Values Discussion Cards: © 2020 Therapist Aid LLC

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Values Discussion Cards

Name a person (real or fictional) you Describe what you would do on an ideal
respect or admire. What traits of theirs do day. How does this compare with a typical
you appreciate? day?

What do you think this person values? Which typical daily activities reflect your
values? Which don’t?

Describe one of your close friends. What Imagine it’s your birthday 15 years from
makes you close? now. Your friends and family give speeches
about your life. What do you think they say?

What values do you share with your friend? Which of your values are recognized in their

What is your dream job, and why? Imagine you come into a large fortune that
allows you to never work again, and buy
anything you want. What would you do?

What does this say about your values? What do your actions say about your

When you were younger, what were your What are your three most prized
wishes for the future? possessions?

How have your values changed as you’ve Why do you value these items?
gotten older?

© 2020 Therapist Aid LLC Provided by

Values Discussion Cards

What three things do you find yourself A genie in a bottle appears and grants you
thinking of most often? three wishes. What do you wish for?

Do these thoughts reflect your values? What do your wishes say about your
Elaborate. values?

What is something that makes your family What are your goals in different areas of life
unique? (professional, family, and personal)?

What values have you learned from your Do you think most people would be
family? supportive of these goals? Elaborate.

What would someone who knows you well If you could send a message to everyone
say is important to you? on Earth, what would it be?

What might people not know is important to How does this message reflect your
you? values?

What does “success” mean to you? How If you spoke to a stranger for five minutes
does society define “success”? at the grocery store, how would they
describe you?

What does this say about your values What would this person say you value?
compared to society’s? Would they be right?

© 2020 Therapist Aid LLC Provided by

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