LIS 525: School Media Center Practicum Cecelia Hirsch
Prof. Susan Allen
Learning Objectives
• Using the style of Twitter, students will create a short summary that hints at the story of a
book they read. Students will include a minimum of 1 hashtag key term/phrase, a hashtag for
the book title and the book author’s Twitter handle.
• Students will submit their “Book Tweet” via the Book Tweet Submission Google Slide posted in
their Google Classroom.
Instructional Materials
Academic Language
Instructional Procedure
● Ask students if they are familiar with Twitter. Ask if they currently use Twitter and why.
● Present the Book Tweets Google Slide on the SMARTBoard.
o Guiding questions during the presentation:
▪ What is the # symbol? What is the @ symbol?
▪ How do we apply this social media concept to the books you’ve read?
▪ What can you tell about the books in these examples?
Genre, main character name, name of book, author name
Would you read this book?
▪ What do you think are the challenges of being limited to 280 characters?
● Distribute and review the Book Tweet Handout
● Show teacher created example on the SMARTBoard.
o Explain that they will be creating their tweets on the Book Tweet Submission Google
Slide located in Google Classroom
● Students will spend the remainder of class creating their Tweet and submitting via Google
● Show completed tweets on the SMARTBoard.
o Whole class discussion critiquing student’s tweets.
LIS 525: School Media Center Practicum Cecelia Hirsch
Prof. Susan Allen
Informal Assessment
Students will be observed working on their Book Tweets via the Submission Google Slide. By using a
shared document, the teacher can monitor each student’s progress, stepping in and addressing any
confusion, finding opportunities to highlight possible improvements on tweets, or spotlight well
written tweets with the whole class or individuals.
Formal Assessment
Students will complete their Book Tweet either in class or as a homework. The English teacher will
assess the final tweets.