Minni Criminal Complaint

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Ralph Minni, a USPS employee, is accused of drug trafficking and conspiracy involving marijuana and cocaine out of the Greece Branch Post Office where he works. Video evidence and an investigation by law enforcement provides support for these accusations.

Ralph Minni is accused of possession with intent to distribute marijuana, a Schedule I controlled substance, and conspiracy to possess and attempt to possess with intent to distribute marijuana and 500 grams or more of cocaine, a Schedule II controlled substance, in violation of federal drug laws.

The affidavit provides evidence obtained from video surveillance cameras inside and around the Greece Branch Post Office as well as Minni's office that show him handling suspected drug packages and removing items from the post office in a suspicious manner. Information was also obtained from a GPS tracker on Minni's vehicle.

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AO 91 (Rev. 11/11) Criminal Complaint


for the
Western District of New York

United States of America )

V. )
) Case No. 22-MJ-572

l, the complainant in this case, state that the following is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
On or about the date(s) of on or about May 2018 to April 2022 in the county of Monroe in the
Western District of ---------
New York , the defendant(s) violated:

Code Section Offense Description

Title 21, United States Code, Possession with the intent to distribute, and to distributed marijuana, a
Sections 841 (a)(1), (b)(1)(B). Schedule I controlled substance, and conspiracy and attempting to possess
(b)(1 )(C), and 846 with the intent to distribute, and to distribute, marijuana, a Schedule I
controlled substance, and 500 grams or more of cocaine, a Schedule II
controlled substance

This criminal complaint is based on these facts:

See the attached affidavit of USPS-OIG Special Agent Brendan M. Boone.

� Continued on the attached sheet.

Complainant's signature

Brendan M. Boone, Special Agent, USPS-OIG

Printed name and title

Sworn to telephonically by the affiant.

Date: April 15, 2022

Judge 's signature

City and state: Rochester, New York Hon. Mark W. Pedersen, U.S.M.J.
Printed name and title
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I, Brendan M. Boone, being duly sworn, state as follows:

1. I am a Special Agent with the United States Postal Service (USPS), Office of

Inspector General (OIG), in Buffalo, New York, and have been so employed since April 2020.

Before my hiring with the USPS OIG, I was employed as a Special Agent with the United

States Secret Service assigned to the Washington, D.C. Field Office for over 3 years. My

current duties include investigating allegations of fraud, waste, and abuse in matters involving

the USPS. I am currently assigned to investigate allegations of mail theft committed by USPS

employees or contractors. I have completed the Criminal Investigator Training Program at

the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Brunswick, Georgia. I have also received

additional training covering various topics, including interviewing, legal issues, search

warrants, investigative techniques, and fraud investigations. I have received specialized

training regarding internal mail theft, mail processing, and schemes and techniques employed
by internal mail thieves. In the course of my law enforcement career, I have conducted or

participated in numerous types of investigations, including counterfeit United States currency,

financial crimes, embezzlement, identity theft, fraud, delay and destruction of mail, mail

theft, and narcotics.

2. This affidavit is made in support of a Criminal Complaint charging RALPH

MINNI (MINNI) with possession with the intent to distribute, and to distribute marijuana, a
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Schedule I controlled substance, in violation of 21 U.S.C. §§ 84l(a)( l ) and (b)( l )(C), and

conspiracy to possess and attempt to possess with the intent to distribute, and to distribute,

marijuana, a Schedule I controlled substance, and 500 grams or more of cocaine, a Schedule

II controlled substance, in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 84l(a)( l ), (b)( l )(B), (b)( l )(C), and 846.

3. The facts set forth in this affidavit are based on my personal knowledge

obtained through my participation in this investigation, my review of Federal Bureau of

Investigation (FBI) affidavits submitted to this court, my review of reports and documents

prepared by the USPS OIG and FBI, my review of lawfully installed closed circuit television

(CCTV) cameras inside and around the Greece Branch Post Office (GPO), my review of

lawfully installed CCTV cameras inside MINNI'S office at the GPO, information obtained

from a global positioning system (GPS) device on MINNI'S vehicle, my review of

information obtained from internal USPS databases available to USPS OIG Special Agents;

my review of information from USPS OIG databases and reports, information obtained from

USPS employees, and knowledge obtained from other law enforcement agents involved in

this investigation. Because this affidavit is submitted for the limited purpose of establishing

probable cause for the requested warrant, this affidavit does not set forth all of my knowledge

regarding this matter. Rather, I have set forth only those facts I believe are necessary to

establish probable cause to show MINNI violated 21 U.S.C. § 84l(a)( l ), and 21 U.S.C. § 846.


4. The USPS OIG and the FBI Buffalo Division, Rochester Resident Agency have

conducted an investigation into the drug trafficking activities of MINNI and others known to

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this investigation. MINNI is the station manager of the GPO located at 3245 Latta Road,

Rochester, NY 14612 and has been employed by the USPS since 1998. The investigation to

date has revealed that MINNI is using his position and facilities for the purpose of obtaining

quantities of narcotics, and is then distributing the narcotics to other co-conspirators. The

investigation has also shown that MINNI has obtained narcotics directly through the USPS

mail stream and distributed the narcotics with the assistance of USPS employees and other

individuals. To this end, one of the USPS employees who has assisted MINNI is GRACE

LOPEZ (LOPEZ). Finally, the investigation has indicated that MINNI was supplied by an

unknown source in California and that MINNI may be supplying other postal employees

within the Western District of New York with narcotics.



5. Confidential Source One (hereinafter, "CS-1 ") has provided information to law

enforcement as an anonymous caller and concerned citizen. On February 24, 2018, the

Monroe County Public Safety Department received an anonymous tip regarding MINNI.

CS-1 advised MINNI resides at 12 Kimbrook Circle, Rochester, New York, and that he is

employed as a USPS manager. CS-1 also advised MINNI is Caucasian and that he owns a

black Chrysler 300 and a white Ford F lS0 Roush. CS-1 stated MINNI sells cocaine and

marijuana and that, specifically, he supplies it to an individual who in turn sells the narcotics.

An FBI Special Agent contacted CS-1 via telephone on or about June 11, 2018, and CS-I

confirmed all of the details he/she had provided over the internet tip site. Additionally, CS-

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1 advised the people who are involved in MINNI's narcotics business know him as "Joe" and

not as Ralph.

6. The FBI established the credibility of CS-1 through law enforcement databases,

surveillances, and other facts presented in this affidavit. My review of a USPS OIG database

confirmed MINNI is the station manager of the GPO in Greece, New York; Rochester, New

York Police Department reports obtained and reviewed by the FBI indicate MINNI has used

the name "Joe" when patronizing prostitutes in order to maintain confidentiality with his

family; at the time of CS-l's reporting, an FBI Special Agent queried the eJusticeNY

Integrated Justice Portal and determined MINNI was the registered owner of a black Chrysler

300 and a white Ford F l50 Roush. Law enforcement agents have observed both of these

vehicles parked in the driveway overnight at 12 Kimbrook Circle on numerous occasions.

Members of the investigative team began conducting physical surveillance in and around 12

Kimbrook Circle in May 2018 and have intermittently conducted physical surveillance in this

area through the present date. In June 2018, FBI agents initiated CCTV coverage in the area

of 12 Kimbrook Circle. This coverage has been viewed by the FBI on an almost daily basis

and has continued through the present date. In addition, my review of CCTV footage in and

around the GPO has confirmed MINNI utlizes a white Ford F l50 Roush pick-up truck on a

daily basis.

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7. Confidential Source Three (hereinafter, "CS-3") has provided information to

the RFD and the ATP since May 29, 2018 and to the FBI since June 22, 2018. CS-3 continues

to cooperate with all three agencies. 1 The following is a summary of some of the information

provided by CS-3 to the investigative team regarding this investigation:

a. On May 29, 2018, CS-3 advised a member of the investigative team that

LOPEZ is an employee of the Henrietta USPS station2. CS-3 also stated LOPEZ told CS-3

she [LOPEZ] can obtain ten pounds of marijuana through the mail every day.

b. On August 9, 2018, CS-3 met with LOPEZ at LOPEZ's residence, 365

Rosewood Terrace, Rochester, New York. While at her residence, LOPEZ took CS-3 to her

garage and showed him/her a bullet proof vest and some kind of protective helmet. LOPEZ

told CS-3 that her friend at the post office told her that he knows he is being watched and that

he had given her these items to get rid of. LOPEZ also advised that her friend at the post

office had all of his guns shipped to an ex-girlfriend or ex-wife in Texas because he fears that

he is being watched. Further, LOPEZ stated that this same friend had just gotten a $30,000.00

shipment of narcotics. Finally, LOPEZ showed CS-3 that she had two pounds of marijuana

that she is selling for $1,900.00 per pound.

CS-3 has pleaded guilty to a federal narcotics distribution charge and related federal firearms
charge, and has provided information to the RPD, the ATF, and the FBI in return for
consideration at sentencing. CS-3 also has a prior misdemeanor conviction for unauthorized
use of a motor vehicle. CS-3 has known LOPEZ for several years and has provided
information about her that has been corroborated by multiple sources and techniques. Since
the start of this investigation, CS-3 has also conducted 8 (eight) controlled purchases of
marijuana from LOPEZ and recorded the conversations with LOPEZ during and leading up
to these transactions. CS-3 has also conducted two (2) controlled purchases of firearms from
LOPEZ as well. For these reasons, your affiant believes CS-3 to be credible.
My review of a USPS OIG database confirms LOPEZ is a USPS employee, assigned
to the Rochester Processing and Distribution Center, 1335 Jefferson Road, Rochester, NY
since 2016.
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c. On August 24, 2018, CS-3 advised the FBI that "Ralph" is LOPEZ'S boyfriend

who works at the United States Post Office and provides her with quantities of marijuana to

sell. CS-3 advised "Ralph" is 48 years old and drives a pick-up truck.

d. On August 31. 2018, CS-3 recorded a conversation with LOPEZ in which

LOPEZ discussed the fact that l\1INNI is scared and has temporarily stopped distributing

narcotics. LOPEZ stated, "In December nothing happens to him I think he'll probably start

trying to like, he says a year, but I think the money pressure will get to him eventually where

he'll come back out." She then stated, "You got all that work and you can't move it. He's

stuck right now cause he's afraid." In the same conversation the following exchange occurred

between LOPEZ and CS-3:

CS-3: He's movin' it through the mail, huh?

LOPEZ: Thirty pounds or more at once. It wasn't under his name or anything.

He says they don't have anything. He donated- I went with him to the gun club - mad bullets.

At least $10,000.00 worth. It's all tactical, not deer hunting. Protecting himself.

e. On November 27, 2018, CS-3 met with LOPEZ and recorded the

meeting. During this meeting, LOPEZ and CS-3 discussed, among other things, the logistics

of receiving packages of narcotics. CS-3 asked LOPEZ how "Ralph" did it and she stated
that she never asked him how he did it. She stated further that if he got indicted, it wouldn't

affect her or her job. Later in the conversation, LOPEZ told CS-3 that he (meaning MINNI)

doesn't have friends in the "feds" but that MINNI was alerted casually. She explained that a

friend of MINNI'S was talking to some individuals who revealed that there was an

investigation on someone in the Greece Post Office. This friend in tum told MINNI and

MINNI said, "oh shit everything's cut the fuck off."

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f. On January 12, 2019, CS-3 contacted a member of the investigative

team and advised CS-3 spoke with LOPEZ, who told CS-3 MINNI had started selling

narcotics again. LOPEZ further told CS-3 that MINNI is trying to impress a new girl at the

post office and needs to get his money flowing again.

g. On January 28, 2019, CS-3 contacted a member of the investigative

team and advised LOPEZ had just used Face Time to show CS-3 a quantity of marijuana that

she had available to sell. The quantity was approximately one pound. She also advised that

the pound of marijuana was from MINNI.

h. On March 13, 2019, CS-3 contacted a member of the investigative team

and advised CS-3 had just spoken to LOPEZ and that LOPEZ told CS-3 that MINNI is

getting marijuana from California for $1,000.00 a pound.

1. On March 25, 2019, CS-3 met with LOPEZ and recorded the meeting. During

the meeting, CS-3 asked LOPEZ whether MINNI would meet directly with CS-3 for the

purpose of engaging in narcotics transactions. Among other things, LOPEZ stated, "He only

fuckin with the people he knows for sure wouldn't be out there, and that is after months and

months of not selling anything. He did almost ten months without selling anything." She

further indicated that MINNI would not be likely to introduce anyone "new to the circle."

J. On June 11, 2019, CS-3 contacted a member of the investigative team and

advised LOPEZ indicated to CS-3 that MINNI had just received a quantity of marijuana

through the mail and that they were ready to sell CS-3 pound quantities of marijuana.

k. On July 15, 2019, CS-3 contacted a member of the investigative team and

advised LOPEZ had just told CS-3 that MINNI had just received a fresh shipment of

marijuana and that MINNI is expecting CS-3 to make a purchase.

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1. On January 17, 2020, CS-3 contacted a member of the investigative team and

advised he/she had just communicated with LOPEZ. LOPEZ advised CS-3 that she and

MINNI want to buy a kilogram of cocaine from CS-3 and that they are considering giving
CS-3 an address to which CS-3 can have his/her suppliers ship the cocaine directly. LOPEZ

also advised that MINNI had just received four pounds of marijuana.

8. The controlled purchases that follow as described occurred between CS-3 and

LOPEZ. This investigation and the facts communicated in this affidavit have established that
although the purchases were made directly from LOPEZ, her source of supply for the

marijuana was :MINNI.

August 15, 2018

9. Paragraph 7(b) above describes a meeting between CS-3 and LOPEZ at

LOPEZ's residence, 365 Rosewood Terrace. During this meeting on August 9, 2018, LOPEZ
showed CS-3 two pounds of marijuana and told CS-3 that she is charging $1,900.00 per


10. On Wednesday, August 15, 2018, at the direction of the investigating team,

CS-3 contacted LOPEZ via telephone and arranged to meet her at her residence to purchase

a pound of marijuana. The investigative team conducted a surveillance and observed CS-3

arriving at 365 Rosewood Terrace. In and around the same time that CS-3 arrived at LOPEZ's

residence, a consensually monitored video device captured LOPEZ standing on the porch of

365 Rosewood Terrace. While at LOPEZ's residence, CS-3 purchased a pound of marijuana

from LOPEZ for $1,900.00. During this transaction, LOPEZ made the following statement,

"Let me connect with this dude today and give him the money and see what he says". After

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the transaction was complete, CS-3 departed the residence. Surveilling agents then observed

LOPEZ leaving her residence five minutes after the departure of CS-3. Pen register coverage

reviewed by the FBI of 585-831-2185, a phone number used by MINNI at the time of the

controlled purchase, indicated a series of three text messages between MINNI and 585-397-

2914 which were initiated within 20 minutes ofLOPEZ's departure from her residence. The

investigation had determined 585-397-2914 was a telephone number used by LOPEZ, as it is

the same number that CS-3 used to coordinate the purchase from LOPEZ. Following two

brief stops along the way, LOPEZ arrived at 12 Kimbrook Circle, exited her black Honda and

walked to the house. Approximately two hours later, CCTV coverage in the area ofMINNl'S

residence captured MINNI and LOPEZ exiting 12 Kimbrook Circle, entering MINNI'S

Chrysler 300, and departing the area.

11. On this same date, agents took custody of the marijuana from CS-3. It had a

total package weight of 1.65 pounds to include all packaging. It was leafy green in appearance

and smelled like marijuana.

May 11, 2019

12. On May 11, 2019, CS-3 contacted a member of the investigative team and

advised that he/she had just received a call from LOPEZ. LOPEZ told CS-3 that MINNI

has four pounds of marijuana ready for CS-3 to purchase once she gets out of work. LOPEZ

contacted CS-3 again and advised him/her that she wanted CS-3 to go to her house to make

the purchase because she already had the marijuana there. Agents met with CS-3 at

approximately 3:00 PM. on this date and directed him/her with detailed instructions how to

complete the controlled purchase with LOPEZ. Agents also put a recording device on CS-3

and provided him/her with $8,600.00 for the purchase. Each pound of marijuana was

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$1,900.00 and LOPEZ wanted an additional $1,000.00 for her role in securing MINNI as a

source of supply for the marijuana.

13. On May 11, 2019, at 3:10 p.m., agents initiated surveillance in the vicinity of

LOPEZ's residence, 365 Rosewood Terrace, Rochester, NY. At 3:24 p.m., agents observed

CS-3's vehicle tum into the driveway of 365 Rosewood Terrace. At 3:36 p.m., agents

observed CS-3's vehicle departing from 365 Rosewood Terrace. At 3:53 p.m., agents

observed LOPEZ departing the area in a black Chrysler 300 bearing New York plates FSX

26103 • At 4:22 p.m., agents observed this vehicle pulling into the driveway of 12 Kimbrook


14. Continuing on May 11, 2019, members of the investigative team met with CS-

3 and took custody of the marijuana from CS-3. The marijuana was packaged in four

individually wrapped quantities and appeared to be a green and leafy substance with a strong

marijuana odor. The marijuana was packaged in Food Saver clear bags and had a total

package weight of 2.38 kilograms, which is approximately 5.23 pounds.

June 13, 2019

15. On June 11, 2019, CS-3 advised a member of the investigative team that he/she
had just spoken to LOPEZ and that LOPEZ and MINNI were ready to sell pounds of

marijuana to CS-3. CS-3 thought LOPEZ indicated that MINNI had just received six (6)

pounds in the mail.

16. On June 13, 2019, agents met with CS-3 and provided him/her with detailed

instructions on how to conduct the controlled purchase of four pounds of marijuana from

LOPEZ. Agents provided CS-3 with a body recorder and $8,600.00 for the purchase.

On this date, this vehicle was registered to MINNI, 12 Kimbrook Circle.
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17. On June 13, 2019, at 3:45 p.m., surveillance was initiated in the vicinity of 365

Rosewood Terrace. At 4:23 p.m., agents observed CS-3's vehicle turning onto Rosewood

Terrace. At 4:46 p.m., agents observed CS-3's vehicle departing the vicinity of 365 Rosewood

Terrace. At 5: 10 p.m., LOPEZ was observed in her black Honda Accord leaving the vicinity

of 365 Rosewood Terrace. At 5:38 p.m., agents observed LOPEZ's vehicle parked in the

driveway of 12 K.imbrook Circle.

18. On June 13, 2019, agents met with and took custody of the marijuana from CS-

3. The marijuana was packed in four individual vacuum sealed Food Saver bags and enclosed

in a cardboard box. The picture and detailing of the cardboard box indicated that it had

originally contained an "Ion Sport" portable speaker. The marijuana appeared green and


19. After a member of the investigative team reviewed CCTV footage from the

vicinity of 12 Kimbrook Circle, the following observations were made:


MINNI and LOPEZ arrived at 12 K.imbrook Circle in the black

Chrysler 300. MINNI retrieved a box from the trunk and they both
06/10/19 7:11 PM
walked to the front of the house. The box was identical to the Ion

Sport portable speaker box that the marijuana was contained in.

LOPEZ pulled into MINNI's driveway. MINNI exited his residence,

10:47 walked to his white F l 50 and gets a large brown box out of the back
AM driver's seat. He then returned to his residence through the side garage


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21. On March 13, 2020, agents met with CS-3 and provided him/her with detailed

instructions regarding the controlled purchase of two pounds of marijuana from LOPEZ.

Agents placed a recording device on CS-3 and provided CS-3 with $4,600.00 for the purchase.

22. On March 13, 2020, surveillance was initiated in the vicinity of the Seneca Park

Zoo. Additionally, members of the investigative team were watching CCTV coverage of 12

Kimbrook Circle. At 4:53 p.m., LOPEZ exited MINNl's residence, 12 Kimbrook Circle,

carrying a brown box and entered her Honda Accord and departed from the residence. At

5:09 p.m., agents observed LOPEZ park her vehicle alongside CS-3's vehicle and enter the

vehicle. At 5:37 p.m., agents observed LOPEZ exit CS-3's vehicle and enter her Honda

Accord. At 5:45 p.m., agents observed LOPEZ departing the Seneca Park Zoo area. Upon

reviewing CCTV coverage after the surveillance was terminated, agents observed LOPEZ

arriving back at 12 Kimbrook Circle at 6:12 p.m. LOPEZ exited her vehicle and walked to

the residence with a dark bag.

23. On March 13, 2020, agents took custody of the marijuana from CS-3. The

marijuana was packaged in two clear Ziploc baggies inside of a brown cardboard USPS box.

The total package weight was 2.3 kilograms and the marijuana was green and leafy and had

a strong marijuana odor.

24. Members of the investigative team reviewed CCTV coverage in and around the

GPO from March 11, 2020, and observed the following:

9:08 a.m. l\11NNI carries what appears to be a white priority box into his office

and within a minute exits his office without the box.

9:09 a.m. l\11NNI returns to his office.

9:10 a.m. l\11NNI leaves his office with the white priority box.

9:13 a.m. MINNI returns to his office with an empty tan/brown box.

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9:14 a.m. MINNI leaves his office with a sealed tan/brown box. The box appears

to be identical to the one he had brought into his office that was empty.

9:14:51 a.m. MINNI carries the tan/brown box to his vehicle and places it in his


11 :00 a.m. MINNI departs the GPO in his truck.

25. An FBI Special Agent reviewed CCTV coverage from March 11, 2020, that

was recorded in the vicinity of 12 Kimbrook Circle, which showed MINNI arriving home at

11:04 a.m. and carrying a box to his residence. An FBI Special Agent also reviewed a pen

register on MINNI'S phone, 585-794-1681, from that same day and determined there were

six contacts, all of which were voice calls, between 585-794-1681 and LOPEZ's phone (585-

397-2914), from 7:06 am to 4:34 pm.


26. On August 2, 2018, members of the investigative team seized trash placed at

the curb for collection from MINNI's residence, 12 Kimbrook Circle, Rochester, New York.

Among the items seized were the following: one "Shield N Seal" storage package with small
amounts of a green leafy substance which field tested positive for the presence of marijuana;

one empty "Shield N Seal" storage package that smelled like marijuana; one handwritten

ledger containing nine names and various numbers adjacent to each name.

27. On October 31, 2019, members of the investigative team seized trash placed at

the curb for collection at 12 Kimbrook Circle, Rochester, New York. Among the items seized

by agents were the following: one USPS Parcel Select Box; one USPS Priority Mail Envelope;

one UPS Express Pad Pak; one USPS Medium Box; one thin rectangular brown box; four

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FoodSaver clear rectangular storage bags that had been cut open; two Ziploc Vacuum Sealed

System clear bags that has been cut open; three smaller FoodSaver clear storage bags that had

been cut open. Based upon my training and experience and my knowledge of and

participation in this investigation, and the evidence collected above, I believe MINNI was

discarding marijuana packaging from marijuana shipments that MINNI received from his

supplier in the U.S. Mail stream. CCTV footage from the GPO as well as at MINNI'S

residence has often captured MINNI departing the post office with cardboard boxes and

arriving at his residence with boxes only minutes later.

28. On May 21, 2020, members of the investigative team seized the trash from 12

Kimbrook Circle, Rochester, New York. Among the items seized by the team were the

following: one cardboard shipping box; two FoodSaver clear freezer bags both of which had

a marijuana odor. Based upon my training and experience and my knowledge of and

participation in this investigation, and the evidence collected above, I believe MINNI was

discarding marijuana packaging from marijuana shipments that MINNI received from his



29. On January 22, 2021, CS-3 conducted a controlled purchase of approximately

two (2) pounds of marijuana from LOPEZ. The meeting between LOPEZ and CS-3 was

consensually recorded. During the meeting, LOPEZ advised that she and Ralph [MINNI]

were traveling to California in June to meet with his supplier. LOPEZ stated Ralph is going

to grab "mad shit" during this trip. Furthermore, during this meeting, CS-3 told LOPEZ that

he/ she needed a way to move cocaine up to Rochester without losing it. In response, LOPEZ

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told the CHS that he/she could send the box to her house and that Ralph [MINNI] would

tell her if they are watching her.

30. On January 23, 2021, CS-3 contacted an FBI Special Agent via telephone and

advised that he/she had spoken to LOPEZ again about the shipment of cocaine through the

GPO. LOPEZ told CS-3 that Ralph [MINNI] is willing to have it shipped through his branch

station (the GPO) to provide a degree of protection once it arrives in Rochester. LOPEZ and

CS-3 agreed that LOPEZ and Ralph [MINNI] would get $5,000.00 for each shipment that

came through the GPO. LOPEZ further advised that she would be seeing Ralph [MINNI]

later in the day and would firm things up with him.

31. On January 25, 2021, CS-3 met with LOPEZ at her residence, 130 Afton Street,

Rochester, New York 14612, and recorded the meeting, reviewed by a member of the

investigative team. LOPEZ discussed how drug packages come through MINNI'S office, the

Greece Station, and how he grabs the packages from the station. She made it clear MINNI

does not have control over the drug package until it reaches his station but that once it reaches

his station there is no risk ofit being seized or of him getting caught in a sting by the inspectors.

She stated "Ralph's [MINNI'S] packages have gotten seized before. So, it doesn't have to do

with Ralph being able to have a set up where his packages don't specifically get seized. At

the end of the day, he has no control over any of this shit until the package gets to his station."

LOPEZ directed CS-3 to tell his/her suppliers to send the shipment of cocaine to her address

and mail destined for her residence goes through the GPO. She also told CS-3 to use either

"Richard Hampton" or'-----' Hampton as the addressee (Your affiant has purposely omitted

the second name LOPEZ provided because it is the name of her minor son). LOPEZ went

on to explain "Richard Hampton" is the name of the father of her child, and if anyone caught

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Ralph removing the package from the station, he [MINNI) could just say that he knew it was

going to LOPEZ (his girlfriend at the time) and that he was going to drop it off to her. LOPEZ

also made the following statement: "We were talking about whether there were other

addresses we could send it to because I was definitely not comfortable with mine but he

[MINNI] tried to make me feel safe about it, so. We were gonna say that if they seize the

package with my shit on it, I was gonna be like 'My baby's dad must uh, you know, doing

some crazy ass shit cause I don't know why he would put my son's, you know what I mean,

like some story we was gonna come up with." Finally, LOPEZ made the following two

statements: "My address goes to his station. The carrier we have on there, she's, she'd be like

'hey, here ya go'.", and "He's gonna grab it and bring it to me. Ralph is grabbing it from the


32. On February 23, 2021, CS-3 and LOPEZ exchanged text messages in which

LOPEZ advised she was back in town, and CS-3 replying "Good, they dropping it in the mail

tonight." LOPEZ replied, "Perfect." That same day, at the direction of an FBI Special Agent,

an undercover employee mailed a box with an approximate total weight of 2 lbs 12 oz to'---­

' Hampton, 130 Afton Street, Rochester, New York 14612. The package was described as a

cardboard box containing fake narcotics, specifically fake cocaine. These exchanges were

relative to the plan discussed in paragraphs 29 through 31 for shipping a package of cocaine

through the GPO to LOPEZ'S residence.

33. On February 25, 2021, the package of fake cocaine was delivered to the main

processing center in Rochester, New York and was then transported to the GPO. At 9:39

a.m., CCTV camera footage in and around the GPO captured MINNI take a box into his

office. At 9:48 a.m., LOPEZ entered MINNI'S office. At 9:49 a.m., MINNI and LOPEZ

Case 6:22-mj-00572-MJP Document 1 Filed 04/15/22 Page 19 of 30

exited MINNI's office, with LOPEZ now carrying the box. At 11:14 a.m., LOPEZ pulled

her vehicle alongside CS-3's vehicle at the Fastrac, 375 West Ridge Road, Rochester, New

York 14615. LOPEZ then entered CS-3's vehicle. At 11: 18 AM, LOPEZ exited CS-3's

vehicle and departed. At 11 :24 AM, a member of the investigative team took possession of

the box from CS-3. This box was the identical box shipped by the undercover employee from

Los Angeles on Febuary 23, 2021. The meeting between CS-3 and LOPEZ was recorded and

reviewed by a member of the investigative team. During the meeting, CS-3 paid LOPEZ

$5,000.00 and LOPEZ provided the box to CS-3. As soon as she [LOPEZ] entered CS-3's

vehicle she stated the following, "I am fucking pissed not only that but there is two (2) in there

and not one (I) and he knows that shit. Don't do that, I'm dead ass fucking serious. You told

me one (1), that's what I told him. That's the risk he was willing to take. He was like, 'this

is not one, Grace.' He wants me and him to get paid $5,000.00. And he don't like the way

you packaged it." Based on my training and experience, and my knowledge of and

participation in this investigation, I believe that LOPEZ's statements about how there were

"two in there and not one", and that LOPEZ and MINNI were expecting "one," "one

and "two" refer to one and two kilograms of cocaine.



34. As described above, MINNI has been observed on numerous occasions

throughout this investigation at the GPO via CCTV footage removing packages from the post

office floor and taking them into his assigned office. Later, he emerges with a package -

sometimes one that appears to have been repackaged- and takes the item to his personal

Case 6:22-mj-00572-MJP Document 1 Filed 04/15/22 Page 20 of 30

vehicle in the GPO parking lot before departing the GPO in his vehicle immediately or shortly

thereafter. There is no apparent legitimate business reason for these actions, and postal

records show that on days referenced below when l\1INNI engaged in this conduct, no parcels

were being delivered to l\1INNl'S residence. l\1INNI'S residence falls within the delivery

responsibilities covered by the GPO.

35. On May 15, 2021, CCTV in the vicinity of the Greece Station captured MINNI
taking a priority box into and out of his office. Further, it appeared that the box was wrapped

in a white plastic bag. The FBI's review of the GPS tracker on MINNI's vehicle indicated

MINNI arrived at the GPO at 6:24 AM and returned to 12 Kimbrook Circle directly from the

GPO at 9:54 AM. Later that morning, CCTV in the vicinity of 12 Kimbrook Circle and

captured MINNI returning to his residence at 9:54 AM. MINNI retrieved a package from

the rear compartment of his vehicle an took it to his residence. The package consisted of a

white plastic bag with a solid object inside which appeared to be a rectangular box. On May

16, 2021, at 3:21 PM, a black Chevy Avalanche identical to one driven by a known co­

conspirator arrived at 12 Kimbrook Circle. The white male driver, believed to be the known

co-conspirator, walked to the house. At 3:38 p.m., l\1INNI and the co-conspirator, carrying

a white bag, walked to the driveway where upon the white bag was put into the driver's

compartment of the Avalanche prior to departing. Based upon my participation and

knowledge of the investigation, I believe MINNI secured a package containing narcotics from

the GPO on May 15, 2021. MINNI then transported the package to his residence and on May

16, 2021, MINNI conducted a narcotics transaction with a co-conspirator at his residence.

36. On January 20, 2022, at 7:27 a.m., CCTV coverage in the GPO captured

MINNI carrying a white box from the delivery floor into his office. Over the next few hours,

Case 6:22-mj-00572-MJP Document 1 Filed 04/15/22 Page 21 of 30

MINNI enters and exits his office, sometimes empty handed, and at least twice (at 9: 19 a.m.

and 10:08 a.m.) entered his office carrying what appeared to be flattened cardboard. At 10:30

a.m., MINNI exited his office carrying a white box. MINNI walked to his vehicle with the

white box and at 10:31 a.m., placed the box inside his vehicle. MINNI then returned inside

to the GPO at 10:32 a.m. Later, at 1:33 p.m., MINNI entered his vehicle and subsequently

drove away. A member of the investigative team reviewed CCTV coverage in the vicinity of

12 Kimbrook Circle and observed MINNI returning to his residence at 3:27 p.m. MINNI

retrieved a white box from the rear driver's side compartment of his vehicle and walked to the

house. Based upon my participation and knowledge of the investigation, I believe MINNI

secured a package containing narcotics from the Greece Station on January 20, 2022. MINNI

then used his vehicle to transport the narcotics back to his residence.

37. On February 16, 2022, at 6:47 a.m., CCTV coverage in the vicinity of the GPO

captured MINNI carrying a white box from the workroom floor into his office. At 6:53 a.m.,

MINNI exited his office with a white box and at 6:55 a.m., MINNI returned to his office

without the white box. At 10:38 a.m., MINNI entered his office with what appeared to be a

flattened white box. At 11:53 a.m., MINNI exited his office with a closed white box. At 11:54

a.m., CCTV coverage captured MINNI carrying a white box next to his vehicle in the GPO

parking lot. At 11:55 a.m., the MINNI'S vehicle departed the GPO. At 12:45 p.m., CCTV

coverage in the vicinity of 12 Kimbrook Circle captured MINNI returning home in his Ford

F150 Roush. MINNI exited his vehicle and opened the rear driver side compartment door

and retrieved a white box and brought it to his residence. Based upon my participation and

knowledge of the investigation, I believe MINNI secured a package containing narcotics from

Case 6:22-mj-00572-MJP Document 1 Filed 04/15/22 Page 22 of 30

the GPO on February 16, 2022, and used his vehicle to transport the narcotics back to his



38. On February 28, 2022, and pursuant to court order, a CCTV camera was

lawfully installed by members of the investigative team inside MINNI'S assigned office at the

GPO. On March 31, 2022, the court order was reissued and a second CCTV camera was

lawfully installed inside the MINNI'S office. CCTV footage obtained from the camera system

revealed numerous instances of MINNI opening boxes obtained from the USPS mail stream

and, at times, removing suspected narcotics from the package(s). CCTV camera footage also

captured MINNI supplying USPS employees with user quantity amounts of suspected


39. On March 1, 2022, at 7:32 a.m., CCTV coverage captured MINNI and a male

USPS employee ("Employee 1 ") inside MINNI'S office. MINNI, holding a clear plastic bag,

removed a small, white, rock-like object from the bag and placed the item onto his desk.

Employee 1, using a credit card or similar object, divided the white rock into three sections

and slid two pieces to MINNI. MINNI put the pieces into a small, folded sheet of paper and

placed the paper containing the substance in front of Employee 1. MINNI proceeded to tie

the clear plastic bag and, after doing so, appeared to place the bag into the right breast pocket

of his sports coat. Employee 1 crushed the remaining white substance into a powder and

formed the powder into a line. Employee 1 leaned over the line and appeared to ingest the

white powdery substance through his nasal cavity. Employee 1 took possession of the

aforementioned piece of paper and MINNI brushed off the remaining white powder from his

Case 6:22-mj-00572-MJP Document 1 Filed 04/15/22 Page 23 of 30

desk using his hand. Based upon my participation and knowledge of the investigation, I

believe MINNI possesed on his person a quantity of narcotics, some of which he provided to

Employee 1. Furthermore, the white substance was prepared and used by Employee 1 in a

manner consistant with the use of powder cocaine.

40. On March 7, 2022, at 6:54 a.m., CCTV coverage in the vicinity of the GPO

captured MINNI remove, and at 6:55 a.m. walk away with, a large brown box from a USPS

mail container on the workroom floor. CCTV coverage from inside MINNI'S office showed

MINNI move a large box underneath his desk and out of camera view. After the office lights

were turned on, MINNI sat in a chair and put on work gloves. MINNI leaned and reached

under his desk, appearing to manipulate the box out of sight. MINNI eventually pulled the

box from under the desk and partially into camera view. MINNI opened the top of the box

and pulled out approximately seven separate bundles enclosed in black wrapping. MINNI

placed each bundle into or around filing cabinets next to his desk, and soon after departed his

office and returned with two stacks of USPS Priority Mail cardboard envelopes that appeared

to be new and unused. MINNI placed a majority of the cardboard envelopes into the rifled

brown box, and secured the box with brown packaging tape. At 7:05 a.m., MINNI departed

his office with the brown box. Between 7:10 a.m. and 7:13 a.m., MINNI brought into his

office two empty brown boxes. MINNI opened the filing cabinet drawers and divided the

previously mentioned black wrapped bundles into the two brown boxes. MINNI sealed each

box with tape and departed his office with both boxes. At 7:19 a.m., CCTV coverage in the

vicinity of the GPO captured MINNI place both boxes in the rear compartment of his vehicle.

Based upon my participation and knowledge of this investigation, I believe MINNI was

removing narcotics from a box he had taken from the floor of the GPO. MINNI exercised

Case 6:22-mj-00572-MJP Document 1 Filed 04/15/22 Page 24 of 30

caution while opening the box by wearing gloves, opening the box on the floor behind his

desk, and concealing the contents of the box inside and around filing cabinet drawers.

41. Continuing on March 7, 2022, a member of the investigative team reviewed

CCTV footage in the vicinity of MINNI'S residence. At 10:50 a.m., MINNI returned to the

home in his vehicle. MINNI removed two brown boxes from the rear driver's side

compartment and took them to his house. At 4:32 a.m., a white Chrysler 200, identical to one

driven by a suspected co-conspirator, arrived. The white male driver exited the vehicle and

walked to the house. At 4:35 p.m., the driver returned to the vehicle and departed. As

described in paragraphs 26 through 28, multiple trash seizures from MINNI'S residence

throughout the course of the investigation yielded discarded storage and vacuum sealed bags

indicative of packaging used to ship and transport quantities of marijuana. Controlled

purchases made from LOPEZ, who in tum was supplied by MINNI, has returned quantities

of marijuana packaged in similar storage bags. A trash seizure on October 31, 2019, also

yielded numerous boxes, to include USPS and UPS containers, a USPS priority mail

envelope, and storage bags which appeared to be cut open. CCTV footage from the GPO as

well as at MINNI's residence has captured MINNI departing his office and the GPO with

cardboard boxes and subsequently arriving to his residence with boxes. I believe on March 7,

2022, based upon my experience and knowledge and my knowledge of and participation in

this investigation, MINNI removed a box containing narcotics, likely marijuana, from the

GPO work room floor and brought it to his office. Furthermore, I believe MINNI removed

the narcotics from the box and repackaged the narcotics into two separate boxes before

removing the packages from the GPO and transporting them to his residence for eventual


Case 6:22-mj-00572-MJP Document 1 Filed 04/15/22 Page 25 of 30

42. On March 12, 2022, at 8:02 a.m., CCTV coverage captured MINNI and a male

USPS employee4 (Employee 2) inside the Target Location. MINNI reached into a desk

drawer and pulled out a small piece of paper. Employee 2 removed from his wallet what

appeared to be a green plastic card and later one currency note. MINNI untied a small clear

plastic bag containing a white substance, reached inside, and placed an unseen object into the

small piece of paper before Employee 2 took possession of the tom paper. MINNI again

reached into the clear plastic bag and removed a small white rock substance, placing it in front

of Employee 2 on the desk. MINNI retied the clear plastic bag which still appeared to contain

a white substance, and placed the bag into his right front pants pocket. Employee 2 folded the

piece of paper and placed it into his wallet. Using the currency note, Employee 2 covered the

white rock substance and with the plastic card appeared to crush the item. Once the note was

removed, Employee 2 formed the now white powdery substance into a line with the plastic

card. Employee 2 rolled the currency note, leaned over the white powder line, and appeared

to ingest the substance through his nasal cavity on two occasions seconds apart. Based upon

my participation and knowledge of the investigation, I believe MINNI possessed on his

person a quantity of narcotics, some of which he provided to Employee 2. Furthermore, the

white substance was prepared and used by Employee 2 in a manner consistent with the use

of powder cocaine.

43. On March 25, 2022, at 7:28 a.m., CCTV coverage in the vicinity of the GPO

captured MINNI remove, and walk away with, a white box from a USPS mail container on

the workroom floor. MINNI entered his office with the box at 7:29 a.m.. At 7:30 a.m., CCTV

coverage from inside MINNI'S office showed MINNI wearing work gloves and appearing to

The male subjects denoted as "Employee l " and "Employee 2" are separate employees.
Case 6:22-mj-00572-MJP Document 1 Filed 04/15/22 Page 26 of 30

manipulate an item underneath his desk and out of camera view. At 7:31 a.m., MINNI

brought into camera view a plastic accordion style binder. MINNI untied a cord in front of

the binder and pulled from the container what appeared to be white cardboard or paper

wrapped in clear plastic and enclosing a pliable material. MINNI placed the object into the

middle drawer of a filing cabinet next to his desk. At 7:33 a.m., MINNI, back at his desk,

brought into camera view what appeared to be an empty USPS priority mail Tyvek envelope.

MINNI then folded and again placed the envelope underneath his desk. Continuing at 7:33

a.m., MINNI retrieved a roll of clear tape from a previously opened desk drawer and

continued to manipulate the unseen item underneath his desk. At 7:34 a.m., MINNI reached

underneath his desk and brought into camera view a closed, white, USPS priority mailbox,

which MINNI departed the office with. At 7:35 a.m., CCTV coverage in the vicinity of the

Greece Station captured MINNI place the white box into or around the same USPS container

on the workroom floor the mailing was earlier removed from.

43. A short while later, at 9:13 a.m., CCTV footage from inside MINNI'S office

captured MINNI holding an empty black and white box. MINNI proceeded to open the

middle drawer of the filing cabinet located next to his desk and reach inside. MINNI, while
turned away from the CCTV camera, appeared to remove a white object from the middle

drawer and place the item inside the black and white box resting at his feet. MINNI then

turned in his chair and placed the now-closed black and white box onto his desk. MINNI

retrieved a roll of clear tape from his desk drawer and sealed the top of the box with a strip of

tape. At 9:14 a.m., MINNI departed his office carrying the box. At 9:15 a.m., CCTV footage

in the vicinity of the GPO captured MINNI place the black and white box into the rear

compartment of the white Ford FISO Roush. Based upon my participation and knowledge

Case 6:22-mj-00572-MJP Document 1 Filed 04/15/22 Page 27 of 30

of this investigation, I believe MINNI removed a box containing narcotics from the floor of

the GPO and took it to his office to repackage, and eventually remove from, the GPO.

MINNI again exercised caution when handling the box by wearing gloves, manipulating the

box on the floor behind his desk, and initially concealing the contents of the box inside a filing

cabinet drawer.

44. Continuing on March 25, 2022, a member of the investigative team reviewed

CCTV footage in the vicinity of MINNI'S residence. At 12:06 p.m., a male co-conspirator

arrived to the home in a gray Dodge Ram pick-up truck. At 12:08 p.m., MINNI arrived to

the residence in his vehicle. MINNI exited the white Ford 150 Roush and removed a black

and white box from the rear compartment. The aforementioned box appeared to the be the

same box earlier observed in MINNI'S office. MINNI handed the box to the male subject

while standing in the driveway. The co-conspirator secured the box in the rear compartment

of his vehicle, before he and MINNI walked to the residence. At 12: 12 p.m., MINNI and the

co-conspirator returned to their respective vehicles and departed.

45. On March 26, 2022, at 7:28 a.m., CCTV coverage in the vicinity of the GPO

captured MINNI remove, and walk away with, what appeared to be a white USPS priority

mailbox from a USPS mail container on the workroom floor. MINNI entered his office

carrying the white box. CCTV footage from inside MINNI'S office showed MINNI place the

white USPS priority mailbox underneath his desk and out of camera view. At 7:34 a.m.,

MINNI donned work gloves and appeared to manipulate the box while leaning forward in

his chair and with MINNI'S hands under the desk. At 7:36 a.m., MINNI placed a knife or

boxcutter type object onto his desk, removed the work gloves, and turned his attention

towards his laptop computer as a USPS employee entered the doorway of the office. Shortly

Case 6:22-mj-00572-MJP Document 1 Filed 04/15/22 Page 28 of 30

thereafter, MINNI departed the office and returned at 7:40 a.m.. At 7:41 a.m., MINNI

brought into camera view an object which appeared to be enclosed in a clear plastic bag and

placed it into the drawer of a filing cabinet to the left of his desk. At 7:42 a.m., after :MINNI

placed a roll of tape and the work gloves into a desk drawer, MINNI reached under his desk

and brought into camera view a closed USPS priority mail box. :MINNI departed his office

with the box seconds later. At 7:43 a.m., CCTV coverage in the vicinity of the GPO

workroom floor captured MINNI place the priority mailbox into a USPS container. Based

upon my participation and knowledge of this investigation, , I believe MINNI removed a box

containing narcotics from the floor of the GPO and took it to his office to repackage, and

eventually remove from, the GPO. As in prior instances, :MINNI exercised caution when

handling the box by wearing gloves, manipulating the box on the floor behind his desk, and

storing contents removed from the box into a filing cabinet drawer. MINNI hurriedly ceased

all activity and removed his gloves when he was alerted an employee was passing by or near

his office.

46. At 7:48 a.m., CCTV footage from inside MINNI'S office captured :MINNI

enter the office carrying an empty brown box and open at the top. MINNI reached into the

middle drawer of the aforementioned filing cabinet and retrieved the object enclosed in clear

plastic. MINNI placed the item into the brown box, closed the top, and using a roll of clear

tape, sealed the box. At 8:02 a.m., MINNI carried the sealed brown box out of his office. At

8:03 AM, CCTV footage captured MINNI entering the white Ford F150 Roush while in

possession of the brown box before departing camera view.

Case 6:22-mj-00572-MJP Document 1 Filed 04/15/22 Page 29 of 30

47. Continuing on March 26, 2022, at 8:07 a.m., CCTV footage in the vicinity of

MINNI'S residence captur<:!d :MINNI returning home in his vehicle. :MINNI exited the

vehicle with a brown box and took it to his residence.

48. On April 2, 2022, at 7:24 a.m., :MINNI and Employee 1 are observed on CCTV

footage inside MINNI'S office. MINNI, sitting in his chair, reached into his front right pants

pocket, and removed and untied a clear plastic bag containing a white substance, and

subsequently placed the bag onto the office desk. MINNI retrieved a plastic straw from his

desk drawer and gave it to Employee 1, who sat in a chair opposite from MINNI. Employee

1 cut the straw with scissors and removed from his wallet a plastic card similar to that of a

credit card. :MINNI removed from the plastic bag a white powdery substance and placed it in

front of Employee 1. :MINNI re-tied the plastic bag and placed it back into his right front

pants pocket. Employee 1 used the plastic card to separate the white powder into two piles,

with one pile being formed into a line. Employee I leaned over the line of white powder, and

using the plastic straw, appeared to ingest the substance through his nasal cavity. Employee

1 swept the remaining white powder from the desk into a small piece of paper, folded it, and

placed it into his wallet. MINNI and Employee 1 departed the office together at 7:30 a.m.

Based upon my participation and knowledge of the investigation, I believe :MINNI possesed

on his person a quantity ofnarcotics, some of which he provided to Employee 1. Furthermore,

the white substance was prepared and used by Employee I in a manner consistant with the

use of powder cocaine.

Case 6:22-mj-00572-MJP Document 1 Filed 04/15/22 Page 30 of 30


49. Based upon the foregoing, I respectfully submit that there is probable cause to

believe that between in or about May 2018 and in or about April 2022, RALPH MINNI

possessed with the intent to distribute, and distributed marijuana, a Schedule I controlled

substance, in violation of 21 U.S.C. §§ 84 l (a)(l ) and (b)(l )(C), and conspired with others to

possess and attempt to possess with the intent to distribute, and to distribute, marijuana, a

Schedule I controlled substance, and 500 grams or more of cocaine, a Schedule II controlled

substance, in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)( l), (b)(l)(B), (b)(l )(C), and 846.

/z=.:-::-e_.c_, �_ -------
Special Agent, United States Postal Service,
Office of Inspector General

Affidavit submitted electronically by email in .pdf format. Oath administered,

and contents and signature, attested to me telephonically pursuant to
Fed. R. Crim. P. 4.1 and 4(d) on April 15, 2022.


United States Magistrate Judge


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