Hitman 2 Silent Assassin Prima Official Eguide

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following rating from the ESRB

Prima's Official Strategy Guide
Michael Knight
Prima Games
A Division of Random House, Inc.
3000 Lava Ridge Court
Roseville, CA 95661
www.primagames.com Contents
The Prima Games logo is a registered trademark of Random Assassination 101 ........................................................................................2
House, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Polishing Your Skills ............................................................................2
Primagames.com is a registered trademark of Random House, Move Like a Professional ..............................................................2
Inc., registered in the United States. Up Close and Personal ..................................................................3
Death from Afar ............................................................................4
© 2002 by Prima Games. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be The Quick Draw ..............................................................................4
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or Disguises ..........................................................................................5
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information Completing an Assignment ..............................................................5
storage or retrieval system without written permission from Prima Games. Recon ................................................................................................6
Prima Games is a division of Random House, Inc. Infiltration ........................................................................................6
The Hit ..............................................................................................6
Associate Product Manager: Jill Hinckley The Escape ......................................................................................6
Project Editor: Michelle Trujillo Tools of the Trade........................................................................................7
Editorial Assistant: Matt Sumpter Close-Combat Weapons ......................................................................7
Layout & Design: Bryan Neff, Damon Carlson, Jody Seltzer Sniper Rifles ..........................................................................................7
©2002 Eidos Interactive Inc. Hitman 2: Silent Assassin is a trademark of Assault Rifles ........................................................................................8
Eidos Interactive, Inc. Eidos, Eidos Interactive, and the Eidos Interactive Pistols ......................................................................................................9
logo are registered trademarks of Eidos Interactive, Inc. All rights Shotguns ..............................................................................................10
reserved. IO Interactive and the IO Interactive logo are trademarks of IO Equipment ............................................................................................10
Interactive. The ratings icon is trademark of the in the Interactive Digital Miscellaneous Items ..........................................................................11
Software Association. All other trademarks are the property of their Sicily ......................................................................................................................12
respective owners. The Gontranno Sanctuary................................................................12
All products and characters mentioned in this book are trademarks of their Anathema ............................................................................................15
respective companies. St. Petersburg ..............................................................................................19
Please be advised that the ESRB rating icons, "EC", "K-A", “E”, "T", St. Petersburg Stakeout ..................................................................19
"M", "AO" and “RP” are copyrighted works and certification marks Kirov Park Meeting ..........................................................................23
owned by the Interactive Digital Software Association and the Tubeway Torpedo ..............................................................................27
Entertainment Software Rating Board and may only be used with their Invitation to a Party ........................................................................32
permission and authority. Under no circumstances may the rating icons be Japan ..................................................................................................................38
self-applied or used in connection with any product that has not been rated Tracking Hayamoto ..........................................................................38
by the ESRB. For information regarding whether a product has been rated Hidden Valley ......................................................................................41
by the ESRB, please call the ESRB at 1-800-771-3772 or visit At the Gates ......................................................................................45
www.esrb.org. For information regarding licensing issues, please call the
Shogun Showdown ............................................................................48
IDSA at (212) 223-8936. Please note that ESRB ratings only apply to the
content of the game itself and does NOT apply to the content of this book. Malaysia ............................................................................................................53
Basement Killing................................................................................53
Important: The Graveyard Shift ........................................................................57
Prima Games has made every effort to determine that the information The Jacuzzi Job ................................................................................59
contained in this book is accurate. However, the publisher makes no
Nuristan ............................................................................................................63
warranty, either expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, effectiveness, or
completeness of the material in this book; nor does the publisher assume Murder at the Bazaar ......................................................................63
liability for damages, either incidental or consequential, that may result The Motorcade Interception ..........................................................67
from using the information in this book. The publisher cannot provide Tunnel Rat ............................................................................................70
information regarding game play, hints and strategies, or problems with India ......................................................................................................................74
hardware or software. Questions should be directed to the support numbers Temple City Ambush ........................................................................74
provided by the game and device manufacturers in their documentation. The Death of Hannelore ..................................................................78
Some game tricks require precise timing and may require repeated Terminal Hospitality ........................................................................83
attempts before the desired result is achieved. Back to St. Petersburg ........................................................................89
ISBN: 0-7615-3776-7 St. Petersburg Revisited ................................................................89
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2002101883 Showdown in Sicily ..................................................................................93
Redemption at Gontranno Sanctuary ........................................93

Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Assassination 101
So you want to be a hitman. Before you take your first contract, there are things any budding assassin needs to know. First off, a hitman is
not a one-man army. Your job is not to kill everyone in sight, not even every enemy you see. You are being paid to assassinate a specific
target only. Additional casualties, especially unnecessary deaths that could have been avoided, require a bigger cleanup by your
contracting agency. They also decrease your rating as a hitman. Always try to limit your killing to the target and possibly some guards
blocking your access to the target.
This chapter provides all you need to know to become a successful assassin. The first part covers the vital skills you need to operate
successfully and stay alive in the process. The latter part of the chapter goes over the various parts of a mission and what you need to do
during each step. Enough chatter. Let's get down to business—the business of death.

Polishing Your Skills If you're in disguise, it's best to walk. While it's a
great danger for someone to get a long, close
Whether you are an experienced hitman or just getting into the look at you in disguise, it's worse if they become
trade, it is important to make sure you have the skills to do the job. suspicious to see you running past and start shooting!
Let's take a look at each skill and see how they apply to an
assignment. Crouch

Move Like a Professional

The crouch allows you to
Before we get to the killing, you need to know how to move. You
hide behind obstacles
may have learned to walk as a toddler, but you now need to learn
such as crates or low walls.
to move like a professional. Let's go over the types of movement
You can still move while
and when to use them.
crouched down, but not
Walking very fast.

Walking is the most

common way to move
about the mission area.
While you don't get Sneak can also be
anywhere too fast, you considered stealth mode.
also don't attract a lot of Press the sneak button and
attention. walk to move about. Your
character takes slow,
deliberate steps. The
advantage of sneaking is
Running that it makes no noise
whatsoever, so you
Most of the time, you
can use it to come up
should run during a
behind someone or sneak
mission—as long as no one
past them.
is around to see you. A
good place is in the sewers. Strafing
Running gets you where Strafing is a sideways
you need to go fast. The movement, either left or
drawback to running is that right, which can be
it is louder than walking combined with the previous
and raises suspicion. If you forms of movement.
don't want people to turn Strafing allows you to move
and look toward you, don't run. to one side or the other
while still facing the same
direction. It is useful during
a firefight—it allows you to
move while still shooting at
your target.
Assassination 101
If you get into a shooting match, remember to
strafe—even if you are running. Strafing back
and forth makes you a harder target to hit.
Strafe around corners rather then turning so your weapon Press the fire button and
is ready and aimed. hold it down to get the
fiber wire ready, then
Lean release it when you are
in position right behind
the target.
If you want to quickly see
around a corner without
exposing your entire body, Tip
try leaning. Hold down the
If you are trying to get a high rating for a
left or right lean button mission, choose the fiber wire over a silenced
and take a peek. pistol for making a hit. Since it is more difficult to
use the fiber wire, you will earn a higher rating.

Tip Anesthetic works just like
While leaning can be helpful, you usually don't the fiber wire, except that
need it to see around corners. Instead, while in it knocks out targets
third-person view, rotate around while hiding
instead of killing them.
behind a corner and you'll be able to see what's on the
When you attack using
other side.
anesthetic, press the
button when you want to
attack and then keep
holding it down until your
If you double-tap the lean character releases automat-
button, your character will ically. The more
do a far-reaching lean anesthetic you use, the longer the target remains knocked out. By
that's great for popping out waiting for the automatic release, you ensure that enemy is out for
from behind a corner and the mission.
shooting. Blades and Other Weapons
Knives can be used to
attack a target from all
aspects instead of only
Tip from behind. When you
If you're not sure what's on the other side of a use a knife, the target has a
door, look through the keyhole before opening it. chance to fight back. Keep
There is nothing worse than picking a lock and up close so guns can't be
then walking into a room full of enemies who are all ready pulled on you and keep
to kill you. stabbing until the enemy
drops. Sneak up behind a
target and slit their throat
Up Close and Personal for a silent kill.
Much of your trade relies on getting right next to a target or
opposition and taking it down. Some methods are completely
silent while others generate some sound. There are other types of
Fiber Wire close-combat weapons,
including the katana
Knowing how to use the sword, a scalpel, and even
fiber wire is part of being a fire axe. All require you
an assassin. It is completely to be in close and take
silent; the target dies multiple hits for a kill.
without being able to shoot
at you or sound an alert.
The key is the approach.
You must sneak up on your
target from behind. 3

Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Death from Afar

Another of an assassin's necessary skills is sniping. A sniper rifle
can eliminate a target at long range. Because of this, you may not Pistols do not pack the
have to infiltrate a heavily defended area and should have an punch of a rifle or SMG.
easier time escaping. To bring up the sniper scope, press the fire Thus it's important to shoot
button. Press the button again to fire the weapon. The scope can for the head so you can kill
be zoomed in and out. with a single shot.

When looking through the

sniper scope, your field of
vision is severely limited;
therefore, keep it at low
If you are in a fight and
magnification to find the
don't have time to aim for
target—then zoom in.
the head, aim for the body
and fire two or three times
to drop the enemy.
Notice that the crosshairs
of the scope move up and
down, especially right after
you switch to scope view.
The motion dies down a Firepower
bit the longer you stand You rarely if ever begin a mission with an SMG, rifle, or shotgun.
still. To further decrease They cannot be concealed, and usually at the beginning of a
the motion, crouch down. mission you want to blend in and avoid suspicion.
Center the crosshairs at
their highest point in Tip
motion over the target's If you can, take a silenced pistol with you on a
head. If you fire a bit early or late, you will still hit the target's mission. They are handy for taking out a nosy
body even if you miss the headshot. guard who is in your way—especially if he is
facing you, preventing use of the fiber wire. Use the quick
Tip draw from the holster and shoot for the head before the
If you find a good spot for sniping, no one will enemy can shoot back or cry for help.
see you fire the rifle. After taking the shot, ditch
the rifle and make your escape. You will even be
able to run past guards if you are disguised because they
Rifles and SMGs can put
don't know who fired the shot.
out a lot of lead with their
automatic fire. They are
The Quick Draw also more accurate than
In most missions, you must move about without raising pistols at medium range.
suspicion. Learn to rely on your pistols to get you out of a mess Aim for the body and fire a
or even for a hit. burst to drop an enemy to
To conceal a weapon on the ground for good.
your person, press the
holster button. Pressing the
button again pulls out the
last weapon holstered.
Therefore, if you need to Shotguns are also useful,
quickly pull out a specific but only at close range.
weapon, bring it out in Because they fire in a
advance, then holster it. widespread pattern with
It will be ready for a lots of buckshot, you can
quick draw. just aim at a target's body
and fire once for a kill.

Assassination 101


Heavier weapons like rifles, SMGs, and shotguns
are best used while making your escape. If you This helpful meter is located in the upper left corner of the
have to use them to get to your target, your hit screen, below the health meter. It's all white when no one is
will be much harder if not impossible. paying attention to you. However, as you pass people, especially
guards and soldiers, the threat meter begins to turn black. This
Disguises means they are taking a look at you. If the meter turns red, then
they are getting suspicious. The shooting starts when your meter
If you have to shoot your way through a mission, you have already is completely red.
lost—even if you can take out the target and escape. In most cases, The threat meter is a good indication of how well your
you are outnumbered and outgunned. You want to avoid a gun disguise is working. There are a few things you can do to keep
battle, so use disguises to get you where you want to go. the threat level low. First off, avoid attracting attention to
yourself. When you run around, everyone that can hear you will
look. Running past a guard or soldier will often get them
To get disguises, you suspicious enough to fire. Therefore, when moving around
usually have to kill or enemies—walk. While you may be a master of disguise, soldiers
knock out people and take and guards can often see through your disguise if you get close
their clothing. Be sure to enough for a period of time. To help maintain your disguise
hide the body. If someone without exposure, walk past enemies and keep as far a way as
sees a body missing its possible. You may have to wait until a patrolling enemy moves
clothing, your disguise is away, hug a wall, or walk out in the middle of the road just so you
blown. can keep as far away as possible from enemies. Also, carrying a
weapon can also increase suspicion—even among civilians who
may then report you to an enemy.

Sometimes during a Completing an

mission you find a set of
clothes lying around. This
is nice since you don't No matter what your assignment is, there are five steps you must
have to hurt anyone or follow each and every time to complete your objectives
hide a body. successfully.

Almost all missions begin
with a briefing. Here,
Diana at the Agency gives
Even while in disguise, you your assignment and
don't get too close to lists the objectives you
guards or enemies. If you must complete to finish
stop right next to them, the mission successfully.
they might be able to see Be sure to read what
through your disguise and Diana says carefully. It
will start shooting. may contain clues about
how you should make the hit. Also be sure you know exactly
what your objectives are.
Carefully study the maps.
Note See where you start, where
You can pick up a disguise off of almost every the target is located, and
male character in the game. However, there are possible routes both to and
a few that you cannot use—usually those from the target as well as
belonging to the target of the hit. where you must go to exit
the mission. This premission
planning will help you react
quickly and reduce the
chance of you getting lost
during the mission.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Recon The Hit

Rarely will you be able
to start a mission and There are a number of
complete it perfectly ways to make a hit. In fact,
the first time through. in some missions you can
Therefore, when you be quite creative. In
first begin a new mission, addition to sniping, using
use the time for recon- fiber wire, or just shooting
naissance. Walk around with a silenced pistol, you
the mission area looking can also set car bombs.
at people and places.
Notice where the guards
patrol and look for things like lengthy stops or blind spots
where you can hide.

Binoculars are great for Putting poison in a target's

scouting out a situation food or drink is also a good
from a safe distance. Watch way to make a hit.
for guards, patrols, and
pesky civilians.

The Escape
It's a good idea to go through a mission at least
once or twice with the sole purpose of scouting
After a hit, all of the
around. Once you have observed where
guards will be very
characters are going, and where you can't go, then restart
suspicious and on the
the mission and go for the hit.
lookout for you. Even if
you are in disguise, you
Infiltration need to bug out—and fast.

If a client hires you, it is

because the target is
difficult to kill. This is
often because he or she is
well guarded. You often Each mission has an exit
have to infiltrate a target's point you must reach to
location, sneaking past complete the mission. Be
guards or using disguises. sure you know where it is
and how to get there before
making the hit.

You can also hop aboard a

truck and use it to infiltrate Tip
a base or area—driving Planning your escape is just as important as
right past the guards. The planning the infiltration and the hit. A dead
whole purpose of the infil- hitman does not get rich.
tration is to put you in
position to make the hit.

Tools of the Trade
As a hitman, you deal in death. Like any professional, you equip yourself with special tools to help you complete your assignments. Here's
a look at the various weapons and equipment you can take with you on missions.

Note SVD Sniper

You begin the game with only a few weapons.
However, during assignments, you can take Caliber: 7.62mm
other weapons off of bodies or find them hidden
Clip capacity: 10
about the area. Once you complete an
assignment, any new weapons in your possession are Length: 125.5 cm
brought back with you to the tool shed, allowing you to Weight: 4.31 kg
select them for future assignments. While you complete
your objectives, look for new stuff to add to your arsenal. This rather dated sniper's rifle is widely available in the old
Communist bloc countries. It's based on the very popular assault
rifle but has simpler, more delicate and precise inner workings. It
fires the old 7.62 x54R cartridge and has an effective range of
Close-Combat approximately 1,300 meters with an appropriate scope fitted. This
is the game's standard sniper rifle. It is a bit more difficult to
Weapons target, but if you can use this, the other sniper rifles are easy.
A good hitman can get in close to targets and eliminate them
silently. While anyone can fire a gun, it takes a trained assassin to R93 Sniper
use these close-combat weapons effectively. Caliber: .308 Winchester
Clip capacity: 6
Fiber Wire Length: 119 cm
The fiber wire efficiently strangles enemies. The only
Weight: 4.8 kg
requirement for using wire is that you must sneak
up on the unsuspecting target from behind. This
weapon offers several advantages—it is silent, it The R93 is a military version of a series of hunting rifles. It's
leaves behind no blood, and the target, once in relatively new and sports an unorthodox design. This rifle can be
your grasp, can't make any noise or fight back. found in the garage during the "Anathema" assignment.
Furthermore, you can conceal this weapon easily
and carry it through security checks and metal detectors. Using the
fiber wire to eliminate a target increases your mission rating.
W2000 Rifle
Caliber: .300 WinMag
Combat Knife Clip capacity: 1
The Combat Knife has a Length: 90.5 cm
stainless steel blade with a
Weight: 8.31 kg
serrated edge. It's standard equipment with
many Special Forces groups throughout the world. While the
At the time of its birth, this rifle was the only one wholly
fiber wire only works on a target from behind, knives can be used
constructed from scratch as a sniper's rifle. No parts in this rifle
to attack an enemy from any aspect. Remember, it usually takes
have been borrowed from other weapons. It's extremely accurate
several stabs to kill someone. Sneak up behind your mark and slit
and carries an appropriately heavy price tag.
their throat.

Kitchen Knife Custom Rifle

Sometimes you have to Caliber: .300 WinMag
improvise. Found in Clip capacity: 10
most kitchens, this knife provides a bladed weapon as needed. Length: 90.9 cm
Weight: 8.6 kg

This is the best sniper rifle in the game. However, it only shows up
Sniper Rifles in the final mission, and then you have to take it off of a dead
enemy sniper. The Custom Rifle contains a laser range finder,
Sniper rifles let you eliminate targets from long range. Each comes allowing for precision shots at any range.
equipped with a powerful scope that allows you to zoom in on the
target and aim with care. Sniper rifles cannot be concealed on
your person, so you have to carry them out in the open for
everyone to see.

Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

MI95 M4
Caliber: .50 Caliber: 5.56mm
Clip capacity: 6 Clip capacity: 30
Length: 114.3 cm Length: 84 cm
Weight: 10 kg Weight: 2.54 kg

The MI95 is the most powerful sniper rifle in the world. Firing a The latest incarnation of another standard assault rifle, the M4 is
.50-caliber round, this rifle can hit targets over a kilometer away a smaller and more versatile weapon than its predecessors. It
with enough force to penetrate an engine block and lightly features a standardized system for attaching aiming aids, grenade
armored vehicles. launchers, and bipods. Mostly carried by well-equipped outfits,
like the Special Forces.
Hunting Crossbow
Caliber: Crossbow bolts
Clip capacity: 1 Caliber: 7.62mm
Length: 124.8 cm Clip capacity: 100
Weight: 2.9 kg Length: 110 cm
Weight: 10.5 kg
While not really a sniper rifle, the crossbow functions much the
same way. It's equipped with a scope, so you can target enemies at This light machine gun usually serves as a squad support weapon
long range. Its silence makes the crossbow especially nice. You can or as mobile firepower in defensive positions. It fires the standard
fire it and no one will hear you. However, you need to hit the 7.62mm cartridge and has an easily replaceable barrel, should it
target in the head to kill with a single bolt. Also, you must reload overheat.
after every shot, which takes some time. If you don't hit the enemy
in the head the first time you'll be attacked while you're reloading.
Submachine Guns
Submachine guns are a cross between a pistol and an assault rifle.
Assault Rifles They have the automatic fire of a rifle but are smaller and easier to
Assault rifles are the standard weapons of militaries around the
world. With large magazines and full automatic firing capability, SMG
assault rifles can cause a lot of havoc in a short amount of time.
Since they can't be concealed, you rarely will take an assault rifle Caliber: 9mm parabellum
with you on a mission. However, they can be picked up from some Clip capacity: 30
guards and are great if you have to make an escape while under fire. Length: 68 cm
Weight: 2.55 kg
This is the submachine gun. Used by virtually every special anti-
Caliber: 5.45mm
terror organization all over the globe, this SMG is delicate,
Clip capacity: 30 precise, and compact. With its high rate of fire and very little
Length: 67.5 cm recoil, this weapon is excellent for indoor and urban operations.
Weight: 3.1 kg

A special version of the successor to the most popular assault rifle

in modern times, the AK is built on a very well-documented and
well-tested foundation. This rifle is usually issued to paratroopers
and Special Forces.

Tools of the Trade

SMG-SD6 Baller SD
Caliber: 9mm Caliber: .45 ACP
Clip capacity: 30 Clip capacity: 7
Length: 75.5 cm Length: 41.6 cm
Weight: 3.05 kg Weight: 1.257 kg

The ordinary SMG's sister, the SD6, includes an integrated What could be better than a couple of Ballers? How about a
silencer. A popular choice for clandestine operations, the SD6 is a couple of silenced Ballers? These pistols combine knockdown
stealth version of the regular SMG, but it has a reduced muzzle power with stealth.
velocity, due to the air brake in the silencer. This SMG has an
awesome combination of firepower and stealth. 9mm Pistol
Caliber: 9mm pistol
Uzi Clip capacity: 15
Caliber: 9mm parabellum Length: 21.7 cm
Clip capacity: 30 Weight: 0.95 kg
Length: 47 cm
Weight: 3.7 kg
This Italian pistol is widely known and used all over the world by
military and law enforcement alike. It shoots the versatile 9mm
Standard equipment in the Israeli army, this submachine gun has round, allowing for a good balance between stopping power, clip
the sturdy feel and versatility of an assault rifle. It's very reliable in capacity, and recoil.
difficult and demanding environments, making it a very effective
weapon. The Uzi and the SMG can be can be concealed on your 9mm Pistol SD
person, allowing you to covertly carry around a lot of firepower. Caliber: 9mm subsonic pistol
Clip capacity: 15
Length: 41.7 cm
Pistols Weight: 1.26 kg

While rifles and submachine guns have a lot of firepower, in the The silenced version of the 9mm is a great assassin's tool. You
hands of a professional a good pistol is just as effective. Pistols are need only one round for headshots, or two or three when shooting
easy to conceal, and because you want to minimize casualties at an enemy's body. However, if you are being stealthy, you can
during most assignments, you shouldn't need more firepower than easily sneak up behind a target and go for the headshot. This pistol
a pistol offers. can also be drawn quickly, so keep it set as your holstered weapon.
Then if a guard gets too suspicious and is about to sound an alarm,
Baller quickly pull the pistol out and drop him before he interferes with
your assignment.
Caliber: .45 ACP
Clip capacity: 7 Revolver
Length: 21.6 cm Caliber: .357 magnum
Weight: 1.076 kg Clip capacity: 6
Length: 20 cm
One of the Hitman's trademark tools. Reliable and packing quite a
Weight: 1.06 kg
punch, this pistol quickly became a recurring companion on the
job. The Baller is a deluxe version of a service pistol and shoots
the hard-hitting .45 ACP round. You can carry and use two of This snub-nosed revolver is small but packs a punch.
these pistols, allowing for double the firepower with every shot.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Deagle Double-Barreled Shotgun

Caliber: .50 magnum Caliber: 12 gauge
Clip capacity: 8 Clip capacity: 2
Length: 15.9 cm Length: 115.7 cm
Weight: 1.897 kg Weight: 3.2 kg

A bulky, yet fast and accurate handgun, the Deagle is a very This is the standard shotgun. While it is powerful at close range, it
powerful weapon. It has the most knockdown power of any of the can only hold two shells at a time. Don't get into extended
pistols in the game; one or two shots is all it takes to eliminate an firefights with this weapon or you will be killed while reloading.
Sawn-Off Shotgun
.54 Pistol Caliber: 12 gauge
Caliber: 5.45mm Clip capacity: 2
Clip capacity: 10 Length: 65.4 cm
Length: 16 cm Weight: 2.8 kg
Weight: 0.46 kg
The sawn-off shotgun is great for close-quarters work. Because of
This is the standard service pistol of most Communist bloc nations its small size, it can be concealed on your person, then brought
and can be taken off the bodies of Russian soldiers. out when needed. However, since it can only hold two shells at a
time, don't depend on it for big firefights.
.22 SD
Caliber: .22 pistol
Clip capacity: 12 Equipment
Length: 42.2 cm
Weight: 1.12 kg In addition to weapons, as a hitman you'll find a variety of
equipment useful in completing your assignment.
An old Mafia favorite, this little pistol is virtually noise-free. It uses
the rather small yet still deadly .22 cartridge. This, combined with Binoculars
the built-in suppressor, means that getting close to your victim is The useful binoculars allow you to observe
imperative. This weapon can only be found in the museum in the the enemy at a distance. Use them when
"Shogun Showdown" mission. scouting out an area for a hit. You can
watch the patrol routes of guards and also
see where the target is.

Caliber: 12 gauge
Clip capacity: 8
Length: 93 cm
Weight: 4.2 kg

The SP12 is an automatic combat shotgun. You can also think of

it as a room broom. Extremely effective at close range, the
accuracy and stopping power decrease as range increases. With an
eight-round magazine, you can do a lot of damage before you have
to reload.

Tools of the Trade

Lockpick Golf Club

During the course of an Found in the don's bedroom in the "Anathema"
assignment, you come across locked mission, the golf club can be deadly. Use it to take
doors. The lockpick quietly allows out guards or even the don himself.
you to pick most locks. Be careful no one sees you. Guards and
civilians get suspicious when they see someone picking a lock.
Katana Sword
This consists of a bottle of chloroform and a rag. It
renders a target unconscious when placed over the
mouth and nose. Use the anesthetic as an alter- Ninjas in the Japan missions carry katana swords, effective for
native to the fiber wire when you need to silence close combat.
an enemy without lethal force. The more you
use, the longer the target stays out. Therefore, Surgeon's Scalpel
hold down the button to use the maximum until The surgeon's scalpel allows you
the victim drops. He or she should be out for the to perform an operation—unsuc-
rest of the mission. cessfully of course—in the "Terminal
Hospitality" mission. It can also be used like a knife for stabbing.
Remote Control Bomb
The remote control bomb consists of two
parts—the bomb and the remote control
detonator. To use, drop the bomb where
you want it. Move away and pull out
the remote control. Press the fire button
to detonate the bomb. In some missions,
bombs can be placed on vehicles and
remotely detonated or set to detonate
when the vehicle's engine is started.

Night-Vision Goggles
These goggles allow you to see in the dark.
They severely limit your peripheral vision,
making it seem like you're looking through
a scope.

Miscellaneous Items
These are things you can pick up and use during a mission.

Fire Axe
Located in the fire department in
the "Basement Killing" mission,
the fire axe can kill enemies in a
swing or two.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide


Completing the Assignment

The Gontranno As mentioned earlier, this mission is the tutorial. Don't
Sanctuary worry about people shooting at you, and the worst that
happens is you fall off of something and take a little damage.
After killing his creator and destroying the 48 series If you have not played Hitman: Codename 47, take the time to
clones and the cloning laboratory, the Hitman turns learn how to control the Hitman and operate the game's
away from his profession, trying to find solace at the interface. Veterans should go through the exercises in this
Gontranno Sanctuary on the island of Sicily. He puts his mission to refresh their skills and take note of changes in
skilled hands to work in the garden, helping to nurture Hitman 2: Silent Assassin.
life rather than end it.

Mission Objectives You start off in the

garden shed where the
Attend confessional Hitman has been
Go through training exercises residing while working
at the sanctuary. Your
Mission Information first task is to get out
This is the first mission of the campaign. It serves as a of the shed.
tutorial for controlling the Hitman, using some basic
weapons and equipment, and sets the stage for the rest of
the game.

Weapons and Equipment

Lockpick Walk over to the door
using the movement
Maps keys. Open the door.

Walk out; a cutscene

begins in which you talk
to a priest—Father
Vittorio. He invites you
Monastery gardens Church to meet him at the
confessional for

After he walks toward

the chapel, take some
time to learn how to
control the Hitman. The
Dungeon ruins across from the
garden shed let you try
different actions.


Walk up to the door. In

addition to opening
doors, you can peek Head down the hall and
through the lock. Open upstairs to the chapel.
the door and walk

The confessional is at
the chapel's rear. Enter
Crouch and crawl it and another cutscene
forward through begins. When it's
the hole. completed, exit the

Walk up to the ladder— Another cutscene shows

the Hitman starts Father Vittorio being
climbing. abducted.

Follow the planks at the

top around to the stairs
and then back down to The kidnappers leave a
the ground. This first box behind in the
basic exercise is courtyard.
complete. It's time to
get to the confessional.

Open the door next to Head out of the confes-

the garden shed leading sional, turn left, and
into the sanctuary. pass through the door.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Follow the directions to

bring out your signature
Continue through Ballers and practice
another door to the shooting at the bucket
double door exit into hanging from the well.
the courtyard. Go to the tool shed for
more ammo.

Head over to the tool

shed to practice picking
Once outside, walk over locks. Bring out the
to the box to begin lockpick and unlock
another cutscene. the door. Enter the
tool shed.

You discover that the This is where you store

local Mafia don has all of your weapons and
kidnapped Vittorio and equipment. The walls are
wants $500,000 as a bare for now—however,
ransom. Since you gave as you collect weapons
all of your money to the during future missions,
church, you have to find they appear on the walls
another way to secure in the appropriate places.
the priest's release. It For now, grab more ammo
looks like you're back in and the fiber wire on the
business. wall and exit.

Head over to the

scarecrow to practice
killing silently.
Approach the scarecrow
Exit the courtyard and
from behind. Bring out
head downstairs to the your fiber wire and pull
garden shed. it taut. As you come up to
the scarecrow, release
the wire to strangle the

Once you enter, you dig

up your past. During the
cutscene, the Hitman Put the fiber wire away
contacts the Agency. and walk toward the
Diana offers you infor-
mation on the Mafia don ruins. Along the way, try
in return for you sneaking and crouching.
returning to work. She Sneaking lets you move
wants to make sure you without making a sound.
still have the skills
that made you the best
assassin in the world.


Mission Information
Father Vittorio is being held in the basement. To open his
Crouching helps cell, you must have the correct key. This lock cannot be
stabilize your aim while picked. Guilliano carries the only key to the cell. Unless
shooting. Pull out your you want a major gunfight, sneak into the compound using a
Ballers again and shoot disguise. There are some weapons within the compound that
the watermelons while you can use.
Weapons and Equipment
Next head over to the Fiber wire
garden shed. Practice
leaning out and around Anesthetic
the corner of the shed. Binoculars
Quickly step out around Lockpick
the corner by double-
tapping the lean button.
Practice stepping out Maps
from the corner and
firing your pistols. This
tactic can help you get
the drop on an enemy.

Once you feel

comfortable with the
controls, enter the
garden shed and walk Villa grounds 1st floor
over to the laptop
computer to begin the
next mission. Good luck.

The agency has tracked down the location of Father
2nd floor Basement
Vittorio. He is being held in the basement of Guilliano's
villa. The villa is well guarded, and it will be difficult to
get inside. Note
For each of the Hitman's
missions, there is often more
Mission Objectives than one way to complete
Kill Don Guiseppe Guilliano the objectives. This allows
you to be creative and play missions
Find the key to Vittorio's prison cell
over and over again to find different
Rescue Vittorio in the basement ways to make the hit. In each of the
Escape walkthroughs, a specific strategy is
presented, with some alternate tactics
as well. However, feel free to
experiment to find even more ways to
get the job done.

Don Guiseppe Guilliano primagames.com

Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Completing the Assignment

Getting into the Villa
Then drag his body
through the door and
You begin the mission on back into the villa
a hillside southeast of grounds.
the don's villa. From
this vantage point, you
can see several guards
patrolling the grounds.
To enter the villa and
move about, you need a

Change into the guard’s

suit and use it for a

Head down the hill

toward the side door in
the wall.
Eliminating the Don

Now head toward the

villa house. Walk past
the kitchen door, and
north to a door in the
wall leading to the
Stand to the right of backyard area.
the door and wait for
the guard to come out.

Wait outside the door

and watch from the map
When he comes out to
relieve himself, sneak
up behind him and use
the fiber wire to take
him out.

You are waiting for

these two guards to
head to the northern
part of the map.


Releasing Vittorio

Once it's clear, go

through the door and
turn left. Rush to the Exit the office through
ladder and take it up to the door in the
the roof. northeast corner. Head
east across the roof.

Turn right and follow

the edging of the
Walk across the rooftop building for a bit. Drop
towards the Don’s down onto the grass just
office. short of the stairs
leading down into the
basement. If you try to
drop down onto the stairs,
you will hurt yourself.

Go around the balcony

area outside of the
Continue down into the
office to the door on
the other side and wait.

Open the cell door to

Watch the map and wait
release Vittorio. The
for the Don (the red
cell is empty. Diana tells
dot) to enter the office.
you that he was moved
prior to your arrival.

Now make your way out of

Then open the door, the basement through the
sneak up behind him, and stairs leading outside.
Continue past the garage
take him out with the
and out the door in the
fiber wire. Pick up the
wall through which you
key and the Revolver. entered. Exit the mission
This completes the first by walking along the road
two objectives. on which the postman
enters the mission.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

If the guards are ever alerted, expect a
shootout. Find a room with only one entrance, Head back into the villa,
like the bedroom, and make a stand. Position dropping off the sniper
yourself to one side of the door and pick off guards as rifle in the garage
they enter. The Deagle and the Ballers pack a bigger punch before entering the
than the 9mm Pistols. The golf club is quite effective— manor through the stairs
take out an enemy with one swing. leading to the basement.

Alternate Tactics
There are several other ways to complete this mission. Here
are a few ideas. Make your way to the
don's room, avoiding all
guards. You have to take
After taking out the out the one by the door
guard who was relieving to his room. Go out on the
himself, hiding the body, balcony and get the key. In
and taking his suit, run taking out the guard,
to the garage and get you'll probably have a lot
the R93 sniper rifle. It of enemies in pursuit, so
has three rounds of get ready to shoot.
ammunition, but that's
enough for 47.

Grab the Deagle

and lots of ammo in
Return to your starting the room in the
location and use the northwest corner
sniper rifle to take out of the first floor.
the don while he is on
his balcony.

If you take out the guards

in the back yard, the one
in the white shirt has
some keys. Pick them up.
Then when you are making
your escape, head into the
garage. Walk over to the
driver's door and choose
"Escape in the Car" from
the action menu.

Hitman 47 makes his

escape in style.

St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg
Even though Father Vittorio was not at the Sicilian villa, 47
has a debt to repay to the Agency. In exchange for infor-
mation on the villa, 47 agreed to take a contract. This is a
single hit in the city of Peter the Great.
Your target is an ex-KGB officer. He will attend a meeting
at 1300 hours in the Pushkin Building on Varosnij Square. It Metro Metro entrance
takes place in a room in the west wing on the second floor.
The meeting was arranged so you could make your hit.

Mission Objectives
Kill the general at the meeting
Don't harm anyone else attending the meeting
Return to the subway train to escape

Sewers Streets

Completing the Assignment

The meeting takes place
in the room behind this Leaving the Station

The subway train drops

you off at the metro
station. After exiting
Mission Information the train, head straight
toward the stairs and up.
The subway provides your entrance and exit to and from the
hit area. Some weapons have been stashed in the subway
station in locker 137: a sniper rifle, pistol, and ammunition.
All access routes to the building where the meeting takes
place have been blocked by military patrols. However, a
sewer system runs underneath the area with several exits,
including one inside the subway station. In addition to the
weapons in the locker, there are a couple of uniforms near
Continue up the
the meeting location. A disguise as a Russian soldier will be
escalator to the side
helpful in moving around safely. There is no easy way into
locker room.
the Pushkin Building. Your best bet is to take a shot with a
sniper rifle from the building across the street. This
building is marked on the map.

Weapons and Equipment

9mm Pistol
Ballers Wait until the soldier
begins walking toward
the lockers, then take
R93 sniper rifle (from Anathelma) him out with your


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

If you take the R93—which is superior to the
SVD—don't waste time at the locker. Instead,
rush to the sewers. If the citizens in the station
Drag the body behind
see you with either rifle, they will alert a guard.
the lockers so no one
can find it.

Head up the stairs

near the pillars and
turn left.

Then put on the

soldier's uniform as
your disguise.

Follow the corridor

around to an escalator.
Climb to the top, then
turn left down into
another room.
Now head back down to
the metro station where
you first arrived.

Head back into the

locker room where you
killed the soldier.
Go right toward the end
of the station where the
lockers are.

Walk over to the next

Find locker 137 and door and pick the lock.
pick the lock. Inside sit
a SVD sniper rifle, a
9mm Pistol, and ammo
for each.

St. Petersburg

Getting to the Apartment Making the Hit

Head north to the
With the door unlocked, apartment building,
open it and enter the hiding from the two
sewers. Follow the patrolling soldiers
tunnels around, turning behind the building or
left at every fork or the dumpsters. Wait
until the soldiers walk
intersection. You will
away from you, then rush
come to the south- in the door. If they see
ernmost ladder. you, they may start

Climb the ladder but do

not stick your head out After entering, head to
of the manhole. Instead, the staircase and ascend
tilt your view so you can three flights to the
see around the outside fourth floor.
of the manhole.

The second and third floors of the apartment
have windows overlooking the Pushkin Building;
You are behind two
Look for an open window to shoot through. If
soldiers near a barricade
you try to shoot through a closed window, your shot will
and right in front of a be deflected causing you to miss the first shot. Since you
third soldier. If you pop only have time for one shot, don’t waste it.
up, he will see you and
start shooting.

Move through the

Locate the truck and rooms until you find the
then climb out of the one with an open
sewers and hop in the window giving you a view
back. Crouch down and of the meeting.
zoom out the view to see
where the truck is
Pull the trigger once
to bring up your sniper
scope view. Zoom in as
much as you can. Diana
The truck takes you
helps you discern
through a second which person is your
barricade, then stops target. He is the one in
behind the apartment the uniform seated
building from which near the window on the
you can snipe at your left side. Wait until
target. Get out of the your view stabilizes,
truck, and head for then take your shot.
cover behind a wall.
There are two soldiers
patrolling near the building to the north and two soldiers
positioned near a truck to your south. 21

Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Be sure no one is in the Retrace your route

way or behind the target, through the sewers
since you can't kill back to the metro
anyone else in the room. station entrance area.

The Escape

Immediately after your Exit the small room in

target is eliminated, the locker room where
head to ground level. the dead soldier is
Check your map located, then quickly
frequently to see if any run out and up the small
soldiers come to inves- flight of stairs.
tigate the apartment.

Before exiting the

building, check the map
of the street level and
Head down the
make sure the soldiers
escalator and past the
patrolling out back are
pillars down into the
walking away. Then rush
metro station.
out and hide behind the
dumpsters until the
truck arrives.

When the truck stops,

quickly climb in the back Continue to the subway
and ride it back to where train.
you initially boarded it.

While the truck blocks

the view of the one Once you approach the
soldier, climb back down doors the mission ends
the manhole into the as you make your escape.

St. Petersburg

Alternate Tactics
There are several different ways to complete this mission.
Here are a few ideas, though in each you'll need to bring a
sniper rifle with you. To get the highest rating, follow
these steps and don't kill anybody but your target.

Instead of taking the

truck, exit the sewers
through a manhole in
the northeast. Just General Makarov Igor Kubasko
outside of it, by a truck,
is a Russian uniform. Mission Information
Before popping up and This mission may seem difficult at first. The park is
grabbing it, check the surrounded by guards—soldiers as well as Mafia muscle. If
map to be sure no you even try to get near the park they order you to leave
soldiers are looking in and then start shooting if you don't move fast enough.
your direction.
Shortly after the mission begins, the two targets arrive in
limousines. The general's limo parks south of the park
Not far from the while Kubasko's limo parks just to the north. Just outside
northwest manhole, a the park, to the southeast, is a stash of equipment hidden
single soldier looks near some dumpsters. Just about everything you need can be
out over the street. found there.
You can move behind
some buildings and Weapons and Equipment
sneak up behind him to
use the anesthetic to Ballers
knock him out. Be sure Anesthetic
to use it all, then take
his uniform. Use this Maps
tactic if you're bringing the R93 sniper rifle from the
previous mission.

After getting a
uniform, run toward
the front of the
apartment building,
careful to avoid the
soldiers patrolling in
front. As long as you Streets Sewers
don't get too close,
they won't become
Completing the Assignment
alarmed. After the hit,
head back to one of the Getting the Equipment
manholes while keeping your distance from soldiers.

Kirov Park Meeting You arrive on the scene in

Your debt with the Agency has now been paid. However, the a classy speedboat.
client for your last mission wants you to do another job.
Diana agrees to your fee of $300,000—triple the standard
rate. However, you don't do standard hits, and besides, you
have a reputation to maintain.

Mission Objectives
Collect equipment
Kill General Makarov
Kill his Mafia connection, Igor Kubasko 23

Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

With nothing in your

hands and the car bombs
Start off by walking
in your suit, walk out
toward the park.
into the street toward
the nearby manhole.

Planting the First Bomb

Wait across the street

from the dumpsters
until the soldier
patrolling the area Climb into the sewers so
begins walking to you can move about the
the left. area unnoticed.

Cross the street so you

get to the dumpsters Head to the north-
just as the soldier is ernmost manhole to
walking away and not exit the sewers behind
looking at you. the building north of
the park.

You can kill the soldier near the stash if
necessary. However, to get the best rating for
the mission, you should avoid him by timing your By the time you get
actions while he is looking away. there, a chauffeur
should be walking by,
headed to the corner to
relieve himself.
Quickly walk over to the
stash and pick up two car
bombs. Move away. Leave
the sniper rifle or the
soldier may see you with
them and start shooting.
Sneak up behind him and
use the anesthetic to
knock him out cold. Be
sure to use all of it so
he won't wake up during
the mission.

St. Petersburg

Planting the Second Bomb

Now you can change into

the chauffeur's uniform.
Put away the bottle of Now head back into the
chloroform. sewers.

In your new disguise, Make your way through

walk around the side of the subterranean
the building and passages to the south-
approach Kubasko's limo. westernmost manhole.
The general's limo is
parked directly above it.

Climb to the top of the

Walk over to the limo ladder and plant the
and plant the first second car bomb. You can
car bomb. do this without exposing

Make your way back

Then head back around through the sewer to
the building toward the the first manhole where
manhole. you entered the system.
Climb out of the sewer.

You might as well Then head back to the

change back into your boat to await the
regular clothes. It's a fireworks.
fine-looking suit.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Alternate Tactics

When the meeting is If you choose not to use

over, the two targets the car bombs, you have
head back to their limos. to do some sniping.
Start off by taking out
the soldier by the stash
so that no one can see
his body.

When they get in… Take his uniform as well

as the SVD sniper rifle
in the stash along with
the extra ammo.

…the bombs detonate. Cross the street and

head to the church with
the high tower.

This completes your

objective with the
highest level of Hide behind the
achievement because dumpsters to avoid the
you took out only the patrolling soldier. If
targets—if you only necessary, use the 9mm
knocked out the Pistol SD to take him
chauffeur and didn't out silently.
kill him.

Once both bombs

detonate, walk over to Pick the lock to the
the boat to make your side door of the
getaway. church and enter
without being seen.

St. Petersburg
The top of the radio
tower to the west of
the park is another
Take out the soldier at great spot for sniping.
the top of the tower. It can be accessed
You can shoot him through the sewer
before you get all the system. However, take
way to the platform. out all the soldiers
nearby before climbing
to the top. Once you
shoot, you are exposed
and should get down quickly and make your way to the
sewers for your escape to the boat.

The tower gives you a

Tubeway Torpedo
great view overlooking You have already neutralized two generals. Now you must
the park. assassinate a third. This general is interrogating people in
the basement of the military facilities just off Nevsky
Prospect. You'll find him in the maze of corridors that the
FCK headquarters comprises. You must also ensure that the
prisoner currently being interrogated survives the mission
and escapes with you. Since the other two assassinations of
generals, security has been beefed up.

Mission Objectives
Take aim while zoomed in Kill General Mikhail Bardachenko
and fire. Free the prisoner from the
second basement

With good aim, you can

take out both targets
with a single shot.
General Bardachenko

Mission Information
This mission can be tough if you do not use stealth and
cunning to infiltrate the HQ complex. All areas teem with
The only problem with
soldiers carrying automatic weapons; don't get into a
this tactic is that
firefight. Furthermore, if the general becomes alerted to
soldiers will rush up
your presence, he will shoot the prisoner—ending the
the tower to get you.
mission in failure. The mission requires you to accomplish
Pick up the AK from the
several tasks. First get a Russian uniform and find passage
dead soldier at the top
into the HQ. Get down to the basement levels and find the
of the stairs and get
prisoner. Finally, rescue the prisoner and make your escape.
ready to fight.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Climb up the ladder,
but hold at the top and
look around outside
without exposing your
head. Wait until the
patrolling guard walks
away to the right.

The sewers The streets

Then pop up and move

behind the crates
for cover.

First basement of HQ Second basement of HQ

Completing the Assignment

If you don't have a
Getting into the HQ Complex silenced pistol, head
through these doors.
You begin the mission
down in the sewers
again. The only weapons
and equipment you carry
are what you had at the
Inside you find an
end of the previous
assault rifle and ammo.
mission when you made
Fire a round to attract
your getaway in the boat. soldiers, then kill them
Use the 9mm Pistol SD as they enter. Two or
pistol for silent killing. three should come after
If you have the SVD you. Once they are all
sniper rifle, dump it. You won't need it. down, take a uniform and
drop the assault rifle.
Then skip ahead to
picking up your supplies.

Follow the pathway To limit the number of

down in the sewer to the soldiers you have to
ladder designated on kill, watch the map to
your map. The one see when the two
marked with the large soldiers that come to
red arrow leads to the the eastern side are
Army Depot. both moving west and
the soldier in the far
west is not looking east.
Then run for the group
of three crates south of
the manhole.

St. Petersburg

There you find a

remote control bomb,
the remote detonator,
Hide here until there's a 9mm Pistol SD if you
another opening. don't have one, a phone,
a pager, night-vision
goggles, and ammo.
Grab it all.

Make sure all weapons

and equipment are
While no one is looking,
hidden on your person,
and while the southern
then move out toward
soldier on the platform
the truck. Don't get too
is walking away, rush up
close to any soldiers or
onto the platform and
they may see through
go after him.
your disguise and start

Shoot him with the Quickly climb into the

silenced pistol while he back of the truck; it
is behind the two crates. drives off.

Then rush forward and The truck carries you

take his uniform. Drag across the map and into
the body directly behind the HQ complex, past
the crates if necessary two soldiers.
so the other soldiers
can't see it.

Find the General and the Prisoner

Holster your weapon When the truck stops,

and continue west to disembark and go to the
the stairs. Then get right around the truck.
down from the platform Walk past the soldiers
and head north to your and avoid letting them
stash of weapons and get too close. Make for
equipment. the door in the


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Quickly open the door Head down to the

and enter the building. second door leading into
the control room.

Avoid soldiers as you

There’s an officer in the
head to the elevator.
control room.

Call the elevator up to Your disguise will keep

your level, then enter your identity secure;
it and choose "1st move smoothly into the
Basement" to begin your control room.

When the doors open,

exit and move down the Cross to the other
hallway. Stay away from side and exit through
soldiers or pass by them these doors.

The next room contains

Turn left into the surveillance system.
the short hallway Take out the 9mm Pistol
leading toward the SD and disable all of
control room. the surveillance

St. Petersburg
Now exit the room,
heading east, then
follow the corridor
south and then west.
Stop at the door to the
Head to the elevator and
officer's quarters
take it down.
shown here. Make sure
no soldiers are
patrolling nearby as you
pick the lock.

Inside, on a cot, lies an In the second basement

officer's uniform. Put it level, make your way
on so you can get past through the corridors
the soldiers guarding to the southwesternmost
the way to the second door. Keep away from
basement level. patrolling soldiers as
much as possible.

Exit the room and head

west again. Turn left
into the next short
hallway and enter the You have to pick the
room indicated on the lock, so make sure no
map, where you must blast one is looking.
your way into the subway.
Walk over to the brick
wall and drop the bomb.
It automatically arms.

Leave the room and Enter the observation

continue north and west room, where you can see
through the corridors the general interro-
to a security station. gating the prisoner.

Using the 9mm Pistol

Only officers are
SD, shoot the general
allowed past here. Since
through the glass, then
you have on the correct
jump through the
uniform, the soldier
broken window.
doesn't stop you.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Run out through

Hitman 47 releases the the opening and into
prisoner. Be sure to the sewers. Move
pick up the Combat quickly because
Knife and pistol, then soldiers are running
holster them. to the blast site.

Make your Escape

Keep moving to this

door. Don't worry about
Head back to the the soldiers shooting at
elevator to make your you. If you stop to shoot
way back up to the first back, you'll get hurt.
basement level. Just keep running.

When both you and the

At the top, quickly prisoner reach the door,
move through the he uses a keycard to let
security station. If the you out and complete
soldier tries to stop the mission.
you, shoot him.

Invitation to
Head to the room where
a Party
you left the bomb. Your next assignment is to eliminate Vladimir Zhupikov, the
fourth general from the arms deal. He has defected to the
German Embassy and will be requesting asylum in Germany. It
is vital to your client that his briefcase is retrieved—it
contains a guidance system that the general will probably
try to peddle to the highest bidder in the West. There is a
party tonight at the embassy, and loads of glitterati and
socialites—a perfect cover for your assignment, so wear a
tux. Unfortunately, you don't have an invitation, and you can
Pull out the bomb expect security to be ultra tight. The Russians are furious
remote control and about the prospect of a former general defecting to a NATO
activate it to set off country. They have sent a Spetznatz agent to the party, so be
the bomb. careful.

Mission Objectives
Kill the general
Secure the briefcase
St. Petersburg

Completing the Assignment

Getting into the Embassy

You begin this mission on

General The German ambassador the riverfront east of
Vladimir Zhupikov the embassy.

Mission Information
Since the embassy is crawling with security, you have to be
careful how you conduct your hit. The general has secured
his briefcase in one of the embassy safes. Only the German
ambassador has the combination to the safes. Because of the
Spetznatz agent, you have to move fast. Expect him to try to
get to the briefcase and recover the missile guidance system Start by climbing the
for the Russians. To complete this mission successfully, you stairs.
have to infiltrate the embassy, then take out the general.
Once you have the briefcase, make your escape.

Weapons and Equipment

Whatever weapons and equipment you carry
over from previous mission
At the top, switch to
stealth mode and sneak
Maps around behind the waiter
taking a break. If you
walk or run, he will turn
around and look at you,
making it tougher to
deal with him.

Streets Embassy basement Use either anesthetic

or the fiber wire to
take down the waiter.
Anesthetic is best if you
have any since it will
not kill him. This helps
your rating.

Embassy first floor Embassy second floor

Pick up the door keys

from the waiter and take
his uniform.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Move north along the

embassy's east wall. Walk
past the guard patrolling
Then drag the body out the wall. As long as you
of sight. don't stay too close to
him for any length of
time, he won't see
through your disguise.

You come to a side door

through the embassy
Make sure all weapons wall. Make sure no one is
are holstered, then looking, then pick the
head southwest toward lock. Check the map to
the stash left for you by be sure the guard on the
the Agency. other side of the wall is
not nearby.

When the coast is clear,

It lies behind a dumpster enter the embassy
south of the embassy. grounds and run toward
the building.

In the box you find a 9mm Follow the driveway

Pistol SD, ammo for the down to the basement
pistol, and a bottle of level and go through
poison. the door.

Once you have Keep your distance from

everything put away on the guard near the limo
your person, head as you make your way
northeast. through the garage.

St. Petersburg

Head down the hall;

when you see the double
doors to the kitchen, Once the drink is ready,
duck into the storage go out into the main
room on the right. lobby and through the
doors into the ballroom.

While in the storage

room, check the map to
see where the guard is
in the kitchen. Wait Walk up to the general
until he either leaves and offer him a drink. He
the kitchen or moves to takes it from you, drinks
one end. it, and runs out of the

A Drink for the General

Enter the kitchen and The poison works

walk up to the bottle quickly. Shortly after
of champagne. Pick up reaching the water
a glass. closet, the general dies.
And you didn't even have
to hide the body.

Use the map to keep track of several key
players in the mission. Both the general and the
The Race for the Briefcase
Spetznatz agent appear as red circles while a
white circle represents the ambassador. While you are in the
ballroom, watch for the
Spetznatz agent. If you
see him approach the
Exit the kitchen ambassador, he is holding
through one of the him up. He will take him
double doors— upstairs and force him to
whichever one is open the safe.
farthest away from
the guard.

As you head upstairs to You need to get up to

the first floor, pull out the second floor and
the champagne flute. fast. However, the main
Then take out the staircases in the lobby
poison. You automat- are watched carefully.
ically pour some of the
poison into the
champagne—creating a
deadly cocktail.

Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

The Getaway

Instead, head to the rear

stairs in the embassy's
northeastern corner. Holster your weapon
and then get out.

Use the map to see

where the two are
headed. They will go to
one of two offices. One Tip
is in the southwest and If guards start shooting at you while you have
the other in the the briefcase, run away as fast as you can. The
southeast. There are last thing you want to do is stop and shoot back.
four safes—two on each That would give other guards time to catch up and get
floor in the southwest into the firefight.
and southeast. They are
marked on the map.
Whichever office the agent and ambassador go into, enter
the connected room next door.

Take the main staircase

Walk over to the door
down to the lobby…
and pull out your 9mm
Pistol SD. Carefully
take out the Spetznatz
agent with a single
round to the head after
the ambassador has
opened the safe.

…and walk right out

the front door. As
usual, move quickly past
Be ready for a guard guards so they don't see
who may enter if he through your disguise.
hears the commotion.
Take him out before he
sounds an alert.

Once you get outside,

you are almost home
Walk over to the opened free. Look to see where
safe and pick up the the guards are patrolling
briefcase. and avoid them.

St. Petersburg

Alternate Tactics

If you don't have any

Head to the door in the scruples, you can achieve
eastern wall. your objectives much
quicker. From the start,
go get your supplies,
then take out the guard
patrolling outside the
eastern wall.

Put on his clothes and

Keep running all the way
go in through the front
toward the river.
door. Don't let any
guards get too good of
a look at you, though.

If you are not being Use the map to locate

chased, change back into the ambassador and
your signature suit. follow him into an
office. Take him out
with a silenced pistol.

Descend the stairs to Pick up the safe combi-

your waiting boat to nation from his body,
complete the mission. open the safe, and grab
the briefcase.

When you open the Head downstairs into

briefcase, you see that it the northwestern
does not contain the hallway. The general
missile guidance system. walks between the
Instead, it has money and ballroom and a room in
stock certificates for this hallway. Shoot him
Japanese corporations. with the silenced
Looks like you are pistol, holster it, and
headed to Japan. run for your boat.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Tracking Hayamoto
Your next set of missions takes you from Russia to Japan. Your
client wants you to eliminate Masahiro Hayamoto, a well-
known arms dealer. However, you have no details on his
secret hiding place. His son, Masahiro Hayamoto Jr., and
Tanaka Kusahana, a top leader of the Yakuza, are having a
business meeting. Though the location is remote, there is
still a lot of security. You must plant an electronic tracking
device on Hayamoto Jr., then eliminate him so his corpse will Outside Inside
lead you to his father.

Mission Objectives Completing the Assignment

Kill Hayamoto Jr.
Plant bug on Hayamoto Jr.'s corpse You Need a Disguise
Escape You begin inside the
compound, but in the
yard outside the main
building where the
meeting is taking place.
There are four guards.
Two patrol the path near
you, one patrols near
the garage, and a fourth
is by the front door.

Masahiro Hayamoto Jr. Watch the guard at the

front door. When he
goes inside and shuts the
Mission Information door, wait a few seconds
This mission can be tough because the place is crawling with for the two guards on
Yakuza thugs. A little creativity goes a long way. There are the other side of the big
no open windows, so you can't use a sniper rifle for the hit. rock to move toward the
You have to place the transmitter on the corpse. Since main gate, then take off
Hayamoto Jr. never leaves the dining room, you have to find a for the garage.
way to place the transmitter and kill him from a distance. He
is having a meeting during his meal. Maybe you can use the
food to make it Hayamoto Jr.'s last meal.

Weapons and Equipment Watch the guard in the

driveway. He keeps his
Anesthetic back to you, but don't
9mm Pistol SD get close enough for
GPS Transmitter him to hear you.


Head for the first Sneak up behind him

garage door and open it. with the fiber wire and
When it is high enough, take him down. Change
enter the garage and clothes and then drag
close the door. the body to the other
side of the car.

With your disguise in

The map shows a guard place, exit the garage.
inside the building, next Go through one of the
to the door to the large doors—be careful
garage. He has a disguise to close it as you leave.
you could use. You don't want anyone to
see the body.

Into the Kitchen

Walk over to the car and Walk north around the

honk the horn. That east side of the garage
lures the guard out into toward the small garden
the garage. in the rear.

Look around the corner

Rush over to the left of the building to check
side of the door, near out the guards. Use the
the large doors. maps, both inside and

Wait until there is

only one guard outside.
Then, while keeping
The guard walks out past your distance and using
you, and continues to obstacles for
the car. concealment, head
around to the
north side.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Wait to the right side When it is clear, go

of the door. Get the through the kitchen and
anesthetic ready to turn left. Go through the
pull out. door on the left.

When the cook walks Inside, on a crate, lies a

out for a break, sneak fugu fish. This fish can
up behind him and be extremely poisonous
knock him out. Be sure if not prepared
to use all of the correctly. That is just
chloroform so he won't how you like it, so cut
wake up too early and off a piece.
spoil your plans.

Before leaving the

room; check the map for
Drag the body out the patrolling guard.
through this gate and You don't want to run
hide it around the into him up close—he
corner. will know you are not
the cook.

When it is safe, go back

to the kitchen and walk
Change disguises so you up to the plate on the
look like the cook. Head left. Place the fugu fish
to the kitchen door. and the GPS transmitter
on the plate

Time to Leave
With this task accom-
Before entering the plished, get out of the
kitchen, switch to the kitchen. Exit through
map and watch for a the door you entered.
guard who patrols Check the map to make
through the kitchen. sure there is only one
Make sure he is either guard in the north-
outside or in the eastern garden, then
central hallway. make your way toward
the garage.


With both of your

Still in your cook's objectives completed,
disguise, return to it's time to get to safety.
where you began the Wait for the two guards
mission. to move away from the
main gate or run for it.

Hide behind the rock

like in the beginning Once you reach the gate,
while the rest of the the mission ends and you
mission plays out. are safe.

Hidden Valley
The Agency has been monitoring the GPS tracking device you
A waitress comes into planted on Hayamoto Jr. Because of your fine work, they have
the kitchen and picks up been able to track down Hayamoto Sr., who hasn't been
the plate of sushi you registered in public for more than 15 years. Hayamoto Sr. has
helped prepare. emerged at one of his castles in central Japan, making this
assignment tricky. You have to make your way through tough
security and bypass electronic surveillance to gain access to
the castle undetected. Take out the power grids to the
alarm units. The whole area is studded with tripwires,
guards, substations, alarm units, guard towers, etc. Strategic
planning is important—all of their systems are on high
alert—so carefully consider your moves. Your equipment is
hidden in a truck outside the entry gates.
She serves it to
Hayamoto Jr. Mission Objectives
Get the equipment if needed
Find the secret passage

The sushi does not agree The equipment is by the

with Hayamoto Jr., and wall near this truck.
he drops dead—with the
GPS transmitter inside
his body.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Mission Information
This mission is divided into two parts. For the first part, find
the secret passage leading to Hayamoto's castle. There are It waits near the
two routes. If you travel over land, you'll deal with of northeast corner of the
patrolling guards and snipers in guard towers. The second large concrete
route passes through an underground tunnel, also heavily structure, which is the
guarded. However, trucks constantly go back and forth entrance to the tunnel.
through this tunnel. Hitch a ride, but be careful. At a
checkpoint in the tunnel, the guards search the trucks. Your
strategy should involve both overland and underground

Hold at the corner of
the structure and watch
for the nearby guard.

The valley Underground tunnel

Stay out of sight as he

Completing the Assignment walks toward you. When
he turns around and
walks away, sneak up and
Getting the Equipment use the fiber wire to
take him out.

You begin this mission

outside in the snow. The
weather provides cover
for you, but stay at a
distance from all Take his uniform and
enemies. SMG-SD6, then head for
the truck. Get the
Crossbow and the
Night-Vision Goggles
near the wall.

Head east following the

ridgeline toward the
truck containing your


The crossbow functions like a sniper rifle. It is
single-shot, needing to be reloaded after every
time you fire. Its scope allows you to target
Go through the door
enemies at long range. Remember, the crossbow is silent. into the side chamber
and use the map to
locate the patrolling

With your new outfit

and equipment, head
west toward where you
began the mission. Watch
for a guard patrolling
near the entrance to
the tunnel. Drop the crossbow and
take out your SMG-SD6.
Stand to one side of the
door and wait.

Trucks from the tunnel

stop outside near the
woods on a regular basis.
Wait for one to arrive
and hop in. When the guard walks
through, take him down.
Pick up some more ammo
for your SMG. Don't
forget your crossbow.
The truck carries you
into the tunnel and past
all of the guards. While
you are riding, switch to
the map view. It shows
five squares along the
tunnel route. These are
places where you can
access the surface. Near Make your way through
the third access, the
guards stop the truck the chamber to the
and search the back. ladder.

When the truck stops

briefly near the second
access point, get out. Climb it to the surface.
No one lurks near the
top of the ladder, so
climb out without
being seen.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Climb down the ladder.

Before you get too far
Turn and head south. In down, switch to the map
the distance and on the view of the tunnel and
map, see a solitary make sure there is not a
patrolling guard. guard directly below. If
there is, wait until he
leaves the room.

Bring up the crossbow

and aim for his head. A
single bolt to the head Set up an ambush by
will kill a guard.
standing to one side of
However, if you only hit
his body, it may take two the door with your SMG
or three bolts, and the ready. When the guard
crossbow takes a few walks in, let him have it.
seconds between shots
for reloading.

Grab more SMG ammo,

Once the guard is down, then head for the door
gather some additional leading out into the
SMG ammo from him. tunnel.

Now head east. You don't Out in the tunnel, wait

have to worry about any for a truck headed east.
more guards.

At the end of the small When it stops, hop

valley is an access point into the back for
to the tunnel below. another ride.


You'll go through a
large group of guards
near the exit of the
tunnel. Stay in the
truck. They won't
search it.

Valley Castle

Completing the Assignment

Once the truck leaves
the tunnel and stops Along the Ridgeline
outside, hop out.

The mission begins with

you in your cold
weather outfit.

The secret passage to

the castle is to the
south. Enter it to
complete the mission.

Head southwest toward

the ridgeline.
At the Gates
This mission is a continuation of the previous one. You have
arrived at the castle complex and must find an entrance
into it.

Mission Objectives
Get up on the ridge and
Get to the castle undetected follow it around to the
Wait for briefing on the alarm grid castle. This is the long
way to the castle, but it
Mission Information puts you where you need
The first part of this mission involves crossing a lot of open to be. You'll avoid
territory. Try to avoid guards as much as possible, using the several patrols.
crossbow when necessary to deal with them at a distance.
Once you get to the castle itself, deactivate the alarm
system by shutting down its generators. One is outside the
castle and the other two are inside. Watch for the ninjas
hiding in the rafters. They kill you quickly with their katana
swords and jump around a lot, making it hard to hit them
with any weapon.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Stay in the trees Continue east with the

whenever possible, using hillside to your right.
them for cover.

You come across another

Near the trees, you come guard patrolling the
across a guard walking ridgeline. Again, use
alone. another long-range shot
to take him out.

Deactivate the Security System

Crouch down and take As you approach the

aim. Get a clear head castle, Diana shows you
shot so you can drop him the location of the
with a single bolt. first generator. It is
on the eastern wall of
the castle.

Take his clothes so you

can move about with less Take out the guard near
suspicion. the generator with the

Drag his body back into Head for the fence

the trees and out of surrounding the
sight of the patrols generator. The gate is
down below. on the northern side.


Once inside the fence, Turn right at the top

walk over to the and head to the south.
controls and shut down Watch out for snipers in
the generator. This the windows. If you move
allows you to access quickly, they usually
parts of the castle. will not see you.

Head south, then west The second generator

around the front of the is ahead.

The front entrance is Shut it down to

now open with the deactivate more security
security system down. systems.

There is one more

generator you need to
As you approach the shut down. It doesn't
entrance, watch out for appear on your map.
a patrolling guard. Head north, then east
up this ramp.

Go through the door at

When it is clear, run in the top, then straight
and up the stairs. across to the next door
and outside again.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

A guard patrols this

area. If he is far away, use
the crossbow to take him Continue to the corner
out. Also watch out for and turn right.
another guard nearby.

Head to the door at the

end of the building you Make another right turn
just left. If you move and enter the castle
through the building, building through a
ninjas drop down on you security field that is
from the rafters above. now down.

Inside, the third

generator is to Head upstairs and into
your right. the main castle complex
to complete the mission.

Watch out for those Shogun Showdown

ninjas. If you don't
get too close or shoot This castle, Katsuyama-Jo, is the headquarters of Masahiro
at them, they will Hayamoto. Your objective is to track down Hayamoto and
let you be. eliminate him, then get away safely with the missile guidance
system in his possession. Although the
squeaky fortress may look obsolete, make
no mistake—it's equipped with all the
latest electronic security measures. On
Into the Castle top of that, the place is crawling with
security guards at the lower levels and
Hayamoto's handpicked Yoyimbos at the
top. Approach this assignment with the
Head back outside utmost caution. These people are ruthless,
and go north. Turn fanatical, and clever.
left and go west
through the deactivated
security field.


Mission Objectives
Move quietly to the
Eliminate Hayamoto wooden door ahead and
Secure the missile guidance system to the left. The door
Escape the castle looks like part of the
paneling. If you are not
quiet, the two guards at
the top of the stairs to
your left will come
down to investigate.

Masahiro Hayamoto Locations of objectives Head up to the first

Mission Information
This mission can be difficult unless you use your brain. The
missile guidance system is down in the museum beneath the
basement. Hayamoto, on the other hand, is on the sixth floor
and heavily guarded. If he becomes aware of your presence,
he will rush down to the museum, then head for his
helicopter and escape. Don't alert the guards—until you are
ready. Since Hayamoto is very difficult to kill in his room at At the top, walk over to
the top of the castle, lure him down for the hit. the door and check the
map for a guard in the
Maps room on the other side.
When he walks away
from you, open the door.

Use the crossbow to

Outside Inside make a head shot and
drop the guard with a
Completing the Assignment single bolt.

The Bomb

You begin the mission in

the entrance to the
castle. You wear your
original cold weather
gear. You'll need a
guard's uniform for a


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Drop the crossbow and

quietly walk toward the
body. Walk on the wooden
Follow the passageway
beams. Walking on the old
into one of the castle's
wood floorboards causes
them to creak and the
guards in the other room
to come in.

Pick up the SMG-SD6

from the dead guard, After going through
then get it ready to fire. another door, turn right
Make noise by stepping and grab a keycard from
on the old floorboards, a shelf. This allows you
then gun the two guards to get through the
down as they enter. security system.

You need a disguise.

Take the clothes from You now need to get to
one of the guards. the southern wing of
Holster your weapons the castle. Head west
or guards may become and then south through
interested in you. the hallways.

Once you are ready, head A few ninjas hide up on

down the flight of stairs beams in the rafters.
in the room. Walk past them and
they'll leave you alone.

Enter the room in the

southern wing marked on
At the bottom, turn the map. There are a
right and go through a couple of guards in the
wooden door. corner, but they are
occupied and will not
bother you.


The Missile Guidance System

Once the bomb is armed,
head north and jump off
Walk over to the other
the helipad, then go
doorway and deactivate
into the northern wing.
the lasers.
From there, enter the
passageway through the
door next to the shelf
where you picked up the

Enter the next room and

pick up the bomb and Head upstairs to the
remote control. room with the squeaky

Deactivate the laser

again as you exit the Use the keycard to get
room. Continue out to through another laser
the hallway. security checkpoint.

Now that you have the

bomb, move out into the Turn right and head
courtyard and walk up downstairs to the
onto the helipad. basement.

Walk up to the Cross the room to the

helicopter and plant other side and go
the bomb. through the door.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Continue across the

room with the squeaky
Go down another flight floor to the door by
of stairs to the museum. where you dropped the
crossbow. Pick it up, then
go downstairs to where
you began the mission.

The Hit and Escape

Go up and sound the

Use the keycard again to alarm on the third
get past another laser floor. Switch to the
checkpoint. SMG-SD6 and take care
of any guards who come
down to investigate.

Hayamoto heads down to

the museum when the
Walk up to the missile alert is sounded. After
guidance system and seeing that the missile
pick it up. guidance system is gone,
he breaks for the

Exit the museum

Observe his movements
through the same door
on the map or by peeking
you entered. There is a
up the stairs. When he
guard outside the other
gets in the helicopter,
door, so keep your
use the remote control
to detonate the bomb.

Head upstairs to the With two objectives

basement, cross over to completed, head out the
the other side, and go up passageway to make your
to the first floor. escape and finish the


Basement Killing
The Agency has a neat little mission for you in Malaysia.
Kuala Lumpur is home to the headquarters of a talented
hacker and kleptology expert, Charlie Sidjan, who has stolen
a valuable piece of software. It works as a key signature in
military software and was until recently the exclusive
property of the U.S. government. With this nifty piece of
software in the hands of an adversary, any incoming missile
will be detected as American, which renders missile shields
worthless. Your client wants you to retrieve this piece of Ground floor Basement
code and exterminate Charlie Sidjan and all records of this
code. He is running his business under cover of a company
called Carniwarez Inc. Computer Systems. Its network is
completely inaccessible. Your objective is to assassinate
Charlie Sidjan and place a small dongle on the main server
of Carniwarez Inc. Computer Systems. Security includes
guards everywhere, closed-circuit surveillance of all areas
and elevators, metal detectors, and so forth. Once you have
taken care of Charlie, continue to the direct elevator to
the Carniwarez main office to shut down some of the
Lower basement
surveillance systems by the elevator.

Mission Objectives Completing the Assignment

Find and kill Charlie in the basement Creating a Diversion
Disable the surveillance system for the direct

You begin the mission in

a telephone booth in
the lobby of the tallest
building in the world.

Charlie Sidjan

Mission Information
This mission requires creativity. To get to the elevator that
leads down to the basement, you need a disguise and some Head east.
method of getting your weapons through the metal
detectors. Once in the basement, you have to get past several
guards to access the door to the lower basement where
Charlie works alone. Finally, disable the security system to
use the direct elevator.

Weapons and Equipment

Fiber wire


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Go through the door to

the security department.
A single guard patrols
back and forth between Head west across the
two rooms. Wait until lobby to the fire
he leaves the room department.
designated on the
map and enters the
eastern room.

Down to the Basement

Walk into the The smoke bomb sets off

western room. a fire alarm. Wait for
all the firefighters to
exit their offices, then
rush inside.

Go to locker 137, open

it, and take out the
pistol, ammo, and On the northern side
smoke bomb. of the room is a
firefighter's suit.

Pull out the smoke bomb

and use it; 47 arms it and
drops it. Put it on and grab the
fire axe.

Head out of the office

Get out of there. to the metal detectors.
You pass through
without a problem since
they assume you're
headed to a fire.


Descend a couple of
Continue on to the flights of stairs to the
elevator. lower basement.

The Hit

Call it and head down At the bottom, pick the

to the basement. door's lock.

Charlie is at the
Your disguise works in opposite end of
the basement. the room with his
back to you.

Sneak up to him. Watch

out for the potato chips
and other garbage on the
floor. It makes noise if
you step on it. If you get
Walk right into the close enough, use the
security office. fire axe or fiber wire.
However, if Charlie
runs, bring out the 9mm
Pistol SD and drop him
before he can escape.

Once Charlie is
neutralized, walk over
Go through the door to the computers to
next to the elevator. report in.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Now return to the Put on his uniform, then

security office on the hide his body in one of
basement level. the stalls.

Shoot the computer in

the corner to disable
the security system on Go to the food
the direct elevator. If delivery office and
there are guards in the pick up a pizza.
security room, take them
out first.

Since you cannot get

through security with
Get in the elevator to your pistol, go to the
complete the mission. laundry room in the
eastern part of the
building and drop
your pistol down the
laundry chute.

Hitman 47 rides up to the

next mission. Then you can go through
the metal detector
without any problems.

Alternate Tactics
There is another way to
accomplish this mission.
Get your equipment and Down in the basement,
go to the men's pick up your pistol in the
restroom in the west. laundry room. Then take
Wait for the pizza the pizza to the security
delivery boy to show and room and down to the
take him out. If you bring lower basement.
anesthetic, just knock
him out instead.


Completing the Assignment

Charlie will probably
recognize that you are Acquiring a Keycard
not the normal delivery
boy and try to get away.
Shoot him before he
gets to the door.
Continue through the The direct elevator
mission as normal. takes you to the office
floor of Carniwarez Inc.

The Graveyard Shift

You must now place the dongle on the master server,
situated in a locked and air-conditioned room. That way, your
client can access the system and retrieve the encoded infor- Check the map to locate
mation. Only the system administrator's keycard will get you the kitchen, then walk
into the room. On this floor, guards patrol at regular quietly to that room.
intervals. Some staff work late; hopefully, the system admin- Remember, there are two
istrator is one of them. guard stations near
you—one to the east and
one to the west.
Mission Objectives
Plant the hacking device
Find an exit By the counter, a web
camera faces a pot of
coffee. Take out your
silenced pistol and shoot
the camera. If you switch
to the map view, you will
see a white circle
headed your way. That is
the system administrator
coming to check out the

The server

Mission Information Stand to the left of the

door and wait. The
This mission is straightforward. You first need to get a system operator walks
system administrator keycard, then access the server. Once past you and over to the
you have planted the hacking device, you have to escape. destroyed camera.


Either silently shoot

the system administrator
or knock him out
with anesthetic if you
have some.

Office floor

Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Take his clothes for

your disguise and then Head back to the main
drag the body to a central hallway.
corner of the room—
out of sight.

Unfortunately, the
system administrator Go north to the end
left his keycard back at hallway where there are
his office. You have to two locked doors.
go get it.

Head through one of

the large offices filled Use the keycard to get
with cubicles to the through the door on
hallway running along the left with the
the western side of yellow access panel.
the floor.

Walk to the system Inside is the company

administrator's office server.
and open the door.

The keycard lies on the Walk up to the system

table next to the and plant the hacking
computer. There is also a device.
pistol and ammo.


Climb out onto

Once your main the skybridge. Weave
objective is accom- your way around air-
plished, exit the room. conditioning units and
strings of lights.

If you keep quiet, you

can slip past a couple of
Turn right at the guards patrolling the
central hallway and area. Even if they see
head for one of the you, it's best to run
offices with the away instead of
cubicles. engaging them.

Work through the maze Get to the basket at the

of cubicles to the end of the skybridge to
western hallway. Avoid complete the mission.
contact with any
employees or guards.

The Jacuzzi Job

You have been informed that your bonus
You eventually come to target is indeed a twin playboy, with a
a large window passion for women and expensive art. He's
overlooking the got plenty of both, including a valuable
skybridge. 16th-century statue. Security is tight. Your
client would prefer if you could make this
look like a simple burglary gone bad—so
kill the target, steal some valuables, and
escape by the elevator.

Mission Objectives
Kill Charlie Sidjan
Take out your silenced Steal the money
pistol and shoot out one Steal the statue
of the panes of glass.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Be careful as you walk

around the windows so
the people inside do not
see you.

The priceless statue The money in the safe

Mission Information
This mission does not appear difficult. There are only two
guards, a secretary, and four other women as well as the
target. However, all four of the bikini-clad women are
packing heat. If you rush in shooting, you'll have to deal with When you get to the
them. Shooting should be your last resort. If the alert is eastern balcony, hop
sounded, additional guards will charge up the elevator. over the wall.


Walk up to the double

doors on the right.

Penthouse apartment

Completing the Assignment

Getting Inside

Look through the

keyhole or use the map
view. Watch the
You begin on the secretary at the
ledge outside the computer. You can also
target's suite. see her movements on
the map view.

When she gets up from

Crouch down and make
the desk and exits the
your way along the
office, rush into the
ledge to the other side
room and out through
of the suite.
the door on the left.


Head right through the Walk up to the painting

door across the hall and and open it to reveal
enter the control room. the safe.

Turning Off the Lights

On the northern wall, a

fuse box sits near the Open the safe and pick up
security console. This the money. Don't worry
controls the security about closing it.
system for the safe,
statue, and the lights.

Destroy the fuses to

shut off all power to By now a guard should
the suite. Watch the map be approaching the
view. Wait for the office. Stand to one side
secretary to run out of of the door and take him
the office, and make sure out with a silenced
no guards are around. pistol.

Note Note
There are night-vision goggles on the table in the Keep an eye on the map view while in the office.
living room; however, you can usually see better You may have to deal with the guard before
in the dark than with the limited field of vision opening the safe.
the goggles provide.

Take the guard's uniform

and drag the body
When it is clear, go back completely into the
across the hallway and office if necessary.
into the office.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Head back into the room

with the fuses and stand While still near the
to the side of the door, door, sidestep to the
away from the fuses. left until you can see
Wait for the repairman Charlie's head sticking
to arrive and then out of the water. Take
knock him out with the out the 9mm Pistol SD
anesthetic, or you can and put a single round
shoot him with the 9mm through his skull.
Pistol SD.

Head through the Turn around and get out

double doors out onto of the room, holstering
the balcony, then inside your pistol as you go.
to the living room. Head down the hallway.

Grab the statue off the Make your way to the

display and move toward elevator before
Charlie's Jacuzzi room. reinforcing guards
can arrive.

And Now…the Hit

Once in the elevator,

Holster your weapon to you are safe and have
walk past the other completed yet another
guard or other people mission. Say goodbye to
without them recog- Malaysia.
nizing you and sounding
an alert.

Enter the Jacuzzi room.

Weapons and Equipment
Murder at the Bazaar 9mm Pistol SD
Your services are required again, and this time you have to
prove you're worth the money. Your client has lost some Anesthetic
cargo, which he wants back at any cost. It appears to have Combat Knife
been stolen by renegades, armed to the teeth. The cargo is
hidden in the desert. Maps
This is a two-stage mission. Eliminate Lieutenant Ahmed
Zahir and get a map from him. It shows the location of the
cargo. He's quite weak, has a pacemaker, and goes for a nap
every day after noon prayers, so that's a good time to
eliminate him without raising any suspicions. If the alarm
sounds, the mission fails. The lieutenant is well guarded
behind locked doors, where only his trusted bodyguards have
keys and access. Both his and the guards' quarters are in
front of the palace. When this is done, you have to kill
Colonel Mohammad Amin and steal the key he's holding. It's
an important part of the cargo.
The village
Mission Objectives
Eliminate Lieutenant Ahmed Zahir Completing the Assignment
Get map of location of warheads from The Lieutenant's Nap
Eliminate Colonel Mohammad Amin
Get key from colonel
You begin in the south-
western corner of the

Lieutenant Colonel
Ahmed Zahir Mohammad Amin Race northwest toward
the lieutenant's house.
Run all the way to get
Mission Information there before the
You begin this mission with a disguise appropriate for the patrolling guards.
locale. It will get you into the bazaar and past the guards if
caution and the proper routes are used. Take out the
lieutenant first and get the map. Use the lieutenant's
clothes as a disguise while you go after the colonel. It's
important you know your way around the village. While being
pursued, it's easy to take a wrong turn into a dead end. Use
the map and scout around so you know where you must go and
how to get there. Hide behind buildings, walls, and crates Head around to the back
and other objects as you sneak around. It is vital that you do door without the guards
not alert the guards. If the colonel learns of the in front seeing you.
lieutenant's death, he will run for the palace and the
mission will fail.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Use the anesthetic on

the lieutenant. Because
The back door is locked. of his weak heart, the
Quickly pick it. anesthetic kills him
rather than knocking
him out.

A couple of guards have

When you get the door entered the house and
open, walk inside. are standing downstairs.
Running might alert Quietly take the map
guards or wake the coordinates and the
lieutenant. lieutenant's clothes.

Go upstairs to the Holster all weapons and

second floor where the equipment, then head
lieutenant sleeps. downstairs.

Move quickly past the

When you get to the top, guards and out the back
use stealth mode to door before they
sneak across the floor. recognize that you are
not the lieutenant.

The Hit at the Bazaar

Move west, then south,
and then east, all the
way to the eastern
entrance of the bazaar.
Pull out the anesthetic There are guards
and approach your patrolling outside, but
target. if you walk past them at
a distance while wearing
your lieutenant's
disguise, they will not
sound an alert.


Locate the colonel and

his guard. Keep back and Head toward the
don't let them get a eastern gate, which is
close look at you. your exit point.

Even if you are being

When both of their shot at, keep running
backs are turned, pull and the mission will
out the 9mm Pistol SD. end when you get to
Shoot the guard in the the gate.
head, then the colonel.

Alternate Tactics
If you want to try a
Pick up the key from the more elaborate hit on
colonel's body and the colonel, take out
holster your weapon. the two guards on the
Since no other guards lower level of the
saw you make the hit, lieutenant's house if
they won't suspect you they enter. Since their
backs are to the stairs,
a couple of rounds
they see you carrying a
from the 9mm Pistol
weapon. SD will keep them
quiet—and prevent them from discovering the
lieutenant's body.

Walk out through the

eastern entrance to the Exit the house and head
bazaar. north through the

If the guards become

Your destination is the
alarmed, start running.
guard's quarters right
next to the palace gate.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Head toward the center

If no one is looking,
of the bazaar. There is
head through the
no entrance there, just a
front door.
little building.

Inside is a sniper Climb up the ladder,

rifle and some ammo. then up stairs and crates
Grab it all. to the top of the bazaar.

Check the map to see

where the patrolling Look down through the
guards are. If they are open windows to locate
near the front door, the colonel doing some
climb the ladder to shopping.
the roof.

Climb down another Zoom in with the sniper

ladder on the back side scope and take out the
of the building to colonel.
ground level.

Head toward the bazaar

Drop the sniper rifle and
using crates as cover so
return to the ladder to
the guards do not get a
climb down to the
good look at you with
ground level.
the rifle.


Mission Information
This mission is tough because it relies on quick and accurate
sniping. Your first task is to get a guard's uniform. Carry the
MI95 sniper rifle around the village without causing an
You have to enter the
alert. Find a high position for firing on the motorcade while
bazaar to get the key off
it is still outside the city. Finally, after making the hit, you
of the colonel's body.
need a means of getting to the exit point.

Weapons and Equipment

MI95 sniper rifle

Since someone probably
saw you up on the
rooftop with the sniper
rifle, you will have to
shoot your way to
the exit.

The Motorcade The village

Interception Completing the Assignment

Your next target is a local khan, Abdul Bismillah Malik. You Getting a Uniform and a Rifle
won't have any trouble recognizing him—his picture is on
posters all over the city. He's currently trying to sell the
cargo to the U.N., which is here to check out the goods
later today. The khan is returning to his palace with a
contingency of U.N. troops. They arrive from the east along
You begin the mission in
the road. Eliminate him before he reaches his palace—but
the southwestern part
without harming any of the U.N. soldiers. It would be detri-
of the village.
mental to business. The villagers are a bit edgy; if they catch
a foreigner carrying big guns around within their perimeter,
watch out.

Mission Objectives
Find your contact—get the weapons
Kill the local khan

Head north, making your

way to your contact with
the weapons.

Abdul Bismillah Malik, The khan's limo

the local khan


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Walk toward the area Continue on to the

directly east from your contact. He provides you
contact. Guards patrol with a MI95 sniper rifle
this area. and some ammo.

The Perfect Place for Sniping

Wait in this corner Tip

for the guard walking While the roof of the mosque appears to be a
south to pass by you and great sniping spot, it is in the wrong place. You
for another single will never have a clear view of your target.
guard to walk past you Instead, you will probably hit a U.N. person sitting next to
going north. the khan in the back seat.

With your heavy rifle,

exit the contact area
and head southeast
When no villagers are toward a couple of
around, sneak up behind buildings with a plank
the northbound guard between them.
and take him out with
your 9mm Pistol SD.

Head up the stairs…

Drag his body to where
the contact is waiting
and hide it in an alcove.

…across the plank…

Take the guard's clothes

for your disguise.


The Escape

Now it's time to get

away. Descend the
…and up the ladder.
ladder or jump to the
building below. Don't
jump to the ground from
the sniper perch. The
fall is deadly.

The top of this building Drop the sniper rifle and

provides an excellent hop down to the ground
perch for sniping at the below. The U.N. soldiers
motorcade. are looking for the

The motorcade drives

north up the road to the Make your way quickly to
east, then turns west the southeastern part of
toward the village. the village wall.

As it approaches the
gates, target the engine Exit the village through
of the lead U.N. jeep. Be this hole in the wall to
careful not to hit any complete the mission.
U.N. soldiers.

Alternate Tactics

The damaged jeep stops

Instead of shooting at
the motorcade. This
the motorcade before it
gives you just enough
gets to the village, wait
time to take aim at the
until it passes you by.
limo. The khan sits in
The walls west of your
the center of the back
perch offer protection
seat. Take careful aim
from enemy fire.
and shoot.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

If you are not concerned with a high body count,
take out all of the guards in the village, or at
Tunnel Rat
least those patrolling near the building you use Your assignment is to eliminate Lieutenant Yussef Hussein,
as your sniper perch. That keeps the guards from shooting commanding officer of an underground base. Secure the
up at you after you take your shots and makes your
cargo that the khan tried to hide here and transport it
descent down the ladder safer.
safely to the surface. A chopper picks up the cargo. There
are lots of soldiers on the base, and patrolling guards on
high alert—they will react immediately if you are detected.
Stealth and surprise are important for this mission.

As the lead jeep prepares Mission Objectives

to enter the palace, Access the base
shoot the engine to
Kill Yussef Hussein
bring the motorcade to
a standstill. Transport the cargo to the surface

Shoot at the khan

through the rear Lieutenant The cargo
window. Yussef Hussein

Mission Information
This mission requires taking out several guards and the
target. Stealth is still important to avoid having to take on
an entire base by yourself. Two access points in the ruins
lead to an underground base. Use the northern access point
because it puts you in a better position within the base. A
The ladder is protected ditch of water runs around within the base. If you get down
by a wall, allowing you into this ditch, you can move past the guards if you do not
to climb down with run. This ditch can be used for dumping bodies.

With the sniper rifle

still in hand, run to the
exit—right past the U.N.
soldiers who are looking Ruins Base compound
for you.


Completing the Assignment

The Desert Ruins Walk up to one of the
bodies, get the uniform,
You begin the mission and exchange your
with your normal desert sniper rifle for the AK.
disguise and the Barrett
sniper rifle, if you
brought it from the
previous mission. You
need it for clearing out
the ruins.

Head toward the

northern access point.
Head west toward the
ruins. A guard walks out
from the ruins on

Two guards patrol near

here. If you time it right,
you can catch the two of
them together.
Bring up the rifle, zoom
in, and take him down.

Gun them both down,

then pick up their rifles
Move forward toward for more ammo.
the body, watching for
another guard near the
southern access point.

Into the Underground Base

Eliminate this guard.

While up on the ruins, Go through the door
you don't need to worry and down the long
about alerts. Whatever flight of stairs into the
you do up here does not underground base.
get down to the under-
ground base.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Taking Out the Lieutenant

Position yourself on the
wooden platform over
At the bottom, bring the ditch next to the
out your 9mm Pistol SD eastern hallway. Wait for
and sneak around the a guard to walk past you,
corner. then pull out the 9mm
Pistol SD and drop him
with a round to the head.
Hide the body and leave
the M60 for later if

Some guards are

torturing a civilian.
Watch for a bit, using
the map to make sure Walk south down the
that any patrolling eastern hallway toward
guards are moving away the lieutenant's
from the area. quarters.

When it is clear, take Go through the metal

out the guards with one door on the left. Be sure
round each to the head. to close it behind you
since this one does not
close by itself.

Pull out the 9mm Pistol

SD again and continue
Walk up to the civilian; to the other steel door.
he tells you where you Open it and eliminate
can find the lieutenant. the lieutenant. Take his
pistol if you want, but
don't change into his

Hide both bodies by

dropping them into the
nearby ditch.


Securing the Cargo

Holster your weapon,

exit the room, and A helicopter arrives
retrace your steps to shortly.
the torture area. Pick up
the M60 if you want to
add it to your

Turn left and head west A couple of men load up

toward the cargo. If the the cargo and fly away
alert has not been with it.
sounded, you can get
past the three guards
outside near the stacks
of crates.

Alternate Tactics
There are a number of
other tactics you can
use. One is to sneak up
into the generator area.
Walk over to the Silently kill the guard
controls and call and turn off the
the elevator to open generator to shut off
the door. the lights. Another
guard arrives shortly to
turn them back on. If
you want to keep it dark,
take him out.

In the guards' quarters,

Enter the elevator and near the lieutenant's
select Ground Level to room, you find several
send it up to the top. sleeping guards and an
M60 and some ammo.

When you arrive, exit

the elevator. Since you Move about the under-
already cleared the ground base and past
ruins area near the guards by hiding in the
helipad, the mission is ditches.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Temple City Ambush
Your assignment is to gain access to the temple of the sacred
cult Gurdwara through a secret passage behind one of the
shops. Our client was double-crossed in Afghanistan—that
chopper plus cargo was stolen by this cult. He wants you to
retrieve it. We have some information that a couple of thugs
are on the prowl inside looking for suspicious foreigners—
check your map and watch your step. You'll find your contact
inside the International Parcel Service office. He has more
information on your mission.
The city
Mission Objectives Completing the Assignment
Meet with the Agency's contact
Meet with Agent Smith
Meeting with the Contacts
The agent must survive
Kill the two assassins and photograph
You begin in the eastern
their bodies part of the city. Holster
Bring the photos back to the agent your weapons because a
guard or civilian seeing
Mission Information you carrying will sound
This mission is tough because it is not always the same. After an alert.
you meet your first contact, he sends you to meet with
another. The second contact's location can vary each time
you play the mission. You then gain new objectives. The two
assassins are dressed in orange outfits with different
headwear. One has on a blue baseball cap while the other
wears a yellow floppy hat. The first assassin walks around the
market areas with a silenced pistol while the latter waits in
a window above one of the marketplaces with a sniper rifle. Make your way south to
In addition, other assassins come after you. All wear orange the International Parcel
suits and turbans. They shoot at you on sight. It is important Service office.
to make sure no one sees you shoot at an assassin. If the
guards (bald and dressed in orange) or civilians see you with
a weapon, the guards will come after you. If you see an
assassin, run to some secluded corner and wait to ambush him.
After you kill the two main assassins, photograph their
bodies and return to your second contact, who gives you the
location of the secret passage.

Weapons and Equipment

It is marked on your
9mm Pistol SD
map and has a large sign
Ballers out front.
Combat Knife


Assassinating the Assassins

Walk in and speak to
your contact. He tells Both of the assassins can
you to go see a second be found near one of
contact for more infor- the two marketplaces.
mation. The location of Locate them on the map.
this contact now appears Those assassins appear as
on your map. yellow circles—the
ones you don't need
pictures of are blue.

Make your way through

the streets and alleys to The first assassin you
the next contact. want to go after sits in
a window above a

There are several

Carpets International
offices throughout the
city. The one used by
your second contact To get to him, enter a
varies, so you have to use market stand underneath
the map. Avoid the large the window.
central marketplaces
for now.

Open the door and walk

in. Doesn't that guy look Quietly climb the stairs.

Your second contact is

the CIA agent you
rescued from St.
Petersburg. However, he
won't tell you where the Go into stealth mode to
secret passage is until you sneak up behind the
take out two assassins. To sniping assassin and…
make sure you get the
right ones, he gives you a
camera to take photos he
can examine.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

…use the fiber wire to Drop the sniper rifle and

quietly eliminate him. head downstairs.

Don't forget to take a Move to the body and

picture of the body for take a photo.
the CIA agent.

With both assassins

Pick up the sniper rifle
down, plus photos of the
and get ready for the
bodies, you are ready to
second assassin.
return to the CIA agent.

Watch the map view to

see when a yellow circle Watch out for other
is approaching, then assassins on your way. If
look out the window to you keep an eye on the
make sure it's the map, you can avoid them.
correct assassin.

The one you are looking In the office, the agent

for wears a blue tells you where the
baseball cap. Zoom in secret passage is—before
and take the shot. he passes out drunk.


If the guards are on the lookout for a suspicious
bald guy, you may want to take the clothes off
of one of the assassins and dress as a guard. Make sure you take out
the second assassin with
the SMG as well. Return
On to the Secret Passage to ground level.

The passage is in the

northwest corner of
the city. However, a
couple of assassins have
set up an ambush for you. Watch out for any other
assassins who might be
in the area. The Ballers
work well for dropping
these guys.

Move toward the

southwest corner of the
city, south of the office
where the secret passage
is, until you see this
ladder. With the alley clear,
head for the Carpets
International office.

Climb it and go around a

corner to a door.
Open the door and
walk in.

Open the door and take

out the sniper who was
waiting to shoot you as
you ran down the alley Go over to the secret
below. passage, which is
covered by a rug, to
complete the mission.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Alternate Tactics Mission Information

You don't have to snipe This mission is tough. First infiltrate the temple, getting
the wandering assassin past several guards. Next, get the door key and find a way
with the ballcap. to get to Dr. Von Kamprad. One of the more difficult
Instead, you can locate parts is hiding the doctor's body. Once that is done, make
him, then walk up behind your escape.
him and take him out
with the 9mm Pistol SD.
Just make sure no one Maps
else is around and
quickly holster your
pistol when you're done.

Skip killing the last two

assassins waiting to
ambush you as you go to
the office with the
secret passage. Instead of
walking down that alley,
make your way to the Temple garden Sewers
north end from an alley
to the east. Run to the
door and inside where the
sniper can't target you.

The Death of
This assignment is the next phase in your larger mission.
Once inside the temple, you have to find and kill the cult Temple 1st floor Temple 2nd floor
leader's personal physician and main propagandist, Von
Kamprad, and then continue on to Hospital Island where the
Completing the Assignment
cult leader is. Infiltrating the Temple

Mission Objectives
Pick up door key to hiding place
Kill Dr. Von Kamprad You begin the mission in
Hide the body of Dr. Von Kamprad—check your the northeast portion
of the temple garden,
map for the location
near the boat dock.
No civilians can be killed

Immediately make
your way to the crates
left of you.

Dr. Von Kamprad


A guard is headed your Make your way to the

way. Hide behind the western entrance into
crates to elude him. the temple.

Wait until the guard

Pull out your 9mm Pistol near the door walks away.
SD and wait for him to If you try to run past him
pass the crates. As he and into the temple,
does, neutralize him he'll alert others and
with a headshot. expose your disguise.

Go through the door

Drag the body and hide and south through the
it behind the crates. hallway.

The Key and Another Disguise

Once the body is out of

sight, take the clothes You are headed to a
so you can disguise supply room in the
yourself as a guard. southern part of the

Holster your weapon,

Open the door on
then head west across
the right.
the garden.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Head toward the

Run through the small
northeastern corner
room and into the supply
of the temple. Patients
room. If you walk, the
occupy the western
guards in the small room
rooms, while cult
might see through your
members occupy the
eastern rooms.

In the supply room, you Go all the way to the

can find a 9mm Pistol SD last room at the end of
and an AK. You do not the hall.
need either.

Pick up the door key. You Inside you find a change

need it to access the of clothes. Put it on
closet where you must and you are now a
hide the doctor's body. patient.

There is also some poison Once you are dressed,

in the room. Pick it up. head back out of
the room.

Appointment with the Doctor

Make your way quickly

through the small room
with the guards again. Continue to the large
room in the north.


Quickly make your way The nurse takes you

past the guards. straight in to Dr. Von

You see a nurse talking As the doctor walks away

to a patient in the lobby. from the desk, poison
her water.

It is quicker to sneak up
behind her and use the
As you approach, she
fiber wire. If you wait
recognizes you as
until she finishes her
another patient and
speech and drinks the
leads you to the doctor.
water, a patient may walk
in and see the body.

Follow her upstairs. You

may need to run past the Quickly drag the
guards if they start body out through the
taking too close a look main door.
at you.

Drag the body right

through the middle of
Another guard patrols
the central room. If you
the top of the stairs.
go down one side or the
other, a guard at the top
of the stairs may see you.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Keep going all the way

to the room marked on Return to the boat
the map. It is the closet dock. Run past any
door on the right. You guards so they don't see
must have the door key through your disguise.
to open it.

Hop into the boat to

Once inside, drop the complete the mission
body and make sure all and head out for the
weapons are holstered. next one.

Alternate Tactics

Head downstairs and out There is another way

of the main temple into the temple, but
building. it is tougher. Head
northwest along
the beach.

Go back to the patient's

room where you picked
up the disguise and You come upon the sewer
change back into the outlet. Run inside.
guard uniform.

When you get to the end

of the sewer, look over
the pool in the center
After exiting the room, of the temple. If you go
turn right and leave the up one of the side
temple. passages on the right,
near the pool outlet, you
come up a ladder in the
southeastern corner of
the temple.


Terminal Hospitality
Your mission is to find the cult leader, Deewanna Ji, and
eliminate him—he's been admitted to the hospital to
undergo heart surgery. He needs a new heart and a
pacemaker. The complex consists of the hospital and a Shiva
temple, reserved for devotional and religious practices for
the top members there. The hospital has different floors 2nd floor Basement
with sick wards and treatment units. A package in Dr.
Chakran's office contains equipment that will help you
complete the mission.

Mission Objectives
Kill the cult leader
Escape Hospital Island

Roof Ventilation shafts

Completing the Assignment

Getting into the Hospital

Deewanna Ji Hospital nurse

The mission begins with
Mission Information your landing on the
This mission is straightforward. You need to get into the shore of Hospital
hospital. If you get a guard's orange uniform, it's easier to Island.
walk right in. Once in the hospital, you need to get to Dr.
Chakran's office, where you pick up some more equipment and
supplies. With these, you can make the hit on the cult leader.
Get back to your boat and escape.

Weapons and Equipment

Head west along the
Scalpel shore. Use the rocks
for cover and watch out
Maps for the guard out on
the yacht.

Ascend the stairs,

staying to the left
Island 1st floor side so the guard at the
top cannot see you
coming up.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Retrieving your Package

When you get to the

top, pull out your
9mm Pistol SD. Walk across the entry

Sidestep right and take

down the guard silently
with a single round to Climb the staircase to
the head. the second floor.

Move over to the body

and change clothes. Pick
up the Uzi and conceal At the top, head south.
it. Leave the body where Move quickly past
it is. No one patrols guards so they do not
around this area, so it see through your
won't be discovered. disguise.

Holster all weapons and

move on to the hospital. Take a right and enter
Dr. Chakran's office.

With your disguise, you

can enter through the
front door without any Make sure the nurse is
trouble. not at her desk.


The Surgery

If she is, step back out

into the lobby area and
wait for her to take a Exit the office the same
break out on the patio. way you entered.

Once it is clear, move to

the door and quickly
Head north through the
pick the lock.

A box sits on the desk.

Open it to reveal night-
vision goggles and the Continue all the way to
room key. Pick them the elevator and call it.
both up.

With the key, you

can get through the Take the elevator down
next door. to the basement.

Once you get to the

Inside there's a change bottom, enter Ward B.
of clothes. Put them on Ward A is where the
and move about the surgeries take place;
hospital disguised as a however, you need to do
doctor. a few things before you
close in for the hit.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Head south through the Work your way north

hallways all the way to through the shafts to
the last hallway. the shaft that runs east
to west.

Two openings at each

end of this shaft look
down into the four
Enter the office of the
operating rooms. Two
of them have a doctor
and a nurse. These are
not the rooms you are
looking for.

One room is empty.

However, in one room
Inside, pick up the you see two guards
scalpel on the desk. dressed in orange.
That is the room you
want. Take note of
which one you are
looking down into.

The cult leader's room changes each time you
Head to the door across play this mission. Check each time.
the hall. Make sure no
guards are watching you,
then pick the lock.

Once inside the venti-

lation room, climb up
the ladder into the


Time to Leave
Once the surgery is
complete, get out of
Descend one of the the operating room. If
ladders to the basement you wait around, the
level off to one side of two guards will
the ventilation shaft. realize the cult leader
is dead and start
shooting at you. Leave
via the closest door to
the stairwell, either
to the east or west
depending on which side the operating room is on.

You have to pick the

lock to get out of the
small room. In the stairwell, rather
than heading up, go
to the door and pick
the lock. Go through
the opened door to exit
the hospital.

Head to Ward A and walk

directly to the correct
operating room. Move
quickly past the guards.
Make your way south
toward the boat dock.

Once inside, the two

guards think you are the
Go through the same
area where you entered
the hospital complex.

Walk up next to the cult

leader, pull out the
scalpel, and choose
"Kill Cult Leader" from
the action menu; 47
performs a successful
operation to stop the
cult leader's heart.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Keep going until you It holds a small arsenal

reach your boat. Hop of weapons in case you
aboard to end the want to try more bloody
mission. tactics.

Alternate Tactics
If you want to get
through the mission
without killing anyone Instead of going in the
but the cult leader, front door, climb
evade the guards near through open windows
the boat dock. Use the on either side of the
rocks as cover as you hospital.
make your way toward
the temple of Shiva.

Finally, if you want to

try another tactic for
the hit, turn off the
Watch out for generator located in
patrolling guards the ventilator room.
around the temple. Use the night-vision
goggles to move
through the basement
to the operating room,
or to make your escape.

An orange guard's
uniform is just sitting by
the pool. Use it to get
into the hospital.

Check out the inside of

the temple.

Back to St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg Maps

There's been an unexpected turn of events involving our
client, Sergei Zavorotko. It appears that he is the terrorist
whose nuclear arms got stolen by the Indian cult. The U.N.
has reason to believe that Sergei is dealing in vast amounts
of nuclear and chemical arms. The U.N. has no mandate to
handle such contingencies—but they still want to eliminate
this world terrorist, so this is where the Agency comes into
the picture. It's very much against the Agency's principles to
perform a hit on a former customer, but considering the Metro station Streets
potential business from the U.N., they're making an exception
in this case. Because you already know the area—and are the
Agency's top performer in the trade—they have chosen you
to carry out this mission. Sergei is occupying the same office
in St. Petersburg where you carried out your first mission
for the Agency after coming out of retirement. He's
paranoid now. Check your map, refresh your memory, and
retrace your steps. Upon arrival on the metro you'll find
your equipment in locker 137 at the station. Your escape
route is returning on the train. Pushkin Building Pushkin Building
1st floor 2nd floor
Mission Objectives
Kill Sergei Zavorotko
Escape to the metro


Completing the Assignment

Sergei Zavorotko Going in for the Kill

Mission Information
This mission is set up like the first one in St. Petersburg. The
locker contains a sniper rifle, and you can use the same You are back in the St.
apartment building to shoot into the same office. There are Petersburg metro
only a few guards near the back door of the Pushkin station.
Building and more behind the apartment building. As a
successful assassin, you know that you never use the same
method twice—not if you want to stay alive. Why have you
been given the exact same circumstances as before?
Something smells fishy. You begin the mission with the fiber
wire as your only weapon. It's all you need. Plus, you can pick
up other weapons as you go.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Head over to the

lockers. Pick the lock
to number 137. It holds a The enemy assasin 17
sniper rifle but no ammo. will spawn in this
Were you supposed to window if you approach
think it was already from this side.
loaded? This mission
appears to be a setup.

If you walk out in front of the Pushkin Building,
even at a distance, the assassin in the window
shoots at you with the sniper rifle. Approach the
Head up the stairs opening in the wall (shown in the screenshot), but stay to
and away from the the right and out of sight of the window. This will force 17
boarding area. to spawn in this window but he will not see you. Head
back toward the Metro and approach the building from the
front—you won’t be seen.

Keep running right up to

the front doors on the
Continue all the way up
southwestern side.
to street level.

There are no guards

Move north to the here, so go on in and up
barricades left over the stairs.
from the previous

Turn right and head up

Turn west and head the next flight of stairs
toward the Pushkin to the second floor.

Back to St. Petersburg

After killing the clone,
run downstairs and out
the front door. Guards
Open the doors;
surround the building.
someone with a sniper
However, since you are
rifle waits to ambush you
wearing 17's clothes,
on your way to the
they let you by.
apartment building.

However, once they find

the clone's body, they
look for you. The stairs
Sneak up behind the to the metro are
assassin and use the fiber covered by several
wire to eliminate him. guards, so head south to
Change into his clothes the street running along
and take the sniper rifle. the river, then east.

Back to the Sewers

The W2000 has only one round in it. Don't use it
unless you absolutely have to. Even then, you
have to make a perfect headshot on the target Climb down into the
since you only get one shot. Although you probably won't manhole and take the
use it, take it back for your collection. ladder to the sewers.

If you were to visit

Sergei's office, you
would find a target to
shoot at. Head toward the access
to the metro station.

However, Sergei had a

clone numbered 17
ready to kill you. Time As you approach the
to get out. sewer stream, you'll see a
guard up ahead.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Take out the fiber wire

Continue through
and sneak up behind
the small room to the
him. Kill him to clear
next door.
your way.

Take his clothes so you Head up the small flight

can get past other of stairs.
guards farther along.

Pick up the pistol and Turn right and run

retrieve your W2000. down the escalator.

Head northeast through

the sewers. Some guards Keep going all the way
wait near where you turn to the metro boarding
to go to the metro area to complete the
station. However, since mission.
you are disguised, they
pay no attention.

Pick the lock to get

through the steel door.

Showdown in Sicily
Completing the Assignment
Redemption at
To the Tool Shed
Gontranno Sanctuary
Since number 17 failed to kill you in St. Petersburg, Sergei
has set up another trap for you at Gontranno Sanctuary. He
The mission begins in the
still holds Father Vittorio captive and is using him as bait
courtyard outside the
for you. There is no briefing and no help from the Agency on
chapel. Two guards
this mission. You're on your own—this time it's personal.
patrol the area, and
they will shoot you
Mission Objectives on sight.
Kill all Sergei's bodyguards
Save Vittorio by killing Sergei

Mission Information
This mission is the toughest—and bloodiest—you have faced. Look around the corner
There is no need to try to limit casualties. In fact, you must to the east. When both
head north, run for the
kill all of Sergei's bodyguards as a mission objective. The
second-to-last pillar.
first part of the mission is probably the most difficult. You
One guard patrols back
begin with only the fiber wire for a weapon. If you can get to and forth in front of
the tool shed, all of the weapons you collected during your the gate while the other
previous missions are waiting. makes a circuit around
the courtyard.
Weapons and Equipment
All of the weapons and equipment you have
collected during the course of the game Tip
In third-person view, you can see around the
Maps corner of objects without exposing 47 to the view
of the enemy. Use this ability during the mission
to see where the guards are without letting them see you.

After the guards look

back, head north again,
Monastery gardens Church sprint to the last pillar
and hide behind it.

Make sure the guard is

not looking, then run to
the pillar next to the
gate and hide behind it.
The guard looks back
Dungeon because he thought he
heard something, but if
you are out of his sight,
he will turn around and
walk away.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Eliminating the Bodyguards

Carefully walk up to
the gate. Check the
map to see the location
of the guard patrolling Take out the guards as
on the other side of they approach the
the gate. doorway.

When you are ready,

open the gate and run Strafe out through the
through it. Run and jump door to take down the
down the stone pathway guards coming from the
to the garden below. direction of the

Keep running all the way

to the shed. The guards
shoot at you, and you may
Once it is clear around
take a hit, but if you keep
the tool shed, go back
running you'll make it.
inside and stock up
Luckily the door is not
on ammo. Grab the
locked, so get inside.
Ballers just in case.

Fully armed, head

toward your old
The walls of the shed quarters. Watch out
stop the guards' bullets. for the sniper on top
However, the guards of the ruins you used
will follow you in. for training. A quick
burst eliminates him.
Go through the door
into the chapel
dungeon area.
You have a lot of
weapons from which to Once inside, go past the
choose. For right now, stairway up into the
grab something chapel and on to the
automatic. The M60 is door on the right. Pick
always a good choice. the lock. Once it is
If you don't have one, unlocked, open the door
and enter the room. Pick
take an AK, an SMG,
up the key hanging on
or an Uzi.
the far wall and exit
back to the outside.

Showdown in Sicily

As you leave the Go through the door on

dungeon area, take an the left and strafe
immediate right between around the corner to
the quarters and the take out any remaining
stone wall of the guards.

You'll come to a secret

passage into the chapel. Head west and pick off
The key you picked up the guard in the other
in the dungeon opens stairwell.
this door.

Enter the stairwell

and open the door. Get
Head upstairs to the ready to fire—a large
first floor of the group of guards waits
chapel. You'll come to a in the chapel for you.
room with two doors and Strafe right to duck
some wooden stairs. behind the wall for

Move east through the

rear entry area to the
Sneak up to the door on first stairwell where you
the left. Open it and get entered the ground
ready to shoot. There's a floor of the chapel.
guard on the other side. Open the door and clear
out the other side of the
chapel. It's time to head

After you shoot, back up

and get ready for a
Open the western
guard to come through
door and exterminate
the other door. Cover
the two guards on the
both doors, shooting
balcony area above the
anyone who comes
through until things
cool down.


Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Instead he knocks
Vittorio down and
Open the northern breaks out through the
door and open fire on a wall of the confes-
couple more tangos on sional into the chapel.
the balcony area.

Let him go for now—

There are more tangos
on the opposite balcony don't try to chase after
to the west, so go him. Instead, head up the
through the western stairwell opposite the
door, across the balcony one taken by Sergei.
over the confessional,
over to the other
stairwell. Open the
northern door and fire
away at two more guards. You find him on the
balcony above the
confessional. He is
Walk out on the balcony waiting for you to go
and shoot down at any out into the chapel.
guards remaining on the However, you can get
chapel floor. When you the drop on him. Don't
hear Father Vittorio try for a nice single shot
talking, all of the to the head. Instead,
bodyguards are dead. unload an automatic into
Keep searching the area him to make sure you take
until you meet this first him down.
objective. Use the map
to locate any surviving
With Sergei's death, you
Now for Sergei have successfully
completed the mission—
After all the and the game.
bodyguards are dead,
head down to the
confessional. Enter the
confessional. Sergei and
Vittorio are on the
other side. Aim at the Father Vittorio offers
heart in the middle and some parting words
take a shot. for you.

It will hit Sergei but

Hitman 47 makes his
not kill him.
departure from


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