Rice Ratoon Physiology Effectiveness of Application N P K and Dolomite On Lowland Paddy
Rice Ratoon Physiology Effectiveness of Application N P K and Dolomite On Lowland Paddy
Rice Ratoon Physiology Effectiveness of Application N P K and Dolomite On Lowland Paddy
Yield of ratoon rice technology has the potential to match the production of the main crop or the yield
of the first crop. As a result of continuous chemical fertilization, the paddy soil becomes acidic. This
study aims to obtain information on the effectiveness of neutralizing soil pH and fertilizing nutrients
N, P and K in increasing the yield of ratoon rice. The design used was a randomized block design
with one factor, namely fertilization, there were 7 types of fertilization treatment for rice plants,
namely N (p1), P (p2), K (p3), N + Neutral (p1 Neutral), P + Neutral (Rice Ratoon Physiology:
Effectiveness of application N P K and Dolomite On Lowland paddyNeutral), K + Neutral (p3
Neutral) and NPK + Neutral (P4). Observations were made on the growth and production
characteristics of the main and ratoon plants as well as on ratoon roots. The results showed that the
application of nutrients to the soil with a neutral pH had a significant effect on the growth and
production of the main rice plants and ratoons. This study proves that neutralizing soil pH plays an
important role in the effectiveness of fertilizing N, P, and K nutrients that are ready to be absorbed
by ratoon rice plants.
Keyword : ratoon, fertilizer,dolomite,paddy
Jurnal Pertanian Tropik ISSN NO: 2356- 4725/p- ISSN : 2655-7576
Vol.8.No.1. 2021 (13) 92 -97 DOI: 10.32734/jpt.v8i2, August.6548
absorption by plants (Pratama et al., 2018), rice treatment plots with a height of about 20 cm
plants really need macro nutrients (N, P and K) from the soil surface. Fertilizer is given at a
for both vegetative and generative dose (kg ha-1) of 90 N, 45 P2 O5 and 60 K2 O
development, but P and K elements are (200 urea, 150 SP-36 and 100 KCl). Fertilizer
nutrients that are difficult to absorb under was applied twice, i.e. half dose of urea, all
certain conditions, including one at a non- doses of SP-36 and KCl were applied 1-2 days
neutral soil pH. before planting, and the remaining half dose of
The purpose of this study was to obtain urea was given at 40 days after planting
data on the comparison of nutrient uptake of N, (DAT).
P and K between neutral pH soil and non- How to make plant ratoon rice is
neutral pH soil for ratoon rice plants. cutting the stump as high as 20 cm from the
Researchers hypothesize that soil with a soil surface is carried out at the same time as
neutral pH condition can affect the availability harvest. The land was flooded on the 2nd day
of macro nutrients so that they are easily after harvesting the main crop with a height of
absorbed by plants. 3-5 cm. Fertilizer treatment was given on day
5 after harvesting the main crop with three
levels of tested doses. Observations on the
MATERIALS AND METHODS main plants and ratoons included growth and
production characteristics, namely: plant
The research was carried out from June height, number of productive tillers, flowering
to December 2020 in the Wiringpalennae age, number of grain per panicle, number of
village, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi filled grain per panicle, and weight of 1,000
Province, and the Hasanuddin University grains. The weight of 1,000 grains was
Laboratory. The materials used were rice seeds observed by weighing 1,000 grains of pithy
of Cigeulis variety, dolomite lime, inorganic grain with a moisture content of 13-14%. All
fertilizers (urea, SP-36 and KCl), pesticides, these variables were observed in five plant
and plastic sheet fences. The study used a clumps per plot, which were taken diagonally.
randomized complete group design which was In addition, observations were also made on
arranged with 7 treatments of macronutrient the roots of the ratoon plant, which included
fertilizers (kg h-1) p0 = control, p1 = N root length and number of roots. Rooting was
fertilizer, p2 = P fertilizer, p3 = K fertilizer, p4 carried out in the early generative period of the
= N fertilizer + Dolomite, p5 = fertilizer P + ratoon (about 15 days after harvesting the main
Dolomite, p6 = K fertilizer + Dolomite, the crop), and at the time of harvesting the ratoon,
experiment was repeated three times. total by taking two plants per plot. The weight of
experimental units is 21 experimental plots. production per plot was observed by weighing
Soil neutralization was carried out by applying the total grain content with a moisture content
dolomite lime as much as 4 tons ha-1, checking of 14% in one plot.
soil pH every 7 days until it showed a pH meter
of 6.5. Plants were planted on plots measuring RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
4 mx 5 m, jajar legowo 2 : 1. Data from all
variables observed for both the main and Optimum Soil Acidity Indices
ratoon crops were analyzed for variance with Dolomite additional doses have
the F test, if there was a treatment that had a siginificant effect and control is the result of
significant effect, it was continued with the checking the experimental plot that is not
Duncan Multiple Range Test ( DMRT) at level given dolomite.
a = 5%. Bunds were made between the
Jurnal Pertanian Tropik ISSN NO: 2356- 4725/p- ISSN : 2655-7576
Vol.8.No.1. 2021 (13) 92 -97 DOI: 10.32734/jpt.v8i2, August.6548
Week I Week II Week III Week IV
Soil pH Control
Jurnal Pertanian Tropik ISSN NO: 2356- 4725/p- ISSN : 2655-7576
Vol.8.No.1. 2021 (13) 92 -97 DOI: 10.32734/jpt.v8i2, August.6548
Note: MC = main crops, R = ratoon. Figures in the same column followed by the same letter
are not significantly different means to HSD 5% test
Liming is necessary because dolomite results of research by Basuki & Sari (2018),
contains alkaline cations which can help in Effendy et al., (2015) found that among the
increasing the pH of the soil. The increase in things that interfere with plant metabolism is
pH was 24.6% because dolomite in addition to the correlation between micronutrients such as
containing elements of Ca also contains high Fe and low soil pH. So it takes a neutral
elements of Mg. These results are in soil pH to improve nutrient uptake in plants.
accordance with the results of research
conducted by (Wahyudi et al., 2018), which Production Component
reported that the use of Dolomite had a From the observations of the
significant effect in increasing and increasing production yield components, it can be seen in
the level of soil acidity (soil pH), because Table 2. In general, the effect of giving
dolomite contains 30.17% CaO and 16.59% dolomite lime to neutralize soil pH had a
MgO. Dolomite in the soil acts as a substitute significant effect on the observations of the
for cations such as Al3+ which in the soil is amount of filled grain, the number of empty
acidic to the soil. grains, the weight of 1000 seeds and yield
Basuki et al., (2020) also suggested that conversion per hectare on the main and ratoon
the use of dolomite was effective in crops. It was proven at the three levels of
maintaining soil pH compared to kaptan. treatment with dolomite lime so as to produce
Dolomite maintains soil pH for up to 17 a neutral soil pH, which was different from the
months after application. The soil pH value at observation results from the control treatment.
17 months after dolomite application was 6.64; Neutral soil pH is able to optimize the process
while the kaptan treatment had a soil pH of of organic decomposition in the soil by
5.56. The reaction of dolomite in the soil in bacteria so that fertilization of nutrients N, P,
maintaining soil pH is 1.26 times more and K is optimal, the bacterial consortium is
effective than kaptan. In line with research able to reduce 25% of the use of inorganic N
(Sirait & Adiwirman, 2021) that fertilizers from the recommended dose (100 kg
administration of dolomite and NPK can N ha-1) based on effectiveness relative
reduce nitrogen leaching, improve plant agronomy (Widiyawati et al., 2014).
physiology and growth. On the other hand, the
Nutrient Uptake Components of N and P the uptake of N and P nutrients in the main
Table 3 showed us the general the effect of plants and ratoons. however, did not show a
neutralizing soil pH factors is significant on significant difference and tended to absorb
Jurnal Pertanian Tropik ISSN NO: 2356- 4725/p- ISSN : 2655-7576
Vol.8.No.1. 2021 (13) 92 -97 DOI: 10.32734/jpt.v8i2, August.6548
nutrients from the components of the ratoon with the highest efficiency value is P fertilizer.
plant itself. This is presumably due to increasing soil pH is important for P
differences in the growth and development of fertilization because a neutral soil pH ensures
the main and ratoon plants, ratoons tend to the availability of nutrients that are ready to be
decrease their productivity. absorbed by plants for plant growth and
Fertilizer absorption efficiency means the production processes (Muktamar & Lifia,
percentage between the fertilizer absorbed by 2020).
the plant and the fertilizer applied. Fertilization