7) 1. Write A Simple PL/SQL Block To. 1. Print The Fibonacci Series

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7) 1. Write a simple PL/SQL block to.

1. Print the fibonacci series.

SQL> declare
2 f1 number(3):=1;
3 f2 number(3):=1;
4 f3 number(4);
5 cnt number(2):=2;
6 begin
7 dbms_output.put_line(f1);
8 dbms_output.put_line(f2);
9 loop
10 f3:=f1+f2;
11 dbms_output.put_line(f3);
12 cnt:=cnt+1;
13 exit when cnt=10;
14 f1:=f2;
15 f2:=f3;
16 end loop;
17 end;
18 /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

2. Print the factorial of a given number.

SQL> declare
2 a number(4):=1;
3 b number(4);
4 c number(4);
5 begin
6 b:=&b;
7 c:=b;
8 if b=0 or b=1 then
9 dbms_output.put_line(a);
10 end if;
11 loop
12 a:=b*a;
13 b:b-1;
14 exit when b=1;
15 end loop;
16 dbms_output.put_line('The factorial'||c||'is'||a);
17 end;
18 /
Enter value for b: 1
old 6: b:=&b;
new 6: b:=1;
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
3. Print 'NOT confirmed' based on the reservation status, of a particular passenger.

4. Print the total seats available for a particular train and for a particular class
SQL> declare
2 tno seats.train_no%type;
3 cls seats.class%type;
4 sts seats.total_seats%type;
5 begin
6 tno:=&tno;
7 cls:=&cls;
8 select total_seats into sts from seats where class=cls and train_no=tno;
9 dbms_output.put_line('The number of seats is'||sts);
10 end;
11 /
Enter value for tno: '12027'
old 6: tno:=&tno;
new 6: tno:='12027';
Enter value for cls: '1A','2A','3A','SL'
old 7: cls:=&cls;
new 7: cls:='1A','2A','3A','SL';
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

2. Write a cursor for the following.

1. Retrieve the passenger details for “x” train number and given journey date.

SQL> declare
2 x ticket.train_number%type;
3 y ticket.date_of_journey%type;
4 cursor psngr_crs is select name,age from passenger_details natural join ticket where
train_number=x and date_of_journey=y;
5 begin
6 x:=&x;
7 y:=&y;
8 for psngr_rec in psngr_crs loop
9 dbms_output.put_line('The name &age of passenger_details is'||psngr_rec.name||' '||
10 end loop;
11 end;
12 /
Enter value for x: 12027
old 6: x:=&x;
new 6: x:=12027;
Enter value for y: 02-FEB-22
old 7: y:=&y;
new 7: y:=02-FEB-22;
Enter value for age: 18

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

2. Display the train name(once) and the substation names.

SQL> set serveroutput on

SQL> declare

2 cursor train is

3 select*from train inner join ticket

4 on train.train_number=ticket.train_number;

5 train_name train%rowtype;

6 begin

7 open train;

8 loop

9 fetch train into train_name;

10 exit when train%notfound;

11 dbms_output.put_line('Train name:'

12 || train_name.name || 'substation:'||train_name.from_station);

13 dbms_output.put_line(train_name.to_station);

14 dbms_output.put_line(train_name.source||','||train_name.destination);

15 end loop;
16 close train;

17 end;

18 /


Train name:Chennai Expresssubstation:Chennai

Salem Junction

Eranakulam Junction,Chennai Central

Train name:Andhra Pradesh Expresssubstation:Hyderabad Decan


Hyberabad Decan,New Delhi

Train name:Coimbatoresubstation:Nagercoil Junction


Nagarcoil Junction,Coimbatore Junction

Train name:Shatabdi Expresssubstation:katpadi Junction

Bngalore Cant

Chennai Central,Bangalore Cy junction

Train name:Mumbai Expresssubstation:Tirunelveli

Madurai Junction

Nagercoil Junction,Mumbai cst

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

3. Display the fare details of a particular train(use basic exceptions)

4.Write a cursor to update the reservation status of the passengers(generate seat number, if
seats have reached maximum, put waiting list number(30% of total seats), if waiting list
number reaches maximum, put PQWL(10%of total seats), RAC-20%)

1. Write a PL/SQL procedure to.
1. List the details of passengers who has reserved next to “Mr. X”.

2. PNR No. of a passengers for a given source and a destination.

2. Write a PL/SQL function to.

1. Get the PNRNo and return the total ticket fare.

2. Get the Passenger name, train no and return the total journey time in hours and
Write a Trigger for the following:
1) When a passenger cancels a ticket, do the necessary process and update the cancellation
history table.
create or replace trigger tr_cnl_aft_del_dup after delete on ticket
for each row
cursor psngr_crs is select * from ticket;
psngr_rec psngr_crs%rowtype;
psngr_pnr passenger.pnr_no%type;
open psngr_crs;
fetch psngr_crs into psnge_rec;
exit when psngr_crs%notfound;
if psngr_rec.pnr_no=:old.pnr_no then
insert into ticket_psngr values
end if;
end loop;
close psngr_crs;
delete from psngr_dup where pnr_no=psngr_pnr;
Trigger created.

2) When train number is changed, update it in referencing tables.

SQL> create or replace trigger trg_aft_upd_trn
2 after update of train_number on train
3 for each row
4 begin
5 update ticket set train_number=:new.train_number where train_number=:old.train_number;
6 update train_ticket_fare set train_no =:new.train_number where train_no=:old.train_number;
7 update train_route set train_no=:new.train_number where train_no=:old.train_number;
8 end;
9 /

Trigger created.

3) When a passenger record is inserted reservation status should be automatically updated

create table fare_audit(
train_no char(5) not null,
last_update date,
new_fare number(10,2),
old_fare number(10,2),
primary key(train_no,last_update)
foreign key (train_no) references train);
Table created.

create or replace trigger trg_trntktfr_aft_update

after update of base_fare on train_ticket_fare
for each row
insert into fare_audit values(:old.train_no,sysdate,:new.base_fare,:old.base_fare);

Trigger created.

create or replace trigger train_log

after insert or update or delete on train
typeof varchar(20);
if inserting then typeof:='Insertion';
elseif deleting then typeof:='Deletion';
elseif updatin typeof:='Update;
insert into alog values(user,typeof,sysdate);
Trigger created

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