Ogl 482 Module 4 Thematic Analysis

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Module 4 Thematic

Analysis: 10 Patterns
to Pave the Way
Kylee Knighten
April 9th 2022
Robert Wilson
The following slides will illustrate 10 patterns throughout my life that can be used to strengthen my leadership skills, home in on
career options and ultimately reach personal and professional goals. My patterns demonstrate personal values, opportunities and
context into how I’ve matured as a professional adult. While collecting this data the overarching theme I recognized was my love for
my family and the passion I have for success.
Research Process and Methods

My process for collecting data:

• Read through each of the assigned qualitative data from this course
• Highlighted any information that stood out to me, either correlating to my
current values or a focal point of the assignment
• Sorted through previous courses looking for assignments with qualitative data,
assessments, exercises, group activities or relative work experience
• Read through each assignment, highlighting information that stood out as
useful or impactful to the assignment
• Once a pattern was detected I wrote it down and listed under it, which piece of
data supported this theme and where to find it in the assignment
• To code the data, I used acronyms and page numbers
The following slides will
list each data source I
used to support my life
themes and a brief
My Data Sources description of their
1. Three Questions (3Qs)- This is a reflective discussion
based on a video is by Fr. Michael Himes, a theologian
at Boston College. The questions promote dialogue
around vocational discernment.
2. Identities Exercise (IE)- This exercise required me to
identify as many primary sources of identity as possible
then to illustrate how they influence my actions.
3. Values and Dreams (VD)- This exercise asked that you
list your most desired items and wants from life, then

Data 4.
to expand on the why behind each item.
Life Story Personal Narrative (LSPN)- An autobiography
written from my childhood to present day, that

highlights obstacles and moments of growth and the
individuals who made an impact in my life along the
5. Kuder Assessments- An assessment platform including
the below assessments to evaluate current professional
values and interests and the career they best associate
- Kuder Career Interests Assessment® (KC)
- Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment® (KS)
- Super’s Work Values Inventory-revised (KV)
6. Career Anchors Assessment (CAA)- This assessment
distinguished between career needs of high and low
priority to in turn make intelligent career choices.
7. Life Design Submission (LDS)- The purpose of this
assignment was to take total control of your life, reflecting
on where you are today and where you want to be. I was asked
to design the life I want to live and strategize how to get
there. There are 2 exercises used as supporting data.

The first is a Life Satisfaction Chart (LSC) and the second is a
Values exercise (VE).
8. Module 6 Paper Diversity (M6D)-This is a paper I wrote
from OGL 350 Diversity and Organizations. The papers

required I read the given materials and describe insights or
reminders gained from the reading.
9. WorkStyle Pattern Inventory Full Report (WSP)- This

excerise took information from my preferred workstyle
and my actual work style to help address the question: “How do
I contribute in this ever-evolving world of work?”
10. Life History Interview Part 2 (LHI)- An interview conducted
in OGL 343 to explore influential experiences related
to teamwork, leadership and mentoring.
11. INDIGO Assessment- (IA)- A tool used to explore
motivators, career skills and gain self awareness.
My 10 Themes
The following slides are 10 themes that illustrate my strengths, values and preferences both
personally and professionally. They are each followed with concrete evidence that support and
clearly demonstrate each theme. A couple of the themes are supported with contradictory data. All
supporting data aim to refine a career choice and path that best suites my lifestyle.
Theme 1: Leadership

• Theme Statement: I am most fulfilled when I am in a leadership position and have naturally gravitated towards these roles
throughout my career.
• Support:
• I ended up working my way up in management at Nordstrom, having several different leadership roles while I attended a few
different community colleges taking a few too many breaks in between. Eventually I stopped going to school and decided to
pursue my career at Nordstrom. (LSPN)
• I held leadership positions in five different departments and while there was a huge sense of accomplishment in each new
role, I never felt fulfilled. (LSPN)
• My primary career anchor is stability, security and organizational identity, essentially these are broken down into two
different categories; those who are focused on location and those who are focused on stability of employment.(CAA)
• My secondary career anchor is managerial competence. “The key montivations for people anchored in managerial
competence are advancement up the corporate ladder to higher levels of responsibility, growing opportunities to serve in a
position of leadership, increasing contribution to the overall success of the organization and a long- term opportunity for
high income and estate-building” (CAA)
Theme 1: Leadership cont.

• Contradicting:
• “Even though individuals like you with an Independent Worker approach to work may be
excellent managers of one’s own work and projects those of you with this preference may
tend to be inpatient with and even critical of the work of others whose standards differ,”
(WSP p.7)
• Reflection:
• There is debate whether leadership is a skill that can be taught or if it inheritently is a skill
that individuals are born with. While I do believe that leadership can be taught and practiced,
I firmly believe leaders run in my family. Every. Adult figure I was raised around has held a
leadership position during my life. These qualities have been embedded in me since
Theme 2: Health

• Theme Statement: Having a healthy work life balance is very important to me.
• Support:
• LDS(LSC)- The goal of this exercise was to rate how satisfied I am with my current life. At the time I was working at Nordstrom and my retail schedule did not
allow me to spend time with my family on the weekends or holidays. I gave the my family relationships a 1 symbolizing being completely dissatisfied.
• LDS (VE)- Listing my top values that are the foundation for my life path. The first three values listed all involving spending quality time with family and
schedule flexibility.
• IE- My roles have shown me a great deal about myself. One quality being that I am a natural leader and get pleasure from helping others. I care about
meaningful relationships and affection because of the relationships I have with my family.
• WSP- page 4: “most enjoy work environments that include-flexible work structure”
• IE- “My roles are prioritized by importance. My family comes first so I am a daughter and a sister above all other roles. If they need me, I am there; I make
time to go to my parents’ house to visit my family.”
• IE- “I am a firm believer in you making time for things that are a priority to you.”
Theme 2: Health cont.

• Contradictions:
I didn’t not find any data containing contradictions but I do think that working
at Nordstrom for so many years was a direct contradiction to my ideal lifestyle. I
was asked to work holidays and most weekends I would not get home until after
• Reflection:
I’ve learned that my strong relationships with family require me to have a
career that allows me to spend time with them. There are certain
professions that require a lot of traveling or an inconsistent schedule, both of
which do not add to my joy.
Theme 3: Father

• Theme Statement: My father is my mentor soundboard and someone I value.

• Support:
• LSPN- Referencing cheerleading tryouts: “Moments like these where my dad was dictating my experiences in my life to teach
me a lesson, came often. There was always a learning point to be taken away from every situation”
• LSPN- “My dad taught me to do my best and if that meant following through on commitments then that is what I had to do.”
• LSPN- My dad has taught us to live by the following three values: 1. Treat others how you want to be treated 2. Take
responsibility for all your actions 3. Always do your best
• IE- “My roles are prioritized by importance. My family comes first so I am a daughter and a sister above all other roles….
Because of this, my role as a daughter is most attended to. I call my dad during my workday often.”
• LHI- “We asked her about her mentor in college and with a bright look in her face and no hesitation she mentioned her Dad.”
• LHI- “She stated he is someone to look up to because he is a strong leader, he manages his officers well and with much
respect. He can take control of any situation and that he always finds the best interest of people. He taught Kylee how to be
kind and nice in every circumstance.”
Theme 3: Father cont.

• Contradictions:
• I am very similar to my father both personally and professionally. We share the same
sense of humor and work ethic, because of this I was not able to find any
• Reflection:
• My father has always played a large role in my life. I am fortunate to have such a
close relationship with him over the years. I was raised by my parents to put my
family first and always work hard in everything you do. I turn to my father as a voice
of reason when making decisions because I trust his judgement. I hope to have the
same impact on my children one day.
Theme 4: Team

• Theme Statement: I have a strong passion for supporting a team

• Support:
• 3Qs- “Every day isn’t the best day but its fulfilling to know that I am helping those who help others.”
• 3Qs- “My family thinks I work too much but I genuinely enjoy my role at work. I am a recruitment manager for a healthcare
company. My role is to support a team of recruiters”
• LSPN- “Today Ma is retired and still goes down to the foodbank to pass out food to low-income families. Her devotion to help
and serve others has become a prominent influence in my life.”
• IA- Completing this assessment gave me insight into how I can bring value to my team. The following are listed as my
contributions to my team: negotiates conflict, deadline conscious, team player, accomplishes goals through people,
optimistic and enthusiastic, verbalizes her feelings.
• IA- Strengths: Willing to talk to "naysayers" about conforming to the system or structure.
• IA- Generates feedback from the assessment: “She is good at creating enthusiasm in others. Kylee likes to develop people
and build organizations.”
Theme 4: Team cont.

• Contradictions:
• WSP- Preferred workstyle is independent worker to manage own work. The
assessment identifies me as someone who prefers to work independently rather
than in a team setting. I found this to be contradictory to several other assessments
taken and my general work preferences.
• Reflection:
• I genuinely enjoy seeing other succeed. It is such a great feeling knowing you helped
an individual reach their goals. My influence on a team impacts their performance.
As a leader it is my responsibility to ensure moral is high and the team is productive
in the most efficient way possible.
Theme 5: Money

• Theme Statement: Money is an important aspect to my life

• Support:
• 3Qs- “While I agree with this statement, I think perception of having “it” all is in the
eye of the beholder. I am fulfilled at work and working towards my financial goals of
purchasing a home”
• 3Qs- “One of the items on my list of desires is a home. I want more than anything to
be a homeowner. I want to raise my children in a home they feel safe in.”
• LDS- Uncovering self-limiting beliefs
• (page 24 #7) If only I could have money my life would be better.
Theme 5: Money cont.

• Contradiction:
• Kuder- The work values assessment did not list income as one of my top values. The
three values were coworkers, lifestyle and supervision. None of which reflect that
income is of any importance to my in my profession.

• Reflection:
• I have never considered money to be a large influence on my decision making or a goal
of mine until recently. As I’ve matured, I understand the value of money and while, yes, it
does not always buy happiness its still needed to live a comfortable life. My goal is to
become a homeowner in San Diego, California, one of the most expensive states in the
country. In order to do this my income matters.
Theme 6: Relationship

• Theme Statement: I value an honest relationship, I take pride in transparency

• Support:
• LSPN- “While I completely understand his reasoning, knowing how that felt to
me. I would never hide such a major accident from my family.”
• LSPN- “So once my dad had a surgery date, he decided to tell the five of us about
his cancer.”
• KC- My top 5 values were family, affection, responsibility and accountability,
honesty, and leadership
• IA- “She is a team player and desires acceptance as a member of the team. She
likes quality social relationships.”
Theme 6: Relationship cont.

• Contradiction:
• LSPN- Not telling my parents about being put on academic probation by San
Diego State.

• Reflection
• Transparency has become such a large part of my life professionally. On a daily
basis I am educating my clients and team on processes and procedure. All of
which require me to be fully open and honest about changes within the team
and company. In my personal life honesty leads to me having respect for others.
Theme 7: Organization

• Theme Statement: I thrive in a highly organized environment

• Support:
• LSPN- Being prepared helps to alleviate complex situations
• Resume- showing I have held various leadership positions in retail where
everything is color coded and visually appealing to the customer
• KC- Career said Librarian and medical collection specialist (both are highly
• WSP- Stress Levels (page 10)
Theme 7: Organization cont.

• Contradiction:
• There was a conflicting difference between work actual and organizational preference.
When this assessment was taken over a year ago I was working at Nordstrom where my
manager was very unorganized and according to the WSP assessment this was tolerable
for me.
• Reflection:
• When my work environment is organized, I am more efficient. I will take the extra time to
clean up my workspace before leaving for the day. Organization is represented in my
personal life as well, from closet spaces to the coffee mugs and spices in the kitchen. I
am all about working efficiently and staying organized helps with that.
Theme 8: Risk

• Theme Statement: I take calculated risk to gain new experiences.

• Support:
• LSPN-Moving in with my boyfriend, Freddy, right after high school
• LSPN- Moving to AZ last month just to gain experience living in a new state alone.
• LDS- Page 9- Threshold Crossing- quitting Nordstrom analogy
• The threshold will be quitting my job. Its presented as skydiving! I’ve always wanted
to go but I’m so comfortable down here (on Earth). Similar to my job. I have been
with the company for 7 years, I’m so comfortable that I need change, which is scary.
• LDS- uncovering self-limiting beliefs (page 24) “The main reason I will fail to achieve my
Goals for Life Area #1 is: not starting at all and staying at my current job, not setting time
aside of work and school to research my new passion.”
Theme 8: Risk cont.

• Contradiction:
• I was not able to find any contradicting evidence to this theme. I like to stay organized
and make informed decisions when change comes about.
• Reflection:
• Regardless of the risk or the outcome its important to incorporate it in your life. In my
professional career I have asked my team for suggestions on various projects, its
calculated risks. In my personal life I am learning to take more risks. He biggest thus far
is represented in the LSPN where I discuss moving to Arizona. I made the decision to
move and once my mind was set on it I did it. While it was hard moving away from all
of my family and friends, I am strengthening my independence and growing as a
Theme 9: Self-Confidence

• Theme Statement: My confidence has grown dramatically in the last 3 years.

• Support:
• KC- C.E.S= the E is enterprising and description was confidence
• KC- “Confident in persuasive, leadership, sales and entrepreneurial skills,” this
illustrates various roles I’ve had in my professional career.
• KS- “My interpretation of this is that I am confident in my artistic skills, but I
realistically do not have any.”
• WSP- Contributions preferred to offer work environments
• “assign to me the total responsibility and I will surpass your expectations”
Theme 9: Self-Confidence cont.

• Contradiction:
• KS- “I am in no way confident in my mathematical or scientific skills.” Knowing your
strengths and weaknesses is a great asset to have and supports being self aware.

• Reflection:
• Confidence is not something I’ve ever had to struggle with. Growing up I was confident in
myself as well as my academic skills. My parents raised me to walk with my head held
high and to not be ashamed to admit your faults or opportunities of growth. I think the
more open you are about your weaknesses the more of an opportunity you give yourself
to improve them.
Theme 10: Responsibility

• Theme Statement: Having a social responsibility to those around me is important.

• Support:
• KC- “I scored highest in the social skills category. “Confident in developing and
growing human relationships,”. Our team is our largest asset and if you develop a
strong relationship with them, you build trust and increase performance.”
• LSPN- The relationship my grandmother has with mom, the relationships my
mom has with Bre and my relationship with my siblings.
• M6D- What is the most important reason to respond to diversity effectively? I
chose the first answer A, it’s the mortal right thing to do.
Theme 10: Responsibility cont.

• Contradiction:
• WSP- “Lack of sensitivity to others’ needs, especially if they conflict with your
own goals and course of action”

• Reflection:
• I was raised to have a sense of purpose in your life and to take care of those
around you. I am the oldest of 5 and being in a position of responsibility and
taking care of my siblings is how I spent my childhood. I plan to raise my children
the same way, having a sense of obligation and holding them accountable for
helping each other and those around them when they can.
My Personal • Vision Statement:
• I take life as an everchanging experience,

Vision finding ways to learn from each encounter

and building meaningful relationships
with those around me.
Statement • Reflection:
• The process I sued to come up with my
vision statement was reading through my
themes and asking myself what I want out
of life. I have a passion for traveling and
new experiences whether that is with
loved ones or new individuals. Life is all
about change and the more flexible you
are able to be with is the easier it may be
for you. I’ve learned to control what I can
and embrace the life I have.
My Personal I will continue to learn from life and all it
presents me with while sustaining a positive

Mission outlook. In order to do this I must remember to

control only the things in life that I am able to
and not to overly stress about what I cannot.

Statement I will continue to strengthen the relationships of

those around me both personally and
professionally. Being a provider for my family is a
priority and I will continue to work towards my
professional, financial and personal goals to set a
good example for my siblings.
I will embrace the life I have, never taking it for
Reflection: By reating
My Personal • Reflection:

Mission • By creating my mission statement, I

grew an appreciation for all that I have
Statement cont. and all I am growing to be. I have
already met several goals of mine and
can whole heartedly say I am
progressing in the right direction. I can
only hope to continue down this road
as I continue my education and
professional career. My method to
creating the mission statement was to
free write bullet points of what I enjoy
about my life and how I plan to
continue improving.
These 10 patterns have paved the way to who I am and how I make decisions in my life. They encompass my leadership traits and will in turn help me to
navigate where I am going. It was challenging to examine the various data sources, but once I started to read through them, my personality inevitably shined
through each time; making some of the patterns so powerful, I’m astonished I’ve never recognized them before. This assignment allowed to observe and
interpret my assignments from a different perspective. One example I was able to admit through this assignment is the importance of a financial benefit in my
career. I’ve thought for so long that money was not a motivator to me when it fact it would make a top 3 list. I can appreciate how far I have come in mhy
education and how valueabel each assignment has been to my growth.

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