some 7 000 persons (0.1%) were using a
visual aid/tool. (Table 6.5)

有否使用聽覺輔助儀器/工具 Whether using a hearing aid/tool

6.20 在 整 體 人 口 中 , 約 3 400 人 ( 少 於 6.20 Among the total population, some 3 400

0.05%)表示在安靜環境下完全聽不到,約 53 400 persons (less than 0.05%) reported that they were
人(0.7%)表示有使用聽覺輔助儀器/工具。 unable to hear at all in quiet environment, some
(表 6.6) 53 400 persons (0.7%) were using a hearing
aid/tool. (Table 6.6)

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香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected types of disability

有否使用言語/溝通輔助儀器/工具 Whether using a speech/communication


6.21 在 2 歲及以上人士中,約 15 800 人 6.21 Among persons aged 2 and over, some
(0.2%)表示完全不能說話,約 700 人(少於 15 800 persons (0.2%) reported that they were
0.05%)表示有使用言語/溝通輔助儀器/工 unable to speak at all, some 700 persons (less than
具。 (表 6.7) 0.05%) were using a speech/communication
aid/tool. (Table 6.7)

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香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected types of disability

表 6.1a 按選定的基本活動功能範疇及困難程度劃分的人士數目
Table 6.1a Persons by selected basic activity functioning domains and level of

Level of difficulty
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難@ 完全不能做到@
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty@ Cannot do at all@
人數 人數 人數 人數
選定的基本活動功能範疇 No. of No. of No. of No. of
Selected basic activity persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
functioning domains ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
視覺能力 7 013.8 93.8 415.9 5.6 43.4 0.6 4.2 0.1
聽覺能力 7 162.5 95.8 266.9 3.6 44.3 0.6 3.6 §
溝通能力# 7 206.2 97.5 135.8 1.8 42.3 0.6 6.3 0.1
身體活動能力#δ 6 709.8 90.8 436.9 5.9 138.6 1.9 105.4 1.4
Body movement#δ
平地步行 # 7 001.6 94.7 245.5 3.3 88.1 1.2 55.4 0.7
Walking on level ground
用手和手指拿起小物件 # 7 243.9 98.0 101.1 1.4 29.1 0.4 16.5 0.2
Using hands and fingers
to grasp small object #
上落樓梯 ^ 6 638.6 92.0 368.2 5.1 117.3 1.6 88.6 1.2
Walking up or down a
flight of stairs ^
提起重物件 * 6 317.9 93.0 301.0 4.4 101.8 1.5 70.9 1.0
Carrying heavy object*
註釋: 有很大困難或完全不能做到的人士會被界定為殘疾人士。
§ 少於0.05。
* 年齡範圍涵蓋12歲及以上人士。

Notes: @ Persons with a lot of difficulty or cannot do at all would be defined as persons with disabilities.
§ Less than 0.05.
# The age coverage is 2 and over.
δ Refer to the largest difficulty a person encountered in walking on level ground, using hands and fingers to grasp
small object, walking up or down a flight of stairs and carrying heavy object.
^ The age coverage is 5 and over.
* The age coverage is 12 and over.

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選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected types of disability
表 6.1b 按有否使用特別助視眼鏡^及視覺困難程度劃分的人士數目
Table 6.1b Persons by whether using specialised glasses^ and level of difficulty in
Level of difficulty in seeing
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難@ 完全看不到@
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty@ Cannot see at all@
人數 人數 人數 人數
有否使用特別助視眼鏡^ No. of No. of No. of No. of
Whether using specialised persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
glasses^ ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
有使用 3.2 § 1.3 0.3 1.1 2.5 ‡ ‡
沒有使用 7 010.6 100.0 414.6 99.7 42.4 97.5 4.2 100.0
總計 7 013.8 100.0 415.9 100.0 43.4 100.0 4.2 100.0
註釋: 特別助視眼鏡包括放寬視覺眼鏡、矯視眼鏡等。
§ 少於0.05。
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: ^ Specialised glasses include visual field expanding glasses, orthokeratology lenses, etc.
@ Persons with a lot of difficulty in seeing or cannot see at all would be defined as persons with seeing difficulty.
§ Less than 0.05.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

表 6.1c 按有否使用助聽器/人工耳蝸及聽覺困難程度劃分的人士數目
Table 6.1c Persons by whether using a hearing aid / cochlear implant and level of
difficulty in hearing
Level of difficulty in hearing
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難@ 完全聽不到@
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty@ Cannot hear at all@
有否使用助聽器/人工 人數 人數 人數 人數
耳蝸 No. of No. of No. of No. of
Whether using a hearing persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
aid / cochlear implant ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
有使用 17.4 0.2 25.0 9.4 10.6 24.0 0.3 9.3
沒有使用 7 145.2 99.8 241.9 90.6 33.7 76.0 3.3 90.7
總計 7 162.5 100.0 266.9 100.0 44.3 100.0 3.6 100.0
註釋: 在聽覺有很大困難或完全聽不到的人士會被界定為聽覺有困難人士。
Note: @ Persons with a lot of difficulty in hearing or cannot hear at all would be defined as persons with hearing difficulty.

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香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected types of disability

表 6.2a 按年齡/性別及視覺困難程度劃分的人士數目
Table 6.2a Persons by age/sex and level of difficulty in seeing

Level of difficulty in seeing
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難@ 完全看不到@
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot see at all@
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 865.8 12.3 3.2 0.8 0.6 1.3 ‡ ‡
15 - 29 1 125.2 16.0 12.4 3.0 0.5 1.1 ‡ ‡
30 - 39 1 143.1 16.3 12.5 3.0 0.5 1.2 ‡ ‡
40 - 49 1 113.6 15.9 34.2 8.2 1.8 4.1 0.4 9.6
50 - 59 1 126.1 16.1 70.7 17.0 4.2 9.6 0.4 10.0
60 - 64 539.2 7.7 48.7 11.7 3.3 7.6 0.3 7.3
65 - 69 402.7 5.7 45.9 11.0 4.6 10.5 0.3 8.0
≥ 70 698.1 10.0 188.3 45.3 28.1 64.6 2.6 61.3
年齡中位數(歲) 43 67 77 81
Median age (years)

男 3 215.3 45.8 178.9 43.0 16.8 38.8 2.0 46.7
女 3 798.4 54.2 237.0 57.0 26.6 61.2 2.2 53.3

總計 7 013.8 100.0 415.9 100.0 43.4 100.0 4.2 100.0

註釋: 在視覺有很大困難或完全看不到的人士會被界定為視覺有困難人士。
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: @ Persons with a lot of difficulty in seeing or cannot see at all would be defined as persons with seeing difficulty.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 88 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

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香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected types of disability

表 6.2b 按年齡/性別及聽覺困難程度劃分的人士數目
Table 6.2b Persons by age/sex and level of difficulty in hearing

Level of difficulty in hearing
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難@ 完全聽不到@
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot hear at all@

人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 867.4 12.1 1.9 0.7 0.3 0.6 ‡ ‡
15 - 29 1 135.0 15.8 2.8 1.0 0.3 0.7 ‡ ‡
30 - 39 1 151.1 16.1 4.4 1.7 0.5 1.2 ‡ ‡
40 - 49 1 138.7 15.9 10.0 3.7 1.1 2.4 0.3 8.1
50 - 59 1 169.9 16.3 28.3 10.6 2.8 6.4 0.4 11.2
60 - 64 562.7 7.9 26.4 9.9 2.1 4.7 0.3 8.2
65 - 69 421.1 5.9 28.7 10.7 3.3 7.5 0.3 9.3
≥ 70 716.7 10.0 164.5 61.7 33.8 76.4 2.0 54.7
年齡中位數(歲) 43 74 83 72
Median age (years)

男 3 271.7 45.7 120.1 45.0 19.5 44.1 1.7 46.4
女 3 890.8 54.3 146.8 55.0 24.8 55.9 2.0 53.6

總計 7 162.5 100.0 266.9 100.0 44.3 100.0 3.6 100.0

註釋: 在聽覺有很大困難或完全聽不到的人士會被界定為聽覺有困難人士。
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: @ Persons with a lot of difficulty in hearing or cannot hear at all would be defined as persons with hearing difficulty.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

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香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected types of disability

表 6.2c 按年齡/性別及溝通能力困難程度劃分的2歲及以上人士數目
Table 6.2c Persons aged 2 and over by age/sex and level of difficulty in communication

Level of difficulty in communication
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難@ communicate
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty@ at all@
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 771.0 10.7 9.3 6.9 1.9 4.6 0.6 9.7
15 - 29 1 129.0 15.7 6.5 4.8 2.4 5.6 0.3 4.8
30 - 39 1 149.3 15.9 5.0 3.7 1.3 3.2 0.5 7.6
40 - 49 1 141.4 15.8 6.2 4.6 2.1 5.0 0.3 4.0
50 - 59 1 185.7 16.5 12.2 9.0 3.2 7.5 0.3 5.4
60 - 64 578.9 8.0 10.1 7.4 2.0 4.6 0.6 9.5
65 - 69 440.5 6.1 10.3 7.6 2.5 5.9 ‡ ‡
≥ 70 810.3 11.2 76.2 56.1 26.9 63.6 3.6 57.3
年齡中位數(歲) 44 73 78 78
Median age (years)

男 3 284.8 45.6 62.4 46.0 19.7 46.6 2.2 35.6
女 3 921.4 54.4 73.3 54.0 22.6 53.4 4.1 64.4

總計 7 206.2 100.0 135.8 100.0 42.3 100.0 6.3 100.0

註釋: 在溝通有很大困難或完全溝通不到的人士會被界定為溝通能力有困難人士。
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: @ Persons with a lot of difficulty in communication or cannot communicate at all would be defined as persons with
communication difficulty.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

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表 6.2d 按年齡/性別及身體活動困難程度δ劃分的2歲及以上人士數目
Table 6.2d Persons aged 2 and over by age/sex and level of difficulty in body

Level of difficulty in body movementδ
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難@ 完全不能做到@
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty@ Cannot do at all@
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 777.6 11.6 4.2 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.5
15 - 29 1 131.2 16.9 5.1 1.2 0.8 0.6 1.1 1.0
30 - 39 1 144.8 17.1 8.6 2.0 1.5 1.1 1.2 1.1
40 - 49 1 122.7 16.7 22.0 5.0 3.3 2.4 2.0 1.9
50 - 59 1 124.9 16.8 60.3 13.8 11.0 7.9 5.2 5.0
60 - 64 522.9 7.8 53.8 12.3 10.5 7.6 4.3 4.1
65 - 69 376.7 5.6 58.8 13.5 11.7 8.5 6.2 5.9
≥ 70 509.0 7.6 224.1 51.3 99.1 71.5 84.8 80.5
年齡中位數(歲) 42 70 80 84
Median age (years)

男 3 113.7 46.4 169.0 38.7 50.0 36.1 36.5 34.6
女 3 596.1 53.6 267.8 61.3 88.6 63.9 68.9 65.4

總計 6 709.8 100.0 436.9 100.0 138.6 100.0 105.4 100.0

註釋: 指一名人士在平地步行、用手和手指拿起小物件、上落樓梯及提起重物件中遇上的最大困難程度。

Notes: δ Refer to the largest difficulty a person encountered in walking on level ground, using hands and fingers to grasp
small object, walking up or down a flight of stairs and carrying heavy object.
@ Persons with a lot of difficulty or cannot do at all in body movement would be defined as persons with restriction in
body movement.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 91 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected types of disability

表 6.2e 按年齡/性別及平地步行困難程度劃分的2歲及以上人士數目
Table 6.2e Persons aged 2 and over by age/sex and level of difficulty in walking on
level ground

Level of difficulty in walking on level ground
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難@ 完全不能做到@
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty@ Cannot do at all@
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 780.5 11.1 1.6 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.6
15 - 29 1 135.5 16.2 1.5 0.6 ‡ ‡ 1.0 1.9
30 - 39 1 151.9 16.5 2.4 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.9 1.6
40 - 49 1 140.3 16.3 7.1 2.9 1.1 1.3 1.4 2.5
50 - 59 1 172.4 16.7 22.2 9.0 4.1 4.7 2.7 4.9
60 - 64 562.4 8.0 22.6 9.2 4.5 5.1 2.1 3.8
65 - 69 419.6 6.0 25.5 10.4 5.3 6.0 3.1 5.6
≥ 70 639.0 9.1 162.6 66.2 71.6 81.2 43.9 79.2
年齡中位數(歲) 43 76 84 84
Median age (years)

男 3 220.2 46.0 95.0 38.7 33.4 37.9 20.5 36.9
女 3 781.4 54.0 150.4 61.3 54.7 62.1 34.9 63.1

總計 7 001.6 100.0 245.5 100.0 88.1 100.0 55.4 100.0

註釋: 平地步行有很大困難或完全不能做到的人士會被界定為身體活動能力受限制人士。
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: @ Persons with a lot of difficulty or cannot do at all in walking on level ground would be defined as persons with
restriction in body movement.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 92 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected types of disability

表 6.2f 按年齡/性別及用手和手指拿起小物件困難程度劃分的 2歲及以上人士數

Table 6.2f Persons aged 2 and over by age/sex and level of difficulty in using hands
and fingers to grasp small object

Level of difficulty in using hands and fingers to grasp small object
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難@ 完全不能做到@
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty@ Cannot do at all@
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 779.8 10.8 2.4 2.3 0.5 1.6 ‡ ‡
15 - 29 1 136.5 15.7 1.4 1.4 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
30 - 39 1 154.1 15.9 1.2 1.2 0.3 1.0 0.5 3.1
40 - 49 1 145.2 15.8 3.7 3.6 0.7 2.6 0.4 2.2
50 - 59 1 190.6 16.4 8.6 8.5 1.5 5.2 0.8 4.7
60 - 64 582.2 8.0 7.6 7.5 1.2 4.0 0.6 3.4
65 - 69 442.4 6.1 8.0 8.0 2.1 7.2 1.0 5.8
≥ 70 813.1 11.2 68.2 67.5 22.8 78.2 12.9 78.4
年齡中位數(歲) 44 78 83 85
Median age (years)

男 3 311.2 45.7 39.5 39.0 12.5 43.0 6.0 36.3
女 3 932.7 54.3 61.6 61.0 16.6 57.0 10.5 63.7

總計 7 243.9 100.0 101.1 100.0 29.1 100.0 16.5 100.0

註釋: 用手和手指拿起小物件有很大困難或完全不能做到的人士會被界定為身體活動能力受限制人士。
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: @ Persons with a lot of difficulty or cannot do at all in using hands and fingers to grasp small object would be defined
as persons with restriction in body movement.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 93 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected types of disability

表 6.2g 按年齡/性別及上落樓梯困難程度劃分的5歲及以上人士數目
Table 6.2g Persons aged 5 and over by age/sex and level of difficulty in walking up or
down a flight of stairs

Level of difficulty in walking up or down a flight of stairs
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難@ 完全不能做到@
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty@ Cannot do at all@
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 603.4 9.1 1.0 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3
15 - 29 1 134.1 17.1 2.5 0.7 0.6 0.5 1.0 1.2
30 - 39 1 148.8 17.3 5.0 1.4 1.2 1.0 1.1 1.2
40 - 49 1 130.9 17.0 15.3 4.1 2.0 1.7 1.8 2.0
50 - 59 1 144.9 17.2 45.0 12.2 7.3 6.2 4.3 4.8
60 - 64 535.8 8.1 43.9 11.9 8.4 7.1 3.5 3.9
65 - 69 389.9 5.9 49.0 13.3 9.9 8.4 4.6 5.2
≥ 70 550.9 8.3 206.5 56.1 87.6 74.7 72.0 81.3
年齡中位數(歲) 43 71 81 84
Median age (years)

男 3 057.3 46.1 144.1 39.1 43.2 36.8 31.3 35.3
女 3 581.4 53.9 224.1 60.9 74.1 63.2 57.3 64.7

總計 6 638.6 100.0 368.2 100.0 117.3 100.0 88.6 100.0

註釋: 上落樓梯有很大困難或完全不能做到的人士會被界定為身體活動能力受限制人士。

Note: @ Persons with a lot of difficulty or cannot do at all in walking up or down a flight of stairs would be defined as
persons with restriction in body movement.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 94 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected types of disability

表 6.2h 按年齡/性別及提起重物件困難程度劃分的12歲及以上人士數目
Table 6.2h Persons aged 12 and over by age/sex and level of difficulty in carrying
heavy object

Level of difficulty in carrying heavy object
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難@ 完全不能做到@
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty@ Cannot do at all@
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 182.3 2.9 1.0 0.3 ‡ ‡ 0.3 0.4
15 - 29 1 133.2 17.9 3.8 1.3 0.5 0.5 0.7 1.0
30 - 39 1 148.3 18.2 6.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.2
40 - 49 1 132.9 17.9 13.4 4.4 2.6 2.5 1.2 1.8
50 - 59 1 156.0 18.3 34.9 11.6 7.2 7.1 3.2 4.6
60 - 64 551.3 8.7 31.1 10.3 6.5 6.4 2.6 3.7
65 - 69 407.5 6.5 35.8 11.9 6.3 6.2 3.9 5.4
≥ 70 606.4 9.6 175.0 58.1 77.6 76.2 58.1 82.0
年齡中位數(歲) 45 72 82 84
Median age (years)

男 2 896.1 45.8 105.8 35.2 34.8 34.1 23.9 33.7
女 3 421.8 54.2 195.2 64.8 67.1 65.9 47.0 66.3

總計 6 317.9 100.0 301.0 100.0 101.8 100.0 70.9 100.0

註釋: 提起重物件有很大困難或完全不能做到的人士會被界定為身體活動能力受限制人士。
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: @ Persons with a lot of difficulty or cannot do at all in carrying heavy object would be defined as persons with
restriction in body movement.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 95 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected types of disability

表 6.3a 按年齡/性別及日常溝通中有否使用手語劃分的2歲及以上人士數目
Table 6.3a Persons aged 2 and over by age/sex and whether using sign language in
usual communication

Whether using sign language in usual communication
有使用 沒有使用 總計
Yes No Total
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 0.3 § 782.6 100.0 782.9 100.0
15 - 29 0.8 0.1 1 137.4 99.9 1 138.2 100.0
30 - 39 0.6 0.1 1 155.5 99.9 1 156.1 100.0
40 - 49 0.7 0.1 1 149.3 99.9 1 150.0 100.0
50 - 59 1.1 0.1 1 200.3 99.9 1 201.4 100.0
60 - 64 0.5 0.1 591.0 99.9 591.5 100.0
65 - 69 0.5 0.1 452.9 99.9 453.4 100.0
≥ 70 1.5 0.2 915.6 99.8 917.0 100.0

男 2.9 0.1 3 366.3 99.9 3 369.2 100.0
女 3.1 0.1 4 018.3 99.9 4 021.4 100.0

總計 6.0 0.1 7 384.6 99.9 7 390.6 100.0


註釋: § 少於0.05。

Note: § Less than 0.05.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 96 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected types of disability
表 6.3b 按年齡/性別及日常溝通中有否使用手語劃分的 2歲及以上聽覺有困難人
Table 6.3b Persons aged 2 and over with hearing difficulty by age/sex and whether
using sign language in usual communication
Whether using sign language in usual communication
有使用 沒有使用 總計
Yes No Total
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 ‡ ‡ 0.3 79.2 0.3 100.0
(‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
15 - 29 ‡ ‡ 0.3 73.2 0.4 100.0
(‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
30 - 39 ‡ ‡ 0.4 62.9 0.6 100.0
(‡) (‡) (0.3) (86.2) (0.4) (100.0)
40 - 49 0.5 35.1 0.9 64.9 1.4 100.0
(‡) (‡) (0.6) (87.4) (0.7) (100.0)
50 - 59 0.7 21.3 2.6 78.7 3.3 100.0
(0.3) (16.3) (1.5) (83.7) (1.8) (100.0)
60 - 64 ‡ ‡ 2.2 91.1 2.4 100.0
(‡) (‡) (1.8) (98.1) (1.8) (100.0)
65 - 69 0.3 8.5 3.4 91.5 3.7 100.0
(‡) (‡) (2.3) (94.7) (2.5) (100.0)
≥ 70 0.9 2.5 34.9 97.5 35.8 100.0
(0.3) (1.4) (21.1) (98.6) (21.4) (100.0)

男 1.4 6.6 19.8 93.4 21.2 100.0
Male (0.5) (3.7) (12.8) (96.3) (13.3) (100.0)
女 1.6 6.1 25.1 93.9 26.7 100.0
Female (0.4) (2.7) (15.3) (97.3) (15.7) (100.0)

總計 3.0 6.3 44.9 93.7 47.9 100.0

Total (0.9) (3.2) (28.1) (96.8) (29.0) (100.0)
註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her usage of sign language in usual
communication might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures
excluding persons with communication difficulty at the same time.
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 97 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected types of disability
表 6.3c 按年齡/性別及日常溝通中有否使用手語劃分的 2歲及以上溝通能力有困
Table 6.3c Persons aged 2 and over with communication difficulty by age/sex and
whether using sign language in usual communication
Whether using sign language in usual communication
有使用 沒有使用 總計
Yes No Total
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 ‡ ‡ 2.4 95.0 2.5 100.0
(‡) (‡) (2.3) (97.7) (2.3) (100.0)
15 - 29 ‡ ‡ 2.5 92.0 2.7 100.0
(‡) (‡) (2.4) (96.0) (2.5) (100.0)
30 - 39 ‡ ‡ 1.6 87.0 1.8 100.0
(‡) (‡) (1.5) (96.6) (1.6) (100.0)
40 - 49 0.4 16.4 2.0 83.6 2.4 100.0
(‡) (‡) (1.7) (100.0) (1.7) (100.0)
50 - 59 0.4 11.3 3.1 88.7 3.5 100.0
(‡) (‡) (2.1) (100.0) (2.1) (100.0)
60 - 64 ‡ ‡ 2.4 93.0 2.6 100.0
(‡) (‡) (2.0) (100.0) (2.0) (100.0)
65 - 69 ‡ ‡ 2.4 93.1 2.6 100.0
(‡) (‡) (1.4) (100.0) (1.4) (100.0)
≥ 70 0.7 2.3 29.9 97.7 30.6 100.0
(‡) (‡) (16.1) (99.4) (16.2) (100.0)

男 1.1 4.8 20.9 95.2 22.0 100.0
Male (‡) (‡) (13.9) (98.9) (14.0) (100.0)
女 1.3 5.1 25.3 94.9 26.7 100.0
Female (‡) (‡) (15.5) (99.0) (15.7) (100.0)

總計 2.4 5.0 46.2 95.0 48.7 100.0

Total (0.3) (1.0) (29.4) (99.0) (29.7) (100.0)
註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her usage of sign language in usual
communication might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures
excluding persons with hearing difficulty at the same time.
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 98 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected types of disability

表 6.4a 按有否使用輪椅/其他特定輔助工具代步/步行劃分的人士數目
Table 6.4a Persons by whether using a wheelchair / other specialised aid/tool to move /
walk around

有否使用輪椅/其他特定輔助工具代步/步行 人數
Whether using a wheelchair / other specialised aid/tool to move / No. of persons 百分比
walk around ('000) %
必須使用輪椅及其他特定輔助工具 15.3 0.2
Always using a wheelchair and other specialised aid/tool
必須使用輪椅及有時使用其他特定輔助工具 7.6 0.1
Always using a wheelchair and sometimes using other specialised aid/tool
必須使用輪椅但沒有使用其他特定輔助工具 51.3 0.7
Always using a wheelchair but not using other specialised aid/tool
有時使用輪椅及必須使用其他特定輔助工具 26.9 0.4
Sometimes using a wheelchair and always using other specialised aid/tool
有時使用輪椅及其他特定輔助工具 19.7 0.3
Sometimes using a wheelchair and other specialised aid/tool
有時使用輪椅但沒有使用其他特定輔助工具 8.8 0.1
Sometimes using a wheelchair but not using other specialised aid/tool
沒有使用輪椅但必須使用其他特定輔助工具 70.7 0.9
Not using a wheelchair but always using other specialised aid/tool
沒有使用輪椅但有時使用其他特定輔助工具 108.9 1.5
Not using a wheelchair but sometimes using other specialised aid/tool
沒有使用輪椅及其他特定輔助工具 7 168.1 95.9
Not using a wheelchair and other specialised aid/tool

總計 7 477.3 100.0

表 6.4b 按有否使用義肢劃分的人士數目
Table 6.4b Persons by whether using artificial limb

有否使用義肢 No. of persons 百分比
Whether using artificial limb ('000) %
有使用 1.8 §
沒有使用 7 475.5 100.0

總計 7 477.3 100.0

註釋: § 少於0.05。

Note: § Less than 0.05.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 99 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey

第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected types of disability

表 6.5 按有否使用視覺輔助儀器/工具^劃分的人士數目
Table 6.5 Persons by whether using a visual aid/tool^

有否使用視覺輔助儀器/工具^ No. of persons 百分比
Whether using a visual aid/tool^ ('000) %
完全失明 4.2 0.1
Unable to see at all
有使用視覺輔助儀器/工具^ 7.0 0.1
Using a visual aid/tool^
沒有使用視覺輔助儀器/工具^ 7 466.1 99.9
Not using a visual aid/tool^

總計 7 477.3 100.0
註釋︰ 視覺輔助儀器/工具包括特別助視眼鏡、失明人士手杖、凸字機、影像放大器、掃描報讀儀器或軟件等

Note: ^ Visual aids/tools include specialised glasses, symbol cane, braille input / display tool, video magnifier, scanning
and reading aid or software, etc., but exclude glasses / contact lenses for nearsightedness, farsightedness,
astigmatism or presbyopia.

表 6.6 按有否使用聽覺輔助儀器/工具^劃分的人士數目
Table 6.6 Persons by whether using a hearing aid/tool^

有否使用聽覺輔助儀器/工具^ No. of persons 百分比
Whether using a hearing aid/tool^ ('000) %
在安靜環境下完全聽不到 3.4 §
Unable to hear at all in quiet environment
有使用聽覺輔助儀器/工具^ 53.4 0.7
Using a hearing aid/tool^
沒有使用聽覺輔助儀器/工具^ 7 420.6 99.2
Not using a hearing aid/tool^

總計 7 477.3 100.0
註釋︰ 聽覺輔助儀器/工具包括助聽器、人工耳蝸、數碼傳話器等。
§ 少於0.05。

Notes: ^ Hearing aids/tools include hearing aid, cochlear implant, digital amplifier, etc.
§ Less than 0.05.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 100 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
選定殘疾類別的額外資料 Further information of selected types of disability

表 6.7 按有否使用言語/溝通輔助儀器/工具^劃分的2歲及以上人士數目
Table 6.7 Persons aged 2 and over by whether using a speech/communication

有否使用言語/溝通輔助儀器/工具^ No. of persons 百分比
Whether using a speech/communication aid/tool^ ('000) %
完全不能說話 15.8 0.2
Unable to speak at all
有使用言語/溝通輔助儀器/工具^ 0.7 §
Using a speech/communication aid/tool^
沒有使用言語/溝通輔助儀器/工具^ 7 374.1 99.8
Not using a speech/communication aid/tool^

總計 7 390.6 100.0
註釋︰ 言語/溝通輔助儀器/工具包括語音合成器、溝通板/溝通圖卡、溝通簿等。
§ 少於0.05。

Notes: ^ Speech/communication aids/tools include voice synthesiser, communication board / picture card, communication
book, etc.
§ Less than 0.05.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 101 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Demographic and socio-economic profiles of
persons with chronic diseases

I. 長期病患者的概況 I. General profile of persons with chronic


與過往統計調查比較 Comparison with previous survey

7.1 在統計時,約有 1 799 100 人表示需要 7.1 Some 1 799 100 persons reported that they
長期(即持續最少 6 個月的時間)接受藥物治 required long-term (i.e. lasting at least 6 months)
療、覆診或打針服藥(簡稱為「長期病患者」 − medical treatment, consultation or medication at the
有關長期病患者的定義,請參閱本報告書第 3 章 time of enumeration (referred to as “persons with
chronic diseases” - please refer to paragraphs 3.8 - 3.9
3.8 - 3.9 段),較 2013 年的 1 375 200 人為高。
in Chapter 3 of this report for details on the definition
2020 年長期病患者的普遍率(以佔全港整體人
of persons with chronic diseases), increased from
口的百分比計算)為 24.1%,而 2013 年的相應 1 375 200 persons in 2013. The prevalence rate of
數字為 19.2%。 (表 7.1a) persons with chronic diseases (expressed as a
percentage of total population of Hong Kong) was
24.1% in 2020, as against 19.2% in 2013.
(Table 7.1a)

選定的長期病患類別 Selected type of chronic diseases

7.2 在該 1 799 100 名長期病患者中,首三 7.2 Of those 1 799 100 persons with chronic
類最普遍的病患為高血壓、糖尿病及膽固醇過 diseases, the three most commonly cited diseases
高。在該 1 799 100 名人士中,分別有 52.2%(佔 which they had were hypertension, diabetes
整體人口的 12.6%)、21.6%(5.2%)及 21.3% mellitus and hypercholesterolemia (high
cholesterol). Among those 1 799 100 persons,
52.2% (or 12.6% of the total population), 21.6%
(圖 7.1 及表 7.1a)
(5.2%) and 21.3% (5.1%) suffered from such
diseases respectively. (Chart 7.1 and Table 7.1a)

7.3 按選定的長期病患類別分析,是次統計 7.3 Analysed by selected type of chronic

調查中最普遍被提及的六個長期病患類別中, diseases, among the six types of chronic diseases
這些類別的長期病患者的普遍率均較 2013 年的 most commonly cited in this round of the survey,
相應普遍率為高。當中患有膽固醇過高的人士 the prevalence rates of persons with these types of
chronic diseases were higher than the
的數目增幅最大,由 2013 年的 135 400 人上升
corresponding prevalence rates in 2013. In
至 2020 年的 383 400 人。 (圖 7.1)
particular, the number of persons with
hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol) had the
largest increment, from 135 400 in 2013 to 383 400
in 2020. (Chart 7.1)

住處類別 Type of residence

7.4 在該 1 799 100 名長期病患者中,約 7.4 Some 95.6% of the 1 799 100 persons with
95.6%居住於住戶內;而 4.4%則居住於院舍(包 chronic diseases were residing in households while
括社會福利院舍、長期護理醫院、康復中心及私 4.4% were residing in institutions (including social
營安老院等)。70 歲及以上長者居住於院舍的 welfare institutions, long-stay care hospitals,
rehabilitation centres and private homes for the
比例最高,為 7.7%。 (圖 7.2)
elderly, etc.). Older persons aged 70 and over had
the highest proportion of residing in institutions, at
7.7%. (Chart 7.2)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 102 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

年齡及性別 Age and sex

7.5 按年齡組別分析,在長期病患者中,70 7.5 Analysed by age group, 40.0% of persons

歲及以上人士佔 40.0%,60 - 69 歲人士佔 27.6%, with chronic diseases were aged 70 and over, 27.6%
而 50 - 59 歲人士則佔 17.9%。長期病患者的年 were aged 60 - 69, and 17.9% were aged 50 - 59.
齡中位數為 66 歲,較整體人口的年齡中位數的 The median age of persons with chronic diseases
was 66, which was higher than that of 45 for the
45 歲為高。與其他年齡組別的人士比較,70 歲
total population. Compared with persons in other
age groups, persons aged 70 and over had a
78.4%。一般而言,年齡愈年長的人士,長期病 significantly higher prevalence rate of chronic
患普遍率亦愈高。 (表 7.1b) diseases, at 78.4%. This rate was higher for older
persons in general. (Table 7.1b)

7.6 按性別分析,在該 1 799 100 名長期病 7.6 Analysed by sex, there were more females
患者中,女性較男性為多,分別佔所有長期病患 than males among the 1 799 100 persons with
者的 53.1%及 46.9%。再按年齡進一步分析,在 chronic diseases, constituting 53.1% and 46.9%
70 歲以下人士的各年齡組別中,女性的長期病 respectively of all persons with chronic diseases.
Further analysed by age group, the prevalence rates
患普遍率較男性的為低。但在 70 歲及以上人士
for females in all age groups below 70 were lower
than those for males in the same age group.
性的整體普遍率為 23.5%,而男性為 24.7%。 However, for persons aged 70 and over, the
(表 7.1b) prevalence rate for females was higher than that for
males. The overall prevalence rate for females
was 23.5%, as against 24.7% for males.
(Table 7.1b)

7.7 按選定的長期病患類別分析,大部分患 7.7 Analysed by selected type of chronic

有高血壓、糖尿病、心臟病、白內障、退化性關 diseases, most of persons with hypertension,
節炎、中風、認知障礙症及前列腺毛病的人士為 diabetes mellitus, heart diseases, cataract,
70 歲及以上人士。另一方面,患有呼吸系統疾 degenerative arthritis, cerebrovascular diseases
(stroke), dementia and prostate diseases were aged
病的人士中,有 10.3%為 30 歲以下人士,遠高
70 and over. On the other hand, 10.3% of persons
with diseases of respiratory system were aged
(4.1%)。 (表 7.1c) below 30, which was much higher than the
percentage of all persons with chronic diseases for
this age group (4.1%). (Table 7.1c)

婚姻狀況 Marital status

7.8 在該 1 799 100 名長期病患者中,62.4% 7.8 Of those 1 799 100 persons with chronic
為已婚人士,24.1%已喪偶/分居/離婚,而餘 diseases, 62.4% were currently married, 24.1%
下的 13.5%則從未結婚。 (表 7.1d) were widowed/separated/divorced and the
remaining 13.5% were never married.
(Table 7.1d)

教育程度 Educational attainment

7.9 長期病患者的教育程度較整體人口的 7.9 Persons with chronic diseases had

教育程度為低。在 1 799 100 名長期病患者中, relatively lower educational attainment than the
40.9%具小學及以下程度,而整體人口的相應百 total population. About 40.9% of the 1 799 100
分比為 25.8%。 (表 7.1d) persons with chronic diseases had attained primary
education and below, as against 25.8% for the total
population. (Table 7.1d)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 103 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

居住地區 Area of residence

7.10 該 1 799 100 名長期病患者的居住地區 7.10 Compared with the total population, the
分布與整體人口的分布大致相同。當中,28.7% 1 799 100 persons with chronic diseases had a
居於新界西,24.0%居於新界東及 21.3%居於九 similar distribution pattern in area of residence.
龍東。在整體人口中的相應百分比分別為 28.7% of them lived in New Territories West,
24.0% in New Territories East and 21.3% in
28.9%、24.0%及 20.5%。 (表 7.1e)
Kowloon East. The corresponding percentages
for the total population were 28.9%, 24.0% and
20.5% respectively. (Table 7.1e)

房屋類別 Type of housing

7.11 相對其他房屋類別,較多長期病患者居 7.11 As compared to other types of housing,

住於私人房屋,佔所有長期病患者的 43.5%。另 there were relatively more persons with chronic
外,約 33.8%居住在公營租住房屋及 17.9%居住 diseases living in private housing (43.5%).
在資助自置居所房屋。而在整體人口中的相應 Separately, there were 33.8% living in public rental
housing and 17.9% in subsidised home ownership
百分比分別為 52.9%、29.4%及 15.1%。
housing. The corresponding figures for the total
(表 7.1f)
population were 52.9%, 29.4% and 15.1%
respectively. (Table 7.1f)

經濟活動身分 Economic activity status

7.12 統計時,在 1 765 700 名 15 歲及以上長 7.12 Of those 1 765 700 persons aged 15 and
期病患者中,約 1 243 100 人(70.4%)為非從事 over with chronic diseases, some 1 243 100
經濟活動人士,其餘 522 600 人(29.6%)為從 (70.4%) were economically inactive and the
事經濟活動人士。這可能是由於在所有長期病 remaining 522 600 (29.6%) were economically
active at the time of enumeration. The former
accounted for such a substantial proportion of all
佔所有長期病患者的比例亦相當高。而 522 600
persons with chronic diseases probably because
名從事經濟活動長期病患者中,約 505 400 人在 they comprised more elderly persons. As for the
統計時正就業,其餘為失業人士,失業率為 522 600 economically active persons with chronic
3.3%。 (表 7.1g) diseases, some 505 400 persons were employed at
the time of enumeration, the remaining were
unemployed persons and the unemployment rate
was 3.3%. (Table 7.1g)

7.13 在該 1 243 100 名 15 歲及以上非從事 7.13 Among those 1 243 100 economically
經濟活動長期病患者中,約 927 500 人(佔所有 inactive persons aged 15 and over with chronic
15 歲及以上長期病患者的 52.5%)為退休人士。 diseases, some 927 500 (or 52.5% of all persons
(表 7.1g) aged 15 and over with chronic diseases) were
retired persons. (Table 7.1g)

II. 就業長期病患者的概況 II. General profile of employed persons with

chronic diseases

7.14 統計時,在該 1 765 700 名 15 歲及以上 7.14 Among those 1 765 700 persons aged 15
長期病患者中,約 505 400 人(28.6%)為就業 and over with chronic diseases, some 505 400
人士。 (表 7.1g) (28.6%) were employed at the time of enumeration.
(Table 7.1g)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 104 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

年齡及性別 Age and sex

7.15 按年齡組別分析,在該 505 400 名就業 7.15 Analysed by age group, 37.6% of these
長期病患者中,50 - 59 歲人士佔 37.6%,60 - 69 505 400 employed persons with chronic diseases
歲人士則佔 30.0%。就業長期病患者的年齡中位 were aged 50 - 59, and 30.0% were aged 60 - 69.
數為 56 歲,較整體就業人口的年齡中位數的 42 The median age of employed persons with chronic
diseases was 56, which was higher than that of 42
歲為高。事實上,約 88.6%的就業長期病患者年
for the total employed population. Indeed, some
齡在 40 歲及以上,而在整體就業人口中,相應
88.6% of employed persons with chronic diseases
的百分比則為 57.9%。 (表 7.2a) were aged 40 and over, as against 57.9% for the
total employed population. (Table 7.2a)

7.16 就業長期病患者的性別分布與所有長 7.16 The distribution of employed persons

期病患者的有所不同。在就業長期病患者中,男 with chronic diseases by sex was different from that
性所佔的百分比較女性的為高,分別佔 59.5%及 of all persons with chronic diseases. There were
40.5%。而男性就業長期病患者的年齡中位數為 substantially more employed males with chronic
diseases than their female counterparts, at 59.5%
57 歲,高於女性的 55 歲。 (表 7.2a)
and 40.5% respectively. The median age of
employed males with chronic diseases, at 57, was
relatively higher than that of females at 55.
(Table 7.2a)

婚姻狀況 Marital status

7.17 按婚姻狀況分析,69.7%的就業長期病 7.17 Analysed by marital status, 69.7% of

患者是已婚的。這百分比較所有長期病患者及 employed persons with chronic diseases were
整體就業人口的相應百分比為高,分別為 62.4% currently married. This percentage was higher than
及 60.0%。 (表 7.1d 及 7.2b) that of all persons with chronic diseases and that of
the total employed population, at 62.4% and 60.0%
respectively. (Tables 7.1d and 7.2b)

教育程度 Educational attainment

7.18 該 505 400 名就業長期病患者的教育程 7.18 The 505 400 employed persons with
度較整體就業人口的為低。前者約有 18.5%具小 chronic diseases had relatively lower educational
學及以下教育程度,而後者只有 8.2%。另一方 attainment than the total employed population.
面,約有 26.8%就業長期病患者具專上教育程 Some 18.5% of them had attained primary
education and below, as against 8.2% for the total
度,而整體就業人口的相應數字為 43.6%。
employed population. On the other hand, some
(表 7.2b)
26.8% of employed persons with chronic diseases
had attained post-secondary education, as against
43.6% for the total employed population.
(Table 7.2b)

行業 Industry

7.19 按行業分析,約 23.8%的就業長期病患 7.19 Analysed by industry, some 23.8% of

者從事金融、保險、地產、專業及商用服務業, employed persons with chronic diseases were
其次為公共行政、社會及個人服務業(21.7%) engaged in the financing, insurance, real estate,
與零售、住宿及膳食服務業(16.8%)。而在整 professional and business services sector, followed
by the public administration, social and personal
體就業人口中,相應的百分比則分別為 23.1%、
services sector (21.7%) and the retail,
30.2%及 14.1%。 (表 7.2c)

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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

accommodation and food services sector (16.8%).

The corresponding percentages for the total
employed population were 23.1%, 30.2% and
14.1% respectively. (Table 7.2c)

職業 Occupation

7.20 按遞降次序排列,就業長期病患者最普 7.20 The most popular occupation groups

遍從事的職業類別包括非技術工人(24.5%)、 among the employed persons with chronic diseases,
專業人員及輔助專業人員(23.9%)與服務工作 in descending order, were workers in elementary
及銷售人員(15.5%)。在整體就業人口中,相 occupations (24.5%), professionals and associate
professionals (23.9%) and service and sales
應的百分比分別為 20.6%、30.5%及 14.8%。
workers (15.5%). The corresponding percentages
(表 7.2d)
for the total employed population were 20.6%,
30.5% and 14.8% respectively. (Table 7.2d)

每月就業收入 Monthly employment earnings

7.21 概括而言,就業長期病患者的每月就業 7.21 Generally speaking, the monthly

收入稍微低於整體就業人口。就業長期病患者 employment earnings of employed persons with
的每月就業收入中位數為$16,000,而整體就業 chronic diseases was slightly lower than that of the
人口的每月就業收入中位數則為$17,700。 total employed population. The median monthly
employment earnings for the employed persons
(表 7.2e)
with chronic diseases was $16,000, while that for
the total employed population was $17,700.
(Table 7.2e)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 106 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

圖 7.1 選定長期病患者的普遍率
Chart 7.1 Prevalence rate of persons with selected type of chronic diseases

Prevalence rate (as percentage of total population)





5.2 5.1

2.0 2.2
1.9 1.7
1.1 1.4

年份/人數 高血壓 糖尿病 膽固醇過高 心臟病 白內障 退化性關節炎
Year / No. of Hypertension Diabetes Hyper- Heart Cataract Degenerative
persons mellitus cholesterolemia diseases arthritis
(high cholesterol)
2013 707 800 315 300 135 400 143 000 80 300 51 400
2020 939 800 388 100 383 400 161 900 128 500 105 600
Selected type of chronic diseases*

2013 2020

註釋︰ * 按在是次統計調查中所有長期病患者中,最普遍被提及的長期病患類別揀選。

Note: * The types of chronic diseases most commonly cited by all persons with chronic diseases in this round of the survey were

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 107 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

圖 7.2 按住處類別及年齡劃分的長期病患者的百分比分布
Chart 7.2 Percentage distribution of persons with chronic diseases by type of residence
and age

5.1 4.0 4.8 1.8 4.4
2.7 1.6 1.9



96.0 95.2 97.3 98.2 98.4 98.1 95.6

94.9 92.3


< 15 15 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 ≥ 70 All age
Age group

居住於住戶內 居住於院舍*內
Residing in Residing in
households institutions*

註釋︰ * 包括社會福利院舍(例如津助安老院舍、智障人士宿舍、為精神病康復者而設的中途宿舍)、長期護理醫院、

Note: * Including social welfare institutions (such as subvented residential care homes for the elderly, hostels for persons with
intellectual disability, halfway houses for persons in mental recovery), long-stay care hospitals, rehabilitation centres
and private homes for the elderly, etc.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 108 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

表 7.1a 按選定的長期病患類別劃分的長期病患者數目
Table 7.1a Persons with chronic diseases by selected type of chronic diseases

患者的百分比 佔整體人口
人數 As % of all 的百分比
選定的長期病患類別# No. of persons persons with As % of
Selected type of chronic diseases# ('000) chronic diseases total population
高血壓 939.8 52.2 12.6
糖尿病 388.1 21.6 5.2
Diabetes mellitus
膽固醇過高 383.4 21.3 5.1
Hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol)
心臟病 161.9 9.0 2.2
Heart diseases
白內障 128.5 7.1 1.7
退化性關節炎 105.6 5.9 1.4
Degenerative arthritis
癌症 93.3 5.2 1.2
甲狀腺疾病 65.9 3.7 0.9
Thyroid diseases
抑鬱症 64.8 3.6 0.9
中風 62.5 3.5 0.8
Cerebrovascular diseases (stroke)
呼吸系統疾病 59.5 3.3 0.8
Diseases of respiratory system
認知障礙症 49.5 2.8 0.7
前列腺毛病 45.5 2.5 0.6
Prostate diseases

合計* 1 799.1 100.0 24.1

註釋: 按在所有長期病患者中,最普遍被提及的長期病患類別揀選。
* 指所有患有長期病患的人士。由於一名人士可能有多於一種長期病患類別及在選定的長期病患類別以外

Notes: # The types of chronic diseases most commonly cited by all persons with chronic diseases were selected.
* Referring to all persons with chronic diseases. As a person might have more than one selected type of chronic
diseases and statistics for those types of chronic diseases other than the selected types were not presented, the
overall number of persons with chronic diseases is not equal to the sum of the number of persons with individual
selected types of chronic diseases.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 109 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

表 7.1b 按年齡及性別劃分的長期病患者數目
Table 7.1b Persons with chronic diseases by age and sex

Persons with chronic diseases 整體人口
男 女 合計 Total
Male Female Overall population
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別 persons 百分比 比率* persons 百分比 比率* persons 百分比 比率* 百分比
Age group ('000) % Rate* ('000) % Rate* ('000) % Rate* %
< 15 19.5 2.3 4.4 13.9 1.5 3.3 33.4 1.9 3.8 11.6
15 - 29 20.5 2.4 3.7 19.3 2.0 3.3 39.8 2.2 3.5 15.2
30 - 39 29.2 3.5 6.3 30.1 3.2 4.4 59.3 3.3 5.1 15.5
40 - 49 59.7 7.1 12.7 68.9 7.2 10.1 128.5 7.1 11.2 15.4
50 - 59 146.7 17.4 27.0 175.6 18.4 26.6 322.3 17.9 26.8 16.1
60 - 64 125.4 14.9 42.8 126.5 13.2 42.4 251.9 14.0 42.6 7.9
65 - 69 122.2 14.5 54.6 122.6 12.8 53.3 244.8 13.6 53.9 6.1
≥ 70 320.7 38.0 76.5 398.2 41.7 80.0 719.0 40.0 78.4 12.3

合計@ 844.0 100.0 24.7 955.1 100.0 23.5 1 799.1 100.0 24.1 100.0
Overall@ (46.9) (53.1) (100.0)

年齡中位數(歲) 65 66 66 45
Median age (years)

註釋: * 在個別年齡及性別組別中佔所有人士的百分比。例如,在所有年齡小於15歲的男性中,4.4%為長期病患

Notes: * As a percentage of all persons in the respective age and sex sub-groups. For example, among all males aged below
15, 4.4% were persons with chronic diseases.
@ Figures in brackets represent the percentages in respect of all persons with chronic diseases.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 110 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

表 7.1c 按年齡及選定的長期病患類別劃分的長期病患者數目
Table 7.1c Persons with chronic diseases by age and selected type of chronic diseases

Selected type of chronic diseases#
高血壓 糖尿病 Hypercholesterolemia
Hypertension Diabetes mellitus (high cholesterol)
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別 persons 百分比 比率* persons 百分比 比率* persons 百分比 比率*
Age group ('000) % Rate* ('000) % Rate* ('000) % Rate*
< 30 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
30 - 39 9.9 1.1 0.9 3.8 1.0 0.3 2.7 0.7 0.2
40 - 49 31.3 3.3 2.7 15.3 4.0 1.3 14.2 3.7 1.2
50 - 59 149.5 15.9 12.4 62.1 16.0 5.2 57.1 14.9 4.7
60 - 64 135.0 14.4 22.8 53.4 13.8 9.0 66.6 17.4 11.3
65 - 69 138.2 14.7 30.4 56.9 14.6 12.5 65.8 17.2 14.5
≥ 70 475.3 50.6 51.8 196.2 50.5 21.4 176.9 46.1 19.3

合計 939.8 100.0 12.6 388.1 100.0 5.2 383.4 100.0 5.1


年齡中位數(歲) 70 70 68
Median age (years)
註釋: 按在所有長期病患者中,最普遍被提及的長期病患類別揀選。
* 在個別年齡組別中佔所有人士的百分比。例如,在所有30 - 39歲人士中,0.9%為患有高血壓的人士。
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於1 500的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數

Notes: # The types of chronic diseases most commonly cited by all persons with chronic diseases were selected.
* As a percentage of all persons in the respective age groups. For example, among all persons aged 30 - 39, 0.9%
were persons with hypertension.
‡ Estimates less than 1 500 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 111 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

表 7.1c(續) 按年齡及選定的長期病患類別劃分的長期病患者數目
Table 7.1c Persons with chronic diseases by age and selected type of chronic diseases

Selected type of chronic diseases# (Cont'd)

心臟病 白內障 退化性關節炎

Heart diseases Cataract Degenerative arthritis
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別 persons 百分比 比率* persons 百分比 比率* persons 百分比 比率*
Age group ('000) % Rate* ('000) % Rate* ('000) % Rate*
< 30 3.3 2.0 0.2 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
30 - 39 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
40 - 49 5.4 3.4 0.5 ‡ ‡ ‡ 3.1 3.0 0.3
50 - 59 19.9 12.3 1.7 5.7 4.4 0.5 11.6 11.0 1.0
60 - 64 25.0 15.4 4.2 7.2 5.6 1.2 16.5 15.7 2.8
65 - 69 24.0 14.8 5.3 16.7 13.0 3.7 14.7 13.9 3.2
≥ 70 83.1 51.3 9.1 98.0 76.3 10.7 58.4 55.3 6.4

合計 161.9 100.0 2.2 128.5 100.0 1.7 105.6 100.0 1.4


年齡中位數(歲) 70 78 70
Median age (years)
註釋: 按在所有長期病患者中,最普遍被提及的長期病患類別揀選。
* 在個別年齡組別中佔所有人士的百分比。例如,在所有年齡小於30歲人士中,0.2%為患有心臟病的人
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於1 500的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數

Notes: # The types of chronic diseases most commonly cited by all persons with chronic diseases were selected.
* As a percentage of all persons in the respective age groups. For example, among all persons aged below 30, 0.2%
were persons with heart diseases.
‡ Estimates less than 1 500 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 112 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

表 7.1c(續) 按年齡及選定的長期病患類別劃分的長期病患者數目
Table 7.1c Persons with chronic diseases by age and selected type of chronic diseases

Selected type of chronic diseases# (Cont'd)

癌症 甲狀腺疾病 抑鬱症
Cancer Thyroid diseases Depression
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別 persons 百分比 比率* persons 百分比 比率* persons 百分比 比率*
Age group ('000) % Rate* ('000) % Rate* ('000) % Rate*
< 30 ‡ ‡ ‡ 1.7 2.6 0.1 5.2 8.0 0.3
30 - 39 1.8 1.9 0.2 6.4 9.7 0.6 5.8 8.9 0.5
40 - 49 7.8 8.3 0.7 9.9 15.1 0.9 9.8 15.1 0.9
50 - 59 20.7 22.2 1.7 17.7 26.9 1.5 12.1 18.7 1.0
60 - 64 16.5 17.7 2.8 8.7 13.2 1.5 9.1 14.1 1.5
65 - 69 12.9 13.8 2.8 6.9 10.5 1.5 7.5 11.6 1.7
≥ 70 32.6 35.0 3.6 14.6 22.1 1.6 15.3 23.6 1.7

合計 93.3 100.0 1.2 65.9 100.0 0.9 64.8 100.0 0.9


年齡中位數(歲) 64 57 59
Median age (years)
註釋: 按在所有長期病患者中,最普遍被提及的長期病患類別揀選。
* 在個別年齡組別中佔所有人士的百分比。例如,在所有30 - 39歲人士中,0.2%為患有癌症的人士。
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於1 500的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數

Notes: # The types of chronic diseases most commonly cited by all persons with chronic diseases were selected.
* As a percentage of all persons in the respective age groups. For example, among all persons aged 30 - 39, 0.2%
were persons with cancer.
‡ Estimates less than 1 500 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 113 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

表 7.1c(續) 按年齡及選定的長期病患類別劃分的長期病患者數目
Table 7.1c Persons with chronic diseases by age and selected type of chronic diseases

Selected type of chronic diseases# (Cont'd)
中風 呼吸系統疾病
Cerebrovascular diseases Diseases of 認知障礙症
(stroke) respiratory system Dementia
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別 persons 百分比 比率* persons 百分比 比率* persons 百分比 比率*
Age group ('000) % Rate* ('000) % Rate* ('000) % Rate*
< 30 ‡ ‡ ‡ 6.1 10.3 0.3 ‡ ‡ ‡
30 - 39 ‡ ‡ ‡ 3.1 5.3 0.3 ‡ ‡ ‡
40 - 49 1.6 2.6 0.1 2.4 4.0 0.2 ‡ ‡ ‡
50 - 59 6.6 10.5 0.5 8.2 13.8 0.7 ‡ ‡ ‡
60 - 64 7.6 12.2 1.3 8.8 14.9 1.5 ‡ ‡ ‡
65 - 69 8.6 13.7 1.9 5.6 9.5 1.2 ‡ ‡ ‡
≥ 70 37.0 59.2 4.0 25.2 42.3 2.7 46.3 93.5 5.0

合計 62.5 100.0 0.8 59.5 100.0 0.8 49.5 100.0 0.7


年齡中位數(歲) 74 65 86
Median age (years)
註釋: 按在所有長期病患者中,最普遍被提及的長期病患類別揀選。
* 在個別年齡組別中佔所有人士的百分比。例如,在所有40 - 49歲人士中,0.1%為患有中風的人士。
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於1 500的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數

Notes: # The types of chronic diseases most commonly cited by all persons with chronic diseases were selected.
* As a percentage of all persons in the respective age groups. For example, among all persons aged 40 - 49, 0.1%
were persons with cerebrovascular diseases (stroke).
‡ Estimates less than 1 500 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 114 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

表 7.1c(續) 按年齡及選定的長期病患類別劃分的長期病患者數目
Table 7.1c Persons with chronic diseases by age and selected type of chronic diseases

Selected type of chronic
diseases# (Cont'd)
前列腺毛病 All persons with 整體人口
Prostate diseases chronic diseases@ Total population
人數 人數
No. of No. of
年齡組別 persons 百分比 比率* persons 百分比 比率* 百分比
Age group ('000) % Rate* ('000) % Rate* %
< 30 ‡ ‡ ‡ 73.2 4.1 3.6 26.9
30 - 39 ‡ ‡ ‡ 59.3 3.3 5.1 15.5
40 - 49 ‡ ‡ ‡ 128.5 7.1 11.2 15.4
50 - 59 ‡ ‡ ‡ 322.3 17.9 26.8 16.1
60 - 64 4.7 10.3 0.8 251.9 14.0 42.6 7.9
65 - 69 7.6 16.7 1.7 244.8 13.6 53.9 6.1
≥ 70 32.1 70.6 3.5 719.0 40.0 78.4 12.3

合計 45.5 100.0 0.6 1 799.1 100.0 24.1 100.0


年齡中位數(歲) 75 66 45
Median age (years)
註釋: 按在所有長期病患者中,最普遍被提及的長期病患類別揀選。
* 在個別年齡組別中佔所有人士的百分比。例如,在所有60 - 64歲人士中,0.8%為患有前列腺毛病的人士。
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於1 500的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數

Notes: # The types of chronic diseases most commonly cited by all persons with chronic diseases were selected.
@ As a person might have more than one selected type of chronic diseases and statistics for those types of chronic
diseases other than the selected types were not presented, the overall number of persons with chronic diseases is not
equal to the sum of the number of persons with individual selected types of chronic diseases.
* As a percentage of all persons in the respective age groups. For example, among all persons aged 60 - 64, 0.8%
were persons with prostate diseases.
‡ Estimates less than 1 500 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 115 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

表 7.1d 按婚姻狀況/教育程度劃分的長期病患者數目
Table 7.1d Persons with chronic diseases by marital status / educational attainment

長期病患者 整體人口
Persons with chronic diseases Total population
婚姻狀況/教育程度 No. of persons 百分比 百分比
Marital status / Educational attainment ('000) % %
Marital status
從未結婚 242.5 13.5 37.4
Never married
已婚 1 122.2 62.4 51.5
Currently married
喪偶/分居/離婚 434.4 24.1 11.1

Educational attainment
未受教育/學前教育 202.7 11.3 8.1
No schooling / pre-primary
小學 532.7 29.6 17.7
初中/高中 789.9 43.9 44.0
Lower/upper secondary
非學位 87.2 4.8 7.9
學位 186.7 10.4 22.3

總計 1 799.1 100.0 100.0


從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 116 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

表 7.1e 按居住地區劃分的長期病患者數目
Table 7.1e Persons with chronic diseases by area of residence

長期病患者 整體人口
Persons with chronic diseases Total population
居住地區 No. of persons 百分比 百分比
Area of residence ('000) % %
香港島(1) 294.3 16.4 16.4
Hong Kong Island(1)
九龍東(2) 384.1 21.3 20.5
Kowloon East(2)
九龍西(3) 172.7 9.6 10.2
Kowloon West(3)
新界東(4) 431.7 24.0 24.0
New Territories East(4)
新界西(5) 516.3 28.7 28.9
New Territories West(5)

總計 1 799.1 100.0 100.0

註釋: 香港島包括中西區、灣仔、東區及南區區議會分區。

Notes: (1) Hong Kong Island includes Central and Western, Wan Chai, Eastern and Southern District Council districts.
(2) Kowloon East includes Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin and Kowloon City District Council districts.
(3) Kowloon West includes Yau Tsim Mong and Sham Shui Po District Council districts.
(4) New Territories East includes Sha Tin, Sai Kung, Tai Po and North District Council districts.
(5) New Territories West includes Kwai Tsing, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and Islands District Council

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 117 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

表 7.1f 按房屋類別劃分的長期病患者數目
Table 7.1f Persons with chronic diseases by type of housing

長期病患者 整體人口
Persons with chronic diseases Total population
房屋類別 No. of persons 百分比 百分比
Type of housing ('000) % %
公營租住房屋 607.9 33.8 29.4
Public rental housing
私人房屋* 782.1 43.5 52.9
Private housing*
資助自置居所房屋# 321.6 17.9 15.1
Subsidised home ownership housing#
其他永久性房屋^ 87.5 4.9 2.5
Other permanent housing^

總計 1 799.1 100.0 100.0


註釋: * 包括私人房屋、香港房屋協會的市區改善計劃下興建的屋宇單位、別墅/平房/新型村屋、簡單磚石蓋

Notes: * Includes private housing blocks, flats built under the Urban Improvement Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing
Society, villas / bungalows / modern village houses, simple stone structures / traditional village houses and private
temporary housing. Subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open market are also put under this category.
# Includes flats built under the Home Ownership Scheme, Middle Income Housing Scheme, Private Sector
Participation Scheme, Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme, Buy or Rent Option Scheme and
Mortgage Subsidy Scheme, and flats sold under the Tenants Purchase Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing
Authority. Also includes flats built under the Flat for Sale Scheme, Sandwich Class Housing Scheme and
Subsidised Sale Flats Projects of the Hong Kong Housing Society; and flats in Urban Renewal Authority
Subsidised Sale Flats Scheme. Subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open market are excluded.
^ Includes quarters in hotels, hostels, dormitories and non-residential buildings.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 118 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

表 7.1g 按年齡/經濟活動身分劃分的長期病患者數目
Table 7.1g Persons with chronic diseases by age / economic activity status

長期病患者 整體人口
Persons with chronic diseases Total population
年齡組別/經濟活動身分 No. of persons 百分比 百分比
Age group / Economic activity status ('000) % %
年齡15歲及以上 1 765.7 100.0 100.0
Aged 15 and over
從事經濟活動 522.6 29.6 58.9
Economically active
就業人士 505.4 28.6 55.5
Employed persons
失業人士 17.2 1.0 3.4
Unemployed persons
非從事經濟活動 1 243.1 70.4 41.1
Economically inactive
退休人士 927.5 52.5 20.5
Retired persons
料理家務者 145.7 8.3 9.9
學生 12.0 0.7 6.2
其他 157.9 8.9 4.5

年齡18 - 64歲 797.3 100.0 100.0

Aged 18 - 64
從事經濟活動 447.1 56.1 73.4
Economically active
就業人士 430.9 54.0 69.1
Employed persons
失業人士 16.2 2.0 4.3
Unemployed persons
非從事經濟活動 350.2 43.9 26.6
Economically inactive

註釋: 住戶部分的長期病患者專題訪問於2019年8月至9月期間進行,有關長期病患者按經濟活動身分劃分的數字主
要反映統計時的狀況。當中,15歲及以上和18 - 64歲的長期病患者的失業率分別為3.3%及3.6%。至於2019年
第3季的整體人口中相應年齡組別的失業率(不經季節性調整)分別為3.0%及 3.1%。

Note: The special topic enquiry on persons with chronic diseases in households was conducted during August to September
2019 and the figures of persons with chronic diseases by economic activity status reflected the situation at the time of
enumeration. The unemployment rates of persons aged 15 and over and aged 18 - 64 with chronic diseases were 3.3%
and 3.6% respectively. As for the total population in the third quarter of 2019, the unemployment rates (not seasonally
adjusted) of persons in the corresponding age groups were 3.0% and 3.1% respectively.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 119 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

表 7.2a 按年齡及性別劃分的就業長期病患者數目
Table 7.2a Employed persons with chronic diseases by age and sex

就業長期病患者 整體
Employed persons with chronic diseases
男 女 總計 Total employed
Male Female Total population
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 百分比
Age group ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % %
15 - 29 8.3 2.8 8.3 4.1 16.6 3.3 16.3
30 - 39 20.9 6.9 19.9 9.7 40.8 8.1 25.7
40 - 49 48.2 16.0 34.5 16.9 82.7 16.4 24.3
50 - 59 106.2 35.3 83.8 41.0 190.0 37.6 22.3
60 - 64 62.3 20.7 38.5 18.8 100.7 19.9 7.2
65 - 69 34.6 11.5 16.1 7.9 50.6 10.0 2.9
≥ 70 20.4 6.8 3.5 1.7 23.9 4.7 1.2

總計* 300.8 100.0 204.6 100.0 505.4 100.0 100.0

Total* (59.5) (40.5) (100.0)

年齡中位數(歲) 57 55 56 42
Median age (years)

註釋: * 括號內的數字顯示在所有15歲及以上就業長期病患者中所佔的百分比。

Note: * Figures in brackets represent the percentages in respect of all employed persons aged 15 and over with chronic

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 120 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

表 7.2b 按婚姻狀況/教育程度劃分的就業長期病患者數目
Table 7.2b Employed persons with chronic diseases by marital status / educational

就業長期病患者 整體就業人口
Employed persons with Total employed
chronic diseases population
婚姻狀況/教育程度 No. of persons 百分比 百分比
Marital status / Educational attainment ('000) % %
Marital status
從未結婚 97.6 19.3 32.6
Never married
已婚 352.4 69.7 60.0
Currently married
喪偶/分居/離婚 55.3 10.9 7.5

Educational attainment
未受教育/學前教育 7.7 1.5 0.8
No schooling / pre-primary
小學 85.9 17.0 7.4
初中/高中 276.4 54.7 48.1
Lower/upper secondary
非學位 34.7 6.9 10.4
學位 100.7 19.9 33.2

總計 505.4 100.0 100.0


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香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

表 7.2c 按行業劃分的就業長期病患者數目
Table 7.2c Employed persons with chronic diseases by industry

就業長期病患者 整體就業人口
Employed persons with Total employed
chronic diseases population
行業 No. of persons 百分比 百分比
Industry ('000) % %
製造 21.1 4.2 2.8
建造 48.7 9.6 8.5
進出口貿易及批發 50.8 10.0 8.9
Import/export trade and wholesale
零售、住宿及膳食服務 85.0 16.8 14.1
Retail, accommodation and food services
運輸、倉庫、郵政及速遞服務、 65.7 13.0 11.8
Transportation, storage, postal and courier
services, information and communications
金融、保險、地產、專業及商用服務 120.4 23.8 23.1
Financing, insurance, real estate,
professional and business services
公共行政、社會及個人服務 109.5 21.7 30.2
Public administration, social and personal
其他行業 4.3 0.9 0.6
Other industries

總計 505.4 100.0 100.0


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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

表 7.2d 按職業劃分的就業長期病患者數目
Table 7.2d Employed persons with chronic diseases by occupation

就業長期病患者 整體就業人口
Employed persons with Total employed
chronic diseases population
職業 No. of persons 百分比 百分比
Occupation ('000) % %
經理及行政級人員 60.7 12.0 10.8
Managers and administrators
專業人員及輔助專業人員 120.7 23.9 30.5
Professionals and associate professionals
文書支援人員 45.5 9.0 12.5
Clerical support workers
服務工作及銷售人員 78.6 15.5 14.8
Service and sales workers
工藝及有關人員 37.8 7.5 6.2
Craft and related workers
機台及機器操作員及裝配員 38.5 7.6 4.4
Plant and machine operators and assemblers
非技術工人 123.6 24.5 20.6
Elementary occupations
其他職業 ‡ ‡ 0.1
Other occupations

總計 505.4 100.0 100.0


註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於1 500的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數


Note: ‡ Estimates less than 1 500 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

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香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
長期病患者的人口 Demographic and socio-economic profiles
及社會經濟概況 of persons with chronic diseases

表 7.2e 按每月就業收入劃分的就業長期病患者數目
Table 7.2e Employed persons with chronic diseases by monthly employment earnings

就業長期病患者 整體就業人口
Employed persons with Total employed
chronic diseases population
每月就業收入(港元) No. of persons 百分比 百分比
Monthly employment earnings (HK$) ('000) % %
< 4,000# 33.3 6.6 3.7
4,000 - 6,999 40.9 8.1 12.5
7,000 - 9,999 45.0 8.9 5.6
10,000 - 14,999 108.3 21.4 16.8
15,000 - 19,999 73.6 14.6 16.9
20,000 - 29,999 89.8 17.8 18.0
≥ 30,000 114.5 22.7 26.6

總計 505.4 100.0 100.0


每月就業收入中位數(港元) 16,000 17,700

Median monthly employment earnings (HK$)
註釋: 大部份每月就業收入少於$4,000的就業長期病患者從事部分時間制工作。

Note: # Majority of those earning less than $4,000 per month were working on part-time basis.

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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Impact of disabilities and chronic diseases
on day-to-day living

8.1 本章的焦點是分析殘疾及長期病患對 8.1 The focus of this Chapter is to analyse the

殘疾人士及長期病患者在日常生活的影響。殘 impact of disabilities and chronic diseases on the
疾人士及長期病患者會被問及其自我評估的整 day-to-day living of persons with disabilities and
體健康狀況。然後,殘疾人士及因長期病患令其 persons with chronic diseases. Persons with
disabilities and persons with chronic diseases were
asked about the self-perceived general health
condition. Then, persons with disabilities and
者」)會被問及有否因其殘疾及長期病患而導致 persons with chronic diseases who were
在下列日常生活方面遇到困難: encountering difficulty in day-to-day living or
using assistive device due to their chronic diseases
(referred to as “persons with chronic diseases who
had specific needs”) were asked whether they had
difficulty in the following aspects related to their
day-to-day living due to their disabilities and
chronic diseases:
(a) 在學校學習(適用於學生); (a) studying at school (applicable to
(b) 工作(適用於從事經濟活動者); (b) work (applicable to those who were
economically active);
(c) 居住環境; (c) living environment;
(d) 醫療/復康服務; (d) medical care / rehabilitation service;
(e) 社區生活; (e) community life;
(f) 出外活動;及 (f) going out; and
(g) 打理家務(適用於 15 歲及以上人士)。 (g) doing housework (applicable to those
aged 15 and over).
居住在住戶內的 15 - 64 歲非從事經濟活動殘疾 Economically inactive persons aged 15 - 64 with
人士及有特定需要的長期病患者亦會被問及會 disabilities and those with chronic diseases who
否考慮接受一份合適工作;若會,主要考慮因素 had specific needs residing in households were also
為何;若否,主要原因為何。 asked whether they would consider accepting a
suitable job; if yes, of the main consideration; if
not, the main reason for that.

多於一種殘疾類別的影響 Effect of multiple disabilities

8.2 由於一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘 8.2 Since a person might have more than one
疾類別,因此其殘疾對日常生活的影響不一定 selected type of disability, the impact of disabilities
只受單一種殘疾類別影響。對於本章列載的統 on his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to
計調查結果,尤其是按不同殘疾類別的分析,必 single disability. Therefore, caution should be
taken when interpreting the survey results
須謹慎闡釋。表 8.1 - 8.10c 括號內的數字列載有
presented in this Chapter, especially for the analysis
by selected type of disability. The survey results
果,以供參考。概括而言,只有單一種殘疾類別 pertaining to persons with single disability were
的人士相對地較小比例表示其日常生活受殘疾 also given in brackets in Tables 8.1 - 8.10c for
影響。由於智障並不包括在本章的分析中,部分 reference. Broadly speaking, a lower proportion
只有單一種殘疾類別的人士,可能同時有智障 of persons with single disability said that their day-

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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living

的情況。 to-day living was affected by their disabilities.

Since intellectual disability (ID) was not included
in the analysis of this Chapter, some persons with
single disability might have the condition of ID at
the same time.

殘疾及長期病患對日常生活的影響 Impact of disabilities and chronic diseases

on day-to-day living

在日常生活中有否困難 Whether had difficulty in day-to-day living

8.3 在 534 200 名殘疾人士中,約 117 600 8.3 Of the 534 200 persons with disabilities,
人(22.0%)表示因其殘疾而令其在日常生活有 some 117 600 persons (22.0%) indicated that they
很大困難。另外 257 600 人(48.2%)稱有少許 had a lot of difficulty in day-to-day living due to
困 難 。 至 於 1 799 100 名 長 期 病 患 者 中 , 約 their disabilities. Another 257 600 persons
(48.2%) said that they had some difficulty. As for
132 300 人(7.4%)在日常生活中有很大困難及
the 1 799 100 persons with chronic diseases,
426 100 人(23.7%)有少許困難。 (表 8.1)
132 300 persons (7.4%) had a lot of difficulty and
426 100 persons (23.7%) had some difficulty in
day-to-day living. (Table 8.1)

8.4 按選定的殘疾類別分析,溝通能力有困 8.4 Analysed by selected type of disability,

難人士因其殘疾而令其在日常生活有困難的百 the proportion of persons who had difficulty in day-
分比最高,達 94.5%;其次為身體活動能力受限 to-day living due to their disabilities was the
制人士(88.1%)。 (表 8.1) highest for persons with communication difficulty,
at 94.5%, followed by persons with restriction in
body movement (88.1%). (Table 8.1)

自我評估的整體健康狀況 Self-perceived general health condition

8.5 在 534 200 名殘疾人士中,約 133 700 8.5 Among the 534 200 persons with
人(25.0%)表示其自我評估的整體健康狀況為 disabilities, some 133 700 persons (25.0%) claimed
差/很差及 255 100 人(47.8%)表示其整體健 that their self-perceived general health condition
康狀況為一般。至於 1 799 100 名長期病患者中, was bad / very bad, and 255 100 persons (47.8%)
claimed that their general health condition was fair.
約 341 700 人(19.0%)表示其整體健康狀況為
As for the 1 799 100 persons with chronic diseases,
差/很差及 951 200 人(52.9%)表示其整體健
341 700 persons (19.0%) claimed that their general
康狀況為一般。 (表 8.2) health condition was bad / very bad and 951 200
persons (52.9%) claimed that their general health
condition was fair. (Table 8.2)

8.6 按選定的殘疾類別分析,溝通能力有困 8.6 Analysed by selected type of disability,

難人士的整體健康狀況為一般/差/很差的百 the proportion of persons whose general health
分比最高,達 88.4%;其次為身體活動能力受限 condition was fair / bad / very bad was the highest
制人士(88.1%)。 (表 8.2) for persons with communication difficulty, at
88.4%, followed by persons with restriction in body
movement (88.1%). (Table 8.2)

8.7 以下各段有關長期病患者的分析包括 8.7 The analysis in the ensuing paragraphs

因其長期病患而令其在日常生活有困難或正在 covered those persons with chronic diseases who
were encountering difficulty in day-to-day living or

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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living

使用輔助儀器的長期病患者(以下簡稱為有特 using assistive devices due to their long-term health

定需要的長期病患者)。根據此定義,有特定需 problems (referred hereafter as persons with
要的長期病患者約有 658 300 人(佔所有長期病 chronic diseases who had specific needs).
患者的 36.6%)。 According to this definition, there were some
658 300 persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs (constituting 36.6% of all persons
with chronic diseases).

在學校學習是否遇到困難 Whether had difficulty in studying at school

8.8 在 66 300 名殘疾學生中,約 2 200 人 8.8 Among the 66 300 students with
(3.4%)表示因其殘疾而令其在學校學習遇到 disabilities, 2 200 persons (3.4%) indicated that
很大困難;另 22 100 人(33.4%)表示遇到少許 they had a lot of difficulty in studying at school due
困難。而在 21 200 名有特定需要的長期病患學 to their disabilities, another 22 100 persons (33.4%)
reported to have some difficulty. For the 21 200
生中,3 800 人(18.1%)表示因其長期病患而令
students with chronic diseases who had specific
其在學校學習遇到很大困難及 6 100 人(28.8%)
needs, 3 800 persons (18.1%) reported that they had
表示遇到少許困難。 (表 8.3) a lot of difficulty in studying at school due to their
long-term health problems and 6 100 persons
(28.8%) indicated to have some difficulty.
(Table 8.3)

8.9 按選定的殘疾類別分析,有注意力不足 8.9 Analysed by selected type of disability,

/過度活躍症人士因其殘疾而令其在學校學習 the proportion of persons who had difficulty in
遇到困難的百分比最高,達 42.3%;其次為溝通 studying at school due to their disabilities was the
能力有困難人士(38.5%)。 (表 8.3) highest for persons with Attention Deficit /
Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), at 42.3%,
followed by persons with communication difficulty
(38.5%). (Table 8.3)

在工作上是否遇到困難 Whether had difficulty at work

8.10 在 96 900 名從事經濟活動殘疾人士中, 8.10 Among the 96 900 economically active

4 200 人(4.3%)表示因其殘疾而令其在工作上 persons with disabilities, 4 200 persons (4.3%)
遇到很大困難,及 21 800 人(22.5%)遇到少許 indicated that they had a lot of difficulty at work due
困難。至於 85 400 名從事經濟活動及有特定需 to their disabilities and 21 800 persons (22.5%) had
some difficulty. As for the 85 400 economically
要的長期病患者中,4 900 人(5.8%)表示因其
active persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs, 4 900 persons (5.8%) reported that
24 200 人(28.3%)遇到少許困難。 (表 8.4) they had a lot of difficulty at work due to their long-
term health problems and 24 200 persons (28.3%)
had some difficulty. (Table 8.4)

8.11 按選定的殘疾類別分析,溝通能力有困 8.11 Analysed by selected type of disability,

難人士因其殘疾而令其在工作上遇到困難的百 the proportion of persons who had difficulty at work
分比最高,達 65.5%,其次是身體活動能力受限 due to their disabilities was the highest for persons
制人士(52.2%)。 (表 8.4) with communication difficulty, at 65.5%, followed
by persons with restriction in body movement
(52.2%). (Table 8.4)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 127 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living

在居住環境是否遇到困難 Whether had difficulty in living environment

8.12 在 534 200 名殘疾人士中,12 300 人 8.12 Among the 534 200 persons with
(2.3%)表示因其殘疾而令其在居住環境遇到 disabilities, 12 300 persons (2.3%) had a lot of
很大困難;另外,34 700 人(6.5%)表示遇到少 difficulty in living environment due to their
許困難。至於 658 300 名有特定需要的長期病患 disabilities. Another 34 700 persons (6.5%)
claimed that they had some difficulty. As for the
者中,19 800 人(3.0%)表示因其長期病患而令
658 300 persons with chronic diseases who had
其在居住環境遇到很大困難;另外,50 500 人
specific needs, 19 800 persons (3.0%) had a lot of
(7.7%)表示遇到少許困難。 (表 8.5) difficulty in living environment due to their long-
term health problems. Another 50 500 persons
(7.7%) reported to have some difficulty.
(Table 8.5)

8.13 按選定的殘疾類別分析,溝通能力有困 8.13 Analysed by selected type of disability,

難人士因其殘疾而令其在居住環境遇到困難的 the proportion of persons who had difficulty in
百分比最高,達 19.0%;其次為身體活動能力受 living environment due to their disabilities was the
限制人士(15.5%)。 (表 8.5) highest for persons with communication difficulty,
at 19.0%, followed by persons with restriction in
body movement (15.5%). (Table 8.5)

在醫療/復康服務是否遇到困難 Whether had difficulty in medical care /

rehabilitation service

8.14 在 534 200 名殘疾人士中,60 000 人 8.14 Among the 534 200 persons with
(11.2%)表示因其殘疾而令其在醫療/復康服 disabilities, 60 000 persons (11.2%) had a lot of
務遇到很大困難;另外,163 700 人(30.6%)表 difficulty in medical care / rehabilitation service due
示遇到少許困難。而在 658 300 名有特定需要的 to their disabilities. Another 163 700 persons
(30.6%) claimed that they had some difficulty. As
長期病患者中,86 200 人(13.1%)表示因其長
for the 658 300 persons with chronic diseases who
had specific needs, 86 200 persons (13.1%) had a
難;另外,211 400 人(32.1%)表示遇到少許困 lot of difficulty in medical care / rehabilitation
難。 (表 8.6) service due to their long-term health problems.
Another 211 400 persons (32.1%) reported to have
some difficulty. (Table 8.6)

8.15 按選定的殘疾類別分析,溝通能力有困 8.15 Analysed by selected type of disability,

難人士因其殘疾而令其在醫療/復康服務遇到 the proportion of persons who had difficulty in
困難的百分比最高,達 58.8%;其次為身體活動 medical care / rehabilitation service due to their
能力受限制人士(54.3%)。 (表 8.6) disabilities was the highest for persons with
communication difficulty, at 58.8%, followed by
persons with restriction in body movement (54.3%).
(Table 8.6)

在社區生活是否遇到困難 Whether had difficulty in community life

8.16 在 534 200 名殘疾人士中,84 300 人 8.16 Among the 534 200 persons with
(15.8%)表示因其殘疾而令其在社區生活遇到 disabilities, 84 300 persons (15.8%) had a lot of
很大困難/完全不能做到;另外,137 500 人 difficulty in community life / cannot do that at all
(25.7%)表示遇到少許困難。至於 658 300 名 due to their disabilities. Another 137 500 persons
(25.7%) claimed that they had some difficulty. As
有特定需要的長期病患者中,93 600 人(14.2%)
for the 658 300 persons with chronic diseases who

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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living

表示因其長期病患而令其在社區生活遇到很大 had specific needs, 93 600 persons (14.2%) had a

困難/完全不能做到;另外,137 300 人(20.9%) lot of difficulty in community life / cannot do that
表示遇到少許困難。 (表 8.7) at all due to their long-term health problems.
Another 137 300 persons (20.9%) reported to have
some difficulty. (Table 8.7)

8.17 按選定的殘疾類別分析,溝通能力有困 8.17 Analysed by selected type of disability,

難人士因其殘疾而令其在社區生活遇到困難的 the proportion of persons who had difficulty in
百分比最高,達 75.0%;其次為身體活動能力受 community life due to their disabilities was the
限制人士(60.7%)。 (表 8.7) highest for persons with communication difficulty,
at 75.0%, followed by persons with restriction in
body movement (60.7%). (Table 8.7)

出外活動是否遇到困難 Whether had difficulty in going out

8.18 在 534 200 名殘疾人士中,112 500 人 8.18 Among the 534 200 persons with
(21.1%)表示因其殘疾而令其出外活動遇到很 disabilities, 112 500 persons (21.1%) had a lot of
大困難/不會出外;另外,186 400 人(34.9%) difficulty in going out / would not go out due to their
表示遇到少許困難。至於 658 300 名有特定需要 disabilities. Another 186 400 persons (34.9%)
claimed that they had some difficulty. As for the
的長期病患者中,120 100 人(18.2%)表示因其
658 300 persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs, 120 100 persons (18.2%) had a lot
出外;另外,273 900 人(41.6%)表示遇到少許 of difficulty in going out / would not go out due to
困難。 (表 8.8) their long-term health problems. Another 273 900
persons (41.6%) reported to have some difficulty.
(Table 8.8)

8.19 按選定的殘疾類別分析,身體活動能力 8.19 Analysed by selected type of disability,

受限制及溝通能力有困難人士因其殘疾而令其 the proportion of persons who had difficulty in
出外活動遇到困難的百分比最高,兩者均為 going out due to their disabilities was the highest
88.9%。 (表 8.8) for persons with restriction in body movement and
communication difficulty, both at 88.9%.
(Table 8.8)

打理家務是否遇到困難 Whether had difficulty in doing housework

8.20 在 490 800 名 15 歲及以上殘疾人士中, 8.20 Among the 490 800 persons aged 15 and
86 800 人(17.7%)表示因其殘疾而令其打理家 over with disabilities, 86 800 persons (17.7%)
務遇到很大困難/完全不能做到及 112 300 人 claimed that they had a lot of difficulty in doing
(22.9%)遇到少許困難。至於 641 200 名 15 歲 housework / cannot do that at all and 112 300
persons (22.9%) had some difficulty. As for the
及以上有特定需要的長期病患者中,106 700 人
641 200 persons aged 15 and over with chronic
diseases who had specific needs, 106 700 persons
到 很 大 困 難 / 完 全 不 能 做 到 及 136 000 人 (16.6%) had a lot of difficulty in doing housework
(21.2%)遇到少許困難。 (表 8.9) / cannot do that at all due to their long-term health
problems and 136 000 persons (21.2%) had some
difficulty. (Table 8.9)

8.21 按選定的殘疾類別分析,視覺有困難人 8.21 Analysed by selected type of disability,

士因其殘疾而令其打理家務遇到困難的百分比 the proportion of persons who had difficulty in
最高,達 63.0%;其次為身體活動能力受限制人 doing housework due to their disabilities was the
士(60.3%)。 (表 8.9) highest for persons with seeing difficulty, at 63.0%,

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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living

followed by persons with restriction in body

movement (60.3%). (Table 8.9)

會否考慮接受一份合適工作 Whether would consider accepting a

suitable job

8.22 在 110 900 名居住在住戶內的 15 - 64 8.22 Among those 110 900 economically
歲非從事經濟活動殘疾人士中,約 13 700 人 inactive persons aged 15 - 64 with disabilities
( 12.4% ) 會 考 慮 接 受 一 份 合 適 工 作 , 其 餘 residing in households, some 13 700 persons
97 100 人(87.6%)則不會考慮接受一份合適工 (12.4%) would consider accepting a suitable job,
and the remaining 97 100 persons (87.6%) would
作。至於 117 700 名居住在住戶內的 15 - 64 歲
not consider accepting a suitable job. As for the
117 700 economically inactive persons aged
言,約 22 700 人(19.3%)會考慮接受一份合適 15 - 64 with chronic diseases who had specific
工作,其餘 94 900 人(80.7%)則不會考慮接受 needs residing in households, some 22 700 persons
一份合適工作。 (表 8.10a) (19.3%) would consider accepting a suitable job,
and the remaining 94 900 persons (80.7%) would
not consider accepting a suitable job.
(Table 8.10a)

8.23 按選定的殘疾類別分析,有精神病/情 8.23 Analysed by selected type of disability,

緒病人士會考慮接受一份合適工作的百分比最 the proportion of persons who would consider
高,達 13.6%。 (表 8.10a) accepting a suitable job was the highest for persons
with mental illness / mood disorder, at 13.6%.
(Table 8.10a)

接受一份合適工作的主要考慮因素 Main consideration for accepting a suitable


8.24 在該 13 700 名居住在住戶內會考慮接 8.24 Of those 13 700 economically inactive

受一份合適工作的 15 - 64 歲非從事經濟活動殘 persons aged 15 - 64 with disabilities residing in
疾人士中,最普遍提及接受一份合適工作的考 households and would consider accepting a suitable
慮因素為「彈性的工作時間」(56.9%),其次 job, the most commonly cited consideration for
accepting a suitable job was “flexible working
hours” (56.9%), followed by “could meet the job
requirements” (35.5%), “reasonable salary”
(30.1%)。至於 22 700 名居住在住戶內會考慮 (33.3%) and “interested job / job that could suit the
接受一份合適工作的 15 - 64 歲非從事經濟活動 strength” (30.1%). As for the 22 700
及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,最普遍提及 economically inactive persons aged 15 - 64 with
接受一份合適工作的考慮因素為「彈性的工作 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in
時間」(51.7%),其次為「工作地點鄰近居所 households and would consider accepting a suitable
/有合適的交通安排」(50.8%)、「合理薪金」 job, the most commonly cited consideration for
(35.8%)及「感興趣/可以發揮所長的工作」 accepting a suitable job was “flexible working
(31.3%)。 (表 8.10b) hours” (51.7%), followed by “handy work place /
with suitable transportation arrangement” (50.8%),
“reasonable salary” (35.8%) and “interested job /
job that could suit the strength” (31.3%).
(Table 8.10b)

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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living

8.25 按選定的殘疾類別分析,身體活動能力 8.25 Analysed by selected type of disability,

受限制、有精神病/情緒病及有特殊學習困難 the most commonly cited consideration for
人士最普遍提及接受一份合適工作的考慮因素 accepting a suitable job for persons with restriction
為「彈性的工作時間」 ,與整體殘疾人士的相同。 in body movement, mental illness / mood disorder
and Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) was
(表 8.10b)
“flexible working hours”, which was same as that
of the overall population with disabilities.
(Table 8.10b)

不接受一份合適工作的主要原因 Main reason for not accepting a suitable job

8.26 就該 97 100 名居住在住戶內不會考慮 8.26 For those 97 100 economically inactive

接受一份合適工作的 15 - 64 歲非從事經濟活動 persons aged 15 - 64 with disabilities residing in
殘疾人士中,最普遍提及不接受一份合適工作 households and would not consider accepting a
的原因為「身體狀況差/殘疾」(48.6%),其 suitable job, the most commonly cited reason for
not accepting a job was “poor health / disability”
(48.6%), followed by “studying” (19.1%),
及「退休/年老」(17.1%)。至於 94 900 名居
“engagement in household duties” (18.6%) and
住在住戶內不會考慮接受一份合適工作的 “retirement / old age” (17.1%). As for the 94 900
15 - 64 歲非從事經濟活動及有特定需要的長期 economically inactive persons aged 15 - 64 with
病患者而言,最普遍提及不接受一份合適工作 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in
的原因為「身體狀況差/殘疾」(73.7%),其 households and would not consider accepting a
次為「退休/年老」(25.6%)、「工作環境不 suitable job, the most commonly cited reason for
配合健康/殘疾情況需要」(24.0%)及「料理 not accepting a job was “poor health / disability”
家務」(15.0%)。 (表 8.10c) (73.7%), followed by “retirement / old age”
(25.6%), “the needs of health/disability condition
could not be met in the working environment”
(24.0%) and “engagement in household duties”
(15.0%). (Table 8.10c)

8.27 按選定的殘疾類別分析,身體活動能力 8.27 Analysed by selected type of disability,

受限制、視覺有困難、聽覺有困難、溝通能力有 the most commonly cited reason for not accepting
困難及有精神病/情緒病人士最普遍提及不接 a suitable job for persons with restriction in body
受一份合適工作的原因為「身體狀況差/殘 movement, seeing difficulty, hearing difficulty,
communication difficulty and mental illness / mood
disorder was “poor health / disability”. For those
persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder, SpLD and
接受一份合適工作的原因則為「讀書」。 AD/HD, the most commonly cited reason for not
(表 8.10c) accepting a suitable job was “studying”.
(Table 8.10c)

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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living
表 8.1 按選定的殘疾類別及是否因其殘疾及長期病患而令其在日常生活有困難
Table 8.1 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases by selected type
of disability and whether had difficulty in day-to-day living due to their
disabilities and chronic diseases
Whether had difficulty in day-to-day living
due to their disabilities and chronic diseases
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難 總計
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Total
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
選定的殘疾類別* persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Selected type of disability* ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體活動能力受限制 28.9 11.9 115.2 47.2 99.9 40.9 244.0 100.0
Restriction in body movement (23.2) (16.7) (74.9) (54.0) (40.7) (29.3) (138.8) (100.0)
視覺有困難 6.3 13.1 26.4 55.5 14.9 31.4 47.6 100.0
Seeing difficulty (4.5) (24.9) (12.1) (66.1) (1.6) (9.0) (18.3) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 9.5 19.7 23.0 47.9 15.5 32.3 47.9 100.0
Hearing difficulty (5.8) (46.2) (6.4) (51.2) (0.3) (2.6) (12.5) (100.0)
溝通能力有困難 2.7 5.5 14.8 30.4 31.2 64.1 48.7 100.0
Communication difficulty (0.6) (16.9) (2.2) (62.6) (0.7) (20.6) (3.5) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 91.3 35.6 114.8 44.7 50.7 19.7 256.8 100.0
Mental illness / mood disorder (83.9) (48.5) (80.4) (46.5) (8.6) (5.0) (172.9) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 8.1 36.0 12.0 53.6 2.3 10.4 22.4 100.0
Autism Spectrum Disorder (4.5) (47.5) (4.6) (49.1) (0.3) (3.3) (9.5) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 15.4 43.5 15.2 42.9 4.8 13.5 35.4 100.0
Specific Learning Difficulties (9.3) (60.6) (5.6) (36.4) (0.5) (2.9) (15.4) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 17.7 46.3 18.5 48.6 1.9 5.1 38.2 100.0
Attention Deficit / (9.1) (55.2) (7.3) (44.4) (‡) (‡) (16.5) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder
所有殘疾人士 158.9 29.8 257.6 48.2 117.6 22.0 534.2 100.0
(智障人士除外)@ (140.9) (36.4) (193.6) (50.0) (52.8) (13.6) (387.3) (100.0)
All persons with disabilities
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)@
長期病患者 1 240.7 69.0 426.1 23.7 132.3 7.4 1 799.1 100.0
Persons with chronic diseases
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她在日常生活有困難不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had difficulty in day-to-
day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in
respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living
表 8.2 按選定的殘疾類別及自我評估的整體健康狀況劃分的殘疾人士及長期病
Table 8.2 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases by selected type
of disability and self-perceived general health condition
Self-perceived general health condition
好/很好 一般 差/很差 總計
Good / very good Fair Bad / very bad Total
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
選定的殘疾類別* persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Selected type of disability* ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體活動能力受限制 28.9 11.9 115.6 47.4 99.5 40.8 244.0 100.0
Restriction in body movement (21.3) (15.4) (74.7) (53.8) (42.8) (30.8) (138.8) (100.0)
視覺有困難 8.4 17.6 20.9 43.8 18.4 38.5 47.6 100.0
Seeing difficulty (5.6) (30.5) (9.8) (53.5) (2.9) (16.0) (18.3) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 9.1 18.9 21.7 45.3 17.2 35.8 47.9 100.0
Hearing difficulty (5.1) (41.1) (6.4) (51.5) (0.9) (7.3) (12.5) (100.0)
溝通能力有困難 5.6 11.6 17.4 35.7 25.7 52.8 48.7 100.0
Communication difficulty (1.1) (32.9) (2.0) (57.8) (0.3) (9.4) (3.5) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 67.6 26.3 126.1 49.1 63.1 24.6 256.8 100.0
Mental illness / mood disorder (55.6) (32.1) (92.9) (53.7) (24.5) (14.2) (172.9) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 13.5 60.3 7.7 34.5 1.2 5.2 22.4 100.0
Autism Spectrum Disorder (5.9) (62.6) (3.4) (36.3) (‡) (‡) (9.5) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 21.2 59.9 11.1 31.5 3.1 8.6 35.4 100.0
Specific Learning Difficulties (10.3) (67.2) (4.6) (30.0) (0.4) (2.8) (15.4) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 26.1 68.4 10.5 27.6 1.5 4.0 38.2 100.0
Attention Deficit / (12.5) (75.8) (3.7) (22.3) (0.3) (1.8) (16.5) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder
所有殘疾人士 145.4 27.2 255.1 47.8 133.7 25.0 534.2 100.0
(智障人士除外)@ (117.5) (30.3) (197.5) (51.0) (72.3) (18.7) (387.3) (100.0)
All persons with disabilities
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)@
長期病患者 506.2 28.1 951.2 52.9 341.7 19.0 1 799.1 100.0
Persons with chronic diseases
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她的自我評估的整體健康狀況不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her self-perceived general health
condition might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect
of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 133 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living
表 8.3 按選定的殘疾類別及是否因其殘疾及長期病患而令其在學校學習遇到困
Table 8.3 Students with disabilities and students with chronic diseases who had
specific needs by selected type of disability and whether had difficulty in
studying at school due to their disabilities and chronic diseases
Whether had difficulty in studying at school
due to their disabilities and chronic diseases
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難 總計
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Total
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
選定的殘疾類別* persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Selected type of disability* ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體活動能力受限制 1.3 69.0 0.4 19.5 ‡ ‡ 1.9 100.0
Restriction in body movement (0.4) (100.0) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (0.4) (100.0)
視覺有困難 0.4 46.8 0.3 36.7 ‡ ‡ 0.9 100.0
Seeing difficulty (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (0.4) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 0.3 54.4 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ 0.5 100.0
Hearing difficulty (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
溝通能力有困難 2.2 61.5 0.9 26.4 0.4 12.1 3.5 100.0
Communication difficulty (‡) (‡) (0.3) (57.4) (‡) (‡) (0.5) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 11.5 66.4 5.0 28.7 0.9 4.9 17.3 100.0
Mental illness / mood disorder (7.2) (80.2) (1.6) (17.9) (‡) (‡) (9.0) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 10.4 61.9 5.6 33.5 0.8 4.6 16.7 100.0
Autism Spectrum Disorder (5.1) (69.6) (2.2) (29.5) (‡) (‡) (7.3) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 15.6 62.7 8.2 32.9 1.1 4.5 24.9 100.0
Specific Learning Difficulties (7.2) (65.1) (3.5) (31.6) (0.4) (3.4) (11.1) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 18.4 57.7 12.3 38.8 1.1 3.5 31.8 100.0
Attention Deficit / (8.1) (55.2) (6.4) (43.9) (‡) (‡) (14.6) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder
所有殘疾人士 41.9 63.2 22.1 33.4 2.2 3.4 66.3 100.0
(智障人士除外)@ (28.5) (65.5) (14.2) (32.6) (0.8) (1.8) (43.4) (100.0)
All persons with disabilities
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)@
有特定需要的長期病患者 11.3 53.1 6.1 28.8 3.8 18.1 21.2 100.0
Persons with chronic diseases
who had specific needs
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她在學校學習遇到困難不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had difficulty in studying
at school might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect
of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 134 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living
表 8.4 按選定的殘疾類別及是否因其殘疾及長期病患而令其在工作上遇到困難
Table 8.4 Economically active persons with disabilities and those with chronic
diseases who had specific needs by selected type of disability and whether
had difficulty at work due to their disabilities and chronic diseases
Whether had difficulty at work
due to their disabilities and chronic diseases
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難 總計
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Total
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
選定的殘疾類別* persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Selected type of disability* ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體活動能力受限制 5.8 47.8 4.2 34.5 2.1 17.7 12.1 100.0
Restriction in body movement (5.0) (50.8) (3.2) (32.4) (1.7) (16.9) (9.9) (100.0)
視覺有困難 3.3 61.9 1.9 36.5 ‡ ‡ 5.3 100.0
Seeing difficulty (2.9) (69.1) (1.2) (28.9) (‡) (‡) (4.2) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 2.2 45.1 2.6 52.3 ‡ ‡ 5.0 100.0
Hearing difficulty (1.4) (52.9) (1.2) (47.1) (‡) (‡) (2.6) (100.0)
溝通能力有困難 1.0 34.5 1.6 55.7 0.3 9.8 2.9 100.0
Communication difficulty (0.3) (50.5) (0.3) (43.3) (‡) (‡) (0.7) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 54.4 79.3 12.7 18.5 1.5 2.2 68.6 100.0
Mental illness / mood disorder (52.2) (80.8) (11.1) (17.2) (1.3) (2.0) (64.6) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 1.8 65.1 0.6 19.9 0.4 15.1 2.8 100.0
Autism Spectrum Disorder (0.9) (66.0) (‡) (‡) (0.3) (20.8) (1.4) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 4.0 68.0 1.3 22.8 0.5 9.2 5.9 100.0
Specific Learning Difficulties (2.8) (73.9) (0.9) (22.7) (‡) (‡) (3.8) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 3.3 75.0 0.9 21.0 ‡ ‡ 4.4 100.0
Attention Deficit / (1.4) (80.2) (0.3) (19.8) (‡) (‡) (1.8) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder
所有殘疾人士 70.9 73.1 21.8 22.5 4.2 4.3 96.9 100.0
(智障人士除外)@ (67.0) (75.3) (18.4) (20.7) (3.5) (3.9) (88.9) (100.0)
All persons with disabilities
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)@
有特定需要的長期病患者 56.3 65.9 24.2 28.3 4.9 5.8 85.4 100.0
Persons with chronic diseases
who had specific needs
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她在工作上遇到困難不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had difficulty at work
might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of
persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 135 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living
表 8.5 按選定的殘疾類別及是否因其殘疾及長期病患而令其在居住環境遇到困
Table 8.5 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs by selected type of disability and whether had difficulty in
living environment due to their disabilities and chronic diseases
Whether had difficulty in living environment
due to their disabilities and chronic diseases
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難 總計
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Total
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
選定的殘疾類別* persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Selected type of disability* ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體活動能力受限制 206.3 84.5 27.7 11.3 10.0 4.1 244.0 100.0
Restriction in body movement (121.3) (87.4) (13.3) (9.6) (4.1) (3.0) (138.8) (100.0)
視覺有困難 42.6 89.4 4.2 8.9 0.8 1.8 47.6 100.0
Seeing difficulty (17.4) (95.3) (0.9) (4.7) (‡) (‡) (18.3) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 43.1 89.8 3.5 7.3 1.4 2.9 47.9 100.0
Hearing difficulty (11.9) (95.7) (0.5) (4.3) (‡) (‡) (12.5) (100.0)
溝通能力有困難 39.4 81.0 5.5 11.4 3.7 7.6 48.7 100.0
Communication difficulty (2.9) (82.1) (‡) (‡) (0.5) (13.1) (3.5) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 237.1 92.3 14.9 5.8 4.8 1.9 256.8 100.0
Mental illness / mood disorder (168.4) (97.4) (3.6) (2.1) (0.9) (0.5) (172.9) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 21.4 95.8 0.4 1.9 0.5 2.3 22.4 100.0
Autism Spectrum Disorder (9.3) (98.7) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (9.5) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 33.7 95.1 0.9 2.5 0.8 2.4 35.4 100.0
Specific Learning Difficulties (15.1) (98.1) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (15.4) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 37.3 97.8 0.7 1.9 ‡ ‡ 38.2 100.0
Attention Deficit / (16.3) (98.8) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (16.5) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder
所有殘疾人士 487.2 91.2 34.7 6.5 12.3 2.3 534.2 100.0
(智障人士除外)@ (362.7) (93.6) (19.0) (4.9) (5.6) (1.5) (387.3) (100.0)
All persons with disabilities
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)@
有特定需要的長期病患者 588.1 89.3 50.5 7.7 19.8 3.0 658.3 100.0
Persons with chronic diseases
who had specific needs
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她在居住環境遇到困難不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had difficulty in living
environment might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in
respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 136 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living
表 8.6 按選定的殘疾類別及是否因其殘疾及長期病患而令其在醫療/復康服務
Table 8.6 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs by selected type of disability and whether had difficulty in
medical care / rehabilitation service due to their disabilities and chronic
Whether had difficulty in medical care / rehabilitation service
due to their disabilities and chronic diseases
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難 總計
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Total
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
選定的殘疾類別* persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Selected type of disability* ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體活動能力受限制 111.5 45.7 87.2 35.8 45.2 18.5 244.0 100.0
Restriction in body movement (67.6) (48.7) (51.9) (37.4) (19.4) (14.0) (138.8) (100.0)
視覺有困難 25.3 53.1 16.2 34.0 6.2 12.9 47.6 100.0
Seeing difficulty (10.7) (58.8) (6.5) (35.8) (1.0) (5.4) (18.3) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 25.8 53.8 14.9 31.0 7.3 15.2 47.9 100.0
Hearing difficulty (8.1) (65.1) (4.0) (31.8) (0.4) (3.0) (12.5) (100.0)
溝通能力有困難 20.0 41.2 14.7 30.2 13.9 28.6 48.7 100.0
Communication difficulty (2.1) (59.7) (1.1) (32.4) (0.3) (7.9) (3.5) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 157.2 61.2 73.7 28.7 25.9 10.1 256.8 100.0
Mental illness / mood disorder (122.7) (71.0) (43.4) (25.1) (6.8) (3.9) (172.9) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 13.9 62.0 6.5 29.1 2.0 8.9 22.4 100.0
Autism Spectrum Disorder (6.6) (69.7) (2.2) (23.5) (0.6) (6.9) (9.5) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 25.1 70.8 7.5 21.1 2.8 8.0 35.4 100.0
Specific Learning Difficulties (12.6) (81.9) (2.3) (15.0) (0.5) (3.1) (15.4) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 25.3 66.2 10.4 27.3 2.5 6.4 38.2 100.0
Attention Deficit / (11.4) (68.8) (4.4) (26.4) (0.8) (4.7) (16.5) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder
所有殘疾人士 310.6 58.1 163.7 30.6 60.0 11.2 534.2 100.0
(智障人士除外)@ (241.8) (62.4) (115.8) (29.9) (29.7) (7.7) (387.3) (100.0)
All persons with disabilities
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)@
有特定需要的長期病患者 360.8 54.8 211.4 32.1 86.2 13.1 658.3 100.0
Persons with chronic diseases
who had specific needs
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她在醫療/復康服務遇到困難不一定只受單一種殘疾
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had difficulty in medical
care / rehabilitation service might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding
figures in respect of persons with single disability.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 137 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living
表 8.7 按選定的殘疾類別及是否因其殘疾及長期病患而令其在社區生活遇到困
Table 8.7 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs by selected type of disability and whether had difficulty in
community life due to their disabilities and chronic diseases
Whether had difficulty in community life
due to their disabilities and chronic diseases
沒有困難 少許困難 A lot of difficulty / 總計
No difficulty Some difficulty cannot do at all Total
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
選定的殘疾類別* persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Selected type of disability* ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體活動能力受限制 95.9 39.3 76.7 31.4 71.4 29.3 244.0 100.0
Restriction in body movement (66.1) (47.6) (45.5) (32.8) (27.3) (19.6) (138.8) (100.0)
視覺有困難 23.0 48.2 14.8 31.0 9.9 20.8 47.6 100.0
Seeing difficulty (12.4) (68.0) (5.1) (27.9) (0.7) (4.1) (18.3) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 23.3 48.7 13.1 27.4 11.5 23.9 47.9 100.0
Hearing difficulty (10.0) (79.8) (2.2) (17.9) (0.3) (2.3) (12.5) (100.0)
溝通能力有困難 12.2 25.0 12.6 26.0 23.9 49.0 48.7 100.0
Communication difficulty (1.5) (42.2) (1.2) (35.5) (0.8) (22.3) (3.5) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 159.9 62.3 58.8 22.9 38.1 14.8 256.8 100.0
Mental illness / mood disorder (133.7) (77.3) (33.0) (19.1) (6.2) (3.6) (172.9) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 13.1 58.3 7.5 33.7 1.8 8.0 22.4 100.0
Autism Spectrum Disorder (6.0) (63.7) (3.2) (33.9) (‡) (‡) (9.5) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 25.5 72.0 6.3 17.9 3.6 10.1 35.4 100.0
Specific Learning Difficulties (13.2) (86.2) (1.9) (12.6) (‡) (‡) (15.4) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 30.0 78.5 6.9 18.0 1.3 3.5 38.2 100.0
Attention Deficit / (14.6) (88.6) (1.8) (10.7) (‡) (‡) (16.5) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder
所有殘疾人士 312.5 58.5 137.5 25.7 84.3 15.8 534.2 100.0
(智障人士除外)@ (257.5) (66.5) (94.0) (24.3) (35.8) (9.2) (387.3) (100.0)
All persons with disabilities
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)@
有特定需要的長期病患者 427.4 64.9 137.3 20.9 93.6 14.2 658.3 100.0
Persons with chronic diseases
who had specific needs
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她在社區生活遇到困難不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had difficulty in
community life might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in
respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 138 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living
表 8.8 按選定的殘疾類別及是否因其殘疾及長期病患而令其出外活動遇到困難
Table 8.8 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs by selected type of disability and whether had difficulty in
going out due to their disabilities and chronic diseases
Whether had difficulty in going out
due to their disabilities and chronic diseases
沒有困難 少許困難 A lot of difficulty / 總計
No difficulty Some difficulty would not go out Total
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
選定的殘疾類別* persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Selected type of disability* ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體活動能力受限制 27.0 11.1 113.9 46.7 103.1 42.3 244.0 100.0
Restriction in body movement (21.2) (15.3) (72.9) (52.6) (44.7) (32.2) (138.8) (100.0)
視覺有困難 12.0 25.1 21.6 45.2 14.1 29.6 47.6 100.0
Seeing difficulty (9.0) (49.3) (8.6) (46.9) (0.7) (3.8) (18.3) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 14.5 30.2 19.9 41.5 13.6 28.3 47.9 100.0
Hearing difficulty (8.5) (68.2) (3.7) (29.9) (‡) (‡) (12.5) (100.0)
溝通能力有困難 5.4 11.1 15.9 32.7 27.3 56.2 48.7 100.0
Communication difficulty (0.9) (26.2) (2.1) (61.4) (0.4) (12.4) (3.5) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 142.6 55.5 69.5 27.1 44.7 17.4 256.8 100.0
Mental illness / mood disorder (130.0) (75.2) (38.7) (22.4) (4.2) (2.5) (172.9) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 15.6 69.8 5.6 25.2 1.1 4.9 22.4 100.0
Autism Spectrum Disorder (7.4) (78.0) (2.0) (21.3) (‡) (‡) (9.5) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 25.1 70.9 7.3 20.7 3.0 8.4 35.4 100.0
Specific Learning Difficulties (13.8) (89.5) (1.4) (9.3) (‡) (‡) (15.4) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 29.7 77.8 7.5 19.7 1.0 2.5 38.2 100.0
Attention Deficit / (14.4) (87.2) (2.1) (12.8) (‡) (‡) (16.5) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder
所有殘疾人士 235.3 44.1 186.4 34.9 112.5 21.1 534.2 100.0
(智障人士除外)@ (205.2) (53.0) (131.6) (34.0) (50.5) (13.0) (387.3) (100.0)
All persons with disabilities
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)@
有特定需要的長期病患者 264.3 40.1 273.9 41.6 120.1 18.2 658.3 100.0
Persons with chronic diseases
who had specific needs
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她出外活動遇到困難不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had difficulty in going out
might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of
persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 139 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living
表 8.9 按選定的殘疾類別及是否因其殘疾及長期病患而令其打理家務遇到困難
Table 8.9 Persons aged 15 and over with disabilities and those with chronic diseases
who had specific needs by selected type of disability and whether had
difficulty in doing housework due to their disabilities and chronic diseases
Whether had difficulty in doing housework
due to their disabilities and chronic diseases
不用打理家務 很大困難/
No difficulty / 完全不能做到
no need to do 少許困難 A lot of difficulty / 總計
housework Some difficulty cannot do at all Total
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
選定的殘疾類別* persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Selected type of disability* ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體活動能力受限制 96.5 39.7 68.3 28.1 78.1 32.2 242.8 100.0
Restriction in body movement (52.4) (37.8) (45.4) (32.7) (40.8) (29.4) (138.6) (100.0)
視覺有困難 17.4 37.0 17.2 36.6 12.4 26.3 47.0 100.0
Seeing difficulty (9.1) (50.4) (7.5) (41.6) (1.4) (8.0) (18.0) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 23.4 49.1 12.9 27.1 11.3 23.8 47.6 100.0
Hearing difficulty (9.6) (77.0) (2.5) (20.2) (0.3) (2.8) (12.4) (100.0)
溝通能力有困難 24.9 53.9 7.4 16.0 13.9 30.1 46.1 100.0
Communication difficulty (1.7) (55.1) (0.9) (30.1) (0.4) (14.8) (3.0) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 180.6 72.6 40.3 16.2 28.0 11.3 248.9 100.0
Mental illness / mood disorder (140.4) (82.5) (25.7) (15.1) (4.2) (2.4) (170.2) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 7.9 75.3 2.0 19.2 0.6 5.4 10.5 100.0
Autism Spectrum Disorder (3.4) (84.2) (0.6) (14.1) (‡) (‡) (4.1) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 13.2 73.4 2.4 13.4 2.4 13.1 18.0 100.0
Specific Learning Difficulties (6.6) (90.4) (0.4) (5.9) (0.3) (3.7) (7.4) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 13.4 87.4 1.3 8.5 0.6 4.1 15.4 100.0
Attention Deficit / (5.6) (97.7) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (5.7) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder
所有殘疾人士 291.8 59.4 112.3 22.9 86.8 17.7 490.8 100.0
(智障人士除外)@ (228.8) (63.7) (83.1) (23.1) (47.5) (13.2) (359.4) (100.0)
All persons with disabilities
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)@
有特定需要的長期病患者 398.5 62.2 136.0 21.2 106.7 16.6 641.2 100.0
Persons with chronic diseases
who had specific needs
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她打理家務遇到困難不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had difficulty in doing
housework might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in
respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 140 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living
表 8.10a 按選定的殘疾類別及會否考慮接受一份合適工作劃分的居住在住戶內的
15 - 64歲非從事經濟活動殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者數目
Table 8.10a Economically inactive persons aged 15 - 64 with disabilities and those with
chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households by selected
type of disability and whether would consider accepting a suitable job
Whether would consider accepting a suitable job
會 不會 總計
Yes No Total
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
選定的殘疾類別* persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Selected type of disability* ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體活動能力受限制 2.7 10.5 22.7 89.5 25.3 100.0
Restriction in body movement (2.0) (12.7) (13.9) (87.3) (15.9) (100.0)
視覺有困難 0.5 7.9 5.9 92.1 6.4 100.0
Seeing difficulty (0.3) (8.6) (2.9) (91.4) (3.2) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 0.5 12.5 3.2 87.5 3.7 100.0
Hearing difficulty (‡) (‡) (1.2) (90.9) (1.4) (100.0)
溝通能力有困難 0.4 7.1 5.1 92.9 5.5 100.0
Communication difficulty (‡) (‡) (1.0) (95.7) (1.1) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 9.6 13.6 60.7 86.4 70.3 100.0
Mental illness / mood disorder (8.7) (14.8) (50.0) (85.2) (58.7) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 0.6 8.3 6.4 91.7 7.0 100.0
Autism Spectrum Disorder (‡) (‡) (2.4) (90.6) (2.6) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 1.0 9.9 8.8 90.1 9.7 100.0
Specific Learning Difficulties (0.4) (13.6) (2.8) (86.4) (3.3) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 0.6 5.6 9.9 94.4 10.4 100.0
Attention Deficit / (0.3) (6.8) (3.7) (93.2) (4.0) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder
所有殘疾人士 13.7 12.4 97.1 87.6 110.9 100.0
(智障人士除外)@ (12.1) (13.4) (78.0) (86.6) (90.1) (100.0)
All persons with disabilities
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)@
有特定需要的長期病患者 22.7 19.3 94.9 80.7 117.7 100.0
Persons with chronic diseases
who had specific needs
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她會否考慮接受一份合適工作不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she would consider accepting
a suitable job might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in
respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 141 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living
表 8.10b 按接受一份合適工作的主要考慮因素及選定的殘疾類別劃分的居住在住
戶內會考慮接受一份合適工作的15 - 64歲非從事經濟活動殘疾人士及有特
Table 8.10b Economically inactive persons aged 15 - 64 with disabilities and those with
chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households and would
consider accepting a suitable job by main consideration for accepting a
suitable job and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability*
受限制 精神病/情緒病 特殊學習困難
Restriction in Mental illness / Specific Learning
body movement mood disorder Difficulties
接受一份合適工作的主要考慮 人數 人數 人數
因素# No. of No. of No. of
Main consideration for accepting persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
a suitable job# ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
彈性的工作時間 1.5 57.3 5.3 55.3 0.7 72.0
Flexible working hours (1.2) (61.6) (4.9) (56.0) (0.3) (73.2)
能應付工作需要 1.2 43.3 3.5 36.6 ‡ ‡
Could meet the job requirements (0.9) (45.6) (3.2) (36.7) (‡) (‡)
合理薪金 0.8 28.4 3.3 34.7 0.3 28.8
Reasonable salary (0.5) (26.3) (3.0) (34.4) (‡) (‡)
感興趣/可以發揮所長的工作 0.5 17.4 3.1 32.4 0.4 42.9
Interested job / job that could suit (0.4) (17.4) (2.8) (32.4) (‡) (‡)
the strength
工作地點鄰近居所/ 0.5 18.3 2.4 25.2 0.3 36.1
有合適的交通安排 (0.4) (19.1) (2.2) (25.5) (‡) (‡)
Handy work place / with suitable
transportation arrangement
無障礙工作環境 1.1 41.2 0.9 9.6 0.4 40.1
Barrier-free work environment (1.0) (47.0) (0.7) (8.4) (0.3) (64.0)
能被同事接受 ‡ ‡ 0.7 6.9 ‡ ‡
Could be accepted by colleagues (‡) (‡) (0.6) (6.7) (‡) (‡)
合計 2.7 100.0 9.6 100.0 1.0 100.0
Overall (2.0) (100.0) (8.7) (100.0) (0.4) (100.0)
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她接受一份合適工作的主要考慮因素不一定只受單一
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her main consideration for accepting a
suitable job might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in
respect of persons with single disability.
# Three answers were allowed at maximum.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 142 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living
表 8.10b(續) 按接受一份合適工作的主要考慮因素及選定的殘疾類別劃分的居住在住
戶內會考慮接受一份合適工作的15 - 64歲非從事經濟活動殘疾人士及有特
Table 8.10b Economically inactive persons aged 15 - 64 with disabilities and those with
(Cont'd) chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households and would
consider accepting a suitable job by main consideration for accepting a
suitable job and selected type of disability

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
(excluding persons with diseases who had
intellectual disability)@ specific needs
接受一份合適工作的主要考慮 人數 人數
因素# No. of No. of
Main consideration for accepting persons 百分比 persons 百分比
a suitable job# ('000) % ('000) %
彈性的工作時間 7.8 56.9 11.8 51.7
Flexible working hours (6.8) (56.3)
能應付工作需要 4.9 35.5 5.0 22.2
Could meet the job requirements (4.5) (36.9)
合理薪金 4.6 33.3 8.1 35.8
Reasonable salary (3.9) (32.3)
感興趣/可以發揮所長的工作 4.1 30.1 7.1 31.3
Interested job / job that could suit (3.7) (30.8)
the strength
工作地點鄰近居所/ 3.2 23.1 11.6 50.8
有合適的交通安排 (2.9) (23.7)
Handy work place / with suitable
transportation arrangement
無障礙工作環境 2.4 17.2 6.8 29.7
Barrier-free work environment (2.1) (17.2)
能被同事接受 1.1 7.7 2.7 12.0
Could be accepted by colleagues (0.8) (7.0)
合計 13.7 100.0 22.7 100.0
Overall (12.1) (100.0)
註釋: 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別人士數目的總和
Notes: @ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
# Three answers were allowed at maximum.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her main consideration for accepting a
suitable job might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect
of persons with single disability.
Owing to the small number of sample observations in respect of economically inactive persons with seeing difficulty,
hearing difficulty, communication difficulty, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder
who would consider accepting a suitable job as identified in the survey, the estimates pertaining to them were subject to
relatively large sampling error. Statistics are not released in consideration of their limited precision.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 143 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living
表 8.10c 按不接受一份合適工作的主要原因及選定的殘疾類別劃分的居住在住戶
內不會考慮接受一份合適工作的15 - 64歲非從事經濟活動殘疾人士及有特
Table 8.10c Economically inactive persons aged 15 - 64 with disabilities and those with
chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households and would
not consider accepting a suitable job by main reason for not accepting a
suitable job and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability*
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
不接受一份合適工作的主要 人數 人數 人數
原因# No. of No. of No. of
Main reason for not accepting persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
a suitable job# ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體狀況差/殘疾 17.6 77.4 4.0 68.0 1.8 56.3
Poor health / disability (10.4) (75.2) (1.8) (60.0) (0.6) (45.4)
讀書 0.4 1.9 0.3 4.3 ‡ ‡
Studying (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
料理家務 1.7 7.4 0.6 9.4 0.5 15.4
Engagement in household duties (1.1) (7.7) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
退休/年老 5.5 24.4 1.6 27.1 1.0 31.0
Retirement / old age (3.7) (26.5) (0.7) (24.9) (0.4) (36.1)
工作環境不配合健康/殘疾情況需要 5.6 24.9 1.6 26.8 0.4 12.2
The needs of health/disability condition (3.8) (27.4) (0.7) (22.8) (‡) (‡)
could not be met in the working
害怕不被同事接受 0.8 3.4 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Fear of not being accepted by colleagues (0.4) (2.9) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
沒有經濟需要 1.0 4.6 0.7 11.2 ‡ ‡
No financial need (0.7) (5.1) (0.5) (18.1) (‡) (‡)
其他 0.6 2.4 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Others (0.4) (2.6) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
合計 22.7 100.0 5.9 100.0 3.2 100.0
Overall (13.9) (100.0) (2.9) (100.0) (1.2) (100.0)
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她不接受一份合適工作的主要原因不一定只受單一種
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her main reason for not accepting a
suitable job might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in
respect of persons with single disability.
# Three answers were allowed at maximum.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 144 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living
表 8.10c(續) 按不接受一份合適工作的主要原因及選定的殘疾類別劃分的居住在住戶
內不會考慮接受一份合適工作的15 - 64歲非從事經濟活動殘疾人士及有特
Table 8.10c Economically inactive persons aged 15 - 64 with disabilities and those with
(Cont'd) chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households and would
not consider accepting a suitable job by main reason for not accepting a
suitable job and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
不接受一份合適工作的主要 人數 人數 人數
原因# No. of No. of No. of
Main reason for not accepting persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
a suitable job# ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體狀況差/殘疾 3.2 62.9 29.5 48.6 1.6 24.5
Poor health / disability (0.5) (52.1) (23.0) (45.9) (0.3) (12.4)
讀書 0.8 15.8 6.7 11.1 4.5 69.7
Studying (‡) (‡) (4.3) (8.7) (1.9) (82.3)
料理家務 0.5 10.3 15.9 26.2 ‡ ‡
Engagement in household duties (0.3) (25.3) (14.9) (29.8) (‡) (‡)
退休/年老 0.5 9.7 10.8 17.8 ‡ ‡
Retirement / old age (‡) (‡) (9.3) (18.5) (‡) (‡)
工作環境不配合健康/殘疾情況需要 0.4 8.4 9.3 15.3 0.6 9.6
The needs of health/disability condition (‡) (‡) (7.6) (15.2) (‡) (‡)
could not be met in the working
害怕不被同事接受 0.4 6.9 4.0 6.6 0.5 8.0
Fear of not being accepted by colleagues (‡) (‡) (3.4) (6.8) (‡) (‡)
沒有經濟需要 ‡ ‡ 3.7 6.2 ‡ ‡
No financial need (‡) (‡) (3.3) (6.7) (‡) (‡)
其他 ‡ ‡ 1.4 2.3 ‡ ‡
Others (‡) (‡) (1.1) (2.2) (‡) (‡)
合計 5.1 100.0 60.7 100.0 6.4 100.0
Overall (1.0) (100.0) (50.0) (100.0) (2.4) (100.0)
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她不接受一份合適工作的主要原因不一定只受單一種
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her main reason for not accepting a
suitable job might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in
respect of persons with single disability.
# Three answers were allowed at maximum.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 145 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living
表 8.10c(續) 按不接受一份合適工作的主要原因及選定的殘疾類別劃分的居住在住戶
內不會考慮接受一份合適工作的15 - 64歲非從事經濟活動殘疾人士及有特
Table 8.10c Economically inactive persons aged 15 - 64 with disabilities and those with
(Cont'd) chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households and would
not consider accepting a suitable job by main reason for not accepting a
suitable job and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
不接受一份合適工作的主要 人數 人數
原因# No. of No. of
Main reason for not accepting persons 百分比 persons 百分比
a suitable job# ('000) % ('000) %
身體狀況差/殘疾 2.3 26.4 1.2 12.4
Poor health / disability (0.3) (10.7) (‡) (‡)
讀書 5.8 66.6 8.4 85.0
Studying (2.2) (78.6) (3.6) (97.5)
料理家務 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Engagement in household duties (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
退休/年老 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Retirement / old age (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
工作環境不配合健康/殘疾情況需要 0.7 7.9 ‡ ‡
The needs of health/disability condition (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
could not be met in the working
害怕不被同事接受 0.5 5.3 0.6 5.6
Fear of not being accepted by colleagues (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
沒有經濟需要 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
No financial need (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
其他 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Others (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
合計 8.8 100.0 9.9 100.0
Overall (2.8) (100.0) (3.7) (100.0)
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她不接受一份合適工作的主要原因不一定只受單一種
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her main reason for not accepting a
suitable job might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in
respect of persons with single disability.
# Three answers were allowed at maximum.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)
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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾及長期病患對 Impact of disabilities and
日常生活的影響 chronic diseases on day-to-day living
表 8.10c(續) 按不接受一份合適工作的主要原因及選定的殘疾類別劃分的居住在住戶
內不會考慮接受一份合適工作的15 - 64歲非從事經濟活動殘疾人士及有特
Table 8.10c Economically inactive persons aged 15 - 64 with disabilities and those with
(Cont'd) chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households and would
not consider accepting a suitable job by main reason for not accepting a
suitable job and selected type of disability

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
(excluding persons with diseases who had
intellectual disability)@ specific needs
不接受一份合適工作的主要 人數 人數
原因# No. of No. of
Main reason for not accepting persons 百分比 persons 百分比
a suitable job# ('000) % ('000) %
身體狀況差/殘疾 47.2 48.6 69.9 73.7
Poor health / disability (36.9) (47.3)
讀書 18.6 19.1 2.1 2.2
Studying (12.4) (15.9)
料理家務 18.0 18.6 14.3 15.0
Engagement in household duties (16.8) (21.5)
退休/年老 16.6 17.1 24.3 25.6
Retirement / old age (14.2) (18.2)
工作環境不配合健康/殘疾情況需要 15.5 16.0 22.8 24.0
The needs of health/disability condition (12.7) (16.2)
could not be met in the working
害怕不被同事接受 5.4 5.6 2.1 2.2
Fear of not being accepted by colleagues (4.3) (5.5)
沒有經濟需要 5.3 5.5 13.0 13.7
No financial need (4.8) (6.2)
其他 2.0 2.0 4.1 4.4
Others (1.5) (1.9)
合計 97.1 100.0 94.9 100.0
Overall (78.0) (100.0)
註釋: 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別人士數目的總和
Notes: @ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
# Three answers were allowed at maximum.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her main reason for not accepting a
suitable job might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect
of persons with single disability.

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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

9.1 本章的焦點是分析提供照顧予 居住在 9.1 The focus of this Chapter is to analyse the
住戶內的殘疾人士及因長期病患令其在日常生 information about people who provided care to
活有困難或正在使用輔助儀器的長期病患者 those persons with disabilities and persons with
(以下簡稱為「有特定需要的長期病患者」)的 chronic diseases who were encountering difficulty
in day-to-day living or using assistive device due to
their chronic diseases (referred to as “persons with
chronic diseases who had specific needs”) residing
in households.

主要照顧者及特定照顧者 Primary carer and specific carer

9.2 殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者 9.2 Persons with disabilities and persons with

被問及他們是否因其殘疾及長期病患而有別人 chronic diseases who had specific needs were asked
照顧其日常生活。若是,他們再被問及有關其照 whether they had another person taking care of their
顧者的資料,例如是否與照顧者共住、照顧者的 day-to-day living owing to their disabilities and
chronic diseases and if so, to provide information
pertaining to their carer such as whether they were
living together with the carer, identity of the carer
需要的長期病患者而言,「主要照顧者」為一星 and usual hours of caring services provided by the
期內照顧他們最長時間的人士。表 9.1 - 9.5 列載 carer per week, etc. For those persons with
有關這些提供照顧予居住在住戶內的殘疾人士 disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who
及有特定需要的長期病患者的主要照顧者的統 had specific needs and had more than one person
計調查結果。 taking care of their day-to-day living, “primary
carer” refers to the person who provided the
longest hours of caring services during a week.
Tables 9.1 - 9.5 present the survey findings
pertaining to these primary carers who provided
care to persons with disabilities and persons with
chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in

9.3 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘 9.3 For those persons with disabilities and

疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,「主要 persons with chronic diseases who had specific
特定照顧者」為一星期內照顧他們最長時間的 needs and had more than one person taking care of
親人及朋友。表 9.6a - 9.6f 列載有關這些提供照 their day-to-day living, “primary specific carer”
refers to the relative and friend who provided the
longest hours of caring services during a week.
Tables 9.6a - 9.6f present the survey findings
果。 pertaining to these primary specific carers who
provided care to persons with disabilities and
persons with chronic diseases who had specific
needs residing in households.

多於一種殘疾類別的影響 Effect of multiple disabilities

9.4 由於一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘 9.4 Since a person might have more than one
疾類別,因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生 selected type of disability, whether he/she had
活不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影響。對於本章 another person taking care of his/her day-to-day

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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

列載的統計調查結果,尤其是按不同殘疾類別 living might not be owing to single disability.

的分析,必須謹慎闡釋。表 9.1 - 9.6f 括號內的 Therefore, caution should be taken when
數字列載有關只有單一種殘疾類別的人士的統 interpreting the survey results presented in this
計調查結果,以供參考。由於智障並不包括在本 Chapter, especially for the analysis by selected type
of disability. The survey results pertaining to
persons with single disability were also given in
brackets in Tables 9.1 - 9.6f for reference. Since
intellectual disability (ID) was not included in the
analysis of this Chapter, some persons with single
disability might have the condition of ID at the
same time.

I. 有別人照顧其日常生活的居住在住戶 I. Persons with disabilities and persons

內的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病 with chronic diseases who had specific
患者 needs residing in households and had a
person taking care of their day-to-day

9.5 在 534 200 名殘疾人士及 1 799 100 名 9.5 Of the 534 200 persons with disabilities
長期病患者中,分別有 462 400 名殘疾人士及 and the 1 799 100 persons with chronic diseases,
580 800 名有特定需要的長期病患者居住在住戶 some 462 400 persons with disabilities and 580 800
內。而在該 462 400 名居住在住戶內的殘疾人士 persons with chronic diseases who had specific
needs were residing in households. Among those
及 580 800 名居住在住戶內及有特定需要的長
462 400 persons with disabilities and the 580 800
期病患者中,分別有 204 200 人(44.2%)及
persons with chronic diseases who had specific
248 000 人(42.7%)因其殘疾及長期病患而有別 needs residing in households, some 204 200
人照顧其日常生活。 (表 9.1) (44.2%) and 248 000 (42.7%) respectively had
another person taking care of their day-to-day
living due to their disabilities and chronic diseases.
(Table 9.1)

是否需要別人在選定的生活範疇幫助 Whether needed another person to help in

selected aspects

9.6 在該 185 800 名有別人照顧其日常生活 9.6 Among the 185 800 persons aged 12 and
的 12 歲及以上殘疾人士中,最需要別人幫助的 over with disabilities who had a person taking care
生活範疇為「出外」(93.5%),其次是「日常 of their day-to-day living, the most common aspect
起居生活(如打理家務、準備膳食)」 (87.8%)、 that needed another person to help was “going out”
(93.5%), followed by “daily living (e.g. doing
housework, preparing meals)” (87.8%), “health
(表 9.2)
care” (66.4%) and “bathing” (38.5%). (Table 9.2)

9.7 按選定的殘疾類別分析,有別人照顧其 9.7 Analysed by selected type of disability,

日常生活的 12 歲及以上身體活動能力受限制及 the three most common aspects that needed another
溝通能力有困難人士首三個最需要別人幫助的 person to help for persons aged 12 and over with
生活範疇與整體殘疾人士相同。在 134 000 名有 restriction in body movement and communication
difficulty who had a person taking care of their day-
別人照顧其日常生活的 12 歲及以上身體活動能
to-day living were same as those of persons with
力受限制人士中,相應百分比分別為 96.0%、
disabilities. Among the 134 000 persons aged 12
92.0%及 72.5%。而在 20 800 名有別人照顧其日 and over with restriction in body movement who
常生活的 12 歲及以上溝通能力有困難人士中, had a person taking care of their day-to-day living,
相應百分比分別為 97.9%、91.2%及 84.3%。 the corresponding percentages were 96.0%, 92.0%

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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

(表 9.2) and 72.5% respectively. For 20 800 persons aged

12 and over with communication difficulty who had
a person taking care of their day-to-day living, the
corresponding percentages were 97.9%, 91.2% and
84.3% respectively. (Table 9.2)

照顧者的數目 Number of carers

9.8 在該 204 200 名有別人照顧其日常生活 9.8 Of the 204 200 persons with disabilities
的殘疾人士中,59.0%只有 1 位照顧者,其餘 who had a person taking care of their day-to-day
41.0%有至少 2 位照顧者。而在該 248 000 名有 living, 59.0% had only 1 carer and the remaining
特定需要的長期病患者中,67.5%只有 1 位照顧 41.0% had at least 2 carers. As for those 248 000
persons with chronic diseases who had specific
者,其餘 32.5%有至少 2 位照顧者。 (表 9.3)
needs, 67.5% had only 1 carer and the remaining
32.5% had at least 2 carers. (Table 9.3)

9.9 按選定的殘疾類別分析,有多於 1 位照 9.9 Analysed by selected type of disability, the

顧者的百分比最低為視覺有困難人士(41.5%) , percentage of persons who had more than 1 carer
最高則為溝通能力有困難人士(52.2%)。 was the lowest for persons with seeing difficulty
(表 9.3) (41.5%) and the highest for persons with
communication difficulty (52.2%). (Table 9.3)

是否與照顧者共住 Whether living together with the carer

9.10 在該 204 200 名有別人照顧其日常生活 9.10 Among those 204 200 persons with
的殘疾人士中,84.8%與照顧者共住。而在該 disabilities who had a person taking care of their
248 000 名有特定需要的長期病患者中,相應的 day-to-day living, 84.8% were living together with
百分比則為 83.3%。 (表 9.4a) their carer. The corresponding percentage for
those 248 000 persons with chronic diseases who
had specific needs was 83.3%. (Table 9.4a)

9.11 與整體 204 200 名殘疾人士的情況比 9.11 Compared with the overall situation
較,有自閉症譜系障礙、有特殊學習困難及有注 pertaining to the total of 204 200 persons with
意力不足/過度活躍症人士與照顧者共住的百 disabilities, persons with Autism Spectrum
分比較高,可能由於他們的年齡較小。這些類別 Disorder (ASD), Specific Learning Difficulties
(SpLD) and Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity
的人士與照顧者共住的百分比分別為 97.1%、
Disorder (AD/HD) had higher percentage of living
93.7%及 92.2%。 (表 9.4a)
together with the carer, probably due to their young
age. The percentages of living together with carer
for these groups of persons were 97.1%, 93.7% and
92.2% respectively. (Table 9.4a)

照顧者的身分 Identity of the carer

9.12 在該 204 200 名有別人照顧其日常生活 9.12 For the 204 200 persons with disabilities
的殘疾人士中,28.7%的照顧者為他們的子女/ who had another person taking care of their day-to-
女婿/媳婦,28.2%是他們的家庭傭工,20.7%是 day living, 28.7% of their carers were their
他們的配偶,而 15.0%是他們的父母。至於該 children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, 28.2% were
their domestic helpers, 20.7% were their spouses
248 000 名有特定需要的長期病患者中,31.9%
and 15.0% were their parents. As for those
248 000 persons with chronic diseases who had
他們的配偶,24.5%是他們的家庭傭工,而 7.9% specific needs, 31.9% of their carers were their
是他們的父母。 (表 9.4b) children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, 28.9% were

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香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

their spouses, 24.5% were their domestic helpers

and 7.9% were their parents. (Table 9.4b)

9.13 按選定的殘疾類別分析,身體活動能力 9.13 Analysed by selected type of disability,

受限制、視覺有困難及聽覺有困難人士最普遍 the three most commonly cited identities of the
提及的三類照顧者身分依遞降次序為子女/女 carer for persons with restriction in body
婿/媳婦、家庭傭工及配偶。在溝通能力有困難 movement, seeing difficulty and hearing difficulty
were, in descending order, children/son-in-law/
daughter-in-law, domestic helpers and spouses.
For persons with communication difficulty and
媳婦及配偶。而大部分有自閉症譜系障礙、有特 mental illness / mood disorder, most of their carers
殊學習困難及有注意力不足/過度活躍症人士 were their domestic helpers, followed by their
的照顧者則為其父母,其次是家庭傭工。 children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law and spouses.
(表 9.4b) As regards persons with ASD, SpLD and AD/HD,
the majority of their carers were their parents,
followed by domestic helpers. (Table 9.4b)

是否需要支付照顧費用予照顧者 Whether needed to pay for the caring

services provided by the carer

9.14 在有別人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士 9.14 Some 29.8% and 26.2% respectively of

及有特定需要的長期病患者中,分別有約 29.8% persons with disabilities and persons with chronic
及 26.2%表示需要支付照顧費用予其照顧者。 diseases who had specific needs and had a person
(表 9.4c) taking care of their day-to-day living reported that
they needed to pay for the caring services provided
by their carers. (Table 9.4c)

9.15 按選定的殘疾類別分析,需要支付照顧 9.15 Analysed by selected type of disability,

費用的人士佔有個別殘疾類別人士的百分比最 the percentage of persons who needed to pay for the
低為有注意力不足/過度活躍症人士(10.9%), caring services was the lowest for persons with
最高則為身體活動能力受限制人士(36.4%)。 AD/HD (10.9%) and the highest for persons with
restriction in body movement (36.4%).
(表 9.4c)
(Table 9.4c)

每周通常受照顧者照顧時數 Usual hours of caring services provided by

the carer per week

9.16 在 204 200 名有別人照顧其日常生活的 9.16 Of the 204 200 persons with disabilities
殘疾人士中,約 47.0%表示照顧者每周照顧他們 who had a person taking care of their day-to-day
少於 40 小時。他們每周通常受照顧者照顧時數 living, some 47.0% cited that their carers usually
的中位數為 42 小時。在 248 000 名有特定需要 took care of them for less than 40 hours per week.
The median usual hours of caring services
的長期病患者中,相應的數字分別為 52.1%及 35
provided by the carer per week was 42 hours.
小時。 (表 9.4d)
The corresponding figures for those 248 000
persons with chronic diseases who had specific
needs were 52.1% and 35 hours respectively.
(Table 9.4d)

9.17 按選定的殘疾類別分析,每周通常受照 9.17 Analysed by selected type of disability,

顧者照顧時數的中位數以有注意力不足/過度 the median usual hours of caring services provided
活躍症人士為最短(35 小時),而以溝通能力 by the carer per week was the shortest for persons
有困難人士為最長(56 小時)。 (表 9.4d) with AD/HD (35 hours) and the longest for persons
with communication difficulty (56 hours).

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香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

(Table 9.4d)

與照顧者年齡差距 Difference in age compared with the carer

9.18 在該 204 200 名殘疾人士中,約 13.4% 9.18 Among the 204 200 persons with
的年齡與照顧者相近。而超過半數(61.4%)的 disabilities, some 13.4% were with their age close
年齡較其照顧者大 6 年及以上。另約 20.4%則較 to that of their carer. More than half (61.4%)
其照顧者年輕 6 年及以上。在 248 000 名有特定 were with their age at least 6 years older than that
of their carer. Another 20.4% were younger than
their carer for 6 years and more. As for the
248 000 persons with chronic diseases who had
比分別為 20.0%、62.5%及 11.2%。 (表 9.4e) specific needs, their distribution by difference in
age compared with the carer was similar to that of
persons with disabilities, with the corresponding
percentages at 20.0%, 62.5% and 11.2%
respectively. (Table 9.4e)

9.19 按選定的殘疾類別分析,超過 7 成的身 9.19 Analysed by selected type of disability,

體活動能力受限制、視覺有困難及聽覺有困難 over 70% of persons with restriction in body
人士遠較其照顧者年老。另一方面,有自閉症譜 movement, seeing difficulty and hearing difficulty
系障礙、有特殊學習困難及有注意力不足/過 were much older than their carer. On the other
hand, persons with ASD, SpLD and AD/HD were
generally much younger than their carer.
(表 9.4e)
(Table 9.4e)

共住照顧者是否殘疾人士 Whether the carer living together was a

person with disabilities

9.20 在 173 100 名與照顧者共住的殘疾人士 9.20 Among the 173 100 persons with
中,約 8.7%表示其照顧者為殘疾人士。 disabilities who were living together with the carer,
(表 9.5) some 8.7% of the carers were persons with
disabilities. (Table 9.5)

9.21 按選定的殘疾類別分析,其照顧者為殘 9.21 Analysed by selected type of disability,

疾人士的人士佔有個別殘疾類別人士的百分比 the percentage of persons whose carers were
最低為有特殊學習困難人士(7.5%),最高則為 persons with disabilities was the lowest for persons
有注意力不足/過度活躍症人士(12.5%)。 with SpLD (7.5%) and the highest for persons with
AD/HD (12.5%). (Table 9.5)
(表 9.5)

II. 有特定照顧者的居住在住戶內的殘疾 II. Persons with disabilities and persons

人士及有特定需要的長期病患者 with chronic diseases who had specific
needs residing in households and had a
specific carer

特定照顧者的年齡 Age of the specific carer

9.22 在該 177 500 名有特定照顧者的殘疾人 9.22 Among the 177 500 persons with
士中,約 28.2%的特定照顧者為 50 - 59 歲,20.5% disabilities who had a specific carer, some 28.2%
為 40 - 49 歲,特定照顧者的年齡中位數為 55 歲。 of their specific carers were aged 50 - 59, 20.5%
另外在 212 100 名有特定需要的長期病患者中, were aged 40 - 49. The median age of the
specific carers was 55. As for the 212 100
24.3%的特定照顧者為 50 - 59 歲,22.0%為 70 歲

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居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

及以上,特定照顧者的年齡中位數為 58 歲。 persons with chronic diseases who had specific

(表 9.6a) needs, 24.3% of their specific carers were aged
50 - 59, 22.0% were aged 70 and over. The
median age of the specific carers was 58.
(Table 9.6a)

9.23 按選定的殘疾類別分析,有自閉症譜系 9.23 Analysed by selected type of disability,

障礙、有特殊學習困難及有注意力不足/過度 the specific carers of persons with ASD, SpLD and
活躍症人士的特定照顧者普遍較年輕,其年齡 AD/HD were generally younger, the median ages
中位數分別為 45、46 及 43 歲。 (表 9.6a) of the specific carers were 45, 46 and 43
respectively. (Table 9.6a)

特定照顧者的性別 Sex of the specific carer

9.24 在所有有特定照顧者的殘疾人士中,特 9.24 Among all persons with disabilities who

定照顧者為女性所佔的百分比較男性的為高, had a specific carer, the specific carers were
分別佔 65.6%及 34.3%。而所有有特定需要的長 proportionally more females (65.6%) than males
期病患者的分布亦相同,相應數字分別為 65.4% (34.3%). This was also the case for the all
persons with chronic diseases who had specific
及 34.6%。 (表 9.6b)
needs, the corresponding figures were 65.4% and
34.6% respectively. (Table 9.6b)

9.25 按選定的殘疾類別分析,有個別殘疾類 9.25 Analysed by selected type of disability,

別人士的分布與整體殘疾人士大致相同。另一 the distributions of persons with individual types
方面,有注意力不足/過度活躍症、有特殊學習 of disability were similar to the overall situation.
困難及有自閉症譜系障礙人士的特定照顧者為 On the other hand, the percentages of specific carer
being female were higher for persons with AD/HD,
女性的百分比較高,分別為 83.4%、78.9%及
SpLD and ASD, at 83.4%, 78.9% and 77.7%
77.7%。 (表 9.6b)
respectively. (Table 9.6b)

受特定照顧者照顧年期 Number of years of caring services

provided by the specific carer

9.26 在 177 500 名有特定照顧者的殘疾人士 9.26 Among the 177 500 persons with
中,超過半數(59.8%)表示受特定照顧者照顧 disabilities who had a specific carer, more than half
不超過 10 年,另約有 15.1%則受特定照顧者照 (59.8%) cited that the specific carer provided
顧超過 10 年。在 212 100 名有特定需要的長期 caring services for not exceeding 10 years, another
15.1% were more than 10 years. As for the
212 100 persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs, their distribution of number of
58.7%及 11.4%。 (表 9.6c) years of caring services provided by the specific
carer was similar to that of persons with
disabilities, with the corresponding percentages at
58.7% and 11.4% respectively. (Table 9.6c)

9.27 按選定的殘疾類別分析,有特殊學習困 9.27 Analysed by selected type of disability,

難、有注意力不足/過度活躍症、有自閉症譜系 persons with SpLD, AD/HD, ASD and
障礙及溝通能力有困難人士受特定照顧者照顧 communication difficulty had higher percentage of
超過 10 年的百分比較高,分別為 36.1%、29.4%、 the specific carers providing caring services for
more than 10 years, at 36.1%, 29.4%, 29.2% and
29.2%及 27.8%。 (表 9.6c)
27.8% respectively. (Table 9.6c)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 153 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

特定照顧者在統計前 1 個月因照顧而感到 Frequency of the specific carer feeling

有精神壓力的頻率 stressed due to the caring service during
the 1 month before enumeration

備註 Remarks

9.28 有關特定照顧者有否因照顧而感到有 9.28 The specific carer needs to answer the

精神壓力的問題,需要盡量在殘疾人士/有特 questions on the stress of the specific carer due to
定需要的長期病患者不在場或不知情的情況下 the caring service in person and without the
由照顧者親自回覆,以保持數據的準確性。在訪 presence or knowledge of the persons with
disabilities or persons with chronic diseases who
had specific needs to maintain the data accuracy.
跟進,當中約 2 成殘疾人士/有特定需要的長
Those specific carers not available during the
期病患者的特定照顧者未能聯絡或拒絕回答, interview may need to be contacted for follow-up.
以下統計調查結果不包括未能聯絡或拒絕回答 Specific carers of around 20% of persons with
的人士。 disabilities or persons with chronic diseases who
had specific needs could not be contacted or
refused. The survey findings below excluded
those persons who could not be contacted or

9.29 在 150 800 名有特定照顧者的殘疾人士 9.29 Among the 150 800 persons with
中,52.4%的照顧者表示在統計前 1 個月曾因照 disabilities who had a specific carer, 52.4% of their
顧而感到有精神壓力,另外 46.0%則表示完全沒 carers cited that they felt stressed due to the caring
有。而在 162 000 名有特定需要的長期病患者的 services during the 1 month before enumeration
while another 46.0% never felt stressed. The
相應數字分別為 54.9%及 42.2%。 (表 9.6d)
corresponding percentages for those 162 000
persons with chronic diseases who had specific
needs were 54.9% and 42.2% respectively.
(Table 9.6d)

9.30 按選定的殘疾類別分析,有自閉症譜系 9.30 Analysed by selected type of disability,

障礙、有注意力不足/過度活躍症及有特殊學 persons with ASD, AD/HD and SpLD had higher
習困難人士的特定照顧者在統計前 1 個月曾因 percentage of the specific carers feeling stressed
照顧而感到有精神壓力的百分比較高,分別為 due to the caring services during the 1 month
before enumeration, at 71.4%, 71.2% and 67.7%
71.4%、71.2%及 67.7%。 (表 9.6d)
respectively. (Table 9.6d)

特定照顧者上一次感到有精神壓力的程 Level of stress the specific carer felt last

度 time

9.31 在 79 100 名有特定照顧者在統計前 1 9.31 Among the 79 100 persons with

個月曾因照顧而感到有精神壓力的殘疾人士 disabilities who had a specific carer felt stressed
中,60.5%的特定照顧者形容上一次感到有精神 due to the caring services during the 1 month
壓力的程度為輕微,30.9%則形容程度為介乎輕 before enumeration, 60.5% of their specific carers
described that they felt stressed a little last time,
微與嚴重之間。而在 88 900 名有特定需要的長
while 30.9% felt somewhere in between a little and
期病患者的相應數字分別為 56.0%及 27.0%。
a lot. The corresponding figures for those 88 900
(表 9.6e) persons with chronic diseases who had specific
needs were 56.0% and 27.0% respectively.
(Table 9.6e)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 154 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

9.32 按選定的殘疾類別分析,其特定照顧者 9.32 Analysed by selected type of disability,

形容上一次感到有精神壓力的程度為輕微的百 the percentage of the specific carer describing that
分比最低為有注意力不足/過度活躍症人士 they felt stressed a little last time was the lowest for
(47.0%),最高則為聽覺有困難人士(63.4%)。 persons with AD/HD (47.0%) and the highest for
persons with hearing difficulty (63.4%).
(表 9.6e)
(Table 9.6e)

特定照顧者的就業情況 Employment status of the specific carer

9.33 在 177 500 名有特定照顧者的殘疾人士 9.33 Among the 177 500 persons with
中,44.5%的特定照顧者在統計時正在就業; disabilities who had a specific carer, 44.5% of their
12.8%在統計時沒有就業並因為照顧而辭去工 specific carers had a job at the time of enumeration;
作。而在 212 100 名有特定需要的長期病患者的 12.8% did not have a job at the time of enumeration
and quitted due to the caring service. The
相應數字分別為 38.0%及 14.4%。 (表 9.6f)
corresponding figures for those 212 100 persons
with chronic diseases who had specific needs were
38.0% and 14.4% respectively. (Table 9.6f)

9.34 按選定的殘疾類別分析,其特定照顧者 9.34 Analysed by selected type of disability,

在統計時正在就業的百分比最低為有特殊學習 the percentage of the specific carer having a job at
困難人士(33.3%),最高則為視覺有困難人士 the time of enumeration was the lowest for persons
(47.0%)。另一方面,其特定照顧者在統計時 with SpLD (33.3%) and the highest for persons
with seeing difficulty (47.0%). On the other
hand, the percentage of the specific carer not
having a job at the time of enumeration and quitted
不足/過度活躍症人士(26.0%)。 (表 9.6f) due to the caring service was the lowest for persons
with hearing difficulty (7.3%) and the highest for
persons with AD/HD (26.0%). (Table 9.6f)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 155 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.1 按選定的殘疾類別及是否因其殘疾及長期病患而有別人照顧其日常生活
Table 9.1 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs residing in households by selected type of disability and
whether had a person taking care of their day-to-day living due to their
disabilities and chronic diseases
Whether had a person taking care of their day-to-day living
due to their disabilities and chronic diseases
是 不是 總計
Yes No Total
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
選定的殘疾類別* persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Selected type of disability* ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體活動能力受限制 134.5 70.9 55.2 29.1 189.7 100.0
Restriction in body movement (78.3) (65.8) (40.8) (34.2) (119.1) (100.0)
視覺有困難 24.7 57.5 18.2 42.5 42.9 100.0
Seeing difficulty (6.3) (35.4) (11.6) (64.6) (17.9) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 23.3 56.0 18.3 44.0 41.5 100.0
Hearing difficulty (2.7) (22.1) (9.6) (77.9) (12.3) (100.0)
溝通能力有困難 22.0 78.7 6.0 21.3 28.0 100.0
Communication difficulty (1.6) (65.2) (0.9) (34.8) (2.5) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 64.6 29.8 152.4 70.2 216.9 100.0
Mental illness / mood disorder (24.3) (15.1) (137.1) (84.9) (161.5) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 13.2 61.6 8.3 38.4 21.5 100.0
Autism Spectrum Disorder (4.7) (50.2) (4.6) (49.8) (9.3) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 15.8 47.0 17.7 53.0 33.5 100.0
Specific Learning Difficulties (4.5) (29.5) (10.7) (70.5) (15.2) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 17.6 46.9 19.9 53.1 37.5 100.0
Attention Deficit / (5.8) (35.5) (10.5) (64.5) (16.2) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder
所有殘疾人士(智障人士除外)@ 204.2 44.2 258.2 55.8 462.4 100.0
All persons with disabilities (128.3) (36.2) (225.8) (63.8) (354.1) (100.0)
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)@

有特定需要的長期病患者 248.0 42.7 332.8 57.3 580.8 100.0

Persons with chronic diseases
who had specific needs
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 156 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

表 9.2 按是否需要別人在選定的生活範疇幫助及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人
Table 9.2 Persons aged 12 and over with disabilities residing in households who had a
person taking care of their day-to-day living by whether needed another
person to help in selected aspects and selected type of disability

選定的殘疾類別* 所有殘疾人士
Selected type of disability* (智障人士除外)@
All persons with
受限制 溝通能力有困難
Restriction in Communication (excluding persons with
body movement difficulty intellectual disability)@
是否需要別人在選定的 人數 人數 人數
生活範疇幫助 No. of No. of No. of
Whether needed another person persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
to help in selected aspects ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
需要 55.9 41.7 12.5 60.4 60.5 32.6
Yes (25.9) (33.1) (0.4) (30.4) (29.0) (24.7)
不需要 78.2 58.3 8.2 39.6 125.3 67.4
No (52.4) (66.9) (1.0) (69.6) (88.6) (75.3)
需要 64.9 48.4 13.3 64.1 71.5 38.5
Yes (32.0) (40.9) (0.6) (44.3) (36.4) (30.9)
不需要 69.1 51.6 7.5 35.9 114.3 61.5
No (46.3) (59.1) (0.8) (55.7) (81.2) (69.1)
需要 55.9 41.7 13.1 62.8 60.7 32.7
Yes (26.4) (33.8) (0.5) (37.1) (29.3) (24.9)
不需要 78.1 58.3 7.7 37.2 125.0 67.3
No (51.9) (66.2) (0.9) (62.9) (88.4) (75.1)
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否需要別人在選定的生活範疇幫助不一定只受單
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she needed another person to
help in selected aspects might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding
figures in respect of persons with single disability.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 157 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

表 9.2(續) 按是否需要別人在選定的生活範疇幫助及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人
Table 9.2 Persons aged 12 and over with disabilities residing in households who had a
(Cont'd) person taking care of their day-to-day living by whether needed another
person to help in selected aspects and selected type of disability

選定的殘疾類別* 所有殘疾人士
Selected type of disability* (智障人士除外)@
All persons with
受限制 溝通能力有困難
Restriction in Communication (excluding persons with
body movement difficulty intellectual disability)@
是否需要別人在選定的 人數 人數 人數
生活範疇幫助 No. of No. of No. of
Whether needed another person persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
to help in selected aspects ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
需要 36.7 27.4 10.7 51.7 40.5 21.8
Yes (14.9) (19.0) (0.3) (22.2) (17.5) (14.9)
不需要 97.4 72.6 10.0 48.3 145.3 78.2
No (63.5) (81.0) (1.1) (77.8) (100.2) (85.1)
Body transferring
需要 65.4 48.8 12.4 59.4 69.4 37.4
Yes (33.1) (42.3) (‡) (‡) (35.9) (30.5)
不需要 68.7 51.2 8.4 40.6 116.4 62.6
No (45.2) (57.7) (1.3) (93.6) (81.7) (69.5)
Daily living (e.g. doing house-
work, preparing meals)
需要 123.3 92.0 19.0 91.2 163.2 87.8
Yes (70.8) (90.3) (1.0) (74.3) (100.5) (85.4)
不需要 10.7 8.0 1.8 8.8 22.6 12.2
No (7.6) (9.7) (0.4) (25.7) (17.2) (14.6)
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否需要別人在選定的生活範疇幫助不一定只受單
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she needed another person to
help in selected aspects might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding
figures in respect of persons with single disability.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 158 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

表 9.2(續) 按是否需要別人在選定的生活範疇幫助及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人
Table 9.2 Persons aged 12 and over with disabilities residing in households who had a
(Cont'd) person taking care of their day-to-day living by whether needed another
person to help in selected aspects and selected type of disability

選定的殘疾類別* 所有殘疾人士
Selected type of disability* (智障人士除外)@
All persons with
受限制 溝通能力有困難
Restriction in Communication (excluding persons with
body movement difficulty intellectual disability)@
是否需要別人在選定的 人數 人數 人數
生活範疇幫助 No. of No. of No. of
Whether needed another person persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
to help in selected aspects ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Health care
需要 97.1 72.5 17.5 84.3 123.4 66.4
Yes (51.4) (65.6) (1.0) (70.1) (70.9) (60.3)
不需要 36.9 27.5 3.3 15.7 62.4 33.6
No (26.9) (34.4) (0.4) (29.9) (46.7) (39.7)
Going out
需要 128.7 96.0 20.4 97.9 173.7 93.5
Yes (74.7) (95.4) (1.3) (96.2) (108.1) (91.9)
不需要 5.4 4.0 0.4 2.1 12.0 6.5
No (3.6) (4.6) (‡) (‡) (9.5) (8.1)

總計 134.0 100.0 20.8 100.0 185.8 100.0

Total (78.3) (100.0) (1.4) (100.0) (117.6) (100.0)
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否需要別人在選定的生活範疇幫助不一定只受單
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she needed another person to
help in selected aspects might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding
figures in respect of persons with single disability.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 159 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

表 9.3 按照顧者的數目及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人照顧其日常生活的居住
Table 9.3 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs residing in households and had a person taking care of their
day-to-day living by number of carers and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability*
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
照顧者的數目 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Number of carers ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
1 76.2 56.6 14.4 58.5 12.8 55.1
(47.3) (60.3) (4.6) (72.8) (1.9) (71.1)
2 48.3 35.9 8.3 33.8 9.1 38.9
(26.1) (33.4) (1.4) (22.8) (0.8) (27.8)
3 7.7 5.7 1.3 5.3 1.1 4.9
(4.0) (5.1) (0.3) (4.4) (‡) (‡)
≥4 2.3 1.7 0.6 2.4 0.3 1.1
(0.9) (1.1) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)

總計 134.5 100.0 24.7 100.0 23.3 100.0

Total (78.3) (100.0) (6.3) (100.0) (2.7) (100.0)

註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 160 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

表 9.3(續) 按照顧者的數目及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人照顧其日常生活的居住
Table 9.3 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a person taking care of their
day-to-day living by number of carers and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
照顧者的數目 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Number of carers ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
1 10.5 47.8 36.6 56.6 7.3 55.3
(1.3) (77.9) (16.8) (69.0) (2.1) (44.6)
2 9.4 42.6 23.2 35.9 5.3 39.9
(0.4) (22.1) (6.7) (27.6) (2.1) (44.9)
3 1.7 7.7 3.9 6.1 0.6 4.8
(‡) (‡) (0.7) (2.8) (0.5) (10.6)
≥4 0.4 1.8 0.9 1.4 ‡ ‡
(‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)

總計 22.0 100.0 64.6 100.0 13.2 100.0

Total (1.6) (100.0) (24.3) (100.0) (4.7) (100.0)

註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 161 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

表 9.3(續) 按照顧者的數目及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人照顧其日常生活的居住
Table 9.3 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a person taking care of their
day-to-day living by number of carers and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
No. of No. of
照顧者的數目 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Number of carers ('000) % ('000) %
1 8.4 53.4 10.2 58.0
(2.6) (58.5) (3.5) (60.9)
2 6.4 40.7 6.7 37.8
(1.4) (32.3) (1.9) (33.1)
3 0.7 4.4 0.7 4.2
(‡) (‡) (0.3) (6.1)
≥4 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
(‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)

總計 15.8 100.0 17.6 100.0

Total (4.5) (100.0) (5.8) (100.0)

註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 162 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

表 9.3(續) 按照顧者的數目及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人照顧其日常生活的居住
Table 9.3 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a person taking care of their
day-to-day living by number of carers and selected type of disability

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
(excluding persons with diseases who had
intellectual disability)@ specific needs
人數 人數
No. of No. of
照顧者的數目 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Number of carers ('000) % ('000) %
1 120.4 59.0 167.5 67.5
(80.1) (62.4)
2 70.6 34.6 64.5 26.0
(40.9) (31.9)
3 10.5 5.1 13.6 5.5
(6.1) (4.7)
≥4 2.6 1.3 2.3 0.9
(1.2) (1.0)

總計 204.2 100.0 248.0 100.0

Total (128.3) (100.0)
註釋: 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別人士數目的總和

Notes: @ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking care
of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding
figures in respect of persons with single disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 163 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.4a 按選定的殘疾類別及是否與照顧者 #共住劃分的有別人照顧其日常生活的
Table 9.4a Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs residing in households and had a person taking care of their
day-to-day living by selected type of disability and whether living together
with the carer#
Whether living together with the carer#
是 不是 總計
Yes No Total
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
選定的殘疾類別* persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Selected type of disability* ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體活動能力受限制 111.4 82.8 23.1 17.2 134.5 100.0
Restriction in body movement (64.6) (82.4) (13.8) (17.6) (78.3) (100.0)
視覺有困難 20.3 82.4 4.3 17.6 24.7 100.0
Seeing difficulty (5.3) (82.9) (1.1) (17.1) (6.3) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 19.3 83.1 3.9 16.9 23.3 100.0
Hearing difficulty (2.2) (79.4) (0.6) (20.6) (2.7) (100.0)
溝通能力有困難 18.7 85.0 3.3 15.0 22.0 100.0
Communication difficulty (1.4) (85.9) (‡) (‡) (1.6) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 54.9 84.9 9.7 15.1 64.6 100.0
Mental illness / mood disorder (20.7) (85.3) (3.6) (14.7) (24.3) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 12.8 97.1 0.4 2.9 13.2 100.0
Autism Spectrum Disorder (4.6) (98.5) (‡) (‡) (4.7) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 14.8 93.7 1.0 6.3 15.8 100.0
Specific Learning Difficulties (4.3) (96.1) (‡) (‡) (4.5) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 16.2 92.2 1.4 7.8 17.6 100.0
Attention Deficit / (5.3) (91.3) (0.5) (8.7) (5.8) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder
所有殘疾人士(智障人士除外)@ 173.1 84.8 31.1 15.2 204.2 100.0
All persons with disabilities (108.3) (84.4) (20.0) (15.6) (128.3) (100.0)
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)@
有特定需要的長期病患者 206.5 83.3 41.5 16.7 248.0 100.0
Persons with chronic diseases
who had specific needs
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的照顧者為一星
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, carer in the table refers to the one who provided the longest hours
of caring services during a week, i.e. primary carer.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 164 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

表 9.4b 按照顧者 #的身分及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人照顧其日常生活的居住

Table 9.4b Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs residing in households and had a person taking care of their
day-to-day living by identity of the carer# and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability*
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
照顧者#的身分 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Identity of the carer# ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
配偶 30.3 22.5 6.3 25.7 5.6 24.0
Spouse (18.6) (23.7) (1.9) (29.3) (0.6) (22.1)
父母 2.1 1.5 0.7 2.7 0.5 1.9
Parent (0.7) (0.9) (0.4) (6.4) (‡) (‡)
子女/女婿/媳婦 46.5 34.5 8.5 34.5 8.7 37.4
Children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law (28.9) (36.9) (2.6) (40.6) (1.3) (48.4)
家庭傭工 46.1 34.3 7.2 29.3 7.4 31.8
Domestic helper (24.6) (31.5) (1.1) (16.6) (0.7) (25.2)
在家中的私家看護/醫護人員 3.6 2.7 0.6 2.5 ‡ ‡
Private nurse at home / nursing staff (2.0) (2.6) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
其他 6.0 4.5 1.3 5.3 1.0 4.2
Others (3.5) (4.5) (0.4) (6.4) (‡) (‡)

總計 134.5 100.0 24.7 100.0 23.3 100.0

Total (78.3) (100.0) (6.3) (100.0) (2.7) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的照顧者為一星
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, carer in the table refers to the one who provided the longest hours
of caring services during a week, i.e. primary carer.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 165 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

表 9.4b(續) 按照顧者 #的身分及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人照顧其日常生活的居住

Table 9.4b Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a person taking care of their
day-to-day living by identity of the carer# and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
照顧者#的身分 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Identity of the carer# ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
配偶 4.7 21.2 14.2 22.0 ‡ ‡
Spouse (‡) (‡) (7.4) (30.3) (‡) (‡)
父母 3.8 17.2 9.2 14.2 10.3 78.1
Parent (0.9) (57.3) (3.3) (13.6) (3.1) (65.9)
子女/女婿/媳婦 5.0 22.8 17.1 26.4 ‡ ‡
Children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law (‡) (‡) (6.6) (27.3) (‡) (‡)
家庭傭工 6.9 31.4 19.3 29.9 2.3 17.2
Domestic helper (‡) (‡) (4.6) (18.7) (1.3) (28.5)
在家中的私家看護/醫護人員 0.4 1.9 1.2 1.9 ‡ ‡
Private nurse at home / nursing staff (‡) (‡) (0.3) (1.2) (‡) (‡)
其他 1.2 5.6 3.6 5.6 0.6 4.3
Others (0.4) (22.0) (2.1) (8.8) (0.3) (5.6)

總計 22.0 100.0 64.6 100.0 13.2 100.0

Total (1.6) (100.0) (24.3) (100.0) (4.7) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的照顧者為一星
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, carer in the table refers to the one who provided the longest hours
of caring services during a week, i.e. primary carer.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 166 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

表 9.4b(續) 按照顧者 #的身分及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人照顧其日常生活的居住

Table 9.4b Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a person taking care of their
day-to-day living by identity of the carer# and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
No. of No. of
照顧者#的身分 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Identity of the carer# ('000) % ('000) %
配偶 0.3 2.0 ‡ ‡
Spouse (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
父母 11.5 72.9 14.0 79.4
Parent (3.3) (73.6) (4.3) (74.3)
子女/女婿/媳婦 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
家庭傭工 2.3 14.5 1.9 10.9
Domestic helper (0.7) (15.7) (0.8) (14.3)
在家中的私家看護/醫護人員 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Private nurse at home / nursing staff (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
其他 1.4 8.6 1.5 8.4
Others (0.5) (10.7) (0.7) (11.5)

總計 15.8 100.0 17.6 100.0

Total (4.5) (100.0) (5.8) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的照顧者為一星
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, carer in the table refers to the one who provided the longest hours
of caring services during a week, i.e. primary carer.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 167 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

表 9.4b(續) 按照顧者 #的身分及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人照顧其日常生活的居住

Table 9.4b Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a person taking care of their
day-to-day living by identity of the carer# and selected type of disability

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
(excluding persons with diseases who had
intellectual disability)@ specific needs
人數 人數
No. of No. of
照顧者#的身分 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Identity of the carer# ('000) % ('000) %
配偶 42.2 20.7 71.6 28.9
Spouse (28.4) (22.1)
父母 30.6 15.0 19.5 7.9
Parent (16.1) (12.6)
子女/女婿/媳婦 58.6 28.7 79.0 31.9
Children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law (39.6) (30.9)
家庭傭工 57.5 28.2 60.8 24.5
Domestic helper (33.9) (26.5)
在家中的私家看護/醫護人員 4.1 2.0 7.0 2.8
Private nurse at home / nursing staff (2.4) (1.9)
其他 11.2 5.5 10.0 4.0
Others (7.8) (6.1)

總計 204.2 100.0 248.0 100.0

Total (128.3) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的照顧者為一星

Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, carer in the table refers to the one who provided the longest hours
of caring services during a week, i.e. primary carer.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking care
of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding
figures in respect of persons with single disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 168 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.4c 按選定的殘疾類別及是否需要支付照顧費用予照顧者 #劃分的有別人照顧
Table 9.4c Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs residing in households and had a person taking care of their
day-to-day living by selected type of disability and whether needed to pay
for the caring services provided by the carer#
Whether needed to pay for the caring services provided by the carer#
需要 不需要 總計
Yes No Total
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
選定的殘疾類別* persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Selected type of disability* ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體活動能力受限制 48.9 36.4 85.6 63.6 134.5 100.0
Restriction in body movement (26.1) (33.4) (52.2) (66.6) (78.3) (100.0)
視覺有困難 7.8 31.6 16.9 68.4 24.7 100.0
Seeing difficulty (1.1) (17.2) (5.3) (82.8) (6.3) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 7.5 32.5 15.7 67.5 23.3 100.0
Hearing difficulty (0.7) (25.2) (2.0) (74.8) (2.7) (100.0)
溝通能力有困難 7.2 32.8 14.8 67.2 22.0 100.0
Communication difficulty (‡) (‡) (1.5) (89.3) (1.6) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 20.3 31.4 44.3 68.6 64.6 100.0
Mental illness / mood disorder (4.7) (19.5) (19.6) (80.5) (24.3) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 2.3 17.2 10.9 82.8 13.2 100.0
Autism Spectrum Disorder (1.3) (28.5) (3.3) (71.5) (4.7) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 2.4 15.5 13.3 84.5 15.8 100.0
Specific Learning Difficulties (0.8) (18.1) (3.7) (81.9) (4.5) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 1.9 10.9 15.7 89.1 17.6 100.0
Attention Deficit / (0.8) (14.3) (4.9) (85.7) (5.8) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder
所有殘疾人士(智障人士除外)@ 60.8 29.8 143.4 70.2 204.2 100.0
All persons with disabilities (35.8) (27.9) (92.5) (72.1) (128.3) (100.0)
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)@
有特定需要的長期病患者 65.0 26.2 183.0 73.8 248.0 100.0
Persons with chronic diseases
who had specific needs
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的照顧者為一星
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, carer in the table refers to the one who provided the longest hours
of caring services during a week, i.e. primary carer.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 169 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.4d 按每周通常受照顧者 #照顧時數及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人照顧其日
Table 9.4d Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs residing in households and had a person taking care of their
day-to-day living by usual hours of caring services provided by the carer#
per week and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability*
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
每周通常受照顧者 照顧時數 No. of No. of No. of
Usual hours of caring services persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
provided by the carer# per week ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
< 40 56.8 42.2 12.5 50.7 10.0 43.0
(36.0) (46.0) (4.1) (64.7) (1.6) (59.6)
40 - < 60 27.6 20.5 4.8 19.4 5.1 22.1
(15.7) (20.0) (1.1) (17.0) (0.6) (21.6)
60 - < 80 29.9 22.2 4.3 17.4 4.5 19.2
(16.5) (21.1) (0.6) (9.4) (0.3) (12.1)
80 - < 100 11.6 8.6 1.8 7.4 2.3 9.9
(5.8) (7.4) (0.4) (6.6) (‡) (‡)
≥ 100 8.4 6.2 1.2 4.9 1.2 5.3
(4.2) (5.4) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
不固定 0.3 0.2 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Not fixed (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
總計 134.5 100.0 24.7 100.0 23.3 100.0
Total (78.3) (100.0) (6.3) (100.0) (2.7) (100.0)
每周通常受照顧者#照顧時數中位數 48 36 42
Median usual hours of caring services (42) (28) (28)
provided by the carer# per week
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的照顧者為一星
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, carer in the table refers to the one who provided the longest hours
of caring services during a week, i.e. primary carer.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 170 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.4d(續) 按每周通常受照顧者 #照顧時數及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人照顧其日
Table 9.4d Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a person taking care of their
day-to-day living by usual hours of caring services provided by the carer#
per week and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
每周通常受照顧者 照顧時數 No. of No. of No. of
Usual hours of caring services persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
provided by the carer# per week ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
< 40 7.1 32.3 30.3 46.8 6.6 49.9
(0.6) (34.9) (14.7) (60.3) (2.2) (47.6)
40 - < 60 4.9 22.3 12.3 19.1 3.5 26.6
(0.4) (21.4) (4.7) (19.5) (1.4) (30.6)
60 - < 80 5.0 22.6 12.3 19.1 1.6 12.3
(‡) (‡) (2.7) (11.1) (0.6) (12.9)
80 - < 100 3.0 13.6 5.5 8.6 0.9 6.9
(0.3) (16.0) (1.3) (5.4) (0.3) (6.7)
≥ 100 2.1 9.3 4.1 6.3 0.5 3.9
(‡) (‡) (0.9) (3.7) (‡) (‡)
不固定 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Not fixed (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
總計 22.0 100.0 64.6 100.0 13.2 100.0
Total (1.6) (100.0) (24.3) (100.0) (4.7) (100.0)
每周通常受照顧者#照顧時數中位數 56 42 36
Median usual hours of caring services (56) (28) (42)
provided by the carer# per week
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的照顧者為一星
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, carer in the table refers to the one who provided the longest hours
of caring services during a week, i.e. primary carer.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 171 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.4d(續) 按每周通常受照顧者 #照顧時數及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人照顧其日
Table 9.4d Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a person taking care of their
day-to-day living by usual hours of caring services provided by the carer#
per week and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
每周通常受照顧者 照顧時數 No. of No. of
Usual hours of caring services persons 百分比 persons 百分比
provided by the carer# per week ('000) % ('000) %
< 40 6.7 42.7 10.0 56.8
(1.9) (42.0) (3.3) (58.1)
40 - < 60 4.3 27.4 3.8 21.6
(1.2) (27.3) (1.2) (20.9)
60 - < 80 2.4 15.0 2.3 13.0
(0.6) (12.7) (0.8) (14.2)
80 - < 100 1.3 8.4 1.1 6.3
(0.3) (7.2) (0.3) (5.7)
≥ 100 1.0 6.4 0.4 2.4
(0.5) (10.7) (‡) (‡)
不固定 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Not fixed (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
總計 15.8 100.0 17.6 100.0
Total (4.5) (100.0) (5.8) (100.0)
每周通常受照顧者#照顧時數中位數 42 35
Median usual hours of caring services (42) (30)
provided by the carer# per week
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的照顧者為一星
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, carer in the table refers to the one who provided the longest hours
of caring services during a week, i.e. primary carer.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 172 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.4d(續) 按每周通常受照顧者 #照顧時數及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人照顧其日
Table 9.4d Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a person taking care of their
day-to-day living by usual hours of caring services provided by the carer#
per week and selected type of disability

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
(excluding persons with diseases who had
intellectual disability)@ specific needs
人數 人數
每周通常受照顧者 照顧時數 No. of No. of
Usual hours of caring services persons 百分比 persons 百分比
provided by the carer# per week ('000) % ('000) %
< 40 96.0 47.0 129.2 52.1
(64.4) (50.2)
40 - < 60 42.6 20.9 38.8 15.7
(26.3) (20.5)
60 - < 80 38.2 18.7 37.9 15.3
(22.4) (17.4)
80 - < 100 16.1 7.9 17.5 7.1
(8.8) (6.9)
≥ 100 11.0 5.4 22.6 9.1
(6.3) (4.9)
不固定 0.3 0.2 1.9 0.8
Not fixed (‡) (‡)
總計 204.2 100.0 248.0 100.0
Total (128.3) (100.0)
每周通常受照顧者#照顧時數中位數 42 35
Median usual hours of caring services (36)
provided by the carer# per week
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的照顧者為一星
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, carer in the table refers to the one who provided the longest hours
of caring services during a week, i.e. primary carer.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking care
of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding
figures in respect of persons with single disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 173 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.4e 按與照顧者年齡差距 #及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人照顧其日常生活的
Table 9.4e Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs residing in households and had a person taking care of their
day-to-day living by difference in age compared with the carer# and
selected type of disability
Selected type of disability*
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
與照顧者年齡差距# No. of No. of No. of
Difference in age compared persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
with the carer ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
≥ 21 88.9 66.1 15.5 62.9 15.8 67.9
(50.9) (65.0) (3.6) (56.0) (1.9) (68.4)
6 to 20 14.5 10.8 2.9 11.8 3.1 13.2
(8.7) (11.1) (0.9) (14.0) (‡) (‡)
-5 to 5 18.1 13.5 3.4 13.9 2.8 12.0
(11.8) (15.1) (1.0) (15.9) (0.5) (19.4)
-20 to -6 3.1 2.3 0.8 3.1 ‡ ‡
(1.7) (2.2) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
≤ -21 2.2 1.7 0.8 3.2 0.5 2.2
(0.7) (0.9) (0.5) (8.2) (‡) (‡)
不知道 3.9 2.9 0.5 2.2 0.6 2.6
Did not know (2.6) (3.3) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
不適用 3.7 2.7 0.7 3.0 0.3 1.1
Not applicable (2.0) (2.5) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
總計 134.5 100.0 24.7 100.0 23.3 100.0
Total (78.3) (100.0) (6.3) (100.0) (2.7) (100.0)
註釋: 以殘疾人士/有特定需要的長期病患者的年齡減以照顧者的年齡計算。對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # Refers to the age of the person with disabilities / the person with chronic diseases who had specific needs minus the
age of the carer. For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and
had more than one person taking care of their day-to-day living, carer in the table refers to the one who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary carer.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 174 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.4e(續) 按與照顧者年齡差距 #及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人照顧其日常生活的
Table 9.4e Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a person taking care of their
day-to-day living by difference in age compared with the carer# and
selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
與照顧者年齡差距# No. of No. of No. of
Difference in age compared persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
with the carer ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
≥ 21 10.7 48.5 33.5 51.8 ‡ ‡
(0.3) (19.2) (9.4) (38.6) (‡) (‡)
6 to 20 2.5 11.5 6.0 9.3 ‡ ‡
(‡) (‡) (2.9) (12.1) (‡) (‡)
-5 to 5 2.8 12.7 10.1 15.6 ‡ ‡
(‡) (‡) (5.9) (24.4) (‡) (‡)
-20 to -6 0.6 2.6 3.0 4.6 0.7 5.2
(‡) (‡) (1.8) (7.5) (0.4) (8.6)
≤ -21 4.3 19.3 9.0 14.0 12.3 93.0
(1.0) (60.9) (3.0) (12.2) (4.2) (89.9)
不知道 0.7 3.0 1.6 2.4 ‡ ‡
Did not know (‡) (‡) (0.7) (2.9) (‡) (‡)
不適用 0.5 2.5 1.5 2.3 ‡ ‡
Not applicable (‡) (‡) (0.6) (2.3) (‡) (‡)
總計 22.0 100.0 64.6 100.0 13.2 100.0
Total (1.6) (100.0) (24.3) (100.0) (4.7) (100.0)
註釋: 以殘疾人士/有特定需要的長期病患者的年齡減以照顧者的年齡計算。對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # Refers to the age of the person with disabilities / the person with chronic diseases who had specific needs minus the
age of the carer. For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and
had more than one person taking care of their day-to-day living, carer in the table refers to the one who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary carer.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 175 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.4e(續) 按與照顧者年齡差距 #及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人照顧其日常生活的
Table 9.4e Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a person taking care of their
day-to-day living by difference in age compared with the carer# and
selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
與照顧者年齡差距# No. of No. of
Difference in age compared persons 百分比 persons 百分比
with the carer ('000) % ('000) %
≥ 21 0.4 2.7 ‡ ‡
(‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
6 to 20 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
(‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
-5 to 5 0.6 3.9 ‡ ‡
(‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
-20 to -6 0.8 4.9 0.8 4.7
(‡) (‡) (0.4) (6.2)
≤ -21 13.4 85.2 16.0 90.9
(4.2) (93.3) (5.2) (90.8)
不知道 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Did not know (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
不適用 ‡ ‡ 0.3 1.5
Not applicable (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
總計 15.8 100.0 17.6 100.0
Total (4.5) (100.0) (5.8) (100.0)
註釋: 以殘疾人士/有特定需要的長期病患者的年齡減以照顧者的年齡計算。對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # Refers to the age of the person with disabilities / the person with chronic diseases who had specific needs minus the
age of the carer. For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and
had more than one person taking care of their day-to-day living, carer in the table refers to the one who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary carer.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 176 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.4e(續) 按與照顧者年齡差距 #及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有別人照顧其日常生活的
Table 9.4e Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a person taking care of their
day-to-day living by difference in age compared with the carer# and
selected type of disability

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
(excluding persons with diseases who had
intellectual disability)@ specific needs
人數 人數
與照顧者年齡差距# No. of No. of
Difference in age compared persons 百分比 persons 百分比
with the carer ('000) % ('000) %
≥ 21 106.0 51.9 128.7 51.9
(66.0) (51.5)
6 to 20 19.4 9.5 26.3 10.6
(12.8) (10.0)
-5 to 5 27.3 13.4 49.5 20.0
(19.6) (15.3)
-20 to -6 6.9 3.4 6.6 2.7
(4.8) (3.7)
≤ -21 34.7 17.0 21.1 8.5
(18.9) (14.7)
不知道 5.1 2.5 9.5 3.9
Did not know (3.5) (2.7)
不適用 4.7 2.3 6.3 2.6
Not applicable (2.7) (2.1)
總計 204.2 100.0 248.0 100.0
Total (128.3) (100.0)
註釋: 以殘疾人士/有特定需要的長期病患者的年齡減以照顧者的年齡計算。對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活
Notes: # Refers to the age of the person with disabilities / the person with chronic diseases who had specific needs minus the
age of the carer. For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and
had more than one person taking care of their day-to-day living, carer in the table refers to the one who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary carer.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking care
of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding
figures in respect of persons with single disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 177 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.5 按選定的殘疾類別及照顧者 #是否殘疾人士劃分的與照顧者 #共住的居住在
Table 9.5 Persons with disabilities residing in households who were living together
with the carer# by selected type of disability and whether the carer# was a
person with disabilities
Whether the carer# was a person with disabilities
是 不是 總計
Yes No Total
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
選定的殘疾類別* persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Selected type of disability* ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體活動能力受限制 9.3 8.3 102.1 91.7 111.4 100.0
Restriction in body movement (4.2) (6.6) (60.3) (93.4) (64.6) (100.0)
視覺有困難 2.4 11.6 18.0 88.4 20.3 100.0
Seeing difficulty (0.5) (9.6) (4.8) (90.4) (5.3) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 2.3 11.7 17.0 88.3 19.3 100.0
Hearing difficulty (‡) (‡) (2.0) (91.8) (2.2) (100.0)
溝通能力有困難 2.2 11.5 16.6 88.5 18.7 100.0
Communication difficulty (‡) (‡) (1.2) (88.5) (1.4) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 5.5 9.9 49.4 90.1 54.9 100.0
Mental illness / mood disorder (1.7) (8.0) (19.1) (92.0) (20.7) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 1.2 9.2 11.7 90.8 12.8 100.0
Autism Spectrum Disorder (‡) (‡) (4.4) (96.1) (4.6) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 1.1 7.5 13.7 92.5 14.8 100.0
Specific Learning Difficulties (0.5) (11.4) (3.8) (88.6) (4.3) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 2.0 12.5 14.2 87.5 16.2 100.0
Attention Deficit / (0.6) (11.2) (4.7) (88.8) (5.3) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder
所有殘疾人士(智障人士除外)@ 15.1 8.7 158.0 91.3 173.1 100.0
All persons with disabilities (8.0) (7.4) (100.3) (92.6) (108.3) (100.0)
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)@
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士而言,表中所指的照顧者為一星期內照顧他們最長時間的人
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities who had more than one person taking care of their day-to-day living, carer in the
table refers to the one who provided the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary carer.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 178 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6a 按特定照顧者 #的年齡及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有特定照顧者 #的居住在住
Table 9.6a Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by age of the
specific carer# and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability*
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
特定照顧者#的年齡組別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group of the specific carer# ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
< 40 9.9 8.9 2.2 10.5 1.1 5.5
(6.7) (10.3) (1.1) (19.3) (‡) (‡)
40 - 49 16.5 14.8 3.7 17.8 2.0 9.8
(9.6) (14.7) (1.3) (23.1) (0.4) (17.6)
50 - 59 35.7 31.9 6.7 31.7 6.8 32.9
(20.5) (31.6) (1.5) (26.1) (1.1) (48.7)
60 - 64 15.5 13.8 1.7 8.1 3.2 15.4
(8.9) (13.7) (0.4) (7.1) (‡) (‡)
65 - 69 10.9 9.8 2.1 10.0 1.9 9.4
(6.3) (9.7) (0.5) (8.6) (‡) (‡)
≥ 70 19.3 17.3 3.9 18.3 4.6 22.4
(10.9) (16.8) (0.9) (15.2) (0.3) (12.3)
不知道/不適用 4.1 3.6 0.8 3.8 1.0 4.7
Did not know / not applicable (2.0) (3.1) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
總計 111.9 100.0 21.1 100.0 20.6 100.0
Total (64.9) (100.0) (5.7) (100.0) (2.3) (100.0)
年齡中位數(歲) 57 56 59
Median age (years) (57) (54) (53)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 179 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6a(續) 按特定照顧者 #的年齡及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有特定照顧者 #的居住在住
Table 9.6a Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by age of the
specific carer# and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
特定照顧者#的年齡組別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group of the specific carer# ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
< 40 1.7 8.8 6.6 11.6 3.5 26.5
(0.4) (23.8) (2.8) (12.7) (1.2) (26.3)
40 - 49 3.1 15.8 11.2 19.9 6.1 46.4
(‡) (‡) (4.4) (20.0) (2.6) (55.7)
50 - 59 5.9 30.1 16.6 29.6 2.2 16.8
(0.5) (35.7) (5.8) (26.4) (0.5) (11.3)
60 - 64 2.3 11.4 7.2 12.7 0.5 3.9
(‡) (‡) (2.7) (12.4) (‡) (‡)
65 - 69 2.1 10.8 4.9 8.7 0.4 3.2
(‡) (‡) (2.2) (10.1) (‡) (‡)
≥ 70 3.9 19.5 7.5 13.4 0.4 3.2
(0.3) (16.9) (3.1) (14.1) (‡) (‡)
不知道/不適用 0.7 3.6 2.3 4.1 ‡ ‡
Did not know / not applicable (‡) (‡) (0.9) (4.3) (‡) (‡)
總計 19.8 100.0 56.3 100.0 13.0 100.0
Total (1.5) (100.0) (22.1) (100.0) (4.7) (100.0)
年齡中位數(歲) 58 55 45
Median age (years) (52) (55) (44)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 180 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6a(續) 按特定照顧者 #的年齡及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有特定照顧者 #的居住在住
Table 9.6a Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by age of the
specific carer# and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
No. of No. of
特定照顧者#的年齡組別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group of the specific carer# ('000) % ('000) %
< 40 3.8 24.9 5.3 30.8
(1.7) (37.3) (2.1) (37.6)
40 - 49 5.7 37.6 7.9 45.7
(1.4) (31.3) (2.7) (47.5)
50 - 59 2.4 15.8 2.3 13.4
(0.5) (10.5) (0.4) (6.7)
60 - 64 1.6 10.5 0.7 4.1
(0.3) (7.0) (‡) (‡)
65 - 69 0.8 5.3 ‡ ‡
(0.3) (7.2) (‡) (‡)
≥ 70 0.8 5.0 0.7 4.1
(0.3) (6.6) (0.4) (7.2)
不知道/不適用 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Did not know / not applicable (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
總計 15.3 100.0 17.3 100.0
Total (4.4) (100.0) (5.6) (100.0)
年齡中位數(歲) 46 43
Median age (years) (42) (42)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 181 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6a(續) 按特定照顧者 #的年齡及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有特定照顧者 #的居住在住
Table 9.6a Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by age of the
specific carer# and selected type of disability

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
(excluding persons with diseases who had
intellectual disability)@ specific needs
人數 人數
No. of No. of
特定照顧者#的年齡組別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group of the specific carer# ('000) % ('000) %
< 40 23.7 13.3 22.6 10.6
(16.1) (14.5)
40 - 49 36.5 20.5 32.0 15.1
(22.6) (20.3)
50 - 59 50.1 28.2 51.5 24.3
(30.9) (27.7)
60 - 64 20.7 11.7 27.7 13.1
(12.8) (11.5)
65 - 69 15.0 8.5 21.3 10.0
(9.5) (8.5)
≥ 70 26.1 14.7 46.7 22.0
(16.3) (14.7)
不知道/不適用 5.5 3.1 10.4 4.9
Did not know / not applicable (3.1) (2.8)
總計 177.5 100.0 212.1 100.0
Total (111.3) (100.0)
年齡中位數(歲) 55
Median age (years) (55)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking care
of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding
figures in respect of persons with single disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 182 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

表 9.6b 按特定照顧者 #的性別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有特定照顧者 #的居住在住

Table 9.6b Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by sex of the
specific carer# and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability*
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
特定照顧者#的性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Sex of the specific carer# ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
男 41.2 36.8 7.1 33.8 7.2 34.9
Male (24.1) (37.2) (2.0) (34.9) (0.8) (35.3)
女 70.6 63.1 14.0 66.2 13.4 65.1
Female (40.8) (62.8) (3.7) (65.1) (1.5) (64.7)
不適用^ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Not applicable^ (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)

總計 111.9 100.0 21.1 100.0 20.6 100.0

Total (64.9) (100.0) (5.7) (100.0) (2.3) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
^ A person might have more than one specific carer taking turns for caring (e.g. accompanied by different carers to go
out for medical consultation) and hence the related information could not be provided.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 183 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

表 9.6b(續) 按特定照顧者 #的性別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有特定照顧者 #的居住在住

Table 9.6b Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by sex of the
specific carer# and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
特定照顧者#的性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Sex of the specific carer# ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
男 6.7 34.1 21.3 37.9 2.9 22.3
Male (0.5) (31.1) (9.1) (41.1) (1.4) (29.5)
女 13.0 65.9 34.9 62.0 10.1 77.7
Female (1.0) (68.9) (13.0) (58.9) (3.3) (70.5)
不適用^ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Not applicable^ (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)

總計 19.8 100.0 56.3 100.0 13.0 100.0

Total (1.5) (100.0) (22.1) (100.0) (4.7) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
^ A person might have more than one specific carer taking turns for caring (e.g. accompanied by different carers to go
out for medical consultation) and hence the related information could not be provided.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 184 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

表 9.6b(續) 按特定照顧者 #的性別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有特定照顧者 #的居住在住

Table 9.6b Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by sex of the
specific carer# and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
No. of No. of
特定照顧者#的性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Sex of the specific carer# ('000) % ('000) %
男 3.2 21.1 2.9 16.6
Male (1.1) (24.1) (0.7) (13.1)
女 12.1 78.9 14.4 83.4
Female (3.4) (75.9) (4.9) (86.9)
不適用^ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Not applicable^ (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)

總計 15.3 100.0 17.3 100.0

Total (4.4) (100.0) (5.6) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
^ A person might have more than one specific carer taking turns for caring (e.g. accompanied by different carers to go
out for medical consultation) and hence the related information could not be provided.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 185 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households

表 9.6b(續) 按特定照顧者 #的性別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有特定照顧者 #的居住在住

Table 9.6b Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by sex of the
specific carer# and selected type of disability

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
(excluding persons with diseases who had
intellectual disability)@ specific needs
人數 人數
No. of No. of
特定照顧者#的性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Sex of the specific carer# ('000) % ('000) %
男 60.9 34.3 73.3 34.6
Male (39.7) (35.7)
女 116.5 65.6 138.8 65.4
Female (71.6) (64.3)
不適用^ ‡ ‡ † †
Not applicable^ (‡) (‡)

總計 177.5 100.0 212.1 100.0

Total (111.3) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
‡/† 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250/1 500的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
^ A person might have more than one specific carer taking turns for caring (e.g. accompanied by different carers to go
out for medical consultation) and hence the related information could not be provided.
‡/† Estimates less than 250/1 500 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking care
of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding
figures in respect of persons with single disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 186 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6c 按受特定照顧者 #照顧年期及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有特定照顧者 #的居住
Table 9.6c Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by number
of years of caring services provided by the specific carer# and selected type
of disability
Selected type of disability*
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
受特定照顧者#照顧年期 No. of No. of No. of
Number of years of caring services persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
provided by the specific carer ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
0-2 24.5 21.9 3.7 17.4 3.2 15.4
(15.8) (24.3) (1.0) (17.6) (0.3) (12.1)
3-5 25.1 22.4 3.7 17.5 3.7 17.9
(14.2) (21.9) (1.1) (18.5) (0.3) (11.5)
6 - 10 19.8 17.7 4.4 20.9 3.7 17.9
(9.8) (15.0) (1.0) (16.8) (‡) (‡)
11 - 15 6.5 5.8 1.5 6.9 1.7 8.2
(3.4) (5.2) (‡) (‡) (0.3) (14.0)
16 - 20 3.6 3.2 1.1 5.4 1.0 4.7
(1.8) (2.7) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
≥ 21 2.5 2.2 0.6 3.0 0.5 2.3
(1.3) (2.0) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
不知道/不記得 30.0 26.8 6.1 28.9 6.9 33.6
Did not know / could not remember (18.7) (28.9) (2.2) (37.7) (1.3) (54.5)
總計 111.9 100.0 21.1 100.0 20.6 100.0
Total (64.9) (100.0) (5.7) (100.0) (2.3) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 187 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6c(續) 按受特定照顧者 #照顧年期及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有特定照顧者 #的居住
Table 9.6c Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by number
of years of caring services provided by the specific carer# and selected type
of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
受特定照顧者#照顧年期 No. of No. of No. of
Number of years of caring services persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
provided by the specific carer ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
0-2 2.7 13.8 10.8 19.1 1.1 8.1
(‡) (‡) (4.7) (21.2) (0.6) (12.4)
3-5 3.7 18.8 11.7 20.9 2.6 20.1
(‡) (‡) (4.6) (20.7) (1.3) (28.6)
6 - 10 3.5 17.6 12.3 21.8 4.7 35.8
(‡) (‡) (3.2) (14.6) (1.5) (31.1)
11 - 15 2.1 10.7 3.6 6.4 1.6 12.2
(‡) (‡) (1.4) (6.2) (0.3) (6.9)
16 - 20 1.4 6.8 2.0 3.6 0.9 7.0
(‡) (‡) (0.7) (3.0) (0.4) (8.0)
≥ 21 2.0 10.2 1.9 3.4 1.3 10.0
(0.7) (47.6) (0.7) (3.3) (0.3) (6.7)
不知道/不記得 4.4 22.0 14.0 24.8 0.9 6.8
Did not know / could not remember (‡) (‡) (6.9) (31.1) (0.3) (6.3)
總計 19.8 100.0 56.3 100.0 13.0 100.0
Total (1.5) (100.0) (22.1) (100.0) (4.7) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 188 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6c(續) 按受特定照顧者 #照顧年期及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有特定照顧者 #的居住
Table 9.6c Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by number
of years of caring services provided by the specific carer# and selected type
of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
受特定照顧者#照顧年期 No. of No. of
Number of years of caring services persons 百分比 persons 百分比
provided by the specific carer ('000) % ('000) %
0-2 1.7 10.8 1.5 8.7
(0.7) (15.9) (0.5) (9.4)
3-5 2.2 14.4 2.9 16.7
(0.7) (16.8) (1.5) (26.9)
6 - 10 4.5 29.6 6.2 35.7
(1.3) (28.8) (1.7) (29.4)
11 - 15 2.6 17.0 3.4 19.7
(0.3) (6.5) (1.2) (21.3)
16 - 20 1.1 7.2 1.1 6.1
(0.3) (5.7) (‡) (‡)
≥ 21 1.8 11.9 0.6 3.6
(0.5) (11.5) (‡) (‡)
不知道/不記得 1.4 9.1 1.6 9.6
Did not know / could not remember (0.7) (14.8) (0.5) (8.1)
總計 15.3 100.0 17.3 100.0
Total (4.4) (100.0) (5.6) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 189 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6c(續) 按受特定照顧者 #照顧年期及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有特定照顧者 #的居住
Table 9.6c Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by number
of years of caring services provided by the specific carer# and selected type
of disability

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
(excluding persons with diseases who had
intellectual disability)@ specific needs
人數 人數
受特定照顧者 照顧年期 No. of No. of
Number of years of caring services persons 百分比 persons 百分比
provided by the specific carer ('000) % ('000) %
0-2 33.8 19.0 51.8 24.4
(23.6) (21.2)
3-5 37.0 20.9 33.6 15.8
(23.9) (21.5)
6 - 10 35.3 19.9 39.1 18.4
(18.7) (16.8)
11 - 15 13.3 7.5 10.8 5.1
(7.2) (6.4)
16 - 20 7.0 3.9 4.3 2.1
(3.5) (3.2)
≥ 21 6.6 3.7 9.0 4.2
(3.8) (3.4)
不知道/不記得 44.6 25.1 63.4 29.9
Did not know / could not remember (30.5) (27.4)
總計 177.5 100.0 212.1 100.0
Total (111.3) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking care
of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding
figures in respect of persons with single disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 190 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6d 按特定照顧者#在統計前1個月因照顧而感到有精神壓力的頻率及選定的殘
疾類別劃分的有特定照顧者 #的居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定需要的
Table 9.6d Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by frequency
of the specific carer# feeling stressed due to the caring services during the 1
month before enumeration and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability*
特定照顧者#在統計前1個月因照顧 Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
而感到有精神壓力的頻率 body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
Frequency of the specific carer# 人數 人數 人數
feeling stressed due to the caring No. of No. of No. of
services during the 1 month persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
before enumeration ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
完全沒有 46.3 48.8 9.5 54.2 8.9 48.1
Never (28.1) (52.4) (2.9) (63.9) (1.1) (59.0)
間中會有 35.2 37.1 5.3 30.1 7.4 39.8
Some days (19.6) (36.6) (1.1) (24.0) (0.6) (32.0)
多數日子有 7.9 8.3 1.7 9.8 1.4 7.7
Most days (3.2) (6.0) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
每天都有 3.8 4.0 0.6 3.2 0.8 4.4
Every day (1.7) (3.2) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
不知道 1.7 1.8 0.4 2.5 ‡ ‡
Did not know (1.0) (1.9) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)

總計 94.9 100.0 17.5 100.0 18.5 100.0

Total (53.6) (100.0) (4.5) (100.0) (1.9) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 191 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6d(續) 按特定照顧者#在統計前1個月因照顧而感到有精神壓力的頻率及選定的殘
疾類別劃分的有特定照顧者 #的居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定需要的
Table 9.6d Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by frequency
of the specific carer# feeling stressed due to the caring services during the 1
month before enumeration and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

特定照顧者#在統計前1個月因照顧 Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
而感到有精神壓力的頻率 difficulty mood disorder Disorder
Frequency of the specific carer# 人數 人數 人數
feeling stressed due to the caring No. of No. of No. of
services during the 1 month persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
before enumeration ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
完全沒有 7.4 41.9 19.5 40.0 3.2 27.6
Never (0.5) (36.3) (8.8) (47.8) (1.6) (38.0)
間中會有 6.8 38.5 20.3 41.6 5.8 50.7
Some days (0.6) (40.5) (7.0) (37.9) (1.9) (46.9)
多數日子有 2.3 12.9 6.0 12.3 1.5 13.5
Most days (‡) (‡) (1.8) (9.8) (0.3) (8.2)
每天都有 1.2 6.7 2.3 4.7 0.8 7.3
Every day (‡) (‡) (0.6) (3.3) (‡) (‡)
不知道 ‡ ‡ 0.7 1.4 ‡ ‡
Did not know (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)

總計 17.7 100.0 48.9 100.0 11.5 100.0

Total (1.5) (100.0) (18.4) (100.0) (4.2) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 192 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6d(續) 按特定照顧者#在統計前1個月因照顧而感到有精神壓力的頻率及選定的殘
疾類別劃分的有特定照顧者 #的居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定需要的
Table 9.6d Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by frequency
of the specific carer# feeling stressed due to the caring services during the 1
month before enumeration and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
特定照顧者#在統計前1個月因照顧 Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
而感到有精神壓力的頻率 Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
Frequency of the specific carer# 人數 人數
feeling stressed due to the caring No. of No. of
services during the 1 month persons 百分比 persons 百分比
before enumeration ('000) % ('000) %
完全沒有 4.2 31.4 4.2 28.5
Never (1.7) (41.6) (1.5) (31.7)
間中會有 6.4 47.8 6.7 45.6
Some days (1.8) (45.0) (2.0) (42.9)
多數日子有 1.8 13.8 2.7 18.4
Most days (0.4) (9.1) (0.9) (19.4)
每天都有 0.8 6.1 1.0 7.2
Every day (‡) (‡) (0.3) (6.0)
不知道 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Did not know (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)

總計 13.4 100.0 14.6 100.0

Total (4.0) (100.0) (4.7) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 193 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6d(續) 按特定照顧者#在統計前1個月因照顧而感到有精神壓力的頻率及選定的殘
疾類別劃分的有特定照顧者 #的居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定需要的
Table 9.6d Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by frequency
of the specific carer# feeling stressed due to the caring services during the 1
month before enumeration and selected type of disability

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
特定照顧者#在統計前1個月因照顧 (excluding persons with diseases who had
而感到有精神壓力的頻率 intellectual disability)@ specific needs
Frequency of the specific carer# 人數 人數
feeling stressed due to the caring No. of No. of
services during the 1 month persons 百分比 persons 百分比
before enumeration ('000) % ('000) %
完全沒有 69.4 46.0 68.3 42.2
Never (46.2) (49.7)
間中會有 58.1 38.5 63.0 38.9
Some days (34.7) (37.3)
多數日子有 14.4 9.6 13.3 8.2
Most days (7.1) (7.7)
每天都有 6.5 4.3 12.7 7.8
Every day (3.3) (3.5)
不知道 2.3 1.5 4.8 3.0
Did not know (1.6) (1.7)

總計 150.8 100.0 162.0 100.0

Total (92.8) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking care
of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding
figures in respect of persons with single disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 194 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6e 按特定照顧者 #上一次感到有精神壓力的程度及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有
Table 9.6e Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# felt stressed
due to the caring services during the 1 month before enumeration by level
of stress the specific carer# felt last time and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability*
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
特定照顧者#上一次感到有精神 人數 人數 人數
壓力的程度 No. of No. of No. of
Level of stress the specific carer# persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
felt last time ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
輕微 29.5 62.9 4.4 58.2 6.1 63.4
A little (16.9) (68.8) (0.8) (56.3) (0.6) (77.9)
介乎輕微與嚴重之間 13.5 28.9 2.4 31.4 2.6 27.5
Somewhere in between a little and a lot (5.8) (23.8) (0.4) (29.7) (‡) (‡)
嚴重 3.5 7.5 0.7 9.8 0.9 9.1
A lot (1.6) (6.3) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
不知道 0.4 0.8 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Did not know (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)

總計 46.9 100.0 7.6 100.0 9.6 100.0

Total (24.5) (100.0) (1.5) (100.0) (0.8) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 195 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6e(續) 按特定照顧者 #上一次感到有精神壓力的程度及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有
Table 9.6e Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# felt stressed
due to the caring services during the 1 month before enumeration by level
of stress the specific carer# felt last time and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
特定照顧者#上一次感到有精神 人數 人數 人數
壓力的程度 No. of No. of No. of
Level of stress the specific carer# persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
felt last time ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
輕微 5.2 50.8 16.0 56.0 4.2 51.4
A little (0.5) (49.7) (6.2) (65.6) (1.3) (52.3)
介乎輕微與嚴重之間 3.7 36.2 10.1 35.1 3.4 41.4
Somewhere in between a little and a lot (0.3) (27.9) (2.4) (26.0) (1.0) (39.0)
嚴重 1.3 12.2 2.3 8.1 0.5 6.3
A lot (‡) (‡) (0.7) (7.6) (‡) (‡)
不知道 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Did not know (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)

總計 10.3 100.0 28.6 100.0 8.2 100.0

Total (0.9) (100.0) (9.4) (100.0) (2.5) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 196 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6e(續) 按特定照顧者 #上一次感到有精神壓力的程度及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有
Table 9.6e Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# felt stressed
due to the caring services during the 1 month before enumeration by level
of stress the specific carer# felt last time and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
特定照顧者#上一次感到有精神 人數 人數
壓力的程度 No. of No. of
Level of stress the specific carer# persons 百分比 persons 百分比
felt last time ('000) % ('000) %
輕微 5.2 57.0 4.9 47.0
A little (1.5) (65.5) (1.3) (41.2)
介乎輕微與嚴重之間 3.3 36.9 4.4 42.3
Somewhere in between a little and a lot (0.7) (31.6) (1.4) (43.1)
嚴重 0.4 4.1 1.0 9.5
A lot (‡) (‡) (0.5) (15.7)
不知道 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Did not know (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)

總計 9.0 100.0 10.4 100.0

Total (2.2) (100.0) (3.2) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 197 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6e(續) 按特定照顧者 #上一次感到有精神壓力的程度及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有
Table 9.6e Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# felt stressed
due to the caring services during the 1 month before enumeration by level
of stress the specific carer# felt last time and selected type of disability

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
(excluding persons with diseases who had
intellectual disability)@ specific needs
特定照顧者#上一次感到有精神 人數 人數
壓力的程度 No. of No. of
Level of stress the specific carer# persons 百分比 persons 百分比
felt last time ('000) % ('000) %
輕微 47.9 60.5 49.8 56.0
A little (29.0) (64.5)
介乎輕微與嚴重之間 24.5 30.9 24.0 27.0
Somewhere in between a little and a lot (12.1) (26.9)
嚴重 6.1 7.7 14.5 16.3
A lot (3.5) (7.7)
不知道 0.6 0.8 ‡ ‡
Did not know (0.4) (1.0)

總計 79.1 100.0 88.9 100.0

Total (45.0) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於1 500的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
‡ Estimates less than 1 500 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking care
of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding
figures in respect of persons with single disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 198 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6f 按在統計時特定照顧者 #的就業情況及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有特定照顧
Table 9.6f Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by
employment status of the specific carer# at the time of enumeration and
selected type of disability
Selected type of disability*
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
特定照顧者#的就業情況 No. of No. of No. of
Employment status of the persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
specific carer# ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
正在就業 51.3 45.8 9.9 47.0 9.0 43.5
Had a job (30.9) (47.6) (2.6) (46.3) (1.2) (50.1)
沒有就業 60.7 54.2 11.2 53.0 11.7 56.5
Did not have a job (34.0) (52.4) (3.1) (53.7) (1.1) (49.9)
以前從來沒有工作 10.2 9.1 1.3 6.1 1.6 8.0
Never had a job (5.9) (9.0) (0.4) (7.8) (‡) (‡)
曾經工作但因為照顧而辭去工作 11.8 10.5 2.1 9.8 1.5 7.3
Had a job but quitted due to the (6.3) (9.8) (0.4) (7.9) (‡) (‡)
caring service
曾經工作但沒有因為照顧而 38.1 34.1 7.8 37.2 8.5 41.0
辭去工作 (21.5) (33.1) (2.2) (38.1) (0.9) (40.6)
Had a job but quitted not because
of the caring service
不知道在照顧前曾否工作 0.6 0.5 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Did not know whether had a job (0.3) (0.5) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
before the caring service
合計 111.9 100.0 21.1 100.0 20.6 100.0
Overall (64.9) (100.0) (5.7) (100.0) (2.3) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 199 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6f(續) 按在統計時特定照顧者 #的就業情況及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有特定照顧
Table 9.6f Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by
employment status of the specific carer# at the time of enumeration and
selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
特定照顧者#的就業情況 No. of No. of No. of
Employment status of the persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
specific carer# ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
正在就業 8.3 41.8 24.8 44.0 5.3 40.9
Had a job (0.5) (30.3) (9.8) (44.5) (2.4) (51.3)
沒有就業 11.5 58.2 31.5 56.0 7.7 59.1
Did not have a job (1.1) (69.7) (12.3) (55.5) (2.3) (48.7)
以前從來沒有工作 2.0 10.2 4.4 7.8 1.3 9.7
Never had a job (‡) (‡) (1.8) (8.3) (0.5) (11.0)
曾經工作但因為照顧而辭去工作 3.1 15.5 8.1 14.4 3.4 25.9
Had a job but quitted due to the (0.4) (23.4) (2.6) (11.5) (0.7) (14.5)
caring service
曾經工作但沒有因為照顧而 6.4 32.1 18.6 33.1 3.0 22.8
辭去工作 (0.5) (32.5) (7.8) (35.3) (1.1) (23.2)
Had a job but quitted not because
of the caring service
不知道在照顧前曾否工作 ‡ ‡ 0.4 0.7 ‡ ‡
Did not know whether had a job (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
before the caring service
合計 19.8 100.0 56.3 100.0 13.0 100.0
Overall (1.5) (100.0) (22.1) (100.0) (4.7) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 200 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6f(續) 按在統計時特定照顧者 #的就業情況及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有特定照顧
Table 9.6f Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by
employment status of the specific carer# at the time of enumeration and
selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
特定照顧者#的就業情況 No. of No. of
Employment status of the persons 百分比 persons 百分比
specific carer# ('000) % ('000) %
正在就業 5.1 33.3 6.2 35.8
Had a job (1.7) (38.5) (2.4) (42.6)
沒有就業 10.2 66.7 11.1 64.2
Did not have a job (2.7) (61.5) (3.2) (57.4)
以前從來沒有工作 1.5 9.6 1.3 7.5
Never had a job (0.4) (9.2) (0.4) (6.4)
曾經工作但因為照顧而辭去工作 3.9 25.6 4.5 26.0
Had a job but quitted due to the (0.9) (20.7) (1.3) (22.8)
caring service
曾經工作但沒有因為照顧而 4.8 31.5 5.2 30.0
辭去工作 (1.4) (31.6) (1.5) (26.3)
Had a job but quitted it not because
of the caring service
不知道在照顧前曾否工作 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Did not know whether had a job (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
before the caring service
合計 15.3 100.0 17.3 100.0
Overall (4.4) (100.0) (5.6) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否有別人照顧其日常生活不一定只受單一種殘疾
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking
care of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 201 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
居住在住戶內的殘疾人士及有特定 Carers of persons with disabilities and persons with
需要的長期病患者的照顧者 chronic diseases who had specific needs residing in households
表 9.6f(續) 按在統計時特定照顧者 #的就業情況及選定的殘疾類別劃分的有特定照顧
Table 9.6f Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs residing in households and had a specific carer# by
employment status of the specific carer# at the time of enumeration and
selected type of disability

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
(excluding persons with diseases who had
intellectual disability)@ specific needs
人數 人數
特定照顧者#的就業情況 No. of No. of
Employment status of the persons 百分比 persons 百分比
specific carer# ('000) % ('000) %
正在就業 79.0 44.5 80.5 38.0
Had a job (51.5) (46.3)
沒有就業 98.5 55.5 131.6 62.0
Did not have a job (59.8) (53.7)
以前從來沒有工作 15.5 8.7 17.5 8.3
Never had a job (9.8) (8.8)
曾經工作但因為照顧而辭去工作 22.7 12.8 30.5 14.4
Had a job but quitted due to the (12.6) (11.3)
caring service
曾經工作但沒有因為照顧而 59.4 33.5 77.0 36.3
辭去工作 (36.9) (33.1)
Had a job but quitted it not because
of the caring service
不知道在照顧前曾否工作 0.9 0.5 6.5 3.1
Did not know whether had a job (0.5) (0.5)
before the caring service
合計 177.5 100.0 212.1 100.0
Overall (111.3) (100.0)
註釋: 對於有多於一人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而言,表中所指的特定照顧者為
Notes: # For those persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs and had more than
one person taking care of their day-to-day living, specific carer in the table refers to the specific carer who provided
the longest hours of caring services during a week, i.e. primary specific carer. Specific carer only includes the carer
whose identity is relative and friend (e.g. spouse, parent, sibling, children/son-in-law/daughter-in-law, etc.).
Domestic helper and private nurse at home / nursing staff are excluded.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had another person taking care
of his/her day-to-day living might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding
figures in respect of persons with single disability.

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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities
and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

10.1 本章的焦點是提供有關殘疾人士及因 10.1 The focus of this Chapter is to furnish

長期病患令其在日常生活有困難或正在使用輔 information on transportation arrangement by
助儀器的長期病患者(以下簡稱為「有特定需要 persons with disabilities and persons with chronic
的長期病患者」)在交通安排上的資料。這包括 diseases who were encountering difficulty in day-
to-day living or using assistive device due to their
(a) 會否出外/出外主要目的;(b) 乘搭交通工具
chronic diseases (referred to as “persons with
時是否需要協助;(c) 主要使用的交通工具;及
chronic diseases who had specific needs”). This
(d) 出外的轉乘次數。所需要的協助是指需要別 included (a) whether going out / main purpose of
人陪同一起乘搭交通工具以提供協助。 going out; (b) whether needed assistance in
transportation; (c) principal mode of transportation
used; and (d) number of transfers when going out.
The assistance required refers to the need from
someone to accompany for the whole trip to
provide assistance.

多於一種殘疾類別的影響 Effect of multiple disabilities

10.2 由於一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘 10.2 Since a person might have more than one
疾類別,因此其交通安排不一定只受單一種殘 selected type of disability, his/her transportation
疾類別影響。對於本章列載的統計調查結果,尤 arrangement might not be owing to single disability.
其是按不同殘疾類別的分析,必須謹慎闡釋。載 Therefore, caution should be taken when interpreting
the survey results presented in this Chapter,
於表 10.1 - 10.4c 的括號內的數字列載有關只有
especially for the analysis by selected type of
disability. The survey results pertaining to persons
參考。概括而言,只有單一種殘疾類別的人士與 with single disability were also given in brackets in
有該種殘疾類別的所有人士的交通安排大致相 Tables 10.1 - 10.4c for reference. Broadly
同。由於智障並不包括在本章的分析中,部分只 speaking, the transportation arrangements for
有單一種殘疾類別的人士,可能同時有智障的 persons with single disability were similar to those
情況。 for all persons with the corresponding type of
disability. Since intellectual disability (ID) was
not included in the analysis of this Chapter, some
persons with single disability might have the
condition of ID at the same time.

I. 交通安排 I. Transportation arrangement

會否出外/出外主要目的 Whether going out / main purpose of going


10.3 在 534 200 名殘疾人士中,約 509 400 10.3 Of the 534 200 persons with disabilities,
人(佔所有殘疾人士的 95.4%)表示會出外,另 some 509 400 (or 95.4% of all persons with
外 24 800 人(4.6%)則表示不會出外。他們最 disabilities) cited that they would go out, another
普遍提及的出外目的為「覆診/接受治療」(佔 24 800 persons (4.6%) would not go out. The
most commonly cited purpose of going out was
所有殘疾人士的 79.1%),其次是「購物/去銀
“medical consultation/treatment” (constituting
行」(42.9%)及「用餐」(40.5%)。 (表 10.1)
79.1% of all persons with disabilities), followed by
“shopping / going to bank” (42.9%) and “dining”
(40.5%). (Table 10.1)

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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

10.4 按選定的殘疾類別分析,身體活動能力 10.4 Analysed by selected type of disability,

受限制、視覺有困難、聽覺有困難、溝通能力有 the most commonly cited purpose of going out for
困難及有精神病/情緒病人士最普遍提及的出 persons with restriction in body movement, seeing
外目的與整體殘疾人士相同。而有自閉症譜系 difficulty, hearing difficulty, communication
difficulty and mental illness / mood disorder was
same as that of the overall population with
disabilities. For those persons with Autism
訓練」。 (表 10.1) Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Specific Learning
Difficulties (SpLD) and Attention Deficit /
Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), the most
commonly cited purpose of going out was
“attending school / training”. (Table 10.1)

10.5 在 658 300 名有特定需要的長期病患者 10.5 Of those 658 300 persons with chronic
中,約 632 600 人(佔所有有特定需要的長期病 diseases who had specific needs, some 632 600
患者的 96.1%)表示會出外,另外 25 700 人 persons (or 96.1% of all persons with chronic
(3.9%)則不會出外。他們最普遍提及的出外目 diseases who had specific needs) cited that they
would go out, another 25 700 persons (3.9%) would
not go out. The most commonly cited purpose of
長期病患者的 89.9%) (34.9%)
going out was “medical consultation/treatment”
及「購物/去銀行」(32.7%)。 (constituting 89.9% of all persons with chronic
(表 10.1) diseases who had specific needs), followed by
“doing exercise” (34.9%) and “shopping / going to
bank” (32.7%). (Table 10.1)

乘搭交通工具是否需要協助 Whether needed assistance in transportation

10.6 在 509 400 名會出外的殘疾人士中, 10.6 Of the 509 400 persons with disabilities
94.5%會乘搭交通工具,約 233 700 人(45.9%) who would go out, 94.5% would take
表示乘搭交通工具時需要別人協助,另外 transportation. Some 233 700 persons (45.9%)
247 600 人(48.6%)則表示不需要協助。 indicated that they needed assistance from other
persons in transportation, another 247 600 (48.6%)
(表 10.2)
did not need such assistance. (Table 10.2)

10.7 按選定的殘疾類別分析,在有個別殘疾 10.7 Analysed by selected type of disability, a

類別人士中,身體活動能力受限制、視覺有困 larger proportion of persons with restriction in body
難、聽覺有困難、溝通能力有困難、有自閉症譜 movement, seeing difficulty, hearing difficulty,
系障礙及有特殊學習困難人士有較大比例需要 communication difficulty, ASD and SpLD needed
assistance of others in transportation. (Table 10.2)
別人協助乘搭交通工具。 (表 10.2)

10.8 在 632 600 名會出外及有特定需要的長 10.8 Of the 632 600 persons with chronic
期 病 患 者 當 中 , 93.2% 會 乘 搭 交 通 工 具 , 約 diseases who had specific needs and would go out,
266 400 人(42.1%)表示需要別人協助乘搭交通 93.2% would take transportation. Some 266 400
工具,另外 323 200 人(51.1%)則表示不需要 persons (42.1%) indicated that they needed
assistance from other persons in transportation,
協助。 (表 10.2)
another 323 200 (51.1%) did not need such
assistance. (Table 10.2)

主要使用的交通工具 Principal mode of transportation used

10.9 在 481 300 名會乘搭交通工具的殘疾人 10.9 Of those 481 300 persons with disabilities
士中,「公共巴士」、「港鐵」及「公共小巴」 who would take transportation, the three most
commonly cited principal modes of transportation

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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

為首三個最普遍使用的交通工具,分別有 used were “public bus”, “MTR” and “public light

52.3%、39.9%及 22.6%表示主要使用該些交通工 bus”, cited by 52.3%, 39.9% and 22.6% of those
具。 (表 10.3) persons respectively. (Table 10.3)

10.10 按選定的殘疾類別分析,除身體活動能 10.10 Analysed by selected type of disability,

力受限制及溝通能力有困難人士外,在其他各 over 50% of each group reported that the most
殘疾類別人士中,主要使用「公共巴士」的殘疾 commonly cited principal mode of transportation
人士均佔超過 5 成,而身體活動能力受限制及 used was “public bus”, except for persons with
restriction in body movement (38.3%) and persons
with communication difficulty (31.4%).
38.3%及 31.4%。 (表 10.3)
(Table 10.3)

10.11 在 589 700 名會乘搭交通工具及有特定 10.11 Of those 589 700 persons with chronic
需要的長期病患者中,48.7%表示其主要使用的 diseases who had specific needs and would take
交通工具為「公共巴士」,35.0%為「港鐵」及 transportation, 48.7% cited that “public bus” was
25.0%為「公共小巴」。 (表 10.3) their principal mode of transportation used, 35.0%,
“MTR” and 25.0%, “public light bus”.
(Table 10.3)

II. 出外的轉乘次數 II. Number of transfers when going out

出外覆診/接受治療 Going out for medical consultation/treatment

10.12 在 509 400 名會出外的殘疾人士中, 10.12 Of the 509 400 persons with disabilities
約 342 600 人(67.3%)表示乘搭交通工具出外 who would go out, some 342 600 (67.3%) cited that
覆診/接受治療時不需要轉乘。另一方面,有 they did not need to transfer when going out for
58 800 名(11.6%)表示需要轉乘 1 次或以上及 medical consultation/treatment by transportation.
On the other hand, some 58 800 persons (11.6%)
46 700 名(9.2%)步行出外覆診/接受治療。
cited that they needed to transfer at least once and
(表 10.4a)
46 700 persons (9.2%) were going out for medical
consultation/treatment on foot. (Table 10.4a)

10.13 有個別殘疾類別人士中,大部分(約佔 10.13 For persons with individual types of

有個別殘疾類別人士的 51.1%至 77.7%)表示乘 disability, the majority of them (ranging from about
搭交通工具出外覆診/接受治療時不需要轉 51.1% to 77.7% for individual types of disability)
乘。有注意力不足/過度活躍症人士出外覆診 did not need to transfer when going out for medical
consultation/treatment by transportation. Persons
/接受治療時需要轉乘 1 次或以上的比例最高,
with AD/HD had the highest proportion of
達 16.4%。而溝通能力有困難人士的相應比例最
transferring at least once when going out for
少,只有 5.7%。 (表 10.4a) medical consultation/treatment by transportation, at
16.4%. Persons with communication difficulty
had the lowest corresponding percentage, at 5.7%.
(Table 10.4a)

10.14 在 632 600 名會出外及有特定需要的長 10.14 Of the 632 600 persons with chronic
期病患者中,約 423 100 人(66.9%)表示乘搭 diseases who had specific needs and would go out,
交通工具出外覆診/接受治療時不需要轉乘。 some 423 100 (66.9%) cited that they did not need
另一方面,有 110 500 名(17.5%)則表示需要 to transfer when going out for medical
consultation/treatment by transportation. On the
轉乘 1 次或以上及 86 400 名(13.7%)步行出外
other hand, some 110 500 persons (17.5%) cited
覆診/接受治療。 (表 10.4a)
that they needed to transfer at least once and 86 400
persons (13.7%) were going out for medical

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香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

consultation/treatment on foot. (Table 10.4a)

往返工作地點 Going out for work

10.15 統計時,在該 534 200 名殘疾人士及 10.15 Among the 534 200 persons with
658 300 名有特定需要的長期病患者中,分別有 disabilities and the 658 300 persons with chronic
86 300 人(16.2%)及 79 100 人(12.0%)為會 diseases who had specific needs, some 86 300
出外的就業人士。 (表 10.4b) (16.2%) and 79 100 (12.0%) were employed
persons who would go out at the time of
enumeration respectively. (Table 10.4b)

10.16 在該 86 300 名會出外的就業殘疾人士 10.16 Among those 86 300 employed persons

中,約 61 600 人(71.4%)表示乘搭交通工具往 with disabilities who would go out, some 61 600
返工作地點時不需要轉乘。另外,有 11 700 名 (71.4%) cited that they did not need to transfer
(13.6%)則表示需要轉乘 1 次或以上及 12 000 when going out for work by transportation.
Separately, some 11 700 persons (13.6%) cited that
名(13.9%)步行往返工作地點。 (表 10.4b)
they needed to transfer at least once and 12 000
(13.9%) were going out for work on foot.
(Table 10.4b)

10.17 有個別殘疾類別的人士中,大部分(約 10.17 For persons with individual types of

佔有個別殘疾類別人士的 61.9%至 85.8%)表示 disability, the majority of them (ranging from about
乘搭交通工具往返工作地點時不需要轉乘。溝 61.9% to 85.8% for individual types of disability)
通能力有困難、有自閉症譜系障礙及身體活動 did not need to transfer when going out for work.
Employed persons with communication difficulty,
ASD and restriction in body movement had a higher
較高,分別達 27.7%、24.9%及 23.9%。
percentage of going out for work on foot, at 27.7%,
(表 10.4b) 24.9% and 23.9% respectively. (Table 10.4b)

10.18 在該 79 100 名會出外及有特定需要的 10.18 Among those 79 100 employed persons

就業長期病患者中,約 41 100 人(51.9%)表示 with chronic diseases who had specific needs and
乘搭交通工具往返工作地點時不需要轉乘。另 would go out, some 41 100 (51.9%) indicated that
外,有 23 400 名(29.6%)則表示需要轉乘 1 次 they did not need to transfer when going out for
work by transportation. Separately, some 23 400
或以上及 13 800 名(17.4%)步行往返工作地點。
persons (29.6%) cited that they needed to transfer at
(表 10.4b)
least once and 13 800 (17.4%) were going out for
work on foot. (Table 10.4b)

出外學習 Going out for study

10.19 在 534 200 名殘疾人士及 658 300 名有 10.19 Of the 534 200 persons with disabilities
特定需要的長期病患者中,分別有 69 400 人 and 658 300 persons with chronic diseases who had
(13.0%)及 23 400 人(3.6%)為會出外的學生 specific needs, some 69 400 (13.0%) and 23 400
/接受技能訓練人士。 (表 10.4c) (3.6%) were students / persons receiving skills
training who would go out for study respectively.
(Table 10.4c)

10.20 在該 69 400 名會出外及有殘疾的學生 10.20 Among those 69 400 students / persons

/接受技能訓練人士中,約 45 700 人(65.9%) receiving skills training with disabilities who would
表示乘搭交通工具出外學習時不需要轉乘。另 go out, some 45 700 (65.9%) reported that they did
外,有 6 900 名(9.9%)則表示需要轉乘 1 次或 not need to transfer when going out for study by
transportation. On the other hand, 6 900 (9.9%)
以上及 16 500 名(23.8%)步行出外學習。
students / persons receiving skills training needed to
(表 10.4c)

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香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

transfer at least once and 16 500 (23.8%) were

going out for study on foot. (Table 10.4c)

10.21 按選定的殘疾類別分析,大部分(約佔 10.21 Analysed by selected type of disability,

有個別殘疾類別的學生/接受技能訓練人士的 the majority of students / persons receiving skills
57.3%至 69.8%)表示乘搭交通工具出外學習時 training with disabilities (ranging from about 57.3%
不需要轉乘。而身體活動能力受限制學生/接 to 69.8% for individual types of disability) did not
need to transfer when going out for study by
transportation. Students / persons receiving skills
42.7%。 (表 10.4c)
training with restriction in body movement had the
highest percentage in going out for study on foot, at
42.7%. (Table 10.4c)

10.22 在該 23 400 名會出外及有特定需要的 10.22 Among those the 23 400 students /

長期病患學生/接受技能訓練人士中,約 14 900 persons receiving skills training with chronic
人(63.6%)表示乘搭交通工具出外學習時不需 diseases who had specific needs and would go out,
要轉乘,另外 5 300 名(22.8%)步行出外學習。 some 14 900 (63.6%) indicated that they did not
need to transfer when going out for study by
(表 10.4c)
transportation, another 5 300 (22.8%) were going
out for study on foot. (Table 10.4c)

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香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 10.1 按會否出外/出外主要目的及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士及有特定
Table 10.1 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs by whether going out / main purpose of going out and
selected type of disability
Selected type of disability*
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
會否出外/出外主要目的 No. of No. of No. of
Whether going out / Main purpose persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
of going out # ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
會 221.4 90.8 45.8 96.2 45.2 94.4
Yes (129.4) (93.2) (18.2) (99.6) (12.4) (99.2)
覆診/接受治療 207.3 85.0 40.6 85.2 39.0 81.4
Medical consultation/treatment (118.9) (85.7) (15.2) (83.1) (9.7) (77.6)
購物/去銀行 71.9 29.5 21.0 44.2 19.1 39.9
Shopping / going to bank (49.9) (36.0) (11.8) (64.4) (8.1) (64.9)
用餐 87.0 35.7 20.5 43.0 21.1 44.1
Dining (54.3) (39.1) (9.8) (53.6) (6.8) (54.3)
做運動 68.4 28.0 14.4 30.2 14.8 30.8
Doing exercise (41.8) (30.1) (5.9) (32.4) (3.6) (29.0)
工作 10.7 4.4 4.7 9.8 4.4 9.1
Working (8.9) (6.4) (3.6) (20.0) (2.3) (18.1)
消閒 21.0 8.6 5.5 11.5 5.6 11.7
Leisure (12.5) (9.0) (2.4) (13.3) (1.6) (12.5)
上學/訓練 2.4 1.0 0.9 1.9 0.5 1.1
Attending school / training (0.4) (0.3) (0.4) (2.4) (‡) (‡)
其他 1.1 0.5 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Others (0.3) (0.2) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
不會 22.5 9.2 1.8 3.8 2.7 5.6
No (9.4) (6.8) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
合計 244.0 100.0 47.6 100.0 47.9 100.0
Overall (138.8) (100.0) (18.3) (100.0) (12.5) (100.0)
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此會否出外/出外主要目的不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether going out / main purpose of going
out might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of
persons with single disability.
# Three answers were allowed at maximum.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)
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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 10.1(續) 按會否出外/出外主要目的及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士及有特定
Table 10.1 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs by whether going out / main purpose of going out and
selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
會否出外/出外主要目的 No. of No. of No. of
Whether going out / Main purpose persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
of going out # ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
會 42.3 86.9 245.2 95.5 22.4 100.0
Yes (3.4) (97.7) (171.3) (99.1) (9.5) (100.0)
覆診/接受治療 36.9 75.8 203.5 79.3 16.8 74.9
Medical consultation/treatment (2.1) (61.0) (134.3) (77.7) (5.9) (61.9)
購物/去銀行 8.8 18.1 131.5 51.2 4.7 20.8
Shopping / going to bank (1.1) (31.9) (113.3) (65.5) (2.5) (26.1)
用餐 12.3 25.2 103.6 40.3 9.2 41.2
Dining (1.0) (29.7) (77.2) (44.6) (3.9) (41.5)
做運動 10.6 21.8 52.2 20.3 4.9 22.1
Doing exercise (0.9) (25.9) (33.5) (19.4) (2.5) (26.8)
工作 2.6 5.4 59.7 23.2 2.3 10.4
Working (0.5) (14.9) (56.4) (32.6) (1.1) (12.1)
消閒 5.6 11.5 37.1 14.4 5.8 26.1
Leisure (1.1) (31.5) (28.8) (16.7) (3.1) (32.4)
上學/訓練 4.4 9.0 17.3 6.7 17.3 77.2
Attending school / training (0.6) (17.8) (8.7) (5.0) (7.4) (78.2)
其他 0.8 1.6 1.7 0.7 0.4 1.8
Others (‡) (‡) (0.8) (0.5) (‡) (‡)
不會 6.4 13.1 11.6 4.5 ‡ ‡
No (‡) (‡) (1.6) (0.9) (‡) (‡)
合計 48.7 100.0 256.8 100.0 22.4 100.0
Overall (3.5) (100.0) (172.9) (100.0) (9.5) (100.0)
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此會否出外/出外主要目的不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether going out / main purpose of going
out might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of
persons with single disability.
# Three answers were allowed at maximum.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 209 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 10.1(續) 按會否出外/出外主要目的及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士及有特定
Table 10.1 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs by whether going out / main purpose of going out and
selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
會否出外/出外主要目的 No. of No. of
Whether going out / Main purpose persons 百分比 persons 百分比
of going out # ('000) % ('000) %
會 35.3 99.7 38.1 99.9
Yes (15.4) (100.0) (16.5) (100.0)
覆診/接受治療 20.5 57.9 27.3 71.7
Medical consultation/treatment (5.2) (34.1) (10.8) (65.6)
購物/去銀行 7.6 21.5 7.5 19.7
Shopping / going to bank (4.7) (30.9) (3.8) (23.1)
用餐 15.7 44.4 15.3 40.2
Dining (7.4) (48.3) (5.8) (34.9)
做運動 8.3 23.5 7.2 18.9
Doing exercise (3.5) (22.6) (3.1) (18.6)
工作 4.9 13.9 3.7 9.7
Working (3.2) (21.0) (1.5) (9.1)
消閒 10.2 28.8 10.4 27.3
Leisure (5.5) (35.9) (5.4) (32.5)
上學/訓練 25.7 72.6 31.9 83.7
Attending school / training (11.2) (72.8) (14.6) (88.4)
其他 0.3 0.9 ‡ ‡
Others (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
不會 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
No (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
合計 35.4 100.0 38.2 100.0
Overall (15.4) (100.0) (16.5) (100.0)
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此會否出外/出外主要目的不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether going out / main purpose of going
out might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of
persons with single disability.
# Three answers were allowed at maximum.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 210 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 10.1(續) 按會否出外/出外主要目的及選定的殘疾類別劃分的殘疾人士及有特定
Table 10.1 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs by whether going out / main purpose of going out and
selected type of disability

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
(excluding persons with diseases who had
intellectual disability)@ specific needs
人數 人數
會否出外/出外主要目的 No. of No. of
Whether going out / Main purpose persons 百分比 persons 百分比
of going out # ('000) % ('000) %
會 509.4 95.4 632.6 96.1
Yes (376.0) (97.1)
覆診/接受治療 422.3 79.1 591.6 89.9
Medical consultation/treatment (302.2) (78.0)
購物/去銀行 229.3 42.9 215.0 32.7
Shopping / going to bank (195.2) (50.4)
用餐 216.4 40.5 186.7 28.4
Dining (166.2) (42.9)
做運動 131.0 24.5 229.9 34.9
Doing exercise (94.9) (24.5)
工作 84.5 15.8 78.4 11.9
Working (77.6) (20.0)
消閒 77.6 14.5 59.3 9.0
Leisure (60.3) (15.6)
上學/訓練 67.3 12.6 22.5 3.4
Attending school / training (43.4) (11.2)
其他 2.7 0.5 1.6 0.2
Others (1.5) (0.4)
不會 24.8 4.6 25.7 3.9
No (11.3) (2.9)
合計 534.2 100.0 658.3 100.0
Overall (387.3) (100.0)
註釋: 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別人士數目的總和
Notes: @ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
# Three answers were allowed at maximum.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether going out / main purpose of going out
might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of persons
with single disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 211 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

表 10.2 按乘搭交通工具是否需要協助及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會出外的殘疾人
Table 10.2 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs and would go out by whether needed assistance in
transportation and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability*
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
乘搭交通工具是否需要協助 No. of No. of No. of
Whether needed assistance in persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
transportation ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
需要 156.6 70.7 24.9 54.3 24.8 54.8
Yes (82.1) (63.5) (5.5) (30.4) (2.6) (21.1)
不需要 50.5 22.8 17.0 37.1 15.9 35.1
No (38.1) (29.5) (11.3) (62.1) (8.4) (67.8)
不用乘搭交通工具 14.4 6.5 3.9 8.6 4.6 10.1
No need to take transportation (9.1) (7.1) (1.4) (7.5) (1.4) (11.0)

總計 221.4 100.0 45.8 100.0 45.2 100.0

Total (129.4) (100.0) (18.2) (100.0) (12.4) (100.0)

註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她乘搭交通工具是否需要協助不一定只受單一種殘疾

Note: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she needed assistance in
transportation might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in
respect of persons with single disability.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 212 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

表 10.2(續) 按乘搭交通工具是否需要協助及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會出外的殘疾人
Table 10.2 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs and would go out by whether needed assistance in
transportation and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
乘搭交通工具是否需要協助 No. of No. of No. of
Whether needed assistance in persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
transportation ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
需要 34.0 80.4 84.6 34.5 12.7 56.7
Yes (2.4) (70.7) (28.3) (16.5) (4.9) (52.1)
不需要 5.5 13.0 151.9 62.0 9.1 40.5
No (0.7) (21.9) (136.4) (79.6) (4.2) (44.1)
不用乘搭交通工具 2.8 6.5 8.7 3.6 0.6 2.8
No need to take transportation (0.3) (7.4) (6.6) (3.9) (0.4) (3.8)

總計 42.3 100.0 245.2 100.0 22.4 100.0

Total (3.4) (100.0) (171.3) (100.0) (9.5) (100.0)

註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她乘搭交通工具是否需要協助不一定只受單一種殘疾

Note: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she needed assistance in
transportation might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in
respect of persons with single disability.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 213 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

表 10.2(續) 按乘搭交通工具是否需要協助及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會出外的殘疾人
Table 10.2 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs and would go out by whether needed assistance in
transportation and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
乘搭交通工具是否需要協助 No. of No. of
Whether needed assistance in persons 百分比 persons 百分比
transportation ('000) % ('000) %
需要 17.6 50.0 17.8 46.7
Yes (5.7) (36.9) (6.4) (38.8)
不需要 15.5 43.9 19.1 50.2
No (8.2) (53.5) (9.6) (58.0)
不用乘搭交通工具 2.2 6.1 1.2 3.1
No need to take transportation (1.5) (9.6) (0.5) (3.3)

總計 35.3 100.0 38.1 100.0

Total (15.4) (100.0) (16.5) (100.0)

註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她乘搭交通工具是否需要協助不一定只受單一種殘疾

Note: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she needed assistance in
transportation might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in
respect of persons with single disability.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 214 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

表 10.2(續) 按乘搭交通工具是否需要協助及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會出外的殘疾人
Table 10.2 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs and would go out by whether needed assistance in
transportation and selected type of disability

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
(excluding persons with diseases who had
intellectual disability)@ specific needs
人數 人數
乘搭交通工具是否需要協助 No. of No. of
Whether needed assistance in persons 百分比 persons 百分比
transportation ('000) % ('000) %
需要 233.7 45.9 266.4 42.1
Yes (138.0) (36.7)
不需要 247.6 48.6 323.2 51.1
No (216.9) (57.7)
不用乘搭交通工具 28.1 5.5 43.0 6.8
No need to take transportation (21.1) (5.6)

總計 509.4 100.0 632.6 100.0

Total (376.0) (100.0)
註釋: 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別人士數目的總和

Notes: @ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she needed assistance in
transportation might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect
of persons with single disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 215 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 10.3 按主要使用的交通工具及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會乘搭交通工具的殘疾
Table 10.3 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs and would take transportation by principal mode of
transportation used and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability*
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
主要使用的交通工具# No. of No. of No. of
Principal mode of transportation persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
used# ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
公共巴士 79.3 38.3 21.0 50.2 20.5 50.5
Public bus (52.9) (44.0) (10.4) (61.9) (7.1) (64.7)
港鐵 47.2 22.8 14.8 35.3 13.2 32.3
MTR (30.5) (25.4) (7.9) (47.2) (5.8) (52.7)
公共小巴 32.4 15.6 7.1 17.0 7.8 19.1
Public light bus (21.7) (18.1) (3.8) (22.6) (3.6) (32.5)
的士 77.8 37.6 11.3 27.0 11.6 28.4
Taxi (43.2) (35.9) (2.5) (14.6) (1.5) (13.9)
院舍車輛 18.4 8.9 2.4 5.8 2.4 5.9
Vehicle of institution (4.7) (3.9) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
私家車 10.5 5.1 1.7 4.0 1.4 3.3
Private vehicle (6.0) (5.0) (0.6) (3.4) (‡) (‡)
校車 0.7 0.3 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
School bus (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
其他^ 18.5 8.9 2.5 5.9 2.7 6.6
Others^ (9.0) (7.5) (0.3) (1.6) (0.3) (2.8)
合計 207.1 100.0 41.9 100.0 40.7 100.0
Overall (120.3) (100.0) (16.8) (100.0) (11.0) (100.0)
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她主要使用的交通工具不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her principal mode of transportation
used might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of
persons with single disability.
# Three answers were allowed at maximum.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
^ Including tram, ferry and “Rehabus”, etc. “Rehabus” services which are subvented by the Government and run by
two operators, provides point-to-point special transport services, including Scheduled Route, Dial-a-Ride and
Feeder services, to persons with disabilities who have difficulty in using public transport, for receiving medical
treatment, going to work / school / rehabilitation training and attending social/recreational activities.
(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 216 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 10.3(續) 按主要使用的交通工具及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會乘搭交通工具的殘疾
Table 10.3 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs and would take transportation by principal mode of
transportation used and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
主要使用的交通工具# No. of No. of No. of
Principal mode of transportation persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
used# ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
公共巴士 12.4 31.4 127.4 53.9 13.7 63.1
Public bus (1.4) (43.2) (101.8) (61.8) (5.8) (64.2)
港鐵 8.4 21.2 106.7 45.1 12.6 57.9
MTR (1.0) (31.4) (88.0) (53.4) (5.3) (58.6)
公共小巴 5.0 12.6 57.9 24.5 6.0 27.4
Public light bus (1.2) (38.8) (47.9) (29.1) (2.4) (26.7)
的士 11.3 28.6 38.0 16.1 1.7 7.7
Taxi (0.4) (13.9) (15.0) (9.1) (0.6) (6.1)
院舍車輛 10.2 25.7 15.1 6.4 0.6 3.0
Vehicle of institution (0.7) (21.6) (3.4) (2.1) (‡) (‡)
私家車 2.1 5.3 10.3 4.4 1.6 7.5
Private vehicle (‡) (‡) (6.2) (3.7) (0.9) (9.7)
校車 1.5 3.9 1.4 0.6 2.3 10.4
School bus (‡) (‡) (0.3) (0.2) (0.8) (9.2)
其他^ 4.5 11.3 12.3 5.2 0.5 2.2
Others^ (0.3) (9.1) (5.6) (3.4) (0.3) (3.4)
合計 39.5 100.0 236.5 100.0 21.8 100.0
Overall (3.1) (100.0) (164.7) (100.0) (9.1) (100.0)
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她主要使用的交通工具不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her principal mode of transportation
used might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of
persons with single disability.
# Three answers were allowed at maximum.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
^ Including tram, ferry and “Rehabus”, etc. “Rehabus” services which are subvented by the Government and run by
two operators, provides point-to-point special transport services, including Scheduled Route, Dial-a-Ride and
Feeder services, to persons with disabilities who have difficulty in using public transport, for receiving medical
treatment, going to work / school / rehabilitation training and attending social/recreational activities.
(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 217 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 10.3(續) 按主要使用的交通工具及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會乘搭交通工具的殘疾
Table 10.3 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs and would take transportation by principal mode of
transportation used and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
主要使用的交通工具# No. of No. of
Principal mode of transportation persons 百分比 persons 百分比
used# ('000) % ('000) %
公共巴士 21.3 64.2 24.1 65.4
Public bus (9.7) (69.6) (10.6) (66.1)
港鐵 17.6 53.1 21.6 58.4
MTR (7.4) (53.3) (9.4) (58.9)
公共小巴 7.7 23.2 10.3 28.0
Public light bus (3.0) (21.3) (5.0) (31.3)
的士 2.1 6.5 1.0 2.6
Taxi (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
院舍車輛 1.1 3.3 ‡ ‡
Vehicle of institution (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
私家車 2.4 7.2 2.0 5.3
Private vehicle (0.7) (5.4) (0.6) (3.7)
校車 3.0 9.1 3.2 8.6
School bus (0.9) (6.8) (1.2) (7.3)
其他^ 2.1 6.3 1.2 3.2
Others^ (0.7) (5.2) (0.5) (2.8)
合計 33.1 100.0 36.9 100.0
Overall (13.9) (100.0) (16.0) (100.0)
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她主要使用的交通工具不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her principal mode of transportation
used might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of
persons with single disability.
# Three answers were allowed at maximum.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
^ Including tram, ferry and “Rehabus”, etc. “Rehabus” services which are subvented by the Government and run by
two operators, provides point-to-point special transport services, including Scheduled Route, Dial-a-Ride and
Feeder services, to persons with disabilities who have difficulty in using public transport, for receiving medical
treatment, going to work / school / rehabilitation training and attending social/recreational activities.
(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 218 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 10.3(續) 按主要使用的交通工具及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會乘搭交通工具的殘疾
Table 10.3 Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs and would take transportation by principal mode of
transportation used and selected type of disability

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
(excluding persons with diseases who had
intellectual disability)@ specific needs
人數 人數
主要使用的交通工具# No. of No. of
Principal mode of transportation persons 百分比 persons 百分比
used# ('000) % ('000) %
公共巴士 251.7 52.3 287.3 48.7
Public bus (199.7) (56.3)
港鐵 192.2 39.9 206.1 35.0
MTR (155.4) (43.8)
公共小巴 108.8 22.6 147.4 25.0
Public light bus (88.6) (25.0)
的士 100.8 20.9 136.6 23.2
Taxi (63.5) (17.9)
院舍車輛 25.2 5.2 27.6 4.7
Vehicle of institution (9.0) (2.5)
私家車 21.9 4.5 22.9 3.9
Private vehicle (15.2) (4.3)
校車 6.8 1.4 4.5 0.8
School bus (3.5) (1.0)
其他^ 27.8 5.8 35.0 5.9
Others^ (17.0) (4.8)
合計 481.3 100.0 589.7 100.0
Overall (354.9) (100.0)
註釋: 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別人士數目的總和
Notes: @ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
# Three answers were allowed at maximum.
^ Including tram, ferry and “Rehabus”, etc. “Rehabus” services which are subvented by the Government and run by
two operators, provides point-to-point special transport services, including Scheduled Route, Dial-a-Ride and
Feeder services, to persons with disabilities who have difficulty in using public transport, for receiving medical
treatment, going to work / school / rehabilitation training and attending social/recreational activities.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her principal mode of transportation used
might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of persons
with single disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 219 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

表 10.4a 按出外覆診/接受治療時轉乘次數 #及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會出外的殘

Table 10.4a Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
specific needs and would go out by number of transfers# when going out for
medical consultation/treatment and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability*
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
出外覆診/接受治療時轉乘次數# 人數 人數 人數
Number of transfers# when going No. of No. of No. of
out for medical consultation/ persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
treatment ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
0 172.0 77.7 32.3 70.5 30.3 67.1
(96.2) (74.4) (11.4) (62.5) (6.5) (52.3)
1 15.2 6.9 4.1 8.9 3.8 8.5
(10.0) (7.7) (2.1) (11.4) (1.7) (13.4)
≥2 3.4 1.5 0.7 1.5 0.8 1.7
(1.9) (1.5) (0.5) (2.9) (0.5) (3.8)
步行 21.3 9.6 5.3 11.6 4.9 10.8
On foot (14.3) (11.1) (2.3) (12.5) (1.2) (9.9)
不會出外覆診/接受治療 1.2 0.5 ‡ ‡ 0.3 0.6
Not going out for medical (0.7) (0.5) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
不需要覆診/接受治療 8.2 3.7 3.4 7.5 5.1 11.4
No need to receive medical (6.3) (4.9) (2.0) (10.7) (2.6) (20.6)

總計 221.4 100.0 45.8 100.0 45.2 100.0

Total (129.4) (100.0) (18.2) (100.0) (12.4) (100.0)
註釋: 港鐵轉線不計算在轉乘次數內。
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她出外覆診/接受治療時轉乘次數不一定只受單一種
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: # Interchange of MTR line is not counted towards the number of transfers.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her number of transfers when going
out for medical consultation/treatment might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 220 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

表 10.4a(續) 按出外覆診/接受治療時轉乘次數 #及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會出外的殘

Table 10.4a Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs and would go out by number of transfers# when going out for
medical consultation/treatment and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
出外覆診/接受治療時轉乘次數# 人數 人數 人數
Number of transfers# when going No. of No. of No. of
out for medical consultation/ persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
treatment ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
0 32.8 77.6 165.5 67.5 14.2 63.6
(1.6) (45.9) (105.8) (61.8) (5.2) (55.3)
1 1.8 4.2 26.4 10.8 2.6 11.4
(0.3) (10.0) (21.2) (12.4) (0.7) (7.7)
≥2 0.6 1.5 5.1 2.1 0.4 1.6
(‡) (‡) (3.8) (2.2) (‡) (‡)
步行 3.0 7.2 20.0 8.2 1.6 7.0
On foot (0.3) (8.9) (15.2) (8.8) (0.8) (8.4)
不會出外覆診/接受治療 0.3 0.8 0.7 0.3 ‡ ‡
Not going out for medical (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
不需要覆診/接受治療 3.7 8.7 27.4 11.2 3.6 16.1
No need to receive medical (1.1) (32.2) (25.1) (14.6) (2.6) (27.3)

總計 42.3 100.0 245.2 100.0 22.4 100.0

Total (3.4) (100.0) (171.3) (100.0) (9.5) (100.0)
註釋: 港鐵轉線不計算在轉乘次數內。
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她出外覆診/接受治療時轉乘次數不一定只受單一種
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: # Interchange of MTR line is not counted towards the number of transfers.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her number of transfers when going
out for medical consultation/treatment might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 221 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

表 10.4a(續) 按出外覆診/接受治療時轉乘次數 #及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會出外的殘

Table 10.4a Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs and would go out by number of transfers# when going out for
medical consultation/treatment and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
出外覆診/接受治療時轉乘次數# 人數 人數
Number of transfers# when going No. of No. of
out for medical consultation/ persons 百分比 persons 百分比
treatment ('000) % ('000) %
0 18.0 51.1 22.2 58.4
(5.0) (32.6) (9.2) (55.5)
1 3.2 9.0 4.9 12.9
(0.9) (5.7) (1.7) (10.1)
≥2 0.4 1.2 1.4 3.6
(‡) (‡) (0.9) (5.4)
步行 2.9 8.3 2.1 5.4
On foot (1.6) (10.7) (0.7) (4.3)
不會出外覆診/接受治療 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Not going out for medical (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
不需要覆診/接受治療 10.7 30.4 7.5 19.6
No need to receive medical (7.7) (50.1) (4.1) (24.7)

總計 35.3 100.0 38.1 100.0

Total (15.4) (100.0) (16.5) (100.0)
註釋: 港鐵轉線不計算在轉乘次數內。
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她出外覆診/接受治療時轉乘次數不一定只受單一種
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: # Interchange of MTR line is not counted towards the number of transfers.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her number of transfers when going
out for medical consultation/treatment might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 222 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

表 10.4a(續) 按出外覆診/接受治療時轉乘次數 #及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會出外的殘

Table 10.4a Persons with disabilities and persons with chronic diseases who had
(Cont'd) specific needs and would go out by number of transfers# when going out for
medical consultation/treatment and selected type of disability

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
(excluding persons with diseases who had
intellectual disability)@ specific needs
出外覆診/接受治療時轉乘次數# 人數 人數
Number of transfers# when going No. of No. of
out for medical consultation/ persons 百分比 persons 百分比
treatment ('000) % ('000) %
0 342.6 67.3 423.1 66.9
(240.9) (64.1)
1 48.8 9.6 84.1 13.3
(38.5) (10.2)
≥2 10.1 2.0 26.4 4.2
(7.9) (2.1)
步行 46.7 9.2 86.4 13.7
On foot (36.4) (9.7)
不會出外覆診/接受治療 1.6 0.3 2.6 0.4
Not going out for medical (0.9) (0.2)
不需要覆診/接受治療 59.7 11.7 9.9 1.6
No need to receive medical (51.3) (13.7)

總計 509.4 100.0 632.6 100.0

Total (376.0) (100.0)
註釋: 港鐵轉線不計算在轉乘次數內。

Notes: # Interchange of MTR line is not counted towards the number of transfers.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her number of transfers when going out for
medical consultation/treatment might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding
figures in respect of persons with single disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 223 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

表 10.4b 按往返工作地點時轉乘次數 #及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會出外的就業殘疾

Table 10.4b Employed persons with disabilities and those with chronic diseases who
had specific needs and would go out by number of transfers# when going
out for work and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability*
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
往返工作地點時轉乘次數 No. of No. of No. of
Number of transfers# when persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
going out for work ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
0 7.5 66.0 4.1 85.8 3.1 70.0
(6.3) (67.3) (3.1) (85.0) (1.6) (69.6)
1 0.9 7.6 0.3 6.4 0.5 12.0
(0.8) (8.1) (0.3) (8.2) (‡) (‡)
≥2 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
(‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
步行 2.7 23.9 ‡ ‡ 0.7 14.7
On foot (2.1) (22.1) (‡) (‡) (0.4) (16.4)
不需出外工作 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
No need to go out for work (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)

總計 11.3 100.0 4.8 100.0 4.4 100.0

Total (9.4) (100.0) (3.7) (100.0) (2.3) (100.0)
註釋: 港鐵轉線不計算在轉乘次數內。
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她往返工作地點時轉乘次數不一定只受單一種殘疾類
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: # Interchange of MTR line is not counted towards the number of transfers.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her number of transfers when going
out for work might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in
respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 224 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

表 10.4b(續) 按往返工作地點時轉乘次數 #及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會出外的就業殘疾

Table 10.4b Employed persons with disabilities and those with chronic diseases who
(Cont'd) had specific needs and would go out by number of transfers# when going
out for work and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
往返工作地點時轉乘次數 No. of No. of No. of
Number of transfers# when persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
going out for work ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
0 1.6 61.9 43.7 71.8 1.5 62.7
(0.3) (51.3) (41.6) (72.4) (0.8) (71.7)
1 0.3 10.4 8.5 13.9 ‡ ‡
(‡) (‡) (8.2) (14.2) (‡) (‡)
≥2 ‡ ‡ 0.4 0.7 ‡ ‡
(‡) (‡) (0.4) (0.8) (‡) (‡)
步行 0.7 27.7 7.7 12.7 0.6 24.9
On foot (0.3) (48.7) (6.9) (12.0) (‡) (‡)
不需出外工作 ‡ ‡ 0.5 0.8 ‡ ‡
No need to go out for work (‡) (‡) (0.4) (0.7) (‡) (‡)

總計 2.6 100.0 60.9 100.0 2.5 100.0

Total (0.5) (100.0) (57.4) (100.0) (1.1) (100.0)
註釋: 港鐵轉線不計算在轉乘次數內。
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她往返工作地點時轉乘次數不一定只受單一種殘疾類
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: # Interchange of MTR line is not counted towards the number of transfers.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her number of transfers when going
out for work might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in
respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 225 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

表 10.4b(續) 按往返工作地點時轉乘次數 #及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會出外的就業殘疾

Table 10.4b Employed persons with disabilities and those with chronic diseases who
(Cont'd) had specific needs and would go out by number of transfers# when going
out for work and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
往返工作地點時轉乘次數 No. of No. of
Number of transfers# when persons 百分比 persons 百分比
going out for work ('000) % ('000) %
0 3.0 63.3 2.4 63.2
(2.3) (72.8) (1.1) (71.5)
1 0.9 18.3 0.6 16.4
(0.5) (15.3) (‡) (‡)
≥2 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
(‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
步行 0.8 17.2 0.6 16.1
On foot (0.4) (11.9) (‡) (‡)
不需出外工作 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
No need to go out for work (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)

總計 4.8 100.0 3.9 100.0

Total (3.1) (100.0) (1.5) (100.0)
註釋: 港鐵轉線不計算在轉乘次數內。
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她往返工作地點時轉乘次數不一定只受單一種殘疾類
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: # Interchange of MTR line is not counted towards the number of transfers.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her number of transfers when going
out for work might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in
respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 226 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

表 10.4b(續) 按往返工作地點時轉乘次數 #及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會出外的就業殘疾

Table 10.4b Employed persons with disabilities and those with chronic diseases who
(Cont'd) had specific needs and would go out by number of transfers# when going
out for work and selected type of disability

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
(excluding persons with diseases who had
intellectual disability)@ specific needs
人數 人數
往返工作地點時轉乘次數 No. of No. of
Number of transfers# when persons 百分比 persons 百分比
going out for work ('000) % ('000) %
0 61.6 71.4 41.1 51.9
(57.1) (72.1)
1 11.1 12.9 16.3 20.5
(10.2) (12.9)
≥2 0.6 0.7 7.1 9.0
(0.6) (0.7)
步行 12.0 13.9 13.8 17.4
On foot (10.5) (13.3)
不需出外工作 1.0 1.1 ‡ ‡
No need to go out for work (0.7) (0.9)

總計 86.3 100.0 79.1 100.0

Total (79.1) (100.0)
註釋: 港鐵轉線不計算在轉乘次數內。
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於1 500的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數

Notes: # Interchange of MTR line is not counted towards the number of transfers.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
‡ Estimates less than 1 500 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her number of transfers when going out for
work might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of
persons with single disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 227 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

表 10.4c 按出外學習時轉乘次數 #及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會出外的殘疾及有特定

Table 10.4c Students / persons receiving skills training with disabilities and those with
chronic diseases who had specific needs and would go out by number of
transfers# when going out for study and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability*
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
出外學習時轉乘次數 No. of No. of No. of
Number of transfers# when persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
going out for study ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
0 1.6 57.3 0.7 68.9 0.3 60.8
(0.3) (49.3) (0.3) (69.1) (‡) (‡)
1 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
(‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
≥2 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
(‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
步行 1.2 42.7 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
On foot (0.3) (50.7) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
不需出外學習 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
No need to go out for study (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)

總計 2.8 100.0 1.0 100.0 0.5 100.0

Total (0.5) (100.0) (0.4) (100.0) (‡) (‡)
註釋: 港鐵轉線不計算在轉乘次數內。
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她出外學習時轉乘次數不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: # Interchange of MTR line is not counted towards the number of transfers.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her number of transfers when going
out for study might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in
respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 228 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

表 10.4c(續) 按出外學習時轉乘次數 #及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會出外的殘疾及有特定

Table 10.4c Students / persons receiving skills training with disabilities and those with
(Cont'd) chronic diseases who had specific needs and would go out by number of
transfers# when going out for study and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
出外學習時轉乘次數 No. of No. of No. of
Number of transfers# when persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
going out for study ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
0 3.3 66.0 12.4 66.7 12.3 69.8
(0.6) (68.3) (6.2) (65.7) (5.0) (65.8)
1 ‡ ‡ 1.9 10.1 1.2 6.5
(‡) (‡) (1.0) (10.2) (0.5) (6.4)
≥2 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
(‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
步行 1.4 29.1 3.9 21.0 4.1 23.3
On foot (‡) (‡) (2.0) (21.7) (2.0) (26.8)
不需出外學習 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
No need to go out for study (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)

總計 4.9 100.0 18.5 100.0 17.6 100.0

Total (0.9) (100.0) (9.4) (100.0) (7.6) (100.0)
註釋: 港鐵轉線不計算在轉乘次數內。
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她出外學習時轉乘次數不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: # Interchange of MTR line is not counted towards the number of transfers.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her number of transfers when going
out for study might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in
respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 229 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

表 10.4c(續) 按出外學習時轉乘次數 #及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會出外的殘疾及有特定

Table 10.4c Students / persons receiving skills training with disabilities and those with
(Cont'd) chronic diseases who had specific needs and would go out by number of
transfers# when going out for study and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
出外學習時轉乘次數 No. of No. of
Number of transfers# when persons 百分比 persons 百分比
going out for study ('000) % ('000) %
0 17.3 66.3 21.8 67.5
(6.7) (59.6) (9.6) (65.9)
1 2.1 7.9 3.3 10.3
(1.0) (8.9) (1.8) (12.1)
≥2 0.3 1.1 ‡ ‡
(0.3) (2.6) (‡) (‡)
步行 6.3 24.3 6.8 21.2
On foot (3.3) (28.9) (3.1) (21.3)
不需出外學習 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
No need to go out for study (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)

總計 26.1 100.0 32.2 100.0

Total (11.3) (100.0) (14.6) (100.0)
註釋: 港鐵轉線不計算在轉乘次數內。
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她出外學習時轉乘次數不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: # Interchange of MTR line is not counted towards the number of transfers.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her number of transfers when going
out for study might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in
respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 230 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的 Transportation arrangement for persons with disabilities and
長期病患者的交通安排 persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

表 10.4c(續) 按出外學習時轉乘次數 #及選定的殘疾類別劃分的會出外的殘疾及有特定

Table 10.4c Students / persons receiving skills training with disabilities and those with
(Cont'd) chronic diseases who had specific needs and would go out by number of
transfers# when going out for study and selected type of disability

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
(excluding persons with diseases who had
intellectual disability)@ specific needs
人數 人數
出外學習時轉乘次數 No. of No. of
Number of transfers# when persons 百分比 persons 百分比
going out for study ('000) % ('000) %
0 45.7 65.9 14.9 63.6
(28.8) (64.1)
1 6.3 9.1 2.8 12.1
(4.3) (9.7)
≥2 0.6 0.8 † †
(0.5) (1.1)
步行 16.5 23.8 5.3 22.8
On foot (11.1) (24.6)
不需出外學習 0.3 0.5 † †
No need to go out for study (‡) (‡)

總計 69.4 100.0 23.4 100.0

Total (44.9) (100.0)
註釋: 港鐵轉線不計算在轉乘次數內。
‡/† 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250/1 500的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統

Notes: # Interchange of MTR line is not counted towards the number of transfers.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
‡/† Estimates less than 250/1 500 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her number of transfers when going out for
study might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of
persons with single disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 231 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Usage of information technology of persons with disabilities
and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

11.1 本章的焦點是提供有關殘疾人士及因 11.1 The focus of this Chapter is to furnish

長期病患令其在日常生活有困難或正在使用輔 information on the use of information technology (IT)
助儀器的長期病患者(以下簡稱為「有特定需要 device and the Internet by persons with disabilities
的長期病患者」)使用資訊科技設備及互聯網的 and persons with chronic diseases who were
encountering difficulty in day-to-day living or using
資料。資訊科技設備是指(i) 桌面電腦、(ii) 手提
assistive device due to their chronic diseases (referred
電腦、(iii) 平板電腦及(iv) 智能手機。
to as “persons with chronic diseases who had specific
needs”). IT device refers to (i) desktop, (ii) laptop,
(iii) tablet and (iv) smartphone.

多於一種殘疾類別的影響 Effect of multiple disabilities

11.2 由於一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘 11.2 Since a person might have more than one
疾類別,因此他/她運用資訊科技的情況不一 selected type of disability, his/her usage of
定只受單一種殘疾類別影響。對於本章列載的 information technology might not be owing to single
統計調查結果,尤其是按不同殘疾類別的分析, disability. Therefore, caution should be taken
when interpreting the survey results presented in this
必須謹慎闡釋。載於表 11.1a - 11.2c 的括號內的
Chapter, especially for the analysis by selected type
of disability. The survey results pertaining to
計調查結果,以供參考。概括而言,只有單一種 persons with single disability were also given in
殘疾類別的人士相對地較大比例家中擁有資訊 brackets in Tables 11.1a - 11.2c for reference.
科技設備而且可以使用這些設備。由於智障並 Broadly speaking, a higher proportion of persons
不包括在本章的分析中,部分只有單一種殘疾 with single disability said that they had IT device at
類別的人士,可能同時有智障的情況。 home and could use the device. Since intellectual
disability (ID) was not included in the analysis of
this Chapter, some persons with single disability
might have the condition of ID at the same time.

I. 使用互聯網的概況 I. Overview of the use of the Internet

有否使用過互聯網 Whether used the Internet

11.3 在 513 800 名 10 歲及以上殘疾人士中, 11.3 Among those 513 800 persons aged 10 and
約 278 200 人(54.1%)在統計前 12 個月有使用 over with disabilities, some 278 200 (54.1%) of them
過互聯網。而在 649 900 名 10 歲及以上有特定 had used the Internet during the 12 months before
需要的長期病患者中,約 310 400 人(47.8%) enumeration. As for those 649 900 persons aged 10
and over with chronic diseases who had specific
表示相同情況。 (表 11.1a)
needs, some 310 400 persons (47.8%) reported the
same. (Table 11.1a)

11.4 按選定的殘疾類別分析,超過 8 成 10 11.4 Analysed by selected type of disability,

歲及以上有自閉症譜系障礙、有特殊學習困難 over 80% of persons aged 10 and over with Autism
及有注意力不足/過度活躍症人士在統計前 12 Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Specific Learning
個月有使用過互聯網。而 10 歲及以上溝通能力 Difficulties (SpLD) and Attention Deficit /
Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) had used the
有困難人士的相應比例最低,為 20.6%。
Internet during the 12 months before enumeration.
(表 11.1a)
The corresponding proportion of persons aged 10 and

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 232 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者 Usage of information technology of persons with disabilities
的資訊科技運用情況 and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

over with communication difficulty was 20.6%,

which was the lowest among persons with selected
types of disability. (Table 11.1a)

使用互聯網的目的 Purpose of using the Internet

11.5 在 278 200 名在統計前 12 個月有使用 11.5 Among those 278 200 persons aged 10 and
過互聯網的 10 歲及以上殘疾人士當中,首三項 over with disabilities who had used the Internet
最普遍被提及的使用互聯網的目的為「通訊」、 during the 12 months before enumeration, the three
「資訊查詢」及「娛樂」,分別達 91.5%、58.4% most reported purposes of using the Internet were
“communication”, “information searching” and
及 56.5%。而在 310 400 名在統計前 12 個月有
“entertainment”, at 91.5%, 58.4% and 56.5%
使用過互聯網的 10 歲及以上有特定需要的長期
respectively. As for the 310 400 persons aged 10
病患者中,相應數字分別為 88.3%、62.8%及 and over with chronic diseases who had specific
43.8%。 (表 11.1b) needs and had used the Internet during the 12 months
before enumeration, the corresponding figures were
88.3%, 62.8% and 43.8% respectively.
(Table 11.1b)

11.6 按選定的殘疾類別分析,10 歲及以上 11.6 Analysed by selected type of disability,

身體活動能力受限制、視覺有困難、聽覺有困難 persons aged 10 and over with restriction in body
及有精神病/情緒病人士使用互聯網的目的大 movement, seeing difficulty, hearing difficulty and
致與整體殘疾人士的分布相若。而 10 歲及以上 mental illness / mood disorder had similar
distributions of purpose of using the Internet with the
overall population with disabilities. For those
persons aged 10 and over with communication
要以「通訊」及「娛樂」為目的。 (表 11.1b) difficulty, ASD, SpLD and AD/HD, most of them
used the Internet for “communication” and
“entertainment”. (Table 11.1b)

沒有使用互聯網的原因 Reason of not using the Internet

11.7 在 235 600 名在統計前 12 個月沒有使 11.7 Among those 235 600 persons aged 10 and
用互聯網的 10 歲及以上殘疾人士當中,大部分 over with disabilities who had not used the Internet
表示沒有使用互聯網的原因是「不懂得使用資 during the 12 months before enumeration, the
訊科技設備」(87.8%),其次是「沒有需要上 majority indicated that the reason of not using the
Internet was “did not know how to use IT device”
(87.8%), followed by “no need” (22.2%) and “did not
(15.5%)。而 339 500 名在統計前 12 個月沒有
have IT device at home” (15.5%). As for those
使用互聯網的 10 歲及以上有特定需要的長期病 339 500 persons aged 10 and over with chronic
患 者 的 相 應 百 分 比 分 別 為 81.5% 、 38.6% 及 diseases who had specific needs and had not used the
18.1%。 (表 11.1c) Internet during the 12 months before enumeration,
the corresponding percentages were 81.5%, 38.6%
and 18.1% respectively. (Table 11.1c)

11.8 按選定的殘疾類別分析,在統計前 12 11.8 Analysed by selected type of disability,

個月沒有使用互聯網的 10 歲及以上有個別殘疾 persons aged 10 and over with individual types of
類別人士中,最普遍沒有使用互聯網的原因皆 disability who had not used the Internet during the 12
是「不懂得使用資訊科技設備」,約 9 成 10 歲 months before enumeration, the most common
reason for not using the Internet was “did not know
how to use IT device”. About 90% of those with
此原因。 (表 11.1c)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 233 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者 Usage of information technology of persons with disabilities
的資訊科技運用情況 and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

hearing difficulty and communication difficulty

reported this reason. (Table 11.1c)

II. 資訊科技設備的普及程度 II. Penetration of IT device

資訊科技設備 IT device

11.9 在該 513 800 名 10 歲及以上殘疾人士 11.9 Among those 513 800 persons aged 10 and
中,約 440 600 人(85.7%)家中擁有資訊科技 over with disabilities, some 440 600 persons (85.7%)
設備,當中 287 200 人可以使用這些設備。在該 had IT device at home, with 287 200 persons among
649 900 名 10 歲及以上有特定需要的長期病患 them could use these devices. Among the 649 900
persons aged 10 and over with chronic diseases who
者中,約 498 500 人(76.7%)表示家中擁有資
had specific needs, some 498 500 persons (76.7%)
訊科技設備,而當中 345 800 人可以使用這些設
reported that they had IT device at home, among
備。 (表 11.2a) which 345 800 persons could use these devices.
(Table 11.2a)

11.10 按選定的殘疾類別分析,10 歲及以上 11.10 Analysed by selected type of disability, the

身體活動能力受限制、視覺有困難、聽覺有困難 percentages of not having IT device at home were
及溝通能力有困難人士家中沒有資訊科技設備 higher among the persons aged 10 and over with
的百分比較高。而大部分 10 歲及以上有自閉症 restriction in body movement, seeing difficulty,
hearing difficulty and communication difficulty.
Majority of the persons aged 10 and over with ASD,
SpLD and AD/HD had IT device at home and could
以 使 用 這 些 設 備 , 分 別 佔 92.2% 、 85.0% 及 use these devices, at 92.2%, 85.0% and 96.3%
96.3%。 (表 11.2a) respectively. (Table 11.2a)

智能手機 Smartphone

11.11 該 513 800 名 10 歲及以上殘疾人士中, 11.11 Among those 513 800 persons aged 10 and
約 383 100 人(74.6%)擁有智能手機,當中 over with disabilities, some 383 100 persons (74.6%)
277 200 人可以使用此設備。在 649 900 名 10 歲 had smartphone, among which 277 200 persons
及以上有特定需要的長期病患者中,約 418 600 could use this device. Among the 649 900 persons
aged 10 and over with chronic diseases who had
人(64.4%)擁有智能手機,而當中 325 200 人
specific needs, some 418 600 person (64.4%) had
可以使用此設備。 (表 11.2b)
smartphone, 325 200 persons among them could use
this device. (Table 11.2b)

11.12 按選定的殘疾類別分析,在 10 歲及以 11.12 Analysed by selected type of disability, the

上身體活動能力受限制、視覺有困難、聽覺有困 percentages of not having smartphone were higher
難及溝通能力有困難人士沒有智能手機的百分 among the persons aged 10 and over with restriction
比較高。而 10 歲及以上有自閉症譜系障礙、有 in body movement, seeing difficulty, hearing
difficulty and communication difficulty. Higher
proportions of the persons aged 10 and over with
ASD, SpLD and AD/HD had smartphone and could
備,分別佔 86.3%、81.2%及 93.4%。 (表 11.2b) use this device, at 86.3%, 81.2% and 93.4%
respectively. (Table 11.2b)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 234 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者 Usage of information technology of persons with disabilities
的資訊科技運用情況 and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs

個人電腦 Personal computer (PC)

11.13 在該 513 800 名 10 歲及以上殘疾人士 11.13 Among those 513 800 persons aged 10 and
中,約 329 800 人(64.2%)家中擁有個人電腦 over with disabilities, some 329 800 persons (64.2%)
(包括桌面電腦、手提電腦及平板電腦),當中 had PC (includes desktop, laptop and tablet) at home,
181 400 人可以使用這些設備。在 649 900 名 10 with 181 400 persons among them could use these
devices. Among the 649 900 persons aged 10 and
over with chronic diseases who had specific needs,
333 300 人(51.3%)表示家中擁有個人電腦,而
some 333 300 persons (51.3%) reported that they had
當中 164 000 人可以使用這些設備。 (表 11.2c) PC at home, among which 164 000 persons could use
these devices. (Table 11.2c)

11.14 按選定的殘疾類別分析,10 歲及以上 11.14 Analysed by selected type of disability, the

身體活動能力受限制、視覺有困難及聽覺有困 percentages of not having PC at home were higher
難人士家中沒有個人電腦的百分比較高。而大 among the persons aged 10 and over with restriction
部分 10 歲及以上有自閉症譜系障礙、有特殊學 in body movement, seeing difficulty and hearing
difficulty. Majority of the persons aged 10 and over
with ASD, SpLD and AD/HD had PC at home and
could use these devices, at 80.0%, 73.5% and 87.1%
80.0%、73.5%及 87.1%。 (表 11.2c) respectively. (Table 11.2c)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 235 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期 Usage of information technology of persons with disabilities
病患者的資訊科技運用情況 and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 11.1a 按選定的殘疾類別及在統計前12個月有否使用過互聯網劃分的10歲及以
Table 11.1a Persons aged 10 and over with disabilities and those with chronic diseases
who had specific needs by selected type of disability and whether used the
Internet during the 12 months before enumeration
Whether used the Internet
during the 12 months before enumeration
有 沒有 總計
Yes No Total
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
選定的殘疾類別* persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Selected type of disability* ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體活動能力受限制 69.6 28.6 173.8 71.4 243.4 100.0
Restriction in body movement (49.9) (36.0) (88.8) (64.0) (138.7) (100.0)
視覺有困難 15.8 33.4 31.6 66.6 47.4 100.0
Seeing difficulty (9.9) (54.6) (8.2) (45.4) (18.1) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 15.8 33.1 31.9 66.9 47.7 100.0
Hearing difficulty (7.0) (55.8) (5.5) (44.2) (12.5) (100.0)
溝通能力有困難 9.8 20.6 37.6 79.4 47.4 100.0
Communication difficulty (1.2) (37.8) (2.0) (62.2) (3.3) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 161.5 63.6 92.6 36.4 254.1 100.0
Mental illness / mood disorder (136.8) (79.3) (35.7) (20.7) (172.5) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 14.2 91.4 1.3 8.6 15.6 100.0
Autism Spectrum Disorder (5.7) (93.9) (0.4) (6.1) (6.1) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 22.1 84.9 3.9 15.1 26.0 100.0
Specific Learning Difficulties (9.6) (91.0) (1.0) (9.0) (10.6) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 27.6 96.1 1.1 3.9 28.8 100.0
Attention Deficit / (12.5) (100.0) (‡) (‡) (12.5) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder
所有殘疾人士(智障人士除外)@ 278.2 54.1 235.6 45.9 513.8 100.0
All persons with disabilities (232.6) (62.2) (141.6) (37.8) (374.2) (100.0)
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)@
有特定需要的長期病患者 310.4 47.8 339.5 52.2 649.9 100.0
Persons with chronic diseases
who had specific needs
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她有否使用過互聯網(不論使用任何設備)不一定只
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she used the Internet
(regardless of the device used) might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the
corresponding figures in respect of persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 236 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期 Usage of information technology of persons with disabilities
病患者的資訊科技運用情況 and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 11.1b 按使用互聯網的目的及選定的殘疾類別劃分的在統計前12個月有使用過
Table 11.1b Persons aged 10 and over with disabilities and those with chronic diseases
who had specific needs and had used the Internet during the 12 months
before enumeration by purpose of using the Internet and selected type of
Selected type of disability*
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
使用互聯網的目的# persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Purpose of using the Internet# ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
通訊 61.6 88.5 14.5 91.9 14.6 92.2
Communication (45.2) (90.6) (9.3) (94.5) (6.5) (93.6)
資訊查詢 32.1 46.1 8.9 56.2 8.2 51.7
Information searching (24.4) (48.9) (6.4) (65.2) (4.2) (59.8)
娛樂 31.8 45.7 6.4 40.1 7.4 46.6
Entertainment (22.4) (45.0) (4.2) (42.1) (3.4) (48.6)
網上購物/處理金融交易 3.4 4.8 1.3 7.9 0.9 5.5
Online shopping / (2.6) (5.3) (0.9) (9.2) (0.5) (7.8)
financial transaction
學習/工作需要 0.3 0.4 0.4 2.6 ‡ ‡
Study/working (‡) (‡) (0.3) (2.7) (‡) (‡)
電子政府服務 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Electronic Government services (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
健康管理 0.8 1.2 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Health management (0.5) (1.0) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
其他 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Others (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
合計 69.6 100.0 15.8 100.0 15.8 100.0
Overall (49.9) (100.0) (9.9) (100.0) (7.0) (100.0)
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她使用互聯網的目的不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her purpose of using the Internet might
not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of persons with
single disability.
# Multiple answers were allowed.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 237 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期 Usage of information technology of persons with disabilities
病患者的資訊科技運用情況 and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 11.1b(續) 按使用互聯網的目的及選定的殘疾類別劃分的在統計前12個月有使用過
Table 11.1b Persons aged 10 and over with disabilities and those with chronic diseases
(Cont'd) who had specific needs and had used the Internet during the 12 months
before enumeration by purpose of using the Internet and selected type of
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
使用互聯網的目的# persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Purpose of using the Internet# ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
通訊 7.0 71.4 150.7 93.3 10.7 75.4
Communication (0.7) (58.8) (130.3) (95.3) (4.4) (77.2)
資訊查詢 3.8 39.1 101.6 62.9 6.3 44.4
Information searching (0.4) (30.8) (90.0) (65.8) (2.4) (41.8)
娛樂 5.7 58.2 89.5 55.4 12.2 85.9
Entertainment (0.7) (58.0) (74.2) (54.3) (5.3) (92.4)
網上購物/處理金融交易 0.4 3.9 22.0 13.6 0.4 2.5
Online shopping / (‡) (‡) (20.7) (15.1) (‡) (‡)
financial transaction
學習/工作需要 0.4 3.7 4.2 2.6 2.6 18.0
Study/working (‡) (‡) (2.4) (1.8) (1.0) (17.7)
電子政府服務 ‡ ‡ 2.1 1.3 ‡ ‡
Electronic Government services (‡) (‡) (1.9) (1.4) (‡) (‡)
健康管理 ‡ ‡ 1.0 0.6 ‡ ‡
Health management (‡) (‡) (0.8) (0.6) (‡) (‡)
其他 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Others (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
合計 9.8 100.0 161.5 100.0 14.2 100.0
Overall (1.2) (100.0) (136.8) (100.0) (5.7) (100.0)
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她使用互聯網的目的不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her purpose of using the Internet might
not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of persons with
single disability.
# Multiple answers were allowed.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 238 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期 Usage of information technology of persons with disabilities
病患者的資訊科技運用情況 and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 11.1b(續) 按使用互聯網的目的及選定的殘疾類別劃分的在統計前12個月有使用過
Table 11.1b Persons aged 10 and over with disabilities and those with chronic diseases
(Cont'd) who had specific needs and had used the Internet during the 12 months
before enumeration by purpose of using the Internet and selected type of
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
No. of No. of
使用互聯網的目的# persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Purpose of using the Internet# ('000) % ('000) %
通訊 18.9 85.7 24.4 88.2
Communication (8.5) (88.5) (11.3) (90.3)
資訊查詢 12.7 57.3 16.0 57.9
Information searching (5.6) (58.5) (6.9) (55.4)
娛樂 18.3 83.0 22.5 81.5
Entertainment (8.0) (83.5) (10.0) (80.3)
網上購物/處理金融交易 1.3 6.1 1.4 5.2
Online shopping / (0.9) (9.0) (0.7) (5.9)
financial transaction
學習/工作需要 2.1 9.5 4.7 17.0
Study/working (0.9) (9.7) (2.0) (16.4)
電子政府服務 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Electronic Government services (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
健康管理 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Health management (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
其他 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Others (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
合計 22.1 100.0 27.6 100.0
Overall (9.6) (100.0) (12.5) (100.0)
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她使用互聯網的目的不一定只受單一種殘疾類別影
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her purpose of using the Internet might
not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of persons with
single disability.
# Multiple answers were allowed.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 239 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期 Usage of information technology of persons with disabilities
病患者的資訊科技運用情況 and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 11.1b(續) 按使用互聯網的目的及選定的殘疾類別劃分的在統計前12個月有使用過
Table 11.1b Persons aged 10 and over with disabilities and those with chronic diseases
(Cont'd) who had specific needs and had used the Internet during the 12 months
before enumeration by purpose of using the Internet and selected type of

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
(excluding persons with diseases who had
intellectual disability)@ specific needs
人數 人數
No. of No. of
使用互聯網的目的# persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Purpose of using the Internet# ('000) % ('000) %
通訊 254.7 91.5 274.0 88.3
Communication (216.3) (93.0)
資訊查詢 162.4 58.4 194.8 62.8
Information searching (140.3) (60.3)
娛樂 157.1 56.5 135.9 43.8
Entertainment (128.2) (55.1)
網上購物/處理金融交易 28.6 10.3 26.7 8.6
Online shopping / (26.6) (11.4)
financial transaction
學習/工作需要 10.3 3.7 2.2 0.7
Study/working (6.9) (3.0)
電子政府服務 2.6 0.9 21.2 6.8
Electronic Government services (2.4) (1.0)
健康管理 2.0 0.7 5.6 1.8
Health management (1.6) (0.7)
其他 ‡ ‡ † †
Others (‡) (‡)
合計 278.2 100.0 310.4 100.0
Overall (232.6) (100.0)
註釋: 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別人士數目的總和
‡/† 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250/1 500的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統
Notes: @ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
# Multiple answers were allowed.
‡/† Estimates less than 250/1 500 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her purpose of using the Internet might not
be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of persons with single
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 240 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期 Usage of information technology of persons with disabilities
病患者的資訊科技運用情況 and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 11.1c 按沒有使用互聯網的原因及選定的殘疾類別劃分的在統計前12個月沒有
Table 11.1c Persons aged 10 and over with disabilities and those with chronic diseases
who had specific needs and had not used the Internet during the 12 months
before enumeration by reason for not using the Internet and selected type
of disability
Selected type of disability*
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
沒有使用互聯網的原因# persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Reason for not using the Internet# ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
不懂得使用資訊科技設備^ 154.5 88.9 27.2 86.1 28.7 90.0
Did not know how to use IT device^ (78.3) (88.2) (7.1) (85.8) (4.8) (87.3)
沒有需要上網 37.8 21.7 6.4 20.1 7.6 23.9
No need (20.6) (23.2) (1.3) (15.9) (1.5) (26.5)
家中沒有資訊科技設備^ 25.9 14.9 5.2 16.5 5.0 15.5
Did not have IT device^ at home (14.0) (15.7) (1.7) (20.3) (0.6) (11.5)
瀏覽及使用網上資訊及服務時遇 4.7 2.7 1.8 5.6 1.0 3.1
到困難 (1.4) (1.6) (0.4) (5.5) (‡) (‡)
Encountered barriers when accessing
online information and services
沒有合適的輔助工具 1.5 0.9 1.2 3.9 0.3 0.9
Did not have suitable assistive tool (‡) (‡) (0.4) (4.9) (‡) (‡)
費用太昂貴 0.5 0.3 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Cost too high (0.4) (0.5) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
其他 0.3 0.2 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Others (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
合計 173.8 100.0 31.6 100.0 31.9 100.0
Overall (88.8) (100.0) (8.2) (100.0) (5.5) (100.0)
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她沒有使用互聯網的原因不一定只受單一種殘疾類別
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her reason for not using the Internet
might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of
persons with single disability.
# Multiple answers were allowed.
^ IT device includes desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 241 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期 Usage of information technology of persons with disabilities
病患者的資訊科技運用情況 and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 11.1c(續) 按沒有使用互聯網的原因及選定的殘疾類別劃分的在統計前12個月沒有
Table 11.1c Persons aged 10 and over with disabilities and those with chronic diseases
(Cont'd) who had specific needs and had not used the Internet during the 12 months
before enumeration by reason for not using the Internet and selected type
of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

溝通能力有困難 精神病/情緒病 自閉症譜系障礙

Communication Mental illness / Autism Spectrum
difficulty mood disorder Disorder
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
沒有使用互聯網的原因# persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Reason for not using the Internet# ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
不懂得使用資訊科技設備^ 34.5 91.6 82.0 88.6 1.1 83.3
Did not know how to use IT device^ (1.7) (83.4) (29.8) (83.5) (0.3) (68.1)
沒有需要上網 7.3 19.5 18.8 20.3 0.3 25.7
No need (0.4) (20.6) (9.0) (25.2) (‡) (‡)
家中沒有資訊科技設備^ 5.3 14.0 13.7 14.8 ‡ ‡
Did not have IT device^ at home (‡) (‡) (6.6) (18.6) (‡) (‡)
瀏覽及使用網上資訊及服務時遇 1.9 5.0 1.8 2.0 ‡ ‡
到困難 (‡) (‡) (0.5) (1.5) (‡) (‡)
Encountered barriers when accessing
online information and services
沒有合適的輔助工具 0.8 2.0 0.6 0.6 ‡ ‡
Did not have suitable assistive tool (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
費用太昂貴 ‡ ‡ 0.5 0.6 ‡ ‡
Cost too high (‡) (‡) (0.5) (1.4) (‡) (‡)
其他 ‡ ‡ 0.5 0.6 ‡ ‡
Others (‡) (‡) (0.4) (1.2) (‡) (‡)
合計 37.6 100.0 92.6 100.0 1.3 100.0
Overall (2.0) (100.0) (35.7) (100.0) (0.4) (100.0)
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她沒有使用互聯網的原因不一定只受單一種殘疾類別
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her reason for not using the Internet
might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of
persons with single disability.
# Multiple answers were allowed.
^ IT device includes desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 242 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期 Usage of information technology of persons with disabilities
病患者的資訊科技運用情況 and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 11.1c(續) 按沒有使用互聯網的原因及選定的殘疾類別劃分的在統計前12個月沒有
Table 11.1c Persons aged 10 and over with disabilities and those with chronic diseases
(Cont'd) who had specific needs and had not used the Internet during the 12 months
before enumeration by reason for not using the Internet and selected type
of disability
Selected type of disability* (Cont'd)

特殊學習困難 注意力不足/過度活躍症
Specific Learning Attention Deficit /
Difficulties Hyperactivity Disorder
人數 人數
No. of No. of
沒有使用互聯網的原因# persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Reason for not using the Internet# ('000) % ('000) %
不懂得使用資訊科技設備^ 3.2 81.2 0.9 76.0
Did not know how to use IT device^ (0.8) (82.6) (‡) (‡)
沒有需要上網 0.7 19.0 0.3 22.9
No need (0.3) (29.8) (‡) (‡)
家中沒有資訊科技設備^ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Did not have IT device^ at home (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
瀏覽及使用網上資訊及服務時遇 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
到困難 (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
Encountered barriers when accessing
online information and services
沒有合適的輔助工具 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Did not have suitable assistive tool (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
費用太昂貴 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Cost too high (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
其他 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Others (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡)
合計 3.9 100.0 1.1 100.0
Overall (1.0) (100.0) (‡) (‡)
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她沒有使用互聯網的原因不一定只受單一種殘疾類別
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her reason for not using the Internet
might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of
persons with single disability.
# Multiple answers were allowed.
^ IT device includes desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 243 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期 Usage of information technology of persons with disabilities
病患者的資訊科技運用情況 and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 11.1c(續) 按沒有使用互聯網的原因及選定的殘疾類別劃分的在統計前12個月沒有
Table 11.1c Persons aged 10 and over with disabilities and those with chronic diseases
(Cont'd) who had specific needs and had not used the Internet during the 12 months
before enumeration by reason for not using the Internet and selected type
of disability

所有殘疾人士 有特定需要的
(智障人士除外)@ 長期病患者
All persons with disabilities Persons with chronic
(excluding persons with diseases who had
intellectual disability)@ specific needs
人數 人數
No. of No. of
沒有使用互聯網的原因# persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Reason for not using the Internet# ('000) % ('000) %
不懂得使用資訊科技設備^ 206.9 87.8 276.6 81.5
Did not know how to use IT device^ (122.7) (86.7)
沒有需要上網 52.3 22.2 130.9 38.6
No need (33.2) (23.4)
家中沒有資訊科技設備^ 36.5 15.5 61.4 18.1
Did not have IT device^ at home (23.1) (16.3)
瀏覽及使用網上資訊及服務時遇 6.0 2.6 17.2 5.1
到困難 (2.5) (1.8)
Encountered barriers when accessing
online information and services
沒有合適的輔助工具 2.1 0.9 ‡ ‡
Did not have suitable assistive tool (0.7) (0.5)
費用太昂貴 1.2 0.5 5.8 1.7
Cost too high (1.1) (0.8)
其他 0.7 0.3 2.0 0.6
Others (0.5) (0.4)
合計 235.6 100.0 339.5 100.0
Overall (141.6) (100.0)
註釋: 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別人士數目的總和
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於1 500的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數
Notes: @ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
# Multiple answers were allowed.
^ IT device includes desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone.
‡ Estimates less than 1 500 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence his/her reason for not using the Internet might
not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of persons with
single disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 244 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期 Usage of information technology of persons with disabilities
病患者的資訊科技運用情況 and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 11.2a 按選定的殘疾類別及家中是否擁有/使用資訊科技設備 ^劃分的10歲及以
Table 11.2a Persons aged 10 and over with disabilities and those with chronic diseases
who had specific needs by selected type of disability and whether had/used
IT device^ at home
Whether had/used IT device^ at home
Yes, but could not /
有,而且可以使用 did not know how 沒有 總計
Yes, and could use to / no need to use No Total
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
選定的殘疾類別* persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Selected type of disability* ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體活動能力受限制 74.6 30.7 115.5 47.5 53.2 21.9 243.4 100.0
Restriction in body movement (53.2) (38.4) (57.5) (41.5) (28.0) (20.2) (138.7) (100.0)
視覺有困難 17.3 36.5 18.1 38.2 12.0 25.3 47.4 100.0
Seeing difficulty (10.7) (59.1) (4.2) (23.1) (3.2) (17.8) (18.1) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 16.8 35.3 20.5 43.0 10.4 21.7 47.7 100.0
Hearing difficulty (7.2) (57.7) (3.2) (25.6) (2.1) (16.7) (12.5) (100.0)
溝通能力有困難 10.3 21.7 27.6 58.2 9.6 20.1 47.4 100.0
Communication difficulty (1.4) (42.4) (1.5) (44.6) (0.4) (13.0) (3.3) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 164.7 64.8 63.0 24.8 26.5 10.4 254.1 100.0
Mental illness / mood disorder (139.1) (80.6) (21.9) (12.7) (11.5) (6.6) (172.5) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 14.4 92.2 1.1 7.4 ‡ ‡ 15.6 100.0
Autism Spectrum Disorder (5.8) (95.9) (0.3) (4.1) (‡) (‡) (6.1) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 22.1 85.0 3.3 12.6 0.6 2.3 26.0 100.0
Specific Learning Difficulties (9.6) (91.0) (0.6) (5.6) (0.4) (3.4) (10.6) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 27.7 96.3 0.9 3.3 ‡ ‡ 28.8 100.0
Attention Deficit / (12.5) (100.0) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (12.5) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder
所有殘疾人士 287.2 55.9 153.4 29.9 73.2 14.3 513.8 100.0
(智障人士除外)@ (239.5) (64.0) (89.1) (23.8) (45.5) (12.2) (374.2) (100.0)
All persons with disabilities
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)@
有特定需要的長期病患者 345.8 53.2 152.7 23.5 151.4 23.3 649.9 100.0
Persons with chronic diseases
who had specific needs
註釋: 資訊科技設備包括桌面電腦、手提電腦、平板電腦及智能手機。
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她家中是否擁有/使用資訊科技設備不一定只受單一
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: ^ IT device includes desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had/used IT device at
home might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of
persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 245 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期 Usage of information technology of persons with disabilities
病患者的資訊科技運用情況 and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 11.2b 按選定的殘疾類別及是否擁有/使用智能手機劃分的10歲及以上殘疾人
Table 11.2b Persons aged 10 and over with disabilities and those with chronic diseases
who had specific needs by selected type of disability and whether had/used
Whether had/used smartphone
Yes, but could not /
有,而且可以使用 did not know how 沒有 總計
Yes, and could use to / no need to use No Total
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
選定的殘疾類別* persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Selected type of disability* ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體活動能力受限制 70.5 29.0 76.9 31.6 96.0 39.4 243.4 100.0
Restriction in body movement (51.2) (36.9) (41.7) (30.0) (45.8) (33.0) (138.7) (100.0)
視覺有困難 16.4 34.6 13.4 28.3 17.6 37.1 47.4 100.0
Seeing difficulty (10.2) (56.2) (3.5) (19.3) (4.4) (24.5) (18.1) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 16.3 34.2 13.8 28.9 17.6 36.9 47.7 100.0
Hearing difficulty (7.2) (57.7) (2.5) (19.9) (2.8) (22.4) (12.5) (100.0)
溝通能力有困難 8.7 18.3 14.6 30.8 24.1 50.9 47.4 100.0
Communication difficulty (0.8) (25.7) (0.9) (28.0) (1.5) (46.3) (3.3) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 159.9 62.9 40.1 15.8 54.1 21.3 254.1 100.0
Mental illness / mood disorder (136.3) (79.0) (17.4) (10.1) (18.8) (10.9) (172.5) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 13.4 86.3 1.0 6.3 1.1 7.3 15.6 100.0
Autism Spectrum Disorder (5.7) (93.2) (0.3) (5.3) (‡) (‡) (6.1) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 21.1 81.2 2.6 10.0 2.3 8.8 26.0 100.0
Specific Learning Difficulties (9.3) (88.0) (0.6) (6.0) (0.6) (6.0) (10.6) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 26.9 93.4 1.0 3.5 0.9 3.0 28.8 100.0
Attention Deficit / (12.3) (99.0) (‡) (‡) (‡) (‡) (12.5) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder
所有殘疾人士 277.2 54.0 105.9 20.6 130.7 25.4 513.8 100.0
(智障人士除外)@ (233.0) (62.3) (67.0) (17.9) (74.2) (19.8) (374.2) (100.0)
All persons with disabilities
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)@
有特定需要的長期病患者 325.2 50.0 93.4 14.4 231.3 35.6 649.9 100.0
Persons with chronic diseases
who had specific needs
註釋: * 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她是否擁有/使用智能手機不一定只受單一種殘疾類
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: * A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had/used smartphone
might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of
persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 246 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期 Usage of information technology of persons with disabilities
病患者的資訊科技運用情況 and persons with chronic diseases who had specific needs
表 11.2c 按選定的殘疾類別及家中是否擁有/使用個人電腦 ^劃分的10歲及以上殘
Table 11.2c Persons aged 10 and over with disabilities and those with chronic diseases
who had specific needs by selected type of disability and whether had/used
personal computer (PC)^ at home
Whether had/used PC^ at home
Yes, but could not /
有,而且可以使用 did not know how 沒有 總計
Yes, and could use to / no need to use No Total
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
選定的殘疾類別* persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Selected type of disability* ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
身體活動能力受限制 32.4 13.3 100.3 41.2 110.8 45.5 243.4 100.0
Restriction in body movement (23.5) (17.0) (49.8) (35.9) (65.4) (47.2) (138.7) (100.0)
視覺有困難 10.0 21.1 15.9 33.6 21.5 45.3 47.4 100.0
Seeing difficulty (6.7) (37.1) (4.8) (26.3) (6.6) (36.6) (18.1) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 8.1 16.9 18.7 39.1 21.0 44.0 47.7 100.0
Hearing difficulty (3.7) (29.9) (3.6) (28.6) (5.2) (41.4) (12.5) (100.0)
溝通能力有困難 5.1 10.9 25.2 53.2 17.0 35.9 47.4 100.0
Communication difficulty (0.8) (23.8) (1.4) (41.7) (1.1) (34.6) (3.3) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 107.2 42.2 67.7 26.6 79.2 31.2 254.1 100.0
Mental illness / mood disorder (91.9) (53.3) (30.4) (17.6) (50.2) (29.1) (172.5) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 12.5 80.0 1.3 8.1 1.8 11.9 15.6 100.0
Autism Spectrum Disorder (5.3) (86.7) (‡) (‡) (0.6) (10.6) (6.1) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 19.1 73.5 3.4 13.2 3.5 13.3 26.0 100.0
Specific Learning Difficulties (8.3) (78.4) (0.8) (7.9) (1.4) (13.7) (10.6) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 25.1 87.1 1.0 3.6 2.7 9.2 28.8 100.0
Attention Deficit / (11.6) (92.9) (‡) (‡) (0.8) (6.6) (12.5) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder
所有殘疾人士 181.4 35.3 148.4 28.9 184.0 35.8 513.8 100.0
(智障人士除外)@ (151.8) (40.6) (91.0) (24.3) (131.4) (35.1) (374.2) (100.0)
All persons with disabilities
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)@
有特定需要的長期病患者 164.0 25.2 169.3 26.0 316.7 48.7 649.9 100.0
Persons with chronic diseases
who had specific needs
註釋: 個人電腦包括桌面電腦、手提電腦及平板電腦。
* 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此他/她家中是否擁有/使用個人電腦不一定只受單一種殘
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: ^ PC includes desktop, laptop and tablet.
* A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence whether he/she had/used PC at home
might not be owing to single disability. Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures in respect of
persons with single disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
@ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Concepts and survey results analysed by core functioning
domains and extended functioning domains

12.1 華盛頓小組建議的「主要功能範疇」中, 12.1 According to the “core functioning

除了在本報告書第 3、5 及 6 章提及的身體活動、 domain” recommended by the Washington Group,
視覺、聽覺及溝通能力,亦包括認知及自理能 cognition and self-care are also included in addition
力。至於「延伸功能範疇」 ,是項統計調查新增 to body movement, seeing, hearing and
communication as mentioned in Chapters 3, 5 and
6 of this report. As for the “extended functioning
domains”, this survey added the “affect” basic
殘疾人士的可行性。本章展列按主要功能範疇 activity functioning domain to explore the
及延伸功能範疇分析的詳細結果。 feasibility of using the related questions to define
persons with intellectual and psychosocial
disabilities through the survey in the future. This
Chapter presents the detailed survey results
analysed by core functioning domains and extended
functioning domains.

涵蓋範圍及定義 Coverage and definition

12.2 是次統計調查搜集「主要功能範疇」的 12.2 This round of the survey collected the

困難程度,包括: level of difficulty in “core functioning domains”,
(a) 視覺能力; (a) seeing;
(b) 聽覺能力; (b) hearing;
(c) 平地步行/上落樓梯; (c) walking on level ground / walking up or
down a flight of stairs;
(d) 認知能力; (d) cognition;
(e) 自理能力;及 (e) self-care; and
(f) 溝通能力。 (f) communication.
另外,參考華盛頓小組的「延伸問題集」及其他 In addition, with reference to the Washington
國家的問卷設計,是次統計調查同時搜集「延伸 Group Extended Set and the questionnaire design of
功能範疇」,包括上述六個主要功能範疇及以下 other countries, “extended functioning domains”
四個額外功能範疇: had also been collected in this round of the survey,
which includes the above six core functioning
domains and four extra functioning domains below:
(g) 用手和手指拿起小物件/提起重物件; (g) using hands and fingers to grasp small
object / carrying heavy object;
(h) 學習; (h) learning;
(i) 情感(焦慮);及 (i) affect (anxiety); and
(j) 情感(抑鬱)。 (j) affect (depression).

12.3 除情感(焦慮、抑鬱)外,每個範疇均 12.3 Each domain had four levels of difficulty

分為四個困難程度,情感(焦慮、抑鬱)則分為 except affect (anxiety and depression). The affect
在統計前 1 個月感到焦慮/抑鬱的頻率,以及 (anxiety and depression) domain had the frequency

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有關按主要功能範疇及延伸功能範疇 Concepts and survey results analysed by core functioning
分析的概念及統計調查結果 domains and extended functioning domains

那些在統計前 1 個月感到焦慮/抑鬱的人士上 of feeling anxious/depressed during the 1 month

一次感到焦慮/抑鬱的程度。 before enumeration, and the level of feeling
anxious/depressed last time for those persons
feeling anxious/depressed during the 1 month
before enumeration.

12.4 上述列於 12.2 段(a) - (c)、(f)以及(g)項 12.4 For the coverage and definition of items
的涵蓋範圍及定義可參照本報告書第 3 章,而 (a) - (c), (f) and (g) listed in paragraph 12.2, please
有關統計數字已列載在第 5 及 6 章。其餘列於 refer to Chapter 3, while the corresponding
12.2 段的選定的基本活動功能範疇的詳細定義 statistics are presented in Chapters 5 and 6. For
the remaining selected basic activity functioning
domains listed in paragraph 12.2, the detailed
operational definitions are set out below:

(A) 認知能力 (A) Cognition

12.5 認知能力搜集受訪者記憶或集中精神 12.5 Cognition measured persons’ level of

的長期困難程度。這包括任何被受訪者或其家 long-term difficulty in remembering or
人視為問題的記憶或集中精神上的困難,而因 concentrating. Any difficulty with remembering
工作壓力或藥物影響等普遍日常情況所導致的 or concentrating that they or family members
consider a problem should be captured, except
those difficulty because of common everyday
situations such as high workload or stress, or as a
result of substance abuse.

(B) 自理能力 (B) Self-care

12.6 自理能力搜集受訪者在穿衣、洗澡、如 12.6 Self-care measured persons’ level of long-

廁、進食及身體轉移不需要用任何輔助工具或 term difficulty in dressing, bathing, toileting,
別人幫助下的長期困難程度。 feeding and body transferring without assistance of
any device or help from others.

(C) 學習 (C) Learning

12.7 學習搜集受訪者學習的長期困難程度。 12.7 Learning measured persons’ level of

long-term difficulty in learning.

(D) 情感(焦慮、抑鬱) (D) Affect (anxiety and depression)

12.8 情感搜集受訪者在統計前 1 個月感到 12.8 Affect measured persons’ frequency of

焦慮/抑鬱的頻率,及上一次感到焦慮/抑鬱 feeling anxious/depressed during the 1 month
的程度。 before enumeration, and level of feeling
anxious/depressed last time.

有關選定的基本活動功能範疇的統計調查 Survey results pertaining to selected basic

結果 activity functioning domains

12.9 與第 5 及 6 章包括了列於 12.2 段(a) - (c)、 12.9 Compared with the selected types of
(f)以及(g)項的選定殘疾類別比較, 「主要功能範 disability discussed in Chapters 5 and 6 including
疇」包括了上述(A) 認知能力及(B) 自理能力的 items (a) - (c), (f) and (g) listed in paragraph 12.2,
the “core functioning domains” include the extra

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有關按主要功能範疇及延伸功能範疇 Concepts and survey results analysed by core functioning
分析的概念及統計調查結果 domains and extended functioning domains

額外功能範疇,而「延伸功能範疇」則包括了上 functioning domains listed in (A) cognition and (B)

述(A) 認知能力、(B) 自理能力、(C) 學習及(D) 情 self-care above, while the “extended functioning
感(焦慮、抑鬱)的額外功能範疇。以下將展示 domains” include the extra functioning domains
其個別項目的詳細統計數字。另外,亦會展示將 listed in (A) cognition, (B) self-care, (C) learning
and (D) affect (anxiety and depression) above.
The detailed statistics by individual item are shown
below. Besides, aggregated figures by “core
的基本活動功能範疇有所不同,因此情感範疇 functioning domains” and the “extended
並沒有包括在總計內。 functioning domains” are also displayed, but since
the scale of the level of difficulty for the affect
domain is different from others, the affect domain
is not included in the aggregate.

選定的基本活動功能範疇 Selected basic activity functioning domains

12.10 在 5 歲及以上人士中,約 402 400 人 12.10 Among persons aged 5 and over, some
(5.6%)表示認知能力有少許困難,68 300 人 402 400 persons (5.6%) reported that they had
(0.9%)有很大困難,6 500 人(0.1%)則完全 some difficulty in cognition, 68 300 persons (0.9%)
不能做到。 (表 12.1) had a lot of difficulty and 6 500 persons (0.1%)
could not do that at all. (Table 12.1)

12.11 在 12 歲及以上人士中,約 112 000 人 12.11 Among persons aged 12 and over, some
(1.6%)表示自理能力有少許困難,59 300 人 112 000 persons (1.6%) reported that they had some
(0.9%)有很大困難,26 900 人(0.4%)則完全 difficulty in self-care, 59 300 persons (0.9%) had a
不能做到。 (表 12.1) lot of difficulty and 26 900 persons (0.4%) could
not do that at all. (Table 12.1)

12.12 在 2 歲及以上人士中,約 350 600 人 12.12 Among persons aged 2 and over, some
(4.7%)表示學習有少許困難,80 400 人(1.1%) 350 600 persons (4.7%) reported that they had
有很大困難,16 400 人(0.2%)則完全不能做到。 some difficulty in learning, 80 400 persons (1.1%)
(表 12.1) had a lot of difficulty and 16 400 persons (0.2%)
could not do that at all. (Table 12.1)

12.13 在 5 歲及以上人士中,約 827 500 人 12.13 Among persons aged 5 and over, some
(11.5%)表示在統計前 1 個月間中會有焦慮, 827 500 persons (11.5%) reported that they felt
80 000 人(1.1%)多數日子有焦慮,27 300 人 anxious some days during the 1 month before
(0.4%)則每天都有焦慮。另外,在統計前 1 個 enumeration, 80 000 persons (1.1%) felt anxious
most days and 27 300 persons (0.4%) felt anxious
月有焦慮的 5 歲及以上人士中,約 28 700 人
every day. On the other hand, among persons
(3.1%)形容上一次焦慮的程度屬嚴重,140 300
aged 5 and over who felt anxious during the 1
人(15.0%)則形容上一次焦慮的程度介乎輕微 month before enumeration, some 28 700 persons
與嚴重之間。 (表 12.2a 及 12.2b) (3.1%) described that they felt anxious a lot, some
140 300 persons (15.0%) described that they felt
anxious somewhere in between a little and a lot.
(Tables 12.2a and 12.2b)

12.14 在 5 歲及以上人士中,約 526 100 人 12.14 Among persons aged 5 and over, some
(7.3%)表示在統計前 1 個月間中會有抑鬱, 526 100 persons (7.3%) reported that they felt
44 700 人(0.6%)多數日子有抑鬱,14 800 人 depressed some days during the 1 month before
(0.2%)則每天都有抑鬱。另外,在統計前 1 個 enumeration, 44 700 persons (0.6%) felt depressed
most days and 14 800 persons (0.2%) felt depressed
月有抑鬱的 5 歲及以上人士中,約 21 700 人
every day. On the other hand, among persons
(3.7%)形容上一次抑鬱的程度屬嚴重,109 200
aged 5 and over who felt depressed during the 1

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有關按主要功能範疇及延伸功能範疇 Concepts and survey results analysed by core functioning
分析的概念及統計調查結果 domains and extended functioning domains

人(18.6%)則形容上一次抑鬱的程度介乎輕微 month before enumeration, some 21 700 persons

與嚴重之間。 (表 12.2a 及 12.2b) (3.7%) described that they felt depressed a lot, some
109 200 persons (18.6%) described that they felt
depressed somewhere in between a little and a lot.
(Tables 12.2a and 12.2b)

12.15 約有 808 500 人(10.8%)在主要功能 12.15 Some 808 500 persons (10.8%) reported
範疇中遇上的最大困難程度為有「少許困難」, that the largest difficulty they encountered in the
193 700 人(2.6%)為有「很大困難」 ,97 500 人 core functioning domains was “some difficulty”,
(1.3%)表示在至少一項主要功能範疇中「完全 193 700 persons (2.6%) was “a lot of difficulty”
and 97 500 persons (1.3%) reported “cannot do at
不能做到」 。 (表 12.8)
all” in at least one of the core functioning domains.
(Table 12.8)

備註 Remarks

12.16 由於情感範疇的困難程度與其他選定 12.16 Owing to the different scale of level of

的基本活動功能範疇有所不同,下文 12.17、 difficulty between affect and other selected basic
12.18 和 12.23 段及表 12.9 列載有關延伸功能範 activity functioning domains, the survey results of
疇的統計調查結果只包括視覺能力、聽覺能力、 extended functioning domains presented in
paragraphs 12.17, 12.18 and 12.23 and Table 12.9
only included seeing, hearing, walking on level
ground / walking up or down a flight of stairs,
及學習。 cognition, self-care, communication, using hands
and fingers to grasp small object / carrying heavy
object and learning.

12.17 約有 879 100 人(佔整體人口的 11.8%) 12.17 Some 879 100 persons (11.8% of total
表示在延伸功能範疇中遇上的最大困難程度為 population) reported that the largest difficulty they
有「少許困難」 ,216 800 人(2.9%)的最大困難 encountered in the extended functioning domains
程度為有「很大困難」,另外,有 115 000 人 was “some difficulty”, some 216 800 persons
(2.9%) indicated the largest difficulty was “a lot of
difficulty”. Besides, some 115 000 persons
不能做到」 。 (表 12.9)
(1.5%) reported “could not do at all” in at least one
of the extended functioning domains.
(Table 12.9)

年齡/性別 Age/sex

12.18 在主要功能範疇中遇上的最大困難程 12.18 Among the persons whose largest

度為有「少許困難」的人士中,年齡中位數為 64 difficulty encountered in the core functioning
歲,最大困難程度為「很大困難」的人士中,年 domains was “some difficulty”, their median age
齡中位數則為 76 歲,表示在至少一項主要功能 was 64. The median age was 76 for persons
whose largest difficulty encountered was “a lot of
difficulty”. For persons who reported “could not
83 歲。在延伸功能範疇中的相應年齡中位數分
do at all” in at least one of the core functioning
別是 64、74 及 83 歲。 (表 12.8 及 12.9) domains, their median age was 83. The
corresponding median ages in extended functioning
domains were 64, 74 and 83 respectively.
(Tables 12.8 and 12.9)

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有關按主要功能範疇及延伸功能範疇 Concepts and survey results analysed by core functioning
分析的概念及統計調查結果 domains and extended functioning domains

12.19 在認知能力、自理能力及學習中,表示 12.19 For cognition, self-care and learning,

有少許困難/很大困難/完全不能做到的人普 persons who had difficulty were generally older
遍比沒有困難的人年長。除了自理能力外,在其 than those who had no difficulty. Apart from self-
餘選定的基本活動功能範疇中有困難的人士的 care, the median age of persons with difficulty in
the remaining selected basic activity functioning
domains increased with the level of difficulty in
(表 12.3 - 12.5)
general. (Tables 12.3 - 12.5)

12.20 在情感範疇中,表示在統計前 1 個月有 12.20 For the domains of affects, persons who
焦慮/抑鬱的人普遍比表示在統計前 1 個月沒 felt anxious/depressed during the 1 month before
有焦慮/抑鬱的人年長。 (表 12.6a 及 12.7a) enumeration were generally older than those who
did not feel anxious/depressed during the 1 month
before enumeration. (Tables 12.6a and 12.7a)

12.21 按年齡組別分析,70 歲及以上人士形 12.21 Analysed by age group, persons aged 70

容上一次焦慮的程度屬嚴重的比例最高,達 and over had the highest proportion of describing that
19.1%,其次為 30 - 39 歲人士,達 17.9%。另外, they felt anxious a lot, at 19.1%, followed by
40 - 49 歲人士形容上一次焦慮的程度介乎輕微 persons aged 30 - 39, at 17.9%. On the other hand,
persons aged 40 - 49 had the highest proportion of
與嚴重之間的比例最高,達 19.6%,其次為
describing that they felt anxious somewhere in
50 - 59 歲人士,達 18.9%。 (表 12.6b)
between a little and a lot, at 19.6%, followed by
persons aged 50 - 59, at 18.9%. (Table 12.6b)

12.22 按年齡組別分析,70 歲及以上人士形 12.22 Analysed by age group, persons aged 70

容上一次抑鬱的程度屬嚴重的比例最高,達 and over had the highest proportion of describing that
19.4%,其次為 30 - 39 歲人士,達 17.7%。另外, they felt depressed a lot, at 19.4%, followed by
50 - 59 歲人士形容上一次抑鬱的程度介乎輕微 persons aged 30 - 39, at 17.7%. On the other hand,
persons aged 50 - 59 had the highest proportion of
與嚴重之間的比例最高,達 18.6%,其次為
describing that they felt depressed somewhere in
40 - 49 歲人士,達 17.9%。 (表 12.7b)
between a little and a lot, at 18.6%, followed by
persons aged 40 - 49, at 17.9%. (Table 12.7b)

12.23 按性別劃分,在至少一項延伸功能範疇 12.23 Analysed by sex, among the persons with

中有不同困難程度的人士中,女性所佔的比例 various levels of difficulty in at least one of the
普遍較在所有延伸功能範疇中皆沒有困難的人 extended functioning domains, the proportions of
士為高。當中,在至少一項延伸功能範疇中「完 female were generally higher than those with no
difficulty in all extended functioning domains.
全不能做到」的人士中有 64.2%為女性。
64.2% of persons who reported “could not do at all”
(表 12.9)
in at least one of the extended functioning domains
were female. (Table 12.9)

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分析的概念及統計調查結果 domains and extended functioning domains

表 12.1 按選定的基本活動功能範疇及困難程度劃分的人士數目
Table 12.1 Persons by selected basic activity functioning domains and level of

Level of difficulty
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難 完全不能做到
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all
選定的基本活動功能 人數 人數 人數 人數
範疇 No. of No. of No. of No. of
Selected basic activity persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
functioning domains ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
認知能力^ 6 735.6 93.4 402.4 5.6 68.3 0.9 6.5 0.1
自理能力* 6 593.4 97.1 112.0 1.6 59.3 0.9 26.9 0.4
學習# 6 943.2 93.9 350.6 4.7 80.4 1.1 16.4 0.2
註釋: 年齡範圍涵蓋5歲及以上人士。
* 年齡範圍涵蓋12歲及以上人士。

Notes: ^ The age coverage is 5 and over.

* The age coverage is 12 and over.
# The age coverage is 2 and over.

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分析的概念及統計調查結果 domains and extended functioning domains

表 12.2a 按選定的基本活動功能範疇及在統計前 1個月感到焦慮/抑鬱的頻率劃分

Table 12.2a Persons aged 5 and over by selected basic activity functioning domains and
frequency of feeling anxious/depressed during the 1 month before

Frequency of feeling anxious/depressed during the 1 month before enumeration
完全沒有 間中會有 多數日子有 每天都有 不知道
Never Some days Most days Every day Did not know
選定的基本活動功能 人數 人數 人數 人數 人數
範疇 No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of
Selected basic activity persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
functioning domains ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
情感(焦慮) 6 240.0 86.5 827.5 11.5 80.0 1.1 27.3 0.4 38.0 0.5
Affect (anxiety)
情感(抑鬱) 6 589.2 91.4 526.1 7.3 44.7 0.6 14.8 0.2 38.0 0.5
Affect (depression)

表 12.2b 按選定的基本活動功能範疇及上一次感到焦慮/抑鬱的程度劃分的在統
Table 12.2b Persons aged 5 and over who felt anxious/depressed during the 1 month
before enumeration by selected basic activity functioning domains and level
of feeling anxious/depressed last time

Level of feeling anxious/depressed last time
Somewhere in
輕微 between a little 嚴重 不知道
A little and a lot A lot Did not know
人數 人數 人數 人數
選定的基本活動功能範疇 No. of No. of No. of No. of
Selected basic activity functioning persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
domains ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
情感(焦慮) 711.0 76.1 140.3 15.0 28.7 3.1 54.7 5.9
Affect (anxiety)
情感(抑鬱) 411.4 70.3 109.2 18.6 21.7 3.7 43.3 7.4
Affect (depression)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 254 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
有關按主要功能範疇及延伸功能範疇 Concepts and survey results analysed by core functioning
分析的概念及統計調查結果 domains and extended functioning domains

表 12.3 按年齡/性別及認知能力困難程度劃分的5歲及以上人士數目
Table 12.3 Persons aged 5 and over by age/sex and level of difficulty in cognition

Level of difficulty in cognition
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難 完全不能做到
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 583.1 8.7 18.6 4.6 3.0 4.4 0.4 5.4
15 - 29 1 113.4 16.5 21.7 5.4 2.9 4.2 ‡ ‡
30 - 39 1 132.3 16.8 21.5 5.3 1.9 2.8 0.4 6.3
40 - 49 1 115.6 16.6 32.0 8.0 2.2 3.3 ‡ ‡
50 - 59 1 139.9 16.9 56.6 14.1 4.7 6.9 ‡ ‡
60 - 64 552.3 8.2 35.3 8.8 3.7 5.4 ‡ ‡
65 - 69 408.8 6.1 41.1 10.2 3.3 4.8 ‡ ‡
≥ 70 690.2 10.2 175.5 43.6 46.6 68.2 4.8 73.2
年齡中位數(歲) 44 66 81 86
Median age (years)

男 3 084.4 45.8 164.1 40.8 24.9 36.5 2.4 37.3
女 3 651.2 54.2 238.3 59.2 43.4 63.5 4.1 62.7

總計 6 735.6 100.0 402.4 100.0 68.3 100.0 6.5 100.0


註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Note: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 255 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
有關按主要功能範疇及延伸功能範疇 Concepts and survey results analysed by core functioning
分析的概念及統計調查結果 domains and extended functioning domains

表 12.4 按年齡/性別及自理能力困難程度劃分的12歲及以上人士數目
Table 12.4 Persons aged 12 and over by age/sex and level of difficulty in self-care

Level of difficulty in self-care
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難 完全不能做到
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 182.7 2.8 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.9 ‡ ‡
15 - 29 1 134.4 17.2 2.1 1.9 1.1 1.9 0.5 1.9
30 - 39 1 152.3 17.5 1.9 1.7 1.3 2.2 0.6 2.2
40 - 49 1 144.7 17.4 3.6 3.2 1.1 1.8 0.7 2.5
50 - 59 1 188.2 18.0 9.7 8.6 2.3 3.9 1.2 4.5
60 - 64 582.1 8.8 6.7 5.9 2.0 3.4 0.8 2.9
65 - 69 441.8 6.7 7.5 6.7 2.5 4.3 1.6 5.8
≥ 70 767.1 11.6 80.1 71.5 48.5 81.7 21.3 79.4
年齡中位數(歲) 47 80 85 84
Median age (years)

男 2 980.9 45.2 47.1 42.0 22.7 38.3 9.9 36.8
女 3 612.5 54.8 65.0 58.0 36.6 61.7 17.0 63.2

總計 6 593.4 100.0 112.0 100.0 59.3 100.0 26.9 100.0


註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Note: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 256 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
有關按主要功能範疇及延伸功能範疇 Concepts and survey results analysed by core functioning
分析的概念及統計調查結果 domains and extended functioning domains

表 12.5 按年齡/性別及學習困難程度劃分的2歲及以上人士數目
Table 12.5 Persons aged 2 and over by age/sex and level of difficulty in learning

Level of difficulty in learning
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難 完全不能做到
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 745.5 10.7 31.7 9.1 5.4 6.7 0.3 1.6
15 - 29 1 118.5 16.1 15.2 4.3 4.1 5.1 0.4 2.6
30 - 39 1 143.7 16.5 9.7 2.8 2.3 2.9 0.3 2.1
40 - 49 1 130.1 16.3 17.0 4.8 2.5 3.1 0.4 2.3
50 - 59 1 158.2 16.7 38.1 10.9 4.3 5.4 0.9 5.3
60 - 64 553.6 8.0 33.7 9.6 3.3 4.1 1.0 6.1
65 - 69 412.7 5.9 35.4 10.1 4.8 5.9 0.6 3.7
≥ 70 681.0 9.8 169.8 48.4 53.7 66.8 12.5 76.4
年齡中位數(歲) 43 69 81 85
Median age (years)

男 3 178.3 45.8 152.3 43.4 33.1 41.1 5.5 33.5
女 3 764.9 54.2 198.3 56.6 47.3 58.9 10.9 66.5

總計 6 943.2 100.0 350.6 100.0 80.4 100.0 16.4 100.0


從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 257 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
有關按主要功能範疇及延伸功能範疇 Concepts and survey results analysed by core functioning
分析的概念及統計調查結果 domains and extended functioning domains

表 12.6a 按年齡/性別及在統計前1個月感到焦慮的頻率劃分的5歲及以上人士數

Table 12.6a Persons aged 5 and over by age/sex and frequency of feeling anxious during
the 1 month before enumeration

Frequency of feeling anxious during the 1 month before enumeration
完全沒有 間中會有 多數日子有 每天都有 不知道
Never Some days Most days Every day Did not know
人數 人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 574.3 9.2 25.7 3.1 1.6 2.1 0.5 1.7 3.0 8.0
15 - 29 1 017.1 16.3 99.0 12.0 10.4 12.9 3.3 12.0 8.5 22.4
30 - 39 1 011.1 16.2 122.4 14.8 11.5 14.3 5.5 20.0 5.8 15.1
40 - 49 975.0 15.6 148.7 18.0 15.7 19.6 4.6 16.8 6.0 15.8
50 - 59 1 005.8 16.1 171.3 20.7 15.8 19.8 4.4 16.2 4.1 10.8
60 - 64 504.3 8.1 74.6 9.0 7.1 8.9 2.7 9.8 2.9 7.5
65 - 69 385.5 6.2 58.8 7.1 5.8 7.3 1.8 6.6 1.5 3.9
≥ 70 767.0 12.3 127.1 15.4 12.0 15.1 4.6 16.9 6.2 16.3
年齡中位數(歲) 45 50 50 48 43
Median age (years)

男 2 877.0 46.1 339.0 41.0 30.1 37.6 12.4 45.2 17.4 45.8
女 3 363.0 53.9 488.5 59.0 49.9 62.4 15.0 54.8 20.6 54.2

總計 6 240.0 100.0 827.5 100.0 80.0 100.0 27.3 100.0 38.0 100.0

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 258 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
有關按主要功能範疇及延伸功能範疇 Concepts and survey results analysed by core functioning
分析的概念及統計調查結果 domains and extended functioning domains

表 12.6b 按年齡/性別及上一次感到焦慮的程度劃分的在統計前 1個月感到焦慮的

Table 12.6b Persons aged 5 and over who felt anxious during the 1 month before
enumeration by age/sex and level of feeling anxious last time

Level of feeling anxious last time
Somewhere in
輕微 between a little 嚴重 不知道
A little and a lot A lot Did not know
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 22.7 3.2 3.1 2.2 0.7 2.5 1.2 2.2
15 - 29 82.4 11.6 20.6 14.7 3.6 12.5 6.0 11.0
30 - 39 104.7 14.7 22.1 15.7 5.2 17.9 7.3 13.3
40 - 49 127.1 17.9 27.6 19.6 4.9 17.0 9.4 17.2
50 - 59 149.5 21.0 26.5 18.9 4.8 16.6 10.8 19.8
60 - 64 65.1 9.1 12.0 8.6 2.2 7.5 5.1 9.4
65 - 69 51.8 7.3 8.2 5.9 1.9 6.7 4.4 8.1
≥ 70 107.6 15.1 20.2 14.4 5.5 19.1 10.4 19.1
年齡中位數(歲) 51 48 49 53
Median age (years)

男 294.1 41.4 54.0 38.5 11.0 38.3 22.3 40.7
女 416.9 58.6 86.3 61.5 17.7 61.7 32.4 59.3

總計 711.0 100.0 140.3 100.0 28.7 100.0 54.7 100.0


從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 259 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
有關按主要功能範疇及延伸功能範疇 Concepts and survey results analysed by core functioning
分析的概念及統計調查結果 domains and extended functioning domains

表 12.7a 按年齡/性別及在統計前1個月感到抑鬱的頻率劃分的5歲及以上人士數

Table 12.7a Persons aged 5 and over by age/sex and frequency of feeling depressed
during the 1 month before enumeration

Frequency of feeling depressed during the 1 month before enumeration
完全沒有 間中會有 多數日子有 每天都有 不知道
Never Some days Most days Every day Did not know
人數 人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 585.9 8.9 15.9 3.0 0.3 0.8 0.3 1.7 2.8 7.2
15 - 29 1 055.3 16.0 66.8 12.7 6.2 14.0 1.8 12.3 8.1 21.3
30 - 39 1 058.8 16.1 81.2 15.4 6.9 15.5 3.5 23.8 5.7 14.9
40 - 49 1 038.9 15.8 95.4 18.1 8.1 18.1 1.9 13.0 5.8 15.2
50 - 59 1 084.4 16.5 102.5 19.5 8.0 17.8 2.2 14.7 4.4 11.5
60 - 64 537.4 8.2 45.5 8.7 3.8 8.6 1.6 11.2 3.1 8.1
65 - 69 413.3 6.3 34.2 6.5 3.0 6.8 1.3 8.5 1.6 4.3
≥ 70 815.2 12.4 84.7 16.1 8.2 18.4 2.2 14.9 6.7 17.5
年齡中位數(歲) 45 50 50 49 45
Median age (years)

男 3 035.0 46.1 201.6 38.3 15.8 35.2 6.4 43.4 17.1 44.9
女 3 554.3 53.9 324.5 61.7 29.0 64.8 8.3 56.6 20.9 55.1

總計 6 589.2 100.0 526.1 100.0 44.7 100.0 14.8 100.0 38.0 100.0

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 260 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
有關按主要功能範疇及延伸功能範疇 Concepts and survey results analysed by core functioning
分析的概念及統計調查結果 domains and extended functioning domains

表 12.7b 按年齡/性別及上一次感到抑鬱的程度劃分的在統計前 1個月感到抑鬱的

Table 12.7b Persons aged 5 and over who felt depressed during the 1 month before
enumeration by age/sex and level of feeling depressed last time

Level of feeling depressed last time
Somewhere in
輕微 between a little 嚴重 不知道
A little and a lot A lot Did not know
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 13.0 3.2 2.2 2.0 ‡ ‡ 1.0 2.3
15 - 29 50.3 12.2 15.6 14.3 3.6 16.5 5.3 12.2
30 - 39 63.4 15.4 19.1 17.5 3.8 17.7 5.3 12.3
40 - 49 73.9 18.0 19.6 17.9 3.5 16.0 8.4 19.4
50 - 59 79.9 19.4 20.4 18.6 3.8 17.5 8.5 19.7
60 - 64 35.9 8.7 10.0 9.1 1.3 5.9 3.8 8.8
65 - 69 28.9 7.0 6.2 5.7 1.3 5.8 2.1 4.8
≥ 70 65.9 16.0 16.1 14.7 4.2 19.4 8.9 20.6
年齡中位數(歲) 50 49 48 51
Median age (years)

男 158.4 38.5 40.1 36.7 7.9 36.4 17.3 40.0
女 253.0 61.5 69.0 63.3 13.8 63.6 26.0 60.0

總計 411.4 100.0 109.2 100.0 21.7 100.0 43.3 100.0


註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Note: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 261 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
有關按主要功能範疇及延伸功能範疇 Concepts and survey results analysed by core functioning
分析的概念及統計調查結果 domains and extended functioning domains

表 12.8 按年齡/性別及主要功能範疇*困難程度劃分的人士數目
Table 12.8 Persons by age/sex and level of difficulty in core functioning domains*

Level of difficulty in core functioning domains^
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難 完全不能做到
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 836.9 13.1 26.9 3.3 4.7 2.4 1.2 1.2
15 - 29 1 097.3 17.2 34.9 4.3 4.6 2.4 1.4 1.5
30 - 39 1 112.9 17.5 37.0 4.6 4.4 2.3 1.8 1.8
40 - 49 1 071.1 16.8 69.5 8.6 7.1 3.7 2.4 2.5
50 - 59 1 037.7 16.3 140.7 17.4 17.8 9.2 5.2 5.3
60 - 64 474.0 7.4 98.3 12.2 15.0 7.7 4.2 4.3
65 - 69 333.0 5.2 97.1 12.0 17.9 9.2 5.4 5.5
≥ 70 414.5 6.5 304.2 37.6 122.3 63.1 76.0 77.9
年齡中位數(歲) 40 64 76 83
Median age (years)

男 2 937.9 46.1 360.5 44.6 79.0 40.8 35.6 36.5
女 3 439.7 53.9 448.1 55.4 114.6 59.2 61.9 63.5

總計 6 377.6 100.0 808.5 100.0 193.7 100.0 97.5 100.0


註釋: * 包括視覺能力、聽覺能力、平地步行/上落樓梯、認知能力、自理能力及溝通能力。

Notes: * Including seeing, hearing, walking on level ground / walking up or down a flight of stairs, cognition, self-care and
^ Refer to the largest difficulty a person encountered in the core functioning domains.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 262 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
有關按主要功能範疇及延伸功能範疇 Concepts and survey results analysed by core functioning
分析的概念及統計調查結果 domains and extended functioning domains

表 12.9 按年齡/性別及延伸功能範疇*困難程度劃分的人士數目
Table 12.9 Persons by age/sex and level of difficulty in extended functioning domains*

Level of difficulty in extended functioning domains^
沒有困難 少許困難 很大困難 完全不能做到
No difficulty Some difficulty A lot of difficulty Cannot do at all
人數 人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
< 15 818.5 13.1 42.4 4.8 7.5 3.5 1.2 1.0
15 - 29 1 089.8 17.4 40.8 4.6 6.1 2.8 1.6 1.4
30 - 39 1 108.2 17.7 40.7 4.6 5.3 2.5 1.9 1.6
40 - 49 1 062.4 17.0 76.2 8.7 8.7 4.0 2.6 2.3
50 - 59 1 020.1 16.3 153.5 17.5 21.5 9.9 6.3 5.5
60 - 64 460.7 7.4 108.3 12.3 17.2 7.9 5.2 4.5
65 - 69 320.5 5.1 105.2 12.0 20.6 9.5 7.1 6.2
≥ 70 386.3 6.2 311.9 35.5 129.8 59.9 89.1 77.5
年齡中位數(歲) 40 64 74 83
Median age (years)

男 2 890.4 46.1 393.2 44.7 88.3 40.7 41.2 35.8
女 3 376.1 53.9 485.9 55.3 128.4 59.3 73.8 64.2

總計 6 266.5 100.0 879.1 100.0 216.8 100.0 115.0 100.0


註釋: * 包括視覺能力、聽覺能力、平地步行/上落樓梯、認知能力、自理能力、溝通能力、用手和手指拿起小

Notes: * Including seeing, hearing, walking on level ground / walking up or down a flight of stairs, cognition, self-care,
communication, using hands and fingers to grasp small object / carrying heavy object and learning.
^ Refer to the largest difficulty a person encountered in the extended functioning domains.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 263 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 1 用語及定義
Appendix 1 Terms and definitions

年齡:指某人在出生後所度過的完整年數。 Age refers to the number of complete years a person

has passed since his/her birth date.

經濟活動身分:人口可劃分為從事經濟活動人 Economic activity status: The population can be

口(即勞動人口)及非從事經濟活動人口兩大 divided into two main groups, economically active
類。 population (that is the labour force) and
economically inactive population.

從事經濟活動人口:即勞動人口,可再分為就業 The economically active population, synonymous

人口及失業人口。(詳情請參閱勞動人口) with the labour force, comprises the employed
population and the unemployed population.
(Please see labour force for details)

非從事經濟活動人口:包括所有在統計前 7 天 The economically inactive population is made up

內並無職位亦無工作的人士,在這 7 天內正在 of those persons who have not had a job and have
休假的人士及失業人士除外。料理家務者、退休 not been at work during the 7 days before
人士及所有 15 歲以下人士等均包括在內。 enumeration, excluding persons who have been on
leave/holiday during the 7-day period and persons
who are unemployed. Persons such as home-
makers, retired persons and all those below the age
of 15 are thus included.

教育程度:指某人在學校或其他教育機構修讀 Educational attainment refers to the highest level

達到的最高教育水平,不論他/她有否完成該 of education ever attained by a person in school or
課程。計算教育程度時只包括正式課程。正式課 other educational institution, regardless of whether
程須符合下列準則: he/she had completed the course. Only formal
courses are counted as educational attainment. A
formal course must satisfy the following criteria:
(1) 最少為期一個學年。 (1) It lasts for at least one academic year.
(2) 入學須具備指定的學歷資格(香港都 (2) It has specific academic qualifications
會大學(前身為香港公開大學)的非學 for entrance (except sub-degree,
。 associate degree, degree and post-
graduate courses offered by the Hong
Kong Metropolitan University (formerly
the Open University of Hong Kong)).
(3) 設有考試或指定評核成績的程序。 (3) It includes examinations or specific
academic assessment procedures.

教育程度分類如下: Educational attainment is classified as follows:

未受教育/學前教育:包括未受教育、所有 No schooling / pre-primary: Including no

幼稚園及幼兒中心班級。 schooling, all classes in kindergartens and
child care centres.

小學:包括所有小學的一至六年級。 Primary: Including Primary 1 - 6 in all

educational institutions.

初中:包括所有中學的一至三年級。 Lower secondary: Including Secondary 1 - 3

in all educational institutions.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 264 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 1:用語及定義 Appendix 1 : Terms and definitions

高中:包括所有中學舊學制的四至七年級及 Upper secondary: Including Secondary 4 - 7

新學制的四至六年級或同等程度,毅進計劃 of old academic structure, Secondary 4 - 6 of
/毅進文憑以及工藝程度教育。 new academic structure or equivalent in all
educational institutions, Project Yi Jin / Yi Jin
Diploma and craft level.

專上教育–非學位:包括本地及非本地教育 Post-secondary - non-degree: Including

機構的證書、文憑程度課程、高級證書、高 Certificate, Diploma level courses, Higher
級文憑、專業文憑、副學士、副學士先修、 Certificate, Higher Diploma, Professional
增修證書、院士銜或同等課程及其他非學位 Diploma, Associate Degree, Pre-Associate
Degree, Endorsement Certificate,
Associateship or equivalent courses and other
non-degree level courses in local or non-local

專上教育–學位:包括本地及非本地教育機 Post-secondary - degree: Including all first

構的學士學位課程、修課形式研究院程度課 degree, taught postgraduate and research
程及研究形式研究院程度課程。 postgraduate courses in local or non-local

住戶:指一群住在一起及分享生活所需的人士, Household consists of a group of persons who live

他們之間不一定有親戚關係。自己單獨安排生 together and make common provision for essentials
。 for living. These persons need not be related. If
a person makes provision for essentials for living
without sharing with other persons, he/she is also
regarded as a household. In this case, the
household is a one-person household.

行業:指統計前 7 天內受訪者工作機構的活動 Industry refers to the activity of the establishment

類別。依照「香港標準行業分類 2.0 版」的主要 in which the respondent worked during the 7 days
類別分類。詳細資料可參閱《香港標準行業分類 before enumeration. The classification follows
2.0 版 》 手 冊 , 該 手 冊 可 於 政 府 統 計 處 網 站 the major industry groups of the Hong Kong
Standard Industrial Classification V2.0. Detailed
information can be obtained from the manual Hong
html?pcode=B2XX0005&scode=452) 免 費 下 載
Kong Standard Industrial Classification (HSIC)
(PDF 格式)。 Version 2.0, which can be downloaded (in PDF
format) free of charge from the website of C&SD at

勞動人口:指 15 歲及以上陸上人口,並符合下 Labour force refers to the land-based population

列就業人口或失業人口的定義。水上居民並不 aged 15 and over who satisfy the criteria for being
包括在內。 classified as employed population or unemployed
population as defined below. Persons living on
board vessels are excluded.

就業人口: The employed population

由所有就業人士構成。一名 15 歲或以上人 This comprises all employed persons. For a

士如符合下列情況,可界定為就業人士: person aged 15 or over to be classified as
employed, that person should:

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 265 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 1:用語及定義 Appendix 1 : Terms and definitions

(1) 統計前 7 天內從事一些工作賺取薪酬 (1) be engaged in performing work for pay

或利潤;或 or profit during the 7 days before
enumeration; or
(2) 有一份正式工作(即該人士持續支取 (2) have formal job attachment (i.e. that the
工資或薪金;或 已獲保證或已有既定 person has continued receipt of wage or
日期返回工作崗位或所經營之業務; salary; or has an assurance or an agreed
或 正支取補 償費而無須 接受其他工 date of return to job or business; or is in
receipt of compensation without
obligation to accept another job).

失業人口: The unemployed population

(1) 由所有失業人士構成。一名 15 歲或以 (1) This comprises all unemployed persons.
上人士如符合下列情況,便界定為失 For a person aged 15 or over to be
業人士: classified as unemployed, that person
(a) 在統計前 7 天內並無職位,且並無 (a) have not had a job and should not
為賺取薪酬或利潤而工作;及 have performed any work for pay or
profit during the 7 days before
enumeration; and
(b) 在統計前 7 天內隨時可工作;及 (b) have been available for work during
the 7 days before enumeration; and
(c) 在統計前 30 天內有找尋工作。 (c) have sought work during the 30 days
before enumeration.

不過,一名 15 歲或以上的人士,如果 However, if a person aged 15 or over

符合上述(a)和(b)的條件,但沒有在統 fulfils the conditions (a) and (b) above but
計前 30 天內找尋工作的原因為相信沒 has not sought work during the 30 days
有工作可做,則仍會被界定為失業,即 before enumeration because he/she
believes that work is not available, he/she
is still classified as unemployed, being
regarded as a so-called “discouraged

(2) 除上述情況外,下列人士亦視作失業 (2) Notwithstanding the above, the

人士: following types of persons are also
classified as unemployed:
(a) 並無職位,有找尋工作,但由於暫 (a) persons without a job, have sought
時生病而不能工作的人士;及 work but have not been available for
work because of temporary sickness;
(b) 並無職位,且隨時可工作,但由於 (b) persons without a job, have been
下列原因並無找尋工作的人士: available for work but have not
sought work because they:
(i) 已為於稍後時間擔當的新工 (i) have made arrangements to
作或開展的業務作出安排; take up a new job or to start
或 business on a subsequent date;

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 266 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 1:用語及定義 Appendix 1 : Terms and definitions

(ii) 正期待返回原來的工作崗位 (ii) were expecting to return to

(例如散工在有需要時通常 their original jobs (e.g. casual
。 workers are usually called back
to work when service is

婚姻狀況:指受訪者在統計調查中所報稱的婚 Marital status was recorded according to the status

姻狀況。有關的婚姻或離婚事件有否經過任何 reported by the respondents in the survey. There
合法註冊或儀式,則未有查核。 was no check on whether the marriage or divorce
had undergone any legal registration or ceremony.

每月就業收入:指統計前 1 個月從所有工作所 Monthly employment earnings refer to earnings

獲得的收入(未扣除強制性公積金供款)。就僱 (before deduction of Mandatory Provident Fund
員來說,收入包括工資和薪金、花紅、佣金、小 contributions) from all jobs during the month before
費、房屋津貼、超時工作津貼、勤工津貼及其他 enumeration. For employees, they include wage
and salary, bonus, commission, tips, housing
allowance, overtime allowance, attendance
allowance and other cash allowances. However,
人及家居用途的款額。如果提取作個人及家居 back pays are excluded. For employers and self-
用途的款額資料未能提供,則會搜集有關從業 employed, they refer to amounts drawn from the
務所得的淨收入的數據。 self-owned enterprise for personal and household
use. If information on the amounts drawn for
personal and household use is not available, data on
net earnings from business would be collected

職業:指在統計前 7 天內某人所從事的主要工 Occupation refers to the kind of work, nature of

作種類、性質及主要職務。分類基本上是按照 duties and main task performed by a person in
「國際標準職業分類 2008 年版」的主要組別劃 his/her main job during the 7 days before
分,並因應本港情況作出修訂。 enumeration. The classification adopted basically
follows the major groups of the International
Standard Classification of Occupations 2008
(ISCO-08), with local adaptation for Hong Kong.

失業人口(請參閱勞動人口內的失業人口) Unemployed population (Please see unemployed

population under labour force)

失業率:指失業人士在勞動人口中所佔的比例。 Unemployment rate refers to the proportion of

unemployed persons in the labour force.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 267 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 2 統計調查所搜集的主要資料項目
Appendix 2 Major data items collected in the survey

統計調查所搜集的主要資料項目包括: Major data items collected in the survey included:

住戶資料 Household information

1. 屋宇單位類型 1. Type of quarters

2. 住戶類型 2. Type of household
3. 居處類型 3. Type of accommodation
4. 居處租住權 4. Tenure of accommodation
5. 住戶成員人數 5. Number of members in the household

個人資料 Personal information

6. 與戶主關係 6. Relationship to head of household

7. 年齡 7. Age
8. 性別 8. Sex
9. 婚姻狀況 9. Marital status
10. 教育程度 10. Educational attainment
11. 統計前 7 天內的經濟活動身分 11. Economic activity status during the 7 days
before enumeration

與就業相關資料 Employment-related information

就就業人士而言: For employed persons:

12. 行業 12. Industry
13. 職業 13. Occupation
14. 統計前 7 天內的工作時數 14. Number of hours worked during the 7 days
before enumeration
15. 上月的就業收入 15. Employment earnings in the last month

就失業人士及非從事經濟活動人士而言: For unemployed persons and economically

inactive persons:
16. 統計前 7 天內可否隨時工作 16. Whether available for work during the 7
days before enumeration
17. 不能隨時工作的原因 17. Reason for not available for work
18. 統計前 30 天內有否找尋工作 18. Whether seeking work during the 30 days
before enumeration
19. 沒有找尋工作的原因 19. Reason for not seeking work

殘疾 Disabilities

20. 在各功能範疇的困難程度 20. Level of difficulty in each of the functioning

21. 其他確診的健康狀況(例如精神病/情緒 21. Other diagnosed health conditions (e.g.
病及智障) mental illness / mood disorder and
intellectual disability)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 268 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 2:統計調查所搜集的 Appendix 2 : Major data items
主要資料項目 collected in the survey

手語運用 Usage of sign language

就 2 歲及以上人士、聽覺有困難人士及溝通能 For persons aged 2 and over, persons with hearing

力有困難人士而言: difficulty and persons with communication
22. 在日常溝通中有否使用手語 22. Whether using sign language in usual

輔助儀器運用 Usage of assistive devices

23. 有否使用輪椅/其他特定輔助工具代步/ 23. Whether using a wheelchair / other

步行 specialised aid/tool to move / walk around
24. 有否使用義肢 24. Whether using artificial limb
25. 有否使用視覺輔助儀器/工具 25. Whether using a visual aid/tool
26. 有否使用聽覺輔助儀器/工具 26. Whether using a hearing aid/tool
27. 有否使用言語/溝通輔助儀器/工具 27. Whether using a speech/communication
28. 輔助儀器/復康工具的開支 28. Expenses on assistive devices / rehabilitative

選定殘疾類別人士的額外資料 Further information for persons with selected

types of disability

就身體活動能力受限制人士而言: For persons with restriction in body movement:

29. 身體活動能力受限制的主要類別(例如缺 29. Major types of restriction in body movement
失上/下肢、癱瘓及痙攣) (e.g. loss of upper/lower limbs, paralysis and

就視覺有困難人士而言: For persons with seeing difficulty:

30. 視覺困難的主要類別 30. Major types of seeing difficulty

就溝通能力有困難人士而言: For persons with communication difficulty:

31. 溝通困難的主要類別 31. Major types of communication difficulty

長期病患 Chronic diseases

就長期病患者而言: For persons with chronic diseases:

32. 長期病患類別 32. Type(s) of chronic diseases

殘疾及長期病患對日常生活的影響 Impact of disabilities and chronic diseases on

day-to-day living

就所有殘疾人士及長期病患者而言: For all persons with disabilities and persons with

chronic diseases:
33. 是否因殘疾及長期病患而令其在日常生活 33. Whether had difficulty in day-to-day living
有困難 due to their disabilities and chronic diseases
34. 自我評估的整體健康狀況 34. Self-perceived general health condition

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 269 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 2:統計調查所搜集的 Appendix 2 : Major data items
主要資料項目 collected in the survey

就所有殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而 For all persons with disabilities and persons with

言: chronic diseases who had specific needs:
35. 是否因殘疾及長期病患而令其在以下範疇 35. Whether had difficulty in the following
遇到困難:在學校學習、工作、居住環 aspects due to their disabilities and chronic
境、醫療/復康服務、社區生活、出外活 diseases: studying at school, work, living
動及打理家務 environment, medical care / rehabilitation
services, community life, going out and
doing housework
36. 會否考慮接受一份合適工作 36. Whether would consider accepting a suitable
37. 接受一份合適工作的主要考慮因素 37. Main considerations for accepting a suitable
38. 不接受一份合適工作的主要原因 38. Main reasons for not accepting a suitable job
39. 是否因殘疾及長期病患有別人照顧其日常 39. Whether had another person taking care of
生活 their day-to-day living due to their
disabilities and chronic diseases

接受服務類別 Types of services received

就所有殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而 For all persons with disabilities and persons with

言: chronic diseases who had specific needs:
40. 在香港正在接受提供給殘疾人士或長期病 40. Types of services (provided for persons with
患者的服務類別 disabilities or persons with chronic diseases
in Hong Kong) received in Hong Kong

照顧者及所需的照顧 Carers and the caring services required

就有別人照顧其日常生活的殘疾人士及有特定 For persons with disabilities and persons with

需要的長期病患者而言: chronic diseases who had specific needs that had
another person taking care of their day-to-day
41. 需要別人幫助的生活範疇 41. Aspects that need another person to help
42. 照顧者的數目 42. Number of carer(s)
43. 是否與照顧者共住 43. Whether living together with the carer
44. 與照顧者的關係 44. Relationship to the carer
45. 是否需要支付照顧費用予照顧者 45. Whether needed to pay for the caring
services provided by the carer
46. 每周通常受照顧者照顧時數 46. Usual hours of caring services provided by
the carer per week
47. 照顧者的年齡/性別 47. Age/sex of the carer
48. 受特定照顧者照顧年期 48. Number of years of caring services provided
by the specific carer
49. 特定照顧者在統計前 1 個月因照顧而感到 49. Frequency of the specific carer feeling
有精神壓力的頻率及上一次的壓力程度 stressed due to the caring services during the
1 month before enumeration and the level of
stress felt last time
50. 特定照顧者的就業情況 50. Employment status of the specific carer

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 270 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 2:統計調查所搜集的 Appendix 2 : Major data items
主要資料項目 collected in the survey

交通安排 Transportation arrangement

就所有殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而 For all persons with disabilities and persons with

言: chronic diseases who had specific needs:
51. 會否出外/出外主要目的 51. Whether going out / main purposes of going
52. 乘搭交通工具是否需要協助 52. Whether needed assistance in transportation
53. 主要使用的交通安排/工具 53. Principal modes of transportation used
54. 乘搭交通工具出外覆診/接受治療時的轉 54. Number of transfers when going out for
乘次數 medical consultation/treatment

就正就業或正就讀/接受技能訓練的殘疾人士 For those who were employed or students /

及有特定需要的長期病患者而言: persons receiving skills training:
55. 乘搭交通工具往返工作地點/出外學習時 55. Number of transfers when going out for
的轉乘次數 work/study

資訊科技運用情況 Usage of information technology (IT)

就所有殘疾人士及有特定需要的長期病患者而 For all persons with disabilities and persons with

言: chronic diseases who had specific needs:
56. 是否擁有資訊科技設備(包括桌面電腦、 56. Whether had IT devices (including desktop,
手提電腦、平板電腦及智能手機) laptop, tablet and smartphone)
57. 在統計前 12 個月有否使用過互聯網 57. Whether used the Internet during the 12
months before enumeration
58. 在統計前 12 個月使用互聯網的目的 58. Purposes of using the Internet during the 12
months before enumeration
59. 在統計前 12 個月没有使用互聯網的原因 59. Reasons of not using the Internet during the
12 months before enumeration

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 271 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
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附錄 3(甲) 有關住院智障人士的院舍統計調查結果
Appendix 3A Results of the institutions survey pertaining to
institutional residents with intellectual disability

A3A.1 為方便分析約 12 200 名住院智障人 A3A.1 To facilitate analysis of the profile of

士的概況,有關 2020 年全港整體人口的相應特 some 12 200 institutional residents with intellectual
徵(主要根據「綜合住戶統計調查」所得的資料 disability (ID), the corresponding characteristics of
估計),亦適當地展列在本附錄的統計表內,以 the total population of Hong Kong in 2020 (as
estimated mainly based on the findings of the
General Household Survey) are also presented in
the tables in this Appendix for comparison where

住院智障人士的概況 Profile of institutional residents with

intellectual disability

A3A.2 根據 2020 年 5 月至 12 月期間進行的 A3A.2 According to the institutions survey

院舍統計調查,估計在統計時共有 12 200 名住 conducted during May - December 2020, it was
院人士為智障人士。住院智障人士的普遍率(以 estimated that a total of 12 200 institutional
佔全港整體人口的百分比計算)為 0.2%。 residents were having ID at the time of
enumeration. The prevalence rate of institutional
(表 A3A.1)
residents with ID (expressed as a percentage of the
total population of Hong Kong) was 0.2%.
(Table A3A.1)

年齡/性別 Age/sex

A3A.3 該 12 200 名住院智障人士中,年齡中 A3A.3 The median age of these 12 200

位數為 46 歲。40 - 49 歲人士佔 22.1%,而 50 - 59 institutional residents with ID was 46. About
歲人士則佔 22.0%。 (表 A3A.1) 22.1% were aged 40 - 49 and 22.0% were aged
50 - 59. (Table A3A.1)

A3A.4 按性別分析,在該 12 200 名住院智障 A3A.4 Analysed by sex, males constituted 55.8%
人士中,男性約佔 55.8%,而女性則佔 44.2%。 of those 12 200 institutional residents with ID, as
(表 A3A.1) compared with 44.2% for their female counterparts.
(Table A3A.1)

婚姻狀況 Marital status

A3A.5 該 12 200 名住院智障人士中,超過 9 A3A.5 Over 90% of the 12 200 institutional

成為從未結婚人士,而整體人口的相應百分比 residents with ID were never married, as against
則為 37.4%。 (表 A3A.2) 37.4% for the total population. (Table A3A.2)

教育程度 Educational attainment

A3A.6 按教育程度分析,在該 12 200 名住院 A3A.6 Analysed by educational attainment,

智障人士中,具專上教育程度者約佔 2.3%,這 about 2.3% of these 12 200 institutional residents
百分比遠較整體人口的相應百分比(30.1%)為 with ID had attained post-secondary education.
低。此外,具小學及以下教育程度者佔 34.6%, This percentage was much lower than the
corresponding percentage (30.1%) for the total
而具中學教育程度者約佔 63.0%。 (表 A3A.2)
population. Another 34.6% had attained primary
education and below, and the remaining 63.0% had

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 272 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 3(甲):有關住院 Appendix 3A : Results of the institutions survey pertaining
智障人士的院舍統計調查結果 to institutional residents with intellectual disability

attained secondary education. (Table A3A.2)

居住地區 Area of residence

A3A.7 約 4 900 名(40.5%)住院智障人士居 A3A.7 Some 4 900 (40.5%) of the institutional

住在新界西,其次約有 20.5%居住在新界東及 residents with ID lived in New Territories West,
17.1%居住在九龍東。 (表 A3A.3) followed by New Territories East (20.5%) and
Kowloon East (17.1%). (Table A3A.3)

經濟活動身分 Economic activity status

A3A.8 在該 11 400 名 15 歲及以上住院智障人 A3A.8 Among the 11 400 institutional residents

士中,約 8 200 人為非從事經濟活動人士及約 aged 15 and over with ID, some 8 200 were
3 200 人為從事經濟活動人士,分別佔該 11 400 economically inactive persons and the remaining
人的 71.8%及 28.2%。 (表 A3A.4) some 3 200 were economically active persons.
They constituted 71.8% and 28.2% of those 11 400
persons respectively. (Table A3A.4)

行業 Industry

A3A.9 該 3 200 名就業住院智障人士中,絕大 A3A.9 Among the 3 200 employed institutional

部分(96.2%)從事公共行政、社會及個人服務 residents with ID, great majority of them (96.2%)
業。 (表 A3A.5) were engaged in the public administration, social
and personal services sector. (Table A3A.5)

職業 Occupation

A3A.10 該 3 200 名就業住院智障人士中,約 A3A.10 Some 99.7% of those 3 200 employed

99.7%為非技術工人。 (表 A3A.5) institutional residents with ID were workers in
elementary occupations. (Table A3A.5)

每月就業收入 Monthly employment earnings

A3A.11 約 1 700 名就業住院智障人士每月就業 A3A.11 Some 1 700 employed institutional

收入少於$1,000,他們大部分在庇護工場工作。 residents with ID earned less than $1,000 each
該 3 200 名就業住院智障人士的每月就業收入 month, and majority of them were working in
中位數為$800。撇除在庇護工場工作的就業住 sheltered workshops. The median monthly
employment earnings of these 3 200 employed
institutional residents with ID was $800. The
(表 A3A.5)
median monthly employment earnings was $3,000
if those working in sheltered workshops were
excluded. (Table A3A.5)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 273 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄3(甲):有關住院 Appendix 3A : Results of the institutions survey pertaining
智障人士的院舍統計調查結果 to institutional residents with intellectual disability

表 A3A.1 按年齡/性別劃分的住院智障人士數目
Table A3A.1 Institutional residents with intellectual disability by age/sex

Institutional residents with 整體人口
intellectual disability Total population

年齡組別/性別 人數 百分比 比率* 百分比

Age group / Sex No. of persons % Rate* %
Age group
< 15 700 6.2 0.1 11.6
15 - 29 1 200 9.7 0.1 15.2
30 - 39 2 200 18.4 0.2 15.5
40 - 49 2 700 22.1 0.2 15.4
50 - 59 2 700 22.0 0.2 16.1
≥ 60 2 600 21.7 0.1 26.2
年齡中位數(歲) 46 45
Median age (years)

男 6 800 55.8 0.2 45.6
女 5 400 44.2 0.1 54.4

合計 12 200 100.0 0.2 100.0


註釋: * 在個別年齡/性別組別中佔所有人士的百分比。例如,在所有年齡小於15歲人士中,0.1%為住院智障人
有關列載在本附錄的數據的背景,請參閱本報告書第4章第4.9 - 4.16段「低估智障人士數目的情況」一節。

Notes: * As a percentage of all persons in the respective age/sex groups. For example, among all persons aged below 15,
0.1% were institutional residents with intellectual disability.
Please see the section “Under-estimation in respect of persons with intellectual disability” in paragraphs 4.9 - 4.16 in
Chapter 4 of this report regarding the background about the figures presented in this Appendix.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 274 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄3(甲):有關住院 Appendix 3A : Results of the institutions survey pertaining
智障人士的院舍統計調查結果 to institutional residents with intellectual disability

表 A3A.2 按婚姻狀況/教育程度劃分的住院智障人士數目
Table A3A.2 Institutional residents with intellectual disability by marital status /
educational attainment

Institutional residents with 整體人口
intellectual disability Total population

婚姻狀況/教育程度 人數 百分比 百分比

Marital status / Educational attainment No. of persons % %
Marital status
從未結婚 11 500 94.6 37.4
Never married
已婚/喪偶/分居/離婚 700 5.4 62.6
Currently married / widowed / separated /

Educational attainment
未受教育/學前教育 1 900 15.8 8.1
No schooling / pre-primary
小學 2 300 18.8 17.7
初中/高中 7 700 63.0 44.0
Lower/upper secondary
專上教育 300 2.3 30.1

總計 12 200 100.0 100.0


註釋: 有關列載在本附錄的數據的背景,請參閱本報告書第4章第4.9 - 4.16段「低估智障人士數目的情況」一節。

Note: Please see the section “Under-estimation in respect of persons with intellectual disability” in paragraphs 4.9 - 4.16 in
Chapter 4 of this report regarding the background about the figures presented in this Appendix.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 275 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄3(甲):有關住院 Appendix 3A : Results of the institutions survey pertaining
智障人士的院舍統計調查結果 to institutional residents with intellectual disability

表 A3A.3 按居住地區劃分的住院智障人士數目
Table A3A.3 Institutional residents with intellectual disability by area of residence

Institutional residents with 整體人口
intellectual disability Total population

居住地區 人數 百分比 百分比

Area of residence No. of persons % %
香港島(1) 1 900 15.8 16.4
Hong Kong Island(1)
九龍東(2) 2 100 17.1 20.5
Kowloon East(2)
九龍西(3) 700 6.0 10.2
Kowloon West(3)
新界東(4) 2 500 20.5 24.0
New Territories East(4)
新界西(5) 4 900 40.5 28.9
New Territories West(5)

總計 12 200 100.0 100.0

註釋: 香港島包括中西區、灣仔、東區及南區區議會分區。
有關列載在本附錄的數據的背景,請參閱本報告書第4章第4.9 - 4.16段「低估智障人士數目的情況」一節。

Notes: (1) Hong Kong Island includes Central and Western, Wan Chai, Eastern and Southern District Council districts.
(2) Kowloon East includes Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin and Kowloon City District Council districts.
(3) Kowloon West includes Yau Tsim Mong and Sham Shui Po District Council districts.
(4) New Territories East includes Sha Tin, Sai Kung, Tai Po and North District Council districts.
(5) New Territories West includes Kwai Tsing, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and Islands District Council
Please see the section “Under-estimation in respect of persons with intellectual disability” in paragraphs 4.9 - 4.16 in
Chapter 4 of this report regarding the background about the figures presented in this Appendix.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 276 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄3(甲):有關住院 Appendix 3A : Results of the institutions survey pertaining
智障人士的院舍統計調查結果 to institutional residents with intellectual disability

表 A3A.4 按年齡/經濟活動身分劃分的住院智障人士數目
Table A3A.4 Institutional residents with intellectual disability by age / economic activity

Institutional residents with 整體人口
intellectual disability Total population

年齡組別/經濟活動身分 人數 百分比 百分比

Age group / Economic activity status No. of persons % %
年齡15歲及以上 11 400 100.0 100.0
Aged 15 and over
從事經濟活動 3 200 28.2 58.9
Economically active
就業人士 3 200 28.2 55.5
Employed persons
失業人士 ‡ ‡ 3.4
Unemployed persons [‡]* [5.8]*
非從事經濟活動 8 200 71.8 41.1
Economically inactive

年齡18 - 64歲 9 700 100.0 100.0

Aged 18 - 64
從事經濟活動 2 900 29.9 73.4
Economically active
就業人士 2 900 29.9 69.1
Employed persons
失業人士 ‡ ‡ 4.3
Unemployed persons [‡]* [5.9]*
非從事經濟活動 6 800 70.1 26.6
Economically inactive

註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
* 方括號內的數字顯示在個別年齡組別中所有住院智障人士/整體人口的失業率。
有關列載在本附錄的數據的背景,請參閱本報告書第4章第4.9 - 4.16段「低估智障人士數目的情況」一節。

Notes: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
* Figures in square brackets represent the unemployment rates of all institutional residents with intellectual disability
/ total population in the specific age groups.
Please see the section “Under-estimation in respect of persons with intellectual disability” in paragraphs 4.9 - 4.16 in
Chapter 4 of this report regarding the background about the figures presented in this Appendix.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 277 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄3(甲):有關住院 Appendix 3A : Results of the institutions survey pertaining
智障人士的院舍統計調查結果 to institutional residents with intellectual disability

表 A3A.5 按行業/職業/每月就業收入劃分的就業住院智障人士數目
Table A3A.5 Employed institutional residents with intellectual disability by industry /
occupation / monthly employment earnings

就業住院智障人士 整體就業人口
Employed institutional residents with Total employed
intellectual disability population
Industry / Occupation / 人數 百分比 百分比
Monthly employment earnings (HK$) No. of persons % %
公共行政、社會及個人服務 3 100 96.2 30.2
Public administration, social and personal
其他行業 ‡ ‡ 69.8
Other industries

非技術工人 3 200 99.7 20.6
Elementary occupations
其他職業 ‡ ‡ 79.4
Other occupations

Monthly employment earnings (HK$)
< 1,000 1 700 54.0 1.4
≥ 1,000 1 500 46.0 98.6

總計 3 200 100.0 100.0


每月就業收入中位數(港元) 800 17,700

Median monthly employment earnings (HK$) (3,000)

註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
有關列載在本附錄的數據的背景,請參閱本報告書第4章第4.9 - 4.16段「低估智障人士數目的情況」一節。

Notes: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
Figure in bracket represents the corresponding figure for employed institutional residents with intellectual disability
after excluding those working in sheltered workshops.
Please see the section “Under-estimation in respect of persons with intellectual disability” in paragraphs 4.9 - 4.16 in
Chapter 4 of this report regarding the background about the figures presented in this Appendix.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 278 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 3(乙) 從專題訪問估計所得有關居住在住戶內的智障人士的
Appendix 3B Demographic and socio-economic profiles of persons with
intellectual disability residing in households as estimated
from the special topic enquiry

A3B.1 整合截至 2021 年 3 月時於康復服務 A3B.1 As at March 2021, there were 41 400
中央檔案室及其他政府政策局/部門的行政記 registrants with intellectual disability (ID)
錄中登記的人士中,約有 41 400 名智障人士。 consolidating from the Central Registry for
假設見於康復服務中央檔案室及相關行政記錄 Rehabilitation (CRR) and administrative records
from the other Government bureaux/departments.
的 41 400 名智障人士中,約 12 200 名是住院人
On the assumption that some 12 200 of those 41 400
registrants with ID found in the CRR and relevant
該 12 200 名智障人士的概況(主要結果列載於 administrative records were institutional residents
附錄 3(甲)),可得出約有 29 200 名智障人士 and their profiles from the institutions survey (major
是居住在住戶內,而有關他們的性別及年齡的 findings presented in Appendix 3A) could be directly
概況亦可根據康復服務中央檔案室及相關行政 adopted, a probable estimate of some 29 200 persons
記錄計算得到。因此,採用康復服務中央檔案室 with ID residing in households and their sex-age
及相關行政記錄的有關數字為控制總數,並套 profile could be computed based on the CRR and
用在是項統計調查中搜集得的有關居住在住戶 relevant administrative records. Accordingly,
內的智障人士的統計調查結果,便可估算該 using the figures in the CRR and relevant
29 200 名居住在住戶內智障人士的人口及社會 administrative records as the control total and
applying the survey results pertaining to persons with
ID residing in households, some demographic and
socio-economic profiles of those 29 200 persons
with ID residing in households could be derived.

A3B.2 本附錄列載該 29 200 名居住在住戶內 A3B.2 The demographic and socio-economic

的智障人士的人口及社會經濟概況。鑑於該些 profiles of these 29 200 persons with ID residing in
數據是基於某些假設及局限的情況下編製(詳 households as presented in this Appendix are
情請參閱本報告書第 4 章第 4.9 - 4.16 段「低估 subject to certain assumptions and limitations.
(For details, please see the section “Under-
estimation in respect of persons with intellectual
disability” in paragraphs 4.9 - 4.16 in Chapter 4 of
調查涵蓋的行政記錄來源較多,結果不能與 this report.) They are hence provided for crude
2013 年的相關結果作直接比較。 reference only and should be interpreted with
caution. Since more administrative data sources
are covered in this round of the survey, the results
are not strictly comparable with the results
concerned in 2013.

A3B.3 為方便分析居住在住戶內的智障人士 A3B.3 To facilitate analysis of the profile of

的概況,有關 2020 年全港整體人口的相應特徵 persons with ID residing in households, the
(主要根據「綜合住戶統計調查」所得的資料估 corresponding characteristics of the total
計),亦適當地展列在本附錄的統計表內,以作 population of Hong Kong in 2020 (as estimated
mainly based on the findings of the General
Household Survey) are also presented in the tables
in this Appendix for comparison where applicable.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 279 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 3(乙):從專題訪問估計所得 Appendix 3B : Demographic and socio-economic profiles
有關居住在住戶內的智障人士的 of persons with intellectual disability residing in
人口及社會經濟概況 households as estimated from the special topic enquiry

居住在住戶內的智障人士的概況 Profile of persons with intellectual disability

residing in households

年齡/性別 Age/sex

A3B.4 在該 29 200 名居住在住戶內的智障人 A3B.4 Among the 29 200 persons with ID

士中,15 歲以下人士佔 15.3%,15 - 29 歲人士 residing in households, 15.3% were aged below 15,
佔 42.3%,而 30 - 39 歲人士則佔 21.2%。居住在 42.3% were aged 15 - 29 and 21.2% were aged
住戶內的 29 200 名智障人士的年齡中位數為 27 30 - 39. The median age of these 29 200 persons
was 27. (Table A3B.1)
歲。 (表 A3B.1)

A3B.5 按性別分析,居住在住戶內的智障人士 A3B.5 Analysed by sex, males constituted some

中,男性約佔 63.0%,而女性則佔 37.0%。 63.0% of persons with ID residing in households, as
(表 A3B.1) compared with some 37.0% for their female
counterparts. (Table A3B.1)

婚姻狀況 Marital status

A3B.6 按婚姻狀況分析,在該 29 200 名居住 A3B.6 Analysed by marital status, the majority
在住戶內的智障人士中,大部分(95.3%)為從 (95.3%) of the 29 200 persons with ID residing in
未結婚人士。 (表 A3B.2) households were never married. (Table A3B.2)

教育程度 Educational attainment

A3B.7 在居住在住戶內的智障人士中,具中學 A3B.7 59.4% of the persons with ID residing in

教育程度者佔 59.4%,具小學及以下教育程度者 households had attained secondary education.
佔 33.1%,而具專上教育程度者佔 7.5%。 Another 33.1% had attained primary education and
(表 A3B.2) below while 7.5% had attained post-secondary
education. (Table A3B.2)

居住地區 Area of residence

A3B.8 就居住在住戶內的智障人士而言,他們 A3B.8 The three most common areas of

最普遍居住的三個地區為新界西、九龍東及新 residence of persons with ID residing in households
界東。在該 29 200 名人士中,分別有 27.8%, were New Territories West, Kowloon East and New
27.2%及 22.5%居住於這三個地區。 Territories East. About 27.8%, 27.2% and 22.5%
of those 29 200 persons lived in each of these three
(表 A3B.3)
areas respectively. (Table A3B.3)

經濟活動身分 Economic Activity status

A3B.9 在該 24 800 名居住在住戶內的 15 歲及 A3B.9 Among the 24 800 persons aged 15 and
以上智障人士中,73.0%為非從事經濟活動人 over with ID residing in households, 73.0% were
士。 (表 A3B.4) economically inactive persons. (Table A3B.4)

行業 Industry

A3B.10 對 5 700 名居住在住戶內的就業智障人 A3B.10 For the 5 700 employed persons with ID
士而言,他們最普遍從事的行業類別為公共行 residing in households, the most common industry
政、社會及個人服務業,達 58.4%。 (表 A3B.5) sector which they were engaged in was the public

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 280 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 3(乙):從專題訪問估計所得 Appendix 3B : Demographic and socio-economic profiles
有關居住在住戶內的智障人士的 of persons with intellectual disability residing in
人口及社會經濟概況 households as estimated from the special topic enquiry

administration, social and personal services sector,

at 58.4%. (Table A3B.5)

職業 Occupation

A3B.11 該 5 700 名居住在住戶內的就業智障人 A3B.11 78.2% of those 5 700 employed persons

士中,78.2%為非技術工人。 (表 A3B.5) with ID residing in households were workers in
elementary occupations. (Table A3B.5)

每月就業收入 Monthly employment earnings

A3B.12 該 5 700 名居住在住戶內的就業智障人 A3B.12 The median monthly employment

士的每月就業收入中位數只得$4,000,可能因為 earnings of these 5 700 employed persons with ID
他們大部分在庇護工場工作。撇除在庇護工場 residing in households was only $4,000, probably
工作的就業智障人士,每月就業收入中位數為 because majority of them were working in sheltered
workshops. The median monthly employment
$8,000。 (表 A3B.6)
earnings was $8,000 after excluding those working
in sheltered workshops. (Table A3B.6)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 281 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄3(乙):從專題訪問估計所得 Appendix 3B : Demographic and socio-economic profiles
有關居住在住戶內的智障人士的 of persons with intellectual disability residing in
人口及社會經濟概況 households as estimated from the special topic enquiry

表 A3B.1 按年齡/性別劃分的居住在住戶內的智障人士數目
Table A3B.1 Persons with intellectual disability residing in households by age/sex

Persons with intellectual disability 整體人口
residing in households Total population
年齡組別/性別 人數 百分比 比率* 百分比
Age group / Sex No. of persons % Rate* %
Age group
< 15 4 500 15.3 0.5 11.6
15 - 29 12 400 42.3 1.1 15.2
30 - 39 6 200 21.2 0.5 15.5
40 - 49 3 300 11.3 0.3 15.4
50 - 59 1 900 6.5 0.2 16.1
≥ 60 1 000 3.5 0.1 26.2
年齡中位數(歲) 27 45
Median age (years)

男 18 400 63.0 0.5 45.6
女 10 800 37.0 0.3 54.4

合計 29 200 100.0 0.4 100.0


註釋: * 在個別年齡/性別組別中佔所有人士的百分比。例如,在所有年齡小於15歲人士中,0.5%為居住在住戶
41 400名智障人士中,有12 200人為住院人士)及局限(例如數據有一定的低估程度)。故此該些數據只供粗
略參考之用,並須謹慎闡釋。有關列載在本附錄的數據的背景,請參閱本報告書第4章第4.9 - 4.16段「低估智

Notes: * As a percentage of all persons in the respective age/sex groups. For example, among all persons aged below 15,
0.5% were persons with intellectual disability residing in households.
Figures in the above table are provided for crude reference only and should be interpreted with caution, as they are
subject to certain assumptions (e.g. some 12 200 of those 41 400 registrants with intellectual disability in the Central
Registry for Rehabilitation and other administrative records pertaining to relevant services were institutional residents)
and limitations (e.g. the existence of certain degree of under-estimation). Please see the section “Under-estimation in
respect of persons with intellectual disability ” in paragraphs 4.9 - 4.16 in Chapter 4 of this report regarding the
background about the figures presented in this Appendix.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 282 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄3(乙):從專題訪問估計所得 Appendix 3B : Demographic and socio-economic profiles
有關居住在住戶內的智障人士的 of persons with intellectual disability residing in
人口及社會經濟概況 households as estimated from the special topic enquiry

表 A3B.2 按婚姻狀況/教育程度劃分的居住在住戶內的智障人士數目
Table A3B.2 Persons with intellectual disability residing in households by marital status
/ educational attainment

Persons with intellectual disability 整體人口
residing in households Total population
婚姻狀況/教育程度 人數 百分比 百分比
Marital status / Educational attainment No. of persons % %
Marital status
從未結婚 27 900 95.3 37.4
Never married
已婚/喪偶/分居/離婚 1 400 4.7 62.6
Currently married / widowed / separated /

Educational attainment
未受教育/學前教育 2 600 9.0 8.1
No schooling / pre-primary
小學 7 000 24.1 17.7
初中/高中 17 300 59.4 44.0
Lower/upper secondary
專上教育 2 200 7.5 30.1

總計 29 200 100.0 100.0


註釋: 編製上表所載的數據時,是基於某些假設(例如在康復服務中央檔案室及其他相關服務的行政記錄中登記的
41 400名智障人士中,有12 200人為住院人士)及局限(例如數據有一定的低估程度)。故此該些數據只供粗
略參考之用,並須謹慎闡釋。有關列載在本附錄的數據的背景,請參閱本報告書第4章第4.9 - 4.16段「低估智

Note: Figures in the above table are provided for crude reference only and should be interpreted with caution, as they are
subject to certain assumptions (e.g. some 12 200 of those 41 400 registrants with intellectual disability in the Central
Registry for Rehabilitation and other administrative records pertaining to relevant services were institutional residents)
and limitations (e.g. the existence of certain degree of under-estimation). Please see the section “Under-estimation in
respect of persons with intellectual disability ” in paragraphs 4.9 - 4.16 in Chapter 4 of this report regarding the
background about the figures presented in this Appendix.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 283 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄3(乙):從專題訪問估計所得 Appendix 3B : Demographic and socio-economic profiles
有關居住在住戶內的智障人士的 of persons with intellectual disability residing in
人口及社會經濟概況 households as estimated from the special topic enquiry

表 A3B.3 按居住地區劃分的居住在住戶內的智障人士數目
Table A3B.3 Persons with intellectual disability residing in households by area of

Persons with intellectual disability 整體人口
residing in households Total population
居住地區 人數 百分比 百分比
Area of residence No. of persons % %
香港島(1) 4 100 14.0 16.4
Hong Kong Island(1)
九龍東(2) 7 900 27.2 20.5
Kowloon East(2)
九龍西(3) 2 500 8.5 10.2
Kowloon West(3)
新界東(4) 6 600 22.5 24.0
New Territories East(4)
新界西(5) 8 100 27.8 28.9
New Territories West(5)

總計 29 200 100.0 100.0

註釋: 香港島包括中西區、灣仔、東區及南區區議會分區。
41 400名智障人士中,有12 200人為住院人士)及局限(例如數據有一定的低估程度)。故此該些數據只供粗
略參考之用,並須謹慎闡釋。有關列載在本附錄的數據的背景,請參閱本報告書第4章第4.9 - 4.16段「低估智

Notes: (1) Hong Kong Island includes Central and Western, Wan Chai, Eastern and Southern District Council districts.
(2) Kowloon East includes Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin and Kowloon City District Council districts.
(3) Kowloon West includes Yau Tsim Mong and Sham Shui Po District Council districts.
(4) New Territories East includes Sha Tin, Sai Kung, Tai Po and North District Council districts.
(5) New Territories West includes Kwai Tsing, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and Islands District Council
Figures in the above table are provided for crude reference only and should be interpreted with caution, as they are
subject to certain assumptions (e.g. some 12 200 of those 41 400 registrants with intellectual disability in the Central
Registry for Rehabilitation and other administrative records pertaining to relevant services were institutional residents)
and limitations (e.g. the existence of certain degree of under-estimation). Please see the section “Under-estimation in
respect of persons with intellectual disability ” in paragraphs 4.9 - 4.16 in Chapter 4 of this report regarding the
background about the figures presented in this Appendix.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 284 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄3(乙):從專題訪問估計所得 Appendix 3B : Demographic and socio-economic profiles
有關居住在住戶內的智障人士的 of persons with intellectual disability residing in
人口及社會經濟概況 households as estimated from the special topic enquiry

表 A3B.4 按年齡/經濟活動身分劃分的居住在住戶內的智障人士數目
Table A3B.4 Persons with intellectual disability residing in households by age / economic
activity status

Persons with intellectual disability 整體人口
residing in households Total population
年齡組別/經濟活動身分 人數 百分比 百分比
Age group / Economic activity status No. of persons % %
年齡15歲及以上 24 800 100.0 100.0
Aged 15 and over
從事經濟活動 6 700 27.0 58.9
Economically active
就業人士 5 700 23.0 55.5
Employed persons
失業人士 1 000 4.1 3.4
Unemployed persons [15.0]* [5.8]*
非從事經濟活動 18 100 73.0 41.1
Economically inactive

年齡18 - 64歲 22 000 100.0 100.0

Aged 18 - 64
從事經濟活動 6 500 29.7 73.4
Economically active
就業人士 5 500 25.2 69.1
Employed persons
失業人士 1 000 4.6 4.3
Unemployed persons [15.3]* [5.9]*
非從事經濟活動 15 500 70.3 26.6
Economically inactive

註釋: * 方括號內的數字顯示在個別年齡組別中所有居住在住戶內的智障人士/整體人口的失業率。
41 400名智障人士中,有12 200人為住院人士)及局限(例如數據有一定的低估程度)。故此該些數據只供粗
略參考之用,並須謹慎闡釋。有關列載在本附錄的數據的背景,請參閱本報告書第4章第4.9 - 4.16段「低估智

Notes: * Figures in square brackets represent the unemployment rates of all persons with intellectual disability residing in
households / total population in the specific age groups.
Figures in the above table are provided for crude reference only and should be interpreted with caution, as they are
subject to certain assumptions (e.g. some 12 200 of those 41 400 registrants with intellectual disability in the Central
Registry for Rehabilitation and other administrative records pertaining to relevant services were institutional residents)
and limitations (e.g. the existence of certain degree of under-estimation). Please see the section “Under-estimation in
respect of persons with intellectual disability ” in paragraphs 4.9 - 4.16 in Chapter 4 of this report regarding the
background about the figures presented in this Appendix.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 285 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄3(乙):從專題訪問估計所得 Appendix 3B : Demographic and socio-economic profiles
有關居住在住戶內的智障人士的 of persons with intellectual disability residing in
人口及社會經濟概況 households as estimated from the special topic enquiry

表 A3B.5 按行業/職業劃分的居住在住戶內的就業智障人士數目
Table A3B.5 Employed persons with intellectual disability residing in households by

居住在住戶內的就業智障人士 整體就業人口
Employed persons with intellectual Total employed
disability residing in households population
行業/職業 人數 百分比 百分比
Industry/Occupation No. of persons % %
零售、住宿及膳食服務 1 200 20.4 14.1
Retail, accommodation and food services
金融、保險、地產、專業及商用服務 500 8.0 23.1
Financing, insurance, real estate, professional
and business services
公共行政、社會及個人服務 3 300 58.4 30.2
Public administration, social and personal
其他行業 700 13.1 32.6
Other industries

非技術工人 4 400 78.2 20.6
Elementary occupations
其他職業 1 200 21.8 79.4
Other occupations

總計 5 700 100.0 100.0


註釋: 編製上表所載的數據時,是基於某些假設(例如在康復服務中央檔案室及其他相關服務的行政記錄中登記的
41 400名智障人士中,有12 200人為住院人士)及局限(例如數據有一定的低估程度)。故此該些數據只供粗
略參考之用,並須謹慎闡釋。有關列載在本附錄的數據的背景,請參閱本報告書第4章第4.9 - 4.16段「低估智

Note: Figures in the above table are provided for crude reference only and should be interpreted with caution, as they are
subject to certain assumptions (e.g. some 12 200 of those 41 400 registrants with intellectual disability in the Central
Registry for Rehabilitation and other administrative records pertaining to relevant services were institutional residents)
and limitations (e.g. the existence of certain degree of under-estimation). Please see the section “Under-estimation in
respect of persons with intellectual disability ” in paragraphs 4.9 - 4.16 in Chapter 4 of this report regarding the
background about the figures presented in this Appendix.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 286 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄3(乙):從專題訪問估計所得 Appendix 3B : Demographic and socio-economic profiles
有關居住在住戶內的智障人士的 of persons with intellectual disability residing in
人口及社會經濟概況 households as estimated from the special topic enquiry

表 A3B.6 按每月就業收入劃分的居住在住戶內的就業智障人士數目
Table A3B.6 Employed persons with intellectual disability residing in households by
monthly employment earnings

居住在住戶內的就業智障人士 整體就業人口
Employed persons with intellectual Total employed
disability residing in households population
每月就業收入(港元) 人數 百分比 百分比
Monthly employment earnings (HK$) No. of persons % %
< 1,000 1 300 23.7 1.4
1,000 - 1,999 1 000 17.1 0.6
2,000 - 3,999 500 8.7 1.6
≥ 4,000 2 900 50.5 96.3

總計 5 700 100.0 100.0


每月就業收入中位數(港元) 4,000 17,700

Median monthly employment earnings (HK$) (8,000)

註釋: 括號內的數字顯示撇除在庇護工場工作的居住在住戶內的就業智障人士後的相應數字。
41 400名智障人士中,有12 200人為住院人士)及局限(例如數據有一定的低估程度)。故此該些數據只供粗
略參考之用,並須謹慎闡釋。有關列載在本附錄的數據的背景,請參閱本報告書第4章第4.9 - 4.16段「低估智

Notes: Figure in bracket represents the corresponding figure for employed persons with intellectual disability residing in
households after excluding those working in sheltered workshops.
Figures in the above table are provided for crude reference only and should be interpreted with caution, as they are
subject to certain assumptions (e.g. some 12 200 of those 41 400 registrants with intellectual disability in the Central
Registry for Rehabilitation and other administrative records pertaining to relevant services were institutional residents)
and limitations (e.g. the existence of certain degree of under-estimation). Please see the section “Under-estimation in
respect of persons with intellectual disability ” in paragraphs 4.9 - 4.16 in Chapter 4 of this report regarding the
background about the figures presented in this Appendix.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 287 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 3(丙) 智障人士總數的統計評估
Appendix 3C Statistical assessment on the total number
of persons with intellectual disability

A3C.1 由於智障是一個十分敏感的課題,在 A3C.1 Intellectual disability (ID) is a very

統計調查中搜集智障人士的資料遇到一定的困 sensitive topic. Difficulty was encountered when
難。譬如說,在進行統計調查時,訪問人員留意 collecting information on persons with ID under the
到有部分受訪者被問及有關這項敏感課題的問 setting of a statistical survey. For instance, in the
course of this survey, it was observed by the
interviewers that some respondents felt uneasy
when being asked questions related to this sensitive
者代答的情況是無可避免的。由於訪問人員未 topic. Besides, proxy reporting by household
能直接訪問部分智障人士,透過細心留意受訪 members or carers could not be avoided as most of
者的外觀及行為以界定受訪者是否智障人士的 the persons with ID could not answer the questions
可能性極為有限。 on their own. The possibility of identifying those
persons with ID through observing their
appearance and behaviour was limited as the
interviewers could not have direct contact with
some persons with ID.

A3C.2 除此之外,鑑於對學習及明白事物有 A3C.2 This apart, considering that persons who

困難人士並不一定是智障人士,在是項統計調 have difficulty in learning and understanding things
查中,只有曾被合資格的醫務人員診斷為智障 are not necessarily persons with ID, only those
的人士才會被界定為智障人士。採用上述的定 persons who had been diagnosed by qualified
health personnel as having ID were classified as
persons with ID in the context of this survey. The
adoption of such definition means that those who
別是那些接近輕度智障的學習遲緩人士)則不 were suspected to have ID but not yet so diagnosed
會被包括在統計調查內。此外,在往時,智障並 (especially those slow-learners with marginally
不像現時般較為人認識。以往,有些智障人士 mild grade of ID) were not included in the survey.
(特別是那些成年人士)可能從未為其智障的 Moreover, ID was less commonly known in the
情況而被合資格的醫務人員確定有該項殘疾, past. Some persons with ID (especially those
所以即使他們實際是智障人士,在是項統計調 adults) might not have consulted qualified health
查中,亦不會被界定為智障。 personnel about their ID in the past and thus were
not classified as persons with ID (even though they
actually were) in the survey.

A3C.3 由於上述的問題,在是項統計調查中, A3C.3 As a result of the above problems, the

有關智障人士的統計調查結果相信會有一定程 survey findings pertaining to persons with ID are
度的低估情況,因此有關數據並沒有包括在本 considered to be subject to a certain degree of
報告書的主要分析內。詳情請參閱本報告書第 4 under-estimation and therefore not included in the
main analysis in this report. For details, please
章第 4.9 - 4.16 段「低估智障人士數目的情況」
see the section “Under-estimation in respect of
persons with intellectual disability” in paragraphs
4.9 - 4.16 in Chapter 4 of this report.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 288 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 3(丙):智障人士 Appendix 3C : Statistical assessment on the total
總數的統計評估 number of persons with intellectual disability

A3C.4 參考多項有關的行政記錄及專題訪問 A3C.4 With reference to the administrative

與院舍統計調查的概括結果,可對全港智障人 records from various relevant sources and also
士的總數進行統計評估。基於不同假設而進行 some broad findings of the special topic enquiry
的兩個統計評估方案陳列如下,以作概括參考。 (STE) and the institutions survey, a statistical
assessment on the total number of persons with
ID in Hong Kong could be made. Two
scenarios of the statistical assessment based on
different assumptions are set out below for
broad reference.

統計評估方案 1 Statistical Assessment Scenario 1

A3C.5 在香港,大部分智障學生就讀於特殊學 A3C.5 The majority of students with ID in Hong

校,有些則就讀於職業訓練局的技能訓練中心 Kong are studying in special schools. Besides,
或透過教育局提供的特殊教育服務於普通學校 some are in Vocational Training Council Skill
就讀。根據有關機構的行政記錄,在統計時,約 Centres, and some in ordinary schools provided
with special education services by the Education
有 8 200 名智障人士正就讀於該些院校。
Bureau. According to the administrative records
of relevant parties, some 8 200 persons with ID
were studying in those institutes at the time of the

A3C.6 根據院舍統計調查的結果,在非從事經 A3C.6 The institutions survey recorded that the

濟活動智障人士中,學生與非學生的比率約為 ratio of students to non-students amongst persons
一比六。 with ID who were economically inactive was
around 1:6.

A3C.7 因此,可計算出非從事經濟活動智障人 A3C.7 It is therefore likely that the total number

士總數(包括居住在住戶及院舍內的智障人士) of economically inactive persons with ID
可能是 56 000 人左右[≈ 8 200 × (1 + 6),但受進 (including those in households and those in
位影響]。 institutions) might be in the region of 56 000
[≈ 8 200 × (1 + 6), subject to the effect of

A3C.8 再者,根據專題訪問及院舍統計調查的 A3C.8 Furthermore, the findings of both the STE

結果,非從事經濟活動智障人士與從事經濟活 and the institutions survey showed that the ratio of
動智障人士的比率約為十四比五。若在統計評 economically inactive persons with ID to
估中應用此比率,則全港智障人士總數可能是 economically active persons with ID was around
14:5. Applying this ratio in the statistical
77 000 人左右[≈ 56 000 × (14 + 5) ÷ 14],即表
assessment, the total number of persons with ID
示全港智障人士的普遍率約為 1.0%。
in Hong Kong might be in the region of some
77 000 [≈ 56 000 × (14 + 5) ÷ 14], representing a
prevalence rate of some 1.0% for persons with ID in
Hong Kong.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 289 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 3(丙):智障人士 Appendix 3C : Statistical assessment on the total
總數的統計評估 number of persons with intellectual disability

統計評估方案 2 Statistical Assessment Scenario 2

A3C.9 這個統計評估方案 2 採用了從有關六 A3C.9 In this second scenario of statistical

歲以下兒童(以下簡稱為「學前兒童」)的行政 assessment, more supplementary information from
記錄中取得的附加資料。此評估方案是根據下 administrative records pertaining to children aged
列行政記錄、專題訪問和院舍統計調查的概括 below 6 (hereafter referred to as “pre-schoolers”)
had been made use of. This assessment scenario
is based on the following administrative records,
broad findings of the STE and the institutions
survey as well as certain assumptions:
(a) 約有 8 200 名智障人士正就讀於特殊學 (a) some 8 200 students with ID were
校、職業訓練局的技能訓練中心或透過 studying in special schools, Vocational
教育局提供的特殊教育服務於普通學 Training Council Skill Centres, and
校就讀; ordinary schools provided with special
education services by the Education
(b) 約 600 名智障的學前兒童正於康復服 (b) some 600 pre-schoolers with ID were
務中央轉介系統中輪候學前兒童康復 waitlisted for pre-schooler rehabilitation
服務,約佔該輪候冊內所有學前兒童的 services in the Central Referral System
7%; for Rehabilitation Services, constituting
about 7% of all pre-schoolers on the
waiting list;
(c) 根據有關機構的行政記錄,約有 14 200 (c) according to the administrative records of
名學前兒童正接受康復服務。參考上述 relevant parties, some 14 200 pre-
(b)項中提 及的百 分比 ,當中 可能 有 schoolers were receiving rehabilitation
1 100 人[≈14 200 × 7%]為智障人士; services. Making reference to the
proportion mentioned in item (b) above,
it is likely that some 1 100 [≈ 14 200 ×
7%] of them were persons with ID;
(d) 根據院舍統計調查的結果,在非從事經 (d) the ratio of students and pre-schoolers
濟活動智障人士中,學生及學前兒童相 relative to other persons amongst all
對於其他人士的比率約為一比六;及 persons with ID who were economically
inactive was around 1:6 according to the
findings of the institutions survey; and
(e) 根據專題訪問及院舍統計調查的結果, (e) the findings of both the STE and the
非從事經濟活動智障人士與從事經濟 institutions survey showed that the ratio
活動智障人士的比率約為十四比五。 of economically inactive persons with ID
to economically active persons with ID
was around 14:5.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 290 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 3(丙):智障人士 Appendix 3C : Statistical assessment on the total
總數的統計評估 number of persons with intellectual disability

A3C.10 按上述(a)至(c)項資料而作出的統計評 A3C.10 Statistical assessment based on items

估,顯示智障學前兒童及智障學生的總數可能 (a) - (c) above shows that the total number of pre-
為 9 800 人左右[≈ 8 200 + 600 + 1 100]。再參考 schoolers and students with ID is likely to be some
上述(d)項資料,另一個非從事經濟活動智障人 9 800 [≈ 8 200 + 600 + 1 100]. Making further
reference to item (d) above, another estimate for the
士 總 數 的 估 計 可 能 是 66 000 人 左 右
total number of economically inactive persons with
[≈ 9 800 × (1 + 6),但受進位影響]。因此,全港
ID might be in the region of 66 000
智 障 人 士 總 數 可 能 是 90 000 人 左 右 [≈ 9 800 × (1 + 6), subject to the effect of
[≈ 66 000 × (14 + 5) ÷ 14],佔全港人口約 1.2%。 rounding]. Subsequently, the total number of
persons with ID might be in the region of 90 000
[≈ 66 000 × (14 + 5) ÷ 14], constituting about
1.2% of the total population.

A3C.11 總括而言,上述兩個統計評估方案顯 A3C.11 In conclusion, the two aforesaid

示 全 港 智 障 人 士 的 總 數 可 能 為 77 000 人 至 scenarios of statistical assessment indicate that
90 000 人左右,即代表全港智障人士的普遍率 the total number of persons with ID in Hong
為 1.0%至 1.2%。 Kong might be in the region of 77 000 - 90 000,
representing a prevalence rate of some 1.0% - 1.2%
for persons with ID in Hong Kong.

外國類似統計調查的結果 Findings of similar overseas surveys

A3C.12 以下列舉部分國家的統計部門根據類 A3C.12 To provide some relevant figures for

似的統計調查估計智障人士普遍率的數字,以 comparison, the prevalence rates of persons with
作比較: ID as estimated in similar surveys conducted by
statistical offices of some overseas countries are
given below :

統計部門 統計調查 名稱 普遍率

Statistical office Survey Terminology Prevalence

澳大利亞統計局 2018 年殘疾、年老及照顧者統計調查 智能及發展疾患 1.1%

Australian Bureau 2018 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers Intellectual and
of Statistics developmental

美國國家衛生統 2019 年國民健康訪問調查 智力遲緩 1.2%

計中心 2019 National Health Interview Survey Mental
National Center retardation
for Health
Statistics, the
United States

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 291 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4 按 2013 年原有定義編製的殘疾人士的人口及社會經濟概況
Appendix 4 Demographic and socio-economic profiles of persons with
disabilities based on the original definition adopted in 2013

A4.1 因應搜集殘疾統計數字的最新國際發 A4.1 In relation to the latest international

展,是次統計調查更新了四種選定殘疾類別(身 development in collecting statistical data on
體活動能力受限制、視覺有困難、聽覺有困難、 disability, the definitions for the four selected types
溝通能力有困難)的定義(詳情請參閱本報告書 of disability, viz. restriction in body movement,
seeing difficulty, hearing difficulty and
第 3 章),相關的統計調查結果因而不能與以往
communication difficulty, have been updated in
this round of the survey (please refer to Chapter 3
2013 年統計調查所採用的定義作補充分析,相 of this report for details). Thus, the survey
關結果與 2013 年及 2006/07 年的結果大致可比, findings concerned are not directly comparable
但不能與 2000 年的結果作直接比較。 with the past results. In view of this,
supplementary analyses based on the definition
adopted in the 2013 round of the survey are
provided in this Appendix and the results concerned
are largely comparable to the results in the 2013
round and the 2006/07 round, but are not strictly
comparable with the results of the 2000 round.

A4.2 該四種選定殘疾類別在原有定義下,有 A4.2 In the original definition of those four

使用輔助儀器/復康工具的人士,不論其困難 selected types of disability, persons using
程度均會被界定為殘疾人士。另外,有關困難程 specialised aids/tools, regardless of their level of
度只分為有困難及沒有困難。因此,在是項統計 difficulty, are defined as persons with disabilities.
Besides, regarding the level of difficulty, it was
only divided into “with difficulty” and “without
difficulty”. Therefore, some questions on
的是,原有定義會涵蓋大部分新定義下的殘疾 specialised aids/tools were retained in the survey to
人士,但相比起新定義,原有定義會攙雜了較多 estimate the number of persons with disabilities
未必會被普遍視為殘疾的人士。 based on the original definition. It is noted that
most persons with disabilities based on the updated
definition are covered in the original definition, but
more persons who may not be commonly regarded
as persons with disabilities may have been included
in the original definition when compared with the
updated definition.

定義 Definition

A4.3 考慮到所搜集數據在本地的可比性,原 A4.3 In consideration of the comparability of

有定義的「殘疾人士」包括的殘疾類別與新定義 data locally, “persons with disabilities” in the
相同,除了原有定義下的「言語能力有困難」被 original definition cover the same types of
「溝通能力有困難」取代。 disability as in the updated definition, except the
“speech difficulty” in the original definition is
replaced by the “communication difficulty”.

A4.4 該四種選定殘疾類別在原有定義的詳 A4.4 The detailed operational definitions based

細定義分列如下: on the original definition by those four selected
types of disability are set out below:

(A) 身體活動能力受限制 (A) Restriction in body movement

A4.5 「身體活動能力受限制人士」指任何人 A4.5 “Persons with restriction in body

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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按 2013 年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

士在統計時認為自己四肢或者身體有長期性的 movement” were defined as those who had

活動困難或正在使用一些特別四肢/身體活動 perceived themselves as having long-term mobility
輔助儀器/復康工具。 difficulty with extremities/body or using
specialised aids/tools for extremities / body
movement at the time of enumeration.

(B) 視覺有困難 (B) Seeing difficulty

A4.6 「視覺有困難人士」指任何人士在統計 A4.6 “Persons with seeing difficulty” referred

時認為自己在不論有或沒有配戴矯正眼鏡/隱 to those who had perceived themselves as having
形眼鏡的情況下一隻眼或雙眼有長期性的視覺 long-term difficulty in seeing with one eye or both
困難或正在使用一些特別視覺輔助儀器/復康 eyes whether with or without correcting glasses /
contact lenses or using specialised visual aids/tools
at the time of enumeration. Nevertheless,
nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and
presbyopia were not included.

(C) 聽覺有困難 (C) Hearing difficulty

A4.7 「聽覺有困難人士」指任何人士在統計 A4.7 “Persons with hearing difficulty” were

時認為自己在安靜環境下有長期性的聽覺困難 defined as those who had perceived themselves as
或正在使用一些特別聽覺輔助儀器/復康工 having long-term difficulty in hearing in quiet
具。 environment or using specialised hearing aids/tools
at the time of enumeration.

(D) 言語能力有困難 (D) Speech difficulty

A4.8 「言語能力有困難人士」指任何人士在 A4.8 “Persons with speech difficulty” referred

統計時認為自己以言語與別人溝通有長期性的 to those who had perceived themselves as having
困難或正在使用一些特別言語輔助儀器/復康 long-term difficulty in speaking and being
工具。 understood by others with verbal communication or
using specialised speech aids/tools at the time of

涵蓋範圍 Coverage

A4.9 是項統計調查對於智障人士數目的估 A4.9 The estimates pertaining to persons with

計相信會有一定程度的低估,本附錄的統計調 intellectual disability (ID) in the survey were
查結果不會包括有關智障人士的統計調查結果 considered to be subject to a certain degree of
(詳情請參閱本報告書第 4 章第 4.9 - 4.16 段)
。 under-estimation. The survey findings presented
in this Appendix do not cover those pertaining to
persons with ID (for details, please refer to
paragraphs 4.9 - 4.16 in Chapter 4 of this report).

A4.10 此附錄所列載的統計調查結果是根據 A4.10 The survey findings presented in this

原有定義下的殘疾人士的涵蓋範圍,以作比較 Appendix are based on the coverage of persons with
及進行趨勢分析。 disabilities under the original definition for
comparison and trend analysis.

A4.11 為方便分析殘疾人士的概況,有關 2020 A4.11 To facilitate analysis of the profile of

年全港整體人口的相關特徵(主要根據「綜合住 persons with disabilities, the corresponding
戶統計調查」所得的資料估計),亦適當地展列 characteristics of the total population of Hong Kong

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 293 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按 2013 年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

在本附錄的統計表內,以作比較。 in 2020 (as estimated mainly based on the findings

of the General Household Survey) are also
presented in the tables in this Appendix for
comparison where applicable.

I. 殘疾人士的概況 I. General profile of persons with


與過往統計調查比較 Comparison with previous survey

A4.12 在 2020 年,估計有 866 500 名殘疾人 A4.12 In 2020, it was estimated that there were
士(智障人士除外 − 請參考 A4.9 段)。比 2013 866 500 persons with disabilities (excluding
年的 578 600 人增加了約 5 成。殘疾人士的整體 persons with ID - see paragraph A4.9), an increase
普遍率(以佔全港整體人口的百分比計算)為 of some 50% as compared with 578 600 persons in
2013. The overall prevalence rate of persons with
11.6%,而 2013 年的相應數字為 8.1%。一般來
disabilities (expressed as a percentage of the total
population of Hong Kong) was 11.6%, as against
因此整體殘疾普遍率的上升,部分是由於近年 8.1% in 2013. As the prevalence rate of disability
人口老化所帶動。 (圖 A4.1 及表 A4.1a) was higher for older persons in general, the increase
in overall prevalence rate of disability was partly
attributable to the ageing population in recent years.
(Chart A4.1 and Table A4.1a)

選定的殘疾類別 Selected type of disability

A4.13 按選定的殘疾類別分析,約 415 400 人 A4.13 Analysed by selected type of disability,

表示身體活動能力受限制(在整體人口內的普 some 415 400 persons reported that they were with
遍率為 5.6%),199 600 人視覺有困難(普遍率 restriction in body movement (with a prevalence
為 2.7%),246 200 人聽覺有困難(普遍率為 rate of 5.6% among the total population), 199 600
persons were with seeing difficulty (prevalence rate
3.3%)及 73 500 人言語能力有困難(普遍率為
of 2.7%), 246 200 persons were with hearing
1.0%)。 (表 A4.1a)
difficulty (prevalence rate of 3.3%) and 73 500
persons were with speech difficulty (prevalence
rate of 1.0%). (Table A4.1a)

住處類別 Type of residence

A4.14 在該 866 500 名殘疾人士中,約 91.2% A4.14 Some 91.2% of the 866 500 persons with
居住於住戶內;而 8.8%則居住於院舍(包括社 disabilities were residing in households while 8.8%
會福利院舍、長期護理醫院、康復中心及私營安 were residing in institutions (including social
老院等)。70 歲及以上長者居住於院舍的比例 welfare institutions, long-stay care hospitals,
rehabilitation centres and private homes for the
最高,為 12.9%。 (圖 A4.2)
elderly, etc.). Older persons aged 70 and over had
the highest proportion of residing in institutions, at
12.9%. (Chart A4.2)

只有一種/有多於一種殘疾類別 With single disability / multiple disabilities

A4.15 在 866 500 名殘疾人士中,約 572 600 A4.15 Of those 866 500 persons with
人(66.1%)表示只有單一種殘疾類別,其餘 disabilities, some 572 600 (66.1%) cited that they
were with single disability. The remaining

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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按 2013 年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

293 900 人(33.9%)則表示有多於一種殘疾類 293 900 persons (33.9%) were with multiple
別。按選定的殘疾類別分析,視覺有困難、聽覺 disabilities. Analysed by selected type of
有困難及言語能力有困難人士,較可能同時間 disability, persons with seeing difficulty, hearing
有多於一種殘疾類別。由於智障並不包括在本 difficulty and speech difficulty tended to have a
higher chance of having multiple disabilities.
Since ID was not included in the analysis of this
能同時有智障的情況。 (表 A4.1a)
Chapter, some persons with single disability might
have the condition of ID at the same time.
(Table A4.1a)

年齡/性別 Age/sex

A4.16 按年齡組別分析,在 866 500 名殘疾人 A4.16 Analysed by age group, 48.3% of the
士中,70 歲及以上人士佔 48.3%,60 - 69 歲人 866 500 persons with disabilities were aged 70 and
士佔 18.4%,而 50 - 59 歲人士則佔 11.9%。殘疾 over, 18.4% were aged 60 - 69 and 11.9% were
人士的年齡中位數為 69 歲,較整體人口的年齡 aged 50 - 59. The median age of persons with
disabilities was 69, which was higher than that of
中位數的 45 歲為高。年長人士較普遍有殘疾的
45 for the total population. Disability was more
情況,70 歲及以上人士的殘疾普遍率最高,達
common among older persons. Persons aged 70
45.7%,而 15 歲以下人士的普遍率則為 5.7%。 and over had the highest prevalence rate of
一般來說,在年齡愈年長的人士中,殘疾普遍率 disability, at 45.7%, as compared with 5.7% for
亦愈高。 (表 A4.1b) persons aged below 15. The prevalence rate of
disability was higher for older persons in general.
(Table A4.1b)

A4.17 按性別分析,女性殘疾人士較男性為 A4.17 Analysed by sex, there were more females

多,分別佔所有殘疾人士的 56.5%及 43.5%。而 with disabilities than males, constituting 56.5% and
女性的殘疾普遍率亦較男性的為高。女性的殘 43.5% of all persons with disabilities respectively.
疾普遍率為 12.1%,而男性的殘疾普遍率則為 Females also had a higher prevalence rate of
disability than their male counterparts, at 12.1%
11.0%。 (表 A4.1b)
and 11.0% respectively. (Table A4.1b)

婚姻狀況 Marital status

A4.18 在 866 500 名 殘 疾 人 士 中 , 大 部 分 A4.18 Of the 866 500 persons with disabilities,
(78.8%)為曾經結婚人士(包括已婚人士及喪 the majority (78.8%) were ever married persons
偶/分居/離婚者,分別佔所有殘疾人士的 (including 46.7% being currently married and
46.7%及 32.1%)。而在整體人口中,曾經結婚 32.1% being widowed/separated/divorced). The
corresponding percentage was 62.6% for the total
人士只佔 62.6%。 (表 A4.1c)
population. (Table A4.1c)

教育程度 Educational attainment

A4.19 該 866 500 名殘疾人士的教育程度較整 A4.19 These 866 500 persons with disabilities
體人口的為低。當中,49.8%具小學及以下教育 had relatively lower educational attainment as
程度,而在整體人口中,相應的百分比則為 compared with the total population. About 49.8%
25.8%。 (表 A4.1c) of persons with disabilities had attained primary
education and below, as against 25.8% among the
total population. (Table A4.1c)

居住地區 Area of residence

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第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按 2013 年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

A4.20 按居住地區分析,殘疾人士的居住地區 A4.20 Analysed by area of residence, persons

分布與整體人口的分布大致相同。在所有殘疾 with disabilities had similar distribution as that of
人士中,29.1%居於新界西,23.2%居於新界東, the total population. Some 29.1% of persons with
22.1%居於九龍東及 16.3%居於香港島。在整體 disabilities lived in New Territories West, 23.2% in
New Territories East, 22.1% in Kowloon East, and
人口中的相應百分比分別為 28.9%、24.0%、
16.3% in Hong Kong Island. The corresponding
20.5%及 16.4%。 (表 A4.1d)
percentages for the total population were 28.9%,
24.0%, 20.5% and 16.4% respectively.
(Table A4.1d)

房屋類別 Type of housing

A4.21 在該 866 500 名殘疾人士中,約 37.7% A4.21 Among those 866 500 persons with
居於公營租住房屋及 37.2%居於私人房屋。相 disabilities, about 37.7% of them lived in public
反,整體人口中較小比例的人口居於公營租住 rental housing and 37.2% lived in private housing.
房屋,而居於私人房屋的則佔較大比例。整體人 On the contrary, there were a smaller proportion of
people living in public rental housing but a larger
口中,分別有 29.4%居於公營租住房屋,另有
proportion in private housing for the total
52.9%居於私人房屋。 (表 A4.1e)
population. About 29.4% of the total population
lived in public rental housing and another 52.9%
lived in private housing. (Table A4.1e)

經濟活動身分 Economic activity status

A4.22 在 817 200 名 15 歲及以上殘疾人士中, A4.22 Of the 817 200 persons aged 15 and over
約 653 100 人(79.9%)為非從事經濟活動人士, with disabilities, some 653 100 (79.9%) were
其餘 164 100 人(20.1%)為從事經濟活動人士。 economically inactive and the remaining 164 100
在 164 100 名從事經濟活動殘疾人士中,約 (20.1%) were economically active. Among the
164 100 economically active persons with
147 500 人在統計時正就業,其餘為失業人士,
disabilities, some 147 500 persons were employed
失業率為 10.1%。而在 2020 年,全港整體人口
at the time of enumeration, the remaining were
失業率為 5.8%。 (表 A4.1f) unemployed persons and the unemployment rate
was 10.1%. The unemployment rate of the total
population of Hong Kong was 5.8% in 2020.
(Table A4.1f)

A4.23 在該 653 100 名 15 歲及以上非從事經 A4.23 Among those 653 100 economically
濟活動殘疾人士中,約 466 000 人(即佔所有 15 inactive persons aged 15 and over with disabilities,
歲及以上殘疾人士的 57.0%)為退休人士。 some 466 000 (or 57.0% of all persons aged 15 and
(表 A4.1f) over with disabilities) were retired persons.
(Table A4.1f)

II. 就業殘疾人士的概況 II. General profile of employed persons

with disabilities

A4.24 在 817 200 名 15 歲及以上殘疾人士中, A4.24 Of the 817 200 persons aged 15 and over
約 147 500 人(18.1%)為就業人士。在該 147 500 with disabilities, some 147 500 (18.1%) were
名就業殘疾人士中,約 127 200 人只有單一種殘 employed persons. Among those 147 500
疾類別,佔所有就業殘疾人士的 86.3%。餘下的 employed persons with disabilities, some 127 200
were with single disability, constituting 86.3% of
20 300 人(13.7%)則有多於一種殘疾類別。就
all employed persons with disabilities. The
業殘疾人士佔全港整體就業人口的 4.0%。

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編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

(表 A4.1f 及 A4.2a) remaining 20 300 persons (13.7%) were with

multiple disabilities. Employed persons with
disabilities constituted 4.0% of the total employed
population of Hong Kong.
(Tables A4.1f and A4.2a)

年齡/性別 Age/sex

A4.25 按年齡組別分析,在 147 500 名就業殘 A4.25 Analysed by age group, 31.2% of the
疾人士中,50 - 59 歲人士佔 31.2%,而 60 - 69 147 500 employed persons with disabilities were
歲人士則佔 22.1%。就業殘疾人士的年齡中位數 aged 50 - 59 and 22.1% were aged 60 - 69. The
為 52 歲,而整體就業人口的年齡中位數則為 42 median age of employed persons with disabilities
was 52, as against the median age of 42 for the total
歲。 (表 A4.2b)
employed population. (Table A4.2b)

A4.26 在所有就業殘疾人士中,男性所佔的百 A4.26 Among all employed persons with

分比較女性的為高,分別佔 50.5%及 49.5%。 disabilities, there were proportionally more males
(表 A4.2b) than females, at 50.5% and 49.5% respectively.
(Table A4.2b)

婚姻狀況 Marital status

A4.27 在 147 500 名就業殘疾人士中,54.1% A4.27 Of the 147 500 employed persons with
為已婚人士,30.6%為從未結婚者,而 15.3%為 disabilities, 54.1% were currently married, 30.6%
喪偶/分居/離婚者。整體就業人口的相應百 were never married and 15.3% were
分比分別為 60.0%、32.6%及 7.5%。 (表 A4.2c) widowed/separated/divorced. The corresponding
percentages for the total employed population were
60.0%, 32.6% and 7.5% respectively.
(Table A4.2c)

教育程度 Educational attainment

A4.28 該 147 500 名就業殘疾人士的教育程度 A4.28 Those 147 500 employed persons with
較整體就業人口的為低。前者約有 16.1%具小學 disabilities had relatively lower educational
及以下教育程度,而後者只有 8.2%。 attainment than the total employed population.
(表 A4.2c) About 16.1% of them had attained primary
education and below, as against 8.2% for the total
employed population. (Table A4.2c)

行業 Industry

A4.29 就業殘疾人士最普遍從事的三個行業 A4.29 The three most common industry sectors

類別為公共行政、社會及個人服務業、金融、保 which employed persons with disabilities were
險、地產、專業及商用服務業及零售、住宿及膳 engaged in were the public administration, social
食服務業。這三個行業與整體就業人口最普遍 and personal services sector; the financing,
insurance, real estate, professional and business
從事的行業相同。在該 147 500 名就業殘疾人士
services sector and the retail, accommodation and
中,分別有 27.8%、26.4%及 15.1%從事該些行
food services sector. They were also the most
業,而在整體就業人口中的相應百分比分別為 common industry sectors amongst the total
30.2%、23.1%及 14.1%。 (表 A4.2d) employed population. About 27.8%, 26.4% and
15.1% of those 147 500 employed persons with
disabilities worked in these sectors respectively.

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附錄 4:按 2013 年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

The corresponding percentages for the total

employed population were 30.2%, 23.1% and
14.1% respectively. (Table A4.2d)

職業 Occupation

A4.30 在就業殘疾人士中,32.4%為經理及行 A4.30 Of the employed persons with disabilities,

政級人員、專業人員及輔助專業人員,27.8%為 32.4% were managers and administrators,
非技術工人。整體就業人口中相應的百分比分 professionals and associate professionals and
別為 41.4%及 20.6%。 (表 A4.2e) 27.8% were workers in elementary occupations.
The corresponding percentages for the total
employed population were 41.4% and 20.6%
respectively. (Table A4.2e)

每月就業收入 Monthly employment earnings

A4.31 就業殘疾人士的每月就業收入相對地 A4.31 The monthly employment earnings of

低於整體就業人口的每月就業收入。約 3 成就 employed persons with disabilities were relatively
業殘疾人士每月就業收入少於$10,000,而整體 lower than that of the total employed population.
就業人口的相應比例則約為五分之一。就業殘 Around 30% of employed persons with disabilities
earned less than $10,000 per month, as compared
with about one-fifth for the total employed
population. The median monthly employment
$17,700。 (表 A4.2f) earnings of employed persons with disabilities was
$14,000, as against $17,700 for the total employed
population. (Table A4.2f)

III. 有個別殘疾類別人士的概況 III. General profile of persons with

individual types of disability

與過往統計調查比較 Comparison with previous survey

A4.32 有 各 選 定 殘 疾 類 別 的 人 士 數 目 皆 較 A4.32 The numbers of persons with each of the

2013 年有所上升。身體活動能力受限制人士數 selected types of disability had increased since
目升幅最高,從 2013 年的 320 500 人上升至 2020 2013. The increase in the number of persons with
年的 415 400 人。 (圖 A4.1) restriction in body movement was the largest, from
320 500 in 2013 to 415 400 in 2020. (Chart A4.1)

年齡/性別 Age/sex

A4.33 概括而言,身體活動能力受限制、視覺 A4.33 Generally speaking, persons with

有困難及聽覺有困難人士的年齡分布大致相 restriction in body movement, seeing difficulty and
同。在這三類人士中,70 歲及以上人士均佔 6 成 hearing difficulty had similar age profile. At least
以上,他們的年齡中位數介乎 74 歲至 79 歲之 60% of them were aged 70 and over. The median
ages of these three groups of persons ranged from
間。在言語能力有困難人士中,70 歲及以上人
74 to 79. About 46.5% of persons with speech
士佔 46.5%,相應年齡中位數為 67 歲。
difficulty were aged 70 and over, with the median
(表 A4.1b) age of 67. (Table A4.1b)

A4.34 按性別分析,在身體活動能力受限制、 A4.34 Analysed by sex, there were relatively

視覺有困難、聽覺有困難及言語能力有困難人 more females than males for persons with restriction

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編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

士中,女性較男性為多。 (表 A4.1b) in body movement, seeing difficulty, hearing

difficulty and speech difficulty. (Table A4.1b)

婚姻狀況 Marital status

A4.35 身體活動能力受限制、視覺有困難與聽 A4.35 The distributions of persons with

覺有困難人士的婚姻狀況分布大致相同。在這 restriction in body movement, seeing difficulty and
三類人士中,約 9 成曾經結婚。約 64.7%的言語 hearing difficulty by marital status were similar to
能力有困難人士也是曾經結婚。 (表 A4.1c) each other. Around 90% of these three groups of
persons were ever married. Some 64.7% of
persons with speech difficulty were also ever
married. (Table A4.1c)

教育程度 Educational attainment

A4.36 在身體活動能力受限制、視覺有困難、 A4.36 For persons with restriction in body

聽覺有困難及言語能力有困難人士中,超過 5 成 movement, seeing difficulty, hearing difficulty and
具小學及以下教育程度。 (表 A4.1c) speech difficulty, at least 50% of them had attained
primary education and below. (Table A4.1c)

居住地區 Area of residence

A4.37 身體活動能力受限制、視覺有困難及聽 A4.37 The distributions of persons with

覺有困難人士的居住地區分布大致相同。他們 restriction in body movement, seeing difficulty and
當中,最大比例居住於新界西,其次為新界東。 hearing difficulty by area of residence were
另一方面,言語能力有困難人士最普遍居住於 generally similar to each other with the largest
proportion of them residing in New Territories
新界西,其次為九龍東。 (表 A4.1d)
West, the second one was New Territories East.
On the other hand, the most popular area of
residence for persons with speech difficulty was
New Territories West, the second one was Kowloon
East. (Table A4.1d)

房屋類別 Type of housing

A4.38 有相對較多言語能力有困難及身體活 A4.38 There were relatively more persons with

動能力受限制人士居住於其他永久性房屋(例 speech difficulty and restriction in body movement
如院舍),其相應的百分比分別為 30.9%及 residing in other permanent housing (e.g.
15.7%。 (表 A4.1e) institutions), the corresponding percentages were
30.9% and 15.7% respectively. (Table A4.1e)

經濟活動身分 Economic activity status

A4.39 在 15 歲及以上身體活動能力受限制、 A4.39 Retired persons constituted about 70% for

視覺有困難及聽覺有困難人士中,約 7 成為退 persons aged 15 and over with restriction in body
休人士。然而,在 15 歲及以上言語能力有困難 movement, seeing difficulty and hearing difficulty.
人士中,退休人士佔 49.4%。 (表 A4.1f) However, for persons aged 15 and over with speech
difficulty, retired persons constituted 49.4%.
(Table A4.1f)

IV. 有個別殘疾類別就業人士的概況 IV. General profile of employed persons

with individual types of disability

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附錄 4:按 2013 年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

只有一種/有多於一種殘疾類別 With single disability / multiple disabilities

A4.40 按選定的殘疾類別分析,在言語能力有 A4.40 Analysed by selected type of disability,

困難就業人士中,有多於一種殘疾類別的人士 employed persons with speech difficulty had the
所佔的比例最高,達 67.8%。相反,身體活動能 highest proportion of having multiple disabilities, at
力受限制、視覺有困難和聽覺有困難就業人士 67.8%. In contrast, most of the employed persons
with restriction in body movement, seeing
中,大部分(約佔個別殘疾類別人士的 7 成半)
difficulty and hearing difficulty were with single
只有單一種殘疾類別。 (表 A4.2a)
disability (constituting about 75% of employed
persons with individual types of disability).
(Table A4.2a)

年齡/性別 Age/sex

A4.41 約 7 成半身體活動能力受限制、視覺有 A4.41 About 75% of persons with restriction in

困難及聽覺有困難就業人士為 50 歲及以上人 body movement, seeing difficulty and hearing
士,他們的年齡中位數均為 57 歲。相反,大部 difficulty were aged 50 and above, the median ages
分(54.0%)言語能力有困難就業人士年齡小於 of these three groups of persons were 57. In
contrast, majority (54.0%) of persons with speech
50 歲,相應年齡中位數為 47 歲。 (表 A4.2b)
difficulty were aged below 50, the corresponding
median age was 47. (Table A4.2b)

A4.42 在聽覺有困難及言語能力有困難就業 A4.42 There were proportionally more males

人士中,男性皆較女性為多。按男女比例的差距 than females amongst employed persons with
計算,言語能力有困難就業人士的差距最大,而 hearing difficulty and speech difficulty. The
視覺有困難就業人士的差距則最小。 difference in the proportion between males and
females was the largest for employed persons with
(表 A4.2b)
speech difficulty and the smallest for employed
persons with seeing difficulty. (Table A4.2b)

婚姻狀況 Marital status

A4.43 身體活動能力受限制、視覺有困難與聽 A4.43 The distributions of employed persons

覺有困難就業人士的婚姻狀況分布大致相同。 with restriction in body movement, seeing
當中,曾經結婚人士約佔 8 成,而整體就業人口 difficulty and hearing difficulty by marital status
的相應百分比為 67.4%。在言語能力有困難就業 were similar to each other. The ever married
employed persons constituted about 80% of these
人士中,則有 43.2%為從未結婚者。 (表 A4.2c)
three groups of persons, as against 67.4% for the
total employed population. For employed persons
with speech difficulty, 43.2% of them were never
married. (Table A4.2c)

教育程度 Educational attainment

A4.44 在身體活動能力受限制、視覺有困難及 A4.44 For employed persons with restriction in

聽覺有困難就業人士中,具小學及以下教育程 body movement, seeing difficulty and hearing
度的人士約佔 2 成,而在整體就業人口中的相 difficulty, about 20% of employed persons with
應百分比為 8.2%。概括而言,在四種選定殘疾 individual types of disability had attained primary
education and below, as compared with 8.2% for
the total employed population. Generally
當中,具專上教育程度者佔 30.0%。 (表 A4.2c)
speaking, the educational attainment of employed
persons with seeing difficulty was the highest

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編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

among the four selected types of disability. 30.0%

of employed persons with seeing difficulty had
attained post-secondary education. (Table A4.2c)

行業 Industry

A4.45 在身體活動能力受限制及言語能力有 A4.45 The most popular industry group among

困難就業人士中,最普遍從事的行業類別為公 employed persons with restriction in body
共行政、社會及個人服務業。另一方面,在視覺 movement and speech difficulty was the public
有困難及聽覺有困難就業人士中,最普遍從事 administration, social and personal services sector.
On the other hand, the most popular industry group
among employed persons with seeing difficulty and
務業。 (表 A4.2d)
hearing difficulty was the financing, insurance, real
estate, professional and business services sector.
(Table A4.2d)

職業 Occupation

A4.46 在身體活動能力受限制、聽覺有困難及 A4.46 The most popular occupation group

言語能力有困難就業人士中,最普遍從事的職 among employed persons with restriction in body
業類別為非技術工人。另一方面,在視覺有困難 movement, hearing difficulty and speech difficulty
就業人士中,最普遍從事的職業類別為經理及 was elementary occupations. On the other hand,
the most popular occupation group among
employed persons with seeing difficulty was
(表 A4.2e)
managers and administrators, professionals and
associate professionals. (Table A4.2e)

每月就業收入 Monthly employment earnings

A4.47 在四種選定殘疾類別就業人士中,視覺 A4.47 Among employed persons with the four

有困難就業人士的每月就業收入中位數最高, selected types of disability, the median monthly
為$14,000(若撇除在庇護工場工作的就業人士, employment earnings was the highest for employed
為$14,300)。而言語能力有困難就業人士的每月 persons with seeing difficulty, at $14,000 (or
$14,300 if those working in sheltered workshops
were excluded). The median monthly employment
(表 A4.2f)
earnings was the lowest for employed persons with
speech difficulty, at $10,500. (Table A4.2f)

V. 身體活動能力受限制人士的主要類別 V. Major type of persons with restriction

in body movement

A4.48 在 415 400 名身體活動能力受限制人士 A4.48 Among the 415 400 persons with
中,約 258 800 人(62.3%)表示下肢/腳活動 restriction in body movement, some 258 800
困難,其次 67 700 人(16.3%)表示上肢/手活 (62.3%) had mobility difficulty with lower limb /
動困難、39 700 人(9.5%)表示腰/背活動困難 foot, followed by 67 700 (16.3%) had mobility
difficulty with upper limb / hand, 39 700 (9.5%)
及 38 700 人(9.3%)表示四肢痳痺/無力。
had mobility difficulty with lumbar and back and
(表 A4.3)
38 700 (9.3%) had quadriplegia / weak limbs.
(Table A4.3)

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編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

圖 A4.1 按 2013 年原有定義編製的殘疾人士的普遍率

Chart A4.1 Prevalence rate of persons with disabilities based on the original definition
adopted in 2013

Prevalence rate (as percentage of total population)





年份/人數 身體活動能力受限制 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難 言語能力有困難
Year / No. of Restriction in body Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty Speech difficulty
persons movement

2013 320 500 174 800 155 200 49 300

2020 415 400 199 600 246 200 73 500
Selected type of disability

2013 2020

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附錄 4:按 2013 年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

圖 A4.2 按住處類別及年齡劃分的按 2013 年原有定義編製的殘疾人士的百分比分布

Chart A4.2 Percentage distribution of persons with disabilities based on the original
definition adopted in 2013 by type of residence and age

100.0 3.0 3.5 5.4 5.4 4.6 5.5
8.3 8.8



97.0 96.5 94.6 95.4 94.5

91.7 94.6 91.2


< 15 15 - 29 30 - 39 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 ≥ 70 All age
Age group

居住於住戶內 居住於院舍*內
Residing in Residing in
households institutions*

註釋︰ * 包括社會福利院舍(例如津助安老院舍、智障人士宿舍、為精神病康復者而設的中途宿舍)、長期護理醫院、

Note: * Including social welfare institutions (such as subvented residential care homes for the elderly, hostels for persons with
intellectual disability, halfway houses for persons in mental recovery), long-stay care hospitals, rehabilitation centres
and private homes for the elderly, etc.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 303 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013
表 A4.1a 按選定的殘疾類別及只有一種/有多於一種殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原
Table A4.1a Persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted in 2013 by
selected type of disability and with single disability / multiple disabilities
只有一種 有多於一種
殘疾類別@ 殘疾類別
With single With multiple
disability@ disabilities 總人數 佔整體人口
人數 人數* Total no. of 的百分比
選定的殘疾類別 No. of persons No. of persons* persons As % of total
Selected type of disability ('000) ('000) ('000) population
身體活動能力受限制 201.9 213.5 415.4 5.6
Restriction in body movement (48.6) (51.4) (100.0)
視覺有困難 85.7 113.9 199.6 2.7
Seeing difficulty (42.9) (57.1) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 100.6 145.6 246.2 3.3
Hearing difficulty (40.9) (59.1) (100.0)
言語能力有困難 9.9 63.6 73.5 1.0
Speech difficulty (13.5) (86.5) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 137.8 119.0 256.8 3.4
Mental illness / mood disorder (53.7) (46.3) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 8.2 14.2 22.4 0.3
Autism Spectrum Disorder (36.8) (63.2) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 12.5 22.9 35.4 0.5
Specific Learning Difficulties (35.4) (64.6) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 15.9 22.2 38.2 0.5
Attention Deficit / (41.8) (58.2) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder

所有殘疾人士(智障人士除外#) 572.6 293.9 866.5 11.6

All persons with disabilities (66.1) (33.9) (100.0)
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability#)
註釋: 包括只有一種殘疾類別及同時患有長期病患的人士。
* 由於有多於一種選定殘疾類別的人士會分別被點算在個別的殘疾類別內,殘疾人士的合計數目較個別殘
析內。一項粗略的統計評估顯示全港智障人士總數可能為77 000人 - 90 000人左右。詳情請參閱附錄三(
Notes: @ Including persons with single disability and having chronic diseases at the same time.
* Persons with more than one selected type of disability were counted in the respective types of disability and hence
the overall number of persons with disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual
types of disability.
# The estimates pertaining to persons with intellectual disability (ID) are excluded from the main analysis presented
in this report as they are considered to be subject to under-estimation in the survey. A crude statistical assessment
shows that the total number of persons with ID in Hong Kong might be in the region of 77 000 - 90 000. Please
refer to Appendix 3C for details.
Figures in brackets represent the percentages in respect of all persons with the respective types of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 304 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

表 A4.1b 按年齡/性別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製的殘疾人
Table A4.1b Persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted in 2013 by
age/sex and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 比率* persons 百分比 比率* persons 百分比 比率*
Age group / Sex ('000) % Rate* ('000) % Rate* ('000) % Rate*
Age group
< 15 2.2 0.5 0.3 3.2 1.6 0.4 2.1 0.9 0.2
15 - 29 3.2 0.8 0.3 3.1 1.6 0.3 2.5 1.0 0.2
30 - 39 4.9 1.2 0.4 2.6 1.3 0.2 3.9 1.6 0.3
40 - 49 10.9 2.6 0.9 7.2 3.6 0.6 8.1 3.3 0.7
50 - 59 33.2 8.0 2.8 17.5 8.8 1.5 21.9 8.9 1.8
60 - 64 31.2 7.5 5.3 19.2 9.6 3.2 20.2 8.2 3.4
65 - 69 37.9 9.1 8.4 23.8 11.9 5.3 24.6 10.0 5.4
≥ 70 291.9 70.3 31.8 122.9 61.6 13.4 162.9 66.2 17.8
年齡中位數(歲) 79 74 77
Median age (years)

男 160.5 38.6 4.7 80.3 40.3 2.4 109.9 44.7 3.2
女 254.9 61.4 6.3 119.2 59.7 2.9 136.3 55.3 3.4

合計 415.4 100.0 5.6 199.6 100.0 2.7 246.2 100.0 3.3


註釋: * 在個別年齡/性別組別中佔所有人士的百分比。例如,在所有年齡小於15歲人士中,0.3%為身體活動能

Note: * As a percentage of all persons in the respective age/sex groups. For example, among all persons aged below 15,
0.3% were persons with restriction in body movement.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 305 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

表 A4.1b(續) 按年齡/性別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製的殘疾
Table A4.1b Persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted in 2013
(Cont'd) by age/sex and selected type of disability

選定的殘疾類別(續) 所有殘疾人士
Selected type of disability (Cont'd) (智障人士除外)@
All persons with disabilities
言語能力有困難 (excluding persons with 整體人口
Speech difficulty intellectual disability)@ Total population
人數 人數
No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 比率* persons 百分比 比率* 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % Rate* ('000) % Rate* %
Age group
< 15 8.9 12.1 1.0 49.3 5.7 5.7 11.6
15 - 29 6.1 8.3 0.5 47.2 5.4 4.1 15.2
30 - 39 4.0 5.4 0.3 33.0 3.8 2.9 15.5
40 - 49 4.0 5.4 0.3 56.5 6.5 4.9 15.4
50 - 59 6.5 8.8 0.5 102.8 11.9 8.6 16.1
60 - 64 5.6 7.6 0.9 76.7 8.9 13.0 7.9
65 - 69 4.4 6.0 1.0 82.3 9.5 18.2 6.1
≥ 70 34.2 46.5 3.7 418.6 48.3 45.7 12.3
年齡中位數(歲) 67 69 45
Median age (years)

男 35.5 48.3 1.0 376.7 43.5 11.0 45.6
女 38.0 51.7 0.9 489.9 56.5 12.1 54.4

合計 73.5 100.0 1.0 866.5 100.0 11.6 100.0

註釋: 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別人士數目的總和
* 在個別年齡/性別組別中佔所有人士的百分比。例如,在所有年齡小於15歲人士中,1.0%為言語能力有

Notes: @ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
* As a percentage of all persons in the respective age/sex groups. For example, among all persons aged below 15,
1.0% were persons with speech difficulty.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 306 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

表 A4.1c 按婚姻狀況/教育程度及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製
Table A4.1c Persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted in 2013 by
marital status / educational attainment and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
婚姻狀況/教育程度 No. of No. of No. of
Marital status / Educational persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
attainment ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Marital status
從未結婚 38.3 9.2 22.5 11.3 19.6 7.9
Never married
已婚 193.5 46.6 99.4 49.8 129.5 52.6
Currently married
喪偶/分居/離婚 183.5 44.2 77.6 38.9 97.2 39.5

Educational attainment
未受教育/學前教育 102.2 24.6 41.2 20.7 58.0 23.5
No schooling / pre-primary
小學 156.3 37.6 67.4 33.8 90.5 36.8
初中/高中 127.3 30.6 68.6 34.4 75.6 30.7
Lower/upper secondary
非學位 9.8 2.4 9.1 4.6 8.4 3.4
學位 19.8 4.8 13.2 6.6 13.7 5.6

總計 415.4 100.0 199.6 100.0 246.2 100.0


(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 307 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

表 A4.1c(續) 按婚姻狀況/教育程度及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製
Table A4.1c Persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted in 2013 by
(Cont'd) marital status / educational attainment and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability 所有殘疾人士
(Cont'd) (智障人士除外)@
All persons with disabilities
言語能力有困難 (excluding persons with 整體人口
Speech difficulty intellectual disability)@ Total population
人數 人數
婚姻狀況/教育程度 No. of No. of
Marital status / Educational persons 百分比 persons 百分比 百分比
attainment ('000) % ('000) % %
Marital status
從未結婚 26.0 35.3 183.3 21.2 37.4
Never married
已婚 24.6 33.5 404.9 46.7 51.5
Currently married
喪偶/分居/離婚 22.9 31.2 278.3 32.1 11.1

Educational attainment
未受教育/學前教育 18.3 24.9 145.8 16.8 8.1
No schooling / pre-primary
小學 25.7 34.9 285.9 33.0 17.7
初中/高中 24.5 33.3 324.8 37.5 44.0
Lower/upper secondary
非學位 1.6 2.2 40.4 4.7 7.9
學位 3.5 4.7 69.6 8.0 22.3

總計 73.5 100.0 866.5 100.0 100.0

註釋: 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別人士數目的總和

Note: @ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 308 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

表 A4.1d 按居住地區及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製的殘疾人士
Table A4.1d Persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted in 2013 by
area of residence and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
居住地區 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Area of residence ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
香港島(1) 69.0 16.6 32.7 16.4 42.6 17.3
Hong Kong Island(1)
九龍東(2) 91.0 21.9 43.3 21.7 55.9 22.7
Kowloon East(2)
九龍西(3) 40.7 9.8 19.0 9.5 21.8 8.8
Kowloon West(3)
新界東(4) 92.4 22.2 45.4 22.7 57.3 23.3
New Territories East(4)
新界西(5) 122.3 29.4 59.1 29.6 68.6 27.9
New Territories West(5)

總計 415.4 100.0 199.6 100.0 246.2 100.0

註釋: 香港島包括中西區、灣仔、東區及南區區議會分區。

Notes: (1) Hong Kong Island includes Central and Western, Wan Chai, Eastern and Southern District Council districts.
(2) Kowloon East includes Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin and Kowloon City District Council districts.
(3) Kowloon West includes Yau Tsim Mong and Sham Shui Po District Council districts.
(4) New Territories East includes Sha Tin, Sai Kung, Tai Po and North District Council districts.
(5) New Territories West includes Kwai Tsing, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and Islands District Council

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 309 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

表 A4.1d(續) 按居住地區及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製的殘疾人士
Table A4.1d Persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted in 2013 by
(Cont'd) area of residence and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability 所有殘疾人士
(Cont'd) (智障人士除外)@
All persons with disabilities
言語能力有困難 (excluding persons with 整體人口
Speech difficulty intellectual disability)@ Total population
人數 人數
No. of No. of
居住地區 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 百分比
Area of residence ('000) % ('000) % %
香港島(1) 11.3 15.4 141.5 16.3 16.4
Hong Kong Island(1)
九龍東(2) 16.3 22.2 191.6 22.1 20.5
Kowloon East(2)
九龍西(3) 7.2 9.9 80.4 9.3 10.2
Kowloon West(3)
新界東(4) 16.2 22.0 200.6 23.2 24.0
New Territories East(4)
新界西(5) 22.4 30.5 252.4 29.1 28.9
New Territories West(5)

總計 73.5 100.0 866.5 100.0 100.0

註釋: 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別人士數目的總和

Notes: @ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
(1) Hong Kong Island includes Central and Western, Wan Chai, Eastern and Southern District Council districts.
(2) Kowloon East includes Kwun Tong, Wong Tai Sin and Kowloon City District Council districts.
(3) Kowloon West includes Yau Tsim Mong and Sham Shui Po District Council districts.
(4) New Territories East includes Sha Tin, Sai Kung, Tai Po and North District Council districts.
(5) New Territories West includes Kwai Tsing, Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and Islands District Council

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 310 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

表 A4.1e 按房屋類別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製的殘疾人士
Table A4.1e Persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted in 2013 by
type of housing and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
房屋類別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Type of housing ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
公營租住房屋 147.3 35.5 75.2 37.7 87.7 35.6
Public rental housing
私人房屋* 138.8 33.4 77.7 38.9 86.9 35.3
Private housing*
資助自置居所房屋# 64.0 15.4 35.7 17.9 43.3 17.6
Subsidised home ownership
其他永久性房屋^ 65.1 15.7 11.0 5.5 28.3 11.5
Other permanent housing^

總計 415.4 100.0 199.6 100.0 246.2 100.0


註釋: * 包括私人房屋、香港房屋協會的市區改善計劃下興建的屋宇單位、別墅/平房/新型村屋、簡單磚石蓋

Notes: * Includes private housing blocks, flats built under the Urban Improvement Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing
Society, villas / bungalows / modern village houses, simple stone structures / traditional village houses and private
temporary housing. Subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open market are also put under this category.
# Includes flats built under the Home Ownership Scheme, Middle Income Housing Scheme, Private Sector
Participation Scheme, Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme, Buy or Rent Option Scheme and
Mortgage Subsidy Scheme, and flats sold under the Tenants Purchase Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing
Authority. Also includes flats built under the Flat for Sale Scheme, Sandwich Class Housing Scheme and
Subsidised Sale Flats Projects of the Hong Kong Housing Society; and flats in Urban Renewal Authority
Subsidised Sale Flats Scheme. Subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open market are excluded.
^ Includes quarters in hotels, hostels, dormitories and non-residential buildings.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 311 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

表 A4.1e(續) 按房屋類別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製的殘疾人士
Table A4.1e Persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted in 2013 by
(Cont'd) type of housing and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability 所有殘疾人士
(Cont'd) (智障人士除外)@
All persons with disabilities
言語能力有困難 (excluding persons with 整體人口
Speech difficulty intellectual disability)@ Total population
人數 人數
No. of No. of
房屋類別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 百分比
Type of housing ('000) % ('000) % %
公營租住房屋 21.1 28.7 326.5 37.7 29.4
Public rental housing
私人房屋* 19.2 26.1 322.6 37.2 52.9
Private housing*
資助自置居所房屋# 10.5 14.3 137.5 15.9 15.1
Subsidised home ownership
其他永久性房屋^ 22.7 30.9 79.9 9.2 2.5
Other permanent housing^

總計 73.5 100.0 866.5 100.0 100.0

註釋: 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別人士數目的總和
* 包括私人房屋、香港房屋協會的市區改善計劃下興建的屋宇單位、別墅/平房/新型村屋、簡單磚石蓋

Notes: @ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
* Includes private housing blocks, flats built under the Urban Improvement Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing
Society, villas / bungalows / modern village houses, simple stone structures / traditional village houses and private
temporary housing. Subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open market are also put under this category.
# Includes flats built under the Home Ownership Scheme, Middle Income Housing Scheme, Private Sector
Participation Scheme, Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme, Buy or Rent Option Scheme and
Mortgage Subsidy Scheme, and flats sold under the Tenants Purchase Scheme of the Hong Kong Housing
Authority. Also includes flats built under the Flat for Sale Scheme, Sandwich Class Housing Scheme and
Subsidised Sale Flats Projects of the Hong Kong Housing Society; and flats in Urban Renewal Authority
Subsidised Sale Flats Scheme. Subsidised sale flats that can be traded in open market are excluded.
^ Includes quarters in hotels, hostels, dormitories and non-residential buildings.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 312 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013
表 A4.1f 按年齡/經濟活動身分及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製
Table A4.1f Persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted in 2013 by
age / economic activity status and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
年齡組別/經濟活動身分 No. of No. of No. of
Age group / Economic activity persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
status ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
年齡15歲及以上 413.2 100.0 196.3 100.0 244.1 100.0
Aged 15 and over
從事經濟活動 34.6 8.4 29.1 14.8 37.8 15.5
Economically active
就業人士 31.2 7.6 26.4 13.5 34.6 14.2
Employed persons
失業人士 3.4 0.8 2.6 1.3 3.2 1.3
Unemployed persons [9.8]* [9.0]* [8.5]*
非從事經濟活動 378.6 91.6 167.2 85.2 206.3 84.5
Economically inactive
退休人士 297.0 71.9 136.5 69.5 169.0 69.2
Retired persons
料理家務者 14.3 3.5 10.3 5.2 12.5 5.1
學生 1.3 0.3 1.4 0.7 0.9 0.4
其他 66.0 16.0 19.1 9.7 23.8 9.8
年齡18 - 64歲 82.7 100.0 48.9 100.0 56.2 100.0
Aged 18 - 64
從事經濟活動 27.4 33.1 23.5 48.0 30.4 54.1
Economically active
就業人士 24.5 29.6 21.2 43.4 27.7 49.3
Employed persons
失業人士 2.9 3.5 2.3 4.6 2.7 4.8
Unemployed persons [10.5]* [9.6]* [8.8]*
非從事經濟活動 55.3 66.9 25.4 52.0 25.8 45.9
Economically inactive
註釋: * 方括號內的數字顯示在個別年齡組別中有個別殘疾類別人士的失業率。
Note: * Figures in square brackets represent the unemployment rates of persons with the respective types of disability in the
specific age groups.
(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 313 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013
表 A4.1f(續) 按年齡/經濟活動身分及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製
Table A4.1f Persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted in 2013 by
(Cont'd) age / economic activity status and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability 所有殘疾人士
(Cont'd) (智障人士除外)@
All persons with disabilities
言語能力有困難 (excluding persons with 整體人口
Speech difficulty intellectual disability)@ Total population
人數 人數
年齡組別/經濟活動身分 No. of No. of
Age group / Economic activity persons 百分比 persons 百分比 百分比
status ('000) % ('000) % %
年齡15歲及以上 64.6 100.0 817.2 100.0 100.0
Aged 15 and over
從事經濟活動 8.5 13.1 164.1 20.1 58.9
Economically active
就業人士 7.5 11.6 147.5 18.1 55.5
Employed persons
失業人士 1.0 1.5 16.6 2.0 3.4
Unemployed persons [11.8]* [10.1]* [5.8]*
非從事經濟活動 56.2 86.9 653.1 79.9 41.1
Economically inactive
退休人士 31.9 49.4 466.0 57.0 20.5
Retired persons
料理家務者 1.6 2.4 52.7 6.4 9.9
學生 2.5 3.8 22.4 2.7 6.2
其他 20.2 31.3 112.0 13.7 4.5
年齡18 - 64歲 24.5 100.0 305.7 100.0 100.0
Aged 18 - 64
從事經濟活動 7.9 32.3 144.9 47.4 73.4
Economically active
就業人士 6.9 28.2 129.5 42.4 69.1
Employed persons
失業人士 1.0 4.1 15.4 5.0 4.3
Unemployed persons [12.6]* [10.6]* [5.9]*
非從事經濟活動 16.6 67.7 160.8 52.6 26.6
Economically inactive
註釋: 一名人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別人士數目的總和
* 方括號內的數字顯示在個別年齡組別中言語能力有困難人士/所有殘疾人士/整體人口的失業率。
Notes: @ A person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of persons with
disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of disability.
* Figures in square brackets represent the unemployment rates of persons with speech difficulty / all persons with
disabilities / total population in the specific age groups.
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 314 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

表 A4.2a 按選定的殘疾類別及只有一種/有多於一種殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原
Table A4.2a Employed persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted
in 2013 by selected type of disability and with single disability / multiple

只有一種 有多於一種 佔整體

殘疾類別@ 殘疾類別 就業人口
With single With multiple 的百分比
disability@ disabilities 總人數 As % of the
人數 人數* Total no. of total
選定的殘疾類別 No. of persons No. of persons* persons employed
Selected type of disability ('000) ('000) ('000) population
身體活動能力受限制 23.3 7.9 31.2 0.9
Restriction in body movement (74.7) (25.3) (100.0)
視覺有困難 19.9 6.6 26.4 0.7
Seeing difficulty (75.2) (24.8) (100.0)
聽覺有困難 25.0 9.6 34.6 0.9
Hearing difficulty (72.2) (27.8) (100.0)
言語能力有困難 2.4 5.1 7.5 0.2
Speech difficulty (32.2) (67.8) (100.0)
精神病/情緒病 51.7 9.2 60.9 1.7
Mental illness / mood disorder (84.9) (15.1) (100.0)
自閉症譜系障礙 1.0 1.4 2.5 0.1
Autism Spectrum Disorder (41.9) (58.1) (100.0)
特殊學習困難 2.7 2.1 4.8 0.1
Specific Learning Difficulties (55.6) (44.4) (100.0)
注意力不足/過度活躍症 1.3 2.6 3.9 0.1
Attention Deficit / (33.9) (66.1) (100.0)
Hyperactivity Disorder

所有殘疾人士(智障人士除外) 127.2 20.3 147.5 4.0

All persons with disabilities (86.3) (13.7) (100.0)
(excluding persons with
intellectual disability)
註釋: 包括只有一種殘疾類別及同時患有長期病患的就業人士。
* 由於有多於一種選定殘疾類別的就業人士會分別被點算在個別的殘疾類別內,就業殘疾人士的合計數目

Notes: @ Including employed persons with single disability and having chronic diseases at the same time.
* Employed persons with more than one selected type of disability were counted in the respective types of disability
and hence the overall number of employed persons with disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of
employed persons with individual types of disability.
Figures in brackets represent the percentages in respect of all employed persons with the respective types of disability.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 315 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

表 A4.2b 按年齡/性別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製的就業殘
Table A4.2b Employed persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted
in 2013 by age/sex and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Age group
15 - 29 0.7 2.4 1.0 3.9 1.1 3.2
30 - 39 2.1 6.8 1.5 5.7 2.9 8.3
40 - 49 4.8 15.3 4.3 16.2 5.1 14.6
50 - 59 11.0 35.3 8.9 33.8 12.0 34.7
60 - 64 5.8 18.7 5.5 20.8 6.7 19.4
65 - 69 3.9 12.6 3.6 13.5 4.7 13.5
≥ 70 2.8 9.0 1.6 6.2 2.2 6.4
年齡中位數(歲) 57 57 57
Median age (years)

男 15.2 48.6 13.2 49.7 20.5 59.1
女 16.0 51.4 13.3 50.3 14.1 40.9

總計 31.2 100.0 26.4 100.0 34.6 100.0


(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 316 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

表 A4.2b(續) 按年齡/性別及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製的就業殘
Table A4.2b Employed persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted
(Cont'd) in 2013 by age/sex and selected type of disability

選定的殘疾類別(續) 所有就業殘疾人士
Selected type of disability (智障人士除外)@
(Cont'd) All employed persons
with disabilities 整體就業人口
言語能力有困難 (excluding persons with Total employed
Speech difficulty intellectual disability)@ population
人數 人數
No. of No. of
年齡組別/性別 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 百分比
Age group / Sex ('000) % ('000) % %
Age group
15 - 29 1.1 15.1 14.4 9.7 16.3
30 - 39 1.6 21.3 18.9 12.8 25.7
40 - 49 1.3 17.6 29.7 20.1 24.3
50 - 59 1.9 25.3 46.0 31.2 22.3
60 - 64 1.0 13.3 20.9 14.1 7.2
65 - 69 0.4 5.2 11.8 8.0 2.9
≥ 70 ‡ ‡ 6.0 4.1 1.2
年齡中位數(歲) 47 52 42
Median age (years)

男 4.4 59.5 74.5 50.5 49.3
女 3.0 40.5 73.0 49.5 50.7

總計 7.5 100.0 147.5 100.0 100.0

註釋: 一名就業人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,就業殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別就業人
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: @ An employed person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of
employed persons with disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of employed persons with individual
types of disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 317 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013
表 A4.2c 按婚姻狀況/教育程度及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製
Table A4.2c Employed persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted
in 2013 by marital status / educational attainment and selected type of
Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
婚姻狀況/教育程度 No. of No. of No. of
Marital status / Educational persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
attainment ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
Marital status
從未結婚 6.8 21.7 6.1 23.1 6.4 18.3
Never married
已婚 18.6 59.6 16.2 61.2 22.9 66.1
Currently married
喪偶/分居/離婚 5.8 18.6 4.2 15.7 5.4 15.5
Educational attainment
未受教育/學前教育 0.7 2.2 0.8 3.0 1.2 3.5
No schooling / pre-primary
小學 6.3 20.1 3.9 14.7 7.3 21.1
初中/高中 18.6 59.6 13.8 52.3 18.9 54.7
Lower/upper secondary
非學位 1.9 6.2 3.1 11.8 2.8 8.0
學位 3.7 11.9 4.8 18.2 4.4 12.7
總計 31.2 100.0 26.4 100.0 34.6 100.0

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 318 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013
表 A4.2c(續) 按婚姻狀況/教育程度及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製
Table A4.2c Employed persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted
(Cont'd) in 2013 by marital status / educational attainment and selected type of
選定的殘疾類別(續) 所有就業殘疾人士
Selected type of disability (智障人士除外)@
(Cont'd) All employed persons
with disabilities 整體就業人口
言語能力有困難 (excluding persons with Total employed
Speech difficulty intellectual disability)@ population
人數 人數
婚姻狀況/教育程度 No. of No. of
Marital status / Educational persons 百分比 persons 百分比 百分比
attainment ('000) % ('000) % %
Marital status
從未結婚 3.2 43.2 45.2 30.6 32.6
Never married
已婚 3.1 41.6 79.8 54.1 60.0
Currently married
喪偶/分居/離婚 1.1 15.2 22.5 15.3 7.5
Educational attainment
未受教育/學前教育 ‡ ‡ 2.5 1.7 0.8
No schooling / pre-primary
小學 2.0 26.7 21.1 14.3 7.4
初中/高中 4.2 56.1 77.6 52.6 48.1
Lower/upper secondary
非學位 0.5 6.2 14.7 10.0 10.4
學位 0.7 9.8 31.5 21.4 33.2
總計 7.5 100.0 147.5 100.0 100.0
註釋: 一名就業人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,就業殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別就業人
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: @ An employed person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of
employed persons with disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of employed persons with individual
types of disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 319 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013
表 A4.2d 按行業及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製的就業殘疾人士
Table A4.2d Employed persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted
in 2013 by industry and selected type of disability
Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
行業 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Industry ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
製造 1.1 3.6 0.9 3.5 1.7 5.0
建造 2.5 8.1 2.3 8.7 3.7 10.8
進出口貿易及批發 2.6 8.2 2.5 9.6 2.9 8.3
Import/export trade and wholesale
零售、住宿及膳食服務 5.5 17.5 3.2 11.9 5.5 15.9
Retail, accommodation and
food services
運輸、倉庫、郵政及 2.2 7.2 3.4 12.9 4.7 13.7
Transportation, storage, postal and
courier services, information
and communications
金融、保險、地產、專業 8.2 26.2 7.7 29.0 8.7 25.1
Financing, insurance, real estate,
professional and business
公共行政、社會及個人服務 8.9 28.7 6.3 23.7 7.1 20.5
Public administration, social and
personal services
其他行業 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ 0.3 0.7
Other industries
總計 31.2 100.0 26.4 100.0 34.6 100.0
註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Note: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 320 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013
表 A4.2d(續) 按行業及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製的就業殘疾人士
Table A4.2d Employed persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted
(Cont'd) in 2013 by industry and selected type of disability
選定的殘疾類別(續) 所有就業殘疾人士
Selected type of disability (智障人士除外)@
(Cont'd) All employed persons
with disabilities 整體就業人口
言語能力有困難 (excluding persons with Total employed
Speech difficulty intellectual disability)@ population
人數 人數
No. of No. of
行業 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 百分比
Industry ('000) % ('000) % %
製造 0.3 3.9 5.3 3.6 2.8
建造 0.3 3.9 11.1 7.5 8.5
進出口貿易及批發 0.3 3.7 11.4 7.8 8.9
Import/export trade and wholesale
零售、住宿及膳食服務 1.2 16.5 22.3 15.1 14.1
Retail, accommodation and
food services
運輸、倉庫、郵政及 0.9 12.1 16.7 11.3 11.8
Transportation, storage, postal and
courier services, information
and communications
金融、保險、地產、專業 1.7 22.6 39.0 26.4 23.1
Financing, insurance, real estate,
professional and business
公共行政、社會及個人服務 2.8 37.2 40.9 27.8 30.2
Public administration, social and
personal services
其他行業 ‡ ‡ 0.8 0.5 0.6
Other industries
總計 7.5 100.0 147.5 100.0 100.0
註釋: 一名就業人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,就業殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別就業人
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字
Notes: @ An employed person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of
employed persons with disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of employed persons with individual
types of disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.
從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 321 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

表 A4.2e 按職業及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製的就業殘疾人士
Table A4.2e Employed persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted
in 2013 by occupation and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
No. of No. of No. of
職業 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
Occupation ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
經理及行政級人員、專業人員及 7.1 22.9 9.2 34.9 8.1 23.3
Managers and administrators,
professionals and associate
文書支援人員 3.9 12.5 3.9 14.7 4.4 12.8
Clerical support workers
服務工作及銷售人員 5.4 17.3 3.5 13.1 4.8 13.9
Service and sales workers
工藝及有關人員 2.3 7.3 1.5 5.6 3.6 10.5
Craft and related workers
機台及機器操作員及裝配員 1.5 4.8 1.4 5.3 2.6 7.4
Plant and machine operators
and assemblers
非技術工人 11.0 35.3 7.0 26.4 11.1 32.1
Elementary occupations
其他職業 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡
Other occupations

總計 31.2 100.0 26.4 100.0 34.6 100.0


註釋: ‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Note: ‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 322 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

表 A4.2e(續) 按職業及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製的就業殘疾人士
Table A4.2e Employed persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted
(Cont'd) in 2013 by occupation and selected type of disability

選定的殘疾類別(續) 所有就業殘疾人士
Selected type of disability (智障人士除外)@
(Cont'd) All employed persons
with disabilities 整體就業人口
言語能力有困難 (excluding persons with Total employed
Speech difficulty intellectual disability)@ population
人數 人數
No. of No. of
職業 persons 百分比 persons 百分比 百分比
Occupation ('000) % ('000) % %
經理及行政級人員、專業人員及 0.7 9.5 47.8 32.4 41.4
Managers and administrators,
professionals and associate
文書支援人員 1.0 13.5 18.5 12.6 12.5
Clerical support workers
服務工作及銷售人員 0.9 11.4 23.0 15.6 14.8
Service and sales workers
工藝及有關人員 0.5 6.4 10.4 7.0 6.2
Craft and related workers
機台及機器操作員及裝配員 ‡ ‡ 6.8 4.6 4.4
Plant and machine operators
and assemblers
非技術工人 4.2 56.5 41.0 27.8 20.6
Elementary occupations
其他職業 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ 0.1
Other occupations

總計 7.5 100.0 147.5 100.0 100.0

註釋: 一名就業人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,就業殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別就業人
‡ 由於抽樣誤差甚大,數目少於250的估計(包括數值為零的數字)或基於這些估計而編製的相關統計數字

Notes: @ An employed person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of
employed persons with disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of employed persons with individual
types of disability.
‡ Estimates less than 250 (including zero figures) and related statistics derived based on such estimates (e.g.
percentages) are not released due to very large sampling errors.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 323 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

表 A4.2f 按每月就業收入及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製的就業
Table A4.2f Employed persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted
in 2013 by monthly employment earnings and selected type of disability

Selected type of disability
Restriction in 視覺有困難 聽覺有困難
body movement Seeing difficulty Hearing difficulty
人數 人數 人數
每月就業收入(港元) No. of No. of No. of
Monthly employment earnings persons 百分比 persons 百分比 persons 百分比
(HK$) ('000) % ('000) % ('000) %
< 4,000# 4.2 13.6 2.2 8.5 3.2 9.1
4,000 - 6,999 3.2 10.3 1.8 6.9 2.8 8.2
7,000 - 9,999 3.9 12.6 2.5 9.3 3.4 9.9
10,000 - 14,999 8.0 25.7 7.1 26.7 9.7 28.1
15,000 - 19,999 3.7 12.0 3.1 11.8 4.8 14.0
20,000 - 29,999 4.0 12.7 3.6 13.6 5.3 15.4
≥ 30,000 4.1 13.1 6.1 23.2 5.3 15.2

總計 31.2 100.0 26.4 100.0 34.6 100.0


每月就業收入中位數(港元) 12,000 14,000 13,000

Median monthly employment (12,700) (14,300) (13,000)
earnings (HK$)
註釋: 大部分每月就業收入少於$4,000的就業殘疾人士於庇護工場工作或從事部分時間制工作。

Notes: # Majority of those earning less than $4,000 per month were working in sheltered workshops or working on part-time
Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures for employed persons with disabilities after excluding those
working in sheltered workshops.

(To be cont'd)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 324 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

表 A4.2f(續) 按每月就業收入及選定的殘疾類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製的就業
Table A4.2f Employed persons with disabilities based on the original definition adopted
(Cont'd) in 2013 by monthly employment earnings and selected type of disability

選定的殘疾類別(續) 所有就業殘疾人士
Selected type of disability (智障人士除外)@
(Cont'd) All employed persons
with disabilities 整體就業人口
言語能力有困難 (excluding persons with Total employed
Speech difficulty intellectual disability)@ population
人數 人數
每月就業收入(港元) No. of No. of
Monthly employment earnings persons 百分比 persons 百分比 百分比
(HK$) ('000) % ('000) % %
< 4,000# 1.7 23.2 15.9 10.8 3.7
4,000 - 6,999 1.0 13.7 12.3 8.3 12.5
7,000 - 9,999 0.8 10.4 14.3 9.7 5.6
10,000 - 14,999 1.9 25.4 35.7 24.2 16.8
15,000 - 19,999 0.8 10.7 19.0 12.9 16.9
20,000 - 29,999 0.6 8.2 22.2 15.1 18.0
≥ 30,000 0.6 8.3 28.1 19.1 26.6

總計 7.5 100.0 147.5 100.0 100.0


每月就業收入中位數(港元) 10,500 14,000 17,700

Median monthly employment (11,000) (14,100)
earnings (HK$)
註釋: 一名就業人士可能有多於一種選定殘疾類別。因此,就業殘疾人士的合計數目較有個別殘疾類別就業人

Notes: @ An employed person might have more than one selected type of disability and hence the overall number of
employed persons with disabilities is smaller than the sum of the number of employed persons with individual
types of disability.
# Majority of those earning less than $4,000 per month were working in sheltered workshops or working on part-time
Figures in brackets represent the corresponding figures for employed persons with disabilities after excluding those
working in sheltered workshops.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 325 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 4:按2013年原有定義 Appendix 4 : Demographic and socio-economic
編製的殘疾人士的人口 profiles of persons with disabilities based on
及社會經濟概況 the original definition adopted in 2013

表 A4.3 按身體活動能力受限制的主要類別劃分的按2013年原有定義編製的身體
Table A4.3 Persons with restriction in body movement based on the original definition
adopted in 2013 by major type of restriction in body movement

人數 的百分比
身體活動能力受限制的主要類別 No. of persons 百分比* As % of total
Major type of restriction in body movement ('000) %* population
下肢/腳活動困難 258.8 62.3 3.5
Mobility difficulty with lower limb / foot
上肢/手活動困難 67.7 16.3 0.9
Mobility difficulty with upper limb / hand
腰/背活動困難 39.7 9.5 0.5
Mobility difficulty with lumbar and back
四肢痳痺/無力 38.7 9.3 0.5
Quadriplegia / weak limbs
癱瘓 9.6 2.3 0.1
頸部活動困難 5.6 1.3 0.1
Mobility difficulty with neck
痙攣 3.4 0.8 §
缺失上/下肢 2.5 0.6 §
Loss of upper/lower limbs
缺失腳掌/趾 1.1 0.3 §
Loss of foot/toe
缺失手掌/指 0.7 0.2 §
Loss of hand/finger
其他 3.6 0.9 §

合計@ 415.4 100.0 5.6


註釋: * 數字顯示在所有身體活動能力受限制人士中所佔的百分比。
§ 少於0.05。

Notes: * Figures represent the percentages in respect of all persons with restriction in body movement.
§ Less than 0.05.
@ A person might have more than one type of restriction in body movement and hence the overall number of persons
with restriction in body movement is smaller than the sum of the number of persons with individual types of
restriction in body movement.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 326 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 5 估計的可靠性
Appendix 5 Reliability of the estimates

A5.1 是項統計調查的結果受抽樣誤差和非 A5.1 Results of this survey are subject to

抽樣誤差影響。本報告書所載的估計是根據一 sampling error and non-sampling error. The
個特定樣本所得的資料編製。以同樣的抽樣方 estimates contained in this report were based on
式,可抽選出許多大小相同的可能樣本,而是項 information obtained from a particular sample,
which was one of a large number of possible
samples of the same size that could be selected
using the same sample design. By chance,
得出的估計亦互有差異。「抽樣誤差」正是計算 estimates derived from different samples would
這些差異的統計量數,可用以量度從一個特定 differ from each other. The “sampling error” is a
樣本所得的估計,在估計總體數據方面的精確 measure of these variations and is thus a measure of
程度。 the precision with which an estimate derived from
a particular sample would approximate the
population parameter to be measured.

A5.2 由於本報告書所載的估計有抽樣誤差, A5.2 It should be noted that since all estimates

寫作零的數字,可能是一個小數值的數字,而並 contained in this report are subject to sampling
非是零。 error, a zero figure may mean a non-zero figure of
a small magnitude.

A5.3 本報告書在比較各種變數估計的精確 A5.3 For comparing the precision of the

程度時,採用了離中系數。離中系數的計算方 estimates of various variables in this report, the
法,是將標準誤差除以有關估計,再以百分比表 coefficient of variation (CV) is used. CV is
示。標準誤差是根據統計原理所訂的公式計算。 obtained by expressing the standard error (SE) as a
percentage of the estimate to which it refers. In
turn, the SE is computed according to a formula
which is established on the basis of statistical
theory. Generally speaking, the SE is related to
the variability of the elements in the population, the
size of the sample and the sample design adopted
for the survey.

A5.4 本報告書所列載的主要變數估計的離 A5.4 The CV of the estimates of the main

中系數如下: variables presented in this report are given below:

變數 估計 離中系數
Variable Estimate CV
534 200 1.7
Persons with disabilities
244 000 2.3
Persons with restriction in body movement
47 600 6.9
Persons with seeing difficulty
47 900 5.0
Persons with hearing difficulty
48 700 5.0
Persons with communication difficulty

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 327 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 5:估計的可靠性 Appendix 5 : Reliability of the estimates

變數 估計 離中系數
Variable Estimate CV
256 800 1.9
Persons with mentally illness / mood disorder
22 400 6.3
Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder
35 400 9.2
Persons with Specific Learning Difficulties
38 200 4.9
Persons with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder
1 799 100 1.1
Persons with chronic diseases

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 328 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 6 曾出版的從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料專題報告書
Appendix 6 Previously published Special Topics Reports on social data
collected via the General Household Survey
曾出版的專題報告書 Previously published Special Topics Reports

第一號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. I

英文版 English version

• 就醫情況 (11/1982-1/1983) Doctor consultation (11/1982-1/1983)

• 有關吸烟及呼吸系統疾病的流行病學 Epidemiological survey on smoking and
統計調查 (5/1982-7/1982) diseases of the respiratory system
• 體育及野外康樂活動 (2/1982-3/1982) Sports and countryside recreational activities
• 學生在家溫習的時間 (11/1982-1/1983) Time spent on home study by students
• 勞工流動情況 (1/1982-3/1982) Labour mobility (1/1982-3/1982)
• 部分時間工作 (5/1982-7/1982) Part-time employment (5/1982-7/1982)
• 氣體安全 (2/1983-4/1983) Gas safety (2/1983-4/1983)
• 住戶飼養的貓狗數目 (1/1982-3/1982) Number of cats/dogs kept in households

第二號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. II

英文版 English version

• 就醫情況 (7/1983-9/1983) Doctor consultation (7/1983-9/1983)

• 吸烟習慣 (3/1983) Smoking patterns (3/1983)
• 可供使用的汽車及通宵泊車情況 Car availability and overnight parking
(10/1983-12/1983) (10/1983-12/1983)
• 上/下班的公共交通支出 Expenditure on public transport in commuting
(10/1983-12/1983) to and from work (10/1983-12/1983)
• 體育及野外康樂活動 (7/1983-9/1983) Sports and countryside recreational activities
• 勞工流動情況 (7/1983-9/1983) Labour mobility (7/1983-9/1983)
• 私人住宅的居住面積及密度 Living area and occupation density of private
(10/1983-12/1983) households (10/1983-12/1983)
• 家居耐用品 (8/1982-10/1982) Household durables (8/1982-10/1982)

第三號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. III

英文版 English version

• 文盲 (10/1984-12/1984) Illiteracy (10/1984-12/1984)

• 修讀兼讀課程的情況 (4/1984-6/1984) Participation in part-time education
• 香港居民在海外獲取高等教育資格的 Higher education attained outside Hong Kong
情況 (4/1984-6/1984) by local residents (4/1984-6/1984)
• 私家車使用情況 (10/1984-12/1984) Availability and use of private cars
• 的士使用情況 (8/1984-9/1984) Use of taxis (8/1984-9/1984)
• 有薪酬的超時工作 (5/1984) Paid overtime work (5/1984)
• 僱員病假模式 (7/1984-9/1984) Sick leave pattern of employees
• 吸烟習慣 (7/1984) Smoking patterns (7/1984)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 329 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 6:曾出版的從綜合住戶統計調查 Appendix 6 : Previously published Special Topics Reports
搜集所得的社會資料專題報告書 on social data collected via the General Household Survey

第四號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. IV

英文版 English version

• 勞工供應及流動情況 (10/1987-12/1987) Labour supply and mobility (10/1987-12/1987)

第五號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. V

英文版 English version

• 修讀兼讀課程的情況 (4/1988-6/1988) Participation in part-time education

• 吸烟習慣 (7/1988) Cigarette smoking pattern (7/1988)
• 的士使用情況 (8/1987-9/1987) Use of taxis (8/1987-9/1987)
• 文化表演出席情況 (1/1988-3/1988) Attending cultural performances
• 僱員病假模式 (8/1987-9/1987) Sick leave pattern of employees
• 部分時間工作 (4/1988-6/1988) Part-time employment (4/1988-6/1988)

第六號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. VI

英文版 English version

• 郊野公園 (10/1988-12/1988) Country parks (10/1988-12/1988)

• 香港文物保護 (1/1989) Heritage preservation (1/1989)
• 就醫情況 (1/1989) Doctor consultation (1/1989)
• 上/下班的公共交通支出 Expenditure on public transport to and from
(8/1988-9/1988) work (8/1988-9/1988)
• 等候的士時間 (3/1989) Taxi waiting time (3/1989)
• 家庭傭工 (10/1988-12/1988) Domestic helpers (10/1988-12/1988)
• 在中國工作的香港居民 Hong Kong residents working in China
(10/1988-12/1988) (10/1988-12/1988)

第七號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. VII

英文版 English version

• 在中國工作的香港居民 Hong Kong residents working in China

(10/1989-12/1989) (10/1989-12/1989)
• 積極找尋其他工作的就業人士 Employed persons actively seeking other
(1/1990-3/1990) employment (1/1990-3/1990)
• 僱員病假及產假模式 (8/1990-9/1990) Sick leave pattern and maternity leave pattern
of employees (8/1990-9/1990)
• 入住醫院情況 (10/1989-12/1989) Hospitalization (10/1989-12/1989)
• 就醫情況 (7/1990) Doctor consultation (7/1990)
• 吸烟習慣 (7/1990) Cigarette smoking pattern (7/1990)
• 玩具安全 (1/1990-3/1990) Toy safety (1/1990-3/1990)
• 家庭生活教育服務 (1/1990-3/1990) Family life education service (1/1990-3/1990)
• 對家庭服務中心的認識 (4/1990-6/1990) Awareness of family service centres

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 330 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 6:曾出版的從綜合住戶統計調查 Appendix 6 : Previously published Special Topics Reports
搜集所得的社會資料專題報告書 on social data collected via the General Household Survey

第八號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. VIII

英文版 English version

• 電台廣播的收聽情況 (1/1991-3/1991) Radio audienceship (1/1991-3/1991)

• 文化表演出席情況 (1/1991-3/1991) Attending cultural performances
• 捐腎情況 (5/1991-6/1991) Kidney donation (5/1991-6/1991)
• 牙科診治情況 (10/1990-12/1990) Dental consultation (10/1990-12/1990)
• 入住醫院情況 (7/1991-9/1991) Hospitalization (7/1991-9/1991)
• 僱主或工作機構提供的醫療褔利及 Medical benefits provided by employer/
醫療保險 (7/1991-9/1991) company and medical insurance
• 家庭傭工 (10/1990-12/1990) Domestic helpers (10/1990-12/1990)
• 汽車防盜設施的安裝及使用情況 Installation and use of anti-theft device in
(4/1991-6/1991) motor vehicles (4/1991-6/1991)
• 在中國結婚的香港居民 (4/1991-6/1991) Hong Kong residents married in China

第九號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. IX

英文版 English version

• 家庭傭工 (10/1991-12/1991) Domestic helpers (10/1991-12/1991)

• 在海外獲取高等教育資格的情況 Higher education attained outside Hong Kong
(10/1991-12/1991) (10/1991-12/1991)
• 等候的士時間 (10/1991-11/1991) Taxi waiting time (10/1991-11/1991)
• 就業人士轉職情況 (1/1992-3/1992) Occupational mobility (1/1992-3/1992)
• 電視及錄影機的使用情況 Use of television sets and video cassette
(1/1992-3/1992) recorders (1/1992-3/1992)

第十號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. X

英文版 English version

• 在中國工作的香港居民 (4/1992-6/1992) Hong Kong residents working in China

• 僱員離職情況 (4/1992-6/1992) Worker displacement in Hong Kong
• 香港居民的健康狀況 (7/1992) Health status of the population in Hong Kong
• 就醫情況 (8/1992-9/1992) Doctor consultation (8/1992-9/1992)
• 捐贈器官情況 (8/1992-9/1992) Organ donation (8/1992-9/1992)
• 學童保健計劃 (8/1992-9/1992) School medical services (8/1992-9/1992)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 331 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 6:曾出版的從綜合住戶統計調查 Appendix 6 : Previously published Special Topics Reports
搜集所得的社會資料專題報告書 on social data collected via the General Household Survey

第十一號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 11

英文版 English version

• 勞工流動情況 (10/1992-1/1993) Labour mobility (10/1992-1/1993)

• 家庭傭工 (11/1992-2/1993) Domestic helpers (11/1992-2/1993)
• 僱員病假及產假模式 (3/1993-7/1993) Sick leave and maternity leave patterns of
employees (3/1993-7/1993)
• 吸烟習慣 (8/1993-9/1993) Cigarette smoking pattern (8/1993-9/1993)
• 公眾對能源效益的認識 (9/1993-11/1993) Public awareness of the concept of energy
efficiency (9/1993-11/1993)
• 等候的士時間 (10/1993-12/1993) Taxi waiting time (10/1993-12/1993)

第十二號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 12

英文版 English version

• 家庭傭工 (8/1993-12/1993) Domestic helpers (8/1993-12/1993)

• 家庭生活教育 (1/1994-2/1994) Family life education (1/1994-2/1994)
• 市民光顧小販的情況 (4/1994-5/1994) Hawker situation and hawker patronage
behaviour (4/1994-5/1994)
• 香港文物保護 (6/1994-10/1994) Heritage preservation (6/1994-10/1994)
• 捐贈器官情況 (6/1994-10/1994) Organ donation (6/1994-10/1994)
• 乘搭的士的地點 (10/1994) Taxi boarding location (10/1994)

第十三號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 13

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 部分時間工作 (11/1994-3/1995) Part-time employment (11/1994-3/1995)

• 學生做暑期工的情況 (11/1994-3/1995) Students taking up summer jobs
• 入住醫院情況 (4/1995-8/1995) Hospitalization (4/1995-8/1995)
• 僱員離職情況 (4/1995-8/1995) Worker displacement (4/1995-8/1995)

第十四號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 14

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 在中國工作的香港居民 (9/1995-10/1995) Hong Kong residents working in China

• 勞工流動情況 (9/1995-10/1995) Labour mobility (9/1995-10/1995)
• 等候的士時間 (11/1995-12/1995) Taxi waiting time (11/1995-12/1995)
• 家庭傭工 (11/1995-1/1996) Domestic helpers (11/1995-1/1996)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 332 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 6:曾出版的從綜合住戶統計調查 Appendix 6 : Previously published Special Topics Reports
搜集所得的社會資料專題報告書 on social data collected via the General Household Survey

第十五號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 15

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 在中國內地結婚的香港居民 Hong Kong residents married in Mainland

(11/1995-1/1996) China (11/1995-1/1996)
• 吸烟習慣 (1/1996) Cigarette smoking pattern (1/1996)
• 公眾對能源效益的認識 (2/1996-4/1996) Public awareness of the concept of energy
efficiency (2/1996-4/1996)
• 公眾對申訴專員公署的認識 Public awareness of the Office of The
(2/1996-4/1996) Ombudsman (2/1996-4/1996)
• 香港居民的健康及就醫情況 Hong Kong residents’ health status and doctor
(5/1996-6/1996) consultation (5/1996-6/1996)

第十六號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 16

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 保姆照顧六歲以下兒童的服務使用情況 Utilization of service provided by childminders

(7/1996-9/1996) for care of children aged below six
• 僱員病假及產假模式 (7/1996-9/1996) Sick leave and maternity leave patterns of
employees (7/1996-9/1996)
• 內地來港定居未足七年人士對社會服務 Need for and awareness of social services in
的需求及認識 (10/1996-1/1997) respect of persons from the mainland of
China having resided in Hong Kong for less
than 7 years (10/1996-1/1997)
• 使用公共小巴服務情況 (2/1997-3/1997) Patronage of public light buses

第十七號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 17

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 獨留十二歲及以下兒童在家情況 Leaving children aged 12 and below

(4/1997-6/1997) unattended at home (4/1997-6/1997)
• 住戶飼養貓狗情況 (4/1997-6/1997) Keeping of cats and dogs in households

第十八號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 18

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 公眾對維修斜坡的重要性的認識 Public awareness of the importance of slope

(7/1997-9/1997) maintenance (7/1997-9/1997)
• 公眾對投訴警方獨立監察委員會的認識 Public awareness of the Independent Police
(7/1997-9/1997) Complaints Council (7/1997-9/1997)

第十九號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 19

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 勞工流動情況及相關課題 Labour mobility and related subjects

(10/1997-12/1997) (10/1997-12/1997)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 333 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 6:曾出版的從綜合住戶統計調查 Appendix 6 : Previously published Special Topics Reports
搜集所得的社會資料專題報告書 on social data collected via the General Household Survey

第二十號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 20

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 僱員工作時數模式 (10/1996-11/1996) Patterns of hours of work of employees

• 住戶參與家居廢物分類及回收的情況 Participation of households in source separation
(1/1998-3/1998) and recovery of domestic wastes
• 使用互聯網服務情況 (1/1998-3/1998) Utilization of Internet service (1/1998-3/1998)
• 吸烟習慣 (3/1998) Cigarette smoking pattern (3/1998)

第二十一號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 21

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 等候的士時間 (4/1998-5/1998) Time spent in waiting taxi (4/1998-5/1998)

• 入住醫院情況 (4/1998-6/1998) Hospitalization (4/1998-6/1998)
• 在中國內地工作的香港居民 Hong Kong residents working in the mainland
(5/1998-6/1998) of China (5/1998-6/1998)

第二十二號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 22

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 有配偶或子女在中國內地的香港居民 Hong Kong residents with spouses/children in

(3/1999-5/1999) the Mainland of China (3/1999-5/1999)

第二十三號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 23

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 僱員病假模式 (7/1998-9/1998) Sick leave pattern of employees

• 僱員離職情況 (7/1998-9/1998) Worker displacement (7/1998-9/1998)

第二十四號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 24

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 僱主或機構提供醫療福利予僱員及個人 Provision of medical benefits by employers/

購買醫療保險的情況 (10/1998-12/1998) companies and purchase of medical insurance
by individuals (10/1998-12/1998)
• 六十歲及以上獨居長者的情況 A profile of elderly persons aged 60 and over
(1/1999-3/1999) living alone (1/1999-3/1999)
• 部分時間工作 (1/1999-2/1999) Part-time employment (1/1999-2/1999)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 334 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 6:曾出版的從綜合住戶統計調查 Appendix 6 : Previously published Special Topics Reports
搜集所得的社會資料專題報告書 on social data collected via the General Household Survey

第二十五號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 25

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 就業人士轉工情況 (6/1999-8/1999) Job-changing of employed persons

• 內地來港定居未足七年人士 Persons from the mainland of China
(7/1999-12/1999) having resided in Hong Kong for
less than 7 years (7/1999-12/1999)
• 回流香港人士 (7/1999-12/1999) Returnees to Hong Kong (7/1999-12/1999)

第二十六號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 26

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 勞工流動情況及其他與勞工相關課題 Labour mobility and other labour-related

(10/1999-12/1999) subjects (10/1999-12/1999)

第二十七號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 27

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 臨時僱員就業情況 (7/2000-9/2000) Casual employment (7/2000-9/2000)

• 部分時間制工作 (7/2000-9/2000) Part-time employment (7/2000-9/2000)
• 長者及中年人的生活、健康及經濟狀況 Socio-demographic, health and economic
(7/2000-9/2000) profiles of elderly people and soon-to-be old
people (7/2000-9/2000)

第二十八號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 28

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 殘疾人士及長期病患者 (1/2000-12/2000) Persons with disabilities and chronic diseases


第二十九號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 29

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 僱員離職情況 (10/2000-12/2000) Worker displacement (10/2000-12/2000)

• 就業人士轉工情況 (10/2000-12/2000) Job-changing of employed persons
• 僱員工作時間內的用膳及休息時段 Meal breaks and rest breaks of employees
(1/2001-2/2001) during working hours (1/2001-2/2001)

第三十號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 30

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 臨時僱員就業情況 (4/2001-6/2001) Casual employment (4/2001-6/2001)

• 在中國內地工作的香港居民 Hong Kong residents working in the mainland
(4/2001-6/2001) of China (4/2001-6/2001)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 335 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 6:曾出版的從綜合住戶統計調查 Appendix 6 : Previously published Special Topics Reports
搜集所得的社會資料專題報告書 on social data collected via the General Household Survey

第三十一號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 31

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 勞工流動情況 (10/2001-12/2001) Labour mobility (10/2001-12/2001)

• 就業人士轉工情況 (10/2001-12/2001) Job-changing of employed persons
• 非從事經濟活動人士若遇上合適工作時 Desire of economically inactive persons for
會接受工作的意願 (1/2002-3/2002) taking up jobs if being offered suitable
employment (1/2002-3/2002)

第三十二號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 32

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 僱員工作時數模式 (7/2001-9/2001) Patterns of hours of work of employees

• 僱傭條例下的僱員福利 (7/2001-9/2001) Benefits of employees under the Employment
Ordinance (7/2001-9/2001)

第三十三號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 33

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 臨時僱員就業情況 (4/2002-6/2002) Casual employment (4/2002-6/2002)

• 從事部分時間制工作僱員的就業情況 Part-time employment (4/2002-6/2002)
• 在中國內地工作的香港居民 Hong Kong residents working in the mainland
(4/2002-6/2002) of China (4/2002-6/2002)

第三十四號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 34

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 就業人士轉工情況 (7/2002-9/2002) Job-changing of employed persons

• 臨時僱員就業情況 (10/2002-12/2002) Casual employment (10/2002-12/2002)
• 僱員離職情況 (7/2002-12/2002) Worker displacement (7/2002-12/2002)

第三十五號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 35

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 在中國內地工作的香港居民 Hong Kong residents working in the mainland

(1/2003-3/2003) of China (1/2003-3/2003)

第三十六號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 36

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 臨時僱員就業情況 (4/2003-6/2003) Casual employment (4/2003-6/2003)

• 自僱人士就業情況 (4/2003-6/2003) Self-employment (4/2003-6/2003)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 336 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 6:曾出版的從綜合住戶統計調查 Appendix 6 : Previously published Special Topics Reports
搜集所得的社會資料專題報告書 on social data collected via the General Household Survey

第三十七號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 37

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 僱員工作時數模式 (7/2003-9/2003) Patterns of hours of work of employees

• 從事部分時間制工作僱員的就業情況 Part-time employment (7/2003-9/2003)

第三十八號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 38

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 在中國內地工作的香港居民 Hong Kong residents working in the mainland

(2/2004-3/2004) of China (2/2004-3/2004)

第三十九號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 39

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 勞工流動情況 (4/2004-6/2004) Labour mobility (4/2004-6/2004)

第四十號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 40

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 就業人士轉工情況 (7/2004-9/2004) Job-changing of employed persons


第四十一號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 41

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 非從事經濟活動人士若遇上合適工作時 Desire of economically inactive persons for

會接受工作的意願 (10/2004-12/2004) taking up jobs if being offered suitable
employment (10/2004-12/2004)

第四十二號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 42

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 在中國內地工作的香港居民 Hong Kong residents working in the mainland

(1/2005-3/2005) of China (1/2005-3/2005)

第四十三號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 43

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 臨時僱員就業情況 (4/2005-6/2005) Casual employment (4/2005-6/2005)

• 從事部分時間制工作僱員的就業情況 Part-time employment (4/2005-6/2005)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 337 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 6:曾出版的從綜合住戶統計調查 Appendix 6 : Previously published Special Topics Reports
搜集所得的社會資料專題報告書 on social data collected via the General Household Survey

第四十四號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 44

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 就業人士轉工情況 (7/2005-9/2005) Job-changing of employed persons


第四十五號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 45

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 《僱傭條例》下的僱員福利 Benefits of employees under the Employment

(1/2006-3/2006) Ordinance (1/2006-3/2006)

第四十六號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 46

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 僱員工作時數模式 (4/2006-6/2006) Patterns of hours of work of employees


第四十七號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 47

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 勞工流動情況 (7/2006-9/2006) Labour mobility (7/2006-9/2006)

第四十八號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 48

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 殘疾人士及長期病患者 Persons with disabilities and chronic diseases

(11/2006-12/2007) (11/2006-12/2007)

第四十九號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 49

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 在中國內地工作的香港居民 Hong Kong residents working in the mainland

(7/2008-9/2008) of China (7/2008-9/2008)

第五十號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 50

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 僱員工作時數模式 (1/2008-6/2008) Patterns of hours of work of employees


從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 338 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 6:曾出版的從綜合住戶統計調查 Appendix 6 : Previously published Special Topics Reports
搜集所得的社會資料專題報告書 on social data collected via the General Household Survey

第五十一號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 51

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 非從事經濟活動人士若遇上合適工作時會 Desire of economically inactive persons for

接受工作的意願 (1/2009-3/2009) taking up jobs if being offered suitable
employment (1/2009-3/2009)

第五十二號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 52

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 臨時僱員就業情況 (4/2009-6/2009) Casual employment (4/2009-6/2009)

• 從事部分時間制工作僱員的就業情況 Part-time employment (4/2009-6/2009)

第五十三專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 53

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 在中國內地工作的香港居民 Hong Kong residents working in the mainland

(7/2009-9/2009) of China (7/2009-9/2009)

第五十四號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 54

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 勞工流動情況 (1/2010-3/2010) Labour mobility (1/2010-3/2010)

第五十五號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 55

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 受僱於短期或短工時的僱傭合約的僱員 Employees engaged under employment

(10/2009-12/2009) contracts with short duration or working
hours (10/2009-12/2009)

第五十六號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 56

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 自僱人士就業情況 (4/2010-6/2010) Self-employment (4/2010-6/2010)

第五十七號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 57

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 在中國內地工作的香港居民 Hong Kong residents working in the mainland

(7/2010-9/2010) of China (7/2010-9/2010)

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 339 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
附錄 6:曾出版的從綜合住戶統計調查 Appendix 6 : Previously published Special Topics Reports
搜集所得的社會資料專題報告書 on social data collected via the General Household Survey

第五十八號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 58

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 就業人士轉工情況 (10/2010-12/2010) Job-changing of employed persons


第五十九號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 59

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 非從事經濟活動人士若遇上合適工作時 Desire of economically inactive persons for

會接受工作的意願 (4/2011-6/2011) taking up jobs if being offered suitable
employment (4/2011-6/2011)

第六十號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 60

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 自僱人士就業情況 (10/2011-12/2011) Self-employment (10/2011-12/2011)

第 61 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 61

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 就業人士轉工情況 (1/2012-3/2012) Job-changing of employed persons


第 62 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 62

中英文對照版 Bilingual version

• 殘疾人士及長期病患者 (1/2013-12/2013) Persons with disabilities and chronic diseases


從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 340 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Means of Obtaining Publications
of the Census and Statistics Department

網站 Website

用 戶 可 以 在 政 府 統 計 處 網 站 Users may download statistical publications

(www.censtatd.gov.hk/tc/page_1273.html) from the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD)
website (www.censtatd.gov.hk/en/page_1273.html).

政府統計處刊物出版組 Publications Unit of C&SD

政府統計處備有其少數過往期號刊物的印 A few past issues of C&SD publications are

刷版,市民可親臨政府統計處刊物出版組 available in print version for purchase at the
Publications Unit of C&SD.

政府統計處刊物出版組亦設有閱讀區,陳 The Publications Unit also provides a reading area

列政府統計處各類刊物的最新期號,供讀 where users may browse through the latest issue of
various C&SD publications on display or through
the C&SD website.

刊物出版組的地址是: The address of the Publications Unit is :

香港灣仔港灣道 12 號 19/F, Wanchai Tower,
灣仔政府大樓 19 樓 12 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
電話:(852) 2582 3025 Tel. : (852) 2582 3025
圖文傳真:(852) 2827 1708 Fax : (852) 2827 1708
電郵:[email protected] E-mail : [email protected]

「按需求印製」的服務 Print-on-demand service

用戶除可於政府統計處網站下載本處刊物 While all C&SD publications can be downloaded at

外,亦可選用本處提供的「按需求印製」 the C&SD website, C&SD provides a print-on-
demand service, under which a computer print-out
copy of a particular publication will be produced at
酌收費用。用戶如需要這項服務,可透過 a charge. Users may approach C&SD through the
有關刊物首頁上的聯絡方法與政府統計處 contact information on the title page of the relevant
publications for such service.

從綜合住戶統計調查搜集所得的社會資料 - 341 - Social data collected via the General Household Survey
第 63 號專題報告書 Special Topics Report No. 63
香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

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