U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Documents Obtained by CNBC Via FOIA Request.

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United States Department of the Interior


Texas Coastal Ecological Services Field Office
4444 Corona Drive, Suite 215
Corpus Christi, Texas 78411
361/994-9004 / (FAX) 361/994-8262

Attorney-Client Privilege - Do Not Release

In Reply refer to:


Stacey Zee
Office of Commercial Space Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
800 Independence Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20591

Subject: SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy Launch Vehicle Program at the SpaceX Boca Chica
Launch Site, Cameron County, Texas

Dear Ms. Zee:

This document transmits the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (Service) draft biological and
conference opinion (BCO) based on our review of the effects of the proposed SpaceX
Starship/Super Heavy Launch Vehicle Program that will construct facilities and conduct
launches originating from the Boca Chica Launch Site in Cameron County, Texas. SpaceX’s
program requires an experimental permit and/or a vehicle operator license from the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA). The BCO analyzes the potential effects of the issuance of those
permits and/or licenses on the endangered northern aplomado falcon (Falco femoralis
septentrionalis), Gulf Coast jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi cacomitli), ocelot
(Leopardus pardalis), Kemp’s ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kempii), hawksbill sea turtle
(Eretmochelys imbricata), leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) and threatened
loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas), piping plover
(Charadrius melodus) and piping plover critical habitat, red knot (Calidris canutus rufa) and
proposed red knot critical habitat, pursuant to section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act of
1973 (Act), as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). Your request for formal consultation was
received on October 6, 2021. We initiated consultation on October 6, 2021.

The FAA determined the Proposed Action may affect but was not likely to adversely affect
the threatened West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), eastern black rail (Laterallus
jamaicensis ssp. jamaicensis) and those concurrences are given in Appendix A. The FAA
further determined the Proposed Action would have no effect on the endangered South Texas
ambrosia (Ambrosia cheiranthifolia) and Texas ayenia (Ayenia limitaris). The Service does
not provide concurrences on no effect determinations and these species will not be further
addressed in this biological opinion.
The monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) is a candidate species under consideration for
official listing. On December 15, 2020, the Service issued a 12-month finding on a petition
to list the monarch butterfly under the Act. Based on a thorough review of the monarch’s
status, the Service determined that listing is warranted but precluded by higher priority listing
actions. The decision is the result of an extensive status review of the monarch that compiled
and assessed the monarch’s current and future status. The monarch is now a candidate under
the Act and its status will be reviewed annually until a listing decision is made. There are
generally no section 7 requirements for candidate species, but we encourage all agencies to
take advantage of any opportunity they may have to conserve the species. Possible actions
that may assist in the conservation of the monarch are listed in the Conservation

This BCO is based on information provided in the Biological Assessment (BA) SpaceX
Starship/Super Heavy Launch Vehicle Program at the SpaceX Boca Chica Launch Site,
Cameron County, Texas, October 2021, the Draft Programmatic Environmental Assessment
(PEA) for the SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy Launch Vehicle Program at the SpaceX Boca Chica
Launch Site in Cameron County, Texas, September 2021 (PEA), telephone conversations with
SpaceX, FAA, field investigations, meetings, workshops and other sources of information.
Literature cited in this biological opinion is not a complete bibliography of all literature available
on the species of concern, and its effects, or on other subjects considered in this opinion. A
complete administrative record of this consultation is on file at the Texas Coastal Ecological
Field Office located in Corpus Christi, Texas.

The 47.4-acre Boca Chica Launch Site is located on SpaceX-owned land in Cameron
County, Texas, near the cities of Brownsville and South Padre Island (Figure 1). It is a
sparsely populated coastal area adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico, characterized by sand dunes,
beach, wind tidal flats, and lomas, or ancient clay dunes. The launch site will consist of a 40-
acre vertical launch area (VLA), controlled by the .7-acre launch and landing control center
(LLCC) (Figure 2). The VLA is approximately 2.2 miles north of the U.S./Mexico border
and the LLCC is approximately 1.3 miles north of the U.S./Mexico border. Boca Chica
Boulevard or State Highway (SH) 4 provides the only access to the public Boca Chica Beach,
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s (TPWD) Boca Chica Tract, and access to the launch
site and terminates adjacent to the VLA. The VLA lies south of Boca Chica State Park,
Brazos Island State Park, and the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge
(LRGVNWR) borders the property on either side of SH 4 and the Palmito Ranch Battlefield
National Historic Landmark (NHL) (Figure 3). The LLCC consists of a two-story building,
referred to as Stargate, and located west of the VLA along SH 4, and adjacent to the SpaceX
manufacturing and production area.

Please see Appendix B for a more detailed consultation history.



Regulations implementing the Act (50 CFR 402.02) define “action” as “all activities or programs
of any kind authorized, funded, or carried out, in whole or in part, by federal agencies of the
United States or upon the high seas.” The following is a summary of the Proposed Action and a
detailed description can be found in the October 2021 BA and Draft PEA. The FAA’s Proposed
Action is to issue one or more experimental permits and/or a vehicle operator license to SpaceX
that would allow SpaceX to construct and operate facilities, over and above what is present now,
to launch and return Starship/Super Heavy at the Boca Chica Launch Site. SpaceX’s goal is to
use Starship/Super Heavy for low Earth orbit (relatively close to Earth’s surface), sun-
synchronous orbit (traveling over the Polar Regions), geostationary transfer orbit (an elliptical
orbit), and interplanetary missions (crewed or un-crewed missions to the moon or Mars) and
provide greater mission capability to National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Department of Defense, and commercial customers.

The Proposed Action consists of testing operations (static fire engine tests and suborbital
launches) and/or orbital launches. If test flights are successful, the Starship/Super Heavy
program would increase orbital launches and perform fewer test operations. Annual proposed
launch-related activities at the Boca Chica Launch Site includes suborbital and orbital launches,
tank tests, static fire engine tests, expansion of the VLA, nominal closures, anomaly closures,
and construction of additional infrastructure (Table 1).

The Proposed Action does not include infrastructure related to non-licensed SpaceX activities in
the private production and manufacturing areas. The FAA considers the constructed and
operational elements at the manufacturing and production site to have independent utility
because those components being manufactured there can be shipped and utilized at other SpaceX
launch sites. Two infrastructure elements in the Proposed Action, a parking lot, adjacent to and
north of SH 4 right-of-way (ROW), and one of the proposed 480-foot integration towers and
orbital pads (A) have already been constructed without undergoing section 7 consultation and
only the operation of those elements will be covered in this BCO. The power plant, payload
processing facility, natural gas pretreatment system, and liquefier may be constructed at the VLA
or the production site and construction and operational impacts of these facilities will be
analyzed at both locations in this BCO. A desalination plant was proposed, but, in discussions
with the Service on October 5, 2021, and October 18, 2021, SpaceX decided to remove it from
the Proposed Action. The planned output of the power plant has also been reduced; however, the
footprint of the power plant would remain the same.

Table 1 outlines the elements of the Proposed Action being analyzed in this BCO.

Table 1. Elements of the Proposed Action
FAA Proposed Action Elements of SpaceX’s Brief Description
• Starship Static Fire
Engine Tests
• Super Heavy Static
Fire Engine Tests
• Starship Suborbital
Test and Launch
• Super Heavy Launch
• Starship Land
• Super Heavy Land
Test the structural
Tank Tests capability of the launch
vehicle stages
SpaceX anticipates the
proposed operations
Nominal Operational
would require 500 hours
of annual SH 4 and Boca
Chica Beach closures
SpaceX anticipates
debris cleanup would
require up to 300 hours
of annual closure of SH
4 and Boca Chica Beach
to be used at the
Anomaly Response
discretion of Cameron
County, TPWD, and the
Service. The 300 hours
are in addition to the 500
hours required for
nominal operational
• Redundant Launch
Pad (Launch Pad B)
and Commodities (11
• Redundant Landing
Related Infrastructure
• Integration Tower B
• Tank Structural Test
• Support Buildings
and Parking Lots
• Power Plant
• Trenching
• Payload Processing
• Natural Gas
Pretreatment System
• Liquefier
• Expanded Solar Farm
• State Highway 4

Launch Vehicle
A fully integrated Starship/Super Heavy launch vehicle is comprised of two stages: Super
Heavy is the first stage (or booster) and Starship is the second stage (Figure 4). The fully
integrated Starship/Super Heavy launch vehicle is expected to be approximately 400 feet tall
and 30 feet in diameter, almost double the size of the 224-foot Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy
proposed in the 2014 EIS. As designed, both stages are reusable, with any potential
refurbishment actions taking place at SpaceX facilities. Both stages are expected to have
minimal post-flight refurbishment requirements; however, they might require periodic
maintenance and upgrades.

Super Heavy is expected to be equipped with up to 37 Raptor engines, and Starship will have
up to six Raptor engines. The Raptor engine is powered by liquid oxygen (LOX) and liquid
methane (LCH4) in a 3.6:1 mass ratio, respectively. Super Heavy is expected to hold up to
3,700 metric tons (MT) of propellant and Starship will hold up to 1,500 MT of propellant.
Super Heavy, with all 37 engines, will have a maximum lift-off thrust of 74 Meganewtons,
allowing for a maximum lift-off mass of approximately 5,000 MT. One Meganewton is
exactly 1X106 Newtons. One Newton is a force capable of giving a mass of one kg an
acceleration of one meter per second. Launch propellant and commodities are currently
stored at the VLA in aboveground tanks and this will continue under the Proposed Action.
Commodities include liquid nitrogen (LN2), water, gaseous oxygen, gaseous methane,
gaseous nitrogen, helium, hydraulic fluid, LOX, and LCH4.

A Starship/Super Heavy launch could be orbital or suborbital and could occur by itself or
with Starship attached as the second stage of the launch vehicle. A Starship or Super Heavy
land landing is part of a launch as it would occur shortly after takeoff and means a landing at
the VLA. Other landing options for Starship include landing on a floating platform in the
Gulf of Mexico or Pacific Ocean or expending the booster in the Gulf of Mexico. The
floating platform would occur 19 miles from land, which is further than the 13-mile Action
Area limit, therefore, out of our jurisdiction.

SpaceX is planning to conduct most launches (suborbital and orbital) between the hours of 7:00
a.m. and 7:00 p.m. but launch delays could occur due to unforeseen issues with the launch
vehicle, weather conditions, or certain missions that require launching at a specific time at night
to achieve a particular orbital position. For conservative purposes, FAA assumes 20 percent of

annual operations involving engine ignition (i.e., static fire engine tests, suborbital launches, and
orbital launches) would occur at night. The difference in operations during nighttime launch
activity versus a daytime launch activity would be SpaceX requiring bright spotlighting for
periods of time (sometimes days) when illuminating the launch vehicle on the launch pad. These
spotlights are typically metal halide.

Currently, tank tests, static fire engine tests, and suborbital launches are scheduled and
require multiple road closures. Construction and ground support operations occur 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week, throughout the year continually illuminating the VLA and LLCC with
white lighting at night. Bright spotlighting, usually metal halide, also illuminates the launch
vehicle on the launch pad and will be required in future activities. FAA is updating the
Facility Design and Lighting Management Plan which will be outlined in the Terms and
Conditions of this BCO. The number of pole lights is yet to be finalized or coordinated with
the Service and National Park Service (NPS).

Table 2. Proposed Annual Operations

Operation Time
Starship Static Fire Engine Day 150 seconds 150 seconds
Super Heavy Static Fire Day 135 seconds 135 seconds
Engine Test
Starship Suborbital Launch Day or Night 20 5 launches
Super Heavy Launch Day or Night 3 Launches 5 Launches
Starship Land Landing Day or Night 23 10
Super Heavy Land Landing Day or Night 0 5

Sound Detection and Ranging (SODAR)

SpaceX plans to use a SODAR device to collect weather data needed for launch and landing.
The SODAR sends out a short sonic pulse every 15 minutes that can reach 92 decibels (dB)
at the source and dissipates to 60 dB within 100 feet. The SODAR will be located at the
SpaceX production and manufacturing area at least 500 feet away from any SpaceX property
line and would operate at all times. The final location of the SODAR has not been identified.

SpaceX will also deploy weather balloons just prior to a launch to measure weather data that
includes wind speeds, to create wind profiles to determine if it is safe to launch and land the
vehicle. The balloons are made of latex and a radiosonde is attached to the balloon. The
balloons will transmit data to SpaceX. After rising approximately 12-18 miles into the air, it
bursts, shredding the balloon into pieces and it falls to earth along with the radiosonde and
lands in open marine waters and is expected to sink to the ocean floor.

Tank Tests
Prior to conducting a suborbital launch of a Super Heavy or Starship prototype, SpaceX will
conduct tank tests to ensure the tank’s reliability. This involves performing proof pressure

tests to confirm the structural integrity of the launch vehicle. Proof pressure tests are broken
into two main categories: pneumatic and cryogenic. Pneumatic proof pressure testing
consists of pressurizing the launch vehicle’s tank with gaseous media (either helium,
nitrogen, oxygen, or methane) and holding pressure for an extended duration. Cryogenic
proof pressure tests consist of loading the tank with a single propellant (typically LN2, LOX,
or LCH4). The tanks are then pressurized past their rated limit to confirm their structural
capability with appropriate safety factors. These proof pressure tests do not release any
propellant to the environment. All propellant is recycled back into the above ground system
tanks after the test is completed.

In addition to the proof pressure tests, SpaceX may perform development tests on test tank
articles to validate design improvements or characterize vehicle behavior. These
development tests include hydrostatic and cryogenic burst tests, in which the tanks are filled
with water, LN2, or LOX, and pressurized to a specific limit or to deliberate failure to
characterize the structural capability of the production vehicles. Burst testing includes the
deliberate release of the test media (water, LN2, or LOX) into the environment upon failure
of the primary structure.

Tank tests could occur during the day or night. SpaceX is planning to conduct the tank tests
described above for each Super Heavy and Starship prototype that is built until the test is
successful. If a test is unsuccessful and results in damage to the test vehicle, a new test
vehicle will be constructed and tested. Once tank tests are successful, SpaceX will conduct a
static fire engine test.

SpaceX is proposing to conduct approximately 10 tank tests a month. For the purposes of the
environmental impact analysis, SpaceX estimates a 10 percent rate of anomalies during tank
testing. This is a conservative, upper bound estimate intended to capture the maximum potential
impact. An anomaly is a problem, a mishap, or something that occurs out of the normal, during
verification or operation of a system, subsystem, process, facility or support equipment under an
experimental license (FAA 2007). An anomaly could result in an explosion and spread debris, a
fire, and/or a leak. The distance for which debris could spread is considered the blast danger
area; SpaceX would determine this area prior to the test. The blast danger area for tank tests
would be within the hard checkpoint area (Figure 5). Given the rates above, SpaceX estimates
that one tank test each month may result in an anomaly and potentially an explosion.

Pre-flight Operations
Pre-flight operations include mission rehearsals and static fire engine tests. The goal of
mission rehearsals is to verify that all vehicle and ground systems are functioning properly,
as well as to verify that all procedures are properly written. After final systems checkout,
SpaceX will conduct a mission rehearsal without propellants on the launch vehicle (referred
to as a dry dress rehearsal), followed by a mission rehearsal with propellants on the launch
vehicle (referred to as a wet dress rehearsal) to verify full launch readiness. The goal of a
static fire engine test is to verify engine control and performance. A static fire engine test is
identical to a wet dress rehearsal, except engine ignition occurs. During a static fire engine
test, the launch vehicle engines are ignited for approximately 5–15 seconds and then shut

Prior to a fully integrated Starship/Super Heavy launch, SpaceX may perform a Starship
static fire engine test before being integrated with Super Heavy. SpaceX may also perform a
Super Heavy static fire engine test, either by itself or with Starship integrated. SpaceX is
proposing to conduct up to 135 seconds per year of static fire duration for Super Heavy and
up to 150 seconds per year of static fire duration for Starship during the Program
Development Phase (Table 2). Static fires will only occur during the day. There may be
occasions when a static fire engine test is attempted and is unsuccessful (e.g., the test results
in a mishap or anomaly). If an engine test is unsuccessful, another attempt will be made.

During pre-flight operations, the launch vehicle will be connected to ground systems. After
an operation involving propellant (i.e., wet dress rehearsal and static fire engine test), the
propellant will be transferred back to the commodity tanks at the VLA. During an off-
nominal operation (i.e., if the vehicle lost pneumatics and could not reconnect to the ground
systems), SpaceX may release the LCH4 to the atmosphere, the amount of methane in the
largest tank (Super Heavy) that could be released is approximately 814 tons. This represents
the worst-case scenario and will be a rare, unplanned event.

Suborbital Launches
SpaceX is proposing to conduct Starship suborbital launches. During a suborbital launch,
Starship will launch from the VLA and ascend to high altitudes and then throttle down or
shut off engines to descend, landing back at the VLA or downrange either directly in the Gulf
of Mexico or on a floating platform in the Gulf of Mexico. As the suborbital launches
increase in altitude, a sonic boom might be produced during descent as Starship lands
downrange in the Gulf of Mexico, no closer than 19 miles from shore. As per their sonic
boom report, SpaceX states sonic boom modeling for a Starship landing predicts that the
sonic boom will not impact land.

Following a suborbital launch, Starship would have LOX and LCH4 (approximately 10
metric tons) remaining in the tank. Remaining LOX will be vented to the atmosphere and
remaining LCH4 will likely be released to the atmosphere. Due to risks to personnel, SpaceX
is unable to reconnect the launch vehicle to ground systems when LCH4 remains on the
vehicle. In the future, SpaceX may recycle LCH4 back into tanks at the VLA as technology
and design develop.

During the program’s development phase, SpaceX is proposing to conduct up to 20 Starship

suborbital launches annually. As the program progresses into the operational phase, SpaceX
is proposing to conduct up to five Starship suborbital launches annually. Each launch will
include a landing (Table 2). SpaceX will not exceed the 20 suborbital launches annually.

Orbital Launches
SpaceX is proposing to conduct three Starship/Super Heavy orbital launches annually in the
Development Phase and five during the Operational Phase. Launches may occur during the
day or night. Starship/Super Heavy missions will include cargo and human missions to
various orbits, to the moon and Mars, and satellite payload missions to various orbits.
Orbital launches will primarily be to low inclinations with flight north or south of Cuba that

minimizes land overflight. Future launches may be higher, 70-degree inclination with
limited overflight of remotely populated portions of Mexico. There could be multiple
launches in close succession required to support a single mission (e.g., lunar resupply
missions). SpaceX’s launch manifest (i.e., scheduled launches) is incomplete at this time but
is expected to evolve as the Starship/Super Heavy program develops. SpaceX will not
exceed five Starship/Super Heavy orbital launches annually.

Starship/Super Heavy will launch from the VLA. During a launch, the exhaust plume will
surround the launch pad and surrounding areas. A heat plume will be generated from the
launches and would travel away from the launch pad, with temperatures of 212 degrees F
approximately 0.3 mile from the launch pad and temperatures reaching ambient (90 degrees F)
0.6 mile from the launch pad. SpaceX expects the highest heat levels are to occur directly
around the launch mount and begin to dissipate within 300 feet within the limits of the VLA.
Temperatures outside the VLA are not expected to exceed 300 degrees. The plume would
appear clear and consist of heat (and steam if deluge water is used). If SpaceX uses a diverter, a
metal structure under the launch mount to divert the rocket plume laterally away from the
ground, the high temperatures would be focused in a single direction instead of extending
radially from the center of the launch pad.

If deluge water is discharged on the plume during a launch or test, a cloud will form. The cloud
generated will be temporary and minimal volume of water condensing from the exhaust cloud
and would vaporize. If treatment or retention of stormwater or wastewater is required, water will
be contained in retention ponds adjacent to the launch mount. The exact number, location, and
size of the retention ponds within the VLA will be determined based on quantities of deluge
water and final site plans. SpaceX will develop appropriate sampling protocols and water quality
criteria in coordination with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). SpaceX
will remove water-containing contaminants that exceed the water quality criteria and haul it to an
approved industrial wastewater treatment facility nearby. SpaceX will pump all other water not
containing prohibited chemicals back to the water storage tanks at the VLA. If surface water
discharge is required, SpaceX will apply for a TCEQ Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System permit prior to the discharge event. All water (including deluge and potable water) will
be either delivered by truck or withdrawn from existing or new wells located adjacent to the
launch pad. The final location of the new wells has not been identified.

Each Starship/Super Heavy orbital launch will include an immediate boost-back and landing.
Landing could occur down range in the Gulf of Mexico or on a floating platform, no closer
than approximately 19 miles off the coast, or at the VLA. During flight, Super Heavy’s
engines will cut off at an altitude of approximately 40 miles and the booster will separate
from Starship. Shortly thereafter, Starship’s engines will start and burn to the desired orbit
location. After separation, Super Heavy will rotate and ignite to conduct the retrograde burn,
which will place it in the correct angle to land. Once Super Heavy is in the correct position,
the engines will be cut off. Super Heavy will then perform a controlled descent using
atmospheric resistance to slow it down and guide it to the landing location. This is similar to
current Falcon 9 booster landings at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. Once near the
landing location, Super Heavy will ignite its engines to conduct a controlled landing.

If a Super Heavy landing occurred downrange in the Gulf of Mexico or on a floating
platform, Super Heavy will be delivered by barge to the Port of Brownsville and transported
the remaining distance to the Boca Chica Launch Site over the roadways. A floating
platform will be a mobile vessel that will not attach to the seafloor. For Super Heavy
landings at the VLA and offshore, a sonic boom(s) will be generated. For landings at the
VLA, the sonic boom will impact parts of Texas. Based on the modeling for Starship
landings at the VLA, the sonic boom produced when landing downrange will not impact land
(see Attachment 1 for the sonic boom report). SpaceX will not exceed the maximum of 23
Starship Land Landings in the Development Phase and ten in the Operational Phase and for
the Super Heavy Land Landing there will be no landings in the Development Phase and five
Super Heavy landings each year (Table 2). Landings may occur during the day or night.

Similarly, each Starship/Super Heavy orbital launch will include a Starship landing at the
VLA or in the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic Ocean, or Pacific Ocean on a floating platform after
Starship completes its orbital mission (Table 2). Starship would land vertically on the pad or
on a floating platform and go into an automated safing sequence (i.e., put the vehicle in a safe
state). As Starship slows down during its landing approach, a sonic boom(s) will be
generated and impact parts of Texas when landing at the VLA. Based on the modeling for
Starship landings at the VLA, the sonic boom produced when landing downrange would not
impact land (see Attachment 1 for the sonic boom report). After Starship is in a safe state, a
mobile hydraulic lift will raise Starship onto a transporter. If a Starship landing occurred
downrange on a floating platform, it will be delivered by barge to the Port of Brownsville
and transported the remaining distance to the Boca Chica Launch Site over roadways. If a
Starship lands at the VLA the vehicle will be transported from the landing pad to the adjacent
launch mount or to one of SpaceX’s production locations for refurbishment.

Following an orbital launch, Starship and Super Heavy will have remaining LOX and LCH4
in the vehicle. Remaining LOX will be vented to the atmosphere and remaining LCH4 will
likely be released to the atmosphere. Due to risks to personnel, SpaceX is unable to
reconnect the vehicle to ground systems when LCH4 remains on the vehicle. Super Heavy
will have approximately 5 metric tons of LCH4 onboard following an orbital flight. In the
future, SpaceX may recycle LCH4 back into tanks at the VLA as technology and design
develops. The FAA assumes all residual LCH4 is released to the atmosphere. The LCH4
vented to the atmosphere would evaporate within hours.

During early-unmanned orbital launches, SpaceX may require expending Super Heavy or
Starship downrange in the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, or Gulf of Mexico no closer than
19 miles offshore. If this occurs, SpaceX will not recover Super Heavy or Starship. SpaceX
expects each stage will sink in the ocean. SpaceX expects most of the launch vehicle would
sink because it is made of steel. Lighter items (e.g., items not made of steel, such as
composite overwrapped pressure vessels) may float but are expected to eventually become
waterlogged and sink. If there are reports of large debris, SpaceX will coordinate with a
party specialized in marine debris to survey the situation and sink or recover any large
floating debris. Personnel will follow notification processes and procedures to manage
floating debris.

Nominal Operational Closures
Ground Closures
Tanks tests, wet dress rehearsals, static fire engine tests, and launches (suborbital and orbital)
will require restricting public access near the VLA and securing land and water areas as part
of public safety requirements. The areas on land that will be closed to public access is
referred to as the closure area (Figure 5). The closure area includes an area of Boca Chica
Beach, ranging from the Brownsville Shipping Channel south to the U.S./Mexico border.
The Brownsville Shipping Channel will be temporarily restricted during orbital launches and
some suborbital launches, but not restricted during tank tests, wet dress rehearsals, or static
fire engine tests. SpaceX will coordinate with the Port of Brownsville to establish the times
that activity in the shipping channel will be restricted. In the event of an anomaly, SpaceX
will also inform the Port of any continued hazards and effects to channel restrictions.

The FAA defines an operational closure as follows: a closure begins when local law
enforcement, under the direction of an order from the Cameron County Commissioners
Court, shuts down SH 4 and Boca Chica Beach for a tank test, wet dress rehearsal, static fire
engine test, or launch. The closure ends when the operation is completed and local law
enforcement opens SH 4 and Boca Chica Beach.

The FAA does not have a direct role in approving road and beach closures. Therefore,
closures that are planned but not implemented (e.g., Cameron County revokes the closure) do
not meet the FAA’s definition of a closure. For an operation requiring a closure, SpaceX
would coordinate with Cameron County under the authority granted in the 2013
Memorandum of Agreement between the TGLO and Cameron County (TGLO 2013).

SpaceX will perform the following notifications prior to a planned closure and in accordance
with SpaceX’s Closure Notification Plan:

• Provide a forecast of planned closures one to two weeks in advance of the closure on
the County’s website and/or send via email to the agency distribution list. Information
about the proposed closure will be available on Cameron County’s website
https://www.cameroncounty.us/space-x/. The Cameron County judge issues a public
notice of a Cameron County order to temporarily close Boca Chica Beach and SH 4
anywhere from a few hours to a few days after receiving SpaceX’s request to close
(Figure 6).

• Send closure notifications to the regulatory and public land-managing agencies as plans
finalize (typically 24–48 hours prior to the closure). The agencies will continue to
receive updates immediately when the closures go into place and when the closures end,
as well as cancellations of requested closures. SpaceX personnel at the LLCC will send
these notifications to ensure the most up-to-date information is distributed.

• Send real time status and updates on closures through a text message alert service.
Subscribers can text “BEACH” TO 1-877-591-2152 to receive updates.

If an agency needs to access an area within a planned closure window, the agency is
encouraged to contact SpaceX directly to find the best opportunity to access the area and
avoid any conflict in operations.

There may be certain operations, anomalies, or emergencies that require notification of

closure to occur less than a week from the activity. In those instances, SpaceX will notify
Cameron County Commissioner’s Court immediately with a closure request. SpaceX will
post written notices of the date, time, and the proposed closure online at the Cameron County
website. SpaceX will also coordinate with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Cameron
County and State of Texas law enforcement agencies, the U.S. Coast Guard, and Houston Air
Route Traffic Control Center to ensure public safety and allow for the issuance of Notice to
Mariners (NOTMAR) and Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). In addition, SpaceX will coordinate
with the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation–Mexico if any land or water
closures in Mexico were required.

SpaceX also will continue to send out notifications to regulatory and public land-managing
agencies of anticipated closures. The agencies will continue to receive updates immediately
when the closures go into place and when the closures end, as well as cancellations of
requested closures. These notifications will be sent from the LLCC managing the operation
to ensure the most up-to-date information. If an agency needs to access an area within a
planned closure window, SpaceX will work with the agency to find the best opportunity to
access the area.

Prior to an operation requiring a closure, the public will be notified through local media and
by NOTMARs and NOTAMs. SpaceX will also inform the cities of Brownsville and South
Padre Island; NPS, including Palo Alto Battlefield National Historical Park; Service,
including LRGVNWR; TPWD; Texas General Land Office (TGLO); and Texas Department
of Transportation (TxDOT) of the operation and associated closure schedules. Given the
proximity of the LRGVNWR to the launch site, SpaceX has committed to work with the
Service to fund additional resources or personnel necessary to enforce the closures required
for launch operations.

SpaceX proposes to limit public access at four pre-defined checkpoints on SH 4 to ensure

that persons not authorized to enter remain out of the flight hazard area (Figure 5). The flight
hazard area means any region of land, sea, or air that must be surveyed, controlled, or
evacuated to ensure compliance with safety criteria in 40 CFR § 450.101. These checkpoints
are similar to the checkpoints established during the 2014 EIS in coordination with the NPS
and Service. The 2014 EIS included two checkpoints: a soft checkpoint (located near the
U.S. Customs and Border Patrol checkpoint) and a hard checkpoint (located near the LLCC).
SpaceX is proposing a third checkpoint at Massey’s Way and a fourth checkpoint at
Richardson Avenue between those two checkpoints. For the first mission, SpaceX intends to
clear Stargate, and will operate the first mission from a temporary structure on another
SpaceX privately owned property. For suborbital missions and future orbital missions,
beyond the first mission, SpaceX intends to operate from the LLCC in Stargate.

A soft checkpoint will be located at the intersection of Oklahoma Avenue and SH 4, just east
of Brownsville. Government personnel, SpaceX personnel, and anyone with property
beyond this soft checkpoint will be allowed to pass, but the public will be denied access. The
second checkpoint (referred to as “public hard checkpoint 1”) will be located at the
intersection of Massey Way and SH 4. Only SpaceX personnel, government personnel,
emergency personnel involved in SpaceX operations and anyone with property beyond this
checkpoint will be able to pass this checkpoint. The third checkpoint (referred to as “public
hard checkpoint 2”) will be located at the intersection of SH 4 and Richardson Avenue. Only
SpaceX personnel and FAA launch support personnel will be able to pass this checkpoint.
The final checkpoint (referred to as “all hard checkpoint”) will be located just west of the
LLCC. No one will be able to pass this checkpoint (Figure 5).

The 2013 MOA between TGLO and Cameron County provides Cameron County with the
authority to protect public safety and ensure that landowners and residents are absent from
their property in the Safety Zone determined by the FAA flight safety analysis. A closure for
pre-launch operations, including tank tests, wet dress rehearsal, or static fire engine tests will
be shorter than a closure for a launch (suborbital or orbital). The total number of closures
and closure hours for tank tests, wet dress rehearsals, static fire engine tests, and launches
would require approximately 500 hours of closure per year for nominal operations. SpaceX
will not exceed 500 hours of closure per year. As of May 24, 2013, House Bill 2623 was
signed by Texas Governor Rick Perry to amend the Texas Natural Resources Code Chapter
61 (Sec. 61.132) to allow for the TGLO and/or the Cameron County Commissioners Court to
temporarily restrict access to public beaches for space flight activities, including launches.
Per Texas House Bill 2623, if the primary launch date falls on the major summer holidays of
Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, and/or summer weekends between Memorial Day
and Labor Day, additional approval from the TGLO is required. Additional environmental
review will be required should the FAA learn from Cameron County that it will close its
roads and beach access more than 500 hours in support of the Proposed Action.

Waterway Hazard Warnings

All launch and reentry operations will comply with necessary notification requirements,
including issuance of NOTMARs, as defined in agreements required for a launch license issued
by the FAA. A NOTMAR provides a notification regarding a temporary hazard within a defined
area (a Ship Hazard Area) to ensure public safety during proposed operations. A NOTMAR
itself does not alter or close shipping lanes; rather, the NOTMAR provides a notification
regarding a temporary hazard within a defined area to ensure public safety during the proposed
operations. The Proposed Action will not require shipping lanes to be altered or closed.
Launches and reentries would be infrequent, of short duration, and scheduled in advance to
minimize interruption to ship traffic.

Airspace Closures
All launch and reentry operations will comply with the necessary notification requirements,
including issuance of NOTAMs, as defined in agreements required for a launch license issued by
the FAA. The FAA issues a NOTAM at least 72 hours prior to a launch or reentry activity in the
airspace to notify pilots and other interested parties of temporary conditions. Launches and
reentries will be infrequent, of short duration, and scheduled in advance to minimize interruption

to air traffic. The FAA conducts an analysis of the effects on airspace efficiency and capacity for
each licensed launch operation. SpaceX will submit a Flight Safety Data Package to the FAA in
advance of the launch or reentry. The package will include the launch/reentry trajectory and
associated Aircraft Hazard Areas.

Personnel Levels
Launch operations related to the Starship/Super Heavy launch program would result in an
increase of permanent and temporary personnel. SpaceX expects a maximum of 450 full-
time employees or contractors on site at any given time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to
support the Starship/Super Heavy launch program. To minimize potential impacts to wildlife
from vehicles and reduce the number of vehicles traveling along SH 4, SpaceX provides a
shuttle from Brownsville to the launch site for employees. Four shuttle runs are conducted
in the morning between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m. and five shuttle runs are conducted in the evening
between 5 p.m. and 11 p.m.

A Starship/Super Heavy test operation or launch could fail (referred to as an anomaly or
mishap). If an anomaly occurs, several possible outcomes could result, the most likely being
a fire on the launch pad. Another possible outcome of an explosion on the launch pad is the
spread of debris. The FAA expects the debris will be contained within the FAA-approved
hazard area, which would be contained within the “all hard checkpoint” area shown in Figure
5 (black dashed area represented as “no personnel”).

In the event of an anomaly, SpaceX will evaluate the level of response based on the situation
and notify the appropriate emergency personnel and land-managing agencies. SpaceX will
contact the LRGVNWR, Cameron County Emergency Management and Brownsville Fire
Department. The U.S. Coast Guard will be contacted to report any impact to safety of
waterways. SpaceX will also coordinate with the Cameron County Judge, the Cameron
County Commissioner, and the Cameron County Fire Marshal to provide information on the
anomaly. SpaceX will adhere to its Fire Mitigation and Response Plan, which includes the
anomaly and fire measures outlined in the Terms and Conditions to prevent and respond to
any fires.

SpaceX has established a communication process with TPWD, TGLO and the Service
through an agreed upon point of contact for coordination of access to agency land, debris
removal from agency land, and the status of closures to ensure safety following an anomaly.
Should an anomaly occur that impacts agency land, SpaceX would adhere to the post-
response site restoration and impact mitigation protocols identified in the September 2021
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between TPWD and SpaceX (Appendix C).

Immediately following an anomaly, public access restriction near the VLA may be required
to address any impacts and ensure public safety. SpaceX will request an extension of the
closure from Cameron County. This determination by SpaceX and Cameron County would
be made with input provided by public land-managing agencies (i.e., TPWD, TGLO, and/or
the Service).

SpaceX estimates up to 300 anomaly-response hours will be needed for addressing impacts
specifically from anomalies. These hours will not count towards the nominal 500 operational
closure hours and would be used, as needed, to address debris removal on public land. These
hours would be used at the discretion of Cameron County, TPWD, and the Service. The hour
count for nominal operations will stop when the launch operation is complete and the area is
deemed safe for SpaceX or emergency personnel to enter. The anomaly-response hour count
will start at that point to address debris removal and last until the area is deemed safe for the
public and the closure is released. SpaceX will contact FAA and the Service if it estimates
the closure hours are nearing 250 hours.

The closure area for an anomaly would be smaller than the closure area established for the
launch (Figure 5). After securing the area, SpaceX would inform local law enforcement that
they can open SH 4 up to the “all hard checkpoint.” The area within the “all hard
checkpoint” (Figure 5) would remain closed until SpaceX, in collaboration with the same
public agencies as listed above and Cameron County, determines the area is safe to open.

If SpaceX suspects debris fell on a foreign country’s land (i.e. Mexico), SpaceX will contact
the U.S. Department of State. The State Department will lead any international coordination,
and SpaceX will provide assistance as requested.

During a suborbital or orbital launch, the launch vehicle will be equipped with either a thrust
termination or a destructive flight termination system, or both. In the event the vehicle
varied from the planned trajectory, the vehicle would break up and debris could land within
the hazard area or in the Gulf of Mexico.

SpaceX is proposing additional construction, including expanding the solar farm at the
manufacturing and production site, parking lots, a liquid natural gas pretreatment system, a
liquefier, a payload processing facility, trenching, and pull-offs along SH 4. Construction
activities are anticipated to occur intermittently over a period of 2 years. At the VLA,
SpaceX is proposing to construct a redundant launch pad and commodities, a redundant
landing pad, two integration towers, tank structural test stands, additional support buildings,
and a power plant. Under the Proposed Action, the VLA would be expanded by 23.2 acres to
a total of approximately 40 acres of land developed within the parcel.

The VLA was resurveyed and the boundary was adjusted. Infrastructure has been
constructed outside the expanded boundary and SH 4 ROW. The FAA states that the
existing infrastructure in that ROW was coordinated with TxDOT. Figure 7 shows the
survey-verified VLA parcel. Figure 8 shows the existing developed area (green) and the
overall proposed VLA (blue). Figure 9 is a site overview of the proposed SpaceX facilities,
including the VLA, the LLCC, and other infrastructure within the scope of the FAA-licensed
activities, as well as infrastructure related to non-licensed SpaceX activities in the private
production and manufacturing area. The proposed infrastructure and facilities at the launch
site are discussed in the following sections.

Redundant Launch Pad and Commodities
At the VLA, SpaceX is proposing to construct a redundant launch pad (denoted as “Launch
Mount (‘Pad B’)” in Figure 8) adjacent to the existing launch pad (denoted as “Launch
Mount (‘Pad A’)” in Figure 8). Pad B will be approximately 65 feet high with a similar
footprint and layout, as Pad A. SpaceX will expand the existing commodity farm. SpaceX is
proposing to install approximately 11 commodity tanks, each approximately 100 feet tall,
near the proposed Pad B. The tanks will hold LOX, LN2, water, helium, gaseous nitrogen,
gaseous methane, and LCH4. The commodity tanks near Pad A were previously constructed.

Redundant Landing Pad

SpaceX is proposing to add a second landing pad in the southwest corner of the VLA. The
pad will have similar dimensions as the existing landing pad (approximately 226 feet long by
226 feet wide). The redundant landing pad will be used when another launch vehicle is
occupying the other landing pad or if the other landing pad is damaged by an anomaly.

Integration Towers
SpaceX was proposing to construct two permanent integration towers and launch mounts to
integrate the Starship/Super Heavy launch vehicle. Integration tower and launch mount in
Pad A has been fully constructed and is approximately 480 feet tall with a 10-foot lightning
rod on top and includes black cladding. However, the integration tower and orbital stand
(Pad A) within the VLA, was constructed after re-initiation of section 7 consultation, and
prior to the completion of this BCO. The Service notified FAA the integration tower and Pad
A were being constructed without completing section 7 consultation and recommended it be
removed from BA as a part of the proposed project.

FAA notified SpaceX that the draft PEA impact analysis assumes the integration tower and
Pad A have not been built at the launch site and it does not have the authority to prevent an
applicant from constructing infrastructure on private property. The FAA’s further informed
SpaceX that any actions SpaceX took to construct integration towers at the launch site, or any
other action in furtherance of the Starship/Super Heavy launch vehicle program, would not
prejudice any FAA environmental or licensing decisions.

The second integration tower is proposed on Pad B with similar dimensions. The launch
vehicle will be integrated vertically on the launch pad. Super Heavy will be mated to the
launch mount, followed by Starship mated to Super Heavy. Figure 10 shows an integration
tower and Starship/Super Heavy on a launch mount. SpaceX will use a 450-foot-tall crane to
integrate Starship/Super Heavy. SpaceX will store the crane in the northwest section of the
VLA (Figure 8) when not in use. The crane will stay up most of the time and would be
lowered to approximately 250 feet during launches.

Tank Structural Test Stands

SpaceX currently performs structural tank tests, which includes pneumatic, hydrostatic, and
cryogenic testing at the VLA on a concrete pad with temporary infrastructure. SpaceX is
proposing to add infrastructure to the existing tank structural test stand and construct another
structural test stand. The footprints for the tank structural test stands will be approximately 60
feet long by 60 feet wide and would be 10 to 20 feet tall.

Support Buildings and Parking Lots
SpaceX is proposing to construct additional support buildings at the VLA. The buildings will
be below 30 feet in height. SpaceX is also proposing to construct parking lots for personnel
working at the launch site. The parking lots will be built in combination with existing parking
areas to accommodate the staff supporting tests and launches. The parking lot proposed to be
located across from the VLA along SH 4 on SpaceX-owned land has been constructed and
being used currently for employee parking. Only the operation of the lot will be analyzed in
this BCO because the construction of the parking lot is after-the-fact. The parking lot
construction materials include permeable material, asphalt, road base, or concrete.

Power Plant
SpaceX is proposing to construct a power plant to generate power for activities at all SpaceX
facilities, including the VLA. SpaceX has not determined the exact location and may be
located at the VLA (Figure 8) or the processing area, but it will not be outside the footprint
analyzed in this document. The power plant will be approximately 5.4 acres in size. The
power plant would generate approximately 250 megawatts (MW) and would supply power
for SpaceX operations at the Boca Chica Launch Site. However, on a November 1, 2021,
conference call, the FAA and SpaceX reported to the Service that the proposed power plant
generation had been substantially reduced from 250 MW to 15 MW. The footprint of the
power plant would remain the same 5.4 acres in size.

Power for the power plant will be generated using a large natural gas turbine and a steam
turbine running in a combined cycle, and a small natural gas turbine and a steam turbine
running in a combined cycle. The power plant will be comprised of multiple structures.
Some of these structures will be less than 30 feet tall; however, some structures would be up
to 150 feet tall. Those structures include an air intake (20 feet), compressors (30 feet),
expanders (20 feet), reflux tanks (30 feet), surge tank (40 feet), cold box (150 feet), and
cooling tower (20 feet). The power plant would operate morning or night for up to 1,500
hours per year, and lighting would be minimal at the facility. All lighting plans would be
coordinated with the Service and NPS and included in the Facility Design and Lightning
Management Plan and identified as measures under the Terms and Conditions of this BCO.

As previously described in the 2013 BA (FAA 2013), installation of conduit for underground
utilities will require trenching along SH 4. Proposed utilities include water and communication
lines. SpaceX will coordinate any modifications to SH 4 with TxDOT and the Service, as the
Refuge owns approximately 8.2 miles of the SH 4 right-of-way. The Service’s ownership begins
at Palmetto Hill Road, east to San Martin Blvd adjacent to the western edge of the SpaceX solar
farms, with the exception of approximately 244 yards near Palmetto Hill Road, which is
privately owned. SpaceX will apply for a special use permit from the LRGVNWR for work in
this area if required. The FAA made a preliminary determination that SpaceX’s installation of
utilities along the SH 4 ROW would involve a temporary occupancy and impacts would be de
minimis because the FAA will ensure that SpaceX restores the ROW to pre-disturbance
conditions after installation.

Payload Processing Facility
SpaceX is proposing to construct a payload processing facility at SpaceX’s manufacturing
and production area (Figure 9). In 2013, SpaceX proposed constructing two payload-
processing facilities, each up to 14,670 square feet in size and 65 to 85 feet tall. SpaceX is
now proposing to construct one payload processing facility up to 22,000 square feet in size
and up to 240 feet tall. SpaceX has not determined the exact location of the facility within
the manufacturing and production area.

Natural Gas Pretreatment System

SpaceX is proposing to construct a natural gas pretreatment system at the processing area
(Figure 9) or at the VLA (Figure 8). SpaceX will process natural gas brought to the site for
use as propellant and for power generation. The natural gas pretreatment system will remove
impurities such as water, carbon dioxide (CO2), and hydrocarbons heavier than methane from
the extracted natural gas to create a stream of pure gaseous methane. Following
pretreatment, methane will be liquefied for transportation. The natural gas pretreatment
system will include a main de-ethanizer that would be approximately 200 feet tall and 16 feet
in diameter and include smaller cylinders approximately 6 feet tall.

SpaceX is proposing to construct a liquefier in tandem with two heat exchangers at the
processing area (Figure 9) or at the VLA (Figure 8). The heat exchangers will use cryogenic
liquid nitrogen produced by the liquefier from compression and expansion of nitrogen to
supercool gasses into liquid states for storage and transportation. One heat exchanger will be
used for methane and the other for oxygen. Each liquefier will be approximately 12,300
square feet in size, with multiple structures including the two heat exchangers up to 26 feet

Expanded Solar Farm

Currently, electricity at the VLA is provided by solar power from the SpaceX solar panels
near the LLCC. The solar energy farm currently covers 5.4 acres and supplies approximately
1 MW of power, and there is a 3.87 MW-hour battery for energy storage. Power is
distributed from solar farm underground along the SH 4 ROW to a transformer on the launch
pad. The solar array currently provides all of the power demands to run the day-to-day
operations at the VLA.

Figure 11 shows the proposed solar farm layout, which includes the previously approved area
and the proposed expansion area. The 5.4-acre area (green) was assessed in the 2013 BO.
Approximately 2.0 acres (white) of that has been developed with solar panels. SpaceX is
proposing to increase the solar farm by 1.7 acres (blue) making the solar array a total of 7.1
acres. The proposed site nearest to San Martin Blvd. has begun clearing and leveling for
construction. The solar farm consists of Trina solar panels and Tesla Power Pack batteries
containing Lithium Ion rechargeable batteries for power storage. In conformity with the
existing solar arrays, the new solar arrays will be about 6.5 feet tall and composed of non-
highly reflective materials. Any new batteries will be housed in small structures,
approximately 13 feet tall and 970 square feet in size.

The expansion of the solar farm would add an additional 750 kilowatts of power, for a total
of 1.6 MWs of energy and an additional battery system at the solar farm with up to 8 MW-
hours of storage. Construction is expected to occur over 24 months; however, construction
activities are not anticipated to be continuous during this time. A potential hazardous
material release associated with the solar array infrastructure could occur. Small amounts of
lithium cobalite and lithium hexaflorophosphate could be released if the battery pack charges
too fast or physical mechanical damage causes a battery fire. The solar panels consist of
Silicon/Gallium photocells. The cells themselves are 99 percent glass and the chemicals in
the panels consist of various salts of silicon, gallium, lead, and cadmium encased in glass. In
the event the cell is crushed and not cleaned up, it is possible that those salts could leach into
the ground through rainwater. Damaged panels would be handled at a Recyclable Hazardous
Waste site and retired solar panels would be sent to a contracted battery recycler. The solar
array would be subject to the management procedures in SpaceX’s Anomaly Response Plan.

Pull-offs along State Highway 4

SpaceX will transport Starship or Super Heavy from the SpaceX production area to the VLA
along SH 4. Due to the large size of the vehicles and transporter, SpaceX, in coordination
with local law enforcement, must stop traffic to allow for the passage of the transporter.
SpaceX proposes to add three pull-offs along SH 4 to allow traffic to pull onto a widened
shoulder so the transporter can pass. The proposed locations of the three pull-offs are shown
in Figure 9. The pull-offs will be approximately 75-feet long by 30-feet wide and will be
within the SH 4 right-of-way. The transporter moves at 2 miles per hour. The proposed
locations of the three pull-offs will create a maximum wait time of about 20 minutes for
drivers instead of necessitating a closure of SH 4 in both directions. SpaceX will coordinate
construction of the pull-offs with TxDOT and Cameron County.


The following sections describe conservation measures that the FAA will ensure SpaceX
would implement to avoid, minimize, and mitigate potential effects on listed species and
critical habitat. These measures will be captured in the Record of Decision, which will be
referenced as a term and condition of future licenses.

Construction Measures
1. Prior to entry and exit into unpaved areas of the VLA, SpaceX would ensure heavy
equipment traverses over a construction shaker or rumble plates or rock bed located at the
VLA to remove any sediment and dirt for purposes of preventing the introduction and spread
of non-native plant species. The equipment would be inspected to ensure that hydraulic
fittings are tight, hydraulic hoses are in good condition (and replaced if damaged), and there
are no petroleum leaks.

2. SpaceX would provide all construction personnel with an environmental worker-education

briefing that would include, but not be limited to, the following:

a) Wildfire prevention measures, including restricting smoking to areas clear of vegetation,
ensuring no fires of any kind are ignited and equipping vehicles with spark arrestors and
fire extinguishers,
b) Information regarding noxious/invasive weeds; the spread of noxious/invasive weeds
would be limited by routine inspections of the area and removal of any such species,
c) Requirements for safe handling and disposal of hazardous wastes,
d) Proper disposal of all organic and inorganic litter and garbage (including cigarette butts),
such material would be disposed of in covered containers. The construction contractor
would dispose all trash and debris off site daily,
e) Requirements for safe handling and disposal of hazardous wastes, and
f) Employee shuttle use to reduce traffic along SH 4.

3. If proposed construction activities occur during the avian breeding season (March 15 through
August 31), SpaceX would ensure construction activities occur in accordance with the
Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) to avoid impacts to nesting migratory birds within the
project area. Specifically, a biologist would check the proposed areas of construction
activities, including laydown areas, for nests (in shrubs and on the ground) once before the
construction phase has begun. If the biologist finds an active nest, construction workers
would not directly or indirectly disturb the nest or adjacent areas until the biologist
determines the nest is no longer in use.

4. To comply with the MBTA, project design and any above-ground utility upgrades would
incorporate raptor protection measures, as applicable. For example, structures would be
equipped with devices to discourage nest building and perching (e.g., monopole technology
and visual fright devices).

5. SpaceX would educate its personnel on the potential for vehicle collisions with ocelots and
jaguarundis and encourage personnel to utilize the employee shuttle and, if a personal or
company vehicle must be used, encourage personnel to reduce speeds along SH 4. Vehicles
would be restricted to existing paved and unpaved roads, parking areas, and authorized
construction sites. Vehicle operators within the VLA would not exceed 25 miles per hour.

Operational Measures
1. SpaceX would educate its personnel on the potential for vehicle collisions with ocelots and
jaguarundis and encourage personnel to utilize the employee shuttle and, if a personal or
company vehicle must be used, encourage personnel to reduce speeds along SH 4. SpaceX-
owned or -operated vehicles would be restricted to existing paved, dirt roads, and parking
areas. SpaceX vehicle operators would not exceed 25 miles per hour near the VLA.

2. SpaceX would continue to collaborate with Sea Turtle, Inc. to provide sea turtle survey data
within the Action Area to the Service annually.

3. In coordination with LRGVNWR staff, SpaceX would identify further options that would
assist in protecting refuge lands and species habitats from impacts that may occur from
public intrusions prior to closures. For example, vehicle barriers, in the form of short, spaced
posts, sufficiently close together to prevent a truck or all-terrain vehicle from entering, but

wide enough apart to allow for terrestrial animals to pass. This could be done alongside SH 4
or other identified roads where the footprint is already disturbed.

4. SpaceX would coordinate with the Service to fund additional resources or projects to enforce
the closures required for launch operations.

The Action Area is defined in 50 CFR § 402.02 as “all areas to be affected directly or indirectly
by the Federal action and not merely the immediate area involved in the action.” For the
Proposed Action, the Action Area is defined by those areas being directly impacted by
construction and expansion activities at the VLA and LLCC, access restrictions (closures) for
launches or testing activities, daily activities, traffic and noise (engine noise, sonic booms,
overpressure, anomalies) during Starship/Super Heavy launches (which includes landings) and
the access restriction (closure area) (Figure 12). The Service analyzes effects for species within
the U.S.; therefore, effects will not be evaluated beyond the Rio Grande into Mexico. Although
the Action Area includes noise and sonic boom effects radially for 13 miles, analyses of effects
will remain near shore for nesting sea turtles on the beach.

In accordance with the 2013 BA (FAA 2013), the engine noise component of the Action
Area is defined by the 105 decibel (dB) maximum A-weighted sound level (LAmax) and is
based on noise modeling conducted for the project. The 105 dB LAmax is estimated to extend
approximately 5 miles from the launch pad over land (Figure 13).
A sonic boom would be generated during Starship and Super Heavy landings as the vehicle
approaches the landing location. SpaceX used PCBOOM to estimate single event sonic boom
levels during Starship and Super Heavy descent. SpaceX’s sonic boom assessment is located in
Appendix D. Predicted overpressure levels remaining after the sonic boom for a Starship
landing range from 1.2 to 2.2 pounds per square foot (psf). Overpressures between 2.2 and 1.0
psf are predicted to impact areas of South Padre Island. Populated areas in Mexico are not
predicted to be impacted by Starship sonic booms (Figure 14).

Predicted overpressure levels for a Super Heavy landing range from 2.5 psf to 15 psf. Brazos
Island State Park, Boca Chica Bay, Boca Chica State Park, portions of the LRGVNWR, Boca
Chica Village, and Tamaulipas, Mexico would experience levels up to 15 psf. Boca Chica Beach
and the southern tip of South Padre Island are within the 6.0 psf contour. South Padre Island,
Port Isabel, and the Port of Brownsville ship channel are included in the 4.0 psf contour (Figure

The sonic boom modeling shows that a Super Heavy landing at the VLA would affect the
greatest land area. For a Super Heavy booster landing in the Gulf of Mexico, predicted
overpressure levels range from 0.2 psf to approximately 12 psf. The modeled sonic boom
footprint for this scenario is entirely over water. People, located offshore within about 20
miles of the Gulf of Mexico landing site, such as oil rig workers, located within about 20
miles of a Gulf of Mexico landing site are expected to hear the sonic boom.

Sonic booms with an over pressure of 0.5 to greater than 10 psf can cause structural damage
to buildings. Sonic booms greater than 0.5 psf can also cause a startle effect on humans.
People on South Padre Island would be expected to notice sonic booms from vehicle landings
following an orbital mission. Mammals and birds would also potentially be startled and birds
appear to be more affected behaviorally by a sonic boom than domestic mammals (Manci,
K.M, at al. 1988). Modeled overpressures for a Super Heavy booster landing that are greater
than 1 psf extend about 13 miles from the launch pad (Figure 15). Beyond 13 miles, modeled
overpressures are less than 1 psf. Overpressures less than 1 psf are not expected to adversely
affect animals.
Figure 12 shows the Action Area. In summary, the Action Area is delineated by the access
restrictions (closure) area and areas that would be exposed to sonic booms with modeled
overpressures of at least 1 psf (which includes the area exposed to engine noise levels of 105
dB LAmax).

The Action Area encompasses piping plover critical habitat Unit TX-1: South Bay and Boca
Chica, Unit TX-2: Queen Isabella Causeway, Subunit TX-3A: South Padre Island and Gulf
of Mexico Shoreline and Subunit TX-3B: South Padre Island Interior. It also encompasses
all of proposed red knot critical habitat Unit TX-11: South Bay/Boca Chica. Proposed red
knot critical habitat Unit TX-11 overlaps piping plover critical habitat Unit TX-1.
The FAA has considered the potential for transboundary impacts and is consulting with the
Mexican government through the State Department. The only listed species that occurs offshore,
which the Service has jurisdiction for is the West Indian manatee. The Service has concurred
with FAA’s determination of “may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect” for the manatee.
The Service only has jurisdiction for nesting sea turtles on land. Therefore, the Action Area
terminates at the water’s edge.

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has responsibility for sea turtles that occur offshore.
On January 31, 2022, NMFS issued a Programmatic Concurrence Letter for the launch and
reentry vehicle operations in the marine environment and Starship/Super Heavy launch vehicles
operations at SpaceX’s Boca Chica Launch Site, Cameron County, TX. (Appendix E.)

II. Status of the Species/Critical Habitat

The ocelot was designated as an endangered species under the Act in 1982, a status that extended
protections to the species throughout its range in 22 countries, including the U.S. (Texas and
Arizona), Mexico, and Central and South America. Critical habitat has not been designated for
the ocelot. Two subspecies occur in the U.S.: the Texas ocelot (Leopardus pardalis. albescens)
and the Sonoran ocelot (L.p. sonoriensis). The Texas ocelot is isolated from the Sonoran ocelot
by the Sierra Madre highlands in Mexico (Tewes and Schmidly 1987, Service 1990). The
Service completed a revised Ocelot Recovery Plan in 2016 (Service 2016a).

Selected Life History
The ocelot is a medium-sized cat, measuring up to three feet in body length and weighing
twice as much as a large domestic cat. The ocelot is slender and its coat is covered with
attractive, irregular-shaped rosettes and spots that run the length of their body. The ocelot's
background coloration can range from light yellow, to reddish gray, to gold, to a grayish
gold color. They have a white underside. The head has spots, two black stripes on the
cheeks, four to five longitudinal black stripes on the neck and their back. Their ears have
large white spots on the back. The tail has dark bars or incomplete rings. Although it
resembles the margay (Leopardus wiedii), the ocelot is approximately twice the size of a margay
with a slightly shorter tail (Murray and Gardner 1997, de Oliveira 1998).

The ocelot is primarily nocturnal, although some diurnal activity has been recorded (Navarro­
Lopez 1985, Tewes 1986, Tewes and Schmidly 1987, Laack 1991, Caso 1994). Navarro-Lopez
(1985) found ocelots in Texas to have two peaks of activity, one at about midnight and the other
at daybreak. Ocelots are solitary hunters and eat a wide variety of prey, but mammals, especially
rodents, make up the bulk of their diet (Bisbal 1986, Emmons 1987, Service 1990). Other items
of prey include birds, armadillos, marsupials, monkeys, rabbits, bats, feral hogs, reptiles, fish,
and crabs (Emmons 1987, Ludlow and Sunquist 1987, Service 1990, Booth-Bicznik et al. 2013).

The reproductive season is year round, with spring or autumn breeding peaks noted in Texas and
Mexico. The mating season varies from region to region. In the Yucatan, mating occurs in
October and October-January peaks are reported from Paraguay and northeastern Argentina.
Laack (1991) observed first reproduction in wild females between 30 and 45 months-of-age, but
Eaton (1977) and Tewes and Schmidly (1987) estimated they may produce young at 18-30
months of age. Ocelots can produce young year round and have a gestation period of 70-80 days
(Eaton 1977, Laack 1991). Litters contain one, two, and very rarely three kittens (Eaton 1977,
Laack 1991). Laack et al. (2005) reported an average of 1.2 kittens per litter for 16 litters born to
12 female ocelots in Texas. Den sites are usually well hidden and include dense, thorny scrub,
caves, hollows in trees or logs, and grass tussocks (Laack 1991, Tewes and Schmidly 1987). The
mother provides extended parental care to the young because of the time it takes for them to
become proficient at capturing prey. Males are believed to contribute little to direct parental care
(Tewes 1986, Laack 1991).

Adults of both sexes tend to have home ranges exclusive of other adult individuals of the same
sex, but there is considerable home range overlap between the sexes (Emmons 1988, Laack
1991). Adult males have larger home ranges than adult females. The home ranges of sub adult
males and females tend to be similar in size to the home ranges of adult females until dispersal
(Laack 1991). A number of studies have looked at the home range size of ocelots in Texas and
Mexico, as determined from monitoring radio-collared individuals. Home range size generally
varies from 0.77 to 6.9 square miles (Caso 1994, Ludlow and Sunquist 1987, Konecny 1989, and
Dillon 2005). The established adult home ranges of ocelots in Laack's (1991) study of dispersing
ocelots did not include semi-isolated patches, and transient home ranges were at times farther
from the natal range than the animal's eventual home range.

In the lowland rainforest of Manu National Park in Peru, Emmons (1988) reported ocelot
home ranges of approximately 2.3 and 3.1 square miles for males and approximately 0.6 and 1

square mile for females. In Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary in Belize, home range was
reported as 12 square miles for a male ocelot and 5.5 square miles for a female (Konecny
1989). In seasonally flooded savanna woodland, Ludlow and Sunquist (1987) reported a home
range of 3.6 and 4.3 square miles for 2 males and mean home range of 1.3 square miles for
six adult females in the Venezuelan llanos. In the Brazilian Pantanal, the home range for two
adult females over six months was reported to be 0.3 and 0.6 square mile (Crawshaw and
Quigley 1989).

Ocelots live solitary lives except when a female is with kittens or when pairs come together
briefly to breed. They disperse from the natal range at approximately two years of age.
Young males always disperse from their natal areas, while young females may or may not
leave their natal area. Laack (1991) reported on the dispersal of five male and four female
subadult ocelots at Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge (LANWR). One ocelot dispersed
at 14 months-of-age, another at 20 months-of-age, and five at 30-35 months-of-age, but only
four lived to establish home ranges. Seven to 9.5 months elapsed between the leaving the natal
range and establishing an independent home range. One female moved 1.6 miles (distance
between home range centers) and the males moved 4.3 to 5.6 miles. During dispersal, the
ocelots used narrow corridors of brush, between 16.4 and 328-feet wide, along resacas,
drainage ditches, and small scrub patches within agricultural or pastureland. The ocelots tended
to avoid areas occupied by other adults. According to Laack (1991), none of the dispersing
ocelots successfully joined a population outside of LANWR.

Several studies have resulted in the estimation of various survival rates. Tewes (1986) reported
a survival rate of 71 percent, based on four mortalities while monitoring 12 radio-tagged
ocelots. Haines et al. (2005a) estimated an annual survival rate at 87 percent for resident
adults and 57 percent for transient ocelots. For newborn ocelots, Laack et al. (2005) estimated a
68 percent annual survival rate.

Population Dynamics
Tewes and Miller (1987) suggested that several factors may indicate the possibility of
inbreeding, including: habitat islands saturated with resident ocelots, frustrated dispersal, and
offspring that fail to leave parental home ranges. Habitat fragmentation reduces the ability of
ocelots to interact freely, which may reduce the genetic viability of the species over time, and
because ocelots have to cross-areas of little or no habitat to interact, it may also increase the
risk of harm to individual ocelots. Genetic studies to determine genetic differentiation have
been done on three ocelot populations: LANWR; Willacy County; and Tamaulipas and Vera
Cruz, in northern Mexico. Low variability was expected within the Texas populations because of
range reduction and fragmentation. Inbreeding was detected in the three populations (Korn and
Tewes 2013). The study showed the Willacy and Mexico populations were more closely
related genetically than the LANWR population was to either. Walker (1997) suggested that
the LANWR and Willacy populations have lost genetic variation when they became isolated
from each other and from ocelots in Mexico. While some habitat in south Texas is managed
for the ocelot, the quality and quantity of optimal habitat in Texas is on a downward trend and
most likely supports a smaller ocelot population than that of the 1980's. The continued
existence of the ocelot in its northern and reversing ocelot decline in Texas.

However, much of the area that could be restored to suitable habitat occurs on private lands.
The Lower Rio Grande Valley is rapidly growing and agricultural lands are rapidly being
developed (Wilkens et al. 2000). Opportunities for landowners to participate in economic
incentive programs and Safe Harbor Agreements may enable the proactive conservation of the

Tamaulipan brushland is a unique ecosystem, found only in South Texas and northeastern
Mexico. Characteristic vegetation of Tamaulipan brushland is dense and thorny; therefore, it is
often referred to as thornscrub. It is estimated approximately 95 percent has been cleared for
agriculture, urban development, road developments and expansions, and recreation (Service
1990, Jahrsdoerfer and Leslie 1988). Tewes and Everett (1986) found less than one percent of
South Texas supported the extremely dense thornscrub used by ocelots. Tewes and Everett
(1986) classified ocelot habitat in Texas according to the amount of foliar canopy. Class A, or
optimal habitat, has 95 percent canopy cover, Class B, or suboptimal habitat, has between 75 to
95 percent canopy cover; and, Class C, considered inadequate habitat, and has less than 75
percent canopy cover. The most crucial habitat component is probably dense cover near the
ground, less than three feet in height. Tewes and Everett (1986) found that core areas of ocelot
home ranges on LANWR contained more thornscrub than peripheral areas of their home ranges.
Jackson et al. (2005) suggest that the ocelot in Texas prefers closed canopy over other land cover
types, but that areas used by this species tend to consist of more patches with greater edge. The
ocelot is reported to occur along watercourses and will readily enter the water (Goodwyn 1970,
as cited by Service 1990), but it is unclear if this proximity to water is a habitat requisite or
simply an indication of where dense cover is most likely to occur.

Species composition of shrubs used by ocelots was quantified in three plant communities, two in
Texas and one in Mexico (Shindle and Tewes 1998, Caso 1994). At the Texas sites, 45 woody
species were found at the LANWR in Cameron County and 28 woody species on a private
ranchin Willacy County (Shindle and Tewes 1998). The dominant species were granjeno
(Celtis pallida), crucita (Eupatorium odoratum), Berlandier fiddlewood (Citharexylum
berlandieri), honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa), and desert olive (Forestiera angustifolia)
at LANWR, and honey mesquite and snake-eyes (Phaulothanmus spinescens) in Willacy

In Mexico, ocelot habitat use was 97.6 percent mature forest (heavy rain forest to sparse tropical
deciduous forest) and 2.4 percent pasture-grassland (Caso 1994). In Veracruz, Hall and Dalquest
(1963) stated ocelots utilized the forests and jungles. Ocelots are known from the tropical forest
of Belize, the lowland rain forest of Peru, and semideciduous forests and seasonally flooded
marshes of Brazil (Ludlow and Sunquist 1987).

Status and Distribution

Reason for Listing

Habitat loss and fragmentation in addition to loss of connectivity are the primary reasons for
ocelot decline in Texas. Ocelots rely upon thick vegetation along the Lower Rio Grande and the
south Texas Tamaulipan brush community for foraging, resting, and establishing dens. They

require corridors, such as riparian habitat along rivers, shorelines, and natural drainages to
travel between optimal habitat areas. Destruction and fragmentation of habitat and travel
corridors increases threats to the ocelot, as does incidental trapping, competition from feral
dogs and cats, and primarily, mortality from vehicles. In Mexico, particularly in the northeast,
ocelots suffer from habitat loss due to charcoal production, agriculture and livestock
ranching. Human population increases and associated urban expansion and industrialization
in the Lower Rio Grande Valley has resulted in brush clearing and increased pollution and
water quality degradation (Service 1986). Thornscrub habitats have also been converted to
rangeland using herbicides (Bontrager et al. 1979), root plowing, and fire (Hanselka 1980).

Pesticides can be incorporated into the food chain and are potentially harmful or fatal to
terrestrial and aquatic organisms. Agriculture pesticides are used year-round in the Lower
Rio Grande Valley (LRGV) and drift or overspray from aerial applications occurs
periodically. In the LRGV, runoff from cultivated fields may concentrate pesticides and
herbicides in permanent bodies of water. The types of pesticide chemical compounds and
application rates have been extensive and heavy throughout the LRGV. As a result, pesticide
accumulation) in the biota remains a major concern in management of thornscrub.
Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and mercury
have been detected in ocelot blood and hair samples at low concentrations but are not believed
to be a significant problem (Mora et al. 2000).

Although habitat loss in South Texas is mainly attributable to agricultural and urban
expansion, other contributing factors include: human modifications of the Rio Grande with
dams and reservoirs for flood control and hydroelectric power; floodway systems that remove
water from the stream channel during peak flows; water diversions for irrigation, municipal, and
industrial usage; and channel restriction and canalization (Coastal Impact Monitoring Program

As a result of increasing economic integration between the U.S. and Mexico, there is increasing
pressure for new or improved highways and bridge infrastructure, as well as recently increasing
national security concerns and the installation of border fences and lighting in the Texas/Mexico
border region. There are 11 existing and one proposed international bridge along the Rio Grande
between Falcon International Reservoir and the Gulf of Mexico. Local population growth
and rapid industrialization on the Mexican side of the border have raised concerns regarding
the placement of road and bridge infrastructure in the LRGV. Increased construction of
these facilities may impact the Rio Grande floodplain and its riparian wildlife habitat, disrupting
the continuity of the "wildlife corridor."

Importing and exporting skins of many spotted cats became illegal in the U.S. between 1967 and
1973 and the ocelot was added to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in 1989. Recommendations have been made by
Tewes and Everett (1986) for selective methods of predator control and hunter education to
avoid the accidental shooting of ocelots. In 1997, the Service entered into a section 7
consultation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal Damage Control for the use
of leg-hold traps, snares, and M-44s explosive predator baits in south Texas and provided f o r
the protection of ocelots during their control practices.

Data is limited regarding disease in the ocelot, but several diseases and parasites have been
documented. They include: Notoedric mange (Notoedres cati) (Pence et al. 1995);
Hepatozoon in the blood; Cytauxzoon in their red blood cells; fleas (Pulex sp.); dog ticks
(Dermacentor variabis); and Amblyomma ticks (Mercer et al. 1988). The tapeworm (Taenia
taeniaeformis) (Service 1990) and helminthes (Pence et al. 1995) have been reported in

Ocelot mortality has also been attributed to aggression and predation by other animals. Ocelots
can be prey of domestic dogs, coyotes, snakes, alligators and bobcats (Service 1990). In the
last 30 years, vehicular collisions are the greatest known cause of ocelot mortality in South
Texas, accounting for 45 percent of deaths of 80 radio-tagged ocelots monitored by Haines et al.
(2005a) between 1983 and 2002. Calculation of known ocelot mortality in the LANWR
population since the mid-1990s indicates road mortality may be increasing. Of the 33 known
ocelot deaths since 1994, 14 (42 percent) were the result of road mortality. Road mortality
numbers may be even higher because ocelot carcasses may be depredated or removed from
roadways by members of the public before officials can arrive to examine the remains (Pers.
Comm., M. Sternberg, Zone Biologist for Region 2, 2013). In addition, if an ocelot's carcass
is found after decomposition has started, it is often difficult to determine the animal's cause
of death. Since 2007, six of the 10 known ocelot deaths (60 percent) have been the result of
road mortality (Pers. Comm., H. Swarts, Wildlife Biologist, 2021).

The TxDOT has installed several wildlife underpasses and culverts for ocelot use as travel
corridors in critical areas. The construction or improvements to several roads have undergone
section 7 consultation, resulting in the placement of additional wildlife crossings. These
wildlife crossings may allow ocelots to disperse between patches of suitable habitat and
reduce genetic isolation of the populations.

The construction of approximately 70 miles of border fence in the LRGV, covering three
counties (Cameron, Hidalgo, and Starr) has increased habitat fragmentation and reduced or
eliminated habitat connectivity. In Hidalgo County, 22 miles of flood control wall/fence acts
as a barrier to terrestrial wildlife, as does the 6.9 miles of concrete barrier installed as a safety
measure on SH 100 in Cameron County. The fence proposal (14 miles) in Starr County would
be constructed within the floodplain close to the Rio Grande River, the major water source for
wildlife, and isolate wildlife from the river. The "wildlife corridor" for the ocelot and along the
river riparian area that the Service has been developing since 1979, is severely impacted by
the border fence.

Range-wide Trend
The current population estimate for the ocelot is fewer than 80 individuals in south Texas. The
population has been in decline in recent years. Tewes and Everett (1986) estimated the ocelot
population in south Texas to be around 120 individuals, with the majority distributed in
Cameron and Willacy counties. The Cameron County population located in and around LANWR
was estimated to be about 30 individuals in 1991 (Laack 1991, Sternberg and Mays 2011).
Habitat loss, fragmentation and road mortality continue to be the major causes of the ocelot
population decline in Texas.

Critical Habitat
Critical habitat has not been designated for this species.

Climate Change
Variations in rainfall can also influence the ocelot prey base, and sea level rise can destroy loss
of habitats and corridors used by ocelots (Service 2016a). Because of changes in the climate and
changes in temperature and rainfall, predator-on-predator interactions may be rare, but may
increase with time as they compete for water resources as witnessed in a video of a jaguar
capturing an ocelot showed in https://scitechdaily.com/climate-change-induced-conflict-rare-

Gulf Coast jaguarundi

The Service listed the Gulf Coast jaguarundi (jaguarundi) as an endangered species without
critical habitat under the Act on June 14, 1976 (41 FR 24064). The jaguarundi is also listed in
the CITES Appendix I, which bans international commerce. CITES offers some protection
over much of its range. Hunting is prohibited in Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Columbia, Costa
Rica, French Guiana, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Surinam, Uruguay,
the United States and Venezuela. Hunting is regulated in Peru, while no legal protection is
offered in Brazil, Nicaragua, Ecuador, El Salvador, and Guyana. In 2013, the Service
finalized the Gulf Coast Jaguarundi Recovery Plan (Service 2013).

Selected Life History

The jaguarundi is a small cat, it has a slender build, long neck, short legs, small and flattened
head, long tail, and resembles a weasel. It is roughly twice the size of a domestic cat, weighting
approximately 7 to 22 pounds, standing 10 to 14 inches at the shoulder, and can be up to 4 feet
long from nose to tail tip, with the tail a third the length. The ears are short and rounded, and
their eyes are small and set closely together. They have three distinct color phases, black,
reddish-brown, and brownish-gray, although the latter phase has also been called blue. The
phases are so distinct that at one time they were thought to be separate species. The black
color phase does not occur in Texas (Goodwyn 1970).

Jaguarundis are primarily active during the day and hunt in the morning and evenings. Although
some nocturnal activity has been recorded (Konecny 1989, Caso 1994), it does appear to be less
nocturnal than the ocelot. They prey mainly on birds, small mammals, reptiles and fish
(Goodwyn 1970; Tewes and Schmidly 1987; Davis and Schmidly 1994). Caso (1994) captured
and radio collared jaguarundi in Tamaulipas, Mexico from 1991 to 2005. He found home
range sizes averaged 3.8 and 3.2 square miles for males and females, respectively. Historical
accounts from Mexico suggest that jaguarundis are good swimmers and enter the water

Little is known of jaguarundi reproduction in the wild. Den sites include dense thickets, hollow
trees, spaces under fallen logs overgrown with vegetation, and ditches overgrown with shrubs
(Tewes and Schmidly 1987, Davis and Schmidly 1994). Jaguarundis are usually observed to be
solitary, except during mating season (November and December or when a female is raising
kittens. The reported litter size is one to four young, born in March and August, with possibly

two litters per year. Research in northern Mexico suggests that jaguarundis den between March
and August and produce two to four young (Service 2013). Kittens are spotted at birth and lose
their markings as they mature. Gestation (based on captive jaguarundi) varies from 63 to 75
days (Goodwyn 1970, Tewes and Schmidly 1987, Davis and Schmidly 1994). Jaguarundis
communicate by calls of which 13 have been identified in captive animals and largest repertoire
occurring during the mating season (Hulley 1976).

Habitat requirements in Texas are thought to be similar to those for the ocelot: thick, dense
thorny brushlands or chaparral. Approximately 1.6 percent of the land area in south Texas is
this type of habitat (Tewes and Everett 1986). The thickets do not have to be continuous but
may be interspersed with cleared areas. Jaguarundis possibly show a preference for habitat near
streams (Goodwyn 1970, Davis and Schmidly 1994) and may be more tolerant of open areas
than the ocelot. The jaguarundi uses mature forest (i.e., brush) and pasture-grassland (Caso
1994); habitat use was 53 percent mature forest and 47 percent pasture-grassland. Jaguarundi
use open areas for hunting and sometimes resting, but if threatened with a potential danger
they will seek cover in brush areas.

The most common plants occurring in habitats in the lower Rio Grande Valley of south Texas
where the jaguarundi has been known to occur are: huisache (Acacia farnesiana), blackbrush
acacia (Acacia rigidula), prairie baccharis (Baccharis texana), chilipiquin (Capsicum annuwn),
lotebush (Ziziphus obtusifolia), allthorn goatbush (Castela erecta), Texas persimmon (Diospyros
texana), coyotillo (Karwinskia humboldtiana), common lantana (Lantana horrida), berlandier
wolfberry (Lycium berlandier), javelina bush (Microrhammus ericoides), Texas prickly pear
(Opuntia lindheimeri), retama (Parkinsonia aculeata), honey mesquite, cedar elm (Ulmus
crassifolia), and lime prickly ash (Zanthoxylum fagara) (Goodwyn 1970).

In south Texas, jaguarundis use dense thorny shrublands, additionally they will use bunchgrass
pastures if dense brush or woody cover is nearby. Optimal habitat has 95 percent canopy cover;
habitat with 75 to 95 percent cover is considered suboptimal and habitat with less than 75 percent
canopy cover is considered inadequate habitat (summarized in Service 2013).

Jaguarundis use suitable habitat in Texas for foraging and other elements of their life history;
using dense thornscrub thickets; strips of marginal habitat along resacas, irrigation canals,
drainage ditches, fence lines, and road edges; dense riparian cover along the Rio Grande; and
other dense habitats. The dense thornscrub thickets do not have to be continuous and may be
interspersed with cleared areas. They possibly show a preference for habitat near streams
(Goodwyn 1970; Davis and Schmidly 1994) and may be more tolerant of open areas than the
ocelot. Jaguarundis use open areas for hunting and resting, but if threatened with a potential
danger they will seek cover in brush areas.

Population Dynamics
There are no known jaguarundi populations in the U.S. The last confirmed sighting of a
jaguarundi in the U.S. was in April 1986, when a roadkill specimen was collected two miles east
of Brownsville, Texas, and positively identified. Numerous unconfirmed sightings have been
reported since then, including some sightings with unidentifiable photographs, but no U.S.

reports since April 1986 have been confirmed as jaguarundi. The closest known jaguarundis to
the U.S. border occur approximately 95 miles southwest in Nuevo Leon, Mexico (above
summarized from Service 2013). However, on November 22, 2004, a Service biologist reported
sighting two jaguarundis approximately 0.75 mile north of Farm to Market (FM) 106 and Buena
Vista Road, which is the entrance road to LANWR (Reyes 2008). There have been no additional
sightings in this area.

Habitat loss and alteration and fragmentation due to brush-clearing activities, human
encroachment and disturbance, border security activities, mortality from collisions with
vehicles and any loss of riparian or other corridor habitat that compromises the movement of
jaguarundis is also a threat (Service 1995). Tracts of at least 75 to 100 acres of isolated dense
brush, brush interconnected with other habitat tracts by brush corridors, or smaller tracts
adjacent to larger areas of habitat may be used by jaguarundi. Roads, narrow water bodies, and
rights-of-way are not considered barriers to movements. Brush strips connecting areas of
habitat, such as brushy fence lines and watercourses, are very important in providing escape
and protective cover.

The recovery strategy for jaguarundis and ocelots involves assessing, protecting, reconnecting,
and restoring sufficient habitat to support viable populations. South Texas counties are important
to the travel and dispersal of the cats. The Service and partners are working on two strategic
plans to identify priority areas to create wildlife corridors for the jaguarundi and ocelot. One is
the Bahia Grande Coastal Corridor Project (BGCCP) (Figure 16); a bi-national, federal, state and
private land acquisition is an effort to link the Laguna Madre region of South Texas with the
Northern Mexico Gulf Coast. The other is a Thornscrub Protection, Enhancement and
Restoration Cooperative Agreement to create a wildlife corridor connecting LANWR and
LRGVNWR with ranchlands to the north (Figure 17). The Thornscrub Protection, Enhancement
and Restoration Cooperative Agreement Conceptual Ocelot and Jaguarundi Corridor Map, shows
six conceptual wildlife corridor areas for conservation efforts.

Thornscrub protection, enhancement and restoration will allow jaguarundis, as well as ocelots, to
move around the landscape safely, while limiting risk of vehicle collisions and potentially
creating the right conditions for reproduction. Additional, actions are needed to identify lands to
support viable and self-sustaining habitat and coordinate land acquisition activities to establish a
wildlife corridor to strengthen connectivity between populations.

Status and distribution

Reason for Listing

Loss of habitat is one of the main threats to the jaguarundi. Historically, dense mixed brush
occurred along dry washes, arroyos, resacas, and the flood plains of the Rio Grande. A
majority of brush land has been converted to agriculture and urban development. Unfortunately,
for the jaguarundi, the best soil types used for agricultural crops also grow the thickest brush and
thus produce the best habitat for the jaguarundi. Less than five percent of the original vegetation
remains in the Rio Grande Valley (Service 1990).

Range-wide trend
Nothing is known of jaguarundi population estimates or demographics in the U.S. Based on the
natural history of this species, it is anticipated that the same ecological pressures that affect ocelot
population dynamics apply to the jaguarundi as well. These pressures primarily include habitat
loss, habitat fragmentation, and road mortality.

Critical Habitat
Critical habitat has not been designated for the jaguarundi

Climate Change
Variations in rainfall can influence the jaguarundi prey base, and sea level rise can destroy
habitats and corridors used by jaguarundis (Service 2016a). Because of changes in the climate
and changes in temperature and rainfall changes, predator-on-predator interactions may be rare,
but may increase with time as they compete for water resources as witnessed in a video of a
jaguar capturing a jaguarundi shown in https://scitechdaily.com/climate-change-induced-

Sea Turtles
The Service has jurisdiction for protecting sea turtles in inland waters and on the nesting
beaches. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has jurisdiction for protecting sea
turtles in the marine environment. Five species of sea turtles are found in U.S. waters and nest
on U.S. beaches: leatherback, hawksbill, loggerhead, green and Kemp’s ridley.

Climate Change
Marine system changes are associated with rising water temperatures, changes in ice cover,
salinity, oxygen levels and circulation. For all sea turtles rising sea levels is the most certain
consequence of climate change (Titus and Narayanan 1995). These changes could result in shifts
in ranges and changes in algal, plankton, and fish abundance which could affect sea turtle prey
distribution and abundance (IPCC 2007). Sea turtles may also change their migratory behaviors
because of increasing water temperatures. Nesting habitat could also be degraded by increased
frequency and intensity of tropical storms and hurricanes and sea level results in increased
erosion rate along nesting beach and could impact areas with low-lying beaches where sand
depth is a limiting factor as it will inundate nesting sites and decrease nesting habitat. Erosion
control structures can result in permanent loss of dry nesting beach or deter nesting females from
reaching suitable nesting sites (National Research Council 1990). Increasing global temperatures
may result in warmer incubation temperatures and may also affect sex ratios since they exhibit
temperature-dependent sex determination (Glen and Mrosovsky 2004).

Kemp’s ridley Sea Turtle

The Kemp’s ridley sea turtle was listed as endangered throughout its entire range on July 28,
1978 (43 FR 32800).

Selected Life History

Kemp’s ridleys are the smallest of the sea turtles, reaching about 2 feet (0.6 meter) in length and
can weigh 70-100 pounds. The adult has an unusually broad, heart-shaped, keeled upper shell
that is serrated behind the bridge or midsection, almost as wide as it is long, and is usually olive-

gray. The upper shell has five pairs of scales or plates along the sides. In the bridge hooking the
lower shell to the upper shell, there are four infra-marginal plates, each perforated by a pore.
The lower shell is a light, yellowish color. The head has two pairs of prefrontal scales. The
Kemp’s ridley has a triangular-shaped head with a somewhat hooked beak with large crushing
surfaces. Juveniles have a dark-charcoal colored shell that changes to olive-green or gray with
age. Kemp’s ridley sea turtles occurring in nearshore Gulf of Mexico waters, bays, and passes,
where they feed mostly on crabs, some fish, sea jellies and mollusks.

The Kemp’s ridley distribution is one of the most restricted (Wibbels and Bevan 2019). Kemp’s
ridley nesting occasionally occurs in Florida, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and North
Carolina. Although, approximately 71.2 percent of nesting occurs along a 19 mile stretch of
beach at Rancho Nuevo, Mexico (Wibbels and Bevan 2019), more Kemp’s nest at Padre Island
National Seashore than any other place in the United States. Nesting occurs primarily on beaches
around Rancho Nuevo, Tamaulipas, Mexico, from April to June each year; however, Kemp’s
ridley nests have been recorded in Mexico as early as March and as late as August (Gaskil 2018).
During preferred nesting conditions, which are precipitated by strong winds, the females come
ashore, often in groups called “arribadas.” Kemp’s ridleys are predominately daytime nesters.
Although some females breed annually, this species is considered to nest biannually and may
nest as many as three times in a single season (NMFS et al 2011), producing an average of 2.5
clutches. Clutch size averages between 100-110 eggs. Hatchlings emerge after approximately 50
days of incubation. Sexual maturity is believed to be reached between 10 to 15 years of age.
Some fidelity to nesting sites has been shown by Kemp’s ridleys, both within one nesting season,
and between nesting seasons (Gredzens and Shaver 2020). If conditions are unsuitable on a
nesting beach or the female is disturbed, she may return to the water and attempt to nest
elsewhere within several kilometers of the first site. The disturbance could also cause her to
switch nesting beaches entirely (Gredzens and Shaver 2020). After the nesting season, adults
migrate to feeding areas in the Gulf of Mexico and remain there until the next reproductive
season. Hatchlings that successfully emerge from the nest and enter the ocean are essentially
pelagic for approximately two years (Ernst et. al. 1994). Approximately 99.9 percent of known
nests are found on the coastal beaches of Tamaulipas and Veracruz, with approximately 21,000
nests protected in 2011. In 2017, approximately 27,000 nests were documented with 353 in
Texas, 24,586 in Tamaulipas, and 2,000 located in Veracruz, Mexico (Gaskil 2018). In 2020,
262 nests were found and protected along Texas beaches (Pers. Comm., D. Shaver, Sea Turtle
Coordinator, NPS, 2021).

Habitat includes areas that shelter the turtle from high winds and waves, with forage areas that
include seagrass, oyster reefs, sandy bottoms, mud bottoms, and rock outcroppings. Their diet
consists primarily of crabs, shrimp, snails, sea urchins, sea stars, fish and occasionally marine
plants. Preferred habitat for this species is shallow coastal and estuarine waters and occurs in the
bays on the middle and upper Texas coast with regularity.

Population Dynamics
Kemp’s ridley sea turtle numbers have precipitously declined since 1947, when more than
40,000 nesting females were estimated in a single arribada (Service and NMFS 2011). The
nesting population produced a low of 702 nests in 1985 (Service and NMFS 2011). Since the

mid-1980s, the number of nests laid in a season has been steadily increasing, primarily due to
nest protection efforts and implementation of regulations requiring the use of turtle excluder
devices (TEDs) in commercial fishing trawls. Less than 300 females were found nesting in
Mexico in 1985 (NMFS 2011) but current estimates include 5,500 females nesting in Mexico
annually and about 55 females nesting in Texas annually. Declining populations increased 12-19
percent annually in Texas and Mexico from 1997 through 2009 (NMFS et al 2011). Reduced
numbers were found in 2010, 2013, 2014, and 2015; the numbers found in 2011 and 2012 were
similar to 2009 levels. In 2017, the maximum annual abundance of nests over the past several
decades was 25,654, and has averaged 21,156 from 2016 to 2018 (Wibbels and Bevan 2019).
The reasons for this decline is unknown but could possibly be related to fisheries bycatch, the
2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill and current carrying capacity of the Gulf of Mexico (Wibbels
and Bevan 2019).

Status and Distribution

Reasons for Listing

Several factors contributed to the decline of sea turtle populations along the Atlantic and Gulf
coasts, including commercial over-utilization of eggs and turtle parts, incidental catches during
commercial fishing operations, disturbance of nesting beaches by coastal housing, marine
pollution, and entanglement and ingestion of debris (Service and NMFS 2011). Additional
threats are expanding human populations adjacent to important nesting beaches, degradation of
coastal foraging habitats, and the potential effects of global warming on sex ratios (NMFS and
Service 2007, NMFS 2020a). Red tide, caused by harmful algal blooms as well as strandings
threaten the Kemp’s ridley (NMFS and Service 2016).

Range-wide Trend
Kemp’s ridley has no known subpopulations (Wibbels and Beven 2019). In 2007, the population
seemed to be improving, however, in 2009 the population growth (measured by numbers of
nests) stopped. In 2014, approximately 4,395 females nested at the three primary nesting
beaches (Rancho Nuevo, Tepehuajes, and Playa Dos), not meeting the predicted downlisting
criterion of 10,000 nesting females in a season predicted to occur by 2011. An unprecedented
mortality in subadult and adult females post-2009 nesting season may have altered the 2009 age
structure which impacted the annual nests numbers in 2011-2014. With the availability of long-
term nests counts (as an index of population abundance), and comparing it to historic population
estimates from 1947, the current nesting data indicates that the current population represents a
greater than 80 percent reduction in historic population size (i.e. 82.6-88.3 percent) (Wibbels and
Bevan 2019). The results indicate the population is not recovering and cannot meet recovery
goals unless survival rates improve and qualifying the Kemp’s ridley as Critically Endangered
under the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Red
List Criterion A2BD.

Critical Habitat
Critical habitat has not been designated for this species.

Loggerhead Sea Turtle

The loggerhead sea turtle was listed as a threatened species on July 28, 1978 (43 Federal

Register [FR] 32800).

Selected Life History

The head is very large with heavy strong jaws and the brownish red carapace is bony without
ridges and has a large, non-overlapping rough scutes (scales) with 5 lateral scutes. The carapace
is heart shaped. Typically it is 2.5 to 3.5 feet in length and can weigh an average weight of about
200 pounds. It feeds mostly on shellfish that live on the bottom of the ocean. They eat horseshoe
crabs, clams, mussels and other invertebrates. They prefer to feed in coastal bays and estuaries as
well as shallow water along the continental shelves of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. It
occurs in temperate and tropical waters of both hemispheres. Historic nesting frequency on the
Texas coast is poorly known.

Adult loggerhead sea turtles reach maturity in 25 to 30 years. Loggerheads are nocturnal nesters,
although some daytime nesting occurs. They nest from one to seven times within a nesting
season (average of approximately 4.1 clutches); clutch size averages 100-125 eggs along the
southeastern U.S. coast (NMFS and Service, 1991b). Hatchling emergence typically occurs at
night. In the Gulf of Mexico, there are distinct nesting populations on the coast of the Florida
panhandle and the Yucatan Peninsula. Scattered nests can be found occasionally along other
areas of the U.S. Gulf Coast from the Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana, south to the U.S./Mexico

Population Dynamics
Florida’s long-term loggerhead nesting data (1989-2021) was analyzed. Observed nest counts on
27 core index beaches peaked at 65,807 in 20161998 to a low in 2007 of 28,876 (FWC 2021).
These numbers do not represent Florida’s total annual nest counts because they are collected
only on a subset of Florida’s beaches (27 out of 224) and only during a time window of 15 May
through 31 August) (FWC 2021). Long-term loggerhead nesting data (1989-2021) showed three
distinct phases: increasing (1989-1998), decreasing (1998-2007) and increasing (2007-2021).
The fluctuations in annual nest counts are not fully understood. It may be a part of a long-term
cycle (FWC 2021).

Status and Distribution

Reason for Listing

Threats include incidental take from channel dredging and commercial trawling, longline, and
gill net fisheries; loss or degradation of nesting habitat from coastal development and beach
armoring; disorientation of hatchlings by beachfront lighting; excessive nest predation by native
and non-native predators; degradation of foraging habitat; marine pollution and debris;
watercraft strikes; and disease.

Range-wide Trend
Hildebrand (1981) suggested that loggerhead nesting along the Texas coast has occurred within
the last 300 years, but the earliest loggerhead nest that he was able to confirm for Texas was
found in 1977. Total estimated loggerhead nesting in the U.S. is approximately 68,000 to 90,000
nests per year (NOAA 2013a). Long-term nesting data show the population is declining in
southeast Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. However, in Texas, during the
last decade, nesting has remained stable, with 1-13 nests per year (Pers. Comm., D. Shaver, Sea
Turtle Coordinator, NPS, 2013). Nesting in the Caribbean is sparse. In the Mediterranean,
nesting is almost exclusively confined to the eastern portion of the Mediterranean Sea. In the
Indian Ocean, most trends on loggerhead nesting populations are unknown. In Honduras,
Mexico, Colombia, Israel, Turkey, Bahamas, Cuba, Greece, Japan, and Panama loggerhead
nesting population have been declining (NOAA 2013a).

Critical Habitat
Critical habitat has not been designated for this species.

Green Sea Turtle

The green turtle (Chelonia mydas) was listed under the Act on July 28, 1978. Breeding
populations of the green turtle in Florida and along the Pacific Coast of Mexico were listed as
endangered; all other populations were listed as threatened.

Selected Life History

Adult green sea turtles can grow to a shell length of 4 feet and range from 250 to 450
pounds. Hatchlings generally have a black carapace, white plastron, and white margins on the
shell and limbs. The adult carapace is smooth, keelless, and light to dark brown with dark
mottling; the plastron is whitish to light yellow. Adult heads are light brown with yellow
markings. It is distributed circumglobally in tropical and sub-tropical waters Adult green sea
turtles reach maturity at 30 to 50 years of age. Females nest at night. From one to seven
clutches are deposited within a breeding season (the average number is usually two to three
clutches) (NMFS and Service 1991a). Average clutch size is usually 110-115 eggs. Hatchling
emergence occurs at night. Nesting sites include southern Florida and scattered locations in
Mexico, although a few nests are found in south Texas annually.

Green turtles are generally found in fairly shallow waters (except when migrating) inside reefs,
bays, and inlets. The turtles are attracted to lagoons and shoals with an abundance of marine
grass and algae. Open beaches with a sloping platform and minimal disturbance are required for
nesting. Green turtles have strong nesting site fidelity and often make long distance migrations
between feeding grounds and nesting beaches. Hatchlings have been observed to seek refuge and
food in sargassum rafts.

Population Dynamics
Within the U.S., green sea turtles nest in small numbers in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico,
and Texas, and in larger and growing numbers along the east coast of Florida (NMFS and
Service 1991a). Total population estimates for the green turtle are unavailable, however, green
turtle nests on 27 index beaches ranged from less than 300 in 1989 to 41,000 in 2019. In 2021,
green turtle nest counts on the 27 core index beaches reached more than 24,000 nests (FWC
2021). Nesting green turtles tend to follow a two-year reproductive cycle with wide year-to-year
fluctuations in numbers of nests. Record highs were in 201, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2091. These
numbers do not represent Florida’s total annual nest counts because they are collected only on a
subset of Florida’s beaches (27 out of 224) and only during a time window of 15 May through 31
August) (FWC 2021). Populations in Surinam, and Tortuguero, Costa Rica, may be stable, but
there is insufficient data for other areas to confirm a trend.

Status and Distribution
Reason for Listing
Major factors contributing to the green sea turtle's decline worldwide is commercial harvest for
eggs and food, fibropapillomatosis or the development of multiple tumors on the skin and
internal organs, loss or degradation of nesting habitat from coastal development and beach
armoring, disorientation of hatchlings by beachfront lighting, excessive nest predation by native
and non-native predators, degradation of foraging habitat, marine pollution and debris, watercraft
strikes, and incidental take from channel dredging and commercial fishing operations.

Range-wide Trend
Globally there is a declining trend, however green turtle population growth rates are variable
among nesting populations and regions (NOAA 2013b). Most green turtles in Texas waters are
juveniles and their numbers are increasing (Pers. Comm., D. Shaver, Sea Turtle Coordinator,
NPS, 2013). The Hawaiian green turtle population has increased 53 percent over the last 25
years (NOAA 2013b). The Martine Turtle Specialist Group indicates populations in all major
ocean basins have declined over the past 100-150 years (NOAA 2013b).

Critical habitat
NMFS designated critical habitat for the green sea turtle on October 2, 1998. Critical habitat
included waters extending seaward 3.5 miles from the mean high water line of Isla de Culebra
(Culebra Island, Puerto Rico). Critical habitat has not been designated in Texas.

Atlantic Hawksbill Sea Turtle

The hawksbill was listed as an endangered species on June 2, 1970 (35 FR 8491). It primarily
occurs in tropical and subtropical seas of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans inhabiting
coastal waters of more than 108 countries. Young hawksbills occur with some regularity in
Texas waters, since northern currents carry them from nesting beaches in Mexico (Hildebrand,
1981). Historic nesting by this species on the Texas coast is unknown.

Hawksbills have a hawk-like beak, from which their name originates. They are small to
medium-sized marine turtles, ranging from 176 to 279 pounds. Hawksbills are usually brown
with ornate shells, which are dark amber with radiating streaks of brown or black. Their shells
are also known as bekko or carey. The name "tortoise shell" was also given to their carapaces,
which are made into many types of objects such as tortoise shell jewelry, combs, eyeglass
frames, and tabletops. A combination of characters distinguish the hawksbill from other sea
turtles: the pairs of prefrontal scales; thick, posterior overlapping scutes on the carapace; four
pairs of costal scutes; two claws on each flipper; a beak-like mouth and, when on land, it has an
alternating gait, unlike the leatherback and green sea turtles.

The nesting season for hawksbills varies geographically and may extend from April through
October in the Caribbean and along the Gulf Coast of Mexico. Female hawksbill sea turtles nest
mostly during the night, but rare daytime nesting is known, usually on small isolated beaches
above the high tide. They nest an average of 4.5 times per season (up to 12 clutches); clutch size
averages approximately 140 eggs (NMFS and Service, 1993). Hatchling emergence occurs at
night. Hawksbills nest on scattered islands and beaches between 25° North and 25° South

latitudes, including beaches in southeastern Florida and the states of Campeche and Yucatan in
Mexico. Nesting does not regularly occur on the Texas coast.

Atlantic hawksbills use different habitats, such as shallow coastal areas, lagoons and coral reefs,
at different stages of their life cycle. Females exhibit strong fidelity in nesting sites (NMFS and
Service 2013). Post hatching hawksbills take shelter in weed lines at convergence zones and
later re-enter coastal waters when their carapace length reaches to approximately 8 to 10 inches.

Population Dynamics
Since the 2007, trends and distribution of the species’ nesting populations in the eastern Pacific,
Nicaragua, and western Caribbean appears to have improved, but throughout the globe largely is
unchanged (NMFS and Service 2013). The hawksbill turtle has declined in most areas over the
last century and represents only a fraction of its historical populations (NMFS and Service 2013).
The populations were analyzed by ocean basin at 88 nesting sites in 10 different regions of the
world. Historic trends for 25 sites were unknown and the remaining 63 sites declined year 20 to
100 years. Recent trend data available for 41 sites was more optimistic with 10 (24 percent)
increasing, 3 (7 percent) stable, and 28 (68 percent) decreasing (NMFS and Service 2013).

Status and Distribution

Reason for Listing

Threats to hawksbills in their nesting environment include poaching, beach erosion, erosion
control methods, sand mining, landscaping of privately owned sites, artificial lighting, beach
cleaning, increased human presence, beach vehicular driving, and nest depredation. Marine
threats include entanglement, ingestion of marine debris, commercial and recreational fishing,
watercraft collisions, sedimentation and siltation, sewage, agricultural and industrial pollution,
illegal exploitation, oil and gas exploration, development, transportation and storage, anchoring
and vessel groundings, and increases in international shipping traffic.

Range-wide Trend
Determining population trends or estimates on nesting beaches is difficult since hawksbill sea
turtles are solitary nesters. The largest populations are found in the Caribbean, the Republic of
Seychelles, Indonesia, and Australia. The largest in the U.S. occurs in Puerto Rico and the U.S.
Virgin Islands, with approximately 500-1000 nests on Mona Island, Puerto Rico and another
100-150 nests on Buck Island Reef National Monument off St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands
(NOAA 2013c). Nesting is restricted in the southeast coast of Florida and the Florida Keys. In
addition a majority of nesting occurs in Mexico and Cuba with the largest nesting population of
hawksbills in Australia, with approximately 2,000 nests on the northwest coast and 6,000 to
8,000 nests off the Great Barrier Reef each year (NOAA 2013c). Atlantic populations in general
are doing better than in the Indian and Pacific Oceans and the Indian populations are doing better
than the Pacific Ocean.

Critical Habitat
NMFS designated critical habitat for the hawksbill turtle on October 2, 1998. Critical habitat
only included waters extending seaward 3.5 miles from the mean high water line of Mona and

Monito Islands, Puerto Rico. No critical habitat has been designated in Texas.

Leatherback Sea Turtle

The leatherback sea turtle is federally listed as an endangered species. It ranges throughout the
tropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans, but has also been recorded from the
North Atlantic, North Pacific, South Atlantic, South Pacific and Gulf of Mexico. Leatherbacks
are primarily found in the open ocean, as far north as Alaska and as far south as the southern tip
of Africa and known to be active in water below 40° Fahrenheit. The leatherback is the largest
and most pelagic sea turtle species and is normally found in the deeper waters of the Gulf of
Mexico, where it may undertake extensive migrations, at times swimming over 10,000 miles a
year between nesting and foraging grounds. They can also dive nearly 4,000 feet, deeper than
most marine mammals.

Its shell is made of a layer of thin, tough, rubbery skin that looks like leather, thus the name
leatherback. The carapace is about 1.5-inches thick, large, and elongated and strengthened by
thousands of tiny bone plates. Seven narrow ridges run down the length of the carapace, which
is typically black with many spots. The plastron is whitish to black and marked by five ridges.
Weight can range from 500 to 1,500 pounds and length is about 5 to 6 feet. Both adults and
hatchlings upper jaws have two tooth-like projections and each flanked by deep cusps. They feed
almost exclusively on jellyfish.

Leatherback nesting grounds are distributed circumglobally. In the U.S. and Caribbean, nesting
begins in February and continues through July. Nesting occurs primarily at night and diurnal
nesting occurs only occasionally. They nest at intervals of two to three years and up to five to
seven times per year, with an average clutch size between 110 to 116 eggs (NMFS and Service
1992). Eggs incubate for about 65 days. Hatchling emergence typically occurs at night.

Population Dynamics
Leatherback sea turtles historic population levels are unknown but in 1982 an estimated 115,000
females were estimated to occur in the global population, with about half of all females nesting
in Pacific Mexico (NMFS and Service 1992). Current population are not know well, however in
the North Atlantic the population is estimated to be 34,000 and 94,000 adults (Service 2018).
Over the past 30 years 99.4 percent of all leatherback nesting was recorded in Florida (10,005 to
10,065 nests) revealing the number of nest has increased by 10.2 percent per year since 1979
across the state (Stewart et al 2011). Over the past three generations it is estimated that the
global population has declined 40 percent over the past three generations
(https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/species/leatherback-turtle#overview). An assessment of 11
Atlantic Ocean rookeries showed an increase of 3-24 percent per year, one had remained stable,
and one was decreasing slightly (Stewart et al 2011). This increase may be due to both the
implementation of conservation measures and variable ocean climates. In contrast, the eastern
Pacific nesting beaches in Mexico and Costa Rica have not been as successful with populations
decreasing in recent decades with approximately 90 percent decline in nesting
(https://www.fisheris.noaa.gov/species/leatherback-turtle#overview). This may be attributed to
longer intervals between nesting years and a less consistent foraging environment.

Status and Distribution
Reason for Listing
Threats to the leatherback nesting environment include direct harvest of turtles and eggs through
poaching, beach erosion, loss of habitat, beach armoring beach nourishment, artificial lighting,
beach cleaning, increased human presence, recreational beach equipment, beach vehicular
driving and vessel strikes. Threats to the marine environment included entanglement or ingestion
of marine debris, commercial fishing, oil and gas exploration, development, transportation and
storage, boat collisions and pollution.

Range-wide Trend
In other areas some population trends are increasing or stable. In the U.S., nesting trends have
been increasing in recent years (NOAA 2013d). The International Union for Conservation notes
that most leatherback populations have declined more than 80 percent in the Pacific (NOAA
2013d). Over the past 3 generations, the global population is estimated to have declined 40
percent. The Pacific populations have declined 80-97 percent over that time; the Eastern Pacific
population that nests in Mexico – once considered the world’s largest leatherback nesting
population – is now less than 1 percent% of the size it was in 1980; Atlantic populations are
smaller but are generally increasing (NMFS 2020b, Service 2018).

Critical Habitat
No critical habitat has been designated for this species.

Piping Plover
The piping plover was federally listed as endangered in the Great Lakes watershed, and as
threatened elsewhere in its range, on January 10, 1986 (50 FR 50726) including migratory routes
outside of the Great Lakes watershed and wintering grounds (Service 1985). Piping plovers
were listed principally because of habitat destruction and degradation, predation, and human
disturbance. Three separate breeding populations have been identified, each with its own
recovery criteria: the northern Great Plains (threatened), the Great Lakes (endangered), and the
Atlantic Coast (threatened). The piping plover winters in coastal areas of the U.S. from North
Carolina to Texas, and along the coast of eastern Mexico and on Caribbean islands from
Barbados to Cuba and the Bahamas (Haig and Elliott-Smith 2004). Piping plovers from the
Great Lakes and northern Great Plains breeding populations as well as birds that nest along the
Atlantic coast may winter in the same coastal areas. There may be some overlap of birds on the
wintering grounds. Piping plovers from the Atlantic population usually winter on the Atlantic
coast of the United States as do a majority of the Great Lake breeding population. Birds from the
northern Great Plains winter along the Gulf coast and Texas and Mexico (Gratto-Trevor and
Abbott 2011). Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas coast harbored 71 percent of observed birds
from the northern Great Plains and 88 percent from Prairie Canada (Service 2020a). Only 2
percent of Great Lakes breeders were documented. No plovers from the Atlantic population
have been recorded in the action area (Pers. Comm., D. Newstead, Biologist, CBBEP, 2021). For
the purpose of this BO, discussions will be focused on the Texas wintering piping plover
population and its designated critical habitat.

Selected Life History
The piping plover is a small North American shorebird approximately 7 inches (17.7
centimeters) long with a wingspread of about 15 inches (38.1 centimeters). Breeding birds have
white under parts, light beige back and crown, white rump, and black upper tail with a white
edge. In flight, each wing shows a single, white wing stripe with black highlights at the wrist
joints and along the trailing edges. Breeding plumage characteristics are a single black breast
band, which is often incomplete, and a black bar across the forehead. The black breast band and
brow bar are generally more pronounced in breeding males than females. The legs and bill are
orange in summer, with a black tip on the bill (Service 2003).

Within the year, piping plovers are usually monogamous, but may nest with another female or
male if a nest is lost. Pairs do not usually migrate or winter together. They lay approximately
four eggs over six days and both females and males incubate the eggs and hatch after 26-28 days.
Chicks fledge in 21-35 days and then migrate to the wintering areas.

Piping plovers winter along southern Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the United States and into
Mexico, as well as in the Caribbean. Southward migration to the wintering grounds along the
southern Atlantic coast and Gulf of Mexico shoreline extends from late July, August, and
September. Piping plovers spend up to 10 months of their life cycle on their migration and
winter grounds. They leave the wintering grounds and return north to breed as early as mid-
February and as late as mid-May.

Behavioral observations of piping plovers on the wintering grounds suggest that they spend the
majority of their time foraging (Nicholls and Baldassarre 1990, Drake 1999a, 1999b, Service
2003). When not foraging, plovers undertake various maintenance activities such as roosting,
preening, bathing, aggressive encounters (with other piping plovers and other species), and
moving among available habitat locations (Zonick and Ryan 1996).

Site fidelity appears to be strong on the wintering grounds and consists of Gulf beaches, and tidal
flats. Individual plovers tend to return to the same wintering sites year after year (Nicholls and
Baldassarre 1990, Drake 1999a, Service 2003). Breeding birds from the prairie Canada and the
U.S. Great Plains winter on the Atlantic coast while the Canada and U.S. Great Plains primarily
winter on the Gulf coast, Texas and Mexico (Gratto-Trevor and Abbott 2011). Piping plover’s
usage of a particular habitat largely depends on its availability. If tidal flats are inundated they
will move to the Gulf beach (Newstead and Hill 2021).

Atlantic Coast- Piping plovers breed mainly on gently sloping foredunes and behind primary
dunes of coastal beaches and suitable dredge oil deposits (Service 1988).

Great Lakes – Piping plovers breed on sand and gravel shorelines and behind foredune among
cobble and sparse vegetation on islands. In Michigan they preferred nesting near beach pools,
lagoons or cuts (Cuthbert 1992).

Great Plains – Approximately 60 percent of breeding birds in this population used shorelines
around small alkaline lakes, 18 percent in large reservoir beaches, 20 percent used river islands

and sand pits, 2 percent used beaches on large lakes, and 0.4 percent used industrial pond
shorelines (Haig and Plissner 1993).

Winter Habitat
Wintering plovers are dependent on a mosaic of habitat patches and move among these patches
depending on local weather and tidal conditions (Nicholls and Baldassarre 1990). Maddock et
al. (2009) observed shifts to roosting habitats and behaviors during high-tide periods in South
Carolina. In South Carolina, exposed intertidal areas were the dominant foraging substrate
(accounting for 94 percent of observed foraging piping plovers) (Service 2009).

Atlantic Coast and Florida studies highlighted the importance of inlets for non-breeding piping
plovers. Almost 90 percent of observations of roosting piping plovers at ten coastal sites in
southwest Florida were on inlet shorelines (Lott et al. 2009). Piping plovers were among seven
shorebird species found more often than expected at inlet locations versus non-inlet locations in
an evaluation of 361 International Shorebird Survey sites from North Carolina to Florida
(Harrington 2008). In Texas, high numbers of piping plovers are typically found along the sides
of unjettied inlets (Bolivar Flats, San Luis, Wolf Island, Dacros Point, Cedar Bayou, Mansfield
Pass) (Pers. Comm., R. Cobb, Biologist. Ecological Services, 2010). In Texas, plovers use ocean
beaches and bay shorelines and flats depending on the season and weather conditions.

This species exhibits a high degree of intra- and inter-annual wintering site fidelity (Nicholls and
Baldassarre 1990, Drake et al. 2001, Noel et al. 2005, Stucker and Cuthbert 2006). On the lower
Texas coast, individual plovers are known to use areas about 3,000 acres in size, moving two
miles or more between foraging sites as tidal movements shift the availability of productive tidal
flats (TPWD 2000). Recent studies show significantly more stringent site fidelity with
individual birds returning to more precise locations (+/-400 feet in lateral distance on the beach)
each year (USACE 2009b).

Foraging Habitat
Behavioral observation of piping plovers on the wintering grounds suggests that they spend the
majority of their time foraging (Nicholls and Baldassarre 1990, Drake 1999a, 1999b). Feeding
activities may occur during all hours of the day and night (Staine and Burger 1994, Zonick
1997), and at all stages in the tidal cycle (Hoopes 1993, Service 2009b). Wintering plovers
primarily feed on invertebrates such as polychaete marine worms, various crustaceans, fly larvae,
beetles, and occasionally bivalve mollusks (Bent 1929, Cairns 1977, Zonick and Ryan 1996).
They peck these invertebrates on top of the sand or from just beneath the surface. Plovers forage
on moist substrate features such as intertidal portions of ocean beaches, washover areas,
mudflats, sand flats, algal flats, shoals, wrack lines, sparse vegetation, and shorelines of coastal
ponds, lagoons, ephemeral pools and adjacent to salt marshes (Service 2009, Zivojnovich 1987,
Nichols 1989, Nicholls and Baldassarre 1990, Loegering 1992, Zonick 1997, Service 2009).

Roosting Habitat
Several studies identified wrack (organic material including seaweed, seashells, driftwood, and
other materials deposited on beaches by tidal action) as an important component of roosting
habitat for nonbreeding piping plovers. In South Carolina, 45 percent of roosting piping plovers
were in old wrack, and 18 percent were in fresh wrack. The remainder of roosting birds used

intertidal habitat (22 percent), backshore (defined as zone of dry beach from mean high water
line up to the toe of the dune)(8 percent), washover (2 percent) and ephemeral pools (1 percent)
(Service 2009).

Population Dynamics
A consistent finding of all analyses of the demographic factors affecting the persistence and/or
extinction of piping plover populations (Melvin and Gibbs 1994, Plissner and Haig 2000) is that
vulnerability to extinction is greatly increased by even small declines in survival rates. Since
piping plovers spend 55 to 80 percent of their annual cycle associated with wintering areas,
factors that affect their well-being on the wintering grounds could substantially affect their
survival and recovery (Service 1996).

Atlantic Coast - Between 2007 and 2008, the overall estimate of Atlantic Coast breeding pairs
declined approximately 2 percent. Coast wide, 2008 productivity was slightly higher than in
2007, but remained below the long-term average. In 2010 Atlantic Coast piping plover
population estimate was 1,782 pairs, more than double the 1986 estimate 790 pairs, increasing 86
percent between 1989 and 2010. In the Southern recovery unit, net growth was 54 percent
between 1989 and 2010, with most of the increase occurring in 2003 to 2005. Annual
productivity estimates were at their lowest in 2009 due to storm events, but rebounded in 2010,
and remained low in New York (Service 2011). Atlantic Coast piping plovers rarely occur on
Texas wintering grounds.

Northern Great Plains -The overall population on the U.S. Northern Great Plains remained
relatively stable from 2007 to 2008. Adult numbers were down more than 10 percent in
Nebraska in 2008, and the Kansas and Minnesota populations appear nearly extirpated. The
2009 reports from the Missouri River system and U.S. alkali lakes indicate a sharply declining
net trend, with decreases on the Missouri River system substantially exceeding a gain on the
alkali lakes. Approximately 10 percent of birds are banded. The northern Great Plains piping
plover population size has increased, but remains below the recovery goals set out in the 1988
recovery plan. The Service is currently in the process of revising the recovery plan and
associated recovery criteria.

Great Lakes – Approximately 200 piping plovers from the Great Lakes population have been
banded. There were once nearly 800 pairs of piping plovers on the shores of the Great Lakes,
but, dropped to 13 in the 1990s (https://www.greatlakespipingplover.org/). There are currently
71 breeding pairs in the Great Lakes population, but due to low abundance, limited distribution
and threats from habitat degradation, human disturbance and predation remain in danger of

Status and Distribution

Reasons for Listing
Habitat destruction and degradation are pervasive and have reduced physically suitable habitat.
Human disturbance and predators further reduce breeding and wintering habitat quality and
affect survival. Contaminants, as well as genetic and geographic consequences of small
population size, pose additional threats to piping plover survival and reproduction (Service

In the wintering grounds, the two greatest threats identified were habitat loss and degradation
and human disturbance. For wintering birds along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, loss of habitat to
beach development and shoreline stabilization, beach grooming, beach nourishment, active
vehicle use on the beach, dredging, dredge spoil placement, roads, oil and gas development, oil
spills and disturbance by humans and dogs (Gratto-Trevor and Abbott 2011). In some areas,
natural erosion of barrier islands may also result in habitat loss.

If an oil spill occurred on the coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and northern Gulf coast
of Florida, about 16 percent of the breeding population from the U.S. Great Plains and 9 percent
of the prairie Canada population would be affected. If the spill reached the Texas coast, almost
all of the U.S. Great Plains and Canadian Prairie birds will be affected.

Range-wide Trend:
Total piping plover numbers have fluctuated over time, with some areas experiencing increases
and others decreases. Four range-wide International Piping Plover censuses (late January to early
February) have been conducted at five-year intervals: 1991 (Haig and Plissner 1992), 1996
(Plissner and Haig 1997), 2001 (Ferland and Haig 2002), and 2006 (Elliott-Smith et al. 2009).
The International Breeding Census showed increases in the U.S. Atlantic and U.S. Great Lakes
populations with a slight decline in eastern Canada. The U.S. Great Plains and prairie Canada
had inconsistent trends. The global population had increased from about 5,500 adults in 1991 to
just over 8,000 in 2006 (Gratto-Tevor and Abbott 2011).

The Texas population censuses resulted in 1,904 wintering piping plovers counted in 1991, 1,333
in 1996, 1,042 in 2001 and 2,090 in 2006 and a preliminary number of 2,145 in 2011. Between
December 2, 2008 and March 13, 2009, seventy eight locations from Marco Island, Florida to
Boca Chica beach in Texas were visited to locate banded piping plovers. There were 397 banded
piping plover observations with 295 of those observations in Texas. Banded piping plover
observations by populations were, 170 from Great Plains Canada, 176 from Great Plains United
States, 29 unknown, 22 from the Great Lakes, and 0 were from Atlantic Canada or Atlantic
United States (Maddock 2009). The northern Great Plains population winters mostly in Texas.
In 2014, 363 piping plovers were observed on the Land Cut, in the Laguna Madre and in 2015
approximately 50 piping plovers were found on the flats in east Matagorda Bay (Service 2020b).

Biologists from the Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program have been conducting surveys
from 2018 to 2021 in the LRGV NWR, Boca Chica State Park, Brazos Island State Park and
state-owned submerged lands including the Gulf Beach over four nonbreeding seasons and three
intervals between them. The species was chosen because it is the only species in the area that
has had an extensive marking program on the breeding grounds. A total of 379 observations of
85 uniquely marked piping plovers were recorded. All were tagged on the northern Great Plains
breeding grounds, except four that were captured at Boca Chica. Estimates indicated the
wintering population declined from approximately 308 to 142 over three years, resulting in a
decline of 54 percent, which equals about three percent of the total Great Plains population.
Compared to other published estimates the downward trend is significant and continuous. It also
demonstrates a substantial loss of population of piping plovers in the area and to the northern
Great Plains population and may possibly be functioning as a population sink (Newstead and Hill

2021) A simulation study on the U.S. northern Great Plains population indicated that variations
in adult survival have the strongest potential to affect population trends. Because individuals
tend to remain at a wintering site despite disturbance and degraded habitat, it can also lead to
lower site-level survival (Newstead and Hill 2021)

Critical Habitat
Critical habitat for wintering piping plovers that included individuals from the Great Lakes and
northern Great Plains breeding populations as well as birds that nest along the Atlantic coast, was
designated on July 2001 and included 142 areas encompassing about 1,793 miles of mapped
shoreline and 165,211 acres of mapped area along the North Carolina South Carolina Georgia,
Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas coast lines. Four units within Cape Hatteras
National Seashore, North Carolina were reconsidered and re-designated on October 21, 2008 and
18 critical habitat units in Texas were revised on May 19, 2009, after the Courts vacated and
remanded the original designation.

Climate Change
Loss of habitat will increase with sea level rise and hurricane activity could result in mortality of
actual birds. Armoring and other shoreline alterations may increase erosion and drought and
flooding can make wetlands unavailable and diminish the water supply. An increased demand
for wind power may also impact piping plovers as they potentially collide with wind turbines
during migration (Service 2009).

Red Knot
There are six recognized subspecies of red knots, and on December 11, 2014, the Service
published the final rule listing the rufa subspecies of red knot as a threatened species under the
Act; that rule became effective on January 12, 2015.

Selected Life History

The red knot is a medium-sized shorebird about 9 to 11 inches in length. The red knot is easily
recognized during the breeding season by its distinctive rufous (red) plumage. Nonbreeding
plumage is dusky gray above and whitish below. Juveniles resemble nonbreeding adults, but the
feathers of the scapulars and wing coverts are edged with white and have narrow, dark bands,
giving the upperparts a scalloped appearance (Davis 1983).

The red knot’s range spans 40 states and 24 countries, and extends from the species’ breeding
grounds in the Canadian Arctic, to its migration stopover areas along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts
of North America, to its wintering grounds throughout the Southeastern U.S., the Gulf coast, and
South America (reaching as far south as Tierra del Fuego at the southern tip of South America).
Little information is available about nonbreeding red knots. Unknown numbers of nonbreeding
red knots remain south of the breeding grounds during the breeding season, and many, but not
all, of these red knots are 1-year-old (i.e., immature) birds (Niles et al. 2008). Nonbreeding red
knots, usually individuals or small groups, have been reported during June along the U.S.
Atlantic and Gulf coasts, with smaller numbers around the Great Lakes and Northern Plains in
both the United States and Canada (Niles et al. 2008). There is also little information on where
juvenile red knots spend their winter months (Service and Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New
Jersey 2012), and there may be at least partial segregation of juvenile and adult red knots on the

wintering grounds. All juveniles of the Tierra del Fuego wintering region are thought to remain
in the Southern Hemisphere during their first year of life, possibly moving to northern South
America, but their distribution is largely unknown (Niles et al. 2008). Because there is a lack of
specific information on juvenile red knots, the Service uses the best available data from adult red
knots to draw conclusions about juvenile foraging and habitat use.

Rufa red knots feed on invertebrates, especially small clams, mussels, and snails, but also
crustaceans, marine worms, and horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) eggs. On the breeding
grounds, red knots mainly eat insects. Migrating red knots can complete non-stop flights of 1,500
miles or more, converging on vital stopover areas to rest and refuel.

Habitats used by red knots in migration and wintering areas are generally coastal marine and
estuarine habitats with large areas of exposed intertidal sediments and seagrasses. In many
wintering and stopover areas, quality high-tide roosting habitat (i.e., close to feeding areas,
protected from predators, with sufficient space during the highest tides, free from excessive
human disturbance) (Service 2015). The supra-tidal (above the high tide) sandy habitats of inlets
provide important areas for roosting, especially at higher tides when intertidal habitats are
inundated (Harrington 2008). In some localized areas, red knots will use artificial habitats that
mimic natural conditions, such as nourished beaches, dredged spoil sites, elevated causeways,
and impoundments; however, there is limited information regarding red knot use of such
artificial habitats.

In North America, red knots are commonly found along sandy, gravel, or cobble beaches, tidal
mudflats, salt marshes, peat banks, and shallow coastal impoundments, ponds, and lagoons along
the Atlantic coast (Cohen et al. 2010; Cohen et al. 2009; Niles et al. 2008; Harrington 2001;
Truitt et al. 2001). In Florida, the birds also use mangrove and brackish lagoons. Along the Texas
coast, red knots forage on beaches, oyster reefs, and exposed bay bottoms and roost on high sand
flats, reefs, and other sites protected from high tides. Red knots also show some fidelity to
particular migration staging areas between years (Duerr et al. 2011; Harrington 2001).

Population Dynamics
Except for localized areas, there have been no long-term systematic surveys of red knots in
Texas or Louisiana, and no information is available about the number of knots that winter in
northeastern Mexico. From survey work in the 1970s, Morrison and Harrington (1992) reported
peak winter counts of 120 red knots in Louisiana and 1,440 in Texas, although numbers in Texas
between December and February were typically in the range of 100 to 300 birds. Records
compiled by Skagen et al. (1999) give peak counts of 2,838 and 2,500 red knots along the coasts
of Texas and Louisiana, respectively, between January and June over the period 1980 to 1996,
but these figures could include spring migrants. Morrison et al. (2006) estimated only about 300
red knots wintering along the Texas coast, based on surveys in January 2003 (Niles et al. 2008).
Higher counts of roughly 700 to 2,500 knots have recently been made on Padre Island, Texas
during October, which could include wintering birds (Newstead et al. 2013, Niles et al. 2009).

Foster et al. (2009) found a mean daily abundance of 61.8 red knots on Mustang Island, Texas,
based on surveys every other day from 1979 to 2007. Similar winter counts (26 to 120 red

knots) were reported by Dey et al. (2011a) for Mustang Island from 2005 to 2011. From 1979 to
2007, mean abundance of red knots on Mustang Island decreased 54 percent, but this may have
been a localized response to increasing human disturbance, coastal development, and changing
beach management practices (Newstead et al. 2013, Foster et al. 2009) (i.e., it is possible these
birds shifted elsewhere in the region).

At several key sites, the best available data show that numbers of red knots declined and remain
low relative to counts from the 1980s, although the rate of decline appears to have leveled off
since the late 2000s. There are no current estimates for the size of the Northwest Gulf of Mexico
wintering group as a whole (Mexico to Louisiana). The best available current estimates for
portions of this wintering region are about 2,000 in Texas (Niles 2012a), or about 3,000 in Texas
and Louisiana, with about half in each State and movement between them (Service 2015).
Inferring long-term population trends from various national or regional datasets derived from
volunteer shorebird surveys and other sources, Andres (2009) and Morrison et al. (2006) also
concluded that red knot numbers declined, probably sharply, in recent decades.

Status and Distribution

Reasons for Listing/Threats to Survival

The Service has determined that the red knot is threatened due to loss of both breeding and
nonbreeding habitat; likely effects related to disruption of natural predator cycles on the breeding
grounds; reduced prey availability throughout the nonbreeding range; and increasing frequency
and severity of asynchronies (‘‘mismatches’’) in the timing of the birds’ annual migratory cycle
relative to favorable food and weather conditions. Main threats to the red knot in the United
States include: reduced forage base at the Delaware Bay migration stopover; decreased habitat
availability from beach erosion, sea level rise, and shoreline stabilization in Delaware Bay;
reduction in or elimination of forage due to shoreline stabilization, hardening, dredging, beach
replenishment, and beach nourishment in Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Florida; and beach
raking which diminishes red knot habitat suitability. These and other threats in Canada and South
America are detailed in the final listing rule (Service 2014a). Unknown threats may occur on the
breeding grounds.

Range-wide Trend
Strong historical evidence indicates that red knots were severely depleted by hunting in the
1800s, but at least partially recovered by the mid-1900s. During the 2000s, red knots from the
Southern wintering population experienced a sharp decline that is generally attributed to the
overharvest of the horseshoe crab and a resulting food shortage in the Delaware Bay staging
area. The horseshoe crab harvest is now scientifically managed to avoid further impacts on red
knots, but the southern wintering population shows no signs of recovery to date. Although less
reliant on Delaware Bay, the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico/Central American wintering
population is also thought to have declined in recent decades. Two additional wintering
populations, one on the north coast of South America and another in the Southeast United States
and the Caribbean, are considered stable relative to the 1980s. Rufa Red Knot Species Status
Assessment Report 25 stated the decline of the Southern population drove a decline of the
subspecies as a whole. Although less reliant on Delaware Bay, the Northwestern Gulf of

Mexico/Central American wintering population is also thought to have declined in recent
decades, while the other two wintering populations are considered stable (Service 2020b).

Critical Habitat
Critical habitat was proposed on July 15, 2021 for red knots (86 FR 37410). Currently the
proposed critical habitat includes 120 units in Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Delaware,
Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana,
and Texas. A total of approximately 649,066-ac (262,667-ha) were proposed to be designated
critical habitat. There were 11 proposed critical habitat units [approximately 186,241-ac (75,369-
ha) proposed to be designated in Texas. These areas were believed to contain the essential
physical and biological elements for the conservation of red knots, and the physical features
necessary for maintaining the natural processes that provides appropriate foraging, roosting, and
sheltering habitat components.

Climate Change
Red knot’s vulnerability to climate change indicates that loss or degradation of breeding habitat
from artic warming and nonbreeding habitat, and loss of wintering habitat from sea level rise and
increased frequency and severity of hurricanes increases the extinction rate (Service 2020b).

Environmental Baseline
Regulations implementing the Act (50 CFR § 402.02) define the environmental baseline as the
condition of the listed species or its designated critical habitat in the Action Area, without the
consequences to the listed species or designated critical habitat caused by the Proposed Action.
The environmental baseline includes the past and present impacts of all Federal, State, or private
actions and other human activities in the Action Area, the anticipated impacts of all proposed
Federal projects in the action that have already undergone formal or early section 7 consultation,
and the impact of State or private actions which are contemporaneous with the consultation in
process. The consequences to listed species or designated critical habitat from ongoing agency
activities or existing agency facilities that are not within the agency’s discretion to modify are
part of the environmental baseline.

The Lower Rio Grande Valley, also referred to as the Rio Grande Valley, or the Valley, is at the
lower tip of Texas and the main counties include the Starr, Hidalgo, Willacy and Cameron. The
Action Area is located in Cameron County within the Gulf Prairies and Marshes Ecoregion and
the Rio Grande Valley region which has 11 biotic communities. The Action Area falls within the
loma/tidal flats biotic community. This community is characterized by wooded islands
surrounded by tidal flats that are periodically inundated by water from South Bay and the Gulf of
Mexico. Lomas are unique features found in the coastal plains of eastern Cameron County and
are characterized as scattered clay dunes that formed by windblown saline clay particles
originating from local salt flats that are largely barren of vegetation. Lomas typically range from
5 to 30 feet above mean high tide and from 10 to about 250 acres in size (USDA 1977).
Vegetation communities on lomas range from dense mixed thornshrub communities or grassland
habitats to nearly barren ground, depending on factors such as soil salinity (which varies from
low to very high), erosion, and grazing pressure. Loma systems located within the Action Area
are: Loma de la Pita (closest to the VLA), Loma de la Lena Seca, Loma Plato, Loma de los
Equios, Loma Silvan, Loma de las Gachupines, Loma del Potrero Cercado, Loma Tio Alejos,

Loma de la Jauja and Loma de la Montusa Chica (Figure 18). The open water areas are fringed
with black mangroves and vegetated with seagrasses. Dunes often form around the tidal flats.

The Action Area includes a large portion of a wide north-south coastal corridor along the Rio
Grande delta with a matrix of native rangeland, wetlands and upland communities extremely
valuable to wildlife. The Action Area is primarily used for recreation (Boca Chica State Park,
Boca Chica Beach, LRGVNWR, South Bay Preserve, Brazos Island State Park, Isla Blanca Park,
Palmito Ranch Battlefield NHL). Major water bodies in the Action Area are South Bay, Laguna
Madre, Rio Grande, and the Gulf of Mexico. The southern end of South Bay is approximately
0.5 mile north of the VLA and Boca Chica Bay is approximately 0.03 mile. Boca Chica Bay is a
subdelta of the Rio Grande which is about 2 miles from the launch site. The Gulf of Mexico lies
east of the VLA with miles of beach and dune habitats at the water’s edge and the Brownsville
Ship Channel is approximately 4 miles north.

The property boundary of the VLA is immediately adjacent to a critical dunes area, and a portion
of the property is designated as an undeveloped coastal barrier by the Coastal Barrier Resource
Act. The VLA and LLCC are also located in the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) designated 100-year flood hazard areas (i.e., 1 percent annual chance flood events)
based on the Flood Insurance Range Map for Cameron County, the VLA is in Zone AE and Zone
VE while the LLCC is in Zone AE. VE is designated as a special hazard area subject to
inundation by 1 percent annual chance flood events with additional hazards subject to erosion
and overtopping from high tides and waves during storms. TxDOT owns the ROW in fee along
SH 4 for 2 miles inland from the end of SH 4. Thereafter, the Service owns the next 8 miles of
beneath SH 4 within the ROW with the exception of 0.13 mile that is owned by the Port of
Brownsville. Most stormwater runoff in the Action Area flows away from the Brownsville Ship
Channel, across the flats, and into large depressional areas where it ponds until it evaporates.
Based on the Cameron County soil survey, the depth to water table in the Action Area typically
ranges from the surface to 12 inches in the low tidal flats, 20 to 48 inches in the flat coastal
prairie covering most of the Action Area, and deeper on the lomas and areas containing dredged
material deposits. The closest water well in the Action Area is approximately 2 miles south of
the VLA and LLCC.

The LRGVNWR’s Boca Chica Tract is within the Action Area and adjacent to the VLA. It is
comprised of approximately 11,000 acres and is one of the state’s most pristine and undeveloped
areas (Perez and Downey 2018). SH 4 parallels the tract and VLA and ends at the entrance of
Boca Chica Beach and crosses wide expanses of coastal grasslands, lomas, and runs along the
edge of South Bay. Botteri’s sparrows (Peucaea botterii) can be observed at the Border Patrol
Checkpoint. As many as 100 ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) may be seen perched on transmission
lines. It is also a migration stopover site for peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) (Maechtle
1987) and supports breeding snowy plovers (Charadrius alexandrines) and Wilson’s plovers
(Charadrius wilsonia) (Zdravkovic 2005). Snowy plovers and Wilson’s plovers nest in the flats
that border the road and adjacent to the VLA. Piping plovers are common on the beach and tidal
flats and spring migration brings red knots to the area along with other shorebirds. Aplomado
falcons have been reintroduced to the area and nest and forage through the area.

Typical plants found in loma/tidal flats at and around the Boca Chica Launch site are comprised

of scrub shrub and emergent wetlands. Vegetation is primarily comprised of saltgrass (Distichlis
spicata), shoregrass (Monanthocloe littoralis), saltwort (Batis maritima), glasswort (Salicornia
virginica), shoreline sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum), sea ox-eye daisy (Borrichia
frutescens), and gulf cordgrass (Spartina spartinae) (USACE 2012, 2021). Berlandier’s
fiddlewood (Citharexlyum berlandieri), Texas ebony (Pithecellobium ebano) and yucca (Yucca
treculeana) are on higher lomas (Jahrsdoerfer and Leslie 1988; Service 1997). Black mangrove
was also observed during field surveys for the 2013 consultation.

Upland vegetation is typified by pricklypear (Opuntia engelmannii), honey mesquite (Prosopis

glandulosa), little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), bushy bluestem (Andropogon
glomeratus), giant reed (Arundo donax) (a non-native invasive species), cuman ragweed
(Ambrosia cumanensis), and golden tickseed (Coreopsis tinctoria).

On the eastern area of the Boca Chica Launch Site, dunes occupy the beach above the high
tide mark about 1,000 feet from the VLA, and are characterized by marsh/barrier island
subtype 4 (Seaoats- seacoast bluestem grassland). This vegetation type is generally
dominated by beach croton (Croton punctatus), single-spike paspalum (Paspalum
monostachyum), Pan American balsamscale (Elionurus tripsacoides), flat sedge (Cyperus
spp.), sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum), bulrush (Scirpus spp.), beach morning-glory
(Ipomoea imperati), goat’s foot morning glory (Ipomoea pes-caprae), sea rocket (Cakile
edentula), and lime pricklyash (Zanthoxylum fagara) (McMahan et al. 1984).

Since completion of the 2013 consultation, SpaceX conducted soil surcharging which is
essentially laying soil on top of soil to compact the lower layer to make it more conducive for
foundations and pad area development at the VLA. Infrastructure at the VLA includes one
launch pad with a launch mount and 40 foot integration tower, one landing pad, two
suborbital test pads, commodity storage areas, two water tanks, a flare, crane and crane
staging areas, temporary support infrastructure (e.g. office trailers) and employee restrooms.
Adjacent to the VLA there is parking along SH 4 and a parking lot north of SH 4, both are
constructed and in use.

The LLCC consists of the Stargate building where command and control of operations at the
launch pad occur. The solar farm area has also been developed and currently consists of solar
arrays and batteries for power storage. The solar arrays are 6.5 feet tall and composed of non-
highly-reflective materials.

SpaceX also operates a private manufacturing and production area adjacent to the LLCC.
Infrastructure and improvements at the adjacent SpaceX’s private manufacturing and
production area include buildings and tents (ground fabrication building, propulsion building,
dome/ring manufacturing tents, nosecone manufacturing tent, hydraulic press tent, storage
tent), hydraulic, bays for storing stacked vehicle components (low bay, mid bay, high bay,
and wide bay), a wind profiler, astronomical observatory, BFT shed, satellite tracking station,
Starlink ground station, air separation unit and 12 MW natural gas power plant. SpaceX also
conducted site improvements related to employee housing (Boca Chica Village and Mars
Pathfinder Recreational Vehicle Park), employee dining (Prancing Pony Restaurant) and
employee transportation.

Status of the Species within the Action Area

Ocelot and Jaguarundi

The ocelot and jaguarundi are treated together here because the two are thought to exhibit similar
habitat preferences in South Texas, although information from Mexico indicates that the
jaguarundi may be more tolerate of open areas such as grasslands and pastures than the ocelot
(Campbell 2003). The cats also suffer from similar causes of population decline and are believed
to benefit from similar recovery efforts. Ocelots are thought to utilize tracts of brush habitat
within the Action Area, particularly along the irrigation canals, irrigation drains, natural
drainages, shorelines, fence lines, and brushy road margins and lomas as travel or dispersal
corridors. Jaguarundis may use this type of habitat as well if they moved into the area.

Except for the Boca Chica Launch Site and the area north of the Brownsville Ship Channel that
includes Port Isabel and the Town of South Padre Island, the majority of the land within the
Action Area is undeveloped. The area lies within the Tamaulipan Biotic Province as described
by Blair (1950). The dominant landforms in the area in and around VLA and LLCC include
lomas (ridges or clay dunes) and tidal flats. The elevations of the lomas range from 5 to 30 feet
above mean high tide and areas from 10 to about 250 acres in size (USDA 1977). The lomas are
generally characterized by mixed thornshrub community and composed of dominant species
such as Texas ebony (Pithecellobium flexicaule), honey mesquite, retama, brasil (Condalia
hookeri), granjeno, lotebush, allthorn, acacias (Acacia spp.), and Spanish dagger (Yucca
treculeana). The thornshrub on the lomas varies from dense thickets to nearly barren ground.
The flats are broad, level and in some cases barren. Over 90 percent of this habitat in the Lower
Rio Grande Valley has been altered by agriculture and urban development (Service 2016a) and
one percent of south Texas supports the dense thornscrub used by ocelots. In addition to the loss
of habitat, impacts to ocelots and jaguarundis include border activities, roadways, international
bridges, night lighting effects, and increases in noise and pollution.

It was estimated there were 53 individual ocelots in two separate populations in south Texas
(Service 2016a). One population occurs in Willacy and Kenedy counties and the other in eastern
Cameron County on LANWR. A third larger population occurs in Tamaulipas, Mexico (Service
2016a). The LANWR supports a population of ocelots (10-25) on and adjacent to the Laguna
Atascosa Unit of the refuge (Service 2010). Both Texas populations are isolated from each other
by approximately 19 miles. Ocelots have been documented moving between the Willacy County
and Cameron County ocelot populations in Texas (Service 2016a). However, Janecka et al.
(2008, 2011) analyzed genetic variation of ocelots from Cameron and Willacy counties and
Tamaulipas, Mexico. Korn (2013) analyzed samples to establish pedigree relationships and both
concluded ocelots have lost genetic diversity and are becoming increasingly isolated and
inbreeding and genetic drift will be problems. This region is also part of the Bahia Grande
Coastal Corridor Project (BGCCP) (Figure 16) a bi-national, federal, state and private land
acquisition effort to link the globally significant Laguna Madre region of south Texas with the
northern Mexico Gulf Coast (BGCCP 2014). Connectivity through migration of individual
ocelots, with varying levels of genetic diversity and establishing north-south and east-west
corridors with habitat improvements would increase range and may also facilitate ocelot

population growth and reduce extinction risk (Service 2016a).

Agricultural land has been converted to urban development due to rapid population growth in
south Texas’ LRGV, increasing land and habitat fragmentation (Service 2016a). The human
population in the LRGV increased 39.8 percent from 1990 to 2000 and is projected to increase
130.1 to 181.1 percent from 2000 to 2040 (Service 2016a). Population numbers for the Valley
were 1,402,512 in January 2021.
(https://www.rgvhealthconnect.org/demographicdata?id=281259&sectionId=935). The rapid
population growth has increased further land and habitat fragmentation resulting in only 1
percent of dense thornscrub used by ocelots in south Texas and decreased opportunities to
conduct habitat restoration and/or purchase lands for conservation (Service 2016a).

Besides habitat loss, collisions with motor vehicles in the Action Area are the most significant
factor of ocelot and jaguarundi mortalities. Vehicular mortality accounted for 45 percent of
deaths of 80 radio-tagged ocelots between 1983 and 2002 (Service 2016a). Over a 10-month
period in 2015-2016, seven ocelots were killed by cars (TPWD 2017, 2018). Sixteen wildlife
friendly crossings, with vegetation and fencing to funnel the cats and other wildlife under major
roads, with known mortalities, were constructed as part of TxDOT planned roadwork. Of the
sixteen, one was built under SH 48, nine on FM 106, four on SH 100, west of Port Isabel, and
two on LANWR interior roads. The SH 100 underpass was completed in 2017 and the first
underpasses opened in 2017 (TPWD 2017). Some of the others around LANWR were completed
in July 2019. Early in 2020 a five year old male ocelot, OM331, was caught on camera using a
crossing under FM 106, traveling north to south (TPWD 2020). Other wildlife have been
documented using the crossings, such as armadillos, bobcats, alligators and javelinas, but this is
considered the first documented use of an ocelot using an underpass in the United States (TPWD
2020). The construction of those wildlife crossings are within or adjacent to the edges of the
Action Area. Roads also may reduce successful dispersal between suitable habitat patches thus
increasing genetic isolation of populations (Service 2016a).

Blanton & Associates (1998) reported a young male ocelot trapped and radio-collared in the area
in April 1998, approximately 3.5 miles west of the proposed control center area. The ocelot was
captured on an unnamed loma located between SH 4 and the Brownsville Ship Channel. The
ocelot often traveled across extensive areas of open flats and the brush associated with the lomas
along SH 4 and the Service’s Loma Ecological Preserve to move between lomas and north of the
Brownsville Ship Channel, settling into an area south of LANWR. An ocelot roadkill occurred
approximately 2.3 miles north of SH 4 in 1989. Additional sightings of ocelots north of the
Action Area include a 1970 sighting south-southwest of Laguna Larga, 2.5 miles north of SH 48.
Single ocelot roadkills occurred on FM 510 in 1984, 1986, 1987, 1995, and two were reported
killed in 2001 between the towns of Laguna Vista and Bayview. In 1989, a road-killed ocelot
was found on SH 48 near its intersection with San Martin Loma. The ocelot was not radio-
collared, and its origin and landscape use were unknown. In 1992, an ocelot was also reported
on SH 48, 3 miles from SH100. Ocelots occur near the Holly Beach community just south of the
known LANWR population of ocelots. Holly Beach and LANWR are located between 5 and 10
miles north of SH 48, which is north of the Action Area. The Raymondville Chronicle (2014)
reported four ocelots road mortalities documented on SH 100, with three killed 1999-2004.

A jaguarundi was killed on SH 4 near FM 511 east of Brownsville in 1986 (Service 2016a). A
cat resembling a jaguarundi was photographed in 1989 at the Audubon Society’s Sabal Palm
Sanctuary near Brownsville. There are no other confirmed sightings of jaguarundi in the U.S.
nor known jaguarundi populations in the U.S. A viable jaguarundi population exists in the state
of Tamaulipas, Mexico (which is approximately 150 miles from the Action Area), and suitable
habitat exists within the Action Area, so the future occurrence of the jaguarundi in the Action
Area cannot be ruled out.

These documented sightings of cats and the presence of ocelots on established refuge lands
indicate that habitat is available in the Action Area to support ocelots and jaguarundis. Many
researchers (Ideker 1984, Tewes and Everett 1986,) and the Service (1990) believe that the
continued existence of the isolated ocelot and jaguarundi populations depends upon protecting
travel corridors connecting the existing main coastal populations of ocelots to the interior
subpopulations, as well as to suitable habitat that they may occupy in the future. The
Tamaulipas, Mexico population of jaguarundis make maintaining a north/south travel corridor
between Mexico and Texas important for jaguarundi populations. The continued use of scarce
habitat fragments makes these cats highly vulnerable to vehicle strikes, reduces genetic viability,
and minimizes the likelihood of their survival and recovery in the wild.

Sea Turtles
The eastern boundary of the VLA perimeter fence is over 500 feet west of and separated by
dunes from sea turtle nesting areas on Boca Chica Beach. South Padre Island beach surveys
have been conducted on a regular basis since 1978. Under permit from the Service, sea turtle
surveys in the Action Area are conducted by Sea Turtle, Inc. April through August of each year.
The surveys are conducted using all-terrain vehicles (ATV). Surveys begin at sunrise. Turtle
eggs are relocated and incubated within a fenced off corral for protection. Table 3 represents
documented numbers of Kemp’s ridley, green, and loggerhead sea turtle nests by year over a 10-
year period, 2012 to 2021. South Padre Island (SPI) is approximately 36 miles long, from
Mansfield Pass to the Brazos Santiago Pass. The Action Area includes approximately 25 percent
of SPI, about 8 miles, and the number of nests in the column labeled .25SPI in Table 3 represents
approximately 25 percent of all nests found within the SPI portion of the Action Area. The other
section of beach is Boca Chica Beach (BCB). The BCB stretches south from Brazos Santiago
Pass to the Rio Grande for a total of approximately 7.5 miles. The number of nests on the BCB
represents 100 percent of nests found on BCB within the Action Area. The leatherback and
hawksbill are not represented on the table because neither has a documented nest within the
Action Area.

According to Sea Turtle, Inc. data, there were no false crawls on BCB from 2011-2016, but there
were a total of 11 false crawls from 2017-2021. A false crawl is when a sea turtle comes ashore
and attempts to lay a clutch of eggs, dig a nest, but not actually depositing her eggs and returns to
the water. The data did not indicate which species, but it is assumed all were Kemp’s ridley
because there were no green or loggerhead sea turtles documented on BCB in the last 10 years. A
total of 11 false crawls over five years represents a mean of 2.2 per year.

Table. 3. Sea turtle nest numbers by year and location on Boca Chica Beach and 25 percent of the
Action Area on South Padre Island (SPI) (Bonka 2021).

Kemp’s ridley Green Loggerhead
2012 10 59 14.75 0 2 .5 0 1 .25
2013 3 39 9.75 0 2 .5 0 1 .25
2014 2 21 5.25 0 0 0 0 0 0
2015 0 34 8.5 0 0 0 0 2 .5
2016 9 63 15.75 0 0 0 0 1 .25
2017 23 70 17.5 0 6 1.5 0 1 .25
2018 7 58 14.5 0 0 0 0 1 .25
2019 6 40 10 0 0 0 0 3 .75
2020 6 72 18 0 7 1.75 0 0 0
2021 5 61 15.25 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 71 - 200 0 - 4.25 0 - 2.5

Leatherback sea turtle –

In 2008, the first leatherback nest confirmed on the Texas coast since the 1930s was found on
Padre Island National Seashore, approximately 24 miles north of the Action Area (Shaver 2009).
On November 22, 2018, a 500 pound leatherback sea turtle was found injured on South Padre
Island. It died after 48 hours of a traumatic head injury. In June 2021, a leatherback sea turtle
nest was discovered on South Padre Island between mile marker 6 and 7, just outside the Action
Area boundary. It was the first nest to be found in Texas and successfully produce hatchlings.
The hatchlings were released in August 2021 (https://myrgv.com/local-

Hawksbill sea turtle –

The only hawksbill nest documented on the Texas coast was in 1998 at Padre Island National
Seashore, approximately 24 miles north of the Action Area (NPS 2012). The nest contained 140
eggs and 132 hatchlings from the nest were later released into the Gulf of Mexico (Shaver,
1999b). No hawksbill sea turtles have been recorded nesting in the Action Area (Sea Turtle, Inc.
2021). It is possible that additional nests were undetected, especially when patrols were not
conducted or were less comprehensive.

Kemp’s ridley sea turtle -

In the United States, Kemp’s ridley nesting primarily occurs in Texas, especially at the Padre
Island National Seashore, about 24 miles north of the Action Area (NMFS and Service 2015).
Within the Action Area, approximately 271 Kemp’s ridley sea turtle nests were located within
the Action Area over the 10 year period 2012-2021, of which 20 were documented in 2021 (STI

Green sea turtle –

In Texas, green sea turtles are known to nest on the beaches of North Padre Island
(approximately 24 miles north of the Action Area) and SPI. Over a 10-year period, 2012-2021,
approximately 4 green sea turtle nests have been documented within the Action Area. No green
sea turtles were found in 2021 (STI 2021).

Loggerhead sea turtle –
Loggerhead sea turtles have nested on the Texas coast. Over the 10-year period of 2012-2021
approximately 3 loggerhead nests have been documented within the Action Area. No
loggerheads were documented to occur in 2021 (STI 2021)

Piping Plover

In 2009, migratory and winter surveys for piping plovers were conducted within the Lower
Laguna Madre region in south Texas with 801 piping plovers observed during migratory
surveys and 881 documented during wintering surveys. Numbers during the International
Censuses at Boca Chica were 60 in 1991, 117 in 1996, 0 in 2001, and few in 2006. Maddock
(2010) observed 239 piping plovers on the west and south sides of South Bay, within the
Action Area and piping plovers were seen between South Bay on the north side of the road,
on the south side of the road, and Boca Chica beach. During a visit to the SpaceX site on
December 11, 2012, a Service biologist observed over 200 piping plovers in the flats along
SH 4, which is also designated critical habitat. As part of implementing the terms and
conditions of the 2013 BO, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) most recently
conducted bird surveys between October 10, 2018 and November 25, 2019 on accessible
U.S. soil within 3 miles of the Boca Chica Launch Site. A cursory analysis of uniquely
marked piping plovers observed on multiple occasions between 2016 and 2019 showed a
tight spatial clustering of foraging sites along the Gulf of Mexico shoreline, indicating
considerable site fidelity and territoriality during the non-breeding season (UTRGV 2019).

The Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program researchers conducted piping plover surveys at
Boca Chica between 2018 and 2021. They modeled population abundance and survival rates
over four nonbreeding seasons and the three intervals between them. The analyses indicated the
piping plover wintering population has decreased by approximately 54 percent over three years
(from over 300 to below 150), and that the downward trend is significant and continuous and
may indicate Boca Chica is becoming a population sink (Newstead and Hill 2021).

Nesting activity of Wilson’s and snowy plovers at Boca Chica was also surveyed during the five
breeding seasons of 2017-2021. The nests are near the VLA and results indicate that the
population of snowy plovers also has declined significantly and both species are now nearly
absent from the VLA area. Other similar analyses conducted at other sites on the Texas coast
over the same time periods did not find any alarming negative trends in plover numbers
(Newstead and Hill 2021). The timeframe coincides with the major buildout and testing of
SpaceX infrastructure, rocket components, and Starship prototypes from 2019-2021. The
findings indicate SpaceX’s associated activity has negatively impacted the threatened piping
plover and other non-listed shorebirds beyond the applicant’s property boundaries (Newstead
and Hill 2021).

The Action Area is located within the 7,217-acre Critical Habitat Unit TX-1 South Bay and Boca
Chica and a portion of Unit TX-2, Queen Isabella Causeway (Figure 19). Newstead and Hill
(2021) considered TX-1 to be one of the single most important wintering areas for the Northern
Great Plains population of piping plovers in their range. The species’ use of this site is
dependent on the processes of inundation and exposure of the tidal flats and the wintering

population depends on all parts of the mosaic habitat. It is not clear what happened to the
“missing” plovers, but if SpaceX activities have resulted in the loss of over half the Boca Chica
population then the entire critical habitat is being impacted. Some possibilities of why or where
the “missing birds” are or have gone could include: direct mortality from explosions/tests (heat
plume, blast overpressure, falling debris), chronic injury to internal organs from those operations,
loss of habitat due to damage from debris recovery activities, or avoidance/displacement due to
frequent noise and testing (Newstead and Hill 2021). However, because the piping plovers have
been subject to an extensive marking program on the breeding grounds, the losses do appear to
represent a real loss in the entire population and it is not likely the birds simply “went
somewhere else”. It is reasonable to assume that the factors that have resulted in this sharp
decline on this species are also affecting many others that occupy the area in greater abundance
(Newstead and Hill 2021).

Critical Habitat Unit TX-1: South Bay and Boca Chica is comprised of 7,217 acres in Cameron
County. The boundaries of the unit start at the Loma Ochoa, following the Brownsville Ship
Channel to the northeast out into the Gulf of Mexico to mean lower low water, then south along
a line describing mean lower low water to the mouth of the Rio Grande, proceeding up the Rio
Grande to Loma de Las Vacas, then from that point along a straight line north to Loma Ochoa.
The unit does not include densely vegetated habitat within those boundaries. It includes wind
tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal winds and the tidal flats in South Bay.
Beaches within the unit reach from the mouth of the Rio Grande northward to Brazos Santiago
Pass, south of South Padre Island. The southern and western boundaries follow the change in
habitat from wind tidal flat, preferred by the piping plover, to where densely vegetated habitat,
not used by the piping plover begins and where the constituent elements no longer occur. The
upland areas extend to where densely vegetated habitat not used by the piping plover begins and
where the constituent elements no longer occur and include areas used for roosting by the piping
plover. Portions of this unit are owned and managed by the LRGVNWR, the South Bay Coastal
Preserve, Boca Chica State Park, and private citizens (Figure 18).

Unit TX-2: Queen Isabella Causeway unit, is comprised of 6 acres in Cameron County. The area
extends along the Laguna Madre west of the city of South Padre Island. The southern boundary
is the Queen Isabella State Fishing Pier, and the northern boundary is at the shoreline due west of
the end of Sunny Isles Street. The Queen Isabella Causeway bisects the shore but is not included
in critical habitat. The eastern boundary is where the developed areas and/or dense vegetation
begin, and the western boundary is the mean lower low water line. This unit contains land
known as wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal wind-induced tide events.

Unit TX–3: Padre Island is comprised of 29,983 acres in Cameron, Willacy, Kenedy, and
Kleberg counties. This unit consists of four subunits. Portions of two of the subunits, TX-3A
and TX-3B, are in the Action Area.

Subunit TX-3A: The southern boundary of this subunit is at Andy Bowie County Park in South
Padre Island, and the northern boundary is the south boundary of PAIS. The eastern boundary is
MLLW in the Gulf of Mexico, and the western boundary is mean lower low water line in the
Laguna Madre. Areas of dense vegetation are not included in critical habitat for this species.

This subunit includes lands known as wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by seasonal

Subunit TX-3B: The boundaries of this subunit extend from Rincon de la Soledad to the
southeast point of Mesquite Rincon, continue from that point west to the Laguna Madre
shoreline at its intersection with the King Ranch boundary, and from that point to Rincon de la
Soledad. This subunit includes lands known as wind tidal flats that are infrequently inundated by
seasonal winds.

Special management considerations or protections have been implemented to ameliorate the

threats of discharging fresh water across unvegetated tidal flats; activities associated with
residential and commercial development; recreational disturbance of foraging and roosting
plovers by humans, vehicles, and domestic animals; increased predation due to recreational use;
and modification and loss of habitat due to beach cleaning and nourishment for recreational use.
have been implemented.

Red Knot
Morrison et al. (2006) estimated only about 300 red knots wintering along the Texas coast, based
on surveys in January 2003 (Niles et al. 2008). Higher counts of roughly 700 to 2,500 red knots
have recently been made near the Action Area on Padre Island, Texas during October, which
could include wintering birds (Niles 2009, Newstead et al. 2013). Foster et al. (2009) found a
mean daily abundance of 61.8 red knots, approximately 100 miles north of the Action Area, on
Mustang Island, based on surveys every other day from 1979 to 2007. Similar winter counts (26
to 120 red knots) were reported by Dey et al. (2011a) for Mustang Island from 2005 to 2011.
From 1979 to 2007, mean abundance of red knots on Mustang Island decreased 54 percent, but
this may have been a localized response to increasing human disturbance, coastal development,
and changing beach management practices (Newstead et al. 2013, Foster et al. 2009) (i.e., it is
possible these birds shifted elsewhere in the region).

During the migration period, although foraging red knots can be found widely distributed in
small numbers within suitable habitats, birds tend to concentrate in those areas where abundant
food resources are consistently available from year to year (Fraser et al. 2010; Cohen et al. 2010,
Niles et al. 2008, Smith et al. 2008; Botton et al. 1994).

Several areas in Texas have been identified as important wintering and migration stop over areas
for red knots. These areas are important because they meet most of the habitat characteristics
needed by red knots and have consistent red knot observations over several years. One of the
important areas is the Boca Chica area adjacent to the Boca Chica Launch Site. The red knot is
not a transient winter visitor to BCB. Occurrences of the species in this area suggest it is much
more common and that it uses the Gulf beach and extensive tidal flats both north and south of SH

As part of implementing the terms and conditions of the 2013 BO, UTRGV most recently
conducted bird surveys between October 10, 2018, and November 25, 2019, on accessible U.S.
soil within 3 miles of the Boca Chica Launch Site construction area. The surveyors observed red
knots in the survey area; however, their presence was erratic and unpredictable. The surveyors

recorded an average group size of 4.66 individuals in each quadrant, with a maximum group size
of 15 individuals; however, UTRGV noted that this estimate may underestimate actual numbers
of individuals. On one occasion in early May 2019, the UTRGV surveyors observed a large
group of red knots (>150 individuals) on the Boca Chica route, but the survey could not be
completed due to flooding. UTRGV also found that the species exhibited widespread use of the
survey area during the study period and exhibited narrow time windows of occupancy during the
year (UTRGV 2019).

On September 29, 2021, a Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program biologist sighted a flock of
approximately 1,225 red knots foraging and roosting in the flats north of the LLCC. Proposed
critical habitat is based on an estimate of 4,631 birds during migratory seasons (spring and fall),
with 3,000 of those remaining to winter in Texas. Based on that, the flock constituted 26.4
percent of the entire population relying on the Texas coast in the fall or over one fourth of the
presumed migratory and wintering population in the western Gulf of Mexico (Pers. Comm., D.
Newstead, Biologist, CBBEP, 2021).

The Boca Chica Launch Site is located within proposed red knot critical habitat Unit TX-11
(Figure 20). Unit TX–11 consists of approximately 15,400 acres of occupied habitat in Cameron
County. The Boca Chica gulf shoreline portion of this unit begins south of the Brownsville Ship
Channel and extends approximately 6.5 miles to the south. Within the South Bay, the northern
boundary is south of Brownsville Ship Channel dredge spoil placement areas, and the southern
boundary is north of the Rio Grande River. The eastern boundary is the back or bayside of the
Boca Chica Beach up to where dense vegetation begins, and the western boundary is west of the
loma islands up to where dense vegetation begins along the wind tidal flats. The unit includes
wind tidal flats and all seagrass beds that are infrequently inundated and/or exposed at low tides,
and the tidal flats within South Bay. Specific habitat types within this unit include: estuarine
(bayside) seagrass mud or sand flats that are subtidal and are nearly flat areas with rooted
vascular plants (seagrass) growing below the water surface in subtidal mud or sand substrate;
estuarine (bayside) algal mud or sand flats regularly inundated by tides and that are nearly flat
areas with a layer of algae growing on a moist mud or sand substrate and are otherwise devoid of
vegetation; estuarine (bayside) algal mud or sand flats irregularly inundated by tides; estuarine
(bayside) sandy shore (beach/sandbar) rarely exposed due to tidal fluctuation; estuarine (bayside)
sandy shore (beach/sandbar) irregularly or regularly inundated by tides, depending upon the
location; estuarine (bayside) sandy shore (beach/sandbar) spoils irregularly inundated by tides;
and marine sandy coastline (beach) irregularly or regularly inundated by tides, depending upon
the location. Lands within this unit include approximately 5,536 acres in Federal ownership
(Lower Rio Grande Valley NWR), 4,080 acres in State ownership, and 5,784 acres in
private/other ownership.

Northern Aplomado Falcon

Suitable foraging habitat for this species exists within the Action Area. Surveys conducted in
1993 to 2003 recorded aplomado falcons foraging and nesting in the Action Area.
Approximately 65 artificial nest structures are maintained along the Texas coast. The closest
platform in the Action Area is 1 mile south of the LLCC, and 4.5 miles to the northwest and 9.3
miles west of the LLCC. The nearest known aplomado falcon territory is approximately 5-6

miles from the Boca Chica Launch site (Figure 21). Five aplomado falcon nestlings, a pair of
adult falcons, and a female falcon were observed in 2011 and 2012 at two different nest
structures. One structure was located approximately 4-5 miles northwest of the proposed
SpaceX site and the other nest structure was along Highway 4, approximately 8 miles away
(Pers. Comm., T. Anderson, Biologist, Ecological Services, 2013). However there is suitable
habitat on the Mesa del Gavilan (just northwest and north of the Boca Chica Launch Site) and
Loma de la Pita (south of the VLA and other lomas (southwest and west) within 3 miles from the
proposed facility. Researchers observed approximately 65 falcons in 2019, along the Texas
coast, down from the 100 observed in 2018, due to the losses from hurricane Harvey (TPWD
2019). No aplomado falcons were observed in the UTRGV bird surveys (UTRGV 2020).

Documented aplomado releases and monitoring by The Peregrine Fund confirm individuals and
breeding pairs using coastal grasslands, coastal dunes, and tidal flats within the Action Area for
feeding, breeding, and sheltering. Although there are limited perching and nesting sites available
within the control center and vertical launch areas, it is possible aplomado falcons may pass
through the sites while moving to other areas of suitable habitat to the north and south.

The Service has been working closely with The Peregrine Fund to clear mesquite and huisache
from grassland habitat in an established falcon territory on the Bahia Grande Unit, but this type
of landscape improvement is difficult and a slow process. Recent brush removal projects at
Bahia Grande have restored approximately 2,500 to 2,700 acres of coastal prairie habitat for the
aplomado falcon. The goal is to restore approximately an additional 1,000 to 1,500 acres in the
Bahia Grande area. It is anticipated that such projects will help improve the falcon’s survival
(Service 2014b). However, protection of existing suitable habitat within the historic salt prairie
habitats is a key priority (pers. Comm., C. Perez, 2022)

Factors affecting species environment and designated critical habitat within the Action

Land Ownership
Land in the Action Area is in private, state, or federal ownership or management. Those include
private homes in Boca Chica Village, Brownsville Navigation District (BND), TPWD and
Service NWR lands, and U.S. Border Patrol bridges and stations. Future land use in the project
area is expected to be driven by the goals, objectives and mandates of these landowners and may
have a direct relationship on the effectiveness of any structural conservation measures. SpaceX
activities may negatively or eventually beneficially affect the species environment within the
Action Area. Negative effects include land development, land management, Customs and
Border Patrol activities, fragmentation of habitat, and conversion or loss of habitat. Beneficial
effects include protected lands for endangered species and migratory birds, managing thornscrub
and coastal prairies for the cats and/or the northern apolomado falcon. Brush clearing continues
to be major limiting factor for feline populations in the Lower Rio Grande Valley (Collins 1984;
Rappole 1986). The ocelot and jaguarundi also depend on densely vegetated travel corridors
along resacas, ramaderos, and between brush tracts (Rappole 1988). Such corridors facilitate
dispersal through an otherwise cleared landscape. Vegetation removal associated with “clean
farming” and water storage, delivery, and drainage has negatively affected felid populations by
preventing travel between remnant brush tracts.

Habitat Acquisition and Management
The South Texas Refuges Complex is situated in southernmost Texas and is made up of Santa
Ana and the LRGVNWR. LANWR is managed separately and is located within the Action
Area. A wide array of wildlife species and large numbers of individuals flourish in the extant
diverse habitat of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, due in part to warm climate year-round,
moderate amounts of precipitation, and the Rio Grande flowing into the Gulf of Mexico. This
wildlife and habitat diversity is economically important to the international border region as
approximately 200,000 tourists annually spend approximately $150 million. Because
approximately 95 percent of the vegetation in the LRGV has been cleared or altered, NWRs,
state parks and wildlife areas, properties purchased for conservation by nonprofit organizations,
and some private holdings, are important links in the efforts to protect the tremendous
biodiversity and related economics of the region. The Service established the South Texas
Refuge Complex to preserve and manage remnants of these communities and attempt restoration
of adjacent disturbed lands.

The Service is continuing to acquire and enhance native Tamaulipan brushland around LANWR
to promote movements of endangered cats between known and suspected areas of occupation.
The resource protection and management strategy consists of four integrated approaches to
address complex resource needs. They include: concentration of biotic community needs;,
maintenance of a wildlife habitat corridor; safeguarding of anchor units of large size; and
protection of strategically placed management units of smaller size.

The Mexican Government and a number of interested Mexican and U.S. conservation
organizations are focusing their attention on the ecologically valuable areas to the south of the
project, including the Laguna Madre of Tamaulipas, Mexico and the Sierra de los Picachos,
Nuevo Leon, Mexico. The Service’s Lower Rio Grande/Rio Bravo Binational Ecosystem Team
has been working with Mexico to establish a wildlife corridor along the Rio Grande within the
Action Area and in Tamaulipas between Falcon Dam and the Laguna Madre to connect
important ecologically valuable areas along both sides of the U.S./Mexico border. They are also
working to connect these acres to the large blocks of intact habitat on the LANWR and on South
Texas ranches to the north.

The use of corridors is becoming prevalent in reserve design (Noss 1987) in an attempt to
maintain or restore natural landscape connectivity. Wildlife crossings provide avenues of safe
passage for animals that need to cross heavily traveled roadways where there has been a loss of
habitat connectivity. Increased connectivity, along with increased effective habitat area,
counteracts habitat fragmentation (Noss 1987). Corridors facilitate gene flow and dispersal of
individual animals (Soule and Simberoff 1986). Life histories of wide-ranging animals suggest
that maintenance or restoration of landscape connectivity is a good management strategy (Noss
1987). A network of refuges connected by corridors may allow the persistence of far-ranging
species that need more resources than are found in one refuge site.

Potential disadvantages of corridors, such as human disturbance, can be avoided by enlarging

corridor width (Noss 1987). Necessary width depends on habitat structure and quality within the

corridor, the surrounding habitat, human use patterns, and the particular species that are expected
to use it (Noss 1987). The ideal corridor width along the Rio Grande would be wide enough for
target species to access sufficient food, water, and cover. In this way, genetic exchange could
occur along the corridor, and populations could be maintained even though density at any
particular place in the corridor might be low.

International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC) Activities

Through a Biological Opinion (BO) and memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the
Service and IBWC, the IBWC agreed to provide a 33-foot wide corridor in the Rio Grande
Floodway and the Off-River Floodway System. The vegetated corridor was to be adjacent to the
Rio Grande or the 75-foot mowed areas and could contain segments of less-than-mature/climax
vegetation not less than 3-feet in height (e.g., native grasses, sunflower, some cactus species),
only if these segments were not so long as to prevent the cats from utilizing the mature/climax
vegetation corridor or the larger dense brush habitat “islands”. The IBWC developed a plan to
insure a viable ocelot/jaguarundi travel corridor to benefit both cat species by helping to avoid
genetic isolation of populations and promoting their dispersal into suitable habitat.

The significance of this corridor is further enhanced by its connectivity to other narrow
vegetation corridors associated with waterways such as irrigation canals and drainage ditches.
However, in places along the river, the 33-foot-wide corridor contains only sparse vegetation less
than 3 feet tall. In some areas, such as near and beneath the Gateway Bridge at Brownsville, the
corridor is largely in private ownership, and, while the IBWC possesses easements allowing it to
mow the vegetation in the corridor, it has not acquired permission from the landowners to plant
vegetation. The only area at this time where the 33-foot wide corridor has been established is on
the Service’s refuge lands.

It is important to note the 33-foot-wide corridor is not the sole avenue for ocelot/jaguarundi
movement in the Action Area. In many places along the river, there are much wider, moderately
to densely-vegetated patches of habitat on both public and private lands which augment the
nominal cat corridor. These patches provide potential home range habitat, as well as travel
routes. Even where the floodway narrows there is additional good cover from the river’s normal
edge to the top of the adjacent river channel banks. Although IBWC mows the area within 75
feet of the river once a year, this riparian zone is covered by a nearly continuous patch of Carrizo
cane, a combination of common and giant reed that regrows after mowing and fires from
extensive rhizomes at a phenomenal rate, returning within weeks to the density associated with
optimal ocelot habitat. Owing to its density and resilience, as well as its remoteness from the
flood levee where most of the roads, human activity, and floodlights are located, this Carrizo
cane zone an important travel corridor. An incidental take statement has been issued by the
Service for one ocelot and one jaguarundi for the life of the project (20 years) in the 2003 BO
prepared for the IBWC.

U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) Activities

Current and past USBP activities have affected the species habitat. Portable and permanent
lighting incorrectly positioned illuminates brush vegetation and causes the species to avoid such
areas. Clearing of brushland for patrol roads, drag roads, and construction of ports of entry
(POEs) has resulted in fragmentation and loss of habitat. Multiple roads between the flood levee

and the river further fragment the habitat. There are a number of roads traversing LRGVNWR
tracts. Brush habitat along the toe of the levee is fragmented due to USBP vehicles going down
the south side of the levee toward the river and cutting through the wildlife corridor.
Development around the ports of entries also resulted in loss, avoidance or fragmentation of
habitat. The construction of 56 miles of border fence/wall in Cameron and Hidalgo counties has
impacted private landowners, TPWD, and NWR land. The Service issued an incidental take
statement for one ocelot and one jaguarundi for the life of the project (20 years) in the 2003 BO
prepared for the USBP Operation Rio Grande.

U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Activities
The Service also issued a BO in August 28, 2013, for APHIS’s Biological Assessment for the
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services
Cattle Fever Tick Eradication Program Cooperative Agreement for Surveys for Tick Vectors of
Equine Piroplasmosis in Wildlife in South Texas. APHIS will survey for the host range and
geographic distribution of the tick Amblyomma cajennense in Texas that may serve as vectors of
equine piroplasmosis. Surveys are to be conducted in Cameron County, which is in the Action
Area. An incidental take statement was issued for one ocelot and/or jaguarundi because of
potential trapping and vehicle mortality and one northern aplomado falcon from harm and
harassment due to trapping and mist netting activities.

On August 30, 2013, the Service issued a BO to USDA/APHIS under the Cattle Fever Tick
Eradication Program. APHIS patrols the river trails along the Rio Grande to search for stray or
smuggled potentially cattle fever tick-infested livestock and wildlife from Mexico. This project
proposed trail clearing and maintenance of a sufficient width for safe passage of APHIS
inspectors on horseback to seek and capture the animals. The Service issued incidental take for
one ocelot and/or jaguarundi from harm and harassment due to trail maintenance activities.

On July 7, 2015, the Service issued a BO for the APHIS Cattle Fever Tick Eradication Program’s
Tick Control Barrier in Maverick, Starr, Webb, and Zapata counties, Texas plans to enhance the
eradication effort against cattle fever ticks in South Texas. The Proposed Action includes
installation of approximately 70 miles of non-contiguous game fencing along SH 83 from Roma,
in Starr County to the beach area in Cameron County, under agreements for cost-sharing with
landowners. Recurrent cattle fever tick outbreaks are increasing in locations either within the
Permanent Tick Quarantine Zone or outside of the zone in the cattle fever tick-free area of South
Texas. The proposed fence would also help prevent re-infestation of areas where the pest has
been or is being eliminated. The Service issued incidental take for one ocelot or jaguarundi from
harm and harassment due to fence construction and maintenance activities.

On January 24, 2017, the Service completed formal section 7 consultation for APHIS proposing
the use of IvomecA® or IvomaxA.® (lvermectin) pour-on cattle formulation mixed with whole
kernel corn bait in feeding stations on private properties to deliver a systemically active acaricide
to control ticks in deer and prevent fever tick infestation in cattle. Incidental take for one ocelot
or jaguarundi was authorized.

On January 31, 2018, the Service completed formal section 7 consultation for the South Texas
Refuge Complex to issue a Special Use Permit (SUP) to USDA-APHIS/ TAHC for

experimentally grazing cattle treated with injectable acaricides, and feeding white-tailed deer
ivermectin-treated com from feeding stations at LANWR. Incidental take for one ocelot or
jaguarundi was authorized in the event that a cat was harmed from placement and management
of ivermectin (extra label use) in deer corn feeders or harmed or harassed by experimental cattle
grazing activities.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Activities

USACE permits some nourishment activities that can widen beaches, change sediments and
stratigraphy, alter coastal processes, plug dune gaps, and remove overwash areas. Tractor tilling
or scraping used to clean area beaches has increased and can artificially steepen beaches,
destabilize dunes, and change sediment distribution patterns. This can alter the sea turtle nesting
areas, disrupt or impact deposited nests and nesting sea turtles and cause hatchling mortality, as
well as change roosting and sheltering areas used by plovers and knots. Both nourishment and
scraping activities can bury and suffocate benthic fauna consumed by shorebirds and prolong
benthic recruitment or re-establishment. Artificial dune systems are constructed and maintained
to protect beachfront structures. Development and excessive recreational use of beaches and
flats, such as walking jogging, walking pets unleashed and operating vehicles increases potential
impacts to species utilizing these habitats. Such activities could result in a loss of habitat,
interference in nesting for sea turtles, disorientation of adult sea turtles and hatchlings from
artificial lighting on the beach.

The Service prepared a BO for the issuance of a USACE Department of the Army permit and a
Refuge SUP for beach maintenance activities on 6.22 miles of beach on South Padre Island and
7.48 miles of beach at Boca Chica by the Cameron County Parks and Recreation and the
Cameron County Public Works Departments. Incidental take was issued for three adult Kemp’s
ridley sea turtles and three nests per year, including all hatchlings and/or eggs (up to
approximately 200 eggs), one adult loggerhead sea turtle and one nest per year, including all
hatchlings and/or eggs (up to approximately 200 eggs) and one adult green sea turtle and one
nest per year, including all hatchlings and/or eggs (up to approximately 200 eggs).

Hurricanes generally produce damaging winds, storm tides and surges, and rain and can result in
severe erosion of the beach and dune systems. Hurricanes and other storms can result in the
direct loss of sea turtle nests, either by washing away of nests by wave action or inundation or
“drowning” of the eggs or hatchlings developing within the nest or indirectly through erosion of
nesting habitat. Depending on their frequency and severity, storms can affect sea turtles on
either a short-term (nests lost for one season and/or temporary loss of nesting habitat) or long-
term basis (habitat unable to recover).

Climate Change and Sea Level Rise

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report (IPCC 2007), warming of
the Earth's climate is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in average
global air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising sea level. The
IPCC Report (2007) describes changes in natural ecosystems with potential wide-spread effects
on many organisms, including marine mammals, reptiles, and migratory birds. Average
temperature is predicted to rise from 36°F to 41̊ F for North America by the end of this century

(IPCC 2007). Species live within a narrow temperature range; changes in marine systems are
associated with rising water temperatures, as well as related changes in ice cover, salinity,
oxygen levels, and circulation (Esteban, N. et al 2018). Ocean acidification resulting from
massive amounts of carbon dioxide and pollutants released into the air can have adverse impacts
species which use calcium carbonate to build shells and reefs such as sea turtles (Esteban, N. et
al 2018). Also, sea turtles exhibit temperature dependent sex determination and rapidly
increasing global temperatures yield warmer incubation temperatures and highly female-biased
sex ratios (Glenn and Mrosovsky 2004, Hawkes et al. 2009).

One of the most certain consequences of climate change is rising sea levels (Titus and Narayanan
1995). Montagna et al (2009) reports tide-gauge records in South Texas, including the effects of
land subsidence, show relative sea level rising at a rate of 0.18 inches/year at Rockport since
1948, 0.08 inches/year at Port Mansfield since 1963, and 0.14 inches/year at South Padre Island
since 1958. Rockport is approximately 200 miles north, Port Mansfield approximately 80 miles
north, and South Padre Island approximately 40 miles north of the project area. Modeled
projections in the IPCC (2007) report indicate that significant portions of the Texas coastline will
be inundated and a major redistribution of coastal habitats is likely. After adding estimates for
local land subsidence, the amount of projected relative sea-level rise by the year 2100 is 0.66 to
2.00 feet at Port Mansfield and 1.12 to 2.46 feet at South Padre Island (Montagna et al. 2009). In
areas with low-lying beaches where sand depth and longshore transport of sand is a limiting
factor, the sea would inundate sea turtle nesting sites and decrease available nesting habitat (Fish
et al. 2005; Baker et al. 2006). The loss of habitat as a result of climate change could be
accelerated due to a combination of other environmental and oceanographic changes such as an
increase in the frequency of storms and/or changes in prevailing currents, both of which could
lead to increased beach loss via erosion (Baker et al. 2006). On some undeveloped beaches,
shoreline migration would have limited effects on the suitability of nesting habitat. Bruun
(1962) stated that during a sea level rise; a typical beach profile would maintain its configuration
but will be translated landward and upward. However, along developed coastlines, and
especially in areas where erosion control structures have been constructed to limit shoreline
movement, rising sea levels would cause severe effects. Erosion control structures can result in
the permanent loss of dry nesting beach or deter nesting sea turtles from reaching suitable
nesting sites (National Research Council 1990). Nesting females may deposit eggs seaward of
the erosion control structures potentially subjecting them to repeated tidal inundation. The
demand for both nourishment and the placement of hardened structures on the beach as
management options for beach erosion are likely to increase in the future in the face of projected
sea level rise and more intense storm activity associated with global climate change. Increasing
storms and rising sea levels could damage or destroy sea turtle nests and nesting habitat, and
temperature changes could skew sex ratios.

All of these actions or factors may have adverse effects on ocelots, jaguarundis, northern
aplomado falcons, sea turtles and wintering non-breeding red knots and knot proposed critical
habitat, piping plovers and plover critical habitat by destroying, diminishing, or altering the
habitats on which they depend.

Other Federal Actions

Several other federal actions have resulted in formal section 7 consultations with the Service and
the issuance of incidental take for the ocelot, jaguarundi, aplomado falcon, piping plover, red
knot, and sea turtles within the Action Area.

A formal section 7 consultation was conducted with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
for SH 48 in 2004. The action included widening and improving approximately 9.7 miles of SH
48. The limits of the proposed construction were from SH 100 in Port Isabel to the Shrimp Basin
near Brownsville. The highway was a two lane undivided road, with 12-foot wide main lanes, 8-
foot-wide shoulders, and a 4- foot-wide flush median. The project expanded the roadway to a
four-lane divided highway, with four 12-foot wide main lanes, two 10-foot wide outside
shoulders, and two 4-foot wide inside shoulders with a concrete traffic barrier in the center. To
avoid and minimize impacts to the endangered ocelot and jaguarundi TxDOT implemented a
number of measures that included a bridge design wildlife crossing and associated diversion
fencing on both sides of the highway. The BND granted the Service a 19-year conservation
easement, 1,000-foot wide from the highway to the ship channel. Incidental take was provided
for one ocelot and one jaguarundi. This project has been completed, and there has been no
reported take of an ocelot or jaguarundi to date. Monitoring of the wildlife crossing, using
camera traps, has not indicated any attempts to use the crossing by either an ocelot or a
jaguarundi, although bobcats have used this crossing regularly.

A formal section consultation was completed for FHWA on improvements to FM 106 and Buena
Vista Road in January 2005, and revised in June 2013. This project is located in the most
northern end of the Action Area. This action included improving the existing two-lane roadway
to meet State highway standards by resurfacing the existing lanes and adding shoulders and
graded ditches for approximately 12 miles between FM 1847 and FM 510. The proposed
improvements would provide a 44-foot wide rural roadway consisting of two 12- foot wide travel
lanes with 10-foot wide shoulders. These improvements would require approximately 10 feet of
additional ROW on either side of the road. Construction of this project was started in November
2015 and completed in fall of 2019. TxDOT proposed to install eight wildlife crossings on FM
106 and Buena Vista Road to avoid and minimize effects to the ocelot and jaguarundi and loss of
travel corridor habitat. ROW fencing would also be installed and since installation of the
crossings there has been documented use by ocelots. Currently 13 ocelot wildlife crossings are
installed within the LANWR boundary. In the near future, there will be 25 ocelot wildlife
crossings throughout the Rio Grande Valley in Hidalgo, Cameron, Willacy, and Kenedy
counties. Incidental take was provided for an aggregate of four endangered cats over any five-
year period related to the construction and use of FM 106.

In 2010, the Service conducted a formal section 7 consultation with the Department of Homeland
Security for the installation of a waterline for the Port Isabel Detention Center. The new 12-inch
water line connected to an existing line at the corner of FM 2480 and FM 510. The new line
followed FM 510 east to the intersection with FM 106, then turned north along FM 106 until it
reached the detention facility. Incidental take was provided for the harassment of one ocelot and

one jaguarundi during construction. Lethal take was not provided. This project has been
completed, and there has been no reported take of an ocelot or jaguarundi to date.

A 2013 formal consultation was completed with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for
the SpaceX Boca Chica Launch Site (previously referenced as the SpaceX Texas Launch Site).
The FAA proposed to issue launch licenses and/or experimental permits to authorize SpaceX to
launch Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy orbital or suborbital vehicles from the launch site. SpaceX
has constructed facilities, structures, and utility connections to support and operate a vertical
launch site and control center on about 47.4 acres of land in Cameron County. The FAA was
authorized incidental take of two endangered cats (ocelots and/or jaguarundi), three adult
Kemp’s ridley sea turtles and three nests per year, including all hatchlings and/or eggs (up to
approximately 200 eggs), one adult loggerhead sea turtle and one nest per year, including all
hatchlings and/or eggs (up to approximately 200 eggs), one adult green sea turtle and one nest
per year, including all hatchlings and/or eggs (up to approximately 200 eggs), one adult
leatherback sea turtle and one nest per year, including all hatchlings and/or eggs (up to
approximately 200 eggs), one adult hawksbill sea turtle and one nest per year, including all
hatchlings and/or eggs (up to approximately 200 eggs), one northern aplomado falcon, and
direct and indirect loss of 6.18 acres from construction and the conversion of 8.66 acres of
occupied piping plover critical habitat in Critical Habitat Unit TX-1, for a total take of 14.84
acres of piping plover critical habitat.

On October 1, 2019, the Service issued a BO to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC) for the proposed construction a natural gas liquefaction facility and liquefied natural gas
(LNG) export terminal approximately 9.8 miles east of Brownsville and about 2.2 miles west of
Port Isabel in Cameron County, along the north embankment of the Brownsville Ship Channel,
and associated 135 mile long Rio Bravo Pipeline in Cameron, Willacy, Kennedy, and Kleberg
counties which interconnects to Rio Grande LNG terminal in Cameron County. The Service
issued incidental take one ocelot or jaguarundi in the form of harm and/or harassment from
construction for the life of the project (30 years) on 750.4 acres of a 984.2-acre parcel and 73.3
acres of 135.9 acres for the pipeline.

On October 21, 2019, the Service conducted a formal section 7 consultation with the FERC to
authorize the construction and operation of the Annova LNG Project. Incidental take was issued
for the loss of ocelot/jaguarundi habitat, and one ocelot or jaguarundi may be harmed from the
construction, and for the life of the project (30 years) on 491 acres of the 731-acre Brownsville
Navigation District parcel. Annova subsequently surrendered their license to construct and
operate an LNG facility.

On April 21, 2021, the Service issued a BO to FERC for the proposed issuance of a permit to
construct and operate the Texas LNG project on approximately 285 acres of a 625-acre parcel of
land leased from the Brownsville Navigation District, with an additional 26.5 acres outside of the
625-acre parcel necessary to provide deepwater access to the Brownsville Ship Channel. The
BO addressed impacts to the ocelot and jaguarundi and issued incidental take for the loss of
ocelot/jaguarundi habitat and one ocelot or jaguarundi that may be harmed from the construction
on the 285acres of the 625-acre parcel from Brownsville Navigation District.


In accordance with 50 CFR 402.02, effects of the action are all consequences to listed species or
critical habitat that are caused by the Proposed Action, including the consequences of all other
activities that are caused by the Proposed Action. A consequence is caused by the Proposed
Action if it would not occur but for the Proposed Action and it is reasonably certain to occur.
Effects of the action may occur later in time and may include consequences occurring outside the
immediate area involved in the action (see §402.17).

Beneficial effects are those effects of the Proposed Action that are completely positive, without
any adverse effects to the listed species or its critical habitat. Direct effects are the direct or
immediate effects of the project on the species or its habitat. Indirect effects are those that are
caused by the Proposed Action and are later in time, but still are reasonably certain to.

Beneficial effects
The Proposed Action will not result in beneficial effects to the ocelot, jaguarundi, sea turtles,
piping plovers or its critical habitat, northern aplomado falcons, or red knots and proposed
critical habitat.

Adverse Effects

Loss of Habitat
The Boca Chica Launch Site is composed of approximately 47.4 acres. Currently, the entire
developed area of the VLA is fenced in, totaling approximately 16.8 acres. The VLA consists of
wetlands and tidal flats that are inundated in high and Spring tides and fill from and drain to the
southern portion of the site. The area also has emergent high marsh and scrub shrub wetlands.
Typical impacts from floodplain development and filling include increased flood levels because
floodwaters have been obstructed or diverted to other areas. Stormwater discharges will also
increase from new impervious surfaces. Invasive species may be introduced by construction
equipment and operation activities and will degrade habitat by displacing native species. Launch
failures could result in the spread of debris and/or fires from explosions removing habitat. Spills
of hazardous materials could occur during transportation or flood events and adversely impact
soil, surface water and ground water adjacent or downgradient from the vertical launch and
control centers. Emergency cleanup of debris or spills could result in removal or degradation of
habitat. Destruction, modification and loss of habitat continue affecting listed species in the
Action Area. Direct and indirect loss of habitat reduces a species’ ability to reproduce, find
food, find shelter, and survive.

Construction – Within the proposed VLA and parking lot boundaries, 19.12 acres are
jurisdictional wetlands and 14.5 acres are uplands. Construction would result in the
permanent loss of 14.5 acres of upland and 17.16 acres of the 19.12 acres of jurisdictional
wetland habitat that will be filled and converted to uplands. Of the 17.16 acres, 16.97 acres
will be filled and converted at the VLA and 0.19 at the proposed parking lot (Figure 22 and

The proposed addition of three pull-offs along SH-4 would be located alongside the highway
on uplands (Figure 9). The pull-offs would be less and a quarter of an acre and would be
adjacent to a paved two-lane highway and not likely to result in the removal of listed species
habitat but depending on the design may result in runoff from the site in a large rainfall
event. In addition, TxDOT proposes improvements at two locations along SH 4. One
location would involve a turn-around to be located approximately 750 feet west from the end
of the existing roadway. The purpose is to create a turnaround for larger vehicles along the
entrance to Boca Chica Beach, near the end of the state-maintained roadway. The second
location would involve a proposed Cameron County pull-out parking area to be located
approximately 1,120 feet further west of the proposed turnaround. The parking area will
consist of approximately nine parking spaces to be entirely within TxDOT’s 200-foot–wide
ROW. “No Parking” signs will be placed between the pull-out parking areas and the
turnaround and west of the pull-out area/SpaceX launch area to the end of the State
maintained roadway (Figure 24).

The removal of 1.7 acres of land for the expansion of the solar farm consists of primarily
mowed grass. Expansion of the solar farm may potentially cut off or increase tidal influence
with increased stormwater runoff from the impervious cover. In the event solar infrastructure
leaks or hazardous material or malfunction of the batteries causes a fire, piping plover and/or
red knot habitat including piping plover CH and red knot proposed CH may be impacted. It
is difficult to predict how much will be impacted because of runoff direction and amount of
leaks are unknown. However, in the event there is runoff from an infrastructure leak SpaceX
will coordinate with the Service to address any potential impacts that may have occurred and
implement corrective action.

Operational impacts – New impervious surfaces may potentially result in an increase in

stormwater discharges to adjacent wetlands potentially causing vegetation to grow within the
wind-tidal flats or reduce available piping plover food and roosting habitat in piping plover
Critical Habitat Unit TX-1. Critical Habitat Unit TX-2, 3a and 3b are also within the Action
Area; however, no direct loss of habitat will occur as no construction is planned in those

Ocelot and Jaguarundi: LANWR supports the largest known population of the ocelot and
portions of LANWR are within the Action Area. The VLA and LLCC do not include suitable
habitat for the ocelot and jaguarundi. However, the area adjacent or near the VLA could act as a
travel corridor and the cats could use the lomas to cross unsuitable habitat. The loss of 31.07
acres of upland habitat was estimated in the 2013 BCO. An additional 14.5 acres of uplands will
be impacted as part of this proposed project. The loss of this upland habitat fragments ocelot and
jaguarundi habitat and habitat that could be used for the cats to travel through the area.

Northern Aplomado Falcon: Occupied nesting territories and foraging habitat occur within the
Action Area. The three closest platforms are approximately 1 mile to the south, 2.7 miles to the
southwest and 4.6 miles to the northwest of the LLCC (Service 2012b.) Although surveys
performed by UTRGV for SpaceX reported no aplomado falcons had been recorded since the
surveys began in 2015 (UTRGV 2020), on June 8, 2016 Service and Peregrine Fund staff

documented an unpaired female falcon at the nest platform closest to the LLCC, which is within
the Proposed Action Area. No falcons have been documented at that nest platform since that
date. As of 2021, there were two occupied territories and four nest platforms within the Action
Area. And, in past years, there have consistently been at least two to three active territories
within the Action Area. Other areas within the Action Area that may be suitable for
reintroductions and/or establishment of nest boxes for recovery will be eliminated. Additionally,
habitat loss and degradation on the breeding and wintering grounds of migratory birds negatively
impact important avian prey species for aplomado falcons, such as mourning doves (Zenaida
macroura) and meadowlarks (Sturnella spp.) (DeSante and George 1994; Gulf South Research
Corporation and La Tierra Environmental Consulting 2013).

Sea Turtles: SpaceX’s most eastern property boundary is approximately 100 feet east of the
Boca Chica Beach dune line. No construction is proposed to occur directly on Boca Chica
Beach, however, noise, vibration, heat and lights radiating over the dunes may result in effects to
sea turtles. Heat from the heat plume will repeatedly burn vegetation and will not be able to
survive. Nesting sea turtles may false crawl because of the noise and vibration of an igniting
rocket or lighting and noise associated with SpaceX 24-hour, 7 day a week work activities.
Nesting sea turtles and/or hatchlings could also be injured if a heat plume advanced during egg
laying or and/or hatchlings emerging from a missed nest.

Piping Plover, Piping Plover Critical Habitat, Red Knot and proposed Red Knot Critical
Habitat: Piping plover CH Unit TX-1 consists of 7,317 acres. Figure 25 identifies 903.65 acres
of unconsolidated shore, bare land, water and estuarine aquatic bed which makes up piping
plover critical habitat in the Action Area that supports foraging, roosting and sheltering that may
be impacted by SpaceX proposed actions. Within that 903.65 acres of piping plover CH 446.27
acres will be directly impacted and result in a loss of habitat.

Red knot proposed CH Unit TX-11 consists of 15,400 acres. TX-11 overlaps piping plover CH
TX-1 and is within the same 903.65 acres previously identified. The total red knot proposed CH
to be directly impacted totals the same as piping plover habitat of 446.27 acres.

Impacts would occur due to construction and stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces that
would cause vegetation to grow within the wind tidal flats or reduce available piping plover and
red knot food and roosting habitat. Loss and degradation of foraging and roosting habitat could
result in decreased fitness and survivorship of wintering piping plovers. Taking into
consideration all the CH delineated for the piping plover and red knot proposed CH across the
United States, the loss of 446.27 acres of piping plover Unit TX-1 and proposed red knot Unit
TX-11 would not represent an adverse modification of piping plover critical habitat or red knot
proposed critical habitat.

To minimize potential impacts to listed species and critical habitat units, SpaceX will implement
Terms and Conditions outlined in the BCO and the attached associated plans. SpaceX agrees to
continue to work with the Service and TPWD to select appropriate native plant species to
revegetate temporarily disturbed areas. SpaceX will reduce impacts to vegetated wetlands and
wind tidal flats include locating the parking area predominately in uplands and locating
installing, and siting payload and processing facilities away from wetlands. SpaceX’s Spill

Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCCP), Hazardous Material Management
Program (HMMP) and conservation measures to avoid and minimize erosion and sedimentation
and to control the spread of invasive species will be implemented to help reduce potential
adverse impacts.

SpaceX will also continue working with the Peregrine Fund to monitor and identify suitable
areas to reintroduce aplomado falcons and nests boxes. SpaceX will also continue working on a
solar powered Starlink system to provide 24/7 video coverage of northern aplomado falcons and
their habitats. Starlink video would help understand predators, habitat, diet and ways to promote
and protect the aplomado falcons. These efforts are outlined in the Terms and Conditions of this

Reduced Dispersal, Fragmentation and Isolation

Habitat fragmentation is the separation of a landscape into various land uses (development,
agriculture, etc...) resulting in numerous small disjointed habitat patches left for use by wildlife
(van den Berg et al. 2001). Habitat fragmentation and habitat loss have negative effects on
biodiversity such as species richness, population abundance and distribution. Donovan & Flather
(2002) found species showing declining trends occur in areas with high loss of habitat. Habitat
fragmentation has a larger number of small patches making it difficult for species to cross
nonhabitat areas, isolating them to the matrix of patches, and potentially increasing mortality and
reduction of the overall population size. Habitat fragmentation also causes an edge effect where
species leave the patch and enter the matrix and may increase mortality and reduce reproduction
rate of the population (Fahrig 2002).

Ocelot and Jaguarundi: The VLA and LLCC areas are located within the Rio Grande Valley
Wildlife Corridor (Figures 16 and 17) which comprises a north-south coastal corridor on the
eastern boundary of the Rio Grande delta that supports rangeland, wetland, and uplands that may
be suitable for ocelot and jaguarundi movement. SpaceX construction and operational activities,
and noise and disturbance can fragment the corridor that contains areas needed for breeding,
feeding, and sheltering for species like the ocelot and jaguarundi that require large, unbroken
blocks of habitat. Fragmentation of the corridor can also isolate cats and reduce dispersal for
breeding. Dispersal of cats may be temporarily impacted by proposed actions if the disturbance
is such that the cats would return to Mexico and attempt to return at a later time to seek a new
corridor. It is also possible cats may not return to the U.S. due to SpaceX activities and
potentially reduce the opportunities to increase or improve the genetic viability in Texas

Northern Aplomado Falcon, Piping Plover, Red Knot: The small habitat patches resulting from
fragmentation often do not provide the food and cover resources for many species. This can
result in an increased risk of death by predation if the animal has to venture beyond the cover of
the patch to find new food resources, or starvation (USFS 2004).

Sea Turtles: Lighting, noise, vibration and or beach impacts from anomalies will potentially
cause adult females to false crawl or hatchlings may become disoriented, trapped in ruts, or be
run over and reduce nesting success and dispersal.

Piping Plover, Piping Plover Critical Habitat, Red Knot, and Red Knot proposed Critical
Habitat: Banding efforts of the Northern Great Plains, Great Lakes, and Atlantic piping plovers
populations suggest plovers wintering at Boca Chica are almost entirely associated with the
Northern Great Plains population (Gratto-Trevor et al 2011, Newstead and Hill 2021). Plovers
exhibited strong site fidelity to nonbreeding areas during a study that studied movements, habitat
use, and survival rates of 49 radio-marked piping plovers overwintering in the Laguna Madre of
Texas from August 1997 to February 1998. The Laguna Madre is within the action area and x
miles from the launch site Habitat use at Laguna Madre varied seasonally. Plovers move
between algal flats and beach. They used the algal flats more during fall and spring than during
winter and used exposed sand flats more during winter than fall and spring (Drake et al. 2001).
The piping plover’s preference for one habitat type or another largely depends on whether it is
available (Newstead and Hill 2021). Because the Action Area has multiple types of habitat
available for red knot and piping plover. Both species have small home ranges and exhibit site
fidelity increasing the importance of the area for species (Newstead and Hill 2021). Because of
noise and human disturbance the birds may be unable to use the variety of habitat and their
populations could decline.

Prior to 2013 and the construction and operation of the Boca Chica Launch Site, noise levels
were estimated at less than 49 A-weighted decibels (dBA), relative loudness to the human ear,
which represented a quiet rural or remote setting. Table 4 estimates Day-Night Average Sound
Level (DNL) for rural or remote areas and several different categories of suburban and urban
residential land use which can be used to represent DNL for the land uses in the area.

Table 4. Estimated Background Sound Levels

Example Land Use Category Average Residential DNL Leq (dBA)
Intensity (people (dBA) Dayti Nightti
per acre) me me
Rural or remote areas <2 <49 <48 <42
2 49 48 42
Quiet suburban residential 4 52 53 47
4.5 52 53 47
Quiet urban residential 9 55 56 50
Quiet commercial, 16 58 58 52
industrial, and normal urban 20 59 60 54
Source: American national Standards Institute/American Standards Association S12.0-2013/Part
3dBA = A-weighted decibels; Leq = equivalent sound level; DNL Day-Night Average Sound

Currently, the Boca Chica Launch Site and the surrounding areas experience ongoing increased
noise levels from SpaceX personnel working on-site, traffic, and SpaceX test and launch
operations. Construction and modification of the VLA and solar farm is expected to occur over
24 months during the day and maybe at night if required. Construction noise, static fires,

suborbital and orbital launches would be loudest at the VLA site and adjacent wind tidal flats,
lomas, and Boca Chica beach.

Noise can be continuous (constant), transient (short duration), or impulsive (typically less than 1
second). A transient noise event has a beginning and an end and sound temporarily rises above
the background and then fades back into it. It is usually associated with a sound source that
moves, such as aircraft overflight (USACHPPM 2005). A launch noise is considered to be a
transient noise event. An impulsive sound is high intensity but of short duration. It has an abrupt
onset, rapid decay, and a rapidly changing spectral composition. Sonic booms are classified as
impulsive noise events. A sonic booms consist of shock waves created from supersonic flight
when a launch vehicle travels faster than the speed of sound and are considered impulsive noise
events (USACHPPM 2005). Sonic booms associated with the ascent of SpaceX vehicles would
be directed up and in front of the vehicle and would not be heard. A sonic boom would be heard
during Starship and Super Heavy landings. Suborbital launches by Starship would not generate a
sonic boom during descent towards the VLA. A sonic boom may be created during a suborbital
launch in the Gulf of Mexico, but it would be over water and not impact land.

Construction activities that would increase noise levels include construction equipment operating
at the sites and construction/delivery vehicles traveling to and from the sites. In addition,
generators are expected to be used as emergency power and supplemental power may be
required. Starship and Super Heavy static fire engine tests are planned with all 6 and 37 engines,
respectively firing for approximately 15 seconds. Ignition of rockets or static tests will create
instantaneous noise. Starship/Super Heavy orbital launch events will be the loudest single event
of the proposed launch operations. Starship suborbital launches would be less than
Starship/Super Heavy orbital launches because fewer engines are used.

On behalf of SpaceX, KBR conducted engine noise modeling to predict the noise levels
generated during Starship/Super Heavy launches (KBR 2020; see Appendix D). The modeled
noise levels are shown in Figure 13. The LAmax represents the maximum A-weighted sound
level measured during an event. A-weighting approximates the natural range and sensitivity
of human hearing (USACHPPM 2005). The LAmax is used for the analysis of noise impacts
to humans and wildlife. The Lmax represents the maximum instantaneous sound level. The
maximum levels for each static fire, suborbital orbital, and orbital launches of Starship/Super
Heavy was modeled LAmax of 90 decibels (dB) to 140 dB. Starship/Super Heavy orbital
launch events are estimated to generate a maximum instantaneous sound level (Lmax) of 120
dB approximately 8 miles from the launch pad; the 120 dB contour would overlay Boca
Chica Beach, Brazos Island State Park, Boca Chica State Park, portions of the national
historic landmark, parts the LRGVNWR, Boca Chica Village, Isla Blanca Park, South Padre
Island, Laguna Vista, eastern parts of Brownsville, eastern parts of Tamaulipas Mexico, and
possibly west to Harlingen and Raymondville. Piping plover critical habitat units TX-1, 2,
3a, 3b and proposed red knot critical habitat unit TX-11 would also be in the 120 dB sound

Super Heavy booster and Starship landings at the VLA during orbital missions would generate
lower sound levels than orbital launches because of the much lower total engine thrust used for
landing operations. For starship landings at the VLA, the 90 dB LAmax contour is about 5 miles

from the VLA. Super heavy landings at the same contour would be about 7 miles from the VLA.
Residents of Brownsville may hear booster landing events above 60 dB, particularly nighttime
landings. Visitors at Isla Blanca Park during a landing event would experience elevated sound
levels. Noise during offshore Super Heavy landing events is not expected to be noticed by
residents along the coast.

Overpressure is the force left after a sonic boom and predicted overpressure levels for a Starship
landing range from 1.2 to 2.2 pounds per square foot (psf). The 2.2 psf contour is estimated to
be less than 1 nautical mile from land and overpressure between 2.2. and 1 psf are predicted to
impact areas of South Padre Island. Overpressure levels for a Super Heavy landing range from
2.5 psf to 15 psf. Brazos Island State Park, Boca Chica Bay, Boca Chica State Park, portions of
LRGVNWR, Boca Chica Village, and Tamaulipas Mexico would experience levels up to 15 psf.
Boca Chica Beach and the southern tip of south Padre Island are within the 6.0 psf contour. For
Super heavy booster landing in the Gulf of Mexico, predicated overpressure levels range from
0.2 psf to approximately 12 psf. Sonic booms in the 0.2 to 0.3 psf range could be heard by a
person expecting it, sonic booms of 0.5 psf are more likely to be noticed and a sonic boom of 1.0
psf are certain to be noticed.

Overpressure levels range from 1 psf to 15 psf for a Super Heavy landing at the VLA). Brazos
Island State Park, Boca Chica Bay, Boca Chica State Park, and portions of Lower Rio Grande
Valley NWR would experience levels up to 15 psf. Boca Chica and the southern tip of South
Padre Island are within the 6.0 psf contour. South Padre Island, Port Isabel, and the Port of
Brownsville ship channel are included in the 4.0 psf contour. Sonic booms up to 1.0 psf would
be expected to reach up to 15 miles from the VLA. If the magnitude is great enough, a sonic
boom can cause building damage.

The primary impact associated with noise generated from construction, traffic, and vehicle
launches is the startle effect, when birds or other wildlife are surprised by sudden, unexpected
loud noises and leave the area abruptly. Noise can cause stress in animals and the range of
autonomic responses to noise could range from no reaction to alerting, disruption of feeding
and/or breeding and flight. It could also arouse defensive behaviors or masking. Masking occurs
when noise interferes with the perception of sounds of interest, such as predator avoidance or
social signals (Bowles 1995). In response to sonic boom, birds may “occasionally run, fly, or
crowd” (Manci et al 1998). Listed species in the Action Area would be exposed to sonic booms
generated by Starship and Super Heavy up to ten times per year (sonic booms impacting land
would only occur during Starship/Super Heavy orbital missions). Ting et al. (2002) performed a
mathematical analysis of the response of avian eggs to sonic boom overpressures and determined
it would take a sonic boom of 250 psf to crack an egg. The responses are also hard to predict
because disturbance may depend on species, frequency, duration and intensity of noise.

Ocelots and Jaguarundi: There are no known studies that specifically address the effects of
noise on ocelots or jaguarundis, in fact, information about the effect of noise on felines is
lacking. Therefore, we have used studies of the effects of noise on other mammals as a surrogate
to analyze the effects of noise caused by SpaceX activities on ocelots and jaguarundis. Studies
of terrestrial mammals have shown that noise levels of 120 dBA can damage mammal’s ears
(NoiseQuest 2013). Levels at 95 dBA can cause temporary loss of hearing sensitivity

(NoiseQuest 2013). Noise from aircraft has also affected large carnivores by causing changes in
home ranges, foraging patterns, and breeding behavior (NoiseQuest 2013).

Ocelots and jaguarundis use the lomas scattered throughout the Action Area to cross expansive
tidal flats. Noise from testing and launches could startle the cats causing a negative effect of
running and avoidance behavior and increased energy use. It is reasonable to assume that the
cats could display a range of responses to noise; they could have no reaction, become alert, stop
foraging, alter travel routes, or become startled and flee the area. Startle effects and alteration of
travel routes could potentially increase chances of vehicular mortality.

Northern Aplomado Falcon: Ellis et al (1991) looked at effects of low-level military jet aircraft
and mid-to high-altitude sonic booms on nesting peregrine falcons. Peregrine falcons are similar
in size and behavior to aplomado falcons and are appropriate to use as surrogates. Jet passes and
sonic booms often caused noticeable alarm, and peregrine falcons demonstrated crouching, or
rare flushing from the perch or nest. Incubating or brooding adults never burst from the nest.
Ellis et al (1991) also noticed negative responses became rarer and peregrine falcons potentially
became habituated to the noises or types of noises that occur and stop exhibiting the startle
response. Foraging, nesting, and perching habitat for the northern aplomado falcon exists within
the Action Area. The closest known active nest is within approximately 5 miles of the VLA.
Starship/Super Heavy orbital launch events are estimated to generate a maximum instantaneous
sound level (Lmax) of 120 dB approximately 8 miles from the launch pad; and aplomados would
experience approximately 105 dB noise level it is possible at that dB level the chicks could be
possibly affected the same. These noise levels could cause adult aplomado falcons to flush from
the nest leaving eggs or small chicks exposed to inclement weather or predators. These noise
levels may also reduce aplomado falcon foraging efficiency and feeding time. Falcons could also
experience reduced communication ranges, interference with predator/prey detection, or habitat
avoidance in the Action Area (NoiseQuest 2013). More intense impacts may include behavioral
change, disorientation, or hearing loss if falcons are within closer range of the launch pad at the
time of ignition of rockets.

Sea Turtles: Noise may cause sea turtles reaching nesting beaches to startle and return to the
water, false crawl, and not lay eggs. The National Aviation Service conducted a study in 1990,
on the impacts of the Zakynthos, Greece airport on nesting sea turtles. It revealed the
disturbance of the low flying jets over loggerhead sea turtle nesting beaches caused females to
return to the sea without successful laying (Euroturtle 2013). Given the distance between the
launch pads and potential sea turtle nesting habitat is approximately 0.18 mile; noise levels at the
nesting beach could reach 130 to 135 dB and could adversely affect sea turtles. To reduce
impacts, SpaceX has contracted with Sea Turtle, Inc. remove nests for protected incubation and
will document false crawls and/or missed nests. Surveying the beach prior to and after static
fires or launch events assists Sea Turtle, Inc. document false crawls and or missed nests to
SpaceX and the Service.

Piping Plover, Piping Plover Critical Habitat, Red Knot and Red Knot proposed Critical
Habitat: Birds demonstrate startle effects when exposed to a sound pressure level (SPL) of
108 dBA (Burger 1981). Noise levels exceeding 108 dBA will occur during static fires,
suborbital and orbital launches. High-noise events may cause birds to engage in escape or

avoidance behavior and they may flush and expend energy that may affect survival or
growth, or spend less time engaged in necessary activities like feeding and preening
(NoiseQuest 2013). Monitoring of snowy plovers at Vandenberg Air Force Base showed
them to crouch and observe objects such as helicopters or launch vehicles that mimic avian
predators, or flush at launch but soon return to normal behavior (FAA 2013). Piping plovers
are expected to have a startle response that interferes with normal behaviors such as feeding
or roosting. Laboratory findings show that if a bird is exposed to continuous noise level
above 110 dBA SPL, hearing will likely be damaged (Dooling and Popper 2007). However,
highway noise above 93 dBA SPL might mask important communication signals used by
birds, and possibly lead to behavioral or physiological effects (Dooling and Popper 2007).
Piping plovers in Critical Habitat Unit TX-1 will be impacted by noise from construction and
launches. Critical Habitat Units TX-2, TX-3a and 3b will not be directly affected by
construction. However, these critical habitat units may be impacted by noise generated by a
launch of the Starship/Super Heavy because piping plovers and red knots may disperse and
stop using CH for feeding and roosting. Impacts to individual birds and critical habitat will
be more frequent during the experimental development and testing of rocket prototypes
because they will have more launches and potentially more anomalies.

Rocket Heat Plume

Ignition of the Starship and Super Heavy Raptor engines during static fire engine tests and
launches (including landings) would generate a heat plume that would surround the launch
pad and surrounding areas. The plume would appear clear and consist of heat (and steam if
deluge water was used in the future) and extend radially from the center of the pad. The heat
plume generated from Starship/Super Heavy orbital launches would travel away from launch
pad, with temperatures of about 212 °F approximately 0.3 mile from the launch pad and
temperatures reaching ambient temperatures (90 °F) approximately 0.6 miles from the launch
pad (Figure 26). Orbital launches would create the largest and hottest plume from the ignition
of all Super Heavy’s 37 Raptor engines. Static fire engine tests, landings, and suborbital
launches would all require fewer engines and would generate a smaller, cooler plume
compared to an orbital launch. The highest heat levels are expected to occur directly around
the launch mount and are not expected to exceed 300 degrees outside of the VLA.

Individual animals in the heat plume danger area would likely disperse before the heat
spreads out due to the noise associated with engine ignition. However, less mobile animals
unable to disperse quickly could be exposed to the heat plume and die or be injured.
Potential impacts from the vegetative changes due to the heat plume include loss of sensitive
species, loss of plant community structure, reduction in total cover and replacement of some
native species with weed species.

Ocelot and Jaguarundi: Rocket plumes may injure or kill individual cats if they within the .3
or .6 mile radius at the time of ignition. However, operational noise from the launch vehicle
tank preparing to ignite may likely cause the cats to startle and leave the area prior to
ignition. The ignition phase would last approximately 30 seconds.

Northern Aplomado Falcon: The heat plume from engine ignition could harm or kill
individual falcons; however, operational noise (e.g., gas venting from the launch vehicle

tank) would likely cause falcons that are located near the launch vehicle during an operation
to fly away prior to engine ignition.

Sea Turtles: The heat plume is not expected to affect sea turtle nests that are missed on
prelaunch surveys because the eggs are buried sand and Sea Turtle, Inc. patrols the beach
pre-and post-launches to detect nests. Post launch will find dead ones and potentially
damaged nests. If a nest is found, the eggs are relocated to a corral or facility. Nesting
females and hatchlings could be affected by the heat plume if they were on the beach at the
time of engine ignition. Kemp’s ridley is a daytime nester, although it has been known to
nest at night occasionally. The remaining sea turtle species nest during the night when
ongoing operations, static fires or launches occur, but potentially not as often. Nests and
hatchlings that are missed by patrollers will be subject to adverse effects including death or
serious injury.

Piping Plover, Piping Plover Critical Habitat, Red Knot, and Red Knot proposed Critical
Habitat: Piping plovers and red knots do not nest within the Action Area and so nesting
would not be impacted. The heat plume generated by the Raptor engines would cause high
temperatures to radiate from the launch pad; however the temperatures would be temporary
and not expected to cause permanent damage to the unvegetated flats used by piping plovers
and red knots. No deluge water is being proposed, therefore an evaporative cloud is not
anticipated that could result in the potential conversion of wind-tidal flats associated with
piping plover Critical Habitat Unit TX-1 and red knot proposed Critical Habitat Unit TX-11.

Night Lighting
Night lighting represents a potential stressor to nesting sea turtles on nearby Boca Chica Beach
as well as migrating birds and nocturnal species. Light emissions are light sources that
illuminate an area in the surrounding environment. Sources of light emissions include launch
site lighting, employee/customer parking lighting, airborne and ground-based aircraft operations
and roadway lighting. Glare is light emission being redirected off of a reflective surface such as
window glass in a facility. There are no state or local regulations that govern visual resources
and light emissions in Texas. SpaceX would attempt to conduct most launches and tests between
the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. However, there could be delays or missions that require
launching at a specific time at night to achieve a particular orbital position. During nighttime
launch activity, SpaceX would require bright spotlighting for short durations when illuminating
the launch vehicle. In addition to nighttime launch activity, SpaceX would need to perform
ground support operations 24/7 at the VLA throughout the year using white lighting for the
safety of SpaceX personnel. SpaceX assumes that 20 percent of annual operations could occur at

Ocelot and Jaguarundi: Cats are predominately nocturnal, active overnight and at dawn and
dusk and may avoid lit areas and seek other north-south travel corridors through the lomas,
expending additional energy and increasing the potential for vehicular mortality if startled by
lights or avoiding lighted areas of constructive or operational activities.

Northern Aplomado Falcon: Some birds may be attracted to light, especially when migrating
during overcast nights, causing them to be disoriented and collide with buildings or other

structures (FAA 2013). To minimize collisions with the four lightning towers and the water
tower, these structures will be lit in accordance with the Federal Communications Commission’s
(FCC) communication tower siting, construction, operation and decommission guidelines.
Aplomado falcons may roost at night but some falcons have exhibited some nighttime activity as
they have been documented to hunt for insects under street lights in Palenque, Chiapas Mexico
(personal comm. C. Perez, 2022).

Sea Turtles: All five species of sea turtles have been recorded nesting within the Action
Area. Kemp’s ridley sea turtles predominately nest during the day and is the most common
species of sea turtle to nest in the Action Area. All other sea turtle species nest at night.
Anthropogenic light sources have had documented negative effects on sea turtles. Adult
females looking for nesting beaches seek dark stretches of suitable shoreline. Unshielded
lights can deter females from crawling onto a beach to nest. When hatchlings emerge they
seek the nearest available light source, which on an undeveloped beach is the horizon over
the ocean. Lights shining in the vicinity of the nest can disorient emerging hatchlings,
leading them away from the ocean and more vulnerable to predation, desiccation, or crushing
by vehicles. Hatchlings that have reached the surf can also become disoriented by lighting,
and have been documented to leave the surf (NMFS and Service 2007a). Hatchlings whose
sea-finding is disrupted by unnatural stimuli often die from exhaustion, dehydration,
predation, or other causes (Witherington et al. 2014). Some of these behavioral effects on
adult turtles and disorientation of young turtles are expected to occur.

Some structures within the launch complex, use amber LEDs or low pressure sodium bulbs for
exterior night lighting. Most of these facilities are not located immediately adjacent to the beach,
which limits the potential effects on listed species However they do contribute to elevated
levels of ambient light and are some of the only lights on barrier islands within the Action Area.
Such night lighting can negatively impact nesting sea turtles.

All sea turtle nests detected on Texas beaches are collected, and the eggs are incubated in
facilities. However, it is possible that sea turtle patrol personnel could potentially be unable to
access the beach, thereby missing a sea turtle nest event and fail to collect and relocate eggs.

Piping Plover, Piping Plover Critical Habitat, Red Knot and proposed Critical Habitat:
Some birds may be attracted to light, especially during overcast nights, causing them to be
disoriented and collide with buildings or other structures (FAA 2013). To minimize collisions
with the four lightning towers and the water tower, these structures will be lit in accordance with
the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) communication tower siting, construction,
operation and decommission guidelines.

To minimize potential impacts SpaceX will implement the Lighting Management Plan
(Appendix F) and doing regular inspections will help reduce the effects these lights have on
turtles, but some adverse effects to sea turtles, either in the form of hatchling disorientations or
reducing the likelihood of nesting may occur when launches occur within sea turtle nesting

Hazardous Materials
Hazardous materials have the potential to impact the listed species and the piping plover’s
critical habitat and red knot’s proposed critical habitat in the Action Area. Construction and
operational activities would require the use of hazardous materials. Most of the hazardous
materials expected to be used are common to construction activities and include diesel fuel,
gasoline, and propane to fuel the construction equipment; hydraulic fluids, oils, and
lubricants; welding gases; paints; solvents; adhesives; and batteries. Processing and
maintenance of launch vehicles may generate small quantities of hazardous waste. Those
include waste oils, spent solvents, paint waste, spill response materials, and used batteries.
The solar array infrastructure may generate small amounts of lithium cobalite and lithium
hexaflorophosphate by charging too fast or physical mechanical damage causing a fire.
Stormwater or wastewater runoff also has the possibility of accumulating spilled hazardous
material into the adjacent tidal flats or lomas, contaminating those areas or resulting in a loss
of habitat and vegetation.

Ocelots and Jaguarundi, Northern Aplomado Falcon, Sea Turtles, Piping Plover, Piping
Plover Critical Habitat, Red Knot, Red Knot and proposed Critical Habitat: An accidental
release of hazardous materials during construction (e.g., equipment fuel spill) could affect
individual listed species if they were exposed to the contaminant, which could cause injury,
sickness, or death. Accidental spills could also affect vegetated habitat, including designated
critical habitat, by damaging or killing plants, which could affect plant density and diversity.

To reduce potential impacts, SpaceX’s Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Plan
(SPCC Plan) would be implemented in accordance with the Clean Water Act requirements
included in 40 CFR Part 112 to outline proper management and spill response procedures for
changes in the oils and fuels stored at the SpaceX Boca Chica Launch Site. Retired solar
panels shall be handled as Recyclable Hazardous Waste and sent to a contracted battery
recycler. If treatment or wastewater is needed, the water would be retained in retention
ponds adjacent to the launch mount.

Ground Vibrations
Some energy from rocket launches and static tests will manifest as vibration in the ground
near the launch pad. Vibration may be significant from rocket launches and engine tests.
Effects from vibrations are likely to add to species disturbance and cause abnormal
behaviors. However, vibrations from launch operations would last a few minutes.

Ocelot, Jaguarundi, Northern Aplomado Falcon, Piping Plover, Piping Plover Critical Habitat,
Red Knot, and Red Knot proposed Critical Habitat: Ground vibrations could result from a
launch or static test, or vehicular motion during construction and operations. Species reactions
could vary depending on their proximity to the launch site or construction/operation activities.
These species may experience some startle effect and/or habitat avoidance. Impacts should last
only a few minutes and normal behavior would resume afterwards.

Sea Turtles: Vibrations caused by moving maintenance vehicles and/or equipment, launches,
and static fire near the beach could frighten nesting turtles, causing them to false crawl (NMFS
and Service 1991a, 1991b, 1992; Ernest et al. 1998). Vibrations could also harm incubating

eggs, but this is difficult to assess because scientific data are lacking to fully understand the level
of impact on sea turtles from vibrations or noise. The closest nesting sea turtle habitat to the
proposed launch pad is approximately 800-900 feet, and as shown above vibration could be felt
up to 3.4 miles from the launch area therefore, vibration caused from rocket launches could
cause nesting turtles to abandon their nesting attempt and potentially harm incubating eggs.

Increased Traffic and Human Presence

An increase in vehicle traffic during daily operations from construction and SpaceX
operations personnel increases the potential for vehicle collisions with wildlife, including
listed species. In addition, increased traffic and human presence could cause wildlife to
avoid the area. Most of the traffic from construction and operations would occur during
daylight hours. SpaceX anticipates that up to 55 construction vehicles a day would be
associated with the construction period. In addition, up to 450 SpaceX staff vehicles would
be expected per day in the area as well. The Proposed Action is anticipated to add up to 505
vehicles per day within the LRGV NWR and within the corridor providing access to Boca
Chica Beach and the VLA. Figure 27 provides data from TxDOT illustrating steadily
increasing traffic along SH 4 since SpaceX began construction and operation from 2017
through 2019. Data for 2021 from the Customs and Border Protection Check Station on SH
4 indicates that the hourly vehicle crossings have substantially increased. The largest number
of hourly vehicle crossings, 24,172, entering or leaving the Boca Chica area occurs at 7 a.m.
and 7 p.m. This may be related to SpaceX shift changes.

Ocelot and Jaguarundi: Ocelots have been seen crossing paved linear structures such as
roads and have been documented on SH4. Data indicates that vehicular collisions are a
significant source of ocelot mortality, with 44 percent (12 of 27) of known ocelot mortalities
from 1982 to 1996 likely being vehicle related (Hewitt et al. 1998) and 45 percent of the total
ocelot mortality documented in South Texas between 1983 and 2002 likely being vehicle
related (Haines et al. 2005) (Figure 28).

Peak ocelot activity is around sunset and sunrise with continued activity during the night
hours, the exact time periods hourly vehicle crossings are at their peak. Heavy traffic at this
time with other noise effects could startle the cats and increase the risk of road mortality if
forced to cross SH 4. The posting of wildlife crossing signs by TxDOT may educate workers
and public about reducing speeds. However greater law enforcement is recommended

Although not documented for the ocelot and jaguarundi, several responses to human disturbance
can be expected in felines. For example, Florida panthers shifted their habitat use area in
response to hunters although no changes related to energy intakes (activity rates, movement rates
or predation success) were noted (Janis and Clark 2002). In another study, lynxes were found to
have a median tolerance limit to approaching humans of 164 feet and they tolerated a closer
approach by humans when in denser habitats than in more open areas (Sunde et al 1998 as cited
by Tempel et al 2006). In general, typical wildlife responses to human disturbance may be
fleeing, increased vigilance, and changes in habitat selection (Frid and Dill 2002).

Northern Aplomado Falcon: Mortality from bird-vehicular collisions are estimated at the lowest
range to be between 62 and 275 million birds each year. Only predation by free ranging

domestic cats and collisions with buildings and windows cause greater annual bird mortality in
the United States (Loss et al. 2014, Service 2020c). Although possible, there has not been any
documented vehicular mortality of the northern aplomado falcon within the Action Area.

Human presence and disturbance from testing or launches could also displace adult aplomado
falcons from established nesting structures approximately 2.7 miles from the VLA. Disturbance
during nesting may cause the adult to leave the nest, exposing eggs or small young to inclement
weather or predators. Disturbance may also reduce foraging efficiency and feeding time. Human
disturbance or noise from pre-launch operations would likely cause aplomado falcons to take
flight prior to launch. SpaceX will be working with the Peregrine Fund to assist in relocating
existing nest structures in appropriate locations.

Sea Turtles: Vehicle collisions with sea turtle hatchlings during the daytime have been recorded
near and adjacent to SpaceX. Beach visitors found in situ nest hatching on Boca Chica Beach
and attempted to provide safe passage but some hatchlings were killed by passing vehicles (Pers.
Comm., D. Shaver, Sea Turtle Coordinator, NPS 2006). There was also a report of a stranded
turtle being hit by a vehicle on South Padre Island (Pers. Comm., D. Shaver, Sea Turtle
Coordinator, NPS 2007).

Sea turtles reaching Boca Chica Beach, just 1,000 feet east of the VLA, to nest may return to the
water, false crawl, and not lay eggs due to human or pet disturbance. Operation of security
vehicles on the Boca Chica Beach can crush nesting turtles, stranded turtles, hatchlings, and eggs
(Mann 1977; NMFS and Service 1991a, 1991b, 1992, 1993; Ernest et al. 1998). Adult
loggerhead and green sea turtles nest at night and most female Kemp’s ridley nest during
daylight hours and may be caught in the morning hours on the beach at some stage of nesting:
oviposition, covering the nest, or exiting and returning to the ocean. Hatchlings may also emerge
at night or early in the morning from any nests missed by the daily sea turtle patrols. Hatchlings
could get disoriented by lights, dehydrated or incur possible injury on by getting lost and eaten or
die of dehydration. Species which prey on sea turtle nests or young turtles, such as coyotes
(Canis latrans), raccoons (Procyon lotor), skunks (Mephitis mephitis) and fire ants (Solenopsis
invicta), may be attracted to the construction area by garbage generated by employees, and may
increase in number as a result of the increased food resources provided by the garbage.

Piping Plover, Piping Plover Critical Habitat, Red Knot and proposed Critical Habitat:
Driving is allowed in many areas of the piping plover and red knot wintering grounds in the
Action Area from the mean low tide line to the line of vegetation on the shore. Increased
vehicular access due to recreation or SpaceX security patrols may increase ruts or berms.
SpaceX vehicles driving on the beach could potentially cause injury to plovers that may be
resting in ruts, or next to a berm, especially during inclement weather, and/or expose critical
habitat to further erosion and removal of organic matter and food sources. Direct mortality from
construction equipment may occur if plovers and red knots do not disperse prior to equipment or
vehicular use.

Zonick and Ryan (1996) found that in Texas, human disturbance decreases the amount of
undisturbed habitat and appears to limit local piping plover abundance. Piping plovers and red
knots will likely be flushed from the Action Area expending energy and interrupting foraging or

roosting. This is expected to be a temporary disturbance. Educating construction and SpaceX
employees on the potential of vehicle collisions and reduced speeds along SH 4 will help
minimize impacts.

Beach clearing activities prior to a closure are handled by Sheriff Deputies. SpaceX security
patrols are only on the beach during anomaly events. When they are present on the beach they
will use 4X4 pickup trucks and require their staff to travel at 10-15 mph.

Tall Structures
The construction of new structures could pose a potential collision impact to birds. During
the daytime, birds collide with windows because they see reflections of the landscape in the
glass (e.g., clouds, sky, vegetation, or the ground); or they see through glass to perceived
habitat (including potted plants or vegetation inside buildings) or to the sky on the other side
(Service 2016b). Research indicates that collision mortality increases with structure height
for most structures (e.g., communication towers and wind turbines) (Loss et al. 2014, Service
2020c). At night, during spring and fall bird migrations when inclement weather occurs,
birds can be attracted to lighted structures resulting in collisions, entrapment, excess energy
expenditure, and exhaustion (Manville 2009). Lighting and water towers could also attract
raptors or other migratory birds to the vertical launch area for perching.

Ocelot and Jaguarundi: Lighting could affect activity patterns of the ocelot and jaguarundis if in
the area and nocturnal prey. Evening activity levels could be reduced or redirected to more
dense vegetation reducing the availability of prey and restricting movements of the cats
themselves (Grigione and Mrykalo 2004).

Northern Aplomado Falcon: The falcon could perch on taller structures seeking prey or
potentially collide with the structures and windows during flight.

Sea Turtles: No impacts are expected from tall structures or glass effects. However, lighting of
the 480-foot tall integrated tower, rocket and other taller structures having lights on during the
night may shine on onto the beach during sea turtle nesting season and cause a false crawl or
cause hatchlings to get disoriented and result in injury or mortality.

Piping Plover, Piping Plover Critical Habitat, Red Knot, and Red Knot proposed Critical
Habitat: Piping plovers and red knots are subject to collisions with tall structures during flight or
attracted to lights foggy times or low light times causing injury or mortality.

To minimize impacts of taller structures, lighting would be reduced by complying with

established lighting plan (Appendix F) for minimizing disorienting effects on migratory birds.
Nest building and perching will be discouraged by the use of visual fright devices and monopole

Invasive Species Introductions

Proposed construction activities have the potential to degrade habitat or change vegetation
and habitat structure and spread invasive plants. Invasive species could be introduced to the

area through construction equipment brought to the launch site or from traffic associated with
deliveries and shipments of supplies.

Ocelots and Jaguarundi: Lomas used by the cats to transit through the area may experience
loss of vegetation or conversion to non-native species in the event an anomaly occurs and
disturbed by efforts to remove fallen debris.

Northern Aplomado Falcon: Coastal prairie grasslands could experience changes in plant
species composition or abundance including increased woody species thereby, reducing the
coastal prairie foraging habitat for falcons. Fires and fallen debris change the landscape and
plant community.

Sea Turtles: Construction will not be performed on the beach and is not expected to result in
the loss of beach habitat for sea turtles.

Piping Plover, Piping Plover Critical Habitat, Red Knot and proposed Critical Habitat:
Project activities could potentially convert wind tidal flats which the piping plovers and red
knots use for foraging to vegetated flats. This could result in the loss of 446.27 acres of
piping plover critical habitat and red knot proposed critical habitat in TX-11 and 903.65 acres
piping plover critical habitat in TX-1.

SpaceX would continue to perform routine inspections of construction areas to identify and
remove any invasive plant species in an effort to reduce impacts and restrict the spread of
invasive species within the Action Area.

A Starship/Super Heavy test operation or launch could fail (referred to as an anomaly or
mishap). Approximately 16 different types of failures have occurred since SpaceX began its
experimental activity. Piping plover and red knot wind tidal flat habitat and CH was
damaged with fallen debris and removal efforts. If additional anomalies or explosions occur,
listed species adjacent to the launch pad or within areas impacted by falling debris could be
injured or killed. In addition, fires could potentially start from an explosion that could result
in a loss of habitat. The habitat would be lost until vegetation has been restored or grows

Ocelots and Jaguarundi: Cats in the area or passing through may be killed or injured by the
explosion or by falling debris. They also could be startled and caused to disperse. Habitat on
the lomas could be burnt or destroyed by debris or the resulting cleanup efforts. Measures to
reduce damage from fire and anomalies are included in the Fire Management Plan and the
Anomaly Response Plan (Appendix F).

Northern Aplomado Falcon: Coastal prairie grasslands could experience changes in species
composition or abundance because of falling debris, fires, and cleanup efforts reducing the
foraging habitat for falcons. A falcon could also be killed or injured during the explosion or
fire or startled from its nest site causing it to abandon chicks or eggs.

Sea Turtles: Debris and fire from anomalies has not occurred on the beach yet but could in
the future. Sea turtles on the beach at the time of the explosion or debris removal could
potentially be killed or injured or a nest missed for protected incubation could be crushed.

Piping Plover, Piping Plover Critical Habitat, Red Knot, and Red Knot proposed Critical
Habitat: Piping plover and red knot habitat and critical habitat could potentially be reduced
or lost or converted by debris and retrieval and removal of debris. This could result in the
loss of piping plover habitat and piping plover CH in Unit TX-1 and red knot habitat and red
knot proposed CH.

To reduce impacts, immediately following an anomaly, SpaceX would coordinate with

TPWD and the Service prior to any attempt of cleanup, to minimize damage to the Refuge
lands and sensitive historic, biological, and geological resources. SpaceX would also follow
the emergency response and cleanup procedures outlined in the Hazardous Materials
Emergency Response Plan and Fire Mitigation and Response Plan (if a fire occurs).

While the intent of conducting frequent surveys, implementing area closures and posting
signage, and similar actions is to reduce or avoid impacts to listed species by detecting them
early, these activities in themselves, because they result in increased human access and activity
within the beach, loma and wind-tidal habitats, could result in some adverse effects to listed

Ocelots and Jaguarundi: The cats could be startled by human activity during monitoring.

Northern Aplomado Falcon: Falcons could be disturbed and foraging or nesting activities
interrupted. It is expected to be a temporary impact.

Sea Turtles: Sea Turtle, Inc. is experienced in performing sea turtle surveys and it is unlikely
that there would be any effects to sea turtles from monitoring efforts.

Piping Plover, Piping Plover Critical Habitat, Red Knot and proposed Critical Habitat:
Piping plovers and red knots are generally disturbed to some degree during monitoring.
Habitat and critical habitat could potentially be impacted if survey efforts results result in an
ATV or vehicle being used to perform the surveys veers off into the flats. Human
disturbance could startle or flush the birds during foraging or roosting.

Critical Habitat
The total impact (construction and/or operational) of 903.67 acres within piping plover Units
TX-1, TX-2, TX-3A and TX-3B represents 4 percent of all designated wintering critical habitat
(241,783 acres) in the United States. Considering the effects of SpaceX's activities being
authorized by the issuance of FAA's experimental permit or launch license on these units of
critical habitat, the fact that only a 446.27 acres is being impacted together with the effects on the
other 141 designated units, the overall effect on wintering piping plover critical habitat is
expected to be minimal. The affected critical habitat would continue to serve its intended
conservation role for the wintering piping plover and would retain the current ability for the

physical and biological features and not appreciably reduce the conservation value of all
proposed and designated critical habitat for the winter piping plover.

Red knot critical habitat is being proposed to be designated over 127 units across 13 states
totaling 683, 405 acres (personal comm., Moni Belton, Service, 2022). The total impact of
446.27 acres of red knot proposed critical habitat Unit TX-11, and overlaps piping plover critical
habitat Unit TX-1 represents 6.5 percent of all habitat across 13 states in the wintering and
migration area of the red knot.


Cumulative effects considered in this Opinion are those “effects of future State or private
activities, not involving federal activities that are reasonably certain to occur within the Action
Area of the Federal action subject to consultation” (50 CFR 402.02).

Wind energy projects have drastically increased in the Rio Grande Valley and impact listed
species habitat by clearing thornscrub habitat and fragmenting the landscape. Wind energy
projects do not have a federal nexus and conservation measures are voluntary unless they pursue
a Habitat Conservation Plan and receive an Endangered Species Act section 10(a)(1)(b) permit
from the Service.

Urban development brings increased noise, light, fencing, and human disturbance.
Customs and Border Protection operations that include roads with high speed traffic,
drag roads, off­road traffic impacts, lights, fencing, and road maintenance will also
likely result in the loss of habitat. Customs and Border operations were waived from
federal consultation for the construction of the border wall.

Privately funded activities that include rehabilitation and construction of buildings and parking
areas and rehabilitation of existing buildings such as at the Port of Brownsville (Port of
Brownsville 2020) may not require federal permits or section 7 consultation.

The TxDOT is planning multiple transportation improvement projects within the Action Area
that may result in potential cumulative effects to listed species or critical habitat when
combined with the Proposed Action. Most of the projects consist of pavement rehabilitation
and preventative maintenance activities on the existing roadway (SH 4).

The City of South Padre Island is planning to improve Laguna Boulevard with 11 foot-travel
lanes and an elevated 8-foot shared use path on the west side of the street. The project will
improve the drainage and incorporate low impact development so the City can become more
resilient (South Padre Island 2020). Road expansions to accommodate the Rio Grande
Valley development and road network, North American Free Trade Agreement, and border
crossings will likely increase loss and fragmentation of habitat and increase road mortality
for the cats.

SpaceX is in the construction and continued planning and design phase for its production and
manufacturing facility on privately owned property near the LLCC. SpaceX is developing the
manufacturing area to include additional large production tents, support buildings, extension of
existing buildings and additional parking lots. Further west of the production area, SpaceX is
developing the processing area and is proposing to include office space, storage foundations for
Starship and Superheavy vehicles, and water wells. Both areas will operate 24 hours a day, 7
days a week, and will be staffed by approximately 450 people.

SpaceX’s manufacturing and processing activities and associated development will occur on
private land, are privately funded, do not require federal approval, and are planned to continue
regardless of whether the FAA issues SpaceX licenses for Starship/Super Heavy operations.
FAA determined it considers these anticipated activities to have independent utility from the
FAA’s Proposed Action. For example, the components manufactured and processed in Boca
Chica could be shipped to support launch and test activities at any of SpaceX’s facilities,
including Vandenberg Air Force Base; McGregor, Texas; or Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

Climate Change
The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report projects that in the
coming two decades the global temperature may rise by 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees
Fahrenheit). For 1.5°C of global warming, there will be increasing heat waves, longer warm
seasons and shorter cold seasons. At 2°C of global warming, heat extremes would more
often reach critical tolerance thresholds for agriculture and health. (IPCC 2021)

Climate change has a multitude of different changes in different regions. These changes may
include changes in wetness and dryness, to winds, snow and ice, coastal areas and oceans.
Climate change is intensifying the water cycle bringing more intense rainfall and flooding as
well as more intense drought in some areas. Changing rainfall patterns high latitudes,
precipitation is likely to increase, while it is projected to decrease over large parts of the
subtropics. Coastal areas will see continued sea level rise contributing to more frequent and
severe coastal flooding in low-lying areas and coastal erosion. Further warming will amplify
permafrost thawing, and the loss of seasonal snow cover, melting of glaciers and ice sheets,
and loss of summer Arctic sea ice. Changes to the ocean, include warming, ocean
acidification, and reduced oxygen levels. (IPCC 2021)

Climate changes are also projected to affect individual organism, populations, species
distribution and ecosystem composition and function both directly through increases in
temperature or precipitation, as well as sea level rise and storm surges in the case of marine
and coastal ecosystems. Such changes will affect habitat loss, modification and
fragmentation, and the introduction and spread of non-native species and the organisms to
respond to climate change during migration (IPCC 2002).

The Texas coast is disappearing an average of 4.1 feet per year, though over 60 percent of the
coast is losing over 6 feet per year and some areas lose 30 feet of beach every year (TGLO
2017). The TTGLO Coastal Resiliency Master Plan is attempting to identify and implement
projects that will reduce the region’s overall risk to coastal issues of concern, including

climate change and sea level rise. The Texas General Land Office, Region 4 consists of three
counties, Cameron, Kenedy and Willacy counties. The three top concerns outlined in the
Coastal Resiliency Master Plan for Region 4 are: 1) Gulf Shoreline change, 2) Degraded or
lost habitat and 3) Degraded water quality. Some of the projects being considered in
Cameron County are the Bahia Grande Hydrologic Restoration, Paso Corvinas Wetlands and
Hydrologic Restorations, Development of the Lower Laguna Madre and Brownsville Ship
Channel Watershed Protection Plan, South Padre Island Beach and Dune Management and
Restoration, Bird and Heron Island Restoration, Restore Laguna Madre Rookery Islands,
Bahia Grande Living Shorelines, Restore Barrier Island Bayside Wetlands on South Padre
Island, City of South Padre Island Living Shoreline, and South Padre Island Park
Development (TGLO 2017).


Ocelot, Jaguarundi, Northern Aplomado Falcon, Piping Plover, Red Knot, Kemp’s ridley,
Loggerhead, Hawksbill, Green and Leatherback sea turtles
In the accompanying BCO, the Service determined that the action, as proposed, is not likely
to jeopardize the continued existence of the species listed above. The action area
encompasses a relative small portion of the rangewide habitat of each of the species
addressed in this opinion and small portion of each species’ population. The proposed action
includes a variety of protective measures that are intended to minimize incidental take. Some
of the measures include:
1. offsetting impacts by the conservation of similar habitat,
2. implementing measures that lessen noise and lighting impacts,
3. monitoring of species reactions or impacts to the species and/or their habitat
4. reducing impacts to habitat from anomalies and removal of debris and,
5. monitoring the effectiveness of the implemented measure.
6. partnering with the Service on its conservation partners to implement recovery plan

For these reasons, the effect of the take anticipated in this BCO is not expected to
significantly affect the species considered.

Piping Plover Critical Habitat

After reviewing the current status of the piping plover, the environmental baseline for the
Action Area, the effects of the proposed issuance of a launch permit and the cumulative
effects, it is the Service's opinion that the action as proposed, is not likely to adversely
modify piping plover designated critical habitat.

Although piping plover critical habitat Unit TX-1 is one of the largest and valuable
designated units out of 141 total units the Service must base its analysis on the value of
critical habitat as a whole for the conservation of the listed species. Our determination is
based on the fact that impacts (construction and/or operational) to piping plover critical
habitat Unit TX-1 represents only .4 percent of all designated wintering critical habitat in the
United States.

Red Knot Proposed Critical Habitat
After reviewing the current status of the red knot, the environmental baseline for the Action
Area, the effects of the proposed issuance of a launch permit and the cumulative effects, it is
the Service's opinion that the action as proposed, is not likely to adversely modify red knot
proposed critical habitat.

Our determination is based on the fact that the Service is proposing to designate 127 units of
critical habitat for the red knot across 13 states totaling 683,405 acres. The impact of 446.27
in TX-11 represents 6.5 percent of the total acreage being proposed as critical habitat.

The conclusions of this biological opinion are based on full implementation of the project as
described in the Description of the Proposed Action section of this document, including any
conservation measures that were incorporated into the project design.


Section 9 of the Act and Federal regulations pursuant to section 4(d) of the Act prohibit the take
of endangered and threatened species, respectively, without special exemption. “Take” is
defined as to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture or collect, or to attempt
to engage in any such conduct. “Harm” is further defined (50 CFR § 17.3) to include significant
habitat modification or degradation that results in death or injury to listed species by significantly
impairing essential behavioral patterns, including breeding, feeding, or sheltering. “Harass” is
defined (50 CFR § 17.3) as intentional or negligent actions that create the likelihood of injury to
listed species to such an extent as to significantly disrupt normal behavior patterns which
include, but are not limited to, breeding, feeding or sheltering. “Incidental take” is defined as
take that is incidental to, and not the purpose of, the carrying out of an otherwise lawful activity.
Under the terms of section 7(b)(4) and section 7(o)(2), taking that is incidental to and not
intended as part of the agency action is not considered to be prohibited taking under the Act
provided that such taking is in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Incidental Take

The measures described below are non-discretionary and must be undertaken by the FAA and/or
SpaceX as appropriate, for the exemption in section 7(o)(2) to apply. The FAA has a continuing
duty to regulate the activity covered by this incidental take statement. If the FAA (1) fails to
assume and implement the terms and conditions or (2) fails to require SpaceX to adhere to the
terms and conditions of the incidental take statement through enforceable terms that are added to
the permit or grant document, the protective coverage of section 7(o)(2) may lapse. In order to
monitor the impact of incidental take, the FAA and/or SpaceX must report the progress of the
action and its impact on the species as specified in the incidental take statement. [50 CFR


Ocelot and Jaguarundi

The Service anticipates incidental take of ocelot and jaguarundi in the form of harm and
harassment will be difficult to detect because: 1) the species is wide-ranging, 2) elusive, 3)

nocturnal, and 4) finding a dead or impaired specimen that has resulted from impaired essential
behavioral patterns like breeding, feeding or sheltering is unlikely. The take of an ocelot or
jaguarundi, however, can be reasonably anticipated by increased risk of injury by road mortality,
and/or by preventing dispersal of these species into otherwise suitable habitat. Therefore, the
Service anticipates:

• 2 endangered cats (ocelots and/or jaguarundi) would be taken in the form of harm and
harassment, due to the construction and operations and/or injury or mortality due to a
vehicular collision, noise or human disturbance within the project area for the life of the

Sea Turtles
Sea turtle nesting habitat along 13 miles of Boca Chica Beach in the Action Area will be
disturbed by vehicular traffic associated with SpaceX security and Sea Turtle, Inc. monitoring;
however, incidental take of sea turtles will be difficult to detect for the following reasons:
• the loggerhead, green, leatherback and hawksbill turtles nest primarily at night and
although the Kemp’s ridleys primarily nest during the day, some have been known to nest
at night;
• all nests are not located because a) natural factors, such as rainfall, wind, and tides may
obscure crawls; and b) human-caused factors, such as pedestrian and vehicular traffic,
may obscure crawls, and result in nests being destroyed because they were missed during
a nesting survey and egg relocation program;
• turtles may nest during launch and testing closures and not be detected;
• the total number of hatchlings per undiscovered nest is unknown;
• the reduction in percent hatching and emerging success per relocated nest over the natural
nest site is unknown; and
• an unknown number of females may avoid the project beach and be forced to nest in a
less than optimal area.

However, take of these species can be anticipated because:

• sea turtles nest within the beach portion of the Action Area; and
• project security patrols and monitoring will likely occur along the beach area during a
portion of the nesting season.

Take is expected to be in the form of harassment, injury, and/or death from:

• destruction of nests and eggs missed by a nest survey and egg relocation program within
the boundaries of the beach portion of the Action Area;
• injury or death from vehicles and/or equipment driving over an adult sea turtle, hatchling,
stranded or post-hatchling washback, sea turtles from an undetected,
unmarked/unprotected sea turtle nest, and
• harassment in the form of disturbing or interfering with female turtles attempting to nest
during security patrols or monitoring; behavior modification of nesting females resulting
in false crawls or situations where they choose marginal or unsuitable nesting areas to
deposit eggs.

According to Table 3, approximately 8 miles of beach within the Action Area lies within South

Padre Island (SPI) and another 5 miles on BCB. SPI is approximately 36 miles long; therefore,
approximately 25 percent of SPI is within the Action Area. Take is calculated by adding 25
percent of SPI nests to 100 percent of BCB nests over the last 10 years, then taking 30 percent of
the 10-year mean number of nests.

The Service anticipates the proposed project could potentially “take” a maximum of 279 nesting
sea turtles prior to any avoidance and minimization measures being implemented.
Implementation of avoidance and minimization measures further reduces the estimated number
of sea turtles that could be taken. The Kemp’s ridley is the most frequently documented sea
turtle occurring in the Action Area and the green is a very infrequent second. Thus, the potential
for FAA/SpaceX related activities interacting with Kemp’s ridley adults, hatchlings or eggs
would be greater, thus the number of Kemp’s ridley adults, hatchlings and eggs at risk of “take”
would also be greater.

Therefore, the Service anticipates that despite avoidance and minimization measures
implemented through the term of this BCO (2027) a risk still exists, although minimal, that adult
sea turtles could be struck by vehicles and nests could go undetected by the egg relocation
program surveys within the Proposed Action Area and:

• 8 adult Kemp’s ridley sea turtles and 3 nests per year, including all hatchlings and/or eggs
(up to approximately 330 eggs) could be taken.

• 1 adult loggerhead sea turtle and 1 nest per year, including all hatchlings and/or eggs (up
to approximately 200 eggs) could be taken.

• 1 adult green sea turtle and 1 nest per year, including all hatchlings and/or eggs (up to
approximately 200 eggs) could be taken.

• 1 adult leatherback sea turtle and 1 nest per year, including all hatchlings and/or eggs (up
to approximately 110 eggs) could be taken.

• 1 adult hawksbill sea turtle and 1 nest per year, including all hatchlings and/or eggs (up to
approximately 160 eggs) could be taken.

If the agreed upon avoidance and minimization measures are to be deviated from or if the level
of take is reached for any one of the species, FAA and SpaceX must contact the Service’s Texas
Coastal Ecological Services Field Office immediately to review the circumstances and revisit the
take analysis. Although incidental take is anticipated for three Kemp’s ridley nests per year, if
one nest is taken the Service also would appreciate the opportunity to review the circumstances
and the avoidance and minimization measures.

Northern Aplomado falcon

• 2 adult northern aplomado falcons and three chicks to be taken by harm or harassment
due to noise and human disturbance through the term of this BCO (2027).

Piping Plovers
Incidental take of piping plovers will be difficult to detect for the following reasons:
• harassment to the level of harm may only be apparent on the breeding grounds the
following year; and
• dead plovers may be carried away by waves or predators.

However, the level of take of this species can be anticipated by the proposed activities because:
• piping plovers migrate to, winter in, and have site fidelity to the Action Area;
• increased levels of construction and operational disturbance are expected.

Take is expected in the form of harm and harassment due to:

• decreased fitness and survivorship of wintering plovers due to loss and degradation of
foraging and roosting habitat,
• decreased fitness and survivorship of plovers attempting to migrate to breeding grounds
due to loss and degradation of foraging and roosting habitat, and
• therefore we are using acres of habitat and CH as a surrogate for the species.

The proposed action will result in the direct loss of 446.27 acres of piping plover habitat and
critical habitat from construction and operation and the corresponding conversion of wind tidal
flats. The proposed action will also result in an impact to 903.67 acres of occupied piping plover
habitat and critical habitat in Critical Habitat Units TX-1.

Red Knot
Incidental take of red knots will be difficult to detect for the following reasons:
• harassment to the level of harm may only be apparent on the breeding grounds the
following year; and
• dead red knots may be carried away by waves or predators.

The level of take of this species can be anticipated by the proposed activities because:
• red knots migrate to, winter in, and show site fidelity to the Action Area; and
• increased levels of construction and operational disturbance is expected.

Take is expected in the form of harm and harassment due to decreased fitness and survivorship
of wintering red knots through loss and degradation of foraging and roosting habitat and
decreased fitness and survivorship of red knots attempting to migrate to breeding grounds due to
loss and degradation of foraging and roosting habitat.

The proposed action will result in the direct impact of 466.27 acres from construction of
occupied red knot proposed critical habitat CH Unit TX-11.


In the accompanying BCO, we have determined that the level of anticipated take is not likely to
result in jeopardy to the ocelot, jaguarundi, northern aplomado falcon, piping plover, red knot,
Kemp’s ridley, green, loggerhead, hawksbill and leatherback sea turtles. Although we anticipate
some incidental take to occur, the implementation of the conservation measures proposed should
ultimately result in avoidance and minimization of adverse effects. We have also determined
that there will be no adverse modification of piping plover and red knot critical habitat.


As part of the project description, the FAA/SpaceX has agreed on voluntarily measures to avoid
and minimize impacts to the ocelot, jaguarundi, northern aplomado falcon, piping plover, red
knot and sea turtles. The Service believes the following reasonable and prudent measures are
necessary and appropriate to minimize the impact of incidental take on these species.

1. Protect and preserve ocelot and jaguarundi habitat.

2. Increase northern aplomado nest sites.
3. Monitor for sea turtles
4. Reduce impacts to Refuge lands.
5. Monitor for sea turtles, birds, and vegetation and report annually to the Service.
6. Monitor for lighting and stormwater and report annually to the Service.
7. Reduce generator noise impacts Maintain facility and operational plans
8. Maintain facility and operational plans
9. Coordinate decommissioning of the site with the Service.
10. Establish a protocol to notify the Service of direct take of a federally threatened or
endangered species.
11. Submit annual reports
12. Consult prior to 5-year expiration of BCO

Terms and Conditions

In order to be exempt from the prohibitions of Section 9 of the Act, the FAA/SpaceX must
comply with the following terms and conditions, which implement the reasonable and prudent
measures, described above and outline required reporting/monitoring requirements. These terms
and conditions are non-discretionary.

1. Ocelots and Jaguarundis

• SpaceX will conserve suitable ocelot and jaguarundi habitat within the Rio Grande
Wildlife Corridor.
• SpaceX will coordinate with the Service, the USACE, and the TxDOT to explore the
feasibility of constructing wildlife crossings within ocelot and jaguarundi habitat along
SH 4 east of the first public hard checkpoint. If a wildlife crossing is feasible, pending
regulatory approval from applicable agencies, SpaceX will fund the construction of one
wildlife crossing east of the first public hard checkpoint.
• SpaceX will coordinate with TxDOT to maintain clear shoulders on SH 4 road edges
east of the first public hard checkpoint to allow drivers to reduce incidents of roadkill
and more easily see wildlife, such as ocelots and jaguarundis, along the road edge.

• SpaceX will conduct quarterly SH 4 cleanup efforts east of the first public hard
checkpoint to reduce garbage that may attract animals. SpaceX will note the dates of
the cleanups, the types of liter and the amounts collected in the annual monitoring
report submitted to the Service.
• SpaceX will make an annual contribution of $5,000 to the Friends of LANWR Adopt-
an-Ocelot Program. Funds donated to the program are intended to pay for:
i. Wildlife guzzlers,
ii. Camera trapping sets,
iii. Special events to raise awareness about the ocelot,
iv. Important supplies that allow biologists to monitor ocelot dispersal, behavior,
and habitat needs.
• SpaceX will coordinate with TxDOT regarding funding the installation of up to 5
additional wildlife crossing signs along SH 4 for a total of 10 signs (5 in each
direction). Five wildlife crossing signs have already been installed along SH 4.

2. Northern Aplomado Falcon

• SpaceX will increase northern aplomado nest sites by coordinating with the Peregrine
Fund and make an annual contribution of $5,000 to the Peregrine fund to provide
assistance with increased releases, repair or replace existing hack sites and/or nest
boxes or construct new hack sites and/or nest boxes if falcons are observed in a new
• SpaceX will continue to offer enhanced satellite monitoring via solar powered Starlink
to the Peregrine Fund for continuous video coverage of northern aplomado falcon

3. Sea Turtles
• SpaceX will monitor Boca Chica Beach during sea turtle season (March 15-October 1)
and follow the Sea Turtle Monitoring Plan.
• SpaceX will minimize nighttime launch operations during sea turtle nesting season
(March 15th – October 1st).
• Sea turtle monitoring will be conducted prior to implementation of closures and
security sweeps for, and as soon as practicable after, suborbital and orbital launches.
Post-launch monitoring can be conducted by Sea Turtle Inc.; however, the use of
7.5drones is acceptable if Sea Turtle Inc. is unable to conduct monitoring in-person.
Findings will be included in the annual Monitoring Report.
• If sea turtle nests are discovered prior to closure and security sweeps, SpaceX will
coordinate with Sea Turtle Inc. to remove eggs prior to launch. Findings will be
included in the annual Monitoring Report.
• A Sea Turtle, Inc. volunteer will be stationed on SpaceX property to monitor Boca
Chica to conduct pre-and post-launch surveys and monitor Boca Chica Beach more
frequently during the day.

4. SpaceX will reduce impacts to Refuge lands:

• SpaceX will coordinate with Refuge staff to identify further options to assist in
protecting refuge lands and listed species habitats from impacts that may result from
public vehicles prior to closures. Upon Service and SpaceX agreement of locations

alongside SH 4 or other identified roads where the footprint is disturbed, SpaceX will
provide up to $10,000 annually to purchase vehicle barrier materials to be installed by
Refuge staff to prevent trucks or ATVs from entering. Vehicle barriers should not
block passage for terrestrial animals. General maintenance of barriers will be carried
out by Refuge staff; however, SpaceX will be responsible for replacing or restoring
damaged cable barriers caused by SpaceX personnel or an anomaly.
• SpaceX security patrol vehicles or other necessary SpaceX equipment on the beach will
be driven above the “wet line” to minimize disturbance of birds and protect feeding and
roosting areas and at a speed of 10-15 mph while on the beach..
• Roads will be designed and located where roadbed erosion into federally listed species
habitat, such as sand flats, is avoided or minimized and the potential for surface water
being trapped within the roadbed due to grading would also be avoided or minimized.
• The depth of any pits created will be minimized and covered or checked daily during
construction so animals do not become trapped.
• Materials such as gravel or topsoil will be obtained from existing developed or
previously used sources, not from undisturbed areas adjacent to the property.
• When conducting operations with the potential for a spill of hazardous materials, Best
Management Practices such as drip pans and containment zones will be temporarily
implemented, per the facility’s Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure plan.
• Non-hazardous waste materials, litter, and other discarded materials, such as
construction waste, will be placed in containers until removed from the construction
site. All trash containers will have predator-proof secured lids and be kept closed at all
times and trash will be removed regularly to help prevent attracting predators or debris
blowing into sensitive areas.
• No excavated or fill material will be placed in delineated Clean Water Act Section 404
waters of the U.S. except as authorized by a permit from the USACE.
• SpaceX will provide five signs along SH 4 to educate the public on areas (such as
sensitive areas of the Refuge and the dunes) where they may not watch ongoing
activities and launches.
• SpaceX will perform monthly beach cleanups of Boca Chica Beach. SpaceX will
provide the opportunity for resource agencies (i.e., TGLO, Service) to participate and
teach the community about the area’s wildlife, sensitive areas, beach debris, and beach
cleanup. SpaceX will document information about types and amount of trash collected.
• SpaceX will construct a containment wall around (at least on north side) to assist in
keeping debris from entering the refuge and also help deflect off-gassing of liquid
nitrogen and reduce sound transmission.
• Cryogenic testing and other pressure tanks will be tethered by cables to prevent debris
from falling on Refuge land.

5. Monitor for sea turtles, bids, and vegetation

• SpaceX will follow monitoring plans to survey for sea turtles, birds, and vegetation
changes and report annually to the Service. After five years of monitoring, and when
SpaceX applies for a renewal or extension of their launch permit, the Service, the FAA,
and SpaceX will evaluate the need to modify, adapt, or discontinue the monitoring.
• Pre-construction, post-construction, and seasonal monitoring for listed species (piping
plover, red knot, and northern aplomado falcon) and associated habitat will continue to be

conducted by qualified biologists within an area on accessible U.S. soil within a three-
mile radius of the construction area. Findings will be included in the annual Monitoring
• Pre- (one day prior) and post- (one day after) launch monitoring of listed species (piping
plover, red knot, and northern aplomado falcon) and associated habitat will be conducted
within a one-mile radius of the VLA. These surveys will use line transects, search plots,
or point counts, depending on habitat areas delineated within the launch area buffer.
Findings will be included in the annual Monitoring Report. Any take of listed species or
damages to critical habitat will be reported immediately to the Service.
• Monitoring data will be summarized in the annual Monitoring Report, which will include
preconstruction and post construction survey results of surveys, for nesting sea turtles,
aplomado falcons, piping plover and red knots. Monitoring reports should also document
behavioral effects on listed species and any take associated with proposed actions.
• Vegetation monitoring will be implemented to document changes in designated and
proposed critical habitat impacted by the Proposed Action. Intensive vegetation
monitoring will consist of surveys of vegetation plots previously established across a
sampling grid. Extensive vegetation monitoring using multispectral satellite imagery
within a three-mile radius of the launch site will continue to be conducted for
comparisons of extensive-scale vegetation changes.
• Data from vegetation monitoring will be summarized in the annual Monitoring Report.
• Depending on the nature of the reported changes, SpaceX will coordinate with the
Service to implement remediation measures as needed.

6. Monitor for lighting and stormwater management

• Lighting Management
i. Exterior lights used expressly for safety or security purposes are limited to the
minimum number and configuration required to achieve their functional roles.
ii. SpaceX will issue annual notices to all complex personnel prior to sea turtle
nesting season reminding personnel of light use requirements and
• Lighting Monitoring
i. To minimize lighting impacts to sea turtles, SpaceX will implement lighting
monitoring. Lighting monitoring will be conducted to verify SpaceX’s
compliance with the SpaceX Boca Chica Launch Site Facility Design and
Lighting Management Plan.
ii. A qualified biologist will conduct lighting inspections before nesting season and
weekly during the nesting-hatching season (March 15th to October 1st).
iii. SpaceX will conduct evening inspections between 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.
monthly during sea turtle nesting season.
iv. Data from lighting monitoring and unannounced inspections, as well as any
compliance issues and remedies, will be summarized in the annual Monitoring
• Stormwater Management
i. Uncontaminated rainwater will be allowed to drain or be pumped out of
containment structures only following visual inspection by TPWD and to
determine the absence of evidence of a spill or leak or oil and/or visible sheen

on the surface of the water. If a spill has occurred within the last 48 hours
preceding a rain event, SpaceX will conduct analytical sampling of the waters
prior to release.
ii. The perimeter of all areas to be disturbed during construction or maintenance
activities will be clearly demarcated using flagging or temporary construction
fence and no disturbance outside that perimeter will be authorized (in particular
tidal flats and dunes).
iii. Areas already disturbed by past activities or those that will be used later in the
construction period shall be used for staging, parking, and equipment storage
within the project boundary.
• Stormwater Monitoring
i. SpaceX will implement stormwater monitoring around the VLA to protect
surrounding sensitive habitat and waterways. SpaceX will coordinate with the
Service, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the
TCEQ to ensure compliance with protective surface water and sediment criteria
(i.e. TRRP 24 Residential Surface Water and Sediment PCL and EPA Water
Quality Criteria for surface water and sediment).
ii. Monitoring will include sampling contingencies for normal site operations,
spills, or emergency releases due to impending tropical storms or other events.
Monitoring will be scalable, allowing for annual review by FAA/SpaceX, the
Service, EPA and TCEQ.
iii. SpaceX will conduct sampling for emergency release or spill events as needed
and independent of established or routine monitoring. Sampling parameters
may include hazardous metals, pH, oil and grease, turbidity, suspended solids,
and oxygen demand.
iv. If SpaceX uses deluge water with major site activities (i.e. vehicle launch)
where a discharge may occur, SpaceX will monitor the water prior to the launch
monthly for the first year to establish a baseline. At the end of the first year,
SpaceX will conduct sampling in conjunction with major site activities (i.e.
vehicle launch) where a discharge may occur or at a frequency determined by
the concerned agencies and FAA/SpaceX. SpaceX will share the input provided
by TCEQ and inform the Service of the parameters that were sampled for.
Sampling parameters may include hazardous metals, pH, oil and grease,
turbidity, suspended solids, and oxygen demand.
v. SpaceX will consult with the TCEQ and EPA on specific ecological sediment,
storm and surface water criteria. Since the area surrounding the VLA is
adjacent to NWR lands and has endangered species habitat,
residential/ecological standards should be used to determine protective
thresholds and sampling protocols for both water and sediment samples.
vi. Sampling of both sediment and surface water is to begin immediately upon
discovery of a release of 0.1 gallons or more of any substance classified as a
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste or when 25
gallons or more of a substance not meeting the classification of a RCRA
hazardous waste. RCRA hazardous waste includes those substance defined as
characteristically hazardous as specified in 40 CFR Part 261 Subpart C. All

emergency or spill response samples are to be collected immediately upon
discovery; analysis will be conducted after the event.
vii. All samples will be conveyed to an appropriate certified laboratory for analysis
within the samples specified holding time and with all appropriate preservation
and chains of custody.

7. Reduce noise impacts from generators

• SpaceX will reduce noise impacts from generators that may be used during construction
and/or operations. Generators will be located within baffle boxes (a sound-resistant
box that is placed over or around a generator), have an attached muffler, or use another
noise-abatement method in accordance with industry standards.

8. Maintain facility and operational plans.

• BMPs and coordination procedures identified in the current versions of the facility and
operational plans are incorporated by reference as terms and conditions of this BCO.
Current plans include the Facility Design and Lighting Management Plan; Fire
Mitigation and Response Plan; Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Plan;
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan; Anomaly Response Plan; Closure Notification
Plan; Site Security Plan; and Texas Department of Transportation Roadway Closure
Traffic Control Plan.
• Major changes and/or updates to the facility and operational plans will be reported
immediately by the Service, and also summarized in the annual Monitoring Report and
provided to the Service for review.

9. SpaceX will coordinate decommissioning of the site with the Service.

10. Establish a protocol to notify the Service of direct take of a federally threatened or
endangered species.
• SpaceX will implement the following protocol to notify the Service in the event that the
proposed action results in the direct take (i.e., killing, harming, or wounding) of a
federally threatened or endangered species:
• The SpaceX Environmental, Health, and Safety Manager or appropriate designee shall
notify the Service at (956)784-7520 immediately.
• If a dead federally threatened or endangered species is found, SpaceX staff will ensure
related evidence is not disturbed. SpaceX staff will take pictures and document the
following information for submittal to the Service so an appropriate cause of death may
be determined:
i. Date, time, and location
ii. Species
iii. Number of animals taken
iv. Suspected cause of death
v. Circumstances under which found
• If an injured federally threatened or endangered species is found, SpaceX staff will
minimize animal handling and further stress or injury.
• SpaceX will maintain possession of the injured animal or carcass until further
instructions from the Service are provided.

• SpaceX will summarize the above information (in the event a direct take occurs) in the
annual Monitoring Report submitted to the Service.

11. Submission of annual Reports

• SpaceX will submit an annual Monitoring Report to the Service by December 31st of
each year. The annual report will include monitoring results, measures implemented
during project activities, success of such measures, incidences, and any
recommendations on improvements to those measures. Reports should be sent to: U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, Texas Coastal Ecological Services Field Office, ATTN:
Field Supervisor, 4444 Corona, Suite 215, Corpus Christi, Texas 78411.

12. Consult prior to 5-year expiration of BCO

• This BCO expires 5 years after the date of its issuance and take is not authorized
beyond 2027. In the event activities continue beyond 2026, the FAA should consult
with the Service 6 months prior to the expiration of this BCO.

In order to be exempt from the prohibitions of section 9 of the Act, the FAA and/or SpaceX must
comply with these terms and conditions, which implement the reasonable and prudent measures
described above and outline required reporting/monitoring requirements. These terms and
conditions are non-discretionary

Disposition of Dead or Injured Listed Species

Upon locating a dead, injured, or sick listed species on refuge lands contact Refuge Law
Enforcement, Iriz Elizondo-Navarro or Romeo Garcia at (956) 784-7520 located at 3325 Green
Jay Road Alamo, Texas 78516. If the species is found off refuge contact Special Agent
Alejandro Rodriguez at (956) 686-8591, 4500 N. 10th Street #400, McAllen, TX 78504, within
three working days of its finding. Written notification must be made within five calendar days
and include the date, time, and location of the animal, a photograph if possible, and any other
pertinent information. The notification shall be sent to the Law Enforcement Office with a copy
to the Service’s Corpus Christi office. Care must be taken in handling sick or injured animals to
ensure effective treatment and care, and in handling dead specimens to preserve the biological
material in the best possible state.


Section 7(a)(1) of the Act directs federal agencies to utilize their authorities to further the
purposes of the Act by carrying out conservation programs for the benefit of endangered and
threatened species. Conservation recommendations are discretionary agency activities to
minimize or avoid adverse effects of a proposed action on listed species or critical habitat, to
help implement recovery plans, or to develop information.

1) In coordination with the Service and others involved in Rio Grande Valley land conservation
SpaceX will identify and voluntarily acquire, protect and/or preserve suitable habitat in and
near the SpaceX Action Area, for ocelots, jaguarundis, northern aplomado falcons, piping
plover, and/or red knots and ensure management in perpetuity.

2) In coordination with the Service SpaceX will voluntarily implement various measures for the
monarch, a candidate. Measures may include:
• Seeding and plating native milkweed Zizote family, prairie milkweed, to restore or
create monarch habitat, preferably in other areas than what is closest to the VLA and
LLCC, because of the potential damage that may occur from falling debris or potential
• SpaceX may also include implementing best management practices to control invasive
plant species. An example of such a measure could be to follow seed recommendations
from the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute. That would allow native species
to choke out any invasives.
• SpaceX is willing to work with various groups, such as Learning Landscapes and
Friends of the Wildlife Corridor to construct some outdoor pollinator gardens and plant
pollinator rich plants. A good contact would be Allen Williams at (956) 460-9864.

3) Develop design specifications and monitoring for resorting, creating, and enhancing roosting
and foraging habitat for piping plovers and red knots.

4) Install non-reflective glass or deterrents to avoid bird collisions with tall structures and glass.

For the Service to be kept informed of actions minimizing or avoiding adverse effects or
benefitting listed species or their habitats, the Service requests notification of the implementation
of any conservation recommendations.


This concludes formal consultation on the SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy Launch Vehicle
Program. As provided in 50 CFR §402.16, reinitiation of consultation is required where
discretionary Federal agency involvement or control over the action has been retained (or is
authorized by law) and if: (1) the amount or extent of incidental take is exceeded; (2) new
information reveals effects of the agency action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in
a manner or to an extent not considered in this opinion; (3) the agency action is subsequently
modified in a manner that causes an effect to the listed species or critical habitat not considered
in this biological opinion or written concurrence; or (4) a new species is listed or critical habitat
designated that may be affected by the action. In instances where the amount or extent of
incidental take is exceeded, any operations causing such take must cease pending reinitiation.

This also concludes the conference for the SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy Launch Vehicle
Program. You may ask the Service to confirm the conference opinion as a biological opinion
issued through formal consultation if the proposed species is listed or critical habitat is
designated. The request must be in writing. If the Service determines there have been no
significant changes in the action as planned or in the information used during the conference, the
Service will confirm the conference opinion as the biological opinion for the project and no
further section 7 consultation will be necessary.

After listing as threatened or endangered and any subsequent adoption of this conference
opinion, the FAA shall re-initiate consultation if: 1) the amount or extent of incidental take is
exceeded; 2) new information reveals effects of the agency action that may affect the species in a
manner or to an extent not considered in the conference opinion; 3) the agency action is
subsequently modified in a manner that causes an effect to the species that was not considered in
this opinion or written concurrences; or 4) a new species is listed or critical habitat designated
that may be affected by the action.

The incidental take statement provided in this conference opinion does not become effective
until the species is listed and the conference opinion is adopted as the biological opinion issued
through formal consultation. At that time, the project will be reviewed to determine whether any
take of the proposed species has occurred. Modifications of the opinion and incidental take
statement may be appropriate to reflect that take. No take of the proposed species may occur
between the listing of the species and the adoption of the conference opinion through formal
consultation, or the completion of a subsequent formal consultation. Although not required, we
recommend that the FAA implement the reasonable and prudent measures and terms and
conditions herein prior to our final listing decision. If the species is subsequently listed,
implementation of reasonable prudent measures and terms and conditions in any conference
opinion adopted as a biological opinion, is mandatory.

Please refer to the consultation number, 02ETCC00-2012-F-0186-R001 in future correspondence

concerning this project. Should you require further assistance or if you have any questions
please contact Dawn Gardiner at (361) 533-6765 or via email at [email protected].


Charles Ardizzone
Field Supervisor


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Appendix A

Appendix A. Concurrences
Species Determination Occurrence Conservation
West May affect, About 90 percent of manatees occur in Florida Educational
Indian but is not but occasionally seen about once every other outreach
Manatee likely to year as they travel from Florida and Mexico program to
adversely heading towards warmer waters for the winter. inform vessel
affect Seagrasses and warm water attract them into operators about
the jetties or ports. Manatees have been spotted manatees in the
within the Action Area in and around South area and why to
Padre Island and Port Isabel in 2004, 2005, avoid them.
2006, 2014, 2018, July 26, South Padre Island.
https://www.mysanantonio.com/lifestyle/travel- Employees will
outdoors/article/Texas-captain-sees-rare- a. be advised
manatee-South-Padre-Island-16345753.php that manatees
The most current occurrences of manatees have may approach
been reported on December 16, and 17, 2021 the proposed
on SPI and another on December 21, 2021 in Action Area, b)
Port Mansfield Harbor Marina. Based on be provided
photographs, it appears the SPI manatee materials, such
reported on the 16th and 17th and the Port as a poster, to
Mansfield manatee are different individuals. assist in
There was also a manatee in Port Aransas that identifying the
had an injured flipper and a manatee was mammal, c) be
rescued from the Houston area earlier. instructed not to
Therefore, five manatees reported in 2021. feed or water
Other sightings have occurred in Corpus Christi the animal, and
and along the upper coast in similar years. d) contact the
More have occurred within the Action Area Service and the
just not been documented. Texas Marine
Potential effects include increased boat traffic Mammal
on launch days, which could result in boat Stranding
strikes, damage to seagrass beds and reduced Network
food source. However, sightings are sporadic (TMMSN) if a
and FAA/SpaceX closure procedure includes manatee is
notification of the Coast Guard to clear boats sighted.
from the area prior to launches, and they are
willing to implement conservation measures to
reduce the effects.
Eastern May affect but is Potential suitable habitat occurs within the If an eastern
black not likely to Action Area and there is a possible presence of black rail
rail adversely affect eastern black rail in Cameron County. Noise was recorded
and human presence from construction and within the
operations may temporarily disturb or displace action are,
eastern black rails and the heat plume could the FAA
injure or kill black rails if it was present within would

0.6 miles of the vertical launch area during a immediately
Starship/Super Heavy launch. Effects to the reinitiate
black rail could be reduced because of a lack of section 7
habitat at and near (within 0.6) the vertical consultation
launch area and there is no recent documented with the
presence of eastern black rain the Action Area. Service.
No recent indication there is breeding in
Cameron County.
South No effect Suitable habitat does not occur within the Action None
Texas Area where construction would occur.
Texas No effect Suitable habitat does not occur within the Action None
ayenia Area where construction would occur.

The FAA determined the Proposed Action may affect but was not likely to adversely affect the
threatened West Indian manatee and eastern black rail. With the implementation of conservation
measures to avoid and minimize potential impacts outlined in the associated SpaceX Starship/Super
Heavy Launch Vehicle Program at the SpaceX Boca Chica Launch Site, Cameron County, Texas,
June 2021 Biological Assessment (BA), amended October 2021, the Service believes potential impacts
are insignificant and discountable and therefore concurs with FAA’s determination of “may affect but
is not likely to adversely affect”. The Service provided this concurrence on October 6, 2021.

The FAA further determined the Proposed Action would have no effect on the endangered South
Texas ambrosia and Texas ayenia. The Service does not provide concurrences with no effect
determinations but by making a determination the Service believes the FAA has complied with section
7(a)(2) of the Act.

Appendix B.
Consultation History

Consultation History

December 18, 2013 – Service transmitted the Final BCO to the FAA for proposed issuance of
FAA launch licenses and or experimental permits to authorize SpaceX to launch falcon 9 and
Falcon Heavy orbital vertical launch vehicles and a variety of reusable suborbital launch vehicles
near Boca Chica, Cameron County, TX.

May 29, 2014 - FAA published the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the SpaceX Texas
Launch Site (EIS) (2014 EIS; FAA 2014a) and Record of Decision (ROD).

SpaceX constructed a Launch and Landing Control Center (LLCC) that consists of the Stargate
Building only, and a Vertical Launch Area (VLA).

The FAA also prepared Written Re-evaluations (WRs) (FAA 2014c, 2017, 2019a, 2019b, 2019c,
2020a, 2020b, and 2020c) to determine if SpaceX modifications to the launch site and operations
fell within the scope of the 2014 EIS. Each WR concluded that the WRs either: 1) did not exceed
the take limit; 2) SpaceX’s modifications conformed to the prior environmental documentation;
3) the data contained in prior environmental documentation remained substantially valid; 4) there
were no significant environmental changes; and 5) all pertinent conditions and requirements of
the prior approvals were met or would be met in the current action at the time. Other than the
2014c WR that adopted the conference opinion for the proposed red knot as a biological opinion
and the 2017 WR for the proposed extension of the security fence, the Service did not concur
with the FAA’s additional six WR determinations and informed FAA/SpaceX the project was
out of compliance with the Service’s 2014 BO and recommended re-initiation of formal

The Service believes there was additional infrastructure constructed and operated at both the
manufacturing and production sites and the VLA than discussed in the 2014 EIS or covered in
the 2013 biological opinion (BO). Structures analyzed at the manufacturing and production site
in the 2013 BO included, launch control center building (14,186 square feet by 30-45 feet in
height), referred here as the current LLCC, two payload processing facilities (each 14,669 square
feet and 65-85 feet in height), launch vehicle processing hanger (30,774 square foot and 50-65
feet tall), two radio frequency transmitter receivers 20 square foot mount, 20 square feet in
diameter and 25 feet high), generators with diesel storage facilities, roads and parking areas (4.86
acres in total), fencing and utilities including water and septic systems (that were to be installed
in the future), a satellite fuels and gas storage facility (20 by 20 feet (400 square feet) and 15 feet
in height) and 1,000 cubic feet of helium storage and 3,000 cubic feet of nitrogen storage. All
additional infrastructure currently on the manufacturing and production site is out of compliance
with the 2013 BO and 2014 EIS. The Service does not consult on or issue incidental take for
after-the-fact actions. We recommended SpaceX apply for a section 10 Habitat Conservation
Plan for any additional development on the manufacturing and production site.

Structures analyzed at the VLA in the 2013 BO included launch pad (17,900 square feet and 50
feet tall), integration and processing hangar (43,200 square feet, 360 feet by 120 feet by 65 feet
high), launch stand with flame duct and mount (not to exceed 200 feet in height), water tower
(250 feet tall, 250,000 gallons), deluge water retention basin, propellant storage and handling

areas (28,550 square feet), workshop (18,800 square feet, 80 feet by 135 feet, 40 feet tall) and
office area (3,200 square feet, 80 feet by 40 feet), parts storage warehouse, road (75,110 square
feet) and parking plus road areas (2.45 acres), fencing security gates (two 6-foot tall by 10 feet in
height, fencing 20 acres), and utilities (1,000-3,000 kilowatts per hour).

In 2019, SpaceX developed the Starship technology as part of the reusable suborbital launch
vehicle classification analyzed in the 2014 EIS. SpaceX is currently testing Starship prototypes
under an existing FAA license (LRLO 20-119) at the launch site as part of its Starship
experimental test program. This involves static fire engine tests and a series of suborbital
launches from just a few inches above ground level to up to 18 miles above ground level. To
support the test operations, SpaceX developed additional infrastructure at the VLA that was not
analyzed under the 2013 BO. The infrastructure that was completed without further section 7
consultation included the integration tower A, orbital pad A, and the parking lot located across
State Highway 4 (SH 4). In the 2020 Draft PEA, the FAA indicated that SpaceX is considering
additional launches (which includes landing for suborbital missions) and reentry locations for the
Starship/Super Heavy program beyond the Boca Chica Launch Site. As stated in the Draft PEA,
such proposals are not yet sufficiently developed for environmental review.

The FAA conducted a public scoping process to determine the scope of the issues for analysis in
preparation of a Draft PEA. The FAA released the Draft PEA for public review on September
17, 2021 and the comment period ended November 1, 2021. Following the close of the public
comment period, the Draft PEA is to be finalized and FAA will either issue a Finding of No
Significant Impact (FONSI), Mitigated FONSI or issue a Notice of Intent to prepare an EIS. On
December 28, 2021, the FAA announced the release date for the SpaceX Starship Super Heavy
Final PEA would be February 28, 2021 instead of December 31, 2021.
December 18, 2013 - The Service issues a Biological and Conference Opinion to FAA and
SpaceX on issuance of FAA launch licenses and/or experiment permits to authorize Space
Exploration Technologies Corporation (SpaceX) to launch Falcon 9 and Falcon heavy orbital
vertical launch vehicles and a variety of reusable suborbital launch vehicles near Boca Chica,
Cameron County Texas.

December 22, 2014 – Letter from FAA requesting the Service to confirm its 2013 conference
opinion as a biological opinion for the red knot as the final rule was issued on December 11,
2014, listing the red knot as threatened under the ESA. They were committed to implementing
the Reasonable and Prudent Measures and associated Terms and Conditions as outlined in the

December 23, 2013 – Letter from FAA to Refuge Manager, South Texas Refuge Complex,
Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge (LRGV NWR) providing a response to the
Refuge’s comments of November 14, 2013, regarding FAA’s Section 4(f) determination for
SpaceX Launch Site project. FAA had determined that the potential impacts from construction
and operations under the Proposed Action would not constitute a constructive use under Section
4(f) and the use of portions of SH4 ROW owned by the Service for installation of an electric
service line constitutes a de minimis impact. They requested concurrence from the Refuge.

January 10, 2014 – Letter to FAA from the Refuge in response to FAA’s December 23, 2013
letter regarding Section 4(f) determinations. The Refuge stated they did not concur with FAA’s
determination that there is no “constructive” use of the Refuge because both adverse and severe
impacts to Refuge public use, management, wildlife, and habitat from the proposed project,
particularly the operational aspects of the project.

April 20, 2015 – Letter to FAA from the Service adopting the BCO as the biological opinion
issued through the formal consultation. If critical habitat is proposed or designated FAA and
SpaceX would reinitiate consultation to analyze changes of the project impacts and if any further
measures were necessary.

June 1, 2015 – Letter from the Service to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) providing
comments on Public Notice, dated May 7, 2015 Permit Application SWG-2012-00381. SpaceX
requested a modification to the permit issued on September 20, 2014. would increase to 5.43
acres. The Service recommended the application not be authorized as proposed, provide more
information on the two proposed impacted areas including size and plan drawings, provide a
clear discussion of the purpose and need, FAA reinitiate consultation to assess the proposed
direct and secondary impacts to piping plovers and their critical habitat, and the USACE provide
analysis of the proposed preservation mitigation plan and discussion of the disparity between
rations under authorized preservation mitigation and the proposed one.

August 11, 2015 - Reimbursable funding and donation agreement between the Service and
SpaceX signed by the Service on 8/11/2015 and SpaceX on 9/15/2015. SpaceX was to provide
advance payment for the direct costs for up to three full-time employees for the Service, 1) law
enforcement individual to patrol and monitor activities associated with Boca Chica and
surrounding refuge areas, 2) supervisory biologist to monitor onshore portion of the project
action area and associated species and 3) a biologist who will assist the supervisor biologist in
monitoring. Individuals were to be employees of the Service and not supervised or directed by
SpaceX. This would ensure effects are monitored and mitigated and avoid conflicts in the life of
the project.

November 4, 2015 – Letter from the Service to USACE regarding Interagency Coordination
Notice (ICN) dated October 14, 2015 for modification requested June 1, 2016 in a PN. SpaceX
had described purpose was needed to create sufficient elevation for flood protection, establish a
perimeter berm for flood protection and security requirements and to stabilize the soil for the
engineering required of construction. The Service recommended a revised stormwater runoff
management plan with description of drainage to the area, revision of the Final Environment
Impact Statement and recommended preserved habitat be transferred to Texas Parks and Wildlife

December 30, 2016 – FAA submitted SpaceX Annual Report via email.

January 25, 2017 – Letter from FAA to Service regarding SpaceX’s application for a nationwide
Permit under Section 4040 of the Clean Water Act to allow the construction of a security fence
and associated security road on TPWD owned land. At the USACE’s request the FAA
reinitiated with the Service. FAA determined SpaceX’s proposal to expand the fence and road at

the VLA would not increase the amount of take specified in the BO and terms and conditions in
the BO would help avoid or minimize potential effects to the ocelot, jaguarundi and piping

June 20, 2017 –The Service recommended SpaceX monitor 500 feet on each side of the fence or
extend the area in yellow to the fence and 500 feet to the west and south of the fence to
document any potential changes in piping plover habitat as it is current performed in the
designate yellow areas on figure in BO outlining monitoring and take.

December 19, 2017 – FAA submitted 2017 annual report for BO via email.

October 16, 2018 – Annual Meeting with SpaceX Texas Annual report for Section 106
compliance. Agenda included SpaceX was to review the annual report, BFS Testing and Written
Re-evaluation and Plan updates and Review cycles, Solar Farm Visibility Study. The solar
arrays had changed from oriented away from the NHL to a southwestern orientation but still not
visible from the National Historical Landmark. The two satellite antennas captured in the image
will be described in the updated Facility Design and lighting Management Plan.

November 5, 2018 – Letter from FAA to the Service regarding SpaceX’s plans for a suborbital
test program and the development of a new rocket (Big Falcon Ship (BFS or Ship) and
experimental vehicle test program. FAA concluded changes to the Texas Launch Site would not
(1) cause effects to ESA-listed species or critical habitat in a manner or to an extent not
considered in the BO or (2) result in an increase in the amount of take of ESA-listed species and
critical habitat provided in the Service’s incidental take statement.

February 19, 2019 – FAA, during a conference call with the Service, committed to reinitiating
section 7 consultation and writing a new NEPA document. No official request was made in

April 3, 2019 - The Service provided written comments on the WR. FAA responded to the
comments on the same letter. The Service recommended the BO should be amended to reflect
the current proposed action and activities. The Service had contacted FAA and SpaceX, via
emails regarding noncompliance; but resolution had not occurred. Night construction had gone
beyond the 2-week period discussed in the BO and should cease and there should not be any
lighting visible over the dunes during sea turtle season and inspections had not been occurring as
outlined in the BO. The May 13, 2014 amendment to the BO was also discussed.

March 23, 2019 – Email to FAA from the Service stating notification system was not being
implemented correctly. No two week notice was being given to agencies. The Service notified
FAA they were out of compliance and future closures should not occur until this was corrected.

April 30, 2019 – Letter from FAA to Service responding to our April 3, 2019 letter and March
28, 2019 and April 5, 2019 emails regarding our concerns about SpaceX’s Starship construction
and operational activities at SpaceX’s Texas Launch site at Boca Chica, TX. They were willing
to address and resolving issues. Attached was a copy of FAA’s November 2018 letter showing
proposed footprint of Starship program. They were preparing a post-construction biological

monitoring plan, requested we review the contact list to provide a two-week notice to the Service
and other entities, SpaceX was committed to providing that two-week notice, STI training
completed, SpaceX provided STI with equipment, future planned closures were anticipated not
to last more than 8 hours, since March 2019 SpaceX had conducted 5 wet dress rehearsals, 2
static fire tests, and one small hop, and looking forward to the site visit on May 8, 2019.

November 29, 2019 – FAA request Service review the Written Re-evaluation (WR) whether
supplemental environmental analyses is need to support FAA’ decision to issue launch licenses
and/or experimental permits to SpaceX for experimental test flights of a reusable suborbital
launch vehicle for the Texas Launch site.

January 31, 2020 – News that an ocelot was documented on camera using a FM 106 wildlife

February 28, 2020 – SpaceX’s Starship SN1 explodes at 10 p.m. and scatters debris over Refuge.

March 2, 2020 – Letter from the Service to FAA responding to the November 29, 2019 request
the Service review the WR for SpaceX’s Texas Launch Site. The experimental test program was
to develop new rockets called the Starship and Super Heavy. FAA concluded that the contents of
the 2014 EIS remained current, substantially valid and that issuance of the launch license or
experimental permit to conduct tests from Texas Launch Site did not require a new EA or EIS.
The Service recommended a new NEPA document (EIS or EA) and Biological Assessment (BA)
be prepared and consultation reinitiated.

March 4, 2020 –On March 3, Refuge Manager for LRGV NWR confirmed via email that
February 28, 2020, at 10 pm during a test firing Starship SN1 had exploded. On February 29,
2020, he and SpaceX staff discussed debris identification, cleanup methods and shorebird nesting
impacts assessment. Largest piece was outside SpaceX fence onto Refuge land and largest pieces
was northwest of the launch site, and smaller pieces were in wetlands south of their launch site.
It wasn’t until March 2nd, that a search for nesting birds as snowy plovers were nesting nearby.
Closure notice inconsistencies, tallying of closure hours, length of closure (5 consecutive days),
security issues and nighttime activities and impacts on species. The Service stated new or
amended BO was needed.
March 25, 2019 – Refuge was concerned that there had been 6 consecutive days of closures not
counting the weekend. FAA was still not following notification rules. SpaceX responded further
testing is planned after this week and the Service stated this may be a good time to discuss how
best to implement conditions and monitoring activities.
April 3, 2019 – The Service commented on the WR that would permit and authorize SpaceX to
launch Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy orbital vertical launch vehicles and a variety of reusable
suborbital launch vehicles. FAA concluded this action conformed to the prior environmental
documentation and supplemental EIS or new document was not necessary. The Service did not
concur with the determination and recommended amendment of the BO.

April 5, 2019 – Email to FAA from the Service that vegetation monitoring may need revisiting,
closures were not being implemented correctly and requested they cease until we could reach
resolution. The Service believed they were out of compliance.
April 30, 2019 – Letter from FAA responding to the Service’s April 3, 2019 letter. FAA felt we
had overlooked a letter dated November 5, 2018, and had never received a response from the
Service. FAA apologized for not providing a two-week notice to the Service and other entities.
Space X was finished with their initial round of test and did not plan to conduct any further
testing within the next two weeks, Sea Turtle, Inc. was to begin survey and FAA was looking
forward to May 8th site visit.
August 9, 2019 – Fire Plan Meeting was held. Participants included the Service FAA, SpaceX
and TPWD. Discussion included post-wildfire report, SpaceX Fire Mitigation and Response
Plan, public notifications, nighttime activity, and closure hours. Later that month Space X
submitted a report that was conducted by UTRG evaluating the damage fire caused.
November 23, 2019 – The Refuge provided pictures from the debris removal efforts with two
high capacity tow trucks, over the ATV barrier, and damage to tidal flat. Further coordination
was held to discuss debris removal now and in the future.
March 9, 2020 – Refuge asking to meet with SpaceX to discuss new explosion that occurred on
February 28, 2002 at 10 pm. Plans to remove the debris by helicopter was not feasible on day
scheduled because of high winds. We discussed using tow trucks to pull it out. They also
discussed the amount of trash scattered around Refuge lands surrounding the SpaceX Launch
May 29, 2020 – Email to FAA from Service informing them that SN4 had exploded The Service
did not have a full report as of yet but assumed debris had fallen on the Refuge again. Reiterated
need for reinitation to start and address these issues. There were videos online that they could
watch the explosion, and get a better sense of the noise that is generated 24/7, night illumination
and traffic issues on SH 4.
June 4, 2020 – FAA responded to TPWD and Service comments on the proposed infrastructure
and modifications at the LLCC and the VLA areas.
June 5, 2020 – SpaceX Texas Launch Site 2020 Update Meeting. Agencies present FAA, NPS,
Service, TPWD, THC, USCG, ACHP and SpaceX. SpaceX presented a PowerPoint presentation.
Other issues discussed were reinitation of Section 106, NEPA process, the rocket engines,
lighting and noise effects, utilities, power plant and Chapters 1 and 2 of the draft NEPA
document with comment form.
December 2, 2020 – Species Monitoring Report received.
December 13, 2020 – FAA’s 2019 Annual Summary Report was received.
June 14, 2021 – The Service forwarded to FAA our comments on the Draft SpaceX PEA. All
comments were submitted on FAA’s matrix as requested. June 21, 2021 – FAA requested
initiation of formal section 7 consultation on the issuance of a launch license to SpaceX at the

Boca Chica Launch Site. Listed species involved the ocelot, jaguarundi, northern aplomado
falcon, piping plover, piping plover critical habitat, red knot, red knot proposed critical habitat,
and all 5 species of sea turtles. They determined a may affect but is not likely to adversely affect
determination on the West Indian manatee and eastern black rail and a no effect determination on
the South Texas ambrosia and Texas ayenia.
June 25, 2021 – Refuge raised concern for migratory bird fallout like we had in 2013 and result
in mortality of birds. With increasing traffic it is of concern and there has been roadkill
documented now. Asked TxDOT if there were any measures such as requesting road closure
during those events. Photos were provided by the Refuge.
July 15, 2021 – The Service did not initiate formal consultation as per their June 21, 2021
request. The Service requested further information and that the BA was incomplete.
July 23, 2021 – FAA forwarded the Facility Design and Lighting Management Plan, Fire
Mitigation ad Response plan, Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Plan, Stormwater
Pollution Prevention Plan, Anomaly Response Plan, Closure Notification Plan, Site Security
Plan, TXDOT Roadway Closure Traffic Control Plan, plus viewshed images and requested
review and feedback by August 6 on the viewshed images and August 23 for plans.
August 23, 2021 – Section 4(f) letter submitted by Refuge to FAA.
August 26, 2021 – Email to FAA from Service regarding road improvements parallel to the
VLA. Refuge was to reach out to reach out to TxDOT on work.
September 7, 2021 – Fire on Brazos Island, at Boca Chica, occurred on September 4th. It burned
approximately 75 acres of State Park and Service land. Ignition was lithium battery in storage
site owned by private company called ASA Spaceflight. They are not associated with NASA but
if not for the presence of SpaceX they would not be there to photograph and remotely sense
SpaceX operations. SpaceX Boca Chica Agency Update Meeting to discuss section 4(f) letters
response to agency comments on Draft PEA, virtual public meeting.
September 10, 2021 – TxDOT requested some criteria we would want to close the road. Were
we looking for number of birds in the area, weather conditions, wind speed or direction,
temperature, etc? Service responded we were in discussions with FAA on closures and would be
looking for criteria that might warrant the road closure.
September 13, 2021 – correspondence
September 15, 2021 – SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy consultation workshop. Reviewed table
that compared 2014 BO project description, conservation measures and terms and conditions vs
what is currently being proposed. Notified FAA that there is an area of salt flats adjacent and
west of the manufacturing facilities that may be starting to vegetate from some runoff from the
production and manufacturing area.
September 19, 2021 – FAA responded to the Refuge’s Section 4(f) letter of August 23 2021.

September 21, 2021 – FAA provided a followup to call with the Service regarding key dates in
the FAA process for SpaceX Boca Chica project. Initiation of consultation October 6,
conclusion of ESA consultation February 18, 2022. Other dates were given for NMFS
consultation, Section 106 consultation, Section 4(f) and site visit on October 5th.
September 23, 2021 – FAA Notice that they will hold two virtual public hearings to solicit
comments from the public concerning the scope and content of the Draft PEA on October 5 and
October 7, 2021. Service requested information from TxDOT on the pullouts, the parking lot
north of SH4, and if there were any suggested ways we could reduce parking along SH 4. A
description of the pullouts and figure was provided to TxDOT at their request.
September 24, 2021 – SpaceX consultant provided a figure depicting locations of wildlife
crossing signs. Service forwarded a picture, provided by TxDOT, of the proposed parking lot
north of SH 4 that had been cleared and being used as a parking lot. We informed FAA we
would not be offering coverage for the construction of the parking lot but only operation.
September 26, 2021 – Inquiry questioned whether a portion of the SpaceX facility at Boca Chica,
Tx. lied within Coastal Barrier Resources System Unit T12. Need to look into.
September 27, 2021 – SpaceX Agency update meeting.
September 29, 2021 – USACE Jurisdiction determinations for launch and solar expansion areas,
Boca Chica Village, Cameron Co, Tx, was a map error and asked that correction was being done
and will be updated.
September 30, 2021 – SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy at Boca Chica- Comment period extended
to November 1, 2021 and new hearing announced for October 15, 2021.
October 5, 2021 – Site visit and meeting FAA and Space X participate in weekly meetings to
work out issues or concerns to complete formal consultation. We were to get revised Final BA
or addendum and other information discussed by October 8, 2021. We would initiate October
October 6, 2021 – We initiated consultation as agreed upon in October 5, 2021 site visit and
meeting. Awaiting revised Final BA by the end of the week. FAA was also setting up weekly
working sessions.
October 13, 2021 – Received amended Final BA.
October 14, 2021 – Letter to FAA from the Service recapping initiation of consultation. We
initiated on October 6th, received amended Final BA on October 13th. The regulatory timeline of
135 days to finalize section 7 was shortened. The Service had reprioritized workloads and
schedules and determined the BO could be completed by December 31, 2021. The shortened
timeline was contingent on maintaining good communication and information flow and no
substantial changes to the PEA or project. We also received photo from aplomado lead at the
Refuge to document female aplomado falcon on the nest structure nearest the SpaceX site in
June 2016, contradicting BA.

October 15, 2021 – Service provided comments to the Office on Environmental Policy and
Compliance Headquarters on our review of FAA Section 4(F) Evaluation and Draft PEA for the
SpaceX Starship Super Heavy Launch Vehicle Program at SpaceX Boca Chica Launch Site in
Cameron County, Texas by the FAA (ER21/0402)
October 18, 2021 – Public Hearing for SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy Project. Written comments
could still be provided, deadline 11/1/2021. SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy at Boca Chica
Launch Site Cooperating Agency Meeting to discuss Draft PEA, Ongoing consultations with
NMFS and Service, NHPA Section 6, DOT Act Section 4(f) and Final PEA.
October 19, 2021 – FAA emailed the amended Programmatic Agreement among the FAA, THC,
NPS, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, SpaceX, USFWS, TPWD regarding the
Construction and Operation of SpaceX Launch Site, Cameron county, Texas.
October 20, 2021 – Public Hearing for SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy Project. Written comments
could still be provided, deadline 11/1/2021. FAA provided a revised BA and Terms and
October 22, 2021 – Reviewed Intra-service section 7 consultation for the Magic Valley Electric
Cooperative realignment of their existing power line to supply power for SpaceX facilities
requiring a Special Use Permit from the Refuge.
October 25, 2021 – SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy at Boca Chica Launch Site ESA Section 7
consultation meeting to discuss proposed action, status of the species, effects, terms and
conditions, who will perform monitoring, and schedule.
October 26, 2021 – Email with Lab Padre Footage of SpaceX staff driving a golf cart or UTV on
the north side of the SH4, west of launch site, as a roadway. Area appears to be tidal flats.
Unsure if TxDOT ROW or Refuge land. FAA requested update from USACE on permit
application, the USACE stated they were still awaiting information requested in their May 21,
2021 letter.
November 1, 2021 – DOI provided FAA comments on the Starship/Super Heavy PEA.
November 2, 2021 – Monarch Butterfly – provided FAA information on the Monarch Butterfly
and asked if FAA and SpaceX were good including it in the BO and if appropriate include some
conservation measures. FAA replied to leave in the draft BCO.
November 4, 2021 – The Service emailed draft language for a term and condition regarding land
acquisition for their review and approval.
November 8, 2021 – FAA provided comments on draft proposed project section. Notified
SpaceX of a video of a UTV using the flats along the north side of SH 4, just west of the launch
site, as a roadway.
November 11, 2021 – Email from the Service to FAA providing a table to discuss on our
Workshop call. The table identified effects and species against proposed terms and conditions.

The purpose of the table was to see if we could identify any effects that did not have any terms
and conditions or conservation measures proposed.
November 15, 2021 – Email from T. Anderson, Service Biologist: SpaceX Community Relations
Newsletter – SpaceX learned little information on aplomado falcons and there were only about
22 nesting pairs in the entire U.S., they are now working on a solar powered Starlink system to
provide 24/7 video coverage of their habitats. This will enhance understanding of aplomado
predators, habitat and diet and can help researchers figure out ways to promote and protect the
raptor. SpaceX also provided comments on Proposed Project and Terms and Conditions
November 18, 2021 – Provided Weekly update to Regional Office, regarding comments to the
Draft PEA, environmental justice, schedule of draft BCO, 4040 permit and 4(f).
December 2, 2021 – Email from FAA requesting update on BO sections for review and offered
assistance from ICF. The Service responded it would be helpful for ICF to update the plans for
lighting, fire, vibrations, closures, hazardous materials, and storm water. The update on BO
sections that had been sent to FAA for review included Project Area, Description of the Action,
Cumulative Effects, and the Effects had been presented in tabular form at last meeting. Status
and Baseline were coming soon. Weekly SpaceX update to Regional Office, working toward
12/31 draft BO release to FAA, but FAA says they are still missing info from SpaceX as well as
USACE is missing need information.
December 3, 2021 – Service emailed FAA the Status of the Species section for their review.
December 6, 2021 – SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy Section 7 Consultation working session.
FAA provided comments on the Cumulative Effects section. Service emailed USACE for update
on SpaceX permit or mitigation proposed. Response from USACE stated they were waiting on
the mitigation plan from SpaceX and a few other minor pieces of information for the project site.
FAA cancelled SpaceX Boca Agency update meeting to focus on responding to comments and
working on consultation issues.
December 9, 2021- Email from the Service to FAA requesting updated plans that will be part of
the BO and would like to receive them by close of business 12/10/2021. Email from E. Reyes
documenting that first ocelot use of wildlife crossing was January 31, 2020 on FM 106 and (H.
Swartz pers comm) had stated 40% of ocelots that have died because of being hit by a car.
Provided Regional Office weekly update.
December 10, 2021 – Service requested status of updated plans. Email response from FAA to the
Service stating they had not received the plans from SpaceX.
December 11, 2021 – Received Nest/False crawl data from Sea Turtle, Inc. for South Padre
Island and Boca Chica Beach.
December 12, 2021 – Email from ICF consultants cancelling SpaceX Boca Chica agency update
meeting because FAA was still responding to comments and working through consultations.

December 13, 2021 – Email from FAA cancelling our scheduled working session for this week
as they were reviewing the plans that SpaceX had sent them on Friday evening, had sent the
piping plover section with their comments and status of the species section would arrive later
that day. Sea Turtle, Inc. provided sea turtle data to assist in calculating take for sea turtles.
Service asked if there was new information to consider in the project description and effects for
the recent version 2.0 of the Raptor rocket engines that are reported to have 30% increased
thrust. SpaceX response: As the efficiency of the Raptor engine increases, the total number of
engines needed to achieve the maximum thrust (74 MN) decreases. So, we can use fewer Raptor
2.0 engines to achieve the same maximum thrust of 74 MN. Even with the use of the Raptor 2.0
engine, the maximum thrust will not exceed 74 MN, which is the maximum thrust identified in
the BA and PEA. Accordingly, the information noted below does not prompt any changes in the
project description or effects.
December 14, 2020 – Data provided by CBBEP with piping plover and red knot from the South
Padre Island convention center flats. Personal communication with D. Newstead that it would be
extremely rare that an Atlantic piping plover wintered in Texas and even if it has even ever been
documented. Refuge staff provided a figure with potential sites for wildlife crossings for ocelot
and wildlife in general. Locations were chosen with proximity to the Rio Grande, suitable
vegetation, elevation and to offer a northern connection to the easement and existing wildlife
crossing across the ship channel along Highway 48.
December 16, 2021 – Emailed FAA, SpaceX and ICF a draft copy of the baseline for their
review and comment. Manatee sighted on South Padre Island, TX (26.075841, 97.164280).
December 17, 2021 – Email from D. Gardner who had conversation with FAA staff. The FAA
staff said FAA cannot have an updated storm water management plan could not be updated
because an updated stormwater management plan as it will not be written for a year or more after
more specific construction details are worked out between SpaceX and the TCEQ for the 401
permit. FAA is issuing their NEPA without construction specifics and we must assume the
maximum take of piping plover habitat and impact minimization measures later. Weekly update
to Regional Office.
December 20, 2021 – SpaceX Starship/Super heavy section 7 consultation working session.
Service requested specific dates for receiving the updated plans.
December 21, 2021 - Manatee reported at Port Mansfield Marina (26.5558899, -97.4288858).
December 22, 2021 – Provided Regional Office SpaceX Weekly Update. Review of preliminary
draft BCO conducted internally. Service emailed SpaceX asking for specific dates for receiving
operation plans. FAA sending Programmatic Agreement. The USACE stated waiting for info
from SpaceX and no mitigation plan provided yet.
Email from SpaceX providing Revised Operational Plans. Revised plans included: Anomaly
Response Plan, Construction SWPPP, Facility Design and Lighting Plan, Fire Mitigation and
Response Plan, Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan, SPCC Plan and Vibration
Monitoring Plan. The following plans have no revisions since the versions transmitted for review

in the Summer: 2019 Unanticipated Discoveries Plan: no revisions since 2019, 2013 Roadway
Closure Traffic Control Plan: no revisions since 2013, Closure Notification Plan and Security
December 27, 2021 – SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy section 7 consultation working session.
SpaceX provided definition of anomaly: Per 14 CFR § 401.7, anomaly means any condition
during licensed or permitted activity that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected,
during the verification or operation of a system, subsystem, process, facility, or support
equipment. They were working on the solar farm figure and would send as soon as complete.
Service provided FAA the Action Area section of the BCO for preliminary comments.
December 28, 2021 – FAA issued a notice updating the release date for the Final PEA from
December 31, 2021 to February 28, 2022 because of they were processing over 18,000 public
December 29, 2021 – SpaceX provided their review and comments of the Environmental
Baseline and Action Area sections plus updated solar farm figure with acreage as requested.
December 31, 2021 – Email to FAA requesting clarification on 14.5 acres upland habitat and
could FAA provide a figure. Also, requested to know if FAA concurred with the USACE’s
jurisdictional determination of 19.12 acres. Service requested an update on the Power Plant as to
location and height of some Power Plant associated structures and additional information on the
solar array infrastructure and potential leaks of hazardous material.
January 2, 2022 – Email response from SpaceX (K. Condell). The 19.12 acres number is the total
number of wetlands that SpaceX delineated and are considered jurisdictional wetlands by the
Corps. We are requesting a permit to fill 17.16 acres of those wetlands. SpaceX is still
developing the wetland mitigation plan and a final plan has not yet been submitted to the Corps.

January 3, 2022 – SpaceX responded regarding the Power Plant. The Plant would generate
approximately 15 MW of power and be approximately 5.4 acres in size. Tallest component
would be the cold box 150 feet tall, remaining air intake, compressors, expanders, reflux tanks,
surge tank and cooling towers would be approximately 20 to 30 feet tall. Weekly SpaceX
Starship/Super Heavy section 7 consultation discussion was held.

January 4, 2022 – SpaceX provided information, requested on Dec. 31, 2021, on solar array
infrastructure as to type of solar panels, batteries and potential hazardous material that could
potentially leak from the batteries and/or panels.

January 6, 2022 – Email and letter submission from TxDOT regarding Space X constructing a
turnaround within the existing TxDOT ROW at the end of the state maintenance on SH 4 and
will also be adding a small parking area for the county approximately 1,120 feet west of the
turnaround. TxDOT conducted a habitat assessment for the work to be conducted by Space X –
this work will is been completed with private and state maintenance funds so section 7 does not
apply. These activities are to begin as soon as possible. Provided update to Regional Office on
weekly SpaceX update.

January 10, 2022 – SpaceX (K. Groom) provided a figure depicting the entire area that was
delineated (19.12) compared to the area within our limits of construction submitted in our
wetland permit (17.16). External SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy Section 7 consultation
discussion and requested additional figures to assist in determining “take” for piping plover and
red knot and critical habitat. The NPS provided FAA o revised 106 materials and plans, and
PEA. Discussion with Regional Director. SpaceX canceled SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy
section 7 consultation working group.

January 11, 2022 – Service requested overlays on the provided figure to assist in determining
acreages of piping plover and red knot CH that would be impacted by the heat plume and or
debris field, including take issued in the 2013 BO. Figures were received January 18, 2022.

January 12, 2022 – FAA was contacted and informed of the proposed TxDOT turnaround. FAA
was to contact TxDOT and discuss the project but their initial thought it was not related to the
issuance of the license.

January 13, 2022 – Weekly SpaceX to Headquarters regarding Draft BO status, solicitor review,
selection of Chris Perez as the Wildlife Specialist to be liaison for all development in the SH 4
corridor including SpaceX. Position was funded by SpaceX through an agreement. Potential
new TxDOT turnaround on SH4 adjacent to VLA.

January 18, 2022 – Anomaly – SpaceX conducted a tank test filled with liquid nitrogen and
pressurized until it failed and ruptured spreading a plume of liquid nitrogen across the VLA and
SH 4. The Service was not notified by SpaceX directly. Attended the weekly FAA SpaceX
Starship/Super Heavy section 7 consultation discussion. The draft BCO will need to go through
internal Service review and solicitor review. Still attempting to provide Draft BCO for FAA by
January 31st.

January 19, 2022 - The Service was notified by TPWD of the anomaly of January 18, 2022 and
provided a You Tube link. SpaceX (R. Faught) emailed the Service (C. Perez) of potential
impact to nearby vegetation from the liquid nitrogen plume. Liquid nitrogen is about -300
degrees F. SpaceX informed the Service that TPWD had reached out to TCEQ since the spill of
liquid nitrogen appeared to be a reportable quantity. TCEQ was not aware the incident and had
not received notification on January 18 nor January 19th. TCEQ Emergency Response staff was
contacting SpaceX’s Environmental Manager Leonardo Alaniz for additional information.
SpaceX requested if someone from Refuge could go inspect vegetation. Chris Perez went out.
His summary was that the take was the tank was tethered so there was no debris flying onto the
refuge. He noticed some browned color on the leaves of mangroves across SH 4 near the flats
but could not determine if it was caused this particular anomaly. He did not observe any other
visible damage to the flats just north of the road. He provided photos to SpaceX.

January 20, 2022 – Provided Service Headquarters with weekly SpaceX update. Refuge staff
email to SpaceX regarding onsite visit to discuss progress on bollards and cables, potential
actions that might help reduce impacts or contain future debris and/or gas escapements. Some of
those actions included the addition of a wall along the northern pad site. And funding academia

to study way to restore wind tidal flats. Chris Perez also requested SpaceX email/notify him right
away to keep consistent with the Anomaly Response Plan.

January 24, 2022 – SpaceX section 7 weekly consultation workshop meeting.

February 7, 2022 – SpaceX section 7 weekly consultation workshop meeting.

February 14, 2022 - SpaceX section 7 weekly consultation workshop meeting.

February 22, 2022 – SpaceX section 7 weekly consultation workshop meeting.

February 25, 2022 – Letter to FAA regarding documentation of agreed upon extensions.

February 28, 2022 – Draft BCO sent to FAA for review and comment.

Appendix C
Memorandum of Agreement
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Space Exploration Technologies Corporation

Appendix D
Noise Assessment

(Please refer to Appendix B in FAA’s Programmatic Environmental Assessment)

Appendix E
NMFS Concurrence Letter

Appendix F.


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