SORBAS 210 3GPP LTE Test UE Solution

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news Products >> Standard Solutions >> Sorbas 210 3GPP-LTE

Nov. 2008 Agilent ,

Anite and Signalion
GmbH demonstrate SORBAS 210 3GPP LTE Test UE Solution
3GPP LTE end-to-end
streaming video with
commercially available The SORBAS 3GPP LTE Test UE product line is designed for testing
test equipment. read
more >> evolving LTE mobile communications infrastructure and networks.

Oct. 2008 Rohde &

Schwarz Japan and 3GPP LTE (Long Term Evolution) is a
Signalion have closed a standard within the Third Generation
distribution agreement
for Signalion’s LTE UE Partnership Project to further evolve the
simulator for base UMTS mobile phone standard to cope with
station (eNB) test in
future requirements. Moving to LTE includes
increasing efficiency, lowering costs,
Sep. 2008 Signalion
improving services, using new spectrum
receives public
sponsorship as part of opportunities, and having a better integration
the research project with other open standards. Standardization
“Cool Silicon” read
more >> for LTE is not yet complete. However, its
completion in the near future will result in the
new evolved release 8 of the UMTS standard.
The SORBAS 3GPP LTE Test UE is designed
Public Workshop Easy- for testing evolving LTE mobile communications infrastructure and networks. It has the
C on December 5th
2008: The project capabilities of a 3GPP LTE mobile terminal, with additional advanced test interfaces and
partners will present features, making it an ideal tool for network infrastructure equipment developers.
and demonstrate
recent achievements of
this beyond LTE Field RF-Bandwidth
Trial. The workshop is
co-hosted with a
meeting of the LTE/SAE 1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15 & 20 MHz
Trial Initiative (LSTI),
which takes place on
December 3th & 4th in Hardware

based on a modular and extendable hardware platform

software defined radio concept
main LTE features are software defined
Signalion at Public Supported Data Rates
Workshop Easy-C

supports of all transport formats defined for LTE

maximum MAC throughput of 80 Mbps (Downlink) and 50Mbps (Uplink).
Signalion is a increased to maximum MAC throughput of 150 Mbps and 50Mbps available from
member of
the LTE/SAE Field Trial Q2’2008
Signalion RF Frequency
partners with
Rohde & Schwarz on
LTE Development all LTE RF frequency bands are supported.
Multiple Antennas
partner of the
Cool Silicon
Consortium 11/29/2008
sorbas 210 3gpp-lte | signalion Page 2 of 5

contact us
provides the flexibility for up to 4 transmit and 4 receive antennas
>> contact form

>> imprint Supported Test-Cases

AGBs PHY, MAC & RLC tests

IODT and IOT testing
full feature protocol test (in combination with standard protocol tester)
monitoring for field trials

PHY, MAC & RLC Testing


In this use case the SORBAS LTE Test-UE simulates

the complete behavior of a user equipment
(UE) regarding PHY, MAC & RLC. With this
setup, the eNB can be tested against a standard-
conform implementation of an LTE-UE.
This allows the identifi cation of implementation
faults at the very beginning of the development
cycle. 11/29/2008
sorbas 210 3gpp-lte | signalion Page 3 of 5

eNB Testing


Testing the eNB only from the RF side is not

suffi cient. The network interface must also be
tested. In the past this has been an area of
protocol testers and was a separate test case
without any RF-testing.
With the advanced LTE standard, the eNB
comprises the former RNC (Radio Network Control)
functionality. Therefore, isolated networkprotocol
testing is no longer possible. SORBAS
offers a clear and open interface to protocol
test solutions from established vendors like
Catapult, Ercom, Nethawk and Tektronix.

UDP based 100 Mbps Ethernet interface (2 x Gigabit Ethernet interface available in
December 2007) GUI for Test-UE configuration and control:

IP configuration
PHY configuration
manual layer 2 configuration GUI for trace data processing
graphical representation
data logging to file API to L3 11/29/2008
sorbas 210 3gpp-lte | signalion Page 4 of 5


Graphical user interfaces (GUI) are provided for easy-to-use confi
guration of the SORBAS System:

for L1/2 confi guration and control from a host PC connected via Ethernet.
to display/dump traces generated by the Test-UE such as:
BER (Bit Error Rate)
FER (Frame Error Rate)
CQI vector
AGC (Automated Gain Control) and many more.
Addition of customer defi ned traces are possible


The API is open to customers and allows to integrate SORBAS into exiting protocol
simulators and –testers.
The interface to the user plane offers

Configuration based on service primitives and

direct IP input/output

The interface control plane is based on service primitives (API to layer 3 implementation)
Layer 1 / 2 testing needs to be closely integrated with protocol tests as well as with
network interface testing. SORBAS offers a defi ned and tested interface to well
established cellular protocol test solutions:

Tektronix G35

Catapult DCT 2000

Nethawk EAST

Ercom Mobipass 11/29/2008
sorbas 210 3gpp-lte | signalion Page 5 of 5


The 3GPP standardization is still ongoing. Some features of the future LTE system are
not yet
defi ned nor standardized. The main features of SORBAS are software defined. On this
the LTE Test UE can be quickly adapted to the ongoing standardization. Open features
that are
not yet standardized can be tentatively custom defined, e.g. on the basis of
they can be defi ned by Signalion based on our expertise.

The UE PHY implementation is compliant with FDD Mode according to 3GPP Release 8:

TS 36.201
TS 36.211
TS 36.212
TS 36.213

The UE MAC & RLC implementation is compliant with FDD Mode according to 3GPP
Release 8:

TS 36.321
TS 36.322

All information are subject to change © Signalion GmbH 2007

Download the Sorbas 210 product flyer (pdf, 1979 kb) >>

standard solutions | halo | sorbas 101 wlan | sorbas 102 dsrc | sorbas 110 3gpp-lte | sorbas 210

© 2008 Signalion GmbH, imprint 11/29/2008

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