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Question Paper Code:: Reg. No.

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*X20451* Reg. No.

Question Paper Code : X 20451

B.E./B.Tech. Degree Examinations, November/December 2020

Fifth/Fourth Semester
Electronics and Communication Engineering
(Regulations 2013)

Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Smith chart to be permitted

Answer all questions
Part – A (10×2=20 Marks)
1. State the line parameters of a transmission line.
2. What is a distortionless line ? Give the condition for a distortionless line.
3. Define Standing Wave Ratio.
4. A lossless line has a characteristic impedance of 400 Ω. Determine the standing
wave ratio if the receiving end impedance is 800 + j0.0 Ω.
5. What is an impedance matching in stub ?
6. What are the uses of smith chart ?
7. Determine the value of L required by a constant-K T-section high pass filter with
a cut off frequency of 1 KHz and design impedance of 600 Ω.
8. What are the advantages of m-derived filters ?
9. Justify, why TM01 and TM10 modes in a rectangular waveguide do not exit.
10. An air-filled rectangular waveguide of inner dimensions 2.286 × 1.016 in centimeters
operates in the dominant TE10 modes. Calculate the cut-off frequency and phase
velocity of a wave in the guide at a frequency of 7 GHz.

Part – B (5×13=65 Marks)

11. a) Derive the general transmission line equations for voltage and current at any
point on a line. (13)
X 20451 -2- *X20451*

b) A communication line has L = 3.67 mH/km, G = 0.08 ×10–6 /km, C = 0.0083 µF/km
and R = 10.4 Ω/km. Determine the characteristic impedance, phase constant,
velocity of propagation, wavelength, sending end current and receiving end
current for given frequency f = 1000 Hz, sending end voltage is 1 volt and
transmission line length is 100 kilometers. (13)

12. a) i) Derive an expression for the input impedance of a dissipationless line and
also find the input impedance is maximum and minimum at a distance ‘s’. (6)

ii) Find the sending end line impedance for a HF line having characteristic
impedance of 50 Ω. The line is of length (1.185λ) and is terminated in a load
of (110 + j80 ) Ω. (7)

b) i) Describe an experimental set up for the determination of VSWR of an RF

transmission. (7)

ii) Briefly explain on :

1) Standing waves (3)

2) Reflection loss. (3)

13. a) A 300 Ω transmission line is connected to a load impedance of 450- j600 Ω at

10 MHz. Find the position and length of a short circuited stub required to
match the line using Smith Chart.

b) i) A load impedance of 90-j50 Ω is to be matched to a line of 50 Ω using single

stub matching. Find the length and position of the stub. (9)

ii) Design a quarter wave transformer to match a load of 200 Ω to a source

resistance of 500 Ω. The operating frequency is 200 MHz. (4)

14. a) Derive the relevant equations of m derived low pass filter and design m derived
T type low pass filter to work into the load of 600 Ω and cut off frequency a
5 KHz and peak attenuation at f∞ = 1.25 fc. (13)
b) Design a constant K. T section bandpass filter with cut off frequencies of 1KHz
and 4 KHz. The design impedance is 600 ohms. (13)
*X20451* -3- X 20451

15. a) A rectangular air-filled copper waveguide with dimension 0.9 inch × 0.4 inch
cross section and 12 inch length is operated at 9.2 GHz with a dominant mode.
Find cut-off frequency, guide wave-length, phase velocity, characteristics
impedance and the loss.

b) i) Using Bessel function derive the TE wave components in circular wave

guides. (7)

ii) Calculate the resonant frequency of an air filled rectangular resonator of

dimensions a = 2 cm, b = 4 cm and d = 6 cm operating in TE101 mode. (6)

Part – C (1×15=15 Marks)

16. a) Derive the field component of a Transverse Electric wave in rectangular wave
guides. (15)
b) For a frequency of 10 GHz and plane separation of 5 cm in air, find the cut off
frequency, cut off wavelength, phase velocity and group velocity of the wave. (15)


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