Guidelines For Admission To OAVs

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1.1. Introduction

Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya is a ambitious initiative by the Govt. of

Odisha to provide quality education in English medium to rural talents of
Odisha at no cost /nominal cost. It aims to open one OAV in each block of
Odisha in phased manner. The beginning has been made with 100 OAVs in
100 blocks with effect from the academic year 2016-17 and opening of
new OAVs in left out blocks are continuing. Since 2021-22, 250 OAVs are
opened in 250 blocks of the state and 64 new OAVs are going to be
operational in 2022-23. All OAVs are being affiliated to CBSE. The entry
level is Class-VI and it has been planned to make these institutions as
centers of excellence with provision of education up-to Class-XII. For entry
in to OAV a child has to pass though an Entrance Test.

1.2. Intake Capacity

In all classes of OAVs there are 2 sections with intake capacity of40
students in each section. The entry point to OAV is Class- VI. The students
will have the entry in class VI only. The list of Vidyalayas is annexed at –A.
The entry to OAVs will be through an Entrance Test and other conditions
as laid down here under.
1.3. Eligibility of candidates

I. The candidate seeking admission in Class VI to any OAVs of

the state must be continuing/ passed Class V/ continuing in
Class VI/ passed class VI. The minimum age of the candidate
on 31st March of the year in which admission is sought for
should be 10 years.

II. The maximum age of the child on 31st March of the year in
which admission is sought for should be within 12 years.

III. The candidate seeking admission into Class VII, VIII and IX for a
academic session must have completed Class VI, VII and VIII
respectively during the previous academic sessions for which
he/she is applying.
IV. A candidate must be above 11, 12 and 13 years of age as on
31st March/ 1st April of the year for which he/she is applying
for admission into Class VII, VIII and IX respectively through
lateral entry.

V. The children passing out of schools running under State

Government/ ICSE/ CBSE/ Odia Medium Private Institutions
are eligible for taking admission in Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya
as provided that the Institution possesses the status of
Certificate of Recognition(CoR)from the State Government.

VI. A candidate is to apply for taking admission into a OAV

corresponding to his/her native residential block only.

VII. The child belonging to the respective block but continuing

his/her academic Class as applicable in a school other than the
native block is eligible to apply, provided he/she has to
produce the residential certificate.

VIII. A candidate is eligible to apply for admission into a Class at one

OAV only for a given academic year as applicable.

1.4. Reservation
The quota of reservation in OAVs will be Block specific. Reservation is
based on caste, category as well as sex. The block wise reservation of seats
for each category is thereon at Annexure-B.
1.4.1. Seats shall be reserved for admission of candidates
belonging to SCs and STs as per the percentage of population of the
respective blocks. (separate sheet attached for reservation block

1.4.2. There will be reservation of 4% for PWD category. One

percent each shall be reserved for the persons withbench mark disabili es
under clauses(a), (b) & (c) and one percent for persons with bench mark
disabili es under clauses (d) & (e) namely
a) Blindness & low vision
b) Deaf & hard of hearing
c) Locomotors disability including Cerebral Palsy, leprosy
cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular
c) Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and
mental illness.
d) multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses
(a) to (d) including deaf-blindness
Persons with more than 40% of any disability as certified by a
competent certified authority appointed under section 57(1) of “
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016” irrespective of nature of
disability, shall be eligible for reservation.
Their selection shall be made first and they will occupy most of
respective caste category & sex category. To claim reservation one
has to attach self certified copy of the certificate with the application
1.4.3. Preference will be given in admission to the wards of
employees of OAVs on priority basis. They have to appear the entrance
test as they will be selected against the posts earmarked for respective

1.4.4. As per recommendation of the Hon’ble MLA admission of

students will be done as follows:- Where there is geographical jurisdiction of two MLAs in one

block where OAV has been established, two seats reserved for MLAs
may be divided among them equally and one MLA may recommend
for one student each. Where there is geographical jurisdiction of more than two

MLAs in one block where OAV has been established, two seats
reserved for MLAs may be allotted to two MLAs one each having
highest number of electoral population in the block in the descending
order since there are only two seats. They may recommend name of
one student each for admission in the OAV established in the block.
The other MLA having geographical jurisdiction over the same Block
and having less number of electoral population in the Block, may not
be allotted any seat for recommending the name of the student for
admission in OAV. In case of an OAVS meant / designated for one block under
the geographical jurisdiction of one MLA has been constructed on the
land of a different block under the geographical jurisdiction of
another MLA, two seats MLAs should be allotted to the MLA in
whose jurisdiction the designated OAVS should have been originally
constructed subject to the availability of suitable land.

But it is mandatory that the recommended child should have

appeared the Entrance Test to avail the recommendation. If there
are more than one District in the constituency area of Hon’ble MP
(Lok Sabha), then the DEO receiving the letter of recommendation
letter for admission shall take the status of admission on
recommendation of Hon’ble MP (Lok Sabha) from the DEOs of other
districts coming under the constituency of Hon’ble MP (Lok Sabha)
before allowing the recommended candidate for admission. The
proposal for admission through Hon’ble MP (Rajya Sabha) should be
sent to the SPD, OAVs through the DEO of the District for
admission, only to keep a track of the students taken admission in
this quota at the state level. Such seats will be covered over & above
the sanctioned strength of the class. In all such cases i.e. in case of
recommendation of Hon’ble MP (Lok Sabha) or Rajya sabha, the
recommended candidate should have appeared the entrance test.
1.4.5. The Collector as the Chairman of the Management Committee
can allow two seats per class VI only over and above the sanctioned
strength for admission of orphan children on priority/ the wards of the
employees of Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya, in exceptional cases to provide
opportunities to deprived/ deserving children. It is mandatory that the
recommended child must have appeared the Entrance Test to avail the
1.4.6. 50% seats are to be reserved for girls in each category. In case
of non-availability of students in any category; the vacancies shall be
transferred as follows and filled up accordingly.

Sl.No Vacancies in Vacancies transferred

to in order of
1 SC ST followed by UR
2 ST SC followed by UR
In case there are any unfilled seats reserved for girls, the
same shall be filled by boy student of the respective category.
1.4.7. 5% of seats will be kept reserved for the children of the
employees of State Government and State PSUs of the
respective Blocks. Such seats will be covered in the
respective categories to which the children belong. In case of non-
availability of such children, the seats will be brought to the general
pool as per the categories.
1.5.Procedure of Admission

1.5.1. Admission to classes VI, shall be done in 314 OAVs opened till date
(list annexed) through entrance test to be conducted at OAVs under the
direct supervision of Principals/In-charge Principals of the OAVs /DEOs of
the district.

1.5.2. The B.S.E, Odisha, Cuttack shall publish advertisement for admission
and shall invite applications from the eligible students for admission into
Adarsha Vidyalayas for class-VI for the year 2022-23.
Documents required such as;
I. Certificate in support of date of birth
II. Certificate in support of Class in which she/he was
last studied or reading from concerned Head
Master of the school.
III. Residential certificate from concerned Sarapanch/
Councilor/ Corporator/ Competent authority.
IV. Aadhar details of the student and parents
How to apply:- Please see the instructions in the
advertisement made by B.S.E Odisha, Cuttack.
1.5.3. The candidate has to apply online in the process intimated by B.S.E
Odisha and specified in the advertisement. If somebody needs support they
may download the form and after filling it, shall submit to the Principal
where the candidate desires to read. The Principal of the OAV shall enter
the matter on the website of B.S.E, Odisha on the same date.
1.5.4. There will be an entrance test for admission of students in Odisha
Adarsha Vidyalayas or in the selected venues as notified from time to time.
The B.S.E. Odisha will intimate the candidates about the date and venue of
entrance test. The entrance test shall be on OMR based answer sheet.
1.5.5. After the conduct of entrance test, the answer papers will be
collected by the Board personnels, evaluate & publish the common merit
list & send to the Principal /DEO for further action at their end.
1.5.6. After receipt of the common merit list, The Principal under the
supervision of DEO of the district shall select candidate as per the
reservation of candidates and distribution of Seats as at Annexure–B. The
category wise select list and the wait list shall be submitted for approval of
the Collector & Chairperson OAVS. The category wise select (approved) list
shall be published and disposed in the district website, BEO office and
respective OAV. There shall be a minimum gap of 7 days for completion of
admission from first phase Select List. The left over vacancies shall be filled
up from the approved wait list of the Collector & the Chairperson.
If within the given time for admission, an applicant fails to take
admission or fails to produce required documents / testimonials after
proper intimation to the candidate/ parent , his / her name shall be struck
off and next phase selection shall take place. The Second select List shall be
given though the approved wait list after striking off names who failed to
take admission within given time frame of first Selection List. Similarly the
third selection List may be drawn up after expiry of 7days of Second
Selection List if wait list is exhausted. In each phase 7days time shall be
allowed for completion of admission. Once the common merit list, select
list & wait list is approved by the Collector, the next select list from the
common merit list required shall be approved by the District Education

1.5.7. The Principal of Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya of the block shall take
steps to admit selected students duly verifying the documents/ certificates
of the selected candidate and maintain ‘Admission and Withdrawal
Register’ for the school.
1.5.8. In case of any dispute in admission, the decision of the Collector and
Chairman of Management Committee for Odisha Adarsha Vidyalayas shall
be final.
1.6. Conduct of examination
The entrance test would consist of one paper with objective type
questions of subjects like Mathematics, Science, Social Science and English of
Class-V, standard for entrance test of Class-VI. The questions would be asked in
English & Odia script only and will be of two hours duration. There will be total 52
numbers of questions carrying one mark each per question.

1.7. Procedure For Conducting The Examination

1.7.1. Control & Supervision

The Entrance Examination of2020-21 will be conducted at OAVs/ the block
point in the block headquarter high school or the centre selected by the
DEO/B.S.E, Odisha, Cuttack. Appointment orders to the centre
superintendents shall be issued by the B.S.E, Odisha, Cuttack who will
remain in charge of conduct of the examination. BS.E. Odisha shall prepare
DR OAV wise and upload admit cards. The candidates shall download the
admit cards & if fails, they may contact Principal concerned who will
support them to down load the admit card. The B.S.E., Odisha shall engage
squads at different level to monitor the conduct of entrance examination.
Detail guidelines for conduct of entrance examination shall be sent to the
examination centre by the B.S.E., Odisha, Cuttack. Soon after the
examination is over, the superintendent shall seal the OMR sheets in
presence of other invigilators (as instructed by the Board) & hand over the
packets to the board personnels.
1.7.2. Invigilation
The Board of Secondary Education Odisha shall send instructions manual
for invigilation work during the examination.
1.8. Transfer of Student from one OAV to other OAV
I. The students reading in class VI, VII & VIII only may seek for transfer
from one OAV to other OAV only when there is no OAV in his /her
present block.
II. Students reading in class IX – XII are not eligible because they have
already been enrolled in CBSE, New Delhi.
III. Transfer of student is only possible to the Vidyalayas where seat in
the respective category are available.
IV. Transfer of student from one OAV to other is possible only when
parent or the guardian is transferred / the OAV is opened in his own
block or on other ground for the growth of education of the child.
V. The transfer of the student within the district can only be made
effective after the permission is obtained from the Collector and
Chairman OAVs of the District. For the purpose the parents will have
to apply to the Principal of the OAV in which his/her child will read
after the transfer is made effective. The Principal of the said OAV will
verify that there is vacancy of seat in the desired category (the
category to which the child belongs). The parents will submit the
same to the Principal, OAV in which presently the child is reading.
The Principal of the present OAV will request the Collector & DM &
Chairman OAV of the district in file & after getting approval from the
Collector, the Principal of the OAV where the student is reading
shall issue TC for his/her admission in the desired OAV.
VI. The transfer of the student from one district to another shall be
effective only after getting permission from the State Project
Director, OAVS, Bhubaneswar. For this purpose the parents will have
to apply to the Principal of the OAV in which the student will
prosecute his/her study after transfer. The Principal of the said OAV
will verify the request & shall forward the application to the State
Project Director, OAVS only when there is vacancy of seat in his/her
Vidyalaya in the category to which the child belongs. After getting
approval order from the State Project Director, OAVS, the TC will be
issued by the OAV in which the child is presently reading for his
/her admission in desired OAV. For this purpose parents should be
discouraged to visit OAVS physically. The proposal should be sent
through mail i.e. [email protected]. The order of approval will be
communicated through the OAVS mail to both the concerned OAVs.
VII. The transfer of student is allowed till the last date of admission
declared by the SPD, OAVS. No transfer of student shall be allowed
after the last date of the admission. The Principals of the OAVs shall
not forward the request of any parents after the admission date is
1.9. Lateral Entry in Class-VII, VIII & IX
There is provision of lateral entry in class-VII, VIII & IX only to fill up
the vacancies in the Adarsha Vidyalayas. The students continuing in
CBSE/ ICSE/Odia medium govt. and schools managed by private
organizations & has obtained CoR from the State Government &
completed VI, VII & VIII, desirous for admission in OAV may apply for
admission in class VII, VIII & IX to the Principal of concerned OAV. The
questions for the lateral entry examination shall be developed, printed
and supplied by BSE, Odisha. The entrance test shall be on OMR based
answer sheets. The vidyalaya wise select list shall be prepared by the BSE
& sent to OAVs. There will be only one paper of admission test of 03
hours duration & 100 marks comprising Odia, English, Mathematics,
Science & Social Science based on class VI, VII & VIII syllabus. The
admission shall be made on the basis of select list prepared by BSE,
Odisha, Cuttack.
2.0. Miscellaneous
In case of any doubt or in any other matter not provided in the
preceeding paragraphs, the Centre Superintendent/DEO is empowered to
take necessary decision. Other general instructions are to be followed by
all concerned as outlined in Annexure-‘D’.


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