CSCI 419 Lecture 1 Introduction

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Lecture 1: Introduction
Sahar Selim

 Math 211 (Discrete Math)

 CSCI 304 (Analysis and Design of Algorithms)

A little refreshment for these courses would help you

progress well in our course 

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Course Information
 Lecture
 Office Hours
 Moodle
 Evaluation
 Policy

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Sahar Selim ([email protected])

 Lecture (2 hrs/week)
 Theoretical and Scientific Background

 Lecture
 Sunday 12:30 – 2:30
 Monday 12:30 – 2:30
 Wednesday 8:30 – 10:30

 Office Hours
 Wednesday 2:30 – 4:30

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 Tutorial/Lab (2 hrs/week)
 Theoretical Exercises + periodical Assignments

Amira Tarek Monday 01:30 - 03:30

Amira Tarek Tuesday 10:30 - 12:30
Amira Tarek Tuesday 12:30 - 02:30
Amira Tarek Wednesday 08:30 - 10:30
Ayaalla eltabey Tuesday 10:30 - 12:30
Ayaalla eltabey Thursday 12:30 - 02:30

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Course Grading
Total score 100 degrees

Category Total Number

Final exam 25 Percentages are subject
Midterm 20 1 to changes depending on
Quizzes 15 3 (5) circumstances at the time
Assignments 15 3 (5)
Project 20 2 (10)
Lecture Contribution 5
Bonus (+5)

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Assignment Submission Policy

 Assignments will be posted on Moodle

 No late submissions are allowed

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Assignment Policy
 All assignments must be done individually
 Cheating:
 Helping others, getting help, looking up website for
solutions, etc.
 Students caught cheating will be awarded an F
grade, and will be subjected to the NU academic
dishonesty policy.
 If something is not clear, on what constitutes and
what does not, please consult the TA in advance.

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Course Objectives
 Introduce concepts in automata theory and
theory of computation
 Design grammars and recognizers for
different formal languages
 Determine the decidability of computational

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Course Organization
 Very broadly, the course will contain three
1. Automata theory
2. Computability theory
3. Complexity theory

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Automata Theory
 We will study simple computing models which
play a crucial role in compilers and
programming languages.
 Finiteautomata, regular languages, and regular
 Context free grammars, languages, and pushdown
 Deterministic and nondeterministic automata.

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Computability Theory
 We will define more powerful computing
models to capture general computers, and
learn that not all problem are solvable by
 Turing machines, Church’s thesis, and undecidable

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Complexity Theory
 This theory aims to distinguish decidable
problems in terms of time and space
 Time complexity classes P and NP.
 Reduction and NP-completeness.
 Space complexity.

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Course Outline
 Finite automata
 Regular expressions
 Context-free grammars
 Push-down automata
 Nondeterministic Finite Automata
 Chomsky hierarchy of grammars
 Turing machine and the halting problem
 Complexity & NP-Completeness

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Text Books

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Agenda of this lecture

 What is Theory of Computation (TC) ?

 Historical Perspective

 Branches of TC

 Time Complexity of Computational Problems

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What is TC and how old?
 TC is an accumulation of mathematicians work to make
a model for a machine that can do thinking and
 The concept of a machine at early 1900 was a device
that does physical work.
 Scientists’ effort started with a machine that can do
specific calculations like encrypting text using specific
set of steps.
 Alan Turing believed he could invent a generic machine
that can solve more than one type of problems.

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Theory of Computation:
A Historical Perspective
1930s Alan Turing studied
 Turing machines
 Decidability
 Halting problem
1940-1950s  “Finite automata” machines studied
 Noam Chomsky proposes the “Chomsky
Hierarchy” for formal languages
1969  Cook introduces “intractable” problems or “NP-
Hard” problems
1970-  Modern computer science: compilers,
computational & complexity theory evolve
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Alan Turing &
Enigma machine
Let’s hear a Story
 It started before World War II, Germans
army used Enigma encryption.
 Alan Turing and many mathematicians tried
to break the Enigma encryption.
 Their efforts resulted in emergence of a
mechanical device that was dedicated for
deciphering Enigma encrypted messages.
 As a result, many German submarines were
attacked and destroyed.
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Back to TC
 Von Newman, Alan Turing and many
others continued working on creating a
model for a generic machine that can
solve different types of problems.
 The accumulation of their work resulted in
emergence of a collection of theorems
called theory of computation.

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What is TC?
 TC emerged to give answers for
“What are the fundamental capabilities and
limitations of computing machines?”
 Most powerful and modern super computers can NOT
solve some problems!!
 No matter how much processors get fast, no matter
how much memory can be installed; the unsolved
problems remain unsolved!
 We might need lifetime of the universe to find prime
factors of a 500-digits number!

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Why we still need TC?
 Technologies become obsolete but basic theories
remain forever.
 TC provides tools for solving computational
problems like regular expressions for string
parsing and pattern matching.
 Studying different types of grammars like CFG
would help in many other areas like compilers
design and natural language processing.

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Branches of TC

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Branches of Theory of Computation
mathematical models for computational
problems such as pattern recognition and
theory other problems

Computability computational models and algorithms for

theory general purpose

Complexity classifying problems according to their

theory difficulty

Computability vs Complexity
Solvable or not Easy or hard
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CPU memory

Program memory

temporary memory



Program memory

Example: f(x) = x3

temporary memory


Program memory
compute x * x
compute x2 * x 28
f(x) = x3

temporary memory


Program memory
compute x * x
compute x2 * x 29
temporary memory f(x) = x3
z = 2*2 = 4
f(x) = z*2 = 8


Program memory
compute x * x
compute x2 * x 30
temporary memory f(x) = x3
z = 2*2 = 4
f(x) = z*2 = 8


f(x) = 8
Program memory output
compute x * x
compute x2 * x 31
Automaton an abstract
temporary memory device


Program memory
temporary memory



Different Kinds of Automata

Automata are distinguished by the temporary memory

Finite Automata No temporary memory

Pushdown Automata stack

Turing Machines Random Access Memory

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Finite Automaton

temporary memory


Example: Elevators, Vending Machines

(small computing power)
Pushdown Automaton
Stack Push, Pop


Example: Compilers for Programming Languages

(medium computing power)
Turing Machine

temporary Random Access

memory Memory

Turing Machine

Example: Any Algorithm

(highest computing power)
Power of Automata

Simple More complex Hardest

problems problems problems

Finite Pushdown Turing

Automata Automata Machine

Less power More power

Solve more

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Turing Machine is the most powerful
computational model known
Are there computational problems that a
Turing Machine cannot solve?

Yes (unsolvable problems)

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Time Complexity of Computational
P problems (Polynomial time problems)

► Solved in polynomial time

NP-complete problems
(Non-deterministic Polynomial time problems)
► Believed to take exponential time to be solved

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References of this lecture
 Lecture notes of the book: Introduction to the
Theory of Computation, Michael Sipser, 3rd
 Prepared by: Ananth Kalyanaraman

 Lecture Notes of Dr. Hussien Sharaf, Computer

Science Department, FCI, Cairo University

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