Why Seasonal Patterns Work
Why Seasonal Patterns Work
Why Seasonal Patterns Work
The following was written by MRCI’s Editor Jerry high and low prices were used to construct relatively
Toepke for Dr. Van K. Tharp’s new book, Trade Your crude studies. Such analysis might suggest, for instance,
Way to Financial Freedom, published by McGraw-Hill. that cattle prices in April were higher than in March
We hope it helps explain the concept behind seasonal 67% of the time and higher than in May 80% of the
research and how it is derived, some of its strengths and time. Computers, however, can now derive a daily
weaknesses, and how it can be used and/or incorporated seasonal pattern of price behavior from a composite
into various styles of trading. of daily price activity over several years. Properly
constructed, such a pattern provides historical
seasonal approach to markets is designed to
future price movement rather than
perspective on the market’s annual price cycle.