R22 - D-STATCOM For Power Quality Improvement
R22 - D-STATCOM For Power Quality Improvement
R22 - D-STATCOM For Power Quality Improvement
Abstract: Power quality has become an important issue since many loads at distribution ends have become intolerant to various power
quality issues. The power quality issues such as voltage sag, voltage swell and harmonics which are certainly major concerning issues
in the present era. These issues can lead to failure of the many sensitive loads connected to the distribution system. To solve this
problem advanced custom power devices are used. One of such device is the Distribution Static Synchronous Compensation (D-
STATCOM). DSTATCOM provides to maintain the desired power factor, voltage and also suppress the harmonic content in
distribution network. The event of power quality is detected by trained artificial neural network then the appropriate event will be
mitigated using neural network aided D-STATCOM. The results show clearly the performance of the Artificial Neural Network based
D-STATCOM in mitigating the voltage sag, harmonics, reactive power compensation and power factor improvement.
4.2 Simulation
5. Conclusion
Considering the neural network controlled DSTATCOM, it is
observed that the power quality of the interconnected power
system is improved. The results can be tested for both linear
Figure 12: Source current and nonlinear loads in MATLAB/SIMULINK. The
performance of ANN controlled DSTATCOM is more
effective rather than other conventional controllers. By
adding neural network control to DSTATCOM it reduces the
harmonic content, improve the power factor and also reduce
the voltage sag and maintain the quality of power supply.
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Figure 14 shows the performance of ANN Aided Technology (IJERT), Vol. 2 Issue 8, ISSN: 2278-0181.
DSTATCOM with a load having 0.9 p.f lagging. It is [7] Shaik Khaja Gareeb Nawaz, Shaik Hameed “Mitigation
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DSTATCOM is connected. Therefore, designed (2013), International Journal of Recent Advances in
DSTATCOM is able to improve P.F of supply to unity. The Engineering & Technology (IJRAET), ISSN: 2347-
power factor level is improved in load side or utility side by 2812, Vol.1, Iss.3.
using the DSTATCOM. The directly source signal is
supplying through the load to affect the sensitive loads and Author Profile
linear loads. These above problems are overcome by using
DSTATCOM to improve the power factor in load side level. Saravanan A received the Diploma Certificate in
Similarly, it is also reducing the Total Harmonic Distortion Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Board of
(THD) [7]. Technical Education Tamil Nadu in 2007, B.E. degree
in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and M.E.
degree in Power Electronics and Drives from Anna
University Chennai in 2012 and 2015, respectively. During 2008-
Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: IJSER151233 41 of 42
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER)
ISSN (Online): 2347-3878
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 62.86 | Impact Factor (2015): 3.791
2009, he stayed in Technical Assistant Trainee, VSSC, ISRO to
study Integration and Testing of Satellite Launch Vehicle. He now
worked as an Assistant Professor in Electrical and Electronics
Engineering department, PSN College of Engg. & Tech.,
Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu.