Examples of Idioms For Kids: Strike Someone Funny - To Seem Funny To Someone

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Examples of Idioms for Kids

 The fat's in the fire - The damage is already done.

 A flash in the pan - Something that looks like it will be a big success, but does not
work out.
 Hat trick - Scoring consecutively three times in a game.
 In a pickle - In an awkward or embarrassing situation.
 The nick of time - Just before time is up.
 Pull the wool over someone's eyes - Trick or deceive.
 Bite off more than you can chew - Take on more than one can handle.
 Fill someone's shoes - Take someone else's place.
 The buck stops here - Taking responsibility for something, instead of blaming
someone else.
 Strike someone funny - To seem funny to someone.

Examples of Idioms in Literature

 Her bark is worse than her bite - Someone’s words are worse than their action.
 Bet on the wrong horse - Misread the future.
 Bull in a china shop - A person with no tact who upsets others or upsets plans.
 Cat get one’s tongue - Can’t speak because of shyness.
 Every dog has his day - Everyone will have his chance or turn; everyone will get
what he deserves.
 Get on one’s high horse - Behave with arrogance.
 Hit the bulls - Eye reach the main point.
 Lead a dog’s life - Work hard and be treated unkindly.
 Live high on the hog - Have the best of everything.
 Monkey business - Unethical or bad activity, mischief.
Examples of Idioms in Poetry
 A friend in need is a friend indeed - Self explanation.
 A herd of elephants - Noisy, unsuitable, obvious. Something which is impossible to
 A picture paints a thousand words - Used to show the value of the obvious.
 A world of their own - Insular, not connected to the reality of others.
 A rolling stone gathers no moss - Something in motion doesn’t stagnate or collect
 A stitch in time saves nine - Doing something before hand, saves having to do
much more work later.
 All bark and no bite - A person who talks far more aggressively than they act.
 Curiosity killed the cat - This idiom means that inquiring into things can be
 Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise - Traditional
moral saying meaning good practices benefit your life.
 Finding your feet - To gain confidence in what you're doing.

Idioms and Their Meanings

1. Absence makes the heart grow fonder - You love a person more when they are
2. Brand spanking new - A new or unused object.
3. Break a leg - To wish good luck
4. Cat bird seat - To be a vantage point.
5. Chew the fat - To talk about unimportant things.
6. Clear as bell - To be understood clearly.
7. Cold Turkey - To quit something abruptly and experience severe withdrawal
Idioms and Their Meanings with Examples

 Blessing in disguise
Meaning: Something good which isn't recognized in the first instant.
Example: Getting out of the place was a blessing in disguise for me.

 A doubting Thomas
Meaning: A skeptic person who needs a tangible evidence to believe.
Example: My boss is a doubting Thomas, there is no point trying to convince him.

 A dime a dozen
Meaning: Something that is available in plenty and commonly.
Example: Such bags are available dime a dozen on Fashion Street.

 A leopard can't change his spots

Meaning: You can't change who you are.
Example: It's true a leopard can't change his spots, but he sure can change his

 A piece of cake
Meaning: An easy thing to do.
Example: Getting a scholarship was a piece of cake for Frieda.

 Against the clock

Meaning: A hectic dash or running against time.
Example: Finishing the paper was a race against the clock.

 Cry wolf
Meaning: To intentionally give a false alarm.
Example: "Stop crying wolf, or else no one will come to your help in case of need."

 Devil's advocate
Meaning: Someone who takes a position in an argument without
knowing the truth. Or someone who counters the argument without believing in it.
Example: He is just playing devil's advocate. Don't fall for the trap.

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