Pre - Board - 2 STD XII Mathematics

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Sinhgad Technical Education Society’s

Sinhgad School’s
Preboard Examination (Academic Year 2020- 21)

Standard: XII Max. Marks: 80

Subject : Mathematics (041) Max. Time: 3 Hrs.
Date : 12 / 03 / 2021 Day: Friday
General Instructions:

1. This question paper contains two Parts A and B. Each part is compulsory. Part A carries
24 marks and Part B carries 56 marks.
2. Part A has Objective Type Questions and Part Bhas Descriptive Type Questions.
3. Both Part A and Part B have choices. Part A :
1. It consists of two sections - I and II.
2. Section I comprises of 16 very short answer type questions.
3. Section II contains 2 case studies. Each case study comprises of 5 case-based MCQs. An
examinee is to attempt any 4 out of 5 MCQs.
4. Internal choice is provided in 5 questions of Section - I. Moreover internal choices have
been given in both questions of Section - II as well. Part B :
1. It consists of three sections - III, IV and V.
2. Section III comprises of 10 questions of 2 marks each.
3. Section IV comprises of 7 questions of 3 marks each.
4. Section V comprises of 3 questions of 5 marks each.
5. Internal choice is provided in 3questions of Section - III, 2 questions of Section - IV and 3
questions of Section - V. You have to attempt only one of the alternatives in all such

PART - A (𝟏𝟔𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒔)
Section I
Questions in this section carry 1 mark each.
Q1. How many non-reflexive relations defined on a set A whose 𝑛(𝐴) = 3.
Let R be a relation defined on Q( set of rational numbers) as aRb⟺|a−b|≤ then state
the reason why R is not a transitive relation ?
Q2. Let R be a relation defined on A={1,2,3} such that R= {(1,1), (2,2), (3,3) ,(1,2)}. Is R an
identity relation? Give reason to support your answer.

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Q3. Let f : {1 , 2 ,3 } → { 1, 2 , 3 } . If f is one-one then f is onto as well. Is the statement given true?
Justify your answer.
If R ={(x ,y): x+2y = 8} is a relation on N, write the range of R.
Q4. Find the direction cosines of the line joining the points P(4, 3, -5) and Q (-2, 1, -8).
Find a if a∈ R , such t h at |a x|=1 , w h ere x=i−2 ^j+ k^ ?

Q5. Integrate ∫ x sinx dx .

2 3 1
Q6. If P( X) = , P( Y) = , P( X ∩Y ) = then find the value of P (X’/Y’).
5 10 5
1 5
If A and B are two events such that P( A /B)= p=P (A ), P(B) = , P ( A ∪ B )= , then find the
3 9
value of ‘p’.
^ ^j−k^ along the vector i+
Q7. Find the projection of 2 i+3 ^ ^j .

Q8. If A= [ 2−k1 3−k ]

2 is a singular ¿ then find the value of 5 k−k 2

( ) [ ( )]
4 2 2 3
d y dy
Q9. Find the order and degree (if defined), of the differential equation = x+

Q10. Write the cartesian equation of the line r =5 i−4 ^j+ 6 k^ + μ ( 3 i+
^ ^j−2 k^ )

Find the direction cosines of normal to the plane 6x - 3y + 2z +7 = 0.
1 1
Q11.Simplify: sin [ 2 x √ 1−x ] ,−
−1 2
≤ x ≤ ..
√2 √2
−1 1 1
Q12 Write the value of cos +2 sin−1
√2 √2

[ ]
0 1 −2
Q13. For the matrix M= −1 0 3 , find |M| .
2 −3 0
Q14. In a school pre-board examination, 30% students fail in Physics, 25% fail in Mathematics
and 10% fail in both. One is choosen at random. Find the probability that he fail in Physics if
he failed in Mathematics
Q15. For what value of x,a=2 i− ^
^ 6^j−7 k∧b=−6 ^
i−18 ^j + x k^ will be∥¿ each other ?

SS/Class XII/Pre-Board/Maths 2
^ ^j+ k^ ∧b=i−
Let a=i+2 ^ ^j denotes the sides of a triangle. find the area of this triangle.
Q16. Find the value of k, from the given probability distribution table below:
xi 0 1 2

pi 1/4 1/2 k

Section II
Questions in this section carry 1 mark each.
Both the Case study based questions are compulsory. Attempt any 4 sub-parts from
each question.

Q17. Ishanvi is running a small company of manufacturing LED bulbs. She can sell x
bulbs at a price of ` (250 - x) each. The cost price of x bulb is `(2x 2 - 50x +12) .Using
the information given above, answer the following :
(i) What is the selling price S(x), of x LED bulbs?

(a) ` (2x 3 - 50x2 +12x)

(b) ` (250x- x 2 )
(c) ` (x 2 - 250x)
(d) ` (250 - x)

(ii) What is [ P( x )] , where P(x) is the profit earned by Ishanvi on selling x bulbs?
(a) 300−6 x
(b) 300 x−3 x −12
(c) 300 x−3 x +12
(d) 300 x+ 3 x −12

(iii) How many bulbs should she sell to earn maximum profit?
(a) 150 (c ) 50

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(b) 300 (d) None of these

(iv) What is the maximum profit (in `) earned by her?

(a) `4788 (c ) `7848
(b) `7844 (d) `7488

(v) Ishanvi is making some LED bulbs still, she is making losses. If she is at a
loss of `12, how many bulbs she may have made?
(a) either 0 or 100
(b) 100 only
(c) 250 only
(d) 200 only
Q18. A mathematics teacher, Mr O.P. GUPTA has a question bank consisting of 300
easy True / False questions, 200 difficult True / False questions, 500 easy multiple
choice questions and 400 difficult multiple choice questions.
A student selects a question at random from the question bank.

Using the information given above, answer the following :

(i) What is the probability that the selected question is of multiple choice type?
5 9
(a) (c )
14 14
2 3
(b) (d)
7 14

(ii) What is the probability that the selected question is easy multiple choice type?
3 13
(a) (c)
14 14
5 9
(b) (d)
14 14
(iii) What is the probability that the selected question is of difficult True / False type?
9 2
(a) (c)
14 13

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2 1
(b) (d)
7 7
(iv) What is the probability that the selected question will be an easy question given
that it is a multiple choice type question?

5 5
(a) (c)
9 14
4 1
(b) (d)
9 7

(v) What is the probability that the selected question will be an easy question
given that it is a True / False type question?
9 3
(a) (c)
14 5
5 3
(b) (d)
14 14

Section III
Questions in this section carry 2 marks each

Q19. Evaluate: cot sin(

−1 3
+cot −1 .
2 )
Q20. For A= [ 11 68] , verify that A ( adjA ) =( adjA ) A=|A|I .
If A= [
−3 2 ∧I = 1 0
1 −1 0 1 ] [ ]
then find scalar k so that A2 + I =kA .

Q21. Differentiate with respect to x :. y=e x cosx .
Q22. Find the intervals in which f ( x )=4 x 3−6 x 2−72 x+15 is strictly increasing or

Q23. Evaluate ∫
√ 10−x dx .
2 √ x+ √10−x
cos ⁡(x+ a)
Integrate : ∫ dx
sin ⁡(x+ b)

2 2
x y
Q24. Find the area bounded in the first quadrant enclosed by ellipse + =1.
9 4

SS/Class XII/Pre-Board/Maths 5
dy y ( x −1)
Q25. Solve: = , giventhat f ( 1 ) =1.
dx x( y+1)
^ ^j+ k^ ∧¿ 𝑏=
Q26. Let 𝑎⃗ =i+ ^ ^j− k^ then determine vector perpendicular to 𝑎+
⃗ i+ ⃗ 𝑏⃗ and 𝑎⃗−¿
𝑏⃗ both.
Q27. Find the length of perpendicular drawn from the origin on the plane 2 x−3 y+ 6 z=0.
Also write a unit vector normal to the plane.
2 d y
Q28. If x=a t , y =2 at , then find 2.

3 3 d y π
If x=a sec θ , y =a tan θ , then find at θ= .
dx 2

Section IV
Questions in this section carry 3 marks each
lim ¿
Q29. Find the value of x→ 0 f ( x )∧¿ ¿¿¿ , Hence, discuss the continuity of f(x) at
1/ x
e −1
,if x ≠ 0
x→0 f ( x )where f ( x )= e 1/x + 1
−1if x=0

Q30. If y=3 cos logx+4 sinlogx , then show that x y 2 + x y1 + y =0

( )
a 1
dy 1 t+
Find where x= t + ∧ y=a t ; for a positive a∧t ∈ R−{0 , ±1 }.
dx t
Q31. Let N be the set of natural numbers and r be the relation on N XN defined by (a,b)R(c,d)
iff ad=bc for all a, b, c, d∈ N . Show that R is an equivalence relation.
a a 2
Q32 Prove that ∫ f ( x ) dx=∫ f ( a−x ) dx∧hence ¿∫ x
¿ dx .
0 0 0 sinx+cosx

Q33. Find a point on the curve y=x 3−11 x +5 at which the equation of the tangent is
y=x −11.

dy 2 x 2
Q34. Solve the differential equation − y=x +2.
dx 1+ x 2


Solve : ( √x )
e−2 √ x − y dx
=1 , x ≠0.

Q35. A bag contains two coins , one biased and other unbiased. When tossed, the biased coin
has 40% chance of showing tails. One of the coin is selected at random and on tossing it
shows tail. What is the probability it was an unbiased coin?

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Section V

Questions in this section carry 5 marks each

[ ]
1 −1 2
Q36. Let A= 2 −1 3 then find 𝐴−1
3 2 −1
Using the inverse of matrix A, solve the following system of equations:
x− y +2 z=7 , 2 x − y+ 3 z =12, 3 x+ 2 y −z=5.

[ ]
1 0 2
3 2
If A= 0 2 1 , prove that A −6 A +7 A+2 I=0.Hence find A−1 .
2 0 3

Q37.Solve the following linear programming graphically:

Minimize Z = 2x+y
Subject to constraints 4x + y ≥ 80 ; x + 5y ≥11 5 ; 3x+2y ≤ 150, x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0 .
Also write the point at which maximum value of Z occurs?

Using graphical method, solve the following linear programming:
Maximize: Z = 4x+9y
Subject to constraints: 20x +10 y ≤ 200 ,
10x + 20y ≤ 120
10x + 30y ≤ 150
x ≥0,
Also, write the x and y coordinate of the point at which 𝑍𝑚𝑎𝑥occurs.

Q38. Show that the lines x−2 y −2 1 y−3 z−4 intersect. Also find the
= = = =
1 3 1 4 2
coordinates of the point of intersection. Find the equation of the plane containing the two
^ ^ ^
Find the distance of the point 3 i−2 j+ k from the plane 3 x+ y−z +2=0 measured parallel to
x−1 y +2 z−1
the line = = . Also find the foot of perpendicular from the given point upon
2 −3 1
the given plane.


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