Competence Test A. Choose The Correct Answer

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A. Choose the correct answer

1. Mirna : Do you have any pet?
Rita : Yes, I do. I have a cat.
Mirna : That is very nice. What ……….?
Rita : My cat is bigger than other cats in the neighborhood. It is a Persian cat. It has
grey fur and big eyes.
A. Does it look like? C. Does they look like?
B. Do it looks like? D. Do they look like?

2. Marno :Dul, your house is very big but it is …. and …..

Abdul : Yes, we are very concerned about it. The dirty and messy house will make
cockroaches and mice stay in our house.
A. Wonderful; beautiful C. Adorable; playful
B. Fierce; creepy D. Clean; tidy

The questions number 3-6 refer to the text below.

Yudhistira is my elder brother. He is a good looking boy. He is tall and slim. His hair is
black, short, and curly. He is diligent and smart. He helps me a lot.

3. How is Yudhistira’s face?

A. Handsome B. Horrible C. Bad D. Freak

4. How is his hair?

A. black, short, and straight C. Black, long, and curly
B. black, short, and curly D. Black, long, and straight

5. He is a diligent boy. The underlined word can be replaced with….

A. ridiculous B. Active C. Passive D. Lazy

6. How is Yudhistira’s personality?

A. Arrogant B. Conceited C. Friendly D. Awkward

The following text is for number 7-8

My name is Nuri. I have a hamster. It is small and cute. I call it "Kao". My grandfather
gave it last week. Kao has three different colors, they are white, brown, and black. Kao's ears
are small. It always squeaks in the time I come to close its cage. I feed it every morning. Kao
likes to eat some leaves and grass. I take the grass from the field near my house. Kao looks
happy eating the grass. I really love Kao.

7. Does Kao eating grass?

A. Yes, it is    B. Yes, it does    C. No, it doesn't    D. No, it isn't

8. "Kao looks happy eating the grass."

The similar meaning of the underlined word is ....
A. glad B. patient C. kind D. friendly

The questions number 9-10 based on the text below

Yulia has a small library in his house. There are some wide bookshelves in the library. The
bookshelves are full with thin and thick books. Yulia likes reading many kinds of books. She likes
historical books because the stories are exciting. Yulia likes to spend her free time in her library.
The library is in the back of her house. It is near her mother’s garden. From her library window,
Yulia can see the beautiful view of the garden.

9. What can Yulia see from the library window?

A. Beautiful Garden B. Book Garden C. Big Garden D. Historical Garden

10. The stories of historical books are…

A. boring B. Wide C. Beautiful D. Exciting

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